#but i thought the ONE thing that i could start now without having to wait to start the 'rest of my life' is therapy
Rafe visiting sweetheart pogue reader after knowing her better at her little bake shop she works at and they get to talking and she confesses its her absolute dream to open and run her own bake shop and he buys her a little cute shack to start her business off !!! 💕💕
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warnings: super sweet fluff, sexual tension that rafe has to force himself not to act on
a/n: this came out longer than i wanted it to, but i loveeee writing for pogue!sweetheart!reader so much, pls send reqs for her if you’d like <3
it was a rather slow day at the icecream shop, so when you heard that little ding! indicating that someone had walked in, you were more than happy to see none other than rafe. “hey!” you chirped, adjusting the pink apron that currently hugged your waist.
“are you the only one working?” he walked up to the counter, your bright smile making his heart beat wildly in his chest. “yeah..” you trailed off, looking over to your manager’s office, “maybe i could ask for a quick break so we could talk?” rafe nodded. “i’d like that.”
he waited until you disappeared before he flipped the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and turned the small lock on the door, so you two could converse without any interruptions. “okay!” you walked back up front. “favorite flavor?” rafe’s mind went blank as you reached for something, your skirt riding up your thighs as you did so.
“uhm- uh, rocky road is good.” you finally grasped the cups you were looking for, beaming at rafe’s response. “i love that one, too! but strawberry cheesecake has been my go to for a while now.” rafe didn’t want to make it obvious that he was staring hard, but he found that it was rather difficult when you were around him.
he couldn’t wrap his head around how someone so sweet and bubbly and charming as you are, could also be so unintentionally sexy at the same time. “rafe?” you snapped him out of his trance, a soft laugh leaving your lips. “here we are.” you walked around the counter, placing the cups of icecream down on a nearby table.
you reached behind you as rafe took a seat, your nails not allowing you to untie the knot you made in the strings of your apron. “what’s wrong?” he looked up at you in confusion. “my apron is a little stuck..” you turned, backing up until you stood been his legs. “can you untie this for me please? i just got my nails done and i did it a bit too tight.”
rafe was going insane. here you were in a mini skirt, potentially giving him a full view of everything that was underneath as you coyly waited for him to ‘help you out’. “sure, yeah-” he cleared his throat, hands coming up to fiddle with the strings that stopped just above the curves of your ass.
once he had it off, you sighed, taking the seat across from him. “where are you coming from?” rafe was still flustered when you took your spoon in your mouth, his eyes following the way your lips wrapped around the damned thing. “work, actually.” he blinked away, zeroing in all his focus elsewhere.
“really? what do you do?” now it was your turn to watch him, the veins on his arms making you lick your lips. “construction. it’s my dad’s business.” you nodded, trying to push the image of rafe all hot and sweaty from working outside, out of your head. “so you’re a handy man?” you teased, unintentionally tapping your foot against his leg.
“i know my way around.” you caught rafe looking at your lips, a shy smile taking over your feautures. “i wish i had those skills, it’d make things so much easier for me.” you raised your eyebrows. “how so?” he leaned forward. “well.. it might sound dumb, but it’s my dream to open my own little bakery. the problem is; i don’t know where to start, i don’t know who i have to get in contact with for licensing and permit stuff, and i definitely don’t know how to install any kind of kitchen appliances.”
rafe thought for a moment.
“do you have a certain location in mind?” he asked. you hummed, shaking your head. “no, i don’t care where it is. i’d just like a bigger space.” rafe nodded. “that doesn’t sound dumb by the way,” you looked up, “i think it’s neat that you want to open up your own business. the entire island will be over the moon once they find out they can get those chocolate chip cookies whenever they want.”
you had never shared that information with anyone, but by the way rafe responded, you were glad it was him that you spilled it to. rafe saw the small flash of sadness pass through your eyes before you shook it off. “one day..” just as you were about to check the time, your manager walk out of her office. “closing shop early today, do you mind helping me out real quick?” without hesitation, you got up from your seat.
“wait for me?” you gave rafe your icecream and apron to go outside with.
“of course.”
over the next two weeks, you found yourself by rafe’s side, whether he was following you around while you made sales, or helping you bake, you two seemed to be attached at the hip. “are you working tomorrow?” rafe currently sat on the floor of your camper, leaning against the lace-trimmed cushions of your pull out couch. “nope!” you offered him a spoon of buttercream to taste test, watching as he took his digit in his mouth.
“goddamn, that’s amazing,” rafe gave you a thumbs up, “but anyways— i was asking because i have a surprise for you.” placing the bowl of frosting on the counter, you turned. “oh?” you sat down, his head resting against the side of your knee. “i think you’ll really like it.” rafe kept his eyes down in his lap. “can i guess what it is?” he shook his head, “i won’t tell you if you’re right or wrong.”
sighing in defeat, you and rafe spent the rest of the night decorating cookies and taking turns shuffling songs until he was ready to head back home. “i’ll be here to pick you up in the morning, ‘that sound okay?” he was leaning against your doorframe, your fingertips itching to reach out for him. “mhmm, thank you for all your help today..” you stepped closer, swallowing thickly as he rested a hand in the curve of your neck.
even though rafe wanted to kiss you and feel your lips on his, he settled for a peck on your temple, which you were more than happy to receive. “goodnight, y/n.” he waved before getting in his truck and driving away. locking the door shut, you couldn’t help the pout that graced your lips at your now empty, quiet, camper.
eager to know what rafe wanted to surprise you with, you were quick to get ready for bed, forcing yourself to go to sleep before having to wake up and get ready.
“promise you’re not peeking?” you giggled, your hands resting on top of rafe’s as he guided you to some unknown location. “i promise!” finally, rafe came to a stop, a shiver running down your spine at the feeling of his body pressing against your backside.
“okay, go ahead and open.” you were buzzing with excitement, your mouth falling agape once your vision cleared. there, in front of you sat a perfect little shack, the word ‘sold’ on a red banner adorning the front. you blinked, slightly confused. “this is so cute! did you buy it or something?” rafe nodded, his mouth falling to your ear.
“it’s yours.”
you took a minute to process his words, letting go of a breath that you didn’t know you were holding. “rafe..” he placed his hands on your shoulders, turning you around. “a couple weeks ago you said it was your dream to have your own bakery but you didn’t know where to start, this is your starting point.” your eyes were watering now as you looked up at the man in front of you.
“i don’t think i can accept this.” you laughed, butterflies swarming your tummy when rafe wiped your tears. “you can, and you will.” you couldn’t hold back anymore, throwing your arms around him. rafe wasn’t used to this feeling in his chest, but he knew it felt right.
“it still needs to be renovated, but i talked to my dad and he agreed cameron development will cover everything.” you pulled away, dumbfounded. “i- why?” rafe’s eyebrows knitted in confusion. “why not? you deserve it.” sniffling, you looked back at the shack, already envisioning the place up and running. “i can’t thank you enough, rafe.” you couldn’t believe this was happening, couldn’t believe that rafe, let alone anyone, would do something like this for you.
“we’ll get to that later,” he winked, making you laugh, “should we go pick out a paint color?”
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jobean12-blog · 3 days
The Last Time We Say Goodbye
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word Count: 1,604
Summary: It's only recently that you and Joel have been more that just friends so when he has to go out on a search with Tommy it leaves you with nothing but time to think...
Author's Note: I missed him and wanted something desperate but soft! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you sweet Daisy!
Warnings: some light angst at Joel being away, tension, soft sweetness, soft smut, oral (f rec), p in v, a curse or two
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Pedro Pascal Character Masterlist
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The time away had only made things more complicated.
You felt frustrated. You were spending far too much time thinking of him. Missing him. Worrying about him.
Your time together was always on your mind, and you had dreams of him almost nightly, none of them satisfying enough.
There was no way he could ever give you a precise time for his return. You couldn’t even be sure that he would return. But somehow, on that cool summer evening, while you’re sitting on the porch, mindlessly swaying back and forth on the rocking chair he built, you hear  a commotion by the gates and you know the group is back.
You can only hope he’s with them.
Standing, you take a deep breath and try to calm the butterflies in your stomach. The sound of pounding hooves has your fingers twisting and you stand on your tippy toes to get a better look at the riders.
You don’t see him and you’re breathing quickens. Starting to pace back and forth you will your mind to stop racing and your heartbeat to calm. Without thinking, you stop mid step and turn toward the oncoming group, searching through the familiar faces for the one you want.
Your breath catches in your throat when a head of familiar, gray-streaked brown hair appears. There he is, looking better than you’d ever seen him. How…after two weeks on the road does someone come back looing better?
His hair is a tousled mess of curls as usual, no doubt from his large hands running through it regularly. His long legs hang over either side of the horse, muscles flexed and straining against his tight jeans. In the warmer weather, his shirt is unbuttoned at the neck and his sleeves rolled up over his forearms.
He looks tired and his beard is more unkempt than usual, but that’s not what has your body thrumming. His eyes have been searching the area, but the moment they meet yours, his lips lift into a smile and before you can stop it, you feel your own grow, wide and relieved.
With ease, he slides from the horse and takes a few long strides to meet you out in the middle of the road. His features grow tense while you both wait for the other to speak.
“Hi,” you say quietly, trying to ease some of the apprehension between you.
“Hiya darlin’,” he answers.
“Are you ok?” you ask, letting your eyes roam down his body in search of injuries.
He pauses for a moment before answering.
“I am now.”
There are people bustling around you, loved ones searching for each other and cries of greeting ringing out, but the only thing you can focus on is the growing tension and every inch of space that separates you.
Someone rushes by and bumps into you, pushing you toward him. His hand instinctively lands on your waist to steady you and you look up to find him staring.
Your skin heats at the familiar look of hunger in his eyes. You mutter “thank you,” and look away.
“You must be thirsty? Hungry?”
He nods and makes a gesture toward his horse. You watch as he walks over and starts to lift his belongings from the saddle, distracted as the muscles of his back tighten his shirt.
Tommy yells something and he answers, breaking you out of your daze.
“How ‘bout that drink?” he asks when he’s standing close once again.
You move around your small kitchen in silence, trying to busy yourself with making him a small meal. All you want to do is reach over and touch him, to tell him that you need him to touch you.
All your thoughts make it impossible for you to concentrate on the task, your time apart having done nothing to lessen his hold over you. If anything, it’s stronger.
With a sigh you reach for a plate, too distracted to react as it slips free from your hand and crashes to the ground.
He rushes up behind you, taking your hand in his and checking it for any cuts. His calloused fingertips search your skin, and you feel every sensation. His scent fills the space you occupy, and he surrounds you completely.
“Are you okay, darlin’?”
You turn to face him, your lips parting at the intensity in his gaze.
“It’s just been a long day,” you say, searching for any excuse.
“Hmm,” he muses, continuing to study you.
His gaze flickers to your mouth and you need him to kiss you. As if drawn in, you lean closer as he leans in to meet you.
Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door and Tommy comes in, his smile fading when he realizes his obvious interruption.
“Sorry big brother,” he mutters. “But you forgot this.”
He holds out Joel’s knife before looking at you with an apologetic smile. Joel takes it and then carefully slides it into the back pocket of his jeans.
Tommy disappears out the door as quickly as he had come in.
Your chest rises and falls rapidly and when you look back at Joel you have no time to react as he grips your face between his hands and pulls you into his chest.
When your lips meet, you make a strangled sound of surrender, immediately combing your fingers through his hair.
He holds you steady, pulling away to press a kiss to one corner of your mouth, then the other before he lingers in the middle.
You press your curves into him and he bumps into the counter, then the kitchen table as you shift and finally meet the wall as he pins you against something solid.
You can smell, taste and feel him but none of it is enough.
