#but i ended up loving this bg so much even tho it no longer gives off that tone
mdzdyd · 1 year
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🦋 yang menemanimu sebelum cahaya 🦋
--- mdz
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tbh i always thought san got the short end of the stick in terms of how ppl either treated him (due to him literally being a sweetheart) the way ppl said he wouldnt debut due to being too nice or reacted to him if it was in a negative way like he seemed to have received much critique or often backlash for seemingly normal things like him having more attention than another member and so on yet i dont think thats the case with this group. also actor!san would send me to my grave like imagine him in a non fluffy kdrama... like give him mafia drama or some peaky blinders type shit he would suit the line of "are you making fun of my brother?" so well. rip me once again. pls kq make badboy san real. hes already half way there.
i think for ateez they shine equally bc neither members are trying to outdo each other and i dont even have a bias bc theyre all so different and theres smth i love abt each one of them so it hard to pick a bias in this group. they not long been a group compared to skz who habe been a group for much longer time period so they got imho eons of time to achieve full potential if only kq werent so stuck up their own arse about things. like the killing part video yeosang didnt get much singing like kq what the hell was that about? i still think they wouldve suited yg more so bc hes familiar at dealing with bgs like ateez who are bit more on the wild side of things they wouldve got blackpink star treatment for everything but idk im not particularly fond of the way kq goes abt things. they just seem to restrict certain members from certain opportunities. if i read anymore nonsense about kq not mistreating but mismanaging this group imma teleport my arse to korea and manage them myself bc they deserve so much success they really do.
even jongho stands out in his own way even if he dont realise it and mingi and fuck it all of them stand out tbh. kqqqqqqqqqqqq sucks tho, my arse will drag them to hell and back @ kq say hi to satan for me.
Don’t know if I agree with the YG thing. Half because I have an inherent dislike for YG (the company) and I’m not into any of their groups (Other than BigBang -Seungri way back when (TOP and Gdragon still have my heart though)) but I’m not going to get into that because I could go on a ten hour rant just about YG Entertainment, and half because KQ is good at letting Ateez…Be Ateez? If that makes sense? Like they can have fun and you can tell they have very good relationships with their staff and editors. I do agree the managing could be better but at the same time they’re a smaller company so they probably don’t really have the best managers to begin with? I have nothing against KQ personally other than the fact that they mismanage the group. Though at the same time, they’re also a smaller company. They might not be able to get the group those same benefits and things that other groups seem to get since most popular group except KIOF and G-Idle are part of the big three companies + HYBE
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multiplefandomsblog · 4 years
prompt; “Where are you?”
pairing; hajime x male!reader
warnings; cussing, angst, whump, mention of blood but no specific description of it, leg injuries, chest pain, respiratory issues, established relationship, yet again, very self indulgent, male!reader, reader wears a binder!!, over binding, it’s angsty at the start but then it gets fluffier at the end, implied of Hajime having a daddy kink(though they do not act on it, nor is it descriptive), hard rain, reader gets sick
wc; 2k+
note; yes, i have done it again! stayed up till 3 am to type a 2k worded oneshot that no one asked for, no one requested for, despite having to wake up early the next day. yes. how responsible of me. (might write a part 2-(might not tho))
the imagine really hits different when you listen to slowed sad music with rain in the bg at 1 am
With shaky hands, you picked up your phone and dialled the first number on your call history. Sliding down the brick wall you had been leaning on for support, your injured leg disallowing you to stand on your own. Your whole body shivered as you looked up at the blurry moon. You could feel everything get fuzzier, the loud ringing noise; the only thing keeping you conscious. Still holding the vibrating phone next to your ear, you were surprised you haven’t dropped it from how weak your hands were. 
You sighed in quiet relief as you heard Hajime’s groggy voice mumble out,  “S/o..? Are you... “ 
You chuckled at his adorable yawn, only to immediately wince from the rumble in your chest, your sore ribs not enjoying the movement. Hajime’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern as he swore he heard a wince on the other side, “S/o? Was that a wince?” He vocalized his thoughts, rubbing at his eyes as he suddenly became more alert. Were you hurt? All traces of sleep suddenly dissipated into thin air as your voice struck him. “Aha… You- Fuck, you got me..!” You chuckled weakly, a small, broken smile on your face at the concern in his voice. 
You were hurt?
Heart palpitating at the uncomfortable silence from your line, he spoke urgently, panic overtaking his entire being. “Are you serious? S/o- Where the hell are you?” He could hear distant noises of cars passing by, as well as what sounded like rain. His voice suddenly got louder, almost scolding.
