#but it's been like 3 hours and I've made 0 progress
cephalofrog · 1 month
yeah I can't beat promised consort radahn
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This isn't gonna be my ""canon"" path through this conversation, but it's like. profoundly fucked up enough that I am going to be thinking about it for so long. Solas why are you the way that you are.
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tam-ezrac · 2 months
[Re:conceptualizing LoR and LCB Systems] Part 2!!
Part 1 - For convenience
My procrastination strikes again, tho this time it's only a month. In that time I realized that, I'm not making a game, I don't need to worry about every detail, as long as it's believable, you guys can fill in the details.
That means I can be both John Limbus AND John Ruina!! Let's fuckin GGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
also I'm separating all this in multiple parts before combining everything into a mega post on Reddit, so look forward to that.
Partie 2: Identities, E.G.Os & Panic
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Here is the reference image for your sanity, looks cool right?
–Keypage/Core ID
Your bread & butter equipement for your Librarian/Sinner(I'll refer to them as Nuggets from now on), obtained either from the Gacha/Book Burning or as story rewards.
They determine your HP, TP, Speed range, Weapon Resistance, Sanity and what Core Skills you have.
They come in 3 main Rarities with 2 extra ones, which are:
Base(0): Default ID for every Nugget, most of the stats are determined by the skills & passives it is equipped with, or story progression
Ain(0̸): Filler IDs, cannot be equipped as a Keypage, but does provide general skills and passives for an associated faction
Soph(0̸0̸): Can be used as a Keypage by all Nuggets, generally not the strongest or most unique IDs but provide a good support for other IDs
Aur(0̸0̸0̸): Core part of most teams, can only be equipped by a select few, usually has a unique gimmick or playstyle and teams are built around them
Unique(✦): Reserved for select few like Colors/EGOs/Distortions, Deck cannot be changed and you can only bring 1 Unique per team
They can also be Levelled up and Uptied, but I'm leaving it to your discretion for how that works.
–Core Skills
Are the minimum skills that an ID needs in order for it to work. By default the skills that are associated for that ID are equipped but can be swapped out if they met the requirement.
Ex: W-Corp ID(s) would have Core Skills that gains and or use charge but can be swapped out for those that do the same.
The details can be found in Part 3 but the general gist is:
You can equip up to 9 skills(incl. Core)
They come in 4 rarities: Paperback(no Sin Affinity), Hardcover(S1), Limited(S2) and Object D'art(S3)
You have an infinite Defensive Skill associated with your Keypage and may gain more depending on what you have equipped
–Passives & Attribution
Each Keypage as atleast one Passive on them which can be triggered through EGO Resources.
You can equip more through passive attribution, each of em cost as much as the rarity of it's associated ID (I.e Ain(0̸) Passive cost 1 point, Soph(0̸0̸) cost 2, etc.) You cannot attribute passives of Unique IDs.
Fuckin hell that was a lot to type, go grab a bottle water if you haven't already, cause that means you've made it through 1/3 of this post! ...yippie
Ah– we will now begin
The E.G.O Section!
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Abnormalities... Monsters beyond human comprehension... representing different aspects of blah blash blegh! You already what they are!
And neither of us care about that lore(rn) what we want is to harness they're power in combat
And! Uh, I have some good news and bad news about that.
Let's start with the bad, you may only equip 5 Abnos(1 for each Risk Lv) per team
I know kinda shitty, good news it's a Fusion Between LoR's Abno Page and LCB's EGO Skills, which is the entire point of this series thing...
Can you tell I'm Tired? Cause I've been sitting here for like 6~8 hours as I'm typing this line. And this one is after another 3 hours, 38 minutes, 14 second yea I came back just to type that, what of it??!
...for the sake of my sanity we will be using Telepole/Alleyway Watchdog(O-02-11-26) and the associated Sinners for the majority of this section.
–EGO Skills
Starting off, Abno EGOs acts as both your special moves and additional passives(for that encounter) and they come in 4 different flavors.
First and foremost is Dormant EGO Skills, only those who can not Resonate with an Abno can use these. They do not trigger the Abnos Passives, roll lower and deal less damage, But they also cost less SP and Sin Resources than other version(s) of the EGO
Awakening & Corrosion(Overclock too) are Exclusive to those who are able resonate with the Abno(Faust, Don and Heathcliff in our case), I.e if you played Limbus you know what they do.
However, before moving to Synchronization let's talk about—
–EGO Passives
After using an Awakening or Corrosion Skill, at the beginning of the next turn, you are able to pick 1 passive from the Abno EGO you used.
In our case it would be between Faust's [Adaptive Release], Don's [Haphazard Discharge] and Heathcliff's [Roar], after which depending on the passive, you may(or may not) select who gets the passive.
This can range from random, 1 unit, multiple units, anyone who isn't the user, everyone on the field, only your enemies, etc, etc.
If you want another passive from the same Abno you have to use a different version of the Abno EGO I.e if you used Don then you have to use either Faust or Heathcliff
There's also a limit to the amount of Abno passive you can have per Nugget but I'll cover that in the last section.
Upon meeting all criteria and using an Overclocked EGO the selected Nugget Synchronizes with the used Abno and is overwritten with a Unique ID for the rest of the Encounter *Conditions may apply.
The secret? Well, you don't know what the criteria is of course! It could be a 13 step plan, maybe you need to not bring something, maybe you just need 100 EGO resources or vice-versa!
In the end, it will stay an enigma until you use it for the first time, of course I'm a benevolent moron so I'll atleast give you an example.
We'll be Taking Little Red(F-01-57) for our test drive. Now using our knowledge of the Abno's Story what they represent, in this case revenge, we can deduce that it probably has something to do with the Bad Wolf(F-02-58).
I'll expedite it a bit here, but either have the Bad wolf on the Field or someone who used it's EGO Skill last Turn, pay the toll(Resources) and unleashing the Skill will have the Nugget Sync with Red Hood! Of course you made sure to read the fine print right? ....right??
sigh, alright I'll tell you about the added conditions too, in our case it requires Red hood to land the finishing blow on our To be Bad Wolf fail to do so and the Synced unit turns Indiscriminate, if you kill all the enemies but fail to suppress them, then you lose. Ah–, btw you can Sync with Every Abno if you wanted to, it's not always the best choice let alone a plausible one so be careful of that.
You can Obtain Abno Skills has Story Rewards, Side Content or through the Gacha, and their passives through Uptie and or Supressions (again up to your discretion)
NOW we finally made it the homestretch the final section(of this post)
–Panic/Mental Types!!
You gain different effects depending on how high or low you SP is, hitting either extremes results in a Panic/Bliss state where you(usually) can't control that unit.
Mental types are determined by what Keypage you have equipped but can be changed under certain conditions.
–SP Gain & Loss
Winning/Losing a Class
Max/Min Rolling
Enemy Kill/Ally Death
Skill Effects
Or Keypage specific thing
–ID Possesion
It's quite literally the opposite of Corrosion, but with IDs instead. I.e, when you hit max positive SP a wheel is turned based on Nuggets currently equipped Skill.
