#but i got into it toward the end lmao!
ziskandra · 1 year
I am not sure which asks from the fic writer ask list you've received already, so here's 🎀 🎀 🎀 ! Give yourself *three* compliments!
Three compliments?
Oh my gosh, this is going to make me put on my thinking hat! I suppose in addition to what I've previously mentioned (liking the way I write dialogue as well as simple yet emotive descriptions), I think my prose has a lyrical cadence where consideration has given to not only how the words appear on paper (or screen, whatever), but also when spoken aloud. Also, I think I'm quite good at fleshing out characters and making them three-dimensional, with a realistic balance of flaws and virtues. And if one is into the same or similar kinks to me, I reckon I write some very hot smut 🔥 [fic writer asks]
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raynewolferune · 5 months
Meta Jazz, the Arkham Intern Therapist Pt1
Update 5/16/2024: Congrats guys, gals, and others! You have planted the seeds and they have grown. Today I wrote another 46 pages on this story (the first section was only 9 pages ya'll). I'm working on splitting it up into smaller sections so I can post it now because tumblr said no to doing it as one piece. I'll be using the tag #Meta Jazz Arkham Intern Therapist if you want to follow it.
Original Note: I'm going to go ahead and apologize for how OOC Bane is in this. It originally was Joker but I couldn't see Jazz tolerating his proximity for more than a single millisecond so Bane it is.
The hardest thing about being a Meta in Gotham was responding appropriately during a Rouge's attack, Jazz mused to herself. Or perhaps that was just the hardest part about being a Meta intern at Arkham while studying psychology at Gotham University. Or maybe it was just her, she considered watching the guards and Dr. Rylie whom she'd been shadowing for the past 2 weeks wide eyed, pale, and shaking as theybstared at Bane behind her. It must just be her, Jazz decided, newbie guard Kyle Jennings was definitely a Meta after all. She should probably give him some tips on hiding his enhanced strength considering how often he broke mugs, door handles, and other delicate items used in daily life.
"Weapons down or I'll snap her skinny little neck." Bane growled out, shaking her slightly for emphasis. She very much doubted that. Liminials were built different than the standard Meta, stronger, faster, better endurance, and senses even if they could mostly appear to be standard humans on the outside.  As such, their bones and muscles were much were much denser than regular humans or even Meta humans. Technically, she could be considered "invulnerable" much like the Kryptonians are.
"Back up! Let him through!" Dr. Rylie  shouted at the guards. "She's my student! Let him through!" His voice was higher pitched than she could recall hearing it before.
Ah. That was panic.
Jazz sighed involuntarily and glanced over her shoulder at Bane. Why the man had grabbed the only person close to his own height nearby was a mystery to her - no, nevermind, he clearly meant to use her as a shield - but it made looking him in the eye more difficult than necessary.
"Mr. Bane, remove your hands from my person, please." Jazz stated calmly, channeling what Danny called her inner mom as she spoke. "I will give you to one to comply."
Bane looked stunned for a moment then laughed.
The laughing continued. Jazz could sense a stir of uncertainty through her colleagues as they looked on.
"Did you really think that would work?" Bane snorted out, arms tensing more around her.
"Three." She continued, indifferent to his words from her experiences raising her brother. Once the count down starts you mustn't respond to anything the kids do or say until they comply or the count is done.
"What cab you even do if I don't?" Bane asked darkly breathing directly in her ear. She kept her face expressionless despite the urge to express disgust.
"Jasmine..."  Kyle whispered halfway across the hall from her looking on with a pained and horrified expression. Gun tilting towards the floor. Sloppy.
"One." She finished and Bane gave a derisive snort.
