#but it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
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anniebeckcalla · 3 days ago
you're always there...in my sleep
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resting with the dreamies
(bf! dream x reader) ◦ ₊ wc: 858 ◦ ₊ cw: fluff, light skinship. lowercase on purpose! ◦ ₊ navigation
ღ calla's note: hope you enjoy this !! thank you so much for your support !!
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the room was warm, comfy, and filled with a soft illumination from the night lamp that was kept on through the night at your request. it obviously worked wonders, as you were asleep now, your face in a peaceful smile as your breath came out in small snores. mark lay next to you, but he wasn't in slumber. instead, he watched your eyelashes flutter as you steeped further into limbo. gently, he reached out his hand and used his finger to outline your eyelids, nose, and lips, deliberately taking his time to appreciate every scar and mole. at last, he cupped your face, his thumb caressing your cheek. “i’m so glad that i get to call you mine, y/n,” he whispered.
“still can't sleep?” jeno rubbed his eyes, hair tousled from being under the duvets. you shrugged, tears in your eyes. “it's no use. i've counted sheep, rubbed behind my ears, and sprayed lavender on the pillows. i’ll never get a good night's rest!” jeno sat up, throwing back the duvet. “let's go on a walk.” you stared at him, not sure whether to laugh or continue crying. “a walk? are you just trying to be funny?” jeno crossed over to your side of the bed, and held out his hand. “the night air will do you good, i promise. it's full moon tonight as well, don't you want to enjoy that together?” sighing, you took jeno's hand. “i'll admit that you haven't had a bad idea yet.”
calla's note: I feel like this is slightly ooc because jeno does NOT like going out :( anyway i hope that segment was nice
“see the way that draymond dodged the opponent?” chenle laughed as he reached for more popcorn from the bucket that you two were sharing. chenle had managed to get you to watch an nba match with him instead of a film that friday night, but instead of enjoying the match, all you two had done was laugh at the players' every move. chenle frowned when you didn't respond. “y/n?” he turned his head from the television to see you fast asleep, head lolled on his shoulder, your blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “oh, y/n,” he laughed softly. “let's get you to bed.” gently, as not to wake you, he lifted you in a blankety heap and carried you to your room.
your heart thudded loudly in your chest, your eyes wide in the pitch black. your limbs flailed, sending the duvet to the floor. “renjun,” you whispered. “renjun, where are you?” you reached out for him, but all that met you was the expanse of the mattress. stretching out for what felt like miles. Just then, the bedroom door opened and the room was flooded with light as renjun shuffled in with his phone torch. “ i was just using the toilet,” he began, but stopped when he saw your face. “why do you look so terrified?” he said. “i was scared that you'd just disappeared,” you muttered as renjun pulled the duvet back over the two of you. “you say funny things sometimes,” he chuckled as he pulled you close. “I wasn’t joking,” you mumbled, your eyes closing as you nestled in the crook of his neck.
it was a light spring afternoon, the sunshine streaming in through an open window. you stroked haechan's chestnut hair as he slept, his head on your chest, body nestled comfortably between your legs. there was a drama on the television that you'd been meaning to start a while ago, but you were distracted by haechan's soft snores and sweet-smelling hair. you bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of his head, and he stirred slightly, nestling his head down further into you.
“...but ron gasped, ‘get away from me, werewolf!’” jisung had one arm wrapped around your shoulders, the other holding the book. “your turn to read, love.” you shook your head, tightening your arms around his waist. “keep reading. it's nice.” “jisung sighed. “we're taking turns, y/n. it's not fair that i have to do all the reading before bedtime.” you frowned. “your voice is the only one that gets me to sleep at night, though! wouldn't you just do me that favour?” jisung sighed. “fine. i'm only doing this for tonight, though, okay?” “thank you, dearest,” you smiled. jisung rolled his eyes in response, but hugged you a little tighter as he resumed the story.
the doorbell rang, cutting through the silent peace of the apartment. you jolted from your sleep, rolling over to compose yourself. as you rubbed your eyes, jaemin's voice came from beside you. “what was that?” he muttered, his eyes closed. “someone's at the door, you replied, sitting up. “were we expecting any visitors?” jaemin opened his eyes slightly. “no,” you shrugged. “then there's no reason to get up,” jaemin replied. “just ignore them. he took your arm and pulled you towards him, but then the doorbell sounded again. “i have to get it,” you said. “no you don't,” jaemin said. “just stay here. you know you want to.” you slid back under the covers, giggling when jaemin dipped his head to press his lips to your neck.
comments and reblogs greatly appreciated !! (ФωФ)
taglist: @cigsaftersuh @jenoleeaesthetic @pl4netx1a @jeonghansshitester @herjaemin @chenlezip
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raven-dor · 2 days ago
kiss from a rose
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in which steve rogers gets the girl… and then loses her?
PAIRING: steve rogers x avenger!reader, steve rogers x fem!reader
WARNINGS: jealousy, slight angst, typical marvel violence, witty banter (thank you Natasha), yearning!!
🎶 : kiss from a rose - seal
AN: yay steve!! successfully brought back my Marvel obsession!! reader has nature powers, plus telekinesis but it's green!! SUPERHERO NAME IS TERRA
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It was late when he realized it. They’d just gotten back from a two-week-long recon mission when it clicked. Her hair glistened in the dim lights of his apartment, his apron wrapped around her waist as she made them dinner. 
He’d offered to help, she’d said she’d wanted to. “After this mission, you deserve a break, Cap.” 
He glared playfully, fighting the blush forming on his already rosy cheeks. “Please don’t call me that.” 
“Why not?” She smirked. “That is your title.” 
“But not my name.” He muttered, staring at her intently. “I like it when you call me my name.” 
It was her turn to blush. “Fine, fine.” He held her hand, rubbing the back gently with his thumb. Of course, she gave in. “Steve. Now, go set the table.” 
He’d never set a table faster in his life. 
And then, when he turned around and watched as her face focused on their dinner, tongue peeked out from behind her lips, his heart fluttered. He stalked over, holding the crook of her arm gently as he spun her around. Her eyes widened, pupils growing for every second she stared at him. “Steve? What are you-” 
He dove down, kissing her like it was his last moment on Earth. Like he needed her. In a way, he did. 
Her eyes fluttered shut, arms wrapping around his neck. He smiled, pulling away ever so slightly. “You’re beautiful.” 
Her cheeks felt like he’d lit them on fire. “Steve. What’s gotten into you?” 
He shrugged, nudging her nose with his. “Thought I should make a move.” 
She laughed, and his heart fluttered. “You have good instincts.”
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“Are you sure?” He asked for the millionth time. “Peg’s been dying to meet you.” 
He was too nice, she told herself. She knew Peggy could not care less about seeing her. “Steve, I’ll be just fine waiting for you here.” 
“I-” He nodded. “I’ll be back.” 
“Go on.” She smiled, kissing his cheek. “You’re already late.” 
He hadn’t been gone long when she received two texts from Nicholas Fury. She frowned reading it, their boss had always had the most inconvenient timing. Walking down the hall, she gazed into Peggy’s room, smiling at the pair. Steve sat diligently at her bedside, every week, like clockwork.
“I couldn’t leave my best girl-” 
Jealousy ripped through her like a disease. 
Peggy and Steve had had their time, but she was married. She wasn’t even someone Steve was remotely interested in anymore. 
But when Y/N watched the man she’d grown to love staring at her like that, she couldn’t help but listen to the tiny devil on her shoulder. It’s not like they were dating, they’d only kissed for the first time last night. She shouldn’t care, she told herself over and over.
She shouldn’t be jealous. 
A tear fell down her cheek, and she gasped, turning away from the door to wipe it away.
“Something wrong?” His voice pulled her from her thoughts.
Shaking her head, she turned back around, smiling lightly. “Not really. Fury texted. Said we still needed to turn in some paperwork for the mission.”
“Ah.” He looked disappointed. She didn’t blame him. 
“I can do it, no need to leave her or-” 
“No! No, I’d be happy to help.” He smiled, reaching for her hand. “I would love to.” 
God, he was charming. It was hard to be jealous when he looked at her like that. “Maybe it would be best…” Her voice grew quieter with each word. “It would probably be quicker if I did it by myself.” 
“Oh.” He sounded weak. “If that’s what you want.” 
She nodded, not trusting her voice. Handing him the keys, her heart skipped when his fingers brushed hers.
His head tilted. “Are you walking?” She nodded once more, and he looked utterly confused. She would be too, considering she had been the one to drive here. It was a company car, but still. “Let me drive.” 
“It’s fine, really-” 
“I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” He spoke like he meant it. She knew he meant it. “Please.” 
How could she say no?
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She’d been home for approximately four hours when she realized how stupid she’d been. Using the spare key Steve had given her months ago for ‘emergencies’ she slipped into his apartment, smiling to herself when his cologne fell out of the shadows. Throwing her coat on the counter, she walked over to the light switch, about to flip it on when a voice broke through the quiet. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 
She pulled her gun out of its holster, aiming at the corner. Fury’s face peeked out from the dark, and her shoulders loosened, lowering her aim. “What the hell, Nick?” 
“What the hell to you too.” His voice was gruff. “What is my little green thumb doing in Captain America’s apartment?” 
“None of your-” 
“Business?” He raised an eyebrow. 
Her cheeks flushed. “I could ask you the same question, sir.” 
“My wife kicked me out.” 
She raised an eyebrow. “What wife-” Fury raised his phone, the text reading ‘Shield compromised.’ 
“Shit.” She hissed. “Did she-” 
“Steve.” She turned around, glad for the dark. It hid her hot cheeks perfectly. “I-” 
“Did I do something earlier?” He threw his coat next to hers, walking down the hall with a horribly beautiful look in his eye. “If-” She tilted her head toward the corner, and his eyes darted to Fury, glaring. “I don’t remember giving you a key.” 
“Do you really think I’d need one?” The old man looked at Y/N, smirking. “It’s a select group, I see.” 
Y/N glared, avoiding Steve’s gaze. “Fury-” 
“My wife kicked me out.” 
She fought the urge to roll her eyes. He was using the same line he’d used seconds before. Steve stepped in front of her, turning on the light. “I didn’t know you were married.” 
“A lot of things you don’t know about me.” 
“I know Nick. That’s a problem.” 
“Cap.” She hissed. “Be kind.” 
“Cap?” Steve hissed back. “What did I-” 
Fury held his phone up, the words he’d shown her still typed in large bolded letters. Steve’s eyes widened, and he gazed around his apartment. His arm stuck out behind him, pushing her behind him. Her heart fluttered. “Stay.” 
“I’m sorry to have to do this.” 
“Who else-” Steve sounded tight. “Who else knows about your wife?” 
“Just my friends.” His phone read ‘us three.’ 
Steve scoffed. “Is that what we are?” 
“That’s up to you.” Fury stood up, barely out of his seat when an attack of bullets shot through Steve’s wall, hitting him square in the chest. 
They dropped to the floor, pulling Fury behind the kitchen counter. “Shit,” Y/N whispered, checking for his pulse. “Shit, Cap.” 
He glared. “We’ll talk later.” 
“Why would-” He raised an eyebrow, and her cheeks flushed. “Just be safe, yeah?” 
“I will.” He nodded, smiling lopsidedly. “Are we-” 
Fury stuck a shaking hand out at Steve, a grey flash drive with Shield’s logo in his palm. “Trust no one.” 
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The operating room was cluttered, with doctors and equipment at every corner. Her hands gripped the windowsill tightly, staring at her boss getting cut open on the table. “C’mon Fury. Please don’t die.” 
Steve’s hand laid over hers, a comforting presence. He said nothing, just staring at her with his mouth slightly agape. She dared to look over, frowning. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“How is he?” Nat’s voice was panicked. Y/N pulled out of his hold, hugging her friend quickly. 
“Not good, Nat.” 
All they could do was watch helplessly as Fury died. And when Steve held her in his arms, flash drive digging into her back, she knew their talk would have to wait. Fury’s body was presented to them minutes after he’d been declared dead. 
She’d never seen Natasha so shaken. 
“I need to take him.” 
Nat stayed firm by Fury’s side, and Steve stepped forward. “Natasha.” 
The redhead took one last look at her boss before stalking down the hall. Leaving Maria by herself, they chased after her. She whipped around, anger flooding her normally playful gaze. “Why was Fury in your apartment?” 
“I don’t know.” God, Steve was a horrible liar.
“Cap.” Y/N turned around, looking at Rumlow with disdain. “They want you back at Shield Headquarters.” 
“Yeah, give me a second.” 
“They want you now.” His voice held something else, a secret that Y/N couldn’t decipher. 
“You’re a terrible liar you know,” Nat shot back, walking away. 
“I should-” Y/N whispered. “I should go.” 
“No.” Steve shook his head, holding her hand tightly. “Fury trusted you with this too.” His eyes looked wild. Not with passion or love, but with confusion, and worry. “I need you with me.” 
She could never say no to him. One thing stuck in the back of her mind, one thing Steve had told her without saying anything at all. Trust no one meant something bigger than a single person. It meant a system, an organization they’d both worked for, that they both protected. They were going to take down Shield. 
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Shields headquarters, much like its field of work, was dark. Gloomy, grey, and dark. Absolutely no green or foliage to be seen for miles. Like always, she complained to Steve as they walked. “I understand why we have to wear our suits, but I’ve never felt more uncomfortable in my life.” 
Steve laughed, a smile cracking from beneath his normally hard exterior. “As soon as we-” His smile faded. “As soon as you get home, you can change. I promise.” 
Pierce and Steve’s supposed neighbor were huddled outside his office door, speaking in hushed tones. Y/N made an effort to stand taller, their talking coming to a halt as they approached. ‘The neighbor’ smiled, greeting them both as she left. “Captain, Terra.” 
Steve didn’t even bother to look in her direction. “Neighbor.” 
“Captain.” Pierce stuck out his hand. “My name is Alexander Pierce.” 
Y/n fought the urge to roll her eyes. The older man had always given her an unsettled feeling in her stomach. They had met multiple times before, and she saw no reason to shake his hand for the millionth time. 
“Mr. Pierce. It’s an honor.” 
Y/N raised an eyebrow. What an honor indeed.
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“Nick ignored my direct order and carried out an unauthorized military operation on foreign soil, saving the lives of a dozen political officers, including my daughter.” 
“So you gave him a promotion.” Steve seemed skeptical. Good. 
“I’ve never had any cause to regret it. Captain…” His voice held a sort of curiosity. In Y/N’s opinion, it was closer to nosiness. “Why was Nick in your apartment last night?” 
“I don’t know.” 
“Did you know it was bugged?”
“I did,” Steve confirmed, leaning forward. “Because Nick told me.” 
Y/N placed a reassuring hand on Steve’s arm. “Fury told him months ago. And, between you and me Mr. Pierce, Nick’s been having family issues.” 
“Ah.” Pierce’s hard gaze hadn’t moved from Steve's. “Did he tell you he was the one who bugged it?” She hadn’t known that. “I want you to see something.” 
“Is that live?” Steve turned around. 
Her eyes widened at the video. “Where is that?” 
“We picked him up last night in a not-so-safe house in Algiers.” 
“Are you saying he’s a suspect? Assassination isn’t Batroc’s line.” 
“He may be a deranged man, but he wouldn’t put a hit out on Fury,” Y/N whispered. “No way.” 
“It’s more complicated than that. Batroc was hired anonymously to attack the Lemurian Star. He was contacted by email and paid by wire transfer, and then the money was run through seventeen fictitious accounts. The last one going to a holding company that was registered to a Jacob Veech.”
“Am I supposed to know who that is?” 
“Veech died six years ago. His last address was 1435 Elmherst Drive.” Her heart dropped. She and Fury were by no means close, but after working with him for longer than she cared to admit, she came to know his past, just like he came to know hers. She knew things, like his first pet's name, or his family’s home address. Shit. “When I first met Nick, his mother lived in 1437.” 
“Are you saying Fury hired the pirates?” 
“The prevailing theory was that the hijacking was a cover for the sale of classified intelligence. The sale went sour and that led to Nick’s death.”
“Mr. Pierce, with all due respect, Fury would never do that. You know-” Her eyes welled. “You knew him, I knew him. He may have played dirty occasionally, but he was no traitor.” 
“Why do you think we’re talking?” The older man replied. “I took a seat on this council because Nick asked me to because we were both realists. We knew despite all the diplomacy and the rhetoric, that to build a better world, sometimes you have to tear the old one down. You two were the last people to see Nick alive. I don’t think that’s an accident. And I don’t think you do either.” Y/N held her breath, remaining cool under his suspicious stare. “So I’m going to ask you again. Why was he there?” 
“He told me not to trust anyone.” 
“I wonder,” Pierce murmured. “If that included him.” 
“I’m sorry. Those were his last words. Excuse me.” He grabbed his shield, and both of them walked toward the door. 
“Captain.” The pair turned around, and she ignored the annoyance that grew in her stomach. Pierce tended to only respect the men in the room. “Somebody murdered my friend, and I’m going to find out why. Anyone gets in my way, they’re going to regret it. Anyone.” 
“Is that a threat?” Y/N stepped in front of Steve, her hands glowing ever so slightly. 
Pierce simply shook his head, a strange sort of smile on his face. “Simply a promise.” 
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“There’s always been something off about him.” She muttered as they waited for the elevator. “That is exactly the person we shouldn’t trust. The type of person that Fury warned us about.” Steve just stared out the window, arms crossed. She frowned. “What’s on your mind?” 
The elevator door opened, and he walked in, Y/N trailing after him. “Operations Control.” 
“Not here.” His eyes looked gloomy, like the beginning of a storm. 
“Keep all S.T.R.I.K.E. personnel on sight.” Rumlow walked in, accompanied by three agents Y/N had never seen. “Cap. Terra.” 
“Evidence response found some fibers on the roof they want us to see. You want me to get the tac team ready?” 
“No. Let’s wait and see what it is first.” 
“Right.” Rumlow looked jittery. Odd, she thought to herself, he was normally quite calm. Four more agents entered on the next floor. With no warning, Steve grabbed her hand, pulling her in front of him. She could feel his breath on her neck. Rumlow’s voice was hushed. “I’m sorry about what happened with Fury. It’s messed up, what happened to him.” 
“Thank you,” Steve muttered. 
Three more agents entered on the floor after that, and she squeezed Steve’s hand. A fight was imminent. Steve squeezed back before letting go. Summoning the small bit of energy in her hands, she stood tall, her face hardening. 
“Before we get started-” Steve’s voice was confident, firm. “Does anyone want to get out?” 
It was all a blur. She threw three agents against the door, knocking them out. Steve broke out of their hold, smacking the one who’d held him in a chokehold against the window. Rumlow pulled out his taser rod, slamming Steve in the back. 
