#but i'll try my best!
soupsandstars · 1 year
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various hulk drawings from the past two days
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do u do comissions or anything?
Funny you ask that! I had opened myself up to emergency commissions for the first time last year, and just recently was thinking of reopening them since I'm once again a lil low on funds (car repair can be a bitch lmao). Here's a quick price sheet I whipped up in response to your ask!
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also a few good examples of my work, the first being the one and only comm I received last time lol
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zimizak · 7 months
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Hell yes, you better subscribe to this blog, I have something better than just fanart. So what about the original characters??
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Troupe Event Translation - Sunny Blanc (1/11)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
*door opens*
Guy: We’re home.
Hisoka: I’m beat…
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Izumi: Welcome back! That’s a pretty bouquet you have there!
Azuma: Indeed it is. Why do you have those flowers?
Guy: A regular said they started a mobile flower shop recently, so they shared them with me. We discussed a lot before they opened for business, so it appears it was thanks for that.
Tsumugi: You aren’t going to display them in your store?
Guy: That thought did cross my mind. But I thought you would like them, Tsukioka.
Tsumugi: Sorry for going out of your way for me. I would drop by your store anytime to have a look as long as you let me know. Thank you though. I happened to buy a new flower vase recently, so I’ll arrange the flowers in that.
Izumi: I’m sure the lounge will brighten up if you display them here.
Homare: Mhm. Life with flowers adds a dash of colour. It is a wonderful thing. ….HA! A poem has come to me!
Tsumugi: I suppose this area still doesn’t need any fertilizer… I’m glad both the tulips and the hyacinths look like they’re doing well.
Hisoka: *Nom*… *munch, munch*. How are the daffodils from before?
Tsumugi: The daffodils are growing well too. …Fufu. We’ve been doing things like this more often since our 8th performance.
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Hisoka: Yeah. We were doing the opposite during that time.
Tsumugi: We were aiming to get to know each other for our roles as partners, after all.
Hisoka: *Yaaawn*… I’m sleepy…
Tsumugi: Your clothes will get soiled by the dirt if you sleep here. It would be better to sleep on the bench.
Hisoka: Mm… Zzz, zzz…
*dream starts*
August: These will dry by the afternoon in this weather. It’s nice and warm.
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Hisoka: ?
August: Look, you can smell the nice scent of the sun from the sheets.
Hisoka: The scent of the sun… (It’s a nice and warm smell…)
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August: It kind of makes you want to take a nap, doesn’t it? I guess I’ll catch some shut-eye too. Goodnight.
Hisoka: Goodnight…
*dream ends*
Hisoka: …Ngh.
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Izumi: Hisoka-san? Great timing. I was just about to wake you—.
Hisoka: …I smell the sun.
Izumi: The sun? Ahh, you mean this laundry here?
Hisoka: (I had a nostalgic dream about August… Maybe it’s because I smelled this while I was asleep…)
Izumi: You have a happy look on your face.
Hisoka: …August appeared in my dream.
Izumi: Oh, I see. It must’ve been a pleasant dream.
Hisoka: (Back then, I thought I would remember such a happy moment for the rest of my life. But I totally forgot about it before I knew it…)
Izumi: You know, maybe August-san was nearby and came to check up on you…
Hisoka: …August?
Izumi: Maybe he was wondering if you’re doing your best as an actor, or… um, that was a bit insensitive of me to say, huh? I’m sorry.
Hisoka: It’s okay. That sounds like something August would think, so I’m sure that’s true. They way you and August think are similar…
Izumi: If possible, I would have loved to meet August-san too.
Hisoka: You guys could meet if you could enter my dreams…
Izumi: Ahaha, I guess so.
Hisoka: …Oh yeah, where’s Tsumugi?
Izumi: Ah, Tsumugi-san was the one who draped that blanket over you. He went back to his family’s home in a rush earlier. He said he would explain the situation later. But I’m a little worried since it’s rare to see Tsumugi-san in that sort of state.
Hisoka: I wonder if something happened…
Izumi: We’ll just have to wait for Tsumugi-san to contact us for the time being.
*door opens*
Tsumugi: I’m home.
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Izumi: Ah, welcome back! How did it go back home?
