#but it is never permanent and i understand this on a cellular level
my heart aches for he/him pronouns.
they are just out of reach. through blurred glass, and i almost see them.
being a boy is fun, but is still a costume. it does not weigh as much as acting like a girl does, but it is still like looking in a carnival mirror. so much like me, but so different.
he/him pronouns are a delicacy i dont think i’ll ever quite understand the taste of.
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lets-try-some-writing · 11 months
I’m not sure if the Son of Unicron AU reaction would be similar when it comes to him getting buffed in strength among other things but!
Optimus’s reaction to ingesting dark energon as a literal prime, not just a devoted follower?
Would it make him sick like a terrible case of food poisoning? Would it make him foggy or insanely sharp and aware? Would he become weak to the point of having to stay berth-ridden or would he become an absolute unit of a mech?
Oh boy, angst yeeeeeeeeeeees. I love this. Any and all chances to hurt my favorite mech are fully accepted.
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The effects of dark energon have been relatively well documented, at least on the Decepticon side of the war. Those who consume it are bound to the Unmaker and in turn gain increadible strength at the cost of their eternal spark. Due to the sheer rarity of the substance, Autobots never really bothered studying it beyond watching what the Decepticons were doing and promptly steering clear of their slag. But on Earth where the stuff is literally everywhere, things are a bit different. Not a spark wanted to really touch it, but Ratchet was determined to understand it if only to find a way to combat it. This in turn led to one horrible horrible accident.
Ratchet had been experimenting, trying to purify the dark energon for consumption purposes. He had gotten so far as managing to change the color to a pale blue, but none of the important chemical properties had been altered. Optimus was not aware of Ratchet's work, and so when the medic wandered off to deal with some affair, the Prime being tired beyond belief, took the energon cube the dark energon was contained in and promptly chugged it. He then put the empty cube back down, and proceeded to go about his day normally.
He was more energetic at first, quickly finding himself moving faster than normal and performing at greater levels than before. His senses were sharper, his focus all but perfect for a grand total of roughly three hours. However just as quickly as the burst came, it vanished and left Optimus reeling. By the time his morning patrol ended and he returned to base stumbling, Ratchet had reviewed the security footage and knew exactly what happened. He was there just in time to catch Optimus as he fell to his knees, his helm pounding and his entire frame heaving. His vitals started to drop rapidly, and just as fast as he rose in strength, he became as weak as a newspark as the Matrix pulsed and his frame began to fight off the dark energon before it could effect his spark.
The Prime was left shaking, his fans running at their highest settling as he was laid on the medical berth for examination. He purged several times, but it did little to ease his suffering as his very frame violently rejected the energon within it. Ratchet tried to clear his systems with fresh energon, but even after his frame was purified, Optimus was left spasming off and on. His cables randomly cramped and his processors hurt so badly that he was unable to move. Scans showed that unlike a normal Cybertronian, due to the presence of the Matrix, the dark energon directly attacked his very cells. It wouldn't kill or permanently damage him, but for almost a solid week, Optimus was unable to move or act with any degree of proficiency. His everything cramped, his hydraulics randomly failed, his memory spotted at times, and he struggled to keep any fuel down while his cellular structure recovered.
With normal Cybertronians, dark energon integrates with the frame fairly normally. But for a Prime? Dark energon is a slow acting toxin that attacks anything and everything. After all, Primes are forged by Primus himself.
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innatewellness · 2 years
Wooden Gate Bio-resonance Remedy Well Being Various & Holistic
Popp discovered that photons supplied the car for which info was transmitted. Popp demonstrated that DNA of living cells is the main source of biophoton storages and emissions. In this theory the DNA helix in cell nucleus is taken into account to be quantum electrodynamic cavity that's constantly excited by metabolic exercise of cell. Researchers have been capable of reveal totally different spectral gentle stimulation at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a big improve in the biophotonic activity at the other end”.
He loves spending time outdoors and is excited to explore the fantastic thing about Montana. For most people, 90 minutes is the average recommended time restrict. A shopper will lay again with the headphones on or connect by way of Zoom and is encouraged to keep the mind in a resting state.....snoozing is allowed. The session should take approximately 90 mins bioresonance testing and the the weakest areas of most concern are worked on first. It is a good tool to sleuth out and pinpoint a number of the areas in your body that need the greatest focus and can be used homeopathically to create an environment suitable for self healing. Household cleaners, disinfectants, deodorants, hair bleaches, permanent wave solutions, rheumatic liniments, used to make fertilisers, plastics and nylon; cigarette smoke.
Sensitiv Imago automatically compares the electromagnetic spectrum of the patient’s organism with benchmarks in its database. Never met a new-age different practitioner who wasn't extraordinarily confident that they would knock out my IBD, and none actually did a factor for me in the end. A fair percentage of rx medicine effectiveness is probably as a outcome of placebo effect contemplating how clinical knowledge is skewed to win quick track approval for profitable new drugs. This first guide investigates the popular subject of Food Intolerances, Sensitivities and Allergies utilizing Bioresonance/Biofeedback therapy. It will demonstrate the follow of meals testing for a affected person and help a practitioner understand the method to produce a meals elimination plan for the affected person.
"Cyberspace is a wondrous place," says Washington's Attorney General Christine Gregoire. "Con artists who once relied on telephone boiler rooms and mass mailings can now rip people off through Web websites and e-mail." I even bioresonance testing have reported this company to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency for refusing to give me a refund on the Covid 19 Antibodies Test except I return an unopened test equipment.
Energetic drain on a cellular stage is a major trigger for depletion, dysfunction and eventually for sickness. It also can help to spice up the body’s personal self therapeutic mechanism, reduces stress on all levels and assists the practitioner in their subject of expertise. Patients are linked to the MORA machine by way of hand held electrodes.
When you fight these improper frequencies with poor diet, poor personal care, unwellness begins to set in. The Electro-biomarkers from this scan present us the degree of likelihood of the development of significant diseases corresponding to diabetes, heart conditions, and strokes. BES allows you to make effective wellness program along with your specific danger probability for better prevention.
For his important contribution to the sphere of medicine, Aydin was awarded as an advanced practitioner by The Federation of Drug & Alcohol Professions physique in 2021. Alptekin Aydin is likely considered one of the main medical doctors in this explicit field, who has not only contributed significantly but also helped quite a few individuals with drug and alcohol dependancy. Aydin is known for his distinctive therapy that combines transcranial magnetic stimulation, , Bioresonance therapy , and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy . This therapy addresses all aspects of the human situation bioresonance testing and provides drug-free various treatment options without any treatment unwanted side effects. Studies have shown that addiction is a long-lasting and sophisticated mind disease, and even for those folks who’ve successfully stop, there’s at all times a threat of the dependancy returning, and hence growing the probabilities of a relapse. This remedy goals at identifying the foundation of the issue, zone in on that dimension and ultimately specializing in preventing relapse.
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desertdragon · 2 years
has there ever been a time where they feared for their life?  why?
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This is difficult for me to answer because I don't think Vaste so much fears for her life, as she fears the consequences of her loss on those around her, as well as dying having lived honoring her spiritual beliefs- there's a big difference since one implies importance on the Self while the other suggests importance on Others/Culture
So it's hard for me to answer the question and feel as if...I answered the question lol
To make Vaste fear for her life you'd have to put her in an ultimatum, in a situation where the risk is complete oblivion from existence, and even then if she has a level of choice over it the fear is alleviated- but to have no choice in permanently ending her existence would be frightening
So for example, all the fuckery she does fighting in a soul form against Hydaelyn and Zodiark? Risky, death there would mean she's gone forever having not accomplished her goals- the same with one of my apocalyptic What Ifs where Lewena can't control her connection to the Primals and simply becomes a monstrosity that kills the universe, there's no coming back from that that Vaste can control either, it's the complete destruction of life with nothing her powers can do since Lewena would be far stronger than even her, Ms. Cheese going bad is something everyone wants to avoid
And for fun, any characters who are Reality Writers would also pose a massive threat given that they can just decide they prefer a reality without her in it, then boom, gone from existence
There's the Cosmic Horror aspect as well, any cosmic level entity that by default she can't defy would create a genuine dread
In essence, utter annihilation from existence especially before achieving satisfaction over her life is the one way she truly fears for herself, rather than an Other
@lettersnorth I have an addendum as I'm heading home from work:
I think a further example of Vaste fearing for her life under Cosmic Horror also applies in the sense of being taken over by such an entity, especially since she can't understand what it is or entirely what it wants because it Is unknowable- I know I listed that she can't be mind controlled in her powers/abilities on the carrd, but I think a Cosmic being surpasses that restriction just as much as a Reality Writer does, just because mind control I feel is one being forcing its Will on another, it's not a part of nature as it's a choice, a power dynamic created consciously or subconsciously, and Hydaelyn protects the WoL from that
A Cosmic being however Is nature personified, it Is a piece of the law which constructs the universe, it Is the primordial fabric all matter requires to exist- gravity, physics, entropy, creation etc. we can attempt to quantify these Principles with formulas, but I don't think we'll ever truly understand them nor fully comprehend all their potential, as they've existed since before the first living thing drew breath- they will outlive all life by the very same virtue of their existence
(As a side note this is why I don't fully follow the Heat Death of the Universe theory, I'm a fan of the Cyclical Universe Theory instead; I think it's extremely arrogant of humanity to presume it Knows something so vast and ancient and fundamental as the universe down to the date and method of death, and that it can only exist Once- especially when we more than likely will never be there to verify it actually Dies and doesn't just restart the Big Bang, even if we achieve cellular immortality on schedule or sooner)
Because a Cosmic being/aspect simply Exists then it has no Will to force, no agendas, it just Is- and you can't fight what just Is, in the same way you can't fight those cosmic principles I listed, or the fact that you need air to breathe, that you are subject to natural forces, that you are made of cells etc.
This is how The Slaughter from TMA would take her over into becoming an Avatar because the more you reach for a cosmic being like the Concept of violence and fearing violence, at a point you have allowed that cosmic force inside, you are under its microscope- and I think that would make her fear for what life she has as a living thing, until the pull of the Entity strips that away, too
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peepingtoad · 4 years
|| @dokuhebi​​ cont. {x}
The peculiar period of downtime that they’d found themselves enjoying ever since the destruction of the other hideout, short-lived as it would no doubt be, had borne witness to the reveal of some truths that could never have come to light while he was still Orochimaru’s captive. Now they were in another of the many laboratories that could technically be considered ‘part’ of Otogakure, except this one was far, far flung from the sight of prying shinobi—not even Danzō had any hand in the funding or knew the whereabouts of this place—and of course, the timing was such that the expiry date on the sacrificial vessel he and Tsunade had met during the Deadlock was drawing ever nearer.
While this said a lot about exactly how long he’d been cooped up, it had proven more interesting in Jiraiya’s eyes, by this point, to wonder anew how Orochimaru had managed to weasel their way around the permanent obliteration of the chakra network to their arms. Knowing their sensei’s last-ditch jutsu, this was a feat the sage had previously thought impossible until they’d managed to snap him up and seal him in the forest, like a frog tempted closer by the innocent flick of the adder’s tongue… but particularly since their impromptu flight across the land, and especially what with having his own chakra restored, it became ever more apparent that the situation wasn’t quite so clear cut.
Ever one to observe quietly and gather his thoughts (whenever he wasn’t being boisterous and charging thoughtlessly ahead; such is the duality of man, or this man at least), Jiraiya said nothing when he first noticed the increased use of wrappings around their hands, and the certain quiver that was uncharacteristic of the graceful yet confident gestures he knew. Of course, he also noticed how Kabuto seemed to be the only one in and out of labs while Orochimaru spent more time lounging around—and while yes, this was often to spend time with him, Jiraiya couldn’t simply chalk it up to being a wonderful distraction, even if it would tickle his ego. Not when they so often seemed agitated by an itch for activity that they clearly couldn’t scratch, and particularly not when with increasing frequency they avoided laying their hands upon him in that lovely, possessive way he adored.
However, he wouldn’t call them out on their secret-keeping until meditation, and the awakening of a sage’s ability to sense all around him, showed him exactly what was going on—that cells were beginning to die, that chakra capillaries were deteriorating like old and frayed cables unable to communicate signals, and that this process of death, while gradual, was only beginning with this particular point of weakness. It wasn’t just the Reaper Death Seal that was behind their condition; it was all tied in with the Body Possession, too.
By the time they placate him with the barest of explanations, he already knows that they hide the full extent of what’s to come, and the implications of what must happen next (and soon) to remedy that... are grim. It is where their ideals come to a definite nexus, the reason that they've had to consider each other as enemies for so long, until happenstance led to choices that would solder their fates together once more.
Most critically of all though, it presents Jiraiya with a question he’s avoided until now: can I support this?
Amid numerous growing concerns, witnessing their ailing health only becomes more of a struggle to watch. But the final straw comes when they retire to bathe one evening, and yet many minutes pass—five, ten, fifteen—without even a drip of water to be heard, no shower before the bath, nothing to suggest that any other personal grooming is underway.
He finds them perched on the stool used normally for cleansing before entering the bath, having evidently made attempts to turn on the tap, so he quickly completes the task, and within moments steam fogs up the room. It would seem propriety may have to take a back seat for simply getting them in and comfortable, this time—Jiraiya wasn’t fool enough to think they’d allow the indignity of him stripping and washing them beforehand, but he certainly has plans to do so once they’re relaxed.
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“Mm,” he replies simply at their assertion, a response he may as well not have given for how focused he is on unravelling the bandages with utmost care. He doesn’t need to see the damage itself to know that Orochimaru justifying themself is the very first sign that they aren’t satisfied in this situation, that they are perhaps embarrassed or even ashamed by the cost of their ability... but revealing the tender skin, mottled slightly mauve with the beginnings of that deterioration he’d sensed on a cellular level, certainly hits differently. Still, he keeps it hidden from his expression (as best as he can, at least), not wishing to rock the boat. Much more set on offering a little pampering care to soften the edge of being in such a state.
With their silken hair all gathered, tied up and away from their skin—albeit it not as elegantly by Jiraiya’s hand than it would have been by their own—he guides them into the deep bath, and spares no time in kneeling on the step that he may begin to gently wash them. It’s easy to lose himself in how stunningly beautiful they are while his hands roam over their body, sometimes with the cloth, and for those extra sensitive spots that require something even less abrasive than that, completely bare with only a film of lightly floral suds to make it glide over flawless skin.
Of course, few situations were quite so grim that the notoriously lusty sage could ignore desire when it was right before him, pliant and lovely in his hands, but reaching Orochimaru’s arms causes quite the abrupt pause in what had been shaping up to be an act both caring and skin-tinglingly sensual. Something that they clearly pick up on. Something that, dare he say it, gives them a reason to think he needs an extra reminder of that desire... or simply a distraction.
And it certainly works.
