#but if it took cis people being affected for you to care about or see transphobia
queer-ghosts · 4 months
some of y'all really don't care about transphobia until it affects cis people
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oingomyboingos · 1 month
the other day I was sitting with my cis dude friends around the fire and I asked them “if you woke up tomorrow with different genitals what would you do?” and a lot of them took it as if I was asking them about a change in gender. so I clarified that no no, this is body parts. you get to tell me whether that affects your gender or not, and how.
and it genuinely threw them for a loop. I got told first off “jill, i’m too drunk for this!” so I (massive little shit that I am) asked them again tonight while sober. and their responses were interesting.
one guy started asking if the government would know about the changes that happened to him. would he have issues proving he was who he said he was. would he need to get his gender marker changed on his ID. I said again “i don’t know. do you think having a vagina would change your gender? would you want to publically go thru those changes in a legal way? would this be a private thing or not?” he kinda got stuck. he said he’d want tits to see what being a woman was like with the full package. I again asked him “if it’s about seeing yourself in the mirror, then I have a bra upstairs we can put on and stuff. you’re not talking about your inner sense of self and how that connects to how you look.”
I don’t think he got what I was saying.
another one of the guys got stuck on the idea of periods. he has a fear of blood and said it would be really traumatic for him. I agreed that yeah it can be traumatic. periods were so traumatic for me I got on meds to stop them altogether. we didn’t get to talk more about if that would change his sense of self, but he did I think engage with the idea of dysphoria and like gender affirming heath care by bringing that up.
the last friend was most interested in how this would change things for him socially. he asked if it meant he’d get free drinks at the bar from people trying to hit on him. I said, I don’t know, what kind of bar are you at? what kind of people are you dating? are you dressing femme? masc? he didn’t really know. we went “bro do u want us to buy you a drink next time? drink from the homies??” and he said yeahhhh 🥺 lol.
I have no real commentary here other than it’s interesting how infrequently cis people think about their gender and what makes them feel the way they do about themselves.
i guess i’m (in a roundabout way) trying to get them to explain what masculinity means to them, because it’s something I have the hardest time connecting to as a genderfluid afab person.
anyway. idk. any suggestions for further questions to ask my cis dude friends? lmk in the comments
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black-salt-cage · 3 months
sorry it took me a while to come back, the replies are right, and i didnt use any specific labels because its a super wide range of people and labels, i asked because you said radqueer DNI and sometimes people will include anyone who has a trans identity outside of gender in that- regardless of if we're radqueer or not. I wanted to make some stimboards with these gifs, i wouldnt have asked otherwise, im really sorry for the confusion. I have that like, "autism made me super scared of being misunderstood" issue. i know i shouldnt ask otherwise i was just worried because of that because radqueer doesnt really have a solid definition and sometimes people include things that arent inherently radqueer. i have race dysphoria myself and consider myself trace (lots of us dont use the term transrace because of the problems it raised with 'transracial adoptee' so it gets shortened together to trace, tracial, etc.) and im more than aware that my like, life. is controversial. same with my transpecies friends. sorry for asking, i really wasnt going to, and i get no pleasure from asking these, im sorry if it seems i was trying to start anything. im just really used to violent hate so i get nervous/
okay, I'm gonna try and word this as nicely but firmly as possible. If someone gets upset at my response to this so be it, but know I wish to make myself nonaggressive but transparent in what I have to say. I'll be putting this under the cut because this pertains to discourse, and if you don't want to see it just skip this ask.
If you identify yourself as radqueer or consider yourself as part of the community then I do not want your interaction. Despite what you may believe, I have seen far too many radqueers show glowing support of maps, aams, zoos, and other such things that I find despicable to support. To any radqueer identifying person that reads this and thinks I'm wrong, you have a right to disagree with me. Maybe you don't support things like pedophilia and zoophilia, but too many radqueers do, and I find that the community itself provides a safe space to such things as the basis of it's beliefs. I'm not sure if you are saying you consider yourself radqueer anon but if you do, I'd like to politely ask you not to engage with us or our content as I don't feel we have any productive words to exchange with one another. That goes for anyone who's radqueer.
For therians or transspecies or whatever anyone calls themselves that may apply to such a category, that is something that I can't say I exactly relate to, but like most things people do with their own lives that doesn't have any effect on anything or anyone other than the person themself, I don't really care what you do.
Now. Here's the part I don't think you're going to like. I'm gonna tell y'all something about myself.
I am white. 100% white. This system is within a white body. I have not and will never experience any form of racism, cultural appropriation, or what have you that could ever affect my life in any negative way whatsoever. What I AM is transgender, and have openly identified as such for more or less a decade at this point. I also live in an area that does not take too kindly to trans people and have had slurs thrown at me in broad daylight out in public because I was very clearly not a cis woman. To quote what you said in your last ask:
"its just there's a lot of misinfo and regurgitated transphobia surrounding the topic, and im no stranger to helping educate and clear away misconceptions, im sure as a profic blogger youre familiar with situations like that."
I find it offensive and, frankly, insulting, that the topic of trace, or transracial, or whatever you wish to call it, would be considered a marginalized group that would fall under the topic of "transphobia". My reality is that I have people in my every day life who weaponize my gender identity against me. I'm sure you hear comments online that aren't very nice. hell, I'm sure you've heard some very mean and nasty ones. I do not think anyone should be harassed or bullied for any reason.
But while you may not realize it, that comment in your last ask was incredibly condescending. I do not need the bigotry I face on a daily basis explained to me. I am very well aware of what it's like to deal with transphobia on a day to day basis, and I don't appreciate the implication that I'd need to be "educated" for not outright supporting something that I cannot blame people for thinking is racist.
I'm not here to tell you what to do, and I sincerely doubt at the end of the day anything I say will change your mind. In fact I anticipate that you probably don't like me one bit after answering and I can accept that. But I cannot say I support it. I'm white and I'm planting my butt in my lane where it belongs, and I have heard many poc speak out against it for incredibly good reasons, and I agree with them. I don't wish ill will on you nor do I know what your story is, your feelings are, or anything of the sort. But I am not the person to go to for validation on this.
