#but it was all vacationy
liebelesbe · 1 month
had a dream in a dream in a dream tonight. today? when i was sleeping.
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e17omm · 9 months
5.6k words and I only now got through the big scenes of the chapter.
And this might be between two thirds and half of what I want to write. We'll see how much I end up adding to this chapter and what I might save for the future.
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butchhansolo · 1 year
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ckret2 · 3 months
The way I see it, I've got two potential promising avenues:
I can work the word "goldilocks" into a pun, like "Goldilocked Up" or something—that's a dumb title but it shows you what I mean. That would also help the title fit Gravity Falls naming conventions, they LOVE pun titles, and I'm always happy to make the fic feel a little more canon-ish.
(Shoutout 2 the asker who sent "Under Goldilock And Key," I don't think it quite feels enough like the fic i'm writing but You've Got The Spirit)
So, with a pun, that opens up any phrase that includes the word "lock" or "gold" to be riffed off of ("Fool's Goldilocks," "Goldilocked and Loaded," etc etc y'all know how to make puns.) Considering doors that can't be opened are a big thing in the fic, there's SOME kind of potential with (goldi)locks and doors
OR, i can make an allusion to the Goldilocks principle—the idea that for something to work (in biology, in economics, in psychology, lots of fields), conditions have to be "just right" in between two possible extremes. The most prominent use of the Goldilocks principle is the Goldilocks Zone, which is the narrow criteria for earthlike planets that can support life (not too hot, not too cold; not too big, not to small, etc). I think i can work something with that, BUT i'd need to find a way to thematically work it into the fic. I think it's possible. Something something portal project, something something goldilocks zone of possible universes he can target?
(Plus, @thedemonsurfer pointed out that Bill being in the shack is sort of a Goldilocks zone for his redemption arc: not secure enough that he can default to all his usual defense mechanisms but not so insecure that he's constantly lashing out. Which is brilliant, I'd been trying to find some way to slap the goldilocks principle onto his current situation but couldn't figure out what two extremes he was in between.)
If I wanna go with a Goldilocks principle/Goldilocks Zone allusion, I've got a whole lot of fic left to write, I have time to make it seem like an actual theme I did on purpose. If I can find a way to tie it into the repeated Plato's Cave+Flatland+cosmic horror allusions I'm using, I've struck gold lmfao. (Something something a safe midpoint between the darkness of ignorance and the blinding light of full madness-inducing knowledge?)
My mind's spat out the idea "Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone," I don't think I'm sold on it yet.
Song allusion's to a guy trying to act carefree and chill in a vacation town as he gradually realizes he's the source of his own problems, which is true of the story and is gonna be even more true once he has enough freedom to properly pretend he's carefree and chill; Bill is a fan of margaritas; he definitely feels like he's wasting away; it mixes quirky fun summer vacationy vibes with subjects of cosmic significance; it firmly avoids the Goldilocks fairy tale OR calling Bill "Goldilocks, which is great; and it definitely don't sound like any other fic titles out there.
But on the other hand it's longer than I'd prefer; it's gonna be harder to remember for anyone who DOESN'T know the song allusion, plus anyone who doesn't know the allusion won't have any idea what the title means; I literally forgot until I checked 15 minutes ago that the line is "wasting away again in margaritaville" instead of just "wasting away in margaritaville" and apparently there's common confusion about whether it's "wasting" or "wasted," so there's multiple avenues via which it would be really easy to get the title wrong.
But like, it's a B- title. In spite of its logistical flaws, I actually like the sound of it. I think it's moving in the right direction. Leaning on the "Goldilocks zone" concept has potential.
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checkmatein3moves · 8 months
How are the ROs as swimmers? Is Oracle Island the kind of island that people can swim on or to? (That feels like a weird sentence but I don't know how else to ask it.)
i think yes, overall. oracle has beaches and swimming is allowed. however, given the wealth and the architecture and the quality of the water, it's far more common for rich people to have pleasure cruises or beachside villas with big pools right by the coast. public swimming pools near the beaches too, to keep up some vacationy illusion for the less well off.
to elaborate — as an example — jareth and his family, having grown up in a seaside town, would've been plagued by the effects of the rich having all their beach homes dotted around a couple of miles away when more than one of the towns and villages were struggling economically. community is hanging by a thread when someone high up comes into town and businesses compete to be the one to fill a large order of seafood or imported wine, teams have to be hired on minimum wage to make sure the parties don't leave behind lots of waste.
so, to segue, jareth is a great swimmer. half fish, more likely to have immunity built up to whatever endocrine disrupting shit is living in the water. overall, actually swimming is probably much less of a rich thing because they can have pools for status symbols but of course they have much better things to do! i can see sailor enjoying swimming, and i can see hebe enjoying it for the rebellion and windo for the thrill - especially skinny dipping.
unless it's horizon. rules are different and chaotic there. the lake has more people swimming in it at once than like, any other body of water.
