#but like also super mild and hard to see hahah
faefrosting · 1 year
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CandyLand AU by @garbagechocolate
Can be read at @dcandyland
Vesper (the werebeast rambling about stars) is my sona
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mysteryshoptls · 11 months
SSR Trey Clover - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Trey: It's pretty fascinating how all these anecdotes that I grew up with are displayed on all these paintings.
Trey: Just as I'd expect from an art museum that's reaching it's 100th year.
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Trey: Oh hey, this painting… It has some card soldiers on it. Heh, I feel like I can understand these guys a little bit.
???: Oh, right, all you Heartslabyul guys do the same kind of thing, don't you?
Leona: What's even the point of painting the roses a different color? As someone who cares not an ounce about flowers, I don't get it at all.
Trey: Hey now, Leona, don't say that. It's not done for any specific reason, it's just one of the laws of our dorm.
Trey: Also, I don't really think the card soldiers changed the colors of the roses just for a change of scenery, though.
Trey: They say that the Queen they served loved red roses. They were probably just trying to please her, right?
Trey: But still… painting the roses, huh. I remember there was a bit of trouble with that when I first enrolled here.
Leona: Oho? What kind of trouble could the super pacifist Trey Clover possibly cause?
Trey: It wasn't any big deal. When we were first years, Cater and I were responsible for painting the roses, you see…
Trey: And we mistakenly painted some roses white when they were supposed to be red. That's really it.
Trey: Well, to be fair, the mistake wasn't really our fault, but the fault of our upperclassmen who told us the wrong thing.
Trey: But when the mistake was discovered and the Housewarden at the time asked who caused it… Those upperclassmen placed the blame squarely on our shoulders.
Trey: As punishment, Cater and I were made to leave the dorm for a whole day. That really grinded my gears.
Leona: You say that, but you got some stupid grin on your face. You don't look too angry about it.
Trey: Well, yeah… That'd be because Cater and I put together a plan to get them back.
Leona: So you two schemed something up, huh. You might look gentle and mild-mannered, but I guess there's a reason the Dark Mirror called you.
Trey: We didn't do anything that crazy. I just changed the flavor of those upperclassmen's cake to something a little more invigorating at the next dorm party.
Trey: See, it wasn't anything more than just a silly kid's prank, right? …Well, I had a bit of a hard time after that, though.
Leona: Hahah, how terrifying.
Leona: Well, Cater is one thing… But I see that even someone like you, who's stuck always pacifying that hot-headed Riddle, had an incident like that.
Trey: I mean, isn't that how all the new first years here are like? They're all mischief-makers and rambunctious.
Trey: Even our current first years are way too excitable and are always causing problems, so I sure wasn't an exception.
Trey: Eventually, they'll get used to this school and their dorm, get underclassmen of their own, and even find rivals in other dormitories…
Trey: And step by step, they'll mature into good card soldiers. At least, our Heartslabyul students will.
Trey: Just like we all did.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Trey: This painting is, let's see… a depiction of "the fairies gifting magic in celebration of the birth of a princess in a certain country."
Trey: The princess herself isn't drawn, but I'm sure she's in the bed that these ladies are peering into.
Trey: But is this actually the scene where they are gifting their presents…? It just looks to me like they're chattering away aimlessly…
Leona: Maybe it's just as you say? They look to me like a bunch of carefree types.
Trey: I'd refute that, but… Well, it's hard to know what actually is true in the stories passed down, I guess.
Trey: Speaking of birthday celebrations and fairies…
Trey: Have you ever heard of the saying that "fairies are born from the laughter of children," Leona?
Leona: Sounds like a tall tale for kids. Never heard of that in my country.
Trey: It's actually a pretty popular myth in the Queendom of Roses.
Trey: Back home, whenever a child is born, that family would bake cakes and gift them to everyone they knew.
Trey: The cupcakes made then are called "fairy cakes," as a nod to that tale.
Leona: Fairy cakes, huh. I can taste the sickly-sweet flavor on my tongue just from the name alone.
Trey: Hahaha… Shoulda known you of all people wouldn't say there was a bit of romanticism in that.
Trey: But that takes me back. I remember when my sister was born, I helped my parents bake a cake, too.
Trey: I was only 4 years old, and didn't really know how to make anything yet, but I did what I could to help.
Trey: We set out the finished cake on a table in our yard, and ate it with family and our neighbors…
Trey: That cake we ate then under the blue sky tasted even better than any other cake I'd ever had.
Trey: And on top of that, all the adults were praising me, saying how "amazing" and "well done" my cake was…
Leona: Can't think there'd be any adult who'd tell a 4-year-old that the cake they made was terrible, though.
Trey: Yeah, absolutely. In fact, when I went back and looked at the pictures of the cake I made back then, it was actually pretty terrible.
Trey: But I took those compliments to heart.
Trey: Because yeah, after that day, I would join them in the kitchen to help bake cakes.
Trey: But truthfully, I would make a mess of the flour just trying to make one layer of the sponge for the cakes, or snag a taste of a few of the cut fruits here and there...
Trey: I'm sure I was a huge bother for my parents, who were trying to work.
Leona: How adorable. You got all excited just from a little flattery. Sounds completely different than the way you are now.
Trey: Please, kids are all like that. Especially me, I was the type that would even climb trees just from the slightest dare.
Trey: I'm really not any different now, either. I'm completely different from you, Leona. I'm just a plain and simple guy.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Leona: Seems like this is a painting of when the Sorcerer of the Sands got a hold of the magic lamp.
Trey: So, this is the legendary magic lamp, hm. It's a lot smaller than I was expecting… It looks like a teapot made for only one person.
Leona: You know… That kind of response really only shows how shallow your thoughts are. Is that all that comes to mind when you look at a painting showing a scene from that very famous tale?
Leona: This was the lamp that he went through so much and finally got his hands on. Even someone like him, who embodied the spirit of deliberation, might be drowning in absolute elation in this very moment―
Leona: …Or whatever. Anyway, you should read more from this painting than just the size of the lamp, is all.
Trey: Ahaha… I'm just no good at interpreting the actual story behind the art, just from looking at the painting.
Trey: But, based on what you just said, it makes it sound like even someone as great as him, who's left his mark on history, has a human side, huh.
Leona: Even the greats were just people… Although from I remember, he wasn't a human in the end, but a genie.
Trey: That's right, he became a genie in order to overcome the limitation and weakness of a human body. He certainly dreamed big.
Trey: Overcoming weaknesses, huh… If only I could have done that, just as the Sorcerer of the Sands did.
Leona: Huh? Why're you just gazing off into the distance all a sudden?
Trey: Oh, I was just thinking back to how I've recently been running myself ragged trying to overcome this one food I dislike.
Leona: If you don't like it, then just don't eat it. Is it really anything to really overcome?
Trey: Of course it is. Like see, you know how all of the sandwiches and meat dishes in the cafeteria come already covered in that one condiment?
Trey: …I'm talking about mustard. It's tedious for both me and the chef when I have to ask each time for them to remove it, you know?
Trey: Sure, there's a lot of different ways to hide the taste, but I feel it's rude to the chef to change the flavor of something they so painstakingly made.
Trey: That's why I tried so many different ways to overcome my dislike of it, hoping that it would solve everything.
Trey: Every time I made my own dinner in my dorm, I'd add mustard to every dish…
Trey: For about one week or so, I made sure to eat at least one dish each day with mustard in it.
Leona: Well, you sure created a strange, new cake there. So, was it even edible?
Trey: I didn't eat it, so I don't know. My dormmates stopped me, so I wasn't able to actually add it to the cake.
Trey: And so, when they stopped me there, I finally came to a realization.
Trey: If I still can't eat it after all this effort, I should just give up. It isn't something that's going to have a huge impact on my life, after all.
Leona: Hah, took you a while.
Trey: Hahaha… I thought so too.
Trey: Seems like I'm the type where once I start something, I get a little wrapped up in it… This incident really got me reflecting on that habit.
Trey: But hey, thanks to all of that, I can at least eat mustard if it's just there for a bit of flavoring.
Leona: Well, good for you, then. All that continuous mustard eating turned out to be not completely pointless.
Leona: Anyway… All that talk made me thirsty. I'm takin' a break from all this. Bye.
Trey: Okay, see you. …Never thought I'd see the day that Leona would even hold a conversation with me like this. I wonder if it'll rain candy tomorrow or something.
Trey: Alright, next I think I'll go check out one of the paintings of the Great Seven I haven't seen yet… Ooh wait, this one―
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Trey: Whenever I see this painting, I always think of "that guy." He's got the same kind of hard-to-read expression on his face.
