#but it’s infuriating that I’ve had this convo more than once
mirabels-miracle · 3 years
Someone: I think Isabela is treated unfairly by Encanto fans, especially casual watchers.
Me: I couldn’t agree more!
Someone: People dismiss the fact that she has trauma.
Me: *excited.* Yes, yes, YES!
Someone: In fact, if you think about it, Mirabel was more responsible for there poor relationship-
Me: Okay, forget we ever met. Byyyeee!
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hermannsthumb · 3 years
As per our convo, Newt getting set up with Hermann via Hermann’s father’s binder full of pre-approved suitors for his son...
(from @k-sci-janitor 👀) easily one of our funniest concepts yet. I was going to end on newt coming over for dinner scenario but I like the ominous open ending. I'm not actually sure when kaiju attacks fall in the PR timeline so excuse my handwaveyness, LOL
Hermann’s relationship with his father is what one would call strenuous at best, but—Hermann must admit, to the man’s credit, and in spite of his many flaws—he took the news of Hermann’s sexual orientation as unflinchingly as if Hermann had told him the day’s weather. It was a bit annoying, in fact. Hermann had agonized over the proper way to breach the subject for months, certain it spoke to some sort of personal ruin (whether ostracization from the Gottliebs or being forbade following through on any attraction he may feel whilst still living under the family roof, he wasn't sure), before finally simply announcing it one day at the breakfast table on a whim.
It had been a long-standing tradition that Hermann’s parents compile a binder—effectively of dossiers—on all the most eligible bachelors (for their daughter) and bachelorettes (for their sons) to aid in the choice of the latest Gottlieb mate. It was easiest this way, or so Hermann and his siblings were told. Parental approval was already secured. The histories of each were already secured, which bypassed any nasty shocks that might emerge in the courtship stage. Most of them were children of his father's colleagues or bright minds in their own rights: surgeons, and dentists, and mathematicians. Poets were strictly forbidden.
The occasion of Hermann’s breakfast table announcement had also been the day Hermann’s father presented him with his very first binder of prospective mates—a few days after his eighteenth birthday, and shortly before he was to go off to begin work on his PhD. His father had slid him a hand-written binder of names, no more than a dozen, and all with accompanying photographs. “All are accomplished young women,” he assured Hermann. “We can arrange any meetings of your choice over your winter holidays.”
Hermann glared down at the row of frozen smiles. He stabbed his fork into his cooked tomato wedge. “I don’t want to marry any of these women,” he said, and turned his glare on his father. He still had a rebellious streak in him at that point, something nurtured by a charismatic young man he used to trail after in boarding school, who pierced Hermann’s ear with a sewing needle in the boys’ toilets and listened to songs about setting things on fire. In late this streak had manifested itself in Hermann in nicking packets of cigarettes from his father’s study, one of which was in his pocket now. The weight of it made Hermann feel bolder. “I don’t want to marry any woman,” he continued. “I like men.”
The binder was drawn away in silence, and Hermann was free to eat his toast and tomatoes. The next morning a binder of young men was in its place.
(In a way the acceptance infuriated Hermann. It meant he could not blame his father’s obvious dislike for him on an unfounded, homophobic prejudice; rather, it was a result of Hermann’s own personal failings.)
The binder was placed at Hermann’s breakfast plate every day until he left for his studies. It was placed at his plate when he returned from them five years later. Not even the emergence of the kaiju from the bottom of the ocean shortly after Hermann turned twenty-four dampened his father’s hopes, nor turning all their scientific efforts towards the new jaeger program: some names were removed from the binder (the reasoning Hermann shudders to think at), more still were added, though Hermann is expected only to consider it once a week now on account of his busy schedule. This was one of such days.
“Your brother is very happy with his wife,” Hermann’s father reminds him. “She was one of my first suggestions for him, in fact.”
Hermann is not fond of his sister-in-law. Too rude—too cold. Though perhaps that makes her perfect for Hermann’s brother. “Haven’t we got bigger things to worry about these days than whether or not I’m going to marry?” Hermann says. He adds milk to his tea. “I’m sure they’re all, er, marvelous selections, only—”
“Your sister, too, with her husband,” father says.
Hermann sighs. He hasn’t got much of the rebellious streak he used to in him anymore—too stressed. Not fancying a fight before they’ve even begun today’s coding work, he picks up the binder and begins flipping through it. Sons of engineers working on the jaeger program with them, prominent young chemists, many of whom Hermann has been presented with since he was eighteen. Plenty of them are even handsome. Half of Hermann wonders if he should just pick the least-unappealing one of the bunch and be done with it already. He turns the page over and freezes. “Oh,” he says. “This one is—new.”
“Hm?” father says.
Hermann holds up the binder, tapping at a new entry. “Newton Geiszler.”
“Dr. Geiszler,” father says, nodding. “A child prodigy from Berlin—he’s made tremendous strides in kaiju science in such little time. And,” he adds, “three PhDs. Two of them before he even turned twenty.” The unspoken implication was that Dr. Geiszler far surpassed Hermann in intelligence and Hermann should feel ashamed for not skipping as many grades as Dr. Geiszler.
Hermann feels he ought to resent Dr. Geiszler for it, but he's finding it difficult to summon up any animosity towards him. It's likely because Hermann finds Dr. Geiszler to be strikingly handsome in his photograph: cheeks which haven’t quite lost their baby fat (giving him the appearance of being a scruffy hamster), large, thick glasses, tousled hair, an easy grin. Three PhDs, and German at that. And a child prodigy? “I’m surprised you haven’t mentioned him to me before,” Hermann says. He seems precisely the sort father would. Geiszler’s photograph is black-and-white and a bit grainy, but Hermann swears he could make out the lightest bit of freckles across his cheeks.
“I’d not heard of him until he published an article last week on kaiju biology,” father says. “Besides—he’s moved to America.”
Geiszler has three piercings up the side of his left ear. “I am going to write to him,” Hermann declares.
Father nods, and picks up his newspaper, clearly already disinterested. They speak no more of it that day.
It is not hard to find Dr. Geiszler online (his name is not the most common, and his field of study certainly isn’t), nor is it hard to match his photograph to his faculty page on MIT’s website. From there, Hermann retrieves Dr. Geiszler’s email address. He takes the evening to read over Geiszler’s publications spanning back to 2003 before he gathers up the courage to type out an actual email.
Dear Dr. Geiszler,
You do not know me, but I have recently been made acquaintance with your work and find it—Hermann pauses—scintillating. My father and I are—Hermann backspaces this—I am currently working on the development of the jaeger program…
There’s a response waiting for him the next morning. It’s as enthusiastic as it is brief. Dr. Gottlieb- That’s so awesome!! Believe it or not I’ve been following your work too. I have a million questions for you about the jaegers. If it’s classified info I promise I won’t tell. -Newt
It makes Hermann smile like nothing ever has before.
Hermann’s correspondence with Dr. Geiszler does not transgress beyond the professional until the following January. By that time, Hermann and his father have successfully completed the coding for their first jaeger prototype, and Hermann has been offered his fair share of tenured university positions to pick from as he likes. He finds himself oddly disappointed that none of them are in America with Dr. Geiezler. This, which leads to the realization that he’s grown rather fond of Dr. Geiszler, is perhaps what drives Hermann to uncharacteristic sentimental extremes on January 19th: he orders Dr. Geiszler a birthday present. The first email Dr. Geiszler sends him after that addresses him as Hermann. The first email Hermann sends Dr. Geiszler after that addresses him as Newton. Things move rapidly after that.
