#but if not i'll probably just make her into an oc because i am. attached now.
gtcopter · 4 months
concept: a non-winged tiny jealous of fairies or perhaps a fairy that was for some reason born without wings makes themself a pair of mechanical wings. a la icarus or maybe more like a jetpack.
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tamaruaart · 6 months
What was zhao's character designing process like?
Hello! Thanks for asking, I'll try to keep this as simple as humanly possible-
-the beginning stages of Zhao's character
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(Ignore the bad quality of the pictures, I was lazy-)
I've actually had Zhao for quite a few years now, but I think these drawings I made like 9 months ago are the oldest ones that I could find. As you can probably see, in the begging she was a primarily jttw OC, I remember being super into OSP (which I still am), so when I started watching their jttw series I immediately got to making an OC because I really liked the world and all.
There's not much to say about the design honestly. But I will say why the hair changed, back then, her hair was very tiger-y but why has it changed so much if she's still a tiger? Well it's because back then I actually really liked the hair, but as time went on I thought it was way too much. However I really got attached to the whole "Cursed for disobeying your family so that you can never forget about them when you look at your own face.", so I decided to keep the orange hair just remove the details.
However a lot of the drawings you will see still have the stripes, but you'll see how they became more and more simple over time.
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(note: All of the drawings you will see of her old design are pretty old so my art skills have improved-)
When I just started watching lmk I already knew I wanted to change up her character a bit. So I did a mini re-design. Again not much to say about her design except that I wanted it to look very demon-y (because she actually used to be a tiger demoness)
However I felt she was too "soft", so I changed up her character a bit to be more cold and "mature", because I wanted her to have a bigger contrast in personality with Sun Wukong. I'll get into that later :>
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And as you can see I was still experimenting with certain designs but in the end I ended up with the last one for a while.
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Then something awoke in me and I was finally like: This hair is mad complicated let's simplify this sucker-
So some (a lot of) experimenting:
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(as you can see I've got a very inconsistent style)
And with that I eventually got this kinda design:
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As you can see, this is was the start of a ✨new era✨
(you can still see these drawings up on my blog if you scroll down enough-)
And this design stuck for a while until I made a certain drawing for a certain @/camhues 👀
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At this time I have started reading Circe and was very inspired by her character :0
She changed from being cold to more motherly. She's still mature but more clever, compassionate and caring. (yet still pathetic in my eyes). One of my friends here on tumblr @/doppel-doodles explained her PERFECTLY- "A fierce tigress in the body of a gentle mother cat" (like who gave them the right-), this explains her character very well because despite being very peaceful she's still a strong sorceress-
Now, Zhao is still kinda quiet and reserved considering her unhealthy past. But that ties a bit more into her connection with Wukong, which I'll get into in a bit.
I wanted Zhao to seem more "out of place", back then she just seemed like a basic bish girlboss OC and like someone who would make a good background character-
I also decided to give her a full name (because my dumb ahh realized Zhao is a Chinese SURNAME-) so I decided on Zhaoyan, also funfact Zhao's father used to call her "Zhaodi" because that name means "requesting a brother" (Because sexism yaaayyyyyy-)
My Zhao design is also heavily inspired by @/gigizetz Circe design, and her hair is very much inspired by Rapunzel from tangled-
And so yeah, then we got to her current design
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While I can't really give anymore specific references, I can tell you a bit on how I settled on this design :D
Note: I wanted her to have a more exotic, tropical and ancient vibe if that makes sense. She is a spiritual maiden, sometimes even described as a sorceress, and considering the role I settled on giving her in the story it makes sense she would seem like "something new" or something out of the blue if you will. Even though she's a Peach Maiden, she doesn't exactly look like one, which I honestly think is really exiting to work with-
There's still some lore I haven't spilled yet that would say more about her design, but I hope to reveal that in the future!
Now, all the lore of her current character ties to one specific thing, aka her most important role in lmk- her connection to Monkey. Now as I mentioned, Zhao and Wukong were made to be opposites, or well to seem like opposites (one is chaotic and one is calm). Also the mear fact that the Chinese monkey zodiac and Chinese tiger zodiac are specifically referred to as not being able to get along so well.
But in reality they're quite similar, both get over looked because of their unthreatening personalities despite being really damn powerful. Both kinda stand out in physical appearance too compared to the other characters, and look alike in a way (same ginger hair and golden eyes). And not to mention they both push others away from them because of their pasts despite caring a lot.
A fun part about writing Zhao's character is she also serves as a way to find out more about Sun Wukong and jttw as a whole while still being her own character.
So yeah, that's basically it! Sorry for this being so fricking long I like rambling about my girl- (no I do not have a favorite lmk OC wdym?)
Fell free to ask more questions they're always fun as hell to answer!! :D
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
fic authors self rec game
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
thank you so so much for the tag @thecreelhouse <3
the shire is burning (eddie munson x oc) - ao3 linked
shire will always, always, always have a very near and dear space in my heart. it is the proudest i have ever been of any fanfic i've ever written, and one of my only works i can consistently reread and admit to myself that i wholeheartedly enjoy. it's not perfect, it's not everyone's cup of tea due to being an OC fic, but it's my baby. i sat down in a booth at denny's one night in 2022, said i wanted to write an eddie munson fanfiction, and did it. i think it's my best work for capturing canon eddie, and any time i reread any bit of it, i just get the warm fuzzies all over. there are so many wonderful memories attached to it (from writing it, to experiences it led me to), and it brought me so many friends in this fandom that i love very dearly. i just love it, and even if i have to drag myself across the finish line, i will be finishing the sequel/fix it fic for willow and eddie. their love story is one i'll probably get to carry with me forever, which is pretty fucking neat, all things considered. <3
2. the moon will sing (astarion ancunin x oc) - ao3 linked/tumblr here
the moon will sing (i loved you like a sun) is still a fic currently in progress, but i really enjoy the concept, and i'm really excited to see where i take it! just like shire was my ultimate love letter to eddie munson, this fic is my ultimate love letter to astarion <3 it's got just as many, if not more, moving parts and i like the challenge it presents to me as a writer. i've always been the type to know every single experience my characters go through (both borrowed loves and original characters), and having to write a character with a strange sort of amnesia has presented a wonderful stretch for muscles i didn't use previously. it's also been really interesting writing astarion, because as a character, he's pretty different from eddie (who is my easiest character to write due to practice). he's canonically a wild card, a whole bundle of contradictions, and i constantly find myself making notes along the way in these drafts to overexplain and remind myself of his motives. i just really love it. i just really love him <3
3. house song (eddie munson x fem!reader)
this is from my 1k celebration, and it's definitely one that didn't get much attention. and probably for good reason. it has little to no dialogue, it has little to no actual interaction between eddie and reader. at the end of the day, it's long form poetry at best, and a nuisance of an elongated metaphor at worst. but i am really proud of it still. i had an entire version of eddie set up in my head, an entire reader with her own backstory, and whenever i reread it, i think that really shines through. it was a quiet softness about the boy we all still continue to love, even two years later, and i think it even perfectly shows why i still love him as the years pass. just a love note, rather than a full love letter.
people (fictional and real) don't always make good homes, but i think eddie munson might just be the exception. and that's why i stick around.
4. sweet like honey (steve harrington x fem!reader)
now for one from my 3k celebration! and i don't think this list would be complete without some sort of smut. i once had this fic quoted back to me from a friend (who i fucking adore with all my heart), and i didn't even recognize it as my own. it's no love letter to steve harrington (that one is in the works, trust me), but it's fun, and it hits all the right spots for me. i like steve harrington putting up a cocky bastard exterior only to be cracked wide open to find all that softness inside. this fic doesn't quite crack him open, but it definitely showcases that image of 'king steve' that i think we all enjoy fantasizing about a lot <3
this last one is hard. very, very hard. i have three fics that still come to mind that i'd love to put on this list, because in a strange turn of events, being in this fandom has taught me to love my writing far more than any fandom before. it's taught me my words are worth something. not in a money way, but in a 'i have something to say, a story to tell, that is worth yelling to the void - regardless of how many people will listen' way. and i've just been lucky so many of you have been willing to listen.
i'm giving honorable mentions right now to twenty four hours (because how could i not? for all the hell it gave me writing wise, i still like it, ya know?) and kissing lessons. the latter didn't make the list solely because i'm so new to writing robin, and it was a really tough subject matter for me despite being such a sweet fic. it's hard sometimes to love what you make out of a bad thing, even if the end product is something far more beautiful and healing than the reality of it all.
anyways, enough yapping.
