#but i feel like a awful little terrified bug
tamagotchikgs · 4 months
i miss that brief period where i existed in the world o(-< when i was at youth connections every single day & then when i worked in the cafe && did aerial silks. for just a second it felt like i could exist like . the way i looked didnt matter i was a real person i was a moving person that Could Exist in situations. i was like a character it didnt matter that i was ugly. && now i just feel so stuck again. i feel like ive regressed fully back into what i was n all i can think about is how ugly i am n everything feels so impossible n terrifying n i dont know what to do
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loonybun · 4 months
hi whump community let me tell you about a drug called datura!! because boy is it a doozy.
datura is a deliriant, which means it is a hallucinogenic drug capable of causing serious and often terrifying delusions and hallucinations that are literally indistinguishable from reality in the user’s mind.
It is poisonous and part of the nightshade family, and the dosage used to get high off of it is actually very close to the lethal dose. it is also not only entirely legal in most places but also very accessible. it’s grown as a house plant, actually. most people who trip off of it only do it once because of how awful of an experience it is. also trips last like a long time (anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days if i remember correctly?)
the hallucinations that come with this drug are incredibly horrifying, making it literal nightmare fuel. also the more long term effects from it can include permanent psychosis and lingering delusions. fun stuff.
common hallucination experiences from this drug include the following:
- heavy gore
- seeing corpses
- feeling like you’ve been transported to an alternate dimension (hell)
- seeing people or entities you know (but a little fucked up)
- parasites and bugs
- feeling as though your organs are falling out of your body
- shadows in the back of your vision
- smoking phantom cigarettes or eating phantom food (phantom in the sense that they aren’t really there)
- torture scenarios
all in all, i think it’s a rlly interesting thing that can definitely be used in whump. like imagine a whumper lacing someone’s tea with that. the whumpee wouldn’t even be aware that something was done to them due to the fact that they physically cannot tell the difference between delusion and reality. real fun stuff. probably need an immortal whumpee though just cuz if someone takes this there’s a high chance of them getting hospitalized.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Wait will you eventually write about what happened when Maverick caught Jake and Bug?
Just really love Bug and her Hangman ❣️
Jake and Bug
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What could Bug do other than invite her father inside? "I'm just gonna get dressed," she said as Jake shut the door behind Maverick.
Maverick, who's daughter he had just been inside of. Maverick, who's daughter had just been calling Jake Daddy!
It was kind of scary how silent Maverick was as he walked towards the kitchen. Jake was lost, and a bit terrified. Maverick was loud when he was angry, not like this.
Jake took one step towards the bedroom.
"Don't you fucking dare."
Like a dog with it's tail tucked between it's legs, Jake followed Maverick to the kitchen. "Sit down," Maverick said as he pulled out a chair.
Jake sat.
Maverick didn't sit right away. It was the only time he was ever standing above Jake, taller than him. The way Jake wouldn't meet his eyes was, well, hilarious. But Maverick wasn't laughing.
Bug walked into the kitchen and froze. There was her... what was he? He wasn't exactly her boyfriend (not yet, anyway). But he was clearly terrified of her dad.
"Sit down," Maverick said again as he pulled out the seat opposite Jake. She didn't need to be told twice as she sat down, and Maverick stood at the head of the table. "I can't believe this," he said.
She looked at her hands folded in her lap, somewhat guilty as her dad berated her. She just sat there, taking it as her dad expressed his anger, disgust and disappointment.
And Jake? Well, he was getting angry. It would have been so much better if Maverick was shouting at him, he could have taken it. But Bug looked ready to cry.
Jake reached his hand across the table. "C'mere, Bug," he said, interrupting Maverick.
When she placed her hand in his, he squeezed and turned his attention to Maverick. "I get that she's your daughter, Mav, I really do," he said, jaw set. "But she's a grown woman. She can make her own choices and she chose to love me." He could feel her staring at him, but he didn't meet her gaze. "And I love her."
Maverick shook his head. "She's ten years younger than you, Hangman! She's..." She's my little girl.
Suddenly, Bug faced her father. "He's right, dad. I'm an adult, and it was my decision to... be with Jake." Maverick's head dropped at that. "I-I think you should go," she said to her father as she stood up.
Maverick didn't push back, didn't argue. He followed his daughter to the front door. What did he think? That she was going to beg for his forgiveness like when she was a little girl! Of course not. What Jake had said was right, she was a woman now.
"I'll speak too you soon," she said quietly as she pulled open the door. No 'goodbye', nothing. Maverick walked out of the apartment, and she shut the door in his face.
As soon as the door was shut, she was running through her apartment, back to Jake. He pushed his chair back and she crawled into his lap. "I'm sorry, Bug," he whispered against her hair. Soft Jake was a rarity, unless he was with her.
She blinked up him, looking so pretty in his lap. That was when Jake noticed she was still wearing one of his shirts. "Did you mean what you said? That you love me?"
There was a moment, one that had her heart racing, where Jake said nothing. It was awful. But then he nodded. "I wanted to take you on a proper date before I said anything, but yeah, Bug. I love you."
Throwing her arms around his neck, Bug planted a kiss on his lips. One that had Jake cradling the back of her head. "I love you too, Jakey." She kissed all over his face and down his neck. "Now, about that date..."
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dykeknightrises · 1 year
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A/N: Sooo, I never actually wrote anything like this, but this one pretty much wrote itself randomly in my brain and I kinda liked it! So I appreciate any feedback I can get and I really hope you guys enjoy it :)
(Also english is not my first language. I did check it but something may not be quite right )
Next parts: Part 2 - PROMISES Part 3 - US
She smelled like the sun. Whether this is a real thing or not, Y/N didn’t care. Right now, buried under and completely surrounded by her, Y/N would vow on whatever entity really existed that Alexia smelled like the sun.
It wasn’t always the case. Before, Alexia smelled like comfort, maybe even a little bit like being under the covers, a mug of hot chocolate between her hands while the rain poured outside. Now everything changed. Now she smelled like summer, like the water wetting your feet right on the edge on the sand on a hot day spent on the beach.
The in-between of then and now, and even the before that, if Y/N was being honest, was a rollercoaster of joy, happiness, heartbreak, and sadness. Falling for Alexia was far too easy and almost a habit for her, she had been doing that for years now.
Y/N first fell in awe of Alexia when she watched her play her first u-17 Euros, back in 2010, when she was just fifteen. Even when the Young Lionesses didn’t go very far, Y/N managed to convince her parents that they absolutely had to stay for the whole tournament. 
Alexia was still a wide-eyed teenager, shy to give interviews and speak up, but so confident and skilled in the pitch that Y/N could not helped but to feel in absolute awe. It wasn’t even a question that the midfielder would be a great player and it wasn’t even a question that Y/N would start to keep up with her career the best she could, she would even use the poor excuse that the shared their position when her friends bugged her too much about it.
Y/N first feel in admiration with Alexia when she played against her during the 2012 u-19 Euros. Despite being only fifteen, Y/N was called up when someone got injured and even made the line-up for the game against Spain.
Ninety brutal minutes later that resulted in England being eliminated, Alexia made sure to speak and praise every single one of her opponents. That was the first time they ever spoke. Y/N wasn’t even sure if Alexia remembered that, but the praise the older girl gave her and the sheer amount of respect she was given made her admire Alexia as a player on a whole new level.
The “See you in a Champions League game.” that the older girl said goodbye with echoed in her head for years, until the moment she signed with Arsenal as her first professional contract a couple of years later. Y/N really hoped to play against Alexia again.
Y/N first fell in respect with Alexia in Budapest, during the Champions League final in 2019. Despite the overwhelming loss from the start, she watched as Alexia gave her blood on the pitch. One of the most agonizing games Y/N had ever watched, being able to even taste the desperation while surrounded by thousands of culés ins the stands.
She watched the absolute heartbreak the team faced, the broken stares as they watched Lyon lift the Champions League cup again. She watched as the twenty-five years old fourth captain picked her teammates up, reassured them and listened to them. She watched the midfield swallow her own despair and angst to take care of her teammates, as a captain and leader would. Y/N could help but to respect the Catalonian as player, as person. Not everybody can do that.
Y/N first fell in fondness with Alexia when she was the first to make her feel at home in Barcelona. Leaving Arsenal and home behind was terrifying, even if Lucy and Keira were in Barcelona too. It’s a new city, a new culture, a new language, new teammates, and a new sense of self.
Arriving and settling in Barcelona was easy, but fitting in and becoming a part of the team was much harder. Spending so many countless evenings and night trying to learn the language that Y/N began to neglect herself a little bit seemed like a small price to pay to be in the team. It wasn’t until Alexia herself asked to speak to you, realizing that you were unconsciously closing yourself off until you were “ready” that you realized what you were doing. Upon seeing the realization in your eyes and knowing that her mission was complete, the older woman slipped a bar of your favourite chocolate over and left with a squeeze on your shoulder.
After that, it wasn’t long until you were a part of the very chaotic Barcelona family. By the time that the Winter Break arrived, the team had settled in a very nice post-practice routine. On Mondays, the guiris got together, helping each other fit with the country. Tuesdays and Wednesdays the whole team holed up at someone’s house, usually Irene’s, and just bonded, going from watching trashy movies to destroying each other on board games. When there were no games on the weekend, the Fridays were for going out on a very non-wild night, just to eat out and spend more time with each other.
Thursdays were sacred. You and Alexia got together, spending the whole time watching old matches, nitpicking plays and dissecting games from opponents or your favourite players. The night usually ending with you cooking, her cleaning and crashing at the bed after taking Nala for her night walk.
Y/N first fell in love with Alexia after the Winter Break, when Alexia was opening the gift, she brought from England. It was a grand thing, but the older woman’s eyes shone so brightly when the Christmas tree’s light sparked that Y/N was sure her heart skipped a beat.
Being in love with Alexia was easy. Between the team’s bonding and their own, all their weekdays were spent together, and Alexia usually dragged Y/N over for lunch with the rest of the Putellas family, where she fit right in. Her days were filled with Alexia’s presence and her nights were filled with dreams of her.
Y/N never entertained the thought of Alexia loving her back. Not she was an asshole or anything, but Alexia was different. Keeping her feelings to herself, not even telling her best friends came naturally, as she knew they would encourage her to try something, but that is just because they didn’t see Alexia like she did.
Friendships with Spaniards were very confusing at first. They were very touchy and very feely and, at first, it made Y/N a bit uneasy to be able the differ when they were hitting on each other and when they were just being friends. She finally settled in taking everything as a friendship moment if she wasn’t told otherwise and left at that.
