#but its still a fun excercise
im gonna be real, ive been working as a writting excercise trying to figure out ways in which volume 2 can work (without disregarding the shitass finale) and this has been the most ive had to brainstorm in a while
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illumwriting · 9 days
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welcome to my dark and twisted canon reference used (not base)
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tinylittlebab · 2 years
#ugh. i was supposed to go to the store an hour ago#my sister was out so i cant get there and im v upset cause i couldve been skipping around the garage while they were gone#im glad the main thing i have been coping with for the past 7 years is daydreaming and that i skip around while doing it#exercise tends to be difficult bc im hypermobile and a lit of excercise tends to make it worse which is really really bad#like. no amount of control and feeling good vc im starving myself is worth making my joints even worse#one of my shoulders already likes to partially dislocate just whenever and like. it hurts and sucks and i dont wanna make that worse#well. ill have lots of time to skip around soon bc the person with the car is gna be gone for a few days so the garage will be empty :D#i can use it at night when they are here but its less fun and i burn less calories so i prefer when its empty#i usually use it while both ppl are at work but they dont work friday and saturday so it tends to be bleh those days#idk. im glad that my favorite thing to do also burn calories bc i enjoy it unrelated to my ed so its less stressful#i was debating not eating till 7pm but i have such a headache ao i think ill eat some fruit. idk. my sister knows im relapsing so she might#suggest we eat something while were out. idk how she does it but she usually convinces me to which is good i guess#im not happy abt it bc i wanna starve myself but that is objectively a bad thing to be doing and even if im not happy abt it its still good#when i eat stuff. id be more fussed abt it if i knew how much i weighed but i dont have a scale#part of me is like. i dont wanna restrict until i have a scale bc then i cant watch the numbers go down#i know for a lot of people qhen they first start dieting they see quick drop and then it goes very slow and i wanna see that#im just. i dont even care much abt being skinny rn im mostly looking for the nice feeling i get when i watch the number drop#idk. maybe my sister will catch on to how bleh im doing today and suggest i buy something yummy but hopefully not although i do appreciate#when she does that. it feels nice to have someone care abt you
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focusfixated · 4 months
just been thinking about how an attitude of "[xx] would have been a better arc" or "[xx] would have made more sense" or "[xx] would have been a better use of time" is the kind of legitimate criticism you can say about a piece of writing, but not really a piece of improv. by its very nature improv can't be thoughtfully crafted with either a predesignated end in sight, or an ability to go back and edit in more coherent themes. stuff in an improv show is going to be wonky and weird and surprising, potentially contradictory, and primarily motivated by commitment to the bit. the things that make it great are always the individual cool moments, not the shape of the thing as a whole. and there were so many individual cool moments this season! linking them all in a perfect dot-to-dot of meaningful thematic coherence is kind of a pointless excercise - you can still do it for fun and your own fannish exploration, but trying hard to marry up your expectations for narrative neatness with what is essentially chaos on the fly is going to give you a stomachache.
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atom-writings · 1 year
Summer time! May I ask what the axis (Prussia and Romano) have planned for the beach with their s/o versus the reality of the trip? 😂
Oh, to make this more fun I want this to be a group trip.
Happy Summer! ☀️
hetalia axis on a group beach trip with their s/o
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: they think ur hot. lol. thats it.
a/n: since this is my last weekend of summer its a perfect time to do this :sobsobsob: sorry anon
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There'll be plenty of pretty girls for him to flirt with! And more importantly, one VERY pretty person that he's gonna flirt with the most.
Hopefully, this time, he won't put one foot in the water and immediately shriek about how freezing it is.
He'll spend as much time with you as he does with his friends! Plus, now you can be closer to them! Hooray!
Maybe he'll get a little bit of a workout. He's not a big swimmer, but he'll try his hardest, just to impress you.
He'll spend a little too much time trying to get Kiku to get out of his shell. If you suggest that maybe he just doesn't want to... Feliciano is taking it as a personal challenge.
He doesn't get a lot of swimming done. Just enough to balance out the ice cream he got for the two of you.
He ends up teasing Ludwig a lot about how girls are staring at him-
He usually only gets hit by Romano twice! (To be fair, he was totally asking for it.)
He'll drool over you for an... uncomfortable amount of time. Luckily, he knows how to be subtle. His words are absolutely NOT subtle though!
If no one knew you were dating him before, they will now.
He cannot stop kissing you.
He can't help it, ok? You're just too cute in that swimsuit!
 Everyone will enjoy his homecooked snacks and NOT spend money unnecessarily on some overpriced trash-
 He'll only have to remind you and everyone else to put on sunscreen once, and will actually do so when he tells them to.
Feliciano will not hit his head on the bottom of the pool diving again, and if he does, Ludwig will not be the one who has to drive him to the doctor. Again.
Nothing will go wrong. Okay, something will go wrong, but it'll be something minor... please...
All of his friends constantly interrupt the two of you and drag you off to do something stupid
He was so careful! But... he still got sunburned on his back.
Halfway through the trip, he's done swimming because he's tired of Romano splashing him in the face when he's trying to get some ACTUAL EXCERCISE-
One of the lifeguards is a stupid teenager and of course, Ludwig is the one who ends up saving some poor kid. (He did not have to volunteer! But you know, “If I didn't, who would?”)
Everyone stares because god lord that man is shredded to hell and back.
( Someone tries hitting on him and he's so uncomfortable he pretends he doesn't speak English and runs away)
He still has a lovely time, because you're around, and that's all he needs to be happy.
No one will talk to him. No one will look at him. It will not be too hot and he won't have to swim. Please. Please do not make him swim.
Actually, you can talk to and look at him. Maybe Ludwig can. But only that.
Hopefully, he won't be forced to eat terrible beach food. He packed a sandwich. That's enough, right?
All he wants is to sit in the shade with you and read quietly, away from all the noise and heat of the beachfront.
Feliciano is gonna drag him in the water, and he'll trip. And fall. Into the water. And he'll be all wet for the rest of the day. And he'll hate it. So much.
Barely gets to read his book for multiple reasons.
