#but im excited to tackle your request anyway!
seabirdtxt · 1 year
added some request rules to my pinned post bc i just realized i forgot to and i got my very first request (!!) which reminded me i should add that ☺️🩵
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thoughtsforsoob · 4 months
Cute aggression with txt?
a/n: I will say this many more times but thank you so much for requesting and I am so sorry this has been rotting in my inbox :( im going to try to get better at writing more often. I took a little break (abruptly but it still happened!) but now I am back. OMG dreamies announced their tour today and I am so excited for US dates to be released. are you guys concert people because I sure am. ive been to tons. feel free to ask me about them in inbox and tell me about your experiences and anything else! please enjoy! (pics not mine! found on Pinterest!)
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OMG he is the king of cute agression
he just finds you so adorable!
he loves doing it in public because you get so red and embarrassed when people turn in your direction
when you do it to him though...hes begging you to stop
"baby please! im not cute, Im handsome!"
he honestly is more a receiver but can give it occasionally
he loves it when you gently pinch his cheeks and kiss his face all over
hes not a fan of the big squeezes but he lets you anyway because be loves you
he loves when you tackle him down to the couch or bed just because you wanna cuddle
his favorite cute aggression to give is light tickling
its a competition between you both
who can give the best cute aggression...
he loves to give those bone crushing hugs that leave you gasping to breath
hes laughing at you but not for you because you pull him down towards you by his head and aggressively kiss his face
"EW! you're leaving spit on me !!!"
he's not really a giver in this are but most certainly a reciever
how could you not give cute aggression to this cutie pie??
I feel like he's very indifferent towards in but he ultimately isn't going to get mad if you squeeze him in a bone crushing hug or ruffle his hair a little rougher than you think you are
he just enjoys receiving your affection in any way possible
huening kai
he is notorious for this type of behavior :0
who would have guessed (moa...moa would have guessed)
he shows cute aggression when he sees you wearing his clothes or when you're doing something in a cute way
he once watched you take a sip of your coffee (or other drink) from the straw and he gently poked and pinched your cheeks when you were done
your cheeks just looked so cute as you were sipping your drink!!!
he can't help it
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hanniluvi · 11 months
helloooo !!! can i have hanni gf hcs? thank you
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SOPH — hihi ofc!! tysm for requesting :) <3 this is SOOO overdue but im starting to work on my requests again <3 im sorry if this is a bit short, i haven’t been motivated recently but i tried! anyways smth for my bae hanni <3
WARNINGS — use of petnames (bae/babe)
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— the person who you could just be honest with and talk about everything and ANYTHING. like we’ve seen her on that debate episode, bae was PREPARED! so i think she’d be also that talkative with you!
— i would say she’s touchy? like she loves physical touch, it’s one of her love languages. so when she’s by you, be shocked if she doesn’t start cuddling you or resting a body part on you LMAO 😭😭😭
— seems like someone who would do playful childish teasing. LIKE sticking tongue out or be like “ooouuuu” YKWIM? she does it for the fun of it and wanting a reaction. she’d be more than glad if you joined her <3
— forget about petnames, she’s gonna call you bro and dude all the time LMFAOOO. it’s a habit of hers and probably a habit of yours too, let’s be honest so it’s hard to stop! but if she does use one, it would probably be bae / babe bc she likes how it sounds
— idk…she seems the type to get jealous easily ? like she’d get real pouty or be overdramatic js for you to get the hint. she’d pretend to act cold after you notice but then just give in under your touch
— would make you do weird things w/ her LMFAO. like who wouldn’t want to ding dong ditch someone’s hotel room? hanni hanni hanni….
— would def hype you up! like she’d instantly scream and shout be like “ayyy, that’s my bae!”. just makes you feel so confident about yourself </3
— the type to just like tackle you HELP. like oh you’re laying down? she’s already preparing to jump on top of you.
— despite being pretty playful, i think she would be understanding. like she’s willing to hear you out and would change anything that you don’t like or whatnot.
— whenever she sees you sad, she instantly goes and check up on you. 😧 THIS EMOJI IS HER. and she would be like “what’s wrong?” as she rubs on your back.
— when one of you is stressed/sad (or both), she’d suggest taking a walk outside just to clear up your/her mind a bit. a bonus if it’s at night, since she loves taking walks at night.
— would probably try to make you laugh but end up laughing at herself before she could. but that doesn’t matter, since her laugh is contagious, it ends up with you laughing as well.
— probably loves matching stuff! i think she’d get really excited with matching necklaces, and even matching wallpapers!
— she’s just really comforting to be around, and you’ll never be bored when she’s around!
— forces you to watch movies with her. like she would get all excited when she finds a new movie to watch with you. so when she’s all giddy, who are you to refuse?? movie nights/dates are definitely your thing w/ her!
— likes taking silly pics and vids 😭 and whenever you tell her to delete it off your phone, she just goes “but you’re so cute here!” which explains why she has a whole album of you and her…(you also get a separate album of js you on her phone <3)
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💭 — cool with you is literally stuck in my head
NWJNS PERM TAGLIST — @miumiuangel222
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slytherinshua · 1 year
now to the req…. hehehe….. let me tell u how excited i was when i saw you’re taking k-dramas KMG!!!! so obv…
YUL FROM AOS!!! yul my beloved he’s such a cutie patootie– anyways… fluff: 39, 53 and other: 30!! idk i just feel like it suits him!!
genre. fluff. master x pupil trope. warnings. kissing. spoilers for aos ig? its not rly set in any particular episode but park jin is still the leader of songrim so i'd say loosely around ep 10-12. pairing. seo yul x fem!reader. wc. 2.1k. a/n. ahhhh axe tysm for requesting smth for yul 😭 our baby 🫶 i kinda got carried away with this and then didn't proof read it so idk how good it is lol but i had fun writing it!!
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“Give me one chance. I can hold my own in a fight. I will do anything it takes.” You pleaded, practically begging at the steps of the training centre in Jeongjingak. 
People from low class families, and especially women were never accepted into Songrim Jeongjingak. Everyone in Daeho knew that, and you’d have to be a fool or stupidly brave to try to say otherwise. You were probably both given that you were standing by the doors of the training centre at the moment, your slightly scuffed up clothing and long hair giving you no favours. 
You wanted to blame your father for your current situation, but since he was currently cold in his grave and you respected him too much, you didn’t let your thoughts wander in that direction. 
He had always insisted that you needed to know how to defend yourself, starting at a young age. After years of burdensome training, you started to finally feel the rush and satisfaction of a fight. After years of complaining about the lessons your father taught you, you finally wanted to learn spells. You wanted to use the energy inside your body. You desperately wanted to feel like you were useful, powerful, capable. 
You excelled in all the ladylike areas, from sewing and needlework, to gardening, to singing and dancing thanks to your mother. But they were all just so boring. Your habit of spending your entire day in the public library reading all the books on spells started when you were 14. It only grew over the next few years until your father knew you wanted more than he could offer you.
He wasn’t a highly skilled mage, and in his lifetime had not needed to progress beyond Jipsu, the ability to gather the energy of water. You had mastered that years ago and had progressed to tackling the skill of Ryusu. You tried hard to master it on your own once your father taught you all his lessons, but it was a near impossible task.
You needed a master, but none would accept you as their pupil. After almost every master in the country turned you down for various reasons, you turned to your last option - Songrim.
Face to face with Lord Park, one of the most renowned mages in the capital, and the current leader of Songrim, you held your head high as he refused your pleas.
One look at you had him and the other mages glaring you down and shaking their heads with disapproval. They wouldn’t even give you a chance. Dozens of remarks were thrown at you. You let them pass through one ear and out the other, not letting these men get the chance to see you turn away defeated. You were already risking your pride begging them, but you wouldn’t leave without being able to showcase your skills first. 
“You really think our masters would waste their time and energy on a girl like you with no potential?” One rude young mage sneered, and you bowed your head further, finally feeling your blood boil with rage. You gripped your sword tight enough that your knuckles turned white, resisting the urge to unsheathe it and hold it to his neck. 
I have more potential in my left pinky finger than you or any of your ancestors have had for the past 300 years, you whispered under your breath in spite, making sure it wasn’t loud enough for him to hear it.
You were unaware of a party of mages returning to the training centre at the moment, and the one leading the way seemed to have picked up on what you were mumbling. He stood next to you, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he glanced at you.
“Cha Beom is an asshole, but I wouldn’t waste your words on him.”
You glanced to the side, surprised that someone was taking your side. As you looked him over, you were sure you had seen him somewhere before. His face was fair and handsome and his clothes were neat. He looked pristine and well-mannered, but more than anything, he looked like he stuck to the rules. He was probably the last person you pictured sticking up for someone like you. You also thought that the word ‘asshole’ didn’t fit coming from his mouth.
“I’ll spar with her. If she can beat me, let her train here. If she can’t, then I’ll train her myself.” The mage said confidently. Your eyebrows furrowed at his brazenness. Wouldn’t he get reprimanded for speaking such an outlandish thing?
But he didn’t.
You watched as Lord Park sighed and waved the young mage off. An older man, Master Heo, started to protest, but upon Lord Park’s clear disinterest in continuing the situation, he was silenced.
“Do what you wish with her, Yul. Train her yourself.”
The mage smiled at Lord Park and bowed before turning to you, “So, Y/n. Let’s see those skills, hm?”
“How do you know my name?”
“I know a lot of things.” He remarked.
“Do you really have what it takes to train me? Aren’t you just another mage at Jeongjingak?” You questioned with uncertainty, earning a scoff from the young mage. 
“You don’t know who I am, do you?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Should I?”
He nodded, “Let me explain it. I have always been the top student at Jeongjingak; I mastered all the books, reached Chisu in a short amount of time, and people always come to me when they need help. That is me, Seo Yul.”
“Ah… I see. You’re smarter than you look, then.” You concluded, walking forward.
Yul paused, eyes blinking and head turned to the side in thought, “Is that a compliment for my intelligence or an insult for my looks?” He called out to you, making you turn around again.
“It was meant to be neither, though I suppose you are… decent.”
“Mm… Your looks aren’t exactly my style, but even I can’t deny that you’re not too bad.” You continued, smile widening every time his face further scrunched in confusion. Teasing him was more fun than you thought.
“Is this how you’re going to treat your new master?” 
“Why? You don’t like it?”
“You’re just very… blunt.”
“I’m sure you’ll get used to it, Master Yul.” 
Yul’s eyes widened slightly, the formality of the new name was far from the regular “Young Master Seo” he was used to hearing. Hearing it from you brought him some strange satisfaction and warmth. It was strange.
Yul was a hard master to please. More often than not, you felt like he was disappointed with you because he always kept a straight face. He always forced himself to hide his affection for you for fear that it would distract from your training, which frustrated you. You clinged onto the moments where he let his true emotions shine through just a bit. The lingering stares and little smiles— from those small moments you were sure that he was actually a warm person, and not the cold, strict master like he appeared on the outside. You just needed to find a way for him to break the facade. 
Because he was so skilled himself, impressing him only happened once in a blue moon. You tried your best, and improved quickly under his guidance. He would train you rigorously every weekday after his own training at Jeongjingak. Usually you would be by the river, using the rough and difficult terrain to your advantage. It definitely helped with your dexterity and swiftness. After just a few months, you had mastered Ryusu.
The bright smile on Yul’s face when you were finally able to gain energy from the water was one you would never forget. He even laughed a bit, and you swore you were happier about making him happy than progressing in your training.
Your love for teasing Yul never went away. His expressions were just too adorable to make you want to stop, and you felt that they gave him a small break from the pressure he was under as the eldest son of the Seo family. 
You were thinking about all your little habits you had picked up around Yul, when it hit you. How you felt that warm fluttering feeling in your stomach when you saw him smile, and the heat crept onto your cheeks whenever he had to touch your hand to show you a proper placement for a spell. That wasn’t a normal master-pupil thing. You liked him. 
