#but i remember they said something along the lines of 'oh what do you play'
libraryofgage · 2 days
A Hop, a Skip, and a TARDIS Jump (2)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (you're here!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One
Here's the second line jump fic! If you'd like to learn about line jumping, you can read this post
Anyway, after 84 years, here's part 2 of TenRose being Steve's parents. This time actually with TenRose lol
There's a meme at the end of this one, too, so I hope you enjoy it
Anyway, as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't :^)
Hawkins, Indiana, 1974
Steve looks the same, but his organs are new, he's a tiny bit taller, and he's having the same growing pains as his father. He stretches his fingers, wiggles his ears, and feels his liver chugging along like never before. He's doing better than his father, though; he's not too caught up in the taste of a new pancreas, at least.
He is, however, subject to scolding from his mother.
"I can't believe you!" Rose shouts, pacing in front of the console before coming to a stop. "Are you thick? You could've been seriously hurt!"
"Oh, I don't think that's very fair," the Doctor says, pushing his hair out of his face, something he's never been able to do before. "He's a teeny-weeny Time Lord, Rose. He regenerates just as good as me. Well, better even."
"That's not the point, Doctor! You've only got so many lives before you run out. Don't let Steve join you for the beginning of each one."
"Well, maybe we should remember how we got here in the first place," the Doctor says, "Someone thought, 'Oh, I'll just take a little peek-a-boo into the time vortex,' for the fun of it!"
After listening to them argue for a few more minutes, Steve slowly gets up and quietly makes his way over to the console. He places his hand on a dial, holding still but feeling it turn under his palm. "Take us somewhere safe," he whispers, glancing to where his parents are holding a staring contest that could end in them kissing or shouting.
Steve feels the TARDIS hum around him, agreeing with his suggestion, and the engine kicks to life. "What?" the Doctor asks, looking around before spotting Steve at the console. "Hold on a minute, who said you could send us anywhere?"
"I didn't turn anything," Steve says, innocently looking up at his parents. "Maybe the TARDIS got tired of your arguing, too."
As though agreeing with him, the TARDIS makes a particularly loud whoosh as it jerks and nearly sends Rose off her feet. The Doctor catches her easily, an arm around her waist, but stumbles himself. "Oh, blast, this body is scrawny," he says, clenching his jaw as he grips the console to keep himself upright.
"I'll say. You're likely to stab me with an elbow there," Rose replies, her voice more amused than anything else, and Steve quickly looks away before he's subjected to the gross goo-goo eyes his parents start making at each other.
When the TARDIS finally comes to a stop, Steve barely waits before rushing to the doors. He hears his parents shout after him, but he throws one of the doors open without a second thought, an excited grin forming when he sees familiar trees and a familiar playground. It's been a few months for him, long enough to be an entirely new person, but he has no clue how long it's been for Eddie.
Maybe only a day has passed. Maybe a week. Maybe fifteen years. Well, he doubts it's been fifteen years. The playground doesn't look like fifteen years have passed. Either way, he looks over his shoulder at his parents. "I'm gonna go play now!" he says, letting the door slam behind him as he runs out.
He's only more excited when he immediately finds Eddie. It's odd, because most humans just look alike to him, other than his mother, of course. They're all kind of shaped the same and none of them feel like time and space; they're boring, completely untouched by and unaware of the greater universe beyond the molecules of stardust that formed them.
But Eddie is different. Eddie's hair holds red space and his fingers scatter time when he moves. Eddie's words drip with galactic dust and meteoric currents. His eyes are the brown of T'Lochlor royal jewels and contain the sparks of planetary births. His smile curls with the essence of alternate dimensions and black hole gates.
Steve tried explaining it to the TARDIS once, figuring she was the most likely to know what's so different about Eddie. The only thing she'd been able to tell him is that, somewhere in the future, Eddie would be destined for tragedy and stars. She wouldn't say (or simply didn't know) what order they would be in, but Steve decided to focus on the stars.
He rushes over, his smile wide as he gets closer to where Eddie is sitting on a bench, watching the playground with a slight pout and a cast on his right leg. "Eddie!" he shouts, practically tackling the boy in a hug when he's close enough.
Steve pulls away, hopping onto the bench and settling next to Eddie. "Yep! Hi."
"Dude, it's been so long!"
"Oh," Steve says, frowning slightly as he looks Eddie up and down. They still seem to look the same age. "How long?"
"Like three years. Where were you?!"
"Uh, traveling. My parents go all over the place," Steve explains, figuring it's not exactly a lie. "Anyway, what happened to your leg?"
Eddie blinks, looking down at his cast before pouting again. "I broke it in P.E. cuz the coach made me play soccer," he says.
Steve doesn't quite know what P.E. is. Or soccer. But he gets the main point: Eddie can't play because his leg is still healing. "How come you're still here then?" he asks.
"Better than being home."
There's something weird about Eddie's words, but Steve doesn't ask him about it. His mother has told him that, sometimes, you just shouldn't pry into people's home life. Even if you care, it could make them angry or upset. They'll share when they're ready.
"Oh," he says, moving closer to Eddie on the bench until their shoulders are touching.
"Tell me something cool," Eddie says. "Where did you and your parents go?"
Steve thinks for a moment. He already told Eddie about being an alien, but is he allowed to talk about the time travel stuff? Is that too impossible to believe? Maybe he'll just ease Eddie into it. "Uh, we went a lot of places," he says, swinging his legs, "Oh, like this city where they have a super big hospital and the doctors are all cat-people."
"Why'd you go there?" Eddie asks.
"I died, kind of, and Mom wanted to make sure I was okay, even though Dad promised her I was. And Dad died, too, but he's done it a few times, so he's better at it than I am. Anyway, Mom was going crazy with worry, so Dad brought us there to get me checked out. Clean bill of health, according to the doctor."
Eddie stares at him for a while. "You died?" he finally asks, his voice sounding a little strained.
"Yeah, but not really. I mean, my people regenerate instead of die. So, like, my current body can't survive, so I pull on time and space to make myself a new one, one that can live as long as I need it to."
"Oh, right, cool, that's not confusing," Eddie says, huffing as he glances away. He swings his legs a few times before asking, "What happened?"
"Mom looked into the TARDIS's heart, absorbed the time vortex and became Bad Wolf to save us. If she stayed like that, she would've burned up from the inside out, so Dad kissed her to draw the time vortex out. He started to regenerate, but the backlash of it was destroying the TARDIS. We would've crashed otherwise, so I absorbed some of his regeneration energy, and that burned all of my cells up, so I had to regenerate, too. Mine was a bit gentler than Dad's, though, so it didn't cause much damage."
"I feel...even more confused."
Steve smiles at him, holding out his hand. After a few seconds, Eddie takes it, and Steve squeezes once. "That's okay. Alien biology is weird. Like, I think it's weird that you've got an appendix. You don't even need it anymore."
"What did we need it for before?"
"Something digestive, I think," Steve says, waving his free hand dismissively, "Dad knows more about that stuff than I do."
Eddie nods, looks down at their hands, and then looks at the playground. "Your parents sound...really great, Stevie," he says.
There's something in Eddie's voice that makes Steve hesitate. He bites the inside of his cheek, hesitates for a moment, and then scooches a little closer. Maybe telling Eddie about the time travel thing will make him smile again; maybe it will take that weird hurt in his eyes away for just a few minutes. "You wanna see something cool?" he asks.
"Sure," Eddie mumbles, looking over as Steve reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a phone from 2046. It looks totally clear, but the glass panel on the back is frosted, keeping people from seeing what's on his screen.
"What kind of music do you like?" Steve asks.
"Usually whatever my mom listens to," Eddie says, shrugging as he watches Steve tap on the glass in his hand. He jerks when the screen lights up, showing a bunch of tiny squares across it. "What's that?"
"A phone."
"Uh, nope, no way, phones are, like, attached to walls and stuff. They plug in. They're, you know, bigger, and stuff. And they aren't made of glass."
"It's, uh, a future phone. From the future. Many, many years in the future."
Eddie snorts, bumping their shoulders together. "Time travel isn't real, Stevie."
"I'm an alien. I just told you about a city with cat-people doctors. Time travel is the unbelievable part?" Steve asks.
They stare at each other for a few minutes, Steve waiting patiently as he watches disbelief fade into realization in Eddie's eyes. "Holy shit," Eddie whispers, his eyes getting wider as he looks down at the phone. "Where's your time machine?"
"Across the street. That blue box over there. My parents are inside."
"How did I miss that?"
"It's got a perception filter," Steve says, repeating his father's words easily. "So people's eyes just...slide over it."
Eddie slowly nods and looks back at Steve's phone. "I, um, my mom likes David Bowie."
Steve nods and looks up David Bowie music videos.
Despite thinking Steve might hang around this time, that he might not disappear from Eddie's life like last time, that's exactly what he does.
He introduces Eddie to music that won't exist for decades, to bands like Green Day and Lovejoy and some singer from another planet called Ln'ra. Their voice makes Eddie's brain prickle between his ears, his heart lurching in his chest with the desire to sing the way they do.
Steve holds Eddie's hand the entire time, a gentle breeze passing over them, their heads leaning against each other. Music plays surprisingly clear from the piece of glass Steve insists is a phone. Time seems to slow down for a brief while, and Eddie forgets all about the world for a while.
He forgets about his mom crying. He forgets about his dad shouting. He forgets about the dull ache in his leg as the bone mends itself. He forgets about everything, and it's the most peaceful and relaxed he's felt for months.
And then the sun is setting, dipping beneath the trees and splashing the sky with oranges and pinks and reds. Steve sighs when he sees the colors, lets the music video play to the end, and then turns of his phone and slips it into his pocket.
"I've gotta go," he says, standing up from the bench but still holding Eddie's hand.
Eddie doesn't fight it, even though he wants to, because something tells him Steve can't stay. Something deep in his mind tells him that he won't. Not yet, at least. Because Eddie is sure, at some point, Steve is going to stay.
Or Eddie will stay, because he's technically walking away, too, right? He's not exactly begging to follow Steve wherever he goes, because he can't. He has a mom, a dad, an uncle, guitar lullabies at night and surprisingly good waffles in the morning, some friends at school and a group project that needs turning in.
So, neither of them can stay. Not right now, at least. But maybe next time. Eddie hopes---as he watches Steve push open the door of that weird blue box and wave one last time before going in---that one of them will get to stay sometime soon.
Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be added!)
@romanticdestruction, @lublix, @jackiemonroe5512, @lee-da-vinci, @rowanshadow26, @didntwant2comecome, @katouasobi
And here's the meme! Very tiny text but it's basically just copy/paste Steve's dialogue about regenerating lol
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i love when i (a woman) tell men that i'm a gamer and there's this shift, like, i can see that they're about to be condescending af to me by asking "oh, what do you play?" like that matters at all, like playing a game they don't deem "worthy" makes me any less of a gamer lol.
#like sir i don't have anything to prove to you okay?#kindly fuck off#now i will say 'not all men' bc this is true#i have plenty of guy friends who i can talk to about games that aren't asshats#but unfortunately this does not seem to be the norm#i still remember this one time these dudes i worked with were talking about gaming#i think it was like one of those basketball games or something like NBA 2K[insert year]#and i don't play those games because they don't interest me#but i remember they said something along the lines of 'oh what do you play'#and the guy that asked wasn't being a dick he was genuinely interested#so i tell him 'oh i tend to prefer games with a narrative'#and this one ass hole is just like '*laughs condescendingly* games with a narrative? what does that even mean?'#and he's trying to get the other guys to laugh with him#at me#and i just smile at him coldly and go 'you know games that have a story? a plot? like assassin's creed & call of duty & legend of zelda?'#and i genuinely think he did not know what the word narrative meant#that or he is one of those people that just plays sports games or if they play COD it's just like the multiplayer mode#which is totally fine like fr idgaf#play however you want. however makes you happy.#but don't act like idk what i'm talking about when i've been playing video games since i was 9 fucking yo#so anyway#this dude just laughs awkwardly to himself and changes the subject without even acknowledging my response#bc he wanted to make me look stupid and he didn't#and he just goes on to talk about something else#but like#i still remember that#and it still pisses me tf off#anyway this almost happened to me again the other day#but luckily our conversation got cut short lol#ignore me
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
Green Lantern hovered in the doorway of the med bay. He’d been summoned, but he had no idea what for.
“You know, spooky, some of us have lives to get back to. Not everyone can exist off of just work and blood or whatever,” Hal poked fun at Batman, who rubbed at his jaw tiredly. Hal blinked, stamping down the guilt that arose at Batsy’s uncharacteristic show of any emotion other than stone cold rationality or exasperation or anger. At least they’ve moved past grunts. That just lends credence to Hal’s theory of Batman being an immortal, like Vandal Savage. Batman could totally pass for a caveman, he’s got the grunts down, for sure.
“Still not a vampire. We found the Ghost King. The one the GIW was trying to hide in their records.”
“Well, shit.” Hal’s expression flattened, remembering the unsanctioned government branch that violated the Meta Rights act to a degree where even Amanda Waller had washed her hands of them. Bats had found evidence that they were experimenting on a child when a “source” had hacked into the base and begged them to find the child. Phantom, the hacker had claimed, who had managed to destroy the portal to the Infinite Realms
Batman had tried to boot the guy out of the system, until the hacker told them Phantom was the King of the Infinite Realms.
That got Constantine terrified, which urged Batman into a full hunting mode to track down the king. Mostly in part because Constantine said something along the lines of, “If the King dies, the Infinite Realms will wage war and decimate us. And considering they’re the realm of the dead, we’d lose so badly, even the demons won’t help us out for our bloody souls.”
Granted, he didn’t have that terrible British accent Hal attached to his voice every time the Green Lantern thought about the sad trench coat wizard, but the point still stood.
“He’s not fully conscious due to… his injuries, but the moments where he was, he reacted best to the color green.”
Hal did not want to know what kind of creepy stalker things Batman did to get that knowledge.
“Oh, great. You called me because I’m green,” he said to Batman as he floated into the med bay. “I can be green. I’m amazing at being green.”
Even with the sarcastic tone, Hal made sure to up his lantern aura, glowing a bright neon green. It wouldn’t do to help start a war if he wasn’t green enough.
Hal looked at the Ghost King, and yeah, he could see why Bats was so off his stoic face game today. Because the Ghost King looked like a teenager, and Bats is a bleeding heart and everyone knows it.
Hal waved away Batman, “Go back to Gotham and drink your true blood or whatever. You look like you’ve seen the sun too much.”
Translation: go home, you look tired.
Batman nodded, in thanks, and left to sleep (probably. Hal has never caught the man doing something so… plebeian). Hal is left playing babysitter. To an inter dimensional being that could- probably more like “would,” considering the live dissection he went through at the hands of humans- destroy their entire planet and/or universe. Another Tuesday for the Justice League.
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navybrat817 · 8 months
Teacher's Pet
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You role-play a bit with Bucky before a costume party. Word Count: Over 2.6k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, unprotected vaginal sex, dirty talk, role-play, inner monologue, established relationship, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: Fic #6 for Navy's Trick or Treat Nonsense! Not exactly a costume party with this Stud and Smartie poll winner, but close? @mumbles411, I think you'll appreciate it.❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Tonight was Tony's Halloween party and it was the perfect excuse to bring one of Bucky's fantasies to life. Months back, he told you about a particular role-play he wanted to try. You, shockingly, didn’t jump him then and there when you asked him to repeat himself, which he did. Right against the shell of your ear.
"I wanna fuck you while you wear a schoolgirl outfit."
Whatever you want, Stud.
You had to admit to yourself, that particular fantasy sounded like fun. You hadn’t thought about fucking any of your teachers before. Had Bucky actually been one of your professors, however, you would’ve been more than willing to cross a line. Who wouldn’t risk it all for him?
You inspected yourself in your mirror with a soft groan as you twirled. You reassured yourself after a moment that you looked good and Bucky would love your costume, if that's what you'd call it. The soft blue cardigan matched one of the shades in the short plaid skirt, which barely covered your ass. The white button-up exposed your midriff, along with the top of your bra, and the knee-high socks provided the finishing touch.
I look sultry, right? No, innocent. Both? Sulocent? Innotry?
With a deep breath, you pushed your door open and left your room to find him.
Oh, fuck.
You weren't sure if you said the words in your head or out loud as you spotted him standing beside the bookshelf in the living room. Everything went quiet in your mind as his gorgeous eyes met yours, but your heart almost raced out of your chest. Instead of his normal work or casual clothes, he had a tight sweater vest over a nice shirt and tie. The outfit made your massive boyfriend look even larger than normal somehow. He even wore a pair of fake glasses to complete his look.
“Well, look at you,” he said, the corner of his lip tugging in a smile as you bit your lip.
Yeah, look at me.
Something predatory in Bucky’s gaze surfaced as he dragged his eyes down the length of your body. You worried initially that the costume was cliche when there were so many others to choose from, but you felt sexy from the way he looked you over. You could’ve worn a hideous costume and he would’ve managed to find a way to compliment you. Tearing your gaze away to glance at the clock, you realized you had time to have some fun together before you had to leave for the party. At least, you hoped he wanted to fool around.
“Professor Barnes,” you breathed, hoping the next words out of your mouth wouldn’t sound ridiculous as you smoothed out your skirt. “Do you have a few minutes to discuss my paper? I want to make sure it’s perfect before I turn it in.”
You weren’t sure if he wanted to experience a bit of role-play before the party, but you wanted to give it to him if he did. The two of you did your best to please one another and it would be something for him to remember for days to come. You would, too.
