#but its fine because we're all about the vibes on this blog
aelswiths · 2 years
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For @kingslionheart
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genericpuff · 6 months
Idk if my addition will matter.
I've been following Hanza since back when they were making my deepest secret, so I've seen the development of the guy upstairs first hand and how hanza writes it. Even back in the concept stages, it was so blatantly clear that it was supposed to be a thriller/cat mouse vibe where Adam (killer) was horrible and not to be rooted for. They've compared him to irl serial killers and how those guys will often use women as shields to hide their true selves from the public and how that's messed up and bad to do.
They've shown Adam as a horrible irredeemable person and honestly there's little to no nuance with how they handle it, but that makes sense because how else can you handle an audience like what they've gotten without beating them over the head with the facts. How many ways can you outright show your main character despising and wanting to yank their best friend out of the jaws of a murderer before the audience realizes its not foreplay.
I think them going from an actual romance to a fully thriller non romantic story meant that the residual audience expected some kind of messy toxic romance, but Rozy to me has always explicitly read as Queer so idk why people aren't getting the hint.
I get their frustration and it seems like they might be shifting into a potiential issekai romance about a grandad and a middle aged woman who got reincarnated as his grandson's fiance (hard to explain but its hilarious if you want to check it out) without any thriller elements from their recent non comic posts. Whatever they do I hope they can find something to be passionate about again.
your addition VERY MUCH MATTERS actually because I don't read TGU and have very little context to the situation as a whole aside from what I've seen people talking about, which makes me reluctant to speak on it because I don't wanna go spreading misinformation in any regard. So I appreciate you taking the time to lay it all out for me, thank you!!! <3
And yeah, I've seen posts shared in the /r/webtoons sub from other blogs claiming that Hanza was being an awful person for "taking people's money" and "baiting them" into reading a dark romance story when that's very obviously not what it is? Even one excerpt that was literally like-
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And I just... since when is any romance plotline that ISN'T abusive and problematic at its core (such as between a serial killer and a victim) considered "super conservative" and "pure"? It's really baffling to me how people have gone so far in the opposite direction of "purity culture" that they've started arguing on behalf of legitimately harmful and toxic relationships. It's extremely concerning especially when you know the majority of people saying this shit are between the ages of 16-21. IDK what the fuck we're doing anymore when it comes to the romance genre (and TGU isn't even a romance ffs).
Aaaand yeah in relation to where the Hanza topic came up, that's really why I'm moving away from WT as an audience and why I don't consider it a "loss" to not use WT anymore. Once upon a time I wished for Time Gate to be a contracted series, for it to have thousands of readers and be my job. But seeing what's going on with Hanza's work just informs me that I'd be dealing with a lot of the same shit - people expecting Uzuki and Mitsuhiro to be the endgame of the romance when they're literally NOT good for each other, which is the POINT. Like sure, unlike the main duo in TGU, they actually are a couple with a 'relationship' but it's not meant to be healthy and the last thing I need are 15 year olds thinking they're "couple goals". If you ship them in fanfic or w/e the fuck that's fine but please don't get mad at me when they don't wind up being the endgame couple, they're both terrible people and make each other worse when they're around each other (・_・;)
Either way yeah, I don't blame Hanza in the slightest for getting so frustrated with it all that they'd rather just be done with it. It sucks for the more loyal and sane part of their audience that the series is gonna be ripped out from under them like that, but at the end of the day if the creator is being harassed and decide they're done as a result of it... why should they have to keep putting up with bullshit just for a comic? I don't even blame Rachel if she was ending LO by choice due to the noise of the fandom, and unlike Rachel, I don't have anything in the slightest against Hanza or their work LOL But I also don't have the full picture on it all so maybe my opinion will change if I find out more about it. I just don't think any of this shit is worth directly harassing a human being over.
That said, can't get any better than someone who's read their work since before TGU, so again, thank you !
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isdalinarhot · 1 month
on the state of kholin haterism on tumblr
this is gonna be a long one, so bear with me.
one thing i think that has changed in the tumblr fandom in the three years that ive been in it is that the culture in 2021 was ALSO at a largely anti-Kholin sentiment, but there were two key differences.
the first is that most people making critiques of such characters would use the tag #kholin critical, which was useful either if you were sensitive to criticism of one of the kholins for whatever reason AND if you wanted to read analysis of some of their faults by many different users under one tag.
the second is that said kholin critical criticisms were... less stupid? like a lot of it was talking about reddit fandom hypocrisy where dalinar was held up as righteous and badass and could do no wrong even though he had tons of personal and political faults that other characters (largely people who WERENT extremely powerful nobles) were demonized for. also a lot of stuff like "adolin is kaladins friend now but i dont think just categorizing it as simple enemies to besties is fair because adolin WAS being overtly racist to kaladin at the beginning there". a lot of discussion about how the Kholins treat darkeyes and characters of lower dahns where the bigotry there was being downplayed by fans in favor of the characters being painted both by fandom and in the universe of the books as Always Right All The Time. stuff like that.
that's not to say the whole kholin crit tag was all, like, stuff that isnt bullshit. people have been dunking on elhokar for being a whiny failking since the beginning of time. but the vibes were a lot different.
kholin critical kind of fell out of favor as a hashtag because most of us realized hey on a doylist level either the things we're criticizing the kholins for are purposeful character flaws that make for richer, more realistic, more engaging characters; or they're oversights from the moderate liberal Sanderson, in which case, why are we complaining about Dalinar doing this, when we should be complaining about Sanderson doing this. so this whole thing is stupid. and also by then the atmosphere on tumblr was way different, this was by and large the Moash Website and while people were haters about characters they did not put the hate in character tags so people largely avoided each others haterism. and there was peace for like a year and a half, i guess.
things are way different now. for context. i track the #dalinar kholin tag. so whenever my dash is dead im checking my tracked tags, and thus i see every original post about dalinar that someone decided to tag #dalinar kholin. and boy howdy, things have devolved. this used to be a chill experience for me, i'd see first time readers go OH MY GOD HE DID WHAT?????? during oathbringer and "[some philosophical shit dalinar said]" -brandon sanderson. follow for more inspiring book quotes" about three times a day, fanart once every couple weeks or so, stuff like that. but now a solid 75% of the posts in dalinars tag are like. hate. not literary criticism, but hate. sometimes about justified things, sometimes about unjustified things, but still, extremely negative.
in a bubble, that's fine. god knows ive been a hater on my blog before and ill be a hater on my blog again. and its not even like im opposed to reading well thought out criticism of my faves on any level because, like, dalinar is kind of a rat bastard! but like. listen. you don't put character hate in that character's tag. you don't do that. the people who are checking a character's tag are fans of that character and fandom is for fun. being a hater directly reaching out to the lovers for comment is rude as hell.
also a lot of the things people dislike about dalinar tie back to his neglectful fatherhood and his alcoholism which is, like, a thing i understand people would have strong negative feelings towards him for having because Neglectful Alcoholic Dad is like one of the top 10 kinds of abusive dads out there so lots of people have very visceral very personal experiences related to that. but when posting about this in any form whatsoever it feels like im having to go back to Treating Addicts Like Human Beings 101. like i feel like ive made a billion posts to the tune of "okay kids, you can do bad things while drunk and you are still responsible and you can also get drunk at inopportune times and you are still responsible, but the act of being addicted to alcohol does not make a character ontologically evil". and like thats. um. a personal thing but also oh my goodness.
i dont really have a conclusion to this. im just thinking goddamn its bleak out here right now.
