#but i think it would be funny if troy was like. one of those people whose family is only important in the small town they grew up in
razberrypuck · 2 months
wonder having year-round winters is fine and everything, but the fact that for 10 of those 12 months the whole island is completely inaccessible is CRAZY. for 10 whole months ALL of the ports on the island are frozen solid. boats CAN'T come and go. trading ONLY happens in those two slightly warmer months. maybe that's why snowsledding season ends about the same time everything freezes, so people can actually come watch the races without having to live there.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
Ngl I feel like qijiuyuan that have known each other since childhood would have a SIGNIFICANTLY messier fall out than just qijiu and ONLY because they have Mr. Helen of Troy here
Like I absolutely think our dear Shen Yuan would help out sillies in a way. Maybe he somehow finds out and somehow manages to therapy them using his funny little magic wife beam words
But because Shen Yuan straight NEVER talks about his feelings either. He's a meddler but GOD FORBID someone tries to help his ass. If it's like a demon/nonhuman SY au. Oh yeah they're fucked.
I guarantee at least one war. Qijiu's divorce was devastating, now imagine Shen Yuan added to the mix. People are dying and I guarantee Huan Hua will be in flames somehow
God the idea of those three having to somehow communicate is giving me an aneurysm just thinking about it. Mr. "I won't degrade myself by explaining because you're already assuming", Mr. "I have no excuse (absolutely has an excuse) and this is my punishment" and Mr. "I should be the only to suffer for the sins of the ones I love" in the same room after the falling out... Bashing my head against the wall rn
Anyway I love them 😍🫶
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theresthespark · 9 days
Okay Lestat is canonically a Scorpio and Louis a Libra which are both painfully accurate. I wanted to play Estelle and share my astrology headcanons
Leo rising – the hair, the general slayage, her association with yellow aka the sun
Aries sun – she’s so bold plus libra and Aries are sister signs so they share traits that present different which feels right for Louis and her’s kinship
Taurus moon – not prone enough to over emotionality to be a water sign but not overly practical in the way the other earth signs are. Very stubborn and does canonically enjoy beauty and luxury. Also if you know a Taurus I feel like it just makes sense
Virgo Rising – She just gives demure when we first meet her and yet no bullshit either. Virgos just seems very put together almost unassuming which is funny since every Virgo I know is crazy lol
Aquarius sun – the decisions she’s made in her life feel the best suited for an Aquarian. Also her talking to Armand? That woman stopped giving a fuck about what everyone else is doing years ago
Cancer moon – Almost did Scorpio here but her loyalty and intensity didn’t feel suited there. Cancer still has some of Scorpio’s snap but its homey and soft too. I also can’t see Claudia gravitating towards someone similar to Lestat at all lol
(Bonus: suspected Aries Venus. The intensity of her!! Her directness when she cares! How she chases life and joy!)
Pisces Rising – those big ole eyes are a big marker for this one. Also Pisces have big baby energy despite being the oldest sign which feels perfect for him
Gemini Sun – Please what else could he be? There’s the 27 different faces but more so, the love for technology and knowledge, the urge to always strategize. The near inability to ground into his emotions. The perpetual anxiety. Also Geminis are so funny without even trying but that’s just me
Capricorn Moon – Caps are ruled by Saturn which is in short a struggle bus placement. Fits well with the forever 27 thing (stuck in perpetual Saturn return) and his tendency to self flagellate. Also it being represent by the devil card in tarot. Iykyk
Capricorn rising – When you first meet him he comes off quite no bullshit in a way that only makes sense for Capricorn to me. Also fits for the workaholic tendencies (our risings tend to be a truest to self energy aka us at our best). Also feel that may be what draws Armand to him hehehe
Sagittarius sun – If you look up famous Sags all of them are silly goobers (and lowkey problematic 💀). Like him being a Sag makes SO much sense to me for San Francisco. Only a Sag would make that many dumb decisions just bc it was a vibe lmaoo
Aries moon – Thinking about Eric’s comment about Daniel not taking kindly to bullies. Also how similar him and Claudia feel to me I feel they’d share some major signage too
(Bonus: Gemini Mercury bc his got the gift of the gab, the quick wit)
Louis: (i couldn’t resist finishing their big three)
Libra rising – Ruled by Venus, Helen of Troy, Malena coded. What else could he be really?
Libra sun – Painfully canon
Scorpio moon – With how he talks about himself and his life versus how he moves through the world it makes perfect sense to me. So much emotion but also a lot of passion all bottled unless in the right company. Also he would loooove SZA (plus plus you’re more likely to become heavily attached to people who’s sun is your moon)
Aquarius rising – Leo’s sister sign (perfect for him and Claudia’s dynamic). She’s a rebel she does her own thing she does not give a flying fuck about the rest of yall. Only an Aquarius could be responsible for the events in Queen of the Damned
Scorpio sun – Again debilitatingly canon
Leo moon – Do I even need to explain it? Pull any TVL passage if you want an explanation lmaooo
I hope you enjoyed my analyzes I love astrology and would kill to get a proper birth chart for these characters. The house placements! The Aspects! The CHIRONS!! I need to chill
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gonzo-rella · 3 months
Headcanons: Being Nonbinary in the Study Group
Pride Month 2024 #9
Relationship(s): Abed Nadir x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Annie Edison x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Britta Perry x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Jeff Winger x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Pierce Hawthorne x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Shirley Bennett x nonbinary!reader (platonic), Troy Barnes x nonbinary!reader.
Warnings: References to mild trans/enbyphobia. (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: This is an idea I've had since long before Pride Month, but somehow it's the penultimate Pride Month fic I've posted. I've started a (slow) Community rewatch for the first time in at least a year, so hopefully that will motivate me to get back into writing for the show. I mean, this blog started out as a Community reader-insert fic blog, so who would I be if I stopped writing for it? I think I got a bit burnt out writing for it so much, but I'm ready to write more for it again. I'm hoping to get through some of the really old Community requests on my to-do list by the end of the year- we'll see! And, if you want to make a request for Community, with a nonbinary!reader or not, feel free to send one in.)
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Annie and Abed are definitely the ones who find it the easiest to gender you correctly.
With Abed especially, he doesn’t treat it as a big deal, and he’s for sure the most understanding of it in the group.
Annie might be a bit awkward and ask questions of varying levels of appropriateness.
If you wear a pronoun pin or express a desire to get one, Annie will buy you matching pins in the same style.
Abed wants to be a good friend to you, so he’ll ask you outright if he’s not sure about something.
Jeff might not completely understand, but he finds most things easy, including getting your name/pronouns/etc. right.
He doesn’t bother asking you any questions; he figures everything out for himself.
Like Abed, he’s pretty good at not making your gender a big deal.
Britta will 100% be your biggest advocate.
She will always correct people if they get things wrong (even if you tell her she doesn't have to).
(If she ever accidentally misgenders you, Jeff will smugly correct her)
She will argue with Pierce if he’s a dick to you (more on him in a second).
And, if you run into any issues at Greendale, she will fight tooth and nail for you.
Troy gives off 'his pronouns are 'they/them'' energy.
He thinks that nonbinary people are cool as fuck.
He has a baseline understanding of it.
Like Annie, he asks you a lot of questions (also of varying levels of appropriateness).
A lot of his questions are outright bizarre compared to hers.
(‘Where does your gender fluid come from?’, for example)
Shirley doesn’t get the whole nonbinary thing (at first at least), but she will try her absolute best to show you respect and kindness.
And, despite her lack of understanding, she will stand up for you in a very motherly way.
(She will bring an eager Britta and a reluctant Jeff as her reinforcements)
I’m not sure where I stand with Pierce.
I can see him constantly making bottom of the barrel jokes about your gender that no one finds funny, and will either doubledown or backtrack with a defensive ‘what, can you say anything these days?’
But, I think with all the spiritual stuff he’s into, he might be comically understanding and accepting of nonbinary people. 
(It’s comical considering how bigoted/prejudiced or at the very least insensitive he is about race, gender etc.)
Maybe he’s a mixture of both of those things?
Either way, I can see him confidently making the dumbest and wildest claims about nonbinary people.
(Troy may or may not believe half of them and ask you to confirm)
And, on the rare occasion he says something right about nonbinary people, you’ll shamefully have to admit it.
As the years go on, it’s rare that any of them thinks much about your gender.
Even the ones who don’t understand it will get used to using your pronouns and gendering you correctly.
Everyone in the Study Group would, despite their varying levels of understanding, show as much respect to you as they do one another.
No matter your gender, you’re one of them, and that’s all that matters.
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violetnerves · 6 months
The Bully clique and its members were underutilized, and it makes me sad.
I already know all about how the clique itself is part of the leftovers from the Punk clique along with the Townies, so that kind of explains why the both of them are just sorta there, but still.
I'm putting a divider on this since I'll probably ramble a bit.
I think it would've been neat if all of the members had been more reoccurring in the game (including Russell, since like Gary he pops up in Chapter 2 once and is pretty much never brought up again until the last chapter.)
For instance, I had one idea of two of the bullies tagging along with Russell and Jimmy during the mission where you egg Tad's house. (Maybe Tom and Troy, since Tom mentions hating the Preps in one of his quotes and Troy probably hangs out with Russell outside of school the most.) Naturally they help distract the preps while Jimmy throws eggs into Tad's house. It'd probably make the mission easier than it already is, but I think it'd be ok given it is a kind a of revenge mission after the Preps turn on Jimmy after Gary brings up what he said about them during the cafeteria scene.
Also, I think it'd be funny if it was those two in particular since I can already imagine the cutscene where while Russell is threatening Mr. Oh for calling him dumb, Tom's just trying to deescalate the situation while Troy's probably making it worse.
I started thinking a lot about what it'd be if they were more involved in the story after taking note of how many people choose them as the clique Jimmy would be in a "what-if" scenario where he actually bothered to join one.
Now, obviously, this doesn't mean Jimmy would join up with them as a member. But I think out of all the other cliques, they'd turn out to be the closest with him, like genuine friends since the group has always sort of given me the vibe of a friend group more than the other cliques, only rivaling the Greasers. I feel like it would make the fact that they still have 100% respect for Jimmy even after all the other cliques turn on him mean a hell of a lot more rather than it just being done for gameplay reasons. Heck, they'd probably even aid Jimmy along with Russell during Final Mayhem rather than them inexplicably just being in the main school building to be beaten up by Edgar.
I'll probably make more posts around this idea, but for now, I'll cut it here since it's getting a bit long.
