#but i was so excited about returning to the land of ooo
stuff-diary · 1 year
I really wanted to watch Fionna and Cake, but f**king HBO is not premiering it in my country for the time being. I'm so f**king mad right now 🤬🤬🤬
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
Hiyaaa~ So, do you think you could do a Rui and Akito x reader, seperate, with a cliché ferris wheel prompt? Like where the character and the reader are on a ferris wheel together at sunset, and its just romantic and cute and fluffy? ^^
I know your inbox must be full, but your so great at writing so much- you write alot every day, idk how u do it but it is very appreciated!
Also, could i be 🍄 anon? If that's alright with u ^^
OOO THIS IS SO CUTE WAAA,, and ty very much hehe!! and ofc, welcome aboard 🍄 anon, I hope you like this!! <3
♡ FERRIS WHEEL - Rui Kamishiro and Akito Shinonome x Reader
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Rui had many attractions that he favored at Phoenix Wonderland. One of them happened to be the ferris wheel
It was very calming compared to other attractions, and that was what he loved about it
So, when you asked him if you could go on it together, he was happy to indulge your request
The two of you boarded the ferris wheel, with Rui holding onto your hand to help you board
The two of you talked the entire way up, discussing various topics and laughing the entire time
Luckily enough, the ferris wheel stopped when the two of you were close to the top. You could see all of Phoenix Wonderland from up high, and paired with the sunset, it was gorgeous
"Dearest?" His sudden voice caused you to turn your head towards him. "Yeah?"
He reached forward and grabbed your hand, squeezing it before lifting it up for a kiss
"I'm very happy we get to share moments like this together. From the moment we started dating, I've been the happiest I've ever been."
You smiled, squeezing his hands in return. You confessed that you felt the same, and he grinned, eyes sparkling in the setting sun
You leaned toward each other, careful to not rock the cart too much, before your lips met his. Everything felt perfect in that moment <3
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As embarrassed as he would be to admit it, one of Akito's favorite attractions in amusement parks is the ferris wheel
He knows it's lame compared to the roller coasters, but he simply enjoyed being up high and relaxing
A part of him was very excited when you asked if you could go on the ferris wheel with him, the other part tried to look cool
You both boarded the ferris wheel, with Akito almost bumping his head and making you laugh
The two of you talked the entire way up, laughing and chatting over certain topics
Luckily for you, the ferris wheel stopped when you were at the top. You looked around, taking in the sight of the amusement park during a sunset. It was beautiful
"It's nice, isn't it?" You looked to Akito with a raised brow, "What is?"
"This." He motioned around the cart before his gaze landed on you, "All of this. Everytime I'm with you, I feel like I can just...Be free and happy."
His face turned red almost immediately after the confession, but you laughed and confessed you felt the same. The relief in his smile was noticeable in the setting sun
He reached out for your hands first, but you were the one who leaned forward to brush your lips against his. The moment was nothing but pure bliss <3
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untitled-gem · 8 months
after the adventure: part 1
[ decided to start writing a small fic about stuff that maybe happened after fionna & cake. def not my best work but it's been fun lol i may write some more soon!! ]
The first thing Simon wanted to do when he returned to Ooo was talk to Marcy.
Well, actually, first: he had to make sure Fionna was okay. When he was in Golbetty dimension, he had given Fionna her universe in the shape of a little dandelion, which sounded weird on paper, but the hope was that Fionna had managed to use it to canonize her universe, connecting it to everyone else's worlds. That way, Scarab would be unable to tear it apart anymore. It would be authorized. 
After he sat up from the grass he had landed on, he took out his phone, scrolled through his contacts, and found Fionna's name still in there. 
He wondered if it would even work. She was in an entirely different universe, mind you. 
He clicked on her name as he started making his way back to Up-Ton. He started to call her, but it rang out. It didn't look like she was answering so he left a message. 
“Hey, Fionna,” he said as he stood by the stream, waiting for the boat up to the city. “I hope everything went alright. I'm not sure why I expected you to answer…” He laughed a little bit, then frowned. “Okay, call me back when you get this. If, er, it's possible, of course. I'm not sure if the signal can even reach your world…” 
As he finished, the boat arrived and he got on. This time, he didn't cover his eyes as he started to go higher. He kept them open and just… tried not to think about it.
As he stepped foot onto the first path of Up-Ton, he realized just how weird it felt to be back home. Well, ‘home’ Up-Ton had never really been a place that felt like home, to him. For reasons obvious to… pretty much everyone who knew him. But he'd been in tons of different universes. And even though he'd seen some wacky stuff out there, this was definitely the most normal looking to him now.
As expected, no one really cared as he slipped past them to get to his house. He sort of just blended in, as usual. He'd grown accustomed to it. He wouldn't have even been surprised if nobody noticed he had been gone…
…But, to his amazement, it turned out someone had.
That little girl, the Fionna and Cake fan who had been bothering him a lot lately, was right outside of his house, sitting down with her bike as she ate a sandwich. Her hat was gone for some reason. Maybe she was here to ask for a new one that she, for some reason, was assuming that Simon would have.
When he approached, she lifted her head and her eyes widened in excitement. “Mr. Ice King!” She sprung up. “Where have you been??!”
“Oh, I've just uh…” He wondered if it was even worth it to lie. “...Been out.” He scratched his chin. “Have you been here the whole time?”
“Because I haven't seen you in a while and I was wondering if you're okay.”
She looked… genuinely concerned. Simon truly wasn't expecting that. He knew she was just a kid, but whenever she visited him, it had always just been to try and get his signature or talk to him about the Fionna and Cake stories. 
“Also because your shower's still running,” she added.
Simon straight away fled towards the door and opened his house, going inside and to the bathroom where he put a halt to the running water as quickly as he good. Jesus. He couldn't believe that all throughout fighting the Destiny Gang, dancing with a clone of himself, defending himself from vampires and walking through a desolate version of Ooo, his shower had still been on. His water bill was going to look atrocious. Oh well. It wasn't like he was spending the money on anything else.
As predicted, the girl had followed him into the house. “Um, is it okay?”
“Apart from my savings… yes.” Simon turned to face her. “Look, I know that you're happy I'm back, but you really should be getting back home.”
Her face turned into a pouting expression, one that always made Simon feel bad.
“I wanna know about your adventures,” she said. 
“What? My adventures in the Grocery Kingdom?” he asked, leading her out of the house.
“Oh, is that where you were for a week?” she asked. “Must have been a long grocery trip.”
Simon sighed. “If I tell you, you're not going to tell anyone else, right?” He looked around. He wasn't ready for anyone else to know… yet. Because then the news would eventually reach Marcy, and she would probably faint in shock. He did want to talk to her, a lot in fact, but he had to work out just what the heck he was going to tell her before that. How was he even supposed to begin to explain the past adventure he'd just been on?
“I swear I won't.” the girl said. “Cross my heart.”
Simon sat down on his couch, and invited the girl to do the same.
“I wasn't really at the Grocery Kingdom, or anything else in Ooo. I was actually going through different universes, trying to find a, um… magical item. And—” He stopped himself before this next part: the part that he was sure she was going to flip out over. “...And, I was with Fionna and Cake.”
She gasped, her eyes twinkling. “So that's where they went!”
Simon looked to her in shock. “You knew they were real?!”
She nodded excitedly. “Yes! I met them and fought bad guys with them! I gave Fionna my hat.” She patted her empty head, but then frowned a little. “I kind of miss that hat, but I'm glad the real Fionna got to have her cool hat, just like in the stories.”
Simon chuckled a little. “Why doesn't it surprise me that you got to meet the real Fionna and Cake?” he asked. “Anyway, the three of us went on a long adventure to save their world, but I'm back now, and everything turned out okay.” 
“That's awesome! I have one question though. Where are they now?”
“They had to go back home.” Simon said, but took his phone out of his pocket. “But, hey, who knows! I might just be able to contact them all the way from here.”
“That's amazing,” the girl said.
Simon just laughed. “Okay, we've had a good talk, but now I think it's time for you to go home.”
“Aww…” she said. “Okay. But can I have my book back? You know, the one you threw out the other week…”
“Of course,” Simon said, feeling horrible for even putting it in the trash in the first place. He took it out. “Here,” he said, handing it to her.
She smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Ice King. Thanks for talking to me a little about Fionna and Cake.” 
Simon led her toward the exit. “You're welcome. But since you've asked me some things, could I ask you something, too?”
She looked to him and nodded.
“Please call me Simon, or Mr. Petrikov. Okay? I don't go by Ice King anymore.”
“Okay,” she agreed.
“And in return, I'll call you your name. What's your name?”
“I'm Astrid.” She smiled.
“Well, it was very nice talking to you, Astrid.” Simon smiled back. “Please get home safe. On that, um, bike.”
“Of course I will.” Astrid smiled and got onto her bike, putting her F&C book into her backpack. “See you soon Mr. Ice King. I mean, Mr. Simon!” 
Simon waved to her as she left, a full smile still lingering on his face. He felt… better about talking to her, when usually she was a triggering reminder of his past.
When she had gone, Simon turned to his house, letting out another sigh.
Now was for the hard part of his return to Ooo: telling all his friends why and where he had gone.
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h4zardousch3micals · 1 year
Performance of a Lifetime • 3
First • Previous • Next
So guess who suddenly got a huge burst of inspiration? This guy!
Conflict time 😈😈😈
Also introducing... an antagonist? Not the main one, we'll get to there when we get there, but an antagonist nonetheless
Another day, another round of rigorous practise; such was the routine at Audrey's Intrepid.
Glaishur wandered into the backstage tent and flopped down on a nearby beanbag chair with an overdramatic yawn. Scaratar trailed behind, equally exhausted but not willing to make such a scene about it.
"You two okay..?" Attmoz looked up and hesitantly muttered, unsure whether to be concerned or amused. He has been helping Galvana with her main trick when the two walked in and threw them off focus.
Blasoom looked up from their drawing and chirped in a friendly manner. The bird monster was yet to learn to speak - and at this point might not ever do so - she had adapted and learnt to communicate in her own way through various sounds and squeaks.
Loodvigg lurked silently in the background. He noticed their presence but said nothing.
"Yeah..." The cold monster wheezed, "Just tired."
Scaratar elaborated, "Fennec had us running around in circles with Furnoss. Something about 'building endurance' or whatever."
"Oh." He sounds almost irritated, not by them but by their situation, "Well, why didn't you just tell him you're not doing that. He won't be able to stop you."
"Attmoz!" Glaishur cried, "We can't just - not do anything! What about the rules?"
"Rules are for breaking!" He protested.
"No, rules are for following!"
"Alright you two..." Scaratar grumbled. She was tired, and although the pair's bickering was playful it wasn't at all helpful.
"Hoop!" Galvana interrupted, her arms folded and her foot stomping grumpily. She only knew a few words, but she definitely knew how to use them to get what she wanted, "Hoop!"
"Oh. What's that, Galvana? You want to practice the hoop trick again?" Attmoz asked.
She squealed and whistled with excitement, balancing atop their electrical orb enthusiastically. The kid always seemed to be positively buzzing with energy, something which baffled her fellow monsters to no end.
"Alright. One... Two... Three... Go!" He then tossed the large, striped toy hoop into the air.
Galvana kicked the orb so that it would roll forward - leapt through the hoop - and landed on the orb, which was now on the other side. Her form could use some work, and the landing was more than a little clumsy, but it was quite impressive for such a young monster.
"Ooo-oo!" She squeaked in triumph.
"Wow, she's getting really good at that." Glaishur commented, having quietly observed the miniature spectacle from the sidelines.
"I know right? She'll be ready in no time." Scaratar added.
Blasoom honked a few times approvingly, before returning to their artistic project. Crayon in beak, the scribbled and decorated the paper with images of monsters and plants and red and yellow canopies; occasionally stopping to switch colour or adjust the sheet so it was on a more even section of the floor.
Loodvigg observed the scene quietly from a still, dark corner, watching and thinking. Scaratar's words from a few days ago had stuck with him, even though she appeared to have nearly forgotten about them. Was this all their was for them? Practice, practice, practice? Sure, Galvana certainly seems to enjoy it - as did many of the others - and Scaratar reassured him that she wasn't bothered by their situation. So, why does he feel so unsatisfied?
Maybe he's just weird.
That voice. THAT voice...
Attmoz's head whipped around to greet the all too familiar newcomer, "Ugh, Saira... Losers, really? You sound like the bully in a book for little kids."
Saira just smirked and stepped into the tent, having to duck in order to not hit their head. They were only about Attmoz's age; but they were tall, taller than any of them, and built like a brick wall with thick, striped, dark blue scales. Their paws were tipped with razor-like claws and they had a sharp spike like a spear just above their eyes. In fact, the only part of them that didn't look ready to fight at any given moment was the frilly, almost cartoonishly out of place green clown ruff around their neck. Nobody would want to mess with them, and they knew it.
Glaishur sunk in his seat, as though if he could just hide in his hair like a turtle they wouldn't notice him. Scaratar tried to act like she didn't even know they were there, but the way she watched them out of the corner of her eye was unmistakable. Blasoom continued to colour in their picture, but would hesitate every big movement in case it provoked them. Loodvigg just silently monitored them like a hunting hawk.
"What are you even doing here?" Attmoz grumbled, "Don't you have better things to do since you're Audrey's little princess?"
They shrugged, "Not really, I'm bored, actually."
"Then, buzz off, why don't you?"
"Why? Watching you lot is much more entertaining than whatever dumb task they'll give me."
"Oh, really?" Glaishur perked up, "Thanks, Saira."
They snickered, and Attmoz was forced to correct him, "...That wasn't a compliment, Glaishur."
He turned his attention back to the Strombonin, "Look, if you insist on watching, can't you at least stand a little further away? Galvie needs space."
As if to support his argument, Galvana nodded and stuck her tounge out at Saira.
"Ugh, fine." They took a few steps back and settled on the ground in the manner of a sphinx statue, one paw crossed over the other. They'd didn't look too happy about it, but even they knew better than to get angry over something this petty.
Attmoz and Galvana went back to rehearsing, and Saira quickly got bored of watching the same thing over and over. Their eyes drifted over to Glaishur and Scaratar, but both seemed rather tired so neither were moving much. Boring. Loodvigg still kept his distances, glaring at them from the shadows. Also boring. Blasoom, however...
"Hey, pppst! Birdbrain?" They whispered, "What are you doing?"
Blasoom chirped disapprovingly and hopped a few paces away, taking her newest illustration with her: a picture of a large pink flower.
"Oh! Are you drawing? Can I see?"
She shook her head frantically and backed away again, but Saira leaned forward and snatched it from her beak with one huge paw.
"Give me that." Their expression softens as they take in the quality of the image, "...Oh. This is... actually pretty good."
Blasoom stood there motionless, uncomfortable and unsure of what to make about the situation. She knew that the mythical monster had an interest in arts, but when her drawing was snatched up she expected to be laughed at, or worse...
"Here, give me a crayon, I'll show you a cool trick."
Hesitantly, they obliged, retrieving Saira a purple crayon. The pangolin-like monster lined the underside of the petals with purple and smudged it with their claw, until it resembled shadows cast by the early morning sun (well, it resembled it about as well as a drawing made with crayons could).
They held their revision up for the plant monster to see, "You see how putting a darker colour on top of it this in this pattern makes it look like there's a light source?"
"And then you—OOF!" They reached for another crayon, when behind them Galvana miscalculated a jump and toppled to the ground, sending both herself and her orb flying and bumping into Saira. It didn't affect them much, but it did cause them to accidentally rip the paper and drag a thick line of blue across the entire thing.
Almost instantly, they spun around with an agitated expression. They flicked Galvana with their claw - not enough to actually do any damage, but certainly enough to hurt. "Watch where you're going, you little brat!"
"HEY!" Attmoz stood, his trail bristling from anger, "That was uncalled for; she's just a kid!"
"So?" They narrowed their eyes.
"So leave her alone! She can't help it!" He threw his arms up into the air from frustration.
They rose to their feet and started to approach the little monster, who was still recovering from the tumble, "Sure she can, if she just bothered to actually think before she acted. She wouldn't—"
Loodvigg suddenly darted out from the shadows, a grim expression on his face. He positioned himself between Saira and Galvana; a low growl rumbled from his throat, "Back off."
"Oh, wow, look who finally decided to say something." They uttered sarcastically, maneuvering to go around him, but he blocked their way again.
"Yeah, I did. And I said, back off."
By now, Glaishur and Scaratar had noticed what was going on and were watching with a mix of inquisitiveness and apprehension. Scaratar's antenne twitched skittishly, while Glaishur repeatedly ran a hand through his hair as a sort of nervous habit.
"Why? What are you gonna do about it, emo?" Saira challenged.
Loodvigg clenched his fists, "Say that again!"
"'Vigg. Don't." Scaratar warned.
"What are you gonna do about it, emo?"
By now, he was practically shaking with protective, righteous fury, "I'll... I'll..."
Before either of them could make their next move, the speakers crackled to life and they heard a voice they had all been trained to respect say in an unusually sickly-sweet tone, "Oh, Saiiiiiiiiraaaaaa! You're needed over by the duck pond, sweetie! Copper's waiting for you!"
"Ugh, coming, mom..." They slowly slunk off; their was posture slumped and they glared at Loodvigg the whole time, "This isn't over. You don't get to act like you're the boss of me and get away with it."