Trey: I remember back in the day where I'd play along with his pranks and we'd cause a little bit of mischief for people who asked us for directions on the street.
Trey: "Which way ought you go from here? Well, that depends a good deal on where you want to get to!" ―And the like.  
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Requested by Anonymous.
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trrickytickle · 1 year
Anomaly WreAks AnArchy on ArAchnid AnArchist
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A/N: getting back into the groove of doing requests bc of a req/fic trade with @phobiaoftickles !!!!! HAHAHS THIS DRAFT WAS ORIGINALLY LEE PAV BUT IT HAS BEEN MARINATED AND EVOLVED INTO AN AWESOME LEE HOBART AWESOMENESS STORY FOR DA AWESOME JAMIE OLIVER BOI also footer tickles near the end
SummAry: Non-canon Part 2 of "The Tea Word" (separate from @/tickle-beans' MFTBU)-
In a turn of events, it's revealed that Hobie, being the awesome role model/love triangle rival/ex-runway model/probably ex-con he is, is unexpectedly the most ticklish out of all the Spider-People. (bit of lee!Pav at the beginning, the rest is a shit ton of lee!Hobie)
"C'mooon, go get her! I can't bear this!"
"I-It's not like that!!"
Pavitr continued to egg Miles on about the super palpable romantic tension between him and Gwen, but if it was up to him to say, nothing of the sort was going on. Gwen and Hobie, to Miles' right, were chatting away about what seemed like jargon to Miles and Pavitr, who weren't the slightest bit familiar with music theory.
"So, see, i'sounds better when you capo 3." Clipping the capo on his clipping-covered guitar, Hobie strummed a melodic tune, Gwen looking on in utter amusement.
"Awesome." She gasped, not even attempting to hide her excitement.
Pavitr punched Miles in the arm. "Come on, come on, change the subject! This is so annoying! Will they, won't they, will they won't they-"
Miles chuckled and shoved Pavitr away awkwardly. Hobie glanced over and cocked his eyebrow in a mild annoyance, and smirked. To the untrained, normal, not part of Spider Society eye, this was just a slight change in expression. It wasn't anything to cheer about. But to Pavitr and Gwen- that was the face of somebody about to deliver a deadly poison to those who wronged him, whether that be stealing his Chuck Taylors or punching him a little too hard. Hobie inched over to Miles, scoffing.
"Oi newbie! 'S he annoyin' you?"
Pavitr glared back at Hobie, laughing awkwardly. "I wasn't annoying him, I was just pressing-about a really, very important matter- and it goes without saying that everyone can notice Miles is giving Gwen the e-AAAAAAAAHHH! HOBIEE!! This again!?"
Hobie squeezed onto Pavitr's lower ribs, and looked back at Miles.
"That's one of ...many ways to shut'im up."
Miles laughed. "Bro's a screamer."
Pavitr groaned. "Tickling is not fair!"
"Oh yeah? Well weren't you just poking n' prodding at Mr. Armpit Blood?"
"He was sullying the name of all things rich, sweet and chaIIIII!!!! Nahaha-haha ha ha hahehe-HAH!" Upping the ante, Hobie strummed along his sides and continued with the tickling along his lower ribs, this time pressing onto his upper ones as well. "STOP!"
Gwen laughed nervously. "Yeah, he's right, youshupprobablystop, yaaaayy, you've had your fun!" Gwen laughed nervously, Ghost-Spider hood still over her head in embarassment.
Hobie glanced. "You're next, Gwendy."
"I'm going to go practice the drums. Have fun... Tickling." Cringing with that last word, Gwen bolted out of the rec room. Miles looked on in amusement at Hobie's strumming fingers and Pavitr's exaggerated screeches and death threats and "I'm-gonna-die-s".
Thankfully, the punk placed his hands back on his sides, leaving Pavitr some room to breathe and recover from the giggly stupor. Quickly patting the ghost-tickles away, he quickly perked up and looked over at Miles.
Miles shrugged. "Don't try anything-"
"Hey, hey, you know how Hobie acts all "Ooh, society! Stigma! Anarchy!" That last part was peppered with a thick fake Cockney twang which muddled with the Indian and Pavitr's hushed tone so much it was practically another foreign accent. "But he's reeeaaally ticklish. Like, as well."
Miles muttered. "Okay, okay, I see you..."
"Especially on his-" Just as Pavitr's fingers were about to make the slightest contact with Hobie, his bangled wrist was grabbed and stopped in place by the punk.
"No." Hobie asserted, the slightest twinge of nervousness in his deep voice. "O-or I'll-"
"Or what?" Pavitr sassed. "You gonna colonize us again, tea boy?"
Before an empty threat went past his lips, Miles webbed Hobie's arms together and went straight for the kill on his armpits.
"Or... soon you're gonna be the Spider-Man who's bleeding from the armpits." Miles taunted.
Hobie screeched with frequency that would rival mic feedback as he doubled over to the floor in a lack of balance, but Miles straddled his waist.
"I gotchu, don't worry!"
"kkHAAAA-hhHHHAAAAAH-ha!! Ff-hh-HAH!!" Hobie choked out. "'Umnnot th-ticklish!!" Miles kept vigorously scratching at the punk's pits, and Pavitr took his knees, fingers like insects crawling over the surface and wriggling behind.
"Oh but yes, yes you are!" Pavitr taunted with the sugar-sweet voice he had reserved for cooing at Mayday. "Miles, count his ribs!"
"Um, one, two, three.." the anomaly replied, counting on his pale fingers while his right hand was still tickling Hobie's armpit, albeit less aggressively. Hobie was holding out, but his face burned at the thought of the onlooking Spider-People's reactions. The teens had already gotten some stares from his previous attack on Pavitr, but the others had paid more attention to the sight of Hobie reduced to titters.
"Phehe-HPP-Pav, y-KK-You HHB-berk! Y'WUHULDN'T!"
"No, press DOWN! Like playing piano! Lemme try!" Pavitr moved up, sitting square on Hobie's tummy to demonstrate, two fingers tazing his middle ribs. Miles, following suit, prodded lightly at Hobie's ribcage, eliciting supressed chuckles that sounded a little more like coughs.
"Ffkk-KKKHHHA!! hh-Stop it, ya- hhHIdon'LIKETHAT! HAAAhhh-hHH!"
"Ah-ah, you gotta make little counts too. Ek, do, teen, chaar, paanch, chhah..." The numbers rolling off Pavitr's tounge were the tipping point for Hobie, who with every targeted little prod at his ribcage was breaking more and more and more and he was just about to LOSE IT-
"HH-FF-HA-HYEEE-HA-haha-HUH-HAH!! HAAA- huh-HH-GitOFF! Sling'y hook- Pahaha-HAV!" Hobie's deep voice broke in hoarse laughter, and he squeaked with every utterance of Cockney insult-gibberish interrupted by his own hysterical laughter, shaking in his webbed bonds.
"No, I don't think I will, no, sir! In fact, let's try your tummy!" Pavitr lifted up the duochrome shirt which his a well-toned umber stomach, and with skilled fingers, Miles' hands found themselves creeping along from Hobie's sides swirling into his belly button, then creeping right out to give a few more prods at the ribs. This sent Hobie down a spiral of laughter as inconsistent as he was, with lots of yelps, howls screams and a hilarious cacophony of noises contradicting one another.
"KkgHAHAHA-HhEEEEK-(k-snrk)-ffHHHPHA-HAHA-HhNn! Not hehere- n'-Nn'OTTHERE! (pant)"
"Goodness, your laugh is something else... something ADORABLE!" Pavitr continued teasing him. "Oh, Miles! He also hates it when I do this. Gud-gudi-gudigudi-gudigudi!" Whispering teases that Hobie didn't know the meaning of was a dirty trick- the punk didn't know what Pavitr was saying, but he knew, full well, what those words meant, and they sent goosebumps down his bony neck.
"Damn." Miles laughed. "You try his feet yet? I'm mad ticklish there." At the very notion, Pavitr lit up with a daring gasp.
"Yes." He blurted. "Yes I have, actually." His face changed to that of a playful smirk, as Hobie's gaze grew wide.
"No." Hobie stilled. "Please, Miles, don't lis'n to him- Ah, tom tit." Before he knew it, Hobie's boots flew off and web-patterned socks which were taken off just as quick were revealed. Pavitr held back Hobie's toes, and Miles spidered up and down his soles, laughing lightly along Hobie's hysterics.