Let's say it's a 3-way split between W-corp, 7-Assoc and The Ring. So it would be a 30%:30%:30% for any of them to be chosen with the remaining 10% being nothing happening
Once something is chosen, all of your skill will be turned into a skill from that faction that is of the same rarity and is then shuffled.
After 1 turn has pass in that state your SP resets to 0 and you turn back to normal, the catch here is that you don't know which one of your skills you've used until the Possession is over, making it act as a punishment or reward depending on how you use it.
And with that...
it took so, so damn long!!!! Im never doing this ever again(in one sitting)
I still have part 3 to do so i'll crawl towards that eventually with that I Hoped you enjoyed reading my ramblings
Until next time,
Toodaa loo!!
oh am i kidding
yeah...! YEAH!!!
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Here's the emotion bars reds negative greens positive
Number in the middle is the Emotion Level, you increase it by using EGOs in ascending order(1=Zayin, 2=Teth, etc.) up to a Max of 5. In normal gameplay. it can go up to 6 if you use a Unique IDs mechanic or EGO Sync, and 7 if you do both, good luck with that one
What does it do? Buffs you obviously, Action Slots, Card Draws, Number of Abno Passives, ID Mechanics.
Really whaterver the fuck you can think of, and I already did my share so show some of your creativity
See the Yellow bar on top? that's Grace, your max SP(- & +). If the colored bars reach it, shit happens, I think you can figure what.
you can also sSSSssPppiIiIiiInNnN it with Sinking&Floating(counterpart) so watch for that.
that does it im not writting anyomre of this, part 3 the finale where ill covver encounters skills, clasehed skill check resources status effects, gachaas SIN realixataon your mu,m UUUUUUUOO OOOOOOGGHH HHHGGH KANI REoRoEoRoEoRoER EREoooooREoRoERoEoRoEoRoEoRoeoroEoReooroEoRoeorEoRoeoroEoRooerooER thisisthisthatisthat youmustJUDGEMENT likeihave PALpalpALPlapLAPlapLAPlaplPALpalPALpalpALPalpA getgETperebhzcbcdGetwkjofndjlnklwdfgETGETGewjfdbu bfjwdtgeTEGte baitused tobelivable*giutar riff*HoLydhItisT HtAA ThE rEd MiRsTtHk
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queeryutbrb · 5 months
Hi, I saw you commented on a Sonic animation post and you said you were learning 2d animation. I wanted to know if you've progressed and if you could spare any helpful information I could use on my animation journey. Thanks
yo! sure, yeah, id love to help ^^
i have made some progress, yeah. there's a lot of stylistic variations, but here's what's been most helpful to me :)
0. a lot of these mention speed - if you get too caught on something, it's likely to sap your motivation. also, i use frame-by-frame, not rigging, so some of these might not be helpful if you use rigging.
1. learn to accept mistakes.
perfectionism will slow you down. it's a little each frame, but that *adds up*. in a few second long animation, it may be fine. but if you're going for 15+ seconds, even into minutes, that can cost you hours to days to even months of progress, depending on the length. learn to accept minor mistakes, if you haven't already. you can always fix them later.
2. you dont have to redraw every single frame.
first, you can cut up an individual frame and move the parts of it. i draw characters art, and i cut up different bits of the arm when i wanna move it. second, you can warp a frame - stretch it, slant it, squish it, lots of things. you can also slide them around on the screen. third, you can reuse a frame. that's one you have to experiment with a bit, seeing where it's helpful for you and where it isn't.
3. do one thing at a time.
if you've just sketched a frame, dont move onto lining it, sketch the next one. if you get bored with one step but still wanna work on the animation, that's when you switch to the next. getting into a rhythem can help you enjoy the work more and let it go by faster.
4. stretch!
if you wanna animate, you have to take care of your body. it's fairly easy to find stretches online, look up "stretches for artists/animators" or "stretches to avoid carpel tunnel", and walk around a couple minutes every hour you've been seated. if you don't, that strain will add up, and you can cause or worsen chronic pain in yourself.
5. check your progress every so often.
if you ever wanna see your current progress, go for it! it can help you stay motivated and show you want you like and dislike about your animation so far. to do this, put in a few frames of your animation and time them properly. put them together like they should be in the final piece. watch this back whenever you like :) it's a great way to give yourself a little reward for all your hard work!
6. watch videos on animation from other artists.
plenty of people share their tips. i've learned a lot by going on youtube and searching "animaton tips". you can also play this in the background while you animate, if you'd like. i always like having something to listen to, myself, and it can help me a lot to have it be related to the art i'm making.
i reccomend doodley and lavendertowne, personally :)
7. animate for you.
remember, if there's anything you don't wanna do, you don't have to. make what you enjoy making, not just what you think others would wanna see. if you end up sharing your animations, which you don't have to do, you will find your audience. do what you enjoy, skill will come to you along the way. :)
i hope these are helpful to you ^^ best of luck on your animation journey!
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
I realized that I’ve never really documented my L&D experience with any of my boys. Memory fades, but anyone who has gone through it knows that there are some moments and aspects of labor and delivery that you know will stay fresh in your mind for a long, long time.
This will probably get lengthy - fair warning.
For a bit of background, my first and second experiences with labor and delivery were complete opposites in everything except arrival time; both boys arrived in week 38 (38+3 and 38+4, to be specific).
My first involved an induction due to preeclampsia concerns. I was working remotely and got a call from my doctor on Wednesday - I was 38+0 and they told me that due to the protein levels in my urine from my 37-week appointment, they wanted to induce me. That same day. After a bit of freaking out and calling B, we packed up and headed to the hospital. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were spent passing the time, letting things... ripen. My body was NOT ready. By Saturday, though, I was ready for pitocin. I labored for about 6 hours and was still only at 2cm, so I requested an epidural. An hour after the epidural, my doctor came in to tell me that if things hadn't progressed any further, I'd be getting a C-section. She checked me and I was fully dilated +2. Thank god for that epidural. One more hour of pushing and he arrived. The whole experience was off, though. It wasn't a great labor and delivery experience for me, though I was very grateful because it could have been much worse and much harder, but it was only the start of a very, very difficult year of my life. PPD is no joke.
My second was quite the opposite. Again, I was working remotely at home, and I wrote an email to my boss the morning I started going into labor to tell him I thought I'd best hang up my hat. We called my parents to come watch Holden. They arrived to our house by 1pm, we got to the hospital at 2pm, and the baby was born at 4pm. It was wickedly painful - my water broke on the way to the hospital - and to this day, I've never experienced physical pain like that in my life. It progressed FAST and furious and my body told me when it was time to push, even before the doctors did. Two pushes and he was here.