On a Thursday, instead of watching a game like their usual, Alexia wanted to go dancing. They got ready at arrived at the Sala Apollo when it was already packed, heading to the bar, and having a couple of drinks before the older woman dragged them both to the dance floor. The closeness and intimacy of dancing with each other came easily for them. Letting the heavy bass of reggaeton guide their moves and being pressed together was almost as natural as cuddling on the couch after a movie.
It wasn’t until Alexia’s hands began to wonder that Y/N though better about the whole night. When the older woman’s lips found a spot on her neck and her hands found their place on her hips after squeezing her ass, Y/N was gone. Turning around and kissing Alexia, they were locked in a much wilder dance at that point. Not staying too long after that was natural, as it was sharing a bed of a whole different manner.
Y/N first fell in heartbreak with Alexia when she called their night a mistake. Waking up the next day, surrounded of filled with the midfielder, Y/N smiled and lost herself on the skin of Alexia’s back being hit by sun. Having coffee turned sour on her mouth after Alexia’s words and feeling has heart break on her chest was hard enough, but she could let the older woman know the damage her words had done, she loved her too much for that.
Leaving Alexia’s house that day was one of the easiest and hardest things Y/N had ever done. It was easy because she desperately needed to leave, she needed to let the tears stream down her cheeks away from the other woman’s praying gaze. It was hard because it closed the door on any possibility of the words being a mistake themselves. After promising Alexia, and lying through her teeth, that everything was okay, Y/N left.
People say grieve has five stages. Y/N was no expert, but she was pretty sure that whoever was supposed to go through them was the person grieving, so she didn’t quite understand Alexia’s sudden avoidance. The captain found new teammates to do all the training exercises together, spoke to her only when necessary and cancelled all Their Thursdays for the past few weeks.
A part of her told herself that maybe Alexia felt guilty, maybe she wanted to take the word Mistake back. That part was very strong, it was pulsating, it gave her hope. That part told her to not give up and just give her part.
Y/N arrived just in time on the locker room to overhear Alexia answering a question about a date. Her latest one. On a Thursday. She couldn’t pay a lot of attention to the midfielder answer without had eyes tearing up, so she tried to block the conversation as much as she could, and it was going pretty damn well until she lied to her teeth once again when someone asked if she didn’t mind that the dates where always on a Thursday.
The called up to represent the Lionesses came as a blessing, giving her a break from the club. It was much easier to be her usual self, joke around with her teammates and going on a full-blown prank war against Georgia when she could pretend Alexia didn’t exist. It was also much easing swallowing down her hopes and downloading Tinder when she was sure Alexia would not pop-up on her screen.
Swiping left on all the women that the app showed her was unconscious. Y/N didn’t even realize she was doing that until Leah caught her with the app opened and started to swipe with her. When the captain asked for the billionth time what was wrong with the last woman, the only answer she had to give was that none of them were her. That prompted her to tell her best friend everything. After convincing Leah to not do something stupid, the captain just told you not to worry and that she would find you the perfect date.
 With the time with the national team up, Y/N flew back to Barcelona, smiling as the she sees the city lighting up against the night sky. She barely has time to settle back before Leah texts her that she found her a great date and saying that they will both fly out for the Champions League match in a couple of weeks.
Between trying to find out more information on Leah’s mysterious friend and the sting that came whenever Alexia promptly ignored her, Y/N days passed slowly. It’s easy to distract herself on the days that are occupied by the team, but Thursdays were the worst. The hurt that came the being subbed out of Alexia’s life was just more prominent on these days and Y/N didn’t quite know what to do about it.
The Champions League finally came and with it, Leah and her friend being in town. The date was going to happen the day before the match and Y/N wasn’t sure whether the anxious feeling she had were for the match or for the date.
Getting ready was almost automatic. A nice short black dress paired up with a light makeup as they would go to dinner at a nice restaurant that Y/N absolutely loved. Waiting for the time to go out, she turned the TV on started watching and old match, absently minded remembering that it was a Thursday. Not that any of that mattered anymore.
The doorbell rang just as Ronaldinho scored a goal, making her tear her eyes away from the game. Y/N walk to the door in confusion, not expecting anyone today. The team was doing their own Thursday thing and Leah was out with Lucy and Keira, leaving literally no one to be at her doorstep at almost eight.
Hazel eyes greeted her upon opening the door. Alexia stood in front of her, in her comfiest hoodie and sweatpants, the beanie tucked in her head, cheeks rosy from the wind. Her gaze, holding hope and a thousand secrets, wandered through you figure, before settling back in your own eyes.
“I was hoping we could have our usual Thursday? I have a lot that I need to say to you.”
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yeehawbvby · 2 months
Safe (Sebastian x GN!Reader)
Rating: Teen+
Summary: You run into Sebastian on your way into town from the bathhouse, and he invites you to go for a ride with him. The thing is, you’re terrified of motorcycles.
Luckily, he helps you feel safe while you prepare to accompany him.
Author's Note: This was 100% wholeheartedly inspired by these images by sinsydia.. when I say I have been rotating that last one in particular in my brain for DAYS I'm not exaggerating!! ;;w;; Hope y'all like this x
Check it out on ao3!
It was a rough day. 
A new season had just started so you spent more time than usual tending to your crops, and then had to delve into the mines for a good few hours to fulfill a bulletin board request. 
Got your ass kicked by some bugs and bats all for a stupid topaz… Elliot better need it for something good.
After dinner, you felt awful, but didn’t want to go to bed just yet; you figured you at least deserved a nice dip at the bathhouse first to relax. So after cleaning the dishes, you trudged through the backwoods, up the mountain, and then across the broken, dirty tiles of the worn-down building feeling half-dead; wondering, Is this really worth the hike? 
About 20 minutes into your soak, you realized that it totally was worth it. You found yourself shoving your swimsuit back into your locker with a second wind that only a nap could usually supply, ready to enjoy the rest of your night.
Rather than turning right into the backwoods, you made your way further down the hill with an extra pep in your step, deciding to take the long way home. A round headlight stopped you in your tracks, though.
You squinted through the beam and smiled, noticing a tall, hooded figure resting against the bike that beam came from, with a cigarette hanging between his lips. Had to try your best not to ogle at how good he looked. As much as motorcycles freaked you out, you couldn’t deny the appeal of seeing Sebastian leaning so coolly against his own.
As you approached, he turned to you, nodding his head once in greeting. “Hey,” he offered before turning for a moment to breathe out some smoke.
“What’s up?” 
“I was just about to head out.” He runs a hand through his hair, pushing back his hood in the process. 
“Oh, cool,” you nodded, sparing a glance south towards the town. He probably wants me to leave, then. “I won’t keep y—“ you stopped yourself at the sight of a goofy and mischievous — albeit very handsome — grin staring down at you when you faced him again.
A nervous laugh slipped its way past your lips while you looked around at the scenery once more to distract yourself. Hopefully your cheeks didn’t look as warm as they felt…
Through some residual giggles, you asked, “What’s with the face?” 
He flashed you a toothier smile. “Wanna come with?”
You took a deep breath in. On one hand, a night out with your crush sounded amazing. On the other… 
You puffed your cheeks, still holding your breath while you stared down Sebastian’s vehicle.
Finally letting that air escape your lungs, you hesitantly responded with a question of your own. “You… you mentioned a while back that you'd keep me safe if I ever rode with you, right?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “of course.”
“You promise you will?”
“I’ll do ya one better.” He held out a pinky, his face softening as he wiggled it at you.
You could’ve sworn your heart melted a little when you linked your little finger through his. The two of you remained comfortably intertwined for a few beats while you decided what to do.
You knew you’d be wondering about what you were missing out on all night if you didn’t go with him… well, wherever he was going. 
Fuck it.
With a sigh, you nodded. “Alright, yeah.” The words came out airy, your nerves putting themselves on full display. 
Sebastian’s grin grew wide and genuine while he snuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray he kept near the garage door. 
“Sick.” He nodded towards the bike, “You get on first. I’ve gotta grab a few things.”
Nodding at the instructions he gave you, you padded over to the motorcycle, inspecting it a little before straddling the seat. 
Your heart raced thinking of what was to come. You trusted Sebastian, of course, but you didn’t trust other drivers on the road. Weren’t sure how you felt about being a passenger without a roof or doors to shield you, either. 
Your friend came back with two helmets in hand — one very clearly old and worn, and the other sleek and new, as if recently polished. He handed you the fancier one.
There was a noticeable shake to your hands while you took the protective gear from him. 
“Hm…” he hummed at that observation, his mouth crooked. “Scoot forward. I wanna try something.”
With the helmet in your lap and your view plastered to the instrument panel, you did just that. Then, you stiffened as you felt Sebastian climb on behind you, reaching around your frame to hold the handlebars.
He hummed pensively again, his baritone reverberating through your back and sending a shiver down your spine, before nodding. “I can work with this.”
“Is this even legal?” you asked, looking behind yourself and up at him. 
Yoba above you’ve never been this close to him. As if your anxiety regarding the motorcycle wasn’t enough stress on your poor heart…
He shrugged and looked down at you, grinning. “Probably not.” His breath was minty and smokey as it brushed your face. He winked as he tacked on, “That’s what the backroads are for.” The small gesture had your stomach doing flips.
You nodded, still unsure, but again trusting his judgment; and after putting his own helmet on, he put a large hand on your shoulder and leaned down, getting close to your ear.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. We’ll take it slow, yeah?”
Too nervous to look at his eyes this closely through the polycarbonate between you, you kept your view on his knee, nodding. 
After a pat where his hand was, he reached around you and grabbed the other helmet, plopping it down over your head. The action made you laugh. Definitely helped to lighten the mood.
“Alright, a few things,” he went on while you adjusted the headgear, pointing towards some metal bars near the front wheels of the vehicle. “You see those crash bars there?” 
“Keep your feet on ‘em. Any dangling when we’re in motion could get dangerous.” Next, while you heeded his words, Sebastian brought both hands around you and grasped the handlebars near where they met. “If you need to grab anything, which you should if you want to really feel secure, hold onto this. Any higher,” he slid his hands towards the grips, “and you could mess with my steering.” You could hear a sly smile in his voice as he suggested, “Unless you wanna steer—“
You cut him off, your own tone amused. “No way in hell.”
He barked out a quick laugh. “Whatever you say. Now, one more thing.”
