#but ik someone who wants to see me way more frequently so i was curious
virtualgreenhaus · 1 month
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Trust Me
Lewis Nixon x Reader
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Gif not mine! Credit to original owner.
disclaimer: writings are only based off of the actor portrayals in the television series. this is not meant to disrespect the real hero’s of the war.
request: @floydtab Hi! Could I request some Nixon x reader fluff? Maybe he’s nervous about reader going on a patrol and tries to talk Dick into not letting her go (tho we know he’s just overreacting) thanks! ❤️❤️
synopsis: Lewis worries about readers saftey during the patrol + lots of fluffy background
When Lewis Nixon joined the Army, the last thing on his mind was falling in love. He had worked hard to get into officer school, fell in love with a civilian and gotten married a year before the U.S had been pulled into the war by Japan. He focused on his duties and responsibilities, not paying much attention to the privates and officers as they worked their way through boot camp. Of course, he knew of the ones that his best friend Dick always talked about. He knew Harry, Sobel, and the one female who never gave anyone the chance to mess with her.
Being the ladies man he is, he had started to pay attention to the young medic. He watched her in the dining hall and started listening to the stories Dick had told. He thought she was beautiful, but, being happily married and enlisted, he never made any attempts for conversation. Lewis Nixon was smart and practical; he wouldn’t ruin his reputation over a woman he didn’t know.
So, he kept his distance, focused on his work, wrote to his wife frequently, and tried to get Dick out of his shell.
Their first conversation came as they sat on the train, Harry Welsh fast asleep as Lewis sipped on his flask, watching the trees roll by as they headed to New York. The men were nervous with excitement, no one knowing if they would be heading to Europe or the Pacific.
(Y/N) sat with Malarky and Skip Muck, a book in her hands as she tried to tune the rowdy boys out and focus on the words in front of her.
“I’ll bet you $50 we’re going to Europe,” Skip announced with a confident tone, Malarky rolling his eyes at the boisterous claim.
“That’s ridiculous” Malarky added with an eye roll, writing down the bet in a little notebook he carried around “No way they’re sending us there, they need more Army guys fighting the Japs, only way we’ll win”
Skip Muck chuckled as he put a cigarette in his mouth, Malarkly leaning over and lighting it for him. “What do you think Doc?”
“Don’t know, don’t care” (Y/N) mumbled without looking up, silently begging the men to just let her finish the chapter in her book.
“Ah, c’mon Doc, don’t be like that” Malarkly urged, gently taking the book off her lap and closing it. “I know you want to get in on the fun. You can win back the money you still owe me from a few weeks ago” He added lightly, a smirk dancing onto his lips.
“What are we betting?” She finally gave in, smiling as Skip’s eyes glimmered with excitement.
“$50 on where we’re getting shipped off to” Skip answered, smoke drifting out from his lips.
(Y/N) thought for a few seconds, her eyes drifting towards the intelligence officer that sat a few seats in front of her. She clicked her tongue, shifting in her seat as she looked back at the two men.
“I have a better deal” She announced. “$75 from each of you if I can get the location from Nixon”
“Deal” Malarkly immediately responded, holding his out for her to shake. He was a sucker for a good bet.
“Now hold on” Muck quickly interjected, not as fond of losing money as his best friend was. “From Nixon? Right now?” He asked, trying to think of a time when he saw the medic and officer interact. He couldn't. He sat up a little straighter, the bet sounding better the more he thought about it. “What the hell?” He stated, “We’re going off to war, a few bucks won’t kill me”
She shook the two men’s hands before standing up, smoothing her Ike jacket down so she would be presentable. She slowly and shakily approached the officers, keeping her hands on the seats to make sure she didn’t fall. As soon as she reached them, she greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes on Nixon as she continued standing, not wanting to be rude.
“Sir” She started, speaking again only when he nodded for her to go on. She took a deep breath, trying to remember the short speech she had prepared in her head. “I know you aren't supposed to give away this kind of information” She watched his eyebrows raise in curiosity, Dick looking down at a letter he was writing and pretending like he wasn’t listening.
“Well Private, if you know I can’t tell you, I wouldn’t waste any time asking.” He interjected before she could go on. Dick hummed in agreement as she paused, taken aback by his response.
She cleared her throat as her hands nervously ran over her jacket again. “W-Well you see sir” She stammered, her cheeks heating with embarrassment. “I’m awfully curious about where we’re going” She explained gently, watching his features soften at her change in tone. “I’m proud to be able to serve my country wherever we end up, but I think I would feel a whole lot better if I knew where that place was.”
He shifted in his seat, her words playing over in his head as he turned towards her, his long legs crossing into the aisle. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you” He joked, the Vat 69 and her demeanor making him loosen up.
She giggled, his heart started to beat faster as he watched her smile reach her eyes. Now it was his turn to blush.
“I suppose I can divulge this one piece of information” He started sarcastically, Dick shaking his head at the choice of words. “But you have to promise you won’t tell anyone” He waited until she nodded before leaning close to her, his warm breath dancing on her skin. “Europe”
She pulled away with a quick nod, her cheeks bright red as she realized how close they were. He dismissed her with a curt nod, turning back to the window as Dick waited until she walked away.
“Guess you have to kill her now”
From then on, Lewis and (Y/N) became fast friends. She listened to his complaints about the maps and how “god damn hard they are to read” and he listened to hers about the comments the men made about her gender. Everyone knew they liked each other. (Y/N) got teased and dared to tell him by Skip and Malarkly, and the same with Dick and Lew. They both kept it hidden, not wanting to ruin the friendship that had blossomed between them. Because of the age gap, Lewis had a lot of firsts for (Y/N). He was her first best friend, the first time she put her full trust into someone, her first love, and on a rainy night in Aldbourne, her first time getting drunk.
They sat shoulder to shoulder under an awning, their body heat keeping eachother warm. They took turns taking small sips of the whiskey from Lewis’s flask. She was buzzed as she handed the flask back to him, their fingers brushing before he brought it to his lips.
“Lew” Her voice was small as his head turned to her.
“You know my mom would be over the moon if I brought someone like you home?” Their eyes met, his voice breaking the silence.
“Someone like me?” He asked, confused by what she meant.
“Yeah” She grabbed the flask and took a sip before continuing “Like you. Handsome, smart, funny.” She took another sip, her mind screaming at her to stop before she said something she would regret. “I wonder if we would have met before the war things would have been different between us.”
“(Y/N)-” He started, but she quickly cut him off, needing to get the secret she had been keeping off of her chest.
“I like you, I like you a whole lot, Lew. I know we can’t-” He cut her off with a kiss, his hand on her chin to keep her in place as their lips moved together. He leaned his forehead against hers when they pulled away, keeping eye contact with her
“About time you said something princess”
They were inseparable from then on. Stealing quick kisses in corners of buildings, sneaking off to his office in the middle of the night, and his constant checking up on her in Bastogne. Lewis had no reason to be worried for (Y/N) but her safety plagued his mind 24/7. He knew she was smart and could handle any situation thrown at her. He never told her what she could and couldn’t do, he let her make those decisions but Haguenau was his breaking point.
He was the last one to know she was on the patrol. He had pushed the anger down and waited until he and Dick were alone, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the other officers and men. When he found himself standing next to the tall ginger as they stared to the German side across the river, he couldn’t hold back.
“Dick” His voice was sharp as his jaw clenched.
“I know” Dick was surprised Lew had been able to keep quiet for as long as he did. “I felt the same way at first. Spiers said she’s fast and we need her around if anyone gets hurt. It makes sense.” He tried to reason.
“It doesn't,” Lew’s arms crossed over his chest before he spoke again. “It doesn’t and you know it doesn’t. She’s not crossing that goddamn river. Cancel the patrol if you have to.”
Dick sighed. This is exactly how he expected it to go. “Lew” He said gently, turning to the shorter man. “The patrol is not getting canceled. It’s been cleared with Sink and you already got the boats.”
“I’ll get rid of them then. Burn them, shoot them, I don’t care. She’s not going. It’s too dangerous.”
Fed up with how outrageous Lew was being, Dick grabbed his shoulders and forced him to look at him. “Do you trust me?” Dick asked, his voice stern as Lew nodded. “Then trust that I made the right call and that she won’t be in any danger. You know if I didn’t think she was right, I wouldn’t send her.
And with that, Dick put any objection Lew had to rest.
