#but i'm confident in this one
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odakuram · 1 year ago
Electricity Forecast Music/Lyrics: Inabakumori Illustration: Nukunuku Nigirimeshi Singer: Hatsune Miku
A thunder jolt rushes in!
あなたの 心を つかむため あたしは 隠れて 待っている  簡単には 見つからないように  きまぐれな 世界を 信じているのよ
I’ll hide in wait so I can capture your heart Like it can’t easily be found, I believe in a quirky [1] world!
触れないように 歩くための  気持ちは 魅力に あふれている  まっさらな 図鑑が 埋まる たびに  知らない 街まで 歩きたくなるのよ 
The mood that drives me to walk so I won’t touch is overflowing with charm Every time a brand new index [2] is filled up, I want to walk down to an unknown city!
あああああ  はじめまして あたし あなたの 心です  かわいい だけじゃない ってこと  知ってほしいの 
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah! Nice to meet you, I’m your heart It’s not just because you’re cute, I want you to know that!
でんげきが はしる!  画面を またいだ あたしと 目が あって  捕まえたのは あなた  感情を 知らない きれいな 声は 離れない 
A Thunder Jolt [3] rushes in! You strode across the screen and looked me in the eyes I got you! That beautiful voice that can’t understand my feelings won’t leave
しょうげきを くらう!  不安定な 空模様に とどめばり  動けないのは あなた  感情の いたみわけを して  回復すれば いいよ 
I’ll take this impact! At an unstable look of the sky, I use Fell Stinger [3]! You can’t move now! It’d be great to Pain Split [3] our feelings and restore our health
心 体 すべてに 効く 技は  あたしを 連れていくと 生まれるの  まずは しびれさせて しまおう  のちの あなたが 楽に なるために 
Moves that affect the heart, the body, everything, arise as I am taken along First, I have to make you go numb, so you’ll feel a lot better later
1人だけの ままじゃ  飛べない 乗れない 潜れない 音が  世界の 図鑑と 誰かの 時間を  埋めて 満たして いく 
A sound that  can’t fly, be ridden or dive by itself, fills the world’s index [2] and someone’s time all the way to completion
しょうげきを くらう?  誰かにとって この声は いまひとつ  捕まえたのは あなた  感情を 知らない きれいな 声は 
Wanna take this impact? For someone, this voice is not very effective [4] I got you! That beautiful voice that can’t understand my feelings
でんげきを ためる!  プラスと マイナスの 言葉が ぶつかって 
A Thunder Jolt [3] is amassing! Words of plus and minus [5] collide
暗闇を 明るく 照らし  かなしみのなか 強くして 連れてって  見つけたのは あなた 
Brightening up the darkness Gathering strength, taking me out of sadness, I found you!
でんげきが はしる!  画面の 向こうまで 届�� あたしの声  捕まえたのは あなた  感情を 知らない きれいな 声は 離さない 
A Thunder Jolt [3] rushes in! May my voice reach you from across the screen! I got you! That beautiful voice that can’t understand my feelings won’t let go
しょうげきを つなぐ!  心 つき動かして イナズマドライブ  繰り返すのは あなた 
I’ll connect the impact! I’ll move your heart with Electro Drift [3] You repeat!
『感情を でんきにかえて  すてきな 声に なるでしょう  以上 電気予報を お伝えしました
“If you morphed your feelings into electricity, it’ll become a wonderful voice, don’t you think? That’s all for the electricity forecast [6].
hoo boy where do we even begin in the translation and personal notes
Notes: 1 - The term きまぐれ is how the Quirky nature is written in Japanese--note that if a big word gets written in hiragana it's more than likely a specific Pokémon reference. 2 - ...with the exception of 図鑑, the Japanese term for the Pokédex, but I translated it without the Poké-connotation since it's not written as ポケモン図鑑. 3 - Everything marked for this footnote are all Pokémon move references which correspond to Pokémon that appear in the key illustration--in order of appearance:
でんげき - Thunder Jolt (A Pikachu-exclusive move (and a Smash Bros and TCG-exclusive move too--this was quite hard to find) とどめばり - Fell Stinger (A move that can be learned by Togedemaru (the ball flying on the red balloon, which in itself is an item used to negate its extreme weakness to Ground-type moves)) いたみわけ - Pain Split (A move that can be learned by Mimikyu) イナズマドライブ - Electro Drift (A Miraidon-exclusive move (the purple dragon at the back of the key illustration))
4 - The term いまひとつ is how 'It's not very effective...' is written in Japanese. 5 - プラス and マイナス correspond to Pokémon abilities that can be held by Plusle and Minun (the red and blue babies in the key illustration) 6 - And finally the title itself. It's a pun based on how 電気予報 (denki yohou) sounds like 天気予報 (tenki yohou). I would've translated it to something like 'Thunder Forecast' since it sounds similar to 'Weather Forecast', but unfortunately, 電気 not only specifically means simple electricity, it's also how the Electric-type is written in Japanese--and it can't be confused with the Japanese name for the move Thunder (かみなり/kaminari) either!
