#but i wanna be optimus more ngl
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starscream-is-my-wife · 3 months ago
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factual-fantasy · 26 days ago
Can i grab you by the ankles and slowly drag you deeper into the transformers' Fandom?
Purely with your permission (:
XD I've been thinking about it. But ngl I'm put off by the amount of work it would take to rejoin the fandom and build my AU.
To start, I'd have to re-watch the whole show to refresh my memory.. which would be a lot for my short attention span to handle 😅(I never even finished the show the first time around because of this 💀)
Then I'd want to do a LOT of crazy rewrites to the story and a BOAT LOAD of redesigns. Basically everyone except Arcee and the deceptions get a brand new design and alt-modes.. so much redesigninggg 😵‍💫
And THEN I'd have to work out all the whack job changes I wanna make to the story. For one I would want Wheeljack to stay put with the Autobots when he first came to Earth in episode 8. Which would entail me digging into Wheeljacks character and figure out why he kept leaving. And then make a situation or something about Earth/the Autobots that compels Wheeljack to stay SO MUCH that it overrides his desire to leave Earth. Hmm.. what would that be exactly.. 🤔
I also want Sky Quake and Dread wing (was that their names..?) to get away from Earth together unscathed. Or at least give them some kind of ending where they are together. I remember the fates they had in the show made me very sad :(((
And then there's the even MORE complicated changes. Like the fact that I want Cliffjumper AND Tailgate to be alive and well A N D on Earth with everyone else. Just for the heck of it ngl 😂 But I ALSO want Arcee to keep her initial standoffish attitudes towards Jack.. that I thiiiink I remember her having...? I also want her to still have that bitter hatred towards Airachnid. Hmmmm a loooot of plot holes to patch there...
I also want Breakdown to be alive and have joined the Autobots. Which would later cause Knockout to rethink things and join the Autobots as well. I saw that Knockout joins the Autobots in the actual show but I just never saw what made him do it-
Another thing is I remember not really liking Smokescreen, Ultra Magnus and the new body for Optimus and their new base... I would probably build up my AU juuuuust far enough to get breakdown on the team and then call it there. I wouldn't write any further because I don't care for Smokescreen or Ultra Magnus. Which I thiiiiink came after that whole Breakdown thing....? It would just turn into a "day in the life of" AU where the plot wouldn't really progress much further.
So yeah, I'm open to drawing more of it here and there.. but I've got my work cut out for me if I ever wanted to officially rejoin the fandom 😅
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kaontic · 4 months ago
Oh my actual Lord, the dream’s come true. O_O
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*Kicks down door* OH THUNDERCRACKEEER~
He’s got a pet human now too, I guess—
Why my dumb human ass, with my crappy art, could almost wish upon an evil shootin’ star, that it was me instead “What?” What—? 😶
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Alright. Now we just need Skywarp to get one. Or two. Or a few. Someday. Maybe.
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*Whispers* Psst, hey, Megs, I don’t wanna be that betch—I make unintentional mistakes I gotta edit for my sanity all the time—but, it’s “What do you say?”. That’s probably why they’re givin’ ya looks.
I mean, that’s pretty accurate Megatron dialogue ngl. Like this is the same guy that said in G1 “Power flows to the one who knows how”, as if that was an actual full sentence.
Ik, that’s beside the point of what the frag’s goin’ on, so, “respectfully” (with heavy emphasis on the quotation marks)—
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Can ya just…rip out your own chain-smoker soundin’ aft voice box, and shove it? Pretty please? Mr. Geneva Suggestions?
“YoU kNoW tHe LiMiTs Of My PoWeR! i NeEd SoMeOnE tO wIElD mE!”
“But my leader, you have your fusion cannon—”
“Do NoT qUeStIoN mE sTaRsCrEaM!”
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Unless Skybound’s gonna give us a “good” aft explanation for this, like some Cybertronian gunformer curse we dunno about yet (given the serious corruption goin’ on, from the looks of it, with Star and Op)—
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I would say more about Megs’ gun mode as an effective concept, but I’ll save all that for another post.
Instead I’ll just spout out this scrap to review:
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Most explanations are welcome for why villains do what they do, even if it’s just “Cuz I’m evil”. 😈
(TF One Sentinel tho…yeah. Gotta make a post regardin' him as well)
Here, they wanna save their home planet as energy sources dwindle.
Ok, so resources. Got it. Yes. #1 reason why wars are fought, and wars need soldiers to fuel ‘em. Enemies turned potential recruits who are prisoners don’t comply? Well, logically speaking then— 🤡
Or maybe, just maybe—this might sound crazy, but—how about not start a whole goddamn war that will worsen this crisis, Megs?
How about not turn fellow Cybertronians into the worst versions of themselves, and delete their innocence? Cuz great, now ya created a monster that will betray ya!
Ask yourself: What the frag are you fighting for?
Cuz you’re just makin’ the problem worse, mate.
At least Jetfire tried to look beyond Cybertron peacefully for a solution, which despite how well that went, sounded a helluva lot better than exhaustive in-fighting, but no, frag exploration.
Frag trading with “filthy” organic alien species.
Frag experimenting for new sources of energy (lookin’ at you, Shockwave. Now I know your aft was enabled).
Frag examining Cybertron’s history for answers.
Frag speaking with Optimus like a civilized individual.
Population control’s where it’s at, apparently. ಠ_ಠ)
Jesus, so many questions NOT ENOUGH DEETS. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Skybound Megs so far, is coming off as a guy who, when the worst happens, will just use the situation/impending apocalypse to his advantage to do terrible stuff, and get away with it through all the chaos.
Furthermore, it’s like we’re watching him live out some sick fantasy of his while he’s all “This is for the greater good of Cybertron!”. Like no bitch! There’s other options! You have no excuse!
You wanna be a pred, who kills for pleasure and power, while demanding to share that experience with others with or without their consent.
There. That’s what kept me up last issue.
Well, this is one moral of this ongoing story, and life advice I guess:
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For they may be the worst of all. Great…
*Proceeds to pollute my sketchbook with more Megatron art cuz I am indeed that betch*
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self-shipper-snowdrop · 1 month ago
would you be willing to drop your key to vector sigma rant? i'm curious about your thoughts. personally i get both the in universe and out of universe reasons why op gave the key to jack but ngl it always kinda annoyed me. i do actually like him but at the same time i think he's the least interesting character they could've picked for that job
OHOHOHOHO PREPARE FOR THE RANT OF THE CENTURY BABEY I HAVE SO MANY OPINIONS;;;; I apologize in advance for the length of this complete disaster hjbvfbhjfdvbhjvfdbhjvdfjbhvdfbhjvdfbjhfvbjhdvf
I will also admit in advance I'm very Miko-biased, I absolutely ADORE Miko, she's my bestie in my soul and I've always loved her. So this will be super Miko-biased and not very organized. It's more word vomit I'm sorry bhjvfhbvfbhjdvfbj
Miko deserved the key because, full fucking stop, she had the most character development of any of the humans in S1. Full stop. Jack did NOT have as much development as Miko did in comparison to the amount of screentime, and also he HESITATES. CONSTANTLY.
In the first episodes that we see of the kids, Miko's all in, to her own detriment. She doesn't take seriously the amount of danger she's in because she's so excited to be part of something fun for once. She said that she's spent her entire childhood being "the perfect kid". Perfect grades, piano lessons, extracurriculars, etc. Girl was neck deep in her parent's expectations- she tells this to Jack when she talks about why she came to Jasper in the first episodes [and jokes that the brochure lied]. When she's persuading him to come back, by the by, when SHE never left even in the face of danger.