“Hey!” Y/N yelled, building up an energy blast in her hand and breaking the rod out of his hand. “That’s not very nice, Rumlow.” 
Rumlow scoffed, pulling his two backups out of his belt. “Whoa, big guy.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “I just want you to know, Cap, this isn’t personal!” He jumped forward jabbing Steve in the side before he was thrown into the ceiling.
“It kinda feels personal.” Steve grabbed his shield, turning around and looking her over for injuries. “Are you alright?” His voice was barely a whisper, pushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
She hummed, leaning into his touch. “I’m fine.” She wiped his brow with her sleeve, the smallest bruise forming. “Are you?” 
“Fine.” He lied. He canceled the emergency stop, the doors opening to reveal twenty Shield officers aiming straight at them. He stilled, placing a protective arm in front of her. 
“Drop the shield and put your hands in the air.” The lead yelled out. 
Without any warning, Steve spun around, cutting the elevator lines with one fell swoop. After the elevator stopped, he tried to door again, even more agents waiting for them than before. 
“Steve-” She hissed, watching as he eyed the window. “Don’t-” 
“There’s no other way out.” He quipped. 
Her hands glowed as she shook them in the air. “Hello?” 
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“I have to say-” She whispered, burying her face in her hood. “Hiding the top secret hard drive in a public vending machine is not your smartest idea.” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Did you have a better one?” 
“Keeping it on my person crossed my mind.” She teased, nudging his side. “It’s not like all of the secrets Fury has been hiding from us are on it.” 
“Stop worrying. It’s-” Empty. All the gum had been bought, along with, Y/N thought to herself, a free flash drive. Nat’s face reflected off the glass, popping a bubble from the gum she had bought. In any other situation, she would have laughed. 
Steve grabbed her arms, pushing her into the room behind them. “Where is it?” 
Y/N watched with mild fascination. 
“Do better.” 
“Where did you get it?” Nat questioned. 
“Why would I tell you?” 
“Fury gave it to you. Why?” 
“What’s on it?”
“I don’t know.” 
“Stop lying.” He shook the super spy.
Y/N’s smirk broke. “Steve-” 
“I only act like I know everything, Rogers.” 
“I bet you knew Fury hired the pirates, didn’t you?” 
“Well, it makes sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in so do you.”
“I’m not going to ask you again.” Steve was practically seething. Y/N reached out, placing a hand on his arm before Nat spoke once more. 
“I know who killed Fury. The Winter Soldier. Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear engineer out of Iran. Somebody shot out my tires near Odessa. We lost control, went straight over a cliff. I pulled us out. But he was there, and I was covering my engineer. So he shot him, straight through me. Soviet slug, no rifling. Bye-bye, bikinis.” 
Steve rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now.”
“Going after him is a dead end. I know, I’ve tried.” She held up the hard drive. “He’s a ghost story.” 
“Then let’s find out what the ghost wants.” 
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“How much time do we have?” The three of them huddled around the computer as Nat tried to access the hard drive. 
“About nine minutes from…” She plugged the drive in. “Now. Fury was right about that ship. Somebody is trying to hide something. This drive is protected by some sort of AI, it keeps rewriting itself to counter my commands.” 
“Can you override it?” 
“The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me.” 
Y/N laughed. “I thought that wasn’t possible.” 
“Ha-ha. I’m running a tracer, so if we can’t read the file, the least we can do is find out where it came from.” 
“Can I help you guys with anything?” 
Nat laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, no. Just fulfilling my maid of honor duties. Helping my brother and his fiance find some honeymoon destinations.” 
“Right,” Steve spoke through his gritted teeth, slinging an arm over Y/N’s shoulder. “We’re getting married.” 
She felt like she was on fire. Steve looked down at her with heart eyes, and she melted, relaxing in his hold.
“Congratulations.” The employee smiled. “Where are you guys thinking about going?” 
“Jersey.” She smiled back. 
“Huh.” The employee stared at Steve, too long for it to be nothing. “I-” Shit, he knew. “I have the exact same glasses.” 
Oh. “You two are practically twins.” Y/N teased. 
“Yeah, I wish.” The other man laughed. “Specimen. If you guys need anything, I’ve been Aaron.” 
“Thank you.” Y/N smiled, looking up at Steve as she mouthed the words ‘perfect specimen.’ His cheeks grew red. 
“You know it?” Nat gestured to the screen, breaking the moment in two. 
Steve looked solemn, nodding. “I used to.” 
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Nat hissed as they moved out of the Apple store. “I’ll meet you in the parking garage, don’t get caught.” 
“What?” Y/N widened her eyes. “Why-” 
Steve grabbed her hand, pulling her onto the escalator. “It’s alright, we’ll get out of here soon.” He tilted his head, taking his turn to tease her. “Scared to be alone with me?” 
“Steve.” She gasped, smacking his chest. “Don’t fish for compliments.” 
“Oh?” He smirked. “So you had a compliment?” 
She turned around, eyes widening when she saw Rumlow step onto the adjacent escalator. “Kiss me.” 
He looked pale. “What?” 
“Rumlow-” She sighed. “Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortabl-” Steve’s lips smashed against hers, his arms snaking around her waist. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she received a sudden burst of deja vu. Pulling away, she turned around, walking the rest of the way down. “I wasn’t finished.” 
Steve shrugged. “I got the point.” 
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“So-” Nat leaned forward, looking between the two. “What happened?” 
Y/N tensed, looking back at her friend. “What do you mean?” 
“You two haven’t looked at each other since you got in the car.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “What happened?” 
Steve cracked the smallest smile, and Natasha gasped, smacking Y/N’s arm. “You kissed him!” 
“What?” Y/N yelled. “Why was it me that kissed him?” 
“Oh.” Nat’s smirked widened. “So it happened then?” 
Steve laughed. “Is this something you talk about?” 
“I-” She felt like she was going to burst. This was much too much attention on her. “It was for the mission, Nat.” 
Steve frowned. “I wouldn’t say so.” 
Nat was fully grinning. “He wouldn’t say so.” 
“Natasha.” Y/N hissed. “Leave it be.” 
“Fine, fine.” She held her hands up in defeat. “Where did Captain America learn how to steal a car?” 
“Nazi Germany. And it’s not stealing, it’s borrowing.” 
“All right.” Nat nodded. “I have another question for you. Of which you do not have to answer. But I feel like if you don’t answer, that sort of answers-” 
Steve sighed. “What?” 
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” 
Y/N choked on air, and Steve placed a hand on her back, rubbing it gently. “Breath.” 
She glared, flipping him and Natasha off. Nat smirked. “I was just wondering how much practice you’ve had.” 
“You don’t need practice.” 
“Everyone needs practice-” 
“It was not my first kiss since 1945. I’m ninety-five.” He cut her off. “I’m not dead.”
“Nobody special though?” Nat egged on. If there were no repercussions, Y/N would blast her out of the car then and there. 
Steve quickly looked over at Y/N before looking back at the road. “There’s someone.”  
“Do tell.” 
“Nah.” He shook his head, smiling to himself. “I don’t think I will.”
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crushpunky · 21 hours ago
college!reader and joe visit joe’s parents
based on this ask. college!reader is a bit of a STEM/math girlie for sake of conversation lmao warning: mention of sex/a sex joke
Y/n was pretty sure she was going to have a heart attack the entire drive from the airport to Joe’s childhood home. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to fly home with Joe for a long weekend, but still the churning in her stomach continued.
“You a’ight?” Joe asked, quirking his brow as he turned to her from the driver’s seat of the car he’d rented for the weekend. She fiddled with her pants, the fabric rubbing back and forth between her fingers as she nodded quickly. It felt like her mind was racing at a million miles a minute, each mile they drove closer to his house causing her worries to multiply. What if they hated her? What if they didn’t think she was good enough for their son? What if she said something wrong and they thought she was stuck up? What if they just—
“You don’t have anything to be nervous about, ok?” Joe said lowly, taking one of his hands off the wheel to stop her anxious fiddling, taking her hand in his own. “They’re gonna love you. I promise.”
Y/n sighed, taking her eyes off the trees and fields rushing by to look over at Joe. He watched her out of the corner of his eye, raising her hand to his lips to press a chaste kiss to it before the car began to slow. Y/n took in a deep breath as Joe pulled into the gravel driveway of his home. It was a quaint little home with white siding and brick accents, the picture perfect childhood home… so perfectly Joe.
As the car rolled to a stop, Joe popped his seatbelt before climbing out of the car. Y/n followed, slinging her backpack over her shoulders as she rounded to the back of the car, but Joe had beaten her to it. He lifted their duffels from the trunk, holding both of them over one shoulder with ease.
“You ready?” Joe said, grinning down at her as she followed him towards the front door. He raised his fist, rapping his knuckles against the door before resting his hand along the small of y/n’s back. Behind the door, she could hear excited bustling about before the door finally flew open. The two of them were greeted with the wide smiles and excited squeals of Joe’s parents.
“There you are!” Joe’s mother said, pulling him into a hug. “Oh, my baby, Joey.”
Joe chuckled lightly, an embarrassed red rising in his cheeks at the nickname before his mom finally pulled away from him.
“How are you, son?” Joe’s dad said, pulling him into a hug, reaching up to ruffle Joe’s hair. Y/n smiled, watching the way Joe’s parents so clearly loved and admired their son.
“I’m good,” Joe said with a sigh before turning away from his parents, his hand finding its spot on the small of y/n’s back once more. “Uh, Mom, Dad, this is y/n.”
A nervous smile spread across y/n’s cheeks as Joe’s parents turned to her, looking her up and down with the same grins they’d greeted their son with.
“Y/n, sweetheart, it’s so good to finally meet you.” Joe’s mother said, pulling y/n into a hug. Y/n’s eyes widened, her arms tensing before moving to hug Joe’s mother back. Once she pulled away, Joe’s father pulled y/n into a hug.
“We’ve heard so much about you,” Joe’s father chuckled. “So, so much. Joe loves talking about you.”
“Dad,” Joe groaned, running a hand along his jaw once his dad released y/n from a hug.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, too.” Y/n giggled. “I’ve heard so much about you… especially about your cooking, Mrs. Burrow.”
“Oh, Joe loves to play my cooking abilities up,” Joe’s mother chuckled with a shake of her head. “And please just call me Robin, sweetheart.”
Y/n nodded, Joe looking over at her with a grin.
“Well come on in, we don’t want dinner to get cold.” Joe’s dad said, ushering the two of them inside. Y/n stepped into the foyer, looking around at the family pictures, trophies, and keepsakes that littered the entryway. Joe started up the stairs, looking back at y/n as she was lost in the memories adorning the walls.
“I’ve got plenty more photos we can look at after dinner,” Robin whispered to y/n, quirking her brows as she walked past her into the kitchen. Y/n laughed before turning to follow Joe up the stairs.
“Already plotting with my mom, hmm?” Joe teased, elbowing her lightly before opening the door to his childhood bedroom. However, he froze halfway before quickly closing the door again, turning on his heels to face y/n.
“Um, there’s something I forgot to tell you.” Joe muttered, avoiding y/n’s eyes as he stood firmly between her and his bedroom. 
“What? Is there something wrong?” Y/n asked, furrowing her brow as she looked Joe up and down.
“No, it’s just…” Joe sighed. “My bedroom hasn’t changed since I was, like, 12. I mean I got a bigger bed, but the decorations and… stuff are still the same.”
Y/n tried her best to stifle a laugh, Joe groaning as he leaned his head back against the door with a thud.
“It can’t possibly be that bad.” Y/n grinned. Joe sighed before turning back to the door. He opened the door slowly, revealing the contents of his room. Inside, y/n was quite shocked to see his entirely Star Wars themed bedroom, complete with a themed comforter, posters, and multiple lightsabers adorning the walls. Her jaw dropped as she stepped inside, looking at the action figures and Lego sets that filled the shelves.
“Ok. Uh, wow.” Y/n said with a giggle. Joe groaned once more, setting their bags down on the floor before flopping onto his bed. He writhed around with an exaggerated moan, which only caused y/n’s giggles to worsen at Joe’s dramatics.
“I was just a little shocked, ok?” Y/n said, sitting next to Joe on his bed. “I actually think it’s kinda cute.”
“Really?” Joe smirked, biting his lip as he looked up at y/n flirtily. He reached out, running a finger along the soft skin of her forearm.
“Cute, not sexy, Burrow.” Y/n scoffed, shaking her head at him.
“What? You don’t wanna have sex on my Star Wars bed sheets?” Joe teased, a cheeky grin on his face. Y/n laughed, smushing her hand into his face playfully.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” Y/n and Joe’s heads quickly jerked their heads to the side to find Joe’s dad standing in the open doorway to Joe’s bedroom. Y/n quickly scrambled to her feet, taking a measured step away from the bed as Joe sat up with a groan.
“Dinner is ready.” Joe’s dad, Jim, said, nodding to the two of them before heading back down the hallway. The second he was out of earshot, y/n let out a groan as she ran a hand down her face.
“Hey, it’s fine. You’re fine.” Joe said, getting up from the bed. He stood in front of her, crouching his head down as he ran his hands along her arms. Y/n met his eyes, a slight pout on her lips. Sure, their initial welcomes into their house had been nothing but kind and warm, but dinner was the main event. The time for her to prove (or fail to prove) that she was the right girl for their son.
“Joe, I’m scared I’m gonna fuck this up.” Y/n sighed. “I’m scared I’m gonna ruin this and then they’re gonna hate me and—”
Joe cut her off, moving his hands up to cup her cheeks before pressing a kiss to her lips. He pulled away slowly, rubbing his thumbs gently against her cheeks as he looked back at her.
“Look, I love you, y/n, and I promise you— promise you— that they will too.” Joe whispered, smiling down at y/n. “Now let’s eat. I’m starving.”
Joe cocked his head towards the door, guiding y/n down the hall as he rubbed his hand down her back smoothly. The two of them descended the stairs quietly before entering into the kitchen. The table was set, pans and dishes of food filling the air with their heavenly aroma. The food at LSU wasn’t particularly bad, but it for sure wasn’t a home cooked meal.
“Oh my god,” Joe groaned as he quickly rounded the table, eyeing the delicious looking food. “Y/n, baby, you’ve got to try my mom’s chicken casserole—”
“Jeez, Joseph,” Robin laughed as she pulled her apron over her head, taking her seat at the table. “Let the girl sit down first.”
Joe shook his head, laughing a bit to himself before pulling out a chair for y/n next to him. She took it graciously, scooting underneath the table as the Burrows began to dig into their feast. Y/n watched for a moment, unsure of what to do and not wanting to impose upon their family traditions.
“So, y/n, how are you enjoying LSU?” Jim asked, taking a bite of chicken as Joe simultaneously handed y/n a bowl of rolls.
“I like it a lot,” Y/n nodded, taking a roll from the dish and setting it down onto her plate. “I love the city and the professors are pretty great. And the people, too.”
“That’s good to hear, sweetheart.” Robin smiled. “Your classes are good?”
“Yeah, yeah,” y/n said. “I’m actually taking a really interesting math class.”
“What’s it about?” Jim quirked his brow, turning his attention fully to y/n.
Y/n launched into a passionate conversation about her math class, which naturally progressed to Robin and Jim asking questions about her other interests, childhood, likes and dislikes. Joe nudged y/n lightly, a smear of jam on his lips as he grinned at her before pressing a jelly covered kiss to her cheek.
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The dinner went smoothly, y/n finding herself getting more and more comfortable with Joe’s parents as the meal continued. As they finished up their meal, y/n helped Robin clear off the table while Joe went out back to help Jim carry some firewood out to their shed. Robin put on a CD, the classic rock song playing gently throughout the kitchen as they washed and dried dishes.
“I know I probably shouldn’t say this,” Robin sighed, passing y/n the last dish that needed dried, “but I can’t remember the last time I saw Joe this happy.”
Y/n’s eyes widened, looking up from the plate she was drying to meet Robin’s eye. She could feel her heart skip a beat, her cheeks warming as Robin smiled at her.
“You’re a good girl, y/n.” Robin said, leaning against the counter opposite y/n. “Joe’s lucky to have you.”
“I’m lucky to have him.” Y/n grinned. Robin winked, pushing off the counter before grabbing the now dry plate from y/n and putting it into the cabinet.
“Well, now that the boys are out… I wasn’t joking about showing you the baby photos.” Robin grinned, gesturing for y/n to follow her as she went into the living room. Y/n sat on the couch as Robin crossed the room to rummage through a wooden chest. After a moment, she held up a thick photobook with the name “Joseph” written in a swirling script. She joined y/n on the couch, sitting next to her before cracking open the book.
Immediately, the pages fell open to a picture of Joe dressed in a bright orange wind suit, his hands on his hips as he posed in front of the fireplace. He had the same fiery look in his eye and smirk on his lips, even as a child. Y/n and Robin continued flipping through, laughing and aww-ing as they looked at photos of Joe on Halloween, at his first football game, showing off his toys on Christmas.
“What’s going on in here?” Jim asked as he came back in the house, Joe behind him, running a hand through his hair.
“I was just showing y/n some baby photos,” Robin grinned, causing Jim to chuckle and Joe to groan. “But, I think we’re done for tonight. I’m gonna go up to bed.”
“Same,” Jim yawned, stretching his arms. The two of them said their goodnights before leaving Joe and y/n alone in the living room. Joe crossed the room before sitting down on the couch next to y/n, tossing his arm over her shoulders. Y/n relaxed into his touch, resting her head against his shoulder.
“You were quite the cute baby, Joseph.” Y/n teased.
“Oh, jeez,” Joe shook his head, chuckling to himself. “I think they might like you more than me.”
“Oh don’t.” Y/n laughed, elbowing Joe’s ribs lightly.
“Seriously.” Joe said, looking down at y/n. “I told you they’d love you.”
Y/n smiled, pressing a kiss to Joe’s jaw before relaxing back into his chest. The two of them sat in silence, feeling the comfortable nostalgia of Joe’s childhood home. A house that had quickly become a sort of home to y/n, too.
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lvrrgirlll · 2 days ago
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Currently thinking about semi-arranged marriage!patrick x wedding planner!reader…
Patrick wasn’t ever really keen on the idea of marriage. He always thought it was something that just wasn’t for him. He still thought that, actually. But his parents didn’t.
He had taken some time off the tour to visit his parents after years of struggling to really get where he wanted to go. Both he and his parents knew why he was really there, though. They had frozen his trust fund.
Long story short, they gave him an ultimatum: either get married and settle down or lose access to the trust fund. And if the couple months he’d gone without the trust fund had taught him anything, it was that he only had one skill in life, and he was barely good enough at that to stay afloat. That’s how he ended up meeting you.
