#but it does the same kind of thing as rebel moon
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cantsayidont · 1 year ago
More hateration holleration:
If you took one metric ton of stale cliches, marinated them for a week in fermented cliche sauce, roasted them until all the edges were thoroughly burned, rolled them in cliche batter, deep-fried them in Oil of Cliche, cut the ensuring mass into two unwieldy portions, and drenched each in a liberal quantity of CGI cliche gravy, you would have something approximating Zack Snyder's REBEL MOON (which is not in fact a Star War despite looking very much like one).
The fact that it has not one remotely original concept or idea might be excusable if it were any fun at all — most recent Mousified STAR WARS projects have been so dreary that there might be room for an off-brand knockoff that was actually a good time — but REBEL MOON PART ONE: A CHILD OF FIRE is ponderous, utterly without humor, and maddeningly self-important, which thoroughly squelches any fleeting spark of interest, emotion, or even memorable weirdness (like Jena Malone as an angry spider lady). Its main attribute is Sofia Boutella showing off the results of her latest personal training regimen, which doesn't seem enough to sustain more than four hours of joyless, labor-intensive space opera screen time. It's like watching someone you don't know play a video game in which you have no particular interest.
Is REBEL MOON worse than THE LAST JEDI or THE RISE OF SKYWALKER (or AHSOKA, etc.)? Not really, I guess, but it has nothing to offer that couldn't be more satisfactorily obtained by just rewatching THE FIFTH ELEMENT, or for that matter BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS.
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mylittleredgirl · 2 months ago
buckle up folks, it's deep dive about chakotay hours!
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season 2, "initiations"
@isthereintruthnobeauty1968 asked a question about chakotay in this post about the scene above:
for an infamous leader of an anti-federation rebel group he seems to firmly believe in its authority and ideals And to have (at least externally) adjusted to the blended crew seamlessly. what's the deal?
see, i don't think chakotay ever wanted to be a rebel, or even a leader for that matter.
he wanted to be a starfleet officer.
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season 2, "tattoo"
chakotay enrolls in the acadamy as a teenager as young as he legally can ("tattoo"). he tells seven ("one small step") that he joined starfleet because of his love of paleontology, and he only turned away from that out of responsibility to the maquis and now to voyager.
[get a snack for this one y'all]
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season 6, "one small step"
it doesn't come up often, but whenever chakotay talks about his pre-voyager starfleet career, it's always about first contact or archaeology. in "emanations," he compares their exploration of an alien burial moon to a mission he went on as an ensign, all while demonstrating his anthropology expertise. add that to him nerding out in "blink of an eye," "one small step," the dinosaur episode, and a bunch of other examples, he's a social scientist both by training and by inclination.
in the original star trek, they had an "A&A officer," a specialist in archaeology, anthropology, and ancient civilizations:
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tos season 2, "who mourns for adonais?"
we never hear that term again, but that's the role chakotay often fills on voyager, and he's very happy whenever he gets to do it.
now, realistically, i don't know how much time pre-maquis chakotay would have spent in a blue uniform, because those skills would not make him an obvious choice to lead a maquis cell. ro laren sets up his character (unnamed) in tng as a tactical specialist who resigns to join the maquis:
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tng season 7, "preemptive strike"
(which is a very polite and noble way to do it, as compared to eddington's defection in ds9.)
if he was in fact ro’s teacher (i think so, despite a stardate conflict in some later dialogue), it seems very in-character to me that chakotay could have started out pursuing a sciences path before showing an aptitude for piloting, strategy, and/or command. given what we know of him, regardless of his own passions or preferences, if a senior officer noticed his skills and encouraged him to change career tracks, he would do it.
teen angst era aside, he respects authority. he argues against dogmatic ideology when it's inflexible to the needs of the moment, but he likes working within a command hierarchy, and for better or worse, he is easily swayed by charismatic leaders.
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season 1, "caretaker"
not only does he yield to janeway's authority on voyager before she even asks him to, and then molds himself into the kind of first officer he thinks will help her most, he does the same thing with annorax in "year of hell." tom is the voice of ethical conscience and reason in that episode, and he organizes the rebellion—against chakotay's orders!
there's so much going on here:
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season 4, "year of hell part 2"
despite his father's perceptions of him as a contrarian, chakotay only rebels as a last resort. he would genuinely rather not. he clearly talked about the maquis cause with ro and others before he left—and i bet that's why he resigned to a starfleet admiral in person, to make one last appeal. his preference is to try and change systems from within.
not to west wing about it, but chakotay is only The Guy when he has to be—he wants to be the guy the guy counts on.
(hot take: with how he rationalizes the calculated sacrifices annorax is making in "year of hell," i don't think chakotay would have left starfleet for the maquis if it wasn't personal. but it was personal, so here we are!)
maquis chakotay is a disillusioned idealist, but he's never that disillusioned. he believes in the stated ideals of the federation, sometimes more than janeway does.
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season 3, "scorpion part 1"
and it's a fundamental character trait that he looks for the best in people and situations, often to his own detriment (tuvok, seska, annorax, that time janeway and tuvok and tom all lie to him for half a season, the list goes on).
and it's easy to see good in starfleet, especially when most of his career was during the height of federation utopia before "the best of both worlds," at which point starfleet remembered it's also a defensive force and started building the defiant—which was the very first starfleet ship ever designed solely for combat.
the cardassian situation in tng is shown as an aberration in a largely peaceful era. the off-screen "border wars" were fought by officers who expected to go their entire careers never firing a phaser.
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tng season 4, "the wounded"
for decades since making peace with the klingons, and with the romulans keeping to themselves, starfleet has been mostly goodhearted nerds who are committed to exploring and making friends. even if chakotay was a tactical officer, that was the starfleet he signed up for and served.
and, in fact, the reason why the federation abandoned the colonists in the dmz in the first place and wouldn’t help bajor during the cardassian occupation is because the federation and starfleet are devoted to the ideals of peace and noninterference to a fault.
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tng season 5, "ensign ro"
chakotay doesn't object to starfleet's actions, but its inaction.
which, side note, is why janeway's choice in "caretaker" makes it easy for him to rally behind her. by choosing to protect the ocampa, even though it's a huge sacrifice and puts her in a prime directive gray area, janeway specifically addressed the exact trust gap he has with starfleet.
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season 1, "caretaker"
that's what he wanted them to do back home!
chakotay defends his starfleet uniform in the kazon scene that inspired this whole essay, and he believes what he's saying, because he's right: that's not what a starfleet uniform represents, either in theory or in practice. especially in the mid-24th century, regardless of the political issues, the federation and starfleet do not conquer planets or enslave alien cultures by force.
(of course, they wouldn't have helped the kazon free themselves either, but that's not the question on the table.)
to op's main question: it's an interesting (or boring?) doylist choice to make chakotay such a platonic ideal of a Starfleet Officer™️ (which, for the record, has always included going off-leash at the expense of one's career whenever ethics overwhelm regulations).
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season 1, "prime factors"
star trek went to a lot of trouble to create the maquis for the voyager premise of two crews... and then quickly brady-bunch'd them into one happy family and let deep space nine wrangle the maquis problem instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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chakotay being so willing to put himself and his crew into starfleet uniforms (even though some members of both crews objected to it) cheated us out of some potentially rich drama, but it does hold water with what we see of him as a character on screen, and his relationship with starfleet. it has disappointed him, but he still believes that it's a force for good, and chakotay will always err on the side of seeing the good in something and thinking he can change it for the better from within.
tl;dr: chakotay is a starfleet officer by training and at heart, who was temporarily out of uniform because his family and tribe happened to be directly in the middle of starfleet's messiest ethical quagmire.
he made a personal, moral decision to join the maquis, not because he was anti-federation, but because that was the only way to protect federation civilians—which was part of his starfleet oath to begin with. he worked hard when he was younger to earn this uniform and i think, in spite of everything, he feels honestly proud to get to wear it again.
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saphronethaleph · 6 months ago
Applied Maya
“Your overconfidence is your weakness,” Luke said, calmly.
“Your faith in your friends is yours,” the Emperor replied.
Vader shook his head. “It is pointless to resist, my son.”
“It is pointless to control the galaxy,” Luke retorted. “I’ve learned things about the Force that mean I understand that now."
He waved his hand, and Vader tensed, but it turned out to be for emphasis instead of telekinesis. “The Force is everywhere. In everything. There’s… a level of reality which is far beyond what we care about. It’s around us, everywhere. Even in us.”
“What are you talking about?” the Emperor asked, thrown off his argument about how everything was futile.
“The Force,” Luke explained. “And… us. And everything, because the Force is everything. And we’re the Force. We’re… luminous beings, and our bodies are only crude matter that outlines them and gives our spirits somewhere to be.”
“What are you on about?” the Emperor demanded. “Vader! What is he on about? Is this some kind of Jedi nonsense?”
“It is possible,” Vader mused. “But I do not recall hearing it before.”
“I can explain more, if you’d like,” Luke said, earnestly. “The way that it works is that there’s more than one layer of existence, and this is a layer of reality but compared to the Force it’s just an illusion. Which means that – yes, you should do everything you can to make things better in this world, but – no, this world isn’t all there is, and you aren’t your body. Your body is just an approximation.”