So in case it's not clear I'll make it clear now: I don't support the concepting of transitioning to another race, regardless of whatever word you wish to call it
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piromantic · 4 months
gender rambling
this isn't about how i feel on the inside or trying to sort out any of that stuff. the older i get the less i care about applying the gender dichotomy to my own feelings or trying to describe myself within this framework that doesn't really mean anything, like i'm myself and i'm good with that
however. we live in a society.
ngl for this being the 'burnt out gifted kid transgender' website i've never actually seen any discussions about gender within competitive academic settings. i've seen some mentions of how toxic masculinity presents differently in nerd spaces, but still permeates it just as much as any other space. but it took like, so fucking long to even recognize it in my own life, let alone unravel how it affected me.
i sometimes play video games with a group of guys from my major and for the last year and a half i was The Team Carry because i had a few hundred extra hours of practice on them. they're all nearly caught up to my level now, and even though they're all the pretty typical 'woo feminism' cis men and have never said anything towards me that was weird or discriminatory, i've started to feel afraid that i'm going to be mentally demoted in their minds as soon as i lose the status of 'carry'. which is irrational, but as i started dissecting where this fear came from it started unraveling like years of my life
it sounds absolutely ridiculous when typed out, but when i'm in my own head i keep going in circles of 'am i, personally, going to lead to the downfall of feminism by not being a woman'.
because i am studying in a field where there aren't many women in general, let alone visibly queer people. things have gotten better for sure but i have literally been in a class where i was the only person who wasn't a cis man in the whole room. so i'm viewed as someone setting an example and paving the way just by existing, which feels like i'm just pulling off a giant deception on people who see me as a sign of community, which feels awful.
but also, i think i became aware of this on a subconscious level YEARS before i realized it outright. like i think about this reaction i have to video games and it takes me all the way back to fourth grade, when i realized that girls were never going to accept me, but if i was mean and smart and loud about it, boys might. so i got really into the Act Of Appearing Smart, which manifested as just being... ridiculously competitive. oh i know more digits of pi than you. oh i can recite more of the periodic table faster than you. oh i can do integrals in my head faster than you. etc etc ad infinitum
when i think back, so much of my life was spent trying to like, win scraps of gender euphoria through 'proving' myself in the academic system. and like. ???? playing the misogyny game is still misogyny. i look back and wonder whether i had a missed opportunity to make these spaces better if i had just pushed back on them a bit more, and whether i was just perpetuating them by being like 'hey guys, no need to stop the toxic masculinity! i'm a girl, and i can succeed in here, so girls who don't succeed just aren't trying hard enough!'
or, put slightly differently: was i just perpetuating the idea that the only way to succeed in these systems was to be masculine.
over time i found that the way boys (and men, now) signify that i've succeeded is to allow me to be in their spaces. guys will tell me about the girls they find hot, forgetting that it's not socially acceptable for me to agree. guys will drop the use of female pronouns when i'm in the group, slotting me under 'boys' or 'king' like the rest of their friends instead of making exceptions. and it's like. if i was a woman i wouldn't let this happen, and i know they would respect that.
BUT I'M NOT A WOMAN. and these things are affirming, but i feel terrible for finding affirmation in them, because they weren't meant that way.
(and i can hear my mother's voice in my head like 'you're not trans, you just want male privilege', and no, i really don't think that's it. i had a friend that used to say misogynistic shit to be edgy when we were in like, elementary-middle school, and i always shut that down immediately. but it never felt like i was defending myself as part of that group. i've just always felt a bit of distance there)
i guess the issue i've been trying to articulate is that things are fine on the surface, but the context for them isn't. if people were treating me the exact same way because i came out to them, i wouldn't feel bad. but i'm a coward and i hate coming out because it usually goes badly for me, and i'd also feel bad about coming out in my area of study specifically because i'm already in the minority right now. (and i don't think it would go over very well, despite diversity trainings and whatever getting more popular.) like i don't want to be the SINGLE they/them in my entire department. that's too much stress for me.
and i have this fear that it would just come across as becoming a stereotype, or being misogynistic. like ohhhh you think you're a man because women can't do math or something. <- insane thing to worry about
idk i need to stop stalling and finish my conference presentation already. if you read this far idk why you would but thanks for making it through all that
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machineheraldandy · 2 years
I’m here to rant honestly// arcane fandoms issues with stereotypes/mischaracterising/harming minorities
The arcane fandom has a huge issue with mischaracterising and just other issues, issues that affect many minorities
I recently got in drama with a very popular arcane artist that will remain unnamed due to this very reason.
I think the arcane fandom needs to remember that they are fandom with real people in it and that they can affect, absolutely harm real people with their words, actions, artwork, headcanons, fanfics, etc.
So I’m going to go into the Jayce/viktor side of things, this is not going into other characters otherwise I’ll be here all week
Jayce: Jayce is very well known in arcane to be possibly Hispanic, and the fandom took this as a chance to make him a Hispanic stereotype, specifically a sterotype of Latinos (Hispanic men). To the point they have completely mischaracterised Jayce to be something he isn’t. They make him highly se/ual (not sure if I can say that word here lol) aggressive, dumb, etc, all parts of the Latino stereotype. And it’s so weird? Jayce is aggressive once. Once. And that’s in the shimmer factory scene, and even then he regrets it straight away. He absolutely hates what he has done. Dumb doesn’t even make sense as he’s a top inventor/scientist, yes he can be seen dumb social wise due to the fact he doesn’t really like people, and is easily manipulated, but calling him dumb cause he’s a manipulation victim doesn’t sit right with me. Specially as a victim of ab/se, that was manipulated, am I meant to be consider dumb? For being a victim? And yes you can take Jayce as being se/ual cause of the scene of him and Mel but even then he isn’t shown to be that se/ual! Mels the one that starts it. How is this so harmful? Because it puts down a harmful stereotype, that affects real people!
Viktor: viktor is taken as a trans stereotype (even though he isn’t a canon transgender person, it’s a very popular headcanon) he is pushed onto the s/x work ideals, the hyper-sexuality, the constant making him a bottom, the constant making him extremely feminine, and a Twink. Don’t get me wrong you can see him as a bottom, but if you see him as trans, when you are cis, and do these things…big issue. These things come from fetishing trans masc people, it’s very wrong.
Viktor again: for his disability he gets stereotyped as always needing people, always needing people, dying to a point he isn’t. Look as a disabled person you need to understand…how this hurts me and so many other disabled people!! It babies us, makes us seem weak and pathetic, when we aren’t! Please stop
Harmful headcanons
Jayce: Jayce gets seen as viktors caretaker way too much, if you are disable and doing it that’s fine, I love the idea of my best friends/lover being able to care for me, but when you aren’t disabled and do it, it’s seem as babying viktor, making it so he HAS to have help when he doesn’t need it. Another harmful headcanon is that Jayce is ableist for not wanting to care for viktor 24/7, that is so harmful to us disabled people as it once again forced the idea we need to be babied. Viktor is a full grown man who becomes a cyborg accidental cult leaders he doesn’t need jayces help. He’s shown not needing help from Jayce. The only time he’s shown getting help for his disabilities is when he walks with his cane, ends up in hospital, and then gets shimmer from singed. He doesn’t need a caretaker. Also the idea that Jayce is a r/pist which I’m not even going to go into, you know why that’s bad.
Viktor: I’ve basically talked about the harmful caretaker headcanon already so let me talk about the headcanon he’s a r/pe victim, it’s gross, if you aren’t a victim of SA, stop, it’s a weird way to fetishise him in this community and it needs to stop. To less harmful ones, the idea he’s so much smarter than Jayce, that can be fine but this 98% of the time stems from the Latino stereotype issue, and if it is stemming from that please don’t.
Lgbtqia+ headcanon issues
Viktor: stop saying you can’t ship people with viktor cause you think he’s ace/aro, that is so harmful and harms us ace/aro folk so much, as it’s spreading misinformation! ace/aro people can date and have s/x, we can. It’s a large spectrum. Yes some ace/aro people don’t date at all! But saying someone can’t date just cause they are ace/aro spreads harmful information that caused so many ace/aro folk to get attacked.
