#but i worked at a jewelry store then. i don't really have many places to wear it to these days
rubiatinctorum · 11 months
wait huh i have the perfect dress in my closet for a retro movie star costume :3c i'm excited again for halloween things now <3
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firewasabeast · 2 months
Bucktommy prompt idea for you:
Tommy going to Bobby, NOT to ask for his blessing on proposing to Buck, but thinking that Bobby will talk him out of it as it's too soon (Tommy needs someone to be rational with him and he thinks Bobby is levelheaded, especially when it comes to Buck).
He's unaware that Bobby and Athena basically speedran their way down the aisle, and Bobby gives him his blessing AND practically helps him plan the proposal/wedding instead.
This was ridiculous.
They'd only been together for four months.
Sure, Tommy could easily say they had been the best four months of his life, but still... four months.
You don't buy a ring for someone after only four months.
At least Tommy didn't. He wasn't that type. He was levelheaded, thought things through.
Even when he flew that helicopter straight through a hurricane, he thought that through. Knew he could do it. Knew to trust Howie and Hen and their instincts.
But this was all on him.
He was standing outside of a jewelry store, ring in one hand, receipt in the other, wondering what the hell just happened to him? Was he drugged? Possessed? What would possibly make him think this was a wise option? Why could he already envision Buck standing across from him in front of a room full of people as they spoke their vows to one another?
Tommy stuffed the ring and the receipt into his pockets. He practically marched to his car. There was only one person he could think to go to. One person who could talk some sense into him.
“That's amazing, Tommy!” Bobby exclaimed, pulling Tommy in for a hug.
This was... not what he expected.
“Amazing?” he questioned once Bobby pulled back. “Bobby, it's insane.”
“What's insane about it?”
“We've only been together four months. He moved in a week ago, and we both joked about how crazy that even was.”
“And how's that week been?” Bobby asked, leading them over to the couch.
“It's... It's been great. Fantastic, really, but it's new. It'll wear off.”
“Doesn't have to.”
“Bobby, I- I thought I'd be coming here today for you to talk me out of this, not for me to talk me out of it while you talk me into it.”
Bobby smiled. “You love him?” he asked.
“Of course.”
“He loves you?”
“Yeah, he does,” Tommy replied, softer as he thought about the many times they'd said those words to each other over the last three months.
“You like spending time together?”
“We haven't spent a night apart since we started dating, work excluded.”
“You see a future with him?”
Tommy nodded. “We both want kids. He's gonna be such a great dad, too. He doubts himself sometimes, but I don't doubt him. We'd have to buy a bigger place someday, but we've got enough space for three where we are now.” Tommy's eyes were focused off in the distance, like he was imagining their whole lives together. “I haven't traveled much, outside of my time in the army, but we've made plans to do a roadtrip so he can show me all the places he's been. And he's so smart. He knows something about everything and I love that because he's always right. I don't even have to double check.” He stopped abruptly when he realized he was rambling. That's what got him into this mess in the first place. He got to thinking about Evan, and then he couldn't stop thinking about Evan, and then he was driving to a jewelry store.
Bobby shrugged. “I don't see a problem here, Tommy. Athena and I got engaged in less than a year, and I couldn't imagine it any other way.” He reached out, giving Tommy a pat on the leg. “You're a good guy, Tommy. Buck is just as much in this relationship as you are, believe me. You ask, he'll say yes.”
Somehow a wave of relief, along with a surge of anxiety, washed over Tommy at the same time. “Are you sure?”
“I'm sure.”
Tommy stayed a bit longer, catching up with Bobby and discussing what plans he had for a proposal. When it was time to leave, Bobby walked him to the door. He reached for a handshake that turned into a hug.
“Thanks, Bobby,” Tommy said with a final pat on the back before he headed out.
“Anytime, kid. Hey, you have Buck call me after he says yes!”
Tommy smiled, giving Bobby a final wave before he got into his car.
Bobby wasn't surprised when his phone began to ring a few hours later, Buck's name lighting up the screen.
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jpitha · 5 months
Between the Black and Grey 35
First / Previous / Next
Fen looked at the racks and racks of clothes in the store and sighed.
When Northern said that Fen 'owed her' she had no idea that part of paying that back was going... shopping.
Starbase Picaresque was an old, old station. Built around first contact with the K'laxi, it had undergone many different iterations. A science station, a seat of colonial government and even a bullwark in a few wars, these days it lead a much more... touristy life. Fine dining, shopping, and all inclusive entertainment were what it was known for these days. Out on the border between human and k'laxi space it was also where the closest Gate to human space was.
Such a nexus naturally lent itself to a comingling of sapients. When it was just the humans and k'alxi, there was an unusually high amount of integration. These days many different peoples call this place home, though most of them are here to work at all the different venues that are hosted.
Northern loved clothing. Fen had no idea when she first signed on because she packed so lightly, but as they settled and continued to work together, Northern's clothing hobby grew. Fen was much more of a practical, hard wearing clothes person, so this was a new experience for her.
Zhe was more interested than Fen was, and Picaresque had more than ample supplies of haute k'laxi fashion, so both of them were able to meander from store to store, eyeing outfits that would have made Fen's eyes water at the price when she lived at home.
Northern came out of the dressing room clad head to toe in a ball gown made of iridescent feathers. Fen had no idea what animal produced them, or even if the animal was real, but she shone when she walked, and as she spun, the long dress flashed and sparkled. "What do you think?"
"It's very... bright" Fen squinted as Northern spun again."
"Eeee, it's amazing Northern! Are you going to get it?" Zhe's tail swished as she squealed in joy.
"I don't know. I love it, but when would I wear it? It's not like we go out to dinner very often."
"We'll just have to start going out more, that's all!" Zhe said. She was carrying two or three bags of her own. She had already purchased two outfits and three pairs of shoes.
As the women talked logistics of how to use luxury gowns, Fen looked longingly towards the exit. As she did, she noticed a commotion outside.
There were a group of 5 women talking and gesturing animatedly. "Come on Meredith! I've heard of this place! They're supposedly the best in the outer colony worlds!" One of the woman, with long brown hair pointed at the store Fen was dying of boredom in.
"All right Emery, let's go see what they have and if it can even compare to Ganymede." said the woman in the center of the group. All of them wore similar outfits - uniforms really - though the young woman in the middle was wearing jewelry that was much more expensive. Fen had an eye for jewelry. Even growing up she was able to tell the cheap stuff from the expensive. It gave her a leg up when people asked her about stuff 'they found.'
The women poured into the shop and started talking all at once. Immediately Fen could smell the alcohol. If it was just another wine-soaked party it was one of a higher class. Stores like this tended to cater to people who spent a yearly salary on one outfit. Northern walked over to Fen and watched them, a robotic tailor shuffling after her and trying to fit the dress while she was still wearing it. "Who are those people, Fen?"
Fen shook her head. "Just some group of rich women day drinking I think. They have Sol accents. Probably out on a girl's weekend or something. The one in the middle is wearing very expensive jewelry though, check out that necklace she has on. That sapphire could probably buy a frigate."
Northern narrowed her eyes as she watched them stagger around the store. "Shit." She grabbed Fen by the shoulders and turned her around and marched her back to Zhe. "We gotta go. Now."
"What? Why?" Zhe was halfway dressed into a similar gown as Northern, but with a more k'laxi flare. Another tailor kept weaving as Zhe moved around.
"That's the Empress." Northern hissed.
Fen turned back to look at them. "Don't look at them!" Northern's voice rose. Fen turned back. "What? Her? The rich girl with the short hair?"
Northern nodded vigorously. "I'd bet anything that's her."
"Zhe peered around Northern. "Who is with her?"
"Some kind of honor guard or something. They probably are all super soldiers or something."
Zhe's tail flicked. "Are you sure? They look like party girls. They also look drunk."
"What?" As Northern turned to look at them again, she saw one of them taking a large drink from an unmarked bottle. The drinker passed it to the Empress who took a healthy belt of the beverage as well. "What the fuck?"
"Ancestors look at that dress! It's unbelievable!" Before they could react, the women came up to Fen and Northern and Zhe.
"Did you get that here?"
"What are those feathers?"
"Is that custom? It fits you so well!"
"Do you want to go shopping with us?"
Fen blinked. "W-what?"
One of the women nodded. She had hair that was half shaved and te rest combed up. She looked very rakish. "You three are cute, and you clearly have good taste. Well, except your bodyguard here-" she pointed at Fen "-but I won't hold that against you. Come shop and drink with us. My name is Alina, and this is is Kerry, and this is Emery, this is Tina she's Meredith." Alina pointed to Meredith, who was getting fitted for a dress by now.
"Uh, sure, okay." Fen said. Northern elbowed her in the ribs.
"Fancy! Come on. Meredith says she knows of the best place to get dinner. We were on our way there when we saw this place."
The ladies swarm Meredith while she gets fitted, offering suggestions and compliments. Northern crowds close to Fen. "Why did you say yes?" she hissed.
"I-I... don't know. If she's the Empress, maybe we should get to know her better."
"Fen you have an Empress Nanite package. Who knows what happens if you two get together. Who even knows if she still has hers. What do you think will happen if she finds out you have Nanites?"
Whatever happens, it will be interesting
Ugh, quite you. She thinks. "We're just being polite. We'll go out to dinner, get the bill picked up by the Empress of Sol, and be on our way. It'll be an experience. A story we'll tell over drinks."
"Also, she's pretty cute" Zhe adds, back in her regular clothes. "You think she's single?" She gasps "Do you think she likes k'laxi?" Her fur ripples a blush "Do you think she'll like me?"
"Easy there Zhe. Don't go trying to sleep with the Empress of Sol just yet. You haven't even met her officially." Northern laughs. "Though, it would be perfect if the Empress wound up dating a k'laxi. They are notoriously... xenophobic these days." She shrugs her shoulders. "You know what? Fine. We'll go to dinner and talk to them. It looks like only two of them are armed, and it's just concealed pistols. Heavy weapons aren't allowed on Picaresque anyway, so there is only so much damage they can do. She must be here unofficially because nobody had made any changes or attempts to bow and scrape."
"What?" Zhe looks confused.
"Zhe, if she's the Empress, then she should have like-" Northern gestures weakly "- a whole flotilla with her. Dreadnaughts, Super Dreadnaughts, honor guard, battalions of soldiers, nobles, all that kind of stuff. Just her and 4 ladies getting day drunk while shopping isn't very... imperial. Maybe she's just here quietly to try and not be Empress for a little while."
"So we should not admit to recognizing her?"
"Nah, we're just going to act like she's a normal ultra rich person with some friends."
"Northern, if you recognized her, surely others did?" Fen watches them continue to try on clothes, piling their purchases on top of the patient arms of another tailor bot.
"Maybe. But I imagine that half of the recognition people would have is of the pomp, not the person. By herself, she's just another young woman. I bet she isn't as recognized as you think. Also, anyone who does recognize her is probably worried about what would happen if they pointed it out. Her mother was... notorious about that kind of thing."
"What kind of thing?" Zhe looks up at Northern.
Northern makes an old gesture. She sticks out her thumb and draws it across her neck.
"Yeah, so. watch yourselves around her. She might be nice... or she might be nice until we say something she doesn't like." Northern frowns slightly. "I dont' like it."
They exit the store and stand around while Meredith and her crew finishes shopping. They come out a quarter hour later with almost as many bags as Zhe and Northern have. "Come on, it's this way" Alia signals as they start walking.
She leads them down the promenade towards the common area in the front. In Picaresque, the common is a large garden with a unique blend of Earth and K'laxi plants. There are subtle barriers to keep the Earth plants from taking over, but it all looks very natural and integrated. At Meredith's direction, Alina leads them towards a very elegant looking restaurant at the edge of the common. Fully half of the restaurant is in the common, open tables and booths interspersed among the plants, trees and water of the common. Alina and... Kerry heads up to the maître d' and speak to him in a low voice. Kerry gestures back towards the group and his eyes widen in surprise. He quickly nods and snaps his fingers.
Out of seemingly nowhere, three servers appear carrying a large table already set with a white linen tablecloth. They bring it out to a corner of the restaurant and slide the already existing tables and chairs out of the way. The evening is young and the restaurant isn't full, but they do have to shoo a few guests away towards another part of the restaurant. The maître d' clucking apologetically at them as they're settled elsewhere.
Before any time at all passes, the table is set with seats and table service for everyone. As they sit, the sommelier appears with a cart clinking gently with bottles. He presents a list - real, actual paper - to Meredith and she looks it over with a critical eye. She discusses a few things with the sommelier, and he nods solemnly. He looks up and makes eye contact with the maître d' and two more carts of wine are immediately brought out. A selection of 4 bottles are put on the table and opened. Meredith is poured a small sample which she sniffs, swirls, sniffs again and takes a tentative sip. She smiles broadly and the sommelier visibly relaxes. He leaves a cart of bottles next to her and wheels the other two away. Servers pour the wine - quite a healthy pour if Fen is any judge - and they all take a drink.
"To new friends!" One of the hangers on - Tina maybe? - toasts. Everyone mumbles agreement and drinks. Northern is very delicate with her sips; she told Fen she can eat and drink, but she doesn't like it much. Zhe demures as while the alcohol won't hurt her, the other compounds in the wine absolutely will and Fen takes a healthy sip. It's sour and fruity and dark and tastes of berries and dark chocolate and really is quite good. By the time she puts her glass down, Meredith is pouring another and her friends are most of the way through theirs as well.
Dinner is... an extended affair. It seems that Kerry told them who they were dealing with - if not outright saying she was the Empress then at least impressing how important she is - and the restaurant went all out. No menus, purely a menu based on the best ingredients the chef had as well as things for Zhe to eat, artfully prepared on fine china plates. More wine is poured as needed and Fen takes care of Zhe's glasses and eventually, Northerns and by dessert she's quite drunk.
"Tell me Fen, what's it's like being a mercenary?" Tina is staring at her, with her hands on her chin. Her eyes are deep and her cheeks are flushed. Is she blushing or drunk? Fen can't tell.
"s' not so bad. Lotsa assholes in the galaxy, and they need us to do something or other. Mos' of the time we're just bringing shi from one part of space to another. Somtimes people, sometimes boxes." Fen takes another sip of her wine, and Northern frowns - Fen didn't see it though. "Pays all right, and s' not tha hard. Bettern where I was before though."
Meredith perks up. "Oh? Where were you before?"
Zhe and Northern snap to Fen. "Oh, I was on some shihole station way out in Gren space. Grew up in a k'laxi family, had a wife, the whole deal." Fen's face darkens. "Then she was killed by some gangsters and I got the hell out of there. Guy helped me out too, but then dumped me into an escape pod outside Minaren. I wish I could see him again. Everything worked out, but man oh man was I pissed."
Fen looks around at everyone and takes another gulp of wine. As she puts her glass down, she sees someone walking behind the group in the common.
It's Gord.
"Holy shit! GORD! You shithead!" Fen jumps up out of her chair, knocking it over and launches herself over the elegant topiary as Gord looks up at his name being called in surprise.
Fen is too drunk to connect, and crashes into him bodily.
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train-wrecc · 2 years
niklaus mikaelson x female!reader
word count: 2.3k
warnings!: none?
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Y/n, Klaus, and Hope had been shopping for some new clothes for Hope. Albeit Hope didn’t need that many clothes seeing as you’d often find her wearing numerous variations of her uniform for the Salvatore School. However, Klaus spoiled the young tribrid. Always insisting to Y/n, “She’s a growing girl, my love, she needs them.” 
“She needs 4 pairs of the same skirt in different colors, Nik?”
“She’s a Mikaelson love, it’s not about our needs, it’s about our wants. If she wants 5 Range Rovers in 5 different colors for each day of the school week, she’d surely get them.”
“Really?” Hope exclaimed turning to look at her dad.
“Why of course-”
“Not, sweetie your father’s just joking.” Y/n interrupted the hybrid, elbowing him in his side, to shut his mouth and not give the girl any ideas.
“Hope, honey, why don’t you go browse the shoes,”
“You’re so right mom, I’ve been dying to get a new pair of combat boots!” Her voice trailed off as she headed to the store's shoe section. 
“Klaus, I thought we talked about this, we need to stop spoiling her.”
“Love, you talked, I simply sat there and listened.”
“Well, clearly you didn’t listen hard enough.”
“Honestly love, I don’t see what’s so wrong with giving her the things she wants, you know it’s how I show my affection,” 
“I know Nik, but sometimes she needs to work for what she wants, we can’t just reward her for nothing.”
“How absurd of you to say that. We’re not rewarding her for nothing, we’re rewarding her for being my daughter-”
“Our daughter.” Y/n raised her brows while correcting him.
“Yes, our daughter, and for being a tribrid- I mean that can’t be easy, look at my past, and I’m only a hybrid…”
“Bub, I think that’s just you… and have you forgotten you’re not the only hybrid here?”
“No, but you’re a Heretic, sweetheart, don't you think there’s a wee bit of a difference there?
“Either way that’s not the point, Nik.” 
“Alright, darling, I will try to spoil Hope a little less. Happy?”
“Yes, now let’s go find our daughter,” Y/n said before placing a small kiss on the Hybrid’s full lips. 
After loading their expensive SUV with even more expensive bags of various clothing, jewelry, and shoes, the Mikaelson girls had become a little hangry.
“Nik, just stop at the grill, we’re starving.”
“Oh please, not that wretched place,”
“Niklaus, I swear if you don’t-”
“Alright, the Mystic Grill it is.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
At first, Niklaus refused to order anything from the grill, while Y/n and Hope ordered their favorites. Hope saw  Landon working out of the corner of her eye, he’d been working there for a while now, and she’d thought he was kinda cute.
Hope quietly talked to her parents about what she’d been learning in her History of the Supernaturals class. After, Y/n gave Hope a sneak peek at her lesson plan for the upcoming Monday in her very own Advanced Magic class. Which, Hope was in, of course. Her mother was not only a teacher at the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted but also a very powerful witch. 
“Where’s our waiter? I’ve been wanting to order a Peanut Butter Blast, and Nik stop eating my fries when you said you didn’t want anything! I’m saving them for my shake.” Y/n said pulling her plate away from the thief she called her husband. 
