#but i'm saying that because i know people will try to say contractual obligations etc
booskwan · 6 months
anyway since i got that ask here's your reminder i do not tolerate key stans here
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Aight imma go on a rant about employment law because that's what I'm studying and planning to put my career into. I should note this is UK law, however *some* of this shit is pretty universal. Also, obvious disclaimer, this isn't legal advice.
1. EMPLOYMENT LAW IS WRITTEN IN FAVOUR OF EMPLOYERS. THIS CAN MAKE THEM ARROGANT. UK employment law gives them a huge amount of leeway and is largely written in their favour, and they STILL regularly manage to go over the line to the point of absolute absurdity, to the point of accidentally creating beautifully complete evidence trails for employees to use in tribunal. Why do they do this? Because UK employment law is entirely enforced by individual employees and between the costs of a lawyer and the implied threat that if you take your employer to tribunal you'll never work in your field again (not universally true BTW), they assume they will never be taken to task for it. Employees are generally reluctant to take their employers to tribunal because of the above. What this means though, is if an employee *does* take them to tribunal, the evidence trail is usually extensive AS LONG AS the employee has taken steps to preserve it.
2. SAVE YOUR EMAILS. Any email sent to you by an employer regarding your employment in any way belongs to you. Send that shit to your personal email address, whether or not you think it's sketchy. For every employer. Keep your paper trail. You don't know when you might need it. This goes extra for things like performance reviews/flexible working/reasonable adjustment requests/etc.
3. NOT EVERYTHING IN YOUR CONTRACT IS ENFORCEABLE BY THE EMPLOYER. Employers *love* to stick exclusion clauses in or try to say that handbooks don't form part of your employment contract. They also like to do things like try to classify you as a self employed contractor when really, if you apply the relevant law, you are an employee and have the rights of an employee. Just because your contract says a thing doesn't mean it is the be all and end all. Think of it this way: if you only did what your employer required in writing in the contract, would they be pissed? If so, your contract is probably shit.
4. READ THE DAMN CONTRACT. Make sure you know the ins and outs of your job description, what's expected of you, your pay, overtime policy, where you're expected to work, etc. Just because you might not be able to negotiate it doesn't mean you shouldn't know what it says. This also goes for any employment handbooks. Know what the limits are, know what your hours are, know what your benefits are. Chances are good the employer will ask you to go above and beyond them, or try to pretend you don't have a contractual right to something when you absolutely do. Also, you *can* negotiate on more than you think. For example: employers are not allowed to make deductions from your pay beyond PAYE and National Insurance, UNLESS they have been contractually agreed beforehand. Check to see if they're trying to add a bunch of extra permitted deductions and *challenge* that shit if you feel able to. (My favourite is requiring supposed independent contractors to pay for a uniform. Highly unlikely that you're actually an independent contractor at that point plus fuck you if you want to control what I wear pay for it your damn self).
5. DO NOT OPT OUT OF NATIONAL WORKING TIME REGULATIONS. This is a pretty standard extra inclusion in most people's employment contracts in the UK. It shows up as an extra page of the contract with a separate signing line because they're not allowed to include that requirement as a contractual obligation (in most cases: the big exception is emergency workers) National Working Time Regs limit the amount of hours an employer can require from an adult (over 18) employee to 48 hrs on average, that average being taken over a period of 17 weeks. However, employees can opt out of this, hence the extra piece of paper. The employer cannot dock your salary/terminate your employment/treat you in any negative way if you do not sign this piece of paper. They include it with the contract so that people *assume* they have to sign it. If you're employed and have already signed it, you can opt back in by notifying your employer in writing. Generally this will mean a 3 month period before the regs apply to you again. But *do it*.
6. IF YOUR HOURS ARE VARIABLE, KEEP TRACK OF THEM INDEPENDENTLY. If you don't have a 9-5 contract, this applies to you. This is to make sure that if there's a dispute, you have a record that *you* made of those hours. Ya know, in case the employer decides to conveniently forget about them. I watched OXFORD UNIVERSITY try this shit in a tribunal and they got absolutely wasted because a) it was so obvious (they'd deleted hours spent on marking) and b) the employees had kept an independent record.
7. IF YOUR EMPLOYER DOES SOMETHING SHITTY, YOU HAVE 3 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF THAT SHITTY THING TO SUE THEM FOR IT. It's one of the shortest time limits in UK law (remember when I said the law is written in employers' favour?), and that time is *only* paused when you involve ACAS (I'll explain ACAS in a sec) and the timer starts again once ACAS issues their certificate. It does NOT stop if you're trying to resolve the issue through internal grievance processes, and attempting to resolve the issue internally is not an acceptable argument if you're trying to extend that time (which you can, under specific circumstances, but try not to rely on that bc it's iffy at best) (yes you can also argue that there have been continuing acts but at that point you need to talk to a lawyer because there are specific rules around that too). There are. So many cases. That I've come across personally. That would be an absolute slam dunk EXCEPT they're out of time.
8. IF YOU WANT TO SUE YOUR EMPLOYER YOU HAVE TO GO THROUGH ACAS FIRST. Employment law is the only area of law where you are legally required to try to do mediation first. How much you engage with the mediation is up to you, however the more you do, the better it looks. Mediation does not mean you have to agree with the employer! It just means you get to ask them the questions you want to ask them in official channels. That said, if they roll over and give you what you want during these negotiations, you kind of have to take it: English law says that civil courts can only give you money as a remedy. As much as you might want to have your day in court, civil courts are legally only for getting money out of people, not primarily for the public administration of justice. Yes I hate this too. If you don't take it, the court won't like it and there is a potential that the court *could* award your employer their costs. ACAS can also give you help explaining how the process works etc. Make sure you contact them and start the process ASAP as soon as you decide the thing is worth suing over.
9. READ THE EQUALITY ACT 2010. There are 9 protected characteristics under UK law: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. Broadly speaking, your employer cannot treat you negatively because of any of these characteristics. There are qualifications and limits to how far this goes, obviously, but broadly speaking, this is the case. I'll do another post later going into some of this in more detail because the topic is huge but taking a look at the sections that may apply to you is a good start.
10. NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFORD A LAWYER OUTRIGHT DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEAN YOURE OUT OF OPTIONS. First, you *can* represent yourself. It's not an option I'd suggest before you've exhausted all your other options but it is possible. The issue is that you probably don't speak legalese or have access to legal databases, but there is still research you can do on Google. Don't trust everything you read though. Law firm websites are a good place to start, as they tend to write decent articles on the basics of a given issue and they can point you towards some case law. You can also call Citizens Advice for a jumping off point. If you're representing yourself though, the only things you can really reference in court are a) legislation, b) case law, and c) practitioners texts. Remember, case law explains how legislation actually works: it doesn't apply to every situation you might think is covered by it.
