#but i want samuel to Actually fight right now!!!
melljam · 3 months
samuel during chapter 506 lol
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x teen!reader, Tyreese Williams x teen!reader, Carol Peletier x teen!reader, Judith Grimes x teen!reader (all platonic obviously)
Requested by Anonymous: when the prison fell you and Daryl got separated, this is how you meet up, based on this request
Warnings: mention of blood, fighting, mention killing walkers/zombies, killing people, Daryl hug (yes that’s a warning), knives, guns, mention of killing kids, Terminus, hopefully if you read this you’ve seen the episode and knows what it includes, but ya know typical twd stuff.
A/N did I accidentally write this way longer than I intended yes, yes, I did, now don’t get me wrong the moment where Tyreese defends Judith is iconic but for the sake of this fic I changed it up, kinda wanna make another part
For you who wants to know the episode is season 5 episode 1
Anyway I hope you enjoy this <3
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Judith giggled happily in your arms as you walked on the edge of the railway. You could’ve once imagined all kinds of trains going up and down the tracks as they blew past the trees, but now you couldn’t actually remember much about trains, you had the idea of them but not much details (and if a train were to come right now that would’ve been a miracle).
Tyreese walked a few steps behind you, with Carol in the front, as she led your group of four forward. She came to a stop when a sign that states “TERMINUS” showed up once more. It was your headed path, the sanctuary called Terminus. You personally didn’t trust it, not after the Governor, but you had to find Daryl and the rest of the group. You knew that if any of them were still alive they would’ve gone to Terminus after finding the railway. Which all of them had probably done. Along with finding Daryl you also had to get Tyreese and Judith to safety. Tyreese wasn’t fit to live on the road at the moment, he refused to kill anything that came your way leaving you and Carol to kill stray walkers, or animals for food. Judith, well, she was a baby and sometimes could be screaming all day, she was mostly quiet but the times she did cry was the times walkers got attracted. A baby was no way near fit to be on the road but here you were all of you somehow still alive (except for Lizzie and Mika Samuels, but there was no loss for you over Lizzie that’s for sure).
“We’re close” Carol stated as she saw the sign. “I’m gonna get you all there, make sure you’re safe, but I’m not gonna stay” She saw your face morph into disappointment as you nodded your head, a sad smile on your face. You’d missed her while she was gone and now she would be leaving again, and you didn’t like it, not one bit and you knew Daryl would be sad over it too which didn’t help the matter.
As you heard the rustle of leaves behind you in the forest, you all turned around to see two walkers stalk forward in your direction. Tyreese motioned with his hands to take Judith from you. Judith was carefully switched over to Tyreese and both you and Carol went forward to the walkers. Both of you killed them quickly only to notice the herd that was about to come out of the forest. Carol whispered to Tyreese that more were coming, and so all of you went into the opposite side of the railway. You hid in the forest until the walkers got distracted by shots firing not too far away from all of you.
Tyreese looked worriedly at you as he started to talk. “That gunfire it could’ve been from Terminus”
“Someone was attacking them, or they were attacking someone” Carol responded
“Do we want to find out?”
This time you involved yourself in the conversation, as you believed that you did indeed need to find out. “Yeah, we need to find out, If the others are there they might need help”
With that, and Carol's instruction of walking another track that would get you there as well you all started to walk once more, this time in need to find out the truth.
Your next stop had been outside a small worn out cabin, but it wasn’t the cabin that got your attention. What got your solely attention as you hid in the forest with your companions was the man that talked in a walkie-talkie. He was putting up a bunch of fireworks, no doubt to lead the herd of walkers away from Terminus. You could faintly hear him mention a woman with a sword, and you stopped Carol from going forward. As you continued to listen you heard him mention a kid with a hat and that was all you needed to go on. You didn’t think there were that many women with a sword and kid with a hat together nearby at the same time, so it didn’t take much to know that they were talking about Michonne and Carl. Nor did it take long to realize they had done something to your group, thereby also Daryl. Especially when he mentioned bleeding the kid out.
Carol slowly started to creep up behind the man and you followed not far behind. Tyreese more hesitant but still following. She put her gun toward his head, the young man froze and put his hands up still holding the two way radio. “Keep your finger off the button and drop it”
“Listen, ya’ll don’t have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone’s welcome”
“Shut up man” it was what all three of you were thinking but Tyreese was the one to say it.
“We’re friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat” Carol pressed the gun against his head forward, making the man lean forward as the gun touched his head.
It didn’t take long for you and Carol to tie him up and drag him (not so carefully) into the cabin leaning him against one of the walls. Throughout the whole ordeal the man continued to tell the three of you that you didn’t have to do this, that you could all come up with a deal, but he had no luck there.
As Carol made herself ready to scout Terminus out to see what was happening Tyreese continued to hold Judith in a protective embrace. You however had been asking the man questions, finding out that ever since the first questions he had been lying. He told you he only had Carl and Michonne, that they had both attacked them out of nowhere, that they were just protecting themselves. But none of you believed him. Not with the things you heard him talk about before you confronted him.
You would of followed Carol to Terminus had it not been for your will to protect Judith and Tyreese. As much as you loved Tyreese he wasn’t in his right mind. So you stayed to help if anything bad were to happen, to walkers coming your way or your prisoner getting free somehow, it didn’t matter you were there to protect your family. You only hoped Carol wouldn’t need any help.
Talking about your prisoner he was even more shatty when Carol left. Apparently a teenager, a baby and a man who he could clearly see wasn’t going to kill him was no threat to him. It was his undoing in the end. He underestimated you both and it showed in the way he talked to you and Tyreese as you sat by Judith, who’d you made a makeshift bed to.
“She got a name?… Hey, she got a name?”
“No” you answered at the same time Tyreese answered “Judith” you glared at Tyreese as he told the stranger her name, you didn’t want to give him any information, you never knew if it would backfire.
“She your daughter or something?”
“She’s a friend”
“Huh, I don’t have any friends… I mean I know people. They’re just assholes I stay alive with. The other one your friend, the woman” the younger man nodded towards the door that was now closed. Tyreese slowly looked away at the comment being conflicted about his answer. So instead you answered.
The man nodded and his voice that had now started to annoy you filled the room once more. “I used to have them… used to watch football on Sundays. Went to church” he let out a small laugh as if the thought of it was unbelievable. “I know, I did, but I can’t picture it anymore… it’s funny how you don’t even notice the time go by, horrible shit just stacks up day after day, you get used to it”
Tyreese turned his attention towards the man and spoke with distaste laced in his voice. “I haven’t gotten used to it”
"Of course you haven’t, you’re the kind of guy who saves babies, it’s kinda like saving an anchor, when you’re stuck on a boat-“ you had by know decided to drown out his voice as he tried to make justiciable to let him go.
Your thoughts got filled with Daryl like they had for the most time since the prison fell. You missed him. He always looked out for you. Ever since you met you were drawn to each other. Daryl used to pretend he hated you, especially when Merle was around he couldn’t have his brother think he was soft. However everyone knew he had always secretly looked out for you ever since he met you he’d felt the need to protect you. It came to the point that whenever you wanted to go on a run to get new supplies or do anything really you’d always ask Daryl. You had never spoken about it to each other but there was a silent agreement between everyone even you and Daryl that you were his kid and he your father. It might not be by blood but it was how it had come to be. Everytime something happened to you if you got hurt or if you were sad they’d always notify Daryl, but most of the time he already knew and would be with you to try and cheer you up in his own moody way. When you’d been out on the road before you found the prison you’d always sleep next to each other making sure the other one was safe. Even in the prison your cells were next to each other. He always looked out for you. He taught you how to hunt, he taught you how to use his crossbow, and to fight people to be able to protect yourself. Like Judith was “little asskicker”, you were the “big asskicker”. You couldn’t help but to miss him and the thought of him being hurt from the people in Terminus made your stomach hurt. You didn’t really want to voice your thoughts but you needed the reassurance and Tyreese was the only one who knew who Daryl was and could give reassurance. So against the warnings your mind gave you, you voiced your concerns.
“Do you think Daryl’s okay?” Your voice came out quieter than you expected as your mind filled with more scenarios in which Daryl had gotten hurt in.
Tyreese turned from Judith to look at you. He tried to give a reassuring look on his face as he answered. “I’m sure he’s fine Y/N”
”So Daryl’s your dad, maybe boyfriend” he continued to gues what Daryl was as you made no indication of actually giving anything away to him. After a while he stopped, he wouldn’t get anywhere with you, but he was still confident that if he talked enough to Tyreese would let him go.
“See, you’re a good guy, saving babies and teenagers.
“You have no idea about the things I’ve done”
“You’re a good guy, that’s why you gonna die today, it’s why the baby is going to die, why the Y/N is going to die” both you and Tyreese stood up taking an intimidating step towards the man, your knife pointed at him. “Or… you can get in that car, get out of here, keep on being lucky.”
“You think you’re gonna kill me?”
The man turned his sole attention to Tyreese as he answered him. “Why haven’t you killed me? How does having me alive help you? Why the hell are you even talking to me? Take the kids, take the car and go, I don’t want to do this today”
“For your information we could always use you to get more information or w e could kill you know, like you said we have-“ you got cut off by an explosion going off. Tyreese rushed to the window to see what was happening and saw the smoke over the forest.
“Is that Terminus?” The man moved forward as if trying to see out through the window but he had no luck in that department as he slouched back towards the wall.
“Yeah, probably”
“Maybe you’re gonna win this, maybe your friend, I mean maybe that woman just got capped, maybe I’m gonna be the one who gets capped when she comes back”
“Nobody’s got to die today”
“Man if you believe that… the it’s definitely gonna be you and the kids, even if the place is burning to the ground”
“Man maybe you can shut up and stop talking before I kill you myself” the man took his eyes of Tyreese to look at you as you had your knife pointed at him an annoyed look on your face. He didn’t believe for a moment that a teenager would be able to kill him, nor win in a fight against him. He had a way to high ego to think that you would be able to do any harm to him, he underestimated both you and Tyreese and when he heard as well as saw Tyreese look out at the walkers coming toward the cabin he moved quickly and soon enough his hands went to hold Judith in a hold that would be easy to break her neck.
He told you both to drop your weapons and you both did so not wanting him to hurt Judith. As he saw the walkers claw at the windows he looked towards Tyreese telling him to go outside. As Tyreese went outside he went over to you and bound your hands together with some spare rope just like you had done to him earlier. He made sure the knot would hold before he went I’ve r towards the wallow-talkie and tried to connect to the woman (apparently named Cynthia) on the other side.
While he did all that you tried to desperately tie up the knot that held the rope around your wrist together. Right as you were able to get rid of the rope around your wrist (thankful Daryl taught you how to do it) the noise from outside stopped. It became deathly quiet and the man looked towards were the last pounding against the walls had been. He took out his knife and was about to kill Judith when you quietly and quickly grabbed the knife that was laying right were you left it beside you on the floor and you ran over to the man. You saw red as you knocked him over, he had threatened to kill Judith and Tyreese. Threatened your sister and one of your closest friends. You knocked him towards the floor and your hand went into the air as you threw it down onto him repeatedly stabbing the knife in your hand into him. even after he was clearly dead.
Tyreese had to carefully walk over to you as he took the knife away from you. He told you that the man couldn’t hurt them anymore nor the walkers, everything would be okay. You appreciated his comfort as you hyperventilated for a few minutes over the fact that you’d just killed a human. You’d killed walkers before but never a human being. In your mind it was justified as he was about to kill all of you anyway, but you still felt like you’d lost something inside of you.
It was a while later when you glanced out of the window and saw Carol as she walked towards the cabin, Rick not that far behind. You broke out in a relieve laugh as a smile spread briefly over you lips, this made Tyreese glance out towards where you were looking. You booth scurried to get everything as you both wanted to leave the cabin not being comfortable to stay inside any longer than you needed to.
As both you and Tyreese stepped out of the barn you glanced at the people led by Carol. Your eyes scanned the crowd looking for one person in particular.
Daryl stared at you in disbelief he couldn’t believe you were actually alive, he’d seen you get shot, and without medical attention he guessed you’d died. He hadn’t wanted to keep hoping in case he would someday find your corpse rotting away (either as a walker or actually dead).
Daryl took in your bloodied state, you’d no doubt had to fight. Dirt and blood covered most of your clothes, and your face had a few cuts covered in dried blood. Your once white shirt was miss colored and your jeans had been ripped in some places, your jacket had blood stains all over it. Daryl could only guess what you’d gone through to end up looking like that (he didn’t even look that bad). He didn’t like all the blood covering you, he didn’t like not knowing what had happened, he didn’t like being away from you, he needed to protect you, he’d lost Beth to a couple of strangers, he wouldn’t lose you too.
