#but i'm more than open to explore this more ����💕
frogchiro · 1 year
virgin sacrifice reader offered to war god ghost?? prepare to be his lovely wife instead of a sacrifice with at least 10 demigods running around, he wants to raise strong warriors!
Ghost would definitely be a god similiar to Ares; a god of war, brutality, bloodshed, masculinity and virility. Men go and pray by his shrine or in his dedicated temple to give them strength in both battle and bed, to be a strong and unbeatable warrior and be able to father strong, healthy children.
One such temple, the main one, is in a surprisingly remote location, surrounded not by a major city or capital but a few villages. According to myths it was this place where a brutal battle took place millenia ago where the fearsome god Ghost defeated an army all by himself, the blood of his slain enemies served to make the land fertile and for many villages to grow and prosper...until now.
Usually sacrifaces to appease the god would be made by the men of the villages; black stallions, the strongest bulls, wine, silver and pure steel, everything that has connections to masculinity and power, however some kind of horrible fatum seems to hang over your little village. The animals either die young or are sickly and weak, the wine turns out sour like vinegar, there in so money to buy anything either and it's taken as a curse by the elders. If nothing will be done and Ghost won't have his sacrifice who knows what will happen?
So they decide on the next best thing, a desperate last choice reach in hopes to appease the brutal god-a virgin sacrifice. The prettiest, unmarried and untouched young woman is to be chosen, dressed in the finest, gauzy silks and locked inside the stone temple in hopes that the god will come down and the blood of a slain virgin will calm his fury. Luck wasn't on your side it seems, you were chosen.
All you could remember were the desperate cries of your mother, the dissapointed remorseful look on your father's face and the ritual cleansing of the old crones in the village. You were cleaned in rose water, intricate patterns were drawn with a mixture of honey, mushed up berries and flowers on your breasts, around your nipples and bellybutton, and the most intricate was drawn on the place where your womb was. You were clothed in a white gauzy dress that was a symbol of your purity and then you were bound and dragged to the temple no matter how much you struggled and kicked and pleaded until you were finally locked in the dimly lit temple, only the many candles present to lighten the main chamber and to show the powerful, majestic sculpture of the god, Ghost.
Imagine crying yourself to sleep, everything hurt, you were scared and confused, all alone to die in this forsaken temple because some old men decided on it. Falling asleep out of exhaustion, the images of your crying, terrified mother haunting you even when sleeping.
Imagine waking up and instead of feeling cold and sore from sleeping on the unforgiving stone floor, and instead finding yourself laying on and under the most luxurious furs you've ever seen, the warmth of them felt like a blanket and the smell of them, pleasant warm masculine musk made a shiver run down your spine, just where were you?
Before you had the chance of looking around the room, you felt huge, strong arms clamping togehter around you and bringing you into a powerful, broad chest which rumbled with a growl like purr and a stern voice saying:
"Stay. Don't move around girl."
And the very same arms turned you gently around to face the man behind you and you couldn't help but gasp and breath out a tiny, frightened yelp-behind you was laying a man who looked like the stone sculpture of Ghost cane to life and became human. It...it was Ghost. You laid next to a god.
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
THE PT2 OF REPORTER! READER AND JASON OH.MY.GOD I LOVEEEED IT could you pleaaase do a pt3? 🙏 i need them to kiss already 😩 maybe someone from the batfam or even roy go to jason's house and be like ??????who are you????? to reader please💕 i love your writing, i hope you have a nice day💖
here it is! hope y'all enjoy :) part 1 | part 2
jason todd x gn!reporter!reader. tw: gunshot wounds, injured jason, nightwing cameo, patching up, kissing. almost 2.2k
You're being a snoop.
In your defense, you're a reporter with too much time on your hands in the Red Hood's apartment. It's impossible not to snoop.
It's also been four days since you moved in. You kind of feel like a crazy ex, hunting for proof that Hood's cheating on you.
So far, you've found nothing except for a worrying amount of hidden firearms. There's a handgun in the toaster. What the hell.
You've been trying to work on the case, but it's hard to investigate when you're in witness protection. Hood is out right now chasing a lead. He had said not to worry about it, but how can you not? How can you not worry about him?
You glance at the clock. 9:24. Hood was supposed to be home half an hour ago. He said he was chasing a lead. You didn't want him to go alone, but you're also pretty shit at avoiding assassins, so.
You've ordered Chinese food from the select list of restaurants Hood said you can order from. He left a wad of cash for you to use. When you paid, you had a moment's pause.
Is the Red Hood your sugar vigilante?
Hm. Not something you're willing to explore right now.
You chew a nail and pick at a crab rangoon. Hood miraculously (or, maybe not so much, considering his stalker tendencies) chose your favorite Chinese restaurant. Usually, you'd have gobbled up your dinner by now. But you can't stop looking at the clock.
The floorboards in the hall creak. You're up instantly, and you go to the door. You wait for Hood's confirmation text that it's him outside. It doesn't come.
There's hushed voices. You run back to the toaster and grab the gun. You have no idea how to use it, but it can't be that hard, right? Point and shoot?
The door opens. You aim the gun. Right in Nightwing's face.
"Whoa," he says, lifting his free arm. His other holds up Hood, who's bleeding from his shoulder and thigh. Holy fuck.
"Safety's on, smarty," Hood slurs, more than a little out of it. "We gotta fix y'posture."
"Oh my God," you say, dropping the gun and racing to help Hood.
Nightwing takes a step back. Hood grunts as he's dragged along.
"Uh, who are you?" Nightwing asks.
"Gotham Gazette," you say on instinct.
"They're w'me," Hood mumbles. "Pu' me down, Wing."
"Why do you have a civilian in your apartment?" Nightwing asks, helping Hood onto the couch.
You run into your bedroom and return with two pillows to support Hood's head.
"You got shot?" you ask, voice going high. "What the actual fuck, Red?!"
"Hood, why do you have a civilian in your apartment?"
Hood groans. "Can we save questions for th'end?"
"Jesus," Nightwing says. "You're ridiculous."
"That's what I said," you grumble, removing Hood's equipment.
"Great. There's two 'f ya. This is why I didn't wanna come here," Hood says. "My reporter gets nervous, Dickface."
"You coming home shot would make any reasonable person nervous, you jerk," you say, scowling.
"Oh my God," you whisper. "God, Red, what did you—"
You peel back Hood's jacket. His undershirt is sticky with blood and singed skin. Your first real, live gunshot wound.
"Wing's got it, sweet," Hood says. "Go on, y'don't gotta see this. 'S gross, I know."
"I'm not going anywhere," you say firmly. You look at Nightwing. "Do you have a problem with me being here?"
"Well, a civilian shouldn't—"
"Good. What do you need from me?"
"Go have a cup'a tea," Hood says.
You glare. "I wasn't talking to you, Helmet Boy."
"Ever hear'a bedside manner?"
"No. Hence why I'm a reporter."
Hood slumps against the couch. That worries you more—if he doesn't have the energy to fight back, his injuries must be bad.
Anxiously, you look at Nightwing. He presses his lips together and then makes a decision.
"Okay. I need hot water and the first aid kit under the microwave."
You nod. "Got it."
You fetch his requests and return. Nightwing gets to work on Hood's thigh first. You hover, finally settling near Hood's head. He's in his undershirt, his tactical pants, and his boots. You touch the side of his helmet. He turns his head to you.
"Didn't I tell ya t'beat it?" he asks.
"Can't get rid of me that easily." You look at Nightwing. "Is it bad?"
"His thigh isn't bad. Bullet missed anything major and went clean through. I'm just patching him up. Gave him some painkillers. Gonna be a bit before they kick in."
You watch Nightwing pull a needle through Hood's skin for half a second before you turn away. Hood grunts.
"Don't gotta stay," he says quietly. "Lotta blood."
"You're hurt," you say. You don't know what else to say, how to put your urgency into words. Physically, you can't leave Hood's side.
"'M tough," he mumbles. "Toughest guy on the block."
"Dumbest too," Nightwing says, cutting the thread.
"Look who's talkin'."
Their dynamic is odd. Not what you expected, considering how empty the outside of Hood's fridge is. You couldn't find any other photos of friends or family.
"Alright." Nightwing sighs and shifts over. "Now the shoulder. Hood, did it go through?"
"'Fraid not, Blue. Gonna hafta deep dive."
You make a weak noise in your throat. Nightwing pinches Hood's side. Hood winces.
"No, no. I was jokin'. Stupid joke. Sorry."
"I should've never let you go out alone," you say.
"Let me? 'M a stubborn man. Even the Bat can't make me do shit."
"Understatement of the century," Nightwing says, studying the wounds. "You're gonna need to take off your helmet for this one."
They both look at you. You puff up.
"I'm not—"
"Look," Nightwing says gently. "I know you're—"
"Blindfold! You can blindfold me." You get up and look around. "What can we use for a..."
"I think I have a black tie in the top middle drawer," Hood says.
You race to his room and race back with the tie. It smells like the same lavender detergent as your sheets. Nightwing and Hood are whispering when you return; they stop talking as soon as you enter. You pretend not to notice.
"'Kay. Nightwing?" You hand him the tie. "Would you like to do the honors?"
"Weirdest patching up I've ever done," Nightwing says.
"I've had weirder," Hood says.
Nightwing ties the tie around your head. "Okay?"
You nod. "Good."
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Hood asks.
You roll your eyes. "I don't know, Red."
"Don' roll ya eyes a'me."
You raise your brows. "How did you—"
"Magic. Do it, Wing."
There's some rustling, a click, and then you can hear Hood's breathing, just like you did a few nights ago.
"This is gonna hurt," Nightwing warns.
Hood hums. "Nothing I can't handle."
The sound of a bullet being dug out of flesh is one you never want to hear again. Hood's strangled groan is a million times worse.
"Almost done, Little Wing," Nightwing whispers. "I'm sorry. Almost done."
"Red?" You inch forward, searching for his hand. He takes it and squeezes.
"'M fi–ine," he says, sounding very much not fine. "Ah, shit. Ha-hate shoulder wounds."
You move closer, cradling his whole arm. Hood grunts. He strokes your knuckles with his thumb.
"'S okay," he says. "'M okay."
His breathing returns to normal after several minutes. You hold his hand the entire time. There's some rustling, and you hear Nightwing stand.
"He'll be okay. He just needs to rest."
"What can I do?" you ask, blindfold still on.
"Nothin'," Hood says. "I'm peachy. Just needa sleep it off."
You whip your head around. "You got shot!"
"Not my first bullet and won't be my last. Here, lemme put on my helmet—"
"Hood, no! My God, you're insane."
"You're realizing this now?" he asks. "'S fine, I can do it—"
"Okay!" Nightwing says loudly. "I'm gonna go. It was nice to meet you. I'm glad Hood has a..."
"Reporter," Hood finishes.
"...Right. A reporter who... cares so much about him. Uh-huh."
It's quiet for a moment. You know they're having a conversation, but you can't see them.
"Don't tell B," Hood says.
Nightwing laughs. "Oh, you're in the shit. A reporter in your apartment and two bullet wounds? You owe me big."
"We're working a case together, and I'm not trying to expose Hood," you say. "I don't even care who you two are."
That is a lie, but whatever. Vigilantes are a paranoid breed. You can relate.
Nightwing sighs. "Alright, okay. I won't say anything. Make sure he doesn't bleed out. If anything changes, call me on his phone."
"I will. Thank you for helping him."
"What I'm here for," Nightwing says, and he sounds like he means it. "Hood?"
"'M fine, Wing. Go home to your girl."
"Ahem. Right. Good night."
The window creaks and then it's just you and Hood. You make yourself comfortable on the floor next to the couch, blindfold still on. You don't mind the dark. Touching Hood, you feel safe.
"Oh. Thought you were asleep."
"No, but Wing's lecture had me gettin' there." He squeezes your hand. "Y'okay?"
You lace your fingers together. Hood's hand is cold. You hold it close and try to warm it up.
"Take that off," he says. "I'll put the helmet on."
"Don't be an idiot. You'll jostle your stitches."
"Bossy, bossy..."
You sigh. "Red, whatever you did tonight—"
"Y'know I won't let anything happen to you, right?" he says. "Right?"
"What if you'd died tonight, Hood?"
You eyes are damp. He squeezes your hand again.
"I wouldn't. Not goin' anywhere."
"You have no control over that, and making such promises is outrageous. Why wouldn't you get proper medical attention?" you ask.
"'Cause that requires Batman, and he and I had a tiff."
"A tiff."
It sounds like more than that, but you drop it.
"Red, I was so worried."
"Smarty, th' others would take care of ya if anything hap—"
"I was worried about you! I was worried you weren't coming back, Red."
"I... I care about you. I mean, yeah, I care about the case, and I wanna bring in the bad guys, but shit, Red. Not at your expense."
He lets go of your hand. Then, a finger dances across your cheek. You gasp.
"Y'really trust me, huh?" he asks quietly.
"Of course." You swallow. "Hood, of course I trust you."
"Shit." A thumb on your lip. "Shit, smarty pie. Why y'trust me so easy?"
His accent is thick with exhaustion. You love it.
"You have a nice voice," you say unthinkingly.
"Goddamnit." He huffs. "You gotta go t'bed, sweetheart."
Your heart pounds. "Why?"
"'Cause otherwise I'm gonna kiss ya. And this whole thing is gonna go t'shit. And you're my favorite reporter."
You lean in. "Red—"
"No." He catches your cheek with his hand. "Bad reporter. Breach a' ethics."
"I'll let you," you say. "Do it, I won't stop you."
"This is the adrenaline talkin'. You were scared, that's why."
You shake your head. You've never been more sure of anything. But you have to make sure that he's sure.
You grab his wrist. "Are you thinking clearly? Are you high?"
"Wing gave me one painkiller, sweet. Takes at least three t'knock me out."
And that weighs you down for a moment, remembering that Hood isn't what you thought he was. He isn't a villain. He's a man who's known unfathomable amounts of pain. He's a man who's killed men. Who'd kill for you.
A man made of flesh and blood and scars and dark curls and a warm, warm neck and... and...
"Shit," Hood says.
And then he kisses you. For a second. Then he pulls back.
"Sorry," he whispers against your mouth. "Sorry, I—"
You pull him back, cupping the back of his neck. He makes a tiny noise. You start to speak, to worry, but Hood keeps you still with a hand on your arm.
His mouth is hot, a little uncoordinated, but sweet all the same. You're careful to follow his lead. His lips are chapped. He has a little scruff; you stroke his face. It suits him. Anything would.
You cannot turn away from this. From him. That is certain.
You pull away for breath and so you don't undo Nightwing's hard work. You listen to Hood's harsh breathing, pleased that you're the reason for it.
"Wait," he says. "Wait, l-lemme—"
Hood starts to pull off your blindfold. You grab it instantly.
"Red, no. Don't show me just because we kissed."
"But y'don't-don't even know what I look like. How d'you know I'm somebody y'wanna kiss?"
"Because I do. And I will kiss you in the dark for as long as you want me to. Don't do it just because you're afraid of losing me otherwise."
He draws circles on your cheek with his thumb. "Trusting me like that 's crazier than anything I've done, smarty."
"Well, don't we make quite the pair?"
"What, crazy?"
You smile. "I was thinking brave. But it is a fine line."
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asonofpeter · 9 months
It's My Party
Tumblr media
Pairing: Dark!Rafe Cameron x Plus-Sized!Best Friend!Fem!Reader
Summary: It's Rafe's birthday, so he could do whatever he wants, right?
Word Count: 8.4k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, NON-C0N/DUB-C0N, substance use, alcohol, oral (m and f receiving), nipple play, vaginal sex, unprotected sex
A/N: Woah! Where'd this come from? I honestly have no idea, I wrote this in like three days and I love it. My first full Rafe fic? YAY! I've been kinda down so I'm glad I was able to write this! Also pictures in moodboard are my personal perceptions of how Reader looks, doesn't translate into the story besides her being a plus-size queen! Enjoy! 💕💕💕
“C’mon, Y/N, it’s my birthday,” Rafe chuckled, leaning back on his arms on your bed. “I wanna make sure the hottest girl at the party is wearing a pretty outfit,” he said, his striking blue eyes running over your frame. 