Second, most solicitors firms offer free 15-30 minute consultations, where you go in, give them the basics of the situation, and they give you some advice and can signpost you to somewhere you can get more information. This can be really, really helpful and I'd suggest it even if you're planning on repping yourself.
Third, a lot of firms also offer something called a no-win-no-fee agreement, which is about what it says on the tin: if you don't win, you don't pay. Each firm will have different stipulations regarding these, so you should ask what these are. The problem though, is if the firm doesn't think you have a winnable case, they are unlikely take it on that basis (because that means they don't get paid and that's a lot of work not to get paid for). If you do win, they generally take a piece of your winnings as payment (so sometimes they won't do it because you're not claiming enough). It's not a guarantee, but IMHO it's a good option if you have a good case.
Last, there are the pro bono organisations. A lot of places will have a regional pro bono law clinic. These may or may not be able to take your case all the way to tribunal, but if not they should be able to refer you to an org that can. London and its immediate surrounding area has the Free Representation Unit, for example (your case has to be referred to them by another org, usually one of the clinics) but if they can take up your case, they can take it all the way to tribunal and even appeals. Since Legal Aid isn't a thing in employment law (except for discrimination), a lot of these organisations have an absolutely fucking massive caseload though, so there isn't a guarantee that they'll be able to take your case.
I'm sure I'll think of more to add to this later, but this is just the bare bones basic shit that *everyone* should know. A lot of cases don't get brought because people don't know that they a) have rights, b) they don't hold onto documents, c) they don't start the claim in time, or d) all of the above. Given that employment law is only enforceable by the individual, the only way to get employers to play by the rules more often is if people start enforcing it. It's a shit way to do it, but it's what we've got at the moment.
If people find this useful and would like this to be a regular thing, lmk.
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
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LAST TIME ON RANGER ACADEMY: It's our contractually obligated school dance portion of the Magic School plot Parent Weekend, but Sage and Tula can't enjoy it due to The Horrors. Regardless of crazy social anxiety and cover-up conspiracy theories, we got some cool reveals, like how MATHIS'S MOM IS NADIRA!!!!!
oh and Tula had an older sister who was a Green Ranger or something.
It's Ranger Academy #7!
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Tula: this is where my older sister died, Sage
Sage: cowabummer!
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= So I guess something worth noting here is Ranger Academy is indeed intentionally covering up Green and it's definitely framed as bad that they did that (yay, the system I hate is corrupted and we have to knock it down!!!!) but we're ONLY focusing on Green and not other colors. Part of me feels like we're going to stay focused on Green for simplicity's sake but it would be a shame if we never followed up on the possibility of other colors being wiped from everyone's awareness. Ranger Academy you have one fucking chance to prove to everyone this isn't just MMPR worship
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= girl I get it if the 999 happy haunts of an abandoned school campus invited me to be the 1,000th tenant I'd want to get tf out of there too!!!!!!!
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= mysterious floating head wants in on the friendship breakup, I get it
= also there's been some parts of the fandom turning on Sage for this, which on the one hand, she really is putting more blame on Tula than is deserved (like her grief about how Tula was using their friendship to get evidence? Tula was honestly trying to stay away from Sage a majority of the time before this. And as Tula rightfully points out after this, she didn't want Sage to come here in the first place, making the whole "you took me from my home!" thing moot. And in general I really can't blame Tula for being opportunistic once she realized Sage got Green powers. Is it somewhat selfish? Yeah, but not to the extent that I can fully side with Sage's breakdown here.) But on the other hand, people in the fandom insulting Sage and calling her selfish, a pick-me, unworthy of being a ranger, etc. have made me extra protective of her because she's fucking 14 years old in a fucked up situation so! Maybe you guys just hate girls
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= So I guess right now one of the questions that hasn't been explained enough to the point where you can kind of get an idea as to where they're going with it (don't you love drawn-out mysteries?) is Tula's connection to Rhianth. I guess it could be as simple as she just found his name (or "Rye", as she called him in the first issue) while researching the Green Campus, as we know he had a Green on his team, but she still seems overly fixated on him. Especially when you consider their literal LIBRARIAN knew Rhianth too, and would be far easier to investigate
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= Kartyr you should know the lesbian breakups are always the most dramatic
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= hey look it's the panel that launched a thousand haters
= You guys already know my problems with the suits and everything so I won't get into them here, but I do wish the fandom people yelling about how generic the suits are would realize it's a symptom of why the concept of a Ranger school in general rather than the problem just being their designs. The designs themselves are fine. And yeah, I wish the cadets could personalize their morphers/suits, but like......why would they be able to in a school environment. They're basically uniforms. And throwing in more lore and rules about how they would work with multiple themes would just get overly complicated; especially when we don't know yet how the process of choosing a team works. This is unfortunately what makes the most sense for a Ranger school. I saw someone call it a "mass-produced Ranger army" which is probably the most accurate way to describe it.
And the reason I'm saying this is because it's what i've been PREACHING and SAYING since THE FIRST ISSUE CAME OUT!!!!!!!!!
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= does it have any games on it or what
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= Anyway I'll say it again: whatever this is, Dark Specter, some evolved version of Dark Specter, Dark Specter's child, whatever; it's a way more intimidating design than Evil Radiant Red
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= god I wish the ghostly green echo of my dead dad (????????) could show up whenever I needed inspiration
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= And I'll give them credit: at least her weapon isn't a dagger or sword
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twopoppies · 2 years
I have no particular opinion about it , But I understand why some people consider it fake . There are many strange things about his broken arm, What happened last year while the kid was always around Louis? Louie's arm broke? And this year we don't know what they had planned for Louis being MIA for a few weeks, maybe they wanted to send him to LA to be with F and Louis managed to pull no stunts with this broken story, and another thing is Harry, When the news of Louis' broken arm came out, Harry was completely happy , while our doctors said it was a terrible fracture. And the weirdest thing was that Louis posted the x_ray photo on his official twitter, like what? We never knew about these things, we were never told these things
Maybe Freddie broke Louis' arm. He's probably bigger than Louis at this point.
I'm joking, BTW, in case that's not clear. But honestly. You're saying Louis would put the success of his album release in jeopardy because maybe he wasn't going to get to go on vacation and would have to be with Freddie. So he literally faked breaking his arm after being on vacation? And then continued to fake needing surgery, faked walking through the airport in pain, faked being at a world cup event trying to stay away from people etc. How does any of that get him out of having to have seen Freddie weeks earlier?
