#but i guess being angry sometimes is relieving
zeynyukine3011 · 5 months
Scrolling in the Ra's al Ghul tag is a jumpscare that you were expecting but still got jumpscared.
The amount of Tim related things I see.... I want to see just Ra's, Talia, Damian,Bruce and other Al Ghul members. I'm so sick of seeing "Ra's al Ghul cherishes Tim's spleen 🤗 and he wants Tim's babies 🤪 Tim knows everything about Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins 🥴"
Can Tim stans leave Ra's alone??? Let the man be the family guy he is. Let him love and care his daughter, son and grandson. Let him care for animals, plants, the whole planet! Stop making everything related to Ra's about Tim. Stop making him a creepy pedo.
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raya-hunter01 · 5 months
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt. 4
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
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Jey’s House
Kara’s POV
“Home sweet home,” Jey said putting my bags in the corner of his spare room as I sat down on the bed in a daze.
“Do you need anything?” Jey asked as I sighed. “I need none of this to have happened, Jey,” I said as Jey sat beside me.
“I know, but this is the card you’re being dealt, and you got to figure it out.”
“All I can think about is all the times we spent on that bus, and they had sex there,” I whispered trying not to cry. “She did it on purpose and he fell for it.”
“What is your sister’s deal?” Jey asked as I shrugged my shoulders. “We never really got along. I kept to myself, and she was the outgoing one,” I said really trying to pinpoint where the hatred came from.
“Did Roman take responsibly for his actions,” Jey asked as I shook my head. “He begged, said he was sorry, but I don’t think he truly knows how bad he hurt me.”
“Well, are you going to forgive him or is this it?” Jey asked as I looked at him like he was crazy.
“Jey, he slept with my sister and had a baby with her. It’s over,” I said as Jey seemed relieved with my answer.
“Just checking to see where your heads at beautiful.”
“I outta fuck somebody’s brains out on the bus and have him find us. That would hit his ass where it hurts,” I rambled as Jey took my hand in his.
“Aye, are you serious?” he asked as I shook my head.
“No, I’m just angry and rambling,” I said, standing up and pacing as Jey stopped me.
“If you were serious, you know I would help you. You know that right,” he said as I nodded.
“I know but I don’t know about crossing that line, I don’t want to hurt our friendship. I would never forgive myself,” I said truthfully.
“When I’m 38 and your 36,” Jey whispered as I smiled at the memory.
“Jey we were kids then,” I said remembering the pack we made when we were 22 and 24. “We didn’t know shit,” I said as he chuckled.
“I knew I wanted you,” Jey said as I blushed. “Yea, but you weren’t ready then. You were trying to find your way in the world, then wrestling came along. You had alot to figure out.”
“If I would have been ready then, could I have, had you?” he asked as I contemplated his question.
“Yea, you could have,” I answered honestly as Jey nodded.
“Well now it’s the opposite, I’m ready and you’re not,” Jey said as I shrugged my shoulders laying back on the bed as Jey lay beside me.
“Guess that is how it happens sometimes,” I whispered as he kissed my hand.
“Lucky for us both I do know what I want, and I’m willing to wait until you’re ready,” Jey said leaning over, wiping my tears.
“You want me to stay wit you?” he asked as I nodded settling into his arms.
I couldn’t sleep but I felt content in his arms, I felt safe.
I didn’t have to pretend to be ok, I could be me and right now I wasn’t ok…
Pensacola General Hospital
Roman’s POV
The stares….The judgmental stares from Kara and Tia’s parents as I held my daughter didn’t bother me. All I carried about was this beautiful little girl in my arms.
“She looks like you, Roman,” Tia said as I nodded entranced with my baby girl.
“Yea, just like my baby pictures,” I said caressing her little face.
“Don’t you want to see that little face every day. Roman we could be a family, nothing is stopping us now,” Tia whispered as her dad got up and walked to the door before turning to look at us.
“Rebecca, I ain’t partaking in this bullshit, If I stay in here a minute longer I’mma kill him,” he said before slamming the door as Tia’s mom just stared at her.
“I wanna say I can’t believe you…But I know you,” she said as Tia sat up in bed avoiding her gaze.
“Mama, we didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did,” she said as I frowned at her remembering the first night she came to me…. How she took control, how she said she didn’t mind being Kara for me.
“Tia, you can fool people some of the time, but you can’t fool your mama none of the time. I gave birth to you, and I know what I raised,” her mother said as Tia frowned.
“What you trying to say mama?”
“You did all this on purpose to hurt your sister, and I just wish I knew why,” Rebecca said getting up grabbing her purse before turning her attention to me.
“Mama, I’m so sorry, I know you must hate me,” I whispered as she sighed.
“Son, I pity you, because you’re gon’ reap what you sow. It may come today or years from now, but you’re gonna reap.”
I couldn’t look at her, I already was reaping. Kara is probably done with me; Jey is trying to take her from me, and I’m stuck raising my daughter with a woman I don’t even love.
“I’m gonna make up to K-”
“What! I just had your baby and you still talking about her!” Tia screamed as Logan shifted in my arms with a small cry.
“Shh, daddy’s got you,” I whispered as Logan instantly calmed down.
“Why are you yelling, and that baby is trying to sleep? You knew that man was married to your sister, loved your sister, and you still chased him.”
“You just have to keep telling me he loves her, and I’m destined for a life of hell since you found out Logan is his. Do you even love me? All I’m hearing about is Kara…Kara-”
“Tia, I love you both…I love all of my children the same. That little manipulation shit may work on your dad sometimes, but not me.  It ain’t never been favoritism ever in this family, we loved all three of you the same.
“Mama, I get it,” Tia said as Rebecca walked over and grasped her chin, making Tia look at her.
“You may not like it, but as your mother it’s my job to tell you when you wrong. Tia you dead wrong for what you did and you’re going to reap most of all,” she said as Tia snatched away from her.
“Just leave mama.”
“I’ll be by in the morning, since you said they are releasing you sometime tomorrow evening,” Rebecca said turning to leave again as Tia wiped her tears, before snatching Logan from my arms as she began to fuss.
“Give me my baby, I don’t need none of ya’ll,” she hissed as Logan became antsy and began to wail.
“You scared her,” I said as Tia tried to comfort her, but it wasn’t working…. “Hell, did Logan even like her mama?
“Tia give Roman the baby back, she’s picking up on your energy and your scaring her,” Rebecca said as Tia tried to rock Logan in her arms but she just kept crying louder.
“Fine… Take her,” Tia sighed in defeat allowing me to take Logan from her. Instantly Logan settled down in my arms.
“Daddy’s got you baby girl. You go back to sleep,” I soothed as Rebecca shook her head.
“See……. Already reaping,” she whispered pointing at Tia before leaving.
I knew Rebecca was right….I had a lot to answer for but I couldn’t think about that now. Logan needed me, I just hope with time Kara could accept Logan as my daughter and be a mom to her.
“You’re going to love your stepmom, Logan” I whispered as Tia rolled her eyes.
“Don’t you mean auntie, because she bout to divorce yo’ ass and jump on Jey’s dick so fast it’s gon’ make your head spin,” she chuckled as I shot her a look…
“Don’t look at me like that, it’s true…My sister is big on honesty and cheating is a deal breaker for her. You did both…Your done,” she said as I frowned.
Deep down I knew I had a long road ahead, but I had to try…They were releasing Tia sometime tomorrow, but Logan was going to have to stay a few more days for observation.
I knew Kara had left with Jey and Jimmy so I told Tia she could crash for a few days.  When we bring the baby home, I will go to her house for awhile to stay and help.
Her mother had offered to stay but Tia turned her down. She wanted me to help her instead.
I knew I was asking for trouble, but I couldn’t leave her alone. She had just given birth to my child and was alone, even though it was her own to isolate her family.
The next Day
Jey’s Condo
Jey’s POV
“I had to help her give birth to his child,” Kara said shaking her head in shock still.
“And then she tried to get you to hold the baby,” Trin asked as Kara nodded. “Yep, telling me Logan needed me and to please hold her.”
“That is a grimy bitch,” Trin hissed as I nodded in agreement.
“I just don’t understand how this even happened but at this point it doesn’t even matter. Logan is here and nothing can change that.” Kara said defeatedly.
“You can’t bottle it up, you gotta let it out, sis,” Jimmy said as Kara played with her food.
After last night, Kara spent the majority of the night in my arms trying to make sense of everything, and I had no answers for her. Finally, today she slept for a couple hours and got a shower.
Trin and Jimmy brought dinner for us, which I was thankful for. Roman had been texting and calling Kara but she had been ignoring him and rightfully so.
“If I let it out I’mma go too far Jimmy, you saw me last night. If ya’ll hadn’t showed up that damn house wouldn’t be standin’ and I’d be catching an arson charge for burning that fuckin bus to the ground.”
“Look, we can talk about all of that later. Right now, I need you to eat,” I said as Kara just pushed her spoon around her plate.
“You gotta eat boo,” Trin said as Kara signaled at Jimmy as he opened a bottle of tequila.
“I just don’t feel like it Trin,” Kara said as Jimmy poured her a shot.
“Well, that ain’t helping anything, you trying to get her drunk,” I said as Kara downed the shot and Jimmy shrugged his shoulders.
“Aye, she asked for one, and I’m happy to oblige. Hell, we all need a drink after all that shit that happened last night.”
“How could he do this? How did he put himself in this position?” Kara asked as I reached up and placed a comforting hand on her leg.
Before I could respond Kara’s phone beeped as she sighed cautiously opened it.
“Who is it?” I asked as I saw the tears fill her eyes, as she read whatever had been sent, her hands shaking.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Trin asked as Kara passed her the phone, wiping her tears.
“Now if I go up to the hospital, and beat her ass, everybody will say I’m in the wrong.”
 “What is it?” I asked as Trin looked disgusted reading whatever had been sent. “It’s an Instagram post from Tia, she tagged Kara, Roman, and WWE in it.” Trin said shaking her head in disbelief.
“I know she didn’t,” Jimmy said as Trin nodded. I looked at Kara and I could see her heart breaking all over again.
“On yesterday, Roman and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl. A special thank you to her auntie for delivering her, I don’t know what I’d do without you, Kara, we all love you.” Trin read as Kara’s took a deep breath trying to calm down.
“Is this a joke?” I asked, taking the phone from Trin reading the post and seeing the picture Tia had posted with it. It was a picture of Roman holding Logan and she had disabled her comments.
“Kara are you ok?” Trins asked as Kara waved off our worry.
“Yea, I just need some air,” she said going outside as Trin sighed.
“Tia keep playin’ with fire, and I’m bout to take a damn charge for getting’ wit dat ass,” Trin said as Jimmy cleared his throat.
“Oh, you ain’t gotta worry bout dat, cause’ as soon as Kara sees her again, it’s on sight,” Jimmy said as I got up to go check on Kara.
Kara’s POV
“That bitch must don’t realize she ain’t pregnant no more,” I muttered pacing as I felt my anger growing at the disrespect.  She was too bold; she thought this shit was cute. She was relishing in my pain and suffering.
“I’m not going to ask if you are good because I know your not. I just wanna know how you want to handle it,” Jey said walking towards me as I shrugged my shoulders.
“Jey, I know what we talked about last night, but let’s just say we do..um-”
“Have sex,” Jey says casually as I rolled my eyes at him.
 “Yes, that….. Doesn't that make us no better than them, and what they did?” I asked as Jey smiled at me.
“We are not those two, you can’t even compare us to them,” Jey said caressing my arms as I sighed.
“I respect our friendship too much, I don’t want to ruin it,” I said as Jey pulled me into his arms.
“I told you I was ok with it…I’m down for whatever you want to do, just say the word,” he said caressing my face as I gave him a small smile.
And just like that a few hours later we were pulling up and parking down the road a little from the house and walking to the bus.
Reaching under the front grill I got the spare key. Roman had already had the bus fixed, it was as if I had never defaced it or had its tires slit.
“We ain’t gotta go in there Kara, we could go in the house,” Jey said as I ignored him and went inside.
“I want to do it on the bus,” I whispered looking at the place once filled with love, it felt cold now and I couldn’t stop imagining Roman and Tia alone in this bus, and all the places they probably had sex at.
“Leave the door open,” I said as I saw Jey about to close it.
Walking back to the bedroom, I opened the door and I felt numb.
“Are you ok? You know we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Jey I said as he pulled me to him.
“I want to feel better,” I whispered as Jey caressed my face.
“I told you that whatever would make you feel better, I would do it,” Jey whispered pulling me closer as I felt guilt seeping into my mind, but what did I have to feel guilty about.
Roman did it first…Did it plenty of times…Had a whole baby, and with my sister no less.
“Can I kiss you?” Jey asked in whisper as I nodded, his soft smile putting me at ease. “Kara, I been waiting for years to kiss you, I want to hear you answer me,” Jey said as I released the breath I was holding.
“Yes, you can kiss me.”
The air was thick with anticipation as Jey claimed my lips in a gentle kiss that shocked me with its passion.  I moaned against his lips, as he gently pushed my sundress off my shoulders as it fell in a pool at my feet.
His fingertips grazing my skin sending shivers down my spine.
I felt shy and exposed under Jey’s powerful gaze as he caressed my body in awe.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered with a smile undressing himself as I blushed.
I don’t know what came over me but as I watched his tattoos glisten in the moonlight my heart began pounding faster.
“Are we really about to do this,” I whispered as he captured my lips in a searing kiss. So powerful, I felt helpless, melting into his embrace as he carried me to the bed.
“It’s your call,” he whispered as his lips found my kissed my neck, as I moaned in pleasure.
Kara, they deserve it, my mind screamed as I relaxed under Jey’s touch, as he removed my underwear. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I knew Roman would be home soon.
By the time I’m finished, Roman is gonna want to burn this bus to the fuckin’ ground himself.
“We don’t have much time,” I gasped as Jey groaned. “I know, and I hate it,” he panted wrapping my legs around his waist.
“Kara, look at me beautiful,” he whispered, grasping my chin and holding my gaze.
“Tonight, we end this, it’s the first and last time we do this to make someone jealous. The next time we do this, it's gon’ be for us because you gon’ be my lady,” he moaned as I nodded claiming his lips in a passionate kiss.
An inaudible gasp fell from both of our lips as we became one for the first time. Twenty years of friendship changed forever; our souls even more intertwined than they already were.
“Shit, you feel better than I ever dreamed,” Jey moaned against my lips as I trembled against him. Each powerful methodical thrust caused my head to bang slightly against the headboard, and I couldn't care less.
“You feel so good,” I gasped as Jey sank deeper, burying his head in the hollow of my neck, resting one of his arms above my head, stopping me from hitting the headboard as I gasped unable to think.
“Shit, so do you lo'u loto,” he moaned, kissing, and nipping at my neck as I felt the worries of the world float away. He had called me his heart in his native tongue. I always loved it when we would speak Samoan.
Faintly I heard the Roman’s truck creeping into the driveway as I groaned in frustration, not wanting this moment to end just yet. I had a taste of him and I wanted more…Much more….
“Jey, I hear the car,” I rasped as Jey rolled us over. “Jey!” I gasped at how even fuller I felt being on top.
“Mmhmm, I’m deep up in dat pussy now, fuck. Gon’ make dat shit count before he comes in and get you a nut,” He moaned as I nodded bracing one of my hands on his thigh, the other on his chest as I began wining my hips, our moans of pleasure filling the bus.
“Jey..Jey..Mmm,” I purred as he groaned, gripping my hips.
“I’m here Kara… I got you, and I’m right there too,” he moaned meeting my thrusts as a strangled cry escaped my lips.
“Mmm, fuck,” I moaned as Jey sat up holding me tight as we bounced in sync against each other.
“No regrets,” Jey whispered overpowering me with a kiss.
“No regets!” I gasped against his lips as he smiled. “When you ready….I’mma make you mine forever,” he panted as I cried at his beautiful words.
Jey wiped my tears as we heard footsteps coming towards the bus. It was showtime but we both needed release first.
Grasping Jey’s throat, we fell back onto the bed as I began to ride him, hard and deep as he groaned biting his lower lip.
“Fuck, gon’ get yo dick then,” he rasped, his arms spread wide on the bed, his head thrown back in pleasure.
 “Is it mine?” I asked, moaning as I felt my thighs becoming Jello but I wanted this. No, I needed it…We both did.
“Hell yea, it’s always been yours,” Jey confessed, his words making my heart skip a beat.
“Look at me, Jey,” I moaned as our eyes locked, and we both groaned sharing a brief kiss, knowing everything was about to pop off at any second.