He grabs your ass, your thighs, slides his hands along your waist and up over your breasts, seeming to need to touch every part of you simultaneously. Your hands roam his body frantically, yanking on his shirt until the buttons pop off and it falls from his shoulder to the floor.
His fingers trace the hem of your dress, and you moan, bringing your hand to rest on his, guiding his movements.
“Tell me what you want,” he murmurs in a voice rough with need. “Tell me the things you want me to do to you.”
“Everything,” you whisper against his mouth.
He groans your name and slips his hands under your dress.
“I need to see all of you,” he says, teasing your mouth.
In one swift movement he has the dress up and over your head and stops dead at the sight of what’s been hiding beneath.
He takes a step back, leaving you pressed against the wall.
Your matching satin and lace set has him licking his lips and he pushes a restraining hand through his hair.
“Fuck, you’re stunning,” he says, moving closer again and running his fingertips along the swell of your breasts.
A visible shiver runs across your skin and his hand travels upward, tracing the outline of your collarbone, along your neck and finally to your jaw.
He drags your mouth to his and you fumble clumsily with his pants. His hands wander down the curve of your spine, back up again along your sides to your breasts, and feel every inch of your skin.
The kiss never breaks as you stumble back toward the couch and pull at his remaining clothes.
He stops just when your calves hit the cushions, slowly tracing your ribs with his knuckles before sliding to the clasp of your bra to release it.
Pulling you closer, he groans into your mouth as your soft breasts graze his chest and your fingers slide lower, circling his cock and lightly squeezing.
He spins and sits down, resting his hands on your waist and holding you still in front of him. Reaching down he slips his thumbs under the fabric at your hips and delicately drags it down your legs.
With soft kisses to your stomach, he moves downward, continuing to taste until you coat his tongue and erase everything else.
“I’m fuckin’ losin’ my mind darlin’,” he whispers against your ear as he drags you into his lap. “I need to be inside you.”
Your hips rock over him, his cock sliding against your wetness as your sighs and moans fill the room.
“Is that what you want?”
“Yes,” you whimper. “Please Joel. I can’t wait any longer.”
He brings his eyes to yours, his lips hovering just an inch away as he holds your gaze and guides himself deep inside you.
“Oh my god,” you moan.
“Say it again,” he demands, breathless.
“Please Joel.”
He starts to thrust into you more steadily and you brace your hands on his shoulders, easily meeting each movement.  
“I can’t get enough of this,” he whispers against your lips. “I want you like this every day.”
His name leaves your lips like a prayer and his grip tightens.
“Come on darlin’. Let me see you come all over me. It’s all I’ve thought about.”
Your thighs tighten around his waist, and you squeeze his cock, your breath hitching before you muffle your cries against his neck. He follows right behind, hips stuttering and breathing ragged.
He slumps back against the couch and cradles you to his chest, his arms secured around you.
He moves his face close to yours, noses brushing and lips delicate.
“Stay with me,” you whisper.
His lips trace your jaw and stop just below your ear. He places a soft kiss to the spot before whispering, “I’m not goin' anywhere.”
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@lizette50 @hiddles-rose @blackwidownat2814 @kmc1989
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taurasiluvr · 2 days
can u write a fic where paige and reader is on the phone and paige starts touching herself to readers voice? and then reader eventually notices and asks to facetime and yk… this is just a suggestion u don’t have to do it 😭
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away games were the hardest on you and paige, you both thrived on being physically near each other and the separation always felt like an eternity. the long nights apart were filled with longing texts and video calls that could never quite bridge the gap. you missed the feel of her arms around you, the warmth of her body pressed against yours, and the way she made you feel safe and loved.
while you were incredibly proud of her, the distance was a constant reminder of how much you relied on her presence. you would watch her games on the screen, cheering her on from afar, but it never felt the same as being there in person.
tonight was one of those nights.
paige's team was playing an important match out of town, and you found yourself alone in your shared apartment. the space felt emptier without her, the silence almost oppressive. you tried to focus on other things, but your thoughts kept drifting back to her.
the game had just ended, and UConn had won. your phone buzzed with a call from her, and you eagerly answered, a smile spreading across your face at the sound of her voice.
"hey, baby," paige greeted, her voice warm and full of excitement. "we won!"
"i saw! you were amazing out there," you replied, feeling a rush of pride. "miss you so much, though."
"i miss you too," she said, her voice softening. "i hate being away from you."
there was a moment of silence, the connection between you palpable even through the phone. you could almost feel her presence, the memory of her touch lingering on your skin.
"tell me about your day, what'd you do without me?" paige asked, a breathless laugh coming from her lips.
you laid on the bed as you recounted your day. "nothing too crazy, just went to my classes then did some grocery shopping for us," you paused, trying to think of whatever else you'd done. "oh! well, i also did some online shopping, i splurged a new bikini."
"oh?" paige's breath hitched at the thought of that. "yeah, you deserve that, especially after midterms. can't wait to you see wearin' it, looking all pretty..."
paige trailed off and you could tell she was feeling the distance, maybe even more than you. you smiled at the thought and you couldn't help but tease her a little more.
"maybe i'll give you a little fashion show when you get back," you teased, your voice playful and sultry. "just for you."
paige let out a low groan, her breath hitching again. "you know what that does to me, baby. you're killing me here."
you giggled, enjoying the effect you had on her. "good, want you to think about it all night."
"god, i will," she murmured, her voice husky. "always know how to drive me crazy."
you bit your lip, feeling a surge of warmth at her words. "i miss you so much, paige. i wish you were here with me right now."
"miss you too," she replied, her voice softening. "more than anything. but hearing your voice makes me feel like i'm right there with you."
you could hear the sincerity in her voice, and it made your stomach ache with need. "tell me what you'd do if... if you were here," you whispered, your voice trembling with desire.
paige let out a slow, deep breath. "if i were there, i'd kiss you. slow and deep, just the way you like it. let my hands roam over your body, feeling every inch of you."
you closed your eyes, letting her words wash over you, imagining her touch.
"i'd kiss your neck, your shoulders," paige continued, her voice growing more intense. "i'd make my way down to your chest, kissing and sucking on your nipples until you're moaning my name."
a soft moan escaped your lips, your body reacting to her words. "paige," you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper.
"i'd move lower, kissing your stomach, your hips," paige said, her voice thick with desire. "i'd spread your legs and taste you, licking you slowly, teasing you until you're begging for more."
you could feel the heat building between your legs, your hand slipping under your clothes to touch yourself. "fuck, p, that sounds amazing," you gasped, your fingers mimicking the sensations she was describing.
"i'd suck on your clit, making you moan my name," paige continued, her own breath growing ragged as you heard her shift on the other line. "slide my fingers inside you, feeling how wet and tight you are for me."
"yeah, just for you," you moaned, your body trembling with pleasure. "need you, p. need you so much."
"i'm right here, baby," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion as you heard her breaths coming in staggered. "i can feel you, hear you. fuck, don't cum, wanna cum together,"
"oh yes," you panted, your fingers moving faster.
"i'd fuck you with my fingers, curling them just right," paige groaned, her voice low. "keep sucking your clit, making you scream my name as you cum for me."
a few moments pass and you feel the pressure in your lower stomach tighten, and you bit your lip to try and hold off cumming until paige tells you to. you could hear her own breathless moans on the other line as you tried to focus.
"gonna cum, baby, oh fu-fuck," paige groaned out. "cum for me, fuck, cum for me," she rambled as she felt her own orgasm crash over her.
"o-oh, fuck, paige!" you cried out, your body shuddering as you reached the edge. "'m cumming, 'm cumming!"
you let out a loud moan as the orgasm washed over you, your body trembling with the intensity of it. paige's voice was there, guiding you through it, her words a soothing balm to your pleasure-wracked mind.
as the pleasure ebbed, you lay there, breathless and spent. paige's breathless voice came through the phone, soft. "i love you so much," she whispered.
"i love you too," you replied, your voice filled with emotion. "can't wait to have you back in my arms."
"soon, baby," paige promised. "soon."
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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Starlight Serenade ✨🎶
M!wolven x fem!human reader Getting ate out by your wolven boyfriend.
‼️Minors and ageless DNI‼️
-NSFW, size difference, cunnilingus, m!using sex toy, mentions of rough sex, monster/human relationship, established relationship, mates, predator/prey kink, and body worship if you squint WC: 1,519
-A/N: This is my first piece with monster smut. I purposely kept things a bit vague to get a feel of it. The last thing I want to do is do a disservice to the monster smut community. I am still learning and figuring out my own writing style with it. Feedback is always welcome if you care to give it. Please be nice. 😊💖 Plus I just cannot get this image out of my head. 
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I hope you enjoy! 💋
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There was a small hiccup when you two first started being intimate. The sheer size difference alone made your Wolven boyfriend feel on edge. He always did his best to control himself, to make sure you could get used to him, his size, being with a creature like him. He will never forget the one time he caused you pain. The time he slipped inside you a little too quick and a little too hard. It did hurt at first, but you tried to assure him that it was ok. 
Since then, you went to research other wolven/human couple forums to see if anyone else had this problem. To your surprise, it was very common for human women to have trouble with their wolven lovers at first. Some even took longer than others to take it properly. It was difficult, but not impossible. You told your sweet man what you found and you both found ways to be intimate and both get what they want. You even began to want just the rough stuff, much to your partner’s delight.
But this night, you wanted to see his gentle side. Needed it. You wanted to be with the shy wolven man who you fell in love with all those years ago. It was nights like this that made you want to lock yourselves into your room and enjoy each other the entire night. You didn’t care if things got rough afterwards, you just needed him to touch you. To rub those massive paws across your chest and grip your thigh still for him. You became lost in thought on the ride home. 
“I can smell you, my starlight”, he says through gritted teeth, gripping the reins.  “Then you know what I want..?”, you say coyly looking up at him. 
He pulls you closer to him, firmly holding you beside him on the carriage perch. You let out a small welp, but smile. He’s controlling himself for you, but tonight you want to have some fun. 
“We could run”, you smile up at him. 
He looks down at you with that handsome furry face giving you a challenging look. You spread your legs just enough to open up the bottom of your dress so the wind can send your scent up to his sensitive nose. He stops the carriage and throws you on his back. The horses know how to get home from here, the groundskeeper will get them. You wrap your arms around him and hang on. He gets you both home in record time. His deep breathing, the low growling, the looking at you like you are his prey, it’s too much. You need your mate, and now. 
You dash upstairs to your shared bedroom. He knows how you like to be chased and given a small headstart. It never matters, he always catches you. But it feels him with such a euphoric feeling of hunting you down and taking you, knowing how bad you need him. 
You actually make it to the door before you hear him rushing up the stairs and down the hallway. Your heart is pounding. As soon as the door is open, you are tackled to the bed and pinned down. You both take a moment to catch your breath, just staring into each other’s eyes. He looks down at you, trying to decide how he will strip you.
“Rip it off”, you tell him, as if you could read his thoughts. 
Without even thinking about it, he grabs your dress and rips it off of you without any care for the article of clothing. Fabric goes flying and in the aftermath, you can see he cannot wait any longer. You have to tell him what exactly you want. 
“I need you to taste me, but I want it gentle”, you smile sweetly at him. His low growl makes your pussy wetter and now you have no means of attempting to mask your scent. 
“As you wish, my starlight”, he says in a deep soft voice with a predatory grin, “Relax and let me worship your body”.
He stares at you for just a moment, thankful to have you as his mate. He stalks to the bed and slides his paws up your legs to your thighs. He gently spreads your legs. It’s taking everything not to completely ravish you tonight. But he controls himself, this isn’t about him tonight. You are needing something from him, something only he can provide for you. As your mate, he would never deny you. 