Niklaus held his hands up in mock surrender, stealing another fry when his wife wasn’t looking. Hope giggled at her father's antics, she loved her parents and hoped one day she would find someone to love her, just as much as they loved each other. 
Y/n saw a waiter with curly hair passing by and stopped him, “Excuse me, could I get 2 Peanut Butter Blasts with whipped-“
“With whipped cream on the bottom?” The boy finished.
“Uh yeah, how’d you know?” Y/n questioned, a laugh escaping her lips.
The boy made a small gesture towards Hope with the pen in his hand. “It’s usually how Hope orders it, just assumed...and now I know where she got the idea from.” He answered with an awkward smile.
“Hey Landon,” Hope said returning the awkward smile. 
“And how do you two exactly know each other?” Klaus questioned the pair. 
“Well, I come here pretty often Dad, and Landon goes to Mystic Falls High, so yeah…”
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Landon,” Y/n spoke with a smile to try and ease the tension that Niklaus had created. 
“You as well, uh, I should go and get that order in,” He said before walking toward the kitchen.
“You’re not dating anyone until you’re 100, I hope you know that,” Klaus said to his tribrid daughter, who responded with a roll of her eyes.
Klaus received a nudge in his side from Y/n, as Hope spoke up, “I don’t even like him like that, he’s just a friend, Dad.” 
“Sure,” Niklaus said his words coated in sarcasm while Y/n snorted in amusement at her daughter, in an attempt to hold her laughter in.
“Just ike you’re mother and I were just friends, and look at where we are now… and no matter if you don’t like him, he clearly likes you Hopey,” 
“Yeah right,” Hope said with the same amount of sarcasm as her father.
The group of three finally decided to head out once they had received their shakes, Y/n taking her fries as well. The car was filled with the hum of a jazz song that reminded the Mikaelsons of their true home, New Orleans. Of course, the only reason the Mikaelsons had left was to give Hope a proper education and expand her knowledge of her species; how to control her powers, and her heightened emotions. If there was one thing that Y/n and Klaus wished for their daughter it was that she never used her abilities for bad, for her to not follow the same path that her father once had. Albeit they would love her no matter what, always and forever. 
Once they had made it to their expensive abode, Hope took her new wardrobe - with the help of her parents up to her room. She finished reorganizing her closet and went downstairs to be met by her father painting in their shared art room dedicated to their favorite shared craft. Hope joined Niklaus, placing her easel beside his, before beginning to besmirch the white canvas with various colors. The pair were focused on their own work, like usual, speaking a few sentences here and there. The pair preferred to bask in the comfort of the others presence. Hope truly loved her father, she knew he had made numerous mistakes in his extensive life, but she never held those against him, she knew of the abuse her father suffered in his childhood. It was that abuse that had shaped him combined with the heightened emotions of being a hybrid, made him prone to violence. Nevertheless, Klaus would never intentionally hurt his daughter in any shape or way, he had continuously made the effort to not jump to violence the second he felt upset or irate. Most of the time he would begin to feel anger or any emotions that would make him feel overwhelmed, he would often go somewhere to cool off and take a breather. He promised he would never raise his voice at his wife or daughter. 
Nik accidentally bumped into Hope when he had been adjusting his canvas, causing her to create a large streak of red paint across her canvas. “Dad!” Hope blurted at the man who had caused her to ruin her masterpiece. “Dove, I’m so sorry, I swear it was an accident.” He said sincerely, looking at her canvas; he didn’t know when she had become a better painter than him. 
“It’s alright,” She sighed.
“Here, go at it,” He turned his canvas toward her. 
She gazed up at him before looking at the canvas, which was a painting containing two people with a little girl inbetween them with their hands clasped together in a field of flowers taking up the foreground, in the background the Salvatore Estate. 
“Is that you, Mom, and me?” the girl questioned her father. 
“It is indeed,” He replied with a nod.
She took a separate paintbrush and dipped it into a gray-almost-black color, adding the shadows of the figures to the canvas. Before her father could process it she swiped the paintbrush across his nose where freckles used to lay.
“Oh, you’re going to regret that, Dove.” 
Klaus reached for one of his larger paintbrushes filled with a previous color of paint he’d used swiping it across Hope’s arm. Giggles, laughter, and shrieks filled the room and bounced off the walls. The sounds of happiness mixed with the clacking of feet running.
Y/n placed her book on the side table beside the oh-so-comfortable la-Z-boy chair she had begged Klaus for. She made her way to the large art room, practically the size of a large dining room, where she heard various noises. When she opened the door, she wasn’t sure what she was expecting, however, it was not paint strewn all over her handsome husband, beautiful daughter, and the floor that was thankfully protected by a clear, plastic tarp. A laugh escaped her lips at the sight of the two loves of her life flicking paint at each other. The sound made the two glance at the door, where Y/n stood slightly in front. The pair of artists quickly glanced at each other, silently conversing. They then ran toward Y/n, pulling her into a tight embrace and getting paint all over her, matching the other two. This caused her to squeal, the father-daughter duo pressing kisses to Y/n’s cheeks, resulting in various giggles escaping her lips. 
“Alright, alright, thank you for the kisses,” She said trying to speak through her laughter. Y/n pulled away from them, returning the kisses, placing a kiss on both of their cheeks. She was looking at her little family, eyes filled with pure adulation, heart beating with nothing but happiness. 
Suddenly a painting grabbed Y/n’s attention, two figures that resembled her and Nik and another stood in between them, which resembled a young Hope in a field of Y/n’s favorite flowers. Her old home, the Salvatore Estate in the background.
“Nik… you painted this…” She murmured, knowing the painting had his own artistic touch to it.
“Of course, my love.” 
“I love it, it’s beautiful…” She murmured, her scintillating eyes meeting his light blue eyes. She placed her hand against his cheek, gently caressing his face before pulling her husband into a short gentle kiss filled with fervor. The two lovers pulled away, due to their daughter being in the room, and not wanting to scar her.
“We should hang it in the foyer, both of them,” She smiled at her two artists. 
“Whatever you want, my love,” Nik replied, his arms gently caressing Y/n’s waist.
“Also, we need to clean ourselves up, today’s Sunday so we're going to your Uncle Stefan’s for dinner.”
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
The Mikaelsons arrived at the Salvatore’s house, and 2 other cars were already in the driveway. All of a sudden the front door swung open and Stefan and Caroline's son Cayden ran out to greet the family, as they unloaded from the SUV. 
“Auntie Y/n, Uncle Nik, Hope!” He excitedly exclaimed.
The young boy threw himself at his aunt, happily squeezing her in a hug.
“Hi, sweetheart, how are you?” She said, caressing the seven-year-olds back while returning his embrace. 
“I’m amazing! You know who isn’t? Sadie, she’s sad because her boyfriend broke up with her…” The young boy whispered the end of his sentence. “Oh my poor girl,” Y/n said. 
Cayden ended up letting go of his aunt to greet his uncle just as excitedly. They began walking into the house greeted by Stefan, Damon, and Elena sitting on the large couch. Hope immediately went toward her aunt, greeting her and pulling her in for a hug. Nik greeted the Salvatore brothers before sitting down with his nephew, who immediately began to go on, and on about various topics. 
“Stef, Damon!” Y/n exclaimed, pulling her younger and older brother into an embrace.
“Hey Y/n/n,” They greeted her in unison. 
Y/n talked with the pair for a little before, she and Hope made their way into the kitchen to greet Caroline along with Sadie. They were shocked to find Rebekah, Marcel, and Rowena, their 10-year-old daughter, seated on the stools by the island.
“Bekah!” Y/n shrieked, bursting with joy at getting to see her sister-in-law, that was more of an actual sister to her. She hugged the woman tightly. 
"Hi, love, how've you been?" Rebekah questioned the woman, who was still hugging her.
"Good, you'd know that if you visited more, I haven't seen you in months!" She exclaimed.
"I know I'm sorry I promise we'll visit more often." She responded, gently pulling away from the hug.
"You better, and why didn't you tell us you guys were coming!" She said lightly hitting the vampire on the shoulder, causing her to feign pain.
"We wanted to surprise you." She smiled at her sister.
"How's Nik, he giving you any trouble?"
"Oh always, you know how your brother is," Y/n laughed, “No, I’m kidding, he’s amazing but don’t tell him I said that, his ego’s already big as it is.” 
“Are you ladies speaking of me? I heard the word ego…” Niklaus popped into the kitchen, his hand immediately finding it’s place on his wife’s waist. 
“Speak of the devil,” Rebekah said. 
The family aided in making dinner, which took quite long considering all the catching up and shenanigans that had occurred just like every Sunday dinner. It didn’t matter what was going on, family dinner was a must every week. Always and forever.
。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚
A/N - The ending’s really crappy because I just wanted this out of my drafts and I honestly forgot where I had been going with this… also I have so many drafts that stop at 3k because I can never make it past 3k I truly don't know why, and I literally can't write fics that are like simple an around 1k. I have to make the most complex's plots and then never finish writing them 😭
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iheartzgenya · 1 year
Enough for you.
Sanemi x F! Reader / Genya x F! Reader
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TW: Violence, cheating on partner, suggestive themes, hurt reader. The reader (you) can read aura's, Happy ending.
Genya has grown a bit from his shyness of girls. He can speak to them now. It's just when they like hug him or touch him he gets a little nervous.
In this AU Genya is 20, Sanemi is 24 and you are 21 or 22 which ever one you prefer.
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It was the week of our anniversary, I had already prepared the charade of gifts hidden inside a spare closet in our home.
Recently, Sanemi had been acting really off, distant. Well maybe not so recently.. it had been going on for weeks now! Maybe it was a mission that he had gone through that pissed him off.. but his last mission was a long time ago and he asked for a break to train his new tsugoku.. I met her, she seemed really nice! We had even planned a time to go out for a girls day, she had me invite Mitsuri and Shinobu, though.. Don't get me wrong I love them! But I know Shinobu wants to know who the girl is at first, Mitsuri too.
I carried the golden band of jewelry I bought Sanemi, I had been away on many missions so I could save up for this gift, it was pure gold and polished to perfection I knew it had caught his eye while we were out on mission one time. We had walked passed the store with the band of jewelry shining brightly in the side of there window.
His eyes beamed when he looked at it. I wondered why, but I got it regardless.
As I slide open the door to our home I saw Sanemi sitting quietly on a mat near the porch outside, I smiled. I'm finally home,
"I'm home Nemi!" I spoke but no reply.. did he not hear me?
I ignored it and went to our room and hid the last part of his gift inside the closet, now finally his present was fulfilled.. I walked back out.
"Sanemi?" No response. I started to get a bit angry.
I walked closer "Sanemi can you hea-"
"Where have you been." I paused at his harsh voice but answered anyway,
"Out. I've been out on missions you know this.."
He grit his teeth and stood up, his aura was dark.. I couldn't read it like I normally could.. What's wrong with him? I was normally used to his rudeness but it was different this time, something was wrong.
"Your always out, you have been for the past weeks! Why are you distancing yourself, What the hell did I do?" He started to yell, as did I.
"You didn't do anything, What are you on about this time.. I'm not trying to distance myself!"
As the yelling went on I could see what he was getting at, see. Sanemi had attachment issues all though he would never ever say it aloud he has problems when he gets closer with people he grows attached, said me.
He thought I was cheating on him..
"Quit the corps." I paused, excuse me?
"No. I don't get why your getting like this but I am not quitting the corps. Sanemi you should trust me, were dating after all?"
"Exactly, were dating! That doesn't mean anything! You could still use your place of work as an excuse to go on ahead and cheat on me! That's why you should quit! You know I can support both of us.."
I can't believe he would say that, discarding our relationship as it was nothing! Even if I was Cheating I could still cheat with or without work so what was the point! To keep me safe? I can handle myself, I'm not weak.
"I'm not quitting, my decision is final! Y'know what I'm going out I need air," I paused "away from you." I started to walk away from him, I could hear his heavy breathing even as I was walking away. He turned around and sat back down, I could tell he was annoyed.
I walked down the trail, looking up into the dark night. The stars were out and it was a beautiful full moon. Usually you couldn't see this from where Sanemi and me lived because of all the lights surrounding our home..
I thought, maybe I should go back now. I think he just needed some time? I started to get a bad feeling pooling in my stomach, he still probably doesn't want to talk when we get back.
I thought back to the argument, that was the most we interacted in months.. he's been so distance, why the sudden change? The more I got consumed in my thoughts, the more I forgot about the trail Infront of me, the more I forgot about my surroundings.
Before I knew it I had collided right into someone. I almost fell to the ground before I felt there hands sturdy me. I shook my head and looked at the face that stared back into mine, great.. His brother. Genya's face dusted pink, he looked shock to see me out here this late. He placed his hands off of me and spoke,
"Y/n why are you out here so late? Is Nemi here too?" Genya looked around, but no sight of Sanemi.
"you shouldn't be out here. It's late and you don't even have your sword.." Genya stared at my waistband, noting I wasn't dressed in my uniform which explains that I didn't come from work.
Genya was roughly taller than his brother, he had scars as well maybe not as many as Sanemi but they still adorned his body. His hair was in a mohawk and was a dark jet black.
Completely opposite from Sanemi. Although their eyes were the same saying it was inevitable that they were brothers. Both had rough exteriors.
I dusted myself off, "Sorry for bumping into ya Gen. I wasn't watching where I was going. But I'm okay, no need to worry." I smiled slightly.
"Okay.. uhm, where's Sanemi shouldn't he be with you?"
Oh.. I looked up at him and rubbed my neck sheepishly. Should I tell him about the fight? I know he was his brother but Sanemi barely ever talked to him.. Whatever.
"Oh, uhm we had gotten into a fight.. I just needed some fresh air."
Genya frowned at that. He sighed, "I'm sorry about that.. is there anything I can do?" No there wasn't, it was already said and done..
"Not really.." I paused "But it's fine it was just a little fight, he'll get over it." Is what I told him. I was telling it to myself too. It didn't seem 'little'.
This was probably the longest conversation I've ever had with Genya.. We've never really talked that much, only a couple "Hello"(s) or "How was your day?"
Genya stood there but then he perked his head up at an idea.
"It's impolite to leave you here out in the dark.." he cleared his throat, "So how about I walked you home?.. I mean Nemi probably wouldn't like it if I left you here.." Genya rambled on trying to justify his statement to walk me home, I let out a chuckle. Genya paused.
"Wait, are you laughing at me?" He blushed embarrassed..
I smiled, "Genya, it would be my honor for you to walk me home.." I teased.
"oh shut up." Genya shoed me away but I just kept teasing him. Eventually I stopped and we started to walk to my place talking along the way. We both rambled and listened. It was actually an eventful day.. or night. Genya turned out to be a lot nicer than I expected him to be. Being born from a naturally hot headed family and all.
We made it too my door, I looked back at Genya.. it was super late. I knew Sanemi wouldn't like Genya here but I don't want him to be walking back this late.
"Hey, how about you spend the night?.. We have a guest room!" Genya's eyes widened,
"are you sure it wouldn't cause any problems?.. I wouldn't want to cause anything between you and my brother."
I smiled, "Of course not. I'm sure Sanemi wouldn't mind." Genya nodded at that and we entered my house.
It was dark inside, and absolutely silent, expect for the music booming from Sanemi and mines room. What was he on about? Maybe he's just taking a shower he usually booms music during that.
"Hey, I'm gonna go see Sanemi and talk it out.. uhm the guest room is that way" I pointed towards the hallway besides our kitchen. Genya nodded.
"let me know if you need anything."
Genya nodded, "Goodnight, y/n"
I smiled, "Goodnight, Gen."
I walked towards our room the music growing louder and louder, then I started to hear werid noises it sounded like someone was struggling.. What the hell? Is Sanemi ok?! I burst into the room only too see a scene that made me freeze.. it all happened so fast..
Sanemi was on top of his Tsugoku, kissing her I watched at his tongue explored her mouth as he humped himself against her.. she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back like I used too..
"What.. what the Fuck?" My fists grew into balls.
Sanemi freezes and he quickly pushes himself off his Tsugoku. He wipes his mouth that was eagerly stained with lipstick. His Tsugoku layed against the wall panting.. he surely took her breath away.. jealously bubbled inside me, is this why he had been distancing himself? Of course it was.. I was just to stupid to even notice anything.
"Babe.. it's not what-" my eyes well up, how could he do this. He swore he would never become like his old man, getting into fights with me, cheating on his partner.
His Tsugoku licks her lips, her face red with blush. I can feel my stomach practically rolling at the scene unfolding before me.
"I was only gone for a few hours!! And I see you all pent up against your Tsugoku! God knows what the hell her name is?! What is wrong with you!" I screamed at him.
"Rin." His Tsugoku spoke.. "my name is Rin." That's right, I forgot her name was Rin, Rin Gamaki. But I don't even give a fuck. I could care less.
I turned to her, "I could care less what your fucking name is. You knew, but you still went for my boyfriend like he was yours all along. Your just another tramp. Shinobu was right -"
"Don't. Don't fucking pull that shit." Sanemi says sternly. His gaze fixated on me, his face was hard and gave me a look of hatred.
"Couldn't you have taken a fucking hint. I didn't need you. I don't fucking need you. I haven't been talking to you, to let you down slowly.. but it seems your still so fucking oblivious to even notice!"
I shouted back at him, he didn't just stop there and before I knew it I was crying, a lot. Sanemi always made this stupid promise to never hurt me. Some empty oath that was to him. It didn't mean anything anymore.
Sanemi continued to spew insults like it was just words bouncing off his tongue, it wasn't even like he knew me. Like I was just a stranger to him.
I felt someone step Infront of me, there aura felt warm, inviting.. I looked up to see Genya. His hand faltered Infront of me, he stood in a protective stance. Sanemi suddenly went quiet..
"That's enough.." Genya paused.. "You don't speak to her like that, like she was nothing too you. That's horrible and honestly your acting just like..-" Genya stopped himself from going any further.
"just like what?" Sanemi sounded weak just for a second. He knew what Genya ment. As did I.
Genya didn't let the words fall from his tongue like I had, 'our father' is what he was thinking, what we were all thinking. He spoke again,
"Who even are you. The Sanemi I knew wouldn't do this shit. The Sanemi I knew swore he wouldn't even think of this."
"Don't act like you Fucking know me. You were barely even there. Where did you even come from, Or did y/n invite you in because she was bored of me too?"