And I can play it off if he decides he’s not into it, right?
He pushed himself away from the bookshelf to walk toward you, taking slow and deliberate steps as your breath hitched. “Do you normally violate the dress code when you want to discuss a paper? Not what I expect from my top student,” he said, making you swallow as he brushed a finger along one of the buttons on your top. “Or were you just trying to get my attention?”
“I’m going to a party,” you answered, smiling to yourself when he raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure I’ll catch someone’s eye.”
Bucky jaw clenched he stepped closer, forcing you to take a step back with wide eyes. “Is that right? Who said you’ll have time to go to this party?” he asked, backing you up until you were in your bedroom again. “If you really want your paper to be perfect, we’ll have to go through it line by line. That could take quite a bit of time.”
You tried to keep your breathing even as your eyes stayed on him, praying you appeared seductive as you walked backwards until your hips met your desk. “A bit of time? That could take all night, Professor,” you protested, lost in his gaze as he pushed a thigh between your legs.
“I’m counting on it,” he said, his voice quiet and deep as he braced a hand on each side of you. How was it possible for you to come undone when he hadn’t actually touched you? “You still want to be my top student, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” you answered as he leaned in, his breath fanning along your lips.
“Good girl,” he whispered, not kissing you just yet as you whimpered. Praise from Bucky always spread warmth through your core. “You do want to be my good girl, right?”
A shiver rolled down your spine when he brought his hands up to cup your face. It didn’t matter how he dressed or acted or what games you played. You knew in your heart this was your Bucky, your roommate, your everything. You were his as much as he was yours. So if he wanted you to be his good girl, you’d give him that.
“Yes, Professor,” you whispered.
His mouth hovered over yours before he kissed you, your mouth moving in perfect time with his. The scent of his cologne filled your nostrils when you inhaled, the touch and smell of him a sensual assault on your senses. The kiss was deep and thorough, a promise of what was to come. It made your head spin when his tongue brushed against yours, your hands flying up to his shoulders because you feared you’d collapse otherwise.
We really might not make it to the party.
“Turn around,” he ordered, his voice rough as he backed up enough for you to face your desk. Your body felt hot and needy, desperate as you fell into that familiar pit of need you often found yourself in with him. “And bend over.”
Blood warmed your cheeks as you bent over as instructed, your ass on display. Well, almost. You wore a pair of snug underwear that covered as much of you as possible. No doubt he saw the wet spot that formed and you didn’t have it in yourself to feel embarrassed with how turned on you were.
“I don’t even have to look at your pussy to know how pretty it is,” he said, flipping your skirt up a bit more. “Bet it’ll look even prettier when it’s taking my cock.”
Please, please, please.
“I thought we were going to discuss my paper,” you said, peering over your shoulder.
“We’ll get to that, but I think we should take care of each other first,” he said, making you clench around nothing as he touched your covered slit. “Or was it your goal to make me hard in my pants and go along your way?”
“No, Professor. I wouldn’t tease you,” you promised, your teeth digging into your bottom lip as he slid your underwear down to your ankles.
“Of course not because you’re my good girl,” he said, your thighs trembling as he pushed them further apart. “My brilliant, sexy, good girl.”
Your head nearly collapsed against the desk, your eyes squeezing shut. Why did his praise make you feel hot and want to cry at the same time? “I…”
Bucky’s hands froze on your thighs when you sniffled, immediately leaning over you and touching your cheek. “Are you okay? Check in, Smartie. Please,” he said softly.
As if you needed more reasons to love Bucky, the fact that he stopped to make sure you were okay meant the world. “Green, Stud. Very much green. I'm okay. I’m sorry,” you replied after taking a breath, your heart nearly beating out of control. “ The praise just hit me all the sudden. And I just love you so much.”
And here you were trying to do something sexy and fun for him and you ruined the moments with your emotions. The erection in his pants probably faded as soon as you sniffled. Maybe the two of you could leave for the party and try again later.
He pressed a gentle kiss to your temple where you felt him smile. “First, you don’t need to apologize for getting emotional. Second, I love you, too. So much. And third, we'll only keep going if you want to.”
Your eyes shut, the urge to cry both surfacing again and subsiding at his words. “I didn’t ruin the moment, did I?” you asked in a tiny voice.
“You’d never ruin the moment,” he replied, his lips touching your temple once more as you sighed. “Trust me.”
It was comforting that you could talk to Bucky about what was going on in your head or heart, whether you elaborated or kept it short. Which was why you felt confident again when you opened your eyes and glanced back at him, seeing only love, desire, and something soft in his stare. “In that case, I want you to fuck me bare, Professor.”
Bucky groaned, his soft hair tickling your neck, before he leaned up. He kept a hand on your back like he knew you needed his touch, his other hand quickly working to open his pants. “You think I’ll go easy on you just because you’re at the top of my class?” he asked, easily slipping back into his role. “You think you’ve earned my cock?”
“I can take whatever you give me. And I’ve earned it. I’m your good girl, remember?” you said, your nipples aching through your clothes as he pressed you further into the desk. Fiery shocks and heat went through your body as his finger teased your clit. “Please.”
You whimpered as he moved the digit to your folds, spreading the growing moisture around with a hum. He teased your hole, but didn’t push inside. The slow torture made you quiver and you wondered just how much more begging you had to do.
“Really is a pretty pussy for me to ruin,” he said, finally pushing in with little resistance. Your eyelids fluttered as he slid in and out, but you needed more. “Maybe I should let you go to that party. Send you in there dripping with my seed and show those boys who you belong to.”
“Please, ruin me,” you begged when he pulled his finger out, looking over your shoulder again. He was going to fuck you with the glasses on and the thought had your body going up in flames. Almost as much as the fact that he was stroking his hard cock to the sight of you. “Make me yours, Professor.”
“You’re already mine, baby,” he told you as he lined himself up. “But if I need to come inside you to prove it, so be it.”
You cried out as he thrust into you, the stretch intense and the force hard enough that you had to grip the desk to hold on. Waves of sensations threatened to explode through you at the deep slide of his cock, your body more worked up than you initially thought. You crushed your chest against the hard surface beneath you and you moaned as he pushed in more. There was no doubt in your mind that he was in control.
And you loved every second of it.
“Fuck, I needed this,” he groaned, his hand mapping along your back as you melted under his tender touch. “Should make you ride me wearing this. Put your hands behind your back with my tie.”
His mouth was on your neck in an instant when you moaned, licking and lightly sucking as his hips rocked against yours. The image of you in his lap filled your mind, your hands bound as he helped you bounce up and down on his cock. There would be plenty of time for that later. For now, he was practically pounding you into your desk and you wondered why you hadn’t worn an outfit like this for him sooner.
“Should keep you under my desk,” he went on, feeling his weight press you down more as he thrust. “Such a smart mouth in class, I know you can use it to keep me warm.”
“Fuck, please,” you begged, trying to push your hips back. He drove harder and deeper, your wet walls on the verge of quivering with bliss. “Please, Professor.”
He chuckled low in your ear, your eyelids fluttering again as you mewled. Your building orgasm threatened to rip through you and you barely registered that you begged for him again. “Already close, aren’t you? And I thought you were a good girl,” he said, his breath hot as he sped up his thrusts. “But bad girls let their professors fuck them bare, don’t they?”
“Y-Yes,” you whined, your eyes starting to roll back when he angled his hips to hit that glorious spot inside you. “Oh- There. There! Please!”
“My good and bad girl,” he grunted, moving faster as you arched your back, needing desperately to come.
“Want you to come in me,” you blurted out, teetering on the edge. Just a bit more and you’d fall. You needed it.
“I’ll come in you when you come for me,” he urged, smiling when he said the words that made you come undone. “You can do it, baby. Make me proud.”
The cry you let out was a decibel you didn’t think you were capable of reaching when you came, succumbing to pleasure as you shivered beneath him. He let out an impressive string of swears as you quivered around him, chasing his end as ecstasy flowed through you. A few more thrusts and he was gone, painting your walls with a growl before he rested his head on the back of your neck, both of you trying to steady your breathing.
You made a sound of protest as he pulled out of you, both because you didn’t want him to leave your body and you didn’t want his release spilling all over the floor. As if he sensed the latter, he pulled your underwear back up your legs. “Hey. I’m here,” he said, carefully guiding you to the bed so you could cuddle together. You were thankful he moved you since you didn’t have the strength to move yourself.
Fuck the party. I can’t walk.
“So,” he said after a minute, letting out a deep breath as he rubbed your back. “You earned an A.”
You giggled when he smiled, the sight making your heart speed up again. “Yeah?”
“Oh, yeah,” he sighed, a dreamy look in his eyes. You were glad he was satisfied. “Thank you for indulging me.”
“Don’t thank me. It was fun for both of us,” you said, tracing a heart on his chest. “The glasses really are a nice touch. You should wear them again.”
“Yeah? You like how I look in these?” he asked, adjusting them on his nose.
“I do. You’re always handsome,” you said, his blue eyes crinkling behind the lenses.
“I like looking good for you,” he said, tilting your chin to give you a soft kiss. “And I’m fucking you at the party.”
Oh, Stud. You know how to make a girl feel special.
“You better,” you said, burrowing yourself closer. “But I need a minute before I try to move, Stud.”
“Whatever you want, Smartie,” he whispered, linking your fingers together as he took your hand. “Whatever you want.”
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These two will always have a special place in my heart. Love and thanks for reading! 🧡
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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f1girliefics · 3 months
In Love with a Red Flag
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Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: To say that you hated him wasn’t accurate. But you didn’t like him. He was exactly the type of guy you kept a distance from. And yet, he will be the closest to you.
A/N: I realise this idea is not unique, shout-out to all the other amazing writers who wrote a similar piece!
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“Ferrari PR team came up with a solution to solve the problem. Together with the Mercedes PR team, we agreed that the best course of action would be to have you and Charles play pretend.”
You looked at Toto in disbelief. 
You and Charles? Play pretend?
You knew that due to Ferrari’s latest issues with their cars, along with Mercedes’ own issues became such an issue that the teams began to lose fans.
So, PR being PR sat down and came up with a wicked idea.
Having you and Charles date, well, fake date. 
According to both teams, you would become the next phenomenon and the fans would come right back.
All Toto could do was simply nod.
You let out a long sigh.
You have always tried your best to avoid Charles. He was exactly the type of guy you kept a good distance from. You knew about his method of dating. 
The women he dated and how often he changed girlfriends. It was a huge red flag. 
Much like his car, red all over.
You turned and looked at Charles who was just as surprised if not more than you. 
“I will be looking forward to working with you, Charles.” You said with a smile as you looked at him. 
You were on a yacht with him.
Soft launch as the teams called it. They knew the paparazzi would be watching. All you had to do was to act all lovely-dovely but not do too much.
You two being on the same boat would be enough.
With an ice cream in one hand, you headed to the deck, trying to get a little tan during your weekend off.
Charles soon joined you, sitting down next to you, you moved a bit closer to him.
“There’s a guy on the boat in front of us, he has a huge camera, and yet he thinks we didn’t notice him.”
“Well, I didn’t.” Charles smiled and so did you. “You know last year… in Hungary… you had that press event with the fans.”
“Oh, yeah! That was fun, I even wore a traditional dress. Kalocsai, I believe it’s called.”
“That one, yes. I remember, what about it?”
“I remember you being so… beautiful.”
“Thank you. But where did this come from?”
“You avoid me. I noticed you avoid me and Carlos. Why? Do you hate Ferrari that much?”
“Red is not really my colour.” You say, avoiding his eyes. “Especially not red flags.” You said before you got up and headed into the yacht. 
The paparazzi sure got a nice picture.
The same afternoon, you were all over the news. You did it. One step closer to the finish line.
You thought of this as if it was another race.
You just had to get to the finish line. This time around, you didn’t care about the placements.
You just wanted this to be over with.
The next time you had to go out with Charles was during a charity event. You were given a beautiful silver dress to wear while Charles was in a black suit.
He looked good. Probably way too handsome for his own good.
You didn’t like how he didn’t make it easy to keep a distance. He was kind, attentive, and really fucking handsome.
He had an arm around you at all times.
“I will bring us something to drink.”
“A gin tonic would be lovely.” You replied and he nodded.
This was the only time he let you out of his arms. And if you were honest. You kinda missed it.
This can’t be. 
You cannot fall for him. You will not!
Toto walked over to you, complimenting your dress and dedication.
“This little PR thing works like a charm. Our team gained almost half a million new followers since last week.” Of course that is all he would care about. For now, at least, Toto had a sweet spot for you so it was only a matter of time for him to save you from this.
Fans come and go.
But your contract with him was clear. And even without that, he liked you very much. He often said you are like a younger sister to him.
“Good to know at least the plan worked.” Was your reply?
“And what about you and Charles?” He asked and you were a bit taken aback. “You two play your parts a little too well.”
“Oh please, like I would fall for a guy like him.” You replied and took a sip from your glass.
Toto only laughed a little. 
You however failed to notice that Charles heard everything you said.
He simply paid his part and handed you your new drink.
On your way back home, Charles was sitting in the back of the limo with you.
“What did Toto say to you?” He asked suddenly and you turned from the window to look at him.
“He said our teams gained a lot of new fans. He looked excited about it.”
“Anything else?” 
“Did he ask about anything else?”
“No, he then just started to talk about the new sponsors.” 
“I see.” Was his simple reply. 
The next planned date was a dinner in a restaurant.
You got to wear casual clothes and feel like a human again. 
You planned on eating possibly the best food you can find.
So you ordered a nice juicy hamburger with fries and a huge lemonade. Then you ordered a steak with mashed potatoes.
Charles looked rather impressed that you could eat so much.
If you were honest, you had a great time with him. You two were talking a lot. He showed you a side which not many people could see.
“Can I ask you something?” He said, suddenly becoming very serious. 
“When you were talking with Toto last week, you said something which really stuck with me. You said you wouldn’t fall for a guy like me. What did you mean by that?”
“I-“ this took you off guard. Should you be honest? But you also didn’t want to lie. “Everyone knew about your dating life. It was no secret and… it is a huge red flag.”
“Red flag?”
“Yes. You date one woman then you date their friend… it is a red flag.”
“And that’s why you avoided me?” 
“Yes.” You said right away, which probably wasn’t the best.
You could see your words hurt him. 
You wanted to say something else but then he suddenly stood up and excused himself to the bathroom.
You should have said something. 
But you didn’t. And it hunted you for the upcoming weeks.
“You did good, Y/N. P3!”
“Thank you, Toto!” You drove another round, smiling and waving at the fans even if they couldn’t see you. 
Max, P1, Charles, P2 and you, P3. It was a good race.
But you felt so awkward around Charles.
As they took you to your interviews, you suddenly stopped Charles.
“We have an interview to do.” He wanted to walk away but you caught him.
“I misjudged you. I wanted to tell you back at the restaurant. I misjudged you. I had a great time with you, even if it was all pretend. I needed you to know.” Your assistant came to get you to see why you weren’t coming, so you headed to the interview.
Charles soon followed you. 
You had one week left.
One week of fake dating.
The last seven days. 
Why did it make you sad?
You should have known, but ultimately, you fell in love.
You fell in love with a red flag.
And you wanted to tell him, but how?
It was all too much.
For the last week, the teams came up with a simple idea, something to give a base to your upcoming breakup.
It was meant to be easy.
You should act like you hate each other, possibly even argue a little here and there. You two should look like you two hate one another. 
But, it didn’t exactly go as planned.
You smiled too much, you laughed too hard. It didn’t look like you were a couple ready to break up, you looked like the exact opposite. 
You were a couple fully in love.
At least you were.
You two ended up in a café, enjoying your coffee and tea while you had a small conversation. 
“What you said, before the interview last week. I understand how my actions can seem, and how my dating life looks from the eyes of an outsider. It looks bad… very bad and I don’t blame you or anyone for thinking that way about me. But I’m thankful for your kindness. It took me a while to realize that I used to do those things because none of them was the one I was looking for. But you… you are so different from them. I understand this might be sudden but I cannot be the only one who feels this way.”
“You are not.” You interrupted him, hoping to ease his inner dilemma. You smiled at him as he visibly let out a long sigh. 
He moved closer to you, and you leaned into him, pulling him down for a sweet and short kiss.
You could almost hear the cameras click. Instead, all you could focus on was his scent, his smile and his taste.
You sat back down in your chair, enjoying the sun, smiling.
The next day you broke the news to your teams. Toto was the first to congratulate you. 
He knew, of course, he would. He knew you and Charles would end up together. One way or another.
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roosterforme · 11 months
Playing From the Rough | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley agrees to play in a charitable golf tournament as long as you tag along. When he tells off a professional golfer for being rude and then beats him at his own game, Bradley braces himself for the consequences. But it's you the professional decides to take it out on. Guess he didn't get the memo: don't mess with the Bradshaws.
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, mentions of smut, mentions of blood, non consensual touching
Length: 3800 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order. Beautiful banner by @mak-32
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"Come on, Rooster. We need a fourth golfer," Bob coaxed, handing Bradley another beer at the Hard Deck. "It's a foursome, not a threesome. And it's for charity."
Bradley sipped the drink and thought about how he'd have to spend a whole weekend day away from you, and he really just wasn't feeling it. The two of you were enjoying that newlywed bubble you'd been living in. Recently, Saturdays had been reserved for sleeping in late, walking the dog, and fucking. 
