reading-media · 1 year
Honestly, wonder if cash buckzo (blitzo's dad) sold fizz to mammon. mammon means- money (in hebrew). And cash/bucks- are american slang terms for money. Cash already said he was open to selling fizz to royalty for the "right price".
Not to mention fizz was probably abandoned and originally sold into the circus cause of his mismatch horns. Historically many orphans were expl*ited and sold into circuses . And some difigur*d kids were just straight up stolen -cause circus leaders thought they could earn money off these kids' "abnormal" looks ... sadly .
I just think we haven't seen the last of buckzo - since we're going to see fizz and blitzo's past in upcoming episodes.
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reading-media · 2 years
Is fizzarolli secretly in charge of Ozzie's lounge? (theory)
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The fact, the exterior of ozzie's -lounge is designed like a circus tent. And that the staff is almost all imps. Implies that fizz, has alot of control over the business dealings of "ozzie's" lounge . Even the interior stage is designed like the circus stage he had as a kid- via the centered heart symbol/circular lights surrounding said heart /the 2 stage poles .
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Ozzie did say :"proprietor like US" (since proprietor means 'owner of a business' , the "US " could be a hint fizz is actually a co-owner)? Co-owner or not, ozzie giving him so much control over a business that literally has his name on it- shows he trusts Fizz's capabilities alot (given how if the business failed -his reputation/name would have been more at stake).
I honestly think fizz is low key in charge of everything: hiring staff, booking stage performances, and even designing the place.
And if fizz is pretending he's not an imp . His very large soft spot for imps could backfire on him (and be used as proof he's an imp). Think about it : 90% of the staff are imps, he's helped create an upscale lounge where even imps feel welcomed as patrons, and in one night he has Moxie (a non famous imp ) and "the squ*rters" (an imp band) perform with popstars like verosika. Think about how much of a soft spot fizz has to have for imps trying to break into the industry. He literally let Moxie perform on stage introducing him saying: " (smiles) our opening act is a fresh one. Coming at us from a little imp from the wrath ring. Give it up for moxie. (Frowns) no creative stage name whatsoever ". Like he's an a+ celeb helping run an upscale place : and he sees an imp from a very rural area, with no stage name, who wants to sing to his wife for their anniversary. And Fizz is like ..." sure, I've never seen you perform but you can be the opening act for the popstar verosika. What could go wrong". Like that's oddly nice of fizz XD . Even moxie thanks them for letting him play there ,initially. Saying it was an honor.
So this all creates an interesting contrast. between blitzo / fizz. Blitzo owns a business, hires imps, calls it I.M.P. while fizz is maybe pretending he's not an imp, possibly owns a business, still hires imps, but names the business after a higher demon ,Ozzie(despite Fizz being secretly more in charge than Ozzie, behind the scenes ).
Could show the difference in philosophies between blitzo/Fizz ,because of systemic imp d*scrimation. Blitzo finacially struggles with owning a business , while still being a "proud" imp (even naming his business after his own species). While fizz is finacially successful, but may have to mask the fact he's an imp , and or hide how much control he has over his own business (via calling it ozzie's).
The fact striker is impressed that blitzo owns a business. When fizz ,an imp, (probably?) co-owns one of the most sucessfull businesses in hell, makes me assume the theory that ' fizz is pretending he's not an imp'... is likely . Or if most people know he's an imp... the general public may not know he co-owns/controls ozzie's?
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reading-media · 2 years
S1e7 doesn't just foreshadow that Fizarolli & Asmodeus are in love , but the issues/resolution they will have in s2 (Analysis/theory).
1. First, we see an obvious pattern during Moxxie's song. Whenever it pans to Fiz/Ozzie- the word "love" is said. This indicates the 2 are in love .
When the song begins and it first pans to ozzie/fix , the lyric is:
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And fiz smiles and turns to look at Ozzie when "our love" is sung. Hinting how Fiz feels about Ozzie. Fiz smiling at Ozzie also fits the lyric "you make me glad". And "our love" implies their love is mutual.
" I love us just the way we are . WE DON'T HAVE TO PRETEND".
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Notice how they frame both pairings in the shot , during said lyric . It's meant to convey how both pairings love each other in the same way (romantically). Aka ozzie/Fizz love eachother like m&m. Meanwhile it also indicates that Ozzie/Fiz are "PRETENDiNG" not to be in love (unlike m&m). BUT , by the end of s2 they will most likely learn they "DON'T have to "PRETEND".
Why do i say that? well the following lyric alludes to it.
"handle the rest because I love you."
