#911 lone star finale
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rangersoup · 28 days ago
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Carlos and Wyatt in 5x12 Homecoming
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whitefluffyyeti · 28 days ago
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9-1-1: Lone star "Homecoming"
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welcometololaland · 28 days ago
i got stuck at the start of 5 x 12 because it really went from "if we don't-"
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to "no goodbyes"
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everlastingday · 26 days ago
just rewatched the ending and ending on the lyric "you and i will meet again" is DIABOLICAL like how am i supposed to watch that and not cry?!?!
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rebecca24223 · 28 days ago
I loved the final…. Go watch the first episode and then this last and wow, I think they tied up everyone’s journeys pretty well and in a beautiful way. 
Especially how Owen went to Austin to save his son and rebuild a firehouse, not only doing so but creating a family for tk and for the rest of these beautiful people, then returning to NY when his job was done. 🥹
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ednygmasbowlerhat · 1 month ago
ok i'm putting in my predictions for the 911 lone star finale since I just watched the second to last episode:
the asteroid doesn't kill everyone (duh)
tk or carlos will stop working / change careers so they can still adopt jonah. i would prefer carlos because I feel like he doesn't really want to be a cop but maybe that's just me
tommy dies (duh)
mateo and nancy get married so mateo doesn't get deported
owen goes to ny and paul takes over as captain of the 126 and makes marjan his lieutenant
idk what's going to happen with judd tbh maybe he goes to join grace on her mission? or maybe grace just comes home (i mean we won't see her but maybe she gets a mention) also he gets promoted from probie
also maybe marjan announces that she's pregnant
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curryalley · 27 days ago
Gotta hand it to 911 Lonestar for going out in the stupidest way possible and sticking to the rule that no one ever dies on 911 (except Charles, RIP Chatles, enjoy being a ghost).
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doublel27 · 28 days ago
Favorite Fandom Memories: 911 Lone Star
Big thanks to @thisbuildinghasfeelings for starting this beautiful tag game of love and @marjansmarwani @bonheur-cafe @lemonlyman-dotcom and @annoyingcloudearthquake for tagging me.
I’ve made no secret about the fact that the end of this show has made it hard for me to watch because I am not ready to say goodbye and if I don’t watch the rest of the season it’s not really over (I know that’s not how this works).
But for my favorite fandom memories:
The wild speculation we got into! Through the ice storm arc and all the way through season five. I’ve been wildly wrong multiple times but never regretted a moment of sharing my thoughts, analysis and flailing and reading everyone else’s in between. It has been a pleasure and an honor clowning with you all. May we be Lone Star 🤡 forever.
Bisexual/Pan Nancy confirmed! It was a delightful line about her ex who was still shorter than her in heels, but Nancy confirming her type is: shorter than her the fandom rejoiced. Even if we didn’t get some of the WLW ships we had hoped for, it was lovely to have this truth to be canon, and for 4/6 of the Catan gang to be openly queer.
All of the fic and the gifsets and the asks and the tag games and the art of all kinds and just how lovely this fandom is for creation. I wrote so many fics for this fandom and so much meta and read so much meta and there’s beautiful fanart and thank you all for the creativity and support that this fandom gives to its members.
To all of you who I’ve interacted with since joining this fandom, whether you’re still in this fandom or have moved on, it’s been a hell of a ride and thank you for everything you’ve shared.
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dzdv · 28 days ago
Lonestar Finale
Okay so I know everyone and their mothers hates Owen, and I get it if he ain't the character for you and how he just has to be central to everything (he is the protagonist of the show, unlike not really having one in the OG show), BUT I do love him and TK so them being together when the meteor landed hit me right in my feels. I feel like they've well and truly lost the true connection they had in season 1, which would be fine with all the plot that has happened but the characters talk about it like they are back to normal even though the scenes they have prove that wrong. Also ofc bro wasn't going to die, are you kidding? It's Owen Strand.
I love Tommy but I feel like making her live for a happy ending is kind of a cop out. I mean, I'm happy she's alive but sometimes you need that bittersweet feeling, you know? Giving her the whole cancer arc and seeing Charles just to go 'nah she's fine' is crazy to me. If they knew they wanted her alive at the end, they should have wrote a better character arc for her season instead of giving us another cancer scare.
