#but i'm so bored and i rlly like music
catfern · 1 year
she will destroy you.
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pairing: abby anderson x afab!reader
music: crack baby or bag of bones ( or anything from puberty 2 ) - mitski
word count: 3.3k (i'm exhausted)
summary: rumours are swirling, fighting their way through your front door. you hope to keep your work and private life separate, but your proximity with your boss threatens to catch up with you.
warnings: mean!toxic!abby, cheating, porn with a LOT of plot, swearing, tipsy sex, fingering, oral (r!receiving), zero ( i mean ZERO ) aftercare, angst-ish
an: a quick intermission from cowboy!ellie because LORD. i read one page from one book abt a butch teacher yearning for the headmaster's wife and suddenly I NEED AFFAIRS!! I NEED YEARNING!! I NEED SECRECY!! and who better to do that with than a rlly mean ceo!abby who has a PhD in fucking bitches.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
A line of scarlet trickles onto the warm printer paper and settles. You drop your paperwork on an unknown desk and suck your finger, hissing through your teeth at the sting. Your phone buzzes impatiently in the back pocket of your work pants, and you fumble with your non-bleeding fingers to pull it out.
we’ll talk abt this when u get home
see u after ur party i guess
A shit fucking day.
You hall back to your desk, defeat slumping heavy on your shoulders. The Office makes an effort not to stare as you walk by, low whispers hot on your feet like coals in a firewalk. You pretend very poorly not to see the half-lidded, secretive looks shared between your old work friends by the water cooler. Water off a duck’s back, your mom used to say in a nonchalant way when you cried to her about mean girls at school. Not that you ever really knew what that meant.
You were never really thankful to be shut off from the rest of the cubicles, until now. A fortress of frosted glass and a heavy door, your desk was the secluded gateway to a place dreaded. Just you and The Boss, which you guess didn’t help the flying tongues of the old, bored fucks in accounting, but it kept people away. Away from you, with their knowing looks and unknowing laughs.
You huff, settling into your uncomfortable desk chair and digging out a small first aid kit your dad bought you when you first started. Pulling the seal off the small tin, you eye its contents. Disinfectant, thermometer, some loose aspirin and bandaids. You whine lightly as you wrap one tightly around your ring finger, feeling it throb and pulse, like a complaint. Get over yourself, you tell your body.
A sharp - ahem - breaks through your mumbling silence. She’s never sick, she never coughs. It’s a bodiless beckoning, a call into the wild, it’s the wordless agreement you have with her. You pick up your notebook, and the nearest working pen, and shuffle quickly through the open door into her office.
The opaque shades are drawn, the natural light greying and dying on the dark, decaying herringbone floor. 
Abby is bathed in the orange light of her desk lamp. With impeccable, almost effortless posture, she’s resting her forearms on her desk, one hand scratching notes into her diary, the other distractedly tapping on the leather top. You follow the shadows that the folds in her dress shirt create, your eyes falling on the contour of her body. 
You know she frequents a few gyms. You’re the one who schedules late night international calls around her evening runs, and her weights sessions, and her triweekly spin class. But now, the results of her efforts are on display, tightly wrapped in expensive cotton, perfectly tailored, down to the very last stitch, to her existence. You swallow an uncomfortable feeling when she deigns to meet your eye.
She looks you over in the way she always does, an uncaring, but judgemental once-over, like an army sergeant inspecting a uniform. she hones in on the bandaid,
“Workplace injury?”
Her voice has the warmth of a dying cigarette, rolling like well-spoken honey off her lips. You almost feel ashamed, your finger so offensive to her you could chop it off. You almost feel like you wouldn’t even mind. You start picking at the ends of the bandaid with your thumb.
“Paper cut.” Your voice is always so out of place here. An echo of something that does not belong. She nods her head, ever so slightly, as if she understood.
“Don’t think you can go claiming compensation for that.” It’s a joke you’re not allowed to laugh at. You smile lightly instead. It’s short-lived, “I need you to correct some seating arrangements for tonight.”
Yes, of course. No problem. In wordless agreement, Abby starts listing off adjustments, complaints and warnings from guests about not being seated next to their five ex-husbands, or their whining step-children, or ex-business partners fallen from grace. your pen fingers begin to ache as the whole process draws out.
“And I’m going to need you seated at my table, to keep track of my evening itinerary.”
Uncertainty quickly sows its seeds in your stomach. The unopened messages from your girlfriend burn their way through pocket, searing at your legs like a brand on cattle. Everyone knows, everyone will know. Every detail of your life will be laid bare, and you’ll be tried publicly and without mercy. Your bandaid begins to unravel as you rub anxiously at the glue underneath.
You need to do something, something to get things back under control.
“Actually,” You start, unsure. Abby meets your eye quickly, without hesitation, “I don’t think I’ll be able to make it tonight.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” It’s quick, and condescending. Undercutting any sudden courage you may have had, she meets your eye and stares you down, pinning you under ice, almost imploring you to feel terrified. And then she looks away, busy packing away the seating chart, and you wonder if she even looked at you at all.
She stands, and you try to meet her, your hands clutching your notebook.
“Your attendance tonight is mandatory.” She says it slowly, harshly, like it’s hard for you to understand. Her eyes chase quickly over your outfit, “It’s a black tie event.”
You’re left alone in a dark office, hyperventilating.
The apartment is empty and cold when you arrive home. 7 unanswered texts to your girlfriend tell you she doesn’t want you near her, but she isn’t packed. You expect her to come home, hopefully in the hour you have before you have to go again, and you contemplate just blowing the gala off to wait.
Abby’s voice is sharp in your head, a familiar dedication wringing your body. You can’t leave her. She needs you there.
You put off the conversation with your girlfriend into the furthest parts of your mind, allowing yourself to be swallowed in the minor decisions of clothes and hair and accessories. It’s not until you’re throwing your shoes on, and three times you think you hear her keys in the door, that you give up.
The phone rings 5 times before going to voicemail.
Hey. Listen. I know we said we weren’t going to talk until we were face to face but..
Whatever Maria told you wasn’t true, okay? I promise-I fucking promise you, nothings happened. Baby, okay? People are fucking bored, and I love you, so so much. I’ve gotta go to this one thing tonight - i tried to get out of it i swear -, and i’ll come home and we can talk, and we can fix this. Okay? Jus-Just, gimme some time to explain. Okay. I love you. Bye.
Echoes of quiet chatter uncomfortably ebb and flow off the walls of the ballroom. Too many people. Shoes scuff the cheap marble as the rich make their rounds, with light touches and reused laughter. They all hate each other.
Abby is a familiar sight. Wearing the same thing she has all day, she looks staggering. Hands just breaching her suit pockets, comfortably falling at her side, her hair in a calculated braid, designed to make her look approachable. 
 The air here agrees with her, her smile wide and effortless. You know she’s come straight from a meeting, and you suppose that adds to her charm. The Working Woman, a success story. Her rich friends, who spend their inheritances on shares and indoor tennis courts, lap it up. She’s a foreign object, something unfamiliar and wild.
You don’t interrupt, skimming the sidelines to get to your table. You can feel her glance, without substance, before returning to her conversation. Your event planner ( a shitty flip notebook that fits in every small clutch you own ) sits on the tablecloth at your seat, and you wait. Eyeing the glasses at the placemats next you, you can tell a few drinks has been shared, raking your eyes over Abby’s looser disposition.
