#but lets not pull a voltron <3
chaos-snap · 1 year
also, now that there's a new season of Sonic Prime, lets remember not to fight over ships. It's a TV show. please don't harass people for thinking your ship isn't going to be canon or their ship is better who cares, just ship ur hogs and lets go about our days. the block button exists for a reason
<3 peas and love
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atlas7seo · 1 month
Everytime I think I'm free, Voltron comes and grabs me in a choke hold. So I'm dragging yall down with me. Here's season summaries of the Voltron Rewrite I'm working on that has taken over my life. I call it my Bootstrap AU which will make sense later.
Inhales* yes this happening...
Season 1 -Defenders of the Universe
Garrison student(Lance, Hunk, and Pidge), expelled student Keith, and Lieutenant Shirogane suddenly find themselves in an alien castle courtesy of a giant Blue Mechnical Lion. Upon arrival they stumble into a 10,000 year long war against an Alien Race called the Galra. Voltron, an ancient weapon, is the only way to stop them, however, no one knows where it is. Follow the Crew aboard the Altean ship as they attempt to get the ship operational, track down lions, and discover their destiny as fated Paladins of Voltron all in a fight against the Galra. Season 1 ends with the Paladins forming Voltron for the first time and becoming Defenders of the Universe
Season 2 - The Voltron Coalition
Now that Voltron has finally been found and formed, the Paladins and Alteans attempt to form allies and liberate planets. Follow our crew as they free planets, negotiate with rebel forces, and infiltrate Galra occupation. All the while searching for a mysterious Ulaz who rescued Shiro and Ulaz's mysterious organization. Season 2 ends with the Paladins meeting the Blade of Marmora and one of their leaders, Lotor, disgraced Prince of the Galra.
(Let's address the elephant in the room. Lotor. Okay, so when I was planning my rewrite, I realized that Lotor is both so compelling and so flat. So, instead, in my rewrite, Lotor is a disgraced prince (still like the original). He sees how the empire is hurting his people who are just civilians, and when he tries to reason with his father, he is disgraced. Lotor didn't make the Blade, but he allied with them in an attempt to return the Galra to what they once were. Lotor is somewhat selfish because if it was between Galran citizens or another planet, he'd pick his people. He only rebelled because he saw how his father was hurting his people. He doesn’t actually care about the universe, his people are what he values, but that changes with *character growth*)
(Also Pidge has found Matt by the end of this season)
Season 3 - The Galran Empire
Season 3 follows our crew and the Voltron Coalition as they formulate plans to end the war at its head. They will form an alliance and plan with the Blade and Lotor. This will be an all out attack on Zarkon including the allies in the Coalition. Half the season will be the plan in motion with multiple parts in an attempt to finally stem the problem at its root. The season ends with Shiro and Lotor dealing the final blow on Zarkon and a rogue wormhole begins to pull him through, but in Zarkon's rage drags Shiro with him.
Season 4 - A New Era
With the loss of Shiro fresh in their minds, Voltron struggles to find stability in this new era. First they realize that despite Zarkon being defeated, the Galra empire is still a threat so they must be able to form Voltron again. *Cue lion switches no matter how much I hate them... Now the Paladins will be allied with Lotor as he attempts to claim the Galran Throne. Throughout they will face Haggar, Robeasts, and the dying flames of the Galran empire. During this chaotic period, they will searching for Shiro and Sam Holt. The season ends with the Kral Zera where Lotor ascends the throne.
Season 5 - Fires of Purification
After facing defeat during the Kral Zera, one of Zarkon's top generals, Sendak begins to gather the remaining "loyal Galra" including Haggar to form the Fires of Purification. This season will continue the search for Shiro and Sam while also being stuck in a Galran Civil War. Voltron, Lotor, and the Coalition fight to stop Sendak from gaining control of the Universe. The season ends with Sendak offering a trade. Shiro and Sam for Lotor. (Like in the actual season 5 because I liked what it did for the story). Voltron and Lotor form a plan and rescue them as Sendak retreats with his tail between his legs.
Season 6 - Moving Foward
With the win against the Fires and the return of Shiro and Sam, it seems things are looking up, but something isn't quite right. With little fanfare Sam chooses to return to Earth to prepare them for the universe. This season is mostly made up of interpersonal conflicts and "what now". The universe is mostly free save for a few pockets of Galra uprising that the Coalition can handle relatively easily without Voltron. The Paladins face the problem of what they should do now and if they can even go back to how things were before the war. While also worrying about Sendak and the remnants of the Fires of Purification. Throughout this, Shiro is also acting really weird. Cut to the real Shiro, but on a Space Whale. (Yes I'm bringing back the weird time distortion whale) When Zarkon grabbed Shiro they landed on a space Whale. So Shiro is trying to survive and get back to Voltron by himself with only Zarkon's corpse as company. Shiro is the one who discovers the Altean Colony (in my rewrite, Haggar is the one running the colony) and he then discovers Haggar's plan to trick Voltron with a clone of him. It's a mystery thriller season switching between the Paladins and the real Shiro as he desperately attempts to get back to his crew to warn them before its too late. The season ends with Shiro warning them too late and Haggar's plan succeeds. Voltron is torn from their allies and catapulted across the universe along with a lost Romelle.
Season 7 - Dead Sector 73
(Ok before I continue the summary, I'm going to explain what I did with Earth. So Weblums eat dead planets in order to use that quintessence to make new solar systems and planets. In my rewrite, Earth's solar system and the space sector around it was a series of dead planets Weblums ate a long time ago and Earth is the first planet to begin exhibiting life in this previous dead sector. Earth is the first living planet in Dead Sector 73. Okay now onto the season summary.)
Sam returns to Earth and begins preparing them for the Galaxy. Back to the Paladins, Haggar has successfully removed Voltron from the equation and begins to rally allies to the Galra's previous motives and moves to retake the universe. Voltron finds themselves lost in Dead Sector 73, a section of the universe Weblums have already eaten and has begun the process of life. They realize they can't reach their allies through comms or anything. But they notice they are somewhat close to Earth. So they set off to reach Earth in the hopes of communicating with the Coalition. When they reach Earth, however, they find Sendak has taken over Earth as a last ditch attempt to get revenge on the Paladins for destroying the empire. And on top of that, that they have been missing for nearly a year. (Weird time distortion stuff like the space whale because of the dead space). They also discover that Sendak is the reason they can't use their comms as he's jamming all signals that travel outside the solar system. The season ends with them defeating Sendak and finally getting ahold of their allies.
(Now I'm going to do some more world building stuff. This is information previous seasons would originally have already told, but I'm putting it here. So the Blades have the motto "Knowledge or Death" and I want to use that somehow. So in my rewrite, the Blade sort of stole the philosophy from the ORIGINAL Galran empire. The war began not because of quintessence poisoning, but because the Galra believed Knowledge or Death. It was a disagreement on ethics and how far you should go in the pursuit of science and knowledge. This disagreement about how to handle the quintessence plane between Zarkon and Alfor sparked the initial conflict as Zarkon wanted to save his wife no matter what. However, due to millenia of exposure to quintessence it degraded Zarkon's mind to the point that he became the villain the show knows today)
Season 8 - Tomorrow and Yesterday
When Voltron and Earth finally reach the Galatic Stage, they discover Haggar has been reigning terror over the galaxy using the Alteans from the colony. While the Coalition and the Galra of Lotor's empire are holding ground, they are beginning to lose. This is when it's revealed that after Zarkon lost his mind to quintessence, Haggar was the one running the show. She must have progress, and now Alfor and the Alteans are no longer in the way for it. (Haggar is still Honerva and born Altean). This season focuses on defeating Haggar and freeing the Alteans from her brain washing. In the end, Honerva destroys all universes by attacking the quintessence plane in pursuit of "scientific knowledge." The Paladins kill Honerva but realize that everything is gone. This is when the Lions come to them. They reveal that sacrificing themselves can restore their universe. "Restore our universe? But what about all the others?" The Lions tell their Paladins that they in themselves are a Causal Loop. The Lions must be sacrificed to restore their universe, and sacrificing them in the quintessence plane it causes them to appear in the past as the materials that Alfor uses to create the Lions. The Lions are forever in a perpetual loop being created and destroyed to maintain the universe. However, each time they do this, they are sent back to another universe as well. It's a multiplying paradox. They are created and destroyed infinite times to restore everything Honerva destroyed. (I did this because I wanted to include the multiple universes the show had, but also, according to my rewrite, the original Voltron could also technically be canon somewhat. It just that in that universe. Allura sacrificed herself, causing the Lions to no longer go through the loop). When the Paladins return, they realize the quintessence plane is sealed off. No one in their universe can ever reach it again. The universe is saved, and the Paladins walk forward to tomorrow, knowing that yesterday is in good hands.