(Y/N) sat in the basement, her eyes trained on the flame that was burning the tip of Shifty’s rifle. She turned her head when she heard heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs, standing when she saw it was Lewis. Silently she followed him up and out of the house, letting him take her behind the building. She rubbed his arms, their breath forming clouds in front of them.
“You know I don’t want you to go” He started softly, his brown eyes staring into hers. “And I put up a good fight when I found out” She smiled at this, imagining the conversation he and Dick had. “But I know you’re just as good as any other man and I trust you. That doesn’t mean I’m happy about it though”
She pressed her lips against his for a chaste kiss. “Thank you” She responded before kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around her, his warmth enveloping her small body. “I have to go, it’s almost time” She said reluctantly, pulling out of his grasp. “I love you” She said with a smile as she walked backwards so she could keep facing him.
“I love you too.”
The patrol was quick and was almost perfect. They lost one German on the river bank and Eugene Jackson. (Y/N) had done all she could. She held his head in her lap across the river and was pouring sulfur on his wounds before the other men laid him on the ground. Her hands worked quickly as she tried to stop the bleeding and drown out all of the chaos.
Although she had tried her best, all attempts were futile. Eugene Jackson was dead seconds after Eugene Roe ran in. (Y/N) sat on the dank basement floor, her shaking hands coated with the young boys blood as silence filled the room. She was tired of seeing young men die.
Eugene Roe glanced at her and Babe before reaching down and grabbing his dog tags to send back to his family.
(Y/N) felt numb as she stood from the floor, her chest tight as she breathed in the cold night air. She walked to the building where Lew’s office was and nodded at the young man standing at the door. Wordlessly he let her in, closing the door behind her as she started to walk down the hall. She knocked on the door twice before she heard Lew call out “Come in”.
She watched his features soften when her head peaked around the door. He stood up from behind his desk, disregarding the report he was filling out as she walked in and closed the door, giving them complete privacy. He pulled her into a tight embrace, her head rested flush against his chest.
“Eugene Jackson’s dead” Her words were heavy in the air.
“I’m sorry” He wasn’t sure what to say.
“I’m sorry too, for everyone that knew him back home.” With a quick shake of her head, she dismissed any other thoughts about it. “I don’t want to think about it anymore, I don’t want to think about any of this anymore. I just want to be in the moment with you”
He pulled away to sit on his desk, his hands pulling her in between his legs so they were eye level. His hands rested on her hips as he asked, “What do you want to think about?”
“Us. What our life will be like after this hell finally ends.” She ran her hand through his dark hair, gently pulling at it. “I want a dog. I’ve been thinking about names since Normandy. I really like the name Freddie.” She admitted.
He hummed and nodded his head in agreement. “Freddie? I can live with that.”
She smiled and kissed him, relishing in his warmth.
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
Welcome back! Spoilers below!
I need to clarify that I watch Loki purely as an escape. I've got a biased perspective in that regard because I don’t actively try to find fault with the show, though there are definitely things I’m not so inclined to. This is more of what I noticed and think things mean and it’s something I’m doing for fun. Anyways, here's my thoughts on episode 2 my loves.
Episode 2: THE VARIANT
Pre-title scene
Miss Minutes’ monologue in the recap is different to the one last ep.
1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin
“Today’s guest performances” on a board. Don’t really know if it means anything tho.
The Iconic (TM) I Need A Hero scene.
The green tent - the lair of Loki.
I know not everyone’s a fan of the lighting, but it made sense to me. They’re still in the dark about who Sylvie is.
Why does C-20 take off her helmet? For the drama?
I hope Sylvie cleaned her blade. Narnia taught me well.
The Time Samsung (I can’t remember what it’s called right now) says that the date’s 04/12/1985.
Loki’s first mission (?)
‘Volume 26’ - how many of these does Mobius have?? #giveMobiusajetski
“ONLY at your LOCAL AUTHORIZED DEALER” - subtext about the TVA being control freaks? Jet ski safety?
I googled Wake Magazine. They’re up to volume 20 from what I saw, whilst Loki is reading volume 26, so I guess that’s something
Loki and Miss Minutes lmaooo.
Behind Loki’s elbow is the taxidermy something from the last episode. Also confirms that Loki threatened Casey at Mobius’ desk lol.
The thing has an egg?? What the hell is Mobius collecting? (He’s a Harry Hart variant lmao).
There are little twitches in Miss Minnutes’ hands. That’s so cool!
The egg timer’s a nice easter egg (I’m a comedian).
Mobius! B-15! :)
Is it just me or do the minutemen look similar, but not exactly the same. Makes sense if they’re variants.
I just realised the lights are built into the ceiling. Whoops.
What’s Mobius’ favourite?
Couple of things:
The racks full of identical uniforms/ones just hung up on doors.
The music has started to pick up the pace, but not in the way we see later on in the episode.
There’s a sign saying ‘FARE THEE WELL’ on it. Google tells me that it’s ‘used to express good wishes on parting’. Dang that was some good foreshadowing!
The person that looks like Agatha is still present.
I wonder whether it was supposed to be colder or whether the weather was just like that when they filmed.
The pony’s still around.
I think B-15 certainty that “a Loki couldn’t have gotten the jump of C-20” comes from her experience with them. She constantly tries to make it clear that because she’s not a variant, she’d know Loki better than he would, which (personally) makes the revelation that she’s a variant feel more devastating.
Again with the lighting, they’re still in partial darkness, constantly moving in and out of the light. Whilst what Loki says about the variant setting a trap is true, it isn’t in the context that he says it. Sylvie whoops their asses later.
The black and red-orange flags remind me of tomb markers. It’s a stretch, ik.
B-15 only has tally marks on one side of her helmet.
Mobius has fake pockets in his suit jacket. They’re the worst.
The ticking increasing in tempo as they approach red line - great for setting up tension.
I believe that Loki uses personal space like a weapon - slowly approaching them from the front, and then going behind Mobius’ back when he wants his way. It would make anyone uncomfortable, especially on a subconscious level because there’s a threat behind you.
Or maybe it’s that I have different personal space boundaries, not everyone likes being approached from behind. Loki’s movement felt intentional at least.
Getting Mobius to physically turn his way because of that might have been very subtle manipulation?
Loki looking back and forth trying to judge their reactions lol.
I liked the music in this scene, it sets up tension for Loki’s first attempt at betraying Mobius but then doesn’t completely dismiss it when it’s resolved.
Ravonna Renslayer’s office
The music here is 18 morceaux, Op. 72, No. 2. Berceuse. 18 morceaux, Op. 72: No. 2, Berceuse (Arr. For Theremin and piano) by Clara Rockmore for anyone that’s curious. I found out through Natalie Holt’s Twitter (I think).
The score is, and always will be, perfection.
Mobius’ small talk amuses me.
“Why do you get to keep all the trophies from my cases in here, you don’t think I’d love having that roller skate?” Mobius, what about the thing on the shelf behind your desk????
Ravonna seems like she’s answered these questions before, but she has a fondness for him that makes me think they’re good friends.
Also does Ravonna have multiple complete collections of the Encyclopaedia Britannica in her office? What are those books??
“I hope it’s a double.” Me too Mobius, me too (drink responsibly).
I don’t get how people think Mobius doesn’t remember leaving the stains. It sounded like Ravonna was chiding him for a bad habit and Mobius just made up a remark, not confusion.
Although he does place the cup at a different spot to the rings.
The ship flying past in the windows is a wonderful detail.
“The variant likes to stall for time.” It's very satisfying to me how everything stays relevant. Every detail advances the plot/contributes to it.
“Look, I know you have a soft spot for broken things.”
“I don’t think so-”
“Yes you do.”
Both Mobius and Ravonna only look at the middle figure when referring to the time Keepers. Either the other two are side-lined or don’t contribute at all.
“I’ll delete him myself.” At this point in time, I think Mobius is serious. As the episode progresses, his status may have changed, especially after the Jet Ski philosophy session.
Ravonna’s sash on the peg reminds me of the ones the people talking to Casey were wearing in episode 1.
Man those doors are so cool.
Peak sitting outside the principal’s office energy.
Mobius whistles at Loki as opposed to talking to him like he does later.
Any screen shot from the following scene is pristine chaotic disaster bi Loki energy featuring tired-of-your-tomfoolery Mobius.
“Isn’t that precisely why I’m here?” This marked a change in Loki to me. Up until that point, he’d tried to use what he’d known, who he’d been by scheming his way to the Time Keepers. By admitting he wasn’t sure of his purpose, we’re back with the person at the end of the last episode. It’s very Loki to try all avenues to get what he wants, and after having his world turned upside-down a few times in a short period, maybe he just wanted the familiarity of his old tricks, who he thinks he is.