She’s happy, and charming. She’s been drinking bourbon. Mint, with ice and syrup, the way you serve it to her in her office, when the occasion calls for celebration. 
Her conversation finishes, her soft hands bidding gentle, kind goodbyes to the couple as they move on. She’s a friend to the people that matter.
“I expected you here before me.”
She doesn’t bother to look at you as she sits, instead fixing her napkin to her lap. You watch as the veins in her neck rise and fall as she talks, “Doesn’t matter now. Run me through everything.”
Right, fuck. You open your notebook and run your fingers over the scratchy writing. Your days leading up to this were spent copying details from obscure emails, tidbits you thought Abby needed to remember. Late nights at the office, life abandoned, deciphering biographies and 2 hour youtube deep dives. You can watch yourself fall asleep from the future, your handwriting slipping, long and longer strokes, spelling dissolving, long words abandoned. your pen fell to the floor, and you slept at your desk. Twenty missed calls. You argued when you came home in the morning.
“The Ambassador is arriving around 8:00pm with his new wife, also named Rebecca. Oh, Old Rebecca emailed asking why she didn’t receive an invitation.”
She’s slowly sipping at another whiskey, a different cocktail she ordered just as you’d arrived. The orange peel brushes her nose as she tilts the glass, her jaw tightens as she swallows, “Tell her the venue was at capacity. Send some flowers.”
It continues like this for a bit. Quiet and attentive, she listens to what you have to say, as her eyes follow the crowd. You too, spy people that you know, a few slimy execs that share a whisper and a boisterous laugh as they look your way. You order gin.
Soon enough, Abby checks her watch. An inexpensive, vintage piece of leather and quartz. She excuses herself with a measure of politeness. It’s time for an hour of speeches that don’t matter, before you’re finally allowed to eat. You sigh.
A quiet buzz rips through the growing silence. You open your clutch and hide your phone under the silk tablecloth, away from the disapproving elderly eyes.
i told u to leave me alone
jesus christ
A pit in your stomach. Dark, pressing, ever present. Your saliva is heavy in your mouth, and you feel like shrinking away. Luckily, the waiter isn’t far. Drinks are discounted for the company staff.
Finally, speeches finish. Abby looked nice on the stage, effervescent under the lights. Her hair catches warm light nicely in the strands.
The food comes, but people disregard it for shallow conversations. Plates are taken away full, apart from slim, polite pickings. Your table orders more drinks, and syrupy laughter echoes as anecdotes about private schools and hedge funds are shared. You don’t belong here. Your body becomes unsteady, restless. Your legs shaking, a hand finds you thigh in the veiled secrecy of the table cloth.
Abby’s not looking at you, too engaged in tipsy conversation to draw attention. A nice gesture, but it’s not. It’s wordless agreement. Her thumb traces the outside of your thigh mindlessly, her jaw clenching as she feels your gaze.
You hesitate.
What else did you have to do? Apart from go home and wait for an argument.
You let her touch you a little longer, soft, ghostly. It’s kind, unmistakably. You let yourself revel in it, in her uncommon affection, before excusing yourself to the bathroom.
Abby follows not long after. She’s confident, her position charismatic, not unlike the other times she finds a drink, and then goes to find you. She doesn’t stop, so sure that you’ll follow her trail as you’ve done so often before. But you hesitate, again.
She turns back to you, a look on her face that’s hard to decipher. You stumble in your reasoning.
“It’s just-, my girlfrien-“
“Are you coming? Or not?”
Your palms itch, you swallow.
What kind of sick sacrifice. Unfair to have both, some would say, but some don’t know you. How wicked it is to taste both fruit and have to choose the sweeter. Fuck. The drinks settle in your stomach.
Your girlfriend wasn’t coming home tonight anyway, not really.
She’s leading you up the stairs, hands flush to her body. You grip the cold handrail to hold you steady. She’s already steps ahead, the appropriate distance. 
A quiet corner doesn’t need to be found. She’s been here before. You’ve been here before. The holy emptiness of the second floor is an accustomed comfort.
She’s quick and calculated, despite the mix of drinks on her breath. One hand pushing you to the wall, the other finding the zipper for your dress. It falls off you like it never belonged to you, kicked away and piled into a corner, forgotten.
Gripping you like you’d run away, she palms your tits and presses crescent moons into your hips. She holds her head away from you, watching you down her nose as you squirm. Abby has always remained detached, carefully groomed a distance between you that now feels too sacred to break. You long to feel her kiss you, to feel her intimately, to run your hands along her arms and feel every curve, every outline. You’ve needed to touch her since the moment you met her. Craved it.
Abby is disrespectful, impatient. She cups your pussy, still hidden in slick panties, letting the rough ball of her palm grind against your clit. It sets you on fire, and she chases it with a hand on your mouth to keep you quiet.
“Get rid of them.”
You strip fast, in a very unflattering way, you’re certain, and throw your underwear close to the ghost of your dress. She moves against you again, her hand softer as it wraps around your lips and cheeks. You look at her, hoping to see that softness echoed on her face, but her eyes are elsewhere, too focused on the movement your tits make as she holds you against the wall. 
Painstakingly, her fingers slide inside you, her hand pressing down on your mouth as you moan around the feeling of her, the intoxication. Your hands lock and unlock, your nails digging at scratching at the wood boards on the wall as you try to balance yourself.
Merciless. She rocks into you, letting you fall into step with her, find her pace, a relentless one. You feel her melting into your core, her fingers curling and stretching your walls as she pounds into you, again, again, again. You sound pathetic, behind the mask of her hand, whining as she leaves, and nearly screaming when she returns.
Abby watches as your face contorts around her fingers, feels you wrap around her. If she feels even a fraction of what she gives you, you wouldn't know. Her eyes remain unkind, left at a distance, but her breathing is staggered. short, laboured. she looks over you, you feel it, feel as her eyelashes rise as she rakes over your body.
You need it to be desire in her eyes. You need her to starve. To crave, like you do. Desperation.
Her hand moves from your mouth, your whimpering breath filling the room fast, the quiet broken. Her pace slows, and you almost rest on her fingers, left to wonder what she’s playing at. Instead, it comes down on your shoulder, still warm and wet with your breath, and she pushes you down onto her fingers, deep, deep. you feel her at the very centre of yourself, your eyes wide as the pressure builds inside you, her fingernails leaving a trail, evidence of her in your walls. She lets your ragged moans echo, hurt and pleasure. It’s an unkind end to things.
You don’t want to let it to end. You can’t.
The distance is broken. You reach out and grasp flesh, firm under your nails. You’re still riding the ecstasy pulse, the heat in your pussy, and Abby lets you stay, holding onto her as if you would fade otherwise. Your cheeks are almost touching, her breath hot on your ear, you hear her for the first time, raspy groans as you squeeze around her. She’s been holding back.
Damn it all.
“Everybody knows. Please. Please, fuck me like you know you should.”
You meet her gaze. Everything is foreign now. Her skin feels different to how you had imagined it. Softer. Her eyes are more uncertain, more than you’d ever seen before. Hesitance.
“Fuck it.”
Whiskey, and a sip of your gin, and tobacco. You didn’t even know she smoked, but you taste it on her like its the only thing she ever did. The smell of pine came in a wave as she moved, hooking her hands under your legs and hoisting you up. For months, you’ve yearned for her to kiss you, begged for it even. And now, her lips are rough, and bloody, and everywhere. Ghosts tracing your neck, unkind, stinging, exhilarating. 