Your mouth fell open at his comment. You stared back at yourself in the mirror, studying the outfit Rafe had gotten for you. 
It was a dainty light pink sun dress with cherries on it paired with a matching ruffled tie-up cover. It was cute, feminine, soft. 
Just like you. 
“It’s not your birthday yet, Rafe,” you shook your head with a smile, glancing at your best friend before running your hands over the cotton.
“But it will be,” he replied. “So what do you think?” He referred back to the outfit. He had stood up by then, stalking over to you so that his front brushed with your back. The heat of him radiating onto your skin. 
The heat between your legs grew, but you forced it away. Shaking your head clear of any possibilities, you glanced in the mirror to look your best friend in the eyes. 
His intense stare was already on you.
“I love the outfit, but I don’t know about it making me the hottest girl at the party,” you snorted before walking away from the mirror to grab your clothes to change back into. You felt him roll his eyes at your statement but you ignored it as you turned back around to face him.
“You’re already the hottest girl, so that won’t be a problem,” he said, eyes darkening. 
This time you rolled your eyes.
“Really?” You scoffed. “You’re aware that the blonde skinny chicks are going to be throwing themselves at you, right? You won’t even notice I’m there,” you blew out a breath.
While you were comfortable in your own skin, loving your stomach rolls, stretch marks, and flabby skin—you also knew that you weren’t society's beauty standard. So it always confused you when Rafe flirted with you.
He would call you hot one minute and the next you’re seeing a blonde skinny girl walk out of his room with her clothes disheveled.
Still, he was just your best friend and you’re sure he only meant it for a fun laugh. He was never serious. 
As you were about to go into your bathroom, leaving the conversation, you felt a firm hand wrap around your arm.
“Why would I pay attention to those girls when I have you?” He questioned, face hard as he stared at you. “It’s my party and if I say you’re gonna be the hottest girl there, then you’re going to be the hottest girl there,” he squeezed you slightly. 
You exhaled sharply, dropping your gaze as you felt your cheeks flush once more. Sometimes you wondered if Rafe was truly attracted to you or if it was all a big lie just to get in your pants. “Okay, didn’t know it was a big deal,” you ripped your arm away from his grip. 
You also wondered if that curiosity was the reason you knew you’d never want to explore a relationship with him. Curiosity killed the cat and what you have with Rafe now is more than perfect for you to be wandering on a side of regret.
“Just wanted to make it known,” he shrugged, stepping back. “So do you like the outfit?” He asked.
Your face softened as you smiled. “Of course, I love it,” you emphasized, earning a smile from him. You closed the bathroom door behind you leaving him in your room.
Rafe had come over just like any other day. You expected you’d be driving to the club like always but today he had a bag from your favorite store in his hand. His smile brightened at the way your face lit up at the sight of it. 
You assumed it was another piece of jewelry or a handbag he made a habit of buying you. But no, it was an outfit this time around. And it was actually your size. Part of you wondered how he guessed so accurately but then you realized you weren’t giving him enough credit. 
He had bought you a cute outfit for a special occasion, and you were happy. 
“Are we still going to the country club? I’ve been craving their strawberry-mango smoothie,” you stated as you walked out of the bathroom, knowing the fruity drink had been on your mind since you had it well over two weeks ago. 
“We could do whatever you want,” he grinned.
There were few things in life Rafe enjoyed. And his birthday was one of them.
It was the one day out of the year that was about him. The one day out of the year when Sarah wasn’t the favorite. The one day out of the year that his dad didn’t look at him with disappointment or disapproval. It was the one day out of the year that he was celebrated just for existing. 
Most importantly, you would go all out. Planning him the perfect day to make him feel extra special. He doesn’t think he’d have any other person do that for him.
The thought brought a smile to his face and it only grew when you opened the door, greeting him immediately.
“Happy birthday!” You wrapped your arms around him, shoving your face in the crook of his neck. 
He wrapped his arms around you, enjoying the smell of your perfume.
“Mr. 21,” you smirked, pulling away. “You feel old?” You joked.
“Not yet,” he reached up to push a piece of hair out of your face. “You look beautiful as always,” he complimented, loving the way you grew flustered. He raked his gaze over your body, taking in each curve, craving to touch the softness of your body, but he noticed a big thing was missing. “Where’s the outfit?” He questioned. 
“It’s in here,” you held up the bag in your hand. “That’s my party outfit, but we’re going golfing and I don’t want to sweat in it,” you explained. 
“I was gonna say,” he smirked before nodding towards his truck, implying it was time to go.
“Have some faith in me, Rafe,” you gazed at him, your eyes sending him a look he couldn’t decipher but his mind told him what he wanted to believe. 
He chuckled in response as he opened the door for you. 
“I have all my faith in you”.
Rafe knew it was the right thing to put all his faith in you. No one ever cared for him more than you, loved him more than you, treated him with respect more than you. You were safe, warm, and reliable. 
He glanced over as you watched the scenery pass by. You had your hands folded neatly in your lap, your skirt stretching over your thick thighs he craved to have wrapped around his waist or his head. 
You were goddamn gorgeous and the thought of you created an unquenchable thirst. Hell, he’s been thirsty since he realized he was attracted to you back in high school. But you were so fucking oblivious to his flirtatious remarks that you’ve never been more than best friends.
Curling his fingers around the steering wheel, he pushed the thought to the back of his head. Focusing on the road.
You arrived at the club shortly later, your water bottle in hand as you made it to the golf carts. You had one job today—sit pretty and cheer Rafe on.
Turning in your seat to face the course, you waved at the two men waiting on Rafe. They waved back before greeting the man of honor. Soon they started their game, Rafe’s name leaving your lips every time he hit the ball.
You didn’t understand the sport, found it rather boring. But it was his birthday so you faked your way through it with the biggest smile on your face. It wasn’t until you were done reapplying your sunscreen that he called your name.
Lifting your head to find him at the bottom of the short hill, he waved you over. You met him and the boys there, a puzzled look on your face.
“It’s the last hole, why don’t you give it a shot?” He grinned, eyes shielded from his sunglasses but you could still feel his intense gaze. 
Sticking your sunglasses in your hair, you squinted to where the flag was. “I don’t know how to play,” you stated matter-of-factly. “Besides, you guys are having fun, I’m just the cheerleader,” you puffed out a small laugh.
“It’s my birthday, c’mon,” Rafe tipped his head. “It’ll be fun,” he encouraged. “I’ll show you”.
You let out a soft breath, caving in. “Just this once,” you pointed. You stepped in front of Rafe’s welcoming stance, allowing him to envelope his arms around you. 
He showed you where to place your hands and position your fingers, his hands on top of yours. Almost every inch of him was pressed against you—his hands rested on your forearms, his chest against your back, and his front pressing against your ass. 
You gulped as the feeling made you hot before you attempted to ignore the proximity but you couldn’t. You just couldn’t. And when he swung the club, following through, you smelled the masculine scent of his cologne, your knees buckling.
“Atta girl,” he grinned, stepping away to watch as the ball landed close to the hole.
“Damn, Y/N,” Kelce chuckled. 
“You should join us for the full game next time,” Topper smirked.
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Thanks, guys, but I’m sitting out any future games,” you smiled. 
“You just need a little more convincing,” Rafe slid his arm around your shoulders. 
The four of you began heading back to the carts. Top and Kelce were in front while you and Rafe stayed behind.
“How’s your birthday so far?” 
“It’s more than perfect”.
“Wow,” Rafe smirked, watching as you walked out of his bathroom, now changed into the outfit he had specifically picked out for you. He reached for your hand, raising it in the air so you could spin. “You’re incredible,” he breathed out, in a complete daze.
“Rafe,” you dragged, avoiding his gaze as the heat grew on your face. “Thanks for the outfit, it’s really nice,” you played with the sleeves of the cropped cardigan. “But it was really expensive, I-,” you began, but he raised a hand.
“You’ll find a way to repay me,” he finished your thought, his blue eyes darkening. “But right now, we’re gonna celebrate my birthday,” he pointed over his shoulder towards the door where the party was starting.
With your hand in his, you nodded, letting him pull you along. 
You met up with Kelce and Top in the kitchen, everyone wishing Rafe a happy birthday as you passed. You thanked Kelce as he handed you a cup of water. The night was still young so you had enough time to catch up with the rest of the partygoers.
Leaning against the counter, you listened to the guys' conversation, droning in and out of it when parts became boring. It wasn’t until you spotted a few girls making their way toward the group, that a smile appeared on your face when you figured they came for Rafe.
While you held some feelings for Rafe, all you wanted was for him to settle down with a nice girl. One you could maybe be friends with too. It was a little fantasy you had.
“I love your dress, Y/N,” one of the girls complimented, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. 
The three Kook girls were standing in front of you and Rafe. You were a bit shocked that they acknowledged you first, but you welcomed their kindness.
“Thanks,” you rolled your lips together in a smile. “Your earrings are so cute,” you gestured to the gold hoops she had. 
She hummed before her attention turned to Rafe. “Happy birthday, Rafe,” she brushed her hand along his arm, squeezing his bicep. “Me and a few of my friends are gonna head into the pool if you wanna join,” she batted her lashes.
“Maybe later,” he pressed his lips together in a smile. “I’m with my friend right now,” he slid his arm over your shoulders.
You furrowed your brows, glancing at him like he was insane for turning down her offer. “He’s kidding,” you butted in. “You guys have fun,” you pressed a hand on his back, urging him closer to the girl.
“Awesome!” She beamed, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the patio.
Rafe glanced back at you with a look you couldn’t decipher but as he noticed the smile on your lips he only turned back around, shaking his head and chuckling. 
You knew he’d thank you later just as Kelce and Topper did when the other two girls dragged them along to the pool as well. You grabbed your water from the counter before weaving through the house. Just as you were about to go outside for some fresh air, you bumped into someone.
“Shit, my bad,” they apologized, placing a hand on your arm. “You okay?”
You gazed up to see a very handsome guy—tall, with dark eyes, dark hair, and dimples that were so kissable. 
“Yeah,” you shook your head, a little dazed by his beauty. “I’m fine,” you reassured. Many guys on the island were attractive enough to catch your eye, but this guy was something else.
“Can I get you a drink? Since I spilled yours,” he offered and that's when you noticed your cup was on the floor.
“Sure,” you beamed. “It was just water though,” you added with a shrug.
“A water for the lady then,” he grinned. 
You followed him back into the kitchen where he got you a new cup. He had asked if you were heading outside so you nodded as he grabbed your hand, leading you past the pool where you saw Rafe hanging out with the girl from before. 
A smile fell on your face, glad to see him have fun before you stopped at a bench under a tree in the yard. 
“I’ve never seen you around the island,” you told the guy, smoothing out the skirt of your dress before sitting down. 
“I’m visiting my cousin, he brought me along,” he answered. “What about you? You live here?” He gestured to the house.
“Oh, no” you snickered. “My best friend lives here, it’s his party,” you explained. You glanced back at those brown eyes, chewing on your lip as the butterflies in your stomach fluttered. There was a new feeling in your stomach tonight, far from basic attraction—there was more. 
But you couldn’t pinpoint it. Still, the longer you talked to this guy, the more you felt it.
“I was struggling to stand up on that board, that wave was huge!” He exclaimed, gesturing with his hands. 
You hid your laugh with your hand, doubling over as he told his story. “You’re kidding?! How did you make it?” 
“Pure luck and ambition,” he shrugged, sipping his drink. “But I also learned maybe there’s a reason you shouldn’t surf during a thunderstorm,” he joked.
You agreed. “I’m glad you lived to tell the tale,” you reached over to touch his arm, gazing at him through your lashes.
His eyes flicked over your frame before he hummed out in agreement. “Me too”. 
Silence engulfed you for a moment, it felt like the world had stopped and only you and him were in existence. Letting the feeling in your tummy guide you, you leaned in. 
He followed, reaching over to place a hand on your waist and soon his lips were on yours. Your hand reached up to thread through his hair, deepening the kiss. 
You kissed for what felt like hours but in reality, it was only minutes. It was a soft and innocent kiss, but it felt so intense, so hot. You were fully making out with a stranger at a party and all you could worry about was the heating sensation igniting in your heart.
Unsure of it, you still didn’t want it to stop, unfortunately, it did.
“Watch out!” You heard Rafe scream as a ball flew over your head and bounced off the tree trunk. You yelped, heart racing at the thought that it could’ve hit you square in the face. Immediately, you saw Rafe jog over towards you. 
He was in his swim trunks, chest bare, and water dripping down his abs. 
You licked your lips unconsciously, the familiar feeling burning between your legs but you pushed it aside when you focused your attention back on the guy, making sure he was okay and he placed a hand on your knee in response.
“You okay, Y/N?” Rafe caught up to you. “Didn’t see you until the ball slipped from my hands,” he chuckled, running a hand over his head.
“I’m fine, Rafe,” you reassured.
“Didn’t realize you weren’t alone,” he cleared his throat, sending a glance to the guy.
“This is,” you placed your hand on top of his that was resting on your knee. You paused, realizing you didn’t know his name.
“Eric,” he answered with a smile. 
“Eric,” you repeated, unable to control your growing smile. You liked his name. Turning back to Rafe, you chose to ignore the frown on his face.
“Happy birthday, man,” Eric turned to Rafe. “Sick party,” he smiled and you grinned between him and Rafe. 
“Yeah, thanks, Y/N threw it for me,” Rafe said, his eyes flicking to yours before they rested back on the hand that was on your knee.
“No way, you have a talent,” he squeezed your knee and you felt your cheeks heat up.
You shrugged bashfully and you narrowly missed the snort that left Rafe. 
“I was about to head back inside,” Rafe pointed towards the house. “We were gonna get a few drinks,” he trailed.
“Okay, have fun,” you said. “I’m gonna chill out here with Eric,” you added, leaning into his side. You also chose to ignore the way his jaw clenched.
“Okay, sounds good,” he pressed his lips together in a smile before he made his way back.
Once he was out of your eyesight, you turned back to Eric, threading your fingers through his hair and resuming what you were doing before.
Rafe didn’t want to leave you tonight, especially on his birthday. But you had practically pushed him into the girl’s awaiting hands. He didn’t understand why you were so happy to do that, didn’t you see how more perfect you’d be in her place? 
Was he not obvious?
As he stared back at you, the smile adorning your lips, he knew the answer. Which is why he turned back around, allowing the girl to lead him to the pool. 
He tried to have a fun time, jumping in the pool with her. He could admit that she was attractive but nothing compared to you.
As he, the girl, Kelce, and her friend had a chicken fight, his mind continued to wander to where you might be. 
Kelce and Top were in the pool with him, meaning you were alone. You could’ve sat in one of the lounge chairs, enjoying the game, but when he glanced over, you weren’t there. The thought of you alone in the house irked him, what if someone spikes your drink or makes you uncomfortable?
Your laugh answered his prayers but another question came to mind, who was making you laugh?
He was about to jump out of the pool when the girl stopped him, handing him a shot of something while she pressed her boobs against him. He chuckled, taking the shot from her. He was distracted for a moment but then he heard your laugh again. 
This time he exited the pool, leaving the girl dumbfounded. It didn’t take long to find you but he wasn’t expecting you to be so far from the party, alone, with a guy.
He inhaled sharply. 
There was no way, right? He’s been drinking all night, his mind was painting a picture he didn’t want to see. But then the sight of you leaning in to kiss the guy, his hand sliding over your waist and yours fingering through his hair made that anger grow. 
To his side a few guys were kicking a ball around, without another thought, he grabbed it, throwing it in your direction. He knew it’d miss you but he still shouted out your name before he went running in your direction.
You pulled away from the guy, your eyes going wide as the ball hit the tree over your head. 
He checked on you, hoping the incident would make you open your eyes and realize you shouldn’t be spending the night with a stranger on your best friend’s birthday. But that’s not what you had done at all.
