#but it's so silly to me that people can't also see the us isn't running this show
steakout-05 · 6 months
eeuuaghh i would like everyone to know that i apologise if i have not responded to your reblogs/mentions/posts on tumblr, i have really terrible social anxiety and for some reason people talking to me makes my nervous system think i'm being hunted for sport by a resident evil boss. sorry if i havent responded i'm not being rude i'm just having a panic attack :P
additionally: social anxiety is actually the reason why a lot of my old posts from late 2022 had weird spacing and spelling mistakes. i was too anxious to type properly
#sorry this seems like a random thing to post but it has been bugging me for a little bit now and i want to post it#and by a little bit i mean the entire time i've been on this website#as for the reason i have social anxiety: i went to a really terrible high school full of dangerous people-#-who were literally like. the worst most bigoted people ever. not everyone there was bad of course but 90% of them were-#-and that stunted by social development by 5-6 years and now every time someone talks to me i feel like i'm about to get murdered#also primary school was. bad. the other kids could sniff out the autism in me and didn't like me for it#this post isn't directed towards anyone specifically but also it kinda is because there's a DM from someone-#-that i haven't responded to in literally 8 months and every time i think about it i get anxious#i'm sorry!!! i'm not trying to ignore you on purpose and i want to say something but my brain literally will not let me out of fear :(#i'm not used to getting talked to directly so every time i do my entire nervous system starts screaming and running in circles#it's kinda ridiculous because it's like. come on. why are you having a panic attack over a message on tumblr it's LITERALLY just words on-#-a screen what are you freaking out about. but also it's like hhhhh unfamiliar social situation scary. help.#unrelated to that but i am very worried about what people will think of me and like i know i really shouldn't worry about that-#-because i can't control what other people think of me and it really shouldn't be any of my or their business. but also-#-i have legitimate trauma that backs my fears up and every time someone is even slightly critical towards me my brain just goes-#-''see? it happened again i TOLD you it would happen again. idiot. you shouldn't have said anything''#and then i hide and cry and lay in bed thinking about how i'm going to die until i suddenly snap out of it and think-#-''wait hang on why should i care. i love being a weirdo on the internet why should i let my anxieties stop me''#and then it happens AGAIN and it's just a viscous cycle at that point#be silly on the internet -> detect slight criticism -> think everyone hates you again -> go back on your bullshit after 3 days of crying#and it makes sense because that exact same pattern happened to me countless times as a child.#be silly in school -> get made fun of for it -> get hated for it -> rinse and repeat until you think everyone is dangerous and they hate yo#if i could put it in a metaphor it would be like me being a little rabbit who thinks everyone is a scary wolf because of their big shadows-#-even though they're all also rabbits and i'm just paying attention to the scariest parts of them because i only know what wolves look like#trauma does fucked up things to your psyche lemmie tell you#social anxiety#anxiety disorder#i'm literally the ''too scared to order food'' stereotype except it's not a stereotype because it's real and every time i look at the 7/11-#-at my campus i go ''hm but what if they hate me for the food i buy there'' even though they're LITERALLY SELLING IT what is WRONG with me#anyway um. social anxiety sucks and i don't mean to not reply ro everyone who talks to me i am sorr y
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ardentperfidy · 9 months
#it's both kind of funny and genuinely shocking#how many self proclaimed leftists there are i see on here and social media more broadly#who nonetheless wholeheartedly buy in to this almost fukuyama-n sense of american power#this stated or implied sense that if american elites wanted something to happen in the world it would happen#and look to be clear i disagree wholeheartedly with biden's handling of the ongoing genocide in palestine right now#it's clear that the US does have plenty of leverage it could be using and isn't#but it's so silly to me that people can't also see the us isn't running this show#instead like. the us is a declining imperial power#that's already shown it can't reliably project sufficient power to secure its preferred policies in the middle east#and it now has an unruly fascist-trending semi-client state armed with nuclear weapons#with substantial cultural and financial influence on us domestic politics#and the aspiring fascist leader of which has made sure to maintain significant ties with other far-right/fascist leaders like putin#and when the us has given the SMALLEST amount of pushback israeli officials have just straight up refused and contradicted it#that's why you've got israeli ambassadors giving interviews just fully admitting there will be no two state solution#biden administration pushes for timelines and bibi goes on tv and says nah#i fear we rightfully critiqued the lack of ethics in realpolitik and then forgot to inject a sense of reality into a politics based on ethi#*ethics#anyway rant over will probably delete later
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manikas-whims · 30 days
hello i love your headcanons and was wondering if you could add sylus in some of your older ones? i was reading the "LADS men react to you dating a toxic partner" (it wasnt the title i forgot sorry) and was wondering how sylus would react. i would love it so much if you could add sylus headcanons to some of your previous ones. thankyou so much, your posts make my day🎀💓
i got you dear ♡ i’ll add Sylus to all my older HCs slowly in various posts I'll try to make throughout the coming week :)
thanks for reading my silly lil HCs ♡ hope you like this!
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Sylus’s reaction to you dating someone who later on mistreats you
🐦‍⬛ He's actually quite surprised when he finds out you're dating because he genuinely believed whatever him and you had going on was far more than just being close associates. So the idea of you seeing someone else kinda shakes him off his game for a while. Luke and Keiran can see it in the way he acts— slightly distracted during serious business meetings and even when a gang war breaks out.
🐦‍⬛ He isn't the type to get jealous but he will openly express his dislike for this person. Now he may not be a saint but it feels insulting to him that you'd rather date someone else when he can give you the world if you so much as ask.
🐦‍⬛ And he will be displeased every time you come up to him for a favor with your work or anything else, saying things like, “Oh, so now you need me? I thought you'd completely cut ties with my kind.”
🐦‍⬛ If this person ever hurts you emotionally or physically, then they better start counting their breaths cause they won't be spared many.
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Sylus may not like this person you're dating but he's decent enough to respect your boundaries. And it would've stayed that way. He wouldn't have involved himself in your personal matters at all until Mephisto, (whom he had still left to watch over you) catches this person yelling at you one evening.
The sight is enough to make Sylus drop whatever work he's been swarmed with.
It doesn't take him long to arrive at the residential area you reside in. He stops his bike and teleports right over to your apartment. In an instant, he's standing between you and this person, the smoky red wisps of his evol holding this person by their neck.
“Is this your type?” Sylus asks, his crimson eyes glowering at this person. “I’m truly disappointed in your taste, Miss Hunter.”
You watch with dread as the fingers of his right hand curl into a fist, his arm poised to throw a punch. And though you appreciate the gesture, you can't let him proceed with this. You have seen him in action enough times to know how strong those fists are. You know that using said fists to hurt someone would only get him in more trouble. And you definitely wouldn't want that because even if you stubbornly refuse to say it out loud, you've grown quite attached to him.
“Sylus stop!” You yell.
As expected, he does not.
But right before his fist can collide with the person's face, Sylus blinks. He can feel the amount of strength you're exerting as you hold onto his arm to keep him in place. To keep him from hurting this person who broke not just your heart but also your trust.
He doesn't glance at you but scoffs. “Even now you defend them. Why?”
“I’m not defending them.” You say. “I just think it's beneath the leader of Onichynus to be wasting time on such people.”
He scoffs again. “You’re not wrong about that, Sweetheart.”
His evol lets go of this person's neck, and he gestures with his chin towards the door. “Get lost.”
They immediately run off.
Seeing that, your own fingers slowly loosen their grip on Sylus’s arm but he grabs hold of your hand before you can completely let go.
“Let’s go for a ride.” He suggests.
And you find yourself smiling for the first time in a while. “Where are we going?”