As you packed up your supplies one late night by the river, his perfect face kept flashing in your mind. His cute smile curving on his lips like when you mastered another spell, the subtle curve of his nose, the plush berry colour of his lips, the softness in his eyes. He was truly one of the most pure humans you had ever come into contact with, and your adoration for him only grew everyday. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” You scolded yourself under your breath. Now that you were aware that you were in love with him, how much harder would it be to go to training with him? You were sure you were going to be flustered and tripping your own two feet the next time you tried to work on your spells with him.
“Who are you calling stupid?”
You flinched and turned around, seeing Yul sitting in one of the trees by the bank, watching you pack up intently. 
“Myself. Why’re you still here?” You asked, cheeks heating up when he jumped down from the tree smoothly and crouched down next to you to help you pack the rest of your things.
“Because my pupil is still here even though the sun has already set long ago.” He said, a smile playing on his lips but he suppressed it like always. His hand moved to pick up the bottle of medicinal herbs you had to put in your bag and his fingers brushed against yours, your cheeks heating up even more at the action. In a panic, you realised the moon shining down on you was just enough light for Yul to pick up on the colour of your cheeks. You silently cursed him for noticing every little detail about you.
“Wait… Are you blushing?” He asked with uncertainty. You backed away slightly, whispering a hushed “no” and hoping he would drop the subject. You weren’t used to this side of him, and your nerves grew every time his face inched closer to yours. How was he always so calm and collected while able to make you so flustered?
“Let me check your breathing technique, Y/n.” Yul said quietly, hand gently resting on your stomach. You looked up at him with wide eyes, breathing in short fast puffs. You saw his lips stretch into what looked like a smirk. “Your breathing is completely off. What did I tell you about practising it even when you’re not training?”
“I… I’m sorry. I must’ve… forgotten.” You mumbled, mind spinning as you wondered why his hand was still touching you.
“Do I need to remind you more often?” He asked, head tilting as he looked at you fondly. You stayed silent, wide eyes staring into his like he had put you in a trance— as if you were incapable of looking away.
Your eyes moved faster than your brain as they flickered down to his lips for a split second. If your brain was able to make a sound, it would be screaming at you right now. Why the heck would you do that? There was no way Yul wouldn’t catch on to it. You’re screwed.
You couldn’t think or even breathe when you saw him leaning in, eyes blinking closed until his soft lips finally met yours. Your cheeks burned as you kissed him back. You couldn’t think about anything but him - the feeling of having him so close, your hearts racing in sync, him pulling you closer by the waist. Your hands moved on their own, gently carding through the soft hairs at the back of his head until he eventually pulled out, still holding you close.
You caught your breath and calmed your racing heart, whispering a soft, “...Did you just kiss me?”
“Yep.” He smiled. You wondered when he got the power to steal all your confidence.
“Can you… do it again?” 
“I didn’t know you liked it that much.” He smiled, eyes glimmering, moonshine reflecting off his face, "I guess my looks are a bit more than just decent?" He teased as he leaned in once more, pressing another soft kiss to your lips.
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house-of-kolchek · 1 year
Hi !! I’ve been reading a bunch of your fics cause im hyper fixated on Jason Kolcheck rn. And I was wondering if you could do a Jason Kolcheck x reader fic where Jason has a breeding kink😵‍💫I would really appreciate if you did it cause my birthdays next week so it would be like a birthday present anyways, thats my request/idea. Thanks, love your fics❤️🤭
Hello!! Happy belated birthday dear!
I'm so sorry I was late with this - I was trying to get it finished by the end of the week but life got in the way a little bit. I hope you enjoy this!!
Put a Baby in Me, Darlin' (18+)
Jason Kolchek x Reader
Warnings? JasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasa-
Word Count: 2k
When Jason looked at you, he looked hungry. 
Which didn’t bode particularly well considering you were in the middle of a child's birthday party.
But no. You weren’t one to back down from a challenge.
You smirked at the man, sending him a wink before turning your attention back to the group of girls - all under the age of ten. You grinned, bowing your head and allowing one of the girls - Charlotte, who sported adorably mismatched pigtails - to place a too-small plastic tiara on your head. 
“My, my, what an honor to be granted the title of representative,” you gushed, your voice taking on an exaggerated posh accent. Charlotte giggled, returning your bow before rushing back to her friends, all sprawled across the lawn looking eagerly at your form. In their eyes, you could clearly see they didn’t understand even half your words, but they still faced you with the glimmer of absolute fascination.
“Repentive!!” One of the girls shrieked, erupting into laughter at the hilarity of the word. 
So maybe they were paying more attention than you gave credit for. 
“Alas!” you announced, your voice nearly cracking with your accent. “My first act as representative-” the girls giggled, erupting a soft pang in your heart “-will be to declare candy as every meal!”
The chorus of excited shrieking drew all the party’s attention to you, as a swarm of girls tackled you into a pile. Your tiara flew across the lawn, your hair tangling into the grass as you wrapped your arms around as many of them as you could manage. Fighting back grunts as elbows and knees poked into your gut, you couldn’t help the laughter escaping your lips as the group began chanting “Candy! Candy!” on repeat. 
“Alright, girls!” Another, much more adult voice cut through the chants. “Get off aunt (Name)!”
You noted the amusement in her tone as Jason’s sister, Amanda, entered your field of view. Pulling the crowd of kiddos off you, she gave a playful roll of her eyes, waiting for you to stand again.
“Candy Queen,” you mouthed, drawing a snort from her.
“I’m calling you when Barb’s bouncing off the walls at 1am you know,” she threatened, and you offered her a mild shrug, reaching down to ruffle the hair of the accused. 
As Amanda guided the children along to the recently unveiled pinata, a warm pair of hands wrapped around your waist. You stiffened for only a second, before Jason’s husky voice whispered against the shell of your ear. 
“Y’know, you’re really good with them,” he remarked with a dangerous glint to his tone. His palms swept under your shirt, warm against the skin of your stomach.
“Are you seriously trying to turn me on in the middle of your niece’s birthday party?”
“Is it workin’?” He chuckled as you slapped his wrists away, turning to press a brief kiss against the curve of his jaw. 
“No,” you teased, pinching at the collar of his shirt as you stepped away from him. “But I’m having fun getting you all riled up.”
His mouth fell open, a retort on his lips, as you made your way back over to the group of adults. You graciously accepted as one of Jason’s cousins offered you the opportunity to hold their newborn. With a flare of mischief, you glanced back over to your husband, quirking a brow at the intense stare he faced you with. The tips of his ears turned red, and just to rile him up further, you leaned to press a kiss against the baby’s little forehead.
It wasn’t like he kept it hidden. You saw the hungry way he looked at you any time you were around children. You’d heard him whisper “puttin’ a baby in you” at least more than twice in the bedroom. Hell, the first time you’d told him he could come inside you, it took him exactly two seconds to do just that.
And you were far from against it. You were good with kids, and you loved them. Especially in recent months, you’d found yourself fascinating about your own little bundle of joy. Your heart and your pussy swelled at the thought of a little one - hopefully sporting Jason’s deep brown eyes and your hair - staring back up at you with one of those toothless smiles you adored so much. 
And so, as the party drew to an end, and you bent down to kiss your niece goodnight, you took a new pleasure in the way Jason’s gaze bored into your back. You took your time offering goodbyes, teasing him relentlessly as you hovered by the front door. 
The drive home was rather uneventful, instead filled by a warm tension in the air. Jason drove quickly, his breaths heavier than usual. And yes, when you glanced down, you didn’t fail to notice the tightness against the front of his pants. 
Yeah. This was gonna be fun.
You followed Jason’s retreating figure, letting your gaze sweep up and down his body as he entered your home. His gaze stayed firmly cemented to the floor, that familiar quirk in his brows as he held his tongue. To hazard a guess, he almost looked embarrassed. 
Why? You weren’t quite sure. So, with a slight pang of sympathy, and less than slight ache in settling in your lower stomach, you finally gave him what he wanted.
“Alright handsome. You gonna put a baby in me or what?”
And Jason choked.
His gaze snapped to you, his pupils growing wide as you stepped closer, leaning in to brush your fingers across his chest. He mouthed quiet words, his adam's apple bobbing as you watched him go through the five stages of grief within two seconds. He’d been caught, until he started to realize that you liked it.
“I think I would make a pretty good mommy, don’t you?” you drawled, grinning wickedly as his arms tensed, his hands curling into tight fists. With a flash in his eyes, and another heavy gulp, Jason’s voice dropped an octave.
“You’re playin’ a dangerous game there, sweetheart,” he warned, and you brightened at the challenge. Curling both your hands into his shirt, you stood on your toes, your lips just barely brushing against his with each word you uttered. 
“Oh, I don’t play games… daddy.”
And in the next second, Jason scooped you into his arms, winding your legs around his waist and surging forward until your back hit the door. His lips collided with yours in a messy kiss, his tongue already prodding at your bottom lip. You gasped against his lips, wrapping your arms tight around his neck as you arched into his chest. His worn baseball cap hit the ground with a soft thump, and your hands flew into his hair, raking your fingers through the soft strands. 
With his hips pinning you against the wall, Jason leaned back enough to yank your shirt over your head. Dipping his head back down, he pressed hot kisses against the column of your throat. His fingers dug into your hips, holding you up enough so he could rut against your core, growing firmer with each thrust. 
“Bed,” you breathed out between gasps. Jason nodded against your skin, slipping his hands across your back as he walked you across the hall and into your room. Depositing you on the bed, he paused to strip his own shirt off, before covering you with the warmth from his skin as he continued to attack your neck and jaw with kisses. 
You keened as he bit into your neck, sucking hard enough to leave an angry purple mark just under the skin. Moving his mouth downwards, he turned his attention to your covered breasts, running his tongue along the curves in a searing line.
“I can’t wait to see these all swollen up,” he groaned, covering each breast with his hands and squeezing once, before he reached under your back to unclip your bra. His words sent a stream of heat to your core, and you rutted against him as his lips latched on to one of your nipples. 
“I bet you can’t,” you sighed out, drawing a deep grumble from his throat as you tugged on his hair. “But I bet this’ll drive you even crazier.” Latching your fingers around his, you dragged his free hand down, resting his palm across your abdomen. Jason’s lips fell from your skin, his eyes squinting shut as his hips bucked against yours.
“Fuck, the things you do to me,” he hissed, pressing one more hot kiss against your stomach before fumbling with the button of his jeans. With a flash in his eyes, he jerked his chin towards you, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “Strip.”
In an instant, your hands were at the waist of your pants, tugging them down with your panties in one swipe. Jason - ever the impatient man - helped yank the garment off your ankles, his hands gripping each of your knees to spread your legs. With a shuddering sigh, he let one hand cup the warmth between your legs, tracing a finger along your folds and groaning at the slick.
“Fuck, Darlin.’ Think you can take it without any prep?” he husked, his gaze fixated on your core as one hand absentmindedly stroked himself. 
Well, if you didn’t before, you sure as hell did now.
All it took was your nod, and Jason was leaning over you again, lining himself up before easing into you. You hissed out a long gust of air at the stretch, one arm reaching behind your head to dig your fingers into the sheets. 
“‘m gonna fill you up so good,” he grumbled, cupping the backs of your legs and pressing them back to your chest. Hovering over you, he set a rapid pace, drilling into you in a way that felt almost feral. 
Jason leaned over you, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead against the valley between your breasts before he dipped down, his tongue running rapidly along your skin to lap it up. You groaned, rolling your hips against him, the friction against your clit adding to that delicious ache in your core. 
“What are you gonna do?” you hissed, your throat catching on the words as Jason gave a particularly hard snap of his hips. His lips seared against the skin of your collar as he groaned, his fingers digging into your sides.
“‘m gonna put a fuckin’ baby in you,” he chanted, his pace growing sloppy. The words sent heat straight to your core, and your nails dug in against his shoulders as you bucked your hips up to meet his.
“Say it again,” you ordered.
And he did.
Again, and again he chanted, his voice breaking and rising in pitch. The clipped sounds in the back of your throat met his as you yanked his head down, attacking his lips with tongue and teeth as the coil in you finally snapped.