Instead, you snuggled up to the guy “Eric”, letting him keep his hand on your knee, and telling Rafe to have fun.
He swallowed down the jealousy, forcing a smile before making his way back to the house. The thought of you outside with him made his blood boil. Even more so when he snorted up a line in the kitchen a few moments later.
The white powder was the second thing that could calm him besides you. Still, he preferred you.
“Eric,” Kelce said the name in thought. “I don’t know an Eric,” he shrugged. 
“I mean look at her man, she seems to like him well enough,” Topper said, glancing at the way you were staring at the dude.
Wiping his nose, Rafe sent him a look. 
There you were, busting out in laughter again at something. “I don’t trust him,” he chewed on the inside of his cheek, eyes locked on you as you giggled behind your hand. 
When had you ever laughed like that towards him before? When had you ever been so focused on a guy other than him? 
“That’s for her to decide,” Kelce laughed. “And by the looks of it, she seems to trust him well enough,” he snickered behind his cup. 
Rafe grimaced, running his tongue over his teeth as Eric rubbed his hand along the exposed skin of your thigh. If he had known the short skirt he explicitly picked out for you would lead to that, he might’ve rethought the outfit entirely.
“Well I don’t, it’s my party, I can decide who’s attending and who’s not,” his gaze darkened and his friends sent him a look.
“Hey, man, Y/N’s having a great time. Are you sure you want to do that?” Topper asked, aware of what Rafe was implying.
“I know what I said,” he stated before he began walking towards you. He heard Topper mutter under his breath but he paid no attention to it.
“Oh, hi,” you turned to face your best friend who appeared in front of you. “Back so sudden?” You asked, gazing behind him where the house was still active. 
“Yeah, I was thinking it was time to head back inside,” he said. “It’s getting kinda cold,” he added.
“I’m fine,” you dismissed. “Do you need me for something or-” You were cut off by him.
“Nah, I just think it’s time for us to head back inside, it’s late,” he stated, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I said I was fine here, Rafe,” you said his name but he didn’t like the way you said it. 
He narrowed his gaze, running a hand over his mouth as he contemplated. “Get inside, Y/N,” he opted to say. The look on your face told him what you were thinking. “I mean it”.
“She said she’s fine,” Eric stood up, blocking Rafe from you. 
Rafe placed his hands on his hips, dropping his head down as he let out a chuckle. “I don’t remember asking you,” he jutted a finger into Eric’s chest. “Actually, I don’t remember inviting you to my party,” he grinned.
You stood behind Eric, frowning as you stared at your best friend. Even under the moonlight, you could see how blown out his eyes were. The knowledge didn’t settle with you. So you stepped around Eric, grabbing hold of Rafe’s arm to prevent anything from escalating.
“C’mon, Rafe, I’ll go,” you sighed.
He relaxed, smiling down at the hand that was intertwined with his and the other on his forearm. He glanced back up at Eric, sending him a look of victory. 
“You don’t have to listen to him,” Eric directed to you. 
“I’m sorry,” you blew out a breath. “It’s best if you go, Eric,” you frowned, tears pricking in your eyes and Rafe couldn’t help but grow angry at that. You shouldn’t be crying over a boy you met a couple of hours ago. With your statement though, Eric left. 
Rafe led you back into the house and he couldn’t help the feeling of pride swell as you clung to his arm.
You, on the other hand, tried to keep a smile on your face but you couldn’t feel the pang in your heart at what you missed out on. Why did Rafe need you back in the house? You wondered.
“C’mon, drink up, it’ll take your mind off of him,” Rafe handed you a cup with some type of liquor in it.
You sent him a look and he rolled his eyes.
“It’s my birthday,” he encouraged. “I want my best friend to be having fun too,” he grinned, pushing the cup into your hand.
You pressed your lips together. “Alright,” you sighed, giving in for the third time today. The bitter taste landed on your tongue and you cringed as it burned down your throat.
Rafe chuckled beside you, quickly pouring you another. “See, you’re having fun already”.
The longer the party went on, the more drinks you had. You weren’t drunk but you could feel the buzz. Reaching for a few of the snacks on the counter, you hoped you’d be able to sober up but Rafe had another idea.
“Let’s head up, yeah?”
You nodded, reaching for his hand as you began making your way up the stairs. You were still down about Eric, but you knew it was better than dealing with Rafe punching the life out of him. You didn’t enjoy his violent tendencies, especially when the white substance made it worse, but you tried to push past it, noting the good qualities he had.
He was loyal, smart, and confident.
Sometimes you wish that was enough for you.
You brushed past him as he opened his bedroom door for you. You found your bag on his bed, searching for his gift deciding now would be a good time to give it to him. Even though you were slightly pissed at him, he was still your best friend and it was his birthday.
He smiled at you when you sat on his bed and patted the spot next to you so he could sit. 
“Happy birthday,” you grinned, passing him the small box, and your shoulders pressed together. 
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he raised a brow but he took it from you nonetheless.
“Shh, just open it,” you laughed, watching as he did.
His gaze softened at the gold Rolex. He hummed out in delight, thanking you in the process.
“There’s an inscription,” you pointed at the expensive watch. 
He turned the watch over to find that there was. His thumb traced over the words you picked out.
Rafe, you’re worthy of everything. Love, Y/N.
His heart swelled at the sentence. He wasn’t often told he was worthy of anything so for you to say he was meant it all. “Thank you, Y/N,” he swallowed.
You could tell he appreciated the sentiment so you wrapped your arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Anytime for you, Rafe,” you smiled, gazing into his eyes. “What does the birthday boy want to do now? I’m sure the girls are waiting for you to rejoin them in the pool,” you smirked, standing up and walking over to the window. 
Part of you wished that Eric was still outside, but he was long gone. The other part of you already accepted the loss, knowing something worse could've come from it if Rafe had escalated things.
Which in the past, he’s done many times.
You turned back around to face your best friend.
“Nah,” he said after a pause. “I kinda wanna stay up here with you,” he said.
“I don’t think that’s much fun when the party is downstairs,” you pointed towards the window.
“Who says we can’t have a party of our own?” He smirked, holding a small bag in his hand.
“By all means, enjoy yourself, Rafe,” you chuckled. 
“It won’t be fun if you’re not doing it”.
“Rafe,” you warned. 
“C’mon, it’s my birthday,” he said.
“Just this once,” you rolled your eyes, deciding you could indulge for one night.
He smirked, standing up and guiding you to his desk. He lined one up for you, instructing you how to do it. 
You cringed at the feeling, moving from the seat and walking back to the bed as you rubbed your nose.
“See, that wasn’t so bad,” he found his spot next to you, laying back on his bed. He folded his arms behind his head and you couldn’t help but peek at his lower abdomen that became exposed from his shirt riding up. “This is probably the best birthday I’ve had,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, why’s that?” You decided to humor him.
He sat up, leaning in close so his chest pressed against your shoulder. “I got the hottest girl in my room, wearing the most beautiful dress,” he sucked in a breath, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. 
Your face grew hot and you gulped. “You could have a hotter girl in here if you didn’t chase Eric away,” you bit, unsure why you said it.
He rolled his eyes. “You’re still sad about that?” 
“I’m just confused,” you breathed out. “I was having a good time with a cute guy, is that so wrong?” You asked.
“Yes,” he stated and your jaw went slack. 
“You’re kidding,” you laughed, shaking your head. 
“It’s your best friend’s birthday and instead of hanging out with him you’re kissing a dude you don’t even know?” He spoke with his hands, his movements becoming erratic and that had you worried. 
“Rafe, I spent the whole day with you, you were hanging out with that girl earlier, what happened to her? She was cute!” You exclaimed.
He stood up, walked over to the window and he ran a hand over his face. He was pacing back and forth in front of you as you shifted on the bed.
“You think I care about her?” He stopped in front of you. “I didn’t want to go in the fucking pool with her but I did because of you!” He shouted. 
You flinched. 
“I don’t give a fuck about any other person besides you!” He yelled. “And it fucking sucks when that feeling isn’t reciprocated by my own fucking best friend,” he huffed, chest rising.
Your heart dropped and felt a sting in the back of your eyes. You didn’t realize you were crying until a sob broke through you. 
Rafe stilled and he let out a sigh. “I-,” he inhaled, pressing his fist to his head. He dropped to his knees in front of you, placing his hands on your knees. “You don’t get it, okay? You’re the only one on my side, the only one who makes me feel like I’m not crazy,” he dropped his head to your thigh, his hands squeezing your sides like he was afraid you’d leave. 
“I care so fucking much about you,” you cried. “Everything I do is with you in mind,” you closed your eyes, your hands settling on his head as you began to run your nails along his buzzed hair. “This entire party, the entire day, I chose not to go to college so we could be close, I-,” you sucked in a breath, trying to decide what the point was. “I gave up on what I could have with Eric so you didn’t get upset,” you wiped your eye.
“What you could have?” He lifted his head to stare up at you. “What do you mean by that?” He leaned back. 
“Love, Rafe,” you answered.
“What about us?” He furrowed his brows. 
“Romantic love,” you elaborated. “Why do you think I’m always trying to hook you up with a nice girl?” You tipped your head to the side. 
You both stared at each other in disbelief before Rafe stood up, running his hand over his head. 
“I already told you I don’t want another girl,” he shook his head. “I want you,” he faced you again. 
You were left dumbfounded. 
“Are you honestly that blind?” He narrowed his gaze. 
This time, you stood up. “We’re friends, Rafe, nothing more!” 
He quickly stepped towards you, gripping your face in his hand firmly so you were forced to look at him. “You really think that’s all we’re meant to be?” He scoffed, flicking his gaze over you.
Your eyes were wide and you tried to push him off of you but he instead wrapped his other arm around you to keep you in place.
“Look at us, sweetheart,” he said. “If you really think all we’ll ever be is just friends, then you’re adorable,” he chuckled. “I think it’s about time you realize it was always meant to be us,” he licked his lips, eyes boring into yours. “Tonight was supposed to be perfect, I had it all planned,” he began. “Tonight was the night we were supposed to make things official,” he breathed out.
“Rafe,” you clutched his wrist, trying to pry his hand off of your face. “We’re just friends,” you restated, fear spreading over your eyes.
“We’re just friends,” he mocked you and you frowned, tears pricking in your eyes. “Stop playing dumb, for once, will you?” He taunted. “Did you think we’d go our entire lives without ending up with each other? Why do you think I’ve never dated anyone seriously, or you?” He tipped his head to the side.
Your stomach dropped. Is that why all the boys who were interested in you never lasted or never got the chance to properly ask you out? 
“We get each other, no one else will. We’re from good families and you’re the only girl my father will ever approve of,” he gulped. “So let me ask you again,” he inhaled. “Did you really think we’d never be more than just friends?” 
Your heart dropped. “Is that the only reason you want us to be together? Because of money and status?” You asked, voice shaky. “Am I just some silly pawn to get your father’s approval?” You felt a tear slip down your cheek but Rafe was quick to wipe it away with his thumb.
“Stop asking stupid questions,” he pressed his forehead against yours. 
You shakingly let out a breath, closing your eyes as more tears slipped. The proximity and his grip had you uneased. You were confused. 
“It’s always been you, Y/N,” he rubbed his nose against yours. 
Your breath hitched as you stilled, unsure how to respond. But it seemed like he already knew the answer to his own question. His silence is what caused the sobs to rack through your body.
“Hey,” he cooed, stepping back and letting go of you. “Don’t cry,” he used his thumbs to gently wipe under your eyes. “C’mere,” he wrapped his arms around you, allowing you to cry into his chest. 
It felt strange to be consoled by the man who brought tears to your eyes, yet, here you were. Still, there was nothing more comforting than Rafe, you thought.
He led you to sit back on the bed, bringing a tissue to wipe your face once you calmed down. “Cheer up, okay?” His lips curved into a smile. “It’s still my birthday, we should be celebrating”.
You nodded. “You’re right,” you inhaled, hoping this conversation would be left in the past.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest as he pressed his lips to your temple before he pinched your chin, guiding you to look up at him and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
Your eyes widened and you tried to pull away but the angle you were in made you fear he could break your neck at the grip he had on your chin. Still, as his lips continued to move against yours, you couldn’t help but melt at his touch. 
This feeling was something you’ve been curious about for so long. The fire, desire, and passion that was enveloped in the kiss lit you up. It was intense. He loosened his grip on your chin, cradling the back of your neck as you moved your lips against his. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you moaned, but that was the wake-up call you needed. 
You quickly shoved him away, getting off the bed and creating some distance between the two of you. “You can’t do that!” You pressed your fingers to your lips and you still felt him there.
He stood up, stalking closer to you. With each step, you took one back. “What am I gonna have to do to get you to understand that I can?” He reached for you and he was fast, pulling you against him once more.
He was strong, you’ll give him credit for that and it was scary how you didn’t realize it before.
“Rafe,” you exhaled, turning your head away, feeling the intense presence of his stare.
“Am I gonna have to fuck you?” He hummed. 
Your eyes widened and you struggled to remove yourself from him again.
“I think I’m gonna have to fuck you to get it into your pretty head,” he chuckled, squeezing you tight so you’d stop moving. 
“No,” you shook your head, hands pressing against his biceps. “Rafe, please,” you pleaded.
“Oh, I love it when you beg,” he smirked. “But fine,” he loosened his grip on you. “Give me one night,” he proposed. “One night to show you it’s always meant to be this way, us,” he elaborated.
You dropped your gaze, blanking out as you contemplated. But he took your silence for an answer, dipping his head down to kiss your neck. You gasped, pulling away from him but instead, he pushed you back against the bed.
Crawling further up the bed to get away from him, you didn’t miss the way he looked at you like you were some prey he was getting ready to devour. He chuckled as he forced himself between your thighs, his hands slipping underneath your skirt and hooking around your panties.
It felt like such an out-of-body experience, your legs moving as he slid them off them, your thighs pressed against his shoulders as he laid before your cunt.
“We’d be so good together, sweetheart,” he said, hands kneading the soft flesh of your wonderfully thick thighs. “And I can make you feel just as good,” he said before he dipped his head down and licked a long stripe against your folds.
Your back arched at the feeling. You scratched your nails along his buzzed hair, a moan erupting from you as his tongue flicked around your sensitive bud. The feeling of his chuckle against you made you shudder and you felt embarrassed that he was finding your reaction amusing. 
“Just relax, don’t think too much about it,” he stared up at you before he licked another long stripe. 
You whined, squeezing your thighs around his head in hopes of getting him to stop but it was fruitless. He continued to pleasure you with his mouth, his focus on your clit as he wrapped his lips around it, sucking until you were a moaning mess beneath him.
Your imagination only took you so far when you thought about this. What it would be like when it would happen if it would ever happen–which you already decided it wouldn’t. But you were wrong about it all. It felt amazing, it was happening on his birthday, and it would happen.
But was it right? Did you want this? Your body was telling you yes but your brain was saying no. Rafe wasn’t the man you wanted to end up with, the man you wanted to have children with. But it seems like he made those choices for you and he was proving so with his tongue.
Staring up at the ceiling, you allowed your hands to rest at your sides, your chest heaving with each breath as you felt the pressure between your legs build. As your mind begged for release, it pushed all your confusing thoughts aside, allowing you to fall over the edge.
You gasped, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you came down from your high. 
Rafe licked up your wetness before kissing around your sensitive skin, nipping at your thigh. He pushed the skirt of your dress up, exposing more of your flesh, granting him the desire to kiss every inch as he made his way up your body.
Trying to process what had happened, you felt him unbutton the one button that held your cardigan in place. It took all your strength to swat his hand away.
“Rafe,” you tried to push him away but he didn’t budge. 
“What is it? What’s so wrong about this?” He asked, stopping his movements and holding himself up above you. “Are you going to tell me you never thought about us?” He dipped his head down, whispering against your ear. “Is it me?” He pulled his shirt over his head, a smile appearing on his face. “Because I see the way you look at me and I don’t think it’s me,” he smirked, grabbing your hand and placing it on his chest. 