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opiopal · 1 month
random mc stuff that I dont want to be their own post so HERE WE GO.(a lot if not most of theses are cracked out lmao)
imagine an Mc who noticed certain dirty things in the HOL and REALLY wanted to something about it but couldn't cause they were still a stranger. so once all the pacts are made Mc immediately goes around the HOL and attacks all the spots that bug them.. and isn't afraid to vocalize their complaints. "lucifer, when was the last time you guys washed these curtains?? you know what, don't answer that, I can already tell that the last time these were washed I hadn't even been born yet." "who is in charge of sweeping?? there is so much dirt under these rugs!! common guys, seriously???" "Mammon, Levi, twins.. I love you guys SO much.. this is commmon knowledge at this point... but cleaning your pillow cases is NOT enough you NEED to also wash the pillow itself. you guys are gross. gather up your pillows we're doing a soak." "beel. come here and lift me up. I'm dusting the chandelier." "Lucifer, I do not CARE if you're working right now your shelves are littered with dust. either ignore me or go take a break because I'm not leaving."
once during breakfast the brothers could hear cerberus growling and grumbling in the basement, it was annoying but they were trying to ignore it until they realized Mc wasn't at the table.... which of course once it was pointed out they all rushed to the basement.. only to find cerberus laying on its back and Mc sitting above it and quickly rubbing and scratching under each heads chins while going "good boys!!!! good puppy!!!!" and cerberus very happily whining and grumbling with their tail thumping on the ground. when they manage to get Mc away from the silly, the only explanation mc gives it "there is a massive three headed dog that lives in the basement and is feared by 6 out of the 7 men who live here, how could I NOT pet them??? clearly no one but lucifer does!!"
imagine an Mc who is a selective mute, and normally communicates through ASL and notes. the first time they talk is after knowing the brothers for a GOOD amount of time, and its not a sweet wholesome moment no no. Mc comes home with Lucifer after they finished running errands, and the HOL had been: flooded by levi summoning lotan, the living room had been torn up by satan, the kitchen was in pieces because beel got hangry, asmo had joined in on the chaos after his bedroom got damaged as well, mammon was struggling to keep everyone together, and belphie was sleeping on a chandelier. of couse it dies down the moment they all see lucifer and mc got home, and before lucifer could say anything Mc threw their ars up and went "guys what the FUCK we've hardly been gone for an hour!!" of course all the chaos is forgotten for a second and replaced by multiple "YOUCANTALK?!"s, which then shock and amazement turned to shame as they realize the first time they were graced by Mc's voice was because they were being idiots and Mc was upset at them.
imagine an Mc who isn't really used to people caring all that much about them, and finds it very odd that the brothers+other characters care so much. so once their birthday comes around its turned into a birthday WEEK because Mc is being gifted things and being taken out everyday until their actual birthday, which BAFFLES them, so when their birthday comes its a huge event, Dia hosts the party at his castle, there are so many presents you'd think it would be for a family of 18 on christmas day. and when Mc is sat infront of their cake they can't help but suddenly start crying, while everyone is panicking the only thing Mc can say is "I-*hic*- love you guys so much!!" once they realized it was happy tears there was much less panic, and it was forgotten about for the rest of the evening.
You guys remember my post about pacts marks and Mc feeling a demons sin really strongly after making a pact with them??? well this relates to that. imagine if mc feels something strongly that sin kind of takes over for a while until mc is satisfied (asmo enjoyers do what you want with that info), so imagine: theres just a day were Mc doesn't get the chance to eat, first they slept in and just had to rush to RAD, then they had to skip lunch because they agreed to help a few clubs with advertising and projects, then they had to stay after for a student council meeting, then, just as they think they can maybe grab a snack they get held up again, by the time everyone is going home all the brothers can sense Mc's aggression, half way to the HOL lucifer says that they should just go eat at hells kitchen. so they're all seated, and the second Mc's food gets out they dont even bother with utensils, they just grab their food with their bare hands and eat like they're a starved dog. of course the brothers are concerned as to why they're acting like this, and mammon reaches to put a hand on Mc's shoulder as he says "hey- are you ok-" but he cant even finish talking before Mc jerks their head and nearly takes a few of his fingers off, though they dont bite him cause he moves away fast enough with a "EEP" and Mc's teeth loudly click together. so from then on the brothers make sure that Mc is able to eat something throughout the day if their schedule is packed to reduce the risk of losing fingers. honorable mention is Mc getting praised to much one day that the amount of pride they feel almost puts lucifer into a coma.(satan and belphie sometimes praise Mc a bunch to distract lucifer while he's working, another cheeky win for the anti lucifer league)
imagine an Mc who gets so over protective of the brothers, like CRAZY protective. there is a point were they hear someone talking SHIT about their found family trope, so ofc the reasonable reaction is to tackle the demon down to the ground and almost bite their ear off like some sort of rabid raccoon. another time Mc squares up with some sort of magical mythical beast in protection of the brothers, almost won and would have if the brothers didn't stop them.
imagine an Mc who is very introverted and is secretly a fanfic writer, so one day levi and Mc are hanging out, he's just rambling about whatever, until he eventually mentions that a fic he was reading hasn't gotten updated in a while and ist just so frustrating to him. when Mc asks which fic he was reading, he pull it up and shows them... which Mc realizes thats THEIR fic... and outloud without thinking they mumble "oohh I forgot about that one..." and levi freaks out and immediately is questioning what they mean by that. which they eventually have to admit it.
Imagine a little kid Mc, I mean like, LITTLE, as in like 7-8 yr. and they are just such a sweeite, and they work so hard. but I can also imagine that when they're first sent there and the introductions are happening, when lucifer introduces himself Mc immediately interupts and goes "lucifer?? like the cat from Cinderella?:0" and then ofc when mammon is assigned to take care of the child he is a lot nicer at first, I wouldn't be surprised if having Mc around reminded him of his younger siblings when they were that small,(yes I am a believer of the brothers being at least little kids at some point in their angel lives) but then eventually gets Mc to go along with a few schemes, which they both have fun cause really it just turns into bonding. then ofc asmo adores this little creature and has little dress up parties and helps Mc get ready for school in the morning so they always look their best!! lucifer gave him permission for this since he agrees that Mc should look put together despite being a child. I still think it takes a while for the brothers to warm up fully to Mc, but it goes by a lot faster since mc quickly becomes their new little sibling. I think it would be cute if what won over lucifer is Mc coming into his office at some point, saying that they have something for him, and gives him a drawing, lucifer ends up scooping them up to sit with him and they explain what they drew, and its mc and all the brothers:( that drawing is almost immediately framed and put up where everyone can see it.
thats all for now, but I have a LOT of Mc what if's and imagines, my fingers hurt from typing now lol.
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franzivonkarma · 7 months
I desperately need people to understand that Franziska's whipping thing really isn't solely a silly character gimmick. Of course it is to a degree, just like Godot and coffee and Klavier and air guitar in court, but so often I see people dismiss Franziska's whipping trait as an annoying feature that adds nothing to her character and I cannot stand it. This is a bit of a rant and I touch on gender inequality and the way I see a lot of men treat her as a character a decent amount within this because I feel like the fact that she is a woman is actually very important to this element of her character, and her treatment is also a lot of the reason why I feel compelled to talk about this in the first place.
Firstly what you need to understand is that not only is Franziska a woman, she is also laughably young when she becomes a prosecutor. She's a 13 year old girl trying to hold the attention of a courtroom of mostly grown men and be taken seriously. It's no secret that misogyny does exist in the Ace Attorney universe of course (see: Godot), but aside from this, maybe it's just because I've been playing Ace Attorney Investigations recently, but she is just very small all around. It's a running gag in Turnabout Reminiscence that she is short, she's small, she can't see things Edgeworth can - although granted Edgeworth is definitely fairly tall, most estimates I've seen linger around 5'8-5'10 (around 170-180cm). And of course, she is only 13 here, she's not done growing, but it's at this age that she actually did begin to prosecute. Naturally, she'd often be underestimated, and we can see a strong desire to prove herself during Turnabout Reminiscence, even just to her father; I can only imagine that this would extend further into her trials as a young girl. Secondly, she's the daughter of Manfred von Karma, whom she idolises to a godlike status and who teaches her everything she knows about prosecuting, and also a lot about life in general - he's her father. There's a lot I could say about their dynamic, but I feel that much of it doesn't need to be said in this specific post if you're already here dedicated to Franziska enough to bother reading this post.