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thatnununguy · 3 months ago
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Rosecat (she doesn't like being held)
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dollya-robinprotector · 11 months ago
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That one event when PC sleeps in History class and wakes up with cum on their hand. It's not the only one, but, like......
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No just let me delulu okay just LET ME THINK IT'S THE HIGH CONFIDENCE ROBIN and this is the premise we need for Somnophilia Ronin okay "no one seems to notice" BUT IF YOU LOOK TO YOUR SIDE HONAY MAYBE YOU LL SEE SOMEONE IS BLUSHING JUST LET ME DREAM PLEASE SOMNO ROBIN IS REAL AND I'M SO READY FOR IT.
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cairafea · 4 months ago
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they're matching costumes.
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lala-blahblah · 5 months ago
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Watching ace attorney playthroughs again and this isn't even enough of a reach to be a joke this twitter post is just exactly what happened
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egophiliac · 5 months ago
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(breathing into a paper bag) FRALIO....
can't believe they gave us another guy. oh my god. so I guess Kelka is more, uhhh, more OOO then, and Fralio is Ankh? not that it matters too much, although they do seem to be doing something with the connected Riders so. who knows. anything goes! or if I may, anything gOOOes! god. of course they're the Ambition parallel. of course they are. oh my god.
fortunately there's nothing else they can throw at me right now that could possibly --
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papayafiles · 3 months ago
"i think the thing i've learnt and i've gained the most this year is: confidence in myself. sounds very simple... i've just always been quite the opposite kind of guy. and i've, i always find like i need to go out and prove it to myself before i wanna start believing anything, so. um, this year i learnt—yeah, i made some mistakes, and i didn't give a good enough fight to max, but, um, it was a good effort! and the one thing i've learnt from is, i have what it takes. and that's not an overconfident saying, that's a: i know i made my mistakes, i know what i'm capable of doing, and i know if i can improve on these things, it's definitely possible. so i'm excited. as much as i want this season now to end and i wanna go have a holiday... i'm also already looking forward to next year."
from lando's post-race interview in abu dhabi, answering the question "do you really fancy [the wdc] next year?"
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math-memes · 1 year ago
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mellxncollie · 12 days ago
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Sophus Helle, Gilgamesh — tablet X, line 55 Dead Boy Detectives (2024) — season 01, episode 07
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nox-in-a-box · 17 days ago
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I just wanted to draw them holding hands...instead I drew everything but that.
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camellcat · 5 months ago
do you guys think spike would want to take buffy's name if they ever got married? cause I do.
every single time I've read a fic where they share a last name, they take spike's name and I DO NOT believe it. I don't believe it for a SECOND. unless we're talking william here, no SHOT he wouldn't wanna be a summers!!
like... ough. he'd be connected to both buffy and dawnie 🥺🥺🥺
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chronocrump · 5 months ago
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tried drawing videl in four styles
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abd-illustrates · 10 months ago
Mr.Illustrates how does it feel to know that arlecchino’s backstory and fatherly role aligns with your theory of the pyro archon?
Actual footage of me playing her story quest yesterday and hearing about the fucked up way Crucabena used to run that house:
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Basically Roman and Virgil in my White Lies AU:
Roman, looking intensely in a mirror in his room: I just... Need someone to be my friend. Someone who will listen to and support me, who won't betray my trust and break down my confidence when I don't agree with them... Someone who also kinda hates Janus... Someone to binge watch Disney movies with me...
Virgil "chilling" in his own room alone in the dark side: *sits up and looks around suspiciously* I feel like something is calling me
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parasitoidism · 6 days ago
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Color Illustrations from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne Comic Anthology (2003)
Artists: Yukawa Kazuno, Biscuit Squad, Sumino Hirune, Yoroi Yoshihisa, Yasuko Oyama, Tsushima Shuu
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welcometololaland · 28 days ago
i got stuck at the start of 5 x 12 because it really went from "if we don't-"
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to "no goodbyes"
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