#but its also just like talking abt how something could be improved is FUN why are you being so weird that author isnt going to fuck you
cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
i hate when ppl respond to critique by just going like “well everything is someone’s favourite! maybe you’re just not the target audience!” like why does the idea of improvement frighten you so much what the hell
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xuune · 1 year
Hi! I've been following you for a while (don't really remember why or when) and I love your art! I just wanted to ask:
What's your favorite and least favorite part of animation?
oh cool! thanks for sticking around for so long :) honestly, if you've been following me for some time now it might've been either bc of my fanart, oc art, or both haha
thats a big question which prompts for a big answer so here's me rambling about it below B)
when asking fave/least fave things abt animation, its hard to answer without getting in depth on a variety of things LOL. animation, as a medium and field, is very nuanced with its own concentrations so its kind of a disservice to not recognize those areas esp when the skills u learn have a lot of overlap on how it improves other areas of study
i had practice in some 2D/3D ani, storyboarding, visdev, 3D modelling. here's my general experience with all of those:
fave: figuring out how movement is created, rough animation stage, analyzing and figuring out timing/spacing, esp love the fact that you are creating motion, not pretty illustrations to gawk at, seeing the entire ani come together at the end feels very rewarding
least: cleanup and colors lol, feels very time consuming. if im gonna spend time making lines clean, id rather do that with an illustration piece
3D (in maya)
fave: can rely on the program to do the heavy lifting while you do the keys and adjustments, doing 3d actually enhanced my understanding of how the body moves in motion and space and where drag, follow thru, overshoot could be applied in both 2d/3d
least: i dont get to draw :( majority of my experience in the adjustment process is looking at a mass nebula of graphs and figuring out where i fucked up or smoothing out areas and fixing it. prefer 2d since i can just redraw what looks wrong vs scavenging thru multiple graphs. also modelling the key poses can feel like it takes forever vs drawing it
fave: creating strong, key story beats, keeping drawings rough when possible, shorthanding drawings, researching reference for shot compositions + studying them
least: can be very hard figuring out how to fill in the gaps between certain beats, easy to become uninspired/uncertain abt a sequence drawn
fave: seeing the final piece come together, figuring out composition, blocking in values/shapes, character design, research phase/looking for references and creating moodboards
least: i hate doing backgrounds lol. complexity affects how much i'll end up dreading it. personally not a fan of working on pieces for very long. im also not a fan of constantly doing paintings/bgs as a job
3d modelling (in maya)
fave: painting the model and texturing it, uv mapping and arranging it
least: the modelling part. fuck up 1 part and you fuck up the rest, you'd have to restart from square 1 or be lucky enough that you had a previous save before the fuck up. a proper process matters a lot in saving yourself the pain and headache from fixing everything (i redid a model that i worked on for 3 wks 4 times bc of my fuck ups)
overall, as a field of study
fave: its fun getting surrounded by others who can talk the same language as you do. ive always wanted to be around people who can get as hyped up and excited over discussing and analyzing story and animation, since i didnt have that with some of my other friends or family members. i've also been able to build proficiency in variety of programs too, which is useful. working in a team project is fun if you've got the right kind of ppl and that makes the experience fun when you the project finished. i've worked on various short films for rough animation, and i always love seeing the final film/composited shot and going "i worked on that part!! look at how nice it turned out with the rest of it! whoever did the [cleans/colors/compositing] did so good!!" i think my biggest satisfaction in this field is understanding the why and how something works (i.e. why/how does this animation effectively sell its movement? what makes these boards convey strong story moments? what about this composition is so appealing? why does this story beat matter to the rest of it? why do i/what makes me care about these characters?) it can easily deter people, but this field's a huge time commitment and youre constantly evolving your own craft. it doesnt come easy to everyone, but when you start seeing your own mileage, it feels very rewarding and pays off
least: industry's hard to get into lol, its kinda like that no matter where you go and once youre graduated, the time you spend in limbo is primarily working on your portfolio and catering to studios you wanna get into. its also easy to get the impression that being a "somebody" and maintaining a reputation matters to just increase your chances and connections of getting a job. that shits hard to deal with when youre not the most extroverted person on the planet, and even if your classmates do know you, are you gonna be the one that they end up talking about constantly or regarded highly a lot? names spread within circles, and it can feel like a competition to just get yourself known. its very easy to beat yourself up over seeing other people's work too. we're desperate, we're starving, we want our work to be acknowledged and validated, we want a job that satisfies our creative needs.
this field is incredibly demanding and its more than just having fun and drawing pretty pictures when much of it is a collaborative effort for a project. the disciplines you learn will majority of the time, without a doubt, will be applied for a larger team. at the same time, what you learn has overlap into other areas too which is always fun when you have this moment of "holy shit, i get it now"
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joshriku · 1 month
Bear s3 thoughts?
i have finally #seated to talk about this......
ok i think its like. in paper its really good. the impact the s2 finale has on carmy that makes him trigger this defensive coping mechanism he has where he just spirals into something Worse over growing and improving is to me a good choice tbh? as in, i personally enjoy characters with messy approaches to trauma who aren't Very Good At Handling It. i thought also syd was the Star of the season to me.. to me syd is a very special character bc in lots of ways she is the propeller for things to be set in motion. syd's belief in the restaurant, in others, the way her presence inspires others and makes them like her and respect her and try to change for her, i think it's all genuinely so good. and i think the fact she is such a loving and caring person shines through her personality so much and i love the little touches throughout the season.. her interactions with richie, syd bringing food for nat and the baby, the fact she was the 2nd call nat did in an emergency, of course tina and syd forever my highlight, syd being there for marcus' grieving time, and literally every interaction syd has with carmy even if he doesnt appreciate it its so good. idk. syd is the most solid character in the show and i did find it interesting that in s2 when carmy kind of pushes her up and brings out the best in her, s3 carmy is kind of the entire reason why she doesn't feel As Good about anything rn.
like. he refuses to cooperate. when people talk about the bear, it's carmy who takes all the credit, it's carmy running the menu, it's carmy taking the shots, it's carmy who's going to give her the star, etc etc. and i thought it was interesting how you could see episode by episode syd's resolve and self-esteem crumbling until she has a panic attack - and carmy isn't even Voluntarily causing this, its literally just a side effect of his own making because of how he acts and how he influences everyone around them and him not taking care of his mental health impacts Everyone Else.... i'll get you out of there donna btw if anyone cared... "where did he pick that up?" indeed..... but anyway this is why i think i was also curious about the set up to syd possibly leaving for the other restaurant or at least seriously considering it. bc i do think it'd be the best for her. even if she Shouldn't have to consider it yknow?
i also loved napkins. i think everyone loved napkins but omfg the way i cried over that episode.. tina my everything. i think its the best ep in this season! the writing + directing was stellar and it just means so much to me. i love when the bear is about loss and grief and finding your place in a world that keeps rejecting you but overall when its about Love. "do you know how much i loved him? a lot. i loved him a lot" haunting my every waking moment... ice cubes also ruined my day and made me sob for like 40 minutes i was crying while talking to my girlfriend it was a whole mess... nat .. Ohhh nat.......
but like . i didnt have fun watching it as i usually do w the bear 😭 idk... like i said on paper its fine. i thought the flashbacks to mikeys funeral and carmys life during his culinary studies and when they find out abt mikeys passing it was all really well done? but other than that it was like. some scenes were good. but napkins and ice cubes were the only good from start to finish esp napkins. idk i found it very.. i think it somewhat lacked a purpose. i also feel like it was just a lot of Showing things, like, after the 700th montage+quick cut in from a flashback+a close up of carmys eyes looking distressed i was like. Yeah i got it can I get some dialogue that isnt something that feels like word vomit pls and thank u... I thought the humor landed only sometimes and sometimes it kind of felt like a parody of itself. like if someone tried to do a sketch of the bear thats what itd be.i feel like it just lacked stronger narrative objectives.. the bear's objectives for seasons are usually very simple but executed nicely, but i think they fumbled the execution a lot.. which is a shame bc i dont think ill be rewatching s3 as much as i rewatch s1 and s2. i hope s4 is a lot better tho!
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sarcophagid · 2 years
Uhh what’s your favorite TR arc and why??
i think ive talked abt this b4 but it just has so much stuff i like in it. its my favorite in terms of storytelling i'm not deep i like easily recognizable gimmicks for babies idc. theres a bunch of reasons i like it so:
the kisaki-hanma-chifuyu-takemichi teamup i love their begrudging cooperation and their hostility...i miss them every day... when will C4U/KillemAll/The Hanmas come back from the war... i see them in every group of 4... the wiggles, teletubbies, tmnt... it was a team born to die but what a beautiful birth...
i think the tenuous dynamics between the gangs at the time was fun the suspense was good. baji just died, kisaki and hanma still in toman, black dragons about to go warring with everyone, no one likes each other it was a great spawning ground for drama
yuzuha was one of my favorite main characters of the arc... no one else understands this... her sigma philosphy of killing taiju. i talked about this more in an older ask but in summary: i like the “inescapable violence” theme in the christmas arc. yuzuha kills taiju to protect hakkai, hakkai takes the blame to protect yuzuha and becomes BD leader to end up just as corrupt as taiju, cycle of doom. neither yuzuha and hakkai had any bad intention they had the same ‘desire to protect, to do good’ that got pushed to the point of doing bad things. even taiju seems to have his version of good will but theres just something up with that guy dawg.
i really wish they’d say smth abt yuzuha in the future of the manga bcz what is she even doing while her little brothers in the middle of the chaos but also the plot has expanded so much by now that unfortunately she probably won’t make another major appearance -_-
on the other side, taiju was my favorite antagonist, i never draw him but he has one of my favorite designs in the series even though every panel of his jumpscares you. takemichi saw him once and immediately started getting night terrors
going off on a tangent though, i'm... iffy about the 'redemption'. i like taiju but this is on the level of him being an imaginary dude with a big role in a story. the point of the story is that you dont like him, hes still a huge douchewagon... i don’t think the main cast (including hakkai) would still be cool with him even though its been 2 years it’s not something that just ‘gets better with time’. taiju didn’t even really say he was gonna be a better person (im pretty sure he said smth the opposite lmfao but i don;t remember well). in the timeskip, it could be interpreted that he did make an effort to improve given how seriously he took grieving hakkais death, but thats 10+ years after the affair, and even then it’s only an implication! that sketch of taiju with mana and luna never sat right with me why does mitsuya trust him sm all of a sudden...in my opinion they really didnt need him to return?? there are better candidates to nearly castrate sanzu for threatening takemichi, fight the living legends, etc. (what happened to the rest of toman, or just ask anyone here they’ll nominate their little boyfriend ran haitani or smth) i could talk about this a lot but TLDR i think it’d be fine if he just went away lol you dont need to have them make up it doesnt make sense
honorable mention! tenjiku arc was fun i liked getting to see the stories of the side cast (esp kawata brothers, mucho, emma)
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noxiatoxia · 2 years
Tell me more about autistic Kaoru
OF COURSE. his biggest special interest is Cinderella. Absolutley adores that movie and watches it constantly. Was mostly into it as a child/in middle school but he still loves it and talks abt it. Watched it so much I think Hikaru is able to recite the whole thing word for word.
He also had an mlp phase that he's very embrassed abt (also bc Hikaru routinely made fun of him for it) (but Hikaru also watched it with him so what does that say about him...). His fave was always Rarity. Didn't watch the later seasons as he kinda forgot to. G5 was announced when he was in college and it brought all the memories back and somehow he and Hikaru convinced the whole Host Club to watch it with them. Hani loves it, Haruhi thought it was cute, Tamaki cried (hes emotional), Kyoya doesn't give a shit, and Takashi liked it but you wouldnt know that bc he never talks lol.
Since his autism isn't severe, it wasn't really recognized and he didn't get diagnosed until after highschool. He and Hikaru never really thought about it much, they just figured that's how Kaoru was. Like, that he just loved certain things a whole lot and was compelled to talk abt them for hours, that he got really fidgety when excited (I would think pacing/moving around a lot), and that he just hated certain textures with a passions (when he was a little kid he cried if people tried to make him wear socks normally. He hated the feeling so bad he Must wear them inside-out) (no im not projecting what are you saying haha) and that he could be overwhelmed and unable to do certain tasks (executive dysfunction) for "no reason"
It was actually Haruhi who, after being Kaoru's friend for all of highschool, suggested he get tested because she thinks he MIGHT be autistic. So he did, and well what would you know. At least it explained a lot of things he couldn't adequately explain before.