“Let me know if you feel too spooked at any point and I’ll pull over, or we can just turn back, or whatever.” 
Your anxiety had already been washing away, but that suggestion solidified how safe he really made you feel. 
You breathed deeply.
He really would keep you safe.
“Yeah, sounds good,” you nodded. “I trust you, though. I think I’ll be okay.”
Braving the closeness, you turned your head towards his again. He was looking down at you already, so your helmets bumped in the middle, leaving both of you chuckling as a result. 
“Thanks, Seb.”
“What for?”
You shrugged. “For looking out for me, I guess, I dunno.” You could see his eyes grin through the lens of his helmet before he headbutted your own with it. You stifled a giggle.
“No problem, ya sap.” He started up the bike before looking down at you again. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” you breathed. “Let’s do this.”
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decojellyfish · 6 months
It's okay, love ♡
Hope you guys enjoy this one! Gaz needed a proper one, not just a drabble :) If you have any constructive criticism, please comment below! If you have any requests, or just want to say stuff to me, feel free to submit stuff!
Harpee Hawk! Gaz x Harpee Dove! Fem! Reader Both of you are nervous on your first date together :3
SFW ~ An odd combination of fluff, then angst, then fluff again :) Warnings: N/A
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───♡───────────── Beginning You were waiting at the reserved table at the restaurant where you had planned to meet your date, fingers nervously fidgeting with the fabric of your dress. Your anxiety about being set up makes you glance at the time on your phone every 5 seconds. It was 2 minutes passed your agreed meeting time. You try to subtly fan yourself with your hand, nervousness setting in and making your skin slightly perspire and your white feathered wings twitch ever so slightly in anticipation.
Then you saw him. He came slightly rushing in, he knew he was a little late. You could see in his face. Although he was afar, at the entryway, you could see a slight glint of guilt in his eyes. He was scanning the restaurant for your face, but he spotted you because of your shiny, soft wings instead.
It made your stomach fill with enough butterflies to make a bug collector jealous with how his face suddenly lit up and he began to make his way to your table.
He spoke your name as he approached, almost in disbelief. He was just as astounded as you were as you took in each other’s beauty. It was kind of a brief awkward silence, which you two realized as you looked away from each other with a light blush dusted upon your cheeks.
“I-I’m Kyle.” He spoke, still in awe of your presence, as he held out his hand to you. You responded with your name, as well, and held his hand. You thought it was a handshake, although that would’ve been awfully business-like for a romantic date until he began to raise your hand to his face and he gently kissed your knuckles.
He looked at you the whole time, with you practically melting at the way his half-lidded eyes gazed into yours that were wide open at the surprise.
He then sat himself down in the seat across from you, “Sorry, love, f’ bein’ late. Traffic was complete chaos out there.” He chuckled, making you smile and laugh as well. “It’s okay, at least you showed up late rather than not at all.” You responded, adjusting the shoulder strap of your dress.
“Have you ordered anything yet?” “No, I was kind of waiting on you. I was just gonna wait until about 20 minutes passed our agreed time before I just ordered something or just went home.” You both laughed, a waitress soon approached your table and requested your order.
After you two had placed your orders, she left and you were left alone with each other again. You both stared at each other for a moment before he was the first one to speak up.
“You’re dress looks lovely. It goes well with your wings.” Kyle smiled, you could almost melt with the way his eyes shifted to the feathered protrusions in your back. His brown eyes began to sparkle with admiration before they returned to your face. “You look lovely…” He spoke softly, but loud enough for you to hear him.
You had never really made it this far when it came to a date, either being ghosted or stood up, or your date making you so uncomfortable that you say you’re off to the bathroom when, in reality, you’re booking it out of the agreed spot and going home. Something about the thought of someone caring for you so much that they would kiss you, greet you every morning, comfort you every night, and take you off on an adventure to experience new things together.
It felt so foreign to you. But with Kyle, you could feel the love radiating off of him. Honestly, it terrified you. This felt strange, weird, scary. Scary that you had never gotten this far, scary that you didn’t know what to do or where to go from here.
So you did what felt familiar.
You grabbed your purse, stood up, and spoke the words that felt like a safety blanket to you. “I-I just need to use the restroom for a bit, is that okay…?” “Oh, of course, love. I’ll be right here when you get back.”
He was oblivious, only an understanding smile appearing on his face. It made your heart almost shatter with guilt. But it was the only way you wouldn’t become an emotionally terrified wreck in front of the gorgeous piece of art that sat across from you.
Walking away from the table, you went in the direction of the bathroom, constantly checking over your shoulder to make sure he couldn’t see you before abruptly changing direction and going towards the entrance. You grabbed your coat, quickly putting it on as the host thanked you for coming to the establishment.
You didn’t say a word, quickly shooting a glance over your shoulder at the two-person table. Kyle still obliviously waiting for your return. You felt a burning lump in your throat, tears pricking at your eyes as you couldn’t bear to watch. You were setting up this man’s beautiful heart to be broken. All because you were scared of what actual love felt like, having been denied it for so long.
You swiftly left, already beginning to hiccup, and blinked back your tears. You didn’t want him to see you abandoning him through the windows, so you shot up into the sky and began to fly back home.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“They’re just in the bathroom, they’ll be out in a minute.” Kyle smiled up at the waitress as she served your food across from him. Once she left, he softly muttered to himself, “Hopefully…” before glancing over at the bathroom with a small sigh. He held his hands together in his lap, trying to calm himself down. It had been 24 minutes. Kyle didn’t know what had happened to you.
Maybe you were having stomach issues? But how could they have been so bad that it kept you almost 30 minutes in the restroom? The worst idea that he had popped up in his head was that you had gotten hurt in the bathroom and needed dire help. But that one was also the most unlikely, so he pushed it to the back of his head.
It’s been 32 minutes since you announced that you needed the restroom, he didn’t want the food to get cold. He took a small bite of it, surely he could explain once you got back that he didn’t want to eat cold food that had originally been served warm.
It’s been an hour and 3 minutes since you had left. Kyle had eaten part of his food, not even half of it. He was too worried about what had happened to you. Why you left him. He looked at the plate of perfectly untouched food that was probably cold now.
He was holding his face in his hands, wondering what he had done wrong to make you have this reaction, when the waitress approached him and asked about the bill.
“It looks like I’ll be the one paying f’ it huh?” He responded, defeated. He took the bill from her, quickly speaking up before she left him alone. “And can I get two boxes f’ these?” She responded with a yes and a nod.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
It wasn’t that difficult for him to find your address, he had just asked through the grapevine of people he knew definitely were in contact with you. He knew how creepy it was, but he just wanted to make sure you had gotten your uneaten food. That’s all.
Kyle landed outside of your townhouse, walking up the steps and knocking on your door. He hoped you at least had made it home safe.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
You were still sniffling from your crying session. You felt like such a fool for leaving what seemed to be a perfect man in the dark like that. You felt so many emotions all at once, even as you tried to compose yourself in your pajamas, and snuggled up in your bed as some pitiful attempt of physically comforting yourself. Shame, embarrassment, fear, confusion, helplessness, and frustration with yourself.
You nearly gasped in horror when you heard a knock on your front door. Tears rushed to your eyes, that stupid look you always developed when you were about to cry made its way to your face again. You waited, hoping, praying that whoever it was would just leave you alone.
But it came again, somewhat more frantic than the first time. It felt oddly like a ‘worried’ knock. You sighed, grabbed another tissue, and lazily tried to clean yourself up, this person wasn’t going, were they?
You got out of bed, your wings slightly twitching as they stretched out. They had been stuck in a position that was slightly wrapped protectively around you as you were crying. Your wing muscles were aching, and it took you up until now to notice how stressed they were.
Shuffling down the stairs, you just wanted to be left alone which was why you didn’t bother to look out the windows by your front door.
Your front door opened, Kyle felt relieved that you were okay, you nearly got a heart attack when you saw him on your front step. Here come those tears, already severely blurring your vision, obscuring his worried face once he saw you begin to cry at the mere sight of him.
“You kind of forgot your food, love…” He softly chuckled and handed you a styrofoam box, your shaky hands taking it. “You alright…? ‘M sorry if it was anything I said that made you feel the need to-” “I-I’m sorry…” You whimpered out through trembling breaths and uncontrolled hiccups.
Kyle looked at you, his eyes growing sympathetic as he watched how you just crumbled right in front of him. It made him want just to hold you, cup the back of your head, and whisper into your ear ‘It’ll be okay’. 
“I-I’m sorry for-... for just leaving you like that!” You desperately explained, your tears now already rolling down your face, down your cheeks, and down your neck. You didn’t know where to put your take-out box so you just awkwardly held it as you used one hand to wipe at your face.
He looked at you, taking a small breath before stepping into your home and gently taking the box from you. He set it down on a nearby table where you kept your shoes and a vase of flowers. Then he turned back to you and gingerly took your hands in his, looking into your red, puffy, watery eyes.
“It’s alright, love, I forgive you… but there must’ve been a reason you did it…” He was gentle with his words, they felt like a hug almost.  “Was there…?”
You sniffled and glanced up at him as you thought of an explanation. ��I-I guess I’m just… just afraid of actual love…? As stupid as it sounds…” you sniffled, your shoulders quivering along with your breaths as you tried to calm down. You gave a small awkward, kind of desperate laugh.
Kyle softly chuckled, “‘Fraid of love…? That sounds awful…” he would gently plant a light peck against your knuckles. “How long have you had philiphobia…?” he asked with a small smile. This time, you let out a real laugh. Small, but real. “What’s that…?”
“The irrational fear of love…” His words were so smooth, soft, and velvety as he said that. It felt strange, but like a strange comfort, almost. You took some time to think. “Well, I’m not exactly terrified of it… more like, I’m just unnerved by the prospect of it…”
“Still, how long have you been bothered by it…?” You really started to dig deep into your memory, trying to figure out where it all began.
“I guess… I guess when people started to make a big deal about getting into relationships… I suppose all the way back in elementary, I just wanted nothing to be loved… romantically loved. I never really got that, in any of my school years, and now I’ve just… kind of grown distant to the idea of being loved…?”
“And yet you still reach out for it, love. You’re in the dating pool, you still want love…”
“Yeah… I guess I do…” you mumbled to yourself. He looked at you, moving a bit of hair that had stuck to your face via crying. “Mind if I show you just a little bit…? Not a kiss, but I still want to give you the romantic love you desire…”
You paused, in thought, debating internally on whether or not you accept his proposal. Maybe it was time you did something you were afraid of. I mean, exposure therapy is there for a reason, right?