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Hey, i hope you're well! I just wanted to ask - do you know anything about a httyd books discord? I'm sure I saw one mentioned somewhere and I think it was on your blog (though I may be totally mistaken) - I would really love to join one, so wanted to ask around!! :))
Hey, sorry for the late response, i saw this shortly after you sent it and then just kept forgetting to answer lol Anyways the answer is yes, i do know about a httyd books discord 2 of them in fact 1 because im in it and the other because, well
i made it So the first httyd books discord is run by a person names Star She's very nice, and its a fairly calm chat Heres a post she has linking to it or at least I believe that link still works
I would liken it to being in like, an afterschool club, where you have a theme for it, but its also just for chilling and hanging out
People are nice, its chill, you can vibe Then theres mine, which i made because i was too anxious and awkward to talk in the aforementioned chat, which is also why im pretty much never active there, RIP I would describe it as "if Tumblr were only httyd book themed"
If the first discord is a casual afterschool club, mine got banned after someone set something on fire, and now we meet under the bleachers at an old abandoned baseball field
Mine's a little messy, leans more heavily towards general fandom stuff, fanart, memes, 1001 AUs, both actually insightful conversation and shitpost type content so ya know theres no general chat for non-httyd convo, or for the movies for that matter, because quite frankly the movies have enough space already, tho we do still talk about it occasionally
All in all, its pretty casual i think, you can talk and share as much or as little as you want, theres not really any rules besides like Be respectful to everyone and in general try to keep things httyd book related (not that that always happens, sometimes youre talking and you end up going off on a ramble about like, piranha or something, its cool, no worries)
anyways uh
idk what else to say about it, ive really enjoyed the time ive spent there, its been cool, had a lot of fun, everyones real nice and ive made some great friends (shoutout to them, love y'all 🫶) so yeah
Come hang out if you want, i love seeing new people join, we're all mildly insane there, its fine, dont worry about it
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butch-reidentified · 6 months
I'm sorry if it came off as rude, I was agreeing with your reblog 😔 I'm aware that butch doesn't really mean masculine, as I said it's just a personal preference, and the butch/femme dichotomy always read as a bit weird to me because femme literally just means "woman".
To be fair, I only have the french context for this and those terms aren't nearly as popular here. But if you have good resources about the history of those terms I'd genuinely love to educate myself on it, it's quite fascinating.
Love your blog btw !
you did not come off rude don't worry!! just felt it was important to be said!!
i used to speak french very well but not so good anymore, but i do understand feeling weird about the term femme bc of it forsure. I would appreciate if we had a different term specifically for lesbians who are - and please interpret this abstractly bc the language for what I'm attempting to describe here simply does not exist in any language I speak - "feminine" in a way that (intentionally or otherwise) subverts conventional femininity and is not appealing to the traditional male gaze/behavioral preference. sort of like... unapologetic outspoken opinionated women, casual dresses and leg hair, floral prints and bushy eyebrows vibes, but not exactly? aspects of femininity but not total feminine performance, and most importantly with gnc behaviors like importantly including unlearning femsoc etc? women who have done the work to unlearn the femininity forced on us growing up and afterward found they genuinely like select "feminine" things in a nonperformative way? language has always felt wildly limiting to me but I'm hoping at least some will understand me on this. and really hoping nobody takes it too literally lol
the reason I (playfully) call my wife femme is she has done that work, has intensively introspected on her female socialization and spent significant time intentionally defying it to give herself perspective and a shot at engaging with traits typically seen as "feminine" from as much of a truly voluntary place as possible, and found she enjoys certain things that fall into that category. most of those things are invisible to people outside our relationship and closest friend circles, whereas if we're downtown she's not going to be viewed as feminine by strangers at all. I think that's a way more meaningful lesbian archetype than using "femme" (or any alternative term) to mean "gender conforming/totally feminine" or even, if we're honest, often used to refer to "straight-passing" lesbians, which my wife is not even close to being.
I personally feel that butch has a highly specific and unique crucial lesbian cultural context & history that would & should persist in a postgender world, that is much more about a specific lesbian "archetype" than relationship to gender & can exist without relationship to gender just fine. to me, butchness requires gender nonconformity in a patriarchal, gendered world, but that's only a prerequisite, not a defining characteristic of butchness itself. does that make sense? sometimes my communication style only makes sense to me n my wife lmfao (same w hers even tho its very diff from mine)
I agree about butch/femme. it's not - or at least shouldn't be seen as - a dichotomy. I don't prefer feminine women, I prefer gnc women for SURE, but I don't consider myself butch4butch bc my preference is for gnc women in general not just butches (like what I said ab my wife being gnc but not butch).
I used to have resources on this, but unfortunately I have a terrible memory and can't remember them at the moment to save my life. hoping someone who follows me will!!
this was much longer than I anticipated lmao & idk if it will actually make any real sense to anyone else 😅
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doublejango · 8 months
RP blog for Blitz from Helluva Boss, with a few other characters on the side. Please take a moment to check out my Rules & About, which you can find below the cut or by accessing my blog on desktop (which is where you can also find my Thread Tracker!).
Quick note: It is fine to reblog anything (except RPs) from me. Memes? Go for it, you don't have to send me anything and you don't have to reblog from the source. Art? Same deal. You like an Ask that I answered and you want to reblog it? Fine by me. Dash commentary? Sure! And tbh I wouldn't mind you reblogging RPs, but most of my partners don't want RPs reblogged. So if it looks like a roleplay post between two people, please leave it alone and don't reblog <3
If you're an Interview with the Vampire blog and wondering why this random demon account followed you, it's because I have an Armand side-blog. He's hidden over at @thatneverblooms.
