#but i'll come back later this summer when they are and eat some
ibupr0fendolll · 3 days
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#1; low cal drinks
thirst is commonly mistaken for hunger during the fasting period, so here are some low/0kcal drinks that aren't just plain water to indulge in during your fast (guilt-free):
- black coffee (a good appetite suppressant. adding no calorie sweeteners will improve the taste)
- diet sodas/zero sugar sodas
- plain tea (opt for freshly brewed)
- ice cold glass of lemon & cucumber sparkling water
- electrolyte water (you can make these at home or purchase in-store, these will keep you energized and provide nutrients if you're doing a longer fast)
- flavoured mineral water
- black coffee & redbull (probably tastes disgusting, but gives you an excellent energy boost when desperate times call for desperate measures)
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#2; still bored?
if you're tired of these options in their liquid form, try using an ice cube/ice lolly mould to turn these into refreshing popsicles for hot summer days. it'll be a fun activity to get your mind off food, and a much more stimulating experience for your taste buds. freeze for 6-8 hours and they're ready!!!
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#3; low intensity exercise
make sure you're partaking in frequent exercise to keep the hunger and fatigue at bay. here are some examples of what you can get up to that doesn't put so much strain on your body:
- walking
- yoga
- meditation
- gentle stretching
- pilates
working out before or after your fast is always better than during. if you get too ill/tired, you may be tempted to break it
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#4; keeping your mind off food
fasting might mean you have more free time on your hands than before. the key is to stay busy so your mind doesn't wander off and you stay focused on your goals! here are some ways to do that:
- picking up a new hobby or learning a new skill
- tell yourself "i'll eat it later", this tricks your brain into reducing the immediate urge you have to eat the food, and gives you time to think about the consequences of eating it. by the time "later" comes around, you won't want it anymore
- watch a movie with an actor/actress with your desired weight
- create a th1nsp1r@t!on board on pinterest
- make a reward list (obviously with no food) for when you lose a certain amount of weight/complete a certain no. of fasts
(credit: @bxbblegxmbxtch17)
- buy yourself a piece of clothing in your desired clothing size (whether it's for your 1st gw or ultimate gw) and hang it in full view when you're working out/fasting to remind yourself why you started in the first place
- journal!!!
- read a book
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#5; breaking your fast
DO NOT pig out after your fast is over. that is still binging whether you have it all in one go or not. opt for more nutritious and lighter meals so as not to undo your progress and to slowly build back your tolerance to foods after a particularly long fast, such as these:
- grilled chicken salad (~290kcals)
- quinoa and roasted vegetables (~275kcals)
- strawberry oat smoothie (~280kcals)
- mixed vegetable stir fry over rice (~255kcals)
- lentil and tomato soup (~200kcals)
(*NOTE*; these are just approximates and completely depending on your serving size & what ingredients you use)
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that's all i have today :) let me know what you think! i hope these helped, you got this doll ♡
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coyoteuugly · 1 year
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pictures from one of my favorite places in the whole world
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quaintii · 1 year
Across the Street
Pt.1, Pt2.
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synopsis: Miguel calls you in once more for babysitting. He has a day off from work and something inconvenient happens.
content: 18+ MDNI - babysitting, DILF miguel, fingering, m!receiving bj, praise and degrading, dirty talk, spiccyy overall.
A/N: thank you guys for the support!! Love u all 💞
extra: art is on Twitter by kimmy_arts0912
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Miguel woke up to the sound of his phone burring on the bedstand, clicking the stop button.
9:04 a.m.
He slowly rose off the bed, rubbing his temples and heading to the bathroom. He took his time getting himself ready, it was never easy for him since he would regularly work for long hours but today was a day off.
He took a shower, shaving off his stubble beard with a mirror glued on the bathroom wall. He got out with a towel wrapped around his waist and a small one on his wet hair.
Soon as he finished changing, he went downstairs to drink some black coffee and eat some peppered eggs with bacon.
As he scrolled through his work emails on his laptop, he saw Gabriella at the corner of his eye. She stepped off the stairs, approaching Miguel and hugging his legs.
"Como dormiste, mi changa?" (How'd you sleep, my girl?) He let out a hearty laugh, ruffling her messy brown curls. His focus was now on Gabriella, carrying her with one arm while his other hand pinched her swollen cheeks.
"Bien, papi!" She said as she swinged on his arm. Miguel smiled and lifted her back on the floor, reaching for the chair for his daughter. He placed two plates, a small stack of pancakes with strawberries, butter and syrup while the other was a bowl of fruit.
"Make sure to eat all of it, mija. It's bad to let things go to waste." He spoke as he washed the prior dishes from last night, making him vividly relive the memory of his fingers in you. He couldn't shake the thought of you, he kept spacing out on your touch.
He snapped back to reality when he peered his eyes to his phone ringing, his wife. Well almost his ex-wife, the divorce was still in date for court but they went their separate ways months ago.
He wrapped a towel around his hands, drying them and answered the phone. "Hello?"
"I'm picking up Gabriella later today around 6."
Miguel's brows furrowed together. "What do you mean?!? This whole week is my time to spend with her. I have a day off today and tomorrow." He snapped back at her.
"What's the reason for the sudden change?! Im allowed to spend time with my daughter too." He was fired up but whispered into the phone so Gabriella wouldn't hear.
"She just got home a couple days ago, que te pasa en la mente?!" Miguel spoke. She scoffed into the phone. "You're more in love with your work than our own daughter."
"Well I planned a trip for the both of us and I already have everything packed for her. Relax, you'll get her back in a couple days, bye!" As Miguel was about to yell at her, she hung up on the phone.
"Pinche pendeja.." he muttered softly on his lips.
He was furious but had to remain calm to not raise Gabriella's suspicion of why her dad was breathing so heavily and palming his face with his hands.
After a couple minutes pass, he sat next to Gabi watching a cartoon show to ease himself down. He would then urge Gabi to go brush her teeth and change into something else rather than her unicorn pajamas.
Miguel decided to take Gabi to a new toy shop that just opened. He was still pissed about the call earlier but the thought ended up leaving his mind as his focus was now on his daughter's happiness.
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5:04 p.m.
It'd been a day or two since what happened. Miguel hadn't sent you a message to babysit Gabi, until this afternoon.
"Hey, can you come over to babysit Gabriella? That is if you're not busy with anything."
"I'll be on my way in 5 minutes, Mr. O'Hara."
"Perfect..thank you. Again, Miguel is fine."
You felt so queasy about stepping in foot back to his house but so excited. You wore a summer dress due to the heat emitting from the sky. The afternoon would always be the hottest time of the day where you lived.
You face the mirror to fix the messy curls that sprung up due to the frizz. You apply some lip liner, finishing it off with a red tint gloss.
5:12 p.m.
You knock on the door, patiently waiting. You hear a click and the door finally opens, the sun shined on his caramelized skin. He look almost jaw dropping.. with a slicked back hair look. Loose black fit pants with a loose button up shirt. His eyes gave off a smile smile and invited you in.
You looked around to find Gabriella drawing at the table.
"Hi Gabi!" You squeal and wave at her as she rushes into a hug towards you. "Yay! You're back!" She was eager to see you. "What are you drawing? That looks great!" "I'm drawing a forest with fairies and unicorns!" Her high pitched voice rang in your ears.
You lean in closer to look at her drawing, acknowledging it. You give her a sweet smile, she returns it back.
You step back and walk to the cabinets to get a glass of juice. Your body jumped when you felt a hand rubbing in circles on your ass.
Miguel grazed his hands on your shoulder, whispering near your ear and dragging you further to the kitchen. Gabi's back facing the both of you two, you felt his hot breath fan you; shivers down your spine and to your core.
"How have you been, muñeca? Te ves muy...hermosa." He husked in a low tone. Your breathing slowed down, worried to even peep a sound. "I missed you..was worried you wouldn't come back." His rough hands rub the soft skin on your hips.
His tongue teased your neck, sucking and softly nibbling on it. "N-not here Miguel..your daughter.." You whispered, trying hard to restrain your small whimpers. He hummed in your ears, nibbling on it before detaching himself as soon as he heard a doorbell ring.
Luckily the kitchen had the blinds closed so whoever was outside, couldn't see.
He sighed and you quickly headed to open the door, facing a woman. She had on black sunglasses to block the sun in her eyes.
"You must be the new babysitter right?" She questioned as she placed her purse on the island countertop. "Yes! I was recently hired by Mr. O'Hara, Ms.." You waited for a response from her. "Mrs. O'Hara." She spoke, she reached to grab Gabriella by the waist; a suitcase near the table.
You had thought that he was divorced, you thought pretty quickly to it maybe they just haven't had gone to court yet to fix their situation.
"Mom? Where are we going?" Gabriella prods her head at Miguel and you. "We're going to Disneyland!!" She squeals as she hears the exciting news.
Miguel sighed and rolled his eyes, knowing that she never really gave attention to Gabriella, just spoiling and bribing her.
Gabriella was brought down back to her feet, hugging you and her dad by the leg, waving goodbyes.
You helped her out with packing some of her toys upstairs. When you both finished packing up some extra stuff, you head downstairs, slightly peering your head to see Miguel and his wife whisper about stuff. Miguel's chest heaved as his hands ran through his hair, frustrated.
Gabriella prods her head at what you're looking at and you quickly distract her by asking her something.
"Did you grab all of your toys, Gabi?" "I think so," she said as she rubbed her head and headed towards the door.
The lady drank some champagne from the glass, eyeing you up and down, questionable about you. You were never this nervous, but you worried if she had known.
She averted her gaze back to Gabi, holding her hand and the suitcase near Miguel. "Bye papi!" Gabi squeaked as the door behind her closed. Miguel waved non-stop til he couldn't see her anymore.
He laid his elbows on the countertop, tilting his head sideways back and forth. "Everything okay?" You walked up to him.
"Yeah.. um..it's just.." He hesitated to tell you. "Oh, don't worry! It's fine you don't have to tell me, Mr.-.. Miguel." He sighed angrily, "No no, it's just that..this week I was supposed to have Gabriella. She comes unannounced, not even a heads up that she would take Gabi with her."
As he vented more of his frustration, he felt relief by letting it all out. You were open eares with him, softly patting his shoulder blades to ease him.
"Wow..that's really messed up. Do you have custody of Gabriella, if you don't mind me asking." You spoke softly.
"Yeah, I do. We haven't had the court fully decide yet, it's coming up in a couple weeks. I just hate how she's nowhere fit for her to be actually caring for Gabriella." He sighed and took a big sip from the champagne bottle.
You hummed in return, heading to the snack closet for something to ease him up. "Want some snacks?" You asked. Miguel gets up and walks towards you.
You tip-toed to reach a cardboard box full of gummies, until you felt your body shivering to the touch of his hands around your waist later reaching your bra.
He wraps his arms around you, his touch becoming a bit more daring this time.
"You're very tempting. It's difficult to resist you right now..."
Miguel smiles at you and whispers his words. He then places his lips on yours again, his kiss passionate and eager. He wraps you as tight as he can, his hands roaming your hips.
"Oh, I would love something sweet. Don't you?" He murmured on your neck. His hands pushed your dress up, caressing your plush skin. "Mr. O'Hara-.."
You felt a sharp slap to your ass. "What did I say? Llámame Miguel.." (Call me Miguel)
He placed a hand on your chin to face him, kissing you softly. The second kiss seemed more like hunger.
"Get on your knees for me, cariño." He husked in a low tone, you obediently listen and laid your knees on the cold marble floor. He caressed your face once more, "Good girl.." The praises that came out his mouth made your cheeks heat up, your blood pumping to your pooling cunt.
Miguel's face lights up with pleasure, his eyes staring at you seductively as you kneel down in front of him. He watches your movement as you kneel, breathing slightly heavier. The way you look at Miguel also makes him feel good.
Miguel's hand then reaches down and he grabs your head, making you look up at him.
"Open your mouth..."
Miguel moves his hand down to one of your shoulders, moving his thumb along your collarbone and then along your cleavage.
"Open wider, muñeca..."
Miguel's smile grows more and more as he sees you opening your mouth. You see his hand moving around your lips, just touching your face sensually here and there. Miguel's eyes never leave yours, and you find his stare to be both attractive and also exciting.
"Mm... Good.."
Miguel's eyes move down to your tongue and then back up to your face. He starts to whisper in your ear, his voice going slightly deeper.
"¿Como se siente esa boca, chiquilla?"
Miguel's breath slows, clearly aroused. He stuck in two fingers into your mouth and you hollowed your cheeks softly as you sucked on them for a bit. He went deeper, making you gag continuously, he took his fingers out licking them clean.
Your eyes landed on his bulge, palming it with your hands, rubbing it harder each time, pulling groans out of Miguel.
You begin to remove his pants by unzipping it and pulling down his boxers, his hard cock slapping his abdomen. The red brownish head was practically fuming for your touch.
You part your lips, laying your tongue out and licking the pre-cum streaming down on his tip. You try fitting all of his cock in your throat but you can't so you stroke the rest of him.
His eyes drop down to your face, his eyebrows furrowed together, savouring the delicious feeling of your tongue around his cock. You bobbed your head faster when your throat relaxed, being able to take in more of him. You clench your inner thighs together to feel some relief on your swollen clit.
His breathing becomes shallow the more he becomes impatient. When you looked up at him with small teary eyed..
He loses it.
He needs and wants to feel more of you, he slammed his cock deeper down your throat. The squelching sounds and low groans of his voice made you whine but it was muttered by his cock in your mouth.
You dig your nails into his thighs to keep yourself steady, you feel like you've ran out of oxygen. But you couldn't care less.
"Puta madre..." He whispers.
The feeling of him driving you absolutely mad, his grip on your scalp tightening with every thrust he took. The aggression shocked you, but you couldn't move since he took complete control of your mouth.
His cock pressed harder into your throat, making you gag on and on while tears streamed down your face. Your flushed out face drew him to his final straw.
His hips snapping against your cheeks, the slapping sounds echoing. The feeling of your fingernails digging deep into his skin, your muffled moans clenching harder around his cock whenever you hollowed your cheeks, made him lose his control.
"F-fuck...you're so good...such a pretty little slut aren't you? So fucking good f'me baby..." He scowled.
You kept muffling mhm's as he would praise your touch on him. His hips began stuttering, his thrusts slowly becoming slower as his cock became more and more sensitive with every warm touch of your tongue around him.
He held both sides of your face in a firm but gentle grip, abusing your throat to catch his orgasm. "I'm c-coming..mhmmf..mierda..." He whined.
His massive body shook with his imploding orgasm, he shoved his cock to the back of your throat and shuddered as his cum was hot and sticky on your tongue.
The moment he pulled out, he angled my face to his, towering over my frame. "Swallow it f'me." He spoke bluntly.
Miguel removed your mouth off his cock, his erection still hard and pulsing. All he wanted right now was to be inside you but he had different plans for you. He was going to return the favor back to you now.
You let out a few coughs to catch your breath and swallowed just like he asked. Bittersweet taste left on your tongue.
"Eres tan buena y hermosa, ma." (You're so good and beautiful, ma)
"Llevantate, amor." He panted on your neck.
He grabbed you by the shoulders and lifted you up, resting your quivering ankles on his broad shoulders. His fingers stroking and prodding at the wet stain on your underwear, his cold touch setting you on fire.
"Let me touch your pretty pussy, amor. Déjame ver ese bello coño.." (Let me see that pretty pussy) He tore your underwear off, the cold air washing your cunt makes you shiver. He lightly slapped your folds to see your face contort and furrow.
Suddenly, his hot tongue flicked your wet folds, and heat swirled in your stomach, your clit throbbing. Your skin burned to his touch as he reached for your perked nipples, rubbing it with his hands and whenever he would pinch your nipples, you would jerk forward; making his nose hit your clit.
"M-more Miguel.." You begged, your cunt clenching around nothing left you feeling empty and so needy. Your fingers wrapping around his brown curls, gripping onto them dearly as his tongue lapped on your clit.
"You're doing such a good job f'me, mi amor. Keep moaning my name like that. Fuck.." He groaned into your cunt. He slid into another finger and the feeling was too much for you to handle.
"M-miguel.." Your pants filled with wanton and lust. Your body jerks forward as he slid a finger inside you, your eyes impossibly rolling back to the back of your head as you choked on your moans, mumbling his name as he continued to eat you out like a starved man.
"Mirame, corazon. Keep your eyes on me, yeah?"
You felt too much and too little all at once, it wasn't enough for you but you felt like you were about to get thrown off the edge as his fingers started pounding you deep inside your velvet walls. You kept twitching and trembling, your back arching off the wall as your body hopelessly writhed for him.
Your nerves began stuttering, going numb along with a knot starting to untie. Miguel wouldn't stop sucking on your folds, his nose nudging your clit. His eyes never left your face, he loved seeing how you responded to his touch.
You started feeling a fire pooling low in your abdomen, your heartbeat pulsing faster than before.
You started losing composure whatsoever, when he slid in another finger inside. He didn't stop lapping on your sopping cunt, your pussy clenching around his fingers made his cock ache for your walls to tighten around him.
"It's t-too much.. m-miguel please mhmgf..fuck!" You sobbed and wailed. Your tears wouldn't stop, his fingers plunging in deeper inside your swollen cunt.
"You can handle it, doll.. I know you can." His ears relished the wet squelching sounds and your sweet little moans. You tugged harder into his hair as you felt a wave crashing down, the dam broke which released a leg-shaking orgasm. Fire sprinted throughout your body, the feeling of it taking over your mind with nothing but his fingers and tongue on your cunt.
Your orgasm came in flooding in and electrified every nerve in your body. Your vision fading to black. Your throat welled with moans and mewls, as you kept blubbering incoherently.
Miguel devoured you without mercy, savoring your juices as it ran down his chin. He kept you steady by holding you tight on your hips as you wiggled non-stop, shaking and writhed under him.
You loved drowning in helplessness of the pleasure as it surrounded you by the waist, leaving you breathless, shaky, and light headed.