His fiancé, a nice yuppie who his parents had set him up with, had hired you, a wedding planner, to plan the most elaborate wedding money could buy for the two of them. Unfortunately, though, (or fortunately —depending on how you look at it) she was far too busy between wedding dress fittings, long days at the office, regular gym sessions, and shopping outings with her friends to ever actually show up for your meetings. She would always just tell Patrick what she wanted, and he would show up.
So over the months of planning the wedding, you two grew a lot closer than he felt with his own fiancé. After all, he was only marrying her for his trust fund and she was only marrying him because she was scared she was getting too old and decided it was time, no matter who it was with.
You had told yourself that whatever you felt, it would never come to the surface, but you couldn’t help all those little moments when it almost felt like you could be playing your wedding with him. Like when you two were at the cake tasting and he got a little frosting on the corner of his lip and you wiped it off. Anyone would do that though, right? Or when you two were touring venues and didn’t even realize you had started holding hands. It was a mindless thing, of course…
The worst one was when you were sampling different brands and types of champagne. His fiancé had told him to make sure he really tried them all because she only wanted the best. And somewhere in all of the tasting, you two both got a little tipsy. And maybe while you were tipsy you two kissed, which turned into making out in your car. You were both too sober to call it some drunk mistake, but you both called it one anyways.
“So what’s it like being a wedding planner,” he’d asked once, when you two were at a florist looking at different sample arrangements.
“Fun. Y’know, you help plan the happiest day of some people’s lives,” you responded simply.
He chuckled dryly. “Happiest day of their lives, huh…” he repeated under his breath, a sort of bitter, contemplative tone lingering. “And it’s not… lonely?” He’d noticed the lack of a ring on your finger long ago, when you two had first met to start planning.
You froze for a moment, trying to brush off whatever feelings his comment stirred up. “Well… yes. Sometimes.” You cleared your throat, avoiding eye contact with him as you messed with the flowers in front of you. “I mean, of course I hope to plan my own wedding someday, instead of someone else’s.”
When you two leave the florist, onto the next project, Patrick stops you for a moment. He wordlessly fiddles something out of his pocket, a small flower he must’ve taken from inside. He’s tied the stem in a ring. “Here.” Offering a smile, one of pity and longing and a sort of… sorrow, perhaps, he slips the dainty flower ring onto your left hand ring finger. He proceeds walking then.
“C’mon, our wedding’s not gonna plan itself,” he reminds you. But when he says “our wedding” you have to remind yourself he doesn’t mean yours and his. He means his and hers.
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foxnikki · 2 days ago
*enters breaking everything*
Resquests are open!!
Nikki, Nikki... Could I ask for Izo and Killer (separately) with a gn/nb s/o who clearly has a bias towards them?
Like, some crew member gets hurt and s/o scolds them for being careless, but with Izo/Killer, s/o is like "my love, are you okay?? 🥺🤜🏻🩹" (the fist is supposed to be a hand holding the band-aid 💀)
Maybe you don't even realize that they CLEARLY have favoritism??
Headcanons pls <3
It's totally fine if you don't wanna write it!!! 💗
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— XOXØ, Meli
𝕵𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚
They never really understood your behavior at times: the only thing they were sure of was that you took care of them without complaints. Ah, if only they knew they had favoritism!
Pairing: Izou x gn!reader, Killer x gn!reader [separately] Genre: fluff a/n: this is a really cute idea for a story, thanks for the request ♡
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Oh, to say that he was scared at the idea of ​​you taking care of him at first was an understatement. Or rather, it would have annoyed him quite a bit, on the other hand he had heard that you had a particular way of taking care of the wounded, and saying taking care seemed like a funny way of saying that while you were taking care of them you repeatedly complained that they had to be more careful. Izo didn't want to hear any complaints.
He had once injured his arm during a battle, but Marco was already busy treating the others, so he had to go to you even though he didn't want to. You disinfected his wound, stitched it up and bandaged it, all this in silence. The only thing you said was at the end, when you gave him a pat. “Here you go" you told him.
It was a pretty calm situation, though maybe it was just because it was the first time he'd come to you, he thought. Oh, how wrong he was.
The next time the wound reopened and he had to return. That time you talked more. “You should be more careful, you know?” you told him, and your voice sounded worried rather than annoyed. "I care about your health..." Izo started to think that the others were exaggerating and said that you were quite aggressive in your ways. How could I be, if you were nice to him?
Sometimes he would even just show up to talk, and you seemed more than happy to listen to him. Of course, he didn't pay attention to the fact that he was probably the only person in the crew who was given that treatment.
Seriously, if he finds out he has favoritism he might find an excuse to get hurt more often.
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He was already used to Kid and his outbursts, so when he learned that the crew's new doctor was a rather aggressive guy he didn't pay much attention to it at first. Then one day he saw you with his friend and, oh my god, you were literally scolding him for getting hurt. It was definitely worse than he thought.
The first time he came to you he had a similar if not lighter treatment, you muttered annoyed about how your companions weren't paying attention to what they were doing. Well, at least you didn't yell at him.
One time he saw you bandaging up Bubblegum and, he would say, you were literally crushing his arm. For once he felt lucky.
The second time was a quieter visit, you simply disinfected his wound and put a band-aid on him while humming under your breath. When you finished you said your goodbyes and you gave a smile. He didn't know why but he felt reassured by this gesture, maybe after all you could be kind. Then, you were the doctor, and you just wanted your companions to be well, even if you had your own ways of doing so. Well, maybe he was an exception.
Yet he doesn't pay much attention to the fact that he has a favourite, and perhaps it's for the best. If he found out, he might tell you to treat others the same way because, as he says, he doesn't like favoritism... even though he probably does it himself by giving you the plate with the biggest meal.
© ꜰᴏxɴɪᴋᴋɪ on tumblr - do not repost, copy, translate, modify, etc my work on any platform. Comments and reblogs are appreciated.
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yunholic-jongholic · 2 days ago
Love In a Divorce [Part 6] | C.JH x Reader
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SUMMARY | In a strained 10-year marriage, you and your husband decide to get a divorce due to growing tensions. While meeting with your divorce attorney, you unexpectedly develop feelings for him. As the divorce process unfolds, you find yourself in an intimate relationship with the attorney, complicating the situation as you navigate your separation from your ex-husband.
PAIRINGS | Jongho x Fem!Reader
RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MINORS DNI!!!
CONTENT WARNINGS | Explicit Content, NSFW, SMUT, PDA (some), Cursing, Fingering, Orgasms, Marking, Unprotected Sex (Don't do it), Creampie, Slight Breeding Kink, Pregnancy-Mentioning, (Might edit, because I might have missed some)...
AUTHOR NOTE | This is the last part, I have another Jongho story on the way, it's a bit darker and angsty than this one is. But I am glad you enjoyed my first series (based on a dang meme my group chat found on twitter) lmao. I hope you enjoy this last chapter. :)
TAG LIST | @blackandgreenandblue @mingisleftnipple @kyunlov
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A couple of years had passed since you sold your house and moved in with Jongho. The two of you had built a life together—one filled with laughter, love, and late nights spent tangled up in each other’s arms.
But lately, something felt... off. Jongho had been acting more nervous and stressed than usual, his shoulders tense and his smile a little too forced. You watched him pace around the living room, his phone constantly in his hand, his mind clearly somewhere else.
You tried to shake off the uneasy feeling, convincing yourself it was just work getting to him. After all, his job could be demanding, and long cases always took a toll on him. But as the days went on, his anxiety seemed to grow, and you couldn’t help but worry.
That evening, as he sat next to you on the couch, you reached over and gently placed your hand on his arm. “Jongho... are you okay? You’ve been acting... different lately. Is work stressing you out?” you asked softly, your eyes searching his for answers.
He looked at you, his face softening as he took your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours. He opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Yeah... it’s just... work’s been a lot,” he mumbled, giving you a small, reassuring smile. But the way his hand trembled slightly in yours told you there was more to the story than he was letting on.
Worried about Jongho, you picked up your phone and dialed Yeosang, hoping his friends could help get him out of the house and take his mind off whatever was bothering him. But before you could even finish the conversation, Jongho appeared in the doorway, his expression soft yet unusually tense.
“Hey... I was thinking,” he began, his voice hesitant, “Would you want to go on a little getaway tonight? Just us... somewhere in the city. We could get a nice hotel and go out for dinner... something special.”
Your eyes widened in surprise; the phone still pressed to your ear as you processed his words. You quickly wrapped up your call with Yeosang, your heart fluttering at the idea of a spontaneous escape with him. It wasn’t like Jongho to plan something like this on a whim, but you couldn’t deny how excited it made you feel.
“That sounds perfect,” you replied, a warm smile spreading across your face. “I’d love to.”
Jongho’s shoulders visibly relaxed, his eyes softening as relief washed over him. He gave you a shy, almost nervous smile before pulling you into a hug, his arms holding you just a little tighter than usual. You felt his heartbeat against yours, rapid and unsteady, and the unease you’d been feeling these past few days crept back in.
But as he pulled back and looked at you with that familiar adoration in his eyes, you decided to push your worries aside. Whatever was bothering him, you were sure he’d tell you when he was ready. For now, you just wanted to enjoy this unexpected adventure together.
The drive to the hotel was quiet—almost too quiet. You glanced over at Jongho, noticing the way his hands gripped the steering wheel just a little too tightly, his jaw clenched as he focused on the road. He was lost in his thoughts, his usual playful demeanor replaced with a quiet tension you couldn’t quite decipher.
You wanted to ask him if he was okay, to reach out and ease whatever was weighing on him, but you held back, not wanting to push him. Instead, you tried to convince yourself that it was just work stress getting to him.
When you finally arrived at the hotel, Jongho helped you with your bags, his smile warm but his eyes distant. He checked you both in quickly, his voice soft as he spoke to the receptionist. Even then, you could sense his nervousness, his shoulders tight as if he were bracing himself for something.
Once you entered the room, you took in the beautiful view of the city lights sprawling out before you. The room was luxurious, more extravagant than you’d expected, with a plush king-sized bed and a window that stretched from floor to ceiling.
Jongho set your bags down and let out a deep breath, his shoulders dropping as if a weight had been lifted. But his eyes remained distant, his gaze fixed on the city lights.
You stood beside him, leaning your head against his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. Jongho’s hand slid into yours, his fingers curling around yours gently, his grip warm and comforting.
He glanced down at you, his eyes softening as a small smile played on his lips. “So... are you ready for dinner?” he asked, his gaze lingering on you a little longer than usual, as if memorizing every detail.
You looked up at him, his eyes filled with something you couldn’t quite read anticipation, maybe even a touch of nervousness. But his smile was genuine, his thumb brushing softly over the back of your hand.
“Yeah, I’m ready,” you replied, your voice warm and light. “Lead the way.”
He squeezed your hand gently, his shoulders relaxing as he pulled you closer. “Good. I’ve got something special planned tonight.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the excitement in his voice, your heart fluttering with curiosity. Whatever was on his mind, you knew tonight was going to be unforgettable.
Dinner was perfect—almost too perfect. The restaurant was beautifully decorated, with soft lighting and gentle music playing in the background. Jongho had chosen a cozy corner table, away from the noise, giving you both a sense of intimacy as you enjoyed your meal.
But as the night went on, you couldn’t help but notice his growing nervousness. His smile was just a little too forced, his laughter a little too quick, and his eyes kept darting away every time you tried to meet his gaze.
“Jongho... are you sure everything’s okay?” you asked, your voice soft with concern as you reached across the table, your fingers brushing against his. “Do you need anything?”
He blinked, his eyes widening for a moment before he quickly shook his head. “No... no, I’m fine,” he replied, his voice a little too quick, a little too high. He forced a smile, squeezing your hand. “I just... want tonight to be perfect for you.”
Your heart softened, and you returned his smile, letting his hand linger in yours. “It already is,” you reassured him, hoping to ease his nerves. But even as he relaxed slightly, you could see the tension still lingering in his shoulders, his fingers tapping restlessly against the table.
You didn’t push him any further, deciding to let him share whatever was bothering him when he was ready. But as the night went on, you couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of anticipation, wondering just what was on his mind.
You both were out walking, the cool evening breeze wrapping around you as you gazed at the dazzling city lights. The view was breathtaking, but nothing compared to the warmth you felt just being beside Jongho. His presence made everything more beautiful.
Lost in thought, you turned to say something to him—only to find him gone. Your heart skipped a beat, panic surging through you as you looked around frantically. But then you spotted him, just a few steps behind you, down on one knee.
Your eyes widened in shock, your breath catching in your throat as you realized what was happening. Jongho looked up at you, his eyes glistening with emotion, his face a mixture of love and nervousness.
“Y/N...” he began softly, his voice wavering just a little. “I want you to know how much I love you. Every day, every moment... I fall for you even more. I want to be by your side forever. To take care of you, to love you, to make you smile... always.”
He opened a small velvet box, revealing a sparkling ring that caught the city lights perfectly, reflecting a thousand tiny stars. “Will you marry me?”
Your heart raced, tears welling up as his words sank in. You couldn’t speak, your voice caught somewhere between a laugh and a sob, so you did the only thing you could—you nodded, your head bobbing up and down frantically. “Yes... Yes! Of course, yes!”
Relief flooded his face, his shoulders relaxing as he let out a breath he’d clearly been holding. He slipped the ring onto your finger, his hands shaking just slightly as he stood up.
Before he could even fully straighten, you threw your arms around him, pulling him into a fierce, tearful kiss. His arms wrapped around you instantly, holding you close as he kissed you back, pouring every ounce of love and relief into that one perfect moment.
The city lights sparkled behind you, but nothing shined brighter than the joy in his eyes—or the ring on your finger.
“Is this what’s really been stressing you out? Trying to find a way to propose to me?” you teased between kisses, your voice light and playful as you pulled back just enough to see his face.
Jongho’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, his eyes darting away as he let out a nervous chuckle. “Yeah... maybe,” he admitted softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “I was just... I was worried you’d say no. I know you went through so much before, and... I was scared you wouldn’t want to go through another marriage.”
Your heart melted at his honesty, your fingers tightening around his as you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “Jongho... I could never say no to you,” you whispered, your voice tender and full of affection. “You’ve been so wonderful to me... more than I ever thought I deserved.”
His arms wrapped around you, holding you close as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head. You felt his lips linger there, his breath warm against your hair. Then, he pulled back just enough to look down at you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
“So... you’d never say no to me?” he hummed, his voice low and teasing.
You looked up at him, your eyebrows knitting together in confusion. “Of course not... why—”
Before you could finish your sentence, his gaze flicked back to the hotel, his smile growing sly. Then, he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, “Then how about we head back to the room... and celebrate our engagement properly?”
A shiver ran down your spine at his words, heat rushing to your cheeks as his meaning became clear. You felt his fingers tighten around your waist, his body pressing just a little closer as his breath tickled your neck.
Your heart skipped a beat, and a playful smile curved at your lips. “I’d never say no to that,” you whispered back, your voice laced with anticipation. Jongho had a smirk curl on his lips as he leaded you back to the hotel room.
You both didn't waste any time. Jongho lifted you up and threw you on the bed, now hovering over you. You snaked your arms around his neck and caressed his face softly feeling how warm his cheeks are.
"My soon-to-be husband looks to handsome tonight..." you whisper. He stares into your eyes and grabs your hand from his face. bringing it down. You notice his eyes are now dark with lust and need. Jongho smashes his lips against yours, hungrily kissing you before sliding his tongue in which causes a shock wave to send shivers down your spine.
You moan at the feeling as both of you make out. Jongho is first to pull away and he breaths out heavily staring into your eyes. He starts to unbutton his shirt, and you pull your clothes off. You help him unzip his pants and pulling off his clothes.
Jongho gets on the bed with you and looks at you before speaking. "I want to try to please you this way..." he hums as you feel two fingers brush against your folds. You felt one finger enter in between your folds causing you to moan softly. He watches your reaction and smirks.
"So wet and so soft..." he whispers teasing you. You huff out at his response and continue moaning as he starts moving inside you.
"Oh my god..." you moan softly grabbing his arm looking into his eyes completely helplessly. You soon felt another finger enter you causing you to throw your head back moaning his name. He smirks enjoying your reactions, soon pressing his thumb against your clit rubbing circles.
"Jongho please!" You cry out feeling your entire body melt on the bed and feeling a bubble forming in your lower stomach. His other hand grabs onto your wrists pinning them over your head.
"Fuck!" You curse feeling extreme pleasure as he starts fucking you harder with two fingers deep in your soaked cunt. It wasn't long until you were thrown over the edge and moaned loudly squirting on his fingers. Jongho was satisfied how he treated you. Your legs were shaking, out of breath panting hard and whimpered as he pulled his two fingers out which was covered in your slick.
"So hot..." he whispers now ready to do the real thing with you. You can't believe he made you lose your mind with just 2 fingers. Jongho lifted your legs over his waist and slowly pressed the tip against your folds, ready to go in and destroy you.
You felt Jongho's cock slide inside you very easily since you were already extremely wet. Jongho didn't waste any time, already thrusting in and out of you causing you to moan in pure bliss. You don't know why this time felt different, but it most likely had to do with Jongho now being your fiancé.
Jongho gripped your palm pinning it on the bed interlocking your fingers together. You moaned feeling his shaft sliding in and out of you.
"I love you so much!" You moan out feeling his palm pressing your palm down harder. Your other hand rests on his chest digging your nails into him.
"Fuck." He cursed, fucking you deeply into the mattress. You felt your stomach tighten inside feeling extreme pleasure. Jongho went down and kissed your lips roughly almost biting on your lips hungrily. You moaned deep into the kiss arching your back feeling him hit your sensitive spot. One your pulled away from the kiss and cried out as he was now slamming into your sensitive spot. You felt you were going to have another orgasm coming up soon.
"Holy fuck Jongho!" You cursed breathing hot and heavy. You saw him smirk at you before going back to sloppily make out with you. You couldn't take it anymore and started squirming underneath him until he pinned your waist down aggressively. You were sure there would be bruises tomorrow. you felt his lips travel down your chin to your neck nibbling and sucking on the skin.
"I can't take it... anymore!" you whimpered feeling tears form in your eyes feeling extremely over stimulated. Jongho whispers in your ear groaning as he kept pounding into you.
"Fuck... I want to impregnate you..." He groans, his thrusts getting sloppier. You both were moaning and sweating like crazy. You have never heard Jongho say that which immediately tipped you over the edge as you squirted again this time on his cock.
"Fuck!" You curse legs trembling again until you now felt Jongho soon coming inside you. You felt hot liquid fill you up and his thrusts start slowing down. You were breathing extremely heavily, chest puffing out and you felt the mattress below you completely soaked.