That's when I spoke up too,
"you wanna know where I've fucking been. I'll tell you where I've fucking been." I walked over to the spare closet in our bedroom and slammed it open and with one swift move I used my arm and slid all the gifts out. Sanemi watched,
"I've been out working. Working so we could have a good anniversary. Working so you could have some new things because you always are breaking them while fighting. Or fucking because obviously that's why you've been gone. Or what your doing while I'm gone."
Sanemi stood in place, his eyes landed on the Golden band on the ground. The band that reminded him of his mother's golden earrings. His lip trembled. That jewelry was the exact brand his mother used as well..
Genya's face showed a feeling of sympathy. He knew I was working hard, I told him on the way here.
Genya frowned and walked towards me pulling me away from the scene, I walked solemnly next to him, tears still flowing from my eyes.
As I walked away I saw Sanemi's act falter staring at the gifts on the ground. It means nothing now, so why does he even care their meaningless if the person who gave them to you doesn't mean anything to you. I'm just another woman after all. That's all I meant to him.
A few months later.. (5 months)
I had started to live with Genya, he didn't mind at all, at least that's what he told me. I hope he doesn't mind. I take care of the place though, I clean, cook and take care of everything. I might as well show my gratitude..
But everything felt so, werid. He was Sanemi's brother after all.. the man whom cheated on me. Genya said that he didn't care if he was related to him I still deserved someone's help, whether that be him or someone else.
I actually haven't seen Genya talk to Sanemi at all. I have been ignoring him since the incident and from what I've heard, he's falling apart.. Good. I felt bad of course but a little part of me knew he deserved it. He was falling behind in work and his Tsugoku was still as needy as ever. God, I hate her so much she's such a pain in my ass.
I mean you would think that she would at least be a decent person and leave you alone. But no, she was always bitter and acted like she was better because Sanemi chose her. I didn't care, it's what I'll always tell myself. It's been months since then, I wanted to be over it. But no matter how hard I try I always circle back to the same memory.. At least Genya was there, he always was..
Everytime I came home sad or upset he'll somehow always be there, even when he was on missions! I would get letters,
"Are you alright Y/n?"
"Just checking in"
"I'll be home soon don't worry."
He always looked out for me since then, he was a very sweet man. Opposite from his brother, he hasn't touched a girl in his life, it was a bit comical but I wouldn't mind being that first girl for him.
Maybe 3 months after that incident.. I started to have feelings for him, he was always there.. like I said. He was a sweet person after all. I wished he had feelings for me but I just have never seen it, it hurt. But I think I could live with being just friends with him, it was enough.
Currently, I had just gotten home from a mission. Genya and I were sending letter's back and forth no wonder this mission took forever I was just so distracted. My face heated up thinking about him. God what kind of person am I falling for my ex boyfriends brother.. is that bad? It sounds bad.
I sighed, walking through the door I quickly take my shoes off. I'm so tired, and dirty.. I definitely need a bath.. I ran my hands through my hair,
"Y/n? Your home?" I heard that sweet voice I quickly walked in the direction of it.
"Genya?.. You're off your mission too? I thought you said in your letter that it would take a few more days.."
Genya smiled, noting that I had remembered that detail.
"Ah, well my mission came to an end quickly actually.. I thought it would take longer.. that demon was rather hard to catch." He chuckled lightly.
I smiled and mended my hands together in front of me, "Well I'm glad it's over. I heard it was a higher ranked mission. I was a bit worried.. Are you hurt at all?"
He perked his head up at that and shook his head, "No, just a little bit on my shoulder.. I kinda got thrown into a wall.." he spoke a bit embarrassed.
I laughed, "well.. I'm glad your alright hm?"
Slience lingered a bit, of course it wasn't that awkward type of slience it was that type that was oddly comforting in a way.. I started to walk to the bedroom when I heard his voice.
"And what about you?" He paused. "Are you hurt?.." I watched as his hand rubbed his neck nervously.
I smiled again, "I'm alright, thanks for asking Gen." I walked into the bedroom and shut the door behind me.
I changed into more comfortable clothes, I took a deep breath. I am so glad to be out of those dirty clothes. I felt so gross.. that battle practically drenched me in sweat. I'm glad that bath was enjoyable at least..
I got ready to approach the door and open it but I stopped when I heard someone humming.. Genya was still up? I thought he would be asleep by now.. He's always up early in the morning..
I smiled faintly when I heard the melody he was humming. I hummed a bit too, just in a different room.. it was the melody I used to always hum when I was concentrated or doing something.. I can't believe he memorized it.. I let out a quiet laugh. Before I walked out I thought for a few minutes.. during these passed months he was always so sweet to me unlike his brother and he never once tried to start a fight with me before talking it out.. Why do things have to be so one sided? Maybe he did like me and I was just oblivious.. I blushed lightly and shook my head trying to rid of those thoughts and act naturally.
I walked out of the room and saw Genya sitting in the outside porch.. he was gazing up at the night sky.. looking at the stars..
It was pretty outside.. he looked so lost in thought that he didn't even realize I sat next to him.. The sky was faded into dark purple and blue hues as the stars and the crescent moon was the only source of light..
"Whatcha thinking about?"
Genya snapped out of thought as he heard me speak..
"Oh! Nothing.. just things.."
"That was very descriptive.." I joked lightly.
He let out a laugh and smiled, "Do you remember when we first met?" There was a period of silence before I spoke,
"Yes. It was a night just like this wasn't it? Now that I'm thinking about it.. a lot of the days or nights I've talked to you it always looked the same.." I paused "I guess things never change."
"Yea.." he seemed nervous.. he fumbled with his hands as he thought about what to say next..
"I have to tell you something Y/n.." he sighed softly as he built up some courage.. He sat up and looked at me his eyes showing a hint of bravery, just as he opened his mouth to speak, we heard banging on the door.
I jumped at the sound, it was 11PM at night who could possibly be banging on the door at this time of night.. Genya was startled too,
"Hold on let me get that.." Genya gets up and approached the door. Just as he was about to open it I heard the voice that I never wanted to really hear ever again..
"Genya?.. Can we talk please..?" It was a gruffy, deep voice that belonged to Sanemi.. Never in a thousand years would I believe that Sanemi came to Genya for help..
Genya froze at that voice, it seems he didn't think that Sanemi would talk to him ever again either.. he looked back at me and I quickly went into another room.. Nobody knew that I lived with Genya, especially Sanemi because we didn't know what reaction we would get out of him.. I heard the door open.. I leaned against the closed door of the room I was in silently listening in.
"Nemi? What are you doing here?.." Genya asked. I could tell from his tone that he was nervous..
"Didn't you hear what I said outside the door? I just want to talk.." he sighed.
"Right.." there was a pause.. "about what?.."
I could almost sense the frown that was inflicted upon Sanemi's face. I heard another deep exhale,
"Shit, I don't know what's wrong for wanting to talk to someone. I can't talk to Rin because it's like she doesn't give a shit about my problems."
Another pause of slience occured..
"and whose fault is that.. you did leave Y/n for her y'know.." Genya said barely above a whisper..
"I know! I know that.. Listen I didn't come here to hear your bitch attitude, I came here because your one of the only people that knows what happened that day and y/n won't talk to me.."
Oh I wonder why, asshole. I rolled my eyes.
"Well you did cheat on her.. if someone cheated on me I wouldn't want to talk to them either.. you need to take in her point of view too."
I heard rough steps roam throughout the home,
"weren't you going to marry her or something? What even happened to that.."
I looked down at the ground a bit in shock and sadness.. he was going to marry me? My fists clenched together..
"it's not like it even fucking matters now.. she hates me"
"No shit." Genya joked with some bitterness in his tone. I could tell he was still mad at Sanemi for doing such a thing in the first place.
Suddenly I felt the atmosphere change.. and the tension become almost suffocating.. I could hear clattering in the kitchen almost in a hurry,
"Wait!" Genya yelled.
I heard stomps collect to the porch and that's when I realized the most vital thing that I left out there.
My blade. My nichirin blade.. That's what Genya yelled about.. he yelled so he wouldn't see it.. but he did.
Slience in the air lingered like a band of tension waiting to snap. Until it did,
"What the fuck is this?" Sanemi paused, "This is Y/n's blade. Is.. is she here right now?"
Genya didn't speak I just heard his breathing..
"Listen she just needed somewhere to stay and-" Genya tried to finish before Sanemi interrupted him..
"She has money you idiot! Is this what she wanted? To stay with my brother so she could get back at me?" His tone was aggressive and rough
"No, no you have it all wrong-"
"I don't want to fucking hear it where is she?"
I stayed quiet in the bedroom.. I didn't want their relationship ruined more than it already has been.. it meant a lot to Genya to have his brother back.. sure he cared for me but I think his family matters more he shouldn't throw it all away for me.
I grabbed my things from the drawers and closet.. stuffing them into one big duffle bag that was under I heard footsteps storming towards this room.. I tried to pack faster that was until the door barged open.. hoping it was Genya I turned around..
But if course it was Sanemi.. he stared at me. Frozen in place, looking at the things I had stuffed in a duffle bag.. my messy attire consisting of the pajamas I usually only wore around Sanemi but now I was wearing around Genya..
I stared back at him, I stared at the vein that was twisting out of his forehead.. I stared at the veins trailing up his neck.. his hand fell from the door as he matched towards me.. Genya came in the room,
"Nemi Listen!" Genya yelled. But it was too late Sanemi was staring directly in my eyes our noses almost touching.. his eyes wider than before twitching with blind rage..
His voice was cold and stern, it felt like I was being filled with anxiety..
"Is this what you wanted? To make me mad? To get with my brother so you can have your revenge or whatever the hell you wanted from him or me?" I backed up and shook my head.
"You have it all wrong, Genya and I are just-"
"Friends? Yea okay like I'll believe that shit. Genya done ratted you out as soon as I saw your blade.."
Genya took his shoulder trying to get him to back away from me, Sanemi pushed him away into a nearby wall..
"Get off me. This is between me and her you have no right in this." Sanemi stared back at Genya..
Genya clutched his fists and looked at Sanemi back,
"I think I have a right to know what's gonna happen. I was there the night you cheated on her and I've been with her ever since."
Sanemi's eyes widened and he quickly turned towards Genya,
"You what? Has she been living with you this entire time?!" Sanemi Yelled. Genya looked at me and I nodded I took my chance and grabbed my things quickly making my way to the living room until Sanemi left Genya and stepped in front of me as soon as I made it close to the porch.
"Sanemi we have been broken up for months why do you still care?" I asked.. it's true why did he still care? Even if he thinks he still loves me I don't think I love him. Not anymore.. him coming after me like this was not like him at all.. I thought he was over this.
Genya walked out to the two of us, rubbing his shoulder tenderly I guess Sanemi pushed him into the wall pretty hard..
"She's Right. Why do you still want her? You have Rin.." Genya muttered..
"Because I regret what I did. Jesus fucking Christ I was sorry okay? I didn't realize what I had lost before I had lost it." Sanemi's voice shook as he stepped back.. He sighed and rubbed his face.
"But you getting with Genya was a whole different level of selfishness.. I know I'm a dick. But at least I wouldn't consider doing that."
"oh but it's fine to consider cheating on me after one argument right?" I talked back.
"Because like that wasn't selfish." Sanemi stared at me and furrowed his brow.
"Shut your damn mouth."
Genya walked next to me to ask if I was alright but Sanemi got even more furious after that,
"So your gonna choose her? Over your own fucking blood?" Sanemi clutched his fists..
Slience lingered.. Genya ignored him trying to focus on me.. I could tell it hurt him what Sanemi said.. He froze up for a second before trying to aid to me..
I looked at Sanemi,
"Listen leave Genya out of this you said he shouldn't be in an-" I was cut off by Sanemi throwing a vase at the wall.. I saw it shatter against the wall and shards fly everywhere.. my body covered Genya's and I had a large shard of glass slide against my skin.. cutting it open, blood leaked from my wound.
Genya's eyes widened.. and Sanemi stayed in place shocked that he hurt me.
I could see the anger in his eyes quickly dial down but he still said nothing...
Genya looked over at him, "Get out." Sanemi looked at Genya and spoke, "I didn't mean to I thought-"
"Get out right now Sanemi." Sanemi just looked down disappointed in himself and barged out the door slamming it behind him.
Genya quickly put his attention towards me.. "Fuck.. are you okay Y/n?" He stared at the wound his face twisting a bit in discomfort.
I winced feeling the sharp sting of the cut and Genya sighed he took my hand, blushing lightly to himself,
"Come with me I'll help.." I nodded also blushing a bit too..
Genya brought me to his bathroom making me sit in the edge of the toilet.. he quickly grabbed first aid and disinfectant..
"Hey, this is gonna sting a bit but I need to clean it.." Genya looked at me reassuringly "it'll be over in a second" he took a rag and gently wiped the blood that seeped from my cut and bit my lip..
"I'm sorry that happened.. I can't believe he did that."
Genya poured some disinfectant on the rag and lightly cleaned my wound, I winced. He looked up at me his eyes showing worry and concern as he continued to ramble,
"You alright?" He took the rag off after cleaning it and I nodded lightly.
He continued to take care of my wound carefully and gently as if he touched me too roughly I'd break.
"Don't think about what happened too much okay? I don't uhm need you worrying."
"And I know you still wonder sometimes if you were enough and, you are."
"it's Sanemi and y'know how he is.." Genya looked up at me for a response but I seemed zoned out.. I saw him blush and I raised my brow.. wondering what was making him so flustered.
"Y'know.." he started, I looked at him staring at his jet black mohawk.. and his eyes..
He bit his lip but he continued anyway..
"You deserve someone better Like.." he paused again..
I tilted my head.. I had a feeling what he was going to say and I wanted him to say It.. I started to develop feelings for him too and I was really hoping I wasn't wrong about what he wanted to say.. he finished wrapping my arm in white bandages,
"Like who?"
"Like me." He muttered.. His cheeks faded into a deep red as well as mine.. Oh my god so it wasn't one sided.. I was just oblivious! I smiled happily and spoke,
"Was that a confession?"
He looked down shyly..
"Uh, I guess so? Yea I uhm I like you." He looked like a shy child at that moment and I giggled lightly..
"I like you too." Genya looked up at me and his face was now a tomato "Say what? Wait can you say that again?.." he scratched the back of his head looking into my eyes anticipating hoping I would say it again..
"I like you too."
Idk this might've been a bit rushed but this was my first angst Imagine anyway I hope you guys like it!
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moons-cabin · 7 days
Affordable offerings and altar ideas: long post!!!
Sometimes altars and offerings can get expensive. Especially when you end up giving into to consumerism. Well, here's some tips and places you can start for an altar.
🍁You don't need that statue of that deity. No, really, you don't.
The deities do not think of us less because we can't provide a statue. There are other ways to designate them a space. I personally use a tarot card that represents them; for example I use the Sun card in order to represent Apollo. Any drawing or picture of them can work too. Hell, you can print out a picture of your deity and it will work.
Offerings can be anything. You don't always need fancy crystals, or alcohol, or expensive jewelry. Flowers, rocks you found outside, a piece of apple slice or some cake you baked! They appreciate it all the same. In fact, you can even serve them water or milk for liquid offerings.
Feathers found naturally make awesome offerings too!
Worried about replacing flower offerings constantly? Use fake ones! They're pretty cheap and your local craft store usually sells them, so do some grocery stores.
🕯Candles candles candles!
When it comes to altars, many of us use candles as a way to communicate with our gods. However, constantly buying candles can add up, and some places don't allow actual candles.
Taper candles can be bought for pretty cheap anywhere. Walmart, Amazon, and even your local craft store should have some for $1 or less. If you have a small altar, tea lights (little little candles) work really well and you can even anoint them with your deities' favorite oil/scent. You can also get electronic candles at these stores (for the altars under electronics, or in case your living situation doesn't allow real candles).
Any candles work really. Bonus points if you use scented candles that the scent lines up with their sacred plant or something.
Ultimately, the gods are pretty understanding. You can use things that remind you of them for altar decorations. They also appreciate hand made items you make for them. You can also offer written poetry or songs, even prayers.
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
timezone | #2 so fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader (mentions of her having long hair and bigger thighs), chrissy cunningham x robin buckley
chapter summary: Keeping his promise, Eddie heads to sunny California immediately after his second tour to find his friends and, more importantly, the girl who hasn't left his heart despite being out of touch for about three years. Full of hope, he ends up at a bar with a strangely familiar name. The evening turns out to be full of surprises, not just for him.
the story is also avaliable on ao3
previous chapter | masterlist | eddie munson masterlist | general masterlist
songs that I used here: BABY SAID and TIMEZONE by Måneskin
as always, thank you @i-me-mine for help and support, if not for you most of my works wouldn't be published 🥺
I can't count how many times I've changed something here, when I wrote the chapter, everything seemed to look good, but now I have extremely mixed feelings about it. I will be happy if you like it, but I will also understand if you don't, thank you for reading anyway ♥
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"How can I help?" a middle-aged woman asked, smiling warmly. If someone had told Eddie a few years ago that he would find himself in this place as he is now he would have laughed at them. Looking around, he felt definitely out of place. The fact that he could now afford to be here still seemed like a bizarre dream.
"We, uh- We are looking for an engagement ring." he said, smiling shyly.
"The most beautiful one you have!" Gareth added patting Eddie on the back. All day long he couldn't stop being happy that he was the one Eddie had asked for help.
They had just finished their second tour which meant a few months off and then hard work on the new album. When the others heard that Eddie's next destination was now California, they joined their friend in renting a big house by the beach together, as was appropriate for rock stars, taking Chrissy with them, who got the exclusive use of the entire basement where she set up a small apartment. The Corroded Coffin boys were also clued into Chrissy's plan right after Eddie agreed to it, and they didn't mind for her to tag along.
"What size?" she asked.
"What?" asked Eddie still lost in thought.
"What size of a ring?"
"Oh! I-I don't know…" he scratched the back of his neck nervously, when he felt a metal necklace under his fingers, he got an idea - quickly unfastened it and handed it to the woman. "Like this one."
"Of course." she nodded.
Although the jewelry store wasn't very big the selection they had was overwhelming. Wanting to choose the most perfect one for you they spent more than two hours there. Fortunately, the shop assistant proved to have the patience of an angel.