Then she was moving. Hauling the enormous man up and over her shoulder using the arm that had been wrapped around her neck. Bane hit the cold tile hard enough that the tiles, subfloor, structural supports, and part of the concrete foundation buckled beneath him. His shoulder popped out of joint, his wrist cracked - a hairline fracture by the sound of it -  and his breath was punched out of him from the force of impact. She released his arm as soon as his was embedded in the tiles and moved forward. Kneeling over him, support most of her weight on her left foot resting on the broken ground, her right knees pressed firmly across his throat without supporting any of her weight. The position put more strain on her muscles than she would've liked but at least Bane couldn't risk fighting back without crushing his own neck in the process. He could hardly throw her while flat on his back with a mangled arm.
"Now," Jazz began, looking directly into the behemoth's pained eyes. "Do you know what you've done wrong?" She asked like she would have done with Danny as a child.
"Yes, Ma'am." Bane choked out. Jazz heard movement and murmuring behind her. She didn't turn to look.
"What did you do wrong?" She asked. It was important to make sure children correctly understood why they were in trouble after all. There was a long pause as Bane appeared to cast around for the exact right answer as if he feared getting it wrong. A bad habit Danny still uses as well, Jazz thought to herself.
"I tried to hold you hostage," He choked out in a rush, words tumbling over one another as he tried to get them all out. "I scared you coworkers and it was very disrespectful."
So he'd gone for the grab-bag response. It wasn't wrong per sey but it did indicate a past history of abuse. The type of answer given by someone who expected to be harmed or ignored if they gave the "wrong" answer. Danny tended to use that method also and their parents had always been negligent at best.
"And are you going to do it again?" She asked giving him a Look as she did. Bane's eyes widened and he tried to frantically shake his head as much as possible with the pressure on his neck.
"No, Ma'am." He promised fervently.
"Alright then," Jazz said giving him a warm smile. She gestured vaguely towards the guards without turning to look at them. "Kyle here is going to take you to see the nurse and then back to your room then. I'm sure you'll behave for him?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I'll behave." Bane said. Jazz stood slowly asking sure not to put any additional pressure on his neck as she did. Kyle came and stood next to her as the giant of a man slowly pulled himself to his feet then led him away with 5 other guards.
Jazz heaved a sigh. Well, time to find out whether or not she could play all that off as normal, non-Meta human behavior.
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zennesaph · 13 days
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doing an ff7 ahtal-neset design because a) I'm not normal about crossover and b) the murder bug deserves more enrichment than iron girders and castle walls and c) shinra deserve to get their shit stolen by a random jackass insect. it would be funny
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 234
More of the Tiamat Au? More of the Tiamat Au! 
Sharing a body was strange. Ten limbs split between the nine of them- thirteen if one counted the tails and seventeen if one counted the fact that their cloak… skirt… whatever could mimic the wings of their other form. 
One which they would change back to after a few moments- there was much less stumbling when it was all fours. Not to mention that if not for the tails they’d have easily toppled over with how many arms they had making them slightly top heavy. Okay more than slightly, it was taking a bit to adjust. 
Honestly the fields of wheat and other crops did nothing to hide them with how tall even this body was, but it was still better than nothing, and they were using the fact it was the middle of nowhere to their shared advantage. 
At least the humanoid- not human, even now their shared power thrummed through the air, leaking from them- form was smaller than their true draconic one. Well, perhaps they shouldn’t call it their true form, when they were once all human, halfa and liminal alike, but they’d long since stopped being such. So perhaps it was in fact true to call the form they had become as their normal state now. 
Actually, could they even separate now? Or had their power melded together so much that it was impossible now, and an attempt would end them? It would at the very least crack their core- 
“What the fuck.” 
Their head lurched, a little too far if the jolt of pain was anything before it melted away. They were all too used to moving their own necks separately. But all of them agreed that discovery could not happen-
It was a child. A preteen with red-orange hair, blue-green eyes, expensive clothing, and most damming of all, large swaths of bruising across his arms. Bruising that did not come from usual play, and looked far too much like hand prints for any of their comfort. 
Someone had very much not been taking care of this child. And that really made them quite angry. 