When they finally left the backstage tent, everyone collectively breathed a sigh of relief. Attmoz walked over to Galvana and helped the little monster back to her feet, gently patting her shoulder as she sniffled and sobbed.
"Phew, that was a close one..." Glaishur mumbled.
Scaratar scuttled over to the Shadow monster and grabbed onto his hands, slowly coaxing him to unclench them, "Loodvigg, what the heck were you thinking? Do you have any idea what could've happened if you two got in a fight!"
"They need to be put in her place."
"Not by you!" Glaishur protested, "Remember when they absolutely destroyed me at the high striker? Do you really wanna be on the wrong end of that?!"
He shrugged. Justice mattered more than if he got hurt during the process, "Maybe..."
"'Vigg!" Attmoz added, "I don't like them either, I make that clear. But we're never going to win against them if we use our fists."
"I know, I know..." He wrapped his arms around himself and looked down at the floor, feeling a little ashamed but not quite sure why.
"And even if you somehow didn't get hurt: they're Audrey's kid! We'd get in so much trouble!" Glaishur exclaimed.
"I think it'd be worth it..."
"And that's why you aren't in charge of making decisions." Attmoz muttered.
Scaratar stared at the spot where Saira had just been. There was a strange, misty look in her eyes - as though she missed another reality that never really existed where the Mythical monster was kind to them, "I think it's better to just... try and keep the peace. They'll grow up one day."
"If they haven't grown up by now, I don't think they ever will." Loodvigg muttered, "Is everyone okay? Blasoom? Galvana?"
Blasoom solemnly nodded, but there was no enthusiastic chirps or happy little hops.
"Ooo-ooo!" Galvana wiped her damp face and smiled, apparently having cheered up rather quickly.Attmoz was satisfied with those reactions, "Come on, Galvie. Let's just keep practicing..."
Loodvigg went back to skulking in the darkness and Scaratar scampered away awkwardly to 'go do something very important that she totally forgot about until this exact moment'.
Glaishur, however, noticed there was something still off about Blasoom's demeanor.
"Blasoom?" He mumbled, unsure whether this was the right approach to take, "Is something wrong?"
Blasoom silently picked up the ruined drawing and showed it to him. The look in their eyes seemed to be a combination of disappointment, frustration and lingering fear.
"Oh... I'm sorry. Here let me—" He reached out to take it, but stopped himself, "Is it okay if I try and fix it?"
Blasoom nodded and dropped the picture. With the most careful of movements, Glaishur picked it up and inspected the damage. He took the white crayon - finally finding a use for it - and carefully covered up as much of the unwanted blue streak as he could, though a few speckles remained. As for the tear, there wasn't any tape nearby so he couldn't reattach it, but he coloured in the tattered edges so they blended in somewhat with the rest of the image.
When he was finally satisfied with his work, he handed it back to her, "I know it's not exactly the same as it was before, but I hope it's at least sort of okay."
Blasoom didn't react for a few seconds, then her eyes lit up and she bounced around from sheer delight, making happy bassoon noises all the while. She skipped over to him and gently rested her feathers against his purple fur, her attempt at a hug with no arms.
Glaishur couldn't help but beam, "Aww, you're welcome, Blasoom!"
Maybe things weren't so bad afterall...
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ladyfly · 2 years
Tennessee Whiskey PT1 Eclipse
The inspiration for this piece is this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zAThXFOy2c&list=LL&index=3 It's Chris Stapleton - Tennessee Whiskey 
You had just moved to a small rural town in Tennessee. The Veterinary Clinic in town needed a new large animal specialist. The hustle and bustle of the city was exhausting. The rude people and hostile atmosphere had worn you down. Not to mention no one where you lived was romantically interested in you.
You were optimistic that moving was the right choice. Not only for your mental health, but your social life too. At the very least you would make some new friends. Out of all your old friends, only one supported your move. The rest acted like you abandoned them or something.
You had managed to find yourself a nice one bedroom home. The house had a living room dining room combo, a full bathroom, the bedroom, a small attic space, and a garage. It sat on one acre of land and had a tiny flower garden. Just the right size for you and a potential pet.
You were thinking a hermit crab. Or maybe some exotic fish? Heck even regular fish would be cool. Some tetras and goldfish. Maybe little shrimp friends. You wanted to get a little more settled before going for something that would need more care. Like a dog, cat, or ferret.
Moving in was easy enough. You didn't have a lot of things to bring with you. Some furniture, clothes, and kitchen essentials. The home was basically a blank canvas for you to decorate! You were excited about it. It helped everything feel like a fresh start. Far from the apartment you used to live in.
The vet practice you got a job with is nice. They have two veterinarians to work in the building. Most of what your job will be is farm calls. There are several ranches, farms, and stables in the area. You were looking forwards to spending time outside tending to animals.
You had two weeks before work started. You planned for this for your mental health. A nice vacation. It also gave you a chance to get to know the area and it's people. It was strange. On average people were a bit mean but willing to help you. That's not to say everyone was a jerk. No there were a lot of nice people.
It was four days into your vacation that you decided to check out the nightlife the small town had to offer. Aside from the standard nightlife fair. A night market happened twice a month on Friday and Saturday night. You found yourself in a repetitively busy bar called "Springers".
It was a country bar. Definitely a refreshing sight from the nightclubs you were used to. There was only so many flashing lights you could stand. The inside of the bar was glorious. A large rectangular bar with a rainbow of liqueurs. Hardwood floors made a pleasing sound as you walked on them.
Brown leather bar stools dotted the bar. About ten tables sat across from the bar with a dance floor between them. Sitting in a corner by the bathrooms was a jukebox. You could smell burgers and other bar food wafting from the bar area. You decided to sit at the bar for food and drink.
The bartender was an older woman with her silvery hair in a french braid. A caramel tan and brown eyes. Calloused wrinkled hands and a kind face. She looks like she used to do hard labor. Given the area you wouldn't be surprised if she worked on a farm at some point in her life.
You sat down on a stool with an empty space on either side. The smell of burgers was drawing you in. The bartender handed you a menu before tending to another customer. Looking it over you decided on a bacon cheddar burger with fried pickles and a whiskey sour sounds perfect.
The woman returns "Sorry bout' that sugar. I'm Mary. What can I get you?"
You smile "It's fine. I'd like the bacon cheddar burger with a side of fried pickles. I'd also like a whiskey sour."
Mary jots down your order "Pale or smokey on the drink?"
You grin "Ooo smokey please!"
She nods "Alright! I'll be back in a moment with your drink."
You spin around on your stool to look around the room. At one table are a mouse and a dog animatronic. The mouse is grey with a purple dress and the dog is blond with a green dress. Several couples dance together on the dance floor. Another table had five men chatting away.
You spun back around as your drink was set down "You must be new around here. Never seen you before."
You nod "I moved here a few days ago. I like it here."
Mary nods "Your food will be out in a moment. I hope you have a good time here."
You sip your smokey whiskey sour. It's divine! You know you are going to want one more after this one. Maybe even two! But no more than that. You get the feeling someone is watching you. A quick glance around the bar show no one looking. Not that you're paranoid. You just want to know whose interested.
Tammy Wynette's "Stand By Your Man" plays from the jukebox. You can't help humming along. Your burger and pickles are placed in front of you. You happily wiggle in place at the food. A wide grin on your face. You thank Mary and take a big bite of food. It's so good you let out a soft moan. The drink pairs well with it.
A low gravely voice with a light southern accent rumbles out "Well, hello there darlin'. Ah haven't seen you around before."
His voice reminds you of Luke Taylor. You turn to look at whoever is talking to you. It's an animatronic that looks like the sun. He has four five inch rays in eggplant and nine smaller rays in burnt umber. His eyes are a soft moonlight yellow. He has four arms each of which are ombre.
Starting burnt umber and ending in eggplant. Two are on his shoulders and two just above his hips. Eclipse is seven feet five inches tall, if you include his rays. Denim wrangler jeans with a plaid dusty green button down. A black stetson hat on his head and dark brown leather boots finish his look off.
You swallow your mouthful of burger "Oh! Uh. Yes! I'm new here. Just moved a few days ago!" You take a sip of your drink and tell him your name "It's nice to meet you..."
The man shakes his head "Mercy me! I forgot to tell you my name! I'm Eclipse. What's a sweet little thing like you doin' here all by yourself? Your partner at home?"
You shake your head "Naw. Don't have a partner." You want to say a flirty line but you are nervous about it.
Eclipse smiles "Well then. Mind if ah join you?"
You pat the seat next to you "Long as you don't mind me finishing my food. Otherwise you can leave because I'm hungry."
Eclipse lets out a hearty laugh "Oh! We wouldn't want you ta go hungry now! Say, let me buy you another drink."
You snicker and pop a pickle into your mouth "You flirting with me?"
Eclipse leans forward "Well that depends. Is it working?"
You think hard for a moment. IS it working? He is attractive.... but you don't do one night stands. You have to get to know someone first. Fall in love first. You can't just bang every Tom, Dick, and Janey that bats an eye at you.
You smile warily "A few things you should know up front. I don't do one night stands. I have to be in love with you to .... have sex. It's not that I'm a prude or anything. I'm Demisexual." You shrug.
Eclipse leans on the bar resting his head in his hand "We'll ah don't think that's an issue. My father- er! Creator used to tell us growin' up that the best things in life are worth waitin' for. Even if they take some effort." You must have made a face because Eclipse continues "I have two... Well we aren't brothers but we are a family! Moon is the youngest by a few minutes, Sun is the middle, and ah'm the oldest. We run a cattle ranch! Sometimes we board horses."
You sip your drink "Well! I'm the new vet who's going to take care of your animals. Also, your flirting is working. At least a little."
Eclipse smiles "Well! I'll take a little over none! Ah look forward to seein' you on the ranch. Although Ah'd rather see you at my dinner table."
You point to the burger "Too bad I already have this." You shrug again and playfully state "I guess that means I HAVE to come to dinner some time. Alternatively you COULD come to mine. You do eat right?"
Eclipse nods "Yep! The three of us got those bio-mechanical upgrade to eat and drink! Although we don't have to."
You look down at his stomach "That's so cool."
Eclipse chuckles and pats his belly "Ah'll have to show you some time! When we get to know each other better. Ah don't just show this to anyone you know." He waves to the bartender and points to your drink indicating two.
'Lyin' Eyes' by The Eagles starts and you let out a gasp before singing along quietly "City girls just seem to find out early. How to open doors with just a smile. A rich old man, and she won't have to worry." You catch yourself "Sorry! My... my dad loves this band. I love The Eagles too."
Eclipse takes you by the hand "Nothin' wrong with that! 's a good song. So, if ah may ask. What brings you ta Tennessee?"
You eat another pickle, you finished the burger already, "Honestly? City life was exhausting! It took a tole on my mental health. Moved here instead! So far I'm doing heaps better! And who knew I'd meet such a handsome... I'm sorry, what are your pronouns?"
Eclipse takes a sip of his new drink after the bartender sets it down "He, him, they, them, and it. What about you sweetheart?"
You nod "They and them."
Eclipse takes another sip of his drink "You have a great taste in drinks! Wonder what else you have great taste in."
You look at him out of the corner of your eye "Well, I'm talking to you aren't I?"
His eyes go wide for a brief moment "Wait here a moment will ya. Gotta change the song."
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phantoms-lair · 2 years
Ooo this is one I've actually written for, but never posted on tumblr!
Shinichi stode up the mountain purposefully. It seemed he was the only one. But that was how it was supposed to be, wasn't it? Being put in E class was meant to be soul crushing.
A supposedly remedial course, in which student would have a chance to return to the main campus if they improved. But that improvement would be sabotaged every step of the way so you could be held up as an example.
But that was fine, this was better for his purposes. Since first year he'd been building a case against Kunugigoaka. He planned for his graduation project to be getting this prestigious school shut down and several teachers relieved of their licenses.
Perhaps it was ironic that the E class teacher, Yukimura-sensei, would not be one of them. Like the rest of the students he only got to meet her briefly, but he could tell she wanted to help them. In a way, she was like them, kept emotionally battered and in her place. She deserved better. All his new classmates did. Many were only there because of the constant pressure to excel, moreso even than other cram schools. Isogai's father had died and he was punished for trying to be the sole provider for his ill mother and younger siblings. Okuda was a science genius, but socially awkward enough to land her a spot. Justice was punished for being bullied about his name.
That's not to say there weren't a couple of student here he considered to be legitimately in need of intervention. Terasaka had all the making of a punk who solved problems with his fists first and Akebane... Akebane was cruel, even if he only aimed it at those he felt deserved it. Shinichi couldn't help but think one day they'd meet on opposite sides of a murder case. But if and when Akebane crossed that line was in the future. Now he just had to content with all the lines Kunugigoaka was crossing.
The door slid open, but the one to greet the class was most emphatically not Yukimura-Sensei. It stood three meters tall, with bright yellow skin. Four tentacles flowed from the sleeve of it's archaic academic gown, with several more propelling it from the bottom. It's face was two beady eyes and a wide grin. It was flanked by three armed people in expensive suits. They obviously weren't meant to be protecting the thing, as their weapons were trained on it.
"Hello, how are you?" it said in a friendly, conversational tone. "So, I'm the one who blew up the moon."
Shinichi sat up ramrod straight, as the most of the rest of 3-E. About a week ago there had been a sudden explosion on the moon, vaporizing about 70% of it mass and leaving it a permanent crescent.
"And in a year's time I'm going to do the same to Planet Earth." it said in the cheerful tone. "But never mind that now, I'm going to be your new teacher. Isn't that exciting?"
This had to be a joke. It had to be. One of the suited men stepped forward. "I'm Karasuma with the Ministry of Defense. What I'm about to tell you is what we in the business call classified." He sighed. "I'll just come out with it. I'm going to need you to kill this thing for the sake of mankind."
"Excuse me, is this a joke?" one of Shinichi's classmates, Mimura, asked. "Because if that's the alien who blew up the moon-"
"Abahbahbahabh," the thing interrupted. "I am an Earthling born and bred, thank you very much!"
"I'm not at liberty to discuss the details at this juncture." Karasuma said, every inch the government man "But he's telling the truth. The threat he poses is all too real. As of this coming March, he will obliterate the Earth." "
The only people who know this aside from you are world leaders. If word of this leaked out to the public we'd have widespread panic on our hands. He needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice."
Karasuma reached out into jacket. "We're going to need you to become assassins." At the last word he pulled out a knife and slammed it into the things chest. Or rather where the thing was.
"As you can see, he's very fast." Karasuma said in understatement as he used several quick and efficient strikes that failed to hit his target, small flashes of yellow around his face. "He's powerful enough to blow up the moon in seconds, and so fast he's been clocked at mach 20. And for some reason he likes grooming eyebrows." The last part was said in frustration. Shinichi's eyes went to Karasuma's face and realized the yellow flashes where the thing's tentacles nrushing and trimming.
"He makes it sound so grim, doesn't he." The thing said cheerfully. "But cheer up, I've graciously made your government an offer. 'Stop making fools of yourselves trying to kill me, and let me teach E Class at this illustrious institution."
"We didn't have much of a choice." Karasuma said in a low growl, putting the knife away." We have no idea what his motives are, but we agreed on the condition that none of you students are to be harmed in any way. We get the twofold advantage of knowing where he is several hours every school day and he'll be in close range to several people people with the means and motivation to kill him."
Shinichi felt his stomach twist. If this was true, and there was no way he was taking it as face value, then he and his classmate had been conscripted as child soldiers. This was twisted, this was wrong. And if Karasuma was telling the truth, went all the way up to the top.
Okay, calm down. Same mission, different scope. Collect evidence on the inside and when the time was right, expose them. This was a case. The thought calmed him down. He didn't know how to deal with moon-destroying octopus people, but government corruption? That he could handle.
He just hoped he did so before anyone got hurt.
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joheunsaram · 3 years
No Rebounds (myg) - 4
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Summary- Yoongi and you go back in time.
word count- 1251
pairing- husband!Yoongi x Reader
rating- PG-13
genre- angst, fluff, marriedau
warnings- negative thoughts, kissing, soft!yoongi
a.n- Ooo a flashback? yessss sir hehe
A huge thank you to my bae @oftenderweapons for helping me map this series and beta reading this! 
As always feedback appreciated, a reblog and a like goes a far way. Send me an ask if you want to be on the taglist! 💌
It was past midnight when you returned, the night giving you the reprieve to sort through your thoughts. You were hurt and rash and Yoongi didn’t deserve the brunt of your animosity with his mother. While you cried in your car, driving around in circles, his words rang through your head. You were supposed to be trying to fix your marriage but yet again you had walked away when things got too hard. Perhaps that’s why he was always giving you the option to leave. Perhaps that’s why he thought he wasn’t good enough for you when you couldn’t think of a single human being that had treated you half as good as him. Perhaps you were the one that wasn’t good enough, with your stupid pride and fucked up body. 
He was sitting on the couch when you entered the living room, hands in his lap as he stared at the boxes of takeout in front of him, the food untouched and probably cold. There was silence between you even when you sat next to him and he picked up a plate from the coffee table, placing the food on it. He wordlessly made his way into the kitchen reheating the noodles and the chicken before making you a portion and handing it to you. 
You couldn’t eat, not through the lump in your throat as you looked at him. With a sigh he grabbed the plate from your hands placing it back on to the coffee table before wrapping his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest. He kissed the top of your head as you cried into his shirt, his fingers gently stroking your back, and you held him tighter. 
“I’m sorry.”
