#but i kinda think there's more than just two
izzy-stuff-1 · 2 days
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choi soobin x afab!reader
summary: After you found out the smarty-pants in your class was in love with you you thought it would be fun to play around with him a bit, but things take a wrong turn when he is the only one you can text when you are horny and he doesn't hesitate and runs to you, making you feel better than any of your ex boyfriends could.
words count: 3.9k
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, she/her pronouns used twice (in the texting part) sorry 🙏, oral, vaginal fingering, unprotected sex (don't!!), cum eating, gentle sex, idk tbh
You glanced to your side, watching the black-haired boy on the other side of the classroom as he wrote down some notes. If you were to be honest, you weren’t paying any attention to what the teacher was saying, so you had no idea what he was writing down either. But it didn't matter anyway, you knew he would let you copy his notes later. 
It was one of the perks of having the class’s smarty-pants be in love with you. You chuckled when you saw him look your way too, smiling at him before you turned away again. 
“What's going on there?” The black-haired girl next to you asked, her eyebrow raised as she pointed at the male on the other side of the class. “Why do you two keep stealing glances at each other?” 
“You know Yeonjun, right?” You asked, watching as the girl next to you nodded. “Who doesn't,” your best friend scoffed. “What does he have to do with anything?” 
“Well, he is the one that told me last week our little nerdy here has a crush on me. It all makes sense now if you think about it. I couldn't wrap my head around why he would always send me the lesson notes when I asked for them but not to others. I told Ryan he could ask Soob because I thought he wouldn't have any problems with it, but it turns out he only sent them to me to get me to like him, or something,” You explained, watching as your best friend laughed quietly. 
“It's kind of cute though that he does that.” 
“But I don't want ‘cute’ anymore,” you rolled your eyes. “I want someone who can actually make me cum and not just stare at me questioning why I wouldn't finish as if he even tried.” 
“Okay, I know the last boy was a fail as fuck, literally, but who knows,” the black-haired girl shrugged. “You want to tell me you think he of all people could make me cum?” You scoffed. “Please, he probably hasn't fucked a girl in his life.” 
You said that, but God, you had no idea what was coming your way. 
“Who are we gossiping about?” You turned as you heard the male’s voice, scoffing at how needy he was for the tea. “No one,” you shook your head. “Your rival,” your best friend grinned, answering instead when you didn’t do so. The blond boy scoffed, looking at the black-haired boy. “Oh yeah, I am so sure he didn’t fuck a girl - or anyone else - in his life,” he agreed. 
“I am pretty sure I’ve been with a girl more times than he has,” Ryan next to him nodded, joining their conversation. “Kinda crazy,” you commented, laughing. Before you could say anything else, you were stopped by the teacher hitting the board with his hand, making you look his way. “As I was saying,” he started his speech again, giving you a warning look before he turned around, facing the board again so he could write down a few things. 
Your head fell on the table soon after out of boredom, and before you could even start paying attention to what the teacher was talking about, the bell rang, announcing the end of the lesson. 
“Okay, guys, who is coming with me to grab lunch?” Your best friend turned towards you and the two boys behind you. “I am passing,” you mumbled immediately, not even fully sitting up and simply turning your head towards her. “I am going,” Ryan proclaimed, already standing up from his place, the blond following him right after. 
“Okay, I see you guys later, then,” you smiled at them, waving them off as they left the classroom. You knew you should get up too and move to your next class, but you were starting to feel unwell, and the thought of getting up sounded terrible. You sighed, closing your eyes for a few seconds. You knew this classroom was empty for another hour or so anyway. 
“Hey, are you alright?” You opened your eyes again upon hearing the soft voice and feeling the tap on your shoulder, blinking a few times to make your eyes focus again. “Mhm, sure I am,” you mumbled, sitting up straight as you looked around. The class was empty by now, only the two of you were left there. “Why? Were you worried about me?” You chuckled, teasing him. Suddenly, it was as if your headache completely disappeared when you saw the nervous look on his face. “Relax, I am joking,” you shook your head, but couldn’t hide your smile. 
“I don’t want to annoy you,” you started, slowly packing your stuff as he stood beside you, waiting like a puppy. “But do you think you could give me today’s notes, Soob?” 
“You-” he gulped, trying to ignore the nickname. There was simply something about you calling him Soob. “I don’t want it for free though. You could consider it as me owing you one and helping you when you’d need it?” You suggested as you stood up, grabbing your now packed bag. “Uhm, sure,” he nodded, not even paying full attention to what you were saying. 
“I’ll text you tonight about the notes then,” you beamed happily, looking like a completely different person as you placed your hand on his arm as a sign of thank you. You were devastated minutes ago, but whoever would see you now wouldn’t believe him if he told them so. Soobin wasn’t sure why, but he was glad you looked fine again. 
Soobin threw his bag on the side of his room, jumping into his bed immediately after the long day. He laid down on his back, simply staring at the ceiling of his room. He reached into his pocket for his phone, seeing two unread messages from his best friend. He opened his phone, staring at the two texts. “Look at Instagram” “Thank me later” There wasn’t much for him to question. Even though to many it might seem confusing, he knew exactly whose Instagram he should check. There was only one person that the two of them talked about together after all. 
The black-haired male clicked on the icon, waiting for the story to load for a second. Then his eyes widened at the sight. It was a picture of you, but not just any picture. He sat up immediately, looking properly at your body. You were wearing a white top, cropped slightly above your waist. He couldn’t help but notice you weren't wearing a bra underneath, your nipples showing through the fabric. Then he saw the black miniskirt, that you definitely pulled higher than you should. He gulped, remembering how you touched his arm earlier today, your fingers brushing on his skin as your hair fell in front of your face. 
He whined silently as he felt his boxers becoming tighter the more he stared at the picture, your body curves exposed for anyone to see. He shared the story with Yeonjun, his best friend, and immediately texted him how good you looked. 
Only, did he not know it wasn’t Yeonjun he shared the story to.  
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Soobin stared at the messages, screaming as he turned his phone off faster than ever before. He couldn’t believe it. He just told you he needed you. There wasn’t anything worse that could be happening at the moment. Not to mention the image of your body was still stuck in his head, making him hard. 
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He stared at the messages again, his heart fighting with his brain at that moment. He didn’t want to make you do anything, he felt like it would be too forced, even though you were the one suggesting it. But a part of him knew this was his only chance. There was no way he could get you differently. He knew about your dating history, so he also knew you had never been with anyone like him. It was always the boys like Yeonjun, who just understood how to talk to girls properly, how to make them fall for them. But he wasn’t like that, he had no idea what he was doing. 
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And just like that, he was in front of your place, rethinking his decisions as he knocked on the front door, trying his best to ignore the boner in his pants that still hadn’t gone down. How could it be when you shared a picture like that with him?
“You came,” you mumbled as you opened the door, looking up at him. Soobin looked down on you, noticing the same top you had in the Instagram picture. He gulped, his eyes then falling on the bottom part of your body and the white panties that were the only thing you were wearing. “How could I not?” He whispered, making sure this picture would stay in his mind. 
You grabbed his hand as you took him inside, closing the door behind you immediately. It was only now that you noticed how big his hands were against yours. You just hoped he could use them too. 
Soobin blindly followed you to your bedroom, his mind full of thoughts about how he should go about this, while his eyes were stuck on your ass, unable to look away as you walked in front of him. 
“Can I-” he started as his eyes followed you while you sat on your bed. “You can do absolutely anything, Soob,” you interrupted him, watching as his face turned red. “Soob? Soobie?” You smirked, noticing what the nicknames did to him. “Is that what turns you on?” 
“Everything about you turns me on,” he admitted, slowly getting closer to you while you moved back, not taking your eyes off him. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t. You simply bit your bottom lip as you found him above yourself, holding eye contact. This was becoming more intimate than you thought it would. 
“Is it okay for me to kiss you?” He wanted to assure himself one more time. You thought about it for a second, not wanting to give him any hope, but also desperately needing his lips on yours. You nodded to him in the end, grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing him closer to yourself, pressing your lips on his, your mouth slightly opened which only made it easier for him. 
His right hand found its way to your boob, carefully sliding under your top, his cold fingers brushing over your nipple. You groaned into the kiss, clenching around nothing but thin air. It felt pathetic. He had barely touched you and you were already getting wet. 
Soobin left your mouth for a second, getting a disagreeing whine immediately that made him smile as he started placing wet kisses all over your neck, slowly moving down to your collarbone and then between your boobs. Your lips parted as you breathed out from the pleasure, raising your head to look at him. “Mhm, take it off,” you whispered, your hand reaching for his sleeve. He didn’t hesitate for a second and listened to you, taking his shirt off while you took down your own, exposing your breast to him completely. 
“Fuck,” he groaned at the sight, feeling more and more uncomfortable in his sweatpants. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at your body one more time before his lips found their way to your breast again, his hand cupping one of them as he pressed kisses on your other boob, his tongue making wet circles around your nipple. 
“Fuck,” it was you groaning this time, quiet moans escaping your lips as your nipples became hard at his touch. “Soob, please,” you whined, throwing your head back into the pillow. “Please, what? Hm?” He asked, not even looking up and just continuing what he had been doing until now, his lips moving down again, leaving wet traces on your stomach now as his hands found their way to your waist. “I don’t know. Just- fuck,” you moaned out again when you felt his lips on your clit through your panties. 
“Just?” He asked again, looking up at you. You could swear you had never seen anything better in your life. The male was in between your legs, his breath landing right on your clit as he looked at you, absolute need in his eyes. 
“Just fuck me already,” you begged, watching as he took down your panties, his eyes fixated on your already leaking pussy. “I don’t think so,” he informed you, moving up again so he would face you. “I doubt you could take it just like that,” he whispered, moving his fingers to your lips. You didn’t need to hear anything else and immediately opened your mouth, sucking on his fingers. 
Before you could even register his actions you felt him slowly inserting his two fingers into you, carefully watching you. He did so to make sure he was doing everything right. You weren't completely wrong when you said he probably hasn’t been with a girl in his life. He couldn’t say he would have much experience, but all of his friends were sex addicts - and now he could finally see why - and they couldn’t keep their mouths shut every time the topic came up, so it was only natural for Soobin to catch on to a few things. 
You gasped, your eyes rolling back. You knew there was an obvious difference in your hand sizes but god, his fingers were bigger than you thought. “Fuck, curl them now,” you commanded, not daring to look down. He did as you said, feeling his precum on his boxers. He wanted nothing more but to fuck you right then and there, but he knew he had to wait. 
It didn’t take much longer for you to squirm on his fingers, especially after he added pressure to your clit too, his thumb making slow circles around while his fingers were stretching your inside. 
“Can I eat you out, please?” He asked, looking up at you again, his thumb still rubbing your clit slowly. “Please, y/n,” he begged, making you go crazy. You weren't sure if it was the way he begged you, the way he said your name, or because of his breath on your skin, but you couldn’t say no to him even if you wanted to. “God, please do,” you whined out and just like that, his tongue was pressed on your pussy right away, not wasting any second of the time he had with you. 
It had been months since you had cummed thanks to a boy, so you didn’t have any expectations for him when you invited him over. But you were wrong when you thought no boys knew how to take care of their girls anymore because he did exactly what he should, making you cum on his tongue a few minutes after he went down on you, not leaving your trembling cunt even then, letting you ride out your orgasm as his nose was pressed on your clit, his tongue carefully licking every last bit of your cum. 
“Soob,” you groaned, pulling his hair, making him finally raise his head and look at you. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he mumbled, going up again to kiss you. “And delicious,” he informed you, pressing his lips on yours. “Fuck, Soob, you’re too good,” you mumbled before you kissed him again, slowly sitting up. “Come closer,” you said, grabbing the hem of his pants, and pulling him closer at the same time. 
He groaned, his eyes shut tight, his lips unable to stay away from yours. You smirked into the kiss, your hand grabbing his trembling cock over his pants, making him moan. “I don’t usually do this but…” you started, breaking your kiss so you could look at his body properly. “You were so good earlier,” you praised him, not breaking your eye contact as you changed your position so you would be kneeling. “Pants off, baby,” 
That alone was enough to make him go crazy. You calling him baby just did something with his head. And with his dick. 
“Fuck,” You breathed out when you finally pulled down Soobin’s pants and boxers, your pussy clenching around nothing again. You knew he would be bigger because of his height, but this was more than you had expected. 
He cupped your cheeks, making you look up at him. “Are you sure?” You chuckled, simply nodding. “I can take good care of you too, you know,” you proclaimed, looking up at him as your right hand wrapped around his cock, not breaking your eye contact. You knew it must have been making him go insane. 
You started slowly, simply kissing his tip and licking off his precum. Then, you decided to try to take his full length into your mouth, but stopped shortly after getting to his half, already feeling like you were going to gag any second. There was no way you could do this. 
However, Soobin saw it differently. To him, it looked like you were playing with him, moving slowly and carefully on purpose to tease him. His hand found its way to your head, carefully tugging the hair that was getting in front of your face behind your ears before he held your chin up, making you look at him, his dick still in your mouth. “Think you can go faster, pretty? Please,” He asked, hoping maybe begging would help him. 
He groaned when he felt you suck harder, trying to go faster too but failing miserably. He chuckled at the sight, his hand in your hair so he could control the speed himself. “If you want to stop, just punch me, or something, okay? Try not to bite my dick off if you can’t take it anymore, though,” he told you, and before you could even look up at him again and question what he was talking about, he was moving with your head on his own as if you were just a toy to fulfill his needs. If you were honest, you were glad he did so. It was turning you on more. 
“Fuck, just a bit more,” he moaned out, thrusting his hips into your mouth as you sucked on him. He didn’t dare to look at you just yet, he felt like he would stop if he saw you in the moment, scared he might have been hurting you by determining his speed. 
When Soobin finally looked at you there were tears in your eyes, and his cum was all over your mouth. He cupped your cheeks, wiping the tears from your eyes with his thumbs. “Sorry,” he mumbled. You looked up at him, high on all the pressure you felt until now thanks to him. God, you knew you needed to do this more often from now on. You licked the corner of your mouth, making sure not a single drop was wasted. 
“You’re not done yet, are you?” You asked, your puppy eyes almost making him cum again right away. “Fuck, no I am not,” he answered, leaning down to you to kiss you again. 
Soon after, Soobin found himself sitting on the edge of your bed, his back pressed against the white walls while you sat on him, your head on his shoulder, biting into his skin so you wouldn’t get too loud as he fucked you. Holding your ass, he was helping you remain at the same speed, moaning along with you. “So close, Soob,” you cried out. “Hold in a bit more,” he whispered, closing his eyes as he felt himself getting closer to finishing again, too. 
“Fuck,” you breathed out, a mixture of your own and Soobin’s cum leaking from your pussy. You raised your head slowly, your cheeks completely red as you looked into his eyes, still sitting on his cock. “Soob, this was the best sex I’ve ever had. God, you were so good.” He bit onto his bottom lip, watching your fucked out face. “Oh, yeah?” He asked, even more embarrassed than you were. “Does that mean you’ll let me fuck you again next time?” 
“Soob…” you mumbled, just watching him for a second before you carefully got off him. He just shook his head before you could say anything else. “I know, I know, don’t worry,” he muttered. “I still needed to try it,” he smiled awkwardly, his dimples being the cutest thing you had ever seen. “Let me help you clean yourself up before I leave. It's the least I can do,” He suggested. You nodded to him, convinced this was the last time you were together like this. You couldn't be more wrong though. 
You knew you couldn’t stay away from him for too long when he helped you to get into your bathroom and his fingers found their way to your clit again, making you melt at his touch. Even worse was when he carried you to your bed after he switched your bedsheet for you, asking you to let him eat you out one more time before he would leave you alone for good. 
You just couldn’t let him get away. 
“Fuck, Soob,” you mumbled, sitting on the edge of your bed, watching him kneeling in front of you, begging to feel your squirm on his tongue again. “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?” His innocent eyes looked up at you, his hands rubbing your thighs. You sighed, “Just stay here.” 
You could swear you saw sparks in his eyes as the words left your mouth. “Really? Can I?” 
You nodded, agreeing. “Sleep here tonight, I’ll let you eat me out again next time.” 
Soobin smiled proudly, his hands squeezing your thighs. “Only next time?” 
“God, just come here,” you proclaimed, pulling him up from the floor into a warm kiss, feeling his hands roaming on your body again. The night was still nowhere to be done.
291 notes · View notes
kingofbodyrolls · 2 days
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BTS fic recs: June 2024
Hello, how are you doing? We are officially halfway through the year, Seokjin came home and in a few months Hobi too! I decided to change the graphics for the rec list to fit with my main design, I think this is cooler, anyway—Weee~ I managed to read a lot again this month! 👏 So this list is filled to the brim with amazing and wonderful stories! 
Some of the authors on this list is on hiatus, but please don’t let that stop you from reblogging or commentating on their story— because you don’t know when they might pop back in a see your lovely note, so please— if you like something, so some love to the author 🥰
I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty or dark as hell, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the fic, it might seem like a tiny gesture, but it really means a lot for writers and I can guarantee it will put a smile on their faces💜 Let’s share and give lots of love!
Looking for more to read? Check ‘The Library’ or last years recs 🙂
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[index] → jan | feb (jhs) | mar (myg) | apr | may | 💜 | jul | aug | sep (jjk)(knj) | oct (pjm) | nov | dec (kth)(ksj) | Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, fantasy = 🪄.
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⭐Knock it Down a Peg @thatlongspringnight [3.3k]  // knj x f.reader // est. relationship // 🥰🥵😂
📝 thanks to an idea from Jungkook’s girlfriend, you and Namjoon decided to try something new in the bedroom.
🗨️ this was just so fucking funny 🤣 I really loved it! Like I was laughing the whole time— that’s how funny it was! A short, but very very funny read! ✨
⭐The Truth Untold @rmnamjoons [10.1k] // knj x f.reader // bf2l // 🥰🥵🌩️
📝 you’ve been trapped for months in a loveless, toxic relationship, too afraid of what would happen if you ever tried to leave. Your boyfriend gets so jealous, especially of your best friend Namjoon, who you’ve missed more than your heart can stand. Now, seeing Namjoon for the first time in weeks, you decide that it’s time to tell him everything, no matter the cost.
🗨️ ah what— this was both sad and very very sweet 😭 It’s sad, because it’s cheating— 😭 What she has with Namjoon is pure sweetness, and he is perfect for her 😭💜 I really loved it, though I have conflicted feelings about the cheating (I always have lol), but it was really good and I really liked it! It was so soft, beautiful and I love their relationship and she should just have picked Namjoon from the start!! Anyway, a really good story that will tear you up a bit 💯 Also, just seeing the banner had me in tears already, and looking at it again, I’m already crying 😭
⭐Park and Ride @here2bbtstrash [4.8k] // knj x f.reader // fuckbuddy!au // 🥵
📝 your fuckbuddy asks if the two of you can drive around a bit first, but he has a hard time keeping his hands to himself
🗨️ wow this was both cute and hot 🥵💯 There’s also a small drabble to it that can be found here: [link]
⭐Cream @luxekook [1.8k] // knj x f.reader // est. relationship, idol!au // 🥵
📝 you thirst over the outline in the pants of kim namjoon’s iconic cream suit just one time too many, and he’s ready to make you pay for it.