Side note I think Hikaru has ADHD. He moves on from topics/ideas at the speed of light and gets bored very, very easily. Its a known thing that the twins will stop doing something if it gets boring, but I like to think 90% of the time it was Hikaru who decided those things were boring and Kaoru just followed along bc he didn't care one way or the other. He's always looking for something to keep himself occupied so that's why he comes up with so many crazy ideas. The introduction of the Host Club actually helped improve his quality of life bc 1. it gave him something to do and someplace where he could excersizes his ideas and 2. it was able to teach him some patience since he DID have to be still and slow occasionally just chatting with people. I also think it helped both twins with getting used to routines, since they never cared much for school (Hikaru struggled to pay attention and Kaoru did as well because he thought it was boring).
Hikaru got his diagnosis the same time as Kaoru since they figured they should both get tested just in case (and because he didn't want Kaoru to feel singled out). He didn't expect anything to come from it but surprise!
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beelieveinfandom · 3 years
Convo from the 18+ discord about a very silly star wars crossover I wanted to share.
gremgeous the gem pillar Just had a GREAT idea for a star wars crossover Just dipper visiting the star wars universe for whatever reason (multiverse vacation maybe? Idk. Dipper maybe dusted off that old portal in a fit of nostalgia or smth) and palpatine finds him and tries to tempt alcor to his side by offering him power Standard stuff for the sith really Except Well If you offer a demon unspecified power, in what form are they going to take it if not in the one who is offering's soul? Biggest and best tasting power boost there is, really! And then maybe he takes over the empty shell of a body afterwards which may or may not grant him force acess and alcor has a grand old time making a mess out of running the republic (or at least running lose in the senate) This is like... early prequals or pre-preauals era maybe. When palpafucker is still undercover and being all covert and unsuspicious and stuff I call this.... "palpatines penechance for grand speeches and unspecific ominous statements to try and seem all powerful and cool and dramatic fuck him over" Or in shorter terms ... . "There's a demon lose in the senate" And it basically runs like that one john mullaney bit With a side dashing of that one journak 3 thing where bill posesses a guy, messes with a roman army and then makes a guys head explode Also like nobody knows who alcor is or that hes even there bc theres no demons or dream demons in star wars (that i know of) so he gets the run of the place Even moreso than back home in gravity falls bc no one knows magic, its all "force this" and "force that" Dippered probably spends a lot of time nerding out over the different alien species since they dont have those back in his dimension (theyve got aliens but theyre different kinds) and also about the laser swords (just like the one Grunkle Ford made for them all (Ford, Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Soos, Grenda, Candy, Grendas boyfriend, Pacifica, and even waddles and gompers)  back in 2017! Good times, good times.)
swbeeworm oh this sounds like fun
gremgeous the gem pillar Right???
swbeeworm if i was familiar enough with the star wars universe to write anything in it i'd give this a shot
gremgeous the gem pillar right???
swbeeworm like i know star wars?? but i don't know star wars n i have to know something to be confident in writing it
gremgeous the gem pillar Sadly everything i know comes from time travel fixit and semi-salty pro-jedi meta
swbeeworm but just.... the sheer chaotic potential of this...
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh yes....... Oh its be so good..........
swbeeworm oh mood it would be
gremgeous the gem pillar @Abigor u like star wars too gimme ur thooooughts When ur awake and have them to give
swbeeworm ugh i should. probably not be awake, i have stuff to do tomorrow n i have a headache but this is fun to think about
gremgeous the gem pillar I had another thing thats fun to think abt too Clone wars era, alcors there and everyon thinks hes a brand new sith player b/c gold eyes
swbeeworm just the shenanigans. the bullshittery. the sheer what-le-fuck reactions of everyone from the senate to the jedi to the people ooooooooo
gremgeous the gem pillar YES!!! Exactly.
gremgeous the gem pillar Oooooh jedi can do mind things i wonder what alcor wpuld feel like to them
swbeeworm my first instinctive responses were: 1) constant Screaming and a whirlwind mishmash of colors/concepts/etc that makes everyone who 'looks' too long start bleeding thru the nose/eyes 2) wii music on loop and these are VERY different prompts to have back to back but that's what i got
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHSGGSHD I LOVE IT Oh what if its both at the same time Ajdhegdhdj what rven is the music like in star wars anyway
swbeeworm the fkin,,,, cantina music
gremgeous the gem pillar Like how would they react when confronted w wii music
swbeeworm is the equivalent i would think
gremgeous the gem pillar Do they even have the same sorts of instruments do they even know what electronic music is
swbeeworm just. that spawned another Thought imagine that the cantina music from That One Scene is the sw-equivalent of the wii music and just.  just imagine that same scene playing but with wii music on loop in the background
gremgeous the gem pillar Gosh "wii music on loop" i love it AODHDHSHSJD
swbeeworm it would probably FIT they have the same vibe
gremgeous the gem pillar Im crying Mits so good
swbeeworm sdjlksdafj i saw a post the other day that was talking abt the music there n how it kept playing on loop n the poster joked that it might have been like,, the john mulaney salt-pepper-diner-story situation which is only tangentially related to this topic but i had to recall it
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSHH i love that Gosh ok i feel like take 1 would fit with the new sith in town scenario And take 2 fits with theres a demon lose in the senate
swbeeworm sfsdkfjh yES
gremgeous the gem pillar But how FUCKING HILARIOUS would it be if in the senate story its the former, and in the oh so serious sith story its the wii music on loop im akdhsjdvsjdhsjbd
swbeeworm ASLDJSLKFJ plEASE take 1: gritty, serious, angst, deadly miscommunications--and fucking wii music on loop take 2: lighthearted, cracky, shenanigans and bullshittery--and fucking bleeding out the eyes if you try n read the guy talk about dissonance
gremgeous the gem pillar "Big scary sith! Look at the yellow eyes! What dastardly plots cpuld he be thinking/partaking in....." [Hard cut to alcor pov/inside alcors head] wii music plays as he stares off into space during a supposedly very important meeting
gremgeous the gem pillar OH I DO LOVE THE DISSONANCE Gsjdgysgsvsjgd wheeze its so good i love it
swbeeworm me tooooo .....for the sith one. would ppl see blue fire n think lightning
gremgeous the gem pillar Theyd probably think its some other secret sith technique
swbeeworm fair enough
gremgeous the gem pillar Everyone thinks one of the other sith lines that was supposedly wiped out had it since this sith deffs aint the line of bane- even the cirrent sith wanna know where alcors popped in from "Lightning was the bane line specialty.... guess where ever this kids guys from fire was theirs"
swbeeworm= adjlsdfkjlfkjf the shenanigans n bullshittery one imagine alcor-as-palpatine just. going incorporeal, still visible but not able to be touched, and the jedi go from "what the fuck is going on"  to "why the fuck is he  a force ghost"
gremgeous the gem pillar AJSGSHSGSHSA
swbeeworm alcor, who'd done it only bc his ~ornate robes~ had got so caught/tangled on something he could only get free by phasing through it: ??????
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Alcor: how the fuck did this guy move around in these AJDHSGDH ALCOR NOT KNOWING ABOUT THE SITH- SHOWS UP TO THE SENATE IN THE SITH ROBES
swbeeworm asdlkjsfkjsdfdf
swbeeworm a fASHION STATEMENT YES alcor: :blobsweats: alcor: what the FUCK is a sith alcor: and why do they have better style than the jedi
gremgeous the gem pillar WHEEZE He doesnt know jack shit abt the jedi or anything hes just vibing!!!!!!
swbeeworm yesssssss
swbeeworm alcor: no listen. listen. i picked these space robes out of my space wardrobe because they looked cool, not because i'm part of some. some space cult ljflskdajfslkdfjsd
swbeeworm that's even better
gremgeous the gem pillar space cult im HOWLING
swbeeworm you KNOW he'd be so excited at being in space this DORK
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph gosh imagine it starts out all dark and serious and angsty and creepy in the whole beginning exchange But as soon as the day after alcor takes up palps role hits it takes a sharp turn into crack terriotry
gremgeous the gem pillar OH HE WOULD
swbeeworm yESSSS
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor takes one look at dooku and is like "youre the only one aroynd here with any sort of fashion sense" "And its HORRIBLE"
swbeeworm sljflskdjfsd
gremgeous the gem pillar Just roasts him And by extension everyone else too
swbeeworm dooku has NO IDEA what's going on but at this point ""palpatine"" or whatever's taken over him is ten minutes into a rant abt the layers on layers of boring robes jedi wear and at this point he'll take the backhanded compliment about his own style
gremgeous the gem pillar Akehdsjfssksgsjd
swbeeworm just to shut him up
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDHDJDGDJDHD Alco goes on a 30 minute rant on why suits are SO much more professional
swbeeworm snaps "palpatine" into a suit and goes "...except maybe for this guy idk if anything could make him look good"
gremgeous the gem pillar And its more of a backhanded insukt than a backhanded compliment but anything to shut the guy up, right?
swbeeworm how much we roasting palpatine here
gremgeous the gem pillar To a blackened crisp
swbeeworm as it should be
gremgeous the gem pillar Its better than his wrinkly old rasin look anyday
swbeeworm lskjdlsakjfdf agreed
gremgeous the gem pillar Be hard NOT to improve on that honestly But the dude sinks so low i bet hed somehow manage it
swbeeworm --alcor getting fed up w palpatine's body and just. showing up to the senate meetings, full alcor, eyes n his normal face n everything, in palpatine's robes, and when someone rightfully asks him who the hell is he, he just deadpans "i'd think by this point you'd recognize your own chancellor" and just straight insists he's palpatine (and has the knowledge to back it up) every time someone sputters
gremgeous the gem pillar Also i included the bit abt the journal 3 thing bc my saga of alcor repeating bill's patterns, behaviors, and ideas unknowlingly and without awareness that that is what he is doing shall continue >:3c
swbeeworm because at this point it's less about blending in and more about trolling the whole senate and being as distracting as possible  because with everyone paying attention to his trolling theyre less likely to notice the bills for clone rights n abolishing slavery n such that he's pushing thru in the background misdirection at its finest
gremgeous the gem pillar I was gonna say a thing abt alcor replacing palps b4 the election and so they did elect alcor to chancelorhoood But it might be funnier if he took him over AFTER abd still says that bit abt recognizing their own chancellor Oh gosh in that secind scenario it would be hilarious if the jedi are all  :blobglare: @alcor except for obi-wan who is all like "i am looking away" bc at least THIS guy (whiever the hell he is) has stopped being such a creep abt anakin
swbeeworm the jedi are sent in to figure out wtf is going on and. they, unfortunately, bewilderingly, confirm that this is the same person as the chancellor who'd been showing up recently??? same wii music/bleeding effect??
swbeeworm alcor, finding appointments with some random jedi kid on palpatine's calendar: wtf why is this creep trying to meet with a kid alone, yeah how about i cancel that
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJD Alcor, looking at palpatibes planner: "every day i am more and more glad that i ate thig guys soul" "Like i knew it was oily but im suprised i havent got an upset stomach from it yet"
swbeeworm sjlskdfjsdf alcor the next day, after finding stuff abt the order 66 chip things, gagging: "i spoke too soon"
gremgeous the gem pillar Obi-wan to the council: hmm? Yes this is totally the chancellor, i know this because of all the previous meetings and close relationship he has had with my padawan which you allowed and helped facillitate- "Palpatine":[has a completley different body type, height, and face. Plus he actually has hair and is maybe even floating a little but its hard to be sure in those black and gold robes- and with a completely different voice] oh, yeah, totally, Im the chancellor and i totally know who this guy and that kid is yup yup yup-
gremgeous the gem pillar [UGLY LAUGHTER] AkdjskkdkdjsysAODJSJEUEIEIIEF
swbeeworm ASDKAFDF "palpatine": [grins with very sharp teeth at a nervous senator] council: "okay that is NOT normal" obi-wan, deadpan: "i'm sorry, it sounds like you're discriminating against non-human beings? that's not very jedi of you now is it"
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDHDJDHD Wait wait no what if its "This is completely normal behavior. I, as a human, know this for certain" "I can do this too, but i dont, because it is impolite, but hes the chancellor he can do whatever he wants"
swbeeworm asldksajflksdfjsdf;jsdf yes yes beautiful
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor and obi-wan team up to be passive agressive at everyone who allowed palps and anakin to hang out ABOUT them letting an unsupervised minor chill w a suoer duper old guy Shoulda had a chaperone at LEAST Butalso
swbeeworm the other humans on the council: "uh, actually-" obi-wan: [manages to sip tea (which he shouldn't even have access to in a council meeting btw) with an aggressively polite smile and silent Threat] the other humans: "....um."