When your eyes finally found Daryl, you had a soft smile on your face as you saw him visibly relax at your eye contact. While Rick and Carl ran towards Judith in Tyreese’s arms, Daryl stumbled forward towards you, dropping his crossbow to the ground. You met him halfway and he engelfulled you in a tight hug. You’d never know nor would anyone else but Daryl let a few tears fall in relief as he hugged you tightly knowing you were still alive, actually alive. As he felt you wrap your arms around him he felt you hug him just as tight, the comforting sensation you both brought each other was all you needed to ground each other and know that either of you were dreaming, this was real and both of you were okay.
As Daryl heard you sniffle he realized you were crying and he hugged you even tighter, taking one hand to your head and petting it softly — not knowing fully how to comfort someone, even now, having comforted you all those times before he still was unsure if he did it right. However he did know that you were crying from relief, because he did the same thing. You had your father back and he had his kid back and knowing that, you both knew that everything would be okay in the end. You were yet to be bested by someone when together, even when apart you always won, always found your way to back to each other. You would beat this world together and that was all that you needed to know, and the fact that neither of you were planning on leaving soon.
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pocket-watcher · 4 months
"You have everyone thinking you're God when you're just a monster!"
"Silly human... God? Monster? They're synonyms~"
This is SO good. Oh my god. Here you go anon!!
Outsiders had breached the wall.
So many people had been against the “cult” in the first place.
They claimed the people joining were brainwashed.
Oh if only those outsiders knew how right they were…
“Where is he?!” One of them yelled as they stormed into the main place of worship.
Samuel narrowed his eyes. He had oh so many followers, how on earth was he meant to know who this group sought?
“Uh… you’ll need to be more specific. I’m not as omniscient as most believe I am.”
“Cut the crap, where is my husband?!” They stepped in front of the rest of their group. There were about 10 of them in total, maybe.
Far too little for them to make it back outside.
“Your husband…” Something clicked in Samuel’s mind. “Oh! You must be Katherine, aren’t you?”
The woman scowled.
“How the fuck do you know my name?”
“Your husband told me. He told me a lot of things, you know. About you. Your marriage. How he felt. About how he told you all of this and yet you never listened…” Samuel smiled.
Contrary to popular belief, controlling minds is rather methodical.
There are several steps. He’d never tell you them all, and neither would I, but you should know it always helps to find a problem to fix.
“His problem was his partner. Once I fixed that problem, he devoted himself to me. No mind control involved.”
Samuel was lying through his teeth, but she didn’t need to know that.
“I don’t need fixing. And he loves me. I know we fight,” Samuel shot her a knowing glance, “but all couples do! We love each other…”
It was suddenly like Samuel had flipped a switch.
That was how he’d built his empire. This power of persuasion. Even through looks and body language he found that if he wanted someone to think what he thought and believe in what he wanted them to he could.
And right now he wanted this place to be these peoples’ sanctuary.
Someone else from the crowd stepped forward to comfort the woman from the doubt growing in her mind.
“Do you? Love each other, that is. You’re all here to save this man, yes? But doesn’t it infuriate you that he needs saving at all? You seem like a take-charge type of person. How did you two end up together?”
Her face twisted.
He moved his body forward, mirroring her stance. People respond well when you show them you care as much as they do. However, when you don’t actually care as much as they claimed to they’re often side-swept by your enthusiasm. They back down.
Her body folded inwards, uncertain.
“I… he lets me take charge. I’m happy to, I enjoy being the one to-“
“But isn’t that exhausting? Being in control 24/7?”
The group murmured in agreement, trying to keep up their scowling faces.
It’s hard to be angry at someone you agree with.
“I can take you to your husband, if you’d like. You can discuss his decision with him?”
Samuel stood and slowly approached them down the steps upon where he had sat. He offered her his hand.
She gladly took it.
“Katherine. That really is a beautiful name…”
One of the group snapped.
“Kath, what the fuck?! All of you. You believe this shit? He’s putting you under the same fucking spell everyone here is under!”
Samuel turned back to the other woman, who wasn’t quite finished yelling.
“It’s ridiculous. You have everyone here thinking you’re a God. Well, I can see through it. You’re not a God, just a monster.”
Samuel approached her.
That thing I said earlier about being methodical? Samuel liked to take his time. It was more fun that way. But sometimes, he needed them to drop quick and easy.
He rested his hand on the woman’s shoulder and she went silent. Her eyes a grey haze.
“Silly human… God? Monster? They’re synonyms…”
He led the group away. To their new quarters. To reunite a husband and wife.
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royaltyoon · 2 years
Deal with the devil
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I actually like this one, it's a little long but I made the reader badass asf.
It's not the most realistic, but which fic ever is?
Tw: mentions of weaponry and death threats. Implied intercourse (?)
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You stood at the entrance of the bigdeal streets. According to your calculations, he should be here soon. You were in charge of all the money statistics in the crew and you knew the amount was falling short. You knew he would visit sooner or later.
His entrance was right on cue, as if you summoned the devil himself. It wouldn't be beneath him to be the incarnation of the devil either. So the aim wasn't far off.
"We need to talk." If gun had as much as seen your face before he would've thought you both knew eachother. "And who are you?" He stopped right in front of you, holding his umbrella, shielding him from the rain. You couldn't say the same with your wet clothes and hair matting up, falling flat in its place.
"that doesn't matter. But I can't let you meet jake. Not when I know what the conversation is going to be about."
"so you know." He said, dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his foot. "I wondered who was in charge of all the finances after Samuel left. Guess that's you."
You bit the inside of your cheek, so much for being a secret. "I'm not here to beat him up, you should've known that too." His dark eyes stared straight into your soul.
"I do. But it's not a good time to have that conversation either." You knew jake was under too much pressure, especially after whatever happened with sinu. This topic would only put more on his plate than there needs to be. Jake was like an older brother to you, and you tried your best to repay whatever kindness he paid you.
"unfortunately, I don't take orders from you." He took a step to the right, dismissing your presence. You move in front of him again, blocking his way. "Are you planning on fighting me? Even you should know that's a losing bet for you." He raised an eyebrow.
He was not phased by your determined stance. "Alright let's make this interesting. Land a hit on me and I'll leave. You have a minute." His voice had a daring tone.
"I'm extremely good at taekwondo, are you sure a hit is all I need?" Pretending to be tough doesn't always pan out, but it's still worth a try.
You took his silence as a yes. You knew your skills weren't nearly enough to even touch him, so you had to work around it. You needed more than simply brawns.
"predictable." His voice was bored when he blocked your kick. "Pathetic." It rang out again. He didn't even have to keep his umbrella down, the power gap was just that much.
He held your ankle right before it could hit his face. Using it to your advantage, you try to twist your way out of it. "You know it's no use-" He fell silent as a small *tak* sound was made.
His left his grip on your foot and brought his hand to his eye. "Was that a stone?" His voice grew louder. "Mh-hm. My aim is impeccable." You shrugged, a grin breaking out but it dropped just as quickly.
You ducked as his fist reached out to you. "Hey now. A deal is a deal. You said you'd leave if I land a hit. And I did. You didn't mention it had to be physical contact" You could tell he wasn't happy to hear that. "Joongoo would've approved of you" he mumbles. Before turning back.
He stops half way, "Next time we meet, I won't go easy." He says without looking back.
"Next time we meet, I'll bring a gun." (I mean like a pistol. Lol)
--- (few months in the future)---
You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to open the door. Knowing the devil is on the other side really made you not want to. Big deals monetary status hadn't improved much since the last time. And you knew the next visit by him wouldn't be just a warning.
So you thought of the only way this would play out in your favour was if you went to him before he came to you.
Finally opening the door to his office and making your entrance. "Missed me?" You grin, putting on your tough facade again.
He took a few seconds to register the scene before he spoke. "Not in the slightest." His tilted his head to look behind you, seeing a body laying unconscious. "So the taekwondo wasn't just a ruse?" He asked. "Maybe not" you shrugged.
"I kept our promise, you know." You dug into your pocket, bringing out a gun (a pistol) and lazily twirling it around your fingers. It didn't do much to change his expression. Rather it seems you intrigued him more.
"There's one bullet in this. And you know I won't miss. So hear me out." You demanded, a smirk laying on your face and you leaned forward against his table. "Give big deal some more time."
He leaned back on his chair. "And why would I?"
"Or I'm the only one walking out of this room alive."
He smirks, "what do you have up your sleeve this time? You couldn't have just walked into the lions den without a plan?" Gun was more interested in your guts to stand against him rather than worry if it would be his last. He knew it wouldn't be.
"Of course." You smile. "If a big deal member takes out the infamous 'gun'. Big deal would make too many enemies. Stronger ones even. So you see, I left big deal three days ago." His eyebrow arched in surprise. But his silence urged you to continue.
"I left a note and everything." Your hand flailed in the air. "In these three days, I met with your precious leaders of the other crews."
"If you die today. The entire workers affiliate would come to aid bid deal if your acquaintances still manage to pin the blame on big deal. That little nerd with specs? He seemed too enthused to get rid of you." You twirled the pistol in your hand again.
Gun smirked, it gave off creepy vibes which almost made you lose your confidence. "God dog? He didn't seem too inclined to make a deal. He's got that lone wolf drama going on. But I know he wants to get rid of you too and he doesn't like being in-debt to anyone. He'd come to the rescue if the problem ever rises."
"Olly." You sighed. "He was a little tough to convince. But the second i mentioned Eli Jang, he was on board." Gun's expression turned serious at the mention of Eli's name. "And guess what?" You smiled wider. "I have a lead on his whereabouts."
"You're lying." Gun straightened himself. "Or am I?" You challenge him with a grin.
"So, what's your decision. The balls in your court now." You stood up straight, aim the gun(pistol) where his stone cold heart should be.
"You won't pull the trigger." He laughs.
"why not?"
"I see your hand trembling. You don't have the guts."
"or was it all an act." As if on the cue of your words, your hand steadies itself, moving to aim at his head now. "Oh, and if you think you fight i won't be able to shoot you." You throw a decorative piece from his table up in the air and shoot a bullet hitting it perfectly causing it to disintegrate in the air. "My aim? Impeccable. Even on moving objects."
"Didn't you say the gun had only one bullet?" He raised an eyebrow. "Or was that a lie?" You say, bringing back the gun and aiming it at this head. "So, your answer?"
"I shouldn't have called you Samuels replacement. You're better." He grins creepily again. "How do I know you're not lying about making deals with the other crews?"
"you don't." You smile. "It's up to you to risk it."
He laughs, "You've impressed me. I'll give big deal 2 months."
"Make it four and I might let you in on the lead about Eli Jang."
---(few weeks in the future)---
"How did you know you'd find me here?" You said lighting a cigarette. "Where else would you be other than the big deal streets. It had to be a lie that you left the crew." He said, stepping out of the dark.
"it was." You smile, the cigarette hanging between your lips. Taking it out and passing it to him, you blew out smoke.
He accepted the cigarette, leaning against the alley wall beside you. It was silent for a while "What brings you here?" You looked at him from the corner of your eye. He dropped the cigarette and put out the butt. "You." He said and pushed himself off the wall.
"wha- before you could complete your sentence, he brought his lips against yours. His hand traveled under your ear bringing you closer. It was hard not to kiss back when it felt so intoxicating. You were convinced he was the devil, no one else could be this tempting.
You pulled away to breathe, but he pulled you back to him. Pushing you into the wall with rough hands. He tasted like cigarettes, the addictive kind.
You took him up to your room that night after he snaked his hand under your shirt and you had no will to stop him. That gave rise to a 'no strings attached' agreement between the two. You made a deal with the devil.
---(three months in the future)---
"This ends the second you hurt jake." You said in between breaths. "Why." He shoved you against the wall harder, his hands pressed against your waist. "Are you talking about someone else when I'm right here." He bit down on your lower lip until you voiced out a moan. And he smirked in satisfaction.
Gun had come to grow accustomed to you, to your body. He knew what would make you moan or even scream. And he got accustomed to hearing your sounds more than he'd like to accept.
It had been a while since someone had impressed him like you did. He liked the danger, the thrill. He liked the sensation, he liked yo-
No, no he didn't. It is a 'foes with benefits' situation. That's it, nothing more nothing less. That's what gun told himself.
---(one month in the future)---
Gun stood in the rain. He just took care of jake and disqualified big deal.
For some reason, it felt heavy. Everything did. But mostly, it was his chest.
*tak* a small pebble hit him on the back of his head. He knew exactly who it was.