You became almost feverishly whimpering since Miguel would still suck on your clit, tenderly. He finally removed himself from your folds, smirking at you while caressing your flushed out face. "Te ves bella así, muñeca. Eres mia..que no?" (You look beautiful like that, doll. You're mine, right?) You nodded as your orgasm finally came to a stop. He rested your ankles back to the floor, holding you up by the waist so you wouldn't succumb to the floor.
Just when he was about to tease you with his cock slowly on your folds, you both hear a ding from the door. Keys ring through your ears and the door creaked open. Heels clacking on the hard floor echoing around the spacious house, heading upstairs. The both of you quickly start to dress up quickly, you knew exactly who this was.
"Miguel!! ¿¿Dónde estás?? Do you know where the monster high dolls are?!?" A woman voice yelled upstairs. Miguel gave you a quick peck on the lips and a wink.
"What is it this time?" Miguel's voice responded back to her. "Gabi forgot her stupid toys..anyways just tell me where they are. She won't stop crying and I need her to shut up."
Miguel refused to give into his emotions and snap back at her so he gave off a small response to her.
"They're in the hidden basket under her bed, the lock is in the bedstand drawer." He answered, looking back at you tip toeing to the door.
You sent yourself off by going back home quietly and hurriedly.
Miguel was once again incredibly frustrated for the intrusion.
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A/N: it's 12:31 am rn, gonna have the best sleep ever. I finally finished it! Leave any feedback, always room for improvement, thank you guys!! (Sorry for the ending once more 😭😓, I promise to make part 4 hella dirty and long)
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Taglist: @thedevax @missussmorales @mxtokko @roronoaslover @livytofine @lolaiitip @luvstuffies @sweetirilly @avatricu @minnbinn @rqdior @migueloharasgirlfriend @t-sillay @brittney69 @honeycovered-bandaids @whatdudtheysay @tuskjohnny @spideys2cute @mushy-mushroom04 @yuki9912 @yumeeesss @noyasanify @ewan-tef @ilonasthing @lia-77 @migueloharaluhver @notsussybaka @woahnotmecryingoverafanfiction @usagijoestar @itzsab @gh0stcatss @ihateuguys @nyoxklo @xstormstriderx @bontensbabygirl @jroshtssn @realalpacorn @toecurlingstories @lunamoonbby @amberpanda99 @minihorizons @kathleenisdaraptor
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calthinez · 1 year
Pie kinda guy
Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Dean loves all pies. He loves apple pie on festive holidays like thanksgiving, and cherry pie in the summer. But Deans all time favorite pie... is cream pie ;)
A/N: Have you guys watched 'The boys'? I think it's so weird watching Jensen play Soldier boy after watching him play Dean for so long. Also, I have no idea if somebody came up with this idea before me. If there has been a post like this before, let me know. I hope you guys enjoy this <3 This could also be summarized as "a collection of times Dean has nutted in you" but I think my wordplay is much more fun.
Warnings: smut (obvi) creampie, fingering, quickeys, unprotected sex,
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The first of many times is when you and Dean are at the bunker alone. Neither of you felt like going out into town to shop for groceries, so you both volunteered Sam to go out.
After seeing Sam out, you and Dean ventured into the 'dean cave' to watch some stupid hospital drama show about sexy doctors. "What's your deal, huh? What did Dr. Sexy ever do to you?" Dean asked you, accusatively. You rolled your eyes at his childish behavior, the both of you walking to the two-seater lazy boy couches. This show was Deans ride-or-die, and Chuck forbid anybody had anything negative to say about it.
You sat down in the seat next to him with your blanket and curled your legs into your body while Dean pulled the lever to recline his seat back. "Nothing, I shouldn't have said anything." You knew Dean would die defending the honor of this show, and you really didn't want to go back and forth with him. "Mhm yeah." He's being smug now. Smug because he knows you'll stay and watch his doctor show, even though you think its stupid.
Not even ten minutes into the show you're bored out of your mind. If you were to make a list of 100 things you could do with Dean to occupy your time, this show would be at the bottom of the list. After a while of daydreaming of all your could-be activities, you come up with a devious plan.
"I'm cold." You whine to Dean, scootching and snuggling up close to him. He coos at you as he slings his arm around your back, his hand resting just above your ass. "Well, I'll warm you right up, sweetheart."
He was completely oblivious to your plans.
A few minutes later and you start resting your hand on his upper-thigh, dangerously close to his crotch. He doesn't say anything about it though, thinking maybe that's just where you hand coincidentally landed. Towards the halfway mark of the episode, you move your hand from his thigh to directly on his groin. He looks at you with a devious glint in his eyes. "Watcha doing there, Y/N." You smirk and don't respond, instead, you gently squeeze his cock through his jeans.
Dean is now completely ignoring the show playing on the TV. He's got you on his lap. your legs straddling his thighs. Both of your pants long discarded. He's kissing you so fast and forcefully you think your lips might bruise.
You slide your hand up and down his bare chest a few times before you finally reach down to his ignored cock. You wrap your hand around the head of his cock. Softly dragging your thumb to collect the precum you start to pump his shaft.
Dean has always been vocal when it comes to having sex with you. Anytime you fuck or you suck his sock he's always moaning like a whore. Hell, even when he eats you out its like its just as enjoyable for him as it is for you.
This time is no exception, he's moaning into your mouth through kisses. "I want- I want to be inside of you." He says in-between kisses.
You smile against his lips and nod your head. Dean pushes your panties to the side as you hoist yourself up with the help of his shoulders. After positioning his cock into the enterance of your pussy you sink down, letting out a high-pitched mewl into his open mouth.
"Thats it.. that's it, pretty" Dean encourages you as you're getting adjusted to the stretch of his large cock. You take him balls deep, the burn from the stretch is familiar and welcomed.
One of Deans hands rests on your hip, the other makes its way to your clit to rub fast tight circles. You moan into his mouth as the heat creeps its way into your belly. "You're drenching my cock, sweetheart." He mumbles into your ear, his gruff voice sending shivers down your spine.
You can feel your orgasm quickly approaching. "You close, Y/N? I'm close." Dean moans. You known neither of you are going to last much longer. You lay your head onto his shoulder, no longer holding in your moans. "I'm gonna cum- can I cum in you, sweetheart, please?" He begs as he erratically kisses your jaw and neck.
You nod your head and squeak out a few 'yes's. Deans movements quicken as he hums sweet praises into your ear. The tight coil in your belly abruptly snaps, you cum hard around Deans cock. He isn't long after you. He releases into you, the both of you now panting from your orgasm.
The next time is at one of the dingy motels during a hunt. It was definitely more risky than before. You Sam and Dean all decided to share one motel room. The three of you drawing straws to see who would have to sleep on the crusty couch.
In the middle of the night, while Sam is fast asleep, Dean comes to your bed. "Bathroom quicky?" He asks you in a hushed tone. Dean smirks when you nod your head and follow him to the bathroom.
He shuts the door and you hop up on the sink. Dean stands in-between your legs. "We cant be loud, Dean," you tell him. "What? I'm never loud." He lies to you. You shake your head and lightly laugh at him, "Mhm, yeah." You say to him just before he kisses you.
You've been hunting with the boys for maybe two and a half years, sleeping with Dean for a year. Never once have you guys had sex in the same "room" as Sam, you always thought it was too risky. Dean was definitely getting more needy for you. He even lets you sit up front in Baby with him.
You dont have the chance to think too much more about the nature of your relationship with him because soon enough Deans hands roughly grab at your boobs over your shirt. The kiss is messy, also. Tongues meeting together in a slobbery mess. The hand not occupied by groping you is wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his body. You can feel his hard-on through his pajama pants, staining against the fabric.
Dean abruptly stops kissing you for only a moment to pull both your pants and panties from your body, letting them fall to the floor. "You're so wet already." Dean praises to you as he feels you with his middle finger. "Do I make you like this?" He teases, his middle finger slowly circling over your clit. You eagerly nod your head.
"Just fuck me already, Dean." You're sick of his teasing and want to feel him already. He smirks and drops his pants. He sets one of his hands on your thigh and the other grips the base of his cock to pump it a few times. He lines himself up with the entrance of your pussy and teasingly slowly bottoms out. Dean grabs your jaw and brings your face to his to kiss you again.
Its an awkward position to be fucking in but you don't really care, with his cock inside of you and his thumb circling your clit you don't focus on the face that your ass is going slightly numb from sitting on the resin top. Trying to be as quiet and as quick as possible Dean starts pounding into you.
The only sound coming from the small bathroom was both of your held-in moans and exasperated breathing along with the wet sloppy sounds of skin meeting skin. You were sure that is Sam woke up he would her you, you hoped he was still passed out on the bed. Because that would be very awkward for all three of you.
Soon enough you feel the familiar tightness in your belly. You're sure Dean feels it too, with his stuttering hips and his jumpy breathing. "You wanna cum with me?" He asks in your ear. You nod and pull him back into a kiss. He rubs circles on your clit faster, bringing you closer to cumming.
It all suddenly snaps, the coil in your belly shatters and your legs shake around Deans waist. Dean cums not even a second after you, the squeeze from your orgasm brought him to his. He cums inside of you and he stays inside for a few moments. Collecting himself.
He kisses you on the mouth as he pulls out of you and pulls his pants back up. "I think I'm gonna shower." You say softly, breaking the silence. Dean smirks. "Without me?"
* Yet another time is in the back seat of Baby. You were honestly shocked when he brought it up to you. You never thought he'd ask you to get back seat freaky in Baby, that's his- well- baby.
He was on top of you, your legs were wrapped around his waist as he pumped into you in a slow speed. His mouth is on your tits, his tongue flicking over your nipples. The sensation was fueling the fire in your belly. The car windows actually started to fog from the released breaths of you too.
This time was much more drawn out. You guessed he was making up for the quicky that took place just a few days prior. He moves his head to your other breast to lick that one and massage the one he just had his mouth using his free hand.
Your moans are much louder than before, there isn't anything around where Dean parked the car. He kisses his way up to your lips from your chest, paying special attention to your collarbone to suck a light hickey onto your skin. Your nails scrape against the skin of his back.
Once he gets to your lips he speeds his pace up. Both of your mouths melting together. You whine into his mouth.
"There you go, sweetheart." he says as you grind your hips up to meet him mid thrust.
His hand reaches down in-between your bodies to rub circles on your clit. You feel the fire in your belly once again. Dean kisses you like he's a dying man, licking and nipping at your bottom lip.
The both of your bodies are slowly moving in sync. Your hand traces up his bicep to hold onto him. You squeeze his right bicep and he flexes his muscle against your hand. His scruffy cheeks tickle your face. All of these sensations are like a drug to you, you cannot get enough of Dean Winchester.
You cum first this time. It takes Dean a little while longer, desperate to make you finish first. He moans into your mouth when he finishes. Singing you quiet praises. He pulls out of you and he takes a moment to look as his cum seeps out of your pussy.
Dean pinches your cheek after he helps you clean up the mess between your legs. "You ready to head back?"
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moonswolfie · 10 days
Kenma, suna, and tsukishima with a gf that loves to baby them? Like she loves dressing them up, dotes on them, and acts liek their parent sometimes? Thanx!
i return with a request and a new theme 😏 thank u so much for requesting🩵 i know i just changed my theme but i'm already making pinterest boards for new themes ITS JUST SO FUN!
in case you couldn't tell the reader is fem!
ALSO SUMMER HOLIDAYS!?!??! Its nice to finally be free...
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𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Tsukishima Kei
"I'm worried about you, you know." you placed your head in your hands, leaning your elbows on the table. "Really, it should be the other way around. You don't know this even though it should be basic knowledge." Tsukishima sighed, ready to go over the biology lesson with you for the hundreth time already.
"Do you get enough sleep? Your eyebags are looking a little big lately. Do you eat enough? You look stressed. You always tell me you're fine, but-"
"I'm fine." Tsukishima brushed you off, looking back at the notebook.
"What are you pouting like a toddler for?" when he looked back up at you, he was seriously baffled by the similarity of your face to a little kid who got refused to eat candy. Though, maybe, just maybe, he finds it kind of cute. Maybe.
"We're done studying." you got up from the dining table, placing your hands on your hips. "You do realise I'm only doing this because you asked, right? And you're the one still struggling with this subject, last time I checked." he furrowed his brows slightly.
"I won't be able to study in peace until I see you sleeping peacefully in bed after a good meal. We can start with the sleep and I'll cook something later!" you were determined to take care of him now. Sometimes your boyfriend's aloof attitude towards his well being and towards everything in general makes you worry. Whenever he replies with a simple "I'm fine" you must dote on him for a bit. That's the rule.
It looked like he was weighing his choices for a brief moment before sighing and saying "Fine, just don't come crying when you fail this test tommorow."
"Yaaaay, I'll be up in your room, ready to tuck you in!" you pecked his lips, spun around on your heels and ran upstairs to his room.
Tsukishima sighed, closing his notebook. When he looked to the doorway, his mom was standing there and smiling at him. He immediately tensed up, worrying about just how much of your conversation she heard.
"You know, your girlfriend would make a good mom. I'm just saying." Tsukishima's mom smiled at her son cheekily. He hid his face, not moving for a good thirty seconds before practically sprinting to his room.
He never did tell you why he looked so red upon arriving in his room.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Suna Rintaro
"Is all of this really neccessary?" Suna raised one of his perfect brows when you placed another shirt in his arms. You took him out for a shopping trip today. Your shopping trips always end with him walking out the mall with a whole new closet instead of the other way around.
He always insists that he doesn't need new clothes or much of anything, but you always end up convincing him into a mall trip. You spoil him rotten, to be honest. Not that he minds.
"Yeah, how else am I going to keep you well-dressed?" you urged him to the dressing room just so you can clap excitedly at every outfit he puts on and models for you. He already looks like one, so why not take advantage of that, right?
"Okay, whatever you say, babe." Suna rolled his eyes playfully and walked into the changing room. You were squealing excitedly at each outfit he appeared in from behind the curtain like a crazy fangirl.
He didn't seem too enthusiastic about some of the outfits which made you sad but for the most part, you had loads of fun. He was taking a while with the last outfit, though. And you were probably overreacting, but you got worried.
You just can't help but worry for your boyfriend sometimes, even if it is unwarranted. It's kind of your thing. One time he accidentally cut his finger and you spent every moment together with him pressing get better kisses on it. You made sure he changed the bandaid every day, too. You were comically worried about him being able to attend volleyball practice. And that's just one of the examples.
So you pulled back the curtain.
"A little privacy, please?" Your boyfriend was standing in the changing room in all of his shirtless glory. You never really thought about it until now, but Suna is fit. You suppose it makes sense, considering he plays volleyball, but still. He was smiling at you cheekily, probably amused by how dumbfounded you look right now.
"I... um, it's... I was just worried about you! And put your shirt back on, you'll catch a cold!" You don't think you've ever closed a curtain as fast before.
You could hear Suna laugh to himself behind the curtain. "Sure, sure, mom. But I think you were just trying to be a little sneaky."
Well, you still ended up spoiling your boyfriend with new clothes that day, but you ended up with an accidental gift of your own, too. Maybe being a worrywart isn't that bad sometimes.
𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖ Kozume Kenma
"Um, I can eat on my own..." Kenma gently pushed away your hand, which was holding food to his mouth.
"Oh, we both know you wouldn't eat at all if I didn't hand feed you. You seriously need to lay off the videogames sometimes." You playfully rolled your eyes, putting the piece of food back to his mouth. He sighed with exasperation and begrudgingly ate the piece of food.
"And besides, you know how much I love spoiling you. I can't resist when you're just... too cute." you pulled on his cheek like an overly excited grandma.
The thing about Kenma is, he hates that he likes being babied by you. When his mom used to do it, he found it overbearing and annoying, but when you hand feed him, it kind of feels comforting. Then again though, he can't focus on the videogame because of that. So that's why he hates it.
"I could go without the... ugh." Kenma was just about to beat the level, but you placing another piece of food in front of his face distracted him for just a moment, which made him get a game over.
"Oh..." you stared at the game over screen, suddenly feeling bad for being a distraction. You just can't help but want to baby him whenever you're with him. He doesn't exactly make it hard for you with the way he blushes and gets all embarrased every single time.
"Well then, I was just thinking you played enough videogames today. I propose we do something else." you pulled on Kenma's arm and he protested by giving you one of his iconic scowls.
"You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much." you reminded him with a gentle smile. He mumbled something you couldn't quite catch under his breath and reached for the controller.
"Oh no. No you don't." you tackled Kenma before he could do anything else. You know, if he wasn't so damn flustered right now, he would have been seriously mad. But when you smile at him like that, it's like his anger decides to get up and leave.
"Would you... umm, mind getting off me?" he was worried that he might overheat like his dad's poor laptop which he forced to run videogames far beyond its capabilities. Now he feels bad for that old thing.
"Only if you promise that we go for a little walk outside." he grumbled at first but ended up agreeing after you gave him a little kiss on the cheek as encouragement.
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peachhcs · 3 months
Could we get kinda what we go from “Sammy how she was really that Will was work it” but in this case how Will was also in a dilema because it’s his best friend and it take him time to understand but he is also willing to sacrifice everything because it’s Sammy his best friend the girl he loves.
the 3 times will's confused about his feelings and the 1 time he isn't
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's pining after his best friend, but is he really willing to risk their entire friendship for a relationship?