gremgeous the gem pillar "Thats not very jedi of you now is it" AODHSJSIDHALSVD IM HOWLING I LOVE IT THE SASS wheeze*
swbeeworm i live for obi-wan sass it gives me LIFE
gremgeous the gem pillar SAME oh its so good Love that one post where obj-wan is on tatooine and calls all the force ghosts to view his powperpoint presentation about how letting palps have acess to analin was a bad idea as hed been saying all along-
swbeeworm u need to know i wrote this with the "that's not very plus ultra of you" meme, which is a bnha offshoot of the "that's not very cash money of you" meme, in my head on repeat
gremgeous the gem pillar Ph him terrorizing all the people palpatine had in his pocket...... Ok this is veering into even MORE crack territory but at some poibt alcor replaces, uh, whats the dudes name, palps second in command - mess something-or-other? - with a nightmare Not just ANY nightmare But a DIFFERENT nightmare each day
gremgeous the gem pillar They took it upon themselves to go on rotation They couldn't decide who should go when alcor proposed the idea so its everyone One at a time They dont even look REMOTELY human Or like anything the galaxy has ever known or seen And theres no "secretive supernatural species" excuse for them to fall back on here lmao
swbeeworm random dude: "what is that???" alcor, cheerful: "that's my assistant" rd: "is that--is that supposed to be a sheep?" alcor: "no they're my assistant" nightmare: [sound that, if you ignore the reverb and microphone-screeching and kazoo effects, might be a "baaa"] alcor: [smiles aggressively wider with sharp teeth] rd: [sweats nervously]
gremgeous the gem pillar ALDJDKSIEJEHAJWJWHEI Obi-wan: i am still l :eyes:king away Anakin: oooh, the wool is so soft master. Come feel it! Obi-wan: really? Ooh youre right The council: ....
swbeeworm rd: "okay but this is a DIFFERENT one than yesterday right?? right???" alcor: "i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :)" obi-wan, still with tea he should not have, this time with space whiskey mixed in: "sir i think you might be seeing things, they are clearly the same individual as yesterday"
gremgeous the gem pillar Mace: ...hrm it is quite soft- The rest of the council: ??? When did he get-
swbeeworm obi-wan looking mace dead in the eye and chugging his spiked tea which is more whiskey than tea at this point: "how dare you accuse me of lying.  me, after everything i've done for this council.  i am betrayed.  heartbroken.  never shall trust again.  i am leaving until i recover" -and promptly fucks off on a vacation with anakin
gremgeous the gem pillar The jedi start getting a LOT more missions about busting slave rings and giving aid in the outer rim - plus some more dimplomacy docused ones in regards to solving teeaties instead of putting down rebellions
-alcor shows up on the vacation with zero explanation and obi-wan at this point is like "fuck it why not" -a nightmare takes his place in palpatine's robes in the senate for the week they're gone
gremgeous the gem pillar ALSJSHDJDJSKDHEE Weirdly enough some of the more corrupt senators go missing after that week No one knows what hapoebed to them but the robes the "chancellor" wore that week have some awfully suspicious stains WAIT WAIT WHAT IF ITS NOT A NIGHTMARE WHAT IF ITS GOMPERS alcor didn't even ASK gompers to be there he was planning to not even warn anyone n just vanish but gompers just SHOWED UP the nightmares were the ones who put the robes on him
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor doesn't even KNOW gomoers is there He gets back after the week and is like "what the heck" The nightmares are pretty proud of themselves for that one
swbeeworm the nightmares, collectively: "this is gonna be HILARIOUS" alcor, halfway across the galaxy, sees a newsfeed of a senate meeting with gompers in the robes in his place, and spits his drink clear across the room
he's only mad because he didn't think of it in the first place
gremgeous the gem pillar wheeze Hes proud of them
swbeeworm he IS
gremgeous the gem pillar Its so HILARIOUS
swbeeworm i pity anyone trying to read this mess later but i hope we at least make them laugh once
gremgeous the gem pillar Same Its such a joy Alcor teaches anakin the secret to mabel juice
swbeeworm oh no
gremgeous the gem pillar Only the children thank him The minders.... not so much
swbeeworm alcor: "okay so what i'm hearing is, the adult jedi have been making Stupid Decisions and not paying as much attention to the kids, as evidenced by them letting that one kid have meetings one on one with the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago. so, clearly what needs to happen is something that forces the adults to pay attention to the kids and start keeping a closer eye on them, but it can't be something that actually hurts the kids because then i'd feel bad" alcor: "...." alcor: :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar akdhdjsgshsjhdsjdjdj
swbeeworm alcor in a totally not suspicious trench coat and sunglasses: "hey. hey, kid. you wanna try some mabel juice?"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDJDLFKFIFJIF WHEEZE "With the creepy older guy i stopped putting effort into impersonating a month ago" ALDJDBDJDJDDHDHDJDJDJDJDJDJDJSJDJEJEJE
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSHDJDJF
swbeeworm star wars kids: "mr chancellor why are you wearing that" alcor: "because i think it's funny" kids: "it isn't" alcor: "look do you want the juice or not"
swbeeworm i am having WAY too much fun with this ldjsldkfjdsf;
gremgeous the gem pillar "Were not supposed to take drugs from strangersl" "Its not- just take it!"
Hooooh man thats so funny Oh gosh Alcor uses a different time/date system
Than the star wars one
swbeeworm ooooooo yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Nit super sure where im going with this but.... Pretty sure he woukdnt know the star wars one At all Maybe the in-umuverse knockoff calendar maybe Hes wnough of a nerd to have that memorized But the star wars proper one
No, no i dont think he knows that one
swbeeworm nope no chance
gremgeous the gem pillar Omg yes
gremgeous the gem pillar Well its a good thing we have this..... and the mistaken sith version too :blobamused:
swbeeworm i have 1 scene i can think of that actually almost made my friend cry and i have 1 au scene of a different au of mine where a character who canonically dies and gets brought back to life...doesn't come back (which is extra angst bc this is a Ghost Seeing Fic) and both of these i wrote at like 3-4am
swbeeworm SDFJKSDLFSJf YES :blobamused:
gremgeous the gem pillar Alcor: "you know, i usually save this one for the kids who followed the stranger with the nice candy into the alleyway and end up as sacrifices but I feel like you could benefit from it too"
swbeeworm alcor: "no talking to suspicious ppl" anakin: "except you right?" alcor: "....in any other situation i'd say no but if i say that you're just gonna up and leave (i see that grin thanks very much) so in this one singular personal case it is fine that you trust my very suspicious self"
gremgeous the gem pillar AKSJSJDJJD "My very suspicious self" Aksjdhdd
swbeeworm obi-wan, straight up knocking back shots now: "the man has a point anakin"
gremgeous the gem pillar Haha nice Obi-wan is taking notes Hes also re-inventing alcoholic mabel juice He weaseled the recipie out of the kids
swbeeworm asldfkjsdlkfjd imagine if somehow SIDIOUS CAME BACK and tries to take back over the senate but everyone at this point is used to alcor and one of two things happens: 1) they assume this is alcor messing with them with a clone/double (they don't know how he'd do it but at this point given his "assistants", the goat that somehow made more eloquent speeches than the "human", and the other things involved, they wouldn't put it past him) and just ignore him 2) they look between the real palpatine who'd been pushing thru some very sketchy bills, and between alcor who's been sneaking through law after law protecting all kinds of sentients, and they turn back to palpatine and go "how dare you impersonate the chancellor" and kick him out
swbeeworm at this point he deserves it tbh
gremgeous the gem pillar AKDJDJDHFDJDJDJD Ok i preffer him dead and gone and forgotten in favor of alcor (its what he deserves) but oh those are hilarious
swbeeworm agreed to both counts alsdjalsdk
gremgeous the gem pillar ESPECIALLY if the senate chooses to keep alcor over palps XD Ph man we can work that into him being dead and gone too- alcor starts dispersing the power and the other half of the senate w bail and padme are like "yeah seems legit" along w obi-wan The jedi only put like, a token effort into investigating and are more put out by trying to figure out what happened to the real palpatine and all his past shady dealings than exposing the current "palpatine" for a fake
swbeeworm palpatine: "excuse me?? i am the chancellor of this republic" councilmembers, with the same deadpan as alcor's been pulling on them all year: "sir, i think you're confused. this is the chancellor" [points to alcor, in palpatine's robes from his closet, making no attempt to hide his lack of resemblance to palpatine, with a nightmare at his side wearing a small top hat that proclaims its position as "chancellor's assistant"] palpatine: [screams of frustration]
gremgeous the gem pillar Once they reaize the shift in mission assignments can be attributed to new palp
swbeeworm yesss this
gremgeous the gem pillar I wanna say maul gets the joy and pleasure of offibg palpatine the second time in that version
swbeeworm FINALLY they get a chance to pull one back over on someone, pass along the suffering a little bit
swbeeworm oh definitely
oh shit we've been at this for an hour
gremgeous the gem pillar Maul comes back and offs palps and evrryone is jist like "Maul!!! How?!?" And completley ignore the palpatibe corpse 2.0 Ajdhhd so we have Niiiight book
Also from a tumblr post the phrase "your pal friendpatine" is hilarious and i think yall shoukd enjoy it too As is "SOMEHOW... MAUL RETURNS" Both taken from the same post lol Okokok so switchibg tracks for a bit Revisiting Some groundwork for the mistaken sith version Alcor is there..... because al-v was there first, made friends with the droid army mid clone war, and caled his dad in to help Which puts alcors initial point of contact as the separost foot soldiers
gremgeous the gem pillar No matter what the dominant language alcor has most recently been using OH OH OH ALCOR WITH ACESS TO OTHER UNIVERSE SLANG CONFUSING ALL THE SENATE WITH HIS NONSENSICAL PHRASES AND IDIOMS AND SLANG/PROFANITY LIKE "over the moon" AND "hot belgian waffles" AND "fuck" "Palpatine": [drops paperwork he JUST spent so much time disorganizing (as in putting in a dissaray)] FUCK Senator: .... sir, what is a 'fuck' "Palpatine": ......... im not explaining that to you Or conversley he makes smth up Alcor, upon realizing the most common swear word is "kriff': yeaht hats stupid im not saying that Alcor mercilessly roasting the star wars profanity And how stupid they all sound. This one is great for the al-v and alcor make friend w a droid army and maybe-sorta steal them while massivelt confusing and mystifying everyone along the way, bc why not add a language barrier on top of all the other assumptions and misunderstandings >:D But also at the same time it would make sense for him to have got thw local language in an infodump somewhere along the line (maybe an older version) if its located in a different galaxy but the same universe........... but also what if theyre just suoer far away so he didnt get priority acess...... or even if he traveled back in time ............. [Shrug] idk Mwanwhile inexplicably having the same language is hilarious in the demon lose in the senate ons but also imagine alcor pretending to be palpatine while unable to speak the common tongue lolol I know it wouldnt work (he has to be able to understand palpatine on some level to take MASSIVE advantage of him and eat his soul) but it is hilarious to think abt the shenanigans............ OH GOSH ALCOR TAKING CONTROL OF THE SENAT BUT BEING UNABLE TO R E A D AKDBSKSKJFF Okokok Imagine the basic/english language inexplicably being the same structure w a few different words and concepts...... when spoken And completley different when written down SO ALCOR CAN SPEAK BUT HE CANT READ Meanwhile in mistaken for a sith land alcor either doesnt have any knowledge of the local language or else gets a SUPER OLD AND POSSIBLE DEAD LANGUAGE in an infodump (to help feed the misunderstandings and rumors and future clashes w the sith and the jedi hehhehheh) bc semi-omniscience is not total omniscience and so is not everything and, once again, is not very helpful But ill leave off for tonight on the thought of alcor, lose in the senate, in the seat of the chancellor, lord of all paperwork for the galactic republic....... and able to read NONE of it And barely understands it too (demons are not ones for politics, Brian the Organ Duck and his 200 year sucessful presidency run aside) (his is soemthing of the exception, not the rule.) Meanwhile all those humanitarian aid bills and the like are all being passed by bail and padmes group all over the place bc their strange and inexplicable source of resistance was devoured like, a week ago Not ones to look a gift horse in ths mouth until AFTER they get what they want the group passes a ton of bills without delay - and manages to break up a few monopolies along the way Now im not saying that "palpatine" suddenly acting off and the bills facing a lot less resistance is a noticeable coincidence...... and around the same time he stops asking after anakin ............... but im totally saying they notice it and realize its probably, absolutely, not a coincidence and theyre not going to say anything bc they like this new "palpatine" better. Despite all the other mindbending weirdness and mindfuckery going on there The jedi are only mad abt alcor bc a few of their own started bleeding from the eyes nose and ears when they tried to investigate initially so theyre a little ticked off abt that, which, fair.