Roman’s POV
“I told you to stay outside with my mom,” I hissed at Tia as she followed me closely. I wasn’t in the mood; Kara wasn’t returning my calls and mom picked the wrong time to just to pop up for a visit.
“Listen, I hear something,” Tia muttered cutting the light on up front and closing the door behind us.
“Jey! I’m cummin!” I heard a familiar voice scream as I felt my heart stop.
“Kara,” I whispered as Tia covered her mouth in shock.
 “I know you are, cause this my pussy now, say it,” Jey moaned as Tia ran off the bus.
“It’s your pussy!” I heard Kara exclaim as I felt sick. “Kara,” I muttered again in disbelief as I heard her cum…I knew that sound anywhere.
My feet were stuck, I couldn’t move. The sounds of their bodies being one with each other filling the bus, I could hear Kara wetness as she gave him my pussy as she rode out her high.
My eyes widened in horror because I just knew Kara wouldn’t do this. Slowly, I made my way to the door.
She wouldn’t do that…..Not here….I felt my face twitching as their moans got louder.
“Yeah, that's it...Now, I want you to cum again for me,” Jey moaned as I snapped, kicking the door open.
There was my wife on top of my cousin. They didn’t break away from each other, Kara looked back at me out of breath.
“Can you please leave it’s my time to enjoy the bus. Since you and Tia have had your fair share of time on here. Jey and I gotta catch up,” she moaned still riding Jey as I reached out and tried to grab her.
“Have you lost your fuckin’ mind, Kara!” I Yelled as Jey moved her out of the way. “I’mma kill you dead!” I hissed attacking Jey as he tried to put back on his sweats.
“What’s wrong can’t take what you dish out, Uce?” Jey gloated catching me with an uppercut as I saw Kara grab her dress and run out into the living room area to probably get dressed.
Jey’s POV
“What you mad for, it’s the same shit you did with Tia,” I said punching Roman in the face as he fell against the wall.
“You motherfucker!” He yelled running towards me as we spilled out into the living room area trading blows.
“You stay away from her! I’ll kill you!” Roman shouted as we fought for dominance. I gauged his eyes, before smashing his face into the table as he fell onto the ground checking his nose.
“You stay away from Kara, you don’t deserve her,” I hissed as he chuckled.
“I see you still hit like a bitch,” Roman sneered as I growled pouncing on top of him and punching him as I heard the door opening.
“I heard you fuck like one,” I hissed as we tussled around the tight space. “Boys! Boys! Stop this now!” my aunt yelled as I paused in my actions as Kara looked at her in shock.
When the hell did she fly in?
“What is wrong wit ya’ll?” she cried as I climbed off of Roman trying to calm myself as Kara came to my side.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered as I shook my head. “I’m good,” I said putting my shirt back and shoes back on as my aunt looked at Kara and me with disgust.
“I know ya’ll weren’t doing what I think you were in here?” she asked as I sighed.
“Yes, they were,” Tia instigated turning on the waterworks as Kara rolled her eyes.
“How could you do this to me, Kara,” Roman said getting up as Kara reached over and slapped him as soon as he got on his feet.
“How could I!?...... How could I do that to you?!”
“Yes, that’s a good question. How could you be out here sleepin’ with your husband’s cousin?” Janice said with disdain.
“Auntie, you don’t know the whole story,” I said as she shushed me.
“You’ve done enough Joshua! I can’t believe you did this, and at Roman’s home no less!” she hissed.
“I can’t believe you did this to us, Jey,” Tia said as I saw Kara out the corner of my eye about to leap so I stepped in the way. “Now ain’t the time,” I whispered as she stopped herself.
“I never took you for a slut, Kara…..Tia, I am so sorry this happened,” she said as Kara looked at me with pleading eyes to let her go. Seeing a  few tears escape her eyes, I released her.
Kara’s POV
I know damn well she didn’t just call me out my name. Looking around I saw how Roman was trying to shift blame as well as Tia and I realized she didn’t know.
She probably didn’t even know she had a granddaughter.
“You out here spending my son’s money and sleeping with his cousin. How low is that? I told him you were no good for him,” she said as I looked at her in shock.
I was no good for him…I was tired of crying but damn I had to let this hurt out to move on with my life. Watching her comfort Roman made my skin crawl.
“Yes, how low is that, huh,” I said walking towards her as Roman stepped in front of her.
“Kara,” he pleaded as I pushed him aside.
“How low…. And disgusting is that!” I gasped truly hurt by her words.
“Kara stop,” Roman interrupted again as I scoffed. Yea, she didn’t know but she was about to know now.
“I’ll tell you…You wanna know?….I’ll give you the lowdown on how low all this is,” I said, as she seemed on edge, not knowing what I was going to do or say.
“Your son started screwing my whore of a sister on this bus…. I was faithful, I gave up everything for him, I loved him, and that’s how he did me. Did you know she had his baby yesterday?” my voice cracking with emotion as she looked at roman in shock.
“A baby?” she whispered as Roman hung his head in shame.
“Yea, you’re a grandma,” I said as she looked at Tia who avoided her judgmental gaze.
“I don’t know how the hell it started with Roman and her, but I can tell you how everything started tonight with Jey and me…..It was Deliberate!………We did it on purpose,” I said looking at roman as he looked sick.
“And with every touch, kiss, caress…… Ever gasp as he claimed me, I felt better,” I said invading Roman’s space as he was crumbling before my eyes, as I explained my infidelity to him.
“You can stop now, Kara,” he whispered as I saw his face contorting from disbelief into anger at the thought of me having sex with not just anybody, but his cousin.
 “After every nibble, lick, and thrust, I felt even more better knowing you will never be able to step foot on this bus without picturing Jey and me in that damn bed and you deserve it,” I whispered my tears almost clouding my vision.
“There’s the part of you I knew existed Ms. Perfect,” Tia said as I grabbed her by the throat before anyone could stop me, throwing her up against the wall, choking her.
“I hate you! You’re like a fuckin’ cancer!” I screamed as her eyes widened in shock as she tried to pry my hands from around her throat.
“Kara! She just had a baby!" Roman yelled trying to move towards me but Jey stepped in front of him, wrapping his arms around my waist.
“It’s not the time, she just had a baby, Kara,” he whispered as I let out a scream of frustration, letting her go. I just wanting just five minutes alone with her to beat her ass.
“I always knew you were crazy,” Tia coughed trying to catch her breath as Jey continued to hold me back as Janice shook her head at the scene playing out in front of her.
“I’mma see you again Tia, 'cause’ you gotta answer for what you did. And Roman, you will be hearing from my lawyer,” I said deathly calm, before storming off the bus with Jey behind me.
“Damn, I didn’t expect auntie to show up,” Jey said as we walked back to the car. I paused, turning around to face him.
“I’m sorry, I got you involved,” I said as he cut me off with kiss.
“No regrets,” he said with a smile as I nodded.
 “No regrets,” I whispered as we embraced…
Roman’s POV
“Roman, I’m ready to go in the house,” my mother said her voice full of disappointment.” Here are the keys, I’ll be in,” I said as she nodded leaving Tia and me alone.
“Wow, Kara, was really outta control,” Tia whispered as I turned and looked at her.
“You really have fucked up my life,” I whispered as Tia jumped back as if I had struck her.
“Me! You could have said no.. You ain’t Mr. Innocent,” she screamed as I put my hair back in my manbun looking at the damage to the bus.
“Just tell me how much Tia?” I asked as she frowned at me.
“How much what Roman?” she asked as I sighed.
“You’re really gon’ make me ask you, huh…..Fine, how much will it take for you to leave town and sign over your rights to Logan?” I asked.
“Are you crazy, I’m not signing over my rights. Logan is my daughter Roman, and we are a package deal,” Tia said as it was my turn to frown at her.
“5 million.”
“No, Roman.”
“10 million, and I’ll get you a one-way ticket anywhere you wanna go. And I’ll even get your contract switched to raw if you still want to wrestle.” I said seeing the wheels turning in her head.
“It’s a starting point, but still not quite good enough,” she said with a smile as I growled.
 I was in my own personal hell......
“Tia, just leave me alone,” I said as she smiled getting off the bus, slamming the door behind her.
“You fucked up!” I hissed to myself, memories creeping in of the good times Kara and I shared here on this bus…The bad, where I destroyed my marriage, and tonight where Kara destroyed my soul.
“She’s, my wife!” I shouted picking up the chair beside me throwing it through the window, growling at the thought of Jey, hell, any man being inside her.
“Just had to keep sniffin’ around her!” I ranted knocking over anything I could, even kicking the door off the hinges in the bathroom.
Looking in the bedroom, the realization hit me hard.
“I caused this, I caused it all,” I muttered looking at the bed, the tangled sheets, the image of Kara on top of Jey, her moans as he claimed her invaded my mind.
Kara was right, I’ll never be able to step foot in here again without thinking about her and Jey…
“Welcome to my own personal hell,” I whispered into the night, and I finally realized I had nobody but myself to blame.
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
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yevmarie · 3 months
You Own Me
Pairing: Scud x Female Reader
Word count: 2,2k
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, terribly written smut, p-in-v sex, creampie (the reader is on pills), sub!Scud, dom!reader, dirty talk, vouyeurism, degradation, praising, pet names, Scud calling reader a mistress, alcohol consuming, mentions of pot smoking, profanity, bad English (not my first language).
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It was a late, lonely evening in your apartment. You were tipsy from alcohol that had been consumed before. Sitting on the couch, your head laying on the throw pillows, eyes closed. Some music was humming in the background. You needed to vent, and that was the maximum you could afford.
You secretly wanted some fling with him. That damn stoner was as hot as fuck. And if you hadn't known the details of how he was saved by Blade, you would try something long-term, but no, no, and no. So you were quite cold with him and bitchy. To your surprise, it worked the opposite way for him. 
That had been a stressful working day with Scud, who was flirting the whole day while you were trying to focus on new explosives for Blade’s next mission. It wasn’t so unusual about his flirty and touchy nature. He always tried to fill your space with his presence. Sometimes, he just sits silently in his chair, smoking and observing every move from you. Or traps you between him and a wall when you meet in a corridor. But this time, he almost crossed the line. Scud’s hands were accidentally brushing your butt when he walked by. He was trying to help you with explosives, standing behind you with an obvious boner poking between your ass cheeks. Or saying some pieces of advice in your ear with his sweet and relaxed voice, which sounded dubious. Damn, perv.
So, this teasing game at work today made you lose focus, and that damn lab could have been almost destroyed to the ground, but it ended with a local fire that you both knocked out. It was an understatement how Blade was furious, as it was quite luxurious to lose all the tech and valuable staff. After that incident, Josh was staying flirty, and you just sent him off and went home furious. 
You were almost falling asleep out of stress, tiredness, and the volume of alcohol in your blood system when you got a message from Scud. The display on your phone was showing a voice message. Not a usual behavior from him but still. Is it an apology message? Expecting him to tell some stupid jokes after smoking pot as an apology, you tiredly played it. 
Your eyes widened almost immediately upon hearing him whimpering; there were some squelching sounds in the background. He was whispering in a shaky voice. 
“Ah! Want you so badly. Just bend you over the table and fuck you stupidly till you can’t walk.”
JEESUS! The blood pulsating in your temples was almost hurting, and a sheer layer of sweat appeared on your forehead. Damn, that stupid stoner probably mispressed the recipient. But that didn't stop you from replaying it several times until you found yourself fantasizing and relieving your sexual tension. 
However, it didn’t let you fall asleep until the early morning. Being tired, worn out, and angry, you were preparing for work. You were craving an explanation from him, so you decided to wear the sluttiest outfit you had in your closet just in case your guesses were true that that damn message was addressed to you. Wearing a top with no bra underneath and a mini skirt, you went to work.
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You came to the warehouse a bit later than Scud, who was already smoking and welding some parts. He turned around to greet you with a smirk on his face but froze, seeing you in a skimpy look. Tits with no bra evidently bounced under the top every time you made a step. Your legs seemed even longer with the help of the mini. 
“Morning,” he mumbled through the joint between his mouth. You silently sat down on the chair next to him. 
“Wanna get some explanations from you.” You were angry as fuck, but you were doing your best to hide it. “Yesterday evening, I got one interesting message from you…” 
“An interesting message?” He puffed out the smoke, playing dumb. 
“I can explain,” but he was trapped with your foot placed between his legs, applying a slight pressure to his hardness and balls. 
“Shit, no way he doesn’t remember anything; he is playing with me. A stud.” You silently took out your phone from your pocket and played that cursed message. His skin reddened in seconds, his lower lip was trapped between his teeth, his chest was heaving, and a smirk was forming. He shifted in his seat to stand up.
“Son of a bitch, you’ve even got aroused already,” you thought. “Then explain.” 
He gasped, his throat seeking air. He licked his lips, feeling dizzy, and that stupid smirk never left his face. 
“I was just… I smoked a lot, and… I’m really sorry; I barely remember it.” He was acting, clearly enjoying the setting. 
Your foot added some pressure to his arousal, now evidently visible to you. He whimpered, bucked his hips to your foot, and held onto the table so his fingers became white. You tilted your head to the side, your darkened eyes boring into his. 
“You, working almost in oblivion, are telling me now that you smoked too much?” He didn't reply; he just breathed heavily, being dark red. What a whore! You put off your leg and stood up, seeing him doing the same, but you just pushed him down back to the chair. 
“So, will you try to explain again?” 
“Sit down.” You took a plastic cable tie from the table you had laid your eyes on before and walked behind him. You aggressively grabbed his hands behind him and tied them. But surprisingly to you, he obeyed, and it pissed you off even more. “Damn, he literally craves my attention.” You walked back to your chair and sat down. 
He breathed heavier and more rapidly. “Okay, it was on purpose. Just tired of dancing around and stuff. You know what I want from you.” He licked his dry lips, observing you with a hungry look and already undressing you mentally, if not fucking you like an animal. 
“And you won’t get it,” you replied in a cold tone.
“Why?” He pouted playfully and shifted in the seat as if trying to free himself from the plastic tie. 
“I wanna show you how it is to be a tease. Wanna make you beg.” You spread your legs and shifted your underwear aside, letting your fingers glide over your arousal and smearing it over your clit. 
“Holly shit,” his eyes were glued to your movement.
You gasped and rolled your head back, back curved, with the other hand placed on the chair for stability. He licked his lips and bit them down with anticipation. His boner was painfully restrained in his jeans. 
You whispered, playing with yourself, lost in pleasure. “You like the view?” And you inserted two fingers inside your pussy earning a lewd moan from yourself. You heard him breathing rapidly, almost panting. 
“I want you, Y/N. Pleeease.” He was squirming, trying to find any friction in his jeans, but it failed. His cock was painfully trapped and leaking with pre-cum appearing as a wet spot on the fabric. 
“Who told you if you beg, you get what you want?” Your fingers moved back and forth inside you. 
“Fuck,” he whimpered, which made you laugh deviously and move your fingers faster, which made you clench, and you understood you wouldn't last long. 
“Please. Want you to use me. Wanna be your fuck toy. Just let me feel you.” His whining sent a jolt of pleasure. Understanding it was your approaching orgasm, you did the impossible and stopped yourself. You put your fingers out when you saw him opening his mouth, slightly hinting to taste you. You stood up in front of him and shoved your fingers in his mouth, which he started to suck eagerly momentarily. He was moaning while sucking your fingers, whispering in between.
“Mmmph, you taste so good, girl. I want more. I want all of you, please.”
“Think you deserve it?” Despite your cold demeanor, you were enjoying the view, which made you even more aroused. 
“Yes, please. I wanna take all of you. Wanna feel you tight around me. Please, Y/N.” He hummed and sucked your fingers. 
“My needy little slut”
“Yours and only. Just let me dive into your sweet pussy, please. I will do anything for you.”
“Yeah, anything,” he whimpered needily. “Just fuck me already.”
These words made you clench around nothing, so you put off your fingers, seeing his hungry and desperate gaze, and decided to finally do what you wanted for so long. 
“Hips up!” You commanded, unbuttoning his jeans, and he obeyed with no hesitation. You pulled his jeans and boxers down his thighs, his cock springing free, hard and throbbing. 
“Ah, finally,” he gasped with relief when you suddenly grabbed his jaw in your hand. 
“Finally? How come those little needy brains thought I would fuck you, huh?” Your other hand grabbed his cock, smearing pre-cum over his tip, and started stroking it teasingly slowly. He shivered and exhaled shakily, his mouth agape.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. Thought you're gonna show your sympathy towards me.” He let out a whine, his cock twitching. “I’m all yours, Y/N. Just sit on me, ride me, use me.” You started to stroke him faster, seeing his cock almost ready to cum while Scud was squirming, whimpering, and almost crying out of pleasure. And you suddenly stopped hearing a bitter whine from him and whispering, “Please, please, please.”