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kwisatzworld · 9 months
I was going to be able to spend some more time with Adriana Tuchyna, a girl I had been seeing for almost a year. We’d first met at Phillip Island back in 2003. Adriana came to ask me for an autograph. It was one of those funny moments that I’ll never forget because Adriana was asking for an autograph and her sister Dorothy and the people around were egging her on so she asked me to sign her stomach too. I couldn’t say no! (Later, I would realise how out of character that was; Adri is a very modest person and would never normally do something so bold.) Then her sister came up to me and we started chatting. She told me Adriana would really like my mobile number and I asked for hers. Adri is an absolute stunner and even at fifteen turned heads. I’d noticed her walking around the paddock but I’d been too nervous to approach her so I was more than happy to get her number. There was something about Adriana I really liked. That night I texted her to ask if she’d be my umbrella girl for the race, I thought that might be something she’d think was fun. Over that weekend I spent time with her whole family and they were great people. We lost contact for a while after that but then, in 2005, Adriana’s brother, John, and Dorothy were racing in China during the MotoGP weekend and so we caught up. I had a great time hanging out with them both and they invited me to their place in Adelaide next time I was back in Australia. I won the race on the Sunday and there was a gap before the next one so I asked Lucio if I could fly to Adelaide the next day. It was perfect timing! Adriana didn’t know I was coming and got quite a surprise when I turned up at the door. The first night we sat up talking for hours after everyone else had gone to bed. We really hit it off. By the time I left we were both keen to stay in touch and Jano and Vlasta, Adri’s parents, gave permission for her to join me for the next few races in Europe. Up until that point I would spend time with the team when we were racing but apart from that I spent a lot of time on my own. It was wonderful to have someone outside of racing to talk to. And it’s true, absence definitely makes the heart grow fonder. The more time I was away from Adriana the more I realised I wanted to be with her. We texted back and forth, emailed and phoned and it started to become more serious.
After Adri and I had been together for a year I knew she was the one for me. I didn’t want to waste any more time apart so I discussed with a couple of my friends and my dad how I felt. They all said the same thing: ‘Mate, she’s a great girl.’ I think anybody who meets Adriana realises that she’s a pretty special woman. Yes, she’s beautiful but she’s also caring, calm and extremely clever, way more than me. She also doesn’t take any grief from my friends like Leon, Stork or Chaz, she just fits straight in and gives it back to them.
Adriana and I had talked about the future and I knew that she felt as strongly about our relationship as I did. I decided I was going to propose. This is what we both wanted but we hadn’t made anything official or told anybody so after the race at Mugello I flew down to Adelaide to visit her. I’d bought a ring for Adri a month earlier, while Chaz was visiting me in Monaco. He’d come with me on a drive to Ventimiglia. Troy Bayliss had arranged for me to meet with a friend of his who was a jeweller down there. After asking her father’s permission, Adriana’s mum helped me organise a limousine to pick us up from their place. Adriana had no idea what was going to happen, but maybe she suspected when the limo turned up. I wanted to take her to dinner at a fancy restaurant in town, where I was going to do the full proposal but when Adri’s mum had made the reservation for me they failed to tell her that part of the restaurant was closed for renovations. When we arrived they went to seat us next to their bar area with poker machines in the background. I didn’t want to ask her there so after dinner we went for a walk in the park. Adriana says now: “It was really sweet and even though I was only seventeen I had no hesitation to say yes. I know it is pretty unusual for anyone our age to get engaged but I don’t think my friends were too shocked when they found out the next day at school. I knew I wanted to spend my life with Casey and as far as I was concerned there was no reason for us to wait any longer. Some people have dreams of going to university, travelling or partying but my dream was to marry the person I love and have a family together. I feel very blessed that my dream has come true.”
Adri and I had planned our wedding in her home town of Adelaide for 6 January 2007. Like most couples, we were nervous, excited but most of all really happy we were getting married. Yes, some people thought us too young but we knew what we wanted and weren’t bothered by the opinions of others. We were looking forward to our honeymoon and spending time together without any other demands. That was the plan, but a few weeks before our wedding day Ducati told me I had to be in Italy the week after the wedding to be ready for the official team launch in Madonna di Campiglio. We had to give up the idea of a honeymoon and get ready for that. On the day itself we had 150 guests and all eyes were on us. Adriana looked incredibly beautiful as she walked down the aisle of St Peter’s Cathedral on her father’s arm. My cousin Mark was my best man and standing there at the front of the church I almost couldn’t believe I was marrying the girl of my dreams. I wanted that day to be wonderful for Adriana’s sake, and it was. Somebody leaked the venue details to the press and we had photographers turning up and taking pictures, but we weren’t going to let anything get us down. It went so fast and was all a blur but at the end of it all we were husband and wife so I couldn’t have been happier.
Adriana was with me at every race and having her there meant a lot. We had settled into married life well and finding out she was pregnant with our first child was one of the best moments of my life. We’d wanted to start a family for a while and were at home in Switzerland when Adri woke up early and did a test. Adriana: “It was positive and I woke Casey up straightaway to tell him. We couldn’t have been happier. He was so excited he cancelled training for the day so we could celebrate and we had a look in a few baby stores in Lausanne.” We waited for a few months and then announced the pregnancy that weekend in Brno at the pre-event press conference.
After so many years focusing on motor racing and the demands of competing as a factory-contracted MotoGP rider, everyone told us that things were about to change dramatically for me and Adri when our baby was born. We couldn’t wait but our baby didn’t seem in a rush to meet us. Adri had been due to give birth on Sunday, 12 February 2012, but that day came and went without anything happening. After a couple of days, which seemed to me the longest wait ever and so must have felt like weeks for Adri, the doctor told us he wasn’t happy with progress. It was worrying when he said that and we ended up at the hospital. Finally at 10 pm on Thursday 16 February our little girl, Alessandra Maria, arrived into the world, weighing in at 2.8 kilograms. Thankfully, after the delay, everything went to plan and there was no real drama. I didn’t like seeing Adri in pain but I’ve never met a tougher girl than her, she just deals with everything and, of course, Ally came out just perfect. For me it was a strange feeling because everybody tells you all these emotions will hit you when you become a parent so I was waiting for it but it didn’t happen straight away. Adri and I took it in our stride. Day by day though, the bond between us and Ally has become stronger and stronger and stronger. It gets to the point where you don’t know how your heart can expand much more but somehow it does. Becoming parents changed the shape of our life to a certain degree but it felt very natural to us both. I can see how it would be a shock to the system for people who like to go out and party all the time but that’s not us so the reality of how we live didn’t change that much at all; the biggest difference now is that we really have a purpose. Even though travelling is a bit more complicated, I can pretty much do everything I was doing before Ally was born and as soon as she is old enough to come fishing with me I literally won’t have to change a thing!
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baejax-the-great · 5 months
been wanting to write fic for the longest time, but i only really manage to make one shots
so i’m curious - how do you plan/start your fics, especially the long ones? do you ever write scenes that are five chapters ahead or do you write it in order?
thank u.. n i love ur work!!!!
I absolutely write scenes that are five chapters out. Sometimes those are the first scenes I write.
Usually my process starts like this: I think "wouldn't it be funny (or angsty af) if this thing happened?" And then I always say yes, because it would.
The next question is then, what caused that thing to happen, and what are the results (and are they also funny)?
This was actually a big struggle with Sunset In Your Veins. My original thought was just, "lmao, what if Achilles was cold and crying on a street corner. What if he thought it was Hell. What if he tried coffee. What if he wanted to fight the L. What if he stole a dog."
But none of those things is actually a story. Sure, Pat falling in love with him makes it a story, but what are the stakes?
This actually took me weeks to come up with (as I remember it anyway), and meanwhile I was adding more goofiness to Achilles in Chicago, writing whatever struck my fancy. Obviously he thinks the lake is a sea. He's going to LOVe the bean. They definitely have to watch Troy.
The only idea I could really get to work was turning it into a fairy tale. he's in Chicago because Aphrodite thought it would be fun, she's given him a challenge, and if he fails he dies. Also Aphrodite has said this is a "Reboot" so obviously Patroclus has to actually die at the end. This gave the overall fic some structure, and then I could get us from point A to point B in whatever way I found funniest.
I write my entire fics in one document, and when I get a silly idea I want to add to the fic, I add a descriptive header and then write the idea before I forget it. Here are some headers from WitD:
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The ideas that are super solid, like Ambrosia, didn't need a lot of description because I knew exactly what was going to happen. The ones with question marks not so much.
I like using these headers because it's easy to skip back and forth to sections and reorder them, and I do this a lot. Like a lot.
I think a common pitfall for early writers is to start a fic because the premise rules, but not know how they are going to explain the premise or resolve the issues that stem from the premise. At least, I had this issue when I first posted longfic.
These days, I will only start posting a fic if I know how the story is going to resolve, and something like 'they live happily ever after' isn't what I mean. I have to know exactly how they are going to get that happily ever after, so in the case of Sunset, Pat's death was written within the first third of of me writing the story. Once I knew I had to get them to that intersection, happy, on the cusp of the deadline, and for Achilles to still be wearing stupid ass shoes, then it was a matter of figuring out *how* to get them there.
What has to happen for two people to fall in love? What has to happen for these two people to decide falling in love is worth it despite the massive cultural differences (and the rest of it)? What would give Aphrodite the most satisfaction with her game? What parts of Chicago/modern life would torture/delight Achilles the most? How will Pat reconcile his two identities? How would Ajax?
In a way, I fill the story in both backward and forward.
HOWEVER. One-shots are awesome. Because sometimes you don't want to world-build or work out the logic of the situation or give everyone a backstory or resolve shit. Sometimes you just have a kick ass scene in your mind and that is good enough.
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aettuddae · 4 months
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEIR TWITTERS AFTER THE KISS HAS MY HOLLERINGNFBDSBS oh its becuz serims doesnt remember 😭😭🫨 karina keeping her jacket…i know what u are 😒
taylor noona - hc serim sometimes accidentally calls her seniors noona 😭😭 wonder if she done it in person 🤔
I LOVE NINGNING SHES SO CUTE just wanna put her in my pocket
the plants sensing kai's bad vibes, glad we finally got to see serims reaction to karina's armageddon pics
and ofc it's wouldn't be a aettuddae fic if karina wasnt absolute DERANGED (pure sweet innocence minnie we luv u)
i love that karina now has a nickname for serim just cause i think giving ppl nicknames is so sweet and intimate 🫶🫶
serim is honestly a hilarious idol 😭😭 from her saying her boy celebrity crush is TROY SIVAN?? to updating her bbl about her plants death (nobody knowing death was caused by THEE yu jimin from aespa)
i ended up buying the zine version since i rlly liked the photobook 👍👍, PLSS DONT apologize for the long response i love it!!! (this is funny since during hole in one i was apologizing for the long responses & u said the same thing/smth similar 😭😭😭) thank u for the amazing up aettuddae 🫡🫡🫡
- 🕷️
keeping her jacket was.. i'm looking at you, yu jimin
she totally have called her seniors "nuna" to their faces and then had a blushing attack bc of it, but i feel it only happens to her with the ones she finds pretty, like taeyeon.
serim's reaction to the teasers was a little bonus, i said i was gonna make it so i did 🫡
it's interesting how karina starts feeling things and spirals into craziness in each one of my fanfics.. when writing this update i thought "those who have read other of my aus are gonna be like NOT AGAIN" 😭
omg me too !! nicknames are such an intimate thing
i would so pay for her bbl, people there seems to have a sitcom going on everyday
great choice !! tell us what pcs you get when it arrives 😌 not us yapping to each other since hole in one, thanks for not leaving me 😭🫂
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mache-of-greece · 2 months
I’m an Ancient Greek who has somehow ended up in the 21st century. Look, I don’t know either, it just happened.
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Name: Aristomache, you might know me better by Aristos if you’re from my time, but I like the nickname Mache just fine.