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jandjsalmon · 6 months
2024 FRC - March🍀
This one is a scheduled posted because as we speak, I will be living it up on my vacation to Venice and Croatia - but I'll screenshot my word count first thing on April 01 - so that it'll be up to date. If you're following me on SM - I apologize in advance for the plethora of pictures I'll be inundating you with soon. 😉
In other non-vacationy news, as in past years, my daughter and her amazing basketball team defended their title as Provincial Champions and successfully won Back-To-Back Championships. If you were here last year, you'd remember that this was the first time in school history and so doing it again was even more momentous. I chose a close-up this year. Kinda bittersweet that she's played her last game - but really happy with how this season turned out. 🏀
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Okay - back to the fanfiction. Things in the @fanfic-reading-challenge are progressing nicely. If you’re looking for a fun way to get out of your comfort zone, you should come check it out. and for those of you who are new here - over the last couple of years, I’ve not only been participating in the fic challenge (which is still open for new members jsyk and the Discord is pretty neat) but I've been tracking all the fic I've read and reported back here once a month with some stats and some recs, and a little bit of boring stuff about my life. That’s what this post is.
Below the cut are my March stats and some fun fic recs. I’ve been tackling the challenge tasks and am nearly done the ‘extreme’ mode. I'll crack 6 million words on the airplane back home on Friday. 😉
March 2024
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As for my recs for you! Try these - you might enjoy them. The pairings are all over the place - but if it is something you've never read before, let one of them be your first foray into the ship.🖤🖤
I actually stumbled upon this fic accidentally to pass off a task for the challenge but Folie à Deux by @cypresssunns (E 1/1) - is a super delightful Knives Out fic and I'm SO glad I read something new!. The pairing is Marta/Ransom and it is a "Marriage of Convenience/Ransom remains a sociopath but Marta kinda likes him like that" kinda fic. It was delightful and if you're into co-dependency and couples where no one is really a good person - this is the fic for you!
Of course I never go a month without recommending at least one Wenvier fic - and Pomegranate. by @theravenandtheartist (T - 1/1) was fantastic. Wednesday in particular felt perfectly in character. Xavier is adorkable. And honestly, I just have a unhealthy love for Hades and Persephone - so while this is NOT an AU, the mythology does play into the story and I loved how it was done. Great read!
Anyway - I have lots of tasks yet to complete - so if you have a fic that you’d like to recommend - let me know! I'll see you when I get home! 🖤
And seriously, COME ON. racing the yellow lights is a Hallie/Society Assassins AU (M - 1/1) and it's fantastic. I've read it about a bajillion times and it is ALWAYS delightful. Of course the great @smc-27 writes one of the best Harrys in the whole fandom so it's completely unsurprising that this fic has me in a chokehold. If you like The Society - and you like Hallie and fun AUs - don't forget to review! 💛
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literaticat · 11 months
do you know how publishers decide to put an ebook on sale (like when it's under $2.99 for a few days/weeks)? is it based on declining sales to drum up interest again or something else?
Putting e-books on sale is a promotional tool. It gets more people to buy the book that might not take a chance on it otherwise. That's it. So I guess, sure, it COULD be based on declining sales, but I think that's a negative way to look at it -- I'd say it's just to boost that title, so more people see it and potentially buy it, full stop.
I'm sure there IS a methodology behind it all, but I don't know it. I suspect (based on nothing in particular) that e-tailers have a certain number of "promo slots" for a given publisher each week or month, and the publisher decides which books to feature, based on any number of factors.**
However, it COULD be that a publisher can pick any book they want and put it on sale whenever they want. Or, it could be that the e-tailer has a certain number of promo slots and they request certain books or types of books. (Or something else, I guess, but one of those three scenarios seems the most likely!)