He looked at his hand. “I lost this on Cloud City and… it didn’t make me any less of me. I’m still me, because I’m not my body, I’m the one who lives inside it. And the Force is like proof of that.”
That drew a blank look from the Emperor, and what would probably have been a blank look from Vader.
“Elaborate,” Vader requested.
“Well, we all know that the laws of physics exist, right?” Luke asked. “They define exactly how things work. How things fall, or they don’t. How orbits work. And yet, I can stretch out my hand and pull something into it. Which means the laws of physics aren’t laws, they’re just very persistent illusions.”
“I believe the interaction is mediated by midichlorians,” Vader said. “They are like mitochondria for the Force.”
“So?” Luke replied. “That simply means that part of how we are outside physical reality can be measured. I’ve heard the explanations, I’ve seen it – all that the explanation really does is put it into words, and give it a framework.”
He made another expansive gesture.
“This is trite nonsense,” Palpatine said. “Your friends on the Sanctuary Moon will not survive.”
“And if that happened, I would be sad,” Luke said. “Of course I would. But I came here willing to die, because death is not all that there is.”
Palpatine glowered at Vader.
“This one is broken,” he said. “Do you have another possible new apprentice for me?”
“The supply is a bit low, my Master,” Vader said.
“And I know about your rebel fleet,” the Emperor went on. “They will be ambushed by my fleet, just as an entire legion of my best troops is waiting for your friends.”
“That’s a shame,” Luke said. “But it’s not the same as something being unrecoverably bad.”
Palpatine blinked.
“...what?” he said. “You make no sense.”
“You can think of it like a shadow,” Luke said. “Or a hologram. It looks real, but it’s not the most real thing. It’s illusion, just a very persistent illusion which is why so many are taken in by it.”
“This doesn’t sound very empirically sourced,” Vader muttered. “Did you come up with all this yourself? If not, who taught you?”
“Yoda,” Luke replied, and both the Emperor and Vader flinched slightly.
“Yoda’s alive?” Vader asked, sounding horrified and fascinated.
“Not since… about three days ago, I think?” Luke answered. “I could be off by a day or two on that, I spent a lot of it in hyperspace.”
The Emperor tried very hard to stifle a sigh of relief, and didn’t quite manage it.
“You know Yoda?” Vader said. “You met Yoda?”
“Yes,” Luke agreed. “I was there with him at the end. Obi-Wan told me where he was living.”
“What?” Vader asked, now sounding baffled. “...how?”
It was his turn to wave his hand to make a gesture. “Because I remember Cloud City, and you were reasonably talented, but you seemed self taught. You did not fight like you’d had two and a half years of Ataru lectures from the death gremlin… there weren’t nearly enough backflips for it.”
“...oh, I see,” Luke said. “No, Obi-Wan told me on Hoth.”
“On… Hoth,” Vader repeated, slowly. “He’d been dead for several years at that point. Hadn’t he?”
“Oh, yeah,” Luke confirmed, readily. “He’s a ghost. He’s still around.”
The younger Skywalker shrugged. “Kind of proves what I was saying, right? Death isn’t the end of existence. A person lives on after the death of their body. They become one with the Force, and the Force is one with them, but they still exist.”
Vader was silent for a long time.
“...huh,” he said, eventually.
“Anyway, as I was saying – Father – Your Highness,” Luke went on. “I don’t fear death because death is the loss of the crude flesh, which is just a cloak for our true selves, who are luminous beings of light. To ask others to accept suffering of the flesh is unfair, because they feel it as real, but I understand it for the illusion that it is and so I’m willing to suffer and die for my beliefs – in a very real sense, it doesn’t mean as much to me as it would to anyone else. Because I know the truth.”
“This is all the ramblings of a senile madman, translated through the mouth of a naive boy,” the Emperor said. “What kind of proof could you possibly have?”
“...what, apart from the fact that I communicated with my dead mentor, and he gave me information that I did not know before?” Luke asked, curious. “That was sufficient for me to accept it when Yoda told me, but there’s also the extent to which understanding the illusive nature of reality amplifies my understanding of what the Force truly is.”
“I have to admit, it would explain why Obi-Wan vanished,” Vader mused, sounding like he was talking to himself more than the others.
“You don’t know about the Force,” the Emperor said, snidely. “Certainly your understanding is not as deep as mine!”
Luke examined him.
“You actually believe that,” he said. “But you think what I’m saying is nonsense?”
“If you understood the Force better, you would not be my prisoner!” the Emperor retorted.
“I’m not,” Luke said. “That’s an illusion as well.”
“You cannot just declare anything you don’t like to be an illusion!” Palpatine raged.
“I can if it is,” Luke replied, still calmly, and reached out his hand. His lightsaber slapped into it, then he let go and it floated back across the room to where Palpatine had put it.
He shrugged. “I’m here because I want to save my father. I surrendered because I thought that would be the best way to do it. I’m standing here on a battle station I fully expect to be blown up, because I am committed to saving my father. From you. That’s why I’m here, and it has nothing to do with you having any power over me. You don’t.”
The Emperor attempted to prove Luke wrong by electrocuting him, which lasted about ten seconds until Vader threw him out the window.
The air, on the other artificial hand, stayed put.
“You might be right, son,” Vader said, sounding scientifically fascinated as the room didn’t depressurise. “Accepting this really is helping me understand and use the Force.”
“I’m glad to have helped,” Luke replied, reminding himself that electrical burns were also illusions no matter how persistent they were. “What do we do now?”
“Leave the room, probably,” Vader suggested. “Then we can see about deciding whether we want to keep this station or destroy it.”
He made a curious noise with his respirator. “Are the Empire’s succession laws real or an illusion? I am fairly sure I could abdicate in your favour if you would like.”
“Mon Mothma would be better, I think,” Luke said, after some consideration. “Or Lando. Lando might work.”
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777rare · 2 years ago
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Disclaimer :
THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs,De@th, abu$e, bl0od,alc0hol, dru*gs,so please scroll if ur under 18+ and uncomfortable to read this content!
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Having Pluto in 12th house makes the native fantasize a lot about sex. Can also make the native go through a huge spiritual transformation.
Signs/planets in 12th house can show the frequent dreams you get when you sleep/what you fantasize about that year. (Also check which house is pisces over and check the planets under that sign or in that house.)
⬇️If these planets are placed in 12h/planets placed in pisces or 12h aspecting other planets(check the subjects of other planets as well if it's aspects by the planet in 12h) /under pisces or in the house pisces is over then the things you get in ur dream are :
SUN- light,happiness,fun,kids,celebrities,art,father,pregnancy
MOON- mother,water,home,emotional,waterbodies,beach
MERCURY- garden,pets,work,phones,books,siblings,technology,neighborhood,neighbours,school,friends,trees,greenery,nature
VENUS- money,food,luxuries,fashion,music,art,business,beauty,crush,lovers
MARS- war,abuse,death,nightmares,fire,blood,fighting,sex
JUPITER- college,trevelling,foreign place,exploring,teachers,ancestors,the divine,your guides
SATURN- public,elderly people,chains,traps,cages,prison,grandparents,parents
URANUS- technology,friends,surprises,rebellion,adventure,wings,angels,flying
NEPTUNE- Drugs,alcohol,fantasy world,unclear,mirrors,water,mystical stuff,escapism,feet
PLUTO- sex,intimacy,death,wealth,secrets,jealousy,pregnancy,nightmares,blood,sinister,murder,weapons
CHIRON- things related to your trauma,healing,could show hospitals,forests,nature,ancestors
Suppose you don't have any planets under pisces/in 12th house, Types of dreams can also be seen by which house pisces is over. Ex: having pisces over 5th house, 5th house ruler is sun so the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in sun⬆️ also check which planets that house ruler is aspecting, ex: pisces being over 5th house, ruler is sun so if sun is aspecting moon in SR chart, the types of dreams you get are all the subjects that are mentioned in moon.🙌🏻🌙
Mars in 4rth house/cancer natives can have a very tough time in their family life. Can also show lots of abuse or wounds connecting to your emotions. Family members or you can get pissed off on eachother often and most of the times for no reason at all. Lots of fights and arguments with family members. Anger outbursts. Mood swings. Short temper. Not wanting to be around or not feeling comfortable around family members, especially male family members like your brother, father, etc.💥🔥
Ascendant in fixed signs- being seen as /appearing :-
AQUARIUS- independent,aloof,cold,unordered,a rebel,unbothered,distant,unapproachable
LEO- boastful,confident,firey,active,angry
TAURUS- sensual,serious,bad bitch,charming
SCORPIO- mysterious,secretive,sexual,emotional,alluring,captivating,dark energy
Ascendant in cardinal signs- being seen as /appearing :-
LIBRA- beautiful,graceful,sweet,approachable,kind,popular
CAPRICORN- pissed,unapproachable,sensual,bossy,stubborn
ARIES- confident,outgoing,energetic, a fighter
CANCER- soft,loving,sweet,kind,trustworthy,emotional,caring,non judgemental
Ascendant in mutable signs- being seen as /appearing :-
GEMINI- supportive,casual,charming,mesmerizing,free spirited,two-faced
VIRGO- helpful,organized,pretty,charming
SAGITTARIUS- playful,fun-going, jolly,flirt,hot
PISCES- sensitive,soft,day dreaming,ethereal,fairy, a fantasy
This also applies to the MC but it's how others see you.ex: having Taurus MC, then sensual,serious,bad bitch and charming I'd how others see me.