I only want to write with people who are over eighteen. The older the better tbh. I’m in my thirties, so if you are too, that would be great! But as long as you’re over eighteen, we’re good. MINORS, DO NOT INTERACT. Do not follow me, send asks, anything at all, if you're under eighteen. This is not open to negotiation. My blog is not a safe space for minors. I also do not interact with characters who are minors. Hard no. I also don't want to play pregnancy plots or "my muse found a baby!" plots. Those are hard, hard passes. No plots of any sort involving children for me. Ever. Characters who are the adult children of others? Sure! But actual children? No. No, no, no, no, no. Please, God, no. No breeding plots. No mpreg. Nooooooo babies for me, pls.
I try to remember to tag for content that is likely triggering. I’ll use the tags example tw or example cw for those. I don’t anticipate there being a whole lot of that on my blog, but just in case, I want to try to make it possible for people to filter things out <3
I will always try to send in a password, but if I followed you without sending one? It's completely fine to let me know; I don't mind going to look for it again. I want to do right by you and will appreciate the reminder.
About following… please don’t be angry if I don’t follow you back. I will try to follow most people back, but if it really doesn’t look like we will mesh, whether because our writing styles or our rules clash, then I will respectfully stay away.
Activity: I am very slow. Very, very slow. But I generally don’t lose things, so please trust that I haven’t lost interest in our thread.
I respect Dead Dove Do Not Eat and will fight for people’s rights to write it. I will always tag with what applies, either NSFT (as in Not Safe for Tumblr) or DDDNE.  I don’t necessarily write a lot of DDDNE, but I am willing to, and I will not judge you if that’s something you enjoy. I have some personal hard limits for it that I am willing to discuss if we start going down that path, and will gladly hear yours!
If you have a lot of sideblogs, I probably won't follow them until we are writing on them <3 I struggle when I don't readily know who is who, and writing a thread is the best way for my goldfish brain to remember.
Don't try to bully or guilt-trip me into writing smut, please, DO NOT try to shame me for not leaping into it quickly. I can and will write it. I'll write filthy, explicit smut (under a read-more). I'll write soft vanilla stuff. I'll write fade to black, whatever my RP partner prefers--I'll do my best to match your vibe. But if you make it a habit to mock me for the fact that I prefer a slow-burn into the smut? That's it. I will unfollow, threads dropped, we're done. I've had enough of the "lol its just a joke bro" attitude after insults and insinuations from people trying to shame me into writing smut despite our muses not being there yet. I'm done. I put up with it for a while, and am adding it to my rules now.
And on a last note, aggressive virtue signaling doesn’t fly with me. If you need to post about how people are nasty for liking fictional, legal, not real content? You and I are not going to get along. It’s a short trip between the Purity Police and censorship/fascism imo, so I will avoid people who participate in that kind of culture like the plague. 
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daybreakrising · 2 months
8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. & 9.What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
the be honest meme
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8. Name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
okay i'm gonna keep these short if possible but:
1) first one has to be the absolute utter lack of communication. not even just for anything negative, either - people just simply... don't talk to each other about anything. for example: want to explore a potential ship with someone? don't wait for a person to pick up hints or vibes, because many of us simply won't pick up on them. just approach someone with the idea. the worst that's gonna happen is they'll turn you down (hopefully politely) and then you can seek out someone else who might be down for it. simple. easy. just talk to people about things. "but i'm anxious" we're all fckn anxious that's why we're here.
and to tack onto this bc i was gonna make it its own thing but it's down to communication still: the fact you can be blocked forever just bc you briefly interacted with someone a person has an issue with. and yes, i'm adding this bc it's happened to me - is still happening to me. doesn't matter that i don't talk to that person at all anymore, doesn't matter that i haven't been in their circle for months, doesn't even matter that i wasn't even that close with them in the first place - i'm forever blocked bc of a brief association and it's ridiculous, frankly. and i understand wanting to curate your space a certain way if you want to avoid a specific person appearing in your vicinity in any way (and i'll come back to this topic for the second question, bc i stand by someone's right to choose how they curate their own space), but it again comes down to communication. blocking someone forever removes that chance to communicate. it's like you've sentenced them - but even prisoners get parole hearings. and yes, sometimes you block someone for something and then never think about them again, but when you are an instant block on any blog someone then makes? when you haven't even done anything to this person directly or weren't even aware of them? when you haven't even done anything wrong? that feels real shit, guys. don't do it to people.
2) this is a big one for me but: the way some people in the rpc treat villainous characters, or characters who have otherwise done Terrible Things. now, listen, i get wanting to explore "what ifs" and even potential redemptions, and that's fine, but unless you are going completely au (which i don't always agree with, especially if the Terrible Thing or them being a bad person is intrinsically tied to their story, but for the sake of this-) then you cannot, cannot, act like they weren't a horrible person or did terrible things, or that those things don't matter anymore. you cannot expect characters - especially anyone they might have wronged - to just change their opinions for nothing. & i detest villain apologists with my entire soul. you cannot excuse their behaviour (though you can explain it - two very different things). you cannot "redeem" them by going: hey, it doesn't matter that they did all these terrible things, because they're chill now! look at these nice things they've done! no, if you want your character to be redeemed, you've gotta fckn work for it, and you've gotta accept that it might not be possible - or that, at least, there will be characters who will never accept they've changed even if they have.
if you can't handle a villain being a villain, then don't write one.
3) nothing is "canon" unless it is actually canon. is it stated clearly in whatever media it is? is it explicitly said? no? then it's not canon. i don't care how implied it is or how "-coded" something is, it's not canon (also, hate the word 'coded' bc of how it's used, but that's another salt for another day). and someone not adhereing to what you believe is "canon" does not mean they are hating on it. we are all allowed our opinions, our own headcanons. unless something is directly harmful or problematic then let people have their hcs even if they disagree with yours. and yes, i understand that for some things, canon cannot explicitly state that a character is a certain way, for example, but that's unfortunately how the world is. even so, that doesn't give you the right to dictate someone's hcs or spew hate because they don't accept your canon.
& this applies heavily to ships. your ship is not canon unless it actually is canon. and please, please, acknowledge and understand that language means different things in different cultures. language has different meanings across the same culture, sometimes. your understanding of a word isn't necessarily the understanding that was meant and it certainly doesn't give you the right to look down on or outright hate upon anyone or anything that doesn't align with your views.