Already gone over the trans headcanons, so no more need to talk
Jayce: the whole idea Jayce can’t be transgender because he’s masculine is rooted in transphobia, and needs to be stopped, people can headcanon him as trans (I do!) and it’s fine, trans men can be masculine, they can have deeper voices, they can grown facial hair, they literally can so stop being transphobic!
Also the idea he can’t be a gay man because he dates Mel in arcane is terrible, as one the relationship started through manipulation, two Jayce may not realise he’s gay by then, yes you can headcanon him as bisexual, pansexual etc, but telling people they can’t see him as gay is terrible, them seeing him as gay isn’t rooted in biphobia most of the time, if it is! Call them out all you want! But don’t get mad at people for seeing one of their favs as gay.
Adding onto that don’t get mad at people for headcanoning him as ace/aro, once again ace/aro people can have s/x! They can be in relationships! Saying he can’t be ace/aro is once again spreading false informations
Just all up don’t harass people for their headcanons! Until things get confirmed! If Jayce gets confirmed as bisexual in arcane, get mad at people for removing the rep, if viktor turns out as gay/ace/aro/trans get mad at people for removing that rep! Just don’t get mad unless it’s canon.
Viktors disability:
Saying you didn’t think you’d find a disabled man so attractive is ableist, making fun of the way he runs is rooted in ableism, saying he’ll die from the smallest thing, rooted in ableism, making fun of him for being disabled in any way is ableist. Please stop with this. It actively hurts and makes us disabled people feel unsafe
Jayce: people seem to have an issue with him being headcanoned as such and it’s just weird? It’s rooted in ableism and it’s just…gross. Jayce can be taken as autistic because he doesn’t really like people, parties, etc, he’s obsessed with hextech, he has attachment issues with viktor it seems, he doesn’t catch onto some social things, etc. so let us autistic people headcanon him as such
Viktor:just the same. Just reread jayces if you want.
Just all up the arcane fandom has a huge issue, they have affected POC, disabled people, lgbtqia+ people, and probably more minorities groups. This is why a lot of minorities moved away from the arcane fandom, specially jayvik fans who are minorities, due to how disrespectful the arcane fandom is.
I am a part of many of these minorities and it’s caused me to leave arcane more and more over the year it’s been released. Surprisingly sometimes the league of Keegan d community is way better. Of course it’s still bad but the fact it’s way better than arcane? A little weird.
If you’ve accidentally done any of these harmful things without realising and now have learned why they are harmful I’m glad I’ve educated you? I just needed to rant about arcane issues though so I expect people to ignore this or fight with me over this >_<
Im just sick of seeing art, fanfics, headcanons, etc, that are just so harmful that everyone seems to not realise is harmful.
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yourunholyeditor · 5 months
Can I have Bg3 male romancible companion matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Class: I usually play magic based classes (wizard, sorcerer, warlock, bard) but i also think it would be fun if you assigned me a class :)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
What I would like in a partner: just someone to love and respect me im not too picky
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
Thank you for your patience! I hope you enjoy this!
Class: Cleric
Explanation: You’re protective over those you care about and like to be a part of something bigger than yourself. I can see you worshipping Lathander given your creativity and empathetic nature. Plus, I think you’d look gorgeous in gold from your description of yourself!
Match: Gale
Explanation: I think your moral alignment pairs well with Gale’s, but you’d keep him grounded from ascending to godhood and that’s a good thing. He’s definitely a talker, but he also loves physical (and incorporeal) affections. Your tendency to put others’ needs above your own would have you at odds with him, as he tends to do the same thing. Having a partner willing to give as much as you do might cause some problems at times, but I think you two will just end up constantly doing the most for one another. His knowledge complements your own, so you don’t need to worry about stepping on one another’s toes much when discussing each other’s interests. I think he would fall for you during one of your protective moments, just in awe of your gave turning from one of caring towards your party members to malice towards your enemies. In short, your strong moral compass and devotion to a cause complement his ambitious nature and pursuit of power. Together, you two are a powerhouse of magic!
Fic below the cut
You didn’t specify what rating you wanted for a short fic, so I decided to write a fic with a T rating. I took some liberties with BG3/DND rules for the sake of keeping this a short drabble.
Drabble word count: 424
Dawn's Embrace
As the sun rose, you could feel the gentle touch of Lathander’s grace upon your face. The tieflings had all set off for Moonrise Towers as your party slept by the dim flickering campfire. You gazed upon Gale’s peaceful face, admiring his relaxed expression that graced his features as he slept. You began to wonder what he might be dreaming about, if anything at all. 
Glancing around at your companions, you ensured they were still asleep before laying back down on your bedroll, making sure to face Gale. Before you were able to weigh the ethics of what you were about to do, you whispered a short incantation and entered Gale’s mind. It took a moment to adjust to the image that replaced the campfire; a tower by the sea, enveloped in the scent of old tomes, fresh bread, and flickering candles.
There, amidst the comforting embrace of literature and magic, you found an unexpected scene. Gale lay behind you, a book resting in his hand, his other nestled over the midsection of your dream-self. As he spoke softly to your dream counterpart, a golden light emanated from her fingertips: a mending spell. Though a torn page had just been fixed before him, his attention seemed not fixated on the book, but on your dream self. She caught his eye and gently brought a hand up to cup his cheek before kissing him. He immediately set the book down on the table next to him and gave her his full attention, allowing her just enough room to fully turn and straddle his waist and deepen the kiss. 
Your concentration quickly broke at the unexpected turn of events and you were back at the campfire, staring at a blushing Gale. Sensing the warmth creeping into your own cheeks, you hastily rose, seeking solace in the cool embrace of the nearby river. Just as you were about to leave, you noticed Astarion watching you from his tent, a knowing smirk directed towards you. You mentally cursed at yourself, you completely forgot about the pale vampire’s latenight hunting activities when you checked the camp earlier.
 “My, my, someone’s being naughty, aren’t they?” He teased. You looked away from him, knowing he could probably hear your heartbeat. “Just need to get some air,” you managed to say. “Lathander’s little servant, all flushed. I’d say it was cute if you weren’t blushing over Gale” he said, making his distaste evident. You ignored him as you passed his tent, hoping to cool off your heated feelings in the cold river. You'd contemplate your feelings about the wizard later, hopefully with a much clearer head.