She moves you to the floor without fuss, holding herself over you, your legs spread around her. She’s smiling, and you become so sure that there’s something not quite right with this side of Abby. You’re quickly aware that you’ve landed in hostile territory, vulnerable, needy.
She usually didn’t like it when you begged.
Her tongue is like the rapture on your clit, spitting fire through your veins, in your nerves. You feel it creep up in your body, twisting and tightening through you like something invasive, moans and prayers dripping from your lips that only push her. her name a curse, fallen on your body. You feel her laugh against your slick walls and it jolts you.
Abby, suddenly so aware of you, so kind, so attentive, shifts her posture, “Oh, you’re so needy.” A hand grabs your face, pulling it up from the floor in a dead lull. Her name rolls off your pretty lips once more, “What? You beg for me, and now you can’t take me?” Her tone is mocking, “Which is it? Hm?”
A cacophony. You, you, you. Your head foggy, unsure of what she wants to hear, you beg for again, telling her you can it take it. I can, please, abby.
Her laugh is cruel, mocking as her mouth finds you again, sending cold vibrations up your legs. Slut echoes against your clit.
Inside of you, she feels like a god. Her fingers stretching your walls, pressing deep against your centre at an excruciating pace, and her tongue lazily laps up all that you give her. 
“Fuck! Fu-uck, fuck!”
It’s clear to Abby that the caution she so carefully designed was useless now. People knew, and fuck it if they knew. Fuck it if they heard you dripping on her fingers, calling out her name. Fuck it if they stop the music, and turn to listen - fucking perverts - because it’s her. And you’re the one begging for her.
Stars creep in through the haze in your vision, and Abby’s trying to ask you something harsh, but you don’t hear it. You’re tethered to the feeling of her fingers, your whole body knotting around her like a planet in orbit of the sun. 
You’d burn if she wanted you to, happily.
You’re so fucking tight around her fingers, your legs shaking and a vicious call ripping through your body. Her Name.
The warmth from your body is too much, and the cool of the floor is lulling, soothing, as you collapse. Abby’s fingers leave you empty, incomplete. You whine as she leaves you, your walls tightening around the absence of her. She wipes your cotton slick on your leg.
She stands, and rolls her shoulders. Fixes the few hairs that fall out of place. Guiltless.
“Get dressed, before someone sees you.”
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rozeliyawashereyall · 2 months
Rewatching @obsidian-lantern vampire series
Eva and Sky my bloodsucking beloveds +a secret third thing at the end.
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Click if you dare.
Jk it's just headcanons I made with a few friends on discord
@jaetists I'm doing this for both you and me bestie
For those who don't know I'm using "hon" to refer to the listener, because it's like, the only nickname we got from him and I refuse to use (y/n)
I. You cannot tell me this man is not touch-starved. Used to flinch at the slightest touch of affection, but give him time and he'll start warming up to it
Absolute cuddle bug he is
II. Ngl, he probably isn't the best at social cues since he can't rlly be around people a lot
III. Traumatized and probably a lot of abandonment issues
IV. It was suggested that he kisses minor cuts and bruises on hon, with hand kisses as greetings and goodbyes. Of course I had to include this it's adorable.
V. Frequently uses hon as a personal heater since never actually felt warm because he's always in the dark and because, well, he's a vampire. So he's very drawn to it.
Also switches between little and big spoons—but he's normally the bigger spoon. Mainly because he wants Hon to feel protected, but when he's especially valuable he wouldn't mind being little spoon.
VI. Ticklish behind his ears and ribs, good luck trying to catch him off guard though, your best chance is to attack when he just woke up.
VII. Stargazing dates~
VIII. Weirdly good at long division, but struggles with most other math IX. He has really bad blood circulation, specifically his feet and fingers, but what did we expect honestly he's a vampire. X. Nails grow with a natural point (like a claw), so he cuts them down. XI. Would listen to all and I mean all kinds of music, he’s lived through many decades. Also spends a lot of his free time watching crime documentaries. XII. Cuts his own hair lol no barbershops are open at night. Has probably fucked it up once or twice and cried. Don't worry Eva fixed it for him XIII. Has a strange fascination with old things. He loves going thrifting. He spends like 20 minutes in the clothes section, and a good hour and a half in the antiques. His house is covered in funny looking antiques, and gifts them to people whenever he sees fit XIV. The definition of “I saw this and thought of you so I bought it.” Expect many gifts XV. He really loves scary movies. And speaking of movies! He watches Twilight, thinks it sucks but sometimes watches it unironically when he’s bored.
XVI. He knows how to waltz~ and some other classic ballroom dances. Eva taught him most of them. He's also more than willing to teach honey how to dance as well!
XVII. Makes sure you've eaten and drank water daily—this includes medications ofc
Also just because he's a vampire doesn't mean he won't make sure you're getting enough sleep.
XVIII. Sky can indeed purr, with the reason in one of the doodles
XIX. he's definitely a hobby hoarder, his favourite is painting. I just like imagining him painting sunsets while brooding over not getting to see it (and probably honey)
Thanks @iistxrmyskyii @willowve01 @tiefling-chaos and @lightdragon789 for helping with the headcanons!
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aetherdoesthings · 7 months
Hey! 👋🏽 Can we get some slow dancing in the kitchen on a rain day with Sanji? Sanji seems like the type of romantic to like that. I'm sorry I don't have more to the ask, I've just been thinking about it all day lol
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hey :)! sorry this took a while. i had quite the busy week.
forethoughts: okay a lot of things is happening in my life rn so i tried to finish a request. my work, social, romantic (somehow) life started to culminate in one but it's fine :D. a little rushed imo, so rlly sorry if it isn't good.
notes: gn!reader, fluff, slow dancing?
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On some days of the Sunny, it wouldn’t be as bright and shiny. Whenever the ship traversed through harsher seas and rougher terrains, terrible storms would alway ensue. Some days you’d be lucky, and it would only be a drizzle and you were just confined inside. Some days you weren’t, and it would turn into an all hands on deck type of scenario. Thankfully, Nami had reported it was just a light rain, and the Sunny would pass the rainy patch in a day or two. That meant the entire crew was stuck inside. Robin and Nami would be in their respective offices; Robin in the library researching poneglyphs and Nami busy drawing maps. Zoro was probably asleep or training. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper would be trying to find some type of game they could play without wrecking the place. Franky was somewhere in his workshop building something new. 
You laid down on the dining table, arms out as you stared at the ceiling. Your boyfriend was busy in the kitchen cooking up a snack for you to eat, humming a nonexistent tune. You would be lying if you said you were happy with your current condition. You hated rainy days; everyone hated rainy days. As much as you all respected Franky for building the Sunny and decorating the inside, it was not stimulating enough to cure your boredom. 
Sanji seemed to take notice, letting out a little chuckle. “Why the frown, dear?”
“I’m bored.” You replied flatly.
“Do you plan on staying like this the entire day? Lying down in the center of the dining table like a sacrifice?”
“Yes. I would very much rather be a sacrifice than be stuck inside.”
"Surely you wouldn't occupy the table for the rest of the day. "
"Try me."
Sanji chuckled. “But I need to serve dinner eventually.”
“I’ll move.” You shifted your body, gazing at your blonde haired personal chef as he walked towards you, one of his hands carrying your favorite snack. He set it in front of your face, a warm and comforting smile on his.