You pulled up your skirt a bit and stood closer, ready to sit down on his leaking length. You were lowering above his cock, shifting your underwear aside, and finally sank on his tip, letting out a soft gasp. Meanwhile, Scud was babbling yeses and other stuff you didn't pay attention to as you slid down his above-average shaft. When you finally consumed him whole and were adjusting to his size, he whined more. 
“Ohhh, please!”
You felt a sudden wave of hunger and tugged his hair on the back of his head, making him gasp and open his mouth. 
“Shut up, Josh!” You closed the distance between your faces and kissed him aggressively, though passionately, shoving your tongue in his mouth. And you both moaned sweetly, finally getting what you both craved. You started rolling your hips, slowly teasing both of you. Scud whispered between kisses. 
“You feel so good, baby,” and at this moment you knew you were damn lost, tugging his hair more than before and riding him in a fast rhythm. 
Panting, moans, whimpers, groans, skin slapping, and lips smacking were making an obscene symphony filling the space of the warehouse. You rode him furiously as if you were a nymphomaniac chasing your high, enjoying every moment. 
Scud was even more lost in pleasure. Totally fucked out, falling apart, his eyes half closed, his mouth babbling sweet nothings. The image was so beautiful, it almost looked like a piece of art. 
“You are using me so well. Want my cock to belong only to you, mistress. Want you to ride me forever.” You clenched around him involuntarily, earning moans from both of you. 
“Mistress, huh?” You smirked deviously and leaned to his ear, saying in a lower and silent voice. “And you are nothing more than a fuck toy.”
“Fuck!” He panted and rolled his head back, his eyes threatening to close. You grabbed his choker, pulling him closer to your face, and took a handful of his hair again while riding him. 
“Eyes on me!” he ignored as he was in a haze, obviously enjoying every second of the intimacy. “EYES.ON.ME.” You slowed your movements until he opened his eyes, drunk with sex. 
“Fuck!” You whimpered, feeling your pussy clenching as this view made you closer to your approaching orgasm. Just a couple of frictions, and you are done. You whispered, lips inching from his mouth. 
“Wanna cum inside? I’m on pills.” You exhaled deeply and choked on your pleasure, riding yourself slowly through your orgasm, and this was the last straw for him.
“Ah, fuck!” He groaned, moaning, his eyes rolling back, his body jolting. You felt him pulsing inside you, spilling his warmth. Scud’s panting, mixed with cries of satisfaction, echoed in the building. 
After some moments, he tiredly looked at you, and you placed a gentle and slow kiss on his lips, which he eagerly reciprocated. You leaned back after a while and said silently. 
“Hope you liked it.” You smirked a little and took scissors from the table to free his tied hands, earning a tight hug from him and hungry kisses mixed with moans. Then he pulled away a bit to admire your face.
“Me? Liked it?” He chuckled tiredly. “Gonna send you more voice messages from now on.”
“Dork.” You tried to stand up from him but were tugged back to him, earning a gasp from you and a confused look.
“Now your personal dork, mistress. You own me,” he smirked. You smirked too and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, letting yourself get lost in him. 
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(Hello! Sure I can! Enjoy!) Taglist!
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Obviously, teens in love fool around, and apparently so do you and Bill
I don't think he understood the geabity of the situation when you first told him
He was confused at first at how hesitant and scared you seemed
He laughed, saying it was okay to tell him end the more you dragged it on I think this when he started getting nervous and scared
I think he thought you were about to break up with him or something
The best thing to do was just say you were pregnant, which you did
He fell really silent, almost scary silent as he just stared at you
It was knobs turning in his head, and he actually somehow smiled
He didn't really take in the situation and what like
"You're pregnant! We made a baby! Wait…we- we made…a baby…"
It slowly dawned on him the situation
You guys were teens, who now has a baby coming
He more panicked, was pacing back and forth, he wasn't angry at you, but more at himself for putting you in this situation
And he was worried about what the media would say, the band, your families, fans, everyone and everything
It seemed like it was all falling down in front of him and he didn't really know what to do
You finally got him to sit down, and he was able to breath
He slowly got out the words telling you it was okay, and that you could do whatever you wanted
He loves you, he supported your decision, and even if he wanted the kid, he knew it wasn't his entire decision but yours as you were the pregnant one
If you cried, he held you, if you were scared, so was he but he was by your side, which made it better
Through long and hard thinking, you came to the decision to keep the baby
I feel like Bill was relieved, and sorta scared at the same time
He wanted a family with you, he just thought it would be farther in the future, but I guess life doesn't work out like you always want it
Plus, he cheered both you guys up by making jokes, laughing and just being there
I think you guys kept off telling the band, media and anyone for a while
Until you guys were all together, everything was fine, Gustav, Tom and Bill were laughing before they noticed how you two were acting different
Tom was laughing, playfully asking what crawled up your asses before Bill just blurted it out
"(Name)'s pregnant."
Dead silence. You could hear a pin drop as all three of them stared at you, Bill and your stomach
Then questions came like rapid fire
"You're pregnant?! I'm gonna be an uncle?!"
"H-how?! When?! Why?! You let him get you pregnant?!"
"Holy shit…oh damn, you're really pregnant. Oh, oh god-"
Obviously after the shock, they were all still sorta surprised
Obviously because it was Bill and you, but obviously Georg was like
"So, what are you guys gonna do?"
And obviously, you guys told them you were keeping it
They all just nodded, sorta quiet and looking at each other before Tom stood up, walking over to Bill and leaning down to hug him
That caused a little wave of hugs and laughs going around
I think Bill actually needed those hugs as the final push of everything was gonna be okay
What you guys weren't prepared for was the media waves
As your stomach got bigger, obviously it got out
You were hounded with scandals, rumors, paparazzi, questions, angry and happy fans, threats and congratulations
Bill did his best to help keep you safe, keeping you away from the media as everything about the band was kept on hold for about half way through your second trimester
After that, if you were in the band, for a while you weren't
You would stay backstage, with hands and assistants to make sure you were okay as Bill watched you from the corner of his eye, never taking his eye off you or your growing child
Tom, Gustav and Georg were actually excited to be uncles
Having a little kid running around seemed fun and exciting now
Tom would sit by you, and if you were comfortable, put his hand on your stomach and feel his little niece or nephew kick
Sometimes he would sit in front of you and just talk, shit talking everyone and telling your stomach everything he would teach them as they got older, and to love him more than Bill
Gustav was making sure you were okay all the time, getting you stuff you needed so you didn't need to get up and do it yourself, especially as your stomach got better
Georg dubbed himself the best uncle, outdoing everyone and everything, he also served as the one who threw paparazzi off your trails
They all kept you safe, especially when people would crowd you guys or follow you
But Bill was always the best think
Throughout the entire thing he was always by your side, getting anything you needed, supporting you and never missing a thing
Especially the birth, the scariest he has ever fucking seen you
But everything made it worth it as he held your guys' kid for the first time
Admittedly and proudly, he cried, which nobody ever lets go of
He didn't want to let go of them, which stayed true for years
Nothing really changed in the band, just a kid was added to the mix
Your kid has the absolute best uncles, and grew up loved by many
You guys kept them protected from paparazzi and threats, shielding them from what you couldn't shield yourselves from growing up
They're an absolute daddy's girl or boy
Bill is their absolute go to, hiding behind his leg, in his neck or just wanting to be held
Bill was always the one to get up when they cried, saying you did enough through birth and pregnancy and to let him handle it for now
Your baby is the luckiest kid in the world
They went on interviews, answered so many questions with their adorable face and smile, sitting on your lap, or Bills lap or any of their uncles laps
Your kid went to signings, signed their own stuff to fans and always somehow grabbed a mic to say hi to you guys on stage
They even ran out a few times, jumping onto Bills or your leg, wanting to be picked up
Your kid loved you guys so much, and even if you guys were teens and raising a kid, you did a good job
Your kid was well behaved, spoke their mind, and even if they were absolutely spoiled rotten by all of you, they remained so cute and so humble, always kind to everyone
They loved seeing you guys on stage, on videos or backstage and running up to cling to you both
They especially loved seeing Bill when he walked on the runway, clapping and yelling for their dad and laughing, sitting in Tom's lap and going
"that's dad! Dada! Daddy!"
"Yeah, yeah, that's dad!"
Bill and you faced some criticism for having a kid so young, and even for your parenting style or anything concerning your kid
But your kid grew up loved, happy and healthy with every uncle, and you and Bill by their side
So, I think you guys have little to worry about
@billsjumbie95 @bigbootahjudy @dead-tapes @ilovebill-and-gustav @r3dheadedw0rld @kiwitsune @V4mpyboyy @novaaisstupid @billybabeskaulitz @yas-v @iischafer @dilfverz @ahswhore0 @graciegizmo3184 @sweetpuffy12 @elenacgn08
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mako-neexu · 6 months
all guda related stuff in mahoyo collab
summoning as a highly complicated magecraft -> highly intact sense of self, magical energy, magical crest, sheer willpower........you who is light and equally dark....
casual comments/banter to the people they trust
guda getting shocked of all things at a talking bird www
gudako -> young girl that likes to jog every morning
gudao -> brat that likes small time candy store sweets
UGH the further emphasis on Servants being familiars that no one - not anyone should just use (exceptional...)
stressing the role of a 'Master'
'I also make mistakes a lot'
"I still don't see what's so special about summoning."
guda screams during summons? lmao kind of reminds me of mash with lord camelot
the way guda just refers to other people as 'that another human' www (i know 'person' is more accurate but to me it sounds like an alien in disguise calling someone as 'fellow human' ww)
Of COURSE guda knows how to stop their own pulse
disbelief. perhaps gut feeling. guda's perception of death to others. (i guess in the face of unnatural they would doubt it. but considering Id chapter, it would depend on the person and how theyre closest to?)
'more like tobimaru' 'more like soujyuurou' getting angry on behalf of someone without letting it show as well... i Understand.
Don't face world-ending disasters alone
IM CRYING OH MY GOD IM NOT WELL "did you sleep well?" "i slept peacefully because the night was quiet and nice" AUGH GUDAAAAA😭
probably nothing of note but additional descriptor to guda is that they look like a college student as compared to previous descriptions of being 'high school student'.......
not being good at horror stories 🥹 reminds me of summer 5...
(unwell) i forget about guda's tactical prowess sometimes (lies) + guda's mention of the looking glass reminds me of berkercas valentines...
Subtle but gudao's reaction to beating down kashin is 'exhausted or relieved' meanwhile for dako she has the 'doubt' in her dialogue
subtle again but theres a hesitance to guda when asked about what the future looked like. but their second option is saying "eh there arent any flying cars anyways"
ahh okay now i know the crypto stuff guda said. its from gudao. is this MHX's influence lmao. gudao youre advertising crypto seriously? ww
guda casually joking about the times they astral project out of their body likes its nothing and mash is not normal either of course and treats it as regular occurrences. well, its regular but for a normal average person in the 21st century, it certainly isnt ww
GUDA ONCE AGAIN PROVING that despite being 'camera' for us players, they actively hide information and i am not over that fact. (knowing who the culprit is before most of the rest-)
guda not hesitating at ALL to rayshift back to 1999 where the end of the world was supposed to happen www
Ah!! To encourage kinomi in confessing, guda confessed their own out in the open!!!
A bakery with the one they love / A wish to reach the South Pole
You may not be able to have all of your dreams, your nights be peaceful, but I hope that you will still be rewarded at the end of your journey 😭
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blues824 · 2 years
Hi! May I request the housewardens with a Raven!like s/o from Teen Titans?
💜 She's the daughter of a human mother and demonic father
💜 She's an empath and able/can sense both pain and disease and can remove them, assimilating them to her own body and expunge them but at a cost of great physical pain. She can also read the emotions of others and control them, also granting her telepathic-like insight into their minds.
💜 Her weakness is strong emotions. She has the ability to feel other people's emotions. But if she comes into contact with an individual with strong emotions whether good or bad, it will overwhelm her and bring her pain.
💜 Her main power is the ability to channel her Soul Self, projecting her spirit outside of her body to scout, fight, or manipulate objects.
💜 She is quiet, troubled, brooding, grim, moody, seemingly emotionless, intelligent, studious and sarcastic. She can always come up with a smart remark.
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Take your time with this ask, and don't rush to finish it :)
I apologize, but since I didn’t have any motivation I will be giving you three housewardens. Can’t believe I have over 700 requests-
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Riddle Rosehearts
He is very intrigued since you were a demon-human hybrid. However, you used your powers for good rather than how your father originally intended, and that’s something that he looks up to. You don’t let your parentage define you, and he takes a page from your book in that aspect.
Honestly, Riddle overwhelmed you a lot because he was always angry and in pain because of his past and how he is scared to disappoint his mother. When you told him, he realized that if he wanted to be with you then he needed to change his ways. So guess who started going to therapy!!!
Riddle doesn’t like your sarcasm, but you were very down-to-earth, which he appreciated. You both were quite the pair, only told of in old romantic but tragic novels. This most definitely showed in how you both liked to write letters to each other; a rather formal way of communication, reserved for the two of you.
When he overblotted, you were torn. However, you used your soul-self to battle him. He didn’t even see the raven before being easily taken down by it. The last thing he remembers before being taken to the infirmary was you rushing over and holding his body close. Even when he attacked you, your love for him was still there.
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Leona Kingscholar
He was wary of you because you were a very powerful demon, but you often used it for the good of others rather than just yourself. He respects the fact that you are trying your hardest to not be like your dad, since he tries not to suck up to his older brother’s expectations as well.
Unfortunately, his anger became an overwhelming source of emotion and energy for you, and you had to write a short note saying so when you saw that he was getting increasingly upset at you avoiding him. Once he was informed of this, he started taking measures to relieve his anger, like exercising more.
He loved how feisty you could sometimes be, especially when you were sarcastic. You both could go back and forth for hours because you both didn’t like losing battles. Instead of calling you ‘herbivore’, he probably called you ‘Poe’ after Edgar Allen Poe.
When he overblotted, you took quick action and used your Soul-Self powers. You used your actual body as a diversion so that you had the element of surprise, and it worked. As he saw the raven go back inside your body, he couldn’t help but feel proud of you for making such a quick decision without hesitation.
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Azul Ashengrotto 
He was intimidated by you. You were a powerful half-demon who couldn’t be kept under a contract because that’s not how this works. It’s like how he can’t steal the ears of a beastman because it was biologically instilled within them.
Azul doesn’t tend to show too many emotions, but you can sense his fear and insecurities and it makes you a bit anxious. You tell him this, and he just feels exposed. However, he has been taking active steps to getting to a place where he can look in the mirror and feel good about himself.
This cecaelia is the type to like your sarcasm when it’s directed towards someone who is doing something stupid (Ace). When it’s directed towards him, he is low-key kind of offended. Like, weren’t you supposed to be on his side?? You didn’t have to call him out on his shady business deals…
Anyways, when he overblotted, your speed wasn’t affected by being underwater. Someone might have thought you were descended from a sea animal because you actually moved faster. You used your Soul-Self and managed to defeat him while causing a distraction with your actual body (think scarecrow in a field). Last thing he saw was you running over and making sure he didn’t hit his head as he fell.
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sunnytyun · 1 year
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"And if you were my little girl, I'd do whatever I could do. I'd run away and hide with you."
Daddy Issues —The Neighborhood
Jay X fem! reader
Warnings: daddy issues (obv), strong language, ptsd, mentions of sex (if you squint)
Genre: sad, comfort
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"Promise you won't leave. Even if I lose my mind and try to push you away, promise that you'll handle me. Don't let me ruin this, please."
In that moment, you had felt so relieved when your boyfriend had promised you then, hugging you afterwards. But you didn't seem too sure about it now.
"Oh, you're awake." Jay smiled at you brightly when you walked in the kitchen, wearing nothing but a t-shirt that belonged to him. Your boyfriend abandoned the preparing breakfast for a moment only to wrap his arms around your waist. "Did you sleep well?" He asked. You didn't reply, instead you buried your face in his chest tiredly. "I guess you did." He chuckled.
This was so right. You and him. Both made for each other, but definitely not in a good way. You were the problematic one in the relationship— always sulking and being mean, whereas he was the understanding one— always comforting you and putting up with your attitude. Poor Jay, your inner voice would say, always the one giving, never the one receiving.