The way you rubbed your thighs together and trailed your hand down his abs told him what you were thinking. Of course, you found him attractive, he was a Cameron and the Kook Prince, and he was athletic, muscular, and tall. 
What wasn’t there to like?
“It’s definitely not me,” he chuckled. 
“I can’t,” you forced yourself to say.
“Why not?” 
You didn’t answer so he kissed you. 
“You know how you said you want to repay me for this pretty dress?” He said in between kisses. 
Your breath hitched in response, knowing when you said that. 
“Get on your knees,” he ordered.
You glanced up at him before he urged you to slide off the bed to kneel in front of him. You knew it’d just be one night, he did say that after all, so you figured you’d get this one night over.
He stood in front of you, ridding himself of his clothes. He was naked in front of you and you felt your face heat up at the sight of his aching cock.
“Open,” he directed.
You bit on your lip, hesitantly holding your hands against your chest before you did as you were told and he rested the tip on your tongue, you instinctively wrapped your lips around him, one of your hands reaching up to wrap around the base of his dick.
Glancing up at him, you decided to move, the feel of his length pushing past your lips was interesting. It was strange that he was your best friend but at the same time, you pressed your thighs together for some friction.
You tried to take things slow but he wasn’t patient, instead, he pressed a hand to the back of your head, forcing the rest of himself down your throat. You gagged, feeling his balls press against your chin and he chuckled above you.
“You’re so adorable,” he smirked as he pulled back slightly before he pushed himself in again.
You reacted the same way, this time tears formed in your eyes. Your saliva pooled out of your mouth and you tried to swallow which earned a moan from him. His hands gripped your head, holding you in place as he began to fuck your mouth, the sound of your gagging filling the room mixed with his groans shouldn’t be making you wet but it was.
Pressing your hands against his thighs, you tried to push away, hoping to breathe through your mouth but he kept you there.
“Just relax,” he encouraged, moaning when you swallowed again, pressing your tongue against him. “You’re doing so good,” he groaned.
Digging your nails into his skin, he hissed and with one more thrust, you felt as he came down your throat, your face scrunching as you attempted to swallow it. He finally pulled away, leaving you to gasp for air followed by a fit of coughs. Your hands were pressed against your chest as you heaved.
He grabbed your face with his hand, pressing his lips against yours. The force of his hand on your jaw urged you to stand, his other hand framing the other side of your face as he deepened the kiss. You placed your hands on his arms, feeling weak and he was your only support.
His tongue slipped past your lips and he groaned at your taste. You felt lightheaded but thankfully he sat back on the bed, pulling you into his lap. He moved away from your lips, allowing you to glance up at the ceiling, your hands on his broad shoulders as you caught your breath.
Your eyes closed when he sucked on the skin behind your ear, one of your hands running up the back of his neck, your fingers curling over the soft buzz of his hair.
He undid the button of your cardigan, slipping it off your body and throwing it on the floor somewhere. Then he reached to the side where the zipper sat and undid it as well. He slid the spaghetti straps down your shoulders, pushing the fabric down to release your breasts.
The cold air hit your nipples, causing them to harden. He moaned at the sight, his hands cupping each in one, squeezing them, and rolling your hardened buds between his fingers.
You arched your back, pressing your chest further into his touch. You felt him lean down, wrapping his lips around your nipple, sucking gently. You felt hot to the touch, your nails running along his body wherever you wanted. 
Shifting in his lap, you felt him poke at you, his tip brushing with your clit and you shivered.
He switched to the other, doing the same and earning another trail of moans from you. He let it go with a pop, kissing back up your neck and along your jaw. “See how good we are together? Most friends aren’t even compatible, but we are,” he breathed against you. 
You stayed quiet but at this point, he wasn’t looking for an answer, this is how it was always supposed to go.
He guided the dress over your head, throwing it somewhere in the room before he moved you to lay on the bed, your head resting against the pillows. You allowed him to pry your legs open, your hands at your sides as you watched him settle between your thighs.
Realizing he didn’t have a condom on, you opened your mouth. “I’m not on birth control,” you stopped him.
“It’s okay,” he reassured. “We’ll worry about that tomorrow,” he grinned.
You hesitantly let go before you rested back on the bed, nodding slightly.
He lined himself up at your entrance, his hands on your thighs as he pushed your knees to your chest. Slowly, he pressed himself into you and you scratched down his forearms at the feeling. 
“Shh, relax,” he encouraged. 
You took a deep breath in, it’d been so long since you had sex, the familiar pressure building between your legs as he pushed further in. Soon, his hips were pressed against yours and you felt his balls resting against you. It was a new feeling, being connected to somebody completely bare–raw. 
It was odd. But that didn’t stop you from clenching around him to urge him to move.
“See how perfect we fit?” He asked, reeling his hips back before he snapped forward, your nails digging into his skin as the pleasure flourished around you.
You whined, tracing your hand around his neck, pulling him down so his forehead was resting against yours. 
“You’re so fucking sexy,” he inhaled, continuing to fuck you. It was pure bliss, your thighs resting on his hips, spreading wider with each thrust, just like he always wanted. The noise of your wetness was heard in the room, the feel of your walls pulling him back in. It was so pleasurable, that he dropped his head down, running his nose along your neck. “Always been, always will,” he smiled. 
“Rafe,” you moaned, locking your legs together around his waist, your hands running down his back, your hips beginning to match each of his thrusts.
He loved hearing his name fall from your lips. “Do you see now?” He rested his forearms on either side of your head, framing your beautiful face. 
You gulped, hands resting on the curve of his back, your eyelids heavy as he fucked you deeply. 
He chuckled, knowing you were too dazed to answer. “All the times I’ve called you pretty, hot, they all went over your head, didn’t they?” He tipped his head to the side, a hiss escaping him when you squeezed around him. “Even now as I’m fucking you and your creaming around my cock, it still hasn’t stuck, has it?” His eyes shone brightly under his bedroom light, so blue they had you entranced.
That’s all you focused on as you came again, throwing your head back, your toes curling and, your nails leaving scratch marks on his back. 
Your orgasm fueled his, his body stilling against you as he came, releasing into your slick walls. You knew you’d have to worry about it tomorrow, part of you was scared for what was to come, but your body was so relaxed in the pleasure it experienced.
“This is how it was always meant to be,” he whispered, slowly pulling out of you and watching his release slip out of your cunt. “And I’m gonna fuck you until you understand,” he said and you were half-asleep that you didn’t even feel as he pushed it back in. “Thanks for the best birthday”.
Reblogs and comments are what keep writers writing so make sure to do so!
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readychilledwine · 8 days
The First Hunt
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Eris Week - Day 4 - Hounds And Traditions
Summary - Open season in Autumn always creates a fun game for you and your husband
Warnings - fingering, dirty talk, praise, signs of dumbification and pet play, signs of predator prey play, hunting.
A/n - Slowly reworking through @erisweekofficial things and getting them reformatted 🫠 Happy late day 4! Day 5 should be up this evening. 💕
🍂Eris Week Masterlist🍂Eris Masterlist🍂Master Masterlist🍂
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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You sighed as you walked through the fallen leaves and branches behind your husband's path. Autumn had fully fallen throughout Prythian. Leaves were changing in the solar courts, and coffee shops began to request goods from your home.
But none of that matter to Eris right now. What mattered to Eris is Prythian welcoming Autumn along all their borders meant one thing.
Open Hunting Season.
Every court had different laws regarding when hunting certain game was appropriate. With Mabon having past, Beron had opened deer and elk season. Your husband's favorite time of the year.
He spent weeks training the hounds for this, and they were as ready as their handler.
“Eris, this isn’t-”
“Now, now, my pretty bunny. Silence is the most important part of the hunt. The hounds can't find their prey if you sit here huffing.” Amber eyes stared at you, a pleased smirk on his face as you crossed your arms. “I warned you, little wife. I said this would bore you.”
“I wanted to come to the cabin, spend time with you,” you huffed again. The hounds were deep into searching. Their sensitive noses buried in the ground. They were stealthy, silent. It was as if they knew exactly what leaves and branches to avoid.
The smokehounds were one of your favorite things about Eris. It was a preview to how he'll treat your future children, a sign of the amount of love he truly had just waiting to emerge, and his patience. One of the hounds, Cyprus, came and brushed his hand before walking another direction, the others following him.
He wordlessly motioned for you to follow, bow strapped to wide shoulders again as he moved. Eris was such a graceful being. Even in his most lethal moments, Eris carried the signs of his love of dance.
You followed them, deeper into the woods, deeper into thick brush. There were no villages nearby. No fae for you to decide to leave and speak with.
You all finally stopped in a field, a cleared area in the woods with only a single ancient oak tree.
It would be the only witness to what he was about to do to you. Your back met soft ground before you could even respond and he stood above you, bent at the waist and smirking, “Little wife, on your back for me already?” His bow was carried away by Willow, weapons now long gone as the hounds began to surround the clearing, sitting in the grass to stay guard.
You pushed up to your elbows, “Huband, help me back up.” You held a hand out to him, only for him to remove his shirt. Inches of new skin was revealed before he ultimately got on top of you, caging you to the ground below, “This isn't hunting?”
“Oh but it is, sweet bunny. I ensnared you right where I wanted.”
“Did you now?”
A soft kiss found your lips, “I did.”
“What if it is I who ensnared you?”
Eris only chuckled in response, “Then maybe we are both getting what we want.” His lips found yours again, more heated and needy as he forced you to lay back again. Your own shirt was pulled of moments later before he moved to pull down the travel pants you had been allowed to wear.
His hands began to explore then, his eyes soft as he looked over your smooth skin. “This is is much better than sitting lonely and waiting for the hounds to find something,” he squeezed the plush skin of your thighs, groaning as he did.
Eris loved every inch of you. He loved the curves you carried. He loved the strong muscles of your legs. “You're already wet for me, I can smell it.”
“Eris, I'm always ready for you.”
He lifted his head at you words before glancing to where Oak had stood, “It appears we only have about 10 minutes. They've found something to chase.”
Your remaining clothing became heated, burning off to ash before a hand came to rest on the most sensitive part of you. Fingers danced through your folds, a sigh leaving your lips as you laid back. “That isn't long enough,” you whined as a nimble finger found your clit, circling it.
“Not for everything I'd like to do, no, but long enough for me to get you to finish on my hand, yes.” Eris slid a finger in while holding your eyes. “Did you really think I would not find the rabbit foot treats you hid?”
You could hardly respond as barely brushed your spot, teasing you, giving you a taste of what you craved without fulfilling the hunger.
“Did you think I wouldn't notice my hounds munching on their favorite snacks during their prehunt routine? Little wife, how silly of you to think I didn't know you were trying to get fucked against a tree.”
He began working his finger in and out, curling it just below where you needed him to touch. You continued to hold eye contact, soft moans coming from your lips as you slightly raised your hips for him.
“Gods, you're beautiful like this,” he murmured. “So responsive and soft. Who's my dumb little bunny?”
“Me,” your voice broke with pleasure. “I'm you're dumb bunny.” Eris smirked, adding a second finger and stretching you out more. His thumb grazed your clit with every movement of his hand.
Your mind shut off with every word whispered into your ear. Praising you, degrading you, the dirtiest things about how warm and wet you were, how greedy your pretty pussy was as it took his fingers so easily.
Eris began to focus on chasing your high as the hounds broke into a sprint, his fingers moving fast as the build of barking began to intimate their prey. His second hand grabbed yours, placing it on your bundle of nerves so he could focus on finding the exact angle he needed.
His free hand began to squeeze your breasts, pinching your nipples hardened from the chilly Autumn morning.
Your cries as you felt the wave approaching were drowned out to all but him. The barking now louder and insistent, indicating the hounds were closer to you and Eris, leading the prey straight to you both.
“Need you to come, bunny. Need you to a the best girl for me,” his voice had dropped, deeper as his own arousal began to grow. He kept working you, fingers pulling like a magnet and pushing you towards the sea of pleasure you wanted to bathe yourself in. “Come, bunny,” he commanded.
His spare hand forced you into a kiss, swallowing the scream of his name falling from your lips as your body found what he was working for. He kissed you through the high until he couldn't, grabbing a single bow and arrow and turning while you laid shaking on the ground to shoot whatever finally came into the clearing.
“Not bad,” he muttered as he looked between his trembling wife and the large stag. He handed you your clothing, helping you put it back on, before standing and offering all 12 hounds their individual praise.
You shook your head as Eris smiled at his first game for the season, “Good first hunt?”
“Better than the game we played last year?”
Eris seemed to pause at that question, “Well, considering you picked the most obvious choice in distraction for the hounds this year, I would say the game of cat and mouse we played during the hunt last year was better.” Your mate, blunt and honest to a fault, looked you over. “Though, I do think you look incredibly sexy with leaves in your hair.”
Eris bent down, lifting the deer with ease, “Besides, you, my bunny, only made it 20 feet from the cabin.”
Your jaw dropped as your eyes grew wide, his laughter rang through the clearing, hounds turning in circles of excitement with him. “I swear I tried.”
He moved, kissing your forehead, “Try again later.” The invitation was soft as he whistled, rounding up 12 smokehounds. “Let's go take care of this and then I can fulfill your wishes.”
He turned and walked away, muttering to himself again, “Not bad at all.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites @littlest-w01f
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hi batman, i was wondering if you had some advice for starting to experiment sexually after the "normal" age for experimenting has passed.
im a college student, 20yrs, and i've been thinking lately about starting to experiment sexually, which i never really did in high school. i'm aromantic, so i never had partners who were interested in sex and i didn't care enough to go looking. but now that i'm older, i'm getting more curious about it.
however, i worry that being twenty with no sexual experience will turn off potential partners. i feel like most people my age already know what they're doing and wouldn't want to humor a virgin fumbling through his first time, especially in a casual sex setting. i also don't want to open myself up to judgement. i avoided sex for my own, partially trauma-based reasons and i dont want to have to explain it.
am i worrying too much? or is there a way to make this less of a problem?
i know this is a complex topic, and you're more of a sexual educator than advice-giver, but i'd appreciate any insight you have to share. if you don't have anything, feel free to ignore, and i hope you have a nice day 🦇💕
hi anon,
yes, you are worrying too much, and the way to make it less of a problem is to stop thinking of it as a problem.
20 is absurdly young to decide that you're simply too old for something. there's no Sex 101 homework that you're expected to complete by a mandatory date; the right time to start exploring sex with other people is when you feel ready to do so. if someone else gives you a hard time about it then congratulations, you've spotted a person you probably wouldn't want to have sex with anyway.
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bluev0id · 2 months
Besties, I am suffering from the worst limerence of my life, I can't even sleep lmao pls manifest this gorgeous man to not be scared of dating me asdfgg I'm channeling all that intense energy into this reading. Pick a photo and see the results!
💕 Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop 💕
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1. White, Pink & Saint Mary pendant
You crave love, and you're ready to go after it, whether it's by finding a new partner or working on a current relationship. You desire action and excitement, playfulness, however lately things might not have been going your way, and you're left feeling defeated. The message you need to hear is that you shouldn't give up on what you desire even if others might think differently or you've been left empty-handed for now. However, if you're facing a partner that leaves all the hard work on you and expects you to be the driving force, stand up for your boundaries and make sure you're not being overwhelmed. Move away from whatever negativity is holding you back from living your truth. Understand yourself on a deeper level and don't pity yourself for your past experiences. Good things are waiting for you!!!
💕 Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop 💕
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2. Purple, Light Pink & White pendant
There's a deep connection either already in your life or it will start forming in the near future. It's karmic, and it's mature, or at least you'll come out of it a lot more mature than you are now. I see two strong-willed people having their own truth and both wanting to connect yet not being able to allow that necessary vulnerability to shine through, but there's a big potential for something prosperous here. You need to open your eyes. You're smart, you're capable and independent, however, the skills and personality traits that are needed to love and feel another persons soul are quite different. You need to soften up. Even if not for the other persons sake but for your own, just to explore yourself in private. Whatever the situation is, it's not unsolvable. Reconnect with what you truly want here- to keep your powerful image or to form a deep connection.