You were so swollen with need. Your pussy, so pretty. He could see your wet pussy glistening in the moonlight from outside. It was time to feast. He kisses up your thighs to the lips between your legs. You try to squirm, but he holds you still. You relax because you trust him. He takes one last whiff of you because taking his tongue from the bottom of your pussy very slowly licking his way up to your clit. You moan loudly, being held in place as he savors your taste. He slowly laps over you, teasing you, waiting to hear what he wants to hear.
He wants to hear to beg for it. Having you needing underneath him drives him completely feral. You try to hold out, thankful for such a gift. You look down at your mate and see that crazed look in his eye. He was ready to give you what you wanted and you were ready to take it. He laps you up one last time slowly before completely devouring you. 
He releases his grip just enough so you can move against his face. He absolutely loves it when you buck your hips while he is tongue deep inside of you. You feel him stop and look down confused, then see him adjusting something. You bite your lip. He looks up from placing the pocket pussy against the bed. The pocket pussy made from a mold of your pussy. You get to have what you want tonight, but so does he. 
There have been a few nights after vigorous love making where you were just too sore to take his massive dick again. So you found a way for him to live out a fantasy of his own while you recuperate. He can eat you out while fucking you at the same time. 
He slams himself into the toy pussy and groans into yours, going insane with pleasure. You wrap your legs around his face and grab a fist full of hair. He doesn’t mind. He always encourages you to be rough without asking. He knows you could never hurt him. He’s told you to use him if it means making your pleasure better. Tonight you are going to do just that. You buck your hips and ride his face while he furiously fucks the little toy pussy. You release your grip and lay back against the satin sheets on your bed. The cold from the sheets with the warm coming from your mate putting you in a sensory overload. The best kind. 
He works your pussy, playing with the outer part of your entrance. He has one goal in mind, making you cum…..hard. He wants to feel it come from you and into his mouth, he wants to clean you up with his tongue, he wants to see the face you make when he makes you reach your high. Then he hears it. The moan. The moan you make when you’re about to climax. He knows it all too well. You let out a moan with a slightly higher octave and your breath catches. He’s close too. He knows the moment he hears you scream his name he is going to explode and probably ruin the toy you made for him. 
You grab the sheets and arch your back.  Yes. Yes, my starlight. Cum for me. Let me taste it.  
He completely releases his hold over you, allowing you to be in control of your orgasm, but you hold his hands there. He smiles before moving your legs back, putting you on display for him. He concentrates on your clit until you see stars and are convulsing beneath him. You scream his name, as he knew you would do. You scream and moan and beg him not to stop. He looks up as he feels you cum in his mouth and sees your face. You're staring down at him with such pleasure on it. He cums instantly, nearly fumbling onto the bed. His entire body is wracked with ecstasy as you both ride out your highs. 
It’s not until he is completely drained of his seed that he moves his mouth off of you. He leans his head back and licks his lips. He sighs and looks down at you. Before him, you lay there looking up at him with complete love and adoration in your eyes. Your body relaxed against the massive bed. You smile up at him and he can’t help but return one back.
“Are you satisfied, my mate?” “Completely”, you say sweetly. 
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lady-ashfade · 11 hours
A Son For A Son
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´*: ・゚⋆˒ Deamons Bastard!Reader x Yan!Team black. Pt.2
╰・゚✧☽ first fic here.
╰・゚✧☽ summary: the queen has given a order, and craving revenge you expect.
╰・゚✧☽ words: 1k
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: blood & gore, murder and death, reader killing, reader being her father, uncanon events, poison, I just needed to make this.
╰・゚✧☽ DONT READ IF YOU WANNA BE SPOILED: reader does in fact kill aemond in this and idk if you are happy about it, I want his head to take to my queen.
“I want Aemond Targaryen.” she stood before the council covered in dirt and who knows what.
It had been two weeks since the letter about the death of Lucaerys had arrived and you all had been the worst for it. and ever since she searched and searched for a sign of truth, desperate to be wrong. that her sweet boy was alive. you knew he was dead and you wanted everyone to pay for taking luke. you wanted aemond targaryen to pay. you took anger out on the ones you could, or roamed the sky’s to get your mind off of things. you would not act without her orders.
The resemblance you shared to daemon was close and terrifying for your foes. just as you had the idea to fulfill her wishes, your father did too.
“I don’t know what you’re planning,” the sound of your voice made his shoulders fall and a smirk appear on his face, one you couldn’t see. a dark cloak draped over his shoulders and matched the same one across your frame. “but I have a better one.”
“No.” you glare at the back of his head. again denied something worth your talents.
“You can’t tell me what do to this time father.” standing your ground as his eyes turn around, a look he uses when he’s serious. and for him it was like looking into a mirror, you carved blood just like he did and loved getting to spill it. even for no reason at all.
“I have waited around for a task, and she has said she wants Aemond. I mourn the loss of my brother too, and you can not keep me from whatever it is that you think you’re protecting me from.”
Hundreds of men died at the end of your blade at night as you slip throughout the shadows. you were a slayer, a assassin who followed your own roles but loved coin and the game. a story to tell children to make them weep and fear the dark. so how could he still think you are not ready.
“I have let you do what you needed, patrol the blockade against my wishes. or fly alone when our enemies wait to make us weaker” he lectures, “and I will not let them take you.” for a moment you saw a regular father begging for his daughter to stay safe. you aren’t just a daughter now but a soldier in war.
“I would never let them take me,” you step closer and give him a smug look, “I am your daughter after all.”
Instead of going himself, daemon sends you, for the head of the copycat prince.
the castle gates are easy to slip passed with the help of a guard who shares your hatred for the hightowers. and many times, you slip into the keep without getting caught.
“Something told me you’d be here,” his eye glanced at you amused from the cough as his fingertips spin a coin. “It’s as if the gods made me stay here.” aemond unfolded his legs and leaned forward on his knees. many years you hated the way he spoke to you like a interest of his to be claimed like his bitch dragon.
“Then the gods agree you’ll die tonight.”
aemond waited for this moment to finally fight you. he wanted to win and keep you forever as a trophy, a wife who was like him and everyone feared without a doubt. he wasn’t a fool, you are a skilled killer and he needed to bring his all. and some skills stayed in the dark.
a slice in his chest, in his leg and cheek aren’t as bad as he thought when he had you pinned down onto the table. the cold feeling of metal as his hands wrapped around your throat was refreshing. you didn’t try and fight back as he took your breath because the fight was won as soon as it started.
And he should have known you couldn’t be this sloppy.
curling lips up into a devil’s smirk, looking into his eye he feels himself weakened and his grip loosen. the power of letting a man win and wiping all power from beneath their feet was riveting and a hobby. Aemond leaned back and placed his weight onto the couch while trying to keep composure. “You honestly think i wouldn’t have a plan? Make my own rules?” you raise a brow and rub the sore skin of your neck, inching closer while standing up yourself.
“Silent reaper is the name they whisper about me, come in quickly without notice. I always kill my enemies without them awake, but you,” you point and lean down as his eyes become bloodshot, “I want to feel the most pain. And I will enjoy it.” within a few minutes his body starts to leak its own blood. he was quickly taken to death of course, you couldn’t hear his pleads but you’ll satisfy with his death.
guards fall silent when they watch you walk through the halls they don’t even announce your name. white locks lace your fingers and the weight of his head was little and you look like your father with the proud eyes of what you did. the sounds of your footsteps cause the council to glance over but stay with shock. non of them expected to see that and much less out of no where. though, your father seemed pleased and chuckled at the sight.
“The head of Prince Aemond Targaryen, your Grace.” Walking past Jace you set the bloody head on the table as people gawk and flinch. “the poison was my idea, hope you don’t mind.” a second later you yawn of exhaustion and boredom. you look at rhaenrya as her eyes glossed with the revenge you took for her.
“If you’ll excuse me, the ride back was tiring and I wish to get back to my book.” bowing down you flash a “polite” smile and walk away to your chambers with pride and a hand rested on your blade. with everyone wondering what else you would do for the queen,
Your mother.
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star-eyed-angels · 2 days
Ghosting You
REQ: Stray Kids Reaction | One-Shot/Fake Texts | SUGGESTIVE/ANGST | BFF2L w/ Minho
Ghosting BFF Minho after sleeping together
Anon request:
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A/N: to the lovely anon who requested this, I'm so sorry for the long wait! This idea started spiraling way out of control and took me so much longer than I wanted it to💕 Thank you for being patience, and I really hope it was worth the wait.
As always, this is not proofread because it's 3am so please be kind❤️
Warnings: suggestive because it’s Minho 🤡 insecure reader, Minho and reader are both dumb, stubborn, and terribly in love.
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The sheets are warm as they drape over your waist. But Minho’s arm that’s loosely hung across your middle provides most of the warmth. Your skin tingles with the marks Minho has left all over you. The sweet ache in your lower half should make you feel giddy beyond belief. And it did in the moment, the way Minho’s lips felt against yours, the desire that dripped from his voice as he held you like you’d always wished for. It felt fucking fantastic. And now you’re staring up at the ceiling, nothing but the sound of his even breathing next to you. It’s like a pit has opened itself in your stomach, and every second that passes by it grows inside you. 
You glance over at MInho, watching him sleep peacefully. Your heart twinges at the sight of him like this, so exposed to you. A moment so intimate it feels unreal. What did this mean for your friendship? Was this how it all ends? Or maybe he feels the same? Maybe he loves you the way you love him. For a brief moment the giddiness returns at the idea of him sharing feelings. You let your mind wander at the possibility of a future with Minho. But it’s that thought that makes the pit open into a bottomless cavern. 
This could never work. 
Minho, your beloved best friend, was from a completely different world from you. How could you possibly forget? He could never be with someone like you. His world was cruel. Standards and appearances were everything in his line of work. One mistake could cost him everything. You’d watched him build it from the ground up. He couldn’t risk that. You wouldn’t let him. 
 You shouldn’t have done this. He can’t possibly love you. He couldn’t. Eventually you catch on to the sound of your heartbeat in your ears, matching the unsteady breathing you're letting out. You need to leave. You need to leave now before you make things any worse. 
You’re quiet as you slip out of the bed, holding your breath when he turns over. His hand blindly searches over the sheets before he settles, mumbling sleepily. You turn away from him quickly, feeling unsteady as you scramble in the dark for your belongings. 
The thoughts only grow louder as you slip on your clothes, hurriedly making your way out of the dorm without a trace. The warm summer air brings you the slightest bit of comfort that what you’re about to do is the right choice, even if you know it’ll hurt. 
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You’re pacing your living room for what feels like hours at this point. It wouldn’t surprise you if you looked down and discovered a hole in the rug under your feet. The past few days you’d done the same thing, eat, worry, sleep, repeat. You’re thankful for your boss allowing you the time off, knowing full well your racing mind would have done you no good at work. 
A part of you hoped the time away from Minho would help you clear your head. If anything it only made it worse. Your phone buzzes on the coffee table, a flash of panic going through you when the screen lights up. The lock screen of you and Minho stares back at you, mocking you and your stupid decisions. The nagging feeling inside you finally becomes too much as you open a text thread, typing out a message quickly.
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You grimace, looking down at your phone. Of course you know Felix is right. The logical part of your brain knows that he’s right. Minho would understand, you know he would. But there was still the worry of what everyone else would think. As much as you wanted to be with Minho, there was so much more to think about. You’d reach out to him eventually. After you had enough time to make sense of your thoughts and feelings. Then it would all be fine, 
But of course life was never that simple. Your moment of mild peace is immediately shattered at the sound of your phone going off. A second notification lighting up the lock screen. You feel your heart sink at the sight of Minho’s name on the screen.