Little did you know, he had no problem putting up with you. He loved you, probably more than he loved himself. It may have seemed like you were a handful to the outsiders— and in all honesty, you were— but the truth was that his life had been so boring without you. It was like he was living with no purpose at all, like he needed someone to give all of his time and devotion to. And you came into his life as that someone.
"Go and freshen up." He said as you pulled away from his warmth. "I'll get your breakfast ready by then." He placed a chaste kiss on your lips before turning you around in your spot and patting your butt. You walked away at that, rubbing your eyes as the sleep refused to leave you.
So that's how it was between the two of you. Him being the angel in disguise and you being a survivor of a traumatic household— such a perfect combination, right? Well, on one hand it was but on the other hand, it was downright depressing for Jay to see you break down at nights, flinch at small sounds, get frustrated when things don't go your way, and cry at the smallest things.
Jay had made sure to give you everything your family couldn't give you, what your father couldn't give you. Not receiving any affection at such a young age would drive anyone mad, but he was so proud that you held out through this, you were so brave. He got angry a lot of times too, especially when you sometimes tell him the things your father said to you. And when your boyfriend realizes that your dad had caused you to believe such things about you, he just wants to drive out to your hometown, find that bitch of a man and beat him up to no extent. But he calms himself down, focusing on comforting you rather than smashing your sperm donor's head.
When your relationship started, you were too submissive to him. No matter the occasion— during dinners, during sex, during dates— you always felt the need to have him control you. Jay didn't like it much if he was true to himself. Fine, maybe it was hot to have you underneath him during the sexual intercourses, but other than that, it was straight up bullshit. Because who was he to tell you what you do? Who was he to decide what you would wear outside and if it was decent enough or not? Who was he to tell you how to live your life?
"Can I go have lunch with my friends?" You had asked him on a normal day. "They invited me."
"Yeah, of course, you can. Why are you asking me?" Jay raised his brows, letting out a small chuckle.
"I can?" Your eyes widened. "Really?" It was that easy? You had never been allowed to go anywhere by yourself, so Jay allowing you to go surprised you.
"Yeah." He raised a brow in confusion, still not knowing what went through your head since it was only a new relationship, there were a lot of things you both had to figure out about each other. "It's not like I own you or anything. Go wherever you want."
"You- don't own me?" You looked up at him with confused doe eyes. "It's okay if you want to own me. I'm okay with it."
"I don't want to own you." Jay shook his head, now slowly starting to understand your behaviour. He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled at you. "You're your own person."
That was the first time Jay had gotten a hint about the issues you had. You had mentioned your father to him before, and you had told him how he was, so he figured that your own father was the reason you behaved the way you did. And it was that day he decided that he would try and help you with those issues.
"Are you cold?" Jay had asked that one day as you both walked through the lively streets of Korea and Korea's deadly winter. You only shook your head in a sweet lie, rubbing your arms from over your sweater to get some warmth. Jay huffed, taking his black and white varsity jacket off of him and draping it over your shoulders.
"I'm okay, really." You blushed, ready to take it off but a grunt in protest from him made you shut up. You quickly slipped your arms in the sleeves of your boyfriend's jacket, obeying like his good girl— a title you loved to earn from him every chance you got. Jay gave you a smile, ruffling your hair. You both started to walk again— your hand grabbing his index finger, he noticed.
After walking a few steps, you stopped in your tracks when you tripped suddenly, looking down to see your untied shoelaces. You tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear in embarassment. Jay noticed and chuckled slightly.
When you tried to bend down to tie them, a strong grab on your forearm was enough to stop you from doing so. You looked up at Jay again, only to see him smile. A small "I'll get that" left his mouth and he knelt down on one knee in front of you, ignoring your small protests because you thought it was disrespectful to him.
He quickly tied your shoelaces, looking up at you with a small smile. You didn't know how to react to this. No one had ever tied your shoelaces for you before, infact, you were the one who always volunteered to tie your friends' shoelaces when in public. You could only smile back nervously as you felt the guilt and anxious butterflies floating around in your stomach. He's so good to me, you thought, am I really enough for him?
Jay noticed your expression and knew what you were thinking almost instantly. He wanted to stop and hug you close to his chest for a long time, patting your head while he told you how proud of you he actually is, telling you that he will never be disappointed in you, telling you that you're enough. Because no matter how much he tried to, he couldn't figure out just how bad your father hurt you for you to turn out this way.
A new day in your relationship and a new problem with you. This was a normal thing now.
"Baby, why are you crying?" Jay was panicked. He didn't know why you were suddenly sobbing so hard. He had only now gotten home from work and saw you sitting in a corner, your face buried in your hands as you whimpered to yourself. The first thing he checked was if you were injured anywhere, sighing in relief when he made sure that you weren't in any kind of physical pain. But he still wasn't calm enough, knowing that the thing that was making you cry this much were your own thoughts.
"I'm- I'm so- sorry." You cried, speaking between hiccups. He cupped your face, dragging his thumbs on your cheeks to wipe away the tears.
"Sorry for what, sweetie?" Jay asked, his brows scrunching in deep concern.
"You're s- so good to me. B- but I never have anything to re- return your kindness." Jay was starting to feel his eyes getting teary as he listened to your hurtful words. So, that's what you thought about him? Did you really think he wanted you to apologize because you assumed that you weren't a good girlfriend? Whatever the fuck could he ever do make you believe otherwise? The thoughts were creeping down to his lips, waiting for him to say them.
"You're wrong." Jay sniffled quietly and you looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. You couldn't even properly see him due to the blur of the salty liquid, but you could see enough to know that he hated whatever you confessed. "How could you just assume that you never return anything? You return my love, you return my kindness. A relationship is fifty-fifty. We would've broken up by now if you weren't "returning" anything to me."
"Jay." You sobbed harder at his words, realising that he was right. But till how long will you keep that in your mind? You knew yourself enough to know that once the night is gone and the another day is here, you will blame yourself again. That's just how you were. So pathetic. So miserable. "Please don't ever leave me." You cried, fisting the material of his shirt in your hands, keeping him close to you.
"I won't." Jay was also close to crying, you could hear it in his voice. He pulled you closer to him, one of his hands on the back of your neck while the other rubbed your back soothingly, engulfing you in a warm hug. You buried your face in his chest, your voice coming out muffled when you spoke again.
"Promise you won't leave. Even if I lose my mind and try to push you away, promise that you'll handle me. Don't let me ruin this, please."
"I promise, baby." He whispered into your hair. "Now, please... stop crying."
"I love you."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
So now, in the present day, you hated yourself for still thinking the same thing you were thinking all those months ago. Still thinking that Jay deserved better than you.
You watched in silence, standing at the doorway as Jay placed down plates on the table for breakfast, mind getting hazy as he smiled to himself at some thought that crossed his mind— which 99.9% included you. Just as your mind drifted even more away from reality, his gaze snapping up to you quickly pulled you back to Earth.
"Let's break up." The words left you before you could even prepare yourself. Jay couldn't understand if you were being serious or not. He was shocked, he was confused. He couldn't decipher his own emotions. So he did what could be the most appropriate thing in that moment.
He laughed.
"If that's another prank, then it's really funny. Ha ha ha." He shook his head with a smile. But you never smiled back. His smile fell a bit at the serious silence but it was still on his face, a hopeful smile that maybe, maybe you weren't fucking with him. "Sweetie, you can drop the act now."
"I'm not joking, Jay." You spoke again, your voice low and your words faltering. You could feel yourself getting slightly choked due to holding back tears, the gulp in your throat getting painful each second. But you couldn't cry now, you couldn't let him believe that this break-up was hurting you.
His face completely fell now, his puppy eyes getting moist. "Babe, stop." He warned.
"Shut up." He held out a palm, gesturing for you to stop talking. "Just shut up."
"I can't be with you anymore." You kept your voice strong. You couldn't fall weak now, it was now or never. You knew this was hurting him, but it was for his own good. He had to understand that. "I can't do thi—"
"We're not breaking up!" Jay shouted out of the blue, he was getting extremely frustrated now. But the frustration quickly washed away when he saw you flinch at his loud tone. He tried to calm himself down, pinching the bridge of his nose and pushing back tears. He sighed, walking towards you and placing his hands on your shoulders.
The mere touch of him was enough for you to let your guard down and let the tears escape down your face. He was extremely pained to see the tears falling from your brown eyes. He only ever wanted to see your eyes filled with joy and happiness, not with sadness and tears.
"Look, baby. Whatever that's going on in your head, don't listen to it, yeah?" He said gently as he cupped your face, making you look up at him. "We'll fix whatever problem it is. I'll fix it, I promise."
"You can't fix it this time." You said, nose flaring with every sob.
"I can, sweetie." He let out a breathy chuckle. "I can fix it. And I will fix it. Just tell me what's the problem. Am I not good enough? Did I do something? I'll work on myself. I'll work on myself and be a better man. I'll do anything you want just— just please don't leave me."
You pushed him away as harshly as you could, wiping the tears off of your face while he stared at you with sadness written all over his features. "That's your problem. You just can't take a hint. I'm suffocating, Jay!" You yelled. "It's so fucking suffocating in here with you. I can't breathe! Just leave me the fuck alone!"
"Baby, please." He only whispered, his chin wobbling and he doesn't even try to hide his emotions, tears falling down his face. "What is it? Is there another guy? Do you love someone else?"
You shook your head no.
"Then why?"
You didn't have an answer to that question. Well, you did have an answer, but you didn't want him to hear it. You didn't want him thinking of you as a pathetic bitch. The reason was simple, you had had enough. Enough of people talking about us behind our backs. Enough of them saying that you didn't deserve a man like Jay. Enough of them saying that you were a crazy bitch. Enough of them saying that he was just a babysitter for you. Enough. Enough. Enough.
"I told you." You sighed. "It's because you suffocate me. I hate it in here with you."
"You don't mean it."
"I do."
"You don't—"
"I do fucking mean it!"
He didn't say anything after that, only waiting a few silent seconds before basically launching at you and pulling you in a bone-crushing hug.
"Let me go!" You squeaked, sobbing continuously and thrashing around in his grip, but unfortunately, he was a lot stronger than you. He kept you in his hold, not letting you push him away. "I said let me fucking go!"
"No." was the only thing he said.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" You yelled, smacking his chest and squirming around in his arms while his warm body kept you hostage.
"Keeping my promise." These words that were whispered into your hair made you calm down a bit. You were shocked, letting out a whimper as you stood still and let him crush you in the hug. "I'm keeping the promise I made to you."
He waited for you to give a signal, to do or say something that could mean he could continue to persuade you. And he got the green light when he felt you fisting his t-shirt in your grip— a gesture he found familiar from whenever you craved comfort.
"I promised that I won't leave. I promised that I won't let you leave." He rested his chin on the top of your head, feeling his top get wet as you let the tears fall onto them. "I meant it when I said that I'll fix it. I'll fix anything when it comes to you. So please, baby, just let me take care of you."
"Aren't you tired of it?" You finally spoke, your voice small. "Aren't you tired of taking care of me all the time?"
"I'll never be tired of taking care of you." He pulled away, tucking your hair behind your ears and cupping the back of your neck to make you look at him. As you stared into his eyes, searching for any kind of sign that he was lying, you were surprised to find none. He was telling you the truth. "I want to be with you— fucking hell, I want to grow old with you. I don't want to break up, and I know you don't too. I won't let those voices in your head ruin this for us."
"I trouble you so much. I'm sorry." You mewled, making him let out a small breathy chuckle.
"No, you don't trouble me, baby." He smiled, leaning his forehead against yours. "I like handling you. You're my girl, yeah?" A swarm of butterflies waved through your stomach at his words. His girl. You were his girl.
"Jay..." You whispered, making him hum in response. "Am I- am I still your good girl?"
He pulled away a bit at your question so he could look at your face. And as soon as he did, he smiled to see such an innocent expression on your face, bambi eyes looking up at him with a fear of losing the title of his good girl.
"Yes, baby, you're still my good girl." He chuckled, leaning in to join his lips with yours only for a moment before he pulled away again. "You'll always be my good little girl."
"I love you."
"I love you more." Jay smiled, crashing his lips down on yours, passionately and properly this time. He almost sighed against your lips, thinking how there would've been a chance that he'd have never gotten to kiss you again. But all that was sorted out now, because you were his again.
His good little girl.
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“You’re leaving,” the villain whispered.
“Have I ever told you about my favourite part of hooking up with you?”
The villain looked up from their coffee. I have a mission. I’ll be back in three months. The words echoed in their mind, feasting on it like a wicked parasite. Three months were endurable but that didn’t make the situation painless.
“I suppose finishing?” the villain guessed. The hero laughed and the villain realised they could get drunk on this sound. God, they felt like a fucking clown, longing for someone they weren’t supposed to have.
No one had ever made the villain feel loved. A difficult childhood, traumatising teenage years and horrible first years of being an adult made them feel worthless at best and redundant at worst.
“I mean, I like that part a lot, don’t get me wrong. Especially when you actually do let me finish.” The villain felt their cheeks burn. Sometimes they feared they were going too far but the hero seemed to enjoy to be told what to do. “But no. My favourite part is when you’re sleepy in the morning and the early sun dips your face in orange light. You always look so soft.”
“I am not soft,” the villain reminded them.
“Not always,” the hero agreed. “But despite what you want the world to believe, I’ve seen the truth and you can’t take that from me.”
“You’re leaving,” the villain said again. They looked at the hero on the opposite side of the table. Messy hair, sleepy eyes, bruised neck. There were even some older hickeys on their chest from another session a few days ago. The villain didn’t want them to disappear.
“I have no choice. It’s my job.” They sighed and took a sip of tea.
“We always have a choice.” The villain’s voice was as bitter as their thoughts. The hero would leave them. They would forget about them. They would find someone else. Three months were enough to forget.
“Oh, don’t be angry with me,” the hero said gently. “You’ll find another way to relieve stress. It’s just three months. You’ll find that I’m pretty easily replaceable when it comes to lovers.”
“I don’t want another way,” the villain said. They felt how angry they were getting. They wanted one person. Just one person on this entire earth. Of course that was too much to ask for.
The hero observed them for a while. They didn’t say anything at first but when they did, their voice was soft enough to invoke some kind of melancholy in the villain.
“Is this getting to you?”
“You wouldn’t understand it,” the villain answered. They stared at nothing in particular, angry at themselves, angry at the world, angry at destiny or whatever the fuck was controlling their way.
“I’m fairly certain I’d be the only one who’d understand,” the hero said. They’d always been good at soothing the villain. It was scary how synchronised their thoughts could be.
“Fine. This is getting to me. I can’t explain it. But I’m afraid I’ll always think of you when I look into my future spouse’s eyes in a decade or so. I’m afraid that I’ll always see a fraction of you when I’m in bed with someone else. And now you’ll leave me and I won’t be able to kill those thoughts. There won’t be any reassurance without you.”
“You know I will return, right?” The hero smiled sweetly at them, their beautiful eyes shining. “We can figure it out, I promise.”
“Then why does this feel like a goodbye for good?”
The hero leaned forward and took the villain’s hand.
“Because you’re overthinking. Everything will be alright, I promise. We’ll see each other in three months, I promise.” They squeezed their hand and the villain’s heart skipped a few beats.
However, the hero never returned. They died a day before the mission was completed.
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indras-wife · 5 months
hii, it's nice to see your blog and the uchiha writings especially the nsfw(s) TwT
if I may request some nsfw, can you write about izuna's (you may add indra :3) scenario with an older otsutsuki woman s/o? like, the woman has more power than them but is very submissive in bed and simps for them without any hesitation
thank youu and have a nice dayy
Hi anon!! Thank you so much for the nice words. Being new in writing NSFW content and my works being appreciated makes me so so happy! And thank you for such an interesting request too~!!I had fun writing this request<3<3.Hope you like it and have a nice day too!
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Indra is usually not the type of man who is bewitched by a woman, especially when she is stronger and older than him. During his life he didn't come in contact with many woman who were older than him so he typically does not know how to interact with them and frankly doesn't want to talk with them as well.
His perspective of women in general is very low: they are just baby making machines and nothing else. Sometimes however, he also views them as a way to relieve his sexual frustration. This man has crazy sex drive and needs to release it from time to time. Masturbation helps, but he loves having sex more.
His opinions however start to change when he meets with the beautiful woman who came to the compound one day, claiming to be a friend of his father. The moment Indra saw the woman, he felt her strong chakra, which was even greater than his. This made him feel..jealous. How dare she be stronger than him? She is just a woman! It really made him angry.
