#but it is definitely not just ally doing all the trans heavy lifting like
brinnanza · 2 years
this is a very tiny thing to be unreasonably pleased about but I really like that brennan's la gran gata voice is like. really deep and gravelly because like. she's a female cat. she's a lady. it's a lady cat. and it's not like brennan can't do "female" voices but like. the choice. to make her voice so low. good shit. delicious. I love it when people like play with and twist what is usually a very strict gendered divide in voices.
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Friends and Family
[CW: mild transphobic language]
This is addressed to the loved ones of a trans person.  Family, friends, classmates, coworkers, anyone this person has to be around a good amount of time.  Effort and attitude earn you more patience.
Here’s what I mean.  Language shifts can be hard.  I get that.  We all get that.  We wish it was easy, wish that everyone around us immediately picked up the revelations we’ve made for ourselves and switched with no problem.  We want to be seen as what we feel like, and we want it to be easy.  
But I get that it’s hard.  I have a higher voice, so when I talk everyone around me immediately thinks ‘she.’  It doesn’t matter what I look like, or how I act, or what they know about me.  The voice shoots me right in the face.  Slaps a little sticker on me, so I get it. I do. 
But let me give you a few examples: 
When I came out to my parents (as non-binary, about 18 months ago.  we aren’t having the “trans talk” for quite a while yet), and told them my feelings and my identity and my pronouns, they brushed it off.  “Well you’re still my little girl,” my mom said.  “And I’m going to call you whatever I want.  They doesn’t make sense.  You’re not a they.  There’s only one of you.  I’m not doing it.” 
My father didn’t say anything. 
So when they refer to me as “she,” when my mom calls me her “girl,” her “daughter,” a “lady,” “pretty,” “beautiful,” etc etc.  It creates some resentment.  I love my mother.  I love her very, very much and have fought too hard for our relationship not to, but there’s a lot of resentment.  Not that she’s getting it wrong, but that she’s absolutely refusing to try and get it right.  I have no patience for it.  That behavior doesn’t deserve patience. 
When I came out to a coworker back in the midwest (still non-binary, about the same time frame as above), he was ultimately supportive!  He also did that annoying ass “I can’t imagine how difficult it must be” sympathy thing, which irks me, but the gesture is appreciated.
He also said “we probably shouldn’t tell anyone about this,” and listen.  I understand his point.  We were in a place that hardly tolerates binary-trans people, they would absolutely no stand for non-binary ones.  But sometimes he used the correct pronouns, and sometimes he remembered to use non-gendered language.  Sometimes when he didn’t, and I brought it to his attention, he said “I’m trying, but it’s hard.”  I get that it’s hard. Try harder. 
He got a good deal of patience.  He was my first ally outside of college, and beggars can’t be choosers.  Besides, about 40% of the time he did actually try.  It’s acceptable enough.  I’ll take it. 
At my new job I introduced myself with “they/them” pronouns.  I was starting my adult life in a new city with new people where not a single person knew a damned thing about me, and Damn It I was going to start Fresh. 
My boss tried, and what I mean by that is, he legitimately, over and over again tried.  About half the time he would get my pronouns correct, the other half he would say “she” or “her,” and then say “Shit, sorry.”  He started just using my name instead, which... is not my favorite method, but I’ll accept the crutch.  
He tried in other ways too.  Talked about his time as a young man with the queer friends he had made, how he’d stripped at gay bars, about roommates he had had.  He reassured me that this city was good for stuff like that.  He roped me into “male bonding activities,” like quietly pointing out attractive women to each other, bragging about date nights. He not once tried to stop me from lifting heavy things (which is my least favorite thing that people do). He let me talk about testosterone, never seemed even vaguely uncomfortable about it.
When I made up my mind a few months in and made the announcement, saying I was switching to “he/him” pronouns, do you know what he did? 
He cheered.  He and the other guy I was working with both hollared and clapped and they said “Hell yeah, [name] is a guy now!”  And he pulled me aside, and he told me two things.  He told me about a girlfriend he’d had for a long, long time who was transgender, and about how even in photos from her childhood, when she was dressed up like a little boy doing little boy things, you could tell that there was a girl in there.  It just shone through.  He told me that I was like that, that he’d said to other people, “Nah, she’s a man.  She’s totally just a guy[1].” 
So the next day at work, when he was speaking to someone and slipped up, saying, “Yeah, and she said--” and I said, “SHE?”, and he goes “Shit, no, yeah and she, and they said--”  and I said, “He. It’s He, it’s okay.  He said.”
I might have been disappointed, but I am ready to forgive that same mistake a dozen more times.  Because you can fuck up, over and over and over again, but if you actually listen when I talk to you.  If you believe the things I say about myself.  If you trust me to know my own identity, and you respect that.  If you go as far as he did and VALIDATE IT??  Then you’re earning yourself a mountain of patience from me. 