Check the sign and planet over/in your 11th house..that's how you view friendships, communication and your future this year. It can also how your friendships are this year.
Ex: Capricorn over/saturn in 11th house - you could be more serious or mature when it comes to making friends. Can also show you love feeling independent or being alone on your own feet from friendships. Like you know, you feel like you don't need friends cuz you feel really independent. Not saying you'll have no friends at all. You will have friends but you crave independence from them. You dont want to depend on friends anymore. You can also be really serious about your future this year. Can be different if other planets are seated there too.
Always check if fama in in conjunction with personal planets. It can show exposure of that topic to the public or surroundings. Ex: I have fama conjunct moon last year and my emotional life got exposed because of myself due to some addiction issues and I told everything to the whomever spoke to me, I was like unconsciously spilling everything without even myself knowing.its messed up but yes, teachers, friends, most of the people know about my emotions now. I just hate it. And I'm okay now though. No more addiction🙌🏻
where scorpio is in your chart can tell you what do you get deeper into, have a deeper connection with or even have a deep curiosity to find out things in that area of your life, also powerful intense areas of your life that year (check which house it's over, planets under the sign)
Ex: I have scorpio over 9th house this year and I have a deep curiosity to learn about my ancestors, gods and goddesses, history, ditties, guides. I feel powerful in the areas of my ancestors, connecting with God's. Discovering dark knowledge of spirituality like witchcraft,etc.
Check where your capricorn is seated in your chart, which house it's over can show the area of your life, you are more independent, serious or structured. Even formal, authoritative and responsible.
Where your virgo is in your chart can show where you're picky, perfectionist, not easily convinced.
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Hope you all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💓
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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faegoddessog · 18 days ago
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Day 9: in which it gets steamy.
January's DDof AB @dailydoseofaustinbutler
Peeps who may want to know! , @purejasmine, @slowsweetlove, @richardslady121, @austinbutlerslovers, @tadpoleteef, @allittakesisoneflight @thisworldisntrealhoney,  @1nho,  @megangovier, @briaandthephantoms, @andro-inherdreamworld @callumsgirl @blombardo  @fefeisastar @hacunamy @nestito702 @denised916 @jayydep @r0m4nitcl0v3r @heyidc03, @secondchild-2, @flander42 @natural-born-rebel-spirit @lecosymood @kathrynzaragoza @bsunshinexo @jayydep @ifyouloveweedletsgosmoke @peggyao3
She had shown that same usher her pass. He had brought her through the maze that was backstage and ushered through the door with an actual star on it. The room was obviously a dressing room. A costume rack behind the door, a mirror with those classic lights, now LED bulbs, around the edge setting opposite. The table below holds a tray of makeup and brushes and tissues, a dogeared script, a small amber bottle of what looked like essential oil and his phone.  
Now she was sitting on the edge of the black leather slipper chair right next to the door. Her legs crossed and waiting, waiting to give this arrogant son of a bitch a piece of her mind.
She hears the door across the room click. She takes a breath, revving up to give this man  the what-for.
“Listen you-” she starts to say. 
Steam pours out from the tiny bathroom. He emerges in nothing but a towel slung low around his hips. His head is covered in a towel, with which he is vigorously drying his hair. 
It’s an insanely intimate moment that she is sure she should not be witnessing.  
She had thought he was in shape, seeing him in yoga class, but his naked torso did more than hint at just how many hours this man has spent at the gym. 
The spattering of blonde chest hairs and freckles across his defined pecs, the half moon of his belly button set in the middle of his furrowed abs stops her fury in its tracks. The ‘v’ of his transverse abdominis  and the trail of wet hairs leading under the knot of the towel makes more than her mouth water. She knows she should stop staring, but she just can’t.  
He visibly jumps when he pulls the towel from his head. 
“Oh hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.”
“No, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were ….,” suddenly she’s looking anywhere but him. 
“It’s ok, what happens backstage, stays backstage,” his smile is disarming, charming even.  It could be the little dimple at the left corner of his mouth, or the way the apples of his cheeks pop or the light teasing in his eyes, but she feels like she is falling down some kind of rabbit hole.  
He steps a bit closer, reaching towards her. She is frozen, eyes wide. What the fuck is happening here? She is about to come unglued, how many women does he invite back here, no LURE here. FUCKING MEN!  She is on the verge of bolting for the door when he points under her.
“Can you hand me those?” She turns and his belted jeans are draped over the back of the chair. 
“To tell the truth, I’m hurt,”  he says casually as if he’s not nearly naked. 
“What?” it was the last thing she expected him to say. 
“I really am. I tried helping you in your endeavor to stay away from me,” he takes the pants from her hands. “But you seem to have spectacularly failed, twice” He nods at the pass around her neck. “I am beginning to  wonder if you are really committed to your goal here, Miss Missy.” 
She should be furious at his condescension , she should be standing up and storming out, but she can’t breathe. 
The memories of her beloved father teasing her in the same way, of always ‘helping her’ in that unhelpful but secretly helpful way, and of his greeting of “Miss Missy, how I missed you!” all  slam into her heart. Heat flashes her face and a  lump immediately forms in her throat. 
“You fucker,” she says more to her dad than to this beautiful man. Tears well up and she just can’t stop them. She bows her head trying to hide them. 
“Hey, hey,” He steps even closer, gently touching her hand. “I’m sorry, I thought we were just playing here, flirting, being silly. I didn’t mean to make you…I’m sorry.” 
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mcgnagallsarmy · 11 months ago
Spuffy style Reading Challenge - #26: Ready & Go Reading Challenge
A fic set in the woods:
Promise of Frost by Eurydice [NC-17]
When a snowstorm strands Buffy and Spike, they are forced to turn to each other for strength, especially when a missing Giles, mysterious visitors, and way too much magic threatens to turn it into a not so very merry Christmas. Set mid-S4.
A fic involving a creative outlet:
Chiaroscuro by OffYourBird [R]
At first, Buffy wasn’t even sure it was him. He was all the way across the gallery, far enough that he was reduced to chiaroscuro in motion—a shock of white hair swathed in rich black leather, his eyes dark and glittering and his skin nearly ivory in the bright gallery lights.
A fic featuring food you have not tried:
Hunger by Sunalso [NC-17]
AU. Spike killed his third Slayer, but Dru was already dust. He's been lost, but when his supper turns out to be more than he bargained for, it leaves him hungry for something else instead. And Buffy? She's just hungry.
A fic involving a train ride:
Vernalagnia by violettathepiratequeen [G]
Vernalagnia: A romantic mood brought on by spring. One that even Angel doesn't dare try to get in the middle of.
A graphic novel:
D-straction Day: All Night Long by HappyWhenItRains [Adult Only]
COMIC: Buffy stops by the crypt to see if Spike wants to go patrolling. He does not.
A fic involving ghosts:
Wine-Colored by OffYourBird [NC-17]
There are so many shades of red, but Buffy sticks to the one she knows best.
A fic set on a bus:
A Place to Call Home by all_choseny [NC-17]
Buffy and Spike have beaten The First, and the Hellmouth is closed for good. Now, at the precipice of a new beginning, the pair must decide to finally give love a chance or walk away from each other for good.
A fic where a main character seeks self-improvement:
Reprise by Holly [NC-17]
Spike came back to life and didn’t bother to tell her. Then he died again before she could chew him out. Buffy makes a wish in front of the right kind of demon to set things right and finds herself propelled back to the darkest period of her life.
A fic featuring a (motor)bike ride:
Open Road by HappyWhenItRains [NC-17]
Life Serial takes Buffy and Spike some places neither of them ever expected to go. We, of course, expected it. They did not.
A fic set in or involving something industrial (factory, etc.):
Death Wish by Sigyn [NC-17]
“World is what it is. We fight and we die. Wishing doesn't change that. You can believe in a better world. I have to live in this one.” Anyanka’s wish was broken, but the world it created continues. Now Buffy must join forces with rebel vampires to create a world they can all stand to live in. But can Spike, Drusilla and Angel actually work with a hardened slayer, who would just as soon see them all dust?
A fic involving a plane ride:
Nevertime by anaross [R]
They lost. But they lived. Spike, Blue, and Angel head north to the Arctic to escape the demons set loose in Not Fade Away. (Don't worry... Buffy finds them.)
A fic set in a snow land:
West of the Moon, East of the Sun by KnifeEdge [NC-17]
I keep having the strangest dream. Every night it's the same thing: a dark room, a big bed, and a silent vampire that I can feel, but not see. I'd be wigged, except it's just a dream, right? It'll be a cold day in hell before I ever willingly sleep with a vampire again...
A fic set in a country other than your own:
Favor by EllieRose101 [NC-17]
Spike asks an impossible thing of Buffy––and is stunned when she says yes. Could he really have gone up in her estimation?
A fic featuring a garden:
Unspoken by anaross [R]
"I've always envisioned him giving Buffy a garden that he could never go to in the daytime, to give her something alive for a change." James Marsters.
A fic set in a museum:
Just to Reach You by Sunalso [R]
Post-Series. Spike and Buffy have been a couple for almost two years. The honeymoon is over and together they're discovering they still have a lot to learn about themselves, each other, and how this whole "normal" relationship thing works.