9. What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not?
i do practice it, and here's why:
sometimes, it just makes sense. i typically only do this with ships, and only really with ships that i simply cannot see me seeking out with another person for whatever reason that is. sometimes you'll just click with someone and build a dynamic together that meets every need you've ever had for that particular combination of muses. sometimes it's a combination of muses you never expected to write. sometimes the dynamic only works with that one specific portrayal. and, sometimes, it's a dynamic you have very specific thoughts on that you can only trust this one person with.
and i get it, it does suck if you love a person's portrayal and want to pursue a particular dynamic, only to discover they're exclusive with someone. it's a bummer. but that's their right and you can't get salty over it. they've chosen to be exclusive for whatever reason and you just have to accept it, even if it sucks.
what i don't understand is the hate towards exclusivity. why shouldn't a person curate their space how they want? why is that such a terrible thing? "oh but it excludes people-" so what ???? you're not obligated to interact with anyone. if you're getting angry or upset over someone choosing to run their blog a certain way, maybe you shouldn't be here.
and to add on at the end bc i just know there's a chance someone will go "but you complained about people blocking you earlier. that's not respecting how they've chosen to curate their space" if i don't say this: please understand that is a very specific situation and is not the same thing at all. i already said that i understand why they did it and i take no issue with that at all. my issue is solely with the fact that it's still happening even though i no longer have any association with that particular person, because there's no opportunity to communicate. that's my problem with it.
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galaeus · 5 months
hi all! just some housekeeping on this blog as i have about 30+ new followers here and it's been a hot minute so i just wanted to check in as its been 2years:
i post a lot of plotting & starter calls because, if we're mutuals, it means i want to write with you! you aren't bothering me if you send a meme or several. you aren't being annoying if you send me multiple ims here or on disco. i like to be 'bothered'.
please note that this has been a rule for forever on my blog: if we become mutuals and we do not interact at least once in the first two weeks of following, i typically soft block and move on. this includes a quick ooc chat, starting a plot or thread, sending one another memes, etc. if i don't hear from you at least once in that time frame, i'll assume you're busy (which is fine!) but i like to keep my dash small for a reason. i don't F4F; i'm only interested in following who i'm actively pursuing plots/writing with atm.
i am an active writer! the more we discuss our muses or send stuff to one another, the most invested i am in our threads. i tend to get back to threads faster if we are chatting (even just in tags!)
i don't do 'mains' (or exclusives, i'm an oc, there's no benefit to this for me) so do not be offended if i never like your main calls. if you're my 'main', then you'll know, because we talk all the time 😅
if you want to ship, don't be freaked out about my rule re: shipping. i am almost always happy to ship after some chatter! literally just establish a vibe/intro to our muses, ask, and i typically do backflips and somersaults over new ships.
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This blog is 18+, minors please block & dni
No minors, no exceptions.
This is a nsfw blog and I'm bad at tagging, if you need your dash to be totally sfw or have triggers that need to be tagged absolutely every time, just don't follow. Interacting is still fine.
I block people based on their behavior, not their identifiers.
Asks and dms are open. Dms slightly preferred because I usually have clairifying questions. Its fine to just message me, I don't care if we've been interacting or not.
It's complicaited but I'm a cis bi woman for statistical purposes.
I'm almost 30, not looking for anything more than being friends if you're a lot younger than me.
I've got quite a bit of experience with kink & femdom (F/m), and I'm always happy to answer educational questions about those things, but I'm really here to talk to other queer people, not cis men.
I don't hate men tho, and this is not a "men dni" blog, if that bothers you feel free to block me.
Related to that, to me the point of femdom is systematic gender fuckery and destruction of the binary - in the context of my cis "het" relationships at least, might be down for selectively reinforcing the binary in gender affirming ways. If the kink we're doing doesn't ritually eviscerate at least one oppressive social structure, I don't want it.
If you want me to be talking about you when I talk about boys, then yes I'm talking about you; "boy" is a vibe to me, its not about gender or parts.
I'm autistic and I don't understand what a lot of wlw words mean, not enough to really use them. Anyone who wants to help me understand is welcome to my dms and a reward of their choice, everyone else can shut up and think about the pervasive ableism in the queer community before judging.
Generally when it comes to sex I'm into sub guys, sad wet pathetic little men, pretty boys (all boys are pretty), masc nonbinary and genderfucky people, and sometimes women if there's a power dynamic (usually a slightly toxic one), if they could defeat me, or if we're performing intricate rituals. Also I fall for other autistic girls hard and easily in a QPR way.
Look, I am a dom/top type person, but I am also shy as fuck, and I don't like persuing people when its not super clear they're into it. If you want me to give you horny attention, you gotta give some kind of consent. Posts addressed to the void or doms in general don't count.
I don't think I'm all that edgy in the grand scheme of things, but I've been around long enough to know that the distinction between "gentle" and "hard" kinks is purity culture crap. If you're still on that shit you're not gonna have a good time here.
A few things I can promise won't be here: excessive gore, (what I consider to be) body horror, needles, death, race play, disability fetishism, scat and vomit, and most "family" stuff (I allow the occasional title if its not the main focus of the post).
Things that probably will be here: femdom, queer and "straight" seeming stuff mixed together, fat positivity, hornyposting, some serious/political stuff, discussions about kink, horny fanfic, pretty kink toys and gear, autism posting, memes, etc.
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dykeomania · 2 years
hi mia :) sooo i have this very random thought about ellie buzzing around in my head, and since you’re like my favorite tlou blog on tumblr, and you seem to capture ellie’s canon personality beautifully in everything you write, i’m wondering what you may think… (sorry if i’m like bothering you, or being weird 😵‍💫)
do you think modern!ellie would initiate a first kiss with a girl likes? i’m very torn on this… i feel like ellie can be an overthinker, and is also very prone to falling in love with her friends… so i think for the sake of not wanting to ruin a friendship, she might not go for it… but then again, she did kiss riley first. and as you’ve mentioned, her sneaky confidence pipeline is very strong, so i feel like once she feels she’s collected enough evidence to infer that they’re are mutual feelings there (and that she has the power to make you nervous) she may go for it… hmmm🤔
i would love to know your thoughts, as i cannot get this out of my head, and all my friends are losers who have never heard of tlou 😑 (again, so so sorry if i’m bothering you or being weird, just ignore me if so :) … i love your blog btw <3 and i hope your day/night is going great!)