“Are you still writing to that young biologist?” Hermann’s father asks him in March. Hermann has spent the last two months devouring every bit of information Newton has seen fit to divulge about his personal life: his dexterity with no less than three different instruments, his favorite loud monster movies, how he’d love to get a kaiju tattooed on him one day. Hermann suspects he might be falling in love with Newton. In hardly five months! These are war times, Hermann supposes, so it would make sense. People are meant to do such extreme things.
“I am,” Hermann says.
“I’ve asked around about him,” Hermann’s father says. His expression is stern—unimpressed. “About his character. I’m not sure it’s wise to continue your correspondence.”
The reasons are this. Dr. Geiszler’s methods are unorthodox. Dr. Geiszler is loud and uncouth, and has little respect for his intellectual superiors. Dr. Geiszler was thrown out of a convention once for storming up on stage and stealing a microphone from an engineer to shout about the destruction coral reefs. Dr. Geiszler was in a distasteful band for several years. Dr. Geiszler was once arrested for egging a politician’s house. Dr. Geiszler has gone on record as describing the kaiju as “kinda cool”. Almost none of this is news to Hermann; in fact, that which is only causes Hermann’s affection for Newton to grow. “I will consider your advice,” Hermann says, knowing he won’t. Besides, it's not as if his father really has Hermann's interests at heart—Hermann knows he merely wishes to preempt any scandal Newton Geiszler could possibly bring upon the Gottlieb name.
In April Newton goes on television and declares that he’s sure the kaiju are extraterrestrial in origin, on account of their great size and his brief examination of a sample from the second kaiju to make landfall. He’s laughed off by his older peers before he can get another word out. The email he writes to Hermann afterwards is furious, capslock-heavy, and expresses that Hermann is the only one who takes him seriously in the whole world. It leaves Hermann certain that he is in love with Newton.
“Dr. Geiszler was interviewed on some American television program,” Hermann’s father says a few days later.
“I know,” Hermann says, proudly. Newton was on television. “I watched it.”
“He made some extraordinary claims,” Hermann’s father says.
But Hermann is thinking only of the outfit Newton wore (skinny jeans and an oversized leather jacket, so out of place compared to the suited other scientists sitting around him), the shade of his eyes (hazel), his short stature (hardly taller than Hermann), and the cadence of his voice (high, but not unappealing). He’d been so confident, and carried himself with a self-assurance that was foreign to Hermann. It was marvelously attractive. “I’m sure they're correct,” Hermann says. "Every single one. Newton is a terribly brilliant scientist." All bold claims are met with derision at first, are they not?
Newton’s theory is proven correct after the next kaiju attack, when experts other than him get their hands on kaiju samples and validate his claims. The general consensus after that is that the kaiju are not of this world. And Newton was the first to propose the theory! Hermann sends Newton an email full of congratulations, and Newton responds with a heart emoticon in his sign-off. Newton isn't just a brilliant scientist. “Newton is a genius,” Hermann tells his father, dreamily.
The binder reappears on Hermann’s work desk a few months later, Newton’s page torn conspicuously from it. Hermann tips the whole thing straight into his trash can. He has more important things to worry about—arranging a meeting with Newton, perhaps. Hermann ought to have him over for dinner.
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
okay but what if you have mars square pluto in your own chart and what if you have a mutable mars that squares everyone’s pluto? i have it with my sister and mars square pluto went completely different than what it’s usually interpreted as. i notice that with really heavy aspects, a LOT of the time the explanations just resort to the most dramatic outcomes. i’ve seen/experienced that with mars square pluto it can mean mutual trauma that you share from your past or it will be something you go through together and due to it being mars and pluto it’s usually sexual, sadly. on another note, i noticed that if you lack mars, pluto, and sometimes 8th house then squares to pluto will just not work out for you simply because it’s too much to handle healthily because of how heavy synastry like that can be.
i’m sorry if this comes off as rude. that is not my intention at all. i once had someone get absolutely freaked one time when i sent in an ask with a question in regards to a kpop stars asc not making any sense and how the source wasn’t credible, along with some some theories to start a convo. (i’m still pressed btw. they gave a degree, not a time. why would you trust as rando that says…🙄 ugh. moving on.) i have an aries mc with saturn and jupiter there. so… literally just a clusterfuck of coming off rude due to the fact i don’t bother to mince words or appear fake nice. they had a very similar chart to yours so i wanted to clarify that i don’t mean to offend in any way. i have a cancer asc but that can’t be seen so all i can give is the aries that constantly bites me in the ass.
and for another conversation starter, have you noticed water risings are peak examples of what you see is usually not what you get? I’ve had so many people that were my friend and expected me to be soft, sweet, and unthreatening, only for them to get disappointed with me when my aries mc, heavy aquarius, and saturn in 10th shows up. they get mad at ME when i don’t fit some weird vague ass expectation that’s based purely on an ooga booga small asian girl = pushover sweetheart mindset. and with pisces asc i notice that the flighty “pixie girl” interpretation of them is shattered by the sag mc because they’re so intelligent and philosophical and they ponder over everything. they put so much thought into what they do and why things are the way they are but everyone assumes they’re just soft goofballs. scorpios different but still reminiscent. they’ve got it worse. if you meet them face to face, they’re seen as very serious, controlled, private and obsessive about how they handle everything. it’s almost weird to others that they’re perceived as fun loving and attention grabbing by the public because of how guarded they come off. and then the opposite happens if you see their public persona first. artistic, fun, wild, and showy is juxtaposed by how much thought they put in being perceived that way.
it’s infuriating how infantilized pisces and cancer are when they can be some of the most guarded and out of touch people when it comes to emotion. degrees and decans matter, i’m tired of being written off as a literal infant. scorpio is luckier but not by much. they’re taken seriously at least. anyway, i’m sorry for the rant, i just have a lot of thoughts out of nowhere. i’m truly sorry that you were my outlet.
Well hello, lmao. I'll try to answer everything.
1.) Of course you can't avoid Mars Square Pluto when it's in your own chart and it being in your synastry, that's common to happen. It's more forgiving in that case when it happens. However, this is still an extremely difficult placement, and it can of course be dealt with, but I think it takes certain placements like you said to be able to deal with it. If it's in one of your natal charts already, then I'd say you're more likely to get through it. For example, I've had Moon square Venus in my synastry charts before and I have it in my natal chart, and it makes things extremely difficult for those who I have it with. Impossible no, but difficult, yes. So it's definitely something to be aware of because Mars Square Pluto is intense, and individuals who have it tend to be, so you need someone like you said who has their own intense energy in their chart. It also boils down to developed and underdeveloped placements. Developed Mars Square Pluto placements would be better with this synastry aspect, however the undeveloped ones can be straight up dangerous. So I do label it as a red flag, just because it's something to be wary of.
2.) You're good, dw. I'm not offended LMAO. You raise a very good point, Mars Square Pluto can be difficult to avoid when dealing with Mutable Mars. So I should probably bump it down to a less severe degree because of that. (We'll go from three flags to two).
3.) I definitely agree, water risings are very mysterious, especially Scorpio risings. You never know what they're thinking. I kind of think of it as the ocean, like you never know which way the water is gonna flow, and I think that's the same with water risings.