“Don’t frown, okay, dear? As much as I love how cute you look when you pout, I don’t like seeing you sad. It makes me sad.” Sanji’s hand ran through your hair, ruffling it up a bit. You instinctively let out a chuckle at his action, reluctantly sitting up and taking the plate. Sanji got onto the table next to you, staying by your side as you ate the food. He watched you devour the plate without leaving a single crumb. You set the plate by your side, prompting Sanji to jump off the table, offering a hand towards you. With his ‘help’, your feet made contact with the ground again, your hand resting in Sanji’s. In a single motion, he pulled your body close to yours, wrapping his arms around your shoulder. 
Suddenly, music started to play from nowhere, serene jazz music filling the empty kitchen. You figured Brook was lurking somewhere on the rafters, just hanging by a bone and playing his violin. Or maybe it was a tone dial. Nevertheless, music filled your ears, blocking out the sound of the pouring rain. Sanji’s footwork was light as ever, making you unable to sense where he was or what his next move was. You could only tell by his breathing where he was, feeling the wind brush against your neck and graze your cheek. The chef held you close to his body, perfectly aligning it with his like two puzzle pieces fitting together. Sanji’s touch was gentle and reassuring, as if to convey all his love and affection through the warmth of his embrace. You rested your head on Sanji’s chest, hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling the rise and fall of his breath. With every step Sanji led, your worries and troubles faded away, love and affection filling the space. All your focus was on the man in front of you. The kitchen slowly transformed into your little oasis, a place of love and solace, rid of anxiety or stress.
Maybe some rainy days weren’t that bad after all. 
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
your writing is so cool btw
can I request a cricket crew with a classical musician partner or friend? (I play cello btw and I have a performance soon, rlly need some cricket crew brainrot)
hiii thank you 🫶🫶🫶 ; and yes of course!! idk much about instruments so bare with me, I had to do some research LMAOOO
HANDSOME BROS ; classical musician
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu
warnings ; language, jokes about killing
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tries to learn how to play your instrument
"Tommy, you're holding it the wrong way-"
"I've got it!"
good god it's... it's something
your ears are bleeding /pos
"You're gonna break it!"
"No I'm not!"
he's infatuated with hearing you play your instrument
will never miss a concert, he'd rather die than not be in the crowd cheering you on
if you got the lucky chance that the director gave you a solo, he will be recording and he will be posting it to the main insta to show your talent off
he's 100% your biggest supporter
loves watching you tune your instrument and maybe trying to learn how to do it
has you play it on stream sometimes too LMAO
bro turns on medievalcore yeah! by usher and gets you going 💀💀
you covering their favorite song with your instrument is 100% their ring tone
their voice-mail message is you playing some romantic tune in the bg while they go over the "send a message!" shit
he's going to all your concerts and will be rewarding you afterwards
probably got you to do some tunes for the genloss soundtrack tbh
will just awkwardly pose with your instrument in post-concert/rehearsal pictures like 😊👍
will talk to you post-performance like a proud mother 💀
you'll barge into his room, instrument in hand as you cover some popular meme song as he's streaming to just interrupt
you'll dedicate a whole stream trying to teach them how to play your instrument
it goes fairly well for someone who's never touched an instrument before
he knows piano and guitar, you're 100 percent covering songs or making joke songs for the bit 24/7
if you play brass instrument, he'll constantly, lightheartedly, complain about the spit, leading you to play out the window or in the bathtub 💀
your biggest fan at concerts, will give you a standing ovation at the end, he will be like a proud parent watching their child graduate
you guys probably start a duo band for the hell of it
sometimes you both get a little too bored and why not post your music?
he's accidently gotten hair dye on your instrument somehow
luckily it came off
if he's streaming, too bad, you'll purposefully play your instrument and/or walk in like a one man mariachi band
"y/n/n what are you doing?"
"being a musician, freddie!"
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xixovart · 2 months
whats up guys its mali and im back with more pjo headcanons
because i literally nEVER shut up
nico di angelo is bae and i would die for him
ok i know his hair is described as like shoulder length (i think idk) but we HAVE to consider nico with unbelievably long gorgeous hair i beg
estelle’s brother. no questions asked. i feel like nico and estelle would be a power duo to rival annabeth and thalia yeah i said it. percy says estelle cant have candy at night? nico sneaks a tootsie roll in her pillow case. nico helps her with her homework. nico fights her bullies. nico’s relationship with estelle is what a 10 y/o nico’s relationship could’ve been with percy. ykwim?  wine aunts nico and reyna we have to consider this
ok as a sequel nico is really good with kids. idk why. no one knows why. kids love him.
will has the absolute WORST sense of style mankind has ever bore witness to and nico is an unintentional fashion icon. nico genuinely doesn't care that his bf looks like a bad teen beach movie adaptation though it's ok.
youre lying to yourself if you think nico di freaking angelo wouldnt love dinosaurs as a kid
this child was the bane of maria di angelo’s existence. i swear. imagine maria fighting for her LIFE trying to give 3 year old nico a bath just for nico to IMMEDIATELY run outside and fall face first in the mud. imagine nico stealing money from maria and accidentally giving the gelato man a hundred bucks, maria being none the wiser. if you've ever watched full house toddler nico is very michelle coded.
i know its canon that he likes marvel (thx will kayla and austin) but i think he would REALLY love batman. i mean c'mon, it's nico. it's batman. they're soulmates. 
percy going into the redesigned cabin 13 for the first time have we considered his reaction?? “dang btch you live like this???” “what were you expecting” “idk weapons everywhere rock walls a waterfall for a door ig i was just picturing the batcave 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️”
nico is the modt sarcastic little gremlin to his dad (and everyone, but his dad especially). are uou seriously telling me he wouldn't annoy hades on purpose. let's be real here guys. nico prank calling his dad is the reason im alive. 
“is your… refrigerator running?”
“nico do not fucking start with me i have a headache”
“oh yeah i'm listening to really cool rock metal cool music rn totally” (old italian music blasting from his headphones)
this kid has a guy for EVERY occasion. imagine rhe weirdest situation you could possibly be in, nico knows a guy. “ok where are we gonna find a tap dancing elephant??” “i know a guy”
when he eats ambrosia it tastes like the blue birthday cake he shared with percy im not ok
“so we’re all 16 and none of us knows how to drive??” “i can get us there” “nico you’re like 13 years old.” “and european?? hand me the keys”
ok so you can expect he has unbelievably beautiful penmanship because he was raised in 1930’s italy and you are so right. looking at his writing is like a blessing 
im listening to a pearl by mitski rn and it reminds me of him im so sad
side note i think he would really like mitski
he seems like he would be afraid of clowns. don't ask about my thought process for this i just feel it ykwim
nico would get his shit ROCKED by a nerf gun
“wHY IS THE MICROWAVE SCREAMING AT ME” “nico that just means your food is done.”
i will NEVER shut up about nico di angelo’s accent. rolled r’s, hard i’s, speaking unbelievably fast and tripping over his words. italian!! “oh but mali, in house of hades the seven were surprised to learn nico was italian.'' first of all i love the seven but its rlly dumb of them not to notice nico was italian when his last name is DI ANGELO. second. a certain 11 year old nico trained himself out of his accent as a method for escapism, he wanted to flee his past and his family and his descent, and he wanted to fit in. of course he would hide his accent. his time at camp half blood (and ofc his quest with reyna, and jason’s acceptance of him) helped him start to embrace his heritage and past. when he started dating will, he ofc began to trust will more than anybody else. every so often, nico would let his guard down and let his accent slip. eventually, he started using it freely around everybody. i see this hc as a part of his growth and character development and even if it’s a small detail it means a lot to me.
he takes his curly hair routine VERY seriously
bushy eyebrows idk where this came fr9m just bear with me
nico uses disassociation as a coping mechanism a LOT. he’ll zone out at random for hours at a time and chb has a very strict rule about not bothering campers with ptsd when they’re disassociated unless necessary, so he’ll just sit at the dinner table for ages and when he comes back to reality it’s been like 3 hours. 