5. who could stay? (you could stay.) - eddie munson x reader
this was one of the scariest fics to ever post. it was a request, and it was something i knew all too well, and it was putting a lot of myself into a reader. most of my fics that are this personal/include so much of myself never leave the google drive (and i have a few). half the time as i wrote it, it felt like just another diary entry. the other half, it felt like i was making some momentous mistake and shouldn't project so much of myself onto someone's request. but you know what happened? instead, all of you who have read it and showed it any love cradled it carefully in your hands and said "i see you" or "i am you", and reminded me it's alright. sometimes experiences are unique, sometimes experiences are factory-born. either way, posting this fic taught me i'm not always alone. and sometimes that isn't a great feeling (we all want to feel special, right?), but sometimes... it's a nice feeling. a giant group hug over the internet. i've definitely written similar fics in the same vein as this one since, and i don't know if i'll ever post them, but it proved to me that if i do choose to post them - it's safe. or at least, as safe as the internet can get. basically it was one giant lovely reminder of the space i've managed to create here on my blog and the type of people i've managed to attract to this corner of the internet, and i'm grateful for it. <3
alright. this was one of the hardest things i've ever done (i've obviously led a very privileged life). i'm gonna shut up now and reread some old writing because i feel like i just chose my favorite kids and now i need to reassure all my silly fics that i also adore that i totally still love them just in a different way.
no pressure tags: @andvys @hellfire--cult @hellfirenacht @lokis-army-77 @rosewaterandivy @take-everything-you-can and anyone else who wants to partake, because we all need to show our fics a lil love. you're your first reader, first and foremost <3
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arichaa · 6 months
My Demon Slayer oc
Hi, so I made this oc, but just so you know, I'm not an artist so that's why it's average
I wanted to do this for a long time, I had little ideas for a cute oc so here I am, humbly putting this here
Sorry if y'all have been waiting for a oneshot involving the literal Akaza, I didn't have any ideas anymore. Now, I might have an idea and there will be a post. But Idk when. And don't worry it's just this time that I'm doing something different, I'll continue to do Akaza content☻
I know I said that already but it's not a masterpiece but you know what? idc. idc anymore
And sorry if the headcanons don't make sense huhihjviveekevhhahahhahahhhaha AHHAHAHAHAHAHАННАННАНa
The Appearance
I changed the uniformed color, but I don’t know which one to choose
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Family Name: Ha
First Name: Ariana (not the grande one🤨)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Birth date: July 3rd
Height: 161 cm/ 5ft3
Weight: 55kg/ 121 lb
Occupation: Hashira
The Breathing Style
Light Breathing (6 forms)
光の呼吸 (Hikari no Kokyū)
☆Fruit of Enlightenment☆
☆Shower of Sparks☆
☆Reflection of the Stars☆
☆Depth's Glow☆
☆Gleam of Hope☆
☆First Sunrays of Dawn☆
the light breathing is derived from the thunder breathing
The Sword
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her father, a passionnate weapon collector, travelled the world to collect them. he found a foreign sword he liked and left it to his daughter upon his death. she was inspired by this sword and created hers based on it.
the star represents the 6 forms of her breathing style
attached to her back with that grey thing around her torso
The Crow
I didn't draw it because I estimate that it is unnecessary since he looks like a regular crow. But he has a little red bracelet around his cute foot just so people know it's Ariana's. And his name is Jafar
The headcanons
she is strong and she knows it (probably because of her breathing style? demons are creatures of the night, so the light contrasts, idk)
only child
has too much love to give
touch starved
would never refuse a hug
respects rules (never late, never enter homes with empty hands when invited, etc.)
easily shocked when someone doesn't have the same manners as her or doesn't show the same respect
would probably be against Nezuko being spared and would want Tanjiro to be punished
is embarrassed when she deals with attractive people
is literally so cute
so overly respectful to demons it sounds like she's making fun of them
example: "excuse me, sorry to come unnannouced... I am Ha Ariana, the Light Hashira, and I'm here to take your life!" all that with a sorry smile. Not because she has to kill them, but because she came in their home without knocking
encounter with Akaza : Why don't you become a demon? "Thank you for your offer, but my Hashira status prevents me from even considering it."
she flees from the fight if she knows she ain't winning sh*t, like the jjk characters (would only happen against The big 3 and Muzan chan) no bc if she know she's gonna lose why bother?
Like that woman would even announce it like "you're too strong, I'm off" (don't worry, if someone is in danger she'll flee with them)
encounter with Akaza 2:
Akaza: A woman?
Ariana: Uppermoon 3?
🏃‍♀️"I’m out!"🏃‍♂️
Personality and Traits
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Drawings I did of her
💜 <- Ariana with a pony tail
🩷 <- Omori sprites styled Ariana
Okay, I almost forgot, but like I said, I'm no artist, so for the appearance base, I used 8asaki's oc for it (instagram). Hope it's not too much trouble♡
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jils-things · 7 months
❨♡❩ valentine's week ; familial day
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familials have been such an important factor in my time as a selfshipper recently because i truly came to appreciate what is familial love. it's just that really nice feeling of pride and appreciation for someone you really care about. i'm excited to say that i have a lot in my roster to share! reading isn't mandatory for anyone viewing - writing my feelings help me articulate my words well.
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first and probably my most important one yet is ruby stone! at first, I wasn't really interested in the whole "he's my son concept" but i just knew that ruby was an instant favorite of mine after reading the manga. it's funny, because i actually did kin him at one point (i mean, i can still say i kin him but because i'm a selfshipper first, manga consumer second. i see him as my son more). i see myself a lot in him especially in his flaws. but because a friend told me it would be fun if i had called him a familial, it wouldn't be so bad (and steven is also there. wouldn't it be a cute family?). i initially drafted jaide stone and ruby to just be friends but ruby has a special attachment to her (due to his personal issues with his father) but that shit changed FAST and thus, ruby stone was born. i adore my silly boy, he makes me so happy and i admire his character. he's different from the other protagonists and it makes him stand out all the more. I'm so proud of him, his whole story made me so emotional and i just want to hug him and let him know everything's okay and he has every right to be who he wants.
am i allowed to talk about my husband? i mean he IS ruby's father so,,, heheh. ill keep it short or else it becomes a romantic love letter to my hunni sorry 😚 anyways i always imagined steven to want to have kids and ruby was the best thing he ever asked for. he's so proud of him too. they went through a rough patch as a father and son but things gotten better and they're very happy to call each other family. 💚
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ahh, my favorite silly stinky little brother. gold! this one's got a long history. i was always a big fan of ethan/gold as a protagonist in the games. but i had no idea that this version ethan (or as the manga calls him, gold.) was simply the best for me. he's got this special spark that really checks off my list of what makes a character my favorite! just like ruby, i also see myself a lot in him. (heck, even my sister thinks i'm super gold-coded) he was so shaped to be my best friend or little brother, and i picked the latter. he's probably the most comedic, and has a very deep emotional side that i like to philosophize about. po.kespe kids are written with much difficulty and he's no exception. if i had a brother, i feel like this is how i would treat him.
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okay this one's gonna be SUPER confusing which i'll apologize over and over again i'm so sorry 😭😭 for this one, i'd like go introduce blake and nate (respectively). these two are completely different from each other, but i still have this maternal/big sister care for both of them. just like gold - nate is one of my favorite protagonists by game and learning their personalities in both manga and game (pkmn masters ex) made me adore them even more. i think ilynne (oc) is the first girl who has more priority over familial and platonics than romantics. i think that's very cool! it's hard to say everything here why i love both versions but if you took a look for yourself, maybe you'll understand hehe. (also, nate just has the BEST protagonist design. hello? who wouldn't love him? definitely not me!!!!) it was only because of pkmn masters ex that made me like nate a lot. his voicelines makes me feel so comforted like that's just a really happy boy! he sounds so excited for everything and his giggles just cleanse my soul 😭 i could pat his head all day. silly pineapple boy. blake just... i dunno man. it's probably because i already liked his base design so naturally I'd like his manga ver too 😭 they pulled a wildcard in designing this kid like he's a fuckin agent!!! that's so cool!!! hes a fuckin hater!!! look at him go i can fix the edgy kid !!! by being his mom!!! (lore accurate btw)
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ah yes. the most fanbase developed kid ever. it's carmine! this kid is so special. his entire existence came from a fan created f.n.f mod and everyone ran with it - just like me. i remember constantly keeping tabs with this mod and i was always curious to know what carmine has in his story - playing the mod itself was such a pleasant surprise. my whole attention was shifted to carmine's story - it's rewritten slightly to make the creepypasta more impactful and it certainly did make me feel sympathetic for the little guy. giving him the sweetest and admired big brother to love and care for him was the best design i ever thought of. after the devs added more story, it made me feel all the more protective of carmine. unfortunately he's not the most lively boy around as he's bullied for his insignificance. i would do anything to let him know he's loved. (AGGRESSIVELY FORGETS THE PART WHERE HE'S PAINFULLY POSSESSED BY THE FUCKIN GHOST BEGONE!!!!)
i think what also powered how much i love carmine was the endless support i got from the actual fans of the mod on twt. even the devs approved it and it made me feel so happy and reassured that it's okay to appreciate him (it was actually a little nerve-wracking to post rhys and carmine on twt because carmine is... technically an oc). that's why i describe carmine to be a special kind of fo. he's an oc of a mod and that's pretty neat
those are my main familials, but i'd also like to give a shoutout to my secondary familials!