Jason was soon to follow you, falling over the edge with a drawn out, shaky gasp. He fell across your trembling form, reaching to brush one of the many messy strands of hair away from your eyes. With a sheepish grin, he pressed a final, soft kiss to your shoulder, before heaving himself back to a seated position.
You groaned, your head falling back into the pillows as he angled your hips back. Pulling out, he watched, completely entranced as his release leaked from you. His finger traced under your entrance, swiping it all up and pushing back into you. You whined at the overstimulation, your thighs clamping shut, inadvertently pinning his hand in place as a makeshift-plug. Meeting your eyes, Jason’s grin grew, a mischievous glimmer forming in his eyes.
“Hey so what do you think of the name Simon?”
@yellowroses-world @buttermykolchek @kawaiiwitch224 @kassiekolchek22 @yeslieutenant @lorebite @tangytastyflatboard @meadows-of-light @boristhepineapple @thedreamingfish99 @shinydixon @crazymissy22
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Hiii, excited to see you doing creepypasta reqs again! Could you possibly write hcs for Slenderman's s/o get very festive for Christmas and want to decorate a tree with him, make cookies, ugly sweaters, the whole shabang! I kinda got inspired to ask this bc of something similar you did for Halloween that I absolutely loved!
Doing Christmas with Slenderman!
still sick but im feeling bad for not writing anything these past few days so im probably going to tackle this request and write something for myself !! im feeling better compared to last night; was scared to fall asleep after literally waking up choking on my own phlegm but good news is that it didnt happen again when i feel asleep (admin is testing god) anyways uuuuuuuuh hope you enjoy! happy holidays to everyone and to those who dont celebrate, have an amazing rest of the year!
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i like to think that instead of bringing a tree into the mansion, you guys just decorate a tree out in the woods! now is it a christmas tree? well... now technically it is... but is it your standard evergreen? ...no, i mean unless the woods slenderman resides in have those! but its the thought that counts!
though i think if it really does matter to you he might get (steal) a tree for you along with some shiny new ornaments, just dont ask where it all came from!
knows of the holidays but similar to most human things and traditions, he doesnt really know much else so youre going to have to guide him!
retreats to his office when wrapping your gifts, and completely leaves the mansion/your place if youre wrapping his gifts
you guys have to get an extra long scarf to share since hes so tall he kind of unintentionally hogs it (does it count as hogging if most of the scarf is stretched between you two?)
youre going to have to beg if you want to see him in an ugly sweater, though, the scarf hes fine with but a sweater? an ugly one? come on reader, have mercy... he needs to be intimidating...!
only wears the sweater when you guys are in the mansion or in your home
i notice i keep bouncing between slenderman being a good cook and a shit one, but i think it would make more sense for him to kind of suck. at least in the beginning since he has no need to cook for himself + youre the first human hes had to provide for... so
baking christmas cookies together is going to be interesting!
they dont taste,,, horrible...
definitely better at decorating than actually baking; though you must admit hes very careful and meticulous with his ingredients, there was hardly a mess left behind
evil laughs
brain blast he ties a mistletoe to his tentacle and hangs it over the two of you. only really does this when hes craving affection more than usual
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fairykazu · 1 year
Congratulations on achieving 60 followers! Is it okay if I request Albedo + prompt 26? Thank you so much!
ofc you can,, another thing to note is that they might be ooc so i apologize
60 followers special | masterlist
KREIDEPRINZ PRINCE: albedo x gn! reader
26. not letting them go when hugging
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you havent seen albedo in a while. he’s always in his lab, working and you dont want to bother him when hes working. its not like he would mind when you’re there. its just awkward since you dont understand whats going on. it’s fine anyway. even though, it hurts not knowing the information beforehand, you like to learn and besides, just having a glimpse of albedo is worth it. 
but by the time you went to his lab, albedo was already gone. huh. you couldve sworn he told you he would be in his lab, doing his little alchemist things. the lab was empty. notes scattered on the desk and the glassware in the works of an experiment. but there was really no trace of albedo. just before you were going to leave, a familiar green haired girl yelped, her glasses dropping on the cobblestone floor. “AH! NAME!”
“sucrose, have you seen albedo?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. she picked up her glasses as she put it on, 
“i have today! but he left me a letter on the desk– oh! i shouldve not told you.”
“ah.. im making this worse. i promise it isn’t what it sounds like, name.” sucrose is really not that kind of girl anyway. to be the other woman? no… mostly because she’s dating rosaria. 
“no i understand. what letter are you talking about?” 
“this one!” sucrose replied, reaching for a letter in the cabinets. she handed it to you while you opened up the letter. 
i will be going home early today; please take notes on the experiment while i’m gone. i have to return home to surprise her.
- A.K. 
ha ha… he was home, of course he was. “thank you for telling me sucrose!” 
as you jingled your keys into your shared home with albedo, you heard excited giggles and shushes on the other side. when the door opened, shuffled feet were running towards your way and before you could react, a little munchkin tackled you down on the wooden floors. 
“NAME!” klee exclaimed with glee as albedo helped you up. she was still attached to you. you walked to the living room as the elf was clinging onto your waist. 
“hi klee! how are you doing?” you asked as she rambled about her day. archons, no wonder she can kill a geovishap hatching. she’s holding you so tight as if you were dodoco. at least, she thinks dear of you. 
“klee, you’re making name uncomfortable…” albedo stated, referring to your expression of how tight she’s holding you. klee saw your face and released her grip on you. 
“i’m sorry, name.” she pouted as you pat her head. 
“don’t worry about it.” 
later in the night, after jean picked up klee from the house. you both were in your bedroom, it was dimly lit and you were just getting to bed. until albedo’s head burrowed into your nape, you were confused. as you pat his head, he mumbled something you couldn’t hear.
“i was going to surprise you today but i didn’t see you in the house.” 
you chuckled in response, “i was going to surprise you too!” there was silence between you two but it was comfortable. albedo broke the silence by laughing a little, it wouldn’t be long until you started to laugh along with him. he burrowed more into your neck, hugging you a bit tighter. it would be nice if nights were always like this.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
HEY HOW ARE YOU?? HAVE A GREAT DAY :D (and oh oh OH you wanted lee kaito?!?)
honestly i havent seen if you ship or anything since i just read your toya and akito one but i like to think meiko and kaito have tk fights a lot
like kaito would trip on stage or something and meiko would playfully punish him with tks after the show auahahahah (sorryyyy im bad with requests, this is my first)
sorry if you already got a request or something buuuuuut if you did you can ignore this
buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if you didnt............. 👀 i hope this idea helps?? lol
((if you dont have an ☯️ anon yet can i claim that??))
After show
When it comes to ships I'm pretty open minded about them, as long as it's not incest or y'know...illegal akskalsjakdh
Anyways, ty so much for feeding my Kaito obsessed brain!
I did change the prompt up a bit to incorporate an idea a friend of mine had given me prior, so I hope you don't mind aalskaksj
Hope you enjoy! :D
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Kaito x Miku (platonic) WxS Sekai
Lee: Kaito
Ler: Miku
Warnings: Tickles! My love for Kaito aisuaisjakd
It was a special day over at the stage Sekai. All the vocaloids and plushies were rehearsing for their next upcoming play. Kaito's solo part was coming up, he went to do his dance routine but ended up accidentally tripping through it. Luckily Miku was there to catch him before he could hit the ground. Still, Kaito couldn't help but feel embarrassed and a bit frustrated.
After rehearsal was done for the day, Kaito went outside, still feeling embarrassed over what had happened. Miku caught a glimpse of him and joined him as well.
"Kaito~! Ehh...everything okay?".
"Yeah...I'm fine...".
Miku squinted her eyes at him, Kaito only stared back with a confused look.
"Y'know, you're pretty bad at lying. What's got you so upset?" Miku gave him her best puppy eyes, how could Kaito resist them?! That's easy, he can't.
"I'm just a bit upset over what happened earlier..".
"Whaaaat? But it was just a mistake! I'm sure you'll get it right the next time~!" Miku bumped her fist into the air energetically, but Kaito only sighed as he looked at the ground.
This sucks, Miku hated seeing her friends all upset. She was willing to do anything to make Kaito happy again, even if he didn't approve of her methods that's a lie he does. Miku grinned and giggled mischeviously.
"Oh Kaitoooo~" she said in a sing-song voice. Kaito knew that tone far to well, and it always lead him to trouble.
"Whatever it is you have planned, don't!" Kaito tried to sound as serious as possible but his cheeks were already getting heated and his voice sounded a bit flustered. Miku giggled again.
"I think you know exactly what I'm about to do~" Miku brought her hands up, teasingly wiggling her fingers at the male vocaloid. Kaito stared at her in pure fear and excitement before deciding to scramble on out of there! Miku wasted no time chasing after him, ungraciously tackling him face first into the ground.
"WAH-! M-Miku get off!" Kaito squirmed under her grasp, but he was effectively trapped. And to make matters worse, Miku pinned one of his arms behind his back.
"Not until you're happy again! Until then...tickle tickleeee~" she quickly dug her finger's against Kaito's side, making him chocke on a laugh. For some reason he was feeling stubborn and didn't want to give Miku the satisfaction of making him laugh, so he opted to bite his lip and thrash around. Not the best plan he came up with, considering how horribly ticklish he is.
"C'mon Kaito, y'know you wanna laugh~" she then moved her fingers up to his ribs and that's when the dam finally broke.
"Nahahahahaha!! M-miku stahaHap!" Kaito squealed and kicked his legs out from behind, he was too ticklish for this! Miku only giggled and kept tormenting the ticklish vocaloid.
After a while of some awfuly good rib tickles, Miku flipped Kaito onto his back. Kaito took this chance to catch his breath, knowing Miku she was far from done with him.
"Hehe I can see your tummy~".
"Huh-? EEP!" He let out a squeak at the sudden poke he felt on his bare stomach. Miku then flashed him a mischevious smirk, uh oh was all Kaito could think.
"Miku what are you- BWAH! AHAHAHAHAHA! M-MIKU NOHOHO!" Kaito shrieked and fell into a fit of hysterical laughter when he felt something soft and fluffy along his tummy. Miku was currently using the tail from her costume to tickle him! She truly was the tickle monster of the Sekai.
"Such a cute ticklish tummy you have~".
Poor Kaito squealed and cackled, kicking out his legs like a puppy. The ticklish dork covered up his face with his hands, too embarrassed from all the weird yet cute noises he kept making from the tail tickles.
Looks like Miku was having none of that though. She stopped the ticklish assault on Kaito's tummy and pinned his arms above his head.
"Aehehe...M-miku let me gohoho!" Kaito's flushed face got revealed once more, showing off his bright smile and watery eyes. He tugged at his arms but of course Miku wouldn't budge.
"Hmmm...are you feeling better now?".
"Mmhm!!!" Kaito nodded his head profusely, it was quite the comedic scene to witness.
"Hehe you suuuure~?" She playfully poked at his armpit.
"YeheHEs! Im suHUHURE!" Kaito squealed once again, almost bucking Miku off of him.
"You really really suuuuuuure~?" She gave his armpit a quick scribble.
"YEHEHEA! P-PLEHEHEASE MIKUHUHU!" Kaito threw his head back in laughter, too tired to even squirm or even think of getting away. Maybe being forced to endure Miku's tickle torture wasn't so bad after all. He couldn't lie, he was feeling much better now.
Looks like the heavens were in Kaito's favor, because shortly after Miku stopped tickling him. She let go of him and gave him room to breathe. He quickly curled up on himself, hugging his torso as stray giggles kept pouring out of him.
"Hehe no problem~" she helped him up onto his feet. He was so giggly she was afraid he would fall down again!
"Also, could you please not mention this to anyone? It's kind of embarrassing..." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Too late for that!".
Kaito let out a startled gasp. In front of him were none other than the gang of misfits- I mean the WonderlandsxShowtime group, all grinning mischeviously towards him.
"Uhh...I-I uhm..." poor Kaito tried to come up with an excuse as his face heated up once more.
"Get him!" yelled out Tsukasa and Emu as the four of them charged straight towards him. Looks like Kaito wasn't catching a break today.