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xxrat--punkxx · 1 year
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Repair day
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shalomniscient · 7 months
i just woke up, it’s 7am and i’m having thoughts about jingliu…
if there was one person on the luofu who knew jingliu the longest, it was you. not the high cloud quintet or the cloud knights, you. the daughter of jingliu’s master, and the stubborn sword champion’s personal healer. she entered your life as a gangly, hungry girl who could barely hold a sword in both hands—and now, she’s the greatest warrior the luofu has ever seen.
but more importantly, now, she’s your wife.
it seemed almost like an inevitability, that you’d fall for her. for all that she was your mother’s disciple, you didn’t see her much as children. jingliu would always be training, and you would always be studying. it was only after she became a member of the cloud knights, and you a member of the alchemy commission, that things would really start to blossom—like a lotus flower, bright and pure.
you were the only healer jingliu really trusted and even allowed to heal her. the warrior had a stubborn streak several miles wide, but perhaps it was the echo of your mother in you that had her obediently heeling to your treatments—a fact that always awed her fellow cloud knights, who teased her relentlessly about it. “whipped,” they’d say. jingliu would only grumble and grudgingly thank you, before leaving the clinic and decidedly and publicly putting every one of her squadmates on their asses during a sparring match.
but nonetheless, it is no one but jingliu who comforts you when teng xiao arrives at your door, a set of armor folded neatly in his arms, and a grim, apologetic look on his face. that night it is jingliu who sits by your side, letting you weep into her shoulder as she awkwardly and clumsily attempts to console you. grief burns through you like a wildfire, but jingliu is there, her presence soothing and cool like moonlight. you both fall asleep tangled in each other’s arms, finding that, if nothing else, there is comfort in shared loss.
the next morning, you ask her about it as you both still hold each other close. jingliu’s mouth opens and closes, struggling to choose the right words. “i swore to her that i’d protect you,” she answers. it makes you smile, just a little, even if grief still twists sharply in your heart.
“you’re protecting me by cuddling me?” you tease her, and her pale cheeks flush.
“that’s— i believed you might have needed—“ she stammers, and you cut her off by pressing closer against her cool body.
“i’m just teasing,” you whisper against her skin, arms tightening around her muscular form. as if to ground yourself, as if to assure yourself that she’s really here. “i appreciate it, jingliu. thank you.”
at your words, the warrior relaxes. her voice is barely higher than yours when she replies, tinged with a hint of tenderness. “of course.”
jingliu is different, after that. you guess that it’s because you are all she has left—much the same in how she is all you have left. there is a gentle awkwardness to her now, like someone who has never known how to be soft trying to learn for the first time. she sits patiently as she lets you fuss over her wounds, knowing that you need this, that you need to know she’s alright. she only looks away when you get a little too close, when she can feel the warmth of your breath on her skin, and she hopes you don’t notice (you do).
she comes to the house whenever she can, which feels just a little emptier without your mother’s commanding presence. she stands shoulder to shoulder next to you at the counter making dumplings, her rough, battle-scarred hands dwarfing your own more delicate ones—but she wraps the dumplings with finesse all the same. you eat them together, quietly, but the silence is comfortable. you know each other enough that words are unnecessary. these nights you can only ever fall asleep in her arms—and she can only ever fall asleep in yours. neither of you question it, but what is there to question anyway?
jingliu ends up being many of your firsts—including your first kiss. it happens on one of those nights, tangled in each other’s arms, with nothing but a sliver of moonlight to illuminate jingliu’s pale face. you feel her pulse jump under your touch, as your thumb traces the ridge of her cheekbones and your lips press gently against hers. kissing her is nothing grand, no fireworks or butterflies—just the quiet sense of finally coming home.
jingliu is your first time, too. her hands trail down your body with reverence, lips pressing kisses like prayers against your skin. she brings you to the edge of heaven with her fingers and her mouth until you lie boneless on the sheets. she kisses you while your essence is still smeared across her lips, and you eagerly return the favor.