I guess that brings me to my third and final labor/delivery experience. You may already know that we had a false alarm and spent the day at the hospital two days before the baby was actually born, frustratingly being sent home at the end of that day because I was still only 3cm dilated. That was Wednesday. Friday morning, my contractions woke me up at 4am and I knew in my gut that it was Actually Time. I woke B up, we woke up my parents who were already staying at our place that night, and we left. The hour-long drive to the hospital was stressful but we made it. We were admitted at 6am. After vomiting once and laboring for much longer than I wanted without any pain management, I was finally given the epidural around - what was it, 7cm? I think so. It was only about 75% effective, but it was certainly enough to take the edge off and it was a welcome relief. My labors move fast, apparently. The L&D nurse was so incredibly kind and encouraging - telling me I was doing amazing, that my pain tolerance is incredibly high, and that I was cranking out those contractions. When I was fully dilated, the midwife (who also saw me for my false alarm and who I had become very fond of by that point) told me we were ready to go. Let's push this baby out. Four pushes and there he was. He had arrived at 39+2. He looks just like Holden did as a newborn. He's healthy and happy and it's been absolute smooth sailing as far as his health goes, thank goodness. That's all I wanted.
So, with that, the family is feeling very complete. It was a scary thought, but now it's mostly just a welcome one. I won't have to go through the pain, anxiety, and trauma of another pregnancy, labor, and delivery again. That part of the journey is thankfully in the rear view. There was a time when I thought I wouldn't have kids - at that time, I never would have believed you if you told me I'd end up having three. Now, though, I can't imagine not having done it. Life has a way of doing that, I suppose.
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dark-titi · 6 months
Day 0: I found this odd puzzle on my bookshelf. All the easiest parts had already been put together, it took me little time to reassemble it, only the sky remained unfinished.
Day 1: Today I didn't made much progress on the puzzle, but it was raining outside so I blame the light.
Day 2: It's way harder than I expected, I sorted the pieces by color but very few seem to match. I wonder if that's some kind of prank.
Day 3: I'm starting to understand why the puzzle was dusting in a corner never to be touched again. This thing is way too hard, but I have my pride at stake.
Day 4: I'm starting to lose my mind. I've lost count of how many hours I've spent on this. I found myself rushing my meal to get back to it.
Day 5: Couldn't sleep last night. Every time I close my eyes I see puzzle shapes, It keeps me awake.
Day 6-7: days pass, I barely it but I'm not hungry, I've started to eat the tin can in my basement. I don't cook it, I don't have that time.
Day 8: I feel like something is wrong, I manage to put some pieces but whenever I take a step back it seems like I made no progress.
Day 9: I started to see patterns in the pieces, some sort of low, I'm not sure yet but I believe there this puzzle is 'deeper' than it seems.
Day 10: I'm sure of it now, I counted all the pieces and there is too many, but there all different and yet seems to belong to this puzzle.
Day 11: I've seen it! I've seen it! On one of the edges, the space was curving! There is more surface hiding somewhere.
Day 15: I've nothing left to eat, it doesn't matter anymore, I feel like time stopped somehow. I've been doing my calculation for quite some time now, but strangely I've not been disturbed for ages now.
Day 23: I've done it, I managed to estimate the 'depth' of this puzzle. According to my calculation its dimension it's surface is close to 1.65. From the outside, it seems normal but it is in fact some sort of fractal.
Day 27: I started to feel the gap between dimensions bit by bit. It takes me a lot to keep focus but I enjoy it. I feel like I'm going to finish it.
Day 56: No…. there is no end to this. At first, I though I could finish but I have a strange feeling that there is an infinite amount of pieces yet to be placed. Every time I put one two more take the place.
Day 67: I had to be sure so I recorded it. I couldn't believe it but pieces seems to have their 'own dimention' but are still bound together. If I pull one, another piece can pop out of its dimension somewhere else.
Day 145: I just noticed that it's blanc outside. Not snow nor day, just blanc like an endless cloud. It matters little, the light is fine that way.
Day 343: I don't know how I'm able to count days since there is no days anymore. I've started to hear some voices coming from the puzzle. It says to not worry because I'm close to the end.
Day 870: I'm not sure I'm alive anymore. Well in a way I am but I feel like my inner time has stopped. Of course, I noticed it long ago, I keep feeling my heartbeat but each pulse is identical to the previous, like a clock.
Day 1456: I got good at thinking in multi-dimension. I understand it, the way it flows. I started seeing new ones everywhere. At first, I thought they were barely visible but I just didn't knew how to look properly.
Day 24650: I see things in that puzzle. Sometimes it's me, really me. It's like watching your limbs and there is your face on it. I want to touch it…
Day 90001283: I see time. And I see the puzzle. Not as a surface or a volume. More like an endless shape, snapping from one dimension to another, somewhere stacking on itself, and the moment after it's larger than the universe. What a fool of me to think I would ever be able to complete it. Might be easier to tie every atom of the universe in an endless rope.
Day ?: Time doesn't make sense anymore. I think I'm way after the end of it. I can't tell. There is no more light, no more space, only me and the puzzle. And the eternity to finish it.
Day &+%: somehow I feel close to the end. How? There is no dark anymore, I'm seeing myself. From everywhere, every angle, every second, every choice. I think everything is getting closer to me.
Day: There is no more time. My thoughts are in the past present and future at the same time. This is the end. I keep telling myself to not worry. That I'm close to the end. Eventually, the universe will let me go and I may finally fade away….
Day -1: I'm not one anymore. We are many, scattered across space like stars, bound together. I cease to exist but We will carry on. We sense it. Time is flowing again, we sense it, in an unexpected direction but it matter not, we will be part of it, this is certain.
Day 0: Some of us felt something, like a little displacement in our dimension. Light, again, suddenly! Something is staring at us, we feel it even though we can't describe it. Names matter not, they never have. The thing is trying to put us back together but we don't want to! We're not afraid, it's been a long time since we're able to move through dimensions. Some of us will get caught eventually, but it's barely our edge. None can understand how we are, and no one will, we'll make sure of that…
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sims3fiend · 11 months
Sims 3 Error 12 "fixes"
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Been looking at the infamous error 12 today while playing bald gate and have made a lil bit of progress that I think I should put somewhere, mostly so I don't forget. (AKA just use dxvk for smoother gameplay AND less crashes!)
While none of this is really a complete fix, I think it's a step in the right direction and someone smarter than me might be able to skip a couple steps on their path as a result.
The issue: Sims 3 is a 32 bit game and has a hard limit of 4gb RAM. I have no idea what happens if it hits that limit because I don't have a save bloated enough (yet), but I'm guessing it'd crash. The base game on an extremely bloated save (for me) sits around 2600mb-3100. For whatever reason, saving the game causes a spike in RAM usage ranging from 50 - 400mb+, which if you're lucky will error 12 you, and if you're unlucky will crash you, throwing your last hour+ of gameplay into the bin.
In general, if you're around 3200mb usage, you should've saved 10 minutes ago.