Loki tensing up and then trying to assert control again reaffirms what I just said.
Man, give Mobius a holiday after all of this. Loki really tested him, huh?
Loki definitely likes validation on some level.
TVA archives (a.k.a the Salad Scene)
I can’t believe that place really exists. The looks combined with the music are just *chef kisses*.
I’m not sure if I’m thinking of the right progression, but the music reminds me of a plagal cadence. Google examples and play it side-by-side, you’ll get what I mean, maybe someone knows what it really is?
On either side of the elevators near the Time Keeper statues are the signs TVA archives.
The symmetry pleases my goblin brain.
I believe the entire show was just flexing the skills of the Loki crew and I couldn’t be happier.
“Pretend your life depends on it. I’m gonna get a snack.” This was so funny in the trailers but Mobius is dead serious (delete him myself comment). And he couldn’t even enjoy his salad.
Love that the end of credits takes from some of the scenes in episode 2.
The archivist has neat glasses.
I want some TVA stationary y’all.
It’s that moment fam.
I can’t be the only one curious by the ‘DISPLACED by 000:000:002:162’. Is that in Units? It would explain why the time line looks slightly bendy whenever we see it, especially if Apocalypses are so frequent.
Mobius is reading the magazine that Loki was looking at earlier. Jet skis are Mobius’ comfort character.
“Don’t set fire to the palace.”
Tom Hiddleston has so much energy, he can move so fast.
“Oh God.” - Mobius, Null Time Zone
“YOU.” - Casey, Null Time Zone
No thoughts, head empty, the Salad (TM).
But seriously, people only seem to be at their tables with others that work in a similar section. Not hunters and analysts eating in tandem to me, folks.
Oh Casey. Please don’t hurt him.
Aw, Mobius’ little giggle warmed my heart. Owen Wilson’s giving me whiplash with Mobius. My heart can’t take this y’all.
79 AD Pompeii, Italy
They’re both so giddy, Your Honour, I love them.
Mobius snuck them out lol.
“Bird noises?”
“BE FREE MY HORNED FRIENDS, BE FREE!” The post wouldn’t be complete without this.
Loki just throwing food at people and telling them “...enjoy your last meal while you can” is top tier comedy to me.
This is the first time we see Loki openly say nothing matters. I feel like the case file on the destruction of Asgard really pushed him to treat fate as unchangeable.
LXXIX is 79. Nice one Loki crew!
Mobius’ eye twitching as he checks the variance is a nice touch.
Loki throws away the stick that was holding the goat pen closed at the end.
TVA Archives, TVA cafeteria
Mobius picked up those files so smoothly I had to re-watch it.
Their position reflected what they were talking about - when Loki thinks it’s his individual contribution, he’s walking separately to Mobius, but they meet up when working together. I loved the blocking in that little moment.
I seriously thought that Loki was unconscious when I first saw him asleep around Mobius. I’ll admit it, it felt out-of-character for someone with such bad trust issues. Both of them seem pretty tired tho.
It’s the Jet Ski conversation comrades!
I’m beaming. Mobius talking about Jet Skis was the only time I’ve really remembered it’s Owen Wilson talking. It’s such a fun line to think about!
Loki’s smile. Adorable.
Just go watch the scene, it’ll give you good brain juices.
Mobius does it all for the Jet Skis and nothing else. I don’t make the rules, the Time Keepers do.
“My own glorious purpose.” This is a recurring theme in the season. Ultimately, I think that Loki is going to run for as long as it brings in money/until Loki gets killed again. However, I do like to think that in following seasons we’ll move beyond setting up Phase 4 Marvel stuff and just get deep dives into Loki’s character, though it may happen in the later eps or not be as interesting. Part of what made this show so interesting is the new setting in the Marvel universe but it’s hard to make predictions as to whether it will last in a show featuring the God of Mischief. Whatever happens, I’m happy that we got to see Loki’s existential crisis together, lads.
The music picks up, signalling that this quiet moment is about to end.
“No one bad is ever truly bad. And no one good is every truly good.”
“Scared little boy.”
These lines mean a lot to me. Loki perceives Mobius as an equal, similar to himself but not completely identical. The TVA’s whole aesthetic is Kafkaesque (Disney+ used that word), the imperfections keeping the place from looking mechanical and orderly like what the TVA promotes itself to be. Loki wants Mobius to acknowledge it, but Mobius is in the past, not addressing what’s right in front of him, surrounding him. That’s probably because Mobius doesn’t believe, he accepts what he’s been told though Loki wants to change that. He’s still focused on his job, the variant. I don’t think Mobius will struggle against change in the ‘belief’ part as long as things are rational.
Kate Herron (director) said that the Kablooie scene was improv which makes me wish we had more B roll of Owen and Tom. They seem so professional, invested and fun on set.
“No wonder you’re so bitter.” I’m sorry Mobius you sound as salty as your salad.
‘Artificially flavoured chewing gum’ Has something happened causing artificial flavouring to be preferred?
‘Blue’ has canonically changed to ‘Bloo’ by 2050 in America in the MCU. I blame capitalism.
Why does Mobius look so tiny? I say that like Owen Wilson wouldn’t look like a giant next to me lol.
Owen Wilson is 3.5 inches (9 centimetres) shorter than Tom Hiddleston. Yet he is dwarfed as Mobius. I need to stop talking about this and move on.
There’s no ‘variance energy detected’ line in the report.
“You’re gonna take my job if I’m not careful.” Loki looks so chuffed.
One day, I’ll properly address my thoughts on the shipping. Until then, I just want no one to die.
“Yeah, he’s doing great.” Mobius is so hyped. Good for him.
Owen Wilson has dimples.
Ravonna’s screen doesn’t show the timeline like it does later.
Ravonna is the done mom friend. Sane, undeserving of this, please give her a jet ski moment.
Buckle up folks because the last twenty minutes of this episode are my favourite so far.
At 34 minutes in, we get the music fading in with “Okay. But Mobius...” and a transition to my favourite composition so far. Natalie Holt outdid herself. The soundtrack is nearly constant, there’s no break for a moment of clarity anymore. The progression of events is inevitable, tying the bow on a plot line created in an hour and a half. The little embellishment from the strings (possibly) as Mobius and Loki exit is perfect. Combined with Loki’s raised fist leading to a pan to the ceiling, it prepared the audience for everything being turned upside down.
The changing camera angles and shot lengths (the continuous shot when B-15 takes the knives, the circling behind as the briefing occurs) keep viewers on their toes. The continuous shot is fluid, B-15 doesn’t look at Loki or Mobius, her reaction is natural and that just proves that the timing on that scene was impeccable. The circling behind reminded me of Loki positioning himself behind Mobius as he did earlier, but now he’s on the same side, part of the team though he continues to distinguish between himself and the variant. The building sensation that change is coming is met by the incredible swell in the music as we watch the picturesque Haven Hills get destroyed by modern technology and face the terrifying reality that is the Roxxcart store. There’s a close up on the Roxxcart storefront with school buses with the words ‘Evacuation shuttle’ in the background as we see the TVA’s minutemen come out reinforcing that even when the end is nigh, large corporations will loom over. A storm is raging with worse to come. I can go on and on, but you get the point.
2050 Roxxcart Disaster
I love that y’all are calling this the Alabama supermarket breakup. Makes me chuckle, that’s for sure.
I too hate when people can hear my footsteps. Someone that gets the struggle.
Sylvie places the TVA Samsung over a Roxxcart Security manual. She’s overridden both and is in control.
The date is 03/15/2050.
I think that the way the Hunters and minutemen hold their baton things is so that they don’t get yeeted. Neat.
As always, the beats are slick yo.
I hope the Azaleas guy gets some Azaleas wherever he ended up.
I love the way Loki says “In this storm.” It’s so satisfying for no real reason.
The wonderful Wunmi Mosaku does not get the recognition she deserves for this scene. She switched from B-15 to Sylvie so effortlessly. They’re two distinct characters, her facial expressions, body language everything changed in that instant. Even from the one line, “No, they usually survive,” her delivery had changed in a way that was noticeable. It’s uncanny, exactly what was needed when facing a foe that remained unseen. And the smile? It’s before we know the variant as Sylvie, so naturally it’s that signature Loki smile with a hint of malice we associate with the variant. Damn y’all, Wunmi’s incredible! I really hope she’s recognised for being so talented in this series, if not in all her other work!
Mobius really cares about those people. I really want his redemption (?) arc.