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when i tell you there's so many cool characters in this game I wasn't JOKING. these guys are so... AUGHH i feel like they would be the best guys to have around to make my day better. looker is more uncle shaped to me, he's not exactly the BEST caretaker (shh i know emma) but i know he's trying his best. it's hard to juggle being an agent and a friend but i understand that and i appreciate his efforts. playing platinum to see this guy appear, i just KNEW he's gonna be the coolest. and i wasnt wrong! he's associated with my oc ilynne along with blake! for po.kespe consumers, yes - they are all coworkers!
professor sy.camore is definitely a father figure to me. i love his enthusiasm and i know he's the best guy to cheer someone up. his cheerfulness is endless and he literally mentors 4 kids, if he can do that then surely he can make my day better (a miserable young adult /jjj) i really wanted to make a kalosian oc for him. i envisioned the oc to be an ex team flar.e member who wanted to renew herself from her past deeds (as she was foolish to not understand lysandre's grand plan) and sy.camore was there to rescue her from her crisis and helped her start somewhere by being a student under his care. they would develop a father-daughter dynamic and i think that's very sweet 🥺💚
in case you noticed. my main familials are a case of like ... me wanting to nurture them. but my secondaries are the other way around and it's like... what if i was the one being nurtured and cared for? pretty cool...
that's all for today. thank you familials 💚
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cepheusgalaxy · 13 days
Hello, I saw your post about Brazilian OC because I'm researching to write one too. May I ask for tips please?
The premise of my story (the plan is maybe 15k-20k words) is about an American who moves to Brasil alongside his sister to restart a new life because of a dark past. He meets a 12-year-old girl whose perspective inspires him to face his past in the end.
I set the story in the Northen Brasil; more accurately, Rio Preto da Eva, Amazonas (long story on why but I got suggested to by a friend then I got attached to the place). Do you have any tips for me for portraying this little girl? Like her mixed race, her disposition, her family, her culture, food, her mannerisms, her body language, her English speech as a second language is like (she's bilingual just so they can communicate, maybe imperfect but fluent enough); how to show that she's Brazilian, basically? Not just a random kid in a random country that you can replace with another country and it will stay the same.
Thank you! I'm sorry if it's too much.
Hello! ^^ You can definitely ask for tips, and I'll help in any way I can. As a warning, this may be a bit rambly.
Firstly though, I'd like to say that I myself am not from the North, but from the North East, and there are a lot of cultural differences from here to there so I may not have advice as specific and as accurate as another person may give, but I'll give the tips I can. This is a somewhat long so I also put it under a cut :)
Now, moving on. I decided to divide this into topics so it's easier to understand:
Appearence (hair, clothing, etc.)
You ask about her race first. Amazonas is known for having the biggest amount of Indigenous communities from all the country (i fact checked that just to be sure), but the majority of people in there is also Parda [mixed black and white, you could translate that as Brown]. White people are at a minority of 24% of the population, following the <10% of Black people, so the Brown population is three times the white one. You may, ofc, chose whatever you want for her if you haven't already. Just throwing these statistics there in the case it might help.
If she's Brown, she probably will have coily hair, and she may wear it tied back or braided with a fun color, you decide. The climate in the North is mostly very warm and humid, so having her hair falling on her neck might be a bit uncomfortable so she probably wouldn't wear it loose unless it's for a special occasion or a party where she would want it super neat.
Ofc this changes from person to person, but at least in my city, girls with long hair tend to tie it for the most part and take especial care to leave it loose when they want it neater, since combing your hair with cream for it to look good loose takes a little bit more of work than just making it look nice in a ponytail or pigtails or a fancy bun. Short hair works differently and its more common to wear it loose, since there are less options for tying it and it's not as hot in your back and neck.
As a side note, she may also have straight hair. Girls her age sometimes like to straighten natural curly hair, or maybe she has indigenous ascendance if she's not indigenous herself and her hair is straight and her skin, dark.
Lots of girls also like to wear earrings and usually at twelve i don't see a lot of big ones so she may prefer to wear tiny ones, bracelets, etc.
An acessory you might also see is this one:
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[ID: A toddler wearing a blue stripe turban, a bandana-like cloth on their hair, tied in a flower at the front. /end ID.]
For some reason I couldn't find an example of any older kid but it'll do lmao. This is a turban, or headscarf, that is common among women here and comes from African influence. We have the ones that cover more of the hair, and this one, which is more common for younger children, that has the shape of a stripe and has a stylized knot in the front. They can come in patterns or plain colors, like this. It's pretty cute, although not very popular amongst tweens and older teens, with some exceptions. The kid's ones usually come already tied and we call them tiaras.
Moving on to clothes, as the northern areas are very warm we usually wear tshirts, small dresses and short shorts or trousers. That is probably where the stereotype of Hot Skimpy Brazilian comes from (hand in hand with racism ofc). I notice that in colder countries people tend to layer up and wear long sleeves and pants in the summer but unless it's a party, an event or a particularly cold day that's really unusual here. Bc of the warmth, leggings and crop tops are super popular too.
Patterns are also really really common, not just in shirts but in dresses and shorts as well. That's also from African heritage.
Though I am pretty sure that patterned, long skirts are very common in Amazonas. You may want to research this one a bit more.
You also note that she speaks English, and I don't know exactly how the subject is in schools there, but in my area we learn English in a very basic and very simple range, especially at her grade. I'd say it's very unlikely that she'd have learned it there, but there's always exceptions though! If she didn't learn it in school, however, the most common way to learn it is by engaging in content in English. I learned it by engaging with the PJO fandom that is mostly in the US, for example, and my cousin learned it by playing pirated Pokemón that he couldn't get in Portuguese. Maybe she loves subtitled shows and learned there!
I'm not sure about her accent bc I'm not generally good at pointing them out, but a few things in her native language that may influence it are that, in Portuguese, vowels are a little bit more open most of the time, and she may also have trouble spelling the r in the way you do, and will probably acentuate it to compensate (my little sister does that) or switch it to a french r or a spanish r (if you've heard French or Spanish you may know what I'm talking about). She probably also speaks a little slower or accentuating each syllabe to make sure she's speaking right.
She may also just make some sounds completely wrongly, like spelling the S as a Z sometimes, like "azexual" (in portuguese when the S is between two vowels it has the sound of Z), pronounce X as "CS" or "SH" like Asecsual (asexual) or Eshtra (extra) or accentuate the Ts at the end of a word, something native anglophones tend to set aside for the most part, I've noticed.
School (coz I think that this might appear sometime, if your story doesn't take place in summer break)
A thing I'd like to note is that schools in Brazil work very differently than in the US.
Firstly, the "grades": We call them Years and they are divided in three parts: Fundamental School I [Ensino Fundamental I], Fundamental School II [Ensino Fundamental II] and Highschool. Before all of that, optionally we also have preschool or "childhood garden" or just daycare, that we also refer to as alphabetization.
F. I or E.F. I -- from 6 to 10yo. Here we have 1st year, 2nd year, etc allup to 5th year. Kids learn the basics and may or may not get in already knowing how to read and write.
F. II or E.F. II -- from 11yo to 14yo. Here we start from 6th year and go up till 9th
Highschool -- You know this one. Three years, called 1st, 2nd and 3rd year. A literal translation of its name would be Middle School. (Ensino Médio.)
We don't have homeschooling, and by law kids are obliged to attend school as soon as they are old enough to.
Schools here also have a pretty big difference from public to private that idk if you have in there.
