#but like I do still just viscerally hate it lmfao
essektheylyss · 2 years
my loathing of explaining my writing vs my love of talking about writing rationale: FIGHT
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ironmanstan · 1 year
I am coming to the realization i have been slowly killing myself with work i think oops
#m thinking now and im like#i havent read ... anything consistently .. or watched anything .. or had time to like do anything#in genuinely so long#and i was like kinda becoming ok w it#my brain issues .. nothing matters i dont need anything all i need is me i dont need to have anyone or anything with me <- bad. stop it#part of this was the i need my dad to be proud of me braincell but well i win award i have 4.0 gpa and he still yell at me#deciding now to stop caring so much (i still do but ill ignore it) i need 2 be alive again i dont care#im so mad i dont even know .. im so viscerally angry like actually i dont even know what to do with that lmfao#my brother does shit all and u give him sm slack have NEVER treated him as bad as youve treated me#and nothing i do NOTHING is good enough or changes how u look at me#like idk he called me and i cried so much i got so fucking upset i fhkdhdkf ok. ok.#he will b like omg im so proud of u i love u so much ive always believed in u and i just think back to when#he yelled at me once like fiiive years ago and i was like u just make me feel so worthless all the time#and he was like yeah bc you are worthless#and im like hmmm idk bestie i dont think youve ever changed from looking at me like that and it is insanely obvious lmao#i dont even know bro im crazy. m insane got given an inch and tried to take a mile like omg i can actually be recognized as worth something#nevermind ill stop killing myself for that pipe dream now lol#m not even upset im just mad lmao i dont wanna hate my dad and i dont but every day i feel more and more like i should#vent
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cruyuu · 1 month
Hey have you seen that one managa panel in the latest leaks where its sukuna just gently graeping yuuji's head as he just beats the shit outta him?
Theres a post on tumblr where it has it and like a powerscaler from twitter basically saying "is sukuna really tryna fuck up yuuji bc i would have personally sunken my nails into his skull" and uh... yeah the person has a point. Sukuna really is just gently holding Yuuji's head.
Like his actions seem both brutal yet... protective? For a man who 'hates' Yuuji he sure as hell is giving mixed signals during his fight against him.
I did, anon! The "holding gently" and "beating the shit out of" being in a single sentence together tho lmfao.
I'm glad people are starting to notice that these two are not just fighting because that is true. If they were truly fighting, the fight would've ended a long time ago and would've been way, way more serious than whatever this is. Atp, I don't even know what the hell they are doing. They're groping each other more so than causing any real damage, like I'm genuinely tired of them lmfao.
Ever since the start of this arc, we've got Sukuna gripping his waist and holding him like they're dancing (?), Yuuji clinging onto his arm like a koala, Sukuna smiling as he hugs him closer to his face and Dismantles him, Yuuji wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist and now... add the gentle head cradling as they throw punches at each other. Truly the fight of all time, isn't it? Just a bit of jujutsu (ft. a Domain Expansion not for ripping away Sukuna's soul but... talking with him and spending a day with him?) a lot of unnecessary touching (and gentleness), and hatred which is showcased by... gentle head holding?
Sure, Megumi is still in there so that explains why Yuuji would be holding back from damaging Sukuna too much and not tearing him limb from limb but still, that notion didn't stop him from nearly tearing his heart out in Chapter 260 nor does it explain why he wrapped his arms around his neck (like what was the purpose) so... yeah.
As for Sukuna... yeah, there's absolutely no way to explain his behavior at all.
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With that hulking form which towers over Yuuji, you would think, since he hates him and wishes to see him gone (and especially since he knows Yuuji's punches are dangerous and need to be avoided), he'd be trying to put some distance between them. Like idk grab him by the leg and throw him away or just in general do something which is beneficial to him and act like Yuuji is as insignificant as he loves to yap that he is.
Well. Nope lmfao.
Somebody had said it is because they were one body before so they're unconsciously leaning into each other and cannot know of personal space and that headcanon is just a perfect way to explain this. They may "hate" each other but that longing to be close is winning the fight in this case. Isn't that sweet?
Like his actions seem both brutal yet... protective?
Ngl anon, Sukuna is brutal but this is as far away from his usual brutality as it can possibly be. Remember that this is a man whose CT is literally tearing something into shreds, who had cut a person in half, who had turned a literal teenager into little cubes for simply daring to attack him. That is Sukuna we were introduced to, the one who never gave a fuck about anyone and was pretty brutal. For him to be brutal now, he'd have to do something far worse than just throw a punch. Maybe finally start behaving like he feels? He claims he hates Yuuji and yet... doesn't fight him with visceral anger?
Ah... It's always something with these two lol. I'll miss them a lot.
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demonbarbers · 9 months
so high rn so sorry if this doesn’t make any sense i’m just so emotional about josh and annaleigh and this production so i’m gonna ramble a bit about what i love about it and them. ok. enjoy.
the thing about sweeney todd is that it’s mean. it’s a mean show. it ends on the cruel irony of 2 officers bursting in on toby slitting sweeney’s throat, surrounded by 2 other bodies and one in the oven; on johanna watching her father die holding her mother and not even knowing it. everyone is an abuser or abused, and there is no hope or redemption to be found. and it fucking rules! it just rules. it’s so fun to indulge in our basest pleasures for nearly 3 hours, delicately served to us by one of the greatest composers who’s ever lived.
and every major production takes the bile and cruelty inherent to the material and runs away with it. like- just look at this swedish production from 2006, directed by vernon mound. or the last time it was on broadway, directed by john doyle:
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productions tend go smaller and nastier, more intimate, in keeping with the spirit of how sondheim originally conceived the piece. (side note: i LOVE when they do that. my ideal sweeney has buckets of blood and visera right in your face)
the original production of sweeney was MASSIVE, but that came from hal prince. hal couldn’t really get an emotional foothold on the material until he found within sweeney an extended metaphor for capitalism and the industrial revolution; people literally eating people and the machine of capitalism grinding everyone up. revivals also tend to seize on the brechtian class elements, like this absolutely gorgeous korean production from 2019 directed by eric schaeffer:
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sondheim, meanwhile, always objected to readings of sweeney as brechtian- it was all a farce to him, just a good, nasty time at the theatre. he approached it as a horror fan who wanted to write some fucked up stuff, which is maybe now some of the best art is created. but hal made it into epic theatre.
(if u don’t know what epic theatre is or what brechtian means google will explain it better to u than my ridiculously stoned ass can rn but im just focusing on one aspect of it rn: the distancing effect. basically, emotionally distancing the audience from the characters and the material so that everyone is engaging with the work on an intellectual level as opposed to an emotional one)
obc sweeney is an alienating show. it’s so fun and brutal and deeply felt, but these characters are grotesque. they’re cartoonish in their cruelty. just look at their makeup! john doyle also embraces the distancing effect; his revival is actor-muso, so we’re pretty aware at all times we’re watching a show. it’s all so cold, and the only warmth to be found is in the humor. and it rules. it’s nasty. i love it. this is the show i fell in love with.