And do you really think if there were contractual obligations in place that were ensuring he had to be seen with Freddie, he could just tell whomever is enforcing this that he broke his arm and they wouldn't ask for documentation? Do you think BMG would be pleased with him cancelling appearances because he wants to be with his boyfriend? Do you actually think Louis is that unprofessional?
None of this makes any sense.
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kiseiakhun · 1 year
You have plants! Do you have a favorite kind of houseplant? (Multiple kinds of plants are acceptable) (I have a small jungle in my house)
Okay SO I'm still a succulent person at heart. I love Echeveria, they're so pretty. They're like little flowers except the flowers are leaves so the flowers never die. I didn't really branch out into other plants until last year because... turns out I'm actually really bad at keeping non succulent plants alive LMAO. Or at least I thought that was the case until I moved to a place that's not bone dry and I'm like o: wait you actually CAN water your plants every two weeks and not have them die, they weren't lying omg
I also think haworthias look funky. Yes the ones with white bumps, I love them too, also I read a good omens fic where crowley got fucked by one of those haworthia and it was a lot, but the one with little windows that look like glass pebbles are SO cute. I can never seem to get the light levels right for them though, they always end up etoliated or they turn brown ):
Also orchids. They're easy to take care of if you care for them correctly etc etc you know the rant.
I'm contractually obligated to say jade plants because we share a name. Don't tell them but I actually prefer the way they look when they're a little etoliated
Oh! Also I have a soft spot for amaryllis. I think the flowers look sooooo pretty, also I remembered I brought the seeds once to a show and tell in grade school and gave them to everyone in my class and the principle lmao. Good times.
Dragonfruit is an unusual houseplant that I keep that I don't think most people keep but... I don't actually like them that much as plants LMAO they're so prickly and they shed hairs and the hairs dig into your skin and it hurts ): no one expects dragonfruit to be a cactus though and it's always a fun surprise when I tell people what they are. I love seeing the look on their faces
Also not to be basic but I'm like. Lusting over monsteras right now. I need one so bad. I should keep an eye out on Kijiji for more free house plants. So far I only have three golden pothos as plants. They're very pretty! But I'm like oh god. I'm going to have to start giving away cuttings. These things are pretty much unkillable. Good for people who like easy house plants! Bad for people with an addiction to propagation, like me,
OH ALSO ALSO I want to get... a carnivorous plant... Idk what though. I'm a little nervous because they seem like they have such specific care requirements but I sort of think it might be like orchids, where if you figure out how to mimic their natural environment then they should be easy? Hrm. Most of them are bog plants and Toronto was actually originally a wetland so theoretically if I get the substrate right then the environment should be perfect for them...
OH ALSO. One day I'll try growing lithops again. I'll probably kill it again LOL but they're like. Notoriously impossible to grow so I'm not too torn up about it. Like if you water them outside of the 3 months they can be watered they'll just die. Honestly the air here might have enough ambient water I won't need to water them at all. But like. I want the butt plants. I want to have a plant that's a butt that splits open to reveal another butt. Please. It's all I want. I need them.
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salt-volk · 2 years
i've never had much energy for typing paragraphs, ngl, so i'ma try to keep this short and not accidentally say something stupid. first of all, i appreciate your sincerity... buuut your condescension could use some work. for you to assume me ignorant, which is itself out of ignorance, is pretty hypocritical of you, especially while you are condemning the same ignorance in your post. "marginalized people" as if i don't know? you don't know my life, homie, you have no clue what kind of 'oppression' and 'marginalization' i've experienced.
you're not gonna agree with me on this i'm sure, but throwing around the term 'dogwhistle' on the internet is the dumbest shit. to ASSUME someone is a crackhead extremist without any REAL evidence is MESSED UP. you wanna ostracize and condemn someone for making a pop-culture reference when you yourself didn't originally know what people were upset about either? bruh. that type of shit can fuck someone up. why not... i don't know, ASK if you're curious???
it is important to deal with bad people i.e. murderers, ACTUAL REAL pedos, abusers, etc. that's the point of a justice system, but the jumping to conclusions like this is insane. not cool. it's like the 'that escalated quickly' meme, except you're fucking with peoples' self worth and in some cases their livelihood.
i didn't accuse anyone of anything, i'm making an observation. it was poorly worded, but man. i am. tired. are you SERIOUSLY telling me that someone going behind my back and starting shit about me is a victim? dude. what. the fact that you can even entertain that thought is insane to me.
been here before, this is online bullying. i don't care how you justify it, it is what it is AND i know i'm not the only one. that's why i messaged you, not to "defend myself". right now, i'm messaging you kinda hoping you might take your own advice and LISTEN. society as a whole uses cancel culture as a crutch and it's fucked up. you gotta stop. you ARE NOT PROTECTING ANYONE. you are hurting people.
-which leads into your next point. yeah, you guys are attacking me. i say "you guys" because YOU did participate. i can feel the judgement from AAAALL THE WAY over here. and... then you go and ASSUME i must have 'responded' to something in some way that warranted this? i grew up in abuse, this is too fucking familiar. don't do this shit. what you are promoting is not self awareness, it is mob mentality and bullying.
i like the matrix. what the fuck. i never imagined anyone would notice the little note i left for myself on my page, nevermind the drama. it's disgusting and pathetic, do you guys not have hobbies? we could've had a moment of appreciating a cool movie, but instead it turned into a mini online struggle session. tl;dr you gang up on someone, accuse them of some crazy shit, and then avoid responsibility by framing yourselves as victims in your own minds. you assume that anyone who doesn't conform to your standards of behavior is not worth kindness. this is not what 'community' is supposed to be like. i'm not "open to learning" about the sick ways that people justify this behavior and i do not care who i ideologically offended. please, grow a spine or better yet some real empathy.
nvm keeping it short, i guess i failed. oh well. i'm not prepared for anyone to WANT to have a reasonable conversation. i'd be delighted for you to prove me wrong. there's a character limit on asks, so i'm putting this in submissions. feel free to msg me on dv where i am contractually obligated to not curse
i didn't see that there were so many replies to the first thing i sent. i wish all of you could understand the gravity of what you're doing. to the mod, i hope you are doing ok despite all the drama and sudden political bullshit. what you wrote me was difficult to read and i stand by the submission i sent, but i really wish you the best. i liked the chicken ask, that was funny.