Halfway through the trip, he's completely wiped out from the heat. You'll probably have to help with sunscreen, too.
Anytime any of you bring him down to the water, he tries to bring up a bunch of random facts to get you to stop.
(”Don't you know there's jellyfish in this country? I do not want to get stung!“ ”THIS IS A LAKE!“)
Kiku is much more suited for an arcade than a beach. He's too much of an old man for it. He's glad you're having fun, though.
You'll pass out from how hot he is
He WON'T give in and eat any of the disgusting, insulting beach food.
He'll be able to completely ignore everyone but you, including the stupid, loud Germans!
The heat won't bother him. He's a Mediterranean country for god's sake, he's used to it being hot!
Hopefully, and he really prayed for this, he'll get a nice tan and not more sunburnt.
Feliciano won't interrupt his peace and relaxation. And if he does, he won't run away as Romano tries to smack him with a rolled-up magazine.
He ends up getting super insecure about his body in comparison to everyone else (Cough, cough, Ludwig and Gilbert,) and you'll have to coax him to not constantly wear his towel.
Any time not spent bothering others is spent with you while relaxing in a pool floatie.
He's so unused to exercise that he gets hungry and tired almost immediately.
He tries his best to ignore the other beachgoers in favour of you, but he can't stop getting annoyed by everyone else OR subtly flirting with others.
(He's just in a bad mood, he doesn't mean any of it.)
As soon as he sees you, he can't help staring. He just thinks you're so stunning when you're wearing so little...
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks.
You and him are gonna race in the water, and he's gonna WIN!
He'll finally get to show off his rockin' bod without being seen as a douchebag.
Plus, he'll get to see your body too. Even better.
(I'm telling you now, if your stomach spills out of your swimsuit, he's gonna get so attracted to you, he'll get dizzy and have to sit down.)
When (If) girls stare at him for being so hot, he'll get to show off that he's dating YOU, which in his opinion, you're even hotter than him. Then they'll get jealous and stop looking at him! (Not how that works, but whatever.)
He's gonna get so sunburnt that he's in pain for weeks. This is inevitable.
Gilbert will quickly become pretty bored just swimming, so you and him will build a nice big sand castle (He insists on making one replicating a castle he used to live in.)
He'll sneak up behind Ludwig and grab his ankles, swimming away before he can see him. Just for fun.
He's gonna ask you if you're drowning.  Regardless of what you say, he's picking you up bridal style and carrying you out of the water. Just because he thinks it'd be hot. (”I'm saving you, Liebling! I take kisses in payment-“)
Romano will hate it, but Gilbert definitely will try to force him down a slide if there are any.
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shewreckz · 7 months
Hey your art is pretty whimsical and radical my gender non specific broseph, per chance would thou be able to enlighten us on how you draw such bodacious fine art? Like how you draw bodies and fave and what have thee. (Fr tho your art really cool and I'd like to see how you make it)
okay i have whipped up a quick little visual of my thought process while drawing!! it might not be the best cause im not the greatest at teaching but if anyones curious ^_^
first lets start with how i draw bodies
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a lot of people like to do the "skeleton" method which is where you draw lines and circles to plan out where the limbs should be. honestly i really dislike doing that because i like to always have volume and shape in mind when drawing bodies, but if it works for you thats great.
instead i separate the body into different pieces, kinda like an articulated doll. i think it helps visualize all the moving parts in a 3d space and makes posing and perspective a lot easier. i can also always add the detailed anatomy on top of this basic model like you see on the left. its always important to work from simple -> complex. drawing a pose while being too worried on anatomy will really hinder your drawing process.
to improve doing this it really just takes practice and observation. i could be here all day talking about proportions, and how many heads high a person is, and each specific muscle group, but i reccomend you go and watch videos and study professional artists on your own. as someone who has been drawing and studying these things for so long, i barely think about how many heads high a person is when im drawing a body. its kind of like learning how to play and instrument or driving a car. it becomes second nature eventually, but you have to apply those skills and work through that period of time where youre still trying to program it into your brain.
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after you get a hang of the basics you can take this basic model and draw all types of body shapes with it. i say its always important to play around with making your body types diverse. its not only fun to do but helps make all the characters you draw unique and recognizable. (dont be like vivziepop).
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dynamic posing can be the hardest thing to master for a lot of people. the best way to learn how to pose is to not think about it too much and just doing it. for example in my figure drawing class we had to sketch out gesture drawings from a picture in 15 seconds. excercises like that help a ton in making you feel more comfortable when drawing from a reference. you should definitely reference a LOT when it comes to poses, it helps build this visual database so that eventually you can get to the point where you can just draw accurate and dynamic poses from memory. after getting to this point eventually you kind of start thinking of your canvas as this tangible 3d space and considering your characters in 3d space helps make the poses feel a lot more realistic and interesting.
ok now a quick little tour into how i draw different faces yaaaayy!!!1!1!1
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main thing with my art is that i LOVEEE drawing dynamic face shapes i think its so important to avoid drawing the same slim faces over and over. shape language plays a big role into this. like for example the face on the middle is more square, the one on the left is more oval and the one on the right is more circle. shape language helps communicate so much about your character without even saying a word about them and just helps differentiate people from a glance.
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facial features also play a huge role into making your faces different. these are all drawn from the same exact face shape but look like entirely different characters by adding variety in the features. different noses, eye shapes, lips, etc. can make such a huge difference
i think before any of that its important to learn the anatomy of the face though. again im not gonna go into how many eyes wide a face it or how far the nose is from the mouth but like its always important to learn the fundamentals before stylizing stuff. again the face is a 3d space and if you dont consider your face a 3d plane the features will kind of just look like theyre floating on your characters face like soup...theres a lot of great resources and tutorials online take advantage of those!!! and reference from artists you like too it helps a ton.