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Two weeks. It’s been two weeks since your texts to Minho. He’d blocked you immediately after. Every call and text being left unsent. You’d given up trying to reach out after the third day. The heartache you felt at losing your best friend was nearly unbearable. This was the longest you’d gone without speaking to each other but this time was different. This time there was no reassurance there would even be a next time. You’d lost your best friend in trying to keep him. Things only worsened with the loss of the others. How could you go to them after what you’d done to MInho? Simple, you couldn’t. You not only lost Minho, but the others as well. And it was slowly killing you. Felix had immediately noticed your absence. And eventually so did the others. Your phone had been full of unread texts from the others wondering where you’d disappeared off to. You didn’t have the heart to face them. 
The texts soon turned into voice messages and voicemails. Jeongin in particular began to blow up your phone, which was very out of character. The final straw was when he’d left you a hurried voicemail begging you to come to the dorm to help him. While you loved all the members, Jeongin was like a sibling to you. The bond you had with him was different. Hearing the desperation in his voice had you worried enough to rush to the dorm. 
One hand keeps your phone pressed against your ear, the other rapidly knocks on the door. You groan as Jeongin finally picks up the phone 
“Hello?” he says casually, as if you aren’t pounding at his front door. 
“I’m here open the door,” you grumble out, thoughts of throttling him pushed aside until after you help him. 
“Uhh- yeah. Yeah I’m going now,” he says, hurriedly. 
You huff as the doorknob twists in front of you. The door swings open, and you’re stepping inside, before you can blink. 
“Yang Jeongin what is it that is so important that you’re calling me 70 times just to not open the damn…door,” your words trail off at the sight before you. 
You’re in shock as you come face to face with Minho. His expression mirrors yours of bewilderment at the sight of you. He looks disheveled as you stand in front of him. He wears dark circles under his eyes, looking like he hadn’t had a proper night’s rest in weeks. Eyes bloodshot and puffy from what looks like tears he’d shed not too long ago. Your heart breaks when you see the glisten as he registers you’re here in front of him. 
“Those fucking brats,” he mutters under his breath. 
The aforementioned brats can be heard from the phones that now dangle at each of your sides. Hurried whispers from Jeongin, Felix and Seungmin can be heard as they speak to each other. They’d set you up. Oh you were so going to throttle them the next time you saw them. 
Eventually the hang up, leaving you and Minho in silence. You both stare at each other for what feels like years. You clear your throat quietly, forcing yourself to speak. 
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they’d do this. I’ll just,” you meet his gaze hesitantly, he looks away immediately. You can’t help the tears that spring to your eyes at the action. 
“I’ll see myself out,” you exhale shakily. 
He lets out a huff, shaking his head.
“Yeah, leaving what you do best,” he mumbles just quiet enough for you to hear. The cold tone he uses feels like a slap to the face.
“Excuse me?” you say, hoping you misheard. 
“What, am I wrong?” he says firmly. He finally turns to look back at you, shooting you a glare. 
“I didn’t leave minho. You were the one that ended our friendship,” your own bitterness seeping into your voice. 
“Then what do you call sneaking around?” he takes a step towards you, you take a step back matching his pace.
“Or lying to my face about being busy, huh?,” he spits out, inching closer to you. 
“I needed space,” you say, your lip trembling at the truths he throws at you. 
“So you couldn’t tell me that? You have to lie?” he grits out, having now backed you up against the door. His eyes burn into yours as he stares at you, anger and hurt swirling in them. You turn away, his intense gaze becoming too much.
“This is about us sleeping together isn’t it?,” he asks, causing you to look back at him. 
“Minho…” you breathe out, tears pooling at your waterline.  
“If all you wanted to sleep together you shouldn’t have made me fall for you,” he says shakily, his own eyes watering as he stares down at you.  
“That’s not all it was for me. Minho, I care about you more than you can imagine,” you say. He turns away quickly, beginning to walk towards his room. You reach out and grab his hand, stopping him. 
“Please just listen,” you plead out. The fear you felt bubbles to the surface once more. But for the sake of Minho you’d do your best to get over it. He deserved that much. 
When he doesn’t try to shake you off, you continue. 
“I wasn’t trying to hide it. I came here to see Felix,” you start shakily.
“I needed someone to talk to and I couldn’t come to you, okay…” your voice barely above a whisper. 
You wait for Minho to say something, anything really, but he still stands with his back to you. You do your best to keep your composure, but every second that passes feels like a crack in your heart. He finally turns to look at you, shaking your hand off of him gently. 
“Do you think that lowly of me?,” he asks finally. His voice sounding small in the open room. Any semblance of composure fades at his words.
“No minho. Never.” you hurry out, voice breaking with your tears. He takes your hand, gently running his thumb across your skin. 
“Then why?” 
“I’m scared,” you whisper.
“Because we slept together? I thought that’s what you wanted? I thought you wanted this, us?” he steps closer to you, his watery eyes boring into yours. 
“I do- I just…” you sigh, staring down at your hand in his. He waits quietly for you to continue.
“Do you know how scary it is to love you minho?” 
You miss the quiet sound of his breath hitching. 
“One wrong move and I could be the end of your career,” you gently separate your hand from his. 
“I can’t let you jeopardize that for me, I’ve watched how hard you worked, how much you’ve sacrificed to get here. I don’t want to be the reason you lose it all,” 
There’s a quiet silence between you two. All of your fears are laid out in front of him, it's terrifying. You knew it would be, but there’s something refreshing about having the truth out in the open. Again you wait for MInho to respond, keeping your gaze locked to the floor. You don’t think you can bear staring at him when he rejects you. 
“God you’re so dumb sometimes,” he huffs out.
“What?” again your head flicks up to meet his gaze, thinking you’ve heard him wrong. 
“You, you absolute dummy, don’t get it do you?” he huffs in amusement. His gaze has softened. A small twinkle in his eye. 
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you? How long I’ve waited to tell you? I’ve been in love with you all this time, and then I finally got the courage to do something about it because i though you felt the same. But watching you try and run away from me was torture. I don’t want to lose you,” 
“Min,” you're breathless at his confession. 
“Do you really think I care about what anyone else thinks? Because I don’t. I really don’t” his words are firm, even as he pours his own heart out to you.
“I just want you. I could care less what they have to say,” he reaches out, grabbing your hand once again. This time he intertwines his fingers with yours, leaving you in a state of further bewilderment.
“And if you want me to, that's all that matters,” he says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. 
“But-,” your protests are shot immediately with a glare. 
“But nothing. I don’t care. If I have you, that’s all I want. Is that what you want?” he asks. The matter of factness in his voice has you nodding without question. 
He smiles, his little bunny teeth poking out in a way that makes your heart swoon. His free hand grabs your cheek gently, tilting your face closer to his. His touches are so sure against your skin, it makes your own trembling stop. You stare up at him, the same feeling of intimacy from your night together fluttering in you. 
“No more hiding things from me, okay? You have every right to want your space, but no lying about it,” He says softly. 
“Never again. Promise,” you say, bringing your own hands up to hold him gently. He melts into the feeling, leaning into you further. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, eyes flickering between your eyes and lips. You grin, pulling him into your own kiss as an answer. He giggles, pulling you closer to him as he deepens your kiss. Your own giggles mesh with his, finally filling the tense silence. You stand there for another moment, relishing in the feeling  of holding each other once more. The moment is interrupted with the sound of both of your phones going off.
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dividers: @/saradika-graphics @/cafekitsune
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Nothing Has Changed - 6
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Words Count: 2,143
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Nothing Has Changed - Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more
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Even though you and Ransom have started talking again, you don’t fully trust him like before. He could have warned you about his family’s plans for you.
If he claims he can't escape from his parents' grasp, you find it hard to believe, knowing how Ransom will stop at nothing to get what he wants. You’ve lost count of how many times he’s bribed people.
This time, you will stay on guard. At least you’ve got the pen drive with you. It’s your insurance in case someone tries to frame you again.
After Ransom left your apartment, you continued packing up all your things. Being a minimalist, you don’t have a lot of stuff, which is helpful. You quickly gather your essential belongings, load them into your car, and leave the city to return to your hometown.
In the small town, everyone drives the same type of SUV. So, when your red Lamborghini enters the town, it catches everyone's eye. People are amazed, but there’s also a hint of jealousy, especially from Natasha. She grits her teeth when she sees you flaunting your wealth.
Before heading back to your father’s house, you stop at the pawn shop where you sold your Rolex.
You walk into the store and see Mr. Rogers carefully examining a pearl necklace while Steve talks to another customer. You clear your throat to get their attention.
Mr. Rogers looks up and says, “Yes? Oh, Tom’s daughter. I heard you went back to the city.”
You bristle slightly, realizing every move you make is a topic in this town. “I decided to stay a while to take care of my father. I’m here to buy back the watch I sold previously.” You show him a stack of cash.
“I’m willing to pay more,” you add, placing the money on the counter with a firm expression.
Mr. Rogers nods, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of the cash.
Mr. Rogers was impressed with you. “It’s alright. I won’t ask you for more. Wait a second, I’ll get your watch.” Then he called his son, “Steve, could you accompany Y/N?”
'No, don’t leave me,' you thought. There was an awkward moment, but Steve followed what his father said.
He nodded at you, and you did the same. While waiting, you took a good look at him. He looked different, taller, and had put on some muscle. But one thing that stayed the same was the pencil he always kept on his right ear. He’s an artist and always draws, which is why he keeps a pencil nearby.
“Are you still drawing?” you asked.
Steve never thought you would want to talk to him. “Sometimes.”
“You should tell the truth to your dad,” you said.
“The truth?” Steve looked puzzled.
“Your dream of becoming an artist,” you clarified.
Steve widened his eyes, surprised that you remembered.
“Speak up. That’s what I did after I left this town, and everything opened up for me,” you said, then continued, "Not that I care."
Before Steve could respond, his dad appeared with the watch. “Here’s your watch.”
The Rolex, the first luxurious item you ever bought with your own money, was back in your hand. It had been a gamble to sell it, but it was a promise to yourself that you would find a way to get it back.
“Thank you,” you said sincerely. Then you left the store without looking back.
After you left, Steve continued to stare at the door, even though your car was no longer in front of the store. Something you said had ignited a fire in him. He turned to his dad. “I want to say something.”
You drove back home, the familiar sights and sounds of your small town easing some of the tension from your shoulders. Unexpectedly, Bucky's car was also there when you arrived.
Tom's face brightened when he heard the car, and he eagerly waited at the front door, greeting you warmly as you entered the house.
“Are you exhausted? Do you want something to eat?” Tom asked with concern, guiding you towards the dining table.
You glanced over and saw Bucky, but you chose to ignore him for the moment. On the table, there were scattered papers and a calculator, indicating some sort of ongoing work.
Tom let out a sigh, gesturing towards the mess, “Ah, it’s messy. I’m helping Bucky with the accounting, although I’m not very good at this.”
Then an idea seemed to strike him. Your father looked at you with hopeful anticipation, his hand reaching out to grasp yours, his gaze shifting to Bucky, “Maybe she could be a temporary auditor at your hotel.”
You and Bucky locked eyes, a mix of surprise and hesitation passing between you. What was this? You had just returned home, and now your dad was suggesting that you help the person who had once bullied you?
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
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Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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temporaryrose200 · 2 days
✩Without You✩
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✟pairing: Yandere Kalim Al-Asim x GN Reader
✟genre: ⚠️Yandere⚠️
✟warning: ⚠️Mention Of Suicide Unhealthy Obsession, Toxic Relationship⚠️
✟fandom: Twisted Wonderland
✟summary: Realising that your relationship with Kalim wasn’t healthy, you break up with him. It doesn’t go as planned…
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You love Kalim, you truly do. He’s sweet, kind and thoughtful, what else could you ask for? But there was one problem. He was too clingy. Constantly stuck by your side, it was beginning to become unhealthy and slightly annoying. Sleepovers at his dorm started to become the usual. It was as though you were living there now. Whenever you tried bringing it up, Kalim would be quick to shut you down, changing the subject. But could only take those things for so long.