Private schools are owned by individuals and Public schools are owned and funded by the government, as you probably know. All schools in Brazil also have uniforms.
Each private school has their own particular uniform, and you have to pay for your child's subscription, uniform, materials and snacks.
Public schools are divided in two categories: State schools and Municipal schools. State schools are owned by the state, and municipal schools are owned by the city. The state and the city all have separate uniforms, so every municipal school from a city is going to have a shared uniform, and every state school from a given state is going to share a uniform too. In public schools, the subscription is paid by taxes, and so are the uniform and food; you just have to pay for your personal material, not including books, that are provided by the school, and any school outings your child may attend to.
I took the liberty to take a look into the Amazonense public uniform and the uniform from the city you choose too:
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[ID: A bunch of students wearing jeans or black pants and a white shirt with a green and yellow arc at the bottom, and a small crest on the chest. /end ID.]
^ Amazonense State Uniform
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[ID: A little kid wearing black trousers and a white t-shirt, both with an orange crest. /end ID.]
^ Rio Preto da Eva Municipal uniform.
As you can see, the uniforms usually consist in trousers or shorts for younger kids or pants for the older ones and a plain shirt with the school, state or city simble. Unlike other countries, where the (girl's) uniform usually consists of some kind of skirt, the uniforms here are the same regardless of gender and come in some different sizes (Small, Medium, Big and Big-Big). Private schools also follow this model.
In Municipal Schools you usually get both the shorts and shirt by the school, and in State Schools you just get the shirt and can wear whatever pants you want, but following a dress code (usually it's "jeans or black or dark blue pants and closed shoes" and trousers are only allowed if they're a certain lenght, but maybe Amazonas has another code I'm not aware of)
Another difference from State and Municipal schools is also the offered curriculum. Fundamental I, sometimes II, is offered in Municipal schools, and highschool and Fundamental II are offered in State schools. Some schools may not follow this rule and have more or less stages.
And also the school year is a bit different: The year starts in the beggining of February, then there is a starting weekbreak for Carnaval, then the classes start for real. The year goes on till July where we get around 15 days off, then the classes come back and end at the start of December. This may change a little depending on the school's jurisdiction (Private, State or Municipal).
Schools also work in turns: Morning "Matutino" (7 to 11AM) and Afternoon "Vespertino" (1 to 5PM) or Full-Day "Integral" (7AM to 5PM or earlier). Most Municipal Schools as far as I know are morning + afternoon.
And lastly, as a side note, some medical services in Brazil are also public and free, like the SUS (unique health system), where your insurance is paid by taxes so you don't pay for it unless the service costs more than what your plan allows for.
Now about food, I'm not completely familiarized with culinary from the North, but we share some dishes in common and I also did a quick search. So we have:
Lots of fish -- the Amazonas is cut by a lot of big rivers so fish is very important to the culinary
Cupuaçu -- a tropical fruit that gets delicious in ice cream
Açaí (another fruit you can make great ice cream with) with beans. Half of the people like it and the rest claim it tastes like mud.
Maniçoba -- a dark soup made of cooked cassava leaves and meat basically
Muqueca -- a kind of fish soup
Pirão -- it has the texture of mashed potatoes and it's made of cassava flour cooked in fish broth
Fried banana - you cut up banana in slices and fry them in the pan till they go gold and it's very sweet, crusty and delitious tbh. Some people put it in couscous
A lot of fruit juice, like guaraná, cupuaçu, graviola and any other fruit you can find in there
Beiju -- beiju is a sort of flour you prepare like pancakes (rolled up pankakes, that is) and they are crispy and you usually put salty toppings like chicken and cheese in there. some people like it alone though
Pão de queijo -- technically "cheese bread" but it's a completely different kind of cheese bread. it is very small and round and also crusty
You can search for more of the food but this should give you an idea.
For table manners, at least where I am from, idk about Amazonas, it's considered rude by some people to support your elbows on the table, and by most it's also considered rude to speak while your mouth is full.
Family and other details
I'm not sure how family would be very different and idk much about family in Amazonas but where l live specifically (northeast) I've seen these elements in families very commonly
single mom (usually black and poor)
a dad or grandfather with a lot of abandoned children with many different woman so you may have 7 unknown siblings/uncles
idk about other areas but here we greet our older relatives by 'asking bless' (pedindo a benção or just bença)
I am not really aware of mannerism differences but I can give you a silly list of swear words because 12 is just the age kids are really sweary and I think she could literally translate some of these by accident and some don'r rlly work in english but here they are:
Desgraçado - disgraced. Medium swearing
Miserável - miserable. Light swearing
Filho da puta - son of a bitch. you know this one. Can be very heavy or very playful
Filho da mãe - son of a mother. Heavy swearing
Filho da égua - son of a (female) horse. Medium swearing
Seu cu - your ass. Light to medium swearing.
Tomar no cu - go take it up your ass. Light swearing but can be heavier depending on circumstance.
Seu porra - the only translation i can think for "porra" is cum but it can also mean fuck. this one is calling someone a porra. a bastard in this context. light to medium swearing
Foda - can mean fuck, can mean shit, can mean badass, can mean 'it sucks', can mean 'hella cool' and really really depends. light swearing when it's used like that
Caralho - i am not sure how to translate this one. it's usually a term for when things suck. or are very cool.
Rapariga - calling someone a bitch lightheartedly. light swearing
Viado - faggot. can be very heavy or very playful
Quenga - similar to rapariga but more agressive
Desgraça - disgrace. usually to express frustration. medium swearing
Portuguese has a lot of curse expressions actually.
Some other things that may be worth noting are:
Most brazilians, unless they're very wealthy, don't have dishwashers. Or drying machines for that matter. Since it's hotter here we mostly dry up things in the sun. We use strings for that or just hang them up the wall at the back of the house.
Some brands we refer to when we mean certain products (but this one may not apply to Amazonas): Maizena (corn starch), cotonete (cotton swab), QBoa (bleach), Veja (disinfectant), Nikito (a brand of stuffed cookie), Springles (you have that one too), Play-Doh (play dough), Amoeba (a weird slime toy) and Oreo
'Gringo' is a word that means foreigner. If you're not from here, u a gringo
Your character may struggle to use 'it' to refer to some objects, because in portuguese we don't have it as a pronoun. Objects are either he or she so your girl is probably gonna call the table a she and the car a he a lot of the time. I do that too sometimes.
Very specific anime thing if she likes anime: there's a culture here that if you watch dubbed anime instead of subtitled ur a loser. it's silly but it exists.
If she's twelve she probably grew up watching Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo. It's a child's cartoon based off a classic child's author work, Monteiro Lobato. And she probably read Turma da Mônica as a child (the comic books ever)
She also prob watches a lot of dramas. They usually air in channels like Globo or SBT. Three very popular and classic ones are Chiquititas (a show about a bunch of children from an orphanage and one of them was the secret heir of some rich guy idk. my sister loves it), Carrossel (i don't watch novellas but i know there's a school and a black boy and this racist girl. it's also a meme) and Chaves. Some more recent ones are Romeu e Julieta and As Aventuras de Pollyanna.
We tipically use the 24 hours format so if your mc can't understand that he'll probably confuse himself a lot
"Meia" (half/middle) usually refers to the number six, when we're talking about phone numbers. That's because three and six sound way too similar and you may confuse them up so to avoid that we replace six with meia
A dozen and half a dozen are also used a lot, like when you go get groceries and eggs, idk about other countries
Vasco -- vasco is a soccer team that is a meme because they Always Lose. We have the expression "went vasco" to express someone got fucked over
She will probably refer to soccer as football when speaking english bc in portuguese, soccer is "futebol". Depending on her personality she may refure to correct herself
The girl almost definitely cheers for a soccer team. I know few people who don't cheer for a soccer team.
Talking about soccer, another team that is a meme is Flamengo. Bc they don't ever win a "world" medal. Idk much about soccer but a world medal or a mundial is a class of tournaments?
Soccer is a big thing here. We cancell classes when the soccer world cup is near.
Now for your last line--how to show that she's brazilian. I'm not really skilled in showing different nationalities in writing, but I think that the most effective tool you could use is the cultural difference. How do things work differently here in opposed to there? What is your usamerican character used to or not used to, what does he have to adapt to? What does the girl think your character should know, or be used to, when he isn't? What are the things your character prides herself for in her culture (like soccer or the food bc of the meme of Bad USamerican Food)?
