#but i think they are diametrically like opposed to eachother
hopeheartfilia · 2 years
theese pants truly cant catch a break
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reading-media · 2 years
S1e7 doesn't just foreshadow that Fizarolli & Asmodeus are in love , but the issues/resolution they will have in s2 (Analysis/theory).
1. First, we see an obvious pattern during Moxxie's song. Whenever it pans to Fiz/Ozzie- the word "love" is said. This indicates the 2 are in love .
When the song begins and it first pans to ozzie/fix , the lyric is:
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And fiz smiles and turns to look at Ozzie when "our love" is sung. Hinting how Fiz feels about Ozzie. Fiz smiling at Ozzie also fits the lyric "you make me glad". And "our love" implies their love is mutual.
" I love us just the way we are . WE DON'T HAVE TO PRETEND".
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Notice how they frame both pairings in the shot , during said lyric . It's meant to convey how both pairings love each other in the same way (romantically). Aka ozzie/Fizz love eachother like m&m. Meanwhile it also indicates that Ozzie/Fiz are "PRETENDiNG" not to be in love (unlike m&m). BUT , by the end of s2 they will most likely learn they "DON'T have to "PRETEND".
Why do i say that? well the following lyric alludes to it.
"handle the rest because I love you."
Is the closing lyric of the song. The lyric probably will mean since they love eachother they can "handle ' the negativity they'll recieve for their relationship. Once again when the word "love" is sung: Fiz turns and smiles at Ozzie. Similar to what Fiz does in the opening of the song (except at the end Oz smiles back this time and they cuddle cheeks). Showing once again-it's mutual.
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Also, (before the song began) how did fizz first introduce Ozzie : "Asmodeus himself... come on give him some love"(makes a heart with his arms)
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2. Ozzie and Fiz's s1 song foreshadows their hypocrisy and how it'll backfire on them in s2.
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Fiz/Ozzie's (anti love) lyrics come back to bite them metaphorically in the s1 dance number . Foreshadowing how their "hypocrisy" will also cause issues in s2:
" Singing LOVE songs in my lounge?... ditch the LOVEy dovey . "
What's ironic is Fiz and Oz while teasing Moxie. Sing (in the lounge) the lyric "I LOVE you" multiple times ,to one another. And then cuddle cheeks /act "LOVEy dovey" . They play it off as a joke, but they actually do feel that way for eachother . And behave in a way thay contradicts their own lyrics . When they sing "i LOVE you" their "HEARTS" even glow in unison . They pretty much act in the way - they tell Moxie not to .
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Fiz said he'd "knock out' Moxie for singing about "love", cause only "b*tches sing with the strings of their heart" .
But what happens after fiz/ Ozzie jokingly sing "I love you" to eachother ? well , Fiz is "knocked out " with a "stringed" ("heart" shaped) instrument" . The lyrics backfire on Fiz ,since he doesn't actually practice what he preaches. And is hypocritical. Plus, it's a hint that fiz loves Ozzie, like Moxie does millie.
3. The lyrics Fiz and Oz sing : allude to why they hide their feelings from the public.
"Singing love songs? ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds. what did you expect from a proprietor like us? We have a saying that's popular in these parts : only little b*tches strum the strings of their heart. You wanna hang around this l*stful town? Ditch the lovey dovey or we'll knock you around."
Not only do people expect Ozzie and Fiz to not have romantic desires -given their stage personas being pro-l*st/ anti love . But, also the the l*st ring appears to look down upon romance. Because they incorrectly assume love and l*st are diametrically opposed to eachother.
4. They mock Moxie's song while performing, but when they aren't performing they secretly enjoy the song. They don't actually dislike the song, they just think it doesn't fit with their brand.
5. We also see that fiz/Ozzie are foils to Blitz/stolas. They show their similarities to make their differences more prominent. Blitz/Fiz are both (ex circus) imps who slept with royalty to elevate their careers .
* BLitz/ Stolas don't talk about romantic feelings. And their dynamic,in the present,is PRIMARILY based on l*st.
* while Fiz/Ozzie are (probably) in love but pretend their relationship is only based on l*st .