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and then you mix that all together and Boom you have cool and interesting faces. you will best that same face syndrome in no time if you take my advice Trust...
anyways yeah thats the soda design philosophy hit that like button if you liked it or douse me with tomatoes and kick me off the stage if you think i give bad advice ill leave the decision up to you
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lambment · 2 months
Hello! I love your art so much! Your cult of the lamb stuff has really inspired me and has pumped me up and I’m trying to basically re learn how to draw again! Do you have any advice for a fellow artist and how to approach story telling? :D
anon its been like a good while since this message has been sent (I think? based off all the homophobic crown asks this was wedged btwn) and WAHHH im so happy for you, I hope youre enjoying your reentry into art C:
first and foremost, try to enjoy the process rather than the end result. a much wordier explanation in this post (X)
theres also the discipline aspect of it, you need to be pretty concious of balancing learning with enjoyment (and you can absolutley have that balance without thinking about it). but I find a lot of new/learning artists get easily discouraged when a piece doesnt pop out exactly how they imagined it. I have a secret, lets be realistic, none of my pieces do lol. expectation is the killer of art imo, just go with the flow of enjoyment and learn what you can to become better at it. get used to adapting often.
even if you arent always studying (dont make it boring for yourself now), just you constantly drawing will improve your art, but dont expect to notice an improvment with every piece, its an incremental process and youll have bad days. just focus on the journey not the destination is what im getting at.
REFERENCE!!! its a beautiful, beautiful thing, anyone telling you its cheating is a silly billy who needs to learn. look up artists you admire, try to figure out how they tackle a piece, examine photos that you think are beautiful. just collect different pieces of reference, and try making a piece based off of them, a fun excercise. it'll improve your art.
as for the story aspect of this, im ngl, Im still learning myself. my main rule of thumb is "if i want to see this, someone else out there will too." so dont get discouraged by thinking no one will want to see your story idea.
I'm constantly adding story ideas to my notes to save for later, idk bout you, but I WILL forget the idea if I dont write it down immediatley (built worse), and if you have a mental image of it make sure to add very vague stage direction to supplement it, dont get too detailed tho, youll be changing alot. if youre anything like me -pepaw brained- try to keep in the habit of that. some storyboarding tips for staging tips and reference (X)
from there, I'll take a key moment -money shot or emotional moment- of the story, and base the rest of the comic around that image -> how I tackle formatting and making a comic (X).
the best way to learn is by doing, and failing and learning from that. so dont sike yourself out when you get there and it doesnt turn out as expected, it might be something so much better, thats the fun of it (:
I hope this helped, sorry im a yapper!
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hey-august · 1 month
Edging anon: Alternate take on this that is more cute and a bit silly rather than hot (Altough I personally still think it’s pretty hot), that I still liked and wanted to share:
It’s fun to tease the little captain while your man’s away at sea, that was the whole point of this excercise from the start. Give that poor little thing (well, big thing actually, with just enough girth to satisfy you immensely and a cute, pinkish tip that makes your mouth water when you look at it) a few light touches during the day, just linger a bit too long after you helped him answer the call of nature, be extra gentle when you tuck this pretty cock in at night…. But also it’s oddly bittersweet to do so while Buggy is out and about. It’s sexy to be so MEAN to him, but also Buggys magic to his cock is frustratingly more reliable the Denden connection in the waters he’s charting trough.
So it’s frustrating to wait on him like this at times. Not even because of sex, but because your funny, handsome, silly clown man isn’t there with you to hold you at night or try to make you stay in bed longer even tough he KNOWS you both have a busy schedule today. It’s hard not being there when he has a bad night, he’ll, it’s harder not knowing if he has a bad night PERIOD and if a warm hug from you would help more making it better than your hand on his dick.
And you can’t help but think about that while you absently wash his cock before you are about to get ready for bed. Carefully, taking the soft washcloth and drawing a big swipe tracing the vein on the underside. This is fun, truly it is fun, but this week has been hard for you in a non sexual manner just as much as it has been (both sexual and non sexual) for Buggy.
A twitch in your hand brings you back to the present. Oh well, just two more days and he’ll be home. Still, you want to somehow make him know hes loved and you miss him, so you decide to give the little captain a little kiss, right below the head of his dick, the peckish and soft kind, a tender little reminder that you want his entire back home beyond just sexual desire.
The spurt of cum shoots out of the cock in your hand so suddenly you accidentally drop it back into the tub in surprise. The load he just blew was HUGE. The streaks barely missed your right eye and you’re certain some of it got behind your ear as well as your hair. You hadn’t noticed how long you’ve been holding him while you were reminiscing about him, but even then, that a tiny little kiss made him cum like a bull is surprising.
You look in disbelief at the cock pathetically twitching and returning to its softened stated under the water. You never realized cocks could look embarrassed. You carefully retrieve Buggys privates from the water, realizing both cock and balls are still going trough the aftershock of a damn fucking good orgasm, spasming every so often.
You almost drop him again when the telltale purupurupuru alerts you to Buggy apperantly being in waters with a better connection now. You pick up the phone, trying not to look into the, now red nosed, snails eyes, because you know where this conversation will be headed and you already feel bad for it’s innocence.
Being apart from you was difficult. It was hard. Buggy didn't think it was going to be this hard all the time.
It was cute at first. Sweet. You were always teasing him - sneaking up to tickle him, wrapping your arms around him so tightly that he honked, pinching his ass in public, sitting in his lap and "accidentally" moving too much. So even if you weren't physically together (well, more than you currently were), all your taunting touches made Buggy feel like you were right there.
But as the trip dragged on, the frustrations built up. Frustration that you weren't with him. That he couldn't jack off, fuck you, or come at all. That he hardly had enough time to talk to you over a spotty staticky connection.
Buggy thought about asking you for...a favor. Just once. Something little. Quick. Just the tip, you know? But he couldn't bring himself to actually say the words during the handful of calls you two had. How shitty would that be? "Hey, how have you been? Everything okay? Taking care of yourself? Great, can you rub one out for me?"
Fuck no.
...maybe he should have asked though. That might have been better than what actually happened.
Buggy wouldn't admit it, but he liked the nighttime "baths." Even if the routine left him painfully hard and pent up, he enjoyed the attention. It was comforting.
As you dragged the washcloth along his cock, all he could think about was your tongue doing the same. Fuck, he could practically feel your breath, like you were leaning in taste him.