4.) I definitely agree, as a Cancer I'm sick of being called a crybaby LMFAO. I really don't cry that often, if anything I usually tend to avoid crying and I just don't deal with my emotions. Granted, not the best, but still. I def agree about Scorpio risings, I also feel that they're s*xualized a lot.
Anyway, these were really great points you made, and I very much enjoyed reading it! Let me know if you have any other observations or anything! <3
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anasticklefics · 5 years
New Emotions - Vanya's Day 1/2
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Characters: Vanya Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Five Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves
Summary: Vanya is unused to feeling emotions so strongly and Klaus, Five and Ben try to help.
A/N: Day seven of The Umbrella Academy tickle fic week (read more about it here) and Vanya’s first fic!
Words: 934
Vanya knew she was being irrational, but she hadn’t been able to fully express or even feel any exaggerated emotions since before Reginald started giving her pills, and now, with the apocalypse averted and life going back to a semi normal state, she didn’t know how to deal with it. Used to the vague feelings always being overpowered by lethargy, she felt nearly helpless as she started feeling emotions she hadn’t experienced properly in years.
On Monday, she’d been so pissed off she’d ripped her sheet music apart (which was a goddamn shame now in retrospect). She’d had no reason for it. It had all been stupid; a series of unfortunate events happening during her day that had left her so emotionally exhausted she only wanted to scream. When she’d stubbed her toe on the table she’d truly found out what they meant when they talked about the last straw. She would’ve broken someone’s nose had they been near her at that point. It terrified her.
On Tuesday, she’d been so excited she’d nearly passed out from not knowing how find an outlet. Going from one end of the spectrum to the next in 12 or so hours was, quite frankly, really off putting, but she’d only realized it when she’d woken up in the middle of the night, desperate for a glass of water and realizing she would rather die of thirst than get up.
That day, she was grumpy; a more dampened emotion, but still very much taking over her whole being and making her feel as if everything was infuriating and tiring.
Her brothers weren’t helping, especially not once she’d snapped “You’re stupid and you look like Quasimodo” in Klaus’ face.
“Is it, like, the time of the month?”
Five scoffed. “Don’t you know you shouldn’t ask that?”
Klaus held up his hands. “How should I know? I’ve never dated a woman.”
“But you’ve had sisters for how many years now?”
“Guys, I’m right here.”
“I was a little too busy to notice their mood swings. Besides, Diego has them too, but I don’t think he gets periods. But I mean, I haven’t asked.”
Ben, alive and well, stepped in. “I don’t think this conversation is helping her in any way.”
The three of them turned their heads toward her, so in sync it was creepy. She crossed her arms, not liking the attention. “I’m not on my period, to answer your question.”
Klaus tilted his head. “Then what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know.” Throwing her hands up like a cliché, Vanya slid down the couch. “I’m just grumpy. I hate it.”
“It’s normal, though.” Klaus sat down beside her. “Five is grumpy all the time.”
“Hey.” Five pointed at him, but let his hand drop when Vanya snorted. “Don’t bring me into this when Diego exists.”
Klaus shrugged. “I can’t throw him under the bus twice in one convo. Especially not when he’s not here to defend himself.”
“How thoughtful.”
“My most prominent trait.”
Five sat down on Vanya’s other side. “Of course it is.”
Vanya ran a hand over her face. “Not helping.”
“Oh, sorry, are we annoying you?”
She glared at Klaus. “You’re on thin ice.”
Klaus placed a hand over his heart. “All my siblings threaten me. I don’t get it.”
Ben plopped down beside him. “I would never.”
“Sure you wouldn’t.”
“Can we return to the matter at hand?” Vanya asked, feeling her temper both rise and deflate. “How do you deal with being grumpy?”
Her brothers looked at each other.
“Well,” Five started, frowning as per usual. “I think you should stay clear of annoying people, so I guess Klaus has already messed that up for you.”
Klaus reached over Vanya to squeeze at Five’s exposed knee. “Shut your mouth,” he said as Five jerked away indignantly.
Vanya, miraculously, found herself laughing.
“Oho!” Klaus was grinning at her now. “You think that’s funny, do you?”
He moved quickly enough for Vanya to not even have time to reflect over what he was about to do, but she recognized the touch against her ribs. She’d felt it often in her youth; the one and only time the siblings would include her in their games.
And, as she curled up between Klaus and Five, she realized she’d missed it.
“Wait!” she cried, aware that she was probably hurting Five from how wildly she was flailing in his direction. “Klaus, no!”
“I think it’s working,” was all he said. “Five, Ben, help me out here.”
While Vanya was certain this hadn’t been planned, they seemed to be taking advantage of the situation to bring her out of her strange grumpy state. The craziest part was that it was working. Rather than wanting to rip their heads off, she simply laughed; squirming in order to get away, but not actively disliking it.
It felt like family.
It also felt really really ticklish.
She’d never understood it when people said they felt sorry for her and Allison for having so many brothers. She was starting to get it now. To others, an abundance of brothers probably meant an abundance of this and other annoyances, according to them, but Vanya hadn’t experienced it often enough to dislike it.
Even as she was struggling to get away, cursing them as her grumpiness flickered in and out of her body, she didn’t dislike this. Quite the opposite.
In the end, if did help her feel better, but she told them she would punch them if they ever tried it again when she was feeling worse. They just laughed and said they’d think of it.
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15, Episode 3
It's ep three, and was third try the charm? Well, we're still in that little town, which is infuriating. But don't lose hope, chickadees. There was some character arc action and some plot advancing, and just drama in general, and it moved at a decently quick clip, all of which is refreshing after last week's ass-disaster of an episode. 
If I were grading this ep, all things considered (including some damn fine acting moments that elevated the material), it's an A-. (Five points were docked immediately because we were still in the little town.) But seriously, this week's writer(s) had a LOT to make up for given the aforementioned last week as well as a largely lackluster premiere, so you know what? Props to them. 
Tumblr media
We got a loose end from season past tied up, got rid of some dead weight, and then there was a thing that happened that I’m not entirely sure was necessary at this interval, but I get why it happened. Of course, we had our requisite random hamfisted “solution(s)” and still-unexplained bits that should’ve been clarified ages ago, can’t not have those, it seems. Regardless, this episode was actually fairly interesting to watch. I’m still wary about the state of the season after the first two, but this one had some spark.
Spoilers below the cut, you know the drill.  
This one's in order, I was jotting stuff down as I watched. Past ep breakdowns linked at the bottom. If you’re new, hello, welcome, etc., I don’t do meta shit or reading into the symbolism of the color of a blurry wallpaper just over someone’s shoulder, I look at writing and cohesiveness and structure and flow and all that jazz. I basically just call things as I see ‘em. 
More spooky-scary still seems to be pouring from the hellpit, but at least this crypt is pretty, and Harry Potter tent-esque because the square feet inside is seemingly bigger than the outside.  
Rowena appears to be outfitted in one of my grandmother's housedresses, or a coffin lining, or a 1980s prom dress, whichever you prefer, and none of them have been pressed. I'm trying to say I don't like it. They also continue to do Ruthie's makeup in such a manner that she perpetually looks approximately fifteen years older than she actually is, so in a way I'm thankful this is likely her last episode. On the other hand, I trust these writers and the people who assemble/green light the promos about as far as I can throw them, so we shall see. In any event, Ruthie is quite the good actor and I hope she gets a million gigs after all this is done.  
