#but i think that's bc i was also so disappointed with the last album
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maximura · 1 year ago
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Chasing That Feeling: Inkigayo 231015
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i-luvsang · 11 months ago
i hate being on the verge of tears in public !!! and it’s about fucking kpop i need to get a grip!!!!!!!$;73&38&2$.!’$/$3!/‘j$€{€!{£&jhhdjdhwijwgeieiehhejeiddggdneiwiwhuwjeieuebidnejskaowhhrbdieiruruidieieiehndozi&$:$£7:)3&k$$;$&jhdhiahJh
#only feeling a little bit upset tho!!!! RJUDJDK#HAHAHA I DONT EVEN CARE#I SHOULD HAVE DONE MORE RESEARCH BEFORE GETTING MY HOPES UP LIKE THIS#HONESTLY FUCK KQ SO MUCH#OBVIOUSLY THEY SUCK BC#DUH ALL KPOP COMPANIES DO#AND I HATE THE THINGS THEY DO MOST OF THE TIME#BUT GOD#IM STILK UPSET#why did i expect anything decent god#basically since last tour i’ve planned and saved up to get vip tix!#ofc to be closer to the stage since i was in nosebleeds last time#but also because vip had hi touch and maybe even meet and greet if those are different idk whatever#and i was so so set on getting hi touch next time they toured#and now their touring and there is no hi touch or meet and greet whatsoever#and the prices are like triple compared to last time#and presale is tomorrow and i don’t even know what to do for tickets anymore#obviously i’m so so excited and lucky and privileged to be able to see them at all#as long as presale doesn’t sell out before i get anything lol#but still#i’m just having trouble getting over this part of it right now :((#and every time i think about it too hard or look at them or listen to their music i get real close to crying!!#i’m just really disappointed and i’ll probably sob about it when i get home to start getting over it lmao#anyways i don’t have any feelings about it tho!!#again i recognize this is such a spoiled thing to complain about and im sorry if its annoying to read abt!!#i so get that#i used to think i’d never even get to go to concerts at all and ik some people can’t#some people can’t even buy albums and that kind of thing so i do apologize for complaining about having money basically#i just saved up for so long and got so excited :((
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userparamore · 7 months ago
hi! genuine question - why is it a disappointment that pmore performed at eras tour? i’m very neutral on taylor swift so i don’t really know the issues surrounding it. thank you in advance ❤️
i'm no taylor swift stan so i don't really want to, or have the energy to mention everything. but from a paramore fan perspective it's disappointing bc it's makes them come across as hypocrites. i've talked about this before and i don't want to get into it again but they've spoken up about climate change, hayley even jokes about root being about our planet "running out of time", they've partenered with REVERB on their this why tour (which i guess is a little greenwashing-ish but better than nothing). but this ends up being ungenuine when you tour with the artist who releases the most co2 emission out of every celebrity. the fact that she sued the kid who called her out for this, i think says alot about her as a person. paramore preaches about the shows being a safe place for everyone; all poc and lgbtq+. but then they tour with the prime example of white feminism, who only speaks up/comments on things if it affects her. and again with paramore claiming to be more political during the this is why album cycle, and expressed multiple times how important the diversity of their fans are etc. it does not seem genuine when they're praising an artist like taylor swift as much as they have been doing. i think that saying of: if you want to know someone, just look at who they choose to spend their time with, is very true.
another part of this and i think this is probably the biggest one for paramore fans in general is that the tours during this is why didn't include europe mainland (or asia). they toured only in uk&ireland for this is why, and then in interviews said they did an european tour. is the european tour in the room with us now? anyway, the last european mainland tour was jan 2018, and had only 3 dates that wasn't in the uk out of 8. so the last real european tour was summer 2017 with 18 dates. 6 of them was in the uk&ireland and 4 of the rest of the european dates were festivals leaving only 8 "real" concerts in mainland europe. lots of the countries on the eras tours, like italy, poland, switzerland etc paramore haven't played in over a decade (aka during the self-titled era). to have waited this long for them to tour and then for it to cost close to 400 dollars for a nosebleed ticket, if you even get a ticket, does not feel great. another thing is that for some of these countries paramore have made 2 albums since the last time they toured, and they've never had the opportunity to hear any of the songs from those albums live. as the opener act on the eras tour, paramore played 9 song. most of these were their greatest hits. as a paramore fan you obviously want to go to a concert to see them perform, but for that amount of money i think it's reasonable to want to hear other songs than still into you, ain't it fun and misery business. the setlist was catered to reach non-fans, and that's fine honestly, it would probably be worse for them to play songs "nobody" had heard, than the one's that had commercial success and makes them be able to have some crowd interaction.
either way, i don't think people would've been as disappointed by this tour if they had also announced an solo european tour. the argument that this will get them new fans and make them a bigger name doesn't hold water in my opinion bc paramore are already a big band. they're already a band who can sell out tours and big venues on their own.
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oudkee · 3 months ago
okay f it i'm doing all the fandom asks bc i never got a single ask SO welcome to my madhouse
Favorite fictional characters this year: TRON, his beautiful son thomas, layla, yuusaku, yuuya, yuuri, and mr vector. lots more but those are the important 1s
Favorite ships this year: ryou marufuji x edo phoenix they are LOVERS and they did it nasty style in that mansion in episode 141 of yugioh gx. it takes a lot for me to be passionate about a ship bc they never interest me but i felt the yaoi spark
Favorite TV shows to watch this year: yugioh 5ds, yugioh zexal, yugioh arcv. i watched vrains and gx too but no comment
Favorite books read this year: i said i didnt but JUST kidding i re-read a bunch of the american girl books and kaya's series was so much more meaningful to me as an adult than they were as a child
Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year: i meticulously track all my favourite songs in giant mp3 folders so i'd literally have to go by mood/era but billie eilish birds of a feather changed me. also flight by flight ft. mc kinky and heaven hit the bell mix by clockwork 5 (i had an early 1990s acid house phase most of this year)
Favorite movies of the year: i dont like movies literally the only new one i watched this year was despicable me 4
Favorite TV show episodes of the year: YUGIOH ZEXAL EPISODE 55!!!!!!