The two of you said in unison, only to giggle at the timing momentarily. It was odd how much you missed him when he was in your arms, an unbelievable distance that couldn’t be surpassed by holding each other. 
“I was thinking about when we first got together,” Yoongi said, his hand still stroking your back, his voice rumbling in your ears through his chest. You smiled thinking about the drinking game that ended months of unfulfilled sexual tension between you. 
The bottle spun and landed on Yoongi, the cocky, secretly soft basketball captain that you had begrudgingly befriended. You didn’t know if what you felt was regret or excitement when he looked up at you with wide eyes and a pensive pout, but your heart was beating out of your chest. 
You contemplated chugging your drink to get out of the juvenile game, but he was already on his feet, a hand held in your direction. You didn’t think your heart rate could be higher. 
It was awkward in the closet, your eyes taking too long to adjust to the darkness, your face flushing at the heat of his body, so close but never touching. You wondered if the two of you were just going to stand there for seven minutes. It may seem like a short time but to a couple of varsity basketball players, it was an eternity — a million buzzer beats. 
“So how was your day?” Yoongi asked, nonchalant as if your friends weren’t going to rush to the door for gossip as soon as the time was up. 
“Good. Good,” you replied, leaning against the door to dissipate some of the awkwardness, unsuccessfully. “How was yours?”
“Mine was pretty okay till right now,” he said casually as if his words didn’t make your stomach sink, disappointment quickly morphing to annoyance. 
“Well you could’ve chugged your drink instead,” you sneered petulantly, crossing your arms only to realize how close he truly was. 
“But then I wouldn’t get an opportunity to kiss you,” he whispered, moving a little closer. “Can I kiss you?”
You didn’t know where this was coming from. Sure, the past few months of doing drills together had made you closer, you would even consider him your friend now. And sure the thought of his lips on yours made you giddy. But Yoongi had never given you the indication that he might feel similarly about you, always a little too quiet, his expressions a little too neutral. 
You heard him mumble an apology, moving away from you and you couldn’t help reaching out to stop him. With your murmur of agreement, he was breathing a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he said, his fingers gently cupping your face and before you could ponder the ridiculousness of his gratitude, you felt his lips on yours, a little hesitant in the way they briefly molded yours. Hesitance was not your forte, however, because before he could move away you were pulling him towards you with a hand on the nape of his neck, letting yourself have the kiss you had been craving — sloppy, messy, overwhelming.
It left you in a daze and when the closet doors opened and the two of you blinded by the lights made your way back to your friends, neither of you could let go of each other’s hands.
“Should we go back?” Yoongi asked, his tone a little playful and you couldn’t help giggling at the odd statement.
“Time travel isn't a thing, Mouse,” you chuckled as Yoongi hummed in agreement, smiling a little at the use of your pet name from college. However, before long he was unwrapping himself from around you, picking up his phone and walking towards your foyer. When he didn’t hear you behind him, he turned around, his lips quirking in a little smile as he nodded for you to follow. He opened the door to your hallway closet, full of winter coats and random paraphernalia, cursing momentarily as he moved random boots and skates from the bottom to toss them carelessly in the hallway.
Guiding you inside, he closed the door behind him, the only light in the little space that of his phone as he set a timer for seven minutes. It was so stupid, the two of stuck inside your tiny closet while there was no one in the apartment, but you couldn’t help being transported back to how you felt when you first kissed him, nervous and excited. Placing his phone in his pocket, he stepped closer to you, a hand on your cheek. You didn’t know if he could feel the fresh tears that had appeared, your emotions too cacophonic to control, your heart too busy melting in your chest.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked, thumb stroking your cheekbone slowly.
“Yes,” you whispered, echoing the script that was embedded in your memories.
“Thank you,” he replied and unlike the first time he kissed you, his tone was laced with melancholy as if he was afraid you would say no. He wasn’t hesitant this time, molding his lips to yours with practiced ease. You didn’t remember making out with him much after the two of you officially started dating, kissing easily leading to more, but standing in your stuffy closet with his arms wrapped around your waist, it felt much better than the kisses that were just a prequel. It felt like young love and nostalgia — like rediscovering something you cherished hidden away in the attic. 
And when the timer rang, loud and shrill, Yoongi left your lips momentarily, only to turn it off before he was back, leisurely making out with you, his hand intertwined with yours. 
Sometimes, it seemed, kissing without purpose was just as healing as anything else.
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I hope you enjoyed the angst! For more fics of mine check out my masterlist
taglist: @cheesecakes-randomshitz, @aroseforyoongi, @awhnamjoon, @agustdjoon, @codeinebelle, @joonights, @notsooperfect, @iwishselena​, @jkiddingjeon​, @parkdatjimin​, @xjordynary​,  @suzietaekookie, ​@jalexad, @bambuzlee , @sunskook​, @yoonglesbae​
couldn’t tag: @tea4sykes, @itz-ally
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gunterfan1992 · 3 years
Episode Review: ‘Together Again’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 3)
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Airdate: May 20, 2021
Story by: Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang, Hanna K. Nyström, Christina Catucci, Jesse Moynihan, Adam Muto
Storyboarded by: Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Iggy Craig, Maya Petersen, Serena Wu
Directed by: Miki Brewster (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
Across Adventure Time’s ten season run, the show explored a bevy of “mature” themes and story ideas—topics, like love, sexuality, depression, and grieving. The show also touched upon death, but the emphasis was usually placed on the emotional toll of a loved one dying, not really what happens when you die. We knew there were Dead Worlds and Death. We knew that there was reincarnation. But how does it all fit together? What does it mean? How does it work?
With “Together Again,” we finally have many of the answers.
This special opens with a marvelous fake-out episode simply called “Finn & Jake,” that sees the two steal a magical cartoon of 50-flavor ice cream before rescuing Turtle Princess and LSP from the clutches of the villainous Ice King. This is all deliberately anachronistic and over the top. Ice King is back to his season one ways, Finn has both arms, and he is still wielding his golden sword that he lost in season two’s “The Real You.” There’s lolrandom dialogue and silly monsters; it’s like a parody of seasons 1-2. But then, this adventure starts to get all wonky, and in time Finn realizes that he is in a some sort of trance or illusion: one that ends with Jake being buried in the ground. Suddenly, Finn awakens from his reverie. He’s an old man. And he’s dead. We’re then presented with a new title card that lets us know the episode is actually called “Finn & Jake Are Dead.”
Holy Glob! They actually went there.
Turns out Jake died years before Finn, so naturally Finn is super excited to see his best bud. But something’s wrong—he cannot find Jake!! They planned to spend eternity together. But all that Finn can find is his very own psychopomp, Mr. Fox (voiced by Tom Herpich, whose purposefully stilted line readings are the epitome of delightful). Finn rightfully assumes that Jake is in a different Dead World, and so, being the ball of spunk and energy that he is, he demands to meet with Death, only to discover that there’s a New Death in town (voiced by Chris Fleming). The episode eventually explains that New Death was the son of Death and Life, and after New Death killed his father, he became the sovereign of the afterlife. New Death hates his job and decides to just blow up all the Dead Worlds so he doesn’t have to deal with it all. (I won’t get too much into the details here, because there would be a lot of story to parse out.)
Finn soon learns that Jake has reached nirvana in the 50th Dead World, where there is nothing but peace and serenity. Finn nevertheless tracks down Jake, pulls him from paradise, but in doing so, accidentally lets New Death in, who promptly obliterates Elysium, sending all the enlightened souls—including those from different levels of the afterlife—to the 1st Dead World. This gronks up the afterlife, temporarily halting the reincarnation process.
Well, Finn and Jake are rightfully ticked, and so they haunt the material plane looking for Princess Bubblegum. She’s not home (more on that later), but Peppermint Butler is! After Ghost Finn and Ghost Jake explain the situation, Peppermint Butler tells them what to do: They need to find Life and explain the situation. The duo manage just that, and Life is rightfully angry that her kid has stopped the transmigration of souls. After Life gives Finn a McGuffin sword that can hurt Death, Finn and Jake return to his abode. A brawl ensues wherein we learn that New Death has been possessed… by none other than that spirit of the Lich.
That’s right, it’s the Lich! He’s back, and boy is he evil.
The Lich explains that by possessing Death, he can destroy the afterlife, thereby destroying a key aspect of reality. Naturally, Finn and Jake are not cool with this, and they engage in combat. After Mr. Fox grabs the McGuffin sword and uses it to annihilate the Lich and New Death, he is proclaimed the New New Death and sets everything right. Finn is slated to be reincarnated, and Jake is slated to return to the 50th Dead World where he and Finn will one day be reunited. As Finn is pulled into the wheel of souls, Jake suddenly decides to go back with Finn, too, “Just for fun.” The episode ends with a card letting us know that the episode is neither called “Finn & Jake” nor “Finn & Jake Are Dead.” Instead, it is “Finn and Jake Are Together Again.”
As they say, “And there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.”
If you were to tell me several years ago that the last episode to star Finn and Jake would revolve around them dying, I think I would’ve been upset. Not simply sad, but rather frustrated because “they all died” can feel like a cheap ending. But with “Together Again,” it all works. And a large reason that it works is because the show goes all in with their ideas. Finn and Jake don’t magically leap back into their old life (no, no, they very much do bite the dust). Instead, the special emphasizes the cyclical nature of life through the transmigration of souls. The episode ends with a beautiful scene of Finn and Jake, bound together as soul-brothers, being reborn into a new, mysterious (possibly Ooo 1000+?) world. It’s both aesthetically and emotionally pleasing; it doesn’t feel off the way over finales might. This is right. This is the way life works. “Round and round as nature goes,” and all that jazz.
I loved the series explanation of how death works. It seems that souls land in a specific Dead World, where they ‘marinate’ for a bit, presumably being rewarded or punished based on their life in our meat reality. After a time, they are then reborn. This process repeats, with each soul reaching higher and higher levels of enlightenment until they hit nirvana, which is the 50th Dead World. So in a sense, Adventure Time has a roughly Buddhist cosmology with a dash of Greco-Roman mythos thrown in for flavor. (As to what happens after a soul stays in the 50th Dead World for a long period is anyone’s guess, but I’d speculate that when all the souls in the multiverse have been purified and land in the 50th Dead World, they will all collapse into one another and form one perfect Monad. Perhaps this is the sphere of perfection that the beings who merged into Matthew thought they were connecting to? Who knows! It’s anyone’s guess!) I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see who Death, Prismo, Life, etc.’s boss was, but perhaps that’s a mystery better left up to the imagination!
One minor thing that I loved about this special was the number of characters who made cameos as well as all the callbacks that were made to previous episodes. Regarding the former: Finn and Jake’s canine family show up (including the oft-forgotten Jermaine!), as do Tree Trunks and her myriad husbands. Tiffany plays a major role in all these shenanigans as a “death cop” of all things. There is a delightful rogues gallery stuck in the 1st Dead World (including, among others, Maja, Sharon from “The Gut Grinder,” and Wyatt). In the 50th we find Ghost Princess and Clarence happily at peace next to Booshy, the weird spirit mentioned in the Pen Ward classic “High Strangeness.” As far as callbacks go, perhaps my favorite is the clap (from “James Baxter the Horse”) that Jake taught to Finn in case they ever do get separated in the afterlife. And of course, there are myriad references made to “Death in Bloom,” the episode that planted the seed for what this would grow into.
Going into the special suspecting that it would involve Death, I was curious how they were going to handle Miguel Ferrer’s character. (In case a reader is not aware, Ferrer played Death in episodes like “Death in Bloom” and “Betty,” but he sadly passed away a few years ago). The producers’ choice to feature him in a non-speaking cameo—despite playing a relatively significant role in the story—was wise; I’m not sure if I can articulate the exact reasons, but something about his role felt appropriate and not gross, as some post-mortem memorials can be. Speaking of which, the wonderful, lovely Polly Lou Livingston was featured for the last time in this episode as Tree Trunks, happily in heaven with her literal harem of husbands. It was funny, it really was, and I’m sure that Polly Lou would’ve gotten a kick out of seeing it on screen. (Also, this is a pro-Tree Trunks safe space. Any Tree Trunks haters will be chucked into the 1st Dead World with Wyatt.)
The biggest mystery in this whole thing, for me at least, is the question of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline. Several years ago, I wrote an essay about what could’ve happened to them in the Ooo 1000+ universe. I speculated that they peaced out and left Ooo behind. In this special, neither Bubblegum nor Marceline are to be found in the Candy Kingdom—Peppermint Butler seems to be the one in charge, given that he is now wearing Bubblegum’s crown. Likewise, the duo aren’t anywhere in the Dead Worlds either. Maybe the two of them skipped town and got a duplex in the Nightosphere? Who knows… I just want my favorite gals to be OK!
All things considered, “Together Again” was a marvel: An episode that managed to feel like a series finale even more than “Come Along with Me” already did without taking away from the series itself. An episode that managed to make the idea of dying funny. An episode that brought back the Lich in a way that wasn’t forced. An episode that made Mr. Fox the New New Death. An episode that gave us a beautiful ending to Finn and Jake’s story… as well as the beautiful beginning to a new one. I said it on Twitter, and I’ll say it again here: “Together Again” was the end of a sentence in a book with infinite pages. Truly, the fun will never end.
Mushroom War evidence: Everything takes place in the Dead Worlds, so not really. Perhaps a more eagle-eyed viewer can inform us...
Final Grade: That’s right, I’m gonna do it...
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Post-script, I actually messaged Jesse Moynihan to ask about his writing credit. He told me that it was for an unused story idea that he had developed. I’m not certain, but I’ll bet it was a part of the cancelled TV movie they were trying to make during season 5, since that would’ve seen Finn and Orgalorg journey to the various Dead Worlds.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Yes, sir! | Niki Lauda
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Professor Lauda AU! 👨‍🏫
Gender neutral reader
Dedicated to @lieutenantn and @scuttle-buttle
I'm using the first names of people I know in real life for the friends, so I apologise if you share the same name 😅
And thank you @scuttle-buttle for letting me make references to your fic 'The interpretation of dreams'
Some of my German translations may be wrong, I'm still learning 🥺
[Next chapter]
Part 1
You sat outside on campus. Your classes didn't start until tomorrow, but your friends started today. You agreed to meet them for lunch. You hadn't been sat outside for too long when they came out. Upon seeing you, they rush over, smiling.
"Lucky you with your extra day off," Katie says, grinning. She was studying music. This girl and her guitar were a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure.
"It's only one day," you laugh.
"One day more than we got," Michael added. When it came to computers, you knew no one better.
"Still, must be exciting not that you've started your classes. I'm not scheduled until tomorrow."
"Speaking of, what did you even pick? You never actually told us," Michael asks, sitting down next to you.
"Literature and languages."
"Ooo, look at you with your 2 subjects," Katie laughs.
"Just wait until I can tell you fuck off in other languages, then we'll see who's laughing," you grin.
"Funny. Can we go eat now?"
You nod and the lot of you go to the nearest cafe for lunch. The Red Wing is a nice little place to meet with friends and catch up, and it was really close to the university.
You grab a table near the window while Michael goes to order for everyone.
"Do you want to know who your Professors are going to be?" Katie asks, pulling out her phone.
"You know?"
"You can see the teachers on the website, I can check for you," she says, already signing into the website.
You say nothing and try to peek at the screen as she searches for the right page.
Michael returns and takes a seat.
"Uh oh," Katie says, looking at her phone strangely.
"Uh oh? Why uh oh?"
She looks at you with a bitter expression.
"Your language professor... you have Professor Lauda," she tells you.
"Professor Lauda? Why is that uh oh?"
Michael and Katie share a look.
"He's, uh... he's a bit of a perfectionist. Kind of strict. He has thrown students out of his class if they haven't kept up with assignments or he thinks they're just wasting time," Michael tells you.
"Oh, I see. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm taking languages because I want to."
Katie shrugs, "well, your funeral."
You narrow your eyes at her. They were making it out as if he was some demon teacher who worked here. You were sure it would be fine.
"What about my other professor?"
"Professor Barnes? He's alright. Cute. People like him," Katie sighs.
"There we go then. I'll be fine!"
Michael and Katie share a look again. You roll your eyes and ignore them as your food arrives.
You're back at your apartment early, in time for an early night so you can be refreshed for your classes tomorrow.
You weren't worried about what your friends had said. You were sure you could handle what ever this Professor Lauda would throw at you.
You arrive to your literature class early. Professor Barnes is friendly and welcomes you into his class. You take a seat near the front and wait for the other students to arrive.
When everyone has settled, the class starts.
Barnes introduces himself, introduces you the schedule for the term, and spends a bit of time getting to know his class. He makes a joke here and there. He's definitely going to be a favourite yours, you just knew you would enjoy his classes.
He dismisses you all with a gentle smile.
You have some time before your languages class. For some reason a lite bit of dread settles in. You really wanted to do well here, but what if you didn't? Would he actually kick you off the course?
Michael was able to meet up with you as you made your way to your next class. He had just left his class cor the day when he saw you on the way to yours.
You stop and let him catch up with you.
"On your way to Lauda's class?"
"I think it's very brave of you to take this risk," he says, placing his hand on your shoulder.
You roll your eyes.
"You're over exaggerating! He's just a Professor!"
"Y/N, there are only two professors in this university that scare me, and Lauda is one of them."
"Who's the other?"
"Professor Kreizler, but you're not taking his class, so you don't have to worry about him."
You chuckle softly.
"I'll be fine. I have to go! See you later."
