#but it was destroyed a long time ago
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persicipen-archive · 2 months ago
the thing is, at the beginning of star rail we had a massive leak of future characters including even some from penacony. and dr. ratio was there as well, so they had many characters prepared even before the release. but planning out worlds must’ve been done earlier than that, even if actual modelling and level designing comes later. by the time of dr. ratio’s banner back in 1.6 they had to have penacony fully completed and already working on amphoreus because it’s just a safe assumption they’re always at least a year in advance (i would bet on even more).
and it’s just SO funny to think that they made that one completely random dude who didn’t fit aesthetic-wise to any of the available worlds or the characters but from their perspective, he looked like a copy-paste of what they’d been working on behind the scenes around the same time. and then not mention him even once (not even acknowledging his existence) when introducing the new world officially asdfghjkl
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howlionj · 1 month ago
i love the idea of rorke being phantom 'member' of walker's family way too much. imagine how disgusted hesh was when he found out that gabriel not only was their father' best friend but also he was both shaping and studying their family for a long time.
how frightening it is to understand that rorke was there with them during trainings and camps - watching them through elias' eyes and speaking with them through his mouth. how is disheartening the idea that he remembered a lot about walkers and used that to hurt them.
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imrllytootiredforthis · 9 months ago
i don't know who needs to hear this (or even if any of my followers know the cruel prince) but Cardan is a fucking BOTTOM
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ghosts-and-blue-sweaters · 15 days ago
read a book (it is a teen girl rom-com which I don’t think I have ever read before in my life. I’m in it for the vibes)
watch a haley pham (current favorite youtuber) video that released a few hours ago
eat dinner (reminding myself because I Do forget sometimes)
read my Bible!! I’ve been attempting to read a little bit every day, but for the past two weeks-ish I have been severely undisciplined. OH I WANNA MAKE A TUMBLR POST ABOUT ISAAC AND ISHMAEL.
make a tumblr post about isaac and ishmael
watch the rest of a tommyinnit dsmp exile stream maybe…
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rhymaes · 1 year ago
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The Untamed, Ep. 11 // The Untamed, Ep. 48
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months ago
kancer should've joined kon's rogues gallery tbh
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fedoraspooky · 1 year ago
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Replying to this here so it doesn't get lost in the other person's post but aw man I hope it turns up for you someday. ;w; I probs woulda loved to see that drawing of ST1X regardless of how confident you felt about it but I understand, I often got nervous drawing fanart for other people too. Also it's sad to lose old art, I've lost a ton of notebook drawings and loose leaf printer paper art from my late teens/early 20s because 1) I moved around a lot in my life so a lotta stuff got shuffled around and 2) there's SO MUCH STUFF I never posted. OCs that I maybe drew once or twice, beta versions of what would eventually become a few of the characters I currently have, one-off drawings I made on a whim or because I was bored in class...
I think it was because at the time, back on dA, it got to the point where there were so many eyes on my work that I got scared if people would like something or not, or if a piece was 'finished-looking' enough, and it was kinda paralyzing... so there were years where I would post maybe a fraction of what I drew. x_x In hindsight I was deffo overthinking it, but that's hindsight for ya.
I know some of it's still around somewhere, probably in an old banker box in storage, but other drawings got destroyed for sure because I carried them around in a notebook too much and the graphite smudged off from the paper rubbing together. It's sad to think about, but at least that was only a small number of drawings before I made an effort to clean out my notebooks of loose paper more often. .w.
I'm a lot more careful with my drawings now and make backups of backups (my webcomic is backed up in at least 5 different ways right now!) but idk... maybe if I can dig up some of my old paper drawings one day I'll post 'em or something, might be fun.
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afisho · 2 years ago
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in this house we believe, in girls who are boys, & boys who are girls
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lucy-is-bored · 5 months ago
just had a horrible awful vision of a fake Dr who episode where a one-off character bled out faintly singing life on mars by David Bowie after having a 10 minute conversation with (???) imaginary companion about his dreams to open a shop selling 70s music.