** Those factors might be anything. Maybe seasonality -- spooky books for spooky season! Vacationy books for Summer! etc -- or maybe the author has a new book coming and they want to promote the backlist, or a new book in a series is coming and they want to hook people on book one, or who knows what. I suspect it IS probably true that a lesser-known title is more likely to be picked for this type of promo -- just because, if a publisher has a bestseller that is selling like gangbusters at full price, they have no incentive to put it on sale.
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The last couple of weeks have been pretty tough. I found out that my insurance isn’t covering a hefty ER bill I now have to ask for help from my mother to pay (and she’s not...the easier human around...), my work sliced my hours in half, so now I need to find another full-time gig, preferably a work-from-home gig that lets me focus on my health and well-being, and I was dealing with all of these things on top of a bout of COVID I caught while on vacation in Florida, effectively making vacation...not so vacationy.
Now that the COVID has cleared up, I really need to refocus on positive things, so I can keep myself from spiraling into a whirlwind of “oh shit oh shit oh shit.“ So bellow is a list of things I’m grateful for, just to have a record.
Nice tumblr humans
my cooking/baking ability
my silly ass cats
the roof over my head
Soft pants
my brother and sister-in-law
The hours that I do have at work while I look for a new gig
Trader Joe’s Gingerbread ice cream
my resiliency
Silly puzzle game apps
Comic books
My sense of humor
Fancy perfume
jelly candies
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laladellakang · 1 year
hiii, I hope you're doing alright and have been taking care of yourself! I'm sorry I haven't been around much but I hope life has been nice to you~ and if it hasn't, then I hope it will get better <3 I just read the new update and I just know wonnie is gonna be 10 times more clingier now and I absolutely love it. - 🦥 ( I think this was my anon emoji but I'm not too sure- )
no it’s totally fine!!! i haven’t been here much so it totally makes sense if you haven’t been around this acc, i hope you’ve been good too! i’ve just been a little too vacationy since i had such a shitty semester so i haven’t posted much (or at all)
AND YESSS jungwonie will NOT take things too slow anymore like he wants equal treatment 😌
yes that’s your anon emoji babes 🤍
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
On Saturday evening I decided I needed to give myself a very specific sort of vacation/staycation/personal-time and to do so immediately**.
It's a do all the things you need to do in order to recharge and not feel DisTraCTed sort of vacation/staycation so, honestly, some of what I am planning on doing sounds busybusy but another chunk of it will just be planned personal time and yet another chunk will actually be "doing vacationy fun things from the comfort of home-as-home-base."
Yesterday I got myself a 90 minute full body massage with hot stones to mellllllllllllt melt melt my muscles. And then I slipped into brain-off mode for much of the evening with light entertainment. I made the Decision(tm) to finish the novel that leaves me grumbling. I have one more chapter plus a short afterward to go. The second to last chapter had a moment that made me want to dump the book into the fire. I am very hesitant to ever use the phrase Mary Sue for a character for so many reasons that are well discussed (probably somewhere years ago on this blog) but, ffs, sometimes that is the precise phrase needed. Actually, more like Entitled Mary Sue. Anyhow...
Today was a post massage sleep in for as long as needed because that is how I make sure I didn't just toss money down the drain. ;)
And then, long slow hot shower and hairwashing (because my muscles neeeeeded all of that heat), toss on a no-ironing-required sundress, and out for local neighborhood lunch and coffee and a stroll and sitting in the sun just doing nothing. Ahhhhhh.
The importance of sun and doing nothing.
I recently ordered and just received and unpacked a really nice pair of lapdesks that feel handmade (two different sizes, smaller one has built in adjustable stand for using a tablet/ipad/book/notebook/sketchbook). They came from shop in france. Currently using one of them while sitting outside (at home) and getting more sun while drinking more coffee. Lol.
Today is a day of chill out.
For the next couple of weeks (or few weeks), I plan on splitting up my weekdays between:
1. Doing lots of fun things that I just haven't had time to do. This includes everything from sketching animals at the zoo, to seeking out interesting places around me (food/coffee/tea/photography ops), to finally getting back to video games (modding CP77) where I am the one holding the controller, to finally being more social online (lol-- DW i'm so sorry).
2. Listening to lots of audiobooks while continuing/returning to address all of the years of entropy. The great KonMari action. Etc etc. Also, finding all of my summer clothing and organizing it nicely.