6. In the song People teased stolas ,saying: "A demon prince... are you sleeping with an imp? how the mighty do fall". So, how would people feel about royalty not simply sleeping with an imp. But royalty (who says they're anti love) being in love with one? Fiz/ozzie's relationship would always cause backlash (because of the hypocrisy). But perhaps it'll be worse because fiz is an imp . He'd be dating royalty despite being the lowest caste of demon . Plus, fiz may be hiding the fact he's an imp (50/50 on the theory). But if he's hiding his imp status, it would be a huge scandal if revealed . It may be why Blitzo called Fiz a "sell out jester" (cause he's a sell-out for pretending he's not an imp, for success). The background details at ozzie's may hint at that. We even see jester-clowns at Fizz's performance , which could be a hint he's pretending to be one of them. Or at the very least, that he may be mistaken for one . The audience also has only the imp characters dressing like fiz: one wears a fiz mask , one wears a fizz headpiece. And one of the workers at ozzie's is an imp with makeup to resemble fiz's (they actually zoom in /linger on her). Which may be a hint fizz is wearing makeup (could be a scar of his though) to resemble a jester .
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The easiest way to tell if a demon is an imp- is their horns. All the imps there, despite their fizz costumes, all display their horns. But fiz hides his (whether for a better clown aesthetic ,to hide he's an imp, or to cover up an old horn injury). It appears Fiz dresses/pretends to be a jester demon (like mammon's species). There is a lot of stigma against imps,so it's hard to believe fiz could become soooo popular (if openly an imp). His image is on cereal boxes,posters + amusement park attractions , and he's comsidered a s*x symbol to the point they have love robots of him - which suspiciously ,none of the robot replicas have his imp tail.
My guess is,in s2, the newspaper article comes out, because fiz/ Ozzie may have been caught saying they "love" eachother (given how the word "love" pans to them often in the s1 song). And the "love-scandal" may cause reporters to look further into fiz's past and discover he's secretly an imp (if he was hiding that fact) .
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zeravmeta · 2 years
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i think about this specific relationship sooo much because like charon and reinhardt are such interesting foils of eachother both thematically and aesthetically like charon is a flashy dramatic theater nerd who is entirely unironic about his interests and reinhardt specifically doesnt share anything about herself as a person because she knows people see her as a symbol. charon straight up is on equal powerlevels lorewise with the 4 generals of illumina and yet reinhardt despite seeing her take every step to bolster illuminas military might is perfectly fine with letting him be a supportive unit. charon is DEAD charon is literally the ferryman for the afterlife who speaks to ghosts and leads them to the afterlife and back and reinhardt should have burned up ages ago as in her power is literally igniting herself in a blaze of glory yet is alive and always survives regardless. both of them are incredibly passionate about what their goals are and theyre both entirely committed to saving the people who depend on them to the point of playing decoy and self sacrifice despite their positions but theyre also so diametrically opposed as individuals despite the fact that reinhardt and charon seemingly get along with just about anyone. reinhardt had to walk over the corpses of her friends in order to stand as the symbol for illumina and charon is so personally invested in people. what the hell happened where its charon that feels like they're estranged but reinhardt doesnt what happened here alchemy stars tell me so many of these arrows are double sided to denote a mutual relationship but what happened where charon is estranged specifically estranged from his BOSS who basically everyone calls friend
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
so youre telling me basically that robin and nancy are eachothers narrative foils (idek if im using that term correctly but shrugs). i dont blame nancy, emotions are hard to deal with, especially as a teenager and a woman in a society that makes it even harder for her as to live up to the model shes supposed to fit in, not messy and out of bounds as she actually feels. her thriving in an apocalypse that lets her sideline her own feelings, and lets her prioritize her logical action side, its so interesting bc mundanity will be the thing to stress her out. and robin, sweet robin who has figured out how cruel the world can be, keeps certain parts of herself tight to her chest but also doesn’t thrown up a facade nearly as much as nancy and lives and breathes by her own compass, is how you put it. it really is fascinating and i can easily see how someone like nancy would just, not be able to take her eyes off of her, almost be envious if not totally attracted to it.