Michael watches you go.
You arrive to the class just in time. The class isn't as full as the other class. Just a few students scattered about. Absolutely no one was sitting on the front row. The professor has his back to the class as he organised papers on his desk.
You headed to the front and sat down, taking out the things you would need.
The professor turned around.
Never has anyone made such an impact on you before just from their presence. Your mind ceases functioning as you get a good look at your Professor.
Soft brown curly hair, dark brown eyes, not too tall, not too short, toned, but not buff. Gosh, did he look good in that turtleneck sweater.
His eyes scan the students. The room was only about half full, not that he cared much. He knew he had a reputation in the university. People couldn't deal with him, but it didn't matter because he wouldn't be able to deal with them either.
His eyes land on the only student brave enough to sit up front. He would be able to see you working from there, but that wasn't what made him stop to look at you. No, it was the fact you were probably the best looking person to ever walk into his classroom.
He flickered his gaze away before it could be read into too much by anyone.
You hadn't seemed to notice he was staring.
Still, he was a professional and he would remain so. Nothing wrong with having good looking students in a class.
"Hallo, willkommen. I am Professor Lauda, your languages teacher. This class is for German. Please, if you had no intention of being here, leave now."
No one shifts.
"Very well then. I have written the schedule for the term on the board, copy it down if you must, I will not be repeating it after today."
You note it down, using all your will power not to just look at your Professor.
"I must ask, does anyone here have any basic knowledge of German?" He asks, eyes scanning the class.
A few hands go up. Better than his last class where barely anyone had any former knowledge. Your hand is up too.
"Gut. You," he nods at you, "introduce yourself auf Deutsch."
You hesitate for a second, not expecting he would pick you. Though, you are sat up front. You're an easy target.
"Hallo, ich bin Y/N."
Y/N. Wunderbar. He had your name. He moves onto the next student who put their hand up, and then the next. You were none the wiser to his little trick of just wanting to know who you were.
"Now, listen here," he says, gaining everyone's attention after introductions, "if you so as waste my time, you are off this course. I only want students who mean to learn. If you fail my tests, you can walk tight out. If you fail to hand in an essay, you can leave."
He scans the faces of his students.
"Am I clear?"
"Yes, sir!" The class all spoke together.
"Gut. Now, pay attention."
He begins the introduction for the course. Though you are paying attention, you're slightly distracted by his voice. English or German, you could listen to him talk all day.
You write down notes as he speaks, not wanting to miss anything. You almost miss some details because you just wanted to sit and listen to him talk.
Class is over before you know it. Time had passed far too quickly for your liking.
"Dismissed. Don't be late."
Everyone gathers their things before they go. You close your notebook and glances up at your professor. He once again has his back to the class.
"Danke, herr Lauda."
Lauda glances over his shoulder to see you standing there. He looks you up and down quickly with his dark eyes. He turns back around without saying anything.
You leave, feeling a little awkward.
Michael is waiting outside for you.
"How was class?" He asks, falling into step with you.
"Not that bad. Professor Lauda isn't that bad!"
"You're lying! He's so intimidating!" Michael exclaims.
"He's fine. Maybe I should I meet this Professor Kreizler for reference."
"He's intimidating too."
"Do you actually like any Professors here?" You ask.
"....not really!"
You chuckle softly and keep on walking. Michael has to jog a little as you pick up the pace.
"I dare you! Though he might be OK if his assistant is there."
"His assistant?" You look at him curiously.
"Yeah, pretty sure they're together."
"Hmm. Cute."
"If you say so, Y/N. Right, I have to leave, there's a computer with my name on it," he grins.
"Yeah, whatever. See you!" You laugh as he walks away.
You head back to your apartment, done for the day. You would go over your notes and have some dinner before turning in for the night.
Tomorrow was another day, and you were eager to return to your languages class.
@lieutenantn @scuttle-buttle @rumblelibrary @zemosimp05 @hb8301 @celtic-witch-bitch @somethingthatsaysbubbles @lorna-d-m @anteroom-of-death @belle82devart @vverliebt @alltimebandsexual666 @charistory @mischief-siriusly-managed @thatoneartgalsstuff @mssennimatilda
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reids-chop-stick · 4 years
Cheer Me Up
Summary: Emily has had a rough day at work, but luckily you know just how to make her feel better
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x reader
Word Count: 2,283
Warnings: Biting, spanking, oral sex, use of strap on, edging, squirting, shower sex, use of vibrator, dominant reader, dominant Emily, submissive Emily, submissive reader (feel free to let me know if I missed anything)
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“Ughh” Emily groaned, sitting down on top of your desk
“Rough day?” You giggled
“I’m beyond ready to go home”
“I bet I know what would cheer you up when we get there...” you said winking at her
“Yeah, you always know how to make me feel better” she said smiling at you
It was 4 o’clock and usually you went home around 5, unless you got a case. At this time though, it was very unlikely a case was going to pop up.
Emily got up and went back to her desk, while Morgan walked over to you.
“You and Prentiss got plans after work huh?” He asked
“Yeah, we’re going to hang out tonight, we usually spend every Friday night together unless we’re on a case” you lied
“Well you ladies have fun tonight” he winked and walked away as you rolled your eyes at him
Nobody knew you and Emily were dating. You assumed they all probably began speculating, but the two of you hadn’t actually told anyone yet. It was still a pretty new relationship and nobody knew about your sexuality so you weren’t ready to tell them you had a girlfriend yet anyway. Besides, you and Emily didn’t need to tell anyone now, your relationship was going just fine being private.
Before too long it was 5 and time to go home. You and Emily practically lived together, but always drove to the bau separately to avoid any unnecessary attention.
The two of you got into separate cars and headed to Emily’s apartment.
Once you arrived you hopped out of your car, grabbed Emily’s hand and the two of you walked inside.
The second Emily unlocked the door you scooted her inside and slammed the door shut.
“Well hello there” Emily said as you began kissing her
“Let’s get over this whole bad day thing, hmmm”
Emily didn’t respond, she just kissed you back.
The two of you headed to her bedroom, your hands never leaving her perfect body.
Once you entered you threw her down on the bed and began stripping. Emily couldn’t keep her eyes off of you. The excited look in her eyes when you stripped for her got you every time.
Once you were down to just your bra and panties you climbed on top of her, kissing her and pulling at the buttons on her shirt.
You slowly unbuttoned her shirt, and then pulled it off of her. Your eyes immediately landed on her breasts. They just always looked so good, and you loved them.
“Hey my eyes are up here” Emily joked
“I know” you replied, looking into her eyes and biting your lip
You quickly looked back down and began taking her bra off. You lips landed on one of her nipples right away, your hand grabbing at her other tit. You bit, licked, and sucked at her nipple. She couldn’t help but let out a moan.
“You like that, pretty girl?” You asked
“Oh yes” she moaned out
You stayed there for a moment, giving the same attention to her other nipple before working your way down.
Once you got down to her bikini line you unzipped her pants and pulled them off of her as she layed down on the bed. You moved her panties out of the way, without fully taking them off and you began to lick up and down her already soaked pussy.
“You’re so wet for me Em” you told her, as you kept licking
Before too long you took her panties completely off.
“Spread your legs for me baby” you told her
“Yes ma’am” she said, immediately spreading them
“Oh you look so good with your legs spread for me”
“You look so good between my legs” she said, biting her lip
You began rubbing your fingers around her clit, and then started licking at her again. You swirled your tongue all around her clit and began sucking on it. Again, Emily started to moan.
“YES” she yelled out
“Right there, don’t stop” she moaned
You then stopped.
Emily slammed her head down on her pillow in frustration.
“I couldn’t let you cum that easily” you teased
“I know you had a bad day, but you’re still not going to cum until I say you can cum”
“Yes ma’am” Emily said, audibly annoyed
“If you’re going to sass me, you’re going to get punished. Come here.” You demanded
Emily crawled her way towards the bottom of the bed where you were sitting.
You got up and grabbed the paddle Emily kept in her night stand, then returned to the bed.
“On my lap. Now.” You told her
“Yes ma’am” she said laying down across your legs
“Count for me”
You began hitting the paddle across her bare ass.
You hit her again, not going as easy on her this time.
“TWO” she yelped in pain
You hit her again.
“Three” she cried out
Her ass was starting to get very red, but you kept going. She was going to learn her lesson. You slammed the paddle down on her again.
“Four” she said, a tear escaping her eye this time
“Have you learned your lesson yet?” You asked
“Yes” she pleaded
You paddled her again.
“FIVE” she yelled out
“You’re doing so good baby” you encouraged her, while rubbing your hand on her ass
Your hand felt very cold on her now bright red bottom.
“5 more and we can be done, okay?” You said softly
“Yes ma’am” she responded
You paddled her 5 more times and then sat the paddle down on the night stand.
“You did so good Em, you’re not going to sass me again are you?” You asked, while trailing your fingers in circles on her bottom
“No ma’am”
“Good girl”
You pulled her up and she sat on her knees next to you. You wiped a few tears from her face and kissed her passionately.
“I think you earned your orgasm” you told her
Her face lit up
“You still need to wait until I tell you though, okay?”
“Okay Y/N” she said softly
“Lay down on the bed for me okay?”
She did as you asked and you got into the night stand once again. You grabbed the strap on she kept in there and put it on.
You could see the smile forming across Emily’s face.
You climbed up to her, almost sitting on her face.
“Why don’t you get this ready for me huh?”
“Yes ma’am” she replied, putting the large dildo into her pretty little mouth
“Yeah, I like it when you suck my cock like that. I like seeing your pretty little lips wrapped around it” you said
She kept sucking and after a few minutes you pulled the 8 inch dildo out of her mouth.
“Are you ready?” You asked her
“Yes ma’am” she responded
You went back down to her wet pussy and licked at it a little longer, not that she really needed any more moisture down there, but you wanted to make sure she was ready.
You sat up and slowly slid your length into her.
“Ohhh” she cried out in pain
“Relax for me okay baby, I know it’s big, but it’s going to feel so good inside you” you told her
Emily did as you said and took a deep breath. As she was breathing out you slammed into her.
“FUCK Y/N” she screamed out in pain, not caring that the neighbors could hear her
“You like that?” You asked
“Yes!” She said, not being able to control her breathing
You pulled in and out of her for a few minutes, until she was begging for you to let her cum.
“PLEASE Y/N” she cried out
“Do you think you deserve to cum?” You asked
“YES” she screamed
“Okay, cum for me babygirl”
Emily didn’t hesitate.
She immediately began screaming out, a mix of your name, and a few curse words.
In the middle of her orgasm you began rubbing at her clit and pulled out of her. Before long she began to squirt everywhere. It got all over you, but you didn’t mind.
While Emily was laying there panting, mumbling things like, “thank you ma’am” and “oh you make me feel so fucking good” you were taking off the strap on.
Once Emily was able to compose herself you pulled her up.
“What do you say we go get ourselves cleaned up?” You asked, leading her to the bathroom, sitting the strap on back on her night stand on your way
Emily grabbed your hand and followed you.
Once in the bathroom you slipped off your bra and panties and turned the shower on.
Emily hopped in first, then you.
As soon as you stepped in Emily began kissing at your lips and neck.
“Your turn” she said in between kisses
You let out soft moans as she kissed down to your tits, giving them the same treatment you gave to hers.
She slowly worked her way down to your pussy and lifted one of your legs to the side of the tub so you could rest your foot on it, giving her full access to your pussy.
She began licking up and down you while rubbing you clit. You were already moaning.
“That’s feels so good Em” you panted
She kept working her magic, smiling into you as she kept going.
After a couple of heavenly minutes she slid two fingers into you, and you couldn’t help but to moan out her name.
“Mmmh who’s moaning now?” Emily said, letting out a laugh
“Fuck Em” you moaned
She kept sliding her fingers in and out while sucking and lightly biting at your clit. You were ready to cum.
“Can I cum Em?” You pleaded
“Ooo I like to see you beg”
“PLEASE” you yelled out
“Hmm I don’t think you’ve earned it” she said with a smirk
Emily stood up and began cleaning herself.
“That’s it?!” You complained
“Get cleaned off, then we’ll see” she said, winking at you
You did as she asked, and then stepped out of the shower. Before you could even grab a towel Emily pulled you back out into the bedroom, slamming you down onto her bed. She climbed on top of you and leaned down to kiss you.
She very slowly worked her way down to your, at this point soaking wet, pussy. She then stopped right at your bikini line.
“C’mom Em I made you cum!”
“Oh you’ll cum, just not until I say you can cum”
It didn’t feel so good getting a taste of your own medicine.
“Come lay across my lap if you expect to cum” she giggled
You did as she said.
As you layed down, she reached over and grabbed her paddle. She didn’t hesitate to smack your ass with it.
Your skin was still pretty damp from the shower, so it was even more painful than normal. You stayed as silent as possible though, because you really wanted to cum.
You were in so much pain that you lost count, Emily wasn’t making you count out loud like you did with her, but she definitely hit you with her paddle more than 10 times. She was enjoying every second of being the dominant one.
After a few minutes she stopped, and began laying soft kisses on your bright red ass.
She then pulled you up, so you were now straddling her.
“You did really good princess” she said, wiping the tears from your eyes
“Thank you” you said shyly
“I think I’ve put you through enough, what do you say we make that pretty little pussy of yours cum?”
“Yes please” you said
“Come on” she said, pulling you off of her and onto the bed
She grabbed the small vibrator that she also kept in her nightstand and sat it down next to you.
She began licking at your pussy and sucking at your clit again. After only a minute she slid her fingers back into you and grabbed the vibrator, placing it right on your clit.
“Ohhhh Emily” you moaned out
“That feel good?”
“Mhmm” you hummed
Before long, your legs were starting to shake.
“You’re ready to cum aren’t you?”
“Yes please”
“Cum for me princess”
And you did. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably as you moaned out Emily’s name.
Emily sat there, proud of the mumbling mess she made out of you.
As you calmed down she went into the bathroom and grabbed a warm wash cloth to wipe you down.
“You take such good care of me” you said, smiling at her as she wiped your cum away
“Right back at you princess”
Once you were all cleaned up Emily sat the wash cloth on the side of her hamper and you sat the toy and paddle on the night stand next to the used strap on, the both of you decided you would clean them off later. The two of you climbed into bed and you rested your head on Emily’s still bare shoulder.
“So did that make up for your crappy day at work?” You asked
“Always does” she said smiling
“Do you wanna order some take out? That really took it out of me, and nothing is going to make me leave this apartment tonight” you said as Emily grabbed her phone
“Sorry babe, but we have a case”
“Now? It has to be right now!?” You said, very annoyed
“Sorry love” she said, pulling you out of bed
“Fine, but I’m staying in your hotel room tonight” you said
“I wouldn’t have it any other way” she responded, giving you a soft smile
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Hello. What about a villain SO who adores animals for Captain Hook, Hades, Dr. Facilier, Bill Cipher, Beetlejuice, and Jafar? Thank you hun😊🍯
Hope you like these ^^
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·         I wouldn’t put it past him to make one or two beastiality jokes…
·         But apart from that, he doesn’t half mind animals either! (And he finds it endearing to see you playing with them, not that he cares to identify at all the warm, soothing feeling in his chest when he sees you boop your nose against a tortoise’s.) He’d love a dog, or… a tiger. A dinosaur would be ideal.
·         But actually, its animals that tend to have a problem with him.
·         Cuz of course animals are a lot more sensitive than humans tend to be to ghosts, and demons, and souls. And his soul is pretty damn mucky. BJ has met exactly zero animal’s so far (Since his death) that haven’t taken an immediate dislike of him. They hiss at him, or growl, or try to wriggle away even if they aren’t being held by him; Just nearby to him.
·         He scares them because they can feel his evil and want nothing to do with it.
·         So your dreams of adopting a dog with your new ghostie bf will need to be put on a back burner. Maybe he can lasso a sandworm and y’all can name her Rose and she can be your pet? He absolutely does not want you to be sad because of him!!
Bill Cipher:
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·         “ooOOH, what kind? Anglerfish? Clown fish? Sharks? Lobsters? Giant Squid? Wolffish? The Textile Cone Snail’s native to the Red Sea, Indian Ocean and Oceania waters? Octopus? Lock Ness Monster? Mermaids? Shrimp? Koi? M E G A L A D O N S? OH OH- THE KRAKEN?”
·         “Wow, that was a lotta underwater stuff. I mean, yeah, they’re all great but also land animals and birds… And I don’t think all those are actually real?”
·         “Heheh, that’s what you think… “His body loses its colour and becomes like a Bill Shaped screen, like he does sometimes when he’s brainstorming, and you just catch a picture of somewhere under the ocean and a beautiful, purple tale flapping out of the picture and a flash of soft, human skin just above it. Your eyes blow wide open. “Y/N, remember 80 percent of the ocean is unexplored.”
·         SO, yeah. Bill’s really into underwater creatures. It is the most mysterious part of earth and in it lives some of the world’s freakiest creatures.
·         He’ll install a whole aquarium in your house out of excitement, and inside? Nothing but angler fish, giant squids to watch you while you sleep and beautifully coloured sea snails climbing up the glass walls.
·         Land animals though and birds? Very little interest. Birds get points only for being close to dinosaurs (You ask about reptiles in that case and his eye inverts in its colouring. His ‘skin’ goes red. “Those jerks know what they did.”), but still he’d much rather talk about star fish! Get ready to be more educated about the ocean’s weirdest creatures and mysterious happenings then you ever wanted to be.