It’s been pointed out that even in those conditions, Roxxcart were selling blankets and water. I think it means that by 2050, cash would be defunct. If only electronic payment existed, as long as there’s electricity they can run a business. Chew on that.
If the man they speak to is 50 to 60, he was a 90s kid.
There must be a difference in the reprogramming or kind of variant selected to be a hunter as compared to an analyst. The Hunters look after their own, but the analysts (or Mobius) go as far as empathising with variants.
C-20 is sitting in front of safety standards.
“A bit amateurish.” Loki knows that the variant isn’t as skilled with magic as he is.
As Loki and the possessed people walk, the lighting becomes brighter. He’s moving out of the shadows.
Me too Loki, I’m worried about B-15 too.
Sylvie unironically saying bless is hilarious.
Randy must be hella tall.
There’s a low angle shot as Loki and Randy face off with the flickering light above with a sign hanging above them like a sword of Damocles and a physical separation. Terror is nearly constant in Loki's life now, but he responds by letting go of his drive to survive.
The subtle swells in the music just add to my rising blood pressure.
C-20’s voice over is sad lads.
“I wanna go home,” we know she’s not referring to the TVA.
Mobius seems like a caring person.
When B-15 sits up and searches the room, I think it’s her realisation. Her shiver was from fear and shock, the music wasn’t about her not seeing Loki, it was about the TVA and what had happened to her.
The head snap and the score timing matching. So satisfying.
“I would never treat me like this. Hi.” I think that’s Loki realising that his foe is not willing to talk their way through conflict.
This fight scene contradicts all the magic we see later ik, but if he didn’t want to hurt anyone and was trying to draw out the real enemy it made sense.
Some of Sylvie’s powers must come into the people she possesses. The guy punched a glass screen and didn’t even bleed.
“I have shit to do.” Sylvie wasn’t raised with court etiquette (from what we know) and her lexical choice reflects that.
Dell computers survive into 2050 in the MCU. So do those robot dogs and Roombas. I am only happy about the Roombas. Where did the real dogs go? :(
“Where is he?”
“I lost him.”
“What happened?”
Until now, B-15’s delivery has felt slightly rhythmic, like she was used to having the same arguments, particularly with Mobius. When she trails off however, I think it’s her trying to rationalise what she’s been through with Sylvie’s possession. Her devotion to the TVA was rooted in the fact that she wasn’t a variant, her life had a purpose and it was intentional. This must have rocked her, I’m invested in where she’ll go.
Sylvie, my queen. I’d roll off a cliff for her.
The person with the moustache (you know the one) has pure fear on his face.
Ravonna knows what’s up.
And so do you, yes it’s the music, go listen to it.
The zoom out to that incredible hallway shot and then stopping behind the time door. It was never about him after all, he was in the background of her plans.
Sylvie’s wave in Roxxcart vs. Loki’s on the train. Discuss.
The blackout, thunder and Loki’s pause under the flickering red and white light, do y’all really want me to talk about the s y m b o l i s m????
He’s conflicted, you know it, I know it, Mobius knows it.
Speaking of Mobius, there he is, we cut back to Loki and see him make his decision, zooming back in on him.
And with that final flourish in the score, we are done with episode 2!
Cue the most amazing end credits score you’ll ever hear.
Do yourself a favour, listen to all of it, including the part after the main credits, both are Works. Of. Art.
Ep 2 review
In case you didn’t notice, this is my favourite episode so far. There are parts I didn’t take to as much, but details from the previous episode being used in the plot as well as others being explained by Sylvie in episode 3. Rewatching it was easier than episode 1 though it left me wanting more. It will get more interesting from here, but until then, that was a fun romp.
See y'all next time. I hope whoever's reading this has a wonderful day!
Part 1, Episode 1 extend review link:
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annablack1102 · 5 years
Dream a little dream of me
Summary: When your husband’s away, you and Negan will play. Characters: Negan x You Words: 4236 Beta: my dear, @genevievedarcygranger  Warnings: Language, infidelity, light bondage, the zestiest of lemonss A/N: I had this dream a while back where I had this oaf of a husband that worked for Negan and I was fucking his boss behind his back. And funnily enough, Negan looked a bit like Ike Evans. So I decided it was too good not to write about and here we are...
Sorry I haven’t finished all my requests and I’m behind on my chapter fics but school is keeping me busy and so is my constantly drifting muse. Hope you enjoy this little sexy one shot in the mean time. 
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Dream a Little Dream of Me
The end of his cigarette glowed as you held the lighter for him, his lips curling into a mischievous smirk as he stared up at you.
“Thank you, darlin’.” You were sure he would have winked if Benjamin hadn’t been sitting right there, blabbering on like he always was. Your husband was a talker and you’d gotten used to tuning him out. It wasn’t hard to do when the big man himself was around, giving you those little smirks that hinted at his thoughts. You didn’t have to ask to know what he was thinking.
Benjamin had been working for Negan for years, though you’d only met him five years ago when you and Benjamin were already engaged. Negan, charming man that he was, had captivated you from the beginning. He had that effect on a lot of women, or so you’d noticed. Still, you were a loyal, faithful woman and you stayed that way well into your marriage. You and Negan may have flirted and you may have considered what it might be like to spend even just a night with him, but you couldn’t do that to your Benny.
So you and Negan danced around each other for years, quite literally sometimes. You’d shared a few dances with him at various events, always innocent, his hands never strayed. And he’d always hand you off to Benny with a charming grin and tell him what a lucky man he was. Then, despite generally being a jealous man, your husband would beam with pride that his boss approved of his little trophy wife. Benny was completely oblivious to how often Negan had stared at you to that point that you should have been uncomfortable, but it was always just the opposite.
You couldn’t deny your attraction to him. Anyone who said that he wasn’t a handsome man was obviously blind. With his wide, dimpled grin, it was hard not to be entranced by him. Tie that up with that southern charm and deep voice and he’d have any woman weak in the knees. You’d fallen victim to that man many times, though you remained faithful.  
That is until Benjamin’s business trips had begun to grow longer and more frequent. And somehow you’d found yourself coming to the bar attached to Negan’s grand hotel to have drinks with him, even without your Benny at your side.
You weren’t sure why you finally decided to give into Negan, or at what moment you’d decided that he was worth the risk, but you knew it’d been at least six months since you first allowed him to take you to bed. In that time, you’d come to enjoy his company far too much to worry about the guilt that use to weigh heavy in your chest. Negan made you feel things you never dreamed of. The way he spoke to you with such respect and admiration, the way he cared for your needs before his own each and every time, and the way his arms felt around you after… It was all so addicting and you couldn’t help but say yes to him.
You were starting to suspect that he was sending Benjamin out more frequently on purpose. And the way he glanced at you while your husband discussed his next venture only confirmed your suspicions. The eagerness in his gaze was obvious, and you wondered silently what he had planned this time.
“Take Joseph with you, show him the ropes a bit.” Negan instructed, flicking the ashes off his cigarette as his eyes landed on Benjamin again.
“Fat Joey?” Benjamin complained, grimacing despite his glee moments ago. Oblivious as he was, he didn’t see his repetitive trips for what they were. Instead, he saw them as a gift. He was being given more responsibility, therefore he must be important to Negan. Not disposable like some of the others kept under Negan’s employment. He didn’t realize that Negan was just trying to get him out of the way for a while so he could roll around in bed with his wife.
“Oh, cut the shit. You were a dumbass rookie at one point.” Negan chuckled as if the memory were entertaining. You were kind of curious how things were back then. You wondered if Benjamin was just as much of a suck up back then as he is now or if it had been worse in the early days when he still had something to prove. “Darlin’, get me a drink would ya?”
You jumped without hesitation, the tone in Negan’s voice triggering a reaction out of you that you hoped your husband wouldn’t notice. The obedience Negan instilled in you often carried over to your personal lives. It was fairly common for men to be ordering women around, spouse or not, but you still worried that someone would catch on, that someone would notice your desperate need to please him and see it for what it was.
Pouring Negan a drink, you hummed along to the radio quietly playing the new Sinatra song you’d been hearing all summer. You were so lost in the song and Negan’s drink that you almost forgot to pour one for your husband. You blushed and backtracked a couple steps to rectify that before bringing the men their drinks.
Benjamin was still complaining about Joseph and his incompetence as he stared out the long windows, and therefore didn’t notice the way Negan’s hand slipped up the back of your skirt for a quick squeeze. You bit back a gasp and swatted at him playfully, your eyes so bright there was no way he’d take you seriously as you tried to scold him. He winked at you and took a sip of his drink.