5.9k words
woo second longest fic of the series and i'm finally doing a request! guys if this is bad, i'm so sorry. i got a bit carried away and i don't like the ending but that's fine lol i'm still working through my requests but feel free to send more and i'll get to it at some point :) this also isn't proofread so if you see mistakes my bad i will try and proofread this soon lol
au masterlist
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the first time will's heart skipped a beat against his chest when he wasn't drunk enough to play off any of the feelings trying to make their way to the surface was watching samy's senior send off for her last homecoming. there were probably over 30 families in the small drive trying to take photos together along with couples everywhere navigating their way through the crowds. knowing the last homecoming was a big deal for samy, will convinced gabe and ryan to drive down to see her off knowing she'd really appreciate having them there.
the three stood with ellen, jim, and luke in a small corner of the lot watching the youngest hughes pack herself together with all of her friends for pictures. there was something nostalgic about all of it considering the boys didn't get things like this when all of their focus was on hockey most of the time. even if they denied it, they secretly loved getting to be a part of samy's senior year.
gabe and ryan talked mindlessly with luke and while will stood in their small circle, he definitely was not paying attention to what was being said. instead, his eyes lingered on his best friend. she stood some feet away from them immersed in her own conversation filled with laughter and large smiles with no idea that a pair of eyes couldn't leave her no matter how hard they tried.
for the entire day since they got to samy's house, will's eyes kept finding samy even if she wasn't looking at him. he'd be standing with ryan and gabe and his gaze would just drift away from them to samy whenever she was in the same room as them. even when she was just walking by, will's eyes followed every single move.
he didn't get it. it couldn't be because of her curled hair, sparkly dress, and makeup.
he's seen her dressed up so many times over the summers because their parents would drag them out to eat at a fancy restaurant no matter how many times they said they didn't want to. it happed at least twice in the three months they spent together, so will didn't get why he just couldn't peel his eyes off the girl.
there was another reason and one that the blonde hadn't fully come to terms with yet.
her date was this guy she'd been talking to on and off over the summer. will met him once when he stopped by in august to take samy out for their first date. he seemed fine—soccer player, good grades, a swimmer on occasion. nothing special, but not some jerk at least. samy liked him and that was all that mattered.
what no one knew was that will didn't fall asleep that night until he heard the front door closing and soft footsteps padding up the stairs where samy's bedroom door shut seconds later meaning she made it back safely.
the guy clung to samy's side the entire time taking pictures. his arm was wrapped around her waist at nearly every second like he was afraid she'd disappear if he let go. that gesture, seeing him grip samy's waist like that, had will's chest tightening into knots and his heart skipping a beat. something in him popped open—a feeling. an urge.
a jealousy.
as soon as those thoughts mixed into the blonde's consciousness, his face whitened even more than it was. his jealousy quickly faded into confusion then back to jealousy then back to confusion the back to—
"you okay?" gabe's voice broke will's thoughts. he snapped his gaze towards his friend who already looked at him expectantly. ryan and luke raised their eyebrows, but tried not to act like they were staring at him.
will's jaw immediately loosened and the color in his face quickly returned to normal as if the feelings in his chest moments ago were never there in the first place.
"yeah, why?"
gabe paused. he looked at his friend a bit longer before slowly shaking his head. "no reason. you looked lost there," the dark-haired boy shrugged.
"think i'm just tired," will forced a yawn to make it more believable.
he knew gabe was studying him like he didn't quite believe what he was saying. next to samy, gabe probably knew will the best which meant he knew when the entire truth wasn't being told. feeling a bit flustered, will drew his gaze away from gabe, but unfortunately, it led itself right back to samy and her date hanging off her side.
something inside of will was screaming as the warmth in his skin returned and his jaw unknowingly clenched seeing them so close together. the feelings returned along with the battle in his mind between jealousy and confusion.
was that why he couldn't peel his eyes away from her all day? because of her date being at her side at every single second and staring at her in a way that made will's stomach drop not because he didn't like the way her date was looking at her, but because he wanted to be the one looking at her like that—
"will! get over here!" this time samy's voice broke the boy from his racing thoughts.
she found his gaze, a soft smile on her lips motioning him over. his nerves eased and a smile replaced the confusion on his features as he shuffled towards her. ellen already had her camera out as samy's date (finally) dropped from her side and will took his place.
samy, who was as oblivious as ever, tucked her head into the blonde's shoulder while his arm found the same exact place on her waist. her touch shot a fiery sensation through will as he mustered up his best smile for ellen 's phone.
"you guys look adorable. i'll send these to your mom," ellen beamed before ushering gabe and ryan into the photo as well.
ryan grabbed samy's other side while gabe hooked himself onto will's side. the four of them scrunched together with wide smiles, but all will could think about was samy's hip pressing into his own marking just how close they were and the explosion it sent throughout the boy's body.
"so, so cute, i'm so glad you guys drove down," ellen said and finished taking pictures for now.
the three broke apart, but lingered close by as samy grabbed her phone to check her makeup. "i think you've looked at yourself twenty times in the span of fifteen minutes," ryan laughed.
"shut up, leonard," the brunette eyed him.
"i'm just saying. you look fine. stop worrying," the taller boy said in a more softer tone. samy rolled her eyes before her gaze fell on will, seeking confirmation because she knew he'd be honest with her.
will's poor blush got worse under her stare, "don't listen to leno. you look good."
his words made samy grin, "thanks, i trust you. thanks for coming down. it means a lot." she ruffled up some of his curls that surprisingly weren't hidden by a baseball cap for once.
"yeah, of course. wouldn't miss it for the world, hughesy."
her smile had will's heart skipping a beat for a second time and something in him wanted to make her smile like that all the time.
the reality of everything set back in when samy's date returned to her side and started whisking her away as everyone began leaving. the girl rushed out her goodbyes and thank you's before disappearing into a car.
"you guys are more than welcome to hang around the house for the night if you don't wanna drive back. dinner, too," ellen extended her offer to the three boys hanging around still.
"anything made by mama hughes is an automatic yes," ryan grinned making the others laugh.
"i'm flattered. you can follow us back up to the house," the older woman beamed.
later that night after the boys ate as much as they physically could, gabe found will sitting on the back deck looking blankly ahead. the dark-haired boy shuffled his way towards the edge of the deck using his foot to poke will's back, announcing his presence.
"what are you doing out here by yourself?" gabe wondered. the sun hadn't set yet, but the air was growing cooler as october drifted into november and there wasn't much to look at besides a playground and the family pool.
"just..thinking," will answered.
for a moment, gabe wondered if he should keep prodding because he definitely knew what will was thinking about. he saw it when they stood in the lot watching samy take pictures with everyone. he saw it in will's face when him and samy took pictures together.
"about?" the boy sat on the step above the one will was on.
"just stuff," the vagueness had gabe rolling his eyes.
"about samy?"
sure, the guys teased the two all the time about having feelings for one another, but it was never serious. they were always joking and will knew that which was why he could brush their comments off. this time gabe was being serious and they both knew that. will couldn't push his questions or comments off.
the silence from the blonde told gabe everything he needed to know. he saw right through will.
"seeing her with her date..i don't know. i didn't like it. it felt wrong. i-i think i felt jealous? like..like maybe it should've been me instead?" will hardly ever opened up about his feelings, especially regarding samy, but he knew gabe wouldn't stop asking.
"do you know why you felt jealous?" gabe wondered.
the words were on the tip of will's tongue, yet he couldn't bring himself to say it. those words have bounced around in his head since that stupid truth or dare game where samy kissed him in the bathroom. they were there when they were drunk and made out with one another, yet neither of them talked about it after. they were there when samy was the first person he went to after a game.
it was all there, but will couldn't say it.
"no, i don't."
if he said it, it made the feelings real and in will's mind, they couldn't be real. she was his best friend. that was all she'd ever be.
no one spoke a word in the locker room after coach's harsh lecture. the loss sunk into everyone's skin, especially since it was their first loss of the season and they were supposed to win this game. no one did anything right which was why they gave up three points to the other team. the buzz of adrenaline that usually danced across every guy was replaced with solemn and disappointment. will felt it extra hard after his coach pulled him aside to give him an extra lecture.
he was one of the team's best, the coach's favorite, the team's favorite, yet he let everyone down giving up those three points.
no one dared speaking to one another as everyone slowly drifted out of the locker room once they were showered and redressed. will hardly moved from his stall, though. his head fell into his hands along with a bitter line of frustration towards himself.
he couldn't step out of the locker room with the knowledge his parents were waiting probably disappointed in him and another harsh lecture to follow. the boy couldn't handle that right now. he needed to focus on breathing before he punched something and got into even more trouble.
a small knock caught his attention. will lifted his head fully expecting his dad, but when he saw samy lingering in the doorway, everything about his demeanor shifted.
"oh will," the brunette frowned seeing his state.
she went to him, hands pulling his own away from his hair and wiping the tears will didn't even know was falling down his cheeks. "ryan and gabe said you were in here still," the girl explained her presence.
"we fucking lost," the boy choked out.
"i know. i know. it sucks," she pulled him into her so she could run her fingers through his hair and massage the spots he pulled at in frustration.
something about her soft touch and soothing voice had more tears spilling out of the boy as he buried his face into her chest.
will was by no means a vulnerable person. he had a hard time being emotional with people, but everything with samy was different. he could cry in her arms for however long he wanted knowing she wouldn't ever judge him and let him cry for as long as he needed.
her gentle fingers wound around his curls which was a stark contrast to the way he roughly pulled at them minutes ago. they just sat there on the bench while will attempted to regather himself so he'd stop crying, but samy hardly minded. she hummed some mindless tune and everything about it had will's head spinning.
those feelings he had a few weeks ago were back and a lot stronger than before. jealousy, want, and need mixed themselves together creating a pretty lethal combination building in the boy's chest, but again, he couldn't understand it.
why, why, why, why, why.
"wanna talk about it at all?" samy wondered after some more silence.
will slowly lifted his head up so he could meet her gaze. he probably looked like hell, but if he did, samy didn't any anything.
"i let everyone down. coach is mad at me and i'm sure my parents are gonna give it to me once i go out there," the blonde frowned a bit making samy frown as well.
"you didn't let people down. you played your heart out. tonight just wasn't your night," samy said softly.
"but we lost a game we should've won. everyone was counting on me to prove that i'm good at his and deserve a spot on a d1 college team," will continued.
"this one loss doesn't mean you're not good enough. you are good enough. a bad game isn't a bad career. i think you're good enough."
i think you're good enough. her words tightened will's chest along with the way she stared at him—so loving and so sure of his abilities.
"you're just saying that because you have to," the boy almost scoffed.
"i'm not, i promise. i've always thought you're good enough, will. you lost a game and that sucks, but it's not a bad career. no one hates you because you did your best," her words warmed the hockey player's heart.
she wrapped her arms around his neck for a tight hug. will's own 'arms tightened around her waist and buried his face into the crook of her neck. if someone walked in who didn't know them, they'd definitely think they were dating just based on the way they were wrapped around each other.
will never wanted to let go, but he knew he had to eventually, so he drew back. samy smiled, placing a gentle kiss to the boy's forehead. she's done it before, but right now it meant a lot more to will than before. the gentleness of her lips had the boy wondering what they'd feel like against his own lips when neither of them were drunk to even really remember what happened the next morning.
"you wanna go out there together?" samy wondered.
the blonde nodded. he collected his things and wrapped his arm tightly around samy's shoulders as they finally faced his parents waiting for him. they spotted them a few feet outside of the locker room and will braced himself for the worst.
will's mom saw her son's state—dreary eyes, teary cheeks, messed up hair—and placed a hand on her husband's arm before he said anything he was planning on saying. colleen knew another lecture wasn't what her son needed nor wanted. she saw samy hanging off his arm knowing she probably calmed him down in the locker room and she hated disrupting the peace samy brought to him in whatever way.
instead, colleen stepped forward to collect will into a hug. "you did your best, yeah?" she whispered into his ear. all will did was nod.
"you wanna join us for dinner, samy?" colleen looked over at the girl.
she was about to decline the offer until she met will's gaze that said something like please stay and she couldn't ever say no to him when he looked at her like that.
"yeah, i'd love to. thank you."
with that, the four piled into the car back to the house. as soon as will got situated in the back seat, he reached for samy. the girl laid herself in her arms and for a second, everything felt okay. the feelings racing through his chest eased while those three words crept up further and further up.
after dinner, will dragged samy to his room to watch a movie while trying to avoid his dad's lecture for as long as he possibly could. they didn't even get 20 minutes in until samy was falling asleep against the boy's chest. it was a pretty regular occurrence, especially over the summer, but right now will was terrified to even move because he didn't wanna wake her up.
he found his phone, clicking into gabe's contact and staring at the chat for a moment before typing something. he stared a his message for a moment, debating on sending it.
if he sent it, his feelings became real. could he actually do that? could he actually admit something that's been plaguing his mind for months now?
what if everything went wrong?
before will could even think about sending it, his phone started buzzing in his hands as grace's contact flashed across the screen. he grabbed his airpods just as his sister's face appeared.
"hi will. i heard about your game," the older smith smiled gently.
"it was a shit show," will whispered.
"it looked like you were playing well though?" grace offered, but the boy only shrugged.
"i don't know. i guess?"
"why are you whispering?" grace wondered quickly making her brother's face flush.
he carefully directed his camera down to where samy could be seen sleeping at his side. the look on grace's face was a mix between surprise and a small smirk because she also knew all too well about her brother's feelings even if he didn't say anything.
"so when are you finally gonna ask her out?" grace teased.
"stop," will rolled his eyes.
"what? i'm not sure cuddling in your bed is something just friends do," the older girl stated.
"or drunk makeouts?" will muttered that part, but grace heard him nonetheless.
"drunk what?" she sounded nearly flabbergasted.
"never mind," the boy shook his head.
"seriously, will. you obviously like her. what other reason is there for feeling jealous of her homecoming date?"
grace stumped him with that one. will's gaze drifted down to the girl still sleeping peacefully beside him. his fingers found a place in her hair and gently wrapped it around his fingers like she had done for him. the blood roared in his ears along with a feeling of warmth spreading all across his chest watching samy sleep so soundly at his side like nothing else mattered.
"what if i'm scared?" will finally said.
"scared? of what?" grace grew confused.
"if i admit how i feel, it makes it real and i'm scared of making it real. she's my best friend, grace. i'm not supposed to feel this way," the blonde's admission had grace's expression softening.
"i think that's all the more reason to feel this way. the most unexpected feelings come from the most unexpected people, will. i doubt she doesn't feel the same way too."
when the siblings ended their call, will went back to him and gabe's chat feeling a bit more sure than he did before grace called. his message still sat in the box waiting to be sent. with one final look at samy, will hit send and he knew everything after this was gonna be as real as it could get.
from will i think i like samy
a loud buzzing pulled will from his sleep. the boy jolted, bleary eyes trying to adjust to the dark and find the source of the incredibly obnoxious buzzing. his eyes flicked around his room until his phone screen lit up and he finally realized someone was trying to call him.
he grabbed his phone, not even hesitating as he lifted it to his ear and sounds of a party came through on the other end.
"hello?" will rasped out, sleep laced deep in his voice.
"w-will? hey!" marcie's voice came through. the boy raised his eyebrow trying to remember if he ever gave marcie his phone number.
he pulled the phone away to read the screen, but nothing answered his confusion seeing samy's name on the screen. "marcie?" the boy mumbled.
"hi, hey. yes. sorry. i'm sorry for calling so late..i..jesus.." she stumbled over her words and for some reason, that woke will up more when he heard the slight slur in her tone and her fast talking.
"are you okay?" the boy sat up in his bed.
"yes. maybe. so..we're at this party..we're like..30? maybe? minutes from you? samy drank a little too much..and i-i didn't know who else to call? her brothers would've definitely killed her and..and you were like the first person on her emergency contact list. i know it's late..but like..could you come down? please?"
marcie didn't even have to ask twice as will jumped out of bed and got himself dressed as quickly as possible.
"i'm on my way. can you send me your location?" he was out the front door a second later with keys in hand to his car.
"yes, i did. don't freak out, she'll be fine i just..i have no idea where to take her," marcie explained.
"i'll be there as quickly as possible, okay? just keep her awake and make her drink water," will rushed and the two said goodbye after that.
about 100 thoughts ran through will's head all at once as he definitely went over the speed limit. something in him paled at the idea of samy at a party getting too drunk that she couldn't make decisions for herself. he wondered why she didn't invite him? or why she was drinking that much in the first place?
"just breathe, will," the boy muttered to himself before he gave himself a panic attack.
he made it the house in record time probably going the fastest he's ever gone in a car to cut the trip down. marcie and samy were on the front lawn where will rushed to them as soon as the car slid into park.
"hey, you okay?" he hugged marcie first.
"yeah, i'm fine. i'm sorry again. it's so late and i..i don't know why i didn't..i'm sorry," the girl became flustered and embarrassed she even let her friend get so drunk.
"don't apologize. it's not your fault. has she been drinking water?" will gazed down at the brunette on the ground.
"yeah, i've been giving her a little bit."
samy's eyes gazed up at will while a hint of recognition flashed through them before she literally jumped into his arms.
"willie! hey! what are you doing here?" the girl exclaimed as she practically clung onto him.
"came to get you. you doing okay?" will pulled his gaze down to hers.
"mhm, yeah. perfecttt," she dragged out the t.
"i'm glad you're perfect. wanna get in the car?" samy gave him a half nod as him and marcie helped the girl into the back seat. she practically collapsed onto the entire back row with small fits of giggles leaving her lips. 
marcie and will got back into the front. the first five or so minutes of the drive became filled with silence besides the soft hum of the radio and samy's quiet mumbling to herself. will glanced at her through the rearview mirror every five seconds probably—worry etched into his features and the hundred thoughts racing through his mind again. 
"i'm sorry again. i don't know why she got so drunk," marcie broke the silence, her voice small. 
"don't apologize. it's not your fault," will said. his words didn't convince the girl because she just shook her head. 
"i don't really know the details but i think her and kevin stopped talking. she was briefly talking about it with me the other day and then she proposed going to that party i think to get over him.." marcie's voice faded off into the deafening silence in the car. 
kevin was samy's newest guy—the same one she went to homecoming with. they had been talking for quite a long time with an implication of a relationship soon, so will wondered where it went wrong. 
"i don't know if i should be telling you this either, but samy started rambling on about you. it was broken sentences, but she kept saying how it's been you all along, even kevin knew. something like that," the girl's words tightened the blonde's chest into the familiar knots he's become acquainted with over the past few months. 