Miko does consistently go into danger, yeah, but she also develops from that AND show's she's willing to be brave and take risks. She's the reason they get the picture of the equations on the Nemesis when they get on it in the start of the series, and she NEVER backs down from it. She's the only one of the humans willing to face it, head-on, and try and figure out their problems. She's also the one that is the most willing to come and help- even asking what she can do in early episodes not just so she can be there and see cool things, but so she can actually contribute to them.
Jack, in those same early episodes, is turning away from everything. He tries to avoid the bots when they summon him to meet Optimus, he tries to leave once things get dicey in the first episodes, and he tries to stay out of most things. He handles things when he's forced into it most of the time, on top of Dumbass Teenage Boy Syndrome that makes me wanna slam my head into a wall repeatedly. His interactions with Sierra are indeed proper Teen Boy Behaviour and props to them for the writing but also I scream lmfao like BRO
But seriously. Jack isn't the one to usually dive in and help. Him getting the key was just because he's The Main Human Boy and it was the 2010s so. yeah. But he didn't change nearly as much as Miko did, he only started helping the bots because they became important to him- Miko was always willing to help no matter what, even before she had a deeper relationship with anyone. FFS, she was willing to fight off Soundwave's tentacle WITH AN AXE, and when that went sideways? JACK BLAMED HER FOR "GIVING IT AN AXE" WHEN SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE FIGHTING OFF SOUNDWAVE SO RAF COULD DO HIS THING. She also was COMPLETELY ready to fight off literal armed soldiers ON A MOVING TRAIN and even verbally warn them to back off.
Miko's also smart as fuck. We see that academically, she knows what's up in Deus Ex Machina, because the second she actually had to try she managed to talk to a security guard about her report on Greek history for LITERAL HOURS, and says she could repeat stuff that "she didn't know she knew". Miko also thinks on the fly on how to solve issues. When they saw the security camera in that episode? She right away took an upside-down pic to make it look like nothing was happening while they got the orb. Miko ALSO was willing to take point even when it meant security got her or that she was at risk of the Decepticons kidnapping her. She put HERSELF in the way of them getting to her friends instead. She also understands people, especially Bulkhead- like in Operation: Breakdown.
In that episode, not even OPTIMUS HIMSELF could convince Bulkhead to help them rescue Breakdown. Optimus even tried to spin it as "well, you know, he has a chance to change and also MECH sucks" which. You know. Doesn't work. She, instead, plays into what she KNOWS will convince Bulkhead- "no rescue, no rematch". And what happens? BULKHEAD SAVES BREAKDOWN. Without Miko, Breakdown would have literally died because Bulk wouldn't have gone to get him. SHE'S the reason MECH didn't get to do their full dissection and potentially go through their bastard plans even sooner than they could have!!! All because she knew Bulkhead wasn't buying the "he can change" route- instead, taking note of them being rivals, and urging him using what she KNEW would work. Miko's the entire reason he went at all.
You can also see that Jack is WAY too cautious compared to the others in Shadowzone. When Raf drops his glasses and says he can't see without them, Jack [like a dumbass] says they have to leave them because it's dangerous when, you know.... Raf needs to be able to see. Hard to see where you're going when you're functionally blind. But while he still insists [also not noting how Raf won't leave without them considering he's like, 12] what does Miko do? She dives out there, gets the glasses, and heads back like a BADASS and then they keep running away from Skyquake's reanimated corpse. She doesn't hesitate, she sees the problem and solves it so they can keep moving- instead of wasting time trying to convince Raf to run blind like Jack does.
He's also a dick to her at the end of the episode, as instead of... you know... being nice to her after they all survived A ZOMBIE ATTACK, he rubs in how she admits what she did was really reckless. When Miko is showing she's clearly willing to learn from her mistakes, he rubs it in like a jackass. Again- teen boy behaviour. But it DOES show immaturity, compared to Miko actually being really mature in that moment and showing she's willing to admit she shouldn't have done that. The bots also know how important it was to her to get pictures and apologize for it- so. You know. He could very easily not be a dick.
Jack also doesn't show he's any better than her with rushing into things [like charging into places] in Rock Bottom [which I just recently re-watched] where Miko runs into the mines and Jack acts like she's ~so stupid for it~ but what does he do?
HE FUCKIN LOOKS AT ARCEE LIKE 'uwu pwease can I go in also I'll be good owo' RIGHT AFTER INSULTING MIKO FOR WANTING TO CHECK IT OUT. So, hypocrisy.
Jack's only moment of having a "key moment" was when he refused to kill Megatron because "Optimus wouldn't, not like this" and he leaves. That's it. Meanwhile, Miko is willing to try and DIG OUT A WALL WITH HER BARE HANDS TO FREE BULKHEAD WHEN THEY'RE STUCK IN THERE. She's not willing to leave him, has to be convinced to bang a rock on his foot to make noise [because she doesn't want to hurt him]. Even when Starscream walks in and tries to fuckin grab her, Miko STILL REFUSES TO LEAVE BULKHEAD. She isn't willing to leave him behind, period, or ANYONE behind at all. She only barely agrees to leave with Jack with a LOT on persuading from Bulk, and she's crying when they do because she cares so much about him. The bond she's built with Bulkhead really shines in that episode, and it shows just how loyal she is to her loved ones. She would straight up rather be buried in rock with him rather than even consider abandoning him there.
So Miko is willing to admit when she fucks up, isn't a dick to others about it, knows how to read people and what they need to keep going, won't abandon her teammates, and is unflinchingly brave. She is a fighter through and through, more so than the other humans are. She doesn't have as much screentime as Jack, yet she STILL shows all these traits and shows character growth. Jack, meanwhile... well, he's still pretty boring. He doesn't change much. When he gets the key, it doesn't feel earned at all. It just feels like it was obligatory because he's The Main Human Boy™ and that's what Main Human Boys™ get.
But imagine if Miko got the key. It would be an acknowledgement of how she's helped and how she's always willing to as well. She never needs to be persuaded, she's never afraid to face danger- everything. It also would have been an epic chance for Jack's character as well, considering- again- he's got a few moments where he's kinda a dick to Miko.
If Miko got the key, it could seriously drill in the heavy feeling of responsibility. It would have been a GREAT addition to her arc, really able to emphasize that she has a ton of good traits and how with some refinement, she'd make an amazing leader. It also would have really defied expectations at the time and given Miko the spotlight she really deserved. There's a reason people like her! So Miko would have this great responsibility, Optimus would be openly acknowledging that she's great as she is [and doesn't have to be perfect, emphasizing how she is better off as herself rather than the perfection expected of her back at home] and it could further lead into Miko maturing even more.
Meanwhile, Jack NOT getting the key and instead knowing SHE got it could be a serious kick in the ass. He'd have to grapple with his feelings about that, confront how he responded to her and the times he'd belittled her attempts to help [ex; fighting off Soundwave with the axe] and such. He'd have to see and acknowledge her good traits [especially her incredible bravery] and how critical that's been to them. He'd have to acknowledge that she DOES help, and everyone would have to take her more seriously. Jack would have to step the fuck up and proactively choose to do more, meanwhile Miko- getting that responsibility- could learn to reel in her reckless tendencies and instead refine her bravery and leadership skills. It'd be better for them both as characters, and it also means Miko gets to go into space LIKE SHE FUCKING DESERVES.
Basically, Miko had so much going for her even with less screentime than Jack, meanwhile Jack didn't develop much at all and pretty much had to be yeeted into most situations- meanwhile Miko was proactive. Is she reckless at times? Yes, for sure, but this would have been the PERFECT way to help her curb that. Optimus telling her about this key, how important it is, and how she needs to guard it could really show how well Miko does under pressure... as she consistently has! It'd also feel pretty natural for Optimus to acknowledge her efforts and reward it, but Jack? It didn't feel like he earned it at all. Miko it would have felt earned and opened the doors to even MORE development for her, rather than Jack being more of the damn same.