The End
Okay so that was a lot. I hope that if you reached the end of this, you enjoyed it. Do you think I improved it? Or maybe it's just as convoluted and bad as the original, but I tried my best to take all the ideas from Voltron and fit them coherently. Since these were just season summaries there's a lot of stuff I didn't include that I am including in my in depth rewrite like Keith being half Galra, and shipping and stuff. But this rewrite has been eating at my brain for two weeks so I had to put it somewhere.
The reason it's called the Bootstrap AU is obviously because of the Causal Time Loop. No real reason why I added it, I just thought it was fun and funky and shows how the Lions are things that the characters can never truly understand.
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shortpplfedup · 11 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 12
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And that's all she wrote friends! And how she wrote it was...weird? The show definitely pulled some punches at the end there, trying to thread a needle and ending instead in a kind of wishy-washy damp squib. The couples landed up right, but in the wrong way? Guu mai chorp. But these hoes still need their final sorting. Nick led the pack going into the finale, will he end up on top at the end? Only the mains this week in my final rankings, but first...
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Then…can I be your friend too?
I'm sorry I can't hear y'all over my screams at the MESS Minx Mix looks set to cause. That man is too pretty to be allowed in public. I WANT IT JOJO, I WANT IT NOW!
🔻🔻🔻Z∞. Boeing (8)
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I just happen to want something strong tonight.
In the end, Boeing is just a lonelyboy like all the rest of them, which is fine, but he also just...disappears after the Ray/Mew Voltron vanquishes him and he gets a consolation makeout from Boston, which is not. Anyway, Mond is a good actor, also he's hot and got to kiss a bunch of boys, so winning.
Top tier show sidepieces: Yo, Plug, Summer, Freddie Mercury 2, Sand's Mom, Ray's Dad, Daddy Dan, April, Mew's Moms (barely)
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These characters were mostly on the side of the angels, and I thank them for their service.
Bottom bitches: Cheum, Atom, Gap
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Yeah they apologised, but fuck em.
Onto our main six!
🔺1. Boston (2)
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I'm friendless.
In the end, Boston's at the top of my mains pile, because MY MANS DESERVED BETTER. Not in terms of Nick, I think that actually ended the absolute best way: Boston made his case, Nick made his decision, and they parted more or less as friends (and I loved absolutely every conversation those two had in this episode). No I mean in terms of his shitty friends, especially MEW. Cheum at least apologised, even if perfunctorily, and he apologised for sleeping with Atom (yeah, he really shouldn't have done that). He and Ray let the water wash under their particular bridge, and seem set to be cool. They never really had much in the way of beef to be fair. But Mew...actually you know what, good. Some people you don't need to be friends with, especially people who are gonna judge you and try to make you feel shitty about yourself. The narrative leaves Boston literally alone at the end though, legit the last time we see him is sitting on the curb with tears in his eyes as Nick walks away. Thanks, I hate it. I hope New York is better to Boston, and I hope he continues to learn and grow and tackle those impulse control problems.
🔻2. Nick (1)
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You should go back to living a fun and sassy life that you prefer instead of trying to please a daydreaming guy like me.
YOU COULD HAVE ACCEPTED THE GODDAMN PHOTO NICKYBOY. I mean I get why not, but justice for my mans. Anyway, Nick's legit my second fave main here, as he grapples with the in-your-face realities of Boston's separation of love and sex, and decides he can't handle it. And that's good, that he loves Boston enough not to judge him, and loves himself enough not to put himself through something he knows he doesn't want. Every single choice and every conversation these two have had since Nick apologised has been nothing less than stellar, and that's because Nick took accountability and chose honesty. Well done baby boy.
🔺3. Sand (5)
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You're right. When I love someone, I become a dog. But at least my owner loves me.
Pathetic to the very end, consistency thy name is Sand. He could have at least thrown his bussy into that threesome, but nooooooo, he got jealous IN TWO DIRECTIONS AT ONCE 🤣. He's fine with both boys slangin the dick his way, but calls a halt when they leave him out? Sir that's when you stand back and admire. Sand's pick-me ass ain't never gonna be my absolute fave, but his self-awareness and humiliation kink work together to be kind of endearing in a guileless sort of way, and at least he's learned to take the money if he's going to accept the ownership. It's sweet in a weird kink way. Also, his and Nick's loser friendship pushes him several points higher up the scale. There's growth and acceptance there, and he's 21 so I'll let him have it.
🔺4. Ray (7)
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You still love him so I dragged him here for you. But I wanted to join just a little.
Well when he's not drunk night and day Ray's still a rich asshole, but he's a ton more fun. I love that he knows the kids at community service don't like him🤣. I spot rehab therapy working on him a bit. That threesome set up was WILD, and I personally had a good time with it, but it's probably best that it led to talking rather than fucking. Ray's got a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go, but at least he treats Boston like a human being (I AM SO BITTER AND I'M NOT GETTING OVER IT). He's never gonna clock Mew's shittiness (BITTERNESS ACCELERATING) but you win some, you lose some. By the way sir, don't listen to Sand, he absolutely will be your sugar baby if you beg a little.
🔻5. Top (4)
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Because I have you, everything is fine.
Top's smugness was the single most genuine thing about him, so I actually quite enjoyed watching him be a smug motherfucker this ep as he gets everything he thinks he wants. You know what I enjoyed more though? Watching his soul leave his body when Minx!Mix walked into the hostel and laser-targeted Mew. Mew putting Top through hell is legit my favourite flavour of their weird little fucked up relationship, and I'm sorry I won't get to see Mew eventually fall for Mix (you KNOW he wants to top somebody, YOU KNOW IT) and Top cry about it while he screws a bellboy in a service closet.
🔹6. Mew (6)
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Are you about to say "But you're my last, Mew"? If so, I'm going to go puke in the bathroom.
OK, that line was funny, but jeez what a prig. What a sanctimonious nag. What a judgy little hypocrite. In his own conception he 'won' but Mew's the biggest loser in my heart. No he didn't have to forgive Boston, but come on, he could've kept it cute OR kept it moving full speed instead of the fake nicey nicey only to stick the knife in after. It's good that he walks away from Boston in the end, because with friends like Mew you don't need enemies. He makes Ray worse. And he and Cheum form the feedback loop from hell. Bookie sold the fuck out of this character, I have nothing but praise for him, but Mew is the living worst. I won't mention the character he reminds me most of in all of fiction, but if you're a certain age and you think about it a little, you can probably guess.
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omgsquee2001 · 4 months
We Are Connected: Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
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Allura smiled and nodded.
*"[Y/N], oel ngati kameie." Allura said. [Y/N] smiled.
*"'Awvea ultxari ohengeyä, Nawma Sa'nok lrrtok siveiyi." [Y/N] replied. They turned to the warriors. "We have nothing to fear, Na'viya. Eywa has given me a sign that these people are our friends, not enemies." They declared. One of the Na'Vi, who looked to be the Chief, walked forward, glaring at the Na'Vi.
"How do we know they are not a threat? I will not let strangers into our home." He said. [Y/N] turned to the Chief.
"I understand your worry, 'Etsluei Te Ieyom Tìkxi'itan. However, do not question the will of Eywa. If the Great Mother saw them as a threat, She would have told me so." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei lowered his head. He knew better than to question the Will of Eywa. He knew better than to question [Y/N], Eywa's messenger. [Y/N] turned back to Allura. "Who are these people you bring with you?" [Y/N] asked. Allura smiled and gestured back to the Paladins.
"These, are the Paladins of Voltron." She explained. [Y/N]'s eyes widened. The Na'Vi whispered among themselves. They had heard tales of Voltron, but never thought them to be real. Allura introduced each of the Paladins. [Y/N] looked at the Paladins.
"Eywa welcomes you to Pandora, Paladins of Voltron. Come, let us return to Home Tree. There, we will meet Uäze, who is Tsahìk." [Y/N] said. Hunk raised his hand.
"Okay, that's all well and good. But, what is this, Tsahìk? Is it edible, because I am starving!" He said. [Y/N] chuckled. They were different than the other Na'Vi. They weren't as serious as the warriors and Chief. They had a childish air about them.
"Tsahìk is the interpreter of Eywa. While I am the messenger and may speak with Eywa, Tsahìk makes the final decisions." [Y/N] explained. "And don't worry, Hunk. We will have dinner shortly." [Y/N] said.
As the Paladins and Na'Vi returned to Home Tree, the Paladins stared in aw at what they saw before them. Much like the Olkari, the Na'Vi had made their homes in the trees. [Y/N] walked in front, turning to look at the Paladins and the Princess.
"Stand here. Uäze will come." They said. A figure descended from one of the main roots of Home Tree. She wore a headband, connected by red cords, a long bone near the end. She wore a red shawl that fell to the floor, the end dissolving into a sunset orange. [Y/N] turned to look at the Paladins. "This is Uäze Te Wuveyfää Ingyämäi'ite, Tsahìk. She interprets the Will of Eywa." [Y/N] explained. They walked up to the Na'Vi. *"Uäze, oel ngati kameie." [Y/N] greeted, lifting two fingers to her forehead and pulling them away in greeting. Uäze nodded.