 “you came out of the blue like that. i never could've seen you coming, i think you're everything i wanted.” by gracie abrams except it’s nico realizing he likes will 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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study-core-101 · 5 months
Hii ur blog is soo helpful!! Any tips for when u rlly need to study and ur all prepped but u litr just can’t bring urself to do it?
Hi! Starting is always so hard, but there some things to do to help it, like:
Set a reward. For the example, "if I study for 30 minutes, I will watch another episode of my tv show" or "When I finish this assigment, I'm going to eat my favorite snack". It doesnt have to be something "big" but to have a short-term reward works wonders.
Having someone near you doing something productive while you study can be a good motivator too. It can be a study buddy, a stranger doing work in the table next to you in the library, or someone of your household (roommate/parent/sibling/etc) doing anything. Seeing someone doing something productive (whether it is studying, cooking, cleaning or other) is motivating.
Make a to-do list. Break the tasks into smaller tasks. Ticking an item is so satisfactory/motivating.
What also really helps me is to start with another task and then move on into the work. I do something simple, like making my bed to get into a "productive streak" and start the school work then. I usually start with the easiest assigmement or one of my preferred subjects to get into the studying mood before the more boring/tedious/hard tasks.
Reduce distractions. Turn off your phone or keep it away. If you study with music, listen songs without lyrics. If other people distract you, find a place you will be alone.
Another tip I've seen people recommend so much (it never worked for me because I'm a disaster with that type of stuff but for a lot of people work really well so maybe it works for you) is to plan ahead. Have a calendar or at least a notion of when you have free time and aren't mentally tired. Like for example, if you finish early on Wednesdays, set a few hour/s to study that day. Have a strict routine. Though, like I said, it isn't for everyone.
Alarms. Set 28843274 alarms.
Hope this helps!
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singulxarity · 6 months
I need a cute fluffy rosekiller microfic or smt cause I dont feel like reading angst today, yeah I cried in the morning so
Here's some fluff!!
(No smut cus I'm not rlly comfortable writing that haha)
Also for @always-reading
Let me know what you guys think!!
Barty opens the door, expecting to find the dorm empty.
It's not.
Evan is splayed out on his bed, colouring in one of those dinosaur colouring books that Pandora got him as a joke.
Soft, calming music is playing, the record player right in front of Evan.
Barty walks in, making his footsteps audible to ensure that he doesnt startle the calm boy.
Evan looks up, eyes large and eyebrows raised, he has never looked so small to Barty.
He gently sits next to the other boy, careful not to disturb the array of crayons scattered on the bed.
The dinosaur Evan is colouring is a stegosaurus with a blue body and purple spikes.
The two boys dont speak.
Evan continues to colour and Barty continues to watch.
Minutes pass and bored, Barty sprawls himself onto the bed beside Evan, he wants attention.
"I saw Emily snogging that creepy dude from seventh year while coming up to the common room."
Says Evan closing his book and putting it on the floor near the bed. Barty stretches his arms, sending the crayons all across the floor.
They laugh quietly.
The two boys lay, facing each other. Barty reaches out and twirls a strand of blond hair around his fingers. Evan smiles at the the black haired boy, running his finger all across Barty's face.
He runs his hands along the bridge of his nose.
He traces the outline of his lips
He runs his hands over Barty's closed eyes.
Despite their family backgrounds, the mean set of their jaws and their hands that have caused the suffering of many; the two boys touch each other with the gentleness of clouds breaking free from the sky and nimbly setting foot into land and sunshine melting into droplets and falling upon a canopy.
There is not one harsh touch, not one mean glare and absolutely no necessity to hold up the image of a worthy son.
Softness holds the two boys in her arms and affection surrounds them as they slowly drift off to sleep, still wrapped in each other's arms.
An hour later, when Regulus walks in, he sees the two lovers and smiles, reminded of his own.
He brings the blankets and puts it upon the two boys, covering the one form of freedom they have from the wretched claws of the world.
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alexthesillybilly · 8 months
What if springtrap x reader but I write it from springtraps POV idk I wanna study him this is rlly similar to another thing I wrote btw if it feels familiar :P idk why but I love writing this exact scene lmao
God, how long has it been? Months? Years? Decades? How was I supposed to know? I haven't spoken to anyone since I was left in here, and I probably never will again. I'm still trying to figure out what to do to pass the time. At first my methods were a little more about escaping, but clawing at the walls and slamming my self against the door was both very painful, and was also not doing anything for me, so I stopped doing those pretty quickly. Then I remembered there were arcade machines in this room! But then I remembered that this is the parts and service room and they were out of order. And very unplayable. But that didn't stop me, I ended up disassembling and putting them back together a few times.
That got boring, too.
Now I'm not really sure what to do. I spend a lot of my time either fidgeting with loose wires or pacing around like some kind of scared animal. After I stopped having the indescribable dread of realizing I was trapped here, it changed to craving something. Anything, really. Whether it was hearing music from outside, seeing a color other than pitch black, feeling anything other than the freezing cold tile floor and my own pain.
I think I mostly craved company, though.
I was never into psychology, but speaking from experience, I'm pretty sure that completely depriving a human of any communication or entertainment for years (decades??) will fuck someone up.
There's some sort of noise around the door. It's happened a few times, usually someone who broke in trying to get into the room before discovering it's boarded up. I don't know who boarded up this room, but I'd like to have a talk with them. Only a little murder included. So I don't get my hopes up too much. They're not going to get in.
So maybe I get a little excited when for the first time, I actually DO hear the door crack open and light pour in.
Holy shit, it's happening.
I can finally get out of here.
I felt nearly manic at the sight. So imagine my thoughts when someone walked in.
I freeze. What do I do?
There is so much I want to say.
Can I even talk?
I don't know anymore.
Who is this?
I try to look at them without moving. Nobody I recognize. That's probably a good thing.
If I move, I might scare them.
On one hand, then I'd be able to leave.
But on the other hand, I need to talk to someone, ANYONE, so bad that I can't let then leave already.
So I stay still while they approach.
They must not be deterred by the sight of me, surprisingly, because they crouch down beside me like I'm not... like this.
"What the hell are you?" They laugh under their breath. Wow, okay. First words spoken to me in this long. I deserve that, though.
I need to talk so bad but how am I supposed to talk to anyone now? I don't even remember how it works, let alone if I physically could. I pray they'll ask a yes-or-no question soon.
They stand back up.
No. No, no, no, not already. They can't leave. I have to risk it.
I try my best to tell them not to go. It comes out as more of a noise you'd make on your deathbed, but it's enough to get them to stop in their tracks.
"No. Nope, I am NOT being your horror movie protagonist who dies first, nope. Not today." They turn to run out the door. This time I'm prepared. Kind of.
"No-" I manage to choke out before realizing how much it hurts to speak, and very pathetically falling against the wall in pain. I have to get the message through, though. "Don't go."
"Hooly shit." The person stares at me in horror. "I have so many questions."