🗨️ Namjoon in that cream suit— what more do I need to say? 🥵 (also loved it, in case there was any confusing on that part ✨)
⭐Don’t Want Your Sympathy @sketchguk [9.5k] // knj x f.reader x jjk // est. relationship + threesome (kinda) // 🥵🥰🌩️😂
📝 jeongguk is like an annoying little brother to you, but nevertheless, there’s nothing in this world you wouldn’t do for your sweet, innocent best friend. so what are you supposed to do when he wants to watch your boyfriend fuck you senseless? say no?
🗨️ fuck. I’m going feral over this one 😭🥵 First, oc being best friends with Jungkook, so much so that she and Namjoon are willing to show him how to please a woman, please, I don’t know but that must be like the ultimate friendship goal? 🥹😂 I really loved it, and all the sexual teasing and banter was just so hilarious 😂
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⭐Off Limits [completed series] @floralseokjin [n/a] // ksj x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 you’ve been lusting after your brother’s best friend for a while now, ever since you met him at a house party, flirting it up a storm as you failed to realise who the other was. That was months ago now and things are still awkward, but you can’t ignore the sexual tension that’s simmers between the two of you…and it keeps getting worse…
🗨️ I finally finished reading this amazing series! It was really good, and one of my favorites Seokjin stories 🥰 Towards the ending it good really good and I had a tough time putting it down, because I just had to read how things would fall apart to be build back up again 👏 There was also some small plot twists that I didn’t expect and they were a positive surprise 💜
⭐Stuck with You @taleasnewastime [29.6k] // ksj x f.reader // s2l, Christmas!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 it’s the first Christmas since your dad passed away. You, your mum and sister are going to his favourite place to do his favourite thing, skiing. And yet you’re not there. Stuck. Stranded. Trapped. In seemingly the single hottest place in the world. Your transfer flight cancelled so you’re now stuck between home and your family. A snowstorm that causes all flights to be cancelled, heat that just seems wrong at Christmas, your sister crying and shouting down the phone at you, and to top it off, the most annoying man in the world who’s in the same position as you and seems to think you’re friends because of that fact. Merry Christmas to you.
🗨️ this is truly one of my favorite plots and this fic is just so good, also a favorite, hands down!!! I just love me some good comfort, with angst, then comfort and a happy ending ✨
It was just so well done, the plot, and the characters too 🥹💯
⭐Satan, Baby @johobi [2.6k]  // ksj x f.reader // s2??? // 🥵👻🪄
📝 when the devil knocks, you’re only too happy to answer.
🗨️ I am speechless— it was such a nice, dark and smutty read! Really interesting ✨
⭐Redamancy @jeonggukingdom [7.1k] // ksj x f.reader // est. relationship, valentines day // 🥵🥰
📝 it’s St.Valentin’es Day and as per tradition, you are to surprise your boyfriend with a gift and a chocolate treat. On a whim, you decide to cook an entire dinner for him and bake him his favorite cake: chocolate filling and strawberry and cream toppings. Seokjin is bent down on showing you just how much he appreciated all your hard work for him. 
🗨️ gosh— so sweet, cute and sexy 🥵✨💯
⭐You Suck! @ugh-yoongi [18.3k] // ksj x f.reader // s2l, roommates, vampire!au // 🥵🥰😂🪄
📝 it’s St.Valentin’es Day and as per tradition, you are to surprise your boyfriend with a gift and a chocolate treat. On a whim, you decide to cook an entire dinner for him and bake him his favorite cake: chocolate filling and strawberry and cream toppings. Seokjin is bent down on showing you just how much he appreciated all your hard work for him. 
🗨️ WOW— so many thoughts on this; it was perfect, let me start with that. It was so fucking funny, I laughed so many times. I love Seokjin in this, how kind he is, funny, all that, and how he cares for oc, everything. The smut was so fucking funny, not gonna lie, I did not expect it AT ALL, but that shit had me rolling on the floor 🤣
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⭐MicroWave [completed series] @btsmakesmehappy [37k] // myg x f.reader // neighbor!au, s2l // 🥵🥰🌩️👻
📝 Yoongi can’t help to worry about his neighbor. Not only that she almost burned the apartment down, she also trusts people too much, and yet she doesn’t want people to help her. She is just trouble written in bold and capital and he shouldn’t be acquainted with her. But yet, he makes it his mission to help her with all costs.
🗨️ I’m still baffled that this series doesn’t have more notes than it has—- because it’s simply fucking amazing! There’s 5 chapters and I read them so fucking fast, I just had to know what was happening with oc. Good pace in the story 👌It’s a series that features in with 6 others (not all are written and the overall general story seems to be discontinued), and I haven’t read the others yet, but I’m sure they’re just as good as this one! ✨
⭐The Road Not Taken [series; ongoing] @prodagustd [n/a] // myg x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 if you wanted to stop thinking about Yoongi, the first step was as easy as stop seeing him, but why it seemed like he was following everywhere you went?
🗨️ the author just updated this after months and I’m so happy because I found it so interesting and this chapter was just updated is jam packed with essential backstory! If you haven’t read this one yet, I highly recommend it ✨
⭐Fractured @hamsterclaw [6.6k] // myg x f.reader // detective!au // 🌩️🥵👻
📝 Yoongi’s a murder detective fighting burnout when he’s assigned the case that you and your former partner fucked up.
🗨️ oh, I love a good detective and police au! This was so good, the plot was intriguing and captivating— I really loved it ✨
⭐STEAM [completed series] @hoseoksluna [n/a] // myg x f.reader x jjk // est. relationship // 🌩️🥵
📝 one video call awakens your neediness for two cocks.
🗨️ okay this is really hot— and I really mean it, it’s dirty and filthy with all the good stuff! Yoongi is a bit iffy in this, so is oc, lol. I’ve only read the first one as of posting this, but I intend to read the rest of the series because I really like both the writing and the plot in this, and I’m very interested to know what is up with Yoongi! ✨
⭐Cybersex @gimmethatagustd [14.6k] // myg x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au // 🥵🥵😂
📝 the whole point of being a phone sex hotline operator is that you’ll never have to meet your clients. So what are you supposed to do when you find out your favorite client is your brother’s best friend? 
🗨️ I always enjoy Jai’s work, and this is no different! Such a funny and smutty story. Had me laughing at so many moments, like literally giggling out loud like a fucking fool, and OC’s friendship with the roommate is just so precious 🥹 and how oc and Yoongi actually get together is just so freaking funny 🤭 I loved everything in it so freaking much 💖💯
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⭐Beleaguer @httpjeon [2.4k] // jhs x f.reader // neighbor!au, e2l, fuckboy!au // 🥵
📝 your neighbor is a pain in the ass.
🗨️ holy— DAMN! This was so fucking hot, so sinful and the dynamic between reader and Hobi??? How much they LOATHE each other 🤭👏 So freaking good! 💯
⭐Rather Be @hisunshiine [4.3k]  // jhs x f.reader // college!au, dancer!au // 🌩️
📝 you’re finally able to attend your dream school for ballet, where things are going well! You’re making new friends, have a chance to become a principal dancer in the winter show, and you’re growing closer to Hoseok. He’s a talented hip hop dancer, but still reeling after a tough break up, and doesn’t know if he’s ready to date again. Torn between you and his ex, Hoseok must decide where he’d rather be.
🗨️ this was just really cute 💜 Also to note, this has a named oc!
⭐Keeping a Secret @kpopfanfictrash [3.7k] // jhs x f.reader // est. relationship // 🥵
📝 you and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated?
🗨️ aaaaaaahh~ So fucking cute and hot too, I really loved it 💜💯
⭐Liar, Liar @eoieopda [5k] // jhs x f.reader // fuckbuddy!au // 🥵
📝 Hoseok suspects that you’re “phoning it in” while sexting and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t call your bluff.
🗨️ okay. This was amazing and I really loved it 🥵💯✨ 
⭐Cheap Wine & Second Chances @minisugakoobies [8k] // jhs x f.reader // f2l + valentines day // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 valentine’s Day has brought Hoseok, your best friend from college, back into your life. Is this your second chance to get the one that got away?
🗨️ oh this is so cute and sweet (and a tad bit sad) 🥹 I love this story, it’s just so cute– the one that got away, and they finally get their chance! So freaking cute and I loved every word of it ✨ 💯
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⭐As If It’s His Last @vinetae [4k]  // pjm x f.reader // fwb + f2l // 🥵
📝 it had been a simple agreement. You felt bad at how many times Jimin had a hectic schedule. And while you couldn’t do anything about that, you could offer some services out of pity for the boy..
🗨️ well this was just hot 🥵🥵🥵
⭐The Pitfalls of Silk: drabble @ctrlhope [1.7k] // pjm x f.reader // s2l, hybrid!au, soulmate!au // 🥰🥵😈🪄
📝 the winter gods are out to get you. That could be the only possible explanation for the series of bad luck tumbling before you— tropical vacation cancelled, snow locking you inside. Hell, even your shovel broken in half has got to be the gods playing some sort of trick on you. Pulling you along, making decisions for you as they guide you along the red string of fate. Guide you towards the very spider that found his way into your basement. Allowing him to fall into your heart all the same. 
🗨️ Lily just wrote a drabble for the one-shot I read last month!!! And the drabble was just so fucking cute 😭😭😭 If you haven’t read the original, please do that before you read the drabble, the story is really beautiful ✨
⭐The Group Project @noona-la-la-la [8k] // pjm x f.reader x kth // roommate!au + threesome // 🥵
📝 Jimin is jealous when his best friend and roommate, Taehyung, has a date with the girl Jimin has a crush on.
🗨️ fuck this was so GOOD!!! 💯 Best friend Tae 💜 It was so freaking hot and sinful, like????? Jimin watching them, and then Tae just being best friend ever at the end 🥵 Also, the dialogues were so fucking good! I really loved everything in this 😭
⭐Taste of You @divinelyparkjimin [5.2k]  // pjm x f.reader // childhood friends to lovers, roommates, fuckboy!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 getting yourself off to your childhood friend’s sexual escapades was definitely not on your radar, but seems like it should’ve been a long time ago.
🗨️ a really good read— though Jimin is a total dick in my book 😂 OC isn’t much better, but hey, they do get together in the end, and that is what matters! 💜
⭐Muscle Tension @bluemari23 [0.7k]  // pjm x f.reader // est. relationship // 🥰
📝 you feel a little stressed after a family visit and your husband helps relieve some tension.
🗨️ SFW— sweet fluffiness 🥰 Short and sweet, and I really loved it 💖
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⭐Fantasy @pantherxrogers [1.5k]  // kth x f.reader // marriage!au // 🥵
📝 you love a man in uniform. more specifically, you love the way your husband looks in a uniform. he attempts to come home and surprise you, but he's the one left in shock.
🗨️ HOTTTTT 🥵🥵🥵
⭐Shameless @peachypinkygloss [3.6k]  // kth x f.reader // est. relationship, university!au // 🥵
📝 your boyfriend is really kinky. He can never go against his sexual urges, even when you both are in a hot tub with his friends.
🗨️ ADFSFDGFD— Speechless over here 🥵
⭐Backstage @jeonqkooks [0.6k]  // kth x f.reader // est. relationship, band!au // 🥵
📝 intentionally left blank by the author!
🗨️ just hotness 🥵
⭐Good Girl @suga-kookiemonster [3.5k]  // kth x f.reader // office!au, co-workers to lovers // 🥵
📝 you don’t really know much about kim taehyung. what you do know is that he’s your handsome coworker and that, since you just accidentally sent him a nude, you’re good and royally fucked.
🗨️ funny and smutty! Also, what is it about office romance that just hits differently? 🥵
⭐Moonlight [ongoing series] @borathae [6.8k]  // kth x f.reader // est. relationship, vampire!au // 🥵
📝 Taehyung asks you to sneak out with him and you end up making passionate love to him in a hayloft.
🗨️ I love vampires and just from the description and I know the author is amazing at writing, I decided to read this, even though I haven’t read anything from the series at all. But fuck, it was so good! I’ll definitely be checking out the series, it’s a well established one, so there’s a lot to sink my teeth into 😜
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⭐Chasing Cars [ongoing series] @oddinary4bts [n/a] // jjk x f.reader // brother’s best friend!au, forbidden love!au, college!au, slice of life!au // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when your brother goes to study on a semester abroad, your life collides with his best friend Jeon Jungkook, who's coincidentally your roommate. Will you survive the collision, or will you crumble into dust?
🗨️ I’m on chapter 7 right now (there’s 8 out as of posting this) and it’s still so fucking good! I’m kinda mad at JK though, but it’s okay! I love when stories get me either mad, sad or frustrated at the characters, and Ella is so freaking good at that! ✨ Also, she has been making small drabbles for each chapter from JK’s pov and those are just extremely good too! 💜
⭐Dumbo @cinnaminsvga [17.2k] // jjk x f.reader // s2l // 🥵😂😂
📝 you know what they say about boys with big noses… {or alternatively: jungkook has a big dick but he doesn’t know how to use it, but luckily you’re there to help.}
🗨️ This was just so fucking hilarious I don’t even know where to begin 😂 I don’t know how many times the word ‘dick’ or its many different variations is used in this fic, but damn it a lot, and damn is it fun! 🤣 There’s so many dick jokes it should be criminal! It was so good though, the story was just too funny, almost absurd (lol), but dammit it’s a new favorite! 💯
⭐Fool for You [completed series] @btsgotjams27 [24.9k] // jjk x f.reader // college!au, fake dating, s2f2l // 🥵🌩️🥰
📝 when Jungkook is finally single, you shoot your shot.
🗨️ This is a short series and it’s really good— it’s cute, has angst and a happy ending ✨
⭐Make it Right @jungkxook [11.5k] // jjk x f.reader // band!au, exes to lovers // 🥵🌩️
📝 you’re wholeheartedly, madly in love with jungkook and yet you shouldn’t be because it’s been almost a year since you broke up with him. worst part of it all is that you know he’s still in love with you too.
🗨️ gaaaaahhh, I’m crying 😭 This was so beautiful, bittersweet 😭 I loved it so much and their love, omg, so pure, so precious. His song for her, I’m just like 😭 (can you tell I’m a sobbing mess?) Definitely a new favorites and I loved the fact that, they both knew they were broken, waiting for each other, and even though broken, they will heal and take it slow 😭💯
⭐Coffee Stain @oddinary4bts [1.9k] // jjk x f.reader // grief!au // 🌩️🌩️🌩️
📝 you grief, and it's the expression of your everlasting love for Jungkook.
🗨️ Do you want to cry, but not able too? Go and read this! It’s so fucking sad, but so incredible beautiful and sweet, it will make you tear up in now time. As said before, Ella just have a way with words, and in this one, they sure do hurt a lot 😭 But I fucking love it ✨
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Welcome to this new section! This section features member x member stories— if you’re not into that, it’s okay, and you can just skip it. Otherwise enjoy 🥰
⭐Sunday Smut Book Club @gimmethatagustd [7.1k] // knj x myg // s2l // 🥵😂
📝 the cute librarian at Yoongi's local library hosts an adult-only book club. As a fanfiction smut writer himself, Yoongi is intrigued.
🗨️ this was just extremely funny and cute! 🥰 Also, I love that Yoongi writes fanfiction, and as I writer it was very relatable! It has a very ‘meta’/fourth wall feel too it 🤭 Which I fucking adore ✨
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Welcome to this small section— it won’t be here every month, only when I’ve written something new, I’ll add it here, just to promote myself a little bit 🫶
⭐Till We Meet Again [11.4k]  // jjk x f.reader // childhood f2l, mermaid!au, fantasy!au, magical!au // 🥵🥰😂🪄
📝 when your childhood friend that you had a crush on, moved away out of the blue— you never thought you’d see him again. A night swim in the ocean will have you feeling delusional, but the voice that fills your ears— sweet like cotton candy, you’d recognize that voice anywhere, it’s Jungkook.
⭐Friendcation: wedding special [12.2k]  // myg x f.reader // established relationship, mechanic!yoongi, roadtrip!au // 🥵🥰😂
📝 Yoongi has done everything in his power to make your wedding truly special, what he couldn’t plan for was the rain. But fret not, a bit of rain will not make your day less special when it’s surrounded by friends and family. And your wedding night? Well, being pushed down into the sheets by Yoongi is easily one of your favorite things.
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Thank you so much for reading my rec list, I hope you’ll reblog it to make it reach more people! There’s some insanely good reads on here ✨
I’m not sure I’ll get to read as much in July, because it’s summer holidays ☀️
If you want more, you’re more than welcome to follow me! I do monthly rec lists and sometimes I post my own writing too (only bangtan).  Love you and borahae 💜
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hitlikehammers · 2 days
Steddie S4 ✨Secret Relationship✨
because you know shit would've gone down different if there was love involved from the get-go
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Steve’s never been the best��actor but…fuck if he doesn’t call on every shred of performance know-how he’s maybe learned by exposure alone across the past months to, to…
Address this.
Because asking:
“How many phones do you have?”
could have been innocuous, if it’d been said in a different tone, with a different energy. If Steve knew Dustin less like the back of his hand.
And he tries to play it cool, casual, all: “Two, why?” over Robin’s earnest “Technically three, if you count Keith’s in the back,” and he doesn’t even have to act out the indignation in him when Dustin declares this sufficient, then elbows behind Steve’s goddamn counter and commandeers Steve’s goddamn computer.
He can even jump on board with Robin’s dismay—her pile dude, come on—but then Dustin blabs what he’s after:
“Looking up Eddie’s friends' phone numbers.”
And Steve’s heart starts beating heavier, weightier, and he has to…really work hard to put the lessons he’s picked up into place. All the dorky dungeons-ing dramatics, all the King Steve bullshit he’s long put to bed, even. Every scrap of a straight fucking face he can muster.
Because he’s gotta nail this.
“Oh, Eddie,” Steve says, bitchy as he can with no hint of give in his delivery; “your new best friend you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game?”
“Yes,” Dunson huffs, like oh good Steve finally got with the goddamn program, so point to Steve because that’s exactly what he fucking needsright now, even as Dustin frowns, his tone shifting as he rebuffs, a little bit offended even:
“I never said that,” and Steve kinda wants to be warmed a little, at the sentiment, but like: he’s gotta focus. Shrugs it off and rolls his eyes as he narrows in on a customer because: less he interacts with the unfolding chaos taking place behind his counter, the better.
Fewer chances to fuck up. And he cannot fuck it up.
This is maybe the biggest life-or-death thing Steve’s ever had to protect—and he’s had to protect the people he cares for the most from death more than once. The people he loves more than life.
But this—
“Have you seen or heard from Eddie recently?” he hears in the background, peripheral, and he still has to keep himself from flinching, or turning automatically, or giving any single suspicious thing away because he cannot risk it.
“When’s the last time you talked to him?” it filters through and Steve swallows, blocks it out—no distractions. He has customers.
“Yeah, have you seen him—”
And Steve tries. He tries, with the chick and Doctor Zhivago, she shoots him down which makes prolonging the interaction fucking hard so he darts his eyes around to try and find…someone else, maybe a family, kids are great to waste time around, easy to distract if you just lead them near the candy—
“Goddamnit,” Steve bites under his breath as the chick with a boyfriend leaves and there’s no one immediately coming to hold the door for, to draw out the minutes; he wants to repeat the curse immediately as he turns and the first thing his eyes land on is…progress.
Behind his counter.
Reefer goddamn Rick.
Steve keeps his back mostly turned as he shuffles tapes, tries to think of a way to just, derail the momentum, redirect and at least force a…a reboot of sorts, or something, and also he needs to hide that he knows Lipton’s name, but who else, how else—
Wait: because who fucking else, of course, because Reefer goddamn Rick’s locked up half the year and if they’re distracting at least one of the groups looking to take aim at the target at hand, then that group’s not taking aim at—
“Bet the cops know the last name.”