"Holy shit..." Jongho cursed realizing how crazy this sex session was. He pulled out and pulled you onto his lap to hold you.
"Did you really mean it by you wanted to impregnant me...?" You asked genuinely curious. His face turned deep red, and he looked away for a second.
"I can stop taking my birth control..." You whisper causing his face to heat up.
"I didn't mean to say that I am so sorry..." He apologized, he commented how he was too in the moment with you and was only thinking with his cock.
"If you want, we can wait for a while and try again to get me pregnant." you tease causing Jongho to try to shut the conversation down, but you laugh at his reaction.
"I'm serious though, maybe when we are married in the future... I don't mind starting a family with you... I want to be with you forever." You mention resting your head on his chest as you were slowly falling asleep. Jongho was silent but held you towards him.
“I would also love to start a family with you, Y/N,” Jongho whispered, his voice tender as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. His arms wrapped around you securely, his fingers gently rubbing circles on your shoulder as you snuggled closer to him.
You rested your hand on his, absentmindedly rubbing your ring finger against his, feeling the cool metal of the engagement ring that now symbolized forever. You couldn’t help but smile as you admired the rings on both of your fingers, their sparkle reflecting the promise of a lifetime together.
Looking up at him, your eyes softened, love overflowing as you whispered, “I still can’t believe I’m going to marry my divorce attorney.” You teased, a playful grin on your lips.
Jongho chuckled, his eyes crinkling as his smile widened. “I guess I was always meant to be by your side... in every way possible.” His voice was warm, his fingers brushing through your hair as he leaned down to capture your lips in one last sweet, lingering kiss.
You hummed contently, the warmth of his touch and the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear lulling you to sleep. You curled up against his chest, his arms tightening around you protectively as you drifted off, feeling safe and loved in his embrace.
As your eyes fluttered shut, you heard his voice, soft and gentle. “I love you... and I always will.”
And with that, you fell asleep in his arms, dreaming of the beautiful future waiting for you both.
Brb sobbing, I AM SO SOFT RIGHT NOW I NEED THIS MAN SO BAD. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small Jongho Series. :) I have another one already in the works for part 1 of the next Jongho series :3 Please be tuned for that. After the first part I will open Tag List for y'all (it will be longer) and a TON of smut and angst.
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roc-haze · 2 days ago
Tis The Damn Season | ArthurTV
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In which Arthur is your best friend.
Get on the plane. Fly. See your friends. See your ex. Forget why you broke up. Get back on the plane. Fly. Reopen the wound. Repeat.
Moving away to pursue your dreams felt like breaking free. Unbridled opportunity, a new city, separation from the family and friends who don’t quite get you. Ending a relationship around the same time as the move was weirdly liberating and ultimately inevitable. James, your partner, was happy to stay put and had no real desire to move on from the small town in which you grew up.
One of your good friends, Arthur, had experienced the highs and lows of leaving it all behind.
“Let me know when you’re home, and I’ll come over to debrief. The small town fatigue hits hard.” He grinned, embracing you in a huge hug at Heathrow Airport.
Two weeks later, here you were. The flight had gotten in around 8pm, jumping in a taxi and immediately heading straight for your flat. By 9pm, you found yourself laying on top of the duvet, candles lit across the room and a vinyl playing quietly in the background.
The sound of a key turning in the lock echoed throughout the flat, followed by rustling and a quiet “hi mate”. A few moments later, Arthur entered through the doorway and crossed the room to side beside you.
“I had a feeling I might find you like this.” Arthur put down the tote bag he was carrying, laying down next to you.
“What gave it away?” Your voice monotone, lacking any real emotion.
“The photos of James on your story. You looked a little too happy.” Arthur lay staring at the ceiling, not wanting to say too much.
“I think he has a way of pulling me back in,” you let out a sigh, eyes fixated on a mark on the ceiling. “It’s just nice to have someone know you so well… like I forget what it’s like to not have this urge to fill the silence or to make myself exciting to someone else.”
Silence fell over the room, Arthur allowing you the space to vent.
“It’s just fucked, Arthur. God forbid I have a desire to move away and better my life. I mean, look at me. I have a great, fulfilling career. Incredible friends. Am I not worth changing for? He’s acting as if I’m babe for the weekend.” Your voice trembled, eyes watering.
“Do you want an actual answer to that? Or would you prefer to vent?” Arthur asked cautiously.
“Both.” You finally shifted to look at Arthur.
“For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve always made space for him in your dreams. You’ve had a goal, a plan on how to get there and so far, you’ve done everything you’ve set your mind to. Some people are just content with what’s in front of them… James is one of them.” Arthur smiled softly.
“I just don’t understand. I don’t see him for months, we see each other again and it sounds like he’s reconsidered and is ready to move. Only for him to turn me down all over again.” Your hands made their way to your face, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“That doesn’t mean you’re not worth it or you’re not enough to move for. It’s just an indicator that he’s not your forever person. The right person will be sure about you… they won’t have to reconsider. They’ll know.” God, Arthur was annoying when he was right.
“You’re probably right.” You sat up against the frame of the bed. “Please tell me you brought wine with you.”
Arthur followed suit, standing up to retrieve his bag. “Of course I did! I have some picky bits too.” He pulled two bottles of wine out of his bag, before holding up an array of snacks.
“You are a man after my own heart, Mr TV.” You gave him a small grin, rising to your feet.
“Shall we go commiserate on the couch? There’s a new episode of 90 Day Fiancé out.” Arthur handed you the wine, throwing an arm over your shoulder and directing you through to the living area. “Just out of curiosity.. do you think you’ll be dating anytime soon? George asked me to put in a good word.”
You laughed, jabbing the man lightly. “For George, I’m free any day of the week.”
Author’s note:
Won’t lie friends - this is based on my life at the minute oops. I am in my sad girl Taylor Swift era at the moment 🥲
Working on a Will fic! Please send through any requests 🫶
Deliberately did not pick a small town as I am not British hehe pls imagine for yourself xx
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cherubcameron · 3 days ago
Igual Que Un Angel
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Chapter Four
Synopsis: Sofia is pregnant, and the last thing she needs is for Rafe to find out. It’s her dirty secret, it’s not like he’s barging down her door to speak to her. He looks as if he’s done with her for good. Will outside forces, force Sofia to confront the situation at hand. Or will she be able to keep this secret up? Not like, her belly isn’t growing everyday or anything.
Trigger warning: mentions of throwing up
Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Sofia sighed; her legs were killing her. She was glad the swelling in her feet wouldn’t start until four months in. But god, she thought the nausea would have gone away by now. She held herself against the sink at the Pelican Yacht Club. Thankfully, it was for workers only. So no one would see her, nearly dying. She was starting to think this was going to be a recurring thing for her. Always holding the sink for support.
“I love you, but I’m pretty sure you’re trying to kill me.” She whispered to her baby, rubbing her belly. She’d thrown up three times now, she hated this. Hated feeling nauseous all the time. It didn’t help that she was always surrounded by food.
“Sofia! You okay in there!” Shit, it was her manager.
“Ye-yeah.” Shit, her voice sounded wobbly even to her own ears.
Sofia quickly washed her mouth, the room still felt like it was spinning. But she needed this job. She opened the door slowly, smiling up at her boss. He looked concerned, his eyes scanning her face.
“You look a little green. You sure everything’s okay?” He asks, his eyebrows raising. Leaning a bit forward to see her face.
“I’m good, promise. Just a little bit under the weather.” She attempts at a smile, but she knows it doesn’t look right on her face. She feels so weak, she rather be sitting.
“Rick says he heard you throwing up. Not once, not twice. But three times. Plus you don’t look too great. You know, if you’re not feeling well. You’re free to go home.”
Sofia tried to speak but he cuts her off.
“Just go home, my wife was the same way. When she was…” Sofia blinked several times, he smiled at her softly. “I can recognize it now. My wife has gotten pregnant three times.”
Sofia nodded, a smile appearing on her face. Just for a little while, it felt nice to share that weight she was carrying. That she wasn’t as alone as she thought.
“Thank you, Phil.” She couldn’t help but feel her heart warming as she stared at her boss.
“No worries, just don’t make a habit of it. We still need you. Rest as much as you can. I’ll ask my wife for advice for you. Oh and you’re lucky Rick didn’t suspect a thing.”
Sofia stops herself short. “How did you know I don’t want people to know?” She asks, almost shyly.
“Well, you did come to the furthest bathroom from the bar. So it wasn’t hard to put two and two together.”
Phil smiles at her, and as Sofia walks away, she nods. Smiling back at him. Happy that she didn’t feel like everything was crashing around her. For once at least.
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Rafe hadn’t returned any of Topper’s nor Kelce’s calls. So he was surprised when he saw Ruthie approaching him, near the docks.
“I hate this just as much as you. But Topper says I’m just as scary as you. And I could get through to you.” Ruthie folded her arms against her chest. “Whatever that means.”
Rafe shook his head, tying the anchor rode. “Didn’t realize I needed, not one but two babysitters. Tell them I’m fine. I just need space.” He made sure the anchor rode was tied to the dock securely before finally meeting Ruthie’s eyes.
“Look, we get it. You and Sofia broke up. I know it’s not easy seeing your ex. But—”
He scrunched up his nose, squinting at her. “Not everything is about Sofia. Why does everyone always assume I’m hurt over Sofia? I could care less.” But even as he says it, he can feel the lie come out of his mouth like peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth. Difficult and hard to chew down.
Ruthie smirks, raising an eyebrow. “I never understood. One minute, you were saying you two weren’t a thing. That you wouldn’t stoop so low to be with a Pogue. Then Topper tells me, the two of you broke up. I mean, poor girl, I would’ve had whip lash.”
Rafe jaw clenched, he was sure if he kept clenching it, he’ll inevitably break a tooth.
“You just never know how to mind your own business!”
His outburst doesn’t make Ruthie flinch. It just made her smirk more. A little laugh escaping her lips. Rafe clenched his hands into fist. Did no one ever know how to leave him alone?
“If I were you, I would leave.” He says, through his clenched teeth. Ruthie tilts her head, a small fake pout on her lips.
“Or what? You’ll hurt me?”
“Ruthie, I swear to god—”
She rose her arms up in defense. “I’m leaving. I’m leaving. Don’t worry. I’ll just tell Topper and Kelce, you need your space. But you know you can’t ignore them forever.”
Rafe watched her leave, his hands still clenched in fist. Once she’s out of view, he turns towards the water. Puffing out his lips, he didn’t have the heart to tell them, he didn’t want to be their friends anymore. He never knew it would hurt. But it did.
He just didn’t feel like he belonged with them anymore. He didn’t think they’ll resort to getting Ruthie, of all people to try and speak to him. He untied the anchor rode once more. He needed to get back on the water. Try to clear his head a bit more. Clearly, he needed to do some more of that.
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So Topper had resorted to going to his sister to get him to talk. Rafe threw his phone on the couch, not wanting to talk anymore about Sofia. Wanting to forget that she even existed. Forget the pain she’d brought into his life. The pain burned, he placed a hand over his heart. Shit, don’t cry, don’t cry. Fuck, stop.
Before he knew it, sobs were erupting out of him. He couldn’t control them no matter how much he tried. He held onto the wall, as he had tried to make his way to his room. Why’d she hurt him? What did he do to her, to make her turn her back on him like that?
He let out another sob, tears sliding down his face. He wanted to punch something. He wanted to forget. But he couldn’t. He loved her. He loves her so much, it burned.
He rubbed his nose, little hiccups escaping his lips. He hated how much he missed her. Hated what she’d done to him. And the worst part was, he didn’t think he’ll ever stop loving her.
There was two ways Sofia managed to reduce him into a boyish like state. When she was sweet, when she was giving him the kind of love he craved. Not realizing how much he truly wanted to just be accepted. Unlike his dad, she never used it to weaponize against. It was real, or at least he thought it was.
And then there was this, where he felt so much emotions. Things he couldn’t handle, that it just lead to anger. And pure melancholy. He didn’t know how long he stood there near the hallway of his house. Sobbing like a child. But once he was done, he fell into a fast sleep.
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Sofia wasn’t sure if she regretted telling Lupita. Usually, she could confide in her. As childish as she could be. She was never one to go around spilling others secrets. She knew so much and kept it all hidden. Sofia knew she could trust her to keep her secret.
But she knew, this wasn’t a kind of secret you could keep forever. Eventually, her belly will begin to show more than it already was. She was going to have to eventually tell Rafe. But the idea of it, the thought of how he’d react. It scared her. And the last thing, she wanted was to abort the baby. She wasn’t the kind of person who would dictate how others decided. But for her own choice, she wanted this baby. More than anything in the world.
She covered her hand over her belly, “Mi bebe.” She cooed, as she glanced towards her belly. A small smile crept onto her face. For now, this was her secret. Her baby.
Well, now it was also Phil’s and Lupita’s secret too. But she didn’t want to think of all the logistics of the situation.
She sat back on her bed, she’d been standing as she read the messages Lupita send. She knew her mom was going to have a fit. Then she’ll go on a long lecture about how, this isn’t why she left Mexico for. How disappointed she was going to be. Sofia physically winced at the thought. The last thing she wanted to he was a disappointment to her family.
But the more Sofia did, the more she did just that. And not only that, she wasn’t even married to the father of the baby! Her mom was going to strangle Sofia. Sofia already felt strangled by the traditional views her mother held.
“Just you and me, baby.” She continued to rub her belly. “You and me against the world.”
She shook her head, Lupita just had to live in Georgia.
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Two weeks later
She finally hit the three month mark. Her head was in the toilet, her eyes red from crying and throwing up. She was thankful, that her mother nor her father weren’t home. Her siblings were all at school. Leaving Sofia alone.
She grabbed for her phone, clicking Lupitas name. “Please, tell me you know how to cure morning sickness.”
Lupita laughter lilted through the screen. “Yeah, cause I’ve been pregnant before. Why didn’t you google it?”
Sofia slaps her forehead, “Oh wow, why didn’t I think of that.” But she sounds as sarcastic as she feels. Lupita groans on the other line. Sofia could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
“Espera, you’re the one who called someone; who doesn’t know shit about babies. Or pregnancy.” Sofia frowned. Yeah, she should have just called Phil instead. “I’m here for you all the way. But you have to remember. I can’t really help you with advice. I’m also like two years younger than you.”
Sofia felt her stomach begin to churn again. “Hold on.” She placed her head back into the toilet, throwing up more of whatever it was she’d eaten. Which wasn’t much.
“Jesus! Gross! You could have muted yourself!” Lupita says, Lupita laughed. Making Sofia know, she wasn’t being serious.
“Sorry, can’t help that this baby makes me nauseous.” Sofia let out a deep sigh, closing her eyes. She hated this, she’d always hated throwing up. Even as a kid, when she would get really sick. She was always crying how she didn’t want to throw up, as she threw up. It wasn’t something Sofia wanted to relive. Unfortunately, now she was.
“Google it, prima!” Sofia opened her mouth to speak but as she did so, Lupita hung up the phone.
“N-no, no! Lupita!” Sofia hung her head low.
She called the next person, she knew could actually help. No offense to Lupita or anything. She dialed Phil’s number. Her heart rate speeding up as she did so.
“Hey, it’s uh me Sofia. I’m sorry to call you like this but—”
“Hey, no worries. Is there something I can help you with?”
Sofia tried not to look into the toilet bowl. Her eyes glazing up at the ceiling.
“How did your wife deal with morning sickness?”
Phil laughs softly on the other lane, “is that the employee who’s pregnant?” It sounds like his wife and Sofia can’t help but notice that she sounds almost excited.
“I can—”
“Hello! Is this Sofia?” His wife says on the other lane. Sofia is fighting the urge to throw her head back into the toilet bowl.
“Uh yeah, that’s me.”
“What’s wrong, honey?” Her sweet voice lilted through the phone screen. Sofia felt her heart warmed. Finally feeling like she could truly express how she’s been feeling. Plus, Sofia trusted Phil. Therefore, she trusted his wife too.
“I’m so nauseous and it’s been like this for days. It’s never ending.” Sofia says, her hand going over her stomach.
“Morning sickness, yeah. Not for the faint of heart. Just make sure to have ginger with you. Ginger tea. But do it in moderation! If you find it makes you sensitive. Banana is great too. Lots of fluid, so basically water. You should also be resting hun.”
Sofia nodded, she didn’t have much of an appetite. But she rather do anything she could to stop feeling like the world was spinning. And like she was going to throw up every second.
“Thank you so much Mrs. Collin’s.”
“Oh please, call me Jane. If you need anything else. Don’t forget to call. Hold on, let me give you my number.”
Sofia quickly put herself on mute, so she could flush the toilet. Then laid herself against the seat. Finally, feeling less alone, it felt nice to confide in someone who knew what they were talking about. She finally manages to get herself up from the toilet, carefully walking herself to her bed.
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mirellapryce · 1 month ago
It started as a joke about Edwin and Charles watching glee, but then the Naya Rivera cover of "If I Die Young" came on my music and now I'm crying at work thinking about them hearing this song.
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b4kuch1n · 11 months ago
tdov was like a week ago already but I just wanna say when I came over to vacation slash help my sworn brother move flat he told me, "ever since you said you wanted to get top surgery I've been thinking about it. it's straight up number two on my bucket list"
#bakuspeech#number one is a house bc obviously. if u can own a house wouldnt u#he was very drunk at that time of the evening. I was not bc I have the constitution of a hot air balloon and any stimulant will blow me up#(relatively new development. france fucked me up big time turns out)#we held hand on his bed for like the whole evening. it was honestly very funny in hindsight but we were extremely earnest in the moment#and Im like. working on this thing as well. I dont got meds or therapy lmao Im bootstrappin here#but yeah early last year his bf offered to get me meds and I... turned it down... I think I was worried abt like. idk. something#but one year past looking back Im fully like that was a stupid move you shouldve gotten meds. youve once again fucked urself baku#but yeah with that kinda realization Ive also come to realized I've somewhat? accepted. that I'm just gonna be. like this#this in light of a number of likely chronic stuff too (hence my balloon-like constitution lmao) and#that's kinda bled into the rest of me without me really noticing#but him bringing that up fully unprompted... kinda jolted me out of it#its just. really incredibly sweet. that someone doesn't want me to settle for what I make do with#and like. preps for that work. just kinda held my hand and told me it's possible to do this actually#I didn't really express how I felt very well in that moment I think my brain is very bad and I process emotions with like a day of delay#but. well. Im thinking abt it Right Now. so yknow thats the kind of impact that had on me lol#not super sure why I wrote all this down here really. I think I just want a good n nice reminder that object permanence is real#and I exist in my friends' life even when Im going insane in a hole by myself#and with the power of friendship we can alter the universe's plan for ourselves and also kill god#that's that. anyways I eat lunch now and then pass out probably. last night was... eventful lmao#but!! very good things on the horizon hopefully. well manifestly we hold hammers and we use them#have a good day lads. let's go out and slay monsters under a highway
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nanaslutt · 1 year ago
Passing out in the middle of sex w/ the JJK men
Incl: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Sukuna, Choso
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Contains: fem reader, stomach bulge (geto's), rough sex, teasing, dirty talk, fluff, comfort, oral (f!receiving), multiple positions, hair pulling, masturbation, sugar baby!Toji, Virgin!Choso
"Fuck- take my fucking cock baby, take that shit-" Gojo groaned in your ear, his hands gripping your hair, right against your scalp, as he gave you the meanest fucking backshots, bullying his fat cock into your cunt.