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Typical for a Saturday night, the beach bar was packed to the brim, and fortunately most people were at tables outside sipping colorful drinks. A few people accosted them for an autograph as they walked toward the bar, and when they finally got there, despite the fact that he was standing with his back to them, they immediately recognized the best-styled hair in the room.
"Am I dreaming or is King Steve standing right in front of me?" shouted Gareth teasingly.
"Yeah, it's me don't cream your pants" Steve turned around with a wide smile on his lips and smoothly jumped over the bar. "Good to see you, assholes." he said and greeted everyone with a hug and a pat on the back.
"Well, well, well…" said Eddie smirking. "I knew it was some weirdo who had to call the bar Upside Down," said Eddie.
"I didn't miss you actually." Harrington laughed while hugging his friend.
"I know you did. Missed ya too, big boy."
"Dude this is really yours? All yours?" asked Jeff in disbelief.
"Yup. You should see it from the beach side, I think you'll find a lot of female fans there." He winked at him insisting on the counter. Without waiting any longer Gareth, Jeff and Simon rushed to the outside of the bar.
"So, what brings you here?" asked Steve returning behind the bar.
"The tour just finished…" sighed Eddie. "I think you know what brings me here."
Steve pressed his lips together with a thin line and just nodded.
"Can I get you a drink first? You might need it." he offered. "On the house."
"What's your suggestion?" Eddie leaned against the counter with his elbows.
"I'd say the demobat will appeal to you, but I'm afraid it will be so good it might kill you."
"Charming as always, Harrington." laughed Eddie. "Interesting name by the way."
"I think you'll like the rest of it, too." he replied, slipping him a drink card.
He was right. In addition to demobat, there was demodog, and demogorgon. Although his favorites were in the "specials" category at the bottom of the card. Dusty-bun, Mad Max, amERICA, Will the Wise, Eleven, Sinclair Ranger and Mike the Paladin brought a wide smile to Eddie's face. "Damn, I miss these shitheads." he said.
"Me too. But I'll never admit it to them. Never in my life." Steve shook his head.
"Same here. One Dusty-bun, please." he said in a super-sweet voice.
"Great choice."
Steve silently prepared two same drinks and sat down opposite Eddie when a short brunette ran up to them.
"Babe! Quickly! I need my good luck kiss before we go on stage!" she said and leaned across the bar. Steve eagerly approached her and brought their lips together.
"You will be amazing, honey, as always." he said as they pulled away from each other. Eddie watched them with a goofy grin, and grunted significantly, drawing the two's attention back to himself.
"Aren't you going to introduce your old buddy?" he asked accusingly.
"Oh, I know you. You are this infamous Eddie Munson." the girl replied crossing her arms over her chest and measuring him from top to bottom. Steve snorted seeing her reaction. "I am Layla." She extended her hand toward him.
"Eddie." He replied grabbing it uncertainly. The note of hostility in her voice surprised him more than a little, but he decided not to worry too much about it for now.
"Are you ready?" asked Steve as the girl walked away toward the small stage.
"For what?" he asked puzzled. In response, his friend only nodded in the direction Eddie was about to look.
He wasn't ready. He definitely wasn't ready to see the love of his life walking onto the stage. You stood by the still-off microphone saying something to the boy who was tuning his guitar. Steve's girlfriend took her place behind the drums, and the other, tall blonde girl grabbed the bass. A second boy stood by the keyboard.
Feeling his heart speed up second by second, he didn't take his eyes off you. You were wearing slightly ripped denim shorts and a T-shirt with the logo of your favorite band with a cut-out neckline. Your hair was much longer than he remembered, tied up in two braids. You looked stunning. As soon as you started the show, his mind blew up. You sang in duet with the guitarist, having the time of your life out there. And Eddie couldn't get out of his awe and surprise that this was the same person who just a few years ago avoided being in the spotlight like a fire.
What's your thoughts about religion? Are you close to your mother? Tell me 'bout your dream vacation And all of your ex lovers Tell me now What's that look on your face? She puts her hand on my lips, begging "Please, end this conversation"
Baby said "When you're talking, I go dead" "Shut your mouth, give me your head" I know you really want to Baby said "Let me taste your silhouette" "You can talk between my legs" I know you really want to
He enjoyed it until he started listening to the conversation of two men sitting at the bar next to him.
"I would love to talk between her legs." laughed one of them. Eddie violently turned his head toward him to see the blond man devouring you with his eyes.
"Dude she could crush you with those thighs. She'd have to lose a few pounds first." the other parsed.
"You don't know what's good."
Eddie involuntarily clenched his fist, not knowing which one he should punch first, the one who drooled at the sight of his girlfriend or the one who criticized your look. Steve watched with amusement as he sent them murderous glances, but made no comment. Despite the fact that it was his friend, and he would probably follow him to hell a second time if he had to, he partly thought Eddie deserved a little suffering.
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At the same time…
The music in the club was playing loud enough that Chrissy could clearly hear every word of the song. She stood in front of the building nervously rubbing her hands trying to motivate herself to finally go inside. She had been standing there for the past twenty minutes, every now and then changing her mind about whether she should be there at all. In New York she was categorically forbidden to appear in such places, her old manager would have had a heart attack if anyone had seen her around. Now, after breaking her contract and moving to a slightly smaller agency, her manager has made it clear that Chrissy's comfort is most important, showing her support in every way. As long as she acted sensibly and took care of herself, no prohibitions threatened her.
Taking a deep breath, she took two steps forward only to give up moments later and start backing away, bumping into someone along the way.
"Shit, sorry!" the girl shouted and they both turned in one another's direction.
"N-no it's me who's sorry!" she replied raising her eyes to look at her face. "Oh my god, Robin? Robin Buckley?" she asked smiling.
"Chrissy! What a meeting!" she laughed nervously.
"What are you doing here?"
"I came to the party." Not expecting such a reunion, Robin definitely didn't know how to behave in Chrissy's company. She felt uncomfortable.
"Right, silly me." The blonde rolled her eyes while knocking lightly on her forehead.
"How about you? Are you waiting for someone?"
"No, I came here alone. My new manager said I should come over here, meet more people like me, but all in all I've never been alone at a party in my life, in high school you know, then at every party Eddie or Gareth or Jeff or Simon was with me, so now I'm standing like an idiot and have been trying to get in for twenty minutes. Actually I don't know why I'm telling you all this, oh my God, you probably think I'm stupid." A waterfall of words came out of her mouth uncontrollably, Robin's presence made her feel nervous, but on the other hand, a part of her wanted their paths to just go like that.
"Chrissy…" began Robin scratching the back of your neck. Despite the fact that the girl standing in front of her was considered the most beautiful woman in the states, and more than once Robin had caught herself looking at covers with her for too long, she also believed that right now an embarrassed and flushed Chrissy looked incredibly cute, which took her even more out of her mind. She knew she shouldn't think like that. Hell, she shouldn't even be talking to her. "You know, uhm, you know this is a gay club, right?"
"Yeah, I know." sending her a meaningful look.
"Oh." Buckley replied looking even more confused. Chrissy Cunningham who was sitting in the first row in church every Sunday, dating the handsomest boys in Hawkins, Eddie Munson's girlfriend, was standing here now saying that in this place she would find people like herself? Not daring to ask for an explanation, she merely nodded and an awkward silence fell between them.
"Maybe…can we go inside and have a drink together? Talk about old times and catch up on current ones?" the blonde finally asked with hope in her voice, to which the other agreed after a moment's thought.
When they went inside Chrissy looked in disbelief at all the people inside. People who were brave enough to be themselves. Disbelief quickly turned into delight when she realized that she wasn't alone and that it wasn't that there was anything wrong with her. The words she had heard in church about people like this, people like her, went through her mind. All those years she had spent in fear of herself, of how much she had sinned with her mere thoughts about Lucy, the assistant captain of the cheerleaders. All those years in which she forced herself into relationships with boys she didn't like one bit, who made her sick when their hand tried to wander under her short cheer uniform skirt.
The hell the pastor was scaring her with no longer impressed her. She had survived hell in 1986 and now she was sure she was a million times stronger than she used to be.
She grew more and more excited as she saw those people enjoying themselves on the dance floor, as two girls not far from her whispered sweet nothings in each other's ears and carelessly showed tenderness. Would she someday be able to experience this too?
Sitting down at the bar, they each ordered a drink initially sitting in silence glancing in each other's direction from time to time. With one more glance and a sip of alcohol through a colorful straw, they both burst out laughing, nodding to each other at the strangeness of the whole situation. Taking the initiative, Chrissy began to ask her about her college, then Robin listened curiously about a recent fashion show where Chrissy was the lead model. As time went on, the conversation got smoother and smoother, the girls became more and more comfortable in each other's company, joking more often and not holding back their tongues. It turned out that Robin makes great parodies of high school teachers, making Chrissy laugh to tears in the process.
A few drinks later, they were both starting to feel a gentle buzz in their heads. Not knowing why, for most of the evening, instead of focusing on what she should be doing, Chrissy couldn't take her eyes off Robin's wildly gesticulating hands and the sparkle in her eye that she noticed when she laughed at her jokes every time. Unfortunately, she also noticed the moment when the sparkle was extinguished and the smile disappeared immediately when a tall black-haired girl, looking a bit older, approached them.
"Hi!" she came up smiling. Robin left her without replying by taking a straw to her mouth and pretending to be busy drinking. The tension between them was palpable. "Can we talk outside?" Still no answer. "Robin, can you stop acting like a child?" That was it, the crack of the dam inside Buckley was nearly audible as she set her drink down on the countertop.
"Oh, sorry, since when is not wanting to talk to the girl who cheated on me childish behavior?" she replied crossing her arms over her chest.
"Come on, I just want to talk!"
"But I don't want to talk to you," she said.
"Do you want to sit here miserably alone the rest of the evening getting drunk?"
"Excuse me." grunted Chrissy. "Robin is not alone here, and it just so happens that we were having a great time before you showed up here." She stood beside her intertwining their fingers. When Robin felt Chrissy's small hand in hers she almost had a heart attack looking at everything with shock. Only when the girl squeezed her hand giving the sign to play along she shook herself and smiled.
"Oh, yes, sorry." she said quickly. "Chrissy, this is Diana, Diana, this is Chrissy." she introduced them to each other.
Diana measured her ex-girlfriend's new companion from top to bottom, feeling out of rhythm. "I didn't know you had a taste for blondes." she said raising an eyebrow. Looking at the petite, gorgeous and adorable blonde who was her complete opposite feeling jelaous.
"Oh she does! We've known each other since high school, we were already crazy about each other! Unfortunately, in a small backward town we couldn't enjoy it like we do here." Taking a step forward Chrissy's hand moved to Robin's waist, gently hugging her.
"W-what? you never said anything..." Diana turned to Robin, but when she didn't manage to say anything, Chrissy continued on, seeing how her lie brought that one out of her groove.
"Our break-up was very hard, and I'm not surprised that Robbie didn't mention anything." Robbie? Oh god why is it so hot in here and why is my heart beating so fast? Calm down Buckley, you don't like at all how she held your hand just now. For God's sake, you don't like at all how she is hugging you! Being too busy talking to herself in her mind she simply let Chrissy continue. "Fortunately, we have found each other again, and this time I have no intention of letting her go. Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to go dancing with my girlfriend." Without waiting for an answer she dragged Robin to the dance floor.
"Holy shit, Cunningham, what was that?" she breathed out.
"I just wanted to help, she didn't look like she was going to leave you alone." Chrissy shrugged her shoulders. "Now don't just stand there, dance," she said.
"I'm so stressed right now, I think my body has forgotten how to move."
"Silly." She giggled and took Robin's hands placing them on her waist as she began to move her hips in rhythm and after a moment threw her arms around her neck. In Robin's head, the internal conversation with herself turned into a non-stop scream of panic. "Try to follow me. She's still looking at us."
The truth was that Robin had long forgotten about Diana. Her entire thoughts were occupied by the little blonde swaying her hips in front of her and how she shouldn't feel such overwhelming pleasure. She wanted to kill all the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
When she finally joined the dance she tried not to notice that they were getting closer and closer with every step. Somewhere near the end of the song there was no visible break between them, together with the fading melody they stopped moving however they did not let go of each other's embrace. Breathing heavily, their faces also began to move closer together. Robin's brain, which just a moment ago was trying to control the situation, shut down and let her lips taste the sweet gloss on Chrissy's mouth, who quickly responded by dipping one of her hands into Buckley's short, slightly sweaty hair. The kiss was interrupted by an uncontrollable smile that crept onto Cunningham's lips. Robin snapped out of her magic trance and with difficulty swallowed when she realized what had happened. Seeing Chrissy leaning into her side again she stepped back slightly.
"Chrissy-we shouldn't." She said stopping her by the shoulders.
"Didn't you like it?" she asked disappointedly.
"It's not like that! Liked it very much, but- something I don't understand. What about Eddie?"
"Oh." Only now she remembered everything. She was so fascinated by the evening and Robin's meeting that she completely forgot about some other important things in her life. "It's not what you think! Eddie And I- Damn." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Will you let me explain? Please. Let's go to my place and I'll tell you everything you want to know. Please." She wasn't sure where such sudden desperation had come from, but the kiss had awakened a whole new feeling in her toward Robin. She definitely didn't want it to end with just one. She wanted to be close to her, much closer than she would have expected.
"Okay, let's go."
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"You were a wonderful audience, as always!" shouted the guitarist into the microphone. "Today, however, before finishing, we wanted to present you with one more song. The latest work of our wonderful and lovely y/n" he nodded in your direction, at which you sent a small kiss in his direction. Eddie did his best to ignore the sting of jealousy he felt upon seeing this little interaction and began clapping with the others.
You're wearing my old clothes, but you, you wear it better And every time I see your face, the moon should be jealous And I keep talking to the wall 'til he's a friend of mine I call you every hour just to tell you that I'm losing my mind
Now I know you're sleeping Where I'm supposed to be in Wish I could've stayed
Eddie has had many moments in his life when he felt he was running out of oxygen and suddenly the whole weight of the world was falling on his head. Now it was additionally joined by a burning sensation. He had the feeling that the small box he kept in the inside pocket of his leather jacket was burning a hole in the material, and then in his skin and heart. He knew the words perfectly well, remembered the circumstances under which he said them because he replayed the scene in his head night after night.
Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
Tomorrow I got another plane, I'm not gonna take it Instead, I'm gonna fly straight to you, I paid double for the tickets And I don't give a shit about the contracts that I signed And they can say whatever, we'll be making love, I'm fucking you tonight
Now I know you're sleeping Where I'm supposed to be in Wish I could've stayed
Despite the fact that you sang again in duet with the guitarist for Eddie there was only your voice with which you sent strong emotions that crept into his body tightening around his heart. It was as if these emotions turned into vines and trapped him in a strong grip from which he could not escape.
Only thing that keeps us apart Is seven thousand miles, running like a mad dog Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
So fuck what I'm dreaming, this fame has no meaning I'm coming home Only thing that keeps us apart Is a different timezone
Without thinking much as soon as you finished the song and received thunderous applause he moved straight towards you. You stood with your back to him talking to Layla, who immediately noticed him and squinted her eyes watching his every forward step. Seeing your friend's strange look, you turned around to see what was causing it.
The world stopped. When your eyes met he smiled showing dimples in his cheeks, at the sight of which you were reminded of your beginnings.
"I swear I could live in them." You said laughing and kissing his entire face. "I love your dimples, I love your smile, I love you, Eddie Munson." That was the first time you confessed your love for him. When it occurred to you what you had done you opened your eyes wide and saw his smile become even wider. "That's good, because I love you too." he replied and kissed you passionately. "I have no intention of stopping, ever."
You didn't believe you would ever meet again. You didn't believe that you would ever again be close to the person for whom you were dying of longing. Now he was standing in front of you. Your Eddie. As an unconditional first reaction, a smile also appeared on your lips.
Unfortunately, you quickly came back to earth. This was not your Eddie. He hadn't been yours for a long time. He was hers. Suddenly all the people surrounding you in the bar were gone, you felt alone again, scared and hurt, surrounded by silence and emptiness. The heart that you had been trying to patch together for years had again turned into a dandelion whose parts were blown away by the wind to all parts of the world, so that nothing would be able to put them back together again. Again you felt liters of tears gathering in your eyes exactly as you did on the day when it was revealed that the new favorite couple in show business is the rebellious Eddie Munson and his complete opposite the charming and beautiful Chrissy Cunningham. The same Chrissy he assured you was just a friend and you had nothing to worry about. The same Chrissy he once had a crush on, but apparently that was in the past. The same Chrissy who, to Eddie, was supposed to be like Steve to you, the sibling you didn't have.
Without thinking twice, you turned on your heel and with a quick step walked out of the bar towards the beach. Of course, he moved right behind you when he felt a firm grip on his wrist and nails digging into it.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Layla exclaimed looking him straight in the eyes. "I won't let you close to her, not after what you did."
"You don't understand, let me go!" he said trying to break free.
"And what would your girlfriend say about it, hm? What would your little supermodel girlfriend say about it?"
"Fuck- just let me go! Let me explain it to her, you don't fucking understand!" Eddie was becoming more and more desperate. He understood why Layla was so protective of you, apparently you had to tell her everything, but neither you nor she knew the truth because you never gave him a chance to justify himself.
"Baby let them talk." Steve suddenly squeezed through the crowd. "It's been years, just let them talk."
"Really Steve? Are you fucking serious? Do you want to go through all this again? Do you want to let him destroy her like he did right after he left? Do you want her to lock herself in her room again for months and push us all away? She's barely learned to enjoy life and you want to let him destroy it again!"
"Listen-" said Eddie finally releasing his wrist. "I know what you're all thinking, and I can assure you that you're damn wrong, all of you! And I can explain it all to you but for heaven's sake let me talk to her first!"
Layla looked at Steve, who sent her a pleading look. She rolled her eyes and without a word squeezed between them walking away towards the bar clearly annoyed. Eddie turned to leave however felt Steve's hand tighten on his shoulder.
"Now you listen." he said with a serious face. "You're my friend and I believe you want to fix things and there's some strange explanation for all this. But I swear that if you break her heart again I won't even defend you when Layla wants to scratch your eyes out."