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all these things have become inherent to sweeney over time, all teased out of the greatest broadway show to ever exist; visceral horror, cruelty, coldness, and class commentary.
but this revival is just.. it’s warm! it’s lush! it’s romantic! and i don’t mean that in the sense of lovett and sweeney (tho this is the warmest they’ve ever been towards each other in any major production i’ve seen). i mean that it gestures at and plays with romanticism.
my biggest critique of this production is, in doing away with the brechtian elements (sondheim just cheered), it also does away with overt class commentary. it’s all still there in the text- turpin is a corrupt judge, beadle is effectively a sheriff, sweeney and lovett are working class, the beggar woman is homeless- but as a director tommy kail seems… uninterested in any biting political commentary, to put it generously lmfao. and i hate so much how little of it there is to be found in this revival, bc you can still Do It without invoking brecht. but i’ve long made my peace with that. i wanna talk about what i love.
and what i really love and what kept me returning to it (beyond the fact that it’s sondheim, and it’s sweeney, and josh groban is so stupid fucking hot) is how human everyone is. the entire production, from the ground up, is built around taking these characters and their pain seriously.
the ensemble all have incredibly period accurate costumes, unique to each character they’ve crafted (fun fact even the swings have their own unique costume that’s only seen when they perform). gone is toby as a mentally disabled man child with an oedipal fixation on lovett. in gaten’s hands he’s a young teenager, aging out of being a cute urchin and just looking for a mother. in daniel’s hands he’s beaten down young man with a limp and a genuine love for lovett.
ruthie’s beggar woman has developed DID after a brutal rape and the trauma of institutionalization and homelessness. she’s not played for laughs, even if sometimes the audience chuckles, and she makes u feel guilty if you ever did laugh at her situation. daniel yearwood leans so far into anthony as a sweet guy completely unaware of the story he’s actually in to the point of comedy. maria is just a revelation as johanna, all nerve and tension and bloody nails from years of self-harm. it’s easy to lean into johanna as a princess track, but ~crazy~. and maria plays jo as mentally ill and traumatized from years of incesteous abuse, but it’s not a pastiche or a praody of it. jo feels human in a way i’ve never seen her depicted before. i love it. maria bilbao u have my heart forever for this.
and then josh and annaleigh…. ugh!!! annaleigh really captures the avarice at the heart of lovett, but still brings in enough genuine moments of humanity and compassion that you find yourself (like sweeney and toby) endeared to her. lovett is always cruel and can only love through manipulation, but annaleigh’s lovett is a woman who makes small concessions. bit by bit, piece by piece, she erodes whatever goodness she had inside her until nothing but her desire for sweeney is left. she’s a woman who’s used seduction to get her way, and it’s easy to envision that when lucy returned from turpin’s, she shamed her for “giving it away” without getting benjamin back. she’s a monster! and yet, when she dreams of a better life, you feel it. when she holds toby in her arms and cried at her perfect little life unraveling, you feel it. annaleigh makes you laugh so hard she gets under your skin and stays there, exactly how lovett seduces sweeney in ALP. and there it is- identification! the complete opposite of alienation. we’re in it with them.
and then there’s josh and his sweeney… i really feel like his sweeney is undervalued. annaleigh steals the show. she won the drama desk for a reason. it’s a legendary performance. but josh…. man. i just. i keep returning to josh’s open wound of a sweeney over and over again. i think he’s probably had this take bouncing around in his head for years. they smartly leaned away from sweeney as this embodiment of rage and physical menace, which surprised a lot of people. but instead leaned into sweeney’s grief in a way i haven’t seen any major production do. josh’s sweeney feels like a man who was put on this earth to be a father and a husband. there’s a buried sweetness to him and you can still see benjamin barker in him until the very end. i keep calling him “kendall roy sweeney” bc it’s the closest way i can covey to other ppl what josh is doing here. he’s all big sad eyes and suicidal ideation, tragedy and twitchy hands. he’s so deeply pathetic he just endears himself to you. i want sweeney to succeed more than ever before. even though he spends all of act 2 killing people and being a shit father and thus killing benjamin barker, i still find myself wanting him and lovett to get away with it. and when the reveal comes, and even worse the betrayal hits- that this woman who he let into his life and body and who, in some odd way, became a friend, lied to him this entire time- it hits like never before for me.
i just love it all so much. i’m so happy it exists, so happy this revival does something so new! sondheim has said sweeney todd is a show about obsession, and it is. this revival supposes: what is the difference between love and obsession? what if the two look the same?
i think often of this quote from luca guadagnino’s suspiria (a masterpiece btw): “Love and manipulation, they share houses very often. They are frequent bedfellows.”
to me, that’s this revival in a nutshell- the thin line between love and obsession, and all the blood spilled in between.
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
Instead of getting into a fight with the group chat you should tell us the lore behind why the vibes in that chat are so off. This is like at least the second time i’ve seen you post about it
it is suuuuuch a long story and for reasons that would take a while to explain satisfactorily i can’t kick this girl out of the group chat ok.
edit: this got medium long (at least on mobile) im . sorry akdhskdh its below a cut now
but basically she has no sense of boundaries and when you tell her a boundary she’ll be like ok so you hate me.. but ill follow it i suppose… and then break it two weeks later with glee. she’s aggressively contrary for the fun of it she has a superiority complex in a loooot of areas but especially morally she refuses to let anyone back out of an argument. she demands responses and guilt trips everyone if you don’t respond to her bait like “omg you guys are actually just ableist and hate neurodivergents” (half the group chat is neurodivergent lmfao). she would literally start hours long arguments abt taylor swift (this was SUCH a sticking point for her. and STILL is like it somehow got brought up AGAIN tonight) that boiled down to “if you enjoy any of her music you just haven’t thought about it long enough and unpacked your internalized misogyny. as soon as you do that you’ll see that i’m right.” would make people CRY and when anyone would be like we should stop this is just upsetting people she’d be like what do you mean you’re getting upset :( this is just a discussion :( this is so interesting to me :( why won’t you overexplain and justify your taste in music on demand for me :( like every single argument she just positions herself as the only moral option and if you disagree w her you just haven’t thought for yourself hard enough? one time she literally was like “eve i know you can have deeper thoughts than that” bc i refused to engage her trying to start the like fifth 3hr long tswift fight and i left the group chat for three months despite this being the era where i was unemployed depressed and living at home several hours away from anyone i was friends with. like i was literally like maintaining an easy connection with all of my friends is not worth being in the same digital space as her rn.
tonight she said that “it feels like you [collectively] don’t experience life” or like contemplate deep things like mortality or sentimentality and that our supposed lack of passion makes her depressed because… nobody responded to her messages abt her favorite band (that none of us listen to) within 2hrs. on a work night. which was viscerally upsetting in general (don’t particularly like having someone tell me they don’t think i have an inner life just bc i don’t engage on demand for them) but also in specific given how the last two weeks have been for me (having someone tell me i haven’t contemplated mortality and how tragic it is that we have limited time on this planet when im in the middle of a health scare that had me looking at my life insurance policy briefly last week)
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discobrainrot · 2 years
Kim/Harry for the ask meme? Sorry if someone already asked
Anon. Anon.