Captain Hook:
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·         He has very confused feelings about this- especially when you act so chummy with Tik Tok who, naturally, loves you and your T-Bone steak snacks.
·         On one hand, if you’re feeding Tik Tok then Tik Tok probably won’t feel the need or be able, to eat him.
·         But on the other- bEtrAyER! How could you feed and love that monster, that has plagued his life for years and made his existence a living hell?
·         But then again, the fact that Tik Tok is now often too full to bother with him rears its head again and he calms down.
·         Because of this, its typical that he says nothing when you have animals around (Any animal. They all remind him of Tik Tok. Scales, fur, or feather). He’ll want to. Gosh, the need to speak will overflow in his throat and he’ll take a deep breath- … but then no words come out. He forces it down. Because he can’t mention his dislike without mentioning his relief also, so speaking at all would really just make you confused and feel bad and leave him frustrated because he doesn’t know how either of you could change to make this better for anyone, so its just not worth it.  
·         So then he just walks away.
·         Its pretty humorous to see, actually. Because he’s just all grumpy and slouching off, maybe shaking his head and muttering, and you’re all wide eyed and confused. Holding, like, a budgie or a snake or something.
·         The other pirates are keeping a tally.
·         Bonus point: He’s not scared (Or allergic) of any other animals apart from Tik Tok, so you don’t have to worry about him being skittish or anything.
Dr Facilier:
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·         Frogs are a difficult subject for him so enjoy amphibian cuties somewhere that he is not, please. Also rabbits- there was an incident before you came along that he does not speak of.
·         Other then that, Facilier is basically a normal person about animals. He can appreciate a nice zoo visit every now and then and pet the odd dog or cat but with you in his life he never wants to go to a zoo again. And he’s bored as hell by everyday pets.
·         But he won’t tell you he’s sick of all the animals. Nay, nay. Its one of those things where you love the person, so you put up with the crazy/annoying shit they love. Like ‘Yes, yes. Very interesting, cher… ‘ when you talk about it, while he’s actually reading the newspaper and he hasn’t heard anything you said. After all, you stay quiet when he’s plotting or cackling over something he did to a victim that day. Its only fair.
·         He is fascinated, though, when he’s just watching you (Sometimes he just sits back and observes you doing your thing. Its relaxing for him) and he notices little quirks you’ve picked up from various creatures. Like the way you curl up when you’re lying down on the couch and how you shrink back from things that happened to surprise you, similar to a big cat. Your eyes are focused like a wild animal, too. Very cute.
·         Lots of animal-themed nicknames.
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·         “You know, some tell me I’m a kinda animal, babe… “He wiggles his eyebrows at you over his mug of whatever-he-drinks (You fear asking, after watching him eat a bowl of worms), offering his best (And funniest) bedroom eyes to you.
·         “Yes, but are you as cute as this snake Hades?? Are you?? Look into these eyes and tell me this snek is not as cute as you are.” You lift the little grass snake gently from the table and onto your arm, letting him wrap its body around you and lift his head to look around; Checking out what’s up. He was getting his scales stroked good; Why has it stopped?  
·         “Pfft,” Hades rolls his eyes, returning to the chess board in front of him (He likes to play both sides and challenge himself).
·         Okay so, Hades can take or leave most animals. But it’s so cute that you love them, so he lets you keep them around. Whatever animals you like (Don’t worry, you also have the proper equipment and enclosures for them, and Hades makes another God, who is an expert on all things animals, come by whenever you have a question), and however many you like. I mean, what’s the good of being a God if you can’t spoil yourself and your preciously excited, human significant other?
·         So you have, like, Reptiles at the west end of his underworld castle, nocturnal animals on the east, more pet-type animals like dogs and cats and rabbits in the living area part of the castle, etc.
·         The animals give Pain and Panic a hugely hard time, which Hades thinks is a great bonus to doing this for you.
·         He really loves it when you call him and yourself the animal’s parents. Yes, call me Daddy, babes. Its fine by me!
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·         Oh my god, the disdain in his voice when he looks from you, practically bouncing on the heels of your feet and to the fluffy white kitty you’ve gently shoved in his hands- which he holds at nearly a full arm’s length away from him. “Eugh. Really?”
·         “What’s wrong! ? Isn’t she the cutest?”
·         “She’ll get fur everywhere.”
·         “Oh, that’s rich… “You say, side eye-ing Iago, who’s making a face at the cat from Jafar’s other shoulder. “Iago stress moults- and you stress him out all the time!”
·         A dramatic, offended gasp erupts from one of the two males (Not gonna tell you who). “It is aesthetically pleasing mess!”
·         So basically if the animal doesn’t speak a language he understands, he doesn’t care for it. You’re going to be fighting him on this for the rest of your life, Y/N. (Or his. I mean, I heard evil double crossing sorcerer vizier’s are dying at an accelerated rate these days. Hm, mysterious.).
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Hewoo I saw requests were open and this really cute idea popped in my head can get a lot of fluff with Denki where he surprises his s/o on they're anniversary in front of the whole school
a/n: hiii!! ooo this is so cute omg, we stan denki. please i- i love him so much i cant
summary: with your one-year anniversary coming up soon, kaminari had every intention of making it big, he’d been dating you for a whole year! however, his plan may or may get a little out of his hands when he ends up confessing in front of nearly the whole school.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, a camp rock line(i never watched high school musical sorry)
word count: 1.8k
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Kaminari had met you in secondary school, the year before you both got into U.A. It was coincidentally on a whim when your class collaborated with his on a debate project on some literature project. 
You were paired together, four students from your class on a team with four from his class.
He was goofy, light-hearted, kind, and way too flirty for his age, but you ignored his cheesy pick-up lines until you won the debate.
He’d asked to exchange numbers at the very least since you’d become friends. And that friendship kindled over time, so much so, that you were both over the moon about applying to U.A. together. 
And before you knew it, Kaminari was walking hand-in-hand with you home from the park, or from the grocery store, the two of you often hanging out together over break, excited to be making dinner one night, or happy to help out over at his house.
Needless to say, a few of those long summer nights when you spent time in the pool alone with him, you couldn’t help but let out how you really feel, the two of you eventually establishing something more than a friendship.
You headed to the entrance exams as a couple, and you were both too happy to speak when you saw one another in class the following week.
And now you sat in the Class 1-A dormitory common room, Kaminari’s body between your legs as you put up his hair, a face mask applied to both of your faces as you giggled and reminisced about your time together, your anniversary of being together for one year coming up soon.
“Remember the one time you had to go to the ER because of the shopping cart accident?” Kaminari brought up a rather embarrassing story.
“That poor old lady was petrified, she thought she’d killed me.” You and Kaminari had been goofing off in the grocery store parking lot, returning the cart to its drop-off when an old lady backed out into the cart you were standing on.
It tilted back and you saved yourself from landing face-first on the asphalt at the expense of your right arm. It hurt like a bitch and you had to wear a cast for about a month before your arm healed up enough to do much more.
“You were so worried.” You teased, braiding his yellow hair between your fingers. He lifted his head to look up at you, a pout on his lips. 
“I thought you died too!” Kaminari cooed, pressing a kiss to your knee as he turned back around to let you continue playing with his hair.
“You’re an idiot.” Bakugou mumbled. Kirishima sat beside you, along with Sero, who also had face masks on. They begged to be included in the self-care session and were happily enjoying themselves listening to all your stories.
“So final jam’s coming up.” Kaminari blurted.
“What?!” You laughed, confused at his words.
“T-The final jam?” Kaminari turned back around to stare at you with puppy dog eyes.
“Are you referring to our anniversary as the final jam?” You glared at the yellow-blonde.
“I’m sorry! I had to.” Kaminari stood up and grabbed your hand, yanking you off of the couch.
“That’s right, you’ve been together for a while now huh?” Sero mentioned, glancing over at Bakugou who seemed to be interested in the idea of Kaminari holding a relationship longer than a week.
“One whole year.” Kaminari stared at you with adoration in his eyes, and you were worried if he stared any harder his eyes would pop out. Your face was hot at his words. 
You felt all giddy and warm inside. You really did love Kaminari, and getting to this point felt so amazing, so refreshing. 
“That’s awesome! Congrats!” Kirishima was quick to congratulate you both on the seemingly wild accomplishment.
Later during the night, after washing off the face mask and finishing up your routine, you walked back to your dorm with Kaminari.
“I really couldn’t be more excited for our anniversary.” Kaminari’s hands rested in yours as he pulled you in for a hug.
“I know, I’m excited too. You gonna take me out on a big date?” You tease, hugging him.
“I’m broke!” Kaminari whines, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek.
“I’m kidding. I just wanna spend the day with you, playing video games and-”
“Cuddling.” Kaminari offers, his eyes sparkling.
“Cuddling.” You agree, leaning in, pressing your lips to his. It’s a short kiss, but it’s meaningful, and tender, and passionate. It holds just enough emotion to convey how warm you feel inside. It’s electrifying, pun intended.
“I love you, sweet dreams.” Kaminari whispers as you begin to open your dorm door. You smile and wave.
“I love you too, goodnight.” You reply, closing the door after he leaves.
That night you tuck yourself into bed, happier than usual. You’re almost too excited to even sleep. But eventually, your dreams call you and you’re drifting away before you can even realize it.
The day of your anniversary, you’re a giddy mess. Kaminari and you are practically in each other’s arms the entire morning, hoping that you aren’t being that annoying couple. You’re keeping the PDA down to simple hand-holding even though you’d much rather embrace him and kiss him until you couldn’t breathe.
But you had classes. The mushy-gushy stuff could wait till later. When Aizawa couldn’t yell at you.
During the day, Kaminari and you both ended up surprising one another with little gifts, tiny trinkets just to show that you were thinking of each other. Kaminari of course bought you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, whereas you managed to snag a pretty rose for him and a new game for his console.
He was over the moon about the rose and claimed he was going to cherish it forever. It was so sweet.
That was until lunch rolled around.
“There the love birds are!” Mina cheered as you and Kaminari sat down at the table. Almost the entire class was aware of what was today, and a few peers congratulated you on being together for one year.
“Hush!” Your face burned with embarrassment as you nuzzled into Kaminari’s shoulder, swatting away at your pink-haired friend.
“You guys are so cute!” She teased, taking another bite of her lunch.
Lunch was abruptly interrupted when Kaminari said he had to go somewhere. You were a bit surprised by his exclamation but you said goodbye as he left.
“What’s with that?” You asked, a defeated sigh coming from your lips.
“Don’t know. Maybe he’s got another gift for you.” Mina nudged your side. You shook your head and covered your face.
“Please! I can’t take any more gifts from him, I just wanna spend quality time with him and do stupid lovey-dovey couple’s crap.” You groan.
Kaminari was racing toward the AV room where he had agreed to meet another student for something he had commissioned for you. It was a delicate glass frame with a picture of you and him embossed into it.
Of course by the time he arrived, he was running late. He blamed you for being so captivating, of course though, it wasn’t an issue that he was late, the student was there, happy as could be to have been commissioned for a project.
And the result was beautiful. It was truly wonderful, and Kaminari was almost in tears at how delicate and amazing it looked. Kaminari had already paid the student when he brought up the idea, and now he was finally here to get it.
It was wrapped in a beautiful box, carefully surrounded with bio-degradable filler to prevent it from breaking. 
“Thank you so much for doing this, it’s so important to me.” Kaminari placed the box down on the table in the AV room, unaware that he’d set it down on the button that turned on the intercom for student news, etc.
Kaminari had set it down because he was afraid he’d drop it on a whim somehow.
“They’re just so important to me, I can’t explain it. They’re the one, ya know?” Kaminari’s voice rang throughout the intercom system.
Your ears perked up, your face begging to sear with heat. 
“I think I’ve always loved (Y/n). When we met I could just feel the world stop and all I could see was them. And from there I knew, I wanted to spend every waking moment with them.” Kaminari was completely unaware that his words were now being heard throughout the entire school building.
“Oh my god.” Kirishima looked at you. Everyone that knew you, was staring at you. You couldn’t help but feel touched. You could feel your eyes swelling with tears, happy tears.
“I live to see them smile, and their laugh? It’s music to my ears. I’m so in love with them. I’d spend a million years of my life with them, today marks one.” Kaminari’s words were cut short by a teacher barging through the door. Quickly turning to see the commotion, Kaminari was confused when the teacher started yelling about using the intercom for personal reasons.
That’s when Kaminari’s eyes shot down to where he’d sat the box, and now noticed the blinking red light that confirmed the intercom was actively broadcasting.
Blush spread like fire across his face and ears, as he quickly grabbed the box and stormed back to the cafeteria where you were still eating lunch.
Barging in, you lifted your head, smiling like an idiot as he ran toward you.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to do that I- It was true, all of it, but I didn’t mean to embarrass you or or-”
Your lips on his shut him up as your rested your hands on his shoulders, completely silencing him. His hands held onto the box in front of him, his lips moving together against yours.
A few cheers and ‘woos’ came from fellow students but you couldn’t hear them. You were completely capsulated by Kaminari and the electric love blossoming between the two of you.
Pulling away in a haze, all you could see was him.
“I love you so much.” You smiled.
Later, after a decent scolding from Aizawa and another teacher, you were let go and finally allowed to go to your dorm.
Placing the delicate glass picture up on your shelf you then pulled Kaminari onto your bed, nuzzling into his side.
“This is what I was waiting for.” Kaminari cuddled into you, wrapping around you like a sloth as you laid on his stomach doing the same.
“This is an average Tuesday for us.” You mumbled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Well, I like my average Tuesdays with you, dummy.” Kaminari smiled, clicking on your tv to watch something as you cuddled.
The anniversary was a success. And who cared if nearly the whole school knew about how strongly you felt for one another. You were happy, Kaminari was happy, and you couldn’t wait to spend more time with him.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Ooo...can i please request Fem reader who have just been heartbroken by a one sided crush and then one day she met The Joker and he makes her forgot about her crush? Can be nsfw if u want 👀
Hello, anon! Ok so this is longer than I'd originally planned but I was having fun 😆 it’s a little story in the realm of a crackfic that I had a lot of fun with! I hope you like it!!
Self-insert, Ledger Joker x fem reader, crackfic
Word count: 2,121
Warnings: light nsfw, mentions of mild violence
Summary: Sometimes people surprise you with what they'll do when their back is up against a wall, even the Joker.
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It had to happen today, of all days. You went to grab a coffee this afternoon and what did you see? The man she knew you were obsessed with had his lips on hers. Right across the street from the café, your so-called friend was making out with the guy you’ve had a crush on for years.
He was back in Gotham on a business trip. His stay would have been shorter if it wasn’t for state of things in the city for the past couple of weeks. It seemed your friend decided it was an opportunity to swoop in before you’d gained the confidence to do it yourself. But the kicker is that he’d already agreed to meet you for dinner tomorrow night on top of it. Looks like he gets around. You all had gone to the same high school years ago and things apparently haven’t changed much. Aren’t you too old for games like this? You tried not to dwell on it, you had a job to do, but it’d been burning in your stomach like caustic acid for hours now.
You resisted the temptation to text her, tell her you saw them. No, if they want to play games, you could play your own. So far you hadn’t come up with anything but the old stand-by, the silent treatment. But this needed something bigger.
Your revenge plotting would have to wait, though. A minor injury out on patrol last month landed you a position in booking at MCU just in time for shit to hit the fan. Being a Gotham police officer was nothing like you’d expected it to be. You had your sights set on helping the disadvantaged, the people who couldn’t catch a break in this god forsaken city, who fell victim to loan sharks and got stuck in an endless cycle of debt to the inexplicably powerful Mob presence here. But the amount of red tape and corruption making that hopelessly impossible was enough to make you resent your decision in the first place. By now, you were one drug possession arrest away from never coming back.
Today, however, had taken an interesting turn. Your eyes were glued to the tv screen in the front office where live coverage of the SWAT team’s descent on the Pruitt building captured everyone’s attention. Some were optimistic about it, but most of the talk around MCU was skeptical. “If he’s gotten out of it before, he can do it again.”
But they got him. Back up teams raced out of the precinct and everyone scrambled with nervous excitement to carry out preparations for his arrival.
You weren’t here the last time the Joker had been brought in. You were off duty and you’d found yourself feeling a little jealous that you weren’t. He was all Gotham talked about, particularly around here. You weren’t sure how many times you’d seen his face by now. That face. There was something about the way he looked into the camera, it sent a tingle down your spine. It was a strange mixture of fear and fascination. It left you feeling conflicted, uneasy from the butterflies it stirred in your stomach, like you shouldn’t get this kind of excitement from it, a little spark of thrill you’d managed to keep suppressed.
But that spark was growing dangerously hotter now that you knew he’d be coming here, so soon, nonetheless. You had to keep your composure. The excitement was enough that you’d almost forgotten the betrayal you witnessed this afternoon… almost.
Your heart pounded as you approached the booking office, the sound of shouts and cheering echoing through the halls. What was he going to be like? Would he be angry? Was he going to take an officer hostage like last time? What if it ended up being you? You tried to take a deep breath, fighting the shaking of your hand as you reached for the door handle before carefully opening it.
You froze just past the doorway, letting it shut behind you. He was so… tall. He stood behind the intake desk, at least several inches taller than the SWAT officer removing the cuffs from his wrists behind his back. His expression was blank, casually watching the officers try to do their job while looking like their nerves were about to snap, avoiding touching him as much as they could.