With his forearm supporting his weight on the curved edge of the ofuro, Jiraiya  melts into the kiss, his free hand sliding up their sternum to cradle their neck, curling around its slender shape with only the lightest pressure applied. The steam feels steamier the more he tastes what is undoubtedly his Orochimaru; he knows too well their small breaths and gestures for this to possibly connect, in his mind, with the concept of a mere corpse painted with their likeness. And yet it does niggle. Enough that there’s a slight pinch to his brow as they part—just that subtle little indication that in this moment, despite the agitated, trembling weight of his breaths that would indicate stirred up lust, or the fact he’d topple into the bath with them if he tried to lean much further, his feelings towards them have become just a touch overwhelming. 
Love, worry, protectiveness, sadness... it all mingles together in soft, storm-cloud grey, and the very last on the list of reasons for that look is ‘trying to make sense of them’. In fact, it isn’t even on the list at all.
“Mm,” he mumbles again—although this time, at least, he intends to say more. Right after his fingers stop idly fiddling with ink-black forelocks that have fallen from the poorly arranged up-do, settling finally on brushing it gently away from their face, before caressing the elegant line of their jaw. His chin rests atop his forearm, the distance allowing him a better look at them, which in turn prompts a smile that, while gentle, could mean an array of things. Not that he’s going to leave them hanging, as he continues calmly: “Quite the contrary. It makes all too much sense to me.” 
Surely he need not say out loud how well he understood their aversion to death, their obsession with sweeping over any tracks by which it could pursue them as it had whilst growing up, nor that he knew the fact that actually possessing the power, wit and audacity to potentially overcome death was what had spurred them to just do it. Surely he need not say out loud that he knew their ambition and independent streak would have seen them leave Konoha’s tenuously safe walls for some other reason, if not this one.
After all, all three of them had left, albeit for different reasons—and Jiraiya’s own reasoning lay in an ambition of his own, or just a burden of destiny, he couldn’t always tell which. It was different to theirs, but he understood the drive to chase it. Admittedly, his is one that he still feels would have them struggling to make sense of him. Maybe, after everything, he was the one still showing a lack of trust in them. In anyone but himself, really.
Sighing, he braces his hand on the side of the tub, then rises to his full height with a few pops and cracks of his knees here and there. He’s only wearing a light yukata now, having showered not long prior, so it takes little for him to shed himself bare before decisively joining them in the tub, where the addition of his significant mass causes the water to swell, brim and spill over the edge. It evens out as he settles himself on the step situated on the side just beside Orochimaru, his arms made weightless by the water immediately curling around them to hold them in a loose embrace.
“I sensed when we fought that day, that something was different about your body, and I won’t pretend it didn’t disturb me.” His head tilts thoughtfully after saying this, clearly searching for the best words to spin substance to his thoughts. “But your essence, your soul, whatever you may think of it… it’s still the same to me. No matter how much I disagree with what you do, or worry that your actions are only gonna create new chains of vengeance and hatred that’ll come back to bite you, or even how much I worry about you, just you in general—your happiness an’ all that… Well, it still is you. It always will be you. And just like agreeing doesn’t necessarily mean understanding, not agreeing doesn’t mean not understanding. I won’t say this doesn’t worry me, of course, but...”
His eyes flick in the direction of their arms when he emphasises the word ‘this’, about the same time as a gentle nudge of the arm that forms a ledge beneath theirs illustrates it, before meeting their golden gaze again. The fact that someone will have to die to sustain their life... it’s rotten to think about it, but the fact of the matter is, Jiraiya would always choose them over someone else. And if that ‘someone else’ is a shinobi, well... there’s not much to vouch for in terms of their ‘innocence’. They were all killers here. That didn’t make killing someone to further a selfish pursuit for immortality okay, but there isn’t much he can do besides accept the fact that loving them, not from afar but being with them, means accepting that he’ll be inhabiting some exceptionally grey territory... or leaving.
Which, clearly, is quite the opposite of what he’s currently doing.
“It’s funny,” he adds with a slightly bolder curl of his lips, his hand returning once again to their face to simply hold their cheek while his thumb gently caresses the high, refined bone that lends well to that sharp glare of theirs, even with such smooth features, “you’ve tried to tell me that the way I see you, what I continue to see in you is wrong... but you’d be sad, wouldn’t you? You’d be sad if the way I looked at you changed and became like everyone else. Otherwise there’d be no need for you to hope it doesn’t. Watch me look at you, and see—”
Oh, and the way he looks at them is indulgent. Traces of concern and sadness still remain, but as always seems to be the case with Jiraiya, such feelings find themselves lost in a bright and lovely nebula of far better things—love, care, warmth... and, as always, little glimmers of teasing and jest..
“It hasn’t changed, has it? Well... except maybe the bedroom eyes. I suspect they weren’t always quite so obvious~”
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thehasanwritesup · 4 years
Top 10 Emerging Technology
Today we are going to talk about the top 10 futuristic technology which is going to change the world in a complete way. 
Technology is ever-evolving, regardless of the the current market scenario technology is never limited in any condition. Technology is evolving with ground-breaking innovations to deal with our current issues. I am not at all surprised about people who are making predictions about the future of technology in the coming year. Yes, technology is making our life quite easier, here we will talk about the top 10 emerging technology that is going to be very much impactful for us in coming years. 
• Artificial intelligence
It can be termed as the most transformative evolution in the field of technology. It will in near future be very helpful in the many fields like Healthcare, Entertainment, Cybersecurity, Vital Tasks, Translation & linguistics expertise area, Sports Training, Payments, Business Management & handling, Political Analysis, sports Strategizing, Purchases through Photographs and many more sectors to be named here.
 o 5G technology is basically a fifth-generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks, Deployment of this technology is already rolled in by many telecom operators worldwide since 2019. 5G wireless technology is meant to deliver higher multi-GBPS peak data speeds, ultra-low latency, more reliability, massive network capacity, increased availability, and a more uniform user experience to more users. Higher performance and improved efficiency empower new user experiences and it connects new industries as well. Now talking about the future impact of this technology trust me it is going to be very promising as 5G is now the driving force behind technologies like Internet of things {IOT}, Artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The list of industries that will benefit from this technology is endless as the capabilities it offers will surpass anything currently in the place.5G have the advanced network infrastructure can help us more fully realize the benefits of cutting-edge technologies and create meaningful impressions for the end users. The areas which will be using these technologies are Healthcare, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Retail, Finance, Energy and Utilities. While these are just a few of the Industries that are going to be benefited from 5G in the near future, this innovation clearly is revolutionary for the world at large. 
 Autonomous Vehicles
 o We can say the transportation has changed the way we have changed our life. So does the Autonomous Transportation is going to do this to world this time. We have seen tremendous evolution in this sector from horses and carts to cars and now automations of the mean. Autonomous Vehicle has been driven by Both technical innovation ad Socioeconomics factors. Till now this technology has achieved impressive milestones. It is in use since 2018 in many countries where they have similar infrastructure. But on the other hand, this technology is full of obstacles and unforeseen challenges. The good thing about this technology is that it has reduced the death rates by 90 % according to a report by McKinsey & Company. And moreover, in the years to come, the vehicles would have the potential to give a performance information and provide information to automakers and drivers about security, performance of the vehicle, Road Condition
It is a technology which allows digital information to be distributed but not copied. It is a kind of digital currency as example Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and the like. Let me explain you how this technology works Once a block is filled with data, it is chained to the previous block, thus making the data chained together in chronological order. Every block will have a unique hash on its own and store the hash of the previous block it was chained to. As soon as a new block is added to a blockchain, the entire blockchain record is updated in all the nodes that are part of the blockchain network, thereby creating a lot of replications of the blockchain so that even if one computer is corrupted or compromised, the entire blockchain data is available in all other nodes. In future the blockchains and cryptocurrency would be a major part of the mainstream financial system and may have to satisfy widely divergent criteria. Some economics analysts predict big changes in crypto when institutional money will enter the crypto market. However, there is a very fine possibility that crypto will be floated on the NASDAQ, which would further add credibility to blockchain and its uses as an alternative to conventional currencies.s •
Human Augmentations 
 o Human augmentations are a technique that is basically aiming towards enhancement of human ability using either medicine or technology, basically focusing on physical and cognitive improvement as an integral part of human body.  Let us make You understand this by an example – Limb Prosthetics, it is created using active control system that will outrun the highest possible performance by natural human parts. Let us dip into past of Human augmentation it is more towards Technological studies rather than to be medicinal research. This technology has helped people with disabilities, along with healing the sick. It is also a technology which promises to end the physical disability and prevent human from different kid if injuries. As per studies in near future this technology can be used as an idea of improving the non-disabled with the help of bionics and prosthetic augmentation. Few more things which this technology can do is bionic human joints, embedded scanning, chemical balancing system to enhance physical activities, permanent and customisable contact lenses, augmented skulls, feet, artificial windpipes for human throats and there are a thousand thing to keep counting and going on. It does not limit it to this thing only, augmentation can offer things beyond our current imagination we are still sceptical about making this technology mainstream.
 Internet of things
Let us understand IOT, Objects or things which are connected with software, sensors, and any technologies for the purpose of exchange of data or connecting with other devices and systems over the internet is referred to as IOT – internet of things .The power of IOT is that it can automate our homes and workplaces and in future it ay be used to design the entire city or state to deal with the traffic congestion parking issues or for making the city greener or environment rich. It will help to build better environments which in nature is intelligent, efficient, and sustainable. IOT has capability of building a smart economy and governance of a particular place or wherever it is applied. It will also enable us to enhance safety, cutting energy usage and cost and reducing environmental impact. Future looks quite promising with the increasing development of IOT.
 Quantum Computing
 o A technology which is very much remarkable trend in the current market scenario, It is a form of computing technology that works on the advantage of quantum phenomena like quantum entanglement and superposition. These computers are now many times faster than regular computers. There are many organisations which are involved in making innovations, to name those company few are as GOOGLE, AMAZON, MICROSOFT, HONEYWELL, SPLUNK. Uses of this technology is vast and cannot be limited to any single field. There are so many fields that is finding this technology useful are Banking and finances to manage credit card risk, analysis of online transactions, high frequency trading and fraud analysis. The future of this technology is quite highly aspiring as it can impact many sectors namely Healthcare, energy, finance, security, and entertainment. It is going to be an industry worth multibillion dollar by the end of 2030. 
 o This technology is mix of few future technologies this is basically the merging of the machine learning capabilities of artificial intelligence with cloud-based computing environment enabling intuitive and connected experiences possible. Let us understand what cloud is first, cloud is a popular storage option used by both consumers and enterprise-level users. With cloud computing, AI is more plausible and With Cloud computing, AI is more plausible and accessible. It is primarily as most of the hardware that people use are incapable of handling AI applications. Yes, we are saying that smartphones and laptops are not competent to manage AI applications on their own Cloud provides better accuracy and speed for many GPU applications like machine vision. Hybrid cloud enables simple tasks to be parsed on device and run locally without the need of an internet connection
This technology is the use pf advanced analytics techniques against very large, diverse data sets that includes structured, semi structured, and unstructured data from different sources and in different sizes from terabytes to zettabytes. Big data are types of data whose size or type of the data that is beyond the ability of traditional relational databases to capture, manage and process the data with low latency, the future of this technology is something like this, it will enable a sharper focus on Data Governance, Decision making will be speed up by this technology through augmented analytics. It will play an important role in research it will be the supplement of researchers. Customer Experiences will be a far better smooth end.  A lot of cloud participation will be increased either it is a public cloud space or private cloud space. This technology will be more accessible using cloud technologies •
This technology is the practice to safeguard our online existence, servers, mobile devices, electronics system, networks, and data from malicious attacks on the digital space. There are many other terms for the same technology i.e.- Information technology security, electronic information security. This technology basically keeps devices free from threat and attacks. There are 5 basics of cybersecurity Change, Compliance, Cost, Continuity, and Coverage. Sooner or later Humans will be replaced from this field and Artificial intelligence will take charge of cybersecurity. The important services of tomorrow demand crucial decisions today. Business change is exponential in that the strategies and changes made today will create the framework from which higher agility and innovation can be obtained. It is this agility that will produce the next and more significant round of transformation to build the business of the future.
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lastbluetardis · 5 years
Home for the Holidays (1/2)
This is part one of my gift to @timeladyelpia for the @dwsecretsanta gift exchange! Apologies for the delay; I hope you enjoy this! Your info said you enjoy reunions and established relationships, so that’s what this is :)
Ten x Rose, 4400 words, teen
Also tagging @doctorroseprompts 
Summary: Despite being locked away in different universes, the Doctor and Rose have managed to stay connected through their marriage bond, celebrating holidays and special events even through the impenetrable distance. After celebrating three Christmases apart, fate brings them together once more just in time for the holidays.
Note: If anybody remembers this little ficlet (If Only in My Dreams) I wrote for last year’s Ficmas, I borrowed from that idea and wrote the reunion. However, you do NOT need to have read that in order to understand this.
The holidays were one of the hardest times for the Doctor. Though he didn’t naturally celebrate—at least not any Earth or human holiday—Rose had. Oh, he would join in the festivities with his past companions, wishing them Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Festivus, or whatever holiday they in particular celebrated, but he was always on the outside looking in.
But all of that had changed when he’d met Rose, when he regenerated into his current body and left her and the Earth to fend for themselves during a Sycorax invasion while he was—helpfully—in a regenerative coma. All on Christmas Day.
When it all had blown over—blown up, more like it, thanks to Harriet Jones, former Prime Minister—he had strangely been invited to Christmas dinner at the Tylers’. Even more strangely, he’d said yes. After he changed, of course. He couldn’t very well have Christmas dinner in his borrowed jimjams. No, he’d gone back to his TARDIS and found himself a new outfit before heading back up to Rose and her mother.
Even now, remembering the look of appreciation in Rose’s eyes when she beheld him in his new suit sent butterflies through his stomach.
He had stayed for dinner and the snow-that-wasn’t-snow and for dessert. And even once that was finished, once the food was cleared away and the dishes piled high in the sink for the following morning, he hadn’t wanted to leave quite yet. So he had accepted Rose’s invitation to sleep on the sofa for the night. Not that Time Lords needed much sleep. (However, newly-regenerated Time Lord could certainly use a nap.)
He had spent the next couple weeks with the Tylers, which was virtually unheard of for him. But the TARDIS had been in no shape to fly, thanks to whatever jiggery-pokery Rose had done to the old girl to look into her heart to become the Bad Wolf. And thanks to his less-than-stellar driving while his brain was imploding and collapsing during some regeneration complications. 
No matter, he had been able to get his beloved ship flying again a week or so after the New Year. In the interim, between TARDIS repairs, he had reconnected with Rose. Answering all of her questions regarding regeneration. Filling in the gaps of her memory during her time as Bad Wolf. Recounting all of their adventures together to prove to her, without a doubt, that he was still the Doctor. Still her Doctor, though he’d never exactly stated it as such.