He deduced your location, continuing to scold you, “Are you outside? Do you know how cold it is, are you insane? Why are you outside in the first place!? It’s, like, 3 am!” He checked his clock as he spoke, eyes widening at the time as he got out of bed and unplugged his phone. Though he was scolding you as if you were a child, a large part of you enjoyed the worry, and plus, you would take the sound of his voice over the bone-crushing rain any day. 
Before you could even ask him to pick you up, he had already planned it, putting on proper pants and a windbreaker. Sighing as he picked up his keys, he asked again, “What street are you on?” Fingers pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, but mostly concern.
You smiled despite the annoyed tone Hajime had equipped, knowing that was just his way to show he cared. Answering weakly, you looked around at where you were. “I think I’m at… Gh- the corner of V-Vaughan and Whitley.” His heart shattered into several pieces at the small groan of pain you emitted, pushing it far to the back of his head. He had to find you, to make sure you were safe. 
Memorizing the coordinates, he repeated it in his head several times for good measure, a loud sigh of relief could be heard from his side, urging another laugh from you. You weren’t sure why you were laughing so much, perhaps you had been laughing at the state you were in, laughing in pity at your own weakness. He opened the front door, taking one of his hoodies and an umbrella with him as he left the house. “I’ll see you in 5 minutes, so don’t move…” He demanded sternly, before softening his tone, “I love you, so be careful, alright?” 
Despite his irritation from earlier, you knew he still cared from the way he told you he loved you. “I love you too, and,,, I’m sorry.” Hajime sighed at your apologetic tone, “... Just wait for me.” With that, he hung up the phone, the ringing inside of the loud rain resuming as you sat and waited in your own pain. Regret ran through your body as the uniform you wore got soaked with cold rain, shivering from the cold. 
You tried shifting your leg into a more comfortable position, biting your lip to silence your whimpers as you moved the bruised limb. Maybe you should’ve walked a different street, maybe if you had chosen another place to go to, you wouldn’t be in this situation. Everything was so loud, the rain was so.. Loud. You wanted to scream, but the state of your body wouldn’t even allow you to talk without groaning, let alone breathe properly.
Hearing quick footsteps near you, you tilted your head ever so slightly, only to see a figure of your boyfriend and an umbrella, jogging quickly towards you. As he finally reached you, he fell to his knees, the rude attitude he had on the phone completely dispersing as he saw your sickly figure. “S/o? S/o!? Oh my god- What the fuck? Are you okay?” His voice cracked, putting down the umbrella to try and feel your skin. To see the one he loved so bloody and bruised… it was never a sight he had looked forward to, nor ever expected to see. Worry for your life completely overtook his body as he held your hand, it was concerningly cold, to Hajime’s surprise. 
“H-Hajime...” You hiccuped, the small sound hurting your body as small tears welled up in your eyes. He flinched at the helpless tone of his name, guilt immediately washing over him. Why wasn’t he with you? He should’ve been a better boyfriend. 
“... C’mon let’s go, if we stay any longer you’re going to get hypothermia.” The moment he saw you, he instantly wanted to kiss your cold cheeks, as if that would make the hurt go away, but there were more important things to do. “Can you stand?” You shook your head shamefully, looking up at him with expectant eyes. 
“Fine, but just this once. Got it?” He didn’t want to sound the way he sounded to you, a sick person, but he couldn’t help his instinctual response. Picking you up carefully as to not accidentally make any of your injuries worse. “Can you hold the umbrella?” You nodded, holding it carefully above both of your heads as he carried you bridal-style to his car. 
Instructing you to open the car door for him, as he couldn’t due to your body in his hands, he quickly put you in the back seat, climbing in right after you and closing the door behind him. Cupping your cold head with his hands, he examined you carefully. “Are you okay? Is it warm enough? Where does it hurt?” He ricochetted you with questions, feeling your forehead as he did. 
You answered all his questions in order, replaying them in your head as you spoke. “I’m okay, it’s warmer, and it hurts...” you pointed at your ribcage and your leg. “Your... Your chest? How did you injure your chest? You can’t exactly trip and fall on your chest, S/o.” He watched you with suspicion. You looked at your hands, “I don’t want to talk about it yet.” He sighed defeatedly at your stubbornness, mentally noting to bring it up later after he treated your wounds.
“Fine. But I’ll grill your ass for it later.” He huffed, letting your hand use one of his to warm your freezing ones up. Reaching in the back for the hoodie he had brought for you, he tossed it to you. “Take off your clothes.” You widened your eyes at him, “W-what?” Did you hear that right?
