#but it also heavily depends on how much mr neck tattoo is in it
inkykeiji · 1 year
I feel like you'd like the show Tokyo Revengers. it's about gangs in Tokyo and honestly it gets me very in my feelings because theres a lot of tragedy involved within show. they also go very in detail about each characters back story without taking away from the general plot/idea behind the show. obviously no pressure to watch!!! I just figured id throw it out there cause it seems we have similar tastes in shows/books/characters/depth!
i’ve been recommended this anime a few times, actually!!! and i can totally see why; with the organized crime/gang aspect + supposedly well written characters it def seems up my alley (and i only say ‘supposedly’ because i haven’t watched/read any of the media and thus cannot judge for myself, but i’m not doubting that they’re well written!). but i looked into the plot a while ago and the time travelling aspect just completely turned me off of it. i’m really not into stuff like that >.< also,,, none of the characters piqued my interest except for maybe that dude with the neck tattoo??? and like black n blonde hair??? i dunno, but i kinda resolved that it probably isn’t for me :(
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impostertamsong · 4 years
Learning To Be Happy Again
You get an early release because Imma be real busy tomorrow and plan to not be as active (or not active at all). 
Also, a little warning for this one. Lord Cassius is not nice in this chapter, and I’m pretty sure this counts as emotional abuse, so, yeah. Also, just general angst.
Chapter Two: Guess What Happened? You’ll Never Guess
I wake up in a cold sweat, blanket tangled around my legs. 
“Keefe, are you okay?” Elwin’s voice comes from behind me.
“Oh, uh, yeah. It was just a dream.” I look over at Elwin. Even in the dark light I can tell he’s worried, but it’s not the kind of worry I’m used to. When Foster’s worried it feels more like a swarm of butterflies constantly surrounding the target. This feels like being snuggled in a warm blanket on a cold day, and I feel the need to tell him everything about the dream. It’s something I’m not used to, so I stop talking a little abruptly.  
Almost on cue, Elwin says, “Do you wanna talk about it?” I nod, but don’t say anything. “Well, okay, what was the dream about?”
“Well,” and then words just start pouring out of me. Though, despite my photographic memory, I can’t describe it quite right. All I can really say is: “It was dark, and I was being held down by shadows. Tam was there. I couldn’t move. It was so, so dark.” Elwin wraps his arms around me, and that odd worry feeling gets stronger. I can’t help but hold onto him like the world depends on it. This feels like something I should know, but don’t, and it doesn’t bother me. When he starts whispering that I’m okay, and that it’ll all be alright, it takes a lot of energy not to just completely lose it. What is this new feeling coming in? It’s so soft, pale pink and pure comfort. This feels familiar, but not at the same time. It’s like the feeling I used to get when my wonderful, beloved mother would comfort me, but less contained. 
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright,” Elwin whispers, pulling me out of my thoughts. I guess I started crying at some point, because tears are streaming down my face. 
“Thank, thank you,” I croak. 
“Is it okay if I leave you now?” Elwin moves to get up, but I grab his sleeve. 
“I, the dark. Can, can you stay with me?” He nods and then moves to get up again. 
“I’m just going to bring my bed over here so that I can be nearer to you, alright? I’m not leaving.” I nod shakily. But he could leave, I wouldn’t blame him. I mean, who would want to deal with a mess like me? I’m sixteen and afraid of the dark. How lame is that. 
“I’m back,” Elwin whispers. His hand takes mine and squeezes it. “Wake me up if you have another nightmare, okay? I don’t mind.” 
“Okay, goodnight, Elwin, and thanks,” I whisper back. The room is too quiet for speaking at a regular volume. 
“Goodnight, Keefe.”
I don’t have any more nightmares. 
The morning is uneventful, and soon I’ve changed back into my own clothes, Elwin’s hugged me good-bye, and I’ve light leaped to The Shores of Solace. 
“I’m home, Father Dearest!” I call through the house after I’ve closed the door. Said person is sitting in a chair, looking rather worse for wear. When he sees me, he stands up, and his face grows dark. 
“Why did nobody tell me you were awake?”