First fandom of the year: yugioh 5ds bc it was the first yugioh spinoff i realized was good
Best new fandom discovery of the year: that yugioh spinoffs are good
Biggest fandom disappointment of the year: truthfully not all yugioh spinoffs are good
Biggest squee moments of the year (For ye youths who no longer use such awesome terminology, that means the fandom moments that made your heart cry out in overwhelming joy. Can y’all believe that “squee” didn’t quite stand the test of time??): i didn't read this question my brain blanked out forever
Favorite main character of the year: honestly a toss up between yuuya and yuusaku. pitting two bad berries against each other. i STILL wanna say yuuya is my favourite between the two bc he's so charming and cute... yuusaku does not have """rizz"""
Favorite villain of the year: TRON 💗💖💞💓💕💝💞💖💗💓
Favorite m/f ship of the year: me/tron
Favorite f/f ship of the year: sorry female characters have to be interesting enough for me to want to ship them
Favorite m/m ship of the year: ryouedo.
Your fictional true love of the year: TRON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fandom that you never expected to get into: any of the yugioh spinoffs but especially zexal bc when i was 16 i distinctly remember thinking fuck that noise. Well look at me now
Fandom that made an unexpected comeback: yugioh bc i was really into it when i was like. 18. then i said no more
Last fandom of the year: yugioh zexal........
Overall favorite fandoms of the year: yugioh zexal
Your main fandoms throughout the year: yugioh zexal
The most missed of your old fandoms: i miss the star trek fandom so bad because i liked all the attention it got me but when twitter fell apart so did my hopes and dreams and my enjoyment of star trek in general. i still love deep space nine obviously i dont think that will ever change
Fandom resolutions for next year: finish watching yugioh sevens and attempt to watch go rush if they ever finish making it. also make my ds9/yugioh zexal fake merch line
Fandom predictions for next year: beautiful yuuya figure announced
i tag @korvakoira @thezoruagirl and whoever else wants to do this. im not very good at remembering tumblr usernames or id try to think of more people
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ghoulgirlwrites · 2 years ago
So Don’t Hate Me, Trust In Me
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Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader
Era: Danger Days
Requested by: Anon
Word Count: ~1500
Summary/Request: So I was thinking about a Frank X fem!Reader (she/her) during Danger Days era, where they are really close and it's obvious they like each other, and Frank is more forward with liking her, but she's insecure bc she doesn't have any experience with relationships and intimacy (even just handholing and stuff), and is worried he'd be disappointed, maybe even something like she's not good enough for him. And he gets her to talk about it to him and is really understanding and reassuring, and willing to give her time and space, but she feels better after the conversation and wants to try. So basically angst to fluff?
A/N: I LOVED writing this one. It was one of the first fics I worked on in getting out of my hiatus and it was just everything I wanted in a request (particularly Danger Days Frank). Enjoy!
You’d just started a new job as Frank’s guitar tech. It was a dream job for you, since you wanted to work with bands and travel around the world, but you were too shy to get onstage yourself. MyChem were currently on tour promoting their newest album, Danger Days, and you were excited to work for them, since you’d been friends with Frank since shortly before Revenge had come out.
But the best part of the job was getting to work with Frank. The rest of the band was super nice and welcoming, but Frank was so generous and he seemed to care about making your job easier whenever he could. Every time you switched out a guitar for him, he’d grin at you as if you were his personal savior. When you’d first started working for Frank, you’d been nervous that it would affect your friendship, but it had only brought you closer.
However, you were trying to be cautious because you knew you were starting to fall for him. You figured that he was just nice to you because he was nice to the rest of the crew, but you often caught yourself wondering what it would be like to kiss him or to run your fingers through his hair, which he’d taken to wearing longer, down to his shoulders. You knew you couldn’t act on these feelings because you figured he’d never like you back and saying or doing the wrong thing could put you out of a job and you really wanted to keep working with him, not just because of your crush.
You were just about finished setting up before MyChem took the stage for tonight. You handed Frank his first guitar and he put his hand over yours on the neck of the instrument, holding you in his hazel eyed gaze.
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“You’re welcome.” You felt proud that your voice didn’t tremble and you prayed he didn’t notice your hand shaking beneath his.
He turned to head to the side of the stage, but then ran back to you.
“Did you forget something, Frank?” You asked.
“Yeah. I just wanted to say you look really nice tonight,” he said.
Your cheeks burned as you averted your gaze. “Thanks.”
You watched him play his heart out, still bewildered from the compliment he’d given you. It wasn’t the first time, but usually his praise was about your work. Your stomach fluttered at the idea that he noticed how you looked. You usually dressed for comfort, in jeans, band shirts, and hoodies and you weren’t dressed that differently tonight, apart from the fact that you were wearing your favorite hoodie. You liked it because it was comfortable, but you also thought that it brought out the color in your eyes.
The show was nearing the end, when Gerard started walking around the stage as he spoke into his microphone.
“So before we play our last song, we wanted to give a big thank you to our crew who do such an amazing job at every show. Thank you to our merch, our lights and sound people--”
Frank cut in. “And I just wanted to call my guitar tech, Y/N, to the stage for a minute. Y/N, where you at, girl?”
Your face burned as you shrunk back, but you saw Frank walking over to you, his guitar still slung around his neck. He lifted one hand, beckoning you gently with one finger. “Come on,” he mouthed, his lips curling in a sweet smile.
You sighed, walking onstage to a crowd of thousands, who were all screaming for you. ‘Bet they’d scream for just about anything if Frank told them to,’ you thought bitterly to yourself. But all thoughts went out of your head as Frank took your hand and led you over to his mic so he could talk.
“This is Y/N, my amazing guitar tech, she keeps me in line all night, can we give her a big round of applause?” Frank asked the crowd, lifting his arms up towards the pit. You blushed over his comment about “keeping him in line all night,” and hoped the stage lights didn’t show how red you felt.
The crowd went wild once again and your face burned even more as you felt Frank wrap his arm around you and pull you into a hug, discreetly kissing your cheek. It was such a quick peck that you were almost sure you’d imagined it, but when Frank pulled away from you, he was blushing too, but grinning, the corners of his hazel eyes crinkling.
Frank finally let you go and you escaped to the sanctuary of backstage. You hadn’t wanted to hurt Frank’s feelings by running away, but it made you nervous being in the spotlight. And that kiss on your cheek had made your heart soar, but now you felt nervous. What did it mean?