A couple "fixes": Part of the issue is that the game seems to load certain objects/textures into RAM, with VRAM being capped at around 840~mb on a good day, and (maybe?) contributing to the overall limit. Easy way to fix this seems to be using DXVK, which, for me at least, removed the RAM bump when objects are loaded. 0 lots detail loaded? 2700mb, 13? 2700mb. I might write a proper installation guide for it, but for now there's a bit in my general performance tweaks post, along with my config. Another fix is, of course, the tried and true, quit your game every hour, clean your save, pray to god thing, but at certain family/save sizes it does seem like you're just kind of circling the drain. I would recommend if you are playing a 300 person household who own the entire town, dropping ObjectSizeCullFactor down in your graphics.sgr file (also in my tweaks). It's personal preference but 20~ should be mostly unnoticeable while greaaattly helping the initial bloating. I've noticed around a 250mb~ drop from the default settings, but that could just be luck. The rest of my settings don't(and shouldn't) have any impact as far as I can tell, but I'll look more later. Another thing that might help if you're already getting the error and desperately need to save, is unloading lots. There's probably a cooler way of doing this, and there's potential for a mod, but try flying your camera into a far corner, entering the map mode, pressing tab and looking up into the sky/towards nothingness before saving. This gets me around 150-200mb
Setting max detail lots to 0 also helps, but isn't exactly doable for most people (lowest is 1 in game). TS3W.exe+86C647 writes to the value if you're feeling zesty. There's other addresses that could potentially help but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Ideally this would be automatically set when saving, or even more ideally, we could just call a purge/reinitialize every so often. I'm pretty sure the game can reclaim memory, I've seen it happen, I just have no idea what triggered it.
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Other basic render-based settings seem to have no impact on RAM/VRAM, which is in line with my sgr stutter findings about clipping distance and fog. Still need to test more tho.
Anywhoo that's all for now. I'll probably keep at it tomorrow, I'd like to see what exactly is causing the bloating and if it's vram based or ram, I feel like it's something really silly that should be easy to fix, but we'll find out
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zebee-nyx · 11 months
CalmWriMo Day 3!
So! Most of my Fridays are absolutely full and don't yield much time to write. (0^0) Sad I know! But, while not my focus for this month I do have a world aside from Digitally Dead that I've been working on for years that is way more fleshed out. That being said I think that going forward for Fridays I'll pick a random bit of that world to share here. A nice little break from the way darker cyberpunk world lol (^.^).
2 Hour Writing Goal: ❌ [ahhhhhh]
Blurb: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ⚠️ [not that I didn’t eat, but was hungry most of the day (T.T), also goal is to eat before writing and well ^]
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: ❌ [I woke up really early feeling like dried lettuce q(x=x)p]
Reading: ❌
Worldbuilding blurb: The Changed (Guildergate)
In the waning years of the Age of First Spring the guildergates began sparking back to life for the first time in a millennia. Much had changed since the gates were opened last. The Midrealm faced a dreaded age of ice, darkness, and death that was only pushed back with the light of the First Spring. The last century was a prosperous golden age that saw the rise of many prosperous kingdoms of man.
When the gates reopened there were brief hopes that it would bring the same riches and prosperity from other realms as they had when the Aekari (gods) still walked the world. However, what first came through the guildergates wasn't the gold and glory of old, but refugees. Various Fae refugees fleeing from their dying realm, Fel, had opened the gates to escape to the Midrealm. Fortunately the Fae were able to escape their pursuers and lock off the realm of Fel before they could be followed through. However, the kingdoms of man were not the only to have noticed the return of the guildergates... and what waited on the other side was ready and waiting for this very moment.
Like a tidal wave washing over the Midrealm the forces of the Naiad Empire poured over the realm and rapidly subjugated all but a few far inland holdouts. While they seemed to have imperialistic intentions like any other empire that came before and any empire that'd come after the Naiads had a far more ambitious goal in mind. Ingrained in their culture, the structure of their society, and their empire was the Quest of Mystics. The goal; to achieve immortality and godhood. The Age of Mystics had begun.
At some point early in their ambitions the Naiad's began to experiment with their newest resources, humans. Under their massive spires the Naiads would use twisted magics to try and unlock the right formula to achieve their own immortality. This came with many trials and errors, always producing something short of their lofty goals. Many new and different forms were created through the experiments. Some were deemed worthy of service to the empire either as servants or solders that would become known as the Zel (sea elves). Others were often used as frontline fighters against particularly stubborn holdouts or simply cast back into the world to fend for themselves.
These others would become known as the "Changed". While on some level they still shared a human-like form, they were ultimately made different, more beastly...
The Changed can be seen as hybrids between humanity and animals. Any two Changed can be drastically different from one another with the only shared features being a mostly human form and face. While not limited in form they often have an appearance very akin to a satyr, faun, minotaur, harpy, turtle-person, or kitsune (fox-human hybrid in this case).
As a sort of 'sub-species' of humanity, the Changed are a wide and diverse group of peoples that spans most of the Midrealm. In most places they have done their best to integrate into the culture of the lands where they live. In some places they are accepted completely with open arms. In some places they are viewed with caution and skepticism as 'others' and 'too strange'. In places that took the worst of the Naiad invasion the Changed are usually heavily discriminated against, being seen as invaders or 'demon-spawn'.
In the land of Farend where most Changed can trace back where their ancestors were first changed there is a sort of nation-kingdom of Changed where people of any race and creed are openly welcomed.
[Thank you for reading! The Guildergate world has gone through a lot of iterations for the last... holy crap like nearly 7 years at least now... but I'm happy that I can share bits of it here now! (^.^) Anyways and always I hope you are having a lovely day, peace (^v^)v]
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manonamora-if · 2 years
This week has been... something. I know I've done a lot, but I am not really happy myself. I keep getting distracted (I need to stay away from YouTube) and it's been frustrating.
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Current Progress: - English word count: 32.147 (+202)* - French: ?. - Recode: 0% *may go down.
I didn't make as much progress as I would have hoped. The second run to catch the last of the mistakes (still needed, I already found some) tired me more than I thought it would. I am about half-way done with that (can't wait).
I really want to be done with this project for real. I know I still have the translation and to recode, but bleh... I don't know why I thought I'd be done in like... a week. I should have looked into my file before making that end of the year schedule.
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I took a much needed break from writing and coded something again. It was nice to do something completely different. This was not even the template I've been wanting to do for ages.
Lil background on this one:
There was an interesting discussion on the Forum about Unstyled Twine Games entries in this year IFComp (aka using the base UI only) and biases towards visuals in the comp entries. It boiled down to: there's an unfair (and probably unconscious) negative bias against unstyled Twine games compared to non-customised games created in other formats. [you should check the discussion, it was interesting]
Anyways, the topic came up in the Twine Discord and we wondered how difficult it would be to make the different Base UI in the other formats (ex: Chapbook in Harlowe, Harlowe in SugarCube, etc...). A lil bit of HTML and CSS magic is all that you need apparently.
THE POINT of this whole story is:
I have a new template out! A One Page Portrait Template (mobile support included). Simple and sleek, reminiscent of the Chapbook basic UI (because it is almost just that). Including 3 themes, font change (incl. Open Dyslexic), and the basic macros like the last one. No external Macros were included. There's also a menu :D
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Bringing me to my last item of the week: Chapter 2 is complete. MelS managed to break those missing scenes and make it work! The first round of edits is also complete and I am just waiting for him to send me back the file with all the needed changes before I can code it!
In the meantime, I am fixing a few issues with the code I do have, preparing the code for Chapter 2 and adding the missing assets.