"UH-HA-AH-HAHA-hh-HHKKHAA! Phh-PahAHavitr Puh-PrahahPRABAKAR, youhou're a DEAD blo-ho-hohoke, jh-H! Ahahanywhere budduh fuh-huh-HHEEEET!" Hobie howled and hollered, hitting the floor.
"Oh, and I forgot to ask, Miles. You like being tickled?"
Said spider person shook his head.
"Fair." Pavitr shrugged, the casual conversation continuing with every skilled stroke at the punk's peds. "Weell... Hobie liiikes it!" he sing-songed.
"SHhH-SHUT UHU-AHAH-haHhhyyYYou bunch'o WICKS!!" Hobie yelled, only a few decibels louder than his laughter, the noise making Miles back up while Pavitr kept playing at Hobie's toes.
"Does't seem like it. C'mon, let's give him a breather." Miles reassured. He climbed off Hobie, patting his shoulder, and yanked Pavitr's wrist to urge him off of Hobie, who stood up, knees knobbly from the wrath of both Spider-People whom he glared at.
"Heh.. you took it like a champ." Miles smiled up at him.
"You're next." Hobie spat, grabbing him by the collar of his hoodie. Miles made a small startled scream, and Pavitr laugh.
"I'm sure he doesn't mean it." By then, Pavitr had booked it out of the rec room.
Hobie cracked his knuckles. "Now, where to start..."
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ygodmyy20 · 8 months
For the wip game: how about Teru gets seriously injured? How injured are we talking? Seriously, mayhaps? My tumblr crashed three times as i wrote that so uh hopefully it didn’t send three times lol
heheh i knew that one would be picked my someone! Also ough that is annoying tumblr being so dumb
So Teru is not SUPER injured. But sorta injured. Mild injury. Failure Fever babyyyyy
Let's see... I may be lazy and copy over my general explanation I shared with some peeps earlier hahaha the general jist is that teru gets a failure fever and also runs himself so into the ground that he barely has any powers (hello also reading Gates to Heck hahha). But it’s not a villain or anything that pushes teru it’s basically teru just overdoes himself. Like, he always is helping either with his powers or something else and he never says no to people asking for help and he just does Too Dang Much. Teru just overdoes himself, works too hard, takes on too much and slams into a wall.
He and Shigeo are living together at this point (ah yes 90% of my wips are Terumob hahah)
Shigeo finds Teru nearly passed out in bed and Teru is so out of it he just kinda waves his hands like “nothing don’t worry about it!!!” all loopy and feverish and Shigeo is like "nothing to worry about? there is SO MUCH to worry about you have a failure fever and no powers what did you do??"
Reigen and Serizawa are also there to assist. Because they may or may not have adopted Teru in this idea. Unsure. It is not a complex AU verse or anything haha
That's about all my brain has without getting into super details.
.....but there is also an alt that all i wrote was:
Teru gets seriously injured, this is set far in the future. He and Shigeo are married and been married for years. It catches everyone by surprise.
Shigeo unleashes rage.
Reigen hasn’t seen this in years….
So um, not sure what was happening there but can noodle on that last one I suppose? ahaha
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gh0styyt0astyy · 3 years
"You can hide from me forever~?" .. emm.. maybe you can do this we hank?(lee hank if it is ok?) No presure
✨ [Run and hide] ✨
( anon. anon *holds ur shoulders* i loved this prompt thank you )
⭐️ [Summary] — If you asked Hank how he got into this situation, he’d much rather die than say anything. (Lee!Hank and Ler!Deimos + Ler!Sanford)
fellas is it gay to platonically cuddle your homies after they absolutely wreck your shit
key: deimos hank sanford
⭐️ [Warnings] — TICKLE FIC; MILD LANGUAGE; AND CUDDLING AT THE END; if you don’t like then please just scroll on T_T
⭐️ [Prompt(s)]: “You can’t hide from me forever!”
✨ Enjoy ! ✨
— — — —
“Haaaaaank!” Deimos’ gruff voice echoed down a hall; a quiet snicker in his tone as he looked for the merc. Hank, who was currently staked out in a dark room (had the rooms always been this dark? How’d he never notice this?), held his breath.
Putting a hand on the doorframe, Hank leaned out slightly and stared into Deimos’ back.
The shorter guy seemed to be too busy with looking in the complete wrong direction that Hank started calculating his options. Hank had been stalking around this shitty “apartment” that he, Dei and Sanford all called home (Temporary home at least. It’s hard to keep a stable base of operation in this shitty, genocidal state okay?) for at least an hour now. Deimos wanted something from Hank; and whatever game Deimos was playing the taller man didn’t want any partake in it.
“Cmon, Haaank. You can’t hide from me forever now!” Deimos called out again, but beginning to turn around now. Shit. Hank quickly darted into a different room, one with a little more light. At least he could see now.
…However he failed to realize that Deimos could see the faint outline of a shadow, which is ironic really; seeing as how Hank; a 6’6 man can fit inside a tiny crate with no one noticing, yet he forgets to cover his tracks of a shadow.
Deimos’ footsteps came closer to the room Hank sheltered in, and Hank started to crawl backwards to the closet. ‘Shit- shit- shit.’ Hank opened the closet door and quickly stepped inside. Deimos suddenly leapt into the room, a sound of vague disappointment rumbling in his throat. “Damn.”
Hank felt a very light breath leave his chest as he slowly slid down the wall. Maybe Deimos had finally given up his chase. As Hank waited for Deimos to leave the room, he listened to the quieting footsteps. The goggled man silently opened the closet door and looked out, spotting no sign of Deimos. He began to slowly step out of it.
His legs were quickly and suddenly swiped out from under him, causing him to land roughly on his chest with a solid “oof” and a wheeze when something plopped heavily onto his back. “There you are!” Hank could hear the grin in Deimos’ voice.
“Uagh- get off of me you lug.” Hank grunted, reaching back and swatting at one of Deimos’ knees. “Hank, you’re good at hiding, know that? Had me in circles for an hour! You ever play hide and seek when you were a kid?”
Hank was having none of it as he continued to swat and push at Deimos. (Sure the man was significantly shorter than him, but damn; bitch could put some weight when he wanted.) Deimos hummed as he put his head in a hand. “Okay well obviously you wanna move on. So let’s do that! While we’re at it…” A different hand went down to between Hank’s shoulder blades, causing the merc to tense. “Let’s chat! You remember how you crushed my cigs a bit ago?”
Hank did remember that.
“Aaand how you spilled water on me for no reason?”
Hank remembered that too. (And, also Deimos, for your information; it was not for no reason you will NOT burn down another temp home.)
“Oooh or- or how about the time you threw that huge ass centipede at me? Remember that one?”
…Hank remembered that one, as well. Very vividly, might he add.
Hank nodded and Deimos did too. “Yeah. I remember all those too. Especially that last one you asshole.” Hank shrugged. “I mean, it was a little amusing.” Deimos feigned hurt as he put a hand to his chest. “You wound me, Wimbleton.”
Hank started to get antsy now, as he shifted underneath Deimos’ weight. “Will you get off me? Or are you just going to keep me here.” Deimos grinned again. “Antsy, Hanky? Daw okay. I guess I can get on with it.”
“It?” What the hell was “it?” Hank narrowed his eyes under his goggles and when he tried to look back at Deimos three fingers suddenly dug into the soft area between Hank’s shoulders. Oh. Oh that was it. Hank felt his eyes suddenly shoot open as he fell completely limp to the floor, electricity running up his back. His body shuddered with repressed… laughter? Noises. “Deimos—“ Hank spoke through gritted teeth, feeling lucky for the mask covering his betraying face. “Hank.” Deimos answered back. Hank felt himself trying to writhe away from Deimos to no avail. “Shihit.” He hissed, mentally cursing himself.
“Ahha! That’s the response I’m looking for!” Deimos said, taking his other hand and tapping against Hank’s ribs. Making the downed man make a strangled noise into the crook of his elbow. “Pihihihiss ohohoff-!” Hank growled, tried to growl. It was hard to be intimidating with fingers wiggling on your ribs and your back. Deimos was slow, methodical for a moment… before the hand on Hank’s back went from slowly moving to clawing at his shoulder blades. “SHIHIHIT! Deihihihimos you sohohon of a—!” Hank suddenly erupted; Deimos letting out a victorious and satisfied laugh. “Right here is bad? Damn, and I’ve only just started!” Hank tried thrashing his shoulders to get away from Deimos’ hands.