So, this might be my OTP, so uhhhhhh this one might be longer than the others (somehow lmfao). God, I have so many, this is gonna be hard to pick. More folks can ask for HCs for these guys. Hell, ask me for HCs about them in different AUs!!! I have HCs for days!!!!
1. Harry is the first person to treat Kim like this.
"Like this." That's a broad statement. It's a broad statement for a reason.
Harry is an all-encompassing experience. He assaults the senses from every conceivable angle. Sight, sound, scent - I imagine you can practically taste his sweat from across a room. A warm blanket. A void that swallows the world. You are either consumed Harry Du Bois, or you aren't. There's no in-between.
So, when Kim is the centre of Harry's attention, it's like nothing he's ever experienced. No one has seen Kim like this. But, at the same time, no one has witnessed the raw core of his being and not understood it in such a visceral, primal way.
It's not "you should take those racist comments as a compliment," it's "what's Seol?" It's not "you're one of the good gay people,'' it's "what's homosexuality?"
All Harry knows is how to pick at scabs, tear at stitches, and pull the lifeblood out of people's veins. It's raw. It hurts.
It's beautiful.
Kim has never been put on a pedestal before. He's always been the second, third, even fourth choice. He copes with people implying (or outright stating) that he doesn't belong because of his race (and certainly his sexuality, although we don't encounter that in game). He's a self proclaimed spoilsport - not who the 57th would really want present for a Cop-Off. He's nothing special in his own eyes. Just getting by.
But Harry... Oh, Harry. He wants every part of Kim the way that no one else has. He wants the things that make him angry. The things that make him sad. He wants the parts that Kim hid long, long ago. He wants what hides under the survival instincts and professionalism. He wants to dance in a church.
And, by god, Kim wants to dance, too.
2. Kim was infatuated first, but Harry was in love first.
I think that Kim got butterflies when Harry called him cool on the balcony, but he wasn't completely caught off balance. It was... nice. It was something fun, but it didn't make him fall hard and fast. Attraction is one thing, but I don't think Kim would have fallen first.
Harry, though... Ten days. I think ten days is all it would take for him. I think he's in love the second he asks Kim to join the 41st, but he doesn't have the words to explain it. He just knows that he doesn't want a life without Kim.
Maybe it's the skills trying to protect him (especially having recently experienced the Final Dream), or maybe they're as lost as he is. They just think he's fucking cool. They know he's important. But this is a new kind of deification. With Dora, it was straight forward.
A beautiful woman gives Harry the time of day. Done. Cross your lungs, get on your knees. Easy as 1, 2, 3.
Kim, though? Oh man. He's cool. He knows shit. He can play pinball (cool) but hates it (even cooler). Did you know that there's a very, very slim chance of Kim actually managing to shoot the body out of the tree? BECAUSE IT HAPPENED IN ONE OF MY PLAYTHROUGHS. It blew my mind, and in that instant I was RIGHT with Harry.
Call me Disco "Would Do Anything For Kim" Brainrot. (I mean, call me Misc or Milo, but you know lol).
Regardless - Harry is in love. He's off his rocker, totally, deeply in love way before the word materializes in his broken brain. And as he grapples with everything, Kim preens under his attention. He thinks it's cute. He thinks it's nice to feel wanted.
Still waters run deep, but he's underestimating the depth of Harry's rapids. Welcome to the undertow, boys.
3. Kim can't pronounce Harrier with his accent.
Look. You can't take this from me. If anyone finds the Derierre Du Bois post, please link it b/c I can't find it right now.
But come on. Come on.
Harrier? In the language that decided pronouncing "H" and "R" are optional? I know that his voice actor can say "Harry" and "Harrier." I simply Do Not Care.
It's AH-ree-AH instead of "Harrier." It's AH-ree instead of "Harry."
THAT is why it's "Detective" or "Officer" most of the time. He's fucking embarrassed, but Harry loves the way Kim says his name.
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
Dear Rae,
I am sorry I simply can not shut up, THE FEAST YOU SERVED US. My head is in my hands and I am shaking my head just drowning in the immensity of it all. I really didn't want to come here with some corny tapestry metaphor but the bayeux could never, one thread snags and another one weaves a new, even brighter , image onto the fabric, !!!
You gave us Lilly (lilly pining for james, sire.. i've never even seen this) , slutty James potter (he is my life line), The Midas reveal???!! The regulus plot line thickens- you said he was really dead but... dead in what way... who did james want them to ask?? The rabbit hole deepens...the red pill is down my throat we are in howls room in the moving castle.... "you're so used to looking away"... the unicorn blood (I'm scared), seeing remus in his own glamour for so much of his POV, the weight the line has always carried some how even heavier... it is on my neck and I cant breath!
You dropped one the most beautiful lines i've ever read in my life, what did you even do with yourself after you wrote; "every so often the universe makes an artist of itself in its arrangement of atoms into a body of matter" ... I was personally not okay, I could have gone my whole life without seeing those words strung together but life was really looking out for me today.
The detail about the gold earrings for the werewolf SW was just... such an incredibly visceral detail and coupled with the golden leash. The image of them in the cage together ..
I think what I loved also about remus POV was that although their perspectives were so vastly different, there were still moments where they didn't miss each other and where what was going on between them still felt undeniable? Sirius may be oblivious and Remus may be playing him like a fiddles, but he's gotten under his skin still hasn't he. He hates it but it's true. Theres also always such an innocence to Sirius, even when he's guilty and seeing that through Remus eyes was truly so gorgeous as well !
Thank you so much, Rae, your story means so much I COULD WRITE SO MUCH MORE but i'm trying to practice restraint.
Please take care!!
looking forward to having you back in July , or whenever you're ready <3
hi omg loving the metaphors....the imagery....will of course be holding my silence on any spoilers but 🤭🤭🤭 yes many possibilities indeed....
also glad u liked the artist line bc i actually hate it lmfao everytime i read back over that bit i'm like god i need 2 change this it's insufferable....but alas i was too lazy 2 go back and rewrite so. appreciate knowing that it was not as annoying as i thought it was
and remus playing sirius like a fiddle 💀 v true i was giggling + kicking my feet reading people's comments like 'omg remus is falling for him....' although. well u r perhaps correct abt sirius getting under his skin....who could say.....