Also. Again. Homegirl fucking rules. Even just from a simple standpoint, she's a far more interesting character and would have been more engaging for her to get the key [a less predictable outcome] instead of Jack [a very predictable outcome]. Especially when she has more consistently shown a willingness to face danger head-on, willingly, rather than handle it only when tossed into it like a sack of bleached potatoes. Miko would just have been SUCH a good choice, both for her personally and for everyone around her.
We also KNOW Miko can kick ass when she gets that armour later in the series, so on top of all the other epic stuff about homegirl, she is 1000% able to fuckin DESTROY the enemies if given the right tools. She has battle prowess.
Jack's just;;;; legit too cautious. He doesn't have the willingness to get in the weeds like Miko does, it's SO bullshit that he got the key. And Megatron's "I never forget a face" line is SUPER WASTED on him. Especially because, again, Miko gets that armour later. That line would have been SO much better with Miko, especially if she actually got to battle him in that armour later- because then he'd have a reason not to forget the human who's actually willing to stand against him. Because we ALL know she would.
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cheerful-sixears · 1 year ago
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I scribbled some "uncanny" Beast Wars doodles of Optimus Primal and Megatron. Cus...I have wanted to combine more creature-esque qualities to them. NGL, I was worried I was not going to like the outcomes, but I doubt myself too much. [the voidwalker comment was based on an AU that @starscrumpt and I were lightly dabbling in while I was scrawling these on paper.] I wouldn't mind drawing more uncanny/obscure BW Maximals or Predacons. I just need to know what y'all wanna see.
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melishade · 2 years ago
After reading Old Helos meet the Happy Family, cant help but wondering. What kinda weight Maria keep to herself ? Is it that she's afraid she might spill the secret accidently so thats why she feel that dreadful feeling ?
Cause of this, now I remember about OP's uncertain feeling about Ymir Oshern marriage ? Is it hte same thing that Maria feel right now ?
Dont worry, we know yo're busy. You can take your time. We'll wait
PS. Can u make another masterlist ? Im so wanna catch up with all the stories that werent included in Masterlist part 3 ?
Thank U :)
Previous Episode of the Peaceful Timeline
NGL. I don't know if I can update that masterlist without breaking my brain. I'll try but with what I have planned, it would take time.
And Maria's weight has nothing to do with Oshern. She adores him. No. This is about who her biological dad is!
Considering how she's grown up, she shouldn't be questioning this. She has a loving mother, and two fathers who love and adore her unconditionally. Now she has a new father, and a half-sister.
Although...there were some awakened feelings with that.
Initially, she grew a little jealous of Rose when she was born simply because she was getting more attention than her. Megatron quickly dispelled the feeling when he proposed his argument surmounting to "Of course she's getting more attention. She's a baby, and babies are absolutely stupid and defenseless." But once Maria had spoken up about it, they made sure to create a schedule for everyone so that Maria got adequate attention from all of her parents.
But then she got older and experienced more conflicting emotions, and she noticed more things...or at least acknowledged them. She had always known that she was the odd and rambunctious child. She didn't have many friends in the village as a result. She was glad that her mom was able to get more friends after her marriage all those years ago. She wondered what happened. She knew that Optimus and Megatron weren't her actual parents. She'd always known that in her gut. She looked nothing like them. But Rose and Oshern looked so much alike, and it was because Oshern was her actual Papa. There was this sense of jealousy that bubbled to the surface, but she always buried it. It didn't matter in the end. It shouldn't matter in the first place.
But then, 14-year-old Maria meets Helos that day, recognizing her mother and crying at the sight of her Papa. She had then heard the story of what happened that day from another perspective. Ymir didn't talk much about her life in the Eldian Empire. It hurt her. It wasn't meant to be discussed. Oshern had heard the stories of the Savior from Heaven defeating the Devil of the Earth. But at the end of the day, Oshern was an outsider perspective. Helos was someone who was the closest to having insider perspective on the Eldian Empire, and on the dreadful, dead, king. Helos had acknowledged the way that he treated Ymir so cruelly, and Maria couldn't help but feel tears well up into her eyes when her mother seemed so relieved that the king had been dead for so long.
But...it started to make her have burning questions in her mind. And it wasn't helped by the fact that Helos had spared a few glances her way but didn't say a word. Maria had a burning question. An aching thought that needed to be quelled. Maria took notes and did the math. The Eldian Empire fell 15 years ago, she was born 14 years ago. Pregnancies take approximately nine months and Ymir had chosen her birthday to be the day that Optimus had saved her. That time between that day and her birthday was approximately nine months. Meaning...meaning her biological father...was someone from the Eldian Empire.
The thought had kept her up at night. Someone that was responsible for hurting so many people, was her father. But...but who was is? Was it good to know? Should she just leave this along? Why should it matter? All of her parents had hurt people expect for Oshern. But they were trying their best to change and be better. She was fully aware of the summarized history between Optimus and Megatron. But...she was so heartbroken when she learned of what they had done and what they had failed to accomplish. To learn that her papas hurt and killed. If...her actual father was a cruel man...what...what would that say about her? Would she be cruel herself? Is that why she was considered different from the kids in the village? That she was unruly and un-lady like? Because she was...
Maria was extremely tired the next morning, but she had questions. She had first gone to Oshern and asked him if he knew anything about Ymir's time in the Eldian Empire. Oshern confesses that he knows only as much as she does. Which was the basic summary of her life before Optimus came into the picture. Maria asks him if Ymir had told her who her actual father was. Oshern says that he doesn't know and has wondered that himself. Maria begs him to help her find the answer, but Oshern reasons that maybe it would be better if Ymir told her at her own time.
It wasn't an answer she was satisfied with and decided to ask Megatron about it during training. She explains her evidence and findings, but she still couldn't pinpoint who it was. Megatron must know right? Optimus or Ymir must've told him. Megatron confesses that Ymir told him personally, but that it wasn't his place to tell Maria. It makes Maria angry. Doesn't she have a right to know? Megatron retorts that this knowledge is already making Maria lose her mind. How was she going to react once she heard the truth? Was it even worth knowing? At the end of the day, did it even matter?
"Yes it does! I don't want to grow up to be a monster!" Maria gasped before quickly covering her mouth.
Megatron has to stop the training entirely before taking Maria to someplace quiet and calming. She liked the dandelions and started weaving them together into a crown. Megatron explains to her that she is not a monster. She's an ambitious, rambunctious, teenager, who loved without a care in the world and loved the nature around her. Maria retorts that she wasn't perfect. She wasn't well behaved and polite like Rose. Megatron retorts that no is perfect, and that Rose is a lot more devious than she lets others think, earning a giggle out of Maria.
But Maria is still despondent. Because she...she wasn't like everyone else. And...if her father came from the Empire who hurt others, and no doubt hurt and...violated her (she had heard enough stories to know)...would that make her turn into someone like him. A monster? And if that were the case, then that means monsters couldn't be loved. She was born out of a product of pain and suffering. Who would love someone like that?
Megatron challenges her, demanding to know if she doubts that Ymir, Optimus, himself, and Oshern don't love her. Maria immediately says no! But she still...Megatron places a hand on her head and tells her that many have looked on him in fear and called him a monster, but she never did. A human looked at him like he could be more. He doubted that anyone that looked at him like that could be considered a monster. She was too kindhearted to even try.
But even so...Maria still wants the truth. She wants an answer. Megatron still questions if it really matters. Maria challenges that she should know the truth. Megatron takes the flower crown from her and places it on her head before offering her a piggyback ride. He promised her that she would get it, but that nothing would, and should not change from hearing the truth.