💕 Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop 💕
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3. Red & two Green pendants
Somethings gone wrong... Did you let someone get away, or did you leave too fast, and now you regret it? Perhaps you wanted something beautiful from a connection, but it ended up hurting you instead. You need to move away from that loss. You can't turn back time and do all the right things this time. Instead, channel that energy into something new. If you still think there's hope for you and that person, you do have the power to fix things in the future if you let go of the hurt you're holding on to and open your heart for a new beginning. If you'd rather have a new beginning with someone else, you have the power to obtain that as well. You should believe in yourself more and stop pondering about the past.
💕 Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop 💕
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4. Black and Smiling pendant
Try again. Come on, put yourself out there and try again. You might feel awkward, like dating makes you pretend to be someone you're not or you find it hard to show yourself to new people, don't know where to start and how to act. But in reality, despite all of the anxiety you feel or bad experiences you've had before, you want to be loved and having a beautiful relationship is one of the things in life you crave the most. I'd even say that it is one of the most important aspects in your current lifetime, a major part of your destiny in this reincarnation. And if so, then it will come to you because what's meant to be, will happen and you can't escape it. All you have to do is take one step at a time and you'll get there one day.
💕Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop💕
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5. Blue, Green & Brown pendant
There is someone wonderful in your life, or they might soon appear, it could also be multiple people who are craving your attention and love. Don't lose this opportunity, don't lose that person or the chances to experience love and beauty just because you don't know what to do, what is right or because you're too focused on yourself. You want this, so why are you letting it pass by? Loving someone won't make you less independent or waste the time you could have been focusing on your career. And if you make mistakes along the way with this connection, that is a part of being human. You're smart, you'll know how to deal with it. Live life a little more, rush even if you're used to moving steady.
💕Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop💕
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6. Black and two Brown pendants
You're stuck, don't know what to do or how to go about love. One message I'm hearing is that there might be someone who can give you good advice in terms of love and relationships in your life. If you feel like your perception of these things is twisted due to trauma or mental illness, you might even want to talk to a therapist or perhaps watch educational videos about relationships on YouTube, read a book. If you feel like you don't have the time for relationships because of a busy schedule or other priorities then you reading this is already an enough of a sign that you crave love and wish it could be a bigger part of your life. There are ways you can find time for it, just put effort into finding them.
💕Please check out my jewelry on my ETSY (link) shop💕
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blakbonnet · 11 days
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Ever read a fic and go "they're so 😭" - that's every single Danny fic to me, aka today's second aotw feature, and god, what an amazingly talented author they are.
I'm so glad you decided to write and grace us with your lovely and bonkers fics, because I cannot imagine the OFMD fic world without your incredible Every Part of You series. I cannot imagine logging into this website without another incredible post from you. Every single thing you write (and do) leaves me in stitches and then, more often than not, you straight up chair your friends with your ultra soft way of writing how much they love each other - in between the much needed elbow fucking. You are such an amazingly kind person - hilarious, supportive, and the best cheerleader 💕 Thank you for answering my questions:
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
I start with a pretty detailed outline because if I don’t go in with a plan, I’ll drop threads and/or write myself in circles. Then I have my outline open on half of my screen while I have a separate doc open on the other half where I’m actually writing. I write in order from beginning to end.
Favourite trope or headcanon you like to explore while writing? (Things like Ed's sweet tooth, Stede's ability to bury his feelings etc)
I have a lot of fun writing angst, so I think any facet of that I can explore is a good time. Weigh them down with insecurities and see how far I can bend them with external factors like plot points, each other, or other characters before they snap. So things like Stede believing he ruins everything he touches, Ed believing he doesn’t deserve fine things, and how they both stand in the way of their own happiness because of these feelings. I also love exploring like, the horrible communication skills Ed and Stede have with each other when it comes to their emotions, and setting up story beats where that intercommunication can break down. Because they’re idiots (affectionate).
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
Ed for sure. I find him very easy to connect with, emotionally. All my favorite characters think they’re unlovable monsters and no, this says NOTHING about me personally, etc etc etc.
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
Red Skies at Night! It's modern au, but they're still on a boat! If you like slow burn, bitchy Stede, Ed with a tongue piercing, fun costumes, and a big dash of pining, I def recommend checking it out!! ❤️
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
The one that comes to mind is ‘blink.’ Kind of a funny one, but to me, it’s such a juicy way to imply so much while saying so little, so I know I use it frequently. Stede asks, “Do you trust me?” and Ed blinks back at him as he tries to work out why that question hits him like a truck (because the answer is a very easy yes). Ed says, “You make me happy,” and Stede blinks back at him in awe (because Stede? Making someone happy? That can’t be true). You get it.
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
Yes, Beedle (@sleepystede) and Connie (@spirker) have both beta read for me! They’ve helped me tremendously with flow and rewording awkward sentences, and I’ve improved a lot from their feedback. Connie has also been invaluable to bounce ideas off of for new fics and just generally pushing me to be more creative through her never-ending support and big beautiful brain.
Why OFMD 🥹
I loved season 1 when I first watched it, but as soon as I saw the season 2 trailer, something clicked in my brain. Where season 1 was slow burn, will-they-won’t-they, is this real or are they queerbaiting, season 2 was posing itself as very, very clearly queer. Stede is going to get his man. That’s it, that’s the show. Undisguised, unabashed, unapologetic gay yearning and gay romance. There are a million other things I can say, but I think it really all comes down to that. What a gift. No one does it like our show. 💖
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters (who also made the header) and send your love to all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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werepuppy-steve · 10 months
Eddie peeks his eye open. Steve is sitting on the other end of the couch, completely engrossed in his game of Flappy Bird.
Eddie groans louder and heaves himself from the cushions to flop onto Steve's lap, face down, ignoring his boyfriend's squawk as the 'game over' sound plays from the phone.
"Steven Penelope Harrington."
"That's definitely not my middle name. You know my middle name. And get your ass out of my face, Jesus. You're worse than a cat."
He shoves at Eddie's butt and Eddie lets himself dramatically roll onto the floor with a soft 'oof.' He looks up at Steve with a pinched expression, like he's ate something gross but doesn't want to seem rude by spitting it out.
"I'm bored."
Steve rolls his eyes. "And? Don't you have a campaign to work on?"
"Yeah, but I don't want to to work on the campaign."
"You've got that paper due for music history you haven't started on."
"For the love of god, don't talk about school on a Sunday."
There's more silence, but it's not uncomfortable. Eddie idly picks at Steve's socks and Steve goes back to his game. Eventually, Steve sighs and lightly kicks Eddie's shoulder.
"Do you want to go for a walk?"
A light fills Eddie's eyes and he jumps up, just barely avoiding tripping over himself. "Fuck yeah, let me get my shoes!"
Steve watches him run up the stairs of their home. They're renting off campus for their senior years of college—sports medicine and music education, respectively.
Back in Hawkins, Eddie used to explore the woods all day when he was a kid. Said these woods weren't much different than the woods back home. Now that he's here again, surrounded by the trees he grew up with, right in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains, he feels more comfortable and like himself than he ever has.
There's so many trails just in their little town alone and Eddie treats them all like they're going on some grand adventure, jumping on rocks and damn near giving Steve a heart attack when he stumbles off of them. Throwing himself into the wild tales he spins while they walk.
It's nice, Steve thinks as Eddie comes bounding back down the stairs and waits like the door like an excited puppy, seeing him like this.
It's also nice that Eddie tires himself out on these walks and takes a nap when they get back home, all his boredom and hyperactivity quelled in one go.
🥐☕💕 buy me a coffee?
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literaryuppsala · 1 year
I’m not sure if your requests are open! If not just ignore me !! Can you do a Hvitserk x reader where she’s a Targaryen that has been exploring other lands on dragonback and comes across Kattegat which has never seen a dragon? I just love when the OC is the center of attention 💕💕
Alright this took me a while to make and I had so much fun while doing It, as an asoiaf fan, to write for a Targaryen character was always something I wanted to do, but just never had the opportunity so thank you for your ask, i really loved it.
I'm gonna need your willing suspension of disbelief in two things here: asoiaf and vikings maps and languages spoken, with that being said, there's no warnings, no smut, just a kiss, a few of dragon rides and Ivar being the bad bitch he's always been.
The end is cut short because I totally gonna need more than just one chapter to develop this relationship, let me know if you want something like this.
Enjoy ♥
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Life was a willow (and It bent right to your wind)
You were the center of attention since you were born, being the only daughter to the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, you inherited your mother’s title: the realm’s delight. You were Rhaenyra’s youngest child, not an heir, just a daughter and you loved that. Your brothers had to deal with lords and lands and battles, while you could do things as you will, and to be honest, what you loved the most was flying around on your dragon. 
You bonded with her very early and started flying at the age of seven, the same age your mother started flying Syrax. You named your dragon Seafyre, it was a she dragon, your favorite thing in the world, your best friend and your protector. She had a beautiful silver color with blue scales, her flames were blueish with a hint of silver and despite not being an adult dragon yet, she was growing very fast, you wondered If she would grow to be as big as Balerion was. 
Rhaenyra loved you dearly, at first she wanted to protect you from the matters of the Seven Kingdoms, but as you grew up, she saw so much of herself in you, she wanted you to do great things, wanted the people to know you not just as a beautiful young woman, but a strong princess. Seeing the love you had for your dragon and despite Daemon’s resistance, she decided to introduce you to the truth. 
Rhaenyra’s claim wasn’t as strong as Aegon’s simply because she wasn’t a man. Despite winning the Dance of the Dragons and killing her brother, not all of the lords accepted her power. They plotted against her and she knew she needed allies to call for when the time would come. You were smart and gentle, and the Queen decided to make you a messenger: you would fly to further lands and offer alliances with the Queen.
“You’re late.” Your mother scolded you as you entered the council room. 
“Lost track of time.” You answered a little embarrassed, taking off your gloves as you walked towards her. 
“Come, we need to talk.” She gently touched your shoulder as she guided you towards the table. 
Gathered around the table there was only the hand of the queen, your father Daemon and the Master of Whisperers, you knew what that meant. 
Every time the Master of Whisperers heard of new lands, he would come to Rhaenyra to tell her about the possibility of new allies, he was the one to tell her you were the perfect messenger for Dorne. After Prince Qoren’s death, his daughter Alliandra ascended to the throne. During the Dance, Rhaenyra asked for Dorne’s support but was denied, Prince Qoren decided he wouldn’t step into that fight. However, after killing Aegon and ascending, the Queen tried one more time, with you. Later, you and Alliandra ended up becoming friends and Rhaenyra finally had Dorne’s support.
This happened a lot of times. Rhaenyra would send you first, on your dragon, like a messenger of peace, you would study the place and the lord, would understand his needs and try to become a friend, then you’d come back home with information and most likely an invitation for a meeting with your mother and your father, this helped Rhaenyra to secure her time on the throne, but she knew she should use as much help as she could get. 
“We heard from a land of men across the Narrow Sea.” The Master of Whisperers started. 
“In Essos?” You asked with a frown.
“Beyond the Free Cities, beyond the Dothraki Sea. Where none of us had ever been.” He continued and you nodded. 
Rhaenyra held your hand before telling you: “We want you to go there.”
“That’s further than anywhere I’ve ever been…” You looked at her with widened eyes. “And I thought we’d had enough allies by now.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. 
“It will never be enough.” Your mother answered. “We need as much support as we can get, you know that.”
“I know, I know…” Your shoulders brushed and you looked down, she cradled your face between her hands. 
“What is It, sweet girl?” She asked gently, making you look at her. 
“It’s just… Will this ever end? I mean… You… Sending me far away from home to find people willing to help you, offering your help, preparing for a fight that never comes.”
“This fight is lurking between the curtains of your mother’s house.” Daemon intervened. “It will come… Sooner or later.” He walked to you, taking Rhaenyra’s place and holding your shoulders, he gently touched your chin making you look up at him. “I don’t like this as much as you do, but at this point you’ve done it too many times…” 
“Seafyre will protect you.” Rhaenyra stated.
“We trust you.” Daemon caught your attention. “It’ll be just like the others.” 
Everything was settled and the next day you were ready to go. Seafyre was waiting for you at the pit as you said your goodbyes to your parents. 
“We don’t know their costumes, be sure to protect yourself and your dragon no matter what.” Rhaenyra started. “Your well being is more important than any agreement, so take care.” She kissed your forehead, a tiny smile on her face. 
“Yes, your grace.” 
“Be strong.” Daemon warned you, a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
You smiled at him before walking towards your dragon, you caressed her neck and mounted her, looking back over your shoulder before flying. 
You were used to traveling long distances on the back of your dragon, that was never a problem for you, but the thought of going to a foreign land so far from Kings Landing was still leaving you uneasy. Would they welcome you? Would they be aggressive? You had no idea. And after crossing the Narrow Sea, the thought became stronger, so did your fear. 
You crossed the Free Cities and the Dothraki Sea in one day, but what you didn’t know was that, after crossing those lands you would meet with another sea, a darker one. You caressed your dragon one more time imagining it would be a longer journey than you expected, she would be more tired as soon as you arrived, that would stop you from coming back right after.  
“Keep going, girl.” You whispered in hopes she would hear you. 
By morning you finally reached the sight of land and blinked incredulously: there really was a faraway land after the end of the world. You landed at the beach, Seafyre was so exhausted she laid down immediately. 
“This was great work, my girl. You did great, I’ll find you something to eat.” You murmured caressing her sides. 
You clearly caught the attention of the people there, the little houses around the beach had a few people gathering outside just to stare at you and your dragon. Women and children looked dumbfounded at both of you.
“Look, Lagertha!” A tiny voice sounded some place into the houses, you searched for the source, and it didn’t take long for you to find it, a little boy rushed towards you with a little girl running right behind him. 
“HALI! ASA!” This time a woman screamed, she ran towards the children. 
You quickly grabbed the two before they reached Seafyre and crouched before them with a smile. 
“Calm down, she’s tired.” You warned. 
“Is this… Is this…” The little boy stuttered.
“A dragon. Her name is Seafyre.” You helped him.
“Seafyre…” The little girl repeated, her eyes sparkling as she looked at the dragon.
“Is she yours?” He asked and you nodded. “You came from the sky with her, flying on her back!” 
“Not from the sky, from-”
Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed the children’s shoulders and pulled them away from you, the woman was defensive and you understood, so you stood up and smiled at her, trying your best to look harmless. 
“What are you?” She asked with a growl. 
“A woman, just like you.” You offered your hand for her, she looked at you with a frown and didn’t take it. You withdrew your hand and smiled embarrassed. “I come from another kingdom, one that is far away from here. I come in peace.” You tried again.
“What kingdom? Are you from England?”
“England? Is it another kingdom?” It was your turn to look at her and ask with a confused frown.
“What kingdom are you from?” She insisted.
“Westeros, I’m from Westeros.”
“Never heard of It”
“Never heard of yours either, yet here I am.” 
She was dumbfounded, suspicious to say the least. Looking at you and at your dragon with a deep frown on her face, It was clear to you that these people never once saw a dragon in their lives, you were shocked but no so much, you were separated from each other by two large oceans, a dragon is just one of the probable differences between you. 
“I believe your name is Lagertha, right?” You tried but she didn’t respond. “I know you’re scared but I come from a long journey, and I need to feed my dragon. I see you have a few animals around, I wonder If you could give me one.” 
“What if I don’t?”
“I can’t control her when she’s hungry.” 
Lagertha looked at the gigantic animal and gulped. 
“Come.” She talked to the children who whined and struggled a little to follow her, but did it anyway.
You waited patiently until she came back with two big pigs, showing them to you. You nodded before taking the leash from her hands and taking the pigs towards your dragon. That would give her enough strength for hunting for herself afterwards. You put the two pigs in front of her, she sniffed the air and opened her eyes. She quickly ate the two pigs with a loud growl, startling Lagertha who walked back two or three steps, away from you both. 