He’s actually super proud of how he plays it out, talking half out his ass the whole time, but even more?
He’s proud of how it prods everyone else to play the roles he expects of them.
He does bristle when Dustin tries to put fucking words in his mouth, but he rallies.
“I just think at this point they should probably be filled in,” Steve hates the way it tastes coming off his tongue but he knows no one will back him, even if he makes the most of the way they think of him as flighty, as slower to the punch and yeah, sometimes he is.
Not now—but now is the first time he’s needed them to buy in this hard; “Innocent until proven guilty,” he shrugs, fills extra seconds; “I just don’t think we can rule it out.”
And then he lets those words sour in his stomach, while he knows it wouldn’t be a shared sensation, knows the reason behind it’s worth anything, everything, and on top of the rest of it: the person he’d be sharing it with at all would fucking approve.
But he lets that sour, and lets the shitheads spiral for it:
“Less time trying to find a girlfriend,” and oh, if they only knew—
Which they absolutely cannot, of course, not now, not right now specifically—
“And more time trying to find Eddie.”
Mmhmm, yep. More time trying to find Eddie, all the time in the world, exactly—
And then Robin’s eyes are getting big, lighting up. And Steve knows her. They’re not melded into one person or whatever she’d suggested but they’re close, and his muscles tense as he follows behind the counter, now, watches as she types and, and—
Shit, fuck; how are there only twelve Ricks in Hawkins? There have to be more than that, hell, like okay, his own dad’s a Richard and of course he’s never set foot in a store like this to even have an account but—
Goddamnit, but why is his platonic soulmate so fucking brilliant?
Steve echoes rejections of every possible Rick until…he can’t. Like, it'd be more suspicious if he tried.
He’s gotta be strategic. This could prove to be a long game.
2121 Holland Road, okay that’s, out by Lovers Lake—
Middle of nowhere. Steve knows it well enough and it’s…promising. This…this can work. They can make this work.
He can make this work. He will.
And as they’re taking off, Steve’s first out the door, first in the car, because fuck yes Steve is gonna lead the fucking charge, here—
In the wrong direction. Far as he fucking can. For as long as he can. They’ll be figuring out the issue along the way, the actual problem, the real deal with the Upside fucking Down this time, and they’ll fight and they’ll win and they’ll walk away a little extra bruised and a little extra traumatized—
And Eddie will be safe.
Because they’re right. They’re all right. Steve’s not putting his back into the search; he’s not committed at all, really, to looking for Eddie. His heart’s not in it; he’s distracted, looking toward a relationship…caught up in love and shit.
Which means Steve doesn’t have to look for Eddie, doesn’t have to put his heart into the hunt.
He knows exactly where Eddie is.
Because Steve’s boyfriend is safe in Steve’s fucking house—a fortress when it wants to be (and Steve sure as shit had wanted), and the absolute last place anyone’ll look—and Steve’s whole heart is in keeping it that way. From the moment Eddie ran to his house in the middle of the night less than twelve hours ago, it was set in goddamn stone.
No one was putting hands on; no one was so much as setting foot close to his Eddie.
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For @vegasol, who requested 'Secret Relationship' at my HOBBIT-STYLE BIRTHDAY MONTH PROMPT FEST and incidentally also for @steddie-week for the Day One prompt 'Secret Relationship'
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✨permanent tag list: OPEN (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson @estrellami-1 @bookworm0690 @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @nerdyglassescheeseychick @swimmingbirdrunningrock @goodolefashionedloverboi @sanctumdemunson @theheadlessphilosopher @lawrencebshoggoth
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ao3 link here ✨
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murdrdocs · 21 hours
after those photos i keep thinking about beach sex with luke 😔 the hot send on ur back while he eats u out to the sounds of the ocean
this is loba btw + side blogs kinda suck
eating from the back; public (?) sex; mentions of luke's big ass nose MDNI 18+ gasped when i got this btw w/ LUKE CASTELLAN
it's like a scene out of a movie.
the sun dipping below the horizon in front of you. the waves crashing against the shore, reaching closer and closer towards your outstretched hand with each cascade as the tide grows. the smell of sunscreen and saltwater sticking to you just like the sand stuck between your toes.
there's so much happening, so many sensations surrounding you, attempting to draw your attention away from the pleasure filling up your body. if anyone other than luke were between your legs, maybe you would be focused on something else. maybe you would focus on the hermit crab searching for a new shell just off to your left. or the breeze blowing up the corner of your beach towel.
but since luke is the one pleasuring you, you can't focus on anything else. he has your complete attention, even if you can't see him.
with your ass perched in the air, your bikini pushed to the side in luke's haste, leaving you just exposed enough for his eyes and his eyes only. you're alone on this beach, both of you know it, but you always tell luke "just in case" and he always does what you say.
likely, because it gets him this: your hands digging into the sand as he buries his head into your cunt, his big nose reaching towards your entrance when he dips his mouth down to focus on sucking your clit.
he bought you out here for an impromptu date, that was his reasoning to chris. but the way luke slung his arm around your waist was a clear indicator of why he was really dragging you out here in the middle of the day. it's so he could have alone time with you.
so he could put you on all fours and fuck you until your cheeks clapped and he finished on your back. so he could keep you in that position, pull your ass towards him, and eat you out with the orange glow of the sun setting painted directly in front of your eyes.
it's all you can see when luke gains more vigor. he's been uncharacteristically quiet from behind you, and just as soon as you think about it, he opens his mouth.
it's not like you're upset with him, though, even if he's taking away the one thing you want from him to talk to you. but his words, combined with the sound of his voice, is enough to keep you pushed towards the edge.
"taste so good, angel. so, so fucking pretty, too. you feel good? yeah? 'm making you feel good? can't get enough of you like this," he smacks your ass then, watching the cheek ripple before stopping the motion by gripping your flesh in his hands once more. he spreads you open again, and when the warmth of his face disappears for a second, you wonder what he's doing.
until you feel a warm glob of saliva fall onto your puckered hole and dribble down towards your entrance. if it even needs any help at all, luke sacrifices his grip to guide his spit towards your cunt, where he gently pushes a single finger into you, and then drags it out to smear the rest of his saliva along the rest of you.
and then, he's back on you, twice as messy as before if even possible.
since you two got down here, luke was messy. he stayed off of you long enough to hide his true intentions, wading in the shallow end of the water with you until you both started to prune and his curls became soaked with salt water, and then he was on you. kissing you sloppily, coaxing you back onto the beach towel, not even letting your bikini begin to dry before he was peeling the bottoms to the side and slipping the top down.
your first orgasms ended with your arousal coating your cunt and luke's cum spurted on your lower back, and this orgasm ends with your cum on the lower half of luke's face.
he's completely undeterred by it (just like you were with his cum). when he flips you around, his lips kiss from the top of your cunt—right above your clit where you thought you would be tired of having him but your body proved you wrong—all the way up to your lips. and even after he kisses you like he has something to prove, when you separate, his face still shines in the orange light.
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kazumist · 2 days
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✩ — in which you found yourself executing a ruse with the known duke of meropide, wriothesley. what could possibly go wrong? (many things, apparently.)
✩ — prompt: panache — you agree to a fake courtship with another. (for @xianyoon's "a night to remember" event (event two hehehe))
✩ — includes: wriothesley x f!reader. royalty!au. fluff, angst if you squint, hurt/comfort if you also squint, comedy squeezed in just a teensy bit. cw: alcohol consumption (reader ends up taking a shot or two) one crazy scene in the garden but it's nothing too explicit i swear they just get a little carried away OOPS. wc: 8001 yes you read that fucking right (i went insane). fake dating trope went a bit overboard my bad (heavily based by bridgerton season 1 minus the explicit scenes LMAO). one pride and prejudice and meme reference line sneaked in (if u get my reference then ilysm i need to kiss u). other fontaine characters make a cameo yipee!! full fic of this silly post i made back then but i changed things up. kinda
✩ — please reblog !! it wld help me tons :,)
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love at first sight was a frivolous belief for a man like wriothesley.
romance, in general, was a frivolous belief for him in the first place. as much as his father pushes him into the marriage market for all of the women in the kingdom of fontaine, he would always find his way out of it. but he does admit—the nagging could get quite... overbearing sometimes. romance almost never crosses wriothesley’s mind. he shuns every vigorous mother that presents their daughter towards him in hopes that he’ll take an interest in them (which he never does; wriothesley believes that marriage is too big of a responsibility for him).
a ball is never uncommon in society at this age. and certainly it isn’t uncommon for his father to urge him to grace these balls with his presence on behalf of his former duke of a father. and tonight wasn’t so different from the other balls he previously attended. wriothesley holds back the urge to roll his eyes after he excuses himself (for the nth time, he thinks) from another mother who tried to offer her daughter up for his hand in marriage. it was exhausting, to say the least. wriothesley wants nothing more than to leave at the moment. however, to his dismay, the ball had just begun not too long ago.
it’s another long night for him.
sharing some conversations with queen furina’s royal advisor, neuvillette, wasn’t a bad way to pass the time. and it certainly was effective because people were far too nervous to approach him with the queen nearby. the friendship he shared with the royal advisor wasn’t new knowledge to society. almost everyone and their mothers had heard about the tale of the current duke meropide and the queen’s royal advisor being close friends during their early days of childhood and onwards. though wriothesley sometimes admits—he surely misses his youthful days.
it’s not like he's that old now. he’s currently thriving at the young age of twenty-five! not too young, not too old either. “and just how long are you going to stand by my side tonight, wriothesley?” neuvillette asks, his eyes focused on the crowd below him. there were pairs dancing gracefully in the middle of the venue as the quintet orchestra played by the side. wriothesley doesn’t glance at him as he answers. “just a bit longer, i suppose. i could still feel their eyes boring holes into me.” he mumbles the last part, leaning closer only for neuvillette to hear, as he refers to the mothers that attempted to make their advances on him earlier. neuvillette simply chuckles at his remark.
“still refusing marriage, i see?” he replies. 
“i’m confident that you’re well aware of what my answer to that is going to be, neuvillette.”
wriothesley feels comfortable like this. but he’s aware that he couldn’t spend all of his time by his friend’s side. soon after, wriothesley decides to take his leave after making sure his coast is clear. he then exited nearby and found himself wandering into the garden. surely, the workers at the house of hearth had done a splendid job maintaining this garden. he reminds himself to commend duke arlecchino for this if he ever gets the chance.
the wind tonight was quite cold, yet it’s nothing wriothesley couldn’t handle. he stumbles upon what seemed to be the center of the garden, surprised to see a fountain there. the moonlight shines brightly in this area—but what actually made wriothesley curious was who was sitting by the fountain? he steadily approaches, careful not to make the wrong move and sits by the fountain as well. there was still some distance between the two of you—a lot of it. it would be indecent of him to burst into a woman’s personal space. his father did not raise him to be that sort of man.
“what brings you here tonight?” he suddenly finds himself asking. it was a poor attempt at small talk, he thinks (he could do much better than that, he swears). wriothesley doesn’t even dare steal a glance at you, as much as he wanted to. you hesitated before answering him, still sinking in the fact that you suddenly have company in this garden now. “avoiding society as usual, especially the members of society who cannot give up offering their hand of marriage towards me, i suppose,” he hears you sigh. huh, how ironic. did wriothesley just bump into someone who suffers from the same problem as him? 
the answer was most definitely yes.
“oh, what a coincidence—i suffer from such a predicament as well.” he chuckles bitterly in reply—too bitter for his liking. he didn’t want to suddenly ruin the mood now; the conversation had barely even started. “is that so? i’m delighted to know that i’m not alone in this boat then.” the tone of your chuckle was different from the chuckle you got from wriothesley. a comfortable silence was then enveloped over the both of you, enjoying the scenery around. he takes this as his chance to steal a glance, and he quickly takes it back. yet he finds himself glancing again.
and again
and again. 
he doesn’t quite understand it himself. however, there was something about you that had this alluring effect on him of some sort. he just couldn’t tear his eyes off of you for some reason. “enjoying the view much, duke?” you asked, meeting his gaze. wriothesley then turns away suddenly, embarrassed that he was caught red handed in the act of practically ogling at you. his father did not raise him to be like this at all. he did not spend his childhood and teenage years training how to be a proper gentleman for his debut in society just to be ogling at a lady he just met at a ball. he needs to snap out of it.
“my apologies, but how could i resist putting my attention on a stunning lady like you?” he tries to play it cool. (keyword: tries.) it was a strategy that he learned to adapt every since he made his debut into society. playing it cool always works for him—surely his old trick wouldn’t fail at him now of all times, right? but wriothesley soon snapped out of his thoughts, and he then asked another question. “wait, you know who i am?” 
you were taken aback by his words. is he seriously asking you that? “who wouldn’t know you? you’re quite famous with the other ladies.” you asked him back. he simply replies with a short “fair point.” and silence takes over once again. but this time, it was a bit awkward. you decided to introduce yourself to him, stating your name and title. he nods in acknowledgement of your introduction. he has heard of you before, of course. your family has quite a reputation in society, making you get quite a bit of attention at formal parties as well. 
wriothesley doesn’t dare steal a glance at you again, as he has seemed to learn his lesson from what happened earlier. you, on the other hand, took this as your chance to take your leave. “although your company has been quite interesting, duke meropide, i’m afraid that i must take my leave first. i seem to have forgotten that i excused myself from lord jackson earlier.” you got up from your seat, already walking away from the fountain—that is, until wriothesley speaks.
“lord jackson? you mean the lord jackson who’s known for his… awful history in relationships?”
“i don’t believe there’s any other lord jackson in this society, duke meropide.” you turn around to face him.
“what business do you have with him?” why am i even asking? he thinks.
“he’s simply another one of the men who my mother had decided to set me up with for marriage. i was told to accompany him for tonight but you see, his company isn’t really... the best.” you replied, choosing your word carefully. despite you not liking lord jackson at all, it would be informal for you to speak ill of him when he could be the man you’ll actually marry.
actually, scratch that. as if you’ll ever allow yourself to marry a man like him. lord jackson was a creep, to say the least. you were aware of the talk that goes around him. but your dear mother is still kept in the dark about these stories, and she decided to set you up with him without your prior knowledge. so by technicality, you really had no choice. “you can’t marry him.” the man in front of you suddenly says.
“i beg your pardon?” you asked, afraid that you misheard him the first time. “you... you can’t marry him.” he repeats and then he continues. “i mean, surely you have heard the news about him—his temper makes him vicious. your marriage with him wouldn’t prosper at all.” you held back the urge to scoff at him. “i appreciate your concern, my duke, but our society works in an unfair way at this age. i cannot just declare that i do not wish to marry, unlike you. that is a privilege that i cannot simply afford.” you shot back at him.
wriothesley suddenly feels like a light bulb in his head has switched on.
“we could pretend to form an attachment.” he then says. you were getting more baffled by the second this conversation held on longer. “whatever do you mean?” you weren’t stupid. but you refused to believe that what he’s hinting at is also the one you foolishly thought. “with you in my arm, people would think that i have finally found my duchess. as for you, your mother would raise her standards and find more suitable candidates for your hand in marriage. because although i could be wrong, but have you ever told your mother what traits you find in a man?” he replies, a small smile slowly tugging on his lips. he clearly enjoys this idea.
“i… i suppose not.” he got you there. “but this is an absurd idea.” you protested.
“i find it quite brilliant, if i do say so myself.”
“you do know the risks of what you’re proposing right now, am i correct?”
“i do. but you do not wish to marry me, and i do not wish to marry you, so whatever should you have to lose?” he’s insisting. he’s insisting like this plan would work perfectly fine for the both of your benefits (well, if you were to be completely honest, there is a chance for it to be successful. but you grew up to believe that you shouldn’t expect for things to go so smoothly in your life). “i…” a lost of words. that’s what you are. too many possibilities are running through your head at the moment.
however, the duke did have one hell of a good point.
“fine. you got yourself a deal.”
and that’s how you got roped into the situation you have now. with an arm interlocked with the duke meropide’s, all eyes were bound to set upon you both. wriothesley could see the amusement in neuvillette’s expression; the same goes for the hint of amusement in queen furina’s eyes as she spots them in the crowd. wriothesley slowly guides you towards the dance floor, just in time for another dance to begin. gracefully, you took his hand as you step onto the dance floor with him. a familiar song started to play, one that you remember memorizing as dance class was mandatory for being a debutante in society.
“are you bothered?” he then asks in a whisper as he twirls you around. “whatever for?” you ask him back. “the staring. i could feel all of them looking at us right now, honestly,” he chuckles lowly. “hm, i’m trying not to mind it that much. but i suppose you’re probably enjoying all of this attention now, aren’t you?” a simple tease on your part, and wriothesley smiled at that. “my, are we on casual terms now?” 
“chemistry should be a major factor that we should have in this plan, yes? so we might as well start by being more casual with one another.”
“indeed. glad to know that you’re quick to pick up on things.” he says. “of course i am. what do you take me for, duke meropide?” you asked him, a slight pout forming on your lips. and wriothesley smiled at that again before replying. “nothing offensive, that i can assure you.”
“i’m delighted to know that the ever-so-famous duke of meropide doesn’t harbor any sour feelings towards me then.” 
it was a bit suffocating, all of the staring. yet at the same time, you understood why they’re staring in the first place. wriothesley, the current duke of meropide, is suddenly on the dance floor with a young woman. and he seems to be quite interested in her as well. people would assume you’re the reason why the duke has rejected so many marriage offers up until now—because he already had you in the first place.
the other unwanted attention you’d get from that assumption alone was enough to make you distracted to the point where you almost stepped on wriothesley’s foot. “i—my apologies, duke.” you stammered. “it’s alright. just look at me,” he says. you scrunched your eyebrows at him in confusion. “pardon?”
“just look at me; don’t focus on anyone else. it will help ease your mind.”
with hesitance, you followed what he said and locked your eyes with his. the duke’s eyes were a fine shade of grey. a unique color, if you do say so yourself. and surely he was correct. shifting your focus and thoughts to him did ease you from all of the other eyes that are locked onto both of your figures that’s moving along with the music.
time felt like it had stopped, as it also felt like you were the only ones present in the room.
to wriothesley’s surprise, the night passed by faster when he was with you. because before he knew it, he was already accompanying you back to your carriage. a lot of things had happened in the span of just a few hours. but wriothesley does not regret a single second of it, now that he recalls everything again. he wonders why—was it because he encountered you in the garden tonight?
maybe. that’s where it all started anyway.
he quickly snapped out of his trail of thoughts as he heard you speak. “i suppose i’ll see you soon then?” you asked him. “mhm, i suppose so. safe travels, m’lady.” he bids you his farewell by gently grabbing ahold of your hand and pressing a soft kiss onto your knuckle, refusing to break his eye contact with you as the footman closed your carriage’s door.
“safe travels as well, my duke.”
— — — — — — — — 
word spread fast about you and the duke of meropide. your mother was shocked at the news—yet happy that you finally became “independent on finding your match” as per her words. you had no specific agenda for the day, so, as you usually do whenever you are free, you decided to visit the modiste—where your good friend chiori resides. 
the sound of the bell chiming as the door opened made chiori perk up to see who would possibly need help making a new dress. but when her eyes met yours, she just knew you weren’t here to ask for a new dress. “i heard about the commotion last night.” she says, setting down a cup of tea for you as she takes a sip from her own cup, waiting for your response. “commotion is a vulgar term for it, chiori. i prefer to call it a memorable event.”
