#but in her MGS she comes across as
powdermelonkeg · 5 days
You know what? I'm gonna make a Minecraft movie
This is a plot I banged out over the course of like three hours at work so bear with me.
Movie starts. Main Guy just got fired from his job or something. He goes home to his house, greets his dog, agonizes over how he's going to pay for said dog with this development. Dog comes up wanting to play fetch, has a mcguffin in its mouth. Main Guy takes it and fiddles with it that night.
Mcguffin activates.
Guy winds up in Minecraft world. Spends a day freaking out about everything. Finds a dirt house someone else made and spends the night there to escape the monsters.
There's a map there. Takes that to a village
Meets Alex. She doesn't speak.
Alex is in the middle of saving a village from an Illager raid. Main Guy helps.
It takes a turn into a rescue mission for captured Villagers. The Illagers are hunting for a Trial Chamber with a legendary weapon (the mace).
After that arc is complete, Main Guy has an Allay as a pet and a new friend in a Villager he saved. Gang's all there, all adventures from here on out will be with MG, Alex, Villager, and Allay.
They go to Alex's home base. It's neat, but it's very clear she's not the only one that's lived there.
MG manages to convey to Alex that he needs a way home. And she's got the Ender Dragon egg, but doesn't have the rest of the equipment to get to the End and make the portal home.
Trip into the Deep Dark, ancient city, Warden fight while getting diamonds.
Villager takes the diamonds and makes a pickaxe for them.
They get obsidian and make a Nether Portal. Trip to the Nether to find a fortress and get blaze rods and ender pearls.
While they're in the Nether, they come across the Wither Briar. It's a new biome that's spreading, wither roses everywhere, with a Wither at the center.
They get the supplies they need, but the Wither catches them and attacks. They barely make it out alive; Villager gets zombified.
Rush to a witch to get Villager healed.
It gets revealed that Alex and her friends once took on the Wither, but it turned out too destructive and they lost the battle and several friends. They split up then. The Wither's been terrorizing the local Piglins and spreading the zombie infection ever since.
MG gets up, determined, gearing up and reentering the Nether. Epic battle against the Wither. The Wither Briar dies, the Piglins rejoice.
MG, Alex, and Villager start gearing up to find the Stronghold, with help from the village, Piglins, witch, etc. MG gets a unique armor trim that's not in the game.
Melancholy travel. Alex and Villager are gonna miss MG a LOT, and he's considering whether or not he wants to leave.
Stronghold leads to the End, End City fight for an Elytra.
Final fight with the Ender Dragon, hesitation, then final goodbyes. The group all jumps into the portal together.
MG winds up back home in his bed, in the real world, but he still has his gear and the sword he used to slay the Ender Dragon with.
He gets the mcguffin that sent him to Minecraft in the first place and is about to destroy it. He second-guesses it. Epic montage of him grabbing the things he needs to go.
He puts on a blue shirt and dark jeans. He packs his bag with apples, a slice of cake, and a map. He grabs his dog, a fluffy gray one with a red collar, then he activates the mcguffin again.
End poem plays, followed by the credits rolling.
Post-credits at the end with Minecraft music playing, Steve rolls up to Alex's house as she and Villager are building a beacon out of the Nether Star the Wither dropped. He helps them finish it, the beacon shoots into the sky, then they go into her house.
Alex looks at the map hopefully, waiting for her friends as the sun goes down, but all it shows is hers and Steve's icons on it…then someone else's shows up, just barely at the border. It's one of the other "default" players.
End of movie.
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
If You Only Knew. ( Noa x Human!Reader. ) Part Thirteen.
oh mg god
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Title: If You Only Knew. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Rating: T. ( Sexual implications, injury, mentions of blood. ) Pairing: Noa x Human!Reader. Words: 7K. ( Shorter but every word HURTS. ) Summary: Noa is taken to you. Once more, one more time and one more chance to tell you how he feels.
No one came back for you. 
There was no satisfaction in feeling a set of arms lined with fur drenching themselves against your body and carrying you off to safety as you began the decline into the inevitable. Soona--- you whimpered gently, she… Did the right thing. You’d have not come back for an Echo either, so terrible and flushed with misery and inherent selfishness to destroy all of the good in their lives. You’d have left the body alone to shatter into char and to be completely unrecognizable. Her people… Her Clan. Your Clan. Your people… More important. You’d perish with it, rightfully so, never to be remembered in the future, never to be thought of anymore as nothing more than the Echo who brought down the entire three-hundred years of established cultures and families. 
There was no indication outside the roaring of the flames of an Ape calling out to you to help, of someone there to cast you back to reality and to tell you to hold on for just a little more. Self-pity had to be the last thing you felt before actually succumbing, how bitter a thought and how cruel the world was to you as your appendages all went numb against the heated ground, soot seeping into your mouth and coating the inside of your lungs with disgusted ash and resin that you were choking on but could not bring yourself to cough out, your head splitting itself open from the inside out like your brain wanted nothing more than to escape in a last-ditch effort to save at least your subconscious.
There was nothing for you, you figured and waited in baited anticipation of what lay beyond. You had gotten the only satisfaction you were seeking; seeing a life with Noa that you were not going to have. Feeling Noa against you knowing that it was never meant to be your body there, carrying a child with him to fruition, passing on the knowledge of both Echo and Ape… Lost and gone for both of you, a shred of guilt resting against your esophagus as all you wanted was to cry but had no energy to foster a chortle.
The Chimp would find a way to do it himself, he was obsessive in that aspect, you tried to calm your racing mind as you tore through the burns that left you here in the first place. No more resentment towards him for letting you go months ago, no more wondering what would have happened if you did not agree to his terms and he let you out into the world a year ago. No more… Noa for your eyes to feast on, the ripping of his muscles such a delicacy on their own, no meeting gazes from across the bonfire as Anaya told one of his crazed and elaborate stories, no more interactions on the basis that you were going to teach him something new… This was okay, your mind rested. Your fingers flattened on the ground and you kissed the blue feather of Eagle Sun into the Earth itself. 
Caressing bare skin was unusual, the sense pulling you back from the tether you had against the chains of bargaining. You always hated it when you compared it to the way it felt to have Noa brushing against your bare flesh. Human… too much like your own, too sweaty and too flushed, easy to break apart and torture to the extent of intense agony. You wanted to pull your arm back from the grasp, snatched and barked at whoever was touching you that you were not to be cradled by anyone but Noa but they were persistent, words flurrying around your ear drums but failing to process beyond a mild muffle. It was just the fire crackling, you figured and thought nothing of the inflictions. It was whispering to you that it was your time to go and out of arrogance, you chose to ignore it because you were unable to admit if you wanted to leave or not.
One part of you did; to fall asleep and not have to worry about the sun rising in the morning and the innate responsibilities that rested on your shoulders for being different and having to face the Clan in their demise, their eyes flooding you with judgment that you were the reason for the destruction in the first place. You’d be forced to leave, they’d all hate you and you’d rather embrace death then have to admit to yourself that they were right to always despise Echo, yourself included in that equation. 
One part of you didn't; wanting to stay awake long enough to see Noa once more so you could truly tell him that you needed him… That you… Needed his approval and his affection or else you were going to die without satisfaction and pleasure. To mutter how sorry you were that this all happened and that you were flooded with acute regret for taking the sweetened agreement that just got more and more drenched in coated honey that it was a temptation you were unable to stop yourself from biting at. You hoped one way or another he was going to forgive you for you were unable to forgive yourself.
A breath left your body when your arm was pulled, the sensation so dulled in the scape of the other injuries that riddled your body and you were under the safe assumption that Death herself came to grab you, pulling the arm right out of the socket as she dragged you to the deepest parts of the abyss.
 Fluttering against the ground, you were nothing more than dead weight and she realized that, holding on a bit tighter around your bruised wrist and tugged harder, skidding your body against the dirt and filling each lifeless pore with more dirtiness. You were unsure where that was, where in intended place you were being scooted to was but you hoped it was somewhere warm as chill ran through your spine and entangled itself against each vertebrate, kissing it to the point of paralysis and you were unable to even move your head to see what was happening as the landscape in front of your terror ladened eyes began to change.
From dirt coating the front of your body, scraping relentlessly through the thinned, crimson soaked t-shirt and into your navel and tearing away at your skin.
To flushed grass that sounded like heavy boots crunching and killing each of the shards. You felt bad for them, meeting Death so swiftly when you had the privilege to see it so close and personal, forming a relationship with her that you were never going to get in life itself. 
To the sediment of the forest's edge as you felt gravity taking a turn against you, head frantic to find some stability as you were propped up against the wooden embankment of a tree-trunk. She was preparing you, your lips parting in exaltation as you accepted it. The blood encrusted feather in your hand raised as you offered it to her. Take… Take it back to Noa for me, tell him… how much I’m sorry to leave… I needed to though, I can’t… hold on… Your head teetered forward, your neck muscles unable to hold any semblance of stability to tighten and stay active. 
“You need-”
A smile split across your face at the voice. Yeah, death was going to be a Human. The worst imaginable, the same inclination thoughts about Apes you had when you first laid eyes on Noa, Anaya and Soona, never realizing the impact they would have on you in the coming months that lead to this lusted for moment when Death would kiss you and take the last breath for herself, storing it for blackmail in the afterlife. The mind was running on its own as your eyelids were unable to come into any sort of position to properly see what had just occurred and where Death had taken you. 
Limbo, maybe. Awaiting a sentence that you knew was going to come hammering down on you for it was not coming from the Apes who granted you refuge, though they deserved it all the same. All your life as a Human making biased assumptions towards the very family who gave you a second life, who gave you a second chance to change your view points. All selfishly thrown away for just one of them… Your lips parted again as you managed to get yourself to whisper a small utterance.
 “Noa…” The feather you canted between your fingertips, a symbol of your lack of understanding and your lack of willingness to let go, reached itself up in a stroke towards the Heavens as if you were going to take off to the sky with it. “Noa.”
“Get up---”I don’t want to, you whispered inside of your mind, legs finally coming back to some feeling as you felt the shattering of your calves, not able to heal themselves and ingrained with dirt from a fight you needed to win to see Noa’s face once more. To hold him and to tell him in acute silence that it was all going to be alright and that you were going to get him safe.“You---”
The voice was breaking up, you whimpered quietly in your spot and reached your feather placed hand out to grasp at Death again. Don’t leave me now! I can’t go back… I’m s.. So afraid… 
“Need to help---” I’d rather die, you tucked the feather into the hand that out-stretched itself to help you get steady, refusing the help and admiration from the darkness and allotted your body against the ground as it had been before. Would the feather make it to Noa? You had no idea, but you hoped that the Reaper would be kind enough to show you one more grace. One more good thought and good deed as you rested your head against the ground, the notion of your split head nothing more than a tacknote in how it felt to just embrace what you were. As an Echo who loved an Ape. As part of the Eagle Clan itself, you wanted nothing more than to be a part of the Earth in death.
The aggressive silence that radiated off the Ape, walking step-by-step with another Echo was abundantly clear in the shattering of twigs underweight of flat feet that were spaced with balanced toes and a pair of worn, nearly holed at the bottom was deafening to both as the ricocheting sounds reverberated through the entire wooded area. Noa was unsure, his rustled fur against his body on edge at every turn that this Echo made in the westward direction. Every turn of the head that this smaller frame made caused Noa’s bloodshot eyes to narrow and scan him again incase he had missed a hidden weapon, in case Noa was being lead to the ultimate fight to the Death with the knowledge that the only thing that was keeping his muscles together at this point was the prospect of seeing you again. Conversation was sparse, save for the idle mention earlier as the trek began that you were not in a state of consciousness and he was even hesitant to leave you in the first place to die on your own; the Echo was adamant that no one deserved to die alone and that was something Noa full heartedly agree with that, but only with you. This Echo. Very well could die alone at the hands of Noa’s strength and he’d feel nothing as the heart ceased to beat as long as you were safe and accounted for in the grand scheme. He contemplated it, watching the fall and rise of the shoulders and gesturing directions to him, broader than your own and all the more powerful and able to defend themselves as Noa tore away from the vision he got of your bloodied and tattered body. Seething at that, teeth bared themselves momentarily and shined with the glistening of the morning sun making itself known against the crisped landscape. He was… unable to defend you… Unable to stop the infliction against your soft skin, unable to hold and cradle your head when you came crashing down from the horse after trying to bid yourself into an escape. Noa--- his stomach churned as they rounded a blueberry bush, all familiar to him now as they were nearing the edge of the clan, his thick and calloused fingertips brushing the foliage with reminiscent melancholy of how many times your knees brushed their surfaces as you went foraging for berries, nestled so deeply in the bush that Noa thought you would disappear if you went any further. 
Noa contemplated it again; killing this Echo for even admitting that he was a part of the plan from the beginning and he did nothing but grovel for himself. Pitifully, the Master of the Birds thought and heard Eagle Sun crouch a cry into the stagnant air, enough to tell Noa what was happening. Pushing aside the lingering idea that Noa was more like this Echo than he was willing to bring to the forefront, both afraid once, both bargaining for their place in the world, Noa playing pieces with his own Clan’s safety and this Echo playing a piece with a azure feather, he hated that he felt a lick of sympathy at all as the scattering calls from Eagle Sun grew louder with each reinvigorating step he was taking, one after the other pained and slanted as he was unable to garner enough strength to balance his broad body, right arm in a slump of usefulness and his left, weaker than the dominant, fluttering to keep himself upright. “She gave you…” Noa finally spoke, feeling the feather tickling at the inside of his wrist where it had made its bloodied home against the fur that was dressed tightly in the arm band used to hold Eagle Sun without his talons causing extensive damage to the toughened skin that lined Noa’s body. His voice felt to be a different part of him, so far off, so unfamiliar to his ears that were still ringing from being shattered into the mud. Noa wanted to speak more, to instigate this further but the captivation of smothering in his lungs was too great to counterbalance the movements that were rocketing what felt like shattered rib pieces into the outer edges of his lungs.  “Feather. To bring…?”
“No,” Noa stopped moving and felt himself stiffen at that brute answer, tilting his head and feeling his teeth scrape against his lips as he wanted to bark in aggressive intimidation for an answer. “I took it from her. She kept…” 
The Echo also stopped a few feet in front of Noa and turned around to face his prudent captor and for the first time, the Ape got a good look at him. Sickly, from malnourishment, incredibly sunken in cheeks and a chiseled brow-line that was hardened from years of being exposed to the most deadliest of predators; Apes and Echo alike. Below the brow rested blue eyes, not too dissimilar from Noa’s in the stance they held.
Reservation, the knowledge that this was all a tossup and either one of them could come out the champion. He was better hiding it than Noa though, the Chimp had to admit that defeat as he only longed to place his gaze on you and trying to convince himself otherwise was futile. Tousled, dark blond hair that bled into a more honey-golden when he stepped in the right light, Noa noticed as he came forward, slowly at first as Noa hunched his body, flinching only momentarily as he yearned for his right arm to become comprehensive. 
“She kept mumbling about this Noa,” He uttered, “I figured that was you, the leader. The feather was just to get you here.” He tilted his chin back towards the direction that they were trailing, back to the Clan. “You’re the whole reason she fought so hard in the first place to keep your home from burning to the ground. Which proved pointless, we still came--- And well, we’re not all heartless, she deserves to at least have someone she knows there when she dies.”
What a sick and twisted way to show what Noa wanted to consider empathy, his mouth running dry and eyes widening at the words. She deserves to have someone she knows there when she dies. So… You were alive. That’s all his buzzed mind could comprehend from that, the racing of his heart inside of the crackled nature of his chest racing towards that without thinking about the other implications of the statement. Alive… You were alive, this Echo had no reason to lie to Noa… Well, he… did. Enough reason lay in the bounds between species. There was a confliction running through the collarbones and zapping down his spine. 
You were alive… But this Echo was bringing him near you so you could experience the last death to bear witness to your pupils, Noa’s blood falling into your face for the last time as you cried before being taken yourself. A game as evil and conniving as the group of ravenous Apes that lead to your untimely arrival at the Clan, forcing your way into all aspects and into Noa himself to the point where there was no vivid future without you with him.
Noa was unwavering in his stare, from eye to eye to get any indication that the truth was being spoken but there was nothing there for him to read, Noa cursing inside of his mind and falling into a pit of self-deprecation that he had become so accustomed to reading your emotions splayed on your face that he figured it would be easy to do with a different Echo. Noa did take notice regardless of the lack of expressions that he was taking a deep breath in and releasing it painfully as if Noa himself were threatening the very air that was encasing the surrounding area. Like a pestilence, like a plague. 
This… Noa felt his shredded mouth open for a split second as he reached for another question but nothing came to bear fruit from his worthless tongue. This Echo's body stance told him and reminded Noa that… You were not the same even if he came to offer your rescue. This was not empathy, Noa recognized. What you had shown him in the past, talking about his father, the loss of the Clan before this time, was crusted with flecks of empathy that were palpable and tasted so sweet that you were whispering them directly into his mouth. This was… Cruelty. To bring him to you only to see you for an instant before you were taken again. Not satisfaction, not a trace of forgiveness… 
Noa glowered as they turned and began moving forward again, muttering something under their breath about only a few meters more, and he felt not an ounce of empathy for the Echo who bargained for his life like you had before. He’d drink the cruel potion, Noa thought, without hesitating. Anything at all to see you one more time in some desperate hope that maybe it would be enough for the Ape to have closure. He never got it with his Father, each step falling now dripping into the Earth with sorrow filled remembrance of the things that he had in life and the things that were taken from him.
The Echo would kill him in any other circumstance, Noa’s brain riddled itself with contradictions from the way he was raised, so peaceful and unsparing in fights as they’d grown to admire the ways of the Sky’s and not the aggressive ways of the Apes from Beyond the Valley.
But… Noa would do it first out of seeking and attributed revenge that this pathetic excuse for a life was unable to see your value and save you in the first place before the Chimp felt your soul slipping away from him when you laid your life for him. Soona taking him away though Noa felt the fear of his muscles convulsing to go back and to save you instead. Noa recalled in a bloodied fit of terror to go back, too weak to use his body and his words were nothing but crimson against teeth, telling Soona to take him back and to let him drag you to safety. 
Something, anything… Noa felt bile rise in the back of his throat and it stung the already saliva coated crevice as he tried to swallow back the bitter taste of his thoughts and ideas, the ideologies springing from the night before. Green claret irises were tired as they stared at this other Echo who wanted to do something selfless but Noa felt no relief for it. There was none for anyone but you. You were his Echo and he would feel not one shred of empathy of feelings towards any others. 
He could imagine you so vividly in front of him, body so accepting of the differences that laid between the two of you, willing to listen despite your mind having tugged you so often in the opposite direction. They were not all the same, these Echo who came and pillaged, this Echo who brought you back together. But they were not you, Noa needed to tell himself over and over again as he began to carry his body against the ground once more. Only a little bit more, he wanted to fall onto all fours and race ahead but he was unable to tear himself into the position to do that in the first place, no weight was substantiated against his right arm and Noa knew it was going to take time to heal from a Echo inflicted wound. 
He wondered for a second--- Thinking back at the tendering of your flesh from a year ago… How long it would take you to heal from what you sustained. The wounds against your calves, the beating against your head. Noa was unsure how hard you had been hit there, knowing that head injuries amongst Echo were always the fastest and most sparing way to take them out of their misery. There was a racked fear that when he got to you, Noa was going to be unable to say anything to you, grief riding along his diaphragm. 
