#but it sm better written
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sapphic-bf · 1 month ago
ugh season 1 jinx u will truly deeply always be missed by me 💔💔
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kindaasrikal · 3 months ago
I don’t know if anyone else has talked about this, but the parallels between Wu and Sora are so interesting. But then also acknowledging how they match their counterparts is even more so.
Both Wu and Sora are seen as the ‘perfect, favourite child’ out of their duos, which heavily impacted the relationship between them and Garmadon/Arin. This also ended up feeding into Garmadon and Arin’s insecurity of their usefulness and strength, despite then having known more than the other first. Arin was a ninja fan, he knew their techniques and skills and missions inside out and he was able to almost perfectly execute them with actually having been taught them, and Garmadon was the first born child, meaning he had much more attention placed onto him to be a leader and had much more training and experience than Wu due to that.
Yet somehow, someone they dearly loved and was close to being their equal surpassed them much farther than they could’ve ever reached. And that hit an ugly part of them that no one likes to acknowledge.
It made them jealous of the other, which ended up leading to one event to crack that bond in a way they couldn’t fix.
Wu accidentally tossed a wooden sword over the monastery doors, and out of fear of being punished from his father, didn’t want to go over the wall and grab it. Garmadon, despite being a child, was confident and brave enough to go out the monastery and grab the wooden sword. It was out of pure coincidence that Garmadon was there at the right time for the great devourer to bite. But coincidence wasn’t an option. It was fate. A fate that Garmadon had fallen into and beloved was, at the very least, partially Wu’s fault.
Sora was less motivated than Arin, and she knew how deeply he needed a win to keep that confidence in himself going. She took a risk, a risk she did for him, and helped him. But when Arin could not progress after that, and found out the truth of his supposed win in a battle, it made him feel inferior, and it broke his trust in Sora, who he thought believed he could do it without help. Arin didn’t want to be underestimated.
Neither Sora nor Wu had bad intentions with their actions, doing it in the moment without a thought of the possible consequences. Yet it broke the trust of the other and it pushed them away, making rash decisions to run away to a random evil sensei who already has other students.
Sora and Garmadon are much more similar, only wanting to help, not knowing the consequences of their own actions would break everything they so painstakingly made with their bare hands.
Wu and Arin are similar, for being hopeful and bright despite the circumstances, only for that hope and that brightness to be trampled into nothing as time moves on.
Yet it was Wu and Sora who are stuck having made the mistakes of a life time. If Wu hadn’t thrown that sword over the monastery walls, if he wasn’t so scared to get it himself, if he delayed getting it for just a bit longer, would his brother finally have the chance to live a life of his own? If Sora was able to communicate better, if she had told him the truth herself instead letting another’s mouth spill, if she had just trusted him to do it on his own, would Arin still be by her side as they search for his parents?
Does Lloyd look at Sora, only to see the reflection of his uncle? Like how he sees a forsaken student and a lost father in Arin?
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runraerun · 2 months ago
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Chapter 4 of Easy as 123 is LIVE! 📺
And look! More wonderful art from @racketti <3 He really understood the assignment (commission) and brought Mr. H to life! 🥹♥️ I’m so obsessed. Thank you again, my friend!!
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wrinkly-fucking-qtip · 6 months ago
I can't find the post, but a user said their headcanon Lip was jealous of Ian because of his relationship with Monica, the “closeness" they had, earning the title of the favorite kid by Monica standards, something something. That 1x10 scene with Lip and Monica tells you everything you need to know about his feelings towards her. He wants to love her but refuses, understandably so. And it's obvious Helene is ominously written to fill that motherly void Lip has. But I just constantly think of the line "I want to surround myself with minds like Youens and Runyon."
I'm rambling and not making sense but, I honestly believe Lip was Frank's favorite out of the boys. He hated Ian, only used Carl for personal gain and liked him for it, was too I'll to genuinely "value" Liam. Not to say that being Frank's favorite is ok 💀 Lip was obviously Youens favorite student, as fucky as their relationship was, and here comes Helene. He was Helene's "special student." What a way to feel like a favorite student by two professors that only feed the void your parents created.