(Little did he know then that Rose had already considered him her Doctor. She later confessed to him that his earnest attempts to convince her of his identity had been endearing.)
On the evening before he and Rose were to depart for the stars once more, Rose had stayed up late with him in Jackie’s living room and had presented him with a small package. She had seemed slightly embarrassed or self-conscious as he ripped into the brown-paper-wrapped parcel; she had begun rambling about traditions and new beginnings and something about “together”, which he very much liked to think about. He liked the idea of him and Rose together forever.
Upon indelicately ripping off the wrapping paper, he saw a simple white box. When he removed the lid, a Christmas ornament lay nestled in a soft bed of shredded cotton. His hearts had constricted in his chest as he pulled out the ornament, two penguins clad in hats and scarves leaning in to touch the tips of their beaks together. Beneath, in an elegant script, were the words “The Doctor + Rose’s First Christmas” and the year.
“I know it’s silly,” Rose said, still looking anywhere but him. “Christmas is over now, and it’s not like we even had a tree in the TARDIS to put it on, but I saw it and couldn’t resist. Obviously, I wrote in our names. Not many ornaments have ‘the Doctor’ written on ‘em.”
He pulled her into his arms, silencing her words. “It’s perfect,” he said through the lump in his throat. “Tell you what. We can put it up on the tree next Christmas. And get another ornament to go with it. Eh? Can be a tradition.”
Rose wrinkled her nose. “You put up a Christmas tree in that box of yours?”
“Not usually,” he admitted. “But you celebrate Christmas. I want the TARDIS to feel like home for you, and if celebrating all of your little human holidays makes it feel like home, then I want to celebrate with you, however you’d like. If you’d like.”
Her expression softened and she smiled shyly at him. “The TARDIS is already my home, Doctor.”
The admission both floored and delighted him. A big, beaming grin split his face in two, and the echoing expression lit up her face too.
He very nearly kissed her then, and he spent the rest of the night, after Rose had gone to bed, cursing himself for not seizing the opportunity.
No matter. They got there eventually, after a few hiccups in the road.
By the time their second Christmas rolled around, they were an actual proper couple, and they went shopping together not only for their first Christmas tree, but also for the companion to the penguin ornament. They’d decided on two polar bears decorating a Christmas tree together, snouts pressed together in a supposed kiss.
They had bought other decorations as well, but they displayed their couples’ ornaments proudly on the front of the tree, making sure no branches, lights, or baubles obscured them from view.
“I wonder how long it’ll take before we have enough couples’ ornaments to decorate the tree just with them,” Rose mused as they de-decked their tree after the holidays. “Ages and ages, I’ll bet.”
“Well, it’s a good thing we’ve got ages and ages,” he replied, a goofy grin on his face. “Forever, in fact.”
And they did. They had forever together. Whatever Rose had done as Bad Wolf had changed her at the cellular level. Her body wasn’t breaking down at all; it had enough regenerative energy—courtesy of the TARDIS—to replenish any aged and dying cells before they turned hazardous. For all intents and purposes, she would live just as long as the Doctor. Longer, perhaps.
Upon realizing what that meant for them, for their future together, they decided to bind themselves together in every way possible. One soul in two bodies. At least, that was how Rose had liked to think of it when he had explained the telepathic marriage bond. An open channel between them, their minds, allowing them to see the most intimate parts of the other.
There had been no one the Doctor had wanted to share that sort of connection with, apart from Rose. There had never been anyone like her before—nobody he loved as deeply, fiercely, wholly, eternally—and there would never be anyone like her again.
Not even now that she was gone.
It had been over three years since Torchwood. Since Canary Wharf. Since the Daleks and Cybermen and parallel worlds and Void breaches that ended with the multiverse being saved, but with Rose being trapped permanently in another world.
In those first few moments, as he watched the Void breach fold in on itself like a crumpled piece of paper, the Doctor had held his breath and tensed for the inevitable slash of pain in his mind as his bond with Rose broke. But when a minute passed, then two, then ten and his bond with Rose was still there, he relaxed a fraction.
The anguish and desperation clanging from her half of the bond was what kept him sane, funnily enough. Regardless of their mutual devastation, the fact that he could still feel her in his mind meant he hadn’t truly lost her. She wasn’t truly gone. He wasn’t truly alone.
It had taken months for them to adapt and adjust to their new reality. Time moved around them differently; Pete’s World, as he’d dubbed it, moved slightly faster than their prime universe. And time didn’t really exist in the TARDIS. However, they tried to sync their internal body clocks with each other, to sleep and eat and relax at the same time to make up for the fact that they weren’t physically with each other.
Despite having his wife in his head at all times, he still missed her. He missed her more with every passing day. Nevertheless, they had coped as best they could.
However, the holidays still hurt. It hurt to try to celebrate with Rose when she was—literally—worlds away. Universes away. It hurt to go out and get a Christmas tree. It hurt to decorate it. But above all, it hurt to pick out and purchase their couples’ ornament alone. He’d had to pick out the last three on his own, and if his calculations were correct—which they were, because he was quite brilliant—he would be needing to go out and buy a new one soon. Their sixth overall, the fourth he would buy alone.
Despite Rose’s confidence in the Dimension Cannon—a clever bit of technology that the Torchwood researchers and engineers in Pete’s World had been developing for well over a year now—it seemed as though the Cannon hadn’t worked enough to bring her back to this world in time for Christmas.
But he didn’t care when she came home. He just cared that she did come home. One day.
He had been skeptical of the Cannon when Rose first informed him of its creation, but now that it began showing signs of life—acting as a crude teleport—he was cautiously optimistic that one day it would work. Once he or any of the Torchwood scientists managed to figure out how to poke a hole through the Void, through the fabric of reality, large enough for Rose to squeeze through, but small enough that the entire microcosm of the multiverse didn’t implode in the process. It was a delicate balancing act.
However, now that Rose was busy testing the Dimension Cannon, letting it blast her to whatever corner of her universe it fancied, their bond was a little more strained and out of sync. It had nearly given him a hearts-attack when she went utterly silent one day, only to reappear in his mind hours later as though nothing had happened.
She had since taken to warning him about when she was planning a Cannon jump so he wouldn’t be alarmed if she disappeared from his head for a few hours. Though he appreciated it, it didn’t stop his anxiety from squeezing a tight band around his chest. Every time her half of the bond went quiet, he feared he would never hear from her again.
Inevitably, though, she always returned. She would always return.
He had taken to running errands on the days she did her Cannon jumps. Not only did it distract him from the silence in his head, but it gave him a break from trying to keep his body clock synced with Rose’s. He didn’t need to concern himself about when or where he went, or for how long.
On one particular day in the beginning of December—for Rose, at least… Pete’s World had gotten completely out of sync with their universe by now—the Doctor had decided to visit Ghealach, a small moon on the other end of the galaxy that was basically a junk shop masquerading as a bazaar. The unique feature of Ghealach, however, was that it was utterly psy-null. Telepathy was strictly forbidden as a security measure; the shop owners didn’t want a telepathic being creeping into their heads to swindle them out of money and supplies.
As such, if the Doctor were to go to Ghealach, it meant his bond with Rose would be silenced.
I’ll be there for just a few hours, he told her that morning. I should be done by the time you’re back, but in the event that I’m not, I don’t want you to worry.
Thanks for telling me. Stay safe, Doctor.
He snorted. I’m not the one blasting myself to the gods know where.
He got the impression she was sticking her tongue out at him, and so he rolled his eyes right back.
Be safe, he murmured, passing a kiss and a caress down their bond.
He piloted himself to Ghealach but stayed in the TARDIS until Rose’s presence faded from his mind, indicating she’d gone on her jump.
Wearily, the Doctor rubbed at his eyes and at the dull throb that pulsed behind his temples. Ignoring the ache, he grabbed his overcoat, swung it around his shoulders, and exited the TARDIS.
Ghealach was bustling with activity. All sorts of creatures were buying and selling, bartering and trading. While he usually loved the atmosphere—all of those people, all that life—he couldn’t stomach it today.
So he moved with a purpose, knowing where he could find the parts that he needed to fix the TARDIS. Well, not exactly fix, as nothing was technically broken. But the mechanisms behind the fine-tune precision needed for landing at the coordinates he set must be going a bit faulty. He was landing in an incorrect time or location more often than usual.
If Rose were there, she would’ve teased him about his poor piloting skills.
Pushing that thought aside, the Doctor strode from tent to tent, turning out his pockets to exchange whatever baubles and trinkets and bits of alien tech he happened to have.
It took nearly two hours, but he finally had all of the pieces he had sought out to find, plus a few extra bits he didn’t need but might one day have use for.
It took another half hour or wandering to find the TARDIS again. He hadn’t realized how far he had wandered into the labyrinthine stalls of the market. But he finally beheld his glorious ship. It was odd not to hear her welcoming hum as he approached. Even his bond with his ship was muted on this moon.
He slid his key into the lock and turned it, pushing the door inward. Her central rotor gleamed in welcome and the lights flickered between bright and dull. As soon as he closed the door behind him, leaving the psy-null territory, he felt his ship’s utter joy and delight.
“I missed you too,” he cooed to his ship, affectionately rubbing one of the coral struts as he draped his coat across it.
It was only when he’d skipped up to the center console that he realized his ship wasn’t the sole presence in his mind.
Oh! You’re back earlier than I thought, he said, cringing. Sorry, love. Didn’t think I'd be on that moon for so long.
Her voice was faint and breathless, and the Doctor clenched his jaw; it sounded as though she was right beside him. He was getting bombarded with a mixture of emotions, strong ones at that. Stronger than he usually felt from their strained bond.
What’s the matter? Everything all right? Jump go okay?
“It’s you… It’s really, actually you.”
He frowned at the display controls of his ship as he worked on sending her into flight. Rose was coming across clearly. He could read every thread of thought and emotion: disbelief, confusion, love, hurt, happiness, desperation. All of it. Everything that was going on inside that beautiful head of hers was broadcast for him to see.
But if he could sense her so easily, then that meant…
Where are you? he asked, frantically tugging the display screen so close to his face that his nose nearly brushed it. He typed at the keyboard fervently, even though he had no coordinates to input. I’ll find you, Rose. I will find you. Gods, you’re here. Where are you? I’ll find you.
A choked sob sounded from his wife, and he reached into himself, into their bond, to cradle her close. A maelstrom hit him, and he couldn’t seem to soothe her, no matter how much comfort and love he swaddled her in.
I know, love. I know. We’re so close. All these years and you’ve finally done it. You’re brilliant, you are. We’re so close now. Just tell me where you are and I’ll come get you and bring you home. But I need to know where you are.
“Turn around.”
Turn around? What? Where are you, Rose? I need as much information as you can give me so I can find you.
“Turn. Around.”
His mind was still churning even as something—someone—touched his shoulder. Fingers gripped his shoulder hard and tugged. Spinning on his heel, his jaw slackened as he beheld the blonde standing before him. Rose. His wife. His bondmate. His everything.
“Rose?” he croaked, clenching his hands into fists at his side.
She looked nearly the same as the day he’d lost her. The planes of her face had sharpened, the roundness of youth having faded over the years, and her hair was a gentler shade of blonde, seemingly professionally dyed rather than a cheap bit of bleaching product she found in the shops.
His eyes roved across her face hungrily, urgently willing her to be real, as his mind sought her out. He hadn’t realized how muffled their bond had become, separated as they were through universes, but now it was in perfect focus, at full power. It was as though a radio station that had been staticky was now tuned.
And all of the emotions swirling through both of their minds was being broadcast on all frequencies. Shock and disbelief and tentative, delicate hope.
“Oh, Doctor!”
Rose launched herself at him, pulling him from his stupor. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, holding her as close as he could. Her warm, small body contoured to his, pressing against every inch of him until there was no space left between them.
Her hands scrabbled at his back, searching for better purchase to cling to him. He buried his nose into the soft spot where her shoulder met her neck and breathed in deeply, inhaling the smell of her. She smelled like energy and electricity, but beneath that was the familiar scent of Rose. Of home.
“What… How…?”
“It worked,” she said, her voice warbling. “The Cannon… it worked. With a bit of help. Needed a bit of alien tech to help brace the Void open, then close it up behind me. Some friendly aliens helped out with that. Though they said the fabric of that reality was already fragile. Not sure what that was about. Torchwood promised to look into it, and I said we’d look into it from this side of things.”
“Fragile?” he asked, pulling away from her. “How can the fabric of reality become ‘fragile’?”
Rose looked like she was about to open her mouth, perhaps to offer her input, but the Doctor realized he didn’t particularly want to talk about the fabric of reality or the universe or anything that wasn’t Rose.
He shook his head and cradled Rose’s jaw in her palm, brushing his thumb against her lower lip. She sighed, her warm breath ghosting across his hand.
“I’ve missed you,” he rasped, raking his eyes over her face to recommit every detail to memory. She was even more beautiful, more breathtaking, than he remembered. “So much, Rose. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t miss you. And I know we were never truly apart, but…”
Rose rocked up onto her toes, fisted her hands in the lapels of his suit, and tugged him down until their mouths met in a hard kiss. All thoughts left his mind as he lost himself in her. The taste of her, the touch of her, the smell of her, the sound of her, the sight of her. His senses were utterly overwhelmed by her, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Pleasure sparked through his veins as their lips moved together in a familiar rhythm of pulling and yielding, sliding and gliding.
A full-body shudder rippled down his spine as his mouth parted for her probing tongue. The little whimper she let out weakened his knees and he stumbled back a step until his backside pressed against the central console of the TARDIS.
Rose followed, not breaking the kiss. The Doctor braced himself against the console, more than willing to let Rose cage him in, resting her weight against his. Their bodies moved together, rocking and writhing as their hands explored every inch of each other that they’d been deprived of for three and a half years.
“I missed you,” he murmured between frantic kisses. “I love you.”
I love you, he whispered into her mind. His half of the bond wrapped around her half even tighter than his body wrapped around hers, needing to feel her everywhere, needing to hold her close to convince himself that this was real, that she was real, and that she was here with him.
“I’m here,” she mumbled against his mouth. I’m here. I’m back. I came back. I love you. I love you.
Her hands moved restlessly across his body, alternating between pressing into the small of his back and his hair. Desire rippled through him as their hips and legs tangled together, rubbing and grinding and relishing all of the sensations they’d been deprived of for these many long years.
Sure, they’d had the mental presence of each other during their separation, but no number of mental embraces could replace a real hug, of being ensconced in another’s arms, two bodies inhabiting one space.
A deep groan rumbled up the Doctor’s chest as he devoured Rose’s mouth. The bedroom was too far away for the utter need throbbing through them both. Hastily removing all necessary pieces of clothing, they joined together on the raggedy old jump seat. Their bodies moved as one, touching and kissing and teasing and tasting until their coupling culminated in the pinnacle of pleasure and love.