“She’s sweet most of the time.” You said loud, caressing her sides as she calmly laid back down. “But not when she’s hungry.” You joked before looking back at Lagertha. 
“I think we should go to see the king.” She mumbled under her breath, trying to look away from your dragon and focus on your face.
“Don’t you think he would like to see her first?” You tried.
“Come here?”
“Yes. This way he can see the nature of my offer with his own eyes.” 
She didn’t answer, just left without saying a word. You stayed there for a few hours feeling a little stupid but before giving up, you saw a group of people coming to the beach, one of them in a chariot while the others followed. They talked among themselves and looked at you with widened eyes. You prepared for their approach, standing beside your sleeping dragon trying to look as peaceful as possible. 
“So, is this the beast?” Said the man coming down from the chariot. 
“Her name is Seafyre.” You corrected him, noticing he needed the help of a pair of crutches to walk. 
“You wanted to see the king. Here I am.” He answered with a smirk. “I’m Ivar.” 
“It’s an honor, Lord Ivar.” You bowed. “As I said to Lady Lagertha, I come in peace, I come with an offer.” 
“What kind of offer?” He asked suspiciously. 
“An alliance.” You answered. “I come as Princess of Westeros to offer you an alliance from my kingdom to yours. My mother, the Queen, is willing to fight for you with all her powers when you ask for, as long as you fight for us when we do the same.” 
“Do you have more of these?” He asked, a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at your dragon and you nodded. “Can you bring them to the fight?” 
“I can.” You smiled and he did the same. 
“You can enjoy our hospitality for as long as you need, then you can teach me more about your kingdom and tell me more about this offer and your dragons.” 
You were all gathered in a place they called “the great hall”. It was very cold, and reminded you of Winterfell. You sat around a fireplace at the center and everyone was paying close attention to you. Later you learned they were all related, the king and his brothers: Ubbe, Hvitserk and Sigurd, their wives sat by their sides and all of them looked at you with widened eyes and suspicious looks. You were very different from them with your violet eyes and platinum hair, and your Targaryen attire in bold red drew attention against their black tunics. 
“Where’s this West- Westeros?” Ivar talked first. 
“Across the sea…” You started to answer but were quickly interrupted. 
“We traveled across the sea, never heard of a kingdom called Westeros.” He insisted. 
“You haven’t traveled enough.” You smiled and shrugged. “It took me almost two days on my dragon, and dragons travel fast.” 
“Why is it that you’re looking for an alliance so far from your home?” Ivar’s brother, Ubbe, asked you. 
“Why would you ask for an alliance?” You asked like it was obvious. “Cause it’s good for both parts.” 
“You gotta tell me what’s the good thing for you in It.” Ivar continued. 
You sighed. “My mother is the Queen, but she had to fight for her throne, she earned It… However not every lord of Westeros is comfortable with her power.” 
“You need support.” Ivar mumbled. 
“Don’t you need it?” You asked, a frown on your face. “Don’t you have your own wars to fight?”
“I can very much use the support princess, I mean we’re talking about dragons here…” He smiled. “But I don’t need It, I’ve been fighting my wars with my bare hands way before you came here.”
“So, you’re saying my offer doesn’t interest you?” You asked with a frown.
“That’s not what I’m saying…” He corrected you. “See, as I said, you are welcome to enjoy our hospitality here as long as you need. And we can keep talking about your offer in a way that can be good for both of us.”
Someone filled your cup one more time and you smiled kindly at her, Ivar poked at one of his brothers, Hvitserk, and whispered something in his ear, he looked at you before both of them left the table, excusing themselves, they crossed the curtains and vanished on the back of the great hall as you followed them with your eyes until you lost their sight. You looked around feeling very conscious of your own loneliness in that place, there really was a feast going on, they were quick to prepare the food, but all of them looked at you with fear in their eyes, whispering to each other while staring at you, being the center of attention never bothered you like that before, you drank from your cup and sighed, feeling frustrated already. 
“Are you sure?” Hvitserk asked Ivar, his voice low under his breath while his brother put himself a cup of ale. 
“I am sure. I can sense she needs us more than we need her…” He sipped from his cup before huffing out a frustrated laugh. “At least, in a way she needs us more.” 
“You think she’ll accept It?” Hvitserk insisted. 
“Well, why not?” Ivar shrugged. 
“She’s already offering us her dragons, I mean, she might feel like she doesn’t need to give us anything else.”
“So, we’ll convince her.”
The first rays of sun crossed the cracks of the windows and woke you up, painfully reminding you you were not at your own chambers back in King’s Landing. You sat at the bed and stretched a little, seeing a few clean clothes laid down beside your bed alongside a bow with fresh water. After freshening yourself and changing your clothes, you left the room they prepared for you, walked towards the noise you heard coming from the great hall, but as soon as you crossed the curtains, they stopped talking. 
“Princess!” The same little girl from the other day ran towards you, offering her hand for you to hold, and you smiled accepting her offer. “Come sit by my side.” 
“Of course.” You sat by her side and were quickly followed by the same little boy. “What are your names?”
“I’m Asa.” She answered with a smile. “This is my brother Hali.” 
“It’s very nice to meet you both.” 
“Do you have other dragons??” The boy asked excitedly.
“I gotta tell you, every person in my family has a dragon.” You answered proudly. “My mother’s dragon is called Syrax and my father’s, Caraxes. All my brothers and sisters have dragons of their own.” 
“How many dragons do you have?” Ivar questioned. 
“A lot. Like I said, every person from my family has one.” 
“Where did you find them?” Little Asa asked. 
“Well, that’s a long story.” 
“We’d love to hear It.” Hvitserk was the one to speak this time, you looked at him and nodded. 
You spent the whole morning telling the stories about your family, how they managed to escape from Old Valyria with a few dragons, how the family remained on Dragon Stone for centuries before Aegon decided to finally fly to King's Landing. They paid attention to everything you said, especially the kids who seemed in awe with all the stories about battles and dragons. You learned that Hali and Asa were Torvi’s children and that she was Ubbe’s wife. Ivar was married to another woman called Freydis, and Sigurd and Hvitserk were still unmarried. 
“And he was as big as the sky?” Hali asked with big eyes.
“Balerion could strike a shadow over a whole city when he flew.” You answered with a smile. 
“Did you see him?” Hali’s eyes sparkled.
“He passed before I was born, but we still have a dragon from his time, she’s almost as big as he was, her name is Vhagar.” 
“Does she belong to anyone?” Torvi asked you as curious as her children.
“My sister, Baela, is her rider.” 
“Isn’t she too old?” Ubbe questioned.
“She’s very old, that’s why she’s so big, we suspect her time is already coming to an end like It came to Balerion, we’re just waiting.” 
By the end of the day you were all gathered at the beach, watching as Seafyre flew around. You felt when a tiny hand grabbed yours and looked down, little Asa stared at you with hopeful eyes. 
“Do you want to fly with me?” You asked crouching in front of her. 
“REALLY?” She asked excitedly. 
“Really! Go and ask your mother.” 
The little girl ran towards her parents, Ubbe caught her in his arms and they both walked towards you with suspicious looks. 
“Isn’t It dangerous?” Torvi asked you. 
“No, you can trust me.”
They looked at each other before putting the little girl back on the ground, they nodded, letting her come to you, you grabbed her hand and walked towards the sea shore, you called Seafyre’s name and she immediately came to you, landing right by your side. You rubbed her sides before helping Asa on her top, mounting behind her very quickly. 
“You can hold here.” You pointed to the handle of the saddle, whispering in her ear. “Or you can hold my arms…” 
Asa was very brave, laughing and screaming through the whole time you were flying, she held your arms firmly, but for a moment she dropped it and raised them up her head, making you hold her against your chest with a little more strength. When you landed back on the beach she was already begging you to fly again, but her brother, Hali, seemed to have his own plans. You gave both children a few rides on your dragon, carefully handing them back to their parents afterwards and promising to do the same the next morning. 
After a few hours you saw yourself alone on the beach, watching as Seafyre made a show of eating fishes from the ocean. You felt a presence beside you, looking around to find Hvitserk standing a few feets away from you, you smiled to yourself imagining he feared to be close to you because of your dragon. 
“You can come closer, you know.” You told him and he looked at you, his cheeks reddened a bit and he looked down before approaching. 
“Hali and Asa are way more brave than I am.” He smiled to himself before looking at you, as if he was taking a moment, his smile slowly died on his face and he looked forward before starting to speak again. “Princess, I have to talk to you.”
“Sure.” You answered quickly. 
“My brother has an offer he wants to make to your mother.” 
“This can be arranged, you can prepare your ships to follow me back to King's Landing to have a meeting with her.” You reassured him and he nodded. Both of you stayed in silence for a moment and you felt him uneasy. “But that’s not the only thing you want to ask me, is it?” 
Hvitserk looked down at his own feet, his arms firmly crossed behind his back. “No… It isn’t.”
“Lord Hvitserk I can assure you that my family always respects our alliances, you have no reason to fear, we’ll keep our word.” 
“But you understand we need more than your word, right? We’re not very much of a threat to you, I mean we don’t have dragons, and we need to protect ourselves.” 
This time you looked away, but immediately felt his gaze on you. It made you warm all over for some reason. 
“Is that the nature of your offer, my lord?”
A gust of wind crossed your body and you hugged yourself, knowing exactly when Hvitserk stopped looking at you by the way your skin raised in goosebumps because of the cold breeze. 
“It’s a marriage offer.” Hvitserk continued. 
“My mother is already married.” You joked. 
“Are you?”
“I’m not looking for a husband, Lord Hvitserk.” 
“You’re looking for an alliance.”
“In the name of my family, yes. But I am not selling myself in order to get It.” You looked at him with a frown. “And I thought your brother was already married.”
“He is.”
“Than who…”
Both of you looked at each other at the same time. Hvitserk was a handsome man, beautiful green eyes staring intently at you, studying your face like he wanted to know what you were thinking, he caught your eye before, especially that morning when he seemed so invested in your stories, but at that moment you didn’t know if he was truly interested in you or It was just because of his brother’s marriage offer. Seafyre landed by your side startling him, who walked back a step or two, looking dumbfounded at her.
“Do you ever fear her?” Hvitserk asked you while still looking at your dragon. 
“Never. She would never hurt me.” You answered under your breath. 
“You said you can’t control her when she’s hungry.” He insisted. 
“She’s very protective of me, she might resent me for a bit, but never hurt me.” 
You looked at her, rubbing her skin while Hvitserk looked at you with a sparkle in his eyes, he was mesmerized.
“She’s a wonderful animal.” He breathed out.
“She is…” You responded, taking a step away when you noticed she was about to fly again. “You know…” You sighed, looking forward while she flew away. “My mother married another man before she married my father. It was someone chosen for her, someone they said would be good for her. She wasn’t fully happy with him, this I know of, because she always loved my father. Eventually her first husband died and she could finally marry him…” You looked at him. “She promised me she would never force me into marriage, she didn’t want a life of sadness for me, she won’t accept your brother’s offer.”
“Would you?” He insisted.
”I don’t see marriage as a political deal.” You told him. “I want to marry out of love, not out of duty.”
“Are you already saying no?” He asked under his breath. 
That night you struggled to sleep, tossing and turning on the bed, you couldn’t keep your mind off of that man and how you felt warmer under his gaze. You sighed, stared at the ceiling and mumbled to yourself: “I need some air”. You changed your clothes and left your bedroom, walking over to the beach to clear your head. As soon as you got there you noticed Hvitserk sitting on the sand, surprisingly close from Seafyre, a cup in hand while he seemed to be talking to himself. 
“Can’t sleep?” You asked as you approached. 
“Too many thoughts in my head.” He answered after drinking from his cup. “You?”
“Mine too.” You answered, looking at him. 
“Yeah… A lot of things to think about, right?”
“Yeah…” You sat by his side, staying in silence for a moment, feeling the warm breeze of the ocean on your face. You looked at him as he drank another sip of his cup, Seafyre slept peacefully a few feets away from you both and you smiled to yourself before speaking again. “I see you’re not scared of her anymore.” You nudged his arm and he looked at the dragon. 
“I guess I’m too drunk to think of self preservation.” He answered and you smiled. Another moment of silence surrounded you both before he spoke again. “Would you take me for a ride?”
“You mean now?” You asked him with a frown and he nodded. “Yeah… Sure.” 
You approached Seafyre and caressed her sides, waking her up whispering something in valyrian, Hvitserk stood up behind you, nervously waiting. You mounted her and offered your hand for him, he walked hesitantly towards you, holding your hand before mounting the dragon right behind you, quickly wrapping his arms around your waist, sending goosebumps all over your body, you trembled. 
“Hold tight.” You warned him before flying and he heard you, squeezing you tight between his arms. 
 “I am…” He mumbled into your ear. 
Despite the cold wind cutting roughly through your body, you felt warm. Hvitserk’s hands held firmly on your stomach, you had your back against his chest while he rested his chin on your shoulders. To have him so close brought a different feeling to you, a sort of dizziness that would blur your sight, raise the beating of your heart and make your hands start sweating. You turned your head and looked at him, he had his eyes closed, face slightly red from the wind.
“Open your eyes.” You mumbled under your breath.
You watched as he obeyed you, opening his eyes a little hesitantly, blinking incredulously as he looked forward. You smiled to yourself while making your dragon go up faster and Hvitserk held you tighter. Your skin prickled, goosebumps spread all over your body as you felt his own pressed closely against yours. 
“This… This is-” He whispered in your ear and you trembled again.
He then looked at you, your faces so close you could feel his hot breath against your cheeks, you gulped, quickly looking forward. The ride was cut short, you feared for yours and Hvitserk’s safety considering how much he affected you and as you landed, he easily dismounted your dragon, offering his hand to help you do the same, as your feet touched the sand, your legs betrayed you, shaking from whatever feeling that man was causing you and you needed help to stand, his hands wrapped around your waist one more time and he used his own body to keep you still. Your hands went straight to his shoulders and you looked up at him. 
Hvitserk was even more beautiful from that close, his lips were a thin line as he stared intently at you, your stomach turned again and before you even thought about moving away, he kissed you. His lips softly touched yours for a second and you immediately closed your eyes, like reflex, he then kissed you properly, lips crashing against yours hungrily, tongue massaging yours into your mouth, when you ran out of breath and you separated, a thin line of saliva kept you connected for a moment before parting. His hands came to cup up your cheeks, your noses touching while you both looked into each other's eyes, gazing, lips swollen, still wet from your kiss. Seafyre growled right beside you, startling you both and making you move away from each other. 
“Someone is jealous I guess.” Hvitserk said, rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed. 
“I guess we should go back… And try to sleep.” You mumbled, still dizzy. “It’s late.” 
Hvitserk nodded and offered his hand for you to hold and you both walked back to your bedrooms. He walked you towards yours and kissed your cheek goodbye before going to his. As you laid down on your bed again, something was different. You smiled to yourself as you closed your eyes and touched your own lips, his face coming immediately to your mind as you thought about that kiss. That wasn’t your first kiss, of course, you had your little flings as you were growing up, but nothing ever left you so uneasy, Hvitserk made you feel different. 
The next morning you were back at the beach, wondering If you could just fly back to your home, trying to avoid Hvitserk’s thoughts but failing as the kiss found a way to crawl back to your mind. As a figment of your imagination, he showed up at the beach, walking towards you with a little smile on his face. 
“You were very silent this morning.” He told you as he approached. 
“Hali and Asa weren’t there to make me talk too much.” You joked, avoiding his gaze. 
“What are you thinking?”
“Coming back home, I guess It’s time.” 
He stayed silent for a moment and, again, you felt when his gaze abandoned your body, the ocean breeze engulfing you uncomfortably. 
“Seafyre is well rested.” You spoke again. 
“What about our alliance?”
“I told you, I’m not willing to sacrifice my entire life in an unhappy marriage just to make an alliance.”
“Would that be so bad?” His hand carefully touched your forearm and you finally looked at him. 
“Are you really interested in me, Lord Hvitserk?” You asked him back, staring intently at him. “You want me, or my dragons?”