3. Learning some new recipes to cook because I need to create a rotating set of meals I like to eat that are HEALTHY.
4. Re-starting some sort of yoga/stretching/exercise routine.
5. Getting a bunch of random/boring/necessary Adulting(tm) things on my to do list (that I keep punting month after month) finally checked off and done or, at least, appointments made and scheduled into my calendar.
6. Getting back into various hobbies that are entirely for me rather than For Professional Reasons.
7. Writing and arting only what I feel like writing and arting. Maybe take some online art workshop just to let my brain turn off and have some fun.
For the rest of today I will mostly be a lazy person because I need a lazy day in the sun.
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riflebrass · 9 months
Man for a guy who's supposed to be on vacation I'm not being very vacationy about it. Yesterday I spent a good chunk of the day driving. Today I spent a good chunk of the day repacking my gear and putting it away. I did get to do a little more shooting but that means cleaning the guns and repacking those gear bags again. Tomorrow I have to finish getting the rest of the stuff put away then I need to bring the blackstone in and get that all cleaned up.
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ohmysatan42 · 9 months
Alstroemeria!! (Hope I spelled that right)
I've never really traveled so honestly I'd love to go anywhere overseas. For a vacation I feel like I'd love to go through Europe, maybe somewhere like Greece to see the history and then onto Rome. I really love road trip style vacations because that's what my family did when we were kids. There's nothing like a whole family in a car screaming along to music and stopping at random places until we inevitably get lost. Doing that through Greece would probably be cool.
I also would love to go to New York if only to see some tapings of last week tonight and go to a Broadway musical (hamilton). But that feels less vacationy to me and the idea of a huge city like new york also kinda stresses me out.
Finally I also feel like I should put a shout out to the uk. It's definetly somewhere I'd like to visit one day, if only to visit places like Douglas adams, tolkiens and austen graves (not grim at all).
But yeah dream vacation would probs be roadtripping through Europe while listening to 80s music and explaining all the Greek mythology I learnt from percy jackson to my friends.
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thedorklegacy · 1 year
The Dork Legacy 4.6 part 5
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Lainey: Your store sucks! D: I WANNA FILE A COMPLAINT!
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Lainey: GRRRRR.
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Janeway: Ah! I've got just the thing! Our robot back there gives off calming pheremones! Let's have a sniff!
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Roman: I hate this little girl.
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Jean Luc: So, like...I think your hair is really...uh...shiny.
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Selma: Really? Aww, that's so sweet!
Jean Luc: *score motion*
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Selma: Heeehee, awesome, it's raining! :D
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The cuteness. I am ded from it.
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Okay, okay, I'll stop.
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Aww, they love each other. Even though they never speak to each other.
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Nothing a game of Rock Paper Scissors can't cure!
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You. Are. Amazing. AMAZING I SAY. <3
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I decided to send the three teens out on a trip!
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Hey, look, it's Tereth Na'aksa, my entry in the slapdash_sims Teen Top Model contest. I appear to have deleted his skintone.
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And look again! It's Chansey Dork, that dirty pirate-stealing wench!
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Jean Luc: Dude, so you haven't grown up AT ALL?
Originally posted at katu_sims.
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chromalogue · 2 years
I didn’t think my vacation had a smell, but it must, because I opened it up and now all the neighbourhood bosses are twining around my legs, asking loudly for editing and meetings. 
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alliewritesthings · 2 years
papers - pt 5
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Pairing: Dad!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: angst, mentions of divorce, mentions of cheating. if ive missed anything please let me know!
A/N: no lie this has taken me ages to write, and even then im not happy with it but there we go, i apologise in advance. the next part will be the final part
series masterlist   |   main masterlist
“Shit!” You groaned, pushing your hair off your face as you clutched at your throbbing head.
“Shit!” You almost shouted as you noticed Chris beside you and not in a separate bed, a loud groan leaving your lips as you realised you were also naked.
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You spoke in hushed tones, as not to make your own headache worse. You climbed out the bed, reached for your pyjamas that were strewn across the floor and quickly pulled them on as you heard a gentle knock at the adjoining door. “Chris! Wake up!” You grabbed one of the pillows and hit the man with it, eagerly trying to wake him.
“Mama! Daddy!” You heard the small voice of your daughter call through the adjoining door as the handle rattled. You dashed over to the door and gently opened it, swinging your daughter up into your arms and stepping back into the room she shared with Scott.