tysm 4 the kind words 💕 💞
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sunspira · 1 year
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this take is incredibly annoying to me and this twitter is always so dumb. the reason people like dolphins so much is they are social mammals who think and behave much like we do. dolphins have the capacity for great kindness as well as great cruelty and both extremes are frequently observed behaviors from them. kind of exactly like humans and our range of behavior from altruism and sadism. shark behavior as far as i know is simply not as complex in the social ways we can understand or relate to (tho probably plenty complex in the shark ways sharks can understand and we don't appreciate) they don't really show malice nor compassion in ways we understand it and this whole turtle rescue claim is just clickbait, i truly don't think a shark would do that... he seems to be just trying to crack its shell open on the side of the boat (and then the humans intervened because humans actually do have some of the animal kingdoms most intense social instincts). he's just a hungry critter using problem solving which is very cool but not "kind" per say. dolphins can and do intentionally rescue as well as torture other animals. sharks don't really intentionally do either. not in a way that's comparable to us. both are good animals. dolphin similarities to humans is just fascinating and in combination to them not physically being able to eat humans it leads to some favoritism. simple as that. sharks arent evil but the idea that sharks are these actual sweethearts is ridiculous too. they're just neutral lil guys trying to live and eat
and i LIKE sharks but of fucking course they scare people more than dolphins do lol. sharks can KILL you EASILY even if they have no evil intent. dolphins really don't do the same visceral carnal damage to a swimmer just due to the way they are built. being eaten alive is a primal fear so sharks = scary and dolphins = not as scary. people can and do fear sharks very understandably and logically without hating them. and yes people DO need to have a healthy fear of dolphins too as they are still very capable of killing you biting you drowning you and otherwise hurting you yes even sexually. but the idea that people are just stupid for being afraid of sharks: an extremely powerful unpredictable wild animal that can eviscerate your body like nothing and have done so before: insisting that's not frightening because "erm well sea mammals are technically smarter and meaner" is so insane and stupid lmao. you're barely able to move in water and thats apex predator that feeds like a honing torpedo made of knives and absolutely and easily might mistake you for its target, it's scary. i just hate u mr contrarian ass you are not as smart as you think you are it annoys me soo muchhh lmfao
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stupitunclehal · 2 years
You can understand and sympathize with one character and still disliking them and their morals.
reread that first statement. the emphasis lies on actively hating the other.
as in being willing to die on a hill shitting on them, reading takes from their fans in bad faith immediately, obsessively focusing on writing up metas about how bad and immoral and etc etc etc they are, and ending up sounding like a nationalist for a fictional country.
also I personally don't find fault with any of the lords for their morals. they're all a bunch of college-aged kids with extremely traumatic backgrounds trying to navigate an extremely fucked up continent and deal with the problems that have been dropped in their laps by generations past. they're all doing their best and working with the hand they've been dealt. each route is also semi-discrete bc byleth alters the course of it; the dimitri in CF is not the same as in AM and the edie in CF is not the same as in AM. you only get their "true" character, values, etc through 1. approaching their arcs/motives/charcters in good faith yourself, 2. picking apart each given iteration of a character, and 3. synthesizing it.
and yes, writing off one of them as just a character who Is Bad and You Don't Like is absolutely okay (not everyone needs to engage with media with the same level of analysis or obsessive interest), but it absolutely does make certain aspects of their narratives hit much less viscerally lmfao
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bigskydreaming · 2 years
Wait. ‘My favorite thing about the Witcher recasting’ does seem to imply that I have other things I like about it, lmao. Nah, I really enjoyed Cavill as Geralt, and his obvious passion for the role as well as his portrayal, so I’m disappointed to see him go. And I have no particular attachment to Liam Hemsworth or strong feelings about his acting chops one way or another, so its not a recasting that sells me on name recognition alone. 
But he’s far from the worst actor out there and I think there’s no reason to assume his portrayal can’t be engaging even if I do end up thinking Cavill played the part better, so I’m not really predisposed to hate him in the role by any means.
(The announcement of the recasting was timed well, IMO. I think it really helps that the news broke well before Season Three releases, so it keeps hardcore fans of Cavill-as-Geralt from immediately jumping ship at the news and potentially softens the disappointment, since fans can be like ‘well at least we still have him in Season Three to look forward to.’ This way people have plenty of time to get used to the idea and make their peace with it instead of having it just dropped on them not long before the season in question. The latter option makes it more likely that whether or not fans stick with the show ends up more rooted in visceral reactions than because its something they’ve actually put much thought into.)
Tbh, my only strong opinion on the subject is I hope they don’t just drop Hemsworth into the role without explanation in the Season 4 premiere and do that thing where they just expect audiences to roll with the visual changes while the show offers no acknowledgment of the transition. The Hollywood version of ‘these are not the droids you’re looking for’, lol. “Why yes, this actor has obviously been here in this role all along, there’s nothing different about him, move along now.”
I mean, I don’t mind that when there’s no possible alternative. Sometimes with recasting situations, there’s just no feasible way to make an in-universe acknowledgment of the recasting without breaking the fourth wall or something like that.
Buuuuut since we are talking about a show where magic abounds and there’s direct precedent for various characters (even important ones) to be physically altered due to curses or for some plot reason....like, I hope they do something with that. Obviously most curses on the show are aimed at transfiguring the recipient in some ‘inhuman’ way instead of just...giving them a different face, lol. Its not like there’s previously established magic-as-plastic-surgery as far as I can remember.
(Edited to add: Yeah, I literally realized my mistake here the second after I hit post on this. LMFAO. Whoops. Who just happened to forget about a fairly substantial plot point, character beat, and worldbuilding element all in one? Not this guy. These are not the droids you’re looking for, remember?)
But like. Just figure something out. Take advantage of the possibilities the genre gives you, that other shows and recasting situations DON’T have at their disposal. It doesn’t have to be central to the plot or treated as a big deal, it can be fairly handwavey, as long as there’s SOMETHING. 
Say Yennifer crafts a permanent glamour for Geralt since he’s pretty distinct and, y’know, infamous, two things which are not super conducive to flying below the radar while trying to protect a magical wonder child from being discovered and exploited. Like, even if you do such a good job of disguising her that nobody’s tracking her down in specific and you’re only constantly fending off enemies and mortal threats because they’re tracking YOU down in specific.....still not ideal for bodyguarding a kid who has the literal WILD HUNT going door to door being all ‘have you seen this long-lost descendant of a supposedly extinct bloodline of universal importance? No? How about the guy she’s with? Hair like Fabio, emotes like Bruce Wayne, pants so tight the wardrobe department just settled for painting them on instead of trying to take them off at end-of-filming every day? Shh, of course you don’t get our references, we’re from the multiverse, we’re allowed to break the fourth wall, its in our contract riders. Get it? We’re the Wild Hunt? We ride? Actor contracts have riders? Yeah, OP is hilarious, agreed.’ 
Or maybe between Seasons 3 and 4 someone DOES try and whammy Geralt with a transformation curse, and either his own innate Witcher-ness and protections or some magical shielding Yennifer manages to get around him at the last second, like, dilutes the curse enough that it still changes him, just....not how it was supposed to. Just a little bit. Teeny tiny changes only. The watered down version of the curse took it from ‘remake this man as a monstrous minotaur all will flee from in horror’ to ‘just give his chin a little nip/tuck here and round out his face a little more there, and now in theory some people might consider him marginally less attractive! Mwahahaha, that witch tried her best, but my evil curse retains its vile malevolence even at reduced potency. Now only nine out of ten random villagers will throw themselves at him when he walks by, instead of all ten. Suffer, Geralt of Rivia! SUFFER!’
I’m just saying. Possibilities. They exist.