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goldenpinof · 2 years
But I'll be honest I think the reason dnp and louise have stayed close is BECAUSE dnp stayed out of the britubers drama back in the day. Like, all of the others signed up to management companies and like, although they probably were all really friends, I bet you they were all also contractually obligated to collab a certain number of times a month, be involved in certain things etc. Dan and phil didnt get involved in any of that. As far as I'm aware they have always managed themselves so they didnt have any legal content obligations. This would at the time have been a very risky move because it meant that they were left out of a lot of the british youtuber things/events/videos/content and were at risk of being forgotten between it all. In practice however obviously dan and phil came out of the other end better off than any of them. Because of the management and content obligations and very public friendships, the others were involved in a lot of drama and scandal and it kept people watching, but now that its over, most of them have kind of faded into irrelevance. Even lousie only gets a couple thousand veiws most videos. But dan and phil who avoided all that, are still very relevant to both an old and a new audience. They both still get at minimum a couple hundred thousand veiws per video and often as much as a million. That is incredibly impressive given that people who were way more popular back in 2016 now are barely spoken about. I would be very smug about it all of I were them honestly. But back to my point. I think because dnp were never involved, their relationship with louise was never really tainted by it all.
i don't think they were managing themselves. at least since around tatinof they had to have a "team" behind them. also, the biggest brit crew drama i can think of is hello world. other dramas were individual and related to dating, breaking up, weird business choices (aka Zoe's advent calendar) and etc. i'm GLAD dnp weren't a part of hello world. like can you imagine? shddhhdjsso
you're probably right about the brit crew being obligated to collab from time to time. but also, it was so fucking fun and beneficial that i can't even say anything bad about it. the relevancy is a hard topic. because i have to say that Zoe is still relevant to some and she gets good views. after Ottie's birth her audience shifted quite a lot i guess, and it's not bad. maybe it was refreshing and made her relevant to a different group of people. it's funny how she fell out with the most of the brit crew but is best friends with Mark who wasn't even close to the mess at that time. i think if Joe continued with purely youtube he would be good as well, but he chose a different path when everyone started stepping out. it's an interesting part of youtube history. how all of a sudden a group of like 10-15 people just scattered. Louise lost a chunk of audience when she stopped collabing with Zoe and co. but she also stopped doing makeup stuff from which she started (as much as i know) and maybe that withdrew attention as well. dnp "officially" are irrelevant tbh. if you look at their views back then and now, man, do i have a bad news for you. we stuck with them but even within the phandom people are leaving. 2019-2021 was the era of cleansing and it's very noticeable on dnp's channels. some returned obviously but it's not how it was. i think it's also because Phil's content is the same as 10 years ago and it IS irrelevant in youtube's eyes. Dan is just trying to do stuff, whatever. idk what kind of content he would make if not dystopia daily. he should lean towards "Internet analysis" with his love for an hour long rants.
my point is, everyone who was at peak in 2014-2016 are pretty much irrelevant by youtube standards.
and i agree that Louise and dnp's relationship could survive because they were more natural in the 1st place.
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lenteur · 2 years
HIIIII OMG OMG OMG YOUR REBLOG WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER ❤️ i saw it this morning when i woke up to feed the cats and it made me smile SO WIDE <3 CAT PHOTO IS AT THE BOTTOM 🖤
please whenever you feel the need, just sleep <3 even if it's the middle of the day. try not to stay awake just to sleep at night 💔 i really hope you feel better ❤️
i honestly think idols can pull off the colour pink so well, wish i could dye mine pink but i only suit darker colours of....colours 😂
ikr <3 though i started watching 911 again and i was up til 4am watching it 👀 i know one of the main actresses of glee was revealed to be a bully behind scenes which idk didn't surprise me tbh. i used to love her as an actress but her interviews felt so off to me </3 i really hate bullies 😡😡😡
IM SO SO HAPPY YOU LOVED IT <3 i was actually really struggling with your gift because i was seeing other peoples and i felt like mine wasn't great but then i remembered you saying how the gift was us getting to know each other and that you'd be happy with anything 🖤 i'm really happy you like it <3
BESTIES 4 LYF ❤️ also!!!! tea and biscuits. my favourite snack <3 i'm gonna hopefully start watching a kdrama on friday, bc from then to tuesday, i'm off work so i'll have some time to relax 🥰
i was waiting for you to reply before i posted the gift, i didn't want to post it and then i had to let you reply to an anon. 🖤 you've been so so so kind to me and i just love you already ❤️ i'm so EXCITED to talk more!! 💎
Toffee on the left! Luna on the right ❤️
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hey hey hey 💖 of course! it was a great surprise to finally know who you are 💗 now that i've looked at your blog, i can see all the little clues you left during our conversations. especially the wednesday and criminal minds stuff haha
tysm for thinking of me 💕 i am trying my best at taking care of myself but thankfully my mom is with me and she's such a huge help 💝
ah staying up until 4am to watch something reminds me of my teenage years 👀 even if i wanted to i wouldn't be able to do so now </3 which is a good thing hehe oh really? 😡 i mean i'm not surprised either but i'm getting tired of all these celebrities thinking they're better than others. it happens everywhere but, when in a group (ie a show, a group of singers, etc.), there always seems to be one who wants the spotlight to themselves. it's getting repetitive 💔 i already have a hard time getting into a show, but seeing stuff like that, it's no wonder i don't want to watch new shows anymore. i don't have time for drama. i just want to enjoy what i watch in peace, but this makes it hard sigh
i know i wrote a novel in the tags but it's really really pretty 💟 the fact that you took time out of your day to make something for me means a lot. you'll never have to worry about something like that with me 💖 and let me reiterate: our friendship is the true gift 💘
oh if you start the kdrama (or is it a jdrama? cdrama? tdrama?) please let me know which one it is 💓 i'm hoping i can start watching summer strike either tomorrow or this weekend because the premise (and all the gifs i've seen) is really interesting and i think i'll like it 💞
i had a feeling you were waiting for me to answer. i also wanted to answer the last anon message before you revealed yourself or else it would've stayed in my inbox forever hehe💕
OK. okok! i was waiting to answer the rest of your ask before talking more in depth about my new cats toffee and luna (yes, by revealing your cats to me, you are now contractually obligated to share custody of your pets i'm not kidding! jk) UM EXCUSE ME? YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME YOU HAD THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CATS IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!! like they're so pretty they could be on the cover of vogue, elle, harper's bazaar, any other magazines (my fashion knowledge is limited lmao) 😻 if your friendship wasn't enough (which it is), seeing toffee and luna made this event 124877523368751222222565457426545214852485x better (won't bother deciphering this number but just know it's a lot!) wowowowooooooooooooooooooooooooooowowowowowowowowow! user lenteur is currently disfunctioning </3 cause? (Y)OUR CATS 😻😻😻
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lagomort · 2 years
Wait why do you hate the other Sigma ships??