Manfred's courtroom (and often, regular) behaviour revolves a lot around him taking complete control of the entire courtroom, with him even speaking over the judge, overruling objections he does not like and sustaining his own, and instructing witnesses himself. He also often snaps his fingers to direct attention to himself and his point. Franziska learns this, but how does a literal 13 year old girl follow her father in this regard? Well, by force. Whipping someone is a very clear way to get their attention. Not only the person it hits but the people around - whips cracking are loud, they take up a lot of visual space, and they also obviously cause harm to the person they hit. These are all things you can't really ignore - it forces you to look at her and pay attention to her and gives her control of the room exactly like Manfred. I've also been thinking a lot about the end of Justice For All in relation to this. She's lost to Phoenix multiple times and she couldn't beat him even once just to prove that she was better than Edgeworth as she so desperately wanted to. This brings me to another point about her use of her whip. While I think control is a huge aspect and is my main focus here, I think it falls more under the umbrella of Franziska's own perceived shortcomings. We also know that she doesn't believe she lives up to her father's genius, and that she consistently feels like she's walking in Edgeworth's shadow, she says it herself:
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I think at least some part of the reason her whip is so important is because she believes she could very well be less than equal to others in the room in terms of certain traits. She sees her father as a genius, knows she isn't equal to him, and internalises this (whether she is actually less intelligent or not I personally don't know what I believe, I haven't played Justice For All in over a year and a half and I would have to replay it to decide my thoughts).
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In having to be perfect, there are many expectations she cannot live up to, and this leads to many ways in which she falls short of what she believes she should be. By using her whip, again, she can account for her perceived shortcomings in other areas - control, her intelligence, her ability as a prosecutor. I think this last scene of JFA actually introduces us to the idea that Franziska is somewhat self-doubting in some ways and compares herself a lot with others, not just Manfred, but also Edgeworth, which we see more of in Ace Attorney Investigations during Turnabout Reminiscence, where we see her at 13 attempting to prove that she can "out-logic" Edgeworth for the entire case, and essentially, that she is "more perfect" than he is.
But to come back to her whip, control, and the end of Justice For All.
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She is left with little of who she was before and doesn't know how to move on - everything she was taught to be from the moment she was born, she no longer is. She is 18 here, prosecuting for 5 years already and desperate to be prosecuting for even longer. As far as her life was set out, this was basically it for her - become a perfect prosecutor and prosecute perfectly just like Manfred - the ideal prosecutor in her eyes.
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A Von Karma is perfect, but she is not - she lost, just like Edgeworth, whom she shamed for the same thing. She gives up her whip here, and I feel that it's truly symbolic of how she feels like she's completely lost control of herself, her life, her relationship with her father and most obviously her occupation as a prosecutor. How could she continue being a prosecutor when she no longer lives up to the idea of it that she's had her entire life? What use is her whip if she will not need to hold the court's attention any longer?
I'm sure a million other people have thrown their coin in the pot on this exact topic, and I'm sure many have said the same thing as me and many have said something different, but I needed to write my thoughts out about it because I couldn't stop thinking about her. This is one big reason why I feel like I see a lot of men who don't understand Franziska and see her as very annoying, gimmicky, and my least favourite - a "female Edgeworth." She is a woman who steals attention and space forcibly; both from characters in-game, and also from the player with her animations that take up time in trials and a lot of the visual space. Of course this makes her unpopular with a lot of men. I'm not saying that if you dislike her or the whip it comes from a place of misogyny, I am saying that I think her whipping trait is reduced to a stupid, annoying gimmick more than, say, Godot and his coffee, because a lot of people don't really care to see that there is intention behind it that reveals a lot about her character, just like how Godot's coffee problem is relevant to his backstory.
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hi!!! i just started tgcf recently and i LOVE IT😭(don’t worry about spoilers, i already researched all that happens LOL)
can i request headcanons on san lang/hua cheng x xie lian x male reader (poly) who’s really bubbly, funny, and is always kind, and is overall just a sunshine! but in bed readers just a subby, babbling, crying mess, and praise really gets them going?
thank you!!! take care of yourself :)
Sunshine headcanons
Hua Cheng x M!reader x Xie Lian
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Of course you can and tyy🖤 bear with me as I may not be very good with smut yet but Imma try for you🫵😚🖤 headcanons also terrify me. I don't want to mischaracterize them. It keeps me up at night 😭 so if it's slightly out of character. That's my bad. Like especially if the smut is out of character bro😭
Sunshine headcanons part two
You've always been bubbly, it's in your nature. Hua Cheng and Xie Lian love you for it. They love to see their lover smiling and happy and they wouldn't dare let someone be a threat to your happiness.
Xie Lian also has a very sunshine personality so the both of you in one room may make Hua Cheng blind in his other eye by how bright it is
Hua Cheng is mischievous so of course he has plenty of silly jokes up his sleeves and it's his favorite past time to make you laugh. He'd do anything for the both of you if he could see you guys smile everyday.
He wishes you were more careful though. With that sunshine personality of yours, you go out of your way to be kind. Your kindness of course is why he loves you, but your kindness exceeds the normal amount someone should have.
It causes him and Xie Lian to worry about you.
What do you mean you almost got hit because you were in the road helping a turtle to the other side???
What do you mean you let someone lead you away to a secluded area because they needed help carrying something???(They did actually need help).
So that's why the three of you are always seen together. The two of them having to put you on some invisible leash so you don't wander off
More often than not though you end up dragging Xie Lian with you.
With the both of you being so kind and Xie Lian not having the ability to say no to you, you're able to get him to come with you during your little adventures of kindness.
Which leaves you and Xie Lian using Hua Cheng as "scary dog privileges".
Your welcoming presence is overshadowed by Hua cheng's scary aura. In fact people are quick to run the other way. Not that you've ever figured out why.
While Hua Cheng is very outwardly protective of the both of you and is a looking presence, Xie Lian is kinder but still protective.
On the off chance that Hua Cheng isn't with the two of you leaves Xie Lian to look after you. At first impression he's very kind and even let people run over him like he's a rug. Him and you are a different story.
Xie Lian would never stand by and let someone step on you like a rug. While he does prefer to talk things out, he knows how to fight if he needs to. You don't.
So you have two boyfriends that are also built in body guards good for you.
With you around you've taken over cooking. While Hua Cheng loves Xie Lian's cooking, you think he's blinded by love to actually see what he's eating.
You love Xie Lian you just don't want food poisoning, but you know Xie Lian enjoys cooking
So it's a very domestic image when the two of you are in the kitchen working together. Hua Cheng stands at the side watching the two of you bustle around.
There's three of you but it's never crowded. If Hua Cheng is supposed to be the moon and Xie Lian is supposed to be the sun, then you're their star and they love you to pieces.
Inside the bedroom is a different story though.
Hua Cheng is great in bed and often takes a dominant role, Xie Lian has no problem being obedient.
However with your addition they both team up on you. They can't help it really it's your own fault.
On the outside you're so sweet and kind. In bed you're just so fragile and obedient.
Hua Cheng likes to bully and tease you. Just a little bit. Which often leaves you a crying, babbling mess.
Xie Lian ever so kind, is your savior. Giving you little kisses, reassuring you, and getting Hua Cheng to behave himself. He knows damn well his attempts at stopping Hua Cheng are half-assed though.
You're just so submissive, willing to do anything you're told so they love to spoil you. Sometimes too much.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 8 months
howdy!! for the undertale gold au, i was wondering if we could see more of dalv? (or starlo, dalv and rover!! like the family portrait)
if not thats ok :) i just wanna see more of how these sillies work in the au
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TA-DA!! Finally, after days... UTG Dalv! I Am So Sorry.