Also the blantant lying and lack of trying on alcors part is a little insulting to them as a whole ("does he think we'll really fall for that") and is slightly concerning to them ("who the heck is this, someone is inpersonating the chancellor of the ENTIRE REPUBLIC-" Which is, admittedly, a little concern worthy)  but if the council is honest (or some of the council anyway) with themselves its pretty much the darn best entertainmnt theyve had in a good long while, headaches aside, sot ehyll focus more on the okd palpatines dissapernace and dealings than the new "palpatine" so long as he doesnt start doing anything ACTIVELY damaging to the republic. A little mischief doesnt technically count as harm- and hey theys preffer to find the og chancellor b4 upsetting and potnetially causing the new one to do smth drastic by attsmpting to out him (not that alcor would, its so much funnier to deny everything to their faces while blatantly lying but they dont know that. So caution (and stress) it is)
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m0e-ru · 3 years
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eight months in somebody actually asked me abt visualive instead of me immediately annoying ppl about it without former notice. I might actually write properly for once 😳😳😳
OK OK!!!!! In this essay I will.... I will.... Visualive Adachi.... Visu/BURSTS INTO TEARS/
OKAY OKAY for real I just care Visualive so much (as someone who can’t fully understand Japanese AHAHA)
First I’ll add some foundation about what Visualive really is, then I talk abt Adachi in the latter parts of it because this is technically the first time I’m properly talking about this hehe 🐿
T....table of contents???
Visualive the Evolution
Masami Itou
Visualive Adachi
Visualive the Evolution Adachi
Terms and Legend
VL - Visualive
VLE - Visualive the Evolution
stage - shortened for “stageplay”
面白い - omoshiroi (it’s just that specific)
Yuuya - VL Hero name
Hayato - VLE Hero name
Baba - Hero
Masami - Adachi
Taniguchi - Dojima
Saotome - Daisuke
Mamiya - Izanami
I add honorifics but sometimes I forget the hyphen intentionally or unintentionally I’m sorry if it makes it hard to read lol
all links have automatic timestamps for easy viewing. i mean. i hope the timestamps work
VISUALIVE “Persona 4.” A stage adaptation of SMT: Persona 4 by Atlus. It adapts the first part of the story, from the hero’s arrival to after recovering Mitsuo Kubo from the TV world. It also ends on a cliff hanger, showing a teaser of Shadow Naoto being projected on the screen.
It takes up a speedy recapitulation of the hero’s spring life, before slowing down and showing in depth his school life in summer. A day before Morooka-sensei’s death, there is a little skit with Kou, Daisuke and Adachi. The hero walks into the conversation before the two other boys leaving, and Morooka-sensei walking in on the student and detective. The next day follow’s the teacher’s death and the Investigation Team (IT) begin investigating their new lead.
From the words “visual” and “alive,” the niche of this stage was meant to be the fusion of live acting and visual digital projections. All seen from the stageplay with the colorful cast of actors and CG animations being projected on the screen. This offers an opportunity for characters to summon their personas, perform cool visual effects, change the backdrop, or even confront their own Shadows.
Performed in Sunshine Theater from the 15th to the 20th of March 2012. The screenplay was written and directed by Shintaro Asanuma from the theatrical group “bpm.” The video production produced by Shutaro Oku, a film director and visual planner. He later takes over as director for VISUALIVE THE EVOLUTION, the sequel stage. The stage music was produced by Shunsuke Wada, with a special show exclusive vocal track sung by Shihoko Hirata.
On this note, I haven’t seen any sort of original soundtrack released for any of the stages and I’m SO SAD. The last song in Mitsuo’s boss fight was such a BANGER and literally EVERYTHING ELSE Marvelous, Wadasan please take my MONEY
Regarding the cast, there were some special accommodations for Teddie, Rise, and Nanako, all of which did not have live actors at the time. During the casting, actors for the three characters could not be found or simply left the directors unsatisfied they couldn’t cast anybody. An exception for Rise, who was able to have a live actor in the sequel stage. It has been stated that there weren’t any “pretty boy” actors that fit the “Teddie Criteria.” While there weren’t any child actors that were believed to portray Nanako well.
Teddie was only ever seen in his bear costume while Rise was busy talking through a call, all voiced by their video game cast. Nanako has never appeared on stage, only being scarcely mentioned in the script. Again, this is different in the sequel stage where her role was extremely important and was shown as a screen projection.
VISUALIVE “Persona 4” THE EVOLUTION. A sequel stage. Beginning abruptly in the middle of Shadow Naoto’s boss fight, the story continues from there until the “true end” of the game’s original story. *Certain characters are introduced while others have been reintroduced. And on a personal note, when it’s all comedic in the beginning, it’s all for what’s coming right after.
I don’t know if I’m salty or just find it really funny AHAHA I might go talk abt it some other day with more context ehehe
Performed in The Galaxy Theater from the 3rd to the 9th of October 2012, only a few months after the PSVITA Persona 4 Golden release, which is July 2012. The screenplay was now written by Jun Kumagi while directed by Shutaro Oku. And music production finally taken over by Shoji Meguro himself.
HAHAHA this is starting to look like a wiki page. moving on. I might start rambling rn
(warning LONG !!!! aaa,,)
My thoughts on the stage adaptations. For the first Visualive (VL) I believe it’s pretty close to canon! I enjoy the characterization and how much love and care was present when handling the entire production.
Actors were busy playing the game itself, wherein a PS2 was present in the practice room. Along with magazines and game guides explaining the game’s story and the characters itself. Actors performing together and even improv acting together to get a grasp of their characters. All of them knowing well of Persona 4 as a well loved game, delicately handling their characters and hopefully performing them right while making the audience happy.
The staff taking care of each other while the director and video producer, Asanuma-san and Oku-san, working together well to make their vision into a reality.
The same thing happened with VL the Evolution (VLE) and literally every other good stage. Except... I feel the script kinda got out of hand with too much liberty where it feels a bit more disconnected from canon. But! It makes up for it in its content, whether comedic or (INCREDIBLY) dramatic! It’s great as its own story at that point. So in this case, I like to take the first VL and get to connect it canon, while I don’t know what the hell happened in VLE to the point I’ll just enjoy it as its own content.
These opinions deserve its own essay, post whatever bc I have SO much to say abt this. ANYWAY. VL ADACHI
Tohru Adachi is portrayed by Masami Itou (伊藤マサミ), a screenplay writer, director and an stage actor himself. He does have a single character voice role along with a fellow troupe member in the same franchise, but mostly works as the former three. He is part of Asanuma-san’s entertainment group “bpm.” On a similar note, Masashi Taniguchi, Dojima’s actor, was also part of their group from 2011 to 2016, which may explain their good synergy as the boss and the bumbling fool dynamic. I mean, somebody’s gotta get hit in the head every few skits.
With Masami-san being an important part of the cast, he doesn’t appear as often as Taniguchi-san in backstage content like the VL bonus disk or the official blog. Mentioned in his own personal blog, he had been busy with his roles as assistant director (I am assuming also for VL).
Also fun to note, because his role is mainly comic relief, he has been using his liberty to change up the material almost everyday making each performance exciting. This also leaves some other actors jealous of his freedom in his role, such as Saotome-san, Daisuke’s actor.
VL Adachi really has a... how do I say this? an adorable speech pattern (THE SAME SPEECH PATTERN THAT DROVE ME MAD TRYING TO DECIPHER I THOUGHT YOU WERE A CITY BOY OSSU OSSU MY ASS /shakes you violently/). Overall, he really fits the loose lipped bumbling fool, and his accent really makes him seem more casual and invested. What I’m saying is... VL Adachi either actually has genuine empathy or he actually has more energy to fake it (compared to some other edgelord. i mean you saw my p4ga analysis. I’m sick of him lol ahaha).
One of my favorite ways to explain this (OTHER THAN CHAIR CAR ADVENTURE MY BELOVED WE’LL GET TO THAT LATER) is the rice field scene with him and Dojima. It’s overanalyzation time 🎉
While investigating, Adachi whines about being tired while Dojima smacks him in the head. In this case, it’s established that Adachi doesn’t want to be there, yes? It’s the country, it’s hot and it smells like green.
"Ah... Dojima-san..! Why don't we take a break? (...) There really is nothing out here... Is the criminal still even here at all? (...) I wonder if I've passed being a rookie yet. Haha, but this city doesn't even have convenient transportation. I can't go to leisure lands (recreation, amusement parks, arcades, ect.) and head home at all."
Adachi then tries to tell Dojima a story. “when I got to this city after being newly assigned, I met an interesting guy (...) Yeah, I remember that the cherry blossoms haven't bloomed yet. So, I was driving my car and got near the station and--” Dojima gets a phone call.
Adachi politely puts his hands down waiting for his boss to finish so he can finish the story. Again and again, Adachi attempts to talk to Dojima about a story he’s so persistent trying to tell someone about. It was so 面白い that he would find someone to talk to about it. Even being polite and patient enough to wait for a chance to speak. He even gets fed up with it and blows up in front of his boss, clearly irritated he’s not given a chance to talk.
Sure, it could be Adachi feeling fed up like a normal person where someone agreed he to listen to him, before being constantly ignored. Or Adachi trying to be a more annoying whiny brat, depending on where you look at it.
If the story wasn’t too “interesting” to Adachi, he would’ve just brushed it off and stopped talking to Dojima entirely, or start up new small talk, or even complain some more. But no, he had a story he wanted to voice out so bad that he got irritated that the one person in the vicinity couldn’t listen to him.
Only after Dojima told him to continue their investigation elsewhere did Adachi finally stop and focus on something else. Maybe that story was for another day, or maybe it was never meant to be told.
What if it was just original (game) Adachi? He’d find a way to squirrel out of the investigation as usual, or push Dojima to “investigate” elsewhere. “Hey boss, don’t you think it’s hot? Why don’t we go elsewhere? We’ve seen this place too many times to count and I doubt anything new’ll turn up. How about we take a break at Junes, y’know? Where it’s cool? C’mon boss,” something like that.
og Adachi is just really annoying and silly to me. Some grown man thinking he can freeload because he never gets anything out of putting in more energy and effort? I don’t care how tall he is, I will smack him in the head.
Yeah VL Adachi whines, too, but at least it doesn’t look like he’s going to escape and waste his time somewhere else. He just sucks it up stops trying to leave the situation.
Or maybe I’m getting this all wrong and VL is exactly the same and my rage just gets dampened because of Masamisan’s execution of character hmm...
SO. What was his story about anyway? The one he really wanted to share to Dojima?
I mean... it’s obvious enough
First day in town? Spring? Actually mentioned driving a car when literally out of every single persona 4 media at the time was there not a SINGLE mention of Adachi having a car OTHER THAN the same stageplay it’s being mentioned in?
A story, from somewhere around uhh four? five months ago? was something that he remembered so dearly and was willing to share despite it obviously embarrassing him even if he puts the blame on a certain somebody in the same story?
Or maybe it’s because he really had nothing to talk about ever since he realized all his stories from the city weren’t actually that funny or interesting in the first place.
BUT then that would mean out of all the things he could talk about—more whining, complaining, complimenting, small talk—he insisted about talking about this story in particular.
Okay, look. I’m just. Just. As someone who talks too much, of course I have things I actually want people to hear out of all the bullshit that comes out of my mouth. And if the thing I actually want people to listen to doesn’t even get heard, I’d go mad.
Sure, Adachi’d be fine when his complaints or intentionally unfunny jokes get brushed off. But a story of a guy that he thought was so funny, interesting, 面白い gets ignored, he really blew up, even just for a split second, maybe.
And ALL the things that happened in that story—on his first day in Inaba! His car got dented, he had to deal with a weirdo dumbass employee that knew zero personal space, yelled in his ear, who didn’t know how to do their job, got his station reputation messed up on the first day, got his ass grabbed, got (unintentionally?) mocked for his lame stories, and got his car dented for the SECOND time. Probably MORE
And he STILL wanted to talk about it /punches through concrete wall/
yes I’m overthinking about this of course i am
This little tidbit of VL Adachi kinda makes me go insane sometimes—his entire characterization in VL in particular. It was really refreshing to see and how they included both of his characters in it, his facade and how irritated he is of a lot of things underneath. And how flexible his character is immediately working with other characters when there’s sudden improv to balance the situation. Like him and Dojima, Morooka, the attendant, or even Yuuya (hero) himself.
I’ll take Taniguchi-san’s messing around in the VL bonus backstage disc in place of Masami-san being so busy he couldn’t appear in it as often as other characters.
For stagetime that lasted for fifteen minutes or less, my appreciation for VL Adachi, even if he was just comic relief, really rocketed. I say VL, bc Adachi the edgelord he’s supposed to be in literally every other media is something I analyze separately.
I haven’t even gotten to VLE oh my GODDDDD
Like I said, I don’t really regard VLE close to canon but as something to be appreciated for what it is by itself. But the way Adachi was characterized there, in or out of character, still struck me.