Another pebble followed, and then another.
He finally turned around and looked at you. Your eyes red, but no tears escaped them. You flicked another stone at him. Your last one. "Fuck you." You seethed
"That's exactly what you've been doing all this while." He smirks
"Go to hell." You hissed, turning your back to him. You couldn't stay there a second longer.
"That's exactly where I'll be going." He mumbled loud enough for you to hear. He looked at you, as your figure got smaller and smaller and finally merged with the horizon.
He clicked his tongue and himself left the place. But not before he bent down and picked a pebble you threw at him and shoving it into his pocket.
You should've known a deal with the deal would never end well.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Hi, there it's so great to find an amazing writer who enjoys Lookism so much! Please keep at it, your HC's are so much fun to read! If it's not too much to ask for the boys like Gun, Samuel, and Vasco with s/o who is a foreign girl, a very capable fighter, and honorable in combat but outside the fight she is quite self-conscious and a bit naive.
Not me reading the first part of this and thinking you're being sarcastic af lol
Thanks for being so kind anon :') I'm glad you're enjoying it, I have SO much fun writing them and putting my stupidity out! Thanks for the ask! I had a little difficulty writing it.... this really isn't very good but hope this hits the spot.
Lookism with non S. Korean S/O
You're from somewhere vague and overseas. Scenario with your partner (Gun, Samuel, Vasco, Jake)
Your boyfriend was asking you to fight yet again. You're getting pretty tired of it.
You only moved to South Korea not too long ago and ever since he discovered you picked up your skills from overseas, all he makes you do is fight him. And he doesn't go easy on you.
What happened to dates? What happened to romance?
You thought your boyfriend was growing colder towards you, now always in his own head or just studying martial arts.
He peers at you over the top of his sunglasses. Your words are hard to say aloud.
"Do you ... do you not want to be with me anymore?"
"What makes you think that?"
"All we do is fight... Literally! I can't remember the last time you even asked me for anything else."
He pulls you into his arms, "You're actually challenging me. Do you know how rare that is? I'm more turned on than ever."
You transferred from overseas after helping source partners to help grow Workers into the behemoth it is today.
Back in your field days, there wasn't anything that couldn't be solved with some violence, but your morals and fairness made you stand out amongst would-be enemies.
Even with the 3rd and 4th Affiliate President as your boyfriend, no one could deny your competence or throw around accusation of nepotism.
But you still had to get your head around the working culture in this country.
"Sammy, do I really have to call you Mr. Seo in the office?"
"Isn't that a bit weird? People have seen us together."
"No, I'm your boss. You need to show respect and address me properly here."
"Oh... Do you actually not want anyone to know I'm your girlfriend?"
Samuel pinches the bridge of his nose, can't quite believing he's going to give in on this.
"Fine. You can call me Samuel,"
"What about-"
"Not Sam. Not Sammy. Samuel."
You had agreed to meet in the park for a date with Vasco.
The first time you kissed him, he nearly jumped out of his skin claiming that wasn't how dating worked in South Korea. You found out later it was just his eccentricities.
Vasco texted you that he was running late when a group of guys start harassing you.
You threaten to call the police, but when they put their hands on you, you weren't left with many options.
"Y/N?!" Your boyfriend was staring at you in shock.
"No! Euntae, I didn't want you to see me like this!" you hide your bloodied fist from him.
"What! That was amazing!"
"Thank? you?"His compliment made you blush, you knew it wasn't what 'ladies' do but he liked it?
"Y/N! I thought people only had street fights in South Korea! Do they fight overseas too?"
You think this might be the first time Jake treated you to a meal. A job well done, he had said after you beat up some thugs who were harassing the girls.
Jake's often running off to god knows where to get god knows what done, leaving you to look after the street.
Is this the supposed Girlfriend Privileges? You having to fight in his stead? You reckon you're getting the short end of the stick.
You stare at the violently red pot of stew in front of you, with some unidentified vegetables floating around
"Jake...? What is this?"
"Oh! You've never tried many Korean dishes, right! It's kimchi stew, my favourite. Here." He spoons some into a bowl for you.
With your boyfriend's loving gaze on you, you had no choice but to take a sip.
"ACK!" you spit it out immediately and grab your glass of water to wash the vileness out of your mouth
Jake rolls his eyes at you, "You've got no taste" and takes his own mouthful.
"I know, I'm with you."
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
one where the reader has just given birth to her first child with kylian, and she has a kind of "postpartum depression", she is very insecure about her body, she is exhausted by the new routine, and whenever she has to breastfeed she cries because her breasts are still sensitive and etc... she hesitates to talk to kylian about it, but after a while he brings it up again to understand what is going on with her, they talk about everything and he comforts and cares her... if u can, please.
I love this request so much 😭
Tw: postpartum depression, depression in general, anxiety, reader being self conscious
Kylian Mbappe x reader
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The way you are
Two months ago your life completely changed.
You and Kylian were expecting your first child and you were both thrilled, excited and scared. It was a rollercoaster of emotions but you couldn’t wait to meet the new addition to the family. Two months ago and you gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby boy, Samuel, and you couldn’t be happier. He was Kylian’s twin. But now it was hard for you to get used to the new routine. It wasn’t only waking up in the middle of the night because your baby needed to be changed or fed. It was all the stress that came with the pregnancy. Everyone felt like women had to be happy they welcomed a new life on earth, had to be joyful that the pain they went through for nine months was finally over and had to know everything about taking care of a new born - but it wasn’t like that, these past two months have been hitting you really hard, both mentally and physically.
You were grateful for Kylian to be there every time you needed him, he was such a good father and a very fast learner. His family did helped you a lot too. His mom knew how much having kids could be exhausting so she made sure to watch the baby a couple days so you could rest without getting worried of being woke up.
But still, even if you had free times your mind couldn’t seem to stop. It was a constant fight between you and your brain.
Everytime you looked in the mirror you couldn’t stand the person in front of you. It wasn’t you. You didn’t recognized her. Your body got bigger with the pregnancy, your breast fuller and your legs and feet were always sore.
Breastfeeding was a living hell for you. You thought it would give you joy seeing your baby being so healthy and hungry but you hated those moments and you couldn’t help but think that something was definitely wrong with you. Your breast was always so sensitive and it hurt when Sammy was feeding that you cried every single time. You were always tired more than you were when you were pregnant. The baby took a lot of energy from you.
Kylian noticed that you became quieter and he honestly didn’t like it. You were usually a very talkative person, always bright and joyful, your positive aura protecting you and all the people around you so he started questioning what was going on with you. He waited for you to open up with him but when he saw that you didn’t he broke the silence and made the first move.
“Hey baby…” he approached you one night when you were both in bed, Samuel falling asleep in Kylian’s arms just thirty minutes earlier.
“Hey…” you whispered, completely exhausted.
“Can I ask you something?” he asked laying in bed next to you. You nodded.
“You would tell me if something is wrong, right?” he asked, trying to slowly approach the topic.
“Yes why?” you asked him a bit confused.
“I’m not judging you okay? But…I feel like you’re getting distant from me, from everyone actually and I’m a bit worried…is everything okay baby?” he asked you.
No. Nothing is okay you wanted to say. But you couldn’t complain about it because in your mind, doing all of these painful and tiring things for your baby, would have been absolutely worth it for him in the future, so as a mother you should have endured the pain and going on.
“Yes everything is okay Kylian” you lied.
“Babe please tell me what’s going on? I know you’re not okay I can see that…I just wanna help” he begged you because he hated seeing you like that.
“You wanna help me? Go and breastfeed your child!” you shouted, completely forgetting about the walls you built up and letting all of your emotions coming out “go and look at yourself in the mirror and stand there, staring at someone who’s not you but at the same time looks exactly like you! Take care of Samuel every time he needs to be fed because my breast can’t take it anymore! It hurt Kylian! It hurt so fucking much you have no idea and there’s nothing I can do about it because I am a mom and I shouldn’t be complaining because these are normal things to do but I can’t do it! It’s fucking exhausting and I feel so bad because all I want to do is love my child but I feel like I can’t do it because of all of the pain I’m going though…you have no idea Kylian how every single inch of my body hurts!” you said, completely breaking down.
Kylian was shocked and hurt because he wished he realised sooner that this new routine was completely killing you.
“Baby…hear me out. I love you and that’s not gonna change. I loved your body before and I love your body now because it’s yours. It’s you y/n and I love you just the way you are…” he said holding you in his arms “I’m so sorry you feel this way baby, I really am…I wish I could do something for helping you with the pain…we can try some massages if you want to? I’m open to do anything in my power to make you feel comfortable” he said from the bottom of his heart because he couldn’t stand the idea of you being in pain “what you’re going through it’s normal baby…a lot of women go through postpartum depression and I think talking with a specialist might help you, only if you’re up for it, it’s up to you, but whatever you decide to do I’m here, to help you and support you. You’re not alone in this okay?” he softly said while leaving gentle kisses to your neck.
You calmed down listening to his voice and you were so grateful for having someone like him by your side.
“Thank you Kylian” you said wiping your tears away.
“Don’t thank me baby…I’m here, I will always be here for you, and Sammy, you two are the most important people in my life and I love you so much” he said truthfully.
You fell asleep in his arms, while he softly massaged your back and neck, trying to ease the pain.
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rubykgrant · 2 months
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I made a couple minor adjustments (because I can never just leave things alone), so here they are again; Vanessa Kimball, Donald Doyle, Dr Emily Grey, the Mercs (Samuel Ortez, AKA Locus. Isaac Gates, AKA Felix. Mason Wu, AKA Siris) and the Lieutenants of Chorus (Charles Palomo, Katie Jensen, an OC Molly Dahl/Volleyball, Antoine Bitters, Duri Matthews, John Elizabeth Andersmith). All finished! On the left are the signature/armor colors, and the right are their individual colors
I had designs for the Lieutenants already, but I made some adjustments/edits, so here they are again. Grey and Doyle gave me SO MUCH TROUBLE, but I’m finally satisfied with them. Al though we saw the faces for Locus, Felix, and Mason, I wanted to translate that into my pixel style, and also do versions of them later on (this is Locus when he’s done with Chorus, and moving on. this is Felix in the middle of Chorus, when he was actually thriving in his element. This is Mason after he’s had some down time, way after Felix literally stabbed him in the back). I do all of these in MS Paint with a mouse, which started because it was the quickest way to scribble something up and share it… but after practicing for a couple years now, my style has improved (at least a little). My favorite thing to do with character designs is give everybody different features with the shapes of their eyes/noses/chins/mouths, and hairstyles~
Design notes for the characters below-
For Kimball, I’m imagining her as Canadian First Nations (Kainai). During the most stressful parts of Chorus, she had to constantly worry about everybody just surviving, but now that things have settled down, they all have a chance to LIVE, and be themselves (she’s wearing jewelry for the first time in a few years, earrings with ammolite gemstones). She has dark hair parted and pulled back in two braids. She’s in her late 20s, and has defined features, not harsh or striking, but still strong.
I tried a few different hair colors with Doyle, and finally settled on him being a carrot-top, and a little curly. He’s got a mustache, and I REALLY tried to make sure it doesn’t look like “ginger Wyoming” haha. I ecided to give him a little cleft in his chin (he also has exactly ONE scar; he doesn’t like people to see it, because it gives the false impression he was injured while fighting, and they start thinking he’s “brave” or something. he got it from falling off his bike and getting scrapped by a tree branch when he was a kid)
With Grey, I like to imagine that she’s been giving her hair vibrant colors for years, a little splash of happiness in a weary world. Her hair is parted in the middle, a longer length falling to one side, the other pinned back with two hair clips. The rest of her hair is wound up in a bun. The hair in her bun is a pale yellow, most of her hair is a very light pink, and the longer length is a gradient of pastel purple-blue. She has a small, heart-shaped mouth with a little bit of color (bright cherry-punch lip balm), and smile lines around her mouth. I really wanted her to have unique and distinct shapes in her face. Across her back and left shoulder is an old scar from an explosion
Locus actually wasn’t doing so great Chorus, not eating or sleeping enough, what with the whole crisis involved; thinking of himself as a murder-machine unable to see the worth of kindness or mercy, and THEN recovering enough humanity to be horrified by his actions thus considering himself a monster without a purpose… y'know, that whole deal. Anyway, the Reds and Blues force him to be a person again, so he gained some weight back. While he has a very strong jaw, it’s kind of low where the angle is (so he doesn’t have a “long” chin, but a wide one). He also has pretty defined cheek bones, and other features as well. He’s letting his hair recover some of the naturally curly texture as well
Felix, on the other hand, was doing just fine and dandy on Chorus (and probably sneaking off planet to get some Charon’s Fried Chicken while everybody else almost starved). He's a little older that the first look at him, with deeper lines in his face. He still has an undercut, the upper parts of his are is a little longer than before, parted in the middle. He has a way of looking very relaxed, even when he’s ready to snap and kill somebody… which is partially natural talent, but also very practiced, because he KNOWS how to use his charm to manipulate people. Once people know who he really is, he just looks like an a-hole. For those who meet him for the first time; he’s seems like a dude who is really chill and likes to laugh
After things fell apart with Locus and Felix (mainly, Felix trying to kill him), Mason took some time to recover and stayed under the radar for a few years. Eventually, both he and Megan work together with their own private detective agency (similar skills, but less of a bounty-hunter, more locating missing/kid-napped people, and helping others escape dangerous situations). He has clear, sharp angles to his face (I wanted to try and emphasize that the features aren’t “scary”, but beautiful). He has a nick in his left ear, and over his left eyebrow. He’s grown a beard, and let his hair get longer (it was probably even more so while he was hiding, but he’s recently trimmed it a little). He has some salt-and-pepper going on, very distinguished~
Palomo is a kid who has recently gone through both an emotional groth-spurt and a physical growth-spurt, so he’s still sort of getting used to himself. He thought he was done with the awkward teen years, but now comes the awkward 20s! He’s a little bit of a string-bean, with striking features that still show his softer side. He keeps his hair short, and it just kind of spikes up (he’s a natural anime kid haha). I decided he wears glasses (clear frames). I’m imagining him as mixed Italian and Mexican.