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There's like a shit ton on my plate with all I've been wanting to do. EC's update this month is just not happening. I only have one round ready without its ending instead of 3. Even CRWL's progress has been super slow.
Guess what my brain wants to do: participate in the EctoComp (but the French one) this year. With a DL happening in 8 days.
Guess what my brain has done: planned out everything, from the concept to the gameplay, the characters and the actions...
I really shouldn't... but that 4h hour to write/code is so temping... [Bad brain!]
Some TTTT points:
I've been getting a few more reviews for TTTT which is very lovely! That pesky cache bug is still happening. This is such a bummer. I don't know where it could come from or how to fix it (it's not a one browser/extension problem) I hope a post-comp update with extra content could fix that? I've been told that the longer that problematic array is the less probable the bug would happen?
I am very grateful everyone took the time to write a review (positive or negative), give my advices/pointers, and play the game, even if I don't agree with everything written. Some have been A LOT to process, even if they were expected (I knew when I uploaded the game that those would come up). So I made a sheet with all comments points (positive/neutral/negative) to help me make the game even better!
I'm still planning a post-comp post to let everything out :P
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beyond-the-seals · 2 years
[DAY 0]: Cadet [REDACTED] has consented to conditioning. Current track to be documented within progress report 0-35-E, followed by Cadet [REDACTED]'s progress within that track and updates to the formulation. Track devised by Commander [REDACTED]. Progress report 0-35-E is maintained by Dr. Fahilix. 
[TRACK 0-35-E]:
Process 1:
-Priority 5 amnestics used on subject.
-Subject to be placed under extreme duress of pain, then asked to concede. 
-If subject does not concede, subject is to be placed under extreme duress of the mind, then asked to concede.
-If subject does not concede, subject is to be placed under extreme duress of helplessness, then asked to concede. 
-If subject does not concede, subject may proceed to Process 2.
-If subject concedes at any point, whether verbally or physically, priority 2 amnestics and priority 2 hallucinogenics are to be used on the subject until vigor is regained and behavior reset.
Process 2:
-Subject is to be martially trained while under the effect of priority 5 hallucinogenics. 
-If subject does not concede, subject may proceed back to Process 1. 
-If subjects concedes, whether verbally or physically, or requests pause at any time, priority 2 amnestics and priority 2 hallucinogenics are to be used on the subject until vigor is regained and behavior reset.
-Priority of amnestics and hallucinogenics used during initial phase of both Processes are to be steadily increased as the subject progresses.
Begin progress report 0-35-E.
[DAY 1]: The Cadet is certainly firm in her assertion that she wants to be here. Has she not been informed of the Commander's proposed track? It's my job to document, not to comment. But I could not fathom why...
[DAY 6]: She has yet to concede.
[DAY 14]: Subject has made significant progress in only two weeks. I am tempted to ask her how long she believes she has been here, but I believe I might receive reprimand. I cannot believe the Commander's track is working.
[DAY 19]: Every minute of observation feels like an hour. This is her burden, not mine. But I can feel it leaving me, too.
[DAY 20]: I have been reprimanded for referring to this as her "burden". I forgot.
[DAY 23]: Subject has encountered, for the first time, total collapse. She's entirely unresponsive. Commanders [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] are worried the track has failed entirely. I will not give up on her.
[DAY 25]: Subject has awoken, seemingly with no memory at all. Now I'm worried she has lost the core memory so carefully preserved... by my efforts, no less. If this is true... what do we do? Start over with a new core memory? Create one just for the track? Unheard of. Not that anything else we've been doing is particularly "heard of".
[DAY 30]: I have been trying to reawaken the core memory--or any memory at all, at this point--but I've had no luck. I don't know why I'm still trying. Maybe it's because she tried?
[DAY 33]: SUCCESS! A single symbol has reawakened the core memory. I only had to find the right one. With this, maybe I can keep her grounded. I mean... I'll need to. Commander [REDACTED] already wants to start the track back up again. I want to propose a change to him, but I don't even know where to begin. 
[DAY 34]: Subject is already back on the track. She's entirely unwavering now, even further than she was before. It's almost unnerving. Results are results, I suppose. 
[DAY 42]: Subject has seriously injured her martial instructor. She was tranquilized in an attempt to prevent her from strangling them, but thanks to her constantly being subjected to increasingly heightening priorities of drugs, it didn't slow her down at all. This is rather worrying. 
[DAY 45]: We have created perfection. Coincidentally, we have also created something impossible to control.
[DAY 50]: If you ask Commander [REDACTED], he says Cadet [REDACTED] is ready. If you ask me, I say Cadet [REDACTED] is gone.
[End of Progress Report 0-35-E.]
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kholden83 · 2 years
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I posted 12,046 times in 2022
22 posts created (0%)
12,024 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,013 of my posts in 2022
#pet rat - 232 posts
#should probably tag this 'personal' or something - 36 posts
#unreality - 29 posts
#huh - 20 posts
#signal boost - 19 posts
#wow - 17 posts
#yeah - 16 posts
#fictional pet care - 12 posts
#some original content - 12 posts
#hmm - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and it only came up because of that school in brisbane that tried to suddenly tried to add a bunch of anti-gay stuff to their previously ba
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm sure we all know the post about cleaning with ADHD that suggests "Junebugging", an attitude to cleaning that as long as something is being cleaned, progress is being made, so don't worry if you somehow cleaned the kitchen table instead of the shower?
Anyway, I just junebugged my way into cleaning the outside of the front door.
I put some washing (US:laundry) on, and to help it dry (I usually hang it inside) put my hygrometer outside to see if it was worth opening up. It was only 60% outside, to inside's 70%, so I wandered around opening windows.
Kitchen window had somehow got locked, so I got the Complete house keys, which live on a lanyard, to unlock it. (I have a copy of the door key on my bike key chain, so I don't need the Complete set often)
Lanyard was mouldy somehow, so I hung it on the doorknob to wipe it over with isopropyl alcohol.
After that, the bit of the door that got wiped incidentally was way cleaner, and showing up how dirty the rest of the door was, so I got some wipes out and cleaned that too. For the first time since I lived here, some 5 years now.
After I typed that, I looked up the original post to just double check, and it defined junebugging a little differently to how I had recalled it, but my thinking here was inspired by it.
Anyway, after that, I'd accidentally removed one more wipe from the packet than I needed for the door, and my grubby fingers had got it dirty, so I cleaned the light switches. The one in the kitchen was filthy, I'm not sure it had ever been cleaned, tbh.
3 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
I finally got around to scheduling my COVID booster. I very cleverly scheduled it for a Monday afternoon, shortly after my daycentre finishes to save a trip into Town, and before I have a couple of days with nothing on, just in case I have side effects.
Only. I forgot that today is a public holiday, and my day centre is closed, so I don't save a trip into town, and there is in fact a small possibility that the chemist itself won't be open, and the website just let me schedule for this arvo because the public holiday hadn't been programmed in. I did actually mean to ring up and check, but I forgot.
I could have rescheduled for next week, but I've already put it off for months, so I decided to just go anyway
3 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
ARGH! Four electorates still in doubt in the whole country, and one of them is mine. I just want to know who our MP is!