Disclaimer Corn Yaoi IS canon in this AU and for those who don't like it. I am sorry HEHEKGHLF It's too late for me to go back and I thought it'd be funny to include it. Too embedded in the lore now
You find out Dalv's backstory not through recorded tapes, but through his diary! You know, how he has one in the Ruins? In turn, Chujin still records tapes.
I actually wrote Dalv's diary entries and will be leaving them under the cut so you can all get your dose of exposition, but I'll give a summary of it below the Diary Entries if you want a TLDR!
Also, I apologize if the writing isn't very good- I tried my best to keep Dalv's character and write out what happened, but I'd probably edit a couple details if I wasn't lazy LMAO
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Dalv and Starlo own a large farming area together where they grow crops for monsters to buy. They were given an opportunity to expand the farm, and their business by association, to the Snowdin area. Starlo was unable to meet with the people in Snowdin about it, so Dalv had to go. He was a bit nervous to do so, Chujin offered to join him! As long as he got to test out his latest project; Axis, a funny little robot. Rover, Dalv and Starlo's kid, also joined them! They wanted to visit Snowdin and play with Chujin's robot. Dalv and Chujin left Axis to watch and play with Rover while they had their meeting. But this is when danger struck. During the meeting, a human came through Snowdin and attacked Rover, even taking their hat. Despite Axis already chasing after the human and Chujin giving Dalv warnings, Dalv ran after the human as well to find his kid's hat.
Dalv did find the human... who was very injured after seemingly having had a run-in with Axis who was oddly nowhere to be found in that moment. When Dalv encountered in the human... something shifted in him. This human hurt his child, they could have taken them away... Seeing them... He felt angry. Without thinking, for reasons he can't really explain, he attacked the human and finished them off for good. In a panic, mortified at what he suddenly did, he stole the soul. He didn't want to admit it, even if this was what monsters were meant to do to humans. The soul was declared missing and Chujin was blamed; there was concern over how much damage Axis caused and the fact that he seemingly killed the human so brutally that he also destroyed the soul which they NEEDED.
Dalv decided he was going to try and use the soul for good and try to infuse its power into his crops! He thought if monsters ate them, they'd gain enough power to last against humans AND possibly bypass the barrier. He couldn't do this alone... So he ended up coming clean to Chujin about what happened. Chujin was VERY mad but figured if he helped, he could maybe get his job back. The two worked on the project and when sprouting their first soul infused crop, a cob of corn, Dalv offered to test it.
....It made him very sick.
When Dalv fell down, he had left a message to Starlo in his diary, telling him to read it after he died. He told Starlo to return the soul and shut down the project entirely. The farms are already in danger just for supposedly having some sort of illness in the crops that Dalv seemingly ate (a lie). But Starlo...... didn't listen. He felt bad that it didn't work out for Dalv and felt bad that he felt horrible about it. He wanted to do it for him. Carry on his legacy. Cling to what left he had of Dalv and what he was working on.
....But it was never meant to be.
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grey-sides · 7 months
Billy is not soft and he is rarely sweet. Gestures of affection often make him tense up before Steve can convince him to relax. There's fear and upset under all the layers of muscle and bark. Of Billy laughing at gifts, at himself for wanting them, for accepting them.
Steve is the same. Sometimes. He doesn't like to let people see when things hurt him. Comments, people brushing off his ideas, his jokes. So he gets Billy, even if he doesn't like to peel back each layer.
But even when it is rotten work, it's still worth it. Like spending hours practicing basketball to get just a little bit better. To make one extra basket or guard one more player.
It's worth the annoyance to see one extra smile. To feel Billy relax just a fraction more.
Steve buys a regular chocolate bar. Not because he's too late to buy a heart shaped box. But because you can't start out running five miles, you have to build up to it.
He also gets a sheet of stickers, peels off a few to decorate the chocolate. Leaves the rest for Robin because he knows she'll find a use for them.
He scribbles his name on it, in silver sharpie, blows over the letters until they dry.
Steve holds it between his fingers, grip loose so he doesn't melt it too much before he can hand it over to Billy. He steels himself, pushes the mushiness away for a minute. They'll get there.
Billy meets him at the quarry, throwing rocks into the water like he would rather be anywhere else. Still, Steve smiles and notices how he doesn't look nearly as tense as he had expected.
"Happy Valentine's Day," Steve says softly.
He smiles over at him, holding out the chocolate bar. A peace offering. A sweetheart's gift.
Billy's eyes flick down to it. His lips harden before Steve sees them deliberately relax. He takes a step back which...isn't what Steve wants, and turns to the car.
Steve shuffles forward, holding the chocolate out still. He watches Billy reach into his backseat. Steve swallows, dares not too hope. Billy has never been soft. Maybe medium firm sometimes.
He pulls out a heart shaped chocolate box. Shiny red because Billy will probably say pink is for girls. He holds it out, reaches for the chocolate bar.
Steve feels silly. Maybe he could have gotten one of those chocolate roses. Or a card to go with it.
But Billy smiles at the chocolate, brushes his thumb over Steve's name while Steve grabs the box.
"Happy Valentine's Day," Billy says quietly.
He puts the chocolate bar down, steps closer to Steve. He looks like he's working hard to be calm, to not spook and run off. Steve looks down at the box for a moment.
"I should have gotten you more," Steve replies. He shakes his head for a moment and looks back at Billy.
"Next year, yeah?" Billy offers. He still looks...nearly delighted. He reaches out and taps the box of chocolates. "And you can give me your praline chocolates."
Steve laughs, nods easy at that suggestion. He pries the lid off, glances at the guide to find one. He plucks it out, offers it to Billy.
His smile widens when Billy doesn't reach out with his fingers. Instead, Billy let's him feed him and Steve huffs a soft laugh.
He leans in once Billy has the chocolate in his mouth, eager for a kiss.
His lips are soft when Steve presses them together. And he tastes a little sweet from the chocolate. Baby steps. One mile to five.
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aaliyahhves · 4 months
F1 opinions that will probably get me cancelled
- Ever since christian horner case began , redbull has been going downhill , the team doesn't seem ready and United as they were last year , whether its in terms of performance or PR and it will probably keep deteriorating until redbull themselves make a decision regarding horner( i know they dismissed the case it still cost him his reputation and the team public favor ) , even though for the gp it seems to be over , people in the paddock still talk about this.
- Mercedes will likely be a mid tier team until the new regulations in 2026 (even though I'd like to see them in the front ) , toto shouldn't go for esteban or carlos this time , they'd be better off signing kimi or max , also I know we like to blame toto for everything , loosing lewis shouldn't be blamed on just him .
- The drivers currently on the grid that I see someday become world champions are charles leclerc and oscar piastri . Even though George rusell has potential , Mercedes are currently way too far from a championship winning car . I do think lando can win many races but he gets far too cocky the moment he starts performing well .
- Fred vasseur has brought an incredible amount of change at Ferrari, not only is the team more United, they all seem to be in a positive mood , fred brought out the silly in Ferrari management and now they make less mistakes on the track , he's signed lewis and multiple people from other teams . I'm praying Ferrari keeps performing the way they are now . During the binotto days , the team looked scattered and foolish with those shitty strategies . Sometimes a single person is the problem.
- Alpine team is absolute jokes , their PR is worse , idk who thought childhood rivals should be in the same team , no I'm not talking about them having track rivalry ( that rumor about their parents not even being allowed in the paddock at the same time ) , everyone knew they don't get along , why would you as a team risk that , I get that they couldn't sign oscar but this was literally a worse move on their part .
- Carlos should sign with alpine if redbull isn't signing him , he would have a lot more options if it wasn't for his father running his mouth and his ego . Esteban should probably take a break for a year since he can't stop fighting his own teammates . Daniel needs new PR managers and someone should probably teach him the difference between being misogynistic and funny . Yuki's good . Oscar's good . Lewis has stopped giving any fucks , max is enjoying himself and Charles seems healed .
- Kelly piquet is not a good person neither is her father , she's called out on every platform cause people know the problematic things she's done , some gossip pages are more focused on trying on invent new excuses they can use to hate Alexandra or lily , than they are on calling out the problematic wags .