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layzeal · 2 years ago
thinking about how wwx made the yin tiger tally because controlling large waves of corpses with only his own energy was too tiring, but then chose not to once he realized it was too powerful, thus continuing to subject his body and mind to all the side-effects of resentful energy... and now i wonder, if he had used the tiger tally instead, letting it shed blood at will, would it have saved him a few years before he lost control? would his mind not have been in as bad of a shape at the qiongqi path, allowing him to keep wen ning in control despite the situation, and avoiding jin zixuan's death?
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lunieloon · 9 months ago
"The Universe Attempted Perfection and You Were The Result"
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Aka Ro x Mason art because I'm obsessed with them as of late.
(Which one of them is saying this to the other? I dunno. They're probably both saying it to each other. They're dorks like that.)
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castlefly · 11 months ago
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grace!!! She’s still doing ok <3
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cathalbravecog · 1 year ago
what do you think both societies would be like if toons and cogs finally make peace with each other and got along? (like with inklings and octolings from splatoon)
ohh!! interesting!! to be honest though, i know nothing about splatoon - but i can still work with this!
thing is, as the game is right now, peace really can't be made because it removes the main conflict that makes toontown, well, toontown - without it there's no gameplay. but imagining an au and a future where cogs and toons get along is interesting!
with my past headcanons i spoke of, i think it'd apply mostly to just toons from toontown and cogs inc or suitopia in general. i'll keep it as just toons of toontown and suitopia in general to keep things a bit easier to speak of since i did state i imagine suitopia as the one place where cogs are while toons are all over the place in different 'toontowns'.
in the case of ttcc (of course), i think it'd have to come with the defeat (or change of heart) for robert. probably not possible for the latter. cogs didn't know much about toons and stayed in their own place until robert and thomas started their company and basically invaded toontown.
i am not sure how that could happen - but i imagine if toons and cogs unite, perhaps they had to go against a third, bigger threat who's after them both. not all toons would agree to make peace with cogs, and not all cogs would be exactly thrilled to have to be friendly with toons -
but in the end it is better for the both of them. the cogs would have retract their invasions, polluting and taken over buildings. however, they don't have to worry about having to be repaired or have pies thrown at them due to a toon attack. that certainly saves some money - even if there's no in-come from all the other things cogs inc does.
cogs inc would probably disband completely, or turn into something else under new leadership because i highly doubt robert would agree with any of this. possibly thomas, since he's getting friendlier with the toons. (but then again, he still does regular cog stuff and doesn't stop anyone - just pointing out he isn't perfect and good himself either.)
but i imagine they could make a profit for having a place for cogs to travel to and relax in and have toontown as a tourist area. i am sure many cogs are curious about the toons and we know how tourists are. despite this being very controversial especially in relation how real life tourist attraction hot spots are (high living costs for natives living there, driving them away from their own homes), i can see this totally happening for toontown. not only that but the cogs and toons could even work together! but yeah it's to drive the point that the cogs are still cogs, they wanna make a profit. even if they're nice with the toons now
especially if they have a bigger threat now which could drive them to work together - because if everything's at peace there's just little to no story to tell.
i can see the cogs helping toons produce more gags to fight with - and perhaps helping with whatever goofy tech they may be building.
i feel like the toons and cogs would be on good terms but have conflict in a silly way - with the temperament of a lot of cogs they're still very serious and just want to get their work done - and not deal with a toon being silly and loud and annoying. still some looney tunes conflict, but in a more light-hearted, well meaning way. like, the war's over.
many toons would take time to adjust, and many would disagree with this. i can see this kind of like HTTYD, when the vikings first began befriending the dragons and inviting them into berk. they had to think of adjustments and how to live together to suit both sides.
on the other hand some cogs wouldn't be fans of this either - but in their case they can just quit, honestly. go somewhere else, find a different job. but that's okay because they're not being like sent to fight the toons now or anything. the cogs that are neutral or even happy about this would stay though.
like it'd take a looong time to adjust yknow? ive mostly been rambling about how they're FIRST getting used to each other without even knowing HOW and WHY it occurred in the first place. it'd need them to put their differences aside and see something they both want to fight for, or some other thing they share. issue is cogs and toons have MANY differences - they are supposed to be polar opposites in general if we don't think about individuals.
