#but like i also love doing comm openings because it's so much more fun than like. most of the odd freelance jobs i do
icicleteeth · 1 year
The thing is I get a ton of anxiety if people judge for opening comms often, and have worried so much about that since saying I might open them again, but the "don't overshare" side of me really doesn't want to be like "Hey I'm opening again because some medical expenses came very suddenly" yknow :')
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haven-is-happy · 1 year
Meeting the family
Summary: Echo gets some shore leave and turns his comm off
Word count: 2,3 k
Warnings: Just kissing, this is completely sfw
A/N: Had a ton on fun writing this, I hope it's good enough for your expectations. The sentence prompt is in there
Tags: @cloneficgiftexchange @wizardmando
As a general rule (gently suggested by Captain Rex to the 501st), Echo is not to be disturbed when calling with his girlfriend. Not only because of possible less-than-innocent activities on the call, but also because of how damn happy Echo was when he ends the call himself undisturbed.
When he got together with Y/N, his optimism skyrocketed. Every mission, assignment and battle was done quickly but thoroughly, so he could come back to her. He made the other troopers work faster to be done with the paperwork (much to the displeasure of Fives), cleaned up when others didn’t want to, anything to get rewarded more time off.
Even general Skywalker noticed a difference. Echo no longer went with any crazy plan Fives threw on the table. He’s stubborn enough to convince them of a safer route, or staying behind on base for the craziest assignments. 
“I want to come back home,” he answered every time. Nobody asked him what “home” was. It was against regulations, but everyone turned a blind eye.
Rex has never actually met her, but he was sure he like will like her when he does.
“Well, call him again! What if it’s an emergency and we need to leave for an impromptu mission?” 
Despite Rex loving his men with all his heart like brothers, sometimes, he gets quite frustrated with their headstrong attitude. Especially if he does a headcount at breakfast and finds some of them missing.
“Maybe he went to a bar and slept over?” Jesse suggests and shovels a spoonful of military rations into his mouth.
“Impossible. It’s been more than a day. Echo is not that kind of person,” Kix counters, “I would expect that more from Fives.” He points at the trooper with his clean spoon, his face sporting a half-smirk.
From the other end of the table, he hears an offended “OI!”.
“Don’t pretend to be offended, Fives, your tab at 79’s is still open. Besides, Echo has someone waiting for him home, he wouldn’t do that.”
As if a lightbulb went off in his head, Kix turns to Rex.
“Have we checked if he isn’t with them?”
Rex shrugs. “We don’t even know if the person lives on Coruscant, much less know their location.”
Fives froze for a second in realisation. He starts hitting Jesse next to him, as if possessed.
“She is on Coruscant! I have her address in case of an emergency!”
The entire table groans.
“Then kriffin lead with that!” “Fives!” “And you didn’t tell us this sooner?!”
"Hear me out: Melted cheese with carrots."
"You know what, that actually might be good."
Since your leftovers ran out for lunch, Echo and you were brainstorming cooking ideas. 
Well, it is more of "Echo says a food combination and you shoot it down". It sometimes feels like he has no sense of taste, his tongue fried from eating republic rations all the time.
The holomovie has become white noise at some point, background in your conversation while you cuddle on the couch.
"The carrots have to be boiled so they don't crunch, we could maybe even use blue cheese," you list off ingredients, in thought.
"I'm sorry, WHAT cheese?!" Echo is half horrified and half curious at your statement. 
"Oh, you know, a cheese that has a bit of grown mold on it. It adds flavour and it's not bad for the body at all," you explain, watching his expression go from 100 to 200.
"How could mold on cheese be anything other than bad?"
"Actually, I have no idea. It just is," you shrug and pull out a datapad, putting in a shopping list.
Echo peers over your shoulder. 
"Does it really need that many ingredients?"
"Yeah. You need the pasta, salt - which we already have - and the sauce needs some cream, garlic, cheese and carrots. If you want to spice it up we can add some ham," you say, counting the ingredients on your fingers. You're by no means a master in the kitchen, but you want to feed your boyfriend food with ACTUAL flavour.
Echo lays his head on top of yours, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
"Can you teach me how to do it? I want to cook you something someday," he mumbles into your scalp, pressing another peck after he finishes the sentence.
"I will if you want to, but you don't need to cook me anything! I can always look up recipes or we can order takeout."
"But I want to."
It makes the corners of your mouth rise and warmth spread to your chest. What the republic thinks is a hardened soldier is also a softie who wants to learn how to cook for someone he loves.
"Thank you, love."
Echo doesn't need to move his head to see your smile, he just knows. The tone is obvious to him.
"Cooking is really complicated," he puffs out.
"Oh you have no idea. Pasta is mostly simple to do, one of the easiest dishes in fact," you point out. After sending the shopping list into the app, you toss the datapad to the side.
Now just to wait half an hour for the groceries to arrive, carried by a simple task droid.
You don't want to point your attention towards the TV or go out shopping. It feels like you're wasting precious time you have while Echo is on shore leave. You want to be wrapped up in him for the entire remainder of his vacation.
Curled in his side, you can feel every single muscle of his athletic body through the thin shirt of his blacks. He knows you don't mean anything by it when you snake a hand under his shirt and start drawing shapes into his skin. 
As always, his skin is warm to the touch, bringing you instant comfort.
By the time the movie ends, the hypnotic nature of drawing circles into Echo’s skin puts you in the sweet zone between awake and asleep. His chest rises and falls as he watches the credits (something only he ever does), syncing your breathing with his.
Warmth blooms in his heart at your sleepy form, like small fireworks in his veins. He feels as if body will burst.
“I cannot stop smiling when I look at you,” he whispers to you, making you smile in return. He isn’t even sure if your brain registered it or turned it into a pleasant dream. 
He slowly moves by centimetres on the couch into a more comfortable position to take a nap and let you snooze.
However, before Echo could even begin falling asleep with you, a sharp ring makes him flinch out of his own head.
An adorable whine leaves your throat.
“Is the food here?” Echo asks and gently takes your arm off him, getting up to get whatever is at the door.
“Hopefully,” you grumble out and lay down flat on the couch, covering where Echo was sitting.
“Can you put everything but the bread in the fridge? I’ll cook in an hour,” you speak up, louder than usual so Echo hears you through the apartment.
You hear the door open and then-
“What the kriff are you doing here?!”
You shoot up from the couch so fast your head nearly spins. Echo rarely swears so to you, this would be a jedi-level threat.
“Well you didn’t answer your comm so Fives told me where your partner lives-” “That information is for emergencies!” an identical voice replies to your boyfriend before getting shot down by (what you assume is) your Echo.
When you get into the line of sight of the door, you realise why.
There, right outside the threshold of your door, stand at least six clones, all wearing the same armour Echo has left neatly in a pile by your shoes. All of them have lines, triangles and patterns painted on their helmets in blue, black or red.
Echo’s legion.
“Well you weren’t answering your comm and… oh…” a blonde trooper in the front with his helmet under his arm speaks out and trails off when his eyes land on you.
“Yeah, I have told you I am away.” You’d think his annoyed voice is hot if you weren’t in a situation that could put him at such risk.
Right behind the blonde clone (who you assume is his caprain Rex from what he Echo told you) is a clone with a standard haircut and a number five tattooed on his temple in galactic basic.
His twin, Fives. You remember his tattoo from a conversation you’ve had with Echo. You wanted to meet him some day as he means so much to your boyfriend, but you have hoped that the meeting would be in better circumstances.
Before anything else can happen, you want to diffuse the situation. You don’t know if a clone trooper legally be in a relationship, as the war made the Senate refuse to look at anything else (certainly not look at the rights of the soldiers fighting said war). You might be in deep waters.
“Good afternoon sir. Is Echo in trouble?” You inwardly grimace. That was such a stupid question to ask, acting guilty in the court before even getting called to the stand.
A small smile gets to the captain’s lips.
“No, he isn’t. We’re just here to check on him because he wasn’t answering his comm.”
Some of the weight leaves your shoulders. You really didn’t want the first meeting with his brothers to be about disciplinary actions.
Echo’s entire face goes red, caught in the act. “I thought I put it on emergency only,” he tries justifying.
“Next time, double check. I sent you a message an hour ago. We wanted to know where you are,” another clone, one with a republic tattoo across his face, suggests.
“I told commander Cody that I am taking a day of shore leave. Did he not tell you guys?” Something shifts in Echo, like a knot coming loose. His stance shifts to be more relaxed and a single hand reaches out for your own.
His captain takes out a datapad and reads through messages while you two watch, previous anxiety dissipating just a smidge  .
“Ah, Cody got called away yesterday for a diplomatic mission.” The captain puts away his device and turns back to Echo.
“I- didn’t know that. Sorry Rex” utters your boyfriend and squeezes your hand. You squeeze back, seeing the guilty look on his face.
“It’s alright, you couldn’t have known, General Kenobi got the call and needed to leave immediately,” the blonde, Rex, reaches out a hand and pats his shoulder. 
Then, his head turns to you and he nods respectfully. “Nice to meet you ma’am. We’ll be going, sorry to bother you.”
“No problem at all,” you reply and watch the troopers utter variations of hellos and goodbyes, with his twin being the last to leave your porch.
He sends you a mischievous smile and reaches out a hand to shake yours. “I’ll stop by some time.”
He sends him a glare as he pulls away. Fives pats his shoulder and turns around, jogging to catch up with the rest of his brothers.
You lead Echo back inside your apartment and shut the door behind. His hand leaves yours and he kneels next to his armour to take out the commlink from his pack. He pushes a button, switching it on.
A bit sheepish, he puts it back and stands up. “Sorry you had to meet my captain and brothers for the first time like this,” he looks down.
You reach out a hand to cup his cheek and lift up his head to make him look at you.
“It’s fine, I’m just glad you’re not in trouble,” you say softly and curl your free arm against his waist. His hands instinctively reach out to rest at your hips and bring you closer.
“I really wanted my comm to be off for the day, to spend the time with you. I’m sorry mesh’la.”
“Stop saying sorry for things out of your control. Your captain is sweet for wanting to check on you.”
He brings your foreheads together, something you have learnt is a kiss in his culture.
“Still, we could have gone through our day without this. I want to be here with you. For you. I don’t want you to feel like we are one message away from never seeing eachother again,” he murmurs.
You sigh with a sad look on your face.
“But we are, Echo. And that’s the reality. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t here for me,” you reply and pull away just enough so you can kiss his cheek and then bury your face in his neck. 
His hands go from your hips to hugging you. It’s the kind of bear hug that makes it impossible to breathe deeply, but you’re okay with that.
“I’m here for you too,” you whisper into his skin and land a peck on the junction of his neck and shoulder.
His arms falter and he pulls away, only to kiss you like his life depends on it.
He has no qualms pushing his tongue past your lips, multitasking while gently walking the two of you over to your couch.
“Kriff!” you squeak out as you stumble a bit, unaware of your surroundings from the haze of kissing. You stabilise yourself against Echo’s muscular chest and plant your feet firmly, making your boyfriend almost lose balance in return.
As you both regain your footing, your eyes meet again and you both snicker at the clumsy attempt at romance.
You want to lead Echo towards your couch to continue the session, but the bell rings again.
“So help me force Fives, if it’s you, I am going to put sand in your bed!”
“I think that’s just the delivery droid. It’s been an hour.”