“Don’t make this weirder than it has to be. We’re both guys, and if you keep your soaking clothes on, you’ll get sicker.” He averted his eyes to the window closest to him, “I’ll look away, I’m not some kind of pervert.” You scrambled to reply, “I know that! It’s just-” He interrupted you, “Just put it on, you idiot.” 
Frowning on his answer, you sighed out an, “Alright.” Watching his back as to make sure he couldn’t see you. Striping yourself of the heavy clothes, you felt the weight of the water-soaked clothes disappearing, the warm-ish air hitting your wet skin. 
Hearing the plop of the clothes next to him, he jolted, face getting red at the fact that, if he were to turn around right now, he would see you naked. His boyfriend, naked. He shook his head furiously at the thought, ‘Yeah, but you’d also lose a boyfriend, idiot.’ He brought himself back from his indecent thoughts.
Slipping on Hajime’s hoodie, you inhaled the scent of him wafting out the hoodie. Despite the both of you being around the same size of clothing, he was still slightly bigger, with his 91cm chest and all. 
“A-are you done yet?” He broke the awkward silence, face still flushed. “Yeah.” He turned around, eyebrows furrowing as he stared at your chest weirdly. “W-what?” 
He glared at you, “Did you take off your binder too? I know you’re comfortable in it, but it still counts as clothing too. Do you want to get sick that bad?” Yet again, he shot you with multiple truth bullets, a habit of his you always seemed to be the victim of. 
“Okay, okay fine. Turn around.” He turned around again, a faint remainder of his blush resting on his face. Taking off your binder, you were able to breathe a little better, your chest definitely felt better now that it was off. You wondered if the chest pain had come from the binder... Though, if you told Hajime that, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. 
Placing the material on top of the pile of wet clothing, you shifted closer to Hajime, wincing slightly at the sharp pain your leg emitted, your sweater paws wrapping around him. He stiffened up as he felt you touch him, the man had just thought of you naked, at least give him some time to recover. 
“Why-” You cut him off, murmuring, “I’m cold and you didn’t turn on your heater so this is the next best thing.” It was the first best thing, but you wouldn’t tell him that. He’d just flush and hit you again. 
Sighing he turned around to face you, arms coiling around your hoodie-dressed figure gently as to not hurt your chest. Now that you could see his flushed face properly, you quickly took the opportunity to confront him, “Don’t I have clothes leftover at your place? Why didn’t you just get those?” 
His cheeks turned into a bright red as he tried to make up an excuse, “H-how is that important? I just grabbed the closest thing I saw! I didn’t have much time, okay? You were hurt and I was rushing and-” He sort of spiralled as he was reminded of the panic he felt when he found out you were hurt. 
“I-it’s okay..! I’m just joking. Plus, I prefer your clothes over mine any day. They always smell like you.” You teased as you nuzzled yourself further into him, craving the warmth of his body on our freezing one. You let him hold you, albeit a bit awkwardly, but the warmth of his flustered body helped get you warm so you didn’t really care how he was touching you; you just wanted to feel his comforting warmth.
Feeling guilty for lying to you, his hands that rested on your back, tightened around the hoodie, “... I may have purposely picked up my hoodie because I wanted to see you in my clothes, but-” You jolted up, “I knew it- Ow.” You winced, instant regret hitting you.
The playful atmosphere turned serious as the reminder of your injuries came back to both of you, “Be careful..!” He creased his forehead in worry, gripping your body softly as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. 
“Aw you’re worried for me.” Suddenly sniffling, you wiped your nose with the sleeve of the gigantic hoodie. “Aw fuck, it’s like everything is hitting me at onc-” You sneezed loudly into your elbow, scaring your boyfriend that had been glaring at you. “...” He stifled a sigh, “I swear- I’m like your dad or something, always taking care of you like this.” He shook his head disappointedly as he handed you a tissue, “Don’t say stuff like that, that’s gross.”
Eyes widening at what you meant, his ahoge straightened up in panic, “Not like that, you perv!” You flinched away from his flick at your forehead, “You’re the one who said it!” You argued back in a nasally voice, laughing at his flushed expression. 
“I’m going to just let you get sick and die.” You only laughed harder at his adorable, yet annoyed expression, “Daddy noooo! I’ll be good-” He tensed from the title, eyes widening at the fact he sort of liked it? “S-s/o, I swear to-!”
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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r1ku · 5 years
@notchy tagged me! 🤗
🎂: May 28 !
