#but it's on their nature to be ambiguous ig
chillingxy · 11 months
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I feel normal about them
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bingobongobonko · 2 years
went a whole day without talking about yves. specifically yves. and then somehow 0 days w/o talking about yves. does this get annoying for anyone........ it has to... it just HAS to
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zsakuva · 2 months
1. Is Kayson's hair natural or dyed? Does the sakuverse reflects realistic genetics or like fantasy genetics like the ones in anime where they could have any color of hair and eyes naturally?
2. If Isaac pushed through with his decision to be a lawyer, what field would he specialize in? Criminal defense? If he was, would he be picky about who he defends just as he is with his cases? Like would he defend a criminal that actually committed a crime?
3. If Isaac's family is still alive, what would they think of Isaac technically kidnapping Pickle? Isaac's mom would likely be proud that he helped someone, but what about his dad and grandpa?
4. We know Isaac pays Pickle about above minimum wage, but could you give us a range of how much he pays them per hour?
5. Very random but who among your characters peed their beds when they were little(aside from Elias)?
6. Does Pickle even do taxes? Ig their salary is probably paid in full by Isaac, but do they even need to pay taxes?
7. Before Isaac hired Pickle, how did he manage his time? Like since he's busy, would he just do chores while doing phone calls? And what kind of meals did he usually prepare for himself?
Kayson is an outlier seeing as when I made him as a character, there was no Sakuverse. So it's a 'we acknowledge it but we don't talk about it' with him. Unless I change it.
He'd likely go into criminal defence. But he wouldn't be picky about who we defends; his current job is ambiguous as well.
They would likely understand why he did it but wouldn't condone it.
It's per assignment, not hour. They can range depending on what it is. For one assignment, it could be $10,000. For another, $200,000.
Probably a lot, if not all. It happens~
Never thought about it.
He would do everything half-assed. Wipe something with a cloth here and there, and then forget to do the rest. For meals, it would be very simple, probably very microwaveable meals or things that can be heated up with little effort.
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oblivious-tomato · 1 month
Hi tumblr I'm asking for a friend, I'm writing a ff where dreams will be a very important part of it, (main pairing YQY and Shen Jiu from svss). I wanted to show the nature of dreams by describing the more tangible, real ones in prose, and the less tangible ones in the form of poetry.
An example of impersonal poems I'd make into dreams under the cut
YQY nightmare:
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SQQ's nightmare:
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btw english is not my mother tongue so if you have any criticism i will take it greedily :') ig i just want to make the dreams into an experience for readers fyi i already have the first chapter finished and it's almost 13K words long
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yappacadaver · 6 months
and again you literally can't even be mad that he's so scared to die... man knows hell is real + he is going there when he dies!!!! unless he can find a way to fix this situation, the true nature of which the audience still isn't entirely aware o_o
like ig i must be in the minority of fans for completely 100% sympathizing with him when it's supposed to be morally kind of ambiguous and also he's definitely abusing the player character which colors a lot of people's perceptions of him but like my god dude. hell is real and is the place you're going for all of eternity when you die and you are in life/death kinda danger with increasing frequency as you grow older, and it expands to include endangering everyone around you and potentially getting them sent to hell as well... do you give up and die and get sent to the mommy's rotting flesh dimension forever or do you try to extend your time on earth as long as you can in search of a way to make the demons leave ppl the fuck alone?