Age: Bodily? Or like when I was born? Let’s just go with somewhere from 22-27. I wasn’t in charge of keeping track of time in Troy alright? (12 long years my ASS Odysseus, you suck at keeping track of time. It was not that long) But if I had to give a guess, probably 25 or 26
Pronouns: I like she/they. I’m AFAB, and not intersex.
UPDATE: I am genderfluid! I go by all the pronouns! She/they/he, all of them! Sometimes I will look more masculine, and sometimes more feminine!
more info
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Height: Over average height for a male Ancient Greek. I’ll let you guess how tall. (It’s not as tall as you think, people were shorter back then.)
Godly Parent: I am allegedly a granddaughter of Ares (he claimed me as one of his grandkids but I don’t buy it). Also please forgive me, I’m still adjusting to seeing mortal children of the gods everywhere at camp.
Time at Camp: A bit now. And the whole claiming thing happened after about a week at camp. I’ve known about Camp Half-Blood for a bit now, I just hadn’t made may way here yet. I think I’m still gonna stay in the big blue house for a while… I’m not sure how comfortable I am sharing sleeping spaces with other people.
Weapons: Sword, yes the same one I used in the Trojan war. I like the idea of learning how to use a dagger though.
Single or Taken: Currently single. Don’t be surprised if you see me “simping” or “thirsting” over someone. In particular? I shall not be telling you. It’ll never happen anyways. And even if it did, it would only end in ruin, so yk, not doing that.
My guy, you keep talking about the Trojan War. WHAT!?: Oh yeah, that. Basically, you have me, an Ancient Greek orphan who has nothing to do with her life other than fight for Ancient Greece, because her father was a beloved soldier. So what do I do when I hear they’re sending of-age men to Troy to fight the Trojans? I take a look down at myself and say “yeah I could pass as a of-age man if I try hard enough. I’m not of-age yet, but I’m a teenager, I’m tall, I’m muscular, I have little to no cleavage, all I gotta do is chop off my hair, change my name a bit, and hope no one asks me that many questions.” So that’s exactly what I do, cut my hair, fix my name, board a ship, no one asks questions, arrive in Troy, and fight the Trojans. And then somehow after that end up in the future.
If I am a granddaughter of Ares, it would be kinda funny seeing as I’m pretty sure he sided with Troy in the Trojan war. And yk, I’m Greek, I fought for the Greeks and stuff.
Other information: The 21st century is very confusing, but I think I’m adjusting alright!
Also I have an adopted child now (he helped me figure out I was genderfluid): (ooc: blog is soon to be made!)
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Hi!!! It’s the mod here!!!
I made this OC because I had an idea, I got bored, couldn’t stop thinking about it, and just decided “yk, fuck it I’ll make her a blog.”
Important: all of my knowledge for Mache’s past in the Trojan War has come from The Song of Achilles and Epic: The Musical (and a small amount of Wikipedia), so the universe she exists in is where those are the cannon’s. And both of which are in no way a replacement for the Iliad or the Odyssey, they’re just interpretations that have had numerous creative changes.
I hope you have a lovely day!
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mache makes an appearance - ic
mod speaks - ooc
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here is the picrew I used for the pfp
banner image found on Pinterest
dividers are from @/thecutestgrotto on tumblr
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web-novel-polls · 1 year
MXTX Side Characters Tournament Submissions
One character per submission. If you want to submit multiple characters, please do so in separate forms
No main couples (Bingqiu, Wangxian, or Hualian)
Preliminary polls may occur to decide whether or not to include other significant characters like Feng Xin, Mu Qing, or Liu Qingge. Minor but popular characters like Six Balls will be allowed.
Tag: #mxtx side characters tournament
Submission List below the cut (Dealer's Choice not included)
Submission 1: Snake boy my beloved
Submission 2: I love him
Shang Qinghua / Airplane
Submission (2): He's a sidekick and he's so sidelined that despite creating the universe he's treated as an afterthought - doubly a side character! But also? So relateable. He would absolutely have been on tumblr in his first life, he gets so excited about his blorbo who treats him terribly (until they finally get a happy ending in the extras - also! he has to wait for the extras to get his happy ending! very side-character of him). He holds the fascinating position of being mostly irrelevant to the story and yet without him the themes would totally fail. He deserves a win on something for once, okay?
Sha Hualing
Submission: Her cringefail losergirl swag has captivated me 
Mu Qingfang 
Submission: Ppl tend to completely forget he has a mad scientist side (see Jinlan arc) and if he gets into the tournament I'll have a reason to bring it up.
Daoist nuns triplets 
Submission: Authors of "Song of BingQiu" and the true culprits behind the ass wine extra. Stop crediting Liu Mingyan with their hard work! 
Submission: He's a demon tsundere who doesn't realize his human boyfriend is scared and easily squishable. Got demoted from king to cabinet minister during a hostile takeover but is pretty chill about it. Huge boobs.
Six Balls
Submission: When he was born he weighed as much as six balls. Current ball number unknown.
Helen of Troy*
Submission: uhm she isn't a Side character ? but she is referenced heavily by the main character and the subtext. This is integral to the plot of SVSSS because the subtext is where it's actually at. If all you do is read the book you will have several misconceptions of the plot. Anyway Shen Yuan!Shen Qingqiu is a metaphorical Helen of Troy within the story AND HE FUCKING SAYS THIS HIMSELF INSUSJSKS
*will have to pass a preliminary poll to be included in the tournament (<-thinks it would be funny to put her in)
Ning Yingying
Submission: Her glow-up in the SVSSS timeline is real! Instead of becoming Luo Binghe's childhood sweetheart, she roasts him for referring to her too familiarly. Love this for her. 
Gongyi Xiao 
Submission: He is such a Good Person who didn't deserve his fate :(
Qin Wanyue
Submission: Scum Villain's wettest and most pathetic loser! Of course, she's so pathetic that she's constantly overshadowed by more bombastically pathetic characters, but I think she deserves her chance at recognition. 
OG Luo Binghe’s Harem
Submission: Binghe's harem the whole collection all of them together an amalgamation of all the wives 
Submission: Incredible character who does it like him 
Quan Yizhen 
Submission: He's a good boi and thinking about him makes me cry a lil'.
Yin Yu 
Submission: The guy of all time. The most average god ever. Someone give him a break. His face is so average that Xie Lian thought it was fake 
Ling Wen
Submission: Girlboss. Did nothing wrong
Bai Jing (Brocade Immortal)
Submission: no 1 ling wen simp (just like me fr)
Propaganda: She's so smart. She tricked so many people into thinking she was blind for so long. Also, she was really kind and considerate. Like she didn't have to save all of those people from Xue Yang. Oh and she's an excellent judge of character and super brave. Really hope she wins, she's such a fun little genius girl
Su Minshan / Su She
Propaganda: Idk I just kinda like him
Submission 2: Look at him having his own life and grudges and friendships and priorities completely unrelated to the main characters! He was so right to curse Jin Zixun 
Wen Ning 
Submission: This poor guy dealt with so much shit in life, only to be killed, resurrected, and forced to deal with Wuxian's bullshit for years on end
Jiang Cheng
Submission 1: Extremely traumatized yet also somehow the most normal and functional by the end. Huge bitch but I (and at least one of the other characters) think he deserves to be even worse after everything he's been through
Submission 2: Simultaneously badass and the most cringefail man. Extremely funny and stylish but still manages to be very uncool. Cries a lot. Also he's lost a lot of tumblr polls—let's give him another shot! We definitely love him more than his dad did!
Submission 3: He's got mommy issues AND daddy issues. He loves his sister and his shige so much. He's traumatised and incredibly competent. He rebuilt his whole sect! He's an asshole (affectionate). He's purple! He's got the coolest weapon ever conceived. I'm so worried about his blood pressure basically all the time. 
Wen Qing
Submission 1: Doctor, mad scientist, war criminal, protective big sister... she has the range!!
Submission 2: Wen Qing my beloved!! She did surgery on a grape. Mad genius for real. Also a loving sister with a very sharp tongue and maybe no sense of how far is too far. Can't wait for them to find her alive in a Koi Tower basement!
Submission 3: Justice for my girl!!!! 
Submission 4: She's bitchy and pragmatic and cares deeply and did an unprecedented operation (experimental and nonconsensual!), what's not to love? Also she deserved better.
Jin Ling
Submission 1: He may be a brat, but he has a good heart and a friendly dog. He thinks he's the main character of a much less intense story which keeps almost getting him killed 
Submission 2: Bestest boy in the whole world. He's got a dog! A helicopter uncle! His dad's sword! Yeah he can be a little brat but he's SIXTEEN okay (or thirteen, or whatever, MXTX HELP) and he's got an incredible capacity for forgiveness. He's so good!
Xue Yang
Submission 1: No propaganda submitted
Submission 2: It's not that he's evil. He lacks empathy and he goes into a disassociative state and commits atrocities.
Xiao Xingchen
No propaganda submitted
Song Lan 
No propaganda submitted
Fairy (Jin Ling’s dog)
Submission: The cutest, smartest, and goodest doggo! She's the one who led WangXian to the Nie sword tomb to save Jin Ling! and led Jiang Cheng to Guanyin Temple to save Jin Ling! and led Lan cultivators to the temple to help Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen (and Jin Ling!)
Submission: this sword has been through a lot…
Lan Xichen
Submission: Pay your respects to the captain of the WangXian ship! Those idiots would keep pining for another 13282627 years if it weren't for him!
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{First love. It’s one of those feelings you’ll never forget. People tell you that, no matter how much time passes, that first love will always hold a special place in your heart. I didn’t really know just how true that was, but for me, I don’t think I’ll ever forget mine.
For me, my first, and only love, has been Troy Bolton. He came into my life at a time that I needed him the most, and no matter where life takes us, I’ll never forget how he made me feel, or the person I became simply by having him in my life. It’s funny when you consider I was so mad at my mom when her job transferred her to New Mexico. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t have anything against Albuquerque, but it was just the fact that I was tired of moving around. You finally make a few friends, and you get adjusted into a new school, and suddenly you’re packing up and moving again. Needless to say, I became really good at goodbyes. Fortunately for me, my mom made it clear to her bosses that she wouldn’t accept another transfer, after that last one, until I graduated from high school. I was lucky because it was in Albuquerque, or more accurately, at East High that I finally figured out who I am. It was my season of firsts… First love… first kiss… first time singing in front of an audience without passing out… first time in a school musical… first time that I had a whole circle of really great friends… And the list goes on. I loved everything about East High, especially Troy Bolton. Then college happened and I didn’t know where that would leave Troy and I. Sure, just like any high school couple, you make the promise to give it your best shot, but with distance and the busyness of college, it starts to weigh on a relationship. At least that’s what people like Taylor, Chad, Kelsie, and my mom warned me. I don’t know, though… When it came to Troy and me, I knew if anyone could defy the odds and make our relationship last, it was us.
For our parts, we did give it our best shot. We went strong through our first year of college, even the second-year defied expectations, but as it continued, I could feel us starting to drift apart. It made sense, though. I mean, we both made new friendships at college, we both had heavy loads with our classes and assignments, and we were both also involved in extracurriculars at college, too. All that to say, it didn’t leave much time for each other. Our weekend meet ups and dates gradually dwindled to once a month, if we were lucky, and over time, it just became one disappointment and canceled date after another for us. In the end, we decided it was best just to end our relationship. It was nobody’s fault, really. Just reality became a bit too much for us to continue holding on to our “kindergarten fantasies,” you could say.