He caressed your cheeks with the back of his hand and you unconsciously leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. 
“I already know you’re the most incredible woman I have ever met, I just want to get to know you more…” 
“What are you asking me?”
“To give me one chance, I want to be your lover, want to conquer your love.” 
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bisexualchaosdemon · 5 months
Do you think Jean is sex repulsed as a result of his trauma? The way he’s actively trying to repress his feelings of attraction to people is giving sex repulsed
I'll preface this by saying that I am in no way and expert of these things, but I wouldn't say that, no. He clearly experiences sexual attraction, and it's not that he doesn't want to act on it; it's more that he's scared? But would I be me if I didn't provide excessive evidence? No, let's gooooo
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(The Sunshine Court, ch.11)
I think it's only fitting to start with Jean's beach party bi panic™️ he refers to his attraction to Laila as inappropriate and his attraction to Jeremy as dangerous. He's not disgusted by it, though? He just doesn't seem to think he's allowed to feel that way. He seems more frustrated than anything, I think. He's giving 'why is everyone fucking hot?!' vibes, like he thinks it's cruel because he thinks he's not allowed to do anything about it?
I do think that it's interesting that he doesn't deny it when confronted about it, though. Like, Jeremy straight up (no pun intended) calls him out on his very poorly concealed sexuality and he didn't bother to even try lying.
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(The Sunshine Court, Ch.12)
Jean being unable to lie to Jeremy is a common theme, which I could rant about separately, but Jean caring more about Lucas insulting Jeremy's integrity than his friends knowing he's bi doesn't scream disgust or aversion to me. In fact, I may go as far as to say that this suggests that he isn't trying all that hard to repress his sexuality in the first place.
Jumping onto the next chapter, we've got some more of Jean's idea of what he is 'allowed' and him actively testing that boundary, just a tiny bit.
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(The Sunshine Court, Ch.13)
Jean-Yves, my precious baby boy, you are allowed to feel how you feel! Personally, this isn't giving me sex repulsed vibes either, though. Yet again, this isn't about what he wants, it's about what he is allowed (Riko, I hope you are burning in hell 💕).
But even with the belief that he isn't allowed to be attracted to Jeremy, Jean still dips his toe in, just the tiniest bit. I'm hoping this is a taste of what's to come, and Jean will feel more able to try things as Jeremy continues to prove that their attraction to each other isn't inherently unsafe. The fact that he's testing it at all, and that he seems happy with the outcome, suggests to me that he may be open to trying things once he feels safe.
For my final point, we're sticking with chapter 13 for sex toy gate!
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It might just be me, but this reaction doesn't give 'sex repulsed'. It's giving kid being teased by his friend or mortified by their older sibling. It's iconic, it's hilarious, he's a blushy little boy. I really hope that we see something more about this in tsc2. I think that, once he is done dying of embarrassment, Laila's thinking might not be too far off.
Riko is dead, Tetsuji is gone, Jean isn't imprisoned in the Nest anymore. He is free and safe to explore his sexuality and I think/hope we will get to see Jean realise this in the future. It has the potential to be really beautiful.
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pandorasfavorite · 6 months
Saw your post abt being idealess and I am trying to brainstorm for you lol
Okay so first thought, hear me out, a bratty sub dominik x reader (smut ofc) or one where he finds out how much the reader likes him speaking Spanish
Or a story where dom and reader are childhood friends and decide to 🍃 together and one of the confesses (fluff)
I've got a few more ideas but idk if you like these so far or not lol
Love you 💕💕💕
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AN: I love you. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to try and use this opportunity to explore Dominik's point of view. (Please don't kill me, I swear if it is not popular I will never do this again). I just whipped this up yo....kinda impressing myself
Dominik's expectations for tonight were much different than yours. He always felt so drawn to you, and that feeling only grew as you both grew up together. Of course, as children Dominik wasn't in love with you; he didn't even really know what that was. But when he started to understand the concept, it took a short time to find out that's exactly how he felt about you.
For the past few years, Dominik felt absolute calm with you, anytime you made a presence he felt contained, relaxed, and most of all trapped. Trapped by your essence, trapped by the look in your eyes, trapped by the wit in your voice, and his favorite trapped by the way you yelled his name each time you saw him.
"DOMINIK!", you screech and sprint into his arms; acting as if you hadn't seen him in years. Dominik would be taken aback by your excitement to see him, eachtime it happened. And his heart would regularly race, so much so that he once had to step away and remind himself that he was not dying. You gave him a grin and pulled him along with you everywhere you went. Dominik had no complaints when it came to following you, he'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant being by your side.
Now that you both are 25 with too much time on your hands, you took it as your personal responsibility to be the red devil on Dominik's shoulder. He sat with you on the dingy couch you had for years now in the center of your small living room. He felt so comfortable in the familiar area, but sitting next to you with his leg pressed to yours was all he could think about. The moment you both sat down, your mischievous grin rose up and you reached into a drawer and pulled out a tin.
Dominik looked at you with suspicion, but he felt settled being beside you, as you felt being beside him. "What you up to Hermosa?", Dominik asked and moved his head into your space to look at your moving hands. He had been calling you Hermosa from the ripe age of 13, he heard it from his dad at first, and it seemed to apply to you perfectly. You open the tin and pull out the preroll, "Dom it's time", you say like it has been a weight on your chest. "Corazón...", he seems unsure. Dominik has never done this before, and he is 100% positive you have never done it either. He was less worried about the action and more worried about how it would make him act around you.
However, you looked at Dominik with pleading eyes; and without any words, you scathed by and convinced Dominik to smoke with you. "Ok", he drops his protective act and reaches for the lighter also in the tin. If he was going to do this, he would be the first to try it, to warn you, also it seemed more polite to light it for you. If Dominik is anything it is polite. He puts the preroll in his mouth and spares you a quick glance, you smile so cute that he is less nervous to do it. He lights up and takes a deep inhale; a really deep inhale. The smoke hits the back of his throat and the mild burn makes him cough it up.
You smack a hand over your mouth, stifling your laughs as Dominik hacks up a lung. After the initial pain of a gut-wrenching cough, the weed hits instantly. Considering he hasn't done it before it was easy for him to get high. The preroll is dangling from his fingers and you look at him with expectation. He jumps in realization and brings the preroll to your lips for you. You inhale much gentler than Dominik, but the thick smoke hits you just the same. Luckily for you, the coughing fit wasn't nearly as bad as Dominiks.
After another few less apprehensive hits, the high really set in. Dominik's eyes went low and glossy with a light hue of red. His goofy smile instantly graced his features and he turned his head to look at you quickly, though in his point of view, it was like slow motion. When Dominik looked at you his breathing came to a stuttering halt, he felt good; but you looked good. Truly perfect and the low eyes and that pretty smile would've brought him to his knees (if he wasn't on the couch). "How do you feel?", you say and somehow manage to lean closer to him as you speak.
Your words knock Dominik out of a haze and he has to inhale a breath before being able to talk to you. He breathes; his eyes staring into yours without care, he looks you over and answers, "I feel as good as you look". His eyes widen as soon as the words slip from his lips, he is about to speak but your giggle cuts him off. Your cheeks are a light tiny of pink and you put a hand on him as you laugh. If you were to look up 'What does a man in love look like?', a picture of Dominik staring at you with his lips parted in astonishment would pop up.
You sit up and your eyes go comically wide, "I want to do something" you declare and you somehow peel yourself from the couch. Of course Dominik got up just as you had. You both stand and look at each other without a clue of what to do and then you mutter a intrusive thought. "Hm?", Dominik asks you to repeat yourself in a small hum. You look up with those big glossy eyes, and his heart rate seems to beat back to life, "Give me a piggyback ride". Didn't have to tell him twice. He crouches down, "Get on then Hermosa".
You climb on his back and you lay your cheek on his shoulder when he stands up completely. "I like when you call me that", you mumbled against his shoulder, your arms barely hanging onto him. Yet you trust Dominik enough to know he would never let you fall. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much and so largely. He swallows and his mouth has gone dry; sure it was probably from the weed; but in his hazy state Dominik was convinced you have begun to affect him more physically than he anticipated. He walked into the kitchen with you slung on his back and his hands under your thighs keep you on him completely. He whispers that he is going to sit you down on the counter. Afterward, he pours a glass of water for you both to share, handing you the cup to get the first drink.
You moan in contempt as the cool liquid slides down your throat and you feel much better now that your mouth also isn't dry. Dominik eyes shoot to your lips at the sound that came from them. But he shook the thoughts from his head; he will not be that guy. You pull Dominik to you by the collar of his shirt (he curses under his breath at the proximity). "I really want some fucking chocolate", you say with wide eyes that are utmost serious. Dominik's eyebrows pull together in seriousness and he raids the cabinets for you. He finds a candy bar in the bottom cabinets and he pops up when he finds it; he smacks his head "ow". He says under his breath.
You jump off the counter and move to crouch down beside of him, your lips plant on his head before he can anticipate it. "There. Feel better?", you ask and snatch the candy bar from him. Dominik's mouth went dry again; this time, he thought he'd fall from the tingles that shot through his body. He nodded and his glazed-over eyes blinked at you twice. He watches you break off pieces of chocolate, he has the intense urge to pull you into his arms and kiss the chocolate off your lips. He thought, "god I'm in love".
Your head whips to him but Dominik doesn't acknowledge it as he slips a piece of chocolate into his mouth, "This is really good". He talked around the chocolate and then he finally looked up to your surprised look. He looked at you, just nearly as confused.
"Wait what?", you put the chocolate down.
"This chocolate is really good", he says again; rubbing the back of his neck.
"No Dominik what did you say before that- you said that you were..you know". His eyes fly the fuck open and his heart has surely fallen to the pit of his stomach. "What did I say?!", this was his worst fear. You waste no time repeating the words that were now inked into your mind, "You said, god, I'm in love". If his heart was in the pit of his stomach, his lungs were probably in the same spot. His breathing stops and his mouth is opening and closing like a fish out of water. Now that you are looking at him, telling you the truth seems so much harder. The way you were staring at him, with a heartbroken look; he couldn't take it. "I'm sorry Corazón, I should've told you sooner", his glazed-over eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips without the intention. "Me?", you asked in utter surprise, he liked you back, after so many years, he was just in love with you as you were with him.
"Who else?", a breathless laugh escaped from my mouth. You gasp at the complete confession, you fall into him heavily; wrapping your arms around him and holding Dominik tight. "Me too", you say into his chest, Dominik heard it and he felt as if he was floating. He pushes you back to see your face but you stay close, "You too?", he asked just to confirm. You nod and tears begin to well in your eyes at the finality and long-awaited desire coming to life. He smiles and breaks into a quick laugh at his luck, he tilts your body down and gives you a long kiss, pulling back to attach to your lips again; over and over again until his lungs recicitate and until his heart gives out.
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Hello! ✨️
Can I request a long fluffy & smut (only lime!) oneshot with prompts: "U-um, H-hunter? "Can w-we do something m-more than just k-kissing?", "W-well, I was thinking that I could m-maybe I could give you a handjob? Maybe e-even a blowjob if you're comfortable enough after w-we start?", "W-wait! I am s-sure, Y/n! I *really* w-want to do, y'know, more with you, I've j-just never done a-anything like that before...", “, H-hunter, Do y-you like it when I t-touch you like t-that?”, "I didn't k-know you were so s-sensitive." & "You're m-making such w-wonderful noises." about his shy!fem!human!reader are giving a handjob and blowjob to ageup!Hunter (TOH) for first time in guest room at Luz's house when everyone was gone for errands? I love to see Hunter's blushing reaction to it! 🤭💕 I really live for flustered ageup!Hunter! Please?? 👉👈
Hello! Thank you for leaving this request :) I really love all of the ideas you send in to my inbox!
Anyway, I'm not gonna write an essay on my a/n so enjoy :)
Btw this was not proof read
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Hunter and Y/n were sitting in the guest bedroom, hunter was sewing a new shirt design while Y/n was scrolling through Twitter, which was a very bad idea might I add
She came across a post about a tweet that mentions some rather explicit things. To not get really in to the details let's say that the post just mentions something about blowjob's
Y/n's face heated up as she looked at Hunter
He seemed so intensely focused on what he was doing, but because of the post that Y/n read only seconds ago, image's of Hunter and her went through her mind
And to say this was the first time Y/n thought about these things towards Hunter would be incorrect. Y/n has, on multiple occasions, thought of hunter in a lewid way. And she hated herself for it
I mean to think about someone in such ways without them knowing is wrong and Y/n felt ashamed, but the images kept repeating in her brain, wondering if that'll ever happen in their relationship
"Y/n, are you okay?" Y/n quickly came back to earth as she quickly realized that she had been staring at Hunter for an uncomfortable amount of time, making her slightly ashamed. But something sparked in her, making her more confident
Opening her mouth to speak, her eyes shined as the words came out of her mouth, with more stutters than she would have liked
"U-um, H-hunter?" She spoke up, hunter tilted his head slightly with a warm smile, Y/n suddenly stood up as she walked towards him
"Can w-we do something m-more than just k-kissing?" She said, leaking her hands on the table, Hunter quickly let go of the shirt he was making, putting it aside as he looked up at her
"What did you have in mind?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the right, making Y/n a bit hesitant
"W-well, I was thinking that I could.. m-maybe I could give you a handjob? Maybe e-even a blowjob if you're comfortable enough after w-we start?" Hunter's eyes widened as heat rushed to his face and ears, as well as his... Other private areas
"O-oh, *cough* well- we co-could." Hunter stuttered. Y/n was lightly surprised, expecting for Hunter to decline her offer
She swallowed her spit, crouching down and crawling from under the table towards Hunter. Standing up she sat down on Hunter's lap, leaning in slightly as she kissed him
He started to kiss back, tangling his hand in to Y/n's h/c locks. The kiss gradually got more and more heated, as now Hunter licked Y/n's lips lightly, opening her mouth Hunter quickly shoved his tounge in
As the two faught for dominance Y/n could feel something poking her lower region, Y/n let her guard down as Hunter was quick to start exploring her mouth
The two pulled away for air, breathing heavily as a string of saliva connected their mouths. y/n whipped her mouth slightly, as she got down on her knees, putting a hand on top of Hunter's crotch, making him let out a low groan
She sighed and looked up at him with a hesitat gaze
"Ar-are you sure y-you're comfortable with this, Hunter?" She asked, pulling her hand away from his crotch slightly, but she was startled then Hunter grabbed her wrist
"W-wait! I am s-sure, Y/n! I really w-want to do, y'know, more with you, I've j-just never done a-anything like this before.." Hunter smiled down at Y/n, letting go of her wrist. Heat seemed to rush to her cheeks as she smiled back, putting a hand on to the lining of his sweatpants as she slowly started to pull them down
Hunter's pants fell to his ankles as Y/n looked at the obvious tent in his boxer's. Swallowing her saliva she slowly started to pulldown his boxer's
His dick sprung out as soon as the boxers were low enough, hitting Hunter's stomach. Y/n could feel her cheeks start to hear up as she grabbed Hunter's dick gently
Hunter groaned at the sudden contact as his head flew back out of instinct
"H-hunter, do y-you like it when I t-touch you like t-that?" She asked, not moving her hand at all until she got Hunter's response
"Y-yes! I do." He breathed out, looking down at her with lust in his eyes, "Please continue." Y/n only nodded, as she slowly started to pump his dick up and down. Hunter let out loud moans and groans, putting a hand over his mouth to muffle the noises he was making
"I didn't k-know you were so s-sensitive." She teased lightly, but Hunter paid no mind as he was to caught up in the pleasure he was receiving. But because of him not paying attention his hand slipped, making a few loud moans slip out
"You're m-making such w-wonderful noises." She whispered, making Hunter groan a bit louder from the praise
Hunter seemed to get used to the pace Y/n was going at. Y/n could see that because his wonderful noises were becoming less frequent, so she decided to give him a pleasuring surprise
Leaning in Hunter quickly looked down s he could feel Y/n's breath on his tip. She kissed his tip lightly, making Hunter whimper quietly, and she wrapped her lips around him, twirling her round at his tip
Hunter's head quickly flew back as a loud groan escaped his mouth, his hand flew towards his mouth as he tried to muffle all of the noises he was making
Y/n chuckled at his actions, making waves of pleasure wash over him as his other hand flew to his mouth, now both of his hands were occupied with muffling his noises as Y/n continued to pleasure him
She started to lower her head on to his dick more and more, every inch that went deeper was getting harder and harder to contain her gags, finally stopping untill there was at least two inches left untouched, deciding she would just pump the remaining parts with her hand she slowly started to bob her head up and down
Y/n looked up at hunter to see his hands clenching his mouth, his cheast going up and down at a fast pace
With Y/n's free hand she reached out towards Hunter, putting a hand on to his, rubbing her thumb lightly to calm him down, humming slightly
That seemed to make Hunter snap, as one of his hands flew from his face to Y/n's hair, pushing her head down towards his base
He moaned loudly as Y/n gagged, putting her hands on to Hunter's thighs as he grabbed a fist full of her hair and pulled her hair up and down his shaft
Soon enough Hunter's hips bucked up as he shoved Y/n's head down to his brim. She could feel hot salty liquid do down her throat as some of it spilled out from the sides of her mouth
Her head flew off of Hunter's dick as the two of them ghasped for air. Y/n wiped the sides of her mouth, looking at hunter as he cought his breath and slowly turned towards her with a shameful frown
"S-sorry for that." He sighed, leaning down towards her putting a hand on her cheek as he kissed the top of her head, "I got carried away." Y/n put her hands on top of Hunter's as she leaned into Hunter's hand
"It's no big deal." She sighed, looking lovingly towards Hunter as she stood up
"Well.. you sould probably get back to patching up that shirt." Y/n laughed lightly, pointing towards the half finished shirt that still sat on the table
"Yeah, I probably sould." Hunter laughed, pulling his chair towards the table as he quickly put his pants on
"I'm gonna go clean myself up." She said, pointing towards the staircase as she turned around to leave, but she was stopped by hunter grabbing her wrist
"W-wait." He said, Y/; turned around and hummed lightly, Hunter smiled warmly, "I love you." He said. Y/n laughed lightly as she turned around and put a hand on his cheek, rubbing her thumb lightly on his scar as she leaned in and gave him a peck on the lips
"I love you too, Hunter."