As he found out later, the woman, Y/n, was supposed to stay there for some time. Indra for some reason was more agitated upon hearing the news. He really could not bare being close to a woman who was making him feel so inferior. The woman however, wanted to learn more about him, as she was trying to strike conversations with him very every chance she got.
Indra, being the detail-oriented man he is, could not help but notice that with him, she was different. She was not as brave he thought, in fact she was the quite opposite: shy, unable to look at him in the eyes and very hesitant. She was not like that with others, but Indra did not want to spend time thinking about her behavior. He had other things to deal with.
Much to his surprise though, they did get closer. It started when Indra discovered Y/n in the library late at night, reading one of the books his father wrote. They bonded easily with discussing the written ideologies. He couldn't help but admit that she was a very smart woman and he really liked it. He was wek for smart women and Y/n was VERY smart, smarter than any woman he came in contact with.
Slowly, their new found friendship blossomed into something more when one day drunk Y/n, confessed her feelings for him. It was not a simple confession, more like a declaration of lustful wishes. Y/n, in her extremely drunk state, could not help but tell him how much she wanted him to take her and how she has been imagining doing all sorts of things with him ever since she came to the compound. Indra knew she was too shy to tell him that and he guessed the reason for her drinking was to confess her desires.
The older woman, despite being few years older than the man in front of her, felt embarrassed confessing to him. She was expecting that Indra would be angry at her, but oh how surprised she was when Indra grabbed her jaw, turning her face to him and kissing with such passion she has never ever seen. Little did she know, the man was burning in lust for her as much as she was.
Their makeout session turned longer, both of the unable to keep their hands off each other. The lust was too hard to ignore, and they soon fell in the arms of lovemaking, becoming one with one another. Moans and loud sounds filled the room.
Indra was not expecting to feel that good with Y/n, who was making such erotic faces and noises under him that were driving him to the edge. She was so submissive, that Indra couldn't believe she is a holder of such power. She was listening to his every demand and order, getting into positions the younger Otsutsuki was desiring. Indra, who usually would not leave any mark on a woman he was having sex with, was burning with the desire to mark Y/n's body.
In the morning, they both woke up in the same bed, cuddled together. Y/n, upon waking up, did not have any memory of last night, so Indra had to explain it to her, while kissing each hickey he placed on her body. Y/n, now blushing madly, listened to him calmly. Of course, their talk prolonged because Indra wanted to fuck her more and of course taste her. Their age difference was not stopping him and in fact he did not care about it too. As long a Y/n remains that shy, submissive woman he love, he will continue to gladly fuck her to oblivion.
They agreed to continue their meetings, which usually resulted to making love for hours and pleasuring each other however they wanted. Indra was able to train Y/n to go down on him, as he enjoyed watching her be on her knees, his throbbing cock in her mouth. He also loved going down on her, as her shyness, her attempts at trying to cove her moans, was making eating her out even hotter.
Overall, they both found what they desired in each other: Indra, a submissive and shy woman who let him do whatever he desired to her body, and Y/n, a man who was driving her crazy with everything he did and said. A very happy couple indeed with lots of sex drive
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Unlike Indra, Izuna is a ladies man. Oh this man ENJOYS having sex whenever he can and with whoever he can. Age and the power gaps between them was not holding a critical point for him. The only thing that mattered to him was getting his balls empty and his cock sucked till he got tired of it.
His first meeting with the older woman was when he came to his usual brother, angrier than usual. A general fucked up during a meeting and it got Izuna more irritated than it should. His anger could also arise from the fact that he did not get any new woman for some time and was starting to get tired of the ones who he was sleeping with.
That day upon his arrival, as if a gift from heavens itself, he was greeted by the older Otsutsuki woman, who instantly grabbed his attention with her very long greyish hair and emerald eyes, a combination he doesn't see frequently. Her soft, honey dipped voice even sent chills to his body, intriguing his interest even more.
Wanting to spend more time with her, Izuna ordered for others to not interfere and that only Y/n should serve his needs. This of course, surprised everyone, but they didnt dare to question Izuna's decision or else they would lose their heads.
As Y/n was on her knees, a position Izuna himself ordered, serving sake to him, he kept constantly looking at her, asking questions about her life and why he had never seen her before.
"I am new here my lord...Arrived a few days ago.." she spoke softly. "Very well...I assume you then know what this place and why men like me come here, Y/n" he spoke, putting a finger under her jaw and raising her head, his charcoal irises meeting her emerald ones.
"Yes my lord...if you allow me.." she slowly got up, anxiety rising in her chest. During the few days she was here, she never slept with a man, and Izuna would be the first one she has to sleep with. He looked to be a young man, around 20, and Y/n, being in her thirties, felt that she was too old for him. She sighed, unbuttoning her kimono and letting it fall on the floor.
Her naked body looked ready to be devoured, and Izuna was getting impatient at the sight. Oh how he loved new meat~ He pulled her to his lap hard, earning a small moan from her. Y/n could not bring herself to look at him, as she was very shy. Its her first time with a man after all.
"Are you scared of me..~ Maybe shy..?" Izuna asked, nibbling her neck as his hand found its way between her legs. He felt her heartbeat increase, which made him chuckle. He could tell this woman was not an ordinary one, but why was she so shy around him? A woman who was working in a brothel was shy to let a man touch her. Absurd.
Izuna however was no monster. As much as he wanted to just plunge himself in her, to feel her tightness and pound her hard as if there's no tomorrow, he held himself back. Instead of his usual tactic, Izuna decided to first calm her and reassure her. He put her on the bed, caressing her body and planting soft kisses. His skillful finger were rubbing her clit, earning few moans out of her.
The more he rubbed and fingered her, the more she relaxed. She was stills shy, closing her legs from time to time and trying to cover her naked body. Her attempts were futile of course, as Izuna stopped her each time. When she reached her climax and released hard, moaning his name sweetly, Izuna decided she was ready. He was throbbing the whole time, his cock ready to get out of his pants and plunge in her tight cunt.
He got rid of his clothes swiftly and thrusted hard in her, pulling her legs on his shoulder at the same time. It took some time to get adjusted to his size, but she was soon a moaning mess, her nails digging in his back and her begging him t fuck her harder and faster.
Oh how could Izuna ignore such sweet pleas? He would never forgive him if he didn't satisfy her, so he kept fucking her like there was no tomorrow. Her feminine energy was turning him hard, making him fuck her for the whole night. Izuna usually would not sleep with someone that long, but she felt so right to him that he could not stop himself. He fully emptied himself inside her, his cum running down her thighs and legs, a sight he is never tired of seeing.
When they woke up in the morning, Izuna felt more satisfied than he ever did with anyone. Y/n, was happy that she could satisfy him, but in her heart she still felt anxious. What if he gets mad upon finding out how old she is. And her origin as well. She was able to disguise as a mere mortal by masking her chakra, but she could not keep it for a long time. With guilt in his heart, she confessed her age and her origin to Izuna, explaining how she is in her thirties and that she isn't even human, but an alien.
"Alien pussy is really good then. I must be the only man who fucked a hot alien! And for your age...sweetheart I could care less really. You being older doesnt matter at all, after all I loved fucking an older woman like you more than others in my age range" he spoke calmly. This brought calmness to Y/n, as she did not have the need to hide her true self anymore.
From that moment on, every time Iuzna visited the same brother, Y/n already knew he would desire her and each time she would waste no time running to him. She was still embarrassed every time, but it didnt stop Izuna from fucking his now favorite woman.
A little bonus thingy~
Both of the men, being head over heels in love with their older women, asked their hand in marriage. Their families, Hagoromo and Madara, were of course against the marriage, but Indra and Izuna did not care one bit. They wanted to spend their lives with women who matched their vibes and completed them, and that's what they did in the end.
No disapproving glares of his father and no discouraging words from his big brother were able to stop these two men. After all, they both get what they want, even if the world is against them.
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deluxewhump · 8 months
The Scry
Ch 1: Does Precognitive 4 Have a Name?
-This is a repost to rebuild vanished posts and broken links on the masterlist. Thanks for understanding.-
CW: whumpee with powers, human trafficking, forced labor, forced use of powers, whumpee meets caretaker, restraints, mention of neglect and abuse
Spartan Enterprises - Baltimore, MD. 9:15 AM EST
Max moved into his current office three months ago when the previous occupant rage-quit mid quarterly meeting in a full room of directors. 
Full length windows let in plenty of natural light, even on rainy days. He had a desk outfitted with three monitors and a laptop, a miniature fridge, and an armchair for any visiting colleagues. He liked the privacy of an actual office, though it was oppressively quiet sometimes. He could select his own music to play out of the ceiling speakers though, possibly the biggest improvement since leaving a cubicle. They were out there listening to their fourth rotation of Christmas Classics against their wills, hours before lunch.
And now he was getting a Christmas bonus.
“It’s open,” he called when a knock finally came on his office door at 9:15. 
He was relieved to see a familiar blonde bob, purplish lipstick and bright eyes poke in. Cecelia. “Hey, Max? Uhm. Delivery.”
“Thank God,” he said, standing and rounding his desk. “I was picturing the secret service. Men in Black.”
“Oh no, just regular package dropoff detail,” she laughed nervously, holding the door mostly shut still so that she was just peeking her head in. 
Max stopped a few feet from the door, tilting his head. “So? Is it with you?”
Cissy winced. “He is. Yeah. Uhm… God, could you maybe sit down?”
“Sit down?”
“You’re just… you’re big and intimidating, Max, you’ll see what I mean in a sec. Just siddown, will you?”
Normally he would’ve teased her about being bossy, maybe said something about her Boston accent. Today he went back behind his desk and sat down. She watched him until he was seated a safe distance from the door before she swung it open slowly, letting into his view a tall, slender boy with a mess of dark wavy hair. He was young, but the circumstances made it hard to guess how old he might be. His eyes were big and dark, ringed with purple circles and yellow bruising running along his cheekbones, his jaw. His hands were cuffed in front of him with angry red ligatures on the wrists. The cuffs were a garish, matte orange.
He wore beige clothes, as if they had been white once but were so dingy and uncared for they now were a stained eggshell color. The pristine newness of his white tennis shoes stood out against the rest of his clothes. 
Cissy bit her lip, watching Max’s reaction. 
“Can you shut the door, Cissy?”
She nudged the precog a few more steps so she could comply. It didn’t go unnoticed when she turned the tab lock on the doorknob. 
“Max,” she said softly. “This is Precognitive 4. Assigned to you.”
Max eyed the boy again. He was younger than he’d anticipated this thing being. The slight frame he’d noticed before looked, upon closer inspection, to be some degree of malnutrition. Those yellowing marks were almost certainly bruises. 
“Does Precognitive 4  have a name?”
The boy’s eyes flashed up to meet his, but went right back to the floor. The cuffs made a tinkling metallic sound as they clicked together . They were real, despite being orange like the cap on a toy gun.
“His name is Carlo,” Cissy answered for him, giving him a nudge and a reassuring smile. “Carlo, this is Max Kelly.” She leaned closer, though he could still hear what she whispered to him.  “You’re gonna be fine with him, honey. He’s nice.”
“We haven’t, uh. We haven’t had any training yet…”
“Oh yeah, that’s fine. I know, I know. It’ll be on your calendar sometime today. We can just do it online, everyone can hop on the link. It’s a power point, a few videos. Not a big deal. And the gist of the whole thing is, you know… they can tell you how they work best, because they’re not all the same. So it’s more like you and your assignment will be training each other.” She smiled brightly, though there was something tense behind it. She had reservations about this. By 9:15, this one was likely not the first she had delivered.
“Okay,” he smiled back, probably just as strained. “Thanks, Cissy.”
“No problem,” she said, turning to the door. “Oh!”
She came up to his desk, setting down a pair of tiny silver keys. “They uhm… for the handcuffs.”
Max lowered his voice. “Why the handcuffs in the first place? Are they a flight risk or something?”
“No, no. It’s a legal thing. For transport, and you’re supposed to be the only one to take them off. Or … leave them on.”
“Leave them on?”
She winced. “Those were the instructions.”
He didn’t know what else to say. She was clearly not pleased, and holding back, and trying to do her job as she always did, with a bubbly little front so everyone would like her. He wanted to tell her to drop it when she got tired of it, that he’d like her anyway.
He kept his voice low, making sure she was between him and the precog so he was less likely to hear what they were whispering about. “Is this not kind of fucked?”
She dropped her voice to the barest breath. “It’s completely fucked. Just take good care of him. What else can you do?”
“If I refuse him…”
“No,” she hissed, eyes widening. “He’d go to fucking Austin, Max. He was next in line.”
He gave her a knowing look. Austin was a grade-A prick and a pain in everyone’s ass. He didn’t need to be handed a rare, vulnerable thing like the one standing in the middle of his office floor right now. “Ok. Exactly.”
She straightened up, her voice at a normal volume again. “I’ll swing by before I leave today, I’ve got a teeny little checklist they want us to go over with you guys to have on file.”
She paused in front of the precog like she wanted to say something else, dropped her chin, and slipped out the door without another backward glance. 
“Hi,” Max said now that they were alone. “Can I take those things off your wrists?”
The boy glanced down as if he didn’t remember what he had on his wrists. He looked at Max warily, eyes drifting to the keys. 
“They look like they hurt. Do they?” 
Do you feel pain? Are you really just a human?
He responded by taking a tentative step forward in those white tennis shoes, then another. When he was reasonably close to Max’s desk he stopped, raising his eyes. 
“Thanks,” Max said, slowly reaching for the keys and picking them up off the desk. He held them up, ready to turn in the lock if the boy would meet him halfway. 
Slowly, gingerly, he raised his wounded wrists close enough to the key that they were in Max’s reach. He leaned over his desk, tilting his head to better see the keyhole. He tried to insert the key without applying much pressure, knowing the metal was biting into the angry skin there. A little push. A twist. The cuffs fell open and the precog flinched as they fell to the ground at his feet. He turned his hands palm-up, looking at the damage to the underside of his wrists. 
“I’m sorry about that,” Max said. “I really don’t see why anyone felt those were necessary. Do you want to sit down?” He gestured to the armchair. The precog eyed it but did not oblige him. 
“You need something to drink, Carlo?” he asked, making sure to use his name. A hopeful flash came into his eyes and was hidden a moment later.
“If you’d like, Sir.”
“Oh. Max,” he corrected gently. “Call me Max. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together, by the looks of it. Might as well get used to each other. This is my office. I’ll set you up a work space, of course. Once they tell us what the hell is going on, that is.” He smiled, trying to put the precog at ease and failing. 
“Work space?” the boy echoed timidly. 
He can speak, Max thought with relief. 
“Mhm. I mean, once we figure out how we’re gonna do this.”
The boy paled. “Do what?”
Max stared at him. “You don’t know?”
He flinched. “N-no, Sir. I— I’m sorry, I…I wasn’t told where I was going. Or… why…” he trailed off. 
“It’s okay,” Max placated, holding out his hands in what he hoped was a universal gesture of goodwill. “Sounds like we’re in the same boat then, kid. I’ll fill you in with all I know, though it isn’t much. We can ask each other questions.”
“Sit down,” Max instructed this time, instead of asking. He fetched an unopened lemonade from the mini fridge Eddie had left last week. He twisted it open and handed it to the boy at arm’s length so he didn’t have to get too close to him. The precog took it, drinking carefully at first and then eagerly. 
He sat in the armchair, watching Max’s every move. Max pulled his desk chair around, closer but not too close, and sat down.
“I’ve worked here for five years. This organization is called Spartan Enterprises, or just Spartan. We’re like a credit reporting bureau but a little different. I run an account here. I’m not management of any kind, I’m just an account exec. I happened to have a pretty good year last year, and that’s the reason I got selected to get… to get one of you. I guess they’re hoping we can work together, and you can use your… abilities to help me make good decisions. Really good decisions.”
The precog watched him guardedly. He looked so lost. Max wanted to call Ingrid, tell her to come help him.
“I don’t know how much you know about all this, but your… Well, precognitives have just now been made available to the general public. Actually, not the general public, you’re way too expensive for that. For the super rich, I guess. And organizations, like Spartan. We… the public, I mean- civilians- don’t know the first thing about you guys.”
The precog seemed disturbed by that, kept looking Max over like he was the anomaly in this office, not the other way around. 
“You can ask me things,” Max said gently. “Anything you’d like.”
The boy took another parched dreg from the lemonade. “How do you… make money here?”
Max sat back in his chair, folded his ankle over his knee. “I get other businesses to agree to work with ours. With me. I execute a contract. We provide a valuable service. Information. The information helps them make money and stay out of lawsuits. They pay us what we agreed to in the contract. The surplus goes in Spartan’s pocket. I get a cut of that surplus. As well as a salary.”