My senior year was wrapping up at college, and I was still undecided on what I wanted to do next. Sure, I had job offers lining up, but nothing had really stuck out to me yet, regarding which path I wanted to choose. My mom had since been transferred back to Albuquerque and was living in our old house, so I had strongly considered taking a position that I had been offered at a law office in Albuquerque, but I still wasn’t sure. I mean, maybe a change in scenery is what I needed. Still, Albuquerque was the place that still felt most like home, so maybe that was my answer. I silently considered as I left the dining hall and started back toward my dorm room to continue packing up. I had no sooner reached my dorm room when I got a text from Taylor asking me if I was returning for the alumni event being held for our graduating class back at East High. Sure, I recalled reading the email a few times… Going back and forth on whether or not I wanted to do this, but in the end, I was still undecided, at best. Don’t get me wrong, it might be really nostalgic to be back at East High again, and it would be great to see my friends, but I was admittedly nervous about seeing Troy} Maybe… {I texted back in response as I continued packing up my dorm room; stacking my packed bins in the corner of the room, so they would be ready to load into my SUV once I finished finals later this week.
Days passed, graduation happened, and I found myself back in Albuquerque. I was still undecided on which job I was going to take, but for now, I was indefinitely moved back into my mom’s house. After going back and forth for weeks, Taylor managed to convince me to attend the alumni event at East High this weekend, so I now found myself in front of my closet door mirror trying on one outfit after another in search of just the perfect outfit. I was never this indecisive about what to wear, but I don’t know, I guess the possibility of seeing Troy today left me feeling nervous} “The one you’re wearing is perfect. Now put those shoes on, and let’s go.” {I heard Taylor’s bossy voice ringing out from behind me; prompting a bright smile to my face. Squealing softly in excitement while rushing over toward her to greet her with a hug} I didn’t know you were coming here to get me. {I said as we exchanged a long overdue hug with each other. She chuckled lightly and replied} “I figured if we’re both going into that school with the chance of having to face our ex-boyfriends, or worse yet, Sharpay Evans, we’d need each other for moral support.” {I nodded in response and smiled as we broke the hug. I took one last look in the mirror after slipping into the shoes Taylor suggested for me to wear. I still wasn’t a hundred percent convinced that this was the right outfit to go with, but it would do. I thought with a silent nod as I grabbed my purse and keys. Not a moment too soon since I felt Taylor grab my hand; tugging me out of my bedroom, downstairs, and ultimately out to her awaiting vehicle. A nervous sigh leaving my lips as I got situated in the passenger’s side seat of her vehicle} “We’ve got this. I mean, we’re all in this together, right?” {She said with a knowing smile and a giggle as she started up the vehicle and then with an exhaled breath, she pulled away from my house; taking the familiar drive to East High School for what could potentially be an unforgettable weekend for us both}
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brunchable · 2 years
Book of the Damned (Halloween Special Oneshot) || Sinister Strange x Reader
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Word Count: 1.9K Warning: Dark Themes, Heavy Violence and Gore, Mentions of blood, Symptoms of Possession. A/N: I dunno who wants to be tagged or not so I just tagged the people who I see in my notifs often hehe.
Demonic Oppression: Activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and relationship troubles. tags: @goldencherriess @gaitwae @classicrebound @gwephen @thealleydog @lucimorningst4r @allie131313 @dragonqueen89 @xunquish-blog @d0ct0rstrangewife @pinkplayer14 @ironstrange1991 @mirikusashes @strangeobsessed @jyessaminereads @boop-le-snoot @pinkthick
You squeezed toothpaste onto your toothbrush and began brushing. Every move you made these days was tentative, measured and usually uninterrupted. But it would only take one tug on your t-shirt, one jab in your ribs and you'd be packing and running again, looking for the next cheap hotel where you might go unmolested for a few days. But the thing wouldn’t leave you alone for long. It wasn’t as though you lived in a haunted house and could run out the door and be safe. This thing followed you wherever you went.
It had begun when you and some friends had gone to the infamous abandoned Sanctum at the end of the street on Halloween. As kids you've been told to stay away from that house because it used to be the house of a very suspicious man that disappeared without a trace a long time ago. Some say it was because he was a sorcerer and did magic works involving curses and other forms of very dark magic.
Prior to exploring the abandoned sanctum. You had visions of bubbly potions, spell books but what actually awaits your group was something far more powerful.
You and your friends were feeling your way along a corridor where the gloom overwhelmed all of you like a rising tide of black water. You heard what sounded like someone slurping or sucking very close to your ear. It was both disgusting and frightening at the same time. 
“Who’s there?” you yelled, “If that's one of you guys it's not funny!”  You had thought it was one of your friends messing with you. 
"(Y/N)! Over here." You saw your friend peer through down the hallway, waving to you to come over. You jogged to where they were and you found them huddled over a table.
"What did you guys find?" You asked Mavi, halting directly opposite from her on the dusty, circular table.
"Troy thinks it's a spell book. . . I think, It's a souvenir from some random crystal shop." Mavi snorts while she flips the pages and Troy glares at her.
"Who studies ancient languages here? It clearly says Darkhold." Troy traced the words with his finger. 
"Alright then, since you're the expert, why don't you read. . ." Mavi flicked through the book and randomly chose a page, "This." 
"It says it's an awakening spell." Troy held his flashlight towards the book.
"Sigils vicissim, sigils apertas. Et aperi oculos tuos. Carne teneantur tenere tenebras que. Palatium, carcere."
After Troy read those words, silence loomed all around you, not even white noise could be heard. All of your flashlights began malfunctioning and all of you began swearing out of panic as it flickered.
You stood in the darkness for a few moments, just breathing, smacking the light repeatedly in your hand. It was pitch black, your eyes still adjusting after staring at the sickly yellow light for so long. The darkness felt heavy. Really heavy. 
You felt Troy's muffled voice and a gush of wind as if he had been snatched in the dark.
"Troy!?" You and Mavi screamed, but no response.
"Very funny, Troy!" Your voice echoed through the silence. Still, no response.
The pressure on your chest became heavier and you felt like something was watching you and Mavi. The hairs on the back of your neck rise, like a bug buzzing away by your ears, trying to crawl in and get a taste of eardrum. Your head snapping side to side to try and catch a pair of eyes in the shadows. 
You smacked your flashlight again and this time it flickered on. And what you saw made you freeze in fear, causing Mavi to become curious as to what you saw behind her. When she turned around, the entity seized her by her neck and drained her of her soul. You stared at her crumpled body for a moment. The bearded man smiled brightly from across the room with his arm wrapped around her as blood trickled down both his hands and your friend's eyes.
You screamed, of course, and stumbled out, falling back onto the wooden floor and hitting your head. You look back as you heard the loud thud as Mavi's body dripped onto the floor and the man in black had gone like a puff of smoke.
But the thing hadn’t gone away since that day.
You were on the move so much, jobs were hard to hang onto. You had enjoyed the diner job, but after a string of dropped trays and spilled coffees, you had been fired on the spot, even though the owner and his wife liked you. It was the worst thing it had done up to that point.
A party of six sat at a round table in the back of the dining area. You were carrying a tray of plates above your shoulder on one hand when you heard the frightening and familiar intake of breath through moist teeth. It had been right next to your face, like some sick, sex crazed idiot, leaning in, ready to stick his tongue in your ear.
But there was no one there to see. You already knew that. Then you had been struck in the middle of your back with such force that it drove you between two women at the table who only wanted their salisbury steak and mashed potatoes but got you on the slide instead. You landed in the middle of the table. Plates, entrees and sides came raining down on everyone.
Of course no one was going to buy your story about a sinister spectre following you around, terrifying and physically assaulting you at random moments, so you didn’t offer to tell them. You just collected your tips and walked out the door with gravy dripping from the end of your nose.
You finished brushing and wiped your face. It was hot during mid summer that meant it was humid as well. You pulled your thigh length t-shirt over your head and tossed it aside. You tugged on the chain hanging from the ceiling fan and lay down on the bed. The breeze cooled your skin and felt like a stream of cool water running along your body.
You had been sleeping for a couple of hours. What woke you was a tingling on your thigh, like fingertips lightly brushing across your skin. The sensation travelled slowly toward your navel, circled and traversed the valley between your breasts. You kicked the air and threw yourself off the bed. 
“No, stop it, stop it!” you shouted.
But the thing wanted more this time and drove into your abdomen like a lineman on a football team. You landed on your back, the carpet grinding and burning your skin. The thing was on top of you. The sucking sound was next to your ear, and you felt teeth biting your neck. You clawed the air where there should have been a face, but your fingernails found no skin to shred.
You kicked and fought until you were able to scramble to your feet. You grabbed your purse and a robe and bolted out the door. You put the robe on, jumped into your car and left a rooster tail of gravel behind when you exited the parking lot. Hopefully you had left that horrible thing behind as well.
You were on a four lane thoroughfare headed east, trying to obey the speed limit. Your heart had stopped racing and you tried to think about what to do next. Getting another room would be useless. You wouldn’t sleep and that thing would probably show up anyway. You decided you would go home to your apartment. Running wasn’t any safer than home, so you watched for the next off ramp. The traffic was normal, which meant there were a lot of cars on the road.
You felt pressure on her right elbow. The pressure increased, and it grew harder to keep the steering wheel straight. You were drifting toward the centre line dividing your lane from traffic going the opposite direction. The pressure exploded into a solid shove, and you were in the wrong lane with an eighteen wheeler bearing down on you. You screamed and threw all your weight downward onto the right side of the steering wheel. The car veered back to your side of the road, and you recovered control.
You drove for a couple more miles. The lights of a police car were not a total surprise after what just happened. You could imagine the 911 operator trying to handle dozens of incoming calls about a lunatic driver on the expressway.
You pulled to the side of the road, as far away from the speeding traffic as you could. Two officers approached your vehicle. One came to your side, and the other walked around shining a light through your windows.
“Ma’am,” said the first officer in a voice raised so he could be heard above the noise of the traffic. “Could you show me your driver’s licence, registration and proof of insurance, please.”
Your heart was still racing, your hands shook with adrenalin. Sweat rolled down your face and dripped off her chin and nose. 
“Yes, officer. Just…a minute while I try to find it.” you were digging, looking for the envelope that held the documents. You felt the pressure point return again, this time on your upper back. You took the steering wheel in the chest. Cartilage cracked with loud pops, and ribs dislocated. You couldn’t take a full breath to scream.
The officer was stunned. “Ma’am?” He reached for the door handle but instead of stepping toward the car, he was thrust backward into the oncoming traffic. The sound of impact was almost imperceptible due to the speed of the automobile that took him out. His body skidded a few metres with a trail of brains and blood.
The other officer was standing clear of the door, firearm drawn, shouting at you to step out of the car. He kept glancing toward the traffic, hoping against hope for his partner. “Get out of the car, ma’am, get out now!”
“Officer, it wasn’t me, I didn’t do anything,” you screamed back.
The officer’s arm raised slowly and you took a shallow breath of relief. But the arm was bending at the elbow until the barrel was pointed at the officer’s face. Then it was discharged.