Youens will always be an alcoholic no matter how much you wish he cared for you. His own daughter resented him. You're reliving what Frank created. And Helene, you want her to be with you, you nurture you cause your mom never could and she found a new kid to emotionally manipulate. Even if she had good intentions with him in S5, she took advantage of a vulnerable teenager. ANYWAY, back to Lip.
Really, wanting to be your professor's favorite student to see if it somehow fills that parental void. Only for both your biological father and "chosen" father to die, alcohol related deaths by the way. Then there's your biological mom who died and you never rebuilt your relationship with her because why would you. Not only did you find a mommy you could slide your dick in, the bitch groomed you, left you high and dry, just like Monica, and then you relapsed. You thought you could fill that Monica hole with her, but, just like with your "dads," you ended up with no mom either. I'm rambling, ate a lot of sugar and this is the result, I'm thinking about Lip again.
Lip I'm so sorry. You're a tragic fuck. I love you.
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elderwisp · 9 months ago
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◁ || ▷ now playing
Gabriel: Find anything good? 
Theo: Nah, a lot of the newer stuff is kinda blegh. 
Gabriel: We could always look at those cool picture books with birds. I like those. 
Theo: Of course you would like the picture books.
Gabriel: No shame. 
Theo: He likes to drink milk with his bedtime stories.
Gabriel: Oh so you got jokes?
Theo: Plenty. Hilarious ones too. 
Gabriel: [ snickers ] Maybe you should be a comedian. 
Theo: If dancing doesn’t work out, I just might.
Gabriel: I mean, hypothetically, what would happen if things didn’t work out?
Theo: Oh I’d simply be devastated. No, things have to work out.
Gabriel: I mean, you always got family to fall back on, no?
Theo: Well, that would be my last option.
Gabriel: Huh.
Gabriel: You cool with your family, Theo?
Theo: Hm? Oh yeah. Everything’s normal.
Gabriel: Normal’s such a unique concept because what’s normal to me, might be the complete opposite for you. 
Theo: I dunno. A lot of concepts don’t make sense, you know? 
Gabriel: So it’s better to not ask questions.
Theo: You might not like the answer.
Gabriel: Try me.
Theo: I- [ sighs ] Things were fine, then they weren’t. It always starts that way. My parents are close-minded folk and they couldn’t stand the idea that their kid didn’t want to conform. I’m good now.
Gabriel: I see. 
Theo: Things need to work out for me here, Gabriel.
Gabriel: So let’s make sure of it, yeah?
Theo: Deal.
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paper-bag-arts · 2 months ago
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girls when they’ll be other nights i’ll have to sleep in your arms
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cherrymangos · 5 days ago
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Been playing a lot of SDV again and I made my farmer a Satyr :)
Speed Paint
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yioh · 10 months ago
feel like the reason i can’t get into m/f shojo is because they’re very… Man and Woman.. like the gender norms/boxes are always so strong idk why😭 i’m always so detached from all the characters and story
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madlyn5ever · 3 months ago
I haven’t talked about Autistic Maddox in a very long time, but I was scrolling through edits I saved in my camera roll and it just reminded me how good of representation she was.
Unintentional/strictly coded or not, she really summed up the neurodivergent experience in such a specific way. Like not everyone will relate to her obviously, but just the baseline of, “I’m not everyone’s taste, I’m too much a lot of the time and not everybody likes me. In fact most people don’t like me” that she constantly talks about, whilst everyone is constantly saying how much they love Maddox.
And just the whole thing where she gets super stressed and almost frantic when things are happening that she’s not prepared for. That specifically is so relatable, the fidgety hands! like you’re just buzzing with nervousness and anxiousness and uncertainty, and you’ll try to fix it by trying to change what’s happening or reinforcing something as if it has to happen, bc it’s wrong or it can’t be the way it is bc things are messed up now.