This kept me wildly entertained during my long ass car trip aksjakajsla
Also im planning on writing a poly VBS fic soo if anyone's got any ideas feel free to send 'em in👀
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alltoowelltom · 2 years
rendezvous (t.h)
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tom holland x little mix!reader
request from @thirlwallsholland for little mix!reader on holiday with tom and the boys - hope you enjoy !
a/n: i'm using jade thirlwall as face claim again for the smau posts for continuity
those 3 photos are also so wonky if you're on pc lol im so sorry - but honestly not sorry enough to spend 25 minutes fixing them. it looks good on the app on dark mode.
warnings: blood, injury, alcohol, maybe too much fluff lol
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The end of a tour was always a strange time. After so many weeks of living on the road with your closest friends, it was a shock to come back to reality. The end of this tour was especially hard, knowing it would be the last time you’d perform with your band for a while as you all took a well-deserved break.
Tom had witnessed the effect this had on you, and after spending a few days stroking your hair as you lay on the sofa binge-watching reality TV, letting you rest up he came to you with an idea. An escape from dribbly London, a holiday to celebrate and take your mind off of things. He suggested you invite the rest of the girls too, and once Harry, Harrison, and Tuwaine heard about the trip they were all too excited to crash it.
So here you were, the eight of you sprawled out underneath the blue Bali sky, listening to the gentle crashing of the waves and feeling the warmth of the sun beating down on your skin.  
���・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The boys had eventually tackled each other into the ocean and you lay on a beach towel, surrounded by the rest of your band. In your relaxed state, you only half register the familiar giggle approaching your towel, accompanied with a grumbly, “watch it, Tom!” from Jade as he no doubt blocked her sunlight. Something cold and wet hit your shoulder, followed by a cascade of tiny drips pattering over your stomach and you shriek, opening your eyes to meet Tom’s crinkly ones as he stands above you, shaking out his wet curls over you. 
“Toooooom!” you groan, shivering at the cold water. 
“Y/NNNNNN!” he mocks, dropping down onto the sand next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders. 
“What was that for?” you ask. “I was sunbathing.”
He shrugs. 
“What’s the fun in having a girlfriend if you can’t bug the hell out of her?” he grins, knocking his forehead into yours. 
You roll your eyes, inadvertently snuggling into his side. You can never stay annoyed at him for long. 
“Anyway, I came over hear to ask you to play chicken with Tuwaine and I.” he says. “Otherwise I gotta have Harry on my team and he sucks at chicken.”
You snort into his shoulder, nodding. 
“Harry does suck at chicken.”
Before you even have a chance to decide whether to play, Perrie is hopping up off her towel, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet. 
“Pez!” you shriek as she tugs you towards the water, Tom laughing and jogging after the both of you. “What the hell is going on?”
“A game!” she cheers. “We have to hurry, I want to win!”
You wobble slightly, grabbing onto Tom as you try to stay on his shoulders with his arms wrapped around your legs. 
“Ouch!” he screeches. “My ears, love, why are you grabbing my-”
“Oh shit,” you laugh, bending down to press a kiss to his red ears in apology and sticking your arms out for balance instead. “Sorry.”
“Come on!” calls Perrie as she approaches, balanced perfectly on Tuwaine’s shoulders. “Are you ready to loose?”
When you’re closer, you reach out and rest your hands on her shoulders and she copies your action. 
“Ready?” calls Tuwaine. 
“Three, two-”
Perrie gives an almighty shove before Tuwaine can even say one, sending Tom stumbling backwards and you sliding off his shoulders into the water. 
“Perrie Edwards!” you shriek, coughing saltwater out. “He didn’t even get to one!” 
Perrie laughs as she and Tuwaine high five. Tom has recovered at this point and wraps one arm around you as you stand up. 
“Are you okay?” he laughs. 
You nod, tapping his shoulders to signal him to crouch down. He obliges and you clamber back on determinedly. Tom puffs his chest out as you approach the other team, preparing to win this time. 
“Is everyone ready this time?” laughs Tuwaine. “Alright. Three, two, one-”
“FIGHT!” you yell, pushing hard on both Perrie’s shoulders. She teeters backwards but regains her balance, pushing you back in retaliation. You both grapple with each other, and just as Tuwaine stumbles backward and you think that you and Tom have this one in the bag, she reaches out and pushes against your hip, pushing you off sideways. 
You scream as you fly through the air, hitting the water with an almighty splash. You fall so forcefully you go right down to the blue bottom, scraping your knee against a particularly sharp shell. Before you can properly register what happened and resurface, a pair of strong arms reach down and pull you up into the sunlight. Tom gasps in relief, holding you close to chest bridal style as he checks you over. 
“Darling! Are you alright?” he worries. 
You nod, blinking against the harsh light and giggle slightly at his protective state. 
“Tommy I’m fine! It’s not even that deep. I just got a shock, is all.”
Tom looks unconvinced and pouts as his eyes sweep over your legs. 
“You’re bleeding, darling.” he says, gently holding your knee.
You glance down and see that he’s actually right. There’s a gash across your left knee and a steady stream of red blood streams out, fading into the clear ocean water. Perrie wades over, looking guilty. 
“Y/N I’m so sorry babe! I got to competitive and you got hurt!” 
You shake your head, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
“I’m fine you lot of worriers! It looks worse than it is, honestly it’s not deep. I’m fine.”
“I’m going to take you back up to the beach and have a look at it.” says Tom, wading out into the shallows. You roll your eyes but know you can’t stop him as he carries you up the beach, laying you on a towel near the rest of the group. Jade and Leigh-Anne have gone off somewhere and Harrison is out cold underneath his sunhat, but Harry shakes his head as Tom crouches over you, pressing tiny kisses to your knee and trying to wipe the remaining blood away, wincing whenever he looks to closely. 
“This never would have happened if you’d let me play chicken, Tom.” Harry laughs. 
Tom shoots him a death glare and Harry quietens, sensing how worried Tom is about you. 
“Sorry,” he mutters, turning to you. “Seriously, are you okay Y/N?”
You reach out and playfully smack the redhead, rolling your eyes. 
“For the last time, I’m fine! It’s literally a small cut and everyone’s acting like I’ve been partially beheaded or something.”
Harry snorts in laughter as he holds up his hands in surrender. 
Tom leans over to someone’s large beach bag, searching for some kind of Band-Aid for you. He chucks items in his way behind him as he does so, a tube of sunscreen landing in the middle of Harrison’s stomach who wakes up with an “oof”. 
“There’s nothing in here, darling.” Tom sighs. He stands up and reaches down, picking you up bridal style again. “I’m going to take you back to our room and we’ll find you something there.”
You nod, not even trying to protest as you know you won’t convince him. 
Harrison sits up, blinking as he adjusts to the sunlight. He catches sight of Tom striding towards the hotel with you in his arms and frowns at Harry who only shrugs at him, opening up a trashy magazine you had left. 
“Y/N!” calls Harrison. “Are you okay??”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“He didn’t swim into you on purpose, Y/N” sighs Leigh-Anne. “You just happened to snorkel right into his house, that’s all.” She tries to reassure you as you all crowd around a table in a tiny restaurant, you cosying up in the corner of the booth between her and Tom.
“I saw the bloodlust in his tiny fishy eyes, Leigh,” you say, shuddering at the memory of only a few hours ago. “He had an evil plan.” 
Tom picks up his fork and brandishes it at invisible fish all around your table. “Back off!” he barks. “Back off, say I! Away from my girlfriend!” 
You grab his fork, placing it down on the table and knocking your head into his shoulder as you try so hard to stay serious at his childish antics. 
“Tom!” you hiss. “You’re making a scene.”
He shrugs. 
“I’m an actor darling, it’s what I do. The other thing I do is protect my wonderful girlfriend against supervillain fish plotting against her.” 
It’s at this moment that there is a simultaneous lull in everyone else’s conversations and all six heads turn to look at you and Tom, blinking for a second before bursting out in laughter. 
“Evil supervillain fish?” splutters Jade, as Tom buries his head in your shoulder. 
“You all heard it out of context,” he mutters sheepishly. 
You’re deep in a conversation with Leigh-Anne about a recent performance when you notice Tom has been uncharacteristically quiet. You turn to see him leaning away from you, seemingly invested in a photo Perrie’s showing him on her phone. Looking closer, you see she’s proudly showing him pictures of baby Axel. “Oh, and look at this one with him and Hatchi,” she coos. 
Tom gives ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ in all the right places, nodding and grinning with his eyes trained on the phone but he drums his fingers on the table, fidgeting and shifting in his seat. Before you can ask if he’s okay, you’re all distracted by the food arriving. Once everyone’s started eating you lean into his side and put your mouth near his ear. 
“Hey,” you whisper, conversation drowned out to the rest of the group by the chatter of everyone else. “Are you okay? Did Perrie ambush you with baby photos?”
He laughs softly, resting a hand on top of yours. 
“Don’t worry about me, love. Just seeing all the baby photos, it got me thinking and excited for the future.” he whispers.
Your heart skips a beat and he grins properly, pressing a kiss to your head. He gives you one last smile before tucking into his meal. 
“Oh my God,” he moans. “This is fucking incredible! Darling, you have to try some.” 
He scoops up some of his meal on his fork, twisting in his seat and placing his free hand under your chin so he can feed you a mouthful. He’s not wrong, the food is absolutely incredible and is made even better when you’re surrounded by your best friends in the world. The sweet moment is interrupted by Harry and Jade making gagging sounds and pretending to be sick from their end of the table as they try to glare at you and Tom, but neither can hide the shine in their eyes as they watch you two. 
As the night grows dark and the group is only illuminated by the colorful lanterns hanging above the table, Jade taps her knife against her glass, waiting until the whole table is watching attentively. Jade clears her throat. 
“Before we leave tonight, I want to raise a toast. Or maybe a few toasts, so we might need to get some more to drink over here. Firstly, I want to toast to the girls.” She glances around at you all, eyes shining. You can already feel yourself welling up and Leigh-Anne clasps your hand under the table for comfort. “You girls have been the best sisters for the last ten years. We couldn’t have done any of this without each other, and I’m so proud of everything we’ve achieved. Seven incredible albums, the tours, the awards, the music videos, the performances, the fans we’ve met, winning Best British Group-” you all cheer, Tuwaine reaching two fingers up to his mouth to whistle and Tom wrapping an arm around you and squeezing you into his side -“but most of all, our friendship,” Jade continues. “I think it’s fair to say that our friendship has gotten us through the last ten years together, and I just wanted to tell you all how much I appreciate you lot. I love you.” she sniffles, raising her glass. “To Little Mix!”
“To Little Mix!” you all chorus, clinking your glasses and wiping away stray tears. 
“I’ve got a toast too, because I don’t think Jade can get through another one,” laughs Perrie, holding Jade as she sniffles and hiccups slightly. “I want to raise a toast to Tom and Y/N. Now, Y/N.” she begins. “We’ve always been a little protective over you, though God knows you don’t need it, really. I know we tend to tease you and Tom a lot for having absolutely zero boundaries and piling on the PDA when you’re together, but it’s only because we love you both so much. It’s been an honor to watch you fall in love, bub.” she says. 
“And to have been the three co-authors of every text Tom received from you for the first six months of your relationship.” adds Leigh-Anne, knocking her shoulder into yours. 
“Wait, what?” Tom laughs. 
“Mind you though Tom, Little Mix will reassemble to commit a felony if you ever hurt her,” pipes in Jade.
“To Tom and Y/N,” cheers Perrie, ignoring him and raising her glass. “For being Tom and Y/N!”
Tom buries his hand in his jacket that he’d tucked around your shoulders when it had started to get colder and rests his head on top of yours, basking in the moment with you. 
“And for paying for this trip!” cheers Harry. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
+ bonus smau
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liked by hazosterfield, nikkihollandphotography, oliviarodrigo and others
y/ninstagram☑️: on our way!
mixerjadeee: where are you going ????