You screamed but couldn’t look away.
For one long, horrible second, the police officer stayed standing, trapped in time, his face twisted into something you could nearly call a smile. You could almost look at him and think everything was okay, like there wasn’t a black, finger-thick hole poked in the middle of his forehead. The officer made a horrible gurgling noise and tilted backward and toppled to the ground like a felled tree.
You were frozen in place, sobbing quietly, unable to move, finding it impossible to process the horrible things you'd just witnessed.
Traffic had come to a stop on both sides of the expressway and an eerie silence fell over the scene. You sat in your car, barely able to breathe. You heard the crunching sound of boots on gravel and waited for another officer to step up or maybe an ambulance driver. Have you heard of an ambulance yet? Surely they would come. The crunching stopped. You looked out the window, but there was no one looking back. No one you could see, at least.
“Leave me alone,” you said. The demand came out as a whimper, scared that you were going to be next. Then, for the first time, it spoke.
“Hmmm, broken. I need a new toy.” His deep voice sounded very disappointed and the crunching sound resumed and faded into the night.
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diesoonandsuffer · 1 year
please clap.
i never actually did an update on my thoughts post since season 3, so i figured before i watched the movies i'll do a summary of my thoughts on the show.
first off it apparently took me over a year to finish it since i started in july of 2022, and it's now august of 2023. this isn't because i didn't like it or anything, i just kept doing other stuff and unlike with tos, i wasn't watching it WITH someone, so i wasn't on a schedule of any kind. however i did enjoy the show, i grew to like the characters quite a lot and i was invested in their stories. it was definitely a different vibe to tos, while tos is quite episodic, campy, and a bit dated, tng is less campy, a bit less episodic, and slightly less dated lol. it did kind of annoy me that we would start to get these longer arcing plots and then they would be abandoned or forgotten. for example at the beginning of the show it seemed like riker and troi were going to have a lot more "drama" in the show but nothing really happened with them, and then at the very end of the show they put her with worf and don't really explore that fully. i don't just mean romantic pairings but that's an example of what i mean. there was also just a general quality difference in episodes, maybe it was more noticeable here than in tos since tng was longer, but towards the end of the show in particular we got really good episodes followed by quite shit ones. by the time the show ended i didn't really feel like it was ready to end, if that makes sense. i feel like it was always toeing the line between being episodic and being a show with long plots. in general -- was fun. i had a good time. i've forgotten a lot from the beginning but oh well.
here i'll give my thoughts on the characters since that's what i used to do. in no particular order:
picard: i really don't have many strong opinions about him, some episodes he definitely was more entertaining than others. i think i would have liked to see him fail more often because generally he seems too capable at times. i do enjoy the rare moments where he loosens up. despite the longer screentime he had i weirdly feel like he has less depth than kirk? let me know if this is a crazy take but i don't feel like picard is a particularly complicated man, he doesn't seem like he has a lot of inner turmoil or conflict about things, meanwhile kirk is going through it at all times. not to constantly compare the two but. well, i just did
troi: the most beautiful woman in the world i'm such a whore when i look at her. when she got a real uniform i whooped and hollered and when she become a COMMANDER bitch?!?!?! i really do wish they did more with her character she had sooooooo much potential with being half-betazed and they never really give it the exploration it deserves, they use it when its convenient and forget when it isn't. i feel like if we had gotten one more season she could have really shined but they were like i know let's spend the last couple of episodes we have with her making her date worf i guess. also why did they give her mom so much trauma. that wasn't nice.
worf: i grew to like him more and more as the show went on, like whenever i would realize the episode i was watching was going to be a worf-focused episode i would get excited. he's one of those unintentionally funny characters which makes him entertaining, but i also find it interesting seeing the way he balances his klingon heritage with his role as a starfleet officer. i love how much he loves being a klingon, and how he always wants to teach other people about it and let them, in turn, learn more about him. he cares deeply and he tries hard even if he doesn't get it right. i know he's in ds9 so i'm happy to see more of him when i finally get to that
riker: we didn't get enough of him tbh. it felt like there would be multiple season gaps between his solo episodes. like for someone who is the first officer he didn't feel very relevant to the show, they stopped caring about his character after a while. he would have maybe a small arc in certain episodes but he was mostly there because he had to be? maybe the sporadic way i watched is effecting my memory on this. but i really like him, i think he's funny and i like his rogue tendencies.
geordi: we also didn't get enough of geordi. i love him but i feel like i barely know anything about him. but i love how genuinely kind and caring he is, and he's also in the scotty position of "the ship would fall apart without him" i feel like every episode picard would be like geordi fix this! help! also i wish he would have kissed the android.
data: hey it's the android. i love this dude. however i am getting a little overexposed to the dude and i know the movies are only going to continue that. idk why by s6-7 they were like "we're out of ideas for data. what if he liked killing and hurt his crewmates and was maybe evil" which is so lazy. like it would all somehow get resolved by the end and everyone would just move on like data wasn't a genocide machine two minutes ago. the finale reminded me of the way data used to be, where he would constantly ask people questions and say obvious things, and i realized i really missed that. he has dreams and shit now he's not really as compelling. he's been a human to me from day 1 so they didn't need to do all that. however brent spiner continues to be very funny.
beverly: um she certainly was there. don't get me wrong i like her but i feel like i never had any strong attachment to her. she didn't get many solo episodes and the last one i can remember (with the fucking. ghost?) was not good. yeah i can't really think of anything else to say. she's fine.
wesley: ok i know he like left the show after a certain point but i would be remiss to mention again that his arc did not end in a good way and he should get to take a NAP why does he have to keep being SO SPECIAL. also why does anyone ever hate this kid he was like 12 he literally was so non offensive to the show. but i did really like every time he came back after wil wheaton left i feel like wesley brings a new perspective to the show that is needed.
honorable mention ro laren: she's my icon right now so i feel like i have to mention her. i would have loved to see more of her in the show, i found her character really compelling and complex. i liked how she was always a bit of a bitch. i'm on the fence of how i feel about her arc ending, i feel like the episode with geordi and the one where she was turned into a kid both were made to help her feel more like the enterprise could be a home for her. they didn't give me much reason to believe otherwise? i don't care about her leaving, i liked that both her and wesley left starfleet even if the show didn't have the time or capacity to explore it, but i didn't fully believe her reasoning. but i loved every time she was there.
i have probably forgotten. many things. i was in the sun all day and maybe have heat exhaustion. but i'm starting generations in like 10 minutes and i realized i needed to make this post before i watched it. thank you for coming along on this year-long journey of me watching tng. we did it boys
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weirdo09 · 1 year
be mine(just for a while i’m afraid)
a byler(bywheelclair) criminal past 90’s au fic
warnings: (slight) drug addiction/abuse, alcohol abuse, character death(one real, another staged), suicide attempts, (mentions of) overdose, depression, self harm(cutting), cigarettes, homophobia and troy walsh(he’s his own warning)(tell me if i missed anything!)
‘crime wasn’t usually high in a city like hawkins, well until these two came along. who are these two you ask? well, one goes by the name ‘mj’. all we know about him is that he stands at about 5’10-11 feet tall, he has jet black hair and pale skin. the other guy goes by no name we’ve heard but many people have called him ‘the lone one’. if you think you’ve saw them, please call your local police.’
will turned off the tv after all. ‘huh, so they are looking for me, too bad they’ll never catch me.’ he thought, smirking. will was considered a criminal in his own right but he’d like to call himself a vigilante. living in a big city like hawkins, most people could get away with small crime and it wasn’t like will exactly chose what he did for a living. it started about a couple years ago, he was fresh out of high school, looking forward to the world ahead him except those dreams would soon be crushed for his mom died months before his graduation.
her will split the money evenly between him and his older brother, jonathan. after that, will didn’t really see the whole point of living. so, he turned to stealing, small things that is. this coping mechanism didn’t exactly help but the rush almost made will forget about his mom’s death. soon, he and his brother’s relationship began to strain, jonathan being too busy with his new life to mind his own brother. that hurt for a while so, will dived deeper into the stealing rabbit hole. now, look at him, considered a criminal and still hurting as much as he did before. though, he’d like to say that he’s better off even with the bounty on his head.
he still had friends, other family and a ‘normal’ life, just not under his name. ‘william jacob byers’ was merely a name of a boy who went missing, surprisingly only four weeks after his mother’s death. will knew his brother was looking for him and if he still had the same spirit he had before his little brother left him, he probably still is. since his ‘disappearance’, will’s changed his name, his life, his whole identity, he was officially someone he couldn’t recognize and i like to think that he liked it that way. will without the tragedies and burdens that had inflicted him so early in life made him smile but also made him cry. he often wonders if his life would’ve been better if he didn’t fake it.
mike had watched his ‘name’ appear on the news, mj short for michael james. he smiled softly, putting out his cigarette. they were trying to catch him but with no avail for he resided on the outskirts of the big city of hawkins, indiana. he had a nice cozy apartment to himself, which was nice but often made him feel like he was missing something, an important piece to his life. mike filled that empty spot with drugs, hoping they’d do their intended job. they haven’t worked so far but he’s hopeful. hopeful, such a funny thing hope is. he was a hopeful child, people said, a child with dreams and ambitions impossible to achieve. ‘guess those assholes were right after all.’ mike thought grimly.
he had grown up in a small town, ironically with the same name as indiana’s second largest city, hawkins. oh, he hated that town, with their same houses, same lawns, same cars, same everything. it irked him like something never before. don’t even get him started on his family, his mother was considered a saint but was nothing of the sort. she settled down young, her ambitions and dreams seemed nonexistent when she settled with ted wheeler, a older rich man. karen wheeler, a pretty woman with an average family in an average suburban neighborhood in an average small town. god, mike hated it, the always pretending to be someone he wasn’t, always hiding parts of himself that he’d love to show, always been his mother’s little doll to dress and control whenever she saw fit.
mike hated that town with his whole being, possibly even more so. those years pretending to be a perfect family, a perfect example of how a good family should be almost crushed his dreams entirely. but then, after high school, it seemed like his world opened up. suddenly, all those dreams, ambitions and aspirations could come a reality. it was sad to look back on now, seeing how naive and gullible he once was. that day changed something inside him forever. june 30th, two three weeks after his high school graduation, he was officially 18 years old and the world was at the palm of his hand until it wasn’t. how mike regretted that day, that day he left his little sister and never came back. he hated himself deeply for leaving her in that house with those strangers.
him, giving into his own selfish desires, left that house as soon as he could. getting the best of him, mike just couldn’t find the strength to leave his precious baby sister but he did eventually. that night, holly had walked into his room to see mike about to crawl out his window. “mikey, where are you going?” she asked sleepy, mike turned to her voice and got up from the window. “oh, holly jolly, i’m just going to leave for a bit.” mike said sweetly, now that he looked back on it, it might as well have been bittersweet. “when are you coming back?” holly asked, tears threatening to come out her eyes. mike sighed before pulling his sister in a hug, “as soon as can, hol, as soon as i can.” he whispered to her, who was now crying softly in his shoulder. “i’ll visit you, ok? we can call and send letters to each other. it’ll be ok, holly, i promise.” mike said with a smile on his face.