I think a lot of people picture Katie with braids/freckles, and I’m no different. It just looks cute on her. She has a strong chin, with somewhat angular features, a little bit of a squared jawline, but not too defined. She’s sort of in the middle with the kids of Chorus, not very young, but still not part of the older group. She’s tall, just a bit more than Palomo. Her family is Jewish (from Poland and Russia back in the day, but her more recent relatives lived in Canada)
I’m calling the Volleyball Girl Molly Dahl, and her nick-name is Dolly (yes, because it rhymes, haha). She’s very cute, and looks younger than she actually is (older than Jensen by a couple years, so just barely out of her early-20s). Her features are very soft, and sort of “angelic”. She’s also very athletic, and better at unarmed fighting than most of the others. I imagined her being Black (background being Afro-Latina and Caribbean). She has her natural hair kept back in an afro with a pink headband
Bitters is not only older than some of the other kids here, but he even had more memories of life before Chorus (Bitters was LITERALLY bitter about how this was all the others knew, and he wished they could actually have a chance to be KIDS). Despite trying to go for a bored-rebellious attitude all the time, he’s secretly sweet and caring. He’s still young, and has a slightly slender, gentle shape to his face. He’s Black (Creole), and has coiled hair pulled back (a twist and short ponytail). He has his left eyebrow pierced
Matthews didn’t have much time to cut his hair back during the whole war incident, but later on Grif actually did something nice and told him his long hair was cool (now that he’s not actively trying to be a jerk, Grif actually LIKES this kid). Matthews decided to keep it long, coming down around his shoulders, parted off-center. I’m imagining him Korean, and so I gave him a first name to be part of that. He’s one of the younger kids, with a chubby body-type (although he’s the shortest of this group, he’s actually more of a medium-height; the rest of them are all just EXTRA tall)
I feel like Andersmith still cuts his hair like a dude going in for his first professional job interview (he actually looks a bit like a “prince charming” type, very strong features that are a little elegant). He’s one of the older kids, but because he’s tall, a few people assume he’s been around for a lot longer. Despite how serious he presents himself, he’s actually a very emotional person, and will passionately talk about how important hope and friendship is, and loves listening to the interests his friends have. I’m imagining him being mixed European and Southeast Asian (Norwegian and Filipino).
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windrsr · 2 years
How would your oc's react if they accidentally break their darling?
Tw: Manipulation and gaslighting on Miru's part.
(Male Yandere OCs x Gender Neutral Reader)
•Henry (Doll Maker) - This is what he wanted, actually. He wants you to lose your will to even fight against him, and to completely shut down so he can do whatever he wants to you, without you resisting. He enjoys dressing you up, controlling your daily life, and holding you in his arms, hoping that you know that this is your life.
•Micheal (Scientist) - He thinks it's pathetic. He thinks he hasn't even done his worst to you yet. But he would rather have you like this than be stubborn; he can tell you to do something and you'll just do it, without having any argument with you at all. "You're such a good, little pet...All quiet and obedient for me."
•Miru (Living Doll) - He gets really worried and frustrated. You're not taking care of him anymore and tending to his needs. He calls you lazy and tells you to do something for him, only to have tears of anger form when you wouldn't even respond to him or get up out of bed. He cries, and places his hands on your shoulders, begging you to stop playing hard to get with him and to just return to your daily routine, which is taking care of him.
•Ryan (Test Subject) - He's heartbroken. He didn't mean to break you! All he wanted was to take care of you and protect you. When he finds out that you're completely lost hope in him (or life in general), he feels like he failed you. He knows he's went too far, and he tries his best to bring you back, by telling you that he's here for you, but it's too late. He tries his best to reason with you and bring you back, but it doesn't seem like you're listening, so done with everything.
•Loki (Creature) - He thinks you're weak, but he also thinks that's his fault. He should have known better. He should have known to be more gentle and less harsher with you. Loki must have forgotten his own strength as a creature. He's disappointed in himself, and he's going back to the behaviors that he promised himself that he wouldn't have.
•Aaron (Best Friend) - He panics. You're not the same person you used to be, and it makes him feel like you hate him. He doesn't care what you do - you can hit him, yell at him, cry, he just wants you to say something to him, anything that reminds him of the person that you used to be. "C-come on, you still love me, right? Right?! I-I know you're in there, y/n! Just say something, anything!"
•Samuel (Fatherly) - At first, he refuses to believe it. He just takes care of you as usual, but he always notices that your eyes looks so grey and lifeless. You don't fight back anymore, which is something he's happy about, but it's not because you've finally accepted him, it's from losing hope. He holds your hand, "I know it may seem bad now, but please know that I'm doing this because I love you, sweetheart. I know that you will come to your senses soon, and realize just how much I care about you."
•Tyler (Bounty Hunter) - He feels like shit. He tried his best to be as gentle and "loving" as possible, but he's failed at that. He feels stupid; how could he, a bounty hunter ever learn how to love when killing is all he's known? Tyler thinks he should have known better than to try and have a lover. He doesn't let you go, but he leaves you alone and doesn't talk to you anymore.
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Prompt idea- Regina tells everyone at the party she is in love with Janis when she is drunk and she publicly apologizes to Janis but she is with Aaron and he is a dick about it. Janis defends Regina.
The One That Got Away
Regina George x Aaron Samuels(ft. Janis + Damian, Gretchen and Karen)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, coarse language, angst
Regina drunkenly admits that Janis is the one that got away. Aaron’s not happy about it
They were all gathered at Regina’s for a hangout, after having not seen each other in weeks, some haven’t seen each other in months. College was great, but also incredibly busy. Now that the whole gang was on spring break, well, they could all finally take a break.
Regina was already tipsy when the rest of the bunch started to arrive, and were subsequently met with a very stressed out Aaron. “Dear Lord, you didn’t want to wait for us before you got started?” Damian grumbled.
“My house. My rules.” Regina laughs. Damian squints at her, then at Aaron, “Man, good luck dealing with that tonight.”
“You guys will be here awhile.” He lets out a laugh, “So…I won’t have to worry about that for a few hours.”
The bunch started off their night with card games, then board games, then puzzles. All of them gradually started losing focus from the games and started getting absolutely wasted. The puzzle pieces were soon abandoned, and chatter filled the spacious room.
“Guys, remember when I made fun of Janis?” Regina asks aloud, causing all of them to just collectively fall silent.
“Babe, what— I don’t think you should be bringing that up right now.” Aaron chimed in.
“Why not?” The blonde asks, “I want…to apologise.”
“Regina.” Aaron sighs, fighting back an eye-roll. Janis notices that immediately, glaring at him very not-subtly. “No, let her talk.” Janis spoke up, “Why shouldn’t she bring that up? She has a good reason to.”
“It’s old news.”
“Well, it happened. And not to you, so I think you should shut the fuck up and—”
Regina cracked a smile hearing the profanity, Gretchen and Karen looked at them, worried. Damian was simply enjoying the building chaos but also— worried a little about Janis spiralling afterwards. Gretchen quietly took away Janis' bottle of beer, and thankfully she didn't notice. "It was a fucked up thing to do, regardless of the reason why. I never should've done that, I never should've made things hell for you and lost you as a friend as a result. It sucked, having to figure out who I was while I envied you being so unapologetically yourself. Pushing you away the way I did was no help to either of us. I wish we could turn back the clock and I would've never done any of that. Things would've been so different. You truly are the one that got away. I'm sorry, Janis."
"Seems very sober of her to me." Damian remarked.
"She's drunk off her ass." Aaron scoffs.
Janis huffs, "And what? That doesn't mean she can't speak. 'A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.'"
"Whatever, I'm out. Good night."
"Don't need you here if you're gonna be a dick about an apology to someone I care about, Aaron. Scram." Regina added on. With that, he got up from the floor and left slamming the front door.
Janis pondered over the girl's words before saying, "Thanks for holding yourself accountable. I'm sorry for lighting your backpack on fire. I just felt so betrayed having the person closest to me at that point in my life make fun of me with the whole school. I had no one for a long time, even though I had Damian. i did not like that change...I missed us. Our friendship, what we used to do, how much time we used to spend playing and laughing together. All of that— gone."
"Please, that backpack was ugly." Regina laughs, "Actually I should be thanking you for lighting that tacky backpack on fire."
Janis sighs, then chuckles.
"We're good?"
"We're good." Janis confirms. Regina opened up her arms, approaching the brunette. Janis, though taken aback, still stood up and accepted the long awaited hug. "Thank you for hearing me out, Jay."
"It's what we should have done in the first place. We're moving on to a new chapter of our lives soon...I'm just glad that one's finally closed." Janis swallows her tears, "Maybe you should go look for Aaron—"
"I'll talk to him in the morning. He was being a fucking dick about this whole thing, he can wait. I'm just glad I have you back in my life without all the tension."
Janis allowed herself to smile, though hiding it— poorly. Regina nudged her playfully, "Sit down. Gretchen took your drink."
Janis sulked as she plopped back down into her spot on the floor, "Gretch. My drink."
"I don't think you should drink anymore tonight, Janis." Gretchen frowns, studying her face carefully.
"I'm fine, this is worth a drink, right?" Janis looks at her.
"I guess?" Gretchen squints, shrugging, "Alright, here you go. Slow down."
Janis grins, reaching out to grab her half-empty bottle of Kona beer. "Thanks."
Gretchen couldn't help but smile seeing Janis being so...smiley. "Cheers."
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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minalblood · 2 months
The Winchesters 1x13 Review
Let’s just dive into this, it’s been a looong time coming:
-I completely forgot that John had had no idea what to do until he got the letter. I wonder if this is something that may have happened in OG SPN? Also, adding to this, we know that when Henry leaves in SPN, the Winchesters are still in Illinois, but in TW they are already moved. I want to know if there is a thread that matches the OG universe and if so when exactly it diverges. Like, did SPN!John have this feeling of complete loss of purpose when he returned from war? We have some hints to tell us yes, but ultimately we don’t know. Did SPN!John know Murphy? Did Murphy die/was his death impactful to John in SPN as it is in TW? I wish we had a bit more details about the similarities and differences in the universes.
-The fact that TW!John called Dean “sir” hurt me as much as it hurt Dean. You can see the pain. I also want to know how Dean left so quickly. Like suspension of disbelief is fine, but considering we have pictures of him in 1970s Lawrence in his car going place to place makes me think he’s at least somewhat constrained to physicality. So did he just dash? Also how did he get upstairs so quick also? So maybe he isn’t as constrained as I was picturing?
-Speaking of, how did Dean get that letter? I may be misremembering things here cuz it’s been a while since ep 1, but I always assumed that Dean would’ve gotten it from the MOL clubhouse prior to him deciding to interfere right? Is did we ever get this answer? If so though, I want to know how long Dean’s been in TW universe because it’s much longer than I remembered it being and how long did he ponder whether to interact with one of his folks? 