"[Y/N], oel ngati kameie," Uäze responded. Her calculating, yellow eyes fell upon the Paladins and Allura. "Who are these people?" Uäze asked. [Y/N] gestured to Allura.
"This is Allura te Altea, Alfor'ite," [Y/N] explained. "When *Ma sempul and *Ma sa'nok were Chief and Tsahìk, Alfor visited often. I can promise you, Uäze, she is no threat." [Y/N] said. Uäze didn't seem convinced.
"What of the others?" Uäze asked. [Y/N] stood in front of the Paladins.
"These are the Paladins of Voltron. They come to defend Eywa and her People." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei frowned, coming to stand next to his Mate.
"We are not at war with anyone. The Galra have stayed far away from Pandora because we do not give them a reason to attack." He said. Shiro stepped forward.
"If I may, 'Etsluei, sir," he started. The Chief and Tsahìk looked at the leader of Voltron with calculating, yellow eyes. "We have not come here to fight or defend. We have come here to learn your ways. To learn about the energy flowing through all living things." Shiro said, hoping his words would convince him. Being an astronaut, he was interested in learning new things. And he would not pass up an opportunity to learn from an alien race, especially when there was no Galra involved. Uäze looked at Shiro.
"It is hard to fill a cup that is half full." She said. 'Etsluei and Uäze looked at each other, still not convinced. They turned to [Y/N].
"It has been done before," they said quietly. "Remember Jake Sully and Neytiri." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei looked at Uäze. The Tsahìk inclined her head and looked at the Messenger of Eywa and the visitors.
*"[Y/N], awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru, fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng." Uäze said. [Y/N] smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Uäze." They said. [Y/N] turned and smiled at the Paladins. "Training begins tomorrow.
*Uäze, oel ngati kameie = Uäze, I See You
*[Y/N], oel ngati kameie = [Y/N], I See You
*[Y/N], awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru, fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng. = [Y/N], you will teach them our ways, to speak and walk as we do.
//Here's Chapter 3. I apologize for the short chapters. I want to get chapters out as soon as I can, otherwise, I feel like I might loose motivation for them.//
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fic rec friday 29
welcome to the twenty-ninth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. don’t know what i did to earn a love like this (but baby i must be doin’ something right) by littleghost
“I went to the desert to listen to country music.” It falls out of him, and he keeps going, voice hushed like there’s more than just him and Lance in this room. “It always reminded me of you and I would go stare at the stars, think of you, and listen to country.”
i know littleghost has been inactive in the voltron fandom since literally 2017 but i am so obsessed with their fic. im not huge on high school aus usually but this fic in particular had so many of my favourite niche headcanons that ive read this fic like twelve times. yall know how i feel about quiet devotion and its everywhere in this fic.
2. every day i wonder by kirargent
Lance has a stuffed-full backpack, a beanie pulled down over the tips of his ears, a blanket draped around his neck like a thick scarf, and his cell phone pressed to one ear. He looks like an idiot, and he’s being entirely too loud for a good cryptid hunt.
this shit made me fucking LAUGH. keith is such an ornery bitch i literally love him so much. this fic bodies the ‘fuck am i in love with HIM?? why??? why am i so HAPPY ABOUT IT???’ so well i love it
3. mortal bodies, timeless souls by @littendeservesbetter
“Wait!” Coran lets out a triumphant noise. “I got it! If my calculations stand corrected, then our visitors will be people we actually know! Keith, Lance, you two will be meeting your alternate selves today!”
Coran says it like the idea is so mundane that it takes Keith a while to process. The moment he does, however, he feels his heart drop to his stomach.
“We’re going to what?!” Lance yelps, effectively voicing out Keith’s thoughts.
Or, the castle's teludav malfunctions, alternate realities are mixed, and Keith finds out that he and Lance are a lot more... close in other realities.
they are fucking in love in every single reality in every single universe always and endlessly. they are Soulmates. i know its cheesy but im obsessed with them literally. also extra incentive this fic has pike/thunderstorm darkness
4. here comes the violence by stardon 
“Fancy seeing you here, Whiskers.”
Keith feels his tail wag in annoyance, which is almost as horrifying as his current situation. “No. Absolutely fucking not.” He looks at his bare wrist, pretending he has a watch. “How about we postpone this? My calendar says I’m free from the seventh of never through to the fifteenth of ain’t-gonna-happen, how does that work for you guys?”
Pidge looks up, quirking a brow. “Lance has an amazing influence on your humour, you know that?”
In which sometimes Keith is a bit Galra, sometimes not.
this fic is excellent because their both so obviously in love and down bad for each other but theyre both also stupid. borderline already dating but also not and driving each other insane is peak peak trope
5. Beast of Burden by melancholymango [EXPLICIT]
“Keith, no, we can’t go again.” Lance pleads fall on deaf ears. Keith is honed in on him now like predator to prey. He’s fighting a losing battle and they both know it. He sees it in the way Keith is raking his eyes over him, sizing him up. “We’ll be so late getting to the bar.”“Just one more.” Keith insists, herding Lance toward the counter with a stubbornness that is innately wolf. Lance pouts, but he doesn't have anywhere else to go but backward.“That’s what you said last time! And the time before that!”--The week leading up to a supermoon, as told by the world's best werewolf boyfriend, Lance McClain. The good, the bad, and the horny.
this is just monsterfucking but its also like soft in there. but mostly its monsterfucking
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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Okay so I counted the total number of notes on all of my posts and came to a grand total of:
Oh. My. Goodness.
Thank you ALL so so so much!!!!!!! I'm having a mini freakout over here!!!!!
The MFE pilots and Atlas crew know Shiro as "Captain," or "Takashi" at the friendliest.
They view him as a superior, someone to respect.
Which probably explains why they're so confused about his closeness with the paladins.
Colleen will be speaking to her child about motherly things, and suddenly Shiro will walk over and ruffle Pidge's hair.
Or Veronica will be lecturing Lance about doing something stupid (The other traitorous paladins snuck off and mouthed their thanks towards him for 'taking one for the group.') and suddenly Lance will call out. "Hey Shiro!" before bro-hugging him.
They finally ask about it one day in the lounge when the majority of the Atlas crew and the paladins -even Keith- are all just chilling after a long battle.
Shiro is watching the paladins (read: Keith, Lance, and Pidge) play each other aggressively on the gaming console that Pidge apparently installed into the ship.
Shiro goes to grab them snacks because he's awesome like that.
When he hands said snacks to the three gamers, they all chorus, "Thanks, Spacedad," creepily in sync.
Everyone turns immediately in shock.
Of course, they had already figured out that the members of Voltron are very close with Shiro, but not that close.
Sam Holt feels slightly replaced.
"What is going on? Where is your military hierarchy?" Griffin pipes up.
Shiro is not AT ALL fond of Griffin. Yes, Keith did let the first punch fly when they got into that fight at the Garrison all those years ago, but Shiro will hold a grudge against anyone who dares hurt his baby physically or verbally (and James did both!) and therefore believes that Keith was at least 80% justified in his act of aggression.
WOW, that was a long sentence.
So when Shiro responds as neutrally as possible, it's with a slightly upturned nose and a dignified tone of superiority.
"I gave up trying to stop them a LONG while ago. I've come to terms with it."
Hunk walks in at that moment.
"Hey guys! Are we talking about Shiro's nickname? 'Cuz we gave him a shirt with 'Spacedad' written across it in sparkly letters last year for his birthday that I particularly like."
The other 3 paladins present nod mindlessly as they continue to battle each other virtually.
Shiro gives everyone a look that says, 'See? Totally normal.'
"It's the only way I can keep them in line. They threaten each other saying that they'll call their 'dad' which is me if you haven't figured that out yet somehow, and it actually works most of the time."
Lance snorts. "Yup. Spacedad's gotta do what a Spacedad's gotta do."
Shiro gives him a look.
"Okay I might have to smack you with a pillow for that one."
Lance squeals and wraps his arms around Keith for protection, causing the boy to startle and drop his own controller.
Pidge finally pulls ahead and wins. They jump up and crow out victoriously, "YES! In your FACES you crap-eating WEBLUM FACES."
Keith groaned and leaned back into Lance's chest (because Lance is tryna be sneaky and is therefore taking this as his chance to trap Keith securely in his arms).
"I blame this on you, Spacedad. I have to let Lance and Pidge braid my hair now."
I just added Spacedad to my computer's dictionary so that it would stop trying to spellcheck me. This is how you know that I'm truly way too into Voltron. Oh, well.
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Lotura Week 2023 Day 3 - Beach Day Bliss / What's the Weather
Sun and Water
Emperor Lotor of the Galra peeked out from behind the curtain of the changing room, cheeks visibly heated. “And you’re sure this is…socially acceptable clothing in human environments?”