Tears streamed down the sides of your flushed cheeks, soaking into the sheets your face was pressed into. Gojo's body was hunched over yours, his hand pressing into the sheets on the side of your body, giving him the perfect leverage to keep himself up while he fucked you nice and deep.
"Sa-toruuu-" You cried, your moans coming out strangled and choked from the way his cock was assaulting your sweet spot so deep inside you. "What is it? Talk to me, baby." Gojo cooed, sucking in a breath through his teeth when he felt your cunt clench tightly around him as his tip hit a particularly sensitive spot inside you.
"S-slow down p-pleasee~" You tried to beg, the words spilling from your lips being barely distinguishable from how slurred they were. Gojo giggled, followed by his hand gripping your hair tighter, making your scalp ache. "I dont think I will..." Gojo cooed, pretending to pout when you cried harder in response.
"You were rubbin' all up on me, interrupting my phone call with Nanamin because you wanted my cock so bad. Now you're cryin' about how it's too much?" Gojo said, scrunching his eyebrows at you in faux sympathy. "Nah, you're gonna take it, sorry mama I really am." He finished, emphasizing his words with a harsh thrust into your cunt.
Your hands dug into the pillow you were holding on to for dear life as he sped up his thrusts, rolling his hips just right so he was obliterating your g-spot, making you see stars in your vision. You tried to beg and cry for reprive, but Gojo was not listening at all, his hand shoving your face harder against the pillow instead as he silently told you to shut up and take it.
Gojo's cock always made you see stars and feel dizzy, but something was different this time. Your vision started to trickle more and more with those fuzzy black dots as he fucked you closer and closer to your orgasm, your eyes struggling to stay in their sockets as they rolled back continuously in your head.
"You cumming baby? You just got so much tighter, fuck!" Gojo groaned, his hand letting up on shoving your head down slightly so he could lean back and rub your clit with the hand that was holding you up. The sneaky thing slinking between your legs and rubbing quick circles against your bud caught you off guard, resulting in a loud cry being ripped from your lungs, making Gojo laugh as you spasmed on his cock, your orgasm taking you by surprise as it wracked your body with tremors.
You opened your mouth in a silent cry as you came, and before you knew it, you were out cold. Your arms going limp under the pillow, your eyes rolling back before they shut completely as you blacked out. "F-fuck-" Gojo hadn't noticed that you passed out, only seconds after he felt your cunt spasm around him, he released your head and placed his hand on your ass, gripping the fat as he pulled out of your pussy, his other hand immediately wrapping around his cock, jerking himself off hastily as he groaned through his orgasm, hot ropes of cum landing all over your ass and back, as Gojo decorated your skin so prettily with his seed.
Your body still trembled in your sleep, but your breathing had evened out. If not for Gojo's hand on your ass, you would've fallen on your side completely. "Shiiiiit, so fucking pretty." Gojo laughed through the last shocks of his orgasm, wringing his cock out over your ass as he made sure he painted your skin with every last drop of his cum.
"You're so quiet baby, you alright?" Gojo asked, tilting his head to the side as he tried to get a better look at your face. Usually, you whined or something when he came all over you, the sensation of his cum on your back making your body jolt in surprise--something. "Baby?" He started to get worried, tucking his cock into his sweats quickly he leaned over you, his hand sliding up your body.
The second Gojo wasn't holding you up anymore, you collapsed against the sheets, your chest rising and falling steadily as you slept. "Oh shit, came so hard you passed out?" Gojo smiled softly, scooping your body into his arms effortlessly. Gojo relaxed when your head tipped limply against his naked chest, your breath tickling his skin. "Maybe I did go too hard, sorry baby~" Gojo cooed, kissing your forehead.
"Alright~ Upsiedasiesy~ Let's go get you cleaned up you drama queen." Gojo smiled to himself, lifting you off the bed as he carried you to the bathroom to clean you up all nice so you didn't wake up a sticky mess in the morning. You were already going to beat his ass in the morning for not listening to you when you told him to slow down, it was the least he could do. Satoru listened to you during sex after that. For the most part.
Geto had you in the meanest mating press, your legs over his shoulders, body folded over on itself as he leaned his large frame over yours, slowly but roughly fucking his massive cock into your cunt, stretching you out. Geto was obsessed with watching your eyes roll back in your head each time he thrust his dick to the hilt inside you, his ego swelling each time your face scrunched in painful pleasure from the sheer size of him.
"You feel me in there baby? Feel me in 'ur fuckin' stomach?" Geto groaned, his hand sliding between the two of you to press harshly against your stomach, feeling his cock through your pelvis. Your eyes shot open in alarm, the feeling of his cock being ten times more intense as your g-spot was now forced down to meet his cock.
"S-suguru d-dont press there!!" You tried to tell him, your hands around his neck digging into his skin, sure to leave angry red marks all over his back from your nails. "Su-suguuu!!" You cried. Each time he pulled his cock out and fucked it back inside you it felt like your guts were falling out, your body molding around him when he thrust back inside as he made room for his stupidly large cock.
"But it feels so fucking good-" He groaned, pulling his lip between his teeth as he felt his cock thrust inside you from the outside of your body. "Cmon sweet girl, look~" Geto grabbed your arm, pulling it off of his back, your nails scratching his skin in the process as he let up the pressure of his hand on your tummy, placing your hand where his once was before he pressed his over yours, returning the pressure as he made you feel his cock through your skin.
"You feel that? I'm so deep huh?" Geto cooed against your lips, feeling your rapid breaths tickle against them as you basically hyperventilated from how intense it felt. "Y-yes I feel it- fuck!" You whined, your head tipping back into the pillow, your eyes rolling back in your head, your lids following, shutting around them.
Geto kept your hand pressed there as he leaned forward, sucking hickeys into your neck, his hips fucking faster into you when he felt like your pussy was loosened enough. "Ah- ah- ah-" He fucked short, desperate cries from your lungs with each thrust, your fingers tangling in his long hair, gripping against the strands for dear life.
Your legs ached from the position as he pummeled your cunt, giving you deep thrusts as he pulled his cock out almost entirely before thrusting it back into you. "Sugu- It's too deep- too much-" You cried against his ear, your face only flushing redder and redder the longer he fucked into you.
"Shhh, you can take it, just let me give it to you princess, let me fuck you like this." He whispered back, his breath tickling your neck as he spoke, his lips going back to suck against your neck as he disregarded your words. You cried on his cock all the time, complaining about how it was 'too much' but you never meant it, always complaining and asking why he stopped when he actually did slow down, so why would it be any different this time?
"N-no Sugu reallyyy- t-too much-" You tried to whimper out, your eyes squeezing together tightly as the pressure in your stomach became too much. The pleasure was overwhelming, and his weight pressing against you was overbearing, your body couldn't take it anymore. Your jaw dropped in a gasp right before your body went limp, your mind going completely blank as you passed out, mid stroke.
Your hand loosening in his hair and falling limply against the sheets was all he needed to know something wasn't right. Within seconds of you passing out, Geto pulled his head back from your neck to look at your face, noticing how relaxed it was as your head laid to the side against his pillow. He stopped his thrusts completely, his eyebrows raising in surprise as he let your legs fall from his shoulders, his hand caressing your cheek.
"Baby?" Geto spoke, shaking your head softly, your head jostling limply in his hold. He pulled his cock out of you that instant, his thighs straddling your hips as he cradled your face in both of his hands, shaking a little harder as he tried to wake you up. "Cmon pretty, wake up for me." He mumbled to himself, tapping his fingers against your cheek.
He sighed in relief when you stired awake, gaining your consciousness. "There you are." He smiled, his cock still throbbing hard pointing upwards as he crawled off of you, sliding to the side of your body, running his hands over your cheeks. "You passed out on me baby." He explained when you looked at him slightly confused, your face instinctually leaning into his touch.
He lifted your body with ease from under your arms, making you sit on his thighs, facing him. You leaned forward onto his chest, your shaky body absorbing his body heat. "Asshole..." You mumbled into his skin, wrapping your arms under his, your hands resting on his back. His cock twitched when it was pressed against your stomach, but he did his best to ignore it. "I told you it was too much." You chastized, hiding your face in his chest as you blushed in embarrassment, you cant belive you actually just fucking passed out during sex.
"I'm sorry baby, I didn't know you were serious." He said, trying to hold back his giggles as he soothingly rubbed his hands over your back. "Asshole, asshole, asshole, asshole." You repeated, one of your hands sliding out from his arm to weakly slap at his naked chest, your blush only growing deeper. You wished you would pass out again to excape how embarrassing this was.
"I know, I know. I'm an asshole." He agreed, pressing his lips together as he looked down at you fondly as you took your anger out on him. He knew you were embarrassed, so if this is what made you feel better so be it. The fact that he was still hard only added to your irritation, your face feeling as hot as the sun as you smacked him harder, "Pervert, pervert, pervert, pervert." You groaned, your chant switching between the two.
"I'm sorry, I can't help it." He laughed, squeezing tightly around your body, pressing your arms flush to his body so you couldn't hit him anymore. You blushed furiously and helplessly against him as your body was restrained by his sheer strength. "Are you okay baby? Seriously." He asked, tipping his head to the side as he looked at you, his hand stroking over your head. "I-I'm fine." You blushed at his sudden demeanor change.
"Good, also I think we might want to establish a safeword from now on." He added, your eyes darting around the room as he leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head. You hummed in agreement, still trying to recover from the massive hit to your pride passing out had done to it.
"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? I'll run you a bath and make you some tea, okay? Sound good princess?" Geto asked, his large hands running over the expanse of your back, making your body relax against his unconsciously as you nodded against him, feeling your eyelids grow heavy with sleep.
"Mmm..." Nanami moaned against your clit, shaking his head back and forth along your folds while he sucked your clit between his lips, his tongue flicking against it in his mouth. "Fff-uck!!" You cried, your thighs squeezing around his head as he ate you out like a man starved.
Your hands dug into his hair tightly, your nails raking against his scalp to ground yourself, Nanami's long fingers curled right against your sweet spot inside you, his quick thrusts only adding to the already loud squelching coming from between your legs, making the tips of your ears turn red in embarrassment. You fought your head to stay down, looking at Nanami, you didn't want to miss the sight of your gorgeous husband eating you out.
It's not like it was a rare occurrence, Nanami ate you out every single time before the two of you had sex, but it was a sight to behold every single time. You never got tired of the sight of his lidded eyes staring at yours, the entire half of his lower face covered in your slick, his usually uniform hair being strewn in every direction as you ruffled the strands, your hands pushing his bangs out of his face to get a better view of him.
One of Nanami's hands was pressed between his body and the bedsheets as he jerked himself off while he ate you out, unable to ignore the throbbing pleasure in his cock he got from tasting you. He stroked his cock to the pace of his fingers inside you, trying to mimic the way your cunt felt around him.
"Oh fuck- Nanami right there-" You moaned, your jaw dropping in a small o when he sucked your clit just right, his fingers stabbing into your spot simultaneously, causing the most delicious pleasure to wrack through your body. Your back arched as you pressed Nanami's head agaisnt your pussy, keeping him in that exact spot that had you seeing stars. "Fuck don't stop- k-keep sucking my clit I'm gonna cum-" You gasped, your words coming out breathily as you threw your head back, your eyes screwed shut from the pleasure.
Nanami groaned into your folds, his hand jerking faster over his cock when he felt your cunt pulse faster around his fingers. "Nggghhhh-" You whined as the pleasure took over your body, your thighs snapping shut around your husbands head as he continued to suck your clit into his mouth, his fingers fucking into you as he worked your though your orgasm.
Your body jerked forward, hands digging into his hair as you cried out his name as you felt your release squirt into his mouth. Nanami drank up all of you hungrily, his tongue lapping at the base of his fingers when you started to come down from your high, his adam's apple bobbing as he greedily swallowed up all of your cum.
"Good girl, good fucking girl." Nanami groaned against your clit, his voice coming out hoarse. You whined as his fingers continued thrusting inside of you, his hand still jerking quickly over his cock. You thought he was going to stop after you came, but you quickly realized after trying to push his head away to no avail, that that was not the case. Nanami was in one of his moods, and he was not done eating your pussy quite yet.
"Fuck- Ken waitttt- It's sensitive Kento-" You cried, your hands pushing at his head harder, trying to get him to let up. His hand that was jerking himself off shot out from under him to grab at both of your wrists, pushing them off of his head as he gripped them over your pelvis, his eyes shooting daggers at you.
You whined, your body thrashing and jerking in oversensitivity as he kept fucking you, continuing the same rough pace as before, your poor clit being assaulted by his ruthless tongue as he battered at it. "Oh g-oddd-" You groaned, your face scrunched in the overwhelming pleasure as he fucked you quickly towards another orgasm.
You thought the black dots that started to speckle your vision were because of your impending orgasm, but you would be sorely mistaken. Your entire body tensed before it relaxed against the sheets, your head fell back against the pillow, your hands loosened in Nanami's hair, and your thighs relaxed with the rest of your body as you fell unconcious.
Nanami's eyes were screwed shut as he shook his head back and forth, but they peeled open when he noticed how your body relaxed at once. He was met with your peaceful-looking face as your body laid slack agaisnt the sheets. He quickly raised from between your thighs, wiping your cum from his mouth with the back of his hand he reached over you and caressed your face, calling your name repeatedly.
It didn't take much for you to come to, you were only out for maybe a total of thirty seconds. You awoke to Nanami's body hovering over yours, his flushed face staring at yours with concern. "Hey there." He smiled when you fully opened your eyes. The first thing you noticed was how sore you felt between your legs, your face scrunching in discomfort.
"I'm sorry, that was too much wasn't it?" Nanami immediately apologized, his face softening as he caressed your sleepy-looking face. "I- I didn't know I was going to pass out, I'm sorry." You replied, looking away from his gaze. Sure, it did feel intense, but nothing more than you haven't felt before.
"Don't apologize sweet thing, it was my fault, I should be more careful. I got carried away." Nanami said honestly. Your shaky hands reached up to wrap around his neck, pulling his face down to meet your own. His lips met yours in a soft kiss, full of love and compassion, before you pulled away, looking at him with a red face.
"I'm okay, It's alright Ken." You reassured, rubbing your fingers over his undercut, making him practically purr. He sighed in relief before his body was pressing against yours, his arms wrapping under your body. "You had me worried. Never passed out on me before." Nanami spoke into the crook of your neck, pressing light kisses into the skin there.
You giggled, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck, keeping him tightly against you. "Kento." You spoke after a couple seconds, making him hum into your neck. "You're really hard. I can feel it on my leg." You whispered, blushing at your own words. Nanami cleared his throat before he spoke, his head pulling up from your neck to look at your face, "Ah, sorry. Ignore that, I'll go take care of it." He said, the tips of his ears turning red.
You pulled him back down towards you when he tried to get up to take care of his little problem. "That's not what I meant." You said, looking into his eyes while you bit your lip. "I uh... I'm up to keep going if you want. You haven't even put it in yet." You said, running your fingers up the back of his head, sending goosebumps down his spine.
"I don't know if that's a good idea..." Nanami said softly, trying to ignore how hard his cock twitched in his sweats at the proposition. "Ken I'm okay I promise. Please? I want you inside me." You whispered, wrapping your legs around his hips. Those words were all he needed to hear. Looking between your bodies before he pressed his clothed cock agaisnt your cunt, he looked back up at you before he spoke, "Are you sure?"
You humped your hips up to meet his as you nodded, "I'm sure, please." You said once more, moaning softly when his tip bumped against your sensitive clit. With a sigh, Nanami leaned forward, hovering his lips right above yours, "Alright... I'll be careful."
Toji: cw: toji keeps going after you pass out, breeding kink
"Dirty fuckin' girl, pussy is fuckin' swallowing up my cock," Toji growled, yanking your hips back to meet his, his heavy balls slapping against your clit roughly, making you whine in painful pleasure. You arched your back, throwing your ass against him to meet his thrusts, your hands against the sheets holding yourself up giving you the perfect leverage to fuck yourself on his cock.
"Fuck Toji- Harder- give it to me harder-" You begged, biting your lip as your eyes crossed at his cock pounding against your g-spot, his fat tip absolutely obliterating it. "Anything for my favorite client~" Toji groaned, smirking at your shameless show of your need for him, his hips pulling back further as he fucked all 8 inches into you faster, pulling out to the tip before he bullied it back inside you.
"Ohmygoddd-" You whined, your cunt gushing around him as he fucked you just how you liked, his hands sneaking under your body to rub at your clit, adding to your pleasure. "How's that feel mama? Am I giving it to you good? You like when I fuck you hard like this?" Toji cooed, groaning through his words. You fucking loved how filthy his mouth was.
Toji wasn't quiet outside of the bedroom, but he wasn't exactly a man of many words. During sex, however--this beast of a man got pussy drunk on you quick every single time, the feeling of your familiar tight, wet walls around him never failing to make his lips loose, filth spilling from his lips without a second thought the second they popped into his fucked out head.
"Yes T-toji, feels so good- you're s-so deep-" You whined back, feeling tears start to well up in your eyes. Toji groaned at your words, his finger rubbing faster across your clit, his movements becoming sloppy as your words worked him up to no end. Toji would never admit it out loud, but he had a major praise kink. He could feel his cock leak pre-cum every time you told him how good his cock felt inside you.
"Yeah, pretty girl? Feels that good? You fucking love this dick huh?" He babbled, sucking air in through his teeth when you clenched around him. "Yes Tojiiii, love it so much- fucking love your dick- g'na make me cum-" You cried, your words coming out slurred. Toji loved how easy it was to make you cum, your body was so sensitive to his every touch it drove him up the fucking walls.
"Good girl, this fucking dick loves you too." Toji laughed through a groan. "'M gonna cum with you pretty girl, where do you want it, hm? Where do you want my c-cum? he added, feeling his cock twitch inside your cunt with his impending release.