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thekhoei · 4 months
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my friend just introduced me into this recently. ive not dig in very much of Nixonverse but i have to talk about how Jesus in Vietnam grasps me
i peak in history classes when i learn about two modern wars in Vietnam during 1919-1975. the invasion of France in three lands of Indochina (we dont even bring up other places that is also colonized) and the infamous lost in that war crime game the USA played on the land of Ho Chi Minh. the big countries have been going to small lands, the "third world countries" and trying to kill, to assimilate us smaller nation as their modern-day slaves for centuries and centuries. and the fact that it still occurs today, tomorrow and no one knows when will this shit ended. Vietnam got out of the war only around 50 years ago (2025 is the 50th anniversary of our win against the US), and there are still people believe that it's Vietnam civil war, or this is communist propaganda (where the fuck are some people's sympathy anyway?). rumors about the third world war are on the verge of becoming true, although it's predicted to happen in one more millennia. shit being called "natural selection". my favorite thing to learn about history is how history is shaped to fit one's belief of a government, and in history classes, i love studying about revolution the most. not about Hitler, or any US president, not even Stalin (bad bitch i always heard shit abt you), but about smaller voices getting louder and louder, and how their fights mean to human rights. im talking like im belong to leftism or sth but no honestly, sometimes i have doubt about my so called "communist" government, too much that i do fear to be in jail if i try to crack one more joke about how shitty they act sometimes. more than a half of Vietnamese population are mad at our government too, i hear them talking sour everyday. from the early days of the existence of humanity til now, four horses of apocalypse have been wandering around, makes me shiver about how vague the concept of death is, yet the way its so significant in daily life.
i talked too much about war stuff above that i forgot the second big topic in the title "Jesus" and religion. im not a big fan of believing in any entity, although i dont deny their existence at all. i do follow Buddhism's belief everyday bc it has been a tradition in Vietnam, but ig its an exception because bro isn't qualified as God. Buddhism is considered as a atheism religion as i read somewhere. anyway talking about Jesus he is the ambiguous concept i learn through tv, books, western medias from younger ages, that sometimes i pray to him although i get scolded for acting offensively to a religion i do not belong too. besides that other thing relevant to him that i learn about is cults, and that shit is wild 💀 i still remember my teacher talking about how France used Portuguese pastors to get Vietnamese people believe in the theory "God allows me to invade your homeland 😜", and how Christians Vietnamese fight against them (my grandfather once joined the Vietnamese Christian to exchange info for the VC (Việt Cộng lmao)). wildest thing i ever learn in secondary school (we learn it in 7th grade which is the second year of secondary school in Vietnam and its around the age of 13) that got me into reddit posts about Jesus when i googled to learn more about the topic. im glad i pay attention to class because i did not know i would be too much invested in Vietnam history back in the day. Jesus is believed to be a propaganda of the US, and when i learn more about this God, it's a cultural shock for me. US government turned out to be the biggest cult in my eye (i love my American friends but honestly im against yall's government and i know yall do too)
anyway i think John Lennon would be invested into this idk
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themovieblogonline · 4 months
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askaniritual · 1 year
was thinking abt this as i fell asleep ln…it would b interesting to write sth abt how davekat in the epilogues is framed as sth that literally will not happen without external influence n is almost entirely defined by confinement or coercion. they hang out alone in the dark together all day and don’t do anything else. they don’t declare romantic feelings until dirk forces them. john watching them is what stops them from kissing. like it v much reads that observation and the wishes of others r specifically what is defining the nature of their relationship, even tho calliope does insist that there is a secret and ig “purer” version of their relationship that exists independently of the expectations others place on them
this isn’t like. shocking given how much of the epilogues r dedicated to doing this “oh you wanted to see the characters do this? well it’s making them miserable and they hate it” but the davekat stuff is especially weird to me because it feels like a reaction very specifically to fan dissatisfaction w how they were made canon (add scare quotes if u feel it is ambiguous ig) or a response to fan insistence that certain modes of representation (and even specific actions) r required to legitimize a relationship
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Ack, I fucking love your take on omegaverse! I enjoy it actually (the scenting, breeding, and the feral/primal shit), but I have the same problem with the complexity of how female alphas impregnate others and the whole giving birth through your butthole (shitting-the-baby-method) stuff.
Annnd I check all the fics that you recommended and I was surprised to see that I've read all of those 😭 Like maaan. Fantasy/Supernatural/Anything involving not complely human characters stuff are like my freaking favorite! This is coming from a girlie who started reading werewolf and vampire original stories on wattpad on 2016.