Yes, there was his strange fan-agreed-canon which is,,, now canon obsession with cabbages (not that that’s a bad thing lmao). There was also him being a lot more jumpy and intimate in a clowny way, patting people on the shoulder or even downright hugging them just to mess around. Even FORGETTING who the same goddam loser who grabbed his ass almost a year ago is. But like, can’t blame him they literally changed their actor (and screenplay writer) AHAHAHA
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ha... no more comedy, only dorky sword fights now
(speaking of sword fights I think it’s a fun thought how Mamiya-san [Izanami, also one of the youngest in the cast] admitted it was his first time doing sword fight choreography and even thanked Masami-san and other staff members for guiding him)
One thing unintentionally in character was Adachi accidentally nabbing the sushi overdosed in wasabi. Masami-san didn’t actually account for a joke sushi and didn’t immediately eat it—until Taniguchi-san (who also made Dojima go off his shits compared to VL) jokingly yelled at him and even riled up the audience for him to eat it. He even went off stage to get water just for him to eat the goddam sushi.
And Masami-san did! (kinda choked, but he’s fine).
Continuing from the same scene, while being overly giddy about sushi dinner (and I mean overly--he was singing about it while hopping to the Dojima residence), he tried to remind the two, Dojima and Hayato (hero), that Nanako was sleeping. Probably where she was sick if the scene was translated from the game.
And... the dramatic parts of VLE
Adachi was the one who reported to the IT that Dojima was chasing Namatame in the rain. While Naoto was discussing Namatame’s journal entries, Adachi, as giddy as he is, took it from Naoto’s hands and reveled in the discovery of evidence so childishly(?). He even ran to Dojima when he began regaining consciousness and immediately called the nurses to help him wheel Dojima to the ER.
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Then, The Hospital Scene™️, right after Nanako flatlines.
Adachi, who recently walked into the scene, immediately worries about Dojima and IT who were ALL crying. He looks down, devastated—before yelling how Dojima’s heading to Namatame’s room.
He yells in terror and the same grief at his injured boss, all while running past and even jumping over children, who fell to the ground sobbing, to get to him. He continues yelling in a pained fashion while immediately reprimanding Dojima to stop. He gets carried by the collar before being tossed to the ground at Hayato’s feet, all while being pat by the same boy.
Dojima makes his speech about how unfair it is for the ‘killer’ to be alive when his daughter isn’t. When he finally falls to his knees, Adachi rises from the ground, humbly saying he’ll do his best to take care of Dojima (or something like that I’m in tears I literally can’t do VLE’s hospital scene i h8 this). He finally starts crying along with everyone else, being pushed away again but still tries again, trying to usher his boss away from the door.
With the help of the guard in front of the door, they all disappear off stage
please... I know this scene doesn’t need that much translation because of how important this scene is in the entire story. and I know my narratives aren’t enough so just,,,, just watch it please it’s so much more than this. everyone’s acting was just spectacular
So, after the IT (YOSUKE. JUST YOSUKE. good job Mae-chan) stop themselves from k wording Namatame, it was ADACHI who reported Nanako’s miracle recovery. He ran to the same corridor where they all cried in, even panting and falling to the ground in relief trying to report the good news. Then he pats Hayato on the shoulder and says he’s going to Dojima.
With this... /slaps roof of half of VLE/ ALL of this....adachi.... adachisan.... he Cares™️..... holy shit.....
now. comparing to the game. do you even remember what og Adachi did? did he.. even do anything?????
NO!!! he just stood there!!!! being a bumbling fool but.... inappropriately!!! man. he didn’t act concerned enough.
adachi: /walks into a bunch of kids crying outside a hospital room/ “lmao why tf are y’all crying? did uhhh what’s her face uhhh nanako. did she d word or something? rip, I guess lol” LIKE????? CAN YOU IMPLY FASTER
and then he’s like “wgat hmm Where’s Dojima-san Heading Because That’s Not The Way To His Room 🤔” and only when he’s asked he actually mentions he’s heading to Namatame’s room and still needs to get choked by a first year for the room number like..... zero consideration
and his boss??? where his daughter he loves so much just??? di*s???? and he’s so devastated he’s doing what he can that very moment while he’s so numbed of thinking of the consequences???? And adachi goes “uhh boss that’s illegal” LIKE. BITCH. /punches through a concrete wall but harder/
And??? His confrontation scene??? Like, I know they mashed it up w his tv confession scene to save stagetime for other scenes BUT IT WAS SO MMBMBMBMMGN /gestures in a good way/
UM?? guy behind everything??? in a vulnerable area where he could easily get physically assaulted bc hes not in the tv world w his persona?? Trash talks women like he absolute misogynist he is??? getting yelled at by a bunch of kids and YELLING BACK IN THE SAME AGITATED MANNER even TAUNTING THEM then and there to GET HIS ASS?????
og Adachi was such a pussy he got caught and just scurried off into the TV world where he ended up having powers like...ok....scared of getting beat down by a bunch of highschoolers unless you have powers...ok....
he only taunted them to get him when he was in the tv world too.....he rlly couldn’t say shit in the real world huh... lol
(yeah yeah this shows how VLE Adachi knew abt his TV world powers which would make you think if he ever went into the tv world and came back out alive. Or he’s really just a badass who doesnt give a shit abt anyone’s opinions and CAN beat anyone’s ass. i have a separate thing abt this but bc i like to laught at vle rather than overthink its own lore i might. not. idk lol)
and ??? VLE Adachi can??? He can swordfight??? he doesn’t even NEED a gun—he even reflects bullets w his blade (but apparently he can still get slapped by a flying fan more often than any other attack). His fight choreo was just...so poggers. He’s like short villains done good—like??? he’s short compared to everyone else!!! but he makes up for it for stuffing all the energy inside him while is bursts out making him him the over energetic gremlin he is!!! go VL adachi!!!!
(am I low key making fun of Madono-san in the TUUSH stageplay I’ve seen four minutes of? maybe)
OK!!! Yes I was gushing abt Masami-san again back to Adachi.
It’s portrayed that while not being afraid to admit his crimes, he also goes out of his way to be a bastard and have the gall to get a bunch of kids to fight him, one on eight. He can use a katana, probably a narrative dark reflection of the hero, Hayato which I thought was nice—and he can fight!!! It also shows his persona, yes, but...it doesn’t make it clear if he’s overwhelmed by his Shadow like in the game, where his eyes were yellow and he was emitting a dark aura.
But it gets interesting how he sees he’s getting overwhelmed and starting to lose his edge towards a bunch of kids. He falls to the ground even banging the floor like a whiny brat while literally the IT tries to tell him to turn himself in. Again, like a brat he tells everyone to shut up—before getting incapacitated. While some of the IT rejoice, he bolts up unaccepting of his defeat—before getting hit in the stomach.
And his words from when he drops his katana, “Why..?” He grabs the foldable chair against his stomach, and with a remorseful look in his eyes, he says “I’m sorry..!”
THEN HE BACKFLIPS—then Hayato slashes him.
In a tone of disbelief, he goes “no way...” and collapses to the ground, being possessed by Ame-no-Sagiri.
Blah blah blah then Teddie rockets himself into the eyeball spy cam and then they both explode aaaaa
Teddie survives but I really don’t know where Adachi went. Not even a mention by Dojima if he turned himself in or was ever found—or I need to review VLE for the 48274827482nd time hehe
WHOO then the whole cast appears for the dance number at the end of show YAHOO
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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awxward · 3 years
For the AU thing...Mankai as a sports team
Ok, so I didn’t get the notif for this on mobile so its late, really sorry about that. Another thing: I’ve been thinking abt a Haikyuu x A3 crossover for like a month so I’m giving you the Haikyuu au bc why not and it’s so much easier.
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Sakuya as Hinata. Very new to the sport but works very hard and is improving at a very alarming rate.
Masumi as Kageyama. Socially awkward and lonely child. Please give him a hug. Does not understand emotions. Holy shit, Saku just might be the player he needed to improve and get a team.
Tsuzuru as Sugawara. Seems very put together but that’s just a front. He’s always about to lose it, pls help him. Mom of the team, he’s so supportive. Tries so hard, but there’s always someone else there so he gets put into the background. Pls give him some love. He needs and deserves it.
Omi as Daichi. The first time I saw Omi I thought he was Daichi bc they look so similar and they have the same vibes. Very supportive of everybody. Honestly the only reason Tsuzuru hasn’t gone insane. 
Tasuku as Ukai. Tasuku would make a great coach and I will stand with this for the rest of my life. Very fun but also strict. In love with Tsumugi.
Tsumugi as Takeda. Tsumugi is a tutor. Takeda is a teacher. He’s so supportive of everybody but he has no idea what’s happening. Pls help him. Needs more confidence in himself, but he has all the confidence in his team. 
Taichi as Nishinoya. Chaos. He is so chaotic and cannot be left alone. He needs some sort of supervision. Very serious when playing volleyball though. Very dependable. Kazunari is the other half of this puppy pair.
Kazunari as Tanaka. Best buds with Taichi. The chaos in their lives is astounding. How are they still alive with the life decisions they’ve made?? Nobody knows, certainly not them. Dependable on the court and always being loud with Taichi. They are inseparable. 
Juza as Asahi. Giant boy who looks scary and is avoided, but he’s actually a giant teddy bear. Don’t leave him alone in a kitchen or near food. It will be gone. Someone please tell him he doesn’t need to be this anxious all the time. 
Sakyo as Tsukishima. Tall, salty, blonde, glasses, hides their feelings but they actually feel lots of emotions. Maybe if I bury something traumatic that happened it’ll go away. Acts like Sakoda is an annoyance but will not hesitate to throw hands for him. Nobody is mean to anybody he likes except him because he does it out of love. But he’ll deny that.
Sakoda as Yamaguchi. Follows Sakyo around like a puppy. Can be chaotic or very serious. Nobody knows which one he is until something happens. Will not hesitate to throw hands for his friends, but does not have the confidence in himself to defend himself from bullies. Cares very much and everybody knows it. 
Muku as Yachi. Very anxious, but good at art. Loves his new friends and the team he’s learning to manage. Looks up to Kumon a lot, bc he’s a great cousin and the other manager.
Kumon as Kiyoko. Very dedicated to keeping the team in shape. Always giving Tasuku tips abt what they can do to improve the team and keep them at their best. Convinced his younger cousin, Muku, to join as a manager as well. 
Chikage as Lev. Very new to volleyball, but very strong and improving at a good rate. Always fighting with Hisoka. 
Hisoka as Yaku. Short. Will not hesitate to throw hands with Chikage. Tired of everyone’s shit, but good at hiding it. 
Citron as Oikawa. Nobody knows what he’s saying or understands him bc he makes no sense, but he’s really good at volleyball bc he grew up around it. Very reliable on the court, but flirts with everybody without any shame at all. 
Guy as Iwaizumi. Constantly with Citron. Very tired of his shit and makes it very well known, but Citron does not care at all and keeps doing the shit. Nobody is entirely sure how he’s still alive if he’s always around Citron but they’re glad he is bc Citron will only listen (kinda) to him. How has he not killed Citron yet??? Nobody knows.
Misumi as Aone. Very strong and good at the game. Doesn’t talk a lot. Actually does he talk at all? (He does, but not around strangers bc new people give him anxiety). People are intimidated by him and it makes him sad bc he just wants friends. Friends and triangles. Very protective of Sakuya and everybody honestly. 
Tenma as Ushijima. Been doing volleyball since he could walk. Always doing something with the sport. Always does his best. Is known for not losing matches in the prefecture. Is always at nationals. Cannot interact with others to save his life, pls teach him how to talk to people.
Yuki as Tendo. Constantly trying to get Tenma mad and taunting him. Will throw hands with anyone and at any time, so watch out. Very chaotic, and known to always be around Tenma.
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That’s all I have, but I hope you liked it!!!!!
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quotidian-oblivion · 3 years
Minecraft is better than Roblox
This is smt my friend wrote for their English assignment cuz they were out of ideas for a topic they were passionate abt. So, @imsatansfavouritespawn suggested they write about how Minecraft is better than Roblox cuz my frnd loves Minecraft better than Roblox. Pls don’t b insulted by the following essay, cuz this is just for fun, they don’t really mean it. *smiles awkwardly*
P.S Don’t mind the grammatical errors, my frnd’s horrible at that.