Deimos snickered mischievously, repositioning himself on top of Hank and sitting on his waist instead. “Y’know what Hank? This is super interesting,” Deimos said, one hand continuing to torture Hank’s shoulder blades as the other hand trailed back and forth from his ribs and his sides. “You’re, like, Nevada’s most dangerous Mercenary. And yet I haven’t even been thrown into a wall!” Deimos added, grinning at Hank’s misfortune as the man went limp again. “I hahahahate yohohou—“ Hank hissed through gritted laughter. “Have you even tried getting me off?” Deimos ignored Hank’s previous statement. As Hank began to lift himself with his elbows, Deimos’ hand suddenly shot underneath him and started prodding at his stomach. “YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHIHITCH!” Hank fell back down.
That’s when a quiet *ahem* and knock on the doorframe made both the men look up. Sanford stood there, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed and an amused look. “Dei, what are you doing to Hank?” He asked, and Hank felt Deimos’ hands slow down until they came to stop. Deimos snickered evily and put a knee on Hank’s back to keep him down. Hank didn’t like that, didn’t trust that evil giggle from Deimos— so he began trying to escape. “San, y’know what I found out?”
Oh shit. He wouldn’t. “What’d you find out, bud?” Deimos you’d better not. “Did you know that Nevada’s most wanted, dangerous Mercenary is ticklish?” That son of a bitch. “Oh, really now?” Goddamnit.
Sanford was waved over by Deimos, and the two started whispering to each other. Hank tried to listen in but to no avail. Suddenly the weight on his back was lifted and Hank tried to shoot away quickly.
But he was grabbed around the waist and pulled back into a heavy chest. Sanford’s arms held onto him tightly as they went back to the floor, except now Hank was sitting up. (Which was better, actually, because being sprawled on the floor like that really isn’t comfortable.) Sanford’s arms were hooked under his, crossed tightly against his chest and keeping him in place.
Deimos was sat at Hank’s legs, grinning at him with a look that could only mean chaos.
“I swear to God.” Hank rumbled, pushing against his captors. Deimos gave an evil chuckle as his hands curled into claws. “Deimos I’m warning you.” Hank pushed at Deimos with his foot, neither of them really acknowledging the now dirty shoe print on Deimos’ jacket. “One.” Deimos said.
…Excuse him?
“Two.” Sanford’s low voice followed.
Hank started wriggling in Sanford’s arms with a little more strength.
“THREE!” Suddenly both the men yelled— and Hank lost his shit. Deimos’ clawed hands tasering into Hank’s ribs and Sanford’s kneading into his hips. “OHOHOHOH MY GOHOHOD! YOU AHAHAHASSHOHOHOHOLES!” Hank suddenly shrieked in laughter. (It was so much louder than his voice, louder than his usual tone. It surprised all of them and Hank wasn’t sure if he liked the volume coming from himself.) Hank writhed in Sanford’s arms as he fought against himself. “Holy shit! Dei, you weren’t joking!”
“I know! Hank, you’re incredibly lucky that it’s just us who know about this!”
Hank thought about the idea of someone else finding out about…this. Whatever “this” was. Hank wanted to say something but all he could get out was that loud, wheezy laughter. And eventually he stopped trying to fight it, he went limp in Sanford’s hold and gave in. “SHIHIHIHIT! I’m gOHOHNNA KIHIHILL YOU TWHOHOHO!” You know, it’s really hard to be threatening when you’re being undone. His nerves felt like they were being electrocuted and were on fire, Hank’s legs kicked slightly. “GOHOHOD DAHAHAHMN IT! MOHOHOHOVE YOUR HAHAHAHANDS!”
Suddenly it stopped— Deimos’ hands stopped at least. Sanford’s were at his ribs now, poking and prodding between each bone. Hank screwed his eyes shut; Sanford’s hands were so slow and methodical it was driving Hank up the wall. Hank’s face was warm, completely undone to giggling. It was embarrassing.
“San, you wanna know something else?” “Deimohohos.” “Hit me, Dei.” “You behehtter nohohot!” “Hank’s scars are way more ticklish than the rest of him.” “You bihihihitch!”
That bastard. “Reaaaally now?” Sanford’s voice was low again, close to Hank’s neck. Deimos nodded. “Yuh uh.” Hank tried to squirm out again. “I hahahate you!” He listened as Deimos drew in a big, deep breath and felt as his shirt was lifted. (He knew today was a bad day to go without his jacket.) “Deheheheimos I swear to Gohohohod!”
Hank had literally no time to process anything before—
“OH SHIHIHIHIT! SHIHIHIHIT SHIHIHIT SHIHIT!” Hank squealed, he squealed. (Hank never wanted to die on the spot more than in that moment. Do you think that he could find Jeb or Tricky or someone to strike him down after this?)
Deimos had raspberried Hank’s stomach— against a huge ass scar that went from his left hip, over top and across his navel and to the right side of his ribs.
And Sanford had started blowing smaller raspberries against Hank’s neck, again, on the scars that went across it.
Hank literally felt like he was about to die in that moment. “OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHY I YEHEHEHEHILD! I YEHEHILD! I’M GONNAHAHAHA DIHEHEHEHE! STOAHAHAHAHAP!” Hank gasped, writhing and kicking his legs. And it was like that, the sensations just stopped. Phantom feelings buzzing through his body and against his skin. “Ohohoh my gohohd.” Hank breathed, his body somehow going limper against Sanford’s. Deimos grinned and Sanford laughed lightly. Hank felt Deimos press against his chest and a light squeeze of a hug from Sanford.
Hank panted lightly, cursing the two mentally. Deimos just grinned up at Hank. “Sooo. I think San and I win!” Sanford hummed in agreement as he nodded grinning too as he bonked his head against the back of Hank’s. “Somehow that went way better than I had expected it to go.”
“You two better sleep with one eye open tonight.” Hank threatened, feeling his body physically relax against Sanford and Deimos. “Yeah yeah, whatever you say.”
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
This series is TICKLE related. Outfits that are linked here are purely for picturing the clothes, you don’t have to look like the model.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read.
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,823
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You and Peter leave with Happy for school and for once in a long time, you’re not 2 minutes before the bell rings! The reason you and Peter were almost late today was because you were having a hard time finding a outfit. But once you did, it was smooth sailing from there. 
Once you were in class, you were writing down some notes in your journal when you kept noticing one of your classmates looking at you weird. You had looked up  from your notes to see what your teacher was writing when you caught the glare from the corner of your eye. They were glaring at you with a grimace on their face. You looked around to make sure if it was you they were looking at. When you confirmed, you became very confused. You didn’t even talk to them. Heck, you didn’t even know their name! They were always so quiet and surprisingly, they were never called on.
You decided to smile anyway, and carry on with your work. Now that you knew they were watching however, you couldn’t help but steal glaces up at them every now and then, and every time you’d look, they’d be glaring. It made you feel a bit uncomfortable but you pushed through it until lunch. 
“Get your vegetables, sweetie.” The lunch lady at the cafeteria said, smiling sweetly and nodding towards the green beans in the small clear plastic container. You grabbed it and so did Peter, following him out of the line.
“So yeah, they’ve just been glaring at me the entire time, and I’ve never even held a formal conversation with them!” You said, taking a seat at the table. Ned and MJ were still in line. 
“What’s their name?” Peter asked, taking a bite out of the apple.
“I don’t even know!” You exclaimed. “That’s why I’m telling you, It’s so weird.” You shook your head. Peter hummed, his brows furrowed.
“That is weird. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding? You know how sometimes you’re in deep thought and you just stare out into space? Maybe they were thinking about something and just happened to be staring at you?” He shrugged.
You nodded, taking a bite of your pizza. “Yeah, you’re probably right. I mean, it’s the only thing that would make sense. I’ve never done anything to them so I don’t see a reason why they would do that.” You thought out loud. 
“Yeah. So. I’m thinking we should do something fun after school. Maybe we could ride the go-kart or go by the city?” Peter asked, a wide grin creeping onto his face. You sat back and thought for a moment before your grin rivaled his.
“Or... we could do something super fun like prank Bucky!” You said, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Peter started laughing and pointed at you.
“I like that idea! Bucky’s reactions are hilarious!” He laughed, clapping his hands together.
You were looking up at the clock every 2 minutes, hoping that some miracle would appear and suddenly an hour would pass. Jeremy was being a huge pain today and you couldn’t wait to go home when class was over. He was constantly whispering your name from across the room, throwing crumbled up notes at your head, making paper airplanes land on your desk, and so much more. You were surprised at how the teacher never caught him doing any of this, and how he got those paper planes to land on your desk every time. 