You were in an awful state the second he saw you before battling, the darkness of the night no doubt shielding some bruises and internal damages from his sight. Noa felt his breath shatter right out of his mouth. What if… He whimpered to himself, what if there was something internally wrong and there was nothing more they could do and you would die from the inside out? What--- Noa’s teeth gritted together, easing the pain that was flushing through the remaining senses he had that were not already blown into obscurity. He’d have to watch you die, one way or another. Either here in this moment now as the Echo came to a slow stop and pointed down the minor embankment of a fallen tree trunk.
 Or… In the future, your face pressing against his as you recalled a good and prosperous life with him. Children… so many, Noa wanted, feeling himself crumble with the idea that it wasn’t even plausible anymore and you were going to be taken from him too soon. He wanted to be selfish as he looked upwards on the small hill. You were right there, Noa wanted to see as he felt sinus pressure build along with the idea that he had more tears to shed after the nightmare he had just been through, lack of sleep and conscious thought hitting at his mind and beating him into submission. You were right there for him… Smiling and telling him what a great life you had led indeed; how you were so… proud that he had chosen you, but that was always going to be the thing. Noa would have been proud of you… Never himself, you stuck this out, you did th--- 
His throat closed up in preparation as he lifted his large and sunken frame upwards, feeling the shift of the Earth under his body,  giving the Echo just one passing glance as if to say a minor ‘thank you’ for not taking him out. For allowing this. For taking him back to you. He could smell you. The richness and stomach-turning scent of your iron-clad blood mixing with that undertone that always drew him to you. Always brought him right back home. You did this… for him, for his freedom… Noa needed to repay you somehow.
Knees shattered straight onto the ground at the sight in front of his eyes, the stance large and sprinted as he literally tore himself into pieces to get his body down the small canal to reach you. Feet did not matter anymore, Noa uttered to himself, hands and feet, all appendages were on the ground, ignoring the deeply fascinated spring in his shoulder blade that was keeping the tendons there from eating at themselves. 
Alive, Noa needed the confirmation, unsure where the abysmal grunt he made came from as he rounded your body, his hands differentiating themselves into the leaf encrusted ground. Yelping to himself, Noa bit down on his tongue to get you into his one good arm, his body slamming itself against the tree you had once been propped up against, eyes trying to ignore the patch of hair that had been yanked right of your skull that rested in a crevice in the bark. 
“I---So…” Noa breathed through his nose paced and quickened. The comprehension he had pulled together for himself shattered right before him and he had no power to stop it as he got you between his legs, letting your form drape against his chest and the uproar of your weight against his damaged insides was enough to keep him awake. “Wa… What… did you do… Stupid Echo...” How he sounded like Anaya in that moment as he scolded and tore into Noa for even implying that he wanted to mate with you. How that moment in time had been lost to the Ape for almost four months, how he… Lost you because he believed Anaya’s ignorance, to no fault of his Sunset Brother. He was right; Noa caressed your blooded head in his good hand and craned your neck to look at your face. You were so stupid… So reckless, more so than any Ape he had ever met.
All of this, his green gaze slid down and turned itself upside down at the blood that smeared against the front of your thinned t-shirt, nothing there to protect the skin that Noa wanted to bite from scratches and tears from the ground below. “Please…” He whispered to you and readjusted the hold he had against your face, tenderly pressing his calloused finger pads into it with a silent plea that spoke more than the words he was able to say at the time. 
Noa brought his face down to your mouth. Breathing… He could feel it against his cheek, rustling against the nature of his flurried fur. So good… Bottom lip quivered as he drew downwards to your chest, ignoring the desperation his body was asking for him to stop the jerks of the muscles and to rest. There was no time, he yelled at them in a biting tone, there was no time because you were…
Heartbeat… in your chest, he could hear it in his eardrum when he brought himself down upon your blistering ribs. Noa stammered, barking at his right arm to get itself together so he could cradle you properly, to hold you to him if this was the only chance he was going to get. Only mildly successful in that, he tugged your entire weight on top of him, the position awkward and crinkled as Eagle Sun came to rest in front of him. 
‘Go,’ He signed at the bird, ‘Urgent. Must tell Mother, Soona. Echo…’ Noa swallowed hard and held the back of your head against his shoulder, the utmost promise of the moment that he was not going to let you go again no matter what came upon you two. “Echo still alive. Go!” Such an easy command for such a complicated and tempered bird that resembled Noa in ways he wished he was unable to not notice.
Stubborn, the Chimp felt his breathing staggering uncontrollably at the ease you slumped against him, the torment of his shoulder reminded him that everything had a cost but the cost was paid time and time again. “Eagle Sun,” He whispered to you and pressed the entirety of his face into your hair and drew in the deepest breath he was able to muster with the torture it took to even breath normally. “He will… bring… Soona and Mother… Save… Save you… Stay…”
There was no way to ignore the fact that you were bloodied beyond recognition, Noa swallowed hard at that and brought you down to look at again. His eyes traced the familiarity of your features. The sweep of your eyelids, eyelashes flashing against your cheek bones, the bruising and swollen nature of your lips, the cuts that eradicated the sweet nature of your body. From the top of your forehead all the way down to the mangled despair of your legs... Noa whined deep in his chest.
You were here… You were back! Noa chanted inside of his derailed train of thought, hoping that it was enough to keep him motivated until the two other Apes came to help. “Stay… with me…” He urged you, pressing his forehead lightly against your own, to no response but Noa pressed on, moving inwards to the point where he felt another deeply antagonistic shatter occur in his ribs. He’d heal from that, but if he lost you there would be nothing left to heal.
“I cannot… do this… entire…” Noa felt the moistening under his eyes, creasing into the wrinkles that were more prominent from lack of rest and juxtaposed aggression and self-loathing. “This entire thing without… you need…” Exaltation was no relief for the Ape as your head lulled to the side and Noa found himself enthralled in the slower beating against your jugular. Carefully, he raised your unresponsive body to him and there was a brief moment of contact that his lips had against your neck. If you couldn’t support yourself, he’d do just that until you were healed. Until you were brought back to him.
“You do this for me…” Noa bargained and bared his teeth against the fleshy part behind your ear, “Do this for me and I… Will… forever… be yours… Mate, friend…” Noa bit lightly at the skin, the taste of blood on the surface skyrocketing whatever thought processes he had left. Not enough to break the skin, but just enough to let you know his intentions whether you were consciously aware of them or not. Aware of his arms holding you, aware that he was there to see you before you eclipsed. Noa felt his teeth chattering as he bit down again, this time with more vigor. “Mine… I will not let… you go again…”
Noa was able to hear Eagle Sun’s screech. Close, he thought, close, close, close… His head was pressed into your chest, keeping time with the dimmed nature of your heart and imagining himself living in a different time. You… Were in the nest, Noa rocking both your bodies as he still had you in a tight embrace. Yes… Yes yes… In the nest that you two shared, years from now… Noa’s head was resting against your chest and he was taking in the nature of your bare skin under his fur, your fingers tickling themselves into the fur of his head and scratching at his skull.
He’d purr for you, eyes raising themselves to what Noa wanted to imagine as a cheeky grin. Mates, he whispered to you and found himself allotted between your open legs much like that vision he had of you two before he found his way back to the living… That thinking was so much better than the lifeless form he had against him, though that itself was something he never imagined happening. 
“You… be alright… I promise…” He whispered against your chest and tried to ignore the feeling of dread that played around at the front of his mind, eyes dropping themselves in a state of exhaustion. “We will take you back to the Clan,” Brushing out your hair with his good hand, Noa plucked a few twigs from the sediment that had built itself into your strands.
“Heal… You…” As if beckoning him, Noa pressed his forehead onto your sternum and rested there in a crouched position, the only part of your body hitting the ground below being your legs that Noa was too afraid to wrap into a tight coil so he could embrace your entire form like he had wanted to for so long. “You… will be alright… Noa… Does not break… promises.. Anaya… Soona know… So my Echo… should know that…”
There was a jolt against him, barely detectable in normal circumstances but given the heightened and intense nature of the atmosphere that surrounded your two bodies, Noa felt it. The shift of your breathing from shallowed to lesser so, the windy nature of your mouth breathing so relaxing despite the call for water to coat your throat, words unable to seep through, barely able to draw into the twinkling dawn that was drenching the landscape and rained from the leaves above to case your form with delectations of shadows that appeared to dance with the most gentle of breezes.
Noa was afraid to look up at your face as he nuzzled himself further into your chest, clutching at your back with his damaged right side as tightly as he could in case you were slipping away from him. Soona, Dar… Too late, he figured, seeing Eagle Sun fly himself to a perch on the fallen over tree nearby. “Too late, Sun…”
His ear prickled.
“N… No… Noa?” There was a dreadful wheeze in your throat, your eyes pressed together from mud and tears that clotted right around your eyeline and cemented them shut. “Noa.”
“(Name).” He’d never sounded so desperate, slightly envious of anyone who had a neck that was able to move quickly as Noa found his actions too slow to bring his head up to gaze down at you. The Ape spoke again, this time more clearly. He was dead; he had to be there was no way… Noa churned his head forward to stifle a condensed cry. “(N-Name).”
Your name sounded so strange… Muffled like you had sand in your mind that was pouring itself into an hourglass. The countdown was unknown as your stiffened arms attempted to move first and you found your fingertips touching coarse fur. If you had it in you to smile, you were sure that was the expression on your face as you carded your way into it, “I can---... I can’t bre… Breathe…” As evident from the wheezing, Noa figured and grasped the side of your face, urging you once more like you had for him hours ago to just… Look at him. Once. That’s all he needed, all Noa wanted as he felt the hand that had flushed into his fur touching at his bare skin, inches below the coating of warmth he had all around his entire body. “Can you…” Noa’s hot breath felt good against your cold cheeks, “Look at me?”
“Mm….” Grumbling that deeply inside of your throat, you knocked your head from side to side and was ardently reminded of the suffering that followed suit as you cried out, grasping a handful of his fur tight between his fingers. “Did th… the… clan….”
Noa laughed at that, trying to keep himself steady for you at the sick and twisted irony that you were more worried about the Clan than even yourself. “We… are all safe… all… In the woods. I have… Soona, Mo-Mother coming to help.”
“Noa…” You crinkled a bit of a soft sob, feeling the prickle of them against your eyes that gave enough lubrication for you to open ever so slightly to look at him through the peaked crusts. How you wished you hadn’t as you cried out again, this one more straggled against him. The light burned at your dirty retinas, the visual of Noa’s tattered shoulder still severely fresh in your mind, “I-I’m so…--- So sorry…” “Stupid Echo to apologize.” You whimpered at that. Some attempt at a laugh it was, it was pitiful in all descriptions of the word and tapered into a dull sounding whine. “Sounds li-like Anaya… Not Noa.”
“Well, Anaya stupid too…” Noa uttered and began tracing your bottom lip with his thumb. Slowly, back and forth and it was a bid to get you to at least smile at him rather than staying solemn of emotion as if you were unable to differentiate that in your mind. “Got hit over the head… He… is okay,” Noa knew you were going to ask that, guilt already laden in your stance against him as you were trying to pull yourself up from the tinkering of your injuries. Soon, Noa’s hold on you told him, Dar and Soona would be here soon to look you over to make sure you were alright… “You… are okay? I thought you… were gone… I could not… feel you with me anymore…” Parting your lips felt energy wasting as you did just that, your lips ghosting over a few words. You wanted to confirm to him that you were essentially dead. That you wanted to be if it meant that he was safe, the cough that split from you was nothing short of ghastly as blood poured itself onto your chin, Noa looking at the darkened color with innate fear and desperation to protect you as his fingers wiped it off and smeared you like you were wearing the more delicate casing of paint. “Should not speak… Should not… move… Hurt… Don’t know how ba… badly…” “You---” There was a pause as Noa admired your fluttering eyelashes, bringing his mouth down to trickle right against him and that… Garnered him something, finally… A smile and a chrotle from the back of your throat at the feeling as you were reaching to the highest Heavens now to get your senses back. “N-need to know before I go…” “Don’t say that.” Noa was firm and kissed your lids slowly before dragging his face down to hover parallel to yours. “Please… Soona… Mother…”
“I’m sor…sorry for everything.” Coughing again, you were fast to bring your entire body upwards as a reaction to the shooting pain that was lining along your ribcage. Noa moved with you as one, grasping at your back and keeping you sitting up. “No… Where I’d rather be than wit… with you… Right now.” “Stay with me…” “I’m so tired, though…” Noa slid the hand from your back to hold the back of your neck so he was able to stay face to face with you as you leaned against his good shoulder, taking in the delicious way that your body so willingly conformed against his own. “I ha… had dreams… earlier…”
Noa felt his jaw twitch watching in wasteful sorrow as your mouth fell ajar, breathing slowly and softly for him. “Tell me… Everything…”
“About us,” Blood was seeping from your mouth, Noa swallowing hard as with each word, a bit more came down and coated at your throat. “Y… think we cou… Could have… made it?”
“Always.” The Ape was so self-assured with that as he drew his mouth against yours, barely grazing, barely indented but it was there and your lips responded every so flatteringly to the motion. As quick as he was there, Noa was pulling away with your blood against his lips. “I need… you to stay with me here… Please…” He whimpered.
“Y.. know… I never… Felt romantic love…”
Cracking the smallest of smiles that were thrusted with nothing more than bloodied intentions garnered in the heat of saving someone you loved, you laughed bitterly. “You… made me re… really see it… Feel…” The fingers that you had in his fur carded themselves once more as if you were savoring the feeling for the last time, “Noa… I can… Can’t thank you enough fo…”
“Please.” “Say it to me… Please…”
Noa snarled at you, not intentionally but out of slacked self control. “Not until you come back to me completely…” “Yo… you stubborn Ape.” Laughing again hurt as you drew your body into his own, your chest collapsing against Noa’s scorned fur there. 
“Yo… You know how I feel.” Noa was quiet as you tucked your face into his neck and sniffled lightly. “You ar… Were meant to be mine, you cannot leave… me like this…”
“You kn-know how… I feel…” Your voice was muffled against his thickened fur as you squeezed your eyes shut at the feeling of pressure inside of your chest. “Mated…” “Always.” “Yo-You would take me as a Human?”
“Human?” Noa asked and shook his head adamantly at your choice of words. “You are my Echo… and I will take you… Part of my Clan, part of me…” Looking up, he caught eyes with Soona and Dar who were now just coming up the embankment and captivated a look of approval at their arrival. “I will be with you… You need to stay with me…”
@ohwaitimthewriter @hera-annwn @saturnnie-03 @filliandkili @hadesbabygurl @supergoat12 @moonchild1433
@kaenalsha  @unsteady-bitch  @whamsworld
@yummyfanta @nuhteyam @babylockley @edynmeyer1  @callsignwidow  @moonlightnyx @undecidedcookie
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Hey I was wondering if you could do another os yn mikaelson Hope baby sister we’re when Hope has to go to school like something happen and yn appears magical in Alaric office and scream like a little girl that scared yn and macke her cry the super scuad hires and go to se what happened and Hope sea her baby sister
The Best Big Sister
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Flufftober, October 7th
Baby female Mikaelson reader x Hope Mikaelson
Warnings: none
a/n: I cant tell you how much I love writing big sister hope
You crawl around the house, you've been crawling for what seems like forever, and still no sign of your big sister. Where is she?
Your Mama and Dada seem perfectly fine and they don't seem to be worrying about where Hope is. But you are, and you want to make sure she's okay and she's not gone forever and you want her. You feel lonely. You have your parents and then your uncles and aunts, but it doesn't compare to your big sister.
You slump back down onto the ground, your back leaning against one of the walls in Hope's bedroom.
As you think of Hope and how much you want her, a tingly feeling goes throughout your entire body. One second you're on the ground of your sister's room, and the next you're sitting in a small office room. It kind of looks like Uncle Elijah's study.
You hear a scream from across the room, only to see a grown man that you have never seen before.
"Holy shit!" Alaric explains, jumping up from his office chair, and walks towards you.
Hearing the unknown man's loud voice makes your face freeze up before big tears start falling down your cheeks. Not long after, your silent tears turn into wailing.
Alaric's face pales, not knowing what to do. Sure he's had twin girls that he raised, but he doesn't know what to do with a baby that just magically appeared in his office.
Before he knows it, five teens fill the office in alert. That is until they see who's making the noise and that the headmaster is doing nothing about it.
"Why do you have a baby?" Kaleb asks, breaking the silence. "Well, she just appeared and when I sort of yelled, she burst out crying.
Hope makes her way to the front of the small crowd and recognizes you instantly. "Oh my god, y/n, how are you here?" Hope says quietly and kneels in front of you.
Your wailing comes to a halt upon hearing your sister's voice. She picks you up into her arms and cradles you against her chest before standing back up. She turns to face the others who have confused looks on their faces.
"How exactly do you know a baby?" Lizzie asks, wanting to know straight away.
"She's my sister, I'm pretty sure it would be weird if I didn't know my baby sister" Hope answers her with a raised eyebrow. "You have a sister?!" Lizzie exclaims.
"I thought you knew?" Hope turns to Josie to confirm it. Josie was the one who had found out when she walked into Hope's room while she was on a video chat with Hayley, and you were in your guys' mother's arms.
"She does. I did tell you, Lizzie, that Hope has a little sister" Josie turns to her twin. Hope told her that she was only allowed to tell Lizzie and to make sure that no one else would find out except the two siphoners.
"I thought you were joking about that" Lizzie states, staring at you. You look back at her, making eye contact.
Hope sighs and rolls her eyes, it's ironic how the one in this school who basically knows everything about everyone thought that a crucial fact her sister told her, was a joke.
"Why didn't we get to know any of this?" MG speaks up, referring to Kaleb and himself.
"I'll let you think it out, you'll get there eventually" Hope quips, before walking out of the office, ignoring the protesting calls from Alaric that she can't keep a baby in the school.
Like she'd ever keep her sister here with no one to watch over you 24/7 because she has classes.
When she gets up to her room, she shifts you to her hip and brings out her phone to call your guys' dad. As she dials the number, you nuzzle into the front of her shoulder, rubbing your cheek against the soft fabric of her shirt.
"Hey Dad, by any chance are you missing a cute little baby that goes by the name of y/n?" Hope smirks, noticing Klaus' distressed answer to the call.
"Yes, why?" Klaus answers immediately. "Don't worry anymore, and stop looking. She's with me. She somehow did a spell by accident, im guessing, and wound up in Headmaster Saltzman's office. She's alright and byt the looks of it is about to fall asleep, so I can maybe drive up back to the house and drop her off tomorrow?" Hope asks since she wants to spend a night alone with you, and she secretly has a bin of things for you if you ever happen to have come here anyway.
Klaus agrees after some persuading, and she hangs up. "Time for some big sister and little sister time!" She quietly exclaims and kisses the top of your head.
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starillusion13 · 3 months
Yunho×reader fic,where yn is divorced from mingi,and yunho is also divorced(Both are recently divorced).