Zodiac: Gemini ♊
Height: 5'3
Last Song I listened to: Gurenge - LiSA
I woke up thinking of this song today lol, because I'm still shocked Brendan Urie from Panic! At the Disco sang to it and watches the show lmao
Hobbies: talking to gaming pals on discord, playing mobile games, working on that webtoon recommendation document on Google doc, playing toontown rewritten, day dreaming, always typing down ideas and dreams to write or draw ONE DAY, in Google notes on my phone.
Favorite color: Purple ! 💜
Favorite Book: Coraline by Neil Gaiman
Tis the only book I have read a few times for sure. You know, I often thought I'd love to be a bookworm and wholeheartedly have several favorite books, but I'm not. I like the idea of it tho, I haven't read books in a long time. I mainly read manga and webtoons.
Last film I watched: The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson
My friend and I have a lot of movies to check out, mainly horror flicks of korean or japanese films or martial arts films to watch. But that day he dropped this film to watch and I was able to and had never watched before actually. And we enjoyed it, it's very whimsical and comical.
I almost debated putting the last episode of kanata no astra, since it was like an hour long finale and One can watched several hours of 30 min episodes and not think of it as a movie, but when u think of an episode longer than 23 or 27 minutes, it FEELS like a movie lol even if its not 2 hours long. But nah lol
Dream Job: I haven't really, really thought about it. I've seen a few inspirational, thought provoking posts and tweet threads.
About how for some people you shouldn't make your passion your job, cuz you might end up hating your passion.
Or the one post that said they admired the character, Garry Gergich from Parks and Rec, for choosing a job that's decent pay and few but full hours, that allows him to spend time with his family.
Or the one tweet that talked about you should have several passions to look forward to like boxing or some other activity so you can spread out your feels and not be in a pit of negativity.
That said, I find myself to be a jack of all trades kind of person, I adapt well and if taught well, learn quickly to do just about anything right.
If anything, I will not think of the chains of reality and honestly answer this question focusing on dream part of dream job.
And thats to be a CEO of my own company that I made and create an animatiom company that can revolutionize the animation industry and crack the hammer of justice in various places that mistreat and mismanage and poorly pay hardworking animators and give them the lifestyle they deserve and lift people up and support them and not become a gate keeper. Da Drem *drops mic*
Meaning behind my url: I've had various urls, this url came from my bestfriend cat, who wanted the namine url, when i got her into kingdom hearts, but it's in limbo hell, I remember she waited 9 months for its release but its still like unavailable to obtain, idk now tho, that was a year ago.
I forgot what my url was before, maybe it was hong-seol and I finally, after 8 years, moved on from the spiel I had in firmly loving the character Sul, I still and always will even tho I dislike the comic's last season and how heavily the author suddenly gave us flashbacks all at once.
I told cat that KINGDOM HEARTS IS LIFE, I LOVE RIKU SO MUCH and she said "oh i was typing around and found r1ku is available" and i was like WHAT and i typed it and surely enough, it was available to my great surprise. And I am forever grateful for her and her mind. I ain't letting this go, as such its a personal blog and riku appreciation blog, I'll reblog all that I see and like.
I recently updated the mobile look, desktop look is perfect so i wont change that, but i had destiny islands gif from khnyctophiliac and that riku icon, that I have sources for in my about l sadly dont have time to update my about pages.
But I updated the icon to this destiny islands trio that has amano's kh3 manga art since it has riku in it and i love trios, from the khinsider website that posted icons ro choose from.
The bg is Phoenix Ikki from the Netflix Saint Seiya adaptation's ending, I love how dramatic that shot was with the song. I wish it could be longer, but I have no idea how people edit out credits for gif segments. I only used a quick gif making website that requires the video and can make cuts and speeds.
As for my sideblog, pink4walls, I am still, to this day enamored by f(x)'s - 4walls and especially their pink outfits in their live performance. This blog ia dedicated to hopefully making a thorough navigation system to find specific posts that inspire me to create. A creativity blog, if you will with things that caught my eye and references I want to use.
Thank you Notchy! A well deserved break from routine, helped me try to get more reblogs put there from my enormous 22k drafts, and gives people an update of sorts of me.
I tag @antheiafemme @ughliegirl @alfiethesnip
You may if you choose to, and its okay if you don't ! But first three mutuals to tag off the top of my head.
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asianjeremyheere · 5 years
part two to this post! aka i overanalyse act 2 from both recordings in the most concise way as i can manage, which is Not Very.
Oh I like the very beginning better in the obcr… the way it fades in with the staticky noise? Love that. The ocr version is nice but the obcr version took it to another level man this song was already a banger and now its even more so. Orchestration? Fuck yeah! New verse? Yes!! The transition to the 'break a vase' bit was kind of jarring at first but I've gotten used to it? And I love the new verse and Rich being the most audible on "gasoline" and the harmonies on the "Halloween! Wooah! Yeaah!"