Ymir and Optimus are working together on growing crops when Megatron returns with Maria on his back. He tells the two of them plainly that she's been asking questions before setting her down. Maria decides to straight up ask who hear biological father is, causing the both of them to seize up. Ymir starts shaking, and Optimus looks over at Megatron for a confirmation. Megatron reminds him that she was going to ask about this one day. Optimus then has to ask Maria to sit down with the two of them, and she complies. Maria hates the feeling growing in her gut, but she asks again. Optimus is still hesitant. He wants to tell her, but it's not his place, it was Ymir's, but she wasn't speaking. She was afraid, but Maria wanted an answer. He opened his mouth to try and ease her into it, but Ymir spoke one word: king.
And it was enough to destroy whatever innocence Maria had left. She was the king's daughter. The man who had brought hell and ruin to so many people, including her mother, was the one who-?! The thought had made her sick, and she quickly contained the bile that was threatening to come out. She was the daughter of someone everyone hated and despised. She was...she...
"So I really am a monster," Maria spoke without thinking.
Optimus was mortified at the words that came out of her mouth. Before he could retort, Ymir practically lunged towards her daughter and grabbed her face, forcing her daughter to look her dead in the eye. Maria was shocked, never imagining such anger on her own mother. Ymir's own fearfulness had disappeared in an instant.
"NO!" Ymir bellowed at her. "NO! Understand?! No! No monster!"
"Say it!" She commanded, her voice getting sore, "Say it! Maria!"
"I'm not a monster!" Maria yelled, even though she wasn't sure if she believed it entirely. Maria yelped when Ymir pulled her close and hugged her so tight she was certain she was going to break something.
"Mine..." Ymir declared, "My...baby...my...beloved...mine."
This time, Maria felt tears well up in her eyes before she hugged her mother back.
Optimus asked Megatron to go to Oshern and Rose in the village to get Maria something from the town over, while he and Ymir tended to Maria. Not once did Ymir let Maria go, and Maria couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as her mother practically smothered her while they sat on the couch. It was like her mother wasn't going to let her go until she dispelled the ridiculous thought of being a monster out of her head. Optimus does come over with tea, forcing Ymir to let her go. He sits down next to her and explains how he cared about the two of them so much, and how he did everything in his power to keep the two of them alive, even before Maria was born. He didn't care how long or how much work it took. The fact that Maria came into this world safely made him happy and content. He even explains the day that she was born and how there was so much uncertainty going in because Ymir, Optimus, and Megatron had no idea what they were doing. But when Optimus handed her over to Ymir, he explains that she never saw her father or herself. She had just seen her. Someone with hopes and dreams that would never live a life of pain and torment as long as either of them lived. Maria turned to her mother, and she nodded tearfully in confirmation.
Optimus goes on to explain that she is not defined by her ancestry. She is not evil, and she is not a monster. She was their daughter and someone they could not live without. They did not see her father. They just saw her, and they loved her no matter what. Maria admits that it still hurts to know this. And they know that. They understand that, but their feelings for her will never change regardless of how she feels and they will be by her side. Maria drinks her tea quietly, enjoying the comfort of both Ymir and Optimus, until Megatron kicks open the door with Rose on his shoulders and Oshern rushes in with baked goods that he's spent a good few hours making.
And Maria feels her spirits are lifted, being surrounded by the people she loved and eating sweets. But afterwards, Maria confesses that she doesn't want to be alone right now. Optimus offers for her to rest in his alt mode for the night. Ymir offers to stay with her, not wanting to leave her daughter. Rose says they should do a sleepover! No questions asked! And Oshern immediately goes to grab the blankets. Megatron pats Maria on the head, reassuring her once more that who her biological father was didn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Hours later, all the humans are camping out in Optimus' alt mode, and Ymir is cradling Maria in the backseat, refusing to let her go. Maria can't help but ask if her mom ever hated her, and Ymir hugs her tighter, replying never. She can't help but cry at that. It's still something she has to come to terms with. And at times it still bothers her, but she still has loving parents who were always by her side.
(And another reason why the 'reasons to hate Fritz' list keeps getting longer. Lol.)
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autobot-ratchet · 4 months ago
earthspark episode 16!
oh hey we're getting back to Bee a lot sooner than I thought we would lmAO I guess I'm used to characters fucking off for way longer periods of time. unless this is a flashback??? all characters involved are ones we've met already but the decepticons did do a prison break so it could truly be either the present OR the past
yeah it's a flashback lmAO IT HAD ME FOR A MINUTE THERE NGL
oh give me the lore Megatron I wanna hear all about it
omg we're doing the spark flowers again hell yes lmAOfdshasj I love seeing bits of mtmte/lost light in other transformers media
oh that's interesting, it was a human, Dorothy even, who got Megatron to change his mind this time around, I figured it was Optimus... I kinda love that it wasn't though
oh fuck my life I am not translating this entire fucking wall lmfAO (I probably will later, but WAY later, like not in this post, I wanna watch more than one episode tonight) I'm assuming it's a list of names of dead cybertronians (edit: I lied I translated some of it and that was enough because it's all just literal keyboard mashing lmfAO like in the column that Megatron's got his hand on, the first five "names" are as follows: qxopqr, fabcdef, q12f456, fabcdef again, and abcdef lmAO they said "fuck my life I'm not writing this entire fucking wall" and that's so valid of them)
do I spy Knockout in this little montage??? pointing a gun at Soundwave... or is that Elita lmfAO fuck I looked up a ref and it's 100% Elita kfhjdfjhgshkj she really does look like tfp Knockout from the back though........
ooh interesting parallel to Optimus having to destroy the ticket to restoring Cybertron in tfp, this time it was Megatron who did it
oh I missed Steve Blum's Starscream voice lmAO
oh shit Shockwave's breakin out
of course Shockwave loves eugenics
the immobilizer in this one seems to turn them to stone, why'd they turn grey?
ooh interesting, humans can get through the energon shields
lol get immobilized idiot
okay good, the immobilizer's got a reverse function lmAO I was worried we'd have to rely on Nightshade to science our way into freeing everyone
aww I like the little symbol of the human hand holding onto one finger of a cybertronian hand
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saltynsassy31 · 20 days ago
I'm going to use this as an excuse to rant about Newflight (Bee fan kid I share with friends) so feel free to ignore lol.
But yeah, I feel a little conflicted cuz, although I do like sparklings and the ideas that come with it, I feel like it's still not utilised to its full potential.
When creating Newflight, we wanted to have that idea of sparklings but also acknowledge that they are not like humans. We spent like, a couple days discussing what we wanted and how we wanted things to work and established a couple things if we wanted to keep sparklings:
They grow exponentially fast. When Bumblebee acquires Newflight and she is taking longer than 2 weeks to grow, he shows concern for her health. By less than a month she's already talking fluently and interacting with the whole base. By only one years old she's already being sent out to the academy and creating lasting bonds with bots so much older than her (which is impossible not to happen as the few sparklings there). Danny is 2 years older than her, yet she obviously is the more mature of him and when she goes to drink Engenx, we made a point to show the difference between the two species with him being upset he couldn't also drink alcohol despite being older than her.
She doesn't call Bee "dad" or "carrier" (mostly because we abolished the "sire" and "carrier" thing for this au lol), not at first, at least. You're right in pointing out how this tends to make them put transformers in your typical nuclear family unit when you could do so much more with it. Not to mention that, if these familial titles were common, then we'd be hearing it much more often, but everyone just calls each other by their designation. We stuck to that, and the whole point of "5 times she called you Bee + 1 time she called you Dad" was to show how *strange* and *not common* it is for them, but emphasising that Newflight also grew up around humans and their cultures would naturally clash with her one way or another and the dynamic between Bee and Newflight is one out of the norm, not exactly common with the transformers.