“Y/n!” You heard Jeremy whisper for the 100th time today. You sighed and decided to see if he would stop if you’d look at him. When you did, he smiled widely, faltering a bit when you didn’t return it. “I like your shirt.” He whispered. You scoffed silently and rolled your eyes. You returned your attention back to the teacher and ignored him the best you could for the rest of the day.
When the bell rang, you packed your stuff at record breaking speed and zoomed out the class. As you raced out the room, you could hear Jeremy’s obnoxious laugh. Thank god school was over now.
As you got home, Peter went straight to shower and you joined Nat in the kitchen, who was baking a cake. She claimed to like cooking and baking by herself, but she told you once that you were the only one who she likes to bake with. She made you swear not to tell anyone though, and you’ve kept it. 
As you were mixing the frosting, you got a small spoon and dipped it in it, smudging a bit on her cheek. She gasped and you put the bowl down and ran away when she was coming at you with a pan. You knew she’d never hurt you but you had to run away just in case you accidentally died under her supervision.
Nat was pouring the cake batter onto the pan and you were still ‘mixing’ the frosting when in reality you were eating it slowly. You thought you were getting away with it stealthily, but, come on, this is Nat we’re talking about. 
“Stop eating all the frosting!” She growled, poking your belly making you flinch and yelp. 
“Okayokayokay!” You giggle, putting your hands up in surrender but she keeps poking and scratching around your belly and sides. “Nohoohoo! I said okahahahay!” You cry.
Nat smirks and continues, fluttering her fingertips up you your neck and behind your ears. “I know, but it’s too much fun to stop.” She hums, wiggling her nimble fingers into your armpits. You squeal before your knees buckle, bringing you down to the floor. Nat giggles along and crouches down beside you and continues to torture your sides. Her touches are so light on your sides, but they’re driving you crazy. You arch your back and shake your head side to side. 
“Nahahahat! Plehehease!” You squeak. 
Natasha smiled and looked at the stove to see it was almost time to put the batter in. She turns to face you with a smirk and moves up to scratch in between your ribs. You cackle, throwing your head back as your face is heating up. “Are you gonna keep eating the frosting?” She asks, chuckling when you give in instantly.
“NOHOHOHO! I PROHOMISE! HAHAH!” You finally relax as she stops, getting up to put the batter when the oven beeps. You get up as well once you catch your breath and finish preparing everything else, having to make more frosting now because you ate half of it. You then sit down at the island with Nat, talking about school and stuff until the cake is done. You frost the cake, add sprinkles because why not, and cover it up in a nice glass cake holder. You both high-five and take a slice, knowing if you wait ten minutes, the team would gobble it up before you even get a bite. 
Sure enough, by the next time you passed by the kitchen again, the cake was gone. You and Peter met in his room to discuss the plans for pranking Bucky. “Okay. So, I say we prank him when he’s in the shower. We mess with the temperature and turn it super super cold and run out. We know he likes to use the gym showers when he’s done working out so it would be a perfect time to prank him!” You said, making sure to keep a hushed tone in case anyone was listening. 
“Yeah! That’d be so funny. He’s working out right now, so let’s spy on him until he goes to shower.” Peter says, helping you jump on his back to go on your stealthy mission. 
You and Peter have been watching Bucky exercise for the past 30 minutes, and you were both bored. “Jesus, I mean, I know he’s like strong and stuff, and doesn’t get tired easily, but how long does he have to work out? We saw him go to the gym like 2 hours ago.” You whispered.
“Shhh! Keep your voice down, he has enhanced hearing.” Peter whispered, frantically holding his finger over his mouth. 
“Oh, I’m being quiet!” You rolled your eyes, scoffing sassily, flinching back in mild offense when Peter quickly covered your mouth with his hand. 
“Y/n! If you don’t stop whispering so loud he’s gonna know we’re spying on him. You think you’re whispering but you’re being very loud and he can hear you if you continue. So keep quiet!” Peter whispered, taking your hand off your mouth when you huffed and nodded. You both continue to watch him for a few more minutes, getting excited when he reaches for his water bottle and towel, walking towards the showers. 
You cheer quietly and you both wait a few moments before hearing the water run. You make your way inside the showers and find the one he’s in. You wait a few minutes for the water to heat up and so he could get comfortable in the heat, before nodding at Peter, who quickly changes the nozzle to the extreme opposite side. You clasp your hand over your mouth, getting ready for the reaction. 
You and Peter burst out laughing, running out of the showers while Bucky is yelling out streams of curses and screams. As you run out into the gym, you could hear Bucky screaming out at you both. “YOU KIDS ARE SO DEAD!”
You reach Peter’s room, shutting the door behind you and falling to the floor in silent laughter. Peter was rolling around in his bed and letting out cackles. You just kept replaying Bucky’s reaction in your head, not being able to stop laughing. “Ohoho my gohohohod that was hilarious!!” You squealed, getting up from the floor. Peter nodded, sitting up and holding his stomach. “Yeheheah, he’s gonna kill us though.” He chuckled. You shrugged, giggling a but and sitting down next to him. “Eh, he’ll get over it...hopefully.”
He did not.
It was a little while before dinner and you were playing around with peter in the living room, him laying on the floor and balancing you on his hands and feet. His hands were holding yours and he had both feet on either side of your hip. You were giggling madly and struggling to keep your arms straight, so you were shaking a lot. You had fallen on top of him multiple times, but you'd get right back up. Tony was watching you guys over the counter, making dinner. He had a light smile on his face at the sound of both of your laughter. You got on top again and this time you were determined to stay up, stifling your laughter and tightening your core. You started smiling when peter began to cheer for you. “There we go! Keep going, hold it, hold it!” Peter strained, keeping you balanced. Tony left the kitchen temporarily to go help Pepper with something, mumbling at you both to stay safe before leaving. You grunted as you almost fell again, but peter caught you and kept you up just in time.
You were both so caught up in your game, that you didn’t notice Bucky stroll into the living room with a determined look on his face. His presence was made known however, when he quickly snatched you up and held you tightly against his chest. You shrieked, instantly recognizing him and you began to laugh hysterically when he started to dig into your hips. “You didn’t think I’d forget, did you?” He teased, digging in the spot right above your hips making you squirm violently in his arms.
“NOHOHOHOHO! BUCKYHYHYHY!” You cried, cackling when he began to blow several raspberries on the crook of your neck. He had your arms held to your sides, preventing you from defending yourself. “This is what you get for that lame ass prank! Regret it yet?” He teased, lifting you up a bit in his grip so he could pinch harshly at your sides. You instantly melt in his arms, kicking out your legs desperately. “WAHAHAIT! PETER HEHEHELPED!” You yelled. If you were gonna get it, so was he.
“I know; he’s next.” He smirked. Peter’s eyes widened and he decided to leave, running out of the living room and hiding in Wanda’s room. Bucky chuckled and sat down on the couch, positioning you to sit on his lap bridal style. You tried to roll off of him right away but he easily grabbed you back. “Apologize.” He says. You might have been a giggling mess, but you weren’t going to apologize for an awesome prank.
“No!” You yell, even then sounding unsure of yourself. Bucky chortles, shaking his head and bringing your stomach up to his face. You begin to giggle nervously again as he's lifting your shirt with his mouth, blowing an abnormally large and ticklish raspberry after. You shriek, twisting around in his hold, cackling when he begins to rub his scratchy stubble all around your belly, making ‘nomming’ noises and playfully biting the skin. It tickles so much and all you can do is just weakly push at his head. He's playfully growling as he bites the pudgy skin on your belly and you quickly fall into silent laughter, kicking out desperately for him to let you go.
Bucky laughs, laying you down and digging his fingers into your collarbone, smiling when you once again let out laughter, squeaking out pleads of mercy. “Hmmm, I hear all these ‘please’ and “stop’ s but I'm not hearing any apologies.” He hums, shaking all of his digits into your ribs. “Are you ready to apologize now?” You scream loudly, arching your back and giving in immediately.
“YEHEHEHES!” You cackle, turning into jelly in his arms when he stops. He giggles along with you and lifts you up to rest your head on his chest. “Ihihihim sohohorry.” You giggle. Bucky smiles and nods, kissing your forehead.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” He teased, pinching your side lightly. You flinch and giggle lazily, dramatically rolling off the couch and onto the floor. Bucky shakes his head at you fondly, looking up when Peter comes into the living room again.
“Sup guys, is everything settled?” He asks, like nothing happened. Thankfully, Bucky was going to be fair today.
“Not yet. You haven’t apologized, punk!” He growls, making a bee line towards Peter, smirking at his terrified screech before taking off. You giggle as you can hear their banter in the halls, Peter spitting out protests and pleads and Bucky having none of it.