i think you could definitely argue that they’re narrative foils, it entirely depends what ur trying to analyse in their character.
my understanding of a foil is two characters who highlight the differences in one another; they can either be drastically different & it is that conflict that shows their character/who they are in comparison to the other, or they can be functionally identical (this is my favourite type of foil) & it is one specific aspect to them that shows how they diverge.
maybe it is the same as being foils for one another but the way that helps me contextualise it (their characters, their relationship) in my own head is to view it as a sense of balance—the way they level one another, complement one another with skills & beliefs & actions. nancy’s intense focus counters robin’s hyper tangents; nancy’s tangled relationships counters robin’s single relationship anchor; nancy is plans & written words, robin is patterns & auditory processing; nancy is a gun (direct, aimed, concentrated, one devastating blow), robin is a molotov (area of effect, range, damage over time); nancy is skirts & dresses, robin is shorts & pants; etc etc im sure you could list a hundred more ways that they are opposites. the thing that is most important however is the fact that they’re not enemies—to be so diametrically opposed to another person should elicit conflict, but the truth is that these things that make up their character are all superficial & while they Colour the character & lend them nuance & all that, i think it’s clear that the direction & shape of nancy & robin’s characters are fundamentally the same. they both have a strong desire to help, to be seen & involved. they both set aside their personal issues (nancy & jonathan confusion, robin & vickie) to focus on the upside down—in a very real sense those social relationships are an echo/redoubling of the way in which they put their very lives on the line to stop the upside down bullshittery, in how they rank social/emotion connection in times of stress & danger that shows their instincts in that regard are similar, smth that can be pushed aside. they are both lonely, both fantastically clever, both young kind driven women.
so yeah i guess that you could say their differences are all merely distractions from the fundamental similarities to their characters
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rainbowgelpen2000 · 2 years
being with max or wanting him makes me feel lost and scared cause maybe he doesn't think about me or care about me at all. And ive given him so much it feels like by having him be my primary parter and doing hard drugs and just like being so intoxicated and wanting this man who is probably so scary and harmful to me but i kind of dont see it or i pretend not to see it- and think that a i think its obviously more grey then that. I wish i could not obsess i really do but i cant. Why does he need space why doesnt he want to love me more? didnt i do enough of the things that he requested? Hes not going to change for me- he cant he wont.
They boys said having expectations is ego and i thought whats wrong with having standards? Wont people treat you badly if you don't request otherwise? Whats love without ego does it even exist?
Max said i need to triangulate- it comes more from a grid surveying mapping definition but essentially a point cannot be determined on its own, like a gps it needs other signals to determine where you are or where you stand in the world. You need two other points to bounce it off of and in relationships it kind of relates to having or needing two diametrically opposing ideas or pitting people against eachother? Idk i lost my train of thought excuse me im high
Jonathan asks what do i want from these people? What do i expect genuinely? Forever? The future? How can you promise commitment? What does it look like? How can you ask someone to feel a certain way? Love is never logical yet the only way to dissect it (or anything) being logical thought
Jonathan says Waning to be with someone is possessive. Is that true? Because you want their time? Why do i need to be so possessive why cant i just let everything go? Why do i need so many people to give me attention and why cant i be grateful
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kaypeace21 · 3 years
Anyways Mike trying to crush on a girl who resembles a boy ,specifically his best male friend is suspicious. But so is the fact El in s1 when dressing girly also resembles Jennifer Hayes-the popular girl that Dustin and Lucas assume Will has a crush on . Or in the original pilot lucas assumed Mike had a crush on her, which he denied .(Because her last name was Hayes like the Hays code- that censored lgbt characters in American tv, comics, and books . The name /founder of the code was Will Hays).
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Like she was there as a ref to the hays code by Will hayes. And they made their Will gay lol. Also both versions of ST having characters incorectly assume Mike or Will - are crushing on Hayes as a ref to the hays code. Since both are queer lol.