↪️y/ninstagram☑️: Bali!!
harryholland64☑️: i'm literally sat right on the other side of you, where's a pic of me?
perrieedwards☑️: can't wait to see you guys again!
tomholland2013☑️: naa why do i do that thing with my hand
↪️y/ninstagram☑️: idk spiderman
dommoholland☑️: you've got that son of mine reading? witchcraft.
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liked by nikkihollandphotography, tuwaine and robertdowneyjr
tomholland2013☑️: how you feel about a rendezvous? time for two
tuwaine☑️: *eight
mixerhollands: he used a little mix lyric 😭
hazosterfield☑️: 🔥🔥
↪️tomholland2013☑️: back off bro?
parkersy/n: oop-
harryholland64☑️: how long did it take you to spell rendezvous right
↪️tomholland2013☑️: like 2 min i got yn to spell check
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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captain-kinda-trash · 3 years
Hi! I wanted to request some headcannons for rottmnt boys with a reader who gives great hugs and gets a plush hoodie this winter, so hugging them feels like hugging a teddy bear now
Of course!! Thank you so much for the request!!
Teddy Bear (ROTTMNT Headcanons)
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This was what I had in mind while writing 🤔🤔⬇
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Let's just be clear about one thing
Leo LOVES your hugs
CANNOT get enough of them
Long night of fighting for justice? Huggies
Gets into an argument with Donnie? More huggies
Hell, even walking past you in the lair, he'll do little grabby hands and act like a whiny baby until he gets his daily hugs 🙄 😩
But then you get a super soft, super fluffy, super warm sweatshirt?
He's dead
You're basically like a human heater for this cold-blooded blue boy
Since you've gotten it, you can hardly stop wearing it, because it's the most comfortable thing ever-
And Leo has gotten even more excuses to hug you
"Leo, im cooking!"
Will, without a doubt ask you to carry his lazy ass, just because he wants to snuggle into your sweatshirt
And don't even get me STARTED on movie nights with him
Because what begins as a cold-blooded turtle hanging onto your arm like a baby koala
Ends up being Leo curled up in your lap or somehow wrapped around you with this hot sweater
So while he's practically purring with comfort, you are sweating like a dog
Not to mention, this bitch is just heavy
like 200+ pounds of straight muscle, so I hope you don't have to use the restroom any time soon because it's going to take a while to pry this big baby off of you
I'd also like to mention, that you don't need to tell him not to steal your hoodie
because he’s gonna do it anyways 😎💙
You discovered this one day, when you slipped the article off to bake with Mikey
After a nice batch of cookies was made, your jacket was gone and you began parading around the lair to find it 
Only to see Leo, snuggled in his bed and playing on his phone, with your hoodie practically swallowing him whole
If he hadn’t looked so comfortable, you would have been angrier, and just settled for scolding him playfully for stealing it
it was hell trying to pry it off of him,  though...
This turtle knows how to wrestle and he will not hesitate to kick your ass over this fluffy sweatshirt 😤
These two things (hugs and your hoodie) combined just make Leo melt into a puddle, and he couldn’t be happier to have all of your teddy bear hugs :>
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um, have you met this turtle?
KING of hugs
It’s so great how both of you share the same energy
Though he’s more cold-blooded, like Donnie, he needs all of the hugs
It’s just your thing
With Raph, you have fist bumps, Leo, you’ve got a cool handshake, Donnie is more for high-fives 
And for Mikey, it’s hugs 
He practically tackles you to the ground in tight hugs whenever you get home from school/work and come to the lair, like a happy little puppy
Speaking of puppies…
That’s what he says your hoodie feels like whenever it first arrives in the mail.
Immediately, you throw it on, and Mikey is all over it, petting the soft fabric and squealing in excitement 
Can he please wear it?? 🥺
Little Mikey didn’t even have to ask before you shed the hoodie and let him try it on
And OH
The amount of cuteness that this turtle radiates when he’s smiling like an idiot and flapping the oversized arms around is just-
He vows to get his own since it’s so warm and comfortable
But he’s very respectful and gives it back to you
Only to attack you in another hug and lift you off of the ground because you look so adorable
“You’re like a little teddy bear!” *excited squeal!*
Mikey 100% respects your space so if you’re ever snuggling, he’s instantly aware of your getting sweaty or uncomfortable and will let up or loosen his arms
Winter days?
Snuggles all day and night
when Mikey (politely) asks to wear your jacket, he’ll throw it on and give you piggyback rides around the lair, because we love fun
And for Christmas, you get him his own, and he’s IN LOVE 
Sweater buddies 
He gets one in his favorite color and little ears on the hood and once a week, when they need to be thrown in the washer, you’ll keep him warm while he waits.
(Leo gets jealous of all the attention you’re giving Mikey >:o)
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we all know that Don isn’t the biggest on physical affection
If he wants a hug, usually he’d be the one to initiate, which is totally cool, since usually he’s forced into a hug by his brothers (secretly loves it tho)
He does enjoy your hugs, though he can be a bit awkward and stiff with them at first
If he’s feeling down, needs to be warmed up a bit, he’ll immediately seek your comfort
Even out of his brothers, you’re secretly his favorite 
Sure he loves Dr. Delicate Touch, but sometimes Donnie would rather go to someone who isn’t very pushy with solutions, and is willing to listen
And we can also all agree that he has an immaculate fashion taste ✨💜
When he sees the fluffy sweater draped over your arm, he’s immediately running over, analyzing the fabrics, and rushing to get you to try it on
Why? Fashion show 
Loves the warmth of your hoodie
And I because “it’s so soofff”
Donnie’s blood runs the coldest out of all of his brothers and he has the most sensitive shell, so he just adores your sweater
Is definitely contemplating on getting one for himself, though he wouldn’t tell you at first, because you might think he’s trying to copy your awesome style, and that would just destroy his massive ego 😩💅
He enjoys it when you sit in his lab with him, maybe rested against his side with your hoodie on, as you play on your phone/read/draw
Also up for snuggles when it’s extra chilly in the Lair, or when his brothers aren’t around, because once again, damaged ego
Movie marathons?
Hell yeah
Donnie will always make sure your comfortable before he gets comfortable on the couch, so you won’t shift around while watching the movie
He’s also very vulnerable when he takes his battle shell off, and in more ways than one
You know he’s got real, strong trust when he does so and will let you carefully hug him from behind with your hoodie on, since it’s so soft
Donnie will also snatch your massive jacket if he gets the chance, and disappear into his lab for days with it on
And he’ll never tell a soul this…
But he loves it the most, because it smells like you, 💜
so it’s like having you right beside him while you’re gone, or when he’s busy building something 
Also, tries to use his classic and sarcastic charm when it comes to asking for your hoodie back
“Come on Don, it’s cold outside! I need it!”
“But would you take it from such a luxurious face as this?” 😏
“Right, giving it back-“
He totally gets his own hoodie, by the way
Purple (obviously)
But it just isn’t the same as your own, so Donnie might just have yours on and then wrap his own around his waist
He sure does love his teddy bear 💜
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Okay but Raph is an actual teddy bear-
A big, mom-friend, weapon-wielding teddy bear
He LOVES giving hugs, and most would recognize this, seeing the various pictures and instances where he pulls all three of his brothers in for a great big group hug ❤
He's constantly reminding himself that you are much much more prone to injuries than his brothers, so he holds you like a little baby when he hugs you
(Unless he gets super excited or has a really rough night, so just be aware that you might be restricted of breathing privileges in that case-)
Usually so gentle 🥺
Just picks you up and wraps those huge freaking arms around you like giant pillows
And he LOSES HIS SHIT when you come back with this fluffy ass hoodie
Has this infatuation with petting the fur and running his fingers over it
He has never felt something so soft in his entire life 😩❤
And then when he hugs you with it on-
"Why are you a like big teddy bear?!"
"Buddy, you're just getting a taste of my own world-"
Poor Raph, being the size he is and having such a spiky shell, can't just wear your hoodie like his brothers :(
I mean, sure he could take it so easily
But he doesn't want to disrespect your things, or make you upset, because this man is The Gentleman™
So, rather than asking to wear it, he'll ask to spend more time with you
Not just for the hoodie ofc, but because of your sweet gentleness and warmth
Better quit your job babe, because your new occupation?
Raph's cuddle buddy
He refuses to let you become uncomfortable, makes sure there are the right amount of pillows, blankets, and room for you to move around while you snuggle together etc.
Raph is also a heavy sleeper, so once he gets comfy and warm enough, he'll probably doze off and trap you in his big "arm cage"
Really, his nature is pure and gentle and everything you could ever imagine when it comes to hugging his little teddy bear ❤🐢
@getacactus @turtle-babe83
Hope you enjoyed this little ditty! I LOVED writing these!! 💜💜
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krappykawa · 4 years
Hi !!! can I request oikawa, osamu, hinata (+ whoever you feel like adding) reacting to their female s/o calling them "hubby" (they have never used that nickname before since it's supposed to refer to a husband) to see their reaction??? i just saw this as a tiktok prank and they were like "omg you wanna marry me??? im definitely gonna marry you" and now im sobbing so precious 🥺🥺🥺
reacting to s/o calling them hubby
characters. oikawa x f!reader, osamu x f!reader, hinata x f!reader
note. in every scenario, reader is internet famous & posts little previews of their life on tik tok!
note 2. sorry for not posting in a while,, school started again and i’ve been mentally drained but i will try and finish other requests soon!
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- you guys are filming a snack review video because oikawa lost all self control while grocery shopping and literally was picking things off the shelf left and right
- he insists that he’ll finish them this time but you know that’s a lie
- but you also decide that it’s also the perfect time to try out this tik tok prank on him so he won’t be suspicious of the camera
- the camera is set up and everything so now all you have to do is say it
- “hey guys today we’re going to do a snack review because my husband bought wayyy too many snacks” cute rolling eyes and cute little smile directed at oikawa that makes your watchers go 🥺🥺
- like you’re literally staring at him waiting for him to realize but he doesn’t
- you’re halfway through opening your first bag when he finally realizes
- “WAIT”
- you look to the camera to make sure you’re filming this whole thing
- “you said husband.”
- “i did?”
- “YEAH! you did. i heard you say it.”
- “no i didn’t!”
- “check the video y/n-chan. i heard you say it.”
- he makes you replay the video because he will whine and pout until he makes sure that you hear it
- practically lights up when he hears it again
- “hmm does that mean you wanna marry me yn-chan?”
- “no it doesn’t”
- he notices the small blush on your cheeks points all over your face. “ooo you wanna marry me so bad huh?”
- the living incarnation of the 😏 emoji
- big cocky smile on his face bc he takes it as an accomplishment that you called him your husband on accident
- his eyes are secretly all teary-eyed though because HUSBAND?,$3;!9 💓💓💓💓💖💞💘💞💘
- he decides right there and then that he’s gonna propose soon because he thinks his heart physically bursts at the idea of you calling him husband for real
- the only reason he doesn’t propose right there is because 1. he doesn’t have a ring and 2. his an extra little bitch that wants to keep you on your toes while also making sure that his proposal is so good that you’ll end up crying happy tears
- when you post the video on tik tok oikawa makes sure to like every single comment that says “THEY’RE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE UGH WHY DONT THEY JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY”
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- his ass loves food so he literally lights up at the idea of doing a mukbang
- at first he insists that you don’t film it because he’s lowkey creeped out about the idea of eating in front of a camera just for people to listen to him eat
- he finally agrees to filming it when you promise to make the mukbang have all his favorite foods
- what he doesn’t know is that you’re simultaneously trying a tik tok prank on him
- “hey guys! welcome back to my channel! today we have a special guest, my husband, osamu because we’re doing a mukbang and you will always find this guy with food in his mouth, no joke.”
- he catches your little slip-up right away
- “husand huh? ya got something ya wanna say?”
- doesn’t even care that there’s a camera in front of you (he thinks you’ll just edit it out anyway)
- you play innocent because where’s the fun in telling him it’s for a tik tok right away?? “hmm what are you on about miya?”
- “what i’m on about is that yer telling me that you want to be a miya.”