Not everyone has guardians. Now, idk how deep I can go into this? As we do plan to explore it further in future fanfics and I don't wanna spoil everything. But it's still on the point of having typical family units. The dynamic we have planned with Bumblebee, Optimus, Arcee, Hot Rod, Elita and Megatron will further delve into that somewhere in the near future, hopefully. But in short, we just wanted to focus more on the fact that families in transformers are rather built than made, if that makes sense? We did established the rule of "guardians" and "wards", but made it a point to keep it at just that. It's more aching to IDW 2019 where newsparks are assigned mentors.
There's another thing that will be revealed in the coming fanfic we are writing, so I want say much on the topic, but not all transformers are born sparklings either.
There is so much to be done, so many possibilities. We stuck to still having sparklings cuz that was the whole starting point of the AU lmao (look, it started as a 1am joke that got taken too seriously). But playing around with different possibilities is so fun.
We mixed all the different things they threw at us about their reproduction system from all different versions. From Marvel comics to the IDWs. They're aliens for gods sake! Play around, have fun, pull away from the human concepts we know of.
I like sparklings, but it annoys me how close some stick to how we humans do it, when they've shown also that the transformers aren't used to that. Having them call their creators "mom" or "dad" (or the equivalent of that for transformers) annoyed me the most ngl XD. It works in situations like Earthspark where they are being raised by humans, but outside of that? Not really. I mean, it can still work depending how you navigate your au, it's the most common in mechpreg stories, which is already kinda out there so I'm not trying to pull on anyone's leg here.
Do I hate it? No, I'll still consume or indulge in it, its not awful, and I do enjoy some stuff from it.
But I just wish for a little more creativity is all lol.
I genuinely hate the idea of sparklings/transformer children. Everything we know about their modes of reproduction contradicts the concept. Not to mention how so many interpretations just end up emulating the nuclear family instead of doing something interesting with the concept. When Lug and Anode talked about raising kids I was like ??? Because this is the same series that established that a 2 week old Tailgate was already mature enough to have a whole ass job.
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vodid · 2 years ago
this ended up being a long review hsjfjdjs but
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ngl i liked the pilot but omfg lemme tell u. earthspark. if you can stand cheesy family lines, def give it a go. megatron and optimus make such cringey jokes its funny
i think my favorite part of it all was the relationship between megatron and dot (screaming crying throwing up over him being the ONLY one to call her dorothy) like they were so in tune with each other, dot balancing herself on megs as they fought and megatron fiercely protecting her (and everyone else 😭😭😭), their quick banter and genuine care they had for each other
i definitely enjoyed this megatron. i know its turned some people off from the show but i would give it a chance. amazingly wholesome, i never knew i needed a villain to become such a soft guy
like listen. megatron.... everything about megatron in this show. you get everything with this man. funny uncle guy who is passionate and protective even of his people who hate him, brought down to his knees (literally), hurt and in need of rescue, and a strong leader who needed to sit this one out in the end. they gave us a soft vulnerable guy and i liked that. i want more. I WANT MORE.
not to mention episode 9's opening battle??? HELLO???? everything about that was so addicting to watch i mean everything from the camerawork (is that a term i can use with animation hsjdjdks) to the fight choreography to megatron throwing himself around like a mf ragdoll just to save his husba— i mean optimus
i do wish there were more. we only got dad-two i mean wheeljack and arcee in one episode each and mrs elita wasn't even there in the final battle, which was a bummer ...but maybe they thought she'd be too powerful 💀💀 she's a mf savage bro.
the final wave of the malto bots terrans whatever you wanna call em felt a liiiittle rushed and they definitely didn't get as much development as twitch and thrash, as expected when you introduce them in the final 30 minutes. and they were really just there to help fight which :(( poor babies. i'm sure they will get their PEACEFUL time in season 2 (sure do hope there's a season 2) and i hope we get to see more in general
just mmmmmm megatron.
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poptimus-prime · 2 years ago
2, 19, and/or 20 for the ask game!
From here!
2. Which tf character design do you think would work better with a different color pallet?
Unfortunately, I currently don't have any more energy to draw, but my partner and I were talking about swapping the colors of our sonas for the LOLs
19. Which depiction of Cybertron in a tf media do you most want to live in? Does the answer vary depending on if you’re human or cybertronian?
NGL Cyberverse Cybertron just bc I wanna be able to go to Maccadams and order a Shirley Temple or some shit. But uh. Not as a human that's for damn sure.
20. Which depiction of Earth in a tf media do you most want to live in? Does the answer vary depending on if you’re human or cybertronian?
Torn between Prime and Knightverse Earth, be it a Cybertronian or a human. On the one hand, Knightverse Earth is what I'm most familiar with save it being in the past so I'd be more comfortable dealing with that there. On the other hand, I was kinda considering working in the Nevada state public health office a while back, so my ass would probably end up seeing Optimus Prime on Prime Earth by 'luck' LMAO.
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toonformers · 4 years ago
Alright so to kick off what I wanna do for my future comic, let's start with the first character design. Optimus Prime.
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Let's explain the physical appearance of Optimus with a bit of backstory.
Optimus Prime and his two brothers, Ultra Magnus and Sentinel, once visited and organic planet, known as Naturae, the nature planet. In it live the Naturians, who were a passive race of elf-like beings whose lives revolved around plants. They were used as fabrics for clothing, food, seeds were used as a type of currency and their mysterious way of reproduction depended on a gigantic tree, the Elder Tree, which gave life to all flora in their world and somehow created offspring for them.
The planet was ruled by a monarchy, with princess Shira being next in line for the throne. The Autobots were providing protection to the planet from the Decepticons and Optimus was to be Shira's guard, disguising himself as a Naturian, while she attended her governmental affairs. Of course, this would result in Optimus developing strong romantic feelings towards Shira, despite knowing all to well she was betrothed.
He planned to elope with her and live together on Cybertron, but Shira's father quickly intervened and separated the young couple. Optimus was then forbidden to visit Naturae, stuck on Cybertron while his brothers visited frequently for only professional reasons. Some months passed and an unexpected betrayal from Shira's fiancee, now married to her and king of Naturae, lead to the destruction of the planet's life and himself.
Optimus was heartbroken, with no will to live and despising himself for being a mechanic being, instead of organic. Ultra Magnus, who only wanted to make his brother feel better, passed some laws that would require all Cybetronians to use the machinery recently built by the Perceptor, to slim their bodies and give them more organic appearances. He also adopted the Naturians method for making clothing and turned them into a common practice.
While it didn't remotely hide the fact they were robotic beings, Optimus was content with the changes made and felt more at ease. Three days after Naturae's destruction, Sentinel would return from scavenging the planet for survivors with a single seed, with a note for Optimus Prime that read "Please take care of it. Love it as I love you. - Shira".
Optimus would plant the seed and the resulting plant would give an unexpected surprise...
Ngl, I'll probably change the design in the future to make it look more humanoid. Anyway hope you like it!
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Character review!!(2/4):
Fix it!!;
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Fix it is an adorable orange minicon who deserves so much? He's a blabbermouth with a bit of a vocabulary tick that kinda gets annoying, but on the whole, he's very cute. He helps the team both medically and technically, and as often as he's pushed around, the team wouldn't be the same without him. He also likes BIG boys and is so dtf if you're bigger than him. Given that Denny is bigger than him, it's not that hard to accomplish. 7/10. Would've been higher if they didn't make his character a bit repetitive. Still love him though.
Denny clay!!;
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Father of Russell Clay, this dude owns the junkyard that the autobots reside in, and he's honestly just a cute, loving man. Tbh he's just a good character in terms of personality. like he's better than most bots on this show. 8/10, would smooch him. Literally I only added him here because I'm attracted to him, while simultaneously wanting him as my actual dad. Idk y'all i got issues.