Also this whole leo hate is so forced and so fucking annoying , that is a dog and people will rather hate on a literal puppy than get a life , whoever thinks they are woke while hating a dog cause you think it's PR should just stop consuming any media related to celebs and their lives .
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yokohamapound · 1 month
how ab head cannons of how good bsd men are at taking bras off like kinda ranking them ig
i have my own theories ab it so maybe we can compare them?
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My magnificent friend, @amostimprobabledream, is guest-posting on this one! She's the one who got me into BSD, so this blog is entirely her fault!
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edogawa Ranpo, Tanizaki Jun'ichiro, Kunikida Doppo, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Nakajima Atsushi, Edgar Allan Poe
Contents: Yiddies
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Dazai Osamu
The obvious winner here. The Pro. The champ.
Dazai is a slut, and when they aren't threatening him for not paying back his tab, he's perfectly able to have the ladies falling at his feet. He's definitely got plenty of experience with getting a lady out of her clothing and scoffs at pitiful men who can't figure out how to unhook simple clasps. Fools! Barbarians!
He can do it one-handed. He prefers it when you wear front-clasp bras because he takes it as a sign you're just as eager for him to get at your boobs as he is. Imagine those pretty fingers easily working the little hooks~
He does sometimes wear your bra on his head as a joke. So you know, that's a risk you run.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Listen this man has been around, okay? He almost single-handedly toppled the Port Mafia and Armed Detective Agency, he can handle a silly contraption of cotton and underwiring.
Fyodor doesn't like to tear at your clothing like a beast. He has class, okay? Instead he might as you to strip for him - just picture him lounging back in his seat, wineglass in hand while he watches you with those hungry, purple eyes of his. It's worth it just for that to put on a little show for him.
He likes to kiss you as he does it, distracting you as his nimble, pale fingers get to work. He's so skilled that he can actually unhook your bra without you even noticing and you'll find it discarded on a chair or the floor like a magic trick.
Edogawa Ranpo
Hmph, of course he can take off a bra! Don't be silly!
Ranpo is the ultimate detective, after all. A silly little hook in a piece of clothing isn't going to stump him. However, Ranpo is also lazy when he isn't motivated and while if he's focused on getting you naked, he'll probably whine for you to just take the bra off yourself - you're faster at it, he's seen the way you fling the thing off after a long day like it's a snake, so why not? He just wants to see your boobs!
Don't worry, he more than makes up for it once your bra hits the ground. He's very good with that mouth of his.
Tanizaki Juni'ichiro
Yes, he is good at taking off bras… No, I will not elaborate.
Kunikida Doppo
Yes, he does know how to take off a bra. The problem is that Kunikida rarely gets to practise on actual, living women - he's only done it on a bra just lying limp in his hand or on a mannequin. Doing it while in the throes of a heated makeout session is quite different.
You'll be there, getting all hot and heavy, and suddenly feel a tugging at your bra and a lot of frustrated huffing and puffing. He'll bark at you to hold still - not in a sexy way but in that "maths teacher" voice he still has buried deep. It's rather a mood-killer.
He's also one of those irritating people who won't let you just take the damn thing off yourself - he feels like he has to prove he's worth of touching your boobs by conquering the bra. Also, Dazai would never let him live it down if he couldn't do it.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Not only does Akutagawa not know how to take off a bra, but he's too prideful to ask you to do it. Instead he has a very impractical solution of just using Rashomon to slice it off you. He's too impatient to bother with fiddling around with it - remember this is a man who doesn't even know the name of the frilly thing he wears on his neck.
Don't wear your nice bras around Akutagawa, or just go for a sports bra you can pull off over your heard. Nothing is worth your fancy, expensive new lingerie being ruined by a horny goth boy.
Nakajima Atsushi
I don't even think Atsushi has been near a bra before, let alone touched one. He has no idea how they work - he actually thought it was held together by little magnets. He'll try but he gets nervous and will tug at the material, scared of accidentally tearing it. He knows bras are expensive, he's heard Yosano and Lucy complain about it enough times.
He'll be astonished if you can do it without even looking.
Edgar Allen Poe:
Faints if you even mention the word 'bra'. You'll have to fan him awake or fetch the smelling salts.
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myunghology · 1 month
can you see me, using everything to hold back?
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summary — watching silly little romance animes with natsume, as he unexpectedly points out that you guys act like silly romcom anime main characters.
pairings — natsume sakasaki x gender neutral reader.
tw — NONE...??? i think ooc natsu a bit, established relationship also this is really short. i only promised a small fic ok 🙁
a/n — @lunavixia hey. (threat)
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"It's almost 2am in the morning, I genuinely start to wonder how you got me to watch fruits basket with you." Natsume deadpans at you, looking up at your sitting figure while your attention was most definitely glued to the tv screen.
You crane your head down to face him, a slight pout on your lips. "I'm wondering that, too.." He sighs, before you move slightly sideways on the couch so you're aligned with him, as he was sitting on the floor right under you.
He sucks in a breath through his teeth, clicking his tongue playfully. "Come on, I know what you're trying to do. Quickly," He pats his shoulder as you let out a small laugh.
You roll your eyes playfully, before placing your legs on his shoulder as he let's out a sigh of relief, when you run your fingers through his hair afterwards.
The male's head pulls back by it's own instinct, making eye contact with you for a second, before he closes his eyes in bliss and smiles, before he opens his eyes once more.
"You remind me of Tohru.. A bit." Natsume whispers, as you tilt your head in confusion, before pausing the anime playing on your tv, and then looking back down at him. "Why?"
He hums. "It just comes naturally. Don't you realize? You're like.. A sweetheart when it comes to things like these. And you somehow never get mad at me when I'm acting like an ass. And lastly.. You're pretty just like her."
You pause, processing his words for a second, before smiling softly. "Are we already in this part of our relationship where in you actually speak your mind for once?" You tease.
"I remember.. When you used to hate me for like.. What? I don't even know what reason you had." He groans as you bring up what happened before you even started dating, letting out a sigh.
"I'm pretty sure I hated you because.. I thought you were wayyy too nice for your being. Maybe in a way that I was jealous." He hums, while you let out a laugh.
"Jealous of what? Me being nice?"
He shakes his head. "Nope. Being mean is absolutely free. I was jealous of people you were being nice to, I guess? If that's how you would word it."
Now it's your turn to hum in amusement, before leaning back onto the couch— earning a small whine from Natsume.
"Stop that, I wanna see your face. What's the point of me looking up if I can't see it?" He snarks, before grabbing one of your hands to pull you back to sit up again.
"You could look up at the ceiling for a change," You humble him, saying it as if it was a lesson he needed to learn: as he shakes his head in response.
"The ceiling isn't as pretty as you are. It's so plain.." He says matter-of-factly, before you brush his bangs out of the way with your fingers, making another smile creep up to his lips.
"You're a bit like a cat." You mutter.
He let's out a small laugh, "Are you referencing me to Kyo.. Or?" You shake your head, "No! You just act like one generally." You quickly defend, continuing right after.
"You look like one too. Specifically.. Maybe a Siamese cat? Your eyes remind me of them sometimes."
You mutter, tilting your head slightly to look at him better. "Actually.. Screw that. You look like your cats." A playful scoff comes out of your boyfriends lips as you say that.
"They are my children at this point, no?"
"Our children. But I guess you have a point.."
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a/n — i can't read u, but if u want, the pleasures all mine.