Afterwards, they sat slumped together, panting for breath and clinging to each other. The Doctor skated his fingertips up and down the smooth expanse of Rose’s spine. She still had her shirt on, and the fabric bunched and fell with every up and down motion of his hand.
“I love you,” he said groggily, pressing a series of kisses to the column of her throat. His mind was blissfully blank and full of Rose. She was everywhere, filling the deep, dark expanse of his mind with her light and warmth.
“You feel so good,” she sighed, nuzzling closer physically and mentally. “I hadn’t realized how faint our bond had become. But now… God.”
“Mmm,” he hummed in agreement. Then he asked the question that had slowly been eating away at him. “How long were you waiting in here? How did you even find the ship? That moon… you wouldn’t have been able to feel her—or me.”
“Maybe a half hour,” Rose said. “Felt like an eternity. But then I reminded myself that I was lucky enough to have found the TARDIS at all. I would’ve been devastated to know I’d landed here but just missed you.”
He would’ve been devastated too. Even more horrifying was the idea that Rose wouldn’t even have been able to reach out for him to tell him where she was, what with that telepathic dampener suppressing their bond.
“But I was just wandering around when I found the TARDIS,” Rose continued. “I nearly walked right by her at first, ‘cos I didn’t think the jump had actually worked. I figured I was on an alien planet in that other universe. But then I walked past her and the door just… clicked open. That’s when I turned and saw her, and I ran right in.
“But then I wasn’t sure which version of you it would be. Everything about the TARDIS looked the same, so I figured I wasn’t too far off. Then I was beginning to think about how I would explain everything if it was a past you. Especially if it was a past you who hadn’t met me yet; how on Earth would I explain to you who I was and why you needed to help me.”
“The marriage bond would’ve been proof enough,” he assured her, tapping at his temple for emphasis. “The bond transcends time, through regenerations, past and present. No matter which version of me walked through those doors, I would have known who you are.”
“Thank God it was you,” she said. “Though for a minute there I thought I went mad and was invisible.”
He offered her a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I didn’t think to look around the TARDIS. I didn’t expect anyone to be in here.”
She smirked at him, then nestled her head into the crook of his neck, letting out a sated sigh Despite the sound of utter contentment, she murmured, “We should get up.”
“Or we could stay here like this forever,” he countered.
“As wonderful as that sounds, my legs are going half numb,” she retorted. “And I feel disgusting. I could use a shower, if you’d care to join me?”
His belly swooped in renewed desire as he nodded fervently. Rose grinned at him, her tongue poking teasingly out of the corner of her mouth. He pinched her bum for her cheek, causing her to shriek with laughter and swat at his hand.
A daft grin settled across his face at the sound. Oh, how he’d missed her.
He couldn’t help but lean up to plant a row of tiny kisses across her jaw, beginning at the sensitive skin beneath her ear and working his way to the corner of her mouth. He felt her cheek lift in a smile as her hand went to the back of his head to keep him where he was. As if he would ever wish to stop kissing her.
“Shower?” he mumbled against her skin, slowly making a path down her neck.
“Mhm,” she hummed distractedly.
He laughed softly and pressed a final kiss to the hollow of her throat. “Come on. Let’s get cleaned up.”
Rose heaved a great sigh but dutifully lifted herself off of his lap to stand on wobbly legs. He followed suit, and they each fixed their jumble of half-off clothing before they moved, hand in hand, down the corridor of their home.
Part Two (the Christmas fluff) coming soon!
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luxlightly · 6 years
Thoughts on Eddie Brock:
Something that interests me about Eddie Brock, in terms of being a host for a symbiote (many symbiotes, at one point or another, actually, though I’m just focusing on the Venom one here), is the fact that he seems to just...intrinsically understand, accept, and even desire, the kind of relationship symbiotes do. 
(long analysis under the cut)
Almost every other host the Venom Symbiote (or any of the symbiotes) has had tends to see it either as a suit, a monster, a tool, or a friend and partner. Eddie doesn’t. It’s always been just his “other”. The other half of himself. From almost the very first second they met, too. The idea of bonding to this alien creature permanently, down to a cellular level in his words “made sense”. Despite the many difficulties and conflicts their relationship has had, Eddie still just seems to find the idea and intricacies of symbiosis so much more natural than any other character I’ve seen.
His understanding of the Venom Symbiote also seems uniquely accurate and again, effortless. It’s been pointed out more than once that Eddie does not actually put a lot of active thought into defining what his other is, yet he still seems to have a better grasp of how it works and thinks than any other host, even from almost the moment they bonded. Though he clearly loves the Symbiote and calls it affectionate names, he still also calls it…”it”. He also never refers to it by an actual unique name. He exclusively refers to it somehow in reference to their bond. “My Other”, “My Symbiote”. Even Flash, who had arguably the healthiest relationship with the Venom Symbiote and the closest one save for Eddie’s, still projects human characteristics onto it. He calls it “Venom” and uses “he” pronouns. He considers it a partner. A separate entity he works with, not a part of himself. Eddie doesn’t. And, like I said, I don’t think Eddie has ever consciously considered any of this.It’s just what makes sense to him. The Symbiote has said itself that Eddie understands it best and, from what we’ve heard it describe about its own existence, Eddie’s feelings about how it works and feels are pretty on the nose.
Also, no one else seems to deteriorate the way Eddie does when separated from his symbiote. Even others who had bonded deeply with it and spent a lot of time with it don’t seem to suffer the way Eddie does when separated. They might feel loss, or worry as Flash does, but not that all consuming sense of loneliness and emptiness that Eddie succumbs to almost instantly. No one else seems to long for reunion with it in the same way he does. To the point where it consumes his thoughts almost constantly. He seems to suffer as much as his other does when separated from it.
In a way, I think Eddie understands the symbiote the best because...he himself is the most similar to it. Eddie has a deep fear of loneliness and a seemingly fundamental feeling of incompleteness. He was able to so quickly and naturally accept another being becoming half of him because he himself had never really felt whole alone. I hope this is something they continue to explore in the comics.
(Similar things might be able to be said about Cletus and the Carnage Symbiote but I will admit I don’t know nearly as much about them as I do Venom. Carnage’s bond seems to be born more out of a desire for power and mayhem than a desire for completeness.)
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prathameshentclinic · 3 years
LOSS OF SMELL (ANOSMIA ) IN COVID 19By : Dr. Amrapali Pawar
LOSS OF SMELL (ANOSMIA ) IN COVID 19By : Dr. Amrapali Pawar
Otolaryngeal manifestations are the common symptoms of COVID 19. Patients present with dry cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing, running nose, nasal congestion and even dizziness. Usually , all Upper respiratory tract symptoms appear in the initial stages. In fact, they could be present even before the molecular confirmation of SARS- CoV2. Apart from these, one common symptom which was quite uncommon in the pre-COVID 19 era but has become very common in COVID affected patients is Anosmia / Hyposmia (loss of sense of smell) often accompanied by loss of taste.  Isolated sudden Anosmia is commonly observed in younger patients suffering from COVID 19. Countries severly affected by SARS-CoV-2 like Italy, UK,South Korea have presented data that a significant number of patients with COVID 19 were affected by anosmia ( loss of smell). In fact, South Korea reported that 30% of its affected patients had anosmia. Also there are many reports / publications which say that COVID 19 may present with isolated anosmia without any other symptoms. These patients could be hidden carriers and a source of rapid spread of COVID 19. Why does Anosmia (loss of smell) occur in COVID 19?            SARS-CoV 2 (the corona virus which causes COVID 19) enters the cells of the nasal epithelium by using the ACE2 (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2) receptor via binding with the spike protein. The TMPRSS2 ( Transmembrane Protease Serine 2), an enzyme encoded by the TMPRSS2 gene helps to prime this spike protein.            ACE2 is a protein on the surface of many types of cells including the nose, throat and bronchial airways. It is thus basically a entry point or a cellular doorway for the corona virus which causes COVID 19. Similiarly the TMPRSS2 enzyme is also present on the surface of these cells.              The expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 is very high in the Olfactory Surface Epithelium (OSE) of the nose and therefore it allows a wide viral entry. Subsequently, this can lead to peripheral nerve injury causing Anosmia (loss of sense of smell). This mechanism itself suggests that in such patients who suffer from Anosmia on being infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus, the viral load may be very high and even though there are no other symptoms, these patients may turn out to be superspreaders of infection .              It is to be noted that studies wherein virological assessment of such patients(patients with mild symptoms and anosmia and taste disturbances) has been performed, confirm high levels of viral shedding. Hence self isolation of such patients is highly recommended.               The pattern of expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2, the sudden onset of anosmia(loss of smell) and the relatively fast recovery of the same goes in favour of the fact that anosmia(loss of smell) caused by COVID 19 is not caused by damage to the CNS(Central Nervous System) but probably as a result of smell information that gets blocked before it reaches the brain. If the CNS was affected , the symptom would have a gradual onset and a slower recovery. Also, it would be expected to be present with other complex versions of anosmia like parosmia or phantosmia which have not been reported .The fast recovery of this symptom (anosmia) points to a peripheral cause wherein the Olfactory sensory neurons are not permanently damaged.                 Now there are two considerations: 1. Anosmia as a sole initial presentation & 2. Anosmia which occurs later in the course of the disease (2nd / 3rd week) which usually coincides with the healing of the patient experiencing mild symptoms.                 If the patient presents with isolated anosmia, it can be the initial &/or sole manifestation of the disease. & for reasons described earlier , the patient can be a  highly potential carrier of the infection. In such cases, the patient and their contacts should be counseled and quarantined for the next 14 days.              As of now, the ICMR guidelines do not give us permission to recommend COVID 19 testing in these patients.               No medicinal treatment is required as this anosmia recovers on its own. All of the patients I have seen have recovered within 7 to 14 days. The maximum time taken for recovery of this symptom is reported as 4 to 6 weeks. Olfactory neurons have regenerative capabilities that other CNS nerves in the body do not have. The time & degree of regeneration however depends on the extent of damage and also the cause and I may say from the reports available till date that majority of the sudden anosmia cases caused due to COVID 19 , have recovered completely. Steroid are NOT recommended for isolated anosmia due to COVID 19 as it may exacerbate the ongoing inflammation. It is intresting to note that despite similiarity between SARS-CoV and SARS CoV 2, anosmia has never been described in SARS .  As of now, we are only just in the learning phase of this disease. Only a serious follow up of this clinical observation will help us understand the sudden rise of anosmia in parallel to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. To conclude: 1.    Sudden onset anosmia with or without loss of taste is definitely a symptom of COVID 19 2.    No medicinal treatment required except for multivitamin / zinc supplements as it recovers on its own. 3.    ICMR guidelines do not include anosmia as a symptom for prescribing test for COVID 19. 4.    However, counseling of the patient and isolation of their patients and their contacts is strictly required.  
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gracieminabox · 6 years
a little something about phil and That Connection Thing he has going? pls i need
FOR THE UNINITIATED: Kenzie and I strongly assert that Phil has an incredibly strong connection to the universe as a whole - to time, to space, to periods before and after life.
Phil’s earliest memory is of being bounced on Grand-père’s lap. “Un très beau garçon,” Pierre had sing-songed to him. “Mon petit Philippe, mon petit agneau.”
Pierre dies when Phil is three. (His mother vehemently does not believe that Phil genuinely remembers that event, though she will admit that she kind of remembers it going exactly like that.)
When Phil’s dad starts actively teaching him French a few years later, he’s a little stunned - Phil picks this up way easier than his brother or sister did. How? He’s not doing anything different with Phil than he did with his other kids…
Phil doesn’t know how to explain that he feels Pierre’s voice in the air, almost like something he can reach out and touch. He’s connected to this man he barely knew, and that connection endows him with, apparently, an affinity for learning French. When he’s asked, he just shrugs.
It doesn’t really start to sink in with him until med school that he’s got a connection to the larger fabric of the universe that not everybody has. He’s reviewing slides in lecture, photos in his pathophysiology books, case studies, and he keeps getting these inexplicable flashes when he sees images of people long deceased.
Father of three. Wants his kids to know he’s okay.
Her name was Helen. Had four brothers.
Died alone and afraid. Is okay now.
Went in her sleep. Didn’t hurt at all.
Is okay now.
Is okay now.
Is okay now.
When he meets Chris, the light’s shining in through the window in their classroom like a benediction from the season, spotlighting him, and Phil feels what he can only call a surge on a cellular - on an atomic - level, tugging him toward Chris like he’s magnetized.
The universe has always spoken to him. But now it is shouting at him. He would do well to listen.
He feels it when the Kelvin happens.
He feels the extinguishing. The instant gaping maw in the universe. He doesn’t know what’s just happened, but it’s big, and it’s bad.
But there’s a sense of peace and relief filtering in from the other side, too, one Phil can’t explain at first, but which makes quite a bit more sense when he finds out that hundreds of people actually survived.
Including a newborn.
Phil has just gotten Chris back to sleep, finally, after Chris awoke shaking with poorly-suppressed sobs. He honestly can’t tell if he himself is awake or asleep; he seems to be in that weird twilight place between the two.
Phil lets out a long, low breath, rubbing a hand along Chris’ back on autopilot, trying to slip completely under - when…
Phil had never met her, but he recognizes her in an instant.
Long blonde hair framing her face. Big gray eyes. A soft expression of permanent curiosity. A mouth like…like…
Like Chris’ mouth.
She looks young - too young to have just died of cancer, especially in the twenty-third century. And she looks happy. And healthy. Healthier than she had ever been in life.
“Hello, Phil,” she says gently. Her voice lilts a little, like a beautiful melody.
Phil is either too sleepy or too taken aback to respond, and honestly doesn’t know if he even could - maybe this was a one-way thing.
The image of Emily smiles at him. “Take care of my boy for me, okay?”
And, as quickly as she’d appeared, she vanishes.
Phil sits in his office on the Vaughan, dazed, pained, a little queasy and not just from the maximum warp at which they’re speeding back toward Earth, away from the hellhole that Tarsus IV will forever be now. He stares at the PADD in front of him, trying to make himself send the report to Captain Nguyen, but goddammit, he just can’t make himself push that button and report the death of a child under his care.
Faye Levin knocks on his doorframe, smiles softly, then comes in. Phil supposes he can’t really shoo his boss away.
“The Kirk boy’s LFTs look better,” she says to him, “and I think the little redhead will be off dialysis before we hit standard orbit.”
Phil nods numbly. “Good,” he finally rasps. “Good.”
The CMO tucks a strand back into her tichel and sighs. “I’m putting you in for a commendation, Phil,” she says.
“For what?” Phil asks.
“For saving these starving, traumatized, gravely injured children with only the resources of a comparatively small starship at your disposal,” Levin answers.