“Uh, I dunno. Probably just forgot or something.” 
“Forgot? Forgot? How could they! I’m your father!” He’s properly upset now, just the warm welcome I needed. “How long have you been awake.”
“Since yesterday afternoon, I think.” 
“Yesterday? That long? Why did you stay the night?” 
“Elwin wanted to make sure everything was stable, just in case.” 
“Elwin. Why didn’t he tell me!” he grumbles.
“I, I don’t know.” I scratch my neck. Dad looks there and sees the scars. 
“What. Is. That.”
“Oh, uh, it’s just a tattoo I got on the way back. Pretty cool, huh.”
“Don’t you dare joke with me.” He glares at me. 
“Um, it’s actually from the incident. They won’t go away. Elwin tried.” 
“Oh did he. I’m sure he tried very hard. You know, why didn’t you listen to your friends and stay behind. This wouldn’t have happened if you had. You would be fine and… unmarked.” He sneers the last word. 
“Yeah, and if I had, I’m sure they would’ve found me, or Tam would be dead.”
“Does that Song boy mean something to you?” 
“Well, no.” Why would he ask that? “But I wouldn’t want to have someone’s death on me. And Linh doesn’t need that anyway. Tam is all she’s got.” 
Dad sighs heavily. “But now you’ve got those marks. How’re you supposed to be successful with imperfections. You have enough.” 
“Well, I think I’m pretty great, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.” My words are empty, but that doesn’t matter. 
“Oh? Do you need me to repeat them? Your art, for one, is getting in the way of your success. Your mischievous outlook on life has given you more detentions than awards. You care more about your friends than your own family. And now these scars.”
“I don’t care.” And I don’t. How could those be imperfections if they’re all the things that bring me joy? 
“Go to your room. Now.” Dearest Daddy ever the forgiver. 
I flop on my bed and sigh. 
“So, you had a nice chat with Lord Snootypants then?” Ro is standing in the corner. 
“Mhm. Just the most wonderful welcome home you could ever expect. I got reminded just how much of a disappointment I am! Just what a kid wants to hear.” I laugh, the idea that I could have avoided this whole thing by hiding ricocheting around my brain. “It’s my fault isn’t it. I could’ve stayed behind and not furthered Mommy Dearest’s legacy for me or whatever.” Ro is silent. 
“You can’t let his words get to you,” she says wisely after a few moments. “Even if that were true, who knows what would’ve happened.” 
“Who are you, and what did you do with Ro? You didn’t get her personality right, impostor.” I sit up and point dramatically at her.
“I can be serious, weirdo. But tell anyone, and I’ll coat your pillow in some of that flesh eating bacteria. I hear it also goes through hair pretty quickly.” 
I screech. “Not the hair, Romhilda!” She glares at me, and I laugh. 
My imparter rings, breaking the light feeling. “Hey, Foster.” 
“Hey. You’re back at your house?” 
“Yeah, I am. Got a lovely welcome too!” 
“Oh, Keefe. Are you alright?”
“Just peachy!”
“Really! I’m fine, Foster. Don’t worry. I can tell you know.” She smiles slightly, cheeks slightly pink. 
“I still will, you know. I bet Forkle ingrained it into my DNA.” She laughs coldly. A familiar laugh. 
Dinner is tense and quiet. We’re having soup, so the only sounds are spoons on bowls. As soon as I finish, I stand up quickly and put my dishes away (after cleaning them, of course) and go to my room. 
“Let’s ditch this place.” I start gathering stuff before Ro even answers. 
“And where do you plan to go?” Ro has her arms folded. 
“Elwin, I guess. I don’t feel like bothering anyone else. And I get the feeling he cares? I dunno. Maybe it’s a stupid idea.” I stop rushing around the room and sit at the edge of my bed, face in my hands. 
“Naw, let’s go! Screw your dad!” Ro stands taller and smirks. “C’mon! Finish packing!” 
I smile. “Okay!” 
After a while, I go through the bag I’ve packed to make sure I’ve got everything. “Mrs. Stinkbottom, sketchpad, pencils, clothes, yup. That’s it! Let’s get out of here!”
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