After that night, you tried to keep yourself busy and limit your interactions with Frank. You didn’t know what his intentions were and you were scared you weren’t good enough for him. You had never really dated anyone and you knew he’d had quite a few relationships, so you were also afraid that your inexperience would be a turnoff for him.
It was hard to totally avoid him though, especially since you worked for him and you’d seen his face fall enough to know that he’d noticed and wasn’t happy about it, but you couldn’t help it.
Finally, he cornered you one day backstage while one of the opening bands set up for their set.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he murmured.
Your heart stopped. You were caught. There was no avoiding the conversation now. You swallowed hard. “Frank, I…I’m sorry. Can we talk about this somewhere more private?” As you said this, you saw Gerard out of the corner of your eye, looking over at the two of you, his eyebrows furrowed. Gerard was hard to miss these days, with his bright red hair.
Frank nodded and you let him take your hand and pull you away from everyone else. Once you’d stopped walking, he held your hand in his still, loose enough that you could let go if you wanted to, but tight enough that you could sense that Frank didn’t want to let you go.
He sighed. “Look, I--I’m sorry if I scared you off that night when I called you onstage, but I just--I wanted to show you how special you are to me and how much I like you, I just didn’t really know how. I didn’t plan on kissing your cheek, it just happened, so if you’ve been avoiding me because of that, I’m so sorry. I never want to make you uncomfortable and I want you to know that we’ll do whatever you want. If you want to pretend this never happened, we can do that, if you want to leave tour--”
You’d been listening to him ramble, your heart fluttering in your chest as he said everything you’d hoped to hear from him, but when he mentioned you leaving tour, you had to stop him. “Frank, I don’t wanna leave tour.”
His face lit up with a cautious sort of hope. “You don’t?”
You shook your head, offering him a small smile. “No, I don’t.”
He sighed in relief. “Thank God. So what is it then? I miss you and I want us to be good again.”
You sighed. “I like you too. I like you so much that it scares me. A-and I could tell you liked me too and that scared me even more.”
He frowned. “Why? You never have to be afraid of me, you know that.”
You bit your lip. “I know. It’s not that. It’s just that…you know I’m not very experienced when it comes to this kind of thing. And I’m insecure that I’ll screw it up, or that I won’t be good at…you know.” You trailed off, blushing furiously.
His full lips curved in a slight smile, his hazel eyes full of warmth and love for you. “Y/N, you’re going to be amazing, because you’re amazing. But we can slow things down, I can…I can back off a little if that’s what you need.”
You nodded. “Not too far back though,” you whispered, smiling slightly.
He reached his hand out to yours, linking your pinky with yours. The simple, gentle touch felt amazing.
“Better?” He asked, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded, reaching up with your other hand to brush his hair out of his face. It had grown down to his shoulders and you loved the way it looked, even when it obscured his beautiful eyes. “Thanks, Frank.”
He smiled. “Of course.”
The two of you took things slow over the next few months. Frank was unendingly patient with you, which made you feel brave enough to progress your relationship. You still worked for him, since it gave the two of you the chance to spend a lot of time together and travel around the world. You loved watching him play music and jump around the stage like a maniac. And after every show, he was yours, and that was all that mattered.
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gracefullou · 9 months ago
I’m going to sound like a hater but I’m disappointed. That could’ve been better. 31% of the set list was 1d/covers. I cannot believe that nc, wdbhg, dmd had a place but jho did not. How much input does he have on which songs will make the list? His fans have already proven they’ll be there for him so I’m having trouble understanding why he made this step back. Let 1dead stay dead. Festivals are a great opportunity for gp to get to know HIS music. It’s not the time to keep reminding and re-in forcing that he’s that boy bander. I wish that he stops playing it safe at the next festivals. Someone remind him that FITF is the success it was because he took a chance on himself and made the music he wanted to make. I’m sorry for the rant. Please delete if you want. Lastly, 7 and chemical also need to go.
Hi, anon. Unfortunately, i missed the live except for the last two songs but i think he did sing jho (at least it was there on the setlist). I get you, anon. I'm tired of the covers as well 😔. I know it's a festival therefore he prefers upbeat songs and songs that he mastered and is the most comfortable performing (bc why else is 7 even there? If you must do an "indie" cover at least choose 505 which is much more popular to the gp 🤷‍♀️ ). But four covers out of which THREE are from 1D is so very excessive. And It's not even about sending a message that he's now a solo artist with 2 solo albums, it's simply bc he has so many better songs that showcase what a phenomenal artist and incredible talent he is better than all those covers combined. Sooo many (all) fitf songs that could do a much better and easier job at making these strangers fall in love with his music are missing. Like hello headline and hoth would be crazy like honestly THE perfect introduction an artist can hope for. I know if i were at a festival/ concert and witnessed that hoth bridge insanity live i would look up that artist the moment he left the stage. And headline is such a fun song it's perfect for festivals. Those are just two examples, I could go on bc fitf is 10/10 album. Honestly i can understand him giving a nod to his 1D days by covering ONE of their songs and MAYBE ONE indie cover (or whatever the genre, just another artist's other than 1D) but no more. I can't help but feel like he's missing on opportunities here with the setlist that he's chosen. Although to be fair to him, it IS a very good setlist just not using his discography to its full potential
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izuom · 11 months ago
loathe = love, a txt x nct dream series (act three)
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GENERAL SYNOPSIS. What happens after a long adolescence adaptation for all the years spent battling for wanting only the best on own goods? Starting with the early teenage blues and progressing through their early twenties, it remains a similarly restless youth for those who have struggled in all aspects of their lives. People usually tend to declare a foolish remark of a pocket full of sunshine and all the related greatness it consumes but what about a pocket full of hatred instead? What comes in a handful of hatred to the facility of life soon slowly embarks to completely the opposite of it? To finally grasp something out of their teenage years—meet twelve self-proclaimed losers in finding love between the chaos of loathe and watch their evolution as freshly bestowed characters in approaching young love.
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READ WARNING BEFORE PROCEEDING! some out of these twelve fics would be containing smut writings, so please be at least 18 to proceed further. your own actions are your own responsibilities.