You give him a small nod, and you see him light up like a warm candle, a comforting light within the cold darkness of night. He then opened up his wings and proceeded to wrap them around you, pulling you closer to him. His coffee-brown feathers gently brushed and rubbed against your ivory ones. He then held you closer with his own arms.
Those muscular arms that silently screamed, ‘I will protect you with every fiber of my being’. One hand resided at one of your shoulder blades and the other cusped against the back of your head.
You both stayed like that for a bit. And you finally let yourself just be. Just be in love. Just relax into the comfort of the loving embrace of one harpee to another. Your eyelids would begin to droop shut, your body relaxing in the warmth of Kyle’s love. You could hear it, in the way he breathed, that he was smiling once he felt you relax into him.
“How’s this, love…?”
“...I like it.”
“You sure? You just like it?” He quietly chuckled.
“Yeah… I love it.” ───♡───────────── End
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leggerefiore · 5 months
do you suppose we could have some headcanons for Guzma coming across his S/O’s ex who, to put a fine point on it, didn’t treat them so well?
please, and thank you 💀
sorry its a little short, but I hope you enjoy still!
cw: light mentions of abuse (nothing explicit), guzma intimidating someone, threats
pairing: Guzma/Reader
□ Due to his affiliations with misfits around Alola, he was, unfortunately, more than inclined to hear abuse stories. Hell, he even had his own as much as he was not the type to talk about it. Your story, though, struck him harder than most. He was not going to lie and pretend that you were not clearly favourite to him, so hearing what you went through made him more frustrated than usual. Some poor random trainer got a hot battle by an angry bug man later that day to vent off the rage.
□ The details about what happened to you and anything about your ex were glued in his mind. He doubted that he would ever come across them, especially in the places that he usually roamed about. Yet, on the off chance that he did, they would get to know destruction in human form. He also let his grunts and Plumeria know about some of the details to make sure that they did not cross your path again. The last thing Guzma wanted was for you to have old trauma forced open by someone not even worthy of your presence.
□ But, as luck would have it, he caught a glance of them while he was in Malie waiting on someone. He had been leaning against the wall of the city's garden when they walked out. Guzma felt his fist unconsciously clench, and his eyes narrowed. This was the person who had caused you so much stress and suffering. Why? He felt bad when you got upset over him getting hurt after messing with that old man's cats. Purposefully drawing out that seemed painful. He strolled over to them while they were blissfully unaware.
□ Guzma easily cornered them somewhere isolated and forced himself to stand up straight to give a little extra edge to his intimidation. He was not going to be stupid and do anything that would make that old man have to come after him. No, all he was going to do was make a few things clear. His brows grew together as his lips pulled back into a harsh expression. A hand hovered over Golisopod's pokeball in case he needed an extra hand.
□ “You recall how you treated your ex?” he spoke with an edge that clearly made them want to curl away from him. Their eyes went wide at his words, and they nodded nervously. Guzma wanted to roll his own. With how you had described them, he would have thought they would have at least done more than look terrified. “Good,” he placed his hands on his hips and made himself seem bigger, “If I ever hear that you harass them again or do any of that kinda shit to anyone else, I'll completely destroy you. Got it?”
□ When they finally squeaked out a “yes,” he backed away and let them go. Quickly, they ran out of the area and into a nearby crowd of people. He almost wanted to laugh at how pitiful they ended up. Did they only want to beat down on people weaker than them? How disgusting. Guzma felt awful that you had to deal with someone like that at all – especially in a romantic capacity. He felt at ease now, at least. A feeling that they would steer clear of you entered him. And, suddenly, he had an urge to take you for a walk around the Malie Garden. Might be nice to do an actual date for a change.
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tsukasalvr · 11 months
Can you do headcannons for Zenitsu, Sanemi, Tanjiro, and Shinobu (if you can) with a gender neutral s/o who really likes bugs? Like when they catch one they run up to them to show them the bug?
s/o who likes bugs
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Anime/fandom: Demon Slayer
Characters: Zenitsu Agatsuma, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Tanjiro Kamado, Shinobu Kocho
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: yum
Demon Slayer masterlist | Main masterlist
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Zenitsu Agatsuma
He’s terrified of bugs, and will scream at any bug he sees— no matter how small it is
And finding out that you, his precious, sweet, amazing s/o likes bugs, he can feel his souls leave his body knowing that he’s going to have to be around bugs for the rest of his life now
“Aww, look Zenitsu! Look at how cute it is!” You exclaim while crouching on the ground to hold up a little bug in your hand, and show Zenitsu who’s next to you. Zenitsu wants to pass out at the sight, backs away and screams “It’s anything but cute!”
If you happen to have a bug collection or have a few pet bugs, then he’ll try to learn to be less scared of them but he can’t stop trembling every time you show him a bug. You might just accidentally kill him early
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
Is a bug lover just like you, he does have a pet beetle after all— a Japanese rhinoceros beetle to be specific! He think bugs like beetles that have a tough exterior are the toughest
He has no problem with you liking bugs and if you collect them then it’s even better. He knows not everyone likes bugs and are afraid of them so it makes him happy knowing you like his pet beetle and taking care of it with such care
“But… I’m sure it would love it though!” You whined as you showed him that you bought a few items for his beetles home. “It’s just a beetle!” He yells but it makes him happy knowing you care so much
Having a picnic with Sanemi that’s also a bug date is a must! He loves it when you show each other a cool bug that you both found, and he will definitely boast how that he finds are much cooler looking than yours
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Tanjiro Kamado
Thinks it’s very cute how you like bugs so much. He’s not scared of bugs at all and will not scream or run away if you walk over with one in hand unlike a specific yellow haired boy
Will gladly encourage your hobby/interest and will even help you with taking care of them—even if he doesn’t exactly know how but he’s definitely down with it if you teach him how and even tell him facts about each and different types of bugs
“Hmm, this one looks slightly different than the rest.” You mumbled in thought as you stared at new bug you caught “You’re right! One antennas bigger than the other! “ Tanjiro said pointing at the smaller antenna in awe
Tanjiro would happily help build enclosures if you wanted. He thinks many of the bugs are very unique and with the many facts you tell him, he’ll sometimes blurt it out when he’s around Zenitsu and Inosuke which sometimes makes Zenitsu nervous to be around you
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Shinobu Kocho
Has no problem with you liking bugs! She is the the insect hashira after all and it just wouldn’t her suit her if she wasn’t okay with them, I mean butterfly’s are practically her signature thing
Thinks you’re the cutest thing ever when you’re babbling about bugs. Even though she’s okay with bugs, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t still find some gross, some are just too ugly to look at compared to others
“What about this one instead? This one’s much prettier!” She said and pointed at the beautiful purple butterfly, trying to convince you to catch that one instead of the ugly one that you wanted
If you ever find one that’s been hurt or has a parasite stuck to it, she’ll happily take care of it and remove it for you.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
How much do you want to bet?
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader(+ big sister Regina)
Warnings: angst, fluff, sick fic, coarse language, slight descriptions + mentions of vomiting & sickness, angry Regina
Regina calls Janis for help late at night due to an inconsolable reader who was sick and miserable
Other parts: One / two / three
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(Photos used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s TikTok[deleted])
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Regina was alone. Again and with you. Except this time, you were sick. You’ve caught a stomach bug and were feeling absolutely awful. It was a little after nine-thirty at night. Regina’s tried every remedy she knew to help you eat something or get some fluids into your system but they never stayed long enough before you regurgitated them. Helpless, she gave up on her ways and let you just sit there in your bed. You were terrified of laying down because of the possibility that you would throw up again and end up making a mess if you didn’t get to the bathroom in time. Or the trash can on your floor for that matter.
“Baby, I’m so sorry.” Regina carefully rests her palm on your stomach underneath the thin fabric of your shirt, hoping the warmth provides you with some relief. You just look at her, unable to speak for fear of bursting into tears for the second time that night. Regina sighs softly, heart breaking at this pitiful sight.
“It’s going around in school.” You croaked after a few minutes.
“I know, that sucks.” Regina says, “Do you want me to go get you a heat pack, so we can put it on your stomach? It’ll probably work better than my hand.”
You shook your head no, shifting uncomfortably, “Where’s Mom?”
June was…off in Florida, to avoid her life right here in Chigaco. And at the worst time possible.
You chewed your lower lip, it was quivering, “I want Mommy, Reg.”
“She’s not answering her calls, baby. I’m sorry, but I’ll keep trying, okay?”
To Regina’s surprise, you managed to nod off while she stepped outside to make a particular phone call. First, she tried to dial June’s number again just like she’d promised you she would. But this time, her phone wasn’t even on. She definitely did this on purpose, turning her phone off. Regina hesitated, but was at her wit’s ends: she phoned Janis.
“Janis, are you free right now?”
“Yes…” Janis answered warily, “Why?”
“y/n’s sick and in pain and crying for Mom but she’s MIA somewhere in Florida — her phone’s off so I was wondering if you could—”
“What?” Janis shrieked, “My God, I’m on my way.”
“Drive s—” Before Regina could respond properly, Janis hung up the call and was rushing here.
Regina stood in the doorway of your room, leaning against the wooden frame and watching you sleep. She stayed there the whole time until Janis pulled up twenty minutes later. Regina lets her in. “Could you keep an eye on her for a minute? I’m gonna go use the restroom.”
“Of course.” Janis agrees, taking two steps at a time up the flights of stairs while Regina went ahead to the bathroom.
“Still can’t contact your mom?” Janis asks quietly when she saw Regina coming upstairs.
“Nope.” Regina sighs. “I’ve never seen her this upset, I hate seeing her like that.”
“How long has she been asleep?”
“Oh, thirty minutes I think. Probably the most she’s slept at a time all day.” Regina answers, arms crossed.
“Still no water intake?”
“Not since right before this whole thing started.” Regina confirms, “That cold glass of water went in and came back out warm.” Regina shuddered. “Should we take her to the hospital? Get an IV or something?”
Janis chuckles dryly, “I…think we let her try something in a solid form. Popsicle or ice cubes. She would definitely start crying again if we bring up the hospital. Usually, it’s just a 24 hour bug so let’s pay attention and hope for the best.”
“Good luck— she didn’t want any of it.” Regina sighs exasperatedly. “Work your magic, maybe she’ll listen to you instead of me.”
“Go to bed.”
“And leave you alone for the next six to seven hours? ‘Imi’ike, I’m not heartless.”