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lovelymindescape · 6 months
Haikyuu male matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body (although I’m more top heavy if you know what i mean) black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks wears glasses sometimes (im far sighted so it’s usually when driving in class or at the theater)
Mbti: infj
Enneagram: 2w1
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence (more pertaining to my talents or personality then my looks) sassy sarcastic (I’m mainly these things with people i feel comfortable with like friends or family) soft spoken cute (my friends think im cute because i can be pretty innocent plus I’m small physically)
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping being a part of something bigger than myself
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who don’t take others into consideration (like make insensitive jokes or don’t consider the comfort of others or are mean just cause they can) people i care about not caring for themselves (im a hypocrite on this i take care of everyone else but not me) not being listened to weird holes and patterns math and tests (I’m being tested for a math disability and i have test anxiety)
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection (if they’re ok with it)
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection (although i can be shy about it)
Extra: i pace a lot i sing when im alone i talk to myself im a picky eater (mainly with textures) i have a cat i have minor ehlers danalos (a hyper mobility disorder) but it doesn’t hurt me like it does my sisters i get abdominal migraines which is basically like a migraine but instead of headaches it’s nausea
Thank you
hey luv , here's your matchup, hope you like it
I Ship you with
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you two first meet in the halls of Karasuno , you were running late and hurried to class
he stepped out of the classroom to get chalk
you bumped into eachother and at first you two thought it was just this one incident
but you started seeing eachother in the breaks , at first little waves which turned into handshakes and talks which turned into hugs and being friends
now suga is someone who takes care of a lot of people , so it's nice for him that you started caring for him (because let's be honest he puts himself at the very last place of caring )
and so it goes a long time , caring for eachother , you come over to his Home or he comes to yours
but one time , when you were meeting up, something seemed of about him , it was like he was holding back
it didn't take long for you to notice , so when you started talking to him about it he opened up to you quickly
turns out someone told him, he was to bothering for the members and said they found it annoying how he was always spinning around them like a helicopter Mom
so you reassured him that he is a great Person and that its a good trait to be caring
after your little speech to motivate him , he blurted something Out which you didn't understand at first but then he repeated it " your special to me and i think i like you as more than just a good friend"
at first you didn't believe the words that came out of him but soon told him that you thought the Same was about him
you both decided that you take it slow, and not call it anything yet , so you were basically friends with kisses
then one time when he took you out for a date he asked you to be his girlfriend offically and you said yes
so from now on you were the highschool-sweethearts in karasuno
you met up even more than before and watched movies and always cuddled up to eachother
always checking up on eachother over texts with things like have you eaten today and drank enough water and make sure to take care of yourself
you two call almost every night to fall asleep in eachothers presences
you come to his games and support him
your the reason he keeps goin so you Always motivate and reassured him and ist's also the other was around
all in all it's a very comforting , reassuring and motivating relationship
So that was it for your matchup , i hope you liked it and i would appreciate Feedback , so i know If i can do any better
Luv ya 🌷
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
Hello can i have a romantic twisted wonderland matchup plz
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: heterosexual ally
Zodiac: Capricorn
Appearance: 5’2 African American hourglass body type black curly wavy hair blackish brown eyes chubby cheeks (i also wear glasses now but only 50% of the time cause im still getting used to it)
Personality: kind smart funny motherly responsible empathetic anxious emotional moody perfectionist helpful people pleaser caring compassionate nerdy curious protective polite respectful indecisive fearful nervous introvert shy awkward clumsy low self esteem low confidence sassy sarcastic soft spoken
Likes: animals books reading writing fantasy magic sci fi anime cartoons music video games friends alone time learning personality quizzes sweets and bread helping
Dislikes: spiders loud sounds people who harm others people who dont take others into consideration people i care about not caring for themselves not being listened to math and math tests weird holes and patterns
Love language:
Giving: acts of service gift giving and physical affection if they’re comfortable with it
Receiving: words of affirmation and physical affection
Extra: i pace a lot i talk to myself i sing when im alone and im a picky eater
Thank u
Hello! Thank you so much for your ask and for your patience! While looking this over, I has to really think about who to match you up with because I had so many ideas and who to match you up with but I finally managed to find who I think would be best!!
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I match you with.......
Idia Shroud
🎮 Okay, it took me a while to finally decide and each idea took me right back to our believed firey haired, introverted housewarden, and for good reason.
🎮 90% of your personality corresponds with his own and from that alone has both of you corresponding rather well with one another.
🎮 Now, it took a good amount of time before the relationship even started between the two of you, also because of your personalities. It took a lot of movie nights, anime marathons, all night game nights, and even a little bit of talking here and there between all of that, and with a good help and push from Ortho, he managed to confess and yes, his hair was a furious shade of pink both during and after the confession.
🎮 Afterwards? Once in this relationship with you, knowing you for as long as he had, and growing more and more comfortable around you, you certainly begint k see his more confident side, how his ego soars when he defeats a rather hard boss or how you greatly compliment his skills. He will soak all that up like a freaking sponge.
🎮 He has his own bouts of low self esteem (who are we kidding, he has them basically 24/7), but he will not stand seeing you with such low self esteem. How do you not see just how wonderfully amazing you are?! You are basically the limited edition, once in a lifetime UR pull and he managed to be the one to call you his! He didn't even think he was one of the options! This is where he likes to help you out......
🎮 Physical affection isn't his strong suit, it really isn't, but when time self esteem gets bad enough, he will push right on through thay, trying to be exactly what you need in moments like this. It starts off simple, his fingers gently latching onto yours, and if you don't show signs of pulling away, that's when he pulls you close to him, so your basically enveloped in his tall frame. Both of your personal favorite is now when you're drawing in his usual hoodie, laying in his bed, and snuggled under the warm covers while watching an anime or watching him play a game.
🎮 As for him? Anything you give him is treated as if it were the most precious thing in the world (it is) and he has grown all but addicted to your touch and when not anyone anyone else and in the comfort of his room or yours, he will actively seek it out (it's honestly like watching a cat leaning into you for affection and it's beyonf adorable).
🎮 It literally says in his bio that this man loves sweets. That they are his favorite food (not exactly food, but okay), so expect him to have a stash located literally anywhere and everywhere. Even in your dorm room, he now keeps a stash.
🎮 Overall, it took a lot of time to actually get into a relationship with him but it really was all worth it in the end. He loves you, and he wouldn't change that for anything in the world.
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asleepinawell · 1 year
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this is exactly the sort of question i'm happy to answer. I included a readmore since it got long but I tried to include all the stuff I would want to know in advance
there's obviously going to be differences to all of this depending on what country you live in and what state if you're in the US. i live somewhere with better insurance coverage laws than many places, and the company i work for has made a point of letting us know it's covered by our work insurance. so i'm very lucky on that front and not everyone is. I would recommend looking up the laws where you live so you can tell if anyone is lying to you and denying you coverage/access they're legally required to provide
here's an outline of everything i had to do:
1 - I started out by talking to my regular doctor. I had recently switched to a doctor who listed lgbtq health in her specialties. If you possibly can I would highly recommend trying to find a doctor you feel comfortable with. It can be kind of stressful to switch but it was a huge help for me both for this and that my new doctor helped me with a lot of other health problems my previous doctor hadn't
2 - My regular doctor gave me a referral to a surgeon (plastic surgeon). The referral isn't strictly necessary for me with my insurance, but I felt better getting a referral from a doctor I trusted. If you can't do this, depending on your insurance (if you're in the US at least), you can probably look up available surgeons on your insurance company webpage and take a look at their specialties (you can also potentially see doctor reviews online though i find that people only leave reviews if they're mad about something so it's not always helpful)
3 - I met with the surgeon's assistant who went over all the things I'd need to take care of including having a breast exam, getting clearance from a psychologist/social worker, planning to take medical leave from work, having someone to drive me to and from surgery and help me for the next few weeks. The surgery doctors submitted the claim approval to insurance for me. They also had some initial questions about do I have reference photos, do I want nipple grafts, do I want nipple size reduced. These are good things to think about before you go
4 - The insurance company rejected my claim, which they legally can't. They made a whole fuss about codes etc and in the end the surgery board at my doctor's had to make a meeting with them and hash it out. They took care of this and got it sorted out eventually but it was stressful
5 - I contacted my local lgbtq resource group to get a psychological approval letter for surgery (you should also be able to get this from your psychologist if you have one who you talk to about this). This is a service a lot of groups like this provide for free. It was an interesting experience and a little strange.