"I don't want to hurt her, I want to explain everything and make things right, you have to believe me, I love her, damn it Steve, I never stopped loving her."
Harrington just nodded his head and let him go. Quickly running outside, he looked around hoping that he would still be able to find you somewhere. After a while he spotted your silhouette sitting by the shore. He pulled off his shoes and socks and grabbed them in his hand to walk barefoot towards you and sit down next to you. Your knees were pulled up to your chin and your feet dipped into the soft sand. The murmur of the waves perfectly punctuated the sounds of the music and people in the distance. Their sound was soothing, it was easy for him to imagine that the beach, especially during sunsets was your favorite place. You fit perfectly there, and he had the fondest hope that someday he, too, would have a chance to fit back into the picture right by your side.
"What do you want Eddie?" you asked without taking your eyes off the water.
"I- I want to talk, to explain." he said quietly watching a small smile full of pain appear on your face.
"Explain what? That you were just waiting to get away from me and finally fall into the arms of your dream girl?"
"She is not- y/n I beg you, let me explain it all," he said.
"No. I don't want to hear it." you said rising, he did so as well. "I'm not going to listen to lies about how you loved me, and that's not at all what I think."
"What? you think I didn't love you?"
"You could only seem to have loved me since in your head it was Chrissy all the time anyway." The bitterness in your voice made him sick.
"Stop it. Fucking stop it." he said clenching his jaw. You could blame him for all the evils of the world, but to suggest that he never loved you was an overstatement. "Just listen to me, for the first time in three years listen to me and just start talking after that." he said.
"And what would you like to hear from me?! You heard the last song, didn't you? Would you like to hear that I wrote it thinking about you? You don't even know how many nights I wasted crying into my pillow and dreaming of those words coming out of your mouth! I agreed to this fucking break so that we could enjoy something new, but I didn't expect that I couldn't enjoy anything without you, I loved you so damn much Eddie. That's why I let you go completely and let you enjoy the life you always dreamed of. I'd a million times rather think about you fucking some random groupies on a tour bus every night than less than three months after our breakup to find out that the rising rock star is madly in love with super model Chrissy fucking Cunningham! You always said that my insecurities had no basis, that I shouldn't worry about the fact that you once had a crush on her, you kept telling me that she was just a fucking friend I definitely didn't need to worry about, and it turned out that as soon as you got rid of me from your life you immediately flew to her! Three years, it's been three fucking years and I still can't get over it! I hate that you have moved on and are living the best possible scenario. I hate that this scenario doesn't include me." You were fuming. Your glazed eyes looked at him with hatred. His sadness-filled eyes that you used to adore looking into so much. The full, pink lips that you loved so much to kiss and feel all over your body. The neck into which you cuddled your face after a hard day and kissed the wet paths on it. The pain you felt was increased the moment your attention was caught by the necklace hanging on it. Without thinking, you moved closer and pulled it out from under the collar of his shirt. He still had it. You looked at the pick and the ring in shock.
"y/n…" when his hand touched your cheek you flinched.
"You don't deserve to wear this." Anger darkened you completely, you tightened your fist around the necklace with all your strength and ripped it off.
"What the hell?" he asked shocked. He watched in disbelief as you threw the most precious thing in his entire life straight into the sand. He immediately crouched down to pick it up and put it safely in his pocket. His heart was breaking in half, feeling how he could not control his tears he quickly stood up walking straight towards you. At the last moment he managed to grab your hand.
"Don't touch me! Don't come near me because I can't stand it Eddie. If I let in one more time I will never be able to let you out again and that will kill me. You have your dream life, your dream girl, you don't need me, sometimes I think you never needed me." You said trying to break free.
"Don't say that! Don't you dare say that I never needed you! That I didn't love you! I loved you, I love you and I will love you for the rest of my fucking life!"
Before you had time to react in any way he pulled you to him and kissed you. The kiss had the taste of salty tears, but you weren't sure if they were yours or his. Despite the hatred you felt, you couldn't help how you surrendered to the moment by kissing him back. Your heart completely took over.
The moment didn't last long, though, as it was interrupted by a flash from the camera. Frightened, not knowing what was happening, you jumped away from him and looked in the direction from which the light appeared for the second time.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" shouted Eddie furiously walking towards the paparazzi. "You fuking piece of shit!" he sped up his stride. He felt like rushing at the paparazzi with his fists and then throwing the camera straight into the ocean. Unfortunately, the man turned out to be much faster and ran away. When he turned around, you were gone.
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"Holy shit, you live here?" Robin looked with open mouth at the beautiful house with the ocean behind it.
"Yeah, with the boys, they gave me the whole basement so I could set up my own little apartment there, sharing a bathroom with four guys could be tough," laughed Chrissy. "Do you want to go inside?"
"Can we…Can we stay outside? I can't believe you have an ocean behind the house."
"Sure, let's go." she said and grabbed Robin's hand, leading her to the back of the house, where they sat on a wooden garden swing.
"This place is just like from a movie." commented Robin trying not to think about the fact that even though they had already sat down they were still holding hands.
"So, you wanna know the truth?" asked Chrissy uncertainly changing the subject. Robin nodded in response. "When I got the contract in New York, I thought I was winning my life, that I would finally be happy, finally all my dreams were coming true…" she sighed. "But I was quickly brought back down to earth. It turned out that my manager was homophobic, so I never dared to tell her the truth about myself."
"I'm so sorry…" Buckley squeezed her hand, to which she responded with a warm smile.
"The real nightmare began when they came up with an brilliant plan to promote me through a relationship with a sleazy fashion designer who was twenty years older. I didn't know what to do, so in a panic I lied that I had a boyfriend, and that's how I found myself in Eddie's apartment begging him for help. This was the first person I came out to and at that moment I thought I was going to die of nerves, I was wrecked and scared, and Eddie wasn't even shocked. He immediately understood and tried to calm me down. Then I proposed the whole plan with a pretend relationship. I needed someone reliable, and Eddie seemed perfect for that. We both ran away from Hawkins to start a new life in New York, the world immediately believed it, I didn't even know when we became the most recognizable couple in America and our careers just exploded."
Robin connected the dots in her head, everything the blonde said sounded crazy, but without knowing why she believed her. "I'm really glad you were able to get away from it all." she said quietly.
"If it weren't for Eddie my life would still look like a horror, I'll never be able to make it up to him…"
"He is a great friend." commented Robin, knowing that if she were in such a situation Steve would have done exactly the same thing. However, this did not stop the unpleasant feeling.
"I know what you're thinking and I feel terrible about it." Chrissy said, turning her head away. "I hate that by doing this to save myself I destroyed what Eddie had with y/n. She stopped talking to him, didn't respond to his letters, when Eddie agreed to the plan he said that the condition was that I would tell her everything, and I really wanted to do it as soon as possible! I was ready at any time to tell her the whole truth, but she didn't even give a chance to explain."
"Oh my God…" Robin bent her head back looking at the stars. She remembered what the first few months were like when Eddie and Chrissy's relationship became "offcial." You locked yourself in your room, went out only for classes and completely shut yourself off from people. Robin could hear the sounds of quiet sobs echoing around your apartment almost every night, but when she offered to be by your side at those times you just shooed her out of the room. You could have saved so much suffering if only you had given him a chance to explain. One little conversation a few years ago and things would look different now.
"You know, y/n is my best friend and in a way I understand her attitude. When we found out, we were all shocked, after all, everyone remembered that these two were madly in love with each other. Do you know about their arrangement? About the break?"
"I know, and I think you also know why we ended up in California after their tour ended," he said.
"I wish she'd let him explain it, everything would have looked completely different, and we wouldn't look so bad here now," she said.
"Maybe it could all be fixed? Maybe we could try to look good? When we moved here I broke my contract with that agency, I am now in a new one, which is not as well-known, but here they take care of me. My new manager knows everything and said that Eddie and I can end this whole pretending thing, but the label that handles Corroded Coffin isn't thrilled with the idea, so we're still in this, but Eddie is working on how to finally convince them to let us end it." she looked at her with hope in her eyes. They were so light and shiny under the gentle light of the moon and the stars. Robin's heart was melting.
She really wanted to believe that this had a chance of working, but she also knew that unless you let them tell you the truth nothing would be fully right.
The two sat in silence lost in thought as Chrissy moved closer to Robin.
"I'm sorry." she said quietly, resting her head on her shoulder.
"For how I was in high school. That I let Jason and his half-brains laugh at you. You didn't deserve it. I'd like to meet you under better conditions than the end of the world and struggling to survive."
"That's in the past, we can forget about it." she replied sincerely. Sitting now with Chrissy cuddled in her arms, she was able to forgive everything.
"I know it's crazy, but I feel like I'd like to try." Chrissy said quietly.
"Try what?" Robin pulled away sending her a surprised look.
"Us." As their eyes met, the world began to spin anew. Getting into a relationship with Chrissy was risky, they still didn't really know each other very well, but there was something, some invisible force that drew them to each other.
"How about a date when it will all be cleared out?" Buckley couldn't help herself, did that make her a bad friend? Now that she knew the truth she didn't feel as bad about it as she did at first.
"I would love to!" the excited blonde threw her arms around her neck pulling her close. When she pulled away, they were still close together. Sending nervous smiles in each other's direction once again, they began to move closer together. The gentle brushing of their lips was a hopeful sign. Before they could continue, though, they heard curses and the clink of keys. Intrigued, they went with the sound to see a furious Eddie who, with shaking hands, could not hit the door with his keys.
"Fucking bullshit!" he shouted banging his fist against it.
"Eddie? What happened?" asked Chrissy seeing the state her friend was in. Instead of at her, his eyes focused on Robin standing two steps away.
"Buckley? What are you doing here?" he asked puzzled.
"We, uh…" the girl didn't know what to say.
"I met Robin at the club and invited her here, I hope it's not a problem?" interjected Chrissy. "Give me the Keys." she said and opened the door. The three of them went inside. Eddie aggressively pulled off his shoes and threw his jacket into the closet with all his strength, but the jacket flew out of it a second later, and from the inside pocket of the jacket a small box that had been weighing him down all the way home.
"I was ready to fall to my fucking knees the moment I saw her." he said seeing the girls look at it in shock. After a moment, Robin picked it up and opened, showing the ring. "She thinks I never loved her. She thinks she has meant nothing to me all this time." his voice began to crack. "She hates me and didn't even give me a chance to explain it all. On top of that, that fucking paparazzi, I swear I'll kill the shithead as soon as I see him!" he walked toward the couch and sat down heavily on it, pulling a broken necklace from his pocket and placing it on the glass coffee table.
Chrissy looked at him with horrified eyes, she knew like no one else that Eddie cared about it like it was the most precious thing in whole world.
She approached slowly and knelt by the table taking it in her hands. Looking at her friend whose cheeks were streaming with tears, she couldn't help the guilt that had awakened in her. It was her fault, it was because of her that Eddie was losing the love of his life. "She said I didn't deserve to wear it." he said quietly. "She ripped it right off my neck." His voice was small, weak and helpless. "I love her so much, I never stopped Robin, you have to believe me." it was painful for him to have to keep assuring others of his love for you at every step, because no one wanted to believe him.
"I believe you." she said, sitting down next to him. "I know everything, Chrissy told me everything."
"She did?"
"Yeah, and now that I know everything, I want to help you. I'll try to convince y/n to give you a chance to explain everything."
"Thank you." he said hugging her tightly to himself.
"But now I should go, I don't want y/n to be alone today, I think you understand?"
"Of course, thank you Rob." he replied while wiping away tears.
"I'll call you a cab." offered Chrissy.
While they waited for the cab the girls exchanged phone numbers, Robin leaving promised to call as soon as she returns to the apartment. She also received a kiss on the cheek from Chrissy as a goodbye, which revived the butterflies in her stomach.
When she entered the apartment she noticed that the door to your room was ajar, peeking in there she noticed that you were asleep. Not wanting to wake you up, she just called the number she got earlier, toold them that she didn't talk to you because you had fallen asleep and went to bed herself as well, wondering how to clean up the mess you all found yourselves in.
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taglist: @i-me-mine @phantypurple @tlclick73 @greatpizzascissorstaco @alanamarie @hiscrimsonangel
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avelera · 2 years
How wealthy is Hob Gadling?
Look, there's just so many ways to talk about how wealthy Hob would be after 600+ years alive, and obviously every fic writer is going to approach it differently according to their tastes and the story they want to write, and most likely no two takes will be the same which is the point of fandom.
In addition, we have 1689 as canonical proof that it's possible for Hob to reach the heights of prosperity only to come crashing back down to earth when history and circumstances and pure bad luck come into play.
H o w e v e r, just speaking for myself, it is inconceivable to me that by the 21st century, Hob isn't so ungodly wealthy that he no longer needs to work again, ever, and just picked up teaching as a way to stay busy. The man is walking, one man, generational wealth with the added benefit of no dispersal across multiple family branches and financial literacy to boot, along with having learned the lessons of 1689 to make him especially cautious about ever being in a position again to lose it all.
In 1789, Hob even says he's been socking money away all over the world because he's worried about the global political situation after all these revolutions, like in America and France. Hob has learned the lessons of 1689 and he's not going to get caught without an emergency fund somewhere ever again.
Even if he gave it all away after 1789 in compensation for his role in the "shipping business", in the 200+ years since all he would have to do is put some money away in a bank for safekeeping and then leave it there for a bit as he went along for him to be ungodly wealthy by today. He might need to move the money around at times to keep it in active institutions, but there are absolutely 200+ year old banks/investment vehicles (Lloyd's Banking Group has within it institutions that go back to 1695, just as an example) and so long as he stayed nominally on top of making sure he kept money scattered around and moved it before a place went under, there'd always be seed capital for him somewhere.
Did I mention one man generational wealth? At a certain point, it really would just make more sense for Hob to set up a family trust and use various shell companies to keep things anonymous. Given the man has been in business in one fashion or another on and off since the 1500s I'm going to credit him with a certain amount of financial literacy. The 1600s were truly unusual with being brought up on charges as a witch, because he would have lost everything and gone back to zero, unable to even reclaim those assets as a distant relative, because he was tried and convicted for witchcraft and his assets were almost certainly confiscated by the Crown/by greedy witch hunters.
Again, with just a little diversity of investment and where he stored his deposits, Hob should never fall back to 1600s levels again. He could literally just store some of his older, more valuable durable possessions (like jewelry) or bury a purse of gold somewhere, and know that the historical value of such coins and or items will only appreciate over time.
If he just did as Benjamin Franklin did and put in that day's value $2,000 dollars in a normal bank it would, by modern day, be worth $5,000,000 in today's money by interest alone, doing nothing else. Do that in a few dozen different banks, especially anonymous Swiss accounts or equivalent, and you don't even have to worry if most of them don't make it to modern day.
I cannot stress enough, generational wealth is usually lost because it gets dispersed across multiple children, or because the later generations are not as good with the money as the previous one. Hob does not have that problem. He isn't just generational wealth he is money savvy, dynastic wealth, he can build the same sort of wealth that noble families like the Bonaparte descendants sit on for centuries. Whether or not you think that's the moral thing is beside the point. There comes a point in truly staggering amounts of wealth where it's almost impossible to give it all away, Bezos's ex wife talked about how she made many huge donations with her billions from the settlement and it barely made a dent because of interest on that money.
Could Hob have simply lost money over the years in ill-considered ventures or given it all away? Yes, of course, and it would be very human and thus very Hob of him to do so. But given his convertible in 1989 and being the owner of the New Inn in the 21st century, to me there are more signs canonically that he has put together a pretty decent safety net at the very least all the way up to being very wealthy, we're talking low to mid double digit millions, in my opinion, at minimum, with the upper reaches possibility of very wealthy or more (triple digit millions or more) if he's done things like make good investments throughout, for example in new technology, and socked it away in Swiss accounts and set up an anonymous family trust with some use of shell companies. All of that is on the table as possibilities of the level of wealth he'd have when you factor in two hundred years of business sense and decent business practices, with a healthy dose of paranoia about losing it all again.
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 26: Diamond In The Rough
Chapter Word Count: 4,022
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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Getting Hyeji to distract Ruby for a day was easy. Saying that it was a free day and Hyeji insisting that Ruby take the time to get out of the house and have some fun was even easier with their current loneliness. She and a few of the other staff members formed a little group and the handful of them were taking Ruby to Lotte World Amusement Park then would be dragging them out for dinner and a movie. 
That left the perfect time for security, managers, and the members to sneak into the jewelry store. 
“ Hello!” An older woman, dressed in a crisp, black pinstriped suit, with her salt and pepper hair pulled up into a french twist, greeted everyone with a bow. “ The managers informed me of an important guest coming to our store and I couldn’t help myself to come and assist. My name is Nam Myung, I am the current owner of this jewelry store chain. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Woozi-ssi, and the rest of Seventeen.” 
Jihoon gave the women a bow in greeting, pulling his mask down when he stood straight. “ I’m sorry for halting business at this time, Nam-ssi.” 
“Oh, nonsense,” She smiled, warm and inviting, it reminded him of Chan's grandmother and Soonyoung’s mother. “ We’ve had celebrities come in and close the shop for a mere personal shopping spree. May I ask what you need today?”  
“ An engagement ring for my soulmate.” 
She clapped her hands together, already moving behind one of the counters and he followed to stand on the opposite side of it, along with every single member of Seventeen. Joshua was holding up his phone at this point, a call with Ruby’s grandparents already being put through, and Seungcheol was holding Jihoon’s phone, calling Jamie and Kazuki. Quiet greetings were exchanged through the phones before said phones were pushed into Jihoon’s face for his own greetings. 
“ We have many people to get approval from today?” Myung snickered, pulling out a few trays of rings of varying metals, styles, and gemstone types. 
Jihoon’s shoulders dropped, giving a small nod. “ Their grandparents, two of their friends, me, and all the guys. None of them would let me go alone.” 
“Ah~ That is just how family is.” She waved to the phones being held up before pulling a pair of thin framed glasses from her jacket pocket. “ We have a lot of ring styles and settings to choose from, if something needs to be ordered, a rush can be placed, however it will cost extra. When is the estimated proposal date?” 
He cringed, drumming his nails against the glass counter. “ Four weeks? Give or take?” 
“I’ve worked with less.” She winked, motioning towards the trays. “ Do you have any ideas of what your significant other likes?” 