But also in s1, El (who resembled both Will and jennifer Hayes) in s1 represented 2 things Mike subconsciously wanted : that are diametrically opposed to eachother- to be with Will BUT to be normal and date a popular girl (like Jennifer Hayes). He can't have both but for a second in s1 his subconscious thinks El is the solution.
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Notice in all 3 scenes they refer to her buzzcut and how she looks like a boy/Will. 1 cop mentions the buzzcut and wonders if it's Will,an eyewitness says the 'boy with the buzzcut' could be Will, and h*mophobic Troy says "her head's shaved she doesn't even look like a girl".
But when El does have Hair she resembles Jennifer Hayes: a symbol of lgbt censorship *Hays code* .
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Mike called El "pretty” with the wig and makeup but admits she’s “really pretty” when she doesn’t wear a wig /makeup: aka when she looks like a boy/Will and less like Hayes. Also El sort of resembles Barbie here. And in s2 erica makes he-man and barbie kiss. El watches he-man in s1. And Lucas tells Erica he-man and barbie aren't in love. He-man ( symbolically mike) was considered by most a gay male icon, since the 80s. talked more about that here.
Just a thought/hunch...
Ps. @willswheelsonthebus first mentioned the possible hayes/hays code connection. But I noticed the Will Hays connection and everything else by myself.
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anshiel · 3 years
I should post my deltarune/undertale brainrot moments, so anyways im thinking about Noelle holiday and Ralsei along with some theories and how they’re kinda interesting parallels to eachother
Just the fact they’re both healers(at least in a normal run), their role as a best friend, crushes on the main character(well implied in Ralseis case)
but also in an opposing way, if i think about snowgrave and how you manipulate noelle into killing in that route+her noticing kris isn’t acting like themselves and the theory that ralsei is aware of the player+trying to appeal to them as an ally and friend, asking them to be in charge specifically(bless you susie for doing whatever the fuck you want in the face of that)
Just how that might make them diametrically opposed to eachother if Ralsei primarily prioritizes the players comfort as opposed to Noelle who’s Kris’s old friend who genuinely cares about them
idk just having some thots
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
I want to know more about the sir nighteye and Izuku forum rivalry, it sounds awesome
It starts when Izuku is just 10 years old, desperately needing someplace to talk with people interested in the same things as him. It doesn’t take long for him to run into a surprisingly busy heroics forum. The analysis area is a lot quieter, but still much busier than most forums of its type. He’s pretty content to lurk until someone posts a blatantly wrong take on All Might and he just needs to correct them. 
It snowballs, fast. 
Nighteye is a frequenter of the All Might section of the forums, but Izuku is more generalized. Nighteye’s username is just that, Nighteye. Izuku’s is midorii, because midori was taken and he’s not very creative. The rivalry begins on a thread created to discuss the influence of the symbol of peace and the possibility of a successor. Nighteye says it's on obligation for All Might to find someone, Izuku insists he’s only a person and should be able to do whatever he wants. Things get lengthy and the mods almost want to lock the thread but they’ve both been so polite they haven’t actually broken the rules. 
It becomes a long-running joke that whenever Nighteye shows up to say anything, midorii is sure to follow, typically the diametrically opposed viewpoint. People think they hate eachother but, if asked, they both consider the other almost like a friend, abet an incorrect one.
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aphrosalexein · 4 years
The Jazz Age Whispers
Writing is like weaving, he thought. You begin from a key word, then elaborate. But it all revolves, gravitates towards that encoded unit. Loki got his pen up and quickly scribbled something in the corner of his journal paper.
This has been the daily mental exercise in the last few weeks: he got up early in the morning and wrote down the first idea that came to mind. It was meant as an effort to know himself better by capturing the most unconscious, perhaps useless (but sometimes subtle and shrouded) of thoughts. An effort to attain clarity.
He found this technique while travelling on Midgard. On Realm Eternal literature was much more classic, it both form and meaning. Writers were at the same time philosophers, sorcerers, astronomers, playwrights, historians. Most books were histories of Asgard, papers of magic, epics and works of adventure, or philosophical in manner. Well, there was also an entire series "Heimdallr's considerations on the universe: a detailed description of Niflheim, Muspelheim, Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Helheim", which were 9 tomes describing all stars, planets, galaxies, realms. Other works on astronomy were minor. One separate category were fairytales, yet those fit mostly children.