"i mean come on, will. you guys are so obvious yet so oblivious at the same time. why else do you think she kisses you in the bathroom?" there was something about driving down backroads at almost three in the morning that brought out the most vulnerable in people. 
"i-i don't think that really counts. she's drunk. i'm drunk," will swallowed nervously, his eyes glancing up at samy again. 
"well, yeah, but aren't drunk words, drunk actions sober thoughts? you're always the one she goes to by the end of the night," the two met each other's gazes. marcie had a pointed look on her expression that will tried not to read into too much. 
"i don't know. it still doesn't feel genuine though?" 
"what about the time you guys kissed sober during that truth or dare?" that was the only time him and samy were sober and kissing. will thought about that moment a lot. 
another silence filled between them. the boy's glance landed on samy who was close to sleep and everything marcie just said replayed over and over in his mind. there was a tug at his heart thinking about samy having him as her first emergency contact and another tug at the smallest idea that she might actually like him back. 
"you like her, right?" marcie spoke again. will's gazed flick over to hers momentarily. 
"yeah," the boy whispered knowing samy was too out of it to understand what they were talking about. 
"i know your scared about ruining everything with her if you did date, but i know you guys care a lot about each other to ever think about hurting one another. when i first met you last year i immediately saw your relationship. i saw the way you looked at her and the way she looked at you. i don't think i've ever seen a guy care that much about her before and that's coming from someone who's been her friend since middle school. you mean a lot to her, will. like a lot," marcie rambled on, but her words had a deep blush spreading across the boy's cheeks. 
will led marcie to the guest room while he sat samy down on the couch. he wanted to sober her up before he let her go to bed knowing she'd have a killer hangover in the morning and he feared she'd throw up in her sleep. 
"thanks for calling me, mar. i'll make sure she'll be okay," will said before the girl went to bed. 
a soft smile appeared on her lips, "i know you will. thanks for coming and getting us. i hope your parents won't hate you." 
"they won't. i'll explain everything and make sure you guys won't get in trouble," the two exchanged warm smiles. 
will returned his attention to the girl on the couch. he grabbed water, a snack, and tylenol in hopes that it will sober her up some more. samy gazed up at him as he came back into the living room, a smile on her lips. 
"aww, you're so sweet willie. i love cheez-its," the brunette hummed. 
"i know you do," the boy chuckled. he poured a few into a bowl, not wanting samy to overeat and make herself sick. 
"you should've been at the party. it was sooo much fun," the girl gushed. 
"it looks like you had fun." 
"i dumped kevin," her bluntness caught will of guard. he's never been around her when she was this drunk and was quickly learning that samy said anything on her mind. 
"i heard," the boy hummed. 
"i didn't really like him that much anyway. he kept arguing with me about stupid stuff. he thinks you like me! isn't that hilarious?" soft laughter tumbled from the girl's lips, but will wasn't laughing. the only thing he could hear was his pounding heart beating a bruise against his chest. 
"i started thinking about it a lot, actually. maybe it's part of the reason why i broke up with him. i don't really know. dating your best friend? that seems scary to me," she kept rambling and will had no idea what to say. 
he wanted to confess everything to her, but he knew she definitely wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, so how true was it really? it brought will back to all of the times they woke up the morning after drunkenly making out, but samy never said anything about it. they just acted like nothing happened. 
"yeah, it does seem scary," the blonde managed.
"i mean would you date me? i'm saying all of this and i don't even know if you like me," the girl laughed again. 
will's heart clenched, biting his tongue to keep from saying anything, "how are you feeling? it's getting late. maybe you should try and sleep?" 
"you're right. i'm exhausted and i'm gonna feel like shit in the morning," samy mumbled. 
"is sleeping in grace's room okay?" will collected her things, extending his hand out to help her up the stairs. 
"mhmm, sounds perfect." 
the two tiptoed up the stairs to the older smith's bedroom. will helped take samy's shoes off and he attempted to wipe some of her makeup off before laying her down. the girl smiled lazily at him. 
"thanks for taking care of me, willie. you mean a lot to me." 
"of course. i'll see you in the morning," the blonde returned her smile, but as soon as he faced away from her, it faded. 
once the bedroom door was shut, will leaned himself against it to just recollect himself with the ache in his heart that samy wouldn't remember anything about tonight. hell, marcie's words were probably just drunk rambling. 
goosebumps ran up will's skin when a delicate hand ran across his arm, pulling the blonde from the book he was reading. he lifted his head, a soft smile appearing on his lips seeing samy peering down at him. "hi," will said. 
"hi, pretty boy," samy returned his soft smile with one her own. hearing that pet name roll off her tongue directed at him was something will would never get used to. even though they've only been together for a month, he'd nevr get tired of hearing it. 
"what's up?" the blonde wondered as he reached his hand up to run across samy's skin. 
"just wanted to come say hi. you looked so cozy up here," the girl giggled. 
"wanna sit?" will offered the tiny space next to him. samy swung her legs over, basically landing in his lap because the seat was definitely not made for two people—or a 6'0 hockey player and his girlfriend. 
"how was golfing with jack, quinn, and luke?" the guys went out early to get a game in and samy did not like golf that much to get up as early as they did. 
"it was fun. i think luke killed all of us, but i think gabe and ryan had fun," the blonde laughed. he caught sight of his teammates down in the yard trying to play volleyball. 
"i swear, my brothers' profession would be golfing if it weren't for hockey," the girl giggled which was like music to will's ears. 
"you should come next time. i think you could definitely beat luke," will lovingly squeezed part of her leg that rested atop his lap. 
"are you just saying that because you want to see me in a skirt?" samy teased a bit which caused will to blush a deep crimson all the way to the tips of his ears. 
"shut up. that's not what i was implying," he playfully rolled his eyes. 
"i know, i'm just kidding. my brothers are way better at golf than i am, so i definitely could not beat any of them." 
a comfortable silence settled between the couple. will's gaze lingered on samy who glanced at her phone, so she missed her boyfriend's loving stare until she looked back up and flushed when he was already looking at her. 
"when do you leave for boston?" she changed the subject for now. 
"august 12th," will answered with a hint of sadness laced in his voice. the idea of leaving hurt will a lot more than he thought it would. especially after finally getting the girl. 
sure, he'd have all of his teammates following him, but the one person he wanted to always be around wasn't coming. 
"three weeks away?" samy wondered and the boy nodded. 
"i can't believe it's already here," will mumbled earning a tiny frown from the brunette. 
"you're gonna do so awesome at boston, will. i'm really proud of you." 
samy shifted so she could wrap her arms around his neck. he buried his face into the crook her neck, placing soft kisses against her skin. "i wish you were coming with me," he mumbled. 
"me too. i wish we got our act together and got together a lot sooner. maybe if i wasn't so afraid of my feelings and kept pushing them away," samy rolled her eyes, but will pulled back. he raised his eyebrow in confusion. 
"wait, how long have you known about your feelings?" 
samy's face flushed, "well..i kept pushing them away every time we drunkenly made out at parties. i don't know. prom i knew i had feelings, but i was scared and stupid." 
"so you did remember the next morning after the party," will chuckled in mostly amusement. 
"uh, yeah. i did. i never said anything because i just..i don't know. i didn't know how you felt. i didn't wanna make it weird and we had a thing going," she shrugged a bit.
"it wasn't obvious to you how i felt after?" will smiled a bit with a small tilt of his head. 
"looking back, yeah it was obvious. i was stupid," the girl flushed again. 
all will could do was laugh and pull samy closer to his chest where he never wanted to let go. everything they went through was worth it in the end to finally have the girl will's always had feelings for. for once in life, he was finally sure about something besides hockey. 
hockey's been a constant and he was too dumb to realize he had another one right in front of his face all along. 
as the hot summer sun danced between the clouds, will had everything he could ever need. samy laid against his chest and what was better than having his favorite girl beside him all the time now? he truly couldn't ask for anything more. 
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bangchansgirlsblog · 4 months
i’ve been craving this for ages and finally decided to request upon it!!
stray kids x little sister reader (she’s about 17/18) she has been having a secret relationship with one of her school teachers called Mr. Kang (name inspo from song kang) and she has a “sleepover” arranged with her friend for a week.. on day 3 the boys went for a group walk and saw y/ns friend with her family but without y/n. The boys go over and find out that you were never staying with her.. They check your location after panicking only to realise it’s your teacher Mr. Kang’s house. They log into your computer and find all the messages between Kang and you. They are infuriated, when you return back.. let’s just say it’s hell reincarnated.
Thank you daddy- I mean Mr.Kang.
Part one.
"We can't keep doing this.." she whispered through her heavy breathes. Her skirt was slowly riding up her thigh as her pink laced panties were slowly being exposed.
Her face was red due to the heat from the make out session she was just in. Her shirt now unbuttoned halfway exposing her bra.
"What do you mean baby," he whispered in her ear as his hands slowly wondered around her body. "Jump for me princess,"
She wasn't thinking at all. The thought of being pleasured by him was all she could think about. Her legs wrapped around his torso as he slowly put her on top of the desk, knocking down books and papers to the floor.
"My brothers are gonna find out about us soon Mr.Kang. They'll kill me-"
"Shhh, we'll worry about that later bunny," he hushed her while slowly unzipping her skirt.
"Mr.Kang just- uhm," a moan escaped her mouth as his lips made contact with her sensitive skin. She was a mess. Her hair was everywhere and the hickeys that she received from a few hours ago were on display.
She felt good. She loved him. She loved being with him. She loved every moment with him but it was so wrong. Their relationship was so wrong. It had been 3 months. They had been going for 3 months and she still wasn't caught. It was baffling.
Their relationship only began during summer. She had no idea that he would end up being her teacher. They had met at one of the concerts the boys were doing. He had come with his friends and he really didn't want to go but his friends had convinced him too and when he set his eyes on her, he couldn't look away. She was beautiful and he knew he wanted her.
"Do you feel-" his deep voice was interrupted by a loud knocking. Y/n's eyes widen as she jumped off the desk and started to fix herself.
"Who is it?" He called as he too tried to fix himself.
"Mr.Kang? It's Chan. Y/n's brother," a familiar voice replied. He looked over at her small body and saw she had managed to get herself together quite quickly and started to collect her books.
"Come in!"
The door opened and a happy looking Chan walked in. His face was glowing and his hair was covered with a beanie meaning he had just come from the studio.
He quickly said a quick hello before helping Y/n grab her bag. "I hope you guys had a good study session. Thank you so much for watching her Sir," he thanks the older man.
"Oh, you don't need to thank me. She was an Angel and I hope, with all the studying we've done, she'll pass the next quiz," he had a smirk on his face. A smirk Y/n hated. He knew what he was doing.
"Well, I'll make sure to make her study more. Other than that. Have a good weekend," Chan gave him one last smile before waving goodbye and leaving the room with Y/n right behind her.
"Why do you look so red?" Chan asked when they got into the car. He had been watching and analyzing her for the past 5 minutes. "Do you not feel well?" He asked.
"No Channie, it was just really hot in there and I've been studying for hours," she sighed and played with her skirt.
"Oh, makes sense. Do you wanna eat something? We can stop for some hotpot-"
"No actually, I'm really tired Oppa. Maybe later in the evening?"
"Yeah that sounds fine, we can go with the boys," he replied and got his phone out of his pocket to text the family group chat.
They had a family group chat because once when they were traveling for one of their tours, I.N and Han thought it would be a good idea to disappear from the group which led them to missing their flight and Chan was so mad he made sure to make a group chat for whenever they had to split up.
Y/n looked out the window. The past few hours running through her mind. The thoughts making her feel wet under there as she thought about the way Mr.Kang would touch her, make her feel good, make her feel like-
One message:
Come over to mines tomorrow. Sleepover😘
The butterflies in her stomach started to dance once again. Her tummy doing somersaults making her feel all giddy and excited.
"Oppa? Can I go to Franchesca's tomorrow for a sleepover?" She looked over at her brother.
"Again? You've been going over there so much! We barley get time with you," he pouted earning a chuckle from Y/n.
"It's just for one night, I'll be back in the morning and we can hangout. All of us,"
He didn't look convinced but yet again, who was he to say no? This was his little sister. Their only girl in the family.
"Fine but make sure to tell Leeknow. You know how he gets," he shrugged and turned back his phone.
"Okay okay! Thank you, thank you," she giggled and jumped on him while kissing him all over his face.
"Okay okay, enough," he playfully rolled his eyes and raffled her hair.
Her night consisted of watching the boys do practice and have a big fat nap on the couch as they figured out the music part of it all. This was a routine most of the times after school. One of the boys would pick her up and then she would come over to the JYP building and watch the boys practice or record they even made her her own little corner in the 3 racha studio where she could do her homework and decorate it is much as she wanted to.
They really did love their little sister.
"Okay shall we go?" Han asked her since he was the last one closing up the studio. All the other boys were already down stairs waiting for them.
She grabbed her sweater and nodded, "yeah let's go jisung, I'm hungry," she groaned and carried her bag on one shoulder.
He chuckled and locked the doors and quickly made their way downstairs.
When they arrived at the restaurant and started to eat. Chan brought up the sleepover which leeknow was not so happy about.
"I don't, I just don't like them. I don't like their lifestyle and you've been over there too much jagi," he explained as he picked up the chopsticks.
"Please leeknow, she literally comes over all the time,"
"Yeah I know but I don't have a good feeling about this weekend, my older brother instincts are tingling," he looked over at the other boys trying to get some support.
"She'll be gone for one night Hyung, just let her go," Changbin backs her up. He thought about it for a bit before finally agreeing but only on one condition.
"You have to call me when you get there and I have to speak to her parents,"
She giggled nervously before nodding, "Ofcourse min, I will. I promise," she played with her ring. A thing she only does when she's nervous and from the corner of Hyunjin's eyes, he noticed instantly and he knew for a fact something fishy was going on.
"So this sleepover...is it just the two of you?" Hyunjin asked while taking a sip from his cocktail.
"Yeah it will be, we're thinking of watching a movie-"
"What movie?" He cut her off quickly. "And what time will you leave tomorrow?"
"Hyung, chill. What's going on?" Han laughed and shoved him a little.
"Nothing...just curious," he shrugged and lifted one eyebrow. The restaurant was a bit empty and the service was good so when the waitress interrupted their conversation by giving them their bill she was so thankful because the conversation was no forgotten about.
"I just know it Changbin, I know she's lying about something," Hyunjin was pacing back and forth in the living room. Half the house was asleep and most of the boys were in their rooms.
Hyunjin and Changbin had decided to stay up and watch a movie. Leaving them alone in the living room.
"Why do you think she would lie about a sleepover Jinnie? I mean surely she wouldn't lie to us about that,"
"But Changbin, you know how suspicious she's been acting. Always over at Franchesca's. Staying for after school activities. Always coming home late. Changbin it's obvious she's doing something behind our backs,"
"Have you talked of Chan about it?" He asked while slowly taking a sip out of his mug.
"No, I just thought about it while we were at dinner. I need solid proof because if I tell Chan, he'll go absolutely crazy,"
"You're right, maybe we can check her phone while she's sleeping or something," Changbin suggested.
"Do you know her password?"
"No but she keeps it in her journal and I know where that is-"
"Her journal! Changbin that's it! We need to read her journal. Maybe she put down what she's doing in there," he whisper-shouted.
"Are you crazy?!" He whispered back, "that's like intruding her privacy Hyunjin! What if we don't find anything at all then it'll be a waste and she'll be mad,"
"I know I'm not wrong Binnie! I can feel it,"
"I hope you're right because if she finds out, we'll be the worst brothers of the century," he sighed and massaged his temples.
"Make sure to call if you need anything, okay?" Leeknow gave her assurance as he kissed her goodbye.
"And don't eat anything your not used too or don't know about!" Chan added and gave her a hug.
"I won't Oppa," she giggled and waved goodbye as she made her way to the car where the driver awaited her.
Once they saw the car drive away everyone disappeared doing their own thing while Hyunjin and Chan where on a mission. A big mission.
They went straight to her room and started looking for a journal.
"This feels so wrong," Changbin said as he opened and closed drawers.
"I know Hyung but we have too," he replied quickly and looked through her closet. It was long until they found out and it actually made Hyunjin laugh at the fact that their little sister sucked when it came to hiding her stuff from them.
"I found it!" He yelped and pulled out the book. It was old and quite beaten up but that didn't matter at all. Hyunjin made sure to remind himself to buy her a new one later.
"Okay! What does it say? What does it say?!" Changbin shrieked excitedly.
They sat on her bed and started to go through the book. Page by page by page. It was hours and hours reading boring things about highschool and boys and drama.
Hyunjin was about to run mad but Changbin was eating all the drama up. He was actually impressed at how interesting their little sisters life was.
"We're never going to find anything!" Hyunjin groaned when he looked at the time.
"I mean we can skip the parts? When did she start acting suspicious?"
"I'll say like 2-3 months ago, I don't know! What do you think?"
"I think it started during summer," Changbin commented.
"Then let's go look from there," Hyunjin started to skip the pages until finally.
September 27th 2023.
“….and we’re going to be making cookies. I just really hope everything goes well and my brothers don’t find out about this. Wish me luck!” Hyunjin slammed the book shut after finishing the last sentence.
He looked up at the boys who were listening to everything. His blood was boiling as he looked over at Changbin who was equally as angry.
They were shocked and traumatized.
What the hell was Y/n thinking?
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x F!Reader
Summary: Eddie finds a note in his locker and doesn't know that someone has a plan to destroy his relationship with you.
Warnings: mention of drugs
Part 4
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"Thanks for staying Friday night and helping me with all that stuff, really." You said as you sat next to Eddie on a bench at the back of the school.
It was a quite hidden place, but not to hide but just to not be disturbed and have a more intimate moment, with just the two of you.
The sun was shining that morning and you noticed that when Eddie's pale skin was kissed by the rays of its light you could see many small freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks.
They were almost invisible, you yourself had never noticed them before but they were there.
And you liked them.
You found yourself wondering if they were more visible in summer, if they were also on the skin hidden by his clothes, if they covered his back and what it would be like to trace imaginary lines with your fingers to connect them.