Heck yeah! Another one finished!!!
Sorry if this is too short or something, but I will be writing your 3rd request tomorrow, since I have other things to take care of, such as school and stuff
But anyways hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night/afternoon :)
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Happy Thursday, friends! Apologies for the delay on this week's recommendations, but we now have seven different oneshots for you all! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
before the salt burns your eyes and you run out of time - by JuniperGrace (2,035 words, General) Pairing: Kima/Allura Vysoren (Kimallura) Warnings: Nightmares, Drowning
Allura has a nightmare after she and Kima almost drowned post-Raishan battle. Kima comforts her.
Reccer Says: The author in general writes some of my favorite KimAllura fics. This one in particular, I really like how they write the dream and Kima and Allura's relationship just feels so natural.
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A Completely Normal Vacation by Luddleston (10,586 words, Explicit) Pairing: Kingsley Tealeaf/Caleb Widogast (Widoking) Warnings: None
Jester gets to pick the next location for the Nein to have a get-together and chooses a high-end sex club in Rosohna. Left alone as the couples pair off for the evening, Caleb and Kingsley end up exploring things together.
Reccer Says: It's deliciously sexy, a very fun and silly premise, and overall just a great exploration into a dynamic between Kingsley and Caleb and the two of them exploring sex together!
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(watch me) dissolve by embraidery (3,617 words, Mature) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf (Fjolly) Warnings: None
Fjord accepts Molly's offer to help him bathe after a tough battle, and then takes him up on another (unspoken) offer.
Reccer Says: I'm always a sucker for a bathing and hair washing fic and this is such a sweet exploration of that. And for a couple I love that really doesn't get the exploration they deserve!
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Essek and Gilmore stuck in an elevator what will they do by allmadeofstardust (1,421 words, General) Pairing: Shaun Gilmore/Essek Thelyss Warnings: None
While paying a visit to Allura, Essek gets stuck in an elevator with none other than Shaun Gilmore.
Reccer Says: A perfect exploration of that one 4 Sided Dive moment. They talk magic and flirt! What more could anyone ask for?
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Baby, I Will, ‘Cause I Really Want To by brief_lives (4,694 words, Explicit) Pairing: Orym/Dorian Storm/Will (Dorymwill) Warnings: None
A Will lives AU in which Orym and Will have an open relationship whilst apart and get together with Dorian when Orym brings Dorian back to Zephrah with him.
Reccer Says: Sometimes the lack of Will Lives AUs surprises me (or maybe I don't look in the right places, idk) and so this is a really nice entry into the genre of fic! And also a great exploration of how Dorian would fit into that dynamic.
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For Science, Obviously by Luddleston (3,640 words, Explicit) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Essek Thelyss (Shadowmoore) Warnings: None
Essek experiments with Ashton's dunamancy. Said experiments make Ashton horny. They try to hide it.
Reccer Says: This fic (and the rest of the series that followed it) are everything I could've hope for when Ashton said Essek was hot in episode 97. Luddleston never disappoints when it comes to writing Very Hot smut and this is no exception. Also the dunamancy stuff going on is very interesting and is a very fun companion to the horiness and sex for those of us who enjoy that kind of thing XD
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Don't take this the wrong way by ladyofrosefire (3,128 words, Explicit) Pairing: Darrow Allocke/Fjord Warnings: None
Darrow and Fjord hook up after their fight.
Reccer Says: Listen, Darrow was 100% coming onto Fjord with the corndogs thing, you can't convince me otherwise, and I love anyone who's written fic about them. They're such an underrated pairing. This fic is really hot and I love it.
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Laudna Rarepairs. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Grief & Mourning and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Summer and Meet Cutes! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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avonne-writes · 4 months
Hi! I don’t know if you’re taking asks or not but I figured I’d shoot my shot!
I’m a big fan of your Clegan stories. Reverie is my absolute favorite story in the fandom. I’ve re-read it twice already since you published the final chapter. It’s my bedtime comfort fic!
I was wondering if you had any advice for a first time smut writer?
I have a new series I started, exploring ‘firsts’ that Buck and Bucky experience and I know that Part Two of my series is going to be Gale and John’s first time. Which is also Gale’s first time doing anything sexual (Marge doesn’t really exist as a romantic partner in my series).
I’m an avid reader of explicit works, but have never even attempted to write one.
Yours come across so genuine and authentic and so I just wondered if you had any advice/tips? 🙈
Hi dear 🥰 Oh, thank you so much! Reverie is so precious to me, I'm glad that it's your comfort story. 💕 Yes, of course, my askbox is always open!
I'm no expert, of course, but I can tell you some of the things I consider while writing sex scenes. Writing a good sex scene is not as easy as it might seem, so don’t worry if you feel like it’s harder than you expected! And if it’s written out of love for the characters, I’m sure it will be lovely.
Some smut writing tips:
First of all, I think it’s good to decide what kind of smut you want to write and what the purpose of the scene is. If it’s arousal (e.g. a PWP fic), you’ll probably want to go into more detail of who's doing what and describe the physical sensations explicitly. If it’s the characters (which I think applies to your story), go into what it means to them to do this and what emotions the sensations evoke in them.
A well-written sex scene stays true to the characters. This is probably the hardest part, but almost everything works if you explain it. For example, if you have someone like Gale, who always talks calmly and confidently, and you want to write him stammering during his first time, the reader needs to understand why he’s so emotional and unsure about it. Example: perhaps he’s nervous that Bucky wants more than he can give.
Dialogue should be consistent with the scene and the characters. For example, a shy character won't start filthy dirty talk and characters won't moan loudly in pleasure if they need to hide.
It's better not to use euphemisms. Please no "love chamber" or "wand of desire". But I think you probably knew this already 😄
I also recommend not to use too many epithets (e.g. the blond, the taller man). I, personally, don't like to use them at all.
Especially with characters who don’t know each other's bodies well yet, leave them space to be surprised and to fumble. Example: Bucky might have had a lot of sex before but not with Gale, and perhaps he’s surprised by the way Gale moves against him, that he doesn’t just let himself be manhandled. Or the exact opposite, he expects Gale to push back but he’s pliant.
Have fun! If you struggle with a part of the scene, shorten it or skip it. You don’t need to describe everything if the words are not coming. 😊
These are the things I can think of at the moment, but let me know if you want to talk about this some more 🥰 You can also send me DMs. Good luck with your writing! I'm sure it will be delightful.
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
Thank you for writing and sharing it with the world, FOR FREE ‼️💖💕💞
Truly a blessing if u ask me and know you're appreciated by me (a big whore) and other people alike 😋
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I'd like to order an old fashioned with Frank Castle, please!
So here goes my silly thot:
hunter/butcher!Frank au (anything to do with selling meat)
"I didn't come here for meat. I came for your meat."
i'm not gonna lie to you, reading this one turned me rabid. if i may be an absolute whore add some spice to this old fashioned-
this old fashioned is garnished with jalepeño (minors dni)
thots below the cut
frank castle's meat
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let's set the stage, shall we? we're talking long haired, bearded frankie (think punisher season 1)
he's the local butcher in town, and all his meats come from his own hunting kills
now frankie has a shop most of his customers come to so they can get their meats, but because you typically work while his shop is open, he allows you to come by his cabin to pick up your orders
his secluded cabin in the middle of the woods (you know where this is going)
now you know for a fact he doesn't allow anyone else to do this, and you use that knowledge that he's sweet on you to your full advantage
maybe your dresses and shorts get a little shorter with every visit, or your shirts get just a little more low cut, but frankie doesn't seem to mind and you notice his flannels and henleys are far more unbuttoned around you than they are when he's in town
being the gentleman he is, he loads everything into your car for you
"can't have you gettin' your pretty hands all dirty."
sometimes he lingers for a moment, leaning up against your car as he asks you about your day or how work is going, and you ask him questions in return. if he's busy and doesn't have time for small talk, he'll throw a little extra something in for you, but he never invites you inside
he's not the chattiest person, and he's always polite and professional when he's talking to you, but that doesn't mean you don't catch the way his eyes wander when he thinks you're not watching him
you keep your flirting playful and light, just in case you're reading him wrong and he really is just that nice, but eventually you grow frustrated and decide if he's not going to make a move, then you will
so you put on your prettiest dress and the sexiest pair of panties you own and drive to frankie's one friday night, and that mountain of a man is on his porch before you can even shut your engine off bc he saw the headlights
and while there's clear confusion on his face when he sees you, the second you get out of your car and he sees what you’re wearing, that confusion quickly melts into something else
"hey sweetheart. I uh...missin' somethin'? didn't think you had an order to pick up tonight."
and the clear lust shinning in his eyes underneath the glow of the moonlight fills you to the brim with that last ounce of confidence you needed to finally get what you want
you swear you see him swallow thickly when you approach him slowly with a sultry smile on your lips and a shake of your head
"I didn't come here for meat, Frankie. I came for your meat."
again, being the gentleman he is, frankie just stares at you with wide eyes, refusing to make a move until he's sure he knows exactly what you're asking for and stumbling over his words
"I uh...don't think I...I know what you're askin' for here, sweetheart."
"I think you do, Frankie. I think you want something from me, too. What do you say we work out a trade?"
if you weren't so turned on you would find it comical that you rendered the giant broody man everyone in town was intimidated by so nervous that he couldn't speak, but you were turned on and impatient so you take frankie's hands and guide them to your hips until he gets the hint
and that is all the confirmation he needs to pounce and then there is not an inch of your skin his hands aren't exploring
he's wanted you for so long that he can't even make it to the bedroom. he spreads you out right over his dining table and drops to his knees to get a taste of you before he's fucking you so hard over it that the table ends up halfway across the living room by the time he's done with you
needless to say, you're his favorite customer
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It occurred to me at one point that since it's our grandpa who owned the farm, you could have an infinite amount of cousins who own the farm.
So now two of my farmers are cousins who realised they were both working at the same company after a department transfer and both decided to leave their soul sucking jobs to become farmers.
One of them is my main female farmer when I started using mods for the first time, like expanded. The other is my male farmer who I'm using to explore Ridgeside.
They are basically gender bent versions of their grandparents save for a few differences like skin tone.
So, you know how some of the villagers know about your grandparents? Like Lewis, Evelyn, the cult, the adventure guild etc
How would the characters who knew about Grandpa and Grandma react to seeing how similar the farmer is to their grandparents. Like, the farmer does something that really reminds them of grandpa/grandpa or they notice they have the exact same eyes.
Oh, how I enjoy reading people's stories with their OCs Farmers who are either relatives or friends/neighbours in Stardew Valley! I guess that's why I love the interaction of my OC with my mutual ones ☺️ Your story for your OCs is very sweet, dear anon, thanks for sharing it. Enjoy some headcanons! 🫰💕
All that Farmers managed to do for the residents of Pelican Town and Ridgeside Village, all the good they did for the entire Amethyne family, Maive will never forget. Their kindness and patience, their desire to help everyone and their drive for perfection... All of these attributes that the elderly head of a much respected noble family had already seen long ago in one chaotic, charismatic and kind Grandpa. Even the way he was always running and rushing about, meddling in other people's business and always keeping his overalls dirty from working on the farm. Maive thought it a little strange: the imperfections and smells of the grass, which she usually found irritating, now make her think about her past, when Farmer's Grandpa and Grandma had been there for Maive in joy and sorrow. The few people who were friends with her not because of her status, but because they thought she was a good person. All of this she now sees in the young Farmer as well.
The moment Evelyn saw Farmer on her doorstep, with their overalls stained with grass and soil, a basket of fresh apples and a smile on their face, she almost mouthed the name of her late old friend. In her youth, Grampa had been a frequent visitor, treating Evelyn, her husband and their then living daughter to ripe berries and fruit almost every week. Always smiling, always cheerful and happy, Grampa was a ray of sunshine for all the residents. Even Evelyn's husband, George, stopped grumbling as usual and gave a firm handshake to the kind neighbour who dropped in for a visit. The Farmer who appeared on her doorstep inadvertently made Evelyn go back in time, to those moments, for so much did the Farmer and Grandpa look alike. In appearance as well as in character.
That fire in their eyes... Belinda and Raeriyala have mentioned more than once how much Farmer looks like their grandmother, but after their adventures in Ridge Forest, opening the portal and preparing for the final battle, both spirits have seen Farmer enter the portal into the corrupted magical forest, and how willingly they are to fight to save Ridgeside Village. Just like their long-time friend whose death they will never forgive Gabriella for. Even these words that the Farmer uttered..... "Don't be afraid, it's gonna be okay!" That was the last thing Belinda heard from Grandma before the portal closed behind her. Both the cult leader and the forest spirit for a moment wanted to even rush towards Farmer already, in order to prevent them from entering the portal. Because they felt that they were losing a good friend again..... But the situation with the dark magic was out of control, and they both only have to believe in her grandchild.
Towards evening, Lewis walked to the Farmer's house, as usual intending to collect all their crops and produce for sale from their shipping bin. The Mayor saw the Farmer outside, not far from the Barn, where they were stroking the head of a cow. The Farmer cooed and played with the cow while the animal closed its eyes and enjoyed scratching behind its ear, rattling its bell around its neck. Lewis smiled warmly, remembering how much he had been afraid of cows as a teen and their powerful hoof strike that could knock him out. It was Farmer's Grandpa, Lewis' food friend, who had taught him how to properly approach these massive animals and and not be intimidated by them. The way the Farmer played with the cows made Lewis remember those wonderful days of his youth when his friend still worked here on this very farm. When Farmer turned to the thoughtful Mayor, Lewis almost said Grandfather's name instead of Farmer's. "You know, Farmer, cows were your grandfather's favourite animals."
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