#but it irritates me LOL I wanted to rant and rave about this
camellcat · 11 months
I KNOW there is a pipeline from teen wolf to doctor who (or the other way around) but I haven't figured it out. I just. I see you. I see stiles stilinski pop up far too often for there not to be one.
and I don't even like most of you bc it's the same fuckin sterek hating scott mccall lovers (me) vs scott mccall hating sterek lovers (you), but in a completely different fandom. it's absolutely tragic.
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papirouge · 3 years
And sorry to keep on rambling, I guess im still a little mad lol, but you know how weird it is that straight men seem to be the most misogynyst ones? Like with woman the true "misandrists" are almost always lesbians, but straight men seem to have such deep disdain of women, and christian men on tumblr really are a perfect example of this. I've seen these blogs only defend women when it comes to trans stuff, but when it comes to rape and murder and male violence they couldn't give less of a fuck. like theyll constantly cite that study where they believe it says lesbians suffer high rates of partner violence, and thus try to dismiss any kind of male-to-female domestic violence, conveniently missing the part where it says that these lesbians mostly suffer violence from their male partners. and some of them even try to suggest from this faulty analysis that this may mean that women are more likely to be perpetrators of violence than victims and try to make it a gendered issue, but when women point out that 98% of rapes are done by men, and that the majority of victims are women and girls then generalizations are bad and you can't make this a gendered issue and women can be evil too and so on. it seems that the only reason they even bother with women its because of their sexual attraction to them, and because they can give them babies and thus "pass their genes". At least most misandrists try to avoid men the most they can, but most misogynyst dont "go their own way" or whatever, they just keep on bothering women for whatever reason. And I also dont understand the women who follow these men and entertain or put up with these attitudes.
And I was also going to rant about the racist ones, but this is getting too long lol. So many of them are specially anti-black and try to cite statistics to justify their bigotry. Like God sure is proud and definitely expects you to hate black people and brown people and women. That's why He created them 🙄
Now I want to make clear that I don't hate men. Or women. I love them both, they're my brothers and sisters, but it still doens't mean that I can't be irritated at these attitudes. I guess it makes me more sad than anything else. I just expected more from fellow christians...
ihow weird it is that straight men seem to be the most misogynyst ones? Like with woman the true "misandrists" are almost always lesbians, but straight men seem to have such deep disdain of women
This is such an interesting remark and this is soooooooo true!!!! Hate as you want about misandrist/separatist lesbian radfem, but at least they are consistent in their disdain for men and are doing their best to avoid them. On the opposite, male misogynists are for the most part straight, and it seems like their hatred for women reeks from spitefulness. And they won't leave us alone. They are mad at us for not being sexually accessible and somehow threatening (feminism made women less shy to call out their bs). That's why they HATE subs like FDS, because they feel threatened at women having boundaries and standards.
I've seen these blogs only defend women when it comes to trans stuff, but when it comes to rape and murder and male violence they couldn't give less of a fuck.
Exactly. Even when trying to express positivity about women, it's ALWAYS backhanded. Like, they'll make a post raving about how much better & prettier women from decades ago were compared to the ugly, angry & unshaven feminists lol "that's how real women are uwu" Or they'll pretend caring about feminists from Third World country and be like "see? that's what TRUE feminism is!!" as if women needed they stamp of approval to define feminism.... LMAO Male entitlement knows no bound.... These people will act so offended and shocked about radfem saying "kill all men" when we all know WHO -IN REAL LIFE- KILLS WHO lmao How ironic is that women saying "KILL ALL MEN" will do their best to avoid men and do not that much actually, when men are acting like they were under attack (against their masculinity...) while championing homicide and femicide lmaooo They're so fake and pathetic.... And yet their female mutuals will let it fly because "I'm not like these stupid feminists uwu I'll let my male buddy clown and disparage women because I'm 2cool4feminism uwu" SMH
like theyll constantly cite that study where they believe it says lesbians suffer high rates of partner violence, and thus try to dismiss any kind of male-to-female domestic violence, conveniently missing the part where it says that these lesbians mostly suffer violence from their male partners. and some of them even try to suggest from this faulty analysis that this may mean that women are more likely to be perpetrators of violence than victims.