“Wait wait wait wait wait Mr. Barnes! Mr. Barnes, wait! I can explain!”
“Save it for after you get your part of the punishment. You're only making this worse for you, kid! Get off the walls!”
You grin widely when you finally hear Peter’s desperate laughter echoing through the halls, pumping your fist when he gets what he deserves for trying to walk out on his punishment and leave you there.
Finally, you finish helping the team clean up dinner and you go upstairs with Peter to commence your sleepover. Like always, you bring snacks up and turn on the tv. After a while, peter turns to look at you with a grin. “Hey. I have an idea.”
You turn to look at him as well, mimicking his grin. “What. And it better not be pranking Bucky again, because I don’t know about you, but I've learned my lesson for today.” You chuckle humorlessly, raising your hand in defeat. Peter rolls his eyes and chuckles.
“No way. Not doing that again for a while.” He says. “We should build a fort. We haven’t built one in a long time!”
You smile and nod excitedly, ripping the covers off your body and getting to work.
It was only about 10pm when you and Peter began building it. You draped blankets over some high chairs that you both quietly stole from the kitchen and put blankets on the floor and stuffed pillows inside. You even decided to be extra and drape some fairy lights on the inside. Building a fort with Peter was one of your many favorite things to do. You didn’t do it very often, because you wanted it to be something special when you did.
You both crawled in and admired your work. You pulled out your laptop, setting it up on the ground and opening up Netflix. “We probably should’ve saved some snacks for this.” Peter chuckled.
“Yeah, we should have.” You laughed, looking at the empty wrappers. You both agreed on watching a few episodes of The Office before turning off the fairy lights and falling asleep in the fort. Surprisingly, sleeping on the floor wasn’t as uncomfortable as you thought it would be.
The next day was okay, school was interesting, especially with your classmate once again giving you weird looks. You were extremely confused. This has been going on for quite a bit now.  What did I ever do to them?
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Puppy kisses
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 10 | Part 11 Puppy kisses | Part 12 >
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Disclaimer: none, just fluff
Author’s note: This is my 100th post! YASSSS!! I love you all so much my darling readers; puppy kisses and much love to you!  
Word count: 1.350
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
Do you remember your first kiss? I do. I was fourteen years old, it was late summer, life was simple and expectations were high. I was a dreamer and I had completely indulged myself in anything fantastical. Any rom-com available I had seen, any prince-saves-the-maiden story had been on my reading list and honestly; I thought I was ready.
Was I though? Apparently not really. At least not to get what I expected would be that picture perfect first kiss. Sure, it was a wonderful day, a date at the zoo, he was a year older than me and he would hold my hand the whole time. We’d eat small bites in the sandy dunes, the wind whipping in our hair. And then he’d lean over, just like in the movies. But, unlike in the movies, we weren’t quite prepared for the following; his hair getting stuck in my braces and..well..you may know that I was absolutely horrified, my cheeks tomato red and the whole moment terribly ruined due to my shaken nerves.
He brought me home, ever so galant, and there was that. I didn’t even want to try again when we said goodbye at my doorstep, because.. I was simply too embarrassed. In fact it took me a whole year before I’d even think about giving love, puppy love, another try. With the same boy, actually. And the more I now think about it, the sillier, but also sweeter the memory has become, all little annoyances and fears having faded to the background. And now all that lasts are those adorably sweet puppy kisses.
Did you have a nice first kiss dear readers?
An ever curiouser and curiouser,
IVF, IUI, at-home insemination or just some natural insemination after a “fun little night at the club”. Reproductive lawyers, medical safety, parental rights, sperm donor agreements. The terms were buzzing like a dark misty cloud of concern through my muddled brain, my tea long gone cold on my night stand and my legs getting painful from sitting crouched down on my bed for so long.
Somewhere I wished I could talk to my mom about this, to anyone about this, but I felt ashamed. So terribly ashamed. Why was something that seemed so natural and simple to everyone else, seem so terribly difficult (and expensive) to me. Pushing away my laptop I sighed, long legs finally getting a stretch as I pushed myself off the bed, my arms reaching above my head as if I were a large cat just waking up from a nice slumber.
Did you know a cat can have up to five litters a year? That’s so..many..babies. Ugh! ALI, cut it out! No more baby thoughts.
Sulking visibly, I walked over to my desk, looking out over the late afternoon sun, my mom working in the garden, dad’s feet sticking out from beneath a deep blue umbrella, shielding him from the October sun. Why was everything so damn hard? I sighed and let my eyes drift further, the Cavill house some 100 meters further up.
Would Henry be at home right now?
Henry, Henry, Henry. Was he too good to be true? Weren’t we just once more living this late-summer fantasy like we had quite a few times before. We had been boyfriend and girlfriend for more times than I could count on one hand, nearly two hands. And every time life got in the way. Would that happen again? I felt the melancholy in my heart grow, my eyes slipping back to a sheet of paper that was laying beneath my finger tips.
The pact.
Rainbow coloured and handwritten, both our names neatly placed on the bottom line, some first attempts at personal signatures scribbled beneath it. “In the case of neither one of us were to be married by the age 35 (thirty-five), we vow to marry each other. Signed. Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill. Alice Mary Taylor.”
How silly we..-
I looked up from my thoughts, eyes roving towards my phone.
 Henry bear: Hey! Look out the window! ;)
And so I did, my eyes first looking back at my parents. Was he in our garden? Nope. On the road towards our house? Nope. And then I noticed something move behind the windows of his parents’ house. The attic. Where I knew he still had his room. Waving happily - which was really silly looking for a 38 year old man - he finally managed to attract my attention. I burst out in a fit of chuckles.
Oh Henry.
With mild exaggeration he blew me a few kisses, and like the old days I reached out for them, catching them and placing them carefully by my heart. Nothing much had truly changed, had it?
And now he was calling. Shaking my head in slight disbelief, an amused smile still stuck to my lips, I answered.
‘Hi.’ I grinned.
‘Hey.’ I could hear the smile in his voice, the timber much deeper and grown-up then it had been all those long years ago.
‘Whatcha doin’?’ I asked, my eyes looking back at him through his attic window.
‘Reading your blog actually.’
‘Are you now?’
‘And I can remember that kiss terribly well.’ He chuckled. I could see from the far distance that he was very amused, pearly whites shining in the afternoon sun. ‘Mhm.’ I hummed. Then he continued; ‘And just for your information; I truly didn’t hate it. If anything I loved you more for it.’
‘But.. I practically ran away.’
‘Maybe a little yes.’
‘Sorry about that Hen.’
‘It’s okay Ali. We have more than made for up it through the years.’
‘Hennn..’ I admonished, the humour dripping through my voice. He was right though. We had gotten pretty good at kissing..and everything else too. Oh Henry…
He hummed, pleased, then clicked his tongue. 
‘You were actually the first girl that gave me any kind of real attention. I mean, I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to girls.’ 
‘I guess we both were a tad awkward in our teenage years..’ I agreed.
‘Or just well ahead of the crowd.’ He chuckled. 
‘Really though, what did it do to you, seeing your classmates hit on girls..and you know..succeed?’ 
‘I got super insecure, honestly. I mean, my first real kiss was outside a school dance and the girl was already running away before the snog was over...’
‘And then I practically ran away too..’ I sniffled. ‘Sorry Hen.’ 
‘Hahah..yea..poor me. But at least I knew you well. The kiss may have been a touch awkward, but I was crazy into you. I wanted more than just some physical affection. I wanted you.’ 
I felt my breath choke and without further ado, he continued; ‘I may have to confess that when I had to do my first on-screen kiss, with like an entire crew around and my nerves flaring up high..I thought of ..eh..gosh this is embarrassing...’ 
‘Our first kiss?’ I teased, trying to not let the butterflies take the overhand. Somehow I was glad we were so far apart. I could feel the cute giddiness of that first love between us all over again. Perhaps it was even love once more. 
Was I in love? 
‘I thought of you..yes. Though not of our first kiss. Or our second or third kiss. I eh..’ He looked straight at me, the long distance between us suddenly not feeling so far anymore. I could practically see the shimmer in those blue eyes. 
‘..Our first time?’ I gulped, remembering every gentle caress and eager cloth tug far too well. We had been 16 and 17. And where our first kiss might have been awkward, our first time? Heck. It still brought me tingles. 
‘Yes.’ He said huskily. 
Oh yes..tingles. I shifted slightly, squeezing my legs together almost involuntarily, breath choking, the phone line on both ends quiet except for deep, focused breaths. In..and..out..in..and..