“Well…” Janis joked.
“Fair.” Regina smirked. “You wanna eat anything, help yourself. I have a very angry text to send to my mother.”
“I’m good, thanks though.” Janis replies, sitting down casually by your door and went on her phone.
“Are you feeling like you’d be getting sick soon?”
“No, I really don’t think so. I’ve been very careful about washing my hands and not touching my face when I saw those people at school getting sick. I also have a way stronger immune system, luckily. How are you feeling?”
Regina’s eyebrows were raised in shock, but she masked that pretty well as her usual smirk after. “I feel fine, I usually don’t get sick either. But if the heavens want to torment me, they can feel free to do so after y/n recovers.”
“Knock on wood, Regina. Be careful what you wish for.” Janis warned. “Is Cady okay?”
“Yeah, the rest of the gang seems alright too. She’s the first one in our circle to get it.”
“Reg?” You said quietly. “Regina, I need—”
You quickly heard footsteps approaching your room but not of someone you expected. “Hey, you’re awake.” Janis smiled at you, “What do you need?”
You kicked off the blanket, slowly getting your legs off the bed. “Uh— why are you— why are you here?”
“Regina called me.”
“For what? I—”
“Don’t fight it.” Janis looked at you, “Let us take care of you.”
“I don’t want to get you sick too.”
“I don’t get sick, I’ll be fine.” Janis spoke in a tone that immediately shut you up. That and the fact that you were feeling like utter crap. “What do you need?”
“The bathroom.” You stood up unsteadily. Janis put her arm around you to give you the support you needed to make your way there. “Now, how are you feeling?”
“Stomach hurts. I’m not that nauseous anymore. Very thirsty but I’m scared I can’t keep it down.” You answered, slightly irritated. She feels your forehead, “Did she give you fever meds?”
“Not after I couldn’t even keep water down.” You spoke. Then before she could even say a word, “Scratch that, gotta puke.” You made u-turn for the bathroom again and barely made it to the toilet to spill the contents of your stomach.
Janis seethed, “I’m sorry, honey.” She rubs your back and made sure your hair didn’t get in the way.
Meanwhile downstairs, Regina was going batshit crazy. “Fuck!” You groaned, finally feeling okay enough to back away and sit down. “Can you go check on—”
“I’m not gonna leave you here alone.” Janis crouched down and then sat next to you.
“God I’m so tired.” You mumbled, on the verge of tears.
“I might have something for you that could help.” Janis held your face, “It’s in my car, I’ll go get it.”
She scurries away to go get whatever it was. You dragged yourself back to your bed, staring at the bottle of water on your nightstand, tempted.
As you attempted a sip of it, Janis returns with a little snack container. “My Dad buys this sometimes when he goes back home, he says it helps with a bunch of stuff including nausea, so, here— take this and just leave it in your mouth and let it sit.”
You took the li hing mui from her and just popped it into your mouth. You recognised it, she always had this with her and she was always snacking on it. “I’ll keep the rest of it right here, okay?”
“Did you try some water?”
“Like, a sip.” You told her, voice muffled due to what you had in your mouth. Regina shows up in your room next, “You couldn’t get her on the phone?”
“No.” Regina shook her head, sad. Like, actually sad. “How’re you feeling?”
“I threw up again, but what she gave me helps.” You shrug, leaning back against the headboard. “What time is it?”
“A little after midnight.” Regina answers. Janis settles down next to you. “Go to sleep, Reg. Forget I even asked about mom, there’s no point anymore— she doesn’t care about me.”
Regina’s face fell, she hated that she couldn’t get Mom on the phone for you. She hated that she couldn’t deliver her promise.
“Can you try drinking a little more water, baby? Please? Keep that in your mouth and just drink, be careful though.” Regina hands you a new bottle of water.
You complied, wanting nothing more than quenching the thirst now. But still, you took only cautious sips to make sure you didn’t make things worse for yourself. After finishing about half the bottle you set it down and made sure the plum in your mouth was entirely dissolved before you allowed yourself to sleep. Even then, you could feel Janis and your sister watching you like hawks. You couldn’t take the feeling of having eyes on you so you shot back up and told them, “Don’t keep looking at me.” It came out in a whine though— you couldn’t exactly control that.
“Okay, I’ll be in my room, alright? Do you have everything you need?” Regina asks, ‘Minus Mom.’ She thought to herself.
“Yeah. Good night.” You replied dismissively, however while Regina leaves the room like you’d asked, Janis did not budge.
“Nice try, I’m not leaving ya.” Janis smirked, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Then, of her own accord, she dipped a rag in a bucket of water and put that on your forehead after wringing it dry. You were not happy about it.
“Get away from me, I don’t want you getting sick.”
Janis sighs quietly but doesn’t say anything about that statement of yours. “Close your eyes.”
You did so, cuddling with that carnival prize she won for you.
“Attagirl.” She smiled, relieved that you seemed significantly better at the moment. “G’night. Wake me up if you need anything, okay?”
“M’kay.” You mumbled then drifted off to sleep.
You woke up one time that night thanks to a sudden pang of insane nausea that had you clinging to the toilet but nothing came out of you since your stomach was practically empty.
“Don’t cry, honey.” Janis rubs your back attempting to soothe you.
“I feel like shit.” You sniffled, “Why am I so nauseous if I have nothing left in me?!”
“You wanna get back into bed?”
“Yes.” You looked up at her, absolutely tired of this night.
“Okay, c’mon.” Janis helped you up and back to bed. “I got you, honey. You’re okay.”
She sits with you till you fell asleep.
In the morning, you were alone in your room. But you did feel more…like yourself. You washed up and headed downstairs to locate your sister and Janis. “Hey.” Regina spotted you almost immediately. “You seem like you’re feeling better.”
“My stomach’s not hurting anymore, but I’m still having a fever.” You shrug.
“Take an Advil.” Regina hands you the bottle, “I’m making you some soup.”
“Where’s Jan—”
“Okay.” You sat at the kitchen island and slowly dipped on your glass of water for awhile before you swallows the pill.
“You wanna take a shower?” Regina asks, “She could help you with that.”
“Oh, no, no. I’ll do that on my own.” You gasped, horrified by the idea of Janis seeing you that way.
Regina laughs, “Okay, but only if you’re sure you’re not gonna pass out or something.”
“I’ll be okay.” You exhaled harshly. “Hey, Reg?”
“How— how out of it was I?” You asked.
“Eh…not too bad.” Regina says. “Cried a little bit but I get that. You were always like that when you’re not feeling well.”
“Good god.” You groaned, “I’m sorry.”
Regina squinted, “Don’t apologise for that. You were going through a lot lotta crap last night. How’s the pill doing?”
“It’s…fine. Staying in my system this time.”
She chuckles, “Good.”
“Are you good? Do you feel sick?” You ask.
“Nope. We’ve been very careful: disinfecting everything regularly. After tonight, I’m deep cleaning your room: changing your sheets, wiping down everything, cleaning your bathroom. The works.”
“Hey!” You heard Janis’ voice, “You’re up.”
“Hi.” You turned your head to look at her.
“Here, eat up.” Regina pushes a bowl of chicken noodle soup in front of you.
“Thanks, Reg.”
Well, everything was as good as it could get now. You were glad you were finally out of the worst part of it.
“I think you’ll be good to go back to school Monday.” Regina says.
“Yeah.” You agreed, “I think so too—”
The doorbell rings. “Open up, it’s Mom!”
“Oh, boy.” Janis grumbled.
You nearly choked on your soup and just abandoned your spoon as it clanked against the bowl. You glared at Regina, mouthing, “Why?”
“Because apparently she doesn’t have keys anymore.” Regina scoffs, flouncing toward the door. “What?”
“Well I thought I should come back and take care of—”
“Don’t even. You should’ve picked up as soon as I called you. You’ve got no excuse not to answer.” Regina lets go of the door, walking back into the foyer. June pushed her way into the house.
“Well I’m sorry but things have been really rough.”
“Rough? Rough was me having to work to make sure we don’t just have barely enough to pay to keep the lights on, to eat.”
“I send you the money for bills.”
“What—” Regina scoffs. “Rough was last night when I saw her so pale and throwing up and sobbing for you. She was crying for you to be there for her. To hold her and tell her things are going to be okay. Money isn’t everything, Mom. So the divorce was hard, do you think it only affected you? I may be your oldest daughter and capable to earn some money to make sure we don’t use up all of what you gave for bills. Surprise — she needs you and so do I. Now, more than we ever did. It was supposed to be the three of us against our problems. Not me and her against you and our problems.”
“Why is Janis here?”
“Why is that your first question?” You spoke up, “Why didn’t you pick up?”
“I’m sorry—”
“How much are you willing to bet that if I called your phone right now, it’s going to ring?” Regina glared at June then was dialling said phone number. “I knew it. You avoided us on purpose. Forget it, Mom. Go, go travel all over the country trying to avoid everything instead of caring for your kids who need you. Next time you’re back here, you won’t see us anymore. I found me and y/n a place away from here, we’ll move out soon. This place? There’s no use holding onto it. So, go have fun. Let the kids worry about life.”
“Well I’m here now.”
“After a whole year? You don’t look very willing to me. Be honest— you want to turn and leave. Look at yourself in the mirror. He’s not worth your time and energy, Mom.”
“Don’t come crawling back when your actions have already made it clear as day that you do not care anymore. You’re the grown up, why are we always left alone, always ignored by you?” You walked closer. “Why couldn’t we have gotten through this together? I don’t know how to trust you anymore, Mommy.”
“Baby, let’s take some deep breaths and calm down, okay?” Janis puts her hands on your shoulders, “I don’t want you to get too agitated right now.”
“Baby?” June’s eyes went so wide they might as well have popped out of her head right then and there, “Last I heard you two hated each other’s guts. Now what, suddenly she’s kissing your sister?”
“She stepped up when you couldn’t last night. No questions asked: held her hair back, rubbed her back, rubbed her stomach, held her close, fed her water, took care of her. Zero hesitation. We tried your phone for hours and you didn’t even bother responding with a text.” Regina growled. “That tells me everything I need to know. She’s a good person, and you, you have some work to do. And you better do it fast, pull your shit together, see a therapist, whatever. Life is tough, but if you’re going to wallow in self-pity, you’re not going to get anywhere.”
Janis led you upstairs, not wanting you to stay in that environment any longer. “I wanna take a shower, if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, of course it is.” Janis chuckles lightly, “Do you want me to help you?”