This Sam-Dean moment with Creased Brow Sam and Gruff Voice Dean is falling so flat, not because of them, but because we're hearing The Same Damn Thing We've Already Heard. Move the plot along, please----- Oh wait here comes Belphagor once again with a solution, this time a nice little plot rescue MacGuffin! Lilith's Crook. Just gotta blow it like a horn. 
Motherbitch, this is stupid.
I got a thought: make it Gabriel's horn, so it calls in all the angels who should've come back with the reverse-y switch-a-roo, and they deal with sealing the hole, but bonus! At end of ep last scene is that it's also called Gabriel back, too. I'd announce to the universe that this show needs to hire me, but, welp.
Oh look, Ketch is in a hospital gown. Oh look, I bet Ketch is about to die in that hospital gown, instead of a badass suit like it should be. It looked like DHJ accidentally spoiled via a tweet that I happened to see----- 
I dodge the promo images and articles and such so I can give a view of someone who doesn't know what is coming in these things. 
-----because he talked about coming back just to leave again, that it was a pleasure, whatever, and y'all will have to fill me in on that because I kinda can't believe he whiffed that hard. I'm not looking it up, is my point. Did he whiff? Actually, don't answer that, I don't care. I mean, don’t go to trouble looking into it on my account.  
Hmmm. Was Ketch’s death entirely necessary? At least, right now? I dunno. Maybe. I’m 50/50 whether this, or have him be double-crossy then get killed later. In any event, well-acted by DHJ. He's quite fantastic. He is wasted in all the Hallmark dreck he's been in, I really hope he gets some good work after this. That's that. Moving on. 
We're 1/4 in, and I'll give it this: we've gotten some action, some drama, but they've GOT to make up for the lack of plot progression in episode 2. Belphagor is shady as shit, which we knew, and this just got reinforced by that demon who has such a hard-on for Belphagor getting axed. 
I do not mind rando badass lady hunter having lines and playing a tangentially-important role in the ep, but this means if we ever see her again, she'll likely get killed, so I'm not getting attached. 
So hell is an angry vagina. SFX, are y'all okay? Is that prick whose tweets occasionally come across my feed still working there? Y'all need some hugs? I know y'all need some better budget, that all the DC shows got it, but oh well, that ship's sailed.  
Well done set dec, I dig the ghoulish statues in that hallway. And hey costume design, I like the ring that dude was wearing, I would wear that in real life. It would also look great as a wrist cuff. I digress. 
We know this demon is not going to succeed in killing Belphagor, so once more we have a pointless halftime cliffhanger. Also, have I mentioned I'm done with Cas being a weak puss? I'm telling you, if stuff got rewound, he should be incrementally getting his mojo back, that tracks logically. See Ep. 1 notes for what I thought should've happened for a legit "Whoa" moment. 
"Do you have any idea what he is?" --- he's a poop demon. Again, see the first episode of @youtotallymadethatup​    /shameless plug
Is this show gonna end with a Jack vs. Jack battle royale? Because fuck that noise. But! Writing-wise, it's okay that ol’ Belph may become the big bad. Nash, why would you say that, you ask. Easy.
A. Ny. Thing. to get us the fuck out of this little town. I am so goddamned bored.
Cas, this is a mistake. You should leave. What are you doing. Leave. Don't fall for that. Leave. Go now. Whoosh. Okay, or glow worm and barbeque the body. That was a nice little catch of emotion by Misha at the end. Except are the demons now gonna jump into his body? Better not, we've seen that season. 
Commercials! Cannot believe I've not been inundated with the adverts for the convention here in the spring, that's usually the jam. Imma go get some frozen yogurt. Highly rec strawberry with a little warmed-up Nutella. Try it, then tell me I'm crazy. I'm not. It's heavenly. 
Aaaaand, we're back!
Don't look so distressed Cas, y’all were gonna burn it anyway. But this takes Jack v. Jack off the table. Hopefully this means we'll be headed back to the Empty to get some progress on that hanging thread from last season sooner rather than later. Still, I'm glad we are down a character for awhile, this character in particular was starting to work my nerves and honestly, is just dead weight. I want it back to Sam and Dean for the most part this final season with sprinklings of Cas. Everyone else is secondary.
[claps] Very excellent Ruthie and Jared. One critique: Wish there could've been some sort of line from Rowena, re: "And perhaps I'll get to see my boy again", something of that ilk.
But I want to say this, and say it emphatically:
The nonsensical spells pulled from asses must stop
The soul-catcher thing is an example of a great move because it drew upon the past, then built upon for the present. This heart and angel blood and salt shit, and then this “Oh by the way it needs my dying breath” stuff is just obvious “um um um well how about bleh” writing stumbles, and it shows. The only reason that lameness worked? Ruthie and Jared’s performances. Period. Because y’all gave them absolute garbage to work with, and they made it shine.
Hey! There's the two convention promos with one short local ad in between, followed by the same local ad again! I was beginning to think they'd forgotten! 
Oof, Dean. I mean, I figured this convo would have to happen one day, it's been building, because even though his intentions are good, Cas has been involved in his fair share of shit taking left turns. Hopefully Cas is going to go seek out other angels. Also, re: Cas saying he's getting weaker - because, why? WHY. This has never been addressed in a definitive, satisfactory manner. 
Right, so, like we do each time, let's check in to see if we've had any character development and/or plot progression: 
Do Ketch and Rowena and Belphagor count, since they've progressed to being dead? Dunno, that's more of a finality to their overall arcs. Dean's being an asshole and Sam's being weepy and Cas is being an Eeyore, that's about par. Meh. Okay. So did the plot get advanced? 
YES THANK YOU FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER SWEET LORD YES. But, eh... a little weaksauce. Yes, that chapter of the initial onslaught is closed, yet we know it's not over. So I feel like the ep should've ended with, after the bunker door slams, a cut to a little scene that serves as a clue about what lies ahead. I mean, ahead-ahead, season-wise. Like, twenty second blip, not even, then hard cut to black screen, then on to promo which appears to be MotW. 
So that's it, really. More adept writers could've made the material of #1 and #2 into the premiere (minus several things, most specifically minus Kevin, should've saved Osric for something else down the line), then this should've been episode #2 instead of #3. Can't unring that bell, though. Let's hope we hit some speed before Buckleming comes along to run us into a ditch, then (fingers crossed) we have a few eps after that to rebound for the finale.
See you next week.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 2
Episode 1
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hazeltears94 · 5 years
Loki convo with Reader
\Just a chapter in a fan fic I'm contemplating let me know if it intrests you/
(You and loki have history since childhood , things happened and you were separated for awhile with hard feelings both ways. Youve been brought together again in attempt to work together. Loki wants to have you to himself but youve been tricked before. )
Determined to make it to my quarters before he could reach me proved to be more troublesome than I realized. I could hear his long determined strides behind me in the long narrow corridor that housed the bunk bays of the Quinjet. 
Just a little farther and I would be securely locked behind mine , safe and secure from.. 
“Oh for God’s sake I know you hear me (Y/N) !” he growled. I blew out a harsh breath and responded to the owner of the curt tone. 