“One move and I won’t hesitate to shoot you,” one officer said, doing his best to keep his voice from cracking.
The Joker didn’t say a word. He just flicked his tongue over his lip and lazily rolled his eyes. Butterflies fluttered into your throat and you fought to swallow them down. You had to try to relax, you can’t let him get to you. Of course, that’s easier said than done, his presence alone was enough to ignite an oddly alluring anxiety within you.
The awkward silence was broken when the on duty detective voiced his intolerance for that kind of behavior before noticing your arrival.
“Nice of you to join us, officer.”
All eyes landed on you, including his. You couldn’t breathe for a moment. That feeling that you got when you saw his picture was nothing compared to the intense wave of adrenaline that struck you like lightning, leaving you in a cold sweat as his eyes connected with yours.
You tried to maintain a professional demeanor, but you couldn’t hide the way color drained from your face as you slowly approached him. Just breathing took an immense amount of concentration. So much that you didn’t hear the detective giving you the case number to record before beginning the booking process.
“Officer! I’m speaking to you!”
You jumped and broke your gaze away from Joker’s dark rimmed eyes to quickly grab the form as the detective mumbled under his breath. Your hand was shaking again as you tried to breathe normally and recorded the number then in the next line, “Name, Unknown. Alias, The Joker.”
A shiver trickled its way down your back as you could feel eyes on you again and you looked up from the form to see him carefully watching you. Your breath hitched and you quickly tore your eyes away to stare at the form as heat bloomed in your cheeks. This couldn’t be happening. You’d been avoiding talking with anyone about him for weeks and no matter how much you denied it, now you knew why.
The other officers took his long purple coat and suit jacket off of his shoulders, removing a variety of knives from his clothing before turning him around to face you. You kept your eyes down, taking the cuffs from your belt to hold them in your hands, ready to place them on his wrists. A knot has tied itself around your insides and grew tighter the longer you stood there and stared at his hands, stained with traces of white, black, and red paint. Your face burned hotter, and your heart pounded relentlessly in your throat, but you had to try to remain calm. If you kept showing them how nervous you were, you’d be booted off of the case and another officer would take your place. This was pure torture, but you still didn’t want that to happen.
You were surprised by a need for more. He already had you trapped in this confusing push and pull to give in to the unusual attraction you had to him even though you knew it was wrong. It had taken you this long to realize that was it. A deep seated attraction had been sitting in the back of your mind and now it was rapidly taking over your body.
Goosebumps prickled your skin when your fingertips grazed his bare wrists, clicking the latch on the cuffs in place. This was like nothing you’d ever felt before, the rush in your veins, the heat in your stomach. You managed to keep the exhilaration spreading through your body from boiling over as you lead him to the line up wall for his intake photo.
He stood in front of the digital camera, holding the placard displaying his alias with the date and case number, his green hair swept hastily out of his face and infamous greasepaint smeared wildly. When you looked at the screen to capture the image, the knot in your belly unraveled. His gaze focused directly up into the camera lens and straight at yours, the corner of his scarred mouth tugging into a smirk. Your heart pounded in your ears and you could feel yourself shudder as rational thought slipped away, drowned out by a pervasive impulse. You knew he was dangerous, of course, and you couldn’t explain it but, you didn’t care. The fire he’d ignited within you was in control now.
A nervous buzz spread from your hands and down your arms before you looked up from the screen to meet his gaze, returning a subtle smile. Joker lifted his eyebrow and his grin stretched across his face until the other officers approached and he let it fall with a swipe of his tongue across his lip. That was all it took. You let those tempestuous flames engulf you and now you weren’t going to do anything to stop them.
Everything felt slowed down, like you were dreaming, feverish with this sudden and powerful desire when you kicked the door to the private search room open, pulling him inside with you and locking the door. You had precious few minutes before they’d find you. You quickly unlocked his handcuffs and spun around to put your back against the door, gripping the lapels of his vest when you stopped and stared up at his face as your stomach dropped. Why did you just do that?
But the feeling of regret didn’t last long. A low chuckle rumbled in Joker’s chest before he leaned on his hands, placed against the door on either side of you and brought his face inches from yours. Your breath huffed over his lips and the familiar feeling of arousal swelled between your legs as you felt his heat wash over you.
“Needed somewhere, uh, private to perform your search, officer?”
His lips hovered over yours as you smiled and answered softly, “I figured we’d start with the oral cavity search.”
His giggles were muffled when you crashed your lips into his, surrendering to the spontaneous and intense lust you found yourself swimming in. Your heart soared when he kissed you back, raising the intensity and allowing your tongue into his mouth as his hands moved to grip the sides of your face and your eyes fluttered closed.
He hummed when you wrapped your hands around his neck to lace your fingers in his hair and pressed your body against his. You could feel his size beneath the fabric of his pants and your breath hitched. This was one of those moments that didn’t feel like it was really happening, but it was. His hands slid down your sides to grip your waist and your mouths separated to catch your breath.
His eyes traveled up and down your body before another devious smile sent a shiver down your back.
“You. How about you come with me, hm?” he said, his eyes flickering to the gun in your belt.
Your stomach fluttered and you stared back at him, flinching when fists started pounding on the other side of the door and voices shouted. You shouldn’t trust him, you knew you shouldn’t. But trust hasn’t gotten you much in the past, has it? Besides, you didn’t have to trust him. Whatever happens is going to happen at this point so you might as well enjoy the ride. You’d already let it go this far. You swallowed your nerves and nodded, holding on tight to his shoulders.
Another chuckle made you bite your lip before he leaned in and purred in your ear, “Follow my lead, doll.”
You straddled his lap in the back of an unmarked van speeding down the street only moments later, his tongue in your mouth as your hands slid down his torso to the button on his pants. Was he always this lucky? Or did he know this would happen all along? Of course, this was a crazy thought but nothing that had happened today was sane. He held your own gun to your head and made his escape like it was planned that way. Either way, you’d easily forgotten all about the betrayal that felt so insignificant now.
In fact, tomorrow you’d receive a text from the traitor herself bragging to you about hooking up with your now former crush and your response, short and sweet, was “who?”
Taglist! @youmaycallmebrian @heavymetalnarwhal @neverputsaltinyoureyes @jokersqueenofchaos @into-crazy @killingjokee @astheworlddturns @jslittlebirdie @drreidsconverse @vipervixxen
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saturatedboy · 3 years
Can I pretty please get some angst with Donna confessing her feelings for Reader but Reader declines, saying she doesn’t return her feelings and also has feelings for someone else (preferably Alcina or even Heisenberg)
Donna Beneviento x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, possessive language
Words: 4K
Requests: open
The outside had turned the mud ground into a blanket of white snow. How long has it truly been since you went outside? A week, maybe 3 weeks at tops. You missed the cold air, running through the forest playing 'hide and seek' with some unexpected visitors. Gosh you hate to admit it but you missed going to the family meetings at the church where Mother Miranda would talk about her plan.
You were just a journalist from Britain, looking for an adventure but somehow your so-called-holiday in Romania came to a sudden stop wen you were taken by Mother Miranda and had a Cadou paced in you. You had slight PTSD of the pain you had gone through but you were deemed to be an 'undesirable' vessel for something you were never given further information upon. So you were thrown to the side for Donna take take home and for Angie to have a 'playmate'. However, what Mother Miranda didn't suspect was that the Cadou had in fact affected all your sense so you could hear, see, taste, feel and smell much more than an average human. Of course when Donna found out about this, seeing you see perfectly in a pitch dark room during you and Angie's game, she grew here suspicions and kept it a secret.
It was only after she saw that, that she had decided to keep you inside away from any of the other Lords and Ladies. Donna had thought that if any of them found out about this that they would want you for their own personal reasons. So what was better than to keep you locked inside away from any of them. If only she saw the incoming feelings that she would gain just by being in close contact with a human for a long period of time.
Breathing hot breath onto the glass window, you drew a bunny sniffing a carrot with some strange looking trees in the background. Leaning back feeling proud of your drawing, you ran a hand through your hair and straightened it out. "Having fun?~" A voice came from behind. Twirling your head around you were face to face with none of than Angie the doll. She smiled and crooked her head to the side, admiring your small drawing, floating closer to see it clearer.
"I suppose, it's just boring staying in here all day without seeing anyone else." You sighed and looked down, letting your body rest with your back against the window sill and your legs dangling off the window sill. Angie looked at you then back at the bunny. She knew how badly you had wanted to go out, and she was more than sure it wasn't healthy for a human to stay inside for long periods of time. Tapping a finger against her mouth, she gasped in surprise and pulled against your hand, wrapping her small hands around three of your fingers. 
"Come come! hoho, I have an idea~" She sang out, pulling harshly on your fingers making you slightly wince. 
"Okay okay I'm coming, just keep your voice down. You're getting louder each day." You had jumped off the window ledge and landed perfectly on your feet. Using your other free hand, you had patted down your grey dress and straightened the veil on your head, only to be dragged into various rooms by Angie and her excited giggles, making the bottom of your dress become crinkled from the quick movements.
"If I remember correctly, if you can't go out then we'll just invite people to come see you hm?~" The doll had purred out once she dragged you into the office room on the first floor. Her voice held a slight tone of mischief making you think about backing away from her and going to go back to sit and wait for Lady Beneveinto to come back from the meeting. But if you did that, you may just loose a chance of seeing someone else other than Angie and the other puppets. You followed her reluctantly near where the large oak desk was with a black leather chair occupying the floor behind it. "Yes yes, that's it! Now just sit down there and take some of the paper from the filing cabinet underneath that desk! oooo this is going to be o fun!" 
Following the orders, you had taken hold of the seat and leaned down, searching for the filing cabinet under. Just in the far left there it was, 2 drawers with silver handles. Pulling the first one, there in the drawers was paper. Grabbing three pieces of paper, you pulled yourself back up and shut the drawer with your foot. Moving around a little on the chair, you got yourself comfy and waited for Angie's next words. "Wow, no wonder she really likes you! You're so obedient-anyway~"
"Wait Angie, who do you mean by 'she'?" Angie was swaying across the room, laughing softly as she heard your question. She had her back turned to face you so you couldn't see the growing smirk playing at her mouth. She wouldn't ruin who liked you because it wasn't her position to-However if she didn't confess to you sooner or later, Angie will have no choice but to in fact tell you herself. Just the thought of you both together had her internally screaming in merriment, the way her owner would stare at you when you were sleeping on the couch or even when Donna would create you clothing perfect to your size to see you wear them. Angie knew Donna was so much more merry with you around, her heart had practically been in love with you since you first ever came. Getting back on task, Angie flew over to the coffee table behind the green couch and grabbed a pen that was sitting above some recent sketches of Donnas plants. Grabbing it within her grasp, Angie had swiftly floated back to you and waved the pen in front of your face, your eyes following its movement.
"Now, use this to write letters to the other lords and Lady! We could throw a party~ OOO and you can meet everyone more! Great time to meet people right~" Liking the idea and forgetting about your past question, you had plucked the pen from Angie's grasp and started to write in formal writing to the other Lords and Lady.
"Angie," You asked her as you had finished writing to the other rulers. Angie hummed as she was sat with folded knees on the desk and was picking at some splinters in her wood arms. "What about Mother Miranda...shouldn't I be thrown into the death pile by now?"
"Ah ah," you placed the pen back down, passing the letters to Angie who had called some other puppets to walk in with envelopes in their arms. "You were suppose to die but it appears you survived the Cadou. Mother Miranda doesn't care much about the failed experiments, such as you, so she gave you to us~ Aren't we just a happy family~"
You stayed silent, watching the doll place the letters into the envelopes and signing the back of them, most likely applying the other Lords and lady addresses. She gave them back to the puppets and signalled them to go off, their feet scurrying away as quick as they could to deliver said letters. Clicking her gears about, the doll had stretched her arms up and stood on the table waving her hands about. "C'mon lets go get ready. I made a few adjustments to your writing and they should arrive hopefully around 6 sharp. Hoho lets get you spiced up!" As soon as she said those words, she flew out of the room in what you could only think to be to go to your room you were staying in. Sighing out, you brushed away any lose strands of hair and stood up. Smiling to yourself, you strode out of the office room and made your way to your room, lifting your grey dress up when it came to walking up the rickety stairs.
When you followed down the few hallways, you arrived to your destination. Turning the silver knob, you pushed over the heavy door to reveal Angie throwing clothing all over your room. "Angie could you at least try keep my room clean," You spoke as you wandered over to your bed where most of the discarded clothing were. Picking them up of your sheets, you cradled them all in one arm and placed them onto a rocking chair that was seated in the far corner of your room.
A groan came from inside your wardrobe, followed by the appearance of the wedding doll slamming shut your wardrobe door. Huffing, she crossed her arms. "There is nothing here! Nothing good. hmmm, Argh! What are we gonna do?" Silence filled the space between you both. You hadn't got a clue what was wrong with the clothing you had, Lady Beneviento made them all for you. You were grateful for the beautiful clothing you had been gifted with, treasuring each one making sure to never tear any of the fibres in any of them. 
Soon however the silence was broken with the noise of the manor door opening and the soft sound of wind from outside. "Ooo~ Looks like Donna is back eeee! Lets go say hiiii~" The doll had hovered near the door, waiting for you to follow. Making an 'o' with your mouth, you followed the doll out of your room and down the steps where you were greeted with Lady Beneviento waiting for the both of you. She was mid-way in putting her veil behind her head when she spotted you at the top of the stairs. Smiling sweetly, she held her hand out inviting you to join her.
Plucking the front of your dress you, you walked down the steps being careful not to fall as Angie had glided past you into Donna's arms giving her a hug chanting her name over and over. "Donna! Donna! Donna you're back! Now lets play, No wait lets eat! Ahh, no. Lets get ready for the party- wait no!" Donna raised an eyebrow. party? Now that was news to her.
"What party?" She asked, holding Angie out as she saw you walking in the background towards her.
"Well, hehe. We decided to host a party~ You know, meet...the others...heh?" Angie squirmed out of the holding of Donna and turned to the side to allow you to greet Donna. Curtseying, you showed respect to the Lady of the Manor. Her hand moved to be under your chin. After she moved your chin up so she could see your face showing worry.
"You are holding  party without my permission?" She asked softly, brushing your jawline with her thumb watching your every move. You gulped, feeling much smaller than Donna in the current position and feeling the pressure of guilt seeking into your heart.
"I'm so sorry milady-It's just I haven't been able to go out or see anyone else in a long time. I didn't want to go against you in anyway! I swear," You panicked, feeling Donna's hand become slightly tighter until she released you and brought you close in by snaking an arm around your waist and pulling you into her chest, only to snake the other around and give you a hug. She rested her head on your shoulder and inhaled deeply smelling your shampoo from the morning shower you had before she left for her meeting.
"I'm not mad dear, just tell me next time. However I wish you to not make any agreements with any of my siblings." She pulled away from the hug, still having her arms wrapped around you, and raised an arm up to cradle your cheek. "I wouldn't want you to get hurt by any of them," Her whisper had been tense, like a warning. She gave your temple a kiss, pulling away and smiling once again. "Well if I know Angie, I'm sure the party is being today. Come, I'll fetch some clothing for you to wear for tonight." She stepped out of arms length and began to walk, her shoes clicking against the wood on the floor. You watched her go, only to get nudged by Angie to go follow her. You hastily ran after her, following her to her quarters of the manor. You hoped nothing bad would happen tonight.
Donna had sat waiting patiently for you on a stool. It took 3 hours to create the most elegant dress she could, having the top a little tight with a flowy bottom. In silver hand stitches, were roses crawling up from the bottom of the skirt to the top. Gibeon gemstones were decorating the sweetheart neckline with a sheer of black fabric attached to the top going down to the bottom of your wrists. Donna decided to let you keep the opaque veil, finding it completing the look of your dress. "Do you need any help at all?" Donna asked, sitting waiting for you with hands on her knees.
"No worries, I am....done!" You exclaimed, stepping out behind the folding screens. Your appearance made Donna stand up. You couldn't see her reaction behind her veil but you knew from her movements as she paced herself towards you she was proud of her handy work. Once she was stood in front of you she clasped her hands tightly together.
"Now don't you just look like the perfect doll, all dressed up...for me,"
You tilted your head to the side. "What was that last part Lady Beneviento?" You asked like a lost puppy. She giggled lightly and took hold of your arm, slowly dropping her hand down to take hold of your hand. 
"Do not worry about it, now I think it's time for you to meet my siblings. They are downstairs at the moment already." You nodded and smiled softly. Finally you were going to meet other people! Or monsters...from what Angie has told you and Lady Beneviento from the past. Letting Donna walk in front of you, her hand still in yours, you followed behind her as she lead the way. You could hear many voices from below as well as Angie's screaming and two people arguing. A pit in your stomach had been created. Were you really ready for this?
You had reached the stairs, hiding behind Donna's height. This was it, all voices had became quiet. More likely staring up at Donna. Donna had coughed, clearing her voice. "I'd like you all to meet someone close to me. Be respectful for any foul behaviour towards her I will attend to by using either force or a violent way to manage you." You lightly gasped, you knew Donna to never be someone to ever be violent so her proposing words had left you slightly on edge. Without any warning, Donna had stepped to the side and used her hand to guide you to stand next to her.