"Wow, I guess Bradshaw just hates charitable events for children's hospitals," Jake drawled, sipping on his glass of bourbon. "Come on. Be a sport. Payback and Fanboy are deployed. We need one more to make a team."
Bradley sighed. "Let me check with my wife."
"Bring her," Coyote said, lining up a shot at the pool table. "We get two extra tickets. She can drive a golf cart and drink beers all day if she wants."
Bradley cocked his head to the side before he turned to look at you and Nat taking shots up at the bar. "Who else would come?" he asked the guys. "With the other extra ticket?"
But Coyote had followed his gaze. "Give it to Nat. They'd have fun."
"They can be our cheerleaders," Jake said with a smirk.
Bradley snorted. "Don't hold your breath. I think drinking, heckling, and hitting us with the golf carts would be more their speed."
Bradley woke up to you pushing your fingers back through his hair, and he groaned. It was just before six in the morning, and you were rubbing yourself against his leg and kissing his neck. He realized he had an erection before he could even remember what day it was, and then he groaned louder.
You and he had to be at the gold course for the charitable fundraiser in about an hour. Bradley wrapped his hands around your waist. "We need to get up, Baby Girl."
"No," you whispered. "You need to fuck me. I'm so horny."
"Shit," he sighed, glancing at the time on his phone. "We can't. We'll be late."
"Roo!" you whined, thoroughly unaccustomed to being told no when it came to anything, but especially when it was something you wanted in bed. Bradley was weak for you in that way.
"I'll make it up to you later, after I'm all sweaty and you've had even more time to get wound up," he promised, squeezing your ass. 
You moaned softly next to his ear. "You better. I want it twice."
"Three times," he replied with a smirk as he got out of bed. He watched you get dressed in a little tropical print pleated skirt and a sleeveless white golf shirt. And nothing else. "Are you planning on wearing any underwear?" he asked, following you into the bathroom.
"No," you told him casually, bending over at the sink to wash your face. He could see your bare pussy. You were doing this intentionally to mess with him. This is what he got for telling you no sex. "Fuck."
When he came up behind you, clearly having a change of heart, you stepped away from him and said, "We don't want to be late." He watched you walk back into the bedroom with your chin in the air. Oh, he'd get you good later.
Once you were holding two travel mugs of coffee and Bradley had his golf bag, he followed you out to the Bronco. He tossed his clubs in the back and then buckled your seatbelt. He let his palm rest on your thigh as he leaned in to kiss you. 
"You're going to look so pretty sitting in the golf cart and cheering for me," he said, trying not to laugh. 
"If anything, you're my trophy husband," you replied with a laugh as you kissed his scarred cheek. 
"I love you," he promised before closing the passenger door and heading out. 
The weather was perfect, the sky was blue, and when you and Bradley arrived at the golf course, the others were already there. The four of them were wearing matching golf shirts emblazoned with Top Gun on the back along with white pants. Bradley wasn't the best golfer by any stretch of the imagination. He usually just tagged along because it was fun, and today was no different. They were raising money for a local children's hospital, and some of the kids were present. 
Bradley smiled at the children who were waving to them after they got checked in. "They'd probably love some pictures with you guys," you whispered, running your hand up Bradley's bicep. 
"Nah," Bradley replied. "There are some TV stars and musicians here. I don't think they care about us."
But you pushed him and Jake toward the kids, and their little faces lit up. Soon Bob was handing out some pins with wings that said Top Gun, and you took pictures while the kids asked questions about aviation.
Bradley ended up sitting with a little girl named Abigail who asked him a million questions about his Super Hornet, but he didn't mind. He loved kids. But it was almost time to get started, so he stood and gave her a high five. And he posed for one more photo that you took before he headed to one of the golf carts. 
"That was sweet of you to pose for pictures with the kids," you told him as you slipped into the driver's seat. 
"It was sweet of you to take all the photos," he replied, sitting next to you and kissing your cheek. 
"Ready?" Coyote asked, taking a seat in the back. Bradley watched Nat tear off in the other cart with Bob and Jake barely hanging on. You followed them to the first tee at a much slower pace, and Bradley was happy to see that there were more kids among the spectators. 
He played the first few holes pretty well. Surprisingly, he was keeping up with Javy and Jake. You and Nat were half watching and half laughing with some drinks in your hands, but Bradley just wanted you to have a good time. 
And you were definitely making sure he was having a good time. Whenever he met your gaze, you ran your fingers up your bare thigh or licked your lips. He was probably playing so well because he knew what was in store for him later. Probably a blowjob to start, but you'd definitely let him finish in your pussy. When he checked the time on his phone, he saw a text from you.
Baby Girl Bradshaw: I'm really horny.
He groaned. You were hot for him and texting him from twenty feet away. He texted you back before tucking his phone away so he could tee off.
Behave, or I'll spank you.
Bradley thought he could hear you moan from the golf cart. But that sweet sound was soon drowned out by someone else.
"Jesus Christ. I told him to fuck off! He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And his golf swing looks like a piece of shit, too." 
It was a guy about his age, swearing up a storm in front of all the kids. Bradley clenched and unclenched his fist in his glove. Sure, he could appreciate the subtle art of the f-word, but not in front of families with kids representing the charity! There was a time and a place. Like bullshitting at the bar or whispering dirty stuff in your wife's ear.
"Rooster, you're up," Javy called, and Bradley rolled his shoulders and walked away.
But this prick was still running his mouth at the next hole. Bradley didn't know how he got unlucky enough to have to play next to this idiot, but he couldn't take much more. And when he looked up and saw Abigail and her parents, he decided that was enough. 
"Hey man, do you mind?" Bradley asked him, and then he was met with cold, gray eyes. 
"I'm sorry, but who the fuck are you?" the prick responded, sizing Bradley up.
"Someone who's sick of listening to your mouth," Bradley replied without hesitation. This guy was handsome and smug, and Bradley couldn't stand him. "This is an event for children. There are kids everywhere. Cut it out with the foul language."
Bradley turned and walked back toward the golf cart where you were laughing with Nat when Jake jogged up next to him. "Dude, what did you just say to Hunter King?"
"You were just talking to Hunter King. He's a super famous pro golfer!"
Bradley turned back to see that he was still being glared at. "I told him to shut his mouth and stop swearing in front of all the kids," he told Jake.
"But that's Hunter King," Jake insisted with wide eyes. 
Bradley shrugged and said, "I don't care who he is. He's being rude." Then he took a quick sip of the beer you were holding before handing it back to you with a kiss to your forehead. 
"Ready to go to the next hole?" you asked, brushing the hem of your skirt a little higher. 
"I'm ready to take you home," Bradley replied, squeezing your perfect thigh. 
"Gross," Nat complained, climbing out of the cart and heading to the other one. You and she drove the four of them to the next hole, and Bradley saw that Hunter King was right there as well. 
"Go get a hole in one, Roo," you told him, rubbing high up on his thigh and brushing his cock. 
"Baby Girl, I'm gonna teach you a lesson later."
"Ohh," you crooned. "Will you teach me how to hold your club?"
"If you're good," he replied, climbing out of the cart with a shake of his head. Bradley watched Hunter King play par on the hole, and then it was his turn. Bradley drove the ball with a nearly perfect swing, and the ball landed on the green.
You and Nat were both cheering for him, and the kids in the area all looked delighted as well. Nat drove Bradley over to the green to putt while you waited with Bob and Jake. And to Bradley's surprise, he came in at one stroke under par for the hole. He just did better than a professional golfer. And now Hunter King looked even more pissed off.
"Good," Bradley muttered to himself, bending to get his ball out of the hole. "That's what you get."
And then Bradley beat him on the next hole. And the one after that. 
"Wow, Rooster," Nat said, rubbing his shoulder. "I had no idea you'd be this good. Jake tells everyone how terrible you are."
Bradley rolled his eyes as you walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist. "You're doing better than Javy, Bob and Jake," you informed him, clearly impressed. 
"It doesn't matter," he replied. "It's just for charity." But he was still shocked when he finished in third place overall. Hunter King finished in fourth. 
Bradley went over to congratulate the first and second place finishers, but he was cut off by Hunter. "Good game," Bradley managed through clenched teeth, holding out his hand. But the other man didn't shake it. Instead he smiled in such a way that made Bradley feel very uneasy. 
"Are you married?" Hunter asked him.
Bradley's brow scrunched up. "Yeah," he replied.
"Which one's your wife?" Hunter was nodding to where you and Nat were standing in the sunlight. You looked beautiful, the golden glow illuminating your skin as you shifted weight from one foot to the other. With one hand planted on your hip you tossed your head back and laughed. You were his wife. His perfect wife. 
"You know what?" Hunter replied. "It doesn't matter. I'll take real good care of both of them."
"What?" Bradley asked, but as soon as Hunter headed your way, someone was trying to pull him aside for a photo with the other winners. When he turned back, all he saw was you and Nat being led away with Hunter's hand on your lower back.
You looked up into a pair of soft, gray eyes and were met with a brilliant smile. "My name's Hunter, and I'd love to take you on a tour of the VIP tent."
"Sounds swanky," Nat replied, smiling at him.
"Oh. It is. I promise," he said with another charming smile. "Let's go."
You looked back to see that Bradley was absorbed with a photography crew and some of the kids associated with the charity. You tried to wave to get his attention, but you supposed it didn't really matter. You wouldn't be gone long enough to even need to grab you phone from the golf cart. 
Then Hunter's hand came to rest just above the swell of your butt, and you thought your eyes were going to bug out. As he nodded at the security guard watching the entrance to the VIP tent, you slipped out of his grasp. 
"Welcome, Mr. King," the guard said with a smirk. "Two guests with you?"
"That's right," he replied with a laugh. He was annoying, but the inside of the tent was incredible. It looked more like a small arena inside. There were people checking out golf simulators and waiters walking around with drinks. You watched Hunter grab two bottles of champagne from a large ice bucket. 
"This way, ladies," he said, and you took Nat by the hand before she could wander over to the simulators. Hunter looked at your joined hands as you both followed him, and he muttered, "That works for me, too."
You pulled Nat a little closer as the three of you ended up in a secluded area. After he popped the first bottle of champagne, he handed it to Nat. "A whole bottle?" she asked. "Thanks, Hunter."
Then he popped the second one and gave it to you. "Drink up."
His fingers lingered on yours as you said, "I love pink champagne. My husband buys it for me all the time."
Hunter's eyes appraised you, lingering on your lips and chest. You were suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear and peaked nipples. "Oh, you're married?" he asked casually. "Was he the one who finished in the top three?"
"Yes! He placed third," you told him before taking a sip of the expensive champagne. It was delicious, and Nat had already finished half of her bottle. You kind of wanted to share your bottle with Bradley, but you also kind of wanted to ditch it and leave. 
"You like to play golf?" Hunter asked, completely focused on you now. 
You shrugged. "I haven't played much. I usually just hang out in the golf cart when I go."
"Your husband won't let you play?"
You rolled your eyes. "I can assure you that I do whatever I want."
"I love to hear that," he laughed with a smile. "And I think you want to try out one of the simulators." 
You noticed that Nat had already wandered away to one of the booths. "Just for a minute," you agreed.
Then you listened to him explain how the simulator worked. It was a small booth, and you would wear a virtual reality mask. It looked just like you were really on a golf course. 
"Let me close the door for you," Hunter murmured next to your ear. "So you can get started."
He closed the booth, and it took you a few seconds to realize he was still in there with you. Because when you bent a little at the waist, you bumped into him with your butt. 
"You need a little help with your posture?" he asked, wrapping his hands around your hips from behind. In an instant, you knew you were rubbing against the zipper of his pants, and his left hand was skimming over your skirt right where your little rooster tattoo was covered by the thin fabric. 
You gasped when his hands slid a little lower. You had no underwear on, because your main goal of the day had been to tease Bradley. But now Hunter was the one almost touching your bare skin. 
"What the hell?" you shouted in the small space, whipping off the mask covering your eyes and spinning around. "What the hell is your problem?" You watched his face as you pulled your right hand back. He looked alarmed, eyes wide and hands held up in surrender as your palm made contact with his face.
"Ow! Fuck!" he screamed. Somehow you managed to slap his cheek and also hit his nose with the heel of your hand at the same time. It started gushing blood onto his pale blue shirt, and he tried to pinch the bridge of his nose to get it to slow down. 
"I'm married, and you're creepy!" you informed him loudly, shoving past him to get out of the simulation booth. "Come on, Nat," you called, taking her hand again.
"Why are we leaving? I didn't finish my champagne!" she complained. So when you walked back past the ice bucket, you gabbed a new bottle for her and a second one for yourself.
"Hunter is a creep," you informed her as you made your way to the tent exit. But Hunter was hot on your heels and reaching out for you.
Bradley saw you go inside the VIP area, but he got pulled aside for some group photos. He knew the kids, including Abigail, were waiting for more photos as well, but he quickly excused himself to head after you.
"That son of a bitch," he muttered to himself as he approached the security guard. Hunter King was mad that he told him to shut his mouth, and beating a professional at his own game really hadn't helped Bradley's cause. And he just knew Hunter was going to try to take it out on you and Nat. 
He started sweating. You were all horny and wound up, and you had skipped underwear to mess with him. And now the guy who was pissed off at Bradley was probably inside pawing at you. And you weren't answering your phone. 
"Whoa, hang on," the guard said, sliding into place in front of the entrance just as Bradley got there. "This area is off limits for you."
Bradley grunted. "My wife is in there."
"Good for her," he replied with a shrug of his enormous shoulders. 
"You don't understand. She's with Hunter King."
The guard had the audacity to smirk at him. "One of those two attractive women? I'm sure she's having a great time with Mr. King."
What was that supposed to mean? Bradley had to close his eyes and silently count to ten. "I just need to pop in there, and then I'll be right back out."
"Absolutely not."
Bradley ground his molars together before he managed a very insincere sounding, "Please?"
Then the security guard laughed at him, and Bradley contemplated trying to shove this guy out of his way. He had about a hundred pounds and four inches on Bradley, but it would be worth the pounding to make sure you and Nat were okay. Just as he was working himself up to do it, he caught sight of you heading his way, dragging Nat along. You emerged from the tent looking unscathed.
"Hi, Roo," you said sweetly, gripping a bottle of pink champagne for some reason. You wrapped your arms around him, the cold condensation from the bottle pressing to the back of his neck. 
"What's going on, Baby Girl?" he asked, still completely bewildered as you kissed him. "Where's Hunter King?" He was pulling you a little closer, waiting for some sort of explanation. 
But Nat started laughing. "You don't need to worry about your wife. Cheers," she said, holding up a second bottle of champagne before popping the cork.
You whispered, "I love you," against Bradley's lips just as he saw Hunter come storming to the tent entrance with blood all over his shirt.
Bradley took your face in his hands. "What happened? Why is he covered in blood? Did he try to hurt you? Or Nat? This is all my fault for telling him to stop swearing and then beating his score." Bradley could feel his pulse quicken, feel his brow crease in concern, but you were smiling.
"He's a creep. I told him I was married, and he still tried to touch me, but I'm pretty sure I broke his nose."
Bradley shoved you gently away from him, ready to beat the ever living shit out of both the security guard and Hunter King. He watched Hunter's eye grow wide as he clenched both hands into fists, but then you were in front of him again. 
"Roo! It's okay!" you promised, pressing the champagne bottle to his chest and pushing him back. 
"It is not okay," he growled, letting you push him a little further away from the tent. "I'll rip him in half."
"Roo! Right before I saw you, he tried to grab me again. I told him I'd call the cops if he didn't match the donation that was being made to the children's hospital." 
"Match the donation? That's like four hundred thousand dollars," he replied, looking at you with surprise. "You just got Hunter King to make a personal donation of four hundred thousand dollars?"
"Yep!" you replied, pressing yourself to the front of him. "I sure did. And I got him to say it in front of one of the charity's coordinators. I also insinuated to that coordinator that perhaps Mr. King shouldn't be allowed to spend any time alone with women in the VIP tents in the future. And that maybe he should be removed from the circuit. Now let's go home, pop this delicious bottle of pink champagne, and celebrate your third place victory!"
Bradley was still gaping at you before he scooped you up into his arms. He was careful to keep your butt covered with one big hand as you kissed his face while he glared past you at Hunter King until the other man slinked back into the shadows where he belonged. 
"You're such a badass," he told you suddenly. "I'm so impressed by you all the time, Sweetheart. You don't even need me."
"No, I don't," you agreed with him, kissing his cheek and trailing your lips back to his ear. "But I really, really want you."
"Let's go home," he grunted, carrying you to one of the golf carts. "I just want my bed, my wife, and the expensive champagne she stole from the VIP tent."
Don't mess with the Bradshaws! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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thepixelelf · 1 year
ah! love
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genres: married life au, family au, fluff, [best friends to lovers?] relationship: husbands 95 line x reader (feat. baby doremi line) words: 2.0k warnings and notes: coarse language. suggestive. the most self indulgent thing I've ever written; tropey, cringey, lovey dovey, I literally fought this fic while writing it and lost, no one look at me. I wanna write more of this au but will I? only god knows
ah! love masterlist
Seungcheol conducts a very serious interrogation.
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"Okay," Seungcheol says with a tinge of authority once you've all sat down in the living room.
The boys are asleep in bed — finally, (you had to read Goodnight Moon twice just for Chan to let go of your hand, and had to give Seungkwan six forehead kisses goodnight, which of course you had to give Vernon and Chan too) — and Jeonghan has already tugged you to his side of the couch, playing with your fingers while he pretends to listen to Seungcheol's Dad Mode engaging. Joshua scoots along the cushions to press himself against your other side, and he crosses his arms as if none of you know he did that on purpose for your attention.