[pulls down my podcast microphone] what is with this whole people being afraid of bothering me thing, Hey. Listen. You are fine. you are not bothering me, I will hug you. talking to people on here always makes me feel nice and you're definitely not being weird at all. please don't apologize for taking up space on my blog, it's partly what it's here for, i just have a tendency to not answer asks all that frequently because ... i have a fear of disappointing -- but it's 2023 and we're gonna get over that, hey, i'm really happy you're here, hiiiiiii
so okay (trigger warning: literally surface-level character analysis and me talking for an excruciatingly long time in some lousy attempt of meeting a point at 10:00pm, as though this is me actually talking and not a literal, tangible thing that i can go back and rewrite and edit but oh no no no this one [me] is lazy, and an idiot, and banks too heavily off of the fact that this is their blog and they can do whatever they want)
[readjusts pdocast mic]
This is so real and i agree with literally all of it. because Yeah like... i think ellie has sneaky confidence but i also think that her likelihood to kiss someone else is reasonably dependent upon the situation and like the.. vibe. like let's start off with traditional friends to lovers. if you two are friends, or friends with benefits, and you've never really kissed before but there are clearly feelings involved, i feel like ellie making the first move is.. within reason. it'd probably be whilst she was in an altered state of mind, be it drunk or sleepy -- anything that calls for the vibrations between the two of you having noticeably changed enough for her to probably have the in, to kiss you. and i feel like once you would make that in visible to her, be it by flirting with her or demonstrating that she does make you nervous in a way that excites you, her confidence would pull her towards either taking steps that build up to kissing you (looking at you, very intentionally; letting her fingers drum against some part of your body; keeping silent in the moments where she is looking at you and biting back a smile because she knows that it is making you equally as nervous as its making her), or (and,* possibly) either outright asking you if you wanna be kissed or stating that she wants to kiss you, because you're asking her what she's looking at.
now Alternatively, i do view ellie as someone who is very very afraid of ruining her friendships and like we have shit to prove this, she didn't wanna fuck up her friendship with dina and only seems to really go for things once people make it directly obvious that they're into her (cat literally crawled into her lap and started kissing her when she was like 15 and then ellie was literally all over her despite her being a bad influence; dina made one move within like 4 years of knowing ellie and ellie immediately took that as her in to kiss her -- like you see what i mean). but if there is no in. i do see her to be very pensive. i feel like she would moreso be concerned with how much she is allowed to show that she Does like you, at least enough to want to kiss you. like, ellie doesn't strike me as someone who has plenty of close friends, so she definitely wants to keep the ones who she feels comfortable enough to genuinely hold close to her heart, with her. like, she doesn't wat to sacrifice that by not just catching, but acting on her feelings. and she really does like read as the kind of person who is more likely to sit in the uncertainty of a situation for the sake of keeping a friendship as opposed to like, acting on her emotions because she feels like she has nothing to lose (because you're everything, and losing your friendship is like losing everything). so like yeah she would probably be super freaked out, at first, by the idea of having feelings for you and that probably wouldn't make her wanna kiss you ..... Unless you made the first move. dina made her nervous first, so if you make her nervous enough, then she'll be excited enough to reciprocate the energy, and that leads us to square one.
but if its like enemies to lovers...
ellie is clearly jaded by anger and rage and when she's in that state she tends to not really have a second thought about.. most things, honestly. when broiled with lust, i feel as though you and ellie's first kiss comes, like. without hesitation. she doesn't think about it. probably kisses you so hard your world spins because you've pissed her off and she feels like she's got some point to prove and all she can focus on is just shutting you the fuck up for whatever reason
and then if she doesn't opt for anything beyond that like having sex with you, she'd probably get off of you and look at you and perhaps the look in her eyes would convince her to Maybe think twice about her actions (because shes an overthinker, i do agree, and i do think that that is not particularly Completely Dormant in these kinds of situations), but the second you pull her back down! Again! It's a consistent theme! Of Someone! Meeting! The Energy! she's game and she's pushing you against some kind of wall and taking things to an entirely different level
overall, i think you're right. i think that ellie is like most in that she is initially quite shy and if things aren't glaringly obvious or spelled out for her in a way that she can understand or that shifts the tone of the air, then she won't act on anything. but if she's given an inch, she's taking the mile. in any case. all of the tension once experienced by her is poured into a kiss that is long awaited and full and all she can probably think in her head is just more more more because once she actually gets the chance to act on her emotions, and to kiss you, and to release that feeling in her body, she probably wouldn't wanna stop. and tbh that's what i love most about her because she is so relatable wow yes ellie williams is so girl
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lindszeppelin · 2 years
So. I know I'm not a follower of yours, but I do pop by your blog occasionally and you're really talented and creative. I admit I'm not all that familiar with whatever drama has happened in the past few days, but I hope you're doing okay and that whatever has gone on hasn't affected your passion for writing or creating or fandom. I think a lot of us think drama stops when we're out of high school, or our early 20s, and it can be depressing or disappointing to realize that it doesn't. I'm close to your age, and one of the toughest realizations of my 20s has been that drama, both online and offline, doesn't stop in your adult life. I hope this doesn't come off as preachy, I know you probably know that too, but it can be hard when you're experiencing it. I'm on anon because I feel a little weird saying this as just a visitor, but I hope life is going well for you and that you're not feeling down because of everything. Like I said, I don't know the specifics of the drama, but I know being involved in anything messy, even and especially if it's not by choice, can be hard. Wishing you good vibes heading into this weekend! Keep being awesome. 😁
My dear beautiful anon, this was so sweet of you to send to me!! ugh this was so nice. thank you. but it's alright that you're on anon, that's what i turned it on for :) im glad that you enjoy my blog and my stories. covid was truly the reason i paused on continuing my writing and its just getting the motivation to get back into writing again. but i really appreciate the love and support <3
it's truly crazy how this all unfolded. people that know me know that i stay in my lane all the time, i do not like to cause waves. and just like all the anon stories here, i fall victim to walking on eggshells to avoid confrontation too. but it just seems like people have grievances with her and they want to talk about it in an open space for the first time. so. im allowing them to do that if they want. if not then that's fine too. the option is there for the taking if they want to express their stories of harassment. im not going to turn anyone away from coming forward.
but i also wish you good vibes and hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
Y’all just mad because live in delusion (not you Jen) you guys are in this app reading porn about him everyday and he sing about fuck and you’re disappointed??? It’s fucking summer song, what did you wanted? Its ok to not like the song but for reasonable reasons, being disappointed because his talking about sex is so ridiculous. Also the Scooter Braun thing, they work with him for years now, Scooter is a great manager even if he’s not a good person, Taylor Swift fans acting like she wasn’t flirting with a fucking racist a month ago (I just mentioned her because no one like him because of her, me included but being sad about bts hanging with him is hyprocrite and dumb)
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i know that there are a ton of people out there who are Mad mad that he's singing about sex, i read smth about people writing letters about how they were betrayed 😂 i don't think that reason applies here tho
most of us - at least the people here on my blog - don't like the song bc we're just disappointed that the album is seemingly going in a direction that we didn't really hope for 🤷‍♀️ and again, at the end of the day, it's alright i guess. people have different tastes and there'll be times when they release smth that we don't like. this is just one of those times
also sc**ter, i will always dislike that man 😂 as i do with most western artists/producers/etc that they work with (most, not all). i definitely do think they're just using them for clout and aren't sincere when talking about the tannies 🤷‍♀️
the explicit version. well i think it's more than just simply switching out the word. i personally don't like it bc it doesn't sound as good as the clean ver. also, "loving" does include fucking as well and covers so much more so if they're switching it out for "fucking" then it's just about sex, which is fine but i like to have meaning in everything so that's why this isn't necessarily my cup of tea
i've come to the conclusion that i probably won't vibe with the album, and that's disappointing to think about but there's nothing we can do to change that. i'll just have to start manifesting for jjk2 starting now 🙏. (this emoji bc i don't have the fingers crossed emoji on my laptop lol)
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Please can you tell you friend @theborders that it’s too late to delete posts and act like nothing happened. Alexa has seen them and is upset. I think she should apologise. I didn’t realise telling her would be so bad considering they were posted on a public website. How can you post stuff about someone on a public blog and expect them not to see? Also she probably told Sam about how she loved country just to be close to him
Okay, this is a late reply considering this was sent to me the other day, but I wasn't sure whether replying or not since I thought this would've simmered down. Well, I was wrong.