“Why don’t you go get some sun by the pool, darlin’? Let the boys talk a bit.” Negan suggested, and you felt the heat bloom from your face to your chest as you held his gaze. “I’ll send your man when we’re done.” As he grinned at you, you nodded, your own lips curling into a smile.
Negan often gave you access to the hotel’s many amenities. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had to pay for a drink or a meal, and you were allowed in the pool so often that you just kept your swimsuit and clothes on hand there.
You had your swim, letting the water cool you before laying out in one of the many lounge chairs. As you drifted comfortably between that blissful state, not quite asleep but not awake either, you thought of Negan and his hands on your skin, the way his touch made you feel. You got lost in the memories, his voice playing in your head as you thought of the way he made you melt. The stern tone he used in bed was to die for, something you weren’t familiar with in your limited experience. Nothing like Negan was normal, in your opinion, and you figured that’s why you couldn’t stay away. Just thinking of him made your nether regions quiver as you imagined what he’d want to try on you this time around.
“I can’t believe he’s sending me out again.” You jumped as Benjamin’s voice sounded beside you suddenly. As you sat up, your core aching after your little daydreams, you looked at your husband who took a seat beside you. “I better get a promotion after all this shit.”
Benjamin complained sometimes, but you’d never see him fighting for what he really wants. He just accepts what he’s given and agrees to anything you tell him.
“How dangerous is this one going to be?” You couldn’t help but ask, looking up at him curiously.
Negan may own the big fancy hotel, but that wasn’t all he was involved in and you knew it. You knew when they had their ‘boy talks’, they were really discussing the illegal activities they were organizing and didn’t want to talk about it in front of you. You’d figured out of maybe seven months into being married to Benjamin when he came home injured. A bullet had grazed his arm, and he didn’t even try to lie to you that it was something else.
Negan liked to call himself an entrepreneur, when really he was just a thief. He got his men to steal luxury cars of high value and then he sold them. Benjamin was one of his top guys because he never damaged the merchandise and he was a great salesman. He could catch a higher price than most of the other guys Negan had running out to do the dirty work.
His business was organized and very successful, but it wasn’t perfect. Mishaps occurred all the time and people got hurt. You never got the details about what happened to your husband that night, but you knew it wasn’t the first or last time that that had happened.
“Don’t worry about all that,” he dismissed you, lighting up a cigarette for himself. You frowned at him, but he wouldn’t elaborate and you knew better than to pry by now.
As soon as he was gone, you were in Negan’s arms again.
He answered his door with a grin and didn’t say a word as you threw yourself at him. Your lips were on his in an instant as he tugged your body tight against his.
“Negan…” You sighed breathlessly against his lips.
“Don’t worry, sugar. I’ll take good care of you,” he assured you, his lips trailing down your neck as he walked you back to the bedroom.
The suite he held at the tip top of his grand hotel was extravagant. When you visited with Negan, you often wondered how it would feel to live there, to have someone take care of your every need, rather than having to fuss over a sloppy man. You imagined how it would feel to lay in bed late into the morning and have someone bring you breakfast. What it would be like to spend your days wearing the most expensive outfits, everything you owned in the newest fashion.
You dreamed of how lucky you would’ve been if you’d only met Negan first.
The man himself scooped you up and laid you down across his bed, your head snug atop his pillows. Everything smelled like him, so deep and musky. Each time you were in his bed, you soaked it all up, letting your senses become overwhelmed by him. His smell, his touch, the way he moaned your name. His long, lean body pressed yours into the mattress, and you heard him groan softly above you, kicking your heart into overdrive.
“Fuck, darlin’... Should’ve sent him off sooner.” He smirked, reaching down to wrap your leg around his hip.
You giggled in response. “If you keep that up, he’s going to catch on. And then our fun will be over.”
Negan rolled his eyes and captured your lips again, redirecting your thoughts from your husband. He didn’t matter, not now. All that mattered was Negan’s touch, drifting along the exposed skin of your leg. He sat up on his knees and helped you out of your dress. You’d dressed nice for him, which was foolish if you thought about it. What’s the point when you wouldn’t be wearing clothes for very long? It was nonsensical to meticulously style your hair when it was about to look like a bird’s nest once he was through with you.
As he worked you out of your bra, you started on the buttons of his shirt. You lips followed the path of exposed skin, kissing softly until you reached his belly button and his shirt hung open.
“You could go lower if you’d like.” Again, Negan smirked at you, and you blushed. You weren’t very experienced when it came to oral sex, and he knew that. In fact, he loved that about you. He enjoyed telling you exactly how to lick and how to suck, how deep to take him. And you enjoyed the look on his face, twisted in immense pleasure, as he cupped the back of your head and came down your throat.
“Is that what you want?” You asked, peering up at him as you worked his pants apart.
“I want a lot of things, sweetheart.” He grinned, and tugged you back up to kiss him. He laid you down onto your back again and kissed you deeply, his hands groping at your breasts. You moaned into his mouth as his fingers plucked and teased your nipples just right. Whenever your husband tried to play with them, it just hurt - and not in a good way, but you tried not to think about him right now. There really was no comparison between him and a man like Negan.  
He was just so different. Negan knew your body well and knew just what you needed. He also wasn’t afraid to ask what you wanted. Did you want it harder? Should he touch you here, or there? He seemed to get off on getting you off, and you’ve never been with anyone like that. It went beyond consideration; it made you feel special, cared for in a way you haven’t been before in your life.
You moaned as his tongue found yours, rolling just the right way to elicit his favorite noises out of you. He always preferred when you were vocal, praising his efforts. He especially liked to hear his name, screamed and echoing off the walls.
Pulling back again, Negan looked down at you with lust filled eyes. “I want to try something with you,” he murmured, stroking your cheek. You looked up at him, your gaze filled with adoration and trust. You nodded, without ever having to hear what he wanted to do to you. He smirked at your eagerness and pecked your lips.
Curious, you watched as he climbed off the bed and moved over to his large closet. He came back with two of his ties, and you stared at him in confusion, your mind not comprehending what he had planned with them. He gazed at you seriously, sliding the silk ties through his fingers.
“Do you trust me?” He asked, and though you hesitated, you nodded again.
It was true. You trusted the man with your life. You trusted him to take care of you and respect your boundaries. You knew he wouldn’t do something that you didn’t like. All it took was you telling him to stop, and he’d find a new way to torment you, but it was always pleasurable.
Negan took your wrists in his hands and wrapped the silk tie around them first. He then lifted your arms and tied them carefully to the bedpost. You looked up at him in worry, not sure how you felt about being restrained. You’d never been restrained before, but something about it was kind of sexy.
“Nice, right?” He smiled like a shark at the obvious arousal in your expression and kissed your lips once more. Then, before you could really think about it, he was wrapping the second tie around your eyes. You gasped, not sure how to feel about that. You could feel his breath against your face, but you could no longer see.
“Negan…” You whimpered, nervously.
“Shh shh shh…” He hushed soothingly. “I’m gonna take care of you. I always do, don’t I?” He needlessly asked, and you nodded.
His lips brushed against yours, but only for a moment and they were gone. You waited in silence, the anticipation making you squirm. You nearly jumped out of your skin as you felt his hands touch your knees. His laugh sounded above you, and you blushed.
“I don’t like this…” you said apprehensively.
“Give it a try, doll. Just trust me,” he murmured back, his lips against your ankle as he pulled your leg up. He kissed down your leg slowly until he was nearly right where you wanted. You whined as you felt his lips skim over your clit, moving on to your other leg instead. You pulled against your bounds, trying to reach for him. It was frustrating not being able to touch him.
“Negan…” You sighed as his lips followed the same path down your other leg, nipping at your inner thigh to make you jump. You felt his tongue flick your clit then, a deep chuckle sounding somewhere between your legs at the whimper it caused.
“Patience, doll.” You could hear it in his tone, he was definitely grinning.
He pressed open mouthed kisses along your hips then, trailing up your body at a snail’s pace. You moaned softly as his lips wrapped around your nipple, rolling his tongue just the right way to make you squirm and beg for more. He kissed across the valley between your breasts and gave the same treatment to the other, sucking and nibbling until you were a mess below him.
“Look at you…” Negan hummed, his nose grazing the skin of your neck so he could murmur in your ear, “You’re so ready for me, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you sighed, shifting below him anxiously.
“You want my big, fat dick, baby girl?”