The precog worked that through for a moment. “And that’s all legal?”
“And using me to… to help… is that legal, too?”
Max remembered what he’d read in the article to Simon last night about precogs being used for various illegal ventures, insider trading and ripping off casinos.
“It is, yeah. All above board. We’ve got a legal team who reviews everything we do very carefully. This is a big initiative. An expensive one. I’m sure it was gone over with a fine tooth comb. And even if something changes, it would fall on the organization. Not me. Certainly not you.’
That struck some chord. He looked up sharply, and Max got the impression he was both wary and hopeful at the same time. Max wanted to ask where he’d been before this. Had he been one of the repossessed precogs?
“Can I ask you something now?”
He nodded almost imperceptibly. 
“How old are you?”
He blinked. “I’m twenty.”
“Are you hurt, other than what I can obviously see?”
He pulled at his sleeves habitually, like they would hide the marks on his wrists. They weren’t long enough. “No,” he whispered.
He looked cold, at the very least. Max pulled his jacket off the back of his chair. To his dismay, the boy flinched back in the armchair like he was going to be struck in the nose.
“Easy,” Max said gently. He spread the jacket like a blanket and slowly, carefully, draped it over the boy’s legs. “You look cold.”
You can feel cold, right? And of course you feel pain, or they wouldn’t have hit you. You wouldn’t flinch from me the way you do, like you’re scared of me. You’re not an alien, or robot, or even some kind of lab experiment. You’re just a kid.
The precog pulled the jacket up close to his chest, shivering slightly into the body warmth left over from where Max’s back had been pressed against it.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” Max told him. “I know this must be really unsettling. And no one told you what was going on. But you’re with me now, and I promise it’s all going to be very above-board. No one wants to get you in trouble. It’s gonna bore you to tears, actually.”
The precog surprised him with a hint of a smile.
“And I don’t really know what’s going on either, but I’ll figure it out, and I’ll always tell you anything once I know. But there’s a couple things I do know. I’ll never hurt you, for one. I’m not gonna hit you. No one here is going to lay a hand on you. I’ll feed you, get you real clothes. I’ll make sure you’re comfortable. And I won’t ask for anything you tell me you can’t give.”
The precog had turned his head to look out the window. He nodded sharply. When he turned back, he ducked his head to swipe at his eyes. He was crying.
Max felt an unexpectedly sharp tug at his heart. Oh, fuck me.
He rolled his chair back to his desk and opened one of the drawers to a semi-organized mess of extra pens, an old wireless keyboard, and a travel pack of kleenex. He ripped open the plastic with his teeth and wheeled closer again, offering a tissue to the crying boy.
He took it, ducking his head into it in shame so he wouldn’t have to look at Max or let him see. 
“I’m gonna leave you alone for a sec,” Max told him stiffly. He wanted to comfort him, but he didn’t know how. Maybe it was the comfort he’d offered in his words that set the kid off in the first place.
 “I’m gonna run up to the cafe and get you something to eat. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”
As soon as he shut his office door and stepped into the hallway, he heard a single muffled, ragged sob from the other side of the wall. 
Jesus Christ, Spartan, he thought as he headed to the elevator. What the fuck did you buy us?
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avirael · 7 days
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This Home of Mine
How had it come to this?, Aviloh asked himself as the argument around him began to get louder. Somehow he had known it would all end horribly one day. He just had hoped it would take a little longer. He only had himself to blame for this, he thought as his eyes fearfully scanned the crowd that was slowly gathering around them.
There at the sidelines stood U‘khaya with a gleeful expression on her face. She knew this would happen, he realised. But A’viloh wasn’t the kind of person to blame her for what happened…
U‘khuba‘s twin sister had always been following the boys around even when they all had still been kids. She had been a brave and stubborn little girl, maybe a little mean sometimes but not more so than her brother. A‘viloh had always thought she was following them because of Khuba - twins being inseparable or something. Never had he imagined the reason would be Laqa instead.
Of course he could have guessed it. Everyone loved Laqa! Apparently Khaya wasn’t an exception in this matter.
That evening - before the argument - A‘viloh had waited for quite some while by the pond. They had always used to hide there when they still had been kids, every time the other boys had stirred trouble or teased the girls.
By now it was one of the spots Laqa and him sometimes used as meeting points when they sneaked out of the settlement together. But today the other Miqo’te had arrived so late, A‘viloh had already started to wonder if something had happened.
“There you are!”, Aviloh said relieved as Laqa finally appeared just when he was about to go searching for him. “I was already worried. Did something happen?”
The blonde Miqo’te made an annoyed face. “Just Khaya happened…”
A’viloh didn’t understand. “Khaya? What’s wrong with her?”
“Everything apparently!”, Laqa exclaimed disgruntled, which made A‘viloh even more confused.
Laqa sighed.
“She waylaid me on my way outside.”, he explained but couldn’t help to look a little angry still. “Started talking some nonsense about how impressed she was about the quarry from our last hunt and how it is a shame that it isn’t me leading the tribe instead of father.”
A’viloh furrowed his brows, still not quite connecting the dots. Laqa grimaced. “Then she threw herself at me and tried to kiss me.”
“She what?”, A‘viloh exclaimed a little louder than intended, with a mix of shock and disbelief on his face.
Laqa raised his hands in a calming manner. “Don’t worry! I of course told her that I am not interested. Like I ever would be anyway! We may be almost the same age but she is still my mother’s sister. What was she even thinking, Vi?”
A‘vi shrugged but couldn’t help to remember something one of Laqa’s sisters had once told him. “Lamana mentioned that Khaya didn’t agree with some of U‘odh‘s opinions. She thought her and Khuba were still mad with him because of their father…”
“That makes no sense! They have no reason for that! It’s not like father threw them all out!”, Laqa said annoyed. “Alone because of mom he wouldn’t have! Anyway, grandpa had been old already, if not father then someone else would sooner or later have challenged him. All of them were always treated equally. Why would they be mad?”
A’viloh gave another shrug and smiled weakly. “Maybe it’s none of that and she really just is a little in love with you… I can’t blame her…”
Laqa lightly glared at him, as if he wanted to say “this isn’t funny”, but couldn’t help to grin himself.
“It’s still absurd!”, he said while shaking his head.
“You think?”, A‘viloh asked and chuckled. “I wouldn’t be surprised if half the village was secretly in love with you.”
Laqa made a sound somewhere between an annoyed huff and a suppressed laugh. Then he stretched out a hand for A‘viloh to take. As A‘viloh did so Laqa pulled him closer and wrapped his arms around him. “Too bad for them that the only one I will ever love is you.”
All too willingly - too carelessly! - A’viloh melted into the other Miqo’te’s embrace. Laqa saying things like this never failed to give him a warm and fuzzy feeling. Just as much as Laqa kissing him always made his heart skip a beat and his mind go silent.
Gently A‘viloh wrapped his arms around the taller Miqo’te’s neck, like an invitation to pull him even closer and deepen their kiss, when suddenly a sound appeared nearby. Their ears, currently slightly drooped, attentively shot up and both Miqo’te instinctively turned to see where the unexpected sound had come from.
Without doubt, there by one of the larger rocks nearby, eyes wide and mouth agape in disbelief, stood a Miqo’te girl with dark hair and bright blue eyes.
This was the exact moment A‘viloh knew he was in trouble.
“Khaya…”, Laqa was the first one to find his voice again. He sounded almost as if he wanted to reassure a shy animal, but it only made the girl unfreeze, whirl around and run away. “No! Khaya, wait!”, Laqa called and ran after her. He probably wanted to explain, wanted to beg her to stay silent, but A‘viloh knew it was too late already.
With his heart hammering against his chest and his thoughts racing he stood there and just watched them go. For a second he wondered what he should do now. But he had nowhere else to go, probably no one else who would defend him apart from Laqa. So slowly he followed back to the settlement, wishing he could just vanish into thin air.
“Tell me this isn’t the thruth.”, U‘odh demanded from his son. His voice was still relatively calm but there already was a tone in it, a kind of threatening sound that also reflected on his face.
For a moment the thought crossed A’viloh’s mind, that Laqa could simply have lied. That he simply could have denied everything. Maybe, just maybe, his father would have believed him.
But that wasn’t like Laqa.
“It’s true!”, Laqa admitted and turned his face a little bit to look at A‘viloh, who so far had stood a few steps behind him, trying to stay out of U’odh’s attention. “A‘vi and I are a couple.”
A murmur went through the crowd and somehow even A‘viloh felt surprised to hear him say this so bluntly for everyone to hear. U‘odh laughed, but it lacked any humor. A’viloh already looked very uncomfortable but when the nunh’s sharp eyes landed on him, he almost flinched away and cast his eyes down to the ground.
“That weak little welp?!”, U’odh spat out, speaking to his son but still looking and pointing at A’viloh. “What do you want with him?! He’s good for nothing!”
A’viloh had never quite understood this either. There were so many better people than him and still Laqa had chosen him instead. Carefully A‘viloh glimpsed up at Laqa and could see his whole body tense up against the nunh’s insulting words. Stubbornly Laqa stared into his father’s eyes and growled.
“Don’t you dare to speak of him like that! I don’t care if he can fight or not, he is kind and wonderful and I love him!”
But U‘odh simply shook his head and laughed condescendingly.
“Love?! Don’t be foolish now… you know nothing about love.”
That had been too much for Laqa.
Usually no one dared to speak up against U‘odh no matter how harsh his words sometimes were. But Laqa, in a way just like his father and in another just like his mother, never had known how to back down. The anger about the situation and also about his father didn’t help, so his next words sounded especially blunt and sharp, more so than he probably truly thought.
“More than you! You wouldn’t recognise love if it stood right in front of you! Because you are just a bitter resentful man who doesn’t know how to love!”
Shocked gasps sounded from the crowd and everybody stared at either Laqa or his father, waiting for a reaction. For a few long seconds both remained silent. But while Laqa just stared at the older Miqo’te with a stubborn, unyielding face, the nunh‘s face changed slowly but entirely. All the mockery faded from his face and instead his expression turned to an angry snarl.
A‘viloh knew he would only end up in the crossfire but if he didn’t do something now, they would certainly fight and that was the last thing any of them could want. He didn’t really know what to say but scraped up all his bravery and stepped forward a bit. Trying to divert their attention from each other he spoke up, still quiet but clearly audible against this deadly silence.
“Please stop, I don’t —“
But U’odh wasn’t going to listen to whatever he had to say. Furiously he whirled towards him and stepped closer with wild rage in his eyes.
“No one allowed YOU to speak, you pathetic little weakling! Get out of my sight, you are none of my kin and I never want to see your whiny face again! You are nothing but a parasite and I have suffered your presence here for long enough! Begone! You are no longer welcome here!”
Of course. A‘viloh had expected this but it still hurt to hear these words out loud. He tried not to cry but already looked quite miserable already, even without tears. U’odh however wasn’t done with him yet.
“Oh, how I regret the day I allowed you to stay here! I wish you had just died with the rest of your miserable family!”, the nunh hissed and looked as if he was about to attack A‘viloh with more than just hurtful words.
With tears in his eyes A‘viloh shivered in fear and flinched away. He had never seen U’odh so furious before. But before the man could loose his self-control entirely and really tried to strike at him, Laqa stepped between them and protectively wrapped his arms around A‘viloh.
Instantly everything went silent again. Everyone seemed shocked by what had happened or what U’odh had just said. Even the nunh himself seemed stunned when he saw his son’s disgusted face, staring at him. But U‘odh was not the kind of man to give in or admit his failures. Instead he quietly but sharply said, “Don’t look at me so. My word is final. He is none of our family and I want him gone by tomorrow.”
With a strange mixture of defiance and sadness Laqa looked at his father for a moment, before he spoke.
“In that case I don’t consider you my family any longer either. A place where A‘vi isn’t welcome I cannot call my home. If you send him away, I will go with him!”
Briefly a shadow crossed his face but then U’odh looked entirely unfazed again.
“Where would you even go?”, he asked and shook his head dismissively.
“Anywhere but here...”, Laqa replied coldly and turned to A’viloh. “Let’s go and pack our things.”
All of this had happened so suddenly A’viloh still could not quite believe it. No matter what U’odh had said, for him this place was still his home and the people here the closest thing he had to a family. He didn’t want to leave.
“What? Now?”, he asked and pleadingly looked to Laqa, hoping that there was some way to make everything right after all.
“Yes! I’m sure we can stay with the Flames for one night and tomorrow morning we leave.”
His decision seemed to be final, just as U’odh’s. What was A’viloh supposed to do against that?
Laqa made a point of taking A‘viloh’s hand so everyone could see it and knew to whom his loyalty belonged. Slowly he let his gaze wander over the crowd of curious faces giving them one last chance to speak up but they all remained silent.
With a last disappointed look at his father he turned around and walked away, unconcerned that they all stared at them as they left.
#ffxiv#ff14#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#ffxiv writing#ffxiv screenshots#ff14 screenshots#ffxiv gpose#gpose#Aviloh Tia#Laqa Tia#I'm sorry for writing Avi in distress again...#but I was thinking about writing this for so long now it was only a matter of when instead of if#Besides now me not using the U for Laqa's name tag maybe makes some more sense XD#btw the title is a line of lyrics#I wonder if anyone recognizes it...#probably not though...#Its from a song called Family by Badflower#It may not fit perfectly... maybe its more of a Laqa song... but I think it has good bits for each of their feelings probably...#besides am I the only person wondering if Miqo’te have a rather Targaryen approach to relationships?#once again I feel like I have to say a few defending words about U’odh xD#First it wasn’t the fact of A‘vi being a guy that annoyed him - I think that’s pretty much not an issue in this world#Just the fact that Miqo’te culture seems very survival of the fittest to me#and A‘vi while helping with whatever work there is in the village is just not particularly strong or anything#also I think U‘odh honestly loves all of his children just can’t show it very well due to this whole you have to look strong mentality xD#I also think he at least really loved Laqa’s mother after all I imagine he challenged her father just so he was allowed to be with her…#Tbh I build so much background lore about this whole family in my head it’s absolutely ridiculous xD#Maybe an issue for him not approving Laqa being in love with someone as weak as A’viloh is also Laqa’s mother#I imagine she was a good hunter but also didn’t have a good health and died of some sickness resulting from that which broke his heart#enough rambling of lore I should put into text instead of here 🙈
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gumigo · 1 year
~ Hihii, here comes my little heart breaker. It's all fluff in the end, so don't worry ;)
~ Sarah
Tattooed Heart | word count: 2009
Satoru × Reader
• You and Satoru have been a couple for quiet some time now. You have even been dating since your days at Jujutsu Hjgh, but with your now completely different schedules you two haven't been seeing each other a lot, despite living in the same apartment.
It has been rough on you two, both of you being deprived of each other, stressed in each their own way but no one to lean on. Sadness and frustration grew with each day you twos schedule works passed each other.
It might have been the cause of slight arguments turning into bigger once in the small time frame you do see each other.
It's close to 12 pm, you got stuck up with a spontaneous mission. You didn't even have time to text Satoru. Which wouldn't just go pass him.
His voice was already heated and all that was left to give him was a sigh. You had no energy to even try to fight him today.
You walk into the livingroom, with him just standing there. watching you agitated.
"Hey... I'm sorry I got hold up-"
"That's what you always say. Everytime. While I sit here waiting for you."
Another big sigh left you. God, was it infuriating.
"What do you think I'm doing when you're gone late?"
Your voice may sounded a bit more pissed than intended.
"Oh, atleast I have the courtesy to text you and don't let you worry the whole night!"
His voice got loud and the last few weeks came rushing into your head in seconds. All you did was fight if you even saw each other. Sometimes you guys didn't see each other for days straight. This was a nightmare.
You closed you eyes and ran through your hair, trying to ignore the stinging in your eyes and throat.
"... I brought food... I didn't know if you ate."
You're voice was strained and quiet. Your energy was not enough to fight him tonight. All you wanted was a hug from him. One so sincere. The one you guys used to share everyday.
Instead, you were walking into the kitchen, putting down the take out food and seeing  the mess you two left in the sink.
You laughed. Out of frustration.
"What's funny?"
He was still mad. But you were too.
"The dishes. I asked you two times to do them. Because I knew I wouldn't have time..."
You shook your head in disbelief and still laughing. This was too exhausting. But at this point, was it your lives or just the two of you?
"... I was... I was worried sick because you didn't answer... You can't just not answer for hours!"
In the way he talked, you could sense this was much more than him just being annoyed. It was frustration. Anger. Sadness, if you dare to guess.