"I-Inside inside please- cum inside me-" You babbled, the upper half of your body falling against the sheets as your arms gave out. Toji's body chased yours, his hands planting on the sides of your body on the bed as he humped his cock into you, his fingers not letting up on your clit as he rubbed small quick circles into the little bud.
You felt so dizzy with his cologne filling up your nose with his proximity. He hooked his fingers into your already open mouth as he gave you hard, deep thrusts, fucking you both toward your orgasms. "Yeah? Want me to fill you up? Cum deep inside your tight little cunt?" Toji groaned against the shell of your ear. "Might knock you up, bet you'd like that though huh? Bet it makes you feel all hot jus' thinkin' about it, can feel your pussy tryna' milk my cock right now." He babbled.
You didnt even have time to respond before you were gasping agaisnt his fingers, your eyes rolling back in your head as his cock fucked your orgasm out of you, his hips rolling into your ass, the tip of his cock massaging against your sweet spot so perfectly, making your eyes roll back in your head. "Oh shit- so fucking tight-" Toji groaned as you came around him, your pussy spasming around him.
You severely underestimated how hard your orgasm was. Barely three seconds into it and you were blacking out, your arch falling as you fell limply against the sheets, Toji's hips chasing yours as he continued fucking into you with reckless abandon. "Oh shit, did'ya pass out, pretty?" Toji groaned, his hands pressing into the sheets next to your body as he continued humping into your warm cunt, his eyes taking in the sight of your relaxed face.
"Shit-" Toji laughed, feeling a whole new wave of arousal wracks through him, "You don't mind if I finish right? 'M so fucking close~" He cooed at you as you breathed steadily against the sheets, your cunt still sucking him in as tightly as it was while you were awake. Toji smirked as he picked up his pace, his cock pistoning in and out of you with loud squelches. "Yeah, you don't mind. Such a good girl for me, always so fucking good." He praised, feeling himself on the edge.
"Fuck- I'm cumming princess, gonna fill you up just how you w-wanted. Sorry, you're not awake to f-feel it. There's gonna be so fucking much." He babbled, his hips losing their rhythm inside you right before he came. Your body jostled limply as he used your cunt to get himself off, his hips stilling agaisnt your ass as he shot rope after rope of his hot cum inside you, groaning loudly through his teeth as he did so.
"Yeah take that fucking load- goddd. Suck me so good even when you're out. Heh." he huffed out a laugh as he rolled his hips agaisnt your ass, making sure he gave you every last drop of his cum. He let himself relish in the feeling of your warm walls spasming around him for a few seconds longer before he pulled out, his cum chasing his cock as it dripped out of your tight hole, dribbling down your pussy.
Sitting back on his heels, he scooped his cum up with his fingers before he shoved them inside you, making sure his cum stayed nice and deep in your pussy. "Guess I gotta wake you up now, huh?" Toji said to himself, his eyes taking in how peaceful you looked. "Time to get up sleeping beauty. Daddy needs his payment." He said half joking as he crawled up your body and slapped your cheek softly before following it up with a gently rub, trying to wake you up.
Sukuna: cw: heian era true form sukuna, monsterfucking, rough sex, cervix fucking, degradation, stomach bulge, misogyny if you squint, squirting, semi-soft Sukuna at the end
"That's the best you can do? Your reputation does not precede you, I thought you could take cock with no problem, hm? Should I have chosen someone else?" Sukuna teased, pouting as you struggled to ride his massive cock, your hands jerking his second cock in tandem as you tried to bounce on the other.
Sukuna had never picked up a girl from a whorehouse before, but with your reputation running rampant across the village he resided in about how well you supposedly took cock, he decided to give it a shot. He was only teasing when he said he should've chosen someone else. You were easy on the eyes, and he would be lying if he said he didn't love watching a pretty girl struggle on his cock.
Usually, he would be fed up with this slow, weak pace, but he was in no rush today, so he decided to have a little fun with you. "I've n-never taken someone as big as you m-my lord." You whined, your hands squeezing around his tip harder when his cock hit your cervix painfully as you sat down on it.
"No? Is that why you're being such a crybaby?" He asked, tilting his head at you as he watched fat tears roll down your rosy cheeks, mixing with the sweat beading on your neck. His eyes watched how your tits bounced as you rode him, only taking in about half of his cock as the whole thing proved to be too painful.
"Fuckkk-" You groaned, ignoring his words as you tried to focus on taking his cock the best you could. Sukuna sat back agaisnt his throne, two inhuman arms spread over the armrests on his throne, two placed on your thighs, his long nails digging into your thighs as you rode him.
The slow pace was annoying, sure, but it was doing something for him to watch your face twist in painful pleasure as you fucked him. "L-lord Sukuna, P-please, a little help please-" You whined, feeling your legs start to ache from riding him for so long, your stomach starting to cramp from how deep he was inside you.
"How shameless." He tsked, "We just met, you fuck me at the pace of a snail, and now you dare to ask me for help? What terrible manners." He chastised before his strong hands pulled you down against him completely, his cock fucking into your cunt as deep as it could go, his tip knocking painfully against your cervix.
You cried out in pain, the sound sending blood rushing to his cock, a sinister smile spreading across his face as he watched you writhe on top of him, your hands leaving his second cock to press over the bulge in your tummy, your jaw dropped in awe. "It's deep huh? I can see it poking through your skin." Sukuna growled before his hands slit to your waist and used the leverage he had there to fuck you on his cock like his own personal cocksleve.
"S-sukunaa!! L-ord Sukuna p-please! It's too much!" You cried, your hands grabbing his thick wrists as he fucked you at an inhuman pace--fitting. Sukuna looked at you almost disgusted, confused, you couldn't tell through the tears blurring your vision. "What a selfish girl." He growls. "I thought you wanted help? But now it's too much? Make up your mind, dumb woman."
You could do nothing but cry and scream as he impaled you on his cock. You've never felt anything like how you were feeling right now, it was so intense. You swore the second you walked out of here, you were going to go straight to the infirmary to check if he had punctured your stomach open, because it sure as hell felt like it.
"And now she can't even talk, how pathetic." Sukuna tsked, looking at you with a face full of disappointment. You could barely register the small sinister smirk spreading across his face before you felt the reason for his demeanor change on your body. Looking down you saw a mouth the size of a small child had manifested on his stomach, and a thick tongue was poking out between the lips to lick at your pussy.
"H-huh!?" You yelped in surprise when the tongue battered harshly against you, sending sparks through your tummy. "Surely you'll be able to move your hips now, hm? This spot here makes women so sensitive." Sukuna cooed, watching how the tongue on his stomach emphasized his words by trying to focus on your clit. The attempt proved to be a little difficult from the size difference of your small clit to his tongue, but you seemed to be enjoying yourself nonetheless.
"Wait- w-wait please p-lease wait-" you cried, the feeling of his tongue quickly becoming overwhelming. The cock not inside you was dripping pre-cum all over the outside of your tummy, the appendage having a strong curve as his tip was being rubbed against your skin. Before Sukuna could spew more mean words, a clear liquid was being sprayed across his abdomen, making his eyes open in surprise.
Sukuna had never seen anything like it before. The liquid dripped down his cock, and all over his abdomen, some of it even landing on the stomach mouth as he lapped it up greedily, tasting the liquid. While Sukuna was still taking in this new sight, your body collapsed limply against his chest, his hands freezing in place as he looked down at your smaller frame agaisnt him, breathing peacefully unconscious as if you weren't currently tending to him.
"You're kidding me," Sukuna growled, the prominent vein in his forehead popping out as he ran his hand through his hair, sighing at the current predicament. "Human women are so weak." He sighed, continuing to rake his eyes over your frame as you slept without a care in the world against him. "I have no interest in fooling around with a sleeping person. So boring." He said, his lip raising in untinerest.
His cock was still hard inside of you, his mind still replaying what had happened moments before you passed out so selfishly. How could you expose him to something like that then pass out? He wanted to see it again. His eyes studied your face, and after some time he found himself thinking you looked almost cute.
He didn't recognize the feeling, chalking it up to amusement as one of his large hands rested on your lower back. his eyes finally looking away from your frame as he looked around the empty room around him. "You better wake up soon, girl. I'm not done with you." Sukuna growled, relaxing against his throne as he waited for his little plaything to awaken.
"Fuck- oh god this feels so good-" Choso cried, humping his big cock desperately and sloppily inside your cunt. Choso was a virgin prior to your interaction now, and you had somehow convinced him to let you take his virginity from him. You had always been attracted to the half-curse, so you thought this was a brilliant idea.
What you hadn't accounted for, was the possibility that this innocent man had a horse cock between his thighs. Choso had thought there was something wrong with his equipment when you stared at his cock like it was something foreign after he pulled it out of his pants. "I-is there something wrong?" He had asked insecurely.
Your eyes merely dragged up to meet his eyes slowly, the awestruck look still on your face, your jaw dropped in a small o shape as you stared at him incredulously. When you told him his cock was the biggest you'd ever seen, he looked almost confused, proceeding to ask you if that was a good thing. Choso clearly had no idea how big he was, and he definitely had no idea how to use it.
He was so oblivious to how much damage his dick was currently doing to your pussy. You briefly taught him how to stretch you out on his fingers, but even as thick as they were--they did little to prepare you for the girth and length of his cock. You bit your bottom lip as you tried to conceal your moans, trying your best to instruct Choso how to fuck you correctly.
His reckless, sloppy thrusting did feel good nonetheless, but you knew with a cock his size--that it could feel even better if he fucked you with some sort of a technique. "C-choso- a-aim your hips up when you t-thrust inside me," You whined, your hands reaching down to grab his hips and pull them towards you, trying to give him some direction. "L-like this?" Choso asked, thrusting into you at a new angle, the tip of his cock pistoning straight into your sweet spot.
You sighed out in sweet relief at how good it felt. "Yes~ Fuck yes, right there Choso, keep fucking me right there, just like t-that," You praised, your eyes rolling back in your head as it fell back against the pillow. You allowed Choso to have his way with your body as your relaxed against the sheets.
It was a smart move on your end to suck Choso off and make him cum once before he fucked you, he was lasting longer than you thought he would for a virgin. "God- It's so tight. Is it always this tight?" He asked, staring between where the two of you were connected, beads of sweat rolling down the sides of his face.
"Mhmm- y-yeah." You answered, only half listening to his question as he fucked you just right, his fat cock hitting all the right spots inside you. "It's so warm too... I love this, I love fucking you like this. I- I don't want this to end." He babbled honestly, quickly becoming pussy drunk as his eyes searched for yours. You looked down at him, meeting his desperate, puppy-like gaze.
Smiling at his sweet face, you placed your hands on his cheeks and pulled him towards you, your lips grazing against his. "Me neither Choso, keep fucking me. Your cock feels s-so good inside me." You whispered against his lips, resulting in a whine from the dark-haired man before you pressed your lips to his, swallowing up all his gasps and whines.
He kissed you sloppily, but his beginner technique felt good as he tried to copy you, licking into your mouth, and tangling his tongue with yours. "This feels good," He pulled away to moan aginst your lips before leaning back in to continue making out with you.
His honesty made you hot all over, you don't think you've ever been with a guy as verbal and sweet as Choso. "So good Cho, you're doing so good." You groaned against his lips, seeing stars behind your eyes each time he fucked his cock inside you.
He pulled back from the kiss as he placed leaned back on his heels, pulling your thighs over his as he fucked into you in the new position. This position allowed his cock to fuck straight into your g-spot, making you cry out loudly for him. "Holy fuck-" You groaned, your eyes rolling back in your head at how intense it felt.
Choso groaned at your response, his face heating up at the feeling of your walls squeezing around him tighter at this new angle. While the curse took in how your body moved and bounced under him, his eyes latched onto a small pearl-looking thing right above the hole he was fucking into, the bead being covered slightly with a flap of skin.
The sudden urge to touch it came over him as he reached out for it, "Can I touch right here?" He asked. Before you were able to look down at what he was referring to, you felt his thumb on your clit, the pad of it rubbing along the nub with pinpoint accuracy. The added sensation of him touching your clit made you scream out for him.
The fact that this half-curse had manifested less than a year ago, was currently losing his virginity, and had found your clit with such ease, better than most people you've had who weren't virgins and had been alive for however many years-- sent you spiraling. "Fuck Cho w-wait-" You tried to warn him it was too much, but it was too late.
Your vision went blurry and your head spun as little black dots clouded your vision before you blacked out, falling unconscious in the middle of him fucking into you and harshly rubbing at your clit. "H-huh?" Choso stopped moving when he looked down and noticed your limp body. He called out you name, and to no avail, not even a twitch of response from your out-cold body.
He stayed inside of you, frozen in place as he tried to think of what to do. "A-are you okay?" He asked, his hand shaking the side of your body gently, your body jiggling with his touch. "I don't know what to do..." He mumbled, looking around the room like the walls would come to life and give him guidance.
"Hey, you okay?" He repeated again, leaning over your body to shake your face, his cock still snug inside you. You winced and groaned as you came to, your eyes cracking open once more. You were met with Choso smiling softly at you, looking relieved. "You fell asleep. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. Are you okay?" He asked, keeping his hand on your face, rubbing the sweat from your skin.
"Fuck... Choso I'm sorry, I bet I scared you huh?" You said apologetically, your hand cupping over his as you rubbed the back of his hand. Choso pouted before he responded, "Don't be sorry, I was a little startled, but I think that was my fault." He said, a light blush dusting across his cheeks. "Does that normally happen?" He asked, tipping his head at you.
You laughed, your hand caressing down his arm. "Not usually no, it's definitely never happened to me before, you're dick is just too good Cho." You giggled, watching how embarrassed he got when you said that. "I-I don't know." He said, looking away from your face in embarrassment--he really was oblivious.
"No?" You teased, purposefully squeezing your cunt around his cock, making him hiss at the sensation, his eyes fluttering shut. "Why don't you fuck me some more, hm? I'll tell you all about how good your cock makes me feel." You whisper teasingly, your hand coming up to stroke his cheek, pushing his stray hair away from his face.
"Is that okay?" He asked hesitantly, "What if you pass out again?" Choso swallowed all the saliva in his dry mouth, feeling himself throb inside your walls. He really did want to keep going, but he was afraid of you passing out again. "It's okay, just take it easy, and maybe don't touch my clit for now." You added, laughing, making him blush as he nodded in understanding.
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cosmiic-world · 19 days ago
sylus when he takes you on joyrides in the N109 Zone, he absolutely loves when you dress in bike leathers and he loves when you’re matching him.
sylus who loves how your smaller frame hugs his from behind, the side of your helmet flush against his back as you giggle from the speeds and scenery you’re zooming past.
sylus who loves teasing you at red lights, reaching back and gently squeezing your thighs. “are you enjoying yourself?” he asks, chuckling when he’s met with an ecstatic nod and a thumbs up. he loves to catch you off guard with suddenly taking off, relishing in how you squeal and scramble to hold onto him, laughing as you whine.
sylus who stares at you as you get off the bike, setting your helmet down right beside him. he watches as you rummage through your purse with a small frustrated pout. “what’s wrong sweetie?”
“i don’t have my mirror.” you said, huffing as you held your lipstick in your hand.
sylus who turns and right as he’s about to offer one of the mirrors from his bike, you grab his helmet and turn his head toward you. “hold still for one second.” he thinks he hears but all he can focus on is that vibrant red lipstick in your hand and that look in your eyes.
your eyes turned sharp as you focused intently on the reflection in sylus’s helmet, ignoring his ruby eyes staring at yours. you focused as you applied your lipstick nice and slow, so you wouldn’t mess up. somehow, your bottom lip was smudged a bit and you hadn’t noticed until sylus grabbed your arm as you were turning away from him.
“just a second, kitten.” he said gruffly, pulling you closer to him, his thighs caging you in as he brought up his hand to gently wipe away the smudged lipstick from your lip. “this shade looks magnificent on you.” he said softly, his eyes filled with lust. “put your helmet back on.” he said, handing you your helmet.
“what, why?” you said as you grabbed it, tilting your head confused.
“sweetie, surely that wasn’t just for fixing your lipstick. i have a problem now that only you can fix. we’re going to the parking lot.” he said, slinging his leg back over the motorcycle and turning the engine back on.
you couldn’t help but giggle as you put your helmet back on and sat right behind him. your touch felt like fire blazing against his skin, turning him on even more as your hands teasingly found their way down his pants.
sylus, who loves how scandalous his girlfriend can be.
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screampied · 9 months ago
I feel like Sukuna eats pussy the best in jjk (besides Geto). Like he'd be FEASTING till you're crying and shaking
꒰১ warnings. fem! reader, ōral (f receiving), mild dacryphila, eating from the back, impact play, he has a forked tongue
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whenever it came to pussy eating—sukuna ryōmen was just nasty,
with no shame whatsoever, he doesn’t care. all he really cares about is having you arched over the wooden leg of his throne, your ass all out and drinking out orgasm after orgasm out of you. he really knows no bounds— a starved man, he’d eat you out until there’s fat tears sticking against your naturally lengthy lashes. “o-oh my goddd,” you’d whimper out. not even seconds after, you’d just finish a release and he’s already delving his long tongue between your slick folds again. your taste makes him groan, he’s never had anything as sugary sweet as you. a sharp nail of his gingerly scrapes against the juncture of your curves as you arch forward. your mouth opens—pretty pink tongue unfurling as you’re just feeling the tip of his tongue wander to its hearts content. he’s messy, if it’s not dripping down his chin he doesn’t want it. you shudder, feeling him thrust his tongue in and out of your puffed cunt before he pries your thighs open further. you gasp, hearing him gather a nice amount of spit before it delivers right against your dripping entrance. “s-sukuna, you’re so nasty.”