“Mhmmmm…” You moaned as he sucked on the spot below your ear. He was always careful not to leave a mark, for that much you were grateful.
“What do you say?”
“Please...Please, Negan...Fuck me…” You whined, tugging harder against the restraints.
His lips were on yours then, so suddenly it startled you for a moment. But you reacted quickly, leaning into the passionate kiss. The way his lips moved against yours made you quiver. You wanted nothing more than to pull him closer and beg him to take you again and again.
Thankfully, he seemed just as fed up with teasing as you were. You felt his thickness slide along your pussy, your wet folds coating him. He groaned against your lips, pushing more and more until his girth stretched your walls to their limit. Your head fall back against the pillows as you let out a loud moan.
“That’s it, sugar… Tell me how fuckin’ good it feels.” He murmured, his voice thick and husky as he started to move.
“Yes! Fuck, Negan…” You pulled hard against the silk tie, silently begging it to come loose. But, of course, no such luck.
Negan seemed amused by your distress, if his chuckle was anything to go by. He sat up on his knees, ignoring your complaint about his body being pulled from yours. His dick was still fucking into you slowly, but you already missed his crushing weight. “Somethin’ on your mind, sugar?” He inquired teasingly.
“I want… Negan, I just want…” Your face heated up as you stumbled over your words.
You let out a gasp as his hand came down on your thigh, not enough to really hurt but just enough to sting. “Oh come on, darlin’. You can do better than that. Tell me what you want.”
“I want to touch you…” Your voice was quiet, but you knew he heard you. His hands tightened on your thighs and he fucked you just a little harder.
“What do you say?” His voice was deeper that time, and you melted at the sound.
“Please…” You whined, wishing you could give him those big eyes to go with your pouting lips. He was always hard pressed to resist that look.
“Blindfold stays on. And we’re gonna change it up,” Negan compromised. You didn’t even care what he had in mind, so long as you could get your hands on him.
Though, as soon as the binds were gone, you were rolled. Somehow he’d managed to get you in his lap with little to no help from you. Then, once you got there, you froze.
“Uhh..” You hadn’t been on top before. Your husband, who’s name you were trying to avoid thinking about, preferred to have you on your back. Negan, even, liked taking control of the situation. He liked having you from behind with your ass up, or even spooning you with a leg in the air. But he’d never had you ride him before, so you were nervous.
“Don’t overthink it, baby. Just ride my dick, nice and slow. I’ve got you…” His hands encircled you wrists, placing your hands on his broad shoulders. Once you were steady, his hands found your hips, pushing and pulling softly until you got the idea.
As your hips rocked, you wished he’d taken the blindfold as well. If the noises he was making was any indication, his face was sure to look even better than usual. You loved the way his face would twist in pleasure, knowing you were the one to cause it.
“That’s it, darlin’... Wish you could fuckin’ see yourself right now. You look so good…” He praised, his hands slipping over your hips and down your thighs. “So fuckin’ good for me, aren’t you?”
You were surprised when his thumb suddenly started brushing against your clit, causing your hips to falter. You leaned back, your hands finding his knees for support as he continued. As the angle changed, you cried his name again and again, getting louder still. Your hips began moving faster, chasing your release that seemed to be so close, just out of reach.
You felt him shift then, tugging you against his chest. He planted his feet flat on the bed and, before you had time to think about it, he started fucking up into you hard and fast. So much, in fact, that as you screamed for him, you nearly forgot your own name.
“That’s right… tell me how good it feels… let everyone know...mine...all mine...” He panted as he spoke to you.
You were beyond words, though. His cock pressed in just the right spot, nailing it every single time. You knew it wouldn’t take much more, not with the way he gripped your ass to pull you harder down on his dick.
“Just..fuckin’...let go…” Negan grunted, tightening his grip on you. Knowing he was on the brink himself was enough to push you over the edge.
You cried his name, then, nearly sobbing at how good it felt. Wave after wave rushed over you, your release so intense your body shook in his arms. He moaned in your ear, his voice tight as he muttered praise after praise against your ear. You could tell he was trying to hold back, trying to make it last. But even his stamina wasn’t enough, and he was cumming. His thick load pulsed deep inside your walls, his moan loud and needy in your ear.
“Negan…” You whimpered once more, and suddenly the blindfold disappeared. His lips pressed against yours as his large hand cupped the nape of your neck. You relished in those kisses, the ones where he seemed so reluctant to ever let you go.
There were days, many of them in fact, that you wished you could just stay in his arms and enjoy his embrace. That you could live that life you pretended you had, that you could be doted on every day. That you wouldn’t have to steal these little moments with him.
But it ended, like it always did. You laid with him for a while, his fingers tracing imaginary lines along your skin and his lips dancing along behind them. He kissed your hand as you left. His eyes held a fleeting glance of longing, as if he were wishing for the same things. But he never asked you to stay, and you never told him you wanted to.
When Benjamin returned home, you had dinner cooking for him. He came up beside you, kissing your cheek softly. “How was it?” He asked, removing his jacket.
You looked up at him in confusion, not sure what he meant. Surely you should be asking that question right? He was the one that went away. “How was what dear?”
“The sex, sweetheart. With my boss.” He said, looking up at you expectantly. You nearly dropped the plate you were holding, the one that held his dinner on it. “Was he satisfied?”
“I….I uh…” You stuttered, unsure how to respond. You wanted to deny it, call him a fool and tell him he had it all wrong. But you couldn’t.
“I hope he was. Ever since you started sleeping with him, he’s been much easier to work for. Gave me a raise, even.” He said, sitting back in his chair as you set his plate down with shaky hands. “You keep making him happy and I may just be able to get that new golf set I’ve had my eye on.” He said, digging into his dinner as though you were having a casual conversation about the weather. It was as though the thought of his wife sleeping with another man didn’t phase him at all.
Since you’d begun sleeping with Negan, your biggest fear had been getting caught and hurting your husband. You hadn’t even considered the other possibility of him not caring at all. Or even worse that he’d encourage you.
Suddenly, you went from eager for your next rendezvous with the man of your dreams to feeling dirty. You felt like a pawn in their little game and you couldn’t help but wonder if Negan had been in on it the whole time.
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petrasplaining · 7 years
do all the positivity things
ONE: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and the first letter of your name/alias
@beguilcd amber is so so sweet and so so nice, and it’s such an honor to get to write with her and also to see her treat a character that is so close to my heart with such care is just incredible. the mulan of my heart! and of petra’s heart. i love her a lot :”)
UNO: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and the first letter of your muse’s name/alias
@pxtienceisavirtue skye is a fantastic writer. i honestly… literally.. have no clue who all her muses are but i would legit follow her to the end of the world anyway that’s how amazing skye is.
UN: Positivity for the first person you remember shipping with ( in general or on this muse )
well on this blog that would be the loml tiff, who isn’t on indie anymore. but ? let me ramble about her for a sec. because i can. she is the gina to my yael, my wife my sister, the joanne to my maureen, i cannot even begin to say how much i love her and how much her presence in my life has been such a positive influence and just. i love her. my life is a thousand times better because she’s in it. tiff has always always been the one person who has consistently made me feel so loved, and never ever makes me doubt it. she loves me and truly cares about me, beyond rp beyond.. u know.. she checks on me no matter how busy her life gets and all that stuff and that’s just evERYTHING to me. i’d fight the whole world for her. 
EINS: Positivity for the first person who messaged you in 2018
@hasmercy dis bish likes to bully me a lot, but i love her. so frudgin much. i mean find you a friend who is your personal social media alarm for whenever your fave (in my case yael) posts anything on instagram. it sounds so little but the sentiment behind it means so much tho? the fact that she takes the time, to link me to show me something she knows would make me happy? because she knows it’s something i love? that’s precious. that means she thought of me? remembered me? :”) that aside tho, dana is also a wonderful, steadfast friend and i appreciate that so much.
ETT: Positivity for the first person who comes up when you do @ and your favorite letter
@asperad so jess, is one of my favs ever? like. jess has always been such a sweetheart to me, who leaves me little, feel better messages during the …occasional negativity post i make and liKE. it might seem like such a small simple gesture but… i?? just when you’re having a really hard time, getting a message? knowing someone cares to send that tiny little positivity your way? it means so much esp when you’re at such a low point, u know? and i appreciate that u do so frequently more than i can say. loveloveyou
UNUS: Positivity for the first person to come up on your dash.