You looked below to see three young girls, all dressed in black. A fish like monster with a hunched back and a crown made from bones. A very tall woman flashing a motherly smile at you with a large black hat on her head. And lastly a man that held a hammer that you were sure to be maye just slightly smaller than your own height over his shoulder. Gulping, you waved at them all which resulted in the three girls squealing with Angie. "Oh wow she's just like a doll all dressed up!" One with blonde hair had spoke.
"I know right hehe~ Lady Donna had dressed her up perfectly~" Angie spoke, being just as excited as the rest to see your appearance. Donna gently pulled you closer to her and then walked down the steps. You trailed behind her seeing the three girls go back to their conversation with Angie whilst the fish man went to go towards the office room. Once at the bottom of the steps, both the tall woman and male walked over to you with smiles of their own. Donna had let go of your hand and stood beside you staring behind her veil at the approaching people. She was seething with unseen anger.
"Hello there dearie~" The tall woman spoke, her red lips highlighting the fact she had pearly white teeth. You blushed as she said 'dear'. Her voice to you was very attractive. The male beside her had playfully bowed to you, reaching for your hand with his gloved one and lightly kissed your knuckles.
"Now now Donna, why do you keep this beauty of a fine woman away from us all?" He asked, letting his lips linger on your knuckles as he spoke, only pulling away when the woman in white had hit him on the head.
"I'm sure Lady Beneviento had her reason you man thing. Now give the lady some space and keep your dirty paws off her." She harshly flicked him on the head and turned her attention back towards you. "My name is Lady Dimitrescu, and what might the alluring dazzling girls name be here?" You shyly looked away, rubbing your hand up and down your arm feeling the material below scratch slightly at your skin leaving a tingly feeling.
You bowed your head and spoke with a smile, hiding all your nerves. "My name is (Y/n), its an absolute pleasure to meet you all." Absolutely loving your manners, Lady Dimitrescu had gently stroked your hair.
"Such lovely manners~" She purred out, staring deeply into your eyes that were almost hidden behind your veil.
"Yeah yeah and my name is Lord Heisenberg, but please doll call me Karl~" Heisenberg had spoke, letting his hammer drop to the floor next to him so he could lean against it. Hearing the rather loud noise, you turned your eye sight to stare at him. Seeing your head turn to look directly at him, he grinned and pushed he glasses to the end of his nose sending you a wink. You 'eeped' and looked the other way in embarrassment.
'Keep yourself together!' you shouted at yourself in your head as you huffed out harshly and took a breath in, turning back around to face everyone. Donna wasn't having any of this. How dare they all come into her home and flirt with what is hers. Her doll, her creation, her property.
"How about we go have lunch." She seethed out through closed teeth.
"Oh what a marvellous idea. Say (Y/n), why don't you sit next to me and we can talk more about your life. I'm sure we could also discuss days you could meet me and my daughter. Oh they'll love you, such a graceful woman as yourself is sure an eye-catcher." Lady Dimitrescu had spoke out, grabbing your hand and leading you astray with Lord Heisenberg following behind shouting out how you should instead come to his factory and explore the real world. 
As Donna was left behind, she clenched her fist tightly. To see you walk away with her siblings sent shivers down her spine. You were a beautiful woman, there was no doubt about it so of course you were going to catch the eyes of at least one of her siblings. But she didn't expect you to just...just follow them like that. "Is this jealousy I can smell?~" Dona turned to look at Angie. 
"I have no clue what you're talking about. She doesn't like them, she's only just met them all." She denied, taking a stroll to meet everyone in the dining room.
"Just remember you fell for her when you first saw her~" Angie called from behind making Donna stop in her tracks. She was right, she did indeed fall for you after she set her sight on you. You were so beautiful, everything you had ever done lead her to believe that there was a connection between the two of you. You had spent most time with her, surely you had fallen in love with her. She'll just make sure to claim you before any of the others do. Better to tell the truth then later. And so tonight, she had told herself she would confess to you, confess her feelings and get you to become her other half.
You were stood outside on the porch. Lady Beneveinto had asked you to meet her here after the lunch you had with the other lords and ladies. You felt happy to be within the presence of others instead of just you and Donna being the only functioning people with blood and skin. The weather had became slightly warmer and left with a full moon in the sky. You had your veil pulled back after Heisenberg had asked to see your eye colour. You blushed slightly as the thought of him, however your blushed increased when yo thought of Lady Dimitrescu. How could two people have such strong effects on you. Gosh you felt like you were about to faint in there with their teasing about your height as well bout your manners, though Lady Dimitrescu did say they were perfect.
The door behind you opened and out came Lady Beneviento. You glanced at her and nodded in acknowledgement. "Evening Lady Beneviento." You said, seeing her stand by your side. 
"What do you think about them all?" She asked suddenly catching you off guard. You raised an eyebrow and took a moment to think.
"They are...different from you. I know that for sure. However I do believe that each have their own personality which makes them fun in a way. Not to mention they were all really kind towards me tonight and I felt honoured to be within their presence." You finished with a beaming smile. Donna hummed, looking at the forest in front of her manor. Inside she could hear her siblings fight and Angie chanting cheering them on.
"What do you think about me?" She turned her full attention to you, taking your hands in hers and looking up at you. You couldn't see her facial expression because of her veil but nonetheless, you thought.
"You are someone who takes control when needed. Although quiet, you bring a comforting atmosphere with you everywhere you go. You're really sweet a well and thoughtful, which is why I treasure every dress you give me." Donna listened carefully to your words. She was extremely happy you liked the dresses she makes you, and to also be told that you loved her being around too. She bit her lip in anticipation, maybe this is the right time to say what she is needing to say. Inhaling deeply, she cleared her throat and stepped closer to you, placing her hands on your hips.
"I need to say this because it's been playing on my mind ever since you got here and was given to me. From a playmate, you have made your way past that and became much more to me. What I’m trying to say is that- I love you.”
You stayed in silence, a soft wind brushing through your hair as you looked at Donna.
“Lady Beneviento I- I don’t know what to say.” Your face had turned a slight red, feeling a weird feeling in your stomach- like you were about to faint. Donna held your hands tighter, your knuckles turning white from loss of blood.
“Just say you love me back! Easy right?” Again you had stayed silent, looking away from her to look at the manor door instead. You felt her grip loosen however, you could move your fingers about. “Right?” She pressed on, her voice quivering a little.
“I can’t love you,” you placed her hands to rest in her chest. Slowly you took your hands away from hers and left her standing in shock- not that you could see. “I love someone else, I’m sorry Lady Beneviento. I’m sure someone will love you as much as you love them one day.”moving yourself away from the awkward conversation, you had left Donna standing alone on the porch, going back inside only to be greeted by both Heisenberg and Dimitrescu.
Dropping her hands to the side, Donna had gripped the side of her dress. Her shoulda slowly shook up and down growing rapidly in speed. A single breathy laugh left her throat. “If you don’t love me-
I’ll make you love me.”
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justcourttee · 4 years
If you take request how about Class, Bustier, Lila, Adrien salt! Lila had a cousin back in Italy who is a master in manipulations but contrary to Lila with her lies, he use his manipulation skills to help others and he REALLY despite Lila. Back when Marinette was in high school junior she got a pen pal from Italy and this pen pal is Lila's cousin, through their letters the two become friends and even stay in contact for years and Lila's cousin got a crush for Marinette. (part 1)
One day Lila's cousin goes to Paris to finally meet Marinette who is very happy to finally meet her pen pal. Later he learn that Lila is in the same class than her(he know that Lila goes to a school in France but didn't know it was the same school than Mari's)and is worried since he know Lila's antics. And when he learn about the bullying Mari is victim at school because of Lila's lies and he is like "OH HECK NO!". (Part 2)
He use his manipulation skills to protect Marinette and to take down Lila. Not even Adrien or Bustier's BS can stop him. Him and Mari become closer day by day and become a couple. After Lila is exposed for everything, even for being Hawkmoth's minion, and is arrested, the class try to confront Lila's cousin and to talk to Mari but Lila's cousin shut them down and give them a good big "the reason why you suck speech". BONUS: Lila's cousin join the miraculous team. (Part 3)
(I couldn’t figure out how to combine the three asks so I copy and paste them)
Ooo, I love a good salt fic. I hope this is kind of what you had in mind :) @sayuricorner
The PenPal
Marinette knew two things when the day started.
1, She was beyond ecstatic to finally meet her PenPal, Mateo, face to face 2, She was beyond worried that somehow, someway Lila Rossi would mess it up
Mateo had been assigned as her PenPal from Italy as a part of their foreign language class to help improve her Italian and his french. They only had to write back and forth until the semester ended, but as it came and went, she found herself intrigued by the Italian boy. Today was their three-year friendaversary and to mark the special occasion, Mateo was coming to Paris.
Marinette bounced on the balls of her feet outside her parent's bakery, her eyes darting up and down the street, trying to find anyone that could be heading in her direction. Pulling out her phone, she checked the time.
His plane landed at 2:15p.m. He said he was leaving the airport at 2:50p.m. The airport was approximately ten minutes from her parent's bakery. Any minute now he should be here.
“Marinette!” Sabine poked her head out of the bakery, her eyes landing on her daughter, a knowing smile plastered across her face.
“Marinette, I know your boyfriend will be here any minute, but you still need to get ready for your school dance tonight. It starts at 6 and you still haven’t decided if you want me to do your hair or not.”
“Maman,” she couldn’t help the whine that entered her voice. Her parents were literally the worst when it came to boys. “He’s not my boyfriend, he’s-”
“Just a friend. Yes, I’m well aware of the drill. Well, I’m just letting you know, if he’s not here in the next ten minutes, maybe you should come inside and let me get started.”
Marinette nodded before returning to her search of the streets.
“Did you lose someone signora?”
“Oh no, monsieur. I’m just looking for my Italian friend. He’s supposed to be coming in today, hey wait a moment-”
Her eyes widened slightly as she whipped her head around to come face to face with him.
“Pleased to finally meet you Marinette.”
Marinette’s face broke into a grin as she flung her arms around his neck. Pulling back, she brushed a few stray hairs out of her face, completely oblivious to the shade of red the boy’s face had turned.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here! Did you remember to pack a suit? I mean I had your dimensions and made you one just in case but I just can’t believe you’re here. How was your flight? How’d you get here? Taxi? Uber?”
Marinette bit her lip trying to stop the word vomit that was falling out of her mouth.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so excited to finally meet you.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m overwhelmed as well. I mean I knew you were beautiful, but seeing you in person?” Mateo reached down to pick up her hand, bringing it to his lips softly.
“Marinette? Oh! Well, hello.”
Mateo dropped her hand quickly, both of their faces flushed red. Sabine leaned against the doorframe, that same knowing look from before creeping onto her face much to Marinette’s distress.
“Maman, this is Mateo. Mateo this is my Maman.” Her voice was strained as she tried to beg Sabine not to embarrass her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you signora.” Mateo smoothly lifted Sabine’s hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles.
“Oh, Italian! Well, young man, the pleasure is all mine. Now let’s get you kids inside, we have so much to do in such little time.”
Without thinking twice, Marinette grabbed Mateo’s hand, dragging the blushing boy behind her. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Don’t forget to call me when it’s over! I don’t want you kids walking home in the dark!”
Marinette waved as she pulled away, her eyes rolling at her mother’s invasive tactics.
“She does know we’re 17 right?”
Marinette shook her head before threading her arm through his.
“Don’t mind her, she can be overbearing and invasive, but it’s all with love. Especially with Papa away at the moment visiting his mother.”
“Oh I don’t mind, it’s best to get on your future in law's good side now. It’ll make things so much smoother in the future.”
He sent a wink in her direction earning him an elbow in the side and the most precious laughter he had ever heard.
“You’re such a flirt! C’mon, let’s get inside before you-know-who shows up.”
Mateo did in fact know who. Some girl that moved here while Marinette was 14 and had been making her life a living hell since. He couldn’t imagine what kind of person could hate a  kind-hearted person like his friend, but he was determined to put an end to it tonight.
As soon as they entered the courtyard, Marinette was swept away by two intense-looking girls, both cutting him a glare in the process. Mateo soon found himself by the punch table, taking in the sights of the dance. He was just about to step away to look for Marinette when a loud crash caught his attention.
“How DARE you ruin Lila’s dress?”
Lila? No, God, it couldn’t be.
As Mateo stepped forward, his eyes landed on a small girl with dark hair and glasses, an empty cup in her hand, and much to his horror, his cousin Lila Rossi standing behind her, crocodile tears pouring down her face.
“Marinette would never! She doesn’t even know where Lila got that utterly ridiculous dress from.”
The intimidating blonde from before stood in between the girl with the glasses and his poor friend, now soaked from the punch poured on her head.
Just as Mateo took a step forward to intervene, a blonde boy and an older woman stepped in between the girls, pulling them apart before anything further ensured.
“Marinette, you have to be the bigger person here. I can’t have you starting fights with your classmates. You know Lila has a lying disease, you can’t get angry with what she might spread.”
The teacher placed a fake supportive arm over Marinette’s shoulder, handing her napkins to help soak up some of the punch.
“Yeah, Marinette. We know how she is, we just have to take the higher road.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry girl. I just get so angry sometimes cause I can never tell when you’re just acting out of jealousy or if it’s her disease flaring up.”
Mateo felt his anger rising as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Lila had no disease, she was just a good liar. He watched as the two girls escorted Marinette toward what he assumed were the bathrooms, leaving Lila to fake cry in the arms of the blonde boy.
It was one thing to take down her bully while he was here for the week, but Lila Rossi was a different story. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mateo sat up near the DJ, eyeing his first target. A small blonde girl and her goth friend. They looked easy enough to sway, not quite swarming Lila like the rest of the class, but not exactly rushing to Marinette’s defense either. Placing his phone against his ear, he walked toward them, a smirk plastered across his face.
“-I’m sorry Prince Ali. I know Lila promised to help you with your rounds at the Children’s Hospital tonight but she’s just too busy at this school dance. I understand your disappointment, I too am disappointed. Well, what can I say except that call me next time. I’ll be there friend.”
He slipped his phone into his back pocket letting out a long sigh. He turned to face the blonde, her interest piqued as her eyebrows furrowed.
“Were you just on the phone with Prince Ali? Talking about Lila Rossi? How do you know them?” “Me?” Mateo dramatically looked behind him before leaning into where the blonde stood, her hand intertwined with the girl beside her. “Can I trust you with a secret?”
She nodded carefully, her eyes darting left and right as if someone was watching her.
Mateo slipped his phone out again pretending to search for a particular picture before turning it in Rose’s direction. On the screen stood an edited picture of him with his arm thrown around Prince Ali’s shoulders in front of a hospital, both wearing grand smiles. He swiped to the right showing a less ecstatic picture of him and Lila posing together as children.
“I’m Lila’s cousin, Mateo Rossi. Prince Ali is my best friend and has been for the past three years. I introduced him to Lila last year and she made a whole bunch of empty promises to him, you know, with her disease and all. It’s really tearing him up because he knows with her star power, she could really help the poor children, but alas, she never shows.”
The blonde seemed to doubt him for a moment, but as she scrolled through a couple more carefully edited pictures, her face dropped into one of sadness and anger.
“I can’t believe Lila lied to me about helping Prince Ali! She only met him two years ago?”
Mateo nodded sadly as if he couldn’t believe it either.
“Didn’t Lila say she knew him when she first got here? That was like three years ago.” The goth girl had spoken for the first time. It was quiet and difficult to make out, but the blonde understood and it only seemed to fuel her rage.
“I can’t believe I fell for it!”
“Hey, it’s okay. We’ve all been there before, sometimes you just have to take the higher road.”
Mateo smirked as he walked away, leaving the words Marinette’s classmates told her all these years to sink in with the girls as he looked for his next target. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The rest of the night continued on in the same manner. Mateo would listen in on group conversations, figure out what Lila had promised them, and moments later crush their dreams with a few carefully placed lies.
Pretty soon, all that was left was the girl with the glasses, the blonde boy, and Lila herself. Straightening his collar, Mateo shoved his hands in his pockets walking as calmly as he could to the group, his ever-present smirk widening at the sight of Lila’s panicked eyes.
As loudly as he could, Mateo shouted “Cousin!”, gaining the attention of everyone on the dance floor.
Lila seemed to pale quickly as she completed the embrace, her lips close to his ears as her panicked voice trembled.
“What are you doing Mateo?”
“Watch and learn.”
He pulled back, offering his hand to the girl with glasses who hesitantly reached out to shake it.
“Mateo Rossi, how are you doing tonight?”
“I’m fine.” The girl pulled back, her hesitancy and curiosity mixing.
“And you sir?” He reached his hand toward the blonde boy who gladly accepted it.
“Pretty great! I’m Adrien and this is Alya!”
Adrien and Alya. He should’ve guessed from Marinette’s letters that these two were the ones constantly egging on Lila, letting her get away with bullying his friend. His smirk faltered for a moment, but not a second later it was back in a more sinister way.
“Now Lila, I’ve heard you’ve been promising some people things you can’t deliver.”
“That’s- That’s not true. I always deliver.”
A murmur of doubt waved through the crowd behind him, building his confidence in his plan.
“Lila, please. I know your disease is worsening, but you’re really hurting some people here! You’ve got to stop.”
He placed his hand on her shoulder, a fake sincerity monopolizing his face. Her panicked eyes darted between him and the growing crowd behind him. She seemed like a caged animal, ready to pounce when there was an opening with no idea if it would help or hurt it.
“Mateo,” Adrien frowned as he placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to gently pull his arm from Lila’s. “You shouldn’t tear people down for their errors, it won’t put them on the right path.”