-I fully believe Dean lied about the “one last hunt” to Bobby. There are reasons for this and I will mention it a bit later, but for now I want to mention that he can keep this promise and claim a loophole if he so chooses. He hadn’t left Heaven to hunt, he went searching for something personal and stumbled upon the Akrida. He’s still Dean Winchester, there was no way he’d be able to walk away and not at least try to help, nevermind the Akrida showing up because he and Sam defeated Chuck and he’d likely feel even more responsibility.
-I know this ep is coming full circle on all of aur characters growth, but I need to shout out Samuel here for asking Mary and actually backing away once she clarifies her own uncertainty despite his clear shock. The Samuel we met in the beginning of this wouldn’t have stopped until this devolved into a huge fight because Mary isn’t doing what he wants from her. Same to Millie, she just subtly prompted John about Mary leaving hunting and how he’s dealing without badgering or pushing. I also deeply appreciate both Samuel and Millie here inquiring about their kids’ emotional states, great progress. 
-Joan mention! I cannot wait to get into this once she shows up fully.
-And speaking of growth of characters, I also love that for all we see everyone having evolved and developed, they are still to some degree who we met: case in point Mary’s knee jerk reaction if to withhold information. She ends up not really doing this, even trying to have a proper conversation with John later, but her reflex is still to withhold. It’s just that now she’s aware enough that she’ll change her approach.
-Adore the foreshadowing for the Akrida’s defeat “anything not of this Earth”. Especially with the sheer focus on Dean from both in-universe from the Scoobies and out of universe from the fans. 
-Speaking of things I love though, can we just give a full round of applause for Ada not lying and keeping the secret about the spell from everyone? How many times has stuff exactly like this led to worse outcomes exactly because people didn’t communicate? And what’s more, it’s exactly because she mentions this that Lata gets a head start into a solution (second round of applause for this, especially since it’s so rare that we get actual contingencies set up before the really risky move is executed rather than scrambling for a patch work after the fact) and they don't end up using the spell until it’s really unavoidable which leads to the third round of applause for Carlos who prevents Ada from preemptively using the spell (hello direct answer to Jack turning himself into a bomb for Chuck and the plan derailing completely cuz they jumped the shark with it).
-Something to note though: souls function differently in TW apparently. In SPN the closest similar spell we have to what Ada has is Lily Sunder’s angelic magic which also uses fragments of soul as fuel, however unlike SPN where Lily burns piece by piece but ultimately still has the remaining soul after the spells, in TW they clarify that Ada’s soul will slowly dissipate if they take a fragment of it. It's so interesting to see the difference. I wonder why? Maybe souls evolved differently here, maybe the spell, by virtue of being one of Rowena’s (be it her own making a la soul bomb to kill Amara and save the sun or Book of the Damned bomb using your own life as sacrifice to close hell) makes it act differently? I really want to know. 
-The bar being filled with Akrida possessed people is such a call back to the demon filled bars of SPN days and I love it.
-I do think that Joan knowing Dean couldn't interfere too much/make waves is very interesting. Especially since the Akrida are a Chuck designed failsafe.
-Also how did they get him into the portal? I need to know. 
-Joan saying “his body will be torn to shreds for centuries” is doing multiple things for me. One, it’s recalling hell - especially having it be connected to Dean in pain for an extended period. Two, it’s giving us a hint of how Dean will survive while maintaining the stakes for the Scoobies (and to some degree for us since at this point on a 1st run through since we didn’t know how the portal would interact with Dean - dead or not he had a body that could be interacted with).
-“I’m not Akrida. I was human once” is sooo much fun to consider. Joan is very much this amalgamation of so many things, her former humanity, her ties to the Akrida and all that monster essence, and she’s essentially done it to herself, created Frankenstein’s monster outta Frankenstein. No wonder it went off the rails. She and Cuthbert Sinclair are two sides of a coin for me to be honest in this regard.
-It’s also here at the bar that Joan’s main strategy for dealing with the Scoobies gets shown, trying to appeal to the versions of them she has info on. Something that to be honest would’ve worked at the beginning of the season, even maybe halfway through the season might’ve worked. She tries with Samuel first, bringing up the hunting legacy of her family, then with Mary and John. Then when she gets to the clubhouse she goes for Lata, and in the final fight she once more hits John, Samuel and now Carlos. And she clearly pushes very specific trauma triggers for each, focusing most on John’s anger and Mary’s disillusionment with hunting because I think those are the ones she most relates to. Meanwhile with Lata and Carlos she almost pushes opposite by trying to point out how their changes are detrimental. By this I mean, with Mary and John she’s trying to reignite those feelings in them because she can tell they are still there to some degree (as mentioned they’ve both grown but still have a while to go) meanwhile for Lata and Carlos their growth was more foundational since they actively tried to heal versus Mary and John’s pushback against the healing. I hope this makes sense to y’all.
-Having Joan’s motivation be keeping hunters alive initially is so much fun to dig into. Everything she says to them about why she’s doing what she’s doing is something we’ve heard people talk about before, especially in SPN, especially Dean tbh. We’ve seen Dean struggle with the endless loss, with the weight of the responsibility to keep humanity safe, the toll saving the world took on him. Having Joan act as this dark mirror was a great choice. But also Dean would have never reached this point. Even at his darkest moments, he always drew a clear line about what he’s willing to sacrifice - yes, he also never had to deal with the loss of literally everyone everyone, there was always at least one thread, one person, but still. 
-Lata fighting against the Akrida possessing her? Absolute queen behavior! Love her so much. Also Joan reducing her choice to be a pacifist as a black or white thing is very in line with what I was trying to say above. I can exemplify better here though so bare with me. Lata’s pacifism is both a very personal choice that means a lot to her and gives her personal meaning, is a part of her values. But it also used to be a literal blockage for her before ep 11 where any type of violence coming from her side reminded her of her father especially and of that trauma. More specifically, Lata also felt she had to be a pacifist otherwise she would be exactly like her abusive father. Ep 11 had her confronting her trauma and coming to terms with it, something she was already trying bit by bit to do, and re-evaluate what pacifism means to her. So Joan trying to reduce Lata attacking her to say that hunting has tainted Lata, is to completely ignore the complexity of Lata’s choice to be a pacifist and to ignore the very complicated relationship that Lata has to fighting. In this instance, Lata choosing to fight is a testament of how rooted in her sense of self she has become. She can fight back and not feel the guilt she used to, not feel like it’s a failure on her side to do so because anger and fighting do have a purpose and are important sometimes - like when your life is being threatened. 
-Having Joan’s lover be the final thing that got her down the path of destruction is absolutely a choice on the writer’s side that I adore - definitely tying into the SPN!John of it all. I also find it interesting from another perspective. When I 1st watched the bar scene, Joan’s like of “that’s the John I know” had settled into my brain very differently to the point that I was almost certain they were going to reveal that Joan is actually another version of Mary a la Apocalypse world Mary who lost both her family and John, but much earlier. Basically, Joan is continuously this amalgamation of multiple things at once, the worst parts of each.
-Humanity wasting their second chance speech is giving Jigsaw to me tbh. I vibe.
-I love them figuring out that they can use the journal to bring Dean back, but imagine the version of this story where unsteady they use the journal to defeat Joan. It would’ve been hilarious.
-Love that the one Akrida that has had it out for John especially is the one possessing Lata btw. It makes the vitriol feel more personal and makes me think of both the Leviathan’s who hated playing Sam and Dean and of the disdain Lucifer has for humanity, but especially the Winchester brothers. I love this being another creature who is so pissed to deal with Winchester adjacent people that it’s begun just personally having a vendetta against all of Earth. 
-“How many Campbells and Winchesters have to die” goes so unbelievably hard. Especially in the finale of the show now rewatching, but even on 1st watch I remember being hit right in the heart by that line. It’s the fact that I actually completely understand that reasoning and even agree with it that makes the Akrida and Joan especially so fascinating to me. She does have a point is the thing, especially considering the very personal interest God has had in the Campbells and Winchesters bloodlines. And following this up by talking about how history and legacy are playing a heavy role in this continuous suffering is also fantastic, because it is true, but it’s not the whole picture either. It’s not the only legacy and history the Campbells and Winchesters have to tell.
-And once again Chuck had done what he does best: created another world ending being that he then locked away to ensure the world doesn’t get destroyed ahead of time. He did this with Amara, Lucifer, the Leviathans, the Shedim, angels and demons getting thrown in the Empty counts too, the monsters being thrown in Purgatory also falls under this pattern of behavior. He really is a one trick pony on every level.
-Adore that Ada didn’t even hesitate to use the spell to save Lata. And even more love for the fact that everyone is sharing info so they can make a plan together, no one going off on their own like a moron, god the satisfaction of seeing this is unmatched.
-Cutting off Mary before she can say anything to John as they’re saying goodbye essentially, after he more or less poured his heart out? A choice on the writers part that I wholeheartedly agree with. Love the implications here.
-I also adore that it’s a swordfight. This show has gone out of its way to ensure minimal gun use and I think it was a great choice. Also love that all three of them, Samuel, John and Carlos get attacked at once by at least 2 Akrida. 
-BABY!!! (this was the only reaction needed here - just BABY!!!)
-I wonder if Josie existed in this universe? Like did Joan just get rid of the MOL before Henry and Josie went to the church and meet Abaddon? Does Abaddon just not exist in this timeline? Did Henry even try to do field work in this universe? I have questions!
-Dean saving Mary will never not make me emotional ok? That’s what he’s wanted since he was 4! 
-I also love that we have the most roundabout way of referencing Sam here. I will go into more detail why I especially love it, but just know I do.
-I do hate though that Dean still looks surprised that he got into Heaven and the reminder that he’s dead. I hate remembering that 15x20 is a thing that happened still. 
-Living for Dean instantly jail-breaking Heaven though and then basically breaking his parole to interfere when he found the Akrida. Of course he couldn’t help himself, it’s Dean, he has never been able to ignore when something is wrong and he can help.
-Jack saying it’s time for Dean to return to his own story… I don’t disagree but I do object to the “there’ll be peace” mainly cuz Dean clearly isn’t done. And now I need t go into this a second. Because Jack is treating this situation with the Akrida as though this was Dean’s goal here. But the Akrida are the side quest, the thing that derailed the actual thing Dean’s been looking for when he took off from Heaven. Dean isn’t done. This may have helped him make peace with a chapter of his story, but that’s just it. It’s a chapter, the one about this parents’ tragedy. But he’s still looking. He didn’t leave heaven cuz he was looking specifically for John and Mary, he left the second he say Baby with no clear objective but the knowledge that he had to go. He found some meaning in his restlessness by looking for a version of his folks where they’re happy, but that’s just part of it. And you can see it by how he responds to Bobby in the beginning, how he talks to Jack here at the end. He isn’t done. 
-“They’re family” is one of my favorite moments in this finale tbh. Because not only does he say this explicitly, he does so after introducing them by name. Which brings us back to what I was saying about Sam. In choosing to not name Sam to the gang, but explicitly naming Jack and Bobby who are Dean’s chosen family, it narratively sends a message that goes in direct opposition to what 15x20 was pushing. And to be clear, we do get Sam mentioned by name too, because Sam isn’t important to Dean just because he’s blood related to him, Sam is just as much part of Dean’s chosen family, but Sam is mentioned to Jack and Bobby, who, like us the audience, already know this information about Sam’s importance as opposed to Jack and Bobby who (and I am aware we the audience is aware of their importance too) are representative of all the other chosen family that gets pushed aside in 15x20 in favor of the blood relations. Sam here is important because of what he as a person means too the 3 of them, not because he’s Dean’s blood relative, but it does bare repeating that Jack and Bobby, not blood relatives, occupy the same level of importance in Dean’s life. This went so far in patching up some of the bullshit 15x20 peddled imo. I love it.
-I do gotta say I still think Jack was changed by the god power and I still don’t like it. Chuck won theory or not, Jack is visibly acting different from what we’ve become used to in SPN and that is a sadness I cannot begin to explain to me. He also deserved to live his life free of all this responsibility thrust upon him since he was conceived.
-Oh, I am so emotional about Dean imparting his journal to John and the Colt to Mary. I was mentioning earlier about legacy and history and this is exactly the part that contributes to that discussion. John, the MOL legacy gets the journal - the theoretical help more or less, especially with Dean’s journal having focused, as opposed to SPN!John’s very practical entries, on the emotional and mental side of hunting and how to handle all that hunting will throw at you. And Mary, the Hunter legacy gets the gun - the practical help, but even here, having the Colt be one of the only guns in the series makes it stand out without you needing to know the full significance of it being the Colt, and moreso, Dean is giving it as a protective measure as we the audience know it’s the only thing that can kill the yellow eyes demons. More than that, he is also actively healing with these both of the trauma’s SPN!John and SPN!Mary impart to him - with John the emotional absence and with Mary the physical absence while still helping these versions of them John with his still existing anger issues and Mary, as she’s navigating this no-hunting life, having the means to ensure she survives it. And on top of this, he is reclaiming the legacy/history of SPN!John’s journal and SPN!Mary’s death this way. I love everything about this choice.