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bluestarjay · 5 months
It's kind of shocking how Hinata is so commonly characterized as someone who is perfect at making friends and is a 100% extrovert-- which yes, he is, but I think people are forgetting how much anxiety he has and how much of a people pleaser he is. I'm rewatching Haikyuu rn and I'm on S1 E5, and the way Daichi came up to Hinata and his immediate response was "I'll block, I'll set, I'll do whatever you need me to!!" And the way he makes promises he can't keep because he wants people to like him is kind of sad. I doubt he had many friends growing up other than Izumi and Kouji, and was probably bullied for being loud, obnoxious, and a weirdo for playing volleyball with the girls or being so into volleyball. So now he makes promises he can't keep and tries to go above and beyond for the team because he doesn't want them to get rid of him or not take him seriously. Yes, he's good at making friends, but I doubt he knows how or why. He's clearly worried that people are only friends with him out of convenience and his jumping skills; that since they play together, they /have/ to be friends. He just wants to finally be of use to someone; for someone to take him seriously; someone who won't ignore him around other people bc they don't want to be seen with him (silly funny little hc of mine 🥰🥰) . But that's also why Karasuno is so great, because they really are a family. They love Hinata and are friends with him, and they like him because he's a good person, not because they have to be since they play together, or just because he's skilled and they want to take that from him. And maybe at first, Hinata didn't realize that, since after being ignored and bullied and mocked, he thought the only way someone would possibly want him around was because he could help them win. And since he's so short, of course, taller, older, buffer players would intimidate him because they could easily take advantage of the height difference, so all of his bathroom encounters are NOT helping his anxiety 😭😭😭 and the puking??? When hinata threw up on Tanaka?? Everybody is always so focused on Yamaguchi's anxiety that they don't look at or even realize Hinata's anxiety. LITERALLY, THE ENTIRETY OF EP5 IS ABOUT HINATA'S ANXIETY AND PEOPLE PLEASING BEHAVIOR,,, WHY DOES NOBODY TALK ABOUT IT???? THE KEY SCENE LIKE 20 MINUTES IN??? (For ref, Daichi, Suga, and Kageyama are talking about Hinatas behavior, and Daichi imagines a scene: He hands Hinata the club room keys, Hinata says he'll take it, Daichi says, "I never told you where to keep it, so I brought it", and Hinata bows repeatedly saying he's sorry (about 6 times)) THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!! And then he's so worried about not doing well because he feels like he needs to make up for everything (his height, his lack of skill, his lack of experience on a team, the incident with Kageyama, etc), AHH HE LITERALLY SAYS, "This isn't like junior high...because I can be replaced! I don't want that. I don't want to be replaced. " BUT NOBODY CARES?? NOT ONE PERSON IN THIS FANDOM (THAT I HAVE SEEN) TALKS ABOUT ANY OF THIS!!! All I ever see is how Hinata has tons of friends and is so popular and is a people magnet, but does anybody ever think that he's probably anxious because those friends might get bored of him and find new friends?? That since Kenma has known Kuroo a lot longer and already doesn't really like people, he might just decide to stop talking to him?? Or that Kageyama might get bored of Hinata and stop hanging out with him outside of volleyball?? Or that Daichi and/or Coach Ukai will one day realize that he isn't really that special, and anyone can jump or run fast, so he gets replaced??? Literally I bet his WORST FEAR is being replaced and forgotten.
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fountainpenguin · 24 days
Rewatching A New Wish - "Stanky Danky" & "Peace of Pizza"
SDLKFJSDKLFJS, I missed that the news channel refers to Dale as "Billionaire non-philanthropist."
I missed that Hazel actually did wish "people would stop being trash monsters," but Cosmo and Wanda only heard "I wish trash monster"... In my memories, she had a nightmare about a monster that they wished to life. This is funnier because I can't really blame Cosmo and Wanda for granting that.
I like when Danky opens his lid one eyeball at a time. Also ?? his elbow pads?? He's a living dumpster and he wears elbow pads... He's safe...
Also, I've watched Dale's presentation a bunch of times because I think it's silly when he hops backwards, or kneels to talk to someone (This is what I was watching again today when I decided to take more notes).
He has some REALLY fun body language, including finger guns. I like his big-armed gestures. He really puts on a show and I think that's hilarious since he doesn't love being in front of people. But I don't know what I expected considering that he likes to dance when he's by himself.
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I like that his logo here is a combination of the D for his name and two stripes like a dollar sign... which is interesting, because the logo people have on their phones is a D-squared for his alliterative name.
We do know he's advertising Dimmazon "in partnership with Dimmadome Global," so they're probably separate logos.
And I enjoy his baby talk and finger guns when he's talking to Danky later. I think I already commented this in my first-watch liveblog, but I like how Dale lures Danky in with a dog toy?? It's a squeaky bone. I have a hard time imagining this man going to the pet store, but ??
I missed the fact that he brought TWO single-use helicopters to the park... something is very wrong with him...
As much as I joke about Dale's extreme amounts of trauma, I hope he talks to Vicky like this-
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- when they finally cross paths again so we can see where that gets him.
On the one hand, I think it would be hilarious if he had a complete mental breakdown because he's extremely messed up. On the other... Now that he's an adult, can he TALK to her like that??
Assuming he didn't panic when he saw her again, I feel like this is the natural direction for his character: smug and rubbing his success in her face.
I have to assume she'd wreck him since she yelled in "Operation: Birthday Takeback" about her dislike for him (That he was lazy, but went on to be rich and successful and never gave her a cut). She's unhesitatingly mean to Crocker because she doesn't have to keep up appearances around him...
But it would be funny. Against all odds, Dale is not an easily frightened man. He works hard, plunges into the unknowns with his wild risk-taking, and he's the smuggest boy... but he also has meltdowns on the floor when he loses money. I like that.
- Huh. I wonder if Timmy would've grown up to be a lot like Dale if he didn't have Cosmo and Wanda. I mean, Vicky pushed him around too. - I was gonna make a joke about how I think Dale should be as obsessive over Timmy as he is Hazel, but... It IS Dale who got himself out of his torment, not Timmy, so I guess not.
??? Tina's running every position at the news studio.
SKLDFJSLDFJSD, wait, Dale has a lemon slice, but he specifically has PINK lemonade, which he probably did not have to make considering Vicky never sold any in "Nectar of Odds"....... oh my gosh.
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?? That might be another drink, but even if it is, I'm pretty sure that's a lemon?
Dale drinking lemonade despite banning Dev from drinking lemonade is the biggest "Rules for thee, but not for me" plot twist of all time... Oh I HATE HIM /affectionate.
oh my gosh, wait...
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It's a LIME.
??? Somehow that is exponentially funnier. Tell us how you really feel.
His drink is very possibly a Paloma cocktail, made from grapefruit, lime juice, and tequila (No lemonade required, can be pink, and isn't weird to drink with ice cubes).
I like how both Dale and Dev like to slam dunk trash... even in different episodes... They are Related and live in the Same House...
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I don't think I've said it yet, but I appreciate how the Dimmadome tower seems to reach impossibly high into the sky for no reason, considering Dale's statue seems to be the only thing inside it and the statue isn't that tall. It's a brilliant parallel of Doug's hat.
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I particularly think it's funny when you see it on maps or in the distance of some scenes. It's just... there.
Geez. Say what you will about Dale, but he's a very hard worker who pulls things together INCREDIBLY fast. I mean... logically, I know him being a super hard worker who gets sucked into projects is his whole thing and that's why he's not there for Dev, but... ?? Holy one-man PR and marketing team running around this episode, Catman.
Lastly... apparently Dale likes to take over Dev's lounge when he's looking at profit charts, because that's where he's sitting when he has a meltdown about his stock dropping 5 million dollars... I mean, I guess it's both of their lounge, but you get me. And here's his thinking expression because it's funny:
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Every time I watch a Dale episode, he gives me huge "Fandom's special boy" energy and I don't look forward to leaving my spoiler-free zone and possibly finding out that is Not True... skldfj. Look at him. He clicks his finger guns and slam dunks and he's getting by on fragments of his soul. We get him for free.
Notes from "Peace of Pizza" I thought of when I went to fetch Dev's trash scene
This vampire at Versaille:
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Strat and Oppy change expressions during flashbacks, but Closer's the same... I don't know what I expected.
So ?? I keep going back to this scene because... I swear that's the April Fool, Flappy Bob, and the Sandman... Maybe not Flappy, but the only other clowns I can think of are his parents and Bobo, and none of them fit this either and Flappy already had a cameo in "1500 Minutes of Fame," so they're very aware of him. I'm gonna check.