“Oh, cool. Can you show me the recipe?”
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innocent-cat · 1 year
I saw the Vox Machina with an Eda like reader and liked it, can I get a platonic one for Reader who is like King?
Not human thinks they are something related to monsters (but it turns out they are powerful creatures), are basically like a kid who gets frustrated when something doesn't go right and releases a squeak of rage, and is on a journey to find their family.
Waitttt I actually love this idea?
HEY!!! YOU!!!! my comms r open!! please request me!!
PartTitan!Reader x Vox Machina
warnings - none
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"Temper Titan", Titan!Reader x vox machina
everyone at once (devil emoji)
Nobody really quite KNOWS what you are, but they know you're part.
Referencing to the title, Percy has said he thinks your part titan, but due to advancements, there is no way to know for sure.
Because of that, Vox Machina had become known for having a "Temper Titan."
It's kind of embarrassing, at first when you heard of it, but you are pretty terrifying when you're mad.
Much like King and other titans, when you stomp or yell, the ground shakes and often things that should be strong enough to be stable such as a boulder, break.
Vox Machina also calls you this… but.. at least they accept you?
Anger issues goes crazy as a titan. you're real sensitive, but you can often end up sad instead of angry when they try to wind you up mid-battle.
Scanlan often tries to make fun of you during a battle but instead he just tugs on your strings and makes you cry.
A little upsetting when it happens, and you end up not talking to Scanlan for a while.
called you a whole loser dude
He was MEANNN man.
Of course, your cries are just as powerful if not more powerful than your stomps and yells.
he likes to pretend you couldn't drag him with and without magic
Sadly, when you do have a temper, Keyleth can feel it through her plants.
Its a downside, so when you're going nuts, Keyleth is down and coping with the fact the ground and plants are in pain.
its also a battle field issue a lot.. thankfully Scanlan's bard magic can always lift them up, but, it makes them a big, chunky target.
You being a little kid they don't want to be up too long without you.
Percy is especially careful about this.
Vex and Vax on the other hand could not care LESS.
swim or drown in their little world.
Keyleth scolds them about their carelessness for you, but when it comes down to it, they are the first ones to dive in and save you.
Vax especially.
They both see you as a younger sibling.
They try to keep your temper under control, but it doesn't work out sometimes, and you guys end up having to run away while in public
Like.. literally mid tantrum they'll just pick you up and put you on trinket.
sent away for poor behavior!!!
Vax buys you literally anything you want and its crazy..
its not even because he doesn't want you to be mad, its because he wants you to have what he didn't in his childhood, but Vex has a different view, and still wants you to grow up and be a responsible person.
she often likes to take you out to nature just because
her connection to it makes her feel you have one too because they all think(know) you're a titan.
its really nice because you'll literally just lay there and you'll feel vines and grass growing around you comfortingly
like a big ol' blanket
Sometimes, you'll go out to her little spot without her, and you'll literally just be there for HOURS.
You gave Percy a heart attack.
he kinda scolded Keyleth for it so you started crying.. and.. titan tantrum.
he kinda just sighed and picked you up and brought you home with Keyleth
Grog is also low-key protective of you???
a lot like how he is with Pike
Pike might have told him to protect you, but either way, he is quite the man for the job.
consider him a body blocker
not for religious reasons, just to help you calm down sometimes.
She's super sweet to you man.
mama pike
usually the one cooking for you because she strongly believes you should not be eating all the crap Vox Machina eats because they're all raging alcoholics with mommy or daddy issues(most of the time both)
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
With Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon originals covered, may as well put this in full circle with Disney TVA (only bringing up non-preschool stuff and the half-hour ones to make it simple). Who is your favorite character from the 1987-92 half of the Disney Afternoon era cartoons you saw like: Adventures of the Gummi Bears, The Wuzzles, DuckTales 1987, The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers, TaleSpin, Darkwing Duck, The Little Mermaid 1992, Raw Toonage, and Goof Troop?
I haven't seen Gummi Bears or Wuzzles, though the former's theme song kicks ass and I love that it keeps getting brought up. Ducktales 87: *womp womp womp womp womp womp* Faviorite character is Webby. It was a shockingly easy choice but she's adorable, and while she has a cutsey nature a lot of the time it's oftset by her genuine heart and pluck. She'll gladly tag along, and while she'll cry and be more emotinal because well.. 80's kid show version of what they think a little girl is, those emotoins often ground her against her peers, less in the cliche
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Way and more simply by having more of a heart than scrooge (who shuts his off but Webby is one of the few people that can bring out his warm caring side) and the boys (Who are often sexist dicks who need to get thrown into a volcano tekken stylez to learn a lesson). Her reboot self IS better in pretty much every way
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But it's comparing a character who got a lot of layers and came out in an era where women were actually writing the character. So the comparison is hard.
So as for the show itself.. it's decent. It has gorgeous animation, captures barks style well and throws in it's own touches with webby and launchpad (and beakly but unlike the og webby who I feel is underated, og ms beakley sucks as much as her reputation), and later Gizmoduck. It's a solid series and it's easy to see why it set off the disney afternoon and disney tva as a whole; while gummi bears proved it was possible, Ducktales proved it could be a roaring success and that putting good money into animation was just good sense. The show changed animatoin.
I respect the show but admit it's just.. okay to me. It's not bad, I wouldn't mind reviewing more episodes , plug plug plug shill shill shill, but it just dosen't really hit me the way some of the other cartoons in this block or later disney stuff does. IT's a fine adaptatoin, decent enough and Alan Young is THE scrooge, with David Tennant a close second, but it's just not something I seek out. Granted i'm bad at watching shows that are just sitting ther eon D+ but while I enjoyed what I saw before the reboot back when I had the dvd, it's one of those shows that was worldshaking then but now is just.. okay> Not bad, still specail, but just not for me. Maybe that'll change if I see some of the later episodes, I feel my opinon could easily evolve, but for now it's just a fine part of the lore and worthy of adding to the cannon , but not for me.
As a bonus since all of the shows adapted are present i'll also throw my opinons in on the nes games as one of the first things I got for my PS4 was the disney afternoon collection and while I intend to review these games in full at some point (Again comms are open for those intrested) . So in order: Ducktales is really good, a solid platformer whose only real flaws are difficulty (not as bad in an age of rewinds) and the amazon requiring a cash gate. Really fun platformer. The second one is decent, not quite as good but I do like the adition of adapters like mega man.. even if said addition left me stuck at one point bu tthat's ag ripe for another day.
Finally we have remastered, another one to review some day and a beautiful well game you can still find on steam and I have on both there and x-box 360. like with the disney afternoon collection it was one of my first purchases when I got one again about two years back. It feel slike a grand and proper finale to the cartoon, bringing back everyone who was alive at the time, having vibrant animation and ending on a wonderful note. IT's only real issues are difficulty once again and the fact the lovingly crafted story to justify each level does eat up a bit of time in each level and breaks the momentum. I wish we'd get another platformer like this from disney though I intend to try illusion island at some point.
The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh: Eeore. Always. Honestly haven't seen this one outside of some vauge recoltions of catching it on disney channel as a kid, so I can't say much but unless they made him a giant sentient fart cloud that kicks tigger in the gonad I doubt my answer would change.
Chip N Dale: Gadget. She's the kind voice of reason, and can be real funny. The show itself.. is mid. I've reviewed a few episodes at this point and the show is fine, it just leans into cliches a bit, which being a late 80's show, isn't suprising. It's got some creative energy, a standout ep or two and some shockingly adult content, but it dose'nt have ducktales grandness or the next two's energy and vibe. It's just kinda a kids show As for the NES games the first is like the show itself: fine, kinda forgetable, probably not bad to at least check it out. The second on the other hand is a shocking leap in quality: the sprites are more detailed, it evolves on the pick up stuff and throw it gameplay, and gives the game an actual plot.. an excuse plot still but one fitting the show and shockingly detailed for an early 90's videogame. Well worth checking out.
Talespin: OH OH OH OH OH OH SPIN IT!. I've made my love for what i've seen of talespin (I badly need to watch more) very clear. My faviorite is Sheer Khan, a villian whose a nice mix of caluating and honorable: unlike most buisness scumbags, while he will do shady stuff, he does so right and can be our heroes ally, enemy or a neutral party depending on the day, utterly respecting higher for higher but not being afraid to go against them if needed with cold, calculating percision. A perfect adaptation
As for the show itself.. it's a lot of fun. Granted the 1930's 40's pulp adventure setting with plans, tons of gorgeous tropic vistas and eiral acrobatics is for me: I love a good plane, and I love this kind of 40's set story if done right. See INdiana Jones. So it works. it has a great main cast, fun antagonists, and a great setting. Unlike Ducktlaes the episodic nature dosen't bother me as much because they vary it up more, sometimes adventuring around cape suzette sometimes doing globetrotting. It all depends on what the episode needs and this show is sensatoinal The nes game is a tad hard, you WILL die and you WILL need that rewind, easily the hardesdt of the bunch.. but I can't hate it being fun, breezy and having a kickass chiptune version of the theme. Granted it's also because I just love this cartoon so much, so i'm an easy mark, but it is a lot of fun and I feel dosen't get the respect it deserves.
Darkwing Duck: Negaduck, the perfect arch enemy. While Darkwing has a solid as hell Rogues Gallery, Negaduck has that extra menace, being one of the very few foes of his that comes off as menacing, with Jim Cummings low growl feeling perfect. He's everything Drake COULD be and worse: Cold, arrogant, murderous and yet he still fits the zany tone, gladly whipping out a chainsaw or engaging in slapstick just enough to make him not feel jarring iwth the show as a whole, but not enough to undercut his menance
The show itself is great and I REALLY wish we'd gotten that reboot. But the original is really good: like ducktales or chip n dales it's got a very loose continuity and i've talked at length about how the episode order is a styigan labyrinth from which few escape. But it mostly works.. by being funny. When it isn't it's mid and i've reviewed plenty of episodes I didn't like.. but when it's working, it REALLY works, having a ton of laughs, a suprising amount of heart, and a really fun well thought out prtoaganist: part egotist, part genuinely heroic, part judgemental fuckup, all darkwing duck
The final NES game covered here and easily my faviorite. Granted it's partly a prefrence thing: I'm a HUGE mega man fan, so getting a game tha'ts essentially another nes mega man but still perfectly caputres the spirit of darkwing duck is an easy sell. The game is HARD, though rewind helps.. but man if it isn't fun. Like all 6 games, capcom put a lot of heart into it and a lot of effort into matching the style of the show. And while the music for all 6 games slaps, darkwing has the best soundtrack by far, perfectly fitting the show, the foes all fitting the zany superhero parody feel an di'ts impressive given the game was clearly put into production early into the shows run using production materials as everyone works for fowl like in an early pitch.. and yet despite this the game is juts pitch perfect.
The Little Mermaid 97: I'm only including this because like winnie the pooh I defintely saw it once in a while, but I dont' remember it. Sorry.
Raw Toonage: I've only seen the episode I recently reviewed and it was.. okay. The first segment was like living in a living nightmare and bonkers sucks at least in these (His own show is probably fine, haven't seen it), adn the other two were fine. Like the concept fine enough.