And sometimes it’s like that instant panic of everyone is around and something is off or going different than expected and you need to fix it for everyone’s sake but it’s still going wrong and you seem to be the only one stressed that it’s not going how it’s supposed to.
And then there’s that scene when Maddox suggests doing a dramatic scene using the songs when they didn’t have the scripts, and Maddox is like, “but I’m just the stage manager so what do I know” and Gina immediately rushes out “that’s a great idea” bc she’s trying to be kind to Maddox- I think (I think. It’s been a while) after Val explains to her that Maddox isn’t trying to imply anything about Val and EJ, she just doesn’t realize how she sounds, and she’s just trying to say that they’re good friends and that’s all, and that it’s just Maddox and she’s trying to connect in her own Maddox way.
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resident-problem · 3 months ago
Under the Qun's strict gender roles, warriors are seen as male. This would probably include berserkers, like what Taash would have become.
Shathann also expresses discomfort at the idea of Taash presenting in a more masculine fashion, and also potentially hid the concept of Aqun-Athlok from Taash (possibly not bringing it up until Taash discloses that they're non-binary). Shathann left the Qun when she discovered Taash was Adaari, because they would have been forced to become a berserker – a "masculine" role.
Both role and gender are tied together under the Qun, so it's no wonder that Shathann expresses concern when Taash tells her that they're non-binary. Taash, in Shathann's eyes, is becoming the exact thing that she left the Qun to avoid. Shathann followed the Qun so closely that it didn't allow for her to ask other questions. Being a scholar of the Qun, that makes sense because that's what she devoted her whole life to. It was her role.
Even after leaving she could not see another way from what she had been taught. A religion/culture that wanted her child to be something they shouldn't be. And yet she still chose to impart those teachings to Taash. To the point that she probably wasn't interested when her child expressed interest in another culture. There's no way that Taash never expressed interest in Rivaini culture before the events of Veilguard. What then? More "Shokra toh ebra"? A lesson she failed to teach her child, who misinterpreted it to mean something it didn't. There was no room for anything beyond the Qun in Shathann's home, and no room, more importantly, for questions.
This is not to say that there's anything wrong with being Qunari and following the Qun, but there should've been room for both! Room to grow and not move beyond the Qun, but use it as a tool through which to discover Rivain and its culture, and connect with your child more. Not by abandoning the Qun, but by embracing it!!
From the Soul Canto, in the Tome of Koslun:
"Struggle is an illusion. There is nothing to struggle against.
The deception flows deeper. The statue resists the ebb and flow of the sea.
And is whittled away with each wave.
It protests the setting sun, and its face is burned looking upon it. It does not know itself.
Stubbornly, it resists wisdom and is transformed.
If you love purpose, fall into the tide and let it carry you."
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sweetnnaivete · 8 months ago
i love the headcanon where drew tanaka was younger than piper, and only been mean to her because she felt threatened. she'd seen her older siblings sacrifice themselves in the war, seen how the survivors had been affected. she'd looked up to silena, so her betrayal cut deep and she closed herself off from other people. then piper comes along, and everyone latches onto her, and once again drew feels deeply betrayed.