Thus, sciences in Asgard have not yet separated, as on Earth. 
During one of his visits, he entered a Parisian cafè. What attracted him inside was the music he heard; humans call it "jazz". The sinous notes pervaded through the thin glass windows, travelled his hearing channel and captivated him immediately. It was early evening and the diffuse light from this French local seemed like a true invitation to join in; it promised a warm atmosphere and significant knowledge on Midgardian culture.
He opened the door and was met with a noteworthy sight: there was a round table in the middle, surrounded by young earthlings. They seemed in some kind of debate; it was held in a friendly manner. Other people minded their own, drinking and laughing with peers. Everything was covered in a sheer layer of smoke and so the smell of cigarettes was a dominant flavour.
Their clothes complemented the overall ambiance: wood-panelled room walls, small, beige chandeliers, dark green Art Deco chairs (he learnt the precise name afterwards), black tables. Men and women alike were dressed in dark shades, adopting an elegant flair. The females had a peculiar, never seen before, style of garment; he later knew that it was essential to their look: the "flapper" dress. 
It was almost dreamlike. However, as opposed to illusions, where shadows seem like real characters and instead you fill in their real role, he was met with strange eyes. Nonetheless, nobody really minded him.
Thus, he was covered with a veil of anonimity, which was truly enjoyable. This way, it was much easier to learn unobserved. On the other side, a part of him wanted some attention.
He got to the bar and sat on a stool. The bartender said in a questioning manner:
"Haven't seen you before in here.. What will it be for you?"
"Just a straight whiskey." The youth put a few coins on the table.
"Here it comes." 
He got his glass, took a quick sip and moved towards that group. He looked again at the group sitting around the round table and overheard snippets of conversation. Following their tone, words, mannerisms, even banter, he saw how close they were, even if, in his eyes, they seemed to have known each other for no more than a day. Almost strangers, but youth united them so naturally. Their affinity shone through like a golden aura. He quickly got jealous, comparing them to his stiff almost-friends. Yet, as always, he buried deep this sentiment, thinking he should anyways enjoy himself, while it lasts. 
He got closer and distinguished more clearly their matter, only now noticing two were playing a game of cards.
"Renè, accept and move on. You lost, c'est fini. Let's start again, but don't think you'll beat me yet. After all, I taught you the game just two hours ago." 
A short-haired, blonde woman said these words, with a strange accent. She chuckled and seemed somewhat prideful, though on merit: apparently she was a good card player and also a good game teacher. She was easily the most traditionally beautiful woman at the table. Diametrically opposite, sat Renè, who looked like a classic dandy, full of poise and manners, but at her right sat one of her friends, supposedly. The other woman was engaged in a conversation with a younger man. They talked about something which she cared very much about; one could see it in the glint of her eyes. Her interest made her features look lively and captured the attention of her partner. Finally, directly in front of him were two more men and one woman, who, based on the previously heard conversation, were called Georges, Bernard and Emilie. The first two were brothers, but they didn't look alike. Emilie seemed the youngest; she was also somewhat quiet and listened to the brothers' talking. 
He wanted to get in the group, but he was too reserved to interrupt. However, the second woman, near the blonde, saw his hesitation and invited him in with her gaze. "How observant.." he thought.
And she didn't even look at him, until then.
"Noticed you since you entered in <Les Lilas>... you don't seem like the usual. But don't be shy, this place is for everyone". 
The woman greeted him, breaking the ice. She was confident, but in a more mature way than her friends. The youthful taste for coquettery was replaced by a sort of tolerance and accommodating friendliness.
"Feel free to sit here. I am Mathilde, by the way, and this is my husband, Henri." 
Henri nod his head as a salute. 
"My dear friend here is Alice and the new Bridge player is Renè." Alice smiled and Renè greeted politely. Yet they all seemed to be used to Mathilde being the mediator between old and new acquaintances.