Goof Troop: REPORT TO THE GOOF TROOP. I like most of the cast.. but it's Goofy. It's the boy. This is one of the best versions of him, though Goofy Movie obviously fleshed him out considerably, this is where the groundwork was laid out. Goof Troop itself is decent.. it dosen't always land or age perfectly, Max like the boys can oscelate betweeen tolerable and punch him in the head, but it's over the top fun nature, great slapstick and kicking theme song help. It's jus ta lot of fun. Budaopbobadowop YEAH
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torrentialstardust · 4 months
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I have much to say, so sorry in advance for the length!
I was rewatching some of Drawtectives before attending one of the NezumiVA Umineko streams and I thought it would be fun to cross the two over! They're both mystery "games" but with vastly different tones and settings.
The first drawings I sketched aren't even the ones finished here but I'm sure I'll get to them soon enough. The one I started lining first was Ogalvy and Maria, or specifically Piss Boy and Sakutaro! They're cuddlie~ I even had my own Piss Boy plush next to me while drawing fo reference! I think Maria just deserves good things and she'd be such good friends with Ogalvy, I had them doing drawings together. The outfit swap was also fun, though a little tricky with how cartoony Ogalvy is. Maria's clothes were a bit tricky to put on him, but I like the way it turned out! Also proud of the facial expressions, hope I got the right kind of "enthusiastic to the point where you don't even smile, you're just totally focused and excited".
York and Battler got compared to each other a while back so I thought they'd be good to draw together, and I love the idea of Battler being a goofy bi disaster. Not only that but given how him being tall is mentioned repeatedly, I wanted to bring in the energy I feel whenever I see someone taller than me. I basically just hardcore projected onto Battler is what I'm saying.
The outfit swap part was a lil tricky but still fun, since York has two key design traits: he keeps on his armband with his outfits and he can't wear sleeves. "The technology just doesn't exist". I took off the sleeves of Battler's outfit, but I still decided to swap the armband around, mainly because the part of York's arm it would go on was geometrically confusing and I didn't want to draw attention to that. The hair was also fun to swap. Battler looks like that one rando from Overwatch and I'm not sorry, but I'm not proud either. It does still look nice to me.
OK! That's the process explained! And now: a call to action.
Hey, peeps on the YouTube stream and on the Umineko tag: you should watch Drawtectives! It's a fun and silly mystery series! There is murder in it but it's still lighthearted for the most part, it's got charming characters, and season 3 is on the horizon! You could catch up pretty easily in time for it to start and have a gay ol time!
Hey, peeps on the Drawtectives tag waiting for season 3: you should read Umineko! It's an incredibly engaging and emotional mystery series! It's got a massive cast with lots of character depth and many puzzles to solve! It's on Steam (but please don't use the new sprites they made they're so much worse than the OG sprites, switch to them), a few other places too, and I'm pretty sure there's even a Kindle Port, but I've been enjoying the readthrough by the delightful NezumiVA!
We've got a really nice community of people who've read it before and people like us who don't know what's going on there. It is a bit longer than Drawtectives I'm afraid but it may not take too long to get caught up on the playlist. Nezumi's also pretty good at warning for the more sensitive content in the Novel which is always a big help. Only thing I'd watch out for is some gorey stuff toward the end of episode 2, which isn't even visually depicted.
OK! I think that's everything I needed to say! Comms open as per usual and have a lovely day!
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writing-oof · 19 days
what am i if not a dog - Leo (3)
(or: the E.G.G.s have superpowers. this, surprisingly, is only the beginning of El's problems.) (or: or: El Quackity gets rehabilitated like a rabid dog, Quackity yoinks his evil little brother, and A1 is safe and sound at the end of things)
TW: ptsd, the Federation, implied injury/illness
Leo is very much over this.
When her dad had dropped her off, depositing her and Ramon with Fit for a day of "fun and adventure," she had expected a treasure hunt at least.
Maybe a dungeon or two.
Not that he's amazing at fighting, or even really a fan of it, but it would be better than sitting around outside of a massive building waiting for an eternity until someone comes to unlock the door.
"They should be here by now," Fit says, like it's going to make Leo feel any better.
They just feel more annoyed. If there were even a little bit of actual technology in the stupidly huge doors, they would have yelled at it until it opened up.
She nudges Ramón, shoulders brushing, and he looks at her sleepily.
'Stop being tired,' Leo demands, reaching into his backpack to hand Ramón another bribe.
Ramón, who also favors the classy things in life, takes the netherite ingot from their hands and buries it in his backpack, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and rocking on his heels to wake up his brain.
'What do you want?' he asks, because he loves her. And money. He also loves money.
Leo grins. 'We've waited here a long time,' he says, adjusting his hat to contain his growing eagerness, 'I think we should get revenge.'
'On my dad?' Ramón asks, tilting his hands away from Fit without any hesitation. Money is money, after all.
Leo understands. She's going to give him something else later, just for being the best.
Fit gives them a suspicious look but elects to ignore them and keeps fiddling with his comm, probably yelling at people for leaving them outside forever.
'Maybe later,' Leo says, 'I think we need to get revenge on who's making us wait.'
Ramón nods agreeably, eyes already a little more awake.
'I have a lot of confetti,' Ramón tells him, and Leo pauses.
'Confetti?' she asks, making a face, too focused on pranks to remember why she's stuck with Fit in the first place, 'Why?'
It's Ramón's turn to make a face this time and he doesn't have to say anything else, because Leo knows what he means the moment he does. They kind of wish they didn't.
'I was going to throw it on Dapper,' he says anyway.
Confetti was a choice, but it was a pretty easy choice too. Leo should have gone for something like that. Maybe a bunch of gold leaf? It would be pretty funny.
Instead, Leo, who definitely would rather pay someone else to bake a cake than do it himself, had made a sugar-mash-thing that resembled a cake just because he thought Dapper might want one.
Not that it really matters now, since their cake is smashed at the bottom of a ravine. It was kind of impressive how much it had splattered.
Leo never gave Dapper the cake she made, and Ramón never covered him in confetti. Their 'surprise, you woke up and aren't dead' party had been a total bust.
It's annoying, is what it is. Even Ramón is scowling, a little bit.
If Dapper were here, Leo bets that the doors would be open.
(If Dapper were here, she wouldn't be here in the first place. Her dad wouldn't be tearing the island apart with Bad, and Fit wouldn't be watching them with a really badly-disguised concern.)
Leo really, really hates the Federation.
Leo does not hate Walter Bob.
He's pretty bad at Hide and Go Seek, which Fit said was the whole point of going to Pac and Mike's giant build. Even though Leo and Ramón both know that he really just wanted to hang out with Pac, she does want to at least play one good round, so she decides to teach him.
He actually learns the game really fast, and Leo hides with him in a spot they know Ramón is never going to find. Even they probably would take a while to find it if they were Seeking.
Walter Bob is a pretty decent Hide and Go Seek-er, she decides as she sits next to him in their perfect hiding spot.
It's kind of weird, staring at the scribbles Mike drew on Walter Bob's mask, but it's less weird than just looking at the blank mask.
All of the Federation Workers wear them, smooth white masks that cover all of their face. You can't even see an inch of skin anywhere, with the weird white suits and thick black gloves and boots.
It's probably really hot under there, especially since they're both hiding next to the lava room.
'I want to know somehting' Leo writes, placing his sign so the (Ex?) Federation Worker can see.
Walter Bob, who doesn't know egg sign language, pulls out a sign of his own. 'Okay. What do you want to know?' it reads.
They take a second to read it, and then stop. Do they really want to know?
He already has nightmares about it, but he is very curious. And, he knows the other eggs want to know too.
'Do yuo have a face?'
She's pretty sure Walter Bob is smiling under his mask right now, which is definitely a good sign.
'I do!' his next sign reads and Leo takes a massive breath of relief.
He's been imagining what they look like without faces for a while, and it's creepy.
Leo demands, 'Why do you cover your face then?'
Then, when Walter Bob takes too long to respond, they plop down a second sign. 'Are you ugly?'
She thinks Walter Bob is probably laughing inside right now. Unless he really is ugly. That would be sad.
'It's Federation rules,' Walter Bob explains, 'Federation Workers all wear this.'
That sucks. Leo doesn't even like wearing armor when it gets too hot. No wonder Walter Bob doesn't like his bosses.
Also probably because they're awful and evil and terrible.
'Does Cucurucho hae a face?' she asks.
He wishes he didn't say anything, since Walter Bob flinches and Leo immediately feels like a jerk.
Leo puts down another sign, insisting that they go and start a new round since Ramón is taking forever, and slips her last remaining netherite ingot to Walter Bob before Fit finally takes her home.
'Jerk tax,' he signs, when Ramón asks about his sudden lack of netherite.
Walter Bob's flinch stays as stuck in their brain as Dapper lying in his bed like a corpse. They want to punch Cucurucho in the face.
She fucking hates the Federation.
Part 3 of ? First Previous Next
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cometchasinglove · 2 months
I hear you've got your writings comms up! I'm still new to this, so bear with me if I'm going about this wrong. I'm basically just throwing out prompts and suggestions here.
I'd love to read some TFP Starscream as a dad. Like he and Jayce had adorable little half-cybertronian/half-human kids. I know you have kids for them in the RiD version, but I'm really partial to TFP. (And the thought of absentee parents make me get all sad and teary eyed.)
Can we get some fluffy parental interactions ft TFP Starscream please?
I imagine him being a bit overprotective. He's very proud of kids or kids, but is also crazy worried over their well-being and safety.
He thinks of them as amazing and better than all other, human and cybertronian, because, well... they're his sparklings; they're part him, of course they're superior! He definitely gets exasperated with them sometimes though, as is natural for all children to mentally exhaust their parents.
How does Jayce parent them as well? I imagine she's more chill with them and the less stern and MY WORD IS LAW of the two. Not to say that Starscream wouldn't also be a fun dad. He definitely has his silly moments. No one can forget that dance off he had with himself.
I can also see him teachings his kids how to fly as well.
Sorry. I unloaded a lot on you there. If any of these ideas match or inspire your writing muse, here you go! If not, that's cool. I still like your stuff and am looking forward to reading whatever you create next!
(Gonna go read the latest oneshot, Ocean Wonders now.)
Hey, so sorry for the late response!
Yes, my writing comms are open, but you go about it differently! I don’t blame you, however, if confused me at first as well! Basically, someone pays me to write a fic that’s personalized to them!
Still, I dearly appreciate the thoughts you have of the StarJayce fanbabies! That warms my heart! I honestly didn’t expect anyone to care much for them.
Yes, I do tend to picture the twins in my RiD15 AU, but I understand why you prefer TFP! In that AU, Starscream knows them since they were babies!
I don’t have the time to write right now, but I can provide you with some HCs!
As you’ve said, Starscream is EXTREMELY protective over his babies. He’s a bit stern, but he means well. Jayce reminds him to relax, even though she can be a mama bear sometimes, too.
When they’re infants, Starscream holds them in his arms and makes his silly noises. When the babies laugh, he feigns an offended gasp, making them laugh even more!
Jayce stays connected with Ratchet and June. Because, well, techno-organic babies have never occurred before in the history of both Earth and Cybertron. She has to be cared for and so do the children. Starscream hovers over Jayce and the twins a LOT whenever Ratchet calls them in for a checkup.
Knock Out is an uncle, too! He loves Nova and Nebula even though he worries about them scratching his paint. If Nova and Nebula sass him, Starscream laughs and applauds them.
Starscream does teach them how to fly! Jayce helps, too, but Starscream is the one who shows off the most.