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He was only around for a few episodes, but he's honestly one of my favorite minicons. He just seems like a charming, handsome boy. I didn't get much in terms of his personality, but I do get he's passive without being a pushover, he talks with his hands a lot, and he has just...such a nice voice. Ngl, 8/10 because he's swoon worthy.
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Dropforge, although only appearing in two episodes, pretty much swept me off my feet. An old timey lieutenant with quite the speech pattern, he’ s a mini that's small in stature, but BIG on personality. Mech doesn’t play with baddies, and is honestly a fun, sorta cool character I wish they had explored earlier, even if it was via Strongarm’s references. I say this for a lot of characters, because it’s true, but he deserved a lot more than what he had. He could’ve been used as a proper back and forth from Cybertron and earth, vs whatever the fuck they had Optimus do. Honestly a coordination between Dropforge and the Bumblebee team would’ve been more affective than literally everything Optimus did. 8/10. 9/10 if they did more with him.
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I actually wasn’t even going to include him, from how kinda lackluster I found him in this series. But he’s the poster child for Transformers, and Dropforge’s entry sorta made me have some solid thoughts for him. So, this Optimus is one of the weaker ones. Mainly because there was so many alternatives to him coming back to life. I get it, that’s his thing, but it was really done for the sake of bringing back a familiar face. He had funny/dad moments, but he honestly didn’t HAVE to be here. At the weakest Optimus, I give him a 6/10. Would've been more, had his revival had more of an emotional impact from the team (and yes I'm referring to  Ratchet).
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Blastwave was a minor character that only appeared for one episode, but I still wanna talk about him, as he’s a part of my favorite episodes of all time, ‘Guilty as Charged’. In his debut, dude comes out as gruff and stuff, only to turn out to be a rather soft, mute bounty hunter. I’m not appreciating him for so much as his personality (but he does seem like a neat guy, he’s better than most characters on this show), but for what he did for this series. He made everything a bit more bearable, and I appreciate his ability to give something for Bumblebee to relate to. 8/10, I love him.
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Did he appear in one episode then once towards the end? yes. Did I still love him? yes. It’s unfortunate, but most of the really good characters only appear in an episode or two. Jazz is good in every continuity (no I will not be told otherwise), but this one gets props for what he did in his premier episode, ‘can you Dig it?’. He gave Sideswipe a chance to shine, while simultaneously making himself look good. Smooth, handsome, flexible, kind, all wrapped up in quite the frame? it’s no wonder the team’s thot had a crushy wushy on him damn bitch me too and for that, 9/10. Love him literally so much.
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notafraidof · 6 years ago
my takes on icarus falls
probably not gonna be Super Fresh Hot takes since i’m five feet up his ass, but what’re you gonna do
“let me” - ★★★✩✩ - the melody is a bop and a half, but i can’t stop rolling my eyes at “for the rest of my life” bc………… nobody can promise that lmao. also… is he still with gigi?? who he singin to. the falsetto won me over tho
“natural” - ★★★½✩ - issa tune i can groove to, but the lyrics are a teeeeny bit lackluster (my expectations are sky-high though lmao). like why did he repeat “like the bluest ocean”…… no need for it. and could he not think of other forces of nature than a hurricane?? bruh i can think of six off the top of my head. also the “come together right now” bit makes me wanna say “over me”
“back to life” - ★★★✩✩ - not a whole lot to say about this one? i liked it but it didn’t feel Life Changing y’know? also my gay ass was sad about all the “she”s
“common” - ★★★★✩ - the melody is SO GOOD. my naïve person-lover isn’t a big fan of calling other couples gray and common, but honestly he said i’m fuckin beautiful so
“imprint” - ★★★✩✩ - a Smooth Bop, i love the line “if the planets all faded away” and the CORNY ASS “jumpin’ like mario…don’t lose a life” A CUTE NERD WHO I LOVE!! i just think most of the sentiments have been said a hundred times in other (more iconic) R&B songs. also again with the “girl” shit, i wanna insert myself into the song, zaniel !!!!!
“stand still” - ★★★★✩ - i don’t entirely understand the metaphors… but everything sounds pretty and like if elton john tried R&B and i’m into it
“tonight” - ★★✩✩✩ - i’ve heard this exact shit a million tiiiiiiimes zayn, it’s not original, dude. 1D fuckin did it with lwwy in 2012 my guy. can’t fault him for the vocal run though, he always sounds good (& i do think of him when i feel myself)
“flight of the stars” - ★★★½✩ - melody line is FRESH and i love it. kinda sad it sounds like it’s just about a relationship? bruh a song about a girl who’s literally following stars could be So Much More
“talk to me” - ★★★✩✩ - not gonna ngl i know this is Yet Another Sex Song but. my heart does the pitter pat imagining it I NEVER CLAIMED THIS WAS UNBIASED
“there you are” - ★★★½✩ - Powerful Vocals and sweet sentiments!! “i’m drunk and i need you” has been driven right into the ground, but he sounds so genuine and i love him
“i don’t mind” - ★★★★✩ - for a sec i thought this was his “i won’t mind” cover lmao oops. THE LQ PIANO IS SO NICE!!!!! more acoustic instruments please zayn!! boy said “it’s lit” which made me SNORT. he has the voice of an angel and i melt at his falsetto so 4/5
“icarus interlude” - ★★★✩✩ - boy’s good at interludes, but like. that corny-ass yves saint laurent flex. and again w “girl” and Everything Has to Be About Love
“good guy” - ★★✩✩✩ - first of all: HARDCORE rolling my eyes. baby you are fooling exactly Nobody w this hardcore bradford bad boy front. u are a giggly nerd and it’s just amusing how much you think you’re not …and also the lyrics just. don’t make sense? extinct creatures don’t work on instinct… they’re dead. wwwwhat is a “slide bleacher��? why would streetlamps try to teach you anything??
“you wish you knew” - ★★½✩✩ - this kinda bops like a rihanna song!! (that’s a good thing) idk i’m just not really vibin with this song right now, maybe it’ll grow on me. i mean… i do wish i knew him lmao
“sour diesel” - ★★★★✩ - A True Jam!!! honestly crushin on the girl he’s singing about. still don’t know what a sour diesel is though
“satisfaction” - ★★★✩✩ - kinda thought this was gonna be a rolling stone cover whoops. boy sounds so sad and lovely!!! although i’m skeptical of him not getting any satisfaction w/o an SO. if you really think that, you gotta have more fun when you masturbate dude
“scripted” - ★★★½✩ - this is so fuckin obscure but he sounds like art garfunkel circa 1980s!! and i love it!! also PIANO AGAIN PLEASE MORE OF THAT. it was neat to hear like… him talking over the phone during the song, that was fun. and zayn, honey, the men in black reference just cements my opinion that you’re a huge nerd.
“entertainer” - ★★★★✩ - I THOUGHT THIS WAS A BILLY JOEL COVER QUIT FUCKING WITH MY HEAD MALIK. amazing vocals like always, and he looks like a whole-ass MEAL in the music video. i’m just sad that someone played him like that, he deserves more than fake love
“good years” - ★★★★½ - i’m so upset!! does he actually think like this?? honey you’re TWENTY-FIVE you don’t have to worry about that!!! and it also makes me sad bc… are you regretting your time in 1D? you said you’d never do that ;; this song makes my heart hurt in the best way his voice is 👌🏻
“fresh air” - ★★★✩✩ - uh… who is he talking to?? like holy shit dude.