“gotta be when your pussy’s this wet,” he huffs.
a thumb stroking down against your swollen slit. with a tongue skimming across his lips for an extra relishing taste, he rolls his tongue out all the way and you can even hear his throaty, ‘ah’ noises as he prepares to dive back in.
sukuna groans, feeling himself get hard just from pleasing you. with a rude spank, he speaks in a rough tone. “arch for me more. ‘m starved ‘n i need seconds.”
it’s not even long before the curse is nose deep. your pulsating folds were continuously being sucked and you already feel your tummy heaving. then texture of his tongue. the length, the forked structure of it all that repeatedly slurps everywhere inside of you makes your toes curl up. despite them curling, they were numb anyway so you felt practically nothing.
he’s snarling, fangs of his occasionally poking against your clit. sukuna chuckles as he feels your ass wriggle against his face, he brings a thumb towards your hood before he glides it across. “what a fuckin’ mess. jus’ can’t get enough, can ya?”
and with sukuna— he’s thorough.
and while you’re happily arched over for him, eyebrows bunched together into a cute furrow, he makes sure that his tongue licks every part of you. a wet, slippery trail from your pussy to your ass, even between the secluded inner crevices of your thighs. he’s greedy, he doesn’t like when you make an attempt to touch yourself. each time you try to play with your pretty cunt whilst he’s eating, he smacks your hand away, grousing a “don’t touch my girl.”
his girl— your pussy.
sukuna’s favorite thing to do would be to constantly spit on your folds, only to lap it up, then spit on it again,
bonus if he finishes eating you out, telling you to come here, then makes out with you so you can taste how much of a messy girl you were for him. he likes hearing you moan, the nibbling he creates against your slit has you sobbing profusely. with your own two hands, you feel against your mounds that were glued against your chest, rocking against his face as you feel yourself approaching the inevitable abyss of pleasure. a groan leaves his lips as your ass jerks against him, he’s gotta hold you still so he can savor this,
savor you..
with glistening reddened lips of his, sukuna briefly departs his mouth from your love palette and with crimson bloodshot eyes—his own lustrous saliva dribbles down between your slit, dragging a thumb to softly snake against your convulsing nub. your mouth stupidly dangles open that it’s almost comedic. you then feel a whimper die out your throat, rubbing your ass against his face, “kuna, ‘s good, right there pleasepleaseplease.” it’s only then when he snakes a hand between your thighs, prodding his fingers alongside your saturated pussy. the moment sukuna starts to maneuver tiny circles and shapes against your pussy, you were just about done for. the staticky friction from his palm going against your folds scratches such a lewd itch in your brain.
you’re going haywire—crazy for more of his touch. as years merely blinded you from how they were welling into your sockets, your voice becomes strained from your numerous whimpers. he sucks you so good, so much of your slick pours down his chin that it even starts to get into his kimono.
sukuna ryōmen was nasty,
but his tongue was even nastier.
it doesn’t miss a single spot, he’s all in the depths of anywhere and everywhere.
you chew your lip in salacious anticipation. unhurriedly, you rock back against his mouth as you feel his callused fingertips gripping against both parts of your ass, spreading it even further.
sukuna leisurely dips his tongue into you once more, it’s probably been the umpteenth time by now as he kisses against your clit. “mhm,” he’d hum to himself, your eyes were visibly rolling back. you saw nothing but darkness. as he’s bringing you closer and closer toward the edge. your nails grip against the arms of his throne, embedding into the hardened material before you whine, shimmery tubby tears forming above the outer corneas of your dilated pupils before you make a cute attempt at crawling away from his mouth but he drags you back.
“girl get the fuck back here. can’t have my meal runnin’ away now, huh.”
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avatardoggo · 11 months ago
ive been reliving the moment of us holding hands for the past month 🥹🙃🥲
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gurugirl · 2 months ago
DILF | older!harry
Summary: Y/n meets an older man at a bar and she's not taking no for an answer. Harry likes her persistence.
A/N: This was requested + this! Also, please think before you judge Y/n. She is very bold and confident in this. Maybe even a little pushy but Harry likes it (even if at first he doesn't give that impression). Also he's single so this isn't cheatrry!
Word Count: 6,580
Warning: age gap, smut, alcohol consumption (light)
. .
"That one. Total dilf. He looks grumpy. Bet you can't crack him."
Y/n laughed at her friend and looked down at her red-painted nails before narrowing her gaze on the attractive older man who was seated at the corner of the bar alone. He was nursing a whisky and he did look rather sullen. Unapproachable even.
"Why him?"
"Because he's hot. And I'm curious to see if you can get him to smile at least," Warren raised her brows, "I dare you."
Y/n tilted her head and assessed him. He was nice and big, taking up a decent amount of space at the bar, broad shoulders and back hunched as he leaned his muscular forearms on the wood of the bar top. Meaty hands placed on either side of his lowball glass. Thick brown waves on top of his head with a bit of silver coming in at the temples. But the handsome features on his face really set him apart. His granite jawline gave way to stubble that stretched over his skin and shaded in the spaces around his pink lips.
If she could "crack" him she wasn't sure she'd want just a smile. He looked yummy enough to eat.
Drinking down the last of her martini she pointed at Warren and then Tara, "Fine. Give me twenty minutes and I'll have him eating from the palm of my hand."
Tara laughed, "If you say so…"
She placed her heeled feet down on the floor and brushed her hands over her dress, "Oh, I do say so. Just watch and learn, ladies."
Y/n wasn't quite that confident, but she wasn't about to say no to dare. And she could hold her own when it came to flirting. She liked getting a little attention and if she could garner this one's interest it might be fun.
She sauntered up to the bar behind the man and noticed the way his t-shirt stretched over his lats and tapered loosely down at his waist. The guy was fit. And lucky her, there was an open stool next to him.
Sliding onto the seat she waved at the bartender to order another drink. She'd need all the courage she could get, in whatever form she could get it.
Tapping her long nails on the lacquered wood she felt nerves thrumming through veins before turning toward the man finally. He hadn't seemed to take note of her yet, which honestly was unusual in most cases. Maybe she thought too highly of herself but men tended to notice her right away. She appreciated the challenge, though.
Reaching her hand into his space to greet him, she pushed down her nerves to sound steady as she spoke, "I'm Y/n."
She watched his brow furrow as he turned to look at her hand and then up at her eyes, his expression, which she expected would soften once he looked at her, was unamused. A single light overhead lit the tops of their heads as a shadow cast over the side of his face and he didn't make a move to shake her hand, "And I'm old enough to be your dad."
A surprised scoff fell from her lips as she moved her hand away from him. She wiggled in her seat and crossed her leg over her thigh toward him, gulping down the initial rejection with as much grace as she could muster, "I think you're jumping to conclusions about my intentions. But so what if you're older than me? I don't mind. We're both adults, right?"
An unimpressed grunt rumbled from his throat before he took another sip of his whisky and he looked away from her toward the TV that hung not far away from where they sat.
The bartender placed her olive martini down on the bar in front of her, "It'll be on Y/n Y/l/n. I already have an open tab."
A sip of the salty drink felt warm down her throat. So he was going to be a bit tough to crack. She turned to look at her friends who were grinning in her direction.
Straightening her back to feel more confident she tried again, "So you're not gonna tell me your name even?"
Without looking at her, he licked his lips and ticked his jaw, "Y/n, I think it's past your bedtime."
She smiled at that. He'd said her name, which meant he'd been listening, "My bedtime is whenever I say it is, not when some grouchy stranger says."
He puffed out an amused laugh through his nose, "I am a stranger. Which means you should be cautious, little girl. Your dad didn't teach you about things like that?" He turned to look down at her again, and that time she saw the soft green color of his eyes as the light hit his face just right.
But now she was really determined. She smiled brightly at him and let her eyes coast over his tattooed arm and then back up to his face, "Are you telling me you're dangerous?"
He still didn't smile as he shook his head like he was surprised by her gall, "Do your parents know what you're up to tonight?"
"I'm 24. Graduated from college, live on my own, pay my bills, have a full-time job. You seem to be awfully worried about my parents. I can take care of myself just fine."
Just then another person sat down next to the man Y/n was trying to whittle away at. He poked his elbow at him, "Who's this?"
"Don't know. Someone who's about to go back to her table with her little girlfriends."
Biting her lip she traced the rim of her martini glass with her fingertip, keeping her eyes set on the handsome tattooed one, "Not even a smile. Just one? Please?"
"Like I already said, I'm way too old for you."
The other man leaned over and reached to tap Y/n's shoulder, "Hey. Forget about Harry, here. You can bring me home with you if you're looking for a daddy tonight."
She frowned and looked him up and down to asses. He was late 40s perhaps, wearing a local band t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a backward cap to make himself appear a little more youthful. "No thanks. You'd know if I was interested in you."
Harry bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling at her retort. She was definitely too young but he liked her spunk.
"Now, Harry…" she said his name slowly as she leaned a little closer, "I've got your name thanks to your friend. Can I have a smile?"
"Why?" He stared down at her, the caress of his gaze felt infinite and she found her skin convecting in its wake. He might be hard to crack but this one would be worth it, she determined.
She sighed and slid her finger dangerously close to his wrist as he looked down at her nail and watched her trail it near his arm, "I just hoped to see you smile is all. Too handsome to have such a sour scowl on your face."
"And you're hardly old enough to be so confident to walk up to a strange man at a bar."
She laughed and tilted her head, "You planning on doing something bad to me, Harry?"
And that. That pulled a reaction out of him that spread over his features slowly as he shook his head in disbelief, "Darlin', you wouldn't be able to handle me."
Her eyes widened slightly. Now she was definitely not giving up. Y/n wasn't one to fail and Harry might be making her work hard for it but she couldn't imagine it wouldn't be worth it in the end.
"Is that a challenge or something?" She softly scraped her nail over his tattooed wrist and Harry watched her red nail work over his skin.
His resolve was fading fast. She could tell he wasn't going to keep denying her. And why should he? If he was single, which he appeared to be, what was the harm in having a little fun with someone younger? Y/n didn't mind. And he certainly shouldn't either.
"If it were a challenge you'd know it. Lots of other guys here, Y/n. Go enjoy your night with someone closer to your own age."
She sighed in annoyance. But he hadn't moved his arm away from her and she was going to take that as a sign.
Dragging the toe of her shoe into his shin she grinned, "I don't want to enjoy my night with someone my own age. Not tonight anyway. I think you've convinced me that I need to test out this theory of yours. That you think I can't handle you. Cause I bet I can."
With his eyes piercing into hers, he took another sip of his drink. She thought she might have just convinced him to give her a smile at the very least because it looked like he was weighing his options. And if she could get him to smile she might have luck with the rest.
He tilted his chin upward for a moment, eyes aimed at the ceiling like he was calling on a higher power for strength, "Go back to your friends, Y/n. Any other man here would love to have your company."
"But you wouldn't love to have my company?"
"I mean… I'm still here," the other man raised his hand and leaned into Harry, "Honey we could have so much fun. Any man who'd turn you down is either battin' for the other team or more likely," he chuckled and pushed his shoulder into Harry's teasingly, "He can't get it up anymore."
Y/n's mouth dropped open at that and Harry turned to look at the man. She wished she could see the look on his face, "Sit the fuck back down, John. She already told you she's not interested in you."
"Yeah, and you're not interested in her so what's it matter to you? Look at her, Harry. Practically begging you. Young and bubbly… Tight—"
Harry's hand covered John's throat as he pushed him away, nearly making his stool topple over, "Get the fuck outta here. You had too much whisky tonight."
"Aww… come on Harry… I was just jokin'!"
She watched as he stood from his stool and looked down at John, "And you thought that was funny? You like making jokes about women like that?"
The man put his hands up in surrender, "I'm out. Here…" he threw a wad of cash on the bar top before he moved past Harry and then looked at Y/n, "My apologies if I offended you."
They watched as John left the bar quickly and then Harry sat back down before he waved at the bartender and signaled for the check, "Just the one whisky neat."
"You're leaving already? Night's still young, Harry."
He sucked at his teeth as he scraped his gaze over her face and down to her cleavage. She smiled when she watched the path his eyes had taken.
The bartender handed him the bill and Harry leaned over to pull his wallet from his back pocket.
She scooted closer to him, "You headed home?"
He nodded, but not necessarily in answer to her question, it was more of an appraisal kind of nod. He was still silent as he pulled cash out of his wallet.
"Thanks for that, by the way. I'm sure John's a nice guy and all but he's not really my type. And I'm sure he was wrong about you."
That got his attention. Harry flicked his gaze back to hers, "Wrong about me?"
She smiled, "The part where he said you couldn't get it up. You're not that old. I'm sure you still can. Right?"
He clenched his jaw and breathed out of his nostrils like he couldn't believe she'd asked him such a thing. He handed the bartender his cash with a nod before he stood up from his stool.
"Huh. Since you're so quiet about it maybe he was right," she goaded, pressing her lips together to flatten her smile as she looked up at him through her lashes.
Harry placed a palm down on the bar top next to her hand and leaned over her, "You're out of your depth here, Y/n."
"Now, you don't really know that do you? Just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing."
"You're awfully pushy. Not used to hearing no, are you?"
Y/n watched as the edge of his mouth lifted in amusement and she widened her eyes and pointed, "You're almost smiling."
He shook his head and looked around the bar before pinning his gaze back to hers, "I hope you enjoy the rest of your night. But your luck has run out with me, princess."
Harry stood to his full height and Y/n decided to try one last time, "So it's true then. What he said."
He stopped and turned to look back at her, a slow burning heat behind his gaze, "Couldn't be further from the truth."
She smiled and slid off her stool to stand in front of him. His height was impressive, "Prove it."
The line of his jaw hardened, turning his cheekbones into slashes of tension. His eyes simmered as he weighed his options. Finally, a hint of a smile stretched over his mouth. A small one, but still.
"I don't need to prove anything to silly little girls."
"Good thing I'm not a silly little girl. I'm a grown woman, Harry."
Y/n knew she was pushing it. She'd never needed to throw herself at any man before. But because of that, she wasn't used to rejection either. Maybe it was a good lesson for her ego. She knew her big fault was how entitled she could act sometimes. But that was partly thanks to how she was raised. It's better to act like a man to get what you want in life, her dad told her. And so far, that had been true. Some women balked at her confidence and her bold attitude. She wasn't demure or sweet enough. And men would often refer to her as a bitch or say that she was trying too hard.
She'd work on her ego another time. But right now? She was focused on winning this battle.
"What do you want with someone like me anyway? Hm? I'm old, Y/n. What's in it for you?"
Blinking her eyes she shook her head, "You're not old, first of all. Secondly, you're really attractive. It doesn't need to go much deeper than that, does it? I just think you're handsome. And I do kind of like a challenge."
"I can see that you like a challenge. It's the only reason I haven't walked out that door yet. Kind of relentless."
She smiled, "So it's working?"
Another half-smile worked its way up his mouth as he laughed in disbelief, "Are you surprised that it is?"
His pupils coasted over her figure and then back up to her face. The warmth of his gaze singed her skin like an open flame.
"I guess I just didn't know how difficult it'd be with you."
He licked his lips, "Difficult. You have no idea. But looks like you're about to find out. Go tell your friends what's going on. Meet me out front."
Y/n watched him turn and walk away. She was shocked. For a minute she thought he wasn't going to go for it at all.
Shaking off the sudden surprise of having gotten to him she settled up with the bartender and then stopped at the table with her friends. They were just about to give her condolences for having oversold her ability but she interrupted. "He's waiting for me outside. Location is on. Don't wait up!"
Harry was leaning against a black car in the parking lot when she stepped out of the doors. The moment he saw her he pushed himself off the car and opened the passenger door for her.
It was going to be tricky to maintain the kind of confidence she'd been feigning with him up until then but there was no part of her that didn't want to find out what he could show her.
She watched as Harry sat down in the driver's seat and started up his car. He took up too much space in the seat. His big hand wrapped around the leather steering wheel while his other encased the shift stick. Even the way he drove was turning her on.
She was pleased that she'd wormed her way under his skin and that he'd given in. She'd try her best to make it worth his while. Reaching across the console she put her hand on his thigh and he glanced down quickly before setting his gaze back on the road.
Now, Harry had slept with younger women a couple of times. He generally preferred someone closer to his age because he liked the confidence and experience that came with age. Women in their 20s were often in a different stage of life and that was fine –normal even, but it just usually wasn't a match for him. Not sexually and not mentally.
But Y/n was unusually confident for being so young. Persistent. He liked it, he couldn't lie. Whether or not she really had much else going for her beyond confidence, he guessed he'd find out. Well, she was very cute too. She did have that in her favor.
And Y/n at least seemed like she knew what she wanted. It was flattering as well. Being approached by such a pretty young thing. He figured the moment he told her to go back to her friends she'd give up but she was just fiery enough that she wasn't deterred.
When she ran her nail over his wrist he knew he was screwed. She was just close enough that he could smell her perfume and then she nudged her shoe into his shin and all he could think about was that she really wanted to be shown a good time and if anyone could it was him.
Harry knew his way around a woman's body. They were all different and he liked finding all the buttons and things that made them purr. In his experience, though, the younger the woman, the less she knew her own body. He didn't know if Y/n was just talking a big game but he was about to find out.
He stayed quiet as she ran her hand down his thigh and he shifted as the car accelerated past the green light. He'd see if she'd do anything with her hand but maybe she'd just pet at him like a novelty toy. He didn't expect—
"This is okay?" She asked him, her tone sultry as she palmed at his crotch.
He licked his lips, "Have at it."
His cock fattened up nicely with not much effort on her part. Proof that he definitely could get it up. Plucking at his button she looked from his face to her fingers as she leaned further over the console to reach her hand into his open pants to help him with the awkward angle of his dick. He seemed to appreciate that as he shifted under her palm.
Rubbing over his heather grey briefs she peeled down the elastic band the slightest to get a peek. The dark shade of pink on his tip matched the muted raspberry of his lips. She slid the pad of her middle finger over the slit and he softly inhaled through his teeth.
She wouldn't be able to give him roadhead like she wanted. It was impossible with the stick shift in the way. But she could wrap her fingers around his shaft and feel him under her palm until they got wherever they were going.
"Mmm… It's so big, Harry. Knew you would be. Might be the biggest I've seen in person. Can't tell yet, though. Have to wait to see when we've got these off."
Harry pushed a laughed breath through his nose. She was a bold thing. Her assertiveness was a turn-on. He didn't like meek and shy. Not when it came to sex.
When she spit into her palm and smeared it down his length, the best she could, he parted his lips and stepped on the gas. She was already exceeding any expectations he had for her. Maybe she'd prove him wrong.
Her nail scraped the underside of him and she moaned, "Really want it in my mouth."
He gulped harshly and ticked his jaw, "Just be patient. I'll let you put it in your mouth soon enough."
"And where are we going? Your place?"
He nodded, "Just a few minutes away."
She squeezed around him and pulled upward slowly. She knew already, he was well above average and she was going to have to work to give him a proper blowy.
His house was a one story, the driveway at the front with a garage attached. He lifted his hand and pushed on a device that was clinging to his sun visor and the garage door began to open. There was a covered motorcycle along the back wall and then the garage door closed after he shut off the engine.
She moved her hand away and unbuckled herself as he got out. When she reached down to pick up her little purse she realized her panties were already wet. She grinned as she stepped out, adjusting her dress before closing the door, and then followed behind him as he led her into a dark hallway.
When he turned on the lights she took it all in. Hardwood floors led into a dining area and then a kitchen. Hung on the walls were photos of himself with two children and then more framed photos with just the kids.
"Do you have kids?"
"I do. Boy and a girl. 7 and 10."
"You're not married are you?"