Talking hurts so bad, but nothing hurts worse than my indescribable loneliness, so I'll just have to deal with that later. I have to say something.
"Me too."
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cyberbabyangell · 14 days
₊˚⊹☆ sorens formula
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jst wanted to try out the biggest text sorry
lately ive been focusing on the void and waking up there every morning, because with school i cant rlly actively attempt to go there awake anymore. just during the weekends. so here's everything i do, not only void related but also jst shifting and manifesting wise.
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀི goals : shift in seconds, enter the void every time i wake up, have the 3d bend to my will more easily
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. ݁₊ ⊹ morning: i get ready for school, as painful as it is. this is when i like to remind myself of stuff the most, like how i shift in seconds and stuff. i usually have something in the background like a show or subliminals depending on how i feel. in the shower is where i start visualising my dr a lot. random thought but this is literally my last year of school in this reality and i swear im feeling smth 😭
. ݁₊ ⊹ school: on my way i daydream a lot. i daydream hours per day and its not rlly something i can control BUT i have been trying to lately, and have it 50/50 like daydreaming half the way and affirming the second half or daydreaming on the bus and affirming when i walk. during class, if the teachers allow it i put on calm songs that i'd put in the innerspace and visualise myself studying there. during launch i listen to stuff for the void :P whenever i find myself bored at school with a notebook laying around i write down my robotic affirmations.
. ݁₊ ⊹ afternoon: i put on void affirmations (no music) because i automatically repeat them when i hear them :D and i add a morphic field with that. its usually layered (field in one tab and affirmations in the other) but i also like to listen to the field after the affirmations. usually the field triggers physical symptoms like motion sickness, slight headache, shivers/goosebumps and stuff so i dont like listening to it more than 3 times. then i take a break and do whatever. at some point ill put on my void playlist and lay on my bed and affirm. if i finished school hyper early or its the weekend i do enter the void awake! but i like waking up in it better.
. ݁₊ ⊹ night: i put on a shifting reprogramming sub! to remind myself that i shift effortlessly and in seconds. at first id listen to any subliminal so i could give my subconscious the "choice" of either waking up in my dr or in the void, but i narrowed it to changing my shifting mindset while i focus on the void. i check the formula to make sure they dont include immediate shifts/waking up there 😾
. ݁₊ ⊹ manifestation: this is something i do throughout the day without much thought, its been a week and a half honestly and im already used to it. like, first of all every time someone pisses me off i try to not let it get to me and i instantly tell myself, "It's 3D stuff, it won't matter for too long." and since i talk to myself a lot about shifting, i have the occasion to persist! so to remind myself "Only my 4D matters, I'm already in the innerspace, I already shift whenever i want" blablabla. i also have a vision board
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the stuff i listen to!!
these two usually once or twice a day! ↑
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this ↑ playlist contains classic void subliminals, a void morphic field and a self-hypnosis! ive been doing the self hypnosis for 5 days now :3 its what i listen to when i lay down and affirm.
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↑ this is what i listen to at night, with a morphic field :D usually the same one as above lol.
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↑ these are all manifestation subs, i used to listen to them but i dont wanna overload my subconscious :3 and also i dont need them anymore because i keep manifesting naturally 🫶 i jst dont gatekeep ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩
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" what works for me may not work for you, but that doesn't mean you can't explore! and listen to your gut! "
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ipoxcky · 1 year
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whenever he gets nervous/embarrassed, he'll turn part of himself invisible, like maybe he'll stick his hand in his pocket and make it go invisible
SCENARIO: at the college admissions office, rio would tell the lady, "he makes sure that he recites his time tables every night so that he can't mess up on those challenging calculus problems!" and then he would do the invisible thing and go "stop, mami, she doesn't need to know that..."
he'll also put his head on the desk with his hood up and turn his face invisible in school if he's bored
he would probably also do that when he's crying
did the invisible hand thing with fake blood to prank ganke on april fools, ganke freaked out and almost called an ambulance before miles told him it's a prank
had a shoe-collecting phase at some point
aggressively tender headed bc his hair is always nappy from putting on the suit and his mom goes CRAZY with the comb
got little twists in his head when he was younger, but now he keeps it out. his mom will still twist his hair occasionally just for fun and he hates it
secret SoundCloud rapper whose account has like 20 followers and it's him just freestyling. the only person he told about the acc was uncle aaron who's his number one fan
always pulls the "is it bc i'm _____?" card, ESPECIALLY with hobie just to mess with him and hobie would go "don't chat to me mate i don't even like the u.k. myself"
talks with his hands definitely
has seen every romance movie known to man and forces the others to watch them with him if they can
VERY facially expressive, throws the STANKIEST faces at people he doesn't like, yes he's good at reading others but it doesn't take much to read him
falls over when something shocks him bc it's like his little joke
laughs to himself a lot but doesn't tell anyone why
knows a bunch of horror stories on command, the first spiderpeople sleepover he freaked everyone out and miles couldn't sleep without the light on
just dance GOD
can raise both eyebrows individually
had an agressive minecraft phase when she was 8 where she got the creeper hoodie and never took it off
definitely had a full pixie cut at some point
theater kid, definitely goes to watch broadway shows with her dad every so often, has met famous people because of it, her favorite one is probably dear evan hansen (idk i haven't seen it)
ben platt worshipper
drums on anything she can get her hands on
music blaster
tried electric guitar for a blip of a moment
morning person, stretches anywhere and everywhere
her favorite thing is DESTROYING pointe shoes because she can take out all her anger. this one time it got to a point where after her shoe destroying sesh she started crying because she didn't realize she had so much pain built up inside her
tutu hater
takes french and already knows a ton from ballet
wheeze laugher
pastel note taker
really pretty handwriting when she tries, chicken scratch when she doesn't
surprisingly good american accent
knows a bunch of magic tricks to entertain kids experiencing homelessness on the street
headphones always on so they're absolutely demolished and holding on for dear life, too bothered to get a new pair
REALLY good with kids, does anything to help them preserve their childhood because he feels like his was gone too quickly
good whistler
beats everyone in board games
knows a lot about politics for someone who doesn't rlly like them
can judge people's character based on first glance
black nail polish never leaves his fingers
goes on really long rants about the state of the world
reads self help + philosophy books
hops the subway/metro thingy
lips always moisturized, but his hands and knees r lowkey ashy sometimes (i'm blk it's okay y'all)
doesn't drink soda
tries to be vegetarian because of the stuff he's seen (worked at a fast food restaurant and was grossed out about the stuff they were serving), that and he loves animals so
natural remedy kind of guy who would drink chlorophyll water
dreams of being a tattoo artist
uses sound effects of random things in his music, raps/sings his poetry about capitalism and stuff
keeps tin jars and cans
doesn't kill bugs and instead lets them go free
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thoughts-of-kel · 8 months
keller kelling kel kel orange joe kel kel basketball kelsey kel kelvin kelson kelan kle kels kels keeeeeeellllllllllllll kelony
enough of me joking around i'm gonna ask some questions BECAUSE I'M BORED answer them or no free orange joe /j /nf
I wanna know so do you have any favorite side character in omori :3
eeeeeeuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr euuuuurrrrrrrrrrr eur eeeeeeeuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I know this is lame sorry but uhhhhh favoirte color
do you have any music recommendation if you have one
idk if someone ever asked this but any favorite food
another one kinda related to the one over this but any favorite drink
ANY SHIP????????????????????????? do you SHIP ANY???? it's fine if not
do you
orange joe or orange jo
least favoirte boss in omori if you've ever played ut
what do you think is the best thing in this universe (sweats I think the answer is so obvious I will not tell you what I think you;re gonna answer ANSWER IT)
I think people asked some of these already but idc okay that's 10 questions I ran out of them bye this is awkward uhhhh errrrrrrrr have a good day or noon or evening or night or midnight or midday *runs away at full speed*
thank u for these questions!!!!! i will be sure to spend them wisely :3
1. fav omori side character has to be humphrey!!! rlly random pick ik but u gotta stick w me on this one
2. fav colour is red!!! all my fav candy flavours are red!!!!!!!!!