Minecraft is much better than roblox because the roblox community is much more toxic than the Minecraft community, when u log into Minecraft you receive a small positive message on the right hand corner of your screen but when you log onto literally ANY roblox game you get surrounded by ugly useless losers who want to pick a fight over the internet because they have nothing else to do with their sad lonely life, most of these people are teenagers such as me and they use it as a getaway from their crippling mental health. BUT Minecraft is also a valid getaway and its better because I use it as a getaway therefore its better. Minecraft is a calm game that teaches you how to slaughter rude zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders and witches so it teaches you to get rid of the toxic people in your life and it teaches to kill certain animals because such as pigs and cows so that you can get food that teaches you how to fend for yourself in the wild. So by playing Minecraft you learn how to survive in the wild while Roblox teaches you to be a big fat ugly ass bitch with no purpose In life because no one fucking likes you u little stupid hoe. In roblox all the games are very laggy and has shitty details and no purpose in the game play other than to be stupid and dumb and bully poor little kids and then complain why little kids these days are so sad at a young age BECAUSE BITCH UR THE FUCKING REASON DUMBASSS. Also Minecraft can improve you mental state because it can be calm and nice and gentle but you can also let all your anger out into the game when you yell at your screen everytime A STUPID GODDAM CREEPER BLOWS UP YOU HOUSE THAT YOU WORKED SOOO HARD ON BECAUSE LIKE DAMN IM MINDING ME BUISNESS AND UR DUMBASS DECIDES TO RUIN MY HARD WORK LIKE DAMN LEAVE ME ALONE U ASSHOLE. But when u play roblox you release you negative feelings onto other younger children that want to be their annoying selves and mind their own business and hang out with other younger kids and be REALLY GODDAMN CRINGY LIKE DAMN ITS SECOND HAND EMBARASSMENT IT PHYSICALLY HURTS ME SOO MUCHHHHHHHH LIKE SHUT UP NO ONE CARES IF U DRESSED UP AS A PRINCESS IN ROYAL HIGH CUZ UR NOT A PRINCESS U UGLY RAT LIKE STFU NO ONE CARES UR NOT HALF DEMON AND ANGEL AND WOLF AND WHATEVER THE HELL U WANT OK ITS NOT EVEN POSSIBLE. And because of the negativity that Roblox has on younger children I think its very negative because you might cuss at your laptop daily you wouldn’t hurt anyone else’s feelings because you never know the person you cuss out on the Roblox server could be the future president and they remember u and your username and they track you down and torture your family and then kill them in front of you and then ship you off to an island where they launch a missile to kill you all because of the trauma they experienced from you insult towards them on Roblox 63 years ago. But in Minecraft that cant happen because in Minecraft is mostly played by older people because they are more mature and ISN’T filled with little kids THAT HAVE FUCKING TERRIBLE COMBACKS LIKE DAMN “NO U” IS A SHIT COMBACK WTF ARE U IN 2014? LIKE STFU U UGLY ASS HOE AND YOU HAVE TO AUDACITY TO CALL ME DUMB LIKE YOU DON’T KNOW UR FUCKING TIMES TABLES DON’T TALK TO ME YOU DEMENTED FUCKING OGER LIKE WTF YOU OUT HERE CLAIMING YOU’RE A SHY LOST PRINCESS WITH FUCKING HIDDEN POWERS AND SHIT AND LIKE 3 SECONDS LATER WHEN I TELL U ITS NOT TRU YOU TRY TO CUSS ME OUT WITH THE ROBLOX CENSOR ON LIKE BITCH YOU CANT SAY U FUCKING WHORE THIS IS WHY UR PARENTS HATE YOU AND UR MOM LEFT WITH ANOTHER MAN WHEN YOU WERE 3 OK UR SUCH A MISTAKE YOUR OWN CREATOR LEFT YOU BECAUSE YOU CANT THINK OF CREATIVE INSULTS ALL U SAY IS THAT IM TRASH OR THAT IM UGLY LIKE HOE I LOOK BETER THAN U IRL UR UGLY ASS CANT SAY SHIT ABOUT ME OK LIKE I CALLED YOU A FUCKING WALKING ZOO EXPERMENT FAILIURE SO DUMB COME AT WITH A “NO U” BITCH I WILL THROW YOU OUT A WINDOW IF U WERE NEAR ME UR SO FUCKIG PLAIN ATLEAST COMEBACK AT ME WITH SOMETHING CREATIVE WTF. And that my friends is why Minecraft I better than Roblox 😊
That’s it. Hope you enjoyed it. Cuz I’m rolling around and laughing rn. This is the fygly rat who wrote this: @minecraftfishy69
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
a follow up from this post where i talk about math and me as a kid.
Wait you have dyscalculia but are a math major? Wow I have dyscalculia but I like the philosophy of math I guess like I sorta forced myself to get into it to learn, I feel I can do basic so for me it's mainly the math anxiety
tl/dr: the part of my brain that deals with abstract/tangible is, i think, broken, because i can’t deal with numbers as real things, but i can do that with polynomials or w/e.
so to summarize, based on wikipedia’s list of dyscalculia symptoms, here is me:
analog clocks: i’m fine to 15min in real life where i know the time of day, but in a vacuum, most real clocks r tricky. doesn’t come up. the teaching clocks i’m usually fine with because the minute hour hands are really distinct.
larger numbers: depends on presentation. purely verbally? no. visually? depends. if they both start with the same number it’s harder.
sequencing issues: not really.
financial planning: bank accounts are black magic and my mom still manages mine. i err on the side of frugal, which lead me with like 50% of my college meal plan unspent last semester.
visualizing numbers: no. nope. can’t do. not at all. numbers r fake. 
arithmetic: it sucks, a lot. i’m better at multiplying and adding, and it’s gotten better because i did a lot of practice a few years ago, but i still prefer calculators. 
number writing difficulties: yeah? hard to say i’ve been doing algebraic stuff for a long time and that really cuts down on the number of places to make those kinds of mistakes.
concepts and practice: this is where i’m strongest. my math conceptual game is strong as hell, and i don’t usually struggle with putting it into practice. even word problems i’m pretty strong at because like. it’s just math.
names of numbers: not really an issue.
left/right: also not really an issue. although it takes me a second.
spatial awareness: doesn’t exist. just. doesn’t. people don’t believe me then they ask me how long something is and i say like three feet and they’re like “it’s taller than you” and i’m like “oh really? huh the more you know”
time: im timeblind af. also adhd tho so that doesn’t help.
maps: ehhhhh. hard to say. I’m okay with some parts of maps but not others. this has definitely improved since school.
working backwards in time: i have an app for that its beautiful and i love it
music: i am good at music notation. not great at rhythm but i’m good at music in general.
dance: i did 12 years of dance. i’m not amazing, but it was a nonissue.
estimation: see: time, spatial awareness (the answer is i cannot)
remembering formulas, etc: i’m usually good at remembering this stuff.
concentration: adhd already so? maybe?
faces, names: i do not do very well here.
so like. i basically have the best possible set of symptoms to become a math major. i kind of skirted attention as a kid because i could get around a lot of my difficulties and didn’t really have anything to do but use brute force to cram multiplication facts into my head.
and because i had this really strong conceptual understanding, i just sort of survived until algebra. at which point i was very happy.
because basically most of my dyscalculia issues revolve around numbers and the real world. i can’t do time, i can’t estimate, i can’t really work with numbers. but i can work with algebra because the concepts were fine. there was just a road block.
for me, it’s kind of like having a major speech disorder in your native language. speech in the your mouth doesn’t work, not the language issues. as a kid i loved writing because the words came out the way they were in my head. they didn’t get shuffled and mangled. and that’s also how i felt about algebra. like, look! you don’t have to worry about getting the numbers right if you can move the variables around,
and obviously it’s not that complicated because i’m skipping basically from fifth grade to my junior year of high school, but even though it was a constant friction between me and everyone about why i kept making careless mistakes, even after other adhd stuff got treatment, it was generally acknowledged that i knew what i was doing, so i never really developed math anxiety. 
and as a math major, like, numbers are not a very large part of what you do. i use wolfram alpha a lot for solving that sort of thing. i do stuff that’s more about the logic parts of math. lil puzzles waiting to be solved.
it really does feel kind of like the abstract and tangible parts of my brain were swapped. because numbers really do feel abstract, but figuring out the equations of a graph is a fun game to play with friends. i usually get the constants wrong, but that’s besides the point.
i’m not entirely sure if this was helpful and/or clarifying in any way. if asked, i will usually not mention dyscalculia because? it just doesn’t feel very relevant/serious. because my management strategy is: don’t do anything with numbers and estimation ever. and then that works, because i don’t have to. it’s only really relevant in the context of me, a child, very confused about why those centimeter cubes exist, etc. 
and also, as i got older, i dug more and more into theory and proofs. learning about numbers as entities that follow rules was a really useful thing for me. learning about negative numbers made subtraction easier for me because it wasn’t addition in reverse, it was addition of a negative number. which made more sense to me.
i struggled in high school geometry because of all of the numbers and angles (i have a shirt somewhere that says “all i learned in geometry is that you can’t measure shapes”) and every time someone pointed out applications to me i kind of just went “okay but there are rulers for that”
and i do like geometry! i like how we can build properties out of simple rules and how shapes behave and its really cool you only need like 5 postulates to build a lot of geometry but if you make me deal with too many angles and i want to cry
so yeah. uh. i’m a math major & it works because when we deal with numbers, they’re almost variables in themselves? like okay we’re going to use 0 and 1 here to apply this theorem but the numbers themselves aren’t relevant.
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here is a screenshot from my calc textbook, if this helps make my point. most of these concepts are things i can just. put in my head and hold the way people who can think about numbers describe numbers to me. 
i have no idea where u are in ur life but if u like math from the logic side, then pure math exists and its p cool. usually you gotta get thru calculus, and then take a course in proof writing (at my uni it’s called “transition to advanced math”) at which point everything turns into theorems and proofs and the most number intensive course is probability. i don’t even need statistics credits to graduate.
this was a lot and i tried to wrap it up like 3 times and then i had more to say because i think a lot abt math and the fact that i was lucky to have the right opportunities to not entirely chase myself away from the field (which is a lot more words and i should probably work on my hw) but if u have more questions lemme know bc! i am very dedicated to exposing people to math and why i love it.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
hihi! i was scrolling through your blog to read your fics and look at your other posts when i came across that ask where an anon did an analysis of your fic hostis. i’m just asking out of genuine curiosity (i hope this doesn’t come across offensive in any way but this has baffled me for quite some time!!), but how exactly should readers interact with fanfics?
probably every other month i’ll see a post by different writers about the lack of interaction from readers which really frustrates them (which i understand!) and they usually say that it doesn’t take that long to like, reblog, give a comment etc. i’m more of the passive type so i will like the fic post or share them with friends who like the same groups to read. i don’t usually comment, but i see people who do leave comments and hype up other writers who are their mutuals/friends. these comments are always positive and encouraging, but do writers ever want constructive criticism like what that anon commented? i mean it’s not like school or uni where you submit work to be marked, but when writers ask for interaction do they only want the positive, hype-me-up kind of comment? sometimes when i read a fic and i think “oh, maybe it could’ve been better if they developed this a bit more” or “it feels like it’s lacking a bit” or something like that, i just move on from it and read other fics. but for these writers who want interaction from their readers, would they actually want readers to voice out thoughts like this?
sorry for the long post ahaha i’ve just been wondering about this for a long long time and reading that anon’s detailed analysis and breakdown about what they thought could be improved really got me thinking about this as a long time fic reader. thank you ^^
HIHI no worries abt it being offensive or whatsoever!! You brought up quite a few points in this so bear with me yeah?
How should readers interact with fics?
Firstly, i'd like to put out a disclaimer that some writers might not agree with. The fact that writers post their work on an online platform accessible to everybody means that it will always be open to criticism, whether they like it or not. No, i'm not saying that it's okay to be rude or trash someone's work, i'm saying it in the context that readers will always be allowed to provide feedback/reactions. If you put a product out on a shelf for sale, you can't stop a customer from complaining about it if they purchase it and, in their opinion, finds it defective or inadequate.
You cannot stop a reader from having opinions.
It's the same for movies, music, choreography.
Secondly, however the reader wants to react (be it passive or active) is completely up to you! Personally, as long as i know someone's following my work, even if it's just 1 person, i'll be happy. My work isn't FAMOUS per se and it's just an outlet for me to vent or relax. Of course there'll be writers who want people to provide constructive feedback, and that's fine. Writers who actually want the constructive feedback WILL take it, i promise you. It will stick, even if they don't act on it, and if they agree with it, they will change according to the feedback. After i got that super long analysis from hostis, i started breaking up my sentences, especially in grounded. I started making sure my sentences were shorter, easier to understand. Might not have been 100% what the anon told me to improve on, but it stuck. For me, i write in school and it's being graded. Thus, writing here is in fact, a platform for me to practise. So of course, (though i admit i get salty sometimes when people tell me otherwise) i try to improve whenever people tell me there is something for me to improve on. It's normal human nature to feel angry or upset when people give CONSTRUCTIVE feedback bec sometimes it does feel like it's going against you.