Tsumugi: So you see, I rushed home since got a call from my mom saying my grandmother’s health wasn’t doing well… But it was just a cold according to the results from the clinic. I went home without listening properly, so my mom was surprised and told me I was in too much of a hurry. My grandmother also said it wasn’t a big deal. But considering her age, we can’t let our guard down even though it’s a common cold… My mom has her job as a nurse, and my dad is working in another city, so I’m thinking I’ll go home for a few days to take care of her starting tomorrow. I’m so sorry. I know we’re supposed to discuss Winter troupe’s play around this time.
Izumi: Don’t even worry about that! Please stay by your grandmother’s side until she’s feeling better.
Tsumugi: Thank you. I will talk with the rest of Winter troupe too. —.
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Izumi: A-are you alright?
Tsumugi: Ahaha… I just stumbled for a second.
Izumi: (Uh, and now he’s hit his head against the door… it looks like this has really shaken Tsumugi-san.) (I wonder if he’ll be alright taking care of his grandmother by himself…)
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
Maybe it's just my mediocre technology skills, but I cannot for the life of me get your fairytale VN to boot up. I'm given the option to download the file, which once done, I can unzip the file. That's about all I can do. Please help!
Oh no! I was worried something like this would happen. I'm super new to all of this and wasn't sure if I did everything right. I'll take a look at it today and try to figure out what went wrong/what you need to do to get it to play. Thanks so much for telling me about this, anon. 💙
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For everyone that is now following me
I am the most ANNOYING kind of optimist. My DMs are ALWAYS open. If I don't have the spoons to respond, I'll either say so, or I won't respond immediately, but I'll do my best to respond! I LOVE conversations and interactions and making friends and sometimes I'm bad at it, or I get too excited and come on too strong, but if you're ok with that I'd like to be your friend c:
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cerriddwenluna · 2 years
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel (6/24)
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel
This diary belongs to Kurt E. Hummel.
Please do not read this without my express permission. (Yes, that includes you, Finn.)
Have you always wanted to find out what Kurt writes in his diary? Now is your chance! But, ssssht! Don't tell Kurt we stole it... ;)
Read chapter 6 now, below the cut and also on AO3 and S&C!
Read from the beginning
UPDATE: Now also with art under the cut!
Dear Journal,
I met someone.
We had to put together a group number in Glee Club and the boys were being their obnoxious selves again, so I decided to take Puck’s advice and go spy on the Warblers. As much as I wished they would have just taken me seriously, I can’t say I regret how things worked out today. 
I never used to think I had a type, but the boy I met while I was walking around Dalton Academy, hoping against hope that nobody would kick me out, seems to tick every box I never knew existed. 
He is handsome in a Hollywood Golden Age style, and managed to express a sense of individualism while wearing a boring standard private school uniform. He is also very kind, as was proven by him taking me out for coffee instead of kicking me out when I got made as a spy. 
And that song he sang… I don’t think I’ll ever listen to Katy Perry the same way again. I can’t be sure without asking (which I will never do), but at times I could swear he was singing it to me. His voice was so smooth and rich and I can definitely see how he would be the lead singer with all his charisma. 
Even his name is perfect. Blaine Anderson. Blaine and Kurt. Kurt and Blaine. That sounds pretty great, doesn’t it?
Dad said to get used to going at it alone until I found someone as brave as myself. I don’t think I’m particularly brave, but what if I don’t have to do it alone? What if I can have the typical teenage experience all my classmates are having?
I’m a bit scared to get my hopes up. Blaine may be gay, but that doesn’t mean he automatically likes me.
I think I could really fall in love with him. Oh please, Blaine. Please like me back…  
~ Kurt
Thanks for reading! ♡♡♡
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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hoenns-newest-trainer · 10 months
[A box appears on your front door, or somewhere nearby you where you would not miss it. There is a note attached. It reads:]
["Hello! Since there are many, I'm trying to send these to as many aspiring trainers as I can before my boss notices. I wish good fortune to you and your adventure! Kind Regards, Mantua. (or @mood-kyuller!)"]
[Inside the box is a plastic-wrapped set of five books: One on EVs and IVs, one on how to approach different types of pokémon without scaring them, one on how to care for different types of pokémon, one on how to train them, and one on basic survival trainer skills. Next to them are twelve pokéballs, six potions, six revives and six full heals.]
(Not a clue how to react to these kinda things)
HOLY MILKTANK! SIX REVIVES!? This is crazy! (If one of you pulls up that damn rattata copy-pasta). I'm taking all of these inside, but... Arceus this is amazing. This will be very helpful when trying to get some new pokemon. Absolutely insane.