- “i guess i do like the ring on miya y/n”
- “is this a proposal then?”
- cue shit-eating grin from you. “nah, the man in question isn’t here. you don’t happen to know atsumu’s ring size do you?”
- osamu’s little impish grin drops so quick and now he’s playfully glaring at you
- “ya say shit like that again and i’ll make ‘sumu switch places with me on the altar when we get married.”
- you're laughing into your knee at that point until you make a realization
- “wait. you said when we get married. not if.”
- “i didn’t stutter did i miya?”
- tik tok comments blow up with squealing fans bc OHMYGSOJD
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- you’re a proud gf so you’re more than happy when someone asks you to live stream with your volleyball famous bf
- you also thought it might be a good time to pull this prank on him that you saw on tik tok and get his reaction on live camera because it’s bound to be funny since he’s hinata
- after one of his games you run up to him and hug him before telling him that your followers wanted to live stream with him
- “oh ive seen those!! i’d love to say hi to your fans!! do they know i play volleyball??”
- “yes, babe that’s the whole reason they wanted to meet you.”
- “REALLY???”
- you laugh at how cute he is and then turn on the live
- “hey guys, the long wait is over! here i am with my husband, world famous hinata shoyo! he just finished a game and-”
- “HUSBAND?” he interrupts you and he looks kind of giddy at the prospect. “does this mean you want to marry me y/n??” blushy happy hinata because you bet your ass he’s thought about it before but just didn’t know how to go about talking to you about the idea of marriage
- “what happens if i say yes?” you’ve thought about it too, so you playfully entertain his excitement.
- “then let’s get married!”
- you have to do a double take because you didn’t think he was actually serious. “wait really?”
- “you want to right? that’s what you said!”
- “of course i do! i just didn’t think you would propose right here right now.”
- “why not? i love you, you love me. you want to get married, i want to get married. so let’s get married!”
- the comments are blowing up because oh my god you just managed to accidentally capture your future husband’s proposal on an instagram live
- bokuto and atsumu overheard the whole thing and tackled the two of you into a group hug
- let’s just say your live ended on a frame of bokuto’s face close up because he’s so happy that “the student is getting married!!!”
- atsumu pulls out of the hug for a second and being the little shit he is, runs to the locker room and comes back with a ring pop
- “can’t propose without a ring shoyo! where are yer manners??”
- hinata actually gets down on one knee and proposes with the ring pop and you’re so red because at this point the entire stadium is watching
- you say yes anyway
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he’s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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primalsouls · 3 years
gaah I only found 2 poly reki x reader x langa fics, one of which was yours, loved it!! that's why i'm here to ask if you could give some more of that <3
poly reki x reader x langa supremacy, amiright? 🥰 anyway, im happy you loved it! :D so ask and you shall receive 🙌
also sorry it took a bit to answer ☠ hope you like it and enjoy! ty for requesting! 💖💖🫂
love between breaks
reki kyan x gn! reader x langa hasegawa
⚠️ : none
theme: fluff
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
Spring. The season with cold yet warm weather. Cherry blossom trees bloomed throughout Okinawa. But what came with spring was a break. A break Reli looked forward to spending it with his partners. [Y/N], his and Langa's lover, planned to visit the two of them during spring break. They studied aboard, settled in California, USA with their family. Reki and Langa met [Y/N] Last spring. Langa was the one who introduced them to Reki. He bumped into them when they were asking around for a place to exchange their currency. [Y/N] was so happy to meet someone who spoke English. The minute they stepped into Okinawa, the Japanese lessons they took for a few years left their head and they had a hard time trying to form a single sentence without butchering any of the words. Langa and [Y/N] instantly clicked when the young boy noticed the skateboard of theirs. He questioned if they liked to skate, to which they replied in an enthusiastic tone. It made Langa happy in return.
After their first meet, Langa and [Y/N] spent the break hanging out together at the skate park. It was on their second to last day when he introduced Reki to them. Reki got a bit jealous but when he saw them skated, his heart raced along. The same feeling Langa had felt when he first saw them skated. Now, every break they got, whether it be spring, summer, or winter, they visited Okinawa. It wasn't until the end if their last week of winter break that Langa and Reki confessed their love. They were both shocked when they blurted out their confession in front of [Y/N], who couldn't honestly pick on who to go out with.
But here they were now, three skaters dating each other. It was perfect to Reki, twice the kisses and affection felt nice. He didn't had to worry about who was cheating on who.
Reki chuckled, picking up his board from his bedside. He planned to meet Langa at skater park. Where they both thought to meet [Y/N]. He was excited. Even though it was only a few months since they left, it felt like a long time for Reki. Sure, they video called and texted each other whenever they could, due to time zones, he still missed them. Just like how Langa missed them much more.
Langa glanced up from his phone. His blue eyes met amber ones.
"Ah, Reki. Good morning." He said with a smile, leaning into the pole beside the park. "[Y/N] landed yesterday. They said they're coming down to meet us in a few minutes."
"Morning, Langa! And that's awesome! Aah, I missed them so much, I'm gonna pepper their face with my kisses!" Reki said, a determined glint in his eyes. Langa laughed softly, shaking his head.
"I heard from them that they got a new skateboard." Langa pointed out. Reki rose a brow. He didn't heard that from them and they always spoke to each other in a three-way video call, most of the time that is.
"Huh? Really? They didn't mention anything like that." Reki muttered, scratching the back of his head. Langa shrugged, no reason coming to mind.
As they waited for their lover, the boys practiced some tricks they saw throughout S. [Y/N] had yet to learn about their night activities. They always questioned why they were doing up so late when they talk through the call. The boys always make up an excuse or try to change the subject. S wasn't something to spoke openly with them, the boys agreed on that. Sure, [Y/N] was a great skater but Reki didn't want them going to S in case Adam was there. That was one reason he kept to himself, though. The other reason he agreed with Langa was to keep them safe from going against stronger opponents.
"Yahoo~! Practicing without me~?" They heard a familiar voice they missed so much. Reki and Langa stopped their movements right away. Their head snapped to the direction of the voice that [Y/N] feared they got a whiplash. Their eyes widen when they landed on [Y/N]. A wide grin was on the [h/c]-colored skater. A hand wave excitedly above them before they skated their way to the duo. "Hi! Did ya miss-augh!" [Y/N] screamed as they were tackled off their board, slipping off from it and fell on the ground with the other boys on top of them, their weight adding to theirs. "Oof! H-hey, get off!" They squirmed under Reki and Langa, catching their breathe.
"You're here!"
"[Y/N], I missed you!"
They heard from the both skaters. A chuckle left their lips as they pulled their arms out from under them with a little struggle and patted their backs. Langa and Reki grinned, sighing in content. They were happy to see their partner.
"I missed you, guys, too." [Y/N] said softly, planting a kiss on each their forehead. The boys got off from them, letting them sit up on the ground with them. Their skateboards grouped up together from a few feet away. "Anyway, how you guys been? Anything new that happened?"
"Miya scratched Reki on the face." Langa said blankly. It brought a giggle from them. Reki gasped, pouting.
"Hey! He started it! I asked if he wanted to skate but he was too busy playing on his game. So, I took it off his hands and next thing I know, I got three scratch marks on my face!" Reki recounted, crossing his arms as he let out a huff. [Y/N] bit back a laugh, shaking their head.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't had taken his game away." They scolded him, waving their index finger with their lips puckered out. Reki rolled his eyes, trying to hold back a smile but found it difficult to do so.
"Whatever, what about you? How you been?" Reki asked.
[Y/N] shrugged, looking at the ground as their fingers traced around the stitches of their pants. "I don't know... My board broke back home, so a friend of mine made me a new one. The skatepark is also getting a new feature added. Other than that, school is biting my ass and my parents are thinking of moving." They said dismissively. Langa and Reki blinked.
"Wait, what? Your parents are moving? To where?" Langa asked. [Y/N] shrugged once more, looking down to stop them from seeing a grin blooming on their face.
"Hey, [N/N], tell us where you moving? Does that mean you won't be visiting us anymore?" Reki said, his brows knitted down. Eyes filled with worries. Langa tried to look into their eyes. They shook their head at Reki's questions. A hand of theirs hovered on their mouth as they looked back up at their boyfriends. Reki and Langa wore identical confused expressions. It made them want to laugh but they desperately tried to hold it back in.
"I'm, I'm still gonna visit you guys..." Reki and Langa sighed in relief at the clarification. "Everyday." They blinked, minds pausing as the word registered into their head. When they looked up, a bright smile was on their partner's face. It took them a second for the words to click in.
"Oh! You're moving to Okinawa!?" Their boyfriends asked together. It freaked them out a bit but they nodded anyway. [Y/N]'s smile widen as they saw their eyes beamed up at the realization.
"Ah! That's awesome, [Y/N]! Now we can see each other everyday!" Reki said as he got up from his spot and jumped excitedly with both fists pumping the air. Langa nodded, looking happy as well. "We're gonna go on so many dates and skate together! Oh! Does that means you'll go to our school, too?" When they nodded, Reki yelled out with glee. "We get to eat lunch together!"
"Wait, when are you moving?" Langa asked, looking at them with a brow raised.
Langa blinked, looking at Reki who froze.
"You guys really need to stop talking at the same time, it's getting freaky."
"That's not the point! You moved in today!? Why didn't you say anytime before hand?" Reki bombed them with questions after questions.
"Reki, Reki... Calm down. We get our answers later. They're gonna live with us now. So, how about we skate and then later we can go out to some udon." Langa offered. [Y/N] grinned along with Reki. Reki walked over to get his board while Langa and [Y/N] got up from the ground and joined him.
"You know what's best about living in Okinawa?" [Y/N] asked, earning a couple of questioned stares from their boyfriends. They smiled as they planted a kiss on their cheeks before backing away. "Kisses everyday!" With that, they skated out of the park with a blush on their face. Langa and Reki's faces were decorated with a blush as well.
"Hey! Wait! You're supposed to kiss on the lips!" Reki shouted, going after them. Langa snapped out of his daze and joined in, laughing while he skated behind them, a bright smile on his face as he watched his lovers from behind before he picked up his speed.
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jadedxrealityw · 3 years
-Hot All Over- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
   Request: Hey! Happy you're reopening! I have a request, don't know it it's usable buuuuuuuuut I really like the idea of houses showing traits that are not common for them. So for example Draco fancying this Hufflepuff girl but ofc he doesn't approach her because she is Hufflepuff (sad, i know) - but then she does something cool, dangerous or gets a freaking tattoo or idk you know what i mean? and he'd be like DAMN GIRL THAT'S HOT and finally approaches heeer.
   Kody: Oh this is such a good idea, im hella excited now. Added some extra extra for plot.
   Year: 7th
   House: Hufflepuff
   Possible Triggers/Warnings: slight mature themes, slut shaming, Cormac McLaggen
   being a Hufflepuff meant that you valued hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. It also meant you were stereotyped into a cutesy, muffin baking, defenceless girl. Which you were indeed not. You were very capable of taking care of yourself, but no really saw that side of you.
   to everyone you were the cute little Hufflepuff girl who hung out with the all to famous Cedric Diggory. You guys practically grew up together so it wasn’t rare to find you two hanging out with each other. Two peas in a pod really. He also knew about your humongous crush on Draco Malfoy.
   you and Draco had almost every class together so it was natural that you two talked occasionally. At first it was only him asking for notes he missed, which didn’t seem that friendly now that you think about it, but then he started to actually hold conversations with you.
   soon after you began to notice him stealing glances at you from across the classroom or the one time he not so subtlety mean mugged Neville Longbottom into changing his partners for an assignment so he instead could be your partner. You honestly thought he liked you, hell you liked him too.
   but then he got with some random Slytherin girl. Saying it was upsetting was an understatement. You were crushed, truly crushed. It has currently been a week since the ‘incident’ per say and you had been avoiding the Slytherin prince all together, except for formal ‘hellos’ and ‘sorry for bumping into you’
   as you sat down on the soft loveseat, you feel somebody come up behind you “Hey Ced” you spoke, eyes never leaving the book. You hear his familiar laugh and look up at the same time as he comes around to sit in front of you. “Still can’t sneak up on you, huh?”
   you shook your head, closing the novel in your hands. “Nope” he chuckles and plops himself down on the armrest. “So the team is having a practice match with Slytherin. Want to come?” he asked. You shrugged your shoulders, seeing nothing wrong with it.