The thought of the twins learning who their dad used to be when they’re old enough, however, finding out how Jayce received her scar…it’s painful to me.
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renton6echo · 8 months
Day 1 of 30 Days of The Bad Batch
Season 1, Episode 1: Aftermath
Alright. Let's dive into, probably, my favorite episode of the series so far. It's just such a great opening to the characters and the story. What a way to open a series right at Order 66. I just knew we were in for such a rollercoaster from the start of this show. Really, Order 66? That's where you're starting off the show? Force, have mercy on us all.
The biggest gem of this episode is that it's the only one we get where we get to see Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair just be a squad together. If I had my wish, I would have liked to have seen more of that before Crosshair and the rest of the batch split off. It was harder to see what the loss of Crosshair did to the team on an emotional and military tactics level. We didn't get much in the way of their team dynamic apart from Crosshair just being known as the surly, grumpy one. While I do love all the theories around how it was likely Echo who stepped into the role that Crosshair had like like being the peacekeeper between Tech and Wrecker's, it would have been nice to see more of that so we had an idea of what the Batch lost.
I've put my live musings of the episode under this thread for the sake of my followers. Sorry, not sorry!! Ya'll knew what you were getting into following me 👀
Not sure if anyone else is interested in doing this but if you're also re-watching TBB before the season 3 premiere be sure to tag all your musings in the #30 Days of The Bad Batch so I can read them!!
@floundrickthewayfarer @saturn-sends-hugs @the-bi-space-ace
First off, Captain Grey, I wish we had gotten to know you more before your chip activated because you seem like a sassy and salty man. I'm sure you and Rex swapped lots of stories.
Wee Kanan. I remember watching this the first time and having just finished Rebels. I saw and heard Kanan and literally said, "Oh, shit. Please no!! This is so mean." Good times. Good times.
So at what point did they realize they could use Echo's scomp as a melee weapon? It is so badass.
Oooff. That shot of the large canyon separating Kanan and Hunter that symbolizes the break between clone and Jedi *chefs kiss*
I really wish we had more scenes take place in TBB's barracks. So many fun details to dissect.
Will never get over Tech's matter-the-fact "My exceptional mind." Legend.
LOL. Echo's put-out expression when Wrecker notes how ugly Palpatine is! I've never noticed that.
Wonder how well the clones are informed in intergalactic politics. Echo seems to have a real knowledge of the larger political nuance more than the others. He is the first to openly question clones as soldiers of the Empire versus the Republic. I assume the Kaminoans would not have spent a lot of time educating clones on political structures and more on just being compliant with the system they were born into. For most clones, the transition from republic to empire is more or less just a name change, but Echo clearly takes issue with the implications.
Battle simulation time! Honestly, I could watch a whole series of clones just bantering and comming each other in battle. Such a fun, creative way to learn about characters and see them interact with each other. Wrecker and Tech sniping at each other is the best thing ever.
ALSO, Hunter why you whistling at them? You got comms for a reason you dramatic punk.
The implication that Crosshair also cried after seeing a fully stocked armory is just...I need that footage.
I never noticed that most, if all the weapons the Onderon insurgents have are Republic-issued.
Omega liking the batch's smelly barracks? Yeah, she's one of them.
Freaking Tarkin. I'm assuming he was just going to fry all their brains to make the whole batch compliant. Ugh. Poor Crosshair.
Oh, Shock troopers. Worst jobs with the worst rap. Do you think we will get to see Commander Fox in the last season? 🤞🏽
"You were down!" Echo has the best sense of humor.
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pantspissedinreverse · 2 months
hey i love seeing ur posts about comp tf2, do you have any advice for a wannabe sixes medic? ive been watching a lot of recorded games and demo reviews and stuff and it looks like a lot of fun but actually playing a match myself sounds so daunting and scary
hello anon! thanks for asking and im glad that youve thought about playing comp :)
this ended up really long so under the cut it goes
to start with some outside stuff youll need:
a discord account
a mic (or any other audio input device)
mumble (optional)
from what ive seen, the biggest leagues all have discord servers where players can find scrims or teams and teammates (in the case of rgl) but also teams use discord because its a quick, easy and cheep way to keep in touch
now, a league, there are 5 leagues but ive only played in 2 of them as they are region specific, there are:
rgl (NA/north american league)
etf2l (EU/european league)
ozfortress (oceania/australia league)
asiafortress (asian league, site is down rn?)
ugc (international, the old league where it all started)
now the best way to get into comp is probably through a newbie cup, a shorter season for new players with dedicated coaches provided, but the only one that regularly runs is by an NA pug group, speaking of, another good way to start is through pugs! (or mixes if youre in eu) pugs or pick up games or mixes are run either by the league or an independent person, in NA the biggest non-league pug group i know is tf2 coaching central or tf2cc for short, they also run the newbie cup and are based entirely on discord! in EU, mixes are run usually through sites and require mumble, the biggest being tf2center which id say is much more beginner friendly and hosts more formats than the other site, tf2pickup.eu where you can only play 6s and will usually find players that have been playing since season 2 (etf2l is on season 47)
also! every friday (if there are enough people) there are newbie mixes! basically a mix/pug with a coach, i havent personally played but ive heard its good
now if you find a league that works for you, heres some settings that youll need:
enable developer console
this will allow you to open the developer console, this is a nifty little thing because it allows you to do all kinds of crap, for example, connecting to a specific server if you have the connect info, which is very important in comp, you can change the button that opens the console at the very bottom of the settings
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thats how the dev console looks like, heres how to find it:
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change your fov to 90
this can be either done in the settings or by putting fov_desired 90 into the console, 90 is the max you can set it to in the settings but if you want more fov then feel free to change this to something else like 130 for example. this is done because the default tf2 fov doesnt let you see as much as 90 and having that information is crucial, especially for medic
now for the actually medic specific stuff
in the advanced settings there are two key things you need to turn on, 1) keep healing even when not pressing the fire key and 2) autocall for medic if below 99% health
the first one is a no brainer, youre gonna be healing constantly for 2 hours or more if you play a season as medic and your fingers will cramp up if you just keep holding down mouse1 so this ones for that
the second one is a bit odd, why autocall? well it might help you find spies or find your way back to your team if you get lost without having to comm it out, it also shows you if a teammate got damaged very recently because of the small cross above their head, this is important because then it will take more time to heal them up
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uber masking
when you are about to hit 100% ubercharge, press E, and the "medic!" voiceline is gonna override the very loud and very obvious "I AM FULLY CHARGED" voiceline, tldr: you dont want the other team to know that you have uber
uber counting
the average stock uber can be built in 40-50 seconds, at the start of the round your ubers are the same but they will get offset as the game goes on, when the enemy medic spawns count in your head to 40 or watch the clock for 40 seconds and at the end of that 40 seconds they will have uber
uber related callouts:
"we have ad" (=we have more uber than them)
"we have disad" (=we have less uber than them)
"they have" (=they have uber, be cautious)
"we have" (=we have uber, yay!)
"its even/equal" (=the ubers are the same)
"med dropped!" (=the other medic dropped uber, you now have a lot of ad, you will hear this from your teammates)
"he got a saw on me" (=their medic is running ubersaw and just hit me, they have 25 more uber)
"use" (=pop it)
"use on me/use on [class]" (=use uber on a specific person or class, usually scout or demo)
"big ad/disad" (=the difference between our ubers is big, around 50% difference)
"small ad/disad" (=the difference between our ubers is small, anywhere from 20% to 5% difference)
thats a lot of callouts but dont fear, youll get a hang of it soon :)
the ideal loadout
crusaders crossbow
stock medigun
solemn vow
i did mention the ubersaw but its use is much more niche and works the best when the enemy team is shit, the solemn vow also lets you see the enemy medics uber if you see him but dont use this as a crutch and also call out enemy health ("demo is 50!" and then your flank scout game ends him), ill go over the weapons now
crusaders crossbow
the weapon with most skill, it allows you to heal your team at large distances, your teammates will usually say "arrow me" or "arrow me [location]" and then you shoot them and heal em up, the crusaders crossbow is also used in rollouts a lot, process and gullywash for example both require you to arrow someone mid rollout, i have a few aim training maps linked in my other medic tips post which also, funny enough, have a clip of how comms usually sound so thats cool
stock medigun
other than the kritzkrieg, the stock is the only medigun allowed in standard 6s, its the most consistent medigun and also makes you invincible for 8 seconds, you mentioned watching demos of other players and usually when they do a push into a point they uber the demo so that he can jump in unharmed, then the scout to go fast and the back on demo because hes the 2nd most important class here (the 1st is you!! so dont die!!)
honorary kritz mention
in lower divs, kritz isnt usually played, its an element of surprise weapon and it takes 32 seconds to get uber but 32 is an awkward number so we usually just count to 30 and use the 2 seconds to run :)
the kritz is much more widely used in highlander but ive seen some great playes with it in 6s too
some medigun strats before we move onto melee:
building uber with a boston basher scout
your scout is your escort now, random encounters lied to you, medics do, in fact, heal scouts
give your players a buff (overheal) when youre in spawn and waiting to move, its needed for rollouts in most cases, heal order is usually demo -> roamer -> demo again -> psolly
you need to heal as much as you can, this is a race to get uber
players will come up to you and ask for buffs, its usually soldiers and they will usually jump away shortly after
the ubersaw and the head
the solemn vow is a much better choice of melee then the ubersaw simply due to the fact that you can see enemy health and uber, but i cant deny that the ubersaw saved my ass a few times, still, use the head
now thats the weapons, lets get onto the more interpersonal relationships between teammates
the general playerbase of comp is sweaty gamer cishet guys but ive found that many of them are cool (despite the reputation of sweaty gamer cishet guys) and they are cool especially in rgl
heres some tips,
keep your tumblr private from your team
they dont know the lore of tf2 and 9 times out of 10 dont really care for it
just keep the discussion to comp
many of them are down to play casual or even valve comp if you ask
feel free to ask for tips! they love giving tips!
you will be judged for being a medic player but in a joking matter (they dont usually like playing medic so theyre glad that someone else is lol)
they will show you cool shit (usually clips of airshots)
tf2 comp players are a bit edgy at times, sometimes people just say slurs but not the n word with a hard R or anything (ps. you can report people if they say a slur mid game in chat)
a lot of the time they are gonna tell it to you straight, if youre bad then they will tell you youre bad at xy and z and if you dont improve then they will just call you open (<- lowest division in etf2l/derogatory term for anyone who isnt in open)
in a team you have the team leader who schedules everything and runs this team and talks to the admins, maybe a co-tl who helps with team leader stuff, the main roster which is just the players who play most often, the subs who substitute the main roster when someone cant make it but you still want to play and lastly the ringers(NA term)/mercs(EU term) who are outsiders you call in if your pscout just called in sick and the pscout sub is on vacation and you really need a player
its at the bottom because i forgot about it lol?