Yeah I've seen that post saying that women were more violent than men make round and been rightfully been debunked by radfem. I used to follow the girl who made that post with stats saying lesbians relationship were more violent than straight & gay ones but a bunch of these been debunked too, as, like you said, some stats were from lesbians who underwent abuse from STRAIGHT relationships. I think out of those she pulled out, only one stat was legit/not poorly interpreted, so IDK what OP was trying to achieve but it was kinda messy. She didn't back down though lol Meanwhile, she never got the same energy to call out male violence and the misogyny of the Christian LARPer weirdos she mingled with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mind you, that's the same girl who got mad at me for saying that man-strocking wasn't cute so this explains that.... lol
IDK what she and all the people who entertained this crooked data thought they were achieving anyway. Bickering about minority issues (statistically) while totally missing the elephant in the room ain't the hot take they thought it was... Lesbians relationship could be the most abusive ones, it still wouldn't dismiss the fact that most couples are straight and that male on female violence IS dominant in society and consequentially has bigger effects on society + doesn't stop at violence but straight up murder. And yes, while I won't deny that lesbians can be totally abusive, it was still very strange to see the people who NEVER spoke about male on female violence (that represent MOST of domestic violence), suddenly getting out the woodwork to jump on this opportunity to be like "SEE? WOMEN BE EVIL!!!" Dude, why do you care about lesbian violence your own fellas are making up almost 100% of rape and domestic violence in the world? 🤔....SMH They are so corny and fake....
And I was also going to rant about the racist ones, but this is getting too long lol. So many of them are specially anti-black and try to cite statistics to justify their bigotry. Like God sure is proud and definitely expects you to hate black people and brown people and women. That's why He created them 🙄
You're right! God saw the world and made Blacks, Asian, White, etc. It's so crazy to me to see these fake Christians mock our features and call them inferior and dull... Like, do you know who made us? They pretend to be Christian, but they are making a mockery of His Work on a daily basis.... they are demons.
Some are literally so OBSESSIONAL at mocking Black people, it's almost pathological.. I remember browsing on that blog from a "Christian" man retelling his encounters with skinwalkers and I thought he was cool, and then I realized his banner was actually mocking Black for making up 41% of crimes in America. Then I scrolled below, and he replied to an anon mocking Blacks, and made the same 41% "joke" like?? how any more obsessed can you be?? they're demons.
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roxannedarling · 6 years
Day 30: 758 Words
OK, daily habits are hard for me right now.
Once again, I blame codependency. (See writing from a few days ago.) Left to myself and to my "own devices" I think I would write and doodle everyday. But I live with someone. And I have clients. And the politics are really disturbing to me right now. And we are selling our house - with a lot of stuff to dispose of. And we are buying a different house in another state.
So yes, there is stress.
This is when you know how strong you are. And how resilient your relationships are.
LOL, or aren't.
I acquired that mantra about 4 years ago and it's a powerful, winning idea. For me. It reminds me that none of this matters, in the long run, in the big picture.
That's another one I love. Keep unplugging, letting go, assuming everything is fluid and not fixed.  Try not to get upset at things as they will be changing any moment.
It's hard to write right now. I have this kind of energy that is seemingly in two states at once. I am outwardly calm. Inwardly calm too. You are reading my thoughts - I'm not ranting, I'm not raving like a lot of people are today. I'm fine with that. It's how things move along. But for me, I prefer calm, laser focus, only do what's essential, not get caught up in a bunch of back and forth that have the same ideas, the same words, that have been said over an over.
My heart rate is 63 right now.
They're not bad words - that's not what I'm saying. They are just obvious words in many cases. And many unwindable situations.
I am about stillness until there is a clear call to action.
Still, there is a sort of vague buzz energy in the background. It's a mild pressure to get things done, check things off lists, keep thinking about what I'm forgetting. I think it is kid energy, that thing the buddhists call the monkey mind. The worrier. The one who feels little to no power so attempts to create the illusion of power but existing in a state of "DO SOMETHING!" Or, "so something, goddammit! This is all awful. I don't like it. It's really uncomfortable so please, can't you change something, change anything, so I can stop worrying so much?"
So yeah. Laser focus. Be still until there is a clear call to action. Yes, this will irritate some people. That's OK, haha, unless I want to scramble around and then regret it and have to once again blame codependency!
I'm looking at a piece of artwork a little girl made for me a few years ago. She drew a rather complex heart filled with rows of cloud patterns in a rainbow of colors. The words say:
    This is my futer. What is your's?     The world is awsm     you are awsm.     Everything is awsm.
Then a drawing of the earth in blue and green or ocean and land.
How awsm is that?!? I love it. It makes me feel good.
LOL, the children are our future.
The pressure has dissipated quite a bit. It was so vague, so abstract, so easy for the monkey to pretend it wasn't really there. When it was. She is good at hiding. I am good at spotting her. It is a continuous game of hide and seek. She wants to control me and tell me what to do and at the same time she wants to be invisible and pretend that her ideas are mine, somehow.
I am not opposed to listening now and then, but I don't want her making any decisions. I would be willing to listen more I imagine if she identified herself accurately instead of masquerading as me. She is who I was, not who I am. We are related, we share a history. We have very different goals. We share many dreams and wishes. Yeah, it's a lot to keep track of!
I'm up to it. I'm a lover of consciousness. That's my main interest in this lifetime. I believe I've had many before, I tend to assume I'll have more later.
For now, serve me up as much self-awareness and self-acceptance as I can take. Load me up! I got nothing to prove. Just lots to play.
This must be perfect otherwise it wouldn't be happening.
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