The moment your lips touched his burning skin, it was all over. So soft and plush against his erection. Buggy didn't stand a chance. He felt like the floor was pulled out from under him.
He was doubled over and groaning. Knees weak, threatening to give out. His mind was reeling, trying to catch up to what his body was experiencing. How was there so much fucking cum?
It was like a wet dream but worse. Buggy felt like he should have known it was coming. Ugh. Coming. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuuuuck. You just watched his detached dick explode after a kiss. Not even a sloppy slutty kiss with tongue and spit. Nope. Just a little bit of chaste affection.
Shit, what's he supposed to do now?
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fipindustries · 6 months
in art there is an inherent tension between nature and nurture. is the conflict between those simple executions that are known to work, that stimulate base parts of our sensorioum and brain and thus of massive appeal, easy to grasp and enjoy; against things that are dense in technique, and concept, for which one has to develop a language, a technical understanding and a taste, hermetic and not easy to grasp at once.
i think most of the public expects most art to fall on the first cathegory to some degree or another. a painting should look "pretty", whatever pretty means, a song should be "catchy", food should be "tasty", a joke should be "funny", a movie should be "entertaining". either way, the point is that art should "feel good" or rather it should "click" in a quick sensory way. that when you watch a movie its quality should be as immediatly appreciable as when you eat a good meal. and when they hear experts try to explain more advanced pieces they are expecting to hear an explination that makes it so that those advnaced pieces stimulate those simple buttons that more simple stuff so easily satisfies. but of course they never get that, instead they get a bunch of theory that does nothing to make the art any closer in a purely sensorial way.
the idea that in order to appreciate something one has to first develop an understanding or appreciation of it feels counter intuitive, it feels like enjoying art with extra steps, you have to force yourself to extract joy out of something (which is not a pleasant experience, there is always that frustration of the excercise not feeling genuine, not feeling true and emotionally potent, it feels like an affectation) in order to extract the joy and entertainment that one could get much easier from something more direct and simple.
for some people having fun listenting to a catchy jingle made with the classic 4 chords or eating a nice chocolate cake feels more "natural" than listening to prog rock or reading infinite jest. its almost teleological. our tongues were Made to enjoy sugar, that is how things are meant to be because that is how nature designed us. in a sense the studying of art techniques is basically the analisis and compilation of the formulas that work, of the buttons that one has to press to stimulate the human animal in the correct way. we know how the pentatonic scale works, on almost a biological level, we have color theory, we have composition, we understand the three act structure.
so one might ask, why even bother with the weirder stuff, the stuff that is hard to appreciate? the stuff that we kind of have to shape ourselves into enjoying? its artificial, its purely a social construct. is not real, humans were not made for this.
well, the truth is, humans are much more versatile than that, and whilst we are all born with some basic buttons that anyone can push to satisfy, it is also in our nature the capacity to develop more buttons, more complex and intricate. buttons that start to crave for layers, for nuance, for the weird and ecclectic and unique. people DO develop a taste for special, particular old wines that were cultivated in such and such a way, people DO get a lot of meaning from the works of john cage, people DO have fun reading ulysses and these things are not necesarily an affectation. and this is a process that will happen on its own the more we are exposed to more and more art.
i do want to clarify, i dont believe in teleological arguments or appeals to nature. even if that last paragraph wasnt the case, that wouldnt change anything for me, but still, it is the case and i think its worth being said.
now, a lot of people see the developing of their taste as a challenge or an obligation, which can make it an imposition and rob the enjoyment out of it. god knows i forced myself to watch some movies simply because i thought they were the kinds of movies i was supposed to like if i wanted to consider myself a cinephile. i dont think this is a good approach, experiment and push yourself out of your comfort zone, yes, that is how you discover new things. but dont force yourself to stay there if its just not doing it for you. i came to terms with the fact i will probably never understand pollock no matter how many of his paintings i see or how much i study on the subject. but i have come to discover i do like donna tart's the goldfinch quite a lot.
and this doesnt go just for the higher forms of art, try those "trashy" things that come from spaces that are not your scene at all. i was convinced i was never going to be able to enjoy cumbia or trap or bachata and yet i kept my ears open and ended up finding songs in all of those genres that i cant stop listenting to. there are so many buttons inside of you and you dont know what is going to press of of them by surprise one of these days.
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tartrat · 12 days
Visceral Reaction.
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A Visceral reaction is described as "A Powerful Physical Response That Happens Automatically Without Any Conscious Control". Kapyy here is angry but he’s also laughing at himself because of it, losing the look of anger and adopting an unnerving smile.
I mentioned in my first actually decent looking fanart, That i headcanon Kapyy as being someone who just bottles everything up and is putting on an act. This is the result of him just breaking down entirely. And i know that its a bit of the jump from the last kapyy related thing I posted. But honestly if eating crayons keeps him happy then we should let him.
I got the idea when the words "Visceral Reaction" got stuck in my head, and started to think about how such a reaction could be shown. The first image that popped up on google was of a guy who showed a grotesque depiction of laughter.
I can't really describe the emotion that he's portraying, but its like when you are angry but you start just laughing and smiling uncontrollably. This happens to me when i'm mad at someone, i just slowly start laughing whilst still feeling fuzzy from being angry.
Whilst making this i thought it looked weird and the primary reason being because we don't get to see his full face in game, as his eyes are covered by the glasses, but as i finished it, he looked more normal.
I have ideas in my head that i can never put down on paper. One of which was of me developing my headcanon that Kapyy and Talia Sway are twins who were separated at birth. This idea was when they went to cyberfunk, kapyy broke after they finished what they were doing. This portrait (Well landscape but its more of a portrait to me) is a visualisation of this idea.
I didn' give him his other accessories (headphones, bracelets etc.) because he had discarded them before this drawing takes place. I also don't like drawing stuff like that, i find it awkward to make it look good.
The Background is just the background from I'm Good, but i saturated it and turned down the brightness, before i used the gaussian blur filter. I like playing around with those tools on procreate. I wanted to do something different but nothing i did looked good.