@firstofficerslog​ is my little brother and i love him always. he’s one of the nicest people i know, who has a huge heart and genuinely cares about the people around him. he’s also incredibly strong and brave, and i appreciate his presence more than i can ever express. he was there for me a lot last year and was very supportive through an incredibly rough time in my life ?? and i’ll never forget that. if i could love him enough to make him happy always i would. and i just always want good things, the best things for him and for him to be constantly surrounded by good people who make him happy, who support and love him because he deserves that.
ODIN: Positivity for the first person listed on your “top fans” thing.
@leadershiipskills accdg to my blog, i’m your biggest fan and you’re my biggest fan! how cute are we?? :) anyway. gosh. where do i even. you’re the kind of person i could talk to for hours on end, and i wouldn’t get tired of it. u know, i love talking to you. i always have. you always take such interest in me when we talk. you ask me how i’ve been. you follow up, legit for days when you know things have been difficult for me. you give me reasons to smile for no reason at all. it means so much to me that you try and get to know me. you make me feel like i’m more than a person you write with, that i’m not only as good as whatever ships we have. you make me feel like i’m more than that. you’re curious to know who i am, what i like. you take a genuine interest in the things i do, in the things that happen in my life and i mean? i told u this before and i’ll say this again, you dont just tell me i matter, you make me feel like i matter. and i think that’s priceless. i can only hope i’m able to make you feel just as special because you truly are. i’m so lucky to have you as my friend, my mom, my twin. ilyyyyyy bab.
JEDEN: Positivity for the first person you think of.
@burnedbrighter​ ANGELA my sweet babe. how do i even begin to express the amount of love i have for you?? you are a TREASURE. a friend for keeps. u know, people, i feel, come and go on indie and i feel a little bit like that’s just how it is and i’ve come to accept that but you have been there, you know. through how many years. i’ve never doubted my worth to you as a friend. indie or not, i know that we’re friends, and that means more to me than anything, honestly. i hope you know how much i love you, and how much i appreciate you because i really do. ty for always making me feel loved.
EÎS: Positivity for someone you remember from when you first started your blog.
@zensolano caiti?? my sweet darlingest caiti. i’d go wherever you go, always forever you know why? because you’re an actual sunshine and ray of positivity and just the sweetest thing in the entire world! your presence lights me up, and you just, make me feel special and loved and remembered and just. coughs we all know i’m not always the hugest jafael fan depending on what’s happening lmfao but i would volunteer to scream about them alongside you, that’s how much i love you, and your cute fangirling sweet pure self. ily okay?
YKSI: Positivity for someone who has been one of your first writing partners, either on this blog or in general
@shculdbeafraid​ izzie, you’ve been there legit since this blog was born, i’m pretty sure? hahaha. and you’ve always been such a good friend to me, anytime that you know i’m not feeling the best, you’re always there to offer to listen and i appreciate that more than i can say. you’re wonderful and i have lots of love for you always, yeah? :)
BAT: Positivity for the first person to come up when you do @ and the letter F
@filiamatris​ is there anything i look forward to more than all of avery’s ooc posts tho? i think not? hahah, you’re amazing and so kind and considerate and you’re just…s ucH a caring person? and i cannot say enough how much i appreciate that, how much i appreciate having that kind of positivity in my dash is. it really, really makes all the difference. you make all the difference! you’re wonderful and amazing ilu
EKAB: Positivity for for the first person to come up when you do @ and the letter O
@ofcoldguns​ iK we havent talked a whole lot but you’ve become such an important part of my dash, and it’s always so nice getting to see you there and !! i appreciate anyone who appreciates one day at a time so. :”) you’re a darling and i look forward to getting to know you more!!
MOJA: Positivity for the top person in your activity bar
@likescauliflower​ ILSE MY LOVE. you’ve always been one of my most fav ever i mean your writing is stellar, i get to cry with you about all the things that i love aka jtv and odaat which! is always such fun! it doesn’t matter how busy you get irl, no matter how many times it takes you away from me because i will always always love you always!!!!! our love is forever just like seblair’s love is forever okay. 
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shouldwefall · 7 years
ur blog is goals and lol at that svt mtl for the gory horror movie XD ik requests aren't open for this but could you do like svt's ideal types? maybe one for bts too? feel free to delete this ask it goes aganist ur guidelines but like ur ships are so accurate... i ship them myself after reading ur reasoning lol (ooh is it alright if i become glasses anon?? soybean anon is already taken)
BTS’s Ideal Types
Glasses anon?? OMO HOW CUTE WELCOME TO THE MINI FAN CLUB lol no this blog is nowhere near that popular yet and of course I could; thank you for asking so politely! I was thinking about doing this a few weeks ago but decided against it after so many asks started popping in my inbox heuheu
Rap Monster: Namjoon’s ideal type, when discussing personality, would be someone who’s mentally intelligent and able to start an interesting conversation; either on worldwide affairs or facts about the last book you two have both read plenty of times. He’s all for an open-minded person, and would cherish a partner that respects his complex thought process. His partner themselves should be able to understand his random ‘facts of the day’ moments, and still love him even after the daily “oops! I broke it…” line.
When it comes to appearances, he would prefer a fiercer look, something more bold and suggestive. It’ll attract him right away, and he’d want to get to know the person better almost instantly. Heads up, Namjoon stans! If you use makeup, striking colors like red and gold would appeal to him, but lay off the excess makeup. A nude lipstick could work too as it contrasts against all those shades. As for clothing, a tank top that shows off your biceps would work just fine; being physically fit is a plus!
Rap Monster’s ideal type would be someone who’s mentally captivating, and clever on first glance. They may even have a rebellious spark in their eyes; it’ll draw him in.
Jin: Jin’s ideal type, in terms of personality, would be a mature person that understands situations quickly and frequently makes correct choices morally and when it comes down to split-second decision making. He’d love someone who can cook AND eat well, since he very much loves food himself. When it comes to dating, I see him as a pretty traditional person, but because he’s unpredictable, I think it’s safe to assume that he would venture out of the path a little to change some things around.
In a much more shallower perspective (not stating that Jin is shallow in the least), he may be drawn to girls (or boys) that have softer features or someone who appears younger than they actually are, such as singer IU or Korean actress Park Bo Young. As long as their choice of clothing and makeup is down-to-earth and nothing too extravagant, it’ll be a ‘yes, i like what i see so far’ from him.
Jin’s ideal type would be someone who’s mature, warm, and motherly; they should be able to handle themselves well in public. He would prefer softer features over sharper ones, basically someone who’s good-looking themselves.
Suga: Personality-wise, Yoongi might go for a calm and patient lover, one that’s able to handle his sassy remarks and lazy habits of his. I mentioned before in one of my mtls that to me, he seems like the most versatile out of BTS; his tastes probably changes a lot in a person. I’d love to see him with someone nearly just as sarcastic and laid-back as him; but it’s not too hard to imagine him being together with a fluffy, peace-loving unicorn either though.
If we’re going to go by appearances, Suga would probably prefer a more ‘swag’ rather than a polished/cute choice of clothing on his significant other, however, the curious eyebrow cocks up only if the certain s/o suits the ‘swag’ look. If the amount of bling-bling is blinding and way too unnecessary, it’ll decrease the chances of him asking them out and make his potential lover look like they’re trying too hard. Makeup isn’t necessary, but if you want to flaunt your good looks, go all in. Purple lipstick, blue eyeliner works perfectly; just remember not to look like you’re trying extremely hard to impress him!
Suga’s ideal type would be someone who’s laid-back and prefers to stay out of drama/gossip. He’d like it if they dressed similar to his style; ripped jeans with a checkered shirt around the waist would be smiled upon.
J-Hope: If we’re going to go by personality, he’ll go all for a smiley, funny significant other. Hoseok, in my opinion, prefers to be surrounded by positivity rather than negativity, so a pessimistic person wouldn’t exactly click with him, romantically speaking. Sure, he’s easygoing and extremely fun to be around with, and doesn’t select his friends or future lover, but a pessimistic person as his partner in life wouldn’t really be his first choice. Hoseok himself is emotional, so I think he’d do well with a caring lover that is able to comfort him effortlessly.
Regarding appearances, Hoseok would be the hardest for me to decide. I don’t think he has a specific preference of clothing or makeup; he’s just as likely to enjoy seeing his lover wearing jeans and a sweatshirt as he is when his lover’s in a tank top with dangerously short shorts. He also wouldn’t mind the body type of his significant other; Hoseok would like chubby people just as much as thin people. It wouldn’t hurt if his partner could dance though; work them moves J-Hope stans!