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xslytherclawx-writes · 6 months
chaya this is too much power I can just send you a string of things I am already 100% aware of your opinion on like 💛💙🖤🏳️‍🌈
You're straight up choosing violence.
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why? In any canon-adjacent setting: Jegulus. James is straight, also he viscerally hates all Slytherins (says straight off he'd leave Hogwarts if he were sorted there, proceeds to spend the next 7 years fighting with Slytherins), and as someone who has a perfect gorgeous charming older sibling who everyone prefers even to this day... sorry, even taking the "James is straight" and "house rivalry not a joke during a major war" out of the equation, Regulus would fucking hate James on principle of being Sirius's friend, let alone "like a brother" - particularly after Sirius ran away to live with James instead. This isn't to touch on the "Regulus joined a pureblood supremacist death cult at 16 and had a war crimes collage in his room" thing that Marauderstok likes to just pretend never happened. Regulus might've gotten over his younger sibling complex esp re: James in a good 10-20 years like I have with my sister (I even tell her fiancé that she and her best friend are like sisters!), if he hadn't. you know. died at 18. but James is still straight. also Dramione, in basically any setting lmfao. He signed up literally to murder people like her, and while I can see her forgiving him as he improves as a person, like... the reason drarry works is the mutual obsession. Dramione is two people doing the don draper "i don't think about you at all" as Draco fixates on Harry and Hermione fixates on school. Despite the giant essay for jegulus and the tiny paragraph for dramione, if i had to pick one i dislike more, it's dramione 100%. jegulus i mostly just do not understand at all because it's so opposed to my understanding of the characters. dramione has that and also the ick factor. and also all the self-inserts. let hermione be a bossy pushy know it all!!! let draco be a sad pathetic weasel!!! Drarry I like, though, and Harmony was my first HP ship and while I'm not an active shipper anymore, I have been known to enjoy it. Wolfstar is fine. I think that's all the HP juggernauts.
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think? Regulus Black. canonically described as "rather less handsome than Sirius had been". Biassed character saying "Regulus is hotter than Sirius" is fine, but the whole fandom seems to not understand what "rather less handsome" means in British (hint: "not handsome")
🖤: Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think? Regulus Black. also Barty Crouch Jr holy fucking shit???? guys Barty is completely morally bankrupt and straight up evil he enjoys traumatizing and torturing people. he transfigures a child into an animal and then jerks him around in public just because he can. also James and Sirius and Remus too, though they're at least like, politically in the right.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you? James Fleamont Potter. Kinsey 0. come on.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
This isn’t really an ask, but I have to get these thoughts off my chest…I keep thinking about how much sense it makes that they were going to take this break in 2020.
It would have been their 7th year, and we know what that number means for them. Not to mention “We Are Bulletproof: The Eternal” literally sounds like a goodbye song — or if not goodbye, at least a career-culminating song of immense gratitude. I mean they literally say “we got to heaven.”
And then the world changed, and no wonder they were so sad that they missed that tour — it was going to be it for them, at least in some ways. And they knew we needed them in that moment, and so they picked themselves up and pivoted, and they brought joy and wisdom and heart and fucking content for the next year and a half straight, worked their absolute asses off, made it to way more people (and got subsequently judged and hated on by more people) than ever. And now, the break isn’t just convenient or good timing or well-deserved — it’s something some of them seem to desperately need on a visceral level.
If we’re being honest, we knew that Dynamite and Butter and PTD sounded… different. Good, but different. We knew they were losing a bit of their direction, and I think that’s worse for some of them than others, based on what they value most (ex: Joon and Yoongi, as lyricists, are heartbroken by not being able to be as authentic as they want, Jimin on the other hand is made for the stage, so most likely, anything that puts him there is enough for him). So instead of burning themselves out, flaming out spectacularly on the world stage, they consciously and carefully planned out this beautiful stepping away, complete with a crap ton of extra content, and new music, and all this shit they really didn’t have to do but they’re them, so of course they did.
If we’re really fans, we HAVE to let them have this. We have to loosen our iron grip and step the fuck back, and say thank you by letting them LIVE. People are going back and forth — debating whether this is the end, or whether we should take their word for it that they’ll be back (sidenote: when have they ever lied?). But it doesn’t matter whether this is permanent or not — they gave their whole youth up for BTS. They sacrificed like nobody’s fucking business, even two years after they thought they would.
Let’s be grateful for once? Maybe? Grieving is cool, but let’s not be angry, or paranoid, or panicky. If all that they’ve been is all they’ll ever be, it was more than enough. And we know them — it won’t be.
Namjoon said that he’s living in the best possible reality, out of all the realities in the multiverse. Let’s take this opportunity to work on ourselves and make sure that’s true for our own lives as well? Make them proud? Idk. What are your thoughts on the whole thing, Stormblessed, now that I’ve written a novel? Lol.
Thank you for being a steady and calm (mostly when ppl aren’t trying your patience at least 😂) voice of reason and being an OT7 true fan. You’re the best of us, for sure.
Ahh hi, thank you for the kind words! They are so appreciated! And I do try to be calm for the most part lol! If you see my post about car sharing later today and I'm possibly slightly cranky, well I tried my best. But I'm low on sleep. Lmfao my kids don't sleep on vacation apparently 😂 I shared my thoughts over the news of their break and focus on solo work yesterday as well. And I feel even more firm in my belief that this is good for them and I'm excited to see where they go from here after Joons letter and JKs vlive. Spoiler alert, I basically fully agree with you.
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm glad you feel comfortable doing so here 😊
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I've also had a few people DM to ask if I'm going to keep going with the blog, so in case anyone else is wondering. The answer is yes. I am not going anywhere. I'll be here supporting all 7 members solo albums and projects. As well as continuing my post series here. Including my Jikook timelines, my Duo Dynamics posts, my DVD commentaries, my run bts posts, etc etc. Lol I've got a lot of "in progress" stuff here. So no worries, I'm here to stay for a while.
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im-not-a-monster · 2 years
Ryou for the ask :>
hskfjsana my boy
My NOTP for them not me having to literally go on the ygodm ship list to see if any non-crack-nonsense ships got a visceral reaction from me. yeah i don't think there's one, just some like anzu/ryou where i'm like. i don't see it rip but good for them
My BROTP for them torn - I think a post-canon embodied yami bakura and ryou are besties/worsties but also. in DSOD when ryou disappears and whatever joey is SO worried about him... most concern for ryou shown on screen since honda kept trying to free him from the ring in duelist kingdom but like. joey is JOEY about it idk it just got me with the whole him worrying about ryou and then like they must be friends. can you imagine. ryou would ruin his night with horrors beyond his comprehension and then giggle about it.
My OTP for them  paired up lmao it's Heart for this too obviously. I just think him and Yugi are so cute!!!! sometimes i just need something sweet.