   “yeah sure, just let me get dressed” 
   walking alongside Cedric, you adjust the collar of the yellow turtleneck you wore. He had his Quidditch uniform on with his broom in one hand as you both walked onto the field. You looked around seeing the Hufflepuff team and some students who seemingly were going to watch the game as well.
   turning your head to the left you were met with Draco Malfoy slicking his platinum blond hair with his hand only for it to fall back in his face. “Oh shit” you mutter, alarming Cedric. He looked around quickly to see what you were looking at. His eyes stop on Draco and pats your back “C’mon, lets go”
   he ushers you to the Hufflepuff team.
   he watches as Diggory leads you away from his line of vision, his expression saddening. “you look like a creep” said Blaise Zabini, the Quidditch chaser, also Draco’s best mate. The young Malfoy scoffs and turns to face his friend “just ask her out already, it is so painful watching you drool over her” Blaise adds.
   Draco shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest “She’s a Hufflepuff-” “oh merlin here we go again with the house talk” Theodore Nott interjects, going over to lean on Blaise’s shoulder. “What happened to fuck my parents, i’m going to live my own life?”
   and there goes Pansy Parkinson. His whole friend group was on him this time. Draco looks at all three of them and exhales deeply “She’s to innocent for me anyway. I’m a Slytherin for merlin’s sake, i’ll corrupt her” he sputters out. All three of them burst into fits of laughter.
   Blaise grabs Theo’s face and gives him a overexaggerated sorrowful look “Y/n, i am sorry, but i’m afraid i’ll corrupt you with my edge” he spoke with a dramatic tone. Theo stifles his laughter and copies his expression “But Draco i love you, i don’t care if you corrupt me”
   Draco watches the both of them with an unamused expression “I seriously hate both of you, so much” the both of them let go of each other and bow at the same time. “Also that will never happen, she’s been avoiding me lately” he huffs. Pansy shrugs her shoulders.
   “maybe it’s because some psycho girl claimed you guys were together like a week ago. It hurt her feelings! This is why i’m a lesbian. Guys are bloody idiots” she exclaims, throwing her arms in the air. Blaise nods “I would say same, but i’m currently dating this guy so” he points to Theo.
   “let’s just get this game over with”
   the game ended with Hufflepuff taking the victory. You smiled brightly and made your way to the edge of the stands. You held your arms up “Cedric!” you yell out. You watch as the brown haired Hufflepuff turned his broom to the left and began to fly over to you. In a matter of seconds he held his hand out for you and you grabbed his hand.
   he pulled you up and onto to his broom. You wrapped your arms around his waist as he flew towards the ground. Once he landed you hopped off, chuckling “That never gets old” he nods, agreeing. The hufflepuff team landed and began to crowd Cedric and you. Cheering for there seeker.
   students flooded out the stands and most cheered Cedric’s name. Cedric wrapped his arm around your shoulders, giving you a side hug. As most of the students began to leave and you were left with Hufflepuff team “you did great out there Cedric!” you shout in excitement.
   “oh merlin hop off his dick Y/n” someone said from behind you. You turn around and felt the urge to gag. Cormac McLaggen. “Excuse me?” you say, crossing your arms. “You heard me Y/n, we all know your sleeping with Diggory over here. Probably the whole Hufflepuff house” he looked so smug.
   Cedric didn’t take kindly to his words and grabbed your arm, beginning to lead you away “That’s right, walk away Y/n. Hey Cedric tell me when it’s my turn with the Hufflepuff slut” he smirked, chuckling in the most vile manner. He was truly the worst person to ever exist.
   you saw red
   in a swift motion you jerked your arm away from Cedric and rushed towards Cormac, you threw yourself at him. He was knocked to the ground while you straddled his waist. Hands clenched in a fist, you began to hit Cormac in the face repeatedly. Everyone was stunned.
   “You. Gross. Son. Of. A. Bitch!” you yelled, still wailing on the Gryffindor boy under you. Cormac tried to use his arms to block your hits, but it was no use. You were running on adrenaline and at the moment you were stronger than Hagrid. “You. Couldn’t. Fuck. Yourself. Out. Of. A. Wet. Dream!” (not my joke)
   Cormac was able to scratch your face and such, but nothing to damaging. You feel somebody grab you by your waist and pull you off of Cormac. Cedric. who’s bruises had bruises. You huffed and tried to push away from whoever it was, but they tightened their grip instead.
   “Calm down Y/n! Stay here oi have to take him to the hospital wing and make sure he doesn’t get you in detention!” he exclaims and lets go of you, leaving you to sit on the grass. He rushes over with another Hufflepuff and picks the bruised boy up and with that, they both left.
   “i think you did great out there Draco” Pansy gives him a warm smile and he nos to her. “Thanks Pans” he spoke.  “oh merlin hop off his dick Y/n” he snapped his head towards the direction of Cormac like an owl, his face turning into a scowl. “Oh this bitch” Pansy scoffed. 
   Draco watched as Cedric tried to lead you away from the scene  “That’s right, walk away Y/n. Hey Cedric tell me when it’s my turn with the Hufflepuff slut” what did he just say. In a blink of an eye you were on top of Corma, completely destroying him.
   he didn’t know what it was, but watching you punch Cormac in the face with an angered expression was the biggest turn on he could ever imagine. Maybe it’s because he thought you were a innocent girl, but the way you had just tackled this guy was the complete opposite.
   “Beat his ass Y/n!” Pansy yelled, throwing her fist in the air. Draco looked over at her, but Pansy just shrugged. What a instigator. Cedric pulled you off of and left you on the ground to go deal with Cormac. Draco just stared in complete aw of you. You flip your hair out of your face as you spit out what looks like blood.
   in an instant, he was hot all over.
   “Go now, don’t think just go!” Pansy pushed Draco’s back towards your direction. His legs were on autopilot while he walked over to you. He felt the warmth surround him again as you looked up at him, then his hand. Draco looked as well and saw a rag? Pansy must have shoved it in his hand.
   Draco hesitates, but crouches down in front of you. “Can i?” he asked in a low tone. You eye him for a moment, studying his expression before nodding slowly. He uses his hand to grab your chin, turning it up before pressing the rag to your bloody cheek. You wince a pit and he gives you an apologetic look.
   he cleans the blood off your cheek and lets go of your face “That was- what you did- shit- that was hot as hell” he sputter a bit as he speaks. Your eyes widen a bit “Um- thank you?” you said, unsure of how to answer. “Do you want to like- go out with me sometime?” he asked.
   “i know you’ve been avoiding me and Pansy said it was because of the girl i was going out with but she just made that up. I’m not actually going out with her. You see i actually really like you, but i thought it was a bad idea because i’m a Slytherin and i was scared that i ruin your innocence, but you can clearly handle yourself- like damn and i just-”
   Draco’s rant was cut off when you grab the collar of his shirt, bringing him into a quick kiss. You let go and pull away leaving him dumbfounded. You smnicker a bit at his reaction and smile cheekily “Yeah i’d love to go out with you” Draco smiles brightly and leans into kiss you again
    making him hot all over.
   Kody: idk even know what this is. Did i just make three Slytherins gay? yes, yes i did. For plot. Anyways, peace.
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jesswritesthat · 3 years
omg hi i know this request sounds a bit hefty but hear me out: you’ve got y/n, and you’ve got her twin. they’re both exchange students but their school somehow messed up the application or there wasn’t enough space in one school whatever, so one of them ends up in nekoma and the other in shiratorizawa. then, they each decide to be the managers of that school’s respective teams. and then when training camp comes up, they finally meet each other again and are happy to be together but the rest of the teams are SHOOK (including their own maybe 👀👀) bc they didn’t tell their teams they had a twin. bonus points, inarizaki is there and the miya twins try to flirt w them (ships are up to you bc tbh anything sounds fun asf, idk i’ve had this idea in my head for so long IM AN ONLY CHILD I DONT EVEN HAVE A TWIN FKDKSKSKS) idk if you wanna just do headcannons go for it babes it’s a lot i know lmaooo
This is genius!! Omg, I’m not a twin either but I’m VIBING with this idea — I did headcanons because there was so muuchhh. I hope you like 💕
(T/n) = twins (first) name
(L/n) Twins going to seperate schools and reuniting during a Shiratorizawa vs Nekoma practice match and Nationals:
• Due to unfortunate circumstances, (L/n) (T/n) had gotten into Shiratorizawa however, her twin sister (L/n) (Y/n) had to attend another school - luckily Nekoma had last minute vacancies.
• You stayed in Tokyo whilst your twin lived in the Shiratorizawa Dorms, it made seeing each other tricky but you always had video chats and since you were identical, it was easy to sneak into the dorms and stay for the weekend.
• You both loved Volleyball and had looked into your respective teams, (T/n) having the more famous one begrudgingly but being siblings... things got competitive.
“I’m going to become the manager of Shiratorizawa and I’m gonna take them to Nationals~” Was your twins cheery statement, whilst you playfully taunted her.
“Hah, more like they’ll take you, if I join Nekoma I’ll actually be useful.”
“No way - I’m a better manager than you (Y/n)!”
“Oh yeah?! Bring it on (T/n)! I’ll see you at Nationals - if you make it!” Thus, the challenge had begun.
• Nekoma and yourself had bonded, you’d heard the same about (T/n) and Shiratorizawa, it was like fate had gifted you your perfect matches in the end. Even if it meant being separated.
• It was around your second year with them that you’d heard about Karasuno, the once- upon-a-time rivals of Nekoma and how they’d organised a practice game with them over in Miyagi.
• You’d be playing other teams in the district to make it more beneficial... which is where your scheming came in.
“Hey, Tetsurō Senpai...”
“What do you want, you’re only ever so cute when you want something from me.”
“That’s not true! (Y/n)-chan is cute all of the time!” Yamamoto playfully punched his Captains shoulder, the latter reluctantly agreeing with a flush before clearing his throat and gesturing for you to continue.
“Think we could play Shiratorizawa whilst we’re over in Miyagi?”
“I’ll talk to Coach Nekomata and see what I can do, no promises though (Y/n).” Kuroo would do his best, you knew he tried for those he cared about, especially his team.
• It was no surprise then, that within 3 days you’d received a call from your twin.
“You’re coming to challenge me and my team (Y/n)?” The excitement in her voice, as well as that in yours was clear.
“You can thank Kuroo for that — you’ll finally get to meet my team!”
“And you mine! Tendō and Ushijima are incredible, I love them.” You’d spoken of respective players, shared stories and felt like you already knew part of each other’s teams despite never meeting them.
“Yes! I can’t wait - Lev isn’t coming with us, but Kenma and Yaku more than make up for it!”
“Lev is that first year you told me about right? I hope you’re ready to lose (Y/n), Goshiki is talented as hell.”
“And Nekoma is a unified machine, you’ll need a tissue to wipe away your loser tears~”
• Fast forward to the training trip, and the second you walk into Shiratorizawa you and your twin immediately rush over to each other, a collision of hugs, screams and excited conversation exchanged amidst the suddenly silent room.
• Tendō is the one to separate you both, guiding you to stand side by side as he leans in to inspect you both with a finger on his chin.
“Well well well, seems our Chibi-chan has a Chibi-chan 2.0~”
Ushijima doesn’t seem all that phased by the phenomenon, meanwhile Shirabu had to restrain the awed interrogation of Goshiki.
• Nekoma weren’t quite as calm, immediately Tendō hopped out of the way as Yamamoto tackled you, gawking between you and (T/n) whilst Inuoka attempted to null his yells.
“Aw he’s cute, my team are never so nice to me.” (T/n) tutted, a subtle glare sent to Shiratorizawa - Satori being the one to stick his tongue out.