4 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
Well, it finally got me. I have COVID.
I'm at camp, and woke up this morning feeling like a truck hit me, and left a buncha sludge in my lungs.
So I left the cabin, and hung out on the verandah until someone in authority woke up so I could ask for a test. Which was positive. Really positive, the line was really clear before it even finished developing.
Currently back on the verandah, waiting for a family member to come retrieve me.
About an hour ago I coughed so hard I puked.
5 notes - Posted December 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I am so just over all this rain
Not as much as the residents of Lismore, I guess, but even without dangerous flooding this is too much water.
6 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hauscrashburn · 29 days
This is such a great article from the progressive Institute on Taxation and Economic policy.
Let me explain how taxing tips works:
1. Many employers, esp in states like KY and Ohio, whose tipped wages are less than minimum (KY follows federal at $2.83) are required to make up the difference if tips don't get an employee at non-tipped minimum.
Ex. Josie makes $2.83 an hour, she only earns $50 in tips for 40 hrs of work. That's $113 in wages, non tipped is $290. Her tips don't get her there, so the employer makes up the difference. How is that going to be accounted for and adjusted if a server doesn't make enough in tips?
2. Tips are added to paychecks and subject to taxes. This means they are also added to a taxpayer's Social Security quarterly earnings.
Additionally, employers have to also pay more in social security and medicare taxes for the employee based on their tips. Will that be taken away?
What's going to stop an employer from just classifying all your income as tips and congrats, your Social Security quarterly is no 0? So that means no SSI as you age. And they have no employer payroll taxes?
3. If you don't report, and don't tax tips, your server is going to be showing less earned income. This may affect credit reports and this may affect an ability to buy a car or rent a place or potentially earn valuable tax credits like EITC or Child Tax Credit (you have to make a minimum to earn both)
Pay statements would need to be adjusted to show non-taxed tips. This part I'm less worried about, except for the latter part. If a pay stub shows non taxed tips, it may help get that server an apt, for example. However, how will it affect the tax credits? Will it be added to the formula? What about Social Security? What about state credits?
I see 100s of pages of tax policy here. Additionally, its going to be incorrectly reported by employers using shit payroll systems, and its going to be incorrectly reported at tax filing time (I have thoughts on our filing system, for another day)
4. I have servers I've done payroll for making 40k-60k a year in tips alone. So that's 40k untaxed. Compared to people making 40k taxed as wages. That's a huge income difference and guess what? If that tax revenue coming in is lost, its going to require states and counties to raise property taxes, sales tax, etc. They are different pots, but its lost revenue nonetheless.
For everyone screaming about national debt, taking away tips from being taxed would add 100 to 125 billion in our national debt.
Also! Remember the Supreme Court said a bribe isn't a bribe, if its a tip, so really whats going to stop someone from classifying all their income as tips, escaping tax, and collecting bribes and calling it a gratuities? The amount of exceptions that will need to be carved around this is are *ridiculous*.
A better idea would be to make a certain amount a quarter not subject to tax. Currently its only $20 a month. Increase it to a $100 or $125 a month. For some servers, that could be a whole month not taxed. For other servers, it may just be part of a week (I seriously just processed payroll for someone who made 2k in tips in a week. That's not unusual. If their 75k in tips is never taxed again, the tax burden is gonna need to shift somewhere else, and its going to be on lower earning wage workers)
Even better idea--fucking stop allowing restaurants to pay a pittance of wages and forcing servers to rely on tips. Restaurant owners skate by on slim margins and its only because they aren't paying as much in wages, relying on the customer to essentially ensure that their staff is paid. It's wild and no other country does it.
This is my accountant perspective. This policy sounds so good when politicians talk about it, but when the policy meets paper, its going to really just fuck people over * (and honestly, whats going to stop a CEO from declaring their wages as tips (The Harris plan attempts to but Trump's wouldn't! And neither are any of the state ones coming up)
*how can it to do that? you just hate servers? Sure ok, sales tax is how a county funds itself. Sales tax is a regressive tax--it harms working class people more than middle class to wealthy people. If a county revenue's portion from a state drops because of a drop in revenue from taxing tips, they are going to raise property taxes and they are going to raise sales tax.
Raised property taxes means raised rent
It means seniors losing homes (I'm seeing this in Ohio due to our 225% increase in property taxes in some areas)
It means a reduction in services and a loss of spending ability
It's not just about what feels good in the moment. Taxes is an entire web that affects everyone and is entangled.
Our tax system tries to be progressive and fair and it needs a huge overhaul (mostly taxing the rich, especially billionaires) which would help in many more ways than this proposal. But people's wallets are cash strapped and this sounds prima facie like such a good policy. In practice, its going to lead to some not great outcomes and the better answer is to get rid of the tipped employee wage and increase minimum wages for everyone.
0 notes
seven-cents · 1 year
dont like how the matryoshka logs were taking up so much space so I'm gonna copy and paste them here so can get rid of them
Day 1
Dear Devlog,
Today is day one of my long and mentally torturous journey. I am writing to you at the hour of 11am.
I have made minimal progress today. But important progress. Starting with setting up my normal preferences, running tests to get the ratio. Lame stuff, yknow.
I went on to outline many of the scenes and character sprites, there are quite a bit of them so it was arduous but thankfully my best friend, quentin, was here to help me out with a hip new video. His help will be invaluable throughout this timeframe. I love you quentinreviews.
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I feel pretty good about how its going, and I'm sure as long as I don't sleep or do anything else for even a moment I'll be done in time. Easy peasy for me, the laziest most adhd person on the planet.
Word count: 0
I can only hope I can make it at least playable before the madness sets in.
Day 2
The madness has set in.
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Dear devlog, I feel like a clown and not in the hot way. I got minimal sleep due to me being woken up at an unreasonable hour.
This morning I heard a crackling in my walls, like electricity behind my outlet. This was super concerning since I had a bunch of flammable shit near it. I immediately hopped up and started rearranging my entire room, moving all my canvasses and paint in boxes and whatnot, and in my cleaning I found what looked to be several tiny beads. The crackling had been a necklace I had on a shelf snapping and all the beads falling on the ground. Now I have to unpack everything.
I did however did get quite a bit done, though, 3000 words worth. Most of it is garbage that I'm going to rewrite like ten times but it's something.
Word count: 3,295
Day 3
Dear devlog,
everything is a sick cesspit of misery
I got some sprites done tho. By done I mean they're NOTHIGN, but I will fix them later.
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Day 4
Didn't get any sleep last night! Had to do stuff today!
Yet, I'm still keeping up pace. With the power of a gallon of chocolate milk a day. HAHAHA.
now get in the hole cunt
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Day 5
Dear Devlog,
I've grown to dislike these horrible paints. I have to use craft paints because they're not shiny. They're fifty cents each so I've bought maybe fifty of them. They're all brown and green. All I dream of is brown and green. I hate brown and green.
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Who knows what I'll do with them when I finish.
Day 6
Gonna be hard times for the next few days. Won't be able to paint as much but hopefully I can make up for that in writing. Which is terrible because I only have a million paintings to do. Regardless, I can program and write at the same time. nbd.