Writers who want to improve will always appreciate constructive feedback, even if they feel salty or dissatisfied with it.
Of course, sometimes constructive feedback comes in the idea of questions. Whenever i write, i ask myself like- why does this character act like this or why did this happen- in case a reader has questions about maybe something lacking etc. (Also honestly because sometimes fanfiction is meant to cater to only the main characters, and side characters just aren't needed to be fully developed.)
Sometimes, the writers have their reasons for not developing a certain part of the story, a character, or simply- they didn't think about it, and that's fine. That's where they get to think about it too.
I always thought it was fun to discuss a story's plot with the writer, same way some people are super into trivia or like, backstories. It's like bonus features when you watch a director's cut of a film or like an easter egg, which you'll only realise when the director/writer himself shares it with you.
A writer will always be more than happy to discuss their story with you, whether or not the points of discussion are similar or different.
Keeping in mind, writers on this platform come from different countries, this means different styles of learning. Styles of writing differs from person to person. V, who wrote 17.5 of hostis, is also singaporean but her writing style is more poetic than mine. The anon who gave me that super long feedback on my writing with longass sentences and expression errors is a law student (who, i assume are more accustomed to writing short, accurate, and MUST BE grammatically correct sentences). Which is totally fine!
What you may perceive from reading a sentence may be different from what someone else perceives. When i write, i NEED to see the scenes in my head first because i'm a more visual person and i do videography and film production in school, so if i dont see it, i can't write it. sometimes it backfires and i end up stuffing like 2894 details into 1 sentence, killing the grammar and expression, which is what that anon pointed out to me.
Perception varies, so learn to understand that what the writer writes could be because they simply have trouble expressing what they see/visualise.
And that's fine. Nobody is ever perfect with writing, nobody's gna ever develop all their characters well enough to the readers' liking. If a story had 8 characters and each character had a fan, BUT the plot is meant to only focus on 3, then you cannot expect the writer to develop the other 5 just because their fans want them too. It's just not plausible, especially if the plot revolves around the 3.
Wow this was super long, i hope this gave you some valuable insight as to how a reader can interact with a writer. There's definitely no harm as to giving the writer feedback, even if its bad! Phrase it nicely of course - trashing the writer's work definitely isn't going to do anybody good. Writer's probably gna hate the reader while she/he feels shitty abt themselves and the reader doesn't gain anything in return.
THANK YOU for bothering to send this in!!! I absolutely LOVED talking about this because ive always thought that readers just wanted some fanfiction to read but now youve proven me wrong and i definitely do believe some readers look much deeper into a plot or a piece of work than just smut and fluff.
🥺💕 thanks loveee
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hi, id like to get some input on my type, trying to keep this short as possible w/o being too one-note. im bad at figuring out what i rly want or why i want it, statement of purpose essays=hell. im qualified so who cares abt my motives. i dislike long-term projects bc whenever i get a new idea i wanna pursue that instead. i rely on fear of failure to get things done. im the most productive successful lazy bitch i know, churning out high quality bs & cutting corners so i can get back to fun stuff. i can never plan more than a year ahead cuz i change my mind so much. i want to be attractive & popular but cant be assed to put in consistent effort for it. ig i live in the present but in an adjacent world, always daydreaming, unaware of my surroundings or time
idk how to approach romance cuz any attempt at being heartfelt w/o turning it into a joke/insult makes me cringe & im scared of rejection commitment & intimacy. im ashamed to have never dated or even kissed anyone at my age (22), my biggest failure. i hate feeling controlled & i dont wish to control others either. i HATE when ppl tell me to do things “because i said so.” but.. i’m drawn to power struggles. im attracted to powerful & popular ppl, but im also competitive & compare myself to them. i crave connection so bad but not w just anyone, it has to be someone i’d be proud to be seen with, but everyone who falls into that category seems unattainable
i refused to see a therapist forever bc i didnt want my family to have something else to mock me for. i amass awards/honors to invalidate ppls criticism. my therapist now tells me i put too much weight on the opinions of others, but i dont trust myself to accurately judge my own worth. dont fully trust others opinions either, esp when i get conflicting info, so im in a constant state of overthinking but knowing nothing. i bring up the same topics of identity & love over & over w ppl hoping for some new insight like fomo but for info
im rarely bored thx to all my ideas/interests. i like making & taking personality quizzes, love categorizing things. making playlists/pinterest boards are go to procrastination activities. my fave hobby is talking to ppl, but i get weary if they dont challenge me. used to be shy but acting/public speaking came easy. i just wanna impress ppl & create something significant
im good at brainstorming multitasking & theorizing but i dont trust my theories. i think in interconnected systems instead of single instances (in politics especially) so its hard to communicate all of what i want to say in an organized succinct way. prone to verbal diarrhea. im not too concerned w being good, but my extant morality revolves around equity, justice & whats best for society at large. i despise aristocracy/inherited power. ppl who try to shove their personal moral codes on everyone annoy me. anyway im trying to figure myself out & hopefully knowing my mbti or enneagram will gimme some clues/help to improve myself
Hi anon,
Honestly I’m not sure. I’m thinking high Ne due to the lack of planning because of shifting interests, the tendency towards bullshitting, daydreaming, issues with commitment, brainstorming, etc, but there are arguments for either Ti or Fi here; there’s nothing exceptionally analytical/focused on logical consistency that stands out as definitely high Ti, and a lot of the items regarding morality could go either way (what one’s morals actually are is more a product of upbringing and experience; disliking others applying their moral codes to you is less likely to be high Fe, but any other type would have their issues). Based on the focus on other people’s opinion/impressing I think enneagram 3 or 4 (in fact, probably 3w4 or 4w3) fits best.
Given how clear Ne is and how Ti and Fi aren’t as clear I’d look at Ne dom (also the 3 elements) and would recommend you spend some time either digging into the enneatype (3 would indicate ENTP, 4 would indicate ENFP) or just Ti and Fi to see what resonates more with you.
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dazaily · 4 years
karasuno first years using pick-up lines on their s/o
soo.. i’ve been wanting to write a karasuno head canon for ages, and i gonna write a hc which turned into a short fic that i’ll probably never finish... so this is the replacement. enjoy!!
description: so the the karasuno boiz were playing truth and dare in their changing room. and tanaka and nishinoya had dared your bf to use a pick-up line on you. 
warnings: implied nsfw. gender neutral reader. fluffy but sprinkled with swears. i was stressed writing this. long af. not proofread. 
. ⋆   *  .  ·    ✫     ⋆
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hinata shoyo
i’m sorry but, did u rlly expect our lil cinnamoroll to know what’s a pick up line?
he babie 🥺❤️
n e ways, it was finally his turn on their little game of truth and dare and nishinoya had dared him to use a pick up line on you.
“a pickup line??? what’s that? will it improve my volleyball skills??”
like i said a bABIE!!
nishinoya and tanaka needs to stop tainting my bbys mind.
“udk whats a pickup line??? how did u even end up with y/n.”
nishinoya is in shock.
and then the plan commenced.
their lil game of truth and dare ended up as a lil plan on getting u hinata to use a pick up line on you.
that night, u were walking home w hinata after club activities ended.
with noya, tanaka and kageyama trailing you, but we pretend they don’t exist.
“soo,, y/n”
“sup? y u acting all weird for? ur usually rambling abt volleyball by now.. u okay?”
“hoW DO THEY KNOW?? WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW?? THEY TOLD ME TO SOUND NATURAL BUT THEY ALR KNOWS!! uGh my senpais are watching me, i gotta do them proUD!”
hinatas mind ran at 1,000km/h, it was insane. especially for someone who doesn’t usually use their brain.
that was the only thing u felt at the moment.
i mean u were alr infront of ur house, what’s the point of holding smt when u were leaving??
conveniently, during ur moment of confusion, the only word u could form was “what”.
“m-m-mm-mY HAND!!”
hinata screeched at ur face
silence. whilst noya and tanaka facepalms in the bg
it took a moment, but ur brain finally computes what ur bf just said
ur first instinct was to release the phatest snort/wheeze. shane dawson is jealous. 
“y/nnnnnn~~ stop laughinggggggg”
hinata was now suffering from crippling embarrassment, as u wouldn't stop laughing no matter how much he pleaded.
omg imagine him all blushy and shiz akdkkoaw-- ok lets not get off topic
“ok,, okay, first of all, u could've just held my hand without asking? we’re dating? you don't need my permission to do smth we do everyday?? and, more importantly, who taught u that line u just used???”
u said half wheezing, half talking, struggling to convey wtv ur trying to say to ur bf.
lucky for u, he was strangely able to understand what u were saying, and he replies with a lengthy explanation of the entire situation. 
“ooo, so that's why noya, tanaka and kageyama have been following us,,”
as u left to go in ur house, he stops u by holding ur hand and gives u a peck on ur forehead. 
as he separates from u, he had the biggest smile plastered on his face, brightening the entire neighbourhood.
“goodnight y/n! i love you!”
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kageyama tobio
erm, lbr this man would have 0 ideas in the field of flirting.
knowing this, our lovely 2nd year duo, decide its time for them to step in and help their junior in his dating life
despite it flowing extremely smoothly w/out their intervention
n e ways, so they forced the 1st years to play truth and dare w them.
when it finally came to tobio’s turn, the unfortunate child unknowingly picks dare which causes nishinoya to spring up.
“i have the perfect dare for you.”
commencing plan...
so nishinoya dares kageyama to say a pickup line to you, but since kageyamas a big baby in disguise, he dk any pickup lines.
bet he didn't even know any pickup lines, but that's not the point. 
so, being the mastermind he is, nishinoya told kageyama a perverted pickup line.
being the clueless innocent baby he is, kageyama decides to recite the pickup line he received from noya to u outside ur class.
“hey y/n,”
“do you like dragons?”
“eh? why the sudden question? i guess so?”
“cuz i can see me dragon my balls on ur face.”
what the fuck.
it was like god hit the pause button on earth, like literally everyone just paused for a literal second, turning their head towards kageyama, trying to figure out who tf was the brave soul who said that. 
while still in shock, kageyama just stood there confused, as he was suddenly placed in the centre of attention for no reason. o there's a reason honey, a very good one.
“why's everyone looking at me,”
with that one sentence, the world went back to normal as if someone had hit the play button all of the sudden, leaving u to deal with the weirdly awkward situation u found urself in. 
“ummm... tobio.. do u have any idea what u just said.”
“uhh yeah, a pickup line.” 
at that moment, when he said that, it hit u.
“what did they do.”
“huh, what are u talking about??”
*insert confused kags*
“nishinoya and tanaka told u to do something right?”
“r u a psychic???”
despite being amazed at ur ‘psychic powers’, he immediately explains the situation, causing u to face palm so much ur face may be concave.
there are times where u appreciate ur dumbass bf being a ignorant qt, but times like this makes u wish he was a tad bit smarter.. 
debating ur options, u decided to explain the meaning of the pickup line he just used on u in public.
once hearing and understanding the meaning of the pickup line he used on u, his face lit up like a matchstick, shining bright red, stuttering madly, struggling to get even a word out.
“oh, um, well, im sorry for saying smtg so indecent to u in public, um ill make it up to u somehow,”
understanding him was a struggle due to the severe stuttering he was suffering from, but u managed somehow.
“nahhh, its cool, i should go lecture nishinoya for corrupting my precious baby though~~”
“hehe, yes ur my baby <3″
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tsukishima kei
ugh this salty ass mfcker
honestly can't imagine him being forced into using a pickup line on his s/o
cuz, despite hw much we try to deny it, he is one smart mfcker,,,
but i think he would be curious how his s/o will react, so he would do it on his own will anyways.
umm, so this is how the situation went down.
it was another boring day, and the 2nd year duo was having none of that and decided too ensue a game of truth and dare with the 1st years.
this was how the c h a o s started.
he was trying to leave the game discreetly before he had to sell his soul to the devil. 
unfortunately for him, lady luck was not on his side, as he was chosen to do the next dare. 
“but wait a fucking minute, when the fuck did this become a game of dare or dare, when tf did freedom of choice decide to fuck off like that?”
plot convenience
so he was forced into a dare. 
the moment of dread came when tanaka stood up shouting he had a brilliant idea. and it all went downhill from there.
so tanaka dared tsukki to use a pickup line on his s/o. and his first reaction was no. 
“o come on, u never do anything romantic, i bet u haven't even held hands, sometimes i wonder how y/n’s still with u.”