My second choice pairing for them  CHOOSING IS SUCH A STRUGGLE okay I think it's gemshipping and that is Because I read a bunch of sad doujin and they're almost always presented like. fuckin. yami b recognizing that ryou's worst fear is being left alone but knowing that there's no chance he's coming back after millenium world/pharaoh's memories so he sends TKB to ryou somehow [thru yugioh all things are possible so jot that down dot png] and yeah I know TKB is a little fucking gremlin and it's NOT my first or second choice for him but I have a soft spot for it now because just. ryou needs someone.
My fluffy pairing for them this is still also heart bc thats just why i like it lmfao
My angsty pairing for them whats it called my boys have either thee best or thee worst ship names uhm. [opens ygodm pairing list] god is it really just CALLED angstshipping i hate it here. anyway him and Malik together is such a recipe for sadness because Malik is seeing this mirror reflection of someone he can never get back and Ryou is being drawn to this person who's tied up with a lot of the darkness that reflected in YB and do either of them actually want the other urhfhhhurghhguhgughgu
My favorite poly ship for them perhaps given everything ive already said it will come as no surprise at all that any iteration of ryou/malik/yb/tbk/ym would be my favorite. i think they all hate each other. i think they all love each other. the more people involved the more stress ryou has to deal with as the SINGLE AND ONLY NORMAL ONE godbless.
My weirdest pairing for them im gonna be controversial here and label deathshipping as fucking weird even though i think it's actually kind of popular and i like it. i feel like it was more of a thing back when i was into ygo initially, before we knew what Malik's whole deal was (rip tbh Yami Malik was such a... wasted storyline honestly i love ygo but so many things im like. why is that all we got. anyway.) i saythis bc in a lot it seems like YM is portrayed as a full separate person/soul like YB and YY are, so him being a fucking freakweirdo who gets his own body for reasons and who Ryou likes because he is a freakweirdo is just. kind of great. "what do you mean you're dating him he's gross" "[british nerd voice] I know it's just delightful!"
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meetmeatthecoda · 3 years
Like you I’m absolutely done with The Blacklist; I swore up and down back in June that I was done and that nothing I heard about s9 would even be canon for me (spoiler alert it has NOT been hard). However, that being said....I may (just this once!) have to make an exception. For Liz’s letter. Have you seen/heard what she said about Red?? 🥺🥺🥺
Hey there, anon 😊 Ah, yes... the most recent ep. I'd like to re-iterate that, yes, I'm absolutely done with TBL, will never watch an episode past hmmm probably season 3A, so help me god, amen. However, I refused to unfollow my remaining TBL viewing friends bc I will NOT allow that shit show to take BOTH my ship AND the friends I made away from me goddammit so it is unfortunately inevitable that I see an inkling or two of what's happening post the Finale From Hell. I also low-key keep up with @imyourplusone's live tweets every week bc she expresses my exact brand of lovelorn shipping & utter hate-watching, so s/o to her ✌️ That being said, all I know AND CARE TO KNOW about the most recent ep, is that Agnes & Red had a particularly heart-wrenching conversation... & I may have watched a short clip on twitter 😒 And I have a lot of mixed, complicated feelings, which I will attempt to express below for you, anon, & anyone else who cares to wade through my bitter, bitter bullshit. Godspeed.
My initial reaction? What a fucking slap in the face. At reading the dialogue, I just felt a visceral hatred & anger at them continuing to tease what could have been, what we could have had, after how they fucking ruined the entire show & ship. To me, it really just felt like pouring a hefty salt shaker directly into my still weeping Lizzington wound. Like, if they think some vague ship-worthy comments are gonna bring all us shippers flocking back with tears in our eyes like we have so many times in the past? They couldn't be more wrong. Because the difference is? It doesn't matter now. Liz is dead, & any potential for Lizzington moving forward died with her, so any half-hearted, off-handed comments or references to it after the fact... just hurt. To me, it's akin to trying to fix a gaping gunshot wound (much like Liz's, in fact lmfao fml) with an old, dirty, used Spongebob band-aid. It just doesn't do the job. And frankly, it's a bit of an insult to even bother with it after you've been ruthlessly shot. And while it tugs at my heartstrings in a bittersweet-mostly-unpleasant-but-still-heart-wrenchingly-beautiful-way to see Red & Agnes together, I hate to say it... but I'm petty & bitter enough to not even want that wholesome Red & Agnes content without Liz. Because it's not as it should be 😭😭😭 That whole scene in the most recent ep could only help or matter or make any semblance of a difference if they were going to bring Liz back, which they certainly will not be doing, at least not with MB as Liz, which would be the only acceptable version for me. But tbh, I don't really have enough context for this letter of Liz's, other than she called Red "the most important person in her life", to which I was just like... yes??? 🥺🥺🥺 That was already fully established to us, I thought & while it was amazing to hear it explicitly said once again... it was rather tainted by... well, all the above things. But, don't misunderstand me, anon, it did feel good to hear. Even if it's not from Liz's own mouth. To Red. In person. Cause she's dead. UGH 😓😓😓 But the only actual screentime from the ep I have seen AND CARE TO SEE with mine own two eyes is Agnes' comments in her scene with Red & I'm honestly not sure if this "letter" she's reciting from is the letter Red gave Liz in the finale from Liz's mother or some letter they've made up that Liz left for Agnes or some other letter they've made up that Liz left for Red??? Either way, it seems mighty convenient for where they are right now - considering we never saw Liz physically writing anything & I highly doubt she had time to between the events of reading her mother's letter (which we also never saw her do lolz) & getting fucking shot, but I digress - & I absolutely DO NOT trust TPTB to not also throw some stupid, R*derina bullshit in there to balance out the Lizzington sentiments or eventually use the contents to turn Agnes into Liz 2.0 & have her backstab Red or some other stupid shit. Cause, ya know, they love their Stupid Shit™.
*heavy breathing* ALL THAT BEING SAID, ANON... is anyone still reading? God I hope not, I'm barely conscious myself at this point lmfao That last little bit of the Red & Agnes scene, where Agnes reaches out & takes his hand, sees his inquiring look & casually explains, "She said you like to hold hands." CLEAVED MY POORLY BANDAGED LIZZINGTON HEART CLEANLY IN TWO, CAUSE YEAH AGGIE, HE SURE FUCKING DOES, HIS FAVORITE MEMORY ON EARTH IS WALKING AROUND A PARK HOLDING HANDS WITH YOUR MOM & THE WOULD-BE CASUAL REMINDER OF THAT JUST DESTROYED HIM ON THE SPOT & - SPEAKING OF - RED'S ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED EXPRESSION COMPLETELY DESTROYED ME AS WELL & HIS IMMEDIATE SIDESTEP DIVERSION TACTIC TO URGE AGNES OUT OF THE ROOM SO HE CAN FALL TO PIECES IN PRIVATE OVER THE LOSS OF THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE KILLED ME, BC HE CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT HER A S E X P L I C I T L Y S T A T E D & S H O W N I N C A N O N & ANY ATTEMPT TO PRETEND OTHERWISE IS EQUAL PARTS HILARIOUS & DEVASTATING, THAT TINY, ONE MINUTE SCENE WAS ABSOLUTE TORTURE TO WATCH, DEAR GOD WHY - *ahem* ...anddd this is why I can't watch this show anymore. But in conclusion, anon, what I've heard & all the things I feel about the recent ep basically just make me want to write fic & the real-life opportunity for that is fast approaching, so I would just advise... buckle up lmfao 😂🥲🙃 Anywayyy, this is fine, I'm fine, & thank you for this ask - in all seriousness, anon, I really appreciate the low-key season 9 Lizzington update delivered with total respect for my stance on the show, I really do!! Please don't mistake my negative feelings about the show for any anger or frustration with YOU, bc that was not my intent!! 😍🥰 I hope this reply was somewhat coherent (although I very much doubt it) & much, much love to you, kind anon!! ❤️
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laufire · 4 years
Black Sails
Top 5 favourite characters: Max, Silver, Jack, Madi, and Flint.