“Just leave me be Loki” I pleaded still facing my bay door hoping to be in the small bed behind it in the next few minutes. This day from hell would just not end, I had been assigned to assist in the search and recovery mission of an unknown assassin the Avengers had failed to haul in. At Thor’s request for assistance I relented to travel along with his comrades which called themselves The Avengers in search of said danger.
 I had been no sooner introduced to the one whom calls himself Iron-Man when he questions Thor’s decision to bring me in on the mission. I decided to show him my worth of being here and ability to protect myself. I had pinned him down swiftly without a scratch but did not anticipate the reinforcements that came to his aid . All at once I was being thrown against the wall of the training hall. Though Iron-Man apologized for not un-syncing his robots to a distress call I could tell he was pleased I had been shown up a bit by his inventions. 
I tried to rush and push my way into my small quarters without further interruptions when a hand shot out and pulled it shut again. Ah Yes we could not end this day without a little more banter from the God of lies and Mischief;
 Loki Odinson ,Laufeyson? I wasn't sure which he was going by these days and at this moment I decided I didn't really care. Thor had left out the smallest detail that this certain person would also be on this planet, with this mission and in my hair apparently. He had been watching my spat with the Iron-Man and when I had been throttled to the other side of the training arena he was the one who had literally disarmed the sentry robot protecting its creator from harm. I still shook spots from my vision when I saw a dark figure rip the arms from the metal warrior. All the poor machine could do was whir down as it was ripped to shreds. Iron-Man was non too pleased to have one of his metal army destroyed. It was then I discovered my savior was Loki. 
“You are avoiding me (Y/N)”  he simply stated . 
Annoyed, I rolled my eyes up to the ceiling and wondered why he couldn't leave well enough alone. He eyed me warily as he had in the training arena when he asked if I was alright. I stared up at him and tried to reason with myself as to what he was doing here and why Thor had omitted this . 
“You were always the clever one “ I replied ,sarcasm dripping heavily from my words. He had shown concern for my well-being , but I had not wanted to show weakness to any new or old acquaintances; least of all him. I dared a glare at him under my brows trying to look as displeased as I felt in that moment. He seemed utterly unfazed. 
“Just tell me , Are you hurt ?” he let loose the door and turned me towards him
Too soon to show bruising but I could feel the tender places in which I would never admit to out loud. 
“You don't need to concern yourself with me, I can manage on my own”  standing as tall as I could I still only managed to reach the bottom of his pointed chin. His hair was still raven black but he wore it longer than she remembered , it now brushed his shoulders and curled slightly more. He wore his battle armour with its thick black leather with forest green leather work woven through. A gold bangle graced its way across the span of his chest and touched his shoulders as more dark leather encompassed his arms. 
"No one is allowed to hurt you" he bit out
"Except you " she whispered
He drew back from her side studying her with a varying of emotions crossing his features; then he settled on a sleek smile that he knew infuriated her. So much looked different, hardened features where there was once only laughter but when he smiled, she recognized the boy she had grown up with 
"Yes except me" he smirked
"Because if im the only one to hurt you , it means I'm the only one you care enough to let that happen"
"Hmm.." You slowly drew away from him anger coursed through you. You steeled your gaze up at him crossed your arms across your chest and raised a brow at his cocky face. It looked like you had no other choice but to hash this out now in this small hallway where anyone would be privy to listen, Gods be with her. 
"You find pleasure when I am hurt by the person I allow " narrowing your eyes 
Loki huffs a laugh " It means you love me dear" seeming pleased with his logic he steps toward you and places a hand on your waist to drag you closer
Even angry with him and his wrong assumptions you cant stop the feeling this man stirs in you; God of mischief indeed. Trying to regain your composure internally you remain stoic outwardly. " No loki. .. " and you shove him back keeping your hand there at his chest almost bracing yourself for the next truth never meeting his gaze you stare at your hand; "it means you dont love me"
Lowering your hand you will it not to shake as you lower your head, but he catches your hand and squeezes it softly. You could feel it , the electricity , the excitement all the unused pent up emotions that never got to play out still lingered there between you. 
Sensing your intake of breath and if he couldnt already feel your racing pulse you'd swear he could hear it. You still refused to meet his eyes knowing the bit of pride you had left would vanish
He pulls you close again only a breath away from your face and he whispers "You still love me, there's little use in denying it little one" you're losing your battle at remembering why you're trying so hard to stop all this. Especially when he starts an electrifying trail of kisses from your cheek to your neck. Needing to stop this dangerous encounter fast before your will or knees give way
"Arent we smug " you breathe out but there's no harshness behind it. He's got you pinned against the wall hands at your sides finrly holding you in place while he sets you on fire with his lips . He leans back only far enough to look at your face before that same damnable smirk comes back
"Stop it (Y/N) . I want to hear you say it " he demands softly. His grip on your arms has tightened only slightly and its a good thing because if not for him holding you up you arent sure you wouldn't be in a puddle on the floor. You hate how defenseless you are. "Why" you cut out . you're still angry but now its mostly at how he still had this effect on you after all this time.
He lets go of your arm and brings your face to meet his. There it was , green eyes that you used to love watch sparkle with mischief. Your childhood friend who had turned into something more ,something innocent but strong. And you still felt it after eveything he had said and done you still loved him.
"I just need to hear you say it" he has a look of almost sadness as he's begging you to bear Your soul to him all over again.
You slightly shake your head "No"
His brows crease in annoyance now "Must you be so stubborn, I've told you there is no use in denying me, do you think I am immune to your glances when you think I am otherwise distracted" shock played across your face oh no you thought you had gotten away with just a few curious looks at him. " You think you can hide your desire from me , I can feel it (Y/N) and I want it , so why persist in rejecting me" he was now glowering down on you but it wasn't fear you felt sizzling low in your abdomen.
Your last attempt to stop this madness before you just gave up and took a flying leap from your common senses .
"Because it didn't change anything last time I said it " now you were challenging him daring him to remember that day, when everything changed.
Softening his glare he broke eye contact to look down at your lips. Giving you a moment to recover from the intensity and find whatever good sense you might have left .
"That was many years ago , things are different now" quietly he spoke and still had not met your gaze. Lies.. your mind shouted.
He was still demanding all and giving nothing he would regret losing .
Such as his heart.
Yes things were different now but not him.
"No they arent" Steeling yourself against what your words would bring from him. You pulled yourself free from his grip. "You're still selfish, arrogant, and hellbent on self destruction without a care of who you hurt "
This seemed to also snap him out of his course of action. He stepped back until he was out of reach. When he looked up at you , it was the coldest feeling , emotionless he said " So you deny you love me"
His lips that had just drove you crazy with his smile and kisses were pressed into a hard thin line. Those eyes which you got easily lost in moments ago were cold voids that seemed to stare right through you now. As if you mattered nothing to him.
Two could play this game of lies you thought .
"Like you said, it was many years ago. " and with that you straightened and turned on your heel to make your retreat.
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starwrite-er · 7 years
D.U.P Helpline - Delsin Rowe x Reader
A/N: the snippets of convo with the DUP Helpline whenever Delsin graffitis a billboard are acc great lmao so here’s my spin on the situation lol. also shoutout to Zoe for helping me with a phone operator name lmao
 “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I answer the call, taking the place of my coworker. After around the seventh call about someone spray painting one of the DUP billboards littered across Seattle, she’d had enough and needed a break. Unsurprisingly, his most recent call had revealed him to be ‘Delsin Rowe’, the guy that had been wrecking havoc on the D.U.P across the city recently.