Oh okay this goes to obcr too just because it's less uncomfy. Like obvs I can understand why people still don't like it and that's totally valid but I'm not going to get into anything potentially discourse-y wrt Chloe. I do prefer the Broadway version tho because it's (kind of) more focused on Chloe's insecurities and she sounds waaaay more wasted which. Props to Katlyn. AND MIKE ROSENGARTEN! HES STRINGS, RIGHT? GO. OFF. I LOVE THE STRINGS IN THIS. HES BASS I THINK? HIM? YEAH!!!!!!!
They are. The same. They sound basically the same to me. Obcr is slower though I think? I do like how it picks up speed at the end, because that feels more representative of how my panic attacks generally feel? Like the whole ramping up speed thing? Other than that I genuinely can't really tell the difference.
This isn't technically in the ocr but it IS still in the 2015 show so I'm gonna go find an audio of Two River and listen to it after the obcr version which, by the way, I'm in love with. I hear the opening notes and burst into tears immediately! The harmony on "agree"?? Is that a third? I think it might be? Are they singing in thirds? Their voices just compliment each other's so well and it's so cute and I know Christine rejects him at the end (which…. ouch) but like its such a cute, fun song and I love Will R's "Christiiiiiine"s in this. Okay, the Two River version is SO much faster and the slower tempo WORKS because it's like. A respite from the crazy fast-paced-ness of the rest of the part? And they don't have the harmony/Will C's "Christiiiine"s are all the same and kinda boring now that we've got Will R's :(
TIFFANY!!!! KILLING IT!! I get why they changed it to "Jake's house" and like. It isn't actually that bad but it still takes me by surprise ngl. But Tiffany Mann….. damn…… love her. Lauren's "ignore" sounds so much more pissed off in the obcr skdjsks. Also, I am not a fan of whatever they did to Chloe's "Everybody was screaming" but the new melody during her "Rich set a fire and he…. etc" is good! I like it! It's just weird and came out of left field lmao. But god Tiffany's riffs and the new harmonies are GOLD and I am in LOVE. AND LAUREN'S SCREAM! But I do miss the ad-libbed part right before her scream where you can pretty clearly hear Jake Boyd yell "I hope Jake's okay!!!!" :(
Yes I'm doing this in Broadway order and yes I prefer the obcr because Jason Sweettooth Williams has such a distinct ~well-meaning white dad doing his best~ energy that it like. Reminds me of my own dad lmao. Plus the "NOOOOOOO sergeant? i don't know-" is so fucking funny to me skdjsjs. Also that last "put your pants on"?? Jason Sweettooth does that little run (does that count as a run? Is that a run?) and I love it. I do like it faster (ocr tempo > obcr tempo) though.
I'll say this as many times as I need to but obcr Pitiful Children serves the plot SO much better by keeping the Squip as the villain and allowing us to see that no, it wasn't all Jeremy's fault and no, you cannot demonize him for what he did because he's being manipulated SO much more obviously in the obcr version! Also Jason Tam's riffs are god tier I'd give my life for this man and his voice! And Tiffany??? God they really just said Tiffany Mann rights, huh? They were like "oh we're a show with a pretty pop-rock focused score but ur an opera singer? cool, we can use that!" and damn did it pay off!!!! Also, the lyrics may have changed a bunch but it's still got the same energy and the same driving beat and stuff (I think? Imo, at least.) I miss EWM rolling his r's after the instrumental break though. And like, I don't know what's up with the 'ahhhh' at the end of the bway version? Is it supposed to parallel the end of BMC pt 2? I'm kind of neutral on that.
I'm gonna be honest, this song is too long for me to actively pay attention to the whole thing. BUT I think obcr has more content in it? The MDR fight and stuff with Will R's glitchy vocals which are. God tier. I miss Jake's longer solo :( I prefer the obcr for most of it though? Brooke and Chloe's lines have improved and I like that they aren't as focused on who slept with who (although Michael's "ugh" was legendary…..) and instead setting themselves up for a possible reconciliation arc. And CHRISTINE!!!! Love her. The 'Jeremyyyy's sounding almost more dissonant with the Squip speaking in between each one??? God!!! I'm in love!!!!! The Squip is generally just more malicious in this. I think the ocr starts the track at a better time though? Like. The start of The Play in the obcr is kind of weird if you don’t have the context of Jeremy offering Christine a Squip and getting rejected. 