6s has 2 soldiers, 2 scouts, a demo and a medic
they are split into the flank and the combo, the combo is with the medic and the flank is not
you will need to heal this guy a lot, he takes a lot of damage and gives out a lot of damage, he can trap down an area or spam down a choke, will be with you in most of your ubers, make sure this guy is buffed
pocket scout:
the scout in the combo, your escort and personal bodyguard (kinda), hes gonna build with you, pick you up from spawn when you die and is most likely gonna be the maincaller (=person who calls the shots in a comp match like when to retreat and what not)
pocket soldier:
in all honesty idfk what this guy does, he wants heals and watches chokes, spams rockets down chokes too, sacs for med (=jumps on the medic and kills them hopefully)
flank scout:
watches flanks, wants heals, can replace your pscout if he dies, will offclass if need be (offclassing is the act of switching your class to a different one that isnt standard in 6s like sniper or heavy)
roamer (flank soldier):
i also dont know what the fuck the roamer does, its basically the same as psolly but he watches flanks and offlcasses and has a different rollout
post game
so after you play your first game of comp, write ".ss" into the chat, this will open a window with your logs for that match and you can see how you did that game! if you want you can also download the demo from demos.tf if you look up your steam name it should show up, there are other sites where you can see how you did like more.tf which is a nicer looking site and also you can compare specific players and see more stuff so thats cool! theres also trends.tf where you can see how you did over time and basically every stat you can think of even down to the time youve spent playing a class in comp, heres my overview on trends.tf if you wanna see all that it shows (ps. most of my recent games are 4v4 because of a cup lol)
last thing before the end, i did make a post about medic tips a while ago and those apply here as well
tf2 competitive wiki if you want to learn callouts and other stuff
so! thats the basics of 6s med :) gl hf and feel free to dm me if you have any more questions
edit: i forgot to mention b4nny, the lord and savior of competitive tf2 and while he doesnt play med much he has a lot of experience and knows a lot about comp and just has a lot of resources for comp
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kaminocasey · 1 year
Bonsoir Chapter 11: Sapphire Moonlight
Summary: Gregor and Cassia get up to fun in the bookshop.
Pairing: Gregor x OC!Cassia Nu
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Smut, Unprotected sex between partners (wrap it up friends), Oral (f receiving), public sex, exhibitionism? Thigh Riding, Angst-ish, mentions of grief.
WC: 6K
A/N: It's taken me forever, but here it is! I'm very excited about this chapter. I've been looking forward to this one for SO LONG. Just ask @idledreams lol. Thank you for always getting excited about Bonsoir and encouraging me! It means more than you know!!! You're helping keep this story alive and I appreciate you so much, my friend! BY THE WAY, please go check this art that idledreams did for Bonsoir! And also this incredible art by my friend @dumfanting!!! <3 <3 <3
Bonsoir Masterlist │Bonsoir Playlist │Taglist Form
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The sound of blaster fire is everywhere. Gregor looks around, unsure where it’s even coming from. But it sounds like an entire warzone. He doesn’t see anything or anyone. But the blaster fire is so loud… He starts to walk back toward where the base is supposed to be. 
Until he trips over something. No, not not something. Someone. He looks and sees Dyer, dead. And then sees Noff. Alfie. Lore. They’re all dead. They’re gone. 
He’s truly alone. His brothers are really gone. 
And then he sees Cassia, lying next to Dyer, eyes closed, skin more pale than usual, red hair fanned around her. Gregor drops down to her, sobbing, muttering unintelligibly, begging for her to wake up.
He’s the only one left… until he hears one last blaster shot and he’s knocked back into his pile of brothers, away from Cassia. 
He clutches at his chest, knowing this is the end.
Gregor wakes up, gasping for air, sweat pouring down his neck. He clutches at his chest, panting. Cassia’s already awake, trying to get him to focus on her.
“Gregor, Gregor. It’s okay. You’re alright.” She tries to cup his face but his eyes are still unfocused, his mind still on his dream. “You’re safe. I’ve got you. I promise you’re safe.” 
He finally snaps out of it, chest heaving as he focuses on the love of his life. She’s right there in front of him. She’s alright. Gregor breaks into a sob, clinging to her instantly, molding himself to her momentarily. 
“Gregor?” She whispers, scared for him. 
He pulls away, resting his forehead against hers. Tears still stain his cheeks but Cassia doesn’t mind. She just wants to know if he’s okay. 
“I’m so sorry…” He wipes his eyes, embarrassed to open them. “I’m so sorry… I’m so-”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” She cups his face and kisses him softly. “It’s okay. I’m here if you want to talk about it. If not, that’s okay too. But I’m not going anywhere.” 
His breathing starts to slow down as he realizes that Cassia is okay. That she’s right here with him. He makes a note to comm Dyer later, though. 
“I love you.” She murmurs against his lips.
He squeezes her hands that still bring comfort against his cheeks. “I love you.” 
Cassia pulls Gregor back down to the pillows, pulling him into her arms, as she spoons him, resting her arms around his torso and her cheek against his warm back. 
Gregor may never understand just what he did to deserve such an angel in his life. The way that she brings him immediate comfort… and peace. He won’t complain, though. 
“Thank you.” He murmurs, softly, pulling her hand up to his lips and kissing it before closing his eyes.
Gregor doesn’t go back to sleep, but Cassia does even though she tries to wait for him to. He doesn’t blame her. He knows she’s been staying up late the past few nights waiting for Mara to comm her. After a while, before he knows that Cassia’s alarm is going to go off, he quietly climbs out of bed to feed Wedge and make a pot of caf. Two things he doesn’t mind at all doing because they make him feel as if he belongs in her world, like it’s their world. He supposes it is now.
When Cassia’s alarm goes off, Gregor comes back into the bedroom with a warm cup of caf, sitting it on her bedside table. 
“Good morning, cyare.” He smooths her hair out of her face, smiling down at her.
“Good morning.” She leans up toward him and kisses him gently before sitting up and stretching. “How long have you been up?”
Debating whether or not he should tell the truth, he hands her the cup. “Not long.” 
She sees right through his bullshit, though. Because of course she does.
“You didn’t go back to sleep, did you?” She takes a sip of the warm caf. 
He lets out a soft sigh. “No. I didn’t.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” She offers, softly.
He shakes his head with a soft, grateful smile. “Maybe later.”
“Alright.” She squeezes his thigh, not wanting to push him. “Breakfast?”
“Sounds good, darling.” He smiles at her, appreciatively, kissing her softly. 
He’d always appreciate her softness. 
Later in the shop, it turns out to be a slow day, so Cassia takes the initiative to comm Mara, deciding that now is as good a time as any. It’s something she’s been dreading slightly. It’s a new feeling… one she doesn’t much care for. 
Leaning on the counter, away from Gregor, she comms Mara. Something she’d been putting off for a bit. What if Mara had decided she didn’t need Cassia anymore? What if Mara realized that Cassia had always needed her more than she needed Cassia? She doesn’t know how she would even handle that loss. 
“Hey.” Mara’s holo figure stands on the holo-comm in front of Cassia. 
“Hey.” Cassia smiles, nervously. 
It’s quiet for only a second before both of them say “I’m so sorry.” 
They chuckle, smiling sheepishly at each other. 
“I really miss you.” Cassia and Mara both speak at the same time and can’t help but relax, smiling at the other.
“How is Dyer doing?” Cassia asks.
Gregor’s ears perk up at his brother’s name.
“He’s good. The procedure went just fine. Stone as well.” Mara tells her. 
“Maker, that’s so good to hear. Thank you for letting me know.” Cassia nods. 
As Cassia talks to Mara, Gregor can’t help but smile up at her, at the relaxation in her shoulders. He knows how stressed she’s been from this tension with Mara. He knows how difficult it can be to have any sort of conflict with a sibling type. He hated fighting with his vod. 
As he takes her in, he can’t help but let his eyes wander down from her shoulders to her bare legs until he stops at the hem of her dress. As she raises up slightly, he realizes something.
Is she… 
He catches a flash of her ass, completely bare. At the realization that she’s not wearing any underwear, he nearly catches on fire in the seat that he’s in in her office. 
“We’ll be back tonight.” He hears Mara tell her. 
“I can’t wait to see you guys.” Cassia tells her.
“Me too. Dyer wants me to tell you, to tell Gregor, he said hey.” He can hear the amusement in Mara’s voice.
“I’ll tell him.” Cassia laughs, and Maker, does he love that sound. “So, dinner tonight?”
“Sounds perfect. See you soon.” Mara tells her.
“See you soon.” Cassia replies, hanging up and the moment that Gregor hears the ‘beep’ of the comm going off, he’s up, out of the chair, crossing the office to Cassia in three strides and pinning her up against the counter, like magnets.
“Tell me, darling… Did you do it on purpose?” He purrs in her ear, smirking.
“Do what?” She chuckles, knowingly.
“Don’t play dumb.” He kisses her shoulder, grinding his hardening length up against her ass, making her dress rise up a bit. It’s still a bit nerve wracking… this intimacy with Cassia. His body knows her. His heart knows her. But his mind is still catching up. 
He runs his hand from her waist down to cup her ass, giving her a firm squeeze.
“Do you know what you do to me?” He whispers.
“Mm. Why do you think I decided against underwear today?” She teases him, wiggling against him, riling him up.
“Fuck… Cash…” He pushes up against her again, running his hand up into her hair and gripping, making her let out a soft, needy whimper. 
She pulls up her dress over her ass and he nearly drops to his knees.
“I need you, please…” She begs. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He lets go of her hair and sinks to his knees behind her. 
Gregor’s first instinct is to worship her like the absolute goddess she is. But there’s no time. Someone could walk into the shop at any second, so he needs to be quick. He really needs to make her cum first, though. 
He slides his hands up the back of her thighs, settling on her cheeks, spreading them slightly so he can get a perfect view of the pussy he’d love to build an entire religion off of. 
Fuck, she’s perfect, he thinks to himself before tracing his tongue up her folds, making her cry out into the shop. He slides his tongue into her and the taste is almost overwhelmingly good. 
Wow, she’s already soaked. She’s been thinking about this, hasn’t she?
“Maker, you taste so fucking good.” He hums with a smirk.
“Yeah, well…” She pants, nervously looking up at the door, watching for customers. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over how good you are with that tongue.” 
“You better not.” He swats her ass, playfully and she jumps at the sound, making him chuckle. 
He lets his fingers travel to her sensitive clit, teasing her so that she lets her legs fall apart more. 
“You’re already so close to dripping, love. Tell me what you were thinking of.” He starts to lick into her again and she lets out another whimper, seemingly unable to do so. “I’m gonna stop if you don’t.” 
He starts to pull away from her pussy but she grabs his hair and pulls him back to her, desperately.
“No… please please don’t stop.” She begs, her voice low and full of need. 
He couldn’t deny her even if he wanted to, but he loves to tease.
“Then tell me what you were thinking of.” He continues sucking and teasing her dripping cunt. 
“I… I was… thinking about you. About you fucking me… like this.” She admits, glancing at the door with a certain alertness so they don’t get caught. 
“Is that what you want?” He continues rubbing her clit and she can’t help but grind back against his hand. “You want my cock, cyare?” 
“Please… I need it.” Cassia nods. “Need to feel you inside me.”
Gregor’s back up on his feet in no time, releasing his length from its confinements, urging her to spread her legs just a little bit further apart. She understands and does so, so that he can tease her clit with the head of his cock. 
“Oh…” She whispers as his cock gathers up her slick between her folds, pushing toward her entrance. 
Gregor pushes her on her front so that her chest is against the cold counter and pushes into her in one thrust, making both of them moan breathlessly. 
“Fuck me… I’ll never get over how well you take me.” He runs his hand down her back, causing goosebumps to appear all over her fair skin. 