The main point of inspiration here was "The Desperate Man" (Though translated from French, le désespéré, its more close to “The Desperate one”. I remember on the back wall of my art classroom in school, there was a replica of it that someone had done. The reason i chose this painting was due to the expression. The expression became stuck in my mind recently and i thought that it would be a fun excercise, just to practice more expressions, and as mentioned above i chose a different expression that shows off a different emotion. I just liked the pose as well and thought it was interesting.
Theres a bonus short comic doodle that i will be posting separately. It shows basically what happened afterwards, after Kapyy has been put to bed and Talia speaks with the Levitating extreme coach, who helped her get Kapyy home.
Here was the original pose i was going for, i just didn’t like how it was looking. I took multiple reference photos for the pose but i eventually went with the pose in the final version above. I have more work in progress pics that are kinda funny, one being when i was blocking in the hair with the colourfill tool, it also went to his face and he looked like Garfield.
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shadow-says-hello · 1 month
I still think the fact Florence Pugh and Scarlett Johansson tickled each other while filming Black Widow.. like imagine being there when that happens?! Imagine you’re playing a character and you’re on set with both of them and then while they’re fighting the director calls “CUT!” And once they’re out of character they tickle each other’s armpits or whatever like how they mentioned in the interview.
And the fact they’re dressed as Natasha and Yelena makes it better. Not to mention a lot of bloopers Florence would remain in the accent instead of switching it up, and we all love when she does that Russian accent…
BUT LIKE FRRR imagine if you’re playing they’re younger sis or something..and get involved in a tickle fight between Scar and Flo?! That’s like HELL YES PLEASE- and Florence seems like a such a fun ler to have and I have a feeling she initiates more but I’m the interview it did say Scarlett was the one who tickled her a lot first but I’m not sure. But like what if Florence did the same thing to her co-stars while filming Dune? 😏
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Flo also admitted to them tickling each other as a trust excercise and ik this ain’t the first time hearing it but it’s my first time being really grateful for hearing it lol. Re-entering a lost phase looks like..haha
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tomatoart · 2 years
mwah your art is good and nice :>
can I ask for some advice? no worries if u don't want to answer.
do you have any tips on how exactly to practice art? everytime I ask for art advice everyone always says "practice" but idk what to practice first! do you have any strategies for learning how to draw something? do you do excercises? and if so how do they work?and are there any beginner mistakes I should look out for and change specifically?
thank you so much!! have a wonderful week :>
thank you so much! im ok w answering! i dont want to speak as if i am an expert on how to draw things in general as i am learning as well and definitely am not completely learned, so i might not be the best person to ask since im not very professional w my art as I do it as a hobby (and I can only speak on mostly digital cartoon matters) but i reallly hope to try and help u out even a lil ! im really happy that you’re eager to draw :] I wish you so much luck muwah muwah
i also hated when ppl told me “just practice” and i dont wanna inflict tht on u EITHER LOL but also thats just what i ended up doing for awhile but i tried to find some things to help ^_^
tips for practice: My number one rule is that practices should be challenging but still fun, I know it can get frustrating trying to redraw a pose over and over trying to get it perfect. And over time it rlly is all about muscle memory, the longer you draw the more your eyes will pick out specific shapes in everyday life and convert them into its own vision of them! or at least its good to look at life that way, try to pin point key shapes and stress less on details in practices. after you look at key points, THEN you can go over what you have and draw in and over it to make it more “complete.” To stop practices from getting too stressful I recommend starting out drawing what you want a little more simple looking than ur desired finished product. This helps eliminate the pressure of everything not looking “perfect” and keeps your art more loose and fun. Doing this a few times is gonna get ur brain to recognize patterns in art and how things look/flow in anatomy and such. dont get stuck in ur own head abt perfecting everything to the point you either 1) give up bc ur not at a level capable of it being 100% “perfect” or 2) focus so much on making it perfect that you end up saying the work looks “wonky” or stale in dynamics, So while I do think studies help, don’t get too lost in them. I always practice with media I enjoy too, whether it’s characters or fashion I enjoy.
Strategies learning to draw something: people get mad abt this one but I think tracing reference photos is great. its been awhile but When I tried learning to draw hands better at first I would trace them then put the traced image to the side of the canvas, then try and replicate what my mind saw as its most important angles and aspects. Same for clothing folds/hair/etc! I think it’s maybe not the best idea to trace the ref and use the tracings as is, because you learn more from tracing it then trying to replicate and simplify what u learned into the style you’re working in. Find what shapes you like from them and don’t over detail it. you may have to go by eye and think “what parts of this ref photo should i simplify to fit my style” and for me, its usually adjusting the length of the torso and then the limbs by associations. i dont recommend feeling like u need a reference for every art you make though, its ok to let ur own head try out its own sometimes too while trying to learn this, see if it remembers any call bad from the past referenced sketches! over time ull remember where everything goes more, these days i rarely kick myself to use refs but im sure they still would help to use, but figure drawing simple blobby figure in a bunch of random poses was a big thing i used to do as well to get better at full body art + overall dynamics (still does this). also paying attention to silhouettes is great 
Exercises and how they work: I WANNA HELP U SO BAD BUT to be honest, all the works on my blog ARE exercises! i rarely actually do finished pieces, if u scroll thru my posts ull notice most r sketches. i usually just fill up a page and call it “warm ups” then i get attached to some of them, take a few, and just line them up pleasingly on a smaller page, then color them in (or sometimes fix the lines to be more clean too). im not rlly a person who “exercises” to practice, it more so happens from just me drawing a lot for fun as a hobby! but i really should. i will tell u this has humbled me a lil i need to start practicing too 😭 LOL but a good exercise is to look at what ur inspirations do, and study it. Make a collage and write out what you like most abt their styles/what u want to gain from them. For ref Here’s a page I did awhile ago when someone asked me abt my insps:
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i also look at fashion magazines and as well as anime figures and take insps from that sometimes with learning cool poses and compositions to convert into my own things
Beginner mistakes to look out for: its hard for me to pin point “mistakes” beginners make, as sometimes we cant avoid all of them or even notice them, progress comes from growing out of old ways. some mistakes are even the foundation of ur future amazing cool style! but i think some things to look out for could be these, from my own old art experiences
Hands were the first thing I learned bc i liked drawing them. I don’t know if that is the best way to go but I think it is smart to practice sooner than later, here is a lil guide thingggyyy wingyyy from awhle ago
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i see beginners shy away from drawing signs of age in people, sometimes adding too much detail on an older person in cartoon art makes it look weird, so i try and hit the key markings on ppls faces of age.