Mingi wants yn back,so he calls her to meet in a resto,but there she meets yh who is an old frnd,they greet e/o. Mg gets a Lil jealous....(This was just a beginning in my head)
Can u make it plz(if u hav time)
Never Yours
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Pairing: bff!Yunho x f! reader (husband! Mingi x wife! reader: divorced)
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, bff2l
Warning: Mingi is a toxic husband here, using reader’s feelings, neglecting and ignoring the reader…basically he is a bad guy who doesn’t know how to care for others. Shouting in public, divorce, bestfriends to lovers, confession, fluffy moments. Except for the angst scenes, everything is pretty normal.
W.C: 4.6k Network: @k-vanity
[Please read the note in the end.]
“y/n, this is not working how I wanted.”
How he wanted…
Your husband’s sudden serious tone made you look towards the entrance of your bedroom, knowing all the unspoken words behind that particular sentence. Not working--- nothing works between you two after the marriage. Why didn’t one of you think about this before everything started? It started out as a normal hangout with both of you meeting each other at Yunho’s house and that’s how some common topic sparked a connection between you and Mingi.
Yunho has been your best friend since elementary school and when he found out about your little affection towards his friend, he obviously supported your feelings, of course hiding his own behind the smile.
Still, he warned you about Mingi’s irrational behaviors and his characters that he and other friends find a bit problematic to deal with. But you ignored these comments. Love is blind. You never noticed that Mingi’s attraction towards you was not out of love but a pure obsession. He observed his friend’s subtle glances towards you and your oblivion self not noticing the obvious state of your best friend. And that’s how he took the best opportunity to approach you, to get so near to you that it made Yunho distant even farther from where he was.
Mingi is always a step ahead from his friend and so he successfully blocked Yunho’s perspectives from your eyes. He treated you like a princess in his university days. You three were always seen together but after getting into the relationship with the youngest one, Yunho made himself busy with joining a painting class. You are well aware of his passion for paintings and pouring his emotions into it.
Three years of university love led to the day of marriage.
You still remember the look Yunho gave you when he handed you an invitation card on the day of your wedding. Your confused eyes staring at him earned a chuckle and he patted your head, “come to my wedding……with Mingi.”
“your wedding? All of a sudden?”
He gulped and nodded before turning around and disappearing into the crowd of people spread across the grand hall. Mingi came up beside you, snaking a hand around your waist, following your way of vision, finding no one particular in sight and glancing towards the envelope in your hold.
“What's this, love?”
He noticed your absence of response and pulled you closer to repeat the question when you glanced at him and to your hand, “Yunho’s wedding invitation card.”
He smiled, “oh…he is marrying? So sudden?”
“yeah, I asked him about this but he didn’t say anything.”
He kissed the side of your head, “let’s not think about this. This is our day.”
Yeah, that was the only last day when it felt like yours.
You loved Mingi with all your heart but for him it was all just a game of obsession. To win everything over his friend. Not into marriage for more than a year, he started to show his hidden true self which was all hidden behind his façade of love.
The glints of his unusual behavior were all displayed in front of you since the first day but you never cared to notice them because you loved him. you wanted him as a part of your life. You wanted his love.
You noticed him staying outside the house longer than usual. Him ignoring your texts and calls and blaming you for the roughness in your relationship.
The same remark—the relationship between you both is not working how he wanted. How did he want it? And what about your side? Does he care to listen to you? Simply, No.
He never cared for you. You were a bait for his pride. Getting the most popular girl of the campus and the beautiful girlfriend making him a lucky bastard in his friend’s group was all he wanted. The hurt and lost expression on Yunho’s face was enough to boost his ego. Smirking to himself, he pats his friend’s back, “get a girl, dude. You look so lonely these days. What happened?”
Yunho would glance at his friend and just smile.
 ‘You took away the most precious part of my life.’
It’s been six months that you have parted your ways with Mingi. One might wonder how you got out of his obsession. Lily, the only daughter of the rich business partner, offered a huge deal of money and who is he to ignore the offer. His statement that you both are not working together leads to the divorce between you two. You didn’t question him and never tried to reason to try it in a different way.
You didn’t even cry because all those sleepless nights and hopeless days have not left a single piece of feelings to stay back in yourself. You left his house without turning towards him for the last time. And he didn’t even call you back when you closed the door behind your back.
It was a Saturday afternoon when you were chatting with your school friend when you suddenly got a text from a person whom you didn’t want to keep in touch with but somehow it turned out that it was not the same from his end.
‘Can you meet me today?’
Why? You wanted to ask him. your fingers trembled and tears slid down your cheeks, remembering how he texted you for the first time after he got your number.
‘Hey! It’s nice to meet you.’
You should not have proceeded your friendship from that part. You should have just remained as a passing stranger or a casual friend. 
You stared at the message of him texting you to meet him today. All of a sudden? Why? You don’t know, not even having a hint of the meaning of his text. Before you could dwell on the thought more, your phone started vibrating, indicating you had a call. The same person. Your mind didn’t process what to do further and you swiped the call button to green.
“hello, y/n.”
Why does his voice still have the same effect on you like it had during the university days? Why is he making you regret leaving him? Why do you still care for him? why?
Why can’t you forget him?
“Are you free today?” His voice was low and he was patiently speaking to you as if there was no hurry like the other days when he didn’t have a bit of a time to look at you for a second.
“can you please meet me today at your favorite restaurant?”
“but we are no longer like before. Don’t forget you gave up on me.” you pressed your lips tight and prevented yourself from crying into the call. You couldn’t let him know about your weakness. You don’t want to feel stupid, the way you were stupid in love with him. even though you wanted to say so many things to him yet you decided to stay silent, hearing him calling your name when your tears were flowing down your cheeks.
“please…we should talk about everything. You didn’t utter a word when you left me.”
I left him? And he did nothing? It was not his fault? He is not guilty for anything. So he is blaming you for all these?
“There's nothing to talk about. we are done.”
“please. I want to say sorry.” He quickly murmured his apology when you denied to meet him.
After a few more requests, you agreed to meet him in the evening. When you agreed to meet him, he quickly cut the call. As expected from him. Why did you agree to meet him? Are you out of your mind? What will you do? What will you say after meeting him? you don’t know but still you want to clear your mind off and there’s so much to confront him.
Back of your head hit the mattress and your blank eyes staring at the ceiling, when the thought of your best friend came across your mind. After both of your marriages, you never contacted him because he changed his contact details, isn't active on social media and also moved to a different country with his wife. Mingi doesn’t like you to have contact with any other boy and so you didn’t want to try to contact him.
The last shared moment between you both was—
“Congratulations, Yunho. I wish you a great and happy life ahead.”
He smiled and rested his palm over your cheek, thumb caressed the skin and his eyes following how your eyes were sparkling and you were smiling brightly at him. you were glowing in front of him.
“I hope you are happy, y/n.”
no other shiny thing could compare your radiance and he knew one thing.
Mingi is really a lucky bastard. He always gets everything whatever he wanted before him.
How is Yunho doing out there? He must be very happy with his wife. It’s been two years since you have last seen him, talked to him.
A simple straight peach coloured knee length dress with a little no-makeup look with your hairs resting on your shoulder, you reached the restaurant.
As soon as you entered the glass doors, you looked around to find the familiar face which you swore once to never come across again but here you are searching for him again. You stopped in your tracks when you found him sitting at the table near the wide window. You took a step back when you found him smiling with someone on the call and you thought to turn around and return back home.
But your trance broke when someone held your forearm and whispered your name, “y/n…”
You quickly glanced to your side, eyes going wide when you noticed who the person was.
“Yunho… is this real?”
He nodded and left your hand when he noticed the table at the far end where you were looking at previously. But to his surprise, you hugged him and pressed your face against his chest, “ I missed you, Yunho. Where were you all these years?”
Hesitatingly, he raised his hand to pat your head. The warmth of your body against him, the tears staining his shirt and your fist clutching him. the main reason for your tears was meeting him after years or you were overwhelmed with Mingi’s apology?
Actually you wanted an embrace in which you could cry. And you chose to let your heart out to Yunho in spite of Mingi. He caressed your hair, few people glanced in your direction but neither you nor Yunho cared about it. He was desperate to know everything from you, he could feel that you were crying not only because of him but there’s something more you were hiding. He knows you too well, more than yourself.
When his eyes again went to that table, he saw the raging eyes glaring back at him. Mingi was not happy with the moment you both were sharing. As if you would love the moment with him. He stood straight from his chair, keeping his eyes fixed on you and started walking towards you.
Yunho averted his eyes from his friend and looked down at you, stroking your hair, he whispered, “y/n, Mingi is here. He doesn’t like us to meet like this.”
You shook your head in his embrace, refusing to part from him when he tried to pull you back. He was confused yet deep down he wanted to hold you close like this the whole day. Whatever he wants with you is always achieved by his friend and it makes him feel jealous to say less. He wants to steal you from him. even if it’s possible. What about you? Would you like to accept him the way he wants you?
“Yunho, long time no see. How come you are here in this country? Vacation?”
Mingi’s voice bloomed in the light chatter of the people surrounding you. As a reactive action, you pulled apart from Yunho and stayed beside him, looking down and collecting your composure.
Yunho forced a little smile and nodded, “yeah. I’m on a vacation, just to spend time in my home country for a while and then go back.” You could hear a hidden hurt in his voice, you both have spent so much time to notice this even after so many years.
“Where is your wife? I don’t think she would like to see you here being so close to another woman.” Mingi had a mockery in his tone. He never leaves a chance to make Yunho realize that you are not his and never would be.
Yunho cleared his throat and replied, “we are divorced.”
“divorced?” your soft voice made him look at you and he smiled before patting your head. His usual activity whenever something problematic is going on in your life or his and he would pat your head as a sign not to worry about it. He would be fine and could handle it on his own. “What happened, Yunho?”
Mingi chuckled irritatedly. You mentally scoffed at the audacity of him laughing at the situation.
“don’t worry about him, y/n. I suppose he will get another one.”
“Shut up, Mingi. Don’t think everyone is like you. I wonder how you both are friends when he is so unlike you.”
“no, Yunho. Let me speak. I have had enough. Enough of him.” you raised your voice making the oldest quiet and confused while the youngest one had a wide smirk on his face. He was enjoying the scene you were creating in front of all the people in the restaurant. You could feel the stares and low whispers all around but you were on your spot and wouldn’t let this chance slip to make him realize, “stop your games here, Mingi. Nothing is serious to you in this life. You seem to believe everyone and everything to be working according to you. No, it’s not. You are wrong here.”
“and what makes my wife believe that this is wrong?” Mingi folded his hands and titled his head when he chuckled, clearly amused by your act.
You hissed and grabbed the collar of his black shirt and glared, “I am not your wife anymore. Don’t forget that you and I are not related anymore. And I regret the fact that I even have to associate myself to you as your ex-wife. I regret everything. I regret my six years because of being with you. You destroyed my life, Mingi.”
Ex-wife…you are divorced. This news was shocking to Yunho and the way he was looking at you didn’t go unnoticed by Mingi. He clenched his jaw when he felt that he still has that adoration and love in his eyes for you. Tears were flowing down your eyes and you cared less for your appearance because you wanted to care for your heart which was lost in an endless feeling of hurt.
“Because of you, I did everything that you have told me. I have loved you so much that I distanced myself from everyone because you never liked others to be around me. I was blind to notice that you wanted me as your puppet and all you wanted to show off to others. You have used me in every step of your life, in the end, you blamed me that our relationship is not working because of me. It's because it's not working how you wanted. And what about me? Have you ever thought about what I even wanted? Why did you make me dream of things which you will never be part of? Why Mingi why?”
You were shouting at this point and Mingi was losing his temper hearing your words. Each word slipping out your mouth was irritating him. He himself knew that you were not his love but his obsession. A game to win. To win over Yunho.
“what the fuck are you saying, y/n? be in your limits.”
“I won’t.”
 A loud sound echoed in the area. You slapped him. the thing which you would have done long ago. You don’t know from where you got the sudden courage today but you were proud of yourself to not hesitate to let it all out. You needed this and now a little relief settled inside you.
But the thing you didn’t expect is an arm wrapping around your shoulders and a pair of lips touching the side of your head with a whisper, “My good girl.” Looking towards the owner, you realized Yunho was smiling at you but before you could say anything he looked back at Mingi and glared.
“I suppose this hurts your ego and image so if you still want to insult yourself you can stay here. But I won’t let her be here anymore, especially with you. I don’t know what exactly happened between you two but I know for her happiness and to see her smile, I can do anything.” Yunho pointed a finger at his friend, “and I won’t ever let a single drop of tears fall from her eyes. And the things you did to her, I will make you regret it.”
“She is not yours.” Mingi rubbed his cheek and brushed his shirt. Mingi smirked when he saw the fuming rage of Yunho hearing his statement but Yunho chuckled, making you both confused.
“and you couldn’t keep her as yours.”
When the youngest extended his hand to grab your bicep, Yunho grabbed his wrist and clenched his jaw, “don’t even fucking touch her. Get lost from here.” He breathed heavily and continued, “I don’t fucking care where you want to go but we are leaving this place right now.”
“Keep quiet, y/n. we are leaving unless you want to repeat the mistake again.” He has never spoken to you in such a low and demanding way. He waited for your move to see if you refused to go away from him but you squeezed his hand tight and nodded, which as a signal to him, he smirked at Mingi.
He took your hand in his and turned around but as soon as he stepped outside the glass doors, he pointed at a particular car and told you to go there and he would be coming in two minutes. The hesitation of being left alone was well aware to him and he himself didn’t want to leave you but he had to go inside for once. Eventually you stepped towards the car and his eyes followed until you stood beside it and looked at him. He gave you a smile and went inside the doors again, he met Mingi on the way and stopped him.
“why the hell are you here?” Mingi asked in a frustrated way.
Yunho chuckled and patted his shoulder, “just to let you know one final thing. Even if you tried to win her over me. she was never yours. She was always mine to start with and I got her back from you.” Giving a final smile, he went back to his car.
As soon as he reached near it, he saw you petting a cat and wiping your tears.
“y/n…let’s go somewhere.”
You stood up straight and furrowed your brows, “where? I don’t want to be a bother.”
“y/n, have I ever told you that you are a bother to me? ever in this whole life since the day we first met in our childhood.” He smiled softly and cupped your cheeks. You shook your head and smiled when he planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
It took almost thirty minutes to arrive at the cliff. Both of your favorite places and the place where you could relive your memories. You were lost in your thoughts until he opened the door for you and extended his hand with a smile on his face.
Standing at the edge of the cliff, you let the fresh cold air caress your face with closed eyes. Yunho was enjoying the city view from where he was leaning against his car and his way of vision stopped at you, a smile automatically spread across his face. He admires you a lot…hell…he loves you a lot.
“How is life, Yunho? Is it different from how you thought?” you asked him and turned towards him, mimicking his posture against the car.
He bit his lips and looked up at the sky, “I don’t know. I felt like I was lost when you got married.” He looked towards you and smiled, “I felt I am nothing without you.”
You laughed at him, if it were other times, you would have teased him for these lines but somehow neither of you were joking right now and you both were well aware of this. You are lost without him too.
“Me too.” You breathed out.
He furrowed his brow, “what do you mean?”
You took his hand and stared at it. The size difference between you both always makes you smile and it still has the same effect on you, “I have not seen you for years and today I feel like I got myself back again. Thank you.”
“what happened between you and him?” he was hesitant to ask but still as your best friend, he felt like asking you, to know what made you two separate…for good. At Least he was glad that you got to know about his real intentions maybe.
“Have you ever fallen in love?” your sudden question perked his ear up and he inhaled when your innocent childish face flashed in front of his eyes…the first time he saw you in the school courtyard. He nodded, “yes.”
“did you feel like you got everything you wanted?”
I got you but you never were mine.
“Maybe…” he wanted to say more than a word but your questions were puzzling his mind and not getting the answers he wanted. “But why are you asking me this?”
“coz Yunho…I felt like I was in paradise when I fell in love with Mingi. I had everything and I was happy…but I didn’t realize it was all just an illusion to trap me in his game. I was blind for him. I ignored you for him. I gave up everything for him. I couldn’t differentiate between right and wrong. I was lost in a void of lie. I-“
He pulled you in front of him and hugged you tight, pressing a long kiss on top of your head, “I know, y/n…it’s okay. You are here with me. We are here together. He can’t separate us again.”
“he was everything to me…but I was never his.”
“but you are always mine. Sorry if I’m late.” His arms around you tightened and your hold faltered. Mine?
You looked up and he was smiling but still you could see tears, “why are you crying, Yunho? Aren’t you my strong boy?” you wiped his tears. You haven’t seen him so weak in front of you. In childhood days, he had cried to you so many times but as you both grew up, he became a tougher and stronger guy, hiding his emotions behind his smile and always distracting you from all the negativity by his goofy side.
“I love you, y/n. I love you so much. Fuck…whenever you are with me, I feel like to keep you away from everyone. Today, after all these years, I realized how much I love you even more than I could realize. I think about you everyday. I have loved you everyday and I don’t why you are the only one who can make me feel like this.”
You cupped his cheek and he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth of your palm, “I married her to get over the fact that I was deeply in love with you. Seeing you in the bridal look made me realize that you won’t be ever mine. I have lost you. You were standing there in the most mesmerizing look with a hope in your sparkling eyes for him…not for me.”
He opened his eyes to meet your starry eyes under the night sky, “you could have said to me earlier.”
“but I was never yours.”
“And I was never his. I was just an obsession.” Tears fell from your eyes.
He leaned down, his lips ghosting over yours, “but you are my dream. Everyday I felt like to fall asleep forever just to see you for once where you are mine.”
“kiss me, Yunho. Don’t wait any more, you have already wasted these years. Before you lose me forever, make me yours. Make me feel like how it is to be someone’s dream.” You smiled before he pulled you in a kiss.
A kiss for which he waited from the day he tried to confess to you.
So this is how it’s like to be yours, y/n.
The slow rhythm of lips, the desire in each other’s embrace, the warmth of love, the admiration in their eyes and moreover the love they can feel in the kiss. The cold air surrounding the warm embrace they were sharing under the dark night with twinkling stars like the twinkling hope for each other.
Parting from the kiss, he pecked your lips and planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I don’t want to lose you ever. From now on, wherever you go, I go.”
“I love you, Yunho. I should have realized this back then when I had a crush on you but I always thought that you were interested in other girls and I was just a best friend. I was so shocked that you never told me about your lover but suddenly handed me your wedding invitation.”
“I never loved her.”
“So you only married her to forget me. Using her?” You stared at his brown orbs and glanced how his brown hair was blowing in the wind.
He shook his head, “no. She knew it already. She even stayed up late at night when I couldn’t fall asleep. She was a good person and I helped her to run away with her lover. It was all planned to settle in a different country.”
“Thank you, Yunho. You still remained as a good person, a person I fell in love with. I don’t want to lose you too. You are perfect, Yunho and this hurts me.”
“You are my perfect dream.”
“But I exist in reality.” You chuckled lightly and he laughed heartily before pulling you to his chest.
You tightened your grip around his body when he hummed and resteda his chin on top of your head, “tell me I am not dreaming like always and you are finally mine. I am yours and he didn’t snatch you away from me.”
You kissed his chest, “even if this is a dream. Let’s not wake up together. Let’s be like this forever and dream of each other like this. You are mine and I’m yours, Yunho.”
“I always felt like I was never yours but now I feel like to be with you for eternity. Let’s run away.”
You smiled and closed your eyes in his embrace, “together.”