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courtesanofdeath · 2 years ago
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Top 10 Favorite Gintama Characters: #5
✦ Takasugi Shinsuke ✦
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ryuondaime · 1 month ago
from @loveheir : [ patch + reverse] sender carefully patches one of receiver's wounds ( from sasuke! ) -- ORDINARY THINGS THAT FEEL INTIMATE ( accepting )
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sand   on   his   palms   .   sun   -   kissed   ,   a   sapphire   hue   stretches   along   the   clear   landscape   ,   a   veil   of   glimmer   dancing   on   the   waves   ---   the   distant   laughter   of   children   .   okinawa   plucked   her   strings   of   tranquility   like   a   harp   ---   gentle   ,   patient   .   kiryu   dusts   his   hands   off    ---   lowering   himself   into   a   cross   -   legged   position   ,   right   next   to   his   target   of   worry   .   sasuke   spoke   in   silence   ---   in   clenched   teeth   ,   coiled   up   ---   claws   and   fists   .   not   against   kiryu   ---   and   neither   to   the   other   kids   ,   who   left   him   his   space   .   but   the   heat   radiated   off   the   boy   ---   accumulated   ,   concentrated   .   a   thousand   okinawan   suns   ,   yet   to   enter   orbit   .   the   elder   takes   a   deeper   inhale   ---   scanning   the   cut   on   the   boy's   lip   and   his bruised   cheek   before   wordlessly   turning   his   body   towards   them   .   his   hand   extends   ,   as   he   dips   his   head   to   concentrate   on   wiping   the   torn   skin   clean   ,   disinfecting   the   wound   .   "   looks   like   things   didn't   go   so   well   .   "   ,   the   simplicity   of   his   comment   is   void   of   anger   or   irritation   ---   it   borders   an   observation   ---   with   enough   space   to   occupy   .   .   .   or   to   leave   blank   .   emptiness   ---   open   -   ended   .   he   tilts   their   chin   up   with   a   curled   finger   ,   rubbing   the   dried   blood   off   their   lip   .   cicadas   in   the   distance   ---   a   gust   of   a   breeze   rings   the   windchime   above   sasuke's   head   ,   to   waltz   to   its   rhythm   .   past   the   day's   zenith   ---   the   oppressive   temperatures   start   to   ease   . . .   kiryu   pulls   back   .   he   needs   to   get   this   boy   out   of   his   thoughts   ,   out   of   his   own   head   .   out   of   this   directionless   jungle   ,   he   sometimes   seemed to lose himself   in   .   "   something   cold   would   help   .   in   the   mood   for   some   ice   cream   ?   "   ,   the   corners   of   his   lips   tug   upwards   ---   brows   raised   slightly   ,   "   just   don't   tell   the   others   where   we   went   .   "
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sneezydarliing · 1 year ago
Acts of Care (ocs, male)
Hi! This is my secret santa for @heavyeditsnz 's splatoon ocs. I won't lie when I say this was definitely out of my comfort and knowledge zone and I'm not a fan of how it turned out. I hope you enjoy anyways 😭
Asahi doesn't think he's ever felt worse.
Surely he has, but having woken up before the sun's even risen with a coughing fit that scrapes against his throat Makes it hard to believe. He drags himself from his bed and into the kitchen, fumbling around for a glass of water. He feels feverish. His head is pounding, and there's an itch In the back of his sinus that won't leave.
Part of him expected this. He'd been sneezing all day, and people had been telling him that he hadn't looked good. By the time he got to bed, it was with an exhausted heaviness. But Asahi was fine. He finished his drink and settled back into bed, releasing a few itchy but unsatisfying sneezes on the way. He'd wake up later and be fine, surely.
It takes almost an hour for him to fall back asleep, and he feels worse when he finally wakes back up. He's tangled around the blankets, and he feels like his head has been stuffed with cotton. He's got class, though, and he can't miss it.
He gets up, and the tickle alighted with a new fury. He was stuck gasping for breath, leaning onto the nearest stable surface he could find as he's doubled over. “hiHd'TSCHh!” He sniffles, pawing at his nose. He finishes getting ready, and heads to class.
It passes slowly, and Asahi finds himself muffling desperate sneezes into his clothes, praying they were quiet enough. He looks up once the class is over, met with the face of his boyfriend. He smiles in greeting, giving another discreet sniffle.
“Are you alright? You look terrible.” Ren greets with a raised eyebrow. Asahi muffles a cough into his sleeve, rubbing his nse agaoinst his wrist. “ snf I’m fine. Just a little cold. How are you?” Ren clearly looks uncoonvinced, but doesn’t mention it further, and the two continue to chat. Asahi feels himself beginning to space out as his boyfriend talks, before suddenly a hand is pressed to his frehesd.