Try again, it’s okay.  Try again, I know.  I know how I look, I know what I sound like, I know what society says, and I know that it’s all a big ol’ WIP.  But if you treat me like a grown up, I’ll respond like one.  Genuine effort garners limitless patience. Dismissal garners you nothing.
[1] this could definitely be problematic, since I was identifying as a non-binary individual during the time he would have been saying this, but I’m personally alright with it.  My relationship with my own gender is a little lackadaisical, and even when I was non-binary I clung to a lot of gendered terms on either side of the spectrum, because they felt right.  
I know this is not everyone’s experience, and I know this comment would not be comfortable for a lot of people.  I am by no means invalidating the non-binary identity.  It is not mine, it was simply a pit stop I made on the way to figuring out who I was, and it was a lovely one, but it didn’t fit.  It might fit you.  It fits so, so, so many people.  Find your people, and find comfort in them, and never let a stranger on the internet make you feel bad about shit. 
We’re all just living our own lives, doing our own bests, figuring out what works for us.  This works for me, and I support whatever it is that works for you.
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I needed to re-make my headcanons list so here we go: Mlp characters with gender, sexuality, and body type headcanons. Also have some ‘what race they’d be as a human’ headcanons and maybe a few other things tossed in too;
Pinkie Pie
Panromantic Pansexual
Genderfluid(DFAB). Depending on the day, it will be either she/her, he/him, they/them, or even sometimes they don’t even know.
5′ 10″(177.8 cm)
Definitely fat, but has plenty of muscle and is active as hell. 
White, mostly Irish, but has a small amount of Native American in there.
Hella ADHD, fidgets with things all the time, messes with her hair, waves arms as she talks, tends to chew on things(pencils/pens, necklaces, headphone wires, etc.), so she keeps lolipops and hard candies on her so that she doesn’t ruin things.
Twilight Sparkle
Biromantic Bisexual
Demigirl(DFAB). she/her or they/them pronouns
As a Unicorn: 5′ 10″(177.8 cm), as an Alicorn: 6; (182.88 cm)
Decent weight, some muscle from sparing with her brother on occasions. She eats a lot but burns through calories like hell because she’s always using magic.Probably a little chubbier in Season 1, since she sat around all day, but she’s become more active since then.
She used to need glasses as a kid, but refused to wear them. Since since she was Celestia’s student she could take her time to decipher blurs. Becoming an Alicorn fixed her eyesight somewhat.
Gray-romantic Gray-sexual
Cis female(never bothered to question her gender though)
5′5″(165.1 cm)
Average weight for her height. 
Chinese and Japanese
Loves making clothes for all bodytypes. Encourages everyone who comes to her shop that they look amazing. Specifically makes things for larger bodytypes instead of the ‘uh, just make it bigger??’ thing.
Aromantic Asexual(sex neutral)
Agender(DFAB) she/her pronouns because she’s used to it(but doesn’t mind other pronouns)
6′ 4″ (193 cm)
Lot of muscle from farm work, but it’s the legit muscle and not the defined body-builder muscle. Can lift a lot
75% Native American, 25% white. pretty much looks like a combination of the two.
AJ defies a lot of the ‘country girl’ stereotypes. For example, she’s quite smart. She’s good with math, and stars know how many apple-related facts she could ramble off.Also, she’s, like, the least homophobic/transphobic person(pony?) ever. She will fight anyone who is, even if they’re family members.
Rainbow Dash
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female(has actually explored her gender(and sexuality for that matter), but has come to the conclusion that she’s a girl)
5′ 8″ (172.7 cm)
Obviously athletic with plenty muscle, but not the heavy-lifting ones like AJ has. Rainbow’s more like a gymnast or a dancer. 
Everyone thinks she’s the gay one because stereotypes, but she’s just a major ally. Honestly it kind of works when she accompanies closeted friends to LGBT events, since it takes the pressure off them. Also, Rainbow’s smarter than everyone thinks. Like, yeah she doesn’t remember things she finds boring, but she can list every single feather in a wing, and knows her way around weather.
Homoromantic Homosexual
Trans Male(DFAB)
5′6″ (167.64 cm)
Very small and thin. ‘perfect model’ type body. not much boobage but considering he’s a trans guy he’s okay with that.
I don’t have a specific race headcanon for Flutters but probably not white.
Within the show’s timeline, Fluttershy is still in the closed about his gender. The only one he’s told is Rainbow Dash who is very supportive. I have wrote a fic with EQG Fluttershy coming out to her friends, and timeline-wise it’s during his senior year at CHS.
Sunset Shimmer
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′8″ (172.72 cm)
little bit of muscle
Unsure of race but not white
Remember the fire wings from ‘My Past is Not Today’, and also Daydream Shimmer? She has those, but they’re sort of phantom-like. Basically you can only see them if you look for them. Or if you have Aura Vision. 