When you looked over, it confirmed it all. His face, rather worried and soft than agitated and angry like it was before.
It was a relieve to see his face but it confused you even more about what was happening.
"Satoru, what the hell..."
You pushed yourself up against the sink, letting your head fall down, failing to suppress what you have been suppressing for weeks.
Some tears start falling down your cheeks as you tried to gather yourself.
Satorus voice sounded so soft. Softer than it has been in the last few weeks.
"What are we doing?"
Your voice broke entirely, way too worked up to try to calm yourself.
Hesitantly, Satoru came closer. Unsure how to react. Normally he would just hug you, so tight, until it felt better. Or talk to you if you needed that. But... This time around, he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure what to do. So many things happened, it felt like the two of you lost a part of each other. He hoped that wasn't true. The two of you were what he had the most faith in. He couldn't lose that. Not you.
"I... don't know..."
He whispered as a response. Tears were forming in his eyes aswell, as he watched you hurt. Hurt by everything you two have been doing. He never thought you two would be able to hurt each other like this.
"I don't... god, those dishes are disgusting."
Your distracted by the smell of the dishes which made you step away from the sink fast, still sobbing.
"I'm sorry... I should've done the dishes... but you should've-"
"It's not about the damn dishes!"
You screamed. Never did you scream at him like that. Not with so much offense. And his reaction surely told you he never suspected you to react like that.
His eyes are big and a wave of dissapointment was visibly washing over him.
"I miss you..."
Those words tremble over your lips as your sobs grew louder.
That was it. That was all to it there was. You missed him. Those dishes? Done in 30 minutes. Who cares. But you can't remember the last time you talked about anything else than what was bothering. You can't remember the last hug you two shared. It was aweful. All you wanted was him to be the boyfriend again you had a year ago. Watching random movies and not making it past the first 30 minutes without him getting a little too distracted by you. Or crashing on each other after a long day, not caring what happened as long as the other person layed beside you. It all came down to just wanting back the little goodnight and good morning kisses, even if the other person wasn't fully awake yet.
You hugged yourself as you desprately followed every little movement he made.
His eyes dropped soft, his shoulders relaxed and he was finally back to seeing you. The you he thought he lost for a moment. But he didn't. He saw you right there, sad, frustrated and desperate. Everything he was aswell. He doesn't remember the last time they ate dinner together. Nor does he remember the last time there was a smile on her face when he entered the room, which was something he missed so dearly. He missed it all. Even your annoying little karaoke sessions in the morning when he was still asleep. God, did he miss you.
"... I miss you, too."
His whisper was barely audible but enough for you to hear. He came closer once again and just wrapped his arms around you. In such a captivating way, that you thought he would never let you leave. And nothing less you gave back.
His warm embrace relaxed you so easily. You forgot how soothing his touch was. You felt his heart beat slow down and his head sinking into your neck. His breath was warm on your neck.
You leaned your whole body against his, feeling safe and sound right there.
Your arms were caressing his back slighty, which made him calm down so easy. He loved it. Qhen he felt you leaning against him, he smiled. You finally felt safe enough to do this again. He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, realizing how much he missed your soft skin, your scent and your warmth.
You shrug as his lips touch your neck and a giggle left your mouth.
"Ticklish? Hm.. that's new."
He teased as he continued to spread some kisses on your neck. He knew damn well you were sensitive right there.
"You're annoying."
You giggled as you looked up to him, forcing him away from your neck. A smug smile was planted in his lips and his eyes were loving, just how you remembered. You missed those eyes.
He saw your red eyes, flushed cheeks complimented by your adorable smile. It hurt him to see your exhausted eyes but he enjoyed the love behind them. He couldn't fathom how someone could look so adorable and loving.
"Can't we just do this instead of screaming at each other?"
He whispered against your lips softly, nodging your nose in the process.
"I'm down."
You whisper back making his eyes light up.
"I... have a better idea."
He let's go off you and walks around the kitches island. Dumbfounded, you stood there, feeling empty and cold after his warmth disappeared.
A few clicks on his phone later, the kitchen was filled with music. You recognized the song immediately, it being one of the many songs you guys put together on a playlist. Slow and beautiful, romantic, cheesy if you will. A curios smile was written on your face, meeting his favorable grin.
He stepped back to you, holding his right hand out for you to reach. A laugh left you.
"May I?"
His voice, playful and determined. Who are you to say no?
When he got your hand, he pulled you close. One of his hands landing on your waist while the hand holding the hand you gave him held it steady, caressing yours slightly. Your remaining hand laying on his  chest.
"You're cheesy."
You teased, knowing very well that you liked it. He knew that aswell.
"Remember who put the song in the playlist..."
He whispered into your ear as he slowly began moving the two of you to the music. Slow, steady and  gentle.
The movements were soft, intimate and everything you needed that night. You couldn't hold back your giggles when his eyes met yours. It felt like you were fifteen again, even if it was just for a moment.
His heart was full when he saw you blush slightly at his glance. Your laugh was the one thing he missed most. It used to lighten up the whole room but it seemed dimmed lately. But your giggles made his face light back up.
"There's my girl..."
His words made her heart ache. She knew she wasn't her usual self. Just like he wasn't his. Feeling each other like this again felt like a blessing.
"... Those dishes still have to get cleaned, though."
You teased making his eyes roll back.
In the same breath, he made you turn your back to him so he could hug you from behind and lean his head gently on your shoulder, never once leaving the movement to the music behind.
"I'll do them when we're finished here."
Softly, he left a kiss on your cheek. Like a reassurance to not worry.
"We can do them together. Less time, more fun."
He laughed slightly, hugging you tightly.
"I don't think I'll ever be entertained by washing dishes."
His voice sounded rather disgusted at the thought of washing dishes. Granted. They were disgusting.
"I'll gag the whole time. Laugh at that or something."
Playfully annoyed I answered.
"Let's gag together, then."
Both of you chuckled. His head leaned against yours. He didn't want to move on from this. At this point, the dancing conisted out of swaying left and right. But it was peaceful.
"... Can you text me next time your out late? I was really worried."
He asked hesitantly.
"I will. I'm sorry. It was very on the spot."
He sighs in relief.
"It's alright."
You smiled. That's how it should be. No unreasonable arguing. Just understanding.
You turned back around to him, staring up into his blue piercing eyes.
"Let's do this always like this. No screaming. No harsh arguing. I don't want to spend the little time we have screaming at each other."
He smiled. Nodding.
"I don't even know how we let it get that far."
Gently he pushed back one of your hairstrains behind your ear with all the care in the world. It was clear no one wanted to hurt each other here. Just two young adults stumbling on their way into adulthood.
You shook your head, not wanting to think too much about what exactly let it get that far.
"Doesn't matter. It's done and over."
He agreed with a small nod.
"Let's eat the food I brought... Uh! And let's watch movie... we can do the dishes after... Oh, do you have to be up early?... Please say no."
You tried to move away to get the food quickly, atleast wanting to eat with him but he held you right there. Smiling down at you.
"I love you. No matter what happened or happens, I love you."
Startled you tried to look through him. All his eyes gave away were sincerity. It's been a while since those words sounded so sincere. Not muttered under his breath, no. Facing you, saying them loud and cleary.
"I love you, too. A ton, actually. Forgotten dishes are not going to be the reason I will stop loving you."
Both your laughters filled the room with light, for the first time in months.
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trentslfcc · 2 months
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Eye to eye 2
Chapter 15🤍
"Hi babe." Trent spoke immediately as Ella answered the phone, trying to conjure up the confidence to tell her. He didn't want to upset her at all, but he had to be honest. Relationships were supposed to be fuelled by love, loyalty and honesty.
"Hi." Ella greeted her boyfriend back, sounding as if she was softly smiling, hearing his voice again. She had been busy all evening but she had her phone with her.
"You okay?" He questioned her before he was going to tell her the news which he guessed that she didn't want to hear.
"I'm okay. You?" She spoke back, with a tone that Trent knew all to well. He closed his eyes before he answered her question.
"I'm okay." He confirmed, pinching his eyes closed again as he was about to finally be able to tell her everything. This was something he never wanted to do again. "I need to tell you something."
"Mhm." She didn't verbally respond, but she let out a sound so that Trent knew to carry on speaking.
"So, you know when I told you that Sabrina wanted to speak to me?" Trent muttered as the nerves were still very much present in his stomach. Ella let out the same sound as a reply to his question, wanting to know the rest. "We talked it out and she apologised but then after the conversation, I got up to leave and she tried to kiss me. I pulled away immediately though."
"I know." Ella confessed to him and she sounded like she was getting out a sweet packet out. It was like 10:30 pm in Spain and she was eating sweets. Classic Ella.
"You know?" Trent was shocked to have heard what his girlfriend had just said. If she knew, then why didn't she sound angry at him? He would've thought that she would be.
"Yeah, the girls told me." She affirmed to him. Ella's phone had been spammed an hour ago by them. She couldn't ask for better friends. Of course they had told her.
"So you're not upset about it?" Trent noticed her tone sounded different to what he had imagined it would in his head. He had expected her to be fuming.
"I was at first. I was very upset. I was really annoyed but then I remembered it wasn't your fault. The girls told me that you were angry at her for trying to kiss you and that you walked away straight after. I don't know why she keeps going, but I trust you baby and I know you would never cheat or anything." Ella stated, causing Trent to be relieved. She knew how much he loved her. "And then I wondered why it wasn't you telling me first but Jess told me that you were driving back to Tyler's so I get it. You know I don't like it when you call and drive cos' you get distracted."
"Yes baby I know." Trent chuckled softly. Ella was perfect. She was so understanding, more understanding then he could comprehend. How was she so amazing? "I'm sorry I didn't tell you first. I didn't know how to tell you."
"Well, you've told me now and everything's fine. I have no reason to be upset with you." Ella replied to him with a smile on her face. Trent was so grateful that it was Ella he was in love with because he didn't think anyone else would be able to have the patience to deal with this ongoing situation. "Let's stop talking about it now."
"How's Jude?" He asked, changing the topic of the conversation, finally. He hadn't seen Jude in a while but it wasn't the longest he had gone without seeing him.
"He's fine but he's being annoying as ever." Ella rolled her eyes thinking about how demanding he had been of her. He missed his sister and so when he would see her, he wanted to spend as much time with her as possible. Now with Jaida being there, they both had too. It wasn't that she didn't like hanging out with her brother, it was that she was exhausted and wanted to sleep sometimes. "He's been asking me and Jaida to go everywhere with him. I'm tired of being a third wheel. Next time, we should do it to him, see how he feels."
"Baby, he's just clingy." Trent giggled at her words. "And he's been third wheel a lot, it's your turn now." He continued to remark. "Oh yeah and Ibou and Lexi had a moment yesterday."
"I hearddddd- They would be cute together but we'll have to see about that one." Ella tittered at the thought of them. "Urghhh- anyways, are you with the babies?" She asked, wanting to see her little children who she missed so much.
"Yeah, they're right here." He requested to facetime her which she accepted straight away. As soon as they switched to facetime, Ella's heart softened as she saw their small faces.
"Hi my angels. You both look so cute." She said in a baby voice to them. It seemed that they were confused about hearing their mums voice but not being able to see her physically. "Mamas gonna be home soon."
"See look, they're clingy too. Just like their uncle Jude." He was referring to the fact that they were both holding on to him and while looking at Ella on the phone.
"You're clingy too baby." Ella defended them, letting out a little wave of laughter. Tahj and Tayah both loved their dad so much, they always had to be around him.
"You're clingy." Trent shot back in a joking manner. It made him have butterflies whenever Ella showed her clingy side.
"And what about it?" Ella had an attitude in her tone. It's not her fault she fell for him, but she did and he had to deal with that.
"Nothing. It's sexy." He pulled the camera up to his face to reveal his smirk which made Ella death stare him. Why was he like this? He was so handsome.
"Baby, don't say that word in front of the kids." She commended him with a stern voice which made Trent's smirk remain in place.
"Why? They don't understand beautiful." He kept pestering her cutely. Ella was tired of his little antics but it made her blush.
"You're annoying." She replied, closing her eyes with fake annoyance, making him chuckle. After a few seconds, Trent called out to Tyler that he was going to go back home. Aura was asleep and he had already given her a kiss, so he put his phone down, placing it in his pocket carefully so that Ella could stay on the call and carried them to the car.
"And you're gorgeous." He responded to her, as he strapped the babies into their seats, one after the other. Once he had finished, he closed the back door of the car.
"Watch when I get home I'll make sure you can't run your mouth anymore." Ella told him, trying to seem irritated by him and his words. He was now making his way to the drivers side.
"And I'll make sure you use yours." He was so outrageous sometimes. Ella was shocked by his words. "I'll make sure you're screaming my name aswell." He continued before opening the car door and getting inside.
"Ahh. Babyy!" She reacted to his sentences, her face bright red with butterflies in her stomach. He was so down bad, so was she honestly. "Behave." Ella knew Trent's smirk had appeared again which she could half see on the camera. "Just drive."
"What?" He pretended to be innocent.
"You're so lucky I'm in Spain right now." She returned causing Trent to laugh at his girlfriend. She got flustered so easily when he spoke like that to her. Who could blame her? "Anyway, I'll let you drive home."
"Baby, you're so cute when you're shy." He said quietly so that they babies couldn't hear what was going on.
"Stop-" She moved her phone so that the ceiling was showing and her face was out of the camera now. Trent couldn't stop chuckling lightly. "I'm gonna go to bed now- get home safe. I love you." She still sounded annoyed at him but he knew she was still blushing.
"Okay, I love you baby." He was still smiling after she hung up the phone. He was a mischievous man.
When they had arrived home, Trent gently brought the babies to their nursery as they were very sleepy. It was late for them so they needed to go to bed. He gave them both kisses on their foreheads before he changed into his sleep wear, brushed his teeth and laid down on his bed after a long day of stress. As soon as he did, he got out his phone again and block Sabrina on everything, not wanting to speak to her again.
The next day
The sun beamed down to practically hit Ella as she arose from her slumber. It was Jude's match today against barcelona. She had never been to an El Classico so she was excited to go, especially since her brother was the biggest name associated with it at the moment. She was so proud of him it was unexplainable. So that she wouldn't get shouted at by her mum trying to rush her, Ella got up and did her normal morning routine. She was confused when she saw that her mum and Jaida were almost ready and were waiting for her to finish. Denise rolled her eyes when she saw her daughter not even dress yet.
"Hurry up Ella, we don't want to be late for your brother's match. We have to leave in 30 minutes." Denise urged her to get ready faster. Having dealt with her half of her life, Denise was used to her daughter taking her time when she was with her. Since the day she pushed out Ella and gave birth to her, that girl had been obsessed with sleep. With Ella now being a mum herself, she didn't get much of it anymore.
"Yes mum, I'm hurrying." Ella sat on her bed now, wondering what to wear with her real madrid shirt before she decided to take a picture for Trent in her pink pair of pyjamas shorts that fit her butt perfectly. What's the harm in a picture? It would only take a few seconds. She didn't want to wear her jeans but it would have to do. As quickly as she could, she put them on. Noticing that she hadn't been on her phone at all this morning, she picked it up to see a 'good morning' text from Trent. After changing, she quickly put on her shirt, did her makeup and hair with 10 minutes to spare. She used the rest of the time to message her boyfriend back and sent him the picture and another picture that she had taken the day before.
Good morning beautiful🤍😘
morning baby🤍🤍
Did you sleep well?
kind of, uu??                                                                             
Kind of🤍
Come home NOW😍😍😍😍
                       look at you being down bad for me😌
I need you😫😫😩
                      you're gonna have to wait babyy😘
                                      i got more pics for youu
      they are WAYYY better than these one✋🏽-
                these ones is very much nothing😘
Baby stop-
You're making me turn red
And Marcell's here💀
                   just wait til you see what I post later
                            me and jaida r going to the beach
                      so u'll get to see much more of me😘
Oh yeah I forgot the match is soon
I forgot it was at 12:00
So you have the whole afternoon after that🤍
                                                  i have to go now babyy
make sure the babies get their milk
when they wake up
                                                   i love you😘🤍🤍
I love you😘🤍🤍
"Ella, it's time to leave now." Denise voiced out loud enough for her daughter to hear. Jaida was thrilled about seeing him play today. She was going to have a good day. Jaida and Ella had planned to swimming later as the summer heat had begun, so it was perfect for them to do so.
"I'm coming mum." Ella responded, getting her little bag and placing her phone inside. She quickly joined her mum and Jaida at the front door, putting her shoes on before they left the house.