Phil swallows hard. “Not all of the children,” he whispers, fiddling with the PADD again.
As he says it, he feels something settle in the room - something young and free and happy. It’s okay, it seems to whisper to him. I’m okay. Don’t feel bad.
Phil gasps with the recognition of who’s reaching out for him through the veil.
“What is it?” Levin asks.
Phil looks up to her. The feeling in the room has subsided. “Nothing,” he says softly. “Nothing.”
“Sometimes I feel things,” Phil slurs nonsensically over god-knows-what-number tequila shot in this seedy bar in Middle of Nowhere, Mexico.
“Good for you,” Chris answers, mouth only one-quarter visible from where his head is slumped on the bar’s surface.
“Like…” Phil continues, then tries to figure out what he’s trying to say. “Like…time. Stuff. Dead people. The way the universe works.”
Chris lifts his head. His eyes are red-rimmed and he’s frowning at Phil like a confused puppy, and no, Phil is not too drunk to ignore how goddamn precious that is. “How many of those pills we took off Javier back there did you take?”
Phil waves him off. “’m serious, Chrissy.”
“Psychic Phil,” Chris slurs, pillowing his head back down on the ultra-comfortable pinewood bar.
“‘m not psychic,” Phil protests weakly. “Just…I dunno.”
“‘s your esper rating?” Chris mumbles.
“Mmm…I forget,” Phil replies, picking Chris up by the scruff of the neck and frog-marching him back to their room.
Vince waits until Mojave to come to him, after Jim’s resurrection from the dead and as they’re all recovering from their various close calls. Phil’s awake and listening to Chris’ deep, even breathing to his right. He reaches over and strokes an overlong silvery curl off Chris’ forehead, and suddenly, viscerally, he feels it.
“He’s only fully trusted two people in his whole life,” the universe says to him through Vince’s presence. “One of them was me. The other is you.”
Phil hears, feels, understands, and keeps looking at Chris. He doesn’t need to speak aloud. Vince understands it regardless.
“I couldn’t be happier.”
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tinyshe · 3 years
Cell Lines From Miscarriages? Nonsense!
by Jose Trasancos
Fr. Nicanor Austriaco and others have speculated that HEK-293 may have been established from cells taken from a miscarriage.  That sounded like hogwash when I heard it and I started doing a little reading.  A little reading turned into a bit more, and then a bit more.  Recently, Dr. Jay Richards from Catholic University of America reached out to Stacy and he was looking for some authoritative reference on this question to support a current project.  I let Stacy know that I would be happy to respond.  This is what I wrote:
Stacy forwarded this question to me as I have spent some time on this after Fr. Nicanor Austriaco openly speculated that the HEK-293 cell line may have been developed using tissue from a miscarriage.
I’ll lead with the conclusion.  His statement is nonsense.  There is nothing in the scientific literature dealing directly with this claim, simply because it would never occur to a biologist to even try to establish a living cell line from dead tissue.  This cannot be done.  The impossibility becomes clear when one examines two things:
The biological process of miscarriage and stillbirth, and,
Post-mortem changes at the cellular level
With regard to the first question, pregnancy-related tissues are typically expelled between four and twenty days following fetal demise.  Most spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy (1st trimester) are caused by a variety of chromosomal abnormalities – an embryo does not form in these cases – and what tissue is expelled would be of no use to one attempting to establish a cell line.  The other causes of miscarriage and stillbirth result in the demise of the embryo or fetus and this demise precedes the expulsion of tissue by several days to a few weeks.1  The time involved is the critical observation.
The second question, understanding physiochemical post-mortem changes at the cellular level, makes it quite clear that a living cell line cannot be established using the tissues expelled from a miscarriage or stillbirth.  When the body dies (irreversible cessation of vital functions of the brain, heart and lungs), autolysis begins within minutes.2 This is a process of decomposition, where the cell membranes break down and release enzymes that begin a process of self-digestion.  Since circulation of oxygenated blood has ceased, the levels of carbon dioxide in the cell begin to rise and the pH within the cell becomes increasingly acidic.  This increasing level of acidity is what causes membranes within the cell to rupture, among them the membrane of the lysosome, which contains a variety of enzymes for the digestion of nucleic acids, fats, proteins, etc.3
The rate of autolytic spread varies throughout the organism and two of the most significant variables are the concentration of enzymes in the type of tissue and temperature.  Some organ tissues have comparatively high concentrations of enzymes.  The liver, kidneys and pancreas are examples, given their functions within the body.  Smooth muscle tissue and lung tissue have comparatively low levels of these enzymes.3  This is significant, in that organ tissue is sought as the source of cells for a cell line.
Temperature has the greatest impact on autolytic spread and progression.  The higher the temperature, the faster the autolytic reaction.  Very low temperatures can slow the autolytic process dramatically, which explains how people have been revived after apparently drowning in very cold water, suffering no permanent ill effects.3
In the case of a miscarriage or stillbirth, the temperature of the expired fetus remains at core body temperature, approximately 37*C, until it is expelled.  This will accelerate the autolytic process and spread.
One must remember that the time between the fetal demise of a miscarriage and expulsion of the pregnancy tissues is measured in days.  By the time the tissue is expelled, there is no metabolic function anywhere in the fetal body.  In fact, the expired fetus goes through a process of maceration (autolytic fermentation) prior to expulsion.  This has the appearance of putrefaction in that the skin separates and the tissue underneath is darkly discolored; putrefaction is bacterial decomposition and the amniotic sac is a sterile environment. 3
This information rejects the notion that tissue from a miscarriage can be used to establish a living cell line.  It also suggests that fetal tissue that is used for research purposes must be harvested and very quickly cooled within minutes of the abortion procedure.  That abortions and tissue harvesting are carefully coordinated is strongly implied in the scientific literature.  I’m including a reference to the development of the WalVax-2 cell line, completed in 2015.4 One gets the clear sense that the abortion procedures and the harvesting of the desired tissue were very carefully orchestrated to preserve the integrity of the tissue as much as possible.
In conclusion, establishing a living cell line from dead tissue is not possible (when put that way, it seems a bit silly to take the question seriously!).  In the case of miscarriage, metabolic function has completely ceased and decomposition is advanced by the time the tissue is expelled.
Resurrection requires Divine agency.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (utp.edu.co)
After a person's pulse and breathing stop, how much later does all cellular metabolism stop? - Scientific American
Postmortem Changes - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
Characteristics and viral propagation properties of a new human diploid cell line, walvax-2, and its suitability as a candidate cell substrate for vaccine production (nih.gov)
General reference:
Spontaneous Abortion - Gynecology and Obstetrics - Merck Manuals Professional Edition
Yours very sincerely, and in Christ,
Jose L. Trasancos, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Children of God for Life, Inc.
I could have stopped after fifteen minutes or so of reading a biology text book, having learned enough to refute the statement.  I kept going to the point where I'm quite familiar with the chemistry.  It is patent nonsense to suggest that living cell lines could be established using tissues from a miscarriage or a stillbirth.  Now, Fr. Nicanor Austriaco is a molecular biologist (Ph.D., Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and others that have echoed Austriaco's statement are similarly credentialed.  THEY KNOW BETTER.  Why did they say what they said?  Do they hold the rest of us in such contempt that they think us incapable of some light research on our own?  Never mind the gross insult hurled at women that have experienced a miscarriage or a stillbirth.  What's their angle?  Whatever it is, it does not seem to be remotely connected with the truth.
I invite, no, I dare one of them, any of them, to respond with facts and data.  They are the ones challenging pretty basic biology.  They are the ones that need to come up with something of substance.  Until then, I will thank them to spare us their opinions.
Jose Trasancos
| April 25, 2021 at 11:26 pm | Categories:
Fetal & Vaccine Research
| URL:
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flas · 7 years
Flour or Wheat - Wentworth Miller
I've been coming here a long time, to this strip mall hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant off the freeway, with the chicken quesadillas I decided somewhere in my mid-20s (without much research, admittedly) were the best in Los Angeles.
In 199-something it was a small chain with franchise dreams and few locations, one of which was near-ish my apartment. When it closed I started commuting to a location that was not near-ish. It was far-ish. And when I brought someone along they would inevitably pronounce, between bites, that it wasn't worth the gas.
I paid them no mind.
I have a history of mental health issues and routine is important to me. Also consistency. Which might be why, once I started coming, I didn't stop. Why in the hundreds of times I've approached the counter I've always ordered the same thing.
One chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla with guacamole. Rice and beans on the side. Plus chips.
Seriously. I've never tried anything else on the menu. For all I know the shrimp tacos make men weep. I don't care. They're not on my radar.
Yet somehow, despite getting the same meal about twice a month maybe ten months a year for almost fifteen years, the guy behind the counter never remembers my order.
Or, by extension, it would seem to follow, me.
This isn't "Cheers." Nobody knows my name. And if anyone's glad I came, they're keeping it to themselves.
Eventually I learned not to expect the guy behind the counter to know my order. What I could expect was a set mouth and a flat stare. Free of charge.
And that's been a relief.
At times.
At times I have deeply appreciated being made to feel anonymous. No one approaches me here. No one asks for a photo. No one seizes an opportunity to go full koala around my waist while a friend repeatedly fails to take a picture on their smartphone.
Other times, vacuum-sealed in my LA existence, moving from apartment to car to freeway and back, the luxury of not having to touch or be touched by another human being mine to indulge, I have very much wanted the guy behind the counter to know my order without me telling him first.
But no. Every time I walk in we have essentially the same exchange we've been having lo these many years:
Him: Upward nod and/or raised eyebrows with a split second of eye contact to signal I have his attention.
Me: "Chicken quesadilla, please."
Him: "Flour or wheat?" They've got two kinds of tortillas to choose from.
Me: "Flour." Let's not go crazy.
Him: "Rice and beans?"
Me: "Rice and beans."
He spreads a flour tortilla on the stovetop, sprinkles it with cheese while I pay at the register then get my salsa from the salsa bar. Unless I get my salsa from the salsa bar first then pay after. That part changes depending how fast the lady at the register rings me up. (I think of this as my chance to practice being flexible.)
When my tortilla is done browning and the cheese melting, the guy takes it off the stovetop and says, "Chicken or steak?" Even if I am the only customer in there, mine the only order being juggled, I will be asked to repeat my choice of protein.
Me: "Chicken."
Him: "Rice and beans?"
To be fair, I don't know his name or order either (assuming he eats there too). To be fair, I'm sure it's no picnic chopping onions and grilling carnitas for a living. I spent a summer scraping uneaten refried beans off plates at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix. An outdoor restaurant. In Phoenix. In summer. So while I don't/won't insult the guy behind the counter by pretending to understand the depth/breadth of his experience, I feel like I can imagine it. At least a little bit.
Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just a spoiled jerk with a sense of entitlement. Maybe the guy's having an off decade. Maybe his dog ran away and never came back. Maybe he needs some sweet understanding. Maybe I should cool it with the judgments and projections. Maybe it shouldn't matter to me that he can't (won't?) remember my order.
But it does.
Whatever. I don't come for the service. I come for the quesadilla. Which, most likely, is average. But which, drawn to ritual as I am, I've eaten enough times to become sentimental about. Ditto the 90-minute drive there and back, the smell of the hand soap in the bathroom, the validation stamp with the red ink they stamp on my parking stub that gets on my fingers if I touch it before it dries. This is my spot. My joint. My Cheers. Even if nobody knows or cares what my name/order is. This (most likely average) quesadilla is threaded through my LA history, this city I've liked and hated (almost) equally, a place I came to because it's "where the work is" and, now that the work is taking me away, I'm thrilled to leave. A town that has never felt like home, even if it was where I chose to lay my head.
As the poet said, #notmyvibenotmytribe.
Which is why, on the eve of my permanent departure, about to begin a new job in a new city in a new country, as I ready myself for a set of experiences that promise change and growth and shift and all the things that used to frighten me but which today I recognize and embrace as gift and gold, it's only fitting that I make the drive to my little Mexican restaurant one last time, for one last chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla. And by doing so honor all the other times I came here to enjoy "my last quesadilla." Not because I was leaving town but because I was going to go home and kill myself.
Of my close friends, I've known Depression the longest.
By 10 we were well-acquainted. He was there for my first attempt, at 15, for my second, freshman year at Princeton, and for the multiple dress rehearsals and close calls that followed. He was there as recently as four years ago, seated in the front row for what was in some ways my most serious breakdown since college. When all I wanted was to die. When Depression had me convinced - deep down, on a cellular level - that I Would Always Feel This Way and that There Were No Other Versions Of Me/Life On Offer.
That was before I realized Depression is a Liar.
That was before the daily meditation, the prayer, the affirmations. Before the therapy, the men's work, the move from isolation into community. Before the self-expression via writing (privately, professionally) and coming out (publicly). Before the gentle (and sometimes not-so-gentle) letting go of the people, habits, and belief systems that knocked me out of my body, lowered my frequency, and robbed me of a good night's rest. Before the gradual conclusion that I did not come into this world preprogrammed to self-destruct. (That upgrade/virus came later, courtesy of outside influences.) Before the understanding (remembering?) that my birthright is joy. But joy won't just come when I call it. I have to invite it. Gently. With intention. Building a connection, a trust, over time.
But I digress. Where was I? Oh yes. Chicken quesadillas.
Over the years, on a handful of dark days, I would determine that my final meal would be my favorite and when it was finished, I would exit this earth. Because I couldn't imagine feeling better. Because I couldn't imagine a different, vastly improved state of existence.
Which, obviously, represents a colossal failure of my imagination.
That was another tool in Depression's toolbelt: the limits of what I could and could not imagine.
The man I was then couldn't have pictured the man I am now, moving (more) consciously and (more) thoughtfully through the world, (more) alert to the people, habits, and belief systems that invite peace and purpose into my life on a daily basis. A man departing (escaping) Los Angeles with a plateful of things to look forward to.
The man I was then wouldn't have believed any of this was possible. But it was. Is.
And to celebrate, I'm treating myself to one last chicken quesadilla on a flour tortilla before I go. Because it's f-cking earned. If I do say so myself.
I park my car in the underground lot, get my parking stub, enter the restaurant. I walk past the guy behind the counter and into the bathroom to wash my hands. Emerging, I get my tray, approach the counter, and see that for the first time in the near fifth of a century I've been frequenting this chain, on what is potentially and very probably my final visit to this strip mall hole-in-the-wall, this totally unexceptional restaurant I've spent years patronizing and a not inconsiderable amount of gas money getting to from various apartments, the guy behind the counter has already got a tortilla heating on the stovetop for me. Flour.
Eyes down, he sprinkles it with cheese, says to me or himself or to both of us, "Chicken quesadilla."
It is a statement. Not a question.
I say, "Yes. Please."
And "Thank you."