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That's such an interesting choice of characters to use as models?? I don't have anything to say about it.
Hazel specifically wished for Dev to have "extra milk he could share" for kindness day. He ends up with two (Cosmo and Wanda), but he didn't even have one milk carton on his tray because he's lactose intolerant, so... he didn't pick one up to begin with.
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And we KNOW that, because he's on the way to the trash can when people stop him to talk. Also, during the close-up you can see he didn't eat his broccoli or carrots and I think that's funny.
?? So, in my 'fic worldbuilding, people generally go along with wishes if they're affected by them unless something REALLY tips them off that something's completely wrong. I like the implication that Dev instantly went on guard because he was confused as to how he suddenly had milk.
Oppy only pretends to be sad when Dev turns to look at him... He is the Optimism Captain to his core...
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Strat is once again putting his hand on Oppy's shoulder... they are brothers... he loves him...
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why were they even allowed to run around the school and bother children... why was no one supervising the billionaire's kid and questioning the intentions of these mysterious adults hovering around him...
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It is their natural state of being... Also, from a budget standpoint, identical triplets whose distinguishing feature is their eyes & who are based on peas so they're simple to design was a brilliant Season 1 move. I hope we see them again someday, though I'm completely fine with them being very rare appearances.
?? Hazel has Class 104 after Guzman's class ("Multiverse of Jenkins") and Dev has it after lunch, is that what I'm getting here?
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That is a different design than the other Room 104... oh :'D I guess they only have the one sign model.
Y'know........ that WOULD be weird if Flappy was at that treaty in the flashback. That doesn't seem likely... but it stresses me out that the Pe-Az have a magical briefcase that can hold large items without harming them...
... because Flappy's briefcase ALSO does that. He keeps his clown stuff, dioramas, and employees in there. It's the world's worst conspiracy... The intergalactic diplomats, friends of the Pixies who are all about paperwork and neutrality and raised Flappy... I'm connecting the dots...
omg, do you think the Pe-Az are the reason Fairies and Anti-Fairies decide who gets the godkids with an annual bake-off? They do like their treats. That WOULD be fun to work with in my war & truce 'fics. Oppy: Everyone loves cake and brownies! Strat: Brother, the Fairy King literally just lost his castle and son. Isn't celebrating with treats a bit insensitive? Oppy: Listen, I have one job in this team and I'm going to do it. Their ancestors, anyway.
I don't think I said this in my first watch, but I really like Closer. He's fantastic. Shows up, selectively mute because he's saving his voice for when he needs to throw tantrums and asking the same question repeatedly to bug people, super thoughtful and well-prepared, considered the best at what he does, gets meme'd on by a 9-year-old iPad kid and loses everything. Flawless character.
He's one of my favorites in all New Wish. They all are; I love their dorky shorts and brotherhood.
I really like how Closer insists he'll be done with negotiations in "30 minutes or less" because his whole thing is pizza. But Dev broke this man in like, 20 seconds:
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Also, Strat... <3 He's such a ping-pong ball of a person.
For some reason, it's funny to me their language is themed around arrows. That's brilliantly clever for a negotiating species; it kind of reminds me of how the Yugopotamian language is in swirls patterned after their exposed brains.
Also, Some Three Guys having the ability to simply "turn pizza off" for the entire world is such an insane plot set-up and I think they played it perfectly.
Oppy kicking up his leg & Closer's expressions:
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Extremely funny to me that when I heard "pea pod aliens," I went on immediate defensive expecting "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" vibes, but they're just cute little guys who like treats and bribery. why do they dress Like That... The suits and ties, the teeny shorts, the white socks pulled high above black shoes... did they get picked on in school?
??? They're just one-offs, but they have so much character and they all have unique body language and speech patterns... love that for them. I want to write something for them. I have no clue what, but I think they deserve to be children negotiating on the playground or looking after one another.
Strat and Oppy I think I can get their vibe as children - the planner and the enthusiastic one - but little kid Closer would be interesting.
What's a good thing to negotiate over when you're a kid... Were they kiddos who made graphs and presentations while arguing over which TV channel to watch or who would bathe first, y'think?
I think "baby Pe-Az in the bathtub" is exactly the type of content people follow me for.
Wanda's face here cracks me up...
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... and shout-out for Dev getting instantly weirded out with stranger danger when Cosmo pats him.
I love how when the O-pairs pick the Pe-Az up by their heads and put them down again, Closer's dizzy and he sways back and forth even though his brothers are fine... lmao. I guess people don't usually mess with him?
Also, when Dev switches from playing around to serious talk, all three Pe-Az instantly put their folded hands on the table. They are ready for a Meeting...
That is all.
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writerfae · 4 months
So I read The brooch from the possible future au (this is why it was on my mind when you made that post about Cyrus) and I loved it😭 It hurt, but it was also heartfelt and beautiful and I got really emotional from it so sorry in advance if this rant sounds a little silly.
It was somehow so comforting despite being so tragic.
First of all at the beginning they're just sitting there, being content❤️ (you know I love characters just sitting around (or if you didn't, now you do!)
"Sometimes Aiden still couldn’t believe that this was real. That this was his. He never wanted Talon to stop looking at him like that. "
This says exactly what needs to be said!
Also, I love how much Talon's smiling in this (in the beggining of it)
"Too valuable for someone like me, he thought, but didn’t say it, because he knew Talon didn’t like it when he talked like this."
I don't like it when you talk like this! But it's so cute because it implies that Talon and Aiden did have talks about this!
"Wherever you are, my heart is with you"❤️😭
Now, you probably expect me to scream at you for the second part, but I won't because like I said it is somehow still heartwarming for me.
See, now I want to start quoting again, but then I'd put nearly the whole thing here, so I'll say this:
Every word describes the whole situation so perfectly. It feels like there's not a word out of place, like they are all emphasizing a point that I think isn't really the tragedy, but the love they have for each other.
I also love how much affection Talon is initiating here, trying to comfort both of them.
The fact that Aiden tries to give back the brooch. The fact that Talon doesn't let him, and that THIS comforts Aiden somewhat.
But I do have to quote my favorite part!
"A small sob escaped him as Aiden held out a small object to him, hands trembling. “I think… I think you might want it back. Give it to… give it to her.”
And the last part... it was so hard seeing Aiden like that so I won't go into much detail here. He reminded me of Milan a little.
And if you'll indulge me I would like to go on a little rant about my story and angst:
I don't know if I emphasize this enough but I NEED you to know this:
All the (canon) Ákos angst comes with the inevitable end of Ákos ending up all right. With someone comforting him, helping him, or him realizing that it's okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it to him.
You see, the thing is that Ákos is an incredibly strong person. More importantly he has people around him to support him (his parents and siblings).
The reason I talk so much about post story Ákos angst is because aside from those small things that fade with time Ákos goes back to being normal and happy!
He goes back to following Endre around everywhere.
He goes back to exploring the castle a houndred times with Moss.
He goes back to reading in Adél's room.
And when he's not able to do something that he used to be able to do, when he's scared, there's always someone to help him through it.
There's this moment in this holiday special thing (THAT I SWEAR I'LL BE SO SAD IF I CAN'T WRITE THIS YEAR) where they're walking in the winter woods and he wants to run off and look around, but he's a little scared, and Adél notices and follows two steps behind him so he doesn't have to worry. And then, after a while, he doesn't enen need Adél to do this.
Whenever he's having a problem, there's always at least one of his siblings to swoop in and help.
And like I said he's not always having problems!
Also this goes without saying but he will realize that it wasn't his fault.
Most importantly Ákos didn't lose his curiosity which in my opinion would have been the most tragic thing that could have happened (it happens in the villain Adél au). Sure he becomes a little more cautious (especially at first) but no less confident.
I might have mentioned this already but Ákos has always been interested in the Black swamp. And he didn't let what happened to him ruin this.