“i suppose it’s memorable for you to enter with your arm wrapped around the duke meropide just like that. how did it even happen? i vividly recall you telling me that you had no intention of marriage.”
“it’s… a long story,” you sighed, taking a sip from your own cup of tea. “oh? are you implying that there’s more to this than meets the eye, then?”
“i guess you could say that.”
“well, then tell me all about it.”
“i… i can't. my apologies, chiori.” it's not like you didn't trust her. in fact, there are more secrets that are held within this fine modiste’s place than one could ever imagine. but it was a silent and automatic agreement between you and the duke that no one must know of your plan. (although you already hinted to chiori that there's more to it than meets the eye.) besides, chiori is a smart woman who has known you before she could even have her place built.
she doesn't need to be a genius to find out that there's something up. she'll pick up on it sooner or later.
“it's alright. there’s no need to feel pressure to tell me now, but do promise me one thing: you're not doing anything against the law, right?”
you couldn't help but burst out in laughter at her question. “chiori! do you take me as a criminal? of course, i’m not!” you replied, laughing in a fit of giggles in between your words. “thank goodness. well, how was i supposed to know? you almost never stop by so we rarely have the chance to catch up. every bit of news i hear from you is usually from the other ladies who sometimes talk about you.”
“don’t worry, my friend. i’ll stop by more often from now on, but seriously, are you still eavesdropping on your customers? i thought we were past that.”
“it isn't my fault some of them whisper way too loudly for my liking,” chiori scoffs.
as you two have a few more conversations, it is about time for you to take your leave, as the time has reached for the hour when chiori would usually have customers. “it was truly a pleasure to catch up with you, chiori.” you said as she escorted you to the door. “a pleasure indeed. do drop by more often, alright? it can get quite lonely here, you know.” a giggle leaves your lips at her response. “will do. i believe i might need a new dress soon for the upcoming firestone ball?” you say and you notice how chiori’s had some sort of sparkle at your mention of needing a new dress. she had always loved making dresses for you.
“is that so? i promise to suggest some designs that you might like once you return.”
— — — — — — — — 
the fountain of lucine was a famous spot for a walk in the park type of day. every day, you’d see different individuals make their wish upon the fountain. whether that is a prosperous marriage, being blessed with a beloved child, or even gaining wealth, everyone wishes for all sorts of desires towards the fountain. but you never found yourself doing the same. it’s most probably because you've already been content with your life up until now. you never had any struggles when it came to growing up.
but again, that is up until now. 
you took a step further towards the fountain, silently stating your wish and threw the coin into the fountain’s small pool of water. “penny for your wish?” you heard someone say beside you. quickly turning your head to the direction of the voice, you were surprised to see the duke there. “duke meropide! i—i didn’t expect that you were going to be here today.”
“i decided to go out for a stroll; the weather is quite nice today, is it not?” 
“ah, yes, i suppose it is,” you replied, looking around. the weather was indeed nice today. perfect for a quick stroll around the area. “would you mind taking a stroll with me today? it would be a shame to waste this fine weather talking in the same spot.” he says, offering his arm for you to take. “i’d be delighted to.” your arm gets hooked on his.
“how are you faring lately? it has been quite a while since our last meeting,” wriothesley starts. he personally prefers his attempt at small talk today to his attempt at small talk the night he met you. it has been a few days since the ball held by the house of hearth. and within those few days, you haven’t spoken to the duke since. though, your house suddenly has suitors calling for you during your calling hour. all hopeful to gain your interest in them instead of the duke.
(however, you all shut them down politely. you found yourself repeating your apologies to the lords that have called upon you during those times.)
“i’ve been well. certainly, the stunt that we pulled during the ball held in the house of hearth did not go unnoticed. my social energy has been drained because of the suitors who called me.” a sigh leaves your lips. “oh? i apologize for that then. i hope that your social energy isn't at it’s lowest right now,” he chuckles. you gave him a playful glare at his remark. “are you making fun of my previous predicament, duke?” 
“oh, heavens no. my apologies, did that offend you?” he says, holding back a smile at his words. he was definitely not apologetic. “you’re not that sorry for it, aren’t you?”
“you cannot just say perchance!”
a laugh erupts from wriothesley at your response. it was the first time you heard him laugh like that. and in the public eye, you two would seem like a joyful couple spending some quality time walking around the fountain of lucine as a pastime. well, that was technically the goal. to show the public that you and the duke of meropide are madly in love with one another. what could possibly go wrong?
— — — — — — — — 
by the time the firestone ball had taken place (which is nearly just a week after the ball from the house of hearth), you and the duke were on the dance floor once again.
“i believe we have yet to discuss our other terms and agreement for our plan, your grace.” you said, following his lead in the waltz. “ah, you’re right. well then, why don’t you start? ladies first.” he says. “i was hoping that you’d have some ideas on what terms we should have; after all, this was your idea, if i may remind you.”
you continue speaking as wriothesley continues to lead you through the dance. “i am starting to be convinced that this will be more than just a simple game of pretend just so we could fool the members of society, or my mother, or the women you have wanted to get away from every time you step foot in public. a life is at stake here, your grace, my life, and i just simply cannot have this go wrong. so if you are not in agreement with that, then you should tell me now.” the duke never broke his eye contact with you as you spoke.
“i shall agree… on one condition.”
“your grace, i believe that you do not understa—”
“you must call me wriothesley.” 
there’s only one word to describe you at the moment: speechless. and wriothesley takes your silence as a chance to continue his words. “if we are truly to be courting, and if we are truly to prove that this is a match like no other, then you should call me by my name. after all, weren’t you the one who suggested that we should be more... casual with one another?”
he was right, and he had yet again another one hell of a good point. you mentally sighed, “very well then… wriothesley.” a laugh dares to escape your throat but this does not go unnoticed by the man who has his hand held in his at the moment. “is there something funny about my name?” he asks you, raising an eyebrow at your reaction. “no, no. it is a perfectly fine name. it is also quite unique, if i may add.” you replied, calming yourself down. laughing loudly while you’re in the middle of the dance floor would raise questions, after all.
“oh, perfectly fine? very well then… (name).” wriothesley’s voice seemed to have lowered itself an octave lower as he said your name with a slight rasp. your eyes looked away from his as you shifted your gaze to his collar instead. both of you went silent, yet you were still moving to the rhythm of the music.
wriothesley’s hand, that was supposedly at your waist, trailed upwards. just below the nape of your neck and also before your spine starts. your breath hitched at the contact of his cold finger tips there.
“i do hope that this plan will be successful.” you said, gaining your composure.
“have faith in us.”
— — — — — — — — 
meetings with the duke of meropide became more frequent than you expected. whether that may be a coincidental meeting or a planned one—no one could really pinpoint it, much to their dismay. 
it started off with a simple meal. then another walk. then an official invitation to accompany him to a ball or two. or three; in fact, he has invited you for a lot of them now. you haven’t thought much about the future as of late, always focusing on the present, where you’re definitely by wriothesley’s side. there was never a dull moment with the man. it was always entertaining to be with him. whenever another man (a man whose appeal is not to take interest in a sense) would approach you, wriothesley would pull some sort of stunt that’s connected to his “wild jealousy” of some sort. it’s a bit hard to hold back a laugh whenever this happens. there are times when he would talk to you about the other nobles present in the party and how he’s acquainted with them, and you’d admire the fact that he has many connections (something that a duke like him should have; he’s doing well in his duties, you’d note).
there are also times when you two will find yourselves alone, secluding yourselves from the crowd. these were, personally, your favorites. with the moonlight shining brightly upon you both once again, you’d always be reminded of the night you met. at these moments, this is when you and the duke would share… more personal things with one another. things that neither of you had expected to share with anyone else. like how he avoids marriage because of the huge responsibility that comes with it. or like how you doubt that others, especially men (minus the duke), would understand your struggles as a woman in this society.
wriothesley might have a lot of connections, but he was just the same as you. both of you kept your circle quite small (and by small, you both have only one person you truly trust to confide in). but even if you both wouldn’t admit it out loud, trust had also bloomed between the two of you.
(yet is trust the only thing that has actually bloomed?)
tonight, you found yourselves in yet another garden. “have you ever heard of why a flower wilts, wriothesley?” you decided to start this time. “hm? i suppose it’s because nothing good actually lasts long in life.” 
“how… pessimistic of you to say.” you sweatdropped at his response. he chuckles yet again, you noticed that he always chuckles apologetically while looking away before he actually says his apologies. a habit of his, perhaps. “my apologies; i must repeat myself. the less a person sees of me, the happier their life is.”
“why so? i enjoy your company quite well.”
“oh? and are you sure those words aren’t forced because you’re stuck with me with this little ruse we have ongoing?” he asks back. these exchanges became frequent. one would ask a question, and the other would ask another in return. “i’m being quite honest, wriothesley. i really do enjoy your company quite well.”
“the feeling is likewise, (name).” there’s something satisfying about how your name rolls off of his tongue. he pronounces it the same as everyone else does yet how does it feel different when he says it? it’s baffling, that’s one thing for sure. “is it awful that i’m actually quite enjoying this?”
“you mean my wild jealousy?” he asks, playfully offended.
“fooling society.” you corrected. “there are some in the crowd who secretly know everything about everyone. yet we have them utterly convinced that we are mad for one another.”
“we are awfully clever then.” he says in amusement. “indeed we are.” you chuckled at his reply.
if there’s one thing you would always notice between the two of you, it would always be how you were glued to one another. like there’s some magnetic pull that automatically drags the other to their side. 
this moment is no different because you could feel his knuckles grazing against yours ever so lightly. it starts with the hook of your pinkies, then slowly turns into you grabbing a hold of his other fingers. wriothesley could feel his heart beating fast at the contact. he glances at you, admiring your features underneath the moonlight once again. you glance at him as well. was he already this close to you when you started walking in this garden? because you swear your faces are inching even closer to each other. wriothesley’s other hand gently grabs your nape, guiding you as he gently pulls you in for a kiss. 
his lips were soft against yours, something you didn’t expect from him. he kisses you like you were delicate (to which you were, delicate to him, at least), eyes closing themselves as he enjoys the sensation of your lips against his. you kiss him back in the same way, not really knowing what to do next—but you kiss him back. that’s all that matters. his lips leave yours as wriothesley latches his lips onto your neck, continuing the light kisses against it.
you let out a gasp at the contact as you lean your head back so you can give him more access. he intertwined his other hand with yours; it was quite scandalous. having a moment like this on someone else’s property. you extracted him from your neck, pulling him in for another kiss. this time it was a bit more rough—desperate, even.
well, that was until he pulled away from you abruptly. you looked at him in a daze yet you were confused. “we must return; we’ve been out long enough,” he says, letting go of your hand in the process as he fixes himself. he tries to catch his breath, processing what has just happened. did he really just kiss you? he supposes (or, in other terms, hopes) that it’s normal. ultimately, this should’ve been part of your agreement in the first place, right?
“i… you’re right. my mother could be looking for me any moment now.” what could possibly go wrong, you ask? well, apparently, many things could go wrong.
but if there’s one thing that got stitched into your mind tonight, it’s only one thing:
the duke of meropide is one good kisser.
however, what will become of your relationship now?
— — — — — — — — 
you found yourself going to chiori again. the familiar sound of the bell chiming against the door notified chiori of someone entering her place. and once she saw you, she could just feel the distress radiating off of your body.
“what happened this time? i haven’t heard any good news about you two from last night’s party.” she says, pouring you a cup of tea. “good news? more like insane occurrences,” you sighed, watching the tea leave the teapot as it transfers onto your teacup. “ insane occurrences? what happened to ‘memorable event’?” she asked, confused with your choice of words.
you let out another sigh, finally revealing everything to chiori. luckily, today was her day off. with another ball just held last night, she would get at least a day or two of good rest before she opens up again. chiori takes in every detail of your story well, surprised that this is what you’ve been up to.
as soon as you were done talking, you decided to take a sip of your tea. “so you’re worried that you almost slept with the duke of meropide?” chiori states. and you choked on your drink once you heard her. “you didn’t have to word it like that! have some decency!” you exclaimed, embarrassment surging through you. 
“i don’t get it, though. what are you so worried about? it’s almost as if… wait.” she pauses.
“it’s almost as if what, chiori?”
“do you love him?”
“huh? love who?”
“don’t play dumb with me, (name). do you or do you not love the duke of meropide?”
this time, it was your turn to pause. do you? well, certainly, he is nice company. and he treats you well despite neither of you having the wish to marry each other. he is also a good kisser (something that you don’t really feel like counting but it’s still a fact). recalling everything that has happened now, the only things that come into mind are the things you’ve noticed about wriothesley. how his eyes are the most remarkable shade of grey, his scar below his right eye. the feeling of the callouses on his hands as you held them on the dance floor.
it can’t be. there’s just no way. he’s a duke of all people—he’s out of your league in so many ways. he’s too far for you to reach. and besides, this is all just a game of pretend, is it not? surely that kiss would’ve meant nothing to him. 
“i do.” you replied to her in a whisper
“i’m glad that you’re not dense.” chiori says, flicking your forehead. you yelped in pain at the contact. 
yes, you do love the duke of meropide.
and you stand by that.
meanwhile, on the other side of the coin, wriothesley had a crisis himself. “you’re quite lucky today, to ask for my presence while queen furina is occupied with duke arlecchino with her. so what assistance can i offer for you today, wriothesley?” neuvillette states, pulling his chair so he could take a seat before the man in front of him. wriothesley leans back on his seat, an elbow propped on top of the chair’s arm rest as his index finger is rested upon his lips. 
wriothesley sighs. before spilling everything to neuvillette. his friend’s expression grew more amused as he continued on with the story, finding every detail unexpected for a man like his friend. “i see. so that’s how it is. well, let me ask you a simple question then, my friend.” 
“do you love her?”
wriothesley pauses. neuvillette’s questions echo repeatedly in his mind. do i love her? he then asks himself. he was not stupid. wriothesley did not need to become some sort of genius to find the answer to that question—because the answer is no. he doesn’t love you. yes, he has grown to trust you with things he would never even dare tell anyone else. but he’s scared. wriothesley is scared because he has never thought of commitment in this way before. romance was just a frivolous belief to him, after all. so surely, this would all just mean nothing.
he ponders about it for a few more moments. he’s too scarred—too damaged—to be loved by someone like you. he feels undeserving of it. he knows there’s another man out there who could be the man you want to be. someone who will make you happier than he does. someone who is willing to commit himself to you. someone who could love you with nothing holding him back. 
“i don’t.” wriothesley firmly says.
no, wriothesley cannot be in love with you.
(neuvillette gives his friend a sigh as his friend takes his leave. he returns back to the room where queen furina is currently spending time with duke arlecchino. the duke had a habit of bringing the queen sweets from their travels abroad. the queen has excitement written all over her eyes as she makes eye contact with the pastries set in front of her.)
— — — — — — — — 
it wasn’t hard to put two and two together to realize that wriothesley has been avoiding you.
it has been a few months since you decided to start your ruse. although he still accompanies you, once it’s quite crowded, he will deliberately avoid your presence like a plague, and you have no idea why. you first thought that may be he was just feeling unwell but it has occurred more frequent now and it just stings, really. it stings because you thought that you two had formed quite the bond over the past few months.
“wriothesley, is something wrong? you know you could always talk to me, right?” you asked him, finally cornering him as he had successfully avoided you for the past two hours ever since the party started. “it’s nothing of your concern,” was all he said before leaving you again. but that answer wasn’t enough—hell, it wasn’t even a proper answer for you. so you decided to follow him.
“where are you going?” you asked him. speeding your pace up to catch up to him. wriothesley doesn’t answer and just continues on walking. he ends up going into a secluded room, not even bothering to close the door. you followed him in and shut the door behind you as you faced him. he had his back facing you as you heard him take a deep breath. “wriothesley, what’s wrong? and don’t even dare say that it’s none of my concern because it is.”
wriothesley could feel himself going mad. he can’t do this tonight. what even caused him to behave this way?
ah, he remembers. it was that unbearable sight of you interacting with marquess lyney. he should’ve been happy that you finally seem interested in someone else because all you two have to do now is plan how you should end things. but that thought made wriothesley realize two things. one, he cannot bear the sight of you with another man (but why? it’s not like you’re actually his in the first place). and two, he doesn’t want things to end between the both of you. whether it's a ruse that feels too real for his own liking or whatnot, he doesn’t want to lose you in his life.
he loosens the buttons on his top so that he can breathe more properly. you got closer to him, but only if you knew that was a dangerous move on your part. you grabbed his arm in hopes of getting a view of wriothesley’s expression at the moment.
he then faces you, his eyes searching for something in yours but you just can’t find out what. it was silent; neither of you dared to speak a word. and wriothesley finds himself pulling you for a kiss. it was a bit rough how his lips crashed against yours. he then pulls away, his eyes widening at what he just did. “i… my most sincere apologies.”
and he leaves. just like that.
the familiar door to the modiste is presented at you as you knocked. it was late at night. the party you attended earlier with wriothesley was long over. but you knew your dear friend would still be up even at this late hour. 
“(name)? what brings you here at this hour?” chiori asks, opening the door wider so you could enter.
“i need a goddamn drink.” you said.
— — — — — — — — 
“so you’re telling me that he just… kissed you again, and then he left the party? just like that?” chiori repeats. you take another shot of the alcohol chiori provided for the both of you. “hey, calm down. this one is actually pretty strong, you idiot.” chiori warns you.
you lean back, slamming the shot glass against the table. “just like that, chiori. like what is wrong with him? is he perhaps sick in the head?”
“i honestly don’t know if i should be at least grateful that he apologized.” she says, taking a shot as well. you glare at her remark and she raises her hands in return. you sighed this time, “are men always this… complicated?”
“hm, i don’t think so. maybe it’s just the duke.”
“you’re not helping!”
“you never said you wanted help in the first place.”
— — — — — — — — 
seven days.
seven days since you last spoke to wriothesley. seven days since you last heard of him. it has been seven days yet he hasn’t made any attempts to contact you since. 
just what was up with him? he was fine before. did you do something wrong? did you accidentally say something that was offensive to him? everything has changed now. wriothesley is treating you like he treated you before he actually met you—cold. 
your mother has decided to throw a ball this time—something about her not wanting to fall behind the other mothers. you complied, having to accept that society is nothing but competition against one another. and on the day of the ball, you found yourself lonely. if only chiori wasn’t busy with her other orders, then maybe this night would’ve been more entertaining.
wriothesley has yet to make his appearance (or perhaps he is already here yet he has decided to avoid you again). but you have decided on one thing tonight: you will talk things out with that stubborn man no matter what it takes. because you cannot just bear to stand idly by when wriothesley could be struggling alone. you once heard from your mother that love makes you do the craziest things and tonight was the night you realized that she was right. but isn’t it worth it if it’s all in the name of love?
the outdoor area of your home was also used for the ball, and decorations are displayed here and there to make the area look more eyecatching. to your family’s dismay, it has begun to rain. making all of the guests head inside to continue the festivities. but as you made your way to follow the crowd, you spotted someone too familiar—it was the man you’ve been looking for all evening, wriothesley.
looking around his surroundings, wriothesley spots you getting drenched in the rain. his eyes widen as he quickly makes his way towards you, removing his coat to drape it over you instead. “are you insane? you’re getting drenched!” he exclaims in worry. you scoff in return, pushing yourself away from his coat and allowing yourself to get wet by the rain.