[Anon <3 I hope this is okay with you. I feel so emotional whenever I write for Yunho. I should declare officially that he is my bias. Anyways he is MY MAN 🎀]
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Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated. Spread love not hate. So basically I guess you have come across my recent posts regarding me abandoning all my smut fics and drafts coz of an issue. But yeah! There’s a thing I can do, I can omit the smut parts and post the fics. How about it? Would you guys still read it?
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn @meowmeeps @vtyb23 @haechansbbg
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runawaysiren940 · 26 days
Here's the full script for the most recent video, minus where I ad libbed:
Dr. Moumita Debnath, a 31 year old doctor trainee, was found dead on August 9th, 2024. After taking a break half-way through a 36 hour shift, her corpse was found on a blood stained mattress. Her body bore the wounds of torture, from the wounds to her eyes, her pelvis, genitals, arms and legs. As noted in The Publica’s report, “The post-mortem report also noted that over 150 mg of semen was recovered from the doctor’s body, indicating that up to 30 men could have been involved in the violation of Debath’s body. The normal volume of semen produced by a male upon ejaculation typically varies from 1.5 to 5.0 mg, according to the online medical encyclopedia MedlinePlus” (Biase). Her family was told that she died via suicide, though her wounds made it obvious that this was not the case; however, this claim allowed the principal of the school to avoid filing a police report. The attempts to hide the crime did not succeed, and have resulted in protests across India and the medical industry, both in response to the lack of protections for medical staff, and because of the attempt to hide the crime. 
In the aftermath, searches for footage of Debnath’s gang rape have trended, as “According to Google Trends, queries such as “Moumita Debnath porn” and “Dr. Moumita Debnath video” have experienced surges across India, with “Moumita Debnath rap[e] video” experiencing a 110% increase in searches. As of the time of this writing, of all the queries associated with her name, “Moumita Debnath photo video” is the 5th most searched in India, while “Moumita Debath last video” is the 12th most searched overall” (Biase).
This isn’t the only horrific case of gang rape, torture, or extreme violence against women. In fact, back in 2023, Vidya Krishnan wrote an opinion piece published in the New York times on the topic titled, “In India’s Gang Rape Culture, All Women Are Victims”, where she writes: 
It is the specific horror of gang rape that weighs most heavily on Indian women that I know. You may have heard of the many gruesome cases of women being gang-raped, disemboweled and left for dead. When an incident rises to national attention, the kettle of outrage boils over, and women sometimes stage protests, but it passes quickly. All Indian women are victims, each one traumatized, angry, betrayed, exhausted. Many of us think about gang rape more than we care to admit.
In 2011 a woman was raped every 20 minutes in India, according to government data. The pace quickened to about every 16 minutes by 2021, when more than 31,000 rapes were reported, a 20 percent increase from the previous year. In 2021, 2,200 gang rapes were reported to authorities.
But those grotesque numbers tell only part of the story: 77 percent of Indian women who have experienced physical or sexual violence never tell anyone, according to one study. Prosecutions are rare.
Indian men may face persecution because they are Muslims, Dalits (untouchables) or ethnic minorities or for daring to challenge the corrupt powers that be. Indian women suffer because they are women. Soldiers need to believe that war won’t kill them, that only bad luck will; Indian women need to believe the same about rape, to trust that we will come back to the barracks safe each night, to be able to function at all. (Krishnan)
Just from recent memory, I can recall several other horrifying cases. 
In a rare case of justice, in May 2024, a pair of brothers were sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a 12 year old girl. To hide the crime, they then burned her alive in a coal furnace. (The Hindu Bureau)
In 2012, 22 year old Jyoti Singh was “beaten, gang-raped, and tortured in a private bus in which she was travelling with her male friend, Avnindra Pratap Pandey. There were six others in the bus, including the driver, all of whom raped the woman and beat her friend.” She later succumbed to her wombs, while her friend supposedly committed suicide. (Khan)
Many rape cases end with the woman dead. It is horrifying to me, from across the globe, to know that women live under constant threat of sexual assault, and while all assaults are horrific, the cases which break into the international news sphere from India are especially cruel and disturbing. It is the culmination of a deeply traditional and patriarchal society, wherein the devaluation of women is compounded with caste and religious issues, along with the rise of pornography. Porn is the instruction, and rape is the practice; though clearly, there was no need for instruction. 
Famous cases include:
The Suryanelli rape case, where in 1996, a sixteen year old was lured with a marriage promise, kidnapped, and was raped by 37 men during her forty day captivity. Although initially 35 of 39 accused were found guilty, in 2005, all 35 convicted were acquitted of charges. 
The Pararia mass rape, where in 1988, at least 14 women were gang raped by the police force, and had their homes looted after they protested against being removed to make way for a damn being built. “India Today reported Sinha's concluding statements were: "It cannot be ruled out that these ladies might speak falsehood to get a sum of Rs 1,000, which was a huge sum for them." (Bonner)
In many caste altercations, women are targeted because to rape a woman is not done just to her, but is meant to be an insult to the community and the community’s honor. In an environment where religious and social conflict occurs, women are especially vulnerable as targets of sexual violence. 
However, what the internet has provided is an avenue to share the debasement and horror of gang rape with other men. It prolongs the suffering and harm to the victim and her family; but also serves as a warning to other women, and as an enticement to other men. Come, they say. Look at what we did. See how we were despicable and got away with it? You can too. 
A 28 year old tourist and her husband were robbed, then man beaten, and the woman, raped by seven men in March of 2024. Since they have taken down the video detailing the event from their social media, I will not show that here, or go deeply into detail. However, in the reactions to the incident, one can note a pattern of behavior, not just from Indian men, but also women. 
The BBC reported: 
“The chief of India's National Commission for Women, Rekha Sharma, also sparked criticism after she responded to a post from a US journalist who wrote that while India was one of his favourite places, "the level of sexual aggression" he witnessed while living in the country was "unlike anywhere else I have ever been". He also gave a couple of examples of sexual assault faced by women he knew.
"Did you ever report the incident to police?" Ms Sharma wrote. "If not then you are totally an irresponsible person. Writing only on social media and defaming whole country is not good choice."” (Sebastian)
Victim blaming is constant, and serves as a deterrent from seeking help, reporting incidents, or enacting change. In the aftermath of the 2019 gang rape and murder of 27 year old Priyanka Reddy, Indian filmmaker Daniel Shravan ranted on social media that  “The government should encourage and legalize rape without violence,” and, “Girls above 18 should be educated on rapes and not deny the sexual desires of men.” He also went on to say that, “Rapists are not finding a way to get their bodily sexual desires [met],” which is compelling them to kill.” (“After a Woman in India was Raped and Murdered, Her Name Trended on Porn Sites”). Because assault and violence against women is so common in India, it makes sense that victim blaming, from both sexes remains so strong, as “according to Inside Southern, the reason for victim blaming is: “People may blame a victim in order to remove themselves from an unpleasant event and therefore confirm their own invulnerability to the risk. Others may perceive the victim as different from themselves if they label or accuse the victim. People console themselves by saying, “Because I’m not like her, and I don’t do that, this would never happen to me.”” (Ram).  In other words, it a pacifier, a way to manage the dread that comes with realizing the ubiquitousness and unpredictability of sexual assault. If there is something you can do to avoid being assaulted, then it must be her fault. And you must be safe, because you don’t make those choices. 
That men make up a large contingent of the judges and lawmakers that in turn pass the laws which allow rapists to walk free iillustrates the universal truth that Anna Maria Mozzoni, a popular Italian feminist theorist, wrote about in 1895, “You will find that the priest who damns you is a man; that the legislator who oppresses you is a man, that the husband who reduces you to an object is a man; that the libertine [anarchist] who harasses you is a man; that the capitalist who enriches himself with your ill- paid work and the speculator who calmly pockets the price of your body, are men.”
It’s easy to forget when the violence is not happening in front of you, when you can excuse it, or look away, or claim that there are forces at play that you don’t understand. It’s easy to say that the problem is with a people or a religion- 
But the truth is that woman hating is universal. A passing interest in anthropology will only show the manifestations of this hatred in creative ways throughout space and time.
Works Cited
“After a Woman in India was Raped and Murdered, Her Name Trended on Porn Sites.” Fight The New Drug, December 2019, https://fightthenewdrug.org/woman-in-india-raped-and-murdered-her-name-trended-on-porn/. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Biase, Natasha. “Name Of Female Doctor Who Was Gang Raped And Murdered In Indian Hospital Appears On Porn Sites As Men Seek Out Footage Of The Assault.” The Publica, 19 August 2024, https://www.thepublica.com/female-doctor-who-was-gang-raped-and-murdered-in-indian-hospital-appears-on-porn-sites-as-indian-men-search-for-footage-of-crime/. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Bonner, Arthur. “Pararia mass rape (1988).” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pararia_mass_rape_(1988). Accessed 21 August 2024.
The Hindu Bureau. “Two get death for raping, burning alive minor girl in Bhilwara.” The Hindu, 20 May 2024, https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/rajasthan/two-sentenced-to-death-by-pocso-court-in-rajasthan-court-for-raping-burning-alive-minor-girl/article68195867.ece. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Khan, Aamir. “2012 Delhi gang rape and murder.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Krishnan, Vidya. “Opinion | In India's Gang Rape Culture, All Women Are Victims (Published 2023).” The New York Times, 2 June 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/02/opinion/india-women-rape.html. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Ram, Anjali. “Never Ending Tales Of Victim Blaming And Shaming.” Feminism in India, 12 December 2022, https://feminisminindia.com/2022/12/12/never-ending-tales-of-victim-blaming-and-shaming/. Accessed 21 August 2024.
Sebastian, Meryl. “Outrage over Brazilian tourist's gang rape in India.” BBC, 3 March 2024, https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68444993. Accessed 21 August 2024.
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taro-pdf · 2 months
Humans are Space Oddities: Humanity, Diplomacy, and Disability in Space
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“Has the translator arrived yet?” 
“Yes Ser, she’s sanitizing her clothing and then will go straight to the docking bay.”
“Good, make sure she’s on time. Ser Hei is here in three hours, and we can’t have anything going wrong.” The captain paced up and down the command room of the Yenna. The space fae, Hei, was coming for a diplomatic discussion about setting up a trade route through xir solar system. If this talk didn’t go well, their ship may very well not make it back. 
Three hours later, exactly on time, the dock bay doors opened with a hiss, and a short humanoid figure with brown skin and wild, weightless locs walked through. So this was Hei. Xir reputation preceded xir, and there was not another being so powerful within 1,000 light years. The captain hurriedly stepped forward, only to fall back as xi bared xir teeth towards them, then spoke in a foreign language.
“Uh,” they looked confusedly at the translator. Though translators would work in Hei’s tongue, xi preferred to hear xir own language, and who were they to deny xir?
“I don’t take kindly to your advances. I brought my beings, and will not have you within two meters of them,” she supplied. Behind Hei, a tall being ducked under the door, glowing faintly—a light alien. Holding to xir robe entered a female human with loose brown hair, wearing human attire: a T-shirt and shorts.
“Greetings Mg. Captain,” said the light alien. Then to Hei, “what a nice ship this is.” Hei smiled warmly, then dropped xir expression as xi turned toward the captain again.
“Guang and Fern will be exploring your ship as we talk.”
“Of course, Ser Hei, they will not be bothered. Now, shall we move to the conference room?”
While Hei went to discuss politics, the tall being and human went sightseeing. Guang reached out a hand to brush dust off the top of a parked ship. It preferred to keep things tidy, but few were tall enough to see the dust that it could. When it looked down, Fern was gone.
Kell was a human technician aboard the Yenna, a spacecraft specialized in human recreational transport. They knew most of the crew on board, and this one wasn’t one of them. She was obviously distressed, pacing up and down the narrow corridor and wringing her hands. 
Kell opened their watch to link their translator to the hers, but no connection appeared. Looking again, she wasn’t wearing any watch. Since Kell was deaf, they only signed. While they could read and write UIPL, it wouldn’t help if the human had nothing to read it on. But the person needed help now, so Kell decided to try ASL.
Hello, I’m K-E-L-L, Kell, they signed slowly. You, they pointed at her, OK? They connected their pointer and thumb in the universal non-ASLsymbol. Or the french chef hand sign among some groups of humans.
She was not facing them head on, but she apparently caught what they said. She started to hit her hands together, one in a thumbs up and one flat in a repeating: Help! 
Ok! Don’t worry, I’ll help you. Kell reached out to calm her frantic signing, but she flinched away.
As they drew back, vibrations distracted them; something large was approaching. They braced themselves and turned toward the corner, from which a dim light was gradually growing. The being that appeared was talking. Its words scrolled across Kell’s glasses in a live transcription.
“Fern, thank goodness!” The tension left Guang’s body as it saw her, but she didn’t stop signing help. “It will be ok. This will pass and we will rest and go back home.” 
Turning to Kell, it asked, “do you have a room where the lights can be a dim purple? With a speaker for music? I’m her guardian, Guang, it/its, light alien.”
Thankfully, this alien had a watch.
Kell, they/them, human. I don’t speak, so I’ll text. I can take you somewhere, Kell texted back.
“Alright, one moment.” Guang turned to the human, speaking to her in a low voice but never touching her. Then to Kell it said, “let’s go slowly.”
Kell led the tall alien, and it in turn led the human, who held onto its robe. Once safely in the room, Guang adjusted the lighting and thanked Kell for their assistance. It asked for their contact code, which Kell gave. Though they hoped that it was not going to report them for making the human cry. It didn’t seem the type, but Kell hadn’t seen its species before, so couldn’t read its body language. Guang thanked them for their help once more and closed the door.
The captain sank into their chair. The talk went fine—no one died, thank god—but afterwards… they lost about ten years of their lifespan in stress.
It started with Hei suddenly standing in the middle of a sentence, eyes looking through the left wall, hands clenched. The gravity in the room doubled with the weight of xir emotion.
“Ser Hei, what may I do for you?” the captain gasped out, glancing between Hei and the wall.
“I’ll be leaving in two hours. Prepare my ship.” Hei swept out of the room, not waiting for an answer.
“Of course, Ser,” they inhaled deeply, able to breath again. They ordered the preparations be made and hurried to the control room to see where Hei had gone and what needed to be done in order to avoid damages. 
To their surprise, camera footage showed Hei sitting in a dimly lit room, mouth moving in quiet song. Besides xir sat xir partner, the light alien, and in between them, rocking back and forth, their human. After two hours, her rocking slowed and the trio stood. Hei cloaked them in darkness as they walked back towards the docking bay.
The captain and interpreter were there when Hei arrived. Briefly stepping out of the shadows, Hei addressed them.
“Your request is not granted. We will be keeping our solar system quiet. Travel may pass within five light years of my sun, but any closer and you shall not be seeing that ship again.” 
The captain flinched at the electricity that crackled in the air. What was it that bothered Hei so? What happened with the human? Why was Hei sparing them if they did something wrong? They didn’t risk asking, and the fae, light alien, and human left without another word.
Working on a panel of wires, Kell clicked their tongue to the rhythm of their music’s vibrations. It was rare to come across another disabled human in space, and even rarer that that human had real support. How lucky Fern was, and how excited Kell was for the invitation that Guang had promised to send to them. A human who they could connect with, and a chance to visit the planet of a space fae? Few could say they’ve had the honor.
For your information:
Mg. is short for Mage, and is a gender neutral title for Mister or Miss. Idea courtesy of @apolloendymion (link). Ser is a gender neutral title for Sir or Miss.
As for language, unless otherwise specialized, communication is in the Universal Interplanetary Language (UIPL), the language of trade and international politics. 
Hei uses it/its (UIPL) and xi/xir (birth tounge) pronouns. It prefers it's birth tounge and beings often default to what it wants, which is why the captain uses xi/xir pronouns even when speaking UIPL.
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onequeerhuman · 3 months
Ah, the opportunities (and the tension) Pt.1
larissa weems x oc!reader, fluff with tension
light descriptions of body
no major warnings
1.7k words
"Ah, Professor," she says softly, beckoning you to come closer, gesturing to one of the chairs. "What can I do for you today?"
« Good afternoon, Principal weems…. i was hoping we could have that meeting you booked for tomorrow today/right now, if possible? » you say, standing near the door to her office.
She glances down at her calendar, raising a brow as a small smile stretches across her face, nodding in response as she sets down the pen in her hand. “Ah, of course, Professor. Please, have a seat, we can start the meeting right away."
She gestures to one of the chairs on the other side of her desk, her eyes watching you as she waits for you to take a seat, crossing her arms.
« wonderful, thank you. » you smile lightly at her, sitting down carefully and smoothing out your skirt.
She gives you a small nod as she leans back in her chair, her piercing eyes watching you intently as you sit down, studying you for a moment before her red lips curve into a smile once more.
"I trust you've been settling in nicely at Nevermore, Professor? If I may ask, how have your classes been going so far?"
« quite well, i think. the students have been quite engaged so far— and no offence to whoever was maintaining the greenhouse prior to mg arrival, but i’ve managed to revive all of the plants and have properly organized them by species, variant, requirements and aesthetics» You tell her, playing with one of my many necklaces.
A small chuckle leaves her lips as she leans forewords in her seat, resting her chin on her folded hands as she listens intently with genuine interest. She nods in agreement, tapping her long nails against the table.
"Ah, excellent. The greenhouse has sorely needed a good overhaul - I'm glad to hear you're taking care of it. Your talents in botany are highly valued here at Nevermore."
You smile warmly at her praise “why thank you, Ms. weems”
She smiles back at you, her eyes slightly flickering away from you for a moment as she reaches out and grabs a file out of a drawer, sliding it across the table towards you.
"You're welcome, Professor. As for the purpose of this meeting," she takes a deep breath, folding her hands in front of her. "I was hoping we could go over a few things; how you're adjusting to life here, any issues or concerns you may have, and discussing the upcoming Rave'N event."
“of course, yes” you pick up the file, a flicker of a frown passing over your face for a split second though not going unnoticed by the principal before you begin reading the file, which seems to mostly contain information on curriculum, past experience with the botany professors, a few progress report questions, as well as a bit of information on the raven.
She watches you intently as you scan through the information in your file, taking a moment to take note of the flicker of disdain that crossed your features. Yet, she continues on with a small nod as she waits for you to finish reading.
"Of course. As a new faculty member, there are certain expectations and responsibilities that come with the territory." Her voice is smooth and calm, yet laced with discipline. "I would like to hear your thoughts on the curriculum, and if there are any improvements you would like to make to better suit our students' needs."
« mmn, well, as i can see here, most if the past professors has a less.. hands-on approach than i would usually enact in a class setting, especially with the students attending this school…. »
She nods in understanding, her eyes flickering across the page once more.
"Ah, I see. Yes, the previous professors had a more traditional approach to teaching, but I believe a more hands-on approach might be more appealing to our students."
She looks up at you, tilting her head slightly. "What kind of approach would you envision for the coming semester, Professor?"
a light sigh escapes your lips as you think, biting your lip as you look up to the roof for a moment, « well, » you say, « i’d probably adjust the curriculum so in the warmer months i could take the students to participate in a much more involved way, with the colder months being dedicated to the more clinical and dangerous aspect of the work… and although the education on these dangerous plants are quite important, i feel there needs to be an equal amount of focus on the positive, helpful plants for different species and just in general »
The principal's demeanor shifts ever so slightly as your eyes flick to the ceiling, watching as you bite your lip. As you continue to speak, she nods in agreement with your assessment, her eyes watching you intently.