but again toontown is a cartoon and i think some big friendship unity COULD happen even if its less realistic. but yeah the first changes that cogs inc would have to be is to stop polluting shit and find different ways to make the company work. i'd say just turning the company place into a living area works since i already headcanon that cogs inc offers that, its basically its own smaller country for cogs outside of suitopia.
in the faaaaaaaaaaar future, things could be far different. it's just second nature that cogs and toons have peace now. perhaps the cogs learn to live simpler, more fun-filled lives. perhaps what the toons could do for the cogs is just go Fuck Capitalism and there's some reforming for suitopia? who knows! hard to imagine for the cogs who are all based on this. a hard question to answer 'coz it's like asking how to fix OUR real life society, LMFAO.
the cogs can learn that, despite them being robots made for work - there's more to life than that, they don't need to live according to their past like that. we don't even know where the cogs come from, but obviously someone had to have built them (even if i imagine cogs as part cartoon magic since they ARE alive they aren't 'JUST' robots)
the toons (of toontown) at least don't have to live in fear of the cogs invading anymore and they're possibly doing well from the new attention from the cogs AND other toons around the world. the toons can relax now, too, and focus on whatever fun hijinks they wanna get up to instead of strategizing and fighting off mean cogs. instead they can just, yknow, be chillin with them!
my brain's a bit scrambled now, i promise i had better comprehensive thoughts last night when i first read this ask so i'm sorta just blurting things out. hope y'all get what i mean!
i don't think it'd be impossible, with how many toons wanna be friends with the cogs (or lovers) (hell even family) with the cogs. but it'd be a hard feat to achieve considering how cogs are. But since many cogs just follow orders it'd need to be a change in how things are lead. (but some cogs would be more easier convinced, we already have some toon friendly/neutral cogs after all)
if i just think about this more and flesh out some of my tooniverse suitopia headcanons more, i think i'd have more comprehensive less repetetive and all over the place thoughts. but still, this is a fun thing to think about, and i'm sure it's something a lot of us cog fans would like to see in-game even just a little bit though it goes agains the whole point of the game. (but it's still in there! just within the realms of how the game works i suppose. looking at misty especially, she's the one who actively wants to befriend toons. then there's neutral cogs like cathal who doesn't even wanna fight. or chip. can't say much i haven't finished his fight yet. or hell, even high roller - they're neutral to cogs and toons - bringing them together on the show. then there's dave dave is something else okay)
but YEAH These are some long ass closing thoughts so lemme end this here since it's LONG. i just wanna explain myself my adhd is showing. TOODLES! i love your guys' asks, please do keep them coming!!
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godsofhumanity · 2 years ago
Rhea: We are divorced
Kronos: We are?
Rhea: You do realise what you did to cause it right?!! Why do you keep coming back to me??!!
Kronos: I miss you
Rhea: Okay that's pretty nice but I'm not falling for it
Kronos: 🥺
Idk this just came to me
lol Rhea girlie u have to be strong 💪
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abirddogmoment · 2 years ago
What is something you think you only have and will indulge in for Maverick. A special thing that was just the two of you
We didn't have anything really weird that was just the two of us tbh, he was a simple dog who liked simple things.
One special toy I had just for Maverick was his training toy. He didn't really like tug as a reward and I didn't really care to train with tug as a reward. He liked retrieving and I liked watching him retrieve so I made him a rabbit fur ball (shoved a rabbit pelt into a small holee roller) that he could retrieve as a reward during agility and heeling. He loved it so much.
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coconut-cluster · 2 years ago
not having energy to write is so real, i feel like the pandemic drained all my motivation. my heart goes out to you from one writer-in-theory to another
fr, that and just putting SO much weight on getting good feedback when posting my writing online. by the time I kinda stopped posting as much, it had gotten to the point that I would actually have anxiety attacks if I didn’t get a certain amount of likes/reblogs after posting stories. prioritizing praise over enjoyment will kill passion so hard!! im taking a creative writing class at my uni this fall to try and bring the lil spark back and I’m actually terrified but I’ve been putting it off for too long lol. all the love and good vibes to burnt out artists of the world 💚💚💚
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