"Don't worry, I did it with pleasure." He smiled as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and your gaze immediately fell on the bats tattooed on his arm.
"Thanks for asking me to come." He added after a few moments, his words little more than a low whisper, an almost shy edge to his voice.
"Thanks for asking me to come?" You repeated his words bewildered, perhaps a little too melodramatic. "You absolutely saved my night, which would have been boring and lonely without you."
He chuckled. "Then I think we're even."
"Yeah, I guess we are."
Eddie pulled a metal lighter and a pack of cigarettes from his jeans pocket.
"Do you mind if I smoke?"
"Go ahead." You reassured him before he lit a cigarette, before bringing it to his lips.
"Anyway, Bones has been sitting all weekend where you were, on my bed. I think she misses you, you know? She probably likes you more than me."
"That means I'll have to go back to your house sooner or later." He laughed. "Just for Bones, of course."
"Oh sure. I know she'd like to have another movie night with you soon or just, I don't know, listen to music and talk about the meaning of life at 3 in the morning. Maybe without half school at my house."
Eddie looked at you with a doubtful expression. Was he really still wondering what you were trying to say?
"Yes Eddie, I'm inviting you to my house." You laughed shaking your head. "Friday or Saturday night, maybe? What do you think?"
Eddie stared at you with his big dark eyes, almost hesitant, and for a moment you thought he was saying he didn't want to come, but then a huge grin appeared on his lips before he covered it with his hand, bringing the cigarette to his mouth.
But you saw it, you never missed it when he smiled. You always liked to see him happy.
"Yeah. Yeah, I would like to."
You smiled. "Good."
"Good." He repeated blowing some smoke out of his mouth, the ghost of a smile still on it.
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"So, did you seem them?" Jason asked as he sat across from Aaron at the noisy high school cafeteria table.
"Who?" Asked the other before stuffing half a sausage into his mouth.
"Y/N and the freak. At the party. I was dead drunk but I remember them. Holding hands." He added the last part with a grimace, to express his disgust.
"Gross. Don't remind me." Aaron commented, his eyes wandering around the cafeteria, finding Eddie at the usual table eating in the company of his friends
All losers, just like him.
Aaron spent hours spreading the word about the party, getting all those people over to your house to spend time with you, and when the party finally started you were stayed on the couch the entire time until he came and you completely disappeared, with him.
He ruined everything, as always.
Jason had explained who Eddie Munson was, Aaron knew everything about him: he was a drug dealer, he was part of a satanic cult and listened to some kind of music praising his demonic activities, he was poor, he lived in a smelly trailer, just like him, he no longer had his parents. They probably didn't want someone like him around them either.
Maybe he didn't know everything, but it was all he needed to know that Eddie "the freak" Munson wasn't a good person and he didn't even want to see him around you.
Atound the girl he'd wanted from the first moment he'd seen her.
When he had seen him arrive at the party he had thought that someone had played a joke on him and had invited him, he thought maybe it was you.
And you really had invited him, but it wasn't a joke and when Aaron saw you holding hands he nearly spat out his drink.
You were friends. And he found that disgusting.
"Someone told me they stayed in her room all night. You think they fucked?" Jason asked.
"Okay, stop it!" Aaron blurted out. "I don't know what they did but I have a plan."
The girl he had a crush on since he moved to that shitty town couldn't end up with a sucker like Eddie.
"A plan for what?" Jason raised his eyebrows.
"To push them away, whatever they have going on, I don't like it. And then Y/N will be mine."
Aaron was like Jason, they both wanted what they wanted when they wanted and they thought they were the best at everything they did.
The only difference was that Jason acted without thinking and wasn't as smart as he thought he was, but Aaron could calculate, manipulate people and be convincing.
And that was what made him more dangerous.
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Eddie opened his locker and immediately a note fell to the floor.
Before picking it up he looked around suspiciously, it wouldn't be the first time someone slipped some notes with insults written on them into his locker.
Instead, when he took it in his hands and opened it, above it he read:
"The bench in the woods, Today, 4am"
Eddie knew what it was right away, or at least he thought he knew, at the time: someone wanted to buy drugs after school and the woods were the perfect place, away from other people and far enough from school.
That afternoon, Eddie waited for about half an hour sitting on that bench, his old lunchbox filled with various narcotic substances next to him.
When he had lost hope of anyone showing up, a voice made him turn around.
"You can put that stuff away, I'm not here for that." Aaron walked up to the bench with his hands in the pockets of his jeans, casually.
"Then why are you here?" Eddie asked, getting defensive.
He didn't like Aaron. He didn't like the way he looked at you like you were a piece of meat, and the way she looked at him, like he was garbage. He didn't like his fake laugh and mean smile.
"To talk about Y/N." Aaron sat across from Eddie, his green eyes colder than usual as they scanned Eddie. "I wanted to ask you not to sell drugs to her, you know I care about her and I don't want her... to end up in a bad circle."
"She, um- I never sold her anything."
"Oh, you didn't? Well, she told me she'll soon ask you to sell her some of...your stuff." He uttered the last word with disgust.
"I'm not sure she uses that kind of stuff." Eddie couldn't figure out where Aaron was trying to get at. "I'm not sure she smoke at all."
"Of course she does! She got close to you because she wanted to buy from you, and she thought that if you became friends a little, maybe you would give her a discount." He said, as if it were a matter of course that you would never approach someone like Eddie except for having something in return.
Eddie felt a weird sensation in the pit of his stomach. It couldn't be true.
You didn't start talking to him just because you wanted to buy drugs from him.
You weren't the only person who sat next to him in class because you wanted to buy drugs from him.
You hadn't spent all night watching movies with him while there was a party at your own house because you wanted to buy drugs from him.
You weren't the only person at school other than the Hellfire kids and the guys in his band who didn't treat him like a complete waste of space, showing him your kindness and affection every time you were with him, just because you wanted to buy drugs from him.
When Eddie had realized he was in love with you, months and months before, he thought he had no chance with you, that you didn't even know his name.
He thought the amazing girl Dustin always talked about would never even stop in the hallway to talk to him for fear that someone at school would see her with the "freak".
Over time though, after he started getting to know you and consequently falling for you even more: you had a good heart.
Eddie thought he'd always remember the day you brought to his trailer some notes he said he needed for his math test.
He was in the shower when you'd arrived, and you'd chatted with Wayne like you were friends for about twenty minutes before Eddie had came out of the bathroom with his hair still damp and with no t-shirt on.
He'd found you sitting on the couch next to his uncle, you were both laughing and Eddie had just leant against the door jamb with his shoulder, enjoying the scene with a smile on his lips, thinking "that's my fucking family".
You simply were something else.
And lately he almost thought that maybe he could become more than a friend to you, but perhaps he was wrong.
Aaron left throwing one last look at Eddie, halfway between a recommendation and a threat.
He closed the lunchbox filled with drugs, moving the fingers of one hand to the other, playing nervously with his rings, thinking that the only thing that could stop it at that moment was your hand in his.
Eddie stayed on that bench, alone, for an indefinite time while his mind continued to travel without him being able to stop it.
Aaron must have lied.
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Part 6
Thanks to everyone who is still reading this story <3
Who's ready for a bit of Wayne in the next part?
Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat
Love you from afar tags:
@capitanostella @enam3l @saramelaniemoon @ang3lb44by @einkitty @themorriganisamonster @esme-viridian @daisyridleyyyy @whenshelanded @eggo-segual @comfortcharactercraze @callmeyn @expiredcum21 @unholyyylita @squidscottjeans @twilight-love-nochu-main @idkatee @bakugouswh0r3 @amira0303 @greatpizzascissorstaco @ebonybloom @emxxblog @lunaryasha @cherryobx @jasminelafleur @magicalchocolatecheesecake @tracymbcm @harrypotter-imaginees @eli-flower @mrsjellymunson @tttttttttttts-things @miabiar @wayfaring----stranger @princess-eddie @omgshesinsane @littlestarfighter03 @zoeymunson @tanyaherondale @bl4ckt00thgr1n @thebook-hobbit @eris-rose-86 @ly17 @jenuhlyn @ximi1315 @avocadotoastwithegg @lomljigg @1paire2vans @praline357 @alana4610 @urdad-hot @themorriganisamonster @let-the-music-take-c0ntrol @kozuuji @ruinedbythehobbit
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enhagvrl · 3 months
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‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. enhypen and your favorite flower ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. ୧⍤⃝💐
note: when the enha members bring you your favourite flower ୧⍤⃝💐
theme: bsf!enha x f!reader
a/n: I'll be using jasmine since it is my favourite flower :)
❀ lhs (이희승)
your guys class was on a trip to the local greenhouse for a biology project
everyone was busy finding out their research subjects and discussing with their partners/groups
you were going around the place on your own trying to find more plants you could take up for your project
when all of a sudden, heeseung aka your best friend and also your project partner, appeared in front of you out of nowhere
" here, you like them right?" he said handing you a few jasmine flowers
" How did you know?" " i'm your best friend for a reason idiot"
with a hue of pink and red on my face, i accepted the flowers while the both of us continued to look at the plants
❀ pjs (박종성)
you guys were out shopping for grocery since your friend group will be gathering later
there was this whole bigass mall you guys went to for buying groceries... because it's Jay ifykyk
you guys went your separate ways and agreed to meet at the counter 30 minutes later
you went to the counter after 30 minutes, but got a text from Jay saying he's already paid for his stuff and is waiting at the parking lot
you didn't think much of it and paid for your stuff going to the parking lot after that
he was there standing there in front of the passenger seat door
you went up to him while he opened the back of the car for you to put your part of groceries in
going back to the front, you are met with your best friend standing with a bouquet of jasmines in his hand
" I saw them while coming to the car so I just got you some since they're your favourite. Hope you like them~ " he said with his infamous smirking smile
you accepted it with a lil amused look on your face which made Jay chuckle while he stood holding your side's door open for you
❀ sjy (심재윤)
it was a fine evening going on a walk with your two puppies (jake is a puppy in a human form i will not let anyone disagree)
jake was running around with layla, playing with her, while you were sitting on a bench eating one of the ice creams you got for the three of you
suddenly layla came running to you with a eager look in her eyes
you understood and told her to sit feeding her her ice cream
soon after jake came running too taking a seat beside you breathing heavily from all the running around
you passed him his ice cream while you simply watch the beautiful evening unfolding itself in front of you
" pretty flowers for my pretty best friend " he said holding a few jasmines in his hand
" ...... oh thank you " you said after registering his words
" ayyy did I make you blush? Look at her Layla, she's blushing!! "
I turned my head away from him and looked at Layla who was very knowingly giving me smile
❀ psh (박성훈)
you guys were out in the ice rink cause of the scorching heat which was symbolising the arrival of summer
the music piece from chopin ringing through the roofs and walls of the entire rink
Sunghoon had just finished practising his routine for the upcoming championship and went to change into comfy clothes while you skated around the rink to the smooth melody playing in the background
Just as you were about to get out of the rink, he rushed inside the arena with both his hands full - one hand holding two drinks, which you guess was for you guys while the other held……flowers?
He put on his skates and skated to you holding out one of the drinks
“ oh these? I was just getting us something refreshing when I spotted a person going about selling bouquets. Jasmines are your favourite right? So I thought of getting one for you. Take it. “ he said, noticing your eyes constantly drifting to the bouquet held in his hands.
“ you…got me…flowers?” you questioned, slowly accepting the bouquet from him
He just nodded quietly, turning his head while sipping his drink acting all nonchalant 
But you could easily spot his red ears which made you smile to yourself
you thanked him by pinching his side and skating away
" aish this little- come here!" he screamed as he chased after you
❀ ksn (김선우)
You guys planned to go to this new cafe which had opened across the street 
Sunoo said he had to wrap up a few things at the agency and will reach around 10 minutes late
You did not really mind and got a table booked while you ordered drinks for the both of you
There were a few books displayed on the counter, one of which you picked up while collecting your drinks
You were busy reading the book when suddenly something covered your eyes - more like someone’s hands
“ yaa, I know it's you. No one has softer hands than mine other than you.” You said, as he took off his hands from your eyes, pouting a little. 
“ fine, you caught me but you could have at least pretended to be surprised...you know just to kind of delight me” he said, whining while settling down his bags 
“Eh no thanks.” you replied, to which he could only roll his eyes while taking a sip from his drink
“ anyways, I got you something on the way” he says handing you a small bundle of jasmines
“ oh damn where did you find them? I don't remember seeing any florist shop nearby here?” you said accepting the flowers, your tone a bit higher than usual trying to hide your flustered and blushing state
“ nowhere near here. I got them from near the agency. I was exiting the building when I spotted these on the window of the florist shop so I got them for you!” he said with his shy smile and rosy cheeks
You muttered a quite thank you, while changing the subject to your guys’ lives, making a mental note to get him something the next time you guys meet up
❀ yjw (양정원)
The yang siblings were play fighting again when his sister said something about getting gifts for her on her birthday and it hit Jungwon that it’s been a while since he spent her birthday together as siblings due to him being busy with his trainee activities
Hence you are sitting in his living room trying to help your best friend before he gets himself killed by his sister 
“ How about getting her favourite flowers? You said she’s never received flowers before so as her brother you should be the first one to do the honour.” I said  while trying to take my hand out of the vicious maeumi’s mouth
“ not bad ig…I should probably ask mom what her favourite flower is and get it. Do you wanna come?” he said, taking out his phone to dial up his mom’s number 
“ Nah i’ll get our ramyeon cooked by the time you return so hurry. Go!” you said to the boy who went out the door while simultaneously being on a call with his mom
“ I SWEAR TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YUKI TSUNODA THIS DOG IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME!!” I yelled loudly realising that maeumi’s playful bites were almost tearing up the stitches of my sweatshirt 
I yanked my arm off his mouth, heading towards the kitchen to cook up the ramyeon
A few minutes later, jungwon pops back into the house with a few brown bags probably holding the flowers and some more 
“ OKAY I got her favourite flowers as my mom said and I was just coming back when I remembered that there’s nothing in the fridge to drink so I also got some drinks and a few treats for maeumi. Oh and these ones are for you.” He concluded his talk making me turn my head at the last sentence
There lied a bouquet of jasmines on the counter of the kitchen table which jungwon referred to in his last sentence
I felt my cheeks heat up a little at the small gesture and turned back to serving our ramyeon and drinks - not forgetting to thank him for the gift once he comes out of the shower
❀ nrk (西村力)
“TIME OUT! Get yourselves a little rest. We’ll go over the formations for the last time then you all are dismissed.” your coach said resulting in the whole volleyball team to plop down on the ground, the court filled with the grunts and moans of pain coming from each one of your teammates including you
“ I know I say you look dead all the time but it really looks you’re about to die right now, dude” a deep voice said from above your face, for the source of which you didn't need to open your eyes to know
“Shut your japanese ass up and get me something to drink” you groaned while sitting up and moving to the stairs to take a seat
“Already got it dude. Such a caring best friend aint i?” he says handing you a cold lemonade
 “ shut up” you pretended to spit some of the drink towards ni-ki making him stumble a little
“ someone’s having a hard time today, I see. Anyways, i'm done with my practice so just came over to tell ya i'll be waiting at the gate for you to get done with yours……unless you want me cheering for you, then i can stay back and bust open my lungs for the dearest gi-” 
“ Shuck off! I’ll get to you in 15 mins so just go and wait while I try not to get myself killed.” you said slowly getting up and beginning to walk towards the court 
“ Oi! At Least wipe your sweat properly before you go.Nobody wants to be near a stinky shortie” ni-ki said, throwing your bag on your face while making a run afraid of you chasing him 
You shook your head in disbelief of the kid and zipped open your bag only to find a small bouquet of jasmines sitting on top of your extra jersey and towels with a note beside it saying ‘finish up quickly. Your boring ass is the only thing that’s entertaining to me’ 
You chuckled slightly, taking out the towel, wiping your sweat and throwing it back on top of your bag before running towards the net reminding yourself to tease the dork later when you guys walk together 
written by @enhagvrl, 2024
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mysteryshoptls · 10 months
SR Riddle Rosehearts - Beach Wear Vignette
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Riddle: Hm…?
Riddle: It's rather refreshing to be woken up by the sound of lapping waves. And the others are…
Everyone: Snooore… Zzzzzz…
Riddle: It looks like they're all still asleep. …Well, since I'm awake, I suppose I'll step outside for some air.
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Riddle: The ocean stretches on forever. This doesn't feel real at all, but we really are stranded here…
Riddle: I wonder if Trey, Cater and the others have started to worry? What about my mother…?
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Riddle: …
Lilia: Why're you just gazing off towards the ocean like that, is something wrong?
Riddle: Oh, Lilia-senpai. No, not really…
Riddle: My daily routine every morning was to wake up before all my other dormmates and patrol the dormitory, before ironing my shirts.
Riddle: Ever since coming here, I haven't needed to do either. That's why I'm not sure what I should do.
Lilia: It's good that you're so studious. But I think it'd be fine if you relax a little and enjoy the moment, too.
Riddle: Relax, you say… Even if you were to tell me that, it's difficult to bring myself to waste my time doing absolutely nothing productive.
Lilia: Hm, I see. I guess that's very much like you… OH, I GOT IT!
Lilia: I had a great idea. After we all eat breakfast, do a quick patrol and gather more provisions, we should meet back here on this beach!
Riddle: What do you plan on doing?
Lilia: That's for you to see later. Kufufu!
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Lilia: ―So, here we have it, folks!
Riddle: Beach Flags… They say this competition originated from the training that surf lifesavers did.
Riddle: The runners would lay face down on the starting line with their backs towards the flags, and upon the given signal, would run towards the flags.
Riddle: If I recall, the rule was that there was one less flag than the number of runners, and the one who could not capture a flag would be eliminated.
Lilia: You know your stuff, have you done it before?