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horror-vampire · 4 months
I absolutley reccomend playing syardew valley! It's a quaint little farmibg sim where you get drugged by a wizard and can raise chickens. Also you can be gay in it! (Also yes you jeed to watch madoka magica its so good)
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canisalbus · 2 months
*carefully picks you up and peeks into your conch snail shell*
Ehm... Sorry to bother, but... Could we, maybe, possibly... see Vasco's wife and her lover pictured by your hand? Sorry again, thank you for listening. Take care.
*delicately lays you back into the water to prevent any stress or dehydration*
Unfortunately I don't have her lover figured out yet, but I think Ludovica looks something like this:
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egophiliac · 3 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 9 months
ON THE DAY OF HALLOWEEN ask me or anyone else that's reblogged this, "trick or treat" and you shall recieve a random thing in your trick or treater bucket! What thing?
A little doodle of their blorbo? An incorrect quote? A drawing of a little cat? A fun fact about bees? A little drabble (100 words I mean but do as you will) for a random thing? A photo of their pet dog? A headcanon? A fic recommendation? A random meme? An OC? A link to their current favourite song? A nice, virtual slap in the face? A trick? A treat? WHO KNOWS!!! NOT YOU OR ME THAT'S FOR SURE!!! (Just no screamers or shit like that of course lets not forget that lmao)
Why am I saying this now instead of on the day of the game? So anyone else that wants to play has plenty of time to prepare a little handful of things for the trick or treaters!!
Remember, it doesn't have to be anything big!!! You can be the blog that's giving everyone images of rotisserrie chicken you found on google, or you can be the blog that's giving everyone pictures of your cat if you want!! This is a low spoons and low stress game so do whatever you want to do that's easy for you!! Be a mix of everything or just give a 'hi!' it doesn't matter, it's all in good fun!! And we can trick or treat each other too, of course. Not as fun if you can't get any tricks or treats too, right? Anyone can trick or treat and anyone can be trick or treated!
I recommend making/queueing a post on the day so everyone knows you're playing btw (anyone that reblogs this post will get one off me too if they don't say otherwise in tags and if I remember I said this)
All you gotta do is send an ask with 'trick or treat' in it on Halloween! Halloween day!! 31st of October!! Day of spooky!! That's it!! (And if you go on anon no one will know if you come back again but I didn't tell you that lmao) I'll be answering any I get when it's Halloween in my timezone and I'm sure I won't be the only one so if you ask earlier, hang tight! It's probably not Halloween yet or they don't have time just yet cause it's a Tuesday! I believe that's everything so...
Have fun guys!!
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ekkusu1993 · 1 year
A 1-up and new mailbox for X?
I guess!
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
vulture king save me, save me vulture king.
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skunkes · 2 days
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ellestray · 2 months
elle's favorite ateez fics. f = fluff ; s = smut ; sg = suggestive ; a = angst. ✧ = absolute favorites, must read. (only adding notes for these few fics to ensure readability for the overall list!) word count in brackets. last updated: may 2nd, 2024
authors; if you wish to be untagged, please let me know!
currently no individual fic for hongjoong, yeosang & jongho. please refer to the OT8 section, or come back for future updates!
✧ [11,1k] plastic flowers — @bobateastay ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: this fic revolves around abortion, so please keep this in mind before reading. i read this on a flight— and i don't know if it was the altitude, but it broke me. the author beautifully wrote this, in a way where unconditional love, hope and pain are intertwined. one of the most pleasantly surprising and touching reads i've had on this platform by far.
✧ [2,3k] essence — @hwaightme ( f ) ↪ note: this one is for the poetic, hopelessly romantic fics lovers. everything i've read from this author was beautiful so far! the poetry in this fic was so pretty that i felt the need to share it to my friends... although i usually never share fics out of tumblr. i'm excited to read through more of your writings, bai!