“says the person who has never dated.”
tanaka shut ups. 
so somehow, he managed to get himself out of the situation. 
later that night, he couldn't stop thinking about pickup lines. he almost spent the whole night thinking about ur reaction. cuz volleyball is just a club, am i right..
he decided to use a pickup line on u tmrw, just to see ur reaction, not like he wants to use one, lmao that's lame, haha. a fucking tsundere.
the next day, during lunch, he left yams with the 1st year duo to go find u.
when he saw u, he immediately calls u. 
“hey, where's yams, u didn't tell me u wanted to eat with me today,”
“nah, i just had something to tell u.”
at this moment, tsukishimas heart was beating faster than ushijimas spikes.
“you know if u think about it we never stop tasting our tongues.”
“hmm, now that u said it ye--”
“how bout i taste urs for a change.”
since it was so unexpected, u had no idea how to react. 
as u returned to reality, u notice a slight pink on his cheeks.
u were gonna come back with a snarky comment, since it was rare he was so vulnerable(?) 
but ur plans were ruined when he glanced at u making eye contact, to check ur reaction. 
ur face bursts into the brightest red, hes ever seen. 
seeing ur extremely delayed reaction, he lets out a laugh, but immediately recollects himself. 
“it was a dare from tanaka.”
you were still bright red, but u felt the blush on ur face reducing after hearing the reasoning behind the line. 
“oh, haha, i was wondering what's up”
u said slightly dejectedly. 
he felt like he was just punched in the gut by guilt. 
“i was also curious about ur reaction, and i am satisfied to say the least.”
he leans down to ur height to whisper in ur ear, before initiating the kiss. 
ur blush returns almost immediately as u returned the kiss.
since yall were in school, he separed from the kiss after a few seconds. this is a place for knowledge, y'all nasties.
“welp, bye loser,”
after the kiss, he immediately return to yamaguchi, leaving u alone with ur thoughts. trying to escape from embarrassment.
he may be equal to the condiment on ur kitchen cupboard, but he still tries to make u happy, so appreaciate him and his efforts <3
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yamaguchi tadashi
a babie uwuwuwu
pickup line what's that? hehe omf he's so cute
so how this about to go down. 
so truth and dare bla bla bla... ive written this exact thing 3 times please excuse my behaviour.
since he was bored, yamaguchi forced tsukki to join in on the fun together, a decision he would regret. 
soon it became yamaguchi’s turn, and everyone turned quiet due to the lack of dares they had or yamaguchi.
that was until the one and only nishinoya stood up. 
“hEY, u have a s/o right, how about u use a cheesy pickup line on her!!” *eyebrow raise*
while processing what nishinoya just said, yamaguchi’s face morphed into one of dread and fear, as he turns his head to tsukishima for help.
“u dragged us into this mess, i aint helping u.”
and there goes his only help, well it was his fault in the first place dragging him and his best friend into this mess. tsukishima u tsundere.
yamaguchi was on the verge of tears, thinking of excuses and ways he could get out of the god forbidden situation he brought upon himself. 
but the only thing he could think of was the worst case scenario, which was u breaking up with him.
looking at his senpais, he slowly faces the fact that there's no escape and accepts his fate. 
if this is the cause of the end of ur relationship together, it just means the gods don't want y'all together.
“idk any pickup lines....” 
this was his last attempt of escaping as he bids ur relationship farewell, already aware it was not gonna work. 
“thiS IS WHERE I COME IN, don't worry yamaguchi i am the encyclopaedia of pickup lines.”
ofc his senpais would know the cheesiest lines on the surface of this earth. despite insisting the earth is flat.
and so the dreadful event began. 
after school ended, otw to his club, he met up with u. with his senpais trailing behind stalking y'all, to see ur reaction.
“ugh out of all the pickup lines, they had to make me use the most overused one... im gonna cry,,, y/n i hope u don't leave me after this.”
well here goes nothing...
“hey y/n,,” extreme stutters that im too lazy to type out.
“k-k-kiss me if im wrong,,, b-but dinosaurs still exist right?”
before he could even cringe at himself, u gave him a peck on his lips while smirking afterwards. 
yamaguchi proceeds to poof into redness after processing what had just happen, as u laugh maniacally in the background.
“u could've just asked for one, and tsukishima already told me everything so u don't need to explain,"
yamaguchi did not have the brain power to comprehend the situation at hand, as he was still affected from the kiss from earlier.
“i can't believe u think i would breakup with u because of something so trivial.. im kinda upset..”
finally coming back to reality, yamaguchi finally realises the situation he's in. 
“o-oh, i didn't mean to make it seem like i didn't believe in our relationship, its just that w--”
he gets cut off by u kissing him again.
when u separate, u began to laugh again. 
“hAHAHHA, ikik, i was just joking around, don't worry ill love u no matter what, now off u go to ur club ill see u tmrw.”
not knowing what to do or how to react, yamaguchi felt the need to do smtg before u left. 
“i love u, ill call u later tonight!”
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transheadcrab · 4 years
📌 🎥💕🏳‍🌈 for hlvrai and 💎 for theatre history!
🥺🥺🥺 !!!!! thank u,.,.,. oghgo,.,. yes,.,. im cracking my knuckles as we speak
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
my girlfriend told me about hlvrai !!! for a while like for some reason i got it in my head that it was like ? a horror thing? and i was Wary about it bc Im Sensitive BUT then i saw som reblogs and i was like,., okay,.. but i dont kno if im gonna like it,.,. and now look at me. now im the clown
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
i think like. most favorite scene is probably dr. coomer’s “every time you go to sleep I can feel my body getting torn apart, atom by atom” monologue bc i remember first watching it and THAT was the moment where i was like. shit. this is serious business. like i remember physically sitting up a little straighter and paying attention deeper bc i was like. this isnt just a one off joke this is like. For Real. so that scene has a special place in my heart just 4 how raw it was first viewing
and then i think. top ten funnie momence favorite scene would probably be darnold’s mixology dept. scene. darnold is so fucking funny like i know gordon’s The Straight Man in the comedy line up but darnold just takes it to a whole new level. his whole “you... you disrespected my potions” monologue is. perfection. i WISH i could write comedy like that. its jsut the perfect culmination of all the whacky stuff thats already been happening in the scene and darnold is just so normal about it. comedy masterclass
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
i lov dr coomer,.., old bi trans man who is So So Strong And Powerful rights., i also just lov his character development i could talk abt holly’s sense of pacing, nonetheless pacing in improv for 30 years but i will jsut say dr. coomer is one of my most favorite characters in th series and i lov him hes grandpa
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
nobody is cishet,.,. not a cishet in sight,.,. inner peace.,, and absolutely nobody is neurotypical. 
as for like. specific headcanons that r important to me. i mean. i hav already discussed bi trans dr. coomer bc i lvoe him and its just. :-) 
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
theatre history fact time.,,. oghgohg i dont even kno where to BEGIN,. but ! heres something,, the term “cliffhanger” comes from 1790s-1840s theatre !! it was used a lot in parisian and american theatre, where the idea of a melodrama (and also theres something 2 b said about paris & america both post-revolution and both deciding Okay Its Time To Write Melodrama Now) was starting to emerge, and plays would literally end w/ the protagonist/someone important to the protagonist hanging off of a cliff. the term got extended to other Very Climatic And Unsure Endings but thats where we get the word !!
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losangelesvalorant · 5 years
interesting things from tactical crouch’s interview w toronto assistant coach/analyst barroi on 1/19
barroi talks about why the team failed last year, the atmosphere/coaching of the new team, beast and nevix and why he believes in them, and the meta. [link to the full podcast]
on why the team failed last year
team atmosphere was biggest problem which lead to stellar retiring, tried to "better" atmosphere by trading envy to shanghai. going mixed roster didnt improve atmosphere and it just spiraled
Said toronto was beating everyone in scrims in stage 1, barroi thought they were a 4th place team and just got unlucky w getting shock in playoffs. Emphasized this several times during the podcast
team wasnt built for atmosphere, "long-term sustainability," was built to perform well but exploded "sooner than expected" and they HAD to make changes which was where they made bad decisions and it spiraled.
biggest thing he learned was coaching was all abt psychology, keeping morale up, small things to do to keep everything working, learned its HUGELY important
last season toronto's structure wasnt as great as it is this year
barroi was part of the roster building, thinks building a roster the way they did will always fail
implied toronto scrimmed way way too much last year and burned everybody out
noted specifically that ivy was nervous onstage even in later games
on the new team’s atmosphere/chemistry:
new team made for morale and high team atmosphere, all personalities will mesh well. that was the most important thing and its been working insanely well. everyones not best friends but its working well. 
happy with the players and environment they have, thinks adding an extra element might disturb that not in current plans to add anyone else. they are thinking abt contingency plans tho, have plans in case of emergencies
some competitiveness in the roster, but not a high level. Doesnt like the idea of an a and b roster bc every day is a high pressure environment where the better squad will start
Toronto scrims 2 blocks a day 6 days a week. do 3 blocks sometimes but not every day. def lower than highest hours of scrims in the league since some teams do 3 blocks a day.
when asked if fefe drives the coaches/players differently responded with "YES." 
fefe is rly good at motivating people, rly knows how to "get to people." may not be the biggest brain but knows his stuff and knows how to create a good environment. "hell of a difference" compared to last season (sounds like drama w bishop to me!)
everyone in coaching staff has their own role, like a venn diagram, bc of how specific their structure is. everything is really efficient
there's never been any discipline things on toronto yet, theres rules for scrims but no ones broken any of them yet
doesnt think toronto is gonna be a top 5 team. thinks maintaining a top roster + taking team psychology into account is very difficult
its possible that toronto could hit a really high high, but its a low possibility
last season barroi was worried abt pressure on stage bc everyone was silent, atmosphere was different, is not at all worried now. thinks the team drives itself very well, points to kariv and beast as motivators and nevix and logix as people who will never perform bad under pressure
on beast and nevix
beast is a huge motivator and a really fun guy for the team, keeping the team atmosphere up. has a huge competitive drive, learns REALLY fast and takes any and all feedback. theyre putting more and more emphasis on beast's role and more responsiblities bc theyre really satisfied w how he performs and learns. thinks beast is a very good pick for them
people on roster were chosen for specific reasons, beast was chosen bc he's super competitive. 
beast is kind of person where having a backup mt would motivate him even more, he wouldnt shut down if he was benched he would fight for the starting spot
nevix is "not the best player in the world" (in response to reddit saying he is the best player in the world). has been a good asset to the team, goes to the coaches/teammates most w questions. rly wants to prove himself
on the meta
in scrims sometimes offtank plays orisa now since mt is playing something else
"2 big archetypes" everyone is running in scrims. poke and rush comps. rush is reaper/mei/orisa/rein/lucio moira/bap. poke is mei hanzo, dif flex sups, orisa, no lucio. variation within those comps but its only those 2. the comps play very differently despite having similar heroes bc of dif win conditions and styles. poke is map dependant, wins over rush when speedboost cant close gap fast enough. theres not a core meta comp thats as ridiculous as goats, tho rush is similar to goats. 
teams playing junk, widow, probably double sniper, more diverse than past but again 2 archetypes of comps. running one or the other is very team/style dependant, for instance shock is probably sticking to rush and nyxl is probably sticking to poke based on their histories. wont talk abt what toronto runs
dive is map dependant, not smth you want to do all the time bc the other two comps are very good, rush is a natural counter to dive. doesnt sound like hes scrimmed dive comps often. sees dive having a place and being good at times but thinks its very team and map dependant. map and team both have to be good for it for it to work. dive is not the third archetype. if you have a good sombra vs poke, dive could work but was kinda like /shrug
havent scrimmed any teams in asia, which makes sense
thinks this season is exciting bc of scrim bubbles, nobody knows whats happening on other regions. each bubble conforms to one thing, may be different may not be, one may be superior but nobodys gonna know til they play each other.
yiska thinks theres gonna be some wild meta diversity since some teams have long breaks and can afford to grind out new comps, also bc there will be patches
misc things i thought were worth including
theres a german player coming to owl who hasnt been announced
apparently not a lot of other teams have that kind of good structure. Also mentioned that toronto’s scrimming outlaws
yiska brought up the csgo(?) team moscow 5 as an example of how the best teams can crumble completely and become bad under the stress of travel
roky is the person who grinds ranked most on the team, nevix is 2nd
barroi thinks defiant will place better than 13 (in response to tactical crouch thinking theyll place 13th), things would have to go “seriously wrong” for them to place lower. Thinks theyll have a strong first half and is sure if they do that the 2nd half will be even better. Convinced theyll at least make playins
barroi thinks chengdu will do fairly well especially w the scrim bubbles. Thinks they’ll be one place below defiant maybe. 
difference between coaching completely mixed roster and a 1 language roster, dont have to put as much emphasis on making sure everyone understands each other. depends mainly on the philosophy of the head coach, which changed so its different. probably the same without the head coach factor tho
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