‘Can I come over?’ He rasped. 
‘Yes please.’ I muttered, feeling those same darn butterflies flutter wildly through my belly. 
Was I in love? 
Good question. 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
Want to be added to or removed from the tag list? Shoot me a message!
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lilacflamesss · 7 years
ever thought about ayahina student/teacher au? i was thinking of fueguchi-sensei giving her student a little lesson
COUGH I have to credit @ayahinas and @harleyquilt for helping me out with this, though I admit we kept the best parts to ourselves so too bad. Don’t ever do this, kiddos. Teacher/student relationships are a big no. 
Some mild sub/dom play on both parts. 
Fueguchi-sensei is Kirishima-kun’s literature teacher, which happens to be the subject he’s totally shit at, so that gives them a lot of opportunities for extra classes. 
Hinami loves teasing Ayato because he’s the most popular kid in school who has people confessing to him every now and then. He’s all cool and badass but to her, he’s the most innocent bunny ever and she loves to mess with him. 
He’s writing lines on the board and Hinami’s leaning beside him. “Ah, it’s so hot today,” she murmurs and she’s loosening her top and unbuttoning the top few buttons. Ayato can’t stop staring at her because he can see a clearly lacy black bra under her blouse and it doesn’t help that she’s wearing a super tight skirt as well (she totally changed into it before coming to see him). He’s so turned on but he can’t do anything, like he has another 58 lines to write. He continues writing and Hinami occasionally comes over and praises him like “Good job. You’re doing well,” while rubbing his ass. 
He’s so hard and leaking by the time he’s done, but Hinami doesn’t really give him any attention yet. She has a test he needs to complete first and she says that for every mistake he makes, she’s gonna punish him. She makes him sit down and she sits beside him. Poor Ayato is only a final-year high schooler (because you know I need to make him legal in tumblr’s terms aka 18y/o) but she gives him some kind of college-level poem with really difficult kanji. Ayato is Touka 2.0 so his Japanese sucks and he keeps reading everything wrong.
“No, no, Kirishima-kun, if you’re reading it wrong, how are you going to even understand it?” She leans towards him, pretending to look at the poem, but she’s eying him from the corner of her eyes as he tries his best not to stare at her cleavage. Her hand’s slowly travelling along his thigh and to his dick. 
“Sen…sei, I can’t–” “Shhh, let Sensei look at this for you.” She’s unzipping his pants and pulling his dick out as she reads the poem out to him. Surprise surprise, it’s pretty erotic. She’s stroking him as she reads it out and since Ayato is such a loser, he comes pretty quickly and Hinami tuts like “Ahhh~ Sensei didn’t give permission for that, did she?” 
Conventional ruler smacking is mandatory so she has him leaning over a desk as she pulls his pants down, lightly rubbing his ass and stroking it with her ruler. She asks him questions and whenever he gets it wrong, she smacks him with a ruler. He’s so bad at literature anyway. He gets hit every time. But he loves it so much he’s begging her to hit him harder. Eventually she gives up with the ruler and smacks him with her bare hands anyway. 
She occassionally squeezes his ass. He’s trying his best to hold in his moans because they’re in a classroom and there’s still people in school but Hinami wants to hear his voice. She asks him more questions and he’s made to answer them continuously as she reaches for his dick with her free hand. 
*slaps* “Louder.” *slaps* “Not loud enough.” 
Ayato is so turned on by now and he’s squirming in place. Hinami knows it of course, but she pulls his pants up and buttons it and all that. She takes a seat and she calls him over to get on his knees in front of her. Ayato knows what he’s supposed to do of course, so he obliges. Hinami spreads her legs for him and he pulls her panties down and starts eating her out. Fueguchi-sensei is of course full of praises for her little student, like "Good boy. That’s the way. You’re doing so well.”
She totally rides him after that. And then when they’re going home, she commands him not to touch himself and he agrees with it, only to find out how tough it is to keep to that because his phone is later filled with snapchat messages sent by her in different kinds of lingerie. 
They’re both possessive little fucks though. 
Ayato is always getting called aside by female students who confesses to him and everytime this happens, Fueguchi-sensei has a little gift for him. She drags him to the staff bathroom, locks the door and sucks him off. She doesn’t let him come of course. She makes him beg for release as she’s deepthroating him. 
“Sensei, I want to...” “What do you want? Remember what you learn in school? Loud and clear.” “I want to come.” 
He’s right about to come when she pulls away and gets up. “I’ll see you at extra lessons today. Be a good boy.” 
Of course, he’s not allowed to touch himself and he knows that. It’s rule number one with Fueguchi-sensei.
One day, Ayato goes to the staffroom and he sees a teacher flirting with Hinami and she’s totally flirting with him back. He’s so pissed because already, he has to deal with horny ass classmates around him talking about how they’d do Fueguchi-sensei if they could but now it looks like the teachers are at it as well. 
*cough* “Fueguchi-sensei! Here is my assignment!” *slams a maths assignment on her desk* “I need some help with my work later so I am hoping our usual tutoring session is still on today?” 
Even better, the teacher flirting with Hinami is the one he’s supposed to be giving the maths assignment to. Teacher’s left so confused as Ayato just leaves the staffroom. 
Hinami has lessons later and after her final class, she’s cleaning the whiteboard when she hears the door. She turns around and immediately, Ayato is pinning her against the board, hands above her head. 
Ayato licks his lips and nuzzles into her neck. “Should I fuck you good today? You seem like you want it.” And Hinami’s grinning like, “Want what?~” 
Ayato isn’t in the mood for games at all so pushes her to lean over the desk and doesn’t waste any time before he’s fucking her from the back, long nice and hard strokes at has her moaning his name. But he kinda wants to get her back for all that teasing so he does everything to her as well-- slapping her ass to get her to be louder, making her beg for it. 
He snakes his arms in front of her, going under her blouse and pushing her bra away to mould her breasts and pinch her nipples. 
“Wanna come, Hinami?~” “Yes, yes!” “Want me to make you come?” “Yes!” “Yes, who?” “Kirishima--” “No that’s not it.” 
He gives her a hard slap on the ass that has her screaming and his hand moves to the front to start rubbing her clit really hard. 
“Say it.” “Make me come, Ayato-kun!”
They totally go home to continue it after that. Hinami gives Ayato a ‘lift’ back in her car, but for some reason, it’s only four hours later before the car leaves the parking lot. It’s Friday anyway so Hinami takes him to her apartment instead of bringing him home.
Also I just had to include this part. Ayato texts Touka to tell her that he’ll be hanging out with some friends during the weekend so he won’t be home. Touka’s like “You have friends?” and then she’s like “Are you getting laid?” and Ayato’s like “Maybe.” Touka doesn’t say anything of course because it means she has the house to herself and every surface of the house to do whatever she wants with. Soon, Kaneki’s phone is ringing. 👀👀
Soz guys, the dildos and vibrators were too good for it to be posted HAHAH. Maybe another day. 