Asahi leans into the cool touch, soothing against his pounding head. Ren’s frown quickly dissolves any comfort brought to him, though. “You’ve got a fever. Let me take you home.” Asahi shook his head, gently moving Ren’s hand from his face as he raised a hand in warning. “h’NGt-! I’m okay.” He replied, trying his best to put on an assuring face. Clearly, Ren wasn’t convinced.
He began gently urging Asahi up, packing up his things for him. “You’re clearly not feeling well. Let’s go home and get the temperature down.” Asahi sighs, but bends to his boyfriend’s will. Being home and away from the bright lights and noise of the room sounds nice, and there was no dissuading Ren. With his aid, the two make the trek home, stopping occanisonly for Asahi to muffle fits of coughing.
Once in his house, he’s quickly ushered to his room, where he begins to get comfortable in his bed. He’s stopped mid-way through changing into more comfortable clothes, his body gearing up for yet another fit. He grabs onto a chair for stability, letting the harsh sneezes wrack his frame.
“eH-tSCHh’iew!haH.. hID’GKSTCH’u!” he gives a wet sniffle, pawing at his nose roughly. Despite their strength, the sneezes were far from satisfying, and still left a stubborn itch deep in his nostrils. He muffles a few coughs into his sleeve, then finishes changing. Asahi attempts to settle into bed, but the pounding in his head makes it difficult. He’s left lying down, listening to his boyfriend making food in the other room. As much as he would love to eat anything made by him, he’s not sure his stomach can handle it. He sits back up, the movement making him cough all over again. His throat hurts.
Hearing a soft knock on the door, Asahi lets his boyfriend into his room, carrying a plate of food. He hands it to Asahi with a glass of water, sitting on the edge of the bed while Asahi gets settled back in. Asahi thanks him quietly, finding his voice much raspier than it had been a few hours ago.
“Have you taken anything?” Ren asks, once again feeling his forehead. “You feel a bit warmer.” Asahi shakes his head. He hadn't even thought of it. Ren stands, making his way out of his bedroom once again. “I'll go get you some and- oh, need to sneeze?” Asahi gives a frantic nod, cupping tissues around his mouth. He feels Ren's eyes on him.
“hH’TCH-! hih.. ’NGt-iew!.. hiD'tSCHh!” Once he recovers, he feels Ren's hand on his back, making soothing motions, before leaving and quickly returning With medicine. “These should help with the fever. You have a headache?” Once again Asahi just nods in response, not trusting his voice anymore. It feels like needles every time he swallows, and the small sips of water aren't really helping. He truly feels awful. On top of everything else, he feels bad for burdening Ren with this, even as the other is helping him make a backrest with some pillows so he can eat.
The food is good, simple enough to eat but still flavorful. Asahi wants to enjoy it, but he finds himself struggling to get more than a few bites down between rough, throaty coughs. Ren seems to understand, taking rhe Tray from him and replacing it with the water, which he gratefully sips. They spend a while like this, just quietly enjoying each other's presence, before the medicine begins to work and Asahi feels his eyelids begin to get heavy.
He shifts into a proper lying position, wishing his boyfriend goodnight. He feels Ren lay beside him, and drifts off to sleep happily.
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revon-aurora-borealis · 5 months ago
me b4 reading naruto: man why does everyone hate sakura sm?
me when i finally started reading naruto: oh. yea... damn she really is useless
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happy74827 · 1 year ago
Hi again I'm the anon who requested the Gideon and dominant reader and it was exactly what I wanted!! You're writing is soo good! Do you think k you could write Matthew Patel x reader where they're in a musical together or something? If not feel free to ignore this I don't wanna rush you! ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙
Heyyy!! Thank god you liked it cuz I was all like “hmm maybe I’m stretching this a little” haha.
As per your request, I absolutely love the idea here. It literally is so cute, but I literally read a fic last night that perfectly captures this and I don’t think I’d be able to top it.
So, I’m linking it for you here. It’s literally so cute and I can tell that all your expectations will be met 🥰🥰
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