Words: 4851
Day 7
I didn't update last night because I was so tired! and I had to take time out of my schedule for my weeping break.
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The thing about this painting is, I hate it. Like it's way too late to change the colors or pretty much anything without losing a day. That's the problem with doing traditional art, I can't make tweaks without losing so much time. I'm on day 8, that's a little over a fourth way through and I'm looking at my checklist and I'm gonna throw up. But also it's okay. I'm moving things around to keep the important stuff first so some things may be cut.
Day 8
The name is starting to piss me off. I keep having to look it up to remember how to spell it.
I painted rats today.
Day 9
Wahoo! i finshed some painting. Some of the easiest but good enough. I want to get all of them through with by the twentieth so I can make alternates and then digitally edit them in the next ten days. I think I can have a scene and the menu done by today but who knows.
Day 10
couldnt do anything got too sick from pizza cookie
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Day 11
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look at this fucking bitch what the fuck is his problem
Day 12
I dont think i wanna paint ever again.
its like on every surface of my room. why am i like this why did i wanna do this. oh yeah, its my drive to be the best in the universe.
Day 13
People are gonna make fun of me for making a character look like a vagina. I KNOW I KNOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE A VAGINA. you dont understand yuri.
Day 14
I've gotten most of the backgrounds almost done. I've got the sprites almost done. Well I don't have the hallway even remotely done because I just sort of forgot it was there. CGs need to be done. I've only got the sketches.
Day 15
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ive watched all of adventure time painting these. now i need a new show.
Day 16
Yeah baby parts of the gui are done. Rats are done. That's all I really need right?
Day 17
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behold. all my goddam sprites. there's at least fifteen. almost complete bitches.
Day 18
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Have you ever seen a prettier textbox? No you haven't.
Day 19
I don't waaaaaaanna paint. I don't wanna do it. I don't wanna have to be like okay what colors should I use here if I fuck up I have to do everything over again. How many times do I have to paint the same thing. I hate painting AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Day 20
My goal was around 10000 words I'm like 9379 so like I'm almost there baby but it will probably be shorter. I might cut some things.
Day 21
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8 days left. I have so much to do in eight days.
Day 22
I stopped updating after this because i lost my cunting mind.
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gardengobbo · 1 year
When I'd gone around the gardens with my mom to figure out what was weeds and what were plants that were supposed to be there, I noticed that the raspberries at the back had a lot of dead chunks around them, so that was my next task.
Though the whole reason I noticed it was because I was asking for a hand marking the weeds with spray paint so I could pull them for mom, but shh. My brain says prune raspberries and if I wanna keep enjoying this shit I do what my brain says it wants.
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I neglected to take photos beforehand, but trust me, they look much better.
This was the 15th of May, and the day I learned spending 3 days straight hunched over in the garden for 6+ hours at a time was not something my back was keen on. And also the day I agreed to do line dancing with my mom on Wednesdays with no previous experience. That's only relevant because my legs were already not happy and adding in my disgruntled attempts at following steps I have no knowledge of made my body scream in protest. To be fair the following week I did surprisingly a lot better.
I actually had to force myself to just chill for a couple days to recover. I've not been very active in the last while, so going from 0 to 100 in 3 days was probs not a good idea. My legs are still sore in some spots like 10 days later.
So let's jump ahead once again, and now were looking at the plants progress as of the 21st of May! I'd mentioned in one of the other posts that I'd had some mint under my lamp inside, and that was just temporary. As I was cleaning up the back of the garden by the raspberries I did find some mint. My mom made it sound like there was tons of it, so I was imagining catnip amounts. There was only 3 plants. But there was a frost advisory overnight and I'd just moved them from one spot to another and didn't think they'd survive the frost. So I'd dug em up, slapped em in a pot, and brought em inside.
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I did replant it into the garden with my catnip, so it's outside as of now. Chilling in the weird spot between two patches of catnip with my stargazer lily, the pink hyacinths, and the sad cactus.
But! The growth in the apples is going so well! I'm thinking I need to move them to their own pots very soon, I just lack the additional space to have 6 pots on the shelf as well as the two cala lilies and Lavender seed tray.
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We've also got a leaf and two little bits poking out of the purple cala lily, and more length but still only one sprouted Lavender seed.
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I was becoming a bit concerned for the yellow cala lily, so I took a chance and carefully dug it up out of the pot. Turns out I just buried it deeper in the dirt, and it's well on its way to poking out too! The day I replanted the mint was also the day I shuffled the yellow cala lily bulb up in the dirt a bit, and also picked a few lily of the valley for a small vase in my kitchen area.
I love lily of the valley. It's so dainty and simple yet so fragrent. It smells lovely out there now.
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Thats all for now!
I feel like I need a catchy sign off for these posts. I always just want to say be safe, but I feel like I want to say more. Because with no context be safe can sound a bit ominous.
So maybe be safe, and don't eat random plants? (I was watching an Atomic Shimp video earlier and he'd mentioned that notnall foragable plants are safe to eat so thats why I thought of that. Despite me not actually foraging anything.)
I'll come up with something. For now, just be safe and stay zesty.
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honeykuwu · 2 years
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I posted 6,901 times in 2022
That's 2,462 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
6,890 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 448 of my posts in 2022
#ml spoilers - 111 posts
#fnaf security breach - 64 posts
#fnaf gregory - 46 posts
#security breach - 43 posts
#glamrock freddy - 40 posts
#ml s5 spoilers - 33 posts
#fnaf sb - 31 posts
#marichat - 30 posts
#ml season 5 spoilers - 23 posts
#mlb spoilers - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i could go on and on about how this is can be used in order to isolate people and create even more difficulty in maintaining a living space
My Top Posts in 2022:
So I've been watching refill/restock videos, as one does, and I keep wondering... do these bitches not have any actual food? Like thry have some mezeluri and a crap tone of juices and cheese and sweets and maybe some vegetables and fruit... but like no actual food? Like, idk if I'm speaking for all romanian peeps, but you usually have o oala de ciorba sau de supa si alta with some leftover food, like do these people just know exactly how much to cook? Are they buying all their food premade? I am so confused, yet so intrigued...
4 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
Man, a few years ago I saw this cool post that explained how vampires would most likely function if they existed based on like actual blood consuming bats anatomy and it was really cool and had drawn examples of stuff and I loved it, but I can't find it, so like if anyone knows what I'm talking about could you please send it to me? I would really appreciate it, I loved that post, with the bladey teeth and all
4 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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Ok, am I going insane, or did they change this??
6 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Yk, if they're switching the dynamics now for adrinette, does that mean we get pinning Adrien for the future season, cause please!!! We deserve to see mushy Adrien for three seasons, I feel like thay would balance things more. A dream..
26 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok, so I absolutely love Security Breach, but I wanted to make a lost of things I feel would have made the game more enjoyable for me. It's just personal preference, it's ok if you guys don't agree. So here we go:
♡ more Freddy interactions. I really hate that he doesn't talk unless it's an event. Give him idle lines when he moves, both near Greg or with Greg inside. Make him send Greg random messages during the night, basically sell to us that they have a bond, build it throughout the night. I just fee like we would all have benefited from more papa beat and feral boy interactions.