Oh I love both versions of this song but Michael’s line being taken higher and Rich’s lisp being included in the recording and that harmony at the “listen and ohhhh” is SO pretty so THANK YOU obcr for my LIFE. Also, I don’t really know why they changed the popular kids’ lines to Jeremy but I’m digging the new ones (but also I am Very Glad that they didn’t change Jake’s) and the squad line is so good….. and him and Christine’s conversation!!! Bowling alley performance art instead of just lunch to show that Jeremy listened to her and is willing to step out of his comfort zone but in a positive way to help her fulfill her wish! With the LGW tune playing in the bg!!! Will R and Stephanie are so so cute and they have SUCH good onstage chemistry and I just. Adore them so much. Jeremy’s little “woohoo!!” when she agrees to go out with him?? God!!!! They’re both good but ocr has a calmer energy? Which is good but I personally just prefer the more upbeat, over-the-top-ness of the obcr in general!Anyway tl;dr I love both albums but ultimately prefer the obcr even though they’re like. Pretty close. Very close. Love them both. 
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I was working two jobs to try and keep up with the financial demands of living with an alcoholic. Even though I was working sixty hours a week, I noticed I would stay at work as long as possible after clicking out to try and squeeze some amount of healthy social interaction out of my coworkers to keep myself from falling apart. Maybe I needed some kind of validation that I wasn a totally worthless piece of shit before I went home to someone that would deliberately reinforce that idea.. I'm home and trying to figure out how to proceed from this point. All of it still feels surreal. But at least no one has 홍성출장마사지 called me a liar. I got me a big girl Waterpik! It was a bit on the pricey side (for me) but I think it was worth it. I am a traditional flosser, regularly so (my old dental hygienist loved me, lol), but I feel extra clean with the waterpik. One thing about it tho, is that some people (Jonathan included) kinda make it out to be a substitute for regular flossing, but from what I've read, it's not recommended as a full substitute for regular flossing. First time it happened, I was in primary school and crashed into a girl face with mine during PE. She was bleeding from her nose, however I had to be rushed to the hospital because of some weird hallucinations (that was my 3. More severe concussion). We ventured out and it was extremely cold. The doors had all been left wide open and the generators were still offline. No one was around, we closed the doors and tried to figure out what our next plan was going to be. They hold their barely ripe firmness much longer than the red kind and seem like they'd make a good one. Always told myself to try it with one of those but I think this is the year I won't forget. Man tomatoes are delicious. I feel like she just isn afraid to actually use and show her IQ level. Most [bigger] BG are not that bright. I guess that how some people like it? I basing this assumption on all the many times 홍성출장마사지 I have seen BGs mis pronounce, misspell, not know what words mean or how to use them properly, etc. By your logic, someone who handsome who has never been able to speak or walk and has been wheelchair bound their entire life is privileged. It is difficult for me not to respond in anger. Looks don mean a damn thing when your screaming at the anesthesiologist to put you out of your misery. Okay I know it got flak for being "boring" but the recent Colourpop x Kathleenlights Twinkling Lights super shock foursome is gorgeous and exactly what you describing! They all lean peach to me but Blitzen is fun and bold, Light Up has beautiful shimmer, Glisten gives a softer look, and Vela has the slight color shift for something interesting. All over the lid, one and done, they are perfect. All of Kathleen collab end up being some of my top CP products, she really does a good job.. It doesn't make my vision blurry either when I rub it over my eyes to take off mascara and eye liner. I'd never used a true oil cleanser before so I was surprised that it turns sort of milky and rinses clean. The bottle says use 2 3 pumps but I only need 1.5 pumps. Hey, like others have said (and this is coming from someone who also has a large scar, though mine is running down my back, as well as a shorter one on my side), don't let the existence of a scar prevent you from wearing what you want to wear. Honestly, most people agree that scars are cool. Wear whatever you want.
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kimcheolwoon · 6 years
what's your favorite track from k1tchen??? love your blog and your love for wonsik so much ❤️ ❤️
he deserves so much love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ darling boy is so precious and talented ;;
but since i can’t answer your question even after having k1tchen on repeat for hours because all the tracks are just That Good, i’m gonna tell you what I like about Each one ^^
wait wait first I want to say that I love Ravi’s voice so much??? And his lyricism. So i wanted to get that out of the way or it’d be in like every review. I esp love when he goes even lower than usual so like in Sparring and Shot it just hits me right in the gut. he has such a nice voice. Oh and I wish I had an instrumental of every single track because damn GTCK showed their asses in that studio. And with that said:
1) Payback - So a lot of Kstarlights were freaking out over the Coogie feature when the tracklist was released and I hadn’t ever listened to him so i was like ‘okay okay this is obviously smth to look forward to’ and OH MY HE DID NOT DISAPPOINT! His verses just...i’m not gonna be able to wax poetic about this mixtape cause i’m still very much in awe. Also Ravi saying “give it to me right right now” is everything okay?