Seungcheol, on an armchair across from you, furrows his brow ever so slightly and holds all of you down with a firm stare.
"Who did it?"
You tilt your head. "Did what?"
Joshua steals your other hand.
"Who's swearing in front of the boys?" Seungcheol finally reveals, sending a pointed look at the husband on your left. "Jeonghan?"
"Me?" An exaggerated gasp leaves Jeonghan's lips as he puts a hand over his chest, then silently takes the opportunity to pull you onto his lap (and subsequently further from Joshua). He wraps his arms around your middle and rests his chin on your shoulder to send a pout towards Seungcheol. "I don't swear around the babies."
You reach out to take back Joshua's sad, lonely, abandoned, totally casual and not bothered at all hand, and he rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
"You know how hard Jeonghan works to use his good words when he's with the kids, Cheol," you defend. "He used to swear like a sailor, remember?"
"Oh, I remember." Seungcheol nods, then directs his gaze towards the husband on your right. "Anything to say?"
Joshua frowns, thinking. "Why do you think one of us is swearing around the boys?"
"Vernon's block tower toppled this morning, and you know what he said?"
You smile. "I can make an educated guess."
"He said, 'Oh fuck,' like it was nothing!" Seungcheol bursts out. "He was like, 'Oh fuck. Shit,' and I was literally just standing there like— like—!"
Unable to help yourself, you giggle at the image of your middle child swearing in that monotone, relaxed, and yet remarkably toddler-esque voice of his.
Jeonghan lifts his chin off your shoulder and presses a kiss to your cheek. "Sounds like something you would say."
"Who, me?!" you ask through more giggles. "I don't swear."
Joshua scoffs. He brings your hand up to his lips and speaks upon your skin. "You absolutely do. Back then I thought curses made up half of your vocabulary."
Your mouth drops open. "Wait, actually?"
"Being a parent has made you soft," Jeonghan adds, squeezing a hand at your side to make you squirm. "You seriously don't remember your prolific ways?"
"...Was it bad?"
Humming against your neck, Jeonghan presses one, two, three more kisses there. "I thought it was cute."
Joshua resituates himself so he's facing you and grazes his fingers up and down your arm. "So did I."
"Yah," Seungcheol says. Forgotten. Ignored. Annoyed. He leans back in the armchair, and his leg bounces in irritation. "I'm trying to have an adult conversation over here."
Jeonghan chuckles in your ear. Then kisses right behind it. "Okay," he tells Seungcheol, lifting one hand to lazily wave him off. "You stay over there then."
A hand touches your chin and tilts your head. "Look at me," Joshua whispers.
Seungcheol huffs, crossing his arms and sinking further into the chair. "I thought it was cute too..."
"Fucking... motherfucker cunt-faced shit-eating bitch of a... fuck!"
After hearing your ex's automated "I can't get to the phone right now" voicemail message for the fifth time in a row, you angrily threw your phone down. (Onto your soft bed, of course. You weren't made of money.)
"God damn it," you muttered, utterly frustrated.
The boys, sitting on your bed while you paced around your room, all shared a look with each other before facing you.
"Why are you trying to call this douche again?" Seungcheol asked, his stance on the asshole you were semi-dating clear.
"Yeah, didn't he cheat on you?" Joshua added.
Jeonghan nodded with a frown. "Shouldn't he be the one calling you? Begging for forgiveness like the loser he is?"
Rubbing your hands over your face, you let out a long, tired sigh. "I honestly don't care about an apology or begging for forgiveness or whatever from him. It was probably going to end sooner or later anyway."
The boys looked at each other again. They knew they didn't like the guy you were seeing, but since they also knew why they didn't like him, they never said anything. The fact that you seemed to think it was going to end even before the dickhead cheated? That, they didn't know.
Even though there was barely enough room, you flopped onto your bed face first, then shifted so you were on your back with a groan. "I just wanna call him, tell him I'm coming over, grab my things, and cut him out of my life for good."
"Is your stuff even worth it at this point?" Seungcheol poked a finger into your forehead, making you scrunch your face and swat his hand away. "I mean, it's just like, clothes and a toothbrush, right?"
Suddenly, you seemed much more shy than angry. You pulled the sleeves of your sweater over your hands and picked at a loose thread. "I like my stuff..."
"Nuh uh." Jeonghan leaned over you, his head upside down with your ceiling as a background. "You don't get worked up like this over clothes and a toothbrush. What'd you leave there?"
You shrank into yourself. "Nothing..."
"Suspicious..." Jeonghan said, then looked at Joshua.
Who went, "Very suspicious..."
"Seungcheol," Jeonghan ordered.
Before you knew it, your unfairly built-like-a-brick-shithouse friend had both your arms pinned to the bed, and Joshua had thrown his entire body over your legs like a six year old attempting to wrestle.
Jeonghan, with his free reign, yanked your sweater sleeve up your arm to reveal your empty wrist. "Aha! I knew you weren't wearing your bracelet!"
Joshua gasped, affronted, looking absolutely ridiculous draped over your legs. "You left your friendship bracelet at his dingy ass apartment???"
Ashamed and a little bit fight or flight, you struggled against your friends. "Okay, first of all! You wouldn't know if his apartment is dingy!" (It was.) "And second of all: I didn't leave it there! I just so happened to take it off the night before I figured out he was a cheating piece of shit, so excuse me for being out of sorts when I stormed off in my PJs with tears in my eyes!"
Your words set off an awkward silence, and you groaned, shutting your eyes so you didn't have to see the pitying looks on your friends' faces.
But they knew you, and they knew apologizing for someone they weren't wouldn't make you feel better.
Instead, Seungcheol asked, "Why'd you take the bracelet off?"
You peeked an eye open, frowning in retaliation — they were still holding you down. "I'll give you one guess."
Seungcheol immediately let go of your arms and put his hands in the air like he was at gunpoint. Jeonghan just chuckled, shaking his head.
Joshua, dramatic as fuck, rolled over so his back was practically crushing your stomach. "Ewwwwwwwww," he whined. "I do not want to hear about how this guy fucks."
Your hands freed, you shoved him off, but he just went boneless and slipped to your side. "When did you get it in your head that I'd tell you how he fucks?" You crossed your arms and sat up. "It just... felt weird wearing our friendship bracelet while I... you know."
Joshua grimaced. "I'll make you a new one."
"No!" you protested, causing them to all give you a look you didn't bother to interpret. "It won't be the same. You made the original four at the same time. Together." Unable to meet their eyes, you looked down. "It's important to me..."
Another silence greeted you, and you scrambled to switch up the mood.
"If only that fucker would answer his bitchass phone."
Jeonghan and Joshua blinked at you, but Seungcheol just chuckled. You looked up at him as he stood from the bed, walking over to where he'd draped his jacket over your chair.
"Where are you going?" you asked.
"We're going to his dingy ass apartment," Seungcheol explained casually, tossing you your coat as well. "He's the one choosing to not answer his phone. He shouldn't be surprised when we show up."
The other two stood up, and Joshua dragged you by the hand to join them.
Seungcheol twirled his car keys around his pointer finger. "Let's go get that bracelet back."
You beamed.
"Fuck yeah!"
Seungcheol, after only so many seconds of enduring seeing you like that on Jeonghan's lap and with Joshua's stupid lips on yours, of course, relents. "Don't leave me out," he mutters through the poutiest pout he can manage. He gets up, strides two steps across the living room, and looms above you, though you don't see him with your eyes that have drifted shut.
The remedy for that, of course, is to grab your chin and kiss you like it's the first time all over again.
You giggle into the kiss, and he smiles too, both of his hands floating up to cup your cheeks.
Your lips pause, and your brows furrow at the sound. Seungcheol hardly notices, tilting his head to kiss you deeper, but—
Thud thud thudthudthudthud.
You open your eyes to see Vernon lying supine, starfished at the bottom of the stairs he just tumbled down as he silently regards the ceiling, and you push Seungcheol off like he doesn't weigh anything.
"Oh my god, Vernon!"
Jeonghan's groin becomes the next victim of your haste, him groaning in pain when you launch yourself off the couch to run over to Vernon. You fall to your knees beside him, looking at his face with wide eyes.
He simply blinks up at you, face void of emotion.
Until you ask, frantically, "Are you okay?"
Vernon blinks again, and he suddenly realizes, oh, this is when a normal human five year old would cry. So his face scrunches up, and tears well in his eyes, and he looks at you with the most hold me right now or the world is gonna end expression on his face that you can do nothing but sweep him up into your arms and hug him to your chest.
"It's okay baby, it's okay."
Jeonghan's voice makes you look up. "What are you guys doing out of bed?"
At the top of the stairs, Seungkwan has one hand tightly gripped on the handrail — he's seen the consequences of not holding it now — and the other around Chan's tiny fist, which is really not that much smaller than his. Your youngest shifts on his feet, mumbling, "G'night kiss..."
Seungkwan, ever the all-knowing older brother, clarifies for him. "We didn't give the moon a good night kiss."
Your mouth drops open, and you can't stop the slight laugh that comes out. Vernon sniffles and buries his face in your shoulder, his hands scrunching up the material of your shirt.
"No good night kiss to the moon?" Joshua repeats. He begins up the stairs and scoops up a sleepy Chan into his arms, resting him on his hip. "That won't do, will it?"
Seungcheol's already hoisted Seungkwan up when he says, "Let's go kiss the moon goodnight and then go back to bed, alright?'
Seungkwan leans his head on Seungcheol's shoulder and nods slowly.
While you bring up Vernon (who you're pretty sure is already asleep in your arms and drooling on your clothes), Jeonghan keeps his hand on your back, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing back and forth.
The boys have their own rooms, but for now, they all prefer sleeping together in Seungkwan's. The room in which Seungcheol, as soon as he walks in without turning on the lights because it's late, knocks over an intricately built Lego city.
"Oh, fuck," he lets slip as he struggles to stay upright, then gasps when he realizes what he said and goes, "Shit."
Jeonghan snorts. Joshua muffles a laugh in Chan's hair.
You smile at Seungcheol with all the love in the world.
"Guess that answers that."
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2996-sana · 7 months
a not so spicy confession
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summary: when Y/N's secret crush on Sana becomes too much to bear
beneath the old tree in the university courtyard, nayeon nudged you, a smirk playing on her lips. "you've got a serious staring problem," she teased.
you rolled your eyes and shot back, "oh, shut up. no, i don't."
chilling on a bench, jihyo joined in, nodding towards the other side of the courtyard where sana, your long-time crush, was minding her business. "yeah, the only time she has a staring problem is when sana is around," jihyo chuckled.
nayeon, with a sly grin, added her two cents. "you know, y/n, if you weren't such a coward, you wouldn't be just staring at her from afar." she shook her head in mock disappointment.
you scoffed, defending yourself, "i'm not a coward. i just... appreciate the view, okay?"
jihyo shot you a skeptical look. "appreciate the view? come on, it's been, like, forever. just go talk to her."
you shook your head, a resigned smile on your face. "nah, it's never gonna happen. sana won't be interested anyway."
nayeon smirked knowingly, "or maybe she's waiting for you to make a move, but you're just stuck in 'appreciating the view' mode."
you scoffed again, tossing a playful punch at nayeon's arm, "come on, you guys know as well as i do that sana's got a line of admirers longer than the coffee queue in the morning. why would she bother with me?"
jihyo playfully rolled her eyes, a dramatic sigh escaping her lips. "y/n, it pains me to say this, but you're actually pretty cute. it's not too far-fetched for her to be into you."
nayeon, lost in thought for a moment, suddenly perked up with excitement. "oh, that's right! remember that one time in junior year when sana asked me about you? she was like, 'hey, is y/n in class? i wanted to ask her something.' and i was like, 'why don't you ask her yourself?'"
your eyebrows shot up in surprise. "wait, what? junior year? why didn't you tell me about this before?"
nayeon, with a sheepish grin, replied, "it just randomly popped into my head now. but seriously, y/n, you've got to give yourself more credit!"
jihyo jumped back into the conversation, her tone teasing. "see, y/n? sana's not just asking about anyone. you've got her intrigued."
before you could reply, you caught the sound of sana's laugh, echoing from her table with mina and momo. nayeon nudged you, smirking, "well, there's your girl."
your cheeks turned a shade of pink. "yeah, yeah, not a big deal."
sana, mina, and momo had been tight since their move from japan, sticking together like glue throughout university. sana's laugh kept ringing out, and you couldn't help but think back to when sana's laugh had first captivated you. you wondered if, just maybe, you could ever be the reason behind that infectious laughter.
just then, jeongyeon arrived at your table. "hey, are you guys hitting up miyeon's party tomorrow night?" she asked, munching on a boiled egg.
nayeon and jihyo nodded simultaneously. "of course! you bet we'll be there, and don't worry, we're dragging y/n along too," nayeon declared with a mischievous grin.
you rolled your eyes. "yeah, yeah. i was planning to go anyway. got a ton of free time this week."
jeongyeon sighed, chewing on her boiled egg. "ugh, i wish i had free time. my super-intense calculus prof is trying to kill us with assignments."
fast forward to the day of the party, nayeon swung by your apartment, exclaiming, "ready to see your girlfriend tonight?"
you rolled your eyes as you entered the car, "sana’s not my girlfriend.”
jeongyeon giggled, "who said we were talking about sana?"
nayeon couldn't resist teasing, "you keep denying it, but the heart wants what it wants, y/n. maybe tonight's the night sana will realize you’re her soulmate."
you chuckled, "sana and i barely know each other."
jihyo joined in, "yeah, but strangers can become friends, and friends can become more than that, you know? especially at a party with the right mood and a touch of magic in the air."
nayeon added, "you know, we're all graduating soon. you might regret not making a move."
jeongyeon and jihyo chimed in agreement, teasing you more about missed opportunities and what-ifs. you, lost in thought, couldn't help but consider the possibilities.
as you arrived at the party, dahyun greeted you at the door with infectious energy, exclaiming, "what's up, what's up, party peopleeee! prepare yourselves for a night of epic proportions!"
you guys couldn't help but laugh at dahyun's lively entrance, and as you made your way inside, she continued her entertaining banter and turned to you, “unnie, grab your dancing shoes because tonight we're going to break it down on the dance floor! and if you see miyeon, give her a high-five for throwing the party of the century!"
you amused by dahyun’s obvious drunkenness turned to your junior and patted her on the head, "well, if the night's as epic as your intro, dahyun, we're in for a wild ride.”
as the night marched on, you could feel the drinks weaving a tipsy tapestry around you. laughter bubbled through the air, but amidst the cheerful chaos, your eyes kept searching for a familiar face in the lively crowd – sana.
then, you spotted her: sana, sporting the cutest brown shirt that hugged all the right places, and those glasses, a rare accessory that added an extra layer of charm. you couldn't help but marvel at how sana seemed to be the standout beauty of the night.
nayeon, with her knack for reading between the lines, couldn't resist a playful jab. "well, well, what's got you all starry-eyed? is it the snacks or someone special catching your gaze?"
jihyo and jeongyeon, sensing an opportunity for some good-natured teasing, joined in. "if you don't act fast, dex might swoop in and steal the spotlight. you wouldn't want to miss your chance forever," jeongyeon teased, the mention of dex causing a subtle shift in your mood.
suddenly, amidst the laughter and teasing, you found yourself feeling a bit low. another shot seemed like a good idea, a temporary escape from the self-doubt and lingering 'what-ifs.'
despite the lively atmosphere, you couldn't shake off a twinge of sadness. the wish to gather the courage and strike up a conversation with sana weighed heavily on you.
nayeon, always the instigator, added more fuel to the playful fire. "come on, y/n! if you don't make a move, dex is going to steal the show, and you'll be left with a bag of 'what-ifs' to ponder over in your graduation cap!"
jihyo chimed in, "you'll regret it if you don't try. plus, it's a party! everyone's a bit buzzed; it's the perfect time!"
jeongyeon, with a conspiratorial grin, added, "you've got nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.”
despite the encouraging words, your mind swirled with uncertainty. the mention of dex stirred a pang of jealousy you hadn't anticipated, prompting you to reach for another shot, hoping it would wash away the brewing storm inside. dex, the self-proclaimed admirer of sana. he made it known to everyone that sana was his ideal girl, and you couldn't help but scoff at the thought. after all, sana was your dream girl too, so dex wasn't exactly special. yet, you had witnessed how sana gave dex the time of day, even flirting with him a bit.
the night continued, and as you downed more shots, the liquid courage only seemed to fuel the internal struggle. the pulsating music, contagious laughter, and shared moments faded into the background as you grappled with the weight of indecision and the fear of missing out.
an hour later, you found yourself feeling pretty drunk, so you decided it was time to take a breather. you excused yourself, stumbling a bit, and made your way to the kitchen, hoping that some water and maybe a snack could work their magic. as you stepped into the kitchen, though, you couldn't believe your eyes—there was dex, boldly talking up sana. this sight, for some reason, ignited a spark of annoyance within you.
summoning every ounce of sober energy you had left, you marched up to dex and sana. you cleared your throat dramatically and declared, "you guys wouldn’t make a cute couple, you know."
sana burst into laughter, a warm sound that filled the room. "y/n? you okay?" she asked, a playful glint in her eye. on the other hand, dex looked puzzled and muttered, "i think she's drunk."
you, determined to prove your sobriety, straightened up and insisted, "i'm not drunk. and even if i were, trust me, any clear-headed person could see you two wouldn't be cute together."
dex, still trying to process your bold statement, stammered, "uh, why not?"
you fired back, "well, dex, you're like a plain sandwich, and sana deserves a five-star meal. no offense, of course."
sana, thoroughly amused at the unfolding scene, exchanged an amused glance with dex, who seemed utterly perplexed by your sudden proclamation. "you're a riot, y/n," sana teased, suppressing a laugh.
dex, still looking baffled, just shrugged, and sana, with a playful smile, said, "excuse us for a moment, dex. i think y/n needs a bit of fresh air."
as sana led you out of the kitchen, you couldn't help but mutter, "i am sober, you know."
sana chuckled, "sure, y/n, of course, you are."
while climbing the stairs, sana continued to giggle, and with a teasing smile, she added, "you're the soberest person i've ever seen."
you reached what you assumed was miyeon's room but you couldn’t really process anything right now, and sana gently guided you to the bed. sana gently asked, "do you know where nayeon, jihyo, or jeongyeon is?”
sana, grabbing her phone, seemed to be in the process of contacting one of them to come to your rescue.
in the midst of this, you couldn't shake the feeling of regret creeping in. you blurted out, "are you upset with me? i mean, i interrupted you, right?"
sana, still calm and collected, assured you, "no, not upset. just want to make sure you're okay."
you knew you were gonna regret all of this tomorrow but, fueled by the liquid courage coursing through her, you decided you didn't care about the impending consequences. your world could crumble tomorrow; tonight was for saying whatever you wanted.
in the haze of inebriation, you couldn't help but make a lighthearted comment, "i have a talent for messing things up spectacularly, huh."
sana giggled, "well, you did add a bit of drama to the party, that's for sure."
sana sighed, her attempts to reach nayeon, jihyo, or jeongyeon proving unsuccessful. she turned to you, a concerned look on her face, and asked, "will you be okay staying here for a while? i can't seem to contact any of them."
you, still feeling a bit woozy, nodded and managed a small smile, "yeah, sure. it's fine."