jingliu is your first and only love. it’s the soft, quiet kind, more of a respite than a whirlwind in and of itself. a shelter where both of you can return to, when the world becomes too much. you’re there for each other at the lowest lows and the highest highs—jingliu attends the ceremony as you’re sworn in as the cauldron master of the alchemy commission, eyes trained only on you as you accept the honor. and you attend jingliu’s ascenscion ceremony for the title of sword champion, standing at the forefront of the crowd, a proud smile on your face. to jingliu, that is her true victory.
and yet, even as the sword champion, there are still things she fears—like telling you she loves you. it takes a grand amount of coaxing from her new friends—a blacksmith, a high elder, and a pilot, respectively—before she works up the courage. she whispers it against your neck one moonlit night, intertwined with you in the sheets. her voice trembles ever so slightly, her breath fanning unevenly against your skin, and she tenses when you laugh softly. but the tension bleeds out of her immediately when you say it back, and she slumps against you, as if the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders.
(baiheng and yingxing later force her to buy them drinks, and she does so, grudgingly. after all, they were right when they said there was no way you’d say anything other than ‘i love you too’. dan feng only attends for the free alcohol, but he is happy for her nonetheless.)
your marriage is a quiet affair—or as quiet as it can get, with baiheng and yingxing together on the guestlist. but it is perfect, to you and jingliu. the rings were crafted by yingxing, inlaid with stones baiheng discovered along the trailblaze. neither of you actually wear them on your fingers due to your jobs, but none other than dan feng gifts the both of you corded red rope to loop the rings through and wear as a necklace. it becomes your greatest treasure, even centuries down the line.
the next few months of your life are calm and routine—until jingliu returns home one day with a teenager, of all things. the boy has long, shaggy, white hair, and curious golden eyes. He reminds you of a cat.
“this is jing yuan,” jingliu introduces to you. “my disciple.”
the boy greets you politely, before jingliu sends him off to an empty room in your home for him to claim as his own. once the boy is out of sight, you turn to jingliu, quirking a brow.
she nods. “yes. i believe he has potential.”
you only hum at her answer, stepping forward to fix her collar. she lets you fuss, as you always have, and then presses her lips against yours gently, her hands on your waist. “trust me,” she whispers, and you do.
jing yuan fits into your life more easily than you expected. a sharp-witted young man, quick with a blade but even quicker with his words. it isn’t long before you grow fond of him as well—in an almost parental sort of way. before you realise, you start fussing over him the way you fuss over jingliu. it seems you’re not the only one susceptible to jing yuan’s charm, since the newly formed high cloud quintet adore him just as much—baiheng, especially, is delighted to have another little brother figure besides yingxing. jingliu is no exception; the pride in her gaze as she watches jing yuan train is visible to anyone.
nowadays, your home feels fuller. it is no longer just you and hingliu making dumplings—another pair of hands, sometimes even another three appear to help. the dinner table is full more often than not, and there always seems to be more plates in the sink. sometimes you find purple fur on the floor, or the occasional jade-like scale in between your couch cushions. but joy, you learn, is fleeting. nnd no one ever notices it is here until it is gone, ripped from your hands before you can even blink.
jingliu is your first and only love. she is also your first and only heartbreak.
everything you’ve built with jingliu over the course of centuries crumbles in a matter of days. the battle against shuhu is vicious. you can barely even keep up against the constant stream of injured that flood the alchemy commission. you and your colleagues down energising pill after energising pill to stay on your feet and support the xianzhou forces. tet the news from the frontline would nonetheless bring you to your knees.
baiheng, dead. yingxing, cursed. dan feng, imprisoned. and worst of all—
jingliu, mara-struck.
the ten lords commission keep her under strict watch in a holding cell. you barely have the time to visit, what with the number of patients that demand your attention. jing yuan is the one who visits her, by his authority as the new arbiter general. he speaks to you when he can, updates you on her condition—but you’ve treated enough cases to know when something is bad, even if jing yuan tries to assuage you with purposefully vague wording.
she barely recognises you when you approach her. her beautiful ruby eyes are covered by a ragged, black cloth. thick, metal bindings encircle her wrists and restrain her arms behind her back. you call her name, quietly, gently, trying your hardest to stifle the tremble in your voice. sometimes, there is a flicker of recognition. most of the time, there is nothing.