 “You’re not the lady that usually picks up.” The man on the other end of the line states.
 “She’s on a break,” I reply. “Too many billboards being defiled.”
 “Damn, and I was just about to get her to finally introduce herself.” The man laughs, making it clear that this is the guy that’s been pissing off my coworker the past couple days.
 “If I were to hazard a guess and say that another one of our billboards has been vandalised, would I be wrong?” I question.
 “Not at all.” The man taunts and hangs up. Hm, I can see why my coworker was so worked up about this guy.
 Maybe I’ll cover her shift again.
 And like clockwork, the next day another call is received. “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I ask, as per protocol.
 “Hey, it’s you again. You taking over the other lady’s job?” The guy from before is the one making the call.
 “Well, after she called you ‘infuriating’ amongst other things, I offered. Another billboard?” I answer.
 “You all make it so easy.” I can practically hear his grin. In the spur of the moment, I decide to humour this hobby of his.
 “I’m surprised you haven’t tagged the billboard in the Waterfront district,” I mention, knowing fully well I shouldn’t encourage him. “I mean, after all, it is the only sign our, ah, mutual friend has to walk by every day.”
 On the other end of the line, I can hear the man chuckle. “Oh, you aren’t what I expected.” With that, he hangs up.
 The following morning, Tina walks in, absolutely fuming. “That dirty bio-terrorist defiled the billboard by my apartment!” She rages, slamming the folder she’s carrying onto her desk. I bite my lip, repressing a grin as, right on cue, we get a call in. Tina glares as I pick up.
 “Hi, you have reached the D.U.P helpline, do you have a Bio-Terrorist incident to report?” I ask in the same manner as usual.
 “Yeah, hi, I was just wondering if you had any plans tonight? I know this great billboard that’s been recently painted over, it’s quite lovely.” The now-familiar voice of Delsin Rowe replies, and I let a small smile slip onto my face.
 “Well, Mr. Rowe, I’m not allowed to disclose that information, but, hey, my coworker was just talking about it!” I respond, eyes darting over to Tina. I lean back in my chair and give her a small wave, grinning. “I have her right here, wanna say hi?”
 “Y/N, what on Earth...” Tina watches me, eyes narrowed.
 “I’m afraid I see your friends coming my way, but send her my love!” Delsin Rowe continues the joke, hanging up as the D.U.P troops arrive at his location.
 “He sends you his love.” I smile innocently at my coworker, her eyes still trained on me as she shakes her head. She turns away, mumbling insults directed towards Bio-Terrorists under her breath.
 I take a moment, taking a deep breath as I question my choices. It was more than draining to work in a business built up around the fear and loathing of conduits, but at the time, I was in desperate need of a job, and the D.U.P was hiring.
 To be honest, it’s a miracle that their genetic testing only showed me as being gene-positive rather than activated.
 That evening, on the way home, I purposely took a detour to check out the billboard Delsin just graffitied over to piss off my coworker. I pause on the street, looking up at the painted bird. I duck into an alley and, glancing around to check no one is around, flick my wrist and send myself propelling upwards.
 I land on the metal mesh and take a seat, mulling it all over. I’m not sure what I’m expecting - it’s not as though I’m going to meet the conduit I’ve spoken to over the phone the past couple days.
 That being said, there’s nothing stopping me from leaving a note.
 Guilty, I check around once more, a marker in hand as I write a small message in the corner. ‘Sent your love to Tina the Helpline Operator - dunno if it’s requited though’. As subtly as I can, I manipulate the pigment around the message, arranging the paint into a little blue cartoon telephone that contrasts against the red background.
 “You aren’t painting over my work, are you?” I jump as a voice breaks the quiet of the rooftop. Taking a few rushed steps back, I see the man standing on the other end of the platform, leaning back against the billboard.
 “Uh, no,” I say, internally cringing at how suspicious I look and sound. He raises his brows at me in what seems like disbelief, when something clicks. “Wait, your work?”
 The guy smirks at me as I realise that this must be Delsin Rowe. He takes a couple steps towards me, looking down to see the message, mumbling the words under his breath as he scans over what I’d written.
 “So, you’re the girl that’s answered the helpline the past couple days?” He makes the connection and grins at me.
 “Yeah.” I shrug, unsure as to how to continue. He studies my face for a moment, the cogs in his head whirring.
 “For a D.U.P employee, you’re pretty relaxed around a conduit.” Delsin remarks, and I laugh dryly.
 “I’m only there because they paid well enough and their systems were faulty at my time of application.” I respond, to which I receive a look of mild confusion. I wiggle my fingers in the direction of the message I wrote, making the small painting of the telephone dance around the writing. Delsin watches, slack-jawed.
 “You’re a paint conduit?” He questions, casting his gaze back towards my face. I nod in answer, and a grin breaks out across his face. “Hey, I noticed an untagged D.U.P billboard on the way over. Wanna check it out?”
 “At this rate, you’re gonna run out soon,” I laugh. “That being said, I’d love to.”
 I take up his offer, and he takes my hand.
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yiqiie · 6 years
Hello! Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!)
what if you can’t think of 5 argh 
1. my hair; it’s super long (like to my knees i’m not kidding) and i haven’t had it cut short for a long time so i’m pretty proud that i’ve been able to maintain it’s length for so long (even though the question i get asked the most is ‘but how do you wash your hair?!’) 
2. my sense of humour (i guess?); my friends all say i’m really funny but it’s mostly my aussie sarcasm shining through and from watching too much british tv. i also like to invent words when i’m swearing so if you ever have a private convo with me lol watch out for that 
3. my handwriting; it’s the one thing i like to waste time on and just try and make it look pretty, especially when i’m doing hand-written notes for class 
4. my ability to pretend i’m doing work when i’m not; you don’t know how useful this is when you’re on buzzfeed during class. i’ve never been caught before and it actually infuriates my friends who are always called out for it, even if they might not actually be doing something else. i guess i just have a good poker face? 
5. typing fast; we had ‘typing classes’ back in junior school so i guess that helped a bit but i’ve always been a really fast typer and can basically touch type so it’s always been super useful 
this was probably supposed to be a bit more serious than it turned out to be argh but thank you so much love for sending this♡ i really appreciate it, you’ve made my day so much better already 
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Dean’s 2 talks with Mary:
Lemme freak out over this scene before I dissect it line by line. I replayed this stuff a good 10x bc I was so damn elated that Dean stuck up for himself & Mary sure as hell needed to hear these things. Jensen did a phenomenal job. I loved every second of it.
Mary: Just hear me out, please.
Dean: wow, just wow.
Mary: Dean, what the BMOL are doing, what we're doing, it's a better way. Look, I'm not blind to who they are or what they've done but…
Uh yeah actually ya are blind to what they've done bc you don't know all the people they've killed & ignorance isn't an excuse. You got in bed with these guys, you should have looked into 'em. You don't want to know bc it'll mess with what you want. 
Sam: When? When did you start working with them?
Mary: Before the lake house. It wasn't Wally. They brought me that case.
Try a lot before the lake house. Y'all were pretty damn cozy by then.
Dean: You were running an errand for the brits, you kept it from us. Cas almost died.
Sam: A hunter got killed.
Mary: You think I don't know? I'm the one who burned his body. I'm the one who told his wife. I watch him die every night.
Dean: Good.