That being said, I want to reco a fic. It's fantasy/magic with Seer!Mickey. It's a short and light read :'›
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33299758/chapters/82689130 (idk how to do that hyperlink thingy, sorry!)
i just dont understand why many omegaverse writers hate tras or intersex characters 😭 SO many times ive seen people (using hiding on anon) saying stuff like "youre not one of those omegaverse writers who thinks all guys should have holes do you 🤨" like whats so wrong with men having vaginas 😭
in my utopian omegaverse i see (what would be considered in our universe) intersex characteristics being very common. ofc fandoms need their weird giant dick fetish fulfilled, so alpha adrosex cis women or transmascs can have lower cervixes since omega guys/transfemmes always have tiny dicks?? whereas omega androsex cis women or transmascs have higher cervixes to make room for alpha guys' or transfemmes dicks ig.
if you ask me, i think cis alpha women can also have dicks and cis omega guys can have wombs. sex isnt just decided based off genitals, so they could still have internal sex organs, secondary sex characteristics like fat distribution or having breasts, and hormone levels that dont fit into "typical" androsex ideas of what a man or woman is. there are also many different ways that people can have both set of sex organs. they are rarely both fully formed, but its a fake universe where people have fantasy world characteristics so who cares!!
actually, scratch everything i just said! there is no assigned gender at birth! each individual can decide how they want to identify as they get older, so there is no cis or trans! theres only the spectrums of alpha and omega! alphas with wombs and breasts with one undescended teste and higher testosterone/androgen/estradiol levels where they grow more hair and have deeper voices and are territorial! omegas with dicks and no womb but have ovaries and a natural urge to nest and care for children even if they cant carry the child themselves! alphas and omegas with both sets of sex organs or ambiguous genitals! maybe instead of betas being awkwardly-misplaced normal people, they can be people born with ambiguous genitals and, during puberty, dont end up presenting alpha or omega. maybe betas dont present until the meet their mate, or maybe they never present. maybe their presentation involves showing distinct characteristics of both alpha and omega! idk im talking out my ass here! i just think we should get more creative instead of sticking to some made-up rules a group of supernatural fans invented on livejournal
and ive actually already read that fic and i love it! urban fantasy holds a very special place in my heart 🥹 and i had a similar experience lol when i was young i was OBSESSED with twilight and was very much team edward bc i was obsessed with vampires for some odd reason? and now i like blood and romantic cannibalism so look where that landed me
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plugchain · 2 years
Popular ChatGPT & Developing Oracle
Preface: The emergence of ChatGPT symbolizes a new industrial revolution about “smartness”. Then, the application of the oracle machine represents the Columbus journey of the blockchain transformation of “data”.
“Who are you?”
“I am a large language model trained by OpenAI. Help people answer questions and provide information. Since I am a computer program, I can’t perceive or think, and can only answer questions with existing data. If you have any questions , please let me know anytime.”
ChatGPT: mining data value
ChatGPT is the hottest topic recently. According to Fortune, ChatGPT reached a goal that took Facebook 10 months to reach — more than 1 million users — just five days after its release. On February 1st, ChatGPT monthly active users exceeded 100 million. IG took two years to achieve this data, TikTok took 9 months, and ChatGPT only took 60 days.
The degree of popularity is evident.
As the crystallization of the technology of the times, ChatGPT brings an unpredictable revolution. AIGC (AI Generated Content) represented by ChatGPT will change the world.
Bill Gates also said : The significance of the emergence of ChatGPT is no less than the birth of PC and the Internet.
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With the birth of ChatGPT, its increasingly powerful AIGC (AI Generated Content) capabilities have caused many people to fall into a “career crisis”. Some people worry that AI will replace humans. In fact, it is not the first time that the talk of AI replacing human work has appeared, and it first appeared a few years ago.
According to the report “Unemployment and Employment: Labor Transformation in the Era of Automation” released by McKinsey Global Institute in December 2017, by 2030, it is conservatively estimated that 15% of the world’s people will change jobs due to the development of AI technology, and radical estimates will affect 30% of the global population, China expects that tens of millions to hundreds of millions of people will need to be re-employed by then.