Anyways, this is a really wide topic but I hope I have been able to shed a little light or offer some guidance. If anybody who sees this is from Amazonas, your insight could be helpful too!
Good luck with your story, anon!
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aetherose · 25 days
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With Natlan around the corner and the abundant theories of Columbina showing up there, I'm just gonna place this bit from my Columbina's bio down. I started writing Columbina not that long after her first appearance and went wild with her. I practically OC-ified her to be blunt, and I am very aware of that.
However, I'm quite attached to how I write her. More than likely, I will mostly stick to it because I am somewhat doubtful the theory of her being an Angel of the Primordial One and a Seelie is correct, but I like it a lot. I may alter pieces of my portrayal according to how canon Columbina is, but unless I end up REALLY liking canon Columbina over my portrayal, these changes probably won't be massive.
In short, I'll be doing whatever I want and I am making this very clear so that if you personally take issue with my Columbina portrayal, you can either just not write with her or softblock me. I know some people are really iffy about heavily canon divergent portrayals like this sometimes, so I'm just offering you the chance to leave now if you're amongst them.
I do make it clear on my blog I treat canon as a suggestion rather than a hard rule, especially when it comes to Genshin. However, Columbina is probably gonna usurp Ei and Norika as the most canon divergent muse on this blog the moment we start getting actual information about her.
So yeah. Got a problem? Softblock, because I'm probably not going to change my mind here. My blog, my portrayal, there's plenty of other Columbinas that'll be canon compliant you can write with and I won't take offense to you having a preference for canon compliant portrayals.
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smokeprincess24 · 2 years
Hey could you make a Morpheus x reader story where yn finds out she's pregnant whit his child but she doesn't want the baby so she leaves and dissapears so he makes it his mission to find her..😅ik it's long but it would be an honor!
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At first I was going to decline the question because I haven't done anything written for a fandom since 2014-5 and what I've done as a sandman has been more phrases and loose ideas than anything else, besides that when I read it the first few times I didn't know how or what where to direct the idea but then I said fuck it I'll do it with the OC that I have in mind and its story (I'm more of creating my character with a back story and everything but never taking it to "paper")
So here's a warning 1 (and the most important) I don't speak English I can read and listen to it but I'm not that good at writing it so here I am using google translator for this (if there's something wrong let me know so I can edit it, sometimes the translator It is not so exact and although I check that if it is well written, I may miss some errors)
2. for convenience because I'm not so good at writing (not even in my own language -Spanish-) this will be a headcanon (I think it can be considered like this) but very detailed
so here goes nothing
(ps: I always give my OCs the same name but for the convenience of the sandman community I will refer to the character as her or y/n)
•Everything was going well, she had an boyfriend, they already had a year of relationship (and almost two since she found him in the basement)
•Johanna once jokingly told her that she was going to end up with a hot emo boyfriend who looks like he pouts 24/7 (and it would probably end badly), she definitely wasn't wrong. Luckily having a hot emo boyfriend means tons of hot time.
•Y/n usually alternated the days between The Dreaming and her apartment
•Morpheus was simply attached to her, always seeking her touch, from holding her hand to laying her down and fucking her on one of the library tables, but he was always close to her in his free time, it was as if they were in a honey moon phase (for a whole year)
•But then it started
•Y/n do not tend to get sick (or stay sick for a long time) thanks to their ancestry, she also hates vomiting and basically doing so is the peak of a possible illness.
•One day she began to feel tired, aching all over her body and one morning she woke up quickly from a dream to run to the bathroom
•Out of the corner of his eye she could see Matthew at er window, possibly his abrupt exit from The Dreaming caused Morpheus to send to look how she was
she was in bed all day but she thought they were just seasonal illnesses
•Oh boy, they weren't
•Fortunately the days passed and Y/N was able to recover even feeling nauseated from time to time (convincing herself that it was because she hadn't eaten much because she was sick)
• It wasn't until a week later that his roommate and best friend commented (joking) that it was a good thing she had taken a break from her boyfriend, because if they kept fucking like that she was going to end up pregnant.
•At first Y/N just laughed and let it go, until she remembered that she had been weeks without her period, this definitely freaked her out
•She waited until she was alone in her apartment to go to the pharmacy so she could get a test, a simple piss on a stick, a negative and everything ended, probably she was just thinking to much about it and really was nothing
•Over the years, she'd learned that the universe's favorite game was to contradict her and make things difficult, and this time the universe had given her the big middle finger.
•A bit of a panic attack here, okay? a fucking baby is a big responsibility for 18-20(ish) year olds
•Yep she was definitely screwed
•She could only think of Johanna when she had told at the beginning of her adolescence how she should have to scare the boys (emos and edgys) away from her, or else she would end up "knock up"
•Yeah she was definitely fuck up (and not in a good way)
ok here is the first part, I have several things planned for the morpheus part but I needed to cut it and upload this to know if (I) this had a future or what
ps: I accept suggestions for a title
ps2: you can make requests and I can try to write something, both within the sandman universe with or without my OC
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Carys Alina OC Questions
Carys probably had some innate magic always that wasn't able to manifest in her world. However, during the Underworld/Book 6 incident, it seemed to come to the surface. It was very overwhelming at first. She can Overblot, but I see it as a like, optional story line.
For the most part, yes. I think the biggest differences from the canon game's timeline would be during Book 3, 6 and 7. She is a bit more proactive than Yuu in them.
Yes. I will kiss Malleus and if I have to Frankenstein my way into the game to do it I will.
Homesick? Yes. Very much so. But also extremely conflicted because, despite everything, she's grown attached to TW and her friends there, and doesn't know if she's capable of choosing one over the other. At this point, she's given up on Crowley getting them back.
She does everything she can to make Ramshackle a safe haven for herself and her friends. It's not much, but it *is* home. As for coping at the beginning... there was a lot of crying and a lot of anxiety.
Big Sister Instincts activated instantly for Grim and Ortho.
Books 6 and 7 are big on character growth, or at least making the already present fear and conflict of choosing between worlds (and the guilt of not being able to help her friends) really start taking their toll.
Carys and Malleus' first impressions with each other are much like the original game, I imagine.
A lot of her/my strengths/flaws are related to being a Highly Sensitive Person (an actual thing! It's a type of divergence, which I only learned recently). Highly observant, deeply feeling and empathetic, but also easily overwhelmed and anxious.
Rollo can catch these HANDS (I drew a meme for this)
Carys, like me, gets sick easily and often gets bad colds when too stressed. Carys' probably had to drop in at the infirmary quite often, even if just to lie down for a min and get some basic medicine.
Carys is a bit more willing to be underhanded then when she arrived. Also, she's found a new appreciation for gargoyles.
Found family but the family you found sucks
PE. I am NOT physically capable. Like Azul/Idia level of physical ability.
No. I'm a bit of a teacher's pet and am terrified of misbehaving. One time my name was on the yellow section of the behavior chart in elementary school and I was so quietly distraught that my teacher moved it back to green after like an hour.
Probably Leona? She finds him a bit infuriating at times but she doesn't really dislike him, their personalities just clash.
I have Social Anxiety. Everyone scares me. I'm trying to get better tho
She reluctantly does Crowley's odd jobs.
General questions:
haha let bounce go brrrrr
A sketchbook/notebook and pencil
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I don't like the taste of any coffee, and the few times I've had caffeine made anxiety/jittery-ness 200% worse, so I avoid it.
None with her in TW at least
Consistent loudness when others are trying to talk/listen to something. A quiet room and some time to decompress helps a lot
A quiet house date, watching movies, reading together, playing games ect. Or stargazing.
Yes, but it's difficult to describe. I made it in the Sims so maybe I'll share it later but it's not that important.
Uh... getting stranded in space? That's one.
Carys' main regrets are leaving her family and friends in her world to wonder what happened to her, and not being able to be more help in TW.
Honey you got a big storm comin'? Not sure
A very open and caring relationship with sister, and a loving (if sometimes a bit strained) relationship with her parents.
The ability to travel between their world and TW at will.
Does reading fanfic count? I'm cringe but I'm free
itd be Rollo ngl
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ailingwriter · 2 months
So a while back, I decided to draw a reference sheet for one of my OCs, for Reasons. And, for related Reasons, I decided to post those sketches here! There are quite a lot so I'll put them under the readmore.
A bit of an explanation, I drew this by drawing each part separately, then drawing them all together in a less precise way to get an idea for proportions. Then I drew them all together again even rougher because I decided I didn't like the color scheme.