"great," sana replied, a playful glint in her eye. "so, am i staying with you?" she asked, a teasing smile playing on her lips.
you couldn't help but blush at sana's words. "uh, yeah, sure. you can stay," you stammered.
sana giggled at your adorable reaction, then her expression turned thoughtful. "hey, remember that five-star meal comment from earlier? what was that about?"
you groaned in embarrassment, burying your face in your hands. "can we please forget about it?”
sana, however, was not one to let things go easily. she nudged you, still grinning, and asked, "is there someone you think is a five-star meal?"
you, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, mumbled, "no one, really. it was just a silly thing i said."
but sana persisted, a mischievous glint in her eye, "come on, spill the beans. i want to know who's a five-star meal in your book."
you, still blushing, let out an exasperated laugh. "okay, fine, if i have to pick someone, it's you, okay? happy now?"
sana's eyes sparkled with delight, and she responded with a charming grin, "well, thank you for the compliment. you're not so bad yourself, you know."
sana seeing you blushing pushed even more, “so, y/n, if you were to pick someone who's worthy of me, who would it be?"
you groaned, realizing sana's playful challenge. "i don't know, maybe someone who matches your vibe?"
sana's smile widened, and she playfully poked your nose. "that's a good answer, but you're not getting away that easily. come on, anyone in particular?"
still oblivious to sana's underlying intentions, you thought for a moment and then shrugged. "i don't know, sana. you're pretty amazing. i can't think of anyone else."
sana shifted her gaze, looking at you as if she were analyzing and trying to read you. after a moment, she spoke with a knowing tone, "you like me, don't you?"
you were taken aback, your eyes widening. “what do you mean?"
sana only laughed, a musical sound that danced through the air. "i can tell, y/n. mina and momo notice it a lot too when you're staring. i think it's cute."
now thoroughly embarrassed, you stammered, "i-i don't know what you're talking about. i mean, why would i—"
sana interrupted, her laughter contagious, "relax, y/n. besides, it's not like it's a big secret."
trying to regain your composure, you managed a nervous laugh. "i didn't think it was that obvious."
sana, still wearing that mischievous grin, pushed further, "so, when you mentioned the five-star meal earlier, were you referring to yourself?"
your face turned an even deeper shade of red. "what? no!"
sana interrupted playfully, "come on, y/n, don't be shy. besides, if you think you're a five-star meal, who am i to argue?"
sana's expression softened, and she looked at you with a warmth that sent shivers down your spine. "you know, y/n, in case you were wondering, i don't mind at all."
still trying to process everything, you mumbled, "i... uh, i didn't think you'd notice."
sana winked, "i notice a lot more than you think. and i gotta say, it’s flattering. makes me feel special."
you couldn't help but smile, the tension easing. "well, i guess i can't hide anything from you."
sana leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "you really shouldn't try to hide these things, y/n. life's too short for secrets."
you nodded, "yeah, you're right."
sana, with a glint of mischief in her eyes, issued a challenge. "y/n, can you say it?"
you were appalled. "say what?"
sana grinned, "that you like me. out loud."
you protested, "why do i have to say it? it's practically implied. i'm sure you know!"
sana, undeterred, playfully challenged her, "come on, y/n. it's different when you say it. try it."
you sighed, feeling cornered. "fine. i like you, okay?"
sana's eyes sparkled with amusement, and she teased, "such a charmer, y/n."
you rolled your eyes. sana, still wearing that playful grin, leaned even closer, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. she smiled sweetly and said, "i have another challenge for you, y/n.”
"another challenge? what is it?"
sana's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "take me out on a date."
you couldn't help but blush, the realization sinking in. "are you saying... i have a chance?"
sana nodded, her gaze unwavering. "more than a chance, y/n.”
you felt a mix of excitement and disbelief, and managed a shy smile. "i never expected this."
sana leaned even closer, "i guess life is full of surprises, especially the ones that make your heart race a bit faster."
that’s when you realized that taking a chance on love – no matter how unconventional – can lead to the most extraordinary adventures (and to having the prettiest girlfriend in the room).
so, to anyone out there with a crush, just confess. you never know – you might end up with a girl like sana who thinks you're the missing piece to their puzzle. and if they reject you, just pretend it was a dare or blame it on a sudden urge for honesty. works like a charm.
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bad268 · 3 months
hey! hope you are well. I was thinking of an idea for a Kimi Antonelli x reader story and as you write for him the best I knew you would write it so well.
maybe reader is toto's daughter, and her and kimi are in a relationship. but y/n can't make it to the last race of the season but she ends up surprising him after the race (she was there the whole time) and he runs to her and its all adorable and everyone is clapping?
just a thought!
love your work!
Couldn't Keep Me Away (Andrea Kimi Antonelli X Wolff! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (I think I cooked too much with this lol...)
Warnings: sick! reader, mentions cough medicine
POV: Second Person (You/your/She/her)
W.C. 1956
Summary: She's never missed a race…until now?
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(@/Kimi’s insta from February 13, 2024)
It all came down to this. Not in the literal sense, more along the lines of it was the last race of the season. The team’s champions and driver’s championship had already been decided, so there was nothing to lose in this race. Well, except his sanity.
You had been at every race this season. Not because of your father, Toto Wolff. Actually, maybe that played a part, but you were always in the Prema garage. He could not remember what it was like to not have you in the garage between practice and qualifying or during pre-race shenanigans. 
When you were not on track for media day, he knew something was up. Yes, he knew you hated media day because it was boring, but it was also the day you had the most time together since the F1 teams and drivers were more popular interviewees. He tried texting and calling you only to receive nothing in response. He knew what he was going to have to do.
Speak to your father. 
He decided to stop by before the sprint race. Walking into the Mercedes garage, he spotted your father immediately and standing beside him, your mother, Susie, and brother, Jack. He suddenly knew that you should have been here too. The only reason you gave him in the past for why you may need to miss a race was to watch your brother. You never did miss a race, but there was always the possibility.
He swallowed his concern, not needing to worry yet, as he walked up to your family. He waited for them to finish their conversation before he tapped on Toto’s shoulder. Immediately, Toto turned around to meet Kimi’s worried eyes.
“Kimi, is there something wrong?” Toto asked, sensing Kimi’s anxiousness, but chalking it up to the upcoming race. “Is it the race?”
“No…I mean, kind of?” Kimi answered but immediately contradicted himself. It was much more different talking to Toto about you than about racing. Despite knowing that both of your parents are aware of your relationship, he tried his best to only talk to Toto about racing whenever they were on the track. This was a first for Kimi, and he just did not know how he wanted to go about asking. Finally, after receiving multiple uneasy looks from Susie and Toto, Kimi took a deep breath before just deciding to go for it. “Do you know where she is? She’s not answering my texts or calls, and I’m getting worried.”
“Oh, Kimi, she’s sick,” Susie jumped in. She knew exactly who he wanted to know about, so she showed him a text from you that said you took some medicine and would try to sleep it off. “She’s been sick almost all week. I thought she told you.”
“Oh, have she sent any updates recently? Do you know how she’s feeling?” Kimi rushed. Looking back, he realized that every time he texted you, it would have been late back at home, so it made sense that you did not respond. Plus, to add the sickness on top of it? He felt like shit for not catching it earlier.
“That was the last text I received,” Susie said, sadly. Toto stepped away as he got a call, leaving Kimi and Susie to talk while Jack was distracted by Mick. “It was sent a few hours ago, so she might be awake now. You could call her?”
“No need,” Toto said as he walked back over, holding out the phone to Kimi. “Someone wants to talk to you.”
Hesitantly, Kimi took the phone and saw your name as the caller ID. He looked back up at Toto and Susie as they turned their backs to him and walked toward the pit wall to give him a little privacy. Immediately, Kimi raised the phone to his ear, “Amore (love)? How are you feeling? I heard you were sick. Are you staying hydrated?”
He gets cut off hearing you giggle lightly before descending into a light coughing fit. He smiled lightly for a second before growing concerned once again when he heard you cough. “Slow down, liebe (love). I am feeling better, just a few coughs here and there.”
“That didn’t sound like ‘a few coughs here and there,’” He mocked lightheartedly but in all seriousness. 
“That’s because you triggered it,” you laughed again. This time, able to hold back the coughs, just needing to clear your throat before you talk again. “I promise, I’m doing better. I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“As long as you’re feeling better,” He sighed, knowing you’re alright now. Off to the side, he sees his race engineer looking for him, so he realizes that he needs to wrap up the call with you to race. “Keep resting, amore. I have to go race now, but I’ll call you after, I promise.”
“I’ll be watching, liebe,” you smiled to yourself, and Kimi could hear it too. “Good luck, Kimi. Give the phone back to my dad, please?”
With that, he walked up to Toto again to hand him the phone before disappearing with his engineer. Toto raised the phone, chuckling lightly at Kimi’s rush as he greeted his daughter. 
“Can I be on the first flight out? I feel better.”
Kimi had a horrible sprint race. He was already starting in 10th because he was on pole for the feature race, but he became collateral damage in a fight between a couple of cars further back. It was the last lap too! They were all outside the points, so there really was no point in racing that hard. However, that’s what happened. 
He did his best to hide his disappointment as he walked past the engineers to the driver’s room he shared with Ollie, who was already there because of a tire blowout from one of the earlier laps. Kimi started changing out of his race suit and into his normal clothes, just wanting to sleep the race off. 
“Your phone went off a few minutes ago,” Ollie said, breaking the silence and catching Kimi’s attention as he threw a Mercedes shirt over his head. “And don’t blame yourself. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus, it’s not like this race mattered. You already won the championship, we won the team championship, and you have a seat for next year.”
“Thanks, Ollie, but that’s not the point,” Was he lying? Partly, but there was some truth. He was upset at the race result, but he was also still slightly bummed that you were not there. Thinking of you, he wanted to call you.
Kimi looked through his bag for his phone, finding it with no problems. He noticed the number of notifications, but the only one that mattered to him was the one from you. It was a few minutes prior and it read, “I’m so sorry liebe! That crash was nasty, I hope you’re okay. I just took more medicine, so I might be asleep by the time you finish post-race media. I’ll call you when I wake up. Ich liebe dich (I love you).”
He sent a quick response, telling you he was alright and he loved you. Then, he went about the rest of his day. And the rest of his night. And the next morning. At that point, he started getting nervous again since you were not responding again. What kind of medicine were you taking that knocked you out for 12 hours, he thought. 
He wanted to go back to your parents again, but the feature race prep was different compared to the sprint. He did not have the same break he did with the sprint. Ever since he got to the track, he was warming up and prepping for the final race. He was nervous given the result the day before. He did not want to end the season on a double DNF, especially when he was going to get an F1 seat the following season in a Mercedes. He had to score well in the race.
If he had found a way to get to the Mercedes garage, he would have seen you sitting with your brother while your parents had a last-minute meeting. And if Kimi had been in any other starting position, he would have seen you walk into the Prema garage with Jack. Pole position was different though because they needed to do more interviews and promo pictures. If Kimi could have seen around his car from his grid box, he would have seen you sitting on the pit wall.
The race started without a hitch, Kimi was back in his groove, and it was clear to see that he was confident in his moves again. Sure, he was not fighting anyone for position, but there were a couple of times when he had to defend. He did so perfectly, and it made people wonder if the sprint race was just a one-off day for him. It was all worth it when he crossed the finish line first again.
The team immediately ran to Parc Ferme to wait for the cars as they scored a Prema 1-2. Kimi pulled into the first spot, Ollie into the second, and Victor in the third. Ollie and Victor jumped out of their cars immediately, running to their teams, but Kimi took a minute. This win should have felt good, especially after the disaster that was the sprint race, but it didn’t.
It was fun to win, but he was going to have to jump out of the car and celebrate with his team. Just his team. This is the first race you were not going to be there celebrating with him, and he would rather delay the inevitable. 
You could feel his hesitance to get out of the car, so you handed Jack over to your parents as you pulled up your mask and pushed through the people to get to the gate. You got there relatively easily considering you went through the Prema team, and they knew you would be the first person he’d want to see.
Kimi finally climbed out and stood on top of his car, posing for the camera momentarily. Then, his attention shifted to his team, and he froze. You were there! He’d recognize those eyes anywhere! Of course, you made it. He jumped off of the car and flung himself over the barrier to wrap you in his arms.
“You made it. I can’t believe you made it,” He whispered over and over, not even bothering to question if you could hear him through his helmet. That’s when he remembered, so he pulled back to take his helmet and balaclava off as well as his gloves. He put the back of his hand against your forehead to check your temperature, causing you to laugh. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m seeing if you’ve got a fever.”
“I’m all good, my fever broke yesterday,” You consoled as you pulled his hand off of your forehead to hold it as you kissed his cheek through your mask. “I’m all good. The mask is just a precaution.”
“Screw precaution, I wanna kiss you,” Kimi whined as he pulled the mask down to give you a long kiss. Despite not actually hearing it, the team all started clapping and F1 TV definitely got a good shot of you two. When he pulled away, he put the mask back on for you as he leaned his head against yours. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”
“You couldn’t keep me away even if you tried,” You whispered back, leaning up to bump your nose against his, “I’ll always find a way to be here for you.”
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rosellacwrites · 5 months
if you want to call me baby (just go ahead now)
summary: As it turns out, the language of love is — all of them.
pairings: Steven Grant x GN!Reader
rating: general audiences
warnings: weapons grade fluff, established relationship, pet names (so many)
word count: 577
author’s note: Written for the Moon Knight Spring Bingo @moonknight-events — this is entry #4 for “Ritual.” Happy reading! ❤️
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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It had started, as do so many things between you, in bed.
“G’night, my dear,” Steven had murmured to you, pulling your back snug against his chest and burrowing his face into your neck, but you’d started to giggle.
“‘My dear?’ What are you, eighty?” you’d laughed.
“What’s wrong with that? You’re very dear to me,” he’d protested.
“And you are to me, too. You know that.” You’d twisted around, craning your neck for a kiss. “It just struck me as funny — you have to admit it has pensioner vibes.”
He’d huffed and kissed you back, and as you’d drifted into sleep you’d heard him say something along the lines of just going to have to find something tomorrow you like better, then.
You’d forgotten about it until the next evening, when he’d dropped a kiss on top of your head on the way to the kitchen and said “Do you want some popcorn, habibi?” When you’d looked up at him quizzically, he was grinning. “‘My love,’” he’d translated. “Arabic. No ‘pensioner vibes’ there, yeah?”
You’d grinned at him and said you supposed not, and the next morning you’d handed him a cup of tea and called him petit chou, and belatedly remembered that he spoke French well enough to know you’d just called him a little cabbage.
And from that point, it was on. You racked your brains for long-forgotten vocabulary words and pored over language dictionaries online, the authorized and unauthorized alike. After that first one, he refused to translate for you anymore: “go on, I want to see if you can find out for yourself,” he’d said. Most of them weren’t so hard, but he’d stumped you with nedjem, which turned out to be Ancient Egyptian (because of course it did) for sweetie.
In revenge, you’d resorted to something he couldn’t possibly spell just from hearing it. “Oh, that’s not playing fair!” he’d protested, and you were weak enough to give him a hint. Knowing where to start, and using his best attempts at phonetic spelling, he got there in the end, all the way to a chuisle mo chroí, Irish for pulse of my heart.