"I see," she says, her voice filled with a faint sense of warmth. “That is an excellent approach, Professor. It's important to give attention to both sides of the spectrum - not just the dangerous plants, but the helpful ones as well. And being able to get out in the warmer months will certainly enrich the students' learning experience."
You nod « yes, i hope so » You respond, adjusting your position on the seat, secretly sitting with crossed legs underneath the large skirt you’re sporting.
Her eyes flicker down for a brief moment, before returning back up to your face. She gives you a small nod of approval, leaning back in her chair once more.
"Excellent. We will definitely take your suggestions into consideration for the upcoming semester." She pauses for a moment, letting out a small chuckle. “I must say, Professor, I'm quite impressed with your dedication to your craft. It's refreshing to see someone so passionate about their work."
« why thank you, ma’am. it’s quite a huge part of my life even outside of teaching, so i feel it’s important to encorperate my joy and wisdom on the subject into every aspect of my work »
She smiles earnestly, nodding in agreement once more. “Of course, Professor. It's always wonderful to see someone so dedicated to their passion. I think our students will appreciate your enthusiasm and expertise."
As she speaks, her eyes flicker over you once more, her slender fingers tapping the table. “You certainly have a lot to offer Nevermore with your botanical knowledge."
smiling back at her, you throw a part of your
hair over your shoulder, « thank you, i certainly hope so»
The principal's eyes widen slightly as she sees your blouse, her eyes trailing over the revealing cut of the top as she lets out a small chuckle. She takes a deep breath, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips.
"And it seems you have impeccable fashion sense as well," she retorts with a smirk, tilting her head to the side as her eyes rake over the top once more.
« hmmn? oh, why thank you ..i quite enjoy the style of the 70s/90s, this happens to be one of my favourite casual tops » you tell her, shrugging.
*The principal's eyes don't leave your body as you speak, her gaze fixated on your chest as her breath hitches for a moment. She clears her throat, sitting up in her chair and crossing one leg over another.*
"I must say, you wear it so well, Professor, especially in comparison to your usual clothing choices."
snorting lightly, your lips curving up in a half smile « thank you, principal, I do love my fashion, but i prefer to remain modest while teaching.. »
The principal nods in agreement,
"Modesty is a virtue, Professor," she remarks, her eyes twinkling with a subtle playfulness. “But I must admit, it's quite lovely to see this side of you - more casual ..and revealing."
smirking at that you chuckle, saying « oh, if you’re thinking *this* is casual, you should see me outside of school sometime, you’d be surprised at my state.. » as you run your tongue over your lips/teeth.
“Oh, is that so, Professor? I must admit, I'm quite intrigued," she purrs, her voice lowered to a seductive whisper. "Perhaps you could give me a private demonstration of this 'state' of yours."
A nearly unnoticeable flush is added to your cheeks at that, but you continue on.. “hmmmn, i certainly wouldn’t be opposed to that.. maybe you’d like to join me tomorrow- i’d had plans to go out into the forest for lunch anyways, and i certainly wouldn’t mind your company” you utter with a light smile, eyes a bit darker than before.
A mischievous smile spreads across the principal's lips, her eyes sparking excitedly at your offer. She leans back in her chair, tapping her fingers against the table once more as she nods eagerly.
"Why, I'd be honored, Professor. A picnic in the forest sounds like a delightful idea. And the chance to experience you outside of work is certainly an intriguing prospect," she says with a chuckle. "Tomorrow it is, then. I look forward to our little adventure."
“Wonderful, Principal weems, I will see you tomorrow near the edge of the woods at noon then… until then” You smile, voice more gravelly as you stand up and sway your hips a bit for emphasis whilst leaving her office, a smile playing on your lips.
As you leave the office, Principal Weems watches you, her eyes trailing slowly over your body. The principal's heart quickens at the sight of your swaying hips, a faint pink blush spreading across her cheeks as she imagines the picnic tomorrow.
“Until tomorrow, Professor," she whispers softly as you exit the room, her mind already filled with delightful thoughts of your upcoming rendezvous in the forest…
want more? lmk :) -bug
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yourwosogirly · 1 year
don’t you dare - Ruesha LittleJohn
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Word count: 2.7k
ruesha and I sat on the balcony of our hotel room. we were at the women’s world cup, and it was a dream for all of us. luckily, I had been paired with ruesha which came with benefits of our new blossoming relationship.
it was just the pair of us tonight, which was quite lucky. as much as we loved our amazing teammates and friends, it was nice to escape the chaos for once which lead to us in this position, me in her lap, her kissing my shoulder as we enjoyed the cool breeze as the sun dipped below the horizon.
“baby, stop”i giggled, squirming under her touch, trying to push her away as she kissed my shoulder .
“no, aren’t I aloud to show my love for you?”she whined, burying her head into my shoulder, continuing her movements despite her protests as I held onto her tightly .
“baby, as much as I love this, your being clingier than usual, you okay?”i said pulling away, my hands on mg shoulders as she sighed .
“It’s just”she stuttered, not from nerves but I could tell she was just trying to get her words out so I stroked her hair and kissed it, showing her I was there.
“you know, with the whole Katie thing, it was so rough and I was struggling a lot, but you got me through it, I am only this happy because of you, you got me out of that dark place but I’m just so grateful to have you”she looked up at me with love in her eyes.
“rue”i said softly but she cut me off slightly, placing her finger on my lip.
“don’t talk”she whispered, her voice suddenly hoarse as she grabbed my neck and well, in PG terms, snogged my face off .
“ow, what the fuck, katie?”I groaned, now on the ground from a subtle chip katie had given me making me grab my ankle in pain.
“watch your back”she smirked and walked away as the ref played on and luckily I was able to get to my feet with the help of rue.
“you okay?”she asked and I nodded.she patted me on the back before we both jogged back to our positions.
I narrowed my eyes at katie from across the field, I didn’t know what was up with her, I knew she was quite an aggressive person on the field but never to her own teammates and I know I was dating her ex but she had no reason to dislike me.
and it wasn’t just on the field either in training their had been aimless tackles that I had just brushed off or I saw her always glaring at me from across the cafeteria where I was sat laughing with rue but I didn’t worry too much .
that was until she has sent another tackle your way, clearly directed at you and not trying to get the ball, from her own team.you let out a wry cry as you banged your fist into the grass, holding your ankle in pain.Katie sent another aimless threat in your ear, and stood up not without spitting down on you .
“baby, can you get up?”rue crouched down in front you holiday our her hands and you tried to push yourself up but couldn’t and fell back down.
“no,no,no”you mumbled and ruesha bit the inside of her cheek, seeing your face filled with pain and she waved the medic over.
they took ages to get there even though I was clearly in a lot of pain which infuriated rue but I managed to calm her down enough to stop her from lashing out.one touch to my ankle got me screaming bloody mary so they quickly got me on a stretcher.
“baby, I’m coming off”rue told me adimantlty but I shook my head, already knowing she was gonna do this as she held my hand tightly, walking to the touch line.
“no, rue”I just told her sternly, letting go of her hand as I was lead to the medical room leaving rue staring down the tunnel, my figure becoming blurrier to her by the second .
meanwhile, in the medical room I kept quiet as I was out on a medical bed as our physio, joanne checked over my ankle and I waisted in anticipation, glancing my eyes over the tv screen in the corner of the room that displayed the game I was in not too long ago, every once in a while .
I was pulled out of my trance as I felt my ankle being tapped by joanne.I could see she had wrapped it up and held some ice against it .
“right y/n, so it looks to me that you’ve got a sprained ankle, right now all we can do is rest it up and keep it elevated, but don’t stress you should be able to start the season”she told me with a smile .
“yeah, that’s fine”i muttered quietly listening to her words as I took a sip of my water which was besides me.
knowing I wasn’t gonna be able to play in the rest of the tournament sucked but I knew that it was for the best. I guess if you look at it from one point it was no stress I could just enjoy the rest of my time in aus and with rue.
I had the option to go outside seeing as their wasn’t long left of the game and I had nothing else to do but I decided against it and watched from inside. sadly, we lost which didn’t feel great but what could you do? I still felt very proud of the girls and what we had accomplished.
the medics had gone back out by now, leaving me alone in the room, but I let them, wanting a little bit of time alone.
I was scrolling on my phone when I heard the door open and I looked up, thinking it was rue but it was quite the opposite.
the last person I wanted to see right now.
“katie”i said emotionless turning my head to look up at the ceiling avoiding all eye contact as she came towards me and sat at the end of my bench.
her energy was totally off, and I didn’t like it, nor her, one bit .
“hi, y/n, doing well?”she asked smugly with her arms across her chest and her voice was laced with sarcasm.
“no thanks to you”i said with a smirk on my face and we both fake laughed together before both our faces turned blank.
“yeah let’s just cut the crap katie, what’s your problem?”i said abruptly and she looked kind of taken back but that quickly changed .
“you.your my fucking problem”she told me angrily, our foreheads touching, that was how close we were .
"katie, I don't understand what your fucking problem is with me, people very rarely hurt their teammates, especially on purpose"
"we may be on the same team, y/n, but that doesn't mean we're friends" she leaned closer to me, pretty much on top of me as our noses were pretty much touching.
“I still don’t understand what I even did to you?”i asked confused and it was true I had always been very civil towards her even though we weren’t close friends .
she groaned, rubbing her head in frustration. “ugh, I don’t even know why ruesha goes out with you, your so infuriating”.
“oh so that’s it, your jealous? pathetic, I mean you have a girlfriend get over yourself”i told her rolling my eyes and i choked back a shocked gasp as she grabbed my chin harshly.
“just stay the fuck away from rue, or your gonna have a lot more than a sprained ankle”katie said, her voice deepening and i visibly gulped.
“baby are you okay?”she pulled away from me suddenly as rue barged into the medical room, stopping in her tracks as she saw me and Katie thigh to thigh.
“oh Katie, what are you doing in here?”ruesha paused, her voice slow in confusion.
“just came to check in on y/n”Katie gave her a fake slash sinister smile and slapped her hand around my shoulder making me feel uncomfortable. I looked between the two girls, this whole situation was very awkward.
“oh okay, you mind giving us some privacy?”ruesha asked nodding her head to the door.Katie nodded and got up to leave but not before she leaned down and whispered in my ear.
“you better do what your told, or your gonna have a lot more than a sprained ankle”she pulled away and I gulped at her words. then suddenly it was just me and rue.she came over and sat down next to me .
“baby, you okay?”she asked, making me lean on my shoulder as she wrapped her arm around me .
“yeah, it’s just a sprained ankle”i said nodding and she smiled, kissing me forehead, thankful that it was nothing too serious.
“okay, that’s good, you just gotta rest up, and are you sure your okay your acting a bit weird and your face is pale”she said moving her hand to touch my cheek.
“I’m fine, rue, just a bit tired”i told her pulling away from her slightly and she looked at me weirdly like she didn’t fully believe me but eventually nodded.
“baby, why is the door locked?”I heard ruesha shout through the door making me lift my head up from my pillow which was now wet from tears.I looked at the door seeing the handle rattling and continuous knocking from rue. she must have forgot her key.
“nothing rue, just go away”i almost shouted, trying to get her away as quick as possible, but I was stupid to underestimate rueshas stubbornness.
“no, what’s gotten into you?, open the god dam door, y/n”she gave a loud bang against the door with her fists, putting all her might into it as she rested her forehead against it .
I knew she would go as far trying to break down the door or going back down to reception to get another key card so I quickly rushed into the bathroom, trying to make myself look presentable but my face was blotchy with blood shot eyes which was a clear signal that I had been crying.
“hi”i whispered, keeping my head down as I opened the door and ruesha rushed inside .
“what the fuck, y/n?”she raged confused by my weird and distant behaviour but her words made me flinch slightly and gave her a few of my face.she haltered in her place, stuttering slight not sure what to say.
“omg, y/n”her face softened immensely, hands coming up to cradle my face.I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from crying but this was a sign the floodgates were about to open. “what’s wrong, baby?”.
and I broke.sinking to the ground, her arms going around me and pulling me into her chest as she did her best to calm her down but to no avail she just aloud me to cry into her chest which would become soaked with tears but that was at the back of her mind right now .
she continued to hold me tightly, not wanting me to feel rushed as she brushed back my hair so it wasn’t in my face and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
once I had calmed down enough that I would be able to talk with just small staggered breaths, rue picked me up by my legs, walking me to the bathroom and sat me on the counter.it was silence as I played with the skin of my nails while rue got a clean towel and wet it to dab it over my eyes which she knew would start to burn from exhaustion.
“here”she mumbled, giving you the cloth and you mumbled a small thanks back to her starting to pick at the material, looking at the ground.anywhere other than rue.
“you wanna talk to me about it?”she asked in her strong accent, leaning against the counter and rested her hands on my thighs, rubbing them in comfort.
“no, it’s not important”i shrugged, feeling embarrassed about the whole thing, even though she was the person who I should’ve felt safest to confide in.
“not important? baby I’m sorry, but it’s gotta be pretty important if I’m worried sick when my girlfriend locks the whole world out and then once I get to you, you break down in my arms”she told me and I sighed as she lifted my chin to look into her ocean blue eyes .
“I’m sorry rue, I can’t”I told her after a few minutes of silence, Katie’s words ringing in the back off my mind.
“why not, huh? why the fuck not? okay I haven’t mentioned it but we’ve been so happy, you make me so happy and all of a sudden you become distant and then I find you in a state like this? oh and acting weird when I saw you with katie..”she trailed off, watching me with a pointed look as I shifted when she mentioned her exes name and looked down at the ground uncomfortably.
“baby?, something you want to tell me?”she asked, grabbing my hands and intertwining our hands together and I looked up at her .
“rue, it’s nothing”I told her shaking my head but we both knew that was a lie at this point.
“y/n, you tell me or I’m going to find out”she told me, brushing hairs out of my face and I knew I could no longer hide this from her .
“okay, so the reason is, we have been really happy, but that isn’t enough for some people, and umm, when you saw me with katie she was threatening me to stay away from you or she’d hurt me, and obviously I didn’t so in the game against canada, the tackle was by her and in the medical room and in spair time she’s been messaging me”I decided to tell her everything and I felt a massive weight being taken off my chest and I even handed my phone so she could see .
“rue”i asked after I watched her eyes scan over the messages and she closed my phone her eyes closed and she had been as quiet as a mouse.I touched her arm and that was when she snapped.
“that fucking bitch”she snapped, slamming my phone down on the counter and storming out the bathroom and then the door to our hotel room and down the haul.
“rue, wait!”I screamed, but she didn’t listen and I quickly slipped off the counter and raced out or our room to follow her and she knocked loudly onto room 23, Katie’s room.
megan opened the door, confused and her eyes widened seeing rue but the blonde payed her no mind, rushing in towards Katie and I followed not long after, but I stayed by the door frame.
“are you fucking joking?”ruesha fumed, grabbing Katie off her bed where she was on her phone and pushed her against the wall.
“woah, rue!”lucy exclaimed followed by a few other gasps throughout the room at the sudden action but rue just glared at them and they all turned silent.
“what’s your fucking problem?”katie asked disgustingly looking up at rue as she tried to move away and escape her hold but couldn’t so she just huffed.
“you.your my problem, who do you think you are threatening my girlfriend?”ruesha glared down on Katie .
“Oh please I’m aloud to do what I want”Katie said smugly, crossing her arms against her chest, not caring about the dirt looks she was being given .
“why!why do you fucking do this?you can’t just leave someone I love alone can you?, you can never suffice with the fact that I can be happy, work or without you”rueshas hands raised to her hair in frustration.
“cause she doesn’t deserve you!”she let out making everyone in the room look at her shocked .
“you can’t deserve what I do or don’t deserve, anymore. you have no fucking right after everything I did especially since you found someone else and so did I, so let.it.go. fuck off out of our lives!”she raged.
“rue, please”i rushed forward, tugging on her arm slightly trying to get her to stop, I didn’t want her to get into more trouble or worse, get hurt. she looked at me quickly from the corner of the eye and her face softened slightly.
but she turned back to katie, making me think she hadn’t listened to me and her glare hardened, grabbing a fistful of her shirt and leaning in. “your fucking lucky I found y/n, or I’d beat the shit out of you”.
she pulled away from katie, making the shorter girl shrink back in shock feeling embarrassed and defenceless but ruesha paid her no mind, grabbing my arm and pulling us back to our hotel room.
In love with this fic
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highvern · 9 months
Slay you deserve a million followers for teach me series. Can I request DK or MG kabedon? 🥹 humor or serious or against all odds angst would make my dreams come true you’re amazing
NGL I had to look up what that was and I can only imagine humor but this ended up super fluffy too im sorry for no angst anon 😔
Please accept this as my apology!!!
Pairing: Lee Dokyeom x fem!reader
Genre: humor, suggestive, fluff
Warnings: reader loves a boozy brunch, and they have a dachshund named Mango,
Note: Mayhaps be read as a long long long away epilogue of Teach Me couple
“Damn, you shit with that ass?” You drunkly smile at your boyfriend attempting to shuffle you inside your shared apartment.
When you swat at the curve of plump flesh, Dokyeom rolls his eyes with a groan. He can’t help but smile despite his exasperation with your antics. Bold comments from you has a special way of turning him into a blushing stuttering mess despite years of dating. Something about the brazen way you declare your interest after so much time together sends his heart into orbit, millions of butterflies filling his chest until he is convinced it’ll explode.
But the hallway of your apartment complex at two in the afternoon on a Sunday is not high on Dokyeom’s list of places to be felt up by his girlfriend. Coupled with the knowledge he only has so much time to get you horizontal before you refuse to move yourself, Dokyeom is too stressed to enjoy the usual banter you supply after too many mimosas at brunch with your friends.
The chilled metal door gives way under your combined weight, throwing Dokyeom forward as his feet fail to find their grounding — a firm thud ricocheting through the space under the bounce of his shoulders against the plaster wall.
A smack! echoes in response under your hand landing above his shoulder, pinning a wide eyed Dokyeom underneath your hips as you’re dragged forward by momentum.
“So…do you come here often?”
“To our house?” Dokyeom responds, eyebrows furrowing in amusement.
Crowding into the limit spacefurther, you watch him through your lashes— failing to realize your attempt at coyish allure leaves you resembling a round eyed calf.
Your slow blinks force a guffaw from his lips, shaking your stomach where it touches his own as the crown of Dokyeom’s skull meets the wall behind him.
Pouting as he works through the last of his giggles, you twirl with a huff; nose in the air as you trudge towards the living room.
Mango doesn’t rise from her sprawl across the couch, belly up as she basks in the sun flooding from the glass doors leading to the balcony. Her long golden hair spills onto the couch beneath her oblong body as she watches her parents with little interest.
Tangling your arms around her, you hold her tightly to your chest. “My baby!”
A sharp bark of displeasure answers, followed by your boyfriend gently setting her back on the couch as you sigh forlornly.
“No one in this house loves me.” You wail, stomping your foot while the familiar heat of Dokyeom’s arms curl around your waist once more.
“C’mon babe, let’s go lay down.”
Digging your heels into the ground, you turn to face him. “You love me, right?”
“Always.” Dokyeom smiles, a sweet kiss between your wrinkled brows signing his confession.
“Ew, I have a boyfriend!” You gasp, failing to wiggle out of his grip.