you return to an empty house. it’s so, so cold, and your bed is far too big. you hold tightly to your ring, praying that jingliu be spared this fate. but the aeon does not listen.
because no more than a few months later, jingliu breaks free from her confinement, and rampages across the luofu. smoke chokes the air as ice and frigid wind sweeps across the epicenter that is jingliu. but instead of running away, you run towards her. the ice seems to part and melt before you as you run. you need to see her.
instead, all you witness is the majesty of the lightning lord, as he strikes down your beloved.
nothing remains of jingliu. they find no body, not even any remnants of armor or personal effects. after that, they strike her name from every record for her dishonor. all her achievements, her victories—erased. as if she never existed. you are forced to resign as cauldron master in shame, with your apprentice dan shu taking your place.
you feel… nothing. only a pervasive, parasitic emptiness spreading through your entire being. you spend your days in a bed in a guest room—you can’t bring yourself to set foot in the room you once shared with her. the kitchen lies deserted. you barely feel hunger or thirst, or any sort of sensation. and yet, you keep living. your cells respire and your lungs draw breath, and your heart still thumps in your chest—even as your soul rots and decays.
the only thing—or person, rather—that stirs you now somewhat is jing yuan. he has lost everyone too, this general who will always be that curious-eyed boy to you. you do your best to pick yourself up; if not for yourself, then for him.
(but jing yuan knows. he sees it in your eyes, the truth of the matter. the guilt that gnaws at you, that compels you to keep fussing over him.
you think that caring for him will help you atone for the way you failed jingliu. he wants to tell you that his master would’ve never thought such a thing. but he doesn’t, and lets you mother him all the same.
he needs this too.)
jing yuan appoints you as his personal healer, even as his advisors protest. they question your ability—after all, how could a good healer not even mend the one she loved most?
that moment is the first and last time you ever see jing yuan angry. it fades as quickly as it comes, however, and you are appointed as his personal healer nonetheless. you remain by his side for the next few centuries, watching as he grows more and more into the role of the general. the pain of your loss doesn’t heal—not fully, at least, but it scabs over.
still, you can’t help the ache in your chest when jing yuan approaches you one day, a young boy at his heels.
“this is my disciple, yanqing,” he introduces. the boy has flaxen hair, and expressive amber eyes. there’s a fire in them, a determination that you remember seeing in a pair of ruby ones. he greets you, politely and a little shyly.
it’s a painfully familiar scene, and the best you can manage is a wordless smile.
yanqing becomes another target of your fussing soon enough. he squirms when you check him over for injuries, insisting that he’s fine. the boy is incorrigibly stubborn. but in the end, he is still a boy. his enthusiasm, unmarred by grief and loss, brings a liveliness to your monotone life. you can’t help but sneak a few more extra strales into his pockets for swords when jing yuan isn’t looking.
(but he knows. jing yuan always knows.)
you are not happy, not truly, not without her, never without her, but for now you are content. the boys in your life give you reason enough to keep going.
yet your life turns upside down once more when the stellaron bursts on the luofu. jing yuan keeps you away from the whirlwind of conflict, assigning an elite squad of his knights to guard your house. it makes you curious, but the answer reveals itself to you only a few days after the crisis is resolved.
there, standing amidst the unconscious bodies of the cloud knights supposed to guard you, is none other than the ghost of your beloved.
she’s as beautiful as the day you lost her.
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dizzybevvie · 7 months
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obligatory kh1 Paopu tree scene redraw
og under cut <3
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 3 months
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Just finished Return of Ultraman!! (i got really attached...)
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
Fighting against Suguru in the midst of battle with a knife perched at the skin of his throat, right against his carotid artery, with shaky hands and a glare of hesitation. Your heart battering frantically, blood rushing through your pumping veins — your mind a rambled mess. All you can see are nostalgic flashbacks of you and him, and a few of you, him, Shoko and Gojo all hanging out with one another. Having a great time at arcades, beaches and just simply a night out on the lively city.