When people still didn’t care about the predictions in the report, in September 2022, in the digital category of the Colorado State Fair art competition, the AI painting “Space Opera House” won the first place in one fell swoop, sparking once again a huge debate about whether AI can replace humans. Today, the emergence of ChatGPT has triggered a global discussion on the anxiety of occupational survival arising from the “threat” of AI to employment.
There is no doubt that ChatGPT is a masterpiece of major breakthroughs in the current artificial intelligence field. It is undeniable that ChatGPT still has many problems. Although ChatGPT is a large language model based on statistical laws and has a powerful language talent, it can only make associations and cannot complete “logical reasoning”. In this light, ChatGPT tends to produce convincing responses, which may contain “generated” factual errors, misrepresentations, and faulty data, as a natural language processing model, unaware of tens of petabytes of unsupervised training What is a “fact” in the data is more like a slippery “virtual assistant”.
In addition, during the training process, excessive “instruction” knowledge is injected in order to recognize human instructions. ChatGPT will be very sensitive to the “instruction” itself, and at the same time, it will not recognize context-independent ambiguous words that require “factual basis” to make judgments.
Perhaps, for most people ChatGPT is a qualified assistant, because it is proficient in all skills about human language(Or ChatGPT will be proficient in the foreseeable future), such as summarizing, translating, writing articles, style correction, translating, polishing, writing code, etc. Therefore, if workers engaged in these jobs cannot master the skills of using ChatGPT as an assistant, they may be the first to be replaced by AI.
In a nutshell, ChatGPT is a super tool, not super intelligence, and will not replace humans, but upgrade the industry. It will greatly lower the barriers to creativity and execution, complementing humans.
The CEO of WPP, the world’s largest advertising group, said: It is never AI that takes your job, but other people with AI tools.
AI has been developed for so many years, so why can ChatGPT become the dark horse of AI?
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In the final analysis, it comes from the “utilization” of data.
At present, the major research direction of artificial intelligence is the NLP task (Natural Language Processing), that is, the machine must understand human language. And NL has two major directions, one is Google’s two-way (BERT) technology, and the other is OpenAI’s autoregressive (GPT) technology.
As early as June 2018, OpenAI proposed the first-generation GPT model. In October of the same year, Google announced the BERT model, which refreshed almost all the best records in the field of natural language processing, and opened the era of pre-training large models.
In the following four years, pre-trained language models such as BERT and GPT (GPT-1 and GPT-2, the predecessor of ChatGPT) have become the current technical trend in the field of natural language processing. These model parameters range from 300 million to 1.75 trillion, which is why they are called Large Language Model.
The essence of pre-training large models is to use larger models and more data to find a more general “language model” for humans. It is precisely because of this that large language models including BERT and GPT have obtained a considerable amount of vocabulary, syntax and semantic knowledge during the pre-training process, and only need a small amount of labeled data to refine the model to complete various tasks. such natural language tasks.
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By mining the value of “data” to endow the scene with ecology, is this description very similar to “oracle machine”? However, ChatGPT is still a Web2.0 product with certain limitations.
If it is said that ChatGPT and AIGC completely disregard sovereignty, grab global data for training without any scruples, and finally evolve their own “super brain”. Then, the fundamental value of blockchain technology is “decentralization”, hoping to break this monopoly and reconstruct a new distributed network, so that ordinary people can regain their own data sovereignty.
Oracles: Linking Data Bridges
When it comes to blockchain, most people must think of Bitcoin, Ethereum, token speculation, mining, DeFi, NFT, and some Web3.0 empowerment scenarios such as GameFi and SocailFi that rely on concept packaging. However, how to make data “AI” is to let the “blockchain” understand the predictions of the real world and add them to the ecological empowerment of the scene. The oracle machine is very important, just like the current ChatGPT.