MAIN GENRE. romance, college!au, youth, angst, young adult, drama
BASED OFF. combination of two albums from yours truly (2013), my everything (deluxe) (2014) by ariana grande
STATUS. on-going
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NOTES. roughly sketched (is that even the right word?) piece of what my mind was really trying to do back at the end of august last year, and here is it! there’ll be another continuation of loathe (references for more like a spin-off/explanation to their past but that’s a surprise so pls be awaited for that too ;D) so as yall clearly see, all characters were made based off my forever favs of ari around her debut years albums!! (i do not support her homewrecker era but let’s not lie yours truly is literally the best thing that happened to everyone bc it does to mine, at least). as being in their early twenties, yes, this one goes to every one of those who are going through their adulting phrases (i never like the way it sounded), and also doing a bit justice to ari when she decided to give nothing but a masterpiece AND being in her twenties! nonetheless pls pls give this a lot of love and support bc i work hard enough for this, and bc i think this one deserves hype for all the sweats i’ve been giving and throwing on to. n e ways thank you in advance to everyone who spent their time to read this series (hopefully i won’t disappoint any of you), cheers to everyone, cheers to the girlies who has serious attachment with college, this one goes for each one of you lol much love xx
pls do ignore the old watermark! i love the settings of this header and do not want to take further revision to change it lol (i couldn't find the original editing to this)
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© permanently written by, izuom, all rights reserved, 2024.
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billysjoel · 1 year ago
hello. i really enjoy your content, but i have to say i'm kinda disappointed on you still being a ts fan. this woman knows what disney does and yet she still gave them the rights, meaning she either doesn't care or actively supports the genocide. or maybe she decided to turn her morals off because money is more important. not to mention how she consistently associates herself with questionable people and how a person literally died in one of her shows on brazil and she gave zero fucks. this woman is not a good person and there are no excuses to being her fan anymore.
no, i fully understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. over the last like. idk year and a half? ive been pretty vocal about my disappointment, distaste, and disagreement with a multitude of the choices she's made lately. i 100% agree that her silence on the subject of palestinian genocide (as well as many other human rights/social causes) is at best a sign of apathy and at worst a sign of support. especially when miss americana was all about her wanting to be more outspoken and be an activist. that all feels so incredibly performative now -- and has for a while. a lot of things that she's said and done since midnights, which is when i became more active in the tumblr swiftie community, have left a bad taste in my mouth for her as a person.
like i said, i genuinely agree with what you're saying. the only thing i take issue with is that she didn't care that a fan died at her show. she donated money to the fan's family and took time to meet them. regardless of my many issues with her, i do think she can be an empathetic person and i don't think that she just straight up didn't care that someone died before her show. it's one of those things (of which there are many) where we'll never know her true thoughts bc she doesn't talk about things. which is frustrating in itself.
now that's not the point of your message, so feel free to write that off as a digression. i strongly disagree with her making yet another version of the eras tour movie and hosting it on disney+. I'm personally boycotting disney+ and have been for a while. I don't even intend on watching the new version and like the vast majority of everything I gif, that shit is pirated -- that's how I watched the original release of the movie. obviously my consumption/boycotting is just one person compared to blondie, who has influence over millions, who could make real change if she spoke out against genocide.
at this point, im not supporting her financially either apart from listening to her music. which i love. im sorry, but I do. if I didn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation. i think her constant churning out different exclusive versions of the same albums are a transparent money grab and maybe an effort to set more records as far as sales or streams or however that all works. and I'm not just saying that bc I literally couldn't even afford to buy a digital copy of an album right now.
so yeah. I appreciate that you enjoy my content and thank you for saying so, but if you need to unfollow or block, i understand. I've definitely toned down/completely stopped sharing posts about her as a person bc I'd much rather focus on just the music. and maybe that makes me a bad person for continuing to listen to and enjoy her music. im not saying i necessarily feel good about it, but i think the fact of the matter is that a lot of the celebrities, actors, musicians, etc. we like or whose content we enjoy hold views we disagree with and have different values or priorities. nuance exists. right now, im someone who is vocal about the palestinian genocide and I try to share resources/posts about it when they come across my dash and im also someone who is a fan of Taylor's music.
Idk, I hope what I'm saying makes sense at least on some level. I've done my best to word things coherently, but brain fog fucks w me a lot. and like. it's probably whatever, but I do plan on changing my url after ttpd releases. That probably upsets you more and I can see how people might think im a hypocrite or something and yeah, I get it. Idk, I just want to enjoy someone's music without endorsing them as a person, but that's extra difficult when the person in question is the biggest singer in the industry. but you'll never see me making excuses for her on things like this or the m*tty situation or numerous other things she's said and done that gross me out. im not so far up her ass that I think she's perfect or that I feel the need to defend her at every turn. like I said, nuance. anyway, if you feel the need to respond, i welcome you to do so as long as we both remain respectful, which I think we've done. this is a difficult topic, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it. I appreciate your point of view and I'm sorry that I've disappointed you!
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jentlemahae · 10 days ago
less of a review more of a rant tbh but now that i have sat with alter ego for a few days... i like it less and not even bcs of the music itself 😕 i don't like 5/13 songs but i enjoy the rest. the songs i love i LOVE and the songs i hate i HATE. there are so many good things about this album like the production is 10s throughout but everything else is baffling and it overshadows all the positives. i gave it a 7.5 but now i wanna give it a 6 bcs of the bigger picture. alter ego was one huge pile of wasted potential down to every little detail.
anons talking about the hardcore rapping last week were correct. i don't mind futw but this style is not for her. kpop rap is not real rap. she wants to be able to pull it off but imo she should be a popstar who also raps. my favorite rapping on this album are on songs like new woman, wiwy, rockstar, lifestyle etc. it's more laidback and fun and she suits that so so so well. she's still a badass but it feels less forced and try-hard than it does on songs like futw and badgrrrl.
i think about her music taste and i'm confused that this is the album she made. she mostly listens to r&b or vibey hip hop, songs similar to chill and wiwy, even shoong, so i thought that would translate to the album more. maybe they're less fun to perform? 🤨 i expected songs like those and upbeat ones like rockstar and lifestyle which are very #lisa coded and she shines in those. new woman was a wonderful surprise. more of that please.