“Nothing gold!” Mingyu pushed through the small crowd, letting his eyes roam over the selections before Jihoon. “ They don’t like gold.” 
Myung gave a small huff of a laugh through her nose, “ So something with a silver look, we have rhodium plated white gold that looks silver, sterling silver, and palladium. On the cheaper end, we also have platinum.” 
“They don't really like anything gold.” Jihoon added, “ Leaning more towards sterling silver or platinum, but sterling might be the best idea.”
“ Oh there are so many options.” Hearing Mimi’s voice quietly through everyone behind him. “ Much more than when I was getting married.” 
“ I think we are going to be here a while.” Joshua snickered, standing off to the side but close enough for everything to be seen. 
Jihoon took his bag off his shoulders and got his iPad out, easily pulling up different notes and pictures. “We all kinda compiled a list of everything we know they like and don’t like.” 
“Smart man. Having plenty of assistance with that must have been helpful.” She placed trays with anything gold back in the display counter, keeping the many rows of silver before Jihoon. She held out his hands to take the iPad which he handed over willingly, watching her easily scroll through.
“ Bring me closer-” Jamie’s voice was right by his ear before Seungcheol hip checked Mingyu aside and showed him the different rings. “ Wah, there are so many to pick from, how the hell-” 
“ Jamie, hush.” Kazuki scolded and while he did stay quiet, a quick look at the screen showed him pouting. 
“ Alright, nothing square for the cut, a preference for little to no diamonds, something simple. Gemstones too..” She placed the device down and ran her nails over some of the ring settings. “ Leaves us with heart, oval, circle, or pear. This is going to sound out of place, but may I see a picture of your partner?” 
“Picture- yeah.” 
Jihoon reached over and pulled up a picture from his iCloud gallery. It didn’t take long for him to find a picture of the two of them together, a sneaky mirror selfie they took when they had dragged him out to Ikea for smaller things they definitely didn’t need but Ruby insisted on getting. It was in one of those stupid bedroom set ups with way too many colors and weird decorations that Ruby joked they should buy. He only needed to stroll for a few moments to find a proper picture of them sitting on his studio couch, holding up a peace sign and giving a wide, closed mouth smile. 
“ Sometimes it helps to see the person to better give perspective and guide you towards the right pieces.” Myung roamed her eyes over Ruby, humming to herself. “ What is their name?” 
“Everyone calls them Ruby-ah!” Seokmin bounced in. 
“ Ruby-ah?” 
“Their grandmother called them that. Their birthstone is a Ruby. Red roses were some of their favorite flowers.” Jihoon motioned to Joshua’s phone to Mimi and Papa waving through the screen. 
That had Myung searching for a specific ring, “I’ve been wanting to sell one of these since we got the design in and I think everyone here will absolutely love it.” It didn’t take long for her to lift the ring from its tray slot, the silver color glimmering under the white lights of the store. “ We can get it in a different stone setting and place a gemstone in it instead of a center diamond.” 
One of the other women behind the counter placed a velvet tray on the counter where Myung set down the ring, motioning for him to pick it up and take a look at it. Each of the members behind him were either on their tiptoes or leaning over to better see the piece she had picked out. There were some murmurs over the phones with questions, but he mainly ignored them in place of picking up the ring hesitantly. 
It was light despite the circle cut diamond in its center place and the three diamonds on each side. The metal of the ring itself was one solid piece which split into two, holding two of the three smaller diamonds before entwining back to house the third small gem. The first two clear gems were marquise shaped, reminding him of leaves on a flower’s stem while the third was round cut, topping the jewelry made ‘flower’. It was unique for sure, nothing he had seen online came close to such a design, but truly none of them were thinking outside of the box. 
Truly, this ring was nearly perfect, it was almost dainty, but the diamond that was staring back at him wasn’t right. It was definitely pretty, but…it wasn’t them. It wasn’t Ruby. 
“ What do you think?” 
“The setting is nice, it does remind me of a rose or just a flower in general.” Others were pushing to see it, with Joshua and Seungcheol holding the phones close for the ones on call to know what was being discussed. 
“ But it isn’t what you are fully looking for?” He shook his head at the question. “ I have an idea.” 
Myung motioned for the same woman who gave the velvet tray to step forward, whispering something to her. Said woman hurried off but Myung refocused on him and everyone else who was looking at the sample ring. 
“ It just seems a little plain.” Minghao said, peering over the piece while Seungkwan and Seokmin examined it. “ Maybe just the center needs to be changed. The circle cut is nice but it doesn’t have any…flare to it.” 
“It needs to be more flashy but not if that makes sense.” Seungkwan added before it was passed to Soonyoung and Jun, both quietly looking over before it was once more passed along. 
When the tray made its way back towards the counter, Myung pushed her glasses up, glancing at Minghao and Seungkwan. “ I’ll have to agree with the two of you there. I have an idea for a simple change that won’t take too long to get finished. It would work perfectly for something stackable based on the ideas you had placed down.” 
It wasn’t long before the other worker came back with a metal case and a pair of long tweezers, placing them both before Myung. She was quick to take hold of the metal tool and open the case. The hinged top didn’t allow him to really see what she was looking at but he waited patiently. 
Closing his eyes for a moment, he let himself sink into the bond, taking in a breath as he poked through to what Ruby was feeling, having been focused on keeping himself level headed. The group had left with them late morning and they wouldn’t be home until later in the evening and from what he could tell, they were having fun. Excitement and amusement were prominent, he couldn’t wait to sit in bed later and hear them ramble about the adventures they were taken on throughout the day. Part of him hoped Ruby took pictures to get printed and add them to the photo books as fond memories. 
“ Ah, there it is. These old eyes aren’t as bright as they once were.” Snapping his eyes open, Myung had picked up the tray with the ring and held a shining red gemstone over it to better show him. “ Just like their nickname and birthstone, I thought that sticking with the ‘theme’ was perfectly appropriate. It’s a pear cut with a clear clarity. Gorgeous color but not too bright. It would stand out well with the silver and diamonds surrounding it.” 
Lifting the ring, she held the ruby over the center diamond, giving an approximate show of what a finished product could look like. Though it wasn’t exact with the makeshift showing, there was a silence that washed over everyone as they leaned in. All their eyes were wide, and it hit him that it was the one. 
He felt his heart skip a beat before its speed picked up. There was a moment where a few things, such simple and trivia things, passed through his mind. Ruby, standing at the kitchen counter, baking those overly sweet brownies with the ring resting around their finger. Ruby drumming their fingers against the table, waiting for food on the stove to finish simmering and the light from the kitchen hitting the gemstone just right. Ruby sitting beside him on the couch, holding his hand while they watched movies, feeling the warmed metal against his own fingers. 
“ Jihoonie?” Soonyoung’s voice from his left broke him from the small trace he placed himself. 
“ I’ve seen that look a million times.” Myung placed the ruby back in the case and set the ring in the tray, grabbing a notepad to jot down some things. “ Many times, when someone comes in and they find the one they like, they imagine what it would be like for their partner to be wearing the piece they pick out. It’s a hit or a miss. If they imagine it and it doesn’t look good, they find another, but if they imagine it and love what their imagination brings forth? It’s the one.” 
“Hyung, hyung, what do you think?” Chan’s curious voice asked beside Soonyoung, leaning over the counter with bright eyes and a wide smile. 
“ I’d like to go with the ruby design. Please.” 
Myung lifted her eyes to him, letting a gentle smile spread on her face and quickly jotted down a few more notes. “ I believe that can be arranged rather quickly.”
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For the rest of the day, Jihoon felt light. With the secret meeting over and a quick lunch with the guys, Jihoon and the members split off, all heading home for the much needed rest day. 
With everyone inevitably hearing the rather costly price of the ring (5,235,987 (4,100 USD) won which he expected, not including the slight rush order), it was a very hard pact that Ruby would never find out because they would actually commit a crime. Mingyu and Soonyoung were sworn to secrecy and their self appointed keepers would be keeping a watchful eye when they were around. A lot of things needed to happen in a few short weeks now so he hoped everything would work out how he wanted. 
There was still time before Ruby would be back. It gave him plenty of time for the mindless tasks both of them had been putting off such as the laundry, reorganizing their room, and ordering groceries based on the list they compiled throughout the week. Since he had been busy the last few days and Ruby was either working or feeling too unmotivated, he used the airy headspace he had and the energy that spurred him to get things done. He wanted to at least try and pull his weight the best he could despite the time he isn’t home.
One look in the fridge also reminded him that he was lazy and wasn’t in the mood to cook so ordering take away for himself was his best bet once dinner time came. His phone was buzzing on the kitchen table behind him, having placed it down to clean off the counters. Glancing down at his watch, it was just Jamie and Kazuki messaging back and forth ideas for Jihoon to consider if he did manage to get the greenhouse garden for the proposal. Hyeji was still emailing their team, trying to figure out dates, time, maybe even a cost which was more than likely. 
He had to sit down and book the flights for their grandparents, which he checked the time, knowing it was extremely early to reach out to Mimi and Papa, seeing as they stayed up late to join in the ring escapades. Jihoon sent a quick text, asking them to message back when they woke up, hoping Ruby still wouldn’t be home so everything could get done. 
With Ruby’s (unneeded) insistence and the (unneeded) begging from Jamie and Kazuki, the two would be staying in the guest room (why they begged, he didn’t know, he already assumed that was the plan). They’d be coming a couple days before Caratland to spend time with Ruby while he was at practices, then stay for a week after for the proposal and overall spending time with their friend. Mimi and Papa would be in a hotel again, which they preferred, and most likely coming the day before Caratland and staying about the same time after as the other two. With the downtime after Caratland before practices for FML, it would work out just about perfectly from the mental timeline he had been scheming. 
Should he have been more stressed? Definitely, he honestly should be worried if something doesn’t work out, but with the meetings, help from staff, and his own time placed into everything, there were backup plans in place. Jihoon was thankful for the support that everyone had been showing him, knowing how much this means, and him being the first of the group to meet their soulmate. He also had plenty of text messages from the other members’ parents with words of congratulations and excitement. 
Ruby’s grandparents messaged when he was in the middle of eating his dinner and from Hyeji’s text, the group was still out and about after the movie, trying to find a place for dinner. 
When the call connected on his phone, laptop pulled up in front of him, he gave a wave. “Sorry, in the middle of eating.” 
“ Ah, no worries about that, we finished our breakfast a bit ago. You said you wanted to talk about dates?” 
“Mhmm, just for the flights. Caratland will be the second weekend in March, tenth through the twelfth.” Jihoon pulled up some tabs of different flights. “Would the…landing here on the eighth in the later afternoon be okay? So Ruby doesn’t suspect-” 
“ The eighth would be fine, dear!” Mimi hummed, looking at a small book in her lap from what he could see. “ And a return date?” 
“Jamie and Kazuki leave the nineteenth, I think I have their flight information so we can have you on the same flight as them. Let me just-” Reaching for his phone, Jihoon quickly added Jamie to the call, waiting for the line to answer. 
“ Hello?” The camera was facing a ceiling and the clacking of a keyboard was heard. “ I’m at work, what's up, Jihoon?”
“ Can- Hold on, Mimi.” He sighed, “ You both are still flying home the nineteenth? On the one o’clock flight?” 
“Yeah, trying to get them on the same return flight?” Jihoon nodded and Jamie hummed. “ Hi Mimi.” 
“Hi, sweetheart, how’s work?” 
“It’s going, just counting down the days until we head for Korea.” Jamie lifted the phone and he propped it against something. “ Kazu is in a meeting right now and I’m about to jump into one, I forwarded the flight details to you, Jihoon-ah.” 
“ Thanks. ” Jihoon pulled up the email once it showed up and clicked away. “Sorry, Mimi, English is hard.” 
“ No worries~ I know you are doing your best and I appreciate it. I’m grateful for the opportunity you are giving us.” 
“It’s no problem. Is Papa out?” 
“ Oh yes, he went across town to help out at a friend’s hardware store. Later on I’m going to a cross stitch meeting with some friends. Ruby is still out with friends?” 
“Yeah, they should be back within an hour or two. I wanted to book the flight before it became too late.” With him never booking a flight for himself, it left him a bit confused looking over some of the details, but with some patience he managed to get it figured out. “There are…two seats together three rows ahead of Jamie and Kazuki, middle and..aisle seats.” 
“ Those would be perfectly fine.” Mimi hummed, smiling and writing something down in the small book. “ So the eighth through the nineteenth. And you are still waiting to hear back from the garden?”
Nodding, Jihoon finalized the flight plans with their passport information they gave a few days prior before forwarding the email to both Jamie and to Mimi. “Yeah. Soon we will have the date set.” 
“ I’m sure you or Joshua will let us know in the conversation. Let us know if you need something from us for the proposal.” 
“I will, I sent everything over to you.”
“ Enjoy the rest of your dinner, sweetie, have a good night.” 
He smiled, a laugh puffing from his nose. “And good morning to you.” 
“ And Jihoon? I think Ruby is going to love the ring. It is a beautiful choice.” 
“When I can sneak away once you arrive, I’ll make sure to show it to you both. I’m picking it up in about a week.” 
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You never intended to be out so late, but dinner turned into sitting and talking, which turned into drinks, which turned into more talking and having fun. It was nearing midnight when you finally got dropped off at the apartment building. It was an outing that was definitely needed and definitely appreciated with how you have been feeling. 
Jihoon hadn’t replied to your text message that you were on the way home and the lights in the apartment were off when you stepped through the door. You tried to be quiet but a few stumbles and the clattering of dropping your phone while trying to take off your shoes had your name being called out tiredly through the apartment. 
“ Sorry-” You called back, shedding your jacket and shuffling your socked feet across the floor until you reached the bedroom. 
Here, the lights were off but his laptop illuminated the room. Jihoon had pushed himself against the wall as he did every night, him saying the coolness of the wall and the warmth you brought was balanced enough. Never made much sense to you, but if he was comfortable, so be it. 
He had his face hidden behind the blanket that he curled himself up in but you could see the dark, grown out, wavy locks that he had been getting annoyed with recently for getting in his face peeking out. The room was…much cleaner than when you left this afternoon, clothes no longer littering one of the room corners, the basket of laundry was put away as well. 
With haste, you grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, changing and getting your nighttime routine done so you didn’t feel like absolute shit in the morning. Once you returned, the laptop was closed but wasn’t moved from your side of the bed. The blanket that was once cocooning your soulmate was now opened and he was waiting for you with a lazily opened arm. 
“ Hurry up, it’s cold.” His voice was groggy and quiet, but you listened, moving his laptop to the nightstand and scooting in, letting him drop the blanket and bundle you up to his chest. 
The hand that wrapped around your waist was cold against the skin that got exposed by your shirt riding up and you shivered yet made no complaint. Unlike most days where he had you resting your head against his chest, he placed his against yours instead, settling in with a grumble. You tucked the blanket up over your shoulder, keeping in any body heat to keep Jihoon warm.
“ Sorry I woke you.” Reaching up, your carded your fingers through his hair, gently detangling any knots you found in the process. 
“ ‘S okay…” He shifted and tangled your legs today, pressing himself close to you the best he could. “ Did you have fun?” 
“I did, they said it was your idea because you’ve been busy.” 
It took him a moment to reply, his breathing coming out slowly and steadily. “ Barely…”
You continued to card your fingers in his hair, feeling him lean into your touch. The longer you played with his hair, the more it became apparent he had fallen asleep. Now that your eyes adjusted to the light, he looked peaceful, the light crease he had between his eyebrows smoothed out and the tension he typically held in his jaw was relaxed. 
Earlier in the day he went from feeling happy to feeling blissful but also enamored. You were curious as to why but let it be, simply happy that he felt so strongly and went on with the adventures the day brought with friends. 
You weren’t one for amusement parks but Lotte World was always a place you wanted to visit and you didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity. It was fun, you got to be around people you considered basic friends and was able to capture some nice moments you wanted to add to the photo book when you got a chance. 
With your eyes growing heavy, you peppered a few kisses into his hair, letting the steady rise and fall of his chest lull you to bed.
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elllteo · 4 months
Are you still in the mood to chat? Can you tell me about an oc you almost never think about? (Do you have any ocs you almost never think about?)
I have so many ocs I don't think about on account of thinking mostly about matteo </3 but here's some I constantly forget about despite liking them a lot!!!
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THIS IS ANDERS/ He's a demon that feeds off of the negative emotions of others. He really likes how envy, self loathing and embarrassment/shame taste :)
He normally looks like this, however;
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be he works at Holwell, where Matteo and Ellis also work. LMAO
He is 'bound' to servitude and thus comes across as very dry/unaffected. His emotions are limited and that's good thing bc technically if they weren't he'd be boyboss manipulating his way into everyone's business and growing stronger for it.
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This is Ed/Poe (either works) and they're a nonbinary monster preschool teacher <3 They also make jewelry and run an etsy-like store in universe on the side. They're a very minor side character but I like them they're very sweet!
And finally,
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Leon! He's a kind of isolated hard-ass lone wolf type....he tries too hard to come across as cool, and in doing so has kind of isolated himself unintentionally djhfgks He has a lot of morbid interests and likes to collect taxidermy/bugs so even aside from that, his vulture culture ways kind of make him an oddity in anything but online spaces.
He's kind of in a nebulous place rn also....He had a story, but I stopped really doing oc-stuff with friends other than my wife bc it never really worked well, so this was his 2019 redesign....I like him a lot from a design standpoint, I just haven't found a good place to slip him into any of my stories yet >:Va
I probably have more but these are like. Top 3 I forgor <3 KLJGFHSDLFJK
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always-andromeda · 2 years
If you’re still accepting them- molasses chip with Burt please 🥺
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– 𝐊𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝
𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐆𝐍!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: okay, so, to be fair. this request was a liiiittle bit late for my cutoff on my event but I fell in love with the concept so bad that I just had to write it lol. and if you recognize the title from the slogan of Meet the Robinsons, no you do not!!
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: slight spoilers for the ending of The Fabelmans, bits of angst, but mostly pure tooth-rotting fluff, nothing else I can think of!
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Burt Fabelman was a bit of a stranger to the words, “I love you,” even before he met you.
Sure, he said it a few times to his kids (he definitely didn’t say it enough to his ex-wife). But, truth told, he never really thought of it. Always too caught up with his work, he curses himself now when he thinks about his family slowly drifting further and further away from him.