Also, the character is robotic. Not a robot, for plot reasons, but she has a robotic/puppet design.
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Her head.
The eyes should probably be bigger. I changed that in the full body sketch.
Her hair is made from a bunch of stiff plates. I have no idea how they might work in 3d space at the moment.
Normally, she does not have a mouth. When she does it's because she ripped open her face and is showing her fleshy inside. As i said, she is not a robot.
Her neck is stiff, like a doll's. It connects to a ball joint on her head.
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A closer shot on her eyes. It's probably harder to see than is ideal because of the medium and the specific shades I had access to.
I couldn't really show it here, but her eyes are essentially LED displays.
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Her body. Lots of detail here, not sure I'll want to keep all of it.
On the left side of her chest is a hole where her heart should be. This is for plot reasons. Also for plot reasons, there are wires that show that something was torn out of this space. It's a bit smaller than I'd like in this drawing.
On the right side of her chest is a pattern that looks like piano keys and ribs. I took this out of the later designs since I felt it made the design look too cluttered.
There is a speaker in her stomach area. This is how she makes sound. Around it is a ring of purple.
Her 'dress' is made up of a series of sharp metal slats that are essentially attached to her body by hinges and move individually. She can control what specific elevation they are at or let them hang loose.
The angularity isn't just me being inexperienced at drawing human torsos, she really is kind of angular.
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Her back. Normally it would be colored the same as the rest of her torso, but I didn't bother since by the time I drew this I had changed the color scheme.
I have not decided whether the pattern are holes like on a violin or just markings.
I may want them a bit closer to the spine to get rid of negative space.
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Left Arm.
Both of her forearms are disproportionately long.
Hands are hard okay.
On her left arm are a set of violin strings. I may redesign her later to have the bridge be at the elbow instead of near her hand, and to add something to act as the fingers for changing notes. At the moment, the design has the strings jutting out slightly, as opposed to...
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Right arm.
The bow to the left arm's violin/viola/cello/what have you. This one sinks into her arm a bit as shown above.
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Yes, her lower legs are swords. Yes the legs are supposed to be symmetrical even though I'm just now realizing they aren't.
Normally the hips are hidden under the skirt.
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Proportion full body sketch.
I messed up the coloring on the skirt, but that's okay! I changed the color scheme later on. The joys of working with pencil and paper...
You can only see it here, but the neck connects to a largeish ball joint in the torso. This is a minor design element that I may change though.
I changed the size of her eyes and the hole in her chest here. The eyes are good but now I think the hole is too big.
As I said, the hips and lower legs are not visible through the skirt, I just drew them to give an idea of where they are. Even so I think I might move it up a bit?
I ended up removing the piano key ribs and am leaving that area blank for now. I forgot to color that area in though.
Hands are HARD.
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Color scheme. I think this is a better color scheme. So not use the proportions though. These aren't the actual colors btw, just what I could draw with what I had on hand. The actual colors are more along the lines of the following hexcodes:
Black: 191919
White/light Gray: D5D4D4
Purple: 76209D
Brown: 422B23
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candikin · 1 year
Woo, hopefully nobody gets mad at me for this like Picsart would for this, but welcome to...
How I think my main OC would interact with other OCs!
(reminder that it says think, not actual. I am not the creator of anybody mentioned here other then Lexi Mary. I am also apologizing for the people who got @'ed)
Accordion and Violin (OCs by @bluetorchsky)
I don't think they'll get along super well. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think they'll be enemies but I just don't see them really being friends. She'll probably be too scared to talk to them anyways as she's a big coward and I mean... look at them compared to her, they could absolutely destroy her if they wanted too. She'll probably wave when walking pass them once she warmed up to them though!
Jay Benson (OC by @jaytoons7)
Hmm, probably would get along a little bit. There's nothing Jay can really do that could scare off Lexi, and Lexi canonly has friends who are kinda like Jay. I just don't see them seeing eachother that often, and they probably wouldn't have that many special interactions. Just some casual acquaintances that could develop into a tiny friendship
Scottie Anderson (Also by @jaytoons7)
Lexi would 100% be scared of Scottie at first. I am not sure if they would ever be friends because Lexi can be a bit... annoying at times. I don't see them being complete enemies though, specially since Lexi is almost never at the kitchen and Lexi always tries to make things better by helping
Amelia Copperbottom (OC by @androidcharles)
Oooh! I see them getting along very well! Lexi never gets scared from children, so there's no way she'll be scared of Amelia. They have quite a lot in common. The only problem is Lexi is in desperate need of a friend who also isn't a stickfigure/human, so she might vent dump to Amelia on accident
Danny Felizima (OC by @capturecharlesau)
It HEAVILY depends if Lexi overhears about the curse before meeting him or not. If she does, as she most likely is as she's secretly very nosy, she would HATE him. She would absolutely blame Danny and constantly fight Danny for no reason other then the curse. And probably lose... everytime. Well until she finds out Danny has motion sickness, then he's screwed
If she didn't, they would probably would (and surprisely) become friends. They do have some stuff in common, it's just nobody expects Lexi to have that side of her when everybody thinks she's innocent (have fun guessing because I am not going to explain how they are kinda similiar). They would probably have secret conservations, specifically with letters because Lexi doesn't trust saying things out loud. Lexi would try to convince Danny to stop his dangerous actions. She would probably feel too bad to leave the friendship if she ever hears about the curse at this point
Benjamin Suave (OC by @fluvvie)
They would probably be acquaintances, despite Benjamin working for the government. Not enemies but not really friends... until she hears about his trauma. It doesn't matter if it's because Benjamin told her or if she overhears it, she'll feel terrible. She knows what is it like to have a very terrible family member. She will basically start getting really attached to Benjamin and protect him at all costs, expect at times where she knows she'll get in big trouble with the Toppat Clan.
I'll probably make a part 2, I just ran out of OCs that I know enough info about
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I'll keep that all in mind, thanks!
Unfortunately when I say I have to reference it for plot reasons that was genuine, the thing that requires it is so small yet so narratively important that I can't just completely cut it out. Nor can I consult you cause the context is literally the biggest spoiler of this entire story. (I know that explanation sounds bad without context but please trust me it's not nearly as bad as it sounds ;-;)
Luckily I've already thought up some alternatives to put it in the far background. I'll definitely rework it alot though. Thanks for the advice! :D
I mean... Again, since you're remaking Angie's background story, I really recommend thinking long and hard about the inclusion of any blood ritual in her culture, and if it's actually so important to the plot that you can't come up with something else, like the newly weds gifting each other their most precious items instead. Something so important that it attaches to their very soul. Something like that. Or, you can look up native Hawaiian traditions regarding the union of two people. That sort of thing.
You are in total control of your story. You aren't trapped by the narrative or are helpless to it. You are the author, making the decisions. You essentially a god of your own story, and you can do with it whatever you please. This single detail of a blood ritual--it's probably not as important to your story as you think it is. It can, and should, be reworked and erased for this context. You should always rework a problematic aspect of your story, no matter how integral you think it is to the plot.
For example: When I first made my OC, Jaden, I gave him the wrong hair texture for a black character. I gave him 3A-3B curls, because I was mistaken and believed that any race could have any hair texture and that hair texture wasn't necessarily a "race" thing (for context, I grew up with a very White cousin who had coily/Afro hair (and no it wasn't a perm, her hair was just really curly and coily despite being white as hell), and often saw black girls with straightened hair in school with most black boys and men shaving their heads. I've since learned from this, but it happens.)
I was later corrected by my partner, Celest, and I immediately jumped to defend the hairstyle design I chose. I had convinced myself it was important to his character to have these kinds of curls, even to the point where when I "gave in" and gave him the right texture, I insisted he straightened it and styled it the same.
However, I knew I was kidding myself and that the hair style wasn't really a "queer effeminate black man curling his hair" thing. It was me being attached to a natural hair style that was just not for a black character like him.
So, I finally changed it. And you know what happened?
The hair style for Jaden was FAR more inconsequential than I had ever imagined it to be. Literally did nothing to the story to change up his hair from curls to twists. From there, I've messed around with other Afro hair styles for him (like rag curls and giving him an Afro puff when he's older), and it helped me grow as an artist, a writer, and a character designer to overcome that initial stage of "Oh no, this problematic aspect of my story/character design is too important to edit out, it needs to stay!"
I am sorry if this sounds harsh, but it is something that you REALLY need to think long and hard about. I'm assuming by your last paragraph that you might have something else in mind, but I thought that this really needs to be said as well.