“am i insane? i should be the one asking you that!” you said, glaring at him. “how… how could you? do you know how worried i have been because of you? you avoided me, then kissed me, then avoided me even more! i had no idea if you were okay because you didn’t even dare speak with me while i was here stuck waiting for you. why? because i didn’t want to pressure you into telling me what’s wrong!”
wriothesley is at a loss for words at your outburst. he just stares at you in return, guilt written all over him. he deserved your anger. but he didn’t mean for things to go this far, yet he also didn’t know how to handle things. you continued speaking, “wriothesley, i have no idea what’s clouding over your heart but i do know one thing: you musn’t keep it to yourself.”
“(name)...” he softly says—hesitantly, even. like he’s scared to even say your name in the first place. you take a step forward, both of your hands reaching out to hold his face. your touch was gentle on his skin, making sure you weren't making him uncomfortable. “tell me what’s wrong, wriothesley. i’ll listen.”
and tell you, he does. he voice shakes at first yet he begins to steady it as he unravels to you everything that has been bothering him up until now. his jealousy, his inner turmoil, and his insecurities. and you listen to him, understanding every word that escapes his lips as your hand never leaves his face, your fingers gently brushing over his scar below his right eye. and once he’s finished, you choose your next words carefully.
“there’s something that i realized in life that i believe you should know. just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love. you made yourself believe otherwise. you made yourself believe that you had to be without fault just so you could be loved but you’re wrong, wriothesley. should you need any proof of the matter, then look just here.” you weakly laugh at the last sentence, and wriothesley just stares at you. you couldn’t find out what’s going on in his head but you know that he’s listening.
your voice shakes as you continue. “i am tired of this sick game of pretending. i am tired of pretending—of acting as if i do not love you, because i do. i love you more than you could ever imagine. every scar, every flaw, every imperfection—i love all of you. you may think you’re too damaged or too scarred to allow yourself of happiness but you can choose differently, wriothesley. you can choose to love me as much as i love you. that should not be up to anyone else—that cannot be up to anyone else.”
“it can only be up to you.”
he was still silent as you slowly let go of his face but wriothesley was quick to catch them. he grabs ahold of your hands, and with his slight shaking, he takes a deep breath. he realizes something when you profess your love for him. he puts two things together: commitment and you. and the conclusion he draws from that is that he doesn’t mind commitment, as long as he’s committing himself to you. that’s how much of an impact you have on him. yes, he’s scared. and yes, this might not go like he hopes it will. but that doesn’t matter to him because he knows it will all be worth it for you. wriothesley is a coward when it comes to love and the like—that, he admits. but he isn’t allowing himself to be a coward for the rest of his life. why deprive himself of the serene type of happiness that he could only achieve when he has you by his side?
he kept his eyes on the hands he’s holding now as he began to speak. “i.. i do not wish to be alone. i know that now. but what i do not know is how to be the man you wish for me to be—the man you truly deserve. i do not know how to do any of this, but i do know another thing: i love you too. i love you. most ardently.” he then meets your eyes as he notices one thing in them. love.
“you stay. you stay and we’ll get through this. together. that’s where we’ll start. we have all the time in the world.”
“may i… kiss you?” he hesitates to ask. but you give him a nod of approval before you’re met with the familiar pleasure of his lips on yours. he relishes every second of the kiss, taking this as a chance to ground himself into reality—refusing to believe that this is some sick dream that his mind decided to play in his head. a hand slithers its way to the nape of his neck and wriothesley groans at the feeling as his hand grabs your waist tighter. wriothesley thanked his lucky stars for the night he met you because this wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t for them.
love at first sight was a frivolous belief for a man like wriothesley. 
but he knew otherwise the moment he laid his eyes upon you that night in the garden.
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nonuify · 12 hours
ᝰ.ᐟ — LSK ⟢ sex is a workout too
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› nsfw is included ┆ smut — minors dni ꩜. word-count .ᐟ 1.1k. gymbro!seokmin x pilates princess!reader
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stretching out your body on the pinkish-white that matched your leggings & top well for your liking.
you were doing your normal exercise every day routine, too lazy to go to the actual pilates studio, unlike your boyfriend who’d went to the gym for the zillionth time this week.
it was honestly so terrifying how fucking hot he had been when he hit the gym it’s like every day he’s getting buffer & buffer but you weren’t at all complaining, you were practically leaching on him every chance you’d got with him.
going back to your routine you’d changed your pose, to a more difficult one than the previous one.
going into a zone where your focused on relaxing so it would help you ease your body, just as you were beginning to feel more rested a ding chimed from your phone, you’d guessed it was probably seokmin telling you that he’ll be home in ten.
& of course you’d guessed right.
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seokminnie 🪽 : hello to my loveliest girlfriend:p, just telling you I’ll be there in ten better welcome me with a hug ~~
you giggled at the way would always compliment you even if it was a bit dramatic.
you : okay mins ! I’ll be waiting, love you !!
seokminnie 🪽 : love ya more, pretty princess ;)
your smile growing more when he called you that, you kinda had a thing for him calling you princess & he sure damn well knows.
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after that you’d gone back to your previous doings of exercising, loosing track of time as you’d always do when doing pilates, as seokmin always told you “your such a pilates princess, baby”.
not even hearing the door opening, you’d be too busy in your own world till you felt a gentle kiss on your cheek, turning to the side you’d see a hot sweaty seokmin, now you were not gonna lie when you said your pussy didn’t throb at his godly looking figure.
“o-oh hi seokmin! I didn’t see you there” you shyly smiled, leaving a light peck on his kissable lips.
“you and your exercises always caught up with it, princess” his big buffed arms were wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer so you both were chest to chest, sitting on the matt that you worked on.
“can’t help it when you go to the gym, & leave me all bored & alone” you mumbled back, playing with the hem of his shirt, mind getting all mushy thinking how he must’ve looked while working out.
“oh? all bored huh?, guess I can make you a little less bored can i, love?” he squeezed your hip lightly then going in for your neck peppering it with kisses then slowly but lovingly he’d move to your jaw then going back to your neck.
“s-seokmin stop” you whined but you didn’t actually want him to stop.
of course he ignored you, continuing to what he was doing.
“god these fucking leggings, you don’t know what you do to me, baby” he’d moved his hands down to your ass giving it a light squeeze then spanking it.
you were practically all wet down there, not wanting to waste anytime, you tugged your boyfriends hair then smashed your lips onto his, he gladly welcomed you deepening it even more.
with a fast motion he’d layed you on the pvc material that was on the cold floor.
moving his veiny hands down to your clit you grown more excited, fingers ghosting over your aching-wet cunt “seokie p-please” you called out really needy for his touch.
to very much your surprise, you heard a loud rip!, he had ripped both your favorite pair of leggings & panties but honestly you did not give a shit all that you wanted is to be pounded by him.
the air hit your bare dripping cunt leaving you gasping from the sudden contact.
“my sweet needy princess” he cooed lowering his head down there, hot breathed replacing with the once cold air.
rapidly you moved your hands tugging his blondish-hair, rolling his eyes he moved his slender digits down to your aroused hole, teasing your entrance then eventually pushing two fingers in & out of you.
it made you make quite lewd noises swiftly.
“always a needy slut for my fingers” he huffed out, while you just wailed from the pleasurable feeling.
while his digits were plunging in & out of you, he’d place some kisses here in there in your clit riling you up even more, “seokmini, stop t-teasing!” a pout formed on your lips.
quickening his speed, doing everything possible that could role your eyes such as parting his fingers, lightly tapping the right spots successfully, which obviously caused to close to riding your high.
pitching your loud moans, seokmin almost instantly knew you were close, he pulled out.
not to your liking you complained.
“need you to cum on this cock, princess” he placed a quick kiss on your soft-lips, before sliding his long-lengthy member into your cunt.
starting off slowly then fastening his pace in quite a rapid way, you held his shoulders for steadiness while practically echoing a series of ahh’s & moaning out your lovers name.
your wet cunt, clenching every-time he thrusted in you, with juices flowing out of the tightness of your & painting the softness of your thighs.
pussy fluttering when he rested both your legs on his wide-perfect shaped shoulders deepening his length in you, his cock was practically poking out of your tummy when he roughly hit all of your favorite spots.
you almost folding in half but you didn’t mind nor cared, all thanks to your well earned time & dedication to piltaes, you could be quite the flexible person & seokmin did not waste that advantage in fucking your brains out.
“everytime I fuck you out, your always so fuckin’ tight” he groaned out, while holding your thighs, landing kisses turned love bites on them, you bit your lips to the ungodly sight before you, seeing how he looked at your filled up cunt just made your mind go into a hazy mess.
“kyeommie!” another desperate moan left your lips as a knot formed inside of your stomach, which resulted in seokmin taunting you “oh my pretty princess is coming for kyeomie isn’t she” you on the other hand rested your elbow on your face enduring the overwhelming pleasurable moment that he was giving you.
next thing you’d know is your cock-filled hole gushing out spurts of cum, painting seokmin’s cock oh so beautifully.
shortly after that blissful moment, your well-built boyfriend returned to fucking his cock balls-deep in you but his pace getting sloppier by the minute, knowing his high was awfully near.
“m’gonna make you my little pussy-pocket, all covered with my cum” he threw his head as if in ecstasy, with the hot liquids of his seed filling you up with a little bit of it leaking out of you.
he soon enough joined laying on the floor beside you, as heavy breathes emerged from both of you, breaking the silence between you he said “guess we found a new workout to do” you giggled smacking his shoulder playfully, earning a cute pout.
as if he didn’t almost split you open a few minutes ago.
! 𝜗𝜚˚⋆ thank you for reading >ᴗ< !! [ divders by @/ cafekitsune. ] [ title creds to @/ straykidsstanforeverandever. ]
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aycius · 12 hours
feat. satoru gojo
author's note. ahhh this is inspired by faye webster's song"jonny (reprise)!! i love it so much, like i resonate with it so much so ig this is kinda just indulgent :D it is angsty, but i hope you enjoy! my first time writing something that isn't a headcanon or smau so be nice :p
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to love satoru gojo is to accept promises in various ranges. empty, full, and even in the form of white lies. to love satoru gojo, is to navigate life on his terms, a world full of uncertainty and agonizing heartbreak.
tonight, you realized that more than ever.
you sat in the edge of the bed, staring at the blank white walls in your shared bedroom that seemed to mock you with their sterility—walls that were meant to be filled with memories now stood as a silent testament to the promising future he claimed he saw with you. the same white walls that he promised would be filled with love and prosperity were still the same spotless walls even after months.
satoru gojo was a force to be reckoned with, his presence overwhelming, his absence even more so. he was everything the world needed, but, unbelievably nothing of what you did. and you loved him—God, you still think you do, but loving him got harder as the months went by.
as you wandered the empty halls of your once shared apartment, ones that used to be filled with memories, you stopped by a portrait of the two of you—smiling, carefree. it felt like a lifetime ago, you think. a time in your life where you thought you could be enough for him.
countless nights you’d spend, waiting for him to finally come home, hoping he'd walk through the door and see you, truly see you. but when he did come home, it was with a tired smile and empty reassurances, his eyes never quite meeting yours.
it wasn't his fault, of course, you knew that. satoru was a product of his world, a world that demanded everything from him. he gave what he could, at least that's what you like to believe. it just.. never seemed enough. you needed more—more than fleeting touches and half-hearted promises. you needed someone who was ready. ready to build a life with you.
with a heavy heart, you turned away from the window, walking to the bedroom to continue packing your bags. a part of you wondered if you were being overdramatic, that you were asking too much of the strongest individual on the planet, but don’t you deserve even the slightest bit of happiness?
as you zipped your final bag, the door creaked open. satoru stood there, his usual carefree expression faltering as he saw the suitcase. his eyes widened, a flicker of something akin to fear crossing his face. but satoru, ever the poker facer, hides it almost instantly.
you met his gaze, as quickly as you dropped it back down to your bags, scurrying to zip them as you wiped a tear from your cheek, “i was just getting my last few things, i’ll be out soon.” you whispered, voice breaking.
but satoru didn’t try to stop you—and it was then you couldn’t tell which hurt most. him watching you pack without muttering another word, or the white walls, that remained empty and waiting.
you were done waiting for him to fill them, though.
to love satoru is to sacrifice your pride and dignity with hopes of filling up those blank white walls. to love him, is to undergo a relentless cycle of longing and heartbreak, for the slightest chance, of earning his love to the fullest.
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misfitgirlwrites · 2 days
Doe Deputy (A Self-Hired Secretary!) | Alastor x Imp!Reader
I wanted to get this out around this time, I'm proud of myself! Here's the deal, guys:
You’re a mischievous bean and why would you not take the perks of working for a scary Overlord?
These are headcanons based off of some stories I have already written with my own character :) I hope you guys enjoy them! I'll most likely have more with this whole secretary thing I have going on
Be sure to join my giveaway while you still can! Want a personalized self-insert with a Hazbin or Helluva Boss character? Come enter! It ends July 4th!
I give you the goods now, lads, please enjoy!
CW: Mentions of violence, mentions of cannibalism (?)
a/n: I couldn't make it a bulleted list? I love it here y'all
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🖤 I'll take a step into actual author territory, guys. This is pre-season one. I'm talking Alastor's full infamy in Hell
❤️ And there you were after getting fired from quitting your most recent job, taking the walk of shame home to your...decent-ish apartment that you suspect you wouldn't have for much longer
🖤 You needed a solution. You're willing to work for it, of course, but you still had a time limit
❤️ Rumors were going around that a bit of charity work and a promise of good behavior could get you a stay with the Princess of Hell, but charity work was more of a last resort for you
🖤 Finding a nice Overlord that could hand out some work, however...
❤️ It was the best idea you've had since you've been in Pentagram City
🖤 You didn't need a pushover, and you wanted to like who you were working with so that cut out a lot of candidates
❤️ Before you gave up on the idea completely, you heard the static of a radio faintly from someone's house and it reminded you of one candidate
🖤 It would require work and patience, but you weren't taking no for an answer!
❤️ Well, you didn't necessarily ask the Radio Demon, honestly
🖤 You began tailing him when you could and when it was safe to do so
❤️ Large crowds and far as ALL RINGS away
🖤 You didn't want any stumbles or mistakes that led to your little Hellish life going bye-bye
❤️ You had to know at least a little about him before you could really get things started
🖤 Was he a tea or coffee person? Did he like alcohol? Drugs? Just straight murder? (It's looking like just straight murder. You should search up torture methods)
❤️ It was easy for you to blend into crowds and walk right past the demon; he catches on that you're tailing him a lot but you've been evading powerful hell-born demons your whole life
🖤 We all love a liiiittttlllleeee one-up
❤️ You learn of his diet...how much can you judge, you guess?
🖤 Alastor is particular too, he picks his meat up from the same place at least two to three times a week
❤️ The first part of your plan begins
🖤 Dress nicely, a black below-the-knee pencil skirt or black dress pants, either a black or red (any shade) button-up with black or red (or both) dress shoes or heels
❤️ It's time to pick up Alastor's meals for the week! Much better than making multiple trips, right? He's a very busy Overlord ❤️
🖤 You'd waltz in as confident as possible "Hiya! Uh, name's _____. I'm here to pick up Alastor's venison for this week. Figured it'd be better to store in bulk."
❤️ Rosie would tilt her head and stare down at you, "...who are you, dear?"
🖤 "Right! I'm kinda doing a trial run as his secretary! I'm implementing some of my own ideas that I hope will be improvements on how he already moves."
❤️ Now you're nervous. You have no idea how Rosie could respond but you do know you're in fucking Cannibal Town so the only thing you can do is shoot Satan a quick prayer and show off your sharp smile
🖤 You're relieved when Rosie literally lights up, a large smile grows on her face as she clasps her hands together, "he finally took my advice, did he? And here I thought the bugger would never do it!"
❤️ You nodded, "I think this will be a good fit for me! I hope you can agree since you'll be seeing me weekly instead. I moved your hangouts to the end of the week in case the boss likes a drink here and there."
🖤 "A wise decision. You're doing great already if I have any say. Here, I'll grab what you need!"
❤️ Mission fucking SUCCESSFUL
🖤 Now was Alastor happy finding stacked containers of venison outside of his plate with a note?
❤️ The safe answer was no by how he was searching like a beast on the hunt. Luckily you didn't stay where he could see you
🖤 Next is the fun part and if you did this right, you'd be talking to the Radio Demon about this job position very soon
❤️ You knew of The Vee's. Alastor and Vox were never quiet with their quarrels. Why not take this as an opportunity?
🖤 An opportunity to weigh your options a bit if you want to be real. You could simply apply and most likely get the position
❤️ It took one bump in with a very cute spider demon to fill you in on Valentino and your weighing ceases lmao
🖤 Back to the original plan or as you like to call it:
💙 Mission: Blow Vox's Fuse for Money 💙
❤️ It was simple enough, really. The only part to worry about was security
🖤 But you're one of the best at slipping past guards and cameras
❤️ You really got a kick out of your handiwork
🖤 You even dropped off a picture to Alastor as a little warning 💅🏼
❤️ It was funny when you first thought about it and from the early morning power outage, you think you got your point across very well
🖤 Feeling proud of yourself, you decide tonight to go to your cozy roof hiding spot to see if you can get any new information
❤️ You were really getting into this job
🖤 You were so focused on writing down a schedule, that you didn't notice Alastor wasn't where you left him
❤️ "You're a very slippery thing, I must say."
🖤 Your pen stopped moving immediately
❤️ Because FUCK he was in too close proximity for this part of the plan
🖤 A cute way to say you were sure you were well hidden and he wasn't supposed to find you
❤️ So what could you do now? Speed up the plan and jump straight to your proposal? Or jump off the building and run for it?
🖤 And there you were, scrambling to climb over the ledge
❤️ Of course, you didn't make it very far. Your notebook and pen hit the ground as a black tendril wrapped around your torso and tightly might you add
🖤 "Because you've been so busy running around in my business, I'll give you one chance to explain yourself."
❤️ Truthfully because you've thoroughly entertained him now
🖤 Vox threw a complete tantrum and if he wasn't in front of you, he'd start chuckling at the thought of it again
❤️ "...So I figure all the sweet talk I had planned is out the window?" You'd ask.
🖤 "Absolutely."
❤️ Now or never was an understatement but you felt like this was better than being homeless in Hell
🖤 "I wanted to offer my services as a secretary. I think it'll do us both some good."
❤️ "What makes you think I need your assistance?"
🖤 "Need is a strong word, boss. I'm here if you want to focus on all the fun stuff while I arrange all the shows and bring the coffee for the Overlord meetings--I feel like they would appreciate the nice gesture from you, don't think so? While you're out being scary, I can promote your public image at the same time!"
❤️ "I don't need a secretary."
���� "Your good friend Ms. Rosie seems to have been telling you otherwise--"
❤️ The tendril holding you in the air tightened
🖤 You give Alastor a big smile and quickly apologize, "What I mean is this is Hell! Order me around and I'll do literally whatever you ask as long as you pay me."
❤️ "So what do you call this then?"
🖤 "A free trial. Wasn't this week just a little bit more relaxing?"
❤️ Alastor hated to admit it, but you weren't wrong. Rising to infamy was a very busy job and it would be easier to have someone else handle the background things
🖤 And you
❤️ You managed to tail him and learn base information to do all this without him knowing. Realistically he was standing in front of a good candidate
🖤 Rosie already met you (did you plan that??) plus nothing you did wasn't...not helpful
❤️ Alastor couldn't believe he was actually considering this
🖤 You hit the ground and let out a small "oof" before staring up at Alastor who was now pinching the bridge of his nose
❤️ "The actual trial starts Monday. We have a morning meeting to go to."