Oh boy, you're really having me swing a bat at the Sigma Enjoyers hornet's nest here. This ask is from a long while ago, but I’m going to take a crack at it now.
I'll try my absolute best to keep this out of the tags. They can all do what they want, and I won’t ever attack people, but I do have some personal subjective thoughts.
I will clarify one thing: my Sigma/Reaper is so extremely riddled with headcanons that whatever the maybe Two other people who like this ship do, is absolutely not what I do. I acknowledge that I'm miles from canon and in the woods and do not pretend otherwise. I am weird... but I am free. 
I’ve written like 150k words of them also. Planning to just steal aspects of the characters that I like and give them to OCs, tbh. They’re like 80% there already.
Also obligatory Do Not Give Blizzard Money, Do Not Give Them Your Time, Let Them Fall Into The Sea, etc. I’m only here because I have worms in my brain. No I do not give them money or playtime either.
To give it a summary that you can skip if you like, I basically arrived at Sigper from:
- Self recognition through the other is the big one here.
- Also this comic. 
- They’re both people being manipulated by the people around them. I do still strongly subscribe to the Gabriel is brainwashed theory that arose from around the Retribution event. I will not let it go. The idea of there being some resentment there that got made bigger and bigger through some kind of chemical mind manipulation is so much better than him just becoming a murderer for kicks.
- (An aside: The characterisation for Gabriel presented by a certain short story is dumb. It’s really dumb. He’s not a god damn cop. He’s not gullible enough to believe anything Ak/ an/ de says of his own free will. He’s not consumed by violence like he’s a knockoff Punisher. And I refuse to have him be straight married with a kid. Yes I am in denial, no I won’t stop.)
- They’re both trapped in pretty terrible circumstances. Bonding through that isn’t uncommon.
- Unlike The Makers Of This Wretched Game, I do actually think Gabriel is extremely smart. He’s not a scientist but he knows a lot of things. He has a lot of diverse interests. Costume design, theatre, literature (masque of the red death costume baby!!!)... music, too. I think they have a lot of thoughts and feelings in common even though that would seem odd. 
- Given Reaper is basically indestructible, he’s the only person it would be impossible for Sigma to kill. Which is pretty important, given that for a long time he had no control over his abilities whatsoever. I also headcanon that Sigma can’t die (you can send me an ask about this too if you want, I have my funny reasons) so it’s kind of like... the bond of being the only bitch the other one can’t kill.
- Also Talon probably brought Reaper in to help out with sedation etc. when they needed to do tests on Sigma early on because you probably don’t want your doctors who can be crushed by space magic to be crushed by space magic. But you do have this other invincible dude hanging around.
- When I started liking them as a ship, they only had one single interaction. Or, more specifically, Sigma’s half which got datamined. And when it was eventually completed it involved Reaper actually being nice to someone, which made me utterly ecstatic. 
- ^ Because back then they actually characterised Sigma as basically a masking autistic man trying Very Very Hard to act normal, and not the bumbling annoyance to everyone he speaks to that he is in The Sequel. Of course now they have another interaction with the new game and it sucks but I Do Not See It.
- I imagine that Reaper’s basically contractually obligated to be nice to him, in my headcanon idea of it. You really don’t want the magic space guy who can bring the base down in an instant to find out that you’re a bunch of murderers. And then perhaps... it stops being obligation? Hm?
- Also objectively funny to ship when Michael Chu said that Sigma wasn’t going to be ‘walking down the corridor, running into Reaper’ in an interview.
- There’s more but I’ll spare you unless you actually want to read it.
Anyway. Onto my opinions on the other flavours, which is what you actually asked for. Obligatory you can like what you want disclaimer here.
1. Sigma x M o/i//r a: 1. She's just... so clearly a butch lesbian. Please stop doing this to her. 2. The only three flavours of this that basically ever exist are domestic, which I could never see Moira being into least of all from a man, her being his therapist for some reason, and just straight up rape/sexual abuse. Not doing it for me. 
2. Sigma x R ein//h ar/dt: This one isn't terrible or anything, I just really don't think they're compatible people. Yes I know this is very funny coming from the Sigper enjoyer, but it's also very very very boring to me. Most of the fic and fanart just has them being nice to each other with barely any plot glue to hold it together,  which is not my scene.
3. Sigma x Ha//ro ld W //ins ton: I literally cannot imagine a more boring ship. They were 'good friends' according to the lore which is normally a fun gay code phrase, but there is nothing that draws me to them. This one is just generically nice. There is no flavour. Harold is the Dead Fairytale Mother of O ve r//wa tch characters.
4. Sigma x M e r//c y: I've fallen asleep. You basically can't get more boring than this. There is nothing here aside from another woman to make into Sigma’s therapist.
5. Sigma x S//o m//b r a: Basically all the people I see ship this just use S o// m b//r a as their self insert for out of character age gap kink stuff and it is 1. really weird and 2. a disservice to both characters involved. Not at all my scene.
6. Sigma x Lu//c io: This one was around when Sigma came out and then, thankfully, dropped off the face of the earth. This is just... nothing to me.
7. Sigma x R oa//d h//og: There's only one person who does this one and I'm fascinated to learn how their brain works. How on earth did you even arrive at this. I need to study you.
8. Sigma x B ap//tis//e: Okay this one's extremely awesome. I wish more people liked it. I don't hate literally every Sigma ship that isn't Sigper, but that's not as dramatic to say. These two have a lot you can draw from, given their Talon affiliations, and it's criminally underutilized in the fandom. They're also both characters with interesting emotional conflicts. Solid close #2 behind Sigper.
10. Sigma x Z en//yatt//a: It's okay, I suppose. Not really super exciting, and definitely far behind any other Zen ships. Most of it's just him being a therapist, which isn’t my flavour.
Anyway that, uh... about sums it up. Enjoy, I suppose? Feel free to send more asks about this if you want, but I really don’t want to get in any fights.
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I get that company participated in hiding taekook relationship but do you not think they have mainpulated their members too much. Everytime Tae drops something compans comes with their bag of OT7 content. This happened not only this time but I have seen this pattern from quite some time. People should realise it's company first who think about themselves. Their treatment of their artists as a comparison status with other companies is not a definite criteria to judge their innocence in sabotaging taekook whenever they could and hurting Tae where they could. I would say some other members too at certain level. So no, definitely not a company fan.