Things that drive me insane: a bullet point
• Faceless users on the internet exhorting strangers online to do something.
Going 28 and I usually don't take any advice from people who aren't in my personal bubble, but I'll make an exception today. So, I oblige. @theborders this anon is dying to let you know what they think 👉🏻🥺👈🏻
• Faceless users (omg! once again) not paying attention to the content of the different blogs they dive into.
I don't know if you're new here, but I have said many times that I'm not interested in it, therefore I have never posted any gossip, it's my policy. I don't give a flying sock about it. I don't know why you sent this to me, you would've spared this wordy rant from my behalf. We were talking about gossip, weren't we? Well I don't like it, but other people do and it's fine because it's life. Everyone's different, you know. A blog is like a house; every house has its own rules, same goes with blogs. Everyone's free to talk about whatever they please on their blog and I am nobody to tell people to apologise for things they've said about certain matters (I don't have an opinion about as I don't care about the matter per se). It's not my purpose on Tumblr. I am nobody's mother lmao
• People venting about something they've done and I have nothing to do with. Sorry, but you did tell Alexa and put theborders in a very bad mood and now you're gonna take the consequences that come with it. It's too late.
(For the record, I have just got the gist of what happened with Alexa considering I don't give a shit about gossip - yeah, I think it's good pointing it out every now and then to make it seep in order to avoid the wordy rant mentioned earlier. You say she's upset and I get it, but I mean she's a public figure and people on the internet talk about public figures, that's nothing new. Same thing for what you've said on chatting about what she did on a public blog. There's no difference. So... 🤷🏻‍♀️)
• People thinking they're the good ones for the purpose of """helping""" their peers, but they drag others down instead.
Can you imagine giving away to thousands of bystanders private information, like the place where someone lives just because you don't like what a person has said/done?! Mad stuff that. You doxxed her. I don't believe you realise what you've done. It gives unhinged vibes. You are eligible for a charge. Plus, you cyberbullied and harassed her by leaking her personal info online. I think the penalty for the guilt commited isn't quite right. There's a significant imbalance. We're only human after all, making mistakes is within our fallible nature. Your actions reek of arrogance. You can make mistakes as well, and sure enough you did so I am having words with you. No one is infallible and you're not a judge to decide what to do with people you think they did wrong in your eyes. Believe it or not, she didn't say anything that lousy to give away her info online. Stop being obsessed with this whole thing. We're trying to forget about it but you seem to be relentlessly devoted to drama.
• People hiding behind anonymous asks and not having the courage to come off anon to have a normal interaction with the person everything started with. Do you think that sending anons to every Sam Fender blog related on Tumblr is a clever move? Think twice before you do something.
One more thing before I go, are you trying to plant the seed of gossip on my blog with "Also she probably told Sam about how she loved country just to be close to him"? Anyway, I don't know what you're referring to as I don't know every detail of what happened AND I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.
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tricotea · 3 days
okay so a large part of me starting this blog is that i am v inspired to share my work and plans the same way a lot of knitting youtubers and knitting podcasters do so here is my humble attempt of doing it in textpost format.... this will probs be a long post so under the cut we go !
first off i wanna start off with my fall moodboard (this idea is heavily inspired by emily from high fiber knits on yt much love to her) that i just made on canva lol
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i think if i were to give this one a name it would be medieval scholar autumn lol. medieval not in the riches and jewels and such way but in the cobblestones and horse drawn carriages and those white and cream buildings with dark brown wood beams all across them if you know what i mean. it's crisp weather and chilly nights and county fairs and clear blue skies and just a very vibrant autumn. the more scholarly side of it to me is hot milk tea and browns and creams and not necessarily dark academia (bc i think that has become too oversaturated and now everything qualifies as some sort of academia esque thing and i've decided that FOR ME its cringe and i dont care.) but like books and reading and stufying and studying groups because well i neeed to romanticize school because i have to do it now. now that i am taking a class and also working i really need to keep the motivation up and like. this will help bc i love pretty pictures. another thing i was heavily inspired by was this package of milk tea flavored kitkats that had a nice red and green tartan pattern on it now i don't like red and green together it always reads christmas to me but the pattern combined with the tea really spoke to me. tbh i don't know how often i would really go for this much orange i had a very specific vision in mind when making this moodboard but i feel like the aesthetic isn't fully captured, and that's okay ! i'm trying to learn and really internalize that moments are not things to have and own, and certain feelings and blips of time and that perfect slant of light, or scent of something sweet on a cool breeze, or sky just the right shade, cannot and should not be kept forever. they are there to exist and be experienced, and if they are forgotten later that's okay. it doesn't have to be owned to have mattered. all this to say that maybe the vibes aren't exactly right and i won't wear all of these on the perfect day for the perfect vibe because that doesn't exist outside of pinterest lol. on we move.
before the patterns, a disclaimer: i will not make all of these patterns, i know this. i might not even make or finish any of these patterns lmao i have work and school and while that doesn't take up all of my time, i am still a very beginner knitter (still haven't finished my first garment lol) and do not have the skills or the money or the time to invest in all of these patterns no matter how much i want to. i have other hobbies too ! and that's fine ! honestly a lot of the reason i am making this post is because i 1 love explaining my thought processes 2 i love planning stuff and 3 mmmm categorization. big fan of ravelry bundles its my jam. honestly im not even 100% tied to the idea that aesthetics and trends and seasons (in the fashion and style sense, not the natural phenomenon) are even a good thing or something that aligns with my morals and values. i just like pretty pictures and matching things around and stuff.