But it’s too late to hold onto regrets. He must keep moving forward.
So on and on he goes, an unflinching pillar of intelligence and resilience; the sturdy and reliable man he’s always been.
After Mitzi, he couldn't fathom a love that could top that. She was his beacon for so long...nothing could compare.
Until you do.
He finds that his feelings for you aren't necessarily stronger or higher than the kind of love he once had. It's merely different. Which is why it doesn't exactly work the way he intends it to when he tries to approach it the same way he once did. Not like his way ever worked in the first place.
He shows it with gifts. Dresses and countless pieces of jewelry and new appliances, all presented with some long winded explanation as to where they came from and/or how they work.
Admittedly, it's always sweet when he gives you a present. Because Burt doesn't need a holiday to use an excuse to spoil you. It could be something as simple as you mentioning something you needed and he'd be trying to find an open store on his way home from work trying to find it for you just to cross off another thing on your to-do list.
His reasoning for all of it? Because he wants to take care of you. He makes plenty of money to do so. All he strives to do is make sure you'll never have to worry about clothes, bills, and almost any day to day struggle ever again.
The emotional side of things...he's a little less well versed on. The words just happen to escape him. Because they leak out into everything else he does for you. You're smart enough to gather the obvious, right?
One morning, he'll give you his usual black coffee tainted kiss. And normally, you'd wish him well on his day and straighten his tie or smooth back a loose strand of hair before he goes off for work. But this time when he pulls back, Burt finds your dubious gaze darting between his eyes and his mouth.
Burt hums inquisitively.
You're quiet for a second longer and then you answer, "I love you."
In a split second, you catch his green eyes widen from behind his lenses before he blinks quickly and presses another quick kiss to your forehead. "Have a good day, honey."
That's how he leaves you for the day. Feeling rejected. And confused. And for once, Burt is perplexed too. It shouldn't be this hard saying it, should it? he finds himself thinking while at work.
Because it isn't as simple as butterflies and physical attraction. Love means commitment and commitment means rearranging his life once more. Letting go of Mitzi was difficult enough.
And why did you have to let go of her in the first place? he thinks. Come on, Burt. You're intelligent. You've already figured this one out.
He's well aware of his shortcomings. And now he's even more well aware that he's on the course of repeating history; something that intelligent men don't do.
Burt spends almost the whole work day visualizing the scene in his head. How he would deliver some grand apology. He'd hold you and say that you loved you as many times as you needed to in order to understand that your feelings are reciprocated. At least this one time, Burt would try to be a man of words outside of his usual scientific vocabulary; both for your sake and for his.
But when he comes home to you and finds you waiting for him, everything else disappears. The only thing that manages to stick are those three words. The words that stand between him and the future.
He strides across the floor to you, hardly wasting a single second before he's cupping your cheeks and pursing his lips before finishing your sentiment from that morning, "I love you too." And almost immediately, the fear of the unknown starts to melt away as you lean into his touch and accept his unspoken apology for being so afraid in the first place.
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cosmichoneibeee · 2 years
Dating Raze hcs
Warnings: malicious flirting, mentions of stealing and alcohol | Reader is GN
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Raze would be interest in someone who fight for what they believe no matter what; who believe on what they do.
She really cares about the inside, the personality. You being that pretty cute pie just makes everything more interesting
She's friendly with mostly everyone, yes, but it's really hard to make her fall in love
So if she likes you, congrats
Confident Queen
So many cheesy pickup lines in her arsenal, she will throw them so randomly, some in Portuguese even if you don't understand. (Those are the naughty ones)
"[Y/n], did your license got suspended? Cuz you’re driving me crazy”
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together."
"[Y/N], dizem que fazer amor prolonga a vida, me dá uma chance que eu te faço imortal."*
Gekko and Reyna look shocked every time she dares to say stuff like that.
Words of affirmation and acts of services all the way, even if you’re not official yet
Anything you might need, she’s already doing for you. Her speed is really impressive
Astrology chick but with music. Once you tell her what genre you like, she already knows your personality, likes and dislikes, qualities, defects and other 32 artists that you might like.
Sharing lots of playlists together
Once your favourite artists releases new albums, she’s taking you to the disco store to buy a copy and she'll pay for it
She loves to take you to disco stores as a date, both looking for something knew to listen, have a few kisses here, hugs there
If you have courage, she'll take you with her to hardcore parties. She drinks like a sailor and dance like nobody is watching
It's a fun experience, but it's not for everybody, it's okay if it's not your type.
She's done some pretty criminal stuff, robberies, explosions, the whole list. So taking things for you from the places she goes with the Protocol is already a routine
She's brought a bit of everything: action figures, stuffed animals, food, shells, jewelry, rocks - anything that makes her think about you, she takes
Brimstone has fought with her a lot about it, but she can't stop
Her sketch book have so many draws related to you; your smile, your hands, your silhouette..
Loves when you pose just for her to draw
Breach makes fun of her for having a puppy love, shy smiles, holding hands...you two are disgusting
Lowkey pressuring her to confess
She likes you, you know that; you like her, she knows that, why does she need to verbally afirmate that?
She wanted to keep your relationship more discreet, just letting the friends knowing but it's Raze, in less than a week everyone knew about it.
Most agents think you're adorable, the rest just don't care enough
She'll claim titles with you one day, really, but for now, she's quite happy just calling you hers.
*"[Y/N], they say making love prolongs life, give me a chance and I'll make you immortal."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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barananduen-blog · 1 year
Top Nine TV Shows tag game
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Was invited to do this by @lovesickfolly I'm going to do it with cdramas, bc that's what I'm into lately, but if anyone wants to do this, you can do it with any kind of show.
My top nine cdramas, in no particular order...
Before I begin, I should probably point out that I'm more "plot" over "ship." I like ships, but usually as a means to showing character depth; they're not the thing I tend to focus on the most.
What these nine have in common is:
good plot and writing - not just the plot, but the storytelling
3D characters who are also likeable
hooked my attention - my mind didn't wander while watching, AND I wanted to watch more than one episode in a row
I'm going to include another indicator, too. If it "got" me good enough to make me make fanart: 🎨lol I mean, I'm SLOW. If I was willing to dedicate days/weeks to make a drawing out of it, that's SOMETHING. lmao
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1 - Word of Honor🎨
Martial arts adventures (+ a steampunk sect), BL.
This was the first cdrama I watched, and I loved it and it still has a special place in my heart. I rewatched along later with @ginsoakedgirl80 and it was as enjoyable to watch the 2nd time as it was the 1st.
Awesome story and characters, beautiful scenery. And it gave me my first two favorite drama actors.😆*cough* My fav characters were, in order: Ye Baiyi and the Scorpion King. My fav actors, the same two, but reversed; I like comedians, OK? XD
Just a word of advice to anyone planning to try this: I don't know why the opening scenes character-dump on you; most of those people aren't even that important. Just learn Prince Jin and Zhou Zishu (a few others will show up later, but you can learn them then), and then start learning names only once Zhou Zishu becomes a homeless drunk man.
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2 - The Taoism Grandmaster (technically, I have a drawing WIP, but it'll probably stay a WIP)
If the Triwizard Tournament from Harry Potter and a Final Fantasy video game had a child in ancient China, you'd get this, complete with items shop before boss battles (the store ox is so cute!).
No but look, this is like my gremlin child. I'm not a fast watcher, but this is the only one which I binged so many episodes in a row, that it made me lose track of time, and before I knew it, it was past 2am on a weeknight and I had work the next day. I may have made it to 4am one of those nights; I don't remember. After it happened twice, I had to set an alarm. Have also watched twice+
Yes, the CG is bad, the costumes were cheap sometimes, and the plants did not pretend to not be plastic, but I love the story. It's well written and has so many details and ways things tie together. And THE CHARACTERS! They're all lovable dorks AND I LOVE THEM!
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3 - The Legendary Life of Queen Lau🎨
AAAAAAAAA!! I love comedy and this was GREAT in that sense! Really had me laughing out loud every episode! This is one to watch more for the funny and ingenious situations than for plot, but it was SO enjoyable, I'd even watch them do slice of life. So cute, so fun, love it love it love it!!🥰 Another one that I rewatch whenever I need something uplifting and cute. Also, one of my two favorite OSTs. So uplifting and danceable!
Alright, those are my top 3. The ones I'm sentimental for. The stuff I squee over. But I have 16 starred on my list as excellent / recommendable, so let's have six more.
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4 - Song of Youth
Case-solving; mini-cases and the one overarching one.
I loved the format of one case per couple of episodes, so it was broken up into smaller chunks. Super interesting and creative - each case was solved in an unconventional way, which was fun and engaging. All the actresses did a fantastic job. The jewelry, props, lighting, etc. were absolutely beautiful.
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5 - The Blood of Youth🎨
Martial arts adventures with a group of friends.
Story: 💯Characters: 💯 Fights: 💯 Visuals: 💯OST: 💯
Xiao Se as the tired babysitter I love him! Wuxin! OMG Wuxin as the sassy fake monk who monologues before every fight and people just let him. I love him! (Wuxin spinoff, please! and I love his theme song!) The whole cast is gorgeous and acted wonderfully, so no sacrificing talent for looks; these people had both in spades. The supporting cast, too. OMG Baily Dongjun and the thunder guy!😍 It had funny moments. Mr. Sikong! The fights were SO creative... how many ways can you design a martial arts fight?? Way more than I thought! No two were similar; it was amazing, the creativity.
As an artist, I really enjoyed the cinematography... the scenery, lighting!! composition, all absolutely gorgeous. Those shots of Xiao Se with soft backlighting? Chef's kiss. And, as a photographer, I know they're not as easy to achieve as it looks. Alright, this one got 2 paragraphs already; need to move on, but watch if you haven't. It's on YouTube.
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6 - Till the End of the Moon
Doomed love fantasy; watch them struggle against themselves and their destiny.
THIS IS SO GOOD!! The story is great, excellent plot and pacing. Characters are 3D and always surprising. Gorgeous costumes (Tantai Jin's especially! And the clam clan makeup!), sets, and special effects. THE SOUNDTRACK IS EMBEDDED IN MY BRAIN IT'S SO GOOD (🎶favs: "Use my Body as a Shield" or whatever it's called, I keep seeing different translated titles for it; "Reborn" instrumental; and "Holding on to a Thought" instrumental).
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7 - The Blue Whisper
Fantasy romance and adventure. Merman. Animal-spirit people. Angst, treason, and undying hope.
Gosh this drama is so beautiful. This, Till the End of the Moon, and Blood of Youth are up there as the top 3 visuals in dramas I've completed (there are others that have stunned me visually, but haven't been able to watch in full). Excellent story, too. It's a tearjerker, but it's SO GOOD!
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8 - My Uncanny Destiny
Romcom. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Lots of fun. Very enjoyable and bingeable.
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9 - Guardian, the one with Bai Yu and Zhu Yi Long
Modern urban superpowers type of thing, which is a genre I like, and the story is so good! By Priest, the same author for the Word of Honor novel. Never a dull moment. Tearjerker warning, but so good. Excellent theme song, too, btw. (I don't have any screencaps that aren't a spoiler, so that's what this is XD)
I ran out of slots, but I'll list the other seven in my Excellent and Recommendable list. Order is just as I watched them:
The Untamed
Legend of Fei
A Female Student Arrives at the Imperial College
Be Reborn (modern, heist/police)
The Romance of Tiger and Rose
A Familiar Stranger (mini-drama; watch the movie version)
Reset (modern, action, investigation)
PS: I've been here one month, and have done two tag games and they both had the number "9" in them; is this a tumblr thing?
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lavendelhummel · 6 months
12) what's your favorite type of seashell / beach forage?
15) best vacation you've ever taken?
Hi! Two questions! Exciting!! Thank you!
Favorite type of sea shell/ beach forage: ok, this is actually challenging my inability to make decisions. I like most kinds of beach forage!
I like the rounded glass pieces for example, even though that mostly means empty bottles got thrown in the nature and *that* i don’t like, so it’s a double edged sword. Especially if they are fresh and not rounded so they actually have sword like sharp edges. I like Running around bare foot at the beach!
I like the pieces from fishing nets (even though I don’t eat fish and know they are one of the biggest polluters of the oceans). When we were children, my father would make bracelets and anklets for us out of them every summer. I found a huge chunk of it a few years ago (go to the beach in winter, there are far more things on shore from the autumn storms, also go alone so no one will be bothered by your need to examine everything you find) and stored it for him for summer. I think he made a clothesline with it. It is very practical because it’s so strong and doesn’t tear, you can use it to secure many things!
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I found a picture of it! Usually we only found a few cm long streaks so this thing really was a monster!
About pretty shells! I like them all, obviously but if I have to choose on the spot, the first that come to my mind are the little yellow ones! Those:
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But of course, I am not immune to big scallops. A classic for a reason. And they always were hard to find until I was here:
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These pictures are all from the same winter a few years back btw 😅😂.
Other favorites? I get excited when I find new ones that I have never seen again. Colorful ones and shiny ones are cool of course. It’s cool to find ones that are intact but also those broken in an interesting way or white strategic holes to make jewelry.
I like finding algae (but don’t take them home) and have found lots of sea stars (but not taken them home)
Basically, I like most sea shells and things you can find on beaches. They always tell a story and feel so full of life. I like finding them, finding joy in them and then putting them back where they belong or maybe taking some home as a lovely souvenir for a trip, decorations, or little presents for friends.
My best vacation: I mean most vacations are good right? Not all, hmmm if had very bad vacations but most of the time vacation time = good times is the truth!
But being more specific, I'd actually have to say my most recent vacation last autumn when I visited @lilolilyr actually! It was the most wonderful time we spent together and what can be better than being in an amazing place - with the ocean close by, but also mountains and a cool city, and did I mention the ocean? - with amazing company? Also the food, oh my god, amazing! So many vegan options everywhere! It was the perfect mix of calm and exciting and nature and culture, talking and more talking and laughing. For me it was special circumstances, for once because I had never taken such a big trip, I am usually team "we don't need to go far to have a good time" and like hopping to a train (to France). And also because it was quite spontaneously! But mostly because I had some huge things happening in life just before, that came with crazy amounts of work, stress and anxiety. Once those were done, I moved (which meant more stress) and closed a chapter of my life, the good parts and the bad ones of it, and then before starting the new chapter, I got on the plane! I could go on, but let's just say, this vacation helped me get out of things physically and mentally, lifted stress, and did me a lot of good. So, again @lilolilyr, that time with you was wonderful, thank you for being my friend! (also we took a few thousand pictures in a those few days so I can never decide which ones to show people. But there are big, fat smiles on all of them!)
Also one of the best weekends I had was the one I took two of those shell/net photos on! It was a winter trip to the beach, I went on Thursday already, had some time by myself, worked a little, relaxed, let the wind and water of the rain and the splashes of the ocean get in my hair, and did the grocery shopping and on Friday two friends joined me. They were constantly cold, so they got the fireplace to work. We read poetry, did crosswords, cooked and walked along the beach. It felt so incredibly relaxed and safe. Unfortunately that was also a goodbye weekend, as I closed a fun chapter that following week as well. I should recontact those two friends, I haven't talked to them in ages. Here are pictures!
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Thank you for the questions and letting me go on about good times at the beach @purlturtle! Sending you vacation-vibes via a virtual conch shell horn for the next week 🐚! (the questions were from this list, for anyone interested!)
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blackhakumen · 9 months
Mini Fanfic #1163: Christmas Shopping Shenanigans (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
7:55 p.m. at New Donk City's Metro Grand Mall Center........
The Jewelry Store
Fox: (Looks Down at the Glass Display Case in Front of Him) Okay, let's see......Hmm....(Points at Some of the Necklaces thar Interest Him) This would look nice on her.....And that one......Ooh, now that one looks a-
Fox starts getting startled and quickly turns around to see his friends Samus, Falco, and Banjo staring at him.
Fox: Uh....(Leans himself Back on the Case with an Awkward Smile on his Face) H-Hey guys....What's up?
Samus: (Raises an Eyebrow While Crossing her Arms Together) Foxy.....What are you doing?
Fox: Oh, you know. Just.....doing some Christmas shopping and whatnot?
Falco: (Already Unconvinced) Really? At a Jewelry Store?
Banjo: (Raises an Eyebrow in Genuine Confusion) An expensive one at that?
Fox: Hey, I had to start somewhere. And besides, it's the only one I can find here that isn't completely crowded yet.
Samus: ....Riiiiiight. You're not trying to buy any an expensive jewelry for a certain blue fox lady for Christmas this year, are you?
Fox: ...........I can't......Confirm or deny that accusation-
Samus/Falco: Fox!
Fox: ('Sighs in Defeat') Alright, alright, fine! You caught me! I couldn't tink of anything else to give to her...(Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) So I figured a necklace of some kind could suffice. And before anyone get more on my case, the thought of coming to any of you guys for advice hasn't really crossed my mind since then, not like I wanted to bother you all in the first place....
Falco: Yeah? Well, you maybe should have the thought jammed into that thick skull of yours, dumb-dumb!
Samus: You know we wouldn't have any problem helping you with this, Foxy. We always got back.
Banjo: (Smiles Reassuringly) Yeah, we would've thought of way better gift options than some necklace.
Fox: Hey, what's wrong with giving her a necklace?
Samus: Well, for starters, like we mentioned, most of jewelry in here are expensive. Even more so than the ones Smash Mall has to offer. Second, you and whatsherface aren't close enough for you to go out and buy her a necklace to begin with. (Forms a Sly, Teasing Smirk on her Face) Unless~
Fox: (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) How many times do I have to tell you that we're not even close to dating each other again? And her name is obviously Krystal, Samus.
Samus: I know. Doesn't mean I trust her completely though.
Banjo: You ever thought about getting back to together with her someday? I think you two would be really cute together.
Samus: (Rolls her Eyes) To some capacity....
Fox: Samus
Samus: What? Just saying.
Fox: (Turns to Banjo) I thought about it sometimes, but I wanna focus on maintaining our friendship for now if that make sense.
Falco: (Casually Shrugs) Works for me. But since were on the Krystal topic, that leads us to the third reason of why your necklace gift is stupid.
Fox: Really don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the idea.