A fic set in a hotel:
A Totally Random Occurrence by Herself [NC-17]
The stake slipped from her fingers, and she had to take a deep breath to stave off the dizziness descending on her like a hood over her head. "You—I thought you were dead." A reunion in New York City. Set post-NFA, spoilers for all of BtVS and AtS.
A fic involving an escape:
The Writing on the Wall by Holly [NC-17]
There was no body to bury. There was no funeral. There was nothing but the three rules and the knowledge that a thousand years of torment was nothing compared to a world without her in it. Spike embarks on a journey through the Gates of Hell to rescue the one he loves, but in order to save her, he must risk losing himself.
A fic set underground or underwater:
Ten Minutes by FlightsofFancy [R]
Buffy, alone, looking for Oz in the Initiative. She only has ten minutes. She finds someone else. Life of a hero, impossible odds.
A fic involving a road trip:
Ties to the World by honeygirl51885 [NC-17]
Spike is gone, but before he went out in a blaze of glory, he slipped a letter into Buffy’s pocket. That letter takes her on a road trip across America, visiting his ties to the world.
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phightingaus · 4 days ago
Okay so answering some of Mod Captain's questions, the AU is still kinda unfinished so feel free to add on stuff!
A. They both can still talk, Boom just has the gnarp gnorp accent and Shuri can't pronounce the letter R
B. Okay so first off, the guild uses codenames for their hunters for the sake of not letting the cops get their information. Rocket's a bounty hunter but is also the one getting hunted by the same time, does things in his father's gear workshop that he inherited(Zuka got found by Blackrock and, unfortunately, executed). Rocket feels a little guilty for not cleaning and paying much respect to the place due to how busy he gets. Goes via Buster. Sword is an ex government assassin(hired by Lost Temple a few years back, but his contract got cut after he refused to join the Church for Venomshank's sake) who went into bounty hunting cause that's the closest thing to his previous job so he didn't have to adapt that much, goes by Sci-fi. Slingshot went into it for funsies and the chance to get intel on where Shuriken and Boombox have gone, he specifically applied for the spying on blackrock position for the sake of getting any lab reports, goes by Curse or Cat. Skateboard became a bounty hunter when his street gang needed some money, specifically when a younger member needed surgery after getting experimented on and tossed back out into the streets and it was the quickest way to make some cash, visits his gang to this day(they're all like family to him). Skate goes by Hover in the guild.
C. Hyperlaser is a mercenary but also currently hunterd by the Blackrock government for refusing orders(Order 66 means kill all jedi and Katana in this au is well, a Jedi). The two drinking buddies now are looking for someplace to settle. Somewhere really far away from Blackrock and Lost Temple.
D. Correction I'm sorry I forgot to mention that: Valk is a registrar, he handles signing up new mercenaries and explaining missions. Dom is an accountant, handling the money and paperwork
E. Blackrock has a lot of extremely cold areas so all their bases outside of the home planet are underground(referencing Medkit's "I didn't see the sun" line from his birthday QNA), like the rebel base on Hoth in The Empire strikes back. They also have a lot of people escaping so the governemnt is switching their army to biografts, so they're kind of a mix of the Empire and the Separatists. Lost Temple has a lot of gold mines and is basically a desert, they have a lot of rebel groups in the vast deserts(look up Tatooine and you'll get the idea of how it looks) and a lot of transportation is via trains. Playground has occupied a lot of planets with lower gravity and gas planets, so their cities are floating in the sky and a lot of the time you could just look at the space between two sidewalks and it's a 20000 kilometer drop to the surface, their big cities are multi-layered and built like a mini Coruscant. Thieve's Den has occupied other planets the most recently so they only took a ton of moons, the landspaces are vast and very different because they literally took whatever was left all across the solar system, but they have a unique place that is a moon in an asteroid ring between Playground and Blackrock planets which has a little lower than Earth gravity and the climate of a chilly mountainous area in southeast asia. Sorry if this paragraph was worded weirdly I'm not the best with landscapes.
Also some extras: Coil was also a crystal experiment victim, that's how he got the tubes on his arms. He goined the bounty hunting guild as it was the only job he could take without much of a problem besides minimum wage and goes by Hellhound, he was a professional boxer before the experiments, that's how he cane up with his codename. Steampunk owns a workshop, he's not a bounty hunter but a lot of not-so-law-abiding people slip in for weapon and ship repairs. He doesn't snitch on them because who would want to be on the bad side of a person who kills other people for s living? Scythe is a bounty hunter for the Church, all of her profit goes there. She is actually a very high-ranking merc there, goes by Rifle. Banhammer is still a government official but he has a lot more pain in the ass now with how big the bounty hunting guild is getting. Broker applied as an accountant for the guild but only got the position of janitor(whow ould trust this guy with papers). Medkit is a simple doctor, he goes by the law but still helps out criminals if they pay him enough, also part of the True Eye. Traffic is a humble merchant, he travels the galaxy on a very old and rusty starfighter and sells people stuff, he's actually also a weapon seller, a lot of bounty hunters and collectors get their hands on unique weapons from him.
I hope that answered the questions you may have had!
- Star wars anon
well that's a LOT..........
ok steampunk having a workshop fits for the guy (cause he isn't the best boxer for reference see coil's trailer)
oof zuka's dead
dang traffic seams really nice in this AU, also as a name for his ship how about "the rust bucket"
also the flipside thing was a joke cause i think it's funny that after kinda just trying attempting to force make my friends watch hunter: the parenting, witch also has a accountant character who is also a vampire wizard who i was referencing please watch it i beg of thee
also FINALY hyper rebelling from BLACKROCK
uhhhh if i have more i will reblog
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batsplat · 1 month ago
jorge lorenzo choosing that dichotomy angel/demon as his symbol, u cant tell me he wasnt inspired by the sun/moon thing
Like come onnn
oh my god yeah. surely!! like you say, it's a dichotomy just like the sun/moon thing, and it's conceptually similar enough to valentino's that... surely... yeah. all about establishing this little network of symbols for himself, his own web of meaning - overtaking around the outside!! x-fuera!! lorenzo's land!! butter and hammer!! angel/demon!! - to build his own narrative about his career. and this tendency is obviously tied to his penchant for celebrations, where he ALSO has a complicated relationship to valentino. on the other hand he's very insistent that the whole thing was NOT originally inspired by valentino, but then on the other he's hyper aware of valentino's influence... so of course he wants his own set of codes too!! that are both inspired by valentino but doing his own thing! and yeah!! sun/moon vs angel/demon,, that does feel like!! surely!!
what I find interesting is how valentino doesn't really talk much about this sun/moon stuff, there's just a bunch of symbols and narratives and imagery he tosses in there sometimes without really verbalising why he's doing it. kinda leaving it up to others to read into it for the most part. whereas jorge is obviously... not like that, way more willing to actually discuss this stuff. there's clearly something appealing to him about the idea of having a 'good' and a 'dark' side, he likes all this self-reflection stuff, loves a bit of omphaloskepsis, wants to continually analyse himself and discover his inner truth or whatever. and if he'd seen all the sun/moon stuff growing up and was thinking how much he vibed with that kind of dichotomy... of course it's extremely jorge to want to put his own spin on something valentino did in this way. makes perfect sense
was thinking about this passage from jorge's biography, obviously not written by jorge directly but the whole thing was written in close collaboration with him --
The material for this book was therefore a little unusual and the only possible objective was to get to the bottom of this combative, glory-hunting rebel, who sometimes looks at the world with defiance and arrogance and at other times with fear and a burning desire to learn and be liked. The devil in him has probably become more famous than the angel, because there have been plenty of controversial stories written about Jorge in the past. But his intimate side is interesting as well, and it's never too late for you to get to know him.
-- which. lol. what a writing style. but anyway, I do think this ties into the appeal of the whole thing to jorge... he sees the two sides in fundamental opposition and also thinks the devil side is non-negotiable for professional athletes (true) but. but,,, the angel side is kinda like. what he's had inside him all along. the secret soft boi underneath the hard shell
and then there's a quote from yamaha stablemate james toseland,, where he's talking about jorge and valentino and it's kinda on a similar theme (x):
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once the helmet's off, jorge's shy!! reserved!! a nice bloke!! the devil version is cocky and annoying, but he's also got this Other Side to him....