Distracting you in an effort to coral you into the bedroom, Dokyeom plays along. “Oh?”
“Yeah, and he’ll kick your butt!”
“Will he now?” Dokyeom nods, managing to work you out of the living room and down the hall.
“Yeah! And he’s all big and buff.”
“Oh, really? And he’ll fight me for you?”
You sigh once more, “No, he’s too nice.”
“Too bad.”
“I know, he’s really hot when he’s angry.”
Dokyeom fills that tidbit of information away for later, focusing on slipping the tight denim stretched across your hips down so you can sleep comfortably.
“What else do you like about your boyfriend?” He prompts, lifting each leg to free you from the offending garment before gently pushing you to sit on the bed while he works off your shirt.
Arms raised over your head, you eagerly list of the things you love about your boyfriend; a goofy faraway grin brightening your face.
“He’s the best! He’s funny and he’s really sweet and,”
Continuing to prattle on, you don’t notice the way your boyfriend falters under the praise you so eagerly throw his way.
“And Dokyeom is like perfect with kids especially my nieces! I can’t wait until we have kids.”
You want kids. With him.
It wasn’t as if it had never been a topic of discussion. You both had been clear from the start that it was a something you’d wanted. But kids and marriage were always a distant goal for you two, nothing to consider for a least a few more years.
But you think about having kids with him. And suddenly he wonders what it’d be like.
Images of babies fill his head; ones with your eyes and his nose, smart like their mom but with their dad’s sense of humor. Bald and perfectly chubby in that cute way only babies are. Then it’s two little girls filling his ears with shrill giggles as he chases them around the living room with your own laughter chiming in from the couch.
Oh boy.
“But we have to get married first. And you can’t tell him I told you but," Comically looking left and right, eyes impossibly round, you drop into a whisper. "I found a ring in the dresser so I think he’ll ask me soon.”
You rock back and forth, feet kicking just above the shag rug as Dokyeom digs up an old shirt from the very dresser he’s had a certain ring hidden in for the past few months.
Finding his voice, albeit shakily, Dokyeom pries for more information.
“If he asks, what would you say?”
A brilliant smile lights your face — blinding in joy, putting all the wonders of the world to shame. You practically glow as you look up at him with so much emotion Dokyeom thinks he might pass out.
“That I’d love to marry you.”
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months
Chapter 9-It Ain't Over
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Summary: Easy is tasked to dismantle German outposts across the river and were to return with prisoners for interrogation. The mission is successful but not without another loss. When the Colonel tried to send the men back in, Winters unconventionally goes against the grain, allowing the men a night of rest instead of risking more unnecessary deaths.
A/N: Mature audience, Joe LiebgottxFem!Medic, Post Bastogne, She/Her Pronouns, Y/F/N, Y/L/N, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Aggression, Angst, Confrontation, Military Terminology, 1940’s slang, Inappropriate Nicknames, Band of Brothers References, A League of Their Own Movie References, Mentions of Weaponry, Yiddish/German language with English translation, Smoking, Crying, Banter, Pining, FOREVER FLUFF
German is identified with (g)
Yiddish is identified with (y)
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
February 1945/Night of POW Mission
American side of the river
Liebgott sits behind his M1919 Browning machine gun with his assistant gunner on a bombed-out landing at battalion headquarters right off the water, watching the rest of the platoon load into the boats on the riverbank. You sneak past the AG and sit next to Joe.
"Gams?? What the fuck are ya doin'?" he chided at you.
You roll your eyes, "Just checking on you two and seeing where the guys are." you respond quietly.
"Yeah, well, they ain't even crossed yet so get back downstairs, will ya? I don't want you out here if shit starts poppin' off." he scolded.
You sigh, "Fine, Joe, I just wanted to see you before anything happened, that's all."
You turned to leave but then hesitated. You looked over your shoulder at him with his back towards you. You return to him swiftly, grab his chin and plant a hasty peck on his cheek.
"Ich liebe dich, Joe Liebgott (g)(I love you, Joe Liebgott)." you say in a quick hush before you scamper off inside.
Joe grunted at you not knowing whether to be irritated or entertained,
"Du verdammte Füchsin (g)(You goddamn vixen)." he called after you before you could reach the stairs.
Basement of Battalion HQ
You and Doc sit together in the cellar of HQ, waiting and listening intensely for any gunfire exchange outside. Minutes feel like hours sitting there, as you sip on a tin cup of coffee.
Your leg is bouncing from anxiety, waiting for something to happen. Eugene reached across to you and grabbed your knee to stop your leg from jumping. You look up at him startled.
"You're too jittery. Lay off the coffee, Y/F/N." he said in his low soothing Cajun accent with a gentle smile.
You nod then smile back, placing your cup on the table next to you.
German side of the river
The patrol crosses the river in the inflatable boats. When they reach land, they strategically approach the building where German soldiers are posted. As Easy makes entry, Jackson rushes into the building too soon after throwing a grenade and is severely wounded.
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The rest of the guys then rush the building and captured three Germans. As they retreat with their prisoners, the remaining German forces open fire. One of the prisoners is hit and is left behind on the riverbank.
American side of the river
Joe sees his platoon scattering towards the boats as smoke and gunfire erupt from the German side. He shifts his line of fire, anxiously waiting to pull the trigger.
"Jesus Christ, come on. Blow the goddamn whistle!" he yelled.
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The sound of the whistle finally reaches Joe's ears. He lays heavy suppressive fire at the windows where he sees flashes from German MG-42s. He peppers the buildings back and forth, in hopes he's nailing each one dead center of their foreheads.
Basement of HQ
You and Doc hear an eruption of gunfire and shells dropping through the garden windows of the basement. You stand next to the little window listening hard for the yells and screams from your boys. Just then, you suddenly hear the faint call from the riverbank on the American side...
Alarmed, you look back at Eugene with wide, panicked eyes.
"No, Y/L/N." Doc said sternly.
He knew damn well what you were thinking, and he wasn't going to allow it. Not again.
You began to protest, "But they-"
"Y/F/N, NO!" he barked, "I'm not lettin' you run to danger again. Remember what happened in Ardennes?" He reminded you angrily.
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You look down shamefully at your boots. Suddenly the basement door abruptly swung open as the platoon started scrambling in.
"Wounded! We got wounded, come on!" Ramirez bellowed.
You swept papers and utensils off the nearest table to clear it for Jackson who was being carried in.
"Set him right here!" you call out.
Johnny Martin entered, "Get the Krauts back there, shake them down! Move! Move! McClung! Get on over to CP, let them know what we got!" he ordered.
Jackson lying flat on the table, his face bloody and raw from the neck up, began gagging on his own blood.
"Jesus, what the hell happened to him over there?!" you ask overwhelmed by the soldier’s appearance.
"Grenade went off right in front of him." Ramirez reported.
"Shit, his lungs are probably hemorrhaging. He can't breathe right." you confirm aloud.
Doc gently pushed you aside and lowered his ear to Jackson's mouth.
"Light. I need some light. Give me some light." Doc requested urgently.
Grant took his lighter and flipped it on. Doc held Jackson's mouth open by the chin, observing and listening for a few seconds as the poor soldier gurgled and whimpered.
"All right, look at the flame. Look at the flame. Ok, that's good." Doc instructed Jackson.
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The room became eerily quiet as they all watched Doc work.
"All right, let's get him outta here." Doc directed.
"I don't wanna die!" Jackson cried out.
He repeated these words tearfully over and over again as the platoon started to move him towards the door on a litter. Jackson started to grab at Doc, kicking off the surface as his choking worsened. The men set him down.
"He's gonna die!" one of the guys shrilled in horror.
"Hey, shut the hell up! You're upsetting him more!" You hiss over the sea of bellowing soldiers, while Jackson started to flail and kick in terror.
"Please help me, I don't wanna die!" He wallowed.
Doc tried to hold him steady on the stretcher, "Jackson, you're not gonna die! I need you to hang on!"
Jackson continued to bawl and throw an agonizing fit out of fear until the life drifted from his tearing eyes and his body fell limp. Doc sat up, dropping his helmet to his side with a huff of defeat leaving his mouth. He sat there, lost in his thoughts then looked up at you with frustration painted all over his face.
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You look around the room at rest of the guys until you see Martin. You shake your head, confirming he didn't make it. You take Babe's wool blanket he wrapped himself with and covered Jackson.
The following morning, the platoon hung out in the barracks, resting up after a long night. Webster entered the room with LT Jones.
"Jackson is dead." Webster announced.
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"Yeah, we heard." Joe replied from his bunk sitting above you.
"Yeah, well, they want another patrol tonight." Perconte added.
Joe shifted onto the mattress and laid against the pillow. You stood up angrily and walked out the room, down the stairs, and out the door to head to the basement back at HQ to be alone.
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With most of Easy at HQ later that day, Winters, Nixon and Speirs address the same patrol from the night before to discuss the next mission for that evening. You're in attendance once again, across the room where you can see Joe as you stood next to Eugene.
Winters opened the brief by stating how proud he was of the good work the platoon did last night then added that Col Sink was proud as well.
"-In fact, he's so proud he wants you to do another patrol across the river tonight."
The men remain resentfully silent. Joe lights a cigarette then shoots you an unamused glance as Winters continued.
"Any moment now, the outpost we hit last night will go up in flames. Means we have to venture farther into town this time. Captain Speirs, you have the map, please."
Speirs passes the map to Grant to display across the table.
"We have enemy movement here and here," Winters began as he pointed on the paper, "Which means this is our new house target here. We recovered all the boats. So, we'll be setting off from the same place we did last night."
"We're not changing the plan any, sir?" Martin spoke up.
"No. The plan is the same. It will be 0200 hours instead of 0100. Is that clear?" Winters asked.
The men shifted in discomfort, "Yes sir." they acknowledged collectively.
"Good, because I want you all to get a full night's sleep tonight. Which means in the morning, you will report to me that you made it across that river into German lines but were unable to secure any live prisoners-" he instructed as he looked around the room to see if the platoon was tracking what he was saying.
Everyone looked at him in disbelief. The man was really ordering you to disobey Col Sink’s orders.
"Understand?" he pushed cautiously as he scanned the room making eye contact with each of his men.
"Yes, sir." The men replied in unison. (Some of their responses sounding like a question, unsure this was actually happening).
"Good. Look sharp for tomorrow. We're moving off the line." Winters finalized as he left the room.
The guys all breathed their first sigh of relief since Holland. A few exchanged handshakes. Joe stood up from the table to rush over to you.
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"Did you just fucking hear that, Gams!?" His smile stretching from ear to ear revealing your favorite dimple on his left cheek.
You beam at him, "I did. He's a good man."
You wrap your arms around the back of Joe's neck, pulling him into a tight hug. He pressed you against him, burying his face into your neck. A couple of happy tears stream down your face.
"Can we just hold each other for the rest of our lives?" you utter softly in Joe's ear.
Joe chuckled, "That's my plan."
As the sun set that evening, Cobb distributed bottles of liquor he found in the cellar at HQ. Each man happily accepted the offer, taking hearty swigs from the bottles.
Luz hacked, pounding on his chest to soften the sting of what he just swallowed.
"Shit! *cough* What the hell is this Cobb?? Jesus Christ!" Luz choked.
"What's wrong, George? A little too strong for ya?" Cobb teased.
"This stuff will knock ya on your ass." Malarkey confirmed as he took another drink.
You walk into the room, and the entire platoon cheered. You stop in your tracks, almost alarmed by their response to you entering the room.
"What are you miscreants doing now?" you ask looking around the room at them.
"Nothin' we're just happy to see our songbird!" Babe yelled across the room.
"Hey, Y/F/N, sing us a little somethin' yeah??" Luz pleaded.
"No, George, I'm not-" you contested before all the men groaned and boo-ed expressing their disappointment.
"-I'm tired, guys! It's been a rough few days for all of us." you defended.
"Hey, Joe, come on. Get her to sing!" Babe resorted.
Liebgott hopped off the top bunk and approached you with his bottle. You deliver a look of skepticism to him as he closed in on you. He raised his eyebrow as he smiled mischievously at you.
"No, Joe." Is all you say.
"Gams, the boys just want you to sing a little lullaby so they can get a good night's sleep like the captain said." Joe justified.
"Winters never said anything about me singing you to sleep." you pointed out.
"True," Joe started, "but Webster didn't get to hear ya yet, and l’ve been tellin’ him how sweet my girl’s voice is. I wanna show you off."
You shake your head at him, "You're unbelievable."
"I know." Joe replied confidently.
You look around the room at all the expectant drunk faces of your boys.
"One song so you can sleep. Just one." you compromise.
"Don't get on a chair this time!" Luz called out.
You glare at him, then smile.
"Get comfortable you idiots." you say as you dim the lamps to set the mood.
"What are you gonna sing, Gams?" Joe whispered in your ear over your shoulder as he snaked his arms around your waist from behind.
"A piece from Laurel and Hardy's The Bohemian Girl. Thelma Todd was always one of my favorites.”
Joe hummed as he pecked your cheek. You smell the whiskey on his breath.
“Hm, ir hot aoykh a bisl shlogn di flash, tsi nit? (y)(Hm, you’ve been hitting the bottle a little, too, haven’t ya)?” You ask Joe, smiling at him skeptically.
Joe only grinned, his face glowing and his eyes droopy, sauced from drink, exhausted by the mission, and completely entranced by you.
“Ok, settle down, boys." you project through the room.
"Hey, Liebgott ain't in bed." Perconte protested.
You guide Joe to your bed and have him sit. You stand in the middle of the room so everyone can hear. Every pair of eyes and ears focus on you, waiting patiently for you to begin.
🎶 “I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With vassals and serfs at my side,
And of all who assembled within those walls,
That I was the hope and the pride.” 🎶
You serenade to your platoon, watching their heads lull and their eyes flutter. You make a round around the room to each soldier, touching a shoulder here or patting another on the head over there, making a personal connection to each one to bring a sense of comfort amongst them as you near the end of the song.
🎶 “And I dreamt that one of that noble host
Came forth my hand to claim.
But I also dreamt, which charmed me most,
That you lov'd me still the same...”🎶
You come back to Joe who is laying across your mattress zeroed in on you with adoration behind his eyes. He beamed up at you from your pillow when you start combing your fingers through his hair as you finish your song just for him.
🎶”That you lov'd me, you lov'd me still the same
That you lov'd me, you lov'd me still-“🎶
You seat yourself on the side of your bed next to him.
🎶”-the same.“🎶
The room is quiet, with the gentle snores and breathes of the guys sound asleep in their bunks. Joe took your free hand and started to pull you towards him as he sat up to meet you half way for a kiss-
“That was incredible, Y/L/N.” You hear Webster compliment from the bunk across from Liebgott’s.
You look over at him and smile, “Thanks, Web. Get some sleep, buddy.”
“Yeah, can’t you see we’re busy over here?” Joe sneered.
Webster chuckled and turned towards the wall to make his back face you.
You look back to Joe, whose face was a hair away from yours.
“That wasn’t very nice.” You giggled.
Joe nudged his nose against yours, “Any second I can get with my girl is precious, I don’t want to waste it.” He purred.
You lean forward, kissing his lips softly. Joe’s faultless ability to lock onto your lips as he tilts his head to deepen his kiss always left you craving for more. You try to pull back but he holds you in place so you don’t go too far.
“We should sleep, too, Joe.”
A devilish smirk appeared across his face, “One of these days, Gams-“ he started without finishing.
You smile coyly and laugh, “I don’t mean to get you riled up. But we’re not getting away with anything in a room full of people.”
Joe shook his head and sighed, “Komm her, du Füchsin (g)(Get over here, you vixen)."
You scoot onto the bed laying across his chest as he enveloped you in his arms. He kissed the top of your head as you nuzzle into him.
"Liebe dich sehr (g)(Love you so much)." Joe uttered to you.
"Liebe dich mehr (g)(Love you more)." you whisper back, squeezing him.
@wordsaresimple-imnot @mrs-greenside @skiesofrosie 🪖♠️🦅
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svltzmans · 1 year
so hot you're hurting my feelings - h.m.
a/n: this was a request from a lovely anon :) i had a lot of fun writing it so i hope you all love it! i'm still pretty new to writing explicit content so bear with me!! (i'm also obsessed with naming my fics after songs, this one is by caroline polachek and i feel like it fits the bill)
pairing: hope mikaelson x fem!heretic! reader
warnings: smut (18+), dirty talk, lots of praise including use of "good girl"
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"how the fuck did you do that?," y/n asks, exasperated. her girlfriend, hope, had just performed the most intricate spell she had ever seen.
"here, i'll teach you," hope responds, going through the spell again, step by step, explaining thoroughly to y/n.
"you're so cute when you get into explaining something, but i'm still so confused."
"come on, you're a tough girl. i'll go through it again. you do it with me this time."
so hope performed the spell again, slowly so y/n could follow suit.
the first few times y/n attempted the spell, she just couldn't get it quite right.
it was frustrating, sure, but hope was right. y/n was tough. she wasn't one to show much emotion outwardly.
but hope could read her well. they hadn't been dating long, but hope had put effort into learning her girlfriend's mannerisms.
"hey, it's okay. you're doing so good."
y/n can't help the warmth that starts in her stomach and only moves downwards at hope's words. hope's naturally sensual voice never helps.
"let's try one more time. ready?"
and they do. hope leads the way, performing the spell slowly at first but gaining speed at the final steps. y/n continues mirroring hope's actions, and it's clear that she's gotten the hang of it.
"lecutio," they both chant, as sparks generate in both of their hands.
"look at you go, y/n! i'm so proud of you. you did such a good job," hope praises, taking y/n's hand in her own.
the feeling in y/n's body returns stronger this time, and she can't help the furious blush that comes across her face. she finds herself hoping that her girlfriend couldn't tell how her words were affecting her.
y/n's favorite part of her week was the "history of magic" class she shared with hope. the pair would always sit side by side, both dilligently taking notes on the course content while also slyly exchanging looks of admiration once in a while.
"does anyone remember the year "icaeus" became officially recognized as a spell?," the instructor speaks, scanning the room for willing students prepared to answer his question.
y/n raises her hand, much to hope's enjoyment. she admires her girlfriend's academic confidence, especially because many people see her as guarded and overly intimidating.
"around 3000 B.C.," y/n answers, not even referencing her notes.
"that's correct, y/n. someone's been paying attention," the instructor says through a smile.
hope leans closer to y/n until she's just inches away from her face. "damn, my girlfriend is smart. great job, beautiful," she says, smiling mischievously.
y/n has to physically stifle a sinful noise, although she manages to play it off with a playful eyeroll directed at hope. confident that hope didn't notice her initial reaction, she continues listening to the lecture of the day.
a wickery match was in full swing, an even mix of witches, werewolves, and vampires all happily participating, including hope and y/n.
not only is y/n tough, but she is also quite strong. nobody else in the game could throw the ball quite as far as she could.
after being passed the ball by kaleb, y/n realized she only had one possible move; throw it all the way across the field to a completely unguarded mg.
she knows it's not going to be easy, but doesn't hesitate to use every muscle in her arm to get it as far as she can.
to everyone's shock, the ball reaches mg seemingly effortlessly.
"holy shit! y/l/n, that was amazing!," lizzie shouts, her enthusiasm for the game obvious.
embracing the attention, y/n graciously recieves high-fives from the fellow players.
hope wraps her arms around her from behind, squeezing her girlfriend in an affectionate hug.
