#but i have audhd so there's a decent chance it does
gremlinghost · 11 months
In school I did this thing where I put as much effort as I could into assignments when I had the energy, so that later in the term, if I really didn't want to do something, I didn't have to. Taking a 0 wouldn't hurt my grade enough to matter. Like, in my senior year economics class, I would do a retake on any test I didn't get an A on at the beginning of the semester, but I only did like half of the homework. I got a B in that class.
It's all about spoon theory to me, as a term went on, I knew that the amount of spoons I had decreased every day. If I can afford the spoons to go in for a retake at the moment, there is literally no reason not to in my mind. It means I'm preserving my future spoons. I can afford to use less spoons at the end of a term because I invested spoons at the beginning, which in turn means I just have more free spoons. Even if I only end up saving one spoon in the future when I spend 3 spoons to do better in a class, I still think it was totally worth it. If I wake up with 50 spoons, spending 3 spoons is a much smaller deal than spending 1 spoon when I woke up with 10.
I know it's hard for a lot of people, including myself sometimes, but you have to think about the future when you choose not to do something. It's annoying at the time, but I have been so eternally grateful to my past self for just doing the extra little things so that I don't have to do something else.
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shillelaghxsorcery · 3 months
All About Silvius:
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Silvius Rowan Westwood
Circle of the moon
Mountain lion in wild shape
For bg3 purposes, his parents are now vampires
left at a druidic circle as a baby, raised by druids
rogue/druid if you wanna get picky with his actual dnd story
transmasc, aspec, poly
does have top surgery scars
audhd neurospicy (bc i am also audhd)
enjoys learning as much as he can about things, will interact willingly with scholarly types like wizards, enjoy learning from them and asking questions
spends a decent amount of his downtime in wildshape if he's overwhelmed/overstimmed
touch starved
enjoys music and cooking, has a bit of a gourmet hand at cooking if given the chance
open to romancing anyone of any gender
(if you wanna get technical abt his parents for my bg3 headcanons for him, then astarion is the one who brought cazador his parents but didn't realize there was a baby there and panicked and dropped the child off at the first safe place he found-hence his parents being vampires in a bg3 verse)
golden retriever personality baby mans, always striving to do whats right but he can be ruthless when necessary and won't hesitate to knock heads together
sometimes sfw age regresses as a coping mechanism, hes very cute and soft when regressed, hes so baby
somewhere in his late twenties/early thirties if age is to be specified (probably like 28-30 ish)
named after Silvanus (changed his name to the masc form when he transitioned from Silvia)
Stands at 5 ft 2 in tall, he's a shorty boi cause sadly second puberty doesn't make you GROW and it's NOT FAIR
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