-Now the ending scene. 1. The fact that we full on get to see that Ada will eventually be fine, adore it! 2. The reference to the famous beach episode wth, unmatched joy about it. 3. Mary and John actually compromising and finding a way to meet in the middle with everything? Fantastic. 4. Millie letting John go easily? Such a departure from the acidic words she’d thrown his way at the beginning of the show. 5. Samuel actually letting Mary know he’s going and saying he’ll keep in contact? Same vibes as Millie, love to see it. 6. Mary’s iconic baby blue car? I have missed it so much!
-And now, Ramble On closes us off and what a fantastic choice that they got it. It truly is the perfect song for this story. Because it makes it clear that this isn’t an ending. It’s a moving on to something else once you’ve finished whatever/wherever you were at. Dean’s story here has come to a close but he’s moving on to something else, he’s still behind Baby’s wheel searching. John and Mary’s story has ended for now, especially this chapter that had interference after interference from on high (Chuck’s especially via the Akrida and then Dean’s trying to clean up Chuck’s mess) and they can move on both from Lawrence geographically and from this predetermination that said interference was pushing via calling back to SPN as much as it was, now they can live their own lives, like Mary said, she saw every possible version of her and chooses to make her own path instead. (I do wonder what Dean saw, he was there much longer than her). So yea, the story has ended and the story goes on. Perfect choice for song closer.
-EDIT: I forgot to add about the title... oops! Basically, it's kinda tied to what I was saying about the song choice as well aka it's not an ending so it's not a goodbye per se. Something you have echoed actually by Mary and John twice in the episode. And it works as a pushback toward 15x20.
And so I am done too and figuring out what I’m moving on to! I’m sure there are still things that I can come up with to say about this show, and probably will continue to for a long while yet, but the reviews are done now and I’ve said most everything I wanted most to say so til I get something else I feel like mentioning, see y’all in the reblogs! Hope this was fun for you and I deeply appreciate all those who have been patient and stuck around to hear my opinion on this. Bye bye!
@shallowseeker, @noybusiness,@inspnity17, @pleaseraisemefromperdition, @doctorprofessorsong
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coffee-writesthings · 1 month
so like months ago me and @lonewolfinthetardis came up with a sort of collaborative thing (we both write a fic with the same prompt and then share them) and then I basically didn't touch it for however long, until now! This is gonna come in 4 parts, with this as the first one (dw they'll all be connected to the same post lol)
Spy entered the meeting room, where Sniper and Miss Pauling were already waiting for him.
“Fashionably late,” said Sniper, “like always.”
He retorted, “At least I’m fashionable. You look like you crawled out of a dumpster.”
“And you wear 10,000$ suits to the bloodiest job on the planet.”
“Boys.” Miss Pauling snapped, there wasn’t enough coffee in the damn world to deal with these two. Once satisfied that they had stopped squabbling like siblings, she spoke again, “I have a job for the two of you.”
“Why just us?” Sniper asked.
“Think about it for a few seconds. You’re both the most efficient mercs here by a long shot.”
“Well thank you, Pauling. Though I think you’re mistaken. I’m efficient in killing, but he,” he stared daggers at the other man, “is efficient at taking shots. He doesn’t kill.”
“Look at me in my eyes, Spy. Just how much do you think I care about your banal, stupid differences? Does it match up, at all, with how much I want to smack you in the face right now?”
“I can help with that part.” Sniper interjected smugly, “She doesn’t care about how it gets done, just that it does.”
“Fine. What’s our mission?”
She pulled up a map with locations of both RED and BLU bases, the various battlefields for their fights, among various other things like the town of Tuefort. However, she ignored that, in favor of taking a massive red pen to circle one location in particular, far off to the east from their base. “There’s a gala going on here, and they have something we want. I can’t be more specific, just know it’s important to the Administrator-- if you fumble this operation, it’s your head, and Respawn won’t save you.”
“Please, there’s no way you’d be able to turn off Respawn. Right?”
“Do you really want to test that theory when I have a gun pointed at your face?”
“Understood ma’am.
Spy asked the question he usually asked when it came to missions, “What are our covers?”
“I’m so glad you asked!” she actually did seem a little glad, if not like she had a plan up her sleeves. Passing out a small pile of identifications and a sheet of paper to each man, she explained, “Your name, Sniper, is going to be Michael. You’re married to Spy. His temporary name is Samuel.”
“Like hell I’m going to marry the spook!” he looked at him, “Ugh, can’t even imagine kissing you.”
“I can imagine it,” he gagged, “You probably taste like the coffee you drink all day.”
“And you probably taste like week-old cigarettes.”
Before they could descend into stupidity, she pulled out a whistle, blowing on it hard, “Get yourselves together! You’re trained killers, not toddlers who can’t share a toy.”
They shared a look of disgust.
“Listen. It’s three days. You can get over yourselves for three days. It’s only 72 hours, probably less if you get there and back faster. And, once you’re back, you can go to town on each other all you want.”
Sniper took a deep breath, gathering himself. She had a point-- he was supposed to be polite, efficient. And, well, he could just get it over with and then he’d never have to think about it again. “I’ll do it. Sorry for the… outburst.”
“Thank you, for cooperating like an adult. Spy?”
“If I leave him to die, can I collect his paychecks?”
“Sorry, sorry-- I jest. I’ll do it.”
~ Scene Break ~
So as not to arouse suspicion when they’re at the gala, Sniper plans to take his van, but leave it some ways away from the venue. Getting into it brings some comfort to the fact that he has to work with Spy for this mission.
What was it he hated so much about him, though? Was it the snobbishness, the way he was just an asshole to everyone, or something else?
“This is what we’re staying in for the next several days? I think I’d prefer death by fire to this.”
Ah, it was definitely the way he was a snobbish asshole.
“Get over yourself, Spy. Like it or not, this is where we’re gonna live together, for a bit.”
“I’ll do it, but I’m going to complain the whole time.”
“Do that and I gag you with that mask of yours.” Sniper got into the driver’s seat as Spy got into the Passenger’s.
“You might as well drive a mile away and shoot out my tongue at that point. It’s so typical of you to run away from your problems.”
“Well look who’s talking! Scout’s your damn kid and he doesn’t know-- you really think you’ve got legs to stand on here? You- you get too close, Spy.”
“And you’re too far away. I get up close because that's the only way for me to kill.
“These three days better pass fast.” he growled.
“That’s one thing we can agree on.”
A few hours passed, where Spy found that he had fallen asleep. He awoke to the sounds of Sniper humming to some quiet song, a smile on his face— the sunlight shone into his beautiful brown eyes. How could someone he never really liked have such a fairytale face?
He dismissed the thought, going back to sleep after his momentary - severe - lapse in judgement.
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ourtearsofrain · 9 months
Chapter 3- Into It Deeper
Tumblr media
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Reader
Genre: angst?
Word Count: little over 1.7 k
Warnings: sword fight with Sammy (no one gets hurt)
You stand, stretching before you make your way towards him. He hesitates at the door, his hand unmoving on the knob.
“Wait- before we go out there, you need to know something. I know the Kiszka’s very well and if they don’t decide to kill you, they’ll make you prove your usefulness. Do you know your way with a sword?”
You nod, offering no other explanation.
“Good. Knowing them, they will make you fight one of us, my guess is Joshua or Samuel. We all have weaknesses, and I’m only telling you now to give you a fighting chance.”
Saying nothing, you wait patiently for him to continue.
“Joshua is partially deaf in his left ear. He’ll tell you it’s because the first man he killed screamed so loud it ruptured his eardrum but, he actually stood too close to a cannon firing when he was a kid. Jacob has a bad knee, took a bullet to the right one when he was 16. It’s not bad enough that it impairs him when fighting, but if you hit the side of it, he immediately crumples. Now Samuel has the worst weakness, if they give you an option of who to fight, choose him. He gets too cocky when he notices any sign of weakness from his opponent, when he knows he’s bound to win. He’ll draw it out and tease them, makes a real show of it. If you fight him and you fake near defeat well enough, you’re bound to catch him off guard.”
He finishes, waiting for any reaction from you. He gets none as you stare blankly at him.
“And you? What’s your weakness?”
He throws you a sheepish sideways smile. “I get too focused, especially if I have a bow in my hands. I can think of nothing other than that, which is great if I’m fighting one opponent, but not so much if there’s multiple. What about you?”
You think for a moment, deciding you could trust him with this as he just did with you.
“I underestimate myself. Especially if I know my opponent has a better chance of winning. Once that gets into my head, I’m bound to self-sabotage.”
“Well, when they do make you fight, stay out of your head. I’ve known them my whole life, if you remember what I said, you have just as much a chance of winning as they do.”
He goes to open the door before you stop him, placing your hand on his forearm.
“Thank you, Danny.”
“Of course. I know what it’s like to be surrounded by pirates, knowing some of them wanted you dead. Know that you have a friend here, Polaris.”
With that he opens the door, beginning to walk down the corridor as you trail behind him. As soon as you reach the deck, your eyes go wide at the beauty surrounding you. The ships have docked in a massive cavern, a waterfall at its entrance hiding it from prying eyes. Within this cavern, a “town” sits, buildings set against the rock on high planks keeping them above the water. Lanterns light the space, each building having many hung against their sides. The sound of joyous yelling, laughter, and music reaches your ears as you gaze in awe from the distance of the ship.
“Welcome to The Garden.” Danny says with a smile. “Kellen Kiszka built this place, for his family and our allies. It’s a safe haven for us. Whenever we need to lie low or restock, we come here.”
“It’s- beautiful.” You breath out, your voice barely above a whisper.
“It’s home.”
“Good to see you still alive, Polaris. Thanks for not killing them, Daniel.”
You turn, seeing Jacob making his way from the helm towards you.
“No problem, Captain.”
Jacob stops next to you, looking you over from head to toe to ensure no harm had come upon you. When he’s satisfied not even finding the smallest scratch, he motions towards the dock.
“Well, shall we?”
You and Danny follow him as he makes his way off the ship, joining the small groups of his and Joshuas crew as they make their way towards the lively city. You hear a sharp whistle from behind you, turning to see Joshua holding a small lantern with Samuel, making their way towards you, Danny, and Jacob through the crowd.
“We need to talk. All of you.” Joshua says shortly, his jaw clenched and body language tense.
He takes the lead of the group, expecting the rest of you to follow him. Just before you reach the town, he splits off to the side, down a lesser worn path towards a small building, its lanterns unlit as it sits alone in the dark. Joshua is the first to enter, immediately busying himself with lighting each lantern in the room with the one in his hand. As the candles cast light across the room, you take it in, seeing nothing but a large open space, the only “decorations” being swords and daggers hung on the walls.
“Our father used to train us here, when we were too young to join him on his travels. We haven’t used it in years.” He turns towards you, glaring as he sizes you up. “But tonight, we will use it to see if you are fit to join us.”
Remembering the conversation you and Danny had had back on the ship, you feign surprise and confusion.
“First, you choose your weapons. Then you’ll choose your opponent.” He explains, motioning you towards the racks of blades on the walls. “So, choose.”
You walk towards one, first grabbing a small dagger and strapping it around your hips, the blade laying against your right side. Next, you take a sword off the wall, testing its weight in your hands, your back to the group as they watch you.
This one. Perfectly balanced, like it was made for me.
You turn back towards the group, taking its hilt in your hand and holding it lazily at your side as you flash your most innocent eyes at them.
“Is this a good one?”
Samuel and Joshua erupt into laughter, thinking you surely had no chance in a match against one of them. Jacob’s mouth draws into a thin line, his jaw clenching at your “lack” of knowledge. Daniel is the only one who has not lost faith as he tries to keep a smile off his lips at your act.
“Yes, it’s a fucking good one.” Joshua says pointedly when he stops laughing. “Now, choose your opponent.”
You eye the group carefully, putting on your best show at making it seem as if it was hard to choose between them.
Your response shocks the group, as all but Danny expected you to choose Jacob or Daniel, knowing they would show the most mercy. Samuels eyes glint with a raging fire as he grins maniacally.
“Finally. I’ve been wanting to cut you down since the moment you stepped onto our ship.”
“My ship, Samuel.” Jacob cuts in.
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter now. You can’t protect them here.” He draws his sword as he takes a step towards you. “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll make your death quick.”