“I think I’ll be fine. I just wanted to make sure someone knew I was in the shower in case, you know?”
“Mm, yeah.” Janis nods, brushing the slightly sweaty hair out of your face so she could see it better, “You go ahead, I’ll get you your clothes and your towel, hm?”
“Kay.” You agreed, finding the energy to smile back after hours and hours. But hearing the yelling still ongoing downstairs, you flinched when a voice got particularly loud.
“You’re okay. I’m right here, baby. Just focus on your shower, nothing else. I’ll be right here with you. Okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, taking in a deep breath, “Thanks, Janis.”
“No problem, honey.” She squished your cheek gently, making you laugh. Then you got up and went into the bathrooms while she remained in your room.
Luckily, when you got out, the yelling had stopped. So you could relax again.
“You good?” Janis studied you. “Better, yeah.” You confirmed, quickly going to sit down on your bed.
“That’s good.”
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Yes.” Janis assured, “I swear. If I’m ever sick, you will know because I will look as pale as a ghost.”
You giggled, “Alright. Thanks for coming over even though it was so late last night.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Janis grins, “One call or text, I’m here immediately.”
“Wait— you changed my sheets?” You realised.
“And we disinfected everything.” Regina appeared.
“Oh.” You jumped, startled.
Regina stifles a laugh, “Sorry. Anyway, Mom won’t be back until we’ve moved out. So you don’t have to worry about her coming over and me yelling at her.”
“You really found a place for us?” You asked.
“Sure did.” She confirmed, “It’s a lot smaller than here of course, but plenty of room for the two of us. With my savings and the fact that I’m working, we’re gonna do perfectly fine. Oh, and Cady’s gonna move in with us too. So Janis, you’re definitely allowed to come and go as you please, but if you want to move in too, the four of us, well technically three of us can share all the expenses. It’ll probably be an easier load this way.”
“How many bedrooms is that?” Janis asks.
“Two bedrooms. One bathroom’s connected to a room the other’s in the hall. You two could definitely share a room then I’ll do the same with Cady. I saw the place and it’s pretty spacious.”
“Tempting. But I probably won’t, I’ll definitely be there a lot though, obviously.” She says, gesturing to you.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else.” Regina smirked. “Anyway…I’m glad you’re feeling better. Are you hungry yet?”
“Actually, yeah. I am.”
“That’s a great sign.” Regina’s face lit up, “I’ll go prepare some rice and soup. Start light, okay? We’ll move on to other stuff tomorrow depending on how you feel after this meal.”
You sulked.
“Come on, just…take it easy on your stomach right now, baby.” Regina couldn’t help but crack a smile, “I’m willing to bet it’s still sore.”
“Yeah…” You answered, head slowly leaning on Janis’ shoulder.
“I’ll be downstairs, you two just do whatever you want. Yell for me if you need anything, okay?”
“Okay.” You sigh falls from your lips, “Thanks, Reg.”
“You’re so welcome, baby.”
Janis chuckles to herself, her arm winded around your waist gingerly, “Still sleepy, babe?”
“No.” You muttered.
“Are you sure?” She teased, “Lunch is gonna take her thirty minute at least.”
Your lips tug into a crooked smile as you snuggled closer to her. “Do you want to watch a movie?”
“Sure, y/n.” She says while rubbing your back, “Are you gonna let me get up to go grab the remote or do I have to carry you with me?”
You laughed, hiding your face in her chest for a second, “I’ll move.”
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
This one got way longer than I expected it to, but I wanted to show Regina and Janis getting along, and of course, June(finally)
I’ll be ending this mini serie in the next part of two. :’)
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Obey Me request (if you're accepting rn)
Do you do Headcanons? Side characters comforting MC that had a cockroach fly on their face
If not then just Barbatos comforting MC with that same scenario?
If you don't like that scenario then maybe with something you're okay with?
Comforting S/O After a Cockroach Attack
A/N: Hi! I was accepting headcanon requests (closed upon posting this). This gave me the shivers, I cannot stand bugs touching me and especially not on my face, so I can only hope my loves would save me :( I went with side characters as I couldn't really come up with enough content or ideas for just one character for a headcanon ask, I'm sorry, but I hope you enjoy these sweet short headcanons
Featuring: GN reader || Diavolo x reader, Barbatos x reader, Simeon x reader, Solomon x reader, Mephisto x reader, Thirteen x reader, Raphael x reader
Warnings: mentions of bugs/cockroaches; relationship with suitor not specified, up for interpretation
Regular human world cockroaches are awful enough to deal with. But being in the Devildom, you often come across some truly monstrous equivalents of animals and bugs, some you've grown used to and even liked. But some of them were truly terrifying, and unfortunately, your worst nightmares came true when you had one of those monstrous Devildom cockroaches flying down at you. It took what felt like hours to escape the damned thing, and your shaking form immediately sought out the comfort of your closest confidante...
When you go to Diavolo and tell him what happened, he may laugh a little at first, but don't be angry. He's just always delighted to see all the different reactions you have. It's especially fascinating to him to see how unfazed you are when handling a multitude of demons, especially the likes of the Seven Avatars, but the likes of a bug scares you instead. But he's reminded of a certain butler who also has a certain, unexpected fear...
He'll offer to protect you from them in the future and comfort you for now by cuddling with you. He may even make some dumb jokes to try to distract you and help calm you down, or have you sit beside him while he's working. And if you'd like, he'll also share with you about something that he can't stand, as well (so long as you promise not to tell anyone else, including Barbatos).
When you come running to Barbatos, he's convinced there's a war going on with how worried and freaked out you seem. But once you get the chance to tell him what happened, he's thankfully understanding. He knows too well about dealing with attacks from.. unwanted creatures, and can only imagine how he'd freeze up if he dealt with a rat.
He takes you to his room and makes you some soothing tea or other hot drink to help calm you down. He might invite you to a little baking date to get your mind off of what happened, both by making yourself busy and getting the reward of a delicious treat at the end.
He'll also be sure to educate you on how to prevent and treat bug infestations. After all, he's very familiar with dealing with unwanted pests, so he wants to be sure you're prepared to deal with them in the future in case he's not around to protect you.
Simeon, the sweetheart that he is, deeply sympathizes with your fear and is very very sweet about it. He'll provide you hugs, back pats, or even just lend an ear if you want to tell him about what happened. His empathetic self will even shiver after hearing about the bug's description, truly feeling for you and the ordeal you went through.
He may also offer to handle the bug for you, but please don't take him up on it 😬 He might get just as freaked out as you, and then both of you are screaming and running away, which only stresses Luke out. Instead, it's best to let him recruit someone else to handle the bug and perhaps settle down in his room while he reads you some poetry or maybe even TSL.
Solomon may laugh a little, like Diavolo, when you tell him what happened, but he'll be quick to apologize if it makes you angry. He's lived a long time and been to so many places, he's so used to all manner of creatures and is completely unfazed by the things found in the Devildom. Once you've calmed down some, he'd be happy to teach you about other crazy creatures commonly found in the Devildom, hoping maybe some prior knowledge will help you at least a little bit in future encounters.
If you'd like, he'll happily teach you a spell to destroy the bug the next time one attacks you, or he may even offer to find and take care of the one that had come after you. Once that's taken care of, he'll be sure to take you on an outing to somewhere fun so you can forget about what happened. At worst, he may try to cheer you up with baking something for you, in which some distractions might be needed. But maybe you can give his cooking to the cockroach...?
Mephisto won't make it known to you, but just the mention of a cockroach is enough to get goosebumps on his skin. He sympathizes with you about dealing with such disgusting creatures, and immediately takes you out of there to somewhere perhaps with open air, particularly if its the gardens or a park, somewhere that has a more peaceful feeling to it.
He may be a little mean though and tease you about getting scared by a bug when you're surrounded by demons. But it's easy to see he's just doing that to distract you and make you feel at ease rather than actually insult you, if the gentle look in his eyes is anything to go by. He'll take on a big brother role that he's used to and be your protector for the day.
Thirteen is also loathe to admit it to you, but she hates those cockroaches as well. Anything that flies at her face is a big NO. But luckily, she has her trusty inventions to deal with those pests, all manner of fly swatters, just general melee weapon-looking tools, or traps.
If you ask her nicely or feed her ego a little, she'll help you bug hunt to get rid of the gross things. After all, she doesn't mind the idea of you owing her a favor for her heroic efforts. But really, she's a sucker for you and will hunt down anything that threatens you or your wellbeing.
... What do you want him to do about it? I'm kidding. Raphael is a little underwhelming in regards to how comforting he is, but it's mostly because of his stony facial expressions. His eyes show that secret gentleness he has, and although he's not great about verbally comforting you, he'll provide a brief but sweet hug.
If you'd like him to, he's willing to hunt that cockroach down with his spears, although the idea sounds a little nasty to him. But if you don't want to go the murderous route, then he'll just provide you pleasant albeit quiet company until you've calmed down. He's not great at small talk, and he'll be very awkward about it, but he'll try to find things to distract you with and get your mind off them, like puzzles or telling you stories about working with Michael.
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pebblume · 8 months
I never realized how liberating writing fanfiction would be. I hadn’t written creatively in years. It’s been so long that I kind of forgot what it felt like. The childlike rush of pouring your heart out onto a blank page, not caring about the results as long as you were having fun. I’ve tried writing fanfic a couple of times, for different fandoms across the years, but never finished anything I was really happy with, nothing that I felt comfortable sharing with the world. But something just clicked for me this past week. I realized how much fun it was to stretch out my writing muscles, to get inside the heads of my favorite characters. I realized that it didn’t have to be perfect to be worthy of being shared and loved by others. I realized that I had so many stories inside myself - more than I thought possible. 
But perhaps what I’m most in awe of is fanfic readers. The people who read my work and leave kudos and bookmarks and comments - one word comments, sweet comments, silly comments, paragraph-long comments. I love them all. I used to be afraid of leaving comments on AO3, afraid I wouldn’t have enough words, wouldn’t have the right words, to depict how I felt. But when I felt firsthand how much those comments meant to me I started leaving more and more of them, spreading a digital paper trail of love to all my favorite authors. More and more often I recognize the profile names and images in my comment section and think, Hey, I know you! Now I’m not just a guest on AO3, or a passive reader. I belong here. 