Princess Allura leaned against the wall in her bright pink bikini and glittering sarong, admiring her own suit. “Oh, very.” She leaned in and added, “I think it’s freeing after so many years stuffed into thick clothes and armor. Don’t you?”  
The alien man’s slit eyes narrowed, and his blush deepened. “The Galra do not…show themselves in this way. Typically.”
“Are you afraid to partake in opening swimming? How then do your people ever enjoy an ocean or a sea?”
“We have swimming suits,” he complained, “and do not trounce about half-naked.”
“But such dress doesn’t mean nakedness here,” Allura said as she placed a hand on her hip. “Come on, if I can do it, surely you can as well. I thought you said you like exploring new cultures, besides.”
He made a noise in the back of his throat, then disappeared behind the curtain again, mumbling under his breath. In time, he pulled it back to reveal himself in navy swim trunks and a white, open button-down shirt, carrying an orange and blue-striped beach towel under his arm. “I am doing this only because you have partaken in the wearing of the bikini.”
Allura’s cheeks heated upon glancing over his form. Lotor’s armor was fitted to his lithe body, but the sunlight streaming into the changing rooms shined bright over his scarred lavender skin and sleek, corded muscle. His long hair glowed about him.
“Oh,” she said, eyes wide. “On second thought, do hide, or else I shall have to fight for my claim when all others see how handsome you are.”
Lotor gave her a half-pleased and half-miserable look as he reshuffled his beach towel and awkwardly placed sunglasses atop his head—an action still new to him. “And you do not think I must anticipate the same for you?”
She beamed at him and held out her hand. “The humans are quite used to this state of dress and to me, but I do love your flattery. Come on, let us go together, then, and we shall make it quite clear that we are claimed by each other.”
He paused before he reached out and intertwined his long, calloused fingers with hers. “…Together,” he agreed.
The two alien royals stepped into the warm sand of the Earth. Lotor glanced down at the sensation upon his bare feet, curious of the pleasant softness of sand between his toes, and then he glanced back up at the crowds before him.
Human children laughed, chasing one another, while other couples walked hand-in-hand, with several adults sunbathing or chatting beneath large, blue umbrellas.
Lotor’s ear twitched. In the background was the gentle cresting of waves as they crashed against the beach. Among them, the Paladins of Voltron played a game with a multi-colored ball. With all the activity, and the several other aliens lounging about humans, the crowds paid no mind to either Lotor or Allura besides a friendly wave as they passed by.
And the Earth’s sun—it pleasantly heated his skin, so unlike the cold darkness of space.
In great curiosity, he inhaled the scent of the sun and the beach. It was an airy, salty scent that inspired a lightness in his heart. A sense of cosmic alignment.
Allura tugged on his arm and pulled him along to the edge of the waves. “You do know how to swim, yes?”
He followed her without complaint, glancing about all the activity. “Of course, but I do not swim or traverse a beach for pleasure as humans seem to do.” The waves crested against his ankles, streaming past to cover the sand, and the water cooled his warm skin. “I’ve always seen swimming as a survival skill only.”
Allura pouted in a cute way, tightening her grip on his hand. “It pains me that you’ve known no fun whatsoever for ten-thousand years.” Her fingers stroked against a harsh scar that ran along the side of his palm.
Lotor squeezed her hand back, careful of his claws. “But I am here now with you,” he said, voice rising with merriment. “Teach me all the ways of fun, for I am a quick learner and quite interested in the concept.”
That lit up Allura’s eyes. “Oh, there’s lots of ways to have fun at a beach. Perhaps we should start with simple fun, as I would hate to wear you out after the latest battle with rift creatures,” she said, pulling away. Her sarong glittered in the sun as she leaned over, grabbing onto one of the free sand chairs.
“I could do without rift creatures,” he agreed and moved to help her.
Soon, they sat side by side in the sand chairs, their towels tossed farther up the beach. Lotor reached out in pleasant awe as a wave crashed over his outstretched legs, the water splashing up his heated arm before it receded.
They still held hands between their chairs—a slack, comfortable grip.
“I see now why humans do not wear armor at the beach,” he said. “The water and sun are pleasant here.”
Her expression softened. “Isn’t it?” she agreed. “Back on Altea, our oceans contained giant Eravutes—large nightmare creatures that made their nests on the beach, and could be occasionally be tamed into pets. It always made for an interesting time but certainly not a relaxing one.” She sunk back into her chair, breathing deeply as she closed her eyes. “I could get used to this.”
Lotor made a noise of agreement, glancing down to peer curiously into the clear water. “As could I,” he murmured. “It seems that simply enjoying the atmosphere is a popular pastime at Earth beaches.”
“Oh, quite.” She peeked open one eye. “Do remind me to slather you with the sunscreen lotion sooner rather than later.”
His white eyebrow quirked. “You would encourage touching in such a way while we are underdressed in public?"
Her nose crinkled with laughter, even as her face heated up from a different energy than the sun. She pulled away to pile her white curls into a top bun before saying, voice prim, "It's about sun safety, above all."
Lotor leaned in. "Do I get to return the favor of the slathering of sunscreen?"
Allura tightened her bun and waggled her eyebrows. "Of course."
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theroundbartable · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "theroundbartable "?
10 fics will be hard for me to do, since I'm very bad with names and I don't really.... Save any. I read, like, comment and move on.
Let's start with my name first. That's easier. Theroundbartable was a joke I made a couple years ago and I had it as the headline of my blog for a while when I was still Changelink23.
I'm not sure where it came from anymore... But I think it was kind of the basis for "connecting the dots". Which is a fanfiction I wrote that is about Gwaine and the knights making up stories about Merthur. It was their game to guess what Merlin was up to and gossip about Arthur's pining. And collectively, they'd make up the entire series on accident.
My idea then was that the knights gather in a bar, got really drunk and basically play DnD with the BBC Merlin storyline. So, the knights of the round table, but at a bar. And maybe that table was round. And maybe it was their regular seat and they called it the round bar table.
After Changelink outdid its purpose and I got really deep into the Merlin concepts, I decided my name should fit the theme. And what else am I doing here with you guys, other than exchange ideas about Merlin while half sounding on drugs? It's my idea of being part of this fandom, I think. All of us sitting at the round bar table and having fun with the series together.
Now, fanfics:
1. Dirty laundry by Gybslythe (Voltron)
It's just... It has sentimental value for me. The author put down the story because they were bullied, sadly. I just felt at home in that fanfiction because the places seemed so familiar to me and I caught the feeling. I could compare it with me visitung my godmother as a child and the described places were just the best moments of my entire childhood. Also the writing style is SOOO good! I mimicked it for a mock exam and that was my best English Exam during my A-levels.
2. Sadly I don't know the actual name of this one :/
Funnily enough, it was a Gravity falls fanfiction... And a Bill cipher x reader one at that, which is WILD that I ever read it. The Reader thing really repulses me. Lol. The thing is, it was very non intimate and the world building blew my mind. It started off with Bill realizing his existence and step by step, he'd give his knowledge to the one human that interested him and therefore lost his power. The reader, however, grew with the knowledge and in the end, wakes up as the entity Bill had been. Just, suddenly knowing she existed, no memories of ever being human. It was so well done and pulled at my philosophical brain, I built "Wired" off of it.
3. Not a story but a series...
Anything by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle. This is the series that made my Merlin writings what they are. I read these and they brought me SOOO much joy! I used to write really depressive stuff. Still do. But after reading these, I wanted to bring that joy, too. I really dug into my humor after that and it really changed how I see stories and even myself and became the foundation of what I focus on in dialogues.
4. From the grave to the cradle by larcluce
I admit it, I'm a bit biased for this one because I'm so proud of larluce for posting their first story after wanting ME to write it. As if I could have done it justice. It's so good for a first work and yeah... I'm very proud of them.
5. My soul has your claim, my soul is in flames
(Voltron) i'm currently reading that due to my online friend's suggestion and it's just... Maybe it's because I'm currently obsessed with it but it really is just that good. It's everything I want from a voltron fanfic :) obliviousness, pining, misunderstandings, and reassurance and Lance's death reveal. Like... Yeah. I'm a sucker for this story.
There are probably a lot more on my list but I'm REALLY bad at remembering stuff XD I remember when I stumble on them. I just listed the ones that are at the top of my head. Sorry it's not a full ten :/ I actually write more than I read too. When I start reading, my mind gets ideas and then I have to write them down and I somehow rarely finish fics over 100k words.
BuT wRiTinG tHEm iS fInE.
By the way, I haven't read "like the cycle of the year" yet. It's been on my list for a while but I haven't gotten around to it. I know it's a fandom favorite. But maybe that's what's putting me off. It'll probably make me feel inadequate after reading it and comparing it to my stuff and then I'll feel bad about my writing. Which would by both oddly motivating and off putting, lol.