2) Sparring - ooooh my this song......so much goes on in the bg of this song and I love it aaaallllll. Also when this boy drops even lower I kind of like feel my soul exit my body every single time. It catches me off guard every time because I’m always focusing so hard on trying to remain sane. This song needed to be a full minute longer ugh. AND AND it sounds like he’s kind of whispering in your ear and that...that messes with me when i listen
3) Frypan - I knew....i knew this would slap so hard because microdot AND double k??? Ugh i didn’t know what I was getting myself innnntoooooo it’s soooo gods it’s sooooo gooood and like oh my watching Ravi on v live jamming out to this song, he was feeling himself sooo much and there’s just so much love for this track. I always love when Microdot and Ravi collab because i think their styles and voices just bounce off each other they mix so well and there’s a reason we get a feature on every album. but double k was exactly what we needed to shake things up with them and it was...everything was just perfect. I won’t even go into the lyrics because that’s a whole nother story
4) Pavlov’s Dog - I think I already talked about this one, so I’ll keep it short. I had it on repeat for like three days straight? yea. I’ve even warmed up to Basick’s verse at this point. Cold Bay makes the song for me tho really
5) Scarynightt - I can’t wait to read the lyrics for this one and figure just what he’s doing here cause it sounds clever, yknow...even with all the barking and yelping (which i love so much ok? it’s not a ravi album without it)
6) SHOT - I couldn’t wait to hear the studio version after Lost Fanstasia and it’s more than I could’ve ever asked for. its soooo good. another one that’s just tooooo short ugh and he was so playful when he played it on his v live. just so so cute. and he remastered it! but listen..listen...when ravi opens a track and it sounds like he’s dropped an entire three octaves i’m already fucked up. Plus there’s parts in this song when his voice wavers and you can hear his emotion and uuuugggh it fucks me up even more. it’s like the perfect way to end this album
hmm from this i guess you could conclude that my favorites are Payback, Frypan and Pavlov’s Dog and Sparring and Shot!! 
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cowboybuckleys · 7 years
When I say impossible to compare, honestly I meant quality wise. Mainly the sets. There is no such thing as ‘outside’ on Days, the square, you can tell always, is an indoor set. The cheesy music that plays when something bad is happening. The endless flashbacks. I also to have a way bigger issue with acting in US soaps, but that may just be me. This is all just surface level stuff tho, I also think some characters are more 1D 1/2
2/2 and cartoony on US soaps but that kinda goes w suspending disbelief so I won’t get into that, it’s not my main point. I don’t mean flashbacks and such are bad, it’s just a major difference. UK soaps are definitely intended to be more realistic and not just sl-wise, but the fact that they don’t add any artificiality (bg music, flashbacks, sets, repeating the ends of scenes after ad breaks etc). That’s why for me, comparing them in many ways is hard.
3/3 (Just read your tags and wanted to add that yes eastenders is awful but they still don’t do any of the artificial stuff) (also also acting isn’t perfect on UK soaps AT ALL don’t get me wrong it’s just more characters for me on US ones are portrayed by people of dubious ability.)
And I agree, I do. Quality wise they’re never going to be similar because the US networks don’t give a toss about soap operas at least not anymore. There’s a reason why there’s only one soap per network now (with the exception of CBS). During the end of Guiding Light, when they were constantly doing real life outdoor scenes, they were honest to god the most awful to watch because even then the quality was shit and it distracted from the scenes at hand. i think ATWT did it a fair bit of it towards the end too and it will always bug me how awful it all looked. So I think i’m okay with Days being fake outdoors because I’ve seen other shows do it, and do it badly, and I don’t want that for a show I genuinely love XD
US soaps are meant to be cheesy tho, to be overly soapy, the music is supposed to add suspense and direction to a scene (though I admit they’ve lacked on that front in the last decade, it was better in the 90s and early 2000s), and to lack a level of quality that other shows have because it’s an afternoon soap. I gather that it’s taken a lot more seriously in the UK, but here?? it’s definitely not, it’s just a silly little show in the afternoon. 80% of the general audience don’t even keep up with it on a regular basis like a fandom does, so they add the flashbacks and the replays for the ones who aren’t tuning in on the regular. It’s annoying as hell god it really fucking is, but there is a reason for it. That’s why I don’t compare surface level stuff, it seems pointless to when they’re so vastly different (like apples and oranges, same genre, different quality and taste). But I still do compare storylines and characters, because it makes way more sense to do so imo. 