I'm not even gonna talk about Mateo's deportation stuff because it genuinely feels like such a minority character cop out to go 'OF COURSE THEY ARE GONNA HAVE A DEPORTATION SCARE'. Sure, I think it's important to have representation of such an important and scary thing that happens to real people, but it should have been for an episode and not just a random arc to give to Mateo. Not every mexican character has to have a deportation scare. (also literally having this during the scariest time for people in america with the ICE raids is just insane to me)
Nancy was my paramedic captain queen. Honestly don't know much of what she did because I feel like the writers don't care about her story and just how she ties into everyone else's story.
I'm so very very very happy that Judd became captain because he deserves it and I love him to bits. Having Grace not here was just a stab to the heart but if the actress didn't wanna come back, then there isn't much we can do but headcanon. Also where the fuck was Wyatt like half the season? I haven't heard anything about him.
I'm gonna be honest, I don't even know anything about Paul and Marjan from this season other than Marjan getting married which seems insane to me after the whole decades old fiance thing. I think Paul had like a rookie or something he was training?
Tarlos my Tarlos. I love Carlos angst. I love TK Strand. I love the finale of them and Jonah being a family unit. I will have a better run down when I can actually watch the show myself instead of reading articles and tiktoks, but I feel like they lacked alot of 'we are married and even though Carlos is losing his shit, we are happy together'. I think everyone immediately knew when the problem with adopting Jonah came that TK was gonna quit his job. There was absolutely no way Carlos becomes a Texas Ranger like his Dad and avenges his father's death only for him to quit to be a father (something that yes, he eventually wants, but doesn't want it as badly as TK does).
THE METEOR. I DO NOT CARE FOR YOUR APOCALYPTIC JUMPSCARE. I DO NOT CARE FOR THE METEOR. There are 10 billion other things they could do but they decided to do 'BYE BYE TEXAS- oh wait nah, you're fine.'
I'm sad this season's script was shit. I'm sad that everything was rushed because of the cancellation. I'm sad Lonestar is ending because I love most of the characters. Will this still be a comfort show for me because I've gained an appreciation for gay firefighters? Of course. Do I want the 126 (totally didn't accidentally write 118 here . . .) to do everything ever and be happy for the end of time? Absolutely. Do I wave Owen Strand off to go suck his own dick in New York with a smile? With the glee of seeing your enemy eat shit.
All and all, I will miss this show. And I hope we get to see the actors thrive in either reprise roles in spin-offs and the OG show or completely new places. The chemistry of the cast is undeniable and I'm so sad to see them part but I look forward to their futures.
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carlossreaders · 29 days ago
i hope everybody has a great experience watching the finale live tonight!!! i’ll be inactive on here for the rest of the day + tomorrow to avoid spoilers!! have fun!!!!!
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hookinhand · 1 month ago
genuinely feeling so much about the lonestar series finale in a few days i think the one downside of being a fan of a show is that it will eventually end even if you’re not ready for it like you just have to watch it go❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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rangersoup · 25 days ago
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The End.
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psycolynx · 27 days ago
9-1-1 Lone Star Writers be like
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my-beloved-lakes · 1 month ago
*Gasp* I just realized ls finale starts tomorrow!!
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rebecca24223 · 28 days ago
I really like Carlos and Wyatt’s relationship.
It’s like a mix of mentor, father/son, friend thing and it’s nice to see. 
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poobur79 · 27 days ago
I am happy with the Lone Star finale. I waited a week and watched the last two episodes together with no spoilers. I thought the tension was excellent and I’m so relieved they all survived! I’m so over character deaths for shock value, or because “that’s where the story was leading us”, the real world is such a dumpster fire, let our fictional blorbos LIVE!
Including Owen Strand! I like Rob Lowe, so there!
Tommy’s story broke my heart, I was in tears just about every time she was on screen. I’m so glad she pulled through.
Everyone pretty much getting their happily ever afters is all I could really ask for. I hope these characters manage to pop up again somewhere someday.
I never got as attached to LS as I did the mother ship (who I still haven’t forgiven for recent events) but this was a good show and I’m glad they got to finish telling their story. 🚒🚑🫶
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