“Shhh! Daddy’s still sleeping.” You told the young girl, sitting her on the edge of her bed. “Where’s Uncle Scott?” You questioned, glancing around the room.
“Bathroom!” The little girl looked up at you with a small smile. “Can we wake daddy up and go to Disney?” You laughed a little at her question.
“Why don’t you stay here and I’ll go wake daddy up? And then once everyone’s ready we’ll go get breakfast and then head to the park.” You confirmed, checking the time and realising it was only eight in the morning. “Put the TV on, there should be plenty of movies on there.” You told the girl as you switched the television onto movies and gave her the remote to allow her to take her pick of the selection of Disney movies.
“Morning Scott.” You called through the bathroom door, letting him know you were awake before retreating back through the adjoining door to find Chris sat up in bed. “About time.” You grumbled, closing the door behind you.
“Good morning to you, too.” He mumbled sleepily, rubbing his tired eyes. “How’s your head? I’ve got painkillers if you need any.” His gaze never left you.
“Are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room?” You emptied your bag out onto the bed as you grabbed your things you needed.
“What?” Chris questioned; his eyebrows furrowed.
“We fucked!” Your voice came out high pitched, over-emphasising on what happened. “That should not have happened!” You stormed into the bathroom with your things, slamming the door behind you as you retreated into the shower to fix yourself up for the day ahead.
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“You know it was you who wanted it, right? You basically refused to let me say no.” Chris looked up from his position on the bed as he pulled his shoes on.
“Please, just shut up. It shouldn’t have happened.” You mumbled, filling your backpack with the essentials for the day. “We were both drunk and it shouldn’t have happened. It doesn’t change anything.” You pulled your bag onto your shoulders before opening the adjoining door and stepping into the other room where Scott was helping Olivia put her shoes on.
“All good to go?” Scott questioned as you stepped into the room, his eyebrows raised as if he was trying to read the situation between you and Chris.
“Yeah, all good. Wanna go get some breakfast, Liv?” You questioned, holding your hand out to your daughter and leading her out the room.
“What happened, Chris?” You heard Scott ask as they both stepped out and joined you in the hallway.
“Let's not talk about it.” Chris mumbled in reply, the tension thick in the air as you all made your way to breakfast.
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The few days in Disney passed rather quick, and you’d soon returned back to London and carried on with life as usual. You’d held back from signing your part of the divorce papers after what happened while you were vacationing in Florida, although there was a lot of tension after a lot of thought it felt like things were somewhat going in the right direction and you’d agreed with Chris to take things slow and work on your relationship one step at a time, which included twice weekly marriage counselling via video call.
Your marriage was hard to explain to people, it confused a lot of people when they’d found out that you were actually married but your husband and father of your child lived over three thousand miles away. It took a few months but you’d gone as far as wearing your wedding ring again, the classic platinum diamond ring placed back on your finger alongside your simple engagement ring.
Everything felt normal, apart from the distance, and in a strange way you felt you had your husband back.
The next big step was whether you’d commit to moving back to Boston or not.
It was three months since you’d returned from spending a short period of time in Boston. Christmas was fast approaching, meaning it was only a matter of days before Chris would be joining you and Olivia for your first Christmas in London.
You’d spent two weeks of December extremely ill, finding yourself spending a lot of time cuddled up with the toilet and requiring lots of assistance from your parents when it came to childcare. It wasn’t until one of your work colleagues mentioned the pattern in your sickness that you began to worry. The mention of morning sickness made you feel nauseous, the idea of being pregnant with your somewhat-distant husband was not something you thought you’d even have to consider.
It wasn’t until the twenty second of December, the day before Chris was due to arrive, that you decided that the best course of action would be a pregnancy test. Things started to add up in your mind, leaving you certain you were pregnant.
The multiple pregnancy tests only confirmed your suspicion – by summer of the following year Olivia was due to be a big sister to Baby Evans number 2.
The thought of telling your husband made you fearful, it’s not as if you were in the worst situation anymore but you also weren’t in the best situation either. You weren’t sure how bringing a baby into that situation would work, but you’d do all you could to ensure the situation planned out.
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“Wake up! Wake up!” Your little girl squealed, bounding into your bedroom. You groaned as she jumped onto your bed to shake you awake, glancing over at the clock on your bedside which red 5:47 in the morning.