They were after some very specific information to establish that I had dysphoria (see the following paragraphs for my thoughts on this), that I was mentally capable of making the decision (bullshit but required), and then the part that I'd say is actually a good thing to have which was making sure I understood how being visibly trans might affect my job/relationships and making sure I had a support system of some kind. They sent me a letter that I sent to my doctor to submit with the insurance coverage claim
They also insistently asked me if I identified as trans, which is a really odd question for me to get. I'm agender and while agender technically falls under both trans (as an umbrella term) and non-binary, I only use agender for myself and only begrudgingly. I don't want a damned gender identity label, that's the whole point! But that's not really what they're interested in and saying "I'm agender" didn't cut it for them. They just want to check the not-cis box so they can write their letter I think. Annoying but whatever
To go into the dysphoria thing a bit, something I ran into multiple times was doctors being astounded that I was not seeing a psychologist for gender dysphoria. This was very unusual based on their experiences. I'm a case where I do have dysphoria but it wasn't causing me crippling depression or anything, it was just constant lowkey discomfort that I didn't know the source of for a long time. Once I knew what it was I was like ah okay makes sense and started thinking about top surgery. I didn't feel the need to discuss it with a doctor because there wasn't anything to discuss. My focus was more on how happy the idea of having surgery made me rather than currently feeling bad about myself. There was a lowkey attitude of why would someone do this if they didn't hate themself??? from a bunch of people. They weren't knowingly being transphobic and no one ever questioned if I should get surgery, it was more a total inability for these particular cis people to comprehend my situation. I mostly found it mildly amusing
6 - Breast exam stuff. I'm including a bunch of details because this part was a little scary. I'm still a little young to be getting a regular one so it was a new experience for me. Nothing terrible but they're gonna smush your boobs in a medical thing to take pictures. They also took reference pictures. Hopefully they don't find anything. In my case there were a couple of what they call "complicated cysts" which meant I needed an ultrasound. In my case it was like a less than 1% chance they were anything bad (they're fairly common) and they gave me the option of either having another ultrasound before surgery or having a biopsy taken. They recommended the former but i went with the latter because I was like I'd rather not have anxiety about this and just know asap. That process involves getting a HUGE needle stuck in your boob (you are pretty numbed up so after the numbing shot you don't feel it) and they take some samples. That all came back normal so I was cleared. Not everyone will have to deal with all that, but it's worth knowing you might have to do some of it
7 - Talked to my brother and asked him to come stay with me for 2 weeks post surgery. It's very very good to have someone stay with you for at least that long. Even a couple days if you can manage it. You're going to feel really fucked up after and not be able to lift your arms or open jars or pick things up (I think it starts at nothing 10lbs or over). I was mostly okay on my own after 2 weeks but had to have someone help me carry a heavy box once
8 - Got surgery scheduled. I had to find a time when my brother could come stay with me and had to wait about 3 months for it to all work out.
9 - A slew of pre-surgery appointments where I talked to the surgeon and got reference photos taken (topless pictures basically) and was told what to expect during and after.
10 - Attempted to figure out the labyrinthine process of getting medical leave approved at my job. This is another one that will obviously vary but oof. Definitely look into this early if you have to do it. I took a month off work. I'd recommend at least that much if you can swing it. They say 2 weeks minimum but I was really grateful for the extra time
11 - You'll have to do some pre-surgery prep. Nothing crazy. Use a body wash the night before and morning of. Don't eat/drink after midnight (most meds okay though)
12 - Got surgery. You will have to talk to ten million doctors on the day of. There are the ones doing the mega numbing stuff, the anesthesiologists, the breathing tube guys, the actual surgeon…it was a parade
13 - I was not in much pain for about 24 hours after surgery and then it kind of hit all at once (I'm guessing stuff wore off). They'll give you oxycodon or something similar which will really help. They'll also give you anitibiotics which made me nauseated and miserable. I stuck to rice for a few days because food looked gross. You may also look kinda gross. Like random lines drawn on you, skin discoloration from medical stuff, random pieces of tape. It's like damn I went through an Experience huh
14 - Post-Surgery care. You'll have a compression vest over the bandages. It's not that comfortable. They may tell you that you can use a binder instead if you have one. The bandages and tape started itching like crazy after a week (my skin hates medical tape).
You'll also have 1-2 wound drains in which look like little plastic grenades. You empty them twice a day and record how much blood/goop comes out (they should give you instructions for this). They come out after 2-3 weeks depending on how much the wounds are still draining. I think it was 3-4 weeks that the bandages came off as well. I still had to wear the compressions vest for 6 weeks total.
Like I mentioned in my other post, getting the bandages off was a bit shocking. Had to process the change for a bit and my mood was all over. More than anything else I think that's what I would have liked to have been prepared for in advance. Like, I completely freaked out for 20 minutes and then was a little weirded out for a day or two and then was completely fine and I'm now super happy. But it was a big holy fuck moment
It's likely you won't be able to shower until the bandages are off/drains are out. I get cranky if I can't wash my hair so I worked it out by putting a raincoat on and carefully washing my hair under the tub faucet (sink might work too but my sink sucks). Better than nothing
Also you have to sleep on your back for a good long while. I'm a stomach sleeper so this was hell for me to adjust to. I'm only just able to go back to sleeping on my stomach now and it's still a little uncomfortable (rapidly improving though)
15 - Got the rest of the stitches out. You have to rub aquaphor or something similar on the wounds twice a day to help them heal. Around 6 weeks they also recommend using silicon strips to help with scarring
I think that's most of it. It was definitely A Lot, but it was stretched out over 7 months at least.