I won’t lie and say I don’t miss drawing a bit, my previous creative outlet. There are plenty of drawings inside me too, itching to be realized. I really just don’t have the time for two time extensive hobbies, not when I need to balance school and practicing and little things like sleeping and eating and relaxing. I miss it, but not as much as I thought I would. There’s a level of investment to sharing a story online that feels…special. When I post my art, I get engagement, and it feels nice, but ultimately, most people are only spending about ten seconds looking at the work I spent eight hours on, if that. When someone reads my fics, we’ve now spent time together. You’ve lived inside my head for a bit, made it your home. It’s about feeling seen, I think. Writing makes me feel understood in a way visual art sometimes doesn’t. It makes me feel vulnerable in the same way performing music does, but less exposed too. It’s interesting to me. 
The only downside, if you can call it that, is now that the writing bug has infected me, I’m finding it harder and harder to stop. I’ll have an idea and then suddenly five hours have flown by because I’m on a creative streak and I just want to write one more idea down, which turns into two, and so on and so forth. I dread stopping, because what if I forget something? What if I get into a writing block later? Suddenly I have people who want to read the things I write and I want to provide it, I really do, but I also have responsibilities. I say, as I write this, ignoring my audition tomorrow afternoon. 
I still have a bit of embarrassment attached to fandom works. When I tell acquaintances that I like to draw or write, I rarely tell them I mean fanart and fanfiction. As if loving something that deeply, that sincerely, is inherently shameful in this age of irony and soulless remakes. Especially when my interests usually consist of media marketed towards children, nevermind the fact that it has more emotional maturity than most ‘adult’ works. But I’m trying to get better about it. A lot of my closest friends know about my hobbies, and some I’ve even let see my work. It’s terrifying but also giddying, seeing them like an art post or comment on a fic. After all, to reap the rewards of being loved, one must submit themselves to the mortifying ordeal of being known, or something like that. 
I realized today that I’ve written over 30,000 words in the past two weeks about about two characters who don’t belong to me, but whom I’ve made my own.
And I’ve never felt happier
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denny-artsss · 6 months
I'd like to request for some Ragapom , please ... Specifically Nurse!Ragatha X Sick!Pomni :))
Pomni: wow..*sniffles* I never felt so awful before- I feel like my head is gonna explode .. how is this even possible-
Ragatha: oh- you must've gotten the digital flu! Don't you worry sweetheart I'll help you trough it!
Pomni: digital fl- what the actual #%@% is the point of its existence?
Ragatha: well- it's more like a bug in the system I thi-
Kinger: BUG?
Ragatha: no kinger. No bugs- *grabs pomnis hand and leads her into her room* here! Caine should leave you alone while you rest in my room! Don't you worry about a thing you can stay here for as long as you need!
Pomni: wow um- thanks Ragatha- but- why are you always so quick to help me?
Ragatha: oh you know- *puts a thermometer in her mouth* I think we're very alike in the way we fear our inevitable demise that is getting closer and closer with every passing digital day in this GOD FORSAKEN HEL-
*thermometer beeps*
Ragatha: *checks it* oh- poor thing- you're burning-
Pomni: *looks at her terrified*
Ragatha: but don't you worry your little head for a second! I'll be here for as long as you need me! *pushes her head onto her lap as she applies an ice bag on her head to reduce the temperature*
Pomni: *blushes slightly* uh- is there- any OTHER reason you're so nice to me?
Ragatha: well- I always have to fake being mentally stable with everyone so I don't make them panic but- I feel like I can be myself around you and- it's like a breath of fresh air-
Pomni: *smiles feeling comforted* im glad I can be that for you- you seemed to need it-
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Just spent the last hour browsing your blog instead of paying attention in class, love all your designs, seriously neat. Especially a fan of how buglike some of the features are, I love when robot/bugs or bug/robots mix designs with how amour naturally works. Art make brain go brrrr.
If you have a moment, would you mind telling me about the Lambo Twins in your continuity?
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aw happy ya like my stuff!!!!
sure, i can talk about the twins.
The lambo twins are well spark twins. spark twins are rare a occurrence when a newly forming spark splits into two. bots whos spark fourm in this way often have a vary deep conection with each other. sideswipe and sunstreak while not being able to read echother minds, often knows what the other will do before they do it, and can always tell what the other is feeling.
their blades can switch to a hand/servo, but the fingers are a lot longer than their other normal hand/servo because ya... it turns into a sword.
Sunstreaker is egotistical, he knows he is the best and makes sure everyone knows it too. He has the skills, the looks, and the combat prowess to back it up as well. Sunstreaker only really cares about himself and Sideswipe, considering pretty much every bots below him or not worth his time. often making sly comments, belittling or cracking jokes about bots who he deems lesser. his friends are either sideswipes friends who can tolerate him or bots who think he's cool, which is often for factors outside his personality. He's always down for a good fight being ruthless in combat while still somehow managing to get as little dirt or energon on himself as possible, sometimes being nearly spotless after a battle aside from the energon coating his blade. Sunny likes to keep himself in good condition, making sure his paint is perfect and his polish shines, it really helps accentuate how he's the best. Sunny is not a huge fan of earth or the fleshy little monkeys that run it, he just wants to go home to Cybertron.
sideswipe is the friendlier of the two brothers he's outgoing and usually pretty chill. Sideswipes is always looking for a fight. He loves the thrill of combat. He often will treat serious situations more like a game than the high danger situations he often places in. When a fight is not available, he is often sparring with his fellow autobots or trying risky stunts. He's very impulsive, often doing the first thing that comes to mind because he thought it might be fun never considering the consequences. He's kinda like a jock who treats war like a sport. His merciless approach to combat can often put him at odds with the more peaceful-minded autobots, putting some tension between him and some bots who he otherwise gets along with. He often tense and banter with other autobots, sometimes making jokes at their expense, but unlike sunny he usually knows when to stop or when he's gone too far. A sideswipe doesn't mind earth and sees it as a cool new adventure, though he is still a little homesick for cybertron.
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They are a terrifying force in combat, ruthless fighting perfectly in sync with each other and usually 2 steps ahead of whoever they are put up against. when Working together they are able to take down cons over 5 times their size with ease. although not being the biggest or the strongest autobots, they are probably some of the most terrifying and efficient in combat. 
In short their both of the autobots' greatest combat assets and greatest headache.
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lavender-romancer · 1 year
The Bug Collector
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy's obsession with thinking something is always out to get him begins to manifest in an irrational fear
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”*°•.˜”*°•. ˜”*°•. ˜”*°••°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜.•°*”˜
You tried your best to create the best environment for Tommy to feel safe in your little small heath terrace house. He often felt safer there than in the lonely halls of Arrow House where any number of wrongdoers could be hiding. There was hardly enough space for two people at your house, let alone someone out to get Tommy. But regardless, he developed a...fear unrelated to the situation. You were convinced it was a way to regress into some kind of juvenile state of safety, the fears were usually childlike. Unlike anything else in his life, you could protect him from these inconsequential things inside your own space.
"Y/n!" Tommy yelled from the next room and you ran in, ready with a mug in your hand.
"What is it?" You asked and he pointed to the corner of the room near the gramophone.
A small bodied spider with spindly legs was inspecting the area and whether it would make a good home. The innocence of house insects always amazed you, they never bothered you, not really anyways. They make their homes, feed off nuisances like flies and add a very aged feeling to a home. Spiders were probably one of your favourite insects of them all, the variation in the type of webs they create was enough to amaze you. You smiled softly at Tommy who looked terrified before gently scooping up the spider.
"Open the front door for me," you asked him and he almost ran past you to open the door (to get past the spider as quickly as possible.)
You walked down the road a little before placing the little spider down on the pavement. It stayed there for a moment, gazing up at you in fear or awe- you were never sure. Whilst Tommy would sooner shoot the bugs that surrounded your home, you wouldn't have it. You always wanted an insect for a pet when you were younger so killing them would be unacceptable but if it made Tommy happy you didn't mind. He deserved to feel comforted as much as possible after everything he had done for you.
"Come on, my love. Let's go inside." You said as you walked back to your front door.
Tommy sat down on the sofa and you perched next to him, kissing him on the temple and rubbing his thigh. He lent his head on your shoulder and sighed.
"If you ever reveal the insanely emasculating fact that I'm scared of bugs, I might just have to kill you." He joked and you smiled before putting an arm around him.
"Don't worry lovely, I won't ever let you feel like something is out to get you." You kissed his head and cuddled him closer to you.
Peaky blinders taglist: @queenofkings1212 @severewobblerlightdragon @cl5369 @fairypitou @stressedandbandobessed7771 @shadow-of-wonder @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns @curled-hair-red-lips @lucystivinsky1315
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quick-catton · 8 months
give me all ur felix and ollie and cattonquick head-canons plz can be nsft if u wish go crazy
i've been waiting to answer it until i had a good list compiled/until i had a better grasp on their characters, and honestly most of these are fairly vague since i wrote them down before we all started going insane on tumblr and digging deep into their psyches LOL but. here are some of my thoughts that i've jotted down over the past month <3
felix is a big ol’ scaredy cat, we see that in the film. oliver finds it so incredibly endearing that this big 6’5 man has to sleep with a night light and is terrified of scary films despite adoring halloween and taking the holiday so seriously. oliver definitely loves picking scary movies on the nights where it’s his turn to choose because he loves feeling like a protector when felix is hiding his face, burying himself in the crook of his arm, clinging to him and gasping at every jumpscare. and even though felix pretends to hate it, he doesn’t actually mind because he likes getting to feel small sometimes, having an excuse to press up against ollie.
felix is a little yapper, i just know it. that mfer does notttt stop talking somedays. if he has a thought, oliver is going to hear it. if he’s bored, he’s going to make it everyone else’s problem. as a little gremlin adhd–er, i lean towards attributing it to untreated adhd, but it's also just such a felix thing. of course oliver finds it endearing, but sometimes it drives him up the absolute wall; luckily for him, there are plenty of ways to shut felix up and/or occupy his mouth instead!
oliver is more of a show than tell person, valuing being able to do acts of service for felix, or to gift him things, make him feel good, happy, whatever. i think it makes sense, since he's more reserved and quiet. felix is more of a tell than show guy, always complimenting and speaking unfiltered and dropping words of affirmation left and right, and they balance each other out in that regard.