I don't see it, I'm afraid, though sometimes it needs to be pointed out to me.
What I will say is, though, I think people see HYBE as this monster of a company, using and abusing BTS for some nefarious end. However, I think the boys are fully involved, in everything that gets released and planned.
Remember, this though:
They re-signed with BigHit, so are fully aware of their contractual obligations and probably negotiated a better deal with a greater degree of control
They own stock and shares in HYBE, therefore want it to succeed because it makes them money.
Furthermore, they agreed to the schedule for last year (the concerts, webtoon, games etc) and probably the next year also. We know this because of Jimin's statement, so long as their schedule as whole was reduced, which resulted in Run BTS being taking a break, and the 3-month extended break from group activities between December and February, where it's likely a lot of solo work was planned and/or created.
Not only that, but they have obviously been planning to do solo work since probably 2018/2019, but BTS as a whole still has tone of contracted work as a group for probably the rest of the year and beyond.
They currently lucrative ongoing contracts that don't stop just because of solo work, with Samsung, ESport, Hyundai, Coway, Formula E, etc.
There are rumors of a World Cup song coming out in October / November, and who knows what else.
Some of the group work has been in the planned for since last Summer/Autumn (JK's PhotoFolio was filmed planned and filmed last year, Hobi's album, probably Tae's Celine fashion show and Vogue Magazine spread etc.)
If the boys felt they were being treated like crap, why agreed to it? Why not break their contract or sue for contract termination and leave the company? Probably because they don't feel the same way as you do and are (possibly busy) but quite content.
Now HYBE are not perfect, but they are (out of the big four), probably the best at artist management and supporting their artists. I also think that every member of BTS will re-signed with HYBE future and possibly co-create their own label(s).
Side not: the two scandals this year (Garam and the voting scandal) were the fault of the subsidiary, Source Music, people think HYBE manages the day to day running of its sub labels but that's not the case (or even possible), when actually it's Bang PD's friend and founder of Source Music So Sung-jin, who is still the CEO since founding Source Music, and ultimately responsible for the day-to-day decisions, including debuting Kim Garam and any potential bribery in relation to vote rigging, not the HYBE Corporation.
Regarding, Taekook... I personally feel HYBE have been trying their best to protect and support Tae and JK. Whilst on the source that may seem bad, It's what might be best for them, and probably something they agreed to.
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samsrowena · 2 years
i was tagged by emily @freakwiththeknifecollection <33
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better!
Name: moogs
Star sign: leo
Height: 5'6
Time: 9:15pm est
Birthday: august 9th
Favorite bands/artists: way too many to list because i like all kinds of music but right now i'm listening to a lot of lord huron!
Last movie: clueless a year ago which was for a watch party for a friend's birthday because she'd never seen it... lol i don't watch movies that much sorry
Last show: do i even need to say it (last ep was 4x02)
When did I create this blog: i thought it was 2009 but apparently it was may 2010
What I post: 99.9% spn (mostly dean, samwena, and destiel though i try to post about lots of other ships/chars/etc too!)
Last thing I Googled: dream a little dream of me (was trying to find which version of the song plays in 3x10 because it was stuck in my head lol)
Other blogs: just my post limit blog @crossroadsdirt
Do I get asks?: yes and i love them, nice messages make my day of course!!! and messages asking me to rant and rave about the blorbos make my day even more aalsjfjklkls
Following: 339 but not entirely accurately at the moment since tumblr nuked some of my moots today >:/
Average hours of sleep: i'm lucky if i get my four hours 😞 i cannot escape the deancoding
Instruments: is a computer keyboard an instrument
What I'm wearing: pajamas always (#workfromhomelife)
Dream job: not working <3
Dream trip: anywhere, i've only ever got to go on one trip to new york city a few years ago and it was so fun just to see somewhere else that wasn't georgia lmao so i would be happy going anywhere else honestly
Nationality: american
Favorite songs: couldn't possibly choose but songs of the moment are when the night is over by lord huron or bury a friend by billie eilish (heard it off a spn amv like most of my "new" music!)
Last book I’ve read: uhhh you mean fanfic? alskkdkd haven't read any in a few days because the last thing i read made me annoyed... but before that there was an interesting s15 rewrite (destiel/samwena) called final season: home is where one starts from
Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to live in: i don't have three answers but the main (and cringy one) is spn :/ i wanna meet my beloveds <3 even though i would die in that world immediately because i have no survival skills and i'm a giant chicken lmao
Tagging: whoever wants to do this!!! (always too chicken to tag people sorry alskkfll)
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musette22 · 4 years
is it weird that I can't even look at their pics right now (seb and chris) because I can't help but feel icky and disappointed? the recent evens reminded me that they are truly two rich and privileged white men who are so dumb just cos they wanna get some. I'm out. Maybe in a year or so I'll check what their projects are. maybe never. I just can't right now. what a shame.
Okay guys, I’ve been debating over whether or not to “open my big mouth” about this (as one anon so sweetly put it once), but I’ve been getting quite a lot of messages like this one and I think I do want to share a few thoughts with you all. I’m going to put them under the cut because this is a long one, and I don’t want to clog up everyone’s dash ❤️
First of all, let me just make it clear that I am fully aware of the severity of this pandemic, especially in some places, including in the US, and that I am in no way trying to make light of any of it or undermine how serious this situation is for a lot of people around the globe right now, many of you included. It’s a terrible situation, and it’s far from over. I’m also not aiming to be an apologist for the bad decisions of privileged white males just because I have a crush on them, because that idea is abhorrent to me, but I’m aware some of you might still feel like I am, and that’s your right.
Having said all that, I am getting a bit worried about all the posts I’ve seen about how people are angry and disillusioned with Sebastian and Chris’s behaviour. I’m not trying to invalidate your disappointment, because it’s totally fair to wish they’d made different decisions, more akin to the decisions you yourself presumably would have made. And if that disappointment goes deep enough then it is absolutely fair if you want to unstan them and stop following or supporting them (that does not extend to sending them hate though, that is not in any way acceptable, no matter how disappointed we are).
But, as anon rightfully points out, the fact of the matter is that they are privileged white male celebrities. This is not news. They (especially Chris) have been successful celebrities for a long, long time, and with celebrity come certain privileges. They can afford massive houses in LA and big apartments in expensive areas in New York City, for instance. They get to go to cool parties, they get free stuff, everyone kisses their ass. They get paid exorbitant amounts of money (Chris much more so than Seb of course) that bear no direct relation to their work and responsibilities anymore, at this point.