It became your ritual, each new name another star in your shared sky. Persian kharâbetam, I’m ruined for you, taking its place next to Brazilian Portuguese chuchuzinho, little squash, and Ojibwemowin niinimoshenh, sweetheart. You start secretly keeping a list so you don’t repeat yourself, filled with German and Russian and Igbo, liebling, solnyshko, obi’m, but your favorite so far is the Spanish media naranja, because it makes you think of you and Steven curled up together in bed, fitting into each other seamlessly like two halves of the same orange.
Some silly, some sweet, some passionate: you find yourself humbled before the infinite possibilities, marveling at just how many ways there are in the universe to tell someone that you love them.
One evening he comes up behind you while you’re making dinner, and wraps an arm around your waist, kissing you just behind your ear. He whispers your name, and something else, besides.
“Veux-tu m’épouser?”
It doesn’t sound like a pet name, with the soft, nearly tentative way he says it; it sounds like a question. Like an important question — the kind of question you’ll see written in tremulous hope all over his face and cupped gently in his other hand when you turn around to tell him in plain English yes, absolutely, a thousand times yes.
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@juneknight @spacecowboyhotch (mod tags)
(pssst today’s my birthday so I wanted to post a little supremely self-indulgent fluff)
Title from here, of course. I’m gonna make y’all listen to my old lady music if it kills me.
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
"were you ever going to tell me?" ft. our sweet hangy and maybe a secret pregnancy/baby? 👀
oh, spicy! I like it👀 I hope I did it justice 🫣
warnings: mentions of piv sex, minors dni, pregnancy, wanting to be a mother, afab!reader, mentions of doctors
description: Hangman had a spicy night with his fwb before a long employment, and he left them with a little gift.
It hadn’t been meant to happen this way. You and Jake had been friends with benefits for quite some time now, and you’d had the most delicious encounter just before he was deployed for 6 months. It had been a drunken hookup, but Hangman had seemed more frenzied than previous times, more passionate, more… sweet, too.
It had almost thrown you off, until he’d hoisted your leg high on his shoulder and driven himself harder and deeper into you, making you lose all semblance of stringent thoughts.
Looking back on that night made your face heat up, not only because it was so fucking hot - but because you’d practically whimpered, begged and whined for him to cum in you. He’d been so into it, almost growling as he fucked you harder to chase his relief, wanting to empty himself in you. ‘Leave you with a little something to remember him by until next time’ he’d said. Well, fuck, the man was good. Too good. Leave you with something to remember him by, he certainly did.
It had been weeks since you’d stared at that little plus sign for the first time, and you had no idea what you were supposed to do. You had always dreamt of becoming a mother, ever since you could remember. You had always been the maternal type, the one to take care of people. You sometimes wondered if that’s why Jake liked you. You took care of him even when he insisted he didn’t need it - funny thing was you thought that perhaps Jake needed it the very most. Someone who cared for him through it all, someone who saw through that cocky, self-assured persona he put on. You knew he could be a sweetheart, when he wanted to. When he was cradled in your arms after your encounters, practically purring as you played with his hair - letting him fall asleep on your chest.
Chewing on your bottom lip as you laid on your back, staring at the sterile fluorescents at the doctors office at your second check in on the baby. There had really not been a choice at all for you, that baby was yours whether Jake wanted it or not - which may be a selfish thought. Even though you saw a sweet side to Hangman, he didn’t exactly seem the type to settle down with kids anytime soon. You grumbled to yourself, closing your eyes as you tried to remember what he’d murmured that night before he’d left. It had sounded so tender, as he’d stroked your hair - but you had been so drunk, so tired, so fucked out that you couldn’t comprehend what he was saying.
Contacting Jake at this point was close to impossible - you didn’t know his mail address (who used email as a form of communication to anything non work related?), you knew from previous deployments that he seldom ever checked his phone - probably something along the lines of needing to be focused on being the top 1% type good or something as his reason not to check it. So that’s why you were by yourself, checking up on your baby. You subconsciously let your hand rest on you bump to soothe yourself. You couldn’t kid yourself, you wanted nothing more than for Jake to want this kid as much as you did. You wanted him to want you both.
So that’s how it went. You made it through countless morning sicknesses by yourself, you cried to Notting Hill on your own, and tried to socialise as you normally would - never answering any prying questions. Jake was due to be home any day now, which meant that your belly was too big to hide, 6 months to be exact. You’d sent him a text, telling him that it was important you guys meet. You’d told him to meet you at your apartment at his earliest convenience. His winky smile emoji back almost made you roll your eyes. God, the poor boy had no idea.
You nerves were shot to hell, feeling nauseous at the thought of how Jake would react. How were you supposed to tell him? Should you try hiding behind the biggest damn hoodie you had? Should you sit with a blanket covering you? Or should you just answer the door belly first and watch him run to the hills? God, why hadn’t you even tried calling him? Pushing this stuff on future you wasn’t fair.
Closing your eyes, you took a shaky breath as you tried to steady yourself. You could feel your heart beat erratically in your chest, and soon after felt a flutter from your little baby - which made happy tears brim your eyes. At least you had your little sprog with you. As you were soothing the baby by brushing your hand over your swollen stomach, the door cracked shut and you heard Jake’s upbeat tone say “Honey, I’m home! You better be undressed for me,” god, your breath stuttered in your throat as he appeared in your living room.
He must’ve noticed that you looked stricken with anxiety, because he furrowed his brows, walking quickly over to you to kneel in front of you.
“Princess, what’s wrong?” He sounded so concerned, the tears that brimmed your eyes fell down your cheeks. “Hey, baby, it’s okay, Jakey’s here” he smiled at you. God, you were about to ruin his trust for you completely.
“I-I…” you started, but the words wouldn’t come - your breathing was becoming more shallow, coming in quick bursts, terrified of how he would react. Jake tried to calm you down, but you just shook your head as more tears fell. You felt as Jake took hold of your hands, wanting to hug you properly, and you kept your gaze locked on the floor as you let him help you up to a standing position - where there was no hiding how your top strained against your belly. You didn’t see Hangman’s eyes flowing wide open, but you did hear his gasp as he let go of your hands in shock.
“Princess…” he whispered, you couldn’t look at him, “is… is it mine?” He knew it was, but the question slipped past his lips before he could stop himself. Your nod and sniffle had his heart aching in his chest.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he almost let out a breathless laughter. He’d been gone six months. Radio silence. You were crying in earnest now, looking up to meet his eyes.
“Jake, I’m so sorry. I know I should’ve tried to contact you, but I was so scared. I want her so much, and I was afraid you wouldn’t want her - or me, and- and I was so frightened. And I will do this on my own if- if you don’t want to. I understand” you were holding your belly, as if to protect yourself.
“H-her?” Jake sucked in a deep breath “I need to sit down” he confessed, plopping down on your couch. He hadn’t taken into consideration that he’d be face to face with your stomach as he sat down. Face to face with his daughter. You were still standing, tears streaming down your eyes as you apologised again. Jake shook his head slowly as he looked up at you, you held your breath - you could tell that the verdict was about to fall.
His large palm slowly rose, and he looked at you expectantly as it hovered over the centre of your bump. You nodded nervously, and his warm hand splayed across your belly - the sensation overwhelming. As soon as Hangman’s hand came in contact with your body, your little baby decided to say hello to her dad - kicking right where his hand was. Jakes eyes widened again, looking up at you with the most precious look on his face.
“She likes you,” you smiled through your tears, and Jake groaned, bringing you closer to him, his face buried in your stomach as his arms embraced you tight.
“And I love her,” he replied, kissing your stomach over and over again. “And I’ve already told you this, but I love her mommy too,” he looked up at you, his beautiful green eyes brimmed with tears. And he looked enamoured, happy, elated - even. You were sobbing now, and Jake stood up.
“My sweet, sweet Princess - I’m sorry you had to do this all by yourself,” his voice held remorse, and he found that he’d wanted to be here all the way through. Had wanted to help you when things got rough. You sobbed into his shoulders, body shaking with relief.
“Y-you want her? You want us?” You blubbered in disbelief.
“My sweet girl, do you not remember what I said before I left?” Jake murmured, stroking your face and placing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“I said that I was planning on taking you on a proper date when I got home, because I was pretty sure I’d fallen in love with you,” he confessed with a grin. You grinned back, leaning up to kiss him again.
His hands never left your stomach, stroking your belly lovingly as you talked. “God, I’m going to be a dad,” he spoke suddenly, his voice filled with pride and love. But suddenly his brows furrowed slightly.
“Princess, as hot as you are pregnant - from now on you can’t call me daddy in bed.”
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morganbritton132 · 11 months
I feel like Steve's non-Upside Down friends definitely have a group chat for all their Steve-based conspiracy theories that's just filled with really off the wall excuses and tidbits that Steve's said - how panicked is the government agent-babysitter about it?
The first-year teachers definitely do, for sure!
The chat was originally called ‘The Steve Harrington Experience’ because every conversation with the man is something else, but they ended up changing it after Kathy pointed out that it made it seem like they all experienced Steve Harrington, ‘Sexually, u know?’
“Yes, Kathy…” Marissa said in an exasperated voice note. She must be driving. “You didn’t need to spell it out. We’re changing it.”  
‘Not saying I’d be opposed 2 the experience,’ Kathy added helpfully in the group chat. ‘U see those trousers he wore yesterday. Not much left to the imagination there.’
‘Thank you, Kathy.’
The group chat was changed to the ‘Support Group for David’s Obsession’ which is just, haha. Funny. David is not obsessed with Steve Harrington. He just isn’t.
Sure, nothing about the man makes any sense.
And yeah, maybe David talks about that fact a little too much. Maybe he has asked the group chat probing questions about Christmas lights. Maybe he even made a dentist appointment with Edward Harrington, DDS just to make sure he wasn’t the Eddie Harrington they knew.
He wasn’t obsessed. He was just due for a cleaning.
The other day in the parking lot after work, Steve asked if David could see the license plate number on the white 2015 Mazda CX-3 that was circling the block. David read the number off for him and Steve wrote it down. He didn’t explain anything.
David texted the group chat about it, ‘Maybe he’s a spy?’
‘Do you think spy organizations sent out a lot of epileptic agents with service animals?’
‘Maybe the epilepsy is a cover.’
Kathy replied, ‘It’s not.’
David kinda hates how he only tunes in to the staff meeting about Career Day when Steve mentions that Erica can’t come. Something about pissing off her constituents by favoring a community in a state she doesn’t represent. Yada, yada, yada, “Dustin’s still coming though.”
“Dustin,” David repeats, feeling the amused way that Marissa is looking at him. He can’t even be bothered by Jordan hiding a smile in her hand. “Your brother is coming to Career Day?”
Steve beams, “Yeah, man. He comes every year.”
Kathy was a second-year teacher that was definitely here during last year’s Career Day. She could have mentioned it. David can’t even fully digest this information when Steve knocks his knuckles against the table and snaps his fingers, “Oh! My ex works for the paper. I’ll see if they can come.”
David somehow gets roped into finalizing the rest of the list of speakers for Career Day (i.e. they need to confirm if Steve’s people are going to be there and Cindy didn’t want to do it). When he stops by Steve’s classroom at the end of the day, he is surprised to find that Steve is not alone.
There’s low music playing from the corner of the room now that the students have gone home and Steve is at his desk grading papers. Eddie is standing at the board, drawing a dragon-like creature with dry-erase markers.
Eddie is humming along to the song on the radio, occasionally brushing his fingers along Steve’s shoulders when he reaches for a new color. It’s a cozy moment and he almost hates to interrupt, but David has leftovers in his fridge that he wants to get home to.
He knocks against the doorframe, “Steve, you have a minute?”
“Yeah, what’s up?” Steve asks, leaning back in his chairs far enough that his head brushes against Eddie’s back. “Babe, you remember David from the cookout?”
“The history teacher,” Eddie hums, distracted by his drawing. He erases a line of red from the fangs with his finger. “Stevie’s saying great things about you, kid.”
“I – wow, that’s – thanks! It means a lot! I, uh. I’m finishing up some things for Cindy and she just needs a confirmation on your people for Career….” David trails off when Steve makes a sound between his teeth like a hiss and gives him a big wide-eyed look. “…Day?”
Steve’s wide-eyed expression forms quickly into an innocent smile when Eddie turns to look at him, “Babe-“
“Career Day?” Eddie asked scandalized, hand to chest. “Career Day is coming up, Steven? I had no idea.”
Steve’s eyes flicker away from Eddie’s over to David’s and he says, “Yes. Yep, they’ll be here with bells on. Henderson and Wheeler. Just them.”
“Wheeler?” Eddie manages to sound even more scandalized. “Stevie, you – you invited Wheeler to Career Day and not your own husband? I have a career!”
“Yes, you do,” Steve says in a voice that’s a little too ‘second grade teacher’ to not be a little bit insulting. “And you’re amazing, and I love you, but they wanted people with career paths that didn’t start so…infamous?”
David starts inching out of the room because as much as he wants to know more about Steve, he doesn’t want to witness an argument he started. He’s almost to the door when Eddie says, “I worked for my success.”
“Yeah, I know,” Steve sighs like he’s remembering something awful. “If only there wasn’t a mob.”
David is out the door when he hears that and he pauses for only a second before pulling out his phone like, ‘what the fuck, guys????’
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scaredpigeons · 7 months
More than some stress relief
Blade x Stelle NSFW 18+ MDNI
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CW: Stelle asks Blade to spar with her, and unfortunately that results in some unresolved sexual frustration, because c’mon, he’s still a whole ass man. Luckily, mama Kafka steps in to lend a helping hand. (Not her literal hand, she just buys the toy lol) phone sex, mutual masturbation? The fleshlight blade uses is connected to Stelle through the (magical) necklace that was part of the set. (Magical) creampie.
WARNING: Blade is very violent in his descriptions of how he threatens to bone Stelle. If you’re uncomfortable with him saying things along the lines of: —until the carnage is unrecognizable, —until you’re nothing but hot pulp running through my fingers (just to paraphrase loool) please do not read this. Blade is a very broken man, I was really trying to play off his more violent tendencies with this one. Stelle is so fuckin down bad tho (relatable)
If you are 18+, comfortable with some gory descriptors, and willing to read, please continue! Enjoy.
🐺👾: you want to…. Spar with blade? Are you a masochist or something? Should I be concerned? 
🦝🗑️: shut up 
🦝🗑️: I have this crazy lance and I don’t really want to hurt anyone by practicing with it 
🦝🗑️: I know he’s got that healing thing going on 
🐺👾: 👀 …. 
🐺👾: I’m telling him you called it that 
🦝🗑️: I don’t wanna like, offend him or anything. Obvi I don’t want him to get hurt, but like, the off chance I slip up with this thing… he isn’t gonna get murked. You know? 
🐺👾: okay okay I get it, I’ll ask 
🦝🗑️: 😩🩶🩶💯🔥
🐺👾: he agreed. Here’s the coordinates. Have fun, don’t die. 
“Thank you for agreeing to this, I really appreciate it!” 
The man in front of Stelle says nothing, only stares as the winds coming off the water pick up loose strands of his hair, making the inky strands flow behind him. 
“You… remember me, right?” Stelle tentatively asks. 
Still nothing. 
“It’s okay if you don’t, we don’t even have to go through with this, I just thought you would be the best person for what I’m—“ 
“I remember you, Trailblazer. My mind is not so far eroded that I’d forget you so easily.” 
His voice is dark, just as raspy as she remembers it. She has to clench her teeth to suppress a shudder. If March could hear her thoughts, she’d blush and squeal, smacking her arm in scandal. If Dan Heng could hear her thoughts… he’d institutionalize her immediately. 
This man is dangerous. Incredibly dangerous. Stelle had to lie about where she was going just so no one would try to talk her out of it. 
Danger always pulled at something inside her though, that nasty, deranged thing inside her that craved violence and adrenaline. She figured it was a side effect of hosting a stellaron inside her body, but man— did this guy make her wish she could have something else inside her body too.
 *Wink wink*
Aeons. She’s such a fucking simp. If it wouldn’t make her look bat shit insane, she’d smack herself right now just to get her shit together. 
“Oh…” she said instead. “That’s good. I’m glad.”
An awkward pause lingered between them, and she found herself thinking that maybe she was standing a bit too close to him, despite there being at least two feet between them. 
“Are you… doing well? The last time I saw you, Kafka was… helping you feel better.” She said hesitantly. 
It could’ve been her imagination, but she swore that the furrow of his brow softened ever so slightly. 
“We’re not here to discuss such trivial matters.” His voice was harsh nonetheless. 
“Right, right.” Stelle said, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly. “So, how do we do this?” 
Blade summoned his sword, dragging his fingertips across the edge before spreading the tainted blood across the flat of it, causing the cracked blade to glow and radiate with unnatural power. 
“It is not your time or place to die here, so luckily for you, I will show restraint.” 
Stelle could tell Blade was holding back, true to his word. 
Any flames she created were either quelled by his winds, or overfanned by his elemental power to the point that they grew too dangerous for the environment around them, or even Stelle herself. 
She found that with her control over the lance, she could call forth and dissipate her fires at will, so the damage to herself was minimal. 
She worried that if the flames grew too large, she’d lose control over them— but every time, she willed them away and they would flicker out, leaving charred shrubbery and stone in their wake. 
Didn’t mean they weren’t hot as shit though.  
The first time she’d used the lance, the freezing temperatures of Jarilo XI dulled just how hot her new weapon could become. 
But now, well she couldn’t tell if her sweat was from the flames or just how hard her opponent was pushing her. 
He was toying with her, clashing together brutally before jumping away and circling her like a hawk. 