"you did so good today, y/n. i'm so proud of you."
this time, y/n whines. she hopes its quiet enough that hope doesn't hear it, but with her werewolf hearing, she's sure she must have.
y/n lays in her bed, several pages deep in a new novel when she hears a knock at her door.
"come in!," she shouts, almost certain she won't be surprised by who is standing in the doorway.
"hey honey, whatcha reading?"
it's hope, closing the door behind her and plopping into bed alongside her girlfriend.
"just this new fantasy novel. you know, like castles and shit."
"sounds like fun, but i think i'm more interesting."
nodding in agreement, y/n puts a bookmark in her novel and puts it on her nightstand. she lays next to hope, gently putting her head on her chest.
"can i ask you a question?," hope speaks after a few seconds of silence.
"anything," y/n responds.
"is there anything i say that... you know, has a particular effect on you?"
"effect on me?"
"yeah, you know ... something i do that.. you like?"
"i don't know what you're talking about."
y/n is lying through her teeth, and they both know it.
"i just happened to notice, you know, a pattern of behavior."
"what kind of behavior?"
"just, you know, some blushing. extra blushing. maybe even some interesting noises."
"fuck, you heard that?"
"oh, so you do know what i'm talking about."
hope knew y/n wouldn't stop denying her desire for praise, and she knew exactly how to force the truth out of her.
"here, let me try something," hope says, looking y/n directly in the eyes.
"okay?" y/n looks directly back, although she is confused by hope's response.
"you are such a good girl, y/n," hope slurs, her voice sultry.
before hope can even register what is happening, y/n's lips are on hers, passionately moving against them.
"so i guess i was right then, huh?," hope teases when the pair finally separates to breathe.
"shut up, mikaelson."
"lay down," hope responds, y/n happy to oblige.
"such a good girl you are, listening to me," hope teases, running her finger down y/n's still clothed torso.
"jesus hope, just take my clothes off already," y/n responds, growing impatient.
and hope does, stripping y/n naked in what feels like a matter of seconds.
"so beautiful, baby," hope coos, before pulling herself on top of y/n, straddling her.
hope's hands start to gently wander, grabbing hold of y/n anywhere she could.
"hope, please just touch me."
"i am touching you."
"you know what i mean."
"i really don't," hope continues to tease. "if you want something, you're gonna have to tell me, otherwise i'll just never know..."
"please just put your fingers inside me," y/n interrupts, her skin growing hot with desperation.
"ah, that's my good girl," hope responds, only adding to the pooling between y/n's legs.
hope lays between y/n's legs, admiring her naked form.
running a finger over y/n's inner thigh, hope studies the way her body responds, with gentle twitches and heavy breathing.
finally, hope gently pushes two fingers into y/n, still focusing on the way she responds.
y/n can't help but let out an obscene moan, finally receiving the feeling she'd been craving for so long.
hope adjusts to a steady pace, curling her fingers each time they're fully inside y/n's aching core.
"such a good girl, taking my fingers like this," hope praises, her voice raspy.
"fuck, hope. f-feels so good," y/n manages to respond, feeling the pleasure build in her stomach.
hope uses her thumb to rub tight circles on y/n's clit, enjoying the way her whines and moans only get louder.
she feels y/n start to squeeze around her fingers, knowing she's close.
"gonna cum for me, aren't you? so good baby," she coos, encouraging y/n to let go.
"god, hope...," y/n almost screams, giving up on holding back as her orgasm crashes over her in multiple waves.
hope talks her through her orgasm with gentle whispers of "that's it, beautiful. you did such a good job for me."
when y/n finally comes down from her high and catches her breath, hope pulls her back onto her chest to relax.
"so, a praise kink, huh?," hope jests, earning a gentle push from y/n.
a/n: it's 7am as i'm posting this 😭 it's already horny on this blog this early
(also why is the formatting on this so weird like some of it is double spaced and some not? how do i fix this help)
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jq37 · 19 days
Ok, I was expecting an Aabria side-quest, but Misfits and Magic season 2 was not on my Bingo Card and I love being surprised. And it's a different setting, so something as...memorable as The Bear will not match the tone so we're safe from that for another season. It's gonna be awhile before I can trust Aabria's imagination again.
For a hot second I thought you were talking about Emmy Award Winning Series "The Bear" and not Most Horrifying Battle Map Ever "The Bear" and I was very confused about whether Aabria had pitched some kind of "The Bear but with magic" sidequest that I wasn't online enough to have run across lmao.
(Was totally down to watch her GM that though for the record)
But yeah, exciting! And did you see that the system they're using is a homebrew back like NSBU--Never Stop Making Magic! God, I am so pumped to see the chaos of that in this setting.
I will say though, even though it doesn't look Burrow's End gnarly, it does look darker in tone than the first season--which would be in line with long running MG/YA series like HP or Percy Jackson. And we all know how Aabria likes to innovate in the dome so we'll see what she comes up with.
Anyway, I pumped to have this to look forward to as we roll into Fall!
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riddles-n-games · 4 months
Friends Don't Kiss Like That
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A/N: Hello friends! Here it is, the long awaited fake dating fic I've teased since March. I'm so sorry for the wait, this fic took too long to truly develop in my head and while I had fun, I'm mad I didn't get it out sooner. Enjoy!
“-and then?”
“And the-what do you think I did, Mystery Girl?” He eyed her smugly, the bastard, and tapped the side of his head. “Hmm? Use that smart brain of yours.” 
“...Jamie.” There was warning in her voice. Her patience would not be tested today; Xander’s experiment in robotics club already did that. But Jameson’s eyes were alight with mischief and there were the beginnings of a smirk playing at his lips.
“Then… I told her off.” 
Avery frowned at him, giving a look. The look; Alisa taught her well. It did the job and the younger Hawthornes were secretly afraid at how frighteningly accurate it was. As though it was Alisa herself. “No, you didn’t. Please tell me you didn’t.” 
“Jameson! Seriously, tell me you didn’t.” She looked at him shocked, hand on his shoulder as he shook his head with an amused huff.  “Jamie, I’m being serious here!” She swatted at his chest. The boy was asking for it and trouble was the only call he always answered. Apart from hers, of course. And his brothers, too, but that was a given. 
He laughed. “Ok, ok, MG. I didn’t do it… or did I?” 
Avery stopped beside him, crossing her arms and sighing exasperatedly as she waited for his laughter to subside. A moment later, he stopped and looked at her, grinning cheekily. For some reason, her mouth went a bit dry. It was unfair how infuriatingly handsome he looked. Wait, where is this goi-
“Turvy, you okay? Aves?” Nicknames; his way of coaxing her out of her thoughts and in rarer cases, expressing his concern. She blinked out of her trance and smiled at him.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” She watched as his semi-concerned expression morphed into a playful smirk again. Ever the chaotic chameleon.
“Hold on. Are you checking me out? After all this time, the moment has come. I finally meet the standards of Miss Not A Chance to get a look over. My day is made.” Rolling her eyes as he let out another lighthearted laugh, she put a hand on his arm and pulled. 
“Come on, let’s go. Let me walk you to your next class before you take another wrong turn to a stairwell that conveniently leads to the roof. Actually, you haven’t even gotten your textbook yet so let’s head to your locker first which just so happens to be on our way.”
But as she took a step, he tugged right back and twirled her into him. He leaned in close, whispering, “It’s okay, Heiress. I don’t mind. I know I’m good looking and that leaves some girls flustered.” It was in the silence that followed that she knew with certainty he had a shit-eating grin spreading slow and steady across his face, thinking himself so clever. Instead of rolling her eyes like she usually did, she shivered, feeling very affected for some reason. Her heart beat faster at the subconscious reaction. 
When he moved back, the sudden tension in the air broke and she could breathe again, taking a quick look around the hall. Thankfully, there weren’t that many students, just a few closing up their lockers and making their way to their next classes.  
She knew they were technically fake dating but their deal was still fairly recent and they hadn’t come out in public yet as a couple. Maybe she was used to his proximity since they were good friends but this was new. They displayed physical affection for each other, especially him as it was his love language, but this felt intimate and different. Avery wasn’t quite sure what to make of it and why the sudden effect he had on her. 
She shook her head and then looked at him, punching him playfully in the shoulder. “Nice try, Hawthorne, but that’s not happening.” 
He shrugged. “Worth a shot.” This time she did roll her eyes and pointed to his locker. “You, physics textbook, now.” He groaned dramatically before approaching his locker, looking back at her forlornly with a slight pout as he opened and slowly dragged out the wretched book. But his eyes caught her attention. Despite the funny expression, his eyes held that intensity when he was wholly focused on something, usually a puzzle and this time, her. Trying to shake off the feeling, she looked up in response to his theatrics as he proceeded to close the door. 
It was a bit overwhelming, this new focus he had on her, something she picked up on since he started spending more time with her than ever before. He seemed to have a constant need to distract himself from the anger and pain that Emily caused him but it didn’t feel purely based on that. There was a shift. She noted how intently he paid attention to her post break up and in the moments when he thought she wouldn’t see, she saw the little smiles or the way he would just watch her contently as they worked on homework. And she knew that something had changed but only a little while ago did she start feeling the effects of it herself. Although it scared her, she didn’t find herself shying away from it either.
Not wanting to dwell on it anymore, Avery took hold of his arm as soon as he secured the lock and tugged. “Come on, let’s go.”
Jameson frowned at her, “You’re no fun, you know that?” 
She turned to him and smiled mischievously. “I know, that’s why you keep me around. If you haven’t known by now, I’m your unofficial handler. I’m just not paid for it although Grayson and Nash probably thank me for doing so. You and Xander.” 
“Oof, now you’re just not being fair. That’s playing dirty, Aves.” She shrugged her shoulders. “What can I say? I learned from the best.”
“I think they taught you a little too well,” he grumbled but Avery simply patted his hand and pulled him along. As they walked he started to mess with her a bit by pretending to struggle against her, pleading with her to go hang with him on the roof for a match of rooftop golfing. “I’ll even let you take the first two turns.” She snorted. They both knew she didn’t need a head start to beat him. When Avery Grambs had her mind set on something, the world was at her feet. 
This was them; jokes, teasing, nicknames with interesting back stories, light hearted jabs with meaning, comforting light touches, secret signals, deep talks late at night when no one would hear, solving puzzles and riddles no one else knew how to do, being so in tune with each other’s expressions… Avery loved it. It’s part of what kept her grounded in the past year. She drank in the moment, Jameson’s beaming face, her hands around his arm, the sound of her laughter. Yet she didn’t have enough time to revel in it because there was a storm coming their way.
A red hurricane was making her way down the hall towards them and Avery knew then, peace was lost. Jameson froze beside her at the sight.
Emily Laughlin; golden girl of Heights Country Day, darling of seemingly every gala in Texas, “the Hawthorne keeper”, and now, Jameson’s ex. In Avery’s mind, she was the Strawberry Menace that somehow managed to damper her mood every time she appeared. It was the equivalent of dropping one of Libby’s superior chocolate swirl cupcakes or finding the scone plate void of blueberry ones with only lemon-flavored leftovers in Xander’s wake. 
Avery had a motto in school; stay quiet and out of trouble but remain observant. Like anyone else, she knew the hierarchy set in secondary but after moving to Texas and enrolling at a private school, the differences between her old life and new one couldn’t have been more like day and night. The power dynamics of rich kids in a private school system were blown to new proportions as so many intricate details about one’s wealth, connections, and history seemed to play a role in status. This certainly had affected her introduction and integration but somehow she was still able to slip under the radar, at first.
And it was nice, taking back at least a piece of her old reality, and she relaxed, ready to be the quiet one in the corner again. In New Castle, she mostly kept to herself and never really liked drama which was why she tried to keep out of it. It wasn’t that she was shy but there just never seemed like anyone could be there for her in the way Max did, even with her halfway across the country. However, that wouldn’t be the case anymore, especially with the Hawthornes as regular company. 
They were all charming, witty, funny, adventurous, some more than others but none without their quirks. Yet, despite the wealth, their way of living, and larger than life characters, they all managed to work their way into her and Libby’s lives. And little by little they also managed to worm their way into Avery’s heart and they wouldn’t leave. She wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Although, there were downsides even to being friends with Hawthornes. Avery got along best with Xander and Jameson but that also meant where those two were, there was Emily and her posse. Until recently.
With Emily having been found out to be dating Jameson and his older brother Grayson at the same time with them both blissfully unaware, all hell had broken loose. The boys were affected badly; Gray had taken it the worst but Jameson was in a full blown fury. Out right he told her that he was breaking up with her and that if she were smart she would leave Grayson alone too. Avery had been very proud of him for that, taking up the mantle to protect him and his brother’s honor even though it was equally difficult for him. 
Of course, Emily did not take that message well and for the last two months she’d been trying to do whatever she could to make them come around. The audacity the girl had was astonishing and despite a tarnished reputation, she would still stoop so low; Avery may have despised her but marveled her tenacity. Sometimes she wished she had more of that herself. But Jameson had put his foot down and was holding it firmly in place which unfortunately meant that with every new attempt Emily became more unbearable. Like now.
As the Menace neared, Jameson hooked an arm around her and she felt him tracing two adjacent lines on her wrist then squeezing it. Over and over again. He was trying to tell her something. They started that a few months ago, before the breakup, as code for when there was a clue one of them found during Saturday games and didn’t want to alert the others to it. His brothers hadn’t caught onto that yet. As for this code, she knew the squeeze was reassurance as in “Don’t worry.” but the first part confused her. Was that an L, a V, or a check mar- Check mark; as in “All good.” He was telling her that he’s good and can handle it. 
Right as she finished that thought, he spoke up. “Hi Emily. What can we do for you today?” His tone was controlled, conversational, and his composure steady but Avery sensed the underlying unease. What he was really trying to say was, No, I can’t help you, leave me alone. And can you despawn from the map while you’re at it? 
“Jameson.” The Laughlin girl stopped a few meters from them, sounding hesitant and giving her best withered look. Avery would give her props for the effort but after being witness to this act more than a dozen times in the past two weeks, it was cumbersome. “Can we… talk?”
“Sure! The weather’s great today. Might take my new bike out for a spin on the track. Actually, the weather’s been treating us pretty well for the last while, right Aves?” 
She side-eyed him but nodded in agreement. “Yup.”
Emily’s eyes narrowed slightly at her but she kept her demeanor in place. “Actually, I was hoping we could do so in private?”
Jameson grinned wickedly. “No, we may not. But if you do have something worthwhile to say, you can say it in front of me and Avery.”
“I see… You’ve already moved on.” Her tone started to sound sour. “Yes, and we’re very happy, thank you very much. Is that all?” He’s having fun with this.
“I always thought you two were a little too close for my taste even when we were together. Guess I should’ve known this would happen eventually.” Playing the victim card… Nice.
“Well, yeah. We never made our friendship a secret. It was pretty out in the open from the start that we got off pretty well since she moved here. You know, the way we used to when we were friends, Em. Hmm? Remember that? But oh, that was before a certain nasty betrayal occurred on your part, might I add.” Now he was just taking it too far. Avery wondered if she would have to tame the flames soon but Jameson paid no heed as she subtly elbowed his side. Instead, he simply grabbed her arm and wove his fingers around hers. She tried not to show her surprise as her heart sped up again.
Emily growled, “I never meant for it to happen that way Jamie-” “Jameson.” “Right, Jameson. I was new to this and had feelings for both of you. Believe me, I was very conflicted about the whole thing so I-”
“So you just decided to date both of us in secret without the other knowing for six months while we poured out the best of us into farces of relationships and you stabbed us with a knife in the back in return for our goodness. Gotcha. Nice talk,” he nodded along while winking mockingly and Emily glared back. The tension was just getting worse and Avery sensed her time was coming. 
“No, I’m sorry that happened. It shouldn’t have happened that way at all. But it did, I recognize that was very wrong of me but I really was trying to settle on one of you; it’s just you’re both so great and I was lucky to have even just one of you paying attention to me.” Cue the tears, roll the credits; Avery was rolling her eyes internally. 
“I’m gonna call cut. A word of critique; bull. Shit. You are one of the most attractive girls in school, you know this, so don’t pull that with me. Second of all, didn’t you hear, love triangles especially with brothers aren’t in style anymore. Not since Damon and Stefan on Vampire Diaries. And much less cheaters at that. But you just find yourself the exception as you always do, don’t you Emily?”
She scoffed. “Oh, that’s rich coming from you. You were basically emotionally cheating on me with her. Don’t try to deny it. I saw it; the talks, the inside jokes, the fact she was invited to elusive Saturday games much sooner than I ever was, how she was always on your team, and your weird handshakes. You were so touchy feely with her.”
Jameson quirked an eyebrow. “You know, for someone who claims that she’s all-seeing, clearly you’re blind. I kept a very respectful distance with Avery throughout our relationship and only did those handshakes when we were in public after accomplishing an assignment or a puzzle. We teamed up a lot because you almost always wanted to be with Gray despite my protests. Oftentimes we also didn’t share the same time slots for classes although I wanted to be with you and because sometimes Avery was, I wanted to help her integrate. It was something that my grandfather and Nash asked me and Xan to do. Our talks-” he sighed. “Look, I can go on but you would just turn that on me when you’re the one at fault here. End of story.”
“Oh, so you're her mouthpiece now? Miss Quiet As A Mouse can’t speak for herself; cat got your tongue?” That last remark was directed at her. Jameson wanted to protest but she put a hand on his chest. She could handle it.
While Avery avoided Emily like the plague and did her best to be polite when she had no choice but to interact with her, she did not tolerate mean girls. She had a voice and she wasn’t about to let a discounted rip off Regina George ruin her day by having her run her mouth. Plus, she’s being a disgrace to the real one. Yes, Max made her watch some cult classics back in seventh grade and it was one of the films she actually enjoyed but she would never tell her that. 
“What Jameson just said is all true. Plus, I was getting the signals from you. Don’t think for a second that I missed a single of your dirty looks when we hung out in a group. I knew you considered them yours. But last I checked, I often declined his company and was more so with your sister, Xander, and still I preferred my sister most to all of you. I’m not one to stray from my zone that often and it was because of Mr. Hawthorne that the boys got so involved with me. You were just an unfortunate addition that couldn’t find harmony because of your jealousy. Rest assured, I wasn’t ever after your crown but I did care about them as a concerned friend.” There. That was her piece in the matter. 
Emily laughed brokenly, letting her very fake tears stream down her fair cheeks as she swiped at them in a manner of attempting to regain composure. It was laughable. “If you think like that Av-ery, then you’re the biggest convincing liar I’ve ever seen. You-”
“Choose your next words carefully. Because next time there won’t be any talking or pleasantries of any sort; we’ll walk right on by. And if I hear you’re harassing Avery, consider yourself on the receiving end of a restraining order.” Jameson’s words resounded in the hall as everyone around them was intently listening to the argument. Emily was always one for a show and while Jameson wasn’t one to care, he was aware that Avery was. It felt debilitating as she felt eyes on her but she tried not to pay attention as she was sort of privy to this already at major events when she was photographed with Xander at comps or charities as a special guest of the Hawthorne family.  Yet school felt like a different story because of how life worked with teenagers where everything was under even more scrutiny. 