‘i promise, about the biggest ounce of bullshit i ever told.’ mike thought, lighting another cigarette. he visited a few times before he couldn’t bear the stares, the questions of when he’d get a girlfriend, a wife or kids, the sickeningly happy atmosphere. it was too much for mike so he stopped visiting and it hurt him more than anything else. to see his sister stuck with those people, those people who made his childhood a living hell. mike cries himself to sleep about it every night, a daily ritual. soon after that, he found a love for stealing, the emptiness in him that couldn’t be fixed with drugs was fixed(temporarily) with the rush of stealing. oh that adrenaline rush seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive, for his dreams were impossible to achieve, too much for little old him so he tucked them away in the back of his mind along with his old identity.
these days, will wasn’t too keen on stealing anything too big. he just wanted the stability of a normal life, the warmth of his mother. both of which he couldn’t have, so he spent the day lying away, thinking about the future that creep straight up behind him. then, an idea struck him. will decided to go on a run, no stealing intended, just something to clear his clear. so he went up out of his apartment, towards the autumn air with a sense of….life? whatever it was, it made him feel like a person for a while. he was content until he was met by a strange figure. the figure seemed taller, about a good four-five inches, had on a sweater, with their jet black hair in a ponytail and light blue jeans. they were sitting on a bench, smoking a cigarette. the smell reminded will of his mother, which drew him near.
will, giving into his impulse, sat down next to the stranger. “uh, hi.” he said, the stranger turned to him, put their cigarette in the other hand. “hey.” they said with a half smile. “what’s your name?” will asked, mentally yelling at himself to stop right now. the stranger chuckled, “my name’s mike, but my friends call me mj.” mike replied before returning to his cigarette. ‘mj? where had he heard that name before? never mind that.’ will thought before saying, “nice name, mine’s will.” ‘will, will, will, will’ mike thought, his name was so strange yet so familiar. it wasn’t really strange, just strange considering he knew a boy named will, well loved a boy named will before he went missing and was reported dead. “nice, what are you doing in hawkins?” mike asked, taking another drag of his cigarette. “just..to visit some family, you?” will replied, mike gave him a look.
he could have sworn he had seen him somewhere once before but alas could not remember. mike was thrown out of his train of thought when will bluntly said, “you know, those things are going to kill you.” nodding at the cigarette. mike guffawed and smiled grimly, “gets the job done faster.” he replied and will frowned. “dying won’t solve all your problems, believe me, i’ve tried.” he said before looking down at his hands. sure, he’s tried to kill himself a few times after his mother’s death, as he felt he could never go on without her and if he did, he’d be betraying her. those first few months were like absolute hell, people giving their condolences and their fake vows of sympathy, he just wanted it all to stop, she wasn’t gone, she was still here, inside of him couldn’t they see? she’s still here!
he still remembers the first night without her, he walked into her room and laid there, sobbing. he wondered why they didn’t take him instead, why they had to take away the one person who loved him regardless. so, he slept in her room for a few days then being in there was too hurtful and he went back to his own room. his brother seemed to be the one who was given forgiveness to the most, it was like people almost completely forgot that he lost her too and it hurt him. soon, the suicide attempts started. the first happened two weeks after, he got some pills and popped them, knocking out instantly. he woke up in a hospital bed, sadly alive. that night he sobbed again, wishing he was dead and with his mom, wishing the pain would go away. will had to promise his brother that night that would never do that again, though that promise was very short lived. a week later, he tried to drown himself in the tub. luckily, jonathan got there before he could actually do it. the two brothers sobbed that night, “i can’t live without her, jonny.” will said wetly in jonathan’s shoulder, he just agreed patting his younger brother’s back.
some bad days, will tries to kill himself then panics and chickens out. he hasn’t tried recently and he’s kind of glad. life’s gotten a little bit better since then, her death anniversary still stings but it’s often welcomed with visiting her grave and crying most of the day. mike looked at will with a somber look, “you know, you’re a strange man, will,” he began to say then continued, “i’d say that i kinda like it.” mike finished, will chuckled softly. they talked for a while, what they talked about, i’m not sure but i know it made the both of them really happy.
the day after, mike was still thinking of will. c’mon who’d want to forget him? his chestnut brown hair that peeked out from his hoodie, his hazel green eyes, those eyes that were once on another he knew, just as lively. god, he desperately wanted to cry, as will was a reminder of his childhood sweetheart. will byers, his best friend turned lover, gone just like that and right after his mom died from lung cancer too. mike stared at his pack of cigarettes, how the irony. he stared out his window, wondering what to do today. then, it hit him, nov 6th, the day that will was reported missing and never came back, four weeks after his mom died. jonathan was distraught, having two of his family members gone like that, fours weeks apart.
the older boy left hawkins shortly after that, word spread that he currently resided in california with some friend. mike stopped to wonder if he noticed what today was too, if he was hurting just a much as he was. he knew that it probably wasn’t true for their bond was stronger than him and will’s, and the fact that they weren’t on the best of terms when he went missing. finally, mike cried, he cried and cried until who knows how long. such a funny thing, all he seemed to do now was cry and bitch and moan and smoke.(he only smoked when he was really stressed and now it seemed like that was all the time) after what seemed forever, mike was exhausted, ready to do something stupid that he’d forget tomorrow. so, he decided to drink his problems away then smoke ‘em away again tomorrow.
mike walked into his little kitchen and opened his wine cabinet, pulling out whatever wine was nearest and brought the bottle to his bed. he laid on his desk and then laid down on his bed, remembering he forgot a glass. after he got one, he started pouring glassful after glassful. mike felt tipsy but it was nothing he couldn’t handle, he had to thank his father for the high alcohol tolerance. mike put the bottle away and stared out the window once more. maybe he should’ve died that day instead of will, maybe then will might’ve reciprocated his feelings, maybe just maybe.
november 6th, 1988, the day will byers was reported missing from his home in hawkins, indiana. funny how the night before, he and his best friend parted ways by kissing each other goodbye. they only dated for about two months but it was evident that they loved each other dearly. “bye, mike, see you tomorrow.” will said, climbing on his bike. “bye, will.” mike said, smiling before stealing another kiss from his boyfriend. ‘boyfriend’, such lovely word when you’re in love and oh how in love mike was. will waved goodbye then faded away down the road, something in mike’s gut told him to come back but it was too late for in the morning, he would be gone. a week later, he was pronounced dead, only a few people came to his funeral mike included. he cried during the whole ceremony, jonathan came to check on him. “hey, mike, how are you doing?” he asked, mike stared at him, tears still flowing down his pale, flushed freckle covered cheeks.
“shouldn’t i be asking you that? i mean you just lost your brother.” mike asked, fidgeting with his collar, staring down at will inside his coffin, they decided to do an open casket, mike was disturbed by how peaceful will’s corpse looked. jonathan pulled mike into a hug, “yeah but you just lost your boyfriend.” jonathan said the last part in a whisper, hawkins was full of homophobes. that part only made mike cry harder, “i really loved him, jonathan.” he whispered, jonathan nodded. “he really loved you too, mike.” he whispered back. mike chuckled, wiping the tears from his eyes. “ready to put him in the ground?” jonathan asked, mike frowned a bit. “too soon?” mike’s face contorted to a scowl. “yea, a bit.” he replied. the two watched as will was put into the soil, a handful of people who were there crying, mike scowled again. these people didn’t even know will, let alone like him.
mike knew trouble was about to brew when he saw his childhood bully, troy out the corner of his eye. for some reason, he saw him laughing and joking with james. then all of a sudden, troy began to walk towards him. just as he needed jonathan, he went up and left for some reason. once troy approached, mike was still. “hey, wheeler aren’t you happy that that fairy’s finally died? oh wait, aren’t you a fairy too?” troy said tauntingly, mike really resisted the urge to roll his eyes. he sighed, “what do you want, troy?” mike asked, already fed up with his bullshit. “oh nothing, just wanted to make sure that the fag was really died and now look at him! he probably killed by some othe-!” troy began to say but was interrupted by mike’s fist colliding with his cheek. surprisingly, he fell backward, blood was flowing out of his nose.
mike looked down at his fist, some of the fingers were covering in blood. he saw as troy’s mom approached her son. “what is going on here?” she asked then took a look at her son and mike. she stood in terror, giving a scared look at mike then grabbing her son, running away from the ceremony. jonathan came back after that, “hey, mike what happene-.” jonathan began to ask but had already put the puzzle pieces together. the rest of that evening mike spent in the police station, troy and his mom had charged him for assault and for some reason, attempted murder. mike sat there, unresponsive like he wasn’t even there. after that, they determined that the charges should be dropped and mike was discharged. he sure got an earful from his mom though.
“why did you hit that boy, mike?” she asked once they got back home, mike just walked right past her. “michael! look at me when i’m speaking to you!” karen demanded, mike shot her a hateful glare. “do you really want to know or is this just your absolute need for gossip?” mike snapped at her, karen’s face contorted into shock. “well, if you do want to know, i hit that boy, troy, my childhood bully because he kept calling will a fairy and a bunch of other slurs!” mike raised his voice a bit, hoping to get his voice across. karen asked somberly “what happened to my sweet little boy?” mike scoffed, “that ‘sweet’ little boy had to grow up because you just couldn’t handle having kids, could you, karen? you know me and nancy practically raised holly while you were out and about parading around like you were some single woman!” he hissed, karen stood there. “wha-, how did you even-?” she began to ask but mike interrupted, “oh, how do i know? how do i fucking know? because you left your wedding ring on the sink and you didn’t could home til 12 in the morning, karen. should i go on?”
mike asked, all his pent up anger now showing it’s face at his mom. “you know what? go to your room!” karen shouted, mike shouted back, “gladly!” he ran up the steps and slammed his door. karen collapsed on the floor, she was exhausted but not because of tiredness, because her perfect average life was crumbling right under her feet, her perfect little family torn apart all because of her. she pulled herself back up and grabbed a bottle of wine to wash away her pain. thinking back on that, mike was again hit with the sense of irony. here he was, with a bottle of wine hoping to wash his pain away. guess he was more like his mom then he thought, mike scowled at that.
will woke up with a sense that today was special but couldn’t figure out why. then, he realized today was the day that he went ‘missing’. he remember that day bright and clear. well almost clear, he remembered kissing mike and leaving his house then, he rode his bike down the road and everything was fuzzy after that. november 6th, 1988, the day will byers went ‘missing’ and was reported ‘dead.’ here’s what really happened as will ride his bike down the road, he didn’t think that cars would still be out that night and unluckily as he was, he got hit. it wasn’t anything too serious, a mild concussion, a broken left arm and a left kneecap. the stranger was hospitable enough to take him to the hospital, there will would stay for two-three weeks. while everyone in hawkins thought he was died, really will was there in the hospital. he was released sunday, november 20th, exactly two weeks after the incident and a week after his ‘death’.
will unfortunately suffered amnesia and couldn’t remember where he was from so one of the doctors offered to take him in until he fully recovered. this doctor’s name was jim hooper, who lost his youngest daughter a few years back. will found him intimidating at first but he warmed up to him eventually. saturday, november 21st, 1988, he was on his way to hawkins, the big city to live with jim and his other daughter, eleanor ‘el’. to say that el was a strange sort was an understatement, she was unique to say the most. she was louder than most girls will had known.(the few he could remember) she was also strongly influenced by the world and people around her, will thought that he’d get to know her nicely. he then spent two years with the hopper family, his concussion ended months ago, though bits and pieces were still hard to remember but they were happy to let him stay longer til he was back on his feet.