He was resistant to her taunts, though keeping up with him left little room for her to pause long enough to think of something to say. 
He seemed completely at ease though, the violence in his eyes and the murderous grin doing nothing to help the degenerate part of her brain that was screaming and crying and throwing up at the opportunity to observe him like this up close, without Dan Heng around to make her feel guilty for admiring this man so much. 
Her arms grew heavy, and she’d not even made him sweat, let alone injure him in any way. 
She knew that the lack of true danger was causing her to remain at a reasonable power level, flash backs to the Herta space station incident making her shudder. 
She was really no match for him in this kind of situation. 
He lunged for her again, and this time, she was too tired to react properly. She parried his strike, but missed the signs of his next move, getting her feet swiped out from beneath her as he tackled her to the ground. His sword stabbed into the dirt just beside her head as he landed on top of her, effectively straddling her as he pinned her with his intense gaze. 
Her eyes flitted back and forth between his as her breath heaved in her chest, her heart racing as she struggled to right herself after being disoriented so badly. 
Something in his expression shifted, and instead of murderous amusement, his gaze seemed… hungry. 
He leaned closer, ever so slowly, and continued staring at Stelle so intently it made her do something so embarrassing she knew she would never live it down. 
She whimpered. 
His eyes widened for a fraction of a second before he was gone. 
He pulled away from her and disappeared within the same breath, leaving her lying there in the dirt as she caught her breath. 
She ran her hands over her face. “Well fuck.” 
🐺👾: what did you do to him? 
🦝🗑️: ??????? 
🐺👾: last week. When the two of you sparred, did something happen? 
🦝🗑️: ….
🦝🗑️: why 
🐺👾: ever since he got back he’s been fucking pouting. 
🐺👾: well, I mean pouting in the way that blade does. It’s more of a scowl than anything else, but I’ve known him long enough to differentiate between his various types of frowns. 
🦝🗑️: … nothing happened. We fought. I lost, obviously. But no one was hurt or anything. 🙃 everything’s totally normal 
🐺👾 added Kafka🕷️💕 to the chat
🐺👾: Kafka, what’s she hiding? 
Kafka🕷️💕: some sexual tension, most likely. 
🦝🗑️: …. -_- 
🦝🗑️: mother, why hast thou forsaken me????
 Kafka🕷️💕: nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetie. 
Kafka🕷️💕: Bladie may be a tragic creation of the abundance, but his body was once human. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say that some of the more… human tendencies of a man may still linger within him. 
🐺👾: F
🦝🗑️: F 
🐺👾: so you’re saying he’s pouting and kicking shit because he’s sexually frustrated? That’s fuckin nasty. 
🐺👾: @🦝🗑️ you need to fix this. I don’t wanna look at him sulk anymore 
🦝🗑️: me?!!?!? Tf am I supposed to do??? How is this my fault??? 
🐺👾: you fought him and now he’s horny. Fix it. 
🦝🗑️: … bruh 
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think the traditional way of solving this problem will be the best idea, silver wolf. 🤭
🐺👾: wym? 🤨
Kafka🕷️💕: I don’t think it’s safe right now for our little trailblazer and Bladie to get together on a more intimate level… he’s still a bit unstable mentally. 
🦝🗑️: you let me fight this man while hES UNSTABLE 
🐺👾: heh. L 
Kafka🕷️💕: fighting is what he knows. It’s what comes natural to him these days. Emotions? Not so much. 
🦝🗑️: I mean… I’m always down to help anyone whenever I can
🐺👾: *tucks hair behind ear* “i’M aLwAys DoWn tO HeLP aNyONe WHeNeVEr I cAn”
🐺👾: no thanks, I have better ways to waste my time 
🐺👾: heh… you want a nice reward for this one too? 
🐺👾: wtf does stta stand for you heathen 
Kafka🕷️💕: ooh! She’s used this one with me before. It’s “swear to the aeons.” Cute, right? 
🐺👾: 🙄 
🐺👾 has left the chat
Kafka🕷️💕: I think I have an idea on how you can help, if you’re open to it. 
🦝🗑️: …
🦝🗑️: what do I need to do? 
“Stelle sweetie!” Himeko knocked on her cabin door. “You have a package here.”
Stelle nearly slipped as her sock feet slid along the smooth floor of her room in her haste to reach the door. 
She tumbled along gracelessly and threw open her door, huffing as she took the package from Himeko. 
A box, about five hands wide and three hands deep, wrapped in plain brown paper, with a little card tapped on and slathered with all the necessary postage. 
“Thank you!” Stelle said hastily, reaching for her door. 
“Wait—“ Himeko put a hand to the door shaft, stepping forward a bit with worry in her eyes. 
Stelle cringed a bit, looking up at Himeko and trying to hide the shame she felt creeping up the back of her neck. 
“Listen,” Himeko started, eyeing the little card on the package with Stelles name written in pretty, looping letters. “I know you and that stellaron hunter have some strange connection that we aren’t sure about, and I know you’re unsure too, but I just want you to be careful, okay?” 
It took a solid two panicked seconds for Stelle to realize that Himeko was speaking about Kafka, and not the other stellaron hunter she’d so guilty formed a connection with recently. 
When the realization dawned on her, she tucked her package to the side and pulled Himeko into a tender side hug, snuggling into her chest a bit as she usually did. 
“Thank you for worrying about me, Himeko.” Stelle said, pulling away. “It means a lot to me, and I promise I’m being careful. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the safety of anyone on the express.” 
Himeko sighed, smiling as she pulled back too. “I know, I just worry about you. We’re all here to support you through this, you know that.” 
Stelle grinned. “I do, thank you.” 
The red haired woman nodded, smiling still as she said her goodbyes and left Stelle to her own devices. 
She’d never closed and locked her door so quickly before. 
Throwing the package on her bed, she hastily sat beside it and pulled the card from the packaging. 
She took a moment to trace her fingers over the pretty script on the card, before she tore open the envelope and read its contents. 
Inside this box you’ll find the fun toy I told you about, along with a new shipping label to send it off to Bladie. 
I’m off on my own right now, far away from him, and I figured he’d handle it a lot better if it came from you, and not me. hehe~ 
Also, you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. 
Thinking fondly of you always, 
Stelle blushed a little, Kafka was always saying the strangest things. She tucked the card away in her nightstand and gently pried open the package, not wanting to tear the postage stamps. 
Inside was indeed the… thing that she was told about, and she blushed furiously while looking at the nondescript white box, though the size and shape was very indicative of what was inside.
She pulled the new shipping label out, looking at the address inquisitively and realizing she had no idea where Blade even was, not recognizing the planet. 
She sat it aside and pulled out the other small box inside, opening it up and finding a rather beautiful blue choker necklace. The colour was reminiscent of her garter, and she smiled, happily pulling the gift from its box and wrapping it around her slender throat. 
It clicked nicely in the back, and fit perfectly. She smiled, patting it and thinking about how it was such a thoughtful gift, however strangely unrelated. Then again Kafka was a bit of an enigma regardless, so who knows what her thought process was when putting these two together. 
Stelle closed up the box, slapping the new shipping label over the old one and eyeing it as it sat in the middle of her bed. 
Fuck, I should probably write him a letter, some kind of explination so he doesn’t just throw it away without opening it. 
She scurried to her desk, pulling out a very cutesy animal themed stationary set that March had gifted her after their mission on Jarilo XI. 
The envelopes and cards were soft blue, covered in cute little bunnies and bears and what Stelle thinks are pink raccoons, surrounded with hearts and little stars. 
She laughed at the idea of Blade handling such delicate paper, and got to writing a quick note on her desk.
Don’t hate me, but SW was complaining about your… mood lately, and I thought this might help. I totally fuckin get it, trust me, I understand. Traveling with a group of people that’s more like family than anything else can really put a damper on your… personal time. So please take time for yourself, if not for me, then to at least make silver wolf stop complaining to me that you’re moody. 
I look forward to the day you’ll spar with me again. 
It might’ve been doing a bit too much, but Stelle couldn’t help but feel like the note might help him to be more receptive to the gift. 
Being a bit delusional never stopped her before, so why should it now? 
She slid the card in the envelope and slapped it to the package, picking it up to go and have it delivered. Hopefully she could feel a bit more at peace once it was gone. 
A quick and impatient knock sounded on his room door, pulling him from his deep meditation on the floor. 
“Hey asshole, you’ve got a package.” 
He and Silver Wolf were sent together to fulfill one of Elio’s scripts, and it was a brief period of lull in their respective duties. 
The inn they were staying at wasn’t lavish by any means, but they were discreet, and that’s really all they could hope for. 
Blade released a breath through his nose as he rose from the floor, walking over and opening up his room to find his fellow hunter standing impatiently, tapping her foot on the rough carpet of the hallway. 
Blade hated carpet in the hallways of inns. Always disgusting and ridiculously coloured. 
“Here.” Silver Wolf shoved the box in his hands, her grin was wide, spreading to her eyes which twinkled up at him with the mischief he tried so desperately to avoid. 
“Who could possibly know where we are right now.” He grumbled at her, though she was already turning to leave. 
“I have an inkling, and hopefully the stick falls out of your ass soon.” She laughed maniacally as she waltzed down the hall. “Enjoy!” 
Blade felt his brow scrunch up tight as he eyed the package. The blue envelope tapped into it was terrible to look at, the childish print making him want to throw it away immediately, but the unfamiliar lettering spelling his name across the paper made him pause. 
He brought the package to his bed, sitting down and thumbing open the envelope. 
The contents of the card made his stomach drop and then lurch into his throat. He was ready to run silver wolf through with his sword. 
Calm yourself. 
He took steady breaths, though he was angry, he was also rather curious about what exactly was in the box. 
With a carefulness he didn’t remember he had, he pried open the package to find a smaller white box without any words or indicators of what could be inside. 
He lifted the lid, only to drop it in shock at what lurked within. He knew what that was. He was older than most but he was still a man, and he knew exactly what had been sent to him— what was to help his “mood.” 
He sighed, pinching his temples. He didn’t know whether he wanted to thank silver wolf or strangle her. Either way, he’d be getting some kind of relief today. 
Stelle was eating dinner when she felt the first phantom touch. 
Fingertips, as soft as a whisper, ghosting over her pubic mound and making her stomach dip. 
Her eyes darted around, but everyone else was still enjoying their meal, chatting quietly together with the melody of silverware accompanying their voices. 
She was sat beside Dan Heng tonight, but both of his hands were above the table. 
She leaned back to look at him below the waist, looking to see if he’d manifested his tail and was making a pass at her, or more likely, was absentmindedly flicking it about like he did whenever he took his secondary form. 
But no, he was tailless this evening, and now eyeing her a bit warily as her eyes darted around. 
“You okay?” He murmured, not wanting to bother the others. 
The touch ghosted along her outer labia now, making her drop her fork in shock. 
Everyone was looking at her now, and she felt something pulse around her throat, right where her new necklace rested. 
Her face heated, and she placed her utensils onto her half finished plate before scooting from behind the table. 
“I’m… not feeling the greatest. I think I’m gonna go to bed early, if you all don’t mind.” 
She stood quickly, standing there for a moment as the touches continued, soft and inquisitive. 
“Are you alright?” Welt asked, concerned. “Would you like me to bring you some tea, or medicine?” 
“No!” Stelle jumped, before she caught herself and smiled sheepishly. “I’m alright, just feeling a little off. Probably just need some good sleep. I’ll see you all in the morning?” 
They all nodded, watching her go with worried eyes, but letting her leave without more questioning, which she was so grateful for. 
As soon as she made it to her room, she felt the first touch swipe through her core, and she nearly keened. 
Her throat pulsed, the necklace weakly glowing in the dark of her room. 
Her body felt hot. She was embarrassed at the amount of wetness that was pooling in her underwear, but most importantly, she was so fucking confused at what was going on. 
Something wet and blunt prodded at her entrance, and her knees buckled as she locked her door. 
She nearly crawled to her bed as her choker pulsed and pulsed with a weak glow, and the blunt thing, which felt suspiciously like a pair of fingers, finally slipped inside her, curiously prodding around, as if feeling her out. 
She slapped a hand over her mouth as she squeezed around the phantom digits, their touch lingering at her g spot with ridiculous precision. The fingers withdrew and she breathed a sigh of relief, though it was short lived as something much, much larger prodded itself at her entrance. 
Her eyes widened, and she scrambled to pull Kafkas card from her bedside drawer. 
“you’ll find a beautiful little necklace I had added to the set, that’s for you to wear. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time with it. “
Stelle hadn’t realized what those words meant at the time, but as the blunt head of a ridiculously sized phallic object pushed at her hole, the meaning slapped her in the face like a rouge automaton. 
Her back arched off the bed as the phantom cock pushed into her, and she choked on a moan as it buried itself deep within her. She was so ridiculously wet she wanted to cry, and knowing who was on the other end of this feeling made her eyes roll back into her head. 
The thrusts started slow, but slowly worked their way up to something more intense, almost violent. Her insides churned, and she felt the telltale signs of an orgasm building up so quickly she might scream. 
No, no no no. She scrambled, reaching for the necklace, but when her fingers reached the latch, the thrusts changed angles, pounding directly into her g-spot and she cussed into the dark of her room. 
Her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave, crashing into her and seeping deep into her bones. It was the first actually satisfying orgasm she’d had in an incredibly long time. 
Her fingertips shook as they lingered on the necklace a moment, before she threw them back to her sheets, gripping them tightly as the thrusts continued. 
Fuck, this feels too good.
Through the post orgasm fog, she wondered if he knew. 
Did he know it was connected to her? 
She suddenly felt overcome with guilt. If he didn’t know, this felt a little like taking advantage of his struggles. If he did know, then she wanted to hear him say it out loud, that he knew exactly what he was doing to her. 
She wanted him to hear exactly what he was doing to her. 
With shaking hands and twitching thighs, she slapped around her bed for her phone, biting her lip through the pleasure to scroll through her contacts. 
It was nearly at the bottom, and the last time it was used was a hack of Silver Wolf’s, and Kafkas words, not his own. But she had to try regardless. 
She clicked the call button, bringing her phone to her ear as she bit back moans. 
Suddenly, the thrusting within her stopped, though the phantom cock remained buried within her. 
She gasped as the ringing came to a halt as the line picked up.
There was no answer, though she swore she could hear his breathing, just a bit heavier than usual. 
“Don’t… don’t stop.” She whispered. 
She thought she heard his breath catch in his throat. She definitely heard the swallow before he spoke. 
“What are you talking about.” His gravelly voice reverberated through the phone, and she felt the cock inside her move ever so slowly, in and out. 
She bit her lip. “I didn’t know at first, I swear.” Her thoughts were scrambled as the soft thrusts continued, and the knowledge that he was actively fucking himself with the toy while she spoke make her stomach jump in pleasure. 
“You didn’t know what?” He said, voice low and nearly at a whisper. 
“It’s… we’re… we’re connected.” 
The toy stopped, and she sucked in a breath of relief, hoping to gather her thoughts so she could properly explain herself. 
Suddenly a moan was ripped from her chest as his cock thrust into the toy with vigor, and his intense pace was picked back up tenfold. 
She tried to hide it, but the damage was done, and if he didn’t know before, he certainly did now as he listened to her whine and whimper through the phone. 
“I thought the inside felt far too realistic.” He growled. “You’re squeezing me so tight, little Nameless.” 
She gasped, his voice along with the stimulation was far too much, and another orgasm was quickly approaching. 
She tried to play it off like she wasn’t being fucked within an inch of her life though. 
“Yeah well, it’s… been a while since I’ve gotten any action, s-so forgive me for being a little tense.” She stammered. 
He switched his thrusts to hard and deep, so hard Stelle could nearly feel the sensation of his hips hitting hers, and she’s almost positive the fat of her lower half would be rippling in the recoil if he were actually here. 
“I knew as soon as I saw you that you were just a needy hole begging to be filled.” Blade said, voice deep and oh so condescending. 
Stelle fisted the sheets, her eyes nearly rolling into her skull as her needy moans slipped through clenched teeth. He was right, he was so right— but that didn’t mean she needed to concede so easily. 
“That’s bold talk…” she hissed, biting her lips until they felt raw. “…For someone who literally ran away from m-me as soon as his blood traveled south.”  
His dark laugh made her squeeze around him, and she knew he could feel it because the laugh trickled off into a deep groan that set her face on fire. She felt like her fingertips were alight with electricity, like her body was attempting to defy the artificial gravity on the express as she arched off her sheets. 
The pounding within her never faltered as he continued speaking his vile, filthy words at her. 
“You’re lucky I did, little Nameless.” She could almost imagine his murderous grin, the violence that vibrated through his voice was astounding. “If I had stayed I would have fucked you until not even your beloved crew would have been able to recognize the carnage I’d left behind.”
She couldn’t stop the noise that flew from her throat, a guttural keening that had her gripping her cellphone in embarrassment as he laughed once more. 
“Oh?” He teased, voice edged with gravel and venom. “You must be desperate to enjoy the idea of me fucking you until you’re nothing but hot pulp slipping through my fucking fingers.”
Oh she was so desperate, so fucked. If anyone else had said something so absolutely horrifying, she’d have run far, far away. 
“Does the rest of the express crew know how fucking depraved you are?” His thrusts seemed to pick up speed, which would’ve seemed nearly impossible, except she couldn’t exactly think at the moment, only sob as they slammed against that spot inside her over and over again until she felt herself slipping slowly. 