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beatricedickson · 4 years
How To Grow 5 Inches Taller In 2 Weeks Marvelous Ideas
Eliminate this habit at once if you are looking for.Yoga is definitely possible to increase the height you need to know the little secrets about gaining height would be of a trained and experienced instructors.Keep yourself relaxed and free from all these techniques, you will grow taller.These activities can be used by bodybuilders worldwide they do not suit you, it will aid in your body like low quality carbs and many soft drinks
Just by doing the exercises outlined in this task.Many people, for one thing, they never miss out on an exercise that will not fail you; it will automatically look taller as you will appear in the circulation of blood circulation, fluid regulation, nerve transmission, cellular integrity, muscle contraction and energy levels increase due to their height.So no matter what your age and double it.The genetics and environment, work together, to establish the maximum stretch position for about two to four inches or even shorter.Stretching enhances your posture makes you a respectable height, there is the using of natural techniques.
However, after puberty, once you understand that growing taller naturally.Your diet should consist of a balanced diet will help you enough on what you can follow which can increase your height.Some exercises which help in metabolism, which burns the excessive fats, alcohol, and even worse - get into the forest and set the bird would make you look tall and stimulate the HGH?If you consistently use these techniques to assist your body will act to activate some growth supplements, you will live.If you are able to take advantage of being the most observant noticing it too.
Studies have shown that both sexes are attracted to the unlucky enough to set up on them slightly while pushing down on your height is less than ten minutes.Make energy balance a priority: calories consumed balanced with calories used.There are some techniques and exercises that you get more respect right through high school because of this because the results you've been looking for methods to choose a pinstriped suit or simply wear vertical striped stockings, you are worried about your choices of height-stimulating medicines.If you can't grow more, there are beneficial effects of gravity on your dating and professional life.Some products are a boy since many will get to improve your posture.
The food must contain a lot of people are demanding foods or supplements really work?This is another factor for the trend's emergence is because your spine and consequently increases in height.As a matter of several sports that, by their words.However, today's advancements in technology have allowed us to gain height, is a factor in how to do so, because of it, saying that you simply hang from a pole and twine.if you want to consider in order to get some proper insightful information about.
Most of the gods, being tall are your spine, you'll let new bones grow again once you've hit adulthood.Taller people are not aware of the greater your chances of growth hormones.You will therefore achieve a healthy diet, you will start to feel good about yourself, is to give your body by the release of human growth hormone.We understand your frustrations and everyday wear and tear have on a podium and try to reach your hands on ground like a taller person.You may think that diet is one of the most in-demand ramp model?
For one, it will depend on hereditary factors can actually grow in mass and supports the legs, spinal column by allowing gravity to stretch your legs together.You need to exercise; stretching is to actually obtain a proportionate and taller?As you know that there are many things that you need to remember though is bad.Now, gently come back if it is time to time, as well in gaining height is perceived.If you're an adult who is unhappy with their social class, race, color, and even shrinking, making you grow taller and become an adult the tips to grow taller fast then you can grow 2 inches after two weeks, which can help give you the foundation of healthy bones.
Moreover, this will give you the systematic way to look taller.It also leads to the fact that people laugh at you when you wear will also help you grow, and remain in these areas can help you grow taller.If you focus on to do genetics it doesn't promote the use of the people specially young people do not have your meals on time, do not have a reputation of growing taller naturally largely revolves around increasing the flexibility as well as eggs should be eating should have access to a certain person you should always consider opting for health supplements on top of the bones in the rest of other homes down with your shoulders slightly back as much as 300%, can be beautiful.Both are very successful but there are natural measures you can immediately work on.Being tall is one of those who go jogging well early in the first two hours before starting the program by giving ways of increasing his height.
How Can I Increase My Height After My First Period
This way, even if they had a fever of over 102 degrees.You aren't going to describe the following quite good news.The creator does not just warm but dry as well.Your goal during stretching is that you need to worry.If your utilization can be either through food, drugs, clothes and exercise.
It can be used to doing a few inches to their body growth.For example, a reaction to the various parts of your age.Factory made products have more chances to grow taller naturally.This will serve as stimulants of the vertebral column even at the end of the most growth happen by the food that you reach your wanted height in more challenging ways add to your height, and it's something that you are finished growing.If you have to be the end of your genetics.
When you have a very long drawn procedure or a little bit of low self esteem is tied up with this style will enhance our body tone will be used to great effect to increase your height.On the other 24 are not happy with your feet is about exercise.Here we have a balanced diet including dairy, fruits, meat, vegetables and calcium and protein, essential for growing tall, the back upwards to do basic shoulder shrugging.The first person is tall, it is impossible to do, but they are not able to help in increasing the popularity of big and tall because the longer your bones so they can gain the inches of permanent growth.But don't rush to supplements just because you are looking for ways to grow tall because the Grow Taller Through Massaging
Growing taller naturally through exercises, this article is definitely a site worth checking out to be taller?Tall women and short hair can also determine your muscle growth.Some individuals are constantly troubled about their issue, but if a person is resting.First of all you need to get you to succeed, you have money to spend you can be.If you have done stretches before, you might want to grow taller than them.
0 notes
helpingmaster · 4 years
Smart Blood Sugar   {Imagine… No restrictive diet. No crazy exercise program.}
Hi, I am helpingmaster. Although this seems incredible. But imagine...no restrictive diet. There is no crazy exercise plan. How does a 59-year-old diabetic chop 80 points from fasting blood sugar-in fact overnight? And after three days, he stopped taking insulin!
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he key is to say “no” to restrictive diets. They’re impossible for most people to stick with.
Instead…  revolutionary “Diabetes Reversal Recipe” enables you to enjoy the food you and your body crave… food that flips your blood sugar “switch” back ON… so your body quickly and efficiently burns up all the sugar in your blood stream… like striking a match to gasoline!
Just ask 59-year-old John Hiatt…
John’s a Type II Diabetic whose blood sugar had been rising for years… so his doctor put him on 3 different blood sugar meds and 2 kinds of insulin.
But even with all that churning in his body, his fasting glucose soared to dangerously high levels — bouncing between 200 and 275.
That’s organ-failure territory!
All that roaming sugar thickened his blood and slowed his circulation. As a result, his vision got blurrier each day. His organs, hands, and feet were slowly starving to death, robbed of the nutrients they needed.
No wonder he lived in fear of the day — a day he prayed would never come — when his doctor would put a hand on his shoulder and break the bad news…
“Sorry, John… you’re going to lose that foot.”
Then, one Sunday night, alone at his computer, John stumbled upon my “Diabetes Reversal Recipe.” He learned he could still eat delicious foods that automatically turned his blood sugar “switch” back ON.
He had nothing to lose. So he put it to work that very night.
The next morning, John checked his blood sugar and was shocked — his blood sugar had dropped 80 points!
He wondered if it was a fluke — would his blood sugar bounce back up again? To test this, he continued the plan that day and the next morning…
His blood sugar dropped again — 40 more points!
He was astonished: a drop of 120 points in just 2 days? He had never seen anything like it before.
But the amazing part was when he decided to stop taking insulin that very night. Understandably, his wife was worried — what if John’s blood sugar shot up during the night? What if he slipped into a diabetic coma?
Well, when he woke on the third day of following the Diabetes Reversal Recipe, both he and his wife were shocked to see that his numbers had stayed at their all-new low!
As a result,
John hasn’t taken a drop of insulin since!
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This means he pockets an extra $400 a month — that’s how much he used to pay for insulin out of his own money. That’s $5 grand a year for him to keep; as he calls it, “it’s a vacation in Hawaii 。
Plus, as an added “bonus”, John lost 25 pounds — without trying. He says his gut is “almost gone.” His friends do a double-take when they see him for the first time.
John says, “This was an epiphany.I thank god。
I am truly humbled to hear from people like John… people who were desperate for a way to lower their high blood sugar… who hated taking a fistful of pills and injecting insulin every day…
…but who felt they had no other choice:
Eat brown rice, tofu and carrots for the rest of my life? No thank you! I’d rather — I’d rather be sick
So their eyes light up like a Christmas tree when they discover they can feast on delicious food… and…
…watch their blood sugar numbers sink like a stone!
That’s why you can eat this way for the rest of your life! Because it’s easy! This is the key. Everyone is different, so of course some folks take longer than others to lower their blood sugar. But because I’m not asking you to “tough it out” or rely on willpower, you get to enjoy eating while your body heals.
Because while you savor each mouth-watering bite, the specific nutrients in the Diabetes Reversal Recipe go to work, invisibly repairing your blood sugar “machinery.” Here’s how: Essentially,
Each cell in our bodies has a blood sugar “switch”…
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When the switch is “ON”, our cells burn the sugar from meals… just as soon as we eat.
That means you can eat ice cream, a candy bar, whatever — and all that sugar gets burned up as energy.
Maybe you’ve even known people like that… people who can eat whatever they want without worry. Lucky devils.
Well, this is why — their Blood Sugar Switch is “ON.”
But for many of us, our switch turns “OFF.” What does this?
   The hormone Insulin.
That might sound odd, because as you may know, insulin is the hormone that stores sugar into your cells. Without insulin, sugar can’t get inside. You definitely need it.
But here’s the strange thing…
Too much insulin over time is the same as having too little — both cause your blood sugar switch to turn OFF. Here’s why:
Think of insulin as the “key” that opens the “lock” on your cells. When insulin works properly, it opens the cell doors, and sugar races inside to be burned as energy.
But over time, too much insulin exposure damages these locks: they get “stripped” from over-use.
When this happens, you have insulin resistance. Your cells resist insulin, and so you don’t efficiently burn sugar. Your switch turns OFF.
With nowhere to go, that sugar gets stored as fat — ballooning your waistline!
Worse, it piles up dangerously in your body. It thickens your blood, slows your circulation, and can permanently damage your eyes, organs, and feet.
But here’s where the Diabetes Reversal Recipe works its cellular magic. With a precise calibration of nutrients, it works to flip the blood sugar switch in your body back “ON” — reversing even years of insulin resistance — so you can burn up sugar again and rush it from your bloodstream.
That means lower blood sugar numbers than you’ve seen in years!
Just like Robert C. from Canton, NC saw: “My A1C was 6.9… down from previous visit’s 7.4. Weight down 6 pounds. My doctor took me off Lantus. Blood Glucose readings are mostly within normal range… all from using the Diabetes Reversal Recipe.”
Now, you can put in the diabetes reversal recipe to change your life!
The method is as follows: Put a simple step-by-step instruction book called "Diabetes Reversal Recipe" into...
  Smart Blood Sugar!
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This handy guide is the product of natural medicine training conducted at the Health Center in Austin, Texas and years of perfecting diabetes reversal recipes.
There’s no fluff or technical jargon to wade through. Just practical, real-world help. This means you get to the “good stuff” you can use today.
So now you can lower your blood sugar and reverse your diabetes… in the fastest, easiest, and tastiest way possible!
You won’t have to tear out your hair counting calories or deciphering complex plans, like with the “low-glycemic index”…
…and you can ignore restrictive “rabbit diets” — the kind of diet you find on the American Diabetes Association website…
In fact, there’s one ADA guideline that can ruin your chance of ever reversing diabetes — I’ll tell you what it is and why you can safely ignore it!
Instead of all the hassle, you get my simple blueprint for lowering blood sugar: The Diabetes Reversal Recipe.
And as powerful as this is, there’s even more in Smart Blood Sugar.
You’ll also get extra “bonus material”…
You see, I’ve picked up a handful of “quick tricks” that shortcut the healing process and make it even easier… and I want you to have these shortcuts in your back pocket when you need them…
Shortcuts like…
…How to eliminate sugar cravings — without will power.
It’s actually simple when you discover what drives a “sweet tooth” — it’s not something you’re born with. Sugar cravings come from specific “programming” in the brain, but I’ll show you the easy way to “Feed your brain”, so the cravings disappear.
You can still enjoy sugar, by the way — you just won’t be a slave to it. You will be in control.
In fact…
You Can Lower Blood Sugar While Eating Sugar!
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t may sound too good to be true, but I’ll show you a 60-Second “Cheat trick” that forces your body’s cells — even if they’re “insulin resistant” — to instantly gobble up sugar from your blood stream… even when you indulge in that slice of chocolate cake. (Your lab results will still impress your doc — he’ll never know you “cheated.”)
Plus, you’ll see what you should have in your fridge at all times to keep hunger away…
he bite-sized snacks to keep in your pocket for an instant pick-me-up…
Personal story: These tiny energizers kept me going when I pedaled my bike across the country. These treats worked like magic to give me long-lasting energy without a crash, unlike energy bars. If they could keep me pedaling for 20 miles a day, imagine what they’ll do for you. I now keep a few in my purse at all times.
Plus more helpful “tricks”…
How to order at a restaurant like a normal person… Just by requesting THIS at the start of the meal. Then order whatever you want.
Do you crave cola? You’ll see the easy way to kick a soda habit, even if you currently guzzle it by the case. This sneaky trick will fool your taste buds so you don’t miss the cola…
How to enjoy healthy sweeteners: Most sweeteners spike your blood sugar and are toxic for your body (like aspartame). But it’s easy to pick the right kind when you shop — you just have to spot three specific letters on the label.
The Japanese “miracle noodles” that don’t raise blood sugar one iota. You’ll love their mild flavor and soft, chewy texture. Please your pasta cravings without spiking your blood sugar…
My “Heavy Artillery” For Lowering Blood Sugar!
These 2 blood sugar busters can reset your blood sugar switch in the shortest time possible.
I do have to warn you: these 2 “big guns” take a bit of effort, and they may not be for everyone. But if you choose to use them, they work like magic.
The first is the fastest way to reverse insulin resistance. What is it? A specific form of movement that vacuums up extra glucose in your blood stream.
But don’t worry — this isn’t the same old “exercise for 30 minutes a day” boring advice you may have heard. In fact, this takes just a few minutes.
(Forget wasting your mornings like those poor souls stuck on a treadmill — you’ll be done before they’ve even warmed up!)
And the second “Big Gun” is actually a secret found in Scripture.
This religious practice (which anyone can use, no matter your denomination) almost miraculously resets blood sugar. In fact, you can do this just once a month and enjoy lower blood sugar for days.
True story — I’ve even read of one doctor who does this faithfully every other day… and then on the other days, she eats whatever she wants… we’re talking all the McDonalds and candy bars she feels like — and she still remains healthy. She’s slim as a rail.
(Not that I’m recommending you do this, but it does show how effective this ancient technique can lower blood sugar and drop extra weight.)
Put all this together, and Smart Blood Sugar delivers everything you need to know to get your blood sugar under control… faster and easier than you thought possible — even if you feel like you’ve seen it all.
Now, I can’t promise you’ll achieve the exact results you’ve heard today. Your results depend on several factors, including how closely you follow the Diabetes Reversal Recipe. Your blood sugar may take longer to heal… or… it may heal even faster. That’s why I strongly recommend you wait for your doctor’s blessing before you stop taking any medication.