“rainberry” - ★★★★½ - this 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 BOP 👏🏻 the falsetto, the word choices, the bumpin bass line, everything is dope as FUCK. only thing is… idk what he’s talking about?? i googled “rainberry” and the only thing that came up was the gatorade flavor??? my guy are you singing about someone drinking gatorade
“insomnia” - ★★★★✩ - this is some quality shit!!! not much else to say honestly, sorry
“no candle no light” - ★★★★★ - MY MOTHER AND MY SON!!!!! they sound SO GOOD TOGETHER and the song fuckin SLAPS. the literal Only Complaint i have is that i wanted nicki to fuckin spit some bars!! her four lines at the end Do Not Count. also, guys, i’d like an mv if you’re up for it
“fingers” - ★★★½✩ - i can definitely groove to this, and “my fingers ain’t workin’ but my heart is” is such a neat phrase to use in a song.
“too much” - ★★★✩✩ - is good! i don’t get the juxtaposition of “i just want love and lust” and “you just can’t love enough” but the falsetto is lovely and timbaland sounds like he’s havin a good time, and that’s all that matters
the album overall is ★★★½✩ !! i love my son and ZM2 is a fuckening bop
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for mod: thanks to the other asker now all i can think is Optimus being like "Please do not be afraid, you are safe here, small friend :)" and BH is just hissing angrily in the palm of his hand. no words, only hissing. he is treated kindly and given a safe space away from the humans in the base and Optimus lets him sit and watch him do some work and makes sure he's comfortable and safe without letting him hurt anyone and Black Hat is just. hating but silently respecting him the whole time.
“Greetings, My Name Is Optimus Prime, Leader Of The Faction Known As The Autobots. We Have Arrived Here On Your Planet Seeking……Shelter From A Great Evil Led By One Whom I Once Called Brother, Megatron And His Decepticon Forces. I Wish You Nor Your World Any Harm, Fret Not, The Autobots And I Shall Protect It From Harm, As We Now Call It Our Home. Tell Me, My Friend, Who Might You Be? Forgive Me For My Line Of Question, You Are……Of An Unfamiliar Species And As Such, You Do Not Appear In Any Known Databases. Are You Another Not From This Earth?” Casual Greeting.
Black Hat Screeching:
“Ratchet, We Must——“
“Optimus. That Creature Must Not Be Underestimated, His Intentions Are Not Immediately Clear (He Does Carry A Sinister Air However)”
“Understood. Although It Would Do……No Good To Simply Leave Our New Guest On His Path Downward But Rather Aid Him In His Need For Safe Shelter And Take Hope In Perhaps Inspiring Change In Whatever His Motivation May Lie, If Not For Good. It Is Against Autobot Procedure To Inflict Unneeded Harm And/Or Casualty However——.”
“Ep Ep Ep! I Know Optimus, I Do.”
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Mun Speaking: Ngl, I Just Wanna Rp Transformers Now AGAIN, Every Time I Get A Transformers Ask, My Passion For Rping It Reignites, Specifically, Brotherly Stuff Between Optimus and Megatron As An Optimus Prime Enthusiast And Main Muse I’m Dying Over Here 😂 I Muse A Shit Ton Of Characters For Transformers TBH, It’s Like, My Main Show RN Even Though I Have Rped It Recently, I’m Willing For More Transformers Rp.
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localrobosexual · 7 years ago
so how about The Last Knight huh
HECKO I totally forgot to make that post about what I thought about Transformers 5 after I watched it whOOPS
so here they are now!! :0 it’s kinda long though. Sorry about that. Unlike my post about GOTG Vol. 2 that one time, for this one I just kinda wrote down some erratic notes about thoughts and reactions I had as I watched the movie, and then I kinda summed up my opinion about it overall down at the end?? so yeah. That’s how this one is gonna play out lol. Generalized running commentary style.
(fair warning: this WILL contain spoilers!! Like I can’t,,, , talk about it without giving stuff away lmao. If you haven’t seen the movie, and still want to and plan on doing so, I don’t recommend you read this!)
alright u made it past the spoiler warning so here we go!!
-  Quintessa gave me a lot of G1 Unicron vibes with the whole "I made you, you are mine to command" thing
- "Why do we tell these stories, besides the fact that dragons are wicked" girl same lmao
- I literally cannot. CANNOT. Take Barricade seriously. With those ridiculous "punish" and “enslave” branded brass knuckles. Buddy. My dude. Please chill. You're literally trying to be so edgy man just. Turn it down a notch lmao - Optimus literally didn't sound at all like himself at first?? It sounded like he had a different voice actor for those first few lines he spoke?? That was weird. It wasn't until the second time he appeared on screen where Quintessa was telling him about where the staff was hid was I like "oh wait yeah there's Peter Cullen" - the "Cybertron is coming" shot looked sUPER fake and green screened to me for whatever reason?? like idk I think it was the lighting they had on him but it was reALLY FUNNY PFFFFTT
- Bee swinging his legs on top of that roof was sUPER CUTE THANK U IM BLESSED
- Mohawk. Um. Who thought turning Junkrat into a Transformer was a good idea bc that’s literally all this dude is lmao
- I like how they had the whole holoform bike thing going on?? like how Prowl's was in TFA and Arcee’s was in TFP that was neato - I WILL NEVER GET USED TO HEARING BUMBLEBEE SWEAR I S2G but the Siri voice thing was pretty funny ngl. I saw that in a trailer on instagram and didn't actually think it was actually a real scene that they kept I thought it was just made for that specific ad but nOPE IT WAS REAL LMAO - Megatron musing over Starscream's decapitated head oh my god liSTEN MAN PUT HIM DOWN DONT BE LIKE THIS COME ON - HI CAN WE TALK ABOUT COGSMAN I LOVE COGMAN A LOT I LOVE HIM HE WAS REALLY GREAT EASILY A BIG FAVE HE WAS SO ENJOYABLE TO WATCH I love how,,, ok heck I don't know this guy very well bc I didn't watch Age of Extinction but it's the green dude with the trench coat built into him,,, Crosshairs?? I think it's Crosshairs yeah but the fact that he called him a C-3PO rip off was fUNNY MAN that also got a good laugh outta me and he totally rekt his heckin finger lmao. He was rlly short?? that surprised me kinda like from the trailers it looked like he was pretty average human sized but nope he’s super short - BEE'S DOUBLE CHEST POUND FINGER GUN "ayyy my dude" THING WAS ADORABLE THANK U - THEY ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH WITH THE WHOLE EARTH BEING UNICRON THING HOLY HECK now that,,, that was really interesting. Didn't expect that. AND the whole Nemesis Prime deal?? OP getting brainwashed?? THAT'S why he's heckin evil nO WONDER MAN GEEZ I didn't think OP would willingly do all that to the earth just because. That makes me feel a lot better actually lmao - Soundwave!! Shockwave!! u guys are famous!! wow way to go im so proud of u!!!! - Hot Rod tho,,,, , oh boy he was a mess lmao. I only really know Hot Rod through MTMTE and the 80s Transformers movie so,, , not too too much to go off of, but he just was so incredibly DIFFERENT and off-putting from what I was used to that I honestly didn't like him so much?? I mean he was alright. Grew on me a bit more as the movie went on I think. He was ok. That time warp weapon thing he had was cool tho!! nice!! seemed kinda overpowered a bit but cool!! - COGMAN SPINNING AROUND IN A CIRCLE WHILE HE WALKED THE DOG WAS ADORABLE THANK U - you know that movie trope where he background music will become like a song on the radio and then a character comes and switches it off?? YEAH THEY DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THIS MOVIE WITH THE EPIC WORLD-CHANGING ORGAN MUSIC AND I JUST. COGMAN GOING HAM ON THAT ORGAN HAD ME CRYYYYYYYIIINNG HE WAS SO INTO IT MAN OH MY GO D. I LOVE COGMAN THANK U THAT’S ONE OF MY FAVORITE TROPES AND IT WAS HILARIOUS GOD BLESS - HE CAN SING OPERA TOO IM CRYYYYIINNNG MAN JUST. PLEASE LET HIM HYPE UP THE MOMENT HE'S DOING HIS BEST!!!! - THE TABLE WAS WRITTEN IN OLD CYBERTRONIAN yknow if you could get Cyclonus down there he could probs read that for you no problem. Or don't actually. Please don't drag him into Bayverse oh I s2g nevermind nevermind - HEY MAN I LOVED THAT ROBOT HYDRA WOO BOY THAT WAS COOL and it's like?? a Combiner?? but not really. Burton just said the twelve knights combined into the dragon but I doubt they can all unfuse from that form lmao it was probs just a one time thing. So not a Combiner. Still cool tho. Robot dragons. SICK!!!!!! - HEY they did the whole Unicron's a planet-eating god thing this time around too wow. Neat. Listen man all I'm saying is I glad I watched TFP and bits of G1 and that 80s movie bc if not I woulda had no idea why Unicron was important lmao. That was pretty neat tho!! Interesting. Interesting. - OK BUT COGMAN LAUGHING AND SINGING "MOVE B!TCH GET OUT THE WAY" WHILE DRIVING 200 MPH DOWN THE ROAD WAS HILARIOUS WHAT A BLESSING THANK U - Surprisingly Bee seemed to be ok in that open water??? Hanging on to the side of a submarine?? I mean. Salt water man. Buddy watch out ur gonna rust plEASE BE CAREFUL
- speaking of which didn’t they say there was gonna be a submarine transformer in this movie?? like didn’t they say that in interviews before the movie came out?? I mean. We never saw that. It might’ve been that the submarine WAS a transformer but it never spoke, never transformed, nothing. Didn’t give any indication that it was uniquely Cybertronian aside from Vivian’s magic touch thing. Idk. That wasn’t explained so I mean. Hmm.