“Do they know that their precious little star wants to be fucked by a monster?” He snarled, and she cried out into the soft light of her room, thrashing around as her orgasm teased its way at her— but she was holding it back, why, why?
“Please,” she gasped. “Please, can I—“ oh, she thought distantly. Oh I’m so fucked up. 
Blade groaned, the slick sounds of him thrusting into the toy ringing in her ear. “So desperate, so polite. You really are something else.”
She keened, arching her back as the feeling licked at her further, so close to toppling over the edge.
“Go on then,” Blade whispered darkly. “Cum for me.” 
It crashed over her, more powerful than anything she could remember feeling. It pulsed through her in quick waves, so strong and violent as he just kept going. 
It started to dance into sickly sweet overstimulation as she heard his breath quicken, and she steadied her breath, wanting to savor this moment. 
“You know,” she breathed. “I’m a lot tougher than you think.”
His breath stuttered, his pace faltering ever so slightly. 
“I could take it,” she whispered. “I don’t think you’d hurt me in any way I didn’t want you to.” 
He faltered, and she heard him cuss under his breath through the phone.
“Yeah?” He whispered. “You’d take what I give you?”
She nodded at her ceiling, knowing he couldn’t see her, but her mind was too foggy with brutal pleasure to think straight. He was undoing her. 
“Every disgusting, violent, nasty thing you’d give me Blade,” she said, clutching the sheets as tears welled behind her eyes, praying he was almost finished but simultaneously never wanting it to end. “I’d take it so well for you, and I’d thank you for it.” 
“Fuck.” Blade moaned, deep and guttural, and his thrusting seized inside her. Much to her shock, she could feel the warmth of him filling her up, pump and after pump of him coating her insides. 
They both lay there, staring at their ceilings and breathing heavily over the phone, not speaking but not really wanting to anyways. 
Finally, once the breath returned to her lungs unlaboured, she felt him pull himself from the toy. 
She felt like she’d been hollowed out, like a crater had been formed where her insides should be, and without him there plugging her up—-her guts would fall out and she’d be left empty. 
He made a confused noise, and just as he did she felt the telltale squelch of cum slipping from her still twitching insides, and she groaned in frustration. 
“Well then,” he chuckled, softer now than before— almost a forbidden sound. “That makes cleaning up easier for me.” 
She smacked her hand over her face. “This is the weirdest toy ever invented, and I'm going to cry the next time I have to face Kafka.” 
“I figured this had something to do with her,” he said, shuffling noises heard from his end of the line. “She can never stay out of my business for too terribly long, unfortunately.” 
“Mine too it seems.” Stelle sighed. She smiled when he made a neutral sound of agreement. 
“You sound like you’re in a better mood.” She said, uncaring of the consequences.
“Well, before I realized what this really was, I was just hoping to release some inconvenient pent up energy.” He said, voice flat. “But I suppose doing it this way has added benefits. I’m no fool, I understand how the human brain works.”
“So this… helped you?” Stelle asked tentatively. 
He sighed. “I’d be lying if I said it was entirely useless.” 
Stelle smiled, stroking the choker around her throat, the delicate glow now completely faded. 
“I’ll keep my end of the connection on, it's simple enough. Just call me next time, okay? I don’t need to embarrass myself at dinner again.”
“I make no such promises.” She thought she heard the faintest of smiles in that last sentence before the line went dead.  
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wqnwoos · 11 months
seventeen — vocal unit as your boyfriend
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okay so technically i already did this in dating hyung line / maknae line but — part 2 i guess? requested by @glowunderthemoon 💗
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evil!!!!! likes to play around with you so much
especially if you guys are playing games or something he just makes up rules that get wilder and wilder until you draw the line
apologises to you afterwards w backhugs and kisses on your neck but he’s still giggling so how sorry is he really?
sends you all his boyfriend photos and then when he finds out one of them is your lockcreen he’s sooooo cocky about it (“i didn’t know you liked me that much” “jeonghan we have been dating for two years”)
takes you shopping but then gets antsy if you guys stay too long in one shop 😭 he won’t hurry you but he’ll just be shifting around awkwardly until ur done
has unflattering pictures of you as his lock screen. think fast asleep mouth open drooling a little. that’s his lockscreen and he won’t change it no matter how much u ask (he actually thinks it’s adorable)
gives you bites of his food without you even asking
takes loads of random selfies on your phone,,, like you open the photos app and ur like ?????? because suddenly there are 78 new photos of his face that you definitely did not take
gets sulky if you leave him to go out with friends or something 😭 ofc he’s just kidding but he dramatically throws an arm over his face and pouts (“i thought you loved me!!!!” “joshua you don’t even like this restaurant” “what if i changed my mind????” “we tried it last week!!!!”)
i feel like he’s the worst to have by ur side in an awkward situation bc you guys look at each other and you’re suddenly trying to hold back your laughter SOOOO bad and there’s not even anything funny😭
or if you’re talking to someone annoying he just stands behind them and makes faces to try and get you to crack tf up
tries to learn your favourite song on the guitar and then when you’re like “show me :))” he just starts playing sunday morning
omfg. the SWEETEST.
i think i said this in the other one but lets you play with his equipment and teaches you how to make basic beats and stuff (if u don’t know already) — tells u things like “good job!!” when you finish one
he’ll let you do whatever you want for dates and go along with it because you want to do it even if he’s reluctant <3333
if you don’t watch anime congratulations now you do!!!!! catch him at the right moment he’s gonna give you the rundown on all his favourites and the plots and the characters and everything (like his six hour live omfg)
genuinely believe he really is not cold as a boyfriend i think that is a Misconception — i saw this post the other day and HARD AGREE like this is mr i love my team i love my crew we are talking about ??? the same man who wrote darling which is arguably one of their sweetest songs????????
i’m convinced this man is an angel ? he acts like your guardian angel anyway he takes care of you so hard it’s crazy
he makes sure u eat well and u rest well and everything omg :(
also feel like he randomly bursts into a skit in the kitchen and you hAVE to play along you have to get invested!!!!!
also just a sidenote can u imagine just being in the same house as him and you can just hear him singing from the other room :( i am so sad :(
i feel like he takes note of what you really like and remembers (or notes it down). like if you have flowers in a vase the first time h comes over you best believe he’s going to keep that vase STOCKED for however long
even if he’s away or on tour or something you’d still get weekly deliveries with a card or something AHHHHHH
compliment battles 😭 even if you just say something small (“i like your hair today”) he immediately returns the compliment x10 until eventually you guys are just arguing about who’s sweeter or something weird which just ends in giggles once you realise how loud he’s saying “oh yeah? well your eyes are even prettier!!!”
MY LOVELY SEUNGKWAN 😭💗😭💗 convinced he’s sooo boyfriend material
like the most caring kindest sweetest boyfriend he texts you reminders every day (“don’t forget to eat~” “drink some water please~”) HES SO CUTE 😭
randomly squishes your cheeks and goes “pretty” and then moves on like nothing happened but gets so flustered if you do it back 😭 acts annoyed but he kinda loves it <3
if you’re cooking with music on you’re not getting him out that kitchen he is dancing like there’s no tomorrow !!!!! makes you join him and teaches you the steps if you don’t know them already until both of you are just giggling messes and oh fuck the food’s going to burn
wants your approval for every outfit and hairstyle 😭 the stylist is about to dye his hair and he holds up a hand like. “WAIT.” and facetimes you quickly like “hi baby what do you think about dark blue hair???”
and if you tell him something like “seungkwan you’re always handsome” he just clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes 😭😭 “just tell me yes or no!!!”
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thatfuckinjester · 18 days
sorry i missed yesterday but now i can just mix them :D
thanks to @cirrus-ghoulette for organizing whumpmonth!! also i'm using @wrathofrats beautiful dividers!!
Days seven + eight: Broken bones + "Who did this to you?"
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Phantom can't really explain it, but there's something so comforting in this whole situation.
Laying on the cold grass, not being able to talk, to call for help -not like he even wanted to, not like help would come- or do anything really, just let the tears from the pain and shock fall down his face, map them out with wet lines.
And he can't even look at the stars, which was the only thing he wanted to do but it's not like it matters, the stars don't want him there.
And Phantom thinks that it's just so funny, because it happened by mistake, the funniest mistake that happened to him lately.
And yeah, maybe falling, well getting pushed really but he can't think about it right now, from the rooftop is horrible and painful, but he can't help the laugh that's bubbling in his chest.
And maybe he just play along with it all, maybe he should let the darkness that's creeping towards the center of his sight take over.
Maybe he'll catch on fire.
Phantom shuts his eyes, it won't really matter if he rest for a bit, he knows that he'll never go home again.
And yeah, maybe thinking about the pack as home is scary, because when did that happen? But Phantom is already drifting away, too far to think about it.
And it's a funny dream he finds himself in, really.
Aether is there, and Phantom likes him, even if the bigger ghoul scares him most of the time, he makes sure to tell him that.
He likes the small smile Aether sends his way. He doesn't like the frown on his face though, or the way his back was tingling.
"Tell us again," Omega asked and Phantom honestly forgot that he was in his dream too, he likes Omega too, there's something very confusing about him, but he feels like what home is supposed to be.
He likes the way Omega's ruffling his hair. And once again there's that frown he hates.
"Focus Starlight," And Phantom tries, but this dream feels so weird, so much more dizzy and fuzzy than usual.
"Who did this to you?"
"Did what?" Phantom asked and Omega looked away for a second, his hand still petting Phantom's hair but everything feels heavier.
"Who pushed you, love?" Aether came into frame again, Phantom knew that his tail was supposed to be waggling, he can't really feel it but it's okay, or at least he thinks it's okay.
"Pushed me?" He's so confused. It's a dream, dreams supposed to be nice, not whatever this is, he shouldn't hear beeping, shouldn't feel so little, dreams were his specialty, after all.
"Oh." He said, maybe it's a memory type of dream, maybe he needs to remember something like when he fell asleep baking cookies.
"The stars pushed me," He started and then thought a little bit more.
"But it happened by mistake, I swears to Satan it was just a mistake. They were just upset."
Omega looked at Aether as Phantom kept talking again and again about a dream and angry stars.
Maybe dosing him with painkillers was too much for the little ghoul, but with a vertebral fracture it's preferred, especially with how much Phantom screamed when they moved him.
Phantom once again called Aether cute, mentioning another thing he loves about the ghoul. It could've been nice, Phantom never really opened up to them like that, but with everything that's going on it feels horrible.
Aether smiled and kissed his forehead, as if it was his own little promise to find out who that stardust character was on the roof that night.
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starboyee · 1 month
Sweet Treat
Chris Sturniolo x Male Reader
summary: when wanting to make cookies with chris turns into something a little more hot
warnings: smut, some pet names, dirty talk, p in h (penis in hole)
"Chris can we please do something else" you whine from his bed, mad that he's playing games instead of spending time with you, "c'mon baby one more game and I'll do whatever you want" Chris tries to reason as he spins around in his chair to look at you "you said that 5 games ago" you say as you get out of bed and walk towards Chris, Chris pulls you onto his lap "well 5 games ago I wasn't on a win streak" he says as he caresses your back "well then now can we do something" you say as you remove some of the worn out strings from chris' shirt, Chris thinks to himself before finally agreeing.
"yes!" you cheer before grabbing chris' hand and dragging him to the kitchen "so what are we making now" Chris chuckles as he watches you go to the fridge with a grin on his face "cookies" you say while having a big smile across your face "ok then what are the instructions" "we need butter, sugar, flour, eggs, and chocolate chips" you say as you get eggs from the fridge and chris gets the flour, eggs, and chocolate chips before meeting at the island to mix the ingredients "okay so what do we do first" "I think we put the dry ingredients first" you say as you put the sugar and flour into one bowl and then butter and eggs in the other bowl before mixing them both together and adding the chocolate chips.
"oh Chris you got some dough on you" "really where?" "right there" you say as you throw a little bit of cookie dough on chris' shirt "oh really now y/n, I actually think you have some on you too" Chris jokes as he throws a big piece of dough on your shirt, which ends turning into a food fight, you throwing dough at Chris and Chris throwing dough at you, "okay okay I call a truce" you laugh as you hold your hands up "fine me too" Chris says as he hugs you before kissing you, "that was fun" you say as you catch your breath, before reciprocating the kiss back.
The kiss becomes deeper and deeper and turns into a make out session, you on the counter with Chris leaving hickeys on your necks while you feel up and down his chest "Chris I thought we were gonna make cookies" you say as you hold back a moan "yeah but why have cookies when I have a sweet treat right here" Chris lowly says "what if your brothers come home" "they're not gonna be back for the next couple of hours, so we have to whole house to ourselves" chris seductively says as he runs his hand up your thigh "c'mon baby y'know you wanna" "fine" you whimper.
"okay y/n I'll make it worth your while" Chris says as he picks you up by your thighs and takes you to his room. Chris walks into his room and lays you on his bed and shuts the door, before leaning down over you and kissing you down your body, removing your shirt and pants along the way. "you like this baby" Chris asks "mhm so much" you moan as you arch your back "can I take 'em off" Chris asks as he tugs at your underwear "please please do chris" you beg and whimper. Chris takes off your underwear and begins kissing down your v-line before spinning you over and kissing your ass before leading his kisses all the way back to your neck.
"you want me in you?" Chris whispers in your ear "yes please" you let out with a breathy moan, chris takes off his clothes and kisses you "you ready y/n" Chris asks as he rubs his dick up and down your hole "mhmmm" you whimper while nodding, Chris slips in the tip then the whole dick "fuckkkkk" you and Chris both groan out "you feel so good Chris" "you feel so much better baby" chris moans as he begins to thrust into you, making you moan out loudly dropping your head into the pillow "y'know baby I think we should remember this moment" Chris groans as he grabs his phone off his night stand and begins to record it, lifting your head off the pillow to look at the camera.
"Chris noooo" you moan as you try and hide your face from the camera "c'mon baby it could be just our little video, and you know you'd love to see how much of a slut you are for me" Chris whispers to you as he lightens his thrusts "fine Chris but you better not show it to anyone" "you know I would never darling", Chris pulls the camera closer to him and records himself fucking you "fuckkkk baby you're taking me so well" Chris groans as he lands a few slaps on your ass making you moan out.
"I need you to see this y/n" Chris says as he spins you around on your back and continues to film it all. "whyyy" you whine out as you thrust your hips onto his cock "because baby I want you to see how you're taking my cock like a good slut" "can you please just fuck me" you whine "i don't know baby can I" Chris says as he stops thrusting into you and just holds the camera in front of you, "chrisss" you moan and whine out "why'd you stop" you say. "I don't know, but give me a reason to keep going" Chris teases "how about this" you say as you lean up and kiss chris deeply before running your hands all the way down his body, leaving him speechless "now how about you put the phone down and focus on fucking me" you say while laying back down and staring at him with love filled eyes, Chris (who is still choking on his own words) puts down the phone and leans in too kiss you back as he holds your hands in place with his own above your head "I'm gonna fuck you till you cant walk baby" chris whispers in your ear, "id like to see you try" you tease.
Chris leans back up and tightly grabs your hips before pounding into you, making you moan out loudly "yeahhhh baby moan for me like a good slut" Chris coos as he rubs up and down your torso, Chris continues to fuck you in every speed; slow, fast, medium, and sometimes at an animalistic pace. "Chris" you moan "yeah y/n" "I'm gonna cum" "then cum baby, cum for daddy" chris says as he jerks you off, "ohhh fuck" you yell out as you spurt your cum all over your chest. "you did so good babe but youre not done just yet" chris growls as he pounds into hard and fast, wanting to reach his climax too.
you lay there just taking his cock as it abuses your hole over and over, after some time you feel chris' thrust into getting sloppier and sloppier "you gonna cum chris" "mhmmm" chris whimpers as he tightens his grip on your hips "yeah cum deep in me chris, i wanna fell your seed in my stomach" you moan out for chris "here it comes y/n" chris moans out as he cums in you before plopping down on the bed "how was that babe" chris says as he breaths heavily "if this is what i get for baking with you then we should do it more" you say while breathing heavily. "i love you" "i love you more" you both say as you kiss each other deeply.
you hear the sound of keys jingling in the door and know that its matt and nick, "chris... y/n" nick yells out before walking up to the kitchen "why is there fucking cookie dough all over the kitchen" nick says question as he walks towards chris' room "give us a minute nick" chris yells while turning to you and giving you a kiss, chris then gets up and puts on some shorts and walks to his door " what nick" he says while only peeping out the door "why is there cookie dough all over the kitchen" "because me and y/n were making cookies, duh" "and why didnt you pick it up" "because we ended up doing something else" "like wha-" nick starts before seeing you with nothing but a sheet over your body, "first off: ew second off: just pick it up" "fine" chris says as he shuts the door and nick walks away before turning around to you "king nick says that we must clean up the kitchen" chris jokes "are you sure we couldnt just lock the door and pick up where we left off" you say as you drag chris closer to you by his shorts, "we could but then we'd have to deal with nicks nagging later" chris chuckles.
"fine but we'll continue this later" you say as you get up before squeezing chris' dick through his shorts, "woah woah woah" chris says as he grabs your arm to bring you back to him "maybe we could do a little more" chris say as he caresses his fingertips across your shoulder, "oh but i thought nick would be nagging later" you say as you notice a growing boner in chris' shorts "i can handle nick's nagging, what i cant handle is your teasing touches" "and what if they hear us" "well then i guess you'll have to be extra quiet" chris says as he kisses you and pushes you onto the bed.
(lets just say, you were anything but quiet that night)
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