He laughed, "If I were you'd have known. Wouldn't have been out in the first place if I had a wife waiting for me at home."
She nodded as he turned on the kitchen light and pulled out two glasses before filling them with water.
Handing her a glass he squinted, "Yes."
She took a sip. He was a man of few words she'd gathered. She looked around the kitchen. Wood cabinets, an outdated laminate countertop, stainless steel appliances. The space could use some updating but it was large and he had a big pantry.
Sitting the glass down on the counter she watched him closely. His pants were still unbuttoned. She eyed the space at his crotch as he placed his own glass down next to hers.
"It's not gonna suck itself."
She laughed and looked up at him. He had a genuine smile on his face that time. The first real smile she'd seen from him all night. A healthy row of clean teeth, a dimple…
"Hmm… I think you're right. Let's see what we've got…"
She moved in front of him and placed her hands on his pants to push them away but before she could inch them down he wrapped his meaty hand around the back of her neck and drew her into his chest. His mouth was warm and soft. His tongue tasted like the whisky he'd been drinking.
Letting go of his pants she held onto his biceps as he used his free hand to push her hips against his. Still nice and hard. He ran his tongue over her lips and she moaned into his mouth. He worked his warm lips down to her jaw and then he licked upward on her neck, the wet patch was cool on her skin from the air in the kitchen. He did it again and her knees almost gave out. She hadn't been licked like that before.
He kissed over her clavicle and then drew his tongue over her flesh. Her heart was thrumming quickly and she squeezed his strong arms when he rutted against her.
"You good at sucking cock, Y/n?" He pushed his nose against her jawline and the hot breath from his words scattered over the skin on her neck.
"I want to be," she spoke breathlessly, eyes fluttering closed as he mawed at her throat.
He parted from her neck and looked down at her, half-lidded gaze and spit-slicked lips, "Go on."
Instantly she dropped to her knees as her fingers worked deftly at pulling his pants down and then his underwear. She'd sucked a handful of dicks so she knew a couple of moves.
Getting her hand around his thick shaft proved to be a small challenge. To say he was thick… understatement. Long too. His tip was smooth, mushroomed with ridges along the length that she hoped she'd get to feel later on. His was the kind of cock that women dreamed of.
Looking up at him she licked her palm and used her spit to pump him slowly. Another glob over his tip for good measure. Then she pressed a kiss to the base of him, just over his sac, and screwed her eyes upward to watch his expression as she licked his balls, one side at a time. She wound her tongue all around to wet him before sucking at one side, pulling it into her mouth and he let out a ragged breath, his dark pupils spreading inky until the soft green had almost vanished.
He liked it.
She worked around the other side, sucking him in again and swirling her tongue softly underneath the tender bits. He gripped the counter behind himself.
Pulling off she straightened her back and licked upward, feeling every delicious thick ridge along his shaft until her tongue met his smooth crown. Laving every crevice of his tip, she dipped her tongue into his slit and then ran it under the frenulum before she wetted every inch of his glans.
Her mouth was watering when she parted her lips around him and flitted her gaze upward. He was watching her with a slack jaw as she took him a little deeper. He cradled the back of her head and moaned.
"Just suck the tip…."
She blinked up at him and pulled her lips just over the lip, swirling and suckling around him like he wanted.
"Fuck. Just like that." His hand at the back of her head was easy. He didn't push or pull. It was more like a pleased gesture as his fingertips flexed around her skull gently.
Y/n would have liked to have gone deeper. Wanted to show him her best work. But he seemed rather happy with what she was doing.
She bobbed a couple of times, only to slide her lips back to his tip. Her pace was slow when she began to stroke his length with a little twisting motion.
He was big. She knew she could take more but in a way, she was grateful that that was all he was asking for.
A groan fell from his chest and he bucked forward, his cock slipping down her tongue and she sucked, drawing more of him in as she moved her hands away.
"Goddamnit, you're good."
She took that as permission to go deeper. Relaxing her jaw she closed her eyes and held her breath, pushing down to her limit. She filled her throat with his cock the best she could and gurgled around his tip.
He coughed out a moan and then thumbed at her cheek, "Alright, that's good."
She pulled off of him. His heavy cock aimed right at her face when she sat back on her knees and looked up at him, "I can do better than that."
He laughed and put his hand out for her to take, helping her stand up, "I bet you can. Come on."
Harry kept her hand in his as he led her to his bedroom. It was just past the dark living space and he turned on a floor lamp on the opposite side of the room from the bed. When he turned back toward her he cupped her face and kissed her again.
She pressed her hand into his warm, hard chest and he reached around the back of her dress to pull the zipper downward, his fingers dragging down her skin as he went. His touch sent a tremor down her spine as continued kissing her wetly.
He stepped back, helping her out of her dress until it fell to the floor. His eyes raked over her body and he smoothed his hands over her hips and up to her bra-covered breasts. He stepped in closer, walking her backward toward his bed. He put his hands back on her hips and nudged her to sit before he reached down to lift her leg up by her calf, removing her heels, one at a time.
Y/n's thong was drenched. She stared at him while he placed her shoes side by side at the foot of the bed and then he placed his big palms on her thighs, pushing her legs open, "Lie back."
She let her back hit the mattress as Harry got to his knees on the floor. An arm reached under her thigh as he spread her apart and then she felt her panties being pulled at until her her wet pusslips were right in his face. He groaned and felt a hand slide up the inside of her thigh. He pressed his mouth over her mons and looked up at her before he opened his mouth wide and drew his tongue through her crease making her gasp.
"Get your bra off."
She pushed herself up slightly and worked at the clasp of her bra between moans as Harry continued licking at her pussy. When she pulled her arm through the flimsy material he lifted his head and reached around her back, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed and he sucked a nipple into his mouth.
"Oh, fuck!"
Y/n's finger and her long nails pushed into Harry's hair and scraped at his scalp as he licked and pulled at each nipple. He buried his face between her tits and let out a low sound, like he was murmuring something to her but only her breasts were allowed to hear it.
When he sunk back down he pushed at her so she'd lie back and he started in on her clit, one hand holding her panties to the side as he devoured her glistening cunt.
She kept feeling like she was going to slide off the edge of the bed but Harry's grip on her kept her still. His tongue and his lips were magic as he drew her to her end. She yanked at his hair and babbled his name on repeat as her spine bowed off the bed when she came.
Her chest was still rising and falling heavy when she felt her body being pushed upward. She popped her eyes open and watched him roll a condom over his shaft before he kneed back up onto the bed next to her. He was stark naked. His body was insane. Thick muscle and masculine everything. Tattoos scatter over his arms and chest.
Fuck, she muttered under her breath.
"Flip over, for me," his deep voice was husky as he motioned toward her to move.
She rolled to her stomach and she felt his fingers slide between the band of her panties and her hips as he pulled them down her legs.
"Ass up a little. I want to see all of you, Y/n."
She grinned and turned to look at him over her shoulder as she lifted her hips and spread her thighs. His lips were parted as he grabbed her ass and squeezed, making her cheeks spread apart. He inhaled sharply through his teeth and then dipped in, kissing her pussy from behind before licking upward over her ass.
She squealed quietly and bit her lip, still watching him behind her as he lifted, a lopsided grin on his face. He gazed at her as he fisted the base of his cock and slid the head up and down her soaked folds before he tipped his hips to push in just the tip.
"Gorgeous. Gonna look even better wrapped around cock. You like anal?"
"Never tried it."
He licked his lips and pressed his lips together as he looked at the spot where his dick was pressed against her cunt, "Figured. S'alright. Pussy's my favorite anyway."
"We could try… if you want."
He looked back into her eyes, a cocky smile on his face, "Your little hole would need to be trained. And that takes time. So, there will be no anal tonight. Not gonna try and hurt you. But that's a cute thought."
He canted his hips inward, eyes on hers and her mouth dropped open when she felt her entrance splitting open for him. She was tight, but so slick, it only took a few slow thrusts until he was buried in with a low grunt. He pulled back and then pushed his entire length into the hilt.
"Fuck—fuck!" She cried and stuffed her face into the blankets.
"Too much?"
"No! It's so good. You're just so big…" She began to send her hips back against him and Harry slowly fucked in to match her pace. His eyes were everywhere. On her puss getting split open on his cock, the curve of her lower back, the swell of her ass.
He just knew she'd look so sweet with her ass stuffed too, but good things like that couldn't be rushed which was a shame.
Every thrust was gushy wet. Y/n bubbled out small moans every time his dick brushed deep into her guts. It was better than she imagined. The way he filled her to the brim was going to turn into an addiction. She'd never slept with any man that had her wanting seconds before they'd even finished.
"Oh my god…" she mewled into the comforter.
"Fuck, I know, baby…"
She fit him like a glove, it was perfect. He went in a little faster, balls thudding against her skin rhythmically making her bounce forward as she spread around his girth. When he ground in she arched her back deeply and let out a soft groan, her hands fisted at the blanket and Harry reached around and smeared his fingertips over her clit.
It had her panting and pushing into him feverishly. She'd needed the friction on her throbbing button and he'd found it easily, thick, rough fingerprints slicking back and forth as he rutted in and in. It sent electrical sparks over her limbs.
"Like that? Needs her clit touched? Shit baby, act like you've never been touched by a man right here before…" he plucked at her like he was playing the guitar and she began to fade, her moans getting caught in her chest.
He could feel her walls tightening around him as he drove in deep.
"Fuck, Harry— fuck!"
He grinned as he watched her shudder, "Give it up, Y/n. There you go…"
She began to pulse around him, a constant stream of nonsense falling from her lips as he stroked against her channel and pushed deep into her tummy, his fingers still working her clit with ease.
Just as her body had tipped and oxygen returned to her lungs he pulled out and she felt him taking her hips and turning her around to her back. Harry grabbed her ankles and lifted until each was settled over his shoulders and pushed back inside of her, cock drilling down to her core making her teeth chatter at the way he split her down the middle.
Harry leaned over her, cock buried deep as she watched her pretty face twist up with pleasure. Plapping into her, her tits wobbled as his balls tightened against his body. The harder he plunged in, the more her legs shook. Soon, her ankles had slipped down and her feet hit the mattress as he continued drilling into her. His face was flushed hot, lips parted, muscles tensed.
Reaching up to his neck she smoothed her fingers over his warm skin and he lowered his chest down to hers and kissed her. That filthy tongue ran over her lips and he sloppily sipped at her between sucking at her lips. Her brain had turned to jelly.
She felt his hand on her outer thigh squeezing and brushing as he fucked down into her. "Mmm… fuck, Y/n, m'gonna come…"
He trembled over her, thick thighs pressed down and flexed as he rutted in and in and in, and then… he stilled. A deep, guttural moan vibrated through his chest down into hers.
She sighed when she felt him throbbing, pumping into his condom. Her fingers caressed the muscles over his back and she gasped when he bucked in harshly, once more as he emptied the last of his come into the rubber wrapped around his cock.
He slowed his kisses until they were lazy little pecks and then he looked down at her, his chest heaving. She was already grinning up at him.
She blinked her eyes, "That was fun."
He puffed out a breath, "I guess that's a good way to describe it."
Harry was a gentleman as he pulled out slowly and helped her off the bed and led her to his bathroom. He helped her clean up and listened to her tell him about her job —just reminding him that she was an adult after he commented on her being so young again.
When she picked her dress up off the floor and started to step into it, Harry frowned, "What are you doing?"
She stopped and raised her brows. "Getting dressed. Was gonna call an Uber. I'm sure you don't want a stranger in your house all night," she laughed.
Harry pulled at her hand, making her drop her dress, "What kind of men have you been hanging out with that let you leave in an Uber at 2 am? You'll stay here."
She opened her mouth and then closed it in surprise before tilting her head in confusion, "Really? I just assumed—"
"You'll stay the night here. There's no way in hell you're getting an Uber at this time of night. It's dangerous."
She grinned and shrugged, "Well then… can I have a shirt or something to sleep in?"
He placed his warm hands on her hips, "You can have a t-shirt if you like. I prefer to sleep naked myself."
"Oh yeah? I usually do too as a matter of fact."
He held her out in his arms and eyed her naked frame, "Looks like we're both good to go then. We'll get you sorted in the morning. I'll give you a ride home then."
"I think you just want to keep me here with you," she chuckled.
Harry shook his head and released her hips before he popped her on the bottom with his palm. She bleated out a laugh.
"Get your ass in bed before I change my mind."
"Yes, sir."
. .
→ PART 2 ←
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alastor-simp · 1 year ago
Alastor x Reader - Sleeping On His Lap
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Here is my attempt at a Alastor x reader fanfiction. Took me awhile to kinda get into his character so please don't be mad if Alastor seems a bit off. Enjoy!
Sigh, it was another eventful day at the Happy Hotel, or Hazbin Hotel as it was now called as a certain deer demon decided to change the name. You had spent all day doing certain tasks around the hotel such as helping Charlie create posters for the hotel, clean the rooms with Nifty, break up the brawl between Vaggie and Angel Dust as he had pissed her off one too many times and organize the bar for Husk as he was passed out drunk. You could have refused to do these things, but you enjoyed helping people, so it made it all worth it.
You had started working at the hotel after you had saw Charlie singing on the 666 news about the hotel and redeeming demons, only for her idea to be made a laughing stock upon everyone who watched the broadcast. You actually had mixed feelings about the whole redeeming thing, seeing as you weren't sure if someone like you could be sent to heaven, despite not being a very big criminal during your time when you were alive, but apparently doing a little shoplifting is enough to send you a one way ticket to hell. Charlie's words did inspire you a little bit, so even if you felt that you couldn't be redeemed, others probably had a better chance, so you decided to head to the hotel and ask for a job after the broadcast was cut off from the brawl with Charlie and Katie Killjoy. You were hired in a split second and immediately pulled into a bear hug by Charlie, and then introduced you to the others.
Back to the present, you began to feel extremely exhausted from moving around everywhere, so you headed over to one of the rooms with the long couches so you could take a rest. Heading into one of the rooms, you peeped around and saw that no one was there, which made it better as you really needed some peace and quiet. Heaving a deep sigh, you sat down on the couch, turning and falling back, as you laid your body down, with your head facing the front of the couch. "What a long day", thinking to yourself as your eyes slowly began to close and you were lulled into a deep sleep.
**2 Hours Later**
As you were sleeping, you felt the sensation of someone petting your head, the soothing feeling had awoken you a bit, but you quickly fell back asleep at the warm touch. You could feel that you were holding something in your dreams, and you assumed it was one of the pillows on the couch, so you brought it closer to your face and nuzzled it. "Mm, smells nice ", as the scent from the pillow was making you more relaxed, as it reminded you of a being in the middle of a deep forest. After sleeping for 30 more minutes, you slowly began to open your eyes, and try to make out what was in front of you. Expecting to see a pillow, you saw red stripes in front of you, "Huh?" As you were still trying to make out what was in front of you, a loud voice interrupted your thoughts: "Ah, awake now are we?", said a static voice above you. Eyes opening wide, you looked up from your position and saw Alastor staring down at you with his trademark smile. Slowly, you began to piece together that you were laying on his lap, and nuzzled into his chest as you were sleeping. "AHHHH", jumping up from your position, you rolled off his lap, and your body fell to the ground as you stared at Alastor in shock, as he continued to look at you with his glowing eyes, amused at your reaction. "Um, h-how long was I sleeping on your lap?", you softly asked, as your face was red, but your eyes were showing fear, as you remembered that Alastor did not like to be touch, and you happened to hug him in your sleep. "HAHA, For quite a while, darling. It was a very busy day, I assume?", Alastor said as he placed his arm on the armrest of the couch, and his hand against his cheek, smiling even wider.
Nodding your head, you slowly got up from your position, and started apologizing to Alastor, eyes aiming towards the ground and fingers twiddling together. Alastor raised an eyebrow and wondered why you were apologizing, to which you answered that you had hugged him in your sleep, and that he made it very aware that he did not enjoy physical contact from someone unless he initiated it, feeling extremely bad if you made him uncomfortable. Listening to you, Alastor's smile relaxed to a small grin as he looked at you with gentle eyes. He did admit that he was not use to being touch by others, and was quite surprised from the sleep hug, but he didn't detest it as much coming from you, which boggled his mind completely. It must be due to your kind and innocent nature that made him react different around you, as he was used to more of the common riff raff being terrified of him or trying to battle in a turf war, but how you were with him, made his black heart melt.
Feeling that Alastor was upset as he didn't respond to your apology, you quickly excused yourself and began to head over to the door to leave. A loud SNAP was heard and before you knew it, you had been teleported back on to the couch, this time being seated on Alastors lap. "A-Al, what are you doing?!", your face began to become as red as his hair, while your eyes stared at Alastor in shock. Smiling at you, Alastor moved his hand to your chin and tilted your face up: "There is no need to apologize, darling. If I had been upset about you hugging me, you possibly w̩͉͍̱̍̂̉̊o̫̼̐̎̋͜u͚͌l̳̓d̠͉̗͋̔͞'̼̳̣̼͊̏̾̾t͜͝ ͕̱͐͠ḇ̅e̙͗ ͍͓͔̱͍͛̔͌͘͞a̝̜̘̎́͒ḽ͒í̱̙̈́v̧̌e̠͠ ̢̹̜́́̈̀ͅr̲͇̳̅̽͌i̩͈̒̅ĝ̲̦̎ẖ̛̳̲͙̀͌̽͘ͅt͉̅ ͖̞͍̞́̋͛͛ň͚̫̦́͂̿͟o̱͌w̡̕" he said, as his eyes flashed for a second into radio dials. "However! I am not opposed to be touched by you. So no need to apologize, my dear.", Alastor said as he continued to smile at you widely, but his glowing eyes were looking at you softly, letting you know that he was not angry with you. Feeling shy, you turned your head away from Alastor, muttering a soft okay, as your heart was beating rapidly. "Smile my dear!" Alastor said as he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek, to have you look at him again. Baring through the embarrassing situation, you gave Al a small smile, which pleased him. "You always over do it, darling. While Charlie and I appreciate your efforts at helping the hotel, it does no good to work yourself to the point of fatigue. If you are ever feeling exhausted and need a break, don't be hesitant to come find me, as my radio tower is open to you. Understand, my dear?" said Alastor, as he leaned closer towards you, making you flustered again.
Nodding your head was enough to let Alastor knew you understood as he chuckled, while sliding you off his lap, and as he stood up from the couch. "Now then, we should probably head back to the lobby before the others get worried about our lack of presence.", He said, as he straighten his coat out, while turning towards you, extending his hand out for you to take it. "Yeah we should", as you grabbed his hand, and made your way with him back to the lobby. You were still trying to process what just happened between you and Alastor, but you feel like you both have become much closer then before, and you didn't mind it one bit.
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