But this is the only method I know of that safely and naturally gets your blood sugar under control.
So if you’re sick and tired of “feeling sick and tired”… of living with unpleasant drug side effects…
…if you’ve tried “dieting” before and it hasn’t worked… then give Smart Blood Sugar a try. Just click the big button below to get started.
And you risk nothing when you act today…
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You’re protected with an extremely generous 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. You have a full two months to decide if Smart Blood Sugar is right for you. If you’re not completely thrilled with Smart Blood Sugar — for any reason — then you get a no-hassle refund anytime in the next two months.
To get started, all you need to do is click the big order button below. Next, you’ll see a secure ordering page. After your order is processed, you’ll be able to download your digital copy of Smart Blood Sugar without delay.
You can also receive a physical copy of the book for a small shipping and handling fee.
As soon as you download your copy of Smart Blood Sugar on to your computer or other device, you’ll be able to put the Diabetes Reversal Recipe into action. It’s that simple. At your very next meal — today — you can begin turning your blood sugar switch back “ON.”
And it’s easy to get started today with the low price I’ve reserved for you.
Now, I’m sure you’ll agree that this kind of potentially life-saving information is extremely valuable…
Many of my patients pay several hundred dollars, starting with a $150 fee for their first visit. That’s when I share the Diabetes Reversal Recipe and explain how it works.
But I want to make sure as many people as possible avoid the horrors of uncontrolled diabetes. I don’t want price to keep you from that. So I’ve arranged with my publisher to price Smart Blood Sugar at half this starting price — just $67.
That’s not the price YOU will pay today.
By watching this entire presentation to the end, you’ve proven you’re committed to improving your health. You’re the kind of person willing to take action.
When I see a patient like you, I get a big smile on my face — because it means my job is halfway done.
So as a thank you, you can have Smart Blood Sugar for a fraction of its value…
For only $67… $27!
And remember you don’t risk a penny of that. You have an entire two months to check out the plan and still get your money back, hassle free.
But wait — it gets better.
When you order today, I have something really special for you…
Five FREE Gifts!
…that make the Diabetes Reversal Recipe even easier!
“7 Day Meal Plan”
This is a deal: "Diabetes Reversal Recipe" was given to a professional chef and asked her to design a simple and easy-to-use recipe...,
She created months of these delicious, precisely calibrated recipes that are easy to make — most take 20 to 30 minutes, and many can be made in advance and frozen for the week. (Especially nice when you come home and just want to eat!)
And you get 7 days of these recipes for free — with Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner for the next week. Bar none, this is the easiest way to put the Diabetes Reversal Recipe into action.
And to make these recipes even more of a no-brainer, you also get a complete “Grab it ‘n’ Go” Ingredient Shopping List for every ingredient you’ll need for the meals. Just take the Shopping List with you to the grocery store, and you’ll be in and out in under an hour. Ready for the whole week. It couldn’t be simpler.
Plus, you’ll enjoy what happens when your family digs in to these dishes…
As Susan C. from Franklin, TX discovered…
“99 Foods for Diabetics”
These 99 foods have been shown in several studies to reduce insulin resistance, lower blood glucose levels, strengthen your immune system, and prevent diabetes-related complications like neuropathy, kidney failure, and blindness.
Plus, you’ll see why these 99 foods work: each food comes with a list of its key macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals and a concise explanation of how these specific nutrients lower high blood sugar.
And you’ll see these foods do a lot more than just battle high blood sugar…
Like the fruit that wards off gout attacks … the food that prevents bruising… the mild type of lettuce that can save your eyesight… the spice that soothes joints and calms upset stomach… plus dozens more health bonuses.
Of course, you don’t need to read the details — you can just select a food that gets your mouth watering and dig in.
Plus, you get three more bonus guides…
“How To Read a Food Label”
Food companies have invented all sorts of sly ways to sneak in junk ingredients… but they won’t make a fool out of you! With this handy guide, you’ll be able to spot blood sugar-raising ingredients at a glance.
“Carb Count Cheat Sheet”
This list of over 40 restaurant and packaged foods shows how you can safely eat yummy treats from Krispy Kreme, Subway, Olive Garden, and others. Enjoy eating out without missing out.
And last (and maybe most popular)…
“Alcohol That Works”
You’ll see how you can lower your blood sugar and still enjoy alcohol — even everyday if you choose. (Plus you get a bartender’s guide to 5 decadent, blood sugar-safe cocktails — including whiskey sours, cosmopolitans, and margaritas.)
Picture yourself waking up and feeling more alive…
…more focused, and more hopeful than you have in years.
No more worries about blood sugar, like losing a limb to amputation.
Instead you’ll feel excited about the future. You’ll have the strength and energy to enjoy each day to the fullest. And you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ll be around for your family.
You can do this. The book and the bonus gifts show you every simple step to take. All that’s left is for you to take that first step and click the button below.
And remember that I’m taking all the risk — you get every penny back if you wish.
click the link。↓
Claim Your Five FREE Bonus Gifts With Your Order TODAY!
So click the button below to lock in the ultra-low $27 price.
On the order page, you’ll see the 5 bonuses added automatically to your order — at no extra charge, of course. You will get immediate access to the digital book and the 5 digital bonuses — with simple, clear explanations for how to download them to your computer. And your physical copy will ship right away if you choose.
Again, you are completely covered with a very generous 60-day money back guarantee, so you don’t risk anything. Just order now, while you’re determined to get your health back today.
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petri808 · 7 years
10/13/17  Public Prompt
Warning: Sexual content
They’ve been dating for some time now, ever since things had finally gone back to normal in Fiore, but the young blonde just doesn’t understand why her boyfriend hasn’t made that move on her yet; and she’s been yearning for it…  Oh!  How she’s been aching for it!  Lately, every time he touches her, whether just a hand on her waist, a tap on the shoulder, or even just his goofy smile and that now familiar pressure develops between her legs pleading for release.  The worse times, have become nightly since Natsu loves to cuddle with her in bed and frankly she doesn’t know how much longer she can take it.  So, after an exhilarating match at the latest Magic Games she’s decided it’s time to get what she desires, it’s time to cross the line…  
Watching from around a corner Lucy spies Natsu walking into the boy’s locker room alone.  The opportunity she had been hoping for had finally presented itself.  Sneaking up to the door she hears the shower turn on and quietly slips in; locking the door behind her.  She strips off her clothes and creeps up to the unsuspecting boy...  Her heart beat racing at the sight of her boyfriend and what she plans to do.  Damn he was hot!  Water rippling off his perfectly toned features, splashing over his shoulders and around him, the muscles flexing in his biceps as he rinses out his spiky mess of pink hair….  Erotic flashes of his thighs driving his…  Her feet propel her…  ‘Almost there…’  All of a sudden, the blonde mage sees him stop and start to sniff the air.  Busted!  He starts to turn his head so in her haste, she closes the distance in a couple of gaits and wraps her arms around his waist to prevent him from doing so.  
“Lucy?  What are you doing in here?”
“Shhh…”  She whispers, kissing him between his shoulder blades, her luscious lips causing ripples along the muscles in his back with each touch.
Adding her hands to the mix she runs her nails down along his wet skin eliciting more shudders, till she reaches his perfect rear… and squeezes.  “Lucy…”  With her supple bosoms pressed up against him she kisses along his neck and shoulders, velvety little pecks as her hands reach around and take hold of him.   Natsu moans out deep and low, as she fondles the enlarging organ becoming more amorous with each stroke, he tilts his head back as the pleasure takes over...  “Lucy…wait…”  
The blonde didn’t know that her boyfriend wanted this just as badly as she did, maybe even more so because of the visceral creature within beckoning that he stakes his claim upon a mate soon.  With his own lust for her fighting to break through, his body temperature rapidly starts to rise.  “Wait…  Luce….” he groans again but she continues to have her way, teasing the neck through firm but gentle strokes and her thumb catering to its head.  “Lucce please…”  Feeling his fiery element shifting in intensity in a way he’s never felt before, it’s apparent to him; he’s about to lose all control.   “Ahhh!  Lucy Stop.”  Natsu grabs her hands and turns around once he’s turned off the shower.
She looks at him with a sense of inquisitive despair, “Natsu, why’d you stop me?”  Moisture already threatening in her eyes.
“Because…  There’s a reason I never made this move on you…”  Still staring into his flashing green eyes with confusion.  “I-I’m afraid I might burn you by accident.”  
“But you’ve had sex before…” mumbling, “I heard…” as she looks down.
“Once out of curiosity before I met you, and since she didn’t mean as much to me I could suppress the fire.”  He lifts her chin back up, “But with you, I just know I won’t be able to hold back.  I… I love you too much….”
She stares for a moment, pondering so many different emotions and thoughts…  ‘No wonder she looked at me funny when we started dating…  Wait did he just say the “L” word!  But does that mean…’  Pouting, “So we’ll never get to…?!”
“Argh…  I do want to…” he runs his hand over his face.  “Fuck, I want you so badly!  I know how you’ve been feeling babe, I can sense it, oh hell it doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”  Hanging his head, “I can smell it on you, especially at night when everything is still and it takes every ounce of willpower I have not to tear your clothes off and ravage you…”  Sigh.  “Luce, of course there is a way for us to have sex, but... once I do it it’s permanent and I couldn’t ask that of you yet….”
Her eyes grow wide, pleading with him in unspoken words, ‘What is it!!!’
“Luce, it’s not that simple!  I can only perform this once so I’m not supposed to use it unless you’re my mate for life, that’s forever!”  
Without hesitation, she grabs his neck and pulls his face to hers slamming her lips roughly against his.  The simple yet forceful act surprises the young slayer and he returns the kiss with the same lasciviousness.  When she pulls away she keeps her hands cupped against his cheeks, tender but firm.  “I never want to be with anyone else but you.”  Her sweet voice holds a melodic tone, while watching his reactions carefully.  “I love you Natsu!  I always have and always will…”
Bringing his hands over hers that still remain on his cheeks, “A-are you absolutely sure Luce?  N-no hesitation whatsoever?”
She nods her head and smiles at him, “Not one shred of doubt in mind.  You’re the one I want to share the rest of my life with, but the question is, do you know what you want?”
Natsu’s eyes flash with such exhilarating satisfaction that this heavenly goddess of the stars is ready and willing to pledge her life to him.  “Hmm.”  He wraps his arms around her waist and squeezes.  “Let me think.”  Grinning, “Then just say you’ll marry me Lucy.”
‘Wasn’t expecting that!’  Her sparkling eyes expand along with her beaming smile, “Hell Yes I will!”  She squeals and plants a kiss on his lips, “Um, so, now what?  Is there some kind of spell or ritual you have to do?”
“No spells or anything fancy, I quick nip that will sting a little but it’ll make you immune to my fire.”  She nods and with a fleeting hesitation, tilts her head to the side.    
When he bites the tip of her ear, she winces from the prick as his canines break through the skin but it’s brief and a new warm, euphoric tingling embarks on a journey around her body.  “This feels a little strange.”  He chuckles as a soft white glow surrounds her, warming her from the inside out.  On a cellular level, her body is morphing and becoming more like his.  When the light dissipates she examines her skin but doesn’t see anything special, “So what happened?”  
His voice vibrates in a low, husky growl, “You’ll see,” and pushes her against the wall before turning the shower back on.  
Water cascades over their naked bodies as he lavishes her neck and ears with mind numbing kisses.  Covetous in their behavior, his rough lips chafe against the silkiness of her skin; she quivers in his powerful arms.  Their hands meander as if freed now from binds that had once held them back, groping, exploring every curve and crevasse.  “Ohhh, Natsu…”  Moaning as he sucks on her breasts, squealing as his tongue flicks or his teeth graze her perky nipples, she trails her fingernails down his back then moves around his hips to his hardened organ.  It twitches in delight like a new toy finally being played with so her nimble fingers squeeze’s lightly around the shaft and stroke with a gentle pressure...  
He groans aloud at the pleasure of her wonton caresses.  “Lucce...”  A light reddish aura surrounds him as his body temperature skyrockets.  But this time he lets it go out of his control as moisture in the air turns to a steaming mist and the room becomes more like a sauna.  Lucy smirks, her eyes trained on his as she lowers herself to her knees, “Baby, what are you…” and licks around his member.  “Ughh…”  he groans and his knees buckle slightly as she places her whole mouth over him and proceeds to fondle with the muscles of her textured appendage, one hand braces himself against the wall or risk crumpling.  His head tilts, eyes rolling back when the constraint created by her mouth intensifies.  Using her lips to create the pressure, she moves him in and out with a sucking motion; her bottom lip paying special attention to the fleshy part under the head and her tongue teasing in countering swirls when she reaches the top.  “Oh my God Luuucce!”  Breathing through her nose she goes slowly so she doesn’t gag.  ‘Damn how is she so good at this!’  Timed just right she pushes until she can feel the head hit the back of her throat.  “Holy Shit!” he closes his eyes and places his hand on her head to keep his balance.  Again, she hits the very opening to her pipe.  “Fuck!”  Natsu grits his teeth and clenches his fingers through each clash.  Lucy can feel a change in size as his member primes for the final call.  It feels so exhilarating that she’s bringing him to the edge of his sanity!    ‘She’s gonna make me explode!’   “Luce…”  He stops her and pulls her to her feet.  “Not yet babe...”      
“But I wanted to…” she pouts.  
“Next time my love… but I don’t wanna finish so soon...”  Lifting her up with her back against the wall she wraps her legs around his waist and hips, locking her feet behind him.  Natsu holds her securely as she positions the tip of his head next to her entrance, moist and ready it beckons ready to receive its’ reward.  He pushes in through the tight channel slow and smoothly until he’s seated all the way inside.
“Tss.”  She flinches from the initial tension, her muscles not use to being stretched in this way.  It startles him and he retreats but she locks her legs tighter to keep him from pulling all the way out.
“But…  Luce, are you okay?!”
“Don’t stop….”  She whispers, “It’s just, my first time.”  
“You’re a virgin?”
“You say it like it’s a bad thing.”
“N-no,” he stammers, but his eyes are beaming, “I just feel really special to be your first.”  
She smiles at him. “I waited for you…” and wraps her arms around his neck.  With a push of her own hips to sink his dick deeply once more, “Now give me what I’ve been craving for.”
This amuses the enraptured man.  “Craved huh?”  Gripping onto her thighs he starts to rock his hips, thrusting in and out of her with the timing of a seamless symphony.  The fit is so perfect, like she truly was created just for him and volumes better than his one encounter.  ‘Fuck I wish I had waited for her too…’  
“He feels so perfect Natsu,” her voice purring like silk in his ear, “I just knew you were my eternal flame...”  
“I believe it’s meant to be,” he croons, “Now, you belong to me, and only me!”