You remember how you had fought when your father first began teaching you, mirroring your old clumsy motions as he walks towards you. You grasp the hilt with both hands, your arms stiff as you hold it in front of your body, pointing at Samuel as he hungrily eyes you. Both of your feet are planted under your hips, fully facing him as his body rotates, his sword hand closest to you.
He makes the first move, slashing at your blade with his own as he steps forward. Your grasp loosens, and the hilt drops from your left hands grip, still managing to stay within the right as he laughs.
“C’mon, at least try. It’s no fun to kill such an inexperienced opponent.”
You back away from him, intentionally backing yourself into a wall. He sees his chance and takes it, jabbing the tip towards your stomach, jumping forward as he does it. You manage to step to the side, but his free hand catches you, drawing your back against his front as he holds the blade to your throat.
“Told you I’d make it quick.” Is all he says before you elbow his gut, slipping out of his grasp and away from him as he recovers.
“So, we’re playing dirty, huh? I was going to show you mercy.”
He arcs his blade towards you once more, and you bring your own up to block it, instantly stepping out of his reach once more. He growls, baring his teeth as he makes another advance. Once again, you block it, attempting to step away from him. His left hand shoots out to grip your arm, throwing you to the floor, your sword clattering against the wood feet away from your hand.
He walks towards you slowly, his blade pointing straight at you as you crawl backwards on the floor. The point reaches your throat, nudging your chin up to force you to meet his gaze, your face twisted into an expression of terror.
“Beg. Beg for mercy.” His face is alight with elation, already imagining your blood pooling on the floor beneath him.
You let your act drop, your face deadpanning as you stare up at him. “No.”
Before he can process the response you kick his hand, sending his sword flying across the room. You stand rapidly, tackling him around the middle and sending you both to the floor. You land on top of him, straddling him as you unsheathe your dagger, holding the edge against his throat firmly enough for him to feel the sting of it.
He looks up at you with wide eyes, his mind racing as it catches up to the events that just unfolded.
“Beg.” You spit, rage dripping from your words. “Beg for mercy.”
His hands come up in surrender, his breath catching as you press down into his throat with your dagger.
“Mercy- Mercy.” His voice is broken, fear clawing at his insides as he breathes heavily.
You remove the dagger, placing it back in its sheath as you stand. You pick your sword up, intentionally flashing it around in a show of your true skill with a blade before grabbing Samuels as well. You flip it in your hand, catching the tip before offering the hilt to the man still on the floor. You turn towards the three men still standing, Joshua and Jacobs jaws dropped in awe as Danny smiles at you.
“So, am I good enough to join you?”
A/N: the title, of course, is taken from the lyrics to The Indigo Streak
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archivus · 4 months
MAG[REDACTED] - Double or Nothing
tw: non-descriptive mention of suicide and cults
*tape clicks on*
- Sam, you know exactly why I'm here
- And why exactly would I tell you how I ended up here? You've got your own god serving you its powers on a silver plate and you still serve a different one- why would I talk to a traitor like you?
- Because I *know* you're no different
- NO DIFFERENT? HOW DARE YOU COMPARE US, YOU TWO FACED DISGRACE! I joined the Falling Titan's reign for the man I loved and as soon as the waves took him I changed sides. The difference between us is that I left. I didn't serve two powers at once. I didn't sell out like that.
- And your heartbreak as well as you leaving one entity sent you plummeting into the arms of another one...
- Do you really think I became like this over some breakup? You should know damn well that serving an entity requires stamina, effort and reassurance. I didn't just have a small depressive episode and stuck with The Lonely, I was destined and I finally arrived, I could feel it.
- Would you mind going into greater detail?
- You're just as ceaseless as your master, so fuck it. I need this off my shoulders. Go do your thing, and once it's over get the hell out of my sight
- Got it. Statement of Samuel Bolt, regarding the story of how he obtained his powers. Recorded from subject 2024 May 6th, archivist present: Arcturus Walker. Statement begins:
- I've had it rough since forever. I can't remember my childhood and it's probably for the better. I couldn't figure myself out. Depending on the circumstances I was always someone else. At home I was chatty, couldn't shut up about whatever caught my fancy back then, but once around people I knew it was a total blackout. I never said a word, almost to a comedic degree and around strangers once more it was like I transformed, I was brave and, perhaps not a leader but still, assertive in conversations.
And I got *respect*. Something I didn't get at home nor from those who were supposed to be my friends. So I craved talking to strangers, I frequented parties, beaches, conventions for trivial topics I wouldn't think about twice but it worked. People appreciated my attitude, were acting just how I wished they all did. In retrospect that is, as I actually hated approaching strangers. I found myself in this paradox, either I couldn't express myself or I had to do so around *people*. And how I hate people. Always did, that never changed. And the burnout, that damned exhaustion, I was living my daily life on battery saver to have enough energy for all that self fulfillment later. But now I can be myself, the fog listens, the empty houses are there for me to wander, to explore the perverted lives of those that never lived there, not really. It's amazing. I'm all alone, happier than ever. No need to fight against stupid amatonormativity, I never even wanted a spouse. I had one crush in my life and look where that lead me, to an entity that couldn't keep me around for a year. Heh, pathetic.
Serving your *better* god did me no good, I got way too existential for my own right. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good philosophical crisis every now and again, but it felt like the sky was peering down at me, my own insignificance took a toll and at that point I once again felt that need to prove myself to make it worthwhile. The others in the cult? Oh they bathed in the light, enlightened about their own meaninglessness they fully gave in to nihility. But I couldn't. It didn't feel right. Call me another stupid human, well I'm not even that anymore I suppose, but I needed purpose. And that was to be myself, with myself, without the whole entire universe towering over me.
- Huh, how did you find the Forsaken? What did it take for you to join and embrace it?
- To find it? I kinda always felt it was out there, the tranquility of isolation lifted my spirit, I could tell there was something otherworldly behind it. From the two of us you were always the one reluctant to spirituality and look where that lead you!
- To be fair, neither of us would have guessed the ones overlooking our world were born not of perfection but of fear-
- Mr. fancypants coming at me with that poetic language, oh please. Your little ego was stroked, because the way those scientific videos you always watched about our universe altered your brain chemistry, were just a step away from what one of those entities stood for. I still remember how full of joy you were reading your first Leitner, still not believing a word that text said but you just related so close to it, it was like someone read you. You chose a path and didn't even knew what you signed up for. Hell, neither of us did, I'll give you that. And I don't know what it took for you to be able to throw people into the sky, but the Lonely took nothing from me. Hear that? Nothing. Not until I gave it what I thought it deserved. It never drove me to do this, it calmed my mind when I most needed it, making every moment of peace last forever. I'm not saying it was easy serving it you know, I'm sure you can't relate but I'm plagued with guilt for every bypasser I sent into the fog. But it never made me feel like I needed to be different to align with it. I could join its grace without changing a thing, even carrying all that guilt. It allowed me to keep that part of my humanity. That's why I did it. Neither you nor your polycule of gods deserve the details-
- The Sam I knew would've never worn turtlenecks. I can guess the rest, thank you very much
- ...So am I free to go then, *officer*?
- Did it seem like I forced you to stay?
- Is that a rhetorical question? Get outta here, you bastard *tape clicks off*
Thank you so much for reading this episode of MAG[REDACTED] which was dedicated to The Lonely! I have an important announcement to make: I am an author for @magnusforgaza, please check them out and donate to the charities if you can! You can also request me to be your artist for any tier 1 commission!
You can read the rest of the episodes here: The Flesh The Vast The Stranger The Dark
Or here: #magredacted
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
I’d love to see some kureha headcanons from you!! (And maybe even some that involve Jack??) I’ve been really enjoying seeing ur headcanons in my feed!
I don't really know if you meant this as in a ship/friendship way, but I just decided to go overboard and put effort in to explore their weird ass (gay) dynamic lmao
Kureha HCs:
Kureha speed-reads. It's a habit he developed in elementary school so he could spend more time protecting his brother, and it was a fantastic help during his studies to become a doctor.
This man has a flawless memory. You mentioned something to him three years ago about something you liked but it was out of stock? Guess what, he bought it at it's lowest price point and is now giving it to you on your birthday. Surprise!
His handwriting is the WORST for non-professional things. You got a prescription from him? Yeah, you can read that just fine! Patient charts? The most flawless writing you have ever seen. He left you a note on your computer? You think that says coffee, but it could also say chicken, so now you're confused.
Claims to be against workplace gossip and against participating until he gets home, because then he's telling you all about how Ayumi from the front desk is fucking the neurologist and his wife just hired a PI, but apparently she's been messing around with the janitor at her job.
He has favourite patients. Jack is simultaneously his favourite and least favourite patient, the man will just sit and let him do whatever he wants as long as it's in the name of improvement, but he's TERRIBLE at recovery. Kureha says "bedrest for three weeks with mild exercise", and Jack hears "Don't push yourself until the point of passing out for three days".
Speaking of patients, he absolutely takes meticulous notes. Is the patient being difficult and rude? Oh it's going on their chart in meticulous detail. They called him a name and refused to take their meds? It's on the chart in the most professional but still passive-aggressive way.
Jack HCs:
Uncannily good at math. If you ask him, offhandedly and as casually as possible for an answer to a math question, he'll almost instantly get you an answer, and most of the time it's either spot on or really close. Baki has tried to get Jack to answer the questions for his math homework before, and it took a while before Jack realised what was up.
He learned about Baki a while before he actually met him, but he still hasn't processed that he's an older brother, so occasionally Baki will call him brother super casually and Jack will just [dialup noises] for a solid minute until he remembers "oh right yeah, that's actually my little brother."
Forever tired and hungry, but determined enough to get away with a chronic lack of sleep for months on end until he finally crashes. Healthy? No. He knows it too, but he's got things to do, and sleep can wait until he's kicked his father's ass. If he keeps being such a strong favourite too, a nice comfortable mattress is in store for him.
He knows he can beat bears in a fight (as with most wild animals that he grew up knowing) but the problem is that he doesn't like bears, he grew up knowing that you don't mess with bears, because they'll ruin your day. He'll deal with them no problem, but he won't like it.
He doesn't wake up very fast at all, most of the time he just gains conscience like two hours after waking up and he's doing something. He's "woken" up before after having an hour long conversation with Tokugawa about his hometown after Father Samuel called him.
He sometimes (when he's very tired or just waking up) will forget just how big he is. He has slammed his head against doorframes many times. He will continue to do so most likely.
Jack and Kureha HCs:
Jack and Kureha as friends are two weird mfs. For starters, Jack is quiet and stoic, so most people that see him assume that he's either some sort of bodyguard for Kureha, or that he's annoyed by him. In reality, Jack's just a quiet person, and Kureha takes every chance to talk his ears off because he won't interrupt unless it's important.
Sometimes it's painfully aware just how much more experienced and educated Kureha is in everyday matters. Jack didn't even go to high school, and Kureha managed to become a practicing doctor. Jack isn't stupid by any means, but sometimes Kureha absolutely loses him because he's talking about something Jack hasn't ever learned about before.
While Kureha can go off about medical jargon to Jack and lose him after just about five minutes, Jack can just start talking about the, quite frankly weird shit that happens out in the Canadian wilderness near his home, and Kureha just doesn't have any idea how to process the fact that at least some of what Jack tells him is true and has happened within Jack's direct line of sight.
Jack and Kureha dating, however, is very different. They're such bitches to each-other because they're so in love that they're at the "I fucking hate you" stage of their relationship, but only when they're out in public. It's a lot of Jack cleaning up the absolute mess that is Kureha's apartment, and Kureha making a mess out of the apartment the second Jack steps out.
Kureha absolutely tries to pull a whole dominant/submissive thing, with Jack being submissive, but mans was legitimately too chill to really care and it ruined the whole thing for Kureha, who legitimately pouted for a whole week. Jack had no idea what he did wrong either, he thought that Kureha wanted to be dominant, so he submitted. He's not really one to fight for dominance, if he wants it he'll just take it.
Neither of them being able to cook for shit, other than Jack being uncannily good at breakfast foods, so they either eat pancakes at 6pm or they go out to eat. It means less dishes (usually) so Jack doesn't complain, since Kureha could never do those.
A lot of Kureha saying that Kosho is being annoying and Jack being like "That's nice, Baki's chill, an angel really. Anyways, do your parents want me to come over?" Just so he can flex on Kureha that his little brother is the better one.
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sarifinasnightmare · 10 months
The Whoopsie
Rating: For Everyone
Pairing: Sarah/Bucky
Summary: Bucky is recovering from a whoopsie. The Wilsons behave accordingly.