We all know that oracles and blockchains are very closely related. In blockchain, smart contracts can perform various operations such as money management, data storage, etc. However, smart contracts have no knowledge of events happening in the real world, which requires oracles. Because the oracle machine is a data bridge connecting the real world and the blockchain, it can convert events that occur in the real world into data that can be used in smart contracts.
In simple terms, oracles allow deterministic smart contracts to “react” to an uncertain external world. And isn’t ChatGPT just a corresponding “reaction” to the accessed data?
Among them, the main function of the oracle machine is to obtain and verify external data and input it into the blockchain. They can obtain data in a variety of ways, such as APIs, sensors, web crawlers, etc. In terms of verifying data, the oracle needs to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of the data.
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Therefore, oracles should be carefully designed and tested to ensure reliable data. The verification process includes digital signatures, encryption algorithms, etc. However, the development of oracles faces challenges, and the biggest challenge is to ensure the reliability of data. The oracle machine needs to obtain a large amount of data and verify it.
If the blockchain is compared to a “black box”, then the oracle machine is a ray of light in the dark, illuminating the bit world.
The current blockchain ecology is still in its infancy. Compared with traditional industries, except for some achievements in the financial field, others are still a little barren. It still takes a long time to develop the utilization, retrieval, mining, and analysis of data.
Although many mainstream oracle public chains such as ChainLink, PlugChain, Oraclize, UMA, DIA, and API3 have emerged in the market, and have their own breakthroughs and innovations in the technical field, a closer look at ecological development, scene empowerment, and commercial applications, There is still a long way to go.
It’s like ChatGPT needs to be smarter, it needs more and larger data training. If the blockchain world needs to be smarter, the oracle machine’s data reading, transmission, and capture are required to be more accurate and efficient.
At the same time, in terms of more decentralization, single-source APIs are easily cracked and operated, and centralized oracles seem useless. Therefore, nodes that focus on decentralized oracle networks like ChainLink, PlugChain, and NEST have higher accuracy in capturing data. Because their network nodes are obtained from multiple sources, the data error rate is reduced through data aggregation weighting.
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By the way, in terms of scalability, PlugChain has the ability to process 100,000 transactions per second with high throughput, and the gas fee is much lower than other public chains. Because of this, data delay is almost eliminated, more accurate data can be obtained, and price deviation and slippage are reduced. Also in terms of operability, PlugChain is compatible with mainstream public chains such as Ethereum, Cosmos, Polygon, Cardano, Avalanche, and BSC. It also performs extremely well on aggregated cross-chains.
In short, as a bridge connecting the real world and the blockchain, the oracle machine has great significance and potential. Not only can they help smart contracts perform various tasks better, but also solve real-world problems. At the same time, with the advancement of technology, the future of oracles will be broad.
Conclusion: Finally, when comparing ChatGPT and oracle machines, it is not difficult to find a core point: the value of both is the extraction of “data value”, the empowerment of “data ecology”, and the support of “scenario application”. drive. The only difference is that one is in Web2.0 and the other is in Web3.0. With the rapid development of technology, the boundary between Web2.0 and Web3.0 will become more and more blurred. When the oracle connects the data of the physical world to the bit world, the AI computing power represented by ChatGPT will continue to tap the “data potential”. “.
At that time, the ecology of Web3.0 is no longer barren, and it is no different from the real world. That is the real Metaverse.
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island6artscenter · 2 years
"Kekou-Kele" (可口可乐)
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Reinventing the bottle...the Coca-Cola glass bottle. A poetic container for the sweetest nectar. Bottles are so ubiquitous in everyday life that they can become invisible to most people. In fact, back in 1915 Coca-Cola held a competition to develop a new and distinctive design that was so unique you could recognize it just by touch even in the darkest room. The bottle designer, Earl R. Dean, and his team were inspired by the kola nut and wanted to incorporate it somehow. The first prototype however never made it to production since its middle diameter was larger than the base, making it unstable on conveyor belts. The issue was quickly solved by adjusting measurements and ta-da the iconic contour glass bottle we all love was born! Over the years Coca-Cola has released variations and new designs, but nothing beats the classic contour glass bottle. It has become a collector’s item, a piece of art to be displayed, cared for, admired. Bottles have intrigued artists for generations. It all began 2,000 years ago with the birth of glassblowing. Artistic revolutionaries such as Rene Magritte, Jean Dubuffet, and Marcel Duchamp have all experimented with its evolution from serving a utilitarian function to becoming something more abstract, ambiguous, beautiful. The more we know about the form and shape of the bottle itself, the more we understand the nature of its power over us. Next time you find yourself grabbing the cold, refreshing bottle, do so with care and affection. Slowly caress its curves, but always remember it’s a work of art!