And that’s not to say they don’t work hard, they do - but so do most of us, and we’re not getting paid nearly as much as them. It’s inherently unfair, but that’s what celebrity culture (and capitalism) are. Now, I’m not saying everyone has to blindly accept the status quo and just ignore how unfair it all is – far from it. In some ways, I wish more people would denounce celebrity culture, because it is in some senses terribly toxic and unfair. But listen, if you want to stan celebrities because it brings you some joy in this fucked up world, then I think that’s also perfectly understandable. That’s what I’m doing too. And to stan celebs (at least of the calibre of Chris and Seb) we need them to be famous, otherwise we wouldn’t even know them and we would get no content to consume. They are famous because they are in Hollywood movies, and they are in Hollywood movies because they play the Hollywood game - to some extent, at least. Playing the Hollywood game means everything from flying all over the world for movie premieres and leaving a huge carbon footprint, to going to glitzy parties where there a are lots or questionable people present, to “lying” in interviews because of contractual obligations - and sometimes it also means playing along with fake PR rumours or relationships, even if it’s bad PR.
I know people are worried about Chris, and especially Seb, being “bought” by Hollywood and its money and temptations, and losing his integrity and that he won’t be that sweet, soft-spoken, well-read boy who loves his mom anymore. I personally believe that so far, both Seb and Chris have managed to maintain an impressive level of integrity throughout it all, and I’m still hopeful that that isn’t going to change (much).
But it’s not realistic to have the same expectations for them you would have for your loved ones for instance, because they’re not. We have zero relationship to them as people, and they owe us nothing. They give us movies and pictures of their pretty faces, and occasionally good advice or lovely hugs at comic cons, but that’s all we’re gonna get from them. They are not our friends or potential partners. They’re human of course, and in that sense just like you and me, meaning they have feelings and thoughts and a right to privacy and they make mistakes, but their circumstances are wildly different from most of ours. They’re surrounded by the Hollywood circus. They are PART of the Hollywood circus, because they’re actors and if you want to be a successful movie actor you have to play the game to some extent. Sebastian cannot be expected to be home all the time and decline going to parties because he prefers staying in with a good book even if he did prefer that, because that way he’d never be noticed by the people who matter, and who could get him where he wants to be. He said it himself, he’s an ambitious guy. He wants bigger roles, bigger challenges. And he’s not going to get them if he doesn’t do some annoying, dumb shit sometimes, unfortunately.
In my view, that doesn’t make him a bad person who doesn’t care about anyone but himself, but it does make him a privileged human. Being a privileged human also entails some responsibilities, though – if you don’t want to become corrupt, you have to make sure you also use your privilege for good. And in my opinion, both Sebastian and Chris do that. They use their voice and their money to help people less fortunate than them. That’s part of that integrity I was talking about. Some of you may disagree, and that’s fine, but this is how I view it.
As for everyone who is upset with them for traveling to Europe during a pandemic and not wearing a mask in public: I completely understand your frustration, and I am frustrated too. This is literally a deadly virus and it has to be taken very seriously, and unfortunately, they’re not taking it very seriously right now, and that kind of sucks. But the truth is, neither of them are breaking any rules and neither of them is being more callous than the majority of people in the countries they’ve been seen in are. The situation in most of Europe is stabilising (not everywhere, and the UK isn’t doing all that great to be fair), and governments are reopening their countries and facilities. Wearing a mask in the street is not mandatory in either Spain or the UK, except for in specific situations such as public transport or if you’re in certain professions. The rules here are different from those in New York etc. because they have been adapted to how each country is faring. 
I live in the Netherlands, and no one here is wearing a mask in the street, not even in the hospital or at the doctor’s, and yet the situation continues to stabilise (I hope to god it stays that way, but that of course remains to be seen). From my friends in Spain and the UK I have heard the situation is much the same. Yes, Sebastian is acting differently from how he did in New York, but he’s in different circumstances too, so that makes sense. Moreover, both Chris and Seb will have been tested before traveling, because they’re privileged celebrities who have access to testing even where lots of normal folks unfortunately don’t.
Now, I’m not saying both guys shouldn’t just have stayed put and not left the country (especially a country where the virus is still rampant), because they should have, and they’re both dumbasses for not doing so. I am definitely disappointed that they’re not being smarter and more considerate about this, but I recognise that my disappointment in part stems from the fact that I put them on a pedestal that I shouldn’t have put them on in the first place. And I know a lot of you are mad at them for flying to Europe “just to get some”, but that is disregarding the fact that both Sebastian’s holiday and Chris’s trip to London seem to be at least partially for PR reasons, most likely pushed and arranged by their agency. The exact extent of how much of it is PR is still a little unclear to me at the moment, but I think it’s fair to assert at this point that they did not just fly to Europe to “get some.”
I know this is ridiculously long, but I have been thinking about all of this a lot these past few days and wanted to get those thoughts out! I hope most of you can understand where I’m coming from here. Love you guys ❤️
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Tag Post
Movie/Bias Tag Game
Tagged by: @morningsunandnightsky
Rules: You're starring in a movie with the last person saved on your camera roll and the last song you listened to is the title. who and what is it?
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Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
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Bias Type Tag
Tagged By: Same as Above
Rules: List nine of your biases and let your followers/moots decide if you have a type.
I can't fit the pictures for some reason lmao so I'll just list them out:
Kun (WayV)
Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
Namjoon (BTS)
Soobin (TXT)
Jaemin (NCT Dream)
Jaehyun (NCT 127)
Suho (EXO)
Ryujin (ITZY)
Somi (Soloist)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this
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Bias Height Compared to Mine Tag
I'm actually a little scared to try this one cuz I never really thought of it lmfaooo
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Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this
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Get To Know Me Tag
Tagged by: Same as above!
Favourite colours: Burgundy, Dark Colors
Currently reading: Webtoons lmfao (rereading No Scope and Trying to get caught up on Cursed Princess Club)
Last song: "0X1=LOVESONG" by Tomorrow x Together
Last series: Doctor Who (I had to feel something again)
Last movie: "Eternals" (IT WAS A GREAT MOVIE)
Favourite musical artist: NCT (Specifically WayV)
Sweet, savory, or spicy: I'm personally a spicy person but I thoroughly enjoy savory as much, not too much of a sweet tooth though
Craving: Wendy's Spicy Chicken Nuggets 😔
Currently working on: What am I not working on? Infatuation, Without a Trace, [Redacted] 20K+ fic, TSTL rewrite, etc...