- Cogman can make sushi!! dang!! wow!!! bravo!!! - OP'S HECKIN INTERDIMENSIONAL BOOB POCKET OH MY GO D dang wish I had one of those lmao - THAT FINAL FIGHT WITH OP AND BEE THO AAAAAAAA OH MY GO S H HECKO MAN!!!! OPTIMUS RIPS OFF BEE'S DOOR WINGS MAN!!! GEEZ!!!! what I wanna know is like since when did Bumblebee have a hammer lmao. Like,, , is it supposed to the the Forge of Solus Prime?? When did he get that?? How and why?? I don't know and it was never explained but I mean. Why tho. - OH MY GOD BUT BEE'S VOICE!! IT ACTUALLY WORKED!!! DANG!! WOW BUDDY!!! AAAA!! IM GLAD HE'S OK!!! and that's all it takes to snap Optimus outta his brainwashed phase lmao ok then. Cool. Wasn’t what I expected him to sound like either but then again I really don’t know what I expected in the first place lmao - I feel a LOT better knowing Optimus didn't willingly wanna destroy the earth like. He was brainwashed. And when he snapped outta it he felt absolutely awful about what he did. I mean it felt like that whole plot point was rushed, a lot of this movie felt very rushed, but it makes me feel better at least lmao. Optimus I'm sorry man can I,,, , give u a hug or something man it rlly looks like u need a hug - "YOU CHOSE THE WRONG SIDE" OOOOOH BOY FLASHBACKS TO THAT CAPTAIN AMERICA CIVIL WAR BIT IN PRI.ME(3) LMAOOOO - CADE. BUDDY. YOU CANT JUST BLOCK A SWORD LIKE THAT. THAT WAS A KILLING BLOW DEALT BY A GIANT ALIEN ROBOT I DONT CARE HOW SPECIAL THAT MEDALLION THINGY IS U CANT JUST DO THAT LMAOOOO. And then as soon as he whips that sword out the rest of the knights are like "oh wait yeah let's stop killing this guy we're chill now let's all point out swords together" lmaooooo - Crosshairs' "Love that guy. Goosebumps every time" line after Optimus gives his mandatory speech lmAO DUDE SAME - "You were by far the coolest" alright Cogman you ruined the moment a lil bit but man I still love u hecko - OK THIS IS GONNA SOUND REALLY STUPID BUT LISTEN MAN I'M GLAD THERE WAS,,,, , a lot of hand holding going on towards the end. Like fr. Cogman to dying Burton and Vivian and Cade as they were gonna jump outta that plane onto the Cybertronian tendril whatevers. Just. Small bits of physical reassurance and comfort in times of real great distress. I appreciate that a LOT more than like, watching two characters make out right before the big climactic final showdown lmao. Thank u movie wow I really didn't expect that - SO THERE WAS A COMBINER TEAM!! A COMBINER MINOTAUR!!! DANG NOT EVEN GONNA LIE THAT THING WAS NEATO!!! - Ok forget what I said about Hot Rod at the beginning he redeemed himself at the end. I didn't like him and first but now,, , now we chill. Granted I still can't see him as being HOT ROD bc he's just so different from what I know him as Rodimus but I can still appreciate him as his own character. Cool cool. - OPTIMUS RIDING THE ROBOT HYDRA INTO BATTLE AND BLOWING EVERYTHING UP WAS GREAT. MAN THAT WAS GOOD. "DID YOU FORGET WHO I AM" WOOOO BOY CHILLS MAN!!!! - OH COME ON they still made out. Lmao. Dangit. It was inevitable but I mean come on man. Alright. They kept it short and quick thank you tho if u had to put in a make out scene at least u kept it to a minimum. Thank you. Can we get back to the robots now pls. - AAAAA BUMBLEBEE'S "STING LIKE A BEE" LINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - that ending was pretty sudden lmao. A lot of this movie was sudden and fast. They just jump cut STRAIGHT to those credits man not even an ending panorama or clean slow zoom out shot or anything lmao - AND OH BOY THEY TEASED UNICRON’S GONNA ACTUALLY COME BACK AND APPEAR IN ANOTHER MOVIE AAAAAAA OH NO OH BOY NOT AGAIN GOSH DARN IT LMAO 
All in all, surprisingly, I actually ended up kinda enjoying it!! Like it really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!! Tbh for me it might even be second best in the series!! (First being the first movie from 2008 lmao) Honestly I was really REALLY surprised at how much I didn't hate it. Like. I still dislike it to a degree because it's still Bayverse, and I probably won't watch it again unless I'm with friends (like I do with the rest of the transformers movies) but it honestly wasn't too too bad! It really exceeded my expectations as far as plot, and I wasn't hardcore cringing for most of the movie so hey that's a plus!! The movie had a lot of genuinely funny moments, especially with Cogman, which got some pretty good laughs outta me like I was really having fun at those parts!! Optimus’ absence for most of the movie didn’t sit well with me for some reason. Like it just felt strange. But it kinda had to be for the story to move forward so I guess I can forgive that lol. The pacing was REALLY whack and way too fast though. Like they were REALLY trying to cram a whole lotta stuff into a relatively short amount of time. The movie's almost two and a half hours long but it really didn't feel like that because of how fast the pacing was. Some of the dialogue felt really forced because of this issue too. It didn’t feel genuine sometimes. But that has to be like, pretty much my only specific issue with it?? surprisingly?? wow. I'm honestly super shocked lmao dang man I didn’t think I’d like this movie at all but I was very much proved wrong!! I hated those old ladies tho and their obsession to get Vivian a boyfriend and the whole innuendo thing. Yeah. No. Don't do that. Stop. I'm too ace for this. 
anyways yeah those were my thoughts sorry that was so long lmao whoops  
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