“Fine!” she spat. “Just know I loved you but she most certainly doesn’t. She will never appreciate you the way I did and trust me that this is gonna be a short-lived relationship so when she leaves you high and dry, don’t come crawling back to me. All she’s gonna prove to be is a giant fake that wants you for your money; a filthy gold digger from dirt poor New Castle. A nobody! She and her sister!”  
Avery didn’t bat an eye. Although she felt anger flaring inside her at the jab at Libby, the most she did was send Emily a concentrated stare that dared her to say it again. However, it was her best friend that took that most to heart in the moment.
He wasn’t having it. His facial features were strained; mouth pursed in a grim line and long gone was the cool façade he kept up for the sake of fake pleasantry. She saw the telltale signs of irritation; clenched jaw, left eyebrow twitching ever so slightly, eyes glazed over with a steely edge and he was biting at his lips. His hands were balled into fists and his body was as taut as a bowstring, ready to strike out. He’s pissed. Avery couldn’t tell if the situation would escalate to the point it ended in a fight, if he was going to blow a fuse or just walk away. 
She’d be surprised if he didn’t put up some more arguing, though, as of late, there were quite a few instances where he simply left the scene. Maturity maybe, but this is still Jameson we’re talking about. 
And yet, what he did instead was something she never saw coming. He turned her way but before she could ask what was wrong or register what was happening, his lips were firmly against hers. He simply dove down and kissed her. Just like that. No words, no signal, no nothing. All she got was a moment to see his determined gaze turning on her, no prior warning, and then he was kissing the breath out of  her. 
Avery froze; her brain was shutting down and she didn’t know how to move her limbs. Jameson, thankfully, wasn’t phased and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Her body was still on autopilot but she knew her feet were shuffling forward and while it took a moment longer, she finally managed to react. 
Her hands found their way to his chest, grasping at the lapels of his blazer. She felt fuzzy, he was warm and solid against her and his cologne smelled nice and he was so good at this and… For what felt like a small eternity, he kissed her and she was started to relax. But as Avery was about to reciprocate, he pulled away just as quickly. Opening her eyes right after was a mistake because she was blindsided by the disorientated feeling overwhelming her. Is this the infamous Cloud 9? 
She was still clutching at the blazer, her grip having gone lax, and her other arm fell slack by her side. The only reason she realized she was still holding onto him was because he’d wrapped his hand around hers, squeezing it to give her reassurance but even that was over fast.  
“Come on, Avery.” When he said her name, the world came rushing in and subsequently, she became aware of everyone else, including Emily herself, gawking at them. Suddenly, she wasn’t so disoriented. Although she was still trying to recover from that surprise kiss, her mind was catching up and the underlying sense of embarrassment and horror were coming back in full force. If her cheeks weren’t flushed before, they were now as she was unable to look away from everyone surrounding her. But Jameson decided they weren’t sticking around. 
He grabbed her hand and tugged lightly, pulling her after him. She allowed herself a second more to linger on their audience before turning forward, focusing her eyes on the back of Jamie’s head. In her semi-dazed state, it was probably the better decision in favor of her standing there frozen with her mouth open and eyes widened like a confused fish. 
As Jameson dragged her away from the scene, away from Emily, the onlookers and the uncomfortable intensity of their stares that seemed to follow them down the hall, only then did reality wake her to the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. They were just friends… weren’t they? 
She was just being a good friend helping him out by agreeing to fake date him to get his ex-girlfriend off his back because she had simultaneously dated him and his brother and kept both their relationships a secret, right?
If so, then why did he have to go and kiss her like that? They’d agree to kissing, yes, but friends didn’t kiss that way. It felt more passionate than necessary, like there was something deeper he was trying to convey than just his frustration and fury. Admittedly, she did like the kiss just a little more than she expec-Wait, she wasn’t getting a crush on her friend, was she? 
Oh no. This wasn’t in the rules.
A/N: Thanks for reading. I will be announcing my next fic(s) for release very soon. Reminder, all my fics are also on AO3 for you to read if you prefer that platform under the pseudonym ThePuzzledWriter. Bye!
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meruz · 8 months
another ask post
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i mean i also read it because a friend whos rly into queer SFF fiction circles recced it but she did kinda lead with "the writer used to write hs fanfic...tasmyn..taz...?" to which i replied
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of COURSE I read the locked tomb because i heard taz had written a book. of course. ill consume most any media made by a beloved homestuck bnf. thats also why i played undertale. and read like..snotgirl. and idk... watched the new dub of neon genesis evangelion.
if u made homestuck fanwork 10 years ago and havent even made it since chances are I still remember and I love you for it.
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sdlkfhsg its funny you sensed that because that drawing did in fact start kinda more........ well, I'd be lying if I said my hands never wrought a drawing toeing over the pg-13 line LOL...
NOT to say i have a secret stash of porn or anything. in general im more interested in the implication of sexuality or mature themes over any explicit depiction. like everything i draw is so softcore itd almost feel silly to make a nsfw acc for anything.
but im not rly jumping to post anything on main either bc i get the sense i have a lot of kids in my social media following. it varies from site to site and fandom to fandom but the themes in my work often circle around childhood, coming of age etc and in general i like stories about kids so the fandoms i draw for have a lot of kids in them. even stuff like IT (stephen king) which is about kids but isn't necessarily for kids.. there were a lot of kids in that fandom lol.
actually thats why ive been censoring swears in comics lately because the tmnt fandom comes across to me as a little young...IDK I've had MULTIPLE people ask me what "sodomize" means because of the joke in this post and I'm like... I Cannot be the one to explain this to you. you have to look it up on your own klfsdhsdg like i wouldn't be doing this if i were doing a comic for mgs or even homestuck wherein the characters textually swear constantly LOL but sometimes u gotta change tacks depending on the faces u see in the crowd yknow.
i HAVE been thinking abt drawing nsfw of sunspot/richard rider/kobak from x-men red just because that comic seemed to be really asking for it. who knows.. if the need rly arises maybe my separate account policy will change.
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its rly more a matter of the fact that i havent read/watched much of any other iterations... im sure id like most lol. I like most things related to my interests regardless of quality. i rly like the marvel ultimate alliance games for instance. sometimes seeing my fave guy is enough he doesnt have to be well written LOL. i dont exactly have a wealth of free time tho thats the real impediment.
i did watch the 2007 movie on new years eve and found it quite charming overall. and i have read about 30-40 issues between the mirage and idw comics. still feels like im barely scratching the surface but i liked em. i rly want to read all the sophie campbell stuff bc i think her work is interesting. jason aaron will be a mixed bag i think lmao. i say as the worlds biggest Wolverine and the X-Men (2011) fan.
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hmm this is kinda hard bc i feel like i naturally draw very loose and the hard part for me is tightening it up. maybe some suggestions tho...
1) hand excercises. i think its easy to forget this when many artists sit in front of the computer all day but drawing is a physical activity u do with ur actual...bodys...muscles lol. if u feel urself tightening up it might help to strech (any google search for "artist hand excercises" should yield good results) or do a page of loose practice strokes like..big circles. long lines. scribbles. that kinda thing. whatever feels good for ur hand. this is also just good to do as a general warm up before u sit down for any drawing sesh.
2) draw further away from the canvas. as a general rule...when ur painting traditionally you do the big strokes with your whole arm outstreched and a long handled brush. and when you do the details its smaller wrist movements and a shorter handled brush. so it might help to take a step back or push back from ur chair a little.. or hold ur tablet a little further away. and hold your pen further away from the nib.
3) change mediums / brush types. some brushes and mediums are more suited to loose sketching and some more inclined towards detail work. so changing ur tool could help. also! i personally have this problem where sometimes if im using a brush i feel really familiar with the pressure to make a "good" "finished" "perfect" drawing is greater... if i want to force myself to loosen up ill switch to a tool i dont use as often so it feels like the pressure is off. a lot of times for me this is switching from digital to traditional. but sometimes its switching from a small pen to a big marker. or a smooth pen to a textured one. or a nice brush to a shitty dried up marker.
but also every body is different so i dont think these tips will work for everyone. u should listen to what ur body and mind tell u and how drawing feels to you
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bro just sign up and set it up i dont think theres much to it... i dont rly think too much abt my itch.io store because its digital goods so u just upload the file and let it do its thing. no distribution work needed on ur part. youll notice i barely even advertise my itch unless i have smth new on there lol.. its easy. but good luck!!!
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idk if im the best person to ask this im more a comic fan than i am a comic professional... a comic hobbist.
well. scott mcclouds understanding comics and making comics are good books on the craft. i think i had to buy them for a class in art school once.
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other than that idk just keep at it. comics are really laborious i think for a lot of people the hardest part is sitting down and doing it.
i think a lot of people have a very instinctive understanding of how to read comics and what they look like so whatever you think seems like good way to tell the story you have in mind, its probably right. if u get stuck, study comics that have done something similar. most people in comics are relatively self taught and actually it can be problematic bc you can tell when a lot of comic artists are all copying the same like 5 old white guys LMAO. but on the flip side if you make sure to reference and study broadly your comics will almost assuredly feel unique.
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sorry im responding to this anyways. this is just a really nice ask. i like when people reference my older work bc i feel like sometimes theyre subtly implying it wasnt very good LMAOOO. but its true! at least compared to the work i make now ^^ and the fact that im still making art is whats keeping me from being embarassed abt how much of my old art just floats around online lmao im never ashamed to be growing and learning. isnt that a nice thought <3
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deltaruiner · 7 months
Hey so i know this is months late but. i just rewatched the Walpurgis no Kaiten trailer/teaser, and i remembered there is speculation on who the unidentified new girl with a bow is.
And i just realised, that there is a very good chance it may be Madoka (in a sense), despite how different they look, and the integration of many of Homura's elements, AND that their costumes don't match.
Hear me out- first off, we already saw that they redesigned many things, including the mg outfits, and including madoka's new "lock" outfit in the end of the second trailer version.
My theory is that, because of how the new world is influenced by Homura (and how, at the end of the day, her influence comes from untilizing Madoka's godly power which she sealed), the character we are actually looking at is a very heavily "Homurized" avatar of the Law of the Cycles, which was shown to be distinct from Madoka when she split them off.
The idea i have is that the design is changed because the law of the cycles is now controlled by Homura (symbolised by the black instead of pink bow, us never seeing faces/emotion from the character, and less vibrant colouring because it doesn't have Madoka's personality inside so not much pink just whites blacks and blondes) She even dances to red ribbons in a ballet-like fashion, which gives me the vibe from ballerina Madoka from the concept movie, which is very good as a symbol of meticulous control, the kind of control homura must employ to look so tired at the final frames, and similarly a ballerina/madoka must employ to dance with such grace.
Another thing is, at the end of the red ribbon sequence, the character grabs on hard at the ribbons around her. She in a later scene jumps off a roof and gets swallowed up.
My thought is that the new movie will have a large plot about Madoka's powers rebelling and scattering, which may have some extreme consequences.
Maybe consequences such as scattering the souls and grief she controls together across the time she controls in the universe.
Maybe as a particularly large Witch.
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baek-at-it-again95 · 2 years
Walk The Plank (KHJ x fem reader)
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Chapter 12: Promise
You had grown up hearing tales about the infamous pirate crew ATEEZ—the fearless, power-hungry men that roamed the seas in search of the most valuable treasure they could lay their hands on. You almost didn’t believe the stories your mother had told you as a child...not until you wound up on their ship  
Warnings for this chapter: very brief mentions of loss, small-ish space, reader is able to be lifted by mg and yh
A/N: Extra warning...this chapter starts very romantic akjbjsdg <3 Also, I am considering starting a tag list! It is not something I have ever done before but would be open to doing :) As always, thank you for reading you beautiful atinys!!
Previous: Chapter 11, Masterlist
Chapter 12: Promise
You sit atop the captain's desk, mindlessly swinging your feet as you await him. You hope that he believes your harmless little lie about investigating a noise. It isn't too far-fetched, is it?
Hongjoong enters a few minutes later, setting down a lantern on the desk next to you. You pray that it's not the one you had left in the brig. 
"Did you find anything?" you ask innocently, looking up at him. 
"No, darling. There is nothing to worry about." You feign a sigh of relief. "But why don't you tell me what you were doing down in the brig?" You freeze up at his accusation, swallowing thickly.
"I already told you, Joong. I was investigating a noise. What if the man down there was trying to escape?"
Hongjoong uses his hook to tilt your jaw, forcing you to look up at him. "And you fail to see the danger in that?"
"No...I understand that it was foolish of me. I am sorry." This is the second time you have apologized to Hongjoong—no, a Hongjoong tonight. If you have to apologize to one more man, you'd surely throw yourself overboard. 
"Listen to me, Y/N. I know you are strong. I know you are capable of investigating something independently. I do not doubt you. However, in the situation we are in, I feel it is best that you give up some of your independence...before someone comes along and takes all of it."
It's hard to listen to what he tells you, but you bite your lip and nod in understanding. Hongjoong sighs, lowering his hook and bringing his other hand to caress your cheek. You look up at him, taking in his beautiful features as if you would forget them in the moments passing. He places a kiss to your forehead, your nose, and finally, your lips. 
You bask in the feelings of love and comfort that he offers, wishing you could feel them forever and just forget about all the chaos of the past few days.
"Why would the universe do such a thing?" you whisper, resting your forehead against his.
"Hm?" He pecks your lips.
"We were brought together, and the universe seems to want to tear us apart." 
"It cannot, and it will not." As he holds you, your worries seem to dull. Your hands delicately run across his back and around to his chest before coming to a stop at his face.
Your fingertips trace the fabric of his eyepatch, and as they do, you feel his body tense. You wish to see all of him, perfect and imperfect...but perhaps not yet. Moving your arms around his neck, he relaxes once again.
You stay by his side until the dark sky bleeds orange and pink.
That's right...you think to yourself. The alternate Hongjoong is not missing a hand like your captain. Nor is he missing an eye. They are quite different. The thought plagues your mind as Mingi and Yunho drag you along the streets of the town.
"What are you thinking about?" Yunho asks. 
"She's thinking about the captain again. Surprised she's not smiling," Mingi teases, nudging your arm. 
"No, her eyebrows are all scrunched," Yunho whines. "Y/N, are you mad at us?" he asks. Despite his intimidating size, he reminds you of a helpless little puppy. It is very contradictive of the reason he was here with you, which is to protect you. And of course, that means Mingi, who is of equal stature, would also be here. He has warmed up to you but will still take any chance he gets to tease you. 
"No, Yunho. I just spaced out," you reply, giving him an assuring smile. 
"I don't believe you," Mingi says. You and Yunho exchange glances, rolling your eyes. As you walk down the calm street of the village, you get an idea.
"Can we please get a new book?" you ask Yunho, excited.
"Sure. What book? Like, research about magic artifacts? Books of ancient spells?" His eyes sparkle, growing with curiosity.
"Mm, I was thinking perhaps I would like to read something that is not so...serious."
"What do you mean?" Mingi asks, eyebrow raised.
"Well...I think I would like to read about a romance for a change," you say quietly. Mingi laughs obnoxiously loud, and you attempt to ignore him.
"I have never read one before," Yunho tells you. 
"I think Wooyoung would quite enjoy it, too. Do you think so?"
"Aye," Mingi interrupts. "It would keep 'em quiet for a while." You smile, walking up and down the paths of the town in search of anyone selling books. You pass a few of your crew members exploring on their own, two of them being San and Yeosang. They tell you that they remember seeing a man on the East side of town selling different things, and supposedly there were some books among them.
"Is this it?" Yunho wonders aloud, eyes scanning over a stand where a short old man awaits business. 
"It must be," you reply softly, spotting a small stack of scrolls, maps, and books at the corner of his table.
"Hello." The older man beams, his eyes creasing.
"Hello, sir." You give him a slight bow as you address him.
"Are you travelers?"
"Yes. I am not from very far. These two are, though." You gesture to Mingi and Yunho. 
"Very nice. Are you interested in a new map? Perhaps a detailed one of this land?" 
"She is looking for a romance to read," Mingi explains, pointing to you. A sudden wave of embarrassment washes over you, but no one seems to notice.
"Ah, I have just the thing." The old man picks up a leatherbound notebook from the bottom of a stack, handing it to you. "Enjoy."
"How much is it?" you ask, pointing to Yunho's pocket for a small sum of the money the captain allowed you.
"Oh, do not worry about it. It would be payment enough for someone to enjoy it," the man says, giving you a soft smile. "I had a daughter that would have been around your age. She was very sick..." He shakes his head. "Stories were something she always loved, and it brings me joy to know that there are people like her." You're at a loss for words. Actually, there are just so many things you want to say, you can barely formulate a single response. But eventually, you just return his soft smile, hugging the book to your chest.
"Thank you. I promise to enjoy it."
You bid him farewell, and he wishes you all safe travels. 
As you walk back in the direction of the ship, you pass a group of children playing together. "How cute." You smile at them as you go. They don't even notice you, so engrossed in their little game. Two at a time, they play games with their hands, clapping them together rhythmically as they sing an unfamiliar song. The other kids gather around, watching and awaiting their turn. Your smile quickly fades as you listen to their words.
"Once, twice, thrice!
Have you not been nice? 
Here comes the man in white!
He's come to set things right!
He will get you! Watch out! Watch out!" 
One of the little girls playing the game stops chanting, running after the little boy in front of her. He screams, giggling as other kids join in and chase each other around. Their laughter is not comforting to you as it usually would be.
"Did you hear them?" you whisper to Mingi, your stomach twisting.
"What, their singin'?" 
"What they were singing about..."
"No." He shrugs.
"The Guardians..." you whisper, pulling Mingi and Yunho closer to you. "You don't think...."
"That they are here already?" Yunho groans. "I did not think so before, but I certainly do now. Curse them! How did they get here so fast?"
Mingi gets a grasp of the situation, despite not witnessing anything. "We must make it back to the ship without being noticed."
Yunho huffs. "Easier said than done. How do you suppose we get passed them if we have no idea where they are?"
Mingi looks around, his eyes stopping as they fall on something behind you. You look back to where his gaze is directed and immediately frown.
"No, absolutely not." He eyes a couple of large wooden barrels at the front of a building. "I think I will be sick," you state.
"You've been at sea for weeks. I think you can handle it, sweetheart." Before you can even answer, Mingi has you over his shoulder and you cling onto him, worried about being dropped. "Your dress makes you heavy," he grumbles, grunting as he hoists you into an empty barrel. 
"Mingi, I can just walk behind you. I do not like th—" You bring your hands to cover your mouth as Mingi and Yunho lift the barrel from the ground. 
"Be. Quiet." Mingi demands. You sigh and shut your eyes, trying to focus on your breathing and not the wobbling of the barrel.
Things were going just fine until you near the docks. When the men carrying you stop moving forward, your head bumps into the side of the barrel. 
"Ow," you hiss. 
"Quiet." Mingi snaps, his voice much lower than yours. "Do. Not. Move." Your eyes are now wide open as you search for any kind of gap between the planks of the barrel. You wonder what's going on around you, desperately wanting to see outside without popping your head out and exposing yourself.
Mingi and Yunho suddenly move forward again, managing a faster pace than before. You think you're moving up the gangplank as you start to hear the ocean and some familiar voices of your crew. Are you safe?
You slowly peek your head out from the top of the barrel, taking in your surroundings and seeing that you had, in fact, crossed the gangplank and onto your ship. However, as your eyes lift from the wooden boards, you see something in the distance that stands out.
A large, masked figure in white.
Looking straight at you.
>>chapter 13
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