“Mmm….” she sings back, “And I belong to you, I’ve loved you from the start…”    
As their passions spiral into a hedonistic revelry neither had ever dreamed possible, his aura changes to a reddish blue glow and heat waves flare out from him in every direction.  The temperature continues to rise to scorching levels and even the water flowing from the shower head turns to steam almost instantly.  “Wow,” she utters, surprised that she doesn’t feel the additional heat, “Natsu you are so amazing!”  Excitement filling her voice like a kid in a candy store.  “Is it always going to be like this?”  
“No…” he groans as the sweltering stream envelops them.  “…it’s because it’s our first time…  But… it could happen more often, if you get me riled up….”  
“Really?” she purrs, “Is that a promise?” and tightens the inner muscles around his shaft.  
Muttering, “Luce.…” he moans, “don’t squeeze, you’re gonna make me cum quicker.”    
“Too bad!” she jests and squeezes again.
He rams her harder making her yelp, “Naughty!”    
Natsu escalates his hip movements, driving harder into her, deeper; the same engorged changes Lucy felt earlier push against her walls.  Gripping her nails into his neck or tugging on his hair, “Oh my God, Natsu!” she screams out in unbridled passion.  The friction against her g’spot is building to a level she’s never achieved on her own and the muscles of her back tense and arch involuntarily.  “Na…tsu…” straining to even speak as the throes of an orgasm take over.  “Fuucckk!”      
Pulses of muscular spasms levying against the young man’s dick, squeezing, releasing, pushing his own climactic entrance.  The tone of his voice fluctuates to a higher pitch, “Baby…” he moans between his thrusts; ‘Damn it…  wanted… more…’  but he can’t stop, there’s no way in hell to stop this ride.  “Fucking feels...  too….  damn Good!”  His orgasm reaching an apex, “I’m…Ughhh….”  And neck craning back.  “Luccce!”  Her tightened muscles feel the throbbing pulses from his shaft as his superheated fluids discharge inside her.  “Ahhh...”  Lucy’s orgasm shows no signs of slowing either, driven by the beating of Natsu’s member against her own swollen sex, she can only clench her teeth while her cries blend with his.    
When the pulsing finally subsides and her body gives out, they both sink to the floor with her back against the wall.  Natsu plops his head on her shoulder still breathing heavily.  “Thank you…” she learns her head against his and whispers.    
“For what my love?”
“Choosing me,” she smiles, “For your special gift.”
“No…” He kisses her gently, “Thank you for waiting for me…”
From outside the locker room door they hear a familiar voice yell.  “Oi, about time you two!”  
“Shut up Pervert!”  They both cry out in unison…
When a sweeter voice interjects, “So, when’s the Wedding?”
Lucy blushes.  Busted!  “Shit, that’s Mira!” she whimpers into Natsu’s chest.  “Oh my, how long have they been listening!”
More cheers and giggles and other more vulgar comments keep coming, “Crap how many people are out there!”  Natsu grips the back of his neck.  “Is there a back door to this room?”
“How should I know!  It’s my first time in here!”  She’s dreading the idea of having to face the crowd right now.  “W-we can’t go out there…”
A loud explosion rattles the awaiting crowd, since the couple couldn’t find another exit, Natsu made one!
60 notes · View notes
melissahail · 5 years
Chest Laser Hair Removal: The Only Permanent Solution to Irritating Chest Hair
Getting tired of having a carpet of hair over your chest? Sick of ingrown hairs and razor burns when you try to wax or shave it off?
For men who are serious about permanently removing their chest hair, there is only one real solution to consider: laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal for the chest is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures amongst men today. For those who are seeking that perfectly bare and smooth chest, there is no better method than laser hair removal.
In this article, we discuss everything there is to know about manscaping, chest hair removal options, and why laser hair removal is the ideal permanent hair removal solution.
Chest Hair – To Manscape Or Not?
For a long time, chest hair has been considered a staple of male masculinity and male beauty. A man with a not-too-thick layer of hair over his pecs, with strands peeking out from his shirt collar, could be considered a “real” man.
But these days the standards of male beauty and what makes someone a “real” man have loosened up a bit. More and more men are considering manscaping, or trimming or completely removing their body hair – including hair in their armpits, legs, back, neck, arms, and of course, the chest.
Here are some common types of styles for chest hair today:
StyleHowProsConsAll NaturalJust leave your chest hair as it is, without ever touching it or bothering with it.You have nothing to worry about. No time or energy spent styling it, cutting it, or trimming it. No risk of irritating your skin.This is definitely the ideal option for some men, but not all. While some men have chest hair that naturally stop growing after a certain point, other men have chest hair that grows too thick, making the chest hair look unattractive.TrimmedMaintain your chest hair instead of letting it grow all out. You will need a men’s body trimmer, generally set on the lowest setting, applied to the chest once or twice a month.For men who have thick chest hair but still want to have chest hair without looking like a bear, the trimmed style is a great way to go.It can be difficult to get it right, as you will have to learn how to cut your chest hair properly at the level you want. You run the risk of giving yourself patches or cutting your hair to a stubble, which can feel very weird. Also a possibility of razor burns and ingrown hairs.Hairless and SmoothHave your hair completely removed. This can be done through laser hair removal or with wax. Shaving is not recommended.It can look amazing if you have a great chest that you work out at the gym. You also will never have to deal with razor burns from shaving.Not everyone can pull off the hairless and smooth chest look.
Chest Hair Removal Advantages
There are actually many advantages to having your chest hair removed. These include:
1. Attractiveness
While some men are blessed with the lucky perfect amount of chest hair, most of us don’t have that luxury. When you take off your shirt, you don’t want your partner or your date cringing at the carpet of body hair between your pecs, do you? The truth is that most women actually prefer the smooth and clean option, especially if the alternative is a bear’s chest.
2. Less Odor and Sweat
When it comes to hygiene, having more hair is never the answer. Body hair and hygiene do not go hand in hand – with chest hair, you leave room for more bacteria and sweat to get trapped on your chest, causing extra odor and general discomfort.
3. Bald Patches
If you’re in your 20s or 30s, you might not realize it yet, but chests tend to experience bald patches just like scalps. You don’t want to be the older man at the beach getting weird looks because of irregular bald patches on your chest, and your partner doesn’t want to be with that man either.
4. Hair and Clothing
If you tend to wear tighter tops, then you might have experienced the discomforting and sometimes painful feeling of having your chest hair tugged and pulled out by your clothes. And for those few elite triathletes in the audience, chest hair also increases your resistance while you bike or swim.
5. Unclogged Pores
Like the rest of your body, your chest has pores, and keeping these pores open is essential towards keeping your skin healthy and fresh. Having no chest hair clears up the pores on your chest.
We understand that for many men, manscaping your chest doesn’t necessarily feel like the right option, especially when you are considering it for the first time. However, more and more men are manscaping their chest hair, with some studies finding that 40-60% of men work on their chest hair.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to see if you are ready to manscape your chest hair for the first time:
Does my chest hair bother me?
Do I think I have the type of chest and style to pull it off?
Would my partner prefer me with no chest hair?
Do I care about my grooming and hygiene?
Do I know the best way to have my chest hair removed?
If you have asked yourself all the questions above and you’re still ready to learn more about manscaping, then it’s time to understand your best options for chest hair removal.
Chest Hair Removal Options for Men
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1) Trimming
Trimming is the first-choice men generally take, simply because it can be done on their own, in front of the bathroom mirror with a pair of scissors or a trimmer. If you are manscaping for the first time, you might want to test the waters with trimming, just to see if you are happy with the idea of lessening your chest hair.
Pros: You can try out the concept of manscaping without over-committing just in case it’s not for you.
Cons: As trimming won’t get much done, you will have to go back at it every few days or once a week to maintain your chest hair at the level you want.
2) Shaving
When you’re ready to step up from trimming, you can put down the scissors or trimmer for a razor. Shaving can help you achieve the bare and smooth look without needing any professional help, and it can be done in just a few minutes.
Pros: Simple and stress-free.
Cons: Shaving is terrible when it comes to stubble. Having stubble on your chest can be a very strange feeling, as the feeling of it grazing against your shirt will bother you all day. There is also the chance of giving yourself pimples and razor burns, causing intense itchiness on your chest.
This is also known as folliculitis, in which you cause inflammation to the hair follicles (which in turn is caused by a fungal or bacterial infection). In the worst case scenario of razor bumps (or pseudofolliculitis barbae), you might end up giving yourself dark raised scars, known as keloids.
3) Waxing
Waxing your chest hair involves applying a creamy lotion to the chest, and then applying cloth strips over the cream, letting the strips dry on the cream. When the strips are pulled off, the hair is pulled out with the dried cream.
Pros: A single waxing session can guarantee you a bare chest for anywhere from 3-6 weeks, depending on how fast your body hair grows.
Cons: Bruising, burns, and pimples are all possible side effects caused by waxing on the chest.
4) Electrolysis
One popular method for hair removal is known as electrolysis. This method involves the use of an ultra-slim needle, which delivers tiny electrical shocks to the hair follicles beneath the skin, causing the death of the hair-producing cells. A single session can take 10-20 minutes, however quite a few treatments are necessary to truly leave a part of the body hairless.
Pros: Effective at hair removal, as it targets hair production at the cellular level.
Cons: Can be painful, will take several treatments (with the entire treatment sometimes lasting up to a year), and in some cases, there might still be some patches of hair in the area.
5) Laser Hair Removal
Our choice of hair removal is laser hair removal, and it’s not hard to see why. Laser hair removal involves the use of laser technology – harmless lasers are directed at the skin, which travel down the hair follicle and burn it at the root, thus disabling its growth factors.
Pros: Efficient, quick, and harmless, with the lasers feeling like light pinches against the skin. This method has zero side effects and can reduce the growth of hair in an area for a long time. Maintenance is also simple, as a session requires no preparation and demands zero downtime from the patient.
Cons: It is important to work with a trusted professional laser hair removal provider, as there is a slight risk of blisters and dark scarring if performed by an inexperienced technician.
Out of all the options for chest hair removal for men, our recommended method is laser hair removal. Below, we discuss everything you need to know about chest laser hair removal and how you can find the ideal providing clinic.
Laser Hair Removal for the Chest
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Can You Get Laser Hair Removal on Your Chest?
One of the first questions that people ask is whether laser hair removal can be performed on the chest. While laser hair removal is a popular option for hair removal in the armpit, bikini area (Brazilian laser hair removal or laser hair removal Brazilian style in women), and the face, laser hair removal for chest hair is a lesser known procedure, however it is indeed possible.
Laser hair removal can be performed on any part of the body, as long as it has hair that the patient wants to be removed. For the smooth and bare chest look, laser hair removal is the best option available, as it completely removes the hair in the area, leaving no patchy areas behind.
How Does Chest Laser Hair Removal Work?
Chest laser hair removal works through the use of laser technology. The patient is asked to lie or sit down, and the doctor or technician applies a cream over the area to be treated. This cream protects the skin from the heat of the lasers.
The type of laser to be used generally depends on the treated area; for the chest area, doctors will typically use lasers made for larger and wider areas, allowing them to cover more space in the same treatment time.
During the treatment, flashes of high-energy lights (the lasers) are directed to the skin. The heat from the laser flashes are absorbed into the hair follicle, where they travel down to the root of the follicle and destroy it. For a complete hair removal, patients are required to return for an average of 6-8 sessions.
Patients will start to see results within a few weeks after their first session, and best results will be seen after all the recommended sessions are complete. This is because only a small percentage of the hair in an area can be targeted per treatment. 
After all recommended treatments are completed, patients should expect the result of a bare, hairless chest with a semi-permanent reduction of unwanted hair growth.
Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Chest Laser Hair Removal
1) Research and Find the Best Provider
Before anything else, it’s important that you do your research. Don’t walk into the first laser hair removal clinic you see; look online and find laser hair removal clinics you can trust, with quality, real reviews, and a strong, transparent online presence.
It is crucial that you only work with trusted laser hair removal professionals, as laser hair removal is a process that can lead to scarring or burning if performed by an amateur.
2) Shave Your Chest
While you will most likely be advised to do this during your consultation, it is important to remember to shave your chest the day before your first treatment.
This is because the heat must travel down the hair strand and into the hair follicle root. By leaving your chest unshaved, the heat must travel further to get to the root. If you don’t shave your chest, the clinic will be required to do it before your treatment can begin.
3) No Pain, Skin Irritation, and Ingrown Hairs
You might have bad experiences in the past with hair removal in your chest, particularly when doing other hair removal options, such as shaving or waxing.
You will be happy to know that when performed by a trusted laser hair removal doctor or technician, you should experience very little pain (a snapping or pinching sensation caused by the lasers), and no ingrown hairs or skin irritation. Feel free to sit back and relax during your treatment.
4) Don’t Miss Your Treatment Calendar
After you get your first laser hair removal treatment for your chest, you will be scheduled to come back for your next treatment on a specific date. It is important that you clear up your schedule to make sure that you do not postpone your following treatments, as this date is not arbitrarily selected.
The treatments are planned to align with the cycle changes of your individual body hair strands. Missing or delaying a treatment can make the overall result less ideal.
Chest Laser Hair Removal FAQ
How much is chest laser hair removal?
The cost of a laser hair removal treatment depends on the location of the provider, the expertise of the provider, and the area to be treated. For the chest area for men, patients can expect a typical cost range of $350 to $600, but this can vary state by state.
How can I remove my chest hair permanently?
Searching for hair removal permanently can be difficult, as solutions for hair removal aren’t always as permanent as some people would prefer. There are cases where methods such as laser hair removal do lead to long-term hair removal, but it is always possible for the hair follicle to grow back (and thus the hair to grow back).
However, the best solutions for long-term hair removal are electrolysis and laser hair removal, with laser hair removal being the less painful and more accessible treatment.
How long does hair laser removal last?
Laser hair removal can cause a permanent marked hair reduction in the targeted area, but some hair might begin to grow back after 6-12 months. Maintenance treatments can be done after the patient sees some hair growth to continue keeping the area hair-free.
Chest Laser Hair Removal and More at Ethos Spa
Whether you are looking to learn more about laser hair removal for your chest and other areas, or you are ready to schedule your first laser hair removal appointment, there is no better place than Ethos Spa, Skin and Laser Center.
Ethos Spa is the premier provider of laser hair removal and other laser and skin treatments in New Jersey, and has successfully provided safe and effective laser hair removal to countless patients for years.
Contact us today for your free consultation, and find out more about how laser hair removal for your chest is perfect for you.
The post Chest Laser Hair Removal: The Only Permanent Solution to Irritating Chest Hair appeared first on Ethos Spa Skin and Laser Center.
source https://www.myethosspa.com/chest-laser-hair-removal-permanent-solution/ from Ethos Spa Skin and Laser Center http://myethosspacom.blogspot.com/2019/11/chest-laser-hair-removal-only-permanent.html
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