♡ Make the hours advance slower and more equal? Idk man if I'm wrong, but I felt like the game progressed a little too fast and random? I just think it would help to get a bit more time
♡ More Vanny, the amount of times we see her is ridiculous...she was supposed to be the main villain, but I never got a real sense of danger from her. Add more chases from her. Make her randomly taunt Greg. Make her sometimes speak through the animatronics. Give us small scene where we see her interact with them. Idk, just add her more.
♡ Add more story elements: I personally feel like the story is held together with tape and that it was not the focus of the game, which imo left a lot of unanswered questions, like why do the animatronics keep getting more beat-up throughout the night, what is the deal with Vanessa, what is the deal with Greg, why is only Freddy not corrupted an so on. I feel there should have been more story elements added throughout, like small cut-scenes or lines of dialogue
♡ Allows us to actually race for a bit with Roxy, I found it kinda sad that it was only a cut-scene
♡ It would have been cool if we could also save the rest of the animatronics, not just decommission them and thus make them allies. I haven't really thought how, if I come up with an idea I will add, but I feel that is should be a more difficult mission than to decommission them, since it basically transforms and enemy into an ally. And taking from the Freddy part, give them some lines as well, I just think it would be sweet. Also with this addition, you create extra endings depending on who you saved.
♡ Remake the Afton final boss, I may be the only one, but I feel that this one was really underwhelming, I think it should have been longer and required Freddy a lot more, needed a bit more action. Taking from the points above, I feel like it would have been cool if you only had Freddy to be a harder boss and more bearable if you had everyone, or just get progressively easier the more you added to your roster. I also feel like the true ending should be with all of them. Also tell us what happened to Vanny. I feel like none of the endings actually touch all the issues in the pizza plex and while I get the idea behind it, I still feel there should have been one that figures out everything.
♡ I feel like there should be an extra panel named Extras :)) where you can see all things collected throughout your runs, so you don't run into the issue of losing everything just cause you got it after six
♡ this one is really not that important, but I think it would have been cool if there was a chance to do sth so that you can restore the ability to save during the after six am part, not really necessary, just and idea
♡ also more Vanessa, she also barely appeared snd didn't feel like an actual threat.
That's all I can think of for now. If I come up with any other ideas, I'll add them to the list
Thank y'all for taking the time to read this whole thing. Have an awesome night!
133 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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outivv · 3 years
How is your day/night going?
Ahem, I want to start this off by saying if you don't feel comfortable with writing this you don't have to, I understand!
Also I want to put a trigger warning for self harm.
So I'm a month clean (how'd that happen :0) and I've been struggling a lot lately especially with school starting back up so I was wondering if you could do a comfort/ fluff of genshin characters having a s/o (they/them or not mentioned) that has a problem with self harm and/or eating.
I don't really mind the characters but if you do end up writing could you put some girls in?
You're amazing have a good day/night! :)
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Synopsis: reader with a problem with self harm/ eating.
Warnings: self harm, eating disorder (kinda?), and it’s not proofread per usual :’)
Game/ fandom: genshin impact
Characters: ganyu, rosaria, thoma, xiao, and hu tao
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello! I’m doing pretty good and I hope you are as well! Also congrats on being a month clean!!!!! That’s a amazing milestone :D!!! I understand school can be… to put it bluntly really really shitty. But I know you can stay clean :). I hope you enjoy, and if you want more characters I’d be glad to write for them! Have a nice day/ afternoon/ night!!! <3
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— ganyu —
I think she understands what you’re going through. At least how you feel, because the situation is different for everyone.
She’s very very sweet, and supportive, telling you how you can get through this, how you’re an amazingly strong person, and how she’ll always be here for you even if things get rocky.
I think the longer you go without harming yourself, and/ or eating the more and more… excited she’ll be. When you tell her you’ve been a month clean she’s over the moon with joy, and will shower your face with kisses while telling you how proud she is.
If you relapse (which is normal and it doesn’t mean anything against you or the progress you’ve made!) she’ll be right there by your side, never leaving you.
All in all ganyu is proud of you! She wants to see you succeed, and wants to be right there next to you when you do succeed!!!
— rosaria —
Rosaria also slightly understands the same way as ganyu. She understands how you feel, and wants to be there for you, but unlike ganyu she doesn’t know how.
Rosaria doenst have a gentle touch, and isn’t good with feelings, but she does small things for you.
She keeps track of how long you’ve been clean for, or how much you’ve been eating every day. She Isn’t the greatest cook (her special dish looks like it would be… painful.) but she’ll make food for you whenever you like! Say the word and she’s on it!
Rosaria isn’t much of a person for physical affection… or words, but she will kiss any self harm scars you have. She’s so soft and gentle it almost feels out of character for her.
She can’t always be by your side due to her being a nun and all, but she’ll stay up into the latest hours of the night for you. Comforting you, or making you food. She doesn’t care. She just wants you to get better.
— thoma —
Absolute sweetheart. Has almost… a motherly vibe when it comes to you. In a weird way? But a good way.
There’s a lot of cuddling while telling you how proud he is of you. He’s very gentle with you, his touch being light as a feather across your skin, and his words painfully sweet. He does this every time you’re having a rough time, pulling you close, and saying words of encouragement.
So respectful of whatever eating problems you may or may not have! You want food? Ok! It’s 3 am but he’ll make a whole meal if it’s for you! You wanna go somewhere else to eat? Ok! He’ll excuse you both from your friends to go eat somewhere in private if that what you’d like! You don’t wanna eat anything? He’ll encourage you to eat something, even something small like a berry, but won’t push you.
Did I empathize enough how respectful he is? He doesn’t push you to talk about anything if you don’t want to! He wants you to be comfortable around him, confide in him, he wants to be… a safe space if that makes sense?
— xiao —
He… doesn’t understand. Xiao has to deal with huge amounts of karma weighing on his shoulders every day, so why aren’t you ok? He also thinks he’s being stupid and selfish in a way, and feels guilty that he thinks the way he does sometimes.
I think when you told xiao about your eating problem, he probably flat out said, “yeah I only like almond tofu. Have you tried it? Maybe that’s your problem.” Listen I love xiao I really do but he’s most likely clueless and doesn’t know what to say.
Despite that though, he is… oddly caring, and protective? Let’s say you have self harm scars, and want to cover it up. Here take his jacket, or here take his whole wardrobe, he doesn’t need it. It isn’t about him right now it’s about you, and you need to be comfortable.
Won’t push you to eat, he doesn’t really like eating either, so he understands, but if you just… aren’t eating all day he aggressively will tell you to eat. He’ll Bring you a bowl of fruit, or a plate of crackers and cheese, slamming it down on the table and coldly saying “eat.”
Despite not knowing what to do, xiao is your number one supporter. Tracking how many days you’ve been clean, quietly telling you he’s proud (ok he doesn’t tell you but he give you… a warm look that is only reserved for you when he’s proud of you :D)
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