🖤 ...Yes.
❤️ YES!
🖤 Holy fuck! Hail Satan, you did it! Major pat on the back, you!
❤️ "Don't go getting all excited. I could change my mind at any time."
🖤 "Understood, boss!"
❤️ Alastor could get used to that
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Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @dasimp777
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Alastor or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
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pillowspace · 15 hours
sooo so curious if you have an facts or tidbits to share like! whats their dynamic like? is there any Backstory to this oooor just for fun? i am. very very interested ehe
(only if u want to tho!!)
(About this post and this post)
Mmmm! Let me see what I can think of!
Mal's full first name is Maldu. I imagine everyone would call them Mal except for Odile, since she calls Bonnie Boniface, and would presumably call Mal "Maldu."
Mal is like 12-15, I'm not really strict on the exact age. Since Mal would be the second youngest, they would probably like following Bonnie around even if Mal doesn't really know how to "play" or anything. They just kinda... stand there and try to curiously mirror whatever Bonnie does.
Mal is a bit quiet. They can speak, but they don't do so often, and are more likely to speak when they're upset than when they're pleased.
The red star that hangs from their bandana cannot be seen in colour unless Mal is especially upset. Not the most upset of their life like Siffrin, but even just a big cry could cause the star to shine for everyone to see.
Mal is very sensitive and cries easily. Siffrin's grown practiced at calming them down but still gets freaked out by the sudden tears.
Mal likes quietly watching and listening. They enjoy being taught by their allies how to perform certain tasks, and will give that wide-eyed look of a silent "really??" when praised for doing something right. They soak up praise like a sponge due to a perpetual feeling of doing something wrong.
While their right eye spirals, Mal's left iris is entirely white! It's usually covered by the slanted hat, however.
And! I hadn't actually really thought of a backstory until just now, but does this work? I think it maybe could
Siffrin accidentally created Mal through Wish Craft when he had a mental breakdown as a child/teen soon after the northern island's disappearance, though neither of them know this, and they did not meet until a couple years after this happened. Mal's existence slowly came to be with a clear understanding that they existed for a reason, but they weren't sure why. When Siffrin and Mal eventually crossed paths, it was like finding a second half that you hadn't even realized you had lost. Though even after meeting, the two are still unsure of how this happened to begin with. As far as Siffrin's concerned, the two just "clicked," and does not remember the breakdown. Meanwhile Mal's not really sure where they came from or what they are, but they gladly latch onto the protection Siffrin offers.
Mal is simultaneously an extension of Siffrin, and a separate being entirely. Mal was made from Siffrin's soul, even if Siffrin hadn't meant to share himself like that. When one is hurt, the other shares the echoes of their pain. Mal likely severely panicked when Siffrin lost the eye, and the echoing pain in Mal's own head surely didn't help. If ONE panicked kid (Bonnie) wasn't enough, you also get TWO in this AU! Congrats!
Since Mal was created from Siffrin's distraught state, it reflects through Mal in certain ways. How sensitive they are, how timid they are, their unease, their anxiety, etc. Siffrin's helping Mal every step of the way though, and is very protective of them, urging his allies to be gentle with them.
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yujinnieswifeu · 1 day
Now... What if I said mean g!p boss wony who bullies you cus youre slow at work.. throw in wtv kinks you want... I be open minded like how these legs are
pairings: sub!fem reader x g!p dom!ceo wonyoung
warnings: lots of smutt, wony degrading y/n, kinda mean wony, breeding without consent (don’t do this irl pls)
a/n: OMGG HIII can i say i love your writing 😭, i read the wony one and it was so good, rlly need a part 3🥹, and also the pyramid game one AHHH tht one was so good too!! Btw, thanks for requesting and rlly hope you enjoy this oneshot 👉🏻👈🏻, im also sorry for being so late to answer since life has been hectic for me😭 (not proofread btw, will probably do it tmr)
Wonyoung actually has this small crush on you, at least she thinks it is. But how could she, a ceo like someone that is just a secretary? Gosh, she hated what you have done to her. So when it was past 9am and you were a minute late, Wonyoung had to say something about it. Scolding you like a kid, telling you that her time is precious and that cause you were late for a minute, it also meant that she would be delayed by a minute in whatever she does since you are suppose to report her what she has to do for the day whenever the clock strikes 9 every morning.
And of course you would just apologise, poor you, had no idea why she was always being so mean to you. You were just a minute late after all, but she had something to say about it too. When she dismisses you after, you went on with your day, sitting at your desk that was just opposite of hers. According to her, it was to make sure ‘her secretary was actually doing their work’. And how could you talk back, after all she was the ceo and your pay was higher than the others by 2 or 3 times.
When you went back to your desk, Wonyoung had a nice view of your ass, the way your hips sways left and right was making her breath hitch, it was like you’re doing this all on purpose, wanting to get her attention, to seduce her. And paired along with that short skirt, oh…it makes Wonyoung think how you would look all bent on her desk, her hand hiking your skirt up even more as you push yourself more against her bulge. Fuck. It was making Wonyoung throb below, feeling her bulge becoming hard, the tightness in her pants as she lets out a small grunt which you heard.
When you settle in your seat, you looked over at Wonyoung, seeing her a little breathless, and you quirk a brow. “Are you okay sajangnim(i think it means boss?)?” She just looks your way, and frowns. “Why are you focusing on me? Focus on your work, or you wont be going home at all!” Her attitude was making you annoyed, and you roll your eyes, mumbling something to yourself that Wonyoung should care, but right now she has a problem to take care of.
Without another word, she goes to the toilet, and you watch her leave, your eyes looking over her crotch unintentionally as you saw what looked like a bulge? You were sure it was, and you suddenly find yourself shifting uncomfortably in your seat, thinking if you caused it. You probably did, since it was only you two in this huge room of hers this morning, where she would only allow a few in, the important ones to be exact. It has you thinking if your outfit finally worked, after all, how could you not like her, yes she has this crappy attitude towards you, but gosh, it was Jang Wonyoun, and she was drop dead gorgeous. Wherever she goes, people would stare, and you were one of them. Now you had to come up with a pl—
“Why are you just staring off into space? Don’t you have work to do?” She snarls, looking your way, her brow raised judgingly. You jolted a little in your chair, her voice giving you a slight scare as you looked up at her. “O-oh, yes sorry, i will get right to it now sajangnim.” She scoffs, rolling her eyes as she returns to her seat, watching as you clumsily get to work. You were acting off and she notices it, it has her thinking why did you not talk back like you usually do, maybe that was what she was drawn to, since no one ever dared to roll their eyes at her, or much so talk back, but you were the first.
During the day throughout your work, Wonyoung could not focus at all. She did not know why, but you seemed different today, what happened to the y/n she knew? You were testing how much she can hold back, dropping something behind your desk, bending down to retrieve it. At first, Wonyoung wanted to childe you, but when she saw you bend down and reach for the item that you dropped, she just stayed silent, shifting slightly in her seat as she feels her pants tightening. She wanted to groan, to push you on your knees as she drives her cock in your mouth for making her feel this way. She just pushed her thoughts aside, and carried on with her day, but god, you made it so hard. When you walked to her to give her some files, and ‘trip accidentally’, the files now on the floor as you held onto her desk instead, your boobs was almost spilling out which was the last straw for Wonyoung, immediately growling as she pushes your front to the desk, her things messily on the floor.
You let out a high pitch yelp, your hands gripping the sides of the desk as you could feel the pool between your legs at what she was doing to you. “Care to tell me this is another ‘accident’ of yours?” She snarls against your ear, her fingers hikes up your skirt, feeling your panties which was now wet with your arousal which coats her fingers, and lands a harsh slap over your core, making you whine out. “Fuck, what a slut, you think i’m so dumb to not know you did all that on purpose? Bending down to take up your pen which dropped, having your ass display for me, and now this?” She almost growls, her front presses against your back as you arch your back, pushing your hips back to meet her bulge, moaning when you did so.
“Dumb slut, can’t even say anything can you? On your knees.” Her hands go to undo her pants as you immediately got on your knees for her, letting out a small groan when she finally releases her hard on, her tip now swollen and red from your teasing. It makes you gulp, not expecting her to be so big, and she slaps her cock on your cheek. “Now you’re silent hm? What happened to the y/n i know? The one that just can’t fucking shut up hm?” You only whine, feeling your walls clenches over nothing as your clit throbs with her degrading words. “Now suck me off slut.” You immediately get to work, your hands at her base your lips wrap over her tip, taking her in slowly. She only grunts, watching you take her slowly.
“You can’t even do this fucking properly can you? Always need my help, stupid slut.” She growls, holding your head in place as she fucks your mouth roughly instead. You gag almost immediately, the tears in your eyes threatening to spill as you try to push yourself away from her, but to no avail. “F-fuck, this is what your mouth should be used for.” She groans, her eyes rolling to the back as she continues to fuck your mouth, her hazed eyes looks down at you, taking in your puffy eyes and red face as you struggle to take her cock, it only makes her go faster, her thrust becoming more erratic as she feels the immense pleasure building up, groaning as she pulls her cock out of your mouth, stroking it as she spills her load all over your face. Your face coated with her cum makes you look even better, Wonyoung could feel herself getting hard again. “So much b-better like this…clean it up.” You scoot closer to her now semi-hard cock, licking at her tip as you clean her cock that had your saliva mixed with her cum on it, moaning softly at the taste.
She looks down at you, suddenly so obedient for her. Wonyoung could feel her cock starting to get even harder, and she pulls you up by your hair instead, a whine leaving past your lips as she presses your back against her desk, her hands goes to your thighs as she makes you spread for her. Looking at your arousal, she almost moans, there was a huge spot on your panties now, and she could not wait to slam her cock inside of you. Pushing your panties aside, she bites her bottom lip, god were you dripping wet for her. “So wet when i haven’t even started? Didn’t take you for someone who likes to be degraded.” She teases, running her tip between your folds, watching as your arousal smears over her cock, her breathing getting heavier. “M-mommy…please..” you whine, the nickname rolling off your tongue unintentionally, and she only groans, pushing herself into you without any warning as she starts the pace mercilessly.
You let out a gasp, followed by a loud moan which she returns with a glare, her hand goes to cover your mouth instead, and your eyes roll with pleasure. “Shut u-up slut, you don’t want the people outside t-to know what we’re doing right?” She grunts, her hips slamming against yours now with each thrust, the desk moaning under you two from how hard she was fucking you. Wonyoung speeds up her movement, her tip kissing your sweet spot with each thrust as she makes you see stars. “M-mmph mmh!” Your legs were starting to twitch now, and she knew you were close. “Don’t you fucking dare.” She growls, her words sends a shiver down your spine, whining against her fingers and she shoves them into your mouth instead. She could feel herself getting closer with each thrust, her hips snapping against yours more sloppily as her breathing gets even heavier, you feel the knot in your stomach threatening to spill, your toes curling as you try to hold it in.
“N—ngh oh fuck, you’re so tight, i’m going to breed this pussy okay?” She moans, not even giving you a chance to deny as she paints your walls white, you moan around her fingers, eyes rolling as she continues to thrust deeply, knowing you were still on the edge. “Cum slut.” She orders, pressing against your clit which sends you over the edge, she pulls out immediately, and watches as you writher against her desk pathetically. You whine out loud, she was being so mean, making you cum with just a touch and not stimulating you, your eyes teary now. “Aww, are you crying now? Pathetic slut, that’s your punishment.” She dresses herself up, ignoring your pleas to do something about it and she has a sudden thought.
“Be a good slut, and do your work properly, then maybe i’ll reward you.”
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dinogoofymutated · 2 days
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Wolverine/Fem!Reader - Masterlist link
You've met Logan Howlett in every life you've lived since the 1900s. And in every lifetime, fate rips you from him just as cruelly as it forces the two of you to meet. How many lives will it take for the two of you to finally have your happily ever after?
General TWs: Reincarnation, death, Major character death (multiple times), Angst with a happy ending. Controlling familiail behavior, descriptions of wounds, descriptions of war, descriptions of violence/death, childhood trauma. Possible historical inaccuracies.
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Here's the first chapter!! I waassss gonna wait until I finished part two and post both at once but TBH I was desperate to get this out! I hope yall enjoy this, and I would like to remind everyone that I am not a nurse or any kind of medical personnel, and I kinda struggled to find out about the procedures of ww1 nurses, so take most of the nurse stuff with a grain of salt! like watching a dumbed down version of grey's anatomy lol. I'd also like to say that I decided to make Logan's healing factor slower during ww1 and ww2, as he hadn't gone through the Weapon X program yet. Chapter TWs: Blood, injury, childhood injuries in the prologue scene, war n shit, ww1 canada is a tw on it's own.
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     October 22, 1900.
    “Andy!!”  Your brother rolls his eyes at the sound of your high-pitched voice calling his name, turning around with a frown. He always had been faster than you, and today was no different. He had gone running into the woods when your mother had called the two of you in for lunch, and ever the devoted little sister, you had chased after him before she could notice what the two of you were doing. You’re panting when you finally catch up to him, your skirts scrunched up in your fists as you try your best to keep them from catching on bushes and vines.
    “Where are you going? Mama’s calling us for lunch!” Neither of you was supposed to be on this side of the woods, past the fence that marked your family’s property. It made you nervous to be so far past the boundary. Your older brother scoffs at you, turning away once again as he continues to march further. 
    “Father told me that he had set bear traps out to keep the animals away from the house. I’m going to see if he’s caught anything.” Andrew says stubbornly. You rush ahead to try and keep up with him, staying close and looking around anxiously. You never had been a rule breaker, and this was just a little more adventurous than you were comfortable with.
    “Bears? You don’t think we’ll find any, do you? I don't want to see anything be hurt.” You whine, tears forming in your eyes. Your brother laughs at you, the same way did the time you brought some a dying bird, or the time you had begged father to spare the rabbit that had been digging in the garden. He never understood why you were so soft-hearted.
    “You’re going to need to be more brave if you’re going to be an adult one day. Cowards get killed.” Andrews teases, cackling wickedly as he steps on a branch and the sound of it snapping causes you to flinch and cry out, rushing forward to grab hold of his arm.
    “That’s not true!” You cry. 
    “Yeah, it is!” Andrew argues. There’s a bit of a ditch in front of the two of you, and he shakes you off before he hops down. He holds his hand out to help you navigate the drop, and you take it eagerly as you carefully get down, making sure not to dirty your skirts any more than they had been. 
    “No, it’s not! It’s not true! It’s not true because I have you, remember? Big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters!” You persist once you’re finished. Andrew sighs again, but you don’t doubt his answer for a second. He rolls his eyes at you before he begins to walk on.
    “Of course I am. But you can’t expect me to get to you every time.” Andrew says. You’re about to refute that when the two of you hear a rustling in the bushes up ahead. Andrew holds out a hand to keep you behind him, stopping both of you in your tracks. The birds have stopped singing, and you know that it means something scary is about to happen. Dad calls it a bad oh-men or something along those lines, but you didn’t usually listen to him. Now you’re starting to wish you had.
    “Stay here. I think I hear something up ahead.” Andrew whispers to you. You try to grab for his arms as he leaves you, but he’s too far away, and you find your feet rooted to the spot. You��re too scared to move, holding your hands anxiously as you watch Andrew begin to stumble through the bushes cautiously. You don’t like this. You don’t like it at all. You can only see his head through once he’s through the thick of it, and you hear him huff in disappointment when he doesn’t find anything on the other side.
    “Never mind. There’s not even-” There’s a sound of a mechanical snap before Andrew falls to the ground with a scream. 
    “Andy!” You cry out, immediately bolting through the bush. Branches and briars get caught on your skirt and tear at your skin as you push through to get to him. Your brother is shouting and grunting in pain when you see him, tears dotting his eyes as he stares down at the sight of his ankle caught firmly between the teeth of a bear trap.
    “Stupid trap!” He cries out, his hands shaking from adrenaline. You don’t know what to do, standing frozen at the bloody sight before you, mind going back and forth between whether or not you should go to your brother or run home to get your parents.
     “Help me get it off!” Andrew shouts, and it’s enough to finally bring you back to the situation. You can only nod frantically as you kneel by his side. Hands shaking as you help your brother try and open the trap and get it off of him. The metal digs into your fingers as you try to pry it open, your brother grunting and crying with the effort to do so. You can only think of what your parents will say, what Andrew will do. What if it got infected? What if he lost his foot completely? You realize you’re crying as you and Andrew try with all your might to pull the trap open, grip beginning to slip on the contraption right as Andrew tugs his leg out of the trap. It snaps closed violently after, barely missing both of your fingertips as Andrew rolls away from it.
    “What- What do we do? Andy?” You ask, unable to do much but stare as your brother writes in pain. It’s all happening so fast, but god did everything feel so slow. Andrew manages to make out something about stopping the bleeding, and you’re right on it as you press your small hands to the bloody, mangled, flesh. You squeeze tightly as you pray and pray and pray for him to stop bleeding, shutting your eyes tightly as you sob and cry and wish you could do something, anything more to help your big brother.
    There’s a buzzy feeling in your hands, like pins and needles without the pain. You don’t see it happening as you sit there and bawl for your brother, his warm blood on your hands all you can manage to feel in the moment. The blood begins to slow, and slow, and you don't even realize it has stopped until everything seems to be just as quiet as before. You realize that Andrew isn’t crying anymore, and find yourself brave enough to cautiously open your eyes.
    To your surprise, you don’t see anything. 
    All there is is Andrew’s blood staining his ripped pants and both of your hands- but the strangest part of all was that there was no more wound. Not even a bruise remained of the bone-deep cuts that had been there just a moment before. Your tears begin to dry up as your eyebrows furrow, still hiccuping as you look on at the scene in confusion. When you look up at your brother, he’s wide-eyed. Staring at you in complete shock.
    “Was that you that did that?”  He asks. You don’t know what to say. You don't know. You begin to notice a soreness in your leg as the two of you sit there, simply staring at each other in shock. Eventually, Andrew swallows, before he tries to stand up, doing so effortlessly and without pain. He stretches and flexes his leg, moving it back and forth like his brain is still playing catch up. You try to follow his lead, only to cry out in pain and stumble. There's a deep purple bruise circling your leg when you raise your skirt, one that perfectly mimicked the bloody hole in Andrew’s pants where his own wound once had been.
    He carried you back home that day.
    The Great War began on July 28th, 1914. The archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, had been assassinated, thus causing a series of events that spiraled into the worst war that the world had ever seen until that point. Your brother was quickly whisked away into the battle once the fight had started. He quickly advanced through the ranks, his ever-present charm and intelligence being a boon to him, and an asset to many others. He had always been the fighter. Your bother Andrew, your protector, and keeper of your secrets, now a general in the Canadian army. You could hardly believe it. 
    You, on the other hand, had begun to educate yourself at your brother’s behest. You became a nurse, finding yourself drawn to the field in the absence of the many men who had left mainland hospitals to go to war. You loved it. You loved helping people heal and survive, thrive even, but even so, you had become rather secretive about your natural gifts. Andrew, as supportive as he was, knew that the world would never accept powers like yours. As guilty as you felt every time a patient had slipped through the doctor’s fingers, you knew better. Your healing abilities took from you a fraction of what it gave to others, and using it was just not possible in large doses. You knew that and knew to listen to your brother’s warnings. Still, it did not stop you completely. Healing a wound or broken bone now and then in the shadows, where there was no one there to see. Miracles became your specialty, but your medical knowledge had become your backbone.