You rarely hung out with your friends anymore and when you did, Kalim was there by your side, with his ‘sweet innocent’ smile. You had finally snapped when your boyfriend somehow got all your classes changed to his. Kalim was becoming way too much to handle. So what did you do? It was time to break up with him.
“Please!” Kalim shouted, eyes watering as he blocked the exit, forcing you to stop in your tracks. He stared up at you with his watery red eyes. “Please” he repeated, the second-year's voice cracking slightly. “Don’t leave, we can talk about this.” It tore your heart to see Kalim like this, but it just had to be done. Your relationship just wasn’t healthy for either of you
“You have to move,” you said calmly. Your eyes tearing away from him, guilt eating away at you. Kalim didn’t move an inch though, his feet cemented to the ground. You could see tears slowly roll down his cheeks, but you just couldn't give in, not again… “Kalim-“ you spoke firmly but before you could say anything more, the white-headed teen dropped to his knees, hands clasping on your uniform.
You froze in place as the Prince buried his head into your stomach. “Please, please, please” He cried out over and over again until his words became incomprehensible. You could only stand there. What else could you do? You already felt terrible for making him like this, you couldn’t just push Kalim off you. And it didn’t help with people walking past and giving you a dirty look. Kalim had stopped. pulling his face away from your uniform and looking up at you, tears staining his cheeks. “Is it because I don’t pay enough attention to you” he stated. His face was serious and determined. “I’ll give you anything! Jewellery, the newest and most expensive clothes. You just name it, it’s yours!” He exclaimed a crazy smile plastered across his face, making your blood run cold. Trying to tell him that money wasn't the issue but he just wouldn’t listen, too caught up in his own world.
Suddenly, Kalim grabbed both of your hands, pulling himself up from the ground. “I need you” he whispered, eyes boring into yours. You tried to pull away but Kalim’s grip was surprisingly strong.
“Stop it” you begged, tears threatening to spill from your [Eye colour] eyes.
His grip on your hand only tightened, knuckles nearly turning white. “I’ll die without you” his voice was shaky and unsteady. He looked deranged.
Thoughts began forming at what the prince had just told you. Scenes played out in your mind of what he would do to himself. All because of you. “Please don’t” you muttered softly, a single tear sliding down your cheek. The words he used, the way he spoke, the look in his eyes, they all made you feel guilty. You knew this was his plan. To cry, to beg. Making you feel like the bad guy, like you were being a bitch. And what shocked you the most, it was actually working.
Kalim smiled softly releasing his grip off you. He raised his hands, cupping both sides of your cheeks, wiping away the tears with his thumb. "Then don’t leave me" he spoke gently. He didn’t even wait for you to respond. He already knew the answer just by the way you get out a defeated sigh. Not even wasting a second, he pulled you into a tight hug, whispering sweet honey words into your ear.
You could never leave. This was your life. Stuck in this toxic relationship. Even if you somehow manage to get yourself out of it, Kalim always gets what he wants. He will bring you back, he always finds a way.
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sexy-monster-fucker · 22 hours
Ok but Lee Russell and fem teacher reader supervising the prom?? Maybe sneaking away (leaving gamby to fend for himself l m a o) for a little canoodling
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Lee Russell x Fem!Teacher
omg YES I love love love this, I was thinking of writing something like this and now with the requestI have to follow through!
cw: smut, nothing too crazy, cream pie, p in v
To your dismay, you were one of the teachers chosen to chaperon the Prom this year. It being mandatory for you to actually dress semi-formal and look presentable. Flustered with the fact you would be spending your Saturday night surrounded in a lake of horned up teenagers trying their hardest to do anything and everything sneaky.
There was one bright side though.
Your secret hookup buddy would also be chaperoning. Lee Russell, one of the Vice Principals at North Jackson High School. Someone you had grown rather fond of in the last year. After payday drinks one night, you had found yourself tangled with him in the backseat of his car. Over the next couple of months, you had continued casual hookups at any opportunity.
You examined yourself in the mirror. Fixing any lose hairs you had, wiping the lipstick off your teeth. You thought you looked good. Heading out to meet your fellow chaperones. You and Neal Gamby pulled into the parking lot around the same time. Looking over at each other and exchanging awkward waves. Neither of you wanted to be there.
You walked in side-by-side, complaining about the night you had ahead of you the whole way in. Lee Russell stood in the hallway right outside the gym, directing the DJ where to take his things. Turning with hands on his hips to meet you both, "Bout time y'all got here." He wore a nicer black suit with an orange tie popping in color. "Gamby, get in there and sort things out," Lee pointed into the gymnasium. Neal blew his breath out, stomping his way into the dark room.
Smiling as he walked over to you, hands finding your hips instantly. You smiled widely at him, "You look handsome this evening." Lee pressed his lips to yours tenderly, "And you look ravishing, my dear." Kiss was short lasted as Neal Gamby came back yelling for Lee.
“Russell! Get your ass in here and help me with these god forsaken decorations,” Gamby’s vein popped out on his forehead.
“Jesus, Gamby can’t you do anything on your own. Always needing me to come to your rescue,” he looked over his shoulder smiling at you. The three of you walked into the illuminated gymnasium. Disco strobes painted the walls, tables with clothes over them on the floor. Other teachers were decorating as the cafeteria staff brought in the food for the students who would be arriving shortly.
You spent the next hour making sure everything was in place. DJ had started playing some music to set the mood. All of you bobbing your heads to the beat of older hits, some faculty singing along. Everyone was designated an area to make sure things went smoothly. You and Lee ended up being the one to check students in, making sure they all had tickets before entering. For an hour, students dressed in their finest clothes rolled through the doors. Giddy for the dance they had been waiting all year to arrive.
Double checking that every name was marked off the list, you and Lee sat alone at the fold out table.
“I think that’s everyone who signed up. Guess we can lock the doors now,” you stood up, stretching your back. Lee spun his keys around his finger going over and making sure no one could get in. Turning around and bearing a bright smile.
“Ready to go out to the dance floor?” Lee’s hands rested on your hips, leaning down and placing a tender kiss on you. You rolled your eyes, “Been looking forward to it all week.” Sarcasm painted your tone as Lee laughed, “I know you didn’t wanna be here, sweetheart. But I didn’t wanna be here without you.” Your cheeks grew hot with his sweetness. You both walked into the loud gymnasium. Seas of students dancing to pop hits, some awkwardly sitting at table or leaned against the stacked up bleachers. Meeting Gamby at the base of the stage directly next to one of the booming speakers.
“List all clear?” He shouted over the music. You nodded, “We double checked it and everything.”
“All these little fuckers are trying to dance awfully close,” Gamby scowled.
“Calm down, Gamby. It’s prom. After graduation next week we won’t half to deal with half these kids,” Lee propped a hand on Gamby’s shoulder.
Lee looked around the room, face falling into shock. “Oh my God, Gamby, look over there!” He pointed at some students with a flask attempting to pour it into the punch bowl.
“Motherfuckers!” Gamby rushed through the crowd of students to get to them. Lee chuckled, scanning the area around you both. No one was paying attention to either of you.
Lee interlocked fingers with you, pulling you behind the stage. "Where are we going?" you questioned, your voice not above a whisper. Lee's free hand went up to his lips shushing you. He opened the door to the band storage closet, pulling you inside with him. Complete darkness. Your eyes fought to adjust to the void. Feverish lips latched onto yours. Hands finding your hips and pushing your back against the wall. Clanking of some metal instruments filled the room as Lee's tongue found its way into your mouth.
"You have no right looking as good as you do tonight," Lee growled between kisses. Lips finding your neck, sloppy kisses decorating it. Lee's hands groped at your chest, pawing at the tender skin there. Pinching at your nipples through your dress, pulling a moan from you. "Yeah, now that's what I like to hear," Lee cooed at your sounds.
“Don’t we need to be out there watching the kids?” You spoke softly.
“Fuck those brats. They’re all gonna do what they want anyway doesn’t matter if we’re out there. Besides, Gamby can handle it,” Lee pressed his lips back into yours. His hands roamed every inch of your body, lips never breaking away from yours.
Gamby screaming your names in the hallway broke you away for a second. Both of you turning to stare at the door. Lee’s hand going to cover your mouth. His other hand fondling your soaking core. Fighting the moans that begged to creep out of you. You both held your breath when you saw the shadow of his shoes walk past the door. Stomping feet and the slam of a door letting you know he had gone elsewhere. You both sighed in relief.
Lee’s mouth latched back onto your neck, fingers teasing up under your dress. Tracing your clothed folds. “This pussy’s always so wet for me,” he purred against your throat. Lips climbing to your jaw, soft kisses planted along is landing below your ear. Your hands ghosted down his body, resting on his tent in his slacks. Palming him through the material. Lee groaned at your touch, hot breath against your skin. Your lips found their place on his throat. His hand tangling in your hair as you nipped at his jugular. Leaving tiny purple marks on him.
“Fuck… you know how to use that mouth, sweetheart,” Lee praised lost in the feeling. “You know I do,” you whispered against his skin. Hands found the buckle of his belt, undoing it and unzipping his pants. You ran the tips of your fingers around the band of his underwear, pulling a shaky breath from him. Diving deeper and wrapping your hand around his hard member. Lee sighed at the contact. You stroked him pulling moans and praises from him. His eyes squinted shut taking in every movement you gave him.
“God, let me fuck you,” Lee pressed his lips into yours. Hands scooping up your dress and pushing it as high as possible. Pulling his cock from his drawers, stroking himself as he watched you pull your panties down your legs. He grabbed one of your legs, hitching it around his waist as he lined himself up with your entrance. The head of his cock brushing your sensitivity before delving in. He bottomed out with his first thrust. Loud moans filled the small storage room. Mouths breathing the same air as he lingered inside you.
He began a slow and steady pace, stretching you perfectly around him. Lips desperate as tongues explored mouths and teeth clanked together. “Fuck, I missed this. Missed burying myself inside this God sent pussy,” Lee breathed heavy, his hair falling down in front of his face as he picked up his pace. With each harsh thrust squeaks and moans left you. Lee’s fingers found your aching clit, circling it in an attempt to make you finish around him.
“Need you to cum around me, doll. Wanna feel you come undone,” Lee huffed catching his breath. He knew exactly how to get you there. Fingers working rhythmically to pull an orgasm from you. You wrapped your arms around him, meeting his thrusts. You called out to him as you came undone. Walls fluttering around him, pulling him deeper inside you. Lee sheathed himself as deep as possible savoring the way your walls constricted his sensitive dick. He bucked his hips into you searching for his own high. Not far behind you. Warms ropes of him shot into you, his cock twitching as he coated your walls. Your name a moan on his lips. He lingered inside you for a moment, not ready to pull himself out. You could feel your juices leaking down his member most likely staining the front of his pants. Soft lips pressed into yours, his hand cupping your cheek. Hesitantly pulling himself out of you, eyebrows furrowing at the loss of warmth. His cum leaked down your thighs.
Helping you get your footing and flattening out your dress. Lee rested his forehead against yours, swaying back and forth with you in a small ballroom style dance. He hummed along to the song that you could hear through the walls. You ran your hands down his arms, interlocking fingers with him. Smiling at the softness of hand holding.
The door next to you slammed open. Both of you squinted at the bright fluorescent lights shining into the dark room.
“What the fuck are you two doing in here?!” Gamby gritted his teeth.
“Mind your business, Gamby,” Lee rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.
“We’re here to make sure these kids aren’t fooling around and doing illegal shit. I shouldn’t have to worry that you too snuck off!” Gamby stomped his foot.