tuesday, november 6th, 1990, will was officially leaving the hopper’s house. he decided that he was ready to go and explore what else this (cruel) world had to offer him. el was the first to cry when the three were sitting outside the driveway in the fall sun. she grabbed will into a massive bear hug, “don’t forget about us, big bro.” el whispered, will began to cry as well. “i won’t, little sis.” he whispered back. he and hopper exchanged looks, unsure to hug or not. surprisingly, will took the initiative for the hug which hopper happily obliged. they hugged for about four minutes until el interrupted. “c’mon dad, before you convince him to stay any longer.” el joked, grabbing onto hopper’s sleeve. hopper wiped a tear from his eye before saying, “ah, ok, el, i’m really going to miss you, kid.” will smirked, “i’ll miss you too, dad.” hopper embraced will once again, el gave him their house number. “call anytime, i’d love to talk about your new adventures.” she said, smiling. will waved the two goodbye and walked towards the bus stop. next stop on the list, seattle, washington.
there was a supposed grunge scene happening there and will didn’t want to miss it. first, he took a bus to indianapolis. then, he bought a car which he would drive for the rest of the way. after roughly 26 hours, will had made it to seattle. the pacific northwest had a different charm than the midwest, to be honest, will kinda liked it. he found himself an apartment a few blocks away from the paramount theatre. there he loaded his stuff and himself in the tiny apartment they would call home. the first night was terrible, the jet lag was finally hitting him aside from this numbing headache that had magically appeared. in the night, it was still there but fuller than before. will decided to go to a nearby record store to clear his head. he grabbed a coat, his keys and headed off. he couldn’t help but smile at his new atmosphere, noting to call el later about his drive to seattle.
once he arrived at the record store, a certain record caught his attention. ‘bleach’ was on the cover and will knew he just had to buy it. so, he walked inside and noticed that there was really no one there except for the clerk at the register and another guy. he went to grab the record when he and the other guy touched hands, “oh, sorry, you can have it!” will exclaimed nervously, the guy laughed which sounded soothing. “oh, no, it’s ok, you go ahead, take it.” the guy said, handing to will. “thank you, uhm what’s your name?” will asked, smiling. “oh, me? my name’s lucas, how bout you?” lucas asked with a grin on his face. “will, have you lived here long?” will asked as the two walked to the register. “oh no, only about two-three years, you?” lucas asked. “just got here yesterday.” will replied, paying for his stuff.
the two of them continued their conversation outside. “ah, fresh meat then, what brings you to seattle?” lucas asked, will chuckled. “uhm, the music scene, i guess.” he replied, lucas nodded in agreement. “yeah, people have been flooding in the masses to here lately. music’s just a plus. where ya from?” lucas asked as they crossed the street. “indiana, you?” will replied, his feet seemed to mysteriously know the area. “same.” lucas said, “wanna check this new hot dog place ‘round the corner?” he asked, will nodded. most of will’s afternoon was spent hanging out with lucas, they exchanged numbers and parted ways at about 4 pm. when will got home, he searched his tons of boxes for the one labeled ‘kid’s record player’. hopper had to have labeled it. once he got it out, he hooked it up and pulled out his nirvana record.
he checked the back of the record, the first song was love buzz. will began to place the record on the player and put the needle at the start. ‘love buzz’ started to play.
‘would you believe me when i tell you’ ‘you are the queen of my heart’ ‘please don’t deceive me when i hurt you’ ‘just ain’t the way it seems’
kurt’s smooth vocals, the constant beat of the drums and the licks of guitar. will couldn’t get enough, he left the living room shortly to call el and hopper back in hawkins. the song still playing softly in the background.
‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’ ‘can you feel my love buzz?’
will dialed the numbers and waited for them to answer. surprisingly it only took a second. “hey, will! how’s your trip going? did you meet some new people? how’s like wherever you are?” el exclaimed through the phone, will softly winced. “el, slow down, i can’t understand you!” will exclaimed back, tears threatening to fall, he missed his family dearly but el most of all. they were like two peas in a pod the two short years they spent together. they came to each other with everything, el’s a very open person so no secrets could be kept between the two. “oh, ok, hi will, what’s that song in the background?” el asked, holding the phone close to her ear so she could hear everything. “oh it’s love buzz.” will answered, looking over his shoulder. el scrunched her nose “who’s it by?” she asked, “some new band in seattle, nirvana i think.” will answered, el nodded before realizing he couldn’t see her.
“so how’s seattle?” el asked, just barely keeping her excitement to herself. will chuckled, he could feel how excited she was. “it’s nice, i met a guy.” he replied, el could find herself smirking. “is he cute?” she asked, will started to blush. “uh, yeah.” he stammered, el smirked further. “just don’t bring me a niece or nephew too soon!” she joked, will turned raspberry red. “eleanor!” he shouted, el just guffawed. hopper poked into the kitchen, “who’s giving me a grand baby? it better not be you!” hopper said, el chuckled again. “no but will might, he met a guy!” she said, hopper looked at her to know more. “eleanor, pass over the phone, i need to talk with your brother.” hopper said, el whispered into the phone. “good luck, dad heard!” will facepalmed, “i hate you so much, el.” he bemoaned, “i love you too, big bro!” she said before handing the phone to hopper.
“hello, son.” hopper said, will softly grimaced. “hey, dad, how are you?” he asked. “well fine considering your sister just told me you met a guy. what’s his name, what’s he like, do i have to beat his ass?” hopper asked. “oh no no, dad you don’t! he’s great but just a friend and his name’s lucas.” will replied, chuckling softly at his dad’s antics. “oh ok, just don’t send me any grandbabies yet and we’ll be good.” hopper joked, will screeched. “dad, stop! i’ll call you guys later!” will said before hanging up after saying goodbye. he thought about calling lucas until the conversation he had earlier popped into his head.
he blushed hard but called him anyway. the phone ringed and ringed until finally he answered. “sinclair residence.” will heard lucas’ smooth voice and he couldn’t help smiling. “hi, yes i’m looking for lucas, is he there?” will asked, playing along. lucas snorted “why yes, you have him, what’s going on, pretty boy?” lucas asked, will smiled further. “oh nothing, just got off the phone with my family, how about you?” will asked, his eyes closed. “yeah, nothing so far-. erica, put that down!” lucas shouted at someone, will suspected that that was his sister since he remembered lucas mentioning her. “hold on, sorry, pretty boy, i’ll have to call you back later!” lucas said before hanging up. will placed the phone down in its holder and fell out, laughing. seattle was good so far.
days followed into months and months followed into years. will has lived in seattle for 4 years and has dated lucas for 3. funny thing love is, how fleeting and fragile it all is. we met up with will, who was currently making out with lucas. they parted, “i love you, pretty boy.” lucas whispered into will’s ear, his stubble tickling will’s neck. “i love you too, lucas. that day, april 8th, 1994, 3 days after kurt cobain had reported to have killed himself and three weeks before will was to leave seattle to move back to indiana, where he’d bring lucas with him. they turned on the tv and it had been set to the news, where’s the couple would see kurt’s death reported. will stood there in shock, one thing was for sure, his trip here would end soon. lucas looked at him, holding him close, wiping something off will’s face. there were tears, will hadn’t had noticed he had been crying until lucas brought him to his chest, comforting him. there in that tiny apartment, the couple were somber from the new alongside the rest of the grunge world.
friday, april 22nd, 1994, the day that will was scheduled to head back home along with his boyfriend. “i’m really gonna miss this place.” lucas said, looking around the street. they had packed will’s car with the necessities and were about to head on the the road when will started to cry again. lucas frowned, grabbing will’s hand, pulling him close. “what’s wrong, baby?” he asked, will roughly wiped his tears. “it’s nothing, reall-.” will began to say before lucas shot him a look. “oh ok, i guess i’m still sad about leaving.” will admitted sincerely, lucas rubbed his back. “it’s alrigh’, pretty boy. we’ll be ok.” will closed his eyes, reeling into lucas’ warmth. “we’ll be ok.” will repeated to calm his nerves.
crazy to think that was only a few months ago, (back to the november 6th, present day) will and lucas were still going strong. it was just that lucas was away on business and wouldn’t come back until after today. will sighed, he always seemed to slip back into his old habits when lucas wasn’t around. he thought about his mom and that turned into a whole spiral. will walked into the bathroom and grabbed his pocket knife. he cut a small piece of his wrist before making another identical incision. will snapped back to reality and threw the pocket knife back in the drawer, locking it as to never touch it again. he wrapped up his wrist and walked over to the phone. will desperately needed lucas. the phone ringed and ringed before lucas answered.
“hello, lucas sinclair here.” he answered in a groggy voice “uh hey, lucas, it’s will, did i wake you?” will asked, slightly regretting calling him. “oh no, baby, i’ve been up a while. what’s wrong?” lucas asked. will started sniffling, “i was uhm thinking about my mom and i uh cut myself.” he forced out, tears streaming down his face. lucas’ heart softened, “oh ok, did you dress them?” he asked, will hummed. “i need you to hold on for me, ok? i’ll get the next flight there tonight so i can see you, alright?” lucas said, will whined softly. “can you do that? i don’t want to be a bur-.” will began to ask when lucas cut him off. “baby, don’t you dare finish that sentence. i’m don’t give two shits about this damn job, what i care about is you so i’m going to come home tonight. that’s it, you hear me?” lucas asked, will smiled softly and hummed again. “alright, i’ll see you soon, ok? get some sleep and make sure you eat! love you so much, pretty boy.” lucas declared, will smiled harder. “o-o-ok, love you too, lucas.” will said before hanging up.
he then floated to the kitchen, thinking about mike. will knew it was wrong to think romantically about someone else when you’re in a committed relationship. it wasn’t like he didn’t love lucas with all his heart but will also felt a strong connection with him, something he’d felt once before in ‘88. he decided to talk to lucas about all of that later. right now, will was looking for something to eat in the fridge. nothing looked appetizing so he decided to order pizza. will waited as the pizza was to arrived, so he went to watch some tv. he scrolled through channels until he found daria, one of his favorite shows. after the pizza came, will grabbed it, paid the guy and plopped back on the couch.
he ate 6 slices before putting the pizza in the fridge and walking over to the bedroom, instantly falling asleep. will dreamt of his mom, surprise, surprise. she stood in a white gown, unlike her usual style and her hair was glowing down her back. she looked younger, happier, the one thing will couldn’t be without her. “remember that it wasn’t your fault and that i love you, baby, so much. can’t wait to see you.” joyce said, funny thing that those were her last words before dying in a hospital bed 9 hours after.
mike awoke in a cold sweat. nightmares seemed to plague his sleep more and more often. this time, it was about will ‘dying’ and his corpse coming back to tell him that he was all his fault and he never loved him. he was also crying, great, the hangover hit him instantly. mike ran to the bathroom and thankfully, made it to the toilet. after puking his guts out, mike popped a few tylenols, grabbed a glass of water and laid down. after a 2 hour nap, mike awoke still tired. so, he grabbed his pack of cigarettes, his lighter and sat on the fire escape. as mike smoked his first cigarette, he couldn’t help but remember what will had said about them then what he said after. ‘wonder what happened to him to have tried to kill himself…’ mike thought, blowing smoke into the early morning air.