Other characters you like: Mr. Scott, Anne, Miranda, Idelle, Eleanor, Billy, Eme, the Maroon Queen, Featherstone, Ms. Guthrie, Muldoon, DeGroot...
Least favourite characters: Rogers, Ashe, Alfred Hamilton and Richard Guthrie are my Most Disliked People lol. Dufresne and Hornigold can suck it too xD
Otps: Silverflintmadi, Flintmiranda, Maxanne + Rackanne, Maxanor. Don’t ask me to choose lol.
Notps: Eleanor/Rogers, Silver/Thomas. Though not with the ~passion I dislike other notps of mine -I just find the first depressing in canon and the latter tiresome in fanon *shrugs*.
Favourite friendships: Silver & Max & Jack; Silver & the Walrus crew (THE LOVE THERE), Idelle & Max.
Favourite family: Madi’s family >>>>>>>>. It’s not like there’s many options to choose from lmao, but even if there was, I’d still pick them. What a gr10 reversal of one of most hated tropes *-* (aka: having a character of color save or prioritize a white character at the expense of their own relatives, to the point where sometimes it even costs them their lives).
Favourite episodes: this is one of the shows I have most difficulty picking favourite episodes tbh. Every one in s4 (I still haven’t watched the finale... I should stop putting that off lol) has hit me where I live. Same with s3, really. s1 and s2 were less !!!!! but I’ve never disliked a single episode, so. Choices, choices. To pick one of each so far (minus s4 since I haven’t completed it): 1x03 (probably a... controversial choice, but it’s when I knew the show was something else), 2x10 (I love having my heart broken and this episode provided that. And I love seeing Max & co-winning and I got that too!), and 3x05 (the Silverflint!! Madi’s family!! Flint & The Maroon Queen’s scene! Flint’s visions! Max forcing Rogers to make a place for her on the council!! Max’s “I AM Nassau”!! Spoken Spanish that didn’t make my ears bleed!!!).
Favourite season/book/movie: s4. Each episode has been just. too much xD. So thematically perfect. I hope the finale feels like that too.
Favourite quotes: oof. How to choose. Max’s quote about refusing to make enemies of those one day she could call friends; her rant about Rogers sitting “in [her] fucking chair!!”; her speech to Anne in 4x08; Silver’s “I am no one from nowhere” quote; Madi’s about the “multitude of voices”; Jack’s “did I make up a lot of ground to catch you” speech; Flint’s “no daylight between you and I” (WHO SAYS THAT. IN *PUBLIC*. I swear it’s somehow the most indecent moment of the show. It overwhelms me xDD); Idelle’s quote about Max when she confronts Anne; Mr. Scott’s “only YOU” to Madi. I’d say those are my ultimate favourites.
Best musical moment: the intro. I love it.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: Silver and Max’s interacting again in s4 made me lose it. Also, that Look between Max and Flint and Jack confirming later Flint had argued to kill her so she wouldn’t fuck with their plans anymore lmao.
When it really disappointed you: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Saddest moment: me at the progressive erosion of Silverflint’s relationship -> DDD:
Most well-done character death: Eleanor’s, I’d say.
Favourite guest star: Idek what I’d count as guest star with this show... I’m going with Idelle. If she appears too much to be considered a “guest”, the Maroon Queen.
Favourite cast member: JPK. She blends so, so well with her roles? Sometimes I have an incredibly hard time remembering Max and Nora West-Allen are played by the same person, ngl xD
Character you wish was still alive: both Miranda and Mr. Scott, though the latter has an edge because I have the NEED of knowing how he would’ve acted if he was in s4.
One thing you hope really happens: that I get the time I need to finish my WIPs and that NO ONE, EVER, tries to do a spin-off/remake/ANYTHING like that with it xD
Most shocking twist: Mr. Scott’s reveal in 3x04, if only because it was one of the few major things I wasn’t spoiled at all about xD. But I love how it changes your perspective of his s1-2 storylines.
When did you start watching/reading?: a few months ago.
Best animal/creature: ... sharks xD. We owe them so much (if Silver’s parrot was canon here, well).
Favourite location: Nassau (aka Max’s Domain).
Trope you wish they would stop using: n/a. I love this show’s tropes and themes lol.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: lots of stuff xD. Dialogue is one; deviating from expectations and archetypes is another.
Funniest moments: WHO’S BILLY. The Silverflintbones pseudo-triangle xD. Silver’s s1 antics.
Couple you would like to see: *coughs* I could’ve coped with Silverflintmadi going all the way xD
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Maggie Smith should’ve had a cameo ¬¬
Favourite outfit: one?!? Have you SEEN everything Max’s worn in season four?? Or Eleanor in s1-2?? Jack’s Iconique Looks?? *sighs* I suppose I have a soft spot for Max wearing red, so that.
Favourite item: “La Galatea”, the book Flint gave to Miranda as an apology. My heart :((( (not to mention it reminds me to my own original WIPs).
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: ................ the DVDs xD. They were a little over 20 bucks total and I gave them to myself for my birthday lol (I just don’t trust Netflix anymore and I don’t want to lose easy access to a HQ version the show, so fork it). I own the Treasure Planet DVD (which came along with a computer game), but I have no idea of where I put it. And I have a copy of Treasure Island ofc (that I want to re-read when I finish the show).
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: my heart is with Flintmadi’s cause but my brain and need to win with Max’s team xD
Most boring plotline: eh. I didn’t much care for Blackbeard’s deal (though I felt for his death, because it was so fucking awful).
Most laughably bad moment: n/a.
Best flashback/flashforward if any: The Sword Flirting Sparring flashbacks ofc *-*
Most layered character: Flint and Silver ofc.
Most one-dimensional character: the one-note characters that are just there at plot devices. And of those with a little more relevance to our mains, Thomas is the least expanded-on by far *shrugs* (which doesn’t mean “poorly written”).
Scariest moment: Silver’s state when he thought he lost Madi. No wonder Flint was so worried tbh.
Grossest moment: putting aside the physically gross moments (of which this show has a few, lbr. It did not shy away from injuries, etc.)... I had my most visceral reaction to Rogers speaking with Madi. Like, fuck off dude xD. ALSO: Billy’s beard. Kill it pls.