“Trust me, Yamamoto is the only one.” Cue your mirroring glare sent to a scheming Kuroo, whilst Nekomas Ace is still gushing over the two of you.
• The teams are moderately amused once the game starts as the main smack-talkers are you and (T/n) hollering over the court as you’d reached the Third Set at a tie. Friendships between both teams were formed due to your family relations.
• It’s not until the game is over and the Captains shake hands whilst you two hug it out with congratulatory words and playful insults that they start messing around again.
“C’mon (Y/n), we’ve gotta go~” Kuroo smugly states, purposefully slinging an arm around (T/n)s’ shoulders and guiding her out.
Before you had the chance to retaliate, Tendō gladly joined in.
“The Cat Captain is right, I’ve missed my little kitten anyway~” The redhead cheerfully gave you a high ten, intertwining your fingers in the process adding intimacy and offered a mischievous wink which you only laugh at.
• Nekoma are freaking out, that’s their manager and they’d know if you had a boyfriend, right? Yaku and Kai are quick to hold back Yamamoto with Kuroo suddenly sweeping you away from Satori since Ushijima had already reclaimed (T/n).
“That’s our kitten- ah manager.”
“And (T/n) is ours, but I look forward to seeing you at Nationals Nekoma.” The Captains bid one another farewell and you can only hope to play your twins’ team again.
• Shiratorizawa didn’t make it to Nationals (since Karasuno beat them) but (T/n) wanted to come and support you (bitterly). Ushijima came with her too since he’s the Captain and wanted to keep you two out of trouble. Plus he loves Volleyball.
• It’s when you’re checking the matchups do you encounter your beloved rivals, whilst Nekoma were distracted you went to scope out the area. ‘Luckily’ for you, you bumped into other competitors, the blonde ‘accidentally’ tripping.
“Woah, are you okay-“ Before you could finish, he’d interrupted all suave.
“Yeah, I just fell for ya that’s all~“
“-send me a postcard next time~”
There was a moment of silence, you impressed by the smoothness and him awed by the sheer sarcasm.
• The boy introduced himself as Miya Atsumu, Inaruzakis Setter and took note of your Nekoma jacket, asking you to watch him play if you got the chance. Especially if you become opponents.
• Bidding farewell, you found (T/n) with a bright smile upon her face, Onigiri in hand.
“The games haven’t even started and you’re eating.” Was your bemused observation, your twin scoffing with an innocent pout.
“I was hungry, and this cute player from Inarizki recommended the teriyaki Onigiri here so I brought some, wanna try?” (T/n) justified, showing the item to you.
“I met an Inarizaki player too, and I’m too nervous to eat but thanks (T/n).”
“Suit yourself, good luck and I’ll look for you later.” She rejoined Ushijima, the pair waving as you met up with Nekoma.
• It isn’t until after the first round beating Kiyokawa High School, before the Karasuno vs Inarizaki game that you’d encounter the Miyas again — or rather Atsumu approached (T/n).
“Yer scoping out the competition huh gorgeous? I don’t blame ya (L/n), ‘Samu and I are the best of the best.” The blonde proudly told (T/n), thinking you’d shed your Nekoma jacket to be inconspicuous.
“I— I don’t even know you? Wait, how do you know my name?!”
• Osamu meets the pair, and actually thinks it through, Atsumu on the other hand jumps to conclusions.
“We just saw eac-“ Hearing (T/n), Atsumu was quick to argue but Osamu kicked his calve.
“Shut it dumbass.”
“Hey, loser twin!” You called over, gaining the attention of her and the Miya Twins.
“Ah... ‘Samu there’s two of them...”
“That’s what I was gonna tell ya.”
• It must’ve been a twin instinct (twinstinct hehe) but yourself and Osamu could tell the individual differences/quirks immediately, hence how he’d figured it out so quickly. A mutual smile was shared as your respective twins continued their petty insults.
• “(T/n)! Ushijima is looking for you and I need to find Kuroo so...”
“Oh, yer boyfriends?”
“Uh - aha -no no, our Captains.” Your twin managed, flustered and embarrassed - you were glad she’d spoken because you were no better with the heat on your skin.
“Perfect, tell your Captains’ that we’re not sorry for keeping you~” Atsumu shouted as you both waved goodbye and headed back to the stands/courts.
• Nekoma won against Sarukawa Tech High, your next opponents currently battling it out on the court which you’d all raced to see - mainly for Karasuno.
But it was during the break after the first set that the twins approached the stands, well, you.
“(Y/n), ya won?” It was brave of Osamu to address you so casually but you didn’t mind.
“Of course, my team, my friends, are truly amazing. Our next opponent is either Karasuno or you.”
“You’ll be facing me- us- Inarizaki! Don’t you worry sweetheart.” It seemed whatever suaveness Atsumu once had was long gone by now.
• They played incredibly, but the entirety of Nekoma were glad of Karasunos’ victory, you’d taken a second to see the twins though.
“You were amazing, I’m grateful I got to see you both play. Looks like you won’t be facing me after all, sweetheart~”
“Yeah well- I— jus’ watch yer back next year beautiful. I’m comin’ for ya.”
“Yamamoto! Apologies for him.” Yaku forced the Mohawk to bow, Kuroo slipping an arm around your waist with a smirk. “But he’s not wrong.”
• You were staying with (T/n) for the weekend, utilising Shiratorizawas practice break to tell the tale of the Miyas and their flirting. The team were oddly protective over the both of you, but you hadn’t the time to question it with Goshikis inquiry.
“Okay, so if you two had children with the Miya twins respectively... would your children be identical?”
“We won’t have to find out.” If anyone else had said it you wouldn’t have believed them, but something about the certainty of Wakatoshi made you both smile.
[ Masterlist ]
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Can you do a zuko x male reader or gender neutral. It could be about the reader witnessing the agni Kai and watching zuko get banished. The reader tries to go with zuko but zuko doesn’t want the reader to get hurt. Years later they meet at the boiling rock. You can take it from there. I love your writings and I’ll keep supporting you 💕
a/n: oooooh! thank you anonnie!! i appreciate your requests!!!
lets get it!
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okay so you and zuko were TURTLEDUCK BUDDIES
attached to the hip basically
azula HATED how close you two were bc hello she’s right here???
i mean you and zuko trained together
fed ducks together
best buds
you knew you liked zuko alot but you didn’t understand?
like you started to get flustered around him
same with zuko
and azula was PLOTTING NOW
she doing a think rn with one of her BRILLIANT ideas 😐
“oh n/n! zuzu! come play a game with us!”
zuko’s flight or fight reflexes are triggered and he’s ready to DIP
but you r unfortunately intrigued
“oh okay ‘zula! cmon zu!”
cue azula’s smug lil grin
she puts an apple on your head and makes you stand in front of the fountain
you’re like ???? is this the game?
azula’s like it is n/n it’ll be fine
it was NOT fine
she damn near burnt you to a crisp if it wasnt for zuko tackling you into the fountain
now azula, ty lee and mai are LAUGHIN
but we all know mai lwk a lil jelly
you and zuko are embarrassed as fuck
you both are soaked and he’s hovering over you
mr zuzu looking real pretty
he just turns red and pulls you up before running away
zuko is like ???? boys are cute especially this one???
you two still remained close after this incident
two lil gays boys who are trying to not crush on e/o
(im sorry the only thing i can think about when i think of zuko is his gay ass lil scream in the prototype pilot episode)
(nigga said wwAHHH)
azula teased you about zuko speaking out against a general and their dad is angry and you’re like oh shit
suddenly you arent allowed to visit zuko anymore
and you’re like wtf no no let me in
the guards said no
you’re so paranoid too
is he okay?
what fully happened?
soon the agni kai is announced to happen
and you are seated next to iroh and azula
you’re clutching onto your pants as you watch zuko walk into the arena
you really dont want him to get hurt
your eyes widened as you watched zuko’s father walk into the arena and your heart drops
zuko is clearly surprised and frightened
tears are rolling down your cheeks bc you are so so so scared for him
iroh covers your eyes as he looks away when zuko got burned and you could feel your heart break as you listened to his cries of pain
you cried out as iroh pulled you into a hug
you and iroh immediately rushed to the infirmary to get to zuko
you push past those guards and nurses bc you are on a MISSION
aint nobody getting in your way like this bc you will STOMP they asses out
you are not leaving his side
“z-zu are you okay? can you hear me?”
“m-m/n? where are you? i cant see”
zuko is starting to panic due to the fact his left eye is patched close
you hold his hand “i’m right here zu. shh im here”
he’s so overwhelmed too poor baby
“u-uncle? w-where is he?”
“right here zuko.”
you help him sit up and he grabs a mirror immediately
he frowns at his reflection
“you’re still handsome zuko.” you said
iroh pretended to not see that blush that sat on zuko’s cheeks
“i-i’ve been banished, m/n.”
“i’m banished from here. the only way i can come back is if i capture the avatar.”
“but he’s been gone for years zuko! let me come with you”
“no! it’ll be too dangerous”
“how? we trained together! grew up together? how is it too dangerous?”
“no m/n! i dont want to lose you!”
“you wont lose me zuko.”
“you dont know that. you arent coming with me.”
you and him went back and forth
after he shaved his hair and was about to board his boat you pulled him away
then you confessed right then and there
i mean you didnt know when you’ll see him again
“i like you zuko. more than a friend”
“i like you.”
“are you for real? this isnt a joke right? like azula didn’t put you up to this?”
“no she didnt.”
“oh thank the spirits. i like you too.”
and yall have this lil awkward ass kiss
just a short lil peck?
i mean yall are 12/13 and two boys you think they gonna go all out tonguing niggas? lmao
you two hug before iroh calls him over
“i’ll wait for you zuko”
“i’ll try my best.”
and he’s gone
over the years zuko was gone he was so sad
“if i capture the avatar i can come back to the fire nation and m/n”
but clearly the whole LeMmE cAtCh tHe AvAtAr thing was dropped when he got that glow up
(neya said 🦋🦋🦋🦋 whenever they look at zuko cmon NOW.)
now they’re otw to boiling rock
“my first girlfriend turned into the moon.”
“that’s rough buddy.”
and sokka’s like you ever dated someone before?
zuko’s like..... two people?
“that knife throwing girl?”
“her and m/n. though we never got to date bc at the time i was literally banished. i miss him alot though.”
bi king ✨
“what if he’s at the boiling rock?”
“then i’ll find him.”
sokka’s like yes my man get your MANS
“okay so we look for my dad, suki and your husband”
“he’s not my husband sokka.”
“..... my dad, suki and your husband”
“omfg shut your trap.”
these pair of himbos finally get inside and are on a MISSION
sokka’s like heheheeh suki time
zuko’s hopeful that you’re here or at least alive
after sokka and suki have their lil reunion zuko wanders off and asks around
“do you have a prisoner by the name of m/n?”
“why do you ask, newbie?”
“uhhh the warden sent me to him.”
“oh. there.” pointing to a door
zuko has to CONTAIN the excitement and nods before speed walking off
he throws open that door so quickly
you on the other hand is ready to rumble “i TOLD YOU I DONT FUCKING HAVE IT”
zuko just closes the door behind him and takes off his helmet
you’re like hol up wait wait zuko????
and he nods with a big ol grin on his face
you just hug him so fucking tight
maybe there were some tears shed
you pick him up and twirl him around
zuko’s like holy SHIT
and you pull back to just look at him
“you’re still as handsome as i remember you, zu.”
“so are you, n/n...”
he’s just so awestruck
the person he has been looking forward to seeing for 3/4 years is right infront of him
yall just kiss
sokka now gotta pull a zuko and bang on that door
“shut UP sokka”
zuko puts his helmet back on and grabs your hand
yall finally dip and are otw tf outta there
“oh shit zuko he’s cute”
“back off”
“im happy with suki relax sir”
zuko is clingy and was hugging you the whole time
not that you minded bc you missed him dearly
when yall got back and he introduces you
the group minus toph is like “ZUKO’S GAY????”
toph is like “I FUCKING CALLED IT”
alls well
except for the fact zuko wouldnt let you go anywhere by yourself
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