Too thin of lines. sometimes its a stylistic choice to use thin lineart, and it can look amazing ! but sometimes it can flatten an image if ur not familiar with its flow. im not saying use thick line art, but more so to keep in mind the weight of ur strokes, adding depth with a thick thin combo of line art can do SO much for the simplest of pieces. heres a visual from a while back when i talked abt my brush + more abt lines:
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but if ur desired style is thin lineart that is cool too! tbh it was just harder for me as a beginner
sometimes artists think they need to do full lineart for everything and then hate how it looks compared to the sketch, do not fear i will introduce u to my bff: painting over a sketch, extractinging the lines, then calling it line art. i only do this sometimes but its a fun exercise-ish thing to do in a pinch. example:
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finding what shading fits ur art. sometimes ill see ppl starting out who have a style thats very simple, but they use a very detailed rendering process on it. this is not something id ever police of course, art is each persons own choice! And it CAN work. It can be so cute! but sometimes mixing two very contrasting mediums of art can throw off the “put together” look of it. i use to abuse the airbrush tool thinking it made my simple style look super cool and detailed, but looking back on it now those pieces looked a little off, having such a simple style have somewhat more realistic shading. dont get me wrong the ability i see ppl use rendering like that is so insanely talented! but i found cellshading to be a good match for cartoony art like my own. a tip i learned way too late abt that is rather than shading each layer by color picking a darker color, instead use a clipping mask over the entire art (above line art too as I color my lineart) and lasso tool the areas u want shaded + fill it w a saturated purple then set to multiply + lower opacity. also, sometimes coloring can come out chalky looking when u meant for it to be smooth and transitional, i think this comes from overshading and overlighting pieces without reason. pay attention to where the light source is, and focus on making the shaded and lighter areas nice shapes that cover the necessary areas, then u can add additional shading to the smaller details of what should have a casted shadow/light  
its good to spice up ur art now rather than later, focusing making ur art pop more w backgrounds will help ur coloring skills look better too! i dont mean detailed huge backgrounds, a small lil color pallet and design rather than a blank white bg. like this will make u feel better abt it or at least it helped me *sweats* yeah:
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beginners tend to draw blank faces like “:)” but I think a good thing to do is try and get silly with expressions early on. It’s okay if the mouth hangs off the face cartoonishly with joy or shock, it’s ok if the eyebrows are super high in surprise.
tracing and pasting it as is (already said this but I’ve seen ppl do it a lot with hair styles and it makes it look alienated from the rest of the style) (final fantasy fans found critically injured) n if need a ref for a pose, using a real humans anatomy as-is doesn’t look quite right on a cartoonyish drawing. Shortening torso and legs usually comes out of this for me!
flip ur canvas i promise u it’ll be less embarrassing over time!
using guidelines for perspective and foreshortening is GREAT. Do it stylistically rather than realistically to add some groove to it...yay. Having silly perspective in art can make it look like a 10 so easily opposed to a normal front facing sketch. Look at cool poses from fashion magazines! Don’t be scared to draw something you don’t feel confident in conveying perfectly, this is why progress redraws exist :)
Drawing the hairline b4 u draw the hair is great, it helps u understand where their hair flows from, where it starts and stops, AND prepares u for drawing bald ppl. Also don’t make the head too big, the skull IS bigger up top, but sometimes I see an alien head affect.
Anatomy is an interesting mistake that beginners make a lot, but it’s one they find harder to notice! When I started out, all my art would be SO wonky, but I didn’t even realize it! It still happens today too! specifically though I see beginners struggle with the arms in this department. My advice is to try and measure them out and make sure they don’t go past the knees, and are the same length as each other when Unfolded. asking for criticism is hard but it helped me realize when i would make something bigger/longer than it should have been in my art, and stuck with me being able to go “oh... i see it LOL” 
clothing wrinkles- do not over do it! Too many wrinkles and shading can look unpleasant and wirey- like a plastic table cloth all bunched up which isn’t exactly what ppl wear. pay attention to gravity too
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I hope this helped even a lil im sorry tht I’m not very good at explaining or didn’t have much to sayyy! If u have any troubles no guarantee I’ll have the answer, but ur always free to ask!
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sunset-bridge · 6 months
What is Sergio’s opinion on all the phantom thieves and.. idk what is his favourite food!
hi snowball-maltese ur nooooot gonna believe me but i literally never fucking saw your asks??? LIKE.. theres other asks in my inbox and i remember those but i never saw yours??? WTFF. they spontaneously generated today in between the other old asks im keeping...
tumblr.................. why did you eat these then vomit them back out today : ( sad
HEHEH ANYWAYS hi.. oh my godddd. um. well now im ashamed of answering HJDFJND BUT OK under the cute cut
Sergio favourite food: potato tacos
Sergio opinions on the Phantom thieves:
Mona : He thinks hes cute because he looks like a cute cat and sergio likes cute things and cats. Thinks he is charming. Tries to treat him like any other person despite how adorabubble he is. He starts thinking of him as his big brother naturally later on, he really trusts him and tells him things he doesnt tell anyone else, asks him for advice on his problems and thoughts and yeah really values his opinions.
Ann: He figured she was a Loud girl at first without even talking to her, he doesnt have a neutral opinion on women in general tbh so bad start, but as soon as they became friends and he heard her talk about what happened and how angry and frustrated she was he was like.. woaghhhh. no way.
Sergio has historically never been good at talking/making friends with girls or has had much of an interest in doing so, he mostly avoided them, so idk it seems stupid but he was like... woag. At first Sergio in his mind is like. WELL ANN is cool because SHES NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS nope shes COOL AND REAL unlike the Other GIRLS (sergio turn around) BSDDVJBJFVJ. dont worry he figures it out later.