Riddle: It was the theme of a crossword that was in the appendix of one of my study materials. So I do have some knowledge of it, however I've never tried it…
Lilia: This isn't just a game. We are all stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean… There's no telling when we could all fall prey to danger.
Lilia: So basically, we'll use this sport to train ourselves, both mentally and physically. However…
Lilia: Since it wouldn't be fun just running, I've prepared for everyone a rather splendid prize! The winner will get...
Lilia: Floyd's Super Deluxe ☆ Special Fruit Parfait!
Everyone: PARFAIT!?
Ace: I totally didn't wanna run, but… I definitely want to eat that super deluxe parfait!
Azul: Floyd's excellently whipped-up creations may be great additions to the Mostro Lounge menu…
Jack: I don't really care about parfaits, but… There's no way I can let myself lose in a competition.
Floyd: Aha! What, you all think you're gonna get to dig in? Obviously, I'm gonna be the winner!
Riddle: A parfait! …Ahem. If this is to be training, I shall have to focus up properly.
Grim: I wanna eat the parfait already! Lilia! Let's get this show on the road!
Stitch: Yeehaw!
Lilia: Everyone's so fired up! Alright, let's begin! Reaaaaaadddyyy…
[blows whistle]
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[Uninhabited Island – Beach]
Everyone: RAAAAH!!
Riddle: A-Ack!? Everyone just dove at the sand face first!? You're all covered in sand. Are you alright, Ace!?
Ace: The sand's real smooth, so I'm totally fine. 'Sides, Beach Flags is just supposed to be for fun, anyway.
Riddle: Eh, you're enjoying being covered in sand!?
Lilia: The lifesaver's mission is, just as they're called, to save lives. In order to do that, they must be prepared to fly towards the target without any hesitation.
Lilia: Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to say that diving into the sand with great vigor is just another rule of this competition! It can be a necessity in times of emergency!
Riddle: It's a rule!? I-I understand. If it is a rule, then I shall also jump forth.
Ace: …Was there actually a rule like that in Beach Flags?
Lilia: This is more fun… I mean, more exciting. Alright, we're starting the next round!
[blows whistle]
[running, sliding]
Riddle: I captured a flag! Oh… Right, I was supposed to dive into the sand. Hup!
Floyd: Goldfish-chan, that's hilarious that you're just flopping yourself into the sand after you grabbed a flag! You make no sense!
Riddle: W-Well, I can't figure out how to slide.
Floyd: You just gotta go for it, like how you'd jump into the water. Like, this!
Riddle: What are you even saying? When entering a body of water, you need to first shower yourself with the water, let your body get used to the temperature, and step in one foot at a time!
Lilia: Hrrm, he's a hard-headed one. ALRIGHT, NEXT!
[blows whistle]
Riddle: This time, I'll definitely get it right… HIYAH!
Azul: Wha―! Riddle-san just slid into the goal and grabbed the flag with his foot!?
Riddle: I concluded that it is more difficult to dive into the sand face first. There is no rule against capturing the flag with your feet, now is there?
Ace: I mean, it's technically not against the rules, or anything… But shouldn't that actually be harder to do!?
Lilia: Alllright, it's really starting to heat up! Next!
[blows whistle]
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Lilia: After so many bouts of fiery competition that could dry up a whole ocean… Finally, we come to the championship round! The two remaining contestants are…
Lilia: Jack, the supernova of the track and field club, who has been capturing the flags with his beautiful running posture and spirited diving!
Lilia: And Riddle, the rose-red ruler of Heartslabyul who has somehow continued to win, despite never successfully diving into the sand!
Lilia: Any comments from the rest of you, who have all been eliminated while trying to sabotage and drag each other down?
Ace: I mean, I don't think even my Housewarden'll be able to beat Jack…
Azul: There is an overwhelming difference in physical stature. And since magic is forbidden, he may not have much of a chance to win.
Grim: Both of you do your best~! And then give me a bite of your parfait when you win~!
1. Do your best, you two! 2. Share your parfait with meee~!
Lilia: Kufufu… No one can predict what may happen. Monsters lurk everywhere on this summery beach.
Floyd: …Hmm~? Those shells by Sea Urchin-chan's feet… Are those…
Lilia: Alright, here we go! Both of you get ready… Seeeet!
[blows whistle]
Jack/Riddle: RAAAAH!!
[rustle, rustle]
Jack: Ack, what's happening!? All the shells around my feet are starting to move… Were these hermit crabs that were hiding under the sand!?
Riddle: HAAAAH!
Azul: The sand is flying everywhere… Such momentum! Does he not know what moderation means?
Riddle: …Bleagh! Cough, cough! Th-There's sand all in my mouth… But, I finally was able to dive into the sand!
Riddle: And I captured the flag! Yes! I won! Did you see that, Ace!?
Ace: Yeah, yeah, I saw you, Housewarden. Gooood job!
Ace: Maaan. Look at him covered in sand and jumping for joy… If any of our dormmates saw this, they'd flip their lids.
Jack: That was due to the course being faulty! I demand a remat… Meh, I guess it's ridiculous to get worked up over a silly game like this.
Jack: I guess having the hermit crabs jump in is just another part of it being summer.
Floyd: Mmkay, so to our winning Goldfish-chan, here's Floyd's Super Deluxe Special Fruit Parfait ♪
Lilia: And for the rest of the participants, you'll get a special sundae for your valiant efforts! Let's all go eat!
Everyone: YAAY! HOORAY!
Riddle: This is the first time I've ever been covered in this much sand. But… Heh, this isn't too terrible.
Stitch: Ehe!
Riddle: Ah, hey! Stitch! This is my parfait! If you try to snatch it from me, it will be off with your head!
Stitch: Yahahaha!
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Requested by @dida-books.
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selineram3421 · 1 year
I'm turning some pain into a oneshot. Also I like this art on the merch.
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In The Morning, part 3🌹
Alastor X Sweet Reader Oneshot
Warnings? ⚠
⚠ fluff, kisses, hugs, soft Alastor, food mention, hint at cannibalism, domestic ⚠
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One of the rare moments in your afterlife, you woke up at the same time as Alastor.
"Good morning.", you mumble, slowly blinking your eyes to try having them adjust to the light coming in from the window.
"Good morning my dear.", he said, moving closer to you and placing a kiss on your forehead. "Shall we make breakfast?"
"Hm..", you hummed, still comfortable where you were, limbs tangled and all.
But breakfast didn't sound too bad.
"Yes.", you decide and give him a quick peck before sitting up. "What do you want to make today?", you ask.
"French toast?", he suggests, taking a hold of your hand and pressing kisses on your knuckles. "Or perhaps an American styled breakfast? Eggs, toast, and sausages or bacon on the side."
"What about you love?", you say and pull on his hand holding yours, kissing it before getting out of bed. "Huevos con chorriso? Or grits?"
"Let's see what we have in the kitchen.", he says before getting up as well.
After tossing on some robes and slippers, both of you make your way downstairs and head over to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator to glance at your options.
"We can prepare..", he mumbles, picking up the eggs. "Egg sandwiches, omelets, boiled egg, egg.. What are the flat things called again?"
"Tortillas.", you say.
"Yes, we can also make those egg burritos.", he nods. "Then there's the option of pancakes, waffles, crepes, french toast.."
With a smile and a shake of your head, you make your way over to the coffee machine, getting the pot and filling it with water.
"I'll start the coffee.", you say.
After putting the water in and setting the pot back in place, Alastor brings ingredients over to the counter.
"I'm making beans and sunny side up eggs with sausage. Is that fine?", he asks.
"Mhm.", you nod and get the mugs from the cupboard. "Are you going to cook your meat separately?", you ask.
"Don't worry, I won't eat that kind until later.", he says and puts a large pan on the stove. "For dinner."
You put in the filter before putting in scoops of ground coffee, making sure to count them as you go.
Then there's music.
Darlin', if I sat down and I wrote a song
I would know where every word belongs
'Cuz I'd write my song about you
Looking over, you find the microphone just a bit away from the fridge, playing an oldie. The mic looks happy after you give it a wave.
When the coffee starts after a push of a button, you head over to your man in red, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your forehead against his back.
"Want help?", you question, tightening your hold just a bit before going back to holding him regularly.
"I'd be grateful but I like you hugging me from behind. Stay?", he glances back, only seeing the top of your head.
You nod and stay, listening to the music and the sizzling of beans. Without letting go completely, you get the bean masher and place it on his waiting hand.
"Thank you dear.", the deer demon says and mashes the beans a bit.
When he's done with the beans, he places a lid on it before putting the flame on low. Getting out another pan, smaller for the sausages and eggs.
You let go and pat his back lightly.
"I'm going to make toast and get some avocado.", you tell him before making your way to get the bread.
Another song plays from the mic.
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
My Cherie amour, lovely as a summer day
My Cherie amour, distant as the Milky Way
You can hear him hum along to the song, a smile forms on your lips.
Cutting the bread, you make sure its not too thin before cutting out four more. You clean the bread crumbs off the knife before putting it away.
Putting the bread in the toaster, you push down the little lever and turn the knob to three minutes. On your way to get the coffee, you pocket a knife and avocado to bring to the table.
Alastor is almost done cooking, already on the eggs.
You pour the coffee into the mugs and put the pot back before going to the table, setting everything down. And making sure to get the items out of your pocket too.
Hearing the clinking of plates, you go to help, taking one from his hand.
"I've got mine love.", you say and peck his cheek. "Thank you."
Both of you serve your plates and get ready to head to the table.
Then the toast pops up.
"I'll get it, go sit down.", he says, stealing a kiss and the plates of food.
You blink and blush, turning to the table before he could see that he's made you flush so easily.
Sitting down, you make sure there's napkins for both of you.
Alastor comes with the plates full of food, placing them down and giving you your utensils.
The song on the mic changes again when you begin to eat, and as you go to drink your coffee, you remember about the cream and sugar.
"I forgot-", you start.
With a snap of his fingers, the Radio Demon makes the cream and sugar appear on the table, along with a small vase with a red rose.
"Enjoy darling.", he says cutting the avocado.
'Cause we've got a life of love that won't ever change and
Everyday love me your own special way
Melt all my heart away with a smile
Adding the cream and sugar the way you like it, you can't help but keep a smile on.
You really liked these kinds of mornings with Alastor, even if they were somewhat rare.
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I'm fine now, so don't worry. ❤ Song names in the tags.
~Seline, the person.
🌹In The Morning, part 1 , part 2.
@ducky-died-inside @willowaudreykeyes @c4rved-pumpk1n @stolas-thebirb @scary-noodlesblog @naelys-the-aster @bisexualboba @kiraisastay @+?
ML for Alastor🎙
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khuzena · 1 year
Que sera, sera
♡ˋ°•*⁀➷Rin itoshi x reader
Summary: the story which dives in the beginning and the end of you and rin. He doesn't believe in miracles, though he thinks you are one. He's thankful that what will be, will be. And its you and him.
Warnings: none, fluff to angst, angst to fluff. Childhood friends to strangers to lovers. Slow burn, maybe not i dont know. Happy ending.
A/n: GAAAHHHHHH SORRY I WAS SO TIRED I COULDN'T FINISH THIS ON VALENTINES DAY AWWW MANNN. Its also been a long time since i wrote fics so bear with me with this one and it ain't proofread plss.
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For the longest time, Itoshi Rin treated you like shit. Muttering how everything about you is lukewarm and how everything you say is nonsense.
You still remember when you two first met in the playground, at that time Sae never left him yet, Rin still having those chubby cheeks as he runs around in the playground, happily dribbling the ball when the ball suddenly hits your knee.
"O-ow!" You groaned in pain, before you burst into tears as your left knee reddens.
The boy at the swing runs towards you, "Are you okay?" He asks you, he looks concerned for you as guilt creeps up as he doesn't know what to do when sees you cry.
You were a sobbing mess on the floor as the aching got worse, Rin kept a distance before grabbing the playground sand and pouring it at your ankle, "sorry…"
The little boy trying to help you up when you two heard footsteps coming closer, Rin panicking as he realizes it's his brother walking towards them.
Rin stares at the ground when Sae scolds him for being too careless, the little boy now crying with you.
"You two should make up before the adults hear about this, Rin you go and get the first-aid kit and candy, I'll watch after them." The red-head yells as Rin bolts to their house. Later coming back with the first-aid kit and candy, watching his older brother do the work and rub medicine on your scraped knee. As the older boy treated your knee, your eyes met the culprit's gaze, he turned away in shame as tiny sobs left his lips from Sae scolding him earlier.
After that incident, you get a scraped knee, some candy and two new friends. Let's just say Rin's parents weren't too happy when they found out what happened.
The next day, Rin rings your doorbell as he asks your parents where you were, calling you downstairs as you excitedly run towards the gate.
"Oh you're back! What's that in your hand?" Younger you asked Rin as he fiddles a tiny bag in his hands; clearly anxious from yesterday.
The boy gulps before taking a deep breath and awkwardly handing you a bag full of chocolates, "I'm sorry for yesterday.."
Rin closes his eyes as he waits for some sort of punishment until he feels you hug him.
"Heh! No worries, these are my favorite chocolates so you're forgiven."
"Really?" His eyes beam in joy.
"Yup! This chocolate tastes good! Where'd ya get it?" You ask while munching away happily.
"My brother actually has a bowl of candy… you can come over and you can eat more chocolate there."
Your lips curled into a smile before you shook his hand, "what's your name again?"
"Awesome! I'm [name] by the way!"
As you sweep the floor, your broom brushes an old polaroid; it was from 18 years ago. You and Rin were cuddling in Sae's bed, not knowing Sae sneaked in a picture.
Smiling at the picture you reminisce again.
It was summer at that time. Luckily Rin's parents weren't home so you two had the whole house to yourselves.
"Mmm!" Stretching your limbs as you two lie on the couch, playing some mario kart while Sae prepares lunch for the three of you.
The aggressive pressing of the controllers and smell of fruits in the kitchen; you can remember it all perfectly.
"I'm gonna beat you, just you wait—! Hey!" Rin yells when you start tickling him and successfully taking the lead, making Rin's character fall off the map.
Rin's demise eliciting a loud giggle from your lips as you beat his ass after a whole hour of trying to one up each other.
Rin is fuming with anger as he complains to Sae, "No fair! You're cheating! Sae don't give her any chocolates! You're a cheater!"
"Bleh! You're just bad!"
Sae groans in annoyance as he prepares the table, "You two get over here and stop fighting or else I won't let you two play."
You two pout and start glaring at each other.
"That's right midget." You tease him before sitting right next to him, grabbing a plate of spaghetti.
"Shut up! I'm gonna be taller than you, just you wait!" Rin sticks his tongue out, teasing you with confidence but Sae gives you two an icy-glare, indicating that you two should just stop fighting.
"Rin, [name]."
"Y-yes!" Both of you stop fighting, at least not In Front of Sae. Hours go by and the night sky settles in.
Plopping in his bed while staring at all his trophies, "damn rin you won all these?"
Rin doesn't reply, fixing the bed sheets before lying next to you; letting out a small hmph.
You sigh, and make him turn around to face you. "Rin. Sorry for earlier."
Rin rolls his eyes, "lukewarm" he mutters under his breath.
After that you two look away and fall asleep. When Sae comes in however, he sees you two cuddling like kittens. Sae smirks to himself before grabbing his phone, taking a picture— close ups even so he can use this as blackmail later on. Let's just say you both did not enjoy waking up in each other's arms; spoiler alert: Rin actually did.
A few years pass by and you two find each other laying on the park, star gazing. These days Rin gets too lonely, his brother moving to Spain to chase after his career.
"S-so… Rin are you okay?"
The boy right next to you stares at the stars, ignoring your voice calling out for him.
Sighing in defeat, knowing Rin isn't in the mood to talk right now.
"I'm nervous actually, about the future." You say before clearing your throat.
Rin turns around and looks at you, "and?"
The stars were lovely, lovelier than anything you've ever seen.
"It just feels like time flies by so quickly, all of the sudden Sae is in Spain and now we're just- ya know… here."
Rin doesn't say a word again, only listening to the rustling of the leaves as it sways with the wind.
"I just wish we had more time. What if something bad happens in the future and we're not friends anymore?"
Rin sits up before flicking your forehead, "Hey what was that for?!"
"To stop your lukewarm talking, stop worrying about the future— I started learning some Spanish so when Sae comes back I can greet him and.."
He looks back at you, nervous and shaking; tears welling up in his eyes. He misses Sae too much.
You tap his shoulder lightly, pushing him to continue what he wants to say.
"Que sera, sera I think? I searched it up and it means whatever will be, will be. So stop worrying too much, you idiot" he rolls his eyes, trying to stop the tears from leaving his eyes.
The world felt peaceful like this, only you and him; the moon and stars as your witness.
A few years later Sae comes back though it didn't go as expected. You two were ecstatic when Sae came back but he changed. After that Rin and Sae were no longer 'Rin and Sae'; now they were just strangers.
Sae was a catalyst for what Rin would become. Rin stopped eating chocolates. Rin would overexert his body from practice and when you two talk it's nothing more than just 'hello'.
Needless to say you were hurt. This wasn't the Rin you knew, the new him is now an empty shell of what he used to be; no— the old Rin died when Sae came back and now you're left to mourn alone for the old him.
You don't watch Rin's practice anymore; you couldn't bear to see that bitter expression written on his face as he tries and tries to practice more just to catch up to his brother.
Months later, Rin was accepted to blue lock. He was gone again for months.
Staring at the small tv screen when you watch the U20 vs Blue lock match.
The camera pans over to Rin disheveled, on his knees when Sae comes over to him. You wonder what happened between them when they met again on the field that caused Rin to be beyond irritated even though his team won.
A week later, Rin comes back to the neighborhood park, kicking the football with tears in his eyes. Pouring all his anger on the ball, almost deflating the ball in the process.
A gust of wind blows on your face before you utter a weak 'hi'. It was like a teen romcom cliche but the thing is there was no chemistry anymore.
At Least… that you thought that there wasn't.
"Go away." He groans, fixing his shoe tie and running off to get the ball.