Is the closing lyric of the song. The lyric probably will mean since they love eachother they can "handle ' the negativity they'll recieve for their relationship. Once again when the word "love" is sung: Fiz turns and smiles at Ozzie. Similar to what Fiz does in the opening of the song (except at the end Oz smiles back this time and they cuddle cheeks). Showing once again-it's mutual.
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Also, (before the song began) how did fizz first introduce Ozzie : "Asmodeus himself... come on give him some love"(makes a heart with his arms)
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2. Ozzie and Fiz's s1 song foreshadows their hypocrisy and how it'll backfire on them in s2.
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Fiz/Ozzie's (anti love) lyrics come back to bite them metaphorically in the s1 dance number . Foreshadowing how their "hypocrisy" will also cause issues in s2:
" Singing LOVE songs in my lounge?... ditch the LOVEy dovey . "
What's ironic is Fiz and Oz while teasing Moxie. Sing (in the lounge) the lyric "I LOVE you" multiple times ,to one another. And then cuddle cheeks /act "LOVEy dovey" . They play it off as a joke, but they actually do feel that way for eachother . And behave in a way thay contradicts their own lyrics . When they sing "i LOVE you" their "HEARTS" even glow in unison . They pretty much act in the way - they tell Moxie not to .
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Fiz said he'd "knock out' Moxie for singing about "love", cause only "b*tches sing with the strings of their heart" .
But what happens after fiz/ Ozzie jokingly sing "I love you" to eachother ? well , Fiz is "knocked out " with a "stringed" ("heart" shaped) instrument" . The lyrics backfire on Fiz ,since he doesn't actually practice what he preaches. And is hypocritical. Plus, it's a hint that fiz loves Ozzie, like Moxie does millie.
3. The lyrics Fiz and Oz sing : allude to why they hide their feelings from the public.
"Singing love songs? ozzie's ain't the place for sentimental sounds. what did you expect from a proprietor like us? We have a saying that's popular in these parts : only little b*tches strum the strings of their heart. You wanna hang around this l*stful town? Ditch the lovey dovey or we'll knock you around."
Not only do people expect Ozzie and Fiz to not have romantic desires -given their stage personas being pro-l*st/ anti love . But, also the the l*st ring appears to look down upon romance. Because they incorrectly assume love and l*st are diametrically opposed to eachother.
4. They mock Moxie's song while performing, but when they aren't performing they secretly enjoy the song. They don't actually dislike the song, they just think it doesn't fit with their brand.
5. We also see that fiz/Ozzie are foils to Blitz/stolas. They show their similarities to make their differences more prominent. Blitz/Fiz are both (ex circus) imps who slept with royalty to elevate their careers .
* BLitz/ Stolas don't talk about romantic feelings. And their dynamic,in the present,is PRIMARILY based on l*st.
* while Fiz/Ozzie are (probably) in love but pretend their relationship is only based on l*st .
6. In the song People teased stolas ,saying: "A demon prince... are you sleeping with an imp? how the mighty do fall". So, how would people feel about royalty not simply sleeping with an imp. But royalty (who says they're anti love) being in love with one? Fiz/ozzie's relationship would always cause backlash (because of the hypocrisy). But perhaps it'll be worse because fiz is an imp . He'd be dating royalty despite being the lowest caste of demon . Plus, fiz may be hiding the fact he's an imp (50/50 on the theory). But if he's hiding his imp status, it would be a huge scandal if revealed . It may be why Blitzo called Fiz a "sell out jester" (cause he's a sell-out for pretending he's not an imp, for success). The background details at ozzie's may hint at that. We even see jester-clowns at Fizz's performance , which could be a hint he's pretending to be one of them. Or at the very least, that he may be mistaken for one . The audience also has only the imp characters dressing like fiz: one wears a fiz mask , one wears a fizz headpiece. And one of the workers at ozzie's is an imp with makeup to resemble fiz's (they actually zoom in /linger on her). Which may be a hint fizz is wearing makeup (could be a scar of his though) to resemble a jester .
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The easiest way to tell if a demon is an imp- is their horns. All the imps there, despite their fizz costumes, all display their horns. But fiz hides his (whether for a better clown aesthetic ,to hide he's an imp, or to cover up an old horn injury). It appears Fiz dresses/pretends to be a jester demon (like mammon's species). There is a lot of stigma against imps,so it's hard to believe fiz could become soooo popular (if openly an imp). His image is on cereal boxes,posters + amusement park attractions , and he's comsidered a s*x symbol to the point they have love robots of him - which suspiciously ,none of the robot replicas have his imp tail.
My guess is,in s2, the newspaper article comes out, because fiz/ Ozzie may have been caught saying they "love" eachother (given how the word "love" pans to them often in the s1 song). And the "love-scandal" may cause reporters to look further into fiz's past and discover he's secretly an imp (if he was hiding that fact) .
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