As a little bonus, I'll just say what I'm currently working on/planning to work on for now.
1. second chances (Drarry)
I've been writing on that one for over a year. Which is the longest I ever spend on a fic and also the longest fic I've ever worked on in total and also the one I most edited. I'm writing it for my girlfriend. I feel like I'm getting closer to the end and I will post it once it's finished.
Jkr sucks, by the way. She'd probably hate the story which satisfies me greatly.
It's a time travel au, obviously, in which Drarry was a muggle therapist after the war. The magical world doesn't respond well to the idea of therapy but that's not Draco's concern even though it should be. He just wants to atone for his sins. Being thrown back in time gives him that chance... But it also awakens deep traumatic issues while he struggles to help the good side and betray his parents and friends in the meantime. It's very analytical of his character and he suffers a lot and it's a lot of fun to do.
2. Karak'nirir- the goddess of creation (Voltron)
A Lance centric Voltron fanfic in which he is gifted the power of a goddess. I'm trying to get back into world building and well... I just really love Lance XD
3. The clockroom (BBC Merlin)
... It's on hiatus... Again. It's so hard to find the time to work on it. But I will... At some point. Probably. I hate unfinished business.
4. ... I'll probably focus on the Merthur marriage concept next. In which Arthur tries to raise Merlin's status and has Merlin learn magic in order to defeat Emrys. Cause then Merlin would be druid king and they can get married XD i want to apply some stuff I'm currently learning through "my soul has your claim" and maybe that will change how I write in the long run, too.
5. .... I should be working on a book that's publishable. Maybe feedback from professional book sellers will help me improve my work also.
By the way... Having 4 wips kills my brain. I hate it. One fic at a time. That's how I work best. It's too much for me. I'm dying. I have no ideas how other people do it.
Thank you for the question, anon ^^ I hope I answered it well enough XD
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xjulixred45x · 59 minutes
Hi again, I hope you are having a good day. This is Non JJK question I thought about after heard about the news about Netflix. How do you feel about Voltron as a whole? Since Netflix is pulling it out I just wanted to ask someone who I assume enjoyed it
Wow! A Voltron Ask in 2024?? That weird, but a good type of weird. It's a shame that they're pulling it off, it's great serie Even with it's things!
I definitely enjoyed Voltron when i first saw it, but as well as most of the fandom, i have some problems with the series.
this is a common grown in the fandom, we all HATE the final they give to Voltron, it don't make sense, everyone it's out of character, the deaths mean NOTHING and bring NOTHING, and they stay the same as the start of the season.
I think even if You ship Allura x Lance, You have to recognice that the relationship they had IN THE LAST SEASON was FOUL. It feels artificial, out of nowhere, and it RUINS Lance character grown.
And for Allura, it's feels like it's a Rebound for Lotor than anything else, she take the feelings she have for Lotor and proyect them onto Lance, which is 1-out of character and 2- horrible of her.
there's SO MUCH potential wasted in Main/ side character like Romele(which after season 6 don't do ANYTHING), the generals of Lotor(how they meet each other? How was their views of the Empire? How they meet Lotor? They Worked togheter from the start or??) and the interactions between Paladins(HUNK MY BELOVED WHY THEY FORGET ABOUT YOU SO OFTEN???).
And don't get me started with LOTOR! The man have the potential to be either a great final VILLIAN, a reedemeble Anti Hero, a MEMBER OF VOLTRON, BUT THEY JUST LET HIM DEAD(THEY SHOW US HIS CORPSE!) AFTER SO MUCH FORESHADOWING! and just let him like a Maniac how was a monster, but after not, but yes, but no--
See what i'm saying?
Voltron is a GREAT SERIES, i would like to explain the good things it has in another post(this is just the last season honestly), but in general, this is the Bad things.
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skalidra · 1 year
Fic Writers Showcase Game
@there-must-be-a-lock tagged me!
Rules: Go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason.
First fic published on Ao3: That would be The Other Side of the Mirror, an Earth-3 continuity mess with a JayDick main pair, featuring Roy as a 3rd PoV. First chapter was posted in September, 2014, currently 200k, 20 chapters , and as of yet unfinished, though I think as it stands it ends on a decently hopeful note. I do still recall the main plot points of where it goes, and would like to finish it someday.
Last fic published: I posted the first chapter of Five Finger Discount just yesterday, which is the 5th piece in my Worth Counting series, an alpha!Slade/alpha!Jason series exploring a variety of kinks but with a focus on non-formal dom/sub vibes, competence/strength kink, and mostly-play fighting. (The last finished story was Shifting Into Fourth which is the 4th piece of that same series, so, I'm a little bit on a theme here.)
Fandom/ship I only wrote once: I uh. I wrote Hamilton/Jefferson/Madison room-where-it-happens porn. For the Hamilton musical. It's called Do Whatever It Takes and I think it is still the thing that makes me feel the most sinfully dirty of all the things I've ever written. So there's that.
I also have Let's Be Clear, which is my only fic set anywhere in the MCU, and is a Daredevil oneshot of an asexual!Wesley being invited to join a Fisk/Vanessa relationship, as I vibed real hard with Wesley as a character and never really got over his unfortunate demise.
(Honorable mention to my four stories that are technically fandoms of their own, but all fall under the 'DCU' umbrella, being for the Arkham games, two shows in the CW Arrowverse, and the Teen Titans cartoon.)
Favorite fic in most popular fandom/ship: This is a little hard to quantify. Technically 'DCU (Comics)' comes in at 93k in stories, which would make JayDick the most popular pairing, which makes my favorite story Captain's Privileges. It's a Star Trek mirror!verse fusion with Captain!Dick and Engineer!Jason and so many unhealthy relationships everywhere, and I love it.
However! 'DCU (Comics)' is a very broad umbrella and it's not really fair to say it's my biggest fandom, since the slice I belong to is much smaller. Which means the more accurate winner is Voltron, at 85k stories. I technically have a Klance story but given that it is a big poly clusterfuck dark!fic I really have to actually give this to the second most popular pairing by stat, Sheith. Out of those, I think my favorite is I'm Not That Man, which was an early false-memories/brainwashed!Shiro fic set just before the wormhole split them all up.
Fic I wish more people read: An Extra Shot, hands down. Come read my gen, Wilson-family-focused exploration of what happens if Adeline dies during the attack on Joey! Come read Slade Wilson being forced into confronting the fact that he is a terrible dad and also now a widowed dad of three kids! Come read Billy trying his best to bludgeon all the terrible communicators of this family into actually working things out! READ THIS. THERE'S A SEQUEL IN PROGRESS. IT'S GOOD I SWEAR.
Fic that was hardest to write: I think the award for this has to go to Me, Not Her, a CaptainPan/CaptainSwan piece which I was apparently so frustrated with at some point that I straight up deleted the file. Four years later (no I am not kidding) I had the vague memory of it. Some sketchy thing I could maybe expand, now that I was having thoughts about OUaT again. I pull it out of the (then eternal) trash of Google Drive. It is five thousand words long and needs no more than pretty basic editing and a little padding at the end to round it off. I don't know what the hell was happening with me when I deleted it, but wow, lesson learned.
Fic that popped out fully-formed: I don't recall any that were explicitly like this, but I also don't tend to write like, neat little packaged stories all that often. If I'm writing oneshots they're usually for events. So my best answer to this is probably Fucking Androids? It's a Reed900 relationship origin story that blazed its way out of me during NaNoWriMo one year, named entirely for the sex pun and then in the end absolutely refusing to have any sex in it, so it won that fight. I remember at least most of it coming really, really easy.
Fic I'm proud of: Pulling out a weird little one, here. I'm going to say Take a Ride. It's a JayDick, Gotham City Garage story that I wrote for Firefright's birthday one year, and on reread I actually still really, really like it? It's just a neat apocalyptic-desert vibe relationship building thing, set in the criminally under-explored and rushed GCG world, and I really like how I put Dick together in this one. I recommend it.
Not tagging anyone specific, but if anyone would like to do this as well, feel free!
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Disabled Characters Showdown
1.) Characters are listed below the cut because there’s a ridiculous amount of them.
2.) This is going to be a 128 person showdown. Because of this there are going to be a few adjustments from how we normally do our polls. First- not all characters will have character descriptions, because we have neither the time or inclination to do so. There still will be character images along with image descriptions, but that’s about it. Second- because of how many polls this is, the first round will be released in waves of 16 polls per day over the span of 4 days. The other rounds will not be impacted. Third- the first wave of polls will be dropping on the 28th.
3.) If you want to submit propaganda about any of these characters feel free to because otherwise you will get things like this: “Haven’t the faintest clue who this is, so you get no context.” You can also submit character images because most of them will be horrible due to us just pulling most of them from the fandom page.