Leaning over her, he places a gentle kiss to her shoulder blade. He feels her clench around him and he nearly cums right then and there. He starts to thrust into Cassia, snaking a hand around to her pussy, rubbing her clit, making her legs buckle as she lets out a soft whine. Holding her steady with his other hand, the slap of skin against skin is the only sound in the bookstore and it’s like music to Gregor’s ears. 
“You’re so perfect, Cash… Do you know how much I’ve missed this? Missed you?” He rambles, squeezing her hip. “I was made… for you… not war.” 
She nods in agreement, unable to form coherent words. 
“Does this remind you of our first night together? Me fucking you where anyone could walk by and see?” His voice is low, full of need. 
She whimpers. “Y-yes.” 
“Does it turn you on knowing anyone could walk in and see you bent over for me, giving it to you so good that you’re finally at a loss for words?” He slams into her and she smacks her hand on the counter with a groan. 
“Yes… fuck.” She murmurs, her voice breaking. “I’m… so close…” 
“I know you are.” He kisses her neck again and breathes her in. 
“I… I was made for you too, you know.” She rests her cheek on the cool surface, glancing back at him. 
Gregor starts to feel that familiar lump in his throat like he’s about to tear up again, so to ground himself, he lets go of her hip and grips her hand on the counter and she immediately intertwines their fingers together. Their hands together are such a lovely sight to him. 
“I love you.” She breathes before letting out the most beautiful cry as she cums around his cock, her pussy fluttering around him in the best way possible. 
Exquisite. Absolutely perfect. A fucking angel.
“Maker, I love you.” He groans as he thrusts three more times before painting her walls with himself. 
They both stay like that for a moment, breathing in time with each other. When Gregor pulls out, tucking himself away, she turns around, flinging her arms around his neck and kissing him, backing him up against the doorway to the office. His hands find her hips again, giving her one last squeeze before seeing a customer start to come in the door. 
The familiar chimes of a customer coming in fills the space that was just filled with the ungodly sound of skin against skin and the most beautiful moans he’d ever heard in his life. 
“Hi, welcome to the spine! Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with!” Cassia’s sweet, cheery voice rings out but Gregor doesn’t miss the slight pant in her breath and the cum dripping down her leg.
It nearly makes him hard again as he goes and sits in the office to read a book that Cassia had picked out for him earlier that morning. When she turns around, giving him a devilish smirk that Gregor himself had perfected, he knows exactly where he’s taking her tonight after dinner with Mara and Dyer. 
“Shop’s closed.” Cassia peeks her head into the office after flipping the closed sign, finding Gregor reading the book he picked out off one of the shelves this morning after their… “activity”. 
He looks up from his book, grinning at her immediately, making her heart clench at the sight. Marking his place and putting the book down on the table next to the chair for tomorrow, he follows Cassia back upstairs. She has to admit, finding him in the chair like that reading really did something to her. Her heart and her core. 
“Was it a good book?” She asks him, getting Wedge’s food down from the top of the cabinet and filling his bowl. 
“Yeah, it was. It was about a woman who had an accident and lost her memory and her husband did everything he could to try to make her remember him and their relationship.” He explains. 
“Oh…” She murmurs, looking up at him from the floor as she pets Wedge while he eats. 
He chuckles. “A bit on the nose, isn’t it?” 
She laughs and gets up, wrapping her arms around Gregor’s waist. “Do you know how it ends?” 
“I do not. I hope well.” He kisses her on the head. “Do you know?” 
“I don’t, actually. You’ll have to let me know.” She grins up at him as she starts to pick up the living room a bit. “I’m thinking about ordering in for dinner. I don’t really feel like cooking. What do you think?” 
“You know I’ll eat just about anything.” He grins as he sits down on the couch, pulling her into his lap with her back against the pillows on the couch, burying his face in her neck as he starts to kiss her. “And I do mean anything.”
She can’t help the soft moan that escapes her lips as his fingers start to trail down to her warmth. 
“G-Gregor…” She moans as he starts to tease her still wet folds. “They’ll be here… any second. It’ll have to wait until after dinner.” 
He groans. “Alright. But I have a surprise for you after dinner.” 
She looks at him, curiously. “A surprise?” 
He nods with a grin. “A surprise.”
“What sort of surprise?” Cassia presses, grinning.
“The sort of surprise where I don’t tell you what it is so that you’ll be surprised.” He kisses her neck. 
She lets out a fake sigh. “Fine.”
Ever since Cassia was young, she’d not been big on surprises. But Gregor seems to be excited about it, so she can’t bring herself to tell him that. She pulls her comm off the caf table and orders the take out to be delivered, staying comfortable in Gregor’s lap as he caresses her bare thigh.
When she tosses the comm back onto the table, she turns her focus to Gregor again, cupping his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into her touch immediately. 
“You’re so beautiful. You know that?” He murmurs. “Inside and out.” 
Cassia goes warm in the face and leans up to pull him to her so she can kiss him. He cages himself over her, as if he’s protecting her. But really he feels as if she’s the one protecting him. All of a sudden, he feels that all too familiar lump in his throat and the tears forming in his eyes. He squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face in Cassia’s hair, just hoping she doesn’t notice. 
She does, though. She feels his tears against her neck and wants so desperately to help him.
“Gregor?” She murmurs as she cards her fingers through his hair.
“Do you want me to ask about it, or would you rather I try to distract you?” She offers.
Maker, she’s so sweet. How he got so lucky, Gregor truly will never know. 
“Distract me, darling.” He murmurs into her neck as he lays on his side on the couch in between her and the cushions. 
She wipes his tears from his cheeks and leans in to kiss him. He immediately pulls her body against his, squeezing her ass as she throws her leg over his. 
“I like this distraction.” He chuckles. 
She smiles, softly. “I thought you might.”
His fingers slide closer to her warmth, waiting for her to tell him to stop but she doesn’t. She just smiles at him and he kisses her again as he slides his fingers into her. The breathy gasp that escapes her lips is like fucking music. 
“Feel good?” He whispers.
She nods against his forehead, closing her eyes with a smile. That’s not enough for Gregor. He needs to hear her voice. 
“Tell me.” He pulls her as close as possible and bites her jaw, teasingly.
“Feels so good.” She whimpers. 
“Good girl.” He grins as she moves her leg away from his so he can move down her body, prepared to taste her as he did this morning, just as the doorbell rings indicating that Mara and Dyer are here. 
He groans against her stomach and Cassia can’t help but laugh. 
“To be continued?” She offers.
“Yes please.” He sits up with a sly smirk and she can’t help but wonder what the surprise is. 
She gets up off the couch and goes to answer the door to let Mara and Dyer in. Gregor stands up, situating himself so the slight tent in his pants isn’t as noticeable. 
“Gregor.” Gregor hears Dyer and looks up just in time to be engulfed in a warm hug from his brother. 
“Glad to have you back.” Gregor pats Dyer on the back. “You feeling okay?”
Dyer nods. “Doing alright.” 
“Good.” Gregor squeezes his brother’s shoulder, smiling over at Cassia as she and Mara get down a bottle of wine and start chatting in the kitchen. 
For the first time in his life, he feels at peace for a moment. He just wishes that the rest of his Foxtrot vod could be here. He tries to not think too much of it, not wanting to cry in front of Dyer and Mara. 
So he doesn’t think about it, he walks into the kitchen with Dyer behind him, wrapping his arm around Cassia. As if she could sense the anxiety in him, she wraps her arms around his torso, giving him an encouraging and calming squeeze. He can feel the anxiety practically drain from his body right away as he kisses her on the forehead.
“Do you want to talk about funeral arrangements?” Mara asks Cassia, leaning on the island counter after pouring herself a glass of wine.
“We’re here for whatever you need.” Dyer assures Cassia with a smile.
Gregor’s chest tightens at the love that these two have for Cassia. He can’t help but be proud of his vod. 
“I was thinking that we could maybe spread her ashes in the Western Sea, at our park?” Cassia looks up at Gregor when she says ‘our’ and it makes Gregor’s heart race. 
Our park. That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it, he thinks to himself. But it works anyway, because that’s where he wanted to take her for the surprise, anyway. 
“I think that’s a great idea, darling.” He grins down at her. 
Her heart and stomach flutter at the term of endearment. “Perfect.” 
Mara reaches out and squeezes Cassia’s hand. “Are you okay?” 
Cassia nods, remembering what she saw in the Jedi Temple and tries to push the memory to the very back of her mind. 
“I uh… I keep thinking… about how we won’t be getting any more postcards from Joc…” Cassia’s voice slightly breaks and Gregor pulls her into him so he can shield her from the hurt she’s experiencing. 
“Oh, Cash…” Mara puts down the wine and comes and wraps her arms around Cassia and Gregor. “Nothing we can say will make it okay, but we’re here.”
“I appreciate you guys.” Cassia murmurs, quietly.
The doorbell buzzes again, indicating the food is here. Mara offers to go get it since Dyer and Gregor can’t. Cassia reaches up on her toes and kisses Gregor on the cheek and then goes to set the table. 
She can’t help but wonder when the pain of all this loss will subside. Will she always be so sad? Will she always hurt? Will she always miss them? 
She looks up at Gregor and Mara and Dyer and thinks to herself about how much her grandparents would love them like she loves them. She’s glad that Mara got to know them, though. 
As they all sit around the take out boxes, passing each other the different boxes of food to dish out onto their plates, she can’t help but smile at them. Her family. They make everything worth it. 
“What’s up?” Mara notices Cassia’s staring. 
“Nothing.” Cassia smiles softly with a half shrug. “I just love you guys.” “We love you too.” Mara reaches across the table to squeeze Cassia’s hand again and then they all dig in.
As they all eat, Gregor and Dyer take turns telling stories of the Foxtrot group and Cassia and Mara take turns telling stories of their childhoods. The moment of peace that Cassia’s been waiting for is finally here. Everything is alright for the most part. For just a moment, at least. If there were a way for Cassia to pause this moment, just to make it last a little bit longer, she would. 
After they finish eating, while Cassia talks to Mara and Dyer, Gregor sneaks about their apartment, getting a blanket and another bottle of wine and runs it all down to the speeder, hiding it in the trunk.
“Are you guys ready?” Gregor asks in the doorway, trying to be nonchalant. 
“Yes.” Cassia smiles. 
“We are.” Dyer nods. 
“We’re gonna drive separately though, if that’s alright.” Mara smirks at Gregor, knowingly.
Is Mara a mind reader? Does she know about his plans? Gregor looks at her with suspicious amusement as he gives her a nod, but Cassia doesn’t notice.
Maybe Mara is just intuitive, Gregor thinks to himself.
Mara and Dyer head out first as Cassia tells Wedge that they’ll be back in a little bit. Gregor’s chest tightens at the sight. It doesn’t take a genius to know that he wants to marry her. He’s seen in holofilms that if people ask their partners to marry them, they’d usually give them a ring or some sort of token. He doesn’t really have any money to his name, but he thinks that he has some sort of idea of what he could use…
Cassia joins Gregor by the door and with his new idea in his mind, he can’t help but kiss her. 
“What was that for?” She grins up at him, warming his insides.
“Just couldn’t help myself.” He brushes her fiery hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear and she leans into his touch.
When he lets go of her, he leads her down to the speeder and Cassia gets in on the passenger side, letting him drive as she curls into his side. Gregor doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the effect she has on him. 