Actually Dean, you ALL almost died. That prince of Hell was abt to take you all out bc of your mom's sticky fingers. Cas was just the one who got seriously hurt. What happened to your explaining, Mary? This shit sounds like defensive justifying your actions, making it abt you & trying to garner sympathy. As Dean said, good. Any guilt you're having is well earned.
*scene intermission *
Mary: I'm doing this for you. I'm playing 3 decades of catch up here.
But what does the former have to do with the latter? Again you're straying from this promised “explanation” & trying to manipulate the convo to gain pity for yourself. And I’ll leave Dean to deal w the 2nd part of that bullshit.
Dean: And we're not? How do you think this has been for us? We're your sons. And you've been gone, our whole lives. You've been gone. You said that you needed time. No, you said you need space. So we gave you ur space, but you didn't need just space, no you needed space from us.
Mary: That's not true. Dean I'm trying...
Ok so ur just gonna totally ignore his question, cool. Dean isn’t gonna push the issue it seems but I still wanna know. How do you think it was for them? Have you even thought abt it? Do you give a shit?
Dean: How about for once you just try and be a mom!
And BOOOOOM there it is!!! Your benefit of the doubt adjustment time was waaaay long enough, mother Mary. Abt damn time someone said it. All the bonus points that it was Dean who got to.
Mary: I am your mother but I am not just a mom & you are not a child.
It's interesting to me here how Mary differs from what Dean said. Dean told her to try being “A” mom, implication being act like a mom/do motherly things. But Mary says I am “YOUR” mother, implication that she birthed them. There's a fuck ton world of difference b/t being a mom (as Dean requests) & being a mother (that Mary answers back with) Birthing children makes you what Mary is defending herself to be. Actually being there for them & loving them is what makes you a mom, what Dean is, perfectly reasonably, asking for.
Now onto the 2nd part which is several levels of ridiculous. Who the hell said anything abt her being JUST a mom? Stop putting words into his mouth. And telling him he isn't a child...now THAT sounds very childish. But again, stop putting words in his mouth. Also how fucking dare you, bitch. You have your beloved John's journal & you KNOW Dean didn't even get that chance when he WAS a child.
Dean: I never was.
THERE IT IS. Thatta boy. Call her on her shit. You’re still being too easy on her, but ur a better person than me so...
Dean: So b/t us & them…
Mary: It's not like that...
Dean: Yeah Mary, it is. And you made your choice. So there's the door.
Oh how much I LOVED him calling her Mary. Being called mom shouldn't be smth just expected no matter what. Bitch hasn't earned that. Gah, ik how much it must have hurt him to do but seeing Dean kick her ass out was satisfying as fuck.
Onto talk 2...
Dean: It's not your job to make my lunch...kiss me at night. We're adults. You're gonna make your own choices even if I don't like 'em. Even if I really really don't like 'em. So that's just smth I'm gonna have to get used to.
Alright, there's a lot to be said abt this. I've seen a lot of anger over “Dean apologizing again” I understand why it's being looked at that way. Don't get me wrong, I'm pissed off abt this dialogue too but I'll get to that. To me, this wasn't an apology in the strict sense of the word. It wasn't him saying he was sorry, it was him laying things out there, making it completely clear what he meant before abt the mom thing. (since apparently she is that dense so he needs to spell it out for her) 
Now the reason it infuriates me & why imo it's being dubbed an apology is this; as per fucking every single time it is DEAN who has to be the bigger person. As always it's DEAN who is having to smooth things over. As always it's DEAN putting it out there that he's willing to accept & love someone unconditionally. Don't get me wrong, these are things that make up the big beautiful heart this boy has & I never want him to lose that, but as someone who loves him it PISSES ME OFF. Dean won't be petty so allow me. Why does it always have to be Dean? Why does he always have to swallow the shit? Why does he never get to just freely express his thoughts & feelings w/o needing to back track/suck it up later? Why is it always Dean who has to see & understand everyone else's point of view but nobody bothers to do the same for him? Can't we have that for Dean even ONCE? Of all the times this shit has happened you would think the ONE damn time it could've happened would be from his mother, but no, he can't even have that. So while I don't see it as an 'apology' I'm still just as damn enraged over him even having to give this little speech at all. MARY was in the wrong. MARY should have been the one to patch things up...and not to mention bc who expected Dean to get an I’m sorry but Ima do it anyway; WHERE IS MARY’S I’M SORRY??? HUH? And we’ve had enough damn examples of Dean ‘I will love everyone unconditionally’ Winchester. It’s beyond over damn due that we get some examples of him getting unconditional love back ffs. On the plus side at least Dean still stood his ground that he didn’t like her choice. He won’t do it, but we can give a huge I TOLD YOU SO later when this goes to shit.
Onto a different side of this rant. The fact that what Dean said is just utter nonsense. WHERE did this shit even start? Sam has said similar. I've seen some fandom say similar. The show is obviously trying to push it but WHY. It isn't black & white, all or nothing like the writers are trying to portray it. Oh either Mary is cold, distant, abandons them or she stays home, bakes them cookies & wipes their snot. Where the hell does that reasoning come from? Who even thinks it's reasonable to think that's what Dean would want? It's one of the more asinine things these writers have done & that's on a list of a LOT of competition. They're ridiculous. They're going so far 'this' way to try to show how oh so not sexist they are by having this bad ass career woman, kids be damned, & we are inclusive of the ladies but all it's doing in reality is making Mary look like a cold hearted selfish bitch. Of course she isn't just a mom. Nobody's expecting that. But she isn't even being a mom AT ALL. She's awful & the fact that the show is trying to have the narrative be in HER favor & making her sons just deal w it & see it her way & making THEM seem like the unreasonable ones (mostly Dean) is srsly sending a terrible message to the younger viewers.
Children plz, listen up, you do NOT have to love & accept your parents just bc they're your parents. If they hurt you you have every right to express that & call them out on it. If they disregard your feelings & continue to hurt you, you have every right to show them the door. Parents do NOT have the right to treat you like shit with the justification “I'm your mom/dad so I can treat you however I want & ur supposed to allow it” Blood does NOT make you family. That's complete truth. You DO need to earn that by being there for & loving someone. “They're family, they're supposed to make you miserable” IS WRONG. If 'family' truly makes you miserable it's called a toxic relationship & you need to srsly think abt whether it's worth it to keep the r/s going. If you hope it's salvageable & want to change it then go for it & try but if not then there is nothing wrong with cutting ties with blood family members. As heart breaking as it is, the truth is some of us are born to parents that are lives are better WITHOUT. Allowing them to continue to abuse you, be it mentally or physically, by brushing it off with “they're my mom/dad” can & will cause lasting damage./psych rant.
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seenashwrite · 6 years
14.04 Round-Up
Here, have a Nash-Is-Running-On-Fumes round-up.
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Disagree on Salem Ohio.  Shoulda gone Indiana. Why would you choose Salem, anyway? Given that this has nothing to do with witchy anything? Wait, does it?  [Post-show pseudo-addendum: Nope.]
Shocker. Like, THE Shocker, or... 😳  *ahem*
What is the fixation with giving characters the same/similar names? 
[Post-show pseudo-addendum: I get the shtick for the purposes of this episode, not entirely the point, keep reading] 
And I'm also not talking about super-duper-common names (Jane, Mary, etc.), I get how those would naturally come up over the course of 13/14 years. I mean they’re fixated on the same names for women that have more than a just-passing-through role. 