but yeah, unlike with valentino, we do actually have jorge himself talking a fair bit about this stuff. give us some insight into his thinking on this. like from 2013 --
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-- where he's linking the branding to the 'devilish' number... the 99. he wants to be a good guy!! but he also can't lose his devilish side!! and this from from 2014 (x) --
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-- where he's saying he's more of a devil than an angel because of the nature of competition. and this from 2017 (x) --
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-- which. fascinated by the idea that yamaha was like... no. no devil horns on our bike. in the same spirit as forcing him to work with a psychologist, a red line. he did finally get to add the devil's horns in his ducati time:
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and lastly this from 2017, where he expands on his choice to switch to two devils (x):
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it's all aggressively jorge, isn't it. like valentino, he's hyper aware of his personal branding and puts so, so much thought into it. but he's more talkative about it than valentino is, just a bit more earnest about the whole thing. still talking about switching numbers, getting rid of the manager linked to the original '48'... of course that was hugely meaningful to him, of course he takes these branding exercises very seriously as a means for self-expression. also very endeared by him talking at several points about how he's more of an angel now, he's striving to be more of an angel, the angel as an ideal etc etc. BUT the demon/devil is non-negotiable and a part of him he must also embrace... to achieve his internal balance... but now that he's got TWO devils, he interprets the devil as being more mischief than evil. fascinating
and it's very valentino in how jorge finds a way to tie this into his own arc!! "special tastes that may not be understood by everyone" - Your Fave Is Queer-Coded lol - but also the point is that it's very much an expression of individuality, him determined to make his peace with being a bit of a rebel, a non-conformist, his own guy etc etc. the valentino commitment to self-narrativisation, this tendency to refer back to his own past work and build on it. very valentino-esque commitment to the drama of it all, the theatre of talking about The Angel and The Devil inside himself,, he's so sincere about it, so dedicated to verbalising what these two sides mean to him at different stages of his career, what it means for him to balance them. he needs the devil!! he's becoming more of an angel!! the devil is an inevitable part of competitive sports!! he's getting himself two devils!! the two devils are about mischief not evil!! and so on
MY random thought I'd somehow never had before is that. given that this is jorge's whole... thing, isn't it kinda funny that valentino repeatedly used 'god' and 'devil' to describe casey?? I mean to be clear this definitely wasn't aimed at jorge, it predates the jorge rivalry and certainly the angel/devil thing, it's just kind of funny. valentino, jorge would have loved you to use those descriptors for him!! but no, it was very much a casey thing to valentino,, he deploys the 'devil' label once each for two other riders (toseland and elias) but not for any of his other major rivals afaik. valentino uses the word to talk about casey as early as 2007 and as late as 2011 -- for whatever reason, this is very much linked to casey in his mind. annoying
anyway. yeah. I agree with you -- I think it's got to be very likely that jorge was on some level inspired by the sun/moon thing. similar conceptually in terms of exploring his inner dichotomy or whatever, a way of building on his own little network of symbols, him once again wanting to put his own spin on some rossi magic. and he stuck with it a long time!! he adopted the symbols in 2008, in a period of personal turmoil and also during his first year as valentino's teammate. and so he dealt with all the stress and the change and the trouble and the heartache by: coming up with a new number, figuring out all the ways said new number was weighty and meaningful to him, thought of new symbols that would fit in with this rebrand, made it all part of his Journey of Personal Growth. probably inspired by valentino - it is just quite similar the more you think about it!! the balance between valentino's light and dark side, of course jorge would vibe with that. and it makes sense for jorge to look to valentino for inspiration on that kind of thing!! and then he made it into a Whole Thing... very sweet
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mysticstarlightduck · 7 months ago
Playlist Character Personality Tag!
Thank you for tagging me in this wonderful - and fun!!! - game, @the-golden-comet (here)!
Tag Game Rules Here 💕
I'll go with some characters from the cast of Supernova Initiative! I had so much fun doing this so let's go!
Jack Tithus - "Strong For Somebody Else - Citizen Soldier"
"My personal hell, I'll bury it, bury it Weight of the world, I'll carry it, carry it Pile it all on, I've gotta be strong For somebody, for somebody Put my pain in a pill, I'll swallow it, swallow it Too numb to feel, I'm hollow, I'm hollow I have to hold on, I've gotta be strong For somebody, for somebody Somebody else This voice in my head, it wants me to choose Die selfish or live with my head in a noose Does it ever get better, is this worth the fight? Everyone has a breaking point, guess we'll find mine
Kill the body, not the memory Wouldn't blame 'em, they'd resent meKind of scares me what it takes to just save myself"
How The Song Fits His Story/Personality:
I feel that this song describes his struggles, outlook in life, and overall character so perfectly! Jack is a young intergalactic thief who has spent most of his life being a protector and provided, first to his siblings - Cassie and Deimos - as they grew up all alone on the crime-ridden streets of the moon Cethea III, and now to his team/crew as well (his siblings are a part of the crew btw). He has a bright and optimistic personality, always being the "caretaker" of his group and making sure his loved ones are happy and out of harm's way.
Because of the many hardships he endured and is still going through, Jack has practically trained himself to uphold his perfectly optimistic mask of "I'm okay, everything is fine" and hide the storm of feelings he struggles with behind a kind smile and a determined spirit. He doesn't care what happens to him as long as his team is safe, so he tends to have a very self-sacrificial personality, to the point that he tends to not consider any of his needs as a priority. To Jack, it doesn't matter how much he is struggling because he thinks it is his duty to handle things alone and not burden his loved ones, he feels the need to be the perfect leader, the protective brother, and the relentless rebel at all times, without realizing that he too deserves the same care and support he gives to others.
Despite being a happy and optimistic person, Jack does tend to be a very tragic character and still has a very long way to go when it comes to valuing himself.
Kye Thalax - "Hero - David Kushner"
"How do I begin? How do I cope? Some people sin Some people don't What we had was thin So we couldn't survive Bad times can win While good things can die I was the hero, but you get the glory Now I'm the villain inside of your story I was the saint, you used to adore me Now I'm the villain inside of your story"
How The Song Fits His Story/Personality:
Kye was originally a very kind-hearted and selfless person, much like his father. He wanted to be a good person and help others, to try and make things right for those who needed it. However, his world came crashing down around him too soon - after his father and he ran away from home, his psychotic warlord of a mother sent a group of assassins to kill Kye's father with a poisoned bullet and retrieve the boy. Kye was able to escape being captured, but he did see his father die in the worst way possible.
It's worth noting that Kye was just a kid at the time, so imagine the impact that horrifying day had on him.
After that, Kye's personality changed drastically - he became a conniving, ruthless, merciless killer set on undermining his mother's influence and killing all of her allies, with poison. Eventually, as a teenager, Kye ended up joining a space pirate crew due to a chaotic set of circumstances. His captain was a cruel man who treated his crew, and especially Kye, with whom the man had a strange obsession. It was around that time when Kye met Artemis Zreeth, while the former was on a begrudging mission for his corrupt crew, and unexpected friendship between the duo bloomed.
Torn between his loyalty to his newfound friend and his fear of his employer, Kye's hesitation proved ruinous to their friendship - ultimately sentencing his friend to a similar fate to the one he had had in the past - as Artemis' father's bounty hunter crew staged a mutiny against him and had the man killed. The other boy grew to hate him for being allied to the crew that caused the mutiny and for not warning him, and the duo went their separate ways. Eventually, Kye found a way to free himself from that pirate crew and followed a solo path, still indulging in killing his mother's allies, this time alone, until, by a strange twist of fate, Kye and Artemis' paths crossed once more when they both found themselves working with Jack and his crew.
Cassiopeia Tithus - "Alone II - Alan Walker, Ava Max"
"We would stare at each other 'Cause we were always in trouble And all the cool kids did their own thing I was on the outside, always looking in Yeah, I was there but I wasn't They never really cared if I was in We all need that someone Who gets you like no one else Right when you need it the most We all need a soul to rely on A shoulder to cry on A friend through the highs and the lows"
How This Song Fits Her Story and Personality:
THIS SONG IS SO DAMN PERFECT FOR MY GIRL CASSIE!!!!! You have no idea lol. First of all, the upbeat melody of this song very much fits Cassie's general vibe: she tends to see the best in every situation, always looking for ways to have fun, and likes to enjoy the present moment as it is. She is always there to uplift the team morale and be a good friend to those around her. Cassie wants nothing more than to make her brother proud of her and see her friends happy. Despite all the hardships she has gone through from a very early age, she is and was always the one smiling and happy no matter how bleak things are or were. But another way this song fits her personality is also a bit tragic: Cassiopeia is TERRIFIED of ending up all alone, either by losing those she cares about or being left behind, and is also afraid of being a failure. The lyrics "I'm not gonna make it alone" from this song illustrate this part of her personality very well. She wants to always be happy and smiling because she loves having fun, but also because she can't stand the thought of not being enough to keep the people around her happy.
Deimos Soll - "Whataya Want From Me - Adam Lambert"
"I didn't give a damn But now here we are So what do you want from me? What do you want from me? Just don't give up, I'm workin' it out Please don't give in, I won't let you down It messed me up, need a second to breathe Just keep coming around Hey, what do you want from me? What do you want from me? What do you want from me?"
How This Song Fits His Story and Personality:
Fun Fact: This song was actually playing in the background while I was developing Deimos' character! So it's no wonder it's one of the things that helped inspire me for his story lol. Deimos has gone through a lot, much like most of the main cast of this WIP, and it had an impact on him. He was always a quiet, awkward young man who didn't feel like he fit in anywhere at all most of the time, causing him to yearn for a sense of belonging and closure. When he reached adulthood, Deimos had a falling out with his beloved adoptive siblings (Jack and Cassie), because he wanted to join the Khosmonian side of the war against the Junction, as a way to rebel against the government that destroyed his life, but Jack and Cassie wanted to rebel indirectly rather than get involved with any side. This argument led Deimos to leave their group to pursue a solo path as a rebel sniper, becoming one of the Junction's number one enemies. However, as time passed, he came to regret his decision more and more: he found out that the Khosmonian faction he was fighting for was just as corrupt as the Junction, not to mention that he missed his siblings dearly with every passing day and hated himself for leaving them on such bad terms for something he came to consider foolish. He did leave the insurgent faction he had allied himself to, in hopes to travel back to the Junction galaxies to try and find his siblings, wanting to set things right with them and make amends.