She rests her head on his shoulder as he drives down the busy skylanes that are glowing brilliantly under the moonlight and the lights of the city. 
“Do you like living on Coruscant?” He asks her.
“It has its pros and cons.” She murmurs.
“Pros?” He smirks.
“I met Mara here. My bookstore is here. And I met you here.” She smiles up at him before kissing his neck.
He squeezes her shoulder, encouragingly. “And cons?” 
She shrugs slightly. “I guess… the busy-ness of it all. Light pollution…” 
“If you could move anywhere at all, where would it be?” He asks.
“I don’t know. I’ve not given it much thought. What’s your favorite planet you’ve seen so far?” She asks, squeezing his thigh.
“Hmm… Coruscant.” He teases.
“Because of me?” She grins widely.
“You know it, cyare.” He chuckles.
“I love when you call me that.” Cassia hums, softly. 
“Good. Because you are my beloved and my beloved you’ll always be.” He kisses her on the head. 
When they arrive at the park, just shortly after Mara and Dyer arrive, they park the speeder, noticing that it’s pretty much dead, no other people seem to be around, thankfully. 
“Do you know this park doesn’t have a name?” Gregor asks Cassia as he holds Joc’s ashes for Cassia.
“Does it not?” She asks, looking up at him.
“I’ve decided to name it, though.” He takes her hand. 
“Is that right?” She smirks, thinking he’s teasing her.
“Nu Park.” He brings her hand up to his lips. “For you and Jocasta.” 
Cassia’s lips part and tears well up in her eyes at the sentiment. All she can do is wrap her arms around his tall frame and bury her face in his warm chest. 
“I love you, Cassia.” He murmurs, kissing her on the top of the head. “There’s nothing in this galaxy I wouldn’t do for you.” 
She fully believes him when he says it. Afterall, he’s proven himself time and time again. 
“Come on, darling.” He guides her over toward Mara and Dyer as she wipes her tears with her long sleeve of her cardigan.
She allows Gregor to guide her toward their friends near the edge of the water and Mara and Dyer both give her an encouraging smile. 
Cassia lets out a breath, taking Joc’s ashes from Dyer. “How do we even start these things?” 
“After battles, if we lost a brother, we’d tell stories of him that brought us joy.” Dyer tells Cassia, gently. “If you want to share stories of Jocasta, we’re here to listen. If you want there to be quiet, we’ll just stand here with you.”
Mara nods in agreement, giving her partner an appreciative, knowing smile.
Gregor sees just how much Dyer has come to care for Cassia and it warms his heart immensely. How lucky he was to have someone his own brother cares for, someone he knows he can trust were something ever to happen to Gregor again. 
She gives Dyer a grateful, sad smile. 
“When I was little… Aunt Joc would come to visit. My grandmother always seemed so unapologetically herself when Joc was around. They’d tell stories of their childhoods, laugh about everything together. Joc would bring stories of great Jedi throughout the galaxy.” Cassia murmurs, looking out at the water. “I remember… It was late one night when she showed up. It had been a bad day at the temple, I think. Something big happened. She and my grandmother thought I was asleep, but I was listening to what they were saying. Joc had said she felt some sort of disturbance in the Force… and my grandmother got angry with her… she accused Joc of wanting to take me away to the temple… I didn’t understand at the time… but now… I think she thought I could be like her… My grandmother insisted I never showed any signs and that she wouldn’t allow the Jedi to take me. I… don’t know why I’m just now bringing this up…I know that I’m not like Joc. It’s just not possible. I would’ve seen signs… But it’s nice to think that maybe I could’ve been like her… I really looked up to her, you know?” 
Mara squeezes Cassia’s hand.
“I’ll really miss talking about books with her.” Cassia says finally, before opening up the urn and tossing the ashes into the sea. “May the Force be with you, Aunt Joc.” 
And something inside Cassia speaks so softly, she almost thought she’d imagined it. Like a ghostly whisper just behind her.
And with you…
After the last bit of ash hits the sea, Mara takes the urn for her and screws it back shut. Dyer puts it into a bag for Cassia and then hands it to Gregor to hold onto. Quite the little team we make, Gregor thinks, but no, that’s not quite right, is it? We’re more than that. We’re aliit. Family. 
Aliit ori'shya tal'din. 
Family is more than blood. 
After Mara and Dyer leave, Cassia stands there at the edge of the water, quietly, for a bit longer. Not that she really needed the silence. The night was just so calming. Peaceful. 
“I fell in love with you right here, you know.” Gregor appears again after walking away to do something and smiles down at Cassia, taking her hand. 
She snaps out of the sea-induced trance and looks up at the man next to her. 
“Did you really?” She grins, going warm all over.
He nods. “The moment you put that bracelet on my wrist, I was done for.” 
His memory may come and go some days, but he knows without a doubt, he loved Cassia right away. He’ll never be able to convey just how happy he is that that night came back to him.
“I fell for you that night, too.” 
Gregor sweeps her into his arms, smirking teasingly. “What? You, the hopeless romantic? Surely not.”
She playfully pushes him and when she turns around to walk back to the speeder, she finds a lantern lit picnic waiting. She lets out a soft gasp, full of surprise. 
Oh, this is the surprise, she thinks with excitement.
“I love that about you, by the way. I love that you’re hopelessly romantic and believe in love at first sight. You made me believe in those things too.” Gregor slides his arms back around her as he rests his forehead against hers. 
She looks up into his warm brown eyes and smiles. “You make it easy to believe in those things.” 
Gregor brushes his lips against Cassia’s and she sighs against him. He pulls away momentarily to gently guide her down to the blanket. When he looks at her fully, he starts to tear up again.
“Oh, Gregor.” She murmurs, squeezing her hand. 
He lets out a laugh. “No, no. It’s just… you’re so beautiful in this moonlight that it physically makes me want to cry.”
She can’t help but kiss him. He’s just so sweet and makes her whole body go so warm with love. But he kisses her back. And continues kissing her until they're both panting against each other. 
“You’re everything.” He whispers as she climbs into his lap, straddling one thigh. 
“You are.” She grins as she lets out a breathy whimper when her warmth brushes against his thigh. 
His hands fly to her waist immediately, anchoring her to himself. “I can’t live without you.”
“You never have to again.” She whispers between moans as he helps her grind against his thigh. 
Gregor’s practically mesmerized by the sight of the love of his life, looking so innocent and sweet in her pink skirt while she does such sinful things to his thigh, emitting the sweetest sounds.
Heat courses throughout Cassia’s whole body as she continues pushing her warmth against Gregor’s thick thigh. She’d be lying if she said she’d not dreamt of doing this since she met him. But for some reason, it just never happened. Until right now. 
It’s the most incredible feeling. Her still bare warmth against the fabric of his pants is doing something so different to her. 
“This reminds me of the first night we met.” She tells him, breathlessly, remembering this morning when he asked her if their escapades in The Spine reminded her of their first night together. 
She thought it did. But this… out in the open in the park, is exactly like their first night. But with something new. Something more. Something both of them are clinging to so desperately, they’re afraid they could slip away from each other again.
“Oh fuck…” Cassia breathes, feeling her orgasm near as she clings to Gregor’s shoulders. “I can’t stop.”
“Don’t you dare stop, darling.” Gregor feels absolutely starstruck watching her use him to get herself off, like he’s having an out of body experience. “Keep going. You can do it. Use me.” 
Her nails sink into Gregor’s shoulders as she feels that tight hot coil inside of her, threatening to send her over the highest ledge she’s ever been on. Her eyes close as she throws her head back, exposing her fair throat to him. His instinct is saying lick her but he can’t tear his eyes off of her. 
With one last hard and exigent grind, she cums, moaning Gregor’s name so beautifully, so ethereally that he cums in his own pants without being touched, burying his face in her chest, groaning desperately as he grips the flimsy material of her skirt that he’s been dying to rip off of her since she put it on this morning.
“Did you just…” She smiles down at him, glancing at the barely noticeable wet spot on the front of his pants. 
“Ugh… I did.” He cackles, almost embarrassed. “I’m sorry.”
He knows she would never make fun of him, though, or make him feel bad about it.
“Don’t be!” She smiles softly, kissing his cheek, not wanting him to be embarrassed or ashamed.
“You just… looked like a goddess and I couldn’t help myself.” He pants, pulling her down to him, so she rests in between his legs, against his broad chest. 
“I’m impressed.” She tells him, honestly, turning to look at him. “You came without me touching you.”
“The first time anything like that’s ever happened, I think.” He rubs the back of his neck.
Warmth spreads throughout her face as she leans up to kiss him. “Well, consider me flattered.”
He moves slightly and then makes a face. “I’m glad you’re flattered. But… I feel uncomfortable in these pants now.”
She lets out a laugh, which still manages to make his chest tighten and hops up, holding her hand out to him. “Well, let’s get you home and out of those pants then, shall we?”
He grins, excitedly, taking her hand. “Yes, ma’am.”
@twistedstitcher27 @misogirl828 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @rain-on-kamino @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @quigonswife8 @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz @burningfieldof-clover
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esaari · 1 year
i haven't properly made art in about a month so excuse the inactivity....
i've been having so much fun playing Remnant 2 and watching shitty movies with my friends lately....
hope to get back into creating stuff sooner than later and i might open comms in a couple months sooo.. keep an eye out for that if you are interested. doing this art business course thing blah blah and that'll help me get into the whole comms business hopefully bc right now i'm kinda clueless and need help with it.
i am also intrigued ofc about patreon or ko-fi.. more ko-fi because all news about patreon seem to be shit as of late. if anyone wants to leave their thoughts about stuff that would be interesting to see from me on a site like that do let me know.
you can also find me on bluesky nowadays over here: https://bsky.app/profile/esaari.bsky.social
i'll add it to my linktree when i quit being lazy. idk how to feel about the site yet but i'll be casually posting there. tumblr will continue to be my online home ofc nothing will ever beat this flaming trash can for me. even though i don't do much here. i know i know i'm sorry.
love you all mwah
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shiningstages · 9 months
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile.
I've been kinda trying to think up words to say to stuff, so…
Serin, you're a wonderful and amazing friend. I'm sorry we talk less now, but talking to you has always been a fun and exciting experience for me. You've honestly been through so much (on this hellsite and otherwise) and I've thought of you as both so undeserving of all of it, but also so strong for coming out of all of it. I totally understand needing to get away from here for all the reasons you put (I hope all your personal things get resolved in a nice manner; I hope you recover from your burnout well because that can always suck going through that; I hope you're able to find fun and love in your works again because losing that can be heartbreaking more so than needing to step away. Not just writing, but for your editing, for your drawing; all of your creative outlets that I know you love doing and thinking up, especially since you're so talented but also that I know all of it was a place for you to be happy. I hope you get that place again. I wanna commission my bestie ONLY when she opens comms again for the sake of wanting to do art and loving it, y'know? I wouldn't want you to do something if it hurt or it sucked or you hated it; that's never fun. The same thing with here - needing to step away because of all of that is important, like me stepping away because writing for school stuff was just taking over my life (and also getting sick a million times my god save me ghfggfjfhgjdhf) lol.
If you ever wanna reach out to me about anything - life, art, writing, etc. - I'll still be there for you. You're still my friend, and I still care about you - is the main thing I want you to take away from this ghgfjgfhjgdhffgj.
Also sorry for doing this long message here and just answering like this; thought about answering privately, but since your blog is going, figured need a physical stamp of existence right here in a way~ Love you hun.