Falco: Yeah, unless you're desperate love puppy, which you ain't. Now, don't interrupt. As what i was saying, I, your best friend and first bro, highly doubt Krystal would want you to go out of your way to buy her something crazy expensive. Hell, i know for a fact she'll scold you if you do that.
Fox: ('Sigh') You're not entirely wrong there...But what else should I give then?
Falco: I remembered her telling me she's been wanting one of those pleated scarfs to wearing the rest of winter. It ain't grand and all, but it's somethin' at least.
Banjo: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) That would be a neat gift to give her. I'm actually thinking about getting Kazooie one myself.
Samus: I'm doing the same for Chun-Li and Li-Mei. Heard the wintertime is getting even chiller this time around and I don't want my girls catching themselves a cold or flu.
Fox: (Simply Nodded) Then it's settled. We'll give our respective love ones scarfs for Christmas this year.
Falco: Sounds like a plan for you guys. In the meantime, I will be giving my gal these limited edition air rider's boots. (Shows the Gang a Picture of the Black Leather Boots on his Phone Before Rolling his Eyes) She hardly shuts up about even before we got here.......
Exotic Clothes Store
Luigi: (Walks in and Look Around the Store with Daisy Following Behind) You sure there's something in here Lili would like? (Starts Blushing at Few of the Most...... Risqué Outfits and Items Present) I-I don't I have a clue where to start looking.......
Daisy: Yeah, this is a first for me too. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) But she is a little more stylish and adventurous than the two of us combined. (Turns to Luigi) You think she'll like any of these outfits in here? I can picture her looking good in some if them.
????: Lovely idea~
The duo turns around and see their pink haired, succubus girlfriend standing behind them wearing a red leather jacket and skirt.
Lilith: (Lowers her Sunglasses Down) But having a wonderful, loving plumber and princess such as yourselves, are far more amazing gifts than this place has to offer~
Luigi/Daisy: (Happily Gasps at the Sight of.....) LILITH!~ (Rushes Over to Hug their Girlfriend)
Luigi: What are you doing here?~
Daisy: We missed you so much!~
Lilith: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as She Hugs her Partners Back) You guys!~ I missed you more!~ We just got done doing another runway show around this city. So we decided to spend the rest ofbthe holidays here.
Daisy: We?
Lilith: Me and Morrigan. (Rolls her Eyes) She's probably out flirting with some random guy again.....
Meanwhile Somewhere at the Middle of the Mall.....
Morrigan: (Sitting Next and Talking Someone on the Bench) So you're telling me you used to be a king of this....."Dreamland" you speak of?
Dedede: Yeah, those were the glory days I tell you what. (Crosses his Arms While Forming a Cocky Smirk on his Face) Accomplished quite a lot during those fruitful times.
Morrigan: Ooh really now?~ (Smirks Vack in a Seductive Manner) Do tell, my dear~
Dedede: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, personally, I ain't the most bragging person in the whole globe. (Leans Closer to the Long Haired Lady) But I'm more than willing to break a few boundaries for a pretty thang like you~
Morrigan: (Giggles Softly) A humble gentleman as well?~ Is there any more of you that meets the eye?~
?????: How about an uncle of many?
Dedede immediately gets startled as he looks up and see Cloud and Tifa staring down at him and Morrigan with disapproved looks on both their faces.
Morrigan: Oh my. Hello, there. (Turns to Dedede) Are they friends of yours, dear?
Dedede: (Quickly Turns Away) Nope. Never seen those two in all my life.
Cloud: Never seen those two my ass. (Marches Himself Over to Dedede) C'mere!
Dedede: What the- (Suddenly Gets Dragged Put if his Seat by Cloud Pulling his Ear Forward) AUGH! Let go boy! That's my good ear your pulling!! Hey!!
Tifa: (Politely Bows to Morrigan) We are terribly sorry about that, ma'am. He is most certainly with us. (Waves Goodbye While Following Behind the Others) Have a Merry Christmas!~
Morrigan: (Happily Waves Back) Likewise~ It was nice meeting you, Former King of Dreamland!~ (Giggles Properly)
Dedede: No, wait! Get me back there! I ain't done talking to her yet! At least let me give her phone number FIIIIRST!!
Cloud: Shut it, De!
Back at the Exotic Clothes Store
Lilith: So~ How's your family holiday going along so far?~
Daisy: Pretty good for the most part. We roamed around the city, saw the Christmas Parade, met the mayor who's.....(Leans Closer to Lilith and Place her Hand Beside her Ear with a Smirk onher Face) Get this: Peach's been jealous of the longest time now!~
Lilith: Oooooh!~ Scandalous!~
Daisy: (Snickers a Bit) It's more cute than anything. Especially when she tries so hard to hide it.
Lilith: (Giggles Softly) Aw~ I feel for her. Can't remember the last time I was ever jealous of something myself. (Turns to Luigi) What about you, sweetie?
Luigi: (Shrugs) I have a few jealousy moments I can of think, most of which involves me and my brother growing up. Ooh! Speaking of which, we're gonna visit our family after Christmas is over with. You're more than welcome to come along with us, but uh.....Fair warning, our folks can be real......(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) REAL pain sometimes.....Mostly around me.......
Daisy: (Hugs her Man's Arm) Our poor baby's been stressing himself out about this since we first got here. (Starts Piuting at Him) After I specifically told him not to.
Luigi: ('Sigh') I knooow, but I can't help it! It's been years since we've all seen each other and everyone's expectations of me have been going haywire since the day Mario and I left on our own in the world. I just wanna make them proud and see me for who I am rather than being Mario's baby bro or worse, his shadow.....
Daisy: (Given Luigi's a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Hey, I have no doubt in my mind that they'll to be proud of you for what you've accomplished so far. (Points at Herself Confidently) And if they start getting doubtful, you bet your ass I'll be here to brag you every step of way!
Lilith: (Happily Joins in on the Luigi Hugfest) Me too!~ I wanna brag about how much of a total sweetheart you are to the both of us.
Luigi: (Chuckles Lightly) Thabks, girls, but you really don't have to go out of your way to do that for- (Suddenly Hears the Sounds of Screaming as He Turns to See a Crowd of People Running Outside with a Raised Eyebrow in Confusion) Me?
Daisy: The heck is going on out there?
Lilith: Don't know. Maybe the real Santa's here?
Daisy: Or the mayor. She's practically like a rockstar in this city.
Lilith: Make that a One-Hit Wonder. I don't think I ever heard her sing something other than "1-UP Gal" before..
Luigi: Maybe she never got the freetime to wrote new material.
Daisy: Yeah, maybe.
Meanwhile Back in the Mall..............
The crowd of people continues running straught through the area, looking aimlessly for the Mayor of New Donk City to perform for them once more. Unknowingly to them, the mayor in question has been hiding behind one of the three giant nutcrackers along with Pit and Sora.
Pauline: ...........Is the cost clear?
Sora: Hmm.....(Slowly Moves his Head Away From the Nutcracker to Watch the Crowd Continue Running From Afar) Yeeeup. They seem to be long gone for now.
Pauline: (Let's Out a Sigh of Relief as She Steps Out From One of the Nutcrackers) Oh Thank God....And here I thought they would never leave me be.
Pit: (Steps Out of the Other Nutcracker Along with Sora) There were so many of them out there.
Sora: Yeah, no fooling. But i wouldn'tsay it's too surprising. (Turns to Pauline With a Smile) This city does have a pretty cool mayor after all.
Pit: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Definitely.
Pauline: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Duo's Comments) Oh you boys are too sweet~ But I'm pretty sure they only wanted me to give them an encore if anything....
Pit: Oh for that "1-UP Girl" song you did on the parade days ago?
Sora: (Gives Pauline a Thumbs Up) Very nice performance out there by the way, Mayor.
Pauline: (Bows Politely at Sora) Thank you. ('Sigh') But honestly, I think I'm starting to get real tired of singing that song as of late......
Sora: Is that so?
Pauline: (Simply Nodded) Its the truth. (Looks Up at the Glass Ceiling) I know it's practically the city's anthem at this point, but I've been more than ready to start new material for the longest time now. Wish I would have a lot more freetime to do so, but mayor work is hardly ever finished completely I'm afraid.....
Pit: (Gives Pauline a Reassuring Smile) I'm sure you'll get a longer break you deserve one of these days, Mayor. It just takes some time, you know?
Sora: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) Exactly. And we're sure that newer materials you'll be working on will sound just as amazing as the original.
Pauline: (Stares at the Duo For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back) Right. I'll continue to do my best to bring satisfaction to everyone as mayor and a performer. In the meantime, is there anything you two need in return for helping me just now, I'm happy to do it.....Just so long as it isn't anything illegal.
Pit/Sora: (Grabs Their Respective Chins While Thinking) Hmmmmm......
The duo huddle together to discuss their offer among themselves for a few seconds before separating and turning back to Pauline.
Pit: Actually~ If it won't be too much of a trouble for you......
Sora: We would really love it if you make a visit to the hotel lobby Christmas Morning. Maybe perform Christmas song or two for the occasion.
Pit: With our assistance maybe?~
The duo then rapidly blink their eyes with silly, puppy dog looks on each of their faces.
Pauline: (Giggles Softly) Very well!~ It would be my honor to perform a Christmas melody for you all.
Pit/Sora: (Pumps Their Fist Up in Rejoice) YES! Uh....('Clears Throat')
Pit: Glad we've reached a fruitful conclusion.
Sora: Yes. Super glad.
?????: Ohhh boys!~
The trio turns to see Viridi, Kairi and Riku making their way towards them.
Viridi: You two're not causing any trouble here, are you?
Kairi: ('Gasps') Oh my gosh! Mayor Pauline!
Riku: (Politely Bows at Pauline) It's so nice to properly meet you for the first time, ma'am.
Pauline: (Smiles at the Three) Likewise. I take you all are acquainted with these two?
Viridi: Yeah, they're our adorably obnoxious boyfriends we reluctantly fell in love with.
Sora/Pit: (Comically Glares at the Goddess of Nature) RELUCTANTLY!?
Viridi: Kidding, kidding. We fell in love with you guys wholeheartedly.....But you two are still equally obnoxious.
Sora/Pit: ARE NOT!!
Viridi: (Glares Back at the Boys) Are too. And quit yelling at the same time, unless you wanna prove my point even further!
The boys and Viridi starts arguing among each other in front of everyone else.
Pauline: (Turns to Kairi and Riku) You three must be really lucky to have those two in your lives right now, huh?
Kairi: (Smiles Softly) Oh you have no idea.
Riku: (Smiles Sheepishly) They are our Rays of Sunshine after all....
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
I’ve never heard of your OCs!!! If you’re feeling it, can you tell me ab them? Like, what’s their type, what kind of yandere are they, etc. I tried to search em but nothing came up so I guess they’re from the old blog lol
They are from the old blog, that is right! I've still got to update my tag post I've been using for searches on there-- but I'll post that and it should make it easier to read up on them! I'll reblog some stuff too!
I have two OC's and a third bastard child I never developed past like a couple of concept posts, and their names are Cyril and Dalton!
I thought it would be funny to name the idiot character "Dalton" Because of the insult 'dolt' -> 'dolt one' -> 'Dalton'.
And Cyril is named as such: 'see, here's eel' -> 'see, e're eel' -> 'Cyril'
Dalton came first, and he is a jellyfish merman based off the pink meanie jellyfish found of the gulf of Mexico. He has translucent pink skin that can change colours depending on what he has eaten, long messy hair, human hands, and a massive skirtlike membrane at his waist that acts as the natural fleshy cover for his thousands of thin tendrils-- each loaded with extremely painful toxin.
The venom is fast acting and makes your skin slough off from chemical burn damage, and if you don't treat the stings, you could potentially die from blood loss (not the venom itself). Dalton is dumb as a sack of bricks (inspired by the fact that jellyfish don't have brains), obsessive, delusional, and sadly for you: extremely affectionate, with a touchy disposition. He'll cling to you every chance he gets.
Dalton is so stupid that he cannot feel pain-- for most merfolk, walking on land is agonizing. Dalton can't fathom this, and just continues to beach himself until he can crawl, his fragile membrane and tendrils drying out and ripping, spilling vital goop as they shift into legs. Each step would be extremely painful, but Dalton can't understand what he's feeling, or what's causing it. And because he doesn't know walking is what's causing it, he'll continue to walk, searching for his "best friends" who must have gotten lost. Dalton believes that Cyril, and you, are his best friends. And you must have gotten lost on your way to find him again. So he'll go out and find you, and everything will work out in the end.
Cyril is a smarter, yet sadistic merfolk, based off of the electric eel found in South America's Amazon River and Oronocio basin. Cyril, unlike Dalton, is a freshwater merfolk, and is capable of being drowned in the brackish water Dalton prefers. And unlike Dalton, Cyril can comprehend the pain in drowning. As well as the pain in being stung by venomous tendrils, and walking. Cyril has chronic pain (as most merfolk do). If he can avoid walking, he will.
He has long, greasy black hair-- washing it does him no good, as getting wet just turns his body back into his natural form, which causes him to secrete slick mucus. His skin is opaque, unlike a jellymer. If he doesn't show you his true form, you might just assume he's a lazy but bougie guy, adorned in gold jewelry he's stolen from other's homes before having to flee the scene. Despite his inactivity, Cyrils' body is on the leaner side due to his high metabolism. He has no visible muscle, but who really needs that when you're an ambush predator that can stun others anyways?
Cyril has worked many odd jobs that helped him live a more lavish life than just hunting and eating whatever got close enough to the river bank. He's acquired a taste for grapes, sliced and microwaved. Any hot fruit would do, but grapes are his favourite. This has become an integral part of his lore, because once Cyril learns of fruit, and then heating the fruit up, and all the devices you can use to heat food up (not just fruit, though he thinks its the height of luxury), and where those devices are stored... It's how Cyril ends up breaking into his darling's home in the first place. They have shelter, water, and all sorts of devices with which to make hot meals. And he needs for this to be perfect is someone who he can force to fetch him things from other rooms once he finds the couch.
He probably doesn't even like you at first. You're just someone he's bluffing out of his ass to let stay here. Cyril will use whatever tactics needed to make you let him stay. He'll go the pity route-- he's a poor misunderstood man, kicked out of housing, turned down everywhere because people don't agree with his life choices... He just wanted to crash here for the night, he didn't know you were here, he thought you were on vacation and he could squat here.
If that doesn't work, he'll resort to threats. He doesn't want to hurt you, he wants to mind his own business here, but if you call for help or tell anyone he's here against your will, he will kill them and you, before eating you. As much as it pains him to walk, he'll trudge over to your bathroom with you in tow, to show you his transformation in your shower/tub. He's a dangerous monster, and you don't know what he can do! His long tail wraps around you, slime secreted from his skin soaking through your clothes, constricting your ribs as he slowly crushes you, before you get hit with a painful shock-- knocking you to the ground and convulsing with painful spasms. Life for you will be easier if you just do what he says. It's not like he's asking for much anyways.
And at first, he's not. He's just asking you to fetch him some food every now and again, or to refill the cup he's been using for water. To buy him a laptop so he can work from home-- this way he'll pay for his own food, and you're not against that are you? Unless you like him mooching off your budget.
Cyril slowly gets more possessive as time goes on. It's not that he likes you; he likes your things, and he likes making you serve him, and he likes hurting you when you do something wrong. That's completely different than liking you. And you were three hours late coming home the other day. Cyril had to get himself a glass of water. Scandalous.
And while he thinks of it, he's not really a good threat if you start thinking you can stay out of the house, and avoid him. How is he supposed to hurt you if you're not around?
He should add a new rule: You have to start staying home with him more, and you have to be in the same room. And if you don't... Then he's going to start breaking your things, changing your password on everything, texting everyone your compromising photos and destroying relationships...
And if you refuse to come home... Then he's just going to have to get up and go hunt you down. You may have forgotten he can actually walk from how little he does it, but if need be he can track you down to the ends of the earth. Eel merfolk have a heightened sense of smell, so Cyril can track you down.
Dalton may stumble upon either you or Cyril one day-- a terrible mix of fate, because the idiot has just been wandering following Cyril, and you know Cyril, which means you're going to all be best friends.
Dalton doesn't mind you doing your own thing, he just wants to watch. He follows you everywhere, forcing himself through doors that you'd closed until they bust down so he can watch whatever you're doing, holding your hand, a grip on your legs, or resting his chin on your shoulder. If you leave the house before he can know where you are, there's a chance he'll go out to look for you-- you must have gotten lost again!
But if he has faith you'll come back, then Dalton will spend his days exploring your home. What happens when he sticks his hand or face in your oven? In the freezer? Through the window? What if he puts your sheets in his mouth? What does your soap smell like? Taste like? Dalton wants to know. And he'll find out everything about you.
Including you. Dalton is clingy, but he's exceptionally touchy. It's not enough to have you next to him, he needs to constantly touch you. Holding your hand is a large part of his day. But his fingers will find their way to your gums to inspect your blunt teeth and bumps on your tongue. Your eyebrows. Dalton opens your eyes with his fingers as he stares at how your pupils shrink and grow in response to light or the air he blows onto them. Bending your fingers and legs as far back as they can. He doesn't mean to hurt you, Dalton is just curious.
Dalton and Cyril can maintain human forms if they stay dry, but if they get significantly wet, their body shifts back into their true forms. A full shower will have Cyril a writhing mass of a slimy tail. And getting caught in a thunderstorm will have Dalton crawling around, ripping his fragile bell membrane, ripping out his tendrils. And while Cyril can intentionally use his ability to shock you regardless of if he's in his true form or not, Dalton's tendrils are only a danger to you if he's soaked and in his true form... Something he rarely thinks to do. All he cares about is following his favourite people around and being close to them. But if Dalton ever gets in a body of water and you're in arms reach, he will drag you into the water, wrapping his tendrils around you, the pain making you pass out in the bloody water...
When you wake up, perched on top of his bell membrane, Dalton apologizes-- he didn't mean to hurt you! He just wanted to swim with you! He doesn't even know how you got hurt! Maybe you just need to be held tighter? A cracked rib is a small price to pay if it keeps you awake, and in his mind, happy.
As far as merfolk go, they're both disasters. As far as yandere's go, they're completely useless. You'd be better off with literal leeches than these two bleeding you dry.
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