However, just as he did so, he was kidnapped by the Khosmonian warlord he had been fighting for, who didn't want to lose her finest sniper, and noticing that he no longer had any intentions of joining her cause after everything, decided to try and brainwash him into her perfect living weapon of a soldier. This cost Deimos a couple more years away from his siblings, and though he eventually did manage to try and find a way to escape before the mind control could work, he was left with no choice but to make a deal with the Junction - which he still despised - in exchange for safety against the warlord who was hunting him down.
The deal came at the cost of setting up his siblings and former crew for capture, something that made Deimos hate himself even more and added it to his pile of regrets. He now wants to make things right more than anything and regrets many of the choices that led him here, but fears he doesn't deserve redemption.
Aleks Keldora - "Anti-Hero - Taylor Swift"
"I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crisis (tale as old as time) I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time) It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me At tea time, everybody agrees I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero"
How This Song Fits His Story and Personality:
Despite being an extremely extroverted, prankster-type young man, Aleks suffers from severe social anxiety/impostor syndrome, both of which are worsened by his OCD. Aleks fears that he is a fraud and that he doesn't deserve all the accomplishments he has amassed, believing that if people find out "the real him" they'll simply be disappointed, which is the worst thing anyone could ever feel towards him in his opinion. Because of this, Aleks has become an expert at being someone else - being a perfect social chameleon able to fluidly be anyone he wants to be. Being a master of disguises who possesses a high-tech mask capable of completely changing his features, Aleks' takes the metaphor of being a chameleon/shapeshifter to a literal degree. He takes up a funny, prankster, "never taking anything seriously" personality because he wants badly to be considered funny and likable. He hides his struggles and sadness behind jokes and is, at times, insufferably unserious, because he hates being without a distraction from his inner thoughts, always needing company or something to do in order to keep himself entertained and not spiral downwards into a feeling of self-loathing. The problem is these struggles he fights through are practically a "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" - the more he feels anxious about himself, the more he thinks "I have no reason to be anxious I'm so stupid", and then he feels more stressed. This is something he'll eventually learn to cope with and heal from throughout his character arc but it is a long journey still.
Tagging (gently): @littleladymab, @winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @amaiguri
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart,
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@lassiesandiego, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
@the-golden-comet, @urnumber1star, @anyablackwood, @amaiguri, @lyutenw
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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beatsboy · 5 months ago
8.19.24 / day 57 of being a delusional artist
day 5 of moon time
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today was chaotic, i was under slept, it was 90 degrees outside, and yet, i still carved out time for my art, albeit at the end of the day, and i almost managed to eat a meal before 11am (even though i’d been up since 8). the problem is not when i wake up, i don’t even mind if i get up late, it’s that i keep getting stuck in holes. in hyper fixations. and not the good kind. like the kind that makes your fear of contamination worse and worse every time you open instagram. like the kind that makes grocery stores a battle ground.
today in therapy, we talked about my obsessions, compulsions, and how they’ve been inhibiting my daily life lately. it feels like it’s always about control, unless it’s about my father. i did realize today in therapy, that, because my father controlled me for so much of my life—even when i rebelled, and sometimes especially when i rebelled—i relied on him to inform me of what was real, what wasn’t, what was good, bad, immoral, etc and now i have to figure these things out for myself.
instead of asking myself what i think, though, i ask the internet. i look for experts to validate any side, either side, any opinion, just tell me it’s right and true and real. like my dawn dish soap. i don’t really give a shit if it’s poisonous or not, i’d just like to know if i need to stop using it. it’s more than the dawn dish soap, though. and it’s about more than controlling my environment in a post-addiction life. it’s about the root of the problem: i don’t trust myself anymore. or, maybe i never did, i’m not sure.
i don’t really think i trusted myself back then, i think i more so just leaned into the chaos of it all and let go. sure, substances helped to embrace this chaos. my (same) therapist at the time told me that she thought perhaps i didn’t want to let go of my attachment to being a hot mess. she was right, of course. that was a difficult part of myself to let go of since it was inextricably tied to being accountable for my actions, and responsible for actual growth and change. it was easier to cry about my ex, fuck his friends, and blame it on how much i drank. same as it was easier to go into a k hole in my bedroom and have video sex with strangers on the internet, shoving a dildo up my ass until i feel something, barely able to remember it the next day when i go to work, than to simply be alone with myself at night, in a time when everything was closed, and i had no one else to talk to.
so, alas, now, that i am not an unhinged addicted closeted transsexual, i have let go of much of the chaos, and yet, i have found myself bound to an order that does not always serve me. there are rules in my head, spirals that lead to rabbit hole upon rabbit hole of research and internet deep diving, only to come out with no answers. i still don’t know if crocs are toxic, if dawn dish soap is poisoning me, or if receipts put forever chemicals in your bloodstream just by touching them, but there are some things i cannot afford to worry about, and those things are taking up so much space in my brain it is hard to see anything else. yes, we are talking about if i have ocd or not, i think it might just be the autism though if i’m being honest like, i haven’t always been so afraid of food and contamination things, it’s really developed more and more since covid. that’s when i developed an intense fear of getting sick (i remember taking a full shower and stripping my clothes in the garage the first time i was exposed) and working in healthcare where i had to be exposed was not fun during that time, so i just tried to learn as much as i could to feel as in control of the situation as i could, because i was so scared of getting it. when i got the call that i was getting my vaccine, i literally cried. and now, i know i’m immunocompromised, and the vaccine is not t h a t effective on me and i’ve had it like 3 fucking times and i’m even more scared now because of that so yeah
and i mean i want to believe that it’s the food poisoning me, that it’s my dish soap, or my polyester clothing because even removing every single ounce of plastic from my life is easier than going through the american healthcare system when you don’t know what’s wrong with you and i do know parts, i know about my eds, which has helped explain a lot, and i know that my digestion is s l o w but i don’t know w h y so that’s fun
through all this fear, nonetheless, and realizing that my fear and internet rabbit holing was a way to fill the void where i used to have a father, i still sat down and made art today. i opened ableton, i worked on choirboy, which is, in a way, a song in reference to my father, and myself, of course. i wonder what he would think if he heard it.
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exilley · 1 year ago
may i hear about ivy the oc
I will gladly tell you about her :3
Ivy Aroid is the daughter of a fallen clan of nobles in a monarchical aristocracy. The world this character exists within is one domineered by gods, or more plainly and literally, immortals in charge of governing the metaphysical wellbeing of the universe, but that’s its own lore dump. In short, the world is split into nation-like factions that hundreds of different gods have individual claim over. The citizens of each faction are bound by social expectation to follow their patron god’s doctrine and organize themselves according to the ideals of said god. In Ivy’s case, that doctrine and those ideals entail a social structure that splits a so-called Burden of Coexistence that splits the population into two classes of people: Aristocrats who may become either a Scholar or a Warrior, and Tradesmen who can become a Healer or Artisan (these four categories are a universal standard, but how a god interprets which kinds of work fall under which label is completely up to their whim, as is the manner in which the classes are implemented in society).
Ivy’s family was one of many who fell off politically following a long and complicated ordeal with what was functionally the ruling clan of monarchs of a few generations past. The clan’s rule has left the country (ahem faction) in economic and social disarray, and Aristocrats are all vying to gain power in the midst of a power vacuum opening up. The Aroids are particularly aggressive in their pursuit and the family heads have abused their children to that end, Ivy included. But she’s intelligent and, in her adolescence, grows to become keenly aware of her situation. So she starts to play a character— that of a cunning, manipulative, unfeeling agent who would do everything in her power to climb the ranks. It’s a bid to reclaim what she’s been through; convincing herself she chose to be a bad person and reclaiming autonomy over her survival response, which was to distance herself from people and become the perfect pawn for her clan’s re-ascension. To this end she did a lot of reprehensible things, including but not limited to, blackmail, sexual exploitation, stealing, lying, cheating, and making threats of emotional or physical violence to her interpersonal circle. She lives in a society that is cruel by nature and she embodies that cruelty perfectly, as a medley of tragedy and hurt that can only exist alongside one another. She does what she must to climb the ranks for both herself and her clan, but the line between what she must do and what she wants to do are blurry and indefinite.
And then comes around the congregational season, where all aristocrats are invited to the oldest temple in the nation faction for a ball commemorating a celestial event in which the two moons are both visible and full at the same time— something that only occurs once every other year. It’s at this event that Ivy meets Yeonzhun, the person who would change the trajectory of her life forever. They hit it off really well, since they shared a lot of similar views on politics and had a lot of commonalities outside of their politics as well. Mostly, Ivy was drawn to him/her (Yeon is markedly a transgressor of the binary so regardless of the spiritual canon I use both she/he for her) for reasons that vaguely border on attraction but ultimately I have elected never to clarify. They continue to exchange letters with each other as they lived their lives, Yeon wrapping up military academy and Ivy acting as a subordinate diplomat for another, more powerful clan.