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birdgirliris · 7 years
Mun Interview
1) Are you really ready for 111 questions? Bring it. (ELEVENTY-ONE!!) 2) Where are you taking this test at? Test? This is a TEST? I thought it was an interview. Sitting on the sofa while watching one of my murder mystery shows. 3) Was your last real relationship a mistake? I don’t do the whole dating thing so no. 4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? My mom 5) Do you regret it? Nope ^^ 6) Have you ever been depressed? Yep. 7) Are you a boy or girl? Look like a girl but I identify as agender. 8) Do you have a job? Yep 9) What is your relationship status? Single and absolutely not looking. 10) How do you want to die? Very quickly or in my sleep 11) What did you last eat? A granola bar 12) Played any sports? I used to do Tennis, Swimming, Gymnastics all very briefly as a kid. Took Tae-Kwon-Do and got all the way to high red belt before the dojo went under. T_T I also took horse back riding lessons for a year which was absolutely wonderful. Currently getting really into running and training for 5ks. 13) Do you bite your nails? No. I like them long anyway 14) When was your last physical fight? I don’t do physical fights? 15) Do you have an attitude? I can. I can be an atrocious little sass master XD 16) Do you like someone? I am assuming this is a “do you have a crush on someone” question, which I don’t. 17) What is your real name? Anna 18) What is the background of you computer screen? A picture of a bunch of islands from the sky. I love the contrast of the blue and green. 19) Are you gonna get high later? Don’t do drugs 20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? No. I’ve found that hating people is too exhausting. Why focus on someone who is oblivious to your hate and spend energy on trying to take them down? Best revenge is to just learn to move on and self love and keep those people out of your life. Took me ages to get there though and sometimes it’s hard. 21) Do you miss someone? I miss my grandparents. 22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl. 23) Do you tan a lot? Hahah not at all XD I am pale as a vampire and burn just as easily. 24) Have any pets? T_T We just put the last of them down last month. I used to have two wonderful ferrets and a Labrador. 25) How exactly are you feeling?! A little sleepy and kind of worn down. 26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? Yes 27) Ever made out in the bathroom? No 28) Would you take any of your exes back? I don’t have any 29) Are you afraid of spiders? Nah. I am actually the designated spider remover/killer of my group of friends and family.  XD 30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I SURE WOULD!! that would be so cool to experience history first hand ^^ 31) Do you regret anything from your past? Nah. 32) What are your plans for this weekend? I have work and THEN I HAVE MY BIRTHDAY I AM GOING TO BE SO OLD HELP ME (I actually won’t be that old but still I was hoping to be more accomplished before I turned almost 30). 33) Do you want to have kids? Hahaha no. Let me be the godperson or the aunt or whatever but I don’t actually want kids. 34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? No? 35) Do you type fast? Usually. 36) Do you have piercings? Nope. 37) Want any more? Noooo. 38) Can you spell well? Hahahhaa, I frequently spell things so wrong I have to google it cause spell check can’t help me XD 39) Do you miss anyone from your past? No actually. I’m grateful for the experiences and things I learned, but I don’t want those people back in my life. 40) What are you craving right now? nothing actually. 41) Ever been to a bonfire party? I have a feeling that if I say yes it will be saying yes to something I have never actually done/been to but my family usually does big bonfires in the fall and we all hang out and sometimes have friends over? 42) Have you ever been to jail? Nope. 43) Have you ever been on a horse? Yes! Many times. I freaking love horses. <3 44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? Nope. 45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? No. 46) Have you ever been cheated on? Not applicable 47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Never had one 48) What time is it currently? 4:30 EST 49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? Sure I mean isn’t that what being a roommate is? 50) What should you be doing? Writing. I have rp replies and a novella to write XD 51) What’s irritating you right now? My mild headache that I can’t quite seem to get rid of. 52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? Not reeeally? 53) Does somebody love you? Besides family and friends, nope. 54) What is your favorite color? Green, Blue, Black, Purple, Brown 55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? Yes. But it’s a pain in the butt. 0/10 57) Do you have trust issues? I have some? 58) You are over half way done with this. Are you sure you want to continue? I am not finished until I have answered all eleventy-one questions. No I will not stop making Lord of the Ring references. 59) Do you have any siblings? I do. I have a sister. ^^ 60) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I have a really strong relationship with my parents. 61) Do you live with anyone? My parents 62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? Not applicable 63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? My best friend. I just completely broke down and she was like “ok cool beans, I got this” and was super great. 64) Do you give out second chances too easily? Nope. I know my boundaries and if you cross ‘em, you cross ‘em, and I’m out, your loss. 65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? It’s a lot easier to forgive. I frankly think it’s stupid to forgive and forget. Remember, so that you can learn from it, possibly help others, and so that those who wronged you can’t do it again (or as easily at least). 66) Is this year the best year of your life? Absolutely not. It hasn’t been a horrible year by any means though. It’s just had its rough patches. 67) What was your childhood nickname? Anna Banana. 68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? wh-....why would I ever do that? XD 69) What is your motto in life? Hakuna Matata 70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yeah. 71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? Brushed my teeth 72) Do you have a best friend? I do. <3 73) What is bothering you? My headache and the fact that word counts do not go up if you don’t actually write the words. The fact that writing can’t happen by osmosis really bugs me. But I think that it bugs most writers XD 74) Have you ever been out of your country? No. T_T 75) Do you play the Wii? I don’t have one. 76) Are you listening to music right now? No. But I am watching a murder mystery show (Death in Paradise). 77) Do you like Chinese food? GIVE ME!! *grabby hands* 78) Do you know your fathers b- day? I do. But I am not sharing that information. 79) Are you afraid of the dark? No. The dark isn’t scary. It’s what’s in it. 80) Is cheating ever okay? No 81) Are you mean? I can be incredibly mean but I try not to be and leave the situation if I know my temper might get the best of me. 82) Can you keep white shoes clean? Hhahaha my childhood has proven this is an impossibility for me. XD 83) What was the last song you listened to? Why Not (Hilary Duff) 84) Do you believe in true love? Yes. 85) What are you currently wearing? Jeans and a t-shirt 86) What do you wear to bed? Usually just a t-shirt. It gets hot at night here during the summer. 87) What is the weather like right now? IT’S SO HOT AND HUMID WHY DO I LIVE IN THE SOUTH??? 88) Do you like the outside? I freaking love the outdoors. <3 89) Are you currently bored? Nah. I’ve got my tv show, I’m good. 90) Do you wanna get married? I’m so happy being single that I have a really hard time picturing myself ever being married. It’s just not something that interests me. 91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No cause I’m not into that. 92) Are you hungry? Nope. 93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? No. XD 94) What makes you happy? RP-ing, writing, photography, reading, watching murder mysteries/true crime shows 95) Would you change your name? Mayyyybe? But I like it. 96) Ever been to Alaska? No, but I really want to go. 98) Do you watch the news? Sometimes. 99) What’ s your zodiac sign? Cancer 100) Do you like Subway? Subway is one of my favorite sandwich places. 101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Like platonically or romantically? You’ve gotta be more specific here. 102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? 1.This doesn’t really apply  2. I don’t have any male friends (namely because they refuse to respect my wishes/boundaries and I’m not here for that no matter the gender--me saying I don’t want to date you is not your cue to try harder). 103) Do you talk like your friends? Nah. I might borrow certain catch phrases but my style of talking is pretty distinct apparently? 104) What do you plan to do with the rest of your day? Just chill. Write a bit and then maybe watch an anime/read then sleep. 105) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? Once or twice. If I see someone I’m no longer friends with I’ll avoid them, but won’t go majorly out of my way to do so. In the unfortunate event I do I run into them, I’ll be polite. 106) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? All of my friends are girls. See number 102. 107) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? My dad. 108) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? I can’t be around people who smoke. And I’m not interested in dating. 109) Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? My dad. 110) Favorite lyrics right now?
I know everybody on this island, seems so happy on this island Everything is by design I know everybody on this island has a role on this island So maybe I can roll with mine I can lead with pride, I can make us strong I'll be satisfied if I play along But the voice inside sings a different song What is wrong with me? ~How Far I’ll Go (Moana)
111) Tag 10 people Everyone has already been taggggged. T_T (but if you haven’t been and want to be let me know and I will 100% tag you)
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inktae · 8 years
Hi mari ^^, ahh I haven't been on tumblr for ages, I've missed you! I hope you've been well and sdfghjkl your selfie is super cute
Also did you change your writing style change a bit? Or maybe adapt it a bit for this story? Idk I'm probably just seeing things 🙈. I'm so glad to see you decided to repost itwcf, it was one of the first things of yours I read! And lavender hues is such a pretty title too *swoon*. Also I just saw your teaser and it sounds super interesting! sdfgjkl HOW do you come up with this ideas?!! I don't think I've ever read junghopexreader too so ah I'm pumped for this ^^. (2/2) -coffee anon
AHH COFFEE I missed you too ;v; whoa it makes me immensely happy that you enjoyed TBN! and bless you for loving soft!maknae line ahaha I adore them as well and idk, it’s just such a weakness of mine so see characters like that, so gentle but strong and mature at the same time? *swoons* those kind of personalities just attract me a lot :)
ALSO I DID CHANGE IT, SORT OF! I had actually finished binge reading this murakami book and his words were so imprinted in my mind (mind you I had read +100 pages the day I finished TBN) I may have tried to imitate him unconsciously hahah. it felt really nice to explore a new kind of writing, even if it was very mild! I seriously thought I was the only one who would notice it, so this makes me feel pleased ^^
thank you for the support, really! I’m so so pumped about this new story, I even started writing on the subway and I NEVER do that because I am always too paranoid someone is reading behind my back, but I just couldn’t stop myself lol. it’s turning way more painful than I thought it’d be, and I am strangely having a hard time outlining the plot because my heart feels too heavy (I can usually handle my own angst even if I cry sometimes). anyway... it might just be me, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it has happened before that I post something I think is painful but then everyone is just like ‘that was cute!’ LOL. I am going to keep writing tonight, and hopefully I’ll have most of it written (or all of it *crosses fingers*) by the weekend :D I hope you’ve been fine btw, take care!
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