“Then don’t worry about it, Neal,” you mimicked Lee’s stance. Lee looked over at you with a shocked smile, slowly laughing at your snarky comeback.
“Get the fuck out here,” a jumble of frustration as he pointed to the hallway.
You laughed with Lee as you exited the storage closet, pulling Gamby’s tie as you walked out. Lee raised his eyebrows, tussling Neal’s hair as he walked past him.
Gamby growled under his breath as he straightened his tie back up and slicked his hair back, “You guys are the worst.”
You and Lee turned back to look at him, laughing together at his frustrated manner.
~ Thank you so much for the amazing request. I really love answering these! ~
@its-in-the-woods ~ @hiddlebatchedloki ~ @justme12200 ~ @vaultdwellingghoullover ~ @one-of-thewalkingdead ~ @toogaytofunctiondangit ~ @ryankaylamartin96 ~ @heif ~ @itsyellow ~ @cat-shepard ~ @dichromaniac ~ @ivyinthesun ~ @vivalanegan ~ @nerdragenewvegas ~ @tindropp ~ @megangovier ~
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natimiles · 23 hours
Wanna go somewhere? (Mammon x reader)
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Summary: You’re feeling down and Mammon makes it his mission to cheer you up.
Words: 763
Tags: no pronouns for reader; Mammon being a sweetie; fluffy; can be established or pre-relationship.
Notes: this is a gift for @nightghoul381 requested by @judejazza! Have a lovely time with your demon, ghoulie!
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Mammon is more perceptive and smart than most demons give him credit for, and you know this better than anyone. He knows everything about you, from how you look when you wake up to how you react when things don’t go as planned. Just one glance at you, and he can tell when something has happened and you’re feeling down.
He tries to brush it off and says it’s not like he spends his days observing you or anything, but you don’t believe him anymore — it still brings a smile to your face, and that’s all that matters to him.
That’s why, when he looks at you now, he knows he needs to do something. You’re looking at the front of the class, but your eyes aren’t really focused. He knows you’re not really paying attention and absorbing whatever the teacher is saying — it’s not like he is paying attention either, anyway.
An idea pops up almost immediately in his mind. He waits for classes to finish; he doesn’t want to risk Lucifer’s wrath, after all. When he leaves the final classroom with you, he walks by your side along the same path you take every day, until he suddenly stops.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” You stop immediately when you notice. You look around, already imagining that something happened or that one of the witches was summoning him again.
“Do ya… have any plans now?”
“No. Why?” You tilt your head to the side.
“Wanna go somewhere?”
“Oh?” A teasing grin forms on your lips. “The Great Mammon wanna go on a date with his human?”
“W-what? Well, you should be honored The Great Mammon wants to take you somewhere!” You snort lightly, and he crosses his arms over his chest, pouting. “Ya wanna go or not?”
“I do,” you beam at him.
“Of course ya do,” he mumbles, smiling sheepishly.
“Where are we…” You start asking, but his transformation into his demon form makes you lose track. “...going?” 
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him, trying to think where you’d possibly go that he’d need to fly you both there. He simply extends his hand to you, and without much thought, you accept it. Mammon pulls you close, carrying you bridal-style, and his wings spread on his back. In the next second, you’re both flying.
From this close, you can’t ignore the redness in his cheeks or the slight trembling of his fingers against your body. He tries to disguise it by holding you tighter against his chest. A tender smile spreads across your face, and you decide to let him off the hook this time. He’s already struggling enough.
“So… You gonna tell me where we’re going?” you whisper close to his face, watching in amazement as goosebumps arise on his skin.
“Y-ya… Ya’ll see.”
He heads towards the direction of the house, but then ascends higher and higher... You’ve flown with Mammon before, but usually it was to get you home or to RAD faster when you were late. You’ve never been this high before, and your arms involuntarily tighten around his shoulders. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at you from the corner of his eye and adjusts his hold on you, ensuring a tighter grip that comforts you — even though you know Mammon would never drop you.
When he finally stops, you feel like your heart will explode. Everything is as dark as always, but if he moves a little to the side, you’re sure you could touch the clouds nearby. From this high in the Devildom sky, the stars seem so close you feel like you could catch them, and the city below looks so tiny that its lights resemble small stars.
“It’s beautiful up here.”
Your eyes shine so brightly that Mammon gives himself a moment to stare at you without a care in the world. It’s just the two of you anyway; he can have this moment just this once.
“I thought it’d cheer ya up. Ya looked down before.”
You turn to look at him, surprised to notice he’s still staring intently at your face, paying attention to every little detail to read you.
“It did,” you whisper, a smile forming on your lips. “It really did. Thanks, Mammon.” You kiss his cheek and snuggle your face against him, getting comfortable to watch the beautiful scenery for a few more minutes.
Mammon smiles, a little relief showing on his features, as he adjusts you in his arms. He kisses the crown of your head and nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“Yer welcome, my human.”
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yjcorefourenjoyer · 17 hours
Photo evidence part 6
Tim’s life is officially over!
So apparently, the new Robin is not, in fact, fine! He’s dead! Gone! Went BOOM, if you will! And now, without Tim being able to grieve AT ALL for the Robin he had bonded with and probably spent more time with than his actual parents,
Tim had to pick up the pieces of the mess Jason left behind. (He’ll have a breakdown later)
Batman has been going off the rails, beating criminals to near death (they would’ve been dead if he hadn’t called the ambulance), hurting civilians, breaking more laws than ever, pushing everyone away, and letting injuries get worse and worse and worse…
To put it simply, he was killing himself! 
It was like he wasn’t even the same person, especially after Jason’s funeral, and Tim had a front row seat to the destruction.
Some villains thought that Batman being in this state would make it harder to enact their plans and went into hiding. While the others (the more powerful or the idiotic) decided it would be easier! 
Almost all The Cameras either stopped taking photos or would only send pictures about Batman. All of them had horrible content. Just bloody alleyways, or people running away in fear. They were sent in with the hope of Photo evidence doing something about it.
That is what he does, right? Take corrupt people and either blackmail them or report them to the police…
There was no way that he could get the police to arrest Batman, that would do more harm than good. And the only meaningful thing he has against Batman is his identity. Either way, he can’t go after The Batman! Photo evidence doesn’t fight the good guys!
But... Batman isn’t really a good guy now, is he? It’s like Robin took all the good with him when he died. 
And even if he did blackmail Batman, B might just let it happen! He’s already shown that he doesn’t care what happens to himself now that Jason’s gone.
Which is really surprising, considering he has a perfectly good, alive son and friends!! Like, shouldn’t Superman or Nightwing be showing up to try and stop this?
Oh wait that’s right, Nightwing is mad at B for not telling him that Jason died and that he missed the funeral…
Like okay… Tim understands that not being alerted to your brother’s death while you’re in space can make you mad enough that you don’t want to talk with the person who was supposed to tell you that info to the point where you don’t want to be in the same city as them.
And in Superman’s case he stopped B from killing Joker, which probably started this whole “I’m gonna go punch out my anger cuz I can’t kill the guy who murdered my son,” thing.
Superman also probably thinks that he’ll get killed in Gotham for preventing Joker’s death in the first place, whether by Batman or a Metropolis-hating Gothamite who somehow sensed that Superman stopped Joker from dying, and that probably makes him not want to be in Gotham. 
However, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be helping!!
Seriously, Tim doesn’t understand why out of every. single. person. who actually KNOWS Batman, HE has to be the only one to actually do something.
Aren’t heroes supposed to help? Why does he, a child, have to be the only one who cares? The only one to step up? The only one willing to try and help?
Doesn’t anyone realize if Batman dies on patrol, Gotham is going to go up in flames!?
Oh come on! This was supposed to be his debut! To show the world that he could protect Gotham! But not in a vigilante way… He was supposed to go after the people outside of Gotham. The bats do the actual fighting, not him!
Ok ok, that’s it. He has to plan! Maybe contact a few people before he (or Batman) does something rash… after all he’s The Photo evidence! Timothy Jackson Drake! He doesn’t put himself in danger, that isn’t how a Drake works! So If he’s gonna have to save Batman on his own he’s gonna make sure that it’s the last option before he does.
But like what could he even do?? He can’t just bring back Batman’s hope and light, he can’t just bring Robin back! (Photo evidence blackmails people not resurrect them!), The only way to do that is to have someone become Robin, But the only options for that role are Jason, Dick, or well..… Tim.
And since Jason is dead and Tim really doesn’t want to be stuck in a life that’s gonna kill him (cuz it would kill him eventually), he’s just gonna have to find a way to get Dick back into the Robin role…
Maybe visit him in Blüdhaven? Maybe he could tell him what’s going on with Batman in Gotham? How is he even gonna get there? He honestly has no idea. But if this is the only way to help Bruce, he’ll do it.
He just really hopes that Dick will agree so he doesn’t have to save Batman alone…
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bitchiswild · 12 hours
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A Sweet Recovery
Mina Myoui x Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: falling, fluff!
A/n: HAIIII THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1k FOLLOWERS 🥹🥹🙏 here’s a fluff for you! I’m also working on an angst rn so that will come out eventually 😫
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“Y/n, are those brownies done yet?” Nayeon groaned from the living room, while you were just now taking the freshly baked brownies out of the oven.
“Yes, they’re ready! God, you're so impatient,” you shouted back to Nayeon, then let out a chuckle. Nayeon had come over to your place and demanded you bake her brownies because, as she quotes, they're ‘the best brownies ever.’ So here you are, baking your best friend her favorite treat.
Nayeon walked into the kitchen. “You know how much I love them. They are the—”
“Best brownies ever. Yeah, I know. You tell me all the time, Nayeon,” you said with a smile as you cut the brownies into squares and handed her one.
Nayeon practically inhaled it, groaning and moaning at the taste. Meanwhile, you watched her anxiously, waiting for her praise. Even though everyone says you're an amazing baker, you still worry they might not taste good.
“Y/n…” Nayeon started. Your heart began to race. ‘Did she not like it?’ you wondered.
“Yeah?” you asked, a little fear in your voice.
“Y/n, this is the most amazing thing I have ever tasted in my life. I could literally cry right now,” Nayeon exclaimed. She got up, stood next to you, and shook your shoulders to emphasize how much she loved the brownies.
You let out a sigh of relief, feeling at ease since Nayeon loved the brownies. You took a bite of your piece and your eyes widened.
“Oh my god, you’re right. It’s so good,” you groaned at the taste of the brownie, grabbing another piece. Nayeon was already four pieces in, while you were just on your second.
“See, I told you!” Nayeon said with a mouthful, crumbs falling onto the counter.
“Wait, let me call Sana over so she can have some,” you told Nayeon while you went upstairs to get your phone, not without grabbing a piece of brownie before your venture.
After retrieving your phone, you had a brownie in one hand and your phone in the other. As you looked down, you noticed your sock was slowly rolling down. So you put your brownie in the other hand and reached down to fix your sock at the top of the stairs.
Oh, how that was a bad idea. Your other foot barely had any balance, and you ended up slipping at the edge of the step, causing you to fall down the stairs. As you tumbled down, you landed on your ankle, twisting it painfully, and both your phone and brownie went flying out of your hands, rolling down the stairs with you.
Nayeon rushed over as soon as she heard the commotion. “Oh my god, Y/n! Are you okay?”
You lay on the floor in silence, gripping your ankle tightly as the pain became unbearable.
“Y/n, I’m serious, are you okay?” Nayeon asked worriedly as you barely made a peep.
You let out a shaky sigh, tears now forming in your eyes. “I don’t know,” you whimpered.
Nayeon rushed to you. “Let go of your ankle, Y/n, let me see.” Her heart was beating fast with worry for you.
You shook your head, fear eating you up at the thought of possibly having broken your ankle.