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knownbyanothername · 1 year
there really is like..... an epidemic of older 'qerky' white women abusing younger afabs and telling them it's part of feminism to let them be abused
(putting this under a read more bc of abuse mentions and some slightly more... i guess it turned into a vent? but more in the sense that i started thinking about things. tell me if more warnings r needed)
and to clarify (I'm gonna put that I'm also white and afab so everyone knows where i stand) I'm also well aware that people like this also tend to be horribly transphobic towards transfemmes. and the reason why i say white women is because it's....usually 'cis white woman who thinks by pure virtue as a woman they can like do anything and get away w it because they refuse to acknowledge their own privilege'
but the reason i bring that all up is bc i just remember this... weird as fuck writing professor i had that was basically 'quirky white woman' and was just on purpose extremely bizzare and abrasive because when asked she was 'being the professor she wishes she had' when in reality from my end it made it difficult to go to class and at worst made me absolutely terrified of her
i think of both publishing professors i had who acted as if all writers were dumb babies who needed ~o great publishers~ to make sure they didn't publish anything STUPID or UNMARKETABLE
i think of the business 101 professor i had who put all of us under extraneous circumstances and then justified it with 'well i had to meet my group at 3am so you can too' and acted as if she did some great job of shaping me up when in reality that single class burnt me out so bad it affected my whole college career and just taught me 'no matter how hard you work or how much you cry or beg for help, no one will care or see it so don't try that hard it's not worth it'
i think of the fact that even in college the worst isolation I've felt is from other women
i think about the women's space i emailed asking for an interview for a class project who couldn't even be assed to get my (essentially now deadname) correct when responding to me and talked down to me implying i was wasting their time. i never entered that 'women's space' once during my entire college career, both mortified and realizing i wasn't welcome
no one took the abuse i had suffered seriously because it was from a 'poor old lady' who i was expected to just support like a martyr until she died or i did something to myself. i was taught not to exist.
i think about the fact that every women who i confided in about my abuse in my hometown excused it in some way or another
i think about the fact that it's been mostly other women who essentially defined me as a 'failed girl', even my own parent, and bared me from traditional feminine things that i now finally feel like i can enjoy. it's a miracle i even got an autism diagnosis considering the (female) person i spoke to advised i 'likely don't have adhd' because of the fact i masked and had so many systems, essentially. i was ignored because i wasn't fun quirky, i was 'we're going to act as if you're a failure of an adult but no one will reach out to show you how to do anything'. the response i got from every group i interacted with, implicitly, (of women) was just 'get away from me you fucking freak' without saying that.
all the worst abuse I've suffered, in one way or another, has been from another afab. repeatedly, a circle of time that contorted me to other people.
i think about the fact that i fucking hate most lesbian circles because of how violatile they are, desperate to find the 'imposter' among them, that they make being an asshole their main personality trait.
so when i look at colleen i look at someone i know that at one point my college could have defended. i see one of my many FEMALE professors who decided 'quirky' equated to 'funny emotional abuse'. older women who I've seen repeatedly decide 'i can scold you for not being an adult to my standards but as the matriach I've earned the right to act like a child'
it's a miracle i graduated. well i did, but at the cost of any personhood of mine.
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seaoflcve · 1 year
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the taste of salt. blowing your hair out of your eyes. never settling anywhere. laughter that carries. making friends wherever you go. wearing your heart on your sleeve. cutting through the rings of a six-pack yoke. a hermit crab with a soda can shell. the shimmer of sunlight on the ocean waves. sea glass and driftwood. a bewitching voice, echoing off the rocks. long summer nights. an air of mystery. handmade gifts. an easy smile. affection given freely. speaking your mind.
full name:  elio nickname(s):  lio, el name meaning:  sun age:  twenty-nine date of birth:  july 25th star sign:  leo place of birth:  the gem sea current location:  thistleberry valley, ferngill republic gender:  cis-male pronouns:  he/him sexual orientation:  pansexual species: merfolk occupation:  musician, traveller, environmental activist, litter-picker n/a family:  seferino (father), aurelia (mother), a significant number of siblings education level:  self-educated living arrangements:  crashing with a friend in town financial status:  destitute by human standards spoken languages:  english, spanish
All merfolk are different, of course, but Elio's family is fairly unconventional by human standards. His mother and father are nomads, and weren't committed to each other in the way that human parents typically are, their meetings left instead to fate - as a consequence Elio has several siblings and half siblings, most of whom he's never even met.
His mother took care of him for the first few years of his life, until he was deemed capable enough to set out into the world alone. Independence is considered paramount to a merperson's survival, especially with the way things are now.
Elio isn't particularly close with either of his parents, but they are on good terms, and he's always pleased to see them when their paths cross.
A free spirit, Elio has travelled all over the world in the course of his short life, but he always returns to the coast around the Ferngill Republic. He exists happily between two worlds - land and sea.
He came to Thistleberry Valley for the first time when he was about eight years old, exploring the village in the guise of a tourist - he quickly made himself scarce when questions arose about where his parents were, moving onto the next town and starting the process over.
Independent as he is, Elio loves making friends, and can boast a great many of them up and down the country. Keeping his true nature secret means that there are precious few people that really know him, but he has a way of integrating himself into the places he visits, even if he's only there for a short while.
The older he's gotten, the more he's started to notice the declining state of the world around him, and is desperately trying to turn the tide. He has a particular loathing for the Joja Corporation, who are responsible for so much of the pollution that's steadily destroying his home, and is fairly vocal in his distaste for their presence in Thistleberry.
He tries to keep things light, but Elio is very concerned about the future of his people. If nature falls, magic will vanish, and the merfolk will disappear with it.
other things.
being a merman, elio doesn’t have a last name. it doesn’t come up that often, but on the rare occasion somebody asks, he tells them it’s ‘corriente’.
elio learnt to whittle from henry leung. the pair met when elio was only a child, and though they never discussed it, he suspects that mr leung might have guessed at his true nature.
when it comes to technology, he’s a total luddite. he’s noticed more and more people carrying portable phones in the towns he visits, but doesn’t understand the impulse.
in case it wasn’t obvious, he’s very passionate about the environment, and ocean conservation in particular. you can often find him doing a one-man beach clean-up.
elio has a tattoo of a manta ray on the right side of his ribcage.
although elio is capable of glamouring humans through song, he has to actively choose to do so (and never makes the decision lightly). even without magic he has a beautiful voice, and he loves to sing more than anything. if there's an open mic night, you can count on his attendance, and sometimes he can be found busking on the boardwalk.
if elio considers you a friend, he will make you a bracelet. he whittles the beads himself, and it takes a lot of time and effort.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
While it is problematic to see events based only on our experiences even more the ones related to prejudice I'll admit that England prohibition of the Scottish gender affirmative laws scares me on way more than it's transphobia and opression towards the scotish people. It makes me think that if England isn't afraid of imposing their will on a country that on papper they consider their equal how do they react towards the people and countries they don't. That on my case means would England do an U.S similar move and help stabelish dictatorships on latin america if we did something that they considered against their values or that somehow affected their control? But on a general case it goes to ask about their relationship with India or how the goverment as whole treats imigrantes specially people of color and muslins (mostly muslins of color) and many more questions and fears related to racism and xenophonia.
This situation is of course about transphobia first as England doing all that to stop my fellow trans people from having measures that could drasticslly improve their life is a clear act of hate against us (and I don't know even how to conceptualize it, Brazil is if not the one of the countries with the higher rate of trans people being killed for our gender identity, we have few representation and transitioning while legal is quasi impossible even people who support trans rights outside the comunity are mostly either uninformed or do unintencional casual transphobia (for instance when I still identifield as nb and not trans a dear normally supportive friend wished me happy woman's day), the idea of having this bill is something out of a fairy tale to me and it likely was for older scottish trans people and to finally see this fairy tale becaming reality and by popular vote as well showing that your society is learning and caring only to have it took from you must be the worst feeling ever). I'm not trying to disminish this fact or put trans issues in second place. But there is no fight if we aren't all on it and it's important to understand how systemic those prejudices are. It's important that a trans white person understand what this implies to trans non white people and to cis non white people as well. Just as it is important that cis non white people understand how this impacts the trans comunity. We need to look at all angles and stand together.