4.) If you have any issues about any characters feel free to shoot us an ask. That being said, this poll isn’t really about who is the best representation. See more details here. If you are wondering why a character is on the list feel free to ask and we’ll tell you but we’re not gonna put on reasoning for all of the characters.
5.) We tried our best with some of the names, but also are not familiar with some of the characters on this list so if there’s any issues there please let us know.
Clint Barton
Maya Lopez
Matt Murdock
Professor X
Nick Fury
Bucky Barnes
Madame Web
James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes
Daniel Sousa
Jeri Hogarth
Jessica Jones
Phil Coulson
Barbara Gordon
Joseph ‘Joey’ Wilson/ Jericho
Destiny of the Endless
Freddy Freeman
Roy Harper- Young Justice
Jin Bu-yeon- Alchemy of Souls
Edward Elric- Fullmetal Alchemist
Might Guy- Naruto
Hatori Sohma- Fruits Basket
Vash the Stampede- Trigun
Yang Xiao Long- RWBY
Neopolitian- RWBY
Nunnally vi Britannia- Code Geass
Jean-Pierre Polnareff- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Ali Abdul- Squid Game
Naruto Uzumaki- Naruto
Sasuke Uchiha- Naturo
Yuuri Katsuki- Yuri!!! On Ice
Star Wars/Trek/Aliens:
Geordi La Forge- Star Trek: The Next Generation
Luke Skywalker- Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker- Star Wars
Kanan Jarrus- Star Wars
Shiro- Voltron: Legendary Defender
Keyla Detmer- Star Trek: Discovery
Alex Manes- Roswell, New Mexico
Commander Wolffe- Star Wars
Chirrut Îmwe- Star Wars
River Tam- Firefly
Saw Gerrera- Star Wars
Wrecker- Star Wars
Visas Marr- Star Wars Legends
Darth Traya/Kreia- Star Wars Legends
Fennec Shand- Star Wars
Tahl- Star Wars Legends
Darth Maul- Star Wars
Echo- Star Wars
Breha Organa- Star Wars
Non-Animated TV Shows:
Connie- The Walking Dead
Eileen Leahy- Supernatural
Joel Miller- The Last of Us
Christopher Diaz- 9-1-1
Aaron- The Walking Dead
Ben Scott- Yellowjackets
Fei- The Umbrella Academy
Ian Gallagher- Shameless
Sara Eriksson- Young Royals
Mateo Chavez- 9-1-1 Lone Star
Lucius Spriggs- Our Flag Means Death
John Silver- Black Sails
Prince Wilhelm- Young Royals
Theo Dimas- Only Murders in the Building
Adam Parrish- The Raven Cycle
Hearthstone- Magnus Chase
Dezi- The Sunbearer Trials
Katniss Everdeen- The Hunger Games
Ambrosius Goldenloin- Nimona
Lord Blackheart- Nimona
Genya Safin- Grishaverse
Peeta Mellark- The Hunger Games
Kaz Brekker- Grishaverse
Oscar Silva- Renegades
Erik- The Tea Dragon Society
Linh Cinder- The Lunar Chronicles
Wu Zetian- Iron Widow
Wylan Van Eck- Grishaverse
Nova Huang- Mooncakes
Percy Newton- The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue
Jack Wolcott- Wayward Children
Ty Blackthorn- City of Heavenly Fire
Scarlet Benoit- The Lunar Chronicles
Carswell Thorne- The Lunar Chronicles
Adrik Zhabin- Grishaverse
Maedhros- The Silmarillion
Beren- The Silmarillion
Frodo Baggins- Lord of the Rings
Ettiene- The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Kate Rose- Cosmoknights
Alex Claremont-Diaz- Red, White & Royal Blue
Jack Zimmerman- Check Please!
Charlie Spring- Heartstopper
Reagan Abbot- A Quiet Place
Jia Andrews- Godzilla vs. Kong
Carl- Up
Hiccup- How To Train Your Dragon
Toothless- How To Train Your Dragon
Gobber- How To Train Your Dragon
Hermann Gottlieb- Pacific Rim
Massimo Marcovaldo- Luca
Imperator Furiosa- Mad Max: Fury Road
Drago Bludvist- How To Train Your Dragon
Animated TV Shows:
Amaya- The Dragon Prince
Toph Beifong- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Teo- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Eda Clawthorne- The Owl House
Entrapta- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Finn Mertens- Adventure Time
Jewelstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Tallstar- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Villads- The Dragon Prince
Marcy Wu- Amphibia
Mr. Poolcheck- Gravity Falls
Principal Bump- The Owl House
Captain ‘Grime’ Grimothy- Amphibia
Ida, Bev, and Florabel- Kipo: Age of the Wonderbeasts
Ming-Hua- Avatar: Legend of Korra
Sol Regem- The Dragon Prince
Combustion Man- Avatar: The Last Airbender
Other Stuff:
Janice Palmer- Welcome to Nightvale
Nessarose Thropp- Wicked
Kotallo- Horizon Forbidden West
Norma- Dead End Paranormal Park
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bosstoaster · 2 years
the beloved shiro please <3
Ah, the original boy. I still love him so dearly. Best, dutiful boy.
Sexuality I think canon intention is gay, but bi is valid. All mlm Shiros welcome.
OTP SHEITH. S H E I T H. But tbh I love all Shiro parings
BroTP Allura and Shiro are so lovely together as work partners and also fellow badasses. I still love that they tried to pull the 'you can't go on the mission!!' card and Shiro was like 'nah let her' before he knew about her alien super strength
NoTP They're all good Shiro pairings, Brent
Headcanon He's got the darkest fucking sense of humor. Also that he's EXTREMELY particular about his appearance, at least in terms of how he comes across to others. If one (1) person thinks he looks like a slob for any reason he will lose his mind.
Favorite Line "Enough with the bad sound effects. Besides, it's more like BLAM BLAM BLAM"
Way I relate Writing Shiro is literally how I realized I have an anxiety disorder lol. Everyone was like 'wow you nailed what it feels like to have PTSD/anxiety' and I went 'uh that's not how everyone feels all the time?'
Second hand embarrassment Voltron Show, for everyone always
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? The MOST cinnamon roll of all
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Let's Rewind! Toast Watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
Season 1, Episode 39: The Captive Comet Season 1, Episode 40: The Little Prince
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Opening with Haggar dishing out some lore, yes please universe started with a big bang and that apparently created a comet that acted like a black hole that at some point Voltron banished to a far corner of the universe inch resting
this was a fairy tale for drule children? i wonder how that story would've gone
"take it easy zarkon, eaaaasy" Haggar smokes weed for sure
she sacrificed a star fleet to be able to control the comet, another thing that feels so similar to a plot point in vf
did they just pull Romelle out of her cell just to let her freak out about the omega comet heading to arus 😭 what a petty move lotor
smart cookie, she found a way to contact the team before getting found out
"human on arus" so is arus like a colony of earths that slowly became its own governing body? Inch resting, they will still be aliens to me though
how does Coran know about the secret plan that happened before voltron split into lions if he only found out voltron after it was split into 5?? I'm gonna make this lore make sense by the end of the episode I swear
early voltron formation, shits about to get real
oh man they already got to the comet? also why did Allura look so young in that scene?
Keith: maybe your right Lance: I know im right! get his ass lance
oh man voltron is trapped trapped for realises this time, he can't even get out of the comet's gravity
ofc they contacted the alliance for help, and they'd rather let Voltron die instead of giving any help "ill see what i can do" literally i want the alliance broken
PRINCE BANDOR COMING IN TO HELP THE TEAM LETS GOO again i need to make this lore make sense and by the end of this show i fucking will
and now an entire fleet of doom (lol) is heading towards Arus IS THAT THE END OF THE EPISODE HOLY SHIT
/episode end
Episode 40: The Little Prince TWO PART EPISODE LETS GO
recaap time since this was a weekly premiering show
literally starting off with an invasion of Arus now that Voltron is gone, this is wild especially because it's not even the season finale
"Coran made the situation worse by calling Prince Bandor for help" I HATE THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON BARK BITE SNARL
"little fella" bandor you're only taller than pidge by a head shut up LMAO
Coran actually doing work for once and helping out, he's becoming a dependable person slowly but surely
Lotor is yelling about this next robeast being the most powerful there is,, my guy you say this every time just pick one of them to back and stick with it
"sorry we shouldve helped you when you asked earlier but now we're fucked and we genuinely can't do anything now <3" FUCK THE GARRISON I HATE THE GARRISON RAAA
what heroes, they chose to end up going to hell if it meant being able to save the universe IMMEDIATELY NOTING THIS DOWN FOR FUTURE ANGST EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY KNEW ABOUT IT
back to romelle and now she's chained up, what did they do to you bestie
there he is! voltron to save the day and destroy that robeast with blazing sword!
i'm sorry couldn't follow lotor to planet doom? what bullshit
/episode end
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hi this is my third time trying to get back into VLD and honestly i think this time my juICES ARE FL O WING
soooo, my ao3 is nightingale231
and i was wondering if you could write any kind of,,, langst with smitten pining lance and specifically thinking keith deserves better?
