#but it helps make sure people READ both quotes properly before voting
so Canva (where I am designing the images for the quotes) is down. i'll wait until tomorrow morning to see if the issue is resolved otherwise i'll use some other editing app
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sixteenthshen · 4 years
i need help
I read a post on Zhihu last night - “How to evaluate the finale of Word of Honor?” The top commenter’s writing just killed me.
Heavy spoilers for episode 33/34. There’re no spoilers for the episodes after that, but I can’t guarantee this if there are replies.
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The rest hidden behind a cut. 
I don’t need help explaining the finale or the happy ending, bad ending whatever it is, I’ve found my own way to come to terms with it. But I can’t accept what happened in 33/34 and the lack of follow up on the core of the issue, and that’s blocking me from enjoying the “HE”. To be fair, I think I may be a bit hormonal? Because this is really making me feel like crap. 
This is a comment made by a Chinese user on Zhihu: 
I only want to say; the show might as well have ended when A-Xu jumped down the cliff after WKX. Even though it's a bit lame, at least the soulmate feelings were still there.
The grand finale basically destroyed the soulmate bond built up over 20+ episodes. The essence of it is gone; all of the "candy" and "knives" feel like they've been stripped away.
I've written so much about WKX & ZZS and how they were both falling for each other, saving each other. And now it all looks like a big joke.
It turns out ZZS's soulmate is ZZH, not WKX. The mountains and rivers in the world can't compare to meeting my soulmate. Since my soulmate is gone, I might as well die. (Play on the quote from the drama, instead of why should I live, it becomes I should just die)
(The poster starts talking to ZZS directly - referring to him as you) You're really a mistreated (tortured?) concubine, aren't you? Once you decide to give your whole heart, whole person away, you somehow always end up meeting some fake evil bastard (reference to Farewell my Concubine, basically that ZZS always ends up being suckered)
When you first fell into Prince Jin's trap, it's because you were young and not yet wise to the ways of the world, and believed in the grand words of your cousin and got conned into the world of politics. Sinking into the dirtiest, muddiest of marshes.
You plotted tirelessly for 18 months, suffered through 18 months of pain from the 7 nails, and finally exchanged it for 3 years of freedom. But when you met WKX, you fell right back in again.
Heraclitus said, "You cannot step into the same river twice" <<(I think this person mixed up the meaning of this quote, cause it doesn't fit, but basically intends to say people shouldn't make the same mistake twice)
The first time you stepped into the river, you got away with only half your life. The next time you stepped into the river, you nearly lost your life 4x (under YBY's sword, when you jumped off the cliff to your death for love, pulling out your nails, exploding the mountain to cause an avalanche + suicide), in the end you became a living dead person on Changming mountain.
I don't know if I should call you a living dead man, anyway, in my heart, once you pulled out the nails from your body, cutting off any other alternative you had just to help WKX take revenge… while WKX came back from the dead, and worked with everyone present at the scene to give the performance of a lifetime, you were already dead.
What a mockery, a farce.
You gave up everything but in the end, you were nothing more than a spectator.
He wanted you to give him face, to let him go home to explain things. You quietly stepped aside and gave him the stage. He wanted your baiyi sword to demonstrate his family's sword technique, to prove his identity. You gave it to him without a second word. He cut Zhao Jing's arms and legs tendons, crippled his martial arts, finally took revenge. You were happy for him despite everything.
When Mo Huaiyang accused him of being the Ghost Valley Master, he openly admitted to it and said the entire first part was just an act. You stood in front of him, to protect him. Said he is your shidi, and stood with him without any reservations.
But he had secretly already reached an agreement with Ye Baiyi. He knew YBY wouldn't hurt him, but you didn't know and yet you still shielded him. So terribly afraid that YBY would hurt him because of his identity. 
Everyone knew this was part of the scheme he laid out, everyone participated in his scheme. Only you didn't know. Only you foolishly believed that he wouldn't be alright without you, that he needed you to help him take revenge. That he had his difficulties so he couldn't confess the truth to you, as long as he did, then you would be the first to know everything. That he was your soulmate. This word "soulmate", if said enough times, it would even be real. In this life, right up until the end, we can't even fully understand ourselves, how do we talk about others?
the source is the top voted answer here. I like this poster a lot, she shared some great things throughout the course of the drama, 3 of which were the base of poems-related posts I’ve made here. I was doing fine before, but in the course of translating this answer for a friend, I made myself feel worse.
She later forced herself to look at it from WKX’s perspective and wrote a piece on it as well, but it... was very forced and I’m not too sure she even believed it herself. She ended that part with - “this made her feel very keenly that no matter how similar two souls may be, in the end, they are still two souls. He isn’t you and he will never be you. You can work endlessly and tirelessly to be closer, but your souls can never meet.”
I... I’m too sad to translate the WKX part in order to be fair to WKX in this post (if I feel better about it, i will later? but it didn’t make me feel better at all tbh) 
Can someone who can articulate well and believe that what WKX did was right, please help to make me understand episodes 32-34 from his perspective?
My main issues are:
We never got a proper 1-to-1 discussion between WKX and ZZS over the issue. At first, they were celebrating as a group, I can accept it. There wasn’t a time or place.
But when ZZS went back to his room early and sober, when everyone else was still drinking and having fun, I felt so bad for him.
When WKX came into his room, looking for ZZS when drunk, I know it isn’t supposed to be like this - but I can’t help but feel he didn’t dare to talk to A-Xu 1-to-1. Instead he went when he was drunk to spill his heart. It can be thought of as sweet, because the first person he thinks of when he’s drunk is A-Xu... but I can’t help but find it very selfish, because it leaves A-Xu with no way to talk about things. If you’ve ever talked to a drunk while sober, you would understand what I mean, it’s a one-way conversation, you can’t get anything through.
But that conversation left A-Xu with enough guilt that he can’t come clean to WKX about what he did. How can he tell WKX that he pulled out his nails, and is about to die. To take away WKX’s happiness, when Lao Wen just told him about how happy he was to have him in his life?
Lao Wen had 0 intention to be cruel, but it ended up being more cruel. And this lack of a proper discussion between the two of them, makes me call into question the whole thing about soulmates. I believe Lao Wen loves A-Xu the best he can (with his somewhat emotionally stunted self), but he’s not putting himself in the other person’s shoes to care for them. 
Love =/= care. And by not caring enough in this matter, I feel it’s thrown him into OOC. Where is the WKX who cared so much for ZZS at the start? Where is the tenderness? 
The drama never properly addressed why WKX faked his death and not tell A-Xu. The only reason they gave was that A-Xu was heavily injured (through Wu Xi). WKX just admitted he was wrong (and should drink). That’s all.
Please don’t preach to me about the happy ending or talk about the finale. I personally can’t resolve 32-34, I have found a way to accept the ending as long as I can accept these 3 episodes.
I may not be able to immediately accept your POV but I will force myself to try to find something that fits. I want to keep shipping wenzhou :( 
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a-pretty-nerd · 4 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 1
When The League of Villians discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you're in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
Word Count: 2551
Warnings: Themes of depression, emotional abuse, and violence.
A/N: I'm kinda obsessed with Shigaraki.
I think he's just a wonderfully well written character that not even I can get my head around 100%. He's like Kylo Ren...but way better and with actual values, not good values, but values. Anyways, I'm super excited to be writing this because the last series I wrote was also a villiany character thing but it was less work to work out the characters because one was an actualy psychopath were as Shigaraki isn't even a sociopath, he's just a survivor of truama and grooming and his own hate so I'm really excited to play with it! DON'T FORGET! I have a Patreon acc if you wanna support me there, you can make requests and vote for new content and join my discord! Thanks for reading!💕
Support Me On Patreon! 
Prologue Chapter 2 
"So, how do you like teaching?"
You asked as you played with the small bowl of Udon in your hand. All Might looked up from his bowl. The past month had been uneventful and lousy. There were little opportunities to spend time together and when you did, it was awkward and hopeless. It was hard to open up, apart of you just couldn’t bring yourself to get personal with him. You still had a little time left, you were hoping it would just a slow and gradual change, but a change none-the-less. 
“I enjoy it more than I thought I would.” 
“You miss hero work?” 
“It’s more frustrating than anything. Not being able to really do anything anymore. I was used to be the symbol of peace and now I’m just...” 
“Normal?” You asked. The insinuation clearly made him uncomfortable, his shoulders relaxed and let out a sad sigh. 
“As normal as a retired hero can be.” You felt bad for his, really, he looked so sad and defeated. 
“What is it they say back home? Teachers are the real heroes. They define and build the future by teaching future generations. Right? So really, you’re still a hero. Just in a different way, right?” He looked up at you with a small twinkle in his eyes. His lips slowly curled into a reluctant smile. 
“I guess you’re right.” The apartment fell silent again as you ate your meal. Finally, he broke it again. “So, two majors. That must have been a lot of work, what made you get two?” 
“The deal was if I could get scholarships for both, I could study what I wanted. Just as long as I got a law degree too. As a , quote, ‘backup’.” 
“A backup? I though forensic science is a pretty stable thing anyways.” 
“Forensic psychology, and yeah, it is. She told me she wouldn’t support me if I didn’t get the law degree.” 
“Wouldn’t support you? That’s a little harsh, but I thought you got a lot of scholarships to pay for it all.” You sighed at his ignorance. Apart of you had forgotten how little he really knew about you. It stung to even think about. 
“Well, I had a bit of an incident freshmen year and I lost them.” 
“An incident?” 
“Yeah. I had a bit of a breakdown. I’m fine now. I just lost everything and I had to take a lot of makeup courses so I could graduate on time.” You tried to avoid eye contact by looking out the window and onto the city at night. 
“Why didn’t you call me? I could have helped. Money’s no object, you could have-” 
“It’s fine. It’s not like she couldn’t afford it. Besides, it’s all done now and I have more opportunities. I have a job lined up as soon as I get home anyways. Everything’s fine now.” You brushed it off. 
“You can come to me for things, y’ know. I know I wasn’t around much when you were a kid but I’m here now. I was hoping this trip would help us reconnect.” 
“Yeah, me too.” 
“How is your mom doing, by the way?” 
“Oh, she’s fine. She got married again recently. Nice gal.” 
“Oh yeah? What happened to the last wife?” You shrugged. 
“I don’t know, it’s always something with her. Sucks, I really liked Sandra.” 
“Yeah, they seemed really good together. Do you at least keep in contact with Sandra? You guys were close, right?” 
“Yeah, she was there at my graduation. I miss her a lot.” 
“Do you not like the new girl?” 
“I don’t know her enough to know really. I didn’t even know mom was dating someone. She’s not much older than me though.” 
“Yeah, y’ know people expect this kind of thing from a Dad but I guess Mom’s always been the type to break stereotypes. I don’t get what you ever saw in her.” All Might chuckled as she scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“It was a long time ago, we were different people back then.” 
“Yeah, I know.” The conversation fizzled out from there. “Are you done?” You asked him as you finished your bowl. He looked down at the empty thing. 
“Oh, yeah.” 
“I got it.” You took it from his hand and got up to toss the little bowls of takeout away. He stood and cleaned up the rest of the table before dropping dishes in the sink and walking over to the couch. 
“What do you want to watch tonight?” He asked as he sat down and turned on the TV. 
“Um, I was gonna go to the gym for a little if that’s okay.” You said as you shuffled your coat over your shoulders and adjusted it. He looked up at you, a little surprised, or was that disappointment? 
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you later.” 
“See you.” You waved as you threw your backpack over your shoulder and headed out the door. You locked the door behind you with the spare key and shoved it into your bag before going on your way. Usually, the gym would be empty at this time of night. You were a little disappointed to find you weren’t alone. Another man was running on a treadmill across the gym. You continued with your routine regardless. Pretty soon you were left alone to go about your business. 
You didn’t love to workout, it wasn’t the physical aspect that you enjoyed so much. You just liked the peace, being left alone to your own devices, and having people respect your privacy. You could plug in with your headphones and zone out for a while in the name of exercise. Sure, the strong body you’d acquired was nice and all, but you didn’t work out for appearances, not anymore. 
Sometimes you pushed yourself a little too hard, it was easy to. It was easy to ignore yourself at this rate. Easy to brush yourself aside, your wants, your needs, your desires, it was too easy to push aside and give in. It was so ingrained in your being to ignore yourself, that you barely even noticed how badly you were hurting. The constriction of your chest, the struggle to breathe properly was normal now. You hardly even noticed how dehydrated you were until your vision began to darken and your body started to crumble. You came out of your train of thought panting and sweating profusely. You reached for your water bottle and began to huff as you drank desperately from it. 
You gave yourself a long moment before the heavy feeling overcame you and you shuffled helplessly to the bathroom before hunching over, and spilling your guts in the toilet. You cursed at yourself, scolding yourself for working yourself sick. You stood in the cold shower for longer than you probably should have, your body shaking under the water as it ran smoothly over your form. You closed your eyes and tried to relax the best you could. 
Then you heard footsteps. What time was it? There usually isn’t anyone there at this hour. You turned off the shower to dry yourself off and to listen to the sound. The footsteps came around the corner to the showers before stopping abruptly. Weird. This is a little too weird. The silence felt wrong, felt suspicious. Then you heard the breathing, louder and louder until you knew it was right outside your shower stall. Your heart pounded rapidly in your chest and you began to panic. Normally, you could manage in a fight, but you had overworked yourself now. Your stomach was empty, your muscle ached, and your head was pounding. You felt sick. 
The silence was broken with the harsh sound of the shower curtain flying open. On the other side, a girl with a big bright, twisted smile lunged at you. She held a knife over her head and swung. You threw yourself to the shower wall, missing the blade as it came down. You pushed yourself out of the small space, clinging to your towel to cover yourself. You ran to the bathroom door, only to find a man standing in your way. The man lurking in the gym before. Your stomach dropped with fear as you gawked up at him. Now you could see him, a scar carved into his forehead. You watched him as you back away from his advancements, he pulled a mask over his head to complete his costume before he spoke. 
“Hold still now-Sorry about this!” He shouted at you before reaching out to grab ahold of you. 
“I got her!” The girl declared as she came from behind and grabbed ahold of you by your arm. She held the knife to your throat and tucked her chin in between your neck and shoulder. 
“Let me go!” You struggled against her, unable to push her off, unable to think of what to do. Unable to lift a finger at this rate. Your body cried out in defiance of your movements, the sick feeling rushed through your body and into your vision. Everything went blurry, and then everything went black. 
When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself clothed. Everything was still black, you realized there was a blindfold over your eyes and bindings on your wrists and ankles. You took deep breathes as you tried to make sense of your surroundings. Pressure, you felt pressure on either side of you. You were sitting. 
“She’s waking up.” The girl’s voice came from your right side. 
“Man, she really took a tumble!” The man’s voice came from your left. 
“I didn’t think it’d be that easy to grab her. You’d think the daughter of the number 1 hero would be a better fight.” The girl. 
“Doesn’t look like she has a quirk either, otherwise she would have used it, right?” Another man’s voice spoke from farther away. A car, you were in a car. It was moving, taking left and right turns. The voice now must be the driver. 
“She looks sick-She looks fine!” The man’s voice to your left spoke. 
“We’re close.” The driver spoke. The car turned another corner and pulled into a secluded garage before parking. 
“Come on, girly. He’ll be so happy to see you!” The girl giggled as she pulled you by the elbow out of the car. You still felt sick, hardly able to walk, especially with the ropes around your ankles. 
“Up ya go!” The man’s voice came from behind before you felt large hands grab ahold of you. They picked you up and held you like a baby as the man’s torso leaned back to properly carry you. He walked with you in his arms through a door and into a building. It was much warmed inside. 
“That the kid?” Another man spoke. 
“You wouldn’t believe how easy it was to nab her!” The girl cheered as she followed. You heard a lot of shuffling before he finally sat you down into a chair. From there, you were restrained further. 
“Not what I expected.” A raspy voice spoke from far away in the room. The blindfold was finally removed and light-flooded your view. It took you a second to make out figures, then the details of those figures, then the details of the room. It appeared to be the living space for an abandoned home. 
“You sure you got the right kid? I thought they’d be younger.” A man from the back of the room spoke. He held his arms tightly across his chest. His patchwork face starring you down in distaste. 
“100%!-Not sure!” 
“It’s All Might’s own flesh and blood alright! We’ve been watching them for weeks!” You shook in your seat as you looked up at the girl who boasted. A man with a face covered by a single hand stood from his seat across the room. He lurked closer and closer until he loomed over you. One red eye stared down at you as you stared back at it. 
“Are you really All Might’s daughter?” The raspy voice asked. You watched him for a moment before responding. 
“What do you want?” You croaked. He paused and stood up straight before looking back at the others. 
“Why is her hair wet?” He asked the girl. 
“We caught her off guard! Got her in the shower. She just passed out too, poor thing. Her body just gave out. Had to dress her myself.” Your face went hot with embarrassment and fear. 
“What’s her quirk?” 
“Doesn’t look like she has one.” The lizard-man spoke as he entered the room from the back door you came through. Red-eye looked back down at you. 
“What do you want?” You repeated. 
“You look pale. You sick or something?” He ignored you and changed the subject. 
“No. What do you want?” You insisted. 
“She looks sick, get her some water or something.” He groaned before walking away and sitting back down on a couch nearby. 
“What do you want with me?” 
“Should we tell her?” Patchwork asked Red-eye. 
“What? That’ll ruin the surprise!” The girl said with a face of glee. 
“I don’t know anything about the Heroes if you’re looking for information.” You spat helplessly. 
“Oh, we don’t need information.” Patchwork lulled. 
“Your accent, it’s American, isn’t it?” The girl smiled at you. 
“She’s American?” 
“That’s right, she flew in ‘bout a month ago to visit Daddy. And judging by her Japanese, she doesn’t visit much.” 
“She doesn’t know who we are, does she?” Patchwork spoke as he approached your chair. You stared up at him before he leaned over. 
“I don’t know names, but I have a pretty good idea who I’m dealing with.” You spoke softly. 
“And who do you think we are?” He purred. 
“The League of Villians.” Suddenly a sharp, raspy laugh rattled the room. Red-eye was hunched over giggling to himself on the couch before he stood and walked back over to you. He shoed patchwork away and knelt down to look up at you. He looked you in the eyes. 
“Bingo.” He smiled under the hand that covered his face. 
“What do you want with me? Clearly you know where All Might lives, why not hit him there? I can’t give you any information about UA either.” 
“I’m no low-life murderer, Y/L/N. I have bigger plans for you.” 
“You’re not trying to recruit me, are you?” He let out another chuckle at you. 
“No. You see, it would be easy to take All Might out now that he’s retired, that’s not the point. The symbol of peace is done for, people know that. What they can’t seem to understand is that its not just All Might that’s done for. It’s all heroes. They’ll see that when not even the world’s best heroes can get you back.” 
“So you’re going to kill me.” You murmured. He reached up and removed the hand from his face. He scared face peeking out from behind his shaggy hair. 
“Why would I kill my most valuable player? We’re not going to hurt you, we’re just going to keep you for as long as we need until the show is over.” He stood up finally and looked down at you once again. His face was almost, handsome.
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable 
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joaquinmigueltang · 4 years
Technology is here to stay for good
For most, technology and social media come together as it is a way to connect with one another at any point in Earth and anytime. However, in my life, technology is different from social media. In my opinion, I think of technology as the tool that enables social media and without technology, social media would not exist.
         With that being said, technology and social media play different roles in my life. Technology has enabled me to expand my knowledge through the limitless access of education by just searching any question that I have in mind through web search engines such as Google, which would then direct me to academic sources, or especially now, during the pandemic, I am able to take online classes with the help of technology through Canvas. Not only does it provide education, but also entertainment at the same time since it enables me to access multiple kinds of entertainment – from games to movies. On the other hand, I see social media only as a connectivity or to communicate with anyone. That is the only role that social media plays in my life, wherein I am kind of a way obligated to have social media as a way to message my friends and families, since they are also there. Moreover, technology plays a bigger role in my life as an educator that would be able to help me solve any question or problem and create solutions, while social media is a way to communicate.
         I strongly do not think that any person can go without using their gadgets for non-educational purposes. Gadgets have been vital to us humans even before internet connectivity, for the reason being of communicating. This reason still stays true as of the moment, wherein our gadgets have one common shared purpose – a tool to communicate. Had there been no internet connectivity, people with gadgets would still go on their day-to-day lives using their gadgets for non-educational purposes. With that being said, I believe that my gadgets are an essential to my life and most importantly, a vital tool to today’s technological and fast-paced society. Hence, I need my gadgets even though it is for non-educational purposes.
         I do not think that I identify with any of the portrayal of young people using social media in the documentary. However, before even watching this documentary, I was already aware of basic User Experience Design or User Interface UX/UI that they use in technology, especially in social medias, since I am fond of technology. I do share the same interest in understanding and learning more about persuasive technology and how it enables user to keep on continuing in using the product or technology. I do believe, however, that this is not manipulation, but more of an understanding what people need and catering to those needs.
         The Political, Economic, and Social factors influence my life differently. The political factor in my life is indirectly connected wherein as a voter in my own country, it is my right to vote for the leader who I want to lead the country in the coming future or perhaps vote for a mayor that I support that would properly run the city I live in. The outcome of this would either be a better overall environment due to proper leadership or poor environment due to poor leadership. For the economic factor, I think that this is somehow connected with the political factor as the leader of the country would have its own economic reforms that would either benefit the people in the country or worsen the situation. The economic factor also affects my life both directly wherein I need to be able to afford the basic necessities and indirectly as my parents are taxpayers of this country and at the same time run their own businesses, so a bad economy would worsen the situation of my parents and ultimately our family. For the social factor, this is somewhat important as it includes my family and friends and I would consider this one of the most important factors as it involves people directly and have an important bearing in influencing my life, especially my family.
          The technological factor is the most disruptive factor amongst all, not in a bad way, but in my opinion, in a good way because through technology, I am aware of what is happening in the political playfield of my country and aware of what issues exists. In addition, through technology I am able to increase my financial knowledge, hence somehow increasing my own economic situation through investments by having information on how and where to do it. Technology also enables me to access social media which I see as a communication tool to stay connected and be able to communicate with other people such as my family and friends – as a part of the social factor. Without technology, it would be hard to constantly communicate with people as writing letters would prolong the delivery and receiving of messages. Ultimately, with the proper discipline, technology as a disruptor in every aspect of life has provided me more exponential opportunities rather than threats in my life, as I make sure that there is no private information exposed in everything I do through technology.
         The only similarities between my personal assessment and the documentary says is that technology is a disruptive thing that can literally disrupt anything there is in life, it does not mean that it is a bad thing, rather it means that people who use technology must be disciplined enough on how to use it. The difference is that I am disciplined and have the proper knowledge about the technology, hence I make sure of the information I put out there and am also aware of the persuasive tools used online to encourage longer use in technology. I think the documentary showed more of what I believe the negative effects of technology when a person chooses to abuse something that he or she does not understand.
           I think humans will continue to evolve with technology in the future, to the point wherein our society is mostly technology based and everything we do will involve more technology. I see technology being able to help humans live efficiently and more comfortably, as long as every person knows how to use these technologies and not abuse them.
         Back then when there were no technologies, businesses would put up advertisements in location they have done research in, most obviously they would put advertisements in location where there is a lot of people and a location who lack the services these businesses offer. I honestly believe it is just the same nowadays, but only done through online. It is the businesses’ responsibility to improve their business by doing their own research. These people who agree to terms and conditions to provide data for research were asked for consent, thus the terms and conditions. If these people choose not to give consent, then their data would not be used, as simple as that. What happens, however, is that people are not aware of this because they do not read the terms and conditions and it is on their full responsibility and fault that they do not read such – not the businesses.
         However, I do agree that there are unethical uses for information, especially in politics in targeting voters through their ads like what happened to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica scandal wherein the latter company breached Facebook data and unethically gathered data of other people to gain knowledge about the voters and convince these voters to vote for a different political figure that Cambridge Analytica was paid for to promote and help in the elections.
         Ordinary citizens like us must always read the terms and conditions of what we are using and most importantly have basic educational information about technology – from applications to websites to kinds of software, so that we are aware whether the technology we use is gathering data from us or if it is “spying” on us. The lack of this has caused reckless people using technology, a disruptive and strong tool.
           “If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.” This quote stands true, however does not affect all. Same goes for the quote “there is no such thing as free lunch.” As I have previously mentioned, when using the product (applications), there are terms and conditions upon signing up and every time a person agrees to this terms and conditions, that person agrees to the “payment”. However, a lot of people do not know what they are “paying” for or do not know the terms and conditions, hence, they do become the product.
         “There are only two industries that call their customers ‘users’: illegal drugs and software”. This quote somehow stands true only for those who are abusive in using it. As I have said, using technology requires great responsibility. Actually, everything we do in life requires responsibility and too much of everything is bad. This applies to technology. A person who uses technology must know the limits of it and what it is capable of doing. When a person knows what he or she is doing, he or she would be able to control it. However, when a person does not know what he or she is doing, he or she would lose himself or herself by being controlled by it – which causes addiction.
         “Social media is a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures.” Obviously, this quote is overexaggerated to the point by even saying “exclusively” when in fact it is not. There are multiple ways to view social media and this quote or opinion would only come from someone who sees social media in that way. For others, they would only see social media as their source of information, for other entertainment, or others as communication, etc. The person who said this quote, without a doubt, sees social media this way, which means the person sees humans as products.
         “The very meaning of culture is manipulation.” As culture evolve, we try to understand patterns of behavior from the past and the present to create a better future. From our first human ancestors from five to seven million years ago to the stone age to the bronze age to the first world war and to the present time where we are facing a pandemic, a lot of developments have happened by understanding human needs and behavior. If people did not understand the need for development, would we have the technology to work right now remotely and continue economic development amidst the pandemic? Would I be able to have access to education right now without technology? Would I be able to create this blog without the idea of internet? The answer is no. I do not agree that the very meaning of culture is manipulation. Because in reality, the very meaning of culture is evolution and adaptation.  
 Technology is disruptive and is here to stay for good. We want continuous development rather than stagnant. Humans have been known to evolve and adapt, and this is just another period wherein we must do what we are known to do.
0 notes
crstapor · 4 years
Why I am so Cynical
“I say unto you: one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.”  - Zarathustra
Part 3
Let me stop shouting - sometimes I get carried away. Because it needs be clearly stated that my perspective on the matter at hand is not based solely on 'personal' experience (of course one can never deny the importance such datum possess!) but also 'phenomenological' experience, which is, clearly, a different animal altogether. That this menagerie has informed my thought will surprise no-one who's ever tried it; thinking, I mean. How else, if one is being as honest as possible, can one arrive at any conclusions whatsoever? While the first part of this essay waxed rather subjectively poetic, allow me to offer this third as a sort of empirical respite. Facts, good reader, let me proffer facts to further found my cynicism most severe.
But let me first define the scope these facts will express. The working title for this missive to minds who want to think was 'A Polemic against American Modernity'. Allowing that my interests, here, lie not north to Canada or south of Texas, the parameters of this diatribe should be well understood by all with even meager cartographic skill.  
Superficial perhaps I've structured these facts into three distinct phenomena; the surface, the self, and the symbol. I do so not to make any sweeping ontologic distinctions or assertions, rather, to help me think through them. System-building is not my purpose here - system-analysis is. The facets of modern America culture were well in place before I came along, and, unless I'm completely mistaken, I've done little to add to or enhance any of them. Apart from the clear truth of my having lived with and through them the vast majority of my mortal years. This 'truth', my citizenship and biography, allow me credence to present what follows as 'fact'; though of course it's still just one man's opinion!
The Surface
Politics. Democracy. American Exceptionalism. Yeah right. So, help me out here, we have a great democracy because we vote for other people to get to vote on who actually becomes leader? Unless of course nine robes get that special privilege - based off of their admitted political preferences naturally! - like back in 2000. How the legislature is just a club for the privileged, connected, and the rich (which is almost redundant). How once 'money' became speech only those with 'money' had speech. The Founders are grave-rolling and Mussolini's having a laugh - fascism much? Let's remember Benito's definition of the term; which is when State and corporate interests converge (more or less). And we find that just about everywhere we look up in DC these days. Apparently we have the 'political will' to help banks, big oil, agribusiness, gun manufacturers, and all the other consolidated purveyors of terror, hate or control (sure, tobacco had to be sacrificed - occasionally you must throw the peasants a bone to keep the lie alive) but can't find the time to help out 'we the people': see continuing cuts to social programs; see the limp-dick governmental response to the housing/mortgage crisis of 2008 - ?; see the student loan pyramid scheme; see a 'minimum' wage that consistently fails to keep up with inflation; see a 'healthcare' plan that mandates private citizens purchase a product from non-governmental, for-profit companies - and taxes them if they don't; see how prohibition (here considered against natural, earth-born narcotics) continues to fuel a for-profit prison system and further erodes race relations; see how the gravest existential threat to the species (climate change, for realz) is perpetually laughed off and ignored; see how we lecture others on human rights while keeping Gitmo open and denying homosexuals equal protection under the law; see how NASA's (quite possibly, from a historical perspective, the greatest achievement of our modern society) budget keeps getting gutted while their priorities are schizophrenically re-ordered with each administration; see how children keep slaughtering children with weapons of war and no one can even attempt to do anything about it; see how voter ID laws are passed like Jim Crow; see how the innate sovereignty of the nation has been torn asunder now that private corporations can be 'to big to fail'; see an ever increasingly militarized police force; see the constitutional absurdity of 'free speech zones'; see democratic campaigns where one guy runs but once elected that guy's nowhere to be found and in his place is a carbon copy of the last guy who held the office ... See how our 'political parties' are two sides of the same coin ... But let's stop here and consider that last point in greater depth, as it is so vital to any understanding of 'democracy' in America ... Republicans, Democrats; Jefferson has been famously remembered, quoted, as saying once our (more properly his) democracy devolved into a two party system it would be a democracy no more. And I've certainly been a witness to that in my life. Sure, America isn't a dictatorship, but it sure as hell isn't the country Jefferson helped forge. And the main reason for that, to my eyes, seems to be the consolidation of power in the hands of politicians with more in common with each other than their constituents. R or D you can bet they're there for Wall Street or the military-information-industrial complex. Anyone else? Good luck with that citizen ... And while they're both complicit in gutting the middle class, let's take a moment to reflect, ethically, on that matter ... You can't blame the snake for its venom, but you can sure as hell blame the snake-oil salesman for shilling his bullshit wares. In case that metaphor wasn't clear enough allow me to decode it for you:
R = snake. D = snake-oil salesman.
Switching gears - though not by much! - let's shift to the state of modern American entertainment. To the uninitiated possibly a trite transition, any who've watched politics lately will surely see the connection. And just as our politics smell rotten, the main complaint with what passes as entertainment these days is how bad it tastes. Yes, it's a question of taste, as it seems most Americans have none. From 'reality TV' (which is surely anything but - though let's not forget Barnum's maxim!), to a pop-music ecosystem that's cannibalized itself to the point of parody, a movie industry that can seemingly fill ten months of releases with one script, the apotheosis of sport, the devolution of literature into a hobby for diarists, the way the performing arts are continually hoarded into smaller and smaller urban green zones, well, it's just hard to swallow most of that without gagging. Or throwing up. Yet a more concerted analysis along these lines is not called for here - we have much too much ground yet to cover.
Speaking of ground and covering it why not mention war? That old playground of glory now some video game where you might win many things; though honor's not among them. The full transition here is yet to occur, but we're definitely in the middle of it. Drones, air strikes, GPS targeting and bombs dropped from orbit (sure, not yet - wait for it!). The complete impersonalization of the other; that total objectification of the enemy (you better believe the pornographers have drone-envy). Let's not equivocate; it's one thing to look someone in the eye and take their life - quite another to push a button sixteen time-zones away and watch an image of indiscriminate carnage. How long will it be before we don't even let a homo sapien sapien push that button? How long before the machines are killing us on their own .?. Nothing to be cynical about here!
And if killing our 'enemies' has/is becoming so much more impersonal healing our 'own' has a fortiori. I'm not even going to start bandying about statistics but it's well known that of the 'first-world', 'post-industrialized' countries we're the only one that still considers healthcare a cash-grab instead of a human-right. And to what wonderful affect! Go ahead and try to ignore all the horror stories of your fellow Americans who lost it all because they couldn't pay their medical bills, or because they did. Pay no attention to record profit margins at insurance companies while the poor forgo all but emergency treatment and the wealth of the middle class is bled out and transferred to HMO executives. Sure, Uncle Tom tried to change all that - by passing a Republican plan even though the Ds had two branches of the federal government! - but when I tried to sign up for 'Obamacare' I still couldn't afford it even though I had $200 in the bank, no assets, and had been unemployed for over two years. If I lived in any other country where English is the primary language I'd be covered without paying a dime. My solution? To use the actual Republican plan - don't get sick!
But that should be easy since we all know of the three pillars of good health (diet, exercise, genetics) eating right is the easiest of all ... Hell. No, sorry, I was about to go all sarcastic and make it seem America knows nothing about sugar overload, HFCS, preservatives, the increasingly and horrifying inability of urbanites to access fresh foods (specifically the poor ones!), pesticides, pink slime, corn or corn or more corn or when will there ever be enough corn already, price gouging on foods that were produced the way they've been produced for centuries (read: organic, grass-fed, free-range), trans-fats, GMO proliferation in our breadbasket without an honest debate on the merits or looking at the science past what some corporation's panel has assured us is true, sodas, the food-gap, throwing away enough food daily to feed the world's hungry cuz it wouldn't make a dime, slaughterhouses like Auschwitz or Dachau ... That Quite Barbarism ... But that would be foolish - America knows all about that ... Why shouldn't it? America invented most of it …
And we invented the largest consumer-driven transportation system the world has ever seen to move all that food around. Sure, China will catch up with us eventually (if not already), but for the better part of three generations the US led the world in road-building and car-buying. Quite apart from the environmental effects this produced there was a profound psychological positive feed-back loop involved as well: one justifying the pre-dominate narrative of our consumer culture. Choice is sacred; you are special and unique and can reflect that through choice; so choose this product or this other one and express your uniqueness through possessing any one of these infinitely similar products; the choice is yours. Perhaps nowhere else in the market was this ‘story’ sold as diligently and aggressively than in the automobile industry. While it is true the US is, spatially speaking, a very large country, it is not true that every adult American needed or needs their own set of wheels to connect it. There are other options, other technologies that could’ve been employed to bring the masses together with more energy efficiency and communal cohesion. I admit it’s no Copernican Revolution, but the thought that Americans are so stubbornly self-interested and quick to discriminate opposed many of their European or native counterparts can not be divorced from the fact we all love to be in the driver’s seat. That commodified ‘freedom’ we are told awaits us on an open road with our very own internal combustion engine humming along in front of our feet; a freedom trains, buses, or carpooling can never provide. Again, notwithstanding the ecological impact of all this, the psychological dimension is impossible to ignore: even if we all owned Tesla’s that were powered by clean fusion charging stations it would still be me, me, me … which is quite naturally a completely uncynical disposition from which to hold a society together …
American’s fascination with their own value and freedom has of course been a dominate theme in the grand narrative of the country for some time; and while cars and roads were the major technological expression of that for much of the twentieth century, we have turned the corner here, in this regard, finding ourselves lost amid tiny little shiny screens that put the whole world inches from our eyes. With the advent of mobile computing the freedom so many seek isn’t conceived any longer by MPG rather MPBS. The new speed of information, and the promise of perpetual access, have enchanted the newer generations in much the same way vehicles did their antecedents. The technology is different while the story remains the same. It is still a self-centered freedom underlying the need, desire, to own the newest, quickest, coolest gadget. A freedom of information surely, yet one closely connected with the freedom cars brought their older relatives; it is as much economic as it is self-satisfying. The internet changed the game, naturally - and hail and well met etc. etc.! - but a claustrophobic observation remains … for a technology that has brought so many people together - and it has - it sure as hell does an awful good job sundering them as well … for you can’t find a public space anymore where a near-majority of your fellow citizens aren’t more interested in their precious little screens than those flesh and blood humans nearby. Perhaps this is just the necessary evolution of the social fabric - perhaps resistance is futile - though a social contract that has more to do with Facebook’s TOS opposed a Bill of Rights just (and forgive me for being so cynical) doesn’t seem like much of a society worth bothering with to this writer. Certainly not one worth the name.
Speaking of the modern technology we all now can’t live without, it seems to me a funny thing happened on the way to Google’s homepage … we now have access to all the information we can consume, on any topic, just a keystroke away, and look what we’re doing with it … I’m not just talking about social media or pornography, I mean the fundamental epistemological conundrum of an allegedly intelligent species that now has post-scarcity style access to information yet we’ve made of the web one colossal echo-chamber where the tribes huddle together in aggrieved resentment or ignorant bliss of the ‘others’ … look at it like this: in a day and age when the work of science (you know, that thing that made all this ((by which I mean ‘Modernity’ and all its toys)) possible) is more evenly, widely, and objectively disseminated than at any other time in history the public’s grasp and understanding of science and its work is at an all-time low. Basic data are disputed; empirical findings are called into question by anyone with a laptop, forget about a degree in the subject: what used to be considered non-issues, resolved subjects, are now argued over as if the Earth might actually be flat … all of which might just be good for a laugh if there weren’t actual existential threats to the species that only science can solve; yet we can’t even begin that discussion because some car salesman googled Glenn Beck and now we have legislatures that don’t think climate change is real; or they say the data doesn’t support an anthropogenic cause even though they never took a serious science course in their life; or that can’t be right because it doesn’t fit into our time-warp economy and a dollar today is obviously more important than our children’s future; or anyway shut-up idiot scientists just because you actually studied something other than law or business doesn’t mean you know any more than me because I have a high speed internet connection and I bookmarked the Drudge Report … how is it, philosophically speaking, tenable that the more information you have the stupider you become? I don’t know, but if you want a good example of the principle in action take a look at America today. Or just Google it …
Of course there is one thread that ties all these elements of ‘the surface’ together and that thread is consumerism as expressed by our current form of capitalism. The ascendancy of the dollar over all else (sorry God!). The desire to possess, acquire, consume. We are material creatures, we humans, and thus must consume to survive; fine: but do we have to do so in the manner we seem set on here and now? No, not at all, even suggesting that our’s is the only system, the only way to satiate the human hunger is absurd on its face as well as betraying an amnesiac’s conception of history. No, there are other paths, yet we have chosen this one, this ‘capitalism’ that mimics the terrors and rigors of the jungle at every turn. In the act of deifying money (more on that later) we have dehumanized ourselves. For the most part we are simple cogs in a vast machine that cares little or nothing for us; and so we care only for ourselves. The inherent egoism of the modern American psyche is spectacular to behold, certainly, in its primal vanity; at the same time giving the lie to any ethical system we still tenuously cling to as reminder of simpler days (sorry Christianity!). So we are, as a culture, no better than spoiled children grasping for another slice of pie. And while that’s certainly comical, it is also tragic, since such a system is not sustainable whatsoever (there is never enough pie). Neither history or science can provide any examples of such a system expanding into perpetuity (literature has given us a few but they are either satire or utopias ((same thing really))), and yet a sincere, concerted discussion on this issue has yet to percolate through the public sphere, or if so, only in the usual places and thus not given the sort of urgency it requires. But to have this conversation we all have to be ready to listen; it is not enough for the cynics and naysayers to keep shouting into the wild or the web: there has to be an audience, a receptive ear. Which brings us to our next section.
The Self
The problems elucidated in ‘The Surface’ are, to a great extent, symptoms of our sense of self, or, as is more often (if paradoxically) the case, our lack of one. While I am specifically referring to the modern American ‘self’, I’m going to be doing so with large brushstrokes; forming great swathes of colored splotches closer in kind to a rorscharch test than a pointilistic canvass. You may not see a reflection here so much as a sense of remembrance, or deja vu. That’s fine. I can’t be alone in thinking our lifespeeds have altered, and it’s just that alteration I want to discuss.
Lifespeed. Right. Let’s define that quickly so we can move on. By lifespeed I mean that facile quality of Being that tethers us to the ‘now’. Perceptually, our lives happen at a specific point in time, and I’ve conceived the word lifespeed to represent this point, as well as our conscious reaction to it. It’s just a word. Other than this meager definition it means nothing; has no other value. Right.
We were talking about choice earlier and there’s a clear connection between the act of choosing and the extant phenomena adjoining it. Just the relationship that lifespeed is meant to express. On its face, choice is neutral. Neither positive or negative, good or bad. The ‘designed’ choice of our consumer-driven society I find abhorrent, though not from some reactionary impulse, but a genuine longing for what it’s replaced. By making choices we define ourselves and I fear many of us are accepting a story that tells us we can only make this or that choice opposed to this that or the other. That we are told certain stories so many times we think we have no choice how they end; or wether to listen to them at all. In this way our lifespeeds have been damaged; like a bonsai pruned too severely.
Perhaps many are content defining themselves through ‘designed’ choice, or who ‘designed’ it anyway? Yes … there will always be sheep and lemmings in human form, and if that’s your angle you have my pity but nothing else. On the other hand, if you genuinely desire a leveling-up on the self-awareness front but have found this difficult to achieve thus far, you must realize two hard truths; the first that it is your business alone, none others - and the second, that it will be incredibly difficult to achieve because our society was not constructed to assist in this goal - quite the contrary! - it was designed to prevent it, at almost every turn. Here we return to the ‘designed’ component of American choice. Since the beginning the tiny tribes watching the throne have conspired to affect a marked class distinction in the land of the ‘free’. From the original agricultural workers of the new world, to the industrial workers who built a modern nation, to the current service sector workers slipping into poverty those with the firmest grip on the levers of power have continually strived to erect massive obstacles between those that labor for a living and those that live off that labor. Nor are these obstacles simply economic or aspirational in nature, no, due their pervasiveness through the generations they have percolated down into the most subterranean reaches of the mass conscious; into the very stories we use to define ourselves. Egads! a polite-hyper-modern-liberal-minded-triangulator might reply, don’t you know everyone has a TV! A refrigerator! Cheapest food ever! Why yes of course, there is an exception to every rule. While, for about thirty years in the middle of the last century, it seemed America was finally delivering on its promise, just look how long it took for us to devolve into another gilded age (the apparent default position of American society). It is foolish to define a thing based off aberrations, opposed its consistencies. In this way we clearly see the US for what it is … the second most successful marketing scheme in human history (naturally one must award Christianity top honors on that mark) … in the same way tobacco used to be good for you, that sodas were harmless, or how fast food is every bit nutritious as home-made, America cries ‘freedom’ when in so many ways the reverse is clearly the case. From ‘power’s’ perspective it’s nihilistically brilliant sure - give the people a semblance of freedom (in our case economic choice) and they’ll extrapolate that into a veritable cosmos of self-authorized-self-actualization - and you bet the monarchists, dictators, or petty politburos are jealous as hell at the level of control the political classes of America have been able to sustain generation after generation. A state of affairs that continues for no other reason than that an over-whelming majority of Americans keep believing the lies. We are forced to ask: why do they?
Let’s speculate wildly! Is it possible there exists some globe-spanning underground tributary of Lethe that constantly replenishes all the aquifers in the land? Or perhaps when we, on average a truly vain people, look into a mirror our historical consciousness is reset to zero? Or maybe we’ve all become so addicted to the stories we repeat about American Exceptionalism even the most destitute are content to sacrifice any chance they might have of another, better life, so as the stories can keep being told .?. the gyre is constricting at every turn, just like water flowing down the drain we’re becoming closer and closer to ourselves and ours; we’re losing a visceral sense of community and common cause through the ‘designed’ choices of a consumerist economy and specifically the newer technologies of self-absorption. So many of us don’t seem able to see past our own reflections, our problems, that even beginning to consider the larger problems facing our country seems as pointless as sending a manned mission to Mars.
The latent greed of the species is given free reign in America and this greed is destroying us. Making us sick. Stunted, withered, cloying little souls blighted with giga-myopia and eterno-amnesia. Greed. Most cultures have oft thought it a base emotion, one needing constant oversight - not the good ’ole US of A! We saw right through that ethical clap-trap - we saw that by harnessing the simmering greed of a people and putting them to work fulfilling that greed great things could happen … just absolutely amazing things … and we have accomplished quite a bit worth being proud over, and we sure have shown all those historical moralists just how wrong they were about the most solipsistic emotion … but this is a strange greed, our American one, one many may not even be aware of, so deep do its roots dive; a conniving greed that wraps in upon itself like a fresh burrito from Chipotle or those roller coasters you remember from Disneyland or Six-Flags … a greed that we have to learn to turn off, ignore, or quit seeing as so basic and benign in all our lives that there’s nothing you can do about it anyway - because it isn’t benign, it reacts to us and the environment as surely as we do it, and lately it’s been acting badly … yes, there are historical elements to this greed, there is also the question of personal responsibility, mutual complicity, systems of control and power as well - so many factors … I guess I’m nostalgic for another type of human being, one not fueled by avarice or beholden to the choices of others … qualities most seem to have lost somewhere on the way to Walmart … a human being that might never have existed except in a dream …
The Symbol
Human beings have long used symbols to represent value. Symbols are convenient, easy, and incredibly mutable. They can be transferred or translated almost infinitely. With a symbol ideas that might take an incredible amount of energy to explain or describe can be conveyed almost instantaneously. Logic and mathematics could likely not exist without them, nor, indeed, any language. And like any good thing, as is so often the case with any wonderfully useful thing, we humans have become dependent on them. Created for ourselves a world where we can not live without them. We are, in many ways, addicted to their utility. On its face there is nothing ethically challenging about this. Language and math are boons to humanity, practically describing our modern conception of ourselves. Symbols are naturally value neutral, like any high-level epistemological building block. And yet, we modern Americans have found ourselves in a tricky spot. We have crafted a society where one symbol is supreme. Where one symbol, and one symbol alone, holds all the power. A symbol that, if you find yourself without it, without access to it, without a stock-pile of it hiding somewhere, essentially makes you a non-entity. No longer part of the culture, the game. For it is certainly true that the only game in modern America is money. That collecting dollars has superseded all other activities; has supplanted any other endeavor as the only one with value. This state of affairs is the genesis of our cultural decline; of the death of the ideals that the Founders (who themselves were already playing the only game) attempted to instill in the New World: will in the end be understood by future historians as the single greatest crime of our time.
I say crime and I mean it. Don’t use the word for shock or awe. Nor do I want to dwell on this particular subject (not being the place for an extended analysis of this issue I will allow such a discussion its own essay, its own space, a place where it can be a bit more academic and dry, not so emotive or cynical) though we do have to mention a few more things before moving on. Crime. Yes. What was this crime? In short order here we go … it used to be the case that money was a symbol that referred to labor, actual work performed by one human that held value for another. So far as that is all money is, there is nothing ethically suspect about it. Then, at some point in the past, a few cunning paradigm-shifters saw an opportunity and changed the rules regarding what money was; they removed the labor as referent of value, replacing it with rare objects (typically gold) that few among any populace would ever see in their lives. Well, since the promise of alchemy was a lie, and the philosopher’s stone was never discovered, at least this money still referred to something real, something that couldn’t just be made up on the spot. Ah ha! the sons of the sneaky paradigm-shifters thought, that would just be the icing on the cake! Let’s remove the rare objects as value referent as well - let’s go all in on a communal mass delusion and see if anyone believes it … let’s just have money valued at whatever we say it’s valued at. Let’s create a massive shell game that only a very few will ever truly know the rules to, though the outcome, the results, will effect everyone … yes … let’s create the only game worth playing, and let’s give every live birth a turn … which leaves us with a system that, no matter how hard you work, no matter how industrious you are, if you don’t know the rules of the game (in modern America we can think of the Federal Reserve, Wall Street bankers, old money, select members of the Treasury Department etc. as the holders of the rule book) you will not win at it. You will play and play and play and keep losing and losing and losing all the while the rule keepers keep winning and winning and winning because for most players in this game the tokens of victory they collect (dollars) are bought at the hard price of actual labor, as if they never heard about how money grew up - no, they slave and slave for pennies without any chance of leveling up in this game and getting to that haughty echelon where money is no longer about work but having money make money off of someone else’s work … this little narrative I just outlined is a crime because there are clear stealers and victims (of course there are exceptions to every rule, but for every Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, there are a hundred and fifty million working at Walmart for a slave-wage). You see, the architects of the monetary symbol’s paradigm shift knew that by removing any referent to an actual act (labor) or object (gold) they were essentially hollowing out the natural relationship between the symbol and the symbolized, and in that empty space they would find their own El Dorado; their own little universe where they called the shots and none other. They essentially re-wrote the rules of symbolism, and clearly in their favor. And while symbols shift meaning all the time, especially in religious or political environments, these shifts are fundamentally harmless as neither religion or political discourse ever directly affects the physical well being of a human being as does their ability to acquire food, or energy, or health care, or shelter (I understand that by including ‘politics’ in this sense I might seem to be advocating a ‘post-history’ perspective; one where capitalistic-liberalism has won over all other political narratives, and while I hope that isn’t so, at the moment, and especially as an American author, one would be hard pressed to argue the point otherwise). To be clear, I’m not suggesting there was some shadowy cabal that gathered and planned out this great hollowing out of the monetary symbol; as is often the case it happened by fits and starts, here and there, as history would have it, propelled by the innate greed of the least amongst us. And yet they have scored a grand victory, these acolytes of avarice. Have pulled the proverbial wool over so many eyes - and in the process redefined a country that promised freedom into a vassal state completely enthralled to an ugly little strip of green denim that truly means nothing at all …
Of course this transformation did not just occur on American soil. But we sure as hell took the ball and ran it home. More than any other modern nation we are more readily defined by the empty symbology of the dollar than any others. This is not just an American problem; but we must be the first to address it …
America’s enslavement to the dollar is the singular cause of all the problems I put forth in ‘The Surface’, and, in many ways, ‘The Self’. We are a nation of suckers, rats, blind idealists, idiot sensualists, blatant thieves and the occasional dreamer … and knowing that, seeing my country in this way does nothing to alleviate my pathological cynicism … but allow me a query - do you still ask me why I am so cynical .?.  
0 notes
All Good Things… Would You Rather…?
#Blog #Bloggerstribe #AllGoodThings…
8th July 2020
Hello, Chaps and Chapettes,
Okay, so I wanted to do a “write and react” blog here, and to help me do that I’m going to enlist the use of YAGPDB.xyz bot (other bots are available) from Discord. I instantly regretted this when it posed it’s first question to me:
“Would you rather be racist or sexist?”
… Err… Neither.
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Oh, so I should explain, to get this function to work you type “-WYR” in the chat, and it generates a random “would you rather…?” question. My Discord server fellowship could see, read and respond to this as well, with an easy A or B voting system. So, here we go, question number one, eyes down looking…
“Would you rather be A) telekinetic or B) telepathic?”
Most went for A on this one. Arguably, I would too. I already feel telepathic sometimes, the closest I get to the truth sometimes, or figuring something out before it is fully announced is scary. Telekinesis powers would be much fun to have, you could play about like a Jedi grabbing things from across the room without taking a step! Then again, you might end up like the people from Wall-E… I’ll take the risk. Next!
“Would you rather A) eat a five-course meal in front of ten starving children or B) steal the bucket from five salvation army Santa?”
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… What is up with these questions? Okay, shoot. What would you do? I mean… I clicked A for a laugh, however, it would, OF COURSE, be the Santas. Or would it? AGGGH! Now I’m second-guessing myself!!!! Because if the Santas had a lot of money, that could feed more than ten children… RIGHT! I’m overriding this. I would eat the meal in front of the children BECAUSE I would then share it with them. I wouldn’t be a dick, I would find a mutha fuggin’ loophole, baby!
Most of my friends felt the Santa thing was less douchy, one pointing out that if the kids saw Santa then kick their ass in front of the kids, it would mean bonus points.
“Would you rather be A) telekinetic or--” No, we’ve had that one.
“Would you rather be A) an Olympic tennis player or B) Olympic table tennis player?”
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One friend immediately said tennis properly, because that would make them fit as fluff. This seemed to be the consensus with the group, so of course, I went against the grain once again, of course, I did. I said table tennis because, and I quote, “who wouldn't want to be Forrest Gump though.” Getting to meet that particular president, or Elvis, or Bubba… Ok, yes, we lost Bubba, but knowing him was worth the sorrow of losing him. One asked if I meant the movie or the book version - I meant the movie version. I have been too lazy to read the book version (my apologies, Winston Green).
Oh gosh, we’re in the big boy pants now, ladies and gents…
“Would you rather know A) when you will die or B) how you will die?”
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Um… Neither? No, I’d rather know ho-- no… whe-- n-no… Agh! Too big a question! Okay, so, if I have to answer this, I’m going to say when. KNOWING that I’ll probably be late for my own death, I think it would be the more productive of the two. If I knew how I was going to die, I would spend my life wondering if this is the moment, I would fear it and would get nothing done. If I spent my life knowing when then I would at least try to fulfill as much as I could in the time that I had. Just like when you’re on holiday for two weeks and you cram in what you can before the flight home.  
“Would you rather A) wear a dress or B) wear heels?”
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Hahaha… Dress. I’ve worn a dress, I get it girls and Scots and everyone else who wears a dress, the air on you… thighs (gutter minds...) is actually very comfortable, more so than a pair of jeans strangling you every time you sit down. Dresses are going to become the fashion for men, more so than they are already, I am sure of it. HOWEVER, I will not rule out the other side. I get why some guys and gals like the height of a heel but, I am already six foot two, I don’t like low ceilings as is, I don’t need to get closer to them.  
“Would you rather A) win the World Series or B) win the Superbowl?”
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I am not up on my American sports as I should be so um… which one is which? I think World Series is the hittie-ball-with-batty and Superbowl is fake-rugby, right? I am a dumb English person with my tea, crumpets, and feather dusters. I’m gonna say World Series because if I am right about what I assume it is then baseball seems much cooler and more achievable to my limited skill range than American Foosball is.
I just checked with Alexa, I was right. Whoo! Go me.
Hold on to your butts, men, and women. This next one is the mother of all questions…
“Would you rather get A) an atomic wedgie or B) a swirly?”
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Again, I had NO IDEA what a swirly was. I asked Alexa, she was no help. I asked a friend and they were not sure so we googled it;
“The Swirlie is a prank in which one's head is dunked into the toilet bowl and flushed. It was rather prevalent in the '90s, and is little more than a dare nowadays.” (https://pranks.fandom.com/wiki/Swirlie#:~:text=Back-,Swirlie,more%20than%20a%20dare%20nowadays.)
… Wedgie. WHO WOULD AGREE TO HAVE THEIR FACE IN A TOILET BOWL? No, ew, yuck, blech! At least with a wedgie, it sucks for a bit and then you recover from it. Gathering all of the germs from the poop shoot is a Scaramouche-no-no, thank you very much. Plus, far more dangerous. What happens if you drown? Okay, we all know what happens if you drown…
I think this will be the last one.
“Would you rather A) watch your favorite movie on repeat for a full day, or B) watch Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist once.
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I have not watched Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist ever (what an uncultured swine I am!) so I think I will hit that up. I already watched Back to the Future Part III for a full day as a kid while I was trying to figure out how to build my own time traveling steam train, so I can tick that off the bucket list. Let’s live a little and try something new, eh?
Alright, that one was a little dull, so I’m going overtime to do one more, just to see if it’s any good…
“Would you rather...”
“A) Be the guy from Momento,”
“B) Be the guy from Groundhog Day?”
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… I already feel like both of those guys. I forget who I am and I feel like I am living the same day over and over, never moving forwards or backward, trying to crash the Matrix and getting close but not close enough.
I think I’ll go with the guy from Groundhog Day though, because they learn that kindness and compassion have more impact on the world than you can possibly know, after a few selfish deeds and mistakes first. That’s the path to all good things, folks, learn from your fluff ups!
All good things, Lots of hugs,
Scara x
Link to Luna Switched: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/174616/luna-switched Link to Discord Server: https://discord.gg/9GEhvhf
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politicaltheatre · 4 years
The Boy In The Bubble, pt.3
“Nobody would have ever thought a thing like this could have happened.” - President Donald Trump, March 26, 2020
If that quote sounds ickily familiar, it’s because those were the same words, more or less, repeated twelve years ago by men and women working in Washington D.C. and on Wall Street, all of them seeking to avoid accountability for their role in an economic meltdown that ruined the lives of tens of millions of Americans and that spread, not unlike a virus, overseas, crippling the entire, interconnected world economy for years.
In many ways, our world has yet to recover from the 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis. Action taken was short sighted and narrowly focused, aimed more at rescuing those responsible for causing the crisis - investment banks, insurance companies, debt-laden corporate investors - than those caught in its ever expanding wake.
The notion that nobody knew or could have known wasn’t about looking the man on the street in the eye; if anything, it was a legal defense. They had just been bailed out by the federal government and didn’t want to let anything resembling accountability get in the way of capitalizing on it, least of all civil liability for their own, short sighted thinking.
It’s no coincidence, then, that Donald Trump has repeatedly used that same defense to excuse his own incompetent handling of the COVID-19 outbreak. This is, for him, not a matter of serving the public good but of winning and losing, of profit and loss, credit and blame. Mostly, avoiding blame.
Bully that he is, Trump believes the best defense is any offense. That means finding others to blame. Everyday no, he steps in front of a microphone to speak to the nation, and everyday he finds someone to blame for something. It’s very much a ritual, like repeating that old defense that ignorance is a defense.
His appearances feel somehow incomplete if he hasn’t found someone to blame for something. It might be a journalist, or a foreign leader, or a particular presidential predecessor, or a city or state that hasn’t shown him enough deference or appreciation. For a second there, it was old people.
Trump’s failed proposal of a 14 day quarantine for the entire New York metropolitan area was part of that blaming ritual. It would have had to include an undetermined portion of the city’s suburbs and rural areas in New York state, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and would have cost an amount of money no one wanted to calculate. Surely, the states would have paid for it.
Hours later, with Trump safely away from any microphones, the CDC instead issued a “travel advisory” for the area, which carries about the same weight as Congress passing a non-binding resolution. In other words, it was no change at all.
If the idea of blockading New York at this point seemed ridiculous, that’s because it was. For one thing, it was a lot like closing the barn door after the cows had all escaped; for another, the Florida beaches jam-packed with spring breakers probably did as much damage or worse in spreading the infection than New York, and nobody’s talking about walling off Florida from the rest of the country, are they? Are they? Well, not seriously.
Of course, no one took Trump seriously. Well, no one beyond his base. On top of being a maniacally stupid waste of resources, the source of the outbreak in the United States can’t even be traced to New York. The first cases that gained public awareness were on the west coast, and those were just the first ones reported. The odds are extraordinarily high that there were cases on both coasts and places in between for weeks before anyone was diagnosed.
Rationally, it will take years to discover, if ever, where the actual ground zero for this pandemic was in the United States, but when it comes to proposals from Donald Trump, rational thinking is never the point.
The point of making that quarantine proposal was the same as the point of proposing to reopen the country by Easter: for Trump to be seen to be doing something by his base.
That those proposals had as much weight as a non-bonding resolution doesn’t matter; his proposing them does. This, he believes, will restore confidence in him and his leadership.
In a sense, he may be right. His base will and surely does now feel more confident reading and hearing that action was proposed and by him. It reinforces the image of him they have clung to with all their might. His base is his base because they need that image, because they need to be reassured, because they need to see and hear his confidence in order to feel it in themselves.
This is why Trump’s daily press conferences feel like campaign rallies: they are. What the rational mind sees and hears and recognizes as incompetent and irresponsible, Trump’s supporters see and hear as a reflection of their own needs. Does a competent, responsible leader bring out the My Pillow guy to tell the world he’s doing a great job? Of course, not, but a man looking to be seen to be praised does.
Trump, for all his reckless stupidity, understands this all too well. He understands that his poll numbers will rise and fall not on his demonstration of ability and compassion but on how he looks and sounds in front of a microphone. The only performance he cares about or cares to hear about is the one that makes his numbers rise.
His focus is shallow and short term, seeking out the kind of pure speculation that sees stocks rise and fall for exceeding or failing to meet expectations. If all the news is good news, he and those surrounding him tell themselves, his stock will only ever rise.
Anyone who’s ever traded stocks knows better. You can bluff a stock higher in the short term. People do it all the time. That’s a kind of bubble. You draw attention, you draw speculation, and you draw suckers in to raise the price of your stock, and then you get the hell out before reality comes crashing in and the value of the stock you no longer own comes crashing through the floor.
Trump’s rise in politics has been a lot like this. He sold those who voted for him on a brand: the billionaire businessman who will bring that to government and fix it. He used confidence in that bubble to draw in speculators, members of Congress and executives on Wall Street. They pumped up his stock even more, hoping to use his rise to push their own agendas and thereby increase their own profits.
The results of Trump’s 2016 election were predictable. The federal tax cuts of 2017 funneled money away from the poorest Americans and towards the wealthiest. They also funneled money away from the government, making deregulation and de facto deregulation even easier.
Laws that forced businesses to be accountable to others were gutted by Republicans in Congress. Those left on the books either couldn’t be enforced because the agencies responsible couldn’t be properly funded or wouldn’t be enforced because the agencies were now headed by men and women with an interest in seeing those laws fail.
That, for anyone looking to get rich and have others pay for it, is a win-win. It came as no shock, then, that Paul Ryan, architect of that tax bill, and other congressional Republicans who benefitted both from it and newly lax regulations left Congress the very next year. Now was the time to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Now was the time to get out before the bubble burst and those who had bought in after them wanted answers.
Which bring us to now. In the last few weeks, at least 10 million Americans have lost their jobs, a number that could potentially triple in just the next month. With that loss, most of them now face hard questions about rent, health coverage, and simply feeding themselves. Oh, and the Dow Jones and other stock markets have dropped 29% from their February high.
Never fear, massive, debt-laden government spending is here to help. But to help whom? The Senate bill was delayed because a $500 billion slush fund needed regulations and oversight to prevent it from simply going to corporations that could just as easily secure a nearly interest free loan or, you know, Trump, his family, and anyone kissing his ass.
The perception that America needs to be protected from its president’s corruption isn’t something that’s going inspire confidence in stock trading. Sure, passage of the bill boosted stocks for a day - well, part of a day - but no sooner than they went up, they came straight back down.
That’s the problem with running a country (or business) on perception; it’s short term solution at best. It relies on how good you looked the last time people saw you. If people take you seriously, maybe you can parlay good news into that ongoing narrative, but, if you’re fighting bad news, bad news you can’t hope to control, well, good luck with that.
It hasn’t helped that the rich and powerful seem to have it a lot easier than the rank and file. Few things reveal the haves and have nots better than a crisis. If celebrities and professional athletes are getting tests when doctors, nurses, and other first responders can’t, that’s more than just a problem of perception. It’s a statement about the failure of the American healthcare system as it currently stands, one that makes an even stronger case for the failure of the American economic system on which that healthcare system is based.
Systemic failure. Not words you want to hear.
What we’ve seen, however, has not been the start of the long anticipated Next Great Depression (That may still come; more on that below). No, what we’re seeing now with the spastic volatility of stock markets, beleaguered supply chains, and GoFundMe pages for first responders and out of work restaurant workers sprouting up like spring daffodils, is just how unhealthy our current economy already was long before this pandemic took place.
When we talk about a “healthy” economy, we talk about moderation. Money is spread around. Power is spread around. When money and power become more concentrated, it throws the health of the economy out of whack.
Too much concentration in any one stratum, such as the wealthy, or any one sector, such as energy, and it ruins what we may think of as an immune response. It isn’t that if that stratum or sector goes down that we have no ability to respond, it’s that our response is likely to favor a strata or sector that doesn’t need help.
It’s important to state that this is not something the comes out of capitalism. Even a cursory look at nominally “communist” economies of the 20th century shows a concentration of money and power in the hands of a corrupt and often cruel elite, with destructive results for everyone else stuck living under those systems.
It is corruption, not capitalism or communism, that was and remains the problem. We can and should be enraged at recently appointed Georgia Senator Kelly Loeffler, who along with her New York Stock Exchange-managing husband appears to have profited 18 million dollars through insider trading while telling the American public that nothing was wrong.
The essential question we need to ask, though, is would Loeffler have done something like this in the Soviet Union? Would she have seen a crisis coming and lied about it in order to profit from it? Of course, she would have. Of course, she would.
The systemic corruption in present day Russia has a name: oligarchy. The oligarchs, however, started long before the fall of the Soviet Union. They did so with the patronage of men and women in the Soviet government. Their corruption hastened the collapse of that government, syphoning off funds, undermining the rule of law and with it government accountability and oversight, and setting the stage for calamities such as Chernobyl.
In this way, the kleptocracy made itself. It emerged from its Soviet cocoon fully formed, the government patrons selling off government-owned institutions to their friends, who then supported their hold on power. This is how the oligarchs became the oligarchs and how Vladimir Putin became Vladimir Putin.
We must remember, too, that corruption isn’t just a moral or ethical failing, like Loeffler’s, but a systemic one, too. In the case of the United States, too much money and power has become concentrated in an under-regulated, speculative, market economy. We have become wholly dependent on it. Coupled with the unfettered rise of online sports betting (and the corresponding rise in sports cheating), we have embraced gambling as a core element of our economic system, and are doing so mired in debt.
Short term debt is just fine. Use your credit card, pay it off at the end of the month. It’s a short term solution to short term problems. Long term debt, on the other hand, is bad, the longer the term, the worse. Just ask anyone with student loans, or any country owing the IMF, or anyone stuck still holding one of those toxic sub-prime mortgages after all this time. They’re in a never ending cycle of paying it off. They can’t move forward. They can’t build anything. They can’t live, not really.
Of course, we don’t have to ask. Not now. We all lived through that. The memory is still fresh. It’s burned into our memories. We couldn’t possibly be that stupid, stupid enough to do it all again. Right? Right?
And yet. And yet.
Even now, even in the midst of all this suffering, there are men and women continuing to make billions on nothing but debt, including government debt, leaving billions of suckers holding the bag when another catastrophe hits and the bubbles burst.
Just reading that, it sounds bad - it should, it really, really should - and yet we have convinced ourselves that because so many other people are doing it we must also do it or get left behind. That’s what systemic corruption does. That’s the feeling it embeds in each of us. And, because we tell ourselves that we’re gambling with other people’s money, we convince ourselves that it’s going to be somebody else’s problem.
Nope. That’s not how that works.
As mentioned above, the economic crisis we’re living through isn’t the collapse that was already coming. That one, which could actually be worse, could still come if safeguards aren’t put in place. It would more likely be triggered not by a natural disaster but by a change of parties in the White House and, more importantly, in the Senate.
Not what you wanted to read? Read on. Please.
That change, given the Republican advantage in the Electoral College and the strength of incumbency in Republican-held Senate seats, would likely have come just before the election of 2024, in anticipation of Republican losses, or sometime towards the end of the 2025 fiscal year, when Democratic rollbacks of Republican deregulation and tax policies took full effect.
At that time, those who have pushed deregulation and de facto deregulation would begin “profit taking”, which is to say, selling off as much as they can, first under the radar while telling suckers that all is well and then as fast as they could once word got out that the market was about to collapse. And then it would collapse, a race to the bottom leaving tens of millions out of work, facing homelessness and starvation, and nothing to fix it but massive, debt-laden government spending.
Sound familiar? Of course, it does.
This is what happens when the immune response within an economy breaks down. For decades, Republicans have vilified regulations as killing jobs and stifling freedoms. The Democratic leadership, to their shame, has never truly called them out for that lie. Bill Clinton never did. Barack Obama didn’t, either. Neither did Hillary Clinton or this round’s likely nominee, Joe Biden. And it is a lie, a big, fat one that actually threatens the very things it claims to want to protect.
What regulations actually do, and why they’re so easy to vilify, is require us to be accountable to others. Traffic lights and stop signs, those are regulations. They don’t belong at every intersection, but where there are accidents in which cars hit people or other cars we absolutely need them and we know it.
Yes, it is possible for regulations to be poorly thought out and poorly written. They are written, as all things are, by people. Whenever you hear a politician or cable news personality say we have to get rid of them, though, what they mean is people shouldn’t have to be accountable to other people.
That’s their pitch. Well, that’s every right wing’s pitch. People love to hear it, almost as much as people love to hear that people they don’t have to accountable to will still have to be accountable to them. Oh, how we all love to hear that. Let us be the ones, the only ones, who get to blow past the stop signs. Who wouldn’t love that?
We’ll never not run to the ballot box and elect the buffoon offering us that and an easy life with easy solutions to complicated problems. At least, we’ll never not until that moment the world around us forces us to learn why we were so very, very stupid to do so.
This, like all things, comes in cycles. We go through periods, like the one the one twelve years ago and the one we’re in right now, in which we are forced to realize that we need to be more accountable to each other. No running red lights, no taking the easy way out.
Action is taken. Regulations that could and should have protected us are restored. More regulations, ones we hadn’t thought to ask if we needed but now understand that we do, follow. Time passes, we haven’t faced a catastrophe like this in a while, we forget, we remove our protections, and the cycle starts again.
The cycle kicks off like fireworks. Everything is great. We are euphoric, we are in the moment, the bubble keeps growing and keeps rising, and we keep rising with it. Nothing can go wrong.
At some point, however, the laws of thermodynamics set in, especially the third one: entropy.
Nothing lasts forever, certainly not any economic system built on an imbalance of power. In order to protect the advantage they have, those benefitting from the status quo will spend available resources, first just a little and then more and more and exponentially more.
Why exponentially more? The more resources they spend, the more it destabilizes their position. That’s entropy. This is partly because the stability of their position depended on that reserve of resources and partly because in order to maintain an imbalance of power they must abuse not only those in protest but those potentially in protest, which only draws more protesters to the cause of removing them.
So, the more they spend, the more they keep having to spend, and that just to maintain what they thought they had. Eventually, the resources required to hold it all together are exhausted and the bubble collapses.
This doesn’t just apply to markets; it applies to every relationship based on an imbalance of power. It’s their life cycle.
It’s also a lesson we can’t seem to learn without failing. Failing is a big part of how we learn. It’s our species’ special talent. In a lot of ways, it mimics our immune system: we allow potential threats in so we can test changing environments and learn how to adapt to them. We’re seeking out failure, or at least he chance of it.
This is how we’ve learned for hundreds of thousands of years, perhaps even longer, and despite our countless mistakes and our countless failures, we only in the position we’re in as the planet’s most evolved species because of it. In that sense, it isn’t just mimicking our immune system, it’s a vital part of it.
This is what we need to remember: immune systems of any kind exist to help us to adapt to changing environments.
If we can adapt, we can survive. We can’t go all one way or all another. We must avoid extremes as much as we must avoid locking ourselves into the center.
Balance is not stasis. It requires movement, making adjustments large and small. It means having the ability to accept being wrong and to accept necessary change. Without that, we fail. Our systems fail. And we’ve failed enough to know better.
”Nobody could have predicted something like this”? 
Anyone could have. Plenty did.
- Daniel Ward
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obedience training for puppies | puppy wont walk on leash
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Keep a schedule Self-Publish with Us HomeoPet (5) (1) You said potty first thing in the morning. Let’s say 7:30 am. Then if I feed him at 7:45, does he need to potty again before 8:00, less than half an hour from the previous go? Pet Health GIVE A GIFT (Left) Remember, very young puppy’s need a lot of rest, crate training takes advantage of this need. As soon as the pup awakens take it outside. Walk him on leash until he goes, then praise him happily. Encourage him with an expression, “Do your business,” “Go pee,”. Both are popular commands. Be consistent with your reward. By Category Potty training is obviously one of the first things you’ll want to teach your puppy. If done properly, potty training is not difficult. The key is to be consistent. Yes! We board. We have two options. Our “Stay and Play” option or our “Suite only” option. Sarah Richardson, PhD, CPDT-KA, CDBC, CSAT, is the owner of The Canine Connection, a boarding, training, and daycare facility in Chico, California. Over the past 12 years, she and some of her assistant trainers have often modeled for photos that illustrate articles in WDJ, but this is the first article that Richardson has written for WDJ! Experts recommend that you begin house training your puppy when he is between 12 weeks and 16 weeks old. At that point, he has enough control of his bladder and bowel movements to learn to hold it. Take your pup out in the car for short trips. Not only does this get puppies used to car travel, but also gives them the chance to see the world. It also gets them used to loud motorbikes, lorries, sirens etc. Housesoiling is also a temporal problem: either the puppy is in the wrong place at the right time (confined indoors with full bladder and bowels), or the puppy is in the right place at the wrong time (outdoors in the yard or on a walk, but with empty bladder and bowels). Respond immediately and consistently to the bad behavior. As soon as you see your puppy acting up, remove it to the time-out spot. Be sure to do this every time you notice the bad behavior. HomeAbout wikiHowJobsTerms of UseSite MapMobile view Articles Congratulations! You’ve just entered the Twilight Zone. In a good way, of course. For the next 10 or more years, you are going to have more fun and love and licks than you know what to do with. Let me help you get started with the first month, and then you and your puppy will be off and running to a great life together. Judges Education – AKC Canine College Sign up Jerseys & Team Sports ALERT Next ► Michelle Schreiber This is Zoe. She is my dogs’ biggest cheerleader!! Pet Insurance STAR Puppy Class Tagged: housetraining, potty training, dogs, puppy training, puppies, puppy, dog training, puppy training los angeles Fertility Quiz How to toilet train your puppy Join Hill’s® My Pet Companion Some puppy’s go 2 minutes after eating, some after half an hour. This is how you find out. When you start to house train, follow these steps: Dog Training and Puppy Obedience Classes Offered at Our Clinic × Berkeley Teach your dog to Give It or Drop It. This command is necessary in case you need your dog to drop something she’s picked up off the floor that she shouldn’t eat or if you want her to give you a toy, piece of food or your shoe that she’s chewing. Microcyn Stock AKC Canine College Tap the cushion and instruct “Up.” PUPPY START RIGHT FOR INSTRUCTORS AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy LATEST NEWS 148 Wild Bird Time: 2018-07-27T05:34:27Z Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution: The Complete Guide to Raising the Perfect Pet with Love Kindle Edition Tips to Better Manage Your Migraine Reward good behavior. Always praise good behavior with lots of gentle love and cuddles. Use rewards effectively to reinforce good behavior. For example, if your dog successfully responds to your request to drop a toy, say, “yes!,” or “good boy!” Verbal rewards work well when you’re playing and may have your hands full of toys.[8] Training For Life Nature’s Miracle (3) The best dog crates Sign Up Rally FrEe The Perfect Dog (2) copyright information (84) Weikel added, “The tool they were using was a Wiffle bat that had been modified to cause a snap, you would say, but no harm to the animal. It’s more loud that anything.” Potty training Stage 1 – establish the toilet area Vote Up13Vote Down  Reply © Depositphotos.com / Madrabothair 3.9 out of 5 stars Estate Planning whether I am with them or not. They’re also doing just fine with the other aspects of clicker training. Book Get A Quote Expert Blogs Coastal Pet Products Start reading Puppy Training on your Kindle in under a minute. However, I’ve purposely made this ‘how-to‘ guide as complete and standalone as possible, so reading the previous articles isn’t essential.
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fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); A one-on-one session for PetsHotel guests only. While your dog visits us at PetsHotel or Doggie Day Camp, our Accredited Trainers can help your dog master good manners and basic cues during a private session. We’ll take the hassle out of training, while your pet is in our care. 15.96 My PetCareRx Points Small Pets News & Experts For example, maybe your child opens the door for the mailman, and the puppy dashes out. Or the little guy decides to make friends with the black and white stinky visitor—skunk!—and you notice too late in the backyard. Even tiny puppies travel faster on four pudgy paws than people, so there’s no way to catch him—and in fact, chasing a puppy becomes a racing game you won’t win. Teach “come” and your new pup will stay safely within reach, even without the benefit of a leash. Remember, you must be the one who sets the limits of ALL good and bad behavior. Helping Your Dog Overcome His Fear of Water Between 8 and 12 weeks (when weeing seems spontaneous), my puppy spends a fair bit of time in there and I paper train them to use puppy pads. How to Potty Train a Small Dog or Puppy in a Big Home Don’t try to teach tricks. Your puppy may be able to pick up a few things, like “spin”, but she is still not as coordinated as an adult dog and some movements are difficult for her. If she becomes frustrated she is going to be more difficult to train later on. SUBSCRIBE (Left) OR More Contact Options Learn at your own pace, through 7 lessons and 20 coordinated learning goals, with many videos and hands-on exercises―in as little as six weeks. Your teacher and classmates are there to support you all along the way! Pets 101 toggle menu My newsletters SDT believes in helping you create an unbreakable bond with your dog and a relationship of love and mutual respect. We also believe in utilizing positive reinforcement, structure, appropriate discipline and good clear communication between you and your pet to achieve the finest results. Your canine is unique for many reasons: breed, age, appearance, genetics, environment, past experiences and general personality. For this reason, we believe in customizing canine training programs that fit your puppy and your lifestyle. Puppies have immature digestive systems, so they can’t really handle a lot of food. That’s why it is recommended that you break up the feedings into three small meals. Another thing to keep in mind is the food itself, which should be the highest quality. Whatever you choose, make sure it agrees with your puppy. R&R Belgian Sheepdog AKC Canine Retreat Finnish Lapphund Puppy Development Muse® Use an extra-long “training lead” to practice recall in public places. Start by giving your dog five feet to roam, and practice calling him back to you for a squeaky toy. Add length until he’s at the end of the lead. If you’re calm, your puppy will be less excitable. And please, no yelling — your puppy is just a baby. Remember, you are teaching your pup how to do things correctly because it does not know any better, the poor thing. With house training, the fewer mistakes you allow your puppy to make and the more they are rewarded for doing the right thing, the quicker they will learn and the faster you will find success. Home, Yard, and Beyond In-home obedience will teach your dog the essentials. Dog Love TRAINING APPLICATION Academy for Dog Trainers Slideshow Things That Can Hurt Your Joints GG Subscribe to Petwire Newsletter Monday – Friday 7am – 7pm Grain Free Food With house training, the fewer mistakes you allow your puppy to make and the more they are rewarded for doing the right thing, the quicker they will learn and the faster you will find success. What type of crate or confinement area works best? This method of training a puppy to walk on a leash is suited to very young puppies, it requires no pulling from you or your dog. The result is a nice loose leash hanging down between you and your dog. All it takes to achieve this is to follow the above steps, then apply some patience and persistence. Please read this article for leash training older dogs. You can also teach your puppy or older dog to walk on a loose leash using a clicker – loose leash walking. puppy training videos | puppy training videos puppy training videos | best way to train a puppy puppy training videos | crate train puppy Legal | Sitemap
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cozythingz · 5 years
Review: Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead (Book 6 in the Vampire Academy Series)
WARNING: THIS REVIEW CONTAINS SPOILERS (except for the TL;DR at the bottom)
You can read a spoiler-free version of this review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2784397160
Warning: Lot of swearing in my ranty book-review below.
Rating: 1 star.
LITERALLY FUCK ROSE. I am so fucking pissed off with how she turned out. But before I get into that rant, let's try and look at the book from a rational and positive view, shall we?
If you look at the book for what it is without thinking about the characters, it's actually a pretty good book. A lot of things were predictable as other reviewers have pointed out, but I still enjoyed reading it aside from the frequent bursts of anger.
In the beginning, we see that Rose is imprisoned; the result of being the main suspect in a murder case for the Moroi Queen. My problem with the ending of the last book and the beginning of this one is the fact that I've watched too many crime shows. It's completely ridiculous how Richelle made the investigators for this case so incompetent. I read this part of the book weeks ago so I can't really name any specifics, but it just wasn't believable at all from what I know of modern investigation practices. I have no idea why Moroi are so terrible at this when most human investigators would be able to figure this one out very quickly. Even if Tasha was wearing gloves when she staked the queen, there would be other DNA in the room, I'm sure. And that's just 1 thing I can think of with 0 real experience with murder investigations.
The book is basically about both Rose and Lissa trying to figure out who REALLY killed the queen. Meanwhile Rose also has a second task: Find Lissa's half brother/sister. Lissa is trying to cope with the growing fame she doesn't want and Rose is trying to sort out her love triangle once and for all. I liked all the characters in the book, except for Rose.
Traitors to the crown are executed, but here we see Rose complaining about captivity and being more concerned about the cell she's locked into and what's going to happen at her trial to care about the very real possibility of being executed. Yes, all these dumb trivial things she was thinking about totally take precedence over being executed.
Rose's friends didn't tell her the plan to break her out of prison because she would indirectly tip off the guardians watching her that something was going to happen. I really don't think so lmao. It seemed like just a cover up to add to the "mystery" and "twists" in this book. I tried to find an exact quote but I couldn't find one.
Some of the time stretches in the book seem kind of off, and some basic human needs are completely ignored in this book. Yes, you can totally go 12+ hours without needing to pee (maybe more, I can't remember) and not stopping/using any bathrooms in all that time.
We never find out why the queen screamed at Rose in Book 2? 3? (I can’t remember) for being in a relationship with Adrian (when she actually wasn’t at the time). As far as I'm concerned, she had no real reason to treat Rose that way and then suddenly do a 180. I was expecting the last couple of books in this series to be about how Rose and Lissa would avoid her control.
When Lissa was attacked, Rose was watching through the bond. But I find it very hard to believe that Lissa would be able to watch the fight so intensely while trying to retreat with her life.
At some point in this book, I stopped understanding why Rose would want to be a guardian at all. As soon as she is assigned, she is bound to that person for life, or until she is reassigned. She can’t go anywhere without the person she’s assigned to. She can’t go off on grand quests like she has done literally since the beginning of "high school" at the Academy. She’s always talking about wanting to do something, and that she can’t sit around and do nothing but that’s literally what she’ll be doing for a living. Even if she’s with Lissa, she has to keep her in a safe location so….
When Sydney was being interrogated, Lissa and her friends were somehow allowed to be in the room while they were doing that. Even if they weren't suspected at all of helping Rose (which ISN'T the case), there's no way anyone would be allowed to stay and watch this unfold. Once again, in the real world, everyone is privately interrogated. This is very unrealistic.
And cue the rant about how much I hate Rose Hathaway.
I really, really liked Rose in the first 3 books. She was a really cool and badass character who had a great moral compass. And all of that started to go out the window in books 4 and 5. And then completely flew out the window in book 6. I spent most of this book angry about having to read about such a self-centered know-it-all who doesn't give a shit about what she does to other people as long as she gets her way. Here are a few examples:
In this book, Rose doesn't respond the same way as she has in the other books. She is CONSTANTLY saying "Aren't you going to ask me??" whenever someone is praised. Her desperate seek for praise and validation is TOTALLY PATHETIC WTF??? She never needed any of this before. She didn't have to beg for attention like this before?? It makes her seem like she’s 13 years old with a huge ego for her age. I’m not a strong person like Rose is, but I’d hate myself if I ever acted that childish. For me, this part of the book was the first time that Rose officially crossed the line from likable, confident character, to annoying, arrogant character.
So, Rose can take down a Strigoi no problem, but a 15-year-old girl with no fighting experience manages to land some hits on her??? Really?? This should be a walk in the park. Rose just keeps getting more and more pathetic. After she won that fight, I would have been like, we’re leaving. Now. I wouldn’t stay a second longer in that place, no matter what the reason for the fight was. And then, later on, Rose doesn’t want to hurt her feelings? This bitch fought dirty and pulled her by the hair. I wouldn’t have given a shit about her feelings if I were Rose.
WHY did Rose tell Victor and his brother what they wanted to know in the dream?? Victor hasn’t told her exactly why he wants the info, and he hasn’t threatened her or anything. But she’s suddenly opening her big mouth and answering their questions. The smart thing to do would be to keep her mouth shut and keep it that way, no matter what they say. For all she knows, they could want to know who the murderer was for BAD reasons since they have a brilliant track record. AND THEN SHE LITERALLY TELLS THEM ABOUT THE NOTE WTF. She was only supposed to tell people about that that she trusted completely. Rose is a fucking idiot.
Another note I wrote about how stupid Rose was later in the book: Once again, Rose is a fucking idiot trusting Victor with all this info. He hasn’t sacrificed anything and she has sacrificed all the info they have. STUPID.
Rose suddenly decides that she wants to get Lissa the throne properly, not just a vote on the Council and didn’t even think about what her best friend wants?? Lissa doesn’t want to be queen, so why tf are you trying to make her? Like hello? You know how much she loathes all this by checking in through the bond. Get over what you think for once, and think about someone else for a fucking change, jesus fucking christ.
AND NOW FOR THE GRAND FINALE!!! There is one type of person I hate even more than arrogant people, and that’s cheaters. Rose has 100% turned into someone I absolutely despise. How could you do that to someone who loves you? You fucking show some self-restraint and break up with Adrian before you fuck around with another guy. What a horrible thing to do to another human being just because you’re so fucking selfish. And to make matters worse, they decided to get a little too close when Adrian was around. LIKE HELLO??? How could you forget that he was right there??? Are you fucking stupid? You stay the hell away from each other until she can break up with Adrian. WTF. God, I feel so fucking bad for Adrian.
I have to say, the most satisfying (yet still angry) part of the book was when Adrian confronted Rose about what she did to him.
"Let's face it: sleeping with another guy in a hotel room was pretty much cheating if you had a boyfriend. It didn't matter if that guy was the love of your life or not." Exactly, you selfish piece of shit.
"'No, no--stop. I really do NOT want to hear about the great revelation you had about how you guys were always meant to be together or whatever it was.'" Preach Adrian. Why did Rose think it was a good idea to make this all about her and what she thought? Literally shut the fuck up Rose.
"'I loved you!' he yelled. He jumped up out of his chair so quickly I never saw it coming. 'I loved you, and you destroyed me. You took my heart and ripped it up. You might as well have staked me! I. Loved. You. And you used me the whole time.'" I've never been cheated on before but I really, really feel this.
AND THEN!!!! "You destroy my life and then feed me inspirational philosophy." OH MY GOD ROSE. You must think you're SO high and mighty don't you?? You think you're SO great for never thinking of yourself as being a "victim". You think you know everything because you've been through a lot in 1 year. HONEY YOU ARE 18 YEARS OLD. You don't know shit, so stop acting like you're the wisest fucking person on the planet.
I seriously can't explain how angry I am about how shitty Rose turned out. I thought I'd love this series, but it turns out I only liked the first 3 books.
TL;DR: -I loved Rose in the first 3 books, but now Rose is a pathetic, self-centered know-it-all and I fucking hate her guts -I enjoyed the book, aside from having to read about Rose. -Watch enough crime shows, and you'll understand how laughable the investigations in this book are. -Very clear cover-ups to add to the "mystery" and "twists" in this book -Time stretches are off and basic human needs are ignored -We never find out why the queen screamed at Rose in Book 4. There was no reason for it. -I've completely lost my understanding of why Rose still wants to be a guardian after reading all about her nature in this book.
0 notes
mightbedamian · 7 years
#TMIishTuesday #60 - Make a democracy a democracy!
Hey, This is a very important topic. Please keep reading - and most importantly: Go, use your vote! Be it upcoming Sunday, the Sunday after or any time later. Thanks! Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #60 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and on what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week I discussed bisexuality and the stereotypes and misconceptions regarding the topic. Check it out, once you're done reading this. :) // Within the next two weeks we have two elections coming up in Germany. Both are elections for state parliaments - those of the Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia. Given the latest events in countries like the UK (Brexit), the US (The Trumpet), and France (Le Pen), it is even more important that you - you reading this - make use of your vote! Ever heard of the AfD? Let me give you a little bit of a break-down as to what happened in the elections mentioned above and then move on to the situation in Germany - and why I think we have some scaring tendencies here. 1. The UK, aka. "we want to leave the EU so badly!" - 23 June 2016 For the past few years there had been more and more public voices who felt the UK was not treated properly by the European Union (EU) - especially with regard to the migration situation (aka. the refugees coming into the EU being distributed equally among the member states). After a years-long debate, Prime Minister David Cameron kept a promise from his 2015 election campaign and held a referendum about a possible move of the UK to leave the EU. The weeks before the two campaigns were picking up speed and the closer the referendum came, the closer the parties were. In the end, it was a very close race, but Cameron's campaign to stay in the EU was not successful. It got 48 % of the votes. Which in turn meant that the UK has officially started talks to negotiate the terms of their leave. Also, as you probably know, the leave voters had a significantly higher average age than those who voted to stay in the Union. I already posted @glenrules's tweet back then in my an general update post on my life, but it's just ridiculous. And his caption "Ever been fucked by a pensioner before ? You have now." is just spot on! The younger population - and Scotland and the city of London - showed a high percentage of stay voters. Why do I tell you this story? You probably know all of the things I just told you. Well, the leave campaign got a mere 1.3 million votes more. With nearly 18 million people, who could have voted, but didn't. 35 % of those, who were allowed to vote in the referendum, didn't. But surely they joined in with the incredible vocal "this was not a fair referendum" shouts. I don't see how it was not fair. You knew the facts. You knew it would cost the UK millions every year to leave the EU. You knew your relationship towards the EU would change. You couldn't expect that you were allowed all the benefits at no costs. What would have worked: Preparing yourself well enough before the vote, checking both opinions, and finally: actually voting. Take-away: Go, use your voice! Vote! 2. The US, aka. "God bless this mofo!" - 8 November 2016 Elections in the US are quite a happening. Still, all the "Let's make America great again" and "Hillary for America" didn't quite get the people to the polling stations. Only 60 % of the voting eligible population actually used their power. And while Hillary Clinton got the popular vote (meaning she got more total votes), she still didn't become president. The American voting system is f*ed up!  No, the Trumpet became president. And we saw the same we saw with the Brexit vote: People shouting: "This is not fair! We need a re-run of the election!" Well, I have to give you that: To me it also feels unfair when the majority of people voted for Clinton, but they got the Trumpet as a president. :D But: That's how their election system works. And has been working for centuries. You can't say "it's unfair". You knew how it worked. What would have worked: Getting the remaining 40 % to vote. Changing the election system during the last election period. Fleeing the country. Okay, leaving the country is not funny. I shouldn't say that. But the first two: Definitely! 3. France, aka. "Let's switch the political situation completely!" - 23 April 2017 The latest election in France shows how sudden a change can come by. From two parties winning pretty much every electoral district to winning barely any in just five years. This again shows how agitated the whole political situation in Europe has been lately. Take-away: Don't let the right-wing parties take over! France, if you're reading this: Don't be silly! Don't hand the Èlysée Palace to Madame Le Pen just like that! Right, let's turn to Germany cause that's what we're here for. Looking at recent polls, we can expect the AfD well above the 5% threshold needed to claim seats in the Bundestag, the German national parliament. As if 9% of the German voting population were asleep for the last few years - or simply feel SO "invaded" (quote by Bernd - pardon, Björn - Höcke) by immigrants. A party built on hatred. A party that basically denies the Holocaust. Höcke, spokesperson of the AfD in the German state of Thuringia and chairman of the party in the state parliament, called the Holocaust memorial in Berlin a "memorial of shame". Wilhelm von Gottberg, another member of the party, once mentioned a "flaw of guilt" which clearly states he believes the Holocaust is nothing you should apologise for. Yepp, and I could mention lots and lots of other statements. But it's not the topic of today's post. I think I made my point here: The AfD is an ultra-right party. Some say calling them "nazis" would be too much. But, quite frankly: They are nothing short of the stuff the NPD preaches. And you call them nazis. As far as I am concerned: Only because the AfD doesn't have the N of "national socialism" incorporated, that doesn't make them any better. Aaaanyway. This post should be more about why you should vote. The first reason is stated above: Don't give those ultra-right idiots any more power. The more votes for other parties, the less their votes will weigh. As long as you don't vote for them, I don't care what you vote - it's completely up to you. And that's why we should be proud of how far we've come! We learned the lessons from the Third Reich: Anti-democratic behaviour leads to dictatorship. Sooner or later. As Cicero told us more than 2000 years ago. What a wise man! Why is democracy important you might ask? Cause who care when you only have one vote and there are 60 million others, who also do? Well, I have some answers for you. 1. Every vote counts the same. If you vote, you can be sure that your vote counts exactly the same as any other vote. We don't have the conditions of the empire times where only certain people were allowed to vote - and those of the noble and the clergy would count waaay more than those of the "common bourgeois". That's freaking important! 2. You are free in the party you vote for. You have the choice. You can decide between the 30+ parties that run for the election (granted, if we're talking Schleswig-Holstein, there are only 13 parties. And no one can tell you off for voting for that particular party. Take a look to Turkey to know how a situation would look like when you were not allowed to choose freely. Do I have to say any more? 3. It's fun! If you're young, that sounds ridiculous. I know that. But: Politics are fun! Developing an opinion on topics you have an interest in - and on those that are very important - is cool! Not only does it help you when you engage in discussion with friends, family or class mates - it also makes you realise some stuff you wouldn't have realised before. It makes you realise opportunities. Go, catch them! Also: It fills me with a lot of pride that I actually haven't missed a single opportunity to vote. National, state-wide, communal, European - I used them all. You do the same, please! Btw, did you know that you can also vote, when you know you won't be able to on the day itself? Just request postal vote. There are forms online for the respective elections. If you forgot, you still have some time left. For the election in Schleswig-Holstein upcoming Sunday, the deadline for requesting your postal vote is Friday, 5 May, 12.00. For North Rhine-Westphalia you have 6 hours longer. The deadline is Friday, 12 May, 18.00. Whatever way you use to vote, whatever party you choose to vote - do the same as 78 % of my Twitter followers and go, vote! I'll like you a little bit more then! Go, do it! Do you plan to vote? If so, why do you think it’s important? If no, what’s your reason? Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. Queer Shoutout you say? Technically this isn't too much of a queer shoutout, but 1/3 is queer. That counts, right? It's just too fitting. Three wonderful videos on why voting is such an important part of a democracy. And why it's even more important in these times. Jodie Calussi gives you a little talk on the history of voting rights, Lisa Sophie talks about the difficulties of making decisions and help with finding the party that fits you best and Applewar's MasterJam and his friends created a lovely cover of Die Toten Hosen's song Willkommen in Deutschland to tell you that voting can keep those nasty AfD people off you. Check all those videos out. They deserve it! :) As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! Linkage: - glenrules’s tweet: https://twitter.com/glenrules/status/746228140792381444 - My post mentioning #Brexit last year: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/146622442867/tmi-ish-tuesday-16-wrap-up - Wikimedia graphic for the 2012 presidential elections in France: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2012_French_presidential_election_-_Second_round_-_Majority_vote_(Metropolitan_France,_communes).svg - Wikimedia graphic for the 2017 presidential elections in France: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%C3%89lection_pr%C3%A9sidentielle_de_2017_par_d%C3%A9partement_T1.svg - Welt.de: SPD büßt noch mehr in Wählergunst ein: https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article164132054/SPD-buesst-noch-mehr-in-Waehlergunst-ein.html - Wikipedia: Election threshold: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_threshold - Fabian Leber for tagesspiegel.de: Flüchtlingskrise: Die AfD drängt auf die Straße: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/fluechtlingskrise-die-afd-draengt-auf-die-strasse/12466360.html - Sidney Gennies for tagesspiegel.de: Nationalsozialismus: Die AfD provoziert am Holocaust-Gedenktag: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/nationalsozialismus-die-afd-provoziert-am-holocaust-gedenktag/19310794.html - Zeit.de: Wilhelm von Gottberg: AfD-Politiker lehnte Distanzierung von Holocaustzitat ab: http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2017-03/wilhelm-von-gottberg-afd-holocaust-zitat-distanzierung - Wikipedia: De re publica: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_re_publica#Inhalt - NDR.de: 13 Parteien stehen in SH zur Wahl: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/schleswig-holstein/13-Parteien-stehen-in-SH-zur-Wahl,landtagswahl1190.html - Poll among my Twitter followers: https://twitter.com/MightBeDamian/status/859146811486998529 - Jodie Calussi: Ihr wollt es.. | 80% Challenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNIPuQMk4Y - Lisa Sophie: Wen soll ich bloß wählen? - Entscheidungskrisen | ItsColeslaw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEy1_80PqRw - MasterJam: Willkommen in Deutschland (Cover Musik Video “Die Toten Hosen”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru91LJ_R6e8 Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/159982754723/tmiishtuesday-59-bi-what-on-bisexuality - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on politics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/mightbeserious - More very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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rafi1228 · 4 years
This Python For Beginners Course Teaches You The Python Language Fast. Includes Python Online Training With Python 3
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See you on the inside (hurry, your Python class is waiting!)
Who this course is for:
Beginners with no previous programming experience looking to obtain the skills to get their first programming job.
Anyone looking to to build the minimum Python programming skills necessary as a pre-requisites for moving into machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.
Existing programmers who want to improve their career options by learning the Python programming language.
If you are an expert Python programmer with extensive knowledge, and many years’ experience, then this course is probably not for you.
Created by Tim Buchalka, Jean-Paul Roberts, Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy Last updated 12/2018 English English
Size: 5.66 GB
   Download Now
The post Learn Python Programming Masterclass appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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Currently I am using my wife's health insurance plan (which is very great) and not using anything from my company which states We currently offer medical (including prescriptions) and dental coverage. The Company will contribute up to $300 per month to the cost of such coverage.    What would you guys recommend in this situation? My wife's insurance plan is worth a lot more than $300 a month and it makes no sense that I leave it.    What should I do in this situation? For instance"",I might suggest you to visit this internet site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I got car insurance and it allows me to drive other peoples cars on my insurance?
if i were to buy another car, 2nd car will i be able to drive that without registering to any insruance company? i wont be selling my 1st car, it will still have the insruance, and the insruance it has allows me to drive other cars, but im not sure if the other cars also need insurance from a company""
Why is the ticket for driving without insurance so high???
My husband just got a $600 ticket for not having insurance and if he gets caught again without it within a year, he could go to jail for up to one year!!! (in Colorado) :(""
What is the best rated auto insurance in California and why?
I'm having trouble finding ratings by people regarding their auto/home insurance. I'm located in Southern California. I don't mind paying a premium for better coverage.
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
What R some other ways I can to lower my insurance rate?
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
What are some health insurance that is affordable?
I am a 17 year old female and i want to know what are some affordable insurance that include dental, eyes, and a regular doctor.""
How much would insurance for a Lamborghini cost?
I'm most curious about the Sesto Elemento which I believe is being ordered for $900,000. Also license plates if anyone knows how much those would cost. I'm just curious, I'm mot rich.""
""After I get my permit, can I buy a car and get insurance? I'm 19 & live in PA.?""
READ FIRST PLEASE. -I'm 19 and live in PA. -I'm getting my permit within a month. Two questions: 1. Can I buy a car with only a permit? 2. Do I get insurance before I buy the car or after I buy the car? 3. Also, I'm buying from a private owner. How do I register it, etc? Thanks!""
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
Health insurance after you've turned 18?
My mother receives Social Security checks and insurance (She had cancer, and can't work due to other conditions brought on by the chemotherapy) and because of this, I had medicaid. I turned 18 last month and I'm wondering if I automatically get cut off from her insurance, or if I stay on the plan because I'll be a student in the fall. I know the system for this changed recently, so I have no idea if I still have insurance or not.""
What is the cheapest car insurance company?
im 21 and just passed my test i have a 1.4 clio does any1 know around how much it is t insure and also i would like to know how much road tax is? x :-)
Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. What kind of scam is this ?
Mom discovers $9 car insurance trick. Auto insurers are scared you will learn this too.
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
Insurance for newborn?
I am on my stepfather's insurance through bluecross/blueshield. I am about to have a baby and she can't be covered on this insurance. would i have to lose my insurance and get medicaid and us be on it together or can i just get medicaid for her and keep my insurance? and what if it isn't all resolved when she is born, will she be able to see a doctor?""
When can I expect my Insurance premiums to go down?
They have gone up $200 a month since the health care bill passed. Voting for you didn't help my situation last time why should I bother this time?
With no health insurance . . .?
How come I have to pay full price with cash, but if someone has medicaid or some other type of health insurance, the insurance company only pays (for example) $52.00 of an office call that I have to pay $80.00. Isn't that discrimination to people that pay cash?""
How much should i get for my car from insurance?
Before owning my car it was rear ended and received a reconstructed title. It is a 97 Honda Hatch Back. I'm curious as to how much value insurance will see as lost on the car due to the reconstructed title, though even though it was restored to near perfect condition. I was in stop and go traffic yesterday and the car behind me didn't realize all the cars had stopped, he hit me doing roughly 45, my car was pushed into another car and it's definitely totaled at this point. Is there a set percentage they deduct if you have a reconstructed title?""
Does anyone know where I could get some affordable dental insurance?
I'm on disability and my job doesnt offer benefits.
I got in to an accident will my insurance go up??
i live in canada i m 17 years old i m insured under my dads policy my dad only pays like 50 bucks per month because he never got into a accident for like 20 years and my insurance was same because i was the 2nd driver on the car but today i was backing up the call in the shopping malls parking lot and as i was backing it up i didnt really see back and on the sides properly so i hit the car from my back and their side i have like no damage on my car tat car got like few dents i m done with all the paper work collision center, police ,other party info, contacted my insurance etc but will my insurance go up now if yes how much i think their car will have damage up to 2500 and thats lil too much so how much will my insurance go up if i m paying 50 per month rite noe""
Advice on teen car insurance ?
I'm 18, from Ontario and have had my G2 for over a year now. I was in a deathly car accident in january on the highway because of really bad weather conditions, I'm lucky to be okay. The cop didn't charge me because the weather was so bad and there were a number of car accidents that week. However the insurance company faulted me because I spun out first. Its been 2 months and my dad has done nothing but complain about his car being wrecked. He blames me 100% for the accident even though I hit black ice and there was nothing I could do, and he wasn't even there... For my 18th birthday my grandad (his dad) is giving me $10,000 for a car. My dad is making him wait to give it to me and he won't take me car shopping ! And when I do get one he's not putting me under his insurance ! I have to insure my own car at 18 with only a part time job. Is this unfair? Not being able to drive has been a huge hassel. What are the cheapest cars to insure ? I can drive standard so there's no limitations. What's the best insurance companies ? How much do you think it would be ? Also I'm going to college in Florida next year on an athletic scholarship so what is insurance like down there ?""
Finding cheap classic car insurance?
I have a 1979 chevy malibu and i want to be able to have it and my winter car on the road. I want to find like a cheap classic car insurance for it so i can pay for both insurances. a friend of mine was telling me you can get it really cheap ccause its a clasic. Anyone know of any?
Can someone please explain how health insurance works to me?
Ok, I realize this question shows how ignorant I am about the real world, so I'm embarrassed but I have to be honest: I have no idea how health insurance works other than that it covers certain medical expenses! I'm just getting out of college so I am not used to having to deal with this. I know you pay a monthly fee, but what is a deductible? How does this work? For example, say a company charges $50/month with a $2,500 deductible fee...when would I have to pay the $2,500, if ever? I need the most affordable health insurance possible... I am really struggling with money at the moment. I am a U.S. citizen with a very very good health record. 22 yrs old and non-smoker. I plan to travel to Canada (Montral) and live there for about 6 months after I graduate. If I get health insurance in the U.S., will this cover me in Canada as well? Thank you for any info, it will really help me out a lot!""
I got a ticket for expired insurance in california....?
And i recently got car insurance so I went to court today and showed them and they said since i had no car insurance at the time of the ticket i have to pay nearly 400 dollars! so i got a 2 month extension to pay the ticket, is there anything i can do to reduce the ticket amount? or what will be the best thing to do? thanks a lot i really appreciate it!""
Car insurance for age 17?
Well going sound awkward but i want a car without out parents knowing, been working for 2 years got enough money can prove to insurers where i got the money from im 17 and is it possible to get insurance at my address (real address where i auctally live) but i want the paperworks to be sent to another address or they contact me by email because family wants me to get a car when im 25 however im going uni so i really need a car also im not going to any fraud everything will be legit just need to make sure if i can insurance and only i know about it thanks""
I need good car insurance?
i just got a car, and it isn't insured for the road. it's a 2002 mercury cougar and it's pretty pricey for insurance, in between 400 and five hundred. i live in ontario canada and i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for insurance, the cheapest quote i got was from bel air insurance and that will run me around 400-500 a month, anybody know of a cheaper insurance company with fairly good coverage? i am 16 years old getting my g2 in january and i have completed drivers ed. please help. and also anywhere i can get free quotes would be great too. thanks!""
2 health insurance plans?
Currently I am using my wife's health insurance plan (which is very great) and not using anything from my company which states We currently offer medical (including prescriptions) and dental coverage. The Company will contribute up to $300 per month to the cost of such coverage.    What would you guys recommend in this situation? My wife's insurance plan is worth a lot more than $300 a month and it makes no sense that I leave it.    What should I do in this situation? For instance"",I might suggest you to visit this internet site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
Looking for individual/family health insurance in Arizona...?
I am a stay-at-home mom (in Arizona) and I need to get health insurance. My boyfriend (and our toddler) have insurance through his employer but it's like $400/month for just the two of them and it doesn't cover much. To add me to his plan we would have to get married first and it would be over $200/month more than he's already paying now. So that's over $600/month for insurance that doesn't cover much. It doesn't seem like a very good deal at all. So I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would take all three of us as an unmarried family, for less than $600/month. So far I don't see any that cover maternity, and we do want to have another child within the next year or two... We don't get sick often, but our baby needs her regular checkups and vaccinations, we need our regular checkups, vision and dental, and of course catastrophic coverage in the event something really bad were to happen. I don't see much purpose in me having insurance for myself, a young woman, that doesn't cover maternity or birth control, other than for the sake of catastrophic coverage. But if need be I could get my own insurance plan for maternity/birth control/whatever if I could find an affordable one, and they can be on their own plan that doesn't cover maternity. Blue Cross Blue Shield has some cheap rates but they don't cover maternity. Neither does Aetna. Cinergy is too expensive for just me, let alone my family too. So my question(s) to you specifically are: Can you suggest any health insurance companies that cover maternity? Can you suggest any that are affordable? Can you suggest any that would insure us as a family even though we are unwed?""
Health insurance for baby and me?
We just moved to Illinois ( near St Louis) from California and I'm having a hard time finding insurance. I was on medi-cal in California due to pregnancy being a pre existing condition and my husband's insurance wouldn't do anything about it. I keep getting the run around when I call the state insurance out here. I'm just wondering if any of you live out here or have any good information on where I can go or what insurance I can get on for cheap. I'm almost 29 weeks and I need to get into the doctor ASAP! Any information would be extremely helpful!
Are there any sites where I can compare average insurance rates by model?
I want to get an idea of how much it would cost to insure different cars, but I don't want a quote because they will never leave me alone.""
How much would insurance cost on a 125cc Skyjet?
Looking to buy a 125cc and want to know how much it would be to tax it, MOT it and insure it. Almost 17 and just want a brief idea about how to do it and what to expect.""
Insurance after you buy your car?
I'm picking up a new car I just bought from a dealership tomorrow, how does insurance work? I have insurance at the moment for the car I am driving but not the new one I am buying. help :)""
I live in el cajon san diego i am 16 i want to get a car what insurance company should i get that is cheap?
i cant afford a car payment every month plus insurance so what insurance company will first of all let me be with them cause i have no credit and how much will it cost for me to get insurance
Can I tax my car with learner driver insurance?
My cars tax is due soon and I understand that in order to renew the tax on it you must have valid driving insurance. As I am currently learning how to drive in my car I was wondering if I could still tax my car even though I have temporary learner driver insurance? Thanks
1st time car insurance. Y are they charging me so much?
I had no idea car insurance was so expensive. Quotes so far for basic insurance: Progressive : $300 for 6 months Geicko: $455 for 6 months. Where can I find a better deal? My info: Male, 27 y/o, Got license at 18 y/o, 1990 Honda Accord (paid $900 for it), 180K miles No DUI's, accidents etc, this is my 1st car""
Reducing car insurance for young drivers?
I have an idea of how to reduce my insurance for young drivers like myself, and it goes like this, I buy a motorcycle for about 10 to nothing(it could be broken I don't care), with this motorcycle I insure it for about 100, because insuring a motorcycle is a lot cheaper than insuring a car, then for a year I have no claims with this motorcycle, would this then reduce the cost of my insurance premium for a car?""
Does it cost to switch car insurances?
I need to switch my car insurance to get a lower rate per month. How much would I generally pay to switch or get new insurance?
What's a good life insurance I can get for my parents?
They're old life insurance just ended and are now charging $299/month for both of them...they only give $100,000 policy each. Mom is 61 years old and Dad is 65 y/o.....lives in California.""
Can I get car insurance under my boyfriend's name even though the car is registered to me?
My car is registered under my name BUT i want put my boyfriend as the primary driver on the car insurance. He signed over the title to me because of some private reasons but even though legally its mine I still see it as his. Anyhow, can I put car insurance under his name even though the car is registered under my name?""
Where can I find results of auto crashes and speeding tickets by age and the average price one pays for auto..
insurance by age.
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm a 20 year old who just passed my test 3 weeks ago and I can't seem to get a quote lower than 2400! I am the registered owner of a 1.2 V reg Vauxhall Corsa, however it doesn't seem to matter what car I am driving. Has there been a huge increase in car insurance during the past year? I always expected a cheaper quote than this.""
Can I get car insurance on my dad's policy for me for only a day or two?
Okay so I live in CA, and my car is in the shop and my insurance has been stopped because my car needs a new transmission and I don't have the money to fix it yet. Anyways, what I wanted to ask was my Dad is going out of town for a few days and is leaving his car at home, I wanted to know if I could get insurance for myself on his car though his insurance company (AARP) for use of his car for only 2 days? Please get back to me, and put a source if possible, Easy 10 points.""
What are you young people paying for full coverage insurance?
I have full coverage on my 09 ford focus sedan, clean record and everything for $1000/6months, is that 2 much?""
I have a question about teenage driving insurance?
I let my son drive my car sometimes and his six months is up and he is now wants to drive friends in the car. I know my car insurance will cover him if he is in a wreck, but will it cover his friends?""
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Has legislative push for affordable insurance been cut short in the u.s congress?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance?
What does term life insurance cover?
does term life insruance cover any death. Like lets say there is an earthquake and the insured dies.. would the term insurance cover it? or does the insured have to die of old age?
Urgently need help on car insurance !!?
Hello. I jut got my licence last week, im 18 years old and want to straight driving straight away, have about 5k or so to do so. But ive been researching and that will just about cover insurance !!! Im looking for a decent group 1-3 car Can someone help me !!! Confused!!!! Where can i get the cheapest insurance/car combination etc Would really like any kind of advice on what to do ! Thanks!""
Why should we pay CAR insurance?
I know it is made to protect us from being sue, I understand this. BUT if we are MADE to pay insurance to drive a car then the Car insurance companies should be MADE to include Car replacement as a STANDARD pack for both Full and Liability coverage(Why should I lose my car because of a BAD driver) If your car is totaled and you are still making payments then you lose a car. If you paid off your car and it is totaled, you lose a car. Lastly, we who pay insurance and don't have an accident in six months(or one year)should be given a choice of a lower premium, cash returned or a loan.""
Motorcycles and insurance?
right now i have a bull blast and i want to upgrade to a faster bike that is better above 60 mph and riding 2 up. the problem for me is that i am 19 and insurance for me with the little buell is 200/yr. i want to get a gsxr 600 or a 600 ss but they are over 600/yr and thats too much. the only bikes that are still in the lower insurance bracket is a ninja 500 and 650 or an sv650. are there any other bikes that are cheap on insurance? or what are your opinions on these bikes?
Do I have to pay for insurance on a moving van rental?
I want to rent a moving van from Uhaul. They won't let me rent the van unless I pay for their insurance coverage. Is that legal?
Would you let your teenager daughter drive a classic car?
An old catalina convertible to be exact. She is very responsible, however, do you think it is too dangerous of a car? Also, how much would insurance be on a classic car with a student driver?""
2 health insurance plans?
Currently I am using my wife's health insurance plan (which is very great) and not using anything from my company which states We currently offer medical (including prescriptions) and dental coverage. The Company will contribute up to $300 per month to the cost of such coverage.    What would you guys recommend in this situation? My wife's insurance plan is worth a lot more than $300 a month and it makes no sense that I leave it.    What should I do in this situation? For instance"",I might suggest you to visit this internet site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
Do I need my car to put insurance on it?
My car got impounded last night and I need to register the car in my name in order to put insurance on it, Im going to the DMV Monday morning to register it then head over to put insurance on it but need help on knowing whether I do need my car with me. Do i need My Car to register it and put basic cheap insurance on it too? Please let me know. My state is California. & i do have a valid driver license too. Thank you :)""
How much to insure.....?
I am a 16 year old female, and I am close to buying my own car, and my dad will pay for insurance, but of course it has to be reasonable. I am heavily considering a 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder. I found a convertable that I can afford, but I would get a hard top if it's more to insure a convertable which I'm sure it is so please let me know about how much it would be to insure that kind of car convertable or not. Thank you so much""
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
I'm 17yo Male and need cheap car insurance!!!!?
Well im 17 soon and want to get are car so i can work more. i have been looking at some very cheap cars that i would think are cheap to insure but are not- Fiat Punto (more than 10 years old) worth 400; 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same with Peugeot 106- around the same price to insure. What other cars would you recommend that are cheap to insure???
Should I tell my insurance company I race?
I am 17 years old and currently have a regular drivers license, with no class M designation. I have been riding dirtbikes since I turned 4, and have been racing them for the past 3 years. I think telling this to my insurance company would do one of two things (if it does anything at all haha). Either they will think, oh this kid knows what he's doing, let's cut him a break and lower his rates or they will think oh this kid races, he will probably carry those habits to the road, thereby endangering himself and others. Which do you think they will do? Also, I AM planning on getting my motorcycle license when I turn 18. I probably wont use it for everyday use, since I have a dirtbike meant for off road use, but there are some races where you are required to have a street legal bike, and that means it has to be registered and insured. Since im not gonna be using it much, I don't want to have to pay more for the tiny 250 cc dirtbike than I do for my truck with a v8, that can easily double the speed and endangerment to others of my dirtbike. All in all, im just wondering how the insurance company would react to me dropping that information on them. And for those of you who find it interesting, I also have a boaters education certificate (complete bullshit, but required for legal use) and a private pilots license. So once I get my motorcycle license, I will legally and safely be able to take control of any mode of transportation except helicopters, and I've flown enough of those in the sim that I could even autorotate one if I had to :D more than likely lol. Thank you to everyone who helps answer my question!""
Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance?
Can You Give Me Any Tips for Finding Low Cost California Medical Insurance?
Where do I but non car owner insurance?
I need to get my licence and here in NC they require you to have insurance to get your licence wher do I go to buy non car owners insurance at the best price?
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is this legal? I know in some states it is and in some not. If I do suspend insurance and I do have to surrender the plates, how long do I have till the MVC penalizes me?""
I wanted to now about car insurance liability?
my boyfriend is on his mums insurance, but the other day, he had a little bump, which wasnt his fault, the person in front kept breaking spontaneously on a very busy road which caused him to slightly go in to the back of her car, theres no damage to his mums car and hes says (and i fully believe him) that the only bit of damage to their car is a few screws missing, yet they have still got the insurance company involved, but he really wasnt liable for the little bump, it wasnt his fault, the other person kept putting breaks on and i know you can fail your test for breaking like that on a busy road, i just want to know what will happen about his mums insurance now as hes really worried.""
Avoid ticket in California for no proof of insurance?
I had just bought the car and was coming home and I got pulled over and I didn't have proof of insurance but I did have it. My mom got insurance whilst I was driving so when I got pulled over my car had been registered with Allstate but I couldn't have the paper because I didn't have a printer on the spot. I had insurance but no proof of it.
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
Liability car insurance in California?
What happens if somebody fully insured rear-ends your car (they are at fault), and you only have liability insurance (no comprehensive or collision). Do you get your car repaired by the at fault insurance company or you lose?""
Where do I look for health insurance for my family?
Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?
Can I drive my brother's car under his insurance?
He's lending me his car and I was wondering whether it's legal for me to drive it under his insurance. He's fully insured and has a full licence, and I too have a full licence and insurance on my car that's being fixed at the moment. Does he have to add me to the insurance for the 5 days I'm borrowing or can I drive it under his insurance? What are the legalities here?""
Motorcycle Insurance?
My son has had his motorcycle in storage and has been paying insurance on it. He has had to pay for monthly insurance as if he had been driving it. Is this right?
How can I afford car insurance (17 - 18 year old)?
Does anyone have any ideas on how to afford running a car, especially insurance which would be around 2500-3000 per year. I'm still in sixth form and plan to go to university so I only really have weekends to work. Is it possible to afford to run a car? How to people do it? Thanks""
Car insurance claims..how to claim ?
one of my friend took my car and crashed it can i call up my car insurance and claim for it, since my car was driven by my friend would i get the claim? reply soon plzz""
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
I just bought a car (used). bought from the previous owner. AND NOW IM STUCK....? i dont have my licence yet; i am 18 though. im going to register the car in my name and the title and all that stuff. i also need to do emissions testing. I know i need to do all of that be for i take my drivers test. My thing is with the insurance. The car needs to be ensured for the test. Q: can i get insurance with out a license?
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
Bankruptcy and life insurance?
I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.
Will insurance still able to view my previous ticket record and raise my car insurance?
I got a ticket in April of 2004. I paid the fine and went to traffic school. Just two days ago, i got a ticket for speeding (48 at a 35 limit). 1) will I still able to go to traffic school for this ticket? (I'm in CA, my friend told me we are allowed to take traffic school if it's over 18 months since the last citation, is this correct)? 2) i read some yahoo answer on car insurance and someone is saying the insurance company will still able to view the previous citation and raise the car insurance if we get the second citation within 3 years of the 1st one. the point will be unmasked for insurance company to see. is this true? 3) if it is true, does that mean even if i'm able to go to traffic school for my second citation, the insurance company can still raise car insurance for my 1st citation?""
How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?
How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?
Switching car insurance providers?
am i able to switch car insurance providers before my year is up? i have 8 months left but i have had a cheaper quote elsewhere which saves me 900 a year!
2 health insurance plans?
Currently I am using my wife's health insurance plan (which is very great) and not using anything from my company which states We currently offer medical (including prescriptions) and dental coverage. The Company will contribute up to $300 per month to the cost of such coverage.    What would you guys recommend in this situation? My wife's insurance plan is worth a lot more than $300 a month and it makes no sense that I leave it.    What should I do in this situation? For instance"",I might suggest you to visit this internet site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
What's a good place in california for insurance?
What's a good place in california for insurance?
Auto Insurance questions?
I just bought a new car and moved out of my mothers house. I have been on her auto insurance as well since I was going to school while I was living there, after graduating, I finally ...show more""
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
""What would be a good, cheap first motorcycle?""
i have a provisional licence, need a bike thats good for going to college and commuting. cheap insurance, and to buy, preferably below 1.5k. also any advise on where the best places to look are?""
BEST HOME INSURANCE for a town house in allwntown Pa in the USA?
What would be a good home insurance for my town house in allentown PA.. i am looking for something good and affordable ANY IDEAS
Cheating Car Insurance U.K - 20/Male/Single/LWP?
Hi, I don't want to cheat car insurance, I was just wondering if there are any options I could tweak and tick that will lower my insurance. For a basic car, they want 2,900 which is high way robbery for someone of my age. Any ideas what I can tweak that won't alarm them too much, that may cause my insurance quote to fall a little? I checked this on Go Compare BTW. I heard something about the area you live in, etc. Any ideas or any other help would be appreciated. I just start my job and tossing off 3 grand for a car that has a value of 300 is horrible + something I can't afford. Regards.""
Insurance cost?
Im a 16 year old male. Just got into wreck last thursday, not my fault. insurance stayed same. before wreck it dropped $20. I only have liabilty right now. Was 80 now it is 60. My car was a 1995 eclipe which i bought for $3500 and i paid $480 for 6 months. Now if i had that car i'd pay, $360. How much would it cost for6 months to buy a $7,000-$10,000 car. State farm is my carrier. And I do have experience. Make good grades and did steer clear""
Would insurance cost me more if I bought a used VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?
Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?
Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois?
Do I qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
I worked a full time temp job that only lasted 4 months. From May to September. I m wondering if that is enough to qualify for unemployment insurance in California?
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
What to do with car insurance? questions on buying a car?
I've been driving close to a decade. I am under my father's insurance. My sister recently is not anymore. Because we have all been under my father insurance, my sister who has more driving experience is consider a new driver. Because of this her rates are very high. But since both of us have a decade more of driving experience surly this can do something about the rates? What happens if you do not have car insurance or it expired recently? Isn't it required? If you get into accident with other driver and you do not have insurance what happens? Is any cheap car insurance better than none? for 27yr old what is the best insurance for you, if you drive the family's car? If you want to buy your own, used car. How do you go about it?""
""Car Insurance help, UK?""
i have been driving for 1 year in New Zealand, i dont have a full NZ license, but a restricted. i am now in the UK and want to know how much i will be paying for insurance roughly. i have just passed my uk driving test, so im basicly a new driver. Please Help""
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
Considering suing my car insurance company?
As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...""
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
How much is the fine for driving with no car insurance in Ontario?
How do you find another person's insurance carrier for an auto accident?
Recently my car was parked on the side of a street. A car pulled up behind it, and caught fire. There was extensive damage to the rear of my car. The person who owned the car was nowhere to be found, and there was no insurance information in the car. The officers on the scene provided me with the registered owners name, address and license plate number. The officer suspected the car may have been stolen, but wasn't certain (The RO of the car lived a few towns over). I do not believe I am liable for this accident. Is there any way to track down this person's insurance company for me to get covered in this incident? I don't have comprehensive coverage, so my company isn't going to cover the damage. Is the fact that the car was possibly stolen an issue? Thanks very much!""
Best home insurance in ma?
best and lowest home insurance in MA
Do I have to pay more for my car insurance?
I purchased a car with a car loan and I had to get full coverage insurance. I pay monthly and I have to do this for 6 months. The sixth month will be on May. I just paid off my car loan so I no longer want to pay extra money for full coverage. I had to pay a down payment for my insurance so my monthly payments would be cheaper. My question is do I have to pay another down payment if I switch to the liability coverage? Do I have to pay those last two months in order to switch to a liability coverage? I live in California.
Estimated teen car insurance in NY?
I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance.
Can a car insurance company raise your rates for an accident that wasn't your fault?
OK, I recently switched car insurance companies because the quote they gave me over the phone was lower than what I was paying before. I told them honestly about all the tickets I had in the past 5 years. But in the mail today, I find that they are charging me an extra $20 per month because of an accident that WASN'T MY FAULT. I was rear-ended and not cited. Is this legal?""
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
Can i buy contacts online using my insurance only?
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
What is the best and most affordable auto insurance?
I am paying $3,099 for 2 cars.They said it is high because my 19 year old daughter is listed as a occasional driver and it's her age.My husband and I have a clean record and we ...show more""
2 health insurance plans?
Currently I am using my wife's health insurance plan (which is very great) and not using anything from my company which states We currently offer medical (including prescriptions) and dental coverage. The Company will contribute up to $300 per month to the cost of such coverage.    What would you guys recommend in this situation? My wife's insurance plan is worth a lot more than $300 a month and it makes no sense that I leave it.    What should I do in this situation? For instance"",I might suggest you to visit this internet site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
0 notes
rafi1228 · 5 years
This Python For Beginners Course Teaches You The Python Language Fast. Includes Python Online Training With Python 3
What you’ll learn
Have a fundamental understanding of the Python programming language.
Have the skills and understanding of Python to confidently apply for Python programming jobs.
Acquire the pre-requisite Python skills to move into specific branches – Machine Learning, Data Science, etc..
Add the Python Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) skills to your résumé.
Understand how to create your own Python programs.
Learn Python from experienced professional software developers.
Understand both Python 2 and Python 3.
You’ve either already got it or it’s FREE. Here’s the checklist:
A computer – Windows, Mac, and Linux are all supported. Setup and installation instructions are included for each platform.
Your enthusiasm to learn this go-to programming language. It’s a valuable lifetime skill which you can’t un-learn!
Everything else needed to start programming in Python is already included in the course.
Whether you want to:
– build the skills you need to get your first Python programming job
– move to a more senior software developer position
– get started with Machine Learning, Data Science, Django or other hot areas that Python specialises in
– or just learn Python to be able to create your own Python apps quickly.
…then you need a solid foundation in Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.
This course is aimed at complete beginners who have never programmed before, as well as existing programmers who want to increase their career options by learning Python.
The fact is, Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world – Huge companies like Google use it in mission critical applications like Google Search.
And Python is the number one language choice for machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence. To get those high paying jobs you need an expert knowledge of Python, and that’s what you will get from this course.
By the end of the course you’ll be able to apply in confidence for Python programming jobs. And yes, this applies even if you have never programmed before. With the right skills which you will learn in this course, you can become employable and valuable in the eyes of future employers.
Here’s what a few students have told us about the course after going through it.
“I had very limited programming experience before I started this course, so I have really learned a lot from the first few sections. It has taken me from essentially zero programming skill to a level where I’m comfortable using Python to analyze data for my lab reports, and I’m not even halfway done the course yet. There are other courses out there which focus on data analysis, but those courses are usually targeted at people who already know how to program which is why I chose this course instead. “ – Christian DiMaria
“I have been puttering through your Python course . In that time, though, and without finishing it yet I’ve been able to automate quite a bit at my work. I work in a school system and unifying data from our various student information systems can be incredibly frustrating, time consuming, and at times challenging. Using your course, I’ve learned enough to write applications that turn massive text files into dictionaries that get “stitched” together like a database and output to properly formatted CSV files and then uploaded via SFTP to various systems for secure processing. Our teachers, students, and the tech department have greatly benefitted from this automation. I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for helping me learn this skill.” – Keith Medlin
“This course was great. Within 3 weeks I was able to write my own database related applications.” – Theo Coenen
And there are many more students who love the course – check out all the reviews for yourself.
Will this course give you core python skills?
Yes it will.  There are a range of exciting opportunities for Python developers. All of them require a solid understanding of Python, and that’s what you will learn in this course.
Will the course teach me data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence?
No, it won’t do that – All of these topics are branches of Python programming.  And all of them require a solid understanding of the Python language.
Nearly all courses on these topics assume that you understand Python, and without it you will quickly become lost and confused.
This course will give you that core, solid understanding of the Python programming language.
By the end of the course you will be ready to apply for Python programming positions as well as move on to specific areas of Python, as listed above.
Why should you take this course?
There are a lot of Python courses on Udemy – Your instructors, Tim and Jean-Paul are pretty unique in that between them they have around 70 years of professional programming experience.  That’s more than a lifetime of skills you get to learn Python from.
You can enrol in the course safe in the knowledge that they are not just teachers, but professional programmers with real commercial programming experience, having worked with big companies like IBM, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu and Saab in the past.
As such you will not only be learning Python, but you will be learning industry best practices for Python programming that real employers demand.
And if that’s not enough take a read of some of the many reviews from happy students – there are around 100,000 students who have left around 19,000 reviews.
This is one of the most popular courses on Python programming on Udemy.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn
(It’s okay if you don’t understand all this yet, you will in the course)
·       All the essential Python keywords, operators, statements, and expressions needed to fully understand exactly what you’re coding and why – making programming easy to grasp and less frustrating
·       You will learn the answers to questions like What is the Python For Loop, what is Python used for, how Python switch the traditional syntax of code, and more.
·       Complete chapters on object-oriented programming and many other aspects of Python, including tKInter (for building GUI Interfaces) and using databases with Python.
·       Although this is primarily a Python 3 course, a python developer will need to work with Python 2 projects from time to time – We’ll show the difference in both versions to make sure you understand how things work differently in each version.
·        How to develop powerful Python applications using one of the most powerful Integrated Development Environments on the market, IntelliJ IDEA! – Meaning you can code functional programs easier.  IntelliJ has both a FREE and PAID version, and you can use either in this course.  PyCharm will also work just fine.
(Don’t worry if you want to use another IDE. You’re free to use any IDE and still get the most out of this course).
Does the course get updated?
It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning it’s crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.
A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated.  Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python can be counter productive and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.
For example if you apply some parts of Python 2 to Python 3 code, you will get completely different results.
We cover differences like this in the course and also continually update the course as well.
What if you have questions?
As if this course wasn’t complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).
This means you’ll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, you’ll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.
That’s just one reason why Tim was voted top 10 in the  Udemy instructor awards (out of a whopping 18,000 instructors), and quickly became a top-rated, bestselling instructor on the Udemy site.
Student Quote: “Tim and JP are excellent teachers and are constantly answering questions and surveying students on new topics they will like to learn. This isn’t a Python course it’s THE Python course you need.” – Sean Burger
There’s no risk either!
This course comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee. Meaning if you are not completely satisfied with the course or your progress, simply let Tim or J-P know and they will refund you 100%, every last penny no questions asked.
You either end up with Python skills, go on to develop great programs and potentially make an awesome career for yourself, or you try the course and simply get all your money back if you don’t like it…
You literally can’t lose.
Ready to get started, developer?
Enrol now using the “Add to Cart” button on the right, and get started on your way to creative, advanced Python brilliance. Or, take this course for a free spin using the preview feature, so you know you’re 100% certain this course is for you.
See you on the inside (hurry, your Python class is waiting!)
Who this course is for:
Beginners with no previous programming experience looking to obtain the skills to get their first programming job.
Anyone looking to to build the minimum Python programming skills necessary as a pre-requisites for moving into machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence.
Existing programmers who want to improve their career options by learning the Python programming language.
If you are an expert Python programmer with extensive knowledge, and many years’ experience, then this course is probably not for you.
Created by Tim Buchalka, Jean-Paul Roberts, Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy Last updated 12/2018 English English
Size: 5.66 GB
   Download Now
The post Learn Python Programming Masterclass appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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