i don't have a stick up my ass about lyrics like some people do bcs party songs don't need deep meaning, but this is the first time i agree. she needed more variety and substance here. i love a good flex song but you can't have 3/4 of the album be that 😐 i actually think i could like rapunzel and thunder if the lyrics were better 🤨
the concept is so underdeveloped which sucks bcs the idea is good. this whole time i felt like they hadn't put much thought into it so lisa saying they did it in 20 mins makes sense but is so disappointing. it's so annoying bcs it could have been so good if literally 1 person actually put some thought into it.
i have never seen so many blinks admit that they don't really love a bp release like this before and tbh that sums it up. everyone says they like half the album. the half they love is always different for every person but barely anyone is sold on the whole project.
i agree with this entire ask!! yes, the production was amazing all throughout, but several songs did not have anything else that was good. and i agree about the lyrics too — kpop / pop lyrics can be fun and silly and that’s okay, but there still needs to be some variety. having lyrics about how ur so hot and confident can be fun a few times, but it reaches boringness when it’s in nearly all the tracks on the record. and fully agree on the rapping as well — i like how she sounds in songs where she’s more laidback, but i really don’t like her delivery on songs like futw and badgrrrl. i don’t think it suits her voice :/ i think rapping mainly works for her on songs that have sung parts as well (e.g., rockstar, new woman, every bp song), but hardcore rap is not a style that particularly suits her
the concept was okay-ish — it was very underdeveloped and overall very poorly executed, but it was fun and unique. however, i do agree with the pitchfork review — it feels entirely like a marketing gimmick and does not translate at all to the music itself. actually, it feels unnecessary, cause the album could have had a different concept and the songs could have still been the same, as the concept wasn’t actually interwoven into the record. i didn’t need to know who vixi and sunni were to listen to this
that’s why i think a 6 is an extremely fair score for this album. like we were saying last week, the highs and high but the lows are low (i.e., there are some great songs but there are also some very terrible songs in the mix), and in my opinion that makes the album extremely mid overall. i can see what she wanted to do, but it just wasn’t done well. at this point i can only hope that they’ll listen to the criticism and get it together for ls3
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caralara · 1 year ago
I know Louis' your fave so I hope it's okay that I send you this. But recently the blinkers have been coming off for me in regards to Louis. I think I used to have him up on a bit of a pedestal. I just thought he was this really intelligent guy, really aware of social issues and willing to fight for the right thing and be rebellious when necessary. I don't know. I saw things playing out very differently. But unfortunately, lately, I've been seeing a lot of laziness and complacency and a willingness to settle from him. A lot of contradictions as well. Like he gets the anarchist symbol tattooed but doesn't speak out or place his support behind anything substantial. I'm sorry, legalizing weed is his most political stance. And then being seen with the Starbucks cup and actually covering it in the video like lmao. Not knowing what number year your festival is when he supposedly had big dreams for it. I know this is so small but it irks me that he's been going on about playing the guitar for years. And he is yet to bring it on stage for even one song! I know it comes from a place of self-doubt and insecurity no matter how confident he makes himself appear but like he just doesn't help himself. And fans exaggerating and praising every little thing he does as if he isn't just some basic white man does my head in. Sorry I word vomited on you and I know this sounds harsh but I acknowledge it comes from a bitter place where I feel like his potential is just not being met. At the end it's his life and I genuinely hope he doesn't have many regrets later on.
hi babe
I think I am completely in the same situation as you! I might not be triggered by exactly the same things but I’ve been going over and over it for the last couple days asking myself why I’m so annoyed with him right now?? And I think it really is just the disappointment finding out your fave man is after all, just a man.
Like, to me, it feels like he’s been stagnant since early 2023. right now, to me it feels like he’s just on the hunt for the cheap thrill, getting the validation in that he also can pull massive crowds of screaming girls just like he did during 1D (and it isn’t even the actual validation he’s looking for??? Like he still starts yapping every time a man validates him as if it’s so much more important??)
I feel like he lost focus, or energy, or both. You know, you said it!! You know I love Louis to death, he’s my favourite, and genuinely, I don’t blame him. It makes a lot of sense to me. He’s finally proven himself to not be a flop to all the people doubting him. He’s overcome all the obstacles, did LTWT and had massive success with it, way beyond anyone expected, rode that wave, made a second album that proved he’s not a one hit wonder either, an album he actually enjoyed making, and proved his fans liked it, too. And then… it just kind of stagnated. His team made mistakes and miscalculations. Announcing Asia tour so short notice thinking, then cancelling bc it didn’t sell out, handling the announcements horribly, not realising LTWT was massive bc of all the pent up excitement and desire throughout years of a pandemic, the magnetism of it being the first solo world tour. They also didn’t get it when it came to Milano Summer fest vs. AFHF. The 35k sold out bc it was announced many months in advance and it was the last LTWT show - that’s meaningful to fans. It was easily accessible. You can’t translate just the numbers to „it’s bc he’s popular in Italy,“ there���s so many factors at play they ignored, and therefore AFHF Italy only sold 2/3 of tickets, and a lot of these people didn’t even show up (couldn’t, I better say).
For me, FITF felt like he had checked out a little. He’s plateauing. The excitement and irresistible draw he has is largely due to his resilience, his underdog persona he created that allows normal people to identify with him. And there just wasn’t any… growth since early 2023. He‘s also alienated a large part of his fandom with the bbg pushes, and as you know, I still believe it was all part of the bigger plan to end it, but it does feel like he gave up, got comfortable. And it’s not that I blame him for it necessarily?? Like all he’s been through? It makes a lot of sense to me that now he’s achieved all the things people told him he wouldn’t be able to achieve, that now the burn out sets in, that now, the driving energy of spite and wanting to prove himself has run out.
I feel like the jokes of “oh I’m a pothead I can’t remember if it’s the third or fourth edition of my super duper important close to my heart festival project” or “oh yeah sometimes I forget I’m an actual parent and have a kid” are getting old. Like, it doesn’t serve him anymore it feels like? To me it feels like the weed was a coping mechanism that helped him get through hard times, and that’s completely valid, but now it looks like to me it’s holding him back, blurring his genius.