This chick is Sam, short for Samantha. So why not just call her Samantha? Especially given the tone of their conversation, we don’t typically revert to nicknames when we’re pissed, we typically dial it up to full first names (and for parents, to full first-and-middle). Nope, gotta be "Sam". And he said it three times. Three times in a conversation that maybe lasted a minute, to make sure we got it.
Welcome, Sam-Specifically-Not-Samantha! Meet Anna, Hannah, Anael, Jessica, Jo, Josie, Jody, Jessica, and Jo. Hope you don't die! PS: your hair is phenomenal.
I was about to say - I'd be in my room with all those people running around, too, archangel farts still bouncing around, or no.
So I take it Thundercats is DC property. Learn sumpin’ new every day (I will never need this knowledge)
You know, they *just* had a dinosaur toy come to life in Scooby. Writing wise, wish they'd have just said characters in general coming to life, would've covered the movie/comic spread and all the swag that comes with. Who wrote this? [checks] Oh fuck us, it's Perez.
Fortnite *vomit*
These outfits are fantastic, well-played, wardrobe.
"I don't know who Riley is. But cool." ---> Same, Dean-Who-May-Be-Michael-Faking. Same.
The gif of them ducking down in the car is gonna be precious.
[Post-show pseudo-addendum: Yup]
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Why does Sam suddenly not know how to whip his jacket off and put pressure on a wound?
Goddamnit my food got here in time for me to miss the Dean-confronts-thing scene. Thank goodness for giffers and clippers. Though I still haven't gotten my Fluids gif from the Scooby ep. I want that gif.
Stewie is not breathing 27 times per minute. Just hire me. Let me deal with your medical shit. I ain't cheap, but I can be had.
"I like to watch movies where I know the bad guy's gonna lose"   ----> gooooood, Perez, you can doooo eeeeeeet (unless that was a script editor’s call, in which case ::sigh::)
See there now, Sam's calling her Samantha. Stewie could’ve just called her "Sam" once, that plus seeing her name come up on his phone is plenty, didn’t need three farging times in less than a minute at the top of the ep. No, I'm not letting this go.
Blood transfusers don't hang out in rando hospital rooms. It just ain't a hang-out, what-if, ya-never-can-tell type of jam.
This ep's pretty much squelched my Michael impersonating Dean option, might have to be in the Michael's hiding in his back molar camp. I say that because this is the most "Dean" he's acted thus far. I mean, I *guess* he could be accessing Dean's memories about the movies, but why lay it on so thick since Sam's not around to witness it? Doesn't matter, I don't know why I'm even going down this road, I don't trust this writer's room in the least to have a carefully crafted plan that they've shared with Jensen. Well, it's beyond trust - Jensen all but said it in that interview (go find it yourselves, I'm sleepy, and this sammich ain't gonna eat itself, but I love you)
I really want Samantha's hair, and now her flannel shirt. I like her and her personality about a million times more than Maggie, why couldn't she be Maggie? OH SHIT.  Samantha - I forgot to introduce you to two more members of the name game club, here's Magda and Maggie. [Post-show pseudo-addendum thanks to astute Nashooligan] We would also like to introduce you to Amelia and Amelia and also the Name Game Sorority’s den mother, Millie, who we aren’t quite sure should be included but are hedging our bets. Could be Millicent or Melissa, sure, but why not complete an Amelia trifecta? ---> I’m about to digress with a side note that has nothing to do with this ep, I just want to further cement how much you should trust my judgment: in my big story, this name shit infuriates me so much, it was a factor I considered when constructing Millie’s background. I made Millie come from a slightly posh background on her British mother’s side, and a military family life courtesy of her high-ranking American father. I searched for names that the nickname “Millie” could evolve from that I thought would sound appropriate with this somewhat upper-crust lifestyle, so I made her real name be Emeline (Em-ah-lynn for me, though I’ve heard the last part with a long “i”, too) which is a sweet and classy oldie-goldie jam I wish would come back. It’s Brit-y for her mom, allows for her dad to be the only one who calls her Millie til Henry comes along. Her brothers call her “Em”, which annoys her mom. My psychiatrist’s front office girl has this name (except double-M) but insists on going by “Em”. Not “Emma”, not “Emme”. Em. (As in Auntie Em, I just had a fever dream about little people who give out candy, and grown men dressed in costumes who like skipping down roads with young girls, and trees that throw apples, and flying monkeys, which are cool, but still.) I have found her to be idiotic in several respects over the years, and this decision was not a point in her favor. There, I’m done.
Stewie's respirations are not 115 per minute.
(I'm looking at the bottom feed, btw, in case you're wondering. His heart rate and rhythm is up near the top, BP would be bottom left and would be 2 numbers, and O2 sats max at 100. Also not art line nor ICP. I'll get a better look in gifs but pretty sure it's supposed to be his resps. Or else it is the sats and somebody's gotten their butterfingers on the training module. I mean regardless of their intent, 29 to 115′s a helluva spread for any vital sign unless it’s your heart rate whilst I’m doing CPR because straight up, I do happen to get after it pretty fierce when the occasion has arisen. Anyway, they are ass at this. All they have to do is ask. When Nashville the show was still in production, they asked us shit all the time. I’m revealing too much of my secret identity. Moving on.)
This is great, the cutting between movie and real life, high-five to editing.
Sam and Samantha are legit adorable in that scene.
HAHAHAHA hesitation elbow.
Nice cut to the movie commercial. I don't care for the reusing of all the same clips we just saw, I can't imagine there weren't extra little pieces of discarded scenes for editing to choose from, so... but otherwise, I dig it.
Thankfully, the M.E.’s stainless steel vegetable chopping knife was there in the morgue.🤨
I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish for a moment there, not even five seconds, when ol' boy was standing above him, we saw some Mikey flash across Dean's face with a touch - and I mean a *touch*, CG department, don't blow your whole wad per usual - of blue. That nobody sees, only the audience and the monster, have monster kinda pause, maybe look confused and hit his little button but this time it comes out with the tiniest lilt of a questioning upspeak on the last syllable, and nothing ultimately happens since Sam arrives, Dean shakes his drowsiness off, then proceed to choke hold, etc. It would fall in line with whatever route they're going (Mikey actively impersonating Dean/Mikey residuals left in Dean/Mikey passively hiding out in Dean), also be a nice audience tease.
I didn't think I needed to specify that I wanted mushrooms on this cheesesteak hoagie. On god, the world is completely falling apart.
That whole car convo was.... weird. The party memory story went on too long and was stupid as shit, sure, but the costume discussion is what I mean. And then the one it ended on was especially weird. Why not just end with a shot of the Impala and their conversation continuing with their voices fading away with the engine? End on a better duo than Thelma and Louise who, Perez, killed themselves by driving their car into a canyon. Hell, end on Scooby. I mean, you had the lunchbox which the camera held on for forever to make damn sure we all saw it, may as well double-down.
The doll's eyes should've flicked closed at the end. Missed opportunity.
Okay, cute little ep. Still leaves a bad taste in my mouth that this Perez kid can't have an original idea to save his life, though. Kinda taints it.  
Heh. Check it, yo - I brought things full damn circle.
You know.
Shocker. Taint.
HEY THERE YOU GO DEAN - duo Halloween costume!
My work here is done, see y'all next week.
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