At this point, I should mention that Ivy has established many connections all over, but her primary contacts are illicit: the coven of rebels who seek to overthrow the regime of the gods and overturn the world order so that mortals have complete self-determinative capacity. This coven extends worldwide and is comprised of a mix of Rogues (a fifth category of person, who, loosely defined, are those who have abandoned their faction’s subservience to their patron and were exiled as punishment), descendants of a “cursed” bloodline (heavy quotes there because whether the bloodline is actually cursed or not is up for interpretation), and those with status in their respective factions who secretly wish to abolish the status quo. This may initially seem at conflict with Ivy’s character, since it goes against the grain of her intended to be a symbol of the cycle the people are trapped within, but consider that she is foremost contextualized by her desire to have control over her role in society. That she wants tangible authority and power to mitigate her internalized anxieties of being deprived of control is not necessarily at odds with the idea that she contends with guilt and shame over having done bad things in the name of a poorly justified cause. She doesn’t enjoy being trapped in the cave any more than the next guy.
After several exchanges with Yeon over letters, she one day asks if Yeon would be interested in joining the rebel forces with her. Of course, she was aware of the implications of roping Yeonzhun, an aristocrat who by far outranked her and had her own slew of baggage, into something like the rebellion, but there was just too much she admired and loved about him that she felt it would be disingenuous to not reveal this side of herself to her. Yeonzhun accepted in a heartbeat, and after receiving the reply, Ivy basically swore a vow of servitude to Yeonzhun, to help her achieve what she herself had suffered through years of agony for. Yeonzhun was not just a genuine companion to Ivy; he began to epitomize the concept of hope and strength for her. There was so much that she lamented or regretted doing and Yeonzhun was the outlet for that self-hatred. Symbolically, and literally, Yeonzhun became Ivy’s new patron god.
It’s the kind of romanticism you’d write a line like “If the heavens were a tree, I would grab the trunk and shake the branches to fell the fruits of my sins for you” for.
And uh… commit sins she does! Because once Yeonzhun comes out of the military academy and Ivy found an opportunity to resign from her position, the two become a pretty infamous duo. And the closer they grew in person and the older they aged together, Ivy came to realize the one thing that kept Yeonzhun from snapping was her stubborn belief in the goodness of people. Ivy did not ever once think less of her for this in spite of her experiences. Rather, it was a trait that she considered to be one of Yeonzhun’s most admirable qualities. But Yeonzhun is not a politican like Ivy, she’s a fighter. A Warrior. It’s a point where their similarities dissipate into differences. And Ivy, with all of her jaded optimism, who at this point truly only desired for Yeonzhun’s ideals to become a reality as it represented the best possible version of Ivy’s (at least, in Ivy’s perspective), came to the conclusion that the best way to help Yeonzhun realize his goals was to betray him and face the consequence of certain vengeance/death by his hands.
So that’s exactly what Ivy did. She betrayed him by leaking to some of the brass she was connected to that Yeonzhun was part of the rebellion, and should thusly be exiled from the Aristocrat class as punishment. In the months after Yeon’s exile, Ivy mostly retreated into herself and spent the days contemplating what she’d done with her life and how she ended up here. In the end, she did exactly as her parents wanted: to rise up the ranks and bring the Aroid clan back into prominence. She basically set that motion into stone with her betrayal of Yeonzhun, since it earned her a lot of respect, awe, and fear. But she also accomplished the complete opposite of her efforts to defy that initial compulsion, which was to play the game for herself and herself only, by tying her whole being to Yeonzhun. And, of course, when Yeonzhun makes a return leading a group of rebels driven by the shared anger of being sold out by who they all thought was a close comrade, Ivy’s throat is cut by Yeonzhun himself.
Such is the entire story summed up neatly. You will notice that it’s long, so I had to cut out basically every detail related to Yeonzhun to keep it a somewhat reasonable length. But knowing Yeon’s deal makes Ivy’s fascination and infatuation with her very clear I promise. It all makes sense
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thelanternsglow · 22 hours ago
New Moon in Aquarius Jan 29th
🌑 New Moon in Aquarius – January 29, 2025
Alright, lovelies, let’s talk about this week’s New Moon in Aquarius—it’s a proper reset button for the soul, inviting us to dream big and get clear on where we’re heading. This isn’t your everyday New Moon; Aquarius brings some serious futuristic vibes. It’s got that “step into the future” energy while keeping you grounded in your true self. Let’s break it down.
What Does a New Moon Mean?
Think of a New Moon as the start of a new chapter—a time for fresh beginnings and planting the seeds of what you want to grow. With the sky dark and the Moon hidden, it’s all about going inward, reflecting, and setting your intentions for the month ahead.
But because this one’s in Aquarius, it’s not just about what’s next for you personally. Aquarius energy asks, How are you showing up in the world? How are you contributing to the bigger picture?
Why Aquarius Energy is Different
Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac—bold, creative, and unafraid to do things differently. It’s all about innovation, individuality, and shaking things up. At the same time, Aquarius is deeply connected to community and collaboration. So, this New Moon is about finding your balance between standing out and working together to create something amazing.
What to Do for the New Moon in Aquarius
1. Set Bold Intentions
This isn’t a time for playing small—dream big! Think about where you want to innovate in your life. Is there a habit to break? A goal that feels just a bit out of reach? Write it down like it’s already yours.
2. Get Creative
Aquarius thrives on originality. Whether it’s starting a passion project, brainstorming wild ideas, or just trying something completely new, let yourself think outside the box.
3. Connect with Your People
Aquarius reminds us that we’re not in this alone. Call a mate, join a group, or even reach out to an online community that shares your passions. There’s strength in finding your tribe.
4. Focus on the Future
Aquarius is always a few steps ahead. Use this energy to reflect on what kind of future you want to build—for yourself and for the world. What’s your bigger vision?
Reflections and Affirmations
Take some time to journal or meditate. Ask yourself:
• What makes me unique, and how can I own that?
• What’s one step I can take towards my dream?
• How can I contribute to something bigger than myself?
Affirmations for this New Moon:
• “I am stepping into my future with confidence and authenticity.”
• “I align with my unique gifts and use them to make a difference.”
• “I welcome fresh ideas and exciting opportunities.”
Big Picture Energy
This New Moon in Aquarius is your chance to shake off the old and step boldly into the new. It’s about trusting your individuality and remembering that you’re part of something much bigger. Whether it’s a tiny step or a big leap, take the first move toward the future you’re dreaming of.
So, grab a cuppa, light a candle, and get those intentions flowing—you’ve got this, love! ✨
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agentnico · 29 days ago
Top 10 Worst Movies of 2024
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Ah shit, here we go again. It’s that time of year again and goodness what a mediocre movie year 2024 has been. Even the decent ones as a majority are not ones I believe will stand the test of time (sorry for the overt pessimism). Nevertheless though, I believe I did manage to avoid a lot of the cinematic damage this year, as there are many films I’ve heard negative responses of that I have not seen. Some of those include Madame Web, Venom: The Last Dance, Kraven the Hunter, Borderlands, Rebel Moon - Part Two and many more. Also wanted to shout out Red One as it’s a movie I started but gave up on an hour in as I got bored. However due to not finishing it didn’t seem fair to have it on this list, as for all I know that movie features a Primal Fear level of an ending that would have changed my life forever. Heck, guess we’ll never know. Anyway, there are films I did have the misfortune of coming across this year, and these are 10 of the worst, in my humblest of opinions…
10) MEGALOPOLIS - “So go back to da club” maybe one of the unintentionally best line readings in cinema history, but aside from that this passion project from Francis Ford Coppola is a total mess. It most certainly is unique, but for all the wrong reasons. Maybe Coppola needs to smoke less whilst making his movies.
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9) MOANA 2 - How far I won’t go to see another unnecessary Disney sequel at the cinema. Don’t get me wrong, this movie is a box office juggernaut, but it also a project that so obviously was meant to be a TV series and turned into a movie last minute so that the studio could capitalise on an additional pay-check. The result is a sequel that is in every aspect worse than its predecessor, from the music to the story to the characters… you’re not welcome.
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8) GLADIATOR 2 - Been there done that. Paul Mescal nowhere as entertaining as Russell Crowe was. Hans Zimmer’s score is missed big time. The story is essentially a copy of the first? Sharks in the Colosseum was fun. Denzel Washington is the only saving grace.
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7) KUNG FU PANDA 4 - Unlike Puss in Boots where the wait for the sequel was more than worth it, Kung Fu Panda 4 feels as if the franchise may have run its course and the writers have simply ran out of ideas. There’s nothing new here, simply retreading old territory. I’m sure if you show it to your kids they’ll probably have a good time. Probably. Or maybe just show them the first three films instead. That “Hit Me Baby One More Time” cover though - hell yeah! Also, can we please petition to stop Awkwafina from appearing in every new animated movie?
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6) FLY ME TO THE MOON - Is it a comedy? Is it a romance? Is it a space exploration epic? No clue, nor does the movie know it either. Channing Tatum is trying to find his inner Rock Hudson, and legends say he’s still searching for him to this day. The script feels like it had been written by AI, and if this is all AI has to offer then why the hell are we pursuing it in the first place??
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5) WOLFS/THE INSTIGATORS - Kind of cheating here by including two films in one, but both these action comedy thrillers from Apple gave me the exact same feels, or lack of. Ironically the collective cast of these two features an Ocean’s Eleven reunion, however all four of them look so tired and deflated in these roles, evidently in it just for the paycheck. These are the types of films where you expect some fun bickering and skullduggery from its stars, yet here the jokes are barely chuckle worthy.