    At the end of April, you were surprised to receive a letter from your brother, the contents of it being a plea for you to join him in the war efforts. They needed nurses, trained, knowledgeable, nurses. You would be by his side as much as possible, but you were needed across the sea. And well, if it was your brother asking, who were you to refuse?
May 2nd, 1917
    "You are to keep your medical supplies cleanly and well maintained. I understand that you aren't exactly green in this line of work, but let me tell you, you haven't seen war yet." The senior nurse in front of you has no time for fools, you have only known her for a moment, and yet you know this for a fact. Her pace is fast and purposeful. Her skirt is muddied and stained, and yet her boots do not seem to sink or stick in the mud like yours do as you try your best to keep up with her. Nurse Mary is strict in personality and pace, and you're careful to follow directly behind her throughout the busy encampment. 
Everyone seems to have something urgent to attend to, soldiers and nurses and medics alike all running about through the mud and dirt. There are many hospital tents, many more than you had originally anticipated. You begin to realize exactly why your brother had been so firm in instructing you to refrain from assisting any wounded beyond what help lies within sutures and gauze. 
    “How often do the wounded arrive?” You ask, following her into a rather large hospital tent and passing by various cots with wounded men.
    “You should expect them to arrive every day. The wounded are many, but the dead are more, god rest their souls.”  She tells you, one of her hands clutching the cross around her neck for a moment. There are many things you have learned throughout your schooling, and many gruesome sights you know to expect, but the one thing that still gave you chills was the death toll. You try not to think about it too hard, knowing that it’s just the truth of war that good men go to die. But that doesn’t mean you will ever be forced to be comfortable with it. You pass many rows of wounded soldiers as you follow her through, many being gravely injured with missing and mangled limbs, and shrapnel in places where it should never be. You keep your bedside manner in check, but you know half of those men won’t make it through the night.
    “We should be grateful for the men who return to our care, but please keep in mind that we are the only buffer between them and god. You must understand that losing these men isn’t an if, it’s a when.” You nod solemnly in response to her, quelling the anxiety in your heart. You knew very well that she was right. You casually look around the hospital tent, doing your best to help familiarise yourself with the surroundings when a puff of smoke catches your eye.
    You don’t know where to laugh or scold the man, brown eyes meeting your own as he quickly tries to hide the cigar. Nurse Mary clearly had not seen him, but you certainly did. You can’t help but smile in a baffled sort of way, and the soldier- the quite handsome soldier- smirks, shrugging his shoulders at you. You try not to laugh, choosing to simply shake your head instead of pointing it out to Nurse Mary. It’s something he clearly appreciates, and he tips his head at you, winking as you finally pass him by. You hope you’re not blushing, quickly looking away from him with a smile on your face that you couldn’t fight off.
    “Are you paying attention, Miss? Your brother spoke very highly of your skills, it would be a shame if it were all to be lies.” The nurse ahead of you says, a strict tone in her voice. It almost startles you, bringing you back to earth after the solid minute of distraction the brown-eyed soldier had caused. 
    “I- yes. I apologize. Please, continue.” You reply quickly. You can tell she’s not quite convinced but doesn’t have the time to care, reminding you that there would be little to no time to dally once you had been given decent instruction about the facilities. You’re eager to get to work, and decide that there would be no more distractions today- no matter how charming or handsome they seem to be.
    You were assigned work the moment your walkthrough had been conducted. No downtime, no breaks. You wonder if you truly had any idea how bad things would be where you got here. Seeing the wounded was one thing, but reading their chart was another. You felt detached as you conducted physicals, changed bandages, and redressed wounds and cuts. You checked for infections in those with amputated limbs, knowing that death would soon come for those who were so unfortunate. The difference between any of the men was astounding- wounds from this war unlike any that you had ever seen before. You had heard of the new weapons, the horrors that geniuses had developed so that others would die. It pains you that someone could be so ignorant and cruel- and yet even you hope that you would never have to face those instruments of war.
   Out of all the strange and unusual wounds and war-torn soldiers you met on that day, there was only one who you remembered in truly remarkable detail.
    You see the puff of smoke before you see him, lounging on the backboard of his hospital cot without a care in the world. Besides some old bandages on his chest, you can tell that he’s not in any pain. To be honest, you start to wonder if he belongs in this infirmary at all. He’s distracted, cigar held up to his lips as he takes a deep inhale of the smoke, drowning out his senses with the nicotine. 
    “You must be feeling pretty confident to be breaking the only rule we have in here.” You say, raising an eyebrow at him. He chokes on the smoke rather suddenly, trying to recover as quickly as he can as he puts the cigar out. You give him a sweet smile, trying your best not to laugh. He smiles sort of unabashedly at you, shrugging. 
    “Can’t blame a man for tryin’.” He coughs. You shake your head at him, lifting some papers on your clipboard before you find the one assigned to his cot. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his list of past injuries and causes of infirmary visits. How is this man even alive?
    “Logan Howlett, I presume? You’re pretty perky for a man who has such a long list of injuries.” You state, still reading it through. You’ve never seen this many on one chart before- all dating from the very start of the war to his current visit. Logan gives you a shrug of his shoulders, which isn’t exactly a response you would prefer, but he smiles at you in a charming sort of way that makes your heart flutter. 
    “They call me Lucky Logan for a reason,” Logan hums- causing you to huff a laugh. You shake your head at him, setting the clipboard down on the edge of the bed before you begin conducting a physical and checking on his “wounds.”- not that there really was any besides an odd, yellowed bruise or two that you could almost swear seemed to be lightening by the minute.
    “ ‘You new here?” You glance up at him at the sound of his voice, smiling a bit out of politeness.
   “Why, Is it that easy to tell?” You ask, knowing that he certainly knew so due to him seeing you earlier, but you wonder for a moment if you seemed to be any different from the other nurses. You always strived to be good at what you do, but part of you had a tendency to worry if you could keep up with the others here.
    “Nah,” He says, bluntly. “I just think I’d remember if I had seen a pretty nurse like you before.”  The words make you gape for a moment, that smile still showing as you shake your head at him and try not to laugh. He was a flirt- a rather smooth one too. 
    “Do you use that line on all the ladies?” You tease as you pull out your stethoscope to listen to his heart. You listen, and besides the fact that his heart rate is a little faster than the regular average, you don’t seem to notice anything too strange.
    “Only the ones as pretty as you.” He says. You don’t hold back your laugh at that, and his genuine smile is definitely contagious. You check his eyesight and overall mobility one more time once you’re done, trying not to blush at the way he’s looking at you. You feel his gaze even when you step away to write on his chart, finishing things up.
    “Well, Mr. Howlett, you seem to have a perfect bill of health,” Logan perks up a bit at that, moving to where he can sit on the side of the cot, his feet on the ground. “...but I can’t completely release you just yet. You’re free to wander around some, but you’ll have to wait for the doc to give you one last look-over before you can go back to the frontlines.” He lets out a dramatic sigh, frowning for only a minute before he stands, winking at you as he grabs his shirt from underneath the cot- the bloodied one they wheeled him in here with, no doubt, and puts it on.
    “If that means I’ll be seeing you more often, I’ll take it.” He flirts. You laugh, knowing that you very well might have swooned if you had been any greener to this line of work. Instead, all you can really do is cringe at the sight of his shirt and lean down to the small table to his right, the one where his chart had been, and open the drawer, revealing a freshly clean set of clothes. 
    “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, Smokey.” You joke, finding his surprised face rather endearing. It only takes a moment before he’s smirking again, taking the clothes from you and doing a mock toast to you with the cloth. You shake your head at him, trying to keep your smile contained as you walk away from him and over to your next patient.
    You find yourself thinking about him throughout the day, both delighted and somewhat frustrated at yourself for swooning so easily over a soldier- on your first day, too. You had told yourself when you took this job that you would never do such a thing, knowing that so many romances in a time like this end in tragedy- but you certainly couldn’t seem to help it. You think about him when the other nurses talk about their personal soldiers, out there fighting the war, and think about him again before you go to bed. It was frustrating! You met a man and knew him a whole ten minutes before swooning like a schoolgirl. You suppose it felt nice to be wanted nonetheless and felt nice to be complemented by someone you found so handsome… But you didn’t need to be thinking so hard about this right now anyway. You roll over onto your side in your bed, hoping to fall asleep soon instead of spending time thinking about something that won’t happen.
    Besides, there wasn’t a chance in hell that your brother would ever approve of any relationship you had with a soldier. You were sure that if he had his way, you would die as a spinster- forever reliant on the family. Your dreams that night are more like nightmares, dreaming of faces and growing old and rocking in a chair alone in your brother’s house, a burden to his finances, his wife, and children. But then there are some dreams where you see the face of one particular soldier, and wonder why you felt so compelled by him.
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xmimi89er · 3 days
Today is my story’s one-year anniversary!
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My Baby story had been a blessing in my heart and is the story I had created out of comfort for myself. Sometimes, in hard times, my mind would be like: “Pssst, hey! You know what is better than crying in sorrow??? Making a new story/chapter! Lemme tell you this amazing idea I literally just came up with!” And that is literally how this story (and most of my stories, actually) had been created!
This story was supposed to be a silly one-shots kinda story where there is little plot and more hurt/comfort because that is my favorite genre, but noooo, it ended up being a full on, stand alone story with full plot and all! That had gotten out of hand, but I am not regretting anything!
(Unfortunately I cannot add two videos in the same post (for some reason), so I made these into two gifs (they are gifs, actually) so they would fit! I will make a separate post for each with the music boxes that I had chosen for them!)
Thank you to everyone who had read the story and is sticking around while I keep writing the two beans! While the latest chapter, nor the next to come, may not satisfy in the fluff, I have come with these small animation loops I had made a while back! They have many mistakes, but I think they are adorable :D
Thank you so much! And have a wonderful day/night!
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kinardsevan · 1 day
WAIT. I just had a thought.
So Buck refers to being struck by lightning as a point of reference. Which I think we can extrapolate in two ways.
The first, we've done plenty of. That it's a 'once in a lifetime' kinda moment, and on some level he has to feel this way about Tommy, because given where we are now and the conversations they've had ("I just wanted to get to know you") this says to me that between fake mouth static™ and the touch on the boat after they've all gotten to dry land (plus whatever we missed in the helicopter), something sparked for Buck. Obviously there are further connections for this with his look at Tommy during the whole "we're all probably gonna die anyway".
But what also gets me thinking is...we've all had those moments. Where you meet someone, and your heart skips a beat, and in the back of your head you're kinda like "this person...idk how, but this person".
And so all of a sudden, he has to find a way to see Tommy again. Because it doesn't make a modicum of sense, but he knows something about this man is drawing him in (other than just checking out his ass, which I firmly believe Buck did, given his statement to Maddie). So when he makes that comment to Tommy about frame of reference, he doesn't mean that actually being struck by lightning was fun. What he means is that he can correlate it to the the fact that it's a once in a lifetime thing, the same way as meeting someone who makes him feel the way he did meeting Tommy generally only happens once in a lifetime.
I just... now I have all the feels. And to think he didn't even know why he felt that way. Just that he did and he needed more time with him.
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justaz · 19 hours
merlin convincing morgana to remain in camelot and bonding over magic. uther dies and arthur becomes king and merlin and morgana are eager for arthur to repeal the ban but it never happens. then arthur and gwen are courting and morgana and merlin are a bit upset but are happy for them (sorta) but mainly they’re waiting for the ban to be repealed. it never happens. then gwen and arthur get married and morgana and gwen (+ lancelot) are devastated but hanging on by a thread for the magic ban to be repealed. it never happens. morgana is growing angrier and angrier while merlin is growing more and more reckless. morgana picks fights with arthur while merlin sticks to the shadows and protects arthur from unseen threats like always but he stops putting up much of a fight. he keeps coming back beaten black and blue, bloodied, on the brink of death.
morgana finally snaps at merlin and is like “i’ve been waiting for the ban to be lifted like you promised it would be and nothings changed. i cannot stay in this kingdom and watch the love of my life be happy with my brother while hiding myself away! you can be fine with the lying and hiding but i’m done! i’ll make my own damn happy ending” and storms off to flee camelot. lancelot finds merlin and they talk about it and lancelot is like “honestly, she has a point. i’m in love with gwen and that’ll never change. it pains me to see them so happy even though i wish nothing but the best for them. the only reason i’m still in camelot is you, merlin. if you want to stay, i’ll stay with you. if you want to go, then we’ll go.” merlin unsure and lance goes “it was you and me in the beginning, it can be you and me again” and merlin tears up but is still unsure and lance compromises with “we don’t have to leave forever. just a month or two, a year or five. however long you need.”
merlin finally agrees and lancelot goes to pack while merlin finds gwaine and tells him his plan bc if he doesn’t tell gwaine then the man will hunt him down like a bloodhound. gwaine ofc immediately agrees to go with him and they all pack their things. merlin shuffles into arthur’s chambers and turns in his resignation from his service and arthur starts freaking out like “wait what?? what’s wrong?? what happened??? let me fix it. was it a nobleman? a knight? was it me?? please tell me it wasn’t me. what happened??” and merlin can’t handle it so he just restates that he’s resigning, bows and says it was somewhat of an honor, and then turns and leaves. he finds lance and gwaine in gaius’s chambers with mordred. merlin rolls his eyes but is also kinda grateful for his friends. arthur storms in and finds three of his knights also packed at they’re like “oh shoot we were gonna tell you in the morning but since you’re here, we’re resigning too”
now arthur is faced with three less knights and one less manservant than an hour ago (he has yet to find out about his sister’s fleeing). he questions them again and the room gives merlin and arthur some privacy for merlin to tell arthur that nothing is wrong but that they just need some time away. it probably won’t be permanent but they have to leave. arthur isn’t begging because kings don’t beg but he’s doing a damn good impression and merlin is on the verge of tears again and is begging arthur not to make things harder than it needs to be. arthur grows angrier now and is like “then tell me why. why are you leaving? why are my knights leaving? tell me.” and merlin can’t think of an excuse bc he doesn’t want to push his troubles of unreciprocated love onto arthur so he just stands there and arthur is like “i thought you were one of the bravest men i ever met. turns our you’re nothing more than a coward.” anyways they split on bad terms.
merlin, lancelot, gwaine, and mordred leave camelot and have their own little adventures and run into morgana again and they form their own little band of travelers. arthur, gwen, leon, elyan, and percival are still in camelot with gwen and arthur completely in the dark while the rest of the knights Know. it’s like a few months after merlin and them left and arthur and them are drunk and he brings merlin and them up and asks what happened. the knights are quiet and gwen sits up and asks elyan and her voice is desperate enough that elyan breaks and goes “morgana and lancelot were in love with you” and they all just stare at each other and elyan rushes to fill the silence with stuff like how they wanted gwen to be happy but couldn’t bear watching gwen and arthur be so in love all the time, he explains that morgana left on her own but lancelot followed merlin. arthur asks if merlin was in love with gwen too and the knights shift before percival goes “no, he was in love with you” and leon sighs before explaining the rest.
“morgana and lancelot were in love with gwen while merlin was in love with arthur. morgana left on her own and merlin was influenced by her choice to leave and lancelot and gwaine followed him. mordred followed both morgana and merlin, i’m not sure what he would’ve done had merlin stayed and morgana left. gwaine followed merlin bc he’s in love with him.” he rubs his eye bc he can’t believe the mess things are even though it’s been this way for years “morgana couldn’t stand it. lancelot was loyal to merlin. gwaine was loyal to merlin. mordred was loyal to merlin and morgana. and merlin…merlin has been protecting you for years, arthur. he’s charged into battle against the threats you can’t see, the ones in the shadows. i’ve kept an eye on him since he got here but he’s had it handled. but recently, after your wedding, he grew reckless. he came back from every fight beaten like a pulp. he stopped trying. not to let you die, but to let them get the upper hand over him. he was dancing with death. it wasn’t healthy for any of them. that’s why they left.”
the knights leave arthur and gwen in their chambers to stew in silence, drunk and guilty and missing their friends and wondering how they could’ve missed the signs. merlin and them on the other hand are traveling from town to town, village to village, kingdom to kingdom and protecting villages from raiders, protecting druids from raids, stepping in on executions and freeing sorcerers.
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slu7formen · 12 hours
MDNI. luke castellan x fem!reader
part two of homewrecker!luke
warnings: luke’s a home wrecker but that OKAY because it’s him, also he’s so mean, possessive, kissing, fingering, fluff, manipulation, kinda angst (? idk
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The sunlight kissed your skin through the half opened curtains in the morning. You stirred, a soft groan escaping your lips as you tried to burrow deeper under the covers. You enjoyed the sound of silence, a sign of your cabin being empty because once again, you decided that sleeping was better than getting up to have breakfast.
You were in that delightful space between sleep and wakefulness, a hazy feeling of contentment. Then, the sensation of tiny kisses peppered across your cheek jolted you awake fully. More kisses descended, warm and sweet, landing on your cheekbones and temple. The familiar sensation of warm, plushy lips lingering on your skin solidified your belief that it was your boyfriend, greeting you like he liked to do sometimes; by sneaking into your cabin.
"Mm" you mumbled sleepily, "Morning, babe."
A cold dread bloomed in your stomach. Your sleepy eyes open trying to adjust to the golden light, and then you see, Luke's face, with a teasing smirk playing on his lips. He was crouched beside the bed, a hand gently stroking your hair.
“I think you got me wrong there, sleepyhead”
You shot upright in bed, the tangled sheets slipping down your shoulders. "What are you doing here?" you blurted out, your voice a hushed whisper that barely masked the frantic beat of your heart.
Luke, unfazed by your outburst, sat calmly at the edge of the bed, his gaze lingering on your flushed face and sleep-looking hair. "I wanted to see you" he replied simply, his raspy morning voice making something inside you twist deliciously.
But your throat tightened. "You shouldn't be here" you hissed, the words coming out in a panicked whisper. The weight of your actions pressed down on you, heavy and suffocating. “What if someone sees you?”
He chuckled, a sound both seductive and infuriating. "Relax, beautiful" he said, his hand reaching out to brush a stray strand of hair from your cheek. “Everything´s fine”
Luke took in the sight of you, his eyes lingering on every detail. Just moments ago, you'd been peacefully slumbering, your face relaxed and unburdened. You were an angel. Peaceful, innocent, oblivious to his presence over you. But now you were even more captivating; red cheeks, red skin, soft, warm. Like a ripe peach. His eyes flickered down, taking in the way your sleep tank top had slipped, revealing the hint of a delicate shoulder. He fixed it for you, the caress of his fingers against your skin was so delicate it made you want more instantly.
He wanted you like this – vulnerable, innocent, yet undeniably drawn to him.
He leaned in closer, the space between your bodies shrinking to a mere whisper. He cupped your face in his hand, his thumb gently brushing across your swollen lips. "You're so beautiful" he breathed. You could almost see the possessiveness in his eyes, a darkness he quickly masked with a charming smile.
He couldn't help himself. He craved another taste, another brush of his fingertips, his hands, against your soft, warm skin. He had it the first time in the woods, and he had it many times after that, but it was never enough to him.
The one on your hip, your waist, your arm, your neck, he didn´t care, he just wanted to feel you, because he knew he could now. It was like an addiction, a hunger that only you could satisfy. His touch, this time, lingered on your jawline, tilting your head up so his lips were impossibly close to yours.