Mateo simply shrugged his hand off, not bothering to even glance at the boy.
“Neither will indulging their lying when it’s not only hurting your friend's feelings but their futures as well. What would’ve happened when she lied about getting Nathaniel in to meet a huge Magna artist to publish his comic doesn’t come true? Well, he already turned down other amazing opportunities so oh well, guess he’s never getting published.”
Another wave of agreement and anger washed over the crowd. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the only person who mattered, still in between the overprotective girls, all three smiling brightly in his direction.
“You can’t dO THIS!”
Lila pushed him as hard as he could, causing him to stumble backward. She was honestly making it too easy to play the concerned cousin card, it was making it hard for him not to burst out laughing.
“Lila, please. Your reign has to come to an end. I mean, you threatened your little designer friend that if she outed your lies, you would destroy her life!”
Alya’s mouth gaped as her eyes turned in horror to stare at Lila.
“You did what to Marinette?”
“No! You’re misunderstanding!” Lila’s panic seeped into her voice as she searched for a way out of the growing crowd.
“Mateo watch out!” Before he could turn to look, Marinette tackled him to the floor as a purple butterfly swooped over his head.
Screams echoed through the room as everyone backed up, trying to avoid the butterfly who made a straight beeline for Lila.
“About time Hawkmoth!” Lila jumped, her outstretched arm reaching for the flying butterfly. Just as her fingertips almost made contact, Adrien tackled her to the floor while the teacher from before trapped the butterfly in a small glass container.
The room was silent as everyone stared in horror at Lila.
“She just attempted to purposely be akumatized. She just called Hawkmoth by name, praising him for showing up!”
Alya zoomed in on her phone, her eyes tearing up as she ended the video, posting it straight to her blog.
“Alright kids, let’s just calm down,” the teacher tried to stop the panic from spreading but she didn’t even sound sure herself as she stared in a mixture of fear and pain at her student.
“I already called my dad, he’ll be on his way soon to arrest you, Lila!”
Cheers erupted from the room as they tried to rush forward, all apologizing in various different ways to Marinette. The two girls beside her did their best to hold them back but it was proving too much.
“Everybody back off!”
Surprisingly, everyone moved to the side, allowing a clear path for Mateo to make his way toward his friend.
“You all don’t deserve her forgiveness, not now, not ever.”
He reached back, intertwining his fingers with Marinette's as the crowd burst into anger. Alya and Adrien pushed their ways to the front, both of their eyes zeroing in on their hands.
“You don’t even know Marinette Mateo. She’s my best friend!”
Alya attempted a step forward but was stopped abruptly by what Mateo deemed as Marinette’s bodyguards.
“You haven’t been her best friend in years Alya, get over yourself. In fact, I’ve heard her gush on about this Italian kid more than I’ve heard her mention your name in the past three years.”
Marinette’s face flushed as she felt Mateo’s eyes searching her face for any denial.
“But nothing. The Marinette I have grown to care for over the years wrote to me about you people. She tried to say you were redeemable, that you were under some fantasy spell and that one day you would wake up and come back to her, but you never did. If i hadn’t stepped in tonight, you all would have continued treating her like garbage.”
Marinette tightened her grip on his hand giving him the strength to continue.
“Marinette is kind, intelligent, courageous, and extremely talented. She has this bright personality that you just can’t help being drawn to. She did so much for you and your class, but you all overlooked it the instant something shiner came in. Alya, right? You do realize that Marinette got you your first interview with Ladybug? If she said that Lila didn’t know Ladybug, what other proof did you need?”
Alya stood there, her mouth gaping like a fish out of water.
“And you Adrien. Marinette took the fall with your father for the book you stole from him knowing that it could risk her chance in the fashion empire by pissing off Gabriel Agreste. She made sure that you could come back to school to be with all your so-called friends.”
Adrien’s face mimicked Alya’s as they tried to come up with a counter-argument, failing to do so. Mateo turned to face Marinette, his free hand rising up to cup her cheek.
“Do you want to leave this dance Marinette? You, your two bodyguards here and I could go grab some coffee if you’d like.”
Marinette nodded as if lost in a trance, seeing her penpal in a completely new light. The blonde raised two middle fingers to the class as the four of them headed toward the exit.
“Marinette wait!”
The group paused as Alya ran over, her face contorted in distress.
“Who is this guy Marinette?”
Mateo looked down, his eyes meeting hers as if silently coming to an agreement. They both broke into smiles as he brought their intertwined hands up to his lips.
“My boyfriend, Mateo Rossi.”
And without another word, the four left, basking in the victory that one night brought.
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tardis-ghost-blog · 4 years
Mind’s spark (The Master x Reader)
CW: Sexual content
The past year had been a wild ride. Not only had your learned that there really were aliens visiting earth, but also that they came there regularly. Somehow you had ended up travelling with the Doctor and Martha for a time. Then the year that never was had struck. You had been a prisoner on the Valiant, only a servant.
But the insane Time Lord had proven to be... not as insane as he made people believe. You had learned about the drums, when you had found him, one day, curled to a ball on the ground, shaking. You had shown him kindness, despite how you had been treated there. Somehow it had ended in the two of you becoming something like unlikely friends.
And then he had died.
And then he had returned.
You remembered the white light, the pull of the vanishing time war. You saw how the Master came way too close, maybe even intentional. So you ran and grabbed his hoodie, tore him backwards. Since then he was travelling with the Doctor and you, even though he kept mostly to himself.
The drums never vanished. And the Master took his time to figure out where his place in the universe was. After having learned how his own kind had used and abused him, he needed a break. A break from everything, including himself.
Aside from you. Being together made him forget about the drums for a while. He even agreed to follow on a few adventures without sowing (much) chaos. If your perception of time wasn't completely off, it had to be roughly half an earthen year until you had stormed out of a dangerous situation, soaked by an ongoing rainstorm - and he had grabbed you, pulled you closer the same moment you grabbed his jacket, your lips had met, rough, hungry, then passionate, gentle. Soft and heated kisses through smiles and the falling rain.
This morning you slipped out of your dreams with ease, feeling as if you had the best night's rest in a while. A small ray of emulated sunlight bathed the blankets with warmth as did the arm that held you tight. You lay on your side, snuggled up against the Master's chest. It was rising and falling regularly, indicating that he was still asleep. You smiled, cuddled a little closer. No wonder you slept so well.
It also meant he had been up all night, only finding rest in the last hour or so. Time Lords didn't sleep much, after all.
Still, You decided not to wake him, lay still and listened to the soothing double heartbeat against your ear. Never would you get used to the strange sound, never would you get tired of it.
The Master shifted a little, without waking. Only his arm gripped you a little tighter, pulled you closer against him. He was practically curling himself around you, both in a protective and possessive manner; quite as if he wanted to make clear that you were his, and his alone. Even in his dreams.
Your heart jumped and sped up a bit at the thought. It was weird and unexpected, but somehow you loved the idea of being owned like that. It meant you were valuable, worthy to be treated like a treasure; to be treated like no one else in his life.
It was then that you got aware of something else, something you had been a little curious about, if you were honest, and that now made you grin.
Apparently, Time Lords did indeed get morning boners.
There was just no way you could keep yourself from giggling a little, although feeling horribly childish at the same time. He didn't wake up, so you silenced yourself to a mean smirk.
Now, though, it was almost impossible to ignore the slight pressure against your thigh any longer, even when you tried your best to concentrate on his heartbeat again. The Master shifted slightly, almost not at all, but it was enough to make you grit your teeth.
It really was annoying to have a human body, you pondered, breathing deeply to get yourself to calm down. You watched the Master's sleeping face. He looked so peaceful, almost innocent. Obviously the drums weren't bothering him, right now. You thought about those, how there might not be a cure, now that the Time Lords were gone for good, and it was a sad thought.
You watched him just breathe. It was still fascinating that Time Lords slept at all. For the longest time you had been convinced they wouldn't. Well, you also hadn't know they could get a...
Nope. You forced your thoughts away from that. He smiled. You frowned. The smile faded slowly, but his expression stayed somewhat serene. What you would give to know what he was dreaming. If only he wouldn't hold you so tight you might be able to reach up your hands. Could you initiate mental contact when he was asleep? Would that be an invasion?
You decided to try it out another time, when he was awake and could help. You remembered the first time you had slipped into his mind, some time ago. Ever since, there was an unfamiliar craving to melt your minds together. It had felt amazing, like a rush, a dance, a gentle caress, like a deep, longing kiss. And so much more.
You groaned almost silently into his shirt, clutched your hands around the cloth.
Wrong train of thoughts.
The hand at your back twitched a little, stilled. Some seconds passed, then it pushed your lower half slightly closer. Your breath shuddered involuntarily. You looked up and met a pair of hazel eyes. His gaze was still a bit foggy from sleep, but his lips already twitched in amusement.
"D... did I wake you?" you asked, trying to keep your tone of voice neutral.
"No," he mumbled. "Close, though. Your scent is... vibrant."
You flushed bright red. It didn't help that you felt him press against you some more the closer he drew you, neither did that the only cloth between you were your T-Shirt and knickers. His mean chuckle gave away that he was fully aware of this. Then, suddenly, he moved again, and it took you completely by surprise how quick he was. You landed on your back, the Master kneeling above you, face split by a grin and so close to yours, your noses almost touched.
"There must be some nasty thoughts running through your mind, little one," he purred and leaned closer, brushing your lips lightly.
"N... none of them were particularly nasty." Which was the truth. Sort of. "But..." you smiled impishly, bringing up a hand to drag him closer, "since you're awake now..."
You closed your eyes when your lips found together. His fingers roamed over your sides, his hands wandered around your middle, to your back, pulled you up against him. Through the thin cloth of your shirt your breasts rubbed against his chest. Just enough to spark a new wave of heat between your legs.
You arched against him some more, one of his hands holding you in place at the small of your back, the other slipping under your shirt, trailing over bare skin. You moaned softly when he twirled one nipple in his fingers, then the other, then wandered higher slightly. He left a tingling path between your breasts, barely touching you with his fingertips, slid the same way back, lower, over your belly, just close enough to the rim of your underwear to make your squirm.
A soft chuckle slightly dragged your thoughts away from what his hands were doing to you. "You have no idea how much I love what I can do to you with just a few touches."
"Then don't stop."
A new shiver of pleasure went through you when he started to trail hot kisses over your belly, dragging your shirt up in the process until he had reached your breasts again, sucking the left one in and driving you crazy with his tongue.
You moaned when he pushed his arousal against your core. Even through all the fabric you were still wearing, it made you unbelievably lightheaded. You arched against him again, aching for more friction. The Master gave in, rocked his length against you, let himself slide over your clit with just enough pressure to make your shiver in his arms.
His forehead dropped against yours, his breath ghosting your lips. You reached up, hesitantly placed your fingertips near his temples. The Master stilled. His eyes bore into yours for a moment, hungry, craving.
"You want that?" he asked, unable to hide his ragged breathing from you, the excitement that came with the thought alone.
"I... if you don't... mind?" You wasn't sure whether it was appropriate or not.
The Master stared down at you as if you had said something extremely stupid. Then a grin split his lips and the hand on your back pulled you with him as he sat up. He pulled you into his lap, one of your legs on either side of his. You felt him press hard against you through the thin fabric of your knickers.
"Go on then." His voice was reassuring and challenging at the same time.
You swallowed and nodded, raising your fingers to his temples once more, your eyes seeking his. So far you had only initiated this once and felt a little uncertain. There was a half teasing smile on the Master's lips and he closed his eyes, waiting. You took a breath, tried to ignore the slight pressure against your damp underwear, tempered down the urge to rock against him a little. Instead you focused on your fingers, imagined your consciousness flowing through them into his mind.
Something... clicked.
You fell inside your own mind, no, inside his... yours. The border blurred. He panted out a soft groan, pulled you closer against him. A warm stream of energy engulfed your thoughts, intertwined with your essence. You reached out, drove deeper, carefully, but determined. For a moment you felt like a tiny candle in the vastness of space, got aware of how much more the Master was. His essence slowly enveloped your own, carefully slipped between the spaces of your awareness, until you could no longer tell where you ended and he started.
A shuddering breath escaped your lungs. "I think that's too much for me."
"We can end it," the Master offered softly, his thumb stroking over your side.
You felt the sincerity of his words, knew he wouldn't risk harming you. "Not what I meant." You chuckled and fed his confusion through the mental connection with your own emotions. Or tried at least. You had no real clue what you did there.
It seemed to work though, as his sharp inhale implied, and the grin you saw through half opened lids. The Master guided your minds like interlaced fingers, his lips found Yours again and each touch was amplified, felt like fire and ice at the same time. You groaned into his mouth, chased his tongue. Your hands slid from his head, knowing your connection would stay in place now. You roamed your fingers over his chest, traced down over his abdomen and teased the tip of his prominent erection through his boxers.
Like a small spark you could feel a wave of arousal that wasn't your own. Not that it mattered. It felt as if you were right on the edge anyway. Your intermingled minds had long set your whole body on fire, made every thought so intense you briefly wondered if you could orgasm without him even touching you. There was a smirk against your lips, then a tug at your essence, and suddenly you felt touch where none was, the Master igniting your nerves with his mind alone, making you squirm and almost tip over the edge within seconds. But he held your there, just close enough. His enjoyment at your mewls sparkling through your mind.
"Fuck," you hissed out and grinned at him. "Damn you."
He chuckled, dragged you against him and started to trail down a line of hot kisses from your neck to your collar bone. One of his hands slipped under your shirt, only to draw small, agonizing circles directly below your navel, decidedly staying far away from where you most wanted to have him.
You shuddered under his touch, cursed him for teasing you like that. You took his head in both hands to drag him up for another kiss, wanting to savour the intensity of the moment. Then you slipped a hand into his shorts, gingerly skimming your fingertips over his whole length. A new wave of arousal hit you, rumbled warm and deep in your lower abdomen. It was almost addicting to feel what you did to him, how his essence flared. You craved to have him lose control, wanted him to melt under your touch. So you stopped the teasing and took him in your hand, firmly stroking up and down, heard (felt?) the low growl deep in his chest.
He pressed his lips harder against yours, his tongue demanding entrance that you granted all too willingly. Your thumb slid over his tip and something lit up inside your mind, made you almost yelp in surprise. The Master chuckled at your reaction, but it was weak and short and interrupted by a breathed out groan, when you repeated the motion.
His hand had long stopped teasing you, but now he slipped it into your knickers, one finger firmly circling your clit. You broke the kiss, sucking in air. Your forehead dropped against his and you stayed like this, both panting, both halting all your movements for the briefest moment, allowing for a blink of silence in your minds.
He trailed lower, easily pushed two fingers inside you, eliciting a gasp from your lips. His touch and his mind together almost let you shatter, right here and now. Your own hand started to move again, and it became almost impossible to distinguish between your own pleasure and his. It was so bloody good to actually feel how you brought him closer, how his mind flickered from time to time.
The Master's essence wrapped around your own more firmly, slipped into every corner he could reach, filled out your awareness. The flow of energy in your head felt raw and almost overpowering. His breath ghosted hot against your lips and your eyes crept open, when you somehow realized he had stopped moving inside you altogether, his fingers had left, instead digging into your sides.
Good. You smiled, stroked more firmly, felt him shiver with every move. The feedback loop in your minds dragged you right along, ignited the wish to have him inside you. But having him at your mercy like this, feeling how he surrendered himself to you, how his awareness was solely on your hand around him, it was almost too much to bare already.
He was so close, his breath ragged, fingers digging into your sides. You gently nudged your thoughts against his and his eyes crept open, iris swallowed by his wide pupils. He let out a breath that sounded like your name, then captured your mouth, let his lips sensually move against yours. A pleasant shiver went down your spine, made you ache for him even more. You could wait, though, savoured every second, every spark in your head that told you he got closer. The kiss got sloppy, stopped, your lips only lingering, now. Your whole body was shivering and with a last stroke the Master panted out his release, spilled himself hot over your hand and flooded your mind. You gasped at the sensation, trembled as you felt him nudge against the spot in your head he had teased before, and within seconds you cried out as you came undone, shuddering, clenching around nothing and still feeling amazing in ways you had never experienced before.
Somewhere through the dazed fog you got aware of lips on yours again, slowly dragging you back to consciousness. The kiss was slow and intensely tender. Along with it a gentle warmth pooled into your mind, wrapped around your thoughts like a blanket. You sighed content and reached out, tried to give something back, something you had no name for, but was still a truth in itself.
The Master raised his hands, cradled your face in them and slowly stroked his thumbs over your cheeks. It was so hard not to get lost in the shared connection, not to drown in the vastness it offered. Eventually you got aware that your hand was still in his boxers and you got it out, wiping it clean on his shirt in the process.
"Oi," he protested, smirking.
"Guess you'll have to change anyway," you quietly teased back.
The Master chuckled, dropped his forehead against yours. "I was more thinking about getting rid of those pesky clothes. Especially yours."
His mind gave a slight nudge that made you gasp and clutch his shirt. A new itch of arousal pooled warmly into your lower parts, reminding you of how little time the Master needed to recover. But for now he didn't move, just took in your presence, the mere sensation of your mind.
Faintly, somewhere in the far distance of your awareness, you thought to make out a rhythm of four beats. But that might have just been his hearts, drumming under your fingertips. And you were quite determined to silence the former and speed up the latter. If only for a short time.
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