“It’s too early, Liv. Go back to sleep.” You sighed, pulling your daughter in for a cuddle and tucking her under the duvet next to you. She let out a whine in protest.
“But Santas been!” She huffed out in annoyance, doing everything she could to squirm out your grip and make her way to her father who was fast asleep in his makeshift bed on the floor. Since you only had a small two-bedroom apartment Chris had agreed to sleep on the couch, not pushing the boundaries of your ‘new’ relationship just yet. But Olivia had refused to let her father sleep on the couch on Christmas Eve, demanding he sleep elsewhere otherwise ‘Santa wouldn’t come and visit’ her, so he’d made a bed out of extra blankets and pillows on your bedroom floor.
“Daddy! Wake up!” The five-year-old demanded, gently shaking Chris to awaken him. “Santas been, daddy!” She shouted as soon as his eyes were open. A soft yawn left your lips as you forced yourself out your bed, sliding your slippers and robe on.
“Come on then, missy. We’re up now.” Another yawn slipped from your lips as your daughter darted from the bedroom towards the small living room area, which you’d spent the evening with Chris laying out an array of presents which you’d been hiding away for what seemed like months.
“Can I open them?!” She squealed in delight as she picked up one of the presents and gave it a gentle shake.
“I hope that wasn’t fragile, you may have broken it.” You teased your daughter with a soft laugh. “Well firstly, you need to wait for daddy who’s going to make me a lovely hot cup of tea before we open any presents.” You spoke the last part of the statement loud enough for Chris to hear in the bedroom.
You heard the man chuckle as he left the bedroom, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and mumbling a soft ‘merry Christmas, baby’ before heading to the kitchen to make your tea. You don’t know whether it was the pregnancy hormones or not, but Chris left you blushing with a warm smile on your face.
It wasn’t long before you were curled up on the small couch in the living room, a blanket laid loosely over your lap and a cup of tea in your hands as your five-year old and husband sat on the floor playing with the new toys that ‘Santa’ had delivered.
“Hey Chris, can you get that present out from under the tree?” You pointed towards the small little gift that sat just below one of the branches.
“What is it?” Chris questioned, not remembering placing a present that small under the tree just a few hours ago.
“It’s from me!” Olivia beamed at her father, watching him retrieve the gift from under the tree. You couldn’t help but laugh at how oblivious your husband was, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Open it, daddy!” Your little girl grinned at the man as he began to rip the paper away.
“Oh wow, that’s so cool! Thanks, Liv.” Chris pressed a kiss to the top of his daughters head as he unwrapped the new wallet that was engraved with the words ‘To the best daddy, love your babies.’ He read the wording out loud, his eyebrows furrowed as he glanced at you. “I think they’ve messed up the personalisation.” He whispered, his confusion very evident.
You glanced from your husband back to the place where the present lay just under the tree a few minutes ago, your eyes flitting between the two spots.
Chris eventually followed your gaze, looking down to the decoration that hang on the tree right above the spot where the present previously lay. The realisation quickly set in and the shock was evident on Chris’s face as he took in the new Christmas decoration that hang on the tree with its dainty writing and a baby scan, reading:
Baby Evans. Due Summer.
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part 6 (finale) - coming soon
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i no longer have a taglist - for updates, please follow my library blog and turn on notifications.
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thewhizzyhead · 4 years
OKAY BITCHES LISTEN UP as you can probably see my dear country happens to be trending rn and if you look at the tag you'll mostly see vacationy stuff and beautiful beaches! Well ERASE THAT CAUSE I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT SUMMER AINT THE REASON WHY THE TAG IS TRENDING. There is so much bullshit happening here in the Philippines and it can all be summarized to some dick trying to establish a dictatorship here by proclaiming the martial-law-without-a-label that is the Anti-Terrorism Bill. With this bill, the police are allowed to arrest without warrants on the basis of suspicion so basically if you're a filipino and you criticize the president on social media or in rallies YOU CAN BE ARRESTED WITHOUT WARRANTS AND IT WILL BE LEGAL and this infringes on Section 4 of our Bill of Rights which is our Right to Freedom of Speech. There are other laws that this bill directly violates but all in all the safety and lives of many Filipinos will be endangered. Check the hashtag #JunkTerrorBill to find out more and help spread the news. Things are definitely not as happy go lucky as the tumblr trend algorithm portrays.
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