[or mom friend lance tbh]
Your wish is my command (also I'll gift this to you on A03 :3)
I really debated between making this established klance and in the talking stage so I did a mix of both
Lance felt like he was on cloud nine, his lips pressed against his formal rival. It was over as quick as it happened, Keith pulling away, his face matching the color on his armor.
"Don't you ever do that again." Keith looked him up and down, seeming to check him for any injuries.
"I will if it means you'll kiss me."
Keith rolled his eyes, "I can't kiss you if you're dead because you tried to sacrifice yourself for me."
"I tried to sacrifice myself for Voltron actually. Little self-centered there Keith," Lance poked his forehead.
Keith grabbed his wrist, "I like you too much to have you die on me."
Lance felt his face burn. The kiss should have been enough reason for him to realize Keith liked him back but hearing him say it made his knees weak.
Keith kissed him again, ignoring the rest of the team finally making their way into the Blue lion hanger. Lance kissed him back eagerly, trying to ignore the voice in the back of his head telling him he wasn't worth it.
He and Keith didn't immediately start dating, but they became joined at the hip. Their arguments died down into nothing, just slight bickering once in a while. You couldn't have one without the other. Everyone's bonds for Voltron became stronger. The team was running better than ever.
"You awake?" Keith whispered in the dark of the room.
Lance moved slightly, being mindful of the boy next to him, "yeah."
"Can't sleep?"
"You're the one to talk."
Keith chuckled in the dark, "I'm just lost in thought."
"What about?"
"How much I like this guy I know."
Lance smiled, more to himself than to the other boy. No matter how many times Keith implied his feelings towards him, he still found himself flustered. "What would you tell this mystery guy."
"That I like him a lot, and he makes me happy and I like being around him."
Lance felt the other boy's lips pressed against his cheek.
"And I was wondering if he would be interested in being my boyfriend."
Lance thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest; he wondered if Keith could hear it. His chest swam with a mix of emotions, tightening a bit as the feeling. He liked Keith, he liked him more than he could put into words. But he was just Lance. He was a nobody compared to Keith.
If they didn't end up in space together Keith wouldn't have known who he was, let alone have feelings for him. He knew he wasn't the best person for Keith.
"Did you fall asleep?" Keith's voice had a hint of disappointment to it.
"No, sorry just thinking."
"About what I asked?"
"Yeah...um." He couldn't faintly see Keith's outline in the dark.
"You don't have to say yes." Keith began to lean back to lie down.
"I didn't say no."
"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend."
Keith propped himself back up, quickly finding Lance's lips. Lips kissed him back, trying to will his brain to shut up.
They had been dating for almost two months, and Lance was absolutely smitten with Keith in every way possible. Dating Keith was better than he could have ever imagined. Keith was soft when it was just the two of them. He was completely different than when they were with the team. He let his guard down, relaxed more, he whispered sweet things in his ears. Lance couldn't believe that Keith wanted to be with him. That Keith chose him.
The unfortunate part about being with Keith, someone who Shiro (y'know the best pilot in the Garrison) mentored, someone who was at the top of his class at the Garrison, someone who was good at everything he did; Lance couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't worthy of him.
Lance knew he had a place in Voltron but lately, he had been questioning his status as the right leg of Voltron. He just didn't feel like he contributing to the team in a valuable way. In a way that no one else could.
And sometimes, even when Lance just wanted to simply spend time with his boyfriend, his brain picked apart every reason why he wasn't enough for Keith. Why Keith should find someone better.
He kept his thoughts to himself, making sure he didn't worry his boyfriend or the team. He could push through these thoughts.
"Lance? You spaced out there."
He blinked at the voice, pulling himself out of the dissociative state he found himself in. "We are in space so."
"Ha good one Lance!" Hunk replied.
Shiro gave him a slight frown, "you okay?"
Lance nodded, "yeah sorry. Just lost in thought."
"Okay. We were just discussing the mission."
Lance looked up at the hologram, "looks good to me."
"Okay. Then this is the idea we're going with. Get some rest everyone." Shiro dismissed the team and everyone dispersed.
"You want to watch a movie?" Keith stood in front of his boyfriend, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Yeah...yeah a movie sounds good. You pick though." He stood from his chair, letting his boyfriend take his hand and drag him towards his bedroom.
"You're not even paying attention." Keith poked his cheek.
"I am, I swear."
"Who's Gazel?"
"....She's the main character?"
"No one in this movie is named Gazel. Something is on your mind. You can tell me."
Lance stared at his boyfriend, for a brief movement he thought about spilling his guts to him. Telling him all his insecurities. He opened his mouth, "I love you."
Keith's face fell into a surprised expression before he smiled, "I love you too."
Sleep began to escape from Lance. No matter how much he tried he found himself tossing and turning throughout the night. His anxiety would rip any peace he managed to hold in his grasp.
Which is how he found himself sitting on the observatory desk, a blanket wrapped around him. He watched the stars dance around in his vision, his eyes burning no matter how many times he blinked. All he wanted to do was sleep.
"Babe? What are you doing in here?"
He closed his eyes, he knew Keith would eventually stumble upon him. "Hey." He didn't even have the energy to turn and face him.
Keith softly walked over to him, sitting down next to him. "You weren't in bed."
"Couldn't sleep."
"You couldn't sleep the past couple of nights...or last couple of weeks."
Lance took a deep breath, "yeah."
"What's been on your mind?"
"Oh, stupid things. Nothing you need to worry about mullet."
"Lance...we've talked about you lying to me."
"It's not a lie."
"I don't think it's stupid."
"You don't even know what it is."
"True, but anything that bothers you is not stupid."
Lance pulled his knees closer to his chest, he knew this was a dumb argument to have with his boyfriend. "I just...I think... never mind let's just go back to bed."
"No, what were you going to say?" Keith leaned into his side slightly. "I won't be mad at whatever you have to say."
"Okay...I think you deserve better."
"What do you mean?" Keith's voice was hesitant as if he was thinking of the worst-case scenario of Lance's words.
"I think you deserve better. I don't think I'm good for you...or that I live up to what you need."
"What do you think I need?"
"Someone who can hold a candle to you. You're like...one of the best pilots in the word, you are a great swordsman, everything you do is just...good. And then I'm beside you just not contributing."
"You don't think you contribute?"
"Not really. You could have anyone in the world and you chose me? Something doesn't add up."
"I chose you because I love you."
"But if we didn't end up here," Lance gestured to the Castle, "you wouldn't know me. You wouldn't love me. I wouldn't exist to you."
Keith didn't respond for a couple of moments, his eyes scanning the stars. "You're right. I wouldn't know you. Or Hunk or Pidge. I would still be living in the shack, going crazy over the Blue lion. And I probably wouldn't be in a relationship either."
Lance didn't respond, he didn't know what to say. Keith wasn't wrong.
"I chose you Lance because I like you. You make me happy, you are someone I feel drawn to. And you're the team sharpshooter; you can come up with plans on the fly and hold the team together even if you don't realize it. Without you, we wouldn't be Voltron."
"I guess."
"Babe, look at me."
Lance turned his body to meet his boyfriend's eyes. Keith reached up and gently touched his cheek. "I love you. I love you more than I can put into words. You are everything I want and more. You amaze me every day and you will continue to amaze me. This anxiety is just anxiety. Not the truth."
"I'm worried you're going to find someone else." He closed his eyes, "someone better than me."
"Lance the only person I'm looking for is a witness for when we get married."
"I think that's for future Keith and Lance."
"And I'm excited for them to get to that point."
Lance leaned forward and connected their lips softly, this time he shushed his anxiety.