J-Hope’s ideal type would be someone cheery and has a positive outlook on life. He’s really open-minded, so he most likely doesn’t have a preference to how his significant other should look like.
Jimin: Jimin’s ideal type would be someone who’s extremely thoughtful and generous; someone who’s polite around adults and mostly places themselves second in most scenarios. They always have someone else on their mind when making decisions, and often is concerned about others’ emotions and physical conditions.  His ideal type wouldn’t be the ones that are easily pushed around though, they should be able to have a voice when unjust actions are committed against them, or someone else.
Appearance-wise, he might like a more subtle choice of clothing on his partner, one that he can compliment on and isn’t too extravagant or revealing. I totally see him loving a mature, sexy look on his significant other though! He’d be really aroused by it, and would give them nonstop kisses on the lips or neck.
Jimin’s ideal type would someone thoughtful and generous, who always thinks of others first before themselves. He’d enjoy seeing his partner in formal wear; whether they decide to go the ‘casual’ way or ‘sexy’ way is up to them.
V: V’s ideal type would be a person who enjoys laughing, and has a beautiful smile. He would be instantly attracted to them, as he’s a sucker for charming and sweet people. He would adore a cute and childish partner that he can frequently spoil and coo over too, and since he’s especially sweet with kids, he would want a partner who’s quite good with or loves children also.
When it comes to appearances, V might like a softer, more ‘girly’ style on his significant other on a typical basis, although he would be (pleasantly) shocked if they dressed slightly more revealing once in awhile. He’s the type that wouldn’t really mind how his partner looks like early in the morning; he’d still enjoy giving kisses to them even if they had bad morning breath and would find their disheveled hair adorable.
V’s ideal type would be someone who has a beautiful smile, and frankly, someone who loves laughing. He’s quite flexible with whatever his partner wears, cute clothing might appeal the best to him, however.
Jungkook: Jungkook’s ideal type would be someone who’s flirty but also mature. He would like being teased a little, so out of all of BTS, he may be the one who’s completely unbothered by the fact he’s dating a noona, and instead may even enjoyed being playfully pushed around because he’s younger. His partner should be patient with him; I see it being a problem relationship-wise if they’re not. Jungkook’s around the awkward transition of adolescent to adult, and he’s, frankly, still slightly impulsive. His significant other taking a few cautious steps to being understanding with him would create a stable and healthy relationship that would last a long time.
When considering looks, Jungkook has made us all aware that Korean singer IU is one of the female idols he really admires. He might prefer a taller partner, but don’t dwell on height too much! As long as the gap between his lover and him isn’t too large, it’s not difficult to imagine him leaning down to kiss the top of his lover’s forehead. Regarding the sensitive topic of makeup, Jungkook would probably choose a lighter makeup-look rather than to a heavy one, but of course, he wouldn’t stress over it much.
Jungkook’s ideal type would be someone who’s patient and playful, in addition to being mature when dealing with decisions that could affect their relationship. He would prefer a taller partner, but wouldn’t mind how they dress, unless they reveal a little too much in public (he gets jealous and possessive quickly).
This piece of work is based off my personal opinion. Feel free to disagree with it, as long as aggressiveness is kept at a minimum ^~^. Keep in mind that we, fans, have no to little idea of who BTS actually looks for in a partner so don’t get discouraged!
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naturesass · 7 years
im genuinely curious, why do u ship ike and lucina? btw ur art is cute
First of all, thank you for the compliment! 
But oh boy, I’ve been waiting for this one.
(The doc version reads better and has more images, but don’t forget to reblog this if you read it there!)
Well, grab a nice bucket of buttered popcorn and a can of soda–pull up a chair and recline a bit with a nice blanket, because I’m going to tell you the legendary story of how Ike x Lucina came to be.
Way back in the year 2015 (feels like eons ago!) I started talking to this random chick named @hollyfig (Holly). I won’t spill all the sappy details into this essay that actually is about two fictional characters, but long story short, she got me head over heels into Fire Emblem. With me now poisoned to love Lucina, and her drowning in her love for Ike, we decided to play Smash Bros. together. Basically, she didn’t like me beating her all the time and so we started to play on teams. We starting playing more with her as Ike and me as Lucina, and then it began.
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We both draw pretty frequently, our minds are naturally constantly creative and spanning out to discover new things. On August 20th, 2015, school girl little me sent a picture over to Holly, shamelessly saying I had been discreetly thinking about them as a couple. I got lucky and she admitted it to, and then it began. We simply started sharing art and it blossomed.
Now why, you ask? Well, when you share something in common with someone, you sort of just build off from it. Our conversations about them quickly became more frequent (we are normal people too, we talk about real life stuff) and they simply just grew into something we never expected with 10+ AUs under our belt. Texts turned into drawings and headcanon talks turned into fanfictions.
Let’s really look at why now.
First off, Lucina is a strong girl. She traveled back in time, met her then-alive-soon-dead father (unable to give away her identity at first glance), and stopped an apocalypse from happening. She’s a gorgeous, blue-haired general of her childhood friends who is level headed, can’t take a joke, and has horrible taste in clothing. She’s stubborn at times, but will talk and stand up for herself when she needs to. In my personal opinion, and in Holly’s as well, we believe that no one in the Awakening universe is really suitable for Lucina–they don’t deserve her for how perfect she is.
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Now let’s look at Ike. Let’s be straight up with each other alright–Radiant Dawn Ike is hot. He’s a man who lets no one get in his way at all and will do anything he needs to do to reach his goal for what he knows is right. He’s a beefy man who is incredibly talented with his sword and will protect the people he loves and cares for. He’s stubborn sometimes too and very blunt with what he has to say and lacks the mannerisms.
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Take a warrior-princess and a brutish mercenary and what do you get?
The ultimate love-story.
The both have similar characteristics like both being stubborn when they know they need something done. It would be fairly easy to read each other if one was upset about something. In general, they have different experiences in their life, like Lucina being in royalty for her younger years while Ike was being trained rigorously by his father.
Whether it be in just general romance or becoming parents, they would balance each other out. Ike is strong and will get in touch with his feelings if he needs to with Lucina. Lucina would break his tough exterior down and show him immense care. They both are strong alone, but with someone to lean on who is so similar, it makes life more enjoyable for them both.
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Let’s just talk about them meeting in general Smash Bros. right now.
Ike and Lucina meet, Lucina being the newcomer obviously. They think nothing of it, ask for a few spars as fellow sword fighters. They realize their skills in combat are nearly unstoppable with his powerful, slow hits and her speedy, quick slashes. They start practicing together more and more, both just naturally caring people.
It grows into more without themselves even knowing. Suddenly, Ike will take hits for her, Lucina will check up on him to make sure he’s okay. They don’t leave each other’s mind, but the problem is they both think they don’t deserve each other.
Take into account insecurities for some creative liberty and a bit a flavor: Lucina’s lacking a figure compared to other girls around her and Ike is gorgeous. Ike’s trying to get a princess’s heart–he doesn’t even like royalty and wants nothing to do with it.
Eventually, Ike takes the step and they become a couple. They’re literally invincible on the field.
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It’s more complex than it sounds, trust me. I can’t explain all of it so easily, there’s so much that actually happens that Holly and I are constantly talking about. We add characters, plot twists, just general sad moments because we all have that hunger. I think mostly any pairing could work honestly if you have someone to talk to about them, it’s all about building the pairing up into what you want them to be.
Before I end, take some things into consideration:
Since Lucina is a bit sheltered most times, Ike guides her a bit with love in general
Size difference in general–Lucina’s like a small stick and Ike towers over her with his beefy arms. She looooooves to be hugged by him
As much as Ike loves to feel like he’s protecting Lucina and being the big spoon, Lucina loves to feel his back muscles and be the jetpack
Instead of Ike buying an engagement ring, he takes some metal from Ragnell
Ike dominates her most of the time, but Lucina can turn things around (Ike blames “Grima’s blood.” Shark week can get uglyyyy)
Whoever wakes up first tends to stare at the other, sweeping their hair out of their face and just watching them in such a peaceful state
Lucina absolutely hates when Ike takes hits for her because she’s strong enough to take them, but Ike refuses to see her hurt
Ike is a nervous MESS around Lucina at first just unsure about how to properly express his feelings
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There’s so much more, I can go on, but we like to keep things private too. But please, consider these two blue lovers. I feel like people have constantly been curious about this from both of us–I post art publicly here because I feel like it’s what I mainly draw now and she reblogs it, I know people are wondering. Now you know, I hope you consider, and let us know if you’ve fallen down the hole with us to.
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