Your brows furrow more tightly together, your fingers clamping more sturdier amongst the knifes handle, your own breathing becoming more ragged and heavy. Your chest beginning to hurt.
One particular flashback kept your hesitation at bay, holding you back from pressing the sharpen blade deep into the starring, motionless man pinned beneath you (which, in all honesty - he could easily switch places or remove himself in this particular position so effortlessly if he wanted too). Your teeth purses deep into your bottom lip, dilated pupils narrowed down at the lulling irises of calm violet.
The sound of rain continued to dance amongst the rooftops of your apartment and the glass of your living room window. With candles half lit throughout your dimly lit home, naked bodies comfortably nestled up against each other and the cozy fireplace flickering before the two of you — you could all but hum pleasantly against the comfort of his bare, solid chest and the pure enthrallment and tranquility of his embrace. Your fingers tracing light shapes along his glistening flesh, lifting and resting your chin upon his perfect chest with such care and gentleness, sighing inaudibly, endearingly at the soft caress of his long fingers slowly, tenderly tracing up and down along the arch of your spine.
"You know you didn't have to do this Suguru" your voice softly coos, a placid smile gracing his features as he gradually gazes down at you, holding you ever so closely against his radiating warmth. his fingers continuing their gentle strokes along your back. He leans down to the top of your mangled hair, planting a pliable kiss.
"You deserve this angel...I would do anything for you" he softly hums against your hair, welcoming the inviting scent of your shampoo and the lingering odor of your faint perfume still stuck against your skin.
"Ughhh, Suguru! you're literally so perfect stop spoiling me!" you wail with giddy and playfulness, eliciting a soft chuckle from the dark haired man holding you, welcoming your sudden motion of climbing and attacking all over him once again. His large hands resting on the curves of your hips, holding you upon his waist, eyes quickly reconnecting with each others. A glimmer of sheer adoration and endearment crooning in both of your stares, the adjoined noises of the crackling flames from the comforting fireplace and the pattering rain pouring down from outside wooing you both into a deeper trance of sublime and deep foundment for one another.
Your slim fingers finding refuge through the silky strands of onyx sprawled out beautifully along the blanket - pillow covered floor. His own still latched onto your delicate, supple flesh.
Your fingers trail back to the softness of his radiant face, tracing the strong features of his cheekbones and jawline with subtle grazes. The touch of your fingertips brushing along his skin making his heartbeat accelerate, soaking in the gentle caress and tender you were basking him in. He leans into your touch, kissing your palm, eyes still locked onto yours.
"I love you sweetheart, always will"
The hold on the handle of your blade begins to falter, your body starting to tremble as your lip quivered from the haunting, warm memory deeply embedded into your messy head. The blade of the knife inches closer against his flawless skin, barely making a nick against the sensitive flesh.
Suguru only stares at you blankly, all while holding a twisted grin against his cheeks. His protracted digits suavely, sneakily finding the familiar comfort of your legs, holding you down against him. He doesn't move an inch after commencing such a bold move.
"Lost in thought are we angel?" the sound of his rasp voice pulls you out of your head, shaking out of your fuzzy, clouded memories and focus more intently down at the renounced criminal laid out beneath you. Your fingers find a firmer grip amongst the handle, keeping your stance steady. Your brows knitting tightly together. the churn of his demented grin only growing that much wider, your bodies swiftly, abruptly switching places.
With your back now firmly plant against the cold ground and the knife that once was held against his throat, found the thumping plush of skin amongst your jugular. With his left hand sturdily holding your arm that held the blade, you could only hitch back a breath and dumbfoundly gawk up at the sickenly amused man hovering above you. Little loose strands of perfect raven gently pooling over his broaden shoulders, gently brushing along the supple skin of your face.
"That's dangerous to do in the middle of battle you know, sweetness" he tilts his head ever so slightly to the left, lidded eyes of complete focus and soft malice intently studying all over you. His long fingers carefully skim against your soften flesh, slowly mingling in between your own digits with sly advances.