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space-blue · 2 years
I wanted to let you know that I am super SUPER excited for your recom picrew 😩 it looks beautiful already!! I've got two questions. I wanted to ask how difficult the process is for creating one, I've thought of trying to make a na'vi one myself. Is it complicated with all the layers and all of that? And wanted to also ask if you have any more avatar-related picrew projects planned for the future!
Ahaha, thank you Anon!! I'm excited for it to be over as well tbh. I wanna play with it and more importantly move on with my life lmao. I truly believed it'd be 3 days work... And I was wrong.
Yeah, gotta be honest, it's a massive bitch.
Mostly the issue that is costing me a ton of time is the stripes. Picrew does not surpport blending modes. You only upload normal PNG files. Because of that, I can't have a single stripe pattern for every skin colour.
No : I must export as many stripe colours as I have skin colours. And the stripes MUST match the colour of the ears for better transition... AND there are 3 types of faces in what I've done, that means that for EACH design of stripe, I need to export 3 shapes x 4 colours.
Another issue has been the noses. Entirely my fault mind you... But hiding part of the eye with broad noses, like here :
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Meant I needed to have painting INSIDE some of the noses. Which I did on a single file. And uploaded. And matched to skin colour so you don't see my ugly patching up job.
But the nose needs to be on top of the eyes... The stripes must be under the eyes and on top of the nose... Which can't happen... So I have two options, and I've opted for redoing all my stripes better... And then realised fixing the noses instead would be so much easier.
I do wanna cry a little sometimes lol
But they look better now. I have 3 styles of stripes and I want to do 3 or 4 more, because I really love striping and it makes characters really unique. Next up is potentially eye colour (if y'all suck my metaphorical dick hard enough because what A PAIN).
Sanhi/Tanhi whichever spelling it is, is giving me grief and I'm looking for a CSP brush that would sort of automate it for me.
It's a LOT of tedium. Drawing is easy and has been very fun! I was dreading making the hairstyles and get ups for Na'vi, but I think I'll revisit the picrew itself later and add them as new options rather than making a separate one.
File uploading on the website is such a bitch. Here's the tutorial I use btw. I also use a firefox add on to auto translate the page.
Will I do more? Definitely. In time. I lost the one job that pays for my food, so was thinking of opening a few comms and focus on that rather than just faffing about, but I'll definitely be returning to picrew, either for more Na'vi stuff or simply to try my hand at some other style. I'd love to see more people do their own Na'vi picrews!!
I made this one simply because the options are so limited!! There's two and one is full bodied and chibi. That's nice but doesn't scratch my pfp or OC needs. Feel free to make more, I'd love to play with it!!
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taffyforever · 1 year
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ HAPPY JUNE, DUNCIES !!!! ヾ(˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ )
happy summer, happy pride month, and a happy afternoon from me to you, duncies !! welcome to my BRAND NEW taffyblog !!!!!! i told yall i would do it and here i am !!!! ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
as my first order of taffyblog business, i encourage you to look around the site ! i havent edited tumblr html in ages so it was super fun going back to my roots for this project ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ you may notice a... new face in that header..... i didnt want to go thru the effort of creating 2 headers for when i redebut, so congrats ! you get a sneak peek at some new art for the new design ૮(˶˃ᆺ˂˶)
i need to make a dedicated tweet for it, but my comms are very open rn !! if you're looking for a last minute summer outfit, or a very early winter outfit, i'm your gal ! of course my strengths lie in gyaru and similar fashions, but ive done anywhere between elegant seamstress to gothic vampire. send an ask here or dm on twitter/discord if you'd like to comm me or discuss any other services (illust, reactive png, etc) (๑>ᴗ<๑)ぐ〜♡
aight, business out of the way. how have you been, duncies ? (seriously, send me an ask and let me know !) i miss yall a lot, but i know im making the right decision being on hiatus. there's been some recent developments in my life that are making things a lot nicer for me, so i'm doing very well as of late. my physical health is pretty good ! isnt it crazy how when you take medication it makes u feel better lol. i am scared for the summer, as last year's heat wave was a major factor in me getting as sick as i did. i do have air conditioning now ! so hopefully things will be a lot easier. my mental health is also better, though i still need to take many steps in ensuring the best for myself. like, im good now, but im not set forever just yet. we work hard one day at a time 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
ultrakill news: i've spent a loooottttt of free time cybergrinding......... like i might just guerilla soon because ive gotten much better since last you've seen. marksman my beloved im coinpilled now <3 i also got a p rank in clair de lune ! (haven't bothered to try the other levels yet i love cybergrind too much)
i have no geoguessr news that game is still as ass as ever </3 still love her tho (✿˶•ᵕ•)♡(• ᵕ •˶)
redebut is still set for august 25th ! very very excited to come back more cracked than ever ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ if you'd like to support me until then, follow my twitch if you havent yet ! you can also support me financially (IF YOU ARE IN A GOOD SPACE TO DO SO) by commissioning me or sending me a gift from my throne ! i am reworking my tipping page, so tips/donos are currently unavailable. i would heavily appreciate anything, but it is in no way necessary. you reading this and supporting me is enough <3 o(⸝⸝✦ᗜ✦⸝⸝)☆
thank you duncies for everything !!!! ⋆˚✿˖° i'll be updating this blog every so often before my redebut to keep yall posted on anything cool in my life. i really appreciate all of you for being here for me. i'm very excited for my return ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻) !!!!!!! ♡ ༘*. stay tuned on twitter for some rebrand changes (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)ಇ
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prometheis · 2 years
You don't have to post this but just sending you a message of support! RP should be fun as it is literally a hobby we are all part of, creating fictional characters in fictional worlds. In RP, as in life, people have closer friends than others, and it makes sense that you'd want to write with them. And the fact that you still have friends submit apps (with some not being accepted/no freebies which would honestly be easier for you all if you're just giving roles to friends) is additional proof. There are so many roleplays out there, and if a certain group doesn't accept you, that's okay because you can always apply for another one. RPs also don't last forever...there are endless possibilities to the groups you can be part of and the writers you can meet. It's meant to be fun! I didn't apply to Blue Devils because I didn't have the time but it looks great and like there are a number of talented writers in it. Wishing you & the other mods much success!
i literally couldn’t agree more and thank you so much for sending this and saying all of this. i, and the blue devils admin team, really appreciate it. the rpc has been and will always be big enough to accommodate any and every style of roleplay and writing. "criticising" other forms of rp or writing for some perceived flaw is so counterproductive to an artistic form that invites endless creativity and innovation.
whatever type of aesthetics, genres, writing style, app format you’re looking for, there’s going to be a roleplay out there for you because there are admins who love what they do so much they want to create them for you. building a group from the ground up is a labour of love. it demands so much time, energy, passion and all the daily/weekly/monthly maintenance work to keep it running — and we do this all for fun in our free time! it's an incredible shame when someone that admins groups sees fit to disrespect another admin's work and dedication. i can only speak for the admins and players i've met but these people pour their heart and soul into making groups and creating and writing characters that consistently inspire me to be a better writer.
the idea that an admin would invest countless hours into writing plots and worldbuilding and skeletons — and making edits, coding html, promoting their rp if they so choose to — and managing the admin and comms of a rp, just to be wrongfully dismissed and accused of being “pretentious” “only doing it for the praise” is absolutely ludicrous. it’s literally so easy to mind your own business and just let other people do their thing and find joy in the groups and communities you’re already part of. and i say that only because op has never apped for any of our groups nor shown any interest in apping, but the door would always have been open for them to do so.
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rhodesportfolio · 7 months
MORANA for CR fashion book.
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CR Fashion Book enlists mogul Morana Vitalio to pose for the cover story of their 21st edition lensed by fashion photographer Blake Rhode. Shot in Milan, Italy.
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Top, Jacket, Skirt and Shoes Marc Jacobs.
Frankly, it might be easier to name a front row Morana Vitalio hasn’t been spotted perched upon. At just twenty-five years old, she’s long been established as a fashion industry fixture; whether it’s scoring magazine covers like this one or appearing on the steps of the Met Gala dressed by Balmain, Versace, and in 2022 the late Virgil Abloh for Off-White, she’s more in demand than ever.
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Dress Fendi, Bra and Underwear La Perla, Earrings Mondo Mondo.
And because she’s grown up in the spotlight, we’ve gotten our own front row seat to Morana’s style evolution. She’s never shied away from experimenting with hair color, playing with both dye and wigs, and has worn everything from body-hugging Balenciaga bodysuits to tongue-in-cheek vintage Comme des Garçons. Sure, it’s easy to look good when you have access to custom garments from pretty much any fashion house on earth, but Vitalio also knows how to put her own spin on things, adding accessories (and, of course, killer makeup moments) to create looks that are pure Morana. She has the ability to single-handedly set trends with one mere Instagram post.
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Top Jean Paul Gaultier by Olivier Rousteing.
After launching her makeup and skincare brand in 2015, Vitalio was able to ride a wave of success to billionaire status in just a few short years. You’d think that would be enough for any twenty-something to take an extended vacation. Not so for Morana: she kept building, introducing lines beyond makeup and skincare, she also opened a brand new clothing line also named KHY.
Now, CR Fashion Book spoke to Vitalio about business, babies, and her favorite fashion moments.
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Top Jean Paul Gaultier by Olivier Rousteing.
You’ve been to so many iconic fashion shows; which of them stand out in your mind as being emotionally moving or show-stopping?
I would say the most impactful show for me was Virgil Abloh’s last Off-White show. I couldn’t make it to the show as I was very pregnant at the time, but I was able to watch it live. I thought it was so beautiful, emotional, and moving.
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Shoes Amina Muadi, Ring Vintage.
I have to imagine you have an incredible fashion archive; what pieces are you most excited to save for Atlanta?
I save everything for my daughter—I have the most amazing pieces, and I cannot wait to share my entire archive with her when she is older. I’m so excited to see how she is going to wear and style them! And hopefully she wears one of my Met dresses to prom [laughs].
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Dress Miu Miu, Underwear Agent Provocateur, Strapless Undies Shibue No-Line, Rings Messika.
Other than Versace, If you could take the reins of one fashion house for a day, which would it be and why?
I would love to take over Hermès for the day—it would be amazing to have the chance to design a Birkin bag.
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Top, Skirt and Shoes Alaïa, Watch and Rings Bulgari, Ring Panconesi, Gown Off-White Met Gala.
Tell me a little bit about your CR Fashion Book cover shoot. What was the vibe like on set? How were you feeling about the styling?
It was so much fun shooting for CR—we ended up staying until 11 P.M. to make sure we got the best shots! Blake is one my favorite people on earth and we get along so well on both our personal and work relationship. I thought the styling was really fun, and my favorite shot has to be the one where I am surrounded by my most memorable wig moments.
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You’ve been running a business for so long; how do you keep the KHY empire evolving?
I am so blessed to have a job where I genuinely love what I do. I’ve always enjoyed makeup—creating a look is a creative process that I really love. I’m lucky to have been able to turn my passion into a successful business, and share my favorite products with consumers. It is so much fun, and there are still so many products we haven’t launched yet that I want to develop. I’ve been working really hard on my clothing brand these past few months and I can’t wait to share more about my next drop. Fashion runs in my family’s blood, so I’m really blessed for being able to follow my own path in this.
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