thecoolko-blog · 9 years
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Always good to stay grounded in truth. Awake ✔️ Blessed ✔️ Grateful ✔️🙏🏾🙏🙏🏿🙏🏼 (at Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy)
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thecoolko-blog · 9 years
Woke up on this Monday feeling like Johnny Barnes... I love you!
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thecoolko-blog · 9 years
By now we have all heard of affirmations; positive statements used habitually to instill confidence and attract certain situations or circumstances in our lives by impressing beliefs upon our subconscious mind.   Incantations take this process one step further by introducing a key element into the situation, emotion.  E-Motion is literally energy in motion which is why we use phrases like, ‘that speech was really moving’ or ‘it struck a chord with me.’ Emotions are often felt without verbal communication (think a wedding or a funeral) and it is our intuition that picks up on these frequencies, both low and high, and communicates to our brain the dominant vibe of the space we are in.
Whether we are conscious of them or not, emotions dictate a lot of our actions in this physical, three dimensional reality.  By introducing positive emotion into our daily affirmations, we begin to yoke the mind, body, and spirit with the positive vibrations of our words and intention.  This is a powerful exercise and one that I believe, will expedite the process of your deliberate creations in this world.  We are all vibrational beings, limitless in our potential and incantations can serve as a solid foundation for anyone looking to take control of their lives and manifest their deepest desires.  
Some examples of incantations: 
I am love, I am free, I am infinite.  I am worthy of abundance.  My mistakes do not define me.  I am a loving and caring person.  
As you begin to use incantations in your daily routine, you will start to notice during your idle times, positive incantations will pop into your head reinforcing the new beliefs on your subconscious mind.  This is called ‘autosuggestion’ and is the basis of reprogramming our subconscious minds to reflect what we desire in our waking lives.  You can read more about this powerful process in Dr. Joseph Murphy’s book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind. 
“We become what we think about all day long.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” - Marcus Aurelius
“The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself positive results.” - Norman Vincent Peale
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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A #kickass mural on #sonsunday, nicelee done NY Martial Arts Academy
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Beauty in #Bushwick #brooklyn #reconnection #weouthere
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Uma by COMO #ubud #bali #paradise #gratitude
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Morning Ridge Walk #bali #veryriceview #gratitude #mosthxgh
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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...We used to read Word Up magazine #gratitude #blessed #allidoiswinwinwin
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Uluwatu Temple #bali #dreamliving #gratitude #mosthxgh
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it.” - Banksy
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Beef noodle soup in Taipei #72hoursimmer #foodporn #taiwan #weouthere
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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#loveistelepathic #truth #inthestreets #weouthere @mosthxgh @hanza_panza
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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Fractal Broccoli #romanesco #sacredveggies #phinomenal
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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FM Reunion #meetthekellys (at The Taj Boston)
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
By weaving together artistic creativity and well-intended linear thought, I think we are embarking upon a new paradigm in the world of international commerce. An elevated level of consciousness and attention has pushed the envelope in terms of limits for an organization. Barriers that once divided us are now falling away to a rush of collaboration and cohesiveness amongst subcultures. Much the same way musical barriers have been eclipsed in recent years, creative content, in any medium, is now being consolidated into one steady stream of novelty for consumption in real time. This is a fascinating period to witness because for the first time in the history of the modern man, art finally has a chance against political ideology. I am hopeful.
Kenneth W. Osier III
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
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thecoolko-blog · 11 years
Abraham Hicks - You Can Always Be Happy
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