"I saw the game." You yell trying to get his attention. He kicks the ball again but this time with more force, the ball ricocheting and bouncing on the fences. "You did great."
Two words almost fell from your lips but cleared your throat, trying to make sure the 'Im proud' doesn't spill from your lips as maybe your tears will too.
Rin quirks his face into an expression you can't describe. Anger? Hatred? But when you stare longer at his eyes, watch how his chest heaves up and down shakily you can see a hint of sadness— as if he was a ripped doll, his heart torn apart, left to rot. He would never admit it but the way you stare at him with such pity, angers him. It makes his torn heart beat rapidly and his lungs bruise more, waiting for you to sew him up again; fixing him.
But he would never admit it, his ego warped mind and his dying heart. He doesn't notice it but he feels alive when he sees you again.
He doesn't know what to do when you stare at him with pity. The small child locked away a long time ago in the corners of his soul begging him to let it all out and cry in your arms; maybe you could see how he's hurting and maybe you'll stitch him up again.
But you don't. At least not now.
He shivers from the cold air, he's glad it's winter as the cold weather could freeze his tears away before you even see it. But it's not cold enough to turn his tears into icicles as he sheds a tiny tear, he swears if he could just open up to you, you would catch it.
His ragged breathing, his worried expression, the tears threatening to leak from his eyes all of it. You ingrain all of it in your mind, burning this memory into your brain.
You want to run towards him, hug him, comfort him like you did as a child. Your arms aching to hold his trembling figure but you don't, fearing it might ignite more tension between you two. So you just watch as he tries to hold back his tears right in front of you.
You say nothing and hand over a piece of chocolate. Watching him accept it and eating one for the first time, oh how he's forgotten the taste of this treat.
There was a silent agreement with you two. A simple nod and you two go back to your own paths now, wondering how the other one is doing right now.
Months pass by again and this time Rin won the world cup but you notice a change in him, a spark reignited in him. The same old spark when he first started playing football.
You couldn't afford to go to the actual world cup so you watch the match on your tv screen. Seeing him in person is better but never seeing him at all even on a screen is worse.
Months ago Rin would be red in anger, you don't know why but it feels like you should've done something. But now, even on the screen you could see him smile for the first time as he shakes hands with Sae.
Letting out a sigh of relief, maybe Rin is fixed, maybe he was the same rin back then. Maybe, just maybe you two could be on good terms again.
Then it happened.
You see Rin again at the park. The neighbors were talking about how the itoshi brothers were going back to the neighbor so you went to the park; this is where Rin has always been.
A leaf falls to your side and at that moment Rin notices your presence. Anxiety bubbling in his chest, he knows what he's done to you. He's scared that you'll never forgive him for how he treated you.
"I'm uh.." you stutter, the words stuck in your throat. Looking down in shame, if you only said this back then maybe you had a chance to fix him. He looks at you, he doesn't look as broken as before. His eyes no longer bear hatred, only melancholy and guilt.
"I'm proud. I'm proud of you." You've finally let the words out, the ones that have been dying to be said.
Rin has never been good with words and neither have you. Rin doesn't say anything, he stands up and kicks the football to the tree. That tree has been there for as long as you remember. It was the sign of your pact, your friendship.
He shoves his hand in his pocket, trying to find something. It takes him a while and he pulls out a tiny treat.
It was that same chocolate he first gave you as a child.
Que sera, sera right?
What will be, will be.
From the beginning it was you and Rin. In the end it will always be you and Rin.
You stretch your back after finishing sweeping and dusting the living room. Your shared house should get some renovations by now but oh well, Rin's schedule has never been that generous to give you both enough time.
The warm sun hits your skin as you walk to the garden and tend to the flowers. After you and Rin hit it off he started to plant your favorite flowers in your garden, so even if it weren't valentines day, he'd still have enough flowers to give you every day.
"I'm home." That familiar voice echoes in the room, the door creaking open.
You chuckle as you place the broom away, "Hard day?"
He nods and hugs you, his wedding ring hitting your back as he hugs too tightly. He lets out a small giggle when you pepper his face with kisses.
You threw the curtain at his chest as he raised an eyebrow, "Rin, we should really renovate and shop for new stuff— these things are getting a little too wonky don't you think?"
He lets out a sigh, he barely notices the condition of the house when he's out for months. "Fine, fine. We're going out later"
Your lips quirk into a smile. Oh how lucky you are to be with him. The way he treated you like a deity, praising the floor you step foot on. Caring for you and treating you kindly, gently even as a way to pay back what you did for him. You stitched his torn heart back up, sure the scars will stay forever but he learnt how to cherish it because it brought him to you.
"Rin, help me with this thing— it's too heavy!"
He rushes to your side and hastily carries all the heavy luggage and boxes, helping you out as you two laugh and talk about your day.
He was an idiot, he forgot it was valentines day, no wonder why you were so pouty. Rin will just make it up to you later.
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
It will always be You and Rin. Nothing more, nothing less.
- La fin♡
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Note: so so sorry if this has so many mistakes, i just started writing again and this is just practice. English is not my first language. ♡
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munsons-melody · 5 months
the russian starlette (prelude)
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summary: after taking a job at starcourt, you accidentally get entangled with russians underneath the mall who decided to experiment on you, causing you to gain telekinetic powers
pairing: female!henderson!reader x eddie munson x steve harrington?
cw: none
word count:  1.0k
a/n: this part of the fic takes place in s3/the summer of 1985 and follows the storyline of s3 closely
✰ part one: the prelude
✰ part two: the experiment
✰ part three: the return (coming soon)
i do not consent to having any of my works republished, translated, or posted to any other site except here. if you see my works anywhere but tumblr, it has been republished without my knowledge, consent, or permission
god you wish you never took that stupid job at starcourt mall, but steve was a little too convincing...
"c'mon y/n, we'll go in, apply to a couple of places and if we hear back that's great and then you can save up for a car and i'll save up for college or whatever" steve explained as you sat in his car outside the mall
the engine was turned off, leaving you to contemplate in the silence, your head leaning against the window and your body facing him in the drivers seat
"i don't know steve... a job at the mall?" you questioned and he looked at you with eyes sweeter than honey
"look, you've been saying yourself you feel bad i'm driving you everywhere and that your mom would meet you halfway on the price of a car" he said, using your own words against you
"yeah and eddie's not around to drive me too" you said sadly
you sighed
okay fine, part of the reason you didn't want to get a job at starcourt was because your boyfriend eddie was touring around america with some new band called guns n' roses and it made you feel like the biggest loser that you're stuck in the the middle of nowhere indiana working at a mall
but you knew steve was right, and that you couldn't depend on eddie to drive you to school anymore, and that you felt bad that steve had been driving the two of you around the past few months
you knew you needed the independence so you sighed, and got up, your back cracking a little in the process
"fine, let's go get a job but i'm not dealing with anything with food" you said as the two of you got out of the car and shut the doors
"yeah i'm sorry but you really just can't cook for shit" steve laughed and the two of you started walking inside
after a month at working at the gap, and seeing your paycheck, things weren't too bad working at the mall
steve got his job at scoops ahoy and luckily, his schedule somehow coincided with yours so he would drive the two of you
you had talked to eddie a few times over the past week, last time you guys spoke he said he was somewhere on the east coast and he was very happy for you and your new job
of course, you still felt like a loser working at the gap in hawkins while your boyfriend is an actual rockstar but steve made the mall bareable
plus, you finally became friends with robin, a girl you would always see around school but never talked to
the three of you would hang out constantly, and you were just happy in your little life of sneaking into the movies with them, or when steve would finish up before you and bother you in the store by trying on random clothes to keep you entertained till you left an hour later
that was until dustin came home from summer camp
you had finished up early at your shift at the gap, and walked over to scoops ahoy to bother steve and robin for the remainder of their shifts
it was nearing dinner time, meaning, most people weren't getting ice cream to eat, leaving the shop empty but you heard the three of them bustling around in the back
you rang the bell, and steve opened up the small window that separated the back room from the front counter
"oh hey y/n, we're just uh- doing stuff back here..." steve said, glancing behind him and then back to you
"wait it's y/n?" you heard dustin say and suddenly his face appeared next to steve's
"come back here, quickly and calmly, i need to tell you something huge" dustin said and you did as you were told
a few minutes later, dustin had explained how he picked up a russian transmission, and that they were trying to crack a secret russian code
hours after hours, you continued to listen to the same message over and over again till eventually you all figured out they were talking about the mall
which led you to the next problem, getting past the big scary russian with a big gun guarding the door
"or i could take him out" steve said nonchalantly
"take who out?" robin questioned
"the guard?" steve replied
"did you forget the part about the big gun?" dustin asked with an annoyed tone
but that guy was the least of your worries
after the secret elevator plummeted down to a crash on the bottom floor, and all five of you slipped through the elevator doors, you were on to finding more of the russians underneath starcourt
after walking for what seemed like miles, you all stumbled upon the hub full of russian guards, scientists, doctors, along with the comms room
and of course chaos ensued again
once in the comms room, you were taken aback by seeing someone in the room with you
robin tried to say the code to the russian man before steve started screaming and charged at the man, knocking him out
"you did it! you won a fight!" dustin exclaimed before a bigger issue caught your eye, the russian's were attempting to open the gate with a large machine which instantly made your stomach drop
alarms started blaring when the guards noticed the five of you, causing panic to ensue and everyone started running
your heart was pounding as everyone scrambled to outrun the guards, steve knocking over giant steel barrels in attempts to slow them down when you all ran into a room, slamming the door behind you
steve pressed his body against the door to keep it shut
"help me!" he yelled as the you and robin ran to him, pressing against the door with all your might
you watched as dustin and erica climbed up stairs and started descending into a hole in the floor
the weight of the guards pushing back seemed to be getting greater and greater
"i'll never forget you!" dustin screamed
"go!" you all screamed in unison as dustin shut the hatch
the guards eventually pushed open the door, causing everyone to go flying
it all went in slow motion as they opened the door, the weight of the push had sent your body flying to the wall, knocking you into complete darkness
to be continued…
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yesbutmakeitgay · 3 months
Once Upon A Time I Used To Know A Girl
Chapter 2
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Carol Danvers x Reader
Masterlist | This work's masterlist | AO3
Summary: Kamala helps you as you begin your journey to recovery.
Angst, Slow Burn, Amnesia.
Word count: 792
Like A Summer Day, She Could Push The Night So Far Away
Kamala walks you into the living quarters and you stop by the kitchen to rummage inside the fridge, she takes the opportunity to pop by Fury’s office and persuade him to let her go through with her half thought out plan.
After you finish eating the girl takes you upstairs and pauses in front of one of the many identical doors, "This will be your room while you, uh-"
"While my brain gets fixed, got it." You decide you might as well just go with it. You walk inside and try to get comfortable, Kamala says her goodbyes and tells you she’ll be back tomorrow.
Later that night Kamala calls Carol after not finding her anywhere in the compound, she tells her the plan and The Captain reluctantly agrees, still overwhelmed with guilt and heartbreak, on one condition: She cannot tell you about your relationship with Carol.
For the remainder of the week you stay on strict bed rest on doctor's orders. Kamala comes by every day and talks to you about current events and pop culture which, even before the injury, you weren't very good at keeping up with. She makes sure you eat and drink enough liquids and even tries to sneak in little details about your former life to see if you'll remember.
It is the first day after your mandated bed rest is over and Kamala comes back as promised, "How are you liking your room?"
"It’s fine."
"They'll bring all your stuff back from your former residence soon."
"Where was that?"
"You were doing a lot of intergalactic work so you were living in a spaceship," she says, trying to find the most objective way to describe it.
"That sounds awful."
"Well, according to your most recent reports you were really enjoying it."
"You have my reports? Can I read them?"
"They are being held in hopes they might contain information about the ambush." Her words are only half true as you weren't exactly subtle when writing about Carol.
The girl walks you to a conference room to have some privacy and hopefully get started on your recovery. She pulls out her S.A.B.E.R. tablet, "Do you know where we are?"
"The Avengers compound," you answer plainly.
"What do you know about them?" She starts making annotations.
"The Avengers? They're a bunch of stuck up assholes with a hero complex who think they're so special because they can shoot lasers out of some part of their body."
"Right," Kamala exhales heavily, "Do you remember any of them?"
"Uh, let's see, there's Stark, paying his way to the top, there's grandpa America-"
"Captain America," she writes down.
"Big green guy,"
"The hulk."
"Red witchy witch,"
"Scarlet Witch."
"The guy with the arrows, how did he even get in?"
"Oh and tiny bug-man."
"Ant-man. Anyone else?"
"I think that's about it."
"I don't suppose you'd be willing to talk to any of them, see if they can help bring some memories back?"
"You suppose right."
"What about someone else? S.H.I.E.L.D.? Defenders?" she starts to wonder out loud.
"Defenders? Jones?" You let out a small chuckle.
"Yes! Do you know her?" Her eyes light up.
"No," you let her down, "but even if I did, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who likes to talk."
"I guess you're right." She begins to mindlessly scroll through her clear tablet hoping to find an answer when you see a familiar face.
"Rambeau. I'll talk to her if she's around."
She opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out, "Captain Rambeau is unavailable at the moment," she says, carefully choosing her words.
"I can wait," you respond, really trying to be helpful.
"Indefinitely." Her harsh tone tells you this is a conversation for another day.
After a moment she continues with the interrogation, "What's the last thing you remember?"
"Paris," you answer with certainty. Kamala searches on the device, "You're scrolling back an alarming amount, how long ago was Paris?"
"Many years ago," she responds in a quiet voice, a feeling of discouragement taking over you. She begins to read aloud, "Let's see, Paris. Mission to retrieve stolen files. Success. Black Widow." She looks at you when she gets to the last part.
"Yelena," you say, almost like an afterthought.
She gives you a perplexed look, "Natasha."
You accept her correction, "Romanoff."
"You remember her?" You nod in response, "Will you talk to her?" she follows expectantly.
"Absolutely not." Kamala scoffs, "I barely knew her, that's the only mission I ever went on with her. I didn't even live here with them, I had my own home in Louisiana." Your last words peak her interest and she discreetly writes them down.
Tell me all your thoughts!
Tags: @graniairish
Let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
Chapter 3
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powderblueblood · 7 months
The level of detail and thought you've put into hai is incredible!
I have a question. I love how you've described Eddie as a rizzless loverboy (my favorrite kind) so I need to know how he managed to get with an ice queen like Nicole. Not to mention some stuff with Chrissy later and even Cass but I'm most curious about Nicole, especially since she's a former friend of lacy's and he describes her as the one person who's meaner than lacy. I need details. How did it all go down? i like to imagine that she approached him. What makes me sad is that I think she probably did it just to say she lost her virginity but I also like to think that they all find him hot but they just wont say it because he's the town freak
NONNY COME THROUGH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!! hard agree on nicole approaching him because she's nasty as fuck in all the wrong era-typical ways and he's scared as hell of her (like, she really could bite and not in a cute way). but i also agree about these girls secretly being endeared to him. i mean, we saw it with chrissy-- he has a knack for making people feel safe in vulnerable little moments. but unfortunately, people (teenagers) are also diiiiiiicks
so fuck it, let's blurb it out! or
content warning: swearing, wildly unsexy implication of sex, nicole summers sucks dude, teenagers scare the living shit out of me, me attempting to incorporate dnd terminology, GRANNY ECKER KLAXON, there's also an easter egg in this for the rest of the story if you know where to look word count: 2.6k (lol what)
part of the hellfire & ice universe (duh!)
She's gotta be doing community service.
It's Easter, right, so this has gotta be like... a Jesus thing. But she doesn't seem like a Jesus person.
It's the only precedent that would explain what Nicole Summers, jaw jutting out in an exaggerated scowl, is doing serving Meals on Wheels to the less fortunate dwellers of Hawkins' favorite trailer park. Her red hair blazes in the sunlight, searing into his retinas--
But that could also be the weed talking.
"Ma'am, like, I don't know what to tell you, you're signed up to receive these."
"And I don't know what to tell you, little girl," Veronica Ecker Sr., affectionately and fearsomely known as Granny to him, grits from the doorway, "but I'm perfectly capable of cooking my own darn food."
Eddie's been lingering around the Ecker trailer, see, waiting for Ronnie to be freed from yet another M*A*S*H appointment with her grandmother ("Ever since she stopped going to church, it's like, all Alan Alda all the time," quoth Ronnie) and run through his latest Hellfire campaign.
"I'm not saying that you don't, I'm just saying that--"
"You're making me miss my program."
"I'll eat it." Eddie doesn't know who said that or why it sounds like his voice, until he figures out that he said it, which is why it sounds like his voice. Jesus, that shit he lifted from his dad was strong.
Granny Ecker and Nicole Summers elicit almost identical reactions of annoyance once they clock that he's there, lingering in the outfield.
"Junior, if you don't--"
"Oh my God. Ew."
Eddie plants his hands on his hips, half in the hopes that this might look authoritative, half mirroring Granny. "Well, y'know. Waste not want not."
Granny considers him, then apparently considers that this might not be such a terrible idea. Her laser focus directs back to Nicole.
"I don't give a shit. I'm not eating that tripe."
"I'm not just-- authorized to pass off meals like that. There's a system."
"Wait, you need clearance for stuff like that? In Meals on Wheels?" That'd be Ronnie's voice, head popping over her grandmother's shoulder. "Oh, hey, Eddie."
"Hey, Ron. You ready to--"
"Veronica, get back inside. I need you to hit that thing back to record when M*A*S*H comes back on. I don't want any commercials on my darn tapes."
"Oh my God, forget it!" Nicole breaks, stalking towards him with a foil-wrapped tray. She stays a safe distance away and thrusts it towards them-- something something freak cooties, some new line of bullshit that her and her dumb little clique had come up with in middle school. "Here. I don't need the whole freak council weighing in on this."
Eddie takes the tray and considers the shiny foil wrapping. His reflection is all distorted in there, a funhouse mirror but way, way worse. This makes him compelled to be unwisely honest to Nicole, who's already making tracks away from him. He jogs to catch up, foil crinkling as he moves. "Well, now I feel bad."