okay pattern 1 and the most likely one i am to cast on is the tonight top by lily kate france! i would use malabrigo sock in the colorway ivy, as i got this yarn as a gift from my friend when she was in paris <3 not much to say about this pattern in regards to what i would do with it, i just think it would be a nice way to learn some new skills and show off the beautiful green earthy yarn. and even tho it's not bright orange lol.
pattern 2 and now we're going in no particular order is the winter's pullover by ozetta. again really nothing special about this one but i do think a hand knit cozy sweater is a goal of mine just as a knitter and this one fits the bill! can never go wrong with a thick cozy sweater in fall
pattern 3 is the honeycomb cardigan by sedna yang which again, cozy cabled cardigan can't go wrong with that. do i think i will be knitting this any time soon? absolutely not. but i do think it fits the vibe very well even tho i will not be able to purchase yarn for it lol that is too expensive for me rn
pattern 4 is the romy sweater by sandnes design and tbh i'm not sold on this one. mostly picked it for the colorwork being reminiscent of the afformentioned medieval buildings with the dark wooden beams across the outside but. well i'm not sold. it does fit in as a cozy oversized sweater but idk if it's different enough from the others to really get me to wanna make it.
pattern 5 is the cadogan sweater by lily kate france and omg i do really love this design. like overall i just feel like it fits in with the vibe really well and is still modern and fun and new and feels like something i would by at a retail store so . !
pattern 6 is these tartan mitts by carolyn kern, although i wouldn't knit the mitts themselves, just use the tartan pattern and transfer them onto some different patterns, namely : the sirius skirt by charissa (which originally has a houndstooth pattern that also fits in but i have a vision in mind) as well as a sort of cape/capelet pattern as a little matching set thing. i have 2 patterns in mind for this, the butterfly cape by sj kim and the beauxbatons academy of magic capelet by dana williams-johnson. on the butterfly cape first, i love the sleeves and how they look in the photos on ravelry, but all of them include a belt and i really don't have any belts and am not a belt wearer so i'm not sure how this would really fit into my wardrobe and how often i would wear it. it looks beautiful but i'm not sure how much i would reach for it.... it also seems like the sleeves are connected to the lower body, giving it that butterfly wing shape, but that would limit movement and well. one of my goals in life and in my style is to never wear pieces that limit movement and make me more aware of how i can and can't move my body and draw my attention to how i'm moving around in life so like. there is that. now, the beauxbatons capelet is more of what i'm looking for and it looks easier to slap a pattern on there and not have too much trouble... however it is from the official harry potter knitting book which i do not support in any way shape or form. i have absolutely no qualms about pirating the book itself and taking the pattern from there, but the idea that it's connected to jkr puts me off of it a little bit. either way both of them look like they make beautiful finished objects, i just have to decide which one to make lol (if i make any at all. out of this tartan pattern mini collection i would probs make the skirt first and go from there)
pattern 10 is the agave by tricot design mcl and what drew me to this was the drawstring detail at the front. i don't think i would necessarly knit the full garment but maybe adding the detail to something like the milly skirt by sandnes garn at the bottom hem as like a little nod to the more medieval side of my plans and aesthetic.
okay finally pattern 12 is the penny gloves by petiteknit. a classic. cute. practical as gloves for when my steering wheel in my car gets cold. a fun small fall accessory when i'm not really an accessories gal.
and that's all ! in no way am i knitting all of these, this is an aspirational thing that also is mostly for my planning brain. honestly i think i might like planning out which garments to knit more than actually knitting them. either way happy knitting !
0 notes
blissfullyapillow · 7 months
Hey I'm kinda new to your blog and I'm requesting a matchup (if you don't mind, that is)!!
First, my personality. I would say that I'm a pretty soft-spoken person and that kinda messed with my self-esteem tbh(´ . .̫ . `). That's probably because when quarantine happened I just didn't talk much ('cause who else am I supposed to talk to? People who is not my family? No way! My fear of people finding me cringe will haunt my every interaction with another human being!!) and I guess my vocal cords didn't develop as much as it could've and made my voice really quiet and when I record myself saying anything and listen, I am just so embarrassed because people really hear that come out of my mouth??? Because of that, I've been super insecure about my voice and barely spoke, even in the comfort of my own home! But I've been slowly coming out of my shell when we were allowed to go back to school. I was not thrilled about this and my hands were fr shaking. And I think when I arrived at school, I was the last one to come in (but I wasn't late though), so I had no choice but to sit in the first empty seat I found. I felt kinda sick but I brushed it off as first-day-of-school nerves but when we were being arranged in our assigned seats, I threw up. Not in the classroom, the bathroom, but since the stall was locked for some reason; I had to throw up in the sink.
So yeah, not a very good first impression to your new classmates. And since then, I became EVEN MORE quiet because I was so embarrassed that I threw up on my first day (;ŏ﹏ŏ). I think I was going a bit off topic so let's continue where we left off!! Anyways, once we're friends and I feel comfortable with you, I will be so affectionate; I.e, hugging you, holding hands with you, complimenting you etc...
But I'm not always like this with all my friends. My male friends, for example, are exempt from my affectionate nature as I feel like I'm not that close to them for me to be touching them like that. All I would allow myself to do to them are: shaking them by the shoulders (but not too hard), light-hearted slaps, and stuff like that.
I don't really have a gender preference on who I find attractive, but I think I find myself gravitate—ughhh I cringed when I typed that but I can't think of any words that fit (ᗒᗩᗕ)— more on males so I guess thats my preference??
And as for my likes and dislikes;
Reading, but on my own accord!! I absolutely HATE it when I feel like its an obligation and not something I do for fun or when someone tries to make me read a book I have no interest in and pressure me into reading it and is suprised when I say I don't like it!!! But there is one time when someone forcing me to read a book made me discover an absolute gem!! I would read it so many times and I would still be giddy when plot twists occur(≧▽≦).
I LOVE saba bananas!!!! (They taste good when their fried😋.) My favorite banana afternoon snacks (or merienda, as we call it) are turon and banana cue!!
I also like chocolate cake!! Or any chocolate flavored food hehe^_^.
I also like either strawberry or grape flavor candy
I dislike math(눈‸눈). There are times when I would find math at least tolerable but those are fleeting moments I'm afraid😔.
As for qualities I look for in a partner, I would want a partner that that has long hair. I just find them to be super cool and attractive!! And if they don't have long hair, that's fine!! I can still put hairclips on them(^∇^)ノ♪. And I'd fall so hard if their willing to financially support means spoil me🤭. I like it when people give me gifts, so perhaps a partner where their love languages is gift giving, words of affirmation because I'm insecure about my looks(@_@;) and MONEY(✯ᴗ✯)!! All joke aside, money is not the only thing I look for in a partner, idc if their middle class as long as they radiate golden retriever vibes, I. Am. HOOKED. Ahem, let's continue, I like people who make me feel safe with them. The type of person that, even when we're arguing and we're shouting our lungs out with each other, I would never have to fear them losing their cool and beating me black and blue (wow that escalated quickly).