“Y/n, I need you to let go,” Nayeon said more sternly, causing you to release your grip on your ankle slowly. You let out another shaky sigh, more tears streaming down your face. Looking off to the side, you noticed your brownie on the floor next to you. You pouted at the sight since you were really enjoying that brownie piece.
“My brownie…” you whimpered.
“Y/n, who cares about your brownie right now? You're injured. Do you think you can stand?” Nayeon asked.
You shook your head. “I’m not sure…” you whispered.
“Okay, let’s try, yeah?” Nayeon said as she got up from the floor, helping you up slowly.
“Do you think you can put pressure on it, Y/n?” Nayeon asked. You gently put pressure on it, winced in pain, and shook your head.
“Okay, okay, let’s go to the hospital, yeah? Get your ankle checked out just in case,” Nayeon said as she slowly guided you to the front door and to her car to drive you to the emergency room.
On the way to the hospital, Nayeon kept reassuring you, “It’s going to be okay, Y/n. We’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
You nodded, trying to stay calm as she drove, grateful for her support.
In the emergency room, you were quickly taken to a triage area where a nurse examined your ankle. Nayeon stayed by your side, holding your hand and offering words of comfort.
After what felt like an eternity, a doctor finally came in to see you. She was stunning, looking like a goddess with her radiant smile and calm demeanor. Her presence was both reassuring and awe-inspiring.
She carefully examined your ankle and ordered an X-ray to determine the extent of the injury. Nayeon waited with you, her worry evident but her presence comforting.
When the X-ray results came back, the doctor smiled reassuringly. “Good news, Y/n. It’s just a sprain, not a break. We’ll wrap it up and give you some instructions for care at home.”
You sighed in relief, tears of gratitude welling up. “Thank you, Dr...” you said softly, wanting to know her name, still a bit mesmerized by her.
“Dr. Myoui,” she replied with a warm smile. Her gaze lingered for a moment longer than necessary, causing a subtle tension between you. “Just take it easy for the next few days, and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.”
You nodded, feeling reassured yet inexplicably aware of a flutter in your chest. “Thank you, Dr. Myoui.”
Nayeon squeezed your hand again, breaking the brief moment of silence. “See? It’s going to be okay.”
After Nayeon reassured you, Dr. Myoui lingered for a moment, her gaze thoughtful. "If you ever have any concerns or if the pain worsens, don't hesitate to reach out," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of genuine concern.
You nodded, grateful for her kindness and professionalism. "I will. Thank you again, Dr. Myoui," you replied, a slight flush warming your cheeks as you met her gaze.
Dr. Myoui smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're welcome, Y/n. Take care," she said before turning to leave the room.
As she walked away, you found yourself stealing another glance at her, struck by how effortlessly composed she seemed, even in a busy emergency room. The subtle tension between you lingered in the air, leaving you with a mix of curiosity and intrigue.
Once you were discharged and back home with Nayeon, you settled on the couch with your elevated ankle, reflecting on the day's events. "Nayeon, do you think Dr. Myoui was... nice?" you asked hesitantly, unsure how to articulate your thoughts about the doctor.
Nayeon chuckled knowingly. "Nice? Y/n, she was practically glowing. Did you feel that tension too?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.
You blushed, feeling caught off guard by Nayeon's perceptiveness. "I don't know... Maybe?" you admitted, unsure of how to interpret the emotions swirling inside you.
Nayeon patted your knee gently. "Well, she did spend more time than necessary making sure you were okay. Maybe it's worth seeing her again for a check-up," she suggested with a mischievous grin.
You laughed softly, shaking your head at Nayeon's playful nudging. "Yeah, maybe," you replied, secretly considering the idea as you glanced at your phone, contemplating whether to follow up with Dr. Myoui.
As you and Nayeon were packing your things to get ready for discharge, Dr. Myoui unexpectedly returned to the room. Her presence caught you off guard, and you exchanged a surprised glance with Nayeon.
"Dr. Myoui, hi," you greeted, trying to hide your surprise behind a friendly smile.
Dr. Myoui stepped closer, her expression calm yet slightly curious. "Y/n, I wanted to make sure everything is set for you to go home. Is there anything else you need before you leave?" Her voice was gentle, and her eyes briefly met yours before glancing over at Nayeon.
Nayeon, ever perceptive, grinned mischievously. "Actually, Dr. Myoui, Y/n was just talking about how nice it would be to see you again for a follow-up," she said casually, nudging you playfully.
You felt a blush creeping up your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed by Nayeon's directness. "Um, yeah, I mean, if that's okay," you stammered, hoping you didn't sound too eager.
Dr. Myoui's lips curved into a soft smile. "Of course, I can arrange that. Let's make sure everything is in order first, and then we'll set up a follow-up appointment," she said warmly, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer than necessary.
Nayeon winked at you discreetly, clearly enjoying the unfolding moment. "Great, thank you, Dr. Myoui," she chimed in, eager to keep the conversation light.
As Dr. Myoui finalized the discharge paperwork and gave you final instructions, you couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and curiosity about the prospect of seeing her again.
A week had passed, and it was time for your check-up with Dr. Myoui. Your heart raced with a mix of excitement and nerves as you anticipated seeing her again. Over the past week, your ankle had shown improvement—you could walk better than before, though still with a slight limp and occasional pain. Pain medication and wrapping your ankle had helped significantly.
Arriving at the hospital, you couldn't shake the anticipation of the encounter. Nayeon had insisted on coming along for moral support, teasing you about your "doctor crush" the entire way there. Despite her playful ribbing, you were grateful for her presence.
In the waiting room, you fidgeted nervously, stealing glances at the door every time it opened, hoping to catch a glimpse of Dr. Myoui. Finally, her familiar figure appeared, and your heart skipped a beat. She smiled warmly as she approached, her presence once again calming yet strangely electrifying.
"Y/n, good to see you again," Dr. Myoui greeted, her voice soft and welcoming. "How's the ankle feeling today?"
You shifted slightly, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. "It's been better," you admitted with a small smile. "The pain has eased up, but I still feel it when I walk."
Dr. Myoui nodded understandingly. "Let's take a look and see how it's healing." She guided you to an examination room, where she gently examined your ankle, checking the range of motion and gently pressing around the affected area.
As she worked, you couldn't help but admire her focused demeanor and the gentle touch of her hands. Each moment spent together felt charged with unspoken tension, leaving you both eager and hesitant to break the professional barrier.
After the examination, Dr. Myoui reviewed the X-rays and nodded thoughtfully. "The sprain is healing well," she concluded, her gaze meeting yours with a hint of warmth. "Continue with the medication and wrapping, and we'll schedule a follow-up in another week to monitor your progress."
You nodded, feeling relieved yet reluctant for the appointment to end. "Thank you, Dr. Myoui," you said sincerely, meeting her eyes with a shy smile.
She returned the smile, her expression softening. "You're welcome, Y/n. I'll see you in a week." With that, she turned to leave the room, but before she could walk away, you found the courage to stop her.
"Hey, Dr. Myoui?" Your voice quivered slightly, and she turned around to face you, her presence causing your heart to pound in your chest.
“Yes, Y/n?” she asked with a warm smile, her eyes curious and attentive.
You gulped nervously, fidgeting with your hands. "I-I was wondering if you're busy this Saturday? Or, I-I mean, when are you free? Because you're a doctor and all, and I know you get busy and stuff, so..." Your words stumbled out in a rush, nerves getting the better of you.
Dr. Myoui let out a soft chuckle, her demeanor reassuring as she walked over to you and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder to stop your rambling. "I appreciate your concern, Y/n," she said warmly. "I'm actually free this Saturday afternoon. What did you have in mind?"
Relief flooded through you at her response, and you managed a small smile. "I was thinking maybe we could grab a coffee or something," you suggested, trying to sound casual despite the fluttering in your stomach.
Dr. Myoui nodded thoughtfully. "Coffee sounds lovely," she agreed. "How about we meet at that new cafe downtown around two o'clock?"
You nodded eagerly. "That sounds perfect. I'll see you then, Dr. Myoui."
She smiled warmly. "Looking forward to it, Y/n." With a final nod, she left the room, leaving you with a sense of anticipation and a newfound excitement for the weekend ahead.
Nayeon's jaw dropped as she stood there, witnessing the exchange between you and Dr. Myoui. "No way, you just asked her out!" she exclaimed, clearly shocked by your bold move. Her eyes widened in disbelief, but there was a hint of admiration in her expression.
You chuckled nervously, feeling a mix of embarrassment and pride at Nayeon's reaction. "I guess I did," you admitted, trying to play it cool despite the flutter of excitement in your chest.
Nayeon grinned mischievously, nudging you playfully. "Y/n, I had no idea you had game. Kinda loser-ish, but hey, it worked!"
You rolled your eyes at her teasing, but couldn't help but smile at her support. "Thanks, Nayeon," you replied, feeling grateful for her encouragement.
As the reality of your upcoming coffee date with Dr. Myoui sank in, you couldn't help but feel a surge of nervous energy. Despite the initial awkwardness, you were looking forward to getting to know her better outside of the hospital setting.
"I can't believe you're going on a date with Dr. Myoui," Nayeon continued, still in disbelief. "You better dress to impress, Y/n!"
You laughed, shaking your head at Nayeon's antics. "I'll try not to mess it up," you replied with a playful grin.
Nayeon winked. "You've got this, Y/n. Just be yourself."
“I got this, Nayeon. I am a rizz master,” you declared, flashing finger guns in her direction.
“Y/n, please never do that or say that ever again, please,” Nayeon pleaded, her eyes wide as she shook her head vigorously.
You sigh “okay fine” you said with a sheepish grin, dropping the finger guns.
The two of you were heading out of the hospital when, to your surprise, Dr. Myoui called out, “Y/n, wait!” You turned around, your heart racing once again in her presence. “Oh, Dr. Myoui, hi!” you greeted, trying to appear nonchalant despite your obvious excitement.
“How can we go on our coffee date if you don’t have my number, hmm?” she asked with a smile, handing you a piece of paper with her number on it. “Oh, and no need to call me Dr. Myoui. Mina is fine too.”
‘Mina.’ Even her name sounded beautiful, you thought to yourself, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks. “You’re right, thank you, Mina. I can’t wait for Saturday to come,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Same here!” Then her pager went off, interrupting the moment. “Well, I have to go. See you soon, Y/n,” she said with a wink before rushing away.
Nayeon nudged you playfully, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Y/n, did you see that? Dr. Myoui literally handed you her number!" she exclaimed in a hushed tone, barely containing her excitement.
You chuckled nervously, still processing the surreal moment. "I know, right? It's... kind of amazing," you admitted, feeling a rush of butterflies as you tucked the paper carefully into your pocket.
"She's definitely into you," Nayeon continued, grinning broadly. "And can we talk about how she said you could call her Mina? That's like... next-level, Y/n!"
You blushed, grateful for Nayeon's enthusiastic support. "I know, it's... unexpected," you replied, struggling to find the right words to describe the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling.
Nayeon bumped your shoulder affectionately. "You've got this, Y/n. Saturday is going to be epic," she assured you with unwavering confidence.
With Nayeon's infectious excitement fueling your own, you couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for the weekend ahead. As you headed home together, you couldn't stop talking about Dr. Myoui—now Mina—and the possibilities that lay ahead.
The day of your coffee date with Mina arrived, and despite your best efforts to appear calm, you couldn't deny the nervous excitement bubbling inside you. Nayeon had been your cheerleader all morning, helping you pick out an outfit and offering pep talks to boost your confidence.
As you entered the cozy café downtown, your eyes scanned the room nervously until you spotted Mina sitting at a corner table, a warm smile lighting up her face as she waved at you. You couldn't help but notice how effortlessly beautiful she looked, her hair cascading over her shoulders and a soft glow about her.