"Finally, these are the Verdi brothers, Bernard and Georges; near them is Emilie; they are all our new friends". 
Mathilde waited now to present himself.
In a strained voice, he said: "Nice to meet you all, and thank you Mathilde, if I may, for this easy introduction. Yes, I am not familiar to this place, so one could say this is my holiday. My name is.. "
The night went by in a quick pace. He talked to all of them, although most to Mathilde, as she made him feel most comfortable. This wasn't very long ago, it must have been about 90 years, yet their introduction remains crystal clear in his mind. (However, it is the only, and the last thing he remembers this accurately. The others have long begun to change shapes and meanings. Forgetfullness tastes bitter.)
Although, different memories flow by, some half forgotten, some improved and romanticised by the crafty side of his brain (who doesn't accept that even he can't remember everything). Loki realised that these six people, or mortals (as he referred to them later), were his only friends in his millenium of existence. Disastrous. Yet, he began to reminiscence their times spent together, which helped him understand better than anyone, he thinks, humanity's internal and external crisis of the 20th century. They also helped him understand himself, a great feat, really. So, his writing now is also the result of their encounter. 
Once, Mathilde told him: "Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself. You know, you could become a great writer, if only you would dive in and gain clarity."
He responded, thinking of Asgardian epics and legends: "And what? Create another Odysseus? I'm afraid nobody would be interested. These stories are no longer fit for the present society; nobody ever goes to an adventure nowadays to discover himself. You just live in the same place, doing the same things. History moves on, quickly, in a rush (just look at newspapers) and you delude yourself you'll do something new tomorrow. What a pity."
"You're right, but I never said to write about manly men and fair ladies.
Exactly the absence of adventure, as you understand it, is the greatest adventure of our lives. Our journies nowadays are on the inside, concealed, and in your soul there's as much action as in the external lives, conquests and adventures of any classic hero. Yes, outside noise covers it, you said history, but that doesn't undermine the reality. In the past, it was possible to become a valiant warrior, as the background did not change: same old kingdoms, empires, nobility and vassals. Now it is vastly different: social ranks are no longer for life and moreover, the outside rate of change and the oversaturation of (unimportant) information outshine our private lives.
You just need to find a way to express this. Anyways, I'll try to help you. Try to write down everything that comes to mind, without judgement or censorship. Even better, do this as soon as you wake up or in a moment you're most relaxed. I'm sure..."
Her advice continued and he was grateful for it. Maybe not in that moment, but now he appreciates the value.
Where was he before this sentimental intermission? Oh, mornings gave the prince a great opportunity to enjoy and relish in the best time of the day. Nothing surpasses the crystal stillnes of silence before sunrise, even some moments afterwards. It is not an empty quietness ("like in the Void", he thinks with a shudder), but rather the "fullest" one; in an ambigous sense of this word. "Fullness"... when all particles of nature stand unbearably close to each other, affecting all neighbours with their inherent agitation. But the space is so close, that they can't neither reject nor accept eachother totally. They seem as if in a frozen state, separated by equal distances, yet the truth stands on the opposite side. It is the purest form of movement. Each particle identifies with all others, and through it's manipulation, it is able to influence all others. ("What an illuminating thought! Then so is the essence of his seidr, is it not? This particular state of matter, this total unity.")
Just the right moment; it all seems cohesive, no disruptances in flows of energy, everything moves in sync. The puzzle is complete: one can see and identify each piece individually, but also perceive the whole in it's "fullness". "What a strange word"... he wrote it down with beautiful and elegant penmanship on his paper, determining it as the final result of early meditation hours. 
Suddenly, calmness washed over him. He lost his peak of focus and felt all muscles in his body lose their imposed rigidity, returning to natural tension. This is what he meant through clarity. A direct sense of perception. He looked inside, finally.
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sontagfag · 5 years
i think i’m going to get the play out from the library because like “i don’t want this” as they kiss eachother at the end... ugh... they r both not the person they expected to fall in love with... like in the first scene they are both soo closed off to eachother and present themselves as diametrically opposed but they actually are notttt
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