I’m sorry for the rant back to you. I’m deeply upset because Louis is my escape, my happy place, fandom is my comfort, and I feel like it’s slipping through my fingers because it causes me more upset than happiness at this point. The amount of “kill yourself” messages I have gotten over criticising louis for announcing AFHF so short notice is frankly INSANE. Do people not talk to other people in real life?? How do the people around these people that send those messages deal with them in real life?? It’s so upsetting to see how many people feel comfortable typing out these kind of messages and sending them.
I do hope this feeling of mine calms down, and I can go back to just glorifying louis and have him as my comfort place, because I do not like the thoughts I have and the way it makes me feel.
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userparamore · 7 months ago
I get that you don’t like Taylor but can you not see paramores growth as band because of the eras tour they seem so happy to be on that stage every night be grateful for that
first of all i don't really understand why you're coming for me over post that isn't even mine. second of all i'm allowed to be a fan of a band and be critical of them at the same time, and i've expressed my disappointment over this since the tour was announced. i'm not gonna beat a dead horse and bring up why i'm critical of this tour again in this answer, but the act of them being on this tour really says a lot about them for me in a negative way, and i think it's hypocritical of them after preaching about sustainability and equal rights for all.
paramore is also not some small indie band no one has heard of. they've been doing this for 20 years, they've sold out big venues, played madison square garden multiple times, they played their biggest show ever on the this is why aus&nz tour with 26,283 tickets sold in sydney. multiple of their biggest songs on spotify is close to a billion streams and they have 21 million monthly listeners. all this growth they've done, they've done on their own- sure it's nice that more people discover them, but they didn't need this tour to be successful. they already were.
also for me personally, this tour leaves a bad taste in my mouth. i come from a country where if i'm lucky they tour once every album cycle. i've been lucky to see them 2 times and the last time was in 2017. they played a festival so i didn't get to see a full set. they've been to my country four times total and 1 concert wasn't a festival. the eras tour didn't have a show in my country, and i wasn't about to fight swifties for tickets that are extremely expensive. in the end my friend ended up having a spare ticket to one of the vienna shows bc the person they were originally gonna go with ended up not being able to go, and i was asked if i wanted to go. me and this friend first became friends bc we both liked paramore, and they've never been able to see them live. travelling to vienna to have that experience together, i would sit through 3h of taylor swift for. i spent close to 2000 dollars on the whole trip including the ticket, for it to end up being cancelled. very happy we didn't die, but it still sucked to have spent all that money and the not be able to go. especially since this would've been my friend's first paramore live experience.
i'm happy they're having fun playing their greatest hits for 3 months. i'm happy for my mutuals who's been able to go and have had a good time. the money they earn will probably go to their new label, and hopefully we won't have to wait 5 years for new music. but don't tell me to be grateful.
i try my best to make this community a welcoming space. i try my best to contribute with gifs and edits, and post news when there are news. i've hosted countdown events, i've hosted/made zines, i've hosted gif challenges. i want to do all these things bc it's fun to be part of this community and i love the friends i've made here. but i can still do all those things, and not have to kiss paramore's ass. i can still express myself and speak on the things i don't agree with bc it's my blog. we've had "debates" in my inbox before, people have expressed their opinions on paramore before, and it's always respectful which i appreciate. we as a community can disagree on things and still be a community.
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dexaroth · 7 months ago
tagged by @blyszczopies to answer questions and tag mutuals id like to get to know better :3 tag list is at the bottom!
⭐ Favorite color:
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i honestly have had some 'color opinions' sloshing through my head for a while.. its complicated but you can rarely go wrong with these ones 👆 these are the ones I like the most! specially when combined together!
for favorites.. it depends a lot on how you use the colors and if they're alone or accompanied! some things look bad if they're just completely sky blue and such..
(putting this under a read more bc its a Very long post)
for the purposes of having an ultimate favorite color.. man i honestly don't know. it's a completely even match between purple and blue, though only the non-100% saturated shades of blue bc true blue is quite unbearable. I think the ultimate champion in questions of how many things can work with it would be blue. sometimes too much purple can be unbearable, but too much blue not so much
red Can be beautiful in many cases, but orange is simply superior between pure yellow and pure red. pure yellow specifically is literally unbearable for me. i hate it so much. for me to like a yellow it HAS to be going towards orange or its nothin'. lime green is super beautiful but pure green is also too much, and so is cyan. though the specific range of teal/green-blue can be nice, but it does not come close to lime green, instead it accents it quite nicely.
we don't talk about pink. or magenta. or any of its hideous nicknames. perish the thought!
⭐ Last song played: erm. well. you see, most of the music i have downloaded came from youtube. and quite a bit of them from compilations of songs all in one usually 30+ minute video..
the one currently playing is by Lauren Bousfield. i've tried searching for the - actually paragraph cancelled. i thought it was one of the comps by the pavor nocturnus1 channel but it turned out to be from some random other channel. i was having trouble identifying which song it was because it's a single audio file but it turns out the song currently in that queue to be playing is the song Cascading Retail Spaces!
i've had this album compilation downloaded since.. 2017! damn! and other albums of hers too. I don't know anything else about her though, but her music slaps :3
⭐ Currently reading: ah.. i dont read at all sorry 😭 does looking at the drawings from the morpho books series grant me any pity points perchance..
⭐Currently craving: WAFFLES!!!! GOD PLEASE!! and cookies..
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^my cookie pile in project zomboid. can you tell?? (no waffles bc they're randomly found and not able to be baked like cookies..)
⭐Coffee or tea: neither soz.. i did try to enjoy coffee like 10 years ago but its just meh. tea as well, very boring. not counting the fact i have to load these suckers with sugar for them to even be worth drinking >.> but i suppose i'd choose tea over coffee simply due to variety and that some are naturally sweet :J
tagging: @moodycarcass @oxu @crazysodomite (maybe even u again timo if u wanna awnser my curious inquiries below.. muahaha)
additionally might i add my own questions... for funsies :33
favorite stone pattern:
favorite time of day:
favorite cloud pattern:
actually hm its quite hard to come up with somewhat potentially universal interesting questions. fuck. erm
FAVORITE ANIMAL!!! this question never disappoints. additionally favorite family of animals maybe?..
also from the makers of the best question ever above.. what's the silliest/weirdest animal off the top of your head?
last dumb mistake in a game?
last triumph in a game? (life cant all be losses afterall..!)
favorite clothing pattern?
worst + best texture(s) to feel?