Anywho he thinks shes awesome and so nice to him and he admires how dedicated she is and how she tries to be upbeat but does worry about her and encourages her to break things if angry. Goes on her shopping trips even if he actually hates shopping because he loves Ann. Is encouraging about the things Ann wants to do but still tells her when theyre a bit silly (like in her social link where she sets impossible things to do hahah). Likes talking about more emotional things with her because he feels embarassed to talk about those things with the Boys (sergio turn around again)
Ryuji: Thought he was a bit strange, annoying at first. Just barging in and making him get involved in weird shit. But like with Ann he starts talking to him and they become buddies because they encourage their silly activities. He feels angry for ryuji and what happened to him; he thinks he should kill everyone in the track team actually/j .
Likes spending time with him, he appreciates that ryuji seems to understand him and likes to have fun with him running and excercising and playing videogames etcc. Bro bonding. They do mischievious activities together.
hes so fun to be around and sergio loves how hes such a kind person despite everything : ). They make stupid jokes together. Ryuji stops sergio from killing people sometimes. See, Sergio is like a Bro Character but hes the leader and also he has poor impulse control and is very angry.
Yusuke: He adores Yusuke he thinks hes so talented and everything he does is literally a masterpiece (hes right)
At first yusuke came off as a bit strange and aloof, but sergio was an instant fan as soon as he saw his work LOL. Yusuke appreciates the support. Sergio really admires and respects yusuke, even when he does “weird” things its like. Well its yusuke so. Yusuke = cool, then thing = cool as well right ??!!! normal
Lets Yusuke hug him even if he doesnt like hugs .
Makoto: Sergio thinks at first shes uptight, too serious, no fun, a snitch. I guess hes not wrong per se but ..
He was sooo mean to her at first when makoto hadnt joined the thieves and was spying them LOL. He did feel very sorry later and begrudgingly apologized along with ann and ryuj.
Nowadays he thinks mako is pretty cool, super smart and super strong. he still thinks she should let loose more, have more fun. He recognizes how hard she had it before joining. She appreciates how cunning she is. He had a playfight with her but sergio fights like a rabid animal and mako actually knows aikido . Im not sure if it continued but their fighting styles and what they look for in a fight are so different it didnt work out too well : ( sad. its ok.
Fuba: Fuba is like Sergios little sis : ). He wasnt sure if they should do something at first when the situation came up but he realized fuba was acting kinda like him before, isolating and being angry and sad etc... felt fucked up to not do something or try to help but he didnt want to be super pushy about it because he knew how he felt and how he didnt appreciate anyone who tried to drag him around even if they had good intentions. But yeah his friends made him realize how they ahd kinda pulled him out of a hole too at the beginning and he figured everyone could use a chance like that..
He really cares for her and tries to spend a lot of time with her, play anything she wants and watch her funny animes etc. He absolutely plays along with every game; he has a lot of fun too hes so silly as well. They bully eachother lovingly hehe. Hes willing to accompany her everywhere but i guess he realizes he wont be there for her forever so tries to gently push her a bit to be more independent.
Sees something about himself in her, although different. He tries to be someone that Younger Sergio would have appreciated in his life.
Haru: Sergio respects her a lot and thinks shes super kind perhaps too much.
He tries acting more serious or polite etc at first with her but haru ofc notices and is like. sergio its ok you can be yourself : ).
He still doesnt really act with her like he does with the others because idk theres this enormous barrier of respect that it seems unprope to act like that with her.. She IS sergios friend he just finds it super hard to be casual with her completely.
They like gardening together and showing eachother their plant children so thats something where they can be ever so slightly more relaxed in. I wonder if haru feels sad that sergio doesnt dare act casual or be himself in front of her like the others : ( He super appreciates whenever haru gifts him something unprompted etc.
Sumi: Sergio doesnt know sumi that well. He just thinks shes a cool , super kind girl whos very talented , polite. He always treated her really nicely. I think he enjoys the tyoe of respect he gets from Sumi even if its embarassing sometimes hahah since he feels she gets a different perspective of him ahah. He starts acting more casual in 3rd sem etc but theres also a barrier of respect here like with haru. Its more like.. welll sumi .. she thinks im cool and responsible i.. must fulfill that...
Goro: Well .. we already know LOL right sunset-bridgers?
He is someone so fucking cool in sergios eyes. He considers him his worthy rival and admires him a lot ; hes just so damn cool, talented, smart , strong.. it kinda feels like he always knows whats he doing and even if he makes a mistake sergio finds it charming.
He used to feel envious and jealous of him for having thigs he didnt and apparently being much more succesful in general. But ofc things happen.. he realizes things werent as simple as they seemed and how goro felt quite similar to him.
He really appreciates how they seem to see things similarly. have a similar world view so they can understand eachother easily and talk soo sososo much. Like.. wow hell yeah this guy gets what im saying yeah finally. guy who can keep up with me in snarky convos. Guy who likes to play the same silly challenges as me. Guy who fights with me and is strong as hell so we are matched. In goro he finds someone who likes him to his core; sees right thru his disguise and is interested in spending time with real Sergio. He takes him seriously. No one takes sergio so seriously or seems to give such weight to his words....
He feels very free with him.
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pteropods · 1 year
it was a really good excercise not being able to erase- you might notice on ghe right side of the face I drew it too thick like ghree seperate times and had to cover it up with hair, but its still visible underneath. I also had to just accept parts I didnt like and couldnt fix and move on- like the placement of all the facial features is weird to me but I could only do so much to change it yk?
not to mention once I had something down that was it. I had to go with it. Like after drawing the skull I realized I dodnt actually want it tn the drawing, but I had already placed it there so I had to fit it in somehow yk?
anyway. It was really fun and challenging
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Late night coffee talks
Cw:ask to tag. Herc being a boomer and not beliving in self care/lh. Mentions of anxiety but thats about it.
Summary: late night coffee talks with jerico leave tendo confronting his own issues.
A/n: this GIF goes so well. AND THATS TENDO TOO! goes so well lmao.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
♡Lovely Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @mercuryships
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--Do you want some coffee?-- Tendo asked to Jerico, who was half asleep on his desk.