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ignitedfms · 4 days
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[ kathryn bernardo, cis-woman, she/her ] Look who just landed! REYNA JAZMYN DIZON, I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as a STREET RACER. The city has plenty of spots for a 28 year old HUMAN like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as BAKUNAWA, being TENACIOUS and RASH. ( Ven, 30, PST, removed for discretion )
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00000 - - INTERVIEW INCOMING - - - 001
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She kept her mouth shut, so there was no reason to panic. It’s not like X Academy told on her, right? Still, being around the OVERSEERS gave her the heebie-jeebies. “Yeah…” She shifted in her seat to straighten her back. Remember, self, you didn’t get charged. “Well no, but yeah, I was born here and then went off-world for a while to complete my degrees. California was nice…” She paused, pursing her lips as she thought. “The sun’s different on Earth and it’s been five years since I’ve been off-planet, so I think it’s safe to say that I don’t hate this place enough to leave.” 
It took her years to separate her feelings about her childhood from the city. Things could be complicated in NEW JAKARTA, but it had good bones. Shelter and comfort were easy to find in the shadows of New Jakartan buildings and as rough as things could be, it wasn’t always bad. However, the wounds caused by her separation from her former employer were too raw and her first gut feeling was yelling at her to find a way out. 
“If I’m being real though,” she wasn’t, “if I had a choice, I’d go back to Earth.”
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Reyna stared blankly at the Overseer for what felt like a few minutes. She then blinked a couple of times and furrowed her brows. 
“Uh… No?” Street racing was dangerous, but she didn’t think it was criminal enough to be labeled a crime. At least that’s what she hoped for even if she knew she’d get put on a hot seat. “I’m a law-abiding citizen who pays her taxes on time. Wait…” Her eyes widened, feigning realization. “Is something going on around my block? I have one of those camera doorbell things.” 
“Oh definitely.” She said one thing but meant another. “It’s my civic duty.” While the OVERSEERS seemed better poised to take on crime these days, she believed they had failed to protect her all those years ago from her father. She watched them lock away good people and ignore the bad ones, so she couldn’t see herself helping them. Doing so would feel like burning holes in her stomach. The more she thought about NEW JAKARTA, the more she wondered what kept her here. 
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“No. I elected not to.” What was the point? “There’s no reason to since I don’t have signs of all that.” Her former employer tested her for everything given the nature of her work there, but she hadn’t paid much attention to what she was tested on. After all, what mattered most was that she was clean and her health wouldn’t affect anything. Now that she was a free bird and no longer caged by a job, she had other things to worry about and couldn't care less about updating her medical history. 
“I need some clarification though… what’s all this for anyways? Are you doing a… census thing?” She cocked a brow and of course, didn’t receive much of an answer. 
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And deny.
“No. Once had access to HEXTECH. They were supposed to be a part of my severance package since they helped me with engineering GUI and using the Hextools suite, but the separation documents had me return them.” Things hadn’t worked out between her and X so of course, they took away all the tech.
Oh right. She re-centered herself. The rest of the questions.  
As she answered earlier, she was a law-abiding citizen and law-abiding citizens had no reason nor the intent to carry around weapons. “Nope. I’ve got nothing else ‘side of that, but hey, if something’s shady is happening on my block, let me know.” She got up and walked the Overseer out of her home. “The world’s pretty crazy and maybe I can check the footage on my doorbell for you. Anyways, have a good day.”  Reyna gave them a final wave and after she shut the door, she released a sigh that she had been holding in.
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meraki-yao · 8 months
Thank you for the response on all of those asks! It’s really appreciated that you took the time to talk about all of the things in the asks. I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way or meant to be offensive at all because I just want to offer my opinion. About the misgendering, it’s hurtful to see your opinions about the extent of the reactions to the GLAAD event misgendering reactions because that might not have been an intentional misgendering but every day non binary/trans people face that (and other things) and it is a punch to the gut when someone does not acknowledge or invalidates their identity. No one should be spewing hate towards Taylor at all about that (or anything else to be clear) but I don’t think it’s fair to say that about the general reaction because people are allowed to be frustrated or upset about it. I understand your viewpoint but I’m seeing it as someone like Casey. Imagine the people in that audience who identify with Casey or people watching that video? It’s hurtful even if it’s not intentional. Even if they don’t identify with Casey but have siblings,friends, or just are an ally. Who wants to see that? It’s uncomfortable and hurtful. Yes it takes practice but it still affects how non-binary people see themselves and their mental health can be severely affected. I know you meant no ill will I just wanted to say my opinion on that. And as for Casey not having twitter I think they are aware of what goes down on there to an extent because they have a team. Just like they aren’t googling themselves or on Facebook to see what people say about them they have a team just like Taylor who isn’t ‘on’ twitter and probably deleted the app from his phone all together but is aware of what is said on there to a certain extent - by him I mean his team (because we know how he feels about twitter). And for Casey too, their team is aware and by extension, they are. Just because they don’t say anything doesn’t mean they aren’t aware of what is said at times online. The video was also posted online someplace else so they could have been sent the video and been made aware about the misgendering from some place aside from twitter. And they can work with someone for a movie and still be hurt about being misgendered it doesn’t mean Casey hates the person who misgendered them they just hate/are frustrated about being misgendered. It also happened recently in an article and a fan had to reach out and correct the writer/team about misgendering Casey. It’s just incredibly frustrating and I’m sure Casey saw that too because articles with quotes and specific information can’t be published without being sent to a persons team first. All in all the misgendering was disappointing and hurtful and to see it turned into hatred on Taylor, when he didn’t even do the misgendering and is constantly put to blame and hated on for so much is incredibly frustrating. I apologize if this ask makes it seem like I am attacking you specifically because that’s not the case at all I respect you very much and your opinions I just wanted to offer mine about the misgendering.
Firstly thank you for sharing your opinions and views with me in such a civilized manner, I really appreciate it.
After reading your message, I admit I think I downplayed being misgendered. It's not something I, as a cis female experience, but that's no excuse. I'm really sorry for that. I apologize.
I've seen the publications that misgendered Casey. My copy of RWRB is the old version with the wrong pronouns printed on the author info. I remember when the movie came out some article said part of the attraction was that it's written by a woman and Casey took it to Instagram. So I can see the "constantly being misgendered and denied their identity" part you mentioned. Yes, they can and should be frustrated, I'm just not entirely sure about the extent? Like saying someone said the wrong thing and should be more careful/aware isn't the same as saying their straight up transphobic.
I am by no means saying we shouldn't correct people when they use the wrong pronouns, but I at least initially felt like it's harder or more awkward to do in the given setting? Like it's easy to cut a conversation between like two, three people and go "oh they use they/them" but that was a talk to an audience, a monologue.