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week. no matter how small. it is your duty now! commence!
actually i suppose it'd be weird to not awnser my own questions.. well here goes:
i like the one stone pattern that's a bunch of thin slabs slotted together. the ref image i have says its name is cliffstone/bluff stone! i also like the 'bavarian castle' one!
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time of day: DUSK!!! MY LOVELY DUSK!!! though dawn is veeery nice as well. i used to be fonder of the night but dusk is just sooo niceys. dawn loses points for giving way to the boring middays though. but every time of day has its charm
cloud pattern; i actually dont know their names besides cummulonimbus..? lemme search..
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according to this chart ive found on ddg. nimbus! i love gray skies and i love rain and i love fog. stratus and scuds are also nice
fav animal: erm.. got myself in my own question! i dont think i have a true favorite? i suppose ill go with jerboas.. as for the family. rodents of course. im the rodent mutual how could i not choose rodents! blasphemy!
silliest animal: off the top of my head? its a worm-like animal with a goofy face.. i thought it was legless lizards but that's not quite it.. i dont remember the name 😞
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though there is a guy that's named worm lizard apparently.. oh such a foofy goofus
last dumb mistake in a game: most recently i was trying to go back to my base in a car in project zomboid and ran straight into a insane zombie crowd. the car got stuck in the grass bc it was loaded to the brim and i tried to move it backwards and let zombies approach me with the hope i'd run away from them on time, but it was not moving and then i panicked and stepped outside the car near a zombie with the sprint key enabled, bumped into the zombie, fell on the ground and by the time the get up animation started the zombie was already eating my guy. i was so mad
last triumph in a game: not much of a triumph but i got to fitness and stregth to lvl 6 in pz which are grindy time consuming skills to lup. but i have a base and crops and my coogieeees
favorite clothing pattern: i also dont know!! id say checkers that arent too busy or its derivatives. but also star/celestial patterns of course
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^ from my fashion inspo folder
worst + best texture(s) to feel: i hate silk and those ones that are like a million little hairs that i dont know the name in english. best i suppose would be plush/cotton? i dont know their names either lol
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week: hmm. i suppose the nice sky i saw earlier today? though also one my af attacks has gotten a lot more notes than i expected. which is epic 💪🐁
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dearweirdme · 1 year ago
All this reminiscing of how cute tk used to be makes me feel weirder about the current state of things, to me jk has been acting disrespectful and dismissive of taehyung or just generally weird, the way he would post about everything before and during his debut and act like it didn't even exist was disrespectful imo, him on tiktok liking everything and I don't think it's likely that he didn't see anything about tae's just released lma y rainy days or dance challenges, posting thirst pics, dance challenges, answering members on wv while Tae was active there too, it was tae's time and he acted publicly like Tae didn't exist, he mentioned other members when he finally made a live but no tae, then his time to promote started and he suddenly can speak about him? And still manages to be dismissive and of course he had to include everyone else, I believe they are together but his behavior publicly is not even one of a friend I also feel like he knows he can get away with treating tae like that bc knows that tkkrs aren't like jokers, and that Tae actually does has his back and he does show that jk is someone special to him, he doesn't have to worry about massive hate campaigns for acting disrespectfully to him and the general fandom also won't be mad bc it's known that they don't like taekook or taehyung.
To me a bridge was burned by this behavior, I'll be supporting if they decide to be open or whatever happens in that sense bc they would need it but the way he acted while taehyung was receiving hate from every side just for speaking about the help he got from him and he remained silent its really disappointing and this isn't even the first time, ppl trying to paint taehyung as a bad person for being supportive and a good friend while jk can act the way he does and even worsen the hate Tae gets and not even do one thing that would be helpful and you still won't see him getting half of what Tae gets (not that I want him to get hate for this but just to point out how different everyone treats taehyung, anything he does even being a nice and normal friend would grant him hate and the ppl who are in a better position can get away with anything )
Hi anon!
Be careful about burning bridges on the base of social media behavior. It’s very odd to me that so many take their behavior on Instagram, weverse and Tiktok to be representative of their actual lives and bonds. How can that ever be true? These are celebs, almost by definition they don’t always show us all about their lives, they can’t because it’s unsafe. Jk isn’t going to act as a boyfriends on main all of a sudden. And he has very much acted like a friends online.. that the timeline of his mentions of Tae don’t fit your personal preferences is not really his fault.
It’s so weird to me that we’ve been following these men for years now, and we don’t believe in them being together for nothing, but now suddenly Jk is using Tae for fame. Doesn’t even matter that Tae looks super happy these days apparently.
Jk has never (!) disrespected Tae. He is not dismissive of Tae. He looks at Tae like he is a miracle, he talks about Tae with a smile on his face. What he does not like is fandom prying in his business, and he is protective yes… but do not mistake that for disrespect.
You know how hard Jk must’ve been working the last couple of months to record his album? Have you seen Jimin mention that he was worried about Jk working so much? Jk has been busy anon! He has been busy while Tae was doing his debut. Seriously.. use some logic.
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glasshcvse · 2 years ago
I always thought Stupid Cupid would be on the same level as Red Velvet in terms of popularity! In your opinion which real group would you assign for your fic groups in those terms?
AINE ! ⠀ › ⠀ SAYS. omg you're being too nice anon!! i think red velvet is wayyy up the scale when looking at stupid cupid's popularity– took me a hot second to cook something up, but under the cut, you'll find all of my important groups / ocs ( including both npc & under co. groups! ) and their popularity based on irl kpop groups!
first, we have lilypad, aka the saviours of glasshouse! i'd definitely say that they're on par with kara! they've been releasing bops from the getgo, and have been doing so until their unfortunate ( or fortunate in this case ) disbandment, so kara would be the best group to mention in this case, especially when back in 2009, glasshouse only had crumbs and a handful of trainees to go with.
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next on the list is raevil, aka the dead women walking! raevil = twice, and you can't prove me wrong!! the fact that each member comes from a different country just goes well with the public ( international more than domestic, bc we all know how knetz are about these types of things ), and they for sure know how to charm people to at least listen to their songs occasionally. their popularity grew as time passed, so raevil being on the same scale as twice right now would be a plausible answer!