Nayeon nudged you gently. "There she is, Y/n. Go knock 'em dead," she whispered with a playful wink.
You took a deep breath, nodding gratefully at Nayeon before making your way over to Mina's table. "Hey, Mina," you greeted with a smile, trying to keep your voice steady.
"Hi, Y/n," Mina replied warmly, standing up to greet you with a brief hug. "I'm so glad you could make it."
The gesture caught you off guard, but you returned the hug, feeling a rush of warmth at her touch. "Me too," you managed to say, your heart racing.
As you settled into your seats and started chatting, the initial nervousness began to melt away. Mina was easy to talk to, and the conversation flowed effortlessly between you. You learned about her passion for medicine, her love for traveling, and her favorite coffee blend.
Nayeon discreetly observed from a nearby table, occasionally sending you encouraging smiles and thumbs-ups whenever you caught her eye. Her presence was reassuring, a silent reminder that you had her support no matter what.
Throughout the afternoon, laughter filled the air as you exchanged stories and shared moments of vulnerability. You found yourself drawn to Mina's kindness and intelligence, feeling a growing connection with each passing minute.
As the sun began to set outside the café, Mina glanced at her watch with a soft smile. "I hate to cut this short, but I have an early shift tomorrow," she explained apologetically.
You nodded understandingly, though a part of you wished the day could stretch on forever. "No worries, Mina. I had a wonderful time," you assured her sincerely.
Mina smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling. "I did too, Y/n." She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Would you like to do this again sometime?"
Your heart skipped a beat at her question, a rush of happiness washing over you. "I would love that," you replied without hesitation, unable to hide your smile.
With a promise to text each other soon, you bid Mina farewell at the café entrance, watching her walk away with a sense of hope and excitement for the future. As you rejoined Nayeon, who was practically bouncing with excitement, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her unwavering support and the unexpected turn of events that had led you to this moment.
"Looks like someone had a good time," Nayeon teased, nudging you playfully as you headed back home together.
You grinned, feeling a sense of contentment settle over you. "Yeah, I think I really did."
As you reflected on the day's events, you couldn't help but feel optimistic about what the future held—perhaps a new chapter unfolding with someone as special as Mina by your side.
Who knew falling down the stairs and dropping your brownie could get you here, sitting across from someone as wonderful as Mina, feeling hopeful and excited about what the future might bring.
Tag: @keervah I got you keer :3
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amagentarose8 · 2 days
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HEY GUYS ! So I’m joining the fun and writing stories. Forgive me for my grammar and lmk if you think I should keep this going. Love you all!
Part 1 - It All Fell Down
You and Noah have always been so close. Inseparable. You thought not even Heaven or Hell could stop you two. Until that night.
The night where you felt you like your entire world was in the palm of his beautiful hands and he just smashed it. The hands that held your heart so gently are now holding the shattered pieces of it.
“Who the fuck is she!” I yelled while holding his phone in tears.
Text from GiGi
It was so great to see you! can’t wait to do it again ❤️
“Angel. Please. You’re blowing this entire thing out of proportion she’s just a friend. Also we’re literally co workers.” He said with a calm and collected tone. He was always the calm one in the relationship. I wouldn’t say I have anger issues. I just know my worth and refuse to let anyone make me feel otherwise.
You were always a sucker for the those big brown eyes of his, but all you could see right now was red. Those beautiful eyes that would look into your soul as you made love or just cherished each other in the moment, were nothing but lies at this point.
“Bullshit Noah! You think I don’t know what goes on during tours. You literally met ME during one of them and we both know how that night ended.” I said furiously
“My love if you would just read the other messag-“
I cut him off by telling him to save the bullshit for his next girl because I was done. All those nights I heard women in the background, trying to justify it and praying to God that this one fucking time my gut was wrong. The nights I spent alone holding his pillow until he came home. The constant anxiety and fear of not being good enough for him, or not being pretty enough for him. My entire body was shaking at this point. I angrily tossed his phone on the couch and stormed into our room.
I began to pack all my stuff. Tossing things in there so carelessly, not even realizing that I had so many of Noah’s t shirt and sweatshirts that fit me like dresses. My go to outfit. His t shirt and a pair of fish net tights with my chucks. Wearing his clothes gave me closure of knowing I was his girl. His angel. It was his favorite thing to see me in.
I started to snap back into reality because a terrifying thought started to creep into my head “How many other girls has he given his clothes too?”
After that awful vision. The room started to spin and my stomach began to turn. I felt like I was having a heart attack and was about to lose control. I gave up everything for him. My family, my friends and my life. So I could be with him. My family thinks he’s the devil even though I looked at him as God. Now I’m wondering if they were right. The night I told my mom I was leaving home to be with Noah, she didn’t have very nice things to say about me or him. Those words are coming back to me now.
All I can hear is mama shouting, as I take Noah’s hand and walk out her house for the last time……
“Oh my lanta I’m gonna be sick, mama you were right” I said to myself with tears just pouring down my face.
Suddenly I felt two hands that use to bring me comfort try to touch my shoulders. I spun around so quick to be met with an annoyed but concerned Noah.
“Baby I don’t think you’re well. You’re leaving a 5 year relationship over a text” he said trying to reason with me. That sent me over the edge. It’s the absolute fucking audacity. Noah was usually pretty good at gaslighting, one of his toxic traits of being a Scorpio…
“You arrogant prick! It’s more than just a fucking text! It’s the late nights of you coming home without acknowledging me. Passing out drunk on the bed! The night where you’re “working late” in the studio with the boys, and when I call I hear women in the background who I KNOW don’t work with you guys on a daily basis.”
“Okay so I’ll do better babe I’m sorry.” He said with tears starting to weld in his eyes.
When we would get in fights during his drunk stage I would always tell him I’m leaving. Obviously, I never did because I was there the next morning making him his breakfast. This time though, I am fucking serious.
“Angel please, I didn’t realize what I was doing wrong. I always thought you were okay.”
As I’m still packing my stuff he begins to follow me around trying to explain himself. I hate when I get this upset because all I hear is my head telling me to “drop him before he drops you.”
“You were always so chill when I went with the guys. You know they would kill me if I ever did anything to hurt you. They love you like a sister and as far as I’m concerned you are gonna be my fucking wife one day. I would never cheat you.”
At this point, I’ve already zippered up my duffle bag and try to move past him but he blocks me and shouts
“SO PLEASE JUST PUT THE FUCKING BAG DOWN AND TALK TO ME.” He said with a waterfall of tears going down his face and tries rip the bag out of my hand.
For some odd reason, him yelling like that snapped me out of my rage. I’ve been with this man for 5 years and never have seen him cry like this. Let alone beg. I put the bag down and sighed..
“You got 5 fucking minutes and I’m Gone.”
Hope you guys like it. Love you all
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merlinswomb · 2 days
Arthur, upon waking from his stupor, hoisted the warlock up and quickly began dragging him in the direction of his rooms. Merlin dazedly thought this smart, as no one would dare interrupt them in the King's quarters.
The man kept glancing at his abdomen. The warlock understood. Now that he'd seen what had started happening to his own body, it was hard to look away from. Even the journey to Arthur's bedroom meant that his stomach had already gotten bigger.
The thought made his chest burn.
Except, as they collapsed onto the mattress, he realised that it wasn't just arousal in his chest. It was change.
He was so very warm. His nipples were tingling, and the suspicion of what was going on with them brushed the back of his mind.
Oof. His thin leather belt was beginning to dig into his middle now.
The King was positioning him upright against the headboard, fussily organising pillows around him. Merlin appreciated the man's sudden concern, but he wished he could have prioritised better.
"Arthur. Please. This belt, could you...?" he murmured.
He stopped moving pillows, and looked for what Merlin was asking. Something in his gaze darkened as he found the warlock's belly, growing rounder and rounder by the moment, the belt centimetres away from snapping. Merlin shifted, both aroused and uncomfortable.
Arthur moved closer to him on the bed, and leaned into him him as he slowly undid the clasp on the belt. As it fell away, the belly wobbled.
Shame prickled under his skin. Here he was, supposedly the most powerful warlock to exist, reduced to a mess as he suddenly found himself pregnant without a clue as to why.
With Arthur here to witness, no less.
What was the other man thinking? Was he disgusted by what Merlin's body was becoming? Had he noticed just how hot this was getting him yet?
An audible rumbling sound erupted from Merlin's stomach, and the growing intensified.
His belly looked like it could fit several grapefruit in it now. It rose fast, like something in cook's oven, and his shirt was now too tight for him as well. Arthur splayed his fingers against the stomach in amazement, palms resting on the skin beneath the shirt that no longer fit him.
The skin-on-skin contact had Merlin keening, and he had to close his eyes. It was all too much feeling at once. Whatever was growing inside him was fucking up his body, and Arthur was adding on to it all.
He needed more.
"Take it off. Off, off!" Merlin begged. His cock was so unbelievably hard, and despite the earlier fears, he realised that so was Arthur's. He could clearly see the tented pants.
The King pulled at the shirt, tearing it a little to get it off. Merlin languished in the way Arthur bit has lip when he raked his eyes over the exposed, pale, rotund belly.
Gods, he could feel things moving in him. Across the surface of the skin, there were visible moving potrusions.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Merlin said lowly.
Bewildered eyebrows raise. "Yes."
Arthur traced the widest point of his belly with light fingertips. Merlin moaned at the touch.
"Do we know what this is? I have never heard of this, even for warlocks," Arthur asked.
He squirmed, belly jiggling delightfully as he moved. It just kept getting bigger, nearing the look of a full term pregnancy now.
"No, definitely not a warlock thing. But... maybe because I'm a Dragonlord? I don't know much about them, other than their ability to command dragons."
Arthur's eyes widened as he processed the information. "Wait, so these... these could be eggs?"
Merlin glanced pointedly at the bumps on the skin of his belly, then looked at him through his lashes.
"Merlin, you. You never fail to surprise me. That is so unbelievably hot."
Part 1< |
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one thing i was not at all prepared for about having to go without glasses for a week is how the navigating my environment itself isn't a huge barrier--i have to be really slow and careful and it's annoying, but it hasn't actually stopped me from doing things including in the 'god this is going to be a hassle, i don't even want to start' way--but the major loss/change in sensory input as well as Oh God the HUD is Wrong is apparently a huge depression trigger. replacements cannot happen soon enough
#moogletalks#second half reminds me of when i tried contacts for a few weeks as a teenager and Dear Reader I Hated It#the contact care part aside it felt so SO bad to walk around places that aren't my bed without glasses on my face#and it turns out that feeling is the same whether i can or can't see while i'm wearing them!#i started wearing glasses full-time when i was eight and they're part of my brain and body map now#it used to throw me for a loop a lot when people talk about only wearing theirs part of the time; just because Wait but Your HUD#i thought maybe it was just a 'well i guess they must not need them as [often/heavily] as i to for daily life'#'i wouldn't be so freaked out by the idea of going about my day without mine if i weren't worried about not having them when i need them'#and tbh i think this kinda puts the kibosh on that because my vision *is* shitawful and things *are* more difficult without correction#My Life Would Not Be Unaffected on a Logistical Level#but i feel *considerably* less visceral OH SHIT FUCK THIS DERAILS EVERYTHING about it than many many many other smaller things#it's just kinda oh. well. alright then let's go#in fact i wish i could take a lot more things in stride like this one emotionally lmao#but the lack of the glasses themselves feels exactly as horribly wrong as it did over a decade ago#glasses can come with all sorts of fucking annoying problems and hassles to deal with!#but given the choice of affordable; sturdy; well-fitted glasses with the right prescription etc#i would 100% choose that over unassisted vision#including the increased peripheral vision i'd get from not wearing frames#braintag#adventures in mental illness
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celestial-sapphicss · 9 months
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