I stand by I don't think it was done in malice and a genuine mistake/ slip-up. I think I interpreted Casey's Instagram story as a direct complaint to Sarah and didn't really believe in that narrative if that makes sense? But you saying they're frustrated at the situation/the general situation of being misgendered makes sense. I see it now.
I still think Taylor shouldn't have taken the blame when he was using the right pronouns the whole event. But I see where I have been insensitive, and that's definitely not my intention. I'm truly sorry that my words were hurtful. 🙇🏻‍♀️
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carnalphenomena · 11 months
headcanons about rachel louis mack noah
cis man. thought he was completely straight until he was 18 or 19. then he really leaned into not just exclusively fucking women. ezra haven's whole thing is an incredible turn-on.
extremely sexually active. does weird sex stuff with his buddies in hotels, louis' apartment, ezra's apartment. extremely open-minded but mostly sticks to his rough dom persona (unless he's with ezra or someone ezra adjacent - then he turns into a bratty little mess who badly needs to be tamed).
has never committed to any person for more than like, three months. took a long time to view sex as something more than just masturbation with a twist - then he got a lot better at it.
his mustache makes receiving oral sex from him a bit of a Trip, but he's very not bad at it - mostly through trial and error.
cis woman. has never really doubted this about herself, but it was easy for her to wrap her head around cass and jm's gender non-conforming swagger because they were so confident and she never really knew them as anything else
realized her sexuality was not hetero from a very, very young age. in fact, liking men came up much later in life. women, more feminine people - her attraction to them has always made more sense to her.
mack herself is still quite feminine, however. not quite butch, not quite a complete femme either. some secret third thing. she definitely looks more femme around cass, though - cass can dress more edgy and carry themselves more intensely.
being poly was also something that just kind of made sense to her very quickly. when mack was younger, she saw her complete and utter queerness as a complete rejection of everything her father stood for, so she really leaned into that. now she's a lot more comfortable just being who she is because that's...who she is.
bla bla idris is homophobic bla bla cass and mack were always seen as Very Good Friends and mack is now very open about her relationships with cass and jm - very affectionate in public, quick to introduce both of them as her partners, etc.
definitely the switchiest of the three in the bedroom. loves having control and feeling powerful - which makes giving those things up so refreshing and such a turn on. likes really intense, passionate sex, even with people who are strictly sexual partners, friends with benefits, etc.
fucking loves oral sex - receiving, mostly, because she can be a bit indulgent like that.
probably one of the more straightforward of my muses. very masculine (despite his long hair and the fact that he's a sensitive tortured artist, which like, okay, are we really going to go there)
used to use his paintings to get people to sleep with him like in the titanic (ive never seen it)
cis man. bisexual. most likely monogamous, but i can also see him enjoying multiple partners and spreading his affections. can also see him engaging in relationship anarchy. who's to say!
very dominant but not rough or overbearing like louis, kieran, etc. more of a gentle dom, unless he's really into it - then he gets more intense and grabby. hates dirty talk, however.
deserves to get fucked in the ass more than he is currently getting fucked in the ass. i think if he got pegged he would see god. he's reluctant to give up that control though - he thinks so much of his appeal comes from his dominance and how much he loves topping.
exploring gender identity and expression came naturally, especially considering who their parents are. knew they were gender non-conforming / non-binary from a young age. they/she pronouns mostly result from an ambivalence to the system writ large - rachel knows who they are and they don't really care whether you know it or not, too.
definitely more butch than anything else, but i don't see them strictly adhering to these very rigid classifications.
like mack, rachel realized their attraction to more feminine individuals before they realized they could also like men or more masculine individuals. having the capacity to do so was actually quite a surprise in her 20s. still, rachel vastly, vastly prefers women and more feminine individuals.
likes topping. thinks being a pillow princess or anything adjacent is downright shameful. gets really, really into sex like she's been worked up and frustrated for years. in reality, she can get laid pretty much whenever she wants, and she's not too good for some quick and dirty masturbation, especially in the shower after a godawful shift.
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abvndonedbydisney · 2 years
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[ alex boniello, cis man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ LEVI KELLY ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ TWENTY-EIGHT ] year old child of [ DAVEY AND JACK ] from [ THE NEWSIES ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ ADVENTUROUS ] but [ FICKLE ] and have [ 2 ] siblings. i could almost swear i heard [ CAREFULLY - BEN PLATT ] playing when they appeared.
full name: levi kelly.
nicknames: none.
gender: cis man.
pronouns: he/him.
sexuality: bisexual, with lean toward masc. individuals.
age: twenty-eight.
date of birth: march 15th.
zodiac sign: pisces.
aesthetics: hands stained with ink, ripped denim jeans, a ‘i voted’ button proudly displayed on one’s chest, the wag of a dog’s tail, and the loud roar of a bustling city.
parents: davey and jack from the newsies.
siblings: two adopted siblings.
while little is known about levi kelly’s biological family, he never truly paid any thought to who brought him into this world. he was abandoned as a young child, his memories foggy to say the least. he was found practically wandering around the streets of new york, hungry and dirty. but relief soon came in the form of two individuals taking him in, deciding to raise the boy as their own. his childhood was unconventional, to say the least, his parents operating a boarding house for those who needed a place to stay. their house was always full of life, something that levi loved. but it occasionally became a bit overwhelming, especially when you wanted a place to think or be alone.
yet due to the childhoods that both of his parents had, they wanted to do everything in their power to give back to the community they loved so much. jack hadn’t stayed in sante fe, but he had certainly found a new dream with his family. his parents ended up adopting two other siblings throughout his childhood and as his family grew, so did levi’s happiness. he loved having siblings around to drag around the city on new adventures. but that also meant that he was no stranger to trouble, something he was usually able to talk his way out of with a crooked smile. yet there was something he couldn’t deny when it came to a good rush of adrenaline.
despite levi’s lack of interest in school, his father davey made sure that his son would get a good education. he struggled a lot in school due to a learning disability, but his fathers always did their best to help accommodate him while also providing him with gentle encouragement. but it was at school where he was able to see his crush the most often, someone he viewed as being out of his league. still, he tried to grab their attention any chance he could. when he finally ended up earning their affection, it felt as if everything fell apart. graduation came rolling around and they made plans to attend university outside the city, leaving their relationship and levi behind.
the heartbreak lingered throughout the years, but he was able to distract himself with random one-night stands along the way. break-up aside, levi was able to pave his way after graduation. he ended up working at an animal shelter where he took in strays and took care of them, much like his parents were destined to provide a place for those less fortunate than they were. while he still felt as if a big piece in his life was missing, he felt as if he had a purpose and an impact on others — and that was more than enough for him for the time being.
family has always and will always be the most important thing in levi’s life. he would never truly be with anyone that his fathers or siblings didn’t approve of.
he has a golden retriever named oz that follows him everywhere he goes. he’ll probably be very lost without his best friend.
he has a slight aversion to romantic relationships now because he is afraid the people will always choose something else over him if possible.
he is extremely politically active and fights for the rights of others whenever possible.
both of his adopted siblings. ideally they would be younger than him because i imagine he’s very protective of his siblings, but it doesn’t matter.
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