Also, as a note on the acting thing.. A lot of the young stars have said it’s like acting bootcamp cos they’re doing 4 times more pages a day than a normal tv show would and for a lot of them it’s their very first experience in acting on a set. I give a little bit of leeway to some of them for that (Kirsten Storms bugged the pants off me her first few months on the job as Belle but overtime she became one of my favorite actresses, she improved and learned). But I also think a lot of the overacting is down to the show being overdramatic/cheesy so that’s how the actors play it to further push the dramatics. My gran actually used to call it daytime vaudeville lol. That’s just the nature of US soaps. Has been since my gran watched it, since I’ve watched it, and probably will be for the future generations if US soaps survive through the next few years.
god that got longer than i meant it to XD but thank you so much for clarifying. i do think we agree more than we disagree here lol US soaps are trash tv 100%. but it’s great trash tv when you learn to deal with the cheese/overdramatics of it all (btw my way of doing this is by making fun of it on a regular basis lol)
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considergoldenkamuy · 6 years
Hi! Could I request a Kirawus SFW and NFSW (If you want) HC with a small and cute fem reader but she is a master fighter/hunter? Thank u! (sorry for my awful english, isn’t my first language).
i love kirawus so much holy hell also don’t worry about your english i’ve already learned to decipher the modern version of cuneiform by talking to some native english speakers online. that shit’s impossible. i think you’re fine so it’s kind of weird for me to say this but if you want help at any point with english feel free to let me know, but keep in mind i only know american english tho i sometimes use british english spelling. just sfw!
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what a good boy
okay so kirawus isn’t the hovering type of s/o
like of course he’s gonna fret over you a bit at first bc he’s a worrier fite me on that
but like if you prove yourself to be real real good at fighting and hunting he’s just
“well shit okay”
he ain’t gonna worry no more hun, he trusts you
kirawus is v v trusting, i already said that but seriously. you’ve proven yourself to be capable of protecting yourself, if nothing else
so he’s gonna be okay with you leaving for longer periods of time as long as he knows generally where and why so if way too much time has passed, then he’s gonna get real worried
also he brings you on hunting trips
he’s an observant guy, very practical about stuff so he’s acute to recognizing the emotions you’re going through
like he picks that shit up real fast and that’s when he’s really gonna be following you around, especially if it’s a not-good feeling
blinked one too many times? must be anxious
twitched your nose? must be uncomfortable
that sorta thing
and he’s gonna be following you around a lot more and talking more
i feel like kirawus isn’t the type to always talk with you, he’s on the more quiet side. he’s real fuckin smooth when he wants to be, but for the most part it’s the occasional chat. otherwise it’s gestures and actions that he uses to get his points across
not super into pda but he’s okay with lowkey stuff like back hugs and hand holding
other stuff is pretty exclusive and when you’re either alone with him or back in the village and not out hunting or on some other new weird shenanigans with hijikata and co
because believe me kirawus is bringing you with him when he leaves his village, y’all trust each other but he doesn’t want to be away from you for that long without knowing how you’re doing and vice versa
fucking sap
ushiyama probably questioned your capabilities and whether or not you’d hold the group back but believe me you probably punched him real fucking hard in the gut and he was just “okay she’s good to go”
kirawus being a proud husband in the bg w this stupid fucking grin he’s not even bothering to try and hide
like even if you two aren’t there yet, the way you two act you may as well just be a fuckin married couple
kirawus tends to be pretty lowkey about being in a relationship since he doesn’t really see why he’d need or want to bring it up during conversation unless it’s the topic or he’s asked directly
so actually not a lot of people realized you were in a relationship until asirpa spotted small mannerisms of an ainu couple and asked about it after the whole anehata thing ended
sugimoto probably spat out his food in surprise bc wtf he didn’t even notice
let’s be honest it was probably kirawus giving you a lil knife w fancy-ass engravings on the side
cuz y’all
he loves you too much to not do that
fun fact ainu people in a relationship give each other gifts after engagement and ainu knives is one of them
arguments typically end up with a long silent period no matter who stormed out first or shouted the last word
things simmer down eventually though and things go on as if nothing ever happened, even tho you two are probably still thinking about it
will probably talk it over if neither of you are busy and you’re alone bc he’s not talking shit out with someone else there he feels uncomfortable
and this will turn out better than the argument, likely a more tame debate of sorts
and things will settle and everything is better now
he still loves you btw
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