Best looking male: Joshua was a dork and a cutie. Flint is so not my type but there are... moments xD. Same with Silver when he’s in a shippy context, even if normally I’m all ??? at his face lol.
Best looking female: now this one is a lot harder xDD. I always end up saying Max because... have you seen her. They style her so lovingly *-*. But really, which of these women isn’t absolutely gorgeous in their unique way.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Anne. She reminds me of my ~first love lol (looks-wise at least xD). And I know I’d be drawn to her...  sunny disposition lmao.
Favourite cast moment: in my lurking over blogs to add stuff in the queue, I saw twitter exchange where Silver’s actor says Silver’s actions against Billy were revenge for the potatoes xD, and Billy’s replied he should’ve made him peel carrots, since he “likes their colouring”. LMFAO.
Favourite transportation: the Walrus, obviously. I’m sentimental :(
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Charlestown in flames was hella pretty :))))))
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a.
Best promo: I’ve seen a promo picture for s3 with Flint standing over a giant British flag on fire... very evocative.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 1x03. I liked the previous episodes alone, but it was Max’s insistence of rejecting Eleanor’s help that took it over the edge. I’ve said before that although it made things harder for her in the short term, to me it showed how different and impressive a character it was and, knowing that things would go really well for her afterwards, made me see just how much promise the show had.
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
hold on i found all of my old Christian music and im emotional, the nostalgia, so im just gonna do a react post--
first song was Hope is Coming by Nate Deezy and oh boy. oh boy. i met the dude and knowing how he talks and listening to his music. oh boy, he was kind of mimicking AAVE and it’s. not great to listen to now. the song is a bop music wise but. yikes
Overcomer by Mandisa. I used to BOP to this song and you know what? I still do. I saw her in concert and she was AMAZING
The The Earth Is Yours came on, which already was one of my favorites, and it was the cover by Gungor (or their original? I can’t remember) and I almost started crying because. Gungor’s music always made me feel really close to God, like He was my best friend. and now I kind of feel like I’ve lost a friend in stopping being Christian, and though I know I can still pray and stuff while still not being Like That, it just... hurts too much because it was so weaponized against me. I miss relying on Him for everything though.
Pause to get lunch
Good Morning by Mandisa and TobyMac. Hearing “top of the morning to ya” set off a visceral reaction to high five the air. also hearing them interact at the end is adorable
could i......... do a sanders sides animatic to this
i just copied and pasted a link to the song on facebook jfkdlsjf pray for me (no pun intented)
Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace... I’m pretty sure I first heard this song on Veggietales? or maybe i freaked out when I saw it on Veggietales bc I already loved this song lmao. But it is still... you guessed it... a bop
i also just realized how much more diverse my music was back then versus now... out of the four artists I’ve listened to, half (if not 3 of them? i don’t remember what Gungor looks like) are POC. bruh current alex, I know all you listen to now is the RWBY soundtrack, but like. Diversify my dude
oh my god. oh my god jesus freak by newsboys. this song is fucking WILD to see in concert. the drummer goes up on a platform that goes sideways and starts SPINNING. while he’s going H A R D. also this song totally matches up with what i listen to now, style wise??
oh my god im getting dizzy from jamming to this one
if anyone’s wondering what im doing as i listen to these, i’m currently checking out these artists’ twitters to see if they’re like... White Supremacist christians. Michael Gungor has made me happiest by blatantly retweeting and talking about the BLM protests, along with a tweet stating firmly that he accepts LGBTQ+ people. I knew I could trust this guy. I followed him. Crowder didn’t have anything blatantly for or against but he did make one post about not hating people using that one Dr Suess book, so like. he can slide for now but im not following him
please be my strength by Gugnor? I don’t remember thohhhhh my heart i remember now
i used to harmonize to this all the time. it was one of the first ones i did that with :(
Steal My Show!! it’s pretty alright still. TobyMac didn’t really Get Me Worshipping like he did with a lot of other people, but I respect him at least-- wait let me check his twitter
alright i can respect him, he’s alright
Ah. Oceans by Hillsong United, AKA the song that every church-goer in 2015 hated because everyone played it every week. good reason to-- it’s really good still. are people still sick of it?? I remember holding my hands up to this a few times. and harmonizing many more
.......but oh man is it long. i do remember that now. eight minutes.......... why....... i definitely cried my eyes out and calmed down at conference one time during the length of this song
just realized that Jesus is a Friend of Mine isn’t on this playlist. Wow, Alex. Wow. What a waste of a Christian playlist.
it’s so unfair that so many Christian artist put out That Kind of christian music, while Newsboys just. stole all of the talent. like come on guys spread it a bit. not EVERY song has to be a bop, you know /j
Speak Life by tobyMac. i... think im gonna skip this one jfkdlsj im just so not in the mood for this. He is definitely that That Kind of Christian Music style
LORD YOU ARE GOOD AND YOUR MERCY ENDURES FOREVERRR OH HOW WE JAMMED TO THIS AT CONFERENCEoh god it’s a live version and you can hear the Presbyterian Clap in the crowd
i wish it brought back more than just the bridge before the chorus lmfao
alright skipping the rest of this because oh boy is it repetitive
STRONGER BY MANDISAAAA i forgot about this one omg. i loved this one, it used to be my Uplifting Song
Got another tobyMac and just skipped it jfkdsl
OH GOD’S NOT DEAD BY NEWSBOYS the movie was a lot of christians-are-oppressed propaganda but the song is pretty good still, i catch myself singing it sometimes still tbh
this was another one we had a dance for!!!! i remember this one more bc it was so much easier lmfao
HAPPY DAY!!!!!! THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ONE TO SING AT THE BIG MORNING AND EVENING MEETINGS AT CONFERENCE!!!!!! but this version is so slooooow but i couldn’t find any other version
....You Have Me. The song I always said that, when I die and go to Heaven, I’m going to find God and dance with Them to this song. Maybe, if They’re up there, we still will. This song gave me so much comfort in a time when I felt so alone.
I hope They aren’t mad at me for abandoning them. I hope They understand why I stopped going to church and listening to my parents about Them. That I remember who They truly are supposed to be, and that it’s not Them I left, but the church, and I struggled to disconnect the two. If They’re real... I hope they know that. And I hope They aren’t upset with me. I hope They know I’m sorry.
Fuck. I’m crying.
They DO still me. They DO still have my heart. But it’s the people that pretend to know Them that ruined me. I need to find a way to sever the connection. I want my best friend back. I miss Them. I miss being able to talk to Them about things and trust that They’ll take care of things and take care of *me* because They love me, no matter what my parents say, and They know who I am and They don’t love me despite that, but because of it.
THAT’S what I was taught. THAT’S the God I worshipped. Not the fake one the White Supremacists have taken hold of and ruined. The God that gave up Their only son to prove to us that They love us.
I don’t understand a lot about religion anymore. But I miss Them. I miss that comfort and love.
Fuck. Maybe that’s a good place to end this. If you made it this far, congrats! Thanks for coming on this journey with me. It was a long one. You’ve seen a piece of my heart that I’ll probably stamp back into the closet within a couple of hours lol
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