Starlight Glimmer
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
5′6″ (167.64)
average bodytype
Has experimented with her sexuality before but no she only likes guys
Demiromantic Pansexual
Agender(more of ???? really, but uses it as it’s the best label) (DMAB) okay with any pronouns.
His adult height will be 6′2″ (185.42 cm)
average bodytype
Really confused by gender but rolls with it.
Sweetie Belle
Demiromantic Demisexual
Genderfluid  (DFAB)
Adult height is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Little chubby, but has a lot of stamina.
Chinese and Japanese
Theatre kid
Biromantic Asexual(sex repulsed)
Agender(DFAB), they/them pronouns
Adult height is 5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Athletic like Dash, but also a little extra muscle. 
They do eventually get to fly. It’s nowhere near anything Dash can do, and even by average standards They’re pretty bad. Their speed and endurance are terrible, but they can at least make it to the clouds on their own, and can glide fairly well.
Biromantic Heterosexual
Cis Female
Adult height is 5′ 9″ (175.25 cm)
Not as outright muscular as her siblings, but can still lift plenty.
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more Native than white. 
Best at building. Gives a helping hand to whoever needs something made
Princess Celestia
Demiromantic Asexual(sex positive)
Agender, she/her pronouns
7′4″ (223.52 cm)
Decently muscular. Can kick your ass.
Not sure about her race, but definitely dark skinned
Celestia lets very few others get close to her. She rarely shows her true emotions. 
Princess Luna
Biromantic Homosexual
Agender, she/her pronouns
Normal Height: 7′ (213.36), de-powered(season 1): 6′ 5″ (195.58), Nightmare Moon: 7′ 4″(223.52 cm)
Little bit of chub. 
Dramatic as fuck
Princess Cadence
Demiromantic Pansexual
Cis Female
5′ 8″ (172.72 cm)
Thin and light
Unsure of race
Shining Armor
Biromantic Bisexual
5′ 11″(180.34 cm)
Listen, my man, he’s a fucking Guard. He has muscle and can kick your ass.
Technically he’s Prince of the Crystal Empire, but he’s more co-Captain of the Crystal Guard
Panromantic Demisexual
When asked about gender, he’l just give an unsure shrug and a wiggly hand gesture.Uses he/him most often, but okay with other pronouns
7′ 5″ (226 cm)
He’s a mix of, like, every race, and has such an even balance of features that he can pass as whatever he wants to.
Tbh full-human(non-magical) Discord totally fucked up his left wrist as a teen and wears a wrist brace all the time.
Big Macintosh
Biromantic Bisexual
Cis male
6′8″ (210.82 cm)
Lot of muscle. 
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more white
Still always quiet
Diamond Tiara
Panromantic Demisexual
Adult height is 5′10″ (177.8 cm)
Little bit of muscle, little bit of chub
Unsure of her exact race but dark skinned
You can pry her metalworking abilities from my cold dead hands
Silver Spoon
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
Adult height is 5′ 7″ (170.18 cm)
Kinda fat
No specific race headcanons. Possibly white
Best chef 
Trixie Lulamoon
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′ 5″ (165.1 cm)
Unsure of race but probably not whiite
Hates that she’s shorter than Twilight. Had internal rage when she showed up after Twilight’s Ascension because she’s now even taller than her.
Prince Blueblood
Aromantic Pansexual
Cis male
5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Average body type
Unsure of race
Less of a dick than he appears to be, but uses his rep to help Aunt Celestia.
Now we’re getting to ‘I don’t want to write a goddamn paragraph for each character’ section, so have bullet points. Maybe I’ll expand if asked.
All three Sirens are gay. Hella gay. Adagio is 5′10″(177.8 cm), Sonata is 5′8″(172.72 cm), Aria is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Cheerilee is bisexual
Flash Sentry is Bisexual
Derpy is demiromantic demisexual
The Cake Twins are Demiboy and Demigirl (respectively to their assigned Gender) and also hella gay. 
Transmare Snails 
Bisexual Snips is 
Twist and Alula are gay and also dating. 
Pansexual Pipsqueak 
Rumble is biromantic Asexual 
Thunderlane is Pansexual  
Fleur DIs Lee is Aromantic and Asexual 
Gay Breaburn because it’s a classic 
Bisexual Soarin 
Night Glider, Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle are all bisexual
Lyra and Bon bon are gay and dating(but totally make fun of the ‘oh we’re best friends. Just gals being pals’ thing)
Octavia is homoromantic asexual
Vinyl Scratch is pansexual
Indigo Zap is agressively straight
Lemon Zest is pan
Sour Sweet is a gay trans girl
Sugarcoat is AroAce
Sunny Flarre is graromantic graysexual
TImber Spruce is demiromantic Demisexual
Gloriosa Daisy is hella gay
Ask for any others Or for heights of characters I didn’t give heights for
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