A shiver ran down your spine, a confusing mix of fear and something far more primal. You knew you should pull away, assert some semblance of control. But the truth was, a part of you craved this intimacy still, this thrilling danger, whatever it is that was happening with the charming Luke Castellan, was driving you crazy.
"Luke" you whispered, your voice barely audible.  "We can't..."
He silenced you with a gentle finger to your lips. “Ah-,” he said. "Don't say it, angel" he murmured. "Not yet. Remember what we talked about?”
You opened your mouth to speak, to maybe push him away, to maybe pull him closer, but nothing came out. A part of you, the part that wanted excitement and felt like betraying your relationship, whispered in agreement. But the rational, responsible you, screamed a silent protest.
"He doesn't deserve you" Luke said, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper. “He doesn´t need you”
“And you don´t need me either” you manage to speak up after swallowing hard, like a thick pill. “You just… want me, but you don´t need me, Luke”
Your accusation was a little hurtful, that was undeniable, but Luke didn´t even flinch at it. In fact; he chuckled. “I don´t just want you, sweet thing” he cooed, talking down to you as if you were-, dumb, naive, hypnotized. “To me, this is… it´s more than what I can explain. And I´m not in the wrong for it. Is it wrong for me to crave something as beautiful as you?” his hand slid to hold you in between your neck and your cheek. He tilted your head further into his palm, a gesture of forced intimacy that made you want to recoil.
"I don't think it's fair to blame me for it" he chuckled, the sound lacking its previous charm.  His words dripped with a manipulative sweetness that made your stomach churn.
You were caught in his gaze, a doe mesmerized by headlights. Luke was a storm, a whirlwind of emotions you couldn't seem to tear yourself away from. He was the forbidden fruit, the secret fire that had flickered in the corner of your heart for years. The crush that had never quite faded, the what-if that had morphed into a dangerous reality. He was what it felt like that high school crush, the one who lingered in your daydreams, forever tantalisingly out of reach. But unlike that innocent yearning, this was an inferno.
He was everything your boyfriend wasn't.
He was a delicious danger, a secret you craved despite the guilt.
You craved the excitement, the feeling of being wanted, of being the center of someone's universe. Your boyfriend, comfortable and familiar, had stopped seeing you, really seeing you. Luke was giving you exactly what you wanted, because he wanted it too, he wanted it more than you did. And it felt wrong, really wrong. But if it was, then why did it feel so good?
Luke simply became obsessed with you. He never though he would even get this far; to hold you, to grab you, to feel you, to have you. And now that he did, would he just stop trying? No. And it showed; Luke would fight, and kill for you.
“I´ll fight ´till hell to keep you” he murmured.
He saw it, a predatory glint flashing in his eyes.  The vulnerability that painted your face, the desperate longing in your gaze, was his trophy.  He thrived on the crumbling remains of your relationship, his dark satisfaction a stark contrast to the turmoil you wrestled with. Like a puppeteer with a broken marionette, he delighted in the way his words and touches had reduced you to this – a yearning mess.
Shame burned in your guts as you felt your eyes drop to his lips just a second. He chuckled, “You wanna kiss me, huh?” he asked.
Tears welled up in your eyes, a tide threatening to break. You felt like a child caught with their hand in the fucking cookie jar. But then, a bitter defiance flickered within you. How many moments like this had there already been? How many nights spent cloaked in secrecy, kisses, and far more? He hadn't dragged you here, not entirely. You had walked willingly, step by step, into the darkness he offered.
So, with a tiny nod, barely perceptible, you whispered, "Please?"
Gods, how Luke loved having you like this at times. Broken, fragile, just so you would lean into his arms and let him do whatever he wanted with you. He'd seen this play out before, the slow unraveling, the desperate pleas, and it never failed to turn him on.
A smirk stretched across his face with satisfaction. He leaned in, and you met him halfway.
It started passionately, even sweet, a whirlwind of desire and heated breaths. The guilt you anticipated was strangely absent, replaced by a consuming fire that burned away all inhibitions. This, this was what Luke craved – your complete and utter focus on him. Luke had expertly painted himself as the answer to your unspoken desires, the escape from the perceived dullness of your existing relationship.
The kiss erupted like a forbidden storm then– passionate, fierce, a tangled mess of desire and desperation. His touch became bolder. The grip on your neck tightened. On your thigh, it felt less like a vice and more like a deliciously insistent massage. As his tongue explored yours, a slow and deliberate dance, you melted further into him. Your arms, yearning for something more, snaked around his shoulders.
The kiss deepened, a hungry exploration that left you breathless. Then, a new maneuver. Luke's hands, once holding you close, slid down to the backs of your knees. A forceful tug sent you sprawling across his lap.
The heat of his tanned skin pressed against your body, a stark contrast to the cold fear that had begun to creep in around the edges of your desire.
His smirk widened, pulling away for a second. "What a good girl" he murmured, before pulling you in by the back of your neck to kiss you again.
His hands tightened around the top of your ass, his fingers exerting a firm, possessive grip. A gasp escaped your lips when he pulled you in, forcing a roll of your hips over his own. He groaned softly into your mouth, a sound of satisfaction that fueled the atmosphere. With each roll of your hips, you could feel his cock hardening beneath you, a delicious pressure that only had you craving for more.
You leaned your forehead into his as he kept forcing your movements. His hands roamed over your body with purpose, igniting every nerve ending with a fiery touch that left you breathless, with your jaw slacked and your breath hitting his swollen lips.
Luke loved how responsive you were, even when you knew you shouldn´t be. You always fell right into his embrace, and that only deepened his desire to have you fully. His hand slid under your pajama shorts, past the waistband. With a playful tug at the elastic of your panties, a small smile curved his lips as he softly asked; “Will you let me touch you?”
He knew you´d say yes; the anticipation was just part of the thrill for both of you. Besides, he knew that the fact of him simply asking, ignited something deep inside you.
You press your lips together as you nod. Luke chuckled softly. You were out of words already, how cute.
His fingers traced lower, exploring with delicate slowness until he felt the wetness of your arousal on the tip of his index and middle finger. A soft sigh escaped your lips as he teased you with small little circles over your clit. Luke tilted his head, as if looking at you better; “How pretty” he whispered, his breath warm against your lips.
Your hips responded to his touch, lifting slightly and twitching to his feather like touch. It feelt exquisite and maddening, each movement sending little waves of pleasure directly to your core.
Luke´s lips parted teasingly as he gently inserted a finger inside you. You gasped softly, feeling the slight stretch inside your sensitive walls as you rolled your hips again, encouraging him to go deeper, until he was knuckle-deep inside you.
But no, you were too wet.
He added another finger with ease. The sensation gave your stomach a tight feeling, and you struggled to stifle a moan. Luke watched you intently as he slowly pumped them in and out of you.
“That feel good, doesn´t it, princess?” he teased.
He then stopped, pressing his fingers inside you over and over again as he started to hear it; the wet sounds coming out of your sloppy cunt. You gripped onto his shoulders as his wrist felt like breaking, his fingers moving eagerly inside you as the feeling in your tummy tightened and grew bigger and bigger.
He didn´t even give you time to reply to his question.
And the knocking on the door didn´t either.
You froze, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against your ribs. Your eyes flew open, meeting Luke's in a silent exchange of terror. He, however, remained strangely unfazed.
Luke´s eyes darted towards the closed door too.
"Babe?" The voice, muffled but unmistakable, sent a wave of panic crashing over you. Your boyfriend.
Panic, cold and suffocating, clawed at your throat. Sweat beaded on your forehead, chilling despite the summer heat. You scrambled back, tumbling off Luke's lap and landing in a tangled mess on the bed. You hissed at the little pain and uncomfortable sensation that that movement gave you, but you didn’t care.
Across from you, however, Luke seemed unfazed. In fact, a predatory glint flickered in his eyes, a hint of amusement dancing on his lips.  This wasn't fear he exuded, but a perverse enjoyment of the precarious situation.
"Seems like playtime's over" he whispered to you.
"Shut up!" you hissed at Luke, barely containing the rising hysteria in your voice. "What do we do?" you whispered more to yourself than him.
Luke still managed to remain unnervingly calm. He rose from the bed with a languid grace that infuriated you. His gaze followed you as you scrambled across the room, searching frantically for your slippers. His masculine energy felt oppressive, a physical reminder of the precarious situation you were in.
"You look so cute like that" he drawled, a fun feeling in his stomach as he watched you crumple.
"Shh!" you hissed again, desperation painting your face. The frantic pounding on the door echoed your racing heart. Your eyes darted towards the door again, your heart echoing the insistent knocking.
"Baby?" your boyfriend called out again, his voice laced with growing concern.
"Aw, 'baby'" Luke mocked, a cruel smile twisting his lips. You knew he was enjoying your panic, your anxiety, taking a twisted pleasure in the danger you both faced. "Isn't that so cute?" he purred, taking a menacing step closer. Before you could react, he grabbed you by the waist, pulling you flush against him, his lips smacking against yours in a bruised kiss.
A part of you, a traitorous part, wanted to melt into him, the same part of you that was kissing him back with the same intensity as he was, to forget the world outside and the impending disaster. But the insistent voice at the back of your mind screamed at you. Your boyfriend was right outside the door, for fuck’s sake, and denial wouldn't save you now.
With a surge of adrenaline, you pushed against his chest. "Get off!" you gasped, your voice raw with panic. “He´s outside!” you whispered. Every second counted.
“Ugh, you´re no fun” he teased you with a smug smirk.
Your mind raced, desperately searching for an escape route. One hand shot out, pressing firmly against his chest to hold him back as you scanned the room with frantic eyes. Under the bed? No, it was too small, a tiny space that wouldn't hide him. The closet? It was packed with clothes and boxes. A frustrated groan escaped your lips.
You turned back to Luke, a desperate plan forming in your mind. With a strength born of panic, you pushed against him, forcing him to backpedal until his broad frame met the wall right beside the door. He stumbled back, surprise momentarily flickering across his features before morphing back into that infuriating smirk.
"Be quiet" you mouthed urgently, pressing a finger to your lips. Taking a deep breath to steady your nerves, you reached for the doorknob and opened the door slightly.
You peeked through the crack, revealing only the half of your body and your face. Plastering on your best sleep-addled expression, you mumbled, "Hi, babe" your voice heavy with a feigned drowsiness.
"Hey" your boyfriend's voice replied, a hint of concern cutting through his usual joviality. "You just woke up? You missed breakfast."
A flicker of movement behind you caught your eye. Luke, pressed against the wall, was trying his best to stifle a laugh. You felt a tremor run through your hand, the one currently gripping the doorknob, your fingers betraying your anxiety, visibly shaking.
"Yeah" you mumbled, trying to sound coherent despite the chaos churning within you. "Woke up like ten minutes ago."
"Oh," your boyfriend continued. "Well, are you not coming?"
You felt a phantom touch on your hand, hidden from view behind the door. A jolt shot through you as you realized Luke had reached out, his finger brushing against yours. You instinctively recoiled, the movement almost  imperceptible to your boyfriend hopefully. Even the slightest twitch could set off alarm bells.
"Going where?" you asked, forcing a calmness you didn't feel.
A frustrated sigh escaped your boyfriend's lips.  "My training session, babe. I told you about it."  There was a touch of annoyance in his voice, a flicker of irritation.
"Oh, right" you managed, disappointment settling in your gut. Here you were, caught in a web of your own making, and your boyfriend's lack of attention to you felt like a slap in the face. "Yeah, I'll go" you mumbled, resigned. “At what time exactly?”
As your boyfriend continued droning on about himself and his upcoming session, you felt another touch from behind the door. Luke had taken hold of your hand, his touch surprisingly gentle despite the circumstances.
You managed to maintain your composure, hiding your panic well. He was mirroring your caution, trying to be as discreet as possible. But his actions spoke louder than words. Here, in this moment, he couldn't resist. His lips brushed against the back of your hand, a soft kiss placed on the skin as his eyes were on your face. You felt his gaze burning you from the side, his plushy lips leaving another kiss. Then another, trailing down to your fingers, lingering on each one.
It was a sensual exploration that ignited a spark within you, a stark contrast to the cold fear that gripped your heart.
He moved on to your wrist, his lips brushing the delicate skin, his teeth nipping playfully at your pulse point. You bit the inside of your cheek as Luke's playful nibble on the heel of your palm morphed into a sensual bite. It was a delicious torture, the heat of his touch a stark contrast to the icy fear gripping your insides. But this couldn't go on. One wrong move, one yelp of surprise, and your meticulously constructed facade would crumble.
With a swift, but hopefully silent, swat, you knocked his hand away. The force had to be enough to discourage him, but not enough to alert your boyfriend on the other side of the door.  Feigning intense concentration, you forced your attention back to his words.
Luke, sensing your silent plea, finally relented. He leaned his head back against the wall, a stifled chuckle escaping his lips.
"See you later then?" your boyfriend's voice cut through the tense silence. Relief flooded you, warm and welcome. A quick peck landed on your forehead, a chaste kiss that sent shivers down your spine for all the wrong reasons.
"Yeah, see you" you mumbled, knowing full well he wouldn't hear you as he was already starting to walk away.
You closed the door with a soft click, the sound heavy in the sudden silence. Relief washed over you, momentarily pushing the image of Luke's heated kisses and desperate touches from your mind. As you turned, you found him leaning against the wall.
“You’re a good actress” he teased, but the expression on your face did nothing but slightly twitch in discomfort.
He took a two steps towards you, and you felt yourself rooted to the spot. As he stopped in front of you, his hand reached out, a soft touch that grazed your chin before tilting your face upwards.  His gaze, intense and possessive, held yours captive.  "What is it?" he asked.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady the frantic dance of emotions within you. He brushed his thumb across your cheek, a seemingly innocent gesture that sent shivers cascading down your spine. His other hand reached out, his fingers trailing a slow path through your hair, idly fixing a stray strand.
A shiver escaped your lips, a sound that seemed to ignite a spark in his eyes.
"I'm just..." you stammered, searching for the right words. He took advantage of your hesitation, his thumb gently stroking your bottom lip. "Bored" you finally managed, your voice barely a whisper.  "He always wants to do the same things. Trainings, routines. It´s predictable."  You crossed your arms, a subconscious attempt to create a barrier against the overwhelming intensity of his gaze.
"Sounds dull" Luke said, his voice laced with a dangerous sympathy. He brushed his knuckles across your cheek. You couldn't help but lean into his touch, a part of you craving his warmth.
He was playing you like a fiddle, expertly manipulating your discontent into a weapon aimed at your loyalty. He couldn't believe how easily his plan was unfolding. The facade you'd built around your relationship with your boyfriend was crumbling faster than he anticipated.
He saw, with a perverse sense of satisfaction, the opportunity he'd been waiting for.
"Angel," he called. "Do you still wanna be with him?"
The question didn't catch you off guard as you'd expected. The you from just a few weeks ago? No way, you would never even consider such a thing. Why? Because you loved him, or at least, you thought you did. But the you from right now?
Luke watched you closely, a sardonic smile playing on his lips. He saw the flicker in your eyes, the way the answer you wouldn't voice danced just behind your irises. It was a hesitant flicker, a tiny rebellion against the loyalty and love you clung to, and it fueled his confidence. He let out a low, humorless chuckle.
"Why don't you just leave him?"
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bouquetface · 1 day
PAC: First Date.
Topic is first date. May have already happened or will. Not necessarily with your future spouse.
As always, I will be specific not going to appeal to everyone. Not every reading you come across is meant for you. Take it as entertainment.
Photos of Dom Fike because I’ve been feeling nostalgic.❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
1. 2.
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This relationship will begin through technology. Maybe an instagram DM. I don’t really believe it will be through a dating app. This is due to there being confusion at first. You may be unsure if they’re trying to talk to you romantically or in a platonic way. I see you going to someone in your house (roommate, sister, or mom). Reading some of the texts out loud and asking their opinions.
Whoever you tell may advise you to be careful. There is something about this person that makes them doubtful. It could be they have a mischievous appearance or persona. They may be a gemini rising. Attractive and seemingly popular. It can be unclear when someone like this is flirting or joking around.
Fairly quickly, they’ll ask to meet up. Somewhere local and in public. The setting of the date and casual way it was asked is making you overthink. You may think a proper date is something like going to the movies, going to dinner. Not meeting up at a random time during the day. It’ll be a sunny day. You may be given a loose idea of what’s going to happen. Like “i want to see you” “meet me at _____ since we’re both free”.
The lead up is going to make you nervous. It may be the advice/conversation you had about this person earlier. There are more nerves than usual for a meet up. The way they asked may make it still unclear if it’s a date or not. You could go back and forth with yourself on whether it’s a date or hanging out.
When you do meet up, the first comment made will instantly relax you. They may say something about your height. Physically, I believe they’ll be very lanky. It could be your lanky as well or you’re notably shorter. You two will end up walking a lot that day. You may get drinks or a small treat along the way. Seems you two are just exploring the area & talking.
They’ll be very curious about you. Asking lots of question, teasing/joking at your answers. They may ask questions off topic or change topics a lot. A bit scatterbrained but it keeps the conversation moving. At the same time they’re very detached. It doesn’t seem like they take life too seriously. They respond to things with humour or logic. Logic over emotions kinda person.
It really seems you are very nervous or confused. They don’t pick up on it at all though. They have a playful nature but you’ll still be confused at their intentions. I am not sure if this makes them a red flag or not. I don’t know if you tend to overthink things normally, or if their personality is making you react that way. Their chill & kinda stoic nature may not work for you.
It is the first date so it does take people time to open up. All their questions for you, does suggest they have a desire to get to known you on a deeper level. Yet, I will be honest this first date seems more like a hangout, kinda low effort so if that doesn’t appeal to you, this next date may be a let down. Keep in mind though it’s the first date and seems like the first ever meet up. Of course, they’ll be a bit on guard if they just met you. At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide.
The two of you will be in a more private area than the first pile. Despite being alone with person, you’ll feel very comfortable. This might be someone you already knew before going on a date. Maybe someone from the past that you haven’t seen in a while. You could have gone to school together.
It could be dinner at a restaurant. Yet, the comfortable & private energy is making me believe you could be at yours or their place. They may walk you to your door and you invite them in. They may take you to their place after the night. Perhaps, you invite them in to watch a film.
This is very random but they definitely went to the barber a few days before this date to get cleaned up. You may really like the way their hair looks. They may have had a glow up since the last time you saw them. You could be wearing something very sexy. Black or red. Omg pile 2, this could be someone who felt friend zoned by you in the past.
Your look that night is driving them crazy. The scorpio card coming up is making me think you knew what you were doing when you put on that outfit. The fireworks card literally says “Loving Passionate Intimacy”. Whether it gets sexual that first night or not, the feelings are definitely there. It feels like a dream come true to this person. You are their fantasy come to life. They may have been secretly admiring you for a while.
4th of July is coming up so possibly for American readers, there could be literal fireworks. The reading is still strongly indicating an intimate vibe. You may sneak off together, end up alone watching fireworks. I literally pulled the fireworks card and am now hearing fireworks. I’m in Canada, and apparently my neighbours couldn’t wait until Canada Day (which is tmr). Crazy coincidence. They began and (have seemed to) stop at this pile.
Unlike the first pile, I believe very strongly you will want to see this person again. There is no doubt in my mind. You two are very attracted to each other. Not all the piles indicate a future spouse. For someone reading this, it definitely is the first night with your future spouse.
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