"It's like robbing from old people. Maybe you should give this to another old person. Like a super skinny one. Who might need two."
"Fuck 'em."
"Gee, Nicole, you're really buildin' that stairway to heaven, huh?"
"Ugh. What?"
"The meals-- the Meals on Wheels. It's a nice thing to... do. Fuckin'... forget it." Eddie stops dead; he might be loaded right now, but he knows which side his bread is buttered on. And he hasn't got any bread. He thinks it might be mashed potatoes, green beans and some rubbery chicken. Anyway, he turns heel-- this conversation isn't going anywhere.
"Hey, freak." The derisive nickname comes calling from Nicole's end. Ring-ring. "Are you stoned right now?"
"De-pendsssss," Eddie murmurs, the 's' sound going on for like five minutes, "Are you... a cop right now?"
Nicole busts out a giggle. It's kind of a pretty noise, if a little grating. She's kind of pretty. Eddie remembers when she had braces in middle school and whenever she'd pick on him, she'd kind of spit on him too. Gross. But still kind of pretty.
"I know how you can make it up to me."
Jump-freaking-cut and Nicole Summers is sitting with Eddie in that creepy wooded area near Forest Hills, making a miserable job of rolling a joint out of a dusting of his dad's weed and a torn-open Pall Mall. His buzz has kind of come and gone, and in its wake the knotted, deadened trees are looking extra gnarly.
"God, I suck at this."
You don't suck. You just need practice, is what Eddie would say if it were anybody else sitting with him, but all he manages is, "Eugh."
Because she does suck. And he's too nervous to further verbalize himself. He holds his hand out and she drops the comically conical attempt at a joint into it.
Deftly, Eddie re-rolls it just like that. "Practice, baby. Only way to Carnegie Hall."
"Wait, what?" Nicole murmurs, brow furrowed.
Eddie wishes he didn't phrase it like that either. "Um. Nothing. How come you're doing Meals on Wheels?"
A guttural sigh comes right from the center of her chest, which Eddie can almost see, thanks to her super low-cut tank top. Her cleavage is all freckled and hiked up, thanks to the Wonderbra that he's been painstakingly avoiding tracing the outline of with his eyes. "My fucking aunt. She's like some do-gooder Christian nutso, she runs the whole thing."
"Oh--" but Nicole's not done. She kicks a toeful of dirt up just as Eddie ignites the end of the joint and takes a harsh pull.
"I'm stuck with her this whole break because my grades were shit. I'm supposed to be in Maui, y'know."
Eddie wordlessly passes the joint on. Knew it was a Jesus thing. And like, boo-hoo, he guesses? He doesn't have any real pity for Nicole Summers right now, because overall she fucking blows. She's mean as hell, for no good reason.
Ronnie came up with a good analogy for it one time; like, put up against that chick Lacy that she hangs out with, Nicole is mean like a bad dog. She just keeps barking and barking and barking and barking and it is relentless and it's busting open your eardrums and she's snarling and you're too scared to get in her way so you just tolerate it. Even if it fucks up your whole day.
That Lacy girl, though, she's mean like a guillotine. One sharp drop and you're done. Dead. Headless horseman.
"I know which one is worse-- Nicole, obviously, because it chips away at you and it's so freakin' loud. But I know which one I'd prefer," Ronnie had said, "I feel like if Lacy comes for you, you've really earned it. Like, you possibly deserve to perish."
But ultimately, curiosity will be the death of Eddie Munson. And so will girls. And so will boring Spring break Sundays.
Nicole half-chokes on a lungful of smoke and Eddie's got to pat her on the back so he doesn't get nailed for her murder or whatever.
"God. Gross," Nicole gripes on recovery. "Ugh. My whole family is in Maui, but I'm stuck here and like-- I even told people I was going to Maui and it's like-- so fucked."
"Totally." Eddie makes pincer fingers towards the joint. "Don't bogart that."
But Nicole is holding it aloft, totally off on her own journey, and Eddie wonders if the weed has hit her that fast or if she's just completely self-involved.
"I even sent postcards to people, pretending I was in Maui. If you wanna know something really pathetic."
It takes a second for Eddie to decipher it, but it seems like she's saying that she's been sneaking around Hawkins incognito all break because she told all of her sucker friends she was in the Central Pacific.
"You completely said that sentence backwards."
He notes that down to tell Ronnie about later.
"Shuddup, freak."
"Man, it is so completely uncool of you to keep calling me a freak when you're literally smoking my weed."
"You took my Meal on Wheel."
"Meal on Wheel for a well-rolled joint does not an even trade make, Summers!"
"So why did you say okay?!" Nicole barks, and Eddie finally gets a grasp of that joint. He's up, he's off the log they were occupying. There is a buzz to be had here, a good time rolled tight up in these flammable papers and he is not about to waste it by letting Nicole Summers verbally wail on him.
"Because I am obviously a veritable moron of the highest knight's order and I had time to kill before M*A*S*H was over!"
That rhymed.
Nicole looks up at him with her green eyes narrowed, this horrible, puggy grimace wrinkling her face. And then she says something so beyond the realm of Eddie's comprehension that he's sure the weed is turning on him.
"Do you wanna, like, hook up?" Nicole says-- scratch that, Nicole snarls.
"What?!" So this level of fuckery doesn't make sense to Eddie because nobody's around. Like, if Nicole takes a shot at the freak and Hagan and Carol and Tina and Lacy and Cass aren't around to hear it, did it even happen?
"I'm serious," Nicole deadpans. "I kind of... look, so I kind of wrote to some people that I hooked up with someone on vacation and, like... I could make that not a whole lie."
"Nicole," Eddie says, in a tone about as measured as he can manage, which is not very because his balls seem to have vacuumed themselves back into his body, "Are you asking me to aid and abet your elaborate scam in which you're currently pretending you're in Maui getting, what... railed by like, a surfer?"
"Wow. That's actually kinda close to what I've been telling people."
He would later find out that she said her premiere paramour was a board waxer.
Eddie inhales a lungful of smoke so deep and so urgent that it makes him feel like Hunter S Thompson-- that is, to say, certifiably insane. Because Eddie's never been... Like, he's made out, or whatever, and grazed a boob like once, but...
In an ideal world, he would not be in the woods. In an ideal world, there might be some perfect declaration beforehand, and he might be indoors, and he might be wearing cleaner underwear. In an ideal world, it would not be Nicole Summers.
Roll Perception. Is this really how it happens? Maybe she secretly... likes me?
The D20 in his brain lands a nat one.
Yeah, maybe. But you've been wrong about that before.
Nicole gets up, and he can just about see the cogs turning in her head, trying to intimate an expression of sultriness. It's such a thin mask that he can basically see her rolling her eyes behind it.
"C'mon. You can't tell me you haven't... thought about it," she tries, dropping her voice in volume and pouting her lips.
And Christ, Eddie hates to be such a guy about it, but... you hate to look a gift horse in the formerly-braces-clad mouth.
I haven't thought about it. I think you suck. But I also think this might be my one shot at something for a long, long, long, long, long--
"God, quit thinking about it and kiss me, freak."
It's almost hot, it's like lukewarm at the very best, which is good enough for Eddie so he goes for it. Lips on lips, but Nicole apparently doesn't follow rhythm very well. There's a lot of dry macking, not a lot of... sensual action. He's almost starting to feel sorry for her.
But then-- well, let's just cut to the chase since that's the flavor du jour, then her hand is on his dick. Through the jeans, obviously, she's not a belt ninja but it's very much there. Flesh and tendons, palming at him.
In this situation, Eddie's not a hard sell. Badum-tsssss.
He uses one hand to hook around the back of her neck, tilting her head toward him-- using this opportunity to kiss her right, or what he assumes is right, while she's distracted. Nicole cannot focus on two things-bad kissing and dick handling-at once, unlike Eddie, who uses his free hand to feel her boobs.
"Siddown on the log," she breathes. Just what you want to hear in the heat of passion.
"Uh-- okay," and he does what he is told. Because she's still a pitbull, at the end of the day.
"Do you, like, have anything?"
"Like... the clap?" Eddie sorta-squeaks as Nicole positions herself over him, one knee either side of his thighs. She's got good balance. Is she in cheerleading? Or is that the other mean one?
"No, you fuckin'-- like a condom."
"Oh." His heart sinks. There's a box of Trojans that Ronnie jokingly bought him after he tried to lay a smacker on her-majorly misguided move, by the way!-but he doesn't--
Wait, shut up. They were literally having this argument the other day, he and Ronnie, about that tiny pocket on pairs of jeans. You know the one. Ronnie was trying to explain that it was for cowboys to keep their watches in, whereas Eddie was arguing that there's no way that cowboys need a watch, dude. They go by the sun in the sky. Like men, so the pocket obviously had to be for emergency prophylactics.
He'd even demonstrated, slipping a good ol' Troj into the tiny fold!
Eddie, in his over-excited state, almost knocks Nicole off the log trying to dig the rubber out. "Voilà."
"Whut," Nicole mumbles.
"Do you take Spanish?"
"No, French."
"... okay."
Here it is. This is it. He's about to get his dick out in the scary wooded part by the trailer park where he once tried to dig a hole to China. Fuck.
But all of a sudden, Nicole is fumbling. Her movements are suddenly weird and unsure and reserved and tight. Badum-- fuck off.
"Hey, y--y'alright?" Eddie murmurs, almost brushing her hair off her face. But that feels too intimate. Even considering the circumstances.
"Have you... done this before?" she says, lips pursed and small as she fiddles with his belt.
"Um." To truth, or not to truth? That is to lose any and all hope of losing one's virginity. "I--"
"I haven't."
A little moment of silence hangs between them. That's not a bark. That's a real girl in there.
Eddie swallows, despite the precipice of opportunity. He finds his throat is very dry, sandpaper going down. That feeling-- it's a distinct sensory recall. A favor someone once did him at a birthday party.
Because Nicole's a dick, but she's still a person.
Not that she'd give him the same grace.
Oh well. Building his stairway to heaven, and all that shit.
"We don't... have to." He nods, resolutely. Partially for himself. He even puts a hand over Nicole's, where it lingers on his undone fly. "Seriously."
Nicole's eyelashes flicker and she stares at him for a drawn out beat. As if she's considering him. Really considering him. Outside of the bullshit dichotomy in which they live. A crease eventually settles in her brow, looking at him like, are you serious, loser?
"No, I obviously want to."
Want to with me? he nearly chances.
"Just don't be, like... weird about this after," she instructs. "It never happened."
"I'm not gonna. It didn't." That sounds too soft, so he snorts a little at the end.
Eddie barely has time to ask her if she's okay before it's lights out for him.
The most unforgettable thirty seconds of Eddie Munson's pubescent life up to that point begins with a scoff (his) and ends in a scoff (hers).
But that dog ceases barking for at least three weeks following. No biting in the hallway, no harassment in the parking lot. Even when Hagan sniffs around him, Nicole doesn't jeer on. She averts her eyes.
It's no declaration of love, but at least he got a free dinner out of it.
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Cruel Summer Ch. 5
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Donations | Thoughts & Feelings | Cruel Summer Series | Chapter 4
(Thank you all so much for being patient as I worked through personal issues!! I'm trying to write and get new chapters out for you guys. I'm still dealing with personal issues but for now, I'll push through, thank you all so much for always sending kind supportive messages. Love you guys! Enjoy!
P.S. you can find clues about future chapters if you read through the tags ;) )
-Chapter 5-
You stared at him before giggling, “Funny Chris, you know….. about us…now that we’re…ya know…gonna be public and all that.” you smiled as he chuckled. “Baby…you know we could never be public…I can't ditch the perfect, good girl next door, to go out with an old co star…besides, we’d never work out publicly, we're better this way. Private, just you and me, locked away in a bedroom somewhere.” he leaned in to kiss you again, but you pulled back feeling bile rise in your throat. “You never planned on leaving her for me…did you?” you asked, staring at the bed. “Babygirl,” he walked around the bed to sit by you on your side of the bed. 
He pulled your chin up kissing your lips before you pulled back, he only had a moment to see your eyes before you slapped him as hard as you could. “Get out. Get the fuck out!” you glared at him before you moved quickly off the other side of the bed. “Sweethear-” “FUCK YOU!” you screamed. “GET OUT!!” you grabbed his clothes throwing them at him, he ducked as his shoes flew at his head. 
The door busted open, your security guards and Megan stood there. “Oh Y/N…” She said softly as Chris stood up after sliding his jeans on. “Y/N! Baby come on! Knock it off, let's talk about this!” he snapped back at you. You raced off into the bathroom, locking the door as the tears fell. You started the shower, a sob leaving your lips as you slid down to the floor crying. 
A few weeks later
“And in other news mega worldwide Popstar Y/N, has deleted all posts from her social media. Sources say, She’s “Blacking out any and all communication on tour, and while she loves sharing her life with her fans, touring has taken a toll on her, she’ll return eventually, but for now. She’s got to focus on herself.” wow, so no more thank you posts to all her concert goers? That’s gonna feel like a slap to the face.” the news reporter stated as her co-star started in on you and your reputation. You sat by the window staring out over the city, thankful that no one could see you all the way up here. “Turn it off.” you grumbled out, “You know it's interesting, one former Avenger star announces his wedding date with pictures of his fiance’ the same time another former Avenger star blacks out her social media? I smell drama!” he chuckled as she gasped. 
“I don’t need to hear how Lacey and Simon think I’m some big fuck up for not wanting to be on social media right now.” you said getting up and grabbing your phone. “I’m going down to the gym, maybe running will clear my head.” you said matter of factly before grabbing your headphones. “Maybe you shouldn’t go alone?” Megan asked as she stood up. Your phone had been blowing up from friends and family checking in on you, wondering why you’d gone radio silent. 
You felt your phone go off as you exited your room and felt the corners of your mouth turn up for the first time in what felt like forever. 
Hemsworthy: ‘This place is super boring without you here.’ 
Y/N: ‘Tell me about it. I wish you were here. Life fucking sucks right now.’ 
Hemsworthy: ‘Heard you went black out on socials….you doin okay? 
Y/N: ‘Yep…got a lot going on & I don’t want to see anything online…just, want to focus back on friends and myself for a while…’ 
You sighed as you sent the message, heading into the gym where you began to walk on the treadmill. You thought back over all your time with Chris lately, before he left for South America. The movie nights eating ice cream, playing new songs for him, talking him through his depression when it came to the divorce. You felt tears in your eyes, how could you have been so fucking stupid. 
Were you this desperate to fall in love and be with someone? You’d mistook your friendship with Chris, the things that friends did, as romantic interest and felt yourself developing feelings for him. He was just recently divorced…why would he even think about dating anyone; you needed serious help. 
Hemsworthy: ‘You know if you keep running on the treadmill, you’re gonna burn holes in those tennis shoes missy. :P’ 
You glanced at the message before you did a double take; you didn’t remember telling him you were going to work out to clear your head. “If I have to stand back here any longer I’m gonna go insane.” his thick Australian accent startled you, causing you to whip around as you pulled your headphones off. “Oh my god!” you dashed over to him jumping into his arms as he laughed and hugged you tight. “I missed you popstar,” he mumbled in your ear as you buried your face into his hoodie, breathing in his scent. “I missed you too,” you whispered against his shoulder. 
You jumped down smiling up at him, “Let’s go order some room service and catch up,” he chuckled and cleared his throat, “Uh…I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner tonight, with me?” he smiled softly. “Somewhere nice?” he asked as you grinned and nodded, “yeah! That sounds fun!” you said as you both walked to the Elevators. “I have this super cute outfit I’ve been wanting to wear anyways!” you grinned as he chuckled. “I’m sure you’re going to look as beautiful as you always do,” Chris smiled at you, his eyes twinkled softly as you talked about your upcoming show, which was a couple of nights away and Chris was thrilled he was going to attend it. 
When he was touring with you, he would stay back at the hotel, usually cooking a meal for the two of you and picking out a couple of movies for you guys to watch and relax after your shows. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go to your shows, it was just easier to avoid the press. After the divorce, anytime they had the opportunity to print something about him or his ex wife, they jumped on it.  
Once you guys made it back up to the hotel suite, you got ready for the evening, excited to have a nice dinner with someone who didn’t give a shit how famous you were, or what was happening in your life. You looked in the mirror and smiled at the black sequinned dress, which looked like a night sky, with clouds and a half moon on it. You wore strappy black heels and a fur jacket; and paired it with a silver flashy purse with a diamond studded necklace. 
Chris grinned as he saw you come from your bedroom, “Whoa…you look…..incredible,” he held his hand out spinning you around as you giggled softly, “Thank you. My friend Kayleigh had this made for me, and I hadn't found the right occasion to wear it yet, but thought tonight was perfect.” you smiled as he smiled tenderly at you. “Well it’s perfect, come, I’ve made reservations for us.” he chuckled as you giggled excitedly. “Yay! It’s going to be so nice just…going to dinner and relaxing,” you said as you both headed to the car. 
Pulling up to your favorite restaurant you sighed softly, the paparazzi were covering the street and you looked at Chris. “I’m sorry…I know you want to avoid them, I can go first…maybe see if they have a back entrance you can come through?” you said as he reached over and grabbed your hand, smiling softly. “I think I can manage a few photos with a beautiful girl before we go to dinner.” 
The way he smiled at you, something felt different, you were starting to convince yourself that it was all in your head, but a small part of you wanted him to be into you. You knew you were developing feelings for him. “Y/N! Over here! Over here!” several voices shouted at you as you climbed out of the SUV and made your way around to the sidewalk. You smiled, waved at them, clearly not showing annoyance that you held toward them sometimes and even asked a few of them how they were doing this evening. 
You stopped and posed for a couple of photos, when the other door opened and Chris got out smiling and waving at them for a moment before he put his hand on the small of your back as he walked with you to the door. The camera clicks intensified as he placed his hand on your back and you could hear them shouting more questions as you walked in together.
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