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vacantgodling · 3 months
🫀 for the Writing shop talk meme!
thank you for asking!
🫀- Do you have an abandoned project? Why did it get binned?
oh SEVERAL. for a myriad of reasons. though i should specify that i don't tend to FULLY abandon my wips; i abandon plots a lot of times, but that doesn't mean i necessarily abandon ocs. explaining more will probably help this make sense:
there's wips that i lost during the 'divorce' (aka when me and my hs/college ex broke up) however, i have recycled many of my old ocs from those wips into other stories. those being -> LuKEWARM REJECTION, Red Death & The Oracle's Favor, GOD EATER, and some other rogue ocs ended up becoming used with my partner (such as the love of my life who i never talk about on this blog rip, lady silver needle tea and her family). i still hold onto the memory of some of those ocs, but i don't quite know what to do with them, so they're just kinda lost in the sauce until my brain decides to cook something up for them.
shrouded in darkness is a particular wip where i like the storyline and i like alessandra herself, but i don't know if i have the... energy to write it. maybe i will? one day? but like i can't see it being anytime in the near future. it's quite a heavy wip and the themes of both genocide and racism and black power etc are all quite at the forefront of it. so like, i want to write it... kind of. but i also don't know if i want to at the same time lol? alessi is a hard character to root for, and i suppose idk if i want to deal with the potential reception of this book bc it really is a power fantasy and its got a dark as fuck ending (no pun intended). i think because i know the themes of this book would be sooooo much for the average person to deal with and conceptualize, i think i have a hard time justifying that i'd be able to write it well. not that i can FORCE people to read it well and intelligently. but i know yt people would be up in arms about it and idk if i wanna deal with that.
great aunt augustine's treasure got abandoned cuz i don't really love writing kids. i like the idea, but even 15 years old is pushing it for me lol.
call center apocalypse got abandoned bc i could never create any ocs that i care about that much. so like, since i have no emotional anchor to the plot it felt useless to try and hold onto. same thing with after fake dating goes well and i am the devil.
so like, the main way i abandon wips is bc i have no emotional attachment to them. if i do, i'll tend to toss the plot and keep the ocs basically lol. that was a very longwinded way of saying that
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queenofsliferred · 4 months
✨🎯🌂 💚🍎🍩 for Beatrice Lacrimae, Lavinia Sparda-Amata, None, K and... I can see you have Kingdom Hearts on your OC page, but nobody is listed. :<
Oh, and Emiri Satou and Anemone from your non-fandom OCs!
(I'll include my KH ocs for you ;) )
OC Ask Game
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Beatrice Lacrimae was just me looking for characters in Dante's Inferno/Divine Comedy but I didn't realize that Trish was literally Beatrice ahgufddgusdf. But I got attached to Beatrice so pfpf. Lacrimae I believe was latin for tears and I thought that it was #deep.
Lavinia Amata was also a Dante's Inferno situation :)! Lavinia is the daughter of Amata, Latinus' queen, and uhhhh. uhh it sounded pretty LMAO.
None was 100% me making a mistake during the character creation screen where I.. forgot to put in a name. So when she was introducing characters in the game she came up as just "None" and I thought it was really funny gshdf. Then I thought she could have an actual name but goes by None to represent her mental state; Nunally is a Code Geass character I like and Wenonah is a native american name meaning First-daughter.
K was me picking a letter that wasn't used (at the time...) in Death Note that was close to L. She originally was going to use the codename "Kami" because I was really silly as a 12 year old learning broken Japanese. I picked the name Katherine Kilgore as an adult because I thought it sounded nice!
Kitana, one of my KH OCs, was the name of my cousin that I really liked. I used her first and last name originally but changed her last name to Garrison when reuploading the story to AO3 as an adult.
Nerissa just sounded nice and kingdom hearts-y hehe.
Emiri was the name of a Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya character I liked despite her small appearance. Satou is a common Japanese name!
Anemone was an aquatic flower that fits the floral themeing of my magical girl group hehe.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Beatrice is probably best at showing off her #sick and #elite sharpshooter skills and scythe. Though, outside of that she's a sewing pro and made a lot of the over the top "lolita-esque" outfits herself. She also makes a rly mean stirfry noodle according to Kyrie :}
Lavinia is prolly best at singing; she can go from operatic sopranos that can shatter glass to deep scary metal growls. She's also really good at like vocal impressiosn too? It's fucking weird lol.
None, if you asked her, would say she's best at sexual stuff due to her past. She doesn't like to talk about it too much though, or rather, think about it too deeply. She's good at small weapons and diplomacy.
K is supposedly a mathematical genius but I, the creator, am terrible at math so please just believe me.
Kitana was supposedly TEH KEYBLADE MASTERESS so take that as you will, haha.
Nerissa likes playing struggle and soccer but isn't sure if she's actually the best at it.
Emiri is best at child rearing and being a cheerleader. She's also amazing at organization and team management, its how she can manage to volunteer so often.
Anemone is pretty good at gymnastics and acrobatics.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Beatrice: Comedic Romance, Action
Lavinia: Comedy, Dramedy
None: Post-apocalyptic drama, erotica, tragedy
K: "Crime thriller", romance, tragedy
Kitana: Romantic comedy, emphasis on the comedy
Nerissa: Slice of life, romantic comedy
Emiri: Slice of Life, NTR/Cheating, Erotica
Anemone: Erotica, action-adventure, romance, magical girl
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Beatrice: Cis fem, bisexual
Lavinia: Feminine (demi-girl?), pansexual
None: Cis fem, bisexual with male-lean
K: Cis fem, demisexual
Kitana: Cis fem, straight
Nerissa: Cis fem, bisexual with fem lean
Emiri: Cis fem, bisexual with male lean
Anemone: Trans fem, pansexual
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Beatrice doesn't know her father who was supposedly a demon and her mother was ill and very distant for her. Its... not the best. Not hostile but not good.
Lavinia thinks that her father is Sparda and that he's complete scum for abandoning her mother. She never met the demon but has a difficult relationship with the concept of him. How could someone who saved the world be so selfish and vile? She was also manipulated by her "angelic" mother, Amata, who taught her to hate Sparda and his sons. She loves her mother but is the one who ultimately ends her life.
None thinks she loves her parents. They did their best to raise her but didn't protect her and outright enabled bad people without realizing. It's incredibly distant even before she's sent out to the Wasteland.
K is an orphan with little to no memory of her birth parents and was not adopted as Whammy's House found her too valuable to be adopted out. She treasures her relationship with Whammy/Watari though.
Kitana was close to her parents. Standard parent-child relationship where its strained due to teenage hormones and not feeling like she's truly understood. She's closer to her mom than her step-dad though. She doesn't realize how hard her family is looking for her when she's stuck in the Kingdom Hearts world though.
Nerissa is in a similar scenario as Kitana. They're close and love each other very much, they butt heads but at the end of the day... it's all good.
Emiri is close to her father, Eitaro. MAYBE A LIL TOO CLOSE-- Her relationship with her mother is fine. They all love another.
Anemone is an orphan unfortunately :(. She doesn't remember her parents and had to take care of herself.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Beatrice: At first, she thinks its Kyrie but ultimately falls for her just like she did Nero lol. She has a friendly 'rivalry' with Nero whenever they're on missions together though.
Lavinia: Her momther, ultimately, after she learns the truth about Sparda.
None: FUCK DA OVERSEER *makes him explode*
K: Light Yagami...
Kitana: Seifer and eventually Xemnas/Xehanort if I ever got that far in her story LOL.
Nerissa: fuck that seifer guy amirite *grossly makes out with him*
Emiri: No one really, she gets along with everyone.
Anemone: the demon lord, Lovena, who created her and the other Magical Maidens.
thank u for the ask!!!