51*51cm art for sale: [email protected]
Follow us on ig: island6_gallery
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rosettart · 3 years
Ineffable Husbands & Queer Relationships
Just thinking about how absolutely wonderful and refreshing it is to see a relationship like Crowley and Aziraphale's on tv. It's not the first and certainly won't be the last, but it's an incredible comfort either way. The ambiguity of the nature of their love for each other allows for a connection that I've often seen and felt especially in relationships between queer people - one that is not determined by specific boundaries or social expectations, and therefore defies interpretation. It's all-encompassing, too big for words. It's ineffable. :')
i rant more in the tags about this concept lol
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aiden-png · 3 years
Shadow’s type is morally ambiguous purple themed people apparently
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mymadass · 4 years
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tagged by @slightlyrebelliouswriter23
Your mission, should you chose to accept it: search your name + aesthetic or core ("name core " or "name aesthetic") on Pinterest and choose 9 pictures from the search results to make a moodboard that represents you.
Well... I made two because I’m a moody bitch 🤪 Let me know which you like better!
Thank you for the tag, love!!
Tagging @fortheloveofbooks @sombertowne @elizraann @asilentfrenzy @lilbeansinasock
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funtomcafe · 4 years
please help every single time i take any uquiz the only result i get is "yea ur definitely mentally ill. bro r u ok" like NSGSJDH literally what is it that im doing 2 concern everyone so much im literally just sitting here 😭😭😭😭
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guiltycorp · 3 years
~Arcane!Viktor’s vaguely-queer-moments~ with commentary about how it might just be straight after all to keep myself in check.  Alright, so I might miss something, feel free to add (although this is more for myself tbh, sort of a journal entry). Personally, I didn’t notice like half of this when I was watching for the first time and didn’t really think much about the possibility, however the second time I was quite surprised to notice that there was... eh, quite a bit.  Also, this isn’t meant to cover anything from LoL lore, but it’s nice to remember that as a character he was originally a soviet-coded robotic mad scientist. Idk it’s not a very gay archetype by itself but it IS rather sensual.  Anyway!  1) Saying 'it’s Viktor’ and then continuing to soulfully gaze into Jayce’s eyes for another couple of seconds as his theme swells (’It’s Viktor’, fittingly). 
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might just be fanservice for league players who remember old champs, gasp, oh it IS viktor, the machine herald, plus letting the theme’s violin notes hit just right, plus this is the finishing scene before the story gets back to vi... kinda awkward tho??   2) ‘Wait a minute, this isn’t my bedroom’ as the excuse he came up with when Mel came across him and Jayce breaking into Heimerdinger’s lab, clear implication (although Jayce talks at the same time so it might be harder to hear for some viewers).  ...might be a generic excuse for trying to open the wrong door and also too subtle, flew right over most ppl’s heads, however this is probably the most overt viktor line in the show 3) Right after that he throws a sour look at Jayce who’s busy mooning over Mel. 
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uhh concern that his new partner would be more interested in a gorgeous corrupt politician rather than in scientific progress? doubtful:) however also subtle, didn’t notice this on 1st watch 4) Doesn’t return Sky’s interest, in fact the first time we see them together he kept on looking at Jayce (who was about to give a speech yeah but also had his back turned to Viktor atm). 