3. for music recommendations - id highly recommend cherry waves by deftones. pretty random but it goes hard imo
4. TWO QUESTIONS IN ONE!!!! fav food is absolutely pepperoni pizza... fav drink?!? fruit punch juice...
5. im not rlly a shipper when it comes to omori, i just like the silly little guys ^_^ (nothing outside of canon anyways, stuff like hero x mari)
6. ORANGE JOE!!!!!
7. (i havent played omori so i cant exactly say which boss is my least favourite)
8. the best thing in the universe are the friends we made along the way
goodnight tiny person in my ask box!!!!
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silly lil intro post bc i'm bored
u can call me cain or matthew (and any nicknames from that, like matt or matty. we don'thave to be close idc who calls me what), i'm comfortable with both
my pronouns r it/its and he/him + i'm cool with any neopronouns
i am genderqueer transmasc and bisexual
i am 18 years old, i'm a virgo
i'm a college student (wildlife biology :3) and currently post a lot abt that
i'm audhd, have a learning disability, and am mentally ill, all of which i occasionally post abt. i also post abt my time in inpatient treatment (jsyk. i don't rlly post anything triggering, tho. if u want/need anything specific tagged, pls feel free to tell me!!)
i also complain a lot abt a lot of different things. i love complaining 💪💪
i mainly post abt robert sean leonard and house md. number one the boys next door (1996) fan. other interests of mine include: daredevil, quantum leap, wildlife, and nature.
i'm an artist, but in a jack of all trades, master of none type way. i draw, write, play guitar, and do photography. my main art form is photography!
music wise, i like jack kays, grandson, shinedown, godsmack, dreamers, wafia, idkhow, superet, the brobecks, lincoln, and fall out boy. also old panic at the disco, but i cannot stand br*ndon ur*e
i post photography @tunrthepainintopeaches
house md oc roleplay blog: @ppth-socialworker
my ao3
uhhh also literally anyone is free to dm me or send asks, but pls know that i am so shit at responding to anything and that if it takes a while, it is *not personal*
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blinkies below (flash warning!!!)
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the-golden-kingdom · 4 months
Too shy to ask with my normal account BUT, love your golden kingdom drawings, im a big fan as a golden kingdom fan who eats all the crumbs we have.
Do you have some headcannons for the melinis? What about the villagers. Looks at you with big autistic eyes
AHH THANK YOU SM!! We need more content fr ....anime...anime dont do us dirty please...we are starving for golden kingdom content please... You opened pandoras box with this one Anon. i have so many hcs i dont even know where to start LOL here are some of the ones im currently obsessing over
- I feel in my heart the villagers have some great imagination (look at their fashion designs) and theyre just masters at the arts on accident out of trying keep sane. Like the monkey and shakespeare thoery except its a bunch of bored immortal teens with overactive imaginations. At some point they would reinvent romeo and juliet and the Mona Lisa I just know it - Gender fluid / agender Yaad. (Imnotprojectingiamnotprojectingia) - these three are besties. my proof? Shhhhh
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the one with the straw hat is also their bestie my proof is still pending My melini centric ones are mostly just angst I'm ngl
- We are told that most of the older folks got turned into spirits because they tried to reach the surface and I wonder If that was the case for yaads mother and grandmother (I WISH THE LADIES OF THE MELINI FAM HAD NAMES I NEED NAMES FOR THEM BEFORE I JUST START COMING UP WITH SOME ISTG ) or if they simply angered thistle. I think Delgals wife tried to get back to the surface but Eodios wife angered thistle at some point but idk
- I l think it would be devastating if yaad when he was rlly young sorta almost idolized thistle. like saw him as his cool uncle who protected the family and everything. Like the scene where he reminisces somewhat kinda fondly abt eating with his family and thistle just always being there by delgal almost like a pillar in his life, a fucked mightve-been-the-one-who-broke-the-walls-in-the-first-place pillar, But that's still a pillar
- This is more of a post canon and a lil bit not canon-ish thing but I think it would be so funny if thistle got out of the desireles-ness through music, writing, and wood carving. Why? Bcs I think so much but abt where tf he could've gotten a giant wooden man from to replace Eodio and how he put yaad into a tiny wooden doll too.
I've been going on too long I needa stop
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sodafrog13 · 2 months
random swans hcs under the cut ✌🏼
- alex and ash are identical twins and were both amab; alex found out she was trans and transitioned while they were still in high school (i think she actually just kept the name bc she liked it but even if she didn't, i'm thinking her deadname would probably also have started with an A)
- speaking of, both of them played football while they were in high school. alex was more of the star player of the two of them; ash was almost exclusively a bench warmer. their uniforms in current day consist of parts of their old football uniforms
- even though tony is their unofficial ""leader"", the whole idea for the vigilante copycat stuff was the davis'. not rlly much basis for this one admittedly but i think it makes sense, considering they're the most politically active (relatively speaking) of the fans
- and the reason why that is is that they had family who were living in san francisco when it got bombed. again, not much basis but it does make sense to me considering they're motivated enough to be picketing outside the courthouse during jacket's trial. i specifically also have a kind-of oc that's their little cousin who lives in SF; i shifted around some things to feature her in UDC, my beardjacket au fic, but she's existed in my mind even before writing that chapter and i'd like to flesh her out more one day
- i think they're both bi (w pref for the opposite gender) and that ash is ace. that's just on me :-)
- they make fun of each other for being gay All The Time. wlw/mlm hostility.
- ash moved out at some point and lives with his (boy)friend, jack. he still frequents the house somewhat often to hang out with alex, since they're so close, but he very rarely sleeps there anymore
- alex is a little touchy about the whole thing, but she gets it. she just wasn't ever thinking about the possibility of either of them moving out since they've basically been together they're whole lives so she's just been moody about it ever since ash brought it up to her. she's a lot better abt it now, though
- ash is a lot more organized than alex is. he was the only reason the house was ever clean; since he's left, alex really only cleans up if things are getting Direly trashy
- alex LOVES horror movies. ash thinks they're ok. they watch a bunch of them together and alex spends a lot of pocket money on VHS tapes of her favorites
- ash is more of a video game guy. they had a console in the house but he took it when he moved out; alex really only ever used it if ash was playing something multiplayer anyways so she didn't consider it a huge loss
- that said, they both love listening to music. they had a bit of an argument over who was taking what when ash moved out (since their collection was joint owned) and alex ended up keeping the records while ash took the cassettes since ash is the one who actually has a car
- both of them can drive but alex honestly doesn't need a car; she'd take the bus to work most days anyways since ash started his day earlier than she did and would be out the door before she even woke up
- the both have insomnia but alex's is decidedly worse. for some reason, the meds that ash uses don't rlly work on her so she ends up staying up and waking up late. she falls asleep at her job often
- alex works a boring office job. she tolerates it; it's relatively easy and pays fine and she learned some basic computer knowledge from ash so she's basically set on being there for however long she can.