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
There is so much thoughts lmao, they use a typewriter because their handwriting is really bad but for the first few days of being roomies they don't use the typewriter because they don't wanna annoy Peach with the sound of it, Peach asks like why they have it if they won't use it and they tell Peach well they don't wanna annoy her with it to which Peach is just like like hey crack on if I need a break from it I'll let you know. Just communication and boundaries and honestly the background tapping is probably weirdly rhythmic and soothing to some degree, but if Peach says like hey I have a headache, they absolutely just use another method of note taking
At one point they ask Peach if she's psychic because they've noticed she gets overwhelmed a lot when they're all in one classroom and she always seems to know what someone's gonna say or she knows what they're thinking like when they're thinking about stopping for a snack and drink Peach always suggests a break. So Peach is just *fuck she's onto me* but also eh because she just assumes I'm a psychic human and just agrees. I don't think it's a case of her not trusting her with the truth at that point but probably more so Peach can't be bothered to say anything while they're still in education ya know they've got good vibes rn no need to change it if they stay friends after then yea she'll probably bring it up since this humans pretty nice and trustworthy
She's probably kind of shy and awkward around Peachs family, I have the silly thought of like Ash and Indigo sneak on campus one night and throw pebbles at their window for Peachs attention just being silly and so Peach goes out to lmao tell them off and chat and the human kinda awkwardly peers out the window like oh huh oh yea she's got two brothers before promptly ducking down shyly if either of them spot her but she probably puts her hand up to wave. And then she just writes messages on a whiteboard and holds them up to the window to talk to them because she's kind of too awkward to talk to them in person but whiteboard messages are fine. They'd be sooo shy if invited over on a weekend to meet Peachs parents probably like "should I get a plant? I feel like a should get a plant like hello nice to meet you I know your daughter she's awesome here is a pretty flower to show i am grateful to meet you and very polite" and Peach just lightly snorts because you're fretting for nothing they already know of u they already think ur fine but sure let's get a plant XD because honestly plant gifts are nice.
Would probably love meeting all their Pokémon too lmao highlight of the evening many mons, Pokémon makes the anxiety worth it XD
They also as probably guessed have vocal stims and are decently good at mimicking certain Pokémon sounds, so she absolutely ekekek and meeps and chirps to the baby Zubat and probably means if Peach accidentally purrs or something she doesn't have to worry too much because they think oh she can mimic too or its also vocal stims, very cool
Hell yeah!! Im so happy about this :3
Peach has a broken purr so more likely, it just sounds like a broken mimic!
Careful with Babies around Peach, after Pepoer she gets attached hardcore XD
I do wonder what The Oc's reaction is to toddler Pepper coming to visit mom in the dorm
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Seven forms of love asks: the first one of each category for either Ari, Liam or June?
[ask game]
Ooh so many!! >:] Imma do all of them hehe
Eros 1: Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Ari: Hmm honestly? I'd say so, yeah. He's romantic in a chivalrous kind of way, and even if it's less on purpose and more "how else am i supposed to do this?" i'll still say it counts lol. Once past the courting he's romantic in how much attention he pays to his partner's interests and likes and in how he will support those. That ties into gifts etc. as well, because he is more likely to go by his partner's preferences/culture/etc rather than his own. It's for them, after all, so it should be meaningful to them.
Liam: Yes 100%, he is probably The corniest romantic out of all my ocs lmao. He's the 'will slowdance in the livingroom', 'will hold hands at the theatre', 'will reenact the Titanic scene at the bow' kind of romantic. He is not a fan of expensive or elaborate gifts, but anything small and thoughtful will do the trick. I've long integrated that one hc about courting in Ferelden into my worldview so giving and receiving flowers from a lover is something he values a lot.
June: Not at all. She's a romance repulsed aro, so. Not much of a romantic hfldksjf. It wasn't something she'd given any thought until it became relevant, after she and Cullen started getting closer and she had to figure out what she wanted out of the relationship. There is certainly some overlap with what would typically be considered romantic, but she is still not at all romantic in a traditional sense. Also re: gift giving, she's not a fan lol. June is horrible at both receiving and giving gifts that are not practical in nature, so she'd rather avoid it entirely.
Philia 1: Does your OC have a Best Friend? If they do then how long have they known each other and how did they meet? If they don't then do they have a close group of friends they love equally? Or are they more of a loner?
Ari: I'd say that Joseohine, Leliana and Vivienne all equally count as best friends to him, out of which he vibed with Viv the quickest. Josephine he he didn't call a friend until later even though they got along really well, out of worry that it would be inappropriate. He also definitely had some close friends in the Valo-Kas, but admittedly i haven't thought about them as much as i should lol so i don't have any specifics there.
Liam: Varric and Fenris; Fenris because the grow close, Varric because they did the anime mind flash connection thing and simply forged a silent pact early on (they vibe because they are (partially) fucked up in the same way <3). During the time in Kirkwall until the Deep Roads he also definitely considered Bethany his best friend.
June: Dorian and Sera are her ride or die besties, but Dorian came first and is still just barely holds best friend status over Sera. They got along sooner, they share interests, and they simply Work.
Storge 1: Did your OC's parents love them unconditionally? If so then has this helped them feel confident as an adult? If not then how has this affected them? What were the conditions their family attached to their relationship?
Ari: Considering that both his parents felt a little out of their league because usually he would've been taken care of by Tamas, they did really well! Growing up as the only Vashoth kid around could get a bit tough even if the environment was friendly, so they made extra sure to make him feel loved.
Liam: I am sure that they did, but it did not always come across that way. Subconsciously the love, over time, started feeling tied to how well he fulfilled his duties (or what he perceived a such) as eldest son, even if it was subconscious.
June: The love was most definitely perceived as conditional, always dependent on performance. They were a noble family with decent standing and strong ties to the Chantry, which left the sisters with high expectations and a constant competition for approval.
Agape 1: Does your OC wish to make the world a better place? How far do they see that as being their responsibility? What lengths would they go to in order to help achieve this?
Ari: Yes, and it's something he has become especially persistent about since becoming Inquisitor. He is now in a position where changing things on a greater scale is Actually Possible, and he maaaybe gets a little too hung up on the ideals he has in his mind.
Liam: Not really? He believes in common human decency and in simply being nice to people, but he does not generally see it as his responsibility to "make the world a better place". However, he does feel responsible as soon as he gets involved in something, so he ends up helping a lot anyway lol.
June: It is not a priority, no, and she does not feel responsible for the greater good. She does start caring more about the impact she has and the good that she can do, but never to the point where she'd get worked up about it.
Ludus 1: Does your OC have any particular favourite chat up lines? If not for themselves then perhaps ones they have suggested to a friend? How effective do these tend to be?
Ari: Any chat up lines he know he knows from books or from Leliana, and he decided that it would probably be best not to try those himself lolol. He is very good at complimenting people though! Which can come across as flirty sometimes, for better or for worse.
Liam: If he is being smooth on main you can be sure that it was on accident, because he is horrible at flirting. But he wouldn't try it for showing genuine interest anyway. However with an established partner he thoroughly enjoys throwing all the bad corny pickup lines at them, and we're talking "did it hurt when you fell [...]" type bad
June: Casual flirting is basically her modus operandi when it comes to friendly conversation, but when she's trying for a hookup or something she'll be way more bold and direct. June is way more witty than i am lol so i can't give you any proper examples, but she's very good at coming up with lines on the spot (and they tend to work pretty well!)
Pragma 1: Is your OC in a committed long-term relationship (or relationships)? If so then what has contributed to this relationship lasting so well? If they are not in such a relationship, then is this something that saddens them or which they regret?
Ari: A committed relationship hadn't been something on his radar, but he an Josie simply Worked. They mesh really well, they have similar interests, they enjoy talking with one another a lot, they're intellectually on the same wavelength... it gets strained after Trespasser, but they're holding tight so far.
Liam: Depends on the worldstate, but in the one where he lives he is with Fenris! I think part of why it works is that they're both very affectionate and very devoted people at heart, but they also simply get on well and work well as a team. A long-term relationship is definitely something Liam sought out.
June: It wouldn't have been something she'd have considered or missed, but here we are, and she is content with how it worked out. June and Cullen are good at both pushing and grounding each other, and they end up finding a good deal of support in their relationship.
Philautia 1: Does your OC have a healthy sense of their own worth and value? Or do they see themselves as failing to live up to their original potential? Perhaps they are convinced of their own sinful or inadequate nature?
Ari: I wouldn't say he has a lacking or inflated sense of self-worth, he simply exists as himself and is okay with that. There are things he is self-conscious about, there are things he is proud of, all within reason. Where it gets more complicated is the sense of value he gives his actions ; that is where the feeling of Not Enough sets in
Liam: I think it's decent. Overall he is fine with who is is and how he is, and does give his own needs their due, but he will quickly feel like he is not worthy of someone's love when he, in his eyes, fails to take care of them. It doesn't impact is sense of self-worth per se but it does make him feel like he failed as a friend/son/sibling/etc
June: There are things about herself that she is very proud of, but overall her sense of self-worth is. Not the best. Being self-centered is a defence mechanism against feeling like she is constantly failing expectations everywhere, a feeling that she got a little too used to growing up (yay for performance based families! <3)
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