"One wrong move and that'll be it angel...haven't I taught you better then this?"
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valoale · 5 months
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Art diary entry no:1 — Hands
I got artistically burnt out not too long ago and I started hating everything my pen produced so I decided to return to basics.
The idea of my (most likely very irregular) diary is to retrain my brain and hand and hone basic skills in the hopes to actually enjoy the creative process again and give myself some slack
So, hands
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plaguedocboi · 1 year
Every time I go in a coffee shop that has labeled tip jars that say “tip to vote!” I remember earlier this year when I worked at a coffee shop and my coworkers labeled the tip jars “DC” and “Marvel” and I had to spend a month telling customers that asked which I liked that I think they both suck
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emeraldblonde · 17 days
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I tried to mod something and the good news is, it didn't crash the game. 🥳 The bad news is, not what I was looking for lmao.
Like, don't get me wrong. I've seen way worse (the stuff of nightmares) on a modding channel I've been teaching myself this stuff lately, so. It's not like I completely fucked this thing up or anything like that.
It's just... I still gotta ask though.
What went wrong here?
#personal#my mods#(sort of kjdkd)#i was just lamenting this stuff on a fandom discord channel. saying i'm at my wits' end here and about to quit this shit#i tried following a tutorial on a modding channel and i got the whole thing working for the most part#he's sized correctly. animations seem to work. nothing is stretching apart from hair. the textures are all fucked up now but yeah#but because what i'm trying to do here is a little different than what that tutorial does#(they still keep pointing to that very same tutorial though)#it seems that either i did something wrong. maybe i skipped some important part?#(because one answer claimed if it's a model extracted from the same game it doesn't need to be rigged or weight-painted)#but then that video tutorial also says you need to separate some parts so that nothing's stretching etc.#which is obviously a thing that's happening above. that hair is in fact stretching. A LOT#i'm guessing because cloud and zack have different hair. so they must have different hair physics or something#but then. i also learned on that channel that zack doesn't have his own animations. because he's neither playable/non-playable#because he only appears in this one cutscene towards the end of the game. he has his own model and textures though#so i don't know whether that means he doesn't have his own physics either or...?#meaning i probably need to use another model's hair physics as well and somehow transfer them on zack's hair too or smth like that maybe#i don't know. i'm so confused#like i've put so much effort into this. so many retries already. i'm getting sick of the shaders input part actually lmao#and i'm so close but i'm stuck!#i tried asking for help on a modding channel but because my question didn't get answered in a couple of hours i chickened out and deleted i#and now i'm like i need help. i just don't know what i did wrong 🙈 i need strength and courage
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akkivee · 8 months
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my hypster fc magazine came in the mail, and it was full of bangers as usual, but it is so important to me that you all know that kuukou, out of concern for the youth who can’t afford to travel to a temple, or that it’s too far etc etc, has decided to create a temple in the metaverse and therefore accessible from your smartphone LOL
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cushfuddled · 2 months
I finished Hazbin a bit ago and call me crazy but I honestly hope Sir Pentious' ascension had nothing to do with redemption as a concept.
I hope it was just a glitch in the matrix from like, the raw, holy power of Adam's laser blast + whatever magical artillery Pentious had revved up at the helm of his ship. I just think it would be VERY funny if Adam accidentally baptized some guy so hard he rebooted him to Heaven.
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peonypyxels · 10 months
2023 fav's 🌟
ty @rebouks for tagging me! putting under the cut bc i don't want to clog up ppls dashboard but if you'd like to post your favorite pics from each month this year you should! i'm tagging @wasabichips @orphyd @softerhaze @cowboycid @lucidicer @warmsol @stinkrascal 💖
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vizishereig · 4 days
me: oh, may as well use the serennedy mini week as an outlet for ideas people may or may not like
day 2 prompt: oh, how about everyone likes this one?
me: what-
*sigh* a new fic to be in the works... yay!
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