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well, this could be for a variety of non-queer reasons... more like an additional detail and in later scenes when he’s busy with hexcore he’s practically ignoring jayce almost the same way he does her, so im not putting it here  5) Viktor bleeding onto Hexcore and passing out while Mel&Jayce have sex (with Viktor’s theme worked into Romance track), in this case i actually prefer a metaphor for the rich and powerful of the world finding both cooperation and pleasure together while the less privileged inevitably suffer and have to turn to less ethical means to survive, but well... The fact that Jayce is having sex with his political partner while his scientific partner is dying is still a bit? Suggestive? These readings aren’t mutually exclusive.  6) “Singed: If you take this path, they will despise you. Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress. It’s why I parted ways with Heimerdinger. Viktor: Jayce will understand.”  idk this seems like a logical answer after the mention of singed’s previous lab partner but still, love.. more a weird choice of words on singed’s part tbh, could be just a generic type of love in a ~friendly colleagues~ way lol 7) no visible nipples under a really high support brace 
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might be just stylistic design choices ig, low pectoral muscles.. due to muscle atrophy maybe?   So, like, all of this can be viewed in a different light, I guess? And most overt hints are in Act I.  This is naturally a familiar path for anyone who has experience with fandom and reading into things, impossible to say for sure whether it’s all in our heads or not... Earlier I’d say that it doesn’t even matter! We do have one rly cool queer couple in the show and also perhaps this ambiguity suits that particular storyline, AND more importantly Viktor’s sexuality or gender wouldn’t really add that much to the themes of the show, in my opinion. It’s just really nice for fanart and fic ideas, various additional materials and rediscovering the homoeroticism of cold war metaphors in League lore.  But after that whole thing on Amanda Overton’s twitter (one of the writers for Arcane) with first an implication that any queer-seeming moments are just the results of ‘no stigma against affection between men, friends or family’ followed by a bewildering ‘I’ve faced what felt like identity erasure myself many times. I’ve not given a real-world label to any one of our characters because I sincerely believe it will be more satisfying to learn this as their story unfolds.’ Which um. Reads as ‘wait and see’, essentially, also backed up by a different artist (Evan, although he isn’t working on s2) on the show seemingly for this particular issue (’I super do need people to stop asking us about things that aren't explicitly shown in s1. I get that people want assurances, but it'd be such a massive disservice to spoil any of the moments being cooked up’).  And after that I’ve began to feel a familiar frustration...  Like, this isn’t that big of a question in the story? Like I said, Viktor’s sexuality or gender isn’t super relevant to his character since he already has lots of other narrative-defining traits (risk-taking scientist focused on improvement of life quality & leaving a legacy, comes from zaun, disabled, close to dying), plus if Amanda is to be believed there’s no stigma towards sexuality or gender expression in Runeterra so it wouldn’t be seen as an alienating trait, just a sort of sad one if he had an unexplored (and potentially unrequited) crush on Jayce. Which again, isn’t really needed to drive home the idea that their relationship is slowly falling apart because of a divide in ideologies and personal circumstances. Or rather, it just wouldn’t be a good twist for s2, but it would have been a potentially cool detail to add or imply in s1.  My point is that if the queercoding was intentional why not say so? And if it’s not what’s the big deal in saying ‘nope! it wasn’t intentional! however we can see how it could be viewed that way, best of wishes to the fandom, you’ll get your riot mlm and or trans rep someday, xxx’.  Or, yknow, ignoring the question. Instead homophobic and/or sexist fans took the first part of the answer as an opportunity to gloat that the idea of a queer Viktor is entirely delusional while us losers received familiar bait of ‘maybe it’ll happen in s2!! be on the lookout for bi Jayce trying to seduce robo-Viktor (Even-Bigger-Dick-Now) who fell out of love with Jayce because of hexcore or an undercity flood or whatever’. Argh idk, I’d easily expect such an answer from a riot marketing team! But it’s really kinda sad to see the same sort of vague placation of both sides from a queer writer who pushed forward Vi/Caitlyn whose relationship truly kept me on the edge of my seat the whole show. sigh
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