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sorry to disappoint you, anon, but stupid cupid's popularity goes lower than red velvet's– i'd say ive or kepler would be more of an appropriate answer, especially because everyone can clearly see the favouritism in stcp ( looking at tomie ). it's a good thing that their discography is full of mostly cute songs, otherwise, i don't think stupid cupid would've been supported this much if it their concept was anything else... i imagine them being compared to lilypad a lot if they had a different concept, and they'd kind of flop. yeah, their fandom is definitely smaller compared to raevil's, but they have some crazy ass fans out there ( think orbits during that twitter era )–
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at the beginning of their career, i surely saw nextone go hand in hand with stray kids based on popularity, especially because prdx had a different concept from any other artists from the company, were their first bg and they were promoted a lot during their pre-debut era by stupid cupid. however, after the whole scandal happened with one of the members and they went on a hiatus for a year, the hype kind of died down, so now i'd say they're kinda like monsta x / the boyz!
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hero is 4th generation's taemin! of course, his popularity slowly grew as he went through a shitty survival show, but once he actually debuted as a soloist, the fandom significantly grew, and it's still growing as time goes by. there's a reason why he's called an all-round and ace of kpop! although, if you asked him, he'd deny being that popular, but the receipts don't lie, nor do his album sales that get sold out after every comeback!
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and last but definitely not least, we have crystyle! && just like everyone expected, i imagine them to have the same popularity as got the beat! they also have some similarities; as they're both project groups with members from different groups ( or are soloists ), so saying they have the same popularity as got would be true. not only that, but each member has their own fandom that just combined in the end to support the girls as a group!
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and that's it ( for now )! come back later if there are any updates to this~
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hiddenbeks · 9 months ago
btw remember when i mentioned that if i try hard enough i can make every song on absolution abt liah. im gonna do it now watch me
(not including intro and interlude bc they're just 30ish seconds of instrumental. tho now that i think abt it intro is the sound of an army marching?? so actually it is about the army liah had gathered when she returned from the mandalorian wars as revan)
apocalypse please is about liah going to fight in the mandalorian wars and doing whatever it takes to achieve victory. also btw i love the part that starts around the 1:46 mark... sounds kinda sci-fi and fitting to a galactic war
time is running out is relevant to the latter part of liah's revan era and her toxic friendship(?) with malak. also idk something about the dark side squeezing the life out of her. or maybe it was the jedi order that was squeezing the life out of her. maybe both. hmm
sing for absolution is truly one of my favorite muse songs and i feel like it's 99% thanks to the delivery of the last line "our wrongs remain unrectified and our souls won't be exhumed" like every time i listen to the song and get to that part i go oooooohhhhh here it comes!!!!! this line directly refers to the wrongs liah committed as revan and how she will never be forgiven. no the rest of the song doesn't matter
stockholm syndrome is as we all know the liah song. it encompasses her whole being. i can take literally any line from this song and connect it to some part of liah's life. incredible
falling away with you is also about toxic worsties liah and malak... reminiscing the Good Old Days when their relationship had not yet turned into a weird constant power struggle and there was genuine love between them
hysteria is another song about the dark side and how it changed liah. another one of my faves from muse
blackout is a bit more difficult but idk it may be about liah, years down the line, finally kinda having forgiven herself and letting go of the past and looking forward to living out the rest of her life on her own terms.. good for her
butterflies and hurricanes is about liah's hubris and ambition as a jedi knight and how she thought it was her grand destiny to be Something More and to change the galaxy!!
the small print is my least fave song on this album tbh it's a bit too chaotic. and it doesn't help that it's sandwiched between two songs i really enjoy. disappointed to say that i can't really connect this to liah... at least not yet. moving on,
endlessly is a nice breather after the previous song and it's about liah and carth!! and about how despite the fact that they have feelings for each other nothing comes of it in the end! because they both have issues and liah is way too guilt-ridden to allow herself to be loved!! but maybe they will run into each other several years later and get the chance to try again... who knows
thoughts of a dying atheist... ok idk abt this one. feels too much like matt bellamy's personal ruminations on his relationship with religion. next
ruled by secrecy is once again about liah's hubris and desire for power and change And her complicated relationship with the jedi order??
fury is about. liah's endless guilt mixed with revan era liah's belief that everything she is doing is right and correct and for good reasons... or something...
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gingerlilys · 11 months ago
TTPD Thoughts
First: The Bad
- tbh I was disappointed
- It was kinda boring; like she wrote out all these lyrics to write them and slapped a beat on it as an afterthought
- People like Taylor swift for two reasons: she’s an amazing lyricist and her songs are catchy. This album had neither. The lyrics sounded ai generated (don’t get me wrong some lyrics were great, but others not so much) and the beats were BORING; there was no variation (and before you go “oh it’s sonically cohesive” her other albums like folklore and reputation were sonically cohesive while also being interesting)
- It was more for her than the audience, they were good songs and you can tell they were her coping mechanisms but I don’t think I would listen to any of these just to listen to them
- At first I was ecstatic that it was a boy ke album, but now I think 31 songs was very much a bad decision. Rather than having a normal size rlly good album, she had a huge kinda meh album
- I have a love hate relationship with I Can Do It With A Broken Heart bc the song was devastating when you know the context and I relate to it a lot, but the lyrics sounded VERY ai generated
Now: The Good
- “The black dog” “Peter” “The prophecy” “you smoked then ate 7 bars of chocolate” It’s ok Taylor you can just say you’re Mskingbean89
- I loved Florida!!! and Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me sm
- My tik tok favorites folder for Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Marauders has literally doubled in size since this album came out (and it only came out two days ago as of when I’m writing this) (Taylor swift works fast but editors work faster)
- I loved Cassandra bc I’m a Greek mythology nerd
- “I’m having his baby- no I’m not but you should see your faces” I loved that. It was hilarious
- I also rlly liked The Bolter, the chorus itched my brain and it also kinda reminds me of The Last Great American Dynasty or Mad Woman in a way I can’t explain
- The album was very much a feminine rage album and I’m here for it
I’ve got a love-hate relationship. I am very much a swiftie, but idk if this albums for me, and that’s ok bc people have different tastes. But I am very much looking forward to all the angsty edits that are going to come out of this.
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