- she also does music on the side, specifically electronic stuff. not ever a thing she'd consider for a job but one of her favorite past times is smoking and jamming out on her synth. ash partakes in these jam sessions sometimes; part of me wants to say he plays a little electric guitar (and that he'd probably love guitar hero)
- ash works in IT. his computer knowledge is almost entirely self taught (esp considering he and alex's would be college years were spent serving in hawai'i) but he's damn good at what he does so it was pretty easy for him to get hired
- their relationship with their folks is... fraught. the whole reason they joined the army was to get away from them, particularly because their mom had always been rather nasty to alex because she favored ash and ash was always really annoyed by that. they thought is was the best years of their lives thus far. ever since coming back home to pick up their stuff when they got back from deployment, they cut contact with them (but not the rest of their family. that said, they refuse to go to any family functions if they kno their parents are gonna be there)
- alex is pretty butch and dislikes wearing fem clothing. ash is honestly kind of more wishy washy about the whole thing; he'd be open to wearing slightly more fem stuff like skirts if he wasn't so put off by the idea of being judged for doing so. most ""fem"" he'll get is painting his nails black every so often
- idk something in my heart just tells me they'd like karaoke. they'd both belt that shit out, no holds barred (but also fans karaoke night just sounds like such a fun idea. just all of them getting wasted and singing silly shit)
- they're just each other's #besties y'k? swans stick together their whole lives and all
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jellieclogs · 10 months
october media recap ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
i love music, movies, tv, podcasts, games, books, and more. here's a recap of things i watched in october 2023!!
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music ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚
i've been really into more indie blues type music as autumn comes to a head, my playlist autumn girls this is for you has a bit more songs that i really associate with this season. anyway heres the list!
mitski - my love mine all mine
mitski - i'm your man
these two songs are phenomenal, as is mitski's album "the land is inhospitable and so are we" i actually wrote a brief analysis on my love mine all mine as a love song and breakup song. the feeling it invokes in me is second to none, what a beautiful song.
olivia rodrigo - lacy
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
jane remover - search party
searows - used to be friends
phoebe briders - moon song
iron & wine - flightless bird, american mouth
mazzy star - fade into you
sting - shape of my heart
yeule - software update
yeule - sulky baby
taylor swift - "slut!"
rachel chinouriri - maybe i'm lonely
emile mosseri - jacob and the stone
i actually listen to this song to fall asleep, but i can assure you that i also cry every time i watch those videos on the internet with this song playing in the background. it perfectly encapsulates a feeling of hope and loss. beautifully done. minari was a phenomenal as a (real) movie lover, i love when movies have tracks like this that so clearly stand out from the soundtrack and score.
movies 🎞️✮⋆˙
i haven't watched as many movies as i'd have liked in october, it has been an emotional month to say the least. but, now im on anti-depressants so our regularly scheduled slaying is back. movies will be rated a 1-5 star based on how much i enjoyed it! and NO NOT EVERY MOVIE IS FROM THIS YEAR OR EVEN THIS DECADE <3
talk to me (2022) ★★★★
pearl (2022) ★★★★
the invisible man (2020) ★★★★
child's play (1988) ★★★★
doctor sleep (2019) (fucking insanely good) ★★★★★
bodies bodies bodies (2022) (so camp??) ★★★
call me by your name (2017) ★★★★
silence of the lambs (1991) (this is a perfectly made film. argue with the wall!) ★★★★★
and thats about it, i genuinely have been too busy with school to watch as many films, still have not seen barbie or the fnaf movie because im so busy and too broke to go to the movies constantly LOL. however, i will say what my favorite youtube video topics are currently in my honorable mentions section!!
honorable mentions ˙˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚
my current fave youtubers or streamers :3
dead meat (james and chelsea constantly demonstrate a genuine love for horror and have recently been branching out to video games amidst the SAG strike! love them and their work so much, they have definitely made me into more of a horror movie buff)
wendigoon (i will listen to this man talk about anything, but he constantly raises the bar with how informed he is on topics. he just likes to talk abt weird shit and thats really neat idk)
supertf (ive been watching this guy for over 5 years he is still the funniest ow streamer out there sorry)
kyedae (she is rlly funny and even though valorant is boring to watch i watch her play mostly, however i LOVE when she does variety or horror its so funny how scared she gets)
jacksepticeye (watching him play spiderman 2 bc i don't own a ps5, BUT ALSO sean just has the best playthroughs of games like this. love his takes on the game!!)
mike's mic (olivia wilde nodding gif like if you get it you get it!)
games im playing right now :3
the sims 4 (do i need to explain this rlly... i have 2000 hours on sims... currently building a tiny town for the new expansion pack :3 pics here)
sun haven (started playing with my bf, feels like stardew valley with a bigger world and more things to do! i HATE the fishing mechanic. it is not for me babes)
valorant (playing occasionally as i am not very good, but i have alot of skins so yipee)
overwatch (i have 1600 hours in the game unfortunately. addiction is real guys)
fall guys (just recently started playing with my friends again, idk why anyone wouldnt want to play this its free and fun. theres a hatsune miku skin in the game like CMON)
genshin impact (im actually really invested in fontaine's story, if i had multiple hours a day to game i would do all the story quests and things but again, im so b u s y. still farming for arataki itto, pls come home)
bloons td6 (i've somehow racked up 60 hours on this game...its so fun...i love it...)
lastly, my october hyperfixation was...
horror movies and true crime!! i watched over 100 hours of movies, video essays, podcasts, and documentaries relating to horror and true crime. i'm officially burnt out of it though, so i will be back next month to once again happily share my interests!! byeee
- jane ⋆。° ✮
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veefuls · 3 months
2024-07-04 23:58
It's so dark in my room my eyes hurt rlly bad but anywho
I've picked up reading which is insane if you ask me or my mom. I bought Three Summers by Margarita Liberaki and it's good but then it's bad and then it's good again... so I have no idea as to my actual opinion of the book. It's not the easiest read, so maybe not the best idea for a first read in at least 7 years. I did finish Daisy Jones & The Six in a total of no more than 4 hours though. I ordered The Time of Cherries by Montserrat Roig, which obviously isn't going to be an easy read but it piqued my interest so 🤷‍♀️
ALSO I've been looking into Shanghai Baby by Wei Hui, which I think will be a more like "chilled" read.
Apart from books, I got pissed OFF last weekend because I didn't watch the Austrian GP and guess what. Apparently best race of the season so far. THE EXACT SAME THING that happened in Australia. Skipped the race and Carlos wins a race like 12 seconds after getting his appendix removed. Trust I will be watching on Sunday. My internal musical roster has expanded immensely since last post. I've taken a liking to both Laufey and general Argentinian music. Any sort of Argentinian music. Also my affinity for Neapolitan music isn't slowing down especially since Geolier released a new album but look !! I'm not complaining !! ALSO Rachel Chinouriri AND beabadoobe (late ik).
I'm in desperate need of a tv show to watch, but everything is boring. I want something that's summery young adult but not Netflix original style young adult, that's horrific. I'm thinking about watching something Brazilian 1. nice beaches 2. best language (european portuguese isn't as good sawry).
Anyway it's currently raining so I'll be sleeping good tonight, to recommend something,,,,, The Hills by Rachel Chinouriri + OHH BABY by Trueno.
tchau have a nice weekend 🩷🩷🩷
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