Prompt: Found Family
Author's Note: It's a day late, but I hope that's okay. 😁
“Sam, what did I tell you??”
“Sarah, this wasn’t my fault!”
“Like hell this isn’t your fault! You’re the one who took him from our family dinner table to investigate that factory just because your Falcon senses were tingling!”
“Falcon senses?” *snort* “Ow, that actually hurt.”
“Don’t move too much James. My poor guy.”
“James?? When did he become James??”
“Yes, recently! You might as well know; Sam. James and I are official.”
“Aha! I knew you moving down and having dinner at the house wasn’t just you being protective! What did I tell you about dating my sister??”
“I am grown, Sam! He is also grown! If we want to date each other then there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”
“I got a Vibranium shield and a Wakandan suit that has allowed me to do a shitload of things and that could include cutting a geriatric super soldier into tiny pieces when he least expects it!”
“I’m kind of already hurting soo…..”
“Samuel Thomas Wilson don’t you dare raise my man’s blood pressure! I want him alive!”
“Listen Sarah Eunice Wilson, he was my friend first, so I get to decide whether he lives long enough to be dating my little sister!!”
“Are you guys fighting over me?”
“Shut up, man, don’t make it weird.”
“I’m not some Southern belle that needs to be protected from gentleman callers! I am a woman and I have needs!”
“Gah! I don’t want to know about that!”
“Then stay out my business and let me take care of my man! And stop hauling him out on your crazy adventures. That’s what Joaquin is for!”
“Joaquin is still green, and I know Bucky could handle himself. It’s not my fault he caught the grenade and threw it too late.”
“Baby, a grenade?? Are you trying to break my heart?”
“No, babe, I swear I tried to move fast…”
“James if anything had happened-”
“Shhh, it won’t. I’ll be good, I’ll be so good for you.”
“Are you two really going to make me sit here and watch you kiss each other??”
“There’s the door. No one’s stopping you.”
“I ain’t leaving my partner while he’s recovering. I stayed for Steve, and I’ll stay for Bucky.”
“Thanks, man.”
“You’re welcome. I’m still kicking your ass though.”
“No, you’re not. Once James is allowed to leave, he’s coming home where I’m going to make sure he gets all the TLC he needs.”
“Aw babe, you don’t have to.”
“Hush and be spoiled, James.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Hey, how come I never got any TLC when I get hurt?”
“When was the last time you got hurt?”
“I got some cuts and bruises here!”
“Nothing some painkillers and Merthiolate can’t fix.”
“Nope! Get that shit away from my cuts!”
“Like to see you handle it!”
“Look at these hands. Does it look like I can’t handle a nick or two?”
“Yeah, yeah. Not like I don’t have my own. You gave me a few when we were kids.”
“That’s what you get for picking on me.”
*snort* “Ow…you need to stop making me laugh.”
“You hungry, baby?”
“I don’t think I can handle anything heavy right now.”
“Sam go ask if they have any soup.”
“Fine, you want anything?”
“No, just want my man home.”
“Home with you sounds good right now.”
“Ya’ll behave. I’ll be right back.”
“He’s protective of you.”
“He’s protective of you too.”
“We’re both soldiers. We don’t leave our own behind.”
“It’s more than that, James. You’re important to us Wilsons and we protect our kin.”
“I’m family?”
“Damn right.”
“I like that. I like that a whole lot.”
“Good, now rest and let that super soldier shit do its thing so we can get you home faster.”
“You got it….Eunice.”
“Boy don’t start with me.”
*snort* “Ow, your middle name is Eunice.”
“I didn’t ask to be named after a great aunt. Now shut up before I get on your name Buchanan.”
The End
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mochie85 · 2 years
I have a request if you want to do it, basically a kinda tomboyish or masc presenting reader (whichever you prefer) who is also punk and both Loki and reader take a while to get ready but end up looking really different with Loki being all elegant and reader really punkish (I apologize for any mistakes but english isn't my first lenguage)
Just For Tonight - Wheelz
Just For Tonight Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Sam, Bucky, and Loki ruin your one night off. So they decide to make it up to you by being your date instead. The entire fic, takes place in a span of one night. Three men. Three dates. What could possibly go wrong? A/N: I'm sorry my dear @kkdvkyya. I know you requested this a while ago and I have a habit of letting my imagination run away with me. So this will be part 1 of 4? I hope you like it, my love. (Also, I added people to the taglist, if you'd like to be taken off. I will not get offended, please let me know) Pairing: Loki x Reader Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: Language, action sequence
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As he pulled Loki out the door, Barnes’ metal fingers scraped against his arm. Loki was ready to stand and fight. But Wilson and Barnes didn’t give him a chance as they rushed through half-naked women and leering men alike. Loki sent an image surreptitiously making it rain single dollar bills throughout the whole club. The place erupted in a frenzy as the assailants fought with greedy customers and strippers to get out of their way. Once outside, the men had no qualms about using guns and started shooting at the three Avengers trying to run away.
A deep growl of an engine roared its way into his ears and Loki looked around for it. Hope. That’s what it sounded like. The glossy red car came to a screeching halt in front of them with the front passenger door opening. The engine purred like a caged panther. The humble sports car looked tame and harmless, but the men knew that you had worked on that car relentlessly. And if there were a fast reliable car out there. It would be yours.
 All three men looked at the salvation that was offered and didn’t think twice to run towards whatever door opened for them.
“GET IN NOW!” you yelled over Ghostemane playing loud on your stereo. You positioned the car to cover the men as they got in, taking your own riffle out and shooting back at the HYDRA den lords. Bullets were flying left and right as Loki tried to shield you all with his seidr.
“Wheelz! I swear I thought you weren’t gonna make it.” Bucky said as he closed the door.
As soon as the last door closed, you peeled out of there, the men in the car flailing about not having their safety harnesses on.
“Thank God you arrived when you did,” Sam said in the back, his harness clicking into place.
“You’re lucky I decided to come at all Samuel!” You growled out. A sudden silence spread throughout the car. “What the actual FUCK were you guys thinking?! How did you not know that that strip club was a front for HYDRA activity? We’ve only been going over the locations for – oh, I don’t know THE LAST COUPLE OF MONTHS!” You berated them as you made a sharp turn onto the highway, your tires screeching their protest, sending everyone banking to their right.
“Wheelz-” Bucky tried to reach for the radio dial to turn your music down.
You slapped his hand away. Your spiked leather bracelet clanking with his metal arm. “Hey! Driver picks the music. Passenger shuts his pie-hole!”
“Listen, Wheelz-” Bucky tried over your loud music.
“NO! Pie-hole! Shut! You listen! It was my night off. MY ONE NIGHT OFF where I don’t have to cater to Tony’s extravagant mechanical wishes or Steve’s incessant questions about which polish is better to shine his goddam shield with.” You weaved through traffic, narrowly dodging cars left and right as you all made your way through the Manhattan Bridge.
“Sorry.” All three men said out loud at the same time. Their voices harmonized, almost making you laugh at the thought that they could be some kind of boyband. Almost.
“What the hell was so important that you guys had to go to that club and ruin months of work, as well as my one night of peace?” You asked fractionally calmer.
“Well, Laufeyson said he’d never been to a strip club before, and he wanted to see if it actually was anything like what they had on Asgard?” Sam answered sheepishly. His tone got softer the longer he talked, realizing whom he was speaking to.
You took a slow intake of breath. Your lips thinned as you looked in your rearview mirror and saw the god staring back at you, reproachful. Dare you say, slightly ashamed? Rightly so.
“And we’re they?” The vitriol spewed from your lips. Poison on your tongue as you said the words.
“I honestly couldn’t give you an informed answer.” Loki tried to sound confident. “The whole place was dark, the patrons were unsavory, and quite frankly, the entire place smelled like that orange goop you Midgardians like to pass off as Nat’s cheese?” Loki admitted.
“Nacho cheese.” Sam corrected. “But the ladies…” he continued with a Cheshire grin from ear to ear.
“Yes! The girls were so…” Bucky tried to say, but at that moment, you had pulled into the garage of the tower. You sped up and drifted towards your left. The men held on to whatever they could as the car swerved with such ferocity to its final parking spot. The car stood parallel between Roger’s faithful truck and Stark’s new Audi R8.
“Finish the sentence,” you glared at Bucky. “I dare you.”
“Intelligent,” Bucky said.
“Breathtaking,” Sam finished.
“As beautiful as the vixens of Asgard,” Loki embellished. You rolled your eyes and exited the car, slamming your door and waiting for the other three dopes to get out.
Of course, Loki would find the girls at the club attractive. You weren’t born yesterday. Someone as handsome and sophisticated as he would only look for the same in a partner. Someone curvaceous with long flowing hair. Someone who went for the girl aesthetic. Basically, anyone but you.
You didn’t have curves. You were lanky and flat. You kept your hair short to keep it away from your face when you work on the cars and jets. Your look was more suited for the garage or a punk band roadie than they were on a runway. You didn’t shop at the trendiest new stores, instead opting for your dad’s old band t-shirts and just assimilating them to your sense of style.
You hated the fact that you felt this way. You weren’t going to change the way you are just to get the princely god to notice you. But the long-time crush you’ve been nursing didn’t want to let you go. It wouldn’t stop anytime soon. You couldn’t help but resent what you just heard him say.
So, tonight was supposed to be the night you forgot about your juvenile crush on Loki. You relented and finally said yes to a date with Devin. You were adamant that you forget about Loki entirely and tried to focus on someone who was more your scene.
Sam whistled when he saw you standing there waiting for them. “Oooooh, Wheelz. I’ve never seen you so dressed up before.” You looked down confused. You weren’t wearing anything out of the normal from your wardrobe. You had on your Queen band t-shirt underneath a leather corset and matching skirt. Your knee-high Doc Martens kept you warm while your usual black tights were in the hamper waiting to be washed. Other than that, you had on your leather and chain choker with matching bracelets.
True, you would never wear any of these to work- which was usually half the jumpsuit with the arms tied around your waist. It would just get in your way or caught on something. But it never occurred to you that they never saw you outside of work before.
“Ya, you had a date tonight or something?” Bucky asked walking alongside Sam. “Oh god, did we interrupt your date? I’m so sorry!”
“Awe, ya Wheelz. I’m sorry. We’ll make it up to you.” Sam pleaded.
“Not that it’s any of your business. But yes, I was with someone.” You admitted. “And how exactly will you three be making it up to me?”
“We can take you out on a date,” Loki suggested quickly.
“Excuse me?” You screamed.
“It’s only fair. We ruined your night. You had to save us from the evil clutches of HYDRA. I think we can all treat you to a drink at least. Right gentleman?” Loki posed to the other two.
“Hey, that’s a great idea. What do you say Wheelz?” Bucky agreed.
“Ya, we’ll be perfect gentlemen.” Sam decided. This was ridiculous. You only planned on having one date tonight, Devin. Now you had three. And one of them was with the guy you’ve been trying to forget.
You let out a laugh as you paced back and forth. You looked at the three of them. Your coworkers. Your friends. They really did start looking like a boy band the way they stood there waiting for you. Bucky leaning on the hood of your car. Sam leaning on the open door. And Loki. Loki standing with his arms crossed and a wicked smirk on his face.
“OK. Some conditions.” You assented.
“Name it, it’s yours,” Loki said as he stared into your eyes.
“It happens tonight. I don’t have any other night off.”
“Done.” All three nodded.
“Two. No hanky-panky. This is payment for a botched night off.”
“Ahh, gross. You’re like one of my best friends Wheelz.” Bucky said as you rolled your eyes.
“Ya, you’re like my little sister,” Sam added.
“Three. I get to decide what we do.”
“Deal.” All three of the men agreed.
“Ok, then. Just for tonight.”
“Yo! Let’s go!” Sam excitedly sat back in the car. Bucky started clapping on his way back to the passenger seat, excited that the night wasn’t over. You walked back towards the driver seat and Loki opened the door for you to get in.
“Just for tonight,” he whispered as he helped you get back into the car. “I shall be yours.” He held your hand and delicately kissed your fingers. With a heated gaze and a deep sigh, he said, “And you will be mine.”
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⬅️Series Masterlist | Chapter 2: Sam➡️
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @cakesandtom @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @glitterylokislut @goldencherriess @holymultiplefandomsbatman @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kikster606 @kkdvkyya @lokidbadguy @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @lokixryss @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @peaches1958 @salempoe @sarahscribbles @sarawr-reads @silverfire475 @springdandelixn @theaudacitytowrite @thedistractedagglomeration @thomase1 @starktowerrooftop @vickie5446 @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane @ladyofthestayingpower @holdmytesseract @lokikissesmyforehead
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