[1,2k] the first snow and being in love — @i-luvsang ( f )
[884] 02:36 — @hwapetals ( f )
[642] adoration — @kisshwa ( f ; sg )
[8,6k] both — @hwaightme ( s ; f )
[200] 10:24pm — @hotteoki ( f )
[986] anguish — @kisshwa ( a )
[n/a] bf texts — @hotteoki ( f )
[79] 9:22pm — @cozykpopblurbs ( f )
[1,6k] i'll be with you — @cheollipop ( f )
[519] lazy make out sessions — @crazyforhwa ( s )
[1,2k] realistic sex — @byuntrash101 ( s ; f )
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✧ [13k + 18,2k] unprofessional attraction ; pt.1 , pt.2 , [tbc] — @jk97 ( f ; s ; a ) ↪ note: i was so engulfed into this fic that i skipped a lecture to continue reading. fics that are heavier nsfw-wise usually aren't my thing, but here, every single line pulled me in. hell, i felt even more insane about yunho after reading this. saying i'm excited about the next chapters would be an understatement.
✧ [14k] closer, face down — @ncteez ( s ; f ) ↪ note: again, although i usually prefer fluff over smut, i absolutely loved this fic... the build up made it so enticing! i don't know if a re-edit still is in the works, but i'd absolutely re-read it regardless!
✧ [84,5k] project: make you love me (series) — @hwaslayer ( f ; a ; s ) ↪ note: pulled an all nighter to read the entire series in one go... it was that fun to read! the relationship was built up at a nice, natural pace, while still keeping the reader on their toes. (this made me very excited about the seonghwa series in progress..!)
[1,1k] bedfellows — @sungbeam ( f )
[1,3k] he knows he loves you — @honeyhotteoks ( f )
[2,5k] convenience store chances — @ohmyamor ( f )
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[300] nothing sweeter — @i-luvsang ( f )
[1,1k] nsfw alphabet — @yunhobug ( s )
[425] 3:52am — @edenesth ( f ; sg? )
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✧ [3,7k] leave the window open — @sungbeam ( f ) ↪ note: so sweet. so comforting. the kind of heartwarming fic that feels like hot cocoa on a cold winter day. (also made me feel insane about san... but let's not talk about that.)
[1k] always available — @everyonewooeverywhere ( f )
✧ [1,6k] capturing us — @03jyh23 ( f ) ↪ note: another sweet, poetic, hopelessly romantic fic— my favorite kind! finding fics like these always feels like discovering a little treasure. looking forward to all the wips!
[n/a] boyfriend texts — @koizekomi ( f )
[2,6k] take a break - @cheollipop ( f ; s )
[249] 21:23 — @petitemingi ( f )
[350] boyfriend headcanons — @i-luvsang ( f )
[600] one more minute — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[1,3k] no strings, no expectations — @seonghwaddict ( a ; sg ; f? )
[468] stretch marks — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[475] valentine's series : movies — @whimsicalwritingsandmore ( f )
[n/a] instagram stories with bf san — @lwtqts ( f )
[371] hold me — @cheeseceli ( f )
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[800] untitled — @cheollipop ( a ; f )
[2,8k] mind over matter — @mingisaddctn ( s )
[256] 23:22 — @petitemingi ( f )
[1k] 23:46 — @seonghwaddict ( f )
[447] princess treatment — @cheeseceli ( f )
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✧ [1,2k] broke you heart, i'll put it back together — @dairyminki ( a ; f ) ↪ note: loved this so much that i had to read it twice. something about wooyoung hopelessly in love wanting to fix this... name twin, if you're reading this, hi- i'd be seated for a part 2 if you ever have the time to write it!
[2,2k] vacation — @bobateastay ( f ; s )
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[700] when you don't say i love you back — @jjunberry ( f )
[2,4k] romance tropes — @beenbaanbuun ( f )
[n/a] situationships (texts) ; pt.1 , pt.2 — @yunhoszn ( f )
[2,9k + 3k] as boyfriends ; hyung line , maknae line — @honeyhotteoks ( f : s )
[n/a] sex ban (texts) — @kisshwa ( sg ; f )
[n/a] sending you a pic of themselves (texts) — @bombuni ( f )
[1,3k] outfit turn-ons — @starillusion13 ( sg )
[1,2k] make-up sex — @nateezfics ( f ; a ; s )
[944] showering — @seonghwaddict ( f ; sg )
[1,6k] as boyfriends — @atiny-moon ( f ; sg )
[2,5k] that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language — @sanhwaism ( f )
[1,1k] top 3 kinks — @seonghwaddict ( s )
[2,8k] making out — @sxcret-garden ( sg ; f )
[n/a] asking them to draw a flower (texts) — @eightmakesonebraincell ( f )
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if any link is broken, or if i made any mistake when tagging fics— please kindly let me know!
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