PET! NAMES! felix is obsessed with them, he drops them left and right even on friends, and on oliver it’s two fold. darling, sweetheart, angel, bambi, my love, doll, lover, all the classics, and oliver never gets tired of it. oliver is less outspoken/public with his affection, coming back to the show vs tell thing. i think to him, calling felix by his name or shortened versions (fee, lix, etc) is just as intimate as any pet name.
felix draws hearts and little messages with his finger against oliver’s skin when they’re in public, or when they’re just laying in bed at home. oliver likes to try and decipher them, or write ones back.
i know felix drives during the roadtrip scene, but i think in a relationship he would actually be an awful driver and a big passenger princess and oliver wouldn't be picky about music so he'd let him have the aux. felix would love to just lean against the window and stare at oliver or stick his feet on the dashboard/out the window and lay his head on the console even though oliver would hate it so much because "what if we get in an accident, felix??"
felix would love to abuse his size difference and would pick up oliver literally any chance he gets and oliver would pretend to hate it but he'd grow to love it bc it means getting to have physical contact with him <3
felix is terrified of bugs and will literally stand on a stool until oliver deals with them, but oliver hates having to kill them so he takes them outside in a cup. or alternatively, oliver is absolutely terrifying and goes into murder–mode to eliminate the source of whatever is scaring felix.
i think they’re both switches & verses tbh, with how their personalities are they would both enjoy having control but also being able to give up control and do what they’re told.
they both have praise kinks and servicing kinks as per my extensive brainrot and whole one-shot about it lol
felix is a little slutty exhibitionist and oliver is a creeper voyeur (/affectionate). he loves to have felix dress up pretty for him and he’s obsessed with taking pictures of him on felix’s film cameras for his eyes only, wallet photos if you will. and felix loves showing off for him and feeling oliver’s eyes on him like he’s just a piece of meat, like oliver is a predator and he’s prey.
oliver is obsessed with body worship, he loves to spend ages marking felix’s skin and getting him worked up and teasing him until he snaps, all the while acting innocent because “i just wanna show you how pretty you are”. paying attention to each individual body part, leaving kisses everywhere, using body worship as an outlet for his intense obsession and fixation.
both of them are possessive, but they deal with it in different ways. felix’s jealousy is quicker to flare up and he’s more likely to be confrontational about someone hitting on oliver; he has a hard time hiding his jealousy too when oliver is being a little too friendly with someone, getting all pouty and sulky, but oliver is good at talking him down. felix leaves marks all over his neck to make himself feel better, to show everyone that oliver is his, and oliver has no complaints about this. oliver’s possessiveness is quieter, jealousy that bubbles just beneath the surface, sometimes grows borderline–murderous, but he’s never confrontational about it. he sits with it until they’re alone, and then makes sure felix remembers who he belongs to. and at the end of the day, knowing he can make felix, this powerful golden god in his eyes, crumble beneath him is enough to quell any jealousy because he knows no one else will ever see him like he gets to. oliver loves marking him up too, but he loves doing it below the collar, like a secret that only the two of them know.
felix has an oral fixation. obviously. in the film he always has a popsicle or lollipop or cigarette or finger in his mouth; it just makes sense. one of his favourite things ever is when oliver lets him lay his head in his lap and cockwarm him until his jaw is aching while they watch a movie or oliver reads, because having his mouth occupied calms his always restless body and mind, but also he loves the closeness of it. he definitely gets a tongue piercing just to fidget with, but also takes so much joy in the way it effects oliver.
they're both definitely into freak shit, that goes without being said. they both always jump to try new things, always willing to feed into each other's obsessions, to play along with each other's kinks and fixations. i could elaborate enough on their kinks for one whole post about it lbr lmfaoo
i think felix probably gets super clingy and soft spoken and cuddly after sex when he subs and how he loves that oliver makes him feel small and safe afterwards, never feeling judged for opening up in that way. oliver is absolutely such a service bottom and service top, so getting to feed into that when domming is his favourite thing. he knows what felix needs before felix does, and felix trusts him with his life (ha.) he does occasionally tease felix for being a pillow princess, though.
and then vice versa, felix loves being able to help oliver get out of his always-racing overthinking mind when oliver subs, he loves making him feel so cozy and protected and safe in his arms afterwards. he feels so special that ever–reserved oliver trusts him and lets his guard down around him like that, recognizes the vulnerability it takes, and oliver feels so special seeing how much care felix takes with him.
both of them love having their hair played with and they both definitely get off on having it pulled.
i'll do an updated one of these soon, i'm sure! honestly most of these are from maybe the first week or so after i watched saltburn for the first time, and i feel like my view on their characters has evolved a LOT since then and i could go into a lot more detail/more niche tropes, but i have a lot of asks to get back to today so i'll save it for another time. <33
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“Get comfortable.  I just checked the weather; we are going to be here at least for tonight.  There is no way that a tow truck is going to make it to your car in time before the next storm hits.  No one is going to risk their own safety on these muddy roads so that you can get back to the city.  Really it was a stupid thing to do to go on a mountain drive right before a storm—on unfamiliar backwoods dirt roads to boot.  You are just lucky that I was coming back with my winter supplies when I saw you.  You are going to be here for the night, probably two or three….
“Even if I were to take you back into town, you still wouldn’t be able to get your car out in the same amount of time, and then I would be stuck in the city.  Naa.  This is the best.  Go ahead and get out of those wet clothes and throw them in the dryer behind you alongside my wet shirt and jacket.  You can leave your undies on if you want.
“Look, I grew up in a two-bedroom house with three brothers.  I spent 8 years in the Marine Corps.  I have seen hundreds if not thousands of naked men.  Nothing you have… or lack… will surprise me….
“…Jesus fuck!  I spoke too soon.  A hot pink thong?  Are you serious?  Even the fags I know wouldn’t wear something so pathetic.  Did you actually pay money for that?...  Your wife?  Figured.  I can’t fucking stand looking at them.  Take it off.  Now!
“I’ve seen naked men before.  If you weren’t here, I would be walking around this place and my property naked.  In fact, let me get out of these overalls right here.  I don’t wear stupid ass thongs like that.  I don’t wear underwear at all.  Two clips undone and… you get to see Tank here. 
“Now off with that stupid thong. 
“Look I’m 6 foot 7 inches and weigh three hundred fifty pounds.  I have over a foot on your height, and I am way more than double your weight.  You are no fucking match for me.  That’s it.  You look terrified.  Good….
“I don’t know what you were worried about.  You got a decent body.  Your dick is all shriveled up.  It can’t be from the cold outside or most likely from being terrified.
“Tank here never experiences shrinkage.  That’s because he’s fucking huge.  It may look normal size, but hanging here on a big guy like me, but trust me when he gets hard, angry hard, he can push over nine inches long and seven and a half around.  Wanna feel a real man’s cock?...  I know you do.  I can see you thinking….
“…No no no.  Get the fuck back here….  You ain’t going anywhere little man.  You are so easy to throw around or down to the floor in this case.  Pathetic.  All I have to do is shift my weight to my right foot on your chest and I will crush you like a bug.
“Let me fill you in on your situation.  You are 30 minutes from town in the middle of nowhere, there’s a cold storm coming in which might even bring us snow, and my nearest neighbor is Deputy Schmidt one mile away. 
“Look up at me!  If you run, you will get lost, you will freeze, and you will die.  And if you think of running to Schmidt, know this, he’s one mile away by way of an obscure snowmobile trail.  But don’t worry, he’ll be by in a few minutes.  When you went back to your car to get some things, I texted him that I have a night guest he might want to meet.  And if you think I’m intense, there’s nothing like a thirty-two-year veteran of the police force with anger issues and a dick to match….
“…No before you think I have reception, no I don’t.  I did near your car though.  Up here, there’s no reception, no internet, no telephone lines.  We are out in the middle of nowhere detached from humanity.  Just you, me,… and Tank here. 
“Good ol’ Tank.  He’s happy to see a helpless you on the floor looking up at him.  He’s really excited to see you.  Look at his pre-cum.  Tank likes to leak when he sees a new faggot.
“Aw shut the fuck up.  I don’t care that you have a wife or a girlfriend,… or even both…. 100% straight?  Hunh.  Really?  I think we both know that when you finally leave here, you won’t be able to say that.  Tank here is going to smash your cherry. 
“Don’t fucking move.  I want to see if the drop from Tank’s leak will land on your face…. Right on your upper lip!  Go ahead and lick it!...  I said ‘Lick it bitch.’  Fuck yeah!
“You ready to give Tank your pussy?  ‘Cause he’s ready to turn that puss into a cunt.  I’m going to lift my foot up.  Then I want you to stand up and take a moment to catch your breath.  Then I want to bend over this kitchen table and present your pussy for me.
“…Bend over.  Ahh, there it is, that moment you accept the inevitable and just give up….  Now pull apart those cheeks….  That’s one pretty pussy.  Too bad I have to ruin it.  Now beg me to fuck you.  I want to hear your depraved hunger for me to destroy your pussy.  Beg!
“You can do better than that.  If you convince me you want me to take your cherry with your pathetic begging, I’ll put some lube on my dick.  Otherwise Tank is going in dry.  Trust me, you don’t want Tank to rip up your dry pussy, and I don’t want your cherry blood all over my kitchen floor.  Now beg.
“…That’s better.  I don’t know if you ever stuck something up your cooch, but you want to push out as I go in.  Don’t worry.  I’m slathering Tank up with some Crisco.  Tank is ready to shoot and he ain’t even in yet.
“Keep pushing out.  Here comes Tank.  Scream mother fucker.  No one will hear you.  Oh man, does your cherry feel good strangling my cock.  Your second sphincter is massaging Tank’s tip in all the right ways.  It’s not going to take me long.
“Struggle all you want; you ain’t going anywhere.  Keep screaming.  You should find it more difficult with me laying on your back pounding your cunt’s insides.  It’s hard to get a breath in, hunh?  Hell, with my arm sliding under your neck, it’s easy to cut off your air by applying pressure to both sides with my bicep and forearm.  It’s going to get very difficult to breathe very fast. 
“You fight back on instinct, but you won’t win.  I can feel your struggle as your cunt tightens up and spasms uncontrollably.  That’s so fucking hot.  Tank is close.  Oh fuck.  Oh fuck I’m gonna cum.  I’m gonna fucking cum.  Fuck!  Fuck! Fuck!...  Jesus!
“No, I know you are struggling to breathe.  That’s what I want., what I still want.  I plan on going all night.  When you lose consciousness, then I will take Tank out of you.  Don’t worry.  My arm will replace it.  Fisting is a lot easier on an unconscious cunt than one that is fully aware.
“This is only the beginning.  Oh there you go.  Good night.  Sleep, not so tight.
“Fuck.  Where did that Crisco go?”
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