And for chr I don't want to be paired with:
First: MAHITO. I DESPISE him, absolutely abhor him and his very existence. I can't even.
Second: Kenjaku. It's not fair!! Why does he got to have the fine specimen of a man that is Jin Itadori and not me😭😭
Third: Thirteen. I don't really have anything against her; I think she's very pretty but I haven't reached the lesson when she first appears and since I don't really like spoilers much, I don't have a grasp on her personality and that's pretty much it.
Fourth: Raphael same reason as thirteen
Fifth: Mephistopheles same reason as thirteen and Raphael.
And thats all!! If you decide to not do this match up, that's fine!! Don't pressure yourself (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ!!
Can I be " 🌸🎀 " anon? Because I don't think this will be the last time I visit your blog ♡(´ε` )
Notes: 🌸🎀 anon you’re so cute with how you speak and all your emojis and jemoticons haha. I relate to feeling quiet and shy, especially in school. It's the worst when things that we perceive as embarrassing happen and others witness it. I hope things are better for you and you have a group of friends that feel like family :>
°˖➴♛ ₊˚⊹⋆ ♡
I match you with: Yuta Okkotsu
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°˖➴♛ ₊˚⊹⋆ ♡
Yuta immediately stood out to me as a your choice when you mentioned you love radiating golden retriever energy in a partner haha. Yuta is definitely that kind of guy.
I feel like you would meet Yuta at the worst possible moment, like something embarrassing happened yet when he sees you he’s non-judgmental and ready to help. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself from admiring how pretty you look either.
Just say the word and Yuta will happily get you whatever you want. Knowing he’s a distant relative of the Gojo clan, I headcanon he isn’t someone short on money, and  he’s a very strong jujutsu sorcerer. 
Yuta is definitely the kind of guy who would want to spoil his partner and just spend time with them. He’s never short on words of affirmation, and when he recognizes your affinity for gifts he’ll make sure he buys anything that catches his eye and he knows you’d like. 
Yuta is a kind-hearted individual, so he’d never do anything rash when you two are arguing. If anything, he’s calm and willing to hear your side and come to a compromise between the two of you.
Yuta will bring you saba bananas whenever you have a bad day, accompanied by anything chocolate he can find to cheer you up! One of his favorite things to do with you is indulge in a chocolate cake together late in the evening, as you two discuss how your day went and catch up on any tea (haha). 
If you asked he’d willingly do your math for you, or even help you to understand it and do it yourself if that’s something you’d prefer. 
Yuta will not hesitate to put someone in their place if they’re being rude to you or making you feel bad. He’s your protective boyfriend without the toxic traits; he doesn’t care who you hang out with or where as long as he knows you’re safe with that person and they also have your best interests at heart. 
He genuinely wants the best for you, for you to be the best version of yourself, and he knows you feel the same way! You two would honestly be a power couple and emulate what true and mutual pure love looks like. 
Yuta may not read much but if someone recommends him a book he’d think you’d enjoy, he’ll suggest it to you, but no pressure! He may teasingly push it a little but nothing that’d turn you off from reading the book of your own accord. \
Overall Yuta will happily be your golden retriever boyfriend who loves to spoil you until you’re sick of him, if that’s even possible. 
ꉂ`𖦹.〃୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
After a long day, you open your door and drag your weary body into your comfortable abode. Yuta’s face visibly lights up when he hears you return, having finished his mission early to see you as soon as possible.
He stands, watching as you sluggishly put away your things. You drag yourself to your bathroom, only to be met with a prepared bath. You jump when something’s thrown into the clear water. 
As colors swirl in the tub, you turn to see Yuta’s smiling face behind you. “When you were texting me earlier, I picked up on your subtle distress. Just relax. When you’re done, join me! I brought your favorite…” He turns to leave; he intends to give you privacy to unwind.
“Saba bananas?” 
You can hear the smile in his voice when he replies, “You know it. My beautiful partner deserves nothing but the best.” He’s ecstatic when you respond with giggles, looking forward to seeing you later so you two can indulge in a tasty snack as you talk about your day.
Dedicated to,
🌸🎀 anon ∿. // ಇ.݁˖ . ݁
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araisbored · 9 months
Happy New Year!
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Holy shxt! I can't believe I actually made it out of another year of b*llshits... Seriously though, it was a very nonchalant year for me. I mean it was exciting in a few parts but most of the time I was just surviving. And to be real with you it's not bad. Just vibing and trying to get through was a good thing to achieve for a year. One of the biggest factors why I made it through last year was because of my planning ability. I mean, it was the only gasoline that was keeping me alive. Then BOOM, I upgraded my set-up. That's when things started drastically changing. GoodNotes, I love you. I wanted to share my planner set up but I guess that will be added to my blog-idea-pile.
There were a lot of ups and downs last year but just like what I said. It was a fine year. Just to fill my New-year-new-me vibe. I wanted to post my year-end reflection for 2023. I've been gearing up for this post since December last year but it's so hard for me to fill up because I wasn't in the mood for reflecting. But I immediately finished it this very moment because I've been hopeful and in a good vibe since the start of the year. I know it will fade as the days pass by, but I have a good feeling for this year.
I wanna do a top 10 list for music because that's what I always do here aparently(I just won't shut up about music). But I'll only try to make it until this month. So if you don't see my post for that this month. I probably decided not to make it at all. There are so many things I wanna post lol. But let's be hopeful, it's 2024.
Back to the topic, I digitally ripped this image off from my planner last year. I think I will do this next year as well. The girls are right, the placebo is working. Gratitude pages help. It really made me feel good about myself. I feel grateful, motivated, and dare I say hopeful? That's new for someone who is suicidal. So trust me when I say it works. If you're feeling stuck again. Try journaling. I know it's a pain sometimes. But it really does its job. Just start filling in things you feel like writing. Skip those you don't like. My greatest tip for journaling or doing gratitude pages is to just do what you feel at the moment. If this is what you can only do, then so be it. It would make you feel so much better. Please don't feel pressure on mundane things like this. Omg, we're stirring off on another topic. But since we're in the area I just want to share it with you. (Or I wanted to remind my future me of what I felt during this time because no one is reading this anyway!)
Anyway, here's my 2023 year-end reflection. Hope it inspires you to look forward and do the same thing for next year. Or you can still make one it's not too late!
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