will woke up to someone holding him. when he opened his eyes, there he saw lucas, fast asleep. will tried to get out of his hold but he just held on tighter. he huffed but was glad to get some extra sleep. ‘we’ll talk later i guess.’ will thought before drifting off. about 2 hours later, will was awoken by the smell of breakfast. he jumped up before remembering his wrist, will winced but made his way to the kitchen. there he found lucas dancing to candy rain by soul for real. “hey, baby! come join me!” lucas said, shaking his hips and reaching out a hand to will, who chuckled softly. “but i can’t danc-!” will began to say when lucas pulled him in. “just follow my lead.” lucas whispered. they waltzed, tangoed and slow danced. “ok that’s enough.” will declared, out of breath, lucas agreed.
the morning was spent eating, goofing off and getting ready of the day. lucas helps will redress his scars, which makes will force back tears. “uhm lucas, can we talk?” will said shakily. lucas hummed. “uh this may sound weird but i found a guy that i think i had a past relationship with.” lucas gave him a look, “why do you think?” his voice, strong with no waver. “well i uh got a concussion which basically made me forget the whole relationship and i think that i still love him.” will admitted. lucas stared at will’s arm, he knew that will couldn’t possibly think of breaking up with him. “lucas? i’m not breaking up with you if that’s what you’re thinking. i love the both of you but it’s fine if you don’t want m-.” will began to say when he then placed in lucas’ lap, who gave him a kiss.
“ah no, nena, todavía te quiero.” lucas whispered after pulling apart. will laid his head on lucas’ chest, “do you still love me?” he asked, “sí niño bonito, todavía te amo.” lucas replied, lifting will’s chin and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
after some time, the couple went in a search for mike. they found him at the park. “you should stay here.” will whispered, lucas nodded after looking around and placing a kiss on his cheek. will walked over to mike and took a spot next to him. “do you remember me?” will asked, mike looked at him then smiled. “of course i do, will.” he said, will looked surprised but was happy. he pulled mike into a hug, “is that your boyfriend over there or?” mike whispered in will’s ear, will hummed. “yeah, it’s kinda complicated but i love both of you and he’s ok with it.” will whispered back, mike exhaled. “so he wouldn’t mind if i kissed you right now?” mike asked, letting go of will. will began to blush, “uhm, i guess not bu-.” he began to say then he was interrupted by mike placing his lips onto of his.
it shocked to say the least but, he began to relax into the kiss. mike tasted like smoke and chocolate, will wanted more but, mike broke the kiss and will whined. “don’t worry, you’ll get more when we’re out of plain sight.” mike whispered and will smirked. they held hands, lucas couldn’t help but feel happy for his boyfriend and the three were off, to will’s and lucas’ shared apartment. there will and mike made out the whole time. will couldn’t believe how good mike tasted, it was so good, he really couldn’t get enough. mike broke the kiss to breathe then went at it again. lucas cleared his throat, the two parted, mike was clearly irritated with him. “getting take out, what y’all want?” “chinese is good!” mike hollered before going back to devouring will’s lips, god how long had it been since they kissed like this? mike couldn’t remember but he didn’t want it to stop.
after a few minutes, mike and will settled to cuddling. will was the big spoon with mike the small, who surprisingly fell asleep right after they got comfortable. lucas scooted close to the couple, “ya happy, baby?” he asked, will nodded leaning in for a kiss. lucas took and placed his lips onto of will’s. “take a nap, pretty boy, i’ll wake y’all up when the food gets here.” lucas whispered, will had happily obliged. he dreamt of that day, november 6th, crazy how it still has an effect on him. the driver carrying him to his car, the blood so much blood, the drive to the hospital, the sickeningly clean loud atmosphere, far away from home, from mike. he had flat lines in the hospital, dead in a hospital without family surrounding him, just like his mom….just like his mo-……
will was shooken awake and he screamed. mike was woken up, “what’s wrong, will?” he asked. will shook his head, his throat too tight. “hey, will, look at me.” mike said sternly, lucas looked at will in concern. will look at him, wheezing. “breathe with me, here, in, out, in, out.” mike said, grabbing one of will’s hands and placing it on his heart. will had calmed down 5 minutes later. he held mike’s face in his hands, his fingers in mike’s hair. will was safe, surrounded by the loves of his live, he was ok. will leaned in to kiss mike, he placed his lips on will’s. they kiss only for a second, will bringing mike’s forehead to his. after that, he pulled lucas to him, leaning his head on lucas’ shoulder. mike got out of will’s arms to go get his and will’s food. lucas pulled will into a hug. “you good, now?” he whispered into will’s hair, will nodded, exhaustion slowly taking over.
mike laid will’s head on his shoulder, eating his rice. lucas sat on the end of the couch, will’s legs atop of lucas’ lap. after they finished eating, lucas carried will to bed. the two of them trying to fit themselves in with will. once the three of them were comfortable, they drifted off to sleep. will was content with his boyfriends in their apartment of hawkins city, the small town of hawkins far from will’s mind. here he was, alive with his joys in life right by his side.
tagslist: @foodiewithdahoodie @adorewillbyers @thefruityfours @atbyler @eefonline @hazmatazz @evil-gay-person @finalgirlharrison @cgi-heart-eyes @cringefail-loser @eggo-owl @thatonesongyouretryingtoremember
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dorizardthewizard · 5 months
HSM (2006) rewatch
Part 2: Happy Wildcats New Year!
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Also the way Chad just grabs him like I’M HIS BIGGEST HYPEMAN OUTTA THE WAY PEOPLE
Chad: Because in two weeks, we’re going to the championships, with you leading us to infinity and beyond!
OK Buzz Lightyear
This is so jarring to me because it’s January, right? But everyone is dressed for mild weather, no coats in sight and it’s so green around them? Is it that warm in New Mexico? ...So I googled it and for Albuquerque, they apparently still get pretty chilly winters and can even have snow. It’s funny they filmed at this time but still went for the New Year timeline, they could have easily just had it be at the start of the school year and troyella could meet at some other party. Why am I so focused on this do you ask? idk I live in the UK – if I see a lot of sunshine in a movie, it fascinates me.
Everyone is too happy to be back in school
Idk who started the Wildcats chant but it means Chad didn’t start the very first one in the series!
I saw a post about how Troy actually wears blue and green more than red, and yeah it looks really obvious here in this sea of red. There’s some symbolism there with Chad in red handing Troy the basketball as he talks about him leading them to a championship win, Troy looks a little uncomfortable with all the attention and hands the ball over to someone else.
Sharpay’s iconic strut <3
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Chad’s background music is a sitcom laughtrack, apparently
Jason: Do you remember the night before? Troy: No. Not at all. All I remember is, like, pink jelly.
Troy what the hell happened at that party? Unless he just doesn't want to talk about the karaoke
Genuinely curious does a typical school in the US really have an American flag in every classroom?
WHY DOES CHAD HAVE SO MANY WATCHES. I thought it was just for the Charlie’s Angels scene but nope, that’s just his style apparently. Are they all synced to different timezones?
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Aw Chad checking up on Troy like, the SECOND he starts to act funny
They really did Monique dirty with her fits and that headband. I wish they styled her hair in a way more suited to her hair type but yeah…
Ms Darbus acts and dresses like the spirit of all drama teachers I love it, her look reminds me a bit of my art teacher in school
Troy why would you try to call her? To see if it’s her? Why not just wait until you leave the class? Why did Sharpay and Ryan pick up their phones? Do all three of them have the same ringtone? So many questions.
Bit mean of Darbus to give Gabriella detention within the first 2 minutes, maybe she didn’t know about your cell phone rule! And why didn’t she introduce Gabriella to the class?
Ms Barbus: Mr Bolton, I see your phone is involved, so we will see you in detention as well! Chad: No, no. That's not even a possibility, Ms Darbus, your honour, see? 'Cause we have basketball practice, and Troy...
Chad calls Darbus “Your Honour” pffffft nice try buddy. Anyway get you a bestie who tries to get you out of detention <3 But also Chad’s reasoning about them having basketball practice shows their jock status in the school and how he thinks they should get let off for that. And like it’s true, some kids are more favoured than others in school for those kinds of things. Doesn't fly for Darbus, though.
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Jason 😂😭 I know he is probably genuinely asking and cannot read a room, but there was always that one kid that managed to make the teacher ramble about their life for like half the lesson so we didn’t have to do any work.
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defectivegembrain · 1 year
So generally I'm of the unpopular opinion that season four of Community is pretty good actually. Like I like most of the episodes in it, and it's definitely better than seasons five and six. But one part where you can really feel the absence of Dan Harmon is in some of the portrayal of Abed. Like, say what you want about that man, but an actual autistic person is important to writing an autistic character.
Like this is the season where you get Abed describing himself as "emotionless" (while literally displaying emotions). You get Troy of all people saying he has "no emotional hangups" (which is the only part of Basic Human Anatomy I dislike). And then there's fucking Conventions of Space and Time.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the episode. It's funny and sweet for the trobed content, and the detail put into the convention is really cool. But first of all, we get Troy hiding that he's sleeping with Britta because Abed's "fragile"? I mean he can't be both fragile and free of emotional hangups, make up your mind. But it's out of character for Troy to be condescending like that. Anyone else I would buy doing that. But Troy?
More than that, I feel somewhat uncomfortable about the Toby thing? We get another character who's supposed to be neurodivergent, probably autistic, but he's...like that. He's a caricature of the worst autistic nerd guys with their heads up their asses about it. And they do exist, it's just...coming from most likely allistic writers (I am speaking generally, obviously I do not know their individual situations) and being the only rep apart from Abed...it feels off. Especially since Abed acts more like that around him.
Toby refers to neurotypicals in a derogatory way (and also I really would not put Troy in that category but that's another thing lol). He talks about them getting distracted by "marriage, kids, competitive cooking shows"...as if any of those are things autistic people can't be interested in?
Abed ultimately does not take the bullshit, but his counter argument is just as grating. "Maybe all relationships are made up of logical inspectors and emotional constables, and we need both to make space and time a better place."
Like. First of all, that has the unfortunate (I'm guessing and hoping unintended) implication that autistic people somehow can't have relationships with each other, and need an allistic person to make it work? Which, uh, no.
And then also uses this weird stereotype that all autistic people are logical and unemotional. Which is bullshit both irl and in the fictional situation being addressed. Toby is a guy who decided that someone was his soulmate based on an email and decided to hold that person captive when he refused to go live with him immediately. That's definitely not logical.
And while Abed can be logical about some things, he's also, you know, a guy who thinks he can predict his future using a bunch of cardboard tubes and would have gotten his legs broken for debts if left to his own devices. And hallucinates when he feels abandoned. Like he is full of emotion and impulses and all that does not actually contradict the ways he tries to systematically analyse things and be practical in other ways. It all fits together, that kind of nuance is how people are, including autistic people. And all that existing in the same person is one of the best things about his character and just...someone in the writing process did not get that.
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