The Bernabéu stadium was massive. The atmosphere was definitely inviting and the fans were countless. When Ella, Jaida and Denise had arrived, it was nearly time for that game to start. Ella was low key proud of herself because she could've taken longer to get ready but here they were. On time. They were sat near the boxes in the family area, looking at the team as they exited the tunnel ready to get started. They stood in their straight line before going to shake hands and then got in their positions, waiting for the whistle to blow.
The first half began with a Barcelona goal from Christensen in the 6' minute. That obviously didn't mean that the game was in their hands, of course. They were playing against real madrid after all. Vinicius Junior was able to hit it pas the net in the 18' minute, with an assist from Lucas Vazquez, making it 1-1. Real madrid were able to cut through their opposing side, meaning chances were being created and shots were being directed towards the goal, however none of them seemed to be going in. Madrid fans roared down the stadium, trying their best to motivate their players. Jude had been struggling a bit to get it past the keeper but he was no quitter, still being able to get through their midfield and defence. Half time had come and the result remained at 1-1.
Ella wasn't worried because she knew the qualities the team possessed and had complete faith in them all. They were considered the best team in the world, but to Ella, she loved Liverpool, Sunderland and Madrid equally. When she had first entered Liverpool because of university, it opened her heart immediately. She loved everything about it and now, she lived there with her children and boyfriend. Due to her brothers now playing for madrid and sunderland, she had no choice but to support them.
During the second half, the noise was definitely louder as both sets of fans wanted to win. Real madrid attackers pushed more, wanting the same thing. Unfortunately, a goal was scored by Lopez in the 69' minute, meaning it was 2-1 to barcelona. However, that didn't last long as Lucas Vazquez hit it bang in the net with an assist by Vinicius Junior, giving them an equaliser. It was now drawn and tension was thicker than ever. 20 minutes later, the 90' minute had past and everyone thought that the game would end in a draw, that was until Jude flew the ball Ter Stegen. Full time result, 3-2 to real madrid.
The game had finished now and Jude was making his way up to his family and Jaida with joy filled in his body. He had won his team the match. They were all so proud of him. Ella noticed how shy Jaida got around him which made her chuckle very lightly.
"Well done darling." Denise hugged her son as he had finally reached them now. Her children were the people who brought her the most joy, so to see them accomplish as much as they did meant that a smile would be plastered across her face, until one of them annoyed her. Ella, Jude and Jobe always found a way to.
"Thanks mum." Jude was also proud of himself and his team for winning today. It wasn't their best performance but resilience got them a victory at the end.
"You did great. I'm proud of you." Ella was now speaking as Jude hugged Jaida. He really liked her and it was evident to his family.
"Thank you muppet." He responded to his sister. Ella wasn't going to say anything back because she was going to let him have his moment with Jaida.
"I'm proud of you too." Jaida announced as she got on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Denise wasn't looking as she was now speaking to one of the other mums which Jude was glad about.
"Thank you J." He kissed her cheek back. Ella was  very happy for them, but as she had previously told Trent, she was tired of being the third wheel. That's what she got after doing it to the both of them.
The afternoon kept going as they were now on their way to the beach. Jude had stayed home with Denise as he was exhausted after his match but Ella and Jaida were sat in the car being driven to the prettiest beach close to them. Ella was worried that her weave would get damaged but at the end of the day, it's just hair. Her natural afro would have it's time to shine when she would get back to Liverpool, which was tomorrow. Ella decided to post pictures on her story. One from now and one from yesterday. Jaida also posted on her story, one of her from this morning and one of her in the car with Ella.
The beach was fun. Ella and Jaida made sure to enjoy their last day in Spain, even though they know it wouldn't be their last time going there. Trent saw the pictures that Ella posted in her bikini and was absolutely mesmerised by her beauty. She also sent him a few naughty pictures which made him so grateful that she was coming back home tomorrow so that he could have her. When Ella and Jaida got home, the put everything back in their bags so that they were ready for their plane journey in the morning. Before going to bed, the girls spoke about Trent, Jude and just life in general.
Chapter 16
Hope you guys enjoyed this🤍x
Anyways, don't ask about why Ella's hair keeps changing💀 Just imagine they're all her🤍🤍🤍Aren't Jaida and Ella gorgeoussss? x
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I started to write this post almost a month ago, but some bad stuff happened and I was… really not okay. But I'm getting better, kind of, so here are some (a bit angsty) night thoughts for you.
I share the fandom headcanon that Jason's father was not, you know, exactly the "father of the year" type. So, when Jason and Salim start to live together (because, as we all know, that's how the game ended, that's canon, right?), Jason sometimes becomes… overprotective of Zain.
He doesn't even realize that. It's just small things. Taking the blame for the glass that Zain accidentally broke. Trying to convince Salim that in Zain's age it's totally normal to come home late and a bit drunk, even if Salim is understanding and not actually angry. Stressing out when Salim and Zain argue, even if they both mean it as a joke. Stuff like that.
Jason doesn't realize that's the thing. Salim and Zain do.
"You know I love my son, right?" Salim asks one night.
"Yeah, I noticed,” Jason chuckles. “You've said that, like, a million times in the first hour after I met you."
"And you know I will never hurt him."
"Yeah, you'll probably hurt yourself first. Why?"
“You seem to… protect him from me.”
Salim can see that Jason genuinely doesn't understand what it's all about. Salim tells him about all those small moments, about his obvious nervousness — and Jason is visibly embarrassed.
"Do you want to… talk about it?" Salim says.
"I'd rather not."
"Okay. And it is fine, you know. It is kind of cute."
"Fuck off," Jason grumbles, rolling his eyes.
Salim just smiles and changes the subject.
It's Jason who brings it up again in a couple of days.
"About… me being overprotective."
"I wanted to make it clear… it's not about you being a bad dad or anything. It's just…"
There's a long pause as he is trying to find the words. Salim is waiting patiently.
"I had a fucked-up childhood, alright?" Jason says finally. "And my father… I mean, he meant well, I guess, but I do still have a couple of scars. And… well," it gets really hard for him to say that, "I guess, l myself wanted to be… protected. And, I guess, it'll stick with me for the rest of my fucking life."
He stares at his hands as if it's the most interesting thing in the world. Salim doesn't interrupt.
"And about Zain, it's… what's the clever word, projecting or something? I'm projecting this stuff on him, probably. I mean, I don't know shit about psychology, but that's a thing, right? It's just… not easy to stay chill when you two start arguing. Even if I know that it's really alright."
He sighs as if it was physically hard for him to say. He seems relieved that it is finally put into words.
"So, yeah. You're a great dad, and Zain is far better than I was at his age. And I'll try not to do that shit you told me about. Sorry."
It's Salim now who is trying to find the words. Jason never really mentioned his childhood; Salim did not expect this.
Salim could never understand how it is possible for a father not to love his own kid. Salim is not an ideal dad, of course; but it feels impossible for him to hurt Zain. Even to think about hurting him.
"I did not know about your father," he says as calmly as he can, even if something inside him is furious. "I will try not to raise my voice when you are around."
"No, that's… fine." Jason shrugs. "You don't have to. I mean, it's your family, your rules, you are both fine with that, and I'm just intruding."
"You are a part of the family too. Have you not noticed?"
Jason mumbles something unintelligible and moves closer on the couch. Salim puts his hand around Jason's shoulders.
"I love you," he says. "And Zain thinks of you as the cool dad. Or, at least, the cool big brother."
"Yeah, that's all I lived for," Jason grumbles sarcastically.
He is smiling — he just can't help it.
It's all going to be okay.
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arxxq · 2 years
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ It's cold..when you're not around
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╰┈➤ ❝ [now that you’re here...i finally feel warmth again ] ❞
In which: the story of two lovers who were actually for once made for one another, but unfortunate for them, fate wasn’t on their side, so with that, their love story ended in such a tragic way...
Characters: Itoshi Rin and fem! reader
lowercase intended
angst? written in third person pov
this is my first time writing angst..
mistakes will be fixed once i reread.
A/n: first time writing my laptop and switched to tablet as well...
It all began in a heavy rain during a snowy night. the home of where the two lovers live was nothing but quiet as one of was pacing in the living room worried for the other. why was the other so worried? maybe because her significant other has not return home since early this morning. as she was pacing in the living room, she thought of many possibilities on where her lover could be. 
her pacing stopped when she heard the door opened to reveal her one and only love, itoshi rin was his name. out of anger and frustration, the female yelled at him while her body was clearly trembling due to how cold it was.
“where have you been all day?! do you even know what time it is?!” the girl yelled relieved yet mad towards her lover. her lover meanwhile was not in a good mood and because of that he just scoffed walking in the house without saying anything. “are you even listening to me right now?” she yelled again but this time out of confusion and disbelief on the way her lover was currently behaving right now. rin groaned. “i wasn’t out for that long, i was just practicing okay,” there it is again. you sighed. “why do you always do this to yourself? i don’t fucking get it..” she mumbled but unlucky she is, rin had heard her clearly. 
“i fucking told you didn’t i? i’m doing this to beat my brother, what part of that do you don’t understand,” he snapped. y/n looked at him scared. her body was not only shivering due to the temperature, but also due to fear. “sometimes i wonder why i fell for you in the first place...” those word out of his mouth..that had finally shattered her into pieces of glass. “all you do is whine almost all the time,” 
“and if things couldn’t possibly get worst, you would always start nagging me and stuff!” you held in your tears throughout all the hurtful words he was saying. “you’re nothing but a burden to me nowadays,” as he finish with his hurtful sentences, y/n breathe out a shaky breathe and scoffed continuing with a chuckle. “a burden huh? maybe that’s also the reason why you’re brother chose to cut ties with you..”
“i should’ve listened to my friends...but due to being blinded by love i didn’t and gave you a fucking chance...i can’t do this anymore, at least not with you,” y/n spoke out with a wobbly voice. “i think we should have some time apart,” with those words, you went out of you’re shared home and went into the cold weather. 
walking down the streets, y/n was freezing to death. she really didn’t think that time. all she was wearing at the moment was a thin sweatshirt. not even a coat nor a scarf to keep her warm. not to forget it was raining, she didn’t even bother to bring an umbrella along. i guess due to the heated argument that happened earlier, she couldn’t think straight. and she clearly wasn’t thinking straight right now as well. 
when his lover finally got out of the house, rin finally realized what he had done. he didn’t mean to snap at his love no. he was just so angry at that moment and it seems like he accidentally let out his anger on y/n. no he was the one to worry. from what he had recalled, you had went out of the shared house with nothing but a thin sweatshirt on. 
he pulled out his phone pacing in the living room, he searched for you’re contact and dialed it. this time it was his turn to feel worried and panicked for the other. what surprised him was that it went straight to voicemail. why did it do that? he tried calling you multiple times but it still went straight to voicemail. before he tried to dial you again, another number had called him. he picked it up anyways due to curiosity. 
but he did not expect for it to be about you. 
“excuse me sir but is this Itoshi Rin?” rin held his phone while his hand was trembling. “yes it is,” he replied in a tremulous voice. the other side of the phone had went silent for a while but after that the man said something that would shatter the itoshi even more. "we're sorry to inform you but..you're significant other had gotten into an accident.."
Rin rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. He couldn't believe what he heard from that man but he knew that it couldn't possibly be a joke right? Because that explains why it went to voicemailvwhenvhe tried to call her earlier. Rin was worried hut also scared, he can't lose his love...he just cant but it was too late, the moment he arrived near the emergency room, he heard the sounds of y/n's sister crying while the doctor's head was hung low and that was enough to make him feel devastated.
That incident occurred a year ago. Till this day onwards, rin still blamed himself for it. "If i didn't snapped at you..then maybe you would still be here with me.." those thoughts would constantly be in his head whenever he feels alone or cold.
Right now he was infront of the grave of his deceased love along with her sister as well. Just as rin was about to leave, izuru, her sister stopped him. "Here take it..y/n wrote this for you a long time ago and I just figured it's time I give it to you..," it was nothing but a black envelope sealed with red wax. Rin took it from izuru and with that he left the graveyard.
He then proceeds to go somewhere where only y/n and him would go. It was under a tree but due to the snow the tree along with the ground was covered in snow. Once he made sure the coast was clear, he opened the said letter. From what he observes so far, it was confirmed from y/n since he recognised the neat calligraphy handwriting of hers. The letter wrote:
Dear my dearest love..Itoshi Rin,
If you receive this letter it means I'm no longer in this world, and if I ever hurt you during my last moments with you, please know that I do not mean it. I do apologise if my last moments with you were not the best moments. And if you said hurtful words to me during my last moments as well, I might take it at heart but I know deep down you don't mean it as well. If our last moment with each other end in an argument I'm so sorry...and if it did end in an argument then please know that it isn't you're fault my love.
I want you to know that even if I'm no longer near you..that doesn't mean I'm not watching over you. I promised you that I'll always be with you so I really am sorry that I didn't fulfill it till the end. Dear love...I will always love you even if we have our ups and downs..even if we have an argument no matter what I'll still love you. But my love..just because of my death that does not mean I want you to unhappy. I know it's not easy to move on but I don't want you to hold my death as a burden as its not you're fault.
I love you my love..forever and always. I swear not even death could kill my undying love for you.
Love you're dearest lover
Y/n L/n
Rin breathe out a wobbly sigh, "I've always asked 'why is it so cold?' But now I realised that it's because I don't have you're warmth to comfort me anymore..." rin continued to let out a chuckle to mock himself.
"If I could take it all back....I would, I guess life wanted to be unfair and maybe all this time my love, we were just not meant to be...but even so I have always loved you dear,"
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Reblogs are highly appreciated
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writing-yarn-goblin · 4 months
Hey, it’s that time again I guess.
A few days ago I went through a bad experience and a friend suggested that sometimes writing about it, changing what happened or what happened after, helps. And they were right.
It made me feel better about it.
So here it is.
Anime: One Piece
Character: Eustass Kid
Relationship: very close friends
Warning: mentions of getting your consent taken away from you, slight assault, Eustass being Eustass.
You could only feel the taste of cigarettes in your lips as you tried to forget the taste with beer.
You hated how you could feel what should be like butterflies in your stomach turn into sand and worms. Wriggling inside and chaffing your tummy.
You couldn’t do much but to let it happen. The man could overpowered you by height alone and you could still feel the grubby hands try to squeeze you and hold you to him against that wall. You couldn’t help but feel disgusting.
This happened a few days ago and you just couldn’t shake the feeling of uselessness just yet. It didn’t feel right to feel like you felt.
The hours trickled down like molasses and you hated every second of it, if you could be honest about it.
Tick-ticky Tocky-tock went the hours.
The beer in front of you was empty once more as you asked for the barkeep to keep the drinks coming. At least here it was safe.
Well, as safe as you could be with pirates.
You glanced to your side and recognized that big red coat. His face was in its permanent scowl; but there was something different about it.
He seemed angrier than usual. But then again, your friend was an angry man that was angry at the world. And you’ve been friends for years; you know how his happy-angry and angry-angry moods look like.
“Talk. Tell me what happened, Bonnie.”
You didn’t know if you should say what you had to say or if it even was correct to say it.
“If you don’t talk, I’ll make them talk.” You heard him sneer as he got closer to you, to the point that he touched your shoulder and felt how you flinched under his touch.
“What did they do, lass. I need to hear you say it if you want me to do anything.”
“How what?”
“How can you help me? I can’t scrub my skin anymore because it’ll break. My mouth tastes like cigarettes and I hate it. My lips are dirty and I can’t do anything to wash away the feeling of him just jamming his tongue past it. I can still feel his hands touching me and doing what they want. I don’t know if I should feel bad that it happened or relieved that it didn’t get worse.” You mumbled, tiredly leaning against Eustass Kid as he opened up his coat, and with a stretch- he placed an arm across your shoulders. Covering you with the cloak as you cried against his side.
The press of his chin against your head felt like a weighted blanket and you let out a cry of relief when you felt the soft words of encouragement that this man doesn’t even whisper to himself.
“You talk and I’ll make it go away.”
“For now, but not forever. It’s up to you after that, bonnie-lass.”
The hesitation in your silence made him stiff. This shyness was not normal of you.
He hated this vulnerable side of you. He embraced you to his side a little more tighter, almost giving a silent promise that he wasn’t going to vanish o go away. He was going to stay with you until you dried your tears and he was going to make things alright, for now. His crew will make sure that you never are truly alone and never if you were, you’ll be taken care of with the little bit of niceness he has left.
Reserved just for you.
“You give me names, I’ll give you their head.”
And you did.
And he did, as promised.
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