Top 3 biases: Kun, Seonghwa, Soobin
Top 3 bias wreckers: Yangyang, San, Yeonjun
Most used phrase: "That's bullshit" and "Fucking hell" (send help)
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
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Get To Know Me Tag Ver. 2
Tagged by: @i-just-like-goats
Rules: Answer questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
Name/Nickname: Crys
Gender: F
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 4'11 (151 cm)
Time Currently: 4:48 PM
When is your birthday: October
Favorite Bands/groups: NCT/WayV
Favorite Solo Artist(s): Somi
Song Stuck In Your Head: What You Waiting For (Somi)
Last Movie You Watched: Eternals
Last Show You Binged: What If...? Because I got behind LMFAOOO
When You Created Your (Main-)Blog: Last year around April I believe
Last Thing You Googled: "Na Jaemin Height" LMFAOOOOO
Do You Get Asks: Yes keep them coming I love all of you
Why I Chose My URL: Cause I'm a multi-fan hehe
How Many People Are You Following: Around 68
How Many Followers Do You Have: 600+
Average Hours of Sleep: 6 on a good night
Lucky Numbers: 4
Instruments: Piano, Guitar, Ukulele, Otamatone, and a little bit of flute
What I’m Currently Wearing: A shirt that says Ah! The element of surprise in Periodic Table format
Dream Job: Pediatric Surgery!!!!
Dream Trip: Far away from here
Favorite Food: If you're familiar with filipino food Nilaga!
Favorite Song: At the moment it would be Favorite (Vampire).
Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Like To Live In: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Pokémon, Harry Potter
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
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person-personified · 4 years
@holyshit tagged me to do this in this questions game. Thank you for the tag💖💖
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag blogs that you’re contractually obligated to get to know better.
Name: reeba
Gender: female
Zodiac: leo but I will say cancer-leo cusp because I'm just so ~quirky~
Height: 5'5" and mad about it
Time: 7:40 pm. Pretty reasonable for someone like me😬
Favourite bands: my first band was one direction and that too in the UAN era. But in my defense I was a baby and my parents aren't music listeners so I didn't know anything about anything. now I like fall out boy, panic!at the disco, arctic monkeys, kodaline, queen, the neighborhood, imagine dragons, bastille, foster the people, the 1975, noori, junoon. and I still like one direction 💁🏽‍♀️
Favourite solo artists: halsey, taylor swift, louis tomlinson, harry styles (yet to hear the rest of their solo music properly) hailee steinfeld, jaymes young, phoebe bridgers. These are the ones who I've heard like more than three songs of. I usually listen to a couple of songs by various artists. Haven't heard a lot new music for some time though. It's been a weird couple of years
Last movie: the Reputation Stadium Tour film tbh. Or I watched Flipped like 6 months ago.
Last show: Halfway through Julie and the Phantoms rn
When did I create this blog: in 2017 after much procrastination on account of not knowing how to do themes. But I've wanted to have a tumblr since I discovered jily as a ship.
What do I post: it's mostly reblogs with the occasional personal ramble. Fandoms that I cycle through. Harry potter, raven cycle, aftg. Some shitposts and aesthetic posts and motivation/positivity.
Last thing I googled: endocytosis animation. I'm helping my little sister study for a test.
Why I chose my URL: i was trying to be clever 🙃 not sure if it worked. I'm a bit on the fence about changing it.
Following: 4615. Sometimes I follow blogs because the theme is cute but then I see a post that's wayyy out of my interest and wonder why I follow that blog. Because..you guessed it, they changed the theme.
Followers: a few hundred I guess?
Average hours of sleep: 6-8. My sleep schedule is fucked but I compensate with naps.
Lucky number: no clue.
Instruments: like I said, mine isn't a musical family. So I can't play anything. I would like to play the violin. But I don't think I'd stick to it. So I probably just like the aesthetic of it.
What am I wearing: shirt, jeans, hoodie, thick coat, thick blanket and quilt. And let's not forget the socks🥶
Dream job: hm. I'd like something creative but with some structure.
Dream trip: something mountainy and a bit cold. somewhere I can go zip lining! I'd love to do than on an actual mountain.
Favourite food: my mum's aloo gobi with garlic yogurt. #desi (potatoes and cauliflower, literally but it's like spiced with stuff.) and plain red sauce pasta.
Nationality: pakistani
Favourite song: I don't have favorites just songs I have memories attached to. I sang Scarecrow by Alex&Sierra with my ex best friend a lot, cries for hours listening to After The Storm by Mumford and Sons once etc. Perfect Now by Louis Tomlinson is currently a comfort song.
Last book I read: this romcommy type YA book What I Like About You by Marisa Kanter. And I've been trying to read Blood and Honey by Shelby Mahurin.
Top 3 fictional universes I’d live in: idk if I wanna be in any. Harry Potter universe is probably the only one.
I'm tagging @throughthecurtains @absoloutenonsense @loustarlight @jostnns @hazzaandlou if you guys want :)
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tendertumpeachybum · 8 years
It's 9:30am so here goes...I'm not getting upset about this anymore, as in I'm not gonna cry about it and how awful it is because it's not worth me getting worked up over. These people don't mind participating in this so I'm not gonna let it affect me. They do this shit and then 'like' things possibly shading this or from 'Larry' accounts and this is what bothers me the most. I don't appreciate getting played for anyone's amusement. They know fans are gonna stick around so who cares right?
Your last sentence is applicable to so many things though? They get away with anything because they know there’ll always be a group of hardcore fans that will stick around no matter what. I’ve been thinking about this today. Let’s talk about a hypothetical (disclaimer: no I don’t think this is what’s happening, I’m talking about a what if scenario), shall we? Assuming babygate doesn’t end and Louis will be this kids’ dad for the foreseeable future, even after it’s absolutely clear that any contractual obligations are over and there’s nothing left that could make people doubt his own free will. How much do you wanna bet some people will still be here and support whatever he’s got going on because “no matter what”? How could you even say this? Knowing that at least some of it was definitely done with his okay (again, if it’s clear that the old team was out)? I promise you they’ll be like “he was probably forced to do this, taking advantage of his baby for pr purposes etc”, the excuse so many houies have come up with trying to justify what’s being going on for over year. So my point is, no matter how fucked up things might be, the fans won’t go away and whoever is in charge knows this and they themselves take advantage of it.
I’m still here because I, despite everything pointing to the contrary, still think it will end and because I also think better of Louis. As a person and what he’d be like if he was an actual father. However, personally I can’t think of babygate as being real and still wanting to support this. I just couldn’t.
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