When he grows up, he will (probably, the specifics of this may change) research history with a special emphasis on the Black swamp, and he'll love it.
Ákos took this horrible experience that he had and made something positive out of it. Something that interests him, something that makes him happy (that down the line even ends up helping others).
Ákos' strength comes from two places:
One is that that's just what he's like
But more importantly because he was influenced by each of his siblings. He has a little bit of each of them in him, plus his own stuff!❤️
I hope you didn't mind this little rant🙈 I was just hoping that knowing this about Ákos gives you at least some fuzziness even if it is bittersweet like the ones I got from reading your short story.
I finally got around to answer this! Thanks so much for your patience 😌
I’m feeling really flattered that you liked The Brooch so much you wrote this ask!
Though I know the possible future au is a very painful one for us Taiden stans, it is really dear to me. And I loved writing this short story for it in particular! Both part one and two!
Part one really is mostly hurt, but it has lots of comfort in it too. I wanted to make the meaning of the brooch for both of them clear. I think I managed that quite well and to be honest, I did tear up a bit while writing the breakup part and the one where Aiden told Ash…
Also you’re not wrong, Aiden in the last bit is a bit like Milan, which is sad if you consider that it’s pretty much what Aiden always feared.
You’re always welcome to rant a little about your story to me!
You really don’t need to justify your Ákos angst to me. I know I complain about it (in a very fond way btw, never in the negative sense), but this is your story and you can do whatever you want! And don’t worry, I’m very aware that Ákos will be alright in the end. And I’m really glad about it ^^
And it’s great his siblings will help him through it all. That’s one of the best things about stories like yours!
(I’m very glad my boy Ákos will be alright in the end btw!)
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lick-me-lennon22 · 5 months
How they'd comfort you after you've been betrayed by your friends
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(requested by anon, who's recently experienced something that would be difficult for anyone to cope with 💘 I hope I'm able to provide you with some comfort during this rough time 💕)
when you share this news with John, he reacts with a mix of empathy and righteous indignation
he is gutted for you and vengeful, channeling his protective instincts and offering to confront the betrayers on your behalf
he recommends some of the outlets he uses to handle his anger (most of them aren't exactly healthy, but he means well)
he suggests writing a song together as a form of catharsis, spouting silly lyrics full of jabs at your "friends"
John would plan a date and take you out to the pictures to see a nice feel-good film
he records your favorite songs and some affirmations (as well as a few silly jokes) on cassette for you to listen to on particularly rough days
You know what? Screw 'em. You're too good for that kind of nonsense. You're a gem and anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve a spot in your life. It's their loss - not yours. Those so-called mates don't know what they're missing. And if you need me to kick some arse on your behalf, just say the word.
when you explain what's happened, Paul invites you to vent your frustrations over a few drinks or a cuppa
he adopts a gentle and reassuring tone, validating your emotions and reminding you of your strengths
he reassures you that what happened isn't your fault and that you've done nothing wrong
Paul would offer to arrange a small gathering or cozy night in with some friends and the other lads, complete with homemade food and lighthearted conversation
You invested a lot of trust and time in those relationships and you don't deserve to be hurt in such a way. It's beyond me how people can be so cruel, especially to someone as wonderful as you.True love, true friendship, they're built on a foundation of honesty and respect. Chin up, my dear. You're a beautiful soul with so much to offer. They're missing out on something truly special.
after you divulge what you've just been through, George shows you to a secluded spot - one where he often meditates - so you can vent in the privacy of nature and without feeling judged
has to tamp down his own frustration on your behalf - he knows people can be pretty unreliable, and he wants to guide you towards growth instead of resentment
he offers a reflective and philosophical perspective, telling you to have patience with yourself and set boundaries that honor your worth
he reminds you that sometimes these painful experiences can serve as catalysts for profound growth and self-discovery, and that karma has a way of taking care of things
George suggests exploring creative outlets and introduces you to some literature that will foster healing and help you take on a different perspective
Betrayal cuts deep, but it also reveals the true nature of those around us. You're not defined by the actions of others. The right people will be drawn to your radiance, and you're better off without that drama in your life. Trust that the universe has a way of aligning things in your favor and know that you're worthy of nothing less than genuine, unconditional love.
as you vent your frustrations to Ringo, he offers a listening ear and shoulder to lean on without judgement
he provides constant reassurance and reminders of your worth and strength, making sure you know that the behavior of your "friends" says a lot more about them than it does about you
he tells you to focus on the present moment and emphasizes the importance relationship of self-care when it comes to healing
he'll lend his help with practical support such as running errands and helping with daily tasks, allowing you space to recover and take time for yourself
Ringo would suggest a spontaneous day trip or adventure to lift your spirits and create new memories
I know you've had a bit of a rough go lately, but you've got me to lean on. And I'm here to listen, to comfort, to support you in any way I can. You're strong, you're resilient, and you've got a whole lot of love to give. Rise above it - keep shining your light. Life's too short to give those pricks any more of your time. You're a treasure, love, and don't you forget it.
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johntayjinf · 1 month
take me on
rrthiel - athletic (ym2151 + ymz280b)
i was inspired so i wrote a vocal mix! ack
for anyone who wants the commentary:
the pain of vocal production on a tracker with simple detuning controls
no, genuinely i can't tell you how frustrating the vocals were to tune; first i set the entire project to 435hz (440 is the default tuning that every single daw in existence uses), but the consequence of that is that it also lightly detuned every single sample, making timing very difficult to manage. i felt like the devil having to artificially extend my vocals to fit both the timing and get the tuning right, but you win some you lose some i guess.
on top of that i feel very unsure about my own vocal performance and there'd be a few noticeable tuning mistakes, i think? i mean before i tuned them again tonight they were even worse, but apparently the trick to that is just to listen to them outside my headphones; because listening to the lower frequencies to tune vocals isn't going to give great results. or maybe that's just me and my habits. my shit phone audio that exposed the mid frequencies did a good job at telling me that, "hey, you tune terrible for a gal that likes to say she does music production to people when you like silly video games and music that came out before you were even conceived"
venus theory made a very good point about having a "shitbox" (like, a boombox that is shit) so it exposes frequencies you would've never heard otherwise, and that was quite the enlightening experience to say the least. i wouldn't say my tuning is terrible; frankly i think it's fairly okay for someone with informal training and practice, but i genuinely didn't expect to go so out of tune in my one (yes, one) take of the main vocals... and then i learnt that way that the voice that you think you're singing varies widely with what's actually produced from your vocal cords, your mouth shape, and how much air you put into it. needless to say this was a really good, and *horrifying* learning experience, and hopefully this means more vocal covers and originals in the future.
as for the lyrics, i was going for the "mindless 80s love song" cheesy lovey dovey kind, and was inspired slowly after a few listens of the og song. it's not my first time writing english lyrics, but it's fair to say that it's really rare coming from me.
sometimes i feel like i'm afraid of heights
(don't look down now)
sometimes i feel like i wanna hold you tight
oh you would never know the sight,
because right now we're so high we could almost die
but now you're here with me, i'm like on ecstasy
if anything ever happens i won't mind
'cause with the two of us, our hearts combined
we'll always have our time to shine
together we can find a place or run away
it's okay
you could pretend that we would be so far
but i will find my way 'cause you're my north star
i hope that you and i are on par
i don't wanna put my feelings in a jar
is it just my mind that is pacing, my chest that is aching
the things i wanna say could be said everyday
is it just my heart that is racing, the love we'll be sharing
and we will never say goodbye
you see that all is fine,
now put your worries all aside
[guitar solo]
'cause with the two of us, our hearts combined
we'll always have our time to shine
together we can find a place or run away
it's okay
you could pretend that we would be so far
but i will find my way 'cause you're my north star
i hope that you and i are on par
i don't wanna put my feelings in a jar
is it just my mind that is pacing, my chest that is aching
the memories we'll make will never fade
is it just my heart that is racing, the love we'll be sharing
and i will always play my part
we should take on the charts,
or maybe begin from the start
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