--Cant. Anxiety -- she replied
--Right. Tea, then?
She nodded and he got to work on brewing some tea for her-- you know you dont gotta stay here late, you can go to bed
--And let you all alone in here? No thanks-- jeri replied, relaxing into his Office chair.
--Hows herc handling the whole Marshall thing?-He asked, serving some hot water on a Cup.
--Well, hes glad its only momentaraley-- she replied-- but hes not handling it as well as he makes it look
--Yup-- jerico confirmed-- im doing the best I can with organizing stuff for him, hes a soldier through and through so without schedules...
--He falls appart-- tendo finished-- here, sweetheart
She took the warm Cup of tea and said-- exactly,and thank you
--No problem, so, 'bout those schedules?
--Ah, nothing outta the ordinary, bedtimes, meal breaks, work hours, the works
--I bet hes really gratefull-- the Man said grabbing her free hand.
--ive also given him a forty minute break to check in with himself yknow? Stretch, do breathing and grounding excercises
--He hates it, doesnt he?
--Yeah-- both chuckle-- he says hes "perfectly fine" and that "he doesnt need to do that self care thing" Because hes going to "get through it like a man", but I have seen him do them
--well hes an older generation-- he agreed-- no wonder he thinks like that
--Bravery, testosterone and aussie unhingedness, thats Hercules Hansen for ya
Tendo lets out a prolongued snort while hes drinking his coffee making him almost choke-- honestly, thats him alright, but hes a good guy
--Yeah he is, hes a very good guy, hes just emotionally constipated, arent we all though?
Both share a laugh in agreement, Tendo caresses the back of jeri's hand with his thumb-- hows ol' Chuck doing?
--Hes still going to his check ups,luckily hes raditation free and though he pouts like a child he doesnt miss any of his therapy sessions or medical appointments
--i said it once and ill say it again, itll always baffle me how you managed to not only make the hansens get along, but finally learn some emotionall inteligence
--hey Man,Takes one to know one-- she added-- I went down that same road, with some differences of course
--Between you and me? I think they are just very soft for you, but im glad those two are gettin' some help -- he said taking a sip from his coffee.
-- tell me about it, how they survived up to this Point is a mystery for the ages
He snickered-- nature finds a way!-- jerico laughed at the Jurassic Park reference, squeezing his hand.
--And what about you? How are you feeling?
Tendo snorts into his coffee, being taken off guard-- I uhm...not the most stressed ive been but stressed...
--Maybe you should indulge in some self care?
He looked away nervously-- ah its karma isnt it? I make fun of Herc and now im in the same spot as he is...-- tendo sighs-- its just--
--I have a lot of work to do and its very important-- both say at the same time.
--What?! -- he exclaims.
--Heard it from herc time and time again -- jerico explained sitting on the Mans lap, hands caressing his face-- you havent been taking care of yourself huh?
--airing out all of my dirty rags huh?
She giggled and said-- take some deep breaths for me, okay? Close your eyes
He obliged and started to breathe in deeply, focusing on the feeling of her hands smoothing over his face to his neck.
Tendo lets out a soft exhale and relaxes his body-- better?
--Yeah. thanks, Doll
--whenever you need me, finish this and we can go to bed
Jerico ended falling asleep against him, and he carried her to his bedroom. Maybe he could sleep some more before returning to work.
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forestryfae · 8 months
anyways i really need someone to diagnose me cus this is ridicilous. im 25 and all i know is i have mood swings randomly and can be set off by the tiniest shit, i am constantly scared of relationships and literally cant trust people no matter how well i know them and i have long periods of just giving up cus nothing is worth it or fun and then when something IS enough or fun i literally cant get enough of it and WILL go i NEED more. and i obbsessively pick shit and decide that This Is Safe And Perfect and somehow i NEED it in my life or nothing will ever be okay and i might as well set my life on pause until i can achieve Perfection
but yeah. the inpatient im at is so work focused, despite being a PSYCHIATRIC institution, that they value work over therapy. i need therapy. i need therapists. i need something where we are BOTH working on my social and life skills and my mental health at the same time. like those three NEED to be in sync. i cant ONLY go to work for 5 hours a day then come home exhausted and have noone talk to me except for like. to ask about art group and to tell me i need to clean my room. and then at the same time have them not do any other follow ups, not help me with medication at all, not checking in on me, not doing therapy, not taking me to appointments theyve been informed of well ahead of time, not have regular treatment-related talks with me, not even inform me about treatments, and constantly tell me its all my responsibility to fix and figure out even though its. their job. i came here to learn how to be an independent adult and instead i wind fucking. being told "figure it out yourself" and "do this" with the expectation that i should just know automatically as if i was born with the knowledge of the whole world.
like. can i maybe get some fucking therapy? i NEED a psychologist. i NEED medication, maybe. i dont know. what i dont need is to be forced to work for a year with no follow up at all and noone doing their job to make sure my treatment is like. actually working. i shouldnt have to remind them that they need to do meetings with me and that we have stuff we need to work on, i shouldnt have to deal with asking people to remember me and notice me and having to feel like im nagging or not worth the effort.
so yeah. after almost a year of being here i have finally gotten a meeting with the ONE doctor we have here who can prescribe medication so we gotta figure that shit out i guess. hes very anti meds tho according to the other patients here, and frankly i can see it seeing as his first action was to just. tell me to go sit in the livingroom and talk to people cus its good for me. nothing else like buddy. i needed. help. and you wanna focus on me talking to people daily no matter how much anxiety i have?? thats. not treatment. wheres the cbt stuff. the fucking mental excercises. the regular talks. but yeah hes been on paternity leave since like a month or three after i got here and now hes only gonna come here every. 2 months i think it was. i get to talk to a doctor who may or may not be a psychiatrist about medication i may or may not get, who has had ZERO involvement in my treatment here, and who still hasnt sent me to a ears nose throat specialist even tho i requested it months ago. instead ive been prescribed medication with no actual examination at all.
but yeah i can either stay here or go home and i dont wanna go home so. might as well. stay here for a while. and hope that i can get the shit house sold so i can find an apartment and maybe like have a life eventually.
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