I hope you liked it :3
Thank you <33333
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pencilofawesomeness · 11 months
20 Questions for Writers
Tagged by @kiliinstinct so let's go
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Okay so the number on my account is a slight lie because I have two anthology-type fics with many fics inside of them like an egg sac, and in htryds’ case I took all of them out and separated them and I pulled one out of the other so.... 130 unique works. And if I count the oneshots shoved inside my 2021 Whumptober anthology, then 159.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
This also requires some math for the above reason so.... 948,078. (Holy cow I am so close to one million, wait—)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Fairy Tail, Genshin Impact, and Twisted Wonderland, in that order, buttttt I have a few other fandoms under my belt and I am known to branch out on a whim. (Others include Voltron, RWBY, Fullmetal Alchemist, Seven Deadly Sins, Arrowverse, Transformers, Owl House, and literally so many others that I haven't actually published...)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Alright, we got:
—5. Demon Tales [Fairy Tail] - 762 —4. The Eighth Tower [Fairy Tail] - 914 —3. Sparks in the Night [Genshin Impact] - 1,066 —2. Pain Comes in Many Forms (and so does Comfort): Whumptober 2021 [Genshin Impact] - 1,121 —1. Of Dragons and Fairies [Fairy Tail] - 1,405
(So I guess, to no one's surprise, it's mainly HTRYDS but I will say I continue to be baffled by Sparks in the Knight, that random twoshot I wrote in two days XD)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love responding to comments, both because it's fun and I love to let people know that I totally did read and enjoy their comment. (And I've even been able to just chat with people this way, beyond the scope of the fic itself, which is a fun little community feature I do enjoy as well.) If there's a comment I haven't replied to, it's probably because somehow it was marked as read and therefore I forgot to go back and respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm that is a tough one. I do tend to want to end things on a lighter note, despite the amount of whump I write... Maybe Mortal Instinct, actually, since I pull a bit of a (self-perceived) fate-worse-than-death bit. Though solely by audience reaction I guess it's Coming Home since I left it on a purposeful note of suspense, eheh.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh geez, um... I think a lot of them?? Have very happy endings?? Uhhh maybe I'll just say Of Dragons and Fairies, then, because it's meant to be very hopeful and family-shaped, with that bright future ahead.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No not really, actually. I have had a very good experience, especially on AO3.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ha. No. (Guys I'm so aroace I barely write romance I will probably never write smut XD)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Yes actually! Not many that are finished/posted, but boy I actually love them a lot. (Many live in my head in amorphous form to be honest.) Most are AUs, so like the world of X with the characters of Y, but for straight-up crossovers, I think the craziest is The A.I.D. Files which is a co-project with @therosefrontier where we have a longstanding universe where we combine literally everything into a multi-sectioned multiverse, and the story focuses on an agency that is comprised of people from all manner of universes, leading to a team that includes Tech E. Coyote, Dani Phantom, Iggy (from Maximum Ride), Jim Hawkins, Numbah 5, and more. That said, there's not any present plans to continue it even though it lives on in our heads XD
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
There is one! (That I know of, lol.) Sparks in the Night was translated (into a paraphrased version, at least) into German, which can be found here.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup. With my sister, over the years. Not really a direct one on AO3 though. (Just a shared storyverse or series there.)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Uhhhh I am not really a shipper at all, so I don't really have a hill I will die on, even though I do have ships I enjoy.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hold onto the delusional hope that I will go back and finish all of my wips one day because I haven't abandoned them in my heart, but, I doubt I will finish United because it was a largely original world and I have been scheming for a way to make it an original work altogether, so when I revisit it, it will probably be for that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Um. I like to think I do good character voice/inner monologue. Strength of tone and syntax and all that.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fight scenes pain me and I also am not great at scenic/setting descriptions, mostly because I forget.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
In most cases I think there are better ways to go about it, but it has its place. Especially if the POV character doesn't know it and is trying to learn or pick up words. (Essentially it boils down to making sure the experience is understandable and authentic to the reader's promised language, otherwise it is just a surprise obstacle/gate, like expecting a reader to understand excessive medical jargon in order to know what is happening. If the language is meant to be understood by the pov character, and therefore the audience, then I feel it's best to offer a direct translation in some way.)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sonic the Hedgehog. In a place. That I will not name because I was very young. But it was Sonic the Hedgehog...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh geez um picking favorites is hard. The How to Raise Your Dragon Slayers series as a whole is obviously my baby and I am very biased towards it, but one of my favorite pieces might actually be a FMA/MHA au oneshot that I lost in a harddrive crash and I am haunted by it because I wrote it in a frenzy of inspiration and honestly I think it slapped. XD
Okay so let's see which victims to tag... (Though obviously there's no pressure to do this lol): @therosefrontier, @forwantofacalling, @breezy-cheezy, @ljf613, @xxthe-hidden-spyxx, and whoever else wants to do it
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weirdowithaquill · 1 year
WIP Game:
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPS. (... I do not know this many people)
Thank you @jobey-wan-kenobi for tagging me in - here's my best attempt to categorise the various inane WIP pieces I have floating about. Oh, and cause I'm a multi-fandom writer, the fandom is at the end of the title.
Edit: Alright, so now I'm sort of using this as a check-off list for things I've written. Things people ask about generally get more progress done on them - so ask about what you want to read!
1: Jinty, Pug and the Ffarquhar Branch Engines (RWS) 2: Bowler the Redeemed Engine (RWS) 3: Arry the Churlish Engine (RWS) 4: Murdoch the Mighty Engine (RWS) 5: Seaside Engines (RWS) 6: Duncan the Disagreeable Engine (RWS) 7: Sir Topham Hatt and his Engines (RWS) 8: Ivo Hugh the Young Engine (RWS) 9: Arthur the Midland Engine (RWS) 10: Mixed-Traffic Engines (RWS) 11: Mid Sodor Engines (RWS) 12: The Caledonian Twin Engines (RWS) 13: Very Important Engines (RWS) 14: Silent Engine Bert Again (RWS) 15: Duke's and Duchess' Engines (RWS) 16: The 2004 Special: The World-Famous Engine (RWS) 17: Edward; a Requiem in Steam (RWS) 18: Mavis the Quarry Engine (RWS) 19: History of the Sodor Highland Railway (RWS) 20: The Island Song (RWS) 21: Five American Engines (RWS) 22: TATMR Horror Story (RWS) 23: The Reject Railway (RWS) 24: Tales From the Other Railway (RWS) 25: Tidmouth Train to Hell (RWS) 26: RWS/World Trigger Crossover (RWS, World Trigger)
27: Hyuse & The Iron Horse (World Trigger) 28: Crash-Course in Meeden (World Trigger)
29: In Orwell's World (Voltron) 30: Comfort Food (Voltron) 31: Pidge & Dr Strangelove (Voltron) 32: Keith and the Wolf (Voltron) 33: Grandma McClain and Adam Join the Voltron Crew (Voltron) 34: Planet Obscure (Voltron)
35: TDWT Rewrite (Total Drama) 36: Total Drama Grand Tour (Total Drama) 37: Pull Your Weight (Total Drama) 38: X-Treme Torture Rewrite (Total Drama) 39: A Night To Remember (Total Drama) 40: In the Hold (Total Drama) 41: Total Drama King Lear AU (Total Drama)
42: BirdFlash story (DC) 43: Jingle Bells, Nightwing Noel (DC) 44: Red Hood Reading Club (DC) 45: WikiHow Does Not Have An Article For That! (DC) 46: Manor on the Hill (DC) 47: Swear Jar (DC)
48: Malevolent Spirit (Saiki K) 49: When You Fall, I Will Pick You Up (Saiki K) 50: Dark Reunion's Anti-Love Ray (Saiki K) 51: Rome (Saiki K) 52: How to Win Over Saiki K, or a Rhapsody of a Man Not in Love (Saiki K) 53: Saiki K Europe Trip (Saiki K) 54: Kusuo's Christmas (Saiki K)
55: Jinrao (Naruto) 56: Obito, Father of the Jinchuuriki (Naruto) 57: Akatsuki Parents (Naruto) 58: Naruto & Nazis (Naruto) 59: Sakura Out-trains Everyone (Naruto) 60: Dogs Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 61: Refuelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 62: Work Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 63: Barbeques Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 64: Snorkelling Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 65: Adoption Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 66: Children Shouldn't Be This Hard! (Naruto) 67: KakaObi Regency Story Part 2 (Naruto) 68: Sasuke/Naruto Story (Naruto) 69: The Club (Naruto) 70: Atomic (Naruto) 71: Only Love Can Hurt Like This (Naruto) 72: The Railwayman AU (Naruto) 73: The Hidan Story (Naruto) 74: School Shenanigans (Naruto)
75: Just Ask Him Out Already! (Assassination Classroom) 76: AssClass Yearbook (Assassination Classroom) 77: The Theoretical Sequel to 'The Informant' (Assassination Classroom) 78: Lost in the Night (Assassination Classroom)
79: Britain in the AtLA World (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 80: Picture of Sokka of the Water Tribe (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 81: Night at the Fire Temple (Avatar; The Last Airbender) 82: Fast Car (Avatar; The Last Airbender)
83: Stay Away From Minnemeny Island (One Piece) 84: Kaoru and the German (Ouran High School Host Club) 85: Romantic Killer AU (Romantic Killer)
86: The White Elephant *The Sherlockverse* (Various)
Right... so that took way longer than expected. Originally, it all seemed fine - I have most of my things in a single, neat folder. And then I remembered I have a Microsoft Account... and a WordPad full of old fics... and several workbooks with their own things in them. I think I'm still missing one workbook, all truth be told!
@lswro2-222 @predawnrex04 and that's all the people I know who aren't @jobey-wan-kenobi
Edit 2: When I get down to like... 60 or something WIPs on here, I'm going to overhaul the list to take them off and put up the new ones. Until then, remember to ask about the WIPs you're most interested in!
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