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4) BOB MARLEY: ONE LOVE - Every little thing is not going to be alright. For a very special individual this is a very unspecial biopic. Bob Marley is well known legend and icon, and the movie sets out to present him as such, yet it’s done in such a banal and messy way. The film zeroes in on pivotal events that occurred in Marley’s life between 1976 and 1978 however in the context of the movie they lack and real energy or impact. It’s all quite vanilla and under-cooked, and feels like a disrespect towards the man with one life and one destiny.
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3) UNFROSTED - Honestly, I expected nothing less from Jerry Seinfeld. It’s easily the movie I most enjoyed on this list. There’s high Cat in the Hat level colourful energy to this stupidity. In no way a good movie, but that Mad Men reference was fantastic!
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2) BROTHERS - I was wondering why this movie was so bad as I was watching it. Then I checked on IMDb that Brothers’ screenplay was written by Etan Cohen, who’s responsible for that Holmes & Watson parody with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly from a few years back. It’s all beginning to make sense now! But this movie’s biggest sin is that it has put a stain on Brendan Fraser’s Brenaissance!
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1)DRIVE-AWAY DOLLS - While his brother Joel is out making such masterpieces like Tragedy of Macbeth with Denzel, Ethan has decided to go back to his roots and make a road trip movie that is infused with the 80s/90s goofy feel to it, and he even brings back the briefcase from Fargo! Or from No Country for Old Men. Or The Big Lebowski. Or Hail Caesar!. Pretty sure Brad Pitt also seeks a briefcase full of cash in Burn After Reading…. Honestly what is it with the Coens and their briefcases!? Regardless, this should have had all the charm of the previous Coen brothers outings, but unfortunately this is by far the biggest disappointment I experienced in a cinema this year. Unfunny jokes, boring overdone story, over-the-top annoying performances (Margaret Qualley as fast talking Jamie with a cringe-inducing accent twang gets extremely overbearing by the end of the movie), sloppy editing and transitions that belong in a Harold and Kumar flick…. this features all the bad tropes of a stinker. Drive-Away Dolls - a real no cunt-ry for old men I tell ya.
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sergeantsporks · 2 years ago
Runaway Legacies: Jumping off the idea that was sent about tiny Hunter learning about human wolves and picking up the inconvenient habit of howling. Eber doing normal rounds of communicating/checking up on some local beast demon nests and get told about about this little witchling that keeps howling at the moon in different parts of the isles. One night Eber actually goes to investigate this and manages to sneak quietly enough to catch begging to have the wolf book read again in between howls to the moon (Darius is ofc stressed but also not wanting to ruin what little fun the kid has in all their wandering and is trying to get him to howl quietly? And Hunter makes this tiny little “awooo~” while still nearly incapable of containing his excitement) and Eber just has this moment of, ‘This one of the cutest darn things I’ve seen in a long while’ and ‘I’ve only known this pup for two minutes but anything were to happen to them-‘
Idk, I just love the idea that even if Eber doesn’t get the chance to have the same bond with Darius as canon and has been rebelling by themselves in this Au, that he still becomes inexplicably fond of Hunter in a distant sort of way and does little things in the background to hinder the efforts to capture Darius and Hunter that neither end up being aware of until Darius eventually gets approached about joining the rebellion many, many years later.
This would actually be a really fun way for Eber to figure out that the propaganda about Darius isn't so true! I like that a lot, I think it would be nice for him to be kind of like "oh, okay, Something's Up" in the background
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brionysea · 2 years ago
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i know as much about star wars as steve does, but this isn't the only time that ewoks are mentioned
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even within the same episode, teddy bears come up again, and they're linked to mike. el was unable to get the teddy bear off the shelf but mike could
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the ties to mike go further back into season 3 too
anyway. back to ewoks
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i wondered if it was meant for el, will, or mike, because they're all kind of the core characters, but the cut from mike's face straight to the tv makes me think while it involves all of them, it's for him
also, with how similar joyce and mike are, does that mean mike forgot something? something specific to him, not just will's birthday, because everyone else forgot that too
with how thorough stranger things is, i'm sure there's something in the specific cartoon shown, but i don't particularly want to watch it, so here's what i found from the star wars wiki for ewoks
the very first thing on the wiki immediately sounds like mike
"The Ewoks are fierce warriors. The top of the food chain on a savage planet!" "Okay, first of all, they live on a moon, not a planet. Second of all—"
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the "not a planet" aspect also reminds me of dustin starting to wonder what the true nature of the upside down even is in season 4 before he got convinced it was irrelevant
endor -> the upside down
ewoks -> demo-creatures
leia befriended an ewok (like dustin befriended dart — "that's like saying just because someone's from the death star, doesn't make them bad," mike says about it, because he's at the start of his character arc about learning that the world(s) don't operate within a black and white moral framework) and went to their camp as a guest while her friends got taken prisoner by a different group
When these Ewoks saw the protocol droid C-3PO, they identified him as the Golden One who they believed had brought balance to Endor millennia before. Despite Wicket and Organa's protests, the Ewok shaman Logray attempted to sacrifice them as a feast in C-3PO's honor. Skywalker's use of the Force to make C-3PO levitate combined with the droid's warnings soon changed Chief Chirpa's mind, however.
this is just. interesting. it makes me think of "without heart, we all fall apart" in reference to mike, and jason talking about how everything that's happened with the upside down have been ritualistic sacrifices. the one who stopped them from happening being the person with the force (el) matches up too
i don't see how anyone besides mike could be the golden one. he understands the upside down so intuitively that it's suspicious, it refuses to hurt him even though doing so would disable the rightside up's team immensely, and he started off as the golden child who audiences loved before slowly falling off the pedastal. there's also the fact that the little teddy bear he couldn't afford (yet?) was gold
That night, C-3PO told the Council of Elders the adventures of the Rebel heroes. The Ewoks accepted the Rebels into their tribe, and allied themselves to their cause. The Ewoks helped in the ground battle to destroy the Imperial shield generator on the forest floor, and their primitive weapons felled the stormtroopers and the scout walkers of the Empire, although they took many losses to Imperial blaster fire.
so basically, the golden one unionised the ewoks against the evil empire. mike unionises the creatures of the upside down against vecna
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interspellar-ask-blog · 1 year ago
**What is Interspellar?**
Interstellar is a fantasy series that combines the setting of outer space with fantasy elements and magic. It follows a main cast as they attempt to lead a rebellion against the counsel that rules the galaxy with an iron fist. One of their missions is to locate the six cosmic stones and use their magic to dismantle the counsel and their reign.
**Who are the main characters?**
There are seven major characters, all of whom are part of the rebellion attempting to take down the counsel. They are:
-Cassiopeia (Cass) [she/her]
*A star marked. She is the pseudo-leader of their group, but oftentimes butts heads with Dess. She grew up as an orphan on a planet and joined the rebellion because of a close friend. Strong willed and confident, she has a knack for getting out of tough scrapes, even if she has no respect for rules or authority.*
-Dessponia (Dess) [she/her]
*A void marked, the daughter of a rebel captain, she has been in the rebellion since she was a child. Strict and powerful, she is a heavy rule follower and struggles with Cass’s brashness and unconventional ideas.*
-Lumi [they/she/he]
*A very talented inventor despite being the youngest of the group, Lumi is a brilliant engineer who creates a number of gadgets for the rebellion. A comet marked.*
-Ophiuchus (Ophi) [he/him]
*The son of a revered rebel who passed away some time ago, Ophi is eager to prove himself and although he sometimes exaggerates his abilities, his heart is good and he cares very deeply for the others, particularly Lumi, who he shares a close friendship with. A moon marked*
-Solaris [he/him]
*An sun marked and an escaped counsel prisoner, Solaris strangely has no memories before the age of 14. He is the currently only known survivor of a planet called Surya, which was annihilated in a counsel attack. He is a brilliant strategist and has served as a bit of a mentor to a couple of the others in terms of training. He is serious and blunt, but perhaps there’s more than that deep within himself, but he refuses to let that side show.*
-Arion [he/him]
*Dess’s twin brother, they were separated as children and Arion went on to be a soldier for the counsel. He and Solaris met during that period, and when he rescued Solaris from capture on a rebellion mission, he came back with him. He’s joined the rebellion, but tensions are still high with some members, including his sister. He is a comet marked.*
-Helix [they/them]
*The child of one of the council members, Helix is a fairly high ranking commander in their empire. What none of them know, is that they’ve been feeding the rebellion information for years, and is one of the core reasons they can complete missions and haven’t been wiped out by the counsel. They are nebula marked.*
**How does the magic work?**
The people in Interspellar are born marked as one of six kinds of magic. If two parents have the same mark, their child will have that mark. If the parents have different marks, there is a 50/50 chance the child will have either type of mark.
A mark is located like a tattoo somewhere on the person’s body, and glows when they use their magic. Magic is life, it flows in all living things and if something’s magic is totally depleted, it will die as it is the being’s life force itself. Magic is the primary form of combat, as technology is also powered by it.
The six types of marks are:
-Sun (fire magic)
-Moon (terraforming and water magic)
-Star (light magic)
-Void (shadow magic)
-Comet (ice magic)
-Nebula (air magic)
There are also six cosmic stones, beautiful gems that hold within them the most powerful magic